mmmsn - ; - , -7 /-^<-^'-^>\^iTrilusf3>t > --\-iJ I Ti- Ti v =i ;^®iMiPi|?l • . V.'. 3; ii s;liJC v • --'V-' - - ... '-;3V“..=-S-r>V>;S'!rj3,-J>, • .?»-.!4;ii,V. r - - -■' ■/ r !&®«ISSSSIiiiI» ■i. .-c -' '.'TrmiAaHiiinSwSSwSbl&itofi^^ililVffy': :: • 1 ' •• ■ 1(06. :i9 -• .'■ ' '.. *■'•: '? .‘C;^',~ ’ V A * ‘iCt,'*'‘■■hi.'-- 'Cn'^Sf>2. : • -.y . r'^^roiApswps^y^y-yy, . Itostthotemt IM> tfcryiji' y y wool., 'tXS%p£K^o!^^B^lt^ . .• • c^fttarMaraiii v • , . r va*. «’ /'• ■^*fr < T:**if4>’ “a* ? j»-;.‘.y '■ .- -■ - DELLEXB IK ! • .. ; t. : ,'■ '■-:;^y'LCRACKKRB'J-',;'K ".l';.'';' 'tijl'r ■ - 1 y^< | t^^^i«»Vv-w* ,■« Vv, i~\ ■ ■• AO BAOKBB 8 - /'?, : B^Sfesgt^4.g , ; ; ; .- • at OmctavftMkftM tteßu»>t«rr*KbotM.u>l 7 - -, '-'V- 1 irsf r,r~*?'f. c. s ri:-^;v-Vr‘./•',!. w • - ’ : ‘ «Mt ■ '•'.77:"-’ - ■ r.-%c: *„ y■ - ' v . '■ « r.:\ ,&{nsxmm,j^;.!W£PW'fo *•»*■*.■ fiUttßo^Taat(wnir«fflE l CONI) aiKefnijt.f ah ExrmtmwmxßKuip ntuosß. HiwnwuM«m <• .‘ - i : •■ ■> •' i^flgsfeSßtesavsvV'.-v. g@S s :-' a^raa^-* 4 : nUitMdaOjt tWrbptdar*, ' ' r ' lo«olqU«lrtKt*tW.tW- . ... >-,-i j j=' -.' V:', - « <:- V,«»^*t&wp B }(.[ir»6d:«»t.- i : fy.i <:/,■■ .. ,■ -:■ vftMPTrtaf fcaMS efWttoWfc" '• ‘ 1 - ;^W«>wiUt*Ufou*hyWft4 - •> -; H'. = ' - •i W*W®,we kadiyvMiet j ... - { - -.; „7w *vsr*titdhmrt. •’ ’ ;;;^'~;.« j.-.-WiS’iß.-BAHOIiyaSXBBKr.'i:" -■-' t' -, ‘‘,•' 1 ', ‘ (OftKWMOcUtgt Pl»W() v-.K ■ ’ i - ~ * ■' ■^ r Y ° RK " :: ” ;: ; r.7 !•, j ■ ' y TWdlfttoa of «M»ik*tot4w'i» .. WMei-r,';- Wo.>«>r;rKO!frHTRBBT.PHILA, .4 OtOTHBi POBWmA iWB OASSIMBRSB. ‘ §Mi^ST^tlppiiY7W^a. %TkA*riTaf.,Ain)9B«CHUROHAI.LBY, >’ ■ ,' : ®°^<^*°instheir ; ViJAi WINXKS STOCK ; \ >7 : ',fr‘o»'.47?'4 -' -. -4 I;' 4BTAPI.E AND PANCY ToVhioh tKey.mTite th« Ut«ntionof .. ' iCABH AiP PKOJiPT SHOaY-TIME BOTBRS. ; Pgr£*P ~V-.‘ ; - ( .■ :: ; ‘IMPORTERS OP . HUSH and 'scoxoh UNHNS, OTißcwtapyroved meke*. i ; ALSO, ", BRITUH GOODS, dmpriele* ; . ALfAO*Sr COftDS,- BEAVERTEF.N3, velvets, RBDPADDINQS, PAPER MUSLINS, Ac., Ac. -• • -y;■ , tJNENS. ■ BAaasa’BDpoKs, , JBWTAHO-S CANTAB, y’ ; j •’ thompwn’s hemp oarpem. r a Yen duo k s, ‘ r f, 'HEAVY CANVAS, , ." " bupbm; TOETHUI. ,vy h : • : ;;V'Mffljaraoft-i>AMAJBra,, - v s I■' -CV,--'. ' . il r ‘\ "'-.'jaime' f.’ 1 . LOWEST PRICER ■ ' | CONRAD;-* RERRHaL,_ y■'■ >■ No. *OO CHESTNUT BTRKHT. -• maB-»tn . .. i ”■ f t . :l 4 " gIMON HE IT ER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER of>-’.’-'-'v o-- ; : UMBRELLAS, AND PARASOLS, ■tORTHWEBT CORNER OF THI Rp AND MAR , ■■, ’f '; :RET STREETS. . ■; My .took is now very complete Ineveyy department, sstd will tie found to offer inducements *to buyers unsur wed by any other houee. ■ . - . cull-Pm & FENNER, r~", WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS ; ..08-j ! , ' 'f- 1 UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, ' , ; : aaff'MARKET, STREET, PHILA., stook»wuioh Inolodee>auJ(T nov*Lyins, not to be met tpvhitn»Hen* -;V*v y> ; p«ItNI»HING. GOODS. jQS^^^FiDBNISISNG^GOODS ' LONGOOPE/;* PEAROE,'" lov l'o jpv TH FOURTH BTRBBT, Hire is their Hue, to Which In bp. their customers ,, aus-Sm * W^SWtT r Aim of; Win theGirard House,) - y woiMd‘re^eotfatr/'^aU':the attention ,of hi* HARNSSSy,BRIDLE LEATHER, Ac, I^sTl^sXndeekv : V : MANUPACTORV, Y'-\ liJ MARKKT STREET, ?£ ! ;’¥l";4V:v L ‘ ’ J&ve onhedd' e geqereiessdrtpieut ofßeddles, Bridlea, JKSBW 1 *o.i s T** , -r rwr. 4444# - -;:c*:ti .t-. -J ,t.f. Jt; gjf ";•’' ; ;,J ,? "’* - ''’llA-'’-'" ‘ ', : '— .■■.....■ ' 1!—1_' J __! _. '._i_'_‘'__!L'—' ..-1--.:—±. '. . . .‘. I.—v. ’. ■ ■■■■' ' --I .:., * ' ■... -? -- f ■».'-*- UMBRELLAS. ii\ ■; fl vCiC-'M , y DRY^aODSaOBBEES. mroiTsmixp KholesAlb p&uamv. J cX'XX'- ’• ■ ~rWv-’'';j".'"f. .7 ■V/TT/- Kb Y;7*;pf,KBy,7 ;\/ titNBM9,)VHtTK QOODBi' OLbTHSr / ■ ; ' . -VL‘< OAMlinilUiS, - bUaNKBTB,*O ' ,?!®v,*Sh MAjRKBT 'BTRHBT?'' ‘ ; " /I" JpAXiL, IMPORT. ' ; ißbo. 7 '■ •. ; - * / 'EARRING" & '■ GTT, ? 7' * Have now la Store their usual .- ; r ~ <• . ! o»' V•• _ - ■ ' ■■■•'• ! i: ..r„ . ,■:■■■< FANCY GOODB. N. t. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STB. ' i 859.^ A M 1859. (suocbsioes ro HA* aufty fißin, k co.<) .y:4IPO&T&SS:AI93>JOBBBBa. ,f *1 0.0-1) s ;!* km i - .so marßß'l' street; * ;■ ; , ' i Have in stom’a'Mrnpieta lino of • ' - ' F 0 R EIGNANDDOMEBTIC GOODS, So!ftot*{i.x»'i»Miywit!i STieWta the Intorests of CASH DEALERS, To_,*i*iohtli.vr«« , p#cff\iUy mvitetheattentiondf the /N-R—A faiietook 'aonttjraUr on (wndVami order* will beeieoutWirorontlT.»t the.. . JWWEST.MAKK^T.IUa'ES,: *’ ,y -'.i l--y vituka i , STEEI^;; ; SttAWIAS, ~./ ! PRINTED AND BROCKS .BORDERS, ; : v. 'bLAOK'aiK COLORED'.GBNTRHE, , ’ ’ ' ■ *hom tit* /' ' GREAT AUCTION SALES , ; .. PATtXRLE,'' I l tlEiN, A CO., 7 H. HENNKQUIN 4 CO,; I‘ ' 1 "" no »i’7', 7 ' • «./aPt9-IMhD-i-ArTyr :JOSHUA L. BAVIEY.,' »n»-tf ' PHILADELPHIA. grant, & co.* 7, ■ IMPORTERS AND -WHOLESALE DBALERBIN ; OLOTHB, OASSIMHRBS, vesiihgb, ' SILK, DBBSS, AND FANCY GOODS, anMm - £ BBOTT, JOHNESfi 00., JQIPORTBBS AXD JOBBBRS ■' ’ “ ' ' 1 'oir" SILKS - ABO FANCY DBt GOODS. NOS BUT HAR&UTtAND 834 COmtBRCB 9TB. ■ (BLOW iCtTH. Eatinir just removed to the above location, are now opening anew apd..vei7 desirable Btook of Good*, «m -■ breolng every variety in Une, whioh they oflbr to ;the trade at’ the loweitt market rat**, for oaeli or a» : proved credit - • ’ ’ aus-ftn pKIGE, FEKEIS. & CO., IMPORTEBS OF , MANTTLLAB, *O. NOS. S3S MARKET ST.‘, AND #9B COMMEROB BT. KT Our Stock ia eeleuted by a member of the firm, In tie • best European markets. auMra .. .-• H WOQD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, * IMPORTERS AHt> > , . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DfiT GOODS AND CLOTHING.. , NO. SOT MARKBT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Pall icad Winter Stock now ocmplete and reedy for bnyere. auJJm m* & co., WHOLKBALB DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, KO; 406 MARKET STREET, (And 414 Comtheroe street,) WTVTHRW VOURTR AH» VtfTH, KOETH ewa, Our stock, wpeoialljr adapted to Southern and West* era trade, la now targe and complete in every parti* •eular. * • aus-tf IBS9FALL, IMPORTATIONS. DAUE3. ROSS & WITHERS, ,81 MARKET, AND MS COMMERCE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OV SI L K AltD FAN OX GOODS, Have now a complete stock, to whioh th*y invite the at* .tentinn of buyers. aus-S«> CURTAIN MATERIALS. Q.TJHXOU, EMORY, & G#., . NO. 33T MARHBT Importers end Jobber* cf. ' HOOSB-FimNISHING DRZ GOODS, BLANKETS, GUILTS, TOWELLINGS, fco„ to., CURTAIN MATERIALS. And Sola A*.nte In PMledelphfa Jbr HUfI.CBHOI S H R B T S. * colfrim ,s aa?iK3.T r^ . t 3, 18>59. Q # P. WILXI AMS & GO.. MHOLESALE BOOT ANti piOB WAREHOUSE, Hava runr on hand a fall awortraentof Eft*tara and. Philadelphia vrorki to vrhldh the/ invite the alta ntian Southern and Weethm MerohAnts./ , 1 ' , aui/;?m {*. WHOLESAIiBDEAIiERS) -* : - J ‘ -w‘ : ; 1 ;BOO^- ( AN^SH9ES^^ f - ■ 1 NO. 413 ABOH STREET. . Pofohsaare viiitlm the eitr urill pleaee eall scd ex&- pine theiretoak*Attll-ta ' ; & 00.. BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 318 MARKET STREET. aull4hn' / JJOpTS, SHOES, & STEAK GOODS. 1609. FAUU STQGKi, HADDOOKx REEDi&qO.. 438 AND 440-MARKET STREET, . Invito .the enamination -of pnrohaaer* to. a' full And eomniete, ttaok of BOOTS, SHOES, and . STRAW .GOODS. .-‘auffU'lm - J, 4 w. Mo CtJRD X & SON , 531 CHESTNUT BTRKBT, (2d FLOOR.) LADIES’,. MISSES’, 1 AND CHILDREN'S • BOOTS, - SHOES, AND OAITERS, • " ' ' Manufactured expreialr for the'Retelt Trade. i'anil-3m J; &M. SAUNDERS* - /. . no; 34 NORTH FOURTH STREET, ■ (Near Merohants’-Hotel,) - • . CsU the attention ofbiyrer*,of-- * BOOTS AND 6S|IOES To their Stopk, irbioh embraoe* a general variety of ~ -PHUaADELPHIA AND NBW ENGUIND; . Mattofao’tured goode., , aitf-lm pALL STOCK ‘ ;I. ‘ ” ‘ BOQTS AND SHOES. 1 JOSEPH H. THOM SON * Oo.; Hi MARKET BTRBET, ■ Hav* now on hand aleege. etoekol Boots and shoes OP EVEBY VARIETY, EASTERN ANI» CITY MADE. ,Pnrohaaer* viaiUnc the oltywill pleaee 008 and «a anJse thoir etooke •’ ,jr»-tf JjEVIOK. RASIN. & OO. v ' boot and Shoe warehouse. ..i •• " - DID ■ ■ K .' . No. SO* MARKET STREET; PUladelphia. We have now on hand an eztenaive Stook of Boots and Qhoee* of all description*! of ova own and Eastbun Manufacture! to whioh we invite the attention of South* ern and Western buyers. auS^Sm WHOLESALE CLOTHING. HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS • ov ' - f COMMON, BtEDIUM, AND FINE CLOTHING. We Invite special attention to oar complete line of • MACKINE'MANUFACTURED GOODS* NOS. 4»4 MARKET, It 410 MERCHANT STS. aas-8m 1 (JLOTHINGI AT WHOLESALE. 0. HARKNESS & SON, 838 MARKBT STREET, •OOTKBAS7 CORNER. OV VO ORTH ITEXRV, Offer for sale, on the moet LIBERAL TERMS. A new end exteneiTS ctook of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, aniMM> to th» SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, TO WHICH THEY INVITE' TUB ATTENTION OF BUYERS. ' Jyi3-!tn - & WILSON, SEWING MACHINES! Superior to all other* tor general u*e, and fpr BHIRT MAKERS, TAILORS, AND DRESSMAKERS ‘ NSW BTYLS ONLY FIFTY DOLLARS l O VVICBBt . *l3 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. StatoStreet. Trenton. N.Jv Over John Tituß’a Store, Kaaton, Fa* y Bast Gay Street, Wert Chester* EDWIN ROBERTS. MooreetownN. J. WILLIAM PATTERSON, Salem, N. J. Permanent Oißoe* will,be opened shortly, by me,m fading, Allentown, and Lancaster, Penna. < HENRY COT, Agent, myf-to HARDWARE PACKAGE HOUSES. JJANDY & BRENNER, NO6. 98, 98, AND 9T NORTH FIFTH BTREB T PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HARDWARE, GERMAN, BELGIAN, FRENCH, AND ENOLIBH HARDWARE AND. CUTLERY, K«0 T) ooaatantljr on hand a largo otook of Qooda to rap- plr Hardware Dealers. 'BUTCHER'S FILES, By the cask or otherwise. BUTCHER'S EDGE TOOLS, BUTCHER’S STEEL OF VARIOUB KINDS. WKIfIHI’S PATENT ANVILS AND VIOES, SHIP CHAIN, And other kinds in every variety* SHARP’S.B'EPEATEB- PISTOL . WEIGHING ONLY 6J4 OUNCES. SHARP’S NEW MODEL RIFLES AND PISTOLS, EDWIUB«,IIirtOT. 180. O. nHEKKHE. O.P.BESKKBS. , inw-tr . ■ • ; PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE.—Wo would respectfully call tlje aUontion of the Gene ral Hardware Trade ioonr extensive Stock of BIR MINGHAM HARDWARE, which we offer at a email advance by the package. • . , _ . Orders for direct importation solicited, and Goode do livered either in Hus city, New how Orleans. 4H COMMERCE Street, Importing and Commission Merohanto. And Agents for Foreign and Domestic RATHOLESALE GUN HOUSE. TV We offer to the attentionof the Wholesale AND Being Agents for some of the principal hawfactv «iunor guns m London, Birmingham, Liege, and St. Etienne, we are prepared to other teom stock, or to & '"Sn PECULIARLY FAVORABLE TERMS. MANUFACTURING OUR OWN RIFLES, we Ist nt^ th looks, caps. Flasks, Horn., Pouohes, Trigger., Ao.,m large variety. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO. *1 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. 64 CLIFF Street. New York. anB-lm PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE. - We offer to thetrade, at a .Kilt, ApvAttoil, br the Paokaite* WOSTENHfiLM 8, BARNES, and WOSTENHOLM’B RAZORS. _ 3@VK u OOvB. T<,s “ t iliM®GHA^ I 6I?ELP HARDWARE. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO. ’ 91 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. . ft CLIFF Street, New Wife , ouMm rtAH'VXri^ BOOTS AN» SHOES ,' NO, 18 SOUTH POVJftTH STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS SEWING machines; HANUPAOTFRIKO O0.’« For the sale of a!i kinds of ahd nrpoßTEna 07 SOLE AGENTS FOR i?' <5. r \ !®Pi 1 -5 SATURDAY; 3,1869, The Cardinnl’s Watch. I ;in our recent notices of M.RoniißT-lloc •nijii the, French conjurer,—-a man before whom ‘all minor sleight-of-hand .stars.hido .tiieirdl jrdinished'heallc'and'jpale their Ineffaotna) r--we related how he had received, his Arst lii jstrpctlOn- in tho art from a practitioner, who .was tho Count but 1 whose travelling tide, .was' SignprlTonnitHr. This, Min, oh SocDia’s showing; had passed through b-v.ariety.of adventures,- wonderful os apy re EDOEan.SuE' orArEXANonE'DDius.,' ’' One''of‘these ftdventiires fs hsiated in Hqtr feDi’s Autobiography, yetunpublished In .this fcotmtry, and vre hero take the liberty of throw* #g It lnio'hurovra less, atfectlre words, jno#* ter, }p > condense jt'Sltliih irdasonabliS tiows dwerhisunds.;;” V.i- ; f SThfla .in.Rptns, ah. Inyliiiflon, £8!? Jhl SupierapPontiff. ; The bc'cujjint of tho chair iofi JtyPisrEn nfthat tinie.waathatyery ostima igeutleihan'; ' Pros tho,Ssyenth«— 'JiSWsnot'Jto .be ttuiughit ,‘of) hy.niiy' pride in Hi's art, that ohly ih W&Qv tjfafafchojftdlbej' eshftitcd i: befoA> -His HpliHess; .Sai«l. talked'.ofs as -wholly wondcrv inexplicable,': ' i layshont iSearching,for ,sicii.a,thing, .Chancel' thati|vontorof.all Inventions themost^ingenf rprejjrajaitrsii eras toshow.'offbeforo tho 'Tope t VvatchmAheis. of Homo-.’.' id. jservant! asatojjnrto ! ,‘lhqulre wh'etheijtlip'. vyStch 'of hit' .Cardinal de ~l—h wasineoded. iflpfe^fe|niaknr'replied that tho repairawonld when' lie should,hbnaelf bring it to the Cardinal, and ll '* ' iVatchJVom a drawer, the n'Mch'-, maWf Jnfcorfod-to exatoino it. ,«Jft is ahakd-: , conjurer, <« and the daxdiii&vaUies. ttrajnbSkhut'tpn thousand franM) because;' it hhuself from -fancies. it -unique. Of its felndi, tfijjigj a.mad* 'pi this town,of obre'esimeifo offer tne. jaor pi thopsand francs; a watch by ( the satdhjadahcr, exactly like’ tho Cardinal’s.” Torhisi’s qtfoati6p. ,Hp ex; amihed tfehwatch,.which was, a handsome oho, witlv'icveral’distinguishing peculiarities, i • ‘ «pp ypitjihiuh;V ho, aaked the watchmaker, “ that thls porson real ly wishes t opart with Ilia watch?” • There, was no dopbf. . Th® young man was a si>endthrift, , whA iiid gradually made: away, with his pro-, petty, tad'had come down to selling even his family, jewels. .The thousand francs would he acceptable- Then, 6ald Toaninr,.« Find this persoff.for pic.-. X wish to make his watch miric j lmt X must have it at once. , Bityit for mo-| then engrave the Cardinal’s arms on mine, SO that tlio two may not bo distinguished ono froth the other. On your discretion depends the benefit, you will draw, from this transac- ■ ~ Tiia'owney of tho,watch was easily found, at thC Vrhlch he constantly fro cpierited. 1 Tire watch was seen, examined, Closely cujtnparedw.lth the.Cardlnal’n, and pur chased.' It was duly engraved, duly sent home, duly paid for, and as duly placed in Tohbisi’s pocket, ready for the trick of tricks which was to close his 'Night at tho Vatican. Pope ,Pics VII. w*s an enlightened man, turpod a denf ear to. all hints that Toimixi’s wonderihl effects were produced by sorcery. He "occupied a lavgo arm-chair on a daos, place# on tho. foreground. Near him were placed the Cardinals, and behind them were the different' prelates and dignitaries of the - Church. As far as that Bight’s foata went, the Pope sat simply like a wondering layman, astonished at the skill of tho conjurer. The evening passed off agreeably, for Tobsixi never performed better, and ha nevor bad a more wonder-3tricken audience. “ Then,” (as Tonnm himself told the story,) «to end It and by way of bouquet, I went on to tho famous trick which I had contrived for the occasion. Here, however, 1 had to en counter many difficulties. The greatest of these, without question, was to lufo the Cardi nal do to give mo his watch, and that without directly asking for it. To gain my point, I had recourse to stratagem. On my ask ing for a watch, many had been handed to me —but I-had given them back, on the pretext, more or less true, that, offering as they did no peculiarity In shape; it would be difficult after- . wards to identify the one chosen by mo. < If, Messieurs, any oho among you,’ said I, ‘ has ,a rather large watch (the Cardinal’s had pre cisely, this peculiarity,) and would entrust it to me, I should accept it-willingly as tho one fittest,for our experiment.’ ” Tho Cardinal piqued himself on the size of his watch, liaving-an idea that the works acted more freely in a large case. Ho hesitated to lend it to Toanrai, but did so, at tho special . requost. of tho Pope, adding many cautions to hnndio it with the utmost care. Tobbihi ex amined and admired the watch, and asked numerous questions about it, ■by way of bouimeni —a word used by conjurers to denote the preliminary talk which is to pass tho time and put an audience oil' Us guard, by preoc cupying its attention: Tobbini praised-the Cardinal’s watch up to tho skies, expatiating on its numerous good qualities. “ Soo!” said lie, “ a first proof of them.” And with this he lifted up the watch os high as his. face, and lot it fall on the parquet. There was a cry of fright on every sido. The Cardinal, pale and trembling, got up. “ Sir!” said he, with 111- rcstpjlncd anger, “ what you have done is an extremely bod joke!” Tourini assured him that this was only done to prove the perfection of the watch, which would come hack to him uninjured by the trials to which it would bo subjected. Tho beautiful Breguct, which tho Cardinal believed to he unique, was destined for severer ill usage- Tonnixi, not content with dashing it down, stamped upon tho case, crushed it into a shapeless mass of wheels, springs, and broken hands. This he handed around, that all might, ho suro it was tho Cardinal watch of watches. AH this time, tho Cardinal’s rago was at lever-heat. He had no small cause for anger. His watch, about the iden. tity of which tlicro could be no doubt, for ho recognised his arms engravod insido tho case, was utterly ruined, and, almost in tears, he declared that it. had been unique, and never could bo replaced. Toßßist’s.nexi movo was to get tlio watch tlio real Simon Pure, for it was his own which was destroyed—into tho Pope’s pocket. As long ns his Holiness remained seated, this could not ho dono. An expedient had to be found for gotting him out of his chair. ”Ton niNi was so lucky us to find ono. Ho asked for a brass pestle ■ and mortar, and ono was brought up from tho kitchen, where it was an implement of tlio emsinier. Placing it upon the table, he cast into it the wrecks of tlio famous Breguct, and began to pound them violently with tho enormous pestlo. A slight detona tion was suddenly heard, and a reddish flame arose from the bottom of tho vessel, which gave the scono the appearance of real magic. Tonnisi, still pounding in tho mortar, with great fury, leant ovov it, and protending to look In, made exclamations of wonder to him self at tho surprising tilings he pretended there to see. Tlio spectators, consisting of Cardinals and their attendants, were dying to j know what he was Wondering at, but, out of respect to tho Pope, no one ventured to rise. At last, exolted by curiosity, the Pope ap proached the table, followed by some others of the audience. Tokulni was still pounding away, and still oxclaiming. “ I do not know to what X am to attribute tlio bewilderment I foe),” Bald.hie Holiness, “ but really I cannot see any thing!” either could that arch-in)- i r iyvv pqstor, ToEnim. Ho, however, was too'prn dent to own: it,' and. begged'the Pope to come round the table, next to Mmsolf—its the boat point for seeing. ' This wasdone, And tho Cardinal’s watch was qnietiy f lipped into tlio pontifjeal pocket, ankno.wn to every person, This quietly .done,' declared that it was .time tp melt the fragmeptß of the broken watch, and caat tliomruto tho sUapa of a small ingots rA. scrnoibipi and rflroi sjeeiUly,effected; tliii.' I'Uo-'irigot was Hdnded rfund'aniong md 5 je:tarnine,(tby all:i*be fcobipaDy.; •'? i N , oVr,S snid jTobhihj, «I am-going to restoredhis ingot to ftsTHnoitiVo fonn's' thaVie,- to' reproduce IMS the shape of the. Cardinal’s cirpnometor. This )Bia tlteactofpesßing'ftomth'iS into'the pocket 1 pf.the peMfJtt ln.tHis.cdteßahy thp ldast’ snspocted of ’' Every oye turned aponKf sa*d Dip HOll npes, In ajooular:tope, ;“ thiagetB stronger and 'etrenjpfsri ’Khat wonld yon do/ Mf. Sorjetpr, 1 it 1. yretf dematid '.that' it he: tnj. pocket?”.• TpEarKt'- bowed, ~and: - answered,' .“■YdutHolhiessfhAs 1 qnly'tO ;: 6rder;to;haye yonr-; wldh hh soi” • : 1 '■ A.’ r.V.' ; . ’rfio' i'.iitot'iwas; agaln. 'showu Slid handed round. Hotnrntng to tfonaisj,.ha qnietiy.oon-, ■coaled it—ao amaUan articlq was Speed’Jy tdad'e; jto “ 'disappear;' ‘ the next moVar;..- » Vh«_ had hishand into‘his pofeket/ and./theiij o .drew .oht—tfe Cardinal’s, famous Bregnetj-safopsoTind, qnd imacrittdfiM;'-' ‘ ** Of course,- .TpnnrhiwasTgreqtJy jCtilqglzqd. Doretire.d, eoyored withllanrplg,, following day, had > tho honor nr irMptiiU ii ' a ’saga from Hls Holineas, --; Vi'’'if,?Sf:v -Thus in the.Etef ijil; city,' hetwebrl Cbrijuthf, ‘Cftfdl-‘' nal, and Pope.i As wo haVe iaire)tdy. mention ed,,it, is nirrated Jn the BEiis-Sqcwtr, .who 1 dqsorihd fh himself. at| bags^6rf‘Author, i and;Coihmter. ; ■ j ■' PEKBONAL AND POLITICAL. -J;, ; -The.Hoasten Telegraph, aDemooratio paper in ’spoaking ofUUo eleotion of Gen. Houston', gays: *} Wo artf now pleasantly located on the hairs' bf HaU RiVef, that famoua pUoe for retrieving broken political fortunes.'The fact ia, o]d Qam is' jelooted/And ho can't ibo euohred out of ihiaGoyer norihip iti'any* way hut hy lending hiin to'thcp |(Jnitod States Souato.’ ,;- * | The Democrats of. Cambria cponty are greatly delighted with the nomination of iwgdstus Durbin, Escj:, for State Senator in composed of Cnwhriß, Blair,, and hp\x ..Yfguhnf County Committee -has; dSurbinrnpon a platform, in an address to th’e/vpters of,Cambria county, of whfoh, the l ex* •tract: 5 ... y V. Popular sovereignty is thO hnd con trolling gentiuient .of :tho : Bemobratfo party—it ia thcir.‘ Olcradof smoke byidoyv ao*ts&?piUar of fire by night,* to gmdo them luitbe pathfbfdiity to their country and her iostitnti&na. They timsleate tho exciting question of slavery to the control of those .among whorb it exists, subject only to.the Constitu tion and tribunals of the country; con demning ;.ahke„ the Kotthern. Abolitionist who would exclude slavery from tho Territories by Congressional Intervention, and Southern disunion- Ists who would protect slavery in tho Territories in thq same mannor. ■ This is the platform of th 6 Cin cinnati CoiiveDtion, endorsed by the letter of ao oeptanco of our .venerable Chief Magistrate, pro claimed in his inaugural “ address—the platform annonnoed and’ vindicated by every .Democratio statesman in the country, who only diSer as to'its application, whilo they agree-upon tho principle— nud upon this platform ,wo‘ fearlessly and confi dently pldeq ourselves before 1 the people. ’** This prfhoiplo7**thq right toeovern oufaelvcs— so simple that every father’of a hpusohold under stands it; so pervading that the greatest states man intholand acknowledges its. vitality; Is'the same that sunk British ton itj the v Bog ton harbor ; that.Bghtedmp'4h6 'firds of the Revolution ; that inaugurated tho Declaration of Independence, and thnt/hna made and preserved ns a notion. * It is a doetrine whioh elevates the inhabitants of our Territories Into tho rank of our fellow cilisen.i whilo the Intervention doctrine degrades them into the position of subjeots.” Compliments to Col/ Kaldemak, op tub Har risburo Pathiot.—The State Journal— a now paper just established In Philadelphia—compli ments CoT. Haldeman, of the Harrisburg Patriots as follows: From tho Charleston Convention the Democracy o{ Ponnajlvaniasek Ititis, yet much.—Harrisburg Patriot, This luminously lucid refieotion ofour astuteoon tomporary recftila tho equally brtilfantknd familiar line of tho ardent lover, who* wns raohllng under the penetrating puncture of one of Cupid's shafts : “ My wound ts groat.because it is so small”— tho grand effect of which poetical spnrm was, how. ever, unfortunately spoiled by tho clever conclu sion appended by a curioiis wag : / , l* b( grtattri/Uioert nont at all A Southern Texas editor, who says we have re fused to send Th« Press in exchange for .Ms paper, enoloaos us a gotd dollar, for whloh, ho ‘ says, with infinite good humor, that he desires to have The Prevs for ft certain period) in order to watch our graduol transfer into the arms of the Republican party. APe trust if thero arc any other individuals equally curious, In the South or elsowhero, they will be kind onough to forward us their dollara. particularly if they happen to be gold dollara. The more the merrier. . A tolegraphio despatch, dated at Look Haven, Clinton county, Pa., appeared in The Press, 6 Low days ago, stating that Mr. Rush Petrlkon had beon nominated, nearly by acclamation, as a Re. publican candidate for tho Legislature, in the Legislative distriot composed of Lycoming and Clinton ‘oohntiea. The facts are, as'we have, understood, that Mr* Petriken was only nominated after tho Convention to which his name was pro. aonted had broken up/wlien he received the vote of a majority of those who remalnod in session, the other division of the party having refused to support him. Tho Hon. Edward Everett, who had projected ,a visit to Europe this summer, will be prevented from going by his numerous public ong&gements. “Hisyoungest son,” says the Boston Transcript, “who has boon a student at Harrard College, If about to enter the University at Cambridge,.Eng land, and it was Mr. Everett’s intention to accom pany him across the ocean, and personally attend to his admission, to tlie University. The rules of that venerable institution have been so altered that a Unitarian can bocoino connected therewith upon equal torms with a member of the English Estah lishod Church, and the young scholar will probably he tho first American Unitarian to avail himself of the raro privileges of that anolent University. Significant Change of Hake. The Boston Traveller , speaking of Administration organs,says; “ At first it was the Globe, and concerned itself with.tho welfaro of universal humanity. Then it becumo tho Union, and dovoted.itself only to tho United States.. Now it is tho Constitution, which is so interpreted as to leave more-than-half the country out of the consideration of the Govern ment. Its noxtnamewill probably he tho Admin* tVfrafioM, whon it willhave to make but one more change to become extinct, like its namesake.’* An Indiana editor Vays “Mrs. Swisshelmisa fierce old hen.” • No doubt sbo’ll come to the scratch.--Louisville Journal. Yea, witlLfntorts to match, Such workmen as no Prentice,matches. Should wo meet you there Say good by to your hair, For ’tie you who will then go to scratches. JaXB G. SwiSSItELM. We can only answer our fair cotcmporary in kindred pootry, whloh wo trust will nail our friend ship more strongly than any demonstration ,l pug* nis ct ealcibus My i»rett>\Jane, my dearest Jane, Ah, nover look so shy, . But moot me rn the sanctum, Jnne, Whon the flagon’s filled with rye. - Journal . The New Orleans Delta gives the following statement of tho valuo of the offices of that parish: 5heriff,.....;... $30,000 Coroner 6,000 District Attorney Clerk of First District Court. Clerk of Second District Court Clerk of Third District Court 7,000 Clerk of Fourth District Court. Clerk of Fifth Distriot Court. 7,000 Clork of Sixth District Court r 7,000 Four. Tax Collectors, averaging $5,000 ouch. 20,000 Four Assoasors, worth $l,OOO 0a0h... 4,000 Congressman for two sessions 10,000 Orand total valuo of offices 12i,0Q0 A Starti.inq'Anaoraii.— Tho New York Albion saya that tho numo so muoh in men’s mouths, Louis Napoloon Bonaparte, may, by transposition of the letters, bo converted into An open plot— arouse, Albion ! Luok.—The Rev. llenry Ward Beecher says many good things——pithy, wise, and quaint. Among these, in a recent Icoture on “good and bad Inok,” ho observed that some men thought that Provldcnco hold nn implaoable spite against them, and that they novor mot with luck, while others did. Ho thon wont on to say, that one, with a good profession, lost hia luok in the rlvor, where he idled away his timo In fishing, when ho should hayo been in the offieo. Anothor, with a good trade, perpetually burnt up his luok. with Ms hot temper, which provoked ml his employers to leave him. Anothor, with a* lucrative business, lost his Inok by awaking diligenoe at everything bnt his business. Another, who steadily followed his bot tle. Anothor, who was honest and constant at his work, erred bv perpetual mlsjudgments, ho lacked dlwretlon. Hundred* toil their l\iok by eudoreipg; TWO CENTS. by. sanguine speculations bj trusting fraudulent men; gains. A man never, has good luok who has •wife.', " ’ : ' Profeasor//. f in.ttie^lfi s i.UQmberpftio fit lantic' Monthly i r ,{ gets off \* ,ihe following oloyer epigram:*' ’ ' . * / VThoiub falr h'er featuroßbe,. . •'* i xM.taure be Gloried?.* , , One?hundred thousand” haropued.” A* DigTijrctioK.—At’ the UsT"Wbhiftn'« r Right’s Contention, held at'Sfiraiog*, : thefolldsibg : ysfcolutiori; r’tta&g"; bthe w, • wAs - Eh* disHhoilro attHlrate of tfie sexes Is mbit delicately* «pre*#edt‘ * f ‘ ■* v it- p*pre'»ed: - 'I '>■ ! Tieitivei; Tint •no and entire equality, though not th& identity, of the eexee. • { DbmoCPatio Btatr ; Executive Cowhittei: or N*'w=Janp Ifunterdoti William 'Thornm,,,*, Atlantis; Henry Mot- 1. rip. j Kehemmh V.Perry, Eaaox. : ’ ; ’A roturned CaUforniiinronched homo' a yreek or twoagoiurlth MMW end sl6iOdO ingold coin;: Feeling it unsafe to keep » much' money about him, and suspicious of the honesty ofbahlf in'g injdtullonei ho aeterintnodotobtitydft'wbteb? lieaoaerdlßglydld.wltfioht any or.e oT tho: i*!»lUy.:r'Afttf^4y.- r riding,-bribra-haifar thrown fWttf Mi(ltwSW«a:ftfS ; stahtiy killod.Of oourao noonc money U, elthoughlt haa rery ' carefdlly; T : ; • .■itt;; b-.z -hi®,-*: a-n • ; Mr:oAt-fl,r}»nun/or : Gniwoid, ct;t ; K«e ; iß tWa po&seuion the fdentleat xword that eras: oarrietl Shrotigh ; the Indian -warn; in 1887) b'yOaiStJJUha Maison.-ffhowaathe tihlt pwprletdror of. Korwioti-itho-.eaineCapt,’'aiaßon'whot«heS«di9ie' Fairfield, and SptiMitfp; I MeConaid, formoH^i^|lfeeifihkthv Watt jfaMte iiiediht Jiaa&Ule/.Tesn.,:o* ihojpthjdt? tor intuit , KowDiJjJerkes, bf Pftabafgf toJwfkwjMiriHiig Ottlaht SdndaymoeDingor temfieriinoe: address In tSe oMirt house. -•' -o ®s'< I WmdKt 'JlarahaHt tiM sold out the BroynatiUe: barawas -Adrorate, died*' nearVPan'a,- in.ylately;' He was Among tint earliest- Republican:! in the State.i, - - ■ ;j. : v::' /-. j -Gen. . •. , 1 Strakosch has tailed to. secure Piccblomiut. She goes to Russia this winter, at a :-large figure; bat the indefatigable Maurice brings with' him (about tho Ist of October) the tenor Ptaahini, and anew prima donna. .. , f * * It is reported that Stevenson, the .celebrated English engineer, received $225,000 for the plan of the Vlatoria Bridge, at Montreal. * • ■; ? 1 Bayard Taylor aarier'nfneffrerefW San Francisco for which he-receives $5,000. He will probably make as muoh more in aiderleetnres. Their delivery will probably' extend over a period of three months. Pretty fair pay. > . • . \ Miss Julia Waterbary and Miss; Craven, both of New York city, were drowned on Thursday, near Now Rocholte, by tho upsetting of a' pleasuT© yaoht. . Sunlock, the celebrated Professor of, the Uni versity of Bonn,- is confined, to-alnnntic asylum. The recent political exolteme&t in. Germany baa destroyed tho balance of Me mind.'* ; ; * .. Letter from Canada* [Correßpcndenoe of The Press.] . Montreal,.Augn3t23,lBs9. The religious bouses here, or rather such of them as are open, aro always visited by strangers. ,1 be lieve there are eight nunneries in And around this city. I visited tho Blsok Nunnery, and tho Gray Nunnery. At the Black Nunnery (called such from the dress worn) I saw tho nuns discharging the du ties of their qffioes of love to the sick, to tho infirm and to the aged. At twelve o’olook M-> nil the tourists in tbs city generally are to be foami m tho principal chapel attached to the Gray Nunnery. At that honr the stms enter the chapel in prooos-. sion, They kneel in ,the body.of the obttroh r re citing In coucert the office appropriate to the hour. After remaining /ome time in silent meditation, they arise and. retire. With strangers watching them they appeared to he ehtiroly unconscious of the fact, for not an eye, even for an instant, was turned on the spectators.. After the nuns leave tho ehapol, tbo r strangers generally pass through the .establishment. Wo saw little sewing whilo engaged in!] childish prattle. We saw boys from two years up to twelve playing balL— some playing with kites—and oil as happy as larks.; In anothor room .we saw agod women sleeping in their' choirs; others knitting, othors, carding wool. In yet another room, old men engaged in suitable call ings—some loitering about the-doors, and others, entirely helpless, seated in chairs, which were wheeled from place to place at tiio wish of the patient.' During our visit we saw those in the latt atogo of oxiatence, many of them very young, lying In beds with ministorlng angels by their sides, con soling them in tbeir alHiotions, and cheering them on their ’-journey to Heaven. The rooms for.the aged and the bed-ridden are so constructed that by opening folding-doors*.; the chapel is exposed to view, and they can thus i hear Mass.and Vespers every day of ithelr lives; a consolation tq them of the highest importance.' When any ono of the pa tients dies, the body is decently and honorably in-' terred, and it is beyond the risk of surgical vio lence. The order, tho cleanliness, the‘quietude, the pnre atmosphere, the comfort of the patients 1 * the happy faces of tlio Sisters and the Nuns, all tend to make the member of tho Catholic church feel justly proud of these institutions, and tho Pro testant gentleman willingly expresses his admira tion. There are no alms houses in Canada. Tho poor, the old, and all who need help, are taken oaroof—not as if they were a harden, but as if they were a blessing which Heaven had vouchsafed. Each religious denomination takes care of its own. Tho schools, seminaries, and 'colleges'in Canada rank very high. In institutions in this city, chil dren receive a first-rate education without, any charge whatever. If thoir parents can afford it they pay a dollar per month; An Irish conohman who drove me around Mount Royal, told mo his daughter, seven years of ago, can road and write both English and French. I have visited Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyte rian, Unitarian and Catholic churches, and strange as it may appear, they are all superior to those at homo in architectural beauty and interior arrange ments. Tho pews aro all largo and commodious, each having a ledge on which to lean while kneel ing, hooks for hats, shelves for books, umbrellas, parasols, Ac. By-the-by, thqMothodist, tho Pres byterian, tho'Baptlst, and I believe, all tho Protes tant clergy here, woar. during Divine service, the black robes worn alono by the Episcopal olorgy at homo. Sinee'l have been in Canada I have seen in villages, churches that would be an ornament to any metropolis. St. Mary’s ChurCh, In a village on the road around Mount Royal, is beautiful, and once seen will never bo forgotten. No Philadelphian should leave this city without looking nt tho Court House.- It is an honor to Mon treal. It is built of stone, and ocoupies about tho same spacoasours. Itmuchrescmblostlio enstviow of the Capitol at Washington. You approach the entr&noo by ft lofty flight of stops, and ascend : td' tho second story by splendid stair-cases; The office of the clork of ono of the courts is largerthan all of our law offices put together.' Everything is systematized. Original papers aro hbro filed in stead of copies, and are deposited in fire-proofs. Tho papers belonging to each suit are enclosed in leothor wrappers, and buckled. All papers aro ufidor tho charge of an officer specially deputed for tho parposo, and tho most rigid caro is taken of them.'* The ‘court rooms aro fitted up with the greatest taste. The Criminal Court has a coll im mediately underneath tho dock, and when a oase is called tho defendant is brought up from the cell. The Law Library is decorated with paintings and statuary, and looks like an immense drawing-room. Suitable' apartments ore provided for the judges, the juries, witnesses and lawyers. Justice is here treated as a power In tho State. At home, judging from the apartments we have provided for judges, , juries and witnesses, she is despised. - The Victoria Bridge will, ia-tho course of two or throe months, bo completed. It Is two mlleß long, and when finished, will have cost seven millionj of dollars. OWTA!u.oo{i. pWßsseese^iiSiiiijainwgiip' ■' .! theweeex.y: pre«^, v ; Sn Sni ,to AMatften ir'V . naati(per edvaaA,) - ■^- T ?.. _fff a Throe Copies, M «.. •? . wSfr Five Copies - ** « " ******?*?** me* ■ TeaCopieo, " ** "-JL2 l£ ...UTitooneeUrea) IMS -addiei idfe v 3 \ , jj| .«ror» we vnmaM.'' *L CALI f ORW fA I>jutU.' ‘' £ * [Prom the Harrisburg m ’ ’ C omra on weal th ,01 ni&BaiiroadCompan; lost evening! hU'Hon lengthy, ’mieiring tfja points the court. . His shiic Becteinewand impoi . t)f money was invol dollars—together Jlh Ing the rights of SU\ had nf) precedent in* Oi'by.Jhfl StywemV <$ was therefore bound' U r regardleM of£ll jndial&yi by the feelipgoi;- the. tPO.doab.t that"! fate to 4 la Ofonr-din einfiicl United-StuteiTho'. B railroad froa -HdrrlaTAry^f^^A^^At^f■' • ’ theyahosH pßr # tdadule-t* bßWj»lttl«S» ■tb/aiid ■llootcdfttdbi)'.fd«< T- coming '. ■ v, fl«bl ft Lvi&j&Z’'*& maintain? fprt&sr,qoo tot ions, .wbdf Corn Mm) and,Com > are tower.. Cotton is doth .The, M Fenusri vacua. ?«otmng doing m Barley or Barley Molt worthy , of note. ; * J j. . . ..»' i -i • - *-« , PROVISIONS —The market haa been J3e. ana gom« choice »vtl3yl4«. .Cheese is scarce'at 1 . ■ . • MF-TAT-B.—Pur Iron is Jjnld firmlv, bnt the demand ii brau-d with sales of 1 COO tons No. 1 Antbrseitesr s9s, . No. l and No. 3at £2l on time. * Tn Scotch Pie no ' sales. A sale of Ch&rcnsl Blooms mefie atsco. 9 ’ mos.' Blooms, Bars, and Rails remain without change. ano Int Tanner's Bats is onchnnrad, . . and sales of Chestnut Oak are making at 911, Spanish is• i worth 913^cord- . , : COAL.—There has been a strike amen* the laborers • at. Richmond, and there, has b«en very little, doin? thla ' week; there'ia.however, no change to Bote iaprices, * uutthe demand continues limited. - ,• * .CANDLES.—There is’more doinr. and'Biles of£oo . tioxca Adnipantipe are reported at iBK«Pki d? 1 lh % four -» months. Sperm and Tallow Csndlea/continae.aa. last - TcfoFFEE.—'There have.been no further arrivals, and - the market is extremely qniet ? sales of I Rio are reported at 10s}1c.for common and -rood quality, chiefly - of the former description ; a'small lot of Laguayra at' 12c. and some Java at 15c lb. on tirao. ; COTTON’.—The market continues dull. There is a li mited inquiry from snmner*, with sales of 900 bales Up lands to note at 10ffil3c-£j* fc. cash, and Orleans at pMo for low ordinnry ar.d middlins fair qualities, most-.. ,The followmsr'ia the movement since the i*t of 9epr>, tember last* as compared with the ptevious three years i ; , - 1853. - 1858* 1857. . 1885^., Reo. at Port*. *£*7lo 000 - AOT&OOO 2,907000 9.492,000 Ex.toG. Sm’jn2,(jisomj , uwooo 1,422000 - »• France:.. 441 -000 - ' 413,000- 475000 “otherFPorts 6i3,000- .\393 000 ' 41200(L_ 630X00 - Total exports.. .2.909 000 3,677 000 £47 000 2,946 Oft) Stock oif hand.. .101000 SOOOO £2OOO «000 ■ ?Of which during the past week, included in the above t . Reo-atPort*-... SOCO -1000 3,000 . Ex. to G. Britain .20000 *4,000 6.000 1.000 - t‘ * ‘-France. 4 .;. 2000' • I,ooo' *• other F. Ports 2000 * 2000 1000 Tetalexports.... 2U»O 5 000 7000 'sooo Sumwary.—Receipts—lncrease, nt tho ports.compar ed with 1856,2J8.000 Dales. 33xports—Increase to Great Britain, compared with 2850. 69,000 bales; deoroareto - Prance. 38 000; Increase, to other foreign aorta. 23 000. , Total increase m exports. *64 000 bales. The stock oft -hand, and on shipboard not cleared in this port, was ee- . timate 1 at between Sfl 000 snd 37,000 bales. •DRUGS ANB DYES.—Thoro >s not much doinjt; among the sales we hotico- Seda >sh nt23£o3c; Csm nhorat26o; Beraamont, §S.37S-nnd Bengal Indicoat 31.15&1.G0, on timo; some Flake Manna sold at Wo fth, - .FEATHERS continue very dull, and Western at* - nominally hold at lh.- iFlSH.—Thore is very little inquiry for Mackerel, and but few arriving ; the snips arc mostly confined tn small lots from store nt bbl for old. and for ' ncwNo. 1-913^15.50 No; 3s; > a sale of now Fish made from the wharf at Slfl, &14. and §l9 ty bbl* Nothing doing" in Pickled Herring orCodß .FRUIT.—The market is bare of Oranges and Lemons. ‘ Green Apples ore arriving freely, and sell nt from §1.50 - up t«>§3so bbl. Peaches rnn?e at from 50c Up'to * §1.75 basket. Nothing doing in Dried Fruit, and prices are nominal.. •FREIGHTS.—There have been some further ehcare menta for Liverpool aC25a for Bark. I2s6d forOdCako, and la for Flour* and to London at 20s ton. To Suv Francisco tho rates are about nominal. A ship wa»_“ chartored to toad Deals from St John far Liverpool at 1 7fis ? to tho South tho asking rates are 8c & foot to New Orleans, to Mobile, and Cc .to Charleston and Sa- ’ .vannah. Tlicro is some littlo inquiry for Coliierant §1.35 W ton to Boston, §1.151* Providence, and 90 5960 * to New York. ' GINSENG.—There is no demand for either erode or : clarified, nnd prices aro cntirelv nominal. GUANO.'—There ia an increased demand* and very_ tittle Peruvian hero. Sombrero is soiling freely at §SO per ton. ✓ HEMP.—Thero is nothing doing, nnd little or no stock id first hands. .. ." ' . ' 1 HIDES ,continue dull* and for city slaughter prices are lower- In foreign no sales have been reported to sber auotnLons. HOPS.—We continuopnr former quotations, kayda 13c for old. The now crop is about coining into market. LEATHER,—There is a fair demand for Spanish sols ona slnuehtor, but common stock is not wanted. LUMBER;—'Trade ia very inactive; among the sale* we notice some Sap Boards at §14015* and a cargo of Flooring at.§l3.. and White Pine CnlUnce 8»»38 %r M. Lhthaand Pickets areselhnrat SI CO. r 155 for the former. ‘MOLAS.sEB continues quiet, but prioea remain with out chance} sales of 300 bhls Cuba at ISxtSto, and Musco- TMd at time. NAVAL STORES.—Common Rosin is quoted at §I.CO bb! i Nos. 1 and 2 at 8157&A350. and low crsdeNo. lat Piteh is Steady at fl“2. and Tflr at S2CO 452.75. Spirita.Turpf ntine meets with more inquirr. and prices aro firmer, with small sales at gal on. OILS are steady and firm, bnt the demand lor all kinds is limited, and Linseed is spiling atsfl*37c W pallon., PLASTER is- in good demand, and soft has been dis posed of at §3 4P" ton. , ..... „ . RICE.—The demand is limited, with sales of 100 casks at3sa«r4o ft. cashand time. . , , BALT.—Nothing doing, anti no arrivals to note this -Small sales of Credo at t'iaSHc W BM months. . . , _ . . SEEDS.—There in very littleClovorsocd offering, and it is wanted at Sfi.2sAs-.5Q ** bu 5 s'pady. and prime-lota a-e soiling at 52.70a2.754?' bu. Ac thing doine in Flaxseed 3it is worth 51.C001.63 bu. SUGAR-—There has been more i l n < t‘ ut ?' tr ?s n A 1 trade, and holders have put up their prices * uiteaorwo phrts at flfl'dSiC for Cuba, 7<3»/So ter Port® Rico and for New Orleans, on time. >«► SPlKlTS.—Brandies nrofield with more firmness. Ist the Bales are limited. Urn is quiet. New EnJana tom is worth 3j®3rc. whiakor has teen m pood demand and on the ndvauco ; sales of Ohio bbis at - J voTnJai°e t0 P TnfIACCO-Foth I.oaf ami Manniactured nrepmet, ofTforthe New. York auction sale. ‘NVoW®.-Tl Jmarkot ia firm,tho stocks in tho.hnrola „r ,ho rlnaler« bain, loss than At tho Mine ronod for «ma 9 TAftrs csstf and mout of the clip has passed from hands ? of 45,000 ibe are reported. liteT&Vo*°?r ,n,ls WKo v .