, U»lcodo*i» t? PiMjadnl htrit * o*r t charter the. dm* he* ktenr reject* Jffce JRMrtan sgat* (Irani AdmlnS M aarivm**“ Portnnoutk Several. amah**. of fhe,So|hjh rojll heor«’Mlhiia Britft *MI <»\«t to .oarwini* fo haV* ' «f the Print* poeewtloar,. 'The Bit t BWrihiloyerfi a>eet»o«gratui»teißrta***a the recent polltWrt fhe thM ihcreoetit ' ii^Mlnt»Jtht'of'Qtp*r*l ; 'J(*lf«!teß.t»flt.«‘*<>BqO< u rt stLiJl*, UXn tonenjeeooe of r th* preJeCleAfortiil Wtlois at Antwerp- At Werpobl the market* wtrednll and Console Wore finetedat 951*851 { By th* arrival of the •tuaakip Habano at New ■ ■ i W* a rnatortbattheßnUali eteawir . ..SiWiile baA-bombardad ;ihe/iWaadof Baa Jean, i kndh»dkiU*athlrty,Am4ifi*a*a, oOtafinuatKm. It will, ha iyA*mh*r*d that San, #¥&.!*; eoottpled hj «**iwi Harney and Baited state* egaisri tbt 'wlshe# of floyain^r irfihe aafiilw'W-tha W Hr Whiti - ,; l*4rtwkwdfto>7 ottMrittgao ontn that r. arepeUtleu to fianeewaaiy It wring ttughnw Otar*, that a person Intelligent eaough la ham '. ) . .‘l'ReT;!?pe(U»i';W.hto^!^;rit^%ris:th>A* ) ) l . , rthce to, forbid thefieeof tu* lU*-d««troy*r to hia tS&yc vrt'mme t mi* «•**; n&bfak C*lte*JB»ki **4 Wunliig Ante accidents, afo**.] A* as ariianrtif wh*twe»M*rt the paper in wfd*h w* find th# *onehipte*r4 i •;.! nnuh awaken the liveliest vyrapathy forth* aoSpk I . tnnata ,notwii of mah'brutality a* will ba rfouni ■; rmordtxl ip onr column* , I A-idegraphic deepateh torn Kansas at* tea that a slst(fflbab*h had taka* plaee between the Bet jmMitaaa »wl-I>ra»e<;rata *h gatarday night, 4«l rthg Which ptitot*, hate**, «too**, **l other mta twereaeriouly ipjared in the aaelee. none yhrO . ’ hilled.'. 'aleetiea fo&k' and It war reared,the dirierburi* w*eld ber*n*tr ei) At the time eta writ* tk* (halt part «l«reii P Sf ) no retnnid hay* h**o IftSWwdv 1 . . v, .The tfnited.Statea alOopwrf-War BrooklytiLOri j < rlfed at JKoblle yeetetdaftjbew'Peia Crae«htiat>f ter MeLane haa ootne home 'on board.the Jya.audJimmeAlatelyleftiortraihißgtoti.jr'.i Th* ina 'interett in Sosthero Ohi* !* . growlne up raphity and *xtenntraly:‘o There, are ’ fortyrdto firihitheiiO thitpertofth* «o*htryt;aad Krenteew l«rSorthera;K*n(ocky: alI h*ye,ia#dlO**. on vfhg ■ .Ohio river to deliver,Rural! ewl*. riyer ;gpniaport*-< tioh.-: Theyearly. fenaabenay be eetuaated at> k hma; :aud,|h«. ! -.:ytilii*.-ofatl;.tS*.. iron ipndtwedMMef.i down; ah ; 81.0d0 p*noha *tnpl6yed! i*h tieaafaroaoaa. . by : ytr- \Vilght;:;oar >nUdat*r that the !»-• . pKirtpobliahedlbinaßyofriba pen repreeentmg that there were aereral Amyri oanO Uteobin ibe Pmurianaiwy la aot oorreet | Atleeht he Moot award of ally f Berloiuriot ooenrredtyeaterday.onboard th*; - ijtflp MhyhowtKlyiflg vat Brooklyn, .daring, which; thropgh ;hie Body.wUh; diafrilhgepikelyjthe thiid mate. ', By thie tiae the nilori ia probably dead. The mate wa« u> reaied .i -The dlffi*ekwß|je«dewa,tiid the balaaee ln Oetobet. The? trnlne, now run re gularly “•-Jbßephgtewstt. agbd., nineteen, a aon.ot oneof ■ ibe of the eetablbhmont In /Goenk strcot.'Kew York. in whloh the late explosion took plaoefdrid etthe hoppHal on Snodey afternoon. Two or. three other*-*»;thought to be ln a dangen out oondition.-..At.the eoroheri-Snqaeetheld'On yoangBeh*de;l(Ul« --Th*jtew York J?epr 6entthlaekboWiedgi^a»«gete.r,',ti>; the American Kxpreee v- Company. arrlr*d.at Mew; York yeelorday.' , . . The yteamship Moees T»fl° r - for ■ Asplnwall t ; look out fourhundred paeeertgerr. and theXorth . ero tight.for the Mipe porirfont.hnodred and fifty, paeaenger*;.. Profeaasr Ditnltryi United Btatea: ininiitertoContral Aacnea.aad faarily< aailedia the Northern Light for hit mlaaioh . . ..Ijieref>rnen*tone of :St;,P*ter’e BomanCithollo ChnrehwaalaldonSandayafUrnoon. at' th* oor-. , ner.of'Biekb;ind3Tarreniefare*ta r .Biookiyn.> ;The! Ita.Ktr. Bwbop Laoghlirr ofieiated. aaßlited by a number of prieaja. andJUe aeUmatad that between - fifkeen'aiid twen(j'thou*aad'per*ou* were pre«nt., T3w neir ebunbiie ta. be a large andnwith the pamentgeand an aeadepay.khe heUthenrittwlll ooetIMOOO ■ft - i Latest front Europe »Tl» newa bythe Aor/hßriion, from, Liverpool, content nothing, of partlculaf in-' teyeeiji jesfeplt64. Xodem attdi Ttueuiyf have . publicly Confirmed the expwUfon. oftheir ro bpectivarGnuid-daltee.andlJAteagreed tbin n«Xjtiienia*lvee to Piedmptjt;->lf'Vtar«n j?jt thpidelay-juneti bit! unpleaMnl'toenehsui Ini'-' palsies npn f there la erofy that the itcuonof tin? Dactiiea 9fATtt*e*ny.tarma;and . Modien* wrilinevltaijly piaesthesp porilbne.of July tfoddr thcjrway of fitddfdot. 'Wlmtffhe %jr drier*, jit I* liripo*- .- (lbte.thnt tba leMmg Potrere of Europc can' \ . attempt to i /or« ? theee ; weak - eoyere Igns upon them.: CtaufiA&u*. too, Unt thw iieid of-thsi aimed fdree la riieae Jltyt&ty*, apd VlB aearee , ly ellow thorn to .Wl hach; ljoto their old al*- yqle <■ appears to have been little dotte a* y the Zurich Conferende Therein are port that the jFbung££m% gf VAteawlll im saedi#tely yi»U Bntisb AmeHcm Beret*! op thw;BoyalHouaohokl,ltl3«aWihayearrlveA at jfttfon fltu WL pro. I Kiiydf . - ingtosu weU >eo«lvdd heMyfOT'):tfo. I MftJi4 , !Alite.alation ! ,of; hi* B»lSijhOt > AT«!WCTbriiCi»ttdiisf' it vety favonririe/ ‘'and her whole Wgn fiber attended oyer * peridp iif jtwpiUy f>Vo &i» eihlbiteci the gr»dilalprogrß«ofllbers4j(<)veynrriefitahnt4ntei*reiioer‘ twi'thwrtHrff )to. maintain their independence: * had h.which unfortunately ezeite tbe cuphHt/.thh teart, ,thA jbat6uei4s} : - the rivalries. ■ Or., the , animosities, ,of , strong] contiituoas to . themj are not-always] fortunate" eniugh :to be permitted 'iiJheright.tq;moye aqd act tfierlght.lnfact. to liYo thoir cwn life.’’ l l \ : It ba» long been the ■ mlsrortuno of. Italy to the-latiercategory. -Too weik.aiid, idistracted• to,,repel.foreign ■tjhe>- lust ot*' doinlidonhaa, sejteed hdutset-her. neighborstheyhave souglit to gratify their passlbnby extending theirsway oYCr ■ her sill. sad/ for aentury, after century., rival - kings and. hostile, armies! have converted her.fair’territotjr into - a sahgujnary battle. itfeldj; ( UpOn.tyhlch tbe; lures-,;-of hundreds of. thousands, of their -bfavo spldiers'-ftaye.l been " sacrificed. During these., contests I Italy has.been subjected,tqall the horrors, of armed, strife in Ifarmost’destructive, and de vastating shapes, ahd- though ihe-treaties of pCace which succeeded - -them . brought 1 a rc apitetojhoforeigu combatanta.thoy general ly-contained slipelations for tho establishment ofsqclKuncongenlal-and tyrannical. Govern: mehlsibvevltaly.ihatshehas suffered, If pos-. sible. more-inpeacetbaninwaf. v, . The European Congress of TBl6 arbitrarily i decreed ber fbture with aa little regard for tho ,toolings and true interests of. the Itahan peo ple aaif theyjwere beasts instead 6f rational ;huraanbelpg#.Within the. present year, 60.: OQObrsve men have been killed; Or terribly woUtsded: an immense amopnt of property has been destroyed, and treasure' sufficient to en riab wpation -has - been pasted or. .expondod.,. that .Austrian-, aggress ions in Italy might i be repelled;—and yet. 'after . all ,the . bat tles "foUght and, victories . won.: tlie .Ital ian .question. is >: still far front' being Sot-' t|ed'.forit never jrillbe Anally: adjusted, uptil the Itahahn obtain; frill liberty «.to,live their own hfe’/-"* privilege which; at tne best, tho -ricentwjf, sratthp about lobe formed, : wanonly-securfftoithem -iuhverylimitcd degree 1 Xeanwhite- wbit gdod end has .been achieved by the long series of: oppressions and of suf iftflUgUto been subjected, di reclly ot indif octi(y) -through foreign influences, i aod by the tortures Of the iqyriads of : soldiers t|bb‘’h»Vb ..fought upon her soil f it .is tme icnownhas, beengsineff—that a, faw titled miscrwmts havC been enabled to lead Eves of luxurious ease and infamy upon the treasures haye, wrung ftqm tho Italiunpeo pie—that the national pride,ofFrancc; or Aus triapor bther-donhtrieß.hUabeen occasionally - gratlfled by afccesSiojMOf. Italian, territory: bnt i;o really usefid porpesedias been served— thO great object beneficial; to mankind, to tbo conqueiyira,orlo the conquered. has|>een at, Uinedi - Few ' Americans can ' doubt’ that lt Would Uave bCen fhr hotter for alji coucernediif ibd people,oGltaly ■trol thelrowndestlny.Oßdifthe only ipteresi foroi{p the - late' war, and the benefit to he derived ,by Itbly from the victo-! rics of tlio Allied, armies 1b at this moment be ing estimated throughout the enlightened and liberal-world by tho degree of fidelity with which bp, adheres to it. . . , . . , i But, wbilo there is littio diversity of opinion] among our? citucens about the proper solution of the Italian problem; an angry controversy Is perefstenily maintained inregardtO'a purely American question of-a somewhat, analogous ! hliaracter ?t The people of the great;' State*! yhicb compoaethis Bepnblic awafflictcdwitli 1 a cbronio distresa in reUtlon to the,govern-.! sUfentbflhi Tynlfories. The most perplexing" and.,^ammg,questions -of-national politics, themost dangeroqs agitations tlrnt havearisen since the formation of the Federal Constitu iion. the bitterest .sectional' animosities, have all . had'their; ongid in conflicting theoriesof Temtonol government. While, the. States have'been permiiied.lo “form .and-regulate their,;own. domestic-institutions in their'own - way,-?-; and - harej like the strong Powers of Europe, been.allowed, to .decide alt questions of .internal,polity for, themselves.’ tlie^destiny of’the TerritOries. like that of Italy, has been the subject of a long senes of angry strifes, in uost.of which, no: good end has been gaihutb eitherbv- the combatants or the people ol'. thee Territories, wbile.the harmony-and-perpetuity of the-Unioniliavn been jeoparded, ahil the liberty of Hie people of tho Territories'circam-i senbed. A vancty -of tliooricq of Territo rial: government, based on Oongressional interference, liavo in turn been tried and condemned;.;. The...Wilmot Proviso, alter being applied to some of the Territories, is at this day under the ban of Judicial decision and of public opinion,, The long-cherished tlioory iofi.a baianca of power,-or the maintenance of an-eqaal-number'of slaveholding and non slaveholding States,, has been- rendered im- 1 -practicable! and obsolete. 0. and the , '.Kankas-Nebrasia |ictiefaB&d,,aU tbo impe-' dimeuts thrown ini the-way-of its legitimate exercise bavo only served to give new proofs of the. justice, wisdom, and necessity of con firming their power. - > .As Italy asksfront fiutope-i>nly tho:bo»n of being .left-alone, in: the enjoyment of - her na- ! - tural rights,' and :aa -the penalty Of refusing .this request is not only Italian misery, but a succession.of terrific European warlike strug-- glcs. so our, Tvrriionea demand hut that the rights, of :Popular Sovereignty 'should' he hotiestljr'pxtended to -tfiem.: ana the penalty iof.. non-compUance.-with - thispolicy/ either from,a rogard for the clamor of slavcry-oxton , jsljjnisis and ijlaye-code advocates, or slavery exclusiomsts. is an-indefinite prolongation of sectional iagitation. which’ are in the highest degree ’detrimental, to ’ thri peace, tho. pros perity, and the-future welfere oi our country. ,^..:.;„;. 1 -ißreve.t Bttak in Mew York. ■ The NbW Turk newspapers assume a power of grantmg tiUesi-whlch. elSewhero. is exer cised only by-Executive or Legislative autho: fity. There ie a jpolice. in, New yoric— al thUUgh one.wouldscfureely suspect Jt.-irom tliu oxtent oi cnme in that city. ;Thc headbfihis police, .which us a Civic, and. pot a,military hrpp, is-/caljeii - general superintendent;; The benultimate holder of tliisofflcq .was Mr. Tal liiim'{ an. able; lawyer, who was Recorder of thecity fiifo,years ago.- Tho;pre»entoccu pahtis an acrire.-gentlemanjiianied l Pingßintyi' - Tbe-New-i'York journalg, when , they had to mention Mr. Talusdox. described - him as r General v- TAMiAwia, because -his busiuess to-superintend the police. In like'mauncr. tbey have. »• trenefsl" Piisbuby. -a150.,. There, is an-Attorney,General for. the State ofi-bTew-Tork; but we do not know who;' thor.'.- •• the Empire Olty -■ .editors call - him •f General." as well as tho policeman: - They majstbe powerful-fond.of titulardistinctlonS in Mtnhattanisland when they thus .place- a po- Uccman In ihe Skue hominat rank as GoneraJ Jaoksou; General Soon, and General SUiems. Suppose that JOnH Smith wore to' open -a *toro; »s r general l dealer m ihhcy goode." he would nin a great, chance. if lio vended in TiTeW Toik, of being called « General" Safrn l ■ •■•).’art,7y.vi>o ", " - ••• >» • ,y MM* ;#«:I.WR4I( members.of the izii^*t«io l Prt»l)yteti»nOlmreh,'*m'<)Bl.be»otlfa! little *tone edifice, on Poeelton avenue, between yorattp 'in flit lower i .‘.now; floßirdus' jp, room, more' properly jpjijprasf \ A» of: prof idlng '•dmeoftfaopeceeßeryfnodgjtlie ledieg of < tho con- to}^li4r’ , fi<*ncl; iml fair at ' ( td-ady,’ ( add lhuralay.; Tbephorcb isroininj •&!»(«• Undff ml, .ntboMß.; TyodfttttaMßllhe.enterptlße oftbo mW-! OMOU In’ tta plico wjiffe itwiainoet needed;, to IhV OOns!- : MSlitandooreli fHendi of religion •and good order. •'■'"V" ■•-1 ■ | THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1859. .Letter Inn “ Occasional.” tOorte»fendeno«brTh«S&e»*.l | A. 5, 1869. While, the Administration are abusing tjj§j»rriole Ih §Bgt*j>);r’s Miga ,tbeyeHt» to Ibjgetthi talljdieir assaults aro daw so romarkablo wbduction paper ofmoderuiniies will have &w eiwniiatlon or than this same article of Judge Jfho deter mination of the Harpers to proJeSSthemselTes by oopyrlghtingit 'was, in all respßofsfvrise and pro per.-_A*a^purebaslnesatransnotionit-was.a hit," and Ido not doubt that, their ono hnndr|4-andi seventy-fire thousand subscribers win,'at least 'for —abWrbeoiFelled tohalfarmillion.- " genejal pnblio to ,6] in i’shore time!. “Matij' pf‘tho .nowapaporß, par. lipplajly-tHpaaTa the Whatfsre; oupylng >lrjntirc, ,r?«»rd!«sa qf, the, prohibition; tott-taa, those • grpat pnbUsltqrefire liberal.men, X presume,- they will ,nokpl{jept'^>,t^e^berl3r .. -r ; The President, had a severe attaok ofindigrmtlon yesterday, op, account.of the, departnre'bf the 4'liittJs Giant” for,.Ohio; to whioh' 2 tato hehas boon inyitod-hythe ‘‘regular’jbrgahfiatiohbf IhelDemo- Static party.'; TMh Is probably thainoat. flagrant in- rtghtaofitheExeputivp that has' ] yet taken pijoe., i Bow. thoso Ohio monahouid dare ■thus to fiylnthelfitok bfhisMaJeoty paxse-s my oonipreliett!i6B.^!ffph' , 'betWe’.tS4; r |H)i6hiWter;or. eußtora-lipußo officer . whore hand in discovered in, thisCx trhordinary rebellion ! < 'There will bo short shrift for him. What renders the thing worse,’too,,, is that Jndge Donglaa should dare to ; pass through Pennsylvania,‘to invado the eftpitai of • yudr §tate, and that he should go to Fittsburg ovcr tlic Penn sylvania Central Railroad, in which' Mr. Uucjnm an-is-fi stockholder:’ I would not bo at fill asto nished if, on' his arrival at Coluihbns,lie is there greetod by AVilliaiu Alien.bavidllodd, Rufus I’. Raany, JndgoPayne,' Samuel 8. Cox, George K. Pugh, - aitd, worse then ’idi. Wash, McLean’ and, A. b.Banks. • 'Considering':the' hbidtieSl. and Impudence of thia stop, I wonid iiot bo at all amtutedif,Judge BongWehoUld return from'Chi.' oagoand.pay a-vlsit to 1 Lancaster aifdPhilftdel phia. The: visit of Mi'. Douglas to Ohio has'a look to; the President as if' the 1 delegates’ to Charleston. wereaboutto bo captured byhtm'.aadssif Penn aylvania might oatoh the contagion, us rho hiuj often oanght it before, from heir ‘gre'fitaiste'r dtafe;' » ,'A'humher of clegahf edifices are now’ in' Mum. pf erection in this city, indicating that Washington is rapidly becoming the great centre of the fashion. 1 ahlp, as weU’aa' the political, > world. ‘ Among tho enterprising . 'eliisena who are inttstlng itheir, money iu.thie .way,r‘®ottoe"thfit br;:W.‘ F.john, son, the eminentphysielan; ondbrether-indaw of Mr. Fowie, the Capitalist of-Alexandria, is putting up, on Eighteenth stre'et, botrreon Fourteenth'and. Fifteenth,'a splendid; mansion: Major Lee,’ if the army,and Mayor Ferret, are Allowing suitintho qaoto. neighborhood. - .Iho new residence Of 'ex -Marshal Hopver,;Ut the-corner of-Fifteenth and'!; streeto,.;is; being -.rapidly - completed,” And' whori .finished,will be one of the most commodious' build ings in thircity.-. i Mr. • Corcoran, ‘-‘with his' aqcuh tomed,liberality, hafinow in coarse of ecniltubllqn »:magnificenturttgnileryi at thn oornerof Penn., syirania avenue and Sqmteesth street, and nOrth. Ofjthe.War which,‘it is'said, will, cost him Soine two hundred ’thousand- dollars, and wilfbc another monument: of hi* public spirit., ' It is intended to be»freog»llory, and to be ih charge qf.trnstees, appointed bj.Mr.- Corcoriti himself.’ I can, oonoeivq no nobler enterprise than this.” To the. Fedettlcapital artists C-rora all parts Of the worlcl-natnraliy come.,-, Distinguished forelgneft— iitcrateurs, ’ statesmen; painters, sculptors, and pOetc,, make, this a . grand , rallying' point, ‘ find nothing wUI do more to attract them than such an talUtUtiOCr-s. ■ :'j\y-h •• .. many .years, of/CttoWayWore the 1 great plan of the founder of hi* oountry, in re ference to thiscity, will be folly carried out; but. nq.intqlligent observer can. fait to read in tho aS pcqt-s of tlio presont the dazsling future of this metropolis. Every dollar expended upon it hy tho tiovernnient ip. .well .expended, ami hVhry public baUdlng erocted,, so far fl-olc being made the snb jeot.qf attaplt, shoulibe. greeted'with pleasure by opreoiuitiyinpn:. WbatParis is toFranco; what London la tq;Engiapd:i what Home is to Itfily, tho oity. ; qf J ought, to .be ■ to' this Cnlon-. Opqasionally. somo ..Cassandra, pohrß Wtt his lat mentations upon the cqmlng’dowfifaU of thqße> public,; .and these havo been-thosr* not Wanting in lugubrious, prediottMiß that Wasblngton eonid not improve with this great danger in the futuro. Che qf the weys. to , prevent each a catastrophe iB to beautifythiß capital. - 1 The old ctnb hoase, opposite jaokron Square, so long tho'qcene of revelry and mirth, .where.'mauy a political intriguq was founded and Carried on— where many Mtd paten- and much good i winq,iesSo|ye4- a -heLS been, purchased by.Mrj A. B. gWaghtbnj .the , son-in-law of .that prlnee bt fjquifisoea,, Matthew Wilson, of Harrisburg, and brothor-in-law ibf , your exoellentttownssSan, the host of the Washington House ; htasolf, I belioVe, a native of Penuaylyanie, where he has thany friends. Mr. Btoughton sUttod iifo.in.Washingtbn hity fis a’ clerk; ip' pße bf tbe find - was. I.be- Uove, afterwards .tHnsfbrrqd to the, Patent Offloe, ,where he laid the foundation for that expertoooe as apitent agent. and lawyer whioh has mado him. oelebrated throughqut .tho country. lam glad to, know that.h'e has amassed- a considerable, firtsinh by his industqr, ani, {itteillgonOfi., ,jhi 014 conneo tion, I Intend some of Oise days to give you an; interesting inscription of ..the ‘Patent. Office,- its! origth, Its progress, find thovnst interests connected with it, the curious.tuvoutiOM stored within-its' massive walis. and the . surprising fortunes Which have been made, and lost by waby of the discove ries, the models of which ate hWe preserved- ■ The greatest oye-sOrb in \VashingtCifi feolr years, hoe boen its ‘Centro,Market, i iomomber whan I | first visited "'Ae City of Magnificont Listanoos," i the surpriSS, which the singular . congregation as cemhlqd on that spot two or .three times a woek, I oxoited in my- mind... No sueh, sgwtooW Slid [Over greeted my eyes before, ft was a ourious l medley, inaif respeefir., On the onq side, might be i aech an anetiodecr hawking off some old furniture, outhh Other a Maryland farmer eeliing his pro- Juco; whilo all around, and particularly on a warm morning, might bo seen “ tho pootdiar ifisti tution,”‘in the- shape of ioty, guad-nathfod, dir ty darkics, u lfo suoh homes were ever Seen BCfOrq, no such harpMS,lhd aO such vchiilos. -It fcU tko grand meeting plaCe of, polltlolahl ami statesmen, of iadlfis and lodngorS, fihd os the whole exhibition took place difeotly in the street (on Pennsylvania avenue), it was the aource .of infinite wonder and amusement to.slrangers. At lost,-1 am happy to soy, this eye-sore is abbut to be. removed. The city oounoils, animated by. tho .spirit which Oiscfcs to prevail on all qldes, two hundred thoosand dolkis for thc erection of a new market on this figot. ,- V, .. , -, I htidoqi, in loohing over t/u Aeii a few dayi ago, that my old frierifl, Sotet. &. Washington, is spending a pity., Ho made cer tainly the thOSt Successful, if not the most popular, Assistant Secretary of the,, Treasury that I can re member. Bihcotho creation of that office. He wae perfebtiy honest, imdT am not surprifbd that ho shonid be so desirous of-enginenrlng his old friend Guthrie into the I’rtlldency.V'Mr. Washington find Mr. Fobstt Tyler are bosom friends, and no’ doubt they will try to arrange ;matters «<» that tho. delegates from Pennsylvania'to Charleston shall all be of one stripe,' sO that; oh reaching that city, they may bo tranßferred at. the proper limb to the ex-Seorethry of -the Treast/ry, ' ; InotiqoCBflta!nMiqitlq,qfCahi(teh, JtcwJersey, intown.-'iWhat is in.the windt -Is it possible’ that the handtof power is again to be-laldupbh any rebellious head in New Jersey* boos Mr- Buchanan reailjr,desire to defeat Generfii AVrlght, the candidate for- Governor ? I -may have 'sqknc thing more to say oh'this subject. - Ocoabio.val. : I'** 1 9 “ i ' :- Astter-froia New York. BOX, J), E, sitkiM Ar-TAHMAIIYniiL: irouil ' CAE “STRAK” :AIIOCT IHi MAVOItAtTY—-yHE MO . sAnr. DBiiocnAor aai> a flpoaLß dbusoaiiox to j fiviucusK—nox. Jons c. matther—pace non. ! PHY ‘oeP Yoh: rBinADELPBIA AMO TUB south— ) PEOPLE in TOWN—tiB. irßSav h. sobtSAr.li— > HON. Li K. KEITT—TUB OPERA—HAUES OP THE ; KNQUBII CRICKETERS. , . , ttforresperidenoe of The Press.] ; ~ ” , New York, September S, 1859. ; After ail üßiaterfnpted ebßonce from (ho politi cal committee meetings at Tammany Htdl since the occurrence of the tragedy at Washington, Mr, Sickles made his', appearance on Thursday evening last at’ the ■meeting of the General Committoo, called for the purpoto of making arrangements for, the primary, meetings to elect delegatcato the Pa tnoeratlo. St&to' Convention. Ho took no,part in, the <|ebato’dr proceedings, doubtless designing hie yiaif on the ooonsionlp.ljo.preUminarytongra- dualre sumption, or an effort to resume, native par ticipation jn the political, affairs of the oity. You ' know how prone, the world ia speedily to forget and forgirc the offences of those who have occupied positions of prominence; and, say what' peo ylovwlU, -it iwonldinot ho at all surprising if lit a; few’'months, .perhaps years, Mr. Sickles, • shotild-iis with a ebrps of Babor dinatcs. so'joarejalled; arid, managed ai. to make riim iv formidable foe or a valuable friend. Ho has plaekpp’erseraanoep patlenoo, and' is full of re-; /soutces, and ,lt;tls proverbially difficnit’W kiep tnch men dorrn. , I merely give you the 'item of -information, leaving your readers to make stich re fleetions nnd comments ns' may to them seem proper- ■' '” ‘ ' - ' That.wihg of the oity Beinopreey acknowledging of, Morart, Hall, in- opposition. to Tammany, hays resolved to send a toll delegation to the Democratic: State Convention. At the meet ing at which this step was resolved upon, resolu tions wore passed against the proposition to appoint -delegates to Charleston by the State Convention.' One of. those little incidents'that show ilbiv matt' ters tend occurred attho .Tammany Hall, meeting laetr Thursday,' 1 An eroitiug debate' haying taken piaoeona mptiori t(> strike, the name of Biohard Ti Compton from the xHMaf membership, he hav-' irig removed 'fritori tlflprrd froth; which As was. elected, Captain Byndery moved to iny the resblu tionioh tiie tnble, wliich was carried, i/j against 32. Theftfty-flvo were the friends of Tsnao V.:Fowltr t the thirty-two ,these of Win- 11, Kennedy. Both hreasplrants for the inayoraHy; ; '; '' il ‘ ‘The briree? of the Hon. John 0. father presents a striking instance of the rapidity with which a young man pay,Sturt flrraujimall ■’bo&tnningii 'and' speedilyf'aohloV^jfwjHhianßP'Siotorioty,, A-fey. years, slnoe engaged in an inodnsiilera!.' bio-business ah'rroy:;;he;ds'bbtod in loealrpblltfcs/; and e^tu«Uyi : ;|btttdgfc the influenoo'of Bome-of tile old niijnitfated'nnd el<@(fii Canal’ CduunUaldd e>3 dAlflwiigVi certain irregul l arfflislfhlle I tfiif''iiibiimtt'&J t bfiffiat' office,' ho, nerorthsjloßSjgot oat of tho wrapo, though for a, time he was somewhat under a' cloud. Soon, however, lie Was again on his feet, ahd managed, with the potent aid and oomfort of tbo Government bffioials, to oblaTh,' two years ago, tho Demooratio nomination-nili SlMtifin oCS&titbifrbiii the Fourth' district of tliis' oily. 'lliscourso in that body has managed to make egood thing out of the fambus Willet’s Ppint_propSirty | sold tW Government a Jingo amoiint aboVo Its value) and' lostweek* tad the fortune, ihfotmpany‘witK''two or "throe others, to obtain tho contract for performing the labor required-in-the'Government stores, Hois now, reported (to! be rooelvlng i from 1 the' Govern ment’s.venerable Undo emoluments woll up ‘to wards , a hundred thousand dollars; pur ahnUm. JWhejtpr iKj.is.’a descendant eE b\A ttbUon Matiicr orqf /fie/raWMatbeV, t ain hot ihformod. , Quito lbb littiot. ’" 1 “ " ' . . t " - Panl Mbtphy leavos tbwn on Thursday or Friday of this Week; ’wilt pass a week in'Philadelphia; a weokiinißaltimdrei a'weok, porhapS, in Washing ton,and'then onward ito Sew Orleans, to remain there during, the; winter. Ho; did think',' at one tinie, ,of. rnakipg New Pork, bis, permanent rest doneeT j, but be, now tells me that bis future,move ments aro quito. undecided.. Ilia contributions to the JoSifeerVfili'bfe kopi up during the year. , - Cities Are the 'places' to" see peoplo. During a half-hour’s stroll down Broadway, oh Saturday of terriooii, I met Seoretaty Cobb, Senator Yulcc, Thurlow. Weedy Cel'. Sim; Johnson, G on. licnrdng* son, Tota iiyer, Signora Corlesi, Non. John W. Stevenson,,and •, i ; Mr. Henry li',, Southard wes on Friday laetfaps. pointed-superintendent' of roads of this city, ini place of John NcnbUt, rerighe,l. '.Mr. Southard ; (a ' veiry ponipetent‘o%!n .('t.ii .! Pnblio Amasenictrtsi i , AciOßHr ov Moaic. —Mrs. .Mowers' openodtbis iionso last night, .With ft new five-act play, ’called “Tha'ElaoicAgato, or .01d,EoBa With New Shoes;”—idfainatlo rendition, infect, of Kinga ley’s rbmancobf ” Myp&tia:” tt was plaeed upon f tha Stage in hdthlj? aumirublimanner; the soenery waa beautiful; the various tableaux xtsry'pie 'tureequqj (the costumes'appropriate,' is ' Well aS splendid; the dancing better this ahy we have had hero since La»)ohti)i!i, with her heels; tamed th'o (Wadi .of the young men about'town; tho music appropriate, and.the chorus andaolo-ainging effective, 1 and much applauded. , Mrs. Bowerp, as Hypalidj whs attired with great f astp and eprteot ’ nessi He r costume,' lu Its griiissmi was' ahd tlredldh’.-' Hypatia, it will bo re :me*beredp though a' native of Alexandria, (whero. Ihe.afltion ohiofly oooura,) was trained at the philo sophic Acadomo of Athens, and, therefore, was fairly entitledto wear the .Oroek dress—parthiu larly'iis It is‘extremely becoming, -. Mrs. Escort, theVoeaiUt, trim' appeared as'j'ffdfijd„*as.Hohljr ’dressed', but Mrs. fiowqt-K beally justified thodlcra tian 11 Simplex Vi'ini'tt'Vs,”' so charming was 'her Mh 'as Raphael) w&agwDptu- Oriental, and Jfr. Fonno, the Prtfeci, .wore the Roman codtume, which became him. . .. j , , There wafl notmuoh good acting in this far ag we aaw« AthalfpaiE tcb-, Whfen Wo weVd pommelled .to .leave, \bV engagemht bfse%bert,) thh first figeh'e of. the third ml Was Just finished; Thb play its tedidUaly span out, and If one half of It Wtlo cut away.it would greatly improve H. The various spooohes'arc too maoh ’span out, and the misfortune Is that they do'not maoh push forward theaotion. Except that a black Agate U mbn-, tionod .a few times-, We do $6% W why it .gives hiloa<&her, whq*, kl t&b Wguming bf tho fh, ( cehthi'y j in Alexandria. ■ She was unillj’ tern. In.pieces bya mob. - Thepleoeends with her death. She has been cold and insensible, id lovo until sho meets Vhilnvvjn. (well played by Mr. J. H, Taylor), to whom she heeoiney attached; having previously dosUned thg , bAml of tSe pre fect. ‘ Aa “)io diof, feh'n js’lic'bs Vhiiaman's hand in tint hi Jrenjjta (Mrs. Escort), who is discovered to : bo his sister. -Bat tho dialogue, as we havo said, does not adequately develops' the fiction. Those who have read Kingsley’s book can oompre. hind the story—wo dofy tho nudieneu to do so, from tho play., . . ■ ,i. What a llbiet'td ft to ah bp ere) it peg hpbii Which to hangt):o hibijic', this Ar»ma Is as*, regards some of the acting, the hennery, music, singing, costumes, ind dancing. These were all beautiful. But a play should bo mors than this.' Tho foot is, -the story of Hypatia is not dramatic. A splendid spectacle has been made of it, which may feo popu larised, by ettttlng.aiVaJ tat) useless part of iha diatpgfit. ... , Mrs. Bowors played -very well indeed. Her clear intonation filled the house, without tho slightest strsin upon her voice. Mr.' Wallach’s representation of liapkast, the Jew; was Voty good—ho evidently had ithdlei the character with groat Path Anil sSjocoss.. .Mr. Fonno,' T/ie Prefect, was wrotohedly impeffcof,, AU th'ro‘u|h, tit wo followod hhi) with tin book in our hand, he omit ted Wbrak) altered sentonoos, and did-not improve the. text by paraphrasing It, with his own inferior language. Mr. Bufus Adams, as AAs«£k», played most judtoiousiy. Mrs. Wallaok, as Mirtam, a Jewess,' wanted only.a tall stiok in horhand to pass asadoublo of “Meg Morrilies," She Whs Very extravagant-. . The dafflSh| Vros dno oif thogreaf attractions of ■thoplooo.. Signoras,GalotU ind Pratesi dafiood with astonishing ability, ease; and grace:- Mrs. Esoott sing a Barcarole and another piece (ali,We: heard)’ Wry ploaaantly— with some little strain on hor .voioo, which probably arose from hor not being familiar with the' house. In tho regular prima donna fashion, when sho had to sing; she rushed to the footlights and eahjiPdt tb the actors on tho stage, but dlwdtly to tho audience. ,Thh play must he cut down, whloh can easily bo done, and then, as one of tho richest spcetaoles wa havo seen at tho Academy, it may become popular. At present, it Is too tedious. ■ ' - IyALNUT-STHEET Thbatiik leaving the Aoa doriiy at, half past 10, wb wore jilst In time; at 11 pjolook, for tho last seefio'of 11 FiittSt and Margue rite,” followed by the Apotheosis of MarguCritei We srny the fight’ between Faust naiVUlciUine (Mr. Shewel!)—a splendid pioCo of fonoing It was-i to witness Valentine't death,' due of Mr. flhowolt’s finest effects—to hoar the tattnts of Mephistdphihs, (Mr. Boberts,)—and, as wP said, tb see too Apo theosis. This, which represents Marguerite borne to heaven byguardian angels,,la certainly the flnost mechanical.effoot we ovor saw in any theatre. Mrs. Aina Cowell was the Marguerite, and the little of her noting which we wero in time to seo impressed us very favorably, being at onoe natural and irapres slvo, But her Apotheosis was just like a beautiful painting by Guido. ; The house was so crowded that scores wore ip the, parquette, hearing bat unable to seoV Tho curtain fell at.tho reasonable hour of flvo minutes.past Ilf and-this, thougha fared precoded the drama. , r/iis Js what the pnblio like! To morrow, we shall make* point of doing toller Jus tice to this theatre than we have been ablo to pay riow. ' , Arch-street Theatre. — Edwin Booth was hardly in condition to play “Biohard III” last eve ning, though he did not appear to suffer as much.as Whonhe playod Brutus on Thursday evening. His porformanoe of Richard, his father’s groat cha racter, was finished, well-studied, and worthy of high praiso.. The earlier scenes wero very quiet, and the wooing With thefiokle Lady Anns some what tome; but from, toe socno with the Lord Mayor and Buckingham, in too third- aot, until toe end of the, play, there was-nothing to con demn, and a groat deal to applaud. His interview with tho Lord Mayor-wo might particularise ns being roinarkably.fine. Wo hardly. thought his voice would carry him through tho last aot, but he disappointed us wonderfully,, and pleasantly, In performing Biohard HI, Mr: Booth has to stand a comparison with his father, whose renderingof the obataoter is fresh in the minds of a majority of our play-goers. Some parts of his action remind ns very strongly of tho eider Booth, although tho go neral impression made by his performance is nei ther so striking, nor grand, as* that produced by. the father. . n 1 • •• : Of: the -minor characters, we are sorry to say that Mr. Etoddart’s Buckingham , reminded us very strongly of his Roderigo. . We were glad to see him in snoh good spirits, although we could not seo the necessity of his perpetual gigeling and under-ohat with tho 11 asslltant” Lord Mayora and toomenoftho shield and tho helmet.-Mr :»ol mtm’ti Richmond.was yerv good indeed,, - Mr. Gil bert played the pld king better than ho dressed it, White Mrs. John Drew and Miss .Taylor made as muoli of too, lugubrious queens, Jiliiabeth mi Avne, osoonldwoll-be oxpooted.’ - ’ i . > eostumtog of, toe, minor oharaotors was worthy of praise , The dresses of Richard were regal in their , Tho pieco wng put upon tho stage In a stylemwtoredl&blo'to the resoltroea of toe management. The battle-soene, tent-soone, and the.ooronation-soono were beauHtol specimens of tho porter of carpentry, tho paint brush., and a judicious adhesion to the text of tho play and the. manners of too time. /Mr. Bodwortb jiK rural music so often played in the laaP not* acoompaplmcota of the matching atrniei, and gave something more In kSeplagjrith the warlike pomp pf.o' battle like that of Jioswotth Field. WW wo hove edid that •the houso was Crowded, we have given' tho most gratifying fact of tho night’s porfofmonoe. ; LATENT ftEWS BY IEIiEOIIAPHC. / | IjußTfljl FRoiFmgßrv BELOW aUEBEC. ; ~ VISIT Of THE PRISCE OF WILEB T 9 rm it jWPM'mi-jn-v 'Dnkes of irodena and 1 Tustahy"Banis{iecf. ,TO BIEpMEQjEip?] ’ * ’‘ 1 - ** I * Supposed Rejection of-Hr. Lever's Offer r . , fprthe Great, Extern, j THE EFFECT OF THE FRENCH AMNESTY. ; ~—« |" . Father Point, Sept. s.—Tho steamship North /Briton, ‘front'LiY'erpdol,' fit 20'i/lock on tho ‘after noon of tho 24th ult., pn???4, thi? Station ,at sir o’dlodk last ov'en!ng,arfa wilibe ntQuobeo this forenoon. i The steamship’Anglo Skxdn, from Quebeo, reach* od-the bar of thoMewoyat midnight but Vos detained there'tftlHhe 1 morning of the 2j3d had- i, rived at Portsmouth : *. The fltbahibr WesVr, 'whioh wan sdvertiHed'to leave Southampton * f■' ink Zurich conference. Xlicro-isKolliiiiK authentic a» to tho .progrsM 'of tho Conference. / Tho sittings 'wore quiteirregu :iarf' The plenipotentiaries of Frano6 add Sardinia Were frequently In consultation. Tho following is, tholatost-T, ' <■" •* /, \ r i' .!• j „* •< Zunioft, August 24.—Yesterday tho plenipo tentiaries of Fruneti and Austria 1 hhftFa oonferonio whiok lasted two hours. Despatches wore receiv ingthe same day from Vienna,” . . , ! The; plenipotentiaries- had formally ih&nkod tho G6vernment of Zurich for thoir excellent reception. .Favorable results were anticipated owing to tho frlondly relations apparent between tho reproseh- _ j . Ataong the passengers by therNorth Briton are 'sqyeral members,qf thexoyat household; : Whoiio mission to Canada is. supposed to b&vo .roferonoo to the contemplated visit of the Prinoeof Wales,, I j. At. a meeting of the Great'EaaternCompany/the directors woro authorlied to issue , the remaining capital—£3o,ooo—so as to fiesbateh .the’ Great Eastern on her-vo-vaae flee '•* * FRANCE. ‘ It was reported that the British Government had congratulated ,tho‘; French ambassador on tb&ire cent political amnosty, and that Victoria addressed very warm congratulations to Kapolcon on the om CpLumands had been dUlrib\ftbd tb the inarShbil at tho head of of Italy. • McMahon is ab pointed to command' at Lille, whofo d largo body of troops is being concentrated, Canrobort. Cas tellano, and Bamguay D’Hilliors 'return to their' former commands at Nancy, Lyons, and Tours. -Niol replaces Bosquet at Touloueo. fViagrian be tains his post Off comm&nder*tn-bhief"of tbo army of Baris. . Tho.ilfonu the ,16 th of July had been telegraphed from Tries to. \ There yfsfl & strong police fotco ott the frontier !of Oude to prevent the possible inroad of the rdbels-' _. WL _. CHINA.. _ - ; The Hong Kong,mailof:the 6Jth of .July hod'oTpo beon tolegraphedrrom Trieste. ‘ ‘ r * A strong English squadron, had collooted in the' China waters to,escort the ambassadors up the ti* ver to Pekin? 1 Thb EhjtKjror of Morocco MaS/wHoisfy inland' fears of a disturbance were entertainod in case Bf his death.. ~ - -I s i - v Commercial Intelligence. ■ j Livs* , poni.,' Ws f l,io l }lal,'Al l p.S(, P.'M.-TliJ odftdn market, continues iln\l j sales to-tlay 6JW) bales. 1 are WT dull, and the sates unim-» portent.. • .. * ~ ; Provisions close verr dull,-with no sales of'im'phrt nnco. » f,..:.* _ja r r CofTcodull, Hloe firm ; CaroiinA2iK3dfli22iSH etocks^dull, Brie Railroad securities have * declined V’jjT~ r \ -A vv 1 1 _,Elevep Day* Ljitsr, from California. I THE STBAjUSft.a4BASOa.TKBW ORLEANS OYER. Ttfo'jllLfldsj rifcfYTSou/0» tllfl VaY—Tllfe occupancy of r six: -abAN Jieikforobubntlj ORDERED PROil FORT- WASHINfiTOM-i-MK. QREE* - , FRAIfCJSCO. : ' V 7 ~’> ' : New Orleans.- Sept. 4.—The steamer Habaho is below with California adYiCes : to the I '26th liltl Thollabano left MinatiUajipn. the 3,B^jßBt.' t * ' ; The sttamors Sonora apd Cortez left San t rttni oieco on the, 20th ult; $2,132,000 In gold; VivFana.- xna., and twelVe httiidred passengers. . ‘ A British inan r of-war had p-rmed at Sap 3&ran ciseo,- it is supplied for the purpose of despatches for the English Government concerning the occupation of tho island of Son Juan by Gen. Ilarney. i Advices from Vancouver’s island to tho 13th ult! havo.boenrepoived. -> a - r* ri"-» 1 GeP<' Harney, bn the Oik l ult.. Ordered a de tachment bf artillery from Fort Washington,,to re> inforCe Captain, Fiokett, Who -still l . occupied the island of San Juan, Without iholeatation from the English vcesels-of-war.- 1 j General Harney- fcfu iforwarded despatohes to Washington. , } Horaco Greeley had addressed a large meeting at San Francisco in favor of the Pacific llaiiroad. ■ COMMERCIAL, ISTELLIGBNCE. . ; Sax Francisco, Aug. ,20.— There .haye boon do recent arrivals of clippers Fro fa the Atlantio ports; and tho markets generally hav4 impfbvcd. } Provisions have an advancing tendency. Can-} dies have advanced io per pound. Sugar is firm; refinedjs quoted at Ultf. s Farther from California* . REPORTED i'AtTACK G£ >BAN iMER- I* ' * tUhS BAU> TO BE KILLED. New Orleans, September, i,—Tho steamship Hnbano having arrived, the San Francisco papers furnlahthe-following additional items oFffntelll* ■ gehoe: - Governorvponglassb&d is3ueda,protest mgainst General Harney *8 doctipitibn of San Juan, an dibid sent a measago to the vancQuyor Assembly, docinr ing that British foroes’shbuld bb landed at San; Juau>. r- , .> ' r .« ? 5 • A doubtful rumor prevailed that the British; steamer Satellite had, attacked Abe Uland, r and ! killed* thirty Americans.* VifiOj if. r \ Bolton (Barron’s, land, claim in California proves to bo a forgery.. The consignees of the ship Fanny S. Perley? con sider her lost, as she has not arrived, though long overdue. -* r Arriyed Challehgo,f#m Notv I.drk, dnd ship Fanny Mayor, trom.Catfren Island. 1 ' i \ ' 1 f > i ) /fill r, Later, from Mexico* RETURN OF MR. M’IANB TO VERACRUZ —THB AMEIU* " CAN ULTIMATUM FREBBNTED —TRE 'LIBERALS, DK* SIGN ATTACKING .TlfE CAPITaLMa COKDUCTAt fIF THREE MILLIONS OX THE WAY TO THE COAST. * New Orleans, Sept,,fl.--The steamship Habano furtjUbei Itttfihdvwes fibtt fieiico' viaMinatitlnh. lIcV dates from Vera,Cruz tyro to the 25th. . Minister McLahe had returned to Vera Cruz on the 22d, having presented president Buchanan's ultimatum to Juarez, dpjnandipg the immediate ratiflc&tionofthe treaty. Nothing has been,.received from the ftegollado has ordered the troops' at Tampico - and t^e ; nelghborhbbd 16 fabtfen sflamat Safi Ibai, which is to bo the" general rendezvous of the Liberals for the intended attack on the capital, to take place in October. mv; » All the Paoifio coast is in-tho peaceable posses sion of tho Liberals.. ’ Gen. Yidaurrf is organizing forces, at Nouva Leon) against the Indians and Americans. Ucn. PeAquiefa had defeated the Indian depre- of Sonora, after a severe battle. *• -• -K - Tepio W.ai t&Japthted by the Revolutionists, after considerable fightings , . ~ jV Ul , , ~ war protecting ’‘a’ ohnanctatof $3,000,000 to San Bias, from Guadalajara, for the British, ship Calypso,, but the Governor of Sen Bios was resolved to prevent its shipment if the duties wore pot paid. .A difficulty is anticipated. Corona left Mds&tUnj.with a party of fifty, to join the Liberal tyrces m Jalisco, ana attaok Maya* guez at Guadalajara. ’ t All was quiet on tho Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Political Row in Kansas* LEAVB.vwppTH. Kansas, Sept S;~A collision oc curred between'the Democrats and'Ropublioans os Saturday c felghj.,, Both parties held political do monbti'ations pnot to the municipal election to day. ' , , The Republicans h&ld their meeting at the inter seotlbnoftwo streets; and tho democratic torch light prooession made an attempt to passthrough. This: was refused, and a melee ensued. Several hundred ofboth sides participated, using stones, bludgeons, pistols, and Knives. One person was shot, and five or six severely out, but none fatally. Tho .Republicans maintained, Jbeir groupd, J and firocecded with their meeting. The affray is be ieved to have been purely aooldental, and univer sally regretted. ■ • y 6oino approhensions existed of the disturbances being renewed to-da£, bhfc efleettml preventive iinea&urbs have ijberi adopted. I.ater from Pike’s Peak. > Leavenworth, Sept. 5. —The express'from Denver City arrived yesterday, .with dates to tho ,29th ult M and a small quantity of gold dust.. , Jfa Gregory’s.fliggings some of the minors have jißeCefcrftted turbugh a strata oi, stdphurate of iron,, landing rich dirt* below. * y i t Tho gold discoveries on the Colorado prove to be remunerative. 1 ■ * ’ - 1 - ’ ~ > 1 Indian depredations continue, and isolated par ties of minors' are frequently cut off. : i .• From Havana. - * Tnß‘ STBASIKR tte SOTO AT NEty ORLEANS—THE : • BLOOP-or-WAR BROOSLTX SIGNALLED! ! New Orleans, Sept. s.—Tho steamship De Soto; from RaVana oh the 2d Inst., hns arrived. „ ’ Thq Dp Soto feportS' having sighnlized, day;' the sloop-of-war Brooklyn, supposed td bo bound ta Pensacola, with Minister MoLone’s treaty .with Mexico. : Havana Markets, Sepfr firm and advanced. Exobango on London is quoted at 14a lsj percent.premium* and on' New York at per Cent, premium. , : j ; r * The Strikc on thc Mifchighn Southern Rhilroad. t fl . 1 A CdMpßhiiisb ipißctai). Chicago, Sept, s.— Tho difficulties between the Michigan Southern Railroad-Company and its«nx-; ployeej 'hftvo bccn settled. The company has agreed to jbsy three months’ wogos to the employees at once, and the,balance in October. The trains commence running regularly again' to-day. ' ■ v ' ' ' From Wa&Hingtoh# : . ; .i ; Washington, Fquntleroy, Of the First Dragoons, is' assigned to the command of tho department of-New Mexico! And'will imme diately prooeed to relievo Brigadier Genoral Gar land, whose ill-health prevents his return to "the department. J ' ' ' * Tho Charleston Chamber of Commorce have unanimously resolved to memorialize Congress for tho restoration of the mail service with Havana. New York Bank Statement* ’ New Yore, Sept. s,—The hank statement issued to-day shows the following results, compared with that oi-last,’vteek ; Increase of loans .., $643,000 Increase of Bpeele. V*V. \ 750,d00 Increase of circulation. 139.000 InoroAso of deposits. ..1,384,000 Postponement ortho Baltimore. Re^ f > f ; J f iormtoeetingiT’* s • J s" jßaltihoise, Sept. s.— ln consequence of the cold northeast stprm f prevailing, .the • great roform meeting has b6en postponed until Thursday After noon. ' The Sioop-of-War Brooklyn at Mobile.- ‘ ARRIVAL OP MINISTRR.M’LANE. Mobile,- Sept. 5.~Th0 U. S. sloop-of-war Brook lyn. from Vera Ctut, arrived hero at noon to-day.: Minister MoLane was a passenger, and loft for 'Washington this afternoon. , t Death of Ex«Govcrßor Wallace. ~ ‘ | Indianapolis, Sopt. 5.-~Ex-Qovernor Wallace, ah old resident and lately judge of the Court of Common Fleas, died of apoplexy last bight. Non-arrival of the Europa. / Haupax, Sopt. o’olock P. M.—There are no signs of the Europa now duo, witb-Liverpoolad vices to the 27,th., t . , ~-.y - ti The Health of New Orleans. , t New OklbassV^pl.'S.—The,'Board tifltoalth' in. a published statement, declare that there has not boon a case of yeHoi7>foYpr.in.tho city during the past season. Sr Wednesday last, the sahooner John }slliotfc,iCapt&iu John Green, capsized at Btryker’s Bay, foot of Ninety-first street, N\ ’K:| and Suftk in deep water. Subsequently the Yegsel wpr, raised*, and towed down to tho dock foot of Fortieth street, [where on Sunday the water was pumped out. in clearing the cabin the body of a man, who had token pas sage .from-Hayerafcraw, ! Wfca.fQuud, he, doubtfoas/ having Jpo.en drowned, at , the time the schooner' sunk. 'Tha naine Of deceased was not ascertained,' but the iffim > 6£gloirprevail9''that he lirod in Phlla-1 delphia. The coroner was notified.— New York I Express. J £ ■ EVENING. ySim^fP^ l Stlo,st ' *’»™ *™ku>~‘ , r°?SF ! huV“. ai " II1,!B ’ RMe ' trMt - tate * ?'" iril - r S/KroßD*! OpEBA HotJflE, Eleventh itreeti abn ft i Chestnut,—Conoerts nightly. !_!?*' e o ” Tp “* - ~ Fre s toM ' rt ® ve nr»n«nWonttid 6vemDg ’ ” CEtKEEiTios iT ffxKMiXTOWx.-Qermiitttown ntof CliostnulHiyJweflerf-WIHiSSPLf t*. tenlnyi «te oSrtsWn fin bool parade or the prderof United American-Mechanic*.There was-a large representahpitof fhtfOriel; fiWnfthi«§ci(y,ifTitf the members generally presentMWorr dredlfable appenr nnce. Tho weather, however, was unfavorable, and the , ram cfttne down in. torrent* iodn of the day. The line began to inova from the Germantown depot n&d | Cuelton avenue about tteu 1 o’clock in the morning) whin ; the ram beg/m, ttffalU:'.,Atfit Wita.hnexpecied, the ineni : bora hod not provided themselves with umbrellas, and a I most complofe drenching, was (hot reautt. Tho route pf the parade wai remarkably long. There were but f«fw who left tho ranks, and the sidewalks were idled with ourioßg speemtorji; to slacken arid thihlomls gave Somo appearance of ap proaching sunshine. They, then proceeded from .Ger : mantown to Chestnut Hill imttofoliowingoVaSrs* s»‘ f City Marshal and Assistants,;and Delegates front each* Council. National Brass Band.. Eel lance, ComimJ, Np. ~ 40. In this Council «everal 'fli« omt-ilddofntioifs'iv.fe earned. KojathnnSand. JVa»)im*|on Council. KranS iord Bra» Knid.-HOsoldtlon Council No. 4. KonslnMon Council . No. 9- : Camden Council INOI7. .Band. ! iSdi pendent Council No. 10.. . f , .< i The-Ihaopenoenthorea banner,Tepreienlidg,(he eom mittoo appointed by t ie Continental CoAyrdai lil drtiWiio tho Declaration of Independence.' On the r.verse ra>£ Hising Sun Gounod. No. 2!. Decatur Council, No. 34. . The Decatur carried a tnagnlßceht banner, represent' 10* Commodqre DBCBtuj. jrMmifojin. him.were bjack*!mtte>t the ine of the frigate Philadelphia,, , , Kendall’s Brtssßand;‘Chestnut Hill Council, No. 37. Wissahtokon.CtounqiL iLibcrty Brass Jp»id.r.vDiligent Council,No; 42.' Khliff Coupon. No. 47, boraa prittm* PMd», and dihtnbateA'aeWftUcircDlara along the route; also a banner representing a shin wraeked; family,rcompo?od. of'a father}/minfter, and cluld. The, father is waving his bsedkershief to » pass ing vessel, rtud ilfo'sfgjirflis answered by the ship nea? r ing toward tliewreokw The motheHaeyea are filled with tears, > while her tmby la sleeping -in her arms. The tiaitrangU'adtnirable. » v'■'■S-.f'i'f •} Keystone Counoil. No. CO. AtneneAngUr Council,Nd.‘ 33. peart and lland Council, No. 72. Carriages xon tammgthe’orators of the'etar, pad the copurntto^-cf where a BumptuQqs table greeied tlre tired Jot where,. it was spread m the open field under acanvasa canopy, but as the ram still continued to IhlL, about dinner time, tt tlayell Bad haVobUirouchthe ern vices of the canvas* upon the good* thittgspolow. This part of the prof gramma, over, the concourse retired into the woodi where a platform hhu beonernoted fpr nublic speaking; ■] 'Addresses■ wero.made- by ColonelF; B.white?wi£ Moran, Esq., James w. Burns, Era." Therr’ad dresses were'weilracaivcd. A A* - \ r«? UI l? v O ?,-,,k jfrocertion'begantoinove towards •w eonvevthem tt/ the city, NqsehtfUs disturbance took A iUniXiin ‘AstoNa tiiti Hll "‘"■botert p ace with ma.oificent ptbapeoU anil intorl eating associßtiona. Pluck HiU,despiteltsiuunc, which W e d :fe ? , V nd «V m, J^ n y»«iTel AH hours are kept by all kmd,of Bad.folks, dnnk (bad weneßofmrisy revelry, and Wreus nUrth. 1 A m&ricsvnatned John Craig found it sa I on Sonaav alternoon, when heibt.oatpfiia moral rtck4 ostensible purposa.of enjoying a few minutes of frisndir hl " JWket-bpok-and its oontente-a ten-f dollar bill. He mdde'ahdniplAint. and had Michael Me- 1 1 ?^?Jrti 6> n , the of being the hospitable : swindler. Miohael was cbmouUfld to answer. ; i had- an' ; t]?S«iC® i yestefday raotnihg-1 to aflflwor lp, f Justran|actwn« on tlie .previous It appeatstbat Jdhft,-whrf 18 ajosident of tho First worse of hi a booth-day wsiidsTingH/ got strangely ondviolentlr intoxicated. In this state ot raind he met oaOvGqorge Shear, and after? beating,him with a club V6jf severely attempted to shoot hirtwitffA' gun. The pohoe, as a mattor ol course, futerrerod and iimnurea John m the commodious quarters of tho First- 1 ward station house. Id~ftie morning, soberer, sadder. l aud witii qft exquisite headache, ho made his appearance SljOOOrecogniiance; lUIUWAO-Njwa,rr®h<* Philadelphia City Rail-*- tot Complinv/Chestnut ami Walnut streets) call for an! instalment of five dollars upon eacbshare of stock. The: i** •■‘i The double track of the Ridge avenno and Jtfanaytmk railway is now completed to the Winsaliickon. Cars !hed e V-.- I WST? l *dorm* Books of subscription to the capiial stock of the Thir-3 22d instant. i i A Descent, on. XJawplersr-r®ie people of the suburUin wftrdi been armored lately by the incursions of a party of twenty or thirty young men not out of their teens who hail from the crowded portion or tho towri.! 'Tfie/iheSCiloVojUy rob bed the orehardi and flower-gardens of the citizens, bat carried on gamhhug in broa4day4 .the raising of the cross to .!t| plA6e, it wilt M.cleigftflr in the. body of-tba cathedral t with much ceremony. There frill bo sacred musio on the occasion, and addresses will be delivered by several t !o fhe p bl'C a - c Thejteryioeawill od open -A Serious Accident.—Towards midnight, on Sunday eyeningwi wagon eodtait3!ng'Jlr,'7olm Gibbon* and his Wife into by a -pawnor-vehicle, on Mar's ketstredt, just west of tho bridge. Mrs. Gibbons was thrown 6Ut (if the carriage and badly uuured. Christo* pher Wolfe, who was driving, the vehicle which did , the mischief,, was arrested and committed to await the result of (bo injuries of Mrs. Gibbons. Political.—Tho People’s party will meet this evehtog in their respective'wards, to elect, by general vote, a judge and two inspectors for each place of voting. There will also be general nominations for delegates to the Conventions. The judges a?q required- tar make re turns of the result of the primary meetings before the Wtlrinet. ' * Finaxcial Meeting.—A meeting of the’Sooth Ferry bondholders was convened at ten o’clock yester day morning, at No, 213 South' Sixth; street, which re< .suited mlhe agreement that the second-mortgage GouM [holders would par the interest accrued upon the firs? mortgages, tor fiN9®n months, a* t}ie rate, of one, per. cOnt.itßisDto,.poyaiplo|oth9trusto«* i ’- I J f - A // ] Isy'adixg’ tiiE Saxctuaiiy.—A fow evenings airiee fildEpiscdpal ehtiroh, at Jenkin town, Montgomery county, w&* eflterea by breaking open it side window and robbing it., ,The .loitfves,made acle»u, sweep of everything, tearing up (he carpet and chancol.nud carrying it ©IT, together with tttoflurphcca, as well as a lot of clothing. , Suicide.— A white woman residing in Ekons Blace,8 lace, near Currant alley, committed suicide yester ay. Sho a large dose of laudanum, which aceom-i plislied the desired eml. She bore a spotted reputation, And ftp mativff ban bo assigned for her death* other than, extreme discrete. Thb ehroner hey an inquest and dered a verdict of fleam osf Srfftidd,' ? f j Death prom Apoplext. —Coroner Fenner yes- aniinquest on thq body of lavJnah named Connelly, who had died the day previous. Con nelly, was the keeper,of Columbia bridge,aud was a married man, aboutSlyears of age. Tho coroner’s jury gendered a verdict of death from apoplexy. : Bread.—Wo are glad to learn, that at the in stance of, the directors of the Mechanics! Bakery* tb| managers o! the Pennsylvania SJtitb Agnodltural So* ahavo invited competition in the article of Bakers’ , at their approaching .exhibition, to . bo held at Powelton on tite fast ol'this month. * Fete Postponed.—=Tho jubilee which was to be' held yesterdayatTulip Grffvtf, f£6ar Haffffoafiold, has boon postponed,owingtotbeinolcmency.&nhd weather. Until to-morrow. Mr. Carl Gaertner promises (list the aflair will bp all that can be desired by those who zuay - { , , , Ax'Assault'ANb'DArrEßY.— Yesterday ’morn ing two German laborers, who were seeking work at the Richmond coot wharves, were attacked by sotueof the wd wSre.b^nteh.uxiu . Tub Young Men’s Demoonttio Ateociatjon of tho Twenty-tliird ward have' elected C. R. Oiloori, Kea., Slant; Goo. F. Bone, reoordh)g‘ieeretaryj E, H. rt, corresponding secretary j and josiah Lukens, treasurer,- . . ,-■> ! DuRLNa tho month of August the coroner held sixty-two inquests, at a total coit to the city of $533.61. Terrible Riot on Shipboard. f • ONE HAN KILLED AND OTHERB INJURED. (FromthqNqwYorkKxproea,,lasteveninff.3', , lAt alknit ftoch to-day, 1 a terrible fight* took place on board tho ship “ Mayflower,” resulting in the murder of a'sailorby the second mate, and the stabbing of throe other, hands engaged uttm the Vassal. It was almost impossible to gain accurate particulars, owing to the great Whidh‘prevailed, but, as nearly as could Ml learned, tho lollowing is a correct statement of the aflair: • The Mayflower—a large vessel, under_the command , of Captain Eben Hoyt, lying fit the Do Forrest wharf, ' not far from the Fulton Ferry—is about to sail for some foreign port, and on Sunday shipped hor,orew, cqn*ist 'ins principally of Germim#. ? ’Asan»aUorof bourse,- 1 theh sailors were mostly under tho influence ol hqaor, and rither noisy. A night’s sleep did not seem to remove the effects of the rum they had drank; and this morning they wero yet considerably udder its influence. It is said tnat at about 11 o’clock tho officers ordered ' the men to go to wotk, but this they absolutely refused officers insisted that they should bo to work; the men still refused, and at Inst M ont in a body to their quartors and commenced to'remove their luggage; which was yeti upon the deck. The ofllcers stationed themselves at the gangway, and peremptorily onlerod tho rebellious party tq prepare fortuity. This wna tho signal,lor a general IOW. -; * -; ’• '' 1 ’ fli >Tho sailors, on nearing tho last order, attempted to force a passage, and succeeded in driving the officers from the gangway. The captain was knocked down, but not badly injured, and the mates were also driven into close quarters by the men. struck him with it. .The spike entered tbelnck. at tho lower part of the spmo. and was almost forced through the body. The wounded man;-whose name is Charles fjeibuhn Tell upon tho deck, receiving a severe cut in tho band ns ho dm so: at tho same time two other sail pr* received .wound* mthe head and body, but by wliom Inflicted is not yet known. • The police, nearing of the - row, now arrivod, and taking the wounded man’ in charge*,' removed him ton drug store m Fulton street, where hiacase received the proper attention. Sevoralof the parties ensued in the row wero arrested at the same time, among them the mhteKirwen. ... t Coroner Hilton waa/hdtified of :t!to occurnence, pnd -proOdedod lo tub druk store toTake" the wounded man K deposition, tho doctors in-attendance, declaring that he could not possibly survive. . , . . ... f ,pr- Ball, the police aurgoon, was alro on band, and did Ml in his powor.to relieve tho suflbior. The blood flowed prolusoly jrdmf the Woftnd, ond it-was found a rirary diffieult matter to check it. Altor the coroner succeeded m getting Npibuhr s deposition. Oil this deposiuon, the nccused was taken to the Second precinct smtion-houso and locked op to await the result of*the iidurios he liml inflicted. Two sailors, named, Henry Palmer ami Fred Harper, who wore aisowound eiV wem locked up n* wltnosEOs/rtitd ftlterwards conW ciiytain Tor umnUiw him. . • , A Miiad of men was sent to the vessel to take all olhers on bomd i«to custody, and Took them upakvfit- o’clock fteihuhV Was still’nllvei sidkiiig. Thqro is no hope for his recovery. - •' jA friend Fas a dog so very serious eyeu /hia. tnil baa not the Icnst bit of it. 1 ’ ' s It« h sad commentary ‘ upon, the oourfe,. of in-, itruction pursued in young ladies’ wheels, that the 1 graduates seldom know how to r Udine an offer of marriage. l,l * ? - The recent railroad slaughters give additional significance to the word rar-nage Boston Fo»t. t Jf T«s '-'-'—PHIEIjn.HUA.SupI.S, 189*. We have no vaViatiiftiofiiidivieht importance tociiro mcle in„eU^rJ! | unleit it he’Uiat Lehigh Navigation ■hares have ad ■vinc^l'SC'tdl hirVUite.'^- i ' r ■’ M ~' ti .The bank llaiement i)nmsf.the'"cc>rrecLne«a el oar jjuilgineat. tJiat the lotutuvoakl. prove to haveheeif in creased'miriHg tho lastvrwSt. ,4y:hß Aams ttn» ,tha deposits have gone up in greater proportion. Tho loan# have lusmaiwltlitfJ&ilßi&diixMtf $&&&*• and the general trade and buiiM#* 7 '"' iV “ w ' MwW ‘* w O?Pl l WEB ELY xy: [Hg-pgg,iagLPHlA BASKS. - , - .... LOASS. - BPSCIZi ,Sepf:s.'@3 , 7L091 ,66,163 City tX/X > 7800,310 ' 817,711 5 107 623 113211 Commonwealth. - 316.102 -311.23) 39,3n5, „Ufi62 itecsas*l» jsl j?s f» Total 24,640,745 5,435,090 J5-235*57* . r ' rl fi-*' *"■ ' 6iicStAxioff. Bakks. —«■■■■■ ■ -■■■ •■- Sept.s. Augusts. Sept.6.' Aug. 29. Tlr&wlelpliiS; . .$i iiifiCA JEireJo? #266 000 JitfMW) North Aroenea. 1,709,465 1,635,179 .29229$ 250,355 Farm & Mech.. .2,745210 - , 2,775,473 367 575 365,195 Commercial..... a 1685-ICQ 149000 135,000 Mechanics’ 877,005 856,618 154 520 146,700 N. Liberties 819000 ’ 846,000 107 WO 1064X0 Southwark 665,699 640342 96 700 97,740 Kensington :'632.79T ' 621,756 127,420 125,605 Penn Township. 581.732 562143 88085 92,306 Western 952549 909,169 116 680 116,445 Man. tc Mecbs.. •t &U&& * 630,170 > l2B 780 C-onuneree...... ‘477,497 '"412,571 78315 77,226 Girard 676,159 775,080 190,500 199^6 -445,419. t 419,640 •» 91,380 9153 S Consolidation-.' 287,818 1 261,794 90^406 g£u»UW.;Jg£l «£ , §?^ Corn Exchange. 219,991 211,403 85,136 8e>,265 CjUon ; , 2Q9.QOU. .195,424, 99,595 K»jfl9o . n-Total..v.t?;.. 74^01572^‘ b»7o2^7ll.fcS,fl6S IfyiM J>f-’?reyidtt» -.uOTts : '- ; _ '., - ' * Capitol Stocf 3?C.*'m5b?1»...1h«.«54§0 DuofrnotTierßks. 1,456,380 1,637,903. Jqca^xSb Due to othe£Skf,x •> 3,903358. ..p0e.189,403 Deposits.. .5-fittwW 1 14.901,672. ..Too £WJBH Circulation 2,655388 2,752,537. .one.. 45,071 Tbo following flatomeni Bhojra the oonditios of the banka, of„ J*hjudelphiv *» Yariks tiinea since Jpn...,U..ViIJEj.SH X77d,T0’"’1,011,033 „J]J6LM W.U,,,« - Sr.*o r f& • ; sstpi Francs..-. .. 7 ................ JUSefiJO §r doHar. Sixts-day ;lntjson 4 eiab gt*. Sight. p* A&iifitv. ‘•The stock market is quite unsettled. Offerings are ■ ample, bat sales to any extent cannot be affected at ask ing rates. WffvWotnpe beeh advisedDratransaction many classsiflcbfmrl&t.” EXUUXWEWZ. ssroxrsn »V~iuirLßr, now*, & ce; > 'i'FHtCT BOARD. 1000 City 7LehUh Nev..<. eoo do frej.'.;;® 7Lebi*H Scrip:."..:. »« £ 49 2000 Morris Canal 65... 80, \ 6 Frank k couth R.. 6U4 . 1000 West Phila R7s. .« 8S 8 City Bank. 43J5 JO Lehigh Nav 49 12 d 0..- 43)2 2**dotj>....' f 30 Norristown R 63 ‘BETWEEN BOARDS. ICOQ Pa U Cant Aia^7^»H 3000Pentia5a..'.f A F . l /. v . W k IOOOUam t Arafr’Bl..B2K 2ft abt do...£certifs 9iJ< JOOO'Wert Phita£ 7b... 2CO City 6a new..2dya.lo2?S 1000 HttsFt W & Ctf© 4 £ooNPeanaßfi*«.... v 6O- •’ «W d 0... U. 60 MOO do do «£ 8000 WA 3d StR 7a.... 90— 6 West Phi1*....... tQ 2000 P* R let ruts. 6*'. • .100 1000 Elm lit m ft ttfirn fljft tfoNP&R Kto.. .sSwn 91 do. ../■*! CLOSING PRICES—STEADY. Bid.AsiuC} 7 ' Bid.AskvL vse«74.. mH .. SchtuV^fte^...7s Phii»e*..—btfenrtxfoy «obk.a 9 •• NiwCVim! Pennate ~.93 M “ 7*Jat martJ2H ® : Reeding R.r;av.*2 -293£ Loog-lslaiid R \VvZ 10V ♦‘ Ws’to.....«h LSuSoSfcN^T,#-,,«52 «•'- martfia *44.88 •- *Bl‘i NPcrantfß.B?£ - 83 J -Pennaß. 39ST‘40- 1 u »5........5tf 91 . “. 2dm te...88.-. f ta, ..95 Morris Canal Corf.so 1 ' C 8 P & South R. Cl *6 8«h MSateWtf*- s Philadelphia Markets. ™ T rfcwyn 3—Evenmr. . 1 The Flour market is very dull | to-day there is little or no demand for shipment, aipl the retailers and baker* .are the only buyers at prices rangmxfrom4|s t05423* Jbraupernae- §A 2Cftg.aO.tbr extra*. 35.755&50 forextrw* family’and" fancy; brands.'according to quality } old >tock js neglected'ana eetluur fit's small way at §4490a -• 4.73 for > aad extrsuvlUre Flour k scorch Sad ' firm at $3.75, and Pennsylvania Com Meal is steady at bbl„ but we hw ofpo Wheat-. ia~ not (Very, and buydrs are homing off for lovdc prices about 2,500 bus have■ been disposedof at ll4«!20oibr common to choice red, and 120 to ISjfoXor white, the latter for Kentaeby. Rye is vented ana sells on arrival at 720 for new {Southern, and 73«80o for Pennsylvania, thsr latter for old crop. Com is unsettled ana rather - loir dr, 1,200 bus j allow, not prime, sold at ?£d fhhds'are "quoted at 36>4rf> jTa$T gallon. , JPJiilailelplua CatUe Market, • ", flsrrsacßsa3j 1339* *. t The arrivals at Phillips Avenue’iard and the Bull*! Read reachod a boat. 2 200 this weak, which were dis posed of atrprices ranging, from s7adio the 100 lbs. as ui quality. l The following 'ate the particulars of the *vlas: 29 Isaac Abrahams, Chester county; $9a9.50 the 100 fits. ;45 Baugfemanj .Va.. $&509)0.2&, ■ . . ’ ~ * . 8 °T»> *!? 9 - 1 73 B. Baldwin, Cheater county, 88e9-23. i 17*8. Kirt4, Cho*torcounty, $A3O®9. *<' <’ • I IS A. Hiti4baogh.,Cheater county* §B®9- \ 25 M. Courson, Chester county. BlfiUtt9.W. . 70 Mooney A Smltm €ftuor§B-33e9J&.' ' ' 87 N. Werntz. Ohio, ■ . ' 32 D. Gemmilf, Del., Iletfd.» , 13 Haymaker. . 15 S. Hoffley, Mifflin county, §3 w. ‘ 49 Murphey 2b Co.‘, Va.. Ss.>sC94o. ;48 H. OUftin^ i 35 B. Gray, Ohio. BS®9. . iSS Thoa. Strickland, Va.{§6eS». 127 Mc. . 3 500, by Myera& BarnhQU, ° : ! . T0ta1—7,792. - I*loo and Calves, arrived and sold this weak at from §» to ,§4O y hend,ftsm qaality. w *fltoek i>i fetehaßge ,, flept» ' 2il».Missouri 65.,. IHttMrlom R Pr0f..... 37 3W., do 100ReadmitR..’.43X^ CdOOTennSs '90... eohfich CenH-'-. 4535 k 1000 N . zoo Mich 3 A X I G. 530.23 4000Ena4thmbds^..'.30 280 do; ...*.... 300oMichoistm..‘.;..4.» i«> do .........530.*2)5 4 I - . ; * T1?B MARKETB. ’ Ashss njo without important change, and quoted at 8560 ft*riV»ts, and 85JS for PeArls, with small sales,' Fw»t®*—State Flour is scarce and firmer; but West ern is saWc lower; with large receipts, and sales of 6MO bblsftt ®3.M«4Jofor superfine. State, for hew pxtrn, and for old do, §4*4JO for Snnorfine Weaterii, for extra do." §4.7U®4.90 for old, mid B*«3JO for fresh-ground shlppiuz brands of extra roundhoop Ohio. Southern'Flour ii heavy, with, sales ofi.epo bbuat »49o®e for mixed td good, and §s*7 for extra brands. Canada Flour is nominal, at S4.6QdWO" lor extra. __ JUI GRAirf.—Wheat is dull, heavy* and 2c lower, with small sales. Corn is 1« lower, with sale*of lUWO uus *t lie fornew Western mixed. Oats are dullat 32ar30c for. Southern, Pennbylvania. and Jersey, and 3?c4lc for Canada, and Western. ’ ' hi’l« ’ s V“;« 0^ ‘« nojn>nal, with small sales at §l3 !IT,. TO l B ?*' an * d prime. ,Beef continues duU, with 4ales at for country prune, ®7a740 for country mess, »84SliTor repacked Western, 12®12J0 for extra .mesa. Bacon end Cut'Meats are unchanged. J.ard w steady, with sales or 100 bbls at Butter and Cheese are firm. - •“ .- WmsKXT is guiet. with sales of 100 bMs at 23)4c. 1/ ; A Markets Ly Telegraph- ; - . New Osleanj;.' Sept. B,—Sales or Cotton Unlay, 2,300 *«yes; 4uptatidnaa7eUnxeUled, snd there hex heon a ... decline sp‘?£of Middlings are cooled at HAJeUHo.. Cqtton.flights to Liverpool show an advancing ten dancy. . - ~ *• ‘ Ramimobk, Sept. A—Flour doll} Ho ward, and Ohio bqminat at §5,12, ..Wheat quiet and steady>»lei of 31,(960bu5. yeUow,asorProvi3»S : quiet and unchanged.'.Whiskey is steady. •. New Orlbaxs, Sept* A—Cotton I* heavy, and the quotations are barely maintained: sales to-day-ofxBoo Crawoun. Ssptoaiber!t^^ia'.;;iM«,,tai:.TO fhjngod. *.rr dulls red_9to»*lj whit, »).08» 1 J.lO. Com dull M 7& Whiskey firm at ise. PrOTUiooa MeMPork O SU ShOuM ° r ’ 7 ' <0 ’ 6lde * W.i L»nl li^s, i Norristown R is s i ! a 33 Peima Rin 10t5... -33ftC,