The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 08, 1859, Image 3
SfA i , v 1 fTnUi. ; ptft pf, jPttTf;' ■, ;hiU» f ;afterhuTtegaeiploroa Wlthoiwteffil'eKiiw _ tela of . was ■= o'clock in Qie inorulogdns sihte bf-*wof&l''4dBßoiii :■ • 1 ’W l *" oppositothe.pewbuildinge'thetare !f l “S B ”°H^Rb?TOSj(yiit , 3w6f ) ;hi»ik*Mt6.WorKr; ■ sW :*®fS?Wftifl&sp^Btftj>Bi^adetrick, and In; a , Ter y oriiical .po3ition. An aocidcntbeiiigimmi • nontm hia n^rtorialoptoidaj.HeltdbkShtßenetbv! a- 00^, POnoiijandVOonuneuci'fia JoTigaccount of - the death of the, twq .menyuhdora flawing head, - and amply illustrated .with' mgrnlrefloctlußS on the reokleMuwof men outbuildings; . This boingfintdicd; h i sat. flown opthe curb-stqae and anxiously waited and . played for the men to - fall.sq thathemight haveanitom. Hiswiihw, 1 we’ regret,.to say,wert fruitless,.ahflat- two oolook he left, in a state ofmind more easily imhgihod than - deaOriWd, .-»■£*; r An Impeovb6isST.‘—As nuw -wharfiiipontlio SohuylkiU, -itf/.tteTt&fnSimMipji,^'p£?'mne:' ! Btreetj. coming under l af^^On^rflftfe^treek'oalTerteoo*. traot, is now reprocess ofoonstrnction.* It is flfty loot wide, the- entire width .of, the street,, and e*r tends forty-nine feet west of Tyrenty-fourth'atreet, about one hundred'anflthirty-lbree-fcef on.the northern side to who Warden’s line, and ope. hun dred and twcbty.tyb'feefdu loiigth.oji e'chtre line' . of theatroet::m;i|,,th,hSS«(rfae(!dt6 two'feetnli6» : thigh wator,.,-®ie.culvertbrill:t>a«, threnghdtoen . tire mkK will i'thcrer,be ; anished ; 'titK; * ** aido. iremloekvanj whitepihe are the dcnomiha tion of the tiniber need. .The.Wbhrir.sWllflWsWb?, tooted with ohtsidofendersdn UioSe Jiqriionkbr the,,' ontside easing, which wßtbn'expoaetl to,,lho'.watcr , surface, made of white oak, .seven* bycightinchen square, ton feet iulength, and not moire than seven feet apart. •• * . *'* . . .nor, onSahirdpy, beldafttßOheMon tho:li)dy,'of a woman namedOathariaeMellon.fiftyyears of ago, who died* Suddenly .itt'tSje#att’btreot;, above Catharine... It was m evidence .thatfhede eeasedwaa inflhshjblt of.'driokibgtoMopas.'v She. Mdy of the deceased presented hh' awfulanderaa; . ciated appearanow'thor.'lioDes protruding' tho sktn . In somelplaces;; The .watt.sHfforing.from diarrhoea at the, time. no care or in edtcalai ten tin n, whatever. Thcbusband • of tho.doohiiWd'Utrlß thisie&feroomyltf si jhittf'if v drunken io-; -oordanoewllh the foots. ,; : /adrry.'hffp.ii.'Wt: Railroad Company has effeCtbd anerrungement .with the Tenth and Eley*Uthy J Coates-strestsPassongor, Eailnay .Cbihpanleß,; by ' which the passengers.can ho carried to the'lower portion of the city witli bnt e slightadditioa to thy regular fare. The P.G. iN; Cochays.'.heen; in the habit of .selling, packages of.iieketa'kt induced rates, twelve the. &nnie number of . tickets nuthe above named pa«sengsrrollw»y*forthree:cents>*eaeh, so that a person pgu now,rifle,, frOtn Oermantown to, Poorth and DjckcrsCn'strocU for fifteen cents. The new arrangeracnhwi!l take placefo-day,. *r * ' /’ Hbsio to r been made'ejr some benevolent, poet to * ami an 0n y- ’ tnout individuals ttihavoalffedniiuicalenteftain mcntatFairmonntovetyovonlogtratiltetf/o’cloek,. as long as the moon and the weather aro propitious, if this does not aUraei'itei^|^ : lhbre, of ‘ Fhiliulelphiehavp nb nmsioMu thcSr souls.; >Vhat a subject nicely-laid , walka-rtho rugged, hillsr-the . softly flowing rirer—thd romantte scenery—the dolight ful strains 6f,'th<>°ail-' wer moon., e'f'viia: A Norst; tlib,Buiinlng . teasomriU be a hoat taso.of an in terosting andrwo^XchSdaeter.votThe'jMs'will bo between l>be ts pnflhenv'errahfl will start at eleven*'iii the-'toortingl Tiljing.frcia'the point Bouse to. the lower btipy and. retoror. Thofe »re over a hundtinl.bpaht ehlefedi ATlie .seisoii'ftr shooting, we .heg,;to rcßilnd oht*friends,'tsTi6t at ? band fir; #';weS^dr|^V t ! V late sesBionpf;thebeg|til4tnrc,;Uiakini,pio»hootihg' of rail birds a pentd oncMe fiiifbre the'Xst’ofSeptenl,- ber. • We hftvo the best-reasons for aSying'that tbis law will bo;ggo,fqusl^^OMi6d. i i;,fy :> -S CirAEaEuwrTn.PASBiKO/.OoirSTEEVßrrColti.. —Acoiorcd woiaan'. : ntini'ed:Slafg«.ret.;iUrk;bada hen ring, nn Saturday.before, United StaleeCom mimionerßurehard, onthhchnfge Of passingbohh; terfeit coin.. The.testiraony, jhowedf that-tbe. ae cosed had offered h oounlerfeit haif-dollar at a ta vera. No. 72j;6duth Seyehth street/ Shejitidpte; rlously naMe4.*.badtittarter.;;Da ring. the. heatiug aho most quarter, and iu regard to Uie half-dollan' she 'iald' aho was over until to-da^'.,f;S,,-,- r ;/'.t>>, »*ei : y“.;a A VxsiT ANp Bose Corapahjv'of. thla : city.ipaid airliliftwoWeat Chester on fl?riaa t v;; Theywere the' guestflAif Famo Engine" of came i?itn th'eir been banqaeUd. tioDixed, and genoraUyadfhiredbvtiieaeimriflaeotofWest Chester, whioH"tn’i ; no3 ;Out toVelcomo 1 them.‘., The company comprised forty ihtsnbe'nVS- P.'iFoarcsi.v the Chief of iae A Miurary Tisn'/i'A-cptupany.;of Bol3ienj named tho" Itiohmond GrayH, and Jiailing from Richmond, 'Via., have mado.arrahgoments’do via t New York, and will pasa through tb'e.oity.on- the; 13th inst., from BaUimorc; The Kiclunond Grays number about,.7s musket»,ahd; bayoniore.than a local reputatiOn &s a prahtlcal corps of joidiery. They loave Richmondun the 12th; and will be re, eeived in Biiliinioro'and brealtfaited by the Citv Guards. -*'■" v’.wiyy'y;'o-,' '' Humous alarm of fire was created on Friday'-nightabouh twelre o’clock, occadonoil by Kline pereonastriking the bo* at Sorqnth and Jlarfcot streotn. gA greatnum-: bor of • the fire -compsnicsprocefulea ctetho spot. Tho practioo-of tatnperißg’'«ith\tbo, telegraph boxes hits ■ become ; -very .(frequent’ of ,‘late, -• arid should by all means bochiXiked.VApraatnmduiit, of Ennoy.mceand.ii'OUbtefrctjUWiUyiijiuHs.rromlt' HospitaV Cases,— on tho schooner Isaac Richiofllostaa.T'aain* jnrcd about the bead on’ Saturday, by .» .“ coal shoot” failing on him ntl’.iehinond. , --- • Hugh Lafferty had. bis left , shoulder- dislocated and Hib hip injurc d, by falling into the hold of the steamer Crusader, lying at,the navyyard. f Both the abtrro cuseawore'taken'to. the Pennsylvania Hospital.. -pp£ji, . The RECEnTsiqr.- folhfwidg figures giro the ga^ie^pfainth-thn;oSty r 'itiMi»t' ry for taxes. Amount paid in.thcGlhce of Rcceiv er of Taxes, from Heroh;Bo,‘trh^;,the,; ppbksilfejß opened, to AuguBt. (!, 1559,. ohd the Ke ceiver to the Treasurer;:-—total 51,303,?; 288 59; discount, *1()2,822;305ney*.1,200,»^;29,::: CuEiotjsAbortMKrtr-OtiiSattirtinyiftornOpn a man namod; Johii;. 3icOortnickifwhiloiplacing. ft pot of hot- roohug. ceraent iuto'ial csrt' at' Ginird avenue And Nineteenth e’reet, was dreadfuliyburn* ed over tho face; by'Kune-of t bohot material being sploshed 1 over him. ' Tho soffferer csa ta'kon to a neighboring-drug store, svliere bis injuries were at tended ; A Faib.— tlio attchtjon of the henevolehttydißeitned ,*f faiCfor ’ the benefit of St. Vincent , s’Oh'qfii!^ , , to be field uf tbo TownJfoli, Germantown, from tbo Btli to the ldthbteAngust The display Trill,, bo, very attend titeit'iWe': aekiMWt ledge an invitation t^atte^jl/'yrMflfjr«; oept. '.. ,v ook's??!?#§sg;ifKsias. T ;; Serious ttgtfa^!®oßM»s Horn, abont-’:#yp‘:Sea«i; of SMivJ»sir:t)Mly-bßrnti yesterday rooruioghy his clothes;fahiugfirbi 'idt eeemthat hehad.Meh.blajihg.wlfh'matchcsrrhon. his clothes ighitcd. -eld aq effort itbextinzushthe flames; the fothcrofTbomoewas abwsefcrely burnt.': The child ss ; nct;^{p(te).«a:tdli+e';J,':'Vlyyyfy TaopinEedr...Tß*lAOTe\V’A*WA ntimberof eannon that wCrtCaptuTed-by'tfio’Ajubtican army during tho late,war.with that country havs been brought to this .cUy,-.andl»nded. at Callowhitl: street whsrtVTtiey-were brought fromteta Crtls by way of Now Fork. Trie .ethxr EnjyiDoCompaßyof Fratikfo rtt behoa»cd on m tho-! Mechanic, apcL; c^iftHiw)»-<Ua T Impwvdipejija wfrtclf hvtt bean Bose Company hsVo' in Kfle aboptrsofe engine of the same desiript’on. ,• - " f ' Batorday KaUejgrh*;tistf over by a trai^ofcars„ori^n^K^ro*tdwoßairro«<if ncnrGertnflßtpwß^>Heiw^^ he died- wm;off*r. V ; Hi»btkljr;.ware; takeft'w^thfr, dtyot - A Police dlstrlcife Mr. <J. W. .feCatttlful tgoldSvrateb. Rod chain. : ! . V !-r- : I '. f~- I■- '■ ' i I'’ ■ , rtoosisisiii/ BcvotWd for Th* jyg.s PAj Quarter. ttidlow.-rrThft egty » fpl“ h Wiring in th(Tiytf£b‘ (if ‘Winlani ir/Jeandolla, iib®‘ driver on Jtailfoadi who wasi arrested Hutchinson ▼ing on the recent general disonMlon „of ]aw binged. - ThedriTer. it - was taken '^crr^^^raau^^inii^)f ftapremo that functionary farmed;-that dri vJ ng“of' avail way k ear-upon fafti brbaohhfftbeT Joace, ergo S Wld-Mr/ •andeUa merobered thot übis'CA%jm) nob-go; befor6 T Ajtiry, but tbfttthc jUd^dteß^affißi^iltorinbbc'bncio'oi' thedefcndanfo The ossa • Qi- AuTcnr- W-v charged with homicide in.,pushing a-Jad-overboard jhram n canalbpatatJ)|okerBom*w«fewbttrf f ;«aldtP bnve been* done Ini beard on habeas cor pus Tho' testimony showed Lthat'OiibdrtAnd 'the' led were playing, and that afr : oyer,’who';had'.&4idrtHat’Tie*obUla^wim,he', f Olß bert/ was.ipn3TiQd-PYpV'UlsOj- and narrowly es " coped dro w ning-^The the'Dal| in^tbe. ■ »we at ■' ‘v6v* *\. -Xd f i [, - Judge liUdlow; idfostignfpdjtba alleged theft of . gome clothing bytfi C/Kobinsoiifirpni dhe sfotcKjn - which 3 hd Jbete wu doubt Jnat ..the articles intent, and ' tho proseoutor woer re-exainitiedr-' Ilo; ream, that' Bobineon slGplirithesfoW.WdMhnfchdhhd'glV'on him small adms ofihongy frOtriftiiiid to^tiinbi to pro cure his no epfe&w coin i. pensation ogtcedhpbU^:PU)he:ipftrfcofcth© defend*' -ant it is allegedthfltdh»rt ttlei.eif.weretaken under , a, belief of failare ofthe „ prosecutdr tb him , The base was'dotithmed tw-er/jraUffSaftrrd if next;-' • The iboOtiißd JuVofclcf the -United Btotetf.:^tstg^-X^tHcfc‘'<Cojßi^for J ioie term Bi. -’William Butler, Me* ‘■Thotßes P. 'Philadelphia; :H. Monßghan. OhCSt^f''ni^*^ r -Birriaburg; Wm.:!MWcffioßcn,..pbU*,; . fboinaa aMi Peirco, ColMhhta, W^UU^Btoe.lPhlliulolph!*; I?J*phtomeWJ«&^ppbß.'6.--.Sh»feffltartlß*s VWllliirt W.%iW®Bbft4telTOrfe?»»bß:o?-Y*wrf ft W. Aiitbs fiA"4T^<fer;«'ioTttjfcW»bbS!etfiiß?ai ,rb* f f W ; : "OITY ITEMBr : 'lraf party Whs. search- J ing among the ancient tombs-of,GMti*uJ7;Wsua®t <>f >fxme«Hmagf»r ,latoly cam? end also ) ,Afifure^blchla. supposed-fo represent theGodflesif 6f; CWiedoin;; Her ladysbip-irore orinpUti®,s)i<l;bK ft'scrolj ln;horhftnd vere some unknowneharacters,which have. ttlAMbeen translated aii follp*«s “Buy all your garment* ;at the Broirn Stone CldthlhjjSail of -Rockhill Si Wilson*' Jjpa.oo3 ahddftS Sixth. , " r ' Wr the 1 Year IB6o. — There will bo *ijrtcljp«M nextyear, aa Follows- ,’_U •.J.r-Aaonhutar eoliijwe of tlie sou* January- 22 {visible jlQQittftii*SoothTole. .. '’ r . >'■-' ' j 3i—Apartial oftho m&onj February e,.,risible all-round/'. - ,VO \* ' ellipse of the sun, July Invisible on the • otherafdp/O Vi**'’''-w* i' 1 ' ?Vr **l 'O'Ff .7* •" */4.—A partialeclipslj of the raboi}» v Auguitl» visible at, '/ l 1-1 ‘‘ J . ,J ‘~’ \' r ' \- • 5,*“A. total oclipsoVisible to a'cprfaitt'party ifc October* a '■'A— X tblatoclipse of 119 fa«Slonal>lo„world, visible at tho palatial store; ofOtMivill) Stokes, No.; 6W Choatnut street*’ •' ' ' ‘ l*i/foyearuccMina ytuaobrof. John Hobson P. Lx.faa|>..xix. 1- " KffBCTB op tHS HBiT Intense bont-of the summer in various pitta of Europe .aiVellhs AihPriei, hai; induced many modifications in the • prevailing" Letter-writers from abroad teK^that'm ftU tho iAjahionftblo,Veßort#’;m»y now bo reeei thiUnique end gr&oefclBty)oeofE JLEldrid#e,the ofthe.<‘‘ol(l, Franklin, Hall. Clothing Empo rinrn,” ?foi $2l Chestnut street,’ wfib; Tjy.the wax, ie selUhg-,,his entire stock of beautiful' summer goods Vitbout regard,tocoifc, ;j)rep»ratbrjr to rehioviny to hie new-Tempte bC'Fwshion, Eighth and Chestnut fitieeU, fcjuia vegetable curiosity inbia garden in thesßapoof a Kjuashl vine, l ;.a]tottfcV twelve,’ foot in length : and :&gkteen i}u&t*,in'circumference.' It ;haa‘ borne miniature aquashos;' -1. ;-'.^MAIUPrEIWTEIMGENCE. agftpjbußTH paoe. : ;. . ' li-'jrT/.'f'r.; Ult-: £ 1 £l*~ .' Hand .-*4 hou rafcora'New„ York, ti» Cape Mftv/8 hours, with.mdse and j passengers to James, Alderdice. .Tawed itelnw the Loqy*;shipsßftv 'BMdf.ior New-York, and Otliella* for Charleston; above /Jl«Ptjff4f"J«ndra'bark unknownjbriffs Fairy/from Ba chiaj/r w Lucas, lumber loaded; achrs Rescue and Ore-. .cwn«; -5 *■.... v Steamship Xonsinston, Raker. BO hoursfrom- Boston* ■wUh redse and paasengersto-H - .pwnt*aa—Tha-brlq BtookSqualh Cap .tain.DaYia, hence 4th' mat. for Sc Jairo tie -Cnba.-wbilst frooopdiutr down, and Whenoff theßuoy on the Middle, 'at Vn’plnok on Sunday morning, came Ineontnot with.' fprl?-T-'-W-Lucas, with lotalier on deck, bound, up.ln .which the formerlost !>owiprit. partbf jibboom* anchor .atook.'andjv portion, of cutwater. -Returned to port for repairs. Towed up hr steam-tug J L Fussy. The injury aqatMtiedby tho T W Lucas not ascertained. ■ .*y'ratitfjßAF*. < '• * ' (CorrespondenoaofTb* Press;)v ■■ < -- . „ .. N«wYoric.Aoyi.,' ,\, 4 Arrived. shliK West-Point, from Liverpool? Pr ship QftWn,-from doj.shm ThaUta. from Leßhorn: btt* Ade mio Sntaniß, from Mentaiultaly; Prussian brlg'HeUia, • from AticnntOMohr Ciirvsoiito, from Tampico..- 3 'Al*<v srt'iVftd. brifß Myra ,W Holt, from Cicnfaeßoe; Q®OjWapninetnn, from Trimdad, Port Spam} Arabella, ,frpmA»pin*ralL ' "'L, «' %: ! «'v:{ ' 3 Norfolk. Aue 7. ' -Tbo'scnr SabiHe, of and from New York, bound to Newbem h NCi putjn hero to-day with low of mainmast. V'• ’ MEMORANbA. 7 '’'• • 7 V ftfrraiTYoTlcetSTnft! 1 fr °— for, Londonderry Shin Wild Pigeon, Maybew, cleared nt New York 6th , l ' - - ' - Key alone, from watbelo-w Boston Bth Ship Alfred. Hill.Nagle, frora.Foo-Qhotr-foo, arrived at Boston 6ththirti' 5 - : $ ’ ; - - Bark Amj», Hammond, cleared at Charlestonith irtst. 'J E '" v-T.'‘li* «>« Janeiro, nr _. BriK'Bii'pirißj Crowell;hon«i,’»rrivod,«t Bo«t<m Cth -lliroiWi■»< *. c ,>«•*»• -'J - 1 y. * - - - ' , ' Lshdiojr stp iiwt for Alexandria; > ’yEtehrTEjujex.'Post, for ‘Philadelphia, sailed .from' Ba 'ker’iLnndirurftthmst '-' *.•* ' ; ' - . pjMtohr*BlaekWrdVChmptOtt,‘Whlfe Squall,Shorn,HA -Ro*«r*r Btwers,'Charm, Lorlnfc and.and R J, Mercer, ■ioWftsivn, heneeat Barton Bth inat.- ; - ‘- - 5 ' -*; -BohrsNeyi*;Brown', JHStronp,CoraonYand JBDiek- Wheaton,hencehtßosthn6thmat.’' ••* , n P?M V**no!ia} Crowell, cleared at Boaton 6th inflt. for Fnuad6lpniai''/'/wv~>-*' 3 ''.~.v w '->/_■ : Schr John Farnum. Crowell. fnrPh ilad nl phia, sailed i lwm Providence fith met, .and nnchoreddlTßoAkr Point. j/Sohrßusao Bose,.Herrickshence .for Boston, sailed from Newportflth inst, j ... , - Bchwft w Wellington, Wells.Aencfl for Salem;'Dß rP25 n s? ri k-4. ll ® n ‘ d ? for PortsnioDth.NK; Bay.fltate Hal-; httvfroni »>«f>n focifiiiflaMm,, and Ale* Bluo, Km ,Wn», strived al New-. ftchr’T'ljswsyV'Divie, hence, 'attired at Poll fliyor a.hinst. ft '• ' j * Starlight,,Yprjf, hencej arrived at Portland.6th H Rowe, Wjcririi, W Loper, Robinson, Ma onn r an s - from N Bedford ClhinaU for ; ;n v_ ■<- ..>< fctSYnSr .^ eymour * Meredith, hence at Alexandria ARRIVALS AT THE PKINCIPAL HOTELS ' . !\vp, T6 : 32 O’CLOCKTHia KORHIKO, " GIRARD HOUSE— Chestnut street, below Ninth.' W '' Hsnrv pAlls, Cirt<o - J<d»nG;Allen, pexinston.R C McCay. Misa - ■ Mips EdwJ Folkei, Lynchburg. •*, . - 9<s*RTuttle.Mobile. - ‘ ' ; A'HBpyart.NY, ;teH&°S n L Clh .> °,„' “ i t Worthington, Cin, O 1 J&hft'J Ha^a.-Boston ", B Pendlotoir, Natchofc rtiAf^PfripT l f W§tirrows.NY-- ; J?P Marshall. Louisville, KjrH P Robeson, Pa ;A?Montrpme i ry jfc laVMies . Qj A ppolri A la, Balt ‘Jas Pettit A la. Teim* - ’ JaaTßiras.SC-- * MiiwAßSiiris. SC MiAsT, A Sims.B C > BBaker, New Orleans; G F Mnrchant.N Y ' GepSt,Lojui c - TBBryson,SHrpr Spring fMtes M BryaQjr.'SiFrßpnnx Wise A Bryson, 8 Spring ‘' Master • sypoMi.ll A daugh - TJ Welle,Da Mmt ; Well*La .. / : Bev. Dr Jackson. N Y H Butler. N Y •• " Wmß Wiegß, Memphis •'. Bitnon Stevens* Lancaster StXouis > - W MnDowail. St Louis ' Misan McDowell, fit Louis ■ H H-Lewis.N.Y . , ’ .Joaß MoOro. -»: - £ OLyndo, Bcranton. Pa BJWBarrr.NY .. C Newmans A la, NY . .TV-LCantwcUi 8t Louis :; W P Wlute A wf. Balt . AlbertaonvPhila . Goo P Patter, Baltimore Clmi.NY,-; . Joe A Roiros, N O -r PMcMIHa. Texas . >.Chas G Shaw. Dayton ’' T A Shaw. Chiraeo jMrs Biekipy.Ya 5 , . : G CSummey, Miss „• •I Colby>N x ivv, ,*p. e -<; ~,GHa*sMlunett A la, 80 1 -• ; huaSHubert, Charleston - MiMP‘Smith, Charleston , -JaaMpmson Alo,Cin»o*-:-:FHHawkes. - ‘ ; JIJHiU.ALa JW Brown A la, Texas ,hTMGondrlch AJa>La . , Mrs MM Potter. La , ,‘Mrs M Holmes, laMiSsL Holmes. La ". ’ . MiBsL-Piioher,La Mjw P La vMtss A Morgan, t»a Missßrowder. La - _ -G MRtoher, La * , - , ; v .RSChpnT A la* GnflSn, Ga •• J H Jenninrs, Yti- ' " * 0 Cifviami San-Prancisco T.R ArpneJlsrS Franoiaco -'J P Jacobs* ya, ,E APoutet,Kansas ' ' WBDodge . . • HBKltcham, St Joseph. , • '• - • M ERCHANTB' HOTEL—i 1 ourth. street, below Arch. >3 ' > - T.wwitt.iKy • « ./ ‘Anj«ißpsn?flir M**® M'JWnyht, Balt , Jr»hn BFro vtlrlfußail '■"yMiwrFrev'* Balt;,? -- - - ,8K aUfihaUiPbfl®. ;:''l * -WMoK«!Mp.#«fitinJaatflr rPWjfloore> *, M.MKinfciptniT.Texas \'lr v .V 1 .- Mrs BpMlford.La * Hooßßrov}he&d.Bistcm GA Smitk.LA :Hdn , 'WhtWi*’leT,‘Ta‘- . Wm W Yone. Bethlehem J3’A-Rf«l«r»'^^^'fs^r2H i A'B CoffeY, Memphis '■"‘ CM Barton. Fa ; r, HonJftsnms Pa l-jowiFßeck. Pa - ■ A</Ttfnvjllajßi!t , >BY Schorr* Jr, Phi!** -<•■ >•• EMa^erAdau,Manchester Miller. Savannah,, Ga - : Gao B Jnn®* &la,iPiU#b - .RL’BifehamiAflk*; M SohmertsVMUs; ; U TpmMonrft»HolHdaysfaurg,J Campbell. Jr, Phil*.* iWtnXioek. fit Lorn* t . K-J Gott, Cmn, O - , Jvß Blanch ter; Jjouisville ip.MeXI Colima, Cal-'. - iRR CamjpbalH MiM.- j-j- i> ■ A JTiaUaa, Boston • ' • -Howmn Phila; v Cadi*,Ky ■ .GW Rankle, Bes’Mrttaw Jobl'iL Street; Kjr>t • ■> • GSfitjwnrt. Lonltvlllo 3 JQ Milter,Cadir.iKjr : -^JiurTßledsoe, Mts* .. ;A F FbwnflrfTreiunni Lay/TiEvan*. Henderson*Kf ’ GehlThoe PowelljCmn, O ' W A-McCahnont, JoWa at., above Fifth. N X\£/’V vWH Cobnm £ta.;Pittsb*s K r? Stearns, rhilit/, • ,G 'f* ■' * J ; ;BiraoivCnUon, > N Y TS - RB Smith Ala, Burlington. fifloW Curammsu Pel -Samuel HftfiTmaii;Jr. va •«; J&TJfi" 0 #; -jolwrtKPrentfs,Yn ~ MrtSCTrent's.Va •- R Walton' Tronkm Mim waltrm, Tronton •SHJlarkefct/VSN / >l>:Hnvjioa,Lnneftßter . (T.J.Wri‘.'htVcVo ' s v , - GP pjal. Colnmbi*, 3 C Jofrjv Bailoy.Cm; O'- •- C I)W»lbar r Ilfinoia, * . J;H HqroaaJ*wVfi>6re,?ft A aon; Pi ' J-R Brenner, Phila-C-M ; M MRhodeus, Taunton tfHenrfj Germantown iWeokei Pepper.^. A M Gordon. Al*-..': " j G fitanrt. Ala * > ~ mm » Smith, N Y, ’ P« WjttG Wort-; N Y )r A'®McK«a,-VA^-- John-T Rowa. Mama - - - ;; HOUSE-.Ch««mit ati abovaThlra. ■„' r.PAPar/ftimto/aSpnnts MFTYIaPijrY K y '/ftYiJflmUb,Penduiff - - , wG.Orijwnnntnftdy,Cm J ’ .‘MuwwiatyWy . Phßlpßarnard,NY 2 ' , , j-V Cooper, Jomy.CUjr-; ; Oeo Wagnar, r K-Y >,rrcJoNE6' aC above Sixth. ,AMcKifkla, Ky," '' Wmll Ha^kar,Syracuse ' ;ffvirdon.'Mias - KGNi'wcomor.Muw * '^nn- 'i -;;AJlGilt^nn;Mo, .^Hartman Ad* 111•„ -,fi,imu«l Wooii.NY -.. < -GeoßanehrMfl. Ya - „N,TGr«cne. Providenoo .A. M P, u E?n. N> .., ~: ,1- ~Ofl J) Jonea. Ijw» , , --wnr>t Stran«OiAla', =-- OAStovena. New York •TBThompaortfPldJa'.c.. * ,ftWßuah,Ky . : ; .- -jO>Zimmannft»itKy-,.? ProfSarard ’ s H.lsCyßto f Verfht«ri.G». •' "Jacob J»i»»1oyt Larie.eo • PgtorMarietta • 'cßlffi!®* ' Vaj -,r.: -- Too? Brown, va -MiatfSFlialrdi'filoomuold' JfM Bloomfield ’-BGGrone.TUtsW* , , G^. n ;W Hmkle, .Tr, N J Hinkle. AtiantfoCity.Miwi hiXßoan* ii J «• ; G-WHinkloi AtlanUc City II lM)nnt«r, Httsbtirj ; Thns N J ■ , fiarol Brown, Mnnoy , GS Roberta A, fa, Brooklyn Jos h Sirapnon, Bel •- 1 iTiiosN-Saunder«,:P<i- \ U:i-IVNION HOTEL—Arch tttept, abowThird'. ' OR j Hall.Lpwinbure.Pa ' J.F Stoddards NY '-/■ " 8 A Terrel, Honssdale, Pa - BT Tewknnnrr, Brooklyn John-Miller, Ohio ■ MraLLPadnck&ch, I’a A'K.P®d r ipk» Phil* V;V - W 5-Morris. Bnlfcimpro >P W|lejf,Pa - r -' 1 - ' K F Rliaofl, S Enston. Pft Jo*fiMioKßavannah. Ga - ’ Savannah _ Job jIPhHUp8 f CftpO May ■' R H Bonnott f Psdiicfth, Kj John McCurdy; wfeih co, 0 J I Livinsston. N Y A ficlierman. N Y; - ' / 'BSehermaib Grifißn, Oa ElihtiPedrick, Phi a- -• > - Tcionnd, reading . . 1 CW Cutter,La '; -WMUnouarJrtArUttaviUo - ‘ f - HCKTEL—Race st„ above Third., 0 Harwardi Fraiikford Lancaster W A Alai *o; J»ot tsy i Ue Miss.M A MoNleht.-Pa Mies Julia dross, PA ' J aitrntfnf Clarks Valley R B Greon; Clnrks Valley .T> A Clamper.N J . * John WocmsiPa.' * ; .A , £Fl®T£e.Bti#ov»B - ÜBMcFarlane. M Chunk John WMofßy. Bethlehem - ‘ Jos Gnnnier.'nlt Joy. Pa -W D Cocilra ri. Phi h da Goo WBnmaay. Rnruims jrOOrviire, Nashville M|w M Rasteni, N J D A Cook, Annsvillq,''' - Joh n G PArk,; Long Branch BARLEY.BHEAP» st.» below Vine. : ; C-Palmef t Ed(?eVood_- r TToralinson. Bncksco . . ■HMAstifleK Bucks oo , \ Carr. BuokstMD, , , ji'Wfttsfin JSucke c ° , •BCAdwallador. Bucks co TEly, WarminGter. , , wLivczey* Attleboro 1 Kelsey, Bucks co, . - M VardTey. Bqrlestnwn HAlion..a.f, ;■ -• • TMorns, Centreviue , K LteoserfAtllftboro 8 Kirk, Pa„ , , JFJannev. Phila > J Watson. Atlantic City :L;Gord(m, Eft*tf,n * - J JW Fry; Doylostowit r Phil4 .EW Bowers. Phi W . Pa i 't - ’ R Hughes, Trentoh - • 5 HOTEL-tThird street, above Race. - ' coy ,T Stone v ? ■ iYjWPPlhpf’it, Stockton 1 RNyco, Chester oo j YafCaiLßclayrareco ' .CFniriamb, Belawnwoo : vf/Avjsißglawareco-.i y--..WGarrett, Cjicsterco ' .I? Pi^Wt^Belawareco-S Watte, Mimin co’ ' Marsh ;G Howard, Delawareoo ' 5 fcaooufefeKnsnlioi N J ’ • G Summers. &urton, tq, - ' ; JThoß»)p«m, Pa , , MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-d&eondat., above Arch, JC«X, Burlington JIT Nyoo, Philndn ' RClmton. Pft .j. . ■ I, Gordon. Liwton, P& - , JMoinr.Trenton. - , - J Anidt, M Chunk ■ .HRMvere.nciuluij: , Sami MoFsW. Cwb May AEThnmaj. NY ' ETAIIen.NY • Jacob Ego, Rending) Pa' J w Adams, Trenton' (. COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at., above Cheatnnt. ;a a Gillie Cc la. riftetmjx .H BOriohton,Pa- • . Ohaa'Authur, Montrom’yoo Th Humpbrioa. Montg’y co Hugh Jhekaon. Obeatoroo; 0 Honrv. Lnnonator (Hmi.F Springer,Cheater, Pa Jas Philips, Phenixviue ; : BLAck AEAR-HOTEL-Third at., above Cnliovhill. John LUBk» Allontown Levi Templo, Hnrtflvills .6 MGartior, Warrington • Jno Rotbrook, Warringt’n Jno Dpnefora. Reckiesst.wn Reuben Ilallawav, Pa Judge Rush, Pa - -, . MERCHANTS’ HDUSR-Third st., above CnUovhiU, W B Kemmdror.Par TWoavor. Salinssrove JH Krenmor, PhoomxvjllQ 0 W Wolf. Germantown 0 Jarrett, MontTomory eo LF Kampman & la, Pa J H Edwards, N PR SPECIAL, NOTICES. Livjtit, Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nervous Debiyty, and all Diseases ariaing from a diaor tiered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation, Piles, Aridity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Fulnoss or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at tho Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult breathing, Fluttering of the Heart, Choking sensation when lying down, Dimness of .Vision, Dote or Woba before the Sight, Yellowness of tho Skin and Eyes, Sudden Flushes of Heat, and Great Ddproesioif'bf Spirits, are gpoedily and permanently ourod by HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS, sold at 76 cents per bottle, by tho proprietors, Dr. C. M* JACKSON it 4lB Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., and by all druggists nmLdoalersin medioinea in tho United States and Canada., ltd&w , Throw Away Your Wigs,— -A luxuriant growth of soft, : young hair speedily follows the use of JulesHatclVAthesibnxe,ou Ham Restorer. It fe&ndrer-fniling remedy for, and preventive of, baldness, It also changes gray hairs and whiskors to their origina, life color, it is not a dyo, and is poifoetly harmless. Sold by all druggists, and by JULES HAUEL A Co., .No, 704 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, auB-6t ~ To Southern and Western Merchants. -WINDOW CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATE RIALS.—Just received, SO coses Satin De Lames, Union Damasks, Worsted Damasks, Brocatolioi Satjn Damasks, Window Shades, Lace Curtains,''Muslin Curtains, Gilt Window Cornices, Bands, Farlaires, Tassels, Gimps, Fringes, Plushes, and every article in nse for Curtains and Furniture Coverings, wholesale and retail, at 719 CHESTNUT Street, in the Masonic Hall; All goods sold at the lowest wholesale market prices. ' au«-2t / W. H.. CARRYL & BROTHER. One-Price Clothing of the Latest Sitlss, and made in the best manner, expressly for rktaii/ sales. We mark our lowest selling prices in plain FjenEßs onfaoh article. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory* and our oxe-PBlcb systbm .lsstrictly adhered to. .Wo believe.thia to bo the only fair way of dealing; as thereby all are tronted alike. . . . . , , JONES & CO., ap2B-taa27 m MARKET Street. . Grover & Bakkr ? s • Cxlrbbatbd NoisiUißss- Family Sswixo-Machimbs, AT ftEDCCKD rEICKS, . 'Temporarily at No. 601 Broadway* Will return to No, 496,in a few weeks. • Saving Fund—National Safett Trust Coupaxt.—Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania/ • • ' V RULES. I. Money is reoetved .every day, and in any amount, large or small. . 2. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from tho day it is put in. c - 8. , The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called for, and without notice; 4, Money is received s6m Executors, Administrators, Guardians, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, toremoinalongorahortperiod., - " 6,-The money from, Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other firsfr clew securities, 6. Office open every day—WALNUT Street, southwest ooruer Thisd street. Philadelphia. 1 - ttpia :Shamkn’b. Saving Fund—Northwest Cofenha,'Second and Walnut Streets.—'Deposits re received in; small and large amounts, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of fire per eehL'perfennum. . / Jdoney may be drawn by oheeks .without 1 lose of in terest. - Office open daily, ,from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Uon u"n2 9 , 5 n the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Secretary, CHAS B. MORRIS.. ...... , MARRIED* Tffi^saiifotek cnAßLEB^ At Ctmtlsn-N' J.. Au?. LISKI. by Justice Daniel 8. lif’J'i TTw l®oAi v ß ■?°.? N ,!? “I" ELIZABETH >#?»*? .LAHENRY* both of Camden co.. N. J. * Ootobpr U. Jgo, by Aldermnn;Wnl. AIien,.CHARLES oi 1 thiVoUy. ' t° CAROLINE. E. BENNER, both DIED. • °,5 F J3!t*j mor "jrs. the sth instant, Mr. JOHN YARD, in tho7Pth yoarofhts age. * i ,I,“° fbnerfll will take place oq Monday afternoon, nt 4 <w?2s’ residence of his eom-in-l&w, Alexander UummingSi 1418 Girard avonue. * ■ FIELI? eV i omns of tho M Instant, SARAH M. WIDDI laje'resldehce.No. 137 NorthTwen nn T Spcor l^^ Aug. 8, at 0 o’clock. To proceed to JUaurel Hill Cemetery. * bngefing illness, MAR- WALLS, m the 27th year of her ago. r^ m i\r IB ,f£?’i enco of her brother-in-law,' No. 1722 Carror stroot, this (Monday) uTn?lrd^lofl„ C *«S^ fart^0r To 4- ** J ° NTrIIAN ASHTON, in th. V o *? his late rcsidonco,Bl3South Fifth street, Oiis (Monday) morning, at. 0 o’clock. To proceed to Ronnldson»Cemetery. ■ * *\z - stl r , inetrt!lt ' Mn. MARY ANN JONES, in tho 7wth yearofhoraro. _ . . _ . . F«™ral from the residence of , her son. Phineas M. Jones, Ocean street. Green, above Front, this (Monday) afternoon,.at 2 To proceed to Odd Fellowsf atThis late reSdenTsnirivwfSr' county, New Joreay. Hon. ABRAM WARNE, Judge of tho District Court of tho Btate of New Jersey. * „ July Jst, 1859, at Fort Lnramio, on big wajr from Cali fornia to Pliiladolphia, Capt. TIIOMAS P. FENNELL. [St. Louis arid California papers please oopy.J * OBITUARY.-ANDREW SHtLLINGLAW.> We deeply regret to announce tho death of this estimable ypungman, who.died suddenly, on Thursday last, and was buried yesterday. Ha has been noting as folder and packer of, The Presi slnco its establishment, and lias din clmrged hie dutioswith a dogroo of fidelity rarely ox hibited*.;Hn leavps a large circle of frihndH and rela tives to mourn his loss. In evory relation of lifo ho was distinguished for the correctness of his deportment, and it may With truth be said, that “None knew Him but to love him, Nono named him but to praise,” Report* ** -Tir Office, Aagast 9,1999. Philadelphia Jrom IfteSOfh Of ft of August, 1699. Health Keali Interments t« the City of P July to the 6 1! 'A5thma............ Ap0p1exy.......... Anemia Burns.*.:.i.-. Coup do 501id.....’. Cancer. Cancer pf Uterus.... Casualties..... Croup.v;'. Congestion of Lunce . * ‘ Brain. Chnlsralnfantuni...» Cholera Worbue Conmimp'n of Lunge C0nvu15i0n5.......... Cyanosis- Diarrham. Drop*;, Brain ‘f Chest...... ** Heart Disease of Brain.. •.. Disease of Heart... Browned.. Dysentery DebiHty.:! Effusion on Brain.... Fever, Bilious o» THU Fovor, Puerperal.,., - V. §?nrlet *, £yp, hu ?j*“- “ • Typlioid. Gantrono Hysteria Hemorrhago...;.... Inflammation Brain. *’ Bronchi - ' - Inver.. * „ .Lungs., _ V S. k Bdwela Inanition >•>>■ Manio-a-potti Marasmus M0M1ea.....'. Still-b0rn..... buicido... Syphilis...; Tabes Moeeiueuca, Unknown.,./. Whooping Co\igb! R there wbhb: 15 From 40 to 00 17 ° 150 to 60 14 CO to 70., n •* 7oto e 0.......... a “ »to to o " wtoioo Under 1 year .From 1 to 2 “ 2 to's. ** 6to 10 " 10 to 15 , ” 15 to 20 “ aotoso , f* SOtQ«.. , From, the Almahoua from the Country. 2. , Males. Wsi FemalQß By order of the Bnai _____ AItTI return) Peoploef Color, 12; JBajr.,oll Girls, 57. lIUorfEB, Health Officer, 1TT“«? lA r! TO t Vl '> Alfpi'ST e, 1859... win Kn m^ 10 sal® of useful and fancy articles, t^ n - ,ho 'f 0 *? 11 Hall,cfunmencin. MONDAY, A l I Bl ,'"ri an ,?,^ n P l| " a!n ? o!>m teJtni evoniiu during Proceads aro to be applied towards liuuMatin, iho flobte inuurroU in, .nlamn.- tlio Church „ VlnMn <Jo Paul, Gormantounf, Hcc. Father poronnas, anatorr Th. haartj cooperation of alt foci in? an .interest la the completion of tiiat beautifhl church la respoetmlly eoliritod. .Tickets of ndiniision eweon tiofots 26 cents; had at tho j^ a . rB p'\' ® tho depot. Ninth and Groon sta., every ffr OF THE YOUNG MEN** «A Jl*t XIP CLUB will bo held THIS o"®tL JsV^Nl§o> _Aufrust 8. at 8 o’clock* at tho S£n?mts 3 t/ItT'HOUSE* southeast corner of efxth and IftaaS?' A “ ,cUu "- >|lo THE JOBBING TRADE. W- n. HOB STM ANN & SONS, FIFTH AND CHERRY' BTREBTS, ADJOINING THE FACTORY', ( (Former!) the Friend,’ MoerioK Hcmnc,) liivita tho attomion of Jobborsto thoir utoek of Ladles’ Dreu, Cloak f Anil ManlillaTrimtniugs, of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, comprising ,' fil if - ImPtaUo'u “ r<> Skirt U ™ id * 4n > ic - BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED AND SHETLAND , , ; - AFVULIsso T . . . LADDIES* AND CHILDREN'S SKIRTS. Solo Agents for KYLE'S Spool Silk. auB-12t saddlery MANUFACTORY, m’ jy iajkens & CO., No, 312 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have on hand a general assortment of Badillos. Bridle*. Harness, Trunks, Ac., suitnblo for the Southern and ~Yt ostorn trade. • ; nuB-lm Thehe is hardly a limit to the Sine PHOTOGRAPHS that are nnwmndo at REI MBR. B complete and extensive Establishment, in SE COND Street, abovo Gr.een. See, the Lifo-sizo Photo graphs m Oil and the Miniature size in* HAVANA TOBACCO—S 2 bales Havana Leaf and Filling, in store and for Bala by anB ; A. MERINO. 140 South FRONT Street, CLAUDE LORRAINE OR LANDSCAPE ]V' MIRRORS—A pleasing and beautiful Instrument tor viewing Clouds. Landscapes, &o,: particularly fe'Vjr&'rUVi o in tho-Country and nt the Soa Shore. The MIRROR .produces instantaneously the most charming reflection of Scenorr. Buildings, &e.. Ao. nu^.f TV AVAL STORES—IB9. bWs Spts. Tur pontine 1 1371 bbl» Shipping Rosin, and various K ldM ’ lwims f kTwLEV’,"Asliß ß flfflirt cS..“ 10 auB 15 qoutft Yflturv?!^ the "XOBOSP-8f T :im. rrir? 1859 FALL iMPOETAMONS. JggC PALE. ROSS & WITHERS. «9I MARKET. And MS COMMERCE STREETS, PHILAPELPHIA. . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS' ov , - SI L K AXD FANCY GOODS, Have now a complete stock, to whiob they iuvite the at tention of buyers. .♦ aus-Sm PALL IMPORT,. 1859. HERRING & OTT, Have now In Store their usual SPLENDID STOCK siUus. op RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS. GOODS. N. W. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET BTB. ■ aus-3ra §ILK GOODS, FALL ’59, SIBLEY, MOLTEN, & WOODBT3TP, NO. 531 MARKET STREET, (North Side,) Invite the attention of Buyers to their ohoice and oom plete stock of BILK , DRESS, AND FANCY GOODS. Bu6-lm 1859. PALL TRADE -1859. SHORTRIDGE & BRO„ (STICCESaORfI TO KAM.MAK, SNTDHR, A C 0.,) ' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS dbyg'ood:^ • 420 MARKET STREET, Have in store a complete line of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Selected exproMlr with a view to tho iutoreots of CASH AND PKOMET SHORT-CREDIT DEALERS, To which* they raspeetfullj invito tho attention of the trade. • fl*full stock constantly on hand, and orders will bo executed promptly, at tho , auMro) LOWEST MARKET RATES. JgLEACHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS. A VULb ZUKR OV THB MOST APPROVED BRANDS. TOH BALK BY THB PIHCE OR PAOKAGB. JOSHUA 1,. BAILY, 213 MARKET STREET, aul-tf PHILADELPHIA. piRST OPENING FA EE STYEES. JOSHUA E. BAIEY, SMITH, MURPHY, & CO, asr MARKET ST., AND 286 CHURCH AI.LKY, An, noiv hponing their PAIii'AND WINTER STOCK 1 » . ' op ’ . STAPLE AND PANOV DEY GOOES, To Trhioh thojr invito the attention of CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-TIME BI.’YBRS. PltlliADA., Auguat, 1859. nus-Sm PALE GOODS. rrienlTnndnll 8 ” ro " t ' oclf " ll I Mk th b attention of their STOCK OF GOODS, DRESS BTTJFFB From New York and other sources. ' FRANCIS LASHER & CO., 23J..MARKET BTR/:KT.. JAS. TEL CAMPBELL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS LINENS, WHITE GOODS, CLOTHS, . OASiSIMRRES, BLANKETS, Jto NO. SO4 MARKET STREET. auS-Sm J/MBERT THOMAS. WHOLESALE DEALER IN AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Now opening a full and complete FALL AND WINTER STOCK, To which the attention of the trade is invited* aoC-Ct-Wlm DISEASES, jvw. GIBBS & SONS, NO. 031 MARKET JBTREBT, Are now opening their FALL A WINTER STOCK OF GOODS ADAPTED T O MEN’S WEAK, ' Is which will be fontlil s full oeeortment of CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTINGS, TRIMMINGS,' Ac. auS-Sm JOHNES CO., IMPORTERS AND J 6 B B HUB OP SILKS A3D • FANCY DRY GOODS, NOS 32T MARKET, AND 334 COMMERCE BTB, BBJ.OW SIXTH. Having Jnst removed to the abovo tooaticn,Are now opening a now and very desirable Stock of Goode, em bracing every variety in their lino, which theyoflskto the trfido at the lowoet market rates, for cash or op proved credit. - nuS-Sm pRICE, FFRKES, & CO., . \ IMPORTERS OP WHITE GOODS. LINENS, MITTS. EMBROIbERIEft, , Y LACKS/ n , MANTrLLASp Ar. NOSi 53» MARKET ST., AND 533 COMMERCE BT. 37” Our Rtook i« soloetod hy a member of tho firm, in the •BEST EUROPEAN MARKETS. aus-2m. WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, * IMPORTERS AXT» WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. NO. .100 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Fall and Winter Stock now complete and ready fotr bayera. • nuß-9m WILLIAMSON & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, NO. ,436 MARKET STREET, (And 414 Commerce street,) PBnVBHN VOtIHTH AND VIVTIt, NORTH BIDK, PHII. ADELPIII A. M. WILLIAMSON, P. M. ANDERSON* 0. H. WILSON, H. C. POTTER. aus-tf HALLOWELL & CO., Have now open, and teady for mle, FANCY »BY GOODS,. Of their own tmpwtatlm | S V?-Ut DRY-GOODS JOBBEHS. SIGRRIMACK PRINTS, THIS DAY,AUGUST L SIS MARKBT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CASH AND SHORT-TIME BUYERS VO THEIR - - DRY GOODS, 888 MARKET 27 N. FOURTH STREET, A SUPERB ASSORTMENT NEW SILKS THIRD-STREET JOBBING HOUSES pKTEit SinosH, Wji. S. Baiun, .Torn Wh-st, JAfoa Rikobi.,l D. B. Kevin. ■ BAIRD, &S CO., (I.tto Sieger, Lamb, & C 0.,) \ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS ' ‘ -OF , ' dr y goo r*,s, . No, 4T North THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. OUR PALE STOCK Is now complete in all its departmental *nd toady for Buyers. Trompt paring Morchnnta from all ports of the Union are respectfully solicited to call and examine for themselves. < aus-3m YARD, GILMOEE, & CO, NOS. 40 AND 42 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN SILKS, RIBBONS, DRESS GOObS, WHITE GOODS, LACES, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &c. HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTB, AND SHAWLS. auS-3m ' JJAIGUEL, MOORE & CO., (Late Raigue! t CoO IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS .DRY GO ODS. Nos. 330 AND 022 NORTH THIRD STREET. ABOVE RACE, (we»t sipe,) BUS-dt PHILADELPHIA. OF. 1853. •LUDWIG, KNBEDLER, , & CO./ IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF BRITISH,'FRENCH, AND AMERICAN DRY COODS, NO. 30 NORTH THIRD 8T„ ABOVE MARKET, JiUC-llt ■ WIiSTBIDR. ] JHOS. MELLOE & CO., NO. S NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS , OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, ANri.&ERiIAN HOSIEEY, GLOVES, BHIRTB, DRAWERS, Ac auS-Sm ' (CHAMBERS & C ATTELL, NO. 33 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS .OF FRENCH CALF SKINS, A»n MANUFACTURERS OF CITY CALF AND KIPBK4NS, Morooooe end Linings, Oak and Red Sole Leather, eos-lra LAING & MAGINNIS. : IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SHOE THREADS, ! FRENCH AND ENGLISH LASTINGS, AND SHOE-MANUFACTURERS*. ARTICLES; Sewing Machine Silk, Thread and Needles. „ NO. 30 NORTH THIRD'ST., Agents for 1 = PATENT BOOT-TREES. QUS-Sm |UNGERICH & SMITH, i WHOLESALE G ROGERS, NO. 48 NORTH THIRD BTRHBT Honey, and Lovaring’w Syrnpfliray.i on hand. ans-2m . i JJENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IK i BOOTS AND SHOES, NORTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND ARCH STS., nus-6t PHILADELPHIA;. , gOWER, BARNES, & CO., PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN MISCELLANEOUS, SCHOOL, AND BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. NO.3T NORTH THIRD STREET, BELOW ARCH, Fubtiohers "rjelhen'. Snendid Soriee of_ DR. EMMEMON’t ifew AIERIOAII MANUAL OF QLOLOIji. ... , n . . Sandora'New Reedere. Oreenleaf’e end Brooks’ Arithmetics, Ac. blank Booka, Writing, Wr an ring, Curtain, and Wall Tapere, auSJrn nHam ■•• v T R ADK : 1559. J. T. WAY & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS o* r> ry goods, NEW MARBLE BUILDING, NO. Q 8 NORTH THIRD STREET. Wo offer, by tho package or piece, to CASK OR PROMPT SIX-MONTHS BUYERS, A very large and attractive Stock of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS. Purchasers will find our stock well assorted at aH sea* eons of the year. J. T. WAY, JAM. H DUNLAP, WM. P. WAY, [aafl-ftn] GEO. P. WAY. TAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS, Nos. Q3T A 041 NORTH THIRD Br„ aiovs RACK, Woyld now inform their customers and the trade gene rally, that their stock this season wit) be UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE, jwMjn * . GENTS* FURNISHING GOODS. GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS A*n> TAIL.OHS’ TRIMMINGS, LONGOOPK & PEARCE, NO. 10 SOUTH POUR.T3I STREET,, Have now .in storo n full assortment in their line, to which they invito tho attention of their eustomers and buyers of such goods. au3-2ra JJKD. WALBOBN & CO., (New) Noe.» end 7 NORTH SIXTn STREET, MANUFACTURERS SHI’BTS, WRAPPERS, DRESS BTOOKS, ETC. s Sealers in every article relating to the GKWT’S furnishing business. myJKlittir Jw glDOTT—Jftto of tho Arm of Win- Street. ( nearly .ippoflita Ilia Girard IlnuM.) Vt.^ fine Shirts and Collar®. Jyai XT BROTHER, & IIR^'STER, 33 SORIH FOURTH STIiEBT HOSIERY. GLOVES, AM>, ASreY GOODS. Wo have a Gneatnck of Imported ami Domostio Goods, iwirtioutarly adapted to bouthhrn trade, To which we invite tho attontion of firet-class buyers. auG-2m . .—- REMOVALS. JJEMOVAL. MOSS, BEO., & CO., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Have Toirmvedto 480 MARKET STREET, SOUTH SIDE. aul-ltt-lf removal. PHILADELPHIA, August 4,lM>. THE OFFICE OF TUB enterprise INSURANCE COMPANY , Hn« boon REMOVED To the Company ’n Now Building, at the S. W. CORNER OF FOURTH AND WALNUT STS. auß-m-if CHARLES W. COXE, Secretary. CIHOULDERS. —75 hlids Dry Salt Slioul- K 5 don,lost rocoivod and %^ a % mu< k C O. autfi ARCH^tieetiHJcoaiSooraboroFroßt. fancy dry goods jobbers. 3|ARTJNS. PEDDLE, . : & HAMRICK, Importers and dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, NO, 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, „ , Five dw>r« bolow tho Merchants' Hotel, Offer Tor said tho most complete stock of Goods in their line tobefound in the L.nitkd.States, consisting of HOSIERY, of evorv grade. GLOVES, m three hundred varieties. UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. LINEN-BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS. LINEN CAMBRIC HDKFfI. A SHIRT FRONTS. LADIES’ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of in tirelv now designs, endless variety of NO TIONS. to which thev invite tho attention of FIRST-CLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN , BUYERS. aus-3m {| DUHRING & CO., Nos. 2a and 28 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Are now receiving, by successive arrivals from Europe* THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, And solicit an inspection of their oomplete and well- assorted stook, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADk Jyll-3m JJURNETT, SEXTON, & SWEARINGEN, Are now opening at their Btore. NO. 409 MARKET STREET, Above FOURTH, North side, A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OV ' NEW FALL STYLES OP FANCY DRY GOODS, OV THEIR OWS IMPORTATION and selection, which thov offer for sale to bayers from all parts of the Umtod States, on the most reasonable terms. t au3-2m & ROBERTS, 420 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP HOBIERY, GLOVES, small Wares, combs, BRUSHES. LOOKING-GLASSES, GBRMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, AND TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS. aus-3m PALL, 1859. SITER, VAN CULIN, & GLASS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, Etc., • No. 423 MARKET STREET, ftuJ-lnl Above FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA. COMMISSION HOUSES. BROTHERS & CO. ■ 2.18 CHESTNUT STREET, IMPORTERS OF W H ITE GOOD S, HMJIROIDERIES, AND L. O. ItDKFS., . Invite the Mtontion of wholewrle buyers to their ore sent eeason'eimportntion and stock, comprising every destmble variety of tbe above-named goods, aul-lm-if gl\ W. MELIZET & CO, No. 812 CHESTNUT STREET, Agents of THIRION MAH,LARD * CO. PRINTED ' AND PI,AIN MERINOS AND MOUSSE LAINES, BOMBAZINES, VEIL BAREGES. ‘ ALSO, ' BROOIfE AND STELLA SHAWLS, Ac., Ac., Ac. PHILIPPE KID GLOVES. , NEW PUBLICATIONS. GO. EVANS’ BOOK LIS.T.—ALL • Books are sold at tho lowest prioeg, and a hand some Gift, worth. from CO cents to §lOO, is given with each book at the time of purchase. KNITTING WORK,, hy Mm. PARTINGTON. 1 vol.. I2mn. Cloth. J’rieo $1 25. - . ’ COUNTERPARTS; Or, The Cross of Love. By the anthorofChar os Aiiohestor. lvob.Svo. Cloth, si. MEMOritfll OF VIDOC§, the French l>oliceman." Vol 12mo. Price §1 25. * LIFE OF DOUGLAS JERROLD. Writton by his Son. 1 vol.. 12mo. Pnco $1 23. I/AMOUR. By Michelet. 1 vol., 12mo. Cloth. Price Si. AIA and the IV AR OF 1059, By Miidamo de Mar- GIFT BOOK ESTAm.ISHMKN'T, ftu6-3t No. 439 Chestnut street, Phila. PHILADELPHIA CITY DI- RECTORY FOR 1809. SUBSCRIBERS’ NAMES IN CAPITALS. TRICE 32.00 TER COPY. On Monday last, we gave4n2%« Frew a small speci men of the hoavy patronage extended towards this Work.-In return thorofor, t n adtluion to the usualcon )4{fc*oSiK?’of haU in our DiToo ' — — RE KT to Eleventh. THIRD STRKIfCT/AElevomvr * Ana, should our personal nltvio Cftllt>v]iiii i streets will bo given. In the oventofcmi uorpß, other ing exhausted by Bub«*ril>ors, mho bo to NON SUBSCRIBERS, tho price will bo 82 Copy. , S. if. COHEN, Publishorv's Andress Blood’s Dispatch. auB-2tif W BOOKS AND NBW BDITi;0N8 Published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT A CO. PARLOR CHARADES AND PROVERBS, intenAiL for the Parlor or Saloon, and requiring no expensive ap paratus of scenery or properties for thoir performance. By 8. Annie Frost. Cloth $1; paper 75 cents. FORTY-FOUR YEARS OF THE LIFE OF A HUN TER: boine Remininconces of Meshack Browijing, a Maryland Hunter, rourhlr written down by himself. Revised and llluatratod bj Edward Stabler. 1 vol., 12iuo. Price $1.23. A TREATISE ON THEISM, and on tho Modern Skeptical Theories. By Prof.. Francis Wharton, Kon yonColloge. 1 vol., lfcuo. Fnce $1.25. TRESBILIAN AND Ilfs FRIENDS. By’R. Shelton Mackenzie, Editor of “ Nodes Ambrosianui,” etc., eto, I3mo. Price $1.26. SKETCHES of MORAVIAN LIFE AND CHA MCTEiI— comprising a general view of the History, », Charnetoy, and Religious nnd Educational Institu tions of the Umtus Fratrum. By Jamos Henry, Motuhor of tho Moravian Historical Society, and of ths Histori cal Society of Pennsylvania. lvol., 12mo. Fnoe 31. GLOSSARY OP SUPPOSED AMERICANISMS, col lected by Alfred L. Elwyn, M. D. 1 vol., 12mo. Priee 75 cents. j m THE WORKS OF PHILIP LINDSAY, D. D., late Preindent of the University of Nashville., In three vo lumes. Vol. 1, 14 Educational Discourses,” just pub lished. Price $2. v RECREATIONS Op A SOUTHERN BARRISTER. 1 vol., Bvo. Comprising Essays on “ Thomas Chatter ton,” “ Hopbine’ Amoncitn Citizen ” ** Tho Scriptural Argument for Slavery,”‘'The Now Literature// "bhriß tmnijy in the Legal Profession.” “Smith’s Philosophr and Practice of Slaverr,” “ Milbum a Lecturos.” With u tatitdartloo. by jVpincotta ca,° " ous-4t 22 and 2* North FOURTH Street. MRS. PARTINGTON’S NEW BOOK. KNITTING WORK; A Wobof Many Textures. •By Ruth Partington. IlhiKtrntod. 81.25. THE ROMAN QUESTION. By E. About 12mo. GO Ce iI)YLS OF THE KING. By Tonnyson, ISmo. 75 ce BUMMER PICTURES, from Copenhagen to Venice. GKNErII GARIBALDI. Writ- SPEAKING. By M. B AMTiB 10AN H(?ME GARDEN. By A. Watson. SMO. FRUITS, FLOWERS, nnd FARMING. By Beecher. by WM. S. & A. MARTIEN, nor earn oy N O . CHESTNUT Street. TXnSDOM IN WIT! VV BURN 1 CHESTNUT, Have NEW BOOK I KNITTING WORK; A Wan op Many TiiXTyrrEH. By Mrs. Partington, with Characteristic Illustrations. tw «i Tennyson’s new volume ; THE IDYLS OF THE K1N0....75. THE SHELLY. MEMORIALS. Edited by Lady Shelly.... .75. - AU the New Books of tho day received, as soon as w mwd, at the CENTRA!, BOOK STORE, noMt EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. Subscriptions received at the Office of R. McIIF.NRY. 408 WALNUT Street, for DAItLEY’S ILLUSTRATED EDITION OP , „ COOPER’S NOVELS. LJ , Or the Agent will call upon those who notify him of their desire to oxammo tho Work. nut-lat AN EARNEST ANJ). THOUGHTFUL ROCK LECTURES ON Tire FIRST TWO VISIONS OP THE BOOK OF DANIEL. By Hoc. William Newton. j2mo. 78oenla. NOTICKa OP THH PBK9SJ . . There is a wf.mUh ol tone nnd fooling about this book which trill inako it not unacceptable to a large rbiftß of renders. Its practical earnestness and reve rence of spirit are high roooininenrtaUons.—Banner of contains sinooro and oarnest expositions of nropheoioi. The author’s news nro, in some, rospoets, Mouliar, and are worthy of attention aud consideration. J-AmerionnFrosbytormii. t ' , . The l>ook is the product of a calm, thoughtful, oarnest, and reverontinl mind, and may bo eontralted with prolit. —Vresbytorian Banner and Advocate, juat jo2 s . No. 608 CHESTNUT Street. OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS. The undersigned states that ho has frequently for ■ale hooka printed between tho years 1470 and IKM; early editions orthe Fothors of the Keformorfl and of the Pu ritan liivineu; in Law, Brnoton* l>yttloton, I ufTeiidorlT, GrotiUß,Downt, Coke,Hale, theYoar Books,Ropoyla, often to be found on his shelves; Cyclopedias, Loxioons. Olassio authors. History. Poetry, Philosophy, Bolenoe. Political Government. Architecture, JOHN CAMPBELL'. HYI>IIOPATinC. QHESTNUT SPRINGS. WATER-CURE, a» nnKSTNUT HILL, PniI.ADELPniA County, Tiu, (br the troatmont of all Ghronio and obstinate diseases. This institution, under tho charge of an experienced and rtilful l’liyswinn, in now mp&meA y.lho londmg ami rorit suooossful hydropathic establishment m this Mnry Cottringor, J3l North Twelfth street; Charlos L. Sharpless, Esq., corner Ritfhth and Chestnut stroets; George Grant. Ebq.,33S Market atreet; 11. Farrington, Eaq.,of Myers, Claglioni, * 00. Forolhcrr.f^ncc^n^ß, RESIDENT fhysician, chestnut HILL, j.s^inlf amusements. Hf AMMOTH MUSICAL JUBILEE AND IYJ. PIC-NfC.' „ . ' _ THE STEUBEN INSTITUTE Will hold their A'tf'N UA h S 6 OTa vr‘ 11 K- U N-I 0 N £AT ENGLE ANp WOLF’S FARM* BoAutifullr nnd romantically situated on (he banks oi the Schuylkill river, and easy of access by the Ridge avenue Cars. ' ’ Tho Committoe havo chosen THURBPAY, AUGUST Jlth, ■ And niTaneomcnis have been made to secure perfect comtort to all thoir guests ou the occasion. A complete _ OROnBSTHA. ot both BRASS'and STRING INSTRU MENTS, has been secured, and intend givine those pre sent . S e Y selection of-COTILLIONS, WALTZES. TOLKAS. ko. The REFRESHMENTS •will comprise all the market affords, and will suit (he taste oi the roost delicate epi cure. .The DANCING FLOOR will bo refitted for the occa sion, nml will accommodate a larger cumber of sots than heretofore. The STEUBEN ASSOCIATION of New York, com prising some of the best SINGERS in the United States, nave r»en invited' to participate, and visiters-will bo dmibly repaid by hearing them. r The Committee have adopted RULES to secure strict decorum throughout the day, and they will in no instance ho departed from. - , • R-~lnar(ferto allow ALL the privilege of one day's yrvv ir /?L'fec flok , elß M v ° fixed at TWENTY t =V&,» andinaybe obtained of any. roembor of the Institute, or on tho Farm. auB.<t TM'USIC AT FAIRMOUNT EVERY AF T™CONCFJITD HY V MOONLi(fHT,' r: ' A Brand Mlo Watod At winch nil tho Popular Musio of the day will bn porlormed. The programme will be varied daily. Musio will commence'at four, and continue until ten o’clock P. M. The cars of tho Arch-street, Race and Vine, and Green and Coateß-Btreets Railway will convey passen gers to and from Fairmonnt overy three minutes. SJANFORD’S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, between Chestnut and Market, 6AKF(jR.D®§ r BTAR I TS6UPB, - the largest - Company in the world, In thou excellencies every evening. . SANFORD appears . Every evening in his great Role of Characters. Dopre open at 7«, Commence at 8. Admission 25 oents. Chiildron JS cents, auga-lm THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. ’ ' - , No. IKB CHESTNUT STREET, 4? ?P en dndy,.(Sundsr« McoDtod.jfrom 9A. M. tills “•.M. Admission 25 cents. Children under 12 years half price. Shares of Stock, entitling the holder's family to ad mission to the Academy at all times, $3O. TTASSLER’S ORCHESTRA.—M. BASS- Ai LER i; BROTHER rospeotfully announoe that °™« ftt tb ®> r residence. 1208 LOCUST STREET, where engagements can be made as *nab • v , - ieJ4-3rn INSURANCE COMPANIES. WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, FARQITHAR BUILDINGS, No. 280 WALNUT STREET,' PHILADELPHIA. . , Incorporated in 1837, undor the Genetaf-Insurance Law of Pennsylvania. , Anthorlsod Capital... Subscribed Capital Paid up Capital lavnsTßD as follows: Bond and Mortgages, first lion $£2,170 Bank, Railroad, and other Stocks and Se curities .. ... 54,000 Caehiaßank - 8.630 BIUM ■lnsures only against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE B yiLDINGS, MERCHANDISE. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. Also, on CARGOES and FREIGHT to and from nil parts, of the world, and Inland Naviga tion and Transportation, on favorable terms. OFFICERS. : ‘- CHARLES <3. TML AY, President. WM.-W RFGHI, Vice President. " 1 0. C. BUTLEIL Secretary. - - IL G. RAMDORGBR, Assistant Secretary, DIRECTORS. t Jasper Harding, ( William TmWy, .C. Butlor, - } William Wright, oury K. Strong, , 1 F. F. Toney, .D. Jones. I Jno. Tonnor, Alongo Butter, Wm. B. Grubb, J. If. nayes, | Charles G. Iralay, mar 18-tf V j?IBE INSTJBANCE. MTS A INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Cash Assets; Jan. 1,1859. 81,867,920 OS MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of New York. Cash Assets, Jan. I,lB© SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Cash Assets. Jan. I,lB© NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Cash Assets, Jan. 1,1859 IRVING FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY, of NEW YORK. Cash Assets, Jan. 1, IS© MERCHANTS' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Cash Assets, Jan. I,lB© 339,079 83 Policies issued* and, losses equitably adjusted and promptly paid, st his Agency, by BOS.WELL & WILSON; Agents, No. 31G WALNUT Street THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, Fa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 108 WALNUT Street. ■ „ Tm .. CHARTER PERPETUAL. FlRfc, marine, and inland insuluncK M«l r ? Urnitfld and perpetual, on Buildings and Morclmndyw °faH doßcnptions. * Marine Insurance, inland and Oggi-m,, nn. VA«uu*i*r rroightjujdXJarM to-and WoTST/ OFFICERS. GEORGE H. HART, .President. I*. P. ROBS. Vice President. ZHSKCTORS. Tj. W. Bailev, Andrew R. Chambers, Charles G. Imlay, H.H. CoEKshaU, Hon. H. M, Puller, ao: GeorßeH.Hart, E. IVJtoaq, A. C. Cnttell, Foster S. Perkins, Samuel Jones, ft?. D.i Delaware mutual safety in- SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF v....,.,, „ PENNSYLVANIA. 1835. •YJCE S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT . Streets, Philadelphia. gJJjjruyKii-iNßukAaros P*REIGm>. > Toou-pnrtsof the On Goods, by RiveßiSP -t a n i* to all uJ»la, Lakoe, nnd Land Carnage FIRE the Union. _ On Merchandise A N C E 8 On Stores. Dwelling Housoh,. ASSETS OF .THE C&, p . NV _ November I,lBsB.^**'^* For. . •JIM MO, Philadelphia City 0 f cent. §llO 000, Ponnsylvnma State Loans S B«lrasss?jaiigssiiis!a» 520,000, North‘ Railroad Mort -815,000,300 fllmrca OO Company, interest and priuotMl - ' guarantied by tho city of Piula- * „ dolphifl 14 <>3s 00 $8,000,100 Pennsylvania Railroad $5,000,100 shares >'orth Penns} lvania Rsit* 50 road Company ' 850 00 $2,550, Sundry shares Philmlelphia Ice . Boat Company, Havre tie Grace Stoam Tow Boat Company. Sa vannah Btenm Navigation Com pany, and Philadelphia Exchange Company 2,030 00 t MO,700 $310,199 00 onus and Mortgages, and Real Estate, Of 6ce 8ui1ding....... 71.353 35 Bills reoeivablo for Insurances made 201.568 30 Balance duo at Agencies—Premiums on Ma rino Policies recently issuod—and other debts due tho Company 61^3314 Scrip and stock of sundry Insurance Compa nies ' 3.220 00 Cash on Deposit in Bank. 42,067 85 DIRKOTORS. Jamos C. Hand, Theophilug P.aulding, James Traqnair, William Eire, Jr.» J. F. Poniston, Joshua r. Eyre, Bamuel E. Stokes, - Ilenry Sloan, ames B. M’Farland, homos O. Hand, Robert Burton, ohn B. Semple, Pittsb g» hjr. Morgan, “ . T. JjO?an. ** M MARTIN, President. , HAND, Vice President. rotary. mh2B-dtf William Martin, Joseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Souder, John C.Dftvia, John H. Penrose, George G. lieipor, Edward Darlin<ton, Dr. R. M. Huston, William C. Ludwig, Hugh Craig. Bpencer M’uvamo, Charles Kelly, H. Jones Brooke, Jaoob F. Jones, THOS. C. HENRY LYLBUHN, Seen Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Btroet, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. . , Thos.L, Ludora, Win. V. Leech, 3..jßdgnr Thomson, Roht. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, Win. K. Hamlin,. John O. James, H* H. Shinin^iora, A. J. Suoknor, C. h. Srnn'iler, jobn W. Boxton, H- H. Houston, WiUiftmKaii.uel, Wm.H.liOve. iklwin Booth, Charles F. Norton, John Garrison, Myer, PrOHident-TH&MAS L. LUDERS. Yico B. WARNK. BgQTOtaiy—CHARLES A. DU\. ' '• dels American fire insurance co., INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PERPET- No/siO WALNUT Btreet, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a lamo paid-up Capitol Stock and Surplus In vested in sound and available Securities, continue to m sure on Dwoilinos, Stores, Furniture, Merchaudi2e, Vessels in Port and thoir Cargoes, and other Personal- Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. JiniKCTOHS. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh. James R;CaniphpH, Bamuel C. Morton, Edmund G. Dutilh, Patriok Brady, „ . Chan.W.Poutney, Israel hlorns. . . OKOROK ABBOTT, President. _ THOMAS R. MAURIS, Becrotary. jaZMyif T IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM JUpaNY.-THB PENN MUTUAL LIFE LNSU RANCH COMPANY, Northeast corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, $612,725 03. . , - , , INSURES LIVES for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants, annuities and ondowineiits—pnr ohases lifo interests in Real Estate, and makes nlloon trartsdepondingon tho contm^ejißioaot idle. . They act ns Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Daniel L. Miller, ‘ BsmuelS. Stokes, Benjamm Coates, ' YViUinm Martin, Richard S. Nowbold, James B. MoFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trottor, William H. Kern, James Euston, Bamuel 0. Huey. Theophilus Paulding, Charles Haliowell, , Edmund A. Souder, Henry 0. Townsend, Darnel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphtiß Kent, John W. Homer, william 11. Carr, Ellis.B. Arehc.r, . Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Clmstian, William Rolwrtson, Josoph M. Thomas, , Warner M. Rosin, John G. Brenner, F. 8. Michler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILTER, President. BAML. E. STOKES, Vioe Pres’t. Jons W. Horxkr. Secretary. ' aulB-ly INSURANCE COMPANY OF TUE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA |HNE INSURANCE-Ni). 4 EXCHANGE BUILD- in 1794—Capital s2oo,ooo—Aaaots, January 1, 186 S. *347,446 SO T lOO. , , All invo.totl to sound nnd available aecnntiea—con tinito to insure on Vessels and Carsoes, Buddings, Stocks of Merchandise, Ubm-nUerms. Henry D. Sliorrord, Ooo'rge H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Mncalostor, Tobias Wagner. William S. Smith, Thomas 1L wattson, John B. Build, Henry 0. Freeman, William 11. White, „ Charles S. Lewis, HENRY*?. SiFeKKeRD, President. WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary. jeiMvfmtf TO LOAN, IN BUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamomta, Watches, JoyroliT. aun». chnudixe. Clothing, Ac., on moderate » n a7}»o TAiS‘S.“&®SS« makers,warranted genuinejfor atone jm the original coat. Wl-(W* » A A CARPENTER, DE ST or atiS-4t* A '^SF^C^D^SHES'XmTOA jiivato femify or Sotoof JJ» WANTED-A first-class SALESMAN In T7ITANTED—By a young Alan 21 years of Age. ft sitnatibn as SALESMAN In aflMt-MiM Houm. Addrenn" Fredojick,” oKoeofliS B ?P er .: : aaS4t* WAN TED—A very, energetic and smart M W' ■"t o Jl“ knowledge of BOOK make himself generally rtaetEl ik V l «® t<; DfVoT^^ eBi i . r P fereaco required. Address"?*, h S.” Blood's Diapatob. ng It — A second-story Room for ' ■ licrht Manufacturing purposes. Address tl S. 3L 1 * Frets office, stating terms and Vocation. aaft-ftt* A SITUATION WANTED—By an expe ponced BOOK-KEEPER, in a Wholesale'Cmn nuwion or Dry Goods House. Good references eaa bit given. Address*’P.D."Prrsroffice. aua^t* YXTANTED—By a-Young Man, a sitoation * * . as Assistant in a packing room or Light Porte*', Can give good reference. Address J. F., Frets office. »ugl-32t* CtTUATION WANTED—By ■an exp*- riencod SALESMAN, in & .Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing House. Undoubted testimonials will be giveg. Add •oss '* Leonard.'* office of this paper. jyBB-nt* "WANTED TO EXCHANGE for improT ; * ed city property, free from incumbrance, 100 sores ef.exe’lient'FAßM LAND.located in New'Je'sey. The Railroad from Camden to Bridxetqau shortly_|o be laid, passes within ft short distance of tR FOft SALE AND TO.LET. MTO LET—With Steam Power, for a light Manufacturing Business, the fourth story of ine Aron Building, NW.corner of FOURTH and ARCH Streets, plenty of light.. Room 44 by 64. Gas, water, and Heat introduced. Anplyin second story. auS-frt* ' mFOR SALE OR TO RENT —Tha _ HOUSE and STORE, N. E. qorner of TAMANY street and YORK .avenue, well suited for a Shoo Store business. -Terms low.- Appjyto T. Q, »HARORQFT. Grocer, opposite comer* . anft-Tt* STERLING BILLS ON. LONDON FOR ,• Kftle at the Pennsylvania Railroad Office, THIRD and WILLINGS alley. Jt THOS. T. FIRTH, Treaanrer. ,E*OR SALE OR TO LET —The House, X '. «bi 462 North SIXTH Street, above Noble. Keys left with Mr. S.Pngh.SLYF. corner Sixth and Callow, hill. For terms apply to the owner, No. 1613 fipntoe street. , . - - »oC-at» FOR SALE—A handsome threo-itoir COTTAGE, with Stable' and .out-buildinr*. ej*d about two acres of Ground, with Fruit Trees, and ma** tod on the mam street of Haddonfield. ' The eafobrityor the eountry and facility of acoese by yail sitos it west advantages. Enquire of • *u2 9t* E. WALN.7WVTALNUT Street A VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE,’ two miles from thACheUee hill Station. North. Pennsylvania Railroad. containing 120 .acres of highly improved land, with an abundance of. fruit and shade trees. The improvements are a' fia* stone mansion, containing fourteen rooms, tenant-boua. co-house, large barn,.carriage-house, and ftlfneoesWy out buildm**; A fine buddies site on .the prenuna. Could easily be divided into two beautiful country witk For further particulars inquire -of John J. v C. Hanrky, on the premises. ; . tarMfl* - HARDWARE.— A Wholesale House, do-: inx chiefly 'a Southern package besinwa, h> prompt dealers in eities, desires to sell out,-Bad heaHfc • the reason for retiring. The business of twelve ream standing. The stock is all now, and mostly In ongiM* .packages. The Terms will be liberal.' No land# taken m exchange. Address “Delphoii,” Box 2)51 New Yoirx. PostQffioe. ■' • augl-tfw \ SUPERIOR NORTH THIRD STORE TG RENT.—The larve andwelf-behted rranise (beat 1 Store, No. 121 North Third street, sal tabs* for Jobbing or Heavy Paok&go Trade. Terms secMac** toryto -a responsible tenant- Apply on the premises, or at No. 427 Vine street ' - - ■ iySO-MBT* DRAFTS— On-the Union Bank of London, and-Roral Bank of Ireland, in suns to suit - - For sale by WELLS, FARGO & CO., mylB-3m* No. 400 Chestnut street* BOARDING.— Elegant and aiiy Rooms, single : and in suites, ean be 'had with first-class Board for the Summer, Fall, and Winter, at 1315 WAL NUT Street. J aaS-2m BOARD 'WANTED—From. August 18th, by a Gentleman and Wife in a private family.. The western part of the eityjpreferred. Address* with full particulars, ,t T^unton,”Blood , aDespateh. aDS-ft* 373,939 09 Desirable private boarding ®» fftmilies; large and small rooms communleatipg, handsomely furnished: large garden attached. Refer-, ecoes required. 1329.9pR.UCE Street, 1 JylMn* 446,734 85 365,800 06 A GENTLEMAN, . WHO BAS MADS 'several Voyages to tho Isthmus of Panama.and who has bepn among the V Guacas” (Inman gravesl aV Chiriqui, has in his possession Charts and documentary proof of their existence. and could take a party to the, spot, is desirous of entering into tho business. Would to out and superintend, provided a party can be formed for that object. Please address ** J. w. for three days, afr, Fr*ss office. - „ Philadelphia. Augusts, 1839. au3->t* 241,664 81 PERSONAL.— JOHN DULLER, of Mem phis,. Tonn.. who is at present in tho city, will oon frtralavor hr: calling on ALEXANDER V. BAILEY, No. IUDS MONROE Street. ■ auS-Bt* LOST AND FOUND. LOST. —The certificate of Pew No. 61, St. Philips’ P. E. Church, having been lost or. mial*& I hereby give notice that a ne.wjDartififtaia will boa^ plied tlieduirffhfiniieu of ” -SftwM. ’ Per SAMUEL RlCjttgDS. August fi, 1833. 4 . .. auB-mAw4t»- T\TOTICE. Sealed Proposals,' endorsed A » “Proposals for orectinr outside Etalrtrara to Croon Lane School House, Twentr-nrst section/* wiU bo received by the undonurned-until SATURDAY. An rust I3tb lnst.v 1859, ut 10h» o'clock A. M. The Spoeifiee tions for tho vrork to !>p dnno can be soen at tho Officeof the Controllers of Public Schools, S. E. corner of SIXTIJ and ADELPHI Streets. By order of- the Committee oq Property. - R. J. HEMPHILL, auB-3t Seo’y Controllers of Public Schools COPARTNERSHIPS. XJISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— horotoforo existinir between SA lw7l%HKK7iM¥4iiil^L C ' LA WBON, and JOH}t Fisher, is this day din'inl‘iw > Ut i> ii6r, . persons having claims against or iiiiTmTffifWflrit will make settlement with Samuel Shoble or'JoSB Jth L ■ Fisher, who are alone authorized to inako settlement* _ The business will be continued by Samuel ShqhM and John M. Fisher under tho firm of BHEBLE A FJSHB& at No. 3 North FIFTH Street. „ „ . * SAMUEL BUBBLE. WILLIAM O. LAWSON, JOHN M. FISH EB- Fhiladolphia, August 5, 185?. aufl-gt* RETAIL DRY GOODS. O*£f?ta*loNTH 0F BARGAINS TO SUMMER STOCK! Robes reducedftTffi,- *s,nod $7 fid, Bjsqumo, &c. reduced froirt3>« t 025. , „ bine Lawns,Rirottes, Cr*po MareU,and Tamariloeoi all reduced. Lupin’s Wide 'White and Black Bareges forStowQb Mantillas, &o. Chantilly Lace Mantles. reduced. jBHaWLS Ilf VARIRTy, Black Bilks, Hooped Sklrla style French Worker, Swiss, and Cambria Cot -4-4 Wilmmsvilie Shirtings, Amoskea-r,&c. _ , Fino asao.traont Flannels, 12H| aufl EIGHT? Merino gauze undergarments, of .Cartwright & Warner’* superior mftbo.Wo have them m at varieties for Ladies/Gents sad Coil- Hoeiery in medium and superior qaalitiesfor Gents/ and Children's wear, mclucfingalof of open-worked'Lislo-thread hose,of ,"5® and a lot of linen and Lisle-threea half hose for Gents* in silk, Bilk and LWe, Lisle thread, kid and b Nubii n Scnrfa or Clouds, of lares ei«e, la white end colora l for»teat ANS , eHogIEBV . S tORE. f epgi-mw&nf fro. 9 IS ORTH EIGHTH street. $598,804 70 TSTINDOW HOLLANDS. . T T Buff, mito. Green, and Blue, beet TBISH SHIRTING LINENS. A Stont Body and Fronting linens. Golden Flax, Dunbar & Dickson, Richardson,.Housewife. Ewart, Li.:ht Body, Stivtu.SKhtlr Linens. Imported by ShAfil'lrEijß jIROTfIBIIS. t™ 1 CHESTNUT nnd EIGHTH Streets. Embroidered bands. French. Dimity, and Jaconet Banda. Open-tvorkod Flonncings- , BO S CHESTNUT and blGHTHToiireeta, T HORN LEY & UUISM, *. • Northeast oorner KIGHTTI and SPRING GAR, Are closing out THEIR RUMMER STOCK At and under Cost Price!! I Rich Organdie Robos, INapojeon Bareges, Rich Before Kobes, Pucals andVafoßolfi* very fine Cambric Lawns, I Crape TamarUnes, Good quality of Challies, | Fanoy Riua, Ao., &o. Black Laco Pomtes. * lifkMantillas, Barege Bhawla,£*. Jnst opened, a splendid set of Foulard Silks, very oheap. Excellent Black Silks. Good. Shirting and Sheehn/Mnslina. Irtah Einena, .W, Ac., *c acgl-tf French lace bournous "with Capes, Points and Mantillas, (Alencon,) aQ at re duead W m 70S CHESTNUT Street. FRENCH LACE BOURNOUS WITH CAPES, Point? and Mantillas, i Cambrar.Jin groat profusion, at reduced BLACK AND WHITE BAREGE CLOAKS AND BUMMER CLOAKS AND DUSTERS, in sa infinite The whole of our stock is now offering at reduced price,, preparatory to the co., j-1 70S CHESTNUT Street. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, &c. Fine Black Broadcloths. Lmliea’ Cloths, light color? and black. Finn Black Doeskins and Cnssimoros. Fancy Cassimeres. Vestings, and Satmetts. R.D.-SuntmerStuOheeU,^^^ Linen goods. ~ Rost mckee }:envv end fine Linens, . Some ctioan lota is, ; the niece oryntit, Nnnkinfl. DoyllCS, lOfffllß, Dtapera, Breakfaflt Cloths,’ from 750. to Dinini-table Damask Cloths. Duuni, ta COOPER 4; <CONRAD Um lr m NINTH and MARKET, WLLIAMSVILLE. Wamsutta, and other Shirtings. ..</ Pineamllow-pricedShirt Bosoms, 'tf ' Sheetings by the yard or piece. **!, Flannefi,Ticking., ft CONR .ft-’ IjCT NINTH and MARKET v HEWS. —Fresh arrival THIS DAY at the Stereoscopic Baxaar, 113 South FO™,™. Blre6t ' W ° y nS! ie j? 1 F U RAUKJ.W. OvUeian- r—T, —, DAYID P. MOORE, UNDER niiiin. i rf i in l i r'liir gh buS^w' WANTS.'' BOARDING. TEKSONAI,. NOTICES.