■ - • ',! «?V; '' rv*6 tfirouk h damp and dew, whX .'iV-f -: ;■- Bo waSo, . ~,:,; „„..... ' ';. - bhf;wtaw*#^ & -r ; ! ?;~ *?{ . .- * v : v&> r' 11 Th®id«dci»Btrilrinai<>aß/ntf I J |/-‘ ,;•- ■ _lioxhaniB tho^o-i , C:fiU? ( lc'yi , . .’.psV'.- My souriHlleobnJ&fldfl®* - J -• s\ •• Soup.! fond i.M's:!‘.'i.l * ,'' ‘WKkt 1 i'Jia# }ss!?<> fc^t '-■ ' 7V !> ••- V4 pj- v-r'!^'-; ;,> . .• ybt , <^tfiroui.h t iMtfan ? d kia^mk^vs f} ’^v J ''.- ( , /' This fcontto brickbat tdlce.’ f.l , 'J'fT ~Ulll“ fl ; catar^t3jCi-Wter,.gloomy„eiYema,.a^ i ina--. awaken xauso so as ~fte,' stoneiiounlain.' of the mountain is. the voriag over; and . arouiid jtlw* :*upinut, Some and sc^fiSd’l tee bail a^iweaoftho'mountiaoh’tho’wtet^ ' dualin, a^nli'V/Ttie^eoijii^i&'.’fM'i-'ciitem 1 - fcfitoafc* The ■ and et^ea^e^jjjßhol^e^lrlth^^if^BSi! oma*eaent.wlF'orisevetal hundred tbet it«l>- peamiiteSSal!dft-hU'ofimhrble;stmlghths.h, Uw, view the eye Is Slightly U has the appearaHee Just ready, ifoZpbUriltaß thuhdetiffg ointehis upon, you. ;„, , , '■ There are also 'several objects of wondeji pn the mountalifV" One Is,’ the 'rerhairisof a ythll of stone (now nearly demolished,) several feet high, enclosing several .afcttfs'efjthe summit, and extending around ftom one inaccessible part cfthenSohniaih ioth6 blhert “When,rind by whom this ancient fortification,Or, bulwark was erected, is unknown. - - There are mah^'ine^tialiUek;'chasms and channels in the rock, well calculated to create admWaecikiiittherbchblder. c; ■. Pamirc&rjNßttSEt—sJstUifiStaigrih,'thd-Se cond with ofFrgdfiiflgk ansiouajo jecurfi;ffecrownL'toji£'r,ion,slot-’ : ted the murder of the CrownjPrinceUhrißtian, to whom she wasiS&i^SieOSi®-' 1 -®) young Jnlianajtadfcrtho of fondness, to him. One day she found the Prince's favo. ritn nurse prepiHngsbtne gniel Yor hcr oung charge over- a silver lampt* There being no other she sent'the>iwrso. out to fetch something, au4 took that oppor tunity of putting a quantity into the gruel, pur»fs r ;wl}}^spid is iny; duty to„.Ui§obcy you.” “ How,dare yoti (liso-j hey my; commands?” said the Queen,/'The; nurse di’dmbt reply,;bnt as the tears slyeaii}Gd\ down he'r checkj she ldplced significantly at the; gruel...',Thc!,Qucdh,'i—SliL-riilan oncu wrote: “(Women goveritvcSrJet'us', try. to render. tliein perfect. The flora they. Sto. l .eftliglit«iie3, J sjnpttyorl? ’ SoitEOW»'---Sofr9W;:CQj l^?p!-® sohl-with tho invisible hhdthb evcrlastibg ; ■ and Iherefore Tho baliß ai tlic vJaft pf ruusicy.thopglv ho is. aTstriiigef and;.joyful -young; heart 3 wo ,saddened; by tho .solemn; brightness of tho mgon.V.- • ‘ Life?*/From? volume of aiiiiprofdiifiS beauty of three word#,-' fear, that finely nETAiL:BHyiXJaoDB.i -r&i- JL H«nd*em».'nair,(toBfen« lqpt'PMsMß^ '-* _ Medium and neat StyMi ft-. ,_,. , ~. Imported^/ic tr J ;" SHAAPifESSJBRtfJHEBHiI/ r . v . ftudUSc* IcfUH dffiS, s?* y™* m ChaatilnrLaoeJUraaSlea.redaft V ' v-' - 7 rK J Jftw* Bflk»# Hooped Skirte, anB 'ittfitii .- - EIGHTH and AROII BtSS I rjp, >UTr _ "r•■;•'■ r -*.V f V 1 !l >' : **!-~ 1?B J! W UH BOUBNOUS inXH * PARIS «!§(;{aiA f toi™iUM,: ;; T j-J!h, }J^A, BLAd^Ni ; #irlTB r 'RS|oB gi^aks^a&d' ByMMER.^AKSAW^sWsI^»n S |^(i' - -•- jfr» - ”-' -JM 'Beat makes ” • T!i ' , l\/ 1 ' ■ ;:r.SßSW®te,"‘® :'-.5-,eaw^fekS-': ;.; / '-.A ; r ,i.‘.«;ji f&4*£ w* ,; '.V; 1 [Reported fot.Tfw ?re»s.l „ fBOHORNT Barl£ Orayilja, hates tap* fix* caxtilfl f ; nsv fttniomaeiuirom S 5 os citron 80 olcs jice#tonb jKCfeaset mMblo Works- 17,brtlesJiornp 17? ,ia.roarbl* V-Aflattoxi; SiQpkgsfmaorta viti Broa{ >y :}‘ '\K '•- •* •’v - , womp BaUoit,JDill r 2J72 4>&yra,eio, gopo j IWT-ELjLIGEiyOE.:. ,V, poht .'w : tHiirntraiA, Aug, is,' isst>. j' , i i-i 'j'iKlYKl) ’ ' f *• ", ’ ojk,vnth m w day. from gt'Jolm, NB, with . ta ter to Crqwoll-&-Colhns. ——- —~~ Soltr BallieT Ctartwl Cteltro.JO.iava lromTiumton, withietrtoTwells.&fCb. ■ s _ . <‘ • -rScll’r Sdaj-H from Boston, with ice ? l^hr t{ AnWMaria, Hillyard, 2 days from Odoslaf.PeU' irithwheat fo Jhß BarraU &Bori. . a v. Sclir MoChahioJHendrickson, l day from Odessa, Dol, from Bmyraa,Delf jfLR itlSim, 9 jurkfc, V#aye from New York, with r ~ -■ BcheAlthea, Corson, from Boston. ; v£BchrVaahtiBharplHaVey«itoiti Boston." ,* '•::SohrA'H'BrowiiV'Etfdicott; from ProVld'efica. ' ' Nelson, Kndicott, from Providence, : Cramer.-HlintlOy,from Pawtucket. - . ; • 'SeHrMnfrEUftmdthYMfcoary, fromNantuoket.’ Sohr JSJ Smith, Lee, from Salem..., _ .. SoarTAdirEUen. Corson, from,Wilmington. ■ - Scar E 8 jonoay'Joaesj from BijTnfori, , -gchrCaroline Hohnes, Elliott, from Lynn. \ fMi !—cleared.■ ■ - -• 7s^nuhipi>elaware, r Copes,' NeWYc)rk,via Capo May, '^BSWsSVv’ChMevß^jfccmVCaiaiHaokor fc’Co.V. : SohrMarthWßaxter, Boston, -< •*r-r ; > do '•, ’ - • t !-ScEr> Luoy A Oreatt, Swoetlaridj Boston, D Pearson A Hammond,:Painorßbitoii,i) Miller & Co.™*” i Mat Ida,- Price, Boston, C A KeekScher fthrEJ'S'mith.Leej T V ' ‘ clir Xaajr r Baaoroft,-Lowig ShttVpYH^ytEoßiohYHSturtoYant.atCo. Scbr w C Ne &1 aTXnd uio ttTffo vt cl e nee, Miines ic Co. I’SoHr ITA-T Crnraar, Huntlor, PawtuokeL’% .* do L- * ■ ■ S E;JoJms> Vftd.Dasen, Nor '{°Sehr‘jSdrTiJnjatitli/Mddftry«sAni9qaanf‘si do-* ■ j * YScßrJlLTay..Sheppard,Salem,-Rtt Corson Sc Co. 4 £chr,AUbsa;Cdrsqn,.Salem, C A fleckscher A Co. ; Schr C^folinoHp£pe i, Eiho)tiLyim,ftoyes & God- Bh ScHr\S Portsinouth, Nohlo.Hamr Bcnr j-HBfeebkerrßdwwisrProndence,-: do, ■ BchrPau^ai^ttiWapiej6sft>ston»l;i.i Y.V-' -j BtrAßia * Co,: The ill's’ 'bcPai, MuUthmOiy' do' tOiJl' WolvOrWtt 5 Campbell* T ffinfl. Enxies* Washing ton Loo * and Lone Star, coal to w,.ss.W. ■ ¥he Preaa.) ' ; J' -JREABINO jAaf. 10,- J559.-y; The foltowte£rboats.frpni wo.UniozL'Canal passed into. tbeSchuyUriiTc&nftj to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and oonwioied Mfplhwsj" 7—;' 'm" V ’’->f k > PritnroflelWfcToAltdoaptajni .W oab to tion, stoq JnCE tc, G Lemon, bit coal, See. W captaiir. ' , (ComipondeuM of Thi ’iflneiroratTived at the WrQht- Marv-.JSowelT,fßip|»le t l GArello,'jDa , rfd A Beffy, Marjf Elizabeth', Islftnd'BjHle;a varado, Bodme, Goflin, Gen Geo Cropper, Northern Lyrnt, W B Jenkins. Moni tor, A Hendo«K>nrJa«' BliMr W"*p Dafling', Lecshurg. SbaronLand a MMa'Bdxaiii-t liarguo and about twonty schrs^which eyenin/, apd- are f do-. “ in f^, ,ftpn^^ !n Vl¥«hrAN.^ The pildt teat-Herald put apilot onlward the ship Vi 5 - tub, IS3 days-from Manila for New York. 'The sehr. - Vesta wont in.laat ' - I&ZJXJZz.'' * - f , Youvs, ' THOB. B. HUGHES, ■ Aug. 17,0 25 P. M.— I Tbeshipßiml>'Attgusta,Trom Liv- “'"oT, Tho brifiEoluß, from Hpvana, with sugar; arrived yesterday, aud, will te detained, for a thorough 'overhauling, - 1. Yours, &6^-. ; ; . -.<.L. S, F. _.. memoranda,’ 1 » ‘ ' •Ship EmilyAueusta, BtrtckUnd.-fromXiverpool for thiaport, wnsapokOn Jlth mst., lnt-15 03,10n6323. 7 Ship-Othello, • Greenough, Uonco at Charleston 13th 'instant. *'!■ - 1 ’r Ship Colombo, Stewart,, from ‘ Liverpool, was - off Charleston,Ujh ittstr -* ' : * ' Bark-Mary .Edson,'Nickerson, sailed froth Boston 16th met for this porL/ -• * > ■ .. *3chr Golden'Gate, Hammond, hence at Savannah 14th Instant'.' -■ ‘ . ; Sehr-EemT'Nutt; Baker, for. this port, went to sea from 'Charleston4th. idst.-.'*' ;; ,l -• 1 ■ 1 ' ‘ •' Bclir 8M ! Kent> Thomp*onhence at Baltimore ICth instant.l[f-’r t' *7 ‘ • :i Behr Chdl.H Rogers,’Langley, hence at Newburyport lCthinst.--»F •• "> - ' •*; J r.> “- - - T-, .YiSchr Bosikm. Brower, hence at Fall River 13th mat." Schr 8 BAehmoad, Tomlin* ot Fall Kiver 22th inatant from Delaware Citr •« , . Schr Isabel,.Taylor, sailed from Newport 15th inst, for i*r. li. ■' v • , >* 1 % . - •< '' ■ '‘Schr Eiinice-RosOiSmalLfromWoodbridge, N J, for 'BosttMa. atNownort 16th inst. . Scht jEvpljn, Williams,^hence for Pawtucket, at 'Pro vldence 13th ifist/r ,r •, - .* * Sidney :Pnoe> .Godfrey, sailed ■ from Salem Uth infctforthispbrL oj •• j «.v_ ■ ». .. . / At Shan' At TIIE y6tLOWJH» f “ •• : ■ V. ’'' " 'MtetJHAMCAU BAKERY, 8. W. ootner of Broad and .fc-cfr , , ■ „ . Vm«streets.j -i, ifi GRAVENBTINB. .i z .B. W.cornerof Twelfth „ „ ' ’ 5 '■ ‘ and Wallace etteota. C. M. t6roet, below K* MoRBILr...-»- 8. J?* :*oorner Sixth anti MM. S. b'eOK-u— . oVh t 1 i 8. PAKCOABT!.t**f * * Spring Garden JOHN; 8. No'mi Vino street. . :V v-i. v .. No. lit NorthPiflh'atroet. T.«. HOrWb,!^^^;':..,BVß>iotn«r ‘'P!ftk.and Wi W. MaTHEWR ,~U.. .Jis. l?cm‘no?lasVenth«id 1 r / - Lrtcnit«tr eete«-r' ~D.-^NIOHT^ r > r r .-. r - , - / ......Bi , o(tdt»tyee> t beIowWaI .GEGRGE GARVIN J{o.l4WLom^td«rtet. ; Dr COURTNEY;^—W.^id.N, 1 Warner Sixteenth » . amiPrne streets. • S. R, MAfJONiUUUUU.Fourth and .Germantown , r Road. ' • B. : JUWANAKAKER.\.«..‘.FeueraI street, .above - ' :*>i- i *j j ,*}’ ■- - igixth.' ? •-•• • -- 1 l‘£ f IuENXZ.. Sduth Fohrth'aml L. .HOLLAND.U-. pW-eSriSrSiSSntii and DAVIE Eleventh Elevinfh aid • •« -'tv>-Jeffenfera street*. 8; B. TOMKINS; U-U.... ..No. '-1040 -No r t h Front .i- r '-V •>-.*:• "j?- • '■ etreeti- I >' 4T^BROOK&«-«W*».:. ;v.B. W .'.corner' of Seventh J 'i ‘O -j, and Pine street*. . . 1 JANE MYERS.™--....C.Coatwi»treet, below.Thir r f * , . ‘a: r » street.- ; F; V M. ,^OODrUiIv»U-»i.R. W i oorpf’ iFranklirtand • * ; >-- • (jeateti l 1 - ••' ,■, iF.TCORRIS.UKiX. iiU; N. 'W>iH>r»orTeiiJh and _ -h / • flhtppetiMreet** > J. BHUpraR. b)»4-anS, ■'-.‘■i ■ - ' ..“Id RidKß ave J). u< !v ’ <, B. 8> domor Nintfi' and <;j'. „ . .... „F,*d?r«l.*rosla;. - • atroety ab. 'E||r. nbove .ALKk^ j, lii IflGKB^\'4;. ; .t.; v Uown^Ci' J ft. ab.Hftverford roa ;;Sefiig -«dre*tra|tled m lbe'pu™bMpo‘f flour, none but tbe*oflnde|tAndbarfah^l^yer%u»edj andWhaano- MBm2id,n ijA.eAying that Bread of rU kinds can be de-, syamiliei in which the'Bread madf by tho Mechanical Bakery has not been tried, or in which ithda been tried oriJrat iti oomraenoemoutf beforethe machinery waain ' perfect Working order, are reapeetfuUy to give it undenhgnM Selibrijigitwould' lead to' :mutualroivantage.' ,r t »" V. TOHN G. mOXKY, - r .my2t-tf u<\*_ s. Superintendent., - ‘fritana CIGARS Offered to 'dwlora - . ,At Storablerates I ,’bf various sisei and brands/in* " CLAIMS; - - -flotujft 1* Jlor.by gireit fothe (J-wne r.of tbs prrtpartier meutionsd (a ttm aCMUdwtmeitwriujSft of Clainu, that will Bo luued thereon, m iliron .months from the date hereof* unless the- eatne 'are said OBorbeforetbatt*rae^ r^x,.;V ' .. ; *T. : ■*n ■/. ~*<4 Attorneyfor_Chaimantei .- 1 • x.vXM City ofEhHAdelphia to .the use of Jacob Bartholo-, >iiiew\yg. Ldr * Brother*owners or- rejmtedrownera» Or -whotverrmay .be \<>wner«i Common '?•?&. Mtei, f Np, Bftvislitt 99. ;Lot.on the Treat *i vS?, rtc y Qwn */ < • t Williamsport,'* ' MiflorstoTm,* Manoy. Halifax, , f Watoontown*. , ~' YorkrT- . • ; Milton,' ‘ Junotlon. - - - - - allintermediat* point* on HANOVER R ih goods sent to Freirht : Btatioiii THIRTEENTH “3A rket B n“i w Kof'?s? r a.,. THE SEASHORE. ISJIiiIsSSsUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ■ CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND A TO THE SEA / bn and after SATURDAY. May flat, and until Author notice, throe daily and roturn., Freight Twin (with Passenger Car attached).4 J£ A. M. Accommodation ,Traint loaves Vino street:.'.;;..'..•••*■• A. 4JO P.M. , _ LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. - First, Express Train'/ leaves.:*.,. ~r . ... ->s*oo A. M. ,t, --n: Accommodation Train leaves Egg Harbor*... J. 09 A;.M. i '{ J ‘ f\ • .*r ■ : j.f LeaVes!Vrne^det'Fernr,at..M.A. M. ■Returning, leaves Atiahtfoat.;. ••>§4 l ,M< This trein will bmp only at, Waterford, t Egg Harbor, ' and Absecom. ' ,1V ■" “ ! ..HASSON^IEIiD 5 -- Leaves Coop fir’s Point*. .’.VI ~*••.11.00 A. M. 'LeavesHaadonfield. M‘ Pare to Atlantic, when Tickets arttpurohaaedbofore en> -• teringthe cors..... v .....,..-.81,80, Bound Trip Tickets, good for two day*, on no* regular' v -train....i i s 2 60 ; Oh and .after JuliSdr andevery Saturday-through *h« 4 Summer, The EgKHathQfAooomraodationTramArill run through to Atlantio, ana return early on^ Monday morn* must bedsliveredat CooMr!s.Point by, VP. M. 5 The Company will not be responsible for ant goodsun til received aha,' for byfheir. Freight Agent at .“myin&pl W JOHN GTRRYANTi Anent. ESi art ■' : ANp elmiraA ailro ad line-i SuICKEST HOCTE to Elrairarw'ilkesbarre, Buffalo. tDAILY , (Sundjs* e*MP&dC nifollow* I * “ < ‘ • 7JO A. M..PAY EXPREBq. . •ForlElmira. Niagara Falls* Buffalo, Detroit,Chicago, Milwaukee,.Bock fßiaud, Galena, BW Paul's, Burlington, r' r ‘ Oai WOP. M., NIGHT EXPRESS.' .' :Kttls^®r»SSS: Vi?Af‘M. and 3.50 P.' AL’trnini'rnh thr'onnh ''to HARRIjB URQ, stopping at&U Stations Girth* La taaon TJipVjo'Xfferirain' crohontajU ijap.lf* lor-ijriVuJ- Baggage checked .BaffalOjriiid Suspension -••gapTicketa ean at_ttiftPhilAtldli)hia and 'EjmijaJbailroad Lino's Ticket Office, Northwest comer -ofSIXTH at tho-Posson- B6r VriB®flmm d ilpHfw, q rFr*i*hts\must,be delivered beforeßF.iM.toinsure, gmng the cairte day. 7 ~f°\ “S«-®WSSa^DrholowVine,--" .jgw-ffip- pprj' SUMMER ARRANGE AND BALTI rABSENo"ER d TR < i]N8 ! l;^ i Vi; a,^H I &Aroit,PHIA, , For Baltimore at 8.16, A.. M., « noon, {Express,),and • 'FOr Chester at B.i5A. j M., 12noon, 4JO, and 11,10 P. M. For Wilmih«on -at 8.16 A. M., 12,4 JO, and 11.10 iVM. For Now Castle at 8.16 A. M., and 4JO P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A. M», and 4JO P* M« for Dover at 8,16 A. M.,nnd 4J3JVM. or Seaford at 8.15 A. M., and 4 JO PTM. ‘ ‘ TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA ■ Leave Baltimore atOJO A*. M., (Express,>9.4o A.M;, * and &26 P. M. , .)•>., • . Loave Wilmington at 6 J6 A* M, arid 9.20 A, M., 1.10 and teave Newcastle at 8.46 Al M. 1 , P. M. , save Middletown at 7JOA. Mi andSAIP. M*: ‘ Leaw Doyor at 6.60 A. M.j'and SJ6P, si. . Leave Seaford,al6.ls A. M* l nnd2;4sP. M. _„ , -Leave Choster at 7.4L9J0 A. M., and 9.15 P. M. ’ Leave Balfimore/or Seaford’ aud Delaware Railroad at ?' a !’“d 9 THAiNS'FOR Baltimore ! • j Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M. P 12.28 and 11.40 P. M. •Leavo Wilmingtonat9JoA.hr., 12J5P.hi., and 12J0 A ‘ M ’ . SUNDAYS ' Only at 11.10 P. M.i from Philadelphia to Baltimore. > will run an follows: Leave Philadelphia,for PeFryvillo crul intermediate ‘ places at 5.45 P. M. „ _ Leavo Wilmington.for Ferrynlle and intermediate 'places at 7J5 P. M. „ Leave Havro-de-Grace forßaltimore and intermediate places at 6.40 A. M. c. ■: • : y * / * " l . Leave Baltimore for Havre-ae-Grate and intermediate places at SAP P.M. . > • * ;- :t , ,r - - Leave Wilramvtofi for Philadelphta'and intermediate places at &40 F, M. * Jy2 > * B.M. FELTON, President.' fat PHILADELPHIA, GER- On and alter Mo^W. G further notice. ’ Leave Philadelphia; 6, L-S, min; 10, llft.l2* ; ’ Leave Philadelphia 9£3imm A, Mi, 2,8/B', and 10X P. M. Leave Germantown &10 min. A* M, T J«lQ,minir4f £>£, and 3« P. I gj tEf ,XNUT HIU.. EAIJ*ROAO, ;i Philadolphia6,'B ,B%, 11 A. M.,2,3>fJ, 6 ,9, ■’’ifa&vaohaYtnui j/niV.lO, ! 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 11.6 S A. M., "'“''•WaaSA •!' r .Leave Philadelphia!) .05 mm. A. m.,3.5, and 7XP. hL ; Leavo 7AO A., M.,£WO» &lo»,andWs l.Gffmin.. 5.05 min.,4>fj.;C3£, 6?ii 3tV P, M.; Norristown 8, 3J4j 4W. 'Leave Ph ilsd el ])K ia 9 dVP. M. Leave Norristo'wn 7A. M<> 1 aha 6P. hi. . ! M J FOR MANAYUNIU . . ~ --- -} ? ON-SU«PAYB, Leaverhiladolphift9Af'M.,3.4PM. ; •('• ■*/ -- Leave MXnayunk 7>£ A. Mh lk, 6}i. 8& P. M. > •. - . • Hi KrBMlTlL,GeiisrafBuperintendonL ' : iinyfi , DEPOT. NINTH and OiIEEN Streota. ■jgiWaH™* B "' NORTH PENNSYL- WffiKESBARliu, 4i. „ . , ~’ .l&delphia, DAILY, (Sundays excepted:) . / • ForßotFilehem. Allentown,- hiauoh* Chunk, Wilkes* T/r POTporlestown, (Accommodation,) at 8.15 A.M.and ' For l-'ort Washington; (Accommodation,) atfi.li P* M. • and 0.20 P. hr. • TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA» - ;>*esve Bethlehem, ( Express,) at 8 A* hi. and 4.10 P. M. DoyleptpTrn, A 6-SQA; M. . i Port (Aoeonu^ojlalioD,)atQAd A. !-'Si * * ON SUNDAYS: ' Philadelphia,jf 'i ••- ■» -*•' i * i' All Passenger Trains (except Sunder Trains,) eon nsetat Berks, street with Fifth and Bjxth-stroet«,.and w Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. • iPaßaengeraibr.W4kasharro take 9.30 A. M. Train, and jSSf mt -ifOTitIM^bHESTER Jw^nßtoW $*A?tTy ts - from the Pa*Bender Depot of the FmLadolphia and Railroad Company* corner of BHOaD nn^l i'HAIN forßowningtown, leaves at 7.20 , a| iDAtyY (San'days excepted.) By order of the Board ofManagera of the’Phitodelphia M''°“^y !KNN y> ! 1859."' • flMKiiwiß • 1850* i NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACEB, V.’ , EgOX W4t.NDT-STRISBr;WHAR?j ' , . ' Will leave p«follows,vis: , „ . vaubs. At OA. M., via Camden and Amboy, .and C f & A. 1 Accommodation :.... $2 25 At 6, Ai M., via Camdon and Jersey City,(New - Jersey)Accommodation 2 25 'At9A.M.„yiaCaraden and Jersey City,Morning •- : Mail 3 00 AUt A.‘ M., by Steamboat, via Taconyond Jorsey * { City; Mormmr Express.—'.-.....3 oq 'At2P.M., viaQamoen and Amboy, c. & A. Ex-. ..press .K— i '-3 oo Ac3>£ P. M., by Steamboat, via Toouny and Jer- WiiiKi* j«- 3 M . sejCity,2d Class Ticket. 325 'AteF.AwviaCamden and Jersey City, Evening , - Maib.. .v;; ~ j:s. ;., 900 AUlP.i»r.; via Cfthidqn and Jarsey City, Night ■ Mftir...' 'u r.’.is iv—.,-.vi1.... ' 2 25 ’AtZs£i , .M,viaCfljndenandAmboy,AccpmodatiDn,, (Freight and F&uenger—3st CutJM Ticket.. .. 225 if r , 2dCi&ns Ticket;....,.. 1 99 At 5 P. M.i yia Caradenand Amboy,'AdpomHiodation,,, , (Ffeigbtnndra«senger)-^UtCinßBTrcket.';'.;; r ., 225 '.-‘•-fv 2d CJassTicket. 1 .'.'..'.V,' 1 75 • /The 3 F.M« Mail Line runs daily .' The li Night Mail, Saturdays exceMed; ' , ; „„ . . „ . . . Line* it op at Principal Stations only! . ‘ f*Wrwater Gap.RtroudeWrgi WilkesMrre, ’Montrose, Great Bond, Jco., nt 6 A. M., via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad.. ~ , PorFreehold.at6A.’M. an froro . - For’Talniyrft, Delnnco, Beverly, -Burlington, Borden ; -SteamwatßlohardStockton for.Taoony at 21 A. M., jßpraentown, and intermediate places nt. 3>( SteamboitJohn N6ilg6n’forTftCony :ftt 8% A. M.,and Eor BriBjb|, JuHmgton, ,aud .lntorraeuiate piaoes, at 12 ' Fifty poandso’fbagsraeG only alWed eaoh FaaiOngerß are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage bat thbir wearing apparel. All baggage ovor fifty .-poundsto ta paid,for,extrai • The company:limit their responsibility'fprMggage to one dollar per poundi nnd .will not be uablo for any, amount .boyond SiOO, exodpt •DJlspeolAl oontraot, ■AfmwlJ ,;WM.K.;OATZMffR,Agent. A Mexican,bale rope—w 0 ifvite rv~ 'the attention of Bouthem merohants to our stock sWj rTl r« ;w^^ft m P R^L i |fis3 3f “ r • mRO | No. gg N. WATKIt nnd 22 N. wBARVfifl. |IA.VANA TOBACCO.— 62 balds Havana Y. r v' '' , V, nPHE • EENNSYLVANIAr CTE N’T RA'L' <4 - railroad.-, ... . v.- 1859::mM»pi;::1859: the fnso*ri:o Connec tingdlreot at Philadelphia withTbrouktrTraihg from Boston, New York, and anoints East, and at the Union DepofcatFittaWtfwtb Through rraiM . cimiatuBt.,LouJB, ) Qleve)?ndj l Ch!oaKo, Burlington, fit. Paul’s, Indianapolia, LouisvluOt.wew.Orleans, ona all intermediate nornta In.Omo, Indiana, Illinois, Kentuo-' ana Nebraska—thus lurmslung laointio3 for the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and oom-- fort by any other routo,;>jM, - ' -. t Fast 'Lines run through-to-Rdtsburgi without change of Cars or Conductors. . • Smoking Cara are attaohed to each Train; Woodruff’s Sleeping Cars to Express and Fnstr.Traioß. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mad and Fast Lines, Sun .day ¥ram leaves Philadelphia ai 7,15 A.‘ fll . : Fast Line “ V.. v> : IMQ A. ft , Express Train leaves . . C 1 10-50 P. h . , WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Farkesburg Accommodation at.l 1 A. M. .'Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia,2,oo P. M. Passengers for* West 'Chester, will- ta*ke ’the Mail, ,Pbrkosbunj,,aud Lancaster I rains, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Fassenror Btatiom.- ; Snnburr»,W4Wi®*nspprt, Elmira, Buffa lo, Niagarii.Fall§,aud intermediate points, leaving Phila delphia at 7.16 A. M.< and 2 ft P\-<*o directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offloe of the Company in Philadelphia, New-Tork, Boston* ,or Bal timore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad Offioea m tho West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the, Mississippi or Ohio Kk. Fare always wlow ft* any other Route. The completion of .the„WeBtern connections of the Pennsylvania JuulrQadjKiChieftgOtiuake this the Tho connection oftracks-iby; the Railroad Bridge at ! Pittsburg, avoiding all drayago or, ferriage of Freight,, together with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight and the Travelling Tulilto. FREIGHTS'W'ESTWARi). ' •By this Route Freights of all desonptions ean be for-; warded from PhUadfclpbiavNew York, Boston, or Balti more, to any point .on tho Railrpade of Ohio, Xentuoky,, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa,or Missouri, by Ran-' roaddireot. , The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pittsburg l with St flamers,.by whioh Goods can be forwarded to any r Sort on the Ohio, .Muskingußir Kentucky, Tennessee: umberland, Illinois, ALssissippi, Wnopnain, Mlsouri Kansas, Arkansas, Amlited Rivers ;-and at olevcland, Sandusky, and Chicago, withoteamers to all ports on the ; Northwestern Lakes.- 1 ■ - V ’ - 1 Merchants and Shippers entruHting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence onitsspeedvtransit. _ •" - THEjaATES 0 ? FREIGHT to any,point in the Wert py the Pennsylvania Railroad mo at all times as favora ' bte as ore charged by other Railroad Companies; ~. fev, Be particular to mark packages “via f enna. RaiU r Mdrchahtsln, the Westdrdehhg Jjoods from the East,, will dowell to direct them to be shipped by this Route. . For Freight Contracts or.Bhip.pmg--Directions, apply to* or addroßi either of the following Agents of the Com pany 1 ... . ..... .. ' , A, STEWART. Pittsburg: ; Doyle & Go y Bteubenville,o.? H.H. Pierce* Co., Zanes ville, Q.j j. J. Johnston, Ripley, O.; R. McNeoly, Mays- Cincinnati. O.: Athern & Hibbert, Cincinnati, 0.; R. Q. Meldrtun» Madison, Ind,; William Bingham, Louisville, .Ky.;TVQ. CPRjley 5k Co., Evansville, Jnd.j H.jW.Gtrai iham& Co.. Calro. ll.: R. F. Sass,.Bt Louis, Mo.; John H. Harris, ifftshYille.Tenn.;, Hams &HmitTideraplusj Tenn.; Clarke Sc Cp.. ChioatfO,TiLj'w. H.H. Koonts. Alton, III.; MUTPhr* Wane, Dubuque, 111.: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the west, xratties attepdiDK-to their own shipments from the East, will find it to their interest ta call on the, Anentaof the Company at the following Places bofore Bhippmirr or letters addressed, to. either orithebion the sumeot or freights, will meet with prompt attention: fethMroijj/lMUmore, fal £8:: 4At.IV . 3USINESS CARDS. t>ENNSttVA3ftA"' PAINT STORED A .‘ZIEGLER' & • SMITH, Wi'nor of SECONDand OREFjJ Streets. Thisweu-jchowi? anoientestabliflbment . stiu retains the setUqs .the best artioles at *TtTfrAKtinn;y Intr ftr)n»s. , ItV *f ' DOCK Street, above VT*w'alnttti-STOOK:BEOKEB?;aaa- dealers In MeV , cant vie Paper. an 4 .securities. generally, • Attend ‘the Brokers’ Boardd/yly, ahd fill all tuners'for the purchase' oraaTeof STOCgB>*BOKDSr&o:'^~~^- ~~ • '\n7-1? - hnpE ADAMS EXPRESS CO ‘ OPFIOE * 320 CHESTNUTStreet, > forwards Paroela.-Pook- M os. Merchandise,-BfthkNotes,-and* Spdoid, oither by i own Lines, or in connection with other Express Com tlie W Boi , 110 -‘?S'Vl^fci-! I,e aul-tt General Superintendent. , THEO. b. EMORY '& CO.. - x OFFICE No 146 South FOURTH St.,Thilado., Solo Agents of 1 ' . ; GBO. C.'POTTS A 00., 'MinersabdßhJppdrsorthsw'- ' : i ~ r _ ‘ ;ylocustdale coal,'. ' From thoLooust Mountain, / i - ;f *f, ) Near Ashland, - - • ' apg-flm] , SCHUYLKILL COUNTY,' Ptu' ... TOHN BINNS/’ ' i; ' - . V ; HOUSE and OFFICE, •• , No. 116 South South SIXTn Street, . (Nonriy Court House,) Se has, by law# ** ftillpovfor to' administer Oaths and rmations, and take Testimony to be read in Evidence in eny Court of the Commonwealth 01 Pennsylvania.” ' ' He 10 a Commissioner of the United Btates. and also, a Commissioner of Leeds and iqr the Probate of Ac counts, for nearly nU the State? in tha Union.' Commissioris To take Testimony, from any of the - Cdnrts, inthis btatg, or any of the Courts in the United States or Territories, promptly and corefully executed. •••» . J>l3-tf. A LEX, MoKINNEY. < • -£*. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ... OBEENBBUKG, PA, , Will practise in Westmoreland, 1 -Armstrong, and In diana counties.______ < sell-tf. A UGIfST BELMONT,':. Is«uo« Let® Crohi?for¥rTmiie??! in ell parts of the world, through, the Messrs. Hothohiids, of Paris, London, Frankfort,Naples,and Vienna, and their. Correspondents. mh7-6m NOTICES. TVOTICE.— GREEN ANp COATES-ST.; J-V ; RAlLWAY.—Exchange Tickets can be procured pf the Conductors of this Lino for the following Roads: SPRUCE AND PINE..*. C cents. TENTH AND ELEVENTH..... 6 oeftts. ' GERMANTOWN f4th «nd Bth).'.V C cents. SECOND AND THIRD- S oents. And RED BANK Steamlwttts ~...,10 cents. - Also, Packages of S 3 Tickets for ’9l, good for a ride on the Green and Coates and -Fourth and ‘EL-hth Line (Green Cars.) ... ■ * WILLIAM BEAD,. ** • . .aulo-tuth&s-tf - - Superintendent. 11 O FFICE OF-THE COMMISSIONERS OF ; THE SINKING FUND.- * ‘ *'■' ' ' • ' • s''TreasuryDepartment, it , - > Haubisburo, Ta., August 19.,155D.\. - At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund held this day. it was . _ . . . . , That the. State Tro&surer be authorized-to - issue proposals to buy, from tho lowest bidder or bidders, Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars of 6 per cent. Stato Loans of Pennsylvania. „ Notice is therefore given that Sealed Proposals for the sale of the whole or any' part of Two Hundred ana : Fifty Thousand J)o\lars pt eald.Loa9s.wlU be received f. ss.rWiSi.i. 0 . » 1835; tho same to set forth tho amount'offered nnd.the Srice naked, to be addressed “ Commissioners of Sinking undJt” Harrisburg,.Pa., endorsed !-Proposals to ?etl StßtC'Lonns.*‘; ' The bids will be opened, and allotments made to the lowest biddors on that day. - • - - ..sulgtas, , , , ELI SLIFER, State Treasurer. - ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT, MILL ;VILLE AND GLAiSBORO'-RAILROAD, , ; Notice to Propoaalt will be OUssboro’Ranrowl.extendiiwfroiffthevjJlagoofGlaaß boro' to MiUviUp, in the State of New Jersey,’abouta will be WOflived fpf woiwftserihe fir P&rmontstobe made In oaslbor part oaaJi and.part in the Stock of‘the Company,' Should tho Company issue Mortgage Bonds, they may be substituted for the Stock, at the optional' the party makiru the prowiinl. • ' Plana and BpeeincnttoM may bo seen at tho Engineers omoe in Glaesboro', on and after the i7tli%sf- ,„“ Proposals to bo addressed to j). ROBERTS, ChiefEnginqer, Ghttsboro, Glbubestef City, N. J.” By order of the Board. T. H.'WHITNEY, President. Gsm B. Roberts, Chief Engineer.' * Gjassboro'cAuguat 1.1859/ gUter, Philadelphia t Gagotto, Trenton j Newark DaiTy Advertiser land Harrisburg Union, will insert the above until the 2ttn mat., and send bills to the omoe of the Com pany, plossboro’,N.,Y, au6-t2i •' CJPEOIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers .in Good ~ .Patent Vulcanised .Rubber - Suependere, Braids, Webn, and all other fabrics, and artiolec'made by cortbiqlng fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcanized rubber, eto notified that hnlbssthe skme are property,stempedpr labeHed ‘with wlnamft, and by. my aujhomy, thoy cannot bo legally disposed of in the United States. Merchants and dealers u« mvitod to ex* ammo specimens npjv in store, and to give their order*' 31IOHT8 IN THB -PAjAsST for then wbfotl .mbrnco njlthc njjlo, orjm-: P AI?I)6?LISE?( y B£sfoMJINUrAOTUKE snd BELL rttWilF,® 1 ? Ww* to . ,a, ’ nM-ly .. , .. -t HORaOE H.DAY. TVOTlOE.—Persons, having business with Jelf . ; ~ , Flour Inspector. . JfOBPIIIITnffG; ' "6Ssg?- jKI BEATE SPRfNGS.'atDOUBLING oApjpXi. wnoW'open; and are easy of aooesa via Ha/ruby?*}' lence on tha Curatierland road to iNewYmaj • ibenga 8 miles frtsijinjto thoßonofS* vhete, you* arnv* tor.M. same day,i Evarr arrabffOment is oompteta lor Visiters. Boardporveek.®B; pet day; 81.58.' R»-; < übtion for. families.- Hefofenooe—Jfls..oteai, Mqttori : doMLiciiael, Bancroft, & Co.; B< 8. Jeanney. Jry &.Co/' ■ 'Reference to the Analysis of tho Waters, James 0. ;^L^ a?yl ‘ o^M”o.yaSb¥tn^c6YLE, Jo7i3m* t I *■ »' Proprietor. ‘ OEA bat hi n g,—the mansion. hJ HOUBE.Joot Of Pennsylvania avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, is NOW 01. EN Cor For convenience .of arronßoment.contiKuitr to the bench, ana attractiveness a the adjacent grounds,,this house is unrivalled. The - ?roprtetoi l haB’Bpared no pains in making this Hotel all' that Could be desired by visiters. - • - - jeltSra ~ - , -" - ’ : -13. LEE; * CARLISLE WHITE SULPHUR ! SPRINGS, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN ‘BYLVANIA'.* ' ' * ’ . \ The nnco of Board for the remainder of the season, at this delightful Summerßeaort. trill, be,s7 to .$8 per week. 'Visiters, leaving Philadelphia or Baltimore in the morning train, arrive nt £9 Spring at 3 P. M. jy23-3w OWEN, CLENDENIN, & CO. «§E A ‘BATHING}— . . ~~ CONOHISiHALL isnowotwnfor thoRKCE?TioN’ OF BOARDERS,and the subeonber wUloe. happy to see hie mends who may favor him with their patronage during the season. _ le2S-3m»- - THOB, C. GARRETT, •• npHE MANSION. HOUSE. W. LV&l'Bo'ußSoi^'rropriotor. Tills well-known establishment, the fhvorite’resort;'of oitizens and visiters, has lately .undergone extensive repairs, and is now one of the most commodity's,‘ b la- Kant. and thorough hotels in the Union; be&raiiully. lo cated at the corner of FIFTH find.PENN : n*., Its accommodations are, nrst-closs i the ’rooms spacious and airy J and the üble constantly supplied vnth all the luxuries of the season. _ Persons desirous of spending a few weeks in the sutfmer in an agree able and economicw mannor,’oOuld not do better than make a trial of BOURBON'S MANSION HOUSE a" Reading. - - • * a p22-tf JJEDLGE’S HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. NEW JERSEY, , At the 4 ienriihnb of the Railroad, on the lefl.beyohd the Depot-*-This-House is NOW OPEN for Boarders and Transient Visiters, and offers accommodations eaual to any Hotelih Atlantic City.--- '. * - „„ t. Sinoe last season, the ohambers have been very much improved, add'rendered more comfortable by ,Venetian blinds having beenput up at the windows; - ' Charges moderate. . i ; Children and Servants half prioe. - , , , .*ST Parties* should''keep tbetr seats until the ears ar rive in Ffont of the Hotel." The signs are conspicuous. - je2s-gm . » , , . • , , HOUSE, < ' ■ ■ for the seasOrf.; Its Rooms Are'canon, and ruRNisHKD, with convenience and oomiort for bo- ; •jbnrnersathhnd; ‘ Thii Houe adjoin^“ Bedlok’s.” on MABSACHU-, SETTS Avenue, within Convenient distanceof the sUrf, to.reaoh-whiobbrond'And solid gravel walks have been .laid out. It is adjacent to the Lighthouse, ana commands a fine viaurof the OoeatyanaTnlet. ~ —~ ' bv Permanent and Transient Boarders accommodated on liberal terms. Children and Bervapts half prioe. < jeM-gro - ~ JOHN BMiCKmopnetor. UVOTlOE.—Letters Testamentary to the VJWf FREDERICK KLKTT, late of (ha Citr of Philadelphia, deceased,.having been.granted to the undersuned, ail.ltdrfionk.indebted to said Estate l will please mako payment,, and those having claims are ro -IBy delay po /, >; jfi'EVoorner SECOND and CAL FRANKLIN C. JONES.RACE Street, v "JExeontors. , | COPARTNERSHIPS. HPHE COPARTNERSHIP-heretofore ,-P- lifting between the subscribers!? this clay dissolved by rantnal opnseni t)ie“firra' w»U do settled by JOSEPH B. HANHON, who is authorised to use the name of the firm in liquidation’.' • 1 • JulF Ist, 1859. '■ - JOSEPH B. HANSON will oontinue the Tobacco Com mission buemefis, and Agenoy for the aalo of Sombrero Guano, aa heretofore. . ~.,. ' r No. 105 North WATER Street, ■ - i _ . and No. toe North DELAWARE Avenue,, GEORGE BOLDIN, !■ . , i 1M North WATER Street. NORWOOD PENROSE, ' t '-. I 7 t NORWOOD FENROBEfIiU of ttoErmof Joiephß. Hamoa & Oo.) I, this dar suooloM-vith GEORGE r BOLpiN, under the style end firm of BOLDIN A. FEN* ROSE, for the purpose of oonduetlng a TohAooo. Oil, (md General (tomiulraion Durinoiis. Julr 1,1869. •' 1 1 •’ Jyl-tf .TVOTICE IS HEREBY.GIVEN, that the firm of WARNIOK. CHADWICK, & BRO. ie this day dirsolved. The Heater, Kaatfe, ana Stove business will be oontmued under the. name of CHADWICKj& BRO.. at the Northeast corner of SEOONu ana RACE ' -McVnTOick. Philadelphia, JalrH.Mra. - 1 - • JrlP-tf- 1 rfsssi , CHICKERTNG * SONS, . FIANO-FORTLS. ■WAREROOMB 807 CHESTNUT STREET. Constantly in etoro a oar BEAUTIFUL and Wondve been awarded, at the diflerejit K»lubittonß in this oountry and S’qo'lD AND SILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. ■ - PIANOS TO RENT. ' Juia-lr eecgatea SUPERIOR PIANOS. . Light Streets, Baltimore* ’ Have always on hand a large assortment of thejrjnpa-, dor iPianos, recommended, by' certificates from 8. Thaiberg, Strakosch, and .other celebrated perfonners to ooeaual, if notsupprior.to any made in this oopAtcy.* The durability nf tbeir Pianoe .will be warranted tor five years and a crmlflge fif ait montnsv should-they not give entire aatiSfaoUon. ManUfaotunng largely, wewillacU, wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable prices. * • , Messrs. LEE k - TYALK®, L Street, Philadelphia, are our authorised Agents, ana wiu keep oodstantiy on hand and sell our Pianos at ma ■nuiaoturerst prices. _> rohs-$m ts&gm RAVEN, BACON, & CMb, fTSTfI Nunns A Clark’fi.-Hallett. jDavis, A Co »s, and A.H. Gale & Qo. 4 PIANOS. Also, Ala-, son It Hamlin » unrivalleiTMELObEONß and HAR MON juM 8, eo. desirable for Churohea'and.Lecture ' IST Pianos and Melodedns to Rent. ‘ • J. E. GOULD. myH-ly - - SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. Ilf ARSSTS MUSIC STORE, iWL No. 1102 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia, Where all the latest' sad popular Music can bo ob tamed from any catalogue fn the United States. In struction Books, Set Pieces. (Songs, Ballads, fee. Now Catalogues will be forwarded to any one,-postpaid. Mnnd will be'sent, tMttt-psia.cm receipt of,the price marked,on oatslogjiOv Fubushint and receiving now Music, daily. Musioal Instruments and musical mer chandise of pvery description at importers' and manu facturers* pnoes. ' ' MARSH, IjSt-im . . -110, CHESTNUT Slreof, f|ARa-.MABEUIL-SM--AY {ORAM _PAONB), JANUARY-IS, iMk—ln consequence of the frequent’invitations received by me to renew the •hipmOnta ofmy ChAoipaane-Winea to the United States. 1 beg leave hereby to inform my former customers and the pubho m general, that I have appointed Messrs. F.C. BROuWBft, ANCfIER,'& CO., Sole Agents in' the United (jtetea, for the wle’ of mi Champagne. Wince. MyWnes-hftve , 'bpd». so ‘Tons and favorably known in r thoUmtoa States, it willlbe .their quality, further than to .say that my new shipments ln M i? 81 " 1 WMfflm l; BILLKOART SALMONTOIfAMPAQNB, WINES, bd?V CABJNET,and vERJSkNAY, tor sale and con stantly on no apg7-dm .* ‘ B SI B^A^RiTstrofereVycKkl, . casea Barton & Questions v fit, Julten s 800. do. fit. Kstephe; SOP do. WagWng .ton Morton St. Julians 100 do. do. Talenoe, pints; wdn. Chateau La Roseitt do. do/LsoviUeiScotehAle, in stone and glass; YounTON 8/ HIA. OfplqaaUrQ, Passhng.ey -Rallroaqs, which now run past, and m close proxinmyraffonl a* cheap and pleasant ride to. Ail plana* of interest: mnr ahnut thn mtv, |r 33-ifim COMPANIES. ggteil SALAMANDER SAFES. K!h E' A largo assortment of rnn. ade lf h i a 1: m A a n u FaWu'l ed , salamander safes" u * ull „ _ , VAULT BOORS, BANK LOOKS. FOr n ° ,,k ’ am,S, '” M ' ‘ n li.pWwte^i,, Onnsgoodtorms;ni»ny other ogtablishraent in tlib 1 United Staton, by „■ Evans & watson. No. 28 South FOURTH Street, ' it.eAse OIVE US A CALI,. - I ' l ‘' M o!i‘lal?f OKILLa 'AND SHKETiNGS FOH : Jc£ i-m . W South FRONT St„ ond 3a LETItIa Street. 0010-i) 1 1%/| AUKDHEL- L AND ' 'ALE\V[ VES. —UU -■M,y bhlH-'npdaObalf bblo now No. 3j apo hble. end 130 half bble.now largo N 0.3 Maokerels loobbla. Alowivoe, wr,- „:: w kU^kA%. summer; res okts. LEGAL.' ' WO Npith DELAWARE Avenue. PIANOS. MUSIC. WINES AND LIQUORS. CAIIINET WANE. COAL, WASHING, AND IRONING. HOTELS. jyORTUERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, ' • BsLb,LIBHB^INM3J. : ”' V.,'. FIRE >NI) LIFE INSURANCE, HEAT) OFFICES*: .LONDON, ABERDEEN,' EDINBURGH, OLAS-' OOW; PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, $6,298,800. ANNUAL INCOME LTWARDS OF #lllOO,OOO, • I’olici \ry tlifl unlimited liabilities o nearly 1,000 Shareholders. , . lessee promptly adjuetod and paid without reference to London, by WILLIAM GETTY, ' AGENT FQR THE UNITED STATES. OFFICE No. 37 SOUTH THIRD STREET, t'HILADHX.PSLLi REFERENCES. Messrs. STUART. * BROTHER, 13 Bank street. ' ■> MYERti, CLAGRORNi & 00. l 23J Market st. : " WM.MdKEE fc 00., 23 South Front etroot. . “ McCUTCHEN: A,',COLONS, 6. W. comer . , r Front and New streets. 1 :»•, •- ,r • H ’ SMITH;-WILLUI&, & COJ, 613 Market s, " JAMES ORAHAM & COV» and 4* JOSEPH B._ MITCHELL, President Mechanics’ Bank.< i -i . - JAMES DUNLAP, Eso„ President Union ; Bank.-" ,! Hon. WILLIAM A. PORTER, 623 Walnut street, fe*« •'■ 1 ■ Judge Supreme CoUrt. , jytouth&B tf v > The Washington . FIRE AND MARINE '• -< INSURANCE oompan , FARQUHAR, BUILDINGS, 1 , . •, No. 280 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Inoorporated in 1807, under the general inmrnnoe Lay of Fenheylvahia. i AothorlzedCapital.b #500,000 Butx»n wd Capital..... ........ 200,000 Paid up Capital. 114,800 ' HtVSSTSD.jkS, POLJ.OWS I . . > i Bond and Mortf ages, firsttien, ■■ 852,170 , Btuifc,.Railroad,.haadthet Btbokk and Se- ‘’’C lion ritie5—.....:............... ... Pi .too ~..; ; Cashinßnnk„».„-,„ i »,^_..n.,■ 5,600. >■-. i . .-.-■,e..„r,,lfta |«MpHP tf> and from all parte eff the world, add ImaadNaviga-f tion and Tranaporiatioft.'oit favotable terms.- ';; , .i. i V; OFFICERS* if. Assistant Secretary. • , \ DIREC.TORS.r - . Wfe; ’ • Henry K. Strop*, P.FTj'orrey, ,t ,- 1 ~ AWxc£Su?f«rV ’• wm. B. n srutb, - , ... .“WW- JpIREI INSURANCE. JBTNA INSURANCE COMPANY. of Hartford. j. .Cash A«»tl,l»n.l,lSM.,_,Bf,BaT l e»aOß MANHATTAN TIRE jNSURANCK COMPANY or-NoWYork. -i'. ■; i Cash Aasats.Jan. 3,1859. ..... SPRtNGFIELDPIRE AND,MARINE INBURANCE'COMPANY. ' ' “ ; ' Cash' Ax*#U,Jan. I, USa! NORTH-AMERICAN PIRB INSU RANCE COMPANY, of Hartford., -' Cash Assets. Jan. li 105£,. .j.... irvino firelnsurance OOM PANY.ofNEW YORK. Cash Assets, 1,1830......; MERCHANTS' FIRE .INStJRXNCB COMPANY, ofHirtford.' C '■ CMhAMatt,,339,o79-83 'iuued; arid"lqmm ..ftquitabl? adjusted-oad promptly paid, at hie ,, ~ , BOSWELL & WlLSONyAgenta, ;feb26-tf . .;;ND.MdWALNUT Street. T IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM- A>ost>,nvrSsW.'^M«'U j .s®2, . , . < INSURES Ln EB for the whole terra of lifo—grants annuities,nndendowinettt»~purehaaes life interests in Real lutate, and make* aU contract* depending on the oontragdhclesQfLife. They act Administrators, Assignees Trustee.,ana . - a , ;> DanUl L.'Milier, Samuel S. Stokes, BetUamjn goatee,- : , William Martin, * ' JUfifew* 8. Newboid* James B, McFarland, ' Hacker, Joseph!!.' Trotter, William H. Kern, James Huston. Samuel a Hn«y. ' - Theophilus Paulding, Charle. Hftllowell,, Edmund A. Souderv- 1 Henry C-iTowMead, DamelX. Hutohitusou, &sp*pku>Keflt» Jphir W. Honor, . fcMmiun, • William Robertson, .•«. • Joseph M-TKoma.,' - ■' Warner M.Rasm, John G.'.Brenner,, . , . . ' President. ! _ _ „ SAML. ErSTOKES, Vio.Pres’L John W. Kornor, Secretary. . v aqlB-ly rjlflE QUAKER ; CITY; INSURANCE ■l COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Pa, FRANKLINBUILDINGS, No. 408 WALNUT Btr»t n L;,',V c HARTER PERPETUAL. . jfUOv, MAftlNB, AND INLAND INBURaNSW. PiroliuqrailM.UraitMiinilpSfiietuil, on Ruijding a and Merohandite of all .. . Manna Injraianoa, inland and Oc«»it, ! oir Vaaaala, Pjeiant and Cargo to and from all parts of the World. - QEOROB H,.HA#, , iSSdVnt.'V , OeorM H.Hart, ®' > ' !CT ?.W. Bailor, Samual jonae.l!’. D„ . aul OELAWARE. WTUAL’. SAFETY IN O > OFFICE S.,H; fORnSWALNUT - ON VESSEfii'T Jf 0 B ■ ‘ MlwftT.- 'To »U part? of th» World. On Good., by Land Camag. On MoreS'X? s?s?***** 8 ... .^“slel l^^® ’co^dFANY, . November 1,1859. , f|M M 0 ttty6Vcent Loamf.JSMBJMOO fe® 5!§We T Mfe’Nii«::: - ?«,«), ?o„n^vaniaßA,|ad i? dMo rti ag, $lO,OOO, NortffTonnejlviiilaltaliroadMorv ” . G«- U ’ ooo °° aslphia,r. - UlHSdd 98^)00, 100 shares •' 1 *** * j road Company... 5.. r.. fisoou Sundry shares Philadelphia leu Boat Company, Havre do Grace Steam-Tow Boat Company, Bo vonnnh Steam Nangatlon Com pany , and Phi ladelphiaExchange - Company...,. 2,030 00 *540.700 t? 5510,J» 00 Bonds aqd Mortgages, and Keal Estate, Of* Bm? YnsuVn’nc^B'itiVcioW Balancedqe at A^enoiee—Premmma on Ma rino. Pohoies recently iesued-ana other debts auethe fI,S9 1 /Jcrip and etook of sundry insurenoe Compa- ■ • r o|l&B»iio(jtViii DIBKOTORS,' ’ Jams, Q. JUjkl. Ttwophira, rwldux. JaraesTrMuair, wUl'smETfe.Jr., J.F.PenUjpo, Joshua P. Eyre, 6lanmelE.BK.hes, lenry Sloan, James B. M’Farland* Thomas C. Hand, tobert Burton, ■ ohn B. Semple. Pittab’r, >.T. Morgan, •* . ■M MA'jJ l ?epi.* ‘ >rpsary. _ j WNUflm'Mjrtim IqsephH. Sea i, fIPHPC*’ Sower, John O. TDiYis., John Ri Ponrprt; GeorseG. Letper, Edward j)arhn*U>n« Dr, R. AL Huston. H. Joneißrooke, riEtyny LYLflw'N.siao Fame insurancecompany, no. 4HOHEBTNPT Street, PHILADELPHIA. STATE OF CONFINED TO FIKE AMO INLAND RISKS. Samcbl Weight ofWrUht, Bros.* k Co. William W.WaJ'TSRs, , William Ryan & 00. • CItA&LBS RICIIABDSON.. J. 0. Howe & Co. ' Gsoko* West. Fobes. &. Lloyd. BARcf>AT'LfprmcoTT... Lippiihjptt,'Hunter, & Soott. Jacob W. Stout. .... .4. Cbsfree£ Stout, & Co.. HRNRy Lewis, Jr Lewis, Bros., & Co, David B. BiBKBt... u..; Pavis k Birney, A. H. Rosenheim,,..... Rosenheim, Brooks, k Co. Jon* B. Ellison...-,.. Johng. Ellison k Sons. ete= * °* ■ ■ ?W?ATi|an'^^6JuM I ,' Frea’t, WlkLlAftlSj* BLANCffARp. Seo’y. sut-tf HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE insu rance COMPANY, No. 413 WALNUT Street, I'wiodelphia, • ■BafcisS!a«” w c ■ M.W. Baldwin, . Wm. K. Hamlin, JohnO. James, H. 11. Shiuinafortl, A. J. Buoknor, C. fa/. Spangler, JohnW. Sexton. , H. H. Houston, Vlujßni Raiguel, Wm-HTLoV, Edwin Bopth, CharlesF. Norton, ■ John (iftiTisoji, g , , Beor6tary—CHAßLES A. BUY., del*. TNSURANCE 00MPANY 0E THE 18M. I jlSf ,«i i: w.koT CmU&l^ .KmODU-AMOU, January 1., Afl'inVoatedin sound and available e«ouritie»-oon tinne to insure on Vessel® amfCnrcoas, Buildings, fl tookl ofMorohamlise.&OM on liberal terms. Henry D. Bherrerd. ° T S?o?« H. Stuarl, SiUiepn Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., SjawesMacftleater, - Tobias Wanner, WHhain 8, Smith, Thomas B. Watison, s&T&hi,e. S?.. 6 8.tt°* _ TI ‘ 'kENffi§.s'sE®ißD, President WILLIAM HARPER-Secretary. je^wrmtf Wm ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU- A RANOE COMPANY , OF PHILADELPHIA, 409> WALNUT STREET. This Company insures against Loss or Damage by Fire on Public and Private Buildings, Furniture,Stocks' or Goods, and Merchandise generally. , The following provision m. the Poliqios of this Com pany Luaranties thdir security when assigned as ool aterali " This bolioy shall not be invalidated, or in any wish 1 affected, after its asswnraent as a collateral security to a groundfrent, or mortgage, and tbo approval oCsuohas signtnont by the offioe.uy any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged of the Sams/' • Paul Tl Junes, Jeremiah M. Brooks, , > JohnHulme,' , * RobertC erke,,, , Igaacßl Waterman, David Salomon, . EdtfardG. James, William Vanuervee?, , Josepnuftnney, Theodore Cujier,, ,* , Joseph tH. Collins. Banmel Costner. ",, r ' '■ GiUekt B.SibMiko, Seeretsrv. ' lurT-tf .FOR THE SOUTH,—CUARLESr ' •SB!iasS.ToN and Savannah steamships. . _ , .FREIGHT REDUCED; ‘V ' iIM-vj Prelthtat an arerana of riJrEßK'perodnt bo- 1 ) MtS °? ?* Ma*Bhman,win sail’ on' Thursday, Aag, r • Mth.atlOolelockA. liL ■, .n. -i,.. - ■- < s,!^ • ■. >£vfj« U idSL R r a !i Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA;: cueverr month.’ Uarvm ’ on JOth,»tb.and 30th; & hours'atWi’ ; . and Southwest*, ' At Jx>th Oharleston aHd 'SftVonnaH,.these Ships con nect with steamers for .Florida; uml with railroads, &5 4 for all places in the Sou|^U^uthveBt.;. .Freight'and Insurance on alarirepnJportiop of Goods shipped Sooth wilt be found to'^bujower l by-taese *hit>sl than by sailing veasilN, the premium beihg-one-half the rate. • . ~ i. . , ~.,i tr’ ' ■- N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight tOntirely, unnecessary,- farther than-Charleston or Savannah; the Farobr thla rpule « par. oent. ehjarar. than br the Inlahd Route, as will -be seen by the folfowinreche-' dole. Through tioketß frqm ’Philadelphia via Charles ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on. the whole , route, except from Charleston and Savant nah to Montgomery* ' ’ " ‘ 1 • , _/- J ' !XZ>AHO‘VASS. - To Charleston 815 00. . Charleston.*^.. ...,825 M - l5 00 Savannah.. W V SI 00 Augusta...*... 2000. "Augu5ta:.,...,;..... 28 00: - . Macon.‘2l 00- Macbnl.... ... 82 75 . -Atlanta*.r...;.. 23 00 ; At1anta..i.......... 8100 Columbus..*... 23 00 Ccfarabus..*. 3KOO Albany 34 00, , /JbanyTJ..., 37 00 , ,Mopt^omery.2ooo ■ Mdnt-omery..-.3800- , M0bi1e..'.....,. 85 00 M0bi1e,;..45 90 i • .39.75, New.Orl?ans*', . *;» . fi^OO . No bills oftading signed after the ship has sanen For frei« ht or. oassa e apply on board, at second wharf . above-Vinoatreet, or to :is,. A f .n^ U n ,h O rrSeTSV F K T || d S^ fc,r - V “ . « • ■ SaVannkh/O. 1 A; GREINER k CKX ' ’ ; ■ For steamer* St.'Marr’e amL Sf. John's, every Tuesday and Saturdays --->■ > jy23 GLASGOW. AND;. NBW“ YORK ANB LONDONPERRYs-fof #».' j PROM-KBTC.YOHK. GLABGOW, Thompson* W*dne»3ftfj Auctut 2fltV, at 11 o'ojOok, noon. : .. .. , I Kates or Passage from Now*yqrk. Philadelphia,or : Boston* to GUmqw. L}verpOoJ*'B#n»tfl)aWm, or Loo* donderir, first oleas.-A7& Steerage; fooodsrUh an abtm aasos of prqpeilreqoksd provisions, $99. • ♦ '•>'••• An, experieii&M jTnrgepfi' Jtttyobtd toenoh steamer. Noohyge for '• * , ( - w > < / -, apSS tf '.j ' -h- No. Now York. 1 ‘ u. s. m.stsamßbs : | sail Auiwjti, Ootaa*«#;. rUi- V $l3O ; , &lcioad;Gabjpu?MM«o-»i‘v-ii 7fi\ Jo mpMagiM£■« At th#'War®hoosihg-Co»>aiiy’« -Philadeiphioomoe; - ToHaooo,'W'ajOhonMo ? DOOK Streot, Fhila.:.;: jalg^mLf - H’UE BRITISH AND 'NORTH 1 22tgi&.mzKiam royab;i^l;;Bteam-; , S*ootid C.Eltt 76 " , -uIpROM to MrTOPOOI. CUef.o»bi4ftMMßiii.. »IJO iv. fu^&tfifcliscooD,;'{ ElfROPA,'Cdpi.J-XHtehl' JJA.'Capt. Cans,- ’ 1■ •: • •• • • '' -.- • V w vmmu o»rrr 6 oU»r whtw.iiht st ; tnut-b*64| ■ n '-■ Am2wcX(' Weda«Xr,fß>t.:7.. -i A F RK3Ai shannon, * , { York, Wednesday. Bept.»li KUROI’A, llettoh. r ‘' Norton.’ Wednesday. I&dL2l Judkins/ ** ~N York, Wednesday; ScpLZS. 1 Berthanpt secured unto paid for.--.> . An experience Sur-toon.on board* ‘ * - - ‘ The ownerrof„tbeee shipuwiU not heoeoduntable for Gold, Bilvef,BaDion; , Bpppie, 11 Ja'irelryrPrdeicm*8tonei or Metals, tuue«s-biUso£.U4mg ate signed therefor am the value thereof therein expTMfed,’ Jpot. wewator p»* r 978,980 09 449,794 84 809,890 00 941,864 81 HAVING FUNDS. OPRING SO *3 OIETY OF PHILASBLBHIAr~ _ Office, f(o r 831, J?orth.'rHfß3) Street, -•/ . , (CpQsohdanQnßftnlt BaiUiru*ll '• ’ CHARTERED fiY. OFFBNN- Depoeits reoeivedlhsumi or One Dollah and * *nd rgpaidijtf Gold, Withbat'uotiee; with’ FTVe PER CENT. INTEREST from the day of deposit ’ till with-; A responsible and reliable Bavines Institution has‘lon ; been needed in the Northern part of the oity. and “ T le Spring Garden Savin is Fund Soeiety n «m chartered by the Legislature of Pecnsy |vama to supply The Managers. in organising anu locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommodate the bus-’ ness interest ana wants of the very large and enterpri sing population by which it is surrounded. OFFICfLopEN PAILyT , •- - From 9to 2>f o’clock;' also, on Monday and, Thursday * 1 from 5 tmti f 8 o'clock m the evening. • . i - , > KAftAGKBf. - ; it' Frederick Klett, , . Stephen Smith, . , Francis Hart, Joseph P. LeClero, John Kesslari Jr., * Georxe'Kneeht, JamesB.Priiuie, Jacob Dock. t - , Joseph M. Crowell, 1 Han. wm. luiuvaTd, Faswcts Hsut. Seoretarv. . - .. _ ta2o-tfif Savinu.fund~fivk jker.cenx. in. ,TEREBTi-NATIONAL' SAFETY-TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Btreet, Southwest corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. lucori&orated by ,U\e atato of.Pen&syJya- Uto. ' ’ Money .is received in any sum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of depoeitlo the,day of with drawal. The offlee is opejr every day from fl oclocklnthe morning till 0 o’clock in the evening, and on- Monday ana Thursday evening* till Bo'clock. - - William J. Rupd, Secretary, XUBBCTOK9,' Hen. Henry L. Benner, ' F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, " » Jpeeph 8.80n 1 , Robert . - Francis Lee, Samuel K.'Ashton, Joseph lorkes, . . C. Landreth Manns, ’ Hon ry.D iffend erfer, Money i* received and payments mode daily. -■- - Thp investments are mode, m conformity' with the Srovisionsof the Charter, in Real Estate Mart 4&tee. round Rents, andadeb firstHslase secdritiesns will al ways msnje. perioot security -to % flapoiitarS'i aad which cannot fail tp giyp MfmaftOßoy Rudstawhtr to this Institution/ ■' * - nuiGy; mA V IN'U • - STATES TRUST COMPANY, ofipur THIRD And CHEST- sum*reoaived.ami paid back on de mand vnthout-notice, with FIVE PER CENT. INTE REST, from the day of deposit to the a&y ofwithdravat. hocg^gm 9unm a o’cfo j; Rnd on , »RAftsfft£ WSooJlaad, "^%l£^ ORA^?OH ?’ . " •“ A little, but oft-en. All, th, - ‘ ORANKLIN SAVTNG FUND-- ( posits on demand.- ' Tlji» Comonny defims-safety b6U»t than hrrt profits, consequently will run no risk with deposi tors’ rotmer, but have jt at alt times ready to re |fy married nr tfacle* and Minor? can fafc&ifo IWuE ttWP right,and such deposits can baWTUidrawnoki.7 bytheifconsent. Charter perjptual. Incorporated by the State of fflnnaylvatii&i. with authoritT'to receive mo ni; trpuOniuee? ana executor* < •- - * Wednesday and Saturday evening* uhtir 8 o’clk^ _ v „ director; ' *'■ " v * ! Jacob p. Shannon, Oy«d?'ea3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, . StEBBiqFS^NS, '• Machinists, Manufacture High and LowPiflgsure Steam Engines, for I/aqd, River, add Marinoaemoo, Boi ers, Gaspmetert, TanksTlronßoats, Ac. i Cartings ofall kinds, either Iron or Brasg... . IronFranm Rpbfk tor uas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, &o; • , i -' Retorts and Gas-Maohinery of the latest and most im proved construction. Every description of plantation Machinery, such u Sogar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vaouum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecator*. > Store. Fampin* Engines. Ac. ‘Side- Agents for N. RilUeux’s Patent Sarar Boiling . Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; and Afpiuwall * Wolsey’a Patent Oantnlugaf Sugar Drain ing Machine. •_ ' an o-y 'TIRE CHEAPEST BRUSH HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA.—Look at the following list of prices for Handsorubs, and compare them with those bought elsewhere i , ■ • No.l, « knots, ©Mperdoaen. No. 2, 6? knots, 75 ** ‘ No. 3,6 d knots, & “ No. 5,80 knots, 100 ' ■ : ** No. 5, 83 knots, 113 > “ No. 6,100 know, 128 . •* No. 7,101 knots, 1» > “ No. B,WQknaic. ufi m M North PR OUT'S,CELEBRATED LONDON . BRUSHES- ; i . r ’’ i " I'JB.WSH the. Mrantffsr than roujhly and ~/.~ v ? a r 'l'.lhug Eiving the proper stimuTus and consequent freedom from dandruff to the scalp-skm without Injuring it, and, thus,' too; Insuring a naturally glow,: healtjiy condition to the hair.»His TEETH, NAIL nnd OOMB BRUSHEB are equally desirable also • for thetr respective uses, all combining. in a remarkable degree, completeet usefulness with extraordinary dur*- mhty.. A full assortment ofPROUT S superior *W>ds» «* ° B ”4 im-ttl 1 Jiiwwl.w', oofnarOfTwe^fth. KT&toS.— 85 tierccr, extra" Sugar-cure 4 covered Rams, packed by Garder, Phipps. A Co., Hepry Lewis, Jno. ShAy. Beatty A Tapscotf, Heiatt k Wood, Quigley and other#. , For sale hv ,' qng ■ ' ; AT?rt* TUTEiBALE ROI'E-Mnnufactured and BRUSHES. M THOMAS A, SONS, . ■, Kot,lM»iidmymig goyatg H-rafegr - . „ real estate and atodyi wjU hertafter r bo hefi a? 2 ' . o*tu>CK t itoos, instead of m the evening; - ,tq each.|ab,.onA,thoas*md-catalognet tn pamplifot fibnn, ;1 b??oUowin* TS^a 0n ° f a ‘ ftWftJ tobeeoldow- -. i {,^fSrnituW ! .BALHB' Tauctios-^ ORE every Thursday morning, ? ;^.vREAE-ESTATE AT PRfVATE SALE. we have a lar«gamount qfßeal Estate at Private Bale, including every description of city and country ‘ property ' rtoro. .. WL Real. Estate entered on oar Private Sale Rentier* aim adrerflaedpqcas;onaJ]y m our Public Sale Absuaots. t ' >f whion- IJXX) oopies -'are priatod weekly,) free oi charge.- • -- ■ ~ - *. - Trade Bate toßooteellerswilleonuneflee on-Tuesday, September 13. flea. Catalogues now ready. , CARD.—In-August'only' occasional skles, as hereto fore—not every week, as in the business season. F WnUn?!ali. SAL E-HEPTKMBER e; AT NOOK, Pllfi,at?°. M ph MEW.PONE RESIDENCE; WEST *tnr7Y»v?no “•^ an “^ ,nia ,Ilo d o ro ne-w three resjdencß. sonthweat 'corner of Fortr-ae- v t awiFi?[l nat and Pmo street. Lot 62 *? JOSfeotin the rear. LOT,FOUR r 9ej..of Fortr-second and Pine > lio foßt on Forly-eeoond street wfl&et ou Pme street. 440 feet on Rock street.- and IflOfaetomMiUcreek.- Four fronts, r »«*«*, ; pkwrfKK : , SF I RSfS!ISfe!Sg >nck dweliin . east side of Men*lne„Pti-ee u between Mast or and Jonhrsori and snd Twelfth etraeta. K DWELLING. siT }nek dwolling. No. 425 Enterprise Fourth and Fifth streets, below Dickerson street. First H . BLISWWiT,' ;■ -• Household fnmtnre,-horses;;, colts,'oerrli os. Tort wagons, snlkex; sleighs, sm le and double IctiSaaE- ‘ '■ ■ aiid vrsnoiis, covs, hogs.lhrndusuten'■ : 't“4’h o V lM^n,l " safe. attheUoMtrj Seat ori .theHajerfordroad. Salfa - sasassub^isLPMatf-^v®**-'' .Also, one pair ol very handaome matched end sreU- ; th 3 e *“ I , Ak?. family camm’S fork TOoot.aulkey.dottW* *' l and tm*le MrjjfiW, ,siaizfaa ( farm bora*s «m vwobi; ' «®np,epp7iiofa f ,• - '* „> 5 £S.«?V - 52 *** n “o«a snj to saM. / ' I • Wk.'jßAl«Snllcommanco*tHo'ok»kpfaoia«li > { - : , SEAT.ISX acres,wtth tot- • [tetmye uiiprovdhients, anar’shadi tree*, superior fruit' ■ ; umirTeen bouse, cTapai*,**.;©*! the HaverfenTroad.^ sod a mile froßl a stsboflon the liiiliulelcUa WWeit 1 - • t— Our ui9 tlns,niormn?v' ftt fto auction" -|to». -wm TOnrprw&r bemdcoaoplota of oxwhent *«-•• > asaffi; ssss;: : climl aucj aln*»»»re. Brussela andother ourptit,' ie., ,»?yya" ■ AlSO.ft afi^C/Htettehimi ilißrMif : .-.„ v «I A«o,ftdwjeirootypoappanuusjcompete. • f it ' >, Alao an elegant roeewooi piano-forie, made br Soho- ' maclier «te Qo»" "> • ■.--, ..—.'< -- NEAT BRUSSELSy; beds) to., of a gentleman leatibr theeitr; "“ “ l J ,beb»mm^.t4 ft , olook oathe morning of . ROOMS ON; HARMONY 'COURT TO RENT.—An 'iiSBgBaB ( J?tJRNEBS,'BRINLEY,\ & CO., *■ ! ' Kb. 429AIAKKKT STREET. J . .POSTPONEMENT. on «* njonUui »n*fuw and »®f*m early on the morning of T M. GTJMMEY * SONS, ' oXrB.-vT. SL Gnmmej Sc. Sons, ancttooeen, wtlFhoid. MnpUon of&fcy MW Country property. c 4.M. GUmtBV ifIONS, ' ]t| OSES NATHANS. AUCTIONEER B ixth a S®^|^™' 8 - e - ««* ffloro?aailiiB geMran?, aiSon aU artie&i jPSS^ > i” * W av?a oj»x inrwDE*® policies two pee cent. pee yoNTa, mci wlih? atowte, *e., at Nathana* PrinoTS Mow utwrally advanced mfcuzaor Anoentc. Uwfffifflllt*OTfiS* with ooOater&Ldisoo'mtod at J?Pj < ?^ 6^®^u n^: *^ Jllr^4,e ‘ moet approvedandbeat ' easu and double bottomed. Fine *o9 eac&pepiest levar Andlapme watohec. in huntjny ua#e >wTi them'are extra full jeWelM, and best meat, lever and teplnes, in hunting oase-stid ooen See, game van. asjerior; SußakrtwiSTPiiMh £3 toMUcaaeaand mm, bnicolets, w StefSTniS S.?A,dim sttrota ‘* r *' I&wronaW '.t ». , JIT PRIVATE SALE. “ AnwoTtre-vrcpC chest, 4 .feet hi*h hr3Tee* wide. Also, watohes, aadjewslrr of every description. MEDICINAL. ANOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER. EFFBCTS OF TROXBLL’S NEURALGIA have anSered tfio moat eaoraclatint pain, compelllmr , me at time. to give op m; business entirely. loouU SS eat, and sleep sms ' a stranger to mj e*ea. J idfofSl mote than tongues can tell, l had the iSrioe andaid rf ‘ vanousuhystoians, and used other remedies but aU nr : - no.avail, eflann* noticed your advergsemo “ in papers. I concluded to call on a person whom Pw learned was cured of aoasa of SO year* w 3 applied the “ BaEVe” Moncetand Tfelt tete?si , . , siWgtes n e iF' , lS ! s e«iv \f . ooraey Third aad Walnut a is. ap^O-tf Dr. westcott's celebrated tar CORDtATj, ‘ Woatoott'a Tar Cordial cures Consumption. We%tooU s Tar Cordial cure* Bronchitis. Tar Cordial cures Con. ha and Colds. fr& • fcs;’!|fr r »!s!s;ghs;^s?*' 8S S iS t , t onlG l Sil! 11 W “ V'"**™ » f **• &*»». pS"' 0011 ’' ’ CO " H * I °' m ” mtli '“ lph3L ar Cordi ?‘ louiferaji anlchofera Mix u[. btoott *a Aati-Scrofit sa> AECfa j£ to huCh,rS anaiorsalo hr WKAVKH.PITT.Kki &£££9 TA* E UNDER