The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 13, 1859, Image 1
-'_ pUflS[lf»V/fl J \. ' jvi^sSC’^.HTr.'.v;, J '.'T^ '•'> f ‘ r>„J-■:-■[{!s&&&&i ) «^46&iUdW«iWib*«ottV of ■ :r<K Rt .. >» <»,•«*<«?' < > -V-,','/, TBI-WEEKX.Y PREM. .-( ".'(!, .'•: . •=>«ibfjG’mS.lT&-V? i,:nf •i-.fp/iViT.’.,-tiv V -sU i' 7 ' »*t< Elf'E E', “ ! - •ll MMifPACTIiKEB IC « of ■'■Vf'W'S 1 - - '■■ ' ' j; TffitDlA?o)i!»fA ß• •; -> v >[: Mrtfocfc is hoif: v*rycompute in ; befount}tooffor induceijienUlito’'WJ?r«,cns«r -• ~~j^uM^ft^yaftyothferKouaeV'' '.‘ -fr l * -‘i jPSEjE :-■- Mi.KTWHOL-ESALE.MANUFAOXUREBS . s r.k ’■ , - noYjuvSfel F/» roi*k«'9f *oodi :»IWa» '«’- *. w H-fii ',v:,;.u-'../.1.-. a :«-iv?;#w*t3$lt«;•„ -*f. ' / - 5 : BHOB, ASD fIAHEII MATERIALS, { ‘ ‘XASTiN^l^iOolfS, / ’ „ Jt ; pate^txkatker,! ,^^Ng|(^S^|gPifB;Wi’E^.j;A9*3rB,,*o. .k* IroijitTliiup -abchbts> ;. M*r ■;.' V-T ; K^M : M;I £ •,';;; j '.“* ~F TOTHBPALt7ANi>WOTER-'BEABOMB.!i: | . Rich .Velvet Heado Cm done Us. and: Crochet-Frioae*!; .uVtttiitt, alfthe ;' ; - < -;Ako.» foil sMortmftOt of. 1 ,CHXM)^EN 7 8:Ap> (< H I) fi E8 - _ r Aauper]j|me of Paris'Hkad Nsra.' . auS lra *1 FOURTIt S diUrt ftK CHESTNDT. j •••‘hats* cA-ps;?-**:'?-**■'"■''• (■'H 1 ;; i|k»A ■;«/’.»>* \ i v *»j jm >- (CP STiIKI,) " ,i<Ji.-7 ft'x >' ani Wholesale WoJeniin t f-V "*v l • ; Hai*« nrnToiHW for it{ii«ti(ra»M* ifla'sfeittini’iUoki >/.•.'<r-'?"- .■•■ tH'-' 1 -’ )-~'r r : i "- ‘ ' '-v'* • ;‘i j~ r,® v ■■*;:’; -frMVi.'7» V, *•*;;* V-kT/ -tf „' H '-'P... 1 * 5 s>*i ='■* =•?:;•■>; - •/" / ; ■. aEfe&gC «SV“ ‘ , . . S<!AFB>M4HBSt!iiAW.GOQOiI«-:?'V i FLOWERS, v.tUJOHES,, AND-gJANCT. FUESj MOS. 29 AND .II NOHTH FOURTH ST,;- ;r:j ' .v^(JNoorfrOpposite.Mor^ftntrfHotel'M'.;V i, 3 ya&ri ;. '-" r ~ 1 ; r v jgi^Ejaraß, ‘■utyf l rf-.AWBASON. & SMITH; > -:-;' -.; ■'^m£ir» i OTEi^B , J|gOK;BIM)KEfiS;J •Y'.*y.4r‘V3*C| •“• ,- \ *J ssx I' ~»- ',j. ti®?**** Laj-f«:fA«tort»n®nt of - 1 ) [ JL#j,' ‘■‘•.r'v ?A -- s' t;<» V’‘>lrs>)‘ t-" : f (•-jj'i'j . ,10'mau.T ?. --l: ' ;;'^i •-_iC? ,** • <■-'? v . .T-pM.'W Vht>X, ■ 3^ar*.rijiH(r?*a > to f, ; . »!-.MT>',-'j iiV >•• ■^•^:;J/ >•_.*& jtiiil * i j,fi.y/.>Sjg'f? *s*«». , '?/-***«• i ‘ _ ' BX9 CHESTNUT STREJBI,,..:: ,^>'j: ;4ji<m!r^foiis/' ; Bi^W'raß''oifeMi> ; ffaotiiK. 1 } : - iIMPOJITBDJEWELRy.JPtATED-WAHliS.AItfi ofthe public* 1 1 , .;n -- ii'M'„{ ■ ~■ ' - •*' "‘i *v* ■ T S. • | - ATE D£W>KB ; . Jfo'OO*.CHE£XNUT> Street; above. Ttiiril, tup ataire,) t'w'i'3"fa ; v,/.,K j'ysr4ii)Moiphii(i a : K ..v-- s ?,■-/..- <, i ; KBTB7CMTORB/ KNIVES, SPOONS,* v'i v:';T.^'fJiJ.y;i*JßOMKi3#jfJ«ADliESj f fccvo .Aori. < fa'i ?. UjOildfeifia4wjftro.n «JUSiiicW<?fcnieUhTV * iSJtfelr '^^«s^{?t^APrWiTepSy- f^sW' ffifpjPf'bi irj jf -CRA^KjSßfil*'/ / 5-*’_ fl /•'t r'r. ' l -> ] .a *•*-■•&•> Jute* r *3- •• ' . ■ <• >' '>' -’ <i‘..-w J :’-'>w» rr. b’ruwnr vw>j ity'-t > iJlt . •"i ■*WW% i olSirxMVAi'Bßg.- ; r , }.: . : io IiMrfU.bQXM.Md -''iiiitittihri/v :-.■>■) \ ■/. '''-' )c4Ktr»i;itf»t)inta;co.’«. . •;>’- : ■anriorllftUalhtnfarxliter&lQM.Khil for , i iaiITJiUKBIIBj^AItOBgiANDIIBBSSMAKEKa «horfly, bjf m*t is .- .B«mdiju(f fcoy^enfc: '5 : 11.l 1 . J . Va^W^j^Hl^i'.sl.#;>?s9>J?.A'«^ I x>.c^. J n./ j AJ S!f v ' ’/ ? 1 -. 3 * ■ti't -y.-.-i«:t u p-ft LLOYD, Stookitibn «liUAki>£«M*ouk ttakbi (raidkriiaSS at *' ! ' -' i:vflATfNETBij' •' •■ '•« ’ ,! sAaßflftft* ■ -■ &m wPtfn- wu 'BHAWLB, i '■■ ;-'V:‘- •: : ;Ai*)>aientaforlka.' . . ■': •■ W,INNIPA»UK COMPANY’S Ip». ■nlniullßKOitnientbCsradeaEndfolonr; ,auSrWa-tf & ao^' * ■£*}/ : : wos.' a SOUTH FRONT STREET, -ril *:v,. ? ;j u- >' ARpih-' ,'i-, '■ »LEJ'im'STREET, ’oi. ia^tafiproyeil ' 1 BRtTiSH GopEB>'wmpniins . ■ , , iALVAOAS, CORDSj BEAVERTEENB, .VELVETS, i JRED iPADfiINOS, PAPER MUSLINS, to.', &<u ■ ! jrt-Mlfctbitt • ' M,. Vr -. m' •••=« -M V' WAX', .tiEUiSBN|IR/ & CO;, ' _ , , V.; '”\oir f • ■' ■" ' - ; *CLoTHB,' jjORSKmS.AND CASBIMERKB. ! f i ‘ BOLE AGENT'S f.M v'lXftb# Mtowuisoelebratpd Mirmfisotarera' Ticket;) S" M/Cipth?!), 1 ' ’.AUMnT <■,- Vi if. i v< rSOO CHESTNUT STREET. -qtnghams-. ,:'' .V-vXf ‘ l ' . ..! BQWBCHKLOWTOSUPERANDDARKFANpY’S, l! -/ ;juBt’opbnbd, . BlDfiirAT A JLING, •’ •" :, ,«oi-ut y street. ■ ■ ' Agsatn of THIRION MAniLARD A CO. jpitxN^Eati .-AND PLAIN. ••■'■' ; MERINOS ‘ AlfD' MOUSSE-LAINE S, > BKOOHE ANDSTELLABHAWLB, •- •,* • v'}> .' n &c;»&fcr,4:c;j -.■» * T : - ” i • v: - Jr vPniLIPPBKIDOIiOVEB. • ;• au6-l4t .' ' “ *V.« ; JpARREJLIj & ;MQpili3. " | ’ WJOttilßliSH; .MKBCH4NTS. ! / /. f IBQ’OEXBRS ' ■ ' ’ '! :^EOTHS';f)^SKllsr!3;:&<>. ,' '., . i .siicHESTNUTJSTREETi : jo ■ MS-Sm .j r,!j ;<1 ! ■.V pHILAgEtrrilA. —:{■■-■■ -■; ■, ■■■ ■ — 1 ' •Tepi'FlN,& /:>.“ ; V "goMpany,-; ; ’. ,';:' :^ll i 6i.CdIESXNCT.'.STBB , ET I : ! E F. 68 THE S AI. B' jOF f ; -A: A/vy\ : SPRAattB’S prints.- =■ fa great . variety, including. Reds : Greece Blues, Shirtings, and Fanor, Styles.. - BLBAtJHED BHBEITNGS AliD SHIRTINGS. ':Xoh»ci»leY ' 'MsioiivHldi ' Slit terairi lie;' ' '* V Washington Union Millf,. B!ack»toij«i \ : Cohannet, Johnst<ra; . • '> Ssuithvilleii' ; - ' ' • ! ; j *“'tfuniton'l ’ > ‘ r '' A ; • •a«tfW*DMiei'r‘aiW«B:'‘. x»ft - ; :;:'.vc£oths.; v ' ! \, Glenlmra 'Co.’iV.mid' olHer ;iuikeadir cotton; warp r' T’;'',/ t 'Y’'' v;/: f -: f AQTaenQeldEi-ver, YYfittatit’*.., fc . ,-* 1 .i '.-AyrM A Aldrich, Taft it Capron# jfjM inbtt.i f, { .' / Charto'f Swift River* ; - ; CaiT>oiitflT* , r ;IFJorenco MiUa, t pifHpand tw^Ue^pfeojora-’,;/'jY' : j\.;; ’• • *n4 PW3|t» .-; ~ ,Y . /; Jewett citj>iuilr«n« Stripe*; Denims* And Ticking*. /Rhode rsls ntfSp ■, *ndJ?antaloo‘n Stuffs. ' Siater’s Osnton-Flanniis.' '■ ’’ (j ■/FiiTrtmlle Co.’s Cdrae t JetfnsYAC‘. j ; , '?iiuW^€lpf^4epl-ttitwtf' ; '' t? '' •' -••-> •cr. f ti.-,; 'l'i‘rr-Jilt'-*'* x >* ■/ - ..• • \ hill, >3 iZ-rj-'K' *. ->'*i n ‘ 1 GABSED., WMMiMioN.-MBBCHANTB. ... COTTON, COTTON..yA»NB,. , ... - 5; J j-FLOUE; Biuj6s, &e S7\Th« attention of Maanftctur«r« is cimialty OOllwl to OU!.l t /r, SPERM . OILS. ; MS-Sra; 1 -'-No.aa N’.'FRbNT.BTRKET, PHILA. aOODS; ;; ’ ! ■: -’’Ofl&Y-ttf tM fcrsflrtbi foliowiag.iraU-wlown makM of ,Kri. Brtt*M,t*M*oh«4?'Jooli>2«lf '«t Mntai, -of'.aerioqa HuttOn'«Taunrtß&ffiFr»nUi»,Hi«rartl, to.i fto. aW».:,Vi; '■-. 7- ',■■■'•■- w-,■•?'-. .. ■'■ 2E f• ft. -S'B -A;R J 5 ' TTSf 1 , 't'-’l'' ! l im npwoferjnr tliMr Fall qt 'whitedooDs,; ■ . ■ ■ ■ - ?•'.''jnoßoirahiEs.. /. ■ 'j 1 LACE GOODS,’4?-, j TothsJobHn* Xf»a«. on tb* moat Übor.l toim^ 1 t M iV." 1 -‘V-.. ■: StqpTGH linens. V.: • j i i : BAXTER’S DUCKS, 'YY'-i ./.EDWARD’S CANVAS, • j •: /'(* • ' : V>: s •; ' XHOMrSdN'S HUMP CARPETS. : ; : ;R DU OK:S. HEAVY CANVAS, ' ' • .; SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, ■ l ■ : Ac,,'Ac., Ac. ■; '•••’ LOWEST, mCES. ■ ,qo.NBAB; ;i &']' , BERIiILI J ., . V■ Na street. - ! nn»*n a: .XUmwARE. rjhBOTT i |g|ei^' : & ; G6^ ; ;' •IMPORTERS AND \VHOLESALEDBALERB f p.JJTliKljiijr, G tJNS; rTSjrQLS,; 4c. > •:'' ;i : ;,-"BElsiw l ':Si3ctH, NpRTH'SII)E, ■: ‘ ; ; i AND OTO ; fc‘- - U.V?£ <hj . ‘i* * «v. :i '' ; coMjteROE Sts:, I WHOLESALE j ..,K >'■»< - . m . , . . , , ! '' ''' : American and European - / • DEY GOO OS, N O'J 428'MAkKET AND'423~MERCHANT STREET Now opening -A full andedrapleto - FALL AND WINTER STOCK, , Tor which the attention of the trade is invited.. . r . - GOODS. JBA RC R OFT & C 01 . ' nos: 405 AND 40T MARKET STREET,, . | ■ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OV FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. DRY, GOODS. Stock nowcompleto andYeady for buyers, [aafi-Mt RIJE. & CO., i (■!; i• I« PORT H R 8 OF- ' goods, .j, ’ ■ ' ; !' ■ ‘ NO. 339 MARKET STREET. ’ .; • ’ '9o* Our Bto|lft WeoVed ill the boat European markets br-ourselves, wlarge add complete. * ane*3rq GRANT, & CO., - I JMi;ORTER£ AND WHOLESALE DEALERB IN ' " CLOTHS, CA6SIMEREB, VESTINGS, - 1 1 : \’ V _]7 ’V : '• \ ■ AjfD ' ‘ ' TAJLORS’ trimmings. - N0.’333 MARKETBTRRET,' •'V -V ' ' (Up StkV«.) ! • , »ut;Sm, V ■ PHILADELPHIA. "Av W- DIT'IBE ■ & ‘ .0.0-, * S I L K G O O D s, NO. 325 MARKET ST. auJ5-3ra JJECdURSEY, lafotjrcade;* CO., . ‘ , IMPDRTEitS-AND'JOBBERS OP OLOTHS, 0A 8 BIM ERE S, 'V,E BTINGS,8TINGS, , , / And Goods adapted to ‘ ‘ . MEN: ANJ3 BOYS’ WEAR, •• > NO. 335 MARKET STRBBT,: Are receiving their ' * FALL IMPORTATIONS, To which they invito the attention Of purchasers of suoh goods. - 1 1 - • : ' . ’. ' * ’ au6-lm gILK GOODSi FALL *59, SIBLEY, MOLTEN, & WOODRUFF, NO. 531 MARKET STREET, i *>.. *’ ' Side,'), , , Invito the attention of Buyers to their choice and pout-- ‘ . ; ' l\c kiti* , DRESS,FANCY GOODS* au&'lm >. . , JPIRST OPENING MERRIMACK PRINTS, F A la L S T Y B E S , - THIS-DAYuAUGUST 1. “ JOSHUA L BALLY, jAS t ß.Campbell & coi, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DBALBRS I ‘ 1,1 [’v'Vt'i-- 7 " - !' "p .. LINENS;-WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, ‘ i 'CiSSIMMBB,' BLANKETS, Ac ' . HO. 304 MARKET SXRBET. aut-!m ■ " 1 1 ■ TMFQKTS 18 5 9. HERRINO & OTT, . 1 .-.Have fcowiri Store their usual SPLENDID STOCK r . ,r . of .. .r -;. j,. ... ‘ ' ' EJIBjIOUJURiKS, AND ,'••• FANCY GOOCH. N. W. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STS. JOHIsTES & CO., .. IMPORTERS AND. JOBBERS or SILKS . ADD FANCY DRY; GOODS, NOS, AST MARKET, AND fli*4 COMMERCE STB. • . , BBLOW SIXTH. Having Must removed, to the-above -location, are now op6mßga,T\ew and very desirable Stock of Gooda, era by&oin£eveVy{variety ia their.Une, which they offer to the tifede at.- the lowest market. rates, for oeah br ap DroTOdcredit. V*'- _ - ■ ' v aus-Sm pBIGE, FERRIS, & CO., IMPORTERS OP WHITE'GOQDS.- ,r - • ■> • A MAIiTH,LAB, Ac. NOS, ssis MARKET ST., AND 898 COMMERCE ST. Our Stock ia selected by a member of the firm, in the • BEST' EUROPEAN 4 MARKETS. •1 aufi'Sm; *. , .. ; . * .*% ■' ‘ pr.-WboD, MAIISH, & ,: * I'm p q r t e r s AND . . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN' ■DRY GOO D SAN D CL OIHINS. , NO. 309 MARKET STREET. ' V ’ PHILADELPHIA. Fall iinfl Winter' Stoolt now, eolipleto ond ready for 'iwycr.,,;.’ ” nrnwm fWILLIAMSON CO., .'WHOLEBALE DBAIiERS' AND. JOBBERS IN , ORY GOODS* NO. 42 6 MARKET BTREET, (And 414 Commerce street,) • BETWKHNJTQPRTU AJTp PIVTR, NORTH BIDB, . Our stock, especUny adapted to Southern and West ern trade, is now large aml complete in every parti oolar. t - ' ! . / !■ aufl-tf FALIj IMPORTATIONS. Jgs9 DALE, ROSS,&WITHpRS, > 881 MARKET, AND 818 COMMERCB'STHEETS, PHIILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS on ; ' ' ■v. silk , ' : 1 Ann ■ • 1 FANCY GOODS, ' Hare now a r.omplate .took, to whioh they invito iho at-. lOntlpn of'buyerk. 1 . . ' • aui-3m SMITH, MURPHY, & GO. S37'. MAR'KET ST., AND 889 CHURCH ALLEY, . ( “ Are now opening. their 1 FALL AND. WINTER STOCK. ; • - - 'i-.'on „ • - !>:•' STAPLE AND FANCY ; D R Y G O OD Si . To which they invito the attention or ; CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-TIME BUYERS. .I’IirLAPA., AusiuHt, 1569. aus^tm iplLXi GOODS. . The Bubsoribers respectfully aek the attention of their frfendi, and all -. • •. 1 ' . ' * J AND 'BHORT-TIME BUYERS' TO THBIB ' • - STOCK- OE-GOODS, Believing (t for be pnirarpflAMd' by any in this market. They 4ie conatantly receiving desirable Btylba of : < v"- ,s Sf.'S'rtr FPB';; .■ From the bMt soUrcee. - , j • ■‘ ■ - FR ANCIS DASHER, & GO;, •" »?»»#•....: l.:; 1 '*! r W.\VMJb DRy-GOODSJOBBjGRS. j MS MARKET-STRBBT, PHILADELPHIA. ‘ < { PAIfoAPELPHIAy-SATPffffM' ; AUGUST;/ 18, i; . *ta ‘ r > ' n " Water* ' ‘ ‘ • PV r BAUD ,OF .TOWER HALL. lnjiquul strains ,wo’U sins to-day . * . .? vo - 80 ? P nd daughter, ' > -,4] tuo'iiOjvrUh .yurit we shall'Bing:,' - ’Twill only hoof water, - * J •A little sick for many months, *■*'» dootor’B stuff” relying, ,*. ” • • ' • 'We got no better very fast, And vam-wasull our trying, So we resolved to dwelLawhile » _ yponaLoJiiglirnoiintain. ~ , * „ Where sbmds the famous ‘ Water Curo” Winch liasrt healing fountain. H vary many cure* •’ > . ; • •’There,made^and,•faithnot lacking,’ ’ We pocked our trunks, and atartod oil fo teat the power of packing. Wo know spine editors lm*a lhhg; . v Intlampon’d sheets been /ping. And still diseased,• with fictions rare im Thptrutharo mystifying: ~ . -.,-• t v; • BnlVotSve thought, that we, pdrhuf>s— ‘ ‘ 5 About our ailme.nt fretting— WiUMnountommn and water puro, flight find relief in'Sweating i ’ ' And bo \re boukU£ thb frills at'onco ' Above the Lehich valley. ‘ • To test tho powe/ 0 f “ Adam’s Ale,” ‘ Our fulhrjg etYongth to jrilly. , a town whose hamo , ’ • ’ •> *v 10 J < !/'‘ B i(hre , s'cliannHo3ialttuommd, • • And th/fll the sout -with pleasure; - • r u i y°ni: Has a fijia hotel— - ’, 7 , -'£AGLK”.full in ,feather— - , . ~ Anu Xeibbbt keeps the “Sun” e’er bright* , , -- 'Udrough change of weather; • • filled with maidens fair *' „Whp*trivefor mental graces: •8 , * , ’ Convinced that quoh are better far r • ‘ ’ Than pretty forms or facßs, ’ ’ Of Oppqlt’s “.Lehigh Water Cure,” _Anu great success we’re meeting, ’ i* ' We’ll give account to those who road 1 . Our coming.srcokly greeting: • - • In hopes,that others, boing sick, filay beihduced tosry it, .... ) And strength receive through exefdibo ' ’ And moat judicious diet 4 .> l -. Cf pack” and “ pliinge,” and startling “douche" v, JCmriuimanillsrclieyingf-, <» Wo’JI give account, for them wave ecqii, • 'Ami-“seeingis be!leving*”’ ; ‘ , But wlule rfur readers, one add all, ’ ' .-Must-whit for us to poirit, • * • Wooektho-portion loascwlmo, To buy.t!}eir.clptii,efl.<if Bennett; For {bore.who clotho at Tqv/er Hall ' v ' Are never known to tuA i t-?' If they would win the ladies’ hearts, . .Without indoubt thoy’lliioit. j ‘ Balanco of Summer Stock Closing out at pricos lower than, the lowest, ‘at' TOWER RALV 518 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, by ' [BOOTS AND! SHOES, g. P. WILLI AMS & CO., ' ' 5 ■, ' mlB SOUTH FOURTH STREET, ■WHOLESALE. BOOT AND BIIOE WAREHOUSE,) Have now on hand a full assortment of Eastern and Philadelphia work, to which they invite tho attention of Southern and Western Merchants, aul2-2m ,j£EENE; STERLmG, > FRANKS, . WHOLESALE 'TUBJ^LSE^ 'IN BOOTS AND SHOES, ' 4 ‘ ’ 1 NO, 413 ARCH stree tr« • . '• , ,T. • • /'I i . - J'urchMpre visiting-the oity y.i\_rpleaBo mine their_atoek* - & CO., ': ! . ;j!. WHOLESALE DEALERS ' BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 913 MARKET STREET. . , aus-8m ■ BASIN, & OO. s BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE ' AND' \ MANUFACTORY, No.' 503 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia; ; We have now on hand ah exterisiye.Stookof Boots; and Shoos, of all desonptions, of oon own and Raackrn Manufacture, to whioh we invite the attention of South-’ orn(thd.Woitem buyer*.: v ~ .. 'Jv' V ! • r S 321 CHESTNUT STREET, (2d EliObß.) LADIES’, MISSES*, AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS, SHOES, AND GAITERS, Manufactured expressly for tho Retail Trade. null-Sm PALD STOCK , - OP jBOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOM? SON A 06. ( ■■ mi Market street, . Have now on hand&la*ge,fitook of BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND CITY MADE, Fnrohas'ers visUing the city will please call nnd ex amine their stook. Jy2B- f & M. SAUNDERS, * NO. 34 NORTH FOURTH STREET* . (Near Merchants'Hotel,J 1 Call the attention of buyers of BOOTS AND SHOES To their Stock, whloh embraoes a goneral variety of PHILADELPHIA AND NEW. ENGLAND Manufactured goods. aui-lm WHOLESAJLK CLOTHING: AT WHOLESALE. 0. fic SON, S3B MARKET STREET, SOUTHEAST CORNSE OP.FOURTH STHEBT, Offer-for sale, on the most; LIBEEAL TERMS, A now and oxtenßive stook of. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, ! ADAPTED TO THX SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, TO WHICH THEY INVITE TUB ATTENTION OF BUYERS. jy23-2m * HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS OF . COMMON,' MEDIUM, AND FINE CLOTHING. We invite speoial attention to our complete' lino of MACHINE-MANUFACTURBD GOODS. NOS. 4114 MARKET, to 419, MERCHANT STS. au6~Bra ; - , p, ... i ! MEDICINAL. MRS-WINSLOW. '■ V '■ ili AN experienced nurse and female Phkaioian, presents to the attention of mothers her ■ 80 OTHI N O' S Y‘B U P FOR CHILDREN ,TEETHING, whioh greatly facilitates the Drpeeskof te9th(ng,.for soft ening the gums,- reducing all inflammation; will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is __ ■ SURE TO REGULATE tHB BOWELS, Dependupon it, mothers; it will give mt to yourselves ““Belief and health to your.infants. - We have put up and sold * this article, for over ten years,ana can-say, m con Ph Silence and truth of it, what we have never been fcj able to say of ariy .other medfoTneVNEVER HAB g IT FAILED; in GLKINSTANCE,TOEFp4 FECT A:CURE; when timely.'used. Never did k- wo know } an, instance of dißsatiafoetFoh by,any one J? who used lt. J On the con trary,'all are -delighted CO with dts operations;-end speak in terms of highest i. h commendation &fftpma? - oM effects and medical vir y tues. ..We speak m, this matter “ what wo do know,’’iafter ten. years’ expenence.andpledgeoiir rj reputation for the fulm- Sentof what we herede r*< olaro. ;,In .almost ..every stance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be r_. found in fliteeii or[ twenty, minutes after the administered,. /; ' T Thiivaluablopreparatton O is the proscription xif one' of, the, most EXPERL o BNCED and, SKILFUL NUR6EB in Now and has been used vyith* never-failingsucoessin. tJ * * _ s • THOUSANDS * OF OABES. It not only relieves the 03 child from pam, but in vigpratesthestomachand trowels, corrects acidity, ana gives tone and energy fe< to the-whote system. It willalmoßt instantly re £ Iiev®'GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND. - WIND O' COLIC and ovoroomeoon vidsions, .which, not j speedily remhdied, end jn death. We believe itothe to- best and surest remedy in t teethmgorfrom any other eausd..-We, would nay to .every mother,who,lww a [*? cliiidsuffermsfraraanyof the foregoing complaints, te dd notlet j-OurDrerudlces,. ,nor .the prejudices, of o the ra,'fitartd betwfeeii 'your suffering child _jtod , the! relief tha.f I Will lie ; BURB~yefli ABSOLUTE W Ly, HURE 7 to foUow foe use of tnis medicine,. if timely Died. . Full diteo • tlons for usittg will aceom w pany each brittle. 1 ' None genuine unless the fact S simile of CURTiSA PER vKINBt, New v ;York, Js ori the outside wrapper.. . .« BaTSold Dy DnfggistA throughout the world. Pnnoi :|aSSir a,r,,tJ,?yo * | jjij'i; i. w Saturday, : august is, : i859; IlEiatixous INTEWAGENCIi. material, 1 of. Rov...JT(:nry .AY tr<{ : Beechers iast .“Star in, :hq J>rolilJc,g«nitw r fop pnqo tbeaifti I’ Qf ;‘hnrd up’’ for items.- Drobn )ly; our rcfei'rijig to it in 'this.column will awake l&. , |p“l a l us regard to pur,items of ministers. of ,tho .Gusjel, prqi\oh ..for, ho, . 1 sws6‘jhou&nns 'jjVq huridred-c gi a afford to' ovp “> an 4 amuflo ihpnißelveSjin Vy.riting.nWgpp icJr* ® ®f(jP,(aiio and hammpjC-inak ng bHshments, Biirciy .our’ referenco ,fo Jiilay >.£}[ /bq a.rnoro. EC|-iohs digression.,,, Nc;hull< rk* knllikn(' reputationfor,.LloYjng; hoi' jo nf. ahd firid such, men., as thorn it? jptilpit-knighfc /Churcli; on tori ng. t§6 arena of :!*, | c-^ JKjJk VB herpioForo ventilated his los |§p 'S ql< o« 5 ■ ISb a ltts^eloHcaiyy]^^^}oeshjs : roa :L? a** 11 > N* tftpMt**' o *** fa pas&og tb'rPUgjx «u&; • i gs, knowmtq hitpself, fie) ietsr.die, ®,. •)Mbme tt t.'^fsl }(lo^! irith. a comparative y Lis ' ii ' 1 with;(aU itawunted-J i- ! 4 y, J?: ifc? hAimnor-tonkei ’b tho culminating point of -’ Hails and hammoi-Sj-we find tho-: groat ‘ t ‘4iai'- ! im» nlcbo ; ® ?.? a ?v t Beecher’s 50040 0 f . lS[Vqry^ne./ *> .'. ‘ v K d,t > f! 10 utility- of, hammere Is- n'ot to ho and in this instabCo it is,quite evident that' * bo‘J two”, whioh found their wayjrinto tho minfa #T‘® yahsOj \tefo serviceable to somebody -in moire tvsys than driving nails. IVe are not lqld whethbc axis constitute, another sciqtillation from yent»vo genius v qf^endkib r ,buVw thei-belong ia . tho ahpiild. think .so. • It would prb b|bly npt V p been Woj.hoj«reVOFi for tho' latter io ,pge becnnxndq constiment of U)e minister’s bag ,^ C} a ? i > ;s frqmiuorpponydernUoiis their hands ( ofMr r ßooeioiS would sottn ■ ( arin(Jingieathoi3Rthomo3tancio£t . aijd iwofhl tJtpvsH iho snbiinto specifid k ‘ , v ; g“Ud|ag fl sp a y j ali ita ingeniops and rofinbd .ranufioations .fortunately L left to :ebed Its’ cl^f 0 00 unsuiliod : pf \ inodern diuoh- 4 ' vsrj- .Q£, couwc. iL would bp ; very absurd to .afiy- . ' *K*? ah? pAc*grlndiDg,ciorgyjtnoni'or thktthe- : fHlpntcd ’‘Star'lcpntrlbutpr.of i\wlndep€ndo»t<sL . them ; we mean to,.insinuate, no syoh-things and,have merely Referred tb 'this subject by, way. o f s in a friendly way, to PlypipnthChuiiii,- . .Brooklyn, the "religious duty of relieving-their *' faithful qhd-prolifio. ministor*iffoin :; all;farthor nt density..of obtaining bia juyenilo hardware afc so" 1 groat.a costas the tiyo Mcndnlo hammers'wore evi-' *! , denUy obtained ah. , The proper, remedy, ofcpilfsjy - wiU bb to inqrenso his salary, to somotblng like dc- j cent pay for his We bavo lio doubt that another thousand or two yellow jeweUwill beaddi J Beecher’s, “crpwn of : \ blagonowus-heartod vostry intimatibn. ' Suroly, “the-laborer-fa worthy of bis bite,” fcnd whatever a man works ybr'itie meet ho shoUW re*. ' .ccive,- . • . >/. : - ... - ’ . , 1 •] BENNETT & CO, _ NkW CAriiomo.iCiioncn Xi NotlhtsAtW.-.’, X-ji'.J—' .Twcuty.thjroo yoow ,B*oj «n :<io 181 b instonl.'ltio’ oflbujireiont Catholic' oHiurOft-orNor-- yistooftt 'iViiri hiid; but owing (o itB'irul{le l |\intß cn •l’ acoomoiodato-the inorofiood ooogtogoUoiv a now und tmjru spaotohr ediSije t 0 prodtdd.i 'Fon tliispUtitoi'lkoßov.. the riiMMi- liM bought « lot ili- oppotlX the l>r««ent ehnroh's'.ffh6 corhnr atoirti ofthrrnawhQu«c;,'frov!«ti'ji f ,wUi:.belm<iuo-' inotrow, UtU inst., by tho Right,ltev.-I)ishop Sou leßnh, tho tot'mon ou tho ooontioo u) be'jircf.ohu'.r by tho. Rov. lir. Moriarty. l Tho Holy building, which io to bo 111 plniu Itoinan stylo of architecture,' will bo IS3 foot long by 65 foot wide. ■ Tub noun Bjsnors elect—of To.yns, 1 New Jersey, Assistant of Ohio, imdMinncsotn—having signified thoir accoptnnco, (ho Church is looking to tho con-' swrntidnfn October, and it having boon suggested that each shduld bo conscorgicd In or near his fnlure diocese, tho Church Journal (Episcopal) objoots, trad says : • ‘-;Xt will bo far hotter to have testimonials of tho four passod. early;HirUdgli the' Lower I»uso | then let tho four bo Odlljeoratod together in Richmond—n eight such ,as Virginia never saw before, aud would certainly rojoico to behold—and tho four can' immediately takn 'their •soak) ill the Upper House, and speak-’and. vote during tho greater and more important part of tho session,” . * Tl W|\ r — Tho subject of street preaehlHg te leceiving attention in Cincinnati. At. a recent meeting, a report, Judge, ptorer, on tho-subjcct, wns read, from which wo‘ that tbofollowing plan is to bo pursued': -That this branch .of tho work, bo confided to a. committeo of ono from each church, in, shall bo to district the city, andpluce each district Under tn 6 supervision of ono of OUr churches, that will agree to visit oVory family within its chargo:at least onco a month; to ascertain thoir spiritual Wants, and, if permitted, to speak a word for Jesus to tho cure less and unbelieving. , Several addresses, favoring the-movement, woro made by Rdv.' Messrs. West, Goddard, Storrs, aud : Harrison. , - . > - , Evnnv Bkmkykr A Pruauiiku. ~ Rev. ■ Dr.. Hitehoodc, in his sermon before tho Judson Socioty of RoohcsterUniversily, argued that “the end of Christianity would never ho attained until every leltever should bocomo d vieachcr 'ot the truth, as the cnrly idisciptes were In the 1 glow and onthu-" siasm of their first awakening. Rbv.Samubi, AY. Boaudman, of Norwich, has bopn,elected tofill the chair in Mlddlebui-y College, Vt., made vaenhtby. tho resignation of Rev, George N. Bonrdmnn; has accepted tho appointment, and' will enter upon his dutiedattho beginning of tho next collcgiateyoar,'September 7th. Rev. Dk. BBTiiUNE.-*-P.rivato letters wefe re ceived, last week, from the llev. Dr. Bcthuno* in which ho states that Is good, and that Of Mrs. Bethuno much Improved. . Jlo is nt prosont in. Switzurlaud, 'and'does not texpoofc to' return h«?mo beforo autumn:> > -- . Pnot-Esson J. Am,e.n, late of Alexander'Col lege, Dubuquo, has beea elected presidont of Row don College, and, at a recent meeting of tho Proq- ■ bytory of Dubuque, was installed pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Jlopkinton, Delaware county, lowa. • ’.> . . - 5 Rev. J. Hyatt Smith, tho pastor of tho Wash ington-street Baptist Obureh, BuffUlo, has resigned hia charge, and accepted a call to the Eleventh Baptist Church, of Philadelphia. Ho will occupy tho pulpit of his new. charge' tho first Sunday in October. • Important Proposition.— Tho U/iircrs prd-‘ poses that evory Catholic country, beginning with Prance, should iocoguise that the temporal subjects 6f tho lloly See, should bavo tho rights of born citizens of theso States.. They tfould thus bo ena bled to pursue a career in any Catholic country. * Pleasing Letter front Saratoga. [Correspondence of The Brens.! Porhaps a fiwhiouublo watoring-ptaco, visited by 1 citizens from all parts of tho Union, is ono of tho> best indications of popular feeling in regard,to the politics of the country. Such subjects arc constant topios of conversation, and it would, gladden your heart to hoar tho almost universal foding in favor of our gallant! “thclattlo Giant of tho JYest.” / We inoet hero gentlemen of standing from every' Statoin tho' Union. Mr: Buchanan (I almost, as A Ponnsylvanian, soy it with pain) has no friends. He has met tho fate for which ho contended. 110 Is truly regarded as tho most ungrateful man that over filled tho Presidential chair, whilo Gen. Piorco, although out of sight, not out of. mind, has all -the friends hoevor had. No ono k woaifed from liim.j His ,warm-hoar(od. impulses created attachments that will olin£ to him through Itfo. Among all tho aspirants for public favor, Doug las carries off tho palm. His statesmanship is un doubted—liis'gallant conduct commands admira tion—his sound conservative judgment counnonds him to popular tho only mau fit for these excited • times—his high -intellectual endowments - indicate thn,t tho. place and tho man aro suited — •while his national-popularity significantly points him out ns tho only man who onh carry tho Demo cratic banner triumphantly through tho coming campaign. ’ , Tlio time-serving policy of Mr. Buchanan on tho slavery question has bceuuttorly exposed. Hois not feared by his enemies in tho North,'and ho is dospisod by his friends in tho South' Falsoto tho -one, be would not hesitate to botray thd othor. The country will rejoioo whonhistennof office expires, and he retires to his cloister to repent ovor his mis deeds, and proparo himself for tho .judgment to qomo. v : - f On tho contrary, oonsidor tho course of Judgo ;Douglas, thb' favorite Of ihoAdnimintrutioM, court ed. oajoled, ond seduced by the most tempting bribos if he would falsify his promises, betray tho Demo cratic party, andgupportMr. Buchanniiiii his Kan sas policy, who,' unncbitAtingly, refused them sill, trampled them under his foot, defied Fedora! powor, and went back to his own State to contcpd for his right to reprcscntllliiwte in tho Senate, and won a political battlo that eclipsed tho most famous •victories of tho field. ‘ 1 Judgo Douglas is politically right. He ia’truo to the Constitution,and therefore a'friend of tho Union; lie is true to tho Cincinnati platform,, and The I<nfit ‘‘ Siar* ,, r United States Hotel, Sauatvua Springs, Aug. 10, 1850. -,n . i /. '.O U V ■therefore-. a' fritfndoft the Democratic ! party';- hq fe Anm to iadniqipanti Nprtli, South, Jjast, nnifo West, fpu' best friend fofa' ! youbg/ growing, i! ond ! primicfoils ipcoploj'J P /.jf v t 1 1 i jd*u >::n voifr.h • -1 ; But of (PoUUcs.-.'Wo :axo .fnnehdrq. The,water gT tho sprihgd. the actirity'of tho : raorrilhg r ,'which,'wltH a'diYer filpn, contiunda untilevcmlng.- ’ Thcirraaccicodl thb; - hop, the wh/at ,tabJe v .thp, flirtation, tho innsfo, the ’ fancy bnJl,"tind.nU the* Ijlue I which'pleasure’gildsthellfo of the' idle; ; rich, and* ■'youhgf.i i'hri c« ■ §e/|jvfor, JJayjird, of Delaware: is- here.;‘.Hon,,, Josinh BnndalT, of our pity:'David Webstar,.coin-, -'imtfsloricr to thcifonaldoddbf Ahl.Kedneyjr ~w l l i ft ipja3 ,, or her < e ,,g en pr , a!]j':popula r , and, totally. ,tgndrlhg‘‘thd‘&atab\»f;thp taliingSc e-1 tihfcilyiti 'tbW'tlmjvaml oytonishihg oM),by tho, wptidqrfu! ;M*»UAc«t;<ffibis ’pfoytfiMr. Jidwam ltoborts, ,gi our city, who, although,avydro wealthy gcntlerhen, moves along as quietly]* 1 itfibdgh 110 Were 6A% the owner: 6f i-u’fcoUpltf Of hun^' i‘ ;A’rid,.now;tH4t.'|ve dentr;i|ct':in« iKj.lS'tford feF&*W Y r*~*? A P",”?S?!! , ?P£.l 1 9, t<:1 -j!Qoj)i!rs, , lie -.ii-miR-'BCcoinlniVltiiinj; fifteen rivftnli:<yV“et)pi(i' t nn(], AVB#Vfj}} itor ro 1 aW,Lcy« ry <dno,'. Is: l fho cbmpollcd to return-homb'sHorllyf l ; • L.j .r ih Ebi von.of-flits,b ATfodfta, Ufo jKflnjrftom. jjWhioh J jrrjte, Jiqs j iwqrq of Indies ipih thj of \he,AUeghanfos, ;Whe^ .v*J Al> .range 1 /by; a 4 ( ’°f nino'‘ :TiV .the bracing'‘air 1 of- [ McriaaV’tiHfej* '‘Which‘Moqjj: 1 A'Jn/< -grandour l upon tbi^'-sti'rrtng'.'cont?q''bf ! -Wauderlbg J donlzofir of .city,, ifqeli genfiatlon.-of satisfaction. l4 .singularly pure> add is onljrequalled in ifcfilFdttß* which oplpas.gusyDgJtdrtiiiin' . Wcr-ccaslng, .tftppljr , a P*fo' Valley, i Which, the .tofyn restaj ia 4 ,nbfc oVbria doztin miles in Wfdtli. jtSjfucejis hpaA^* l < fully foiling/ hud picturesquely oheauered’.wlUi; ■ • patches of Wdodtuha lel&Pvfoe, oyeJ ! thrn fthetolt Willjls’-rejofobA -hy-iVioif sue-. ceSflioh of.glorioua landscape, •'Which ’eompittbly , oaptivate thpheAddhdhpdrt.’; ; ; j r 4j • • The town, which Is’not a decade of,years,,old/ numbers,a population of nearflvo I*s oqntre is divided into equal parts' byJthbdluo 6f railroad tracks., streets. axo Jald • out-xeqtan-' gnlarly, i3ari raphlng in Hues parallerwH)i .the': railway, and these dntdfsccted by others 6f rlght . 1 esj;: ;Xlie trcet jiomqnclaturo is debfdedly ori-' gmal/iiud shows that, in these to the fair.sOX is of indigenous groiHb. IhaMt as have««ftefcefcctfcVA* fteJcnVl»«AdellneJ’ “Harneh 1 ’ “‘WrSfaW, * alltt “'Catharine,'’“AiU nic; “(Ttslia,v tjAirollno,’’ “Clara,” n«a >‘Ag. : i^sJ 'J’hu importanodjtO v?hiel, : Aj toana hjidgrotni is chiefly duo to the. location here of, the principal work-shops 6f the Pb&nsylVanla Rbiftood Od£upii* r ■»7• 1 A visit’ to .them Xvill well repay k stranger the . time and.trouble of coming hero. ■ Ju general eo.ra-. plctoness 4nd particular detail'they are unsurposged ‘id 1 the Cofoinonwealthi and it-may well* tiqnod whpthor, .in' this.-roBpeot,'dny.otaer?line: of., : rqilroad in th,o country is, as well ,of.*.,xße gHJUnu,, beenpied by tho’ wprKß, embraces a'total aroa or .netted than twAnty-five, ~rt f Of the objects of interest the principal are two’Bixty-horsOfStationa ,ry engines, two foundries for, bras? and, iron, iWo largo lußchme-shops, a boiler-shop, tWo blackßruith 5 .shops,'.one engine setting-up ,up shop, one; engine-houso, thnn]twon-. ty-four stalls for thb a stoye-hpusq, oflUobs, and* library 'and 'roaditig-rddm; •' vrhioh strlkcsabc eyo bVcri-; torlngJbU the, tbq ; I‘ough nohlhc'ss and geiiprnl ’ the different apartments; There i§ ainArkcacUanKz&Wof trim,* , abstmco. of greasb.a'nd the usual con.<;omJ|antS of .nearly all t inachlne.ahouS,Thb IftthoS ?nu plilulhg inaolilnes are kepi as bright *ap .’the stationary engine' in tliG'PhiladefbtimMint, the woyk-bepcheH qnd floors ar.oconstantly Bifcpt;olcavd, . . and tho.grnhd art of “ a .place for. eyprytmug, ana everything in its 1 plnde/'’ deeriid td haVo liOro'ra- SeiVcd ita most pcrfccfcdllust ration - .. The'whole'qf ioqqlpplicated d9faj!?of.thqyariou3 ; shpps is.uh <lpr thp gcnoral supervision of Mr, Louis s}. Broil- ' 'tow, ’w‘ho;--nS “GencraD’Fofbtnaii 6f tho Shops,V ! rhas-ibrought-to - tho bxeoutibri Of .the' - rcsponaiblp rare degree of Übiltty.. ‘Everything works smoothly, - and’ thp • nindunt of woik dOno Under this fcompetenh • istrQttpn. eraffairs'anyßodV . 'bntfns, lUochincry, add steam.' : ' ‘ " ' T I-haVdenid’lhfe views ■wp?fiuhb"ihthV : Viefnl{ydf AUoqpa., ; 'Audi.ff you ,hmi f<)niic«l;a jhirttof rk gay i.lUipnyjvl,| s,Atoi l !^l>s4(‘i-4i‘ J l.t-jV.ask^l'u revel in the glbries Of thb inountaUi .scenory, yoff -would Jiavo cordially Subscribed do tho jiistiefe 'of tlio assertion., Good.companv;ad«ls iufinitely to till enjoyment, and tho pvcsbpco of this eTqinont madu the jaunt a memorable Ovohtt Between Altoona and Clearfield, in Clearfield .county, 1 a fountain road la laid out, which was originnljy.intended AS a .plank-road, the'Tatter advancc on .the old style of roadways 'nothaving beon practically realized, bn account of the samo tightness in tho money-market which at times cripples Wall street. Suffice it to say, that tho road at this present is admirably ndap.tcd fpn (lyspebtia VonStitutlpna, being abun dantly provided with'stutaps. rocks, and boulders. It is’bnroly'tfaversiblo by ordinary wagons, tho safest means of‘transit for tho traveller being on .horseback*' . - ,• .f ;* • 1 but to the gay spirits ydio started in search of the picturesque, on. tho deetdidn referred tfl, the dan gers bf the ir'dau iiGta ihohient» Uneasiness. A cavalcade of flve ladles andgeqtlomod mounted, followed by,two carriages carrying a fair represon tationof'both' sexes, dashed'out of, A 1 tbonaaloiig tho Clearfield'road.* Tho way'was-entivenedby Baltics of wit and bursts qf good-natured merriment ns tho imposing train wound along the baso ,apd side? of tbc mountain; ' Tlio sound of gleeful voices .and of laughter echoed througlf’tho'moun ,tam i pasSoS, Whoso varying wlndingSiwfijo enough to confuse nil Of ono’s notions of. the points of ,tnc compass. Tho general libo of travel ‘was in almost ’a northerly line- until • tho, party reached tho sura mit.of tho romantic-Wapaanonack.. Here -a. tablc ,lhnd of wido extent gives a‘ relief to tho.woarincss of the stoop ascent. ” Tho party; approaching thp edge of tho declivity, halted, nnd, in quiet Wonder, in the sublimity of tho ..prospect of fairy liko beauty before thcpi.' A more exquisite land scape of mountain wenery cannot be conceived by the imagination'of poet or,painter. Tho.Tuoka* boo yailoy, extending front the. Wapsanonack to the Brush Mountain, Tics Hourly east ‘and wc3b Through thacontre, In almost a straight iTno; thb Penusylyunbi Central.runs ita.iron web. ; ,F.roiu thb point of sight, wh.oro the party .luxuriated in the ' feast of loveliness,‘lift alrda'of at least five hundred squai-o miles is taken ili. ; * ' . , The town dl' Altoona (six Ini lea .distant) Is Seen close at the foot,of tho spectator, .and the couiitry town of Hollidaysbuig, with the sinoke ; of its.furnaces; -Along, tho line of .’railway, l to fhe .eustward, mav be,seon tho towns of Spruce Creek, ’BirlUlogham* Tyrone, Tipton, fWtorirt, and Boll’s SlillS. Those tnft latldsjrtpuat short .intori’als, and giVo living interest to the panorama of natural beauty., -J3ut. renders.the scene transcondnn’tly striking and original is,the apparently ondlcai? sucocsinon of ihountairi ranges Ip thofar.distanee, and in the foreground-thb y.a.- rlety of humbfor knolls and gentle • hill-slopes, 'vo’rcd with copnlco 1 and verdure'to Iheir Biimmitd. Tho vision'really wraps theiinind of the ffipoofAtor in an ecstasy, of eublimo cmqtiops, and carrjca,thb ■heart iiivoluntari|y to tlio grand Author of’this matchless world of wohdors'. ’ /■/- *' ' ! .On? party;icfij tho summit of AYapSanonack vritfi hoartfeu regret.. Yet tbo orented cap nevor bo effacod'from the memory. ,Othor may captivate tho but certainly none in thip country (if, indeed, in the Alpine regions of. Swit zerland) can p-nko tho Soul to a deeper, moro intense enthusiasm of delight. Thousands, doubtless, have passed along tho high-road to Clearfield, and litivb nsvcr'dreamed of the world of magnificence which lay within a few rods’.distance, of tbeir path. Tho wudorhess of Woodland on tho; table land outs' off tho vlow, and, bnly by passing through this to tho edgo of the mountain, can tho scouq be reached. But 1 trust that whoever visits this delightful region will not fail to inquire thb way to Wapsa nonack, and to loarn tho exact point where you dl vergo from tho highway, ill order, to revoUn the matchless landscapes of 'Tuckahoo valley.' .'The point of divergence Is easily found; as it starts from a country-inn.on tho, summit, known as the'MVap .sqnonnok House,” and this inn is tho only house to be found in tho passage across thb mountain. ■ Tho “ Logan House,” whioh has gained such ’deserved .reputation throughout; tbo State, has a number of permanent boordors for, the summer sciisoh.' Every ovening many passengers, l on trainb going East and West, pausoou their, joarney, and lie ovor horo to take a fresh start the next day—a piece of wise philosophy which, I am' snre. nono of them ever regret. The hotel, which is still con ducted by McsSrs. Miller <fc Roo,;is most ndmirubly kept, the tablo, being bountifully supplied,,and the chambers boat' aiur airy a3tho apartmerits of: a queen. ■ " > • ‘ ’ 11 ’ , .. Beforo closing my letter, I cannot omit mention ing a very important improvomont which the Penn sylvania lUlfrorid Company Kavo recently intro duced upon'passcnaor-trains, with a view to tho ad ditional soeurityothuman life. ,1 refer to a patent brake, tlio result oi tho meehanionl genius of Mr. William Loughridge, of Maryland. Bymoan?rof this must admirable invention, tho braking power is applied by tbo engineer of tlje train, tho con* ' ncotions by which the moinontum of tho train is arrested being made with tho engino Itself. In point of simplicity, promptness, auu effectual work ing, it is a vast advanco on tho hand-brake system; which, in.timo, itmustcortnlnlysuporsedoentirely. It arrests a train in one-third tho timo and distaneo usual with tho best hand-brakes in use.—a conside ration which, in tho present harvest, of rnilwny mnssaores,'ought to attract'tho attchtion of all in terested tn r railroad .matters. Tho use of this pa tant brako by tho Pennsylvania Railroad on their fast lines, and its'early adaptation to tho oxprcsfj and mail : lincs, mu3t draw to tho grand Central line of tho Commonwohlth all tfavcllors who tiavo a care for their Uvea. Tho company have shown a cdimnomlablb thoughtfulhosii lu'adopting tho im provement. Tho inventor dcsorves-tho thanks of tho whole oountry for'devoling his timo and talents to tho perfection of so important a safeguard,’. • ( • Yours faithfully, ; • ~ L t The Bridgeport (Muss.) Farmer tells ttic Btory of a lunatic being at largo in Stratford,'who aUacks ’trAVcllors on; the liigliwAy, 1 and handles them rathor roughly. Ho boat one man nearly to death, and started in pursuit .of-ff J gontleman and bis wife with a bloody natobet, but seeing another oarnngo coming, turned j>bout npd sorted after it; biit, luckili’;, ( noth carriagos dbdg«d him! At another time, ho started after a carriage, filled with ladies, anil being unable to overtako it be > threw his hatchet at tho carriage, tho weapon just clearing a lady, and striking thb panel. Ichsn: 'I/KOAcir *o'a ittifSiis-Tlfe New Orleans lie “3? rtb*« iv; rich: MMssippvns. gitunate-cliiidrcn vya coloriirwtirilhn, limlin-ti :wll^o'UaincaafßWsmalUfJir the, oliiidi-ch inhtirUfai'.il ijhoMpkMonk(r..lm ; -;o tt l )rott.Y,y!< ! ,, t . (nonlM ..ft 1 !?,"hfto fflßfivcl, I commenced Uroobtcs! it, and tho bnnk hW'elrfiil iptoypdi counsel to inaliitain;ita.rijlils,':.Xlio bsnk'isr trfches,,,having, three, million and A«haUL in tspecio in its vaults. - Its stock ''ttfdtftftcttotTOßow j-yyi'-j .-.^rp' p/Mxkaipm bhitPAfciC'oift'B<tT<bif^TWo' I fi^,: »iih f o?6&, jef. Tte'JSfefff wajr^hoßy, r oicupied in selecting ofifeefs for Uia eo'BulnjryeSr,/ fSsßSafijL? fpfahkJ|'ul\er,.o£ Portsmouth; Netf; jfW@IPH«W*I iwifefts. ■ 15^@SSi^SSaf - yiotafc distune* o&aßbufUixiy-fiv* miles; avcrHgini Shoutfo¥r,g>tfe» i ojr l h6 ? jt. ~rr ; .b;*; fridlfttiota, r last/tfnt&rtfifbs 1 'tiiaVfficrav s t<f ir; thafcTieo Gonp d£ l x , A,.“;J5 s y i . eI: ?>!hndwuph wort! sprionsio,lth rosults. Tno corn-■vv/iSnearlv all prostrated; some; of it tom tip by the root*. PenccS 'Ttere blb'rvn • febwcjaijtpi whcatjthatbailjbecß ■ hobna tig % ifielroudarXMrt.' Egbert; !WU{ng';tteiß f .Nd«hW»er, l '»ifl iOUatyj IsshfujcaijMo formerly rosidediit' thUoitTSTr-Ues Mouiet.CUHte'h . , )(lil J.v \ : rr ' ;. ‘ t. sCokot, Jt. 1., on Monclny 1 nslj resulting in! the dsath'ftf a mthutkjjij tout yCArfbldP “it sfews-tup' : ??y? of.abootilio pear the' , nvor Bidfl with ma{cHeB..whon,oiCeof the boys-Hehii- * -ing dear tfheripthfr''other wis eittini, the. ■: W*lw <sftwmuhic&ted td; .thfl7clbthe3:a£>one;of-them 1 ij o ?«!SWfe “nd befqro nasjijtimcl! could ho rentier- 1 CU, nis bheK wiUburnotialunjst toaorisp- Helinger-, sdnntU'Thesdfty In much- atony’,*- when her'expir^d.. ; Onq of the;n .was four and the rithir-fivayearsold. ; -A. man. foiled t an opinions infropk of. the ;J 0r .2ojigc, in,New to the driver:" Astho driver stooped 'oVerto talce it,;a rtVpltoKdl't)piWJd ; 6ut‘of-tKe'skle- pbikcVof hip.' .coat,;feU on .the etdowalk'and exploded* ike ohatge .enteringone of t tli9 horse’s lege< Thewp,traded ani». inalgftvc a furious leap/and’if‘required thrceoft •ibar.fflcn.tdpreventhtmfVomirdiiiiltfg'Way]— - j ■:.l is,a list of Revolutionary soldiers supposed£o • living, and.pensioners on the roll of tno {state of 'Miohigftnj.vmth’- thdt age, 'm iBsoV*‘FtanMs D? , Bmnen , conoty, r ,;oo .yearsjvHooner* Bishop. Oakland county,’w-yeaw;. AhUs-Brooka. county; {ft) yeann‘‘Howard Brtbkti, Ma-‘ .eombicafentyiCdi»ydiraji Giles ton county,.B3y<| ? rs. : v , % ,. ~ V; ; ;,. T .... j j I'Vt Uie -ftynmis , spirit-rapping. mcF ’pnf hiVfo6t irituit at -Parii ‘At one of his &n)icex\ "■ , P?o <>.f th? gaogta? i; ’ *t .the.iSjptriftiTVhielt yrut tiekk-i Un^2iis’Ug , , ana I 'nehbld, ho found foot* dffAlSjhand. 'On ahother 66caaion;'a‘ • .TO found? ljjpg,.oi>'.tb^ ; fi&o r :fcbetf th-) amritiue.; l j • *tyi' Johh^Qdcpi^^|iaß^hccibcon- : ‘demtted bya'boifd-of ihedicaldfficers a» son duty ehd dßtached from thS U: & steamer Ful-,; ■EgbQrtcThoiupsqn hM.beeniordered i .to Bn the vacancy, The officers of tho. Fulton .ro? * dtet MriGdestk detachment/ os hb' had 'endeared ■ to all/rby his.kind,; and'gentlemanlyanSn* * 'tif the ;jteth Infantry York’,Pa„ v .hV« ‘ '■parchescd-tho-lot of-grodn'd in thb 'Weßtera'enii of 1 .Nowatrcet.-.on tho; east.bantoof oreek;., , which,thoy intcpd .oonyortiDg into a BoblJa-' pork;. for the purpose 'of holding., concerts acu other es : .hibitionsJ tit wilrbbab i ,thp Meant ,ira£f<f- J:hh? \ ‘ Km* selected by fliseon .Yjetp.rinaa thdthe future -of* the Canadian promise of .‘great * nro oity has a very Point/ howndes ebnntV, ‘Mississippi,'of the istinst.; coni;;and.cpttop Crops4n.thia and, the adjoining eonnti&e aeo extraordinary, irjn.dioet,ait? . penor to any crops’cVor produced before'. • No boll wortnsyet: ,> -* >■ •' . J i: . '’ r ; This SuwtEME , Court' of'•'\Y;isoo'iis»mvliavo affirmed legality and constitutionality of all bondti duly issued; by cities,. low»3, villages* „niul comities, andhavb'declßrcd all •‘SviQfm: in' GtiteAtio.— Edward Lv' GriflmiT' •bnggdgo inaStei: ofibelllinoisCeutral Railroad, at Chicago- dotttmlttcd Sulcido. Tuesdpyv.weok, -Jby swallowing two ounces ofTauttanuni. \ ‘ PER ! .46a'Aii. ;'' ; y ' Tiik ltataisWsfAfivti of .Oregon] Darld'Logan; v ThcClr' *" Jariu .Libgnti. T/ ic ,Chi(ago'Pic-s‘x \ls a son - of iho lloit S’. T. LogW of Springfleld,-' 111. Jlo ( hflj> been ft resident of progun years or more, and has inthattimej' as this elec (ion ihade himself s umh of mark.' ■’ - ,f ! '- J V . lj < / i > (Jov.‘ Sibley, ; of Minnesota, has‘notified‘three of militia at St. Pftul, to bo in. readiness to co-operate with iho sheriff in proceeding against tho'outlaws'of Wright'county. ‘ */" l, ‘ „ " ! “ Ai’rolsfJ. A. Mullan, formerly of Aunapolbf. Md.; bus,received tiie.flppomtmentof medical superintendent of the Blaohtectnml Flat hoail.lridiHusof'thbKbckv Mouutalnb/’ ‘ . iiohKXZo'S.lßiXKMd to deliver an : dratlon before the Historic (ionoaiogical Society of Boston, on the centennial anmvcr4aryi)f;tba battle of'Quebec. , ' .‘ * , .. .. John AiXto.vti, a sculptor, was drowned at Col* Jmnbus, Oni, on (ho 7th inst. ' ? •. William Carlisle, 'chief marshal of Atlanta, Ga<f died in tiipt city on. tho,3dinst. , JRky._ IV. 11. MUiBUnN, the blind preachcr, ia at the Tremout House, Chicago,‘lll., 'H6.nv.7ohn A. k 3)Wis to deliver the addrees at the State Fair; Albaiiy, : N. Yi, this year- - - the: courts: . ; ! .T EST BHD Ay.’S P BOCAb'D l»fl Si ■ ' . [ deported fbr-ThoPress.} •' i< 1 ' » < , Quarter , Ltidjow. —The FattefsoJi find McQrath Cafe.— Yesterday mor ning,’ at Ihe itolfittidfidetnent' of tho courtj in rela tion to the case of PattofsihLitn’d McGrath, charged, .with fprgoryV'iDistriotT Attorney: Maun safdjibeforb prpceedipg'.with tjic business of tlie day, hc deslyd lo'in’ako'n'feiv cxpldnAtionif to in'rbla diohtd thd connected withE f ah article ihu morning paper, in wide!) that.tho.Qs£Q of Patterson and McGrath waa callcd up for.trial,' but coriti’nnod, becauso of ; tho absence l 6f a witnosa in' New ; Yorki -Thisj 2dr. Manniaid, was an • er roneous statement; that the case.,had ,nevep called for trial and continued in consequchco. of thb absence ofi thb witness of Now Yorki-‘The samb journal also erred in its statement tbqt .Thursday had beon'iually fixed on. The facte wore simply 4 these: Patterson and McGrath wero ihdicted for committing, a forgery, by depositing a forged-check in m Institution, in this, city, and then drawing upon it{' Ihecbook being upon a bank in Now York! It was necessary/ upoh tho trial, to have somebody here who wax cpnneoted ,with the the pur pose of .establishing the forgery. It was- aceor*\ dipgly affnuijeff that' some ,ono should qbme from tho bank in Now Yorktiprbvo thefbrgoryV Mon day of the wc-ek bad, beep ;mohttonedjof. the:trial, and it was arranged that the cashier should come tb Philadelphia'. 1 ' ' 1 1 ' •• Mr-Mann said that tho defendant’s oounsellmd informed him .that it W9uld bo impossible for him to bein'towu on Monday, and he tnorefore desired ’to try tho obso itfew daya later! 'Wednesday was then agreed upon; but! ho found that that would not suit tfio New York witness, and Thursday twia then agreed upon. Oh Wednesday ho sent for Mr.' Taggcrt, s tho officer who made the arrest j arid whoso Services had beforo been valuable to< bim, hut, he oould, found. He thon sent for, ; Mr* Carlinj a colloaguo of Mr.'Tflggert's, to comb into court. He came inland sdid that Mr. Taggcrt-wad siok iu bod: Ho then .aakodjMr. Carlin,to .telegraph. toi.New York for the’witness not to come' the case wodldnot be tried. Mr. Carlin' telegraphed Ac cordingly- ! Ho’ tlien sent for,Mr. Patterson’s conh- 1 sol, who was anxious and ready to.try thccasp.and informed him 'that the cash bonldnot be tried on ' Thursday,- because he did not'want' tho witness in Now York to pome on, and bo disappointed, and dp-, tniued. He, then.arranged to go out of tpwn.on Tliiimlay- 'At Ahc closo'of the Court Mr. Tnggert 1 cfliuo in and said.ho thought tho witness before; re-; forred. to would be on from New York,.and ho Mann).toid' him "that ho thought he was siok ix\ •bed, and that the case could not bo tried oh Thufs-i day; thathd bad arranged to. go,Out of could not try the enso until Mondayvthe 2?d. It was thon understood'-between Mr! Taggart,' Mr.' Carlin; and tho Hlefondant’s douuBol;<that the case Wpuldnpt bo tried ,, Mr. Cnssidy, the, defendant’s counsel, said that tho statement-made -by' tho District Attornoy, sd • , , . *« 1 Judgo Ludlow ’said that he had nover fixed a day for tho trial; '-that the witness from Now York wna brought into court to JiimJ land ho told him that when tho .cubq was. fixed for trial ho should be tele graphed to\ ' - Desertion eases woro then taken up. Iri the ease of tho City of Philadelphia tv. Manns, tho parties bad bpen married but a fow wcoks, and hkd not lived husband, who had not obtained oounsol and* noted fb»\luihself, showed by the questions,ho ,put to : the lady. that, joaJoUsy . was tho cause of his not Hying with bor. ihO. bburt recommended a healiiig of tho'difforcnces, . and continued tho case over with thatobjoct/ -■ 1 " .... In of ,tho City r?. Tlios, Frpley^thq,par ties had become reconciled, and wfcro lmng nap-, nnswerod, but, tho wife did not. rllo said that an effort had been made to ar range tbo 'difficulty, and ho wasdtspbaf^ed. In the ease of tho City vs» ; Henry Mitchell, co lared, the wifoidid not attend,, apd he was dis charged. - 1 . ..• .. , - Tho court will moot fof tho transaction of misecllancous business* . .. r ’ r *sSS?W@a|^SßFl®pE“ ?*“*Vj* M> * “M to ilatauftMi )f Tiyee Lto.pieJ, JJ". f M» Five Copies ** .•» S*j f*m Ten Copies, 41 'i l Twenty Copw t^-*-<>i*« - -(toone Address). 0.00 i-^enty-Caj>ie»rorover, I*, , (to. --y»—ri og ' ewh Siibsortfer^esijhU.V., Li ]jg For a Clot pf Twenty-one or oter, ire vfifjinid an » ’*■ - for -U» oilbtiii. *4? .-Ml i 1 V; .1 V.’ if •• Woefclf IterieVtr of the FUlUelikli -T_.;•!/> i-'VUr '1 JKarkieti. ; : nai’j {tltportodfy rlnn r IYe«.J , ■ , r> r, vaJ3£.nfn ?; r rir.iiiyi.;--r--! August, 13, 1849. nithont any.maienal ohaage batihe transaoUojis liarebUn \ ill ijK*tl)ftJio laadingarticlp, and tbemar- M>g doll,, ,<}ucj(Biifon.A»rJt Ji injiinifedliemand Htthaadynnee,', In Breadstuff's there is not each ratlioi- flrmerj W beat h;|to rppci;3 Jtye and. Coro laro.^nlj,' Pol and! ‘ V% r^ niyit ' 6 ™ b ‘ fi. I^t,Ji^pi^^apfoi^ijd J s]nw!yJ»iip4lfia«ii«iJaive been s .Bioceriea.Vttraol yois|Jittleiattop *B> “d % the business and ,price*'*r» 4 ' 'jn^aalpAlight4, / K^ai&lg^rer- : ,-,Se^LS*-iV'esflUtl& i d°ipe-f in ; .iii ? iied ',ri(qwirt at also .trade : la»;bs>pßj4aore »oti\re tfilg. s ..batsthero are no ohfaiifjfc'&t. tlio prieief if theloadtni: mSltiss bblS'liaVe.fodßa : bß^<ifß'o'b^5 l! fbi<V#i&inld-*t6ok superfine;, for ' ie^-whMt-etia^.ra'piibßrfo^MtraiWcwtn* JSHS;;®?,-.sS'ebsft however, trade are buying moderately at fromis aptosBi7 ■ per bUfor'anferfine,- MtirM,and"'faße% : .bl*n&,- «e -'pjiidiijg; toquility'add Sjfir 'f foer Mm. ;*W QQ ibbls jjeal,:iieri‘;tiken At f3iß2i3per!tibli'Snt.<He! demandforbotha'll mited. ..■"■•'•■ '•• sV- ' t it The is ! thi" iitspietiin: of'Ptdax and I*9*l.* tfK *b? ■.rybet! l^n4iiwi'.iliiirsdaTI .'lAiira»t ■JI*IB»K.- i -; il v-e,I J ; ..- i ... .. jTT !•’ ‘Half tarrelsofeirperfins. 1 Corn ......, ■r ) .copdciiinod-...r... •' 1 ' 'Total-V, ; ’' jnua f WH*AT.-<-The rcceiptsi continue' Ught;''b«t Ahe millers are not disposed to onerato foanyexteat at tno mlcaßoe. rSalesreaeh: about 30,006 bus in lots at 120k1350 for common to choice reds,andi3& al4Scforwlritc,theUt(erfbf handsome XtntfeMkr. ' Some inferim-lotahrddgh t iiial. 10: Kyeislower, mud about ®,DOO bus sold'at ' 70a720'■ for near Dela wate siid' Jorsoy.irand' 780 for iCo'nrhns bcdnu'nso tiled and -eerji dull; ead'iabtat 15,000 bug have been disposed OfVmiidt|ya(t.7Sa77c . for gdod and'. pn'nio 1 SoutherffaidPemi’a’ ieUow .afloat,: and ?2k73eTor. dainaged'jiojs-eU)etiut4>mor and father •sdaroc: at these rates'.'' Oato’liatO also been'unsettled end 'dull; but eloeebettefliWlth Sales oEabout20 10CObusto-'nOto;at37a3Si)dbf-oßl';Pe«ln srlrania, and 32a31c for new Southern; *» iu'dls -1 liby." >h>ul --i rf -rrnovSri *Yf * '' Cotton.— -Thomarket-la Btdstdy ’ahd «fm' under ■the nevfS'from üb'rosd, hot buyer* eatao- forward slowly, w'eelt's.vsales unelude ' aboii tB6O bgies, at from Hi to. 13 jo, oash and •.£ ’ltiofotipwinjjrs tho’ movement.'since dA-isf. of September last as compared with the previous {far JUirs iti-ol„bv-v, : .s t rtf .liiui ?i<;j it ; '. ■'• igek : isos. ::ieae, . w^^saa'^hssassßß ■ ?bpye; „ • . f .. .■ r, .I, * / '* ; ism'.' ’is®. _ r issr. 'ism." ‘mbs, Rec.ntFoMs...: i'- -G.ttX* 7 H.OW» • 5,00012;fcj0- ltW) fEx*to G. Britain' U4WO 6.U» f m Total export?. .. JSJfflO Jp,OUO , 9,000 d.oOft-»,«» : Sry Ji Attv lncrease at the nortecom pared witK 1856,20iJ(WO'bilea..: to (1 mat Britain‘comnared with f 1856, 38 l ook tiles: decrease’toFrancft .46,060; increase 1 to ‘oiker-lb >roign=ports,''2o,ooo: -total decrease' in-'esuorta. IOTWO.T i'. :' !■ ait o>.-«coi ” : Western kTetuotulMdly held at*4Basoo7biif there ii liitle or nothinr doinrthis -wdOkt-sei.t! 6;-r;i .'-l „ n i c'.r i t , Duras &.J)ves are quiet; among (ho'M&sare sombSoda fialr Bod 4 3e ugal;lndigo r .st.4o&l»47*'*nd 8£ «tft s pju^k«P|fTaiyate > '‘ U Fisit.-^-rPrj&asßAve.'undergone no'change, bat the -iSYeiry tful !: c 1 L Th6 : e fore rates'br Mackerel sft:6oalO TpT73!d. . Codfish, aro nominal * thq rlflO.ltas Pickled Herring grange from $3 to r . ' ' "- ‘. *FRdvisfefei~TlY6 •prlccir'^fHfie'Hoic^prodtiot generally arc" steady ond finn toreriotia quoted rates, but thedetaand is light.' sells in lots as wanted afr.lUo.&flald, and city Mesa 'Beef aft sl6alT.oO per bbl. "Baeort is rather tnpreiinquired fojr to go South, and a moderato business doing' aft JoaT2o for plain 'and farrcyHains;' for SficTtlTOcWy-*' “* r " "*■•'• ■*' " •sks- casks, at these-.-rates. :(3f tjceea Ijim 'n],e& have,been limitted, and prices, about the,-same as last quoted,nay SialOo for Hams in salt andpickle, 7c for Shoulders, and &so£3e‘ for Sides*. l ra.‘ silt. Lard teuuaGEtl&l, with bales at lljailid '• for'bbls . attd ttfspand' 121a12i0 » for .kege,-,'ca&h'* andtixne. JButtec-is.selling in a, small way only at VlaUfc for solid. Cheese soils at9a9je, and per tfoxem. «/*. 1 w ‘. " }''~ A ’ demand for Pig : lroncoritumea and generally at prices bolow.ihe Views of makers; the,sales are* ;abont l,o(Wtonsi; mostlyin smallJots,,at s3Uu2l -/or No. 3 Anthracite; $2(a22 for No. 2 do, and&22a23 for No. 1, on.fiine. _ A salo of Foundry No: 2 is 1 reported at a pHee - kept pri vate.- ; Scotch' pig’-is steady* but / qniat,*fc i s2l, 0 months,,. No; change :/n Blooms; and' Boiler Iron, with small sales of the latter at S4Q: for Northern, and $55 for .Charcoal* on. time,.lu inanujactured Iron tii’ore,!S a better feeling, and rails'and' bara uro firmer, under 1 the/ad rices from : feproad,with rather more inqniryrto 1 note. 1 Lead is eteodyiand firm, with sales of about 1,840 Pigs Galen* to.note, at a private.bargain. < .Copper is dull &t-26a27c for .Sheathing. Yellow Metal is. firmor,and holders ask 200 per lb, on time. • . : . - . . Bark. —There is very little arriving, and some -further small sales -of Ist No. 1 Quercitron are re ported at $3O per- ton, closing dull, at that rate. Tanners 1 Bark is also.dull, and selling slowly at sloall for Chestnut,' and $l2 for Spanish Oak. ' ‘ Ca-voles.—The market W ‘quiet, and Adaman tine and Sperm are selling at about previous quo ted rates; J.OUO’boxes of the former-brought Jste., 611105. : - : - . Coal.—Prices rule about stationary, but orders como in slowly, midthe scarcity of vcbsqlb limits a'quiet-tnarkot to notice for tho • -> .• ' Cofveb.—* Holders ;ar,e: firrnin. their.views, but the soles are, mostly by auption, comprising 4,000 bagsßlodt 9JallL boa9o days and 4 months cre dit; including' 000 bags, by private contract, at from 104 to 111, and somo Eaguayra at on time^. : • - 7 v . . .. . Fruit.—There have beea no further- arrivals of Oranges or Lemons, and tho.jnprket isneafly bare. . Raisms are scare?:;. greenfrnitia coming in freely. Apples range fr6nrsl.oo to $2.50 per Peaches ',atsob‘to'sl.2s'i>er b'aSkel.i^D--* I '*''- •* - - :! t , f FRE|qHTs;TrTp Liverpool there is nothing doing; to London W 9 {at-36a17& per ten. A, vessel was feharto'red to thtf AYestThdiod, oat and; ’4os for sugar,’ abd fet molASsee' on 4eokyand one jfor St. Croix at ;SQo per bbl. ont. Coal freights, no changdand .vessels’ very scarce. AYq quote to Bos ton sl.Bo,'Rhode 1 Island'sl'.ls; and to'New York flwpsrton.. To!New Orleans tho going yates are 8o; Mobile.lOalSCj and tq nah 6c per foot. • Gu'.Yvo.—Thd'iharket is'steady and ‘but little do ing in the way of sales.. - Gi.vsKXa is not mnoh inquired for, and prioos aro aUdgether nominal. !Heup is mostly in-the hands of the manufactu rers, and wo hear of no sales this week.. : . . ; Hides.—Thcro ha?-been an arrival from Brazil, but no sales are reported this week to alter quota tions, which firc' wSthoat any change to note. . Hors uiQve slowly a,Uloalsc for eastern'and weatcruj as in quality,, ' UBft .—The demand for good stock continues In advance, of tbo 'supply, and prioes aro steady, but the market is quiet* ’; dull and prices about the same; white Pino culling boards selling at sl4alB,.and yellow sap ‘do SUalO.. 600,000 Laths sold at perM,; . , . , - ‘ " Molasses is very inactivo, and; tho sales con fined to Small lots Cuba at 24a270, and Somo New Orleaua‘at'4oa4lc, on time. NavAl Syonks.—Further sales of Spirits of Tur pe'dtlne aro teported at 44a45ic, moaUy at 44 io per .galloh, and 500 hbls No. 2 Rosin nt $1.85, 4 mos. Tnr is, soaroe, and'2oQ bbla Wilmington sold at s2!a~o per bbl, on time, and in lots at $2.75a2.874. Pitch is selling at $1.0Qa1.95 per bbl. . Olns.—Fish Oils Sell, as wanted, at previous Lard.Oiliaalte dull at9oa9sc. .Linseed is more'inquired for,' and casks'and bbls sell at 57a580 per gallon.' - • Imports of Sperm and Whale Oil and Whalebone into the United States : Bbls Sp.. Bbls^Wli. Lbs Bone. For week ending Ang.B.. 5,003 1,480 Previously. .03,255 168,979 1,702,000 From Jan. Tto date...... 03,258 176,453 1 >702,000 Samo timolast year 50,46” IWj3B« .1,384>400 ;■ Plaster, —There is very little onenng.and no sales are reported this week. ’ Rice is lower, and 120 casks sold aViJjUlc, usual Salt is unchanged, and a cargo of Turks Island gold, before arrival, on terms kept private. . Seeps.—There is very Utile Clpverseed offering or soiling, nnd tho market is quiet at $5.50a5.70 per-bus. Timothy-is' alao quie t'St : $2.50a2.75 per bus, and doinest[o Flaxeepd absV6sa.V7o per bps. moves off. slowly iit.’steady rates. N. E.“Rura is Selling hi'3&a3Bo.‘' -Whiskey , continuos;dttU,v Pennsylvania’ hbls selling in lotsat 2Ge; Prison do.. 57a27j0; Ohio,’ 2702710;.,and drudge'at 25c.‘ ' Hilda arc nearly nominal at 2oc. ' 'Suuars.-—Tho market continues very inactive, Mid the salos are mostly in jsmall “* 6 trade at about previous price?, including, 2oohhds at 6ft012 for Cuba,'oJa7lo for Portoßico, and7a7}o for. New Orleans, on'time. - , ' : -Tattow. —r~We-quotecityatlOiallo.perlb, and the market very dull. < -Teas arc firm hut quiet, and very little doing in thfe way'of aalcs. . t > ' Tobacco.— The marketfor leaf Is firmer, hgt there is very little doing and.J?o change to noth. •Wool. —The dealers are*doing but little; holders howevor- are, firm, andthe'ealca mostly Confined to small lots atpricea .ranging from 380 tff.4sftssq nbt, for common \t> half Moot and film ,