V't§MM§§g&oi& ■ rßopartaA^fot-ThafowtlcH^#?^.'’''’'" f‘ -;r ’' -- $ Wsi!sP from ;. s a* “ ”-X’Jo**‘V i M‘ opeqhngSslfcpd :,out;alpne^^no:o«toe^' tia a^comj prehensivo cpmy|ii?SjMa apjL being imdonbtedly . the - to coSSu?«lv Somo tto«gHi t ,?Wl.J , P,bn'flra t , parfc^^|b-irowig»^g?^a|^sV comprislriga re-unioti Of isoul.ahd'body. its? very natura.^; ! All'sT^sliorreyer K bar))arous, .hudin>BbhitSwa!rbolfeyss abipijiii by thfedftMetlighfcofßevelatipnl Thdeemen'had reverenced'the stars. . Thoy had'by the light body tliey were j eQw^efydgOLoraDtv"-. '• - ;r • The itJwas^Said^ •when We xiality of hdueel which }w-theiiißelve»,-ibat-merely-tho~egencle^by ■' ;?-- .. But in tlie jccomf place, this introduced us to the doctrine of.tlie' gCnCral resurrection of the dead/' i This / w6S : expressly taughtiu the OldwndN'c.wTeßtainents.MiltilaidaMheyery fouod*tion l! ie9pocla)lyViof ; tlie,Chrisj;ian’.s,bbpe l TVithioy holoofccd forwnfdTt6"tbb day of tlie , rc lAlihixt rihi>dftlie body l fot-theperibctidnof - bis-.iminortaUty. . Then, how.should riot;bur - 'Souls yearn' for tliatassuraece that yye arc to / ,be*partdkera of tliat gloriouii redemption from the: pbwertofjsinjijißd |doaJi I.This.doctrino W.as clearly taught by. Ezekiel in the 32<1 chap ter, to wit:' in the dust,, of the' earth, shalliwake;'Bpnie,; to, eyer lastiiig life, and Boioe'toshamcHnd'e.virlaatiiig | coriteinpt.’y.ißut most emphatically did our’ biessetfXo'Mteaciithis docttfnd when'He de-- clare erfnl 'evidence m ( ,SWor oft this doctrine, fur-) liialtpl'jtu. the'resurrection.of onrLord Jesus. Christ, |d? * %tu alßsT ,! tyduld: aUopur'hppes :haye been buried; ■ weth dcadl yet shall ; he nvb,” w. 4 pr(;cio(iß proipise tpeyeiyj lif the facc of all this, wasit longer! ,• tphtsibiolfqrtanynianfodoabt that ho thallityel , again, rijphghlie'Weie'deSd j' sbeihg iliat “the! . ■ SnrelythercwßS enough Inßpvelation to satisfy! our.jrgjyfthf. Jfta taffo nf-JBus^heWnn'.l^*Hefe;i -their/ave'nilghtabidOwithuiisliakPnconfldenco.! j'/rfsimiall'^e.: • Ho.Tose-.from'tft o ;grave j.< so sbiliwe. We’ ' I js -] --The speaker, thought,tliiB_farnisheda.npble' tHemc-for theChiistf aniofbllow ’ up, As It! u|ourtifghes.tainbition'”td’; , «prbSa:forward to-; the bigVcaUirigofGod." t /ißutj'incojicltuiiPn’Jhefcbuld n6t butask,are! dt-aai/r , •- * * v ' r ’ l ' ' j f^n^e^long! ■ tided 5 sliouhlri aiid-bt/re-uoi te(t tPthbSefrom f whoßKthey hadhepn separated ip lifej the parent. clASpftlg hiaehild ;the will) her husband,’ and lSos&reßgh l '«U-the-kiudrpdfties,9f>our-spoial ; has• bpcnj Of which, hpyp -hW.;eptor p»d to -, fair, {.hoiigßiiie'ccss4fily ! tteigre Synopsis, was WotplaesaboutthriS, . '; hprking train on thyabeve-ineHttaned jaHrohd-wiM throwiaftrihh the' ' : trade-tea cow; while otossimritha hHdiitfte«y !tt^?iT i orfetkoß',''VbrebUthe:'feH4g* at'tup tim,'; orwere Ohthotrain; i®he-amount.of.petsofiifin*: , | . e oiitrighMW,aißn»h K«f> Ujei’CmimiprmftlrAmfieclotit M the sc«ie of ’dißtressy;', The preddent of theoonjpany at Opto TWtfpsd . i'ijUiiitold'6iii>irfnwoi4^lli4jteDgtlt . RoBBEEy 'oi Poth fiuS'.L-fiast ik’lnihf flib , steamer!‘ Star of tho West," from Panama, yrmlii" on her Quarantlnd ty.a KpiJ of theharhor police, fo whom complaint . was made by .-.a Spanish‘.gentleman,that he hail 52,600 in gold 'dust during the yorl ■aattofitg shtoredinhyahaD'yeittig*- the, mate, and In course of,eon? ■ ; : ppon>ud bt?k ®l . „■ file T>ohto, i ‘ 'arrested' the ■ , “ ei “ l1 P lndhe steamer’l ■‘. ot V , ,« r < , f !i V V 'Vintmio) Kcljr—2M Bo*®* tobacco 48 case# Webster, Jr:4 Bolinn &.Twtt; 60 do MbrderW Attteto; Iss do Wardleac 87 ;,6S do ,.*9l sunsets..—si ftlBlfrWATEß...v,, ., ■■■■;»>•? /'i’i ’ARRIVE©. 1 ‘ \:, I gt&f&lujiJfijrtrinita, KeHjYfrom.Richroonrt; via Nor? Xen Pialicr, from Matan2fun;Ra,r in the bar a Bouton Scletb»rtt,»ohrA MoNoiVand slargehumber of sohr* Taylor. 6 (luys from Boston, with o'BrtKC>ot!ionl,Sol.°jotmKon, 13 days from Ciohuregos, d' days from Tauntoh, MaMfiaar %54§.z mw*. ? “S^AomfMorlfeS?l!;S : df 2 days from Smyrna, Dei, , ' .. ’/•. SohrEverglnila,Watta.lOdayafrom Newlniryport,in Pfiojir Johtt’BaSmn. prow®!'-.« days from Providence/ Baxters daya from Boston, with » I day frort* Bridgeton,NJi i^chf 0 6?Fv?sf^ox^dsy y Bel, with- CrotVArrants. 2daya from Chesapeake 1 -* ’ , v \g # \ -Vi» Cape Majfo I^^S^^^a^denried '4. Co. _ ,''r”‘4 k s;- ?\*-y •! t*> t ‘-z.r.r —' -'. • - - -, :iatbw.’laaenanU eonsignedasfollowss • . *■> - ; ' G*»*elie,Pro*d - Top; coal to captain# n , * The 1 foilowiiilT Boat, from the .Union Canal pMsed into 1 the SehnyUall CaSd to-day. boond to Philadelphia, lad.n Jcaao Uano, WilmlnKton; Btar. otim itfP Bnshong fc SomjTwo Brotheni,WSiron to Chheen :fc Coi' C E Price, lomher to Hororoas 4r SUeals; Elms Reber,lime to Amo3 Gaol. - . ■ ■ few^&jrrlorveatiwtioa^— .'J.-'- ' „ MEMORANDA. .'..lf' Baker, hence; arrived at Bos- . to Bhm'Oth&lovGreonongli, henoa for Charleston, was SirnnuedlOthinst.ofi'Hatter&s. <' t • v* ‘«. j‘ namlwco /iine 29 in-distre&a, hayins on the 29m expe* rienced a white squall, 75 miles SSS frOm Pernambuco, which earned away her foremast by the deck, main topi : gauan.tin*st al>oye the cap, sprung main mast, lost «oils, ssss^s?fe^^ ?Si£?6reolq.Back! de; Janeiro June 18, *££i\%s:w.v“w£ :' n &rS^^x{jw» n^ovell,h®ni2O,arriyodatKes''Viir eBt ttli J Hubbard, hence at’JPenuunWcv 13th i l'tenbe, Yia-Riclimond; at Per nambuco 13th ult, for Riode janeimabput Mth.- 1 4 ,*Bria ,onmiB, Baker* hence i.arrtvedat,.FsU HiverSth ■SriSc-James Crosby, French, lienoo,. arrived atPdit -3nfsa'?thWendaii,r^^ SMnhFnnicee. enVleS S.ewßedfordonWeaiiesdejr, for the purpose of getting dot tlmcMl from'the brifffae, '■ ’•:•, /, ” VScKir Florida; Kel|y,)ience, arrived at %iston 11th hurt. Bohr pplly Price, Adamsl henoe, arrived at Salem loth Reinhart, Peterson, sailed, from Salem 10th instvror Philadelphia ■ i --v • ,■, Bence, arrived at : New J&hr’joh“!ci»eVfora, : ;‘sraiUii; sailed from Baker’s iandin* lOtli inst. forPhimdelphia, ... - _ , ~ % BehjoS-''C WiUotts,Thompson, hence, arrived atrro- TgoSfir A liJßroinif for Philadelphia; Ann, frotn.Trovidflnce'JOmtnst. " • r~ " - '?' ®ETAi£!#T66dißl IPPOTAmnoBES,;; \ r ; ,Jt. Handsome new designs long Dresses.,. -I T..AWN. ORGANDIES AND BAREGES. wran wou? and E ighTH Streets; .HIEDIUM ANO DARK CHINTZES. . . lTJLyFrench and British Chintzes, of new Styles and ass**"*** ymrf#' : EIGHTH Streets. i ONE MON;TH OF BARGAINS TO , CLOSE OUT SUMMER’ STOCK! ; ridjiwTto til'tSE. And 87 80..' reduced from 37*s to 25, •,, ni2s Lawns, Bareges, Crape Marets, and Tamartines, "XtmnV'wide^'White"and Black Bareges for Shawls, - reduced*. VARIETY, mitk Silks, Hooped Bkiito, yLateststyleFrenCh Worked, Swiss, and Cambrio,Col lars,at CO curat*.' *. T. FURNISHING GOODS. /: ■ .;js-4 Hamilton -sheetings. 4*4 Williamsvilie .Shirtings, Baltic, Semper Idem, Amoskeag, fto. * 4 , > (l Fmo a™,tmentFl» n nol.,^|.ito R | ilfl e^ l d ißi EIGHTH-and ARCH Stmts. . rpHORNLEY & CHISM, J-. Northeast eoraerEIGHTH and SPRING OAR DEN* .■, • y- ; • - ..... ii Ly t~- Ataod under Coat Pnoelil .. - , - .... Blaolt lAoa'Ppintes. . . . , y -- yyjsilKMSSills,, Jta’reg e Shawls, *o. JnrtolHiiMdiiimleifilldMtof. ''' ■ Foulard Siliu. 'MrT.ohoiip. Exoellentßlack Silks. • y ' Good Blurting a«Oheetin*Musbn». i Irish HenVand Bot*'wear,&c., «fco. . //angiytcy:,~ , - : pRENOII MCE BOURNOUS WITH •’FRENCH: t ACEBOUENOUB WITH - find Mantillas, {C Shirtings. - ' .'Aina and loir-prioea Bhirt.Rosoms. '^M^gWr y-" :j.UMBEK. ■f feet superior 5-4 and SWMt?^!S’So*rS'end Z i ,; iiuiV, seaso «d, and in eeft'Primi AshPlank,6*4to6inohes.thick. s BpfnceJpists and Rafters, AndS-inon Flank,!- jWpifte Fine Fiokets, Hi and 6 feet long, bi-vriil**wme(l ' li sl ll Kr/ or F9*on««a pnrppsos or oahmet makers. .* > .’.pForsaJeatiuoderatepnces by • ; 1 , a 00.,' tetri ..I-OGUBT nnd TWIjNT Y-FO IJRTh Street,. .fJENNSmANIA s ETAT E AGRICUL *II l» l/eIS mmm*, h, fod,ighda,A(ir: Beptemlier next.: Onlto Ist W* 1 ! r (A tl . 1 ’ S®Sf e . t “P r ' , Tl 1 ‘ k™»VB to the Rooms mladelphiit Sooietrior the promotion of Asncul- Letters addressed to the Secretary, at Harrisburg, or T™ : STOCK'. OF = WINDOW-GLASS, f , l t *hiSf rMr “XfiBGOND nnd GREfeN Rtreotsy iflo, '»“W^o M eo^!N he «' eXammdthefr ajMkvr.tmentrand bur&hase of them 'Asu- Where^ tluin had ,S]|fINTON!S y'ENOAGSTIO'' TtLES foi ■"f’r-'ieots.::,,-,- 't, r‘V "V- 1: _ . Vitrified[Pipe for drains and Water cohdtfciorir,' Imported and for sale by : JpRILtS- AND. SHpTINGS . FOR . EX uy . l ‘ V l, j ry JU Bouth FRONT Bt-.nndss LETI'rYA Slreot. ! -, OpMrtr.,. :y o.,yef ' i Tf AEANA'iGIGARS ' offered' ,tO' ' dcnlori rTTyet fi-vomWe rales, ol various rises and hraSds, irf- .’M^ K ?? E^;-AND AGKWIVES. —9C "pENSst^ISiX^^AST^^TORE. Jt ZIEGLER * £MITH, comer of SECOND and of at BTtrvwJi" 1 'ow owftML n»-tf OKIE & CAPP, 223 DOCK Street, above Wolflflt', STdok'Bß.pKEitfJ’, an'd'iWalera tu%r oantila Paper and securities Kenorallv. Attend the, fc th ° THE ADAMS EXPRESS. CO., OFFICE S2O CHESTNUT Stroet, forwards Parcels, Pfusk-' Kges, Merchnndisa, B.nk Ngtes.-and Hpgoio, either by He own Lines, or in eonneotion with other Exjireee Cotfi peniee, to all the principle towns and ottiee or the K . IA , ,- Ge g-^igaaaasfet.f fpnEo. j>. emqry & oo. r . „, '■*- OFFICE No liO South FOURTH Sti/Phiiada,, ‘ \ " 1 * ■" ( .GEO; C.'PQTTS &.COi js . ; Miners and Shippers of the , • j ' . LOCUST BALE COAL, , From the Locust Mountain, ' Near Ashland, ap2-6ip3.) SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa.,, , JOHN BINNS, ' . . - ! HOUSE and OFFICE,' ■ ; No. 116 South Bputh SIXTH Street, , (N . ear ] y^^, gfi*AD^JPHlA? ttrtH r i' ; I lA BANKER, 7fl BEAVER STREET. . „ 1 issues Letters of Credit for Travellers, available in all Iparts of the World, through,the Messrs: Rethohilds, of Paris, London, Frankfort, Naples, and Vienna, and their Correspondents, ' • * •- ‘ ‘ tnh7*Bra NOTICES. :'tVOTICE.---An;application ; will -he, tjind, 'X x at the next ‘session of the Legislature of rehntyK BANK, to be. located m the city of Philadtlphie. /I '> -■ lyZ-eSm IDNGINEER’S DEPARTMENT, MILL JPi VILLE AND OLASSBORO’ RAILROAD. , Notick ’to' CoNth Proposals vill lje received until WEDNESDAY, August'the 24th, for the GRADUATIGNand MASONRY of the, MilW}ih» and OlassborO’ Rhilrtad, extending from the village of Glass boro* to Millville, in the State of New Jersey, abouta miles. Proposals will be reccivod fdr sections of one or more mile*. . , t . .. Paymentsto.be modem cash* or and .part in the lfi69. • ’TVOTice is Hereby given, that aie XI firin of WARNICK, CHADWICK, A BHP- 1» thin daydissolved. TheHoater,iUngo.and will be oonlmued under the name or . . FRANCO A* CHAD , Philadelphia, July 1L18»> ’ " jyU-tf ' LEGAL, TVOT^ t > (Testamentary to the 1\ Estate of FREDERICK KLETT, late of the City pfPhilpdeiphia, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to. said Estate will plpase nipko/payment*; and 4 those 'having olaims are re- N*r£r« comer SECOND and CAL FRANKLIN C. JONES,632 RACE Street. ad?-tutha3»&sepg-tutUß3w ~ ? ; 'Executors, BREAD. "pURE AND CHEAP BREAD, MANUFACTURED BY THE MECHANICAL BAKERY, CAN SB OBTAINED AT THE VOLLOWJNO .■ •- ,J PLACES? : .MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W. comer of Broad and Vine streets* J.,GRAVENST]NE..*«......B. W. corner of Twelfth ’ '' and Wallace streots. C. M. CLARK,—™ ——....Poplar streot, below 11. MeREIL.—- —.6. ,E. corner Sixth and MRS.-S. BECK™ .No. 406 oall - Looust streets. D* KNIGHT.™ —Broad street, below Wal- GEORGE GARVIN.—.... .N0?14J9 Lombard street. D. COURTNEY.i—v .N; W.,corner Sixteenth a ™VTirTflA».>}' - and Pine streets. . S. R. MASON.*— +£• -Fourth and Germantown S. R, WANAMAKER, F o,d or a 1 sireot,' above 55. LENTZ.—...Corner South Fourth and %. HOLLAND,——,...S.W^SffierSntUonthAnd DAVID’SABDLERu...~u«4Npf 260 North ’Eleventh . )V, <*- * - t , , 1 MvftAty "T. .. ■ J. WEIGHTMAN .8. K. corner Eleventh add 8,8. TOMKINS.-—..;,....Fr0nt H. BROOKS,- 8. W. corner.of Seventh L\±{l: and Pine streets. ■ .-JANS MYERS, Coates street, below Thir _ __ , teenthstreet. WOOD,™ —— ..S. W.oprpe. iFranklinand F. MORRIS,.— —— —N. W. uurner Tenth and E. B,TURNER.— Front J. SHUSTER.. ..g, W./corner Brood and THOS. T, BLEST—a Corner; Nineteenth streot _ „ «J Jii/’i • •’and Ridge avenue, i B. Bf 50WN..,.-. —..N. E. corner Nindi ani - 1 1 Federal streets, * 1 J. MoINTYRE —. .Tweutyrseeond street, ab. E. W. HUNTER./j— — W S. Coates o street, above Se- ALEX. FULLERTON.—Conner ofFi'flli and Christ J. L. H1CK5............i.. Camden. N. J., store 119 C. H. HAimS r'. 22 . WeSphiGdeiphin, Seth it R. L. • ' JOHN BARNDT. Tremont and Pine Grove, M. B. BOX Reading! Penfia, ■ 1 GEO. B, TOWNSEND..—West Chester, Penna GEO.L, hECKER.v. /..-Vi; Atlantic City 1 , N. J. ; JAMES GARLANl).., t w typeM{iy,N,J i; .. O JOHN BODD -.— Wilmington, Del. ; jeg-tf r j ".u . , "MECHANICAL BAKERY, S. W., Corner ITJ. BROAD and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA'. ■v-This establishment is now in successful operation, day and night, and all are respectfully invited to.cau.an«gee the whole process of bread-mnkmgibr themselves. •• 1 ..The undersigned takes tho liberty of saying that-Jbr thirty r five years he hah been a praoticnl BPiker~fivo as apprentloe. and Aye as Journeyman in one of the first houses jn Scotlanai and twenty-five as master—during .which time he haa bod the opportunity of making many t experiments, and observing all the ImptoVemobts,which have been mode during that period. In thin establishments of WMlob he has now the man agement, in additipnrtotho complete labor-saving m&- jhmery, he has h6w of idany kinds not hereto* in t'Ke puroliase of flour, none bu’t the soundest and best shall ever be used j and he hasnb hesitatioa in saying-that Bread,of all kind? can be de livered, unsurpassed in quality anti weight by that inode wlndulm Broad mode by.thqJUeohanical Bakery has not been tried, or in which it Has bedn'tried only at jis commencement, befpro the maohtnery ln perfect working are respectfully asked to give it a trial now, the 'Undersigned believing it would lead to f T'O WESTERN-AND, SOUTHERN MER -CIJANTS.—A laree Btjiok of MANILA RorE, im 1 - smled sizes.. Manufactured, and for dale at the lowest Now YorKpnceSfbyf h i-. i WEAyEIi, FITLER. Ano..' : aug 23 N, WATER 6t., and 22 NT Wlf AKVEfi. i BAY RUM.-4-5' punclje'ong very superior Bay Ruin, m store find for' sale bv ; A> 140 SouthFRGNT Street.' PRES^.“PHILADELPHIX,/ SATURDAY,- ;AUDDST«iI The mansion -house. ' . READING!, PENN’A. ■ fV > ■T!r;,Ij('DIS;»OtJRBONi Proprietor.' ,i This well-known establishment,'the favorite resort of citizens and visiters, hrvs lately undergone extensive repairs, and ‘is pow otte of the most,commodious,'eler ing. Its accommodations. are firat-olrißs; the' rooms spacious and niryj; and the. fame constantly supplied withaU the Idxufito of’the,Benson. Persona,desirous bf spending a few weeks m the summer in an agree*- Reading. .',ap22-tf MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, I,ANOASTER'CODtiTY, ; I>BNNA.. < ./. ' : This favorite establishment will be opened by the first of JUNE. Situated on the Ephrata Ridge, 69-miles west of Philadelphia, 18 south of Rending,.l3 north of Lan oastor, 40 east of Harrisburg, and having theadvanttyro of thapurest soft water, every variety ofbaths, the site elevated to lioo factabove Water level, with graded and shady walks in dense forests, and .the most extensive 'landscape scenery iq the Union* it is not surpassed as a summerreaiderioe. 1 Accommodations for 400 persons, improved stabling, £nd good oarriage/housesr also a good Btook of Uvery orses and.carriages. with.amusementa. .A good band ofmnsio, billiard w>los»tep-pin alley, ltis easy of ao oesa frbm all the above points by railroad and coaches. The proprietor spares nothing to make it a home-place for comfort and health. .... For farther particulars/seaeircularstto bo | ltM i by ap ilytn* to Joseph B. Myersi Third and Vine streets; r Jas, i.. ' • ■ ■ ' 'Ephrata Post Offloe, » Lancaster County, Penna. igEDLOE’S HOTEL, r • the Spniigß, where ,y t»u, arrive ateP;M, same day. Every arrangement is complete for visiters., Board perweeki #8; per dwv 51.25. Re dtiotion for families. RafpraftcoST-Jita}' Steel, Morton McMbhaei, Bancroft, & Go,, p. & Jeanney, Jr<, & 00., Roferenoe to the Analysis of (Ho Waters, James C. Booth, Analytical Professor of U. S. Mint. „ _ • Address - Newvitle P. 0., SCOTT & COVLE, •jc7-3m* * • Proprietor. - CJEA BATniNG.—THE MANSION HOUSE, loot of Pennsylvania avenue, ATLANTIC CITY; is NOw OPEN for guests. For convenience of arrangement,contiguity to the beach, and attractiveness to theadjaoent grounds, this house » unrivalled.. The Proprietor has spared no pains in making this Hotel all that could be desired by visiters. _ , „„ jel-3ni E; LEE. CARLISLE WHITE SULPHUR YLVANIA O8 ’ CUMBERLANT) COUNTY, PENN The pno. of Board lor the remainder of tho soason, at this delightful Summer Resort, will. bo 87 to. 88 per week. Visiters, leaving Philadelphia or Baltimore in tram, CO. gE A BAT HIN G— CONGRESS HALL is,now OB BOARDERS, and the subscriber will be happy to seehis friends who may favor him with their patronage during the season.- , •, j t ‘ ]e2u-3m » THO 3. O. GARRETT. gRIGANTINE HOUSE, This is a most delightful resort for families. The Bathing at thispointfs Unexcelled anywhere. A large Hotel, the BRIGANTINE HOUSE, has been recently built. The location is cool and dotiehtful, lining situated between the Bay and the Ocean. Fine fishing and gun ning throughout the season. 1 Terms $8 per week. - Captain Turner’s new boat, the “Sen Bird,” awaits fassengersat-the Inlet on the arrival of the morning rain at Atlantic City, from which the BRIGANTINE HOUSE is situated, ft distance of three miles, being a pleasant inland nail. Passengers will find Capt. Turner at Bedloe’s Hotel, where they will leave the cars.’ Post Office address, Atlantic City. JeSOtAM Lancaster county normal SCHOOL.— I Tho Trustees of this Institution have given notice that they will apply for ito recognition as a STATE NORMAL SOHOOL.m October n/xt,and the SohooLwiU open as such oil the secdild MONDAY, the lOthiof that month, ' : , The School is open to Btudenta from any seclioh of the country. . . , , . 'lnstruction is given in all branches taught in AoalW mies and Colleges. - A limited number of Children, from nine to fourteen jreara jot 0301 ‘ftll! be received aspupila in the Model , The provisions of the Pennsylvania Normal School law are peculiarly liberal. In making'Application, or for circulars, address the undersigned at Millersviuo, Lancaster county, Pa. aus-»4t J. P, WICKERBHAM, Principal. B*D G E HIL L SCHOOL, PRINCETON, *£* NEW JERSEY. . . ’The next session will open on Wednesday* August 3d. Boys receive a careful preparation for college or busi ness. Thorough instruction in English Mathematics, Ancient and ,Modern Languages, eto. Fundamental principles are mastered, and habits of study formed which will make future attainments easy and rapid. The moral character of tae-pupils is guarded wubJ tip utmost viguanoe. Ail genial ana moral influences are made to pervade the school, and no pains are spared to render It asafe, comfortable, and happy home. For terms and particulars address . . 1 ! ;i . .1 Jut v'. JAMES P. HUGHES, Frinoipal. augl-mtuwalw-mwfitw - - • , , HALL . {LATE PARADISE) Z ■A-J SEMINARY, situated in the village orTarsdlse. oj\ Lancaster ana Philadelphia turnpike, fifty-three roileswest of Philadelphia, nine miles east of Lancaster .eity.and -three-fourths or a mile JrfMtaßPlwo station. TenntylvanU for its TENTk SESSION, on the. RKCONI) WEDN.EBDAY IN SJSPTEMBER. The bui®ngJ« undergoing tho rough repair, a storr being added for dormitories, into whioh water will po Tnpcduoed, and both attached. Comfortable is thus, provided for thirty boarding pupils, a»« me trustees will spare no expense to resdecXhe #«nool worthy of public favor.' Amontfi* many to whom the conductors of this school might 53wr, they are'permitted partioulariy to name theßt. Rev, Bishops Afonso PotterandDe Lapoeyvaod tiio Rev. Dr, w. Bacon Stevens, of Philadelphia. They also submit the following testimonial, kindly tendered by .the, Rt, Rev. Dr..B. Bowman, Assistant -BishopP. E. jahurioh, Pennsylvania: - ' ; . “ The Seminary for young ladies at Paradise, Lanoaa* tor county, under the.goneral superintendence of Dr. Killikelly, and with Miss Chamberlain, as the immedi ate and active Principal, is one that, I think, may l>e re* liedo.ntodq faithfully all that it promises. The situs* tton is koalthr, hedutiful, and easily accessible by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Dr. KilUkelfy has had large ex perionee in superintending the oduoattop of young la dies, and Miss Chamberlain brings to the institution the well-earned reputation of a most competent and suc cessful teaohor* as well in imparting knowledge os in administering discipline. The Seminary is, therefore. I think, entitled ,to. the confidence of the publio* ana I hope will Receive it.” ' . • • FOR TERMS, which are very moderate, please ad dress the Rev. Dr. KILLIKELLY, Rector. aul-flw , ~ Paradise, Lancaster county, Pa. Harriett brown will reopen ..HER BCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, in the Large and .Airy Rooms at the N. W. cor. of FILBERT aqd JUNIPER Streets, opposite Peon Square, on the 6th of Ninth mo. (Ssptenibor.) Circulars can be obtained at No. 1329FILBERTStreot. ■ ■ null-lm* HpHE HEMANS INSTITUTE. Tho subscriber will open SEPTEMBER 12th, at No. 1330 WALNUT; STREET, his School for the mgheeedueation of a limited number of Young Ladies. Parents to whom he is not personally known are referred io Professor C. D. Cleaveland, Professor Charles Short, tov, Hi J. Alqrton, D. D., Rev. WTjn. B. Stevens, D. D., Rev.-J. P. B. Wilmer, D/I>.. Rev. H. A. Boanlman, D. D., Rev. Wm. H. Furness, D. P„ and others. Jy2l-2m JAMES I. HELM, rfUIE MISSES CASEY AND MBS. BEE BE’S Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies. 1703. WALNUT Street, reopens WEDNESDAY. Sep temberlth, ; - au3-2m BRYANT & STRATTON'S NATIONAL .MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, B. E. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT; New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chloago. For in formation, oail or sond for Catalogue. - - fnO-tf, CHICKERING & SONS, ’ rmr* ■ mawwactuxers o» ' GRAND, S p^RE.AMRIGHT WAREROOMS 807 CHESTNUT STREET. Constantly in atore a large stock of our BEAUTIFUL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS.' We have been awarded, at thodifiereut Exhibitions in this oountry and AND SILVER FIRST-CLASS MEDALS. PIANOS TO RENT. . Ja2o-ly .SUPERIOR PIANOS. nTYT» J WILLIAM KNABB k CO. PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, Noa. 1,3,6, and 7 North EUTAW Street, and No. 207 BALTIMORE Street, between Charles and t Light Streets, Baltimore, Have always on hand a large assortment bf their supe rior Pianos, recommended by certificates from 8. Thaiborg,’ Strakosch, and other celebrated performers tohe equal, if not superior,to any made in this country. The durability of their Pianos will bo warranted for five years and a privilege of exchange, grantod withm six months.'should;thoy pot give entire satisfaction. Manufacturing largely; we will sell, wholesale and retail, at the most reasonable prices. - * WLLLIAN KNABEJfc CQ., Messrs. LFB & WALKER, No. 722 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, are our authorised Agents, and will keep constantly on hand and sell our Pianos at ma nufaotnrera* prices. • mh6-fim jaSSSjkl RAVEN, BACON, & Co.'s, rTITTlNunns & Clark's, Hallett, Davis, & Co.'s, and'A.H. Gale At Co. s superior PIANOS. 'Also, Ala son &'Hamlin's unrivalled MELODEONS srtd HAR MONIUMS, so desirable for Churches and Leoture Rooms. 1&~ Pjaaos ahd Melodeons to Rent. ' 5 mylMy : SEVENTH and CHEBTNUT. ‘T|f ARSH'S MUSIC) STORE, - < •A-"-** No, 1102 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Whore all the latest and .popular Musio can be ob tained from any catalogue in the United States. In struction Books, Set Pieces, Songs, Ballads, Ac. New Catalogues will b e forwarded to. any ono« post-paid. Musio;wiU be sont, post-paid, on receipt’of the price marked on catalogue. Publishing and receiving new Musio daily; ■ Musical instruments and musioal mer chandise of every description at importers* and manu facturers* prices. MARSH, Jy2o-lm i .' ' • 1102 CHESTNUT Street. riABINET FURNITURE and BILLIARD TABLES,. : MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ip connection with their extensive Cabinet Business, are now which arc pronounced by all who havo used them to l>e superior to All others. ’ For the quality and finish pf those .Tables the mann lacturers refer to their numafous patrons throughout tl\e Union, who are familiar with the character of their work. - . jy2o-fim SW. GROOME & CO., * Dealers and Shippers of LEHIOII,- FP&W/MiWAD TOP BUM , Ofiioe, No. 146 South FOURTH Street. • BROAD Street, below Race, ap2-6m PHILAbELPHIA. WOOD, GOAL, AND KINDLING WOOD. . JANNEY & YEAGER.' COATEB-BTREET WHARF, Kaye constantly on hand a large and superior article of PINK OAK-and HICKORY .WOOD i and, having oomcletod our arrangements, are now prepared to saw the WOOD BY STEAM POWER. Wo havd also on hand a superior article of LEHIGH COAT., of nil sixes, selected with oare. Dealers and. ConsnmerA \yill find it grea.tly to their advantage to purchase Kindling Wdod ef tut. •’j l a ; i je6-3m CUN .BALE ROPE—Manufactured and for SUMMER ItESORTS HENRY SMITH, Prbprietor, brigantine Beach, n. j. EDUCATIONAL. PIANOS. . music. CABINET WARE. COAL. INSURANCE ' COMPANIES, ■ '■ ASSURANCE COMPANY; ESTABLISHED IN 1838. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. HEAD OFFICES: LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, GLAS GOW, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL. $6,298,800. annual income upwards OF 81,000,000; Policies euarantied by tho unlimited liabilities o nearly 1,000 Shareholders. Losses promptly adjusted and paid without referonoe to London, by , ; WILLIAM GETTY, * AGENT I?OR*THE UNITED STATES. OFFICE Ko. 37 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. REFERENCES, Messrs. STIJART & BROTHER. 13 Bank stroot. ** MYERS, CLAUHORN, & CO., 232 Market st. '** WM. Atblctife tc CO., 22 South Ftdht street. - « McOUTCHEN- & COLLINS, S. W. corner Frmit nod Now streets. *« SMITH. WILLIAMS, & do., fll3 Market st. •* JAMES GRAHAM & CO., 20 and 22 Letitia st. JOSEPH B. MITCHELL,"Eso.,v President Mechanics* Bank. ' ‘ JAMES DUNLAP, Esq., Presidorit Udidil Brink. Hon. WILLIAM A. PORTER, 623 Walnut street, late Judge Bnpremo Court. , Jyg-tuth&s tf. WASHINGrTON fire And marine , INSURANCE CO M,P AW , FARQUHAR BUILDINGS, No. 230 WALNUT STREET, , PltlLAlJßliPlitA. Incorporated in 1857,under lnsurance Law. of Pennsylvania. , ; Authorized papital...- Subacribed Capital Paid up Capital ........ lavßsj'iHi ds ttiLiti&s'i Borldarid Mortgages, firpt lion- .$52,170 Batik, Railroad, dud o’t her Stooks and Se- 54,000 8,036 5114,800 Insures only against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE ON BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. Also, on CAROOESnnd FREIGHT to and from all parts of the world, and Inland Naviga tion and Transportation, on favorable terms. OFFICERS.. , oiinties Cash in Bank.. ~ CHARLES G. IMI.AY. Prosidont WM. WRIGHT, Vice President. O. C. BUTLER. Secretary. H. G. RAMBORGER, Assistant Secretary. directors. •William Imlay. William Wright, F.F.Torrey, Jno. Touner, Wm.B. Grubb, Charles G. Imlay. Jesper Harding, O, o, Butler, Henry K. Strong, D. D. Jones. Alonzo Butler, J.H.'Hajres, mar 18-tf INSURANCE. 2BTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Cash Assets, Jan.,1,1859 51,867,920 08 MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Now York. Cash Asset*, Jntt. 1,1859... spriN oi?ißLi) fiUe ai AflttfE INSURANCE COMPANY. Cash Assets, Jan. 1,1859....». NORTH AMERICAN PIRB INSU RANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Cash Assets, Jan. 1,1869 > 365,860' 06 IRVING FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY, of NEW YORK. Cash Assets, Jan. 1,2669. MERCHANTS’ FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, or Hartford. ’ Cash Assets, Jan. 1,1859.. . 839,079 83 1 Polioies issued, and losses equitably adjusted and pittiitptly paid, at his Agency, by bosWeLl a Wilson, Agent*, febic.tr ftp; lilc WALNUT Street. t ,TFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM JLAPANY.-THE PESN MUTUAL LI PE INSU iIANCK COMPANY, Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets.' Ansols, -9902,213 30. INSURES LiyES for thn‘whole term'of life—grants annuities and .endowments—purchase*.life interests in Real Estate, and makes dll contract* Idepending on the contingencies of Life. , - . . > - _They act as Executors, AdminUttatoh, Assignees, Wee., and Guard, Daniel L. Miller, Samuel S. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard 8. Newborn, James B. McFarland, witoam P. Hacker, Joseph H, Trotter, William H. Kern, James Huston, Samael 0. Huey., Tbeophilus Paulding, Charles Halloweli, -Edmund A. Bouc|er, Henry C. Townsend, pamelL. Hutchinson, godolphufl Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. Carr, Bliis S.'Archer r - P.V.Duflow, • Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M, Rasin,. * . J John G. Brenner, P. S. Micbier, Easton. - DANIEL L.' MILLER, President. w „ BAML.' E. STOKES, Vice Preajt. Joss W. Hobnob, Secretory. • . ‘ aulß-ly rpHE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE A COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA', To, FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No'. 409 WALNUT Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. fire, Marine. Aftu inland insurance. Fire Insurance, limited and porpetual, on Buildings and Merchandise of all descriptions. Marine Insurance, inland and Ocoan, on Vessels, Freight and, Cargo to and from all parts of the World. GEORGE 11. lIArTOS&I... ' H. It. COR(isiUl!i r ,!f!|ofeUry. 8. 11. BUTLER, Aw’t Secroufy. DJSECTOHSj ShdTe^ll'.^fmmborß, TO' • Son. 41. M. Fuller, aul I?*. 31 "*’ A. C. Cattail, Foster S. Perkins, Samuel Jones, M. D., TUB ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY . - . OF PHILADELPHIA, 409 WALNUT.STREET. This Company insures against Loss or Damage by Firo on Pubfio and Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally. The following provision in thePoltoies of this Com pany guaranties their security when assigned as col-, lateral f “ This policy shall not bo invalidated, or in any "wise affeoted. after its assignment as a collateral security to a ground-rent, or mortgage,and the approval of such as-. sjgament by the office, by-any transfer or conveyance of tho mortgaged of the same.” Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John Hulnie, Robert Clarke, Isaac 6. Waterman, David Salomon. Edward G. James, william Vnudcrveer, Joseph Jauney, Theodore Cuylor, Joseph H. Collins. Samuel Castner. ViooProßident .. ■ Gilbert 8. Sterling. Secretary. mvMf; Fame insurance company, ino. 411 CHESTNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA * INCORPORATED APRIL 1866. BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, CONFINED TO FIREAND INLAND RISKS. „ __ DIRECTORS 2 Samuel Wright of Wright, Bros., & Co. William W. Walters, William Ryan & Co. ’ Charles Richardson.. J. C. Howe 6c Co. Gkqrok A. West West, Fobes, Sc Lloyd. Barclay,Lipfincott... Lippinoott,Hunter,6c Soott Jacob W.Stout.. Cbaffees,Stout, & Co. Henry Lbwis, Jr Lewis, Bros., Sc Co. David B, Biknby. Davis 6p Burney. A. H. Rosenheim..* -.. Rosenheim, Brooks, A Co. Jons B.Ellison John B. Ellison k'Bons. John W. Overman. ~.., John W. Everman 6c Co. Tq9mas S. Martin..... Savage Sc Martin. - GEORGE W. DAY, President. „ JONATHAN J. SLOCUM, Vice Preset. WILLIAMS !. BLANCHARD, Beo’y. - . au4-tf Howard fire and marine insu rance company, no. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. mi T , , DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Luders, Wm. K. Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, Baldwin, Wm.K. Hamlin, John 0. James, H. If. Shillingford, A. J. Buoknor, C. h. Spangler, John W. Sexton, 31. 11. Houston, William Raiguol, WmJH.Love, . Edwin Booth, Charles F. Norton, John Garrison, Isaao Myfer, E. 8. Wnrne. President—THOMAS L. LUDERS. „ Vice President-E. 8. WARNE. 1 Soarotary-CHARLES A. DUY. - - del* TYELAAVARB MUTUAL SAFETY IN IXCORI’OHAwjII'‘BYFjTiPe'ErgJsLATURE OF OFFICE s. e. corner 'raufii ! Tnd walnut .Streets, Philadelphia. _ ,NBukANOE . : MSlGl’lT >To nil r»rta ortho World. „ „ . ’inland insurance On Goods, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage _ to all parts of th© Union. „ „ /IRE INSURANCES On merchandise generally. On Stores, DwelltnirHouses, &o. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, Par November 1,1868. k t Y f * tWfI.OCO, Philadelphia City 6 SO" cent, L0an..*.5109,114 00 110,000, Pennsylvania State Loans, km,426 oo $30,000, U. 8. Treasury cent. N0t05..,. so,H2 60 $50,000, Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage XT 6 .f\, CflnC * 80nd5........ 4 ., ..... 45,376 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort- . cent. Bonds 12,00000 $16,000,300 shares stock Germantown Gas Company, interest and principal guarantied by tho city of Phila delphia : 14.923 00 $3,000,100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad __ Company.. 4,837 60 $3,000,100 shares North Pennsylvania R&U -„ road Company $2,660, Sundry shares Philadelphia 1 loe Boat Company, Havre do Grace Steam Tow Boat Company. 8a • vnnnnh Steam Navigation Com pany, and Philadelphia Exchange Company.-.,..... 2,03000 3340,700 . , „ , „ . 3319,199 00 Bonds And Mortgages, and Real Estato, Of poe Building. Bills receivable for Insurances made Balance due.&t Agencies—premiums on Ma rino Policies recently issued—and othoc dobts due the Company 61,288 14 Bonp and stock of sundry Insurance Compa nies 3,220 00 Clash on Deposit in Bank. 42,087 85 DIRECTORS. Jwnea C. Hand, TheophiUis Paulding, James Traquair, William Eyre, Jjr., , J. r .Pcnislon, . Joshua P. Kyre, fiamuol K. Stokes, 1 Konry Sloan* Jamos It. M’Farland, Thomna C. Hand, t Hobart Burton, jolm R. Sample, Pitfsb'g, D. T. Morcnir, . “ .MMAR^'Preßidcnt. '• jIAND, Vice President. 'rotary* mhawitf William Martin, Joseph H.SenL ■ Edmund A. Sguder, John C. Davis, John R. Penrose, > George G. Lciper, Edward Darlington* Dr. R..M. Huston. William C. Ludwig, H. Jones Brooke* Jacob P. Jones, ' . ’• WILLIA THOS. C. HENRY LYLBURN* Beoi TNStTKANOE COMPANY OP THE 18aiw?«<) n «)™: ClPital Sa»'«^A SB o. S , January 1. • All inyosted in sound and available seouritiee—con tinue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks ofMarohandl.a.tOgonUber^torms. 'Henry D. Sharraril, Goorgo/H. Stuart, ' jV • Simeon Toby, . • Hnnlnel Grant, Jr., gharlea Maoalest.r, . Tobias Wanner. WiUiam 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, ■ gffis°s. l i»r* - ' am , t.tii s'lfliKlfiKßD, President. i WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. Jo9-wfmtf 151-OARB SODA.—IOO kegs for sale by Sti 1859.1 »AII.aOAI) titf.Es- - l WSSBWEI-t gypgjfi ARRANGE- AND BALTI-. PASSKNGER II TRAIfja LlL^i^'i'ilu'l^LFHlA. . For Baltimore'atB.lo A; M.', 'l2 noon* (Express,) attu 10 P. M. ? ot Chester at 8.15 A; M. f 12 n06n,'430, and 11.10 P. M. •or Wilmington atB.lsAsMi, 12,430. and 11.10P.M.• j*or New Castle at 8.15 A. M.» and 430 P, M. - ; For Middletown at 8.15 A: M.. and 430 P. M. For Dover OtS.IS A. M., and 430 1\ M. For Seaford at 8.16 A, M..and 430 P.M.' - . 1 Leav„ A. M.. and 535 P. M* * * o e r V & Wllmih StOn at 0.50 A. M. and 0.20 jA.il., 1.10 and. jeavo New Castle at 8.45 A. M., and 7.40 V. M. . ,enve Middletown at 7.60 A. M. and 031 P. M. • AeaVdpdver at 6.60 A. M.arid 5$ P, ftL ieavd Sea ford at fl.ia A. M., AmajS P. M. 5 Leave Ghostor at 7.44,930 A. M., i,46anu0.15 P. M. r Leave Baltimore for Sdaford and Delaware Railroad at 630 and 9.40 A. M. _ ■, ; trains For Baltimore . ~ Leave Chester at 8.45 A* M., 12.28 and 11.40 P.M. 1 ~ Leave Wilmington At 930 A. M., 2235 P.M., and 1230 A,lt ’ . • SUNDAYS Only at 11.10 P.M.,'from Philadelphia to Baltimore, ’ Only at 5.25 P, AL. from Baltimore to FhUadelOhia. ' FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER CARaVtoohed, will run ns follows: * . Leave Philadelphia for Terryville and intermediate places at 5.45 P. Kt, v, 2, - Leave,,’ Wilmirigton for Perryville and intermediate places at 735 P. M. ■ . . , Leave Havre*de-Grace for Baltimore and intormediatfl places at 6.40 A. M. • Loave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermediate places atjMO P. At. « ‘ ’ ~4 . Leate Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate plates at 5.40 P. M. . . , • * - , . j>2 „ _ JS. itt. FKIiTON. Pre.ident. NEW WEST CHES- WsSBBWBBter AND PHILADELPHIA ROAD via MEDIA. . .'BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On arid after May £9th, 1859, the traihs Will leave Phi adelpto.; from the Station;, N. E. corner of, EIGH TEENTH atid MARKET Streets, at 7 and il A. M., aim at 2,4 30 arid 615 Pi AT. - . LMveWest - Chester j.from the Station, on EAST MARKET 'Street, at 030,'8.30 arid 1130/A. N., arid 2, and-5.45P. M. _ • v ON BUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at 8 A.M., and 2T P. M. Leave WcstChostor at73o A. M., and 5.15 P. M. X for FOTTSVILLE and , At 4.45 P,. M...DaILY,(Shhddyseiecpted,)for READ ING,and intermediate points. ... :> ‘ apis AY.H. McILHENNY.S&Af etflf y, . 8800,000 . .... 200,000 ... 11L800 M NOTICE TO SHtPPERS now probared tb receive ahd forward frCieht fotbe fol owjfig points oh the NORTHERN CENTRAL. RAIL- Lock Haven, LewiAdrg’, ' ' Wayne, . ’ J Northumberland,^ Jeraev.Shore, - Banbury, T ; ’ Lm,d®nf Treverwn Intersection, IsSlfit, tm m; . Mauoy, Halifax, Watsontown* York, Milton, Hanover Junction, ALSO, RallliOA^?'** I'* 1 '* sl H n * erm ®diate points on HANOVER All goods sent to Freight Station, THIRTEENTH and MARKET Streets, will be promptly forwarded. ’ IvS-Sm . ' > V,. J. BNF.TSnF.If. Ffaieht AsSnt. . isJ THT mtiYfrmrn nT? the sea shore. ARRANGEMENT. CAMDEN'AND ATLANTIC iIAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND X HALF HOURS TO THE gfcA , , s - ' SHORE. On and after SATURDAY, May 21st, and until further notice, three daily trains toAtlantio and return., ,; On SUNDAYS, tne Mail Train only will run. - - First, Mail Train, leaves Vine-Street Ferry...73o. A. M»' Second, Express,. . “ “ ‘ ..'.4.00 P.M* . (Stopping only for wood and water.) Freight Traiu (with Passenger Car attached).43s A. M. Accommodation Train, (Egg Habor,) leaves _ .. Vine street -.430 P. M. LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. • First,Express Train, leaves.. -.6.00 A.M, Beco'flfljMdilT . '// M; 'traih leaves Egg 45.09 A*.M‘ SUNDAY TRAIN; , 373,939 09 445,734 &5 Leaves Vine-street Ferry ai A. M. Returning, leaves Atlantio at....... 0 P.M, .This train will stop only at Waterford, Egg Harbor, andAbseoom. HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Cooper's Point 11.00 A. Mi LoavesHaauonfiold 1,00 P.M. Leaves Cooper’s. Point.- 2.00P.M. I,eaves Hftduonfield S.OO P. M. Fare toAtlantio, when Tickets are purchased before en tering the cars...' .$lBO Round Trip Tioket*, good for two day*, on any regular train ....$2 50 On and after July 2d, and every Saturday.througn.the Summer, the Egg Harbor Accommodation Train will run |hrliiign U) -silaiitio, nKtl return early on -Monday monor n feißht mtist bo'dclive'red at tiotfper's’Poititby IP, M. , The Cbmpahy Will dot be responsible for afty.gwdsun tit lh . . .JPHkorßaYAft’r, Agent. 241,864 61 «T PHILADELPHIA AND ISSSi ELMIRA RAILR&AD tINH— ICKEST RfiUTE Iff Elmira-Wifkeibayre, BudHld, unicftKo;Ro.ckJSland,Niagara Falld,Mil*iraukee,-Bur lirigWn, M6rtt?eal,‘St. PaaPs, Detroit, Danheth, and St. Louis. ' 1 ; Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Read :■ in* Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) as follows: ; 730 A. M-iDAY EXPRESS. . . For Elmira.- Niagara Falls. BufTalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,. Rock Island, Galena, St Paul’s/ Burlington, «ml St. Louis. • 3.30 P. M., NIGHT EXPRESS.. • ‘ . For Elmira. Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit,'Chioago, - Milwaukee# Kooklsland, Galena,St. Paul’s, Burlington, and St. Louis. „ _ ■ ■ - ' The 730 A. M.and 330 P. M. trains run through to' lIARRIBBURG, stopping at all Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch: . ' ’ The73o-A-.AI. train connects at Rupert for Wilkes-' bar re, Pittston, Scranton, and all stations on the LAGK- A WANNA ANDBLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge- . 1 J Tickets can bo prgeured at the Philadelphia and Elmiraßailroßd Lino's Ticket Omee, Northwest corner of SIXTH-and CHEBTNUT Streets, and at the Passen-, ger Depot, corner BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Dopot. Broad street, below Vine, daily, (Sun day excepted,)for ailpoints West and North, at oP. M. Freights must bo delivered before 3 P. M, to insure going the same day. ', • For further information, ajrpjy at ■ ’ Freight Depot, BRQAD, below Vine, Ofto OKAS. 8. TAPPEN. General Agent! NT W. comer SIXTH add CHESTNUT Streets, ocl-tf • . I ,' . • Philadelphia, Mmxm&Bm Philadelphia, ger^ maNtot*n aHd'Norkis-, TOWN RAILR6AS-BtJMMER On arid after Mcmdiy.^»^9m^iBs9.^intil farther notice. A^y?;K u 4ts,ifi SVtafli “• . Leavo Germantown 6,7,7)4,8,834,9,10,11*A.M.,12),4, 1,2,3, 4,8,6,6)4, 7)4.8,9.10K| P. M. ' i ON BUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.d5 min. A: AI., 2,9,6,7>L and 1 0% P. M. , , Loave Germantown B.lomin. A. A1.,1.1D mih., 4, 6)4, andOAtP. M. ' " CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. LeavoThiladolphia 6,8,8)4, UA. AI., 2,3)4, 4,5)4, 6,0, Leave Chestnut Hill 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40, 1L55 A. M., 12.40,3.40,5.40,7.10,8.40,10.10 V. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. M., 2. 6, anu 7k. P. M. Leavo Chestnut Hill 7.50 A. AL, 12J0, 6.10, and&ss P * FOR CONSHOHOCKBN AND NORRISTOWN. Loave Philadelphia 6,8.05 min.. 10.05, min., I IX A. M.» 1.05 min., 3.05 min., 4)4,5«, CM, 11)4 P. M. Leavo Norristown 6,7,0,11 A. A?., 1, 5)4, 4)4, 6,7 K» P. Al. , ON SUNDAYS, , Leavo Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3 and 4 P. M. Leave AL Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 min., 8.05 min.,' 9k. 10.09 min..11)4 A. AL, 1.05min.,2.05min., 3.05 min., 4)4, 5)4, 6M, 8, Ilk P. M. Leave Manajrunk 6)4,7)4,8)4, 9)4,10)4,1Ds A. M., 1)4, »m D .,M,ka, Sg yi Leave Philadelphia 9A. M., 3,4 PAL Leavo Manayunk 7>4 A. AL, 1)4,6)4.8)4 P, M. •H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, m>7 . DEPOT, NINTH and GREEN Streets, Im NORTH pennsyl- SHSmSi VANIA RAILROAD. • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. For BETHLEHEM. DOYLESTOWN, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, MAUCH CHUNK,: HAZLETON WILKESBARRE, &o. On and after MONDAY, May 16th» 1859. Passenger Trams will leave'FßONT! and WILLOW Streets,'Pul ladolphia, DAILY, (Bundays excepted!) ' For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chank,Wilkes barro, Ha/.elton, Ac.,(Express,) at9.3G A. Al., * > For Bethloheiu, (Express,) at 4 P. M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) atB.ISA.Mt and 5 P. M. i For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 2.15 P, Al and 6.20 P.M. , TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA! 7,eave Bethlehem, (Express,)atBA.M.and4.loP.Al Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 6.30 A. Al and 4 P. AI. .Leave Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 6JO A. M. and 3.35 P. M. - ON SUNDAYS: Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. AI. Doylestown, for Phifada., at 6.30 A. AI. and 5.45 P. M. Fare to Betmehom, 51.60; to Alauch Chunk. $2.60; to Easton, $1.50; to Doylestown,Bocents; to Wukosbarre, All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains,) con nect at Berks street with-Fifth and'Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. Passengers for WilkeStorre take 9.30 A. M. Train, and Arrive in wilkesbarre at 74 P. AL.by Steamboat, via Jer sey City, 2u Class Ticket....v 2 25 At 6 P. M., vm Gamdon and Jersey City, Evening Mail • * • • 3 00 At UP. AL, via Camden and Jersey City, Night Mail 2 28 At 2)4 P. M, via Camdenand Amboy,Accomodation, ( Froight and Passenger— let Class Ticket. 225 .... „ . „ , Jhl Class Ticket.......,. 150 At 5 P. AL, via Camden and Amboy* Accommodation, ( Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ti0ket,....... 225 . -- 2d Class Tioket... ~... 175 The 6P; AI. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Night Mail, Saturdays excelled. . __ 4l . Express Lines stop at Principal Stations only. For Bemdere. Easton, Flommgton, «xo.,ftt 6 A. Al. andSHP.M. ’ , For Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Sorantom Wilkeabarre, Alontrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 0 A. AL, via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. For Freoltold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Alount Holly, at 6 and 9 A. M., and 2)4,4)4, and S P. M. . WAY LINER $093,804 70 For Bristol, Trenton, &o, at 3)4 and 4)4 P> Af., from ; Walnut-street wharf. „ . ' _ For Palmyra, Delanco, Beverly, Burlmgton»Borden.- town, Ao.i at l and 2M P. AI. Steamboat Riohara Stockton for Tncony at 11 A. AL, and for Bordentown and intermediate places at 3)4 P. AL ' > Bteapiboat John Neilson for Tacony at 8)4 A; Al.,and for Bristol, Burlington, and intermediate places, at 12 M. and 4)4 P. M. ) Fifty pounds of bagghge only-allbwed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything ns tog gage but their wearing apparol.' All-baggage over filly pounds to be paid for extra. The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per'poumL and will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100, Oxoetft by special contract. June 1. . WAI. H. GATZMBR; Agent. l ’ I^HBESB. — 325 boxes Herkimer county Vy Cheese, In store and for sale by * »»»* ■' AUCH Street, ffiht.i ' rpANNER’S 01L,—220 bbjs. of Straits -*• and. Bank Oil, in store ami for sale by > • . / R. 8/HUBRARD & 80N, mTB-Sm , Nn.tMSouth Wharve*! * yUTH JiALE ROPE—Manufactured.and shipping, ■£«#*•• FOR THE V SOUTH. —PHILA- SjWWSipEI.I'HtATO NE^ ORLEANS AND IN-' Llia&gal. 1 bill, orjwlior B.fi.JSnil S township KEYBT'ONESTATE’, Cm tain AlarshmOh, > r <- , , . . .. -,. : jhe.V-'B- ;AM , B^aip«'tfp N S'S(.Ti; , OP t}&fttGlA, { Captain Jobri J. Garvin, will aoiL on Saturday,; AU#w ' ilplgnMd Ste amships KEY-. STONE STATE and STATE OF. GEORGIA now, run as, abtfvS dvanf ten days, thus forming,» fivo-day pomiqu-- nication With the Sdpth and* Southwest, connecting with steamers-fot,Floraia,a®fd with railroads,for-NewOr leans and - V 1 Hoary'Freight at afl averaged# Jwr cent, below Freight sary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, rtO Raiiroaa Fare by this • route 25 w'-W per' cent, cheaper, tapa wf, the Inland Routa.aa will be seen by the following pche--.| •dale. Through tickets from Philftdejphia-via Charles- ■ ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUI)INGMEaLBoU'’ ;the, whole' route, except from Charleston aud sarau inahto Montgomery: • • - . - •- *.. IKLARD BOCTXv ■ iTo 315 00 • .......523 60 ’ . Savaflflah,..—. 15 00, Savannah.’. 31 (W Augusts /. 30 00 Augu5ta.......26 00 i ■ Mac0n........... tflflg. raa.• . •*- r . 1 1 Bavannah. C^A.. GREINER Jc CO. jy 23 . r jOM&k GLASGOW AND. NEW YORK ifVffTTrr' rrmr nrrr rrrr rim to - 'raOK ygfr yowk, GLASGOW, Thompson, AugQ?t 26tli, at 12 o’clofck,floCn. i <, ! ■ ■ ‘t • , FBOMGLASGOW. . ‘ GLASGOW, Thompeon,Weda9Bday, July 27th* * , Rates tit Passage froni New York, r Piuladeh>hla» or Boston, to Glasgow, .Liverpool, Belfast, Lublin, or Lon' dondewtfirstctow. SW*fc§d f fdWtfWhaafrbun danceofproj>eriyoooxeapi i ov}Biott3A9?o<,'' £ * - v 1 An experienced Sjirgeon attached id rwcneteamer. No charge for medicines. * For freight or ■ ■ . , No^iVALKUTmreot^h^hio.; ; No. S 3 BROADWAY; New York. m. steamers; sM*?yriiP*!{ f^ifllrSel'Sajtoraber Wotton, will sail August 2P, Goto-' be# W, December 10.", ... r 'V~ ; First Cab]a pasSagi,;.-;.. .'..t.,'..A'., 1 Second Cabin tiilMigg —........... u 76 • For or . ; At the Warehoasint FhiUaeipmft-pmoe, Tobacco Warehouse,DOCK Street, pmfc., l jefc-fro ~ THE. BRITISH AND 'NORTH royal mail, steak ; pr6m'Nbw vtfiKH i# iartoktfftfL' > > Chief Cabin Passage....: , ; . SecondCabinPaisage..76 - , FBOM BOBIOS’IO HTSRPOOI.; __ w - Chief Cabin Passage!. J.W * slw Second Cabin Passage-.. ' ■ r eo - Tho s)|ips from Boston callatHalifax. && & AFRffiX, Clip!! S|ii},W&, ’ E?® fcrPA, Capl. LLeitob. '"'Tfiva^ves^olscarry a'Wlril. SeMitHimiuTi-hsnd;' ereon on starl'cml tvnv; radon pirn Wilr. .O ' ■ ARABIA, Stone, Leaven Bo|ton, Weflaeeajf, vlely iy. ASrA.Lotti " N York, Wednesday; inly ». CANADA, Lang, , Boston, Wednesday, Mr 27. AFRICA, Shannon, “ NYork, Wednesday, Aus.'d. KBROPA.Leitoh, Boston, -Wednesday,Aug. 10, PERSIA, Judkins, “ N York/ Wednesday, Aug. IT. ARABIA, Stone, •“ Boston, Wednesday, Aug. JI. Bertha not secured until paid tor. * - - An experienced Surgeon on board.'' * : The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gtffd, Silver, Bullion, Specie* Jewelry; Precious Stones at MetalK, timet* bills o? lading are signed therefor and thOivaltfe thdrdOftH«eifle|preii«ed! Fonfrgightor pas sage aptfy to b* OIJNAJtD, 4 Bowling Green. - mar3l-fi Hew York. , , , SAVING. FUNDS, , SPRING GARDEN SAVING SO >3 CIITI'Y OF PHILADELPHIA. „ - • Offioo, No.33LNorth THIRD Street (Consolidation Bank Building.) CHARTERED BY THE LEGISLATURE OFPEffN ’I SYLYANIAe f ' t , Doposits received in sums of One Dollar ana upwards, ami repaid in Gold, without notioe, with FIVE PER CENT., INTEREST from the day of deposit till with- A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern pari of W.®- «J W* «m The Spring Garden Savings Fund Society ” was chartered by the LegUlaturt of Pennsylvania to supply tins necessity. The Managers, in organising *ftd locating it, have been governed'Wholly by a desire to accommodate the busi ness interest and wants of the very large and enterpn; sing population Iw is'spc^^d; From 9 to2>£ o’clock; also, on Monday and Thursday , , .frtrtftduntifSo’cloofc in tha_evemng. r '‘ l v MANAGSM.' • ‘ ’ ~r* -' Frederick Kleft, Stephen Smith, DameT'UnderWer, • FroSeriok'pCjjEti^’ Pmnols Hart, 1 • ■ Jpjoph P. LeClne, Jphu Keaslar, Jr., . ~ George Knecht, affiSil, Ho“w&iUwBTd, ' pSSIoSXr' ; . re» tu , r,uu,.u f j (raa fl j, RINGLEi pr e , ide „t.> ■ Franctk Hart. B.ofQtn-r. ■ ‘ ■ - ialD-tfif SAVING FDND-?-FIVE.PER .CENT!. IN TERF.ST.-N ATIONAI, SAFETY TRtfjrcOM. PANY, WALNUT Street, Southwest comer ofTIURU, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State pf Pennsylva n, Moaey is recoived in any sum, large oir'small, and in 'tercat paid from the day of deposit to the day of with- The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till So’clock. w , -Hon. HENRY X. BENNER; President. 1 -• ROBERT BELFRI3JGB, Vice President. William J. Used, Secretary.’ - ~ .* •• m , r . DIRECTORS^ Hon. Henry L. Benner; F. CTairoU Brewster, Edward Li Carter, Joseph B. Barr, - . RobertSelfndgo,' -p . - Francis Loo, Samuel K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, C. Landreth Munns, HonryDtffbnderfer. is received and payments mode daily. , , Thoinvestments are maoe,.m conformity with the S' rdvisious of the Charter; in Real Estate Mortgages, round Kents, and such flrft-olaw securities.&s Will al ways insure porfect security to the depositors,, and which cannot fail to give permanency and stability to. this Institution. ■ . UAVING FOKD.— TJNl'gfcU STATES fj TBVBT 60MPANST, oornor THIRD and CHEST NUT StfSotg. . Ltirgd amumaU su ms re o§l v e t]' an dpai d lymk on de - roand teithdut notice, trith CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the • OflM htfuTS, from 9 until & o’clock ovdry day, and on, MONDAY iIVENINGS from 7 until DRAFTS fdrttud dtt England, Ireland, and Scotland, IU-'CAAWf ORD; Treasurer—PLlNY FISK. Teller—JAMES R. HUNTER. “A little* bnt 6ften,‘filla the Purse,” CIrXNKLIN saving fund— JL No. 136 Soulh-FOURTH . Street* between Chestnut and ‘Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all De posits ondomand. , _ Depositors* money secured 'by Government and City Loans, Ground Rents,Mortgages, This Company deems safety better than large profits, conao.quentiy-will run no, risk with deposi tors’ tnonoy, but have it at all times ready to re turn with 5 per cent. Interest'to the owner, as they have always done, True Company never suspended. . ' . , Females,’married or Single, and Minors can deposit in their own fight.ahd such deposits can bo Withdrawn o»ly 4 by theircOhfceHL it M 1 m Charter .perpfelual. Ittcdrpdratea by the State of PenriSylvatfis/Wuh authority. to reegjvg mo ney from trustees aha executors, _ • LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Ofiieo open daily from 9 to 3 o’clock, ahd dti Wednesday and Saturday evenings, OHiil 8 O’clk. DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, - Cyrus Cadwallader, JohnShindler, George Russel), Malaehi W. Slodu,. ; Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis jCrurnbhsar, Henry Delany, Nioholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, Jos/R. fiatherth watte, • Ephraim Diane hard, Joseph W. Lipoincott. JACOB B. SHANNON, President. , Cadwalladkb, Treasurer. “ A Dollar saved is twico earned.” HARDWARE* TO THE HARDWARE TRADE.—The subscribers! AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF FO REIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, offer for sola the following roods at lowest rates: Lewis I 'superior Chains of all kinds, including trace, log, halter, fifth, bronst,wagon, tongue, colt, ship; mine, and other Chains: P. Wnsht’s patent and other AimLs and Vices; ”L” Horse Nails: round and oVol Bake Pans; short and long. handle Fry Pans; Excelsior Bafety Fuse for blasting rooks; Bod Screws; American. Slates, Blackboard Cra yons and Carpenters’ Chalk;-Table and Pooket Cutlery; Cast Steel Files and Rasps; Cast and Wrought Butt Hinges; Strap and “T” Hisses; Gimlet Screws; Emer boii’s Razor Strops; Hodges’ Mahogany Knobs; Whites’ Braces; Shovels and Spades, all kinds; Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes, and Hoes r Southgate’s patent Wrenohes; Locks and Latches; Door and Shutter Bolts; Hand, Sledge, and Stone Hammers; Hooks and Hinges: Tacks, Brads, Bhoe, Clout, and Finishing Nails; Wrought Nails; King’s Stocks and DieStßatfthVTOi end Counter Soales; Curry Combs, American ana English; Scythes, Scythe • Stones and Rifles; Douglass’ Pumps and Rams; Mo lasses Gates, Fauoets, Saws of all kinds; Axes, Hat chets, Hammers, &0., with a general' assortment of Hardware. , W. G* LEWIS Sc SON, apg-dtf -• : w 411 COMMERCE Street , MACHINERY AND IRON. SAMUEL V. MERRICK, , i ' * J;-VAUGHAN MERRICK* . . . ' ' WILLIAM H. MERRICK. COUTIIWARKr -FOUNDRY, FIFTH-AND WASHINGTON STRBBT3, ■ -- MERSibWta, . „ , ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS. ■ . Manufacture High and Low-Pressure Steam Engines, for Laud, River, and Marine service, , „ . Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Ironßoats, &o. ; Castings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. , * r iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Work Shops, Rail road Stations, Ac. - , Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most im- C SScnpSoii‘of Plantation 'Machinery, such aa Sugar, Baw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pang, Openßteara Trains, Defecator®) Filters, Pumping Engines, &c. 1 • ' Sole Agents for’ N. 1 RiUleux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth’s Patent Strata Hammer; and' Aspinwall So Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal-Sugar Drain ing Maohine. 1 ' >■’ - anfl-y BRUSHES. : The cheapest brush house in PHILADELPHIA.—Ldokat the,following list of prices for Handsonlbs, and ootnpare them with those bought elsewhere: • , - No. 1, 53knotS; 63)4perdozen. .N 0.2, 62knots. 75 44 .. .N 0.3,.3, 66knbM, ? 87 t No. 4,> 80knots, 100 ‘ , -- No.s; 83 knots, J!2 44 < No. 6,100 knots, 125 “ ... , No, 7ilW knots, 160 No. 8,150 knots ,T 75 '• « North ifc®, ■ • ' r . •, :« , Philadelphia, . P ROUT’S CELEBRATED LONDON brushes. - QUAUtyia more essential in a Hair Brush than in any other Toilet article. TROUT’S BRUSHES, wherever introduced, have at once taken preoeilenoe ibr quality of materials and for. solentifio constrnction.. .His Hair Brushea, combining a peeulior elasticity with the re quisite firmness, are found to pass uniformly and smoothly, through the hair rather than, rpughly und. ;harshly over it, thus eivicg the proper .stimulus &nd oonseqnent freedom from dandruff to . the scalp-Bkin without injuring it; and. thus, too. insurme ft naturally, elossy, healthy condition to the hair. • His TEETH, NAIL and COMB BRUSHES are equally desirable; also for their respective uses, all combining, in a remarkable flacnta FUAlEßY«.jojrt imported direct,- SRxait and oenuins. TV'AVAL ] .STORES.^ r lB9;bbls l X * , bentirie; J 271 bbls Shipping Rosin, and 'vafloua " Mw * »Wh and • . • 16 Sdnth Wharves. 85 tierces extra 'Sugar-cured ffv?* covored Haihf,, packedbYOftrdar, Phipps,& Co., Henrv Lewis, Jno. Shiy, Beatty ® Tapeootfr'Heiatt & Wood, Quigley and othert, ;Fprsaleby • ■ . / » » C. crBADIiER&CO„ • AHOHB&eaLaeocjid’door'ahovaffoaL} SALES BY AUC TION. VT THOMAS A SONS. >-■■■< . .Tie : me. 139 and HI IfoKTH FOIJRTH STREET. V ST9CKB'AND^E|r|^|^§WY.NEX T . • Pamphlet catalogues noW ready. Containing fufl-de-:: scriptions of nil the properties to be sola on. Taesrtay nest, at 12‘o-’clpck, .noon, with a lift ofTorthccmiag STOCKS AT THE EXCHAiNGE.--pnr puWie nln of GM n.wle and stneks Trill hereafter.,be.held,at. 13 1 ' cFclo’ck, soar., initendofintjie.eyemiig.' - . - Y ttr Handbill* .df Bach ProMrty l«med «onarately, la addilioa tff which W» pnbhehpn the Saturday nr.jiona to each iMp, am thouiaiid catalogue, m pamphl.t form, giving, Imr’apSOTipttafi ol all the Property to be .old oni b SALKS .AT THE AUCTION* *r. We have a large amount of-RealEetate at Private- Sale, including-every-desonptym-of-city and country anaadvertißed occasionally in oar public Sale (of whioh 1,000 copies: are printed- weekly,) free- ofi charge. ;. . w i. . > . : CARD.—The Trade Sale to Booksellers willooimpe»p»* on Tuesday, September )3. Catalogues now,rew^ CARD.—In August only occasional sales, as hereto-' Tore—not - every week, ae in the basinets season. - •-STOCKS, LOANS, to.. ; On Tuesday, ■ • Mth losti; at J 2 o’clock, noon, at tho Philadelphia Ex ;hsagc,WiU be sold, / For account of whom It may concern— . - & shares Canton Gas Light and-Coke Company, Can* ton, Ohio., Par, §5O. v . .., ■ Also, lot other Uccounta— • ( »65 Delaware Miitiial Insurance Company scrip. ’ 6 shares American Academy of Mum r - ' Bale peremptory, the owner leaving the States. - ! IBwMay be examined any time previous tone;' ' Rib Bale will commence at 11 o'clock preeineif;. '- - - - Bale at Nos. 139 and 1418onth Fourth Street/ __ SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE MIR RORS, PIANO-FORTE, BRUSSELS CARPBTB. ■ On Thursday Morning, At 9 wetosk, at the auction store, an assortment of excellent gecOffd-nand farmture, elegant piano-forte*, fine mirrors, etc.,from familiesdeciinins house keeping, removed to the’store for convenience of sale. ■ ROOMELON HARMONY COURT ply at the auction store. ■ •' vi./;; AT PRIVATE SAL&r-Share* in the Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries and Athenwunt l , . AT PRIVATE 8 ALE.—The valuable Property, eenex of Fifth and Adelphistfeeta, below bneJi building and lot, w br9?X fo®ti Two fronts. ~ >- ■ PHILIP FORD, AUCTIONEER, No.. 530 1 Market STREET, between FIFTH ml SIXTH, eonth'fide. . " . . - TjUJKNfiSS, BRINLEY, & CO., , . ■- Ho. *» MARKET STREETS ‘ „ ' On Tuesday Morning,, . August 30th, at 39 o’clock, by catalogue, on joxiaonuia oredit,’ - i < * fiOO packages and lots of imported' dry goods, jaat re ceived, > ,< - - Samules and catalogue* early on monunx or sale. WOOL PLAIDS. FOIL DE CHEVRES, Ac. • On Tuesday Momma,'. -' August 16,7 eases 5-4 pew-style wool plaids. 5 cases 4-4 and 6-4 new style p
    ld, W lots imported - and domestic goods, .consisting,; in part, of a fall assortment.of men’s merino undershirts and drawers,-ladies’ merino vests, merino hose ana half hose, &c., &c. v • _ vßa. Catalogues and samples early on ihe monung of saleT - - - -• ' ,' - T M;*GtTMMEY & SONS, j . ; KKAL CARD.—J. M. Gommey So Sons, auctioneers, will hoW regular,'sales of ReaK-EState, Stocks, Ac,. Au» house hold furniture at dwellings. ’ \ fty Oh our Prlvat© Sale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including do- Mn > UO °o fcily “ J , !«MlTv rt L-80 N g, -• Real Estate Brokers, , - ■ -Wd. 530 WALNUT Street, below Sixth. Hi OSES ' NATHANS, AUCTIONEER ill. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, S.E. ootom SIXTH aad RACE Street*. . MONEY TO LOAN. Monet to loan, in large or shall amounts, on merchandize generally, and on all articles of value. All SUMS OVER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS TWO PER CENT-TEH month,- including storage, fro.. a* Nathans*'Praapjgal 7 MONEY! MONEY-’* MONKYUL. Money liberally advanced ut large or small amounts, front one dollar to foousands, on gotd and pure? pu»te, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical in struments, fumiture, drygoods, clothing,.groceries,ci gars, hard ware,cutlery, books, horses, vehiefos, harness, and all artioles of vaine, for any length of. time agreed on; Pbicifal Establishxzkx, southeast corner of Bixth and Rape streets- PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates. - PaL E. corner of SIXTH and RACEStraotH.—The following articles willbe acid for less than half the usual afore pnoes: fine gold English patent full Jewelled and plain, of the most approved-ana best make, in hunting cases and double bottomed. Fine gold escapement levor and lepwe waiohee. in hunting case and open face, some of them are extra mu jeweled, and beet make. . Silver English patent lever watches,, escape ment lever and repines, in hunting .case apo, open face, some vary superior; English, Swiss,'French,and Wnartier Watches; fine gold.vest, fob. neckb and chil dren's chains; fine gold pencil cases and pens, bracelets, breastpins, finger-rage, ear-nags, sfods/Tnedalhoos. tox or" oSmpHi JO mit pnrchMere. Numerous ftuior article, &0., *«->#''6 R£Y aTE SALK. A superior fire-prooVciiasi.'', rb,3'feet wide. Also, wstohei, and jewelrrof -description. MEDICINAL. A NOTHER PROOF OF: THE WONDER AV puL EFFECTS OP TROXBLL’SNETOALBIA SAIdVL. ■ ... - a > .itc.is 1 ■ July 7th, 18» Mr. E. W. Thoxkll—Dear Sirl have been troubled with the ** NEURALGIA” for the last it -years, and have suffered foe most.excruciating pain, compeUinz me at times to give up my business entirely. I could not eat; and sleep wns a stranger to my eyes. -1 suffered more than tongues can tell. I had the advice and aid of various physioians, and used other remedies, but all of no avail. Having noticed your .advertisement m the papers. -f concluded fo call on a person whom I -had learned was cured ot a case of 20 yean standing. He applied the” SALVE” but once, and I felt-immediate relief—a second application removed the pain entirely, and I now feel like a different man. Since tnon I have slept welt—something that I have not* done-for months, being obliged to sit up all nightinachair. My appetite has returned, and I feel grateful.to you for the restora tion of my health.- * -- ‘•‘*- CHARLESH.BAKER.TababoonIst,' CARROL Street, above WOOD, Kensineton. For sale; Wholesale and retail, at S. W.oonwr SIXTH and PARRISH Street*,-and at-T: R» OADLENDER Co.’s, N. W. corner Thirdand Walnut sta. ap2o-tf TVR, WESTCOTT’S CELEBRATED TAR JLr CORDIAL. , ' ’ Westcott’s Tar Cordial oures Consumption. Westcott’B Tar Cordial oures "Bronchitis. Westcott’s Tar Cordial oures Coughs and Colds. - Westcott’s Tar Cordial cores Sore Throat and Breast. Westcott’a Tar Cordial cores Palpitation of the Hoart.' ' - - i . . westcott’s Tar Cordial cures Nervous Debility, , Westoott’&Tar Cordial oures General Debility. Westcott’a Tar Cordial onres Diseases of the Kidneys, Strangury, and Gravel. _ ' Westcott’s Tar Cordial cutcs Blind 'and Bleeding Files. . ‘ Westoott’B Tar Cordidl cures Female Weaknesses. Dr. Westcott’s Tar Cordial Depot, No.' 629-ARCH Street, Philadelphia.' «, Also, Principal Depot for Dr. Westcott’s Ahtf-Scrofa lousSvrup ana Cholera Mixture. , , Dr. E. R» WESTCOTT can be consultedou the'above diseaafisjree of charge, at Ins Consulting Rooms, No. 689 ARCH Blreot. from IP A. M. to « P. Mb HOTELS. ITIHE UNION,I' ' 1 ARCH S&EET ' HIA. ■ UFrON 8. NEWCOMER. - • ■Die sifostiod of this HOTEL is superiorly adapted to t.e wants of the Business Public; and to those In search Of pleaßure, : PaMenger Railroads, which now rtra past, aid in close proximity, afford a cheap and pleasant ride t'*ll plfboas ot interest in or about the oityv - -jy SS-Om WASHING AND IRONING. ‘' , WASHING AND IRONING DONE Hgpi yuh NEATNESS md DESI'ATCH,for Sirrulo - ' c A-'Lmib, And Gentlemen, F,miUee> -B^tdine corner of Prune. .Family Bhirts and Collars patent polished. Everything washed by hand, on the com mon wash-board. * ' The whole business is strictly attended to by female operatives. Mrs. DONOVAN, 3T 20-1 r ~BupsTindendedL r]ARD.—MAREUIL-SUR-rAY (CHASI /S' rAGNE), JANTJARY M, 1859.—1 n consequence ol the frequent invitations received by ma to resow the shipments of my Chanxpagne Wines to the united States, |.b«K leave hereby to inform my former .customers and 1 have appointed Messrs. F.C. BROUWER, ANCHER, So CO., sole rAgents in the United States, for the Bale of my Champagne Wines. My Wines have been so. long ana foVorably knovra in tho.umtGdStates.it will be unnecessary to comment on their quality, further than to say that imr new shipments will in no way be fouhd inferior to the former onei WTNES, t»th CABINET and VERZENAY. for, nia and con stantly on hand.in lota to Suit purcb&^rs.'by f - c 'Tßg&te: /~^LARET.—IOO .cases Barton & Questibr’s St. Julian; 300 do. St. Estephe t .SXL dau Washin g - toff Mortob St.' Jollen ; 10Q do. do. Talenoe, pints 4 £0 do. IChateaii Laßosej.fiOtlo. i do v LeoviUeX&%otQhA.le, in stone and Rinas rYoungers, HaxverisTFalklrk Brown Stout and Porter, in store ana for sale by tats , A. MERINO. ISO South FRONT Street. OLD MONONGAHELA rorsafobr^^ i 100halfbblsdo, Jnatreoeiye^land ang . A. MERINO. KQBcmtk FRONT Street i-TT 1 '—l DAVID K MOORE,UNDER No.