; ; SJ-Kakertom Chicapro; ;1 V* I> a SmucWr, St Ltwl* • ■,MeTlflti^teiiifStlfcod^ :.x| : VlSs^giS^S^^fl .} M«OJ UeQbttouti&X&VXKß mtSfflUe&rspi~Mi .«& t£S&M&stSjtlimio£ FRANKiaNMu* K -^^ tti ;^.'TW.' #sss&^MpliaBfiw®ivpi MMWMm jaSMaaßSaaßa^g w m ¥nn*i BavannSh^‘tf” c £tt^i»rtM«S»^.6ft’2y:Ti' k U j Siono dc stm, whMltitg^7Ji4»rMr(«ftmr»:K !'■"v 7: Broofcs.ij J ;;l r< V-v : v £Steeie, Port Jervis-Vi' •'- - €i**,Fienslii*toa, * MjlFiaanw* »•* >m r m“J aoss t Buck* cO <nd BANSQM,Btar y.v;lt* /. - f gnu M«^iSESS!SSiSISSiBcESSoB. ;M^pbM»Sg' Jiwawal! ai I o|eloefc; Prayer ineconS/iwf-tho sormon,. _. . It, _ j ta&’hepu&li&atMpWjaUy'invUed to attend the services iKe»ctM*hfaii&fl e?erygu*day.: AU*he*6flts. are.free. *, ifctedtoAtteurii? Art' earnest invitation gtt#aded ; to‘»ll yko ftei iriferestadw nrenwO!*' MeetwssV endothefr means ■mtion to-advance the fiaUsddf.C&irisb.i tswiltctMireKr.reutive trtthev&rimis Mr. JAMfciS GRANT* mutts*'.an Ewaysi mu re*dtM,E«tt* 49 Jfwtedd/iw-A domraittM mil iteWW^^i^wMljdyo.of tricta* |^«^ r yM^j^>;°*^;w i tiTOofiit,intiug^aig •STATISMEJiT'O'F./Tlre'tJsriOS-BANir' gogfit off LSniu and Pifcaunt*:.. /. ..v; :; » ,P«*from V. s .'c4'‘ r 3oJB3 69 w®,". t -«6t»rT, Pablo... T° A WESTERN 4 v77'-r'7 i WINDOW SHADES, • •.’••,. 3 .• .-. ,-5 :V-;- ■'■'■ P-';■ J! W WDCWliCiiAripS, -I .' •.-; •'< ;.'■ '•'• -. , ' ; - fc],-:fl^''>;rft4«ic^CUllTA!(NB, oa .v, i;-!,i , i 44? GY 1 'l-it.ir fryEf* ;tow ,;.-,v.i v>?;■■>,•, ■ e TB^T, ?4i:-^i^^^CUs?Kpj[ l i.BTii.t?7:.sT*^T,-.': OfTanifor mspefltiontobbyeWafull Uheof the above tj; 4-4': i : *r. vr. ’- :|^ : . ; w!e-A : K, of >. fnaitMiNds, ]?-P' , v~44: I' - vkj. '7*:}'J'-vX- /. : *'■;* * : -‘; '■;' ’' •■•• • £■4:4"': •’ 4' * ■ t;: ; |i 6kTAckAGB.7 : >4'->’■ ;. 7?Mxa!6B^pMAi4 44 V;.: •. WM’ tr.i « 'JViKf'ifVi -:or ' jv ; 3.. :;9,-' Hth-ivi . ■ » RjY i a 0.0 DS, ..7 r,;.j •'n.'i.'u ;48p MARKET STREET, ■/ •is.! &.nr>lJitvelS:(Am»;A;etiiii»lotarliiie!of ; nh-tt- I jß;tf R a», 8 Til 0.0 ns i expressly vritha yiewto the intereets of ; ' V ;TAw)4cJi,.lii,y reaped tfilllr ‘nvite. the attention of Ac TOPaod.'aod order* wiii beexecuted pynrapUr, atitho u .< , , ~ - * ■ »j, >: au*.Bn) RATES. = Ws r .'AtrfcTlpW. DRY- GOODS.' V ’•£. if - 8.. '& '<36..v,.-, JlRlilffl&, 7ABNOH/AND AMERICAN ;; i'7,;-.--V -".J'yl';-'-' A!4D‘" -v-. ». *v>-. *• t- 4 ■/'- f■. • k;, i s \ ;; s ,'u' -.:MO"''3'IO":M'XRKET BTREST, - FHILADEI.FHIA. ? CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, Ao. { ;; \ •.HOARPET-MANOPAOTtIRERS, ‘ s> '7 -j 4oi^^MW,!MItAA^RMANTOWN.. •' 4 ; .v -_,_4 '7'7; .' ■' 744' > _,;';-.‘cM,7oloyhs, MATTING. RUGS. &C. . ... :J?JUBXBpyBKltt> CHEBTNDT ST., ffiJlc-., (Oyt'o.iteß'dStae#House.)- .If? wax 3Uy*w«:ig*>33frr» anaai pagi)y.4>j»ea&d when desired; ®¥SWW®i}&tXETCHWoiiTH,'- »$■ vMmTODiaMWrSMi jEO ADD ‘JW a l f|^l> , “p“i/br SliietW;; , i^^sss^ tmf ': 1 -■* - J ?B«tMy«WOTaCSMinu(, *fV , j»^®J sc ®?’" ctwek abqv}to. m aIABKET BTfiV" ’- pure Con* #wflteji AU6«M». do old Mto : . and for •ate &;. -u ; , ; AHCtt i : r*-^:t>»g«^pw^riced.^Oi l r XOO i msm^MSrn,Mt- W*;-i|b!#Hr»H»» sate fey. i H&tTj lihds,; mH fjrf Kri'NJsu'. a u various wS®I^eK®K{3SC!- arrived JfEW'PBHWCATIOIVH. s v < BY.'TIIEAUTIIGROF * '4. ' &X. ua b p ie4 r> fc ' b'r dt ‘h e"*r s 3 i MANKWNjs&jtyRE;, YORK,' ..... pu fiii isu,Tms day: ... ; 5 - Ah <.•-** \ j ,‘j rir.j .' ;A ,Lip. FPB, A LIFE.. ■;. : \, , , A NOVEL,. . , Vli .,. )B. , , i/JBfiKISS MIJLOCII, , ! Author of “ JoUuHn!idu,*GohtleWd,” “OHra;** (.The Ogilvies,” “ The. of the ;Fanulr^'/* AvilUgnt” { “Agatha's Husband,” “ A iloro,” , ? r; -4 ''* -v l \/r l feWi'c.. ’• ’-' '' >' *y*Sent post-paid to< any port of the United States on receipt of Fifty Cents* au2Q-2t MORJIONS* -, ; TWO JIQUHSJ (BRIGHAM YOUNG. T B f E?i>'Al il Y T R IBU N E > j SATURDAY, AUGUST 20iu, ContainstliAreportofonintorview.between ',, : . BRIGHAM YOUNa AND MR. GREELEY, Touching tW ReMgioii. AciVof the. Mormons,, ' , . ! : 2 I E BEE f ' QAtE. , s All of Mr. ttaBßt.&r’« bverland’ Lottera'a'ppear in the Semi-Weekly, and; Weekly, Thibune, aa well earn s tho Daily. ' J ‘ - L '' % L •-■ • * '•; 1 „‘TERMS j ~1)aily Tkibuxb, Sd; s3?t >WEE»fLY TAiiBU.Yg, ' For Cltib'Tdrma aee Tribese' of any date. Specimen.punjbers sent on application. iAddross - Ii'rrHORAOE’GREELEY.t Co., a«2o'lt Tribune Buildings, New York. f rpm PORTRAIT, OF PAtTE MORPHY '' r ffiid'lht TllUsirnteS Netn's of the. World. ■■• - j !. THE PORTRAIT-OF, JOHN B, GOUGH, and the Illustrated News of the WorM, }Or 'nn\/ l 'hf the itul-enxraved Portraits, with Memoit, bubVisbed with. the. Illustrated News of the,World, will ba sent, post-paid, to any part of the Untied States, on f'Shli“4S^^^o4 r lffi^! n ßlf6wy4 9 a 1, .; 14HanoveratreetcBoston, Mass. 4--! • nu2o-afaith4t- Gaut &.,yoLK3iAR, ; ; \ SUCCESSOBB TO n. COWPKRTHWAIT k CO", • . ,' No: 609 CHESTNUT street, • “ “ •* ' ', l 4,' ‘. „ , Above Sixth, north side, i Have foreale the following fiat of New Books, together with a very latitd andporoplete assortment of-Booko in • evorydepeirtrnentofLitoratuns. t, ■ -•. ,;. -r STAND ARB < AND MISpELX.ANKOUS, • nf r%, i H li n lst Corinthians, chap.lith. Delivered VffTirKTREE OFT.iFE, Which Istha mldstbf the Paradise of God. By WKliiin Moms.' . 1 ■ Also, a fine assortment of STATIONERY., .. «. B.r-Tpachers ond the. Trade;. We. are now pre pared tn fumTsh Who csale and Retail. CUTTER’S PHaosoraii fj 0. EVANS' 'BOOK' LIST.—ALL ,VA • Books are sold at the lowest prices,' and a hand some. GIRT, worth Jftwa»cents to #lOO, la ffiven with each book at the time of purchase. ‘ . jfEWBOOKS. W LIFE OF COL. DANIEL BOpNE. Tho .Kentucky -Pioneer.. ’ ‘ ’ ; -' i i:.- ' ' One volume, llmoy cloth. Trice 81. LIFE OF.LEWIS WETZELV The,Virginia Ranger. \ One volume; Wmo., cloth.* P-nce #1; ;. L 4 LIFE OF COL. citOOKEXT-- The Mighty itunter. - One volume. Umo.. cloth. Price SI. - ■ > 4 THE ORPHAN, GIBLW.4 A -Tale oi Southern Life. * One volume. 12m0.. cloth. Price #l. < ~ ' PERILS OF FAST LIVING; Or? Three per cent, a Month. ' ” • One volume, 12m0.. cloth. Pries #l. J - . BEAUTIES OF ‘-WOMAN’S FAITH. A Southern Tale, , ~. : . One volume,'l2irto., cloth. -Prioo #l* • -- -• i PXOTOaES OF c6uNTRY yLIFE. By Alic« Cary. OnevolumOiliJmo., cloth. Pnes SI. - SPARKS'FROM k LOCOMOTIVE, By Colonel Ful ler* .iri-vAI-L: ■ ‘ : SBBtim&tiilSSU ?hn^PoU M m.n. ' By tlis Rev, It - One volume, lftco.,cioth. . Price SJ. ■' -* f> ALL THE NEWBOOKS and a GIFT, worth from »cent* w «i», amirr with baoh >t v f - r m-’ GIFT BOOK.ESTABLISHMENT, •■ i an3o-8t No. *B9 Chestnut street, Phila. J■ UST' - P %,, 1;S; HE. p. „'„6pM»nSNi'AHY"(jN-THE EPISTLE TO THE GEPHESIaNS—ExncaXAtOBY, Docysijial, and , With a Senes of Questions. ■ By R. £; P&ttison. D.D., late President of Waterville College* Nmo., cloth:&s cents..- ; ’ This- the :very marrow of the psrel, unfolding, from a single epistle, tho.scheme of Divine mercy-through*Jesus Christ. It will instruct Young, disciples/, and-feed older sainLs: and thecues tions annexed will make it a useful textbook in Bible k’.YD WOKDS FOR ciiII.DREN, to Ouido tliom In the Path of Peace. By. Rev,-Harvey Newcomb,‘au - thorof*‘2fow tobcaMon/? “Harvestand Reapers.” , A rim’p°e°an*d bcaaflful exposition ofthadnetrinesand , duties of the Gospel, m language and with illustrations adapted to etukUen; , v . • ‘ ..'V We wish.every, mother would bur it, read it. and its contents. ;\o .bo. engraved on the hearts of hor : THEGPNEUBTIA. Tnn BißLai Its Divide Oaioix, lsspeoJitioN from Internal Evidence/ ' and thetestimomesof NatureiHiatory/and Science. By* - L. Gaussen. D. D,;New and revised edition, with Ana. ['• lysis and Topical Index* ,12m0.» cloth* 01. ''r ■' NEARLYREADY,.--/ ; THE PUIUTANSi or, fhe Court, Churoh/and Farha* ■; mentofEngland, during the reign ofEdword Sixth ; and KHiaHth*.By,Samuel Hopkins. 3 vols., Bvo. vol. NOVELISTS: AND THEm BTYI.ES. By ' ?M^o^ATl^j-Lr-' , ,-TMBa, CsLVXNrLATmRp;and Knox. Br J. Tullooh, ! HTst6'SF®. VINDICATIONSt or thn Province and ; Uses of Baptist. History. By fl. S. CuUm;, D.D. BEABY ON THESSin INST. IIIORAJ^:I>^SsOPHy. o JyJpßeph Havoni D. D.. »u -■.. -a'd'vtßtJiJi®hitrooirr, 4 • nul3-»y»St ~ K> WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON. IVEW rUBtIOATIONS. - ‘ , J®NDTt^fi.DS,FOR: CHILDREN, to. Guido. thcm in the Path ’’a O COMMENTARY, ExplatictOTV. anti Sical.'mi the -Epiatle to the Epae«ans« By IL J3.' wa,D.D.,12m0. 83conta. * ..i .t.rt ‘ ELVE LfiOTURES on the Great Events of Un )d Prophocyi.wnfch Me approaepini their fulfil* By Bov, fismeP/Labash,. 12rao. 03. : BEYOND. By Hagh S. C&rpouter. l2iuo» Work* of Philip LimUley, D. D. Volume 1 now ie ß^ ir B - VJa S;tT mme R : b p o k:s . LOVE-oSmOUR.) Tranalajeilfrom M. Michelet’a great Frenchwbrk. The unprecedented success of this last book, by the celebrated Michelet, is surprising. Edition alter edition is called I or, Booksellers throughout the country are re ordering it in larse ( quantities. ’’Praised by some, and Condemned by othersi it Is .the ‘ sensation' book of the d^y. w One volume,l2 mo,;.Muslin. Price #l* ; UP UtAWADDJT. -V a new and elegant editiotf.with Illustrations. Of this' piquant book of tr&vetahdttdveoture.bj DoctorT&lmer, {translator of L’Amour.) critics onbotir •toes or tha. Atlantic have clinracterinea it-ae the most’ striking volume of travel since Kinglake’a "Eothep. ISmo. Muslin. -Price ‘ ->S;- FKRSONALRKCOLLECTIONS l \ AMB LUTION. “ A Domesiie’DiaryVby sCienjy man’s Daughter* of the ' events which occurred in a neighborhood on Long Island daring-the-War of the-Hevolutton.- Prepared irour&o tual manuscripts pfhome events never before published. :Tbe N.eW-YorkXfcaiWr 1 . ppeekiuff Of “ this unexception able little antique-looking vrilumoi*‘ Bayethafe” never before have we beau introduced so closely to in appa 4rently womantjf .the Revolution; and ' never before have we had .its cruelties Aimor slrata :g*ira» and heroisms so forcibly shown.'’ ..One volume* •antique,l2mo.v6lft BOOKB-OLD BOOKS--OLD BOOKS. states that he bas freauently for eale.booka orbited between tbejrearsl47o and ißpOt early ,fJaUiofts<;f the Fathers orthe Eejormcrs andofine Pur ritan.P»vines}mXflir,Brftetoti»4/rttleton/rnfrcndorff, . Grotius, Dowat, Coke, Hal@, the.year-Books. Reports, , Ac.r;are often to be found ou hie foeires; CroJpppdiM, Lexicons, Cjaaaio author®, History, Poetry. “rhi!t«pphy, Science, Political Economy, Government! Architecture. .Natural History,.Treatjsesupon'Cnese and otherlrindred euhjectaare beingctmtinukUy.dealt in by him, Books, - TSAR^STS ■ - jokn Campbell. . rsss—— ■— —a—■————————— .4)1 I,.■!..NOTICES. -TfcEPARTMBNT OP PURL IC 5 HIGH- B. W. corner or CHESTNUT and ;-{ (>■ iKV*. t PjllLADßlrVmA.AtigilSt 30.1829. - NOTick'tn costßACtonS.-'-Sdaled Proposals will-be received by the undersigned.,at the omoo,.until 12 o’clock.Mi September 32,1863, for tfie eonstruotion df the following Culvertsi •' ■ 1 „One on the lids of‘Wharton street', between Fifth and, Sixth streets..to.be of Brick, 2 feefcin diameter, ’• , One on the hoe of Bansom Mreetj betweenTwentleth Ahd Twenty-fourth streets, to be of Brick, S feet in dia meter. ‘ One on the line of Eighth street, between Coatee street .and a point 200 feet nortliol'Brown streeu to be of Brick, 22 inches in diameter- 1 - ' t eU bidders are invited to Vie present at the open-, /inrof Proposals offered on said day, at 4 o’clock P. AL • ■s Specification* maybe obtained tit the Deportment of SutTgy?. ,'1 ; .... JOSEPH SHANTZ,. , 1 au2o-tse32 ■ . » Chief Commissioner of 1 t- JlR'.i JAMES IIANSELL, ' HAVING ■ lETIRKD from business, begs to request all par t?ir r. v r« left Jewelry at Watches at ms Store, No. ® T M|f timn. mSbSm& SEEKING EMPLOY mbHcMI™. for BUuntirma , 551f.J’™ ce * , ‘U a^0 fuuy rrccarod or EDMUND wrio. .LEY,Conveyancer.No.laiS. FOURTH . nu2oSt*i WOOLD DO WELL BY KENSIL, U 9 N> NINTH St.. .ftbQy® '"®, tbsirokl garments- made to look equal to neWfby cleansing or dyeing end repair ' dftgt 1 - - • ••' " • ■ au»-2t* , SONEY.-tA siDfiil., lot, of very superior’ \ Cuba Honey/in tterMfc Ic store and for-sale; tlM' CHARLBEr' W^KUTetreet. THE PRESS.^-PHH,ADEtJ*HtA, i ‘SATCRDAV; ! AWsttST^*' TB^i 1 ' 185!). >i • 1 • v ;18594 • FIRST FALL OPKNINd OP. BONSETS AND ■ M'IIj34iNER;Y GOO IDS. i " , STERN & FREEMAN, ' ! : 730 CHESTNUT STREET, WiiA OPEN 'THIS .DAY Ah unsurpiUsed variety, ami at tho closest prices, Fall Stylesof*' u i J '’ ;.. FANCY, VELVET, SATIN,' l ' , STRAW AND TIBQUE BONNETS, BONNET. MATE 7 ■i 51 t RIALS, RIBBONB; RUCHES/ > 1 ' FRENCH A AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, HEAD-DRESSES, BLOND, LACEBt STRAW TRIMMING CHF.NELLESi f T ( o which they would ihvite the attention ofi Wholesale Buyors., - ‘ •>’ c -4'; ', 4 i/V ''au2o-st-6fc 1859. trade/ 185 9 # ; ■ AGAED & CO., ,323 MARKET STREET, , WHOLESALE DEALERS , * IN < ’ - 5 ’ , HATS, CAPS, FURB,. . ~ . v . BONNETS, RUCHES, FLOWERS, Ac., Have now in etore a full stock of Goods, to which they invite the attention of first-class buyers. au!s-2m* 6QT i. s. cpsTBR, . 607 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE GREEN, Has now in stord/and is daily reoMvihg and manufactu ring a large assortment of WHITE AND COLORED FANCY LACE BONNETS. Also, a largo assortment of * FRENCH LACE, TRIMMINGS, TISSUES, AND - ! - , MATERIAL FOR FALL BONNETS. Also,' a full lino of Ribbons, Flowors, Feathers,Bonnet Silks, Velvets, Satina, and nour-shapod Bonnet Frames. au!7-6t* MARKET STREET. i 8188 6 NS, ' ■ Ofsvatykiud.ioimmen.aVMiet,; NISW BONNET materials, ; bqnn At, velvets, satins, 08,0 DE NATS, LININ’P SILKS, ;, ' ; 7 ENGLISH CRAPES,of ihabeetmakes, ■'FRENCH * AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL., 1 I . FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, fcd Also, newest Fall slylt* of ■ *.■, • ;6TSAW AND. PANOV BONNETS, .. And STRAW GOODS,' of every description, Nov open,''slid presenting altogether tWinost coin cide stoekof MILLINERY GOODS in thie market. . Morehante and Milliners from every eeotten of the country are cordially invited to call and examine our •took, which we offer at the , , CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ROSENHEIM, .BROOKS,. A 00., anlO-thovl ' ' J 431 MARKET STREET. >725 CHESTNUT STREET, LINCOLN, WOOD & NICHOLS, Invite the attention of the trade,'speeially'cash and short*Sme buyers, to their . UNEQUALLED ATTRACTIONS FANCY AND STRAW. BONNETS, RIBBONS, / FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Ac., Ac. N. B.—Our -Fancy Bonnets'are ail made on our own premises. aull-3m HILLBOEN JONES. Importer and Manufacturer of FANCY SILK AJTI>e , . STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, , , FEATHERS, RUCHES, Ac' '■ The attention of City and Country Deslere is invited to a largo and varied stock of the eliove goods, at • 433 MARKET STREET, aufl-3m Below FIFTH. FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. IJJoOAULEY, BROTHER, & BREWSTER, S 3 NORTH FOURTH STREET -•HOSIERY. ; . GLOVHB, FANCY GOODS. * Webaveafineatook of Imported and Domeatio Goode, particularly adapted to . SOUTHERN TRADE, To which we invite tho attention of fint-clMt buyera. . &06-3 m ' ; jgCHAFFEK & ROBERTS, lIOHIERYi GLOVEB,, - ’ SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, AND TAILORS’TRIMMINGS; aus-3m f| DUHRING & GO.. Noe. * and 38 NORTH FOURTH BTREET, , Are now teoeiviug, by aueoessive arrivals from Europe, • THBIR FALL IMPOKTATIONS ; T ■, or ’. : ' ENGLISH A!® OBRMAN II O SI E R Y . , . .GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, 7WQOLiJE3S7 YARNS. MACHINE SEWING SILK AND THREAD, AadeoUoit an inspection of their complete and well ■. aasoned stock, Jyll-am. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TQ SOUTHERN AND rtSTTHWESTERN TRADE. jgURNETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, : '4 4'' ' • / M ■ , Above FOURTH, North side, , : v , FANCY DRY GOODS, ' OFTHBmOWHINrOBTATION and seleotton. whioh they bfler for sale to buyers from all parts of the Urn tea at&tes, ou the most reasonable terms*, aub-3m - 1859 - i SITER, VAN ODLIN, & GLASS,. . 4 HD - ~ , ■ • WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, Era, - ’No. ,423 MARKET STREHT, ' ‘ i ‘“ auS-lm ! AUov* FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA. JJJABTINS. PEDDLE. & HAMRICK. ' Importers and dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, • NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, _ Five doors below the Merchants’. Hotel, Offer for sale the most complete stock of Goods in their line to be found in the United States* consisting of . 1 HOSILIiY, of every grade. 1 GLOVES, in three hundred varieties. . pNpERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. . ' • LINEN-IlOSOftl SHIRTS and COLLARS. ,< ( LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFB. k SRIRT FRONTS. / ‘ LADIES’.ELASTIC BELTS, with , clasps of en tirely new,designs,.with an.endless variety of NO- P? SMtfWrr BUYBSi). aoft-9m, ' t : CHINA Affl> QIJEKNSWAKE. ipURNBULL. ALLEN. ;, & co., • NOB. 33 AND,33 SOUTH FOURTH BTRBET, IMPORTERS: , ‘‘ ‘ AND ■ , > Wholesale Dealers in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. 'r : . , PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. ' KTMdrohants supplied with Glass at Manufacturer’s prioes. 1- ’ r ’ auo-2ra JJOYD & STROUD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, ''Have now on hand a complete stock of ■ QUEENSWARE, ’■ GLASSWARE, nm! ' FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHINA, At their,Or,p Stand, No. 3S;NORTH FOURTH ST„ tWSi^°o?^n r B®U'E C Bt;Yits. h snvtl ° lr Adepts toe Fittabdeo glabs, ’ bes-Siu rpRUITT, BRO.. & 00. . IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DHALERS : ■i' HARDW A R E, ' dijTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ac., 520 MAHKET STREET. 520 ' i HBLOW SIXTH, NORTH 81D^, ' •! ’ PHILADELPHIA. jJo^relhenszey&cos , HARDWARE,' CUTLERY, AND GUN WAREHOUSE. NO. AST MARKET, AND 110 COMMERCE STS., au6-3m PHILADELPHIA. G. D. CAPS, FOR BALE AT THE LOWEST RATES, ‘ ERASMUS O. PRATT it BRO., KUI-tutba'lS) 1 80 BANK STREET. MILLINERY ! GOODS: FALL TRADE. 489 MARKBT STREET, IMTORTERB AND JOBBERS HARDWARE. AT REDUCED PRICES, THIRD-STREET JoiIBiNGHOUSES QHAMBERS & C ATTELL, NO. 38 NORTH^THIRD STREET,'FHILADELTHIA, IMFORTE'RB'OF'' 1 1 FRENGH GAIjF SKINS, , . - ’AMD'> • ; • , OF 7 - . C/TY/CALF AND KIF Moroccos and Linings, Oak and Red Sole Leather. aus-im '' -- • . • & MAGrINNIS. ' I imforTers and wholesale dealers IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SHOE TH R EAD S, FRENCHjANDBNGLISH lastings. -and SHOE-MANUFACTURERS’ ARTICLES: Sewing Mnohine Silk, Thread hnd Needles. a'ente for N0 ‘ 30 MORTH t HIRD BT., .’'"uFFIELD’S PATENT BOOT-TREES. aus-3m JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & co„ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOO DS, Nos. 83 V * 841 NORTH THIRD Bx., XSOVE RACB, ■ ' * ' < Would now inform their customers and the trade gene 'rally, that their atook this season will bo • . .... UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE. ’ . aoS-Jra JUNGERICH & SMITH, 1 - WHOLESALE GKpOERS,:. NO. 43' NORTH. TH.IRD STREET ■ W-fioney, and Covering’s Syrup always ou hand, *' ,aus.2in • . , 7 BARNES, & CO., FUBLIBHEHS.AND DEALERS IN ;MISOELLANEOUS, SCHOOL, AND 1 r!.. blank-books and Stationery,. NO.3T NORTH THIRD BTRKET.BELOW ARCH, : 4 ’ DR. EMMONS' NEW AMERICAN MANUAL OF GEOLOGY. mshas^rt^ JJENDBY & HABKIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND ARCH STS., PHILADELPHIA. fJTHOS. MELLOR & 00., NO. 8 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS OP ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN ; HOSIERY, aLOVBB, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, Ao 'ftug-3m Petku Sibobk, Wm. S. Bsibd, Jon.* WrB«T, Jacou Riboki, D. B. Ebvis. JJIEG-EL, BAIRD, & CO., (Late Sieger, Lamb, k C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or DRY GOOD S, No, 47 North THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, OUR FALL STOCK 1* now complete in aU ita departments, and ready for Buyors. Prompt paying Merchants from all parts of the Union are respectfully solicited to call and examine for themselves., au3-3m YARD, GILMORE, & GO., NOS. 40 AND 48 NORTH THIRD STREET, ' IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILKS, RIBBONS, DIIEBS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LACES, - EMBROIDERIES, Ac] HOSIERY, a LOVES, MITTS, AND SHAWLS. sus-3m . - 1859. PALL trade. 1859. J. T-4 WAY & GO., IMPORTERS. AND-JOUBERH > o» ■ DRY GOO DS , NEW MARBLE BUILDING, NO. « 8 . . NORTH THIRD STREET. ■ We offer, by the package or piece, lo CASH ORBROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS, A very large and attrsetivo Stock of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS. Purch ‘ ers will find our .took well assorted at all sea sons of ne year. J. T WAY,: JAS. H DUNLAP, WM. P.WAY, tauS-Tm] GEO. P. WAY. . GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Q.SNTLEMEN’S FURNISIUNG GOODS as©4 TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. LONGOOPE & PEAROE,- ' NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Have now in store a full assortment in their line, to' which they invite the attention of their customers and buyers of each goods.' aus-fm JW. SOOTX—rlate of the firm of 'Win • cheater k Scott—GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and tfllißT MANUFACTORY, 814 ifHESTNUTStreet, (nearlyopposite the GirardHouse,} rhiladelphia. *' • . . . * ' 3. W. 8. -would respectfully call the attention of his fonuer patron* and friends to ms new store, and is pre pared to fill ordefs for BHIRT6 at short noliee. A ierfeot fit guarantied, wholesale ‘ Trade supplied with ine Shirts and Collars. ■ - iySI-ly , PEHTiinzEns, rjfO FABMERS'. FHOSPHATIC GU ANO FROM SOMBRERO ISLAND, WEST INDIES. THE RICHEST FORMATION OF PHOSPHATE OF ’ LIME KNOWN IN THE WORLD. It contains over 80 per cent, of Bone Phosphate of Lime, being 60 per cent, richer in Phosphate of Lime than Bone Dust. FOR SALE BY THE TON OR CARGO, AND TO FARMERS AT, $3O PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. . JOS, B. HANSON, . Sole Agent in Philadelphia, aull-thsm 2m No.liW North WATER Street. CRACKERS. gQSTON OBAOKEHS. JBOND’S,EXTRA CRACKERS FOR FAMILIES. gmoMBM, “onA BwomT;,, clftol pic nio ;; ;; TGhsl’WctOT “ glahamwafers. EXTRA PILOT BREAD. , We are constantly receiving is celebrated make of oranker*, fresh from the Bake ' * in Barrel., boxes, and tine, ' U. TREMOR, Aceht, aul-lr , I« SOUTH-WHARVES. HARNESS, BRIDLE LEATHER, Ac. jyj c BEATPI & BROTHER, CURRIERS AND LEATHER DEALERS, 433 DILLWYN STREET. 1 ’ Below Willow street,' Manufacture to order, and keep constantly,on hand, EXTRA FINE BLACK AND RUSSET BRIDLE. SHAVED AND WEIGHT HARNESS, SKIRTING, TRUNK LEATHER, Ac., Ac. aulß-flt* ' • ' • • ' nO L E SALE SADDLERI , MANUFACTORY, r M. J. LUKENB, & CO., No. 312 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have on hand a general aeeortment of Snddieß. Bridles, Herne™, TrnnW, *o„ suitable for the ftmthem and - western trade. , . ' tuiB-lrn CIGARS, TOBACCO, &c. mbeinq,; 140 SOUTH KRON^STREET, Hw In store and bond, anil Offers for Sale, a Large -Assortmentof CIGARS, Rsoefveil direct from HRV6nn,of ofioice and favorite Brands, * *’ attf-tf ExcunsioNS. RAN 1), >.BX 0 URsToN~r"^ , op tub l .: - ,; STATE, EENCIBIjES, CAI*T. JAMES PAGE, '. : • TO NEW YORK BAY AN® STATEN ISLAND; Monday, august so, laso. JJECK’S• CELEBRATED .PHILADELPHIA BAND WILL ACCOMPANV EXCURSION. S?io. ko cwSl' fIS, ■ I'^i^.’inclumnsDinner, o ;B"“yea v ea WALNUT-STREET WHARF at 615 r»,?;, , 1 0 J fets Cftn .} > ® "blamed of any of tho membere of the rm^n'^To-ul 0 c °n'imttoe, atfho ARMORY, Np, .105 T Streot) ovomtt* until the Excursion. MM™' EXCURSIONS • TO' THE SSEA-SPORE.—Fira and Military Companies, Literary Societies, Sunday Schools. Lodged, Cornet Banns, and Associations venernllv. desiring to fipaml trains on tho CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIG RAILROAD, for Atlantic City,ca n'ihoka thane" cessnnr JNO. G.BRYANT. YIAH-Street Wharf, I>etween the hours nf a Rntl 3 and 6P. M., or by camtijr at the Office Slotea&SPSSJ^lkPl 61^ * r - nt ':C»®6«n/kw o «> Excursion trains leave Vine-street wharf at 6 A. M.‘, and reach Atlnnttc Citv in three-hours: returning. lea%*e Atlantis City at half-past 5 P. M„ am} reach Phi ladetphia .before 0 o’clock, tltus-nffordin* the exau”- stonists ci«ht hours ou.the'Sea-Shoro for sporting; dancing, and bathing, , v il??i? UM, i m J^ 0u 5. |,,,f loc ?, tcd trfthin two blocks of tho bead ~and directly ft!) tho railroad. are always onon fe r ''■‘.l'orf wlula lulnn* and wiVmg;ve,”,!, VnKl ways bo had at tho railroad,,wharf, thus enabling visitors to stop froni tho cars into boats and enjoy* Ocean'' 01, ' AbBoCom Bay * through the Inlet, of bn tho Tho view from tho shore is beautiful. Frequently two thousand persons—lovely women, stalwart .men, and pretty children—are. to be seen sporting amid tho breakers; while ft short distance to sea are to been hun dreds ofvessels ploughing their way through the rolling dosp., The ride to Atlantic is vory. pleasant, the cars passing through tho beautiful town of Haddonfield, tho youutf cities «?f,Hammonton rind Egg Harbor, and tho ancient village of Absooqm. From Alwecom to Atlantic, adistancoai seven miles, tho railroad is laid upon tho unit meadows; *> -> ■ > - rr w u w This Part of the trip »e trulr delicious, for while in haling the pure salt air from tho ocean, and listening'to the breakers’ roar, the visiter is favored with a beauti ful view of ;At!nntio C}ty,.its spires, cupolas, light houses, hotolft, ftwUpttagos. - WbW * Parties wishing to engage special trains should make immediate application, as nearly every day jn August is already,engaged. . J 1 M a ■ The f&Te lor tho round trip ranges from DO cents to 31.50 per head, according to the number of passen ger*: ; ; ,i . - it V: MiM' 1 ' gQUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS CAN REACH THE BEA-SfIOBJB TWO AND A HALF,.HOURS. TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET WHARF FOR ATLANTIC 4 F. M, ON SATURDAYS, & 8 A. M, ON SUNDAYS. H SEE ADVERTISEMENT. ' Mmmam. jpOR THE SEA-SHORE. IN TWO AND A HALF HOURS. TRAINS LEAVE VINE-STREET FERRY DAILY AT 7« A. M. AND IP.M. RETURNING AT 6 A. M. AND 4.40 P. M. SUNDAr TRAIN TO ATLANTIC LEAVES B A. M., AND RETURNS AT 6 P. M. suG-lf ’ SEE ADVERTISEMENT. _ ij^4ii«lPSS|isi THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY ROW ISSUES EXCURSION TICKETS TO ; ALTOONA AND GRESSON QIC THS ! ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS, GOOD FOR FOURTEEN HAYS. Persons wishing to breathe pure MOUNTAIN AIR, seekers of pleasure, and all who desire relaxation from business, should taka’iulvanfcago of tbsn groat REDUCTION OF FARE, TO VISIT ALTOONA'AND CRESBON. Fug to Altoona nmUtoturn.... . S 7 u ;; ;; j« BEDFOrFsWUNOS rASSENOEftS’ore likewise furnished with tickets to Hopewell—the terminus of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad—where two daily lines of stages and hacks connect for the Sprints, Ticketsto be had at the • office of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company* southeast corner Eleventh and Mar ket , _ THOMAS MOORE, Agent. JyHMm LEWIS L. HOUPT, Gen. Ticket Agent. fSSi tayggqwmwtH i PHILADELPHIA HA,UUUD - Excursion Tickets to the following places will be is sued at the Depot. Broad and Vino streets, ou th« SA TURDAY of each week, to return on the MONDAY followi ng.vu i To Reading and back ..,$2 25 ' Pottstown do. 160 Phtßmxville do 1 10 Lebanon do. 3 60 rottaville do 3 76 By order or the Board, _ auO-lm , W. 11. McILHENNY, Secretary. SsSfl “ “"K 141 ' - ‘ “ NEW YORK, exWww la?* mw&s, AT 8 A. M- Steamers DELAWARE, Captain Cope*, BOSTON, Captain Sellew, , • _ KENNEBEC, Captain Hand, KoiTn a Daily Lluo between this city, Cape May, and New leaving from First Pier below Spruce street, V“ Ts ' '•'.wa-" 118 ° ,oi ™ k ' Leave New York,jBumbya excepted,) at...... AP. £l. Faye to New YoA, Cabin. ... .s*2 CO , * “ Steerage 160 Fare to Cape May, including Carriage Hire....... 76 " “ • Carriage' Hire M .. .. extra SCO ‘ , “ State Booms, extra «•.. 100 Freights for New York , and Cape May taken at low rate*. Goods destined beyorsd New York vail be foe* warded with despatch, free of commission, Jl< andsia soutii deEa^Sl'a^S^Uß. _ . for CAPE MAY, ON SUNDAYS. , „ . , . Dunng the “ Season,” a steamer wul leave for Cape May, on Sundays, at 8 o’clookA.AT. Returning, leave Cape May, Monday morning, at 8 o’clock. • je3o-tf RETAIL DRY GOODS. TVEW FALL GOODS!!! THORNLEY k CHISM, corner of EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Stfeetf. Have Just received a lot of BEAUTIFUL BATJN PLAID POPLINS. Rich Foulard Silks. Handsome Fall De f aines. New Fall Chintzes. Ac., Ac. .. Which art -very desirable and very cheap. BLACK SILKS AND FANCY SILKS IiI Light Cloth Raglans for fall w»ather. Nliawlfn Dusters. Ac., in *rortt variety. Good Fnmilv and Fronting Linens. A large stock of Domestic Muslins. Great quantities of Flannels. „Cloth«. Cawnneros. flntinetts. Ac., &o. CLOSING OUT MUCH.BELOW COST: Silk Mantillas. Lace Mantillas. Barones, Organdies. Lawns, Ac., Ac. . All Summer Goods of every description, Q BrTHORNLEY A CHISM, EIGHTH and SPRING ‘ , "'N‘. li.-WE BUY AND SELL FOR CASH.” au3o-tf Foulard robes. Handsome new doßigns long Dresses. , ■ Medium and neat Sv»\e». Imported by . SIIARPLKSS BROTHERS, _ , ftUH . EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. Lawn organdies and bareges. ■Selling at very low prices to make room for Au tumn Goods? '• SHARPLESS A .BROTHERS, aul! CHEBTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. TWEDIUM AND. DARK CHINTZES. XtX French and British Chintaes of new Styles and Colorings—both uoat dmujins and rich baquots. liti* ported by SHARPLKSS BROTHERS. null CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. ONE MONTH OP- BARGAINS TO CLOSE OUT SUMMER STOCK! ; '*ine ChallU reduced toizH And 16cents, taroge Napoleons and Double Bareges reduced tol3>* and 16 cotits. ■ .«, ' forego Rolies reduced to $4, $5, and $7 60. ifUquine, Ac., reduced from 87j£ to 23. . fine Lawns, Bareges, Crape Maretz, anu Taraartiuea, Lupin’s Wide White and Blaok Bareges for Shawls, Mantillas, Ac. Chantilly .Lace Mantles, reduced. fc'uper.JFusker Lace do. do. SHAWLS IN VARIETY, Black Silks, Hooped Slrirts, £atest style Frenoh Worked, Swiss, and Cambria Col lars, at 60 oents. . FURNISHING GOODR. . , wJ 2 - 4 HAMILTON SHEETINGS. . 4-4 WiUiamsville Shirtings, Baltic, Semper Idem, Ainoskeag, Ao. . . ■ < " Fine assortment Flannels, l2 cJTARlji^At)A^l 8 a«6 EIGHTHAndARCHBtffIetf. ¥?*RENOII LAOE, BOURNODS WITH •R* Capes, Points and Mantillas, (Alenoon,) all at re ducal WmIV^SIIIUM, WENCH LACE DOUHNOUS #frH CAPES,‘lfolnl. and Mantillas, (Cambray,)m great profusion, at reduced BLACK AJfD WHITE BAKE^E^CLOAKB* r ™ND Duater., o>»« M f g »en,on/,«the SUMStEB CLOAKS AND sVta^iJfodte P - •, . 708 CHESTMJT Street, ‘ Tho whole-of our stock is now offering’at reduced prices, preparatory to tho close of the season, , . J. W. PROCTOR & CO., ;J> i . 708CHE8TNUT Street jnLOTHS,, CASSIMBRES, &g. ‘ Fine Black Broadcloths. L^ucr’Cloths, light colors and black., ; , Fine Block Doeskins aud CassimereS. - .. „ Fgnoy Cassimeres. Vestings, and Satinett*. N. 8.-r Summer Stuffs selling cheap. Linen goods. Beat makes heavy and fit\e Linens, Spme cheap lorn by fhe-nioce or yard, Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Diapers, Breakfast Cloths, from 76c. to qjldu. Dming-tablo Damask Cloths. XXriLLIAMSVILLE. * » 'Wamsutta, and other Shirtings.’ < Wne and Inw-pnoed Shirt Bosoms, ■ BbeetiMS by tfye yard or piece. 1 - . Flannels, Hokingß, Ao. t Ac. ** ■ 7»»i WANTS, TIfANTED.—A, FIRST-CLASS SALES " "* MAN, in an auction dry goods jobbin? house, io one who cancojuniand »• cash and short-time trade: a liDors! snlarywlll bepaidi Ad interestin tho business yU|. be given lfjia prqyes himself worthy. Address L.W. S„ Presrpflioo. -, „ , , auSU-3t* • PARTNER WaVNTED.—The Advertiser „ is’desirons of disposing of his interest in a ssfo and prohtable rnanijiactunnf business. The amount of mo ney required will be four thousand dollars. Forbnrticu-' lorg address»*o.& C 0,,” this office. ; ; au3o-6t*. A Y&UNG'LADYj OF REFINED EDU CATION, wishes a situation in a Private Family/ -as Governess, or wou}u ,be willing to take .in chargen limited number of pupils. Address ** E.V” office of The, Trisa. -■ V » * f ' - mSMSP' , TVANTED—A.T’oi'terJ .u-ho etui furnish ~, ■ good.recommendations far sobriety and Addross ** U. (c Cou,»AFres< office. ? .auai-St* , AN: INTELLIGENT -LAD -WISHES A SITUATION in a *Wlio]Mftle House/ Con write aronnjMUid, oad u quick at.figures.! Address P. ,r this office., , .^2o^l* XS^ANTED—;By.a Young who hM •nVfi’ , i nd i woyears .«*»®deneo as Enfe Clerk Pry Uoods house, ii similar situation Irt^^whole^ale Alfred/ 1 office of this paper...;; ?t\r jVNTED—A compotchfc young or mid ’ v V.dlo-aged Manto lake charge of a Male School In fthoaichy location-in Misstssipei. Rood reference re quired. Apply to No. 23 North FOURTH St. auffl-3t WANTED—A Mali of good address as J ▼ TRAVELLING SALESMAN in a Wholesale Drug, Taint, and Glass House. Must have acknowledge of the business, and business experience' generally; ■ To a good, souer, and industrious man a liberal salary will he paffi. None but good men need apply. Address/* Bo* 2101/* Post Office. ' aul9-3t* TXTANTED—Two well-furnished coramu- V " nicatlng ROOMS and BOARD, fot ft'email fami ly.m a fashionable locality. Address WJJ. ELLWOOD, at this office. - __ mU9-2t* *VI^ANTED —To Ten Thpusand ,V " Acres good Farming Land, situated in Potawa tamie, Floyd. Mitchell, and other counties, in the State or. low*,, for Merchandise. Land in quantities to suit purchilsors. The Land bag been “located” four and five For further information, address “ Box 283,” Philadelphia Post Office. au!2-4t "IS/ANTED—fBy, a young Mari, a situation Vj tl in a‘Wliolesuile establishment, where he can make himself useful in the Counting-room, or aoen a very important agent in the qure oi CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr.Lounsberry & 00.,f0t a uumber of years past, and its xreat vvua \n the cure of Cancers is abundantly established by the many cures e JifS'cTOrULOUa *ir«M'on« its remarkable curative effect has never been equalled. It cures the most, otaD* m BCa\LD HEAD, mid all Eruptions of the Rkm,Toadily yield to a moderate use of this Medicino. Malignant Uloors end Sores are readily cured by the uce of a few bottles. ~, Prepared and sold by, , _ v . _ . MacNICHOL 6c BRq.,lLate» Lwmsbornr & C 0.,) No. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Aroh. Forsalo by the foHowiug Druggists: J, F. Long kCo., Lancaster; C.W.Kptmg,Fnttgvillo; J.H. Raser, Reading; S. B. j Stevens, Reading; T. &3. MoClintock. Easton J Jps. Given, West Chester; Win. Stabler, Norristown; Simon Rau,Bethlehem; Dr. Live zey. New Hope; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; Schmidt & Co., Allentown; bttit& Bell,’Manhyunk, Fa; J.D. James. Tronton; De .Ln Cour, Camden! Brewster & Co., Bridgeton; Robertson & Lippincott, Saiem.N. J,:Mo- Inall, Wilmington;’L. 8. Hooper, Wilmington; £. F, Hnmmersly, Milford, Del.; and Druggists generally. Jell-atutnSraif HYDROPATHIC. QHESTNUT SPRINGS. WATER-CUBE, At CHESTNUT hill, PHILADELPHIA Comi,tr, IV, for the treatment of all Chroma and obstinate diseases. This institution, under the charge of an experienced and skilful Phyeioian, is now Confessedly the leading and moat successful hydropathio establishment in this Mrs.. Mary Cottringer, 134 North Twelfth street; Charles L. Sharpless, Esq., corner Eighth and Chestnut streets: George Grant,Esq.,3s3 Market street; H,Farrington,Esq.,qf Myers, Claghorßi & Co. 3? or other references end partioulareaddress DR. JOSEPH A. WEDEIt, RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, CHESTNUT HILL. i«9-Smif ' f \ _ VJEPROVED SPECTACLES AND EYE- X MASSES cor., i .. II! South FOURTH Sjra.L talf^hoßtnuL in a gre »^’ CODA'ASH—49 ensks Havdhuret & Sou’s, O *>. «ri Vd per ship ®Au™^ a hr IM BOUTH WHARVES. *•-*" r x *■« V -Vlv.a A AMUSjBWENTS. -' vt/HEATLEY & CLARKE’S AROH STBKET'THEATItE. ; this : Saturday) evening. Aniu>t so. : , . . THfiSCimOI/ OR REPORm, ' f.Jrf’rd Avondale; Mr. Dolinw t OenertlJferraron, Mr. gfe'*.; Slj. VVhentler; Bob Trie, Sr. Clarke; Mrs. • a v tiib wbpt oFthk.wish-ton-wtsh. . » l i> kynk » Brew, f J ; Secured Seats pi??.^fa B iF iro 0 cents; ParaueLdO cents; Seats in Io s.'lS‘l en t>‘WholePrimiteßox.«S O«U,- KtI 3 i„ ; n: 'iiSyrl or r!'V lorwl rer«ooJ,23cenU,- Pri .it I? r ,Doloted Persons,3B cent.. ' steterTc 8 preSire^ ; wrf °. nn,nal tocomm * c * F R rif D lsr^ iuSto A1 ’ FMRMOUNT.— I The C™ E bre?od ND COATES - SXKEET RAILWAY, i _ GERMANIA BAND perform «very Afternoon and evening at Fainnouatl “" i .The ears of tbs GrU«n and Coates-street Bedlwaypsas sloqg Eighth and Coates streets, to F&innotmt, every five minutes. Fare five rants. • - ' r I aulfi-smwthtf- WILLIAM ELF, AD .Superintendent. ilf USICAL FUND HALL. I’S TREMENDOUS SUCCESS! ble j SoU-eea dGuthiope: -For particulars see tubs of the day.. Admission2s cents.---,., i; - aal7-4t CANFOWS OPERA HOUSB, between Chestnut and Market* » . ‘O* 1 the Bsason. . ... SANFORD’S STAR TROUPE, ; . • . the.largest, - .Cumpajayiiuthe wotW, In their excellencies every evening. xi SANFORD appears . Every evening ;n hie great Role of Chayaoten, . .a PbPrsopenatfX. CommenoeatA 25 oentfe Uhiddren Uoenta. T H ® PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE arts. ■ .No. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET. - ;s SaK’ a ,& I n m I EVEREPENTANT *^« TXASSLER’S: ORCHESTRA—M. hiss. EDUCATIONAL. ■BtrEST PHILADELPHIA FEMALE SB . HINARY, LOCUST Street,eeoosd dootsMtof WILLIAM Street, West Philadelphia. 91 1 - 7«;„OJ C. OHIBMAN, PMafeiPU.. fhe next Session,will commence September a few BoMdere can bo/recßivod law f.mil, of th. fnnclpslon ejrlropplication. P.non. in the atrdwl- Sm{?iv‘‘o'Jr lr ®“ 1 M r,n from MONDAY.A,*t.:AU j-niDAyyP.M., can be accommodated.- &plc-.to4w A NNIE CHURCHMAN HAS REMOVED 9?is h v? i^ 0 A RB l « n 4 , JPAY SCHOOL to Jt*im B^rembirah Str<,< ’ t ’ ‘ b ° v ' > ;r°i' l » r - Term TH F> CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, re. MOVETI * from No. 1303 FILBERT Strwet to No. North l TENTH Street, will reApen on Septembersth. Boys Prepared forCollegeor wm y®J?EngHsh educabon, the Chut .sies. Mathematicsi and. Modem LanAUases. are *a rt fht , after » system which insures thoroughness and rapid progress. Circularatobehadattbe School a SEißENariCKEtt* „ , No. 137 North TENTH Btract. Rpratfcxs.-Itev. Mr. L A. VauvhsSb Rev. Mr. J. H.A. Bomberser, Rev. Mr. Win. H. Furness, Beniamza Gerhard. Esq., Arthur W. Little, Eaq.. Chae. Short. Esq., Prof. Joseph Leidy. Prof. Cornelius Felton, CftQH bridge; Theodore fiedgwiok/Esq.; New York, autft-la* nnHE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY WILL A reopon on MONDAY. September Bth, 280*. The Priocipal wiII receive a braited number of BoreTsto hi. family. - I. H. WITHINOTON. %. M„ aulf-lm* , ■ i TrmoieH. nPHE SUSSES EWING WILL OPEN A tfMSßfi Street, where Circulars may m obtained. Rbpxrxncbs. --Rev. Albert Barnee# Rev. W. W, Speay, D- D.. Prof. C. D. Cleveland. anl7-ftr* HfR. WIXTHBOP TAP PAWS BOABD iTA. INLAND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LA DIES. iWVmB Street, near Loran Square* will open on WEDNESDAY, September .14th. „ ’ ; , ’ RefshUnces.—Pres. Allen. Girard College iHon. Joel Jones, ReV. J. A. Vanihan. D. I).. Rev. A. H. Vinton* D. D.. Jnsepb-G. Mitchell. Esq.. Philadelphia. Prof. J. A. Alexander, D. D., Princeton, N. J. Prof. R. D. H itchcock. D. D., New York city. Hon. R. C. Winthrop. Boston. aulS-tfistu-gw* Lancaster county normal SCHOOL.—'The Trustees of this Institution have given notice that they will apply for its recognition as a STATE NORbIAL SCHOOL in October next, and the School will open ae such on the second MONDAY, the loth, ox that.moqtb., . . The School is open to students from any section of the country.' • , Instruottontsgiveninau branches taught in Acade mies and Colleges. „ • A limited, number of Children, from nine tofourteen years of age, will be received as pupils in the Model School, . - The provisions of the Pennsylvania Normal School aw are peculiarly liberal. In mftkin* apulfcatiom or. for cireulArs, address the inderaignedat Aljllersvilla. Lancaster county. Pa, au6-s4t J. P. WICKERBHAM. Principal. SAUNDER’S INSTITUTE.—WEST PHI , UADEUPHIA INSTITUTE ; Wort PhiMolebi. Jla.lforu); .MARKET and THIRTY-NINTH Street*; MONDAY, September sth. Seven-acre grove; clear field; large rooms : health: morals; application: youth of refinement; seleotuess; English $ history ; mattMtna tics; French; Latin: Greek; any College: any elaae; business j all day, with meals famished; all the week, except Saturday and Sunday; all the term of 5 months | all the year; a happy homo; visit; examine. aa27-ft npiffi MISSES AERTSEN>S SCHOOL FOB JL YOUNG LADIES. .. PRICE STREET* GERMAXTOWN, . .The Fail Term will begin on the FIRST MONDAY m September. > Instruction in the usual Exo&tss aaxwenss, with Latix. French, and Dnawixo. aulft-tf The arch-street institute fob YOUNG LADIES.-Tha Eleventh Session wiU commence on MoND AY, September stb, 18S0. For <*r calara apply at 1345 ARCH Street-one door eastof Bro*d. aals-4w* Miss L. M. BROWNTPriampeL Eden hall (late paradise) f. SEMINARY* situated is the village of Paradise* on Uttcaster and Philadelphia, turnpike, fifty-three mile* west of Philadelphia, nine miles east of L&ncMter city, ana three-fourths of a mile from Leaman Puto* INBEPTEMBKR. .The building ie undergoing tho rough repair, a story being added for dormitories, into which water will be introduced, and hath attaohed. Comfortable accommodation ia thuffprovided for thirty boarding popils. and the trustees will spare no expense to rendertho school worthy of pubiio favor. Amon*Die many to whom the conductors of this sohod might refer, they are permitted p&rtictdarW to same the Rt. Rev. Bishops Alonso Potter and Be Lancey, and the Rev. Dr. W. Bacon Btcveus, of Philadelphia. Thsr also submit the fofiovnnq testimonial, kindly tendered by the Rt.Rev.Dr.B.Bowman,Aaanrtaatßuhopr*** Church. Pcnusyjvsuio: , , “ The Seminary for young ladies at Paradise* LancW ■ ter (>ounty, .under the general superintendence of Dr* Kilukeliy, and with Miss Chamberlain, ss the inuiieai ate and aotivo Principal, is one .that. I think, may be ra ked on to do faithfully all that it promises. The situa tion is healthy, beautiful, and easily accessible by too Pennsylvania Railroad. Dr* KilUkeUy has had large ax- Senence in superintending the education of yopuglft tes, and Misa Chamberlain brincetothe institution the well-earned reputation of a most competent and suc cessful teacher, as well in imparting Knowledge as ia administering discipline. The Benunary is, tberafora, i think, entitled to. tne eosndenoe of the public, and I dress the , Rev. Dr. KILLIKELLY, Rector, aol-dw Paradise, Lancaster oowg/Pa HaKHLKTT HKOWN WILL RE(>PE^r HER BCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, in the Large ana Airy Rooms at the N. W. cor. of FILBERT and JUNIPER Streets, opposite Penn Bqnare. os tea oth of Ninth mo. i September.) Circulars can be obtained at No, 1329 FI LBERT Street. - anll-Uo* Tilts HEiiANS INSTITUTE, r v The subscriber .will open SEPTEMBER Mtlu at No. 1315 WALNUT STREET, hfa,ScWfor Ose higher education of a limited number of Young Lpdiee. Parents to whom hs it not personally known are referred to Professor C. D. Cleayeland,Professor Charles Bh, gev.J. LB. Wikner, D.D.» Rev.H.A.Boaraou,P* ~ Rev. Wm. H. Fornesa, D. D., ana ouen. jyll-gm JAMES I. HELM. The MISSES CASEY AND JIBS. BE& BE’S Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies, 1703 WALNUT Street, reopens WEDNESDAY, temberfth. ’ - • ’ ‘ '• anMm Bryant & stkatton’S national MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila 'delphia, 8. E. corner SEVENTH and OHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo. Cleveland, and Chicago. For In formation. call nr send for Satnlogpe. frw-tf WINES AND LIQUORS. pBINCE IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, DE VENOGE’ & CO , EPERNAY, FRANCE, Tins is a perfectly Pore aim Delicate Wire, from the Vineyard of Messrs. De Venose & Co., whose estate lies in the centre of the far-famed Champatru District of France. It has hitherto been confined to toe best tables of England and the Continent, and has only very recently been introduced into this country, where its rare quality, combined with (he moderate pnee at which it is offered, is already achieving a success and popularity unprecedented in the annals of the Wine Sold in this city bv REEVES k DEAL, No. 804 MAR KET STREET, and at the Principal Hotels, and by &Q the leading dealers throughout the country. K. V. HAUGHTYOUT, Corner of BROADWAY and BROOME STREETS. jyl!-tuth&aSm if ' MONEY. v $50,006 TO LOAN, fN SUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, Watohes, Jewelry, Guns, Mer chandise. Clothing, &0., on moderate terms, by JONES Sc CO., Brokers, northwest oorner of THIRD and GAS KILL Streets, below Lombard. Established for the la** 35 years. Otfioe hours from 7A.M.t07 P. M. Seoond-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent warranted genuine, for sale cheap, at one-hair the acißiual oosU aut-3m-jf INSURANCE COHFANIES. American fire insurance co. 4 I3ID—CHARTER PERPBT- NoT3IOWALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Di vested in Round and available Securities, to in* sure on Dwellings. Stores. Furniture, nierch&aaize, VAsnelsin Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DUtECTOBS. George Abbott. * John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. CacapbelL ' Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patrick Brad>, . Chas.W.Pai^w, Israel Morris. GEORGE ABBOTT, President THOMAS R. MARRIS, Secretary. ja23-Iy if HfECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. Corner ItA BROAD and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. This establishment is now in suopessful operation, day and night, and all are respectfully invited to'call and see the whole process of bread-making for themselves. * The undersigned takes the liberty of saying that for thirty-hvo yeara lie has been a practical Hkker~nvqija apprentice, and five as journeyman in one of thennj houses in Scotland, and twenty-five as master—iione* which time he haa had the opportupity of making many experiments, and observing all the improveme»ts wmoa have been mail© during that period. th ___ In this establishment, of "wiiioli lie ‘.KSSIS® “*! Memenl, in eddition.totbe coinpleto m» obinery, he hue how faoillUes of loaor aoi eerelo- Heuor’unrlstrained in iho puroliaje of floor, none but lei “lM “on o“f eU kpj™ bJ de lltefed. cojlSrpMsed in .edit, Md weight by that made T , ami?fi l made hy the Meohanicol Bakeir iiM not been tried, or In whjoh it has been tn?«l n?lv nt its oommeneement, before the -maoVanery was m oerTeot working order, are resMctfullyasked to give It i, i i?‘ l "„a?aXsf de^sned astar to nuSi-tf Bnpenntenaent. HAVANA. CIGARS offered to dealers at favorable rates, of Vsrioui sixes and brands, in cluding Partagas, Cabana, Figaro, Nouo, Bird. Florca ttna, Fire Fly, and 7 J&3-4ui* SIB South FRONT Straet. _ iV^AIi'STORES.—I,IOO bMs Shipping ':X*' ; Ho?in; 200 bbls Spts Turpentjnp; SOQ bbls Pitoh; wllminitonTar; 350 kegs Wilmington Tar. In iCitJN BAIiE ROPE —Manufactured a” 11 c V- X- - ' SOLE IMORTER,