-*J% ' J a*. si « Si»h»h— **■* /*" i4%§Ja^Mr^ 9,0 ” tta * T “ Tnixi, i> *ttf Ivtiww Esow* -There was a pnbitotrial dfthejoiolow Steam Fite Engine* ofMew Fork oily yesterday afternoon : aboutfo**o:olock.ohßevcnth.atre«i,*imveMirke.t.. , Tho ihe moreUK4W ao| oomo off- s» UK-engine hail been m cervia* Oilnight at the In oß'Us wharves "The pjaarhegf yesterday . wasVtirysattsfeCtofy., Tho enginawcrhsvoryeaay,-. anils uhdetndmirable.control. 'lndeed; the. most remarkable-featureabodh-her .is the * moohanleat work.Forflni«h.dUrabiilty,-eudsiujpllclty ofcon i struotum. thejshardlyrquaHed by any of ourhome . engines. lu eightmluutesseventarm pcumlsof : » steam wssgotton up.'and ip-nina minutes she,was ' under way; Withono hundred amithlrty,pounds of lnch not ale.tiro: streams,.were>itbrowtt,oiie-kmidred-ana •gW» ne feet- With one hnndriSijL Opd - ■T»and*,ofite*fei'>>,(»lnglo„sJrojuq t ',was.ithtowni: . through ati inch nozzle, the distance of. two hull ; , dredoßd thirty-one reet.-o W.thoilohuddredaad, fortyjhnnds or. stoaih.a.slimteetream.was. thrown : : two bunuredand twontyaaight feat-through an inch - and three-eighths nozalft -''With-one htindrod .and - fort/ toorf&ds of*Beam im' ' pany wo kndiv hot; but the body.will bo oonducted on tmahtry, tiiotics.'r ’“j; s..- - ■ irc - Anolhof nelv-mititiijy oqmpahy.has been funned , In thii'ci.tTihtideryUio.,nnih‘o l .Sfothol , hlladelphla . G uarde; .;Xhe hamea of yoluritceref it is aaid,kaTO boek>nrol!ecl..yTho follOwingViehtlea' men hAye bechchoscniofficpra.-’CapUm,'-William Rudolph'; first lieutwiiini, Joshua Myers; secotfd lieutenant, ocorgotEveS;'thir Hedteniifif, Saiiidol . Huffman. 1 t-i'i 1 'ir -il'i - . HOspitai, about eight am broken - yestcrday'aftofnodn.i'in a singular 1 manner.', HO' was standing.at thivcorliijrof idne Biid Sixtccnilj streets, .when 7 a'jdogjThat Jiappeiied.to he pasalng - along win egniust him and throw him to theground, . breaking \biif Brhu ; :i’lle-WMromoyed totne Ms-',' -• pital. ; . A man'named - was. taken to the hosnital-yesterdsy, suirafipgfrota. a frioturo of , .the pelyis.riHe wna; adhod-hsmteivl'teA'when standing on ,tho ladder;thoi;iwddeYgave vrey,-pret , : cipltsttug.-him Tpfthe''grbWi4-c; The tl&l?afng''on which hewus. engaged.wfich.he'met.hisaeoidentis situated at the corner of yine' and . Nineteenth ■ As iLTtgMMt At-'^iaiigO'iiFditoi&Efdra^, On TpeidayfjnenSOhhJ,ii" i pearcnce u purler oysfTMiavy.oleiiy'An-A rtorc-c; entered,. thC;City Bnnk, Wlth a£bank-b6ok'sitr h!s liami, and prtsonied a clutlt forouc'huudrod-aDd , thirteen dollars to ih’e tetlef;).',ThO doto purikhted’ i to oome froma promiuent: lwuwhonse in thhhity. 'i'ho cfislilordoufiliog tlie Validity of the sirnAture Mtlreddioie^jAro,^'Wjthidtio!‘»if«BiJ'3p I 'dhe'' ; be- , -. homing alsruu-d, fied. . Thitnotfi iurned out to he a forgery ir .JUie-;feUowwho.;attcmpt*d'to pass.it; has not BiDoohssnhoard;.froffi/o;;'^,’-v,'-’'' 7 vo.'; ; LAilg»TAßiei,Acoi»%'fsuiY'ostflrtUy 'after noon, shout sir of K; Barclay tookfrighfat a large' oblong wheel which was being,tfundjed aluift tho side.Walkjlahd dhshed . up Ban*mhtreetprrira,meyicinity,oC.; Thirteenth,' und, runhiiig imp htrein of coal.oMt.stahding’hn ’ -, tbo track In Broad strooVi wefo.ro 1 ehretoly injured that clay slight est Bcralahoi'.'As.ithiJ il' the.secoad'rnaawayithis soaron- ln'w»ihhfe^iahl|jif%;ji@fejfkfef f 'npd, with different tcathirwo cin sincVreTyoonJaie with b m in jhu his-Bstm sTorlniio 7 ” A Few* ’Pipehi:og,Bnarnpsa .Yesterdiy' morninga lady.,went toWk-.Wisternniarket-house; at Sixteenth'«nd Afarket stneti. inS ,purchased some butter gfraf left fhh brittir lpj}i« «« Uf* seller and hrocteaed lo make aomt other pnrJ ohases. irOaT-ralnrhiMf'Shh-oxamined'tho'ljjktof,' ' . and found ithat-.,wh*t- jli.w.ba4 chonghtiWMisiyf . moved, mtAkpk™>l ß h/. an)nforior fW*rige,wg*.fosn4ilia.th9.Befar ware iden- 1 tified nntilyesterday, when,they.ptoyeditebo those of William Daws, whose parents reside at Ghmees-- ter.N. Jr.-lle-rwssrdrowaediatthat’paint *few days bofdrd'ht/bijdy.vfai iopnd . Confit^rroN.—3n the. notice of- the drown-- 1 ing or Wilis?? e,riily Ifi out local column of yee t day,,-we an error r». the age of th* dd ceased.tMihsiiigKthirtecncyearrand slX’mdntUhf »8« inromd,ofcighteph as we'meafihned Hisj body wiUfovhflytsttitdeyiOflcHioonana eoweyed.i to the reeijance-of hit parents > 1 Sngutd members ofctiie i Ludlow Awfliatientof NewiYork oityiWert shown ! around top* yestetlfajrlhy foembert of the i - Hope. Thff,Sqwriyerkerßseom’.«spe9ially delight-1 od with UrobospibUliMofihe'llopeinpartictpar:! and tho other oompanicSjn' fieneral.-'.'Tbei'nsioola-,! tion. it isantlcfpiiotl, will return home tins morning- 1 Tur.. WEaTnER-; yeßterdfiy; 'Waa;.abont .9gol | enough to; make;' n :ti«*vy. coat iComforlabtei - .The;! breesca were j exceedingly pleasant the shy calm and,‘»tear. ancirthß';-city oclanlly -bearahle. 1 fcnoh a day- in August isaveiflsf ha Usi novel | then deUctt*. Who taros about going to tho sea- 1 shore or country 7 AO* wo t Camp Mbmrnq,—Xestprday ntornpig a camp-, meeting about* mile-Wrd,* halt beyond McdiaV ondho line of :tho West'Cifts-; tor Railroad. A iaige niuubnrDf.mcnibprs P‘tha Methodist Bpisotßal churcueeuti'mlauelpniAijDct - awsre. presrpt, ~ - . . CHAEfiep.ww*;Kt)BßiKa-.qw BaoTHKBt—A, ' young mhn: named betcr McCullougii, |iad u bear., | fag .yesterdsy iUiWh'Urg oii; ijnf nhargo.nt having, stolen the suiri uf nny u&niirn from Ms brother, JIo .. Was. takept bfdbra. Akli iSwitfpauG held-to-batl to. answer Jit s ft>it t i Tnuipjip y?S*sdkiittir^l’liere' *-tll "bd-fhe, first nubhetriat of the- Bdrthetn;Ubertlh;B(ym ■’ Enginedo-day-oivßidge avenue, above (Tauowfml street. Ttmtnal wiltcotno'tiffabfivotioloek.'i'-- TnE iVfbiSK'OF liAYiSa thb traek of tho Wul-; - imt atidChcetr.ut-ittettaHidWay iB hcipg.puShcdtp ■ oompleticri;. A-TCiy large terce' o/ v*men- is. On gaged. and-hopesaroenteHaiticd thw tjir cnhftf 111 ,• ran before tho ftr^'pfiß^ihtef--ii ■ - ■.’...A'.i'c'.’w I .■l'r-^ 1 mi I '.' iw. <—w„ f-- - Tire JftaUh~tay.is « Whon n'eMia'Wt4k£fe^.«tn; _*s/x i t- THE COURTS. ■kj?i » r)Tfl*V* * b AT' <•*kfctiklTDlH«o. '/* iNwortMTortileTrMt»l -». >,< ,'\[\: >* . > ITxinsp Stated District Court—Jridge Oad . walader.—The Grand Jury .‘eAmfe into court yoSter :day% and returned ttueltfil'i Rgain&t' the .following ; persons : J*eter • Garyuer. Robert Robertson, ana Henry Dorsoy. ohsrgod vfith passing nnd'attempt ing to pan counterfoil half cioHnr.i upon Jonn Stookart.,■’i•.‘•■V" ■-i r, .- ■ v.Mward' Jackson, • charged ivith assaulting ’• the mall oarricr. with intent to rob the United States mai ■ v-'-The: ease of: the Untied States-of America V -1. Thomasß.Bewees.,waB:callod„up„for trial. 'The eaae was All action for debt, to 1 recover-the; sum.of $2AOOi alleged- tobe due to the United States. ~ .Thefaoteoftheoaso.so far as Wo can loam them, aretlmse: .Thorna* B. Dewccfl, ,»young man eats .ployed In , the.'. United States .post ofloe* woa ar :: rated, on - tho 17th: day of July; ,1858; ‘ upon tho oharge ofafutraotieg valuable -pwneylettora from the postnfcoc anl taking mo leWthecofrom;-. after a bearing the defendant washeldin tfae.framof $2 000 bin for his appearance,at the next te™ of the court George W Bfnreos and tho dofendant in this «uit(Thotuaaß Bewees) wore offered by the defendant.. before ;tho OommtwtpnoUMbail.'and • after ttdtnlnation. by, Charles R HCailltt, Esq,, U. ‘6: Commissioner. were accepted; I j ' ; " • ••.v 'OB-tbe 16th'day of July. l whioV was the day fixed for tho trial ‘Of tho cause; tho dofendnnt, -Thomas 8.-. Dowees. fees called to appear for the 'purpoi* of being tried.- Ho Midynbt apponr, and' i his-recognisance was forfeited. I .4 ‘ i -'The-case wa a called up by ÜbU«d.pt'ates District Attorney James C.. Vandyke upon i tho part of the i.plaintiffa. and upon-proof of the-oxeoution'of the bond > and ;the forfeituro r 6f the' jury -returned, a. verdict in favor of tho plaintiffs in the sum 't>f s2iooo, There wW no defence made to tho s : • v .Tho petit juVors urere discharged until this morn ing. .. .- •The ease of Edward' Jackwhirebairgfld with at tempting to rob' the47cited States .moil; wascon tinuodover.tintiT the next term of tho court,' on .account of. tho iUness of Lewis 0. Cassidy, counsel for accused.' Adiourned. '.j - A \ • ■ Kone of the otheroourjs;wero in session. , i Railroad; DeciMon-*-How Xiong is a Ticket GoodT c ! .tProraitheCattayapffu* Republican.3_ -v- '' 4 y ' An action ui somo considorablo importance to .the travelling community wa tried nt the Circuit Court in this vinago 'liwt week.' beforo' htH honor Justice j "Marvitij] wherein-Boffjurmn B*rkes,of ,01ean, was I ■ plaintiff; i*ad rCharies Coffin, m conductor on the Xour lork Control Railroad, wad defendant. - y flteta of the case word bnofly as follows: ..On ! fho 12th day of August lasMbe.plauitiff purchased .a ticket in- Kfew , York r lbr i ß4fflMO / at the .Hudson faro.' Upon tho .Taco: of .the printed,tho following condi tions :\ tt Tobo used? within three'days—goodTor a ictmtihdous trip ohiy. >,L /*' >r Tho plaintiff prdQeeded.pp his joamoy tho sanitf .diy aa fhr where he remained until the width, when fye. took .the train for Buffalo „ At Syra cuse thedbfendant took ohargo of the train ha' con duetorfVandvO;r,caUingwupon .the passengers for ticket* refusedto receive - tho one presented by the &r.l-whieh it was issued had his fare; the, plain tiff was 'Caretmlywtohveafrom the train by the defendant, but iretxirhod to ' tfio oar he had left, i. and pa^d : lda'fe*re ; to.Buffalo, J rpUi£iing his ticket* '7 htso inWidenoo that the faro paid by the! rmtyistiff when ho purchased bis tickot was afa ro [ dived ratoj -while this 'route’ was Competing-with isnval routes forthfouiiKtravel, and4hht the Ordina ry.tixice cfifftpassagefromHewYork to Buffalo was «pput SBP? Plaintiff brought hi* action against tho .conductorfor assaulted battery. i *_■ * At tbVcdQ3e;pf J plalatiff ! a ipr<>o£o, tho .defendant .movod for & nonsuit, on*variety of grounds. ' •- - His Honor;‘JusticoHarvin. 1 ruled off tho'motion, that the stipulations; printed on it was' ■evidence of the coatraCt’between tho plaintiff and, i the railroajrcompany,' andbindiog uponhim ythat the utfders&iog.on!,thepartbf thooowpahy waste : transport for theprico; agreed upon; -AWitbui r .'.tho !tiihO;':Hmited,’ and: was!not an under ! cariyblin'wheneVer ho mightehoose to ; go::and'that, having commenced his journey; ho i; could not theHtain that went through, [ and 1 inaist'hpoirbeinaf .&kon ,up a* a way passenger i at aTature;>time.7~3fr£-'these reasons, the learned i jUBtice i non i ßuitedtheplainti? , ' : '^ r ' i. Tallent and Phelps, 'attorneys forplaln u-tiffs* aCbs3rd.^CQXv Avery, -attorneys for de fenuant , {-Vs-v;' ?£.; 4'V -> ; ;4 >V W, jhazretuhldd Troth Eurdtfo'/aricTwiU, resume pr&ctioe, rit No.. 828, doora .below entire attention to the, treatmento{ i .t&.oiWt,-.-i ;. ;: ’ I- •: ..«/ ' r ■' < ■ Dr. yrbqld respectfully invite, the attention of all Sfentlonfep who are, afflicted, to hi* won- trotU can say infallible, remody—whieh he procuredwbiletn Enropa—forjffeqtuolly oxtonni iratiny all bimidnp arid'conia—fllso, tlio enlargement of jomts, and-riwl« gro\ring into the flesh successively cared.'"." V- • -t //'Dr: Ljvingston.would . strictly cAution all persona ftgaiasfhsfng'rAzors pr aay sharp instruments, ineut ..ting their corus/asmany have .-forfeited their lives in so, rdqini—and soma hitye'aUO lost the use of their limbs by' "using poiBonous/*alvea\and other dangerous propara* s tiaus, V??’7l Y'.-\ vYY i’.t.J’atiorita visited.at their residence if'desired, hoping that my. merits and endeavors to please will meet the {apprdbstionof all/ ,/ - y .1 hoars from S. AV.M* to 6 ,P- M. . - ;l '• Wb ~fc He'hhdcrsign ed, feel it a sense of duty in highly irecomnusn-diriri WVW! ; LiVingston to all those who, /need hrs vainable;Mrvicosi "With our ©wp experience, ; aad whstwe'h&ve lerirped by/othors,;warranta (a to say that hehasgivenVoriderfulsatisrnction,so rauChsothat we candidly .hellovo his mode of treatmorit is the only, true principle whereby bunions and corns can be entire* .ly/destroyed, and .at the same time causing uopain.or ti^o«theiilight^Vt.mebp k v«niQtwe. ‘ - . 1- • ;j iV - p SP;« ax it c.b's j j , r /~V' 1 ' *■” 'Oswald MofyTooMß&y/ Commercial Bank. . . . ..Mills H. 'Wayxx, Americanßank/‘ ' ’ ’ ' : ’ -V EiiWABD.IfawrLAUD,CW;Arch * - , u " STrißjjTjt?North Sixth street. /,'Geoboe W. LvncliY Germantown Plank Hoad. / " .B;MAUP^Y,.RittHg . : < - J. 8. FaAhVi Noi iNorth &xth street:. , Arch street, y « y Ip jyoir iiAVTs'..pRFiSCTivK EvKsioiiT, and Bke to be suited dorrectlybya superior.kind bfSpectaclss, call’ at Mr. M.. F ? ;'FhA/s*XLiS' T s Optician/ - 112 south-Fourth -Street, .where' you will find;;alsq.'s. lelioicfe selection of 'the lp3osfc"'okcellflri t Steredscopio pictured,'supplied con tinually with frdsh "arrivals' • frdmPa tin’ and London, at the lowest, . t . ;>7 -_r.‘ ■ <- /-Tsi Abfr ’awordf 1 aridl bayonetSihtoyiqagh-rAifflrr and" prrining hooks. The ; Minister of War, has. issued orders to the Colonels of Regiments todisbarid'a bortiori of the troops, so that thhjfrasybe used by • tho',.farthers in reaping, jeowing, and mowing their lauds. This is a good move; .H6ey,Undbetter beemployed iri'eutting the crops,than rincutting the throats of thpir fellow, Unfortunates, ■ It Would’go far towards civilizing anddmmanizlng them/ iftheir Emperorwould cause; tho m to’ doff the Trim U tafrr • eostuines, and dop civ)Uanlsuits, saebiLS are being sold , Clothing Emporium,” No. SSl'Cheatnut street; prOpara- yrimoviur his liV* 5 * 1 Temple- of Fashion,” eonierbfEif hihand Chestrint streets. 'Waterfory —“ JJolra filft tnXobrfO/Vj-iivwabaccduritbfihe disposaioftho' st»mpf t|ie late ;Marquis ofTVaterford, which was'put aod Saturday; Jnne 24th and2sth> amount reaLized was JEI3,IGO. of the.racers brought large sums;' 1 Gemma di 'Ver* "gy, by/ Sir;Horcules,. for £1,050. /.Tho lato, Maw iris J-CBideaforhome time in tho United BtnteS, and .Whilb here) ho invariably, obtained bis garments at the j ßrown Stone Clothirig'Hall of Bockhill tc ‘Wilson, Nos. 003 arid 605 Chestnutstjreet.' f’ j v . = . ' . )Volian’s Love and Heaut. } fBh6ald they not win whfw aimis for the good ? ,‘AlulwberO finds mau .his oartlily 3 h ft Ppm a,8 > < //Reliif from oaiuVor : intidote to irleO ' / , / opur to exertion, or iewarii of it, * M.Botruiynhmdeapanuoonstant jovo— * ' , : And .wnere makes love his Jiomo ? ..lu woman’s hoart. r ; -Theaoovoquoiaiiohoccursirt Miss VaridohbooTsplay of • Wmnan-s Hosn.". Tne proper key to which, is the gracerai new atytes of Granville Stokcs/ the great clothier, of No. 607 Cuetrnut street. ARRIVALS AT THE-TfiIMPAL' HOTELS. . wto 139’oj«o^mat KiPHT, ..i ;,;;n GIRARD HOUSE—ciiMtnutitreet, balolr Winth.A ‘‘ Kf ;,‘R.Kun}®ii PnihHbrtj,‘Ky. ! tttJfodmsnvNew Ca*tar,Kr .-W’Griy.'BaUipiw:-, V. , . almtYoom 11 ' KOStow vt «. ; > Atira Mary. Callaho? NY . ■ . WJswittOrtiS 0: > *;1 - ;'E3 Hw; rnAuoah7Kr.. \ .WD Jordan, rotef-sburff/Va Itf®lnHnr».Moiite'y f Ate < MiaaUr.ttsHaw SO,'!;. MrlWitohliw; Ohiß TXiidrhtia. MAhilo,/ ' i'Mlss McAlister, tjfaJ x . ,Mnlww* Item# . e .\2L B fiowtinnvWohpwnd .. jnr» H.Siocum tie wiYMm-; -Walter James. Prov, RT atneßMcCnim f NY ,«.WAl)ayi».l,timsvj|lo. . A U'Dooi6}T» Toicdrt, 0,, ; ‘ W Mfimj-the. Ate, .. . . ETBn tletrVla l*v ? •*?* £ Brownolli;ik V B’SIKH U III" ■ ChaßKßeitl.KY , HOXeyee pi i« )•; n - SamiDavis; Miks * . DrPeiMTWTi kmttV Y< - OR.Mnirm.NY ’ * , y? 5‘ 3io*d Ate:;', ' - NJise/WedemAte 1 - > ' J ' : jßaTpn Y V,r, JoLtj A ErUen, Lancaster u Jacob EndfeeaSLLquij*. Cherry. OfeJcWimwr.lna 1 .3 f.. si\ Z&iF~ r ;'A£m&*ir.l: •aphn C l;<>y Ua^; J ,' */■ TGamos & Wohio " * M .UK* & rffo" M *?* ~ :j LJ)ooneii/..Fift_ ;>v/}sr Waft?, Vtv :' J Wp'larrp A Li, Kr ! ;I/ C wdiboS KEttpr, Ark •Jnun'F.liuinroonW Jackson; NY ~ r. Kinr.'WiUbmgton * farin'. Mi*,'? : 1 • : R B McLemoro, Miss PoterSmitht Boston .:; ‘' TOOirduorJßoston- M» Dnncan, NY ' , ... J ADtttmy JthjMn ; JAKnili, Mo f - FASavago A la; Ala , 'TIW Biddona A lif. Atn .5,%4°.1 5 ; A l ?-.r„ . iui««i3polon --C G Diko. iV V- - - t K iiranirtrci.Jr. I’ortllnd . aVHßy:m,lt;ilt J F XHoKey, I-IO :’ H K Stout, Gin, 0 • - Jaa MoUonrjr,SaTnnnnli,Ga A.l In).oreoll, Alobilo ;; i y' : .i i/Mwa M l/inliop, Dft.U A\fitJarjywß, BalUmore. Mellvattu Baltimore • ftHig* E KTliroiV.cJa, Kansas City ■SanilDStonoy,So - • > ,Jomett,NY-- , WiR Horshirs, Indianapolia 8 MaekinsHj St Louis '■ ■'Tad* iifilneid, N O * JaajißankjiyKy. . iWßMoHo'way,Ky Chicago . Bjßgevfiß, Chicago " J 0 MfeClellan, Nashville RifeTforry, Meinphia . 11 M liaolohtiTi Y\ • i.aiwDiiniidc, NY' Jl II Xlc-Baraelaben, Ate/ -OWeßty Washington j:,- !;’l'AtoKl*t(jHoTAXTSbMtnut:Bt.,'*lxree-Finh. mago.Va Miro Oaraago«„Va • “ ■ ompson.is Ci : WM-OgbomOaS C u MaDhocwll etarsb’g T J J*' «' M>-wafiand,fian*Pranciico.,Hß Piddemam Del ' ’ ' EfV'v" . '-“R8 Y ' •' 'BBtern. Pbiw ‘ ; Tenn CAY-iphn*iontii.CiVr. H' s “ ' I CoIXm-roncn, Waahington N-H.lotioij.Troy ,'v " K fiMM«h,lla»toli, 0 Rj.G Alleod.JMurabUa, O feSiagffigay': 1 J W larfe, N Y.. ,-A ■ -W. l»ws> m*/ -Baltinioro MUllopalßofUmoro ' i STATES atreot. abovoßuth. l T A £aofcey» Bbomfielfl r ,o ®rii»fesi o^? svor ’^"' nom MRRCHAN siraet. WloW Arch. B Tenn FTierrifin'.'Pitttburg,, * Thoa Ilftrris/PulSi,' Term , A Trout. MinersviHe B Gilpin, Bait B Town»on(l. Columlim, S C II Muller, Colurabis, S 0 f Dnvid Rood ft I«,Tlltsburg K B Jono«, Mo : , f H p. done., Mo; '• Woltbn Thomson, Philu A Gleason, N 1 Bfiotaon, N V I) K Lnokmnn,St I \ ' WC Martin Sc - J Ricketts, Johnstown,NY J J Whitehouse, NY IN SAdams, Charlostown Jos Dawber, Newark, N J F B ( ,.G B Mites. Bainbridgo ' A-.y Hoebner,.Port Carbon MV B Coho; Pottsvfllo ' MiM M A Smith. Bait DH Jones, Balt .-jUeoMeAJpjnA- la, Danville , 'M'CUNT VERNON HOTEMeeorid et. above Arch, NowHOpo;/- '■ P-Meyora, New Hope : Jno Seroh Sc la, Bethlehem•> JH Arndt,'M Chunk' Jno W Thompson,’N'YJ x ßobt Carothora, Pa ' B Clarko, McKean 00, Pa l CT Wilber, McKean oo , D JJyrroll, N Y ' . - -MERCHANTS’ HOVSE-Thirdat.,above Callowhill. JUl^ntpwn —-- H-Singmaster, Allentown - BMqHore, Allentown- \ C ALuckonback,Ponna - DOLuokonbaek, Ponna JLuckenback/Penua r * . JII Edwards, Ponna H S Getz, Roading , r >A Albright, Reading A B Mushlitz, Penna • MraSogeniuso, Flowortown /.BLACJC' .. WTtichlino, Jr, Ponna DDaviS,Phil& - ./Tornplo,Hartsville G Kline.3sprlviUov> ' - Wm Kfino,.Ear 1 vdlo J Conrad, Northampton • O Weand, Allentown • • M Cooper, Coopersuurg /-COMMERCIAL HOTEL-*Bixth'st.i above w Howell, Trenton, N J Obom Lewis, Delaware co AugLeedom/DeiftWaroco • 1/1 - MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 888 FOURTH PAGE* "-■'V' - t - «><> BT TELEGBAPir. ' , > (Correspondence ,of The Fross.) . . , ,i « , J ' ' NewYoax,Aug 17.• ;;Arnved. ship, Resolute from Liverpool; ship Ooean Monarch from do ; ship Hannah Crooker from Havana. ' -■ NriwOBLBANS, Aug 17, •Arrived ship Revenue from Boston. • . ,_ I MEMORANDA. ~ \ ' lSteamship.Kenneboo, Hand, henoo, -arrived at Now York yestoraay, arid cleared to return, v Steamship Circassian, Campbell, oleared at Now York yesterday forjGalway...... „ - - ' at Now -York yesterday for Hayrina and New Orleans. .. . . s ShipGov.LaO/deri.frohvLiVerpool.for Philadelphia, wasspokenlWh irist lat 42.23, lon 61.20. «w.‘ Shin Don Quixotte, Nott. for San Francisco, cleared at New York yesterday. . = ' Chimborazo* Gilohrist, and. City of Now-York, Baiter from Liverpool, arrived at Now York yesterday, Bobra David Faust, Moslander, and Abbott Lawrence, Wilson, hence, arnved.nt Wilmington, N C, 16th mat. ,8c hr Martha A McNejl, Hand, from Boston, arrived at • Wilmington, N C, 16th mat. Bchr C S Peaalee was below someday, *•,.< - • SchrNew Zealand, Thurston, hence, arrived At Saco 12th inet , ■ * • . ■ Schr Isis, Chaco,forPhiindelphin, cleared at New York Bchrs/B Austiir,’.May. hence!for Boston, and LB Ferguson, Morton,, do for Lynn, arrived at Holmes’ Holo 16th inst, and remainedhext day, in company with schrs Tsaao Rich, Mary Louisa; and Aurora. Propeller Sarah, Jones, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. . , ' . •■/ ■ SFECJIALi NOTICES. '-Renovation.-— How* often do we cowo in oontAot with persons who are always complaining of ill health! They never feel well; are either weak,debilita* ted, nervous, or hare rib appetite. We.would say to this class, procure a bottle of HOOFt AND’S GERMAN BlT •TERB.usojtvaccording to the directions, arid you wiU 'soon bo restored id health rind vigor. . , ■ . For sale- by all druggists And dealers in mediomes, everywhere, at 76 oents per •bottle. Also by.the Pro* priotors. Dr. C. M. JACKSON Sc CO., 418 AROH Stroot, ... . it ,TnE Vegetable Liquid Hair Dye op Jplbi Habel requires no previouapreparation of the hiir.' Its oOects are instantaneous; producing a rich, gloss;, and lifo-Uka or auburn, cnUreW .free from .the .'dulL ‘A«mf appearanoe caused bjr other .dyes. It ia easily applied,and it perfectly harmless.'. Bold by all drnggiats/and by JULES HAUEL & Co/ CHESTNUT'Street, Philadelphia* auli-6t ■ Removal.'—The Mutual Life Insurance Cosspaky ou N*w, Yoiiki—The Agency of this Com pany has boon REMOVED TO THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY BUILDING at the South west corner of FOURTH and WALNUT. Streets. 7 * aulO-m F % RATCHFORD STARR, Agents 1 One-Price Clothing op „ tot LAiiar Styles, and .mode in the best manner, expressly for retail bales. Wfl mark. our lowest aelling'pricea m plain’ yiairnss on each artiole. All goods made to order giro warranted satisfactory* and our one-price ctstbm ■» strictly adhered, to. We believe'this to be the only fiur way of dealing, as thereby all are treated able* • -rVv; f ‘ . I , v - JONEB A CO., • BM MARKET-Street, Grover & Baker’s;Y ‘ ~ : Cblxbkatsd Noiseless Family ,6swi»ci-l£AC*tß«f, ’ ** AtRSDUCSD pricbs. • Temporarily atNo.fiOl.Broadway. Will return to No. ids in a few 'weeks* Sivijio "Pond—National Safety Trust CompaWY.—Chartered by the State ofPehnsylyania. , ; RULES/ 7 - ' < 1. Money la received every day, and in any amount, large or areal!. , ' .2. FIVE PER CENT, interest ia paid for money from theday itiaputin.; 4 < ‘3. Tha money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it ia called for, and mtliout notice." ' - L;Money ie received firora £xfeutort, Administrator/, 'Otuardiaris, nti d other Trustees, ‘ta.iarge or email auraa, to remain a long or abort period, " 5. Tlte money received from Depositors la Insetted in'; E&ai Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other firfK c^sis^ountiea, .^ nirglifTiir day—WALNUT Street, southwest Philadelphia. m aplg Y~§b;a.hbn s Saving . Fund—Northwest Cocker «COKn r and'WAiNUTiStreets.—Deposlta re .reoeiYed in small and large >amodntB, from fiUelasses of tbe.boramnnity, and allows interest at the rato of five per oenVjferannum. ' *•;7 i ■ Mtyiey may be drawn by checks without loss of in? • 4X ff, j • ;QfEe«' opem'dallyf from fi until 0 o’clock, and on Mon-: day and Saturday until 9 In .the evening./President, FRANKLIN-FELL; Treasurer 'and Secretary,' CHAB E, MQRRIB.; . •y. 4 i •. ' j S^mabeibdTT ■ MACaULAY-^OLIVER.—On the'lCth inst.,*bvßov.. Dr. Blookwooa.MrrJohtr Macaulay, of Philadelphia, to, Mifs&arah Oliver,,OfFranfclirt.lndiana, .‘y ' * iHILL-rHA3tE*“-Aujr.' 14, by ROV.T.S. Johnston, Mr.* John W. Hm to Miss Alary Ann Hare, alt of Twenty fourth ward. „ -- , i • . . *, •CADMUS-LENTZ.-On thoilth instant, by Rev. Bi R.‘MiUer, James N. Cadmus to Mary K. Lentz, both of thiscity. : ,*- yyr* •- pmp»: l ; ~ .. LOCKYER.—At' her. residetibe; in GormanloWn/on inBt..X/ydia, Tolict of. the late Captain Uoorge Locliyer.and anoghterof Uia iate.Georgo Eyro, ofiCon-\ sinctom * 1 • ,-/ ‘ '* ; ' jfTh®, relatives nnd friends of the family Are' respect fully invited to attend the fUnepil/rom the residence of her bfother-jn-wr, Jdpatbfin'WamwrSght. corner ‘of ..v. Jopathnn 7 'WajnwrSght. corner ‘oi Beach and-Hnnover .streets. Kpnsln&tolVthl* { ihurs day) afternoon, , at a o'olock, .yrithoot lUrthM notica. To proceed to Laurtl Hilt CemOtotT. • .* ,vMpMAKIN.—On tho 10th insUikt. Robert, non of Dr. William .0. amlßoWcca. Jape McMackiri, in the 7th Funeral from* Che residence if Ms parent*, I Northwest corn or of'Second and Heed streets, on Friary,after noon,nt 4 o’clock. *’‘ ,*; • . «.».. i-i* ;.WATKIN.— OnMondftyaftpj-noonithe lfith instant* ItobeccßfWlfo of Lewis Wiitkirt. ' • - ,-Funeral from the residence..of her husband, this '(ThUrsclfty)nftornoon,nt2o’olock.'- • *- PETERSON.— Kuddonty* oiitha lfith ins.t, Mrs. Mary Peterson, in tho BMh'yf,ar pf her ase. r> Funeral imm tho residence of nor son, Poter Petor .apdVflO.vw North* Sixth strpot, this (Thursday) aitor .nqpu.nt 3 o’clock. * .•SHAFFER.—On the 13th instfint,'Mrs. Man*.Shaffer, relict of tho lateJolmflliafftir, intbefWth yearofnorago. * unoral trom the resldenceofherBon-m-law,John A. NewrnamNo.433 Green street, this (Thursdnyl&ftor ndOti.ntS o’clock. , * Monday evoning, 18th imt., %Ilr;cli Lmdenjimyor, aged 33 years. _ punertvl (tom his late No. 809 Cherry street, oirFflday afternoon the 19th inst., at 2 o'clock. * . „ FLhfu|lLß.—On Tuesday morning, lflth Inst., llov. Leonard Fletcher,. - ’ . .. . Funeral from the residence of Lewis Watson, No, 430 Street, this (Thursday) morning - , to 9 ° DONOVAN.—On the 16Ui Donavnn, funeral ftotrt the'realdenee'ofherjirtdle^loh'nllaltMi,' Parrish atroeti'Weat of-Twentieth,'this (TbUrtday) at-' temoornatl o'clock. , .y •' ; , ’’ ' ■ * u WELSH.—On the 10th instant, John Fraadis, act) of. Michael and Mary Welsh, 2 yoaru, o montlis, and from the residence of his parents, Gay street, "'punorai' from ”!in'roaXnco of hii’ami-ln*taw, Oporgo W.Thbmao, M|B Ooatia itroot, tip. (Thursday) morn-. '"wiUTEf-Mra. Mnrgarot G. Whits, in al»ut tho 67th ■ roar pfhar iwe, 4 tho.tjmideppe ot.&fr. Bamuol BrooXa, •0 Flntenff’fj-om Mr. 8. Brook’s, this (Thursday) aftor " WIIfBAHTh-On tho IDtli inat., Jeiao Willard, mths 'ttth yoar of hip agp,' -■ .. .. . Ponordlifrora hialnto roaidonco, pppoaito tho eight milo atohe, in Koxborough, tin. (Ttiur.day) morning, '"\lViiu?Y.-Oti tho lKli inat., Mtohaal kurloy.iti trio. .7(itn year of hi. ago, . * Funeral from ins late residence,’No. 137 Oms street; York,)above, CoaWs, this (Thursday/ mornmgvto wlSf^X.-Vonthomh&stanL James William WU joi t ,oi)ly t son oi J, W. >y jllox, aged o years and 0 months. ‘ ‘ j ’.AND STRAW GOODS, " • I AKWICIAI, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, Ac., See., ' NOS. 600 AND 603 MARKET STREET, EXTENSIVE S °STOOK.° n ßim’ f TEnfes; ]LOWEST aulB-3m ’ ' ' PRICES. ’ 160T ,f is vys xke-,~ } 607 NOKTnBECOND STREET, ApOVE tifeEEIE, Ha* now miford/and i* daily raaeivfflj? ftnti'jnanuiactu- HngalMSQnMortmoritof l • ‘• 5 : ■ -v ' WHITE AND COLOREDJUNCY LACE BONNETS. Also, Alarms assortment of r-' • ■ - , "FRENCH LACE, TRIMMINGS, TISSUES; AND MATERIAL FOR pall BONNETS. Also, a fiiU lino of Ribboits, Flowers, Feathers, Bonnet Bilk*,.Velvets, Satins, and now-shaped Bonnet Ffames. au!7-6t* ■ ' . . HAKNESS, BIIXDtJE LEATHER, &c. 1431 MARKET STREET. - 431. jyj c BEATH, & BROTHER, CURRIERS AND LEATHER DEALERS, 423 DILLWYN STREET, ■ ! f , , Below Willow stroot,' Manufacture to order, nnd keop constantly bn handi , EXTRA FINE BLAGIC AND RUSSET BRIDLE ' • SHAVED AND .WEIGHT HARNESS, SKIRTING, . ..TRUNK LEATHER, &o„ Ac. aulB-6t* . DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. J; W- OIBBS & SONS,_ *i ' ’ NO. 831 MARKET .STREET, , , ’ Are now opening their FALL & WINTER STOCK OF GOODS ADAPTED TO MEN’S WEAR, In whioh will be found a full assortment of CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTINGB, TRIMMINGS, Sc c. ' aufi*3tn 1859. FALL TRADE. 18 59. SHORTRIDGE & BRO., (tuccsssoua to ha. khan, rjctheu, Sc c 0.,) , , IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS - O* HR Y GOOES,. - 420 MARKET STREET, Have in fitore a complete line of - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC'GOODS, Boleoted expressly with a view to the interests of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-CREDIT DEALERS, To .whioh the/ respectfully invite the attention of the trade. N. B.—A full stock constantly on hand, and orders will ba exoouted promptly,,at the auMra] LOWEST MARKET RATES. JJLEAOHED AND BROWN ' ' i S H EETINGS. \ ■ ‘ A »CLI. LINK OK Tire MOST APPROVED BRANDS, ) ’ FOR B.LK ' BY THE TIECB OR PACKAGE. JOSHUA Xu. BAILY, , ! SIS MARKET STREET, ; »ul-tf . . ■ PHILADELPHIA. , '' ! COMMISSION HOUSES. , JJURQESS . '&, MEADn .:^r>ur ; Nr>EE goods, , f • BY THE PACKAGE.. WOOLLENS AND CLOTHING GOODS, , .HOSIERY AND.GLOVES. Sole Agonts in the United States for the sale of -7 , CARTWRIGHT & WARNER’S - and UNDERWEAR, No. 08 BARCLAY STREET, (Opposite College Placo,) NEW YORK. . GEORGE BURGESS. i u >, HIRAM W. MEAD. aul7-lm REMOVAL, PHILADELPHIA, Anan.l 4,1«85, , . THE OFFICE OP THE ENTERPRISE 'INSURANCE COMPANY ' Hu beon REMOVED To tho Comp&tt,’, Nov Building, at the S. W. CORNER OF FOURTH AND WALNUT STS. , aus-12t~if CHARLES W.COXB.Socretarr. NEW PUBLICATIONS. GO. EVANS’ BOOK LIST.—ALL * Books are sold at the lowest prices, and & hand* some. GIFT, worth from 60 cent* to $lOO, is given with each .book at the tune of purchase. lipe'of'coutaVid'crookett, . Wnttonby himself, giving full accounts of bis Pen! oua Adventures. One volume, 12mo. Price $l. . v . a , _ MEMOIRS OF VIDQCQ, The celebrated French Policeman. One volume, 12mo. Price 81 23. „ KNITTING WORK, BY MRS. PARTINGTON. One volume, 12m0.> cloth. Price SI 25. „ , r j , , ITALY .AND THE WAR OF 1860.' By Madame do Marsnenttos, One volume, 12mo. Price 81 26. „ ’ LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE. • By the Rev. H. Stowell Brown. 'One volume, 12mo. ,81. ' c LIFE OF.LOUIS NAPOLEON, By Samuel M.Smueker. LL.D^-. , - , One Volume, 12rao. Frige 8125. . • MATRIMONIAL BROKERAGE > . GREAT'METROPOLIS. /Being true narratives of- - . . ; ‘ STRANGE ADVENTURES IN NEW YORK, . And ourious ‘ mu-' • ,u' « 4 .; ..... FACTS IN CITY LIFE, , • This is the Boole which it was attempted to suppress by the parties whoso rasoatly manner of doing business was exposed, and gives many curious disclosure*of the YillaimeaofNew York city. , - ,By a Reporter of the New Ygrk press. One volume/lSmo., with a Gift. Price s]. ALL THE iNKW BOOKS and a GIFT, worth from 25 oonts to $lOO, GIVEN WITH EACH BOOK-, at G. G. EVANS* , GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, ftu!7-3t , ~ No, *39 Chestnut street. Pmla,- A GREAT AGRICULTURAL WORK.— COUNTRY LIFE. By R. Morris Copeland. Esq. With 225 Illustrations. This work covers the whole rrounci.of Agriculture, Horticulture.-and Landscape Gsrdenm*. Bvo. to A cheaper edition for §2. ' THE LIFE OF JABEZ: BCffiTING. D.I), Ssrab, B|. LIFE AND LIBERTT IN AMERI6A} Or,Skotahes of a Tourln the United States and Canada. Br Charles B'MekAzvXju. D. With Illnatrattons. Uma 81. _ VIEWS ON THE HUDSON. ASariesofCHl-oolored Yjews. 2$ cents i-. - . - THE LAND AND BOOK. By Thompson. With nu merous Illustrations. 2.v015., Kmo. S 3 CO. iForealo by . WM/fl. A A. MARTIEN, : au!7 . • No. OOfl CHESTNUT Street STOCKTON’S BIBLE ROO3ISTT ~ *3 : HOO CHESTNUT St.. 8. W. cor. Broad street. Edition. Cloth. 81. : , ADDRESS ON MINISTERIAL UNION. Single copy 10 centst 90 copieß for 8L , .."STAND tfp FOR JESUS » .With Notes. Plates, and Music. Paper. 40 oents: doth gilt, C$ cents. , , PARAGRAPH .TESTAMENTS. One or“nan, vo lumes. Bast Editions. From §1 to §lO.. Strangers and Citizens invited to call, . aul6*£t .SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED AT THE ® °Mi«« T OT¥igr *• for OF COOLER’S NOVELS. .Or the. Agent will call upon those who notify him of their desire to examine;the Work. aut-13t* OLD BpOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLP BOOKS The undersigned states that he has frequently for sale books printed botween the years 1170 and IfiOOi early edition? ofthe Fathers of the Reformers and ofthe Pu ritan Divines;. In Law, Braoton.Lyttleton, PuneHdorff*, Grotius,Jjpwat, Coke, Hfile, the Year Books, Reports, Aov.arb often to be found on his shelves; Cf clopedias, Laitieons.ClaJMip authors, History, Poetry* Philosophy, Soignoe, Pobtical Economy, Government, Arehiteoture; Natural History. Treatisssupon these and other kindred subjects aro being continually dealt in by him. Books, iu large and small Quantities, purchased at the Custom- House avenue. Bookstall, CHESTNUT Street," above Fourth. Philadelphia. - ------ . mris-gm .JOHN CAMPBBLL, ■ BUMM EE BOOKS. , Mb l . LOVE—(ENAMOUR.) TranslatedJVom M. Michelet’s great French wbrk; The unprecedented success‘of this Jwt book, br the celebrated Michelet, is surprising. Edition after edition 1? called lor. Booksellers throughout the oountry are re ordering it mlprgo quantities. "Praised by some, and condemnedby.others,itis the‘sensation’ book ofthe day.” One -volume, 12 mo. Muslin; Price 81. UP AND DOWN THE, IRAWADDI. '.A new and elegant edition, with Illustrations. Of this piquant book of travel and adventure, by Doctor Patmer,' ltranslator of Michelet’s L*Araour t ’o critics on both Bideaot. the Atlantic have ohaT&Mensad it as the tnoat striking volume of travel since Ktngiake’s “JSothen.” 12mo. Muslin. 2’rico §l. * j ’ | PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS . ‘ OP’ills ' • *- - * AMERICAN • REVOLUTION. . . _ A Domestic Diary, by. a Clergy tnah’s Daughter, of the events winch occur rod m a n oichbor hood on Lon* Island out ing the War of-the Revolution. Prepared from no tunl manuscripts of home events never before published. The New York LeacLr.BpeakinK of.” this unexception able httle antique-looking volume, ’ eaysfthat "never before have we been introduced se'cloaoly to an appa rently living, breathing woman of. the Revolution] and never before have we had uta cruelties. minor strata* getns and heroisms sd forcibly shown.’’ 1 One volume, antique-12mo.*8lognnt.' Price 81. ■ * ' Theao.Bopks will bo eont'by mail,postaob pass, to «, P »rt 04 tho United aaS - th &ORAm H. "WARD, Nos. 103,:10S, 107 North * SECOND Street; is daily, receiving and Mami- Jaclurim; a good assortment of COLORED LACE and STRAW BONNETS of the best patterns. Also, a good assortment of French Lac? Materials and Trimmings for jimkm-t Bonnots. Also, & choice stock of French Flowers, tout beta, Ruches, and Bonnet Frames. • * *■ “ aulB-tbs&m-6t rpiIERE IS;; A RICHNESS AND DIS . Ju > PLAY of Artistic Skill ill tho Life-size Photo ©ALT—SALT-5,000 saoks Ashton’s Firo; ]g 000 do Liverpool Ground; £O,OOO bags Dairy, as sorted sizes, for sale, in lots to suit, br . , “ > ALEXANDER KERR, nuiaJt* 134 SOUTH and 332 N. WHARVES. JUST RECEIVED—A large assortment of Bugles and Beads; also* afull Imp of Hair Nets and -fiadlonr Silk* LMies Jprefiß Trimmings of the latest style, which wo.are selling atvery loyrrates. _ . sulT-St* r 9 South' rOUitTH? UUiawUi. SnPket. nit AIN MILLS —GRAIN MILLS —For and plantation. The IRON-BURR MILL -hag.no equal for Grinding Fino Moal,'Food, Codes, Spi cen,eto.»by hand or power. Price 88, 825, and 845. Now in operaton at South SECOND Street., Agents wanted in every county and fltato, by * ' nul7-3in - i ■ E. FARREI, A CO. IMPROVED SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES corroctly fitted to the Eyo at M, J. FRANKLIN’S, Optician, - 112 South FOURTH Strest, below Chestnut. 1 Also,' constantly on hand, Microscopes, Opera glasses, Mathematical and Physical Instruments, Stereo scopes and Stereoscopic Pictures, m a groat variety, wholesale and rotail, autt- 1 • • - Hosiery in medium.and superior- qualities for Ladies’ Gents, and. Children’s woer, including a lot of Lodiea' Lisle-thread hopa.of vory fine quahtiee. and a lot of imen ana Lisle-thread half hosp for Gents* in' aillr, silk and Lisle, Lisle'thread, kid a«d Nubia Besrffl or Clouds, of Urge size, in white and HATS AND CAPS. ' REMOVALS. MIUIiINEHY GOODS. bibbo ns, Of every kind, in immense variety; NEW BONNET MATERIALS, BONNET: VELVETS, SATINS, GRO BE NAPS, LINING SILKS, ENGLIBH DRAPES, of the best makeß, FRENCH A AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, Ao Also, newest Fall stylos of STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, And STRAW GOODS, of every description, Now open, and presenting altogether tho most com plete stock of MILLINERY GOODS in this market. and Milliners from every a action of the oountry ore cordially invited to call and examine our stock, whioh we offer at the CLOSEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & GO., aulO-tnovl 431 MARKET STREET. 1859. pall trade, 1859< AGARD & GO., 323 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ‘ % • HATS. CAPS, FURS, BONNETS; RUCHES, FLOWERS, Ac., Havenow in store a full a took of Goods, to whieh they invite the attontion of prat-class buyers. au!s-2m*. FALL TRADE 725 ° H . ESTNUI ' street, !j25 - LINCOLN, WOOD & NICHOLS, Invite the attention qf the trade, speoially oosh and short-time buyers, to their unequalled attractions FANCY AND STRAW BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS. FEATHERS, Ac., &c. N. B.—Oar Fancy Bonnet, are all made on onr own premises. ’ ‘ v&uU-3ra J. HILLBORN JONES. ' Importer and Manufacturer of , ' ~ FANCY SILK • AND ' ..-t STRAW BONNETS,: ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS; i .K • FEATHERS, RUCHES, Ac* i The attention of City and Country Dealers is invited to a large and varied stook of the above goods, at - 438 MARKET STREET, • -.Below PIFTH, ■ LADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. gLACKINTON WATCH-SPRING SKIRT, WITH THH SELF-REGULATING BUSTLE. Tho lightest and most beautiful SKIRT yot invented. For 8a!o (at wholesalo) by STERN & FREEMAN, 1 . ■ \ Sole Agonte, ■ T 26 CHESTNUT STREET. TO THE SOUTHERN AND "WESTERN ■TRADE. s jc x m t & DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEVT SKIRT, TRAIL 8KIR?& EOEMOI ' FASHISI '-" WOVfiN SKIRTS. QUAKER SKIRTS, ~ , „ . . CONTINENTAL SKIRTS, j Aad a fail assortment of Sixty carefully aelootod styles * of CHILDREN, MISSES, and EVANS & HABSALL,- LAI)IE8 - el South FOURTH Street. lyo THE JOBBING TRADE. TV. H. HOKSTHANN & SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRY*STREETS, ADJOINING THE FACTORY, (Formerly tbo Friends* Meeting House,) Invite the attention of Jobbers to their a took of Ladies’ Dress, Cloak, and Mantilla Trimmings, of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, comprising Plato fringes from # to 8 in. Fomponotte Trimmings. Fanoy head do. lh>to6“ Shawl Borderj. Velvet head fringes. . Silk Buttons. Riob crochet >r . Tassels. jtojd Guipure loops. Skirt Braids &o>, &o». 1--' - - , - ALSO, BERLIN ZEPHYR TVOgSTED AND SHETLAND a pull link op ' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SKIRTS. - t&.80.e Agents for RYLE'S Spool Silk, . au&-12t FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. BROTHER, & BREWSTER, 23 NORTH FOURTH STREET HOSIERY, GLOVES, akd FANCY GOODS. . We have a fine stock of Imported and Domestio Goode, particularly adapted to SOUTHERN TRADE, To wbioh we invite the attention of first-claw buyors. au6-3ra < <§GHAFFBH & ROBERTS, 4120 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS* HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES, .GERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, ANO TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. ans-flm DUHRING & CO., Nos. 26 and 23 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving, by suoobsaive arrivals from Europe, ' THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS OP ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES,* AND SMALL WAREB, WOOLLEN YARNS, MACHINB SEWING SILK AND THREAD, Add solicit an inspection of their complete and well -1 '< . assorted stook, Jyll-Sm ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE, JJURNETT, SEXTON,* SWEARINGEN, Are now opening at their Store, , c NO. 409 MARKET STREET, Above FOURTH, North ride, X naXDROMB ASSORTMENT OP , NEW FALL STYLES OF FANCY DRY GOODS, Of THmn. IMPOItTATJON and eeleotipn, whioh they offer for Bale to buyers from all parte of the United States, on the most reasonable terms. - - - r ' aus-2ro P'ALL, 1.86 0- . ' SITER, VAN GULIN, & GLASS, IMPORTERS ' AXV <■ - WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCJY GOODS, Btc., No. 423 MARKET STREET!' Abovo FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA, 3JARTINS, PEDDLE. & HAMRICK, ‘ Importers ami dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, NO. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, „ 1 Fire doors below the Morohnnte* Hotel, Offer for sale the most complote stock of Goods m their line to be found in the Unitrd States, consisting of HOSIERY, of every grade. GLOVES, in three h undred varieties, UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. -LINEN-BOSOM BHIRTS and COLLARS. LINEN CAMBRIC HJDKFS. Sc BHIRT FRONTS. LAD7IO3 t ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of en tirely new aoelgns, with an endless variety of NO FI&X-cEAH8 h y'E6TS?RN° ANd’hOUTHERN BUYERS. aus-3m CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. rpURNBULL, ALLEN. & CO., NOS. 33 AND 3S SOUTH FOURTH STRBET, IMPORTERS AND Wholesale Coalers In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, • PITTSBURG GLAS& AGENCY. ' RF*Merohante supplied with Glaw at Manufacturer’s prioes, aufl-2ra gOYD & STROUD, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, Have now on hand a complete stock of QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, and FRENCH AND ENGLISH CIIINA, At their Olp Stand, No, 3ft NORTH FOURTH BT., four doors below Merclinnte 1 Hotel, to which they invite the attonthn of .WHOLESALE BUYERS. *7" Aobnts por Pittsburg Glasb. aus-3m POLITICAL. tilOR PROTHONQTARY OF THE COURT 1/ OF COMMON PLEAS, JOSEPH 0. COSTELLO, Of tha Second Ward* KTSuhlaflt to OainooratlQ rutac. DEFINED BORAX, —20 cases for sale by fIROT « E «‘ "* tf W ,V’ THIRD-STREET JOBBING HOUSES ias9. FALi - trade. iBs9> J. T. WAY* CO., . ■> j ' . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS !-'-- OV - ' DRY GOODS, NEW MARBLE BUILDING, NO. 28 , . NORTH THIRD STREET. We offer, by the package or piece, to CASH OR PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS, A very large and attractive Stock of AMBRICAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS. Pureh ers will find our stock well assorted at all sea sons of ne year. J. T .WAY, JAS. H DUNLAP, WM. P. WAY, [aufi'2ra] GEO. P. WAY. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO MFORTERS AND, JOBBERS 07 DRYGOODS, Nos. 237 & 311 NORTH THIRD Si., jlbqvh RACB, Would now inform their customers nnd the trade gene* rally, that their stock this season will be , UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE. aus-2m JUNGrEKICH & SMITH, WHOLESALE GROCERS, NO. 43 NORTH THIRD STRHHT Hooey ( and Lovoriag’s Syrup always on hand. aus-2m gOWER, BARNES, & CO, PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN miscellaneous, school, and blank books and stationery, NO. 3T NORTH THIRD STREET, BELOW ARCH, , - - DR. EMMONS'S NEW AMERICAN MANUAL OF ' , GEOLOGY. 1 ’ Sanders’ Now Renders. Groenleaf’g and Brooks* te,.® 001 * 1 Wntinß ’ .or ;1859.' LUDWIG, KNEEDLER, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF ' , BRITISH, FRENCH, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, • •NO. 30 NORTH .THIRD ST, ABOVE MARKET, SUS-13t ' WSSTSIDII, J-JENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS in BOOTS AND SHOES, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND ARCH STS, aus-*m . . PHILADELPHIA. rjHOS. MELLOR & CO., NO. B NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS . 0» I ENOLIBH, FRENCH, AND' BERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, *0 &u5-Sra . . CHAMBERS & CATTELL, NO. 32 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, , IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF SKINS, AND ‘ MANUFACTURERS OF CITY CALF AND KIPSKINB, JJoroacoß and Linings, Oak and Red Sole Leather* aofi-lm & MAGrINNIS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH LABTINGS, AND SHOE-MANUFACTURERS’ ARTICLES; Saving Machine Silk, Thread and Needles. , . NO. 30 NORTH THIRD ST., Agents for . UPFIELD’S PATENT BOOT-TREES. aus-3m PSTBR SIBOBR, Wm. 8. BaIBD, JoHIf WIEST, Jacob Ribobl, D. B. Ervin, jJIEGEL, BAIRD, & CO., (Late Sieger, Lamb, & C 0.,) IMPORTERS AND JOBBBRB ov DRY GOODS, No. 4T North THIRD BTRBET, PHILADELPHIA. OUR FALL STOCK I* now complete in all it« departments; and ready for Buyers. Prompt paying Merchants from alt parts of the Union aro reepootfully solicited to oall and examine for thomoolve*.' aus-3m ’ GILMORE, & CO., N 05.40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILRB, RIBBONS; DRES3 GOODS, . WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, BMBROIDERIES, &c. HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND SHAWLS. aus4m' CURTAIN MATERIALS. Q.UILLOU, EMOKY, & CO., ■NO. 327 MARKET STREET, I Importers and Jobbers of HOUSE-FURNISHING DRV GOODS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, TOWELLINGS, Ac., Ac., CURTAIN MATERIALS, a And Bole Agents in Philadelphia for HUGUJK N 0 T SHEETINGS. aul3-lm IJIO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, BUYUfO WINDOW SHADES, WINDOW HOLLANDS, WINDOW-SHADE FIXTURES, CURTAINS, or CURTAIN MATERIALS. W. HENRY PATTEN, 630 CHESTNUT STREET, Offers for inspection to buyers a fuli line of the, above goods, manufactured and imported expressly for the FALL TRADE, Whioh are offered to the Trade at prices that defy competition. aul2-flt GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. FURNISHING GOODS TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS* LONGCOPE & PEARCE, NO. 10 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, ’ Have now in store a full assortment in their line, to which they invito the attention oT thenr customers and buyers of suoh goods. aus-2m , J£ e C. WALBOBN & CO., (Now) No«. 5 and T NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF BHIRTB, WRAPPERS, DRESS 9TOOKS, ETC. . Dealers in every artiole relating to the GENT’S FURNISHING BUSINESS. my!7-3mif JW. SCOTT—late of the firm of Win. • Chester & Boott—GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 614 Street, (nearly opposite the Girard House,) 5! W. if. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends fc> biß now store, and is pro pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect fit guarantied, wholesale Trade supplied with fine Shirts and Collars. jy2l-ly WINES AND LIQUORS. pKINOE, IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, DE VENOSE le CO , EFERNAY, FRANCE. Tkib ib a panvKCTLT Pcrb Awn Dblicatk Tft ms, from the Vinoyardof Messrs. Do Venpge & Co., Whose estate lies in the centre nf the fnr-fnmtd Champagne Dittrict of France, U lisa nitliorto won confined to the best tftbleS of England and the Continent, and has only very recently boon introduced into this oounlry, whoro its rare quality, combined with tho moderate price at which itu offered, is already ftchiovinK a suocess and popularity unprecedented in the annals of tho Wins l-kjM in this oity by REEVES.& DEAL, No. 204 MAR KET BTREET, and at the Pnncitiftl Hotels, and by all the leading dealers throughout the country. E. V. HAUGHWOUT, . soleimCrtbr, Comer of BROADWAY end BROOME STREETS, jyl9-tuth&s2mif fIfARAOAIBO COFFEE.—3,2OO Bags ITJ. WANTS. XMjT ANTED—By a youtig Man, ft situation _ , , • in establishment, where he eon ANTED—By a sober nnd industrious •nrT, , situation asPOiITKR or PACKER («'. Wholesale Straw or Shoo House. Has bnd experienw ao £ e .t^ S », rR ffi r v‘l?l Uestofcity references give m Address ** K., M office of The Press. aul3-6t* ‘ WANTED —A LAD to run on'Errands ’” nnd make himself useful. Addross, in bnndwri ting of applicant* “A. L." office of The Pflu. nSIB 3t» WANTED —A Partner, with from 55,000 * ” to Sio 000. in the Cnsh'JoDbin? Dry Goods busi location bn MATt- KET Street. Address’* A. Q,” Press office. au!B-2t* TJfTANTED —By a young Man, a situation V v inn Wholesale Drug House, who has had five years experience in the retail business. Best of refe rences can be given. Address Opium,” Blood’s Pi spatch. ’ ; ' au!B-2t* • SALESMAN—BOOK-KEEPER —CLERK. Situation wanted by an energetic young Man. spoaking and corresponding in am, modern languages Wg I BRO n , t SFte-iStIS Street. aa!7-2t* Vf/'ANTED —By a young Man of 21, a * " eitnationinaWholesale HousetlOroceries pre ferred.) Ha has been accustomed to the work of a country store, and lately setting Dry Goods to the city Salary moderate. • Address • 4 * Industy.” at WANTED— By a good SALESMAN, a situation in a Wholesale or Retail Diy Goods Store. Willing to go South or West. Address “J. M. R.” office of The Press. - au!6-6t* Y^TANTED —A young Maw (a graduate in " * the Hish School preferred) to assist in a Count ing Room. Address " Box8B0,” Philadelphia Post Office, with reference. . au!6-3t* WANTED TO EXCHANGE forimprov- J * ed city property, free from incumbrance, 160 aores ST excellent FARM LAND, located in Gloucester Co., few Jersey. The Railroad from Camden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid, passes within a short distance of the land. For further particulars address J. K., offico of The Pres*. je3l. FOR SALE AND TO LET, Tf*oß SALE.—Season ticket Arch-street Theatre. Addross “E. W.” Blood's Dispatch. tvu!B-2t* XpOK SALE—One ISbate of Stock Arch street Theatre, with'Senson Ticket Address Nette, Blood’s Dispatch.,, . , aalB-2t* TO LET—Two handsome offices on the First Floor, at 731SANSQM Street. au!B2t* fjjjj* FOR RENT,—A large second-story JuaL ROOM in the Iron Building, £O5 CHESTNUT St. or the . Board of Trade. Apply to ASHTON S Commercial Agency. aul6-3t* TO.. LET—The very extensive ’’CELLAR of Store No. £O5 MARKET Street. Apply on the premises. - , • ■ • - auH-12t* ®TO LET.—:The large six-story Brick WAREHOUSE. No. SOI COMMERCE Street, suitable for Storarenor Manufacturing purpose*. Apply at No. 806 MARKET Street. aull-Im* 3 A VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE, two miles .from the Chelten nui Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, containing 120 acres of highly improved land, with an abundance or fruit , end shade trees, ihe improvements are. a fine stone mansion, containing fourteen rooms, tenant-house.' loe-house, large barn, carnage-house, and ail necessary out buildings. A fine bmldmg site-on the premise*/ Could easily be divided into two beautiful country seats. For further particulars inquire of John J. C. Harvey, on the premises. •’ -aurl-Im* A HOMATHIO PHARMACY FOR a sacrifice. The Stock, Fixtures, and Good-Will will bo given for £9OO. • Well suited for a xoung Physician or Student of Medicine. The present owner desires to limit himself to the practice of medi cine. Address “Doctor O. F. L.,” Press Office.. aul3-stuth3t* - , * Hardware. —a ‘wholesale House, do ing chiefly .a Southern paok&ge' business, to prompt dealers in cities, desires to sell out. Bad health the reason for retiring. The business of twelve years standing. The stock is all new, and mostly In'original package*. The Terms will be liberal. No lands tdken in exchange. : Address “Delphos,” Box 2031 New York Post Office. , . ; - v ■ augl-13w DRAFTS —OntheUnion Bank of London. and Royal Bank of Ireland, in sums to suit. For sale by_ WELLS, FARGO & CO., mrlB-3ra* - - - • No. 400 Chestnut stree*-. BOARDING. THIRST-CLASS BOARDING, _AT 1104 * , SpRUCE STREET.—House central and ploa santly situated; Rooms m suites and single, handsome ly Furnished and Airy, Also, Offico to let with Furni tore. ' • aulMt* BOARDING.— Elegant and airy Rooms, single and in suites, can be had with first-class Board, for the Summer, FaQ, end Winter, at 1316 WAL NUT Street, - auB-2m Desirable private boarding for families; large and small rooms communicating, handsomely furnished; larae garden attached. Refer ences required. 1529 SPRUCE Street.- jy!9-lm* EDUCATIONAL. M r * WINTHROP TAPPAN’S BQARD ING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LA DIES. 1727 VINE Street, near-Locan Bquare, trill open on WEDNESDAY, September 14th. Retebxxces.—Pres. Allen, Girard College: Hon. Joel Jones, Rev. J. A.‘VnuTlmn. D.-D.. Rev. A. H. Vinton, p. D.. Joseph G. Mitchell, Esq.. Philadelphia. Prof. J. A. Alexander, D. D., Princeton, N. J. Prof. It. D. U itcncock.D. D.» New York city. Hon. It. G. Wmthrop, Boston. aulS-tnstu-Qw* TI3E CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, Re moved from No. 1302 FILBERT Street to No. 127 North TENTH Btreet, will reopen, on MONDAY, September sth. £o) a prepared for College or Easiness. All branches of n complete English education, the Clas sics, Mathematics, and Modern Languages, are taught after a system.which insures thoroughness and rapid progress. Circulars to bo hnd nt the School. > C. BEIDENB TICKER, No. 127 North TENTH Stroet. REPEKEXCEs.—Rov.-Mr. J. A. Vauahan, Rev. Mr. J. H. A. Bouibervor, Rev.' Mr. Wm. H. Furness, Benlamiu Gerhard, Esq., ArthurW. Little, Esq., Chas. Short, Esq., Prof. Joftoph Loidy, Prof. Cornelius Felton, Cam bridge; Theodore Sodgwiok, Esq., New York. auls-2m» A CADEMY OF THE PROTESTANT J*- EPISCOPAL CHURCH. LOCUST and JUNIPER Streets. Tho Autumnal Session of this Institution will open on MONDAV, September 6th, at 9 o’clock A. M, Boys able to read, and not less than eight years of age.' are received as soon as they hare begun to write and cijpher, and are conducted through tho various classes of .the Aooderay with a.rapidity proportioned to their ability. The Tuition Fee for those in the lowest class is #6O per annilin, for all others $76 per annum; payable half yearly inadvance. Besides this fee there are no other charges ; instruc tion in tho French language and Drawing, and the use of tho Gymnasium being afforded without addition to tho alxive-nnmod prices. Applications for admission may bn made to the Princi pal, at the Academy, daily after August 31st, between tho hours of 10 and 12 o’clook A. M. JAMES w'. ROBINS. A. M., . - ' Principal. aulg-tu&th-lm THE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY WILL reopen on MONDAY, September, 6th, 1869. The Principal will receive a limited numborof Boys into his family. J. H. WITHINGTON/A. M., auw-lnr - -Principal, The misses ewing will open a SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES AND CHIL DREN, on MONDAY, SeptambeT 6th, at 937 SPRUCE Street; where Circulars may be obtained. / _ RsFsnENCjts, Rev. Albert Barnos, Rev. W. W, Spear, D. D., Prof. C, D. Cleveland. an!7-6w* SAUNDER’S INSTITUTE.—WEST PHI LADELPHIA INSTITUTE: West Philadelphia Railroad; MARKET and THIRTY-NlNTH.Btreets; MONDAY, September sth. Sovon-ocre - grove; clear field: large rooms; healthtmorals; application; youth of refinement; uelootnesa; English; history; mathema tics; French; Latin; Greek; any College; any class; business; all any, with meals furnished; all the week, except Saturday and Sunday; all the term of 6 months; all the year; a happy home; visit; examine. au!7-Ct The misses aertsen’S school for , YOUNG LADIES. PRICE STREET , GERMANTOWN. Tho Fall Terra will begin on tho FIRST MONDAY in September. . instruction m the usual Enousu bbanciies, with Latin; French, and Drawmap. nul6-tf nniiE arch-street institute for •-L YOUNG LADIES.—Tho Eleventh Session will commence on MONDAY. September 6th, )SB>. For cir culars apply at 1346 ARCH Street, one door east of Broad. nu!6-4w* Miss L. M. BROWN, Principal. Eden hall (late paradise) f. SEMINARY, situated in the village of Paradise, on Lancaster and Philadelphia turnpike, fifty-three miles west of Philadelphia, mna miles east of Lancaster city, and three-fourths of-a mile from Lea man Place station, Pennsylvania Railroad, RE-OPENS, for its TENTH SESSION, on the-SECOND WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. Th? buildlpx is undergoing tho rough repair, a story being aqdeu for dormitories, into which water will bo introduced, and bath attached. Comfortable accommodation is thus provided for thirty boarding pupils, and the trustees will spare uo expense to renderilio school worthy of public favor. Amonshe many to whom the oonduotors of this sohool might refer,they are permitted particularly to name tho Rt. Jtev. Bishops Alonzo Pottor and De Lancey, and tho Rev. Dr. W. Bacon Stevens, of Philadelphia. They also submit the following testimonial, kindly tendered by the Rt. Rev. Dr. S. Bowman, Assistant Bishop P. E. Church, Pennsylvania: “ The Seminary for young ladies at Paradise, Lancas ter oounty, under the general superintendence of Dr. KillikeUy, and with Miss Chamberlain, as the immedi ate and active Principal, is one that, I think, may be re lied on to do faithfully all that it promises. The situa tion is healthy, beautiful, and easily accessible by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Dr. Kilhkeily has had large ex- S silence in superintending the education of young la ies, and Miss Chamberlain brines to tho institution the well-earned reputation of ft most competent and suc cessful teacher, as well in imparting knowledge asm administering discipline. The Seminary is, therefore. I think, entitled to the confidence of the public, and I hope will reoeive it.” FOR TERMS, whioh are very moderate, please ad dress the Rev. Dr. KILLIKELLY, Rector, aul-dw Paradise, Lancaster county, Pa. Harriett brown will reopen HER BCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, in the Large and Airy Rooms at the N.W. cor. of FILBERT and JUNIPER Streets, opposite Penn Square, on the 6th ofNinth mo. (September.) Circulars oau bo obtained at No. 1329 FILBERT Street. aull-lm* rriHE HEMANS institute. JL The subscriber will open SEPTEMBER 12th, at No. 1315 WALNUT STREET, h» School for the higher education of a limited number of Young Ladies. Parents to whom he Is not personally known are referred to Professor C. D. Cleaveland, Professor Charles Short, Rev. H. J. Morton, D. D., Rev. Win. B. Slovens, D. D., Rev. J. p. B. Wilmor, D.Dy Rev. H. A. Boardman, D. D., Rev. Wm. H. Farness, D. D., and others. jyZl-2m ; JAMEBI. HELM. The misses casey and mrs. bee- BE’S BoaTdiug and Day School for Younß Ladies, 1703 WALNUT Street, reopens WEDNESDAY. Sep tember 7th. 1 au2-2m Bryant & stratton’s national MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia.! S. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Ohioago. For in formation, call or send for Catalogue. feMf Medicinal. SCROFULA. WHITE SWELLING, HIP DISEASE, TETTER, SCALD HEAD, Eruption, of the Skin generally, and all Humors and Impurities ol the Blood, are radically and permanently cured by the celebrated • ; . IMPERIAL DEPURATIYE. , It has bedn a very important asont in the oure of CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr.Lounßberry Sc Co., for a number of years past, and its groat value in the oure of Cancers is abundantly established by the many cures In SCROFULOUS affections its remarkable curative efleot has never been equalled. It euros the most ol»ti nato cases. •TETTER, SCALD HEAD, and all Eruptions of the Skin; readily yield to a moderate uso'of this Medicine. Malignant' ulcers and Sores are readily oured by tho ose of a few bottles. • - -• Prepared and sold by MAcNICHOL.ic BRO.,(Late Lounsborry Sc C 0.,) _ ’ • , No. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch. For sale by tho 101 l owing Druggists: , J. F. Long & Co., Lancaster 5 C. W. Eptine, Pottsvilla; J.H.Raser, Rending ;S. S. Stoven*u Rending; T. A J. McCbntqck. Easton; Jas. Givon, West Chester; Wm. Stanley,Norristown; SimonßaO.Bethlohem; Dr.Live zey, New Hope; Dr. Losho, Bristol; Schmidt A Co.. Allentowiu Elite & Bell, Manavunk, Pa; j.D. James, Trenton} Do La Cour, Camden; Brewster tc Co.. Bridgeton; Robertson A Lippmcott. Ba!em. N. J.i Mc- L. 8. Hocpes, Wilmington: T. F. HammersW. Milford, Del.; and Druggists generally. jell-atuth3mif ______ H/TACKEREL.—3SO bbls. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 ITA MnoSstol.in-wholo.bnlf.Bnd quarter bbls. Oti ginal Pftokngos. C. C. SADLER Sc CO. - aug!3 Arch street, second door above Front C»UN BALE ROPE —Manufactured and for sujf' 8 by Wo, Z) N. VA^aad AMUSEMENT */'s> :■ Wil E A TLB Y' %' CLARIS AECH STRICT THEAT-RE. V?T 1 jTHE ?RIDE L OFli^ V i3 , Aii^]§? St ' Ohey6iie r de EoUerivß,Mr. Dota.iWM§or« F»rlfl». ton Mr« k f>r«r" lk ‘ m . Vohn ‘“> M Ta”tori Ma?J • WILD OATS.' , - -i'- , Sir Oaoree Thunder. Mr. Gilbert: Borax. Mr TChett. ley; Sim, Mr. Cltvrko; Lady'AtnrWhVMra, SreV-Jene. WjfiS TflJlOf, ! . •* " f . 6cAi.so?Pßtcx*/—Aamiasion,2scdnUi Secured Serfs l&Bresa Circle, X7% contar Parquet,fiO cent* i Seats in Pnm* Bo*e», 75 csi)lBi Whole Prvrate ; Grfi - rati 3 n^-*; Gallery forColoredTerscma,23 cents; Pn iwL ,n GeUory for Colored Peraons f 38 cents. atoMrtSf*ps* cloos; performance tocosmxxMoe at quarter or 8 precisely. . •,. . [M USICAL FUND BALL. jssJ-Hasa Xf’KEE MUSIC AT FAIBMOTJNT Tha “STREET Sir. r .GERMANIA BAND perform evepr afternoon and evenine at Fairmeunt. thoGre«n and Coatee-street Railwai v*m ftlong Eighth and CMtai -streets, to - F&inooust« enty five in'nutea. Fare five cents. * J &ni6-dtf WILLIaMEBAD, SoperinUrodest. • SANhORD’S OPERA HOUSE, - RLEVENTHitreot, between Cheetant and Market, STAR^TROUFH, . . „ . the Urceirt ■ r .v -Company in the world. In every, evening, Brerj evemns'ln hie ereefSole of Chataeten. - poor?open&t7i?. K ConunenoA&tft. j _Adrais*ion 29 Mnu. Children IS oenU. THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. Y . : tfp. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, if open cQunday* «xe®ptadw from 9 A. M. Ill« P%*“* Admission 25 oesta. Children under ISyeuitatf EVE KEPEOTANT «*« ORCHESTRA.—M. HASS eg^KififfiSSaSEßS- lbl4^}q)_ excursions: B-<*aESfc CAPE MAY, BREAKWATER. E .y l STO W.N.-Th, JOHN WABNKKr will make-a® tfe»- above places. leaving Bristol on SATURDAY, Aminat -SOfch, atfi o clookP. M.;*toppfntf atßnrlingfonrßeverly, Aurora* Beak!ey«and Torresdalevanii leave ChesUniV •treat wharf/ Philadelphia, at -9 o’clock P. M., and' ar rive at the‘Capea about dayiigbt.SUNDAY mocmo*. * Will laaveMavror the Breabrater andJ«wistown*r* o’cloolr.Pf M; .SUNDAY j. and return, to Cap® May im time .to leave there at 6 P. KL, arriving ip thecityby zmdnn.ht,snd Bristol,about I>£ o'clock.• This will the Excursionists an entire day cm the Island,and afford aDfaxcenetit opportunity tothose who cannot leave their business during.the week to visit those popular placet. • Meals And Refreshments provided on board. '' * • Fare for the Excursion, 4yl. - - " aul7-tf- - FOR CAPE MAY.—TSIie Ik*t APdiavorite Steamer BALLOON, Oape, 9>» oVock. Para (carnage nire included) Jgl. anlfftf* ■ /.ilM;;;' Jjl OR. THE SETA—SHOES. : IN TWO AND AHALF HOJJB*. - TRAINS LBAVH. vinb-btrbht fbsby '! DAILY AT7k A. M. AND 4 P.M. RBTURT«N*4T -0 A. M. AND 4.40 P.JL ' SUNDAY TRAIN TO ATLANTIO LHAYUm / -UM., AND RETUIUfS AT 5?, H, tuS-tf SEE A&rBRTISES&BXT, , -Mmmm THB PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPARE howissoib’' EXCURSION TICKETS ■ •to ALTOONA AND ORBSSON ' os ram ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS, GOOD FOB FOURTEEN DAYS. PfrKm.Tri.hing to breathe pore MOUNTAIN A®, seekers of pleasure, and ail who desire <™Yi*t|n«iTOii business, should of this great . REDUCTION OF FARE, TO VISIT ALTOONA AND,ORBSSON. Pareto Altoona and Return........ . 8715 PAS^BNOBfl'S"‘are ttkwiJ* furnished with tickets to Hopewell—the tenmnua of tea Huntingdon and Broad-Top Railroad—where twodaiS mjes or stages and hacks connect for the Sprin.-t Ti ckets to be had at .the office of the Pennsylvania J Railroad Company, southeast comer Eleventh and Mar ket streets. THOMAS MOORE. A?enL JylS-im LEWIS L. HOUPT. Pen. Tioket Agent. PHILADELPHIA ANp READING RAHjROAU. ‘ . EXCURSION TICKETS. - Excursion Tickets 'to the following places will be ls» sited at the Depot. Broad and Vine streets, on the SA TURDAY of eaoh Preelc» to return on the MOjiDaV following, viz: To Reading and back...-.: ..~...gs J|" Pottstown do. -1« - Pbremxviue do. ...» ....... 1 S Lebanon ,do. ............................. 3CO • _ Pottsviile do 3H By order of the Board, au6-lm W. IT. McILHRNNY, Secretary. Steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes, BOSTON. CaptAinBeliew, _ KENNEBEC, Captain Hand. Fonn a Daily Line hetween this city. Cape Mar, and - Now i ork, leaving from First Pier below Spruce street, at A. Mi On SUNDAYS, r»r C^PE^onir,« 8 oV***. Leave New York, ( Sundays excepted,) at.._ ..A P. 1L “ ..^..AA.J9, Fare to New York, Camn... o 9 “ “ -Steerage...’. lan rare to Cape May, including Carriage Hire... ".V. 75 ' *. ....j,... TB * Beaaon Ticket, Carriage Hlr* “ . ** State Rooms.extra.*.7.*.". f§o Freights for New York and Cape Mar taken at W rates. Goods destined, beyond New York wul w for warded with despatch, free of commission. ...vt _ FOR CAPE MAY, ON SUNDAYS. During the “Season,” a steamer will leave for Cape May, on Sundays, at 8 o’clock A. M. Returning, leave Cape May, Monday morning, at 8 o’olook. . JeSMf HARDWARE PACKAGE. HOUSES* wholesale gun house: * * We offer to the attention of- the' Wholeeaie TH? LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF GUNB AND RIFLES IN THE COUNTRY.. - - Being Agents for some of the principal Mahpsactu- RSBs or ovss-ia l«ondon, Birmingham, Liege, and St, Etienne, we are prepared to ofpsb Psosc stock, or to import to order rantee them as reliable and well made. • w GUN TRIMMINGS. BARRELS, LOCKS, CAPS* Flasks, Homs, Pouches, Tnggers, &o.,in laxgevarietf, PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO. , . 21 North FIFTH Street, Philadelphian 54 CLIFF Street, New York. auft-lm - PACKAGE HARDWARE HOUSE. We offer to the trade, at a small aptaßCs* by tho Package. WOSTENHOLM'B. BARNES', and WOODHJBAD’S POCKET CUTLERt, ‘ WADE & WOS’tENHOLM’S HENRY C. BOOTH & Cose TABLE CUTLBRT. hase?(«. aore«^ C A§m 'MtCiiß Together with a full line of BIRMINGHAM SHELF HARDWARH. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO. -91 North FIFTH StrMt, Philod.lohte. 64 CLIFF Btreet, New York. -< •- auS-lm CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, .&c«_ & CO.. CARPET MANUFACTURERS, GLEN ECHO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, - Also, Importers and Dealers to CARPETINGS. OIL- CLOTHS, MATTING. RUGS. &C. WAREHOUSE «9 CHESTNUT ST. (Oppooito the State House.) Southern and Western buyers are reepeotfiißy invited to call , eoi-ftn MONEY. TO LOAN, IN BUMS TO BUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Mer chandise. Clothing, See., on moderate terms, by JONES & CO., Brpkers. northwest oorner of THIRD ana Gas KILL Streets, below Lombard. Established for the la*- 35 years. Office hours from 7A. M. to 7P. M. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makers,.warranted genuine, for aale cheap, at one-halt the anginal ooat * aa4-Om-if HYDROPATHIC, SPRINGS. x WATER-CURE. At CHESTNUT HILL, PHILADELPHIA Count,, Pu. for .tho treatment of all Chronio and obstinate diseases Thia institution, under the charge of an experienced and skilful Physician, is now confessedly the leading aim most successful hydropathio establishment in this country. Rkvkrxncxs.—Mrs. Mary Cottringer, 134 North Twelfth street; Charles L. Bharploss, JJsq.. oorn«* Eighth and Chestnut streets: George Grant.Esq.,»3 Market street; H. Farrington, Esq., of My ers, k Co. For other references and particulars address DR. JOSEPH A. WKDER. , RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, CHEBTNUT HILL. je9-3nuf INSURANCE COKPiVNIES. AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PERPET- No. 3*lo WALNUT Street, above -Third, Philadelphia. Having a Iftnro paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Ip" vosted m sound and available Securities, continue to in sure on D\veiiin c .B. Stores, Furnituro, Mercbaudiae, Vessels in Port andthoir Cargoes, and other Persona* Property. All looses liberally and promptlyodjusted. _ ... DIBBCTORS. George Abbott, John T. Lewis,. „ John welsh, James R. Campbell, , Samuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dumb, Patrick Brady, Chas. W. Poutuey, . ®C»OTT, PrMlfcnt. THOMAS R. AURRIS, Secretary. ir giHEESE.—32S boxes Herkimer county yj Cheeae, .n etero and A CO.. ausC ARCH Struct, second quor abova Front. BAY RUM.—S puncheonS vory Bav R um. in store nod for safe by aoft 7 K A« MEfUNS,R9 South FRO^TSueei,