—.i3L..i >.,. ' *’ lit* mynhlii •*> v Wi'p %M&>| V 4^=' e> \ ‘ : ' *<■>;»> ; •'. j„ '=>'** ii'¥f=*>;^;"-.3^|^'4-£i?^^’!:^'^ ■ - 0 ’ \&&‘.stk& ft*..*&• -* :/'V- •• • >. • ;,»■.<£>■.■; - rj% /;-;■ yb ■• !"> '■}*%'& M-j it s - ££i; > l^-~ I ;¥IANKB OPB^*V‘»KBCWI‘«dKi 1 i:^ 1 : lr -~s-:.. ; ,':.« J y ' _. ■ FOSTERS, ff, Silpk-H-i /: OARtie," - - *». WX •- v“ *' X; ll it »I*ABEIiS»; ■■■ •; ‘i, ■ iJIfAZf iWACTTEBSS.';. i >■-' 'f- .■ s r)~2 iSm '- ' jRAIiHOAp AND INSURAjijqB:; : : / ; 7 w,M'4trcHEBTHOT;OTaBKTv^iiV9.B««*»'Eif»h «!»() Hf. MATHEWB.....v.sffi, cotoV?El«v#lltfl>»J GEOftOE OAXYm.-.^i *. 8. R. JtmN..,L.. „„..'i..FSi«hi»iWl'o«»a««toira ‘ »• tfi>**, 2.LENTZ.._._„..,.„;t;Cw^^6>lP i cm«h«i4' *• DAVlfraillDLEß.:. •: Elerafrlh -•2g54-,..».-AV’Vri .»<** gig6iteS s «>»»a»Afr- «?■ j. waroirrMwUf.../.^../j:gw>g^a«»«wiiTu»y - ■.\«‘sf..M ! {j>LW' ■ v*^3rt«7>*wtfsi* Y4,tf v m.w F. M. WooD.*4i_ and. K.»^X3^2itBgCßfejgi>afegi E.S.TV&BM ~ s&i ?=•■>, .< yS3t^.» •T. 8HP8T8R....; THOS;T,BLBBT;.U.^;CoiSM®S3E»«a«tr«it. RB,tTO,V-25.S^S^ J. MflffTTjlE..._. ; -;.:....TwSj^jj^attKtyab; E W JIUKTER r „ Co«M,*s*& -'.•' » :, t'n ~. , Ail -£ _4feaj ,rt£};VlpO'’J-,v-., ■” oujfws&BSfc> ; < “ V- fg-;.; ~ ,„i r .’,.-, .■ i-Sft __ l-cr‘§^ , .i«,i?jv*nLx;'’ jV'*i rv-y/, Crujcarff, fr«K »nd ».. ' . ~, ' ,-Vi/V. H. n.,TRENOB, Aoskt, ’: ' . 'j -;"y> 'if- •-’' ' ! ' : BAILEE A KITOHBN Rani Timorti to the mnr Fir«;»T«if,_Whll« M«Me-: 'J ' ?‘4-,*-.«<’#•'< , Swre «* CHESTS OT STREET WORtH side bbm>V Thq ROJjse ’ > Now oeAninA IhpirFell ytdelc tjf ■ - «v iMroqtaD fevpiw Ri atrd VAR** aRd FANCY COODJ3 i-TAvKijti Utty i«it» tlte »tt»6tu»of the Jruhae. «•; BICvER W4R6 VaTCBES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARIJS v •& At WHOtlt*Al**!te**TA t, •winnr - ’. Bi*®i.<''^-s*v}-^i , (soifc^;t^s/-iy£\>'”'^Vi>*'ii-;'*! r~— - A *!--' < • - i • : . >vV - . * “ *1 *■ I { 'JV.3 i v^<. * i ?».<- < irttf | ?«'// (%r.s i *z&‘ i ffftEjtehr faja- J-. •■ j - u tf --.'VjiT^zn ,vi< K * ?7 r "-''^ COMPANY Ki-fjw.iiWw” «• ■> "st •,i ’ KXCOBSION TICKETS v vV ~ ''' ■ ‘ cbjb-ss.qn .. -" ii:'i r - --i-i t'.ft i‘‘ -?.?.'iifi«B Jt % '('«•!'I <'Y '1 • ‘rii Y 7 AtitEofeßNY lttoeNTAiNflV ' -•■'’* '-’ ■«(•: s;£Ej in r,t :: • :.\ V ;_. Rui . H* ; ;i-i ! -'«3OMrGII«E>KSORi*’ABB;, s;=, r A:*-' ,i:-^X• -aj I *' *^I S rr/ ‘ ”'- «-•- ; -‘A'tT.O : O3!rA ! : AJiuWRiffSSOSJ.-i -. >■• P»ri to AtKx>nSiu6lKii'ftroi;. V;'.'.:. I‘. v. i\ :.....; #r u c jg j iBHORTjraTfMtD-ciIBAjPEBT ROUTEi PHfMDSLPHIA AND HEADING RAILROAD, wfrAilE L ’ Pi amngShA&Avd by 7ACMarmiiK -TnUri.dkUf,- (Si)l fit Reading lit 10A.M,. JlflWyWit toDti SPKtNC&H C 4«: ,vy< r--*l«l£ets*palyattheft«Atfi n S -JfoiiroadiWir riser jy p tf*iiißOi»ii'aa.VlNESirteU.vi •;.- i kaj. «,»-.< iJ o. X. nioollb;' ' ■ 'Jf ff-Zm ■ ‘Ge nersl-frit pflrirr tende nt. IHPI Clln'fo««ATyßUAYi Aligait «th,' 18$.' A aood.BmWi ‘*rtr,'»wl •(TWMfMjlioir’iriUM lIIU to n»kMlii» A the CcrnmiUceViirattbe wEijff«t;gATmU>Ay:inqniii>gir- -‘;at]B-3tr-«liXrtjiirYerV,Yß«ttdaya exeeatedVfat.r... .-5 P. M,. ;;,Prei«M» for ;K«» York,»pd CAjWiMw.HwnJitloWf ntM,:.GooAi deKiMo b«7odil,NBir York xrill w p*- ,xraM»4-e(st)l v ?z-:: ah . V 1 | c!-('; s y rtiJ ' POR r-i Daring tli® ‘‘ Be»son; ,l 'a.®wtn'®r«i\HeftTß for Cape -1 «g-~ in ATTrr-vmt-f iirpy, may.— BAt>lX)^)}f rCiptairi'W'. W»iUdln,.o/ ARTEL.Captain I>«ark Jeftv«j|. Arah;- •tifetwiacf every. raonua*. pejte&O.f—,w\>u«;>» u-~.£> fir r-.Ux'fA'j;, edn*«*<}ager»br THIS lipe arrive at the friend in time, 1 Swatt T jdamatee,Horeev. and VheVtuuM rmtfee. t . , , . iri9-H*^ sKwifrc; WILSON, i- .'.1 -.«-. SEWING MACHINES! '' ■s -CBESSNIj 31 - ijfoul »orty, jtafrii^imn£Xuttb«r Jc Dickson, V- b Hk'h«rrt#on,Hoc»«Wife,f:wart > Tj'MBROIDEUEB’fIAMiS.I vii 1 MU-f Bands. • -• a aA*'" .>»> V* CHBOTNOT Add DIOa'KB Street.. ftfUIORNLEY & CHISM, , , , , *. :A’ Northeast- GAR. 'fl-'- ‘ thbi^s^SmSSS^ook l .*- | . At ftttd tff tSjpaife- 1 ;; 1 W i-tf .; Jr . C&pWf'Foinlsliwjd frfthfoftff,f AWft&ftiiPaltAfro- IssnNKij ■ ISIACKyaKW W'Ht'FE' BiHKafctObOAKB AND r«»w«iS' ] SUMMER CJAtAKS AND DPBTBBS; inr-wmaSniW : iTh» whol« of onr »toek;;i* l .»qW}»r«lilllfc*t. red u !>ed *>«■• preparatory to th* _ ij,l; .faUdftgr a JlWAatfcaTilWT'Btwet. IMTERINO GAWlplp^l^lfe - desks.' Md of lijwfloe *§?»tlet» kid and feT&RE-’" i!, ' 1 L J’ Jif . V •rt-i.y T'INEN,GOODS.- ™ ’ i «4* marlcet. .WMSSSp- "' - *tfd iow-wiead Shirtßqsoms. . ■ *« = • ? fifeeelintahSiU-yM^oiHrtew.—- CONRAD. ‘ 5 . i |y2f •zzysiy? \ .'..y2£iWOCTljL. .1 _ rwstMiTOTH.ttiMtiinUoa of W. ""W iKONise. ftrawEaM Ib^ssgßit^ .imgKsargrrF L'lh- Ife.ijMit ‘P*? 1 ! mk mm ’ u\ * -yi-’jd ' v ; v* *■■> -JiJiiUj I'iii'J'xsX '.'Jtf- t '-T ■' T T'-j i:'.- . - . ’■'■■-•■•■' y '-' •iwj -mw.. jiußMcia;'ioiNsV.r, *'Tha nuthorof this hovel is well krtovm as one of the mbsjfc eminent'otaloimtoir in Italy; and from bis present : I»<)«ition nO i leal than the striking parallel between the affeire throq centuries asb» it is He,-' Upvpa 'th^t' this brilliant' picture.'will, not He WithoUtj ita pradthfilriloeK•''*-* • - s'* ■ L •* As astory itisone'of intenso interest- The Challenge vie with Scott's famous deiorip tiou,in Mlvanljoe.” otthe,tournament-,afcAshby. The dH&faetqra' are’ mostly well k'noWn; to. history. Arnon? { the jp Bo rgia’r the infamdus«dn’of Alexander V/.- l iSpWettuUjfdrawn:'n;. /'./inr’J ~ r - I Ai a mirror of the Italian >. Character, and as. an aid, in .undprstandins thejsecrat springs of Italian history, the ■worjc jafuUdL-Valtfer. -, 1 .. - ' ' * t The-attentMndf Booksetlefs/andof the reading pub iic,ia'rdBpeotfaHjf • * T' vl l $‘ •, ;Inpne yoI. 12mo,<300pp. Price I. • . . • ‘ now heady; ' Anew jlition of that Valuable and Beautiful Work, I-'.'. J<{ ;!a- 4 ‘7 ! ,$2.2S Secretary of'the Masa’tta State Board of Agriculture. " Fqiryaud BeaUti’fdllyHluatrated'With ISO Engravings. * 11 .>lJnto'i 410 pp." Price ' * ..The most valuableworkfor Universal use among farm ers that this country. There is scarcely anything’worth knowing about how to select a cow, how to*treat;her,nhd bow to butter and th&tcanuot bo found in this volume.'-New York’ Tribune. ! • ! PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, & Co., nul-m v f.St ; : «ih|lS T CB'A WEEK’.”—Ntevy lELUSTItA ', Vr./ TRD fERIODtGAL,: .* ; /Chndocted by the besir\mtsrain,Eiirope, and lllustrft ied br the fineat artist*. * -• >.i - 7' 1 <:■>A YWVEBK.”; . i'J f, 2, nnd S, N6w Ready. , The followine'are a fetr of the rarular Contributors to •*, - ' -‘ ? ONOB A l 'W-BEK-s” 11 ■ ; *': I maSSsM”“Sf7* : : ■ Alfred TBiw/yfoN,-''; v ; ’ a. ILLEWES.' ™ «■" *‘-j -:i. - GEORGE vAi SALAt r . 7:• . , ': i ■ •■’o - ; , «co., &o. . . „ Ahd the folloinnjromlnejit Designer* and Artists are iW.VyHHMBK V . : - • C „ • J and ? are,yiow ona&le. and No. 3 ready THIS MORNlNG,wntaxnars new' afto .Or/tffnsl Fgpm, br ALPBKDTnaKVsOKjVbeaudfiulr Dtutraled hr J«>l aiiw.a;s. ; VK pent*: ftwhi:Bingle. PHee t slJoVerVolume. - - an2-at* BQ'OK.LIST.—AtL -VW* Bookaare sold at the" lowaßtpricoa,. ancl a hand-*. d«ni# to 51. ib given with Wh'&ook>ftf* \vxmmvmt, o». uf» • Liberty"-in JSvrope.; By jhe author of •» Belie Bri ttan’i VBsiv, j)> IheßflwHuth St^elL^roVßv -ffc tto/J&rrtta-etteot Chapelt Invert by Sertain. : Ooa vol.j'l2nto.,cloth. ; wi;a f qpriw,‘WA m&w.Bio-: rr.phfcaYsketelieivQnu ttHietorrofilioWir. IfrM»- da)n@Jalie de MArguentt#»; One volume,l2mo.» cloth. PBAOTIOAL CO^KpM-ipoK. The illustrated news oe the , , . WO RED! . OFFICE IN ; '« | LONPpift',{iffi. This fivorit* Weekly Jo»rr«loontntns ail Foreign airi ■ Bi>iinoiti*rehBBt«tylo of TVyitpnf Publishers and Agents/or tbeUitttect States.- I»w«« monuSatiouJiilM iiuji, arid wto wi reoeivo .oubreno libna&r,ondnippir tho troda vpulha fnperjn wooklr InnmbPrtiporfsi or volnmea; onfwhtfrd > ft>J«k of e&ob 4* together vj>ii proof illiprft*- in ndtnnteifNtin ‘*©iS Pnreooipl ofjr.Bo tho Fnpor,will,. ■ Portraif.ihU'MoKoft.sHil M frrVordWfMittty wirtof goilo(l:SiMii«p poj(cPOis,Ti}r ; W.'(fboS:Scor, if-jsre,-; ,flnd tho PAMrsenfc.WMkjyjport raid, for 63 woe Vs.. tba*pr«*eryimc tWo pftsiri«g'ftiroji*h -tho the approaching: EXHIBITION u^^uadelpbiAionthelot* yQU& DAYS OF > IThsjf deafen to fewle a' tP b* eircu- Utsd:amon*that class of person frpm »hroaq whom the todinary advertisements Vnlt not re/wji, end who will betikely to be induced to AttendthpFawifthesiest facilities for the trwjsportotion of Articles end foyKx aUrsiObistt 'mL3©'bVib«EntJr’3adB, apdthe increased number .aC-cUuses Aipon tlielr -Pfemhim Inst, niuUJje twJpwrtiWrfuriwVtWyoetratfkndaof theKxhib'tfion. • Jwmwttfc lhoa9 ; tho_citr.(lurlpst)iaExfn- T Th«'wUol« will IwmadO'UP m u to.for»iph iptirejhpt 1 CiftnEr, firofterms nwy be obtained Mean epplietton * .^Rb 0 /^dMpiraß.'s.e-,,lfeTri.bn w ;. i {yao^r l^ mJlnwte&EiAoV PHlladelpbln. THB PIBSTI'TWO VISIONS OF , THIS ;BQGK O^jwnEjU,fliT Key. William Noffton. l2mo. 7A cents.. ' * «• * /4'«^‘Ir(tTJC*K>*'.TIWPMIM, '' ' i t'Ther*.fta warmth, of tone and feeling-about ime make it not unacceptable-ton largo eUs* jofTQadara. /.Ita practical oameetneea and, rove-, /jjpPWnen«atlonti.—Jann6r:j)f '&S and tfre worthrofattoatio/i apadoahajderfttiQn. cAlifti thoiishlCul, ear n'eei, *trfjroV«fiWftljfimd*'»ndjniay consultedyitfi profit. •fPrwbygriM , , ~. l esirsiw..i .-.ti •- - = may Bwks ■ xhs wwiirjnifncri iJftfM tK»tfirf.f»a« frMuehtly for . iala bMfciprrafciitftyreefc iS&VaAYaHR> Kntfisoo; SSrty StQtlu*, Bb*fiW CoVp, HtiHf tW.Yatj i Bnotai j£«ra Mb feiencii®,’Political Ecqnomj% Ga ve rnmfl nt. Arc Hi too tU ro < i IkS 1 !!?*: .o joHygAwra^.i'- 1 ' ANOB^COiS^W^No.' jP;-ij)» citaeTOT’rstreot.i'inLADELj’iiiA. •. :: oF - j • CONFINED TO FBtB AND INLAND ilfiSiCS. feIMOKJ. WAHHH. ... . E .'°fWfuiti Dfo»., ! Si Co, ’ ' wiiliuitWi*W*irfEßSj &72* t Jp£o> * MENRT liBWWt Jf« Mwlii CO* =,. ... *'j^lyHXN #fA»’»p WILLIAMS . ■ -■•■> w*-‘f IrrilE -.'SfOCJlt : (iF~'wINDPVr,HI-Aga, Jt -oßbrali PAINTS of'iMP'M*? to s ' Mfajwa# Ky%Hi6*(>irrbV(ill Ipariawißalitf o{ thaa oan.W.ha4. lelMwhera., „ ~. -..r - * . neniy TVAVAI. STORES.rr-935’ ,bbla. •, Shipping! ITALY AND* FRANCE 1 IN THE X.VIT Hj CENT UK Y; % , ETTORE PIEBAMOSCA AT;bARLETTA, A.’H KISTOBICAIi KOVBW by Massimo frAZEoiiia; f UILLIPSi SAMPSON, & Co. MIDCH COW'S DAIRY FARMING BV chas. l» bb'int. PUBLISHERS. BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA, iflßil ; ' FRIDAY, AUGUST' S, 1859. . : Letters, from Euvopn-.N0.13. [CorrespondonWbrThe;Press.]. | ! . ■ ’* ;Turio 23,1859. Air. iWn reached,sornijf,th6capital of tho' ‘.Swib Confederation,. toward.tfre ievening. of the day; on which I loft you'on tho rtiad-Bide in my last letter. I pqasod ,a few. fine ertd 7biousos on the way, tollfcs ofßerncSo ■aristocracy,, ,ocoA; r eiqnal glimpsejtff tho distant Aljw.' i The next day, ‘ ft dronohing rain proved tho .utility’ of .tho curious old J arcades-whiah front, tho hqtisea of Boijno, enabling you to walk from...one end of,the toirp to the v other-under covei*; Little-shops of every.description lmd 'tbfeso dreadesy ond. as'tHey .ftre goneraily very shallow, thcy'ard not 'nfently darkenoil- by- the,low, arobei.whiqh open on the styoot'and Bosldes,most of their'wares, afb oxpOßed upon. stanfa outsidOj'’ so that ’you pft33 tlirciugh .all { of merchandise, a s though ft markethouso, wbor'fl you seo-alfoomi pied nt their difForenL stands, : Wdniert are^ siting outside wUV ’thovr.JmlUtuqry hpd ! men taking pipes and;cofibe, aiid a.gamo pf Qfthls or dominoes; and an occasional group of old .Women with ' ihoir kDifUDg'. 'in an oaraoit confab, with puss parting on tho bonoh at thoir Bide; ' Along tho main street thero.flow* a small, narrpw c.anal, con necting the -various fountains, which; aro'-rangod down its centre. Tho living groups of women'aTid children nitmnd these .WAtot^wi'tKHy;'siiaa .thlkir salads, wash novel sight. The house-maids,da tho pretfcy.Berneso cpslume, come and goy bearing UiCirpnilsor curious copper, vases of .Water and thqchll idron play wlttihqjr.chips rf«4 bqats ; in'thq running waters. , 1 , These fountains are a most-striking feature of fltl'EdMnofih at-Bernb they hro particnlariy sof. being yqry, old and in design. f I noticed one snrmounted by a .'grotesque ogre swallowing a baby, Ur .ten.more strung around him kicking and squalling. Upon thq column, pfji.nothor i tlieye is : a hear-Taurmor, supporting tho Bernosq flag-aud sHleld: f , * • ;THo Beinfeso coat-of-afrns Is arampont b6ar upon ajpathway of gold!ahdyohse'o-Bniin' sculptured ■ in every Iranglnnblo position frrnll ’parts of tho Idwni The tHriheof'thofqwhiS derived firOjn the bcar,_andits early traditibris,fn connection with that animal,, havenot qnly hoen presorVed^nVood 1 * and stoned but threq immoneo living spcciinenS fli'O fldil kopfc fn’ipQit quarters, atjGtoyorn merit expense, andfnrnlsh great iport to ths people ty'thelr hinny pranfe ; ; ' . : ** *' ~ Borne isjroil baiU, ; wittjn gray stone, in anan- . tiquq style—the broad windows opening nearly on to the floor, And with on iron rail.forming eitheria senior Aflower stand, Stcat of them nrecnshinned with. Scarlet, and tia it seems ( fo bo quite thd habit to sit in tile window and'sow,'yon may conceive how ohoerfal and attractive they must ho, tilled ;with flowery Or fair 'occupants, 'tlbo'cathedral is much finer than'that ofPribnnrg. : Oyep t))o prim, cipnl entrance is a bas-relief ofthfi LaatJudgmcnt, and-,on oithor side figures rh'q.tVlee and Foolish 'Virgins.' It contains ,a Very largo jujd elaborate'orgiut.r.nd the stalls of fhoehoit-are among tho' most. perfect specimens pi" 'Carving in wood th&t l huyo seen, The KeHglockonihurm is an’ old tower or gateway, in, which ,tiicra is Vqlook. ■ of‘curious moohnntnm, A cock flaps his wingi and orows, afiguro strikes'tho hour 'upon A tOlf, and small boars in armor and. other figures mated a pro-, cession, which is highly .amusing «?<}ro pleasing and graceful accent of tho French. Their costume is very protty : alow boddioe, with a white bosom; velvet pQlJar, high in the neck, and embroidered with steel beads, fastened In -some complicated way to the boddlco 'With aqqaqtity of. silver chain t which hang in-fes* 1 toons undor thc arui, feefar* ind behind hy largo fiiagreo brooches! Tho white' sioev.ofi .are generally ironed-Inono broad etnrehod plait, like a BhiTfc’bWhr 1 On ftte ddys they wdar jaunty little T yellow, fiats, wUh’jjja&gQs of jjowera taking the place of 'tho crown- Xt la by far the!prettiest of the Swiss costumes; * , * | Tho environs of tho town arc very protty, and Afford many beautiful walk's And- drives.' ’ Tho old "ramparts a]so subservb that ; more’peaceable and agreeable end' for the ‘Jserr,fife of pur time,, and -hoing well- beautifully Bedded,vwitli pi only: of benches with comfortable they ifi&ko g moist- inviting pvomonado. There- are a groat many hqtc4 fn tfrp town, somo ef them largo, and all of them apparently well kept. ; - Voh.re ttyly,, ; . , W. j Letter fVorii Mankato, Minnesotn. • ~ 'd ' . .1 . Jur.y 29th, 1859. s Sinoe ray. return from tho Fast, I delayed writing! 1“ order to giro you an Account of the form ing prospects in our county.aud/Uhough ; l do not speak frp?s tpy.own observation,uot having, boon Pufc njuch lb the‘country, yet'X Ijiaye, 4k®« especial ,palps taposfc myVelf up from thoso .who are conyer flfint with.tbo/fs thflitofs.Vr. .. / ; a ■ t)ariog Ifvet month wo.had frequent showers, and • some very wm ifeathor j and it was feared for a while, that the in danger. of the rust, iut fortunately itbas escaped sofar and Is looking, will yieldfinro thirtyto forty biwbels.on aopo> liift few days it ttUI to bar. i yest. ‘ T|te corn is into# remarkably' “well, oiid for a couple of weeks during fyo, .yaftif feather it . Sprung up os though boohed .ty. tjio magician^ , yandi mucli of H tain blossom,, i*; ' > . Oats also look woll; ttitamfo 1 thick, and will ilfeo yield handsomely. - Barley qnd buckwheat tfive teen sown io some extent', and, from present appearances,' will'prove crops. There has boon moTC, grhinof every dbadtiption sown in BluqlSai’tb county* this Reason than ever before, and It is csiouiated that we will kuVo a large sur plus for ''iHS’TQaJTy refreshing to soe ‘ fWfarih'orfl in auoK jrood/spiiflts after bavin® mot with thft'losscstheydid ‘a; year 'agothey almost begin fo think good tirno” is certainly at hand. • ‘ ‘ “ ” ' ' ' " % ! Quito an excitement existed this spring'Sn our violnity, in - couseqnonco of ginseng having boon found in the woods k adjoining the town. Lure©' duuntUlfes' nf the-root jVoro due and shipped to the East, thus putting many W dollar into the ’pockets of inoao realty ncMipgrcUef. ' f Two Hslnnoni? fitartDd .jhr tho purnqao ht drying dna.propimng the foreign mutKot, They artf, however, doth*-nothing-at proaont, but Waiting for, the' fnllylold, ds itls tftld to,Kti wneh that time. 1 Iflitsaid thatfrom ten to fifteen thousand dollars have been brought hofo from for this nrtfety Inoticedlarge quantities6f it b : cipg'6hJpped''to yWcU i • wirr«6na: you' iy mill,-; ttJOTtby, ‘affording yppr.friend ah opportunity of judging 'forthem selves," ‘' ‘'' l * -t ' “ ' 1 from foyty to fifty busings have bpop erected during thd.sommef;'and dUrOf 4 superior onaroo, ■ter to ,tkqso,’,laofv?i says tliero (a atiH ■neArlybalfainllHcm.of flows, of Oovoramositlnnil |ln tbat.dlatrlot eubjoqt tfl.ontjy, Mst H per. acre,, , aniabont 800,000 »?rec.of, t ;bo purchased at $2 50 jwv acjro. ... /Voi«,i« tho time, !it lava, for the poor -man, to got a good homo in |lowo:wttb WPaorpsdfflp«lana : fg:r $209, . ; 5,;--1859. j t t . ■ * ■ -*• ■;;" |$ ■ '"Ftfveigir Miscellanies*- ?m sr- ■ .; -T/fit QpBKN 'has'.-ljeen cplcaaed <’to- appoint -.the ChatUs KingslOYj'Jr/Reetor.cf Rversloy, to bakme in Ordinary, to .her itajps^. —Londoiir Gazflte*..., . T)rf .Aberdeen HmrW-states that the royal rcsidefce,, ia jtUe irighlanas. will this year .bp l plfl Tiit Sweets of a- Chancery Sub;—ln ihe OourtjOnMoiiday/tho Paso Lord iff. {%iri occupied the attention of Sir R, Ti Kin dorehwfor; A.consUlcrablo time. , This coao comes, on pnfa seven snita relating-Jo-the estate of Dr. ; Peter CqehrnnG, now hniouuting to’ upwards of £217,(00/ Tho litigation haa boett'cominued for twentt-six yoftrrf/ Involving.quoßtions of donsidera bio ,»c«ty -and- importance.-,; Dr.. was amed»cql,offiqprin tho lndian son ico' , ( Tdtj Gbnring-cross Railway.BiH has passed the It- ,wos decided thatr tholino w»U be mojd.aivonbgemis to the‘public, .that thoro was no' .'preforUdo plim' before the House; and that com pensftfion is to be' made to St; Thomas'S Hospital as tiisr#W The site of the station is to' bo. jHunarford-markot. Thp bridge over the river ’will *?o /upon--tho piers of thp'present suspension* br»4g»yand the lino wIU then connect' the Water loo tJftjtfoh of the South* Westorn ■with tlie London* hrhjgf station bf'tho South-Eastern.' ~ . .Jjtifrn op- llekrt .Gbattan,’Esq/—nenry Ctfattflfl, Esq., only surviving sou nf, tho/immortaL GrftttaiOf ! 82." died suddenly; on Suqdayyathte ro-, sidome inWlcklow.. .Mr* QmttnnwasTn Lublin,a 'Jew iUys since,"fu exoollonfc .hoall)i and spirits/ and; jMcmlngiyb}d 'fair foVa‘ long-arid Vigorous dire; fids’death will bd a'sevorO lois to tbaiubora)' dnorgbtic,'nud; truly nottea#!, ho was, always peady to come forward on. .any Bffiilfe occasion to Msorttbp rights of the nod!, plofcwof tho/country. In darty life- Mr. Grattan reprognted theclty of Dublin ; ho afterwards re- the' county of Month.for aconsiderablo, period; but since; comparatively,., in Xiiffata Journal., . - GovernmeD^duroonjunctlon with that of Ernuce, is preparing to.send putcom raiKUhors to'Turkey' to inquire 'hit6 /tho ,‘,‘sick man f r firiapeja! condition.' are-qatUlod to do. this, being: gnarantoo for’ tho Ibur p'er cent., loan raised-at’thoVtiuio-of-Uie war rah Rqs*ta.... - r , - . r t Adolphus Stade,K. O. 8., a distinguish ed naval officer and. vice-admiral in the service/ has been nppqfntcd adiplrnl com mabtingln tbo 'Qdlden and president bf the Turkish naval opart known as the Ipmnn'Qtfassy. Ties# Offices give Slr tho ranh oft tninifl* teft ls the hrst time dn .the history.-of the Ot,to mmvKmpir'e that a .Christian,.has been ndmltled h mtsnperpf thp . Slile'fi abnualritapco with Turkey 4 utfcB sojjjo 25^r$0years. .-«V /* ‘ Tlii Logifelativo' Assembly of New Smith, have voted £l.OOO as the premium for the’ bc^V'design for now Houses of-V&ruapient .and Co-> vomfcont dffiopg,, cqiflpctitiqh is.QP9n tqaUthe v?om; .. ./. ‘ . ' Kjws prom SebASroror. .—The mercantile bark‘Westbrook, commanded by Captain Eohcllo, Wltfoh left* Sebastopol on the first of March; has ar •sfypi' at Hull, witn 1 a cargo. Consisting.' fhlcfly of Wi6 and: futty;*]? Bjficyp -nf .Jjnglhjti' Frtoch, and Russian, rqost pftho JaUcr being in ex&lentcondition. Capt. Bohclio stated that,hit anjVfcd in Bobostopol on tho-18th of Jnhunry, and at nain bo still cannot fail, to admiro tpore and more! thq-mqro thqy sßoo v of him, that ■‘»?£ad£jjfat. combination-,qf,moral aualliios whigh to.gaiu so oxtffldralnary, ah asdon- The tone in whigh vomo df-his former-p'u pll» rMo Kwefi ia T«y cxpjioable, aftet; &npq ,an exhibition as that wo eaty yesterday/ What he docs .is simple enough, and may he told ih hnlf-an-honr’s lesson; but io practise it it Is necessary fopossoss the cou rnaeilooolneg?,; and equability of. texhpor with wfijeft Sfr-Raroy. i# i»,sp rcrnarkable a .'d wa.< first'exhibited', and hi.* docility Bhowh off in a varioty of wnysJ ; . An animal with no traosuftlly. introduced, to onqblo Mr, Hiircy to practiqal explanation of tho procc?9 ,pf, U 1 ayihg, uoyrn■ ? a hoho. This oporatiQh**U3' ’'soiho^'toso 5 Inqludo' the whole R * Mr.' Karoy' tqok. qare tq. this is a great miqi,ake..,.Eyory motion ho makes is apart of the system, for .evcsy thing ..ha-doos is done in the kindest possible-way, yiew of; engen dering a feeling of confidence in 'tho equine mind. In “ laying dqq n n a hqrso Rarey stands at his near shoufdQj:, qr. 4 q aoptlo pqt induces him to raise fils ne&r foro log, as no would fqr a blaok /smith. With tho greatest alacrity/but with the Utmost gentleness, hd thou.gHpa. tbc loop,of ft strap rqund the hoofj.and fasten? if .up by wrapping the strap round tho thigh. The horse is now standing on thtto Iftph ft«d|s pawortoas'fqrmlschiof. . On. the hirst opportunity ; Mr, . lUroy ,fttt«obe§ aqqth.ef, .andalougor strap to tho off foro hoof, 'and passes tho end through, the ‘bellybnftd,' holding it in his right hand,' wuilo ’with bffl' ? left (iC the uorso is-a biter) be kofijiS : th°' off’rei* 1 gcntlk tightened, so that the hQrto's mouth ! ljo mtsabiovmw, At tho first stqp that tho. animal juq>r ‘rankoa Mr, Rarey pulls tho strap attached to .tho off hoof, and tbeborso v fallBonhia krioed, (tho arena jstwofeot dddp t ,v how bq will ho ii’conqncrod/ Hd may rearna wihjly as hd lijtcs r, Mr#- RareyViron yighChand..P«vor. slaokohs its holdV both hi.® front iega qro qmj tj|e iyild 7 ost stallion lliat evor bronthod Ts oldigod to give up at last, and resign himself to circumstance by lying down altogether. '.Hoivdt'ls tbat-AOcr'lhls simplo -operation the b&ast.gotf^np'janjQ,.remains « great Mr...jffaFey explains it by saying that ho (the beast) ha? now.pccppio conytoebd ,t)iat he (Mr. Itaroy) isthe'strongosthhiTnaVqr the t‘wo,andconsl . dors It futilCto struggle any moro} hut; thia supposos reasoning pqwors of a much higliotordopthan woaro In Uio baj.lt of olttihutloil f|l >i iiriUfi fif <»ny Wiid bfr. Raroy’s.wholo system, however, is t ft proof that “ horse nature ” really’la'a'much highor thing than we arc In tho habjtbf supposing,' This opora tlpn, though An Impqrlant'part; i» yery far from •being thewhqle lncvor y.thing the animal is trcnted'WithMhd piost patipnf never JoiMt vff ftny ob* lect frightgna himVlt-ts always shown to him, and his nofte’fdtokcd wffh'lt. ’ In harnessing.a horse q common-mistake -Is"to -cdnqea! ‘ ffqjp hiiq ‘ things which frighten him. • Mr. Itaroy-doqs exactly tho reverse—nrnkok him • examino everything. In teaching a horse to follow his mantor nemo men pull • him; af M p * B flre y J? tonching him to This hjs wholeconduotj kindness nhd persuasion—these nrobls watobwords. Wbilo still af. secret/ tho-wonderful horso-tamiog process w.oalooKM upon by overy one aa a miracle, and Rarey tho.remarkablo man of tho age.'* JfoWthn.t time hngsuowhthc process to bo qffeotnal—now than wo hnfofqppd ft to bo a more humnnoxystom that man had evCr thought ivosalblc—it would be foblish indeed to begin to Blight' or tq fqvgfit what.tho world owe# to tbc mi dono nearly/if not quite,.as much’to losson physioaKsuffering as any that have yfefc -f * 1 : 'A new fifitriart tenor, Keir STaycr, said to possess a rnognlficoct voice, has* Just appeared at RrßnswlcliK':- I , ;\'L’ IJotwcQpi January and May of this year tho different'theatres bf'rtalyhavo-performed twonty tbreo new opera.v Onoalono, bV Verdi, ‘iUn Ballo in Mascbora> ,?? -two by Oortcel, .'•* Almtna,” and VLadamoft Son-ire;'’ “ leabQlla'd ? Arngona, ,, by Pcdratti; “II Dlavolo a qudtro>V by. Lpigi Ric ci, Ac., XiOuii} JvoaguTit.— Tho JVir,ni]|{[lmjn journal baa learnt from private Information thnt.M. -Kos suth’gfaraily woro .preparing to proceed to Italy, and two to have departed on, Saturday, but tho nows of tlje peart?} arfeate4 the{p On Thursday evening .they received from jf. Kossuth; announcing his safe arrival in Switzer land,' Ho thus seems to.havo lost no time in leav ing Italy immedfatoty on tho’ iiews of the treaty,- and so cscaped ft'copfot'cnco 'witli tbo JJjnpercny r |ho of tlm' Prussian journals bc Beritn Jt)io qotiouis gonorally entortaiued that both Austriaand Franco chqse to’provcut the realization of Gorman unity rather than remain true thp pompous announcements of their Italian intentions. .The momout, v writes a correspondent at BerUh ? 'that Germany threatened ip paiso hopaolf to thomjgbt and dignity of a great co'untry, : ono and unBefga says hb ia asßurcd that oho of tho last things uttered In'the-"now celebrated interview at Villa' Fttnoa ifaS' 1 mbdo hy tho Emperor of, Austria to patfs.somodnya. nejet winter,at tho Tuil* ories, . Tho writer adds, Umt tho English Ministry!* .already demanding how Ipng, thaFroncli trpopearo to remain.in ltaly.; : jL sfßyr :: Attjsu .of Tittu.ittH; r iN;;PMtis.— A row!titibu : hagbeen paBacd fbr the creoUonbf\a tri* uimphaVurCb ’ fo 1 the * armV of- -Italy, This monu ,m«itr whlbh'^Ul‘Bbft Several million?, tfill.osten*; ‘ [slrny fl&bspribtiQti.'.bttt itisporfcotly* jwell ptideratbod wbonoei the principal - 1 portion : of Ithe fftiwHtt b««Wfl|aifteenV ' monumenti-to4)e,'exocnted-in aWnet- andrto rival In , elaborate work,and finish ttat of, theJßarrlere clo I’JGtbno. VThe Vas J relfefs' arp'aTroady'disfribhtod' aihoiigBt tho' ;: best I ScnlpfoY \* • A is said,lias been made by fho Tuscan Provisional Government to the-Em peror of the’French, informing Kim that the Tug -oanpooplo are ddtermlned not; to receive the Grand Duko.bnok ou»ny..torm>,, to, replied,that ho woiildnot force the.Granfl Bake ou thorn,* aqd tbht all no urishes is to fprm an '.ltalian• Confodtralfoni ahd 'nothing knorCi Tho King ;of metn I )>9i:of Confederation. . \ accords, oh certain cohdiiions, the title hflfdnbrhry* President of.> the • I to! lan I Confederation; The at;Kpme, • .<-»7jsd.A’&frf;sfatos,mQng mi!iiary rnen at SiM? that; an underathiidihg hail been arrived at b'c- IwecntheETOperora Of:RuMla,’Anstna, and France, j?t¥, ch 'lbg £ ,hipg . j ■;Coimt >ARKsjsis ainnn tria could Kayo naught to urge. Sho might her self have appointed him tOk Tusoany or to Modena!, if either of tho Grand -Dukes had toiled her, Aroso.haa been,-during A longi lifoj' iho, intimate M6nd of. liouiS)NApolo9n v lie,,yraa,with him in Abicrloa In his young days of adventure. *' Ho' was •nUb him throughout all this campaign ; ami, in oYdor that ho might have- a proper pretext for being constantly in ,ttjo .onmpany of tho Emperor, ho hold the omolal position of Sardiulan Oouimis sipner with the French *rmy. Arose, moreover,'is siTiQmbard„.and-not aJPiedmontese. j Ho has no embarrassing of a. consUtutionaf chk rcotcr. Ife doubtless m r. ; Jt iq stoM that’tlifite bPw ipopers have boon dsrabUshcd at Miunv-the Xo rdia, which is to bo tho official organ pf the ucw Government f II Xanqro, aßadidaVwbckly; an &'LdGente Zatinai L|bcral didixpaper; , . - ,- 1 of twin imfc ,Qis«nft4 a OTiSunanW ftp n-tq o»crc4 tq Oaant - Cevpur, -i . . a OoafiiA.—A clergyman was lately dopioting,before A docply interested audience, the Alarming-indroaso of intemperance/ wheo he aa tounded Jhis hc&rors by saying: “ A young woman foi my neighborhood* died voTy suddenly last Sab-i bath, XwM preaching Gospel in a state of beastly intoxication< *.. . . *' 'A r itqsT has just come off in r h|gh life jn B»rfs/.;Tho old Viscount do L-- has jpst wop. 3,000 - jTranbs by playing billiards for 30 younger man, The conditions includedbating and drinking, tyit;olwttV£ to : ta£e;nlttQo standing.* At the end of- twelve hours the 4 Marqul3 gave in; and : aSkcd leave to continue with some game to ~be played 31 tting. This was acceded to by tuoViscount, and piquet was fixod upon., For twelve hour4more tho'game was kept r qp, when de 0-==r foil asleep, am| ijio Viscount was declared ;tbe winnfer. : - ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE TREATY. - [From Le Nprd {Russian or?nn), July 21.] ' ’Preparations arc' making for the carrying but of tho Convention of Villa Frauoa.* Count Estcrhoiy is sent to Poris by tho Cabinet of .Ylenna In order to nrriro at S' preHmiqary understanding upon the points left undcoluedr The Italian duchies aro equally preparing l , to plead thoir chuso with 'the great courts. Tno-Tuscan .Government,- among others, hns’sent the Cavalicra Poruzzi upon a spe-. emt mission to the Emperor Napoleon. At Modena a registration has been opened to coliect Voices. .At Florence tho provisional goyernment has put the electoral law |h force! ondls preparing ta convoke a constituent assembly which shall decide the governmental question. Forced restoration hv the aid of foreign bayonets has beeome'impossihte in these canntfieri and in presence of tho ngitntiou which reigns throughout Central : lfcaly, the arbitra tion of a Congrc.sA can qlono prevent lamentable ex* ploribns, Vf* l«arq also M. Mqteqccj has been *9rit on a special mission Irom Tuscanydo London. AHmon herb whose opinion is worth anything agree ; as to tho ine rearing difficulticaof tho Italian question. ‘-How/ 1 it is asked, 4 *can bayonets bo tunfed Ijgainsfc tho yery-peqnle. tor we have heon Hbeddingour blood like.* water 1 AVill ohr gnltant ißoldlors follow, or will their pfficera load tbejn on in such a monstrous -cause os that of tho twin Dukes of Tuscany and Modona^’ 4 Andypt, to judge from present appearances, to that state pf things are we coming: It is qujtq clear that the return of- Giegp ilukos will bo resisted! by force, At Leghorn M. Gisocssi. thp oqlyfluooecdbu in dispersing a riotons nssomhly hy'' undertaking, nponhisown responsibility, that tho Grand Ducal family should never pot foot again in Tuscany. A Congress, jf such can bo assembled, appears the-only modo of coming'to anything like a settlement of the ques tion. »Vo know not-what aro tho advances said to havo been mnde either to or by tho English Go vernment on this question; bnfc if; cpqaiatcntly with her dignity) canQQiisent to appear in Con gross, how U the Hnio when her voice may bo heard to advantage in behalf of Italy. r kossutit. [Correspondence of the London Pnst.l Toms, July 18.—Count Tolek|'and G&norals Klfipka and I\mety nto how. and Kossuth loft this morning, for Pairs', to have a,?i interview with the Emperor. ' ' Tho Hungarian have already shown syiflptpmff'of disaffection, and, lately, desertions havo l bci»h frequent nnd'nqtflorom A short time sinco, ns many as bitty deserted en masse; They wore retaken, placed hefore a battery, fired upon, ‘with grape; and-a|l' killed but two. Atßre,<*eia there wore two deserters, one of,whom boasted of* •haying killed his colonel, and the (ithor of shoot, ibg his rnnMr wh°n In notion. Here again the ' want of faith of Austria is' losing for her hey best soldiers: Tho best swordsmen and ridorS she possesses in her cavalty are tho Hussars—the bold • eat and most dashing; and, if led by their owneoun . trymen. as good as any in the world. But her system 'in this is narrow and bad; nipst of the Hungarfari J regiiponta t*r6 Rahomlana and. others,' for all ‘of whom tho .Hussar has a profound con tempt—fbr his oWn nobility tho groatest respect.' I h&yp been told that the sword cuts given by some of,these troopors have been extraordinary. I r£r memberhaviDg boon'told* that during tho war in Hungary ‘ they repeatedly killed the Austrian drains, cuttipg though thoif iwn helmets as if maqo of oni'-uhqard. Their Infantry, although nqt by-any moans so ilivoVlto a service—As ihoycopeidor wearing spurs a wrt, of right,, and are very tenar coousqu that nqint—rik admirable; and the mbit arc tho thowhoioarmy,' and yet'Austria puw, by hor misgovornniCnt; hoc ohstipAflyi and her. ar-r, togancci has CAirtf) r flWWi her interests with .these Vivn wost seriously.' Sho Is eyidontly ontlie point of recoiling a qevore lesson, even supposing that, tho present poaoo he ndvoritagoopa tq nor, of; yfovjh in the end, there is evory reason to qault, . . abem to haro'continued his auooc9soa;''>Fronv- the.time he fol Unto tho ambus*:' cade which r tho Austrians, had ,lu|$ f° r hkq.near, Varese, sowo tinia,smae,hQ has b ; ccp rather rotyo-; grading than advancing. '' The reafu\ts which wore ourollM’afr Brcsciaopq Milan in such .numbers, be ing iQH.at-tho depot with nothing, decided about, them for days together,*at .lost settled tho quqstiorf bybeiugabsout with leave when wanted. At Milan noticesiwora.flgcuida'tho walhj;to spy.pU suqh would bo nunridurod/desertorsri, btlUkoy have hot §oiio' back, u'ud “now, inStoad'of the 10,000 so mcn rtoiousfy asserted lately to bo With himpXJcpowho has hardly>l,Boo-JJHm«:; •; <'<.*., , • •- ~ , A lottor, froia.Eloronco to thn London Times States tbat h|M. Koaautb,‘Klaj»ka, And Tclokl, who had Constituted* ihemsoWca in that city as.a Hun garian oomraittao, huyo soparatod,.reuoimciug ull prolcots of political action. THE LATE QUEEN OF PORTUGAL. ! - • Tho Idsboa correspondent of* tho Daily-News, writing on tho ITtb. sdys,Thedoath of thoyaang and boautiful Stepunuie, Quoon of Portugal, which took place this evening,"at 8" P.'M., has plunged tliO capital into grlaf, and expressions of unfeigned sympathy end.regret arc hoard everywhere; in the streets and,poffcQ-houac3 nothing .also is' talked, of, for tho yoiuig Quoon, by the simplicity of h'or,man ners,' hc't uuuhttusivo piety, .and hof great charity; htid - won tho hCiirts -all olasSos, from-tho noble to thb cottager. . ebe 5 passed along ihO/< atroote. hut twelve mouths ago, a; blooming brido; how her gcntlo ,and winning ' ways ' immcdintqly gained tor her tho affections of tbe pPQplor &nd softened 1 and' altered tho gloopiy arid moody habits of the King. Tho Queen's illness commenced; on Mondaydast;* when her Mujosiy accompanied..tho King. to : y©ndaa 'Novas. proving., Cannon-.: Th«:.dW f oWiburD|ng..ho l t s on tho jaaude-tliero ltt ; tl,&,pr- r npsha4oo 4 ShoHly.aßer rotumiug-hotoe ; her of,au J in; rdiBpositiqn L wqi(?hiaifiyBt,jwos‘ considered {result (recognised a? dlpihprk,) its TWO: CENT S/i r J’ ?.’C r>r h- “ ; * r, i s'j .StUfidinee J>f Breomez kfcriwtffcfct art *o ttßi&thKxafalgaS&Biu Yoitorday fliqraing, I wwtojj? -.sot id, and/Blicmt r riorudcation‘-appeared. ip the this jMtfa&/Jjft ? Biraas I < &f thewis&S-" ‘CordnJwhohrtsahigfrireimtotidufdPtAa.tTeatmtfnJPf. .thift waaaallM(}in,,buthe,^tonc.e; up the caso he KbpelesJ. Towards ere pin g i fc~ Known about to e'^lac'6[-ri&r the EnglWColi lege, wasirv arid admmiatereitbe coh-- relations ,of,rpHgipnai}d the last rites of the Churolu .Xhej bod .was surrounded fey tbb‘ sorrowing ‘KfS and, the rbyul io fclfof whom thl Quoenhfta * badOarod, herself: tut:tmu&h- as,.if .Hcr.relaticushrp- tlyjm .had fceepjUfeiotfe. *,&.".'.rfArkißALCit' fMilnn (Jtiijr 15) eorrestwndonoa or (he Nord.l i ■ lam nblo lo cojnnmnicato to you Some details reifttivo to Garibaldi and his rorp.' il'armer. ' , iou niayresdily'imaginb'thattho'caffclttsidn of peace ndd elicited soiriaftpprMicnslonas-lQUijy con duet srJlioh, tbat.cCrpayrouldpurwe&iShjote nlwa-vi .thought thatthasoldiers of (fa'ftjj.'iiijj would ß&ie . the) grief which the separation■w?VBmtia‘.mti,il - h'aropxeitcd-tn tlieit lhey' been eVeropljwy' amoHg'iSqk.;- < dsii, ffifhetj* ii?t£o eAae. Oh Iho arrival of thsfhlwa of peacOr Qeuf Garibaldi assembled j bis Boldiefc&jiad after hayin# l : h.noffl6«ddre*iho^i vitdd, (hcih lo renew the. oath‘of tideUty'lS"wS: King, whicli-' fh'ey did Withodfloppos/tiom 'f-Tlfiy condnet, whioU refleets hooor On'all concerned jh it.- will move to.lluropo that tho pretended, revolution’ 1 . • ary.elementln'lthly fully comprehend.; Hie Itbporl anco-(,f 'ooncbrii). ft is orortbyofremari&Jhnt' the volun toe/a of Qaribaldv.tberffnrffa great . A Viehna edrretftotfdenfof the 'Lohdon '’Tim**? -writing on the iDthof : July,vrenmrkf: ',Th6‘ afikrr. ..on tbpStolvio. on tbo,Bt|i■ jnst.,jnust hjvvo.becna shajpopo'nsjhbfrcocorps.had'ono hundred mefi terhhat'- '■ -Qrfribaldi-;' wftd'comiriftnded 1 In porsoir/had bottaen. .4,900. and s,(Wo,inco,h>td Huym.wpo ocqqplc/1 an'ex ce)Lorit *?k)Sition:;3'ttQO*^’regdlb? ffbops'*knd hundrcil- ; Tyrote?© l ? * Uaribaldt Kiep% :; wW wept with g liog oC JfUQp ..to, JJormjp, thnt hq and mastdf hful bbilfchk arid u: •*' ;i ‘‘ -The London HerAl&tA tte-.m h°r4 f;? '“ft Wlffl-haa Keca TO 9 f ; tha corps of.Qoribajfdl. A letter fromAlilanTin* that taatirheriliri-hdartldho the' renowaodgneriiM Mti&mr their l oa^h j ta, the Oting, Aslto .his gubseqn.cnfe movements the* J?ran6o-Ku&lan' paper leaves' 1 corripletcly ih the dark. i ‘ * v ; s i)v:,•; ’ - '' GREAT ;-.t- *jUl i. In.tho Hotuerof.LrirdSjon iErido-y, July ;22.' the* Manjois pf asked whethec .it might be . inferred from the Frehoh' EmperoH speecb thaf ltaliin princes * reqogfciljed the brns - the, (sov9rnmcnt? hatrag pod notice of Ihe question; declined’Outer-'’ ipiintodetAils. /i v. n u , u In, answer, tq'-Mr* I?., GriffitbSi Lqrd J* Bussell saw .thqt no provision was made in (ho treaty of. tbrtheibroible militaiy 1 rbstotatioir to power of>th& expelled Xtaliap it the .intention ol,,ihe> Emperor of-the -Prench to, uso force to attain that end, w • - - It is expected that Parliament will rise about the^ August*'.; iXhe,.finanoial.>arrS!JgeihoiilsrwiJi l probably be completed hy.that • time,., and nothing else la ijVoljr to ho attorided to.' 1 r : iK.-Orrfcjß’^iTlr e7 reported? »V ; commitsian lately flppoihted'by the ComaxanderdiK pbief to investigate iir. Rafoy's system ‘of- horse breojuug, has been published. -Tho results of'eil. - .ncriin'eriU apQh h of boric?,' as witnera^* ' by tho boarq, and tha conclusioß ik mj*- nved at tbt|t thasv^car one.. T&o bOMxl-, is of opinion, Uoricflolally adopted’ ;and'pructiscd : hs"lßA^aYri]ry,- i lmd [i thht,-'£o'''idßu'i6' • the viBable ( thaLfiir.,Karev sh9ni4.be employod to teach' the gyarihi WftittaXti mdmboriof'eaish'iegiiaenl ; x for,-tfib*ugh:tho'ssritefii'may befoulained by wbida or excoution a gtent .of and retol*-^ hon, Wpcrati^patience, andambntpahmonWf rcoqireatd be £oou%a(id taogbbth- mehtoremltr; ?t pWQQP B * In yocoydance with,this.xecomm datlon,.2dr, Rarcy has been appointed bythe mftrider-ih-dhibf to commence’ tha 5 tho riding-masters,. arid esvaliy reghuepts at tho - depots in : Knjdsnd Ireland in the art of iuhdulnghbr&es tb paypasedl-- *'• '-• •’* i^r nrv ■s■ TsstiMONUii TO Mb. I/Ariil>.— tation was made to Mr/ JiayAtdj on tho 2UublMb» at York,' by Liberal .party* who tried, tnao©.* cssrfully, at tholaaf "eloritlani'tarbtaid him Pcriiatriont, In cb'ErjarictloVjrUb-Mr; J. P. in oash to repay the costa of thb euntSat; but have presented hipi .wiUl a deleft service in,si!vex« In returning tbapks ibr the, testimonial 'bVbadjUet received, Mr; disc’dased 4 a very important subject, intimately connected with bis position at York —the JnorcaalHg cost of .elooUonsu He spoke, strongly against this great evil, siaHrig that he was inibnuod that] it had obtained gigautfe-pro portions in the United' States, where H sible for any but wealthy men to bear the aost.of a lf that were Hw ease In this country it would be a very grievous thin^. : f -- ■ ; - . The llarvest in Scoti*aj?d;—Tho Scotsman. says: “The weather eqntinujiS delightfuU JCbe. Crops are making up leeway.in.a,monner n(i pey. 'son could have expected to see/ J wUh 4 the : exce'p* tion of hay, tho crops will, lUa'flafd, On tbdwb'olo, / even with all drawback pf drought,d>q£n average one,. ,An early hairest is looked for?’ . { \- " : 'Prince Lvcien jIdNArAiiTE, is 'nt present sojourning among the -hiils 1 at Btanhopo and St: John’s, in Wcarualo,' translating iho Sang of Solo- . men into thqdialeot of.thecopnty of Buru&m. He -will proceed henco to Craven with a'view bf'transi-' luting the book Into the Yorkshire dialect. The Hcfclllcr Test In thaVlestoft.^Dr. Lichen 1 ' 1 ' - -■ , .Wo clip from the Charleston '-Mercury the fol lowing letter from Dr. Francis- Llober, In reply to an Inyjtatlop to deliver An address on tho ceuton nlai anniversary of, Schiller’s birthday : . : To.spcak ,on the,hun dredth anuiyersary of his birthday, before ‘Ger mans, in tho region of my farmer home, would be so great a Jdpflfturo thine,jthafc J tempted to accept, conditionally, the'honor of your invita tion, wero it possible to leave appointments of •such importance In‘any doubt. 1 ' I do not believe that my public duties will permit, mo to absent myself from this city’ in the month of November, I am Rorry that I must forego the perfhrmance of an act into'Which X. would have entered with the fervent desire to do some justice to one of those )anre)}od princes of genius who” bare'perpotuafed tlio Idea amt tho feeling of German unity, when the crowd of princes with.golden orowns pre vented the people from haying a pnltedpolitioal Germany.' History cap* readily'point out ‘what reality Germany owes to Schiller's "poetry. - Tho sbirit which his poetry 'and prose awakened in tho Hermans can be traced in hor rcsuscita* tlon and in her victories"over her. conquerors, Germany owes a large deht to Schiller,-pre eminently the poet} and.it la’no mofe. than wbat.is solemnly due to bis memory, that tho sorts of hil country, Spread distant land; commemorate the day of his birth, for which ProJ vulence saw fit to ajmointjbo same day of tho, year, 'on which Martin Luther, 'and on ’which,* much later, that Scharnhorst was born, who, : m6re than any one else; became the martial preparer and or. ?;anisor far the struggle of Germany’s dollverancc roraforeign foes. The German nation would never have'thrown-herself into that struggle,, bad not men dike Schiller aided, in giving them a national ‘literature ; had -not Schiller given noble thoughts in noble and in'national words. No'dlvilised people' can ho free or will rise to a man. as the .Germans did, against oppressors, Jf thpy tkfak.Ahqmsfclvos inoflpablebfa national literature,or dteesjeem their own motHer-tob»uo. Yet th!i the Gorihan prlnOes ;hnddorio all In their power to bring abdut, and* un fortunately, the groat King among thorn, more so , than tho rest, < r, ‘ Others have ndded great works to German litq - ratpre j somo, perhaps, greater works (barf Schiller .'Uas.prodgcodj. but what no one elso has .done—ho led the Gorman mnse/clad In dignity ' and ; uttoring generous concepts, among, the Gdnrtkn people. '. IDs, stately sayings . buQAme., household, • words, and to thU day his works circulate among home and in greaternnmber • thnuthosc of any other extensive German writ©*-- . a fact'so significant that I dp .nqt hoaitatohero to allude to the proof in tho statistics of the hook , traded ' * popularity la of Itself no proof of worth ;it may bo the contrary, especially in litoraturo; but when ■ a hawker in tho streets .of London, offered' me Romeo nnd Jiiliti far sixpence, X thought • this ts ‘immortality j and If I’find that nUcaat.tim copies of BcbUler v a ,cntjro works, are . sold far .one of Goethe's, now a century after their birth, X take it ‘ as A proof that tho farmer continues td‘bb tho Ger-i man poet of tho . people’s poet, who, nevertheless, as Gootho sang of was always distant from tno vulgar, which besets us all:’* T ° I “make no doubt that yon will- succeed, 'gentle. * men, in selecting a man ablor than myself, an&so situated that it-lies within his power to aocopt .your invitation, but X feel grateful that yob have thought of mo. Accopt my distingulshcd regards, nnil. allow mo tp.sign mysolf,,gentlemen, your very obedient , . Francis XilKßer, Td'Mcssrs. G. 0. Daunuoistor, F. Melcbcrs, und Jacob Bmall, Committee, Charleston, & -C. . , NbivYohk, Juno 21,1859. Terribbe Tornado.—On Sunday cvoriitig lost, about four o'clock, a terrible siorra occurred outh6 Tennessee rivOr, at Decatur, whloh almost completely demolished .’.tho .immense:, railroad bridge at ,that plaoo, t Mr, J. H, Larcombe,~our iolegraph operator,’ putus in possession Of .the'par ticulars of the disaster, Eight spans, each ' one' hundred feetdong, were entirely blown down, and, go much shattered that scarcely any of the timbers can bo Wd.ag&ta,' Tho strOngcskbolta and fasten ingowere wrenohed asunder. Tho tornudo is do*, roribed ps being-moat, terrific, tho, wind striking tho bridge and lifting it homo distance’ into tho air. 1 Tho direction of the storm was from south to' north. The loss is $150,000. . . | Just,aa tho storin was coming up, the wafcfyuap of tho bridge and a maft by tho homo of Caaoy, woto oh the bridge: ’ Tho watchman, apprehend-, ing danger,-ran out, telling Casoy to. do. thojamo,; bitthe-dld not Regard tbo r warning, and a mo ment mord’was aashod into tho furious "waters,-mu* tilated and dead/;'His body-was rescued from the' river in about twenty minutes after,.-tha accident. Jfo was a machinist, and formerly Uveu 1n Nash- M\ - • - the WEEKLY' PEESS. •» will be Mat to Sabmtibea br - Five Copies * .<> u .iV7;Y TflnCopies, ! *£■> a „., v i*'"*-*'- T«ri)ntr }«'i ?"&• "■••?*•* -fP- 00 ih V ««*.„. JSgEzZf. foj “ Cl “ b of TwentTKinB‘ u «tra,COP]T to iffiltKClnS), -i) frrf. r -* r to [1 fcl j*?;?,'; : ■saswacwssnae** Wcaipda, oirQuslfaScihibUitt*r.lß^^n'iS a t/ l ij. ;Ty ji2 M(t , 9; : v ,„ eomei dinpute, »n*e ..b*twMS.hiin and. two. sum! atfaehed feT dr whiotfinallyendna lent blow.on .{bo JujwMritk :«tlwrwißo' } 4W pn.Jniiy. 'Warnmii Weror uanietf'amKnlieii Wo ro> fK» fciuiaß pfa.Greei»£aiua.tyojrJa»i T;.; • O&tsKill'jajl.' _ ..- ' „ '\ £»**”« wiA efem 35 ”') o’qldck on Tuesday night r raH» Mr I .’ BumperJw i£ r **- -in# boon spoken, struck lym ia the fare irfh mnii * - ! “rt:of weapon that rewbed irom'ihe mourtiittife iijJ,jn»Oi}*'.;!:/,r ijiM c*»pH*a.ttfyfeiiSa shall tekeyioat'Oßmh&f, P 'j:\et S|2 -'fcdfrfhf ; ptofoejfH’ 1 - of life add t oel Wiftoitt a niowept’a hesitation, pulled pffh.3 oap, ', W'eitMr tOrtßofr.Or W n%feiel?-fiifd'‘ J ' , - , T tbjjn told feeliajnred into to gd abotit fciefmeriekfoeiQ; aTK.vprdcrei:fo ,ttta;;;cvi bdl,; K.C., vlcM < iiOTnaB'ddieyr.a , D[lH?k. '-Meade, . ..fppas instmo Wr* in the engineer departmeiil. K. {Yarren, C/lTTSaraboIU anil ... Liea^aMfs^BafiS.TSme' 1 ;; ' abtyiiiiitMf-SlSfilatft, SMwrt.'jaSleabbefsViiiii oraiaUMjmatirs.,: (• i ■; ( ■ . : ... ;i v 3each,4ffl af t,'i!Ke«MSa3»ttfe«, ofa'dWp?,»a.li- i r, V sttacto?,4f pbilOßOpbTi rr 4 »»? f,yv « -.r.'T.f - - . j . .Jdr. - J tepant Solomon, 4th art, vico'SurdeonMooresftfed. i f -' J pip; LieutenehfeFry aad'Oißbffir ! . ""% Baixoos ’iHClDisrt'.viaijohn Jatcimna, ,l«ing tbetwesii: BBtgtoOjmd hSdiftttpO ■lndiana, oF wliojn unpleasant Ibises are said- .On ,the.^orihOf JotyC JStnS iV} lit'tho field, VMtf i ■paraipg.hys(,,yjfo{XbmKejgpatpd|bsib'Phoy .fiirgiteneai (dr atk dhe! whipphiks he -bad 3syoa b e r J 41W thoa;fairiiad... ; to heaven with .prayers’ bin!'hasty odnfessiodsof ' r ‘ mahifold' tans.' A neighbor'VbTlifirTi/ii 1 ijie <}y -" sthpe.desoribes.itJaa.heingiijttejadhlijriiaiMa :., lather ; nnpopnlar among hiß Qormaa.iLeighi>on>rbi daily: subjected to roastine ontiia'frigntpaiiais' '' dften 'femih'ded tthhl '4 gifllty'.obiSHiSfei'-iSaSiaSgje ■eowwts.ofuaolh inrar odflo oco «f ffiw ,’t pmus Bony Fomro nr PrE S^^)a SS i W'>*W>lb4ha fragments of a man’s body were.... found Scattered; the trick of tse'minois- COnttalaßaDway,; at Woodlawn ’ lUlnols,!. jd aboutt-a (JAhaSlEMino asQn cut to pieces byserera] maze Tutpoue orer U, uie ffagmeifts -wojbKattorcd ; bßre^M* d &«»: : ’' The'betdi. war- foxEpd iQ: w&yiaMFthßi}B&aM ssii ne*y,,^ thq traok. .From flppcaraiwfis, "il» t bo4x mw have bcetf dragged ’er Wilt hundred boUrraUi, for ihAt'd^tape« irexe.^eiured.^^?^ wHere^tbelarefeir^ttfiSi 4 lav WSfetiM’w w) (tfej - wntdlaetf iTbe *!£•> oodji'sritt.idWtifififeTe ?.y.S z:uA.*unU Sx^r^T, .flip victim of jher^oir^^,,; r J - for thdlast ’Wedaesday’ - oyranreadler and the, wro&t« nk< , ? expbeted'ft i io f picfera lod>eholdttbe. ;;a peegfff -her •wiole.lnMnaV Mbft«ted t,o the moeCY^arfal ,r 'SK«rKAa offie^ino^ber’ Sh&>ria4o ,ehWd.j fee] aaratlm* . medrroPfehde^liaiorie .(xwld'effaee?^ the Slit ca Weja t ; r,^Thp {L Btoc.k‘of Eraiy. r v s t - }i Bands, of * phrthased .one,r, sU3nonlbi r‘» oId f .ab ssoa.apd imathery Rixteen-monthSjOld, at the same price. VA' cow, “elgbrjeara bl jaw wIH-they,bc., Jjfthpy visit the ,campon;,». .their excursion to or from liamnshfrelit will bedsapedtatOm'- 11 -'■ - -•' r ---- *- * , : GaiaißiE c "i' ! twelve fino horses from Carlisle, which ho bad, pnr- 5< . i chased ‘for , the Savannah m arket, and ’ho ' ip taods to make'seinbaimnal trips - hereafter to-this ebanty’ t T -for tho .purchase of stock. - No town'. vanla can, boast belter judges of horse-flesh than, Carlisle, and wo'aro glad to find that their tion indhot way is bringing customers froin‘#Qeß^a^ ! - dislppce.. -j 4 .. .. , i y.\o,: i AoaicuxTDiiAL \Fairs.—Xhe Virginia State d Agrloultnral Society has determined to hold )t3 Car'at Peterslmrg. Airrangementa * have bedn' 5 " made-with the-Virginia- and Union; Agrienltntal V. Society of Petorsborz to hold its fair there a 150.,,, some time early in November. t The AgricnlfiuraV fair at ’Wheeling commences on -the 13th of Seh* * tomber.,:. . , ; . - ■ - tf.rj ■ • A' Spanish gentleman, named Cardenas,.hadu v; hjs pocket picked of $l,OOO while leaving k New..~ York: steamerat Albany, on Monday.' 'lt was taken ny A Frenchmdn-who had made himself officiously'--' ' httentivo during the trip, j • ■ l Bots should look, before they leapy when - diving, A boy in Brooklyn, N. Y., named Brown, made a dive on Friday last, and buried his head *sa ‘ : deep in the tuthl that he was unable-to-extricate • himself, and consequently died from auffocaUon. -» A. gang of wretches who had formed the plan of hurnieg up tho town ofOsbkosh. \rfa„Tor'purposes’. * of plunder, have been doteoted. and faur of them, : including the rlnglcador, arrested. One of the vil- - lainaconfassea to several murders. . r A pair of handsomo black boraeß, lately ’ owned by Mrr Banderaon,‘of Somerville, ' 1 Clock Hawk Trustee blood, hare- been sold to - f the Kmperor of tho Fyqneh for. 900. They , sailed for Fracoelast week. A SpANisn paper is to be published in New York semi-oocastonolly—that is,• six timc»a month whenever the stc-ftmers for Havana and Aspinwoll leave. It is to bo called Jut JS'ud'cioso de SYaeva d’or/, A sea-turtlß, weighing over one hundred' ponnda,- was caught in the Ohio river, a few miles below Cincinnati, last week. It is supposedio bare' fatten from an upward-bound steamer. • - ' .' Mrs. Brockham. 1 * of Huntington, Me., tho woman who, about seventeen months'since, hid four children at one b|rth, has . recently been, de livered of three more, all reported to be living. , The New York State Teachers’ Association 4s fu session at Poughkeepsie. • ' t PERSONAL. . Ayovo tho'pftssengers of the Africa which , lefr ■ Now York for Liverpool last Wednesday, are Prof. * Stowe, of Andover, nia wife,, Mrs.. Harrie . Stowe, and their youngest'daughter; and M hi," Footo of* New Haven, (widow of the -F .l} Foote, Ekj., who was. Mm- Stowe’s. unc)e,) her son and youngest daughter.. Prof. Stowe will „. return in October.. 'Mrs.' Stowe wilT spend s year * in travelling/ ’ Her twin daughters are’ in Paris. .• and her son Frederick sailed last SatuTdayJn com pany with Mr. Scoyillq of Andover; the two in tending to bmkc a i pcdcstrlan : t6ai* in Europe. ; For Uvaji. —Col.S.O.Stambangh; Surveyor Gene ral far Utah, ih .company with- hUiOhiof clerk, Clvas. Ei Went*. Esq., and Deputy Snrveyora Bar rett and Jones, left Lancaster, Ponna’., yesterday; by’tho afternoon trrtin; far tho sceno of. their fature. .labors. They, will be met at Fort Leavenworth by a detachment of United States soldiers,, who will escort them to their destination.' 1 ~ / - 1 ' . Banquet to Mr. Ohaules Keak.—On \fodnes* day night, June 20; Mr* Koan; lessee, of/the Princess’ Theatre, .London, was entertained at, a grand banquet by about six hundred of his friends' and admirers^ 1 * Tho IdiunOr totok plae,a -in r Bti dftmes' .HalUwhlch prosonted a brilUapi appoat: anoc. r ' , Some Friends of the James Cook Bveh- .. inond, of Milwaakob, are about to o'reot a chnrch for him in that olty, to bo called tho Church of St. Paul. - * The ohureh will bo free. A temporary building, to bo put upatunce/will cost $2;500.' . Tu^ Rev. A. B. Emir:!*, preached his ferewell ; sermon at the North Church, in Boston, last - Sun*/ 1 - rtay, where he has ministered for filx years. v lie is j to tho pastoral charge bf tio Cnitenan r chUtch at'Watertowhr 1 • ; *’* rJ " ‘ Mr.Dasiel Fehkald, of Ptottmoulfc;«N'. HSTte . statadfobo ono hundred «*»4x{ftW* yews old. ( Ha is In foil possession of all his faculties, andattended,, •church but a oouplo of' ' ‘‘ - 1 Jodokl^rley--''' l * lB Boston‘papers state that Chief JuetioePeriey oj: that State has resigned.his :j eoatupon th* beach, apd.w to return to .the praq*. tico’ofthe law. , Hoy- Isaac Totfcsv; Secretary of the Navy, has, rotor nod .from-his Northern trip**-, and entered upon.the discharge of his duties. Robert Taylor, ,a prominent citisen of Athena, Qa., was run over by the cars last . Friday,, night and fatally injured. ~ l ’ ‘ Gov. Wise, of Virginia; intends visiting the 1 Salt Sulphur Springs of that State some time du ring thepresentmonth, ! -’i Dewrtbios -Bozzaris, a; son: pf • thejcelebraUd, MfjrcoßozzarlSj baa been appointed Grcek. j . terofWar: ‘ ; Samuel Lake, a well-known Saucer and'aoteV died In Bpstqnoolffdnesclay lasC*