j,r—r ■*.' XVXSDAt, AVQV "** tuner I‘aoe fHWi TPnrojtd—No’’ 12 lHlb-dfo 11 EMtarffoni Wanderer—No.'■2': '.Charleston -Defended, letter itim QWMORii WVWj-ftOW PUMbH** rN't'we. ioviiTii I-acif..— Oar-l*artfolkr,.Foreign ; hcr.tteadi ..... <i n-imrrrvrwm—rTnvrnwrrtr" , .7n ■ . hef? childrcni'iA' jS&IHti wjtUreasonablo t<dnMA.*to is slito- Id l>e warmly ivhilodjYjog..and..#:h<> long.#-; : .juwpobersiattcr hisufeatlu aeNovriiew is tlic ’'l’uUCtfc'oldf utymo ■ classically colebratdifWiU rvwpefctia Jlcnnaylvanin.■ atatcsmnn-i-Conie» to ‘TW'ilSfltipdi hb'Mi>p#jlritited.annd.a Aood-ot e\ce^nt-^ofr/;‘aU!l / :(tr3t-class oratory, by. while , honoring vnns Jto keep his own STtwo. constantly; before.the. peoplo of the t l{pjo]> l fS'>fr. , 'WKp{tti;HiiNow Uainpahlreborn, . -alpaysplaaedllassacHußettS.lnthe foreground, . hhfy thb, EngtSJhWn who .fhaogi|tjns o\vib!ariarlai'gcr,tlian„tho United • Kfngddtas and tyo latWt, considerably large i 1 . altagfjrfet,. ill- hjsf; idolatry^ blsrfOiWt.'Statc; !:WhJWKn uovor rhymcs hiUf to Weri ho‘slugs o< the Pilgrim 7 A«spsr)iJ s of! the Breakfast ta3<»’'flki6»HLn,rmlerocoiimrof; hW owu,lmd 'tl0 j uf&d)jto‘n Jgfi'tP'QcneM £Ui.i;b pvht .’■■■ ■■ tmiitnatlonid asJto Is whose pen > MddinWeTbrytWilg it'foiloheSiiNciehfcei litera-' , .vjos hidfjto* itqqqcnt on ago, W-coutrasUKl rlifaitefcbasett# yrltW' Soutli'‘t>tolm» ' uroklt g ol tiieTOilonJljUt his j»wn juadvainat yAn! gathered lflp vast wealth less pf a eowmnriltt, giving not -...'- lort^WOO^bajbeWMsdhnWi'bhtaiipletHlitl: ;. ®*ltSttrtietedyak 'thodKsll of ltldcpeu^elicO.i ofßnfiker.JllH an.opra-i toeHthatdspeaksrofillie past.Wmlrto all-the /iffhii^fiiller tlw double df theirown; thvir owp, fipumry Every mmnty lUrMassaOhusettshasitespecwt iiistormnJaml. ldeal bisliry. .Closes Ins ■ ‘»jogy >vitii;.frii rnviOeatiOii' tO: : bqßtqn* ;:Piy. • inouth Roct belongs t<j' l aB‘mUciias;'if, ! bf.EiihkdyJliJi ' denounce-it as Scl£-coiuplaochcy ’i *bnsethose had lamhorb - signal 'illustration .than- in i the . poid'.ygearingdiiß orator pronounc- Worshlpping-bis • ■■ for- iyafhwitbblstWbiito toacitironwiiofliled - his little pbrneiiv lifdyibd. is’ now remembered Jjpr ;KC; ‘dpinpMtni.iiiiris, ;c,oinmpnrplai:c . defnonBtrntionsi4 J Tradn Bdatoii apcakS^Whon 'ibp’JSffii 1 Bidtbqr4 ! ®bWc>'etwe iniy'rdoiihbwhethei'licr igjmej.'dißtlPgTOßhMigwveiTbr'her.reaiiltatioiL ' 6f]*rb%r htiiiicdy li ilyonihow .eageHy theehildreh of such fathers Wjlh Veadi'What 'hUS.-ljdert -sd elaborately' pfb pi#f9Wsfflf&)iv>>d. n< %Wi '.>dttivta.Ou<sATßTras,'iiiiqueBti6nablyi- ! a';r(ir i , • Bpt AbieriCanrj ( who* thightvhfi bUthCd.y np sonic namedistingnisYiedirfift’bVdi’lbcalityj'WhlchV ass‘ffi6blnpdf^t^wbttl4f^lB;'lt** ! iiTOfflisr6 jtft>dwguth'eii&yc||i{ati6n;;to ®b ■ ,4??® ■ Mai.bnsycoieiupdrarytmiiipolcdthcirfbralflns narrliW'restin'g'. pl£fceBj beloyedyby'thbir own i&htti&fil^ i SHd‘ifCsctif6if.^nt^M>t)tSblflfiqti’i)y etitltled.tO-.thO' firatirankln ■fi 1 ® Ifi.tiifeysasisoaies thirig'tqo 'tnneb tfßj'ds'e' deelare thereissdnic 11 1 i 11 g . sylTahiU,helt'iahbfe4’tn-iilffcto- : ceneiire ; ifUe=-bn»y . tryinenj. wJnl? dio . Fourmdf tf.nly ; paa3es»>«r four thediSvwiUitiutr.Sd' intch ns;nhr^idiiti^^bbC'hladlf<^^oB;3^P(jjiii r ft bother St^,^^l,pa^scit; = hjrlyithO' C'W of Jlostomi; is patronisingly rC hw ff e 1 * no fttil nojiitell ct dtl t hi ( t lo iho.geiterosityiOl' youchsall ga gratcfalsoil.-aiid; dthmpy.doc*fion?aiid;tiobu)inoraiires{)ureey >: . laudals, ;', Wjij. re dull— are Dutch ;. ivC;liave Ipll. BcbuoJs| T ;and ;luudly; 'arty' wilroads'! : onv ,.aro" eyglieW, our ilaivyorsi-stuj'Uli onr scholars wnblistsi and. as 1 to poetsorpaint '<Ss;'“wrb:liaVc' rciql t|tu .oiiCj.itor„taßto ta.apjprecmtq thc.otlun;. . pycn lliilcjpeodenc? JlsJl is to bp gradually ig-i ntlMdabecause’ it' Isisithafqd iit'f hiladolphia:, :.Scs(ical. dottcgfeiland l Aatdcsny'df. l3nniAga<tliQ;tlneat’tnstitutions;Of tUoir.kiiid; . fil,’AHi(<riM;aifd^hciflretHin’s’ilfpaßscd : in.the they were located <m tho banks otMho Giingcs. -oif thoi ¥Oll ofin’Cralior# of If «»Wl^>X^^lWbf<^^epbrfs>i*f,thd‘9r^-' : ( I hoati;. ’.'AV , o'uhudey bf eourse, ’to ’GiOROi ’ j W.ißAbfOjt? iDiiUbo-gHdArc’tti'SOjafc tilings, ,y-...v..r A.”''.'*d: n’’ ’ sftpbwgiaistudentfirasp there oftuerihoijijaudßtgrouniliaboutinsjiwill' \& »i vfiiftigeLfVsreep no liiB;matcvaesa;ipro4«cyfi.iis oblivion. I*ikb bccU'srf#t-iiiway v ;aildiiWeonlyinowj preserrCd - . No iilstorlinSdta jils; dift^nadJSrtWeot^iwrary'Conicsforwardlo paMSqbod.4n f rpf@sAttd>bftiMv ti>e Sxajsjoes.upt ■cOntniirtlienJdstiodStitict -alfoslon lit 'ttitlWgfiTAoni ffi&n’oire-'nlcdldcHty '-18 pjitfof . -wis'd:# tift ; t#Stonf<nOimattor,'WliCrchC msyshavebeen; , mitts i»Bflr<iWWyßiyipw^tlwaii%lfejft' l-01l of the distlnguishcd BoHy d'f Ks wachiisotlS. In a modest »kfikd»*tel»jf quf<!t street, !n| dfils qiilottiity} repoSerthO’ !Kltitalnßilof; » man; 'vW&i .cSISiFTJft hsyj .-ti'tnlwtXi •must Whw'htoidWMilthhbMal fcrecoed whlclrrccilfa y,i&u&jmto falr-^WBy«Ww»tlli|«lt4'.W->? ’fid! V#ni»OT<Wr’ one Who : iivil^bqhtilbhl^tbtunEStbMC^blso^Jfeunfi A!#9f thenatojigP'ftJsf'S'WbCrrtAlijd) Sf>b yhcre;,^; 1 public ffratitnde ofer hW fn^Uiki ’ iteld up by thefathef to.the son | it. la notfd#-- cause onvv or faction stands ready to hawk at bts repatatlou—for no man .has ever lived or dled.nmongm.who will#? more fiyfofiilly re membered or more •sincerely' regretted, Kion-uio Rusn. '< . Lim it bp possible among us who do not meter to distingiijjJ«!(i^«^nifti>OTai|d^! i .lf wo lmvo no Cushisos. ' no Evkhktts, no IIn.LtABDS. and no I:DNTB/.to crown his bier . with their intellectual tributes, where aro our Inoebsolt.s. our Merediths, ouv Bin.veys, and our Mallorts 7 f- v :■^C^ompetittvcl^n^iiiliatious. •'l'our years; ago. "sliamed 'lnib it tiy public opinion, whfeh reafly itf the governing power lri England. thbßtltish' Ministry issued mordei .that.no .person-slioiihl receive -a ppointment ' until lie had first passed .'through a coinpeMivo'exnmlnatibn.in,common merous other candidates for othce. and rocelvo oi'bortiflcate of possessing a certain nmotint of knowledge.upon certain .subjects. , After this experiment had been dried for,, some tune, ns regards civilians. It was extended to tlie iinny. the order being, that before receiving a com. ihissioh: therein, each .would-be ■ IV klmkotox must have.lus literary, and .scientific. ncqmro , wonts.tested by .publicioxauunatioii. the result .of which, would declare Ins fitness or unfitness i for the military service. Nav. tlmt when itn En-. sYgn Was about being promoted to the grade of Eicjitcnmitjlio should nguin ho oyamlnod—and jsd on. Up fe fho rank of a Field plliciir. . , . - jlu this country, as ovory. oup knows, u man's fitness tor office is seldom or never .inquired .. jiito.t,.The . point with us.is. net whether the imun.wiU euit the office, but whether, the office wiU suit tho man. i 01 course, under tb is qiro icldus .firfaugement; remarkable apiionltments 'arc constantly bcing.lnado. and 110 0110 need, wonder that with us, the right I man in the right placo So Biildoiu to bo touud.—toroxnroplc.: had a prolKU'-systcnr prevailed here. Jehu G. Joses would never have .bcoil aeut to Yicn vria; as Anibassador. with .no.knowlcdgo what-, ieverofh German., tlielttnguagoofthe ootmlry.. Dr of French, thiYaiiguage.of the Court. ■ What .usecho Is there, savei tOobh.ilauglied at.-as a ’diplomatic know-notlnng. is * puzzle to. Im •tSan cpmprchepsion. •?... i>.? t w Tho E«rl oCMAi.«eBBUKY. who lately, retired from the Foreign Secretaryship, bitterly com plained, tliai. the competitive, oxnwiiwtioii cut w'erjf'deeply.'.lntoi'tlio patronago of diis office.. GvMch ! , bythewriy. Is'chiefly exercised for • the benefit of younger sons ol noble families.) as WUhlh iSix four, persons whom ho OPppihted Worn rejected .by iW fchilScrvice .Exaiulnors.itwo of,the.four.being remarkable ffi. gviican'.nwullipiioliuiuu,.,. *.,.'1 His Lord ship.wciiitr to tlie length, indeed, of sayilig that. |\6'aitt !, man sjibuidbo atf pnt dipldniatist, simply bepaiiso 'he was unnble tbripcll liko a sehdolniaster. ■ General Peel', whs; so,'dissatisfied witfctlio Examlnation-test, that, complaining D'f'tho .vacant in thc household cavalry, tlie l.ifc.Guards, tho cayal- tfiji,'. infantry,'an£ Stating ■i&t’ii jfas.'gyldcnl. tliai under the. present, sys r ttttt’br examination thb supply would'notkecp i lip took Dpqh^iiriiseli tb aitcp'tjtp, prescribed' routine, amlj/srihstifutoa much lower ritaridnrd of knowledge. ‘dSastly, it is, porftjvely, declared' tlipt those .\vlio’ passed ti|o!CivilSerylM> Examination with.most, suc cess;; ns those !Mm‘cr sysicpi,;wlicn ho examtmtUbn', wasrhiadoV": The 'young men Udib.hivfe for tho oxahiinar ilon.pftehiurtiput tohd good for nothing'prac tieally. : ' : ,h; Jifsi flow sp<il among iheßrliislidiplomatloaffaekcsjinanyofwhom enfciicdtheservicCjiwithout salarieß,yparsl)e - . thougiifc of. fiaeli 'of these, when promoted to. a paid'office, 6 ifoh posnppllD4 : io‘-salJmit'to the oxftnlination history*,geography 1 ;. Composition; science;, po «ioh and clmi-actor nt liio same time. ■ They wade, by.Mr, jGsndijSSrjtd.De^iW o . fho irdiisc of. Gommdns her to instruct E fi.tliat all persons wh'o.cnterCdhiiyiSoi'ylco.or prefoSsldn piior to tlifa 21sf tp which Service'or professieiv syktcnf .’is ;iippVicai)ie, shall lie considercd eligihle forpromotiou with out being siibjectedhd any examiriatipn.” Tim toLhavb, jnstieo',d«iit'to ; tlipt)!,aBUie border fn Council, dpewtioHcnppn/ persons wild had .accepted of fitip,.’ tinconficipuS that : sueli a; test woliliT ever 'S'-'v ■ ;Sphie;of tlichypung aspirants for commiH.- Osnons,f:!sai(l, replies tdhetyrdnlU ntny Questions. “'-For ekaniplo, on the first 'fori fm.idatipn'j"iii td'sqteo'pf the iiuesfipng, tbu foHbwijigVandWpre were" given t That the Roniluiw.ills inEiighiiidwere built tokccp tlie ilm, eountryi andiwerd soitliick dbat dwo,; carriages could bu driven dis, edyejced in thd.-yetir WB-has tho Soutli-S'ea nchontfei ■ that WiLtuSt Wallace invaded Eng f.pEitni^yi:lf j' ithat 'the baftio of.Barnet was •between iGnOMWKLL arid GHABtES'f,‘OuUoden between the Earl of I.ki- OEsIEB- and Epwirip ry',' riiid Marston Moor between EAt'CE'apd.EpwAiiri 'iV i -that Mav r ' seilles is. a .town i,ixm ! tho lihiueVtlmt Ger many isiutlie iOaspianiSea; ‘that the" ThalUes risea in’ the Gernian'Obcan'i that Eanto is the kingdonl-’mest ’redently'iadded to Europe’, and that tlid lslo pf|lFigjit pf Scotland 1 . This fe4di?riipfd iikd a'iilt of sarcasltn, in otic ,ol upoliWipitcvriedu'- catidriVihan; any-tiilng which realiyi.hopperied. <l|pf pf thirtoon 'oldibut ought tp Yuvvgj pp||rip^grii(Wjire^. 1 aU f jbd .above ritt<jui .'Ties-t'a-ri 1.-;:-: i'-.V: " c 1859 i , 'tliq questions- put qro soVofe, r,!£libfi;'tfu>;ajgj>!lcarits J fbt appointments, as unpaid. attach {s, uaihiily Jads j>P!oViitftdcn : ,br‘clghttien 'years of age,' bovo 'hcgniaskeji these< “Ek* iplainfullythenaliiro of the Important chuugo Pis| in'; the tenurb ofland to russia jh 'isil, ‘ami its effects bpth’ present : -ahdprobablo;’; ;Writa &jrtf' and‘.yogc). i •W6lo ; pwjdubf»V,- Explain tlie. following tqrm's: ■ of -hardcoD), lianil«tiiig.?: 'i Discuss. the>p|pgt; Uayb agU*. j 3$ atra/jiuiritlotl-: ;ibgt|iOjentetmcri(BthpybiiayliBv():io(l'to,and, /part jbjjonMoetibibydfti7tlipbi.,; ' Wfe-wha tho: Constitution ; of 1 the 1 . CabadaH i established* ip j lr9,l,t,.^'Mphlip^tU_oniqsphfppbttth^)iJ{ep.tl(jns • 'Moferetarimbkv.bbcauso more absurd,than these have been put* ■fo perSrins 'applying foil admission into* the •frith.' Coiistobulary-Pbrcei’ Here are, J a:’few: .*■ Explain fullythv meaning’ of ihb'foiioWihg; geographical i tcrrnsi— ‘ penjnsula,’ rpfomon-; tbrj ished.’i'iand, give., 'tjutebj .of.eacji.: .Jiescribe 'tlie •of i ;tho following! , Albius, 7 Corfu; To iitmlqi Suljejniiy, Obpenhagchj lAgra; yfennii,; Singapore,‘Stirling," Ctiiro,‘Nilluln, is^eqtatjrgajtjngs,.CSi(si)iyJiqc, ; ..Write -phicalidesoriptioii .of* any'one.' country of An principal* tototaAM What good thb knowledge, .manwilb.excUethei misiiy., • What iaiiehn W’ persqrijwjaits'tn" kimf /f Mebrat * 'and,' - 4nd* EHlttla, :'Vienn»':and Singapore, Agra and" ;febnc&fdr liim’ ijitfoitely‘lbss-' flia'n ; a and 'Bork, betwoort} Mailow and Feraioy,. *bo-i *■ *;'/V; /! * \i'' Z-ilnZ '. with'lda ; wmi«lel?-j -Idda-warda iivofdoiioHt.! >. lye; scarcely know, •mbSfc'St slbp'ta fisedr-' t/W3n P-bu-fv.no-surjii-,'* -\S» n*'i’i,v .1 h ' ,taiß,:a,4inp?S*,ptpess,.%p o%q,,qr t)ie EpglWi tsystein bf/demanding him’ th possess,-an almost .^||6^ftf,btHe|}^^oiy^lbssJbfto<v'lcdgb' JiS-Hzltf. -fui iiti*; f -'K* <V. .v'[JKxtjBWW.O Til k; (3 fine,-~J?II I'punn f to., a .rg- tßclc. lMt'mt (jottrnoieiit, l;(bo!worktOon;yO9tepJay.< tfommenoed, «<«h®d6tt.tlS<Ri^nrbiinn teohth to' TJifi ■ curbwns pwitlonn.rmmlior.efMn vs •nortoOßciifcimodntobotcheM'.CTcl farroornbiragojiß, .Tha jirtistlnt eitoiuq(jji of .the'curb will loogdrenUio iflll.. P(!d ‘ffi*®?. 0)5 IkeciHsesS, liTfngojt, thcJiiw cf illWßltetaioji;; %!%&•& I^jtTt ; ; Letter from « Occasional.** fCorrespoatloncoof i 1 . , l§39. Yow must not bc surw|ed’ if/yjugfepir ariothor Me CouititUtfoii. to-mor by f ‘ Opjwwj ’ ’ for T4WWij|'\yoattSrdayi t acqtit jpp ofo rm a tion at Uio forolgu office, in'Yelatrqn treaty, wUicti will, of coarse, appQarvlu; that,* jour* uni to-day. You may also lee tnro in the New York Herald, blaming Qon. Casa disolosuroa. That the foreign ministers (who hftYO full knowledge, ns well as our own; functionaries, of thoso diplomatic secrete) ai*o soraotimes notunwilHng to bo ftriittle cbtnhmhiba-' hfyvp nodpuht ;,yet,-a\L tho upon tbo poor clerks, when thoy aro, really, us olo3e;raouthcd- as tho statue of Jofferson, standing in Of tho presidential palnco. , nb^question now, I think, that tho Pre -Bttlont, oh fits'return from. Bedford, will |reverse tho'decision of tho Cabinet council of last hreek, and McLfinc, to* coholudb, the pro posed troaty; Buoh is the general Opinion hero to day, and if Mri McLono is not onoumhored nnd fottorod'With over-sagaoious additions or altera tions, liiftdb : at WashlngioUj it is probnblo this nus ploious moasuro may boebiisummated.’ Tho French minister is' absent,' but- it ‘ is' bbliovcd that tibrd Lyons, tho Britiah ambassador,' is secretly exerting himself, tOgethor with tho Spanwh embassy,' to pre vent tho'adoption of tho troatyj herico tho hopes whlOU ftfp hold oht of u BvUMv Wn to tivo Libbral party of Mdxioo being rbndlly bbtaihod In 1 England. ‘ I congratulate inj'solf u'pOtt Laving keOn insfru mentaU in nODmall degtpd } in producing tho chango of opinion' which the 'Administration, it is said, have iindoVgorio’by my’ , exposur6:of tho imbobility. fthd false' etafesmnuship'which a rejccliori of tho ttoaty hmuld have displayed.' • ’>• - : 1 ■ ; It h&D boon* significantly anhbanccd in' some of tho Administration papors that tho hoalth.of the Sbcrbtary of War, Governor Floyd, is Hontowhat precarious,"and may involvo^-the necessity of hia glvlng up hii ptabo in tho Cabinet. 7 llols defiorved-, !y tho least Uhjjopular of any ! mein bor of sent Adioiiiistratiodi 1 Ho was oho of' tho Ablest bf •the' frionds bfMr. - Buchaniiu‘in ' jBdd-sfi, find It is ihoet, -therefore, that ho'should bd placed’ in the samoofttogory with those tfho rought shoulder to WlthhiuF.ln that cohtest. Govornor Floyd, it is woll.lniow'ii, Tlias beon for tua’ny years tho at tachcd friend of 1 Governor Wise, and hence', I Uoußi not that Mr. suspicions and jealousy have boon'Awakbhcd towards him. 1 U la rumotod that Gqn;-’Joffersou. Dayis wjll Ylpyd, but I,’am iucliuotl to, think .that; tljie’ withdrawal of Govorpo r, Floyd from tho Oabiuot, howovor it may afford tho Fre sidenVAho wishod-forpretext to follow tho oxivuiplo of Gon. Jackson, upon the'.withdrawal of Mr.-Van. Biiren/in tho rcorganizihg of hisCabinot. for tho purposp of makiog it n unit, thus iidding himsolf of tho triumviralo of Presidential aspirants: Tho fact, also, that tho vcuerablo Secretary of State - finds great 'difficulty, ph 'account Of his ihcreasing < infirmities, to porforui tho onoroua duties of that position) renders tho.ohange in tho Cabinet I have indicated almost certain. Boubtloss tho hasty and unexpected"deiJArturo df.Mr. Sebrchiry Cobb for Goorgta haa aornc, referenbo to the contcmpla tod chango.. You,'way expect,,also, that in .th'o event of> suoti a change, our present ministers at London, Paris, and St.' Fotorsburgh will all bo re- twO'pf th'fim te'mako room for tho rotiring luembora of tho Cabinet. • . . ' I learn that tho Proeidenf, after his announce ment of his declination in tho Bodford Gazette, for two ontiro days exhibited etieli sourness of dis pbeitioh.aud temper as to] make it dangerous for dither, Jsex.tb npjproaoh him. 110 will bo-back to night. ; What scolding'poor Black wili gct.’ • , ’ ■ letter fipoai New'York; I'HOSphiutt op Tire sfknciiAHfß Asn atANcvAcTii- ItKn’fi-—THEDIATLROAD UIFFrCULTIBS t'POWHU Of AdESTB—Tm? MIObiOAN. fiOntHKUW' HOAD—KMI ,;Q|IATIOS*F“I)inECT xAviOATIOX PROM CIa^VELANW ""’to n ew.vo nk—a not nk n. “church without a •BI8H0H’*" hogTROYBRSr HAXCnOPT AXD POL " ’SbMr-THK,WELSH IXXEW YORK ; TliilH CHURCHBB Ash TcewsrAPEns—Tim chxtguy-—lurouta op , 'Dhir' GOODS POP*THE -YEAR,TO 1 JUf<r 23—I’UOTJJC ' Tins To TRAVELLERS— jiAILROAIi RHCRIPTS—AVB* TRACT So’CfßfY RRCHIPT^—DhAMATIC — L " TiiK Tcnr.. l' . - CCorpeapoadeuco-of The Press.] . , New, YoRKj/August I.' ■ A gentleman, whoso largocommercial exparionoo and ineass : of observation entitle his opinions to respect,- tcljs ino that York" is really,’ now mere , prosperous in her various businc&s rolalions than she has been in many yoars. Most of tho merchants who wore overwhelmed in tho great re vulsion ofri.’ot nro again in good, credit, while thoso who t offcrcct frbhi' twenty to’ fifty cents on tho dol lar aro ogam actively and profitably employed in their various departments.* Moneys is pionty for all legitimate purpose's, and tho crops throughout tho whole country lmvo, hy their snpo'rabim fiancora4dod millions to the aggregate oftli6 gcuo-' rftlwcalth.,. . ] . ,•. . . ! .- Bailway Dllareß, especially thoso of tho twogroat cbmpotlngl»de3 0f New York) oontlmto depressed, ] owipg to tlio dlvowity of views entertained by the AdiUinistrativo officers bf tho respective companies; and how their: divinities oftn bo harmoniously ad* justod'-iVinoxp^ictibloj» Tho’ public ora’ Weary of seemg-theso internal dissensions pertinaciously de tailed in the,newspapers, wUilo the - poor suffering stookholders stand, dismayoil and, helpless at] tho ruinous manner in which' their property is trifled with/' Xt : was'Supposed lliAt’tho publication of th? correspondence .botweoh. Mr, Moran apd the lYostcrn TrarisporlAtioa eompanics, would induce tLo'New YotklCantra} tondYmeo freight rates to a payihgiprlooj but thb I .freight agents have 7 beon unable to agree Upon tan3*« 7 and have adjoiirped— the .disrooting being tho / CcnlraL - The Southem lmcs.bavo left.with fho agents of tho Central •an ultimatum, which thoy. oan-ncoept or reject. Its acceptanpo will, add iinmonsoly to the present half-year's business of all uoncerned.'. Its rejection cannot but.o'porato dis'astfonsiy.>, To what a fearful oxtoht the millions' of dollars that have booh invested in these reads by persons gooklng sim* piyaTair intorckon'thcirmohtsyjlmye boon virtunl ly turncd ovorto tho control of A'oigbtagoiitn, who hayo Rota.doHnrof poouninry. Interest in the stock, or to scheming'managers whoso :movouionts are miido.mQro" with rt view to speculating in* shares than to.lncr,easing thdValuc pf the pihpcity confided to their ’' * ' ' , , I policq.iliftt tho roctlpUrof tho Michigan South ern ;ronil hovo run ; <iov,n so rapidly during tho month Ihfit lho usual publication of weekly returns has ,hoen' disponsed,.with.', The receipts. 'of the jrijole, month of July wilt amount toTidt littlo ovor 8100,000... i.r ~ : EmigriitiOn continues 1 largo. Tho arrivals for tho week omling ou Wednesday last aihoiintod to 1,059, lucking u. t0ta1,0f.45,720 since thoeoinmcnce* raent of this year, against «j 034 during tho Corros pondihg pitrlod In 185».';The practicability of di rcot navigation from thV lako portsto Now, York has ngnin ’been, tested/ liy t tho arrival; hero, ilds morning, of tho cnnnl propeller Itugglch’ 0.-njn ClevOlnndi'Ohio, ladoh< with’wheat and Hour, in aii daysantl a half—ver/ (ji'tiuk tlpie.' Thij class of Vo.h J clh .iVhlc!; c,'in s;n coijnomicnlly propelled by fincssop’s hot-air engine, are destined,to come into jrory general uso.' ,■ -< • - - ■ -That glorious old controversy— ll A Church with out a Bishoy—iii which T’otts and Walnwright showed their motile, is (|ulto likely to, ho ropoated, in a different, shape,, by two eminent Bohe mians” of otir day “and i'our readers will donblejs :rvnu-mhcr a ellglit iitornry" skriiii nmgo' Hint .look piano, a t'ow weekK ainco, at, one of «h* if.ow.'York Historical Society, betwoon Bancroft' apj: Goorgo Folsoro, wlicn .tho former, thadO' a; great ado about tho merits of, that distinguished.. CalvunUtic. , theologian, Jonathan Kdwards, Mr. i’olsom look o.anoption to tho no tions , oxprc«cd by - Mr,. Bancroft,, and unfolded himaolc (puite .vigorously against tho,great New .England divlno, Mr.' folsorn—a gentleman ofrfor tunc and. high sohuluslic attainments,, formorlyar Senator of this, Btato,.anil to tho Hagpp, Knickerbocker Into, ti,o bargain-bjias. {teen/; |nv i_tcd ,iiy theNo,w. Vork jli*-: toricai Soeloty to deliVorthonddrws befori that distinguished its licit .aiinlvorsary, 'in. Npyembet,' /Jtf'tol'iuieoptcd tho honorand it (/ rumored - fii Alhepuium' Club, that Jlr. I'olsom, who is a ehurehmau, will giro some blows from •• tho 'shoulder”" against tho' Yankee theology elevated‘by, Mr/ Bancroft and those fancy CnlviUistii' who thlnl( ihoro rioyo.r wiis bMotly so grsata theologian nsJonafimh Edwards. .Talking ofi.thpology,, reminds ino, of, a faot scarcely .known in tins city—namely, that tilers’ aro four churebos.in,tho city supported.by the . Welsh—oho Baptist, one, Co,ngfogatlohalist, hud; . two Methodist. • .Thorn arh two aowspapers printed in the «uno language. rfith n., circulation of ten. thousand, Thoypnavc-also four benevolent n-so clarions. ( . • 1 .■> ‘' u .' - /Mr. publigborof now-gpaper. . , / '• - -Tho/.total dry .entered ftt.tHe custom house, astitis-port tbm l to July 28. 3859, inclusive, is $71,782/084/ ; wmeh Is five’ nmUonfl larger, than,, tho importations oftbo cor- 1 responding period. In 1857, .arid forty .millions' lorgor.thaajn tho correspondingperiod lasi yoar,; business men assort that, for tho remainder ed the season* * imports uro*, likely}, to • continue large,: (hough jp/qfably-. thoy will not Increase. in,-tho , samo ratio .that* they hayo, thus far tho year. ! i .gonoral Superintendent Piltebury has establfehod, anew regulation for, the protection oj£’ travellers at! Bjtenmboat'b»ndingg , ;ji »or-' goanthhving been derailed to.supervhm the police-; mop ntrthb.varloas landing*,,And sob that tho rules; jjacJimcn flud rumiers tttb rigorously opfo'ficcd.i •, . , ;,.,Thb/rpceiphf of ; ibc Jludson Rivor Railroad for .Toly show a mnnfl increase lB5B, .The, fulling off in the receipts of tho Erio for .Tilly is. §100,1)00. llow Jong can this Erie sustain itself, att'd keep up aml froight trains, with.WincßS diminishing at tho rate of s3jooo nor /Myt-i'.' 1 ... v •*;. •‘The.rcceihtii of the American Tract Socioty for the bfobth of/JUnerjast pawed; wore $41,175:60, of wh1tb58,409.72 from donation, and $32,765.14! fof bublio'ftlioilB : tfold..>’.• ' -* - r ' : - : '" I'nefttittßtfttpd' that'tho prominent dramatic ar* tiflfs m tlic! oify fli*o 'Jiboiit to proder - therf •foKa,cbhiplunohtafy b<Jncot to_ \Vmjßuftpi.filal«,a ■name ftirpili/ii/to every, play-goor.iii the.country..- . •i is n prospyot that «>nio fine rnoos wjH cmho, joff.pn tho JiODg Wftn«V courses Uus fnlt.Stakes 1 havcl)eon opcne(l,,nnd,sevcnvl porsoneof respccta •Jbilfty' ai?fl energy pro befctirripg fhqmeolvqs.in tho. . matter, : Mnr{janiy i Eclipse aro.di\ity expected, j ■ froto EngiahdN.nnH ,<pdjl quiio. likoly bo cutqjed is I eompotitors for honors ami purse?. ' ~*,/ : PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1859. Route of tho aud Sirth-Stfc’el ,J \\V In~ 174.3, _An t tia’Ed in tho PhUa to “thb upper strebt } ' jioVl t -.lbo StAto House.” ' thq,north,ddo of the fitreot, several: street, whoro the ? Frutifel*n FireinSurincc CW*r pahy now basils' offlool . O[ttl7o2 Dnchohld a clay mill and pottery at the samo place. Onoof the eamo immc—ajuther or grandfather, probably— and on ancestor of Jacob Dncho, chaplain of Con gross at tho commencement, of .tlici, Revolution, onmo a Huguenot refugeo from Franco, with Wm. P,ojm| OrUho vof|go thp Proprietor £so, inrehunfor whicii_Pc|in, pfferotl him the \|holc, squaro of ground - between Markot and Arch] Third ■ and FonrlH -strcots, except Umt part occu pied by tho burial ground. Ducho thought that might bo .all woll. enough, but preferred having tho. money. Penn thought he was'do ing Ducho a kindness in.making saolbah offer, and hot'fooling flattorod. at tho way in which it was received, exclaimed, “Blookbead! Well, well,, thou ahalfc hayo thy money, but cnnst.not c thou soo thil will bo agront city?' 1 Ducho afterwards re gretted tlib exchange. Many other eligible lots ‘.weyo solt] at n.f lo\y a ratb.ne this waß cstlmatcd.ats and perhaps Duchd’s chango Was a prudent, thobgh, as events turned out, an unfortunate one. This Corner df,Fifth .and/ Chestnut streets used to bo .a very troubtesome' ono. The swamp there.(at- tho licnd of Chestnut fitveet, as it vrha called) U several, "times mentioned', in minutes of City’Councils as almost impassable, and was presented by tho Grand Jury n/oro than oneo, about the beginning of tho, lastconlury, as a milsanco. It is surprising to how long it continued so. ’ During tlio Revolution. Henry Laurens, Presi dent of Congress, and John of Iforth Caro lina (norolattvo of‘Win. Penn); had an Alidrcalkm, in coriscqitonco of which Laurens Sent a ohallengo to Bonn, which was accepted! They boarded at tho samo house, and on thoir way up th near Chest nut and Eighth streets, whoro tlio duo! was to take place, Laurens,’who was no longer a young mat,, found some difficulty in ordsslng this marsh, at Chestnut and Pifth." PeUn, ; who was his junior, ■gavb bim 'hla help him over, ntffco snipe time suggesting v?hAt‘ a' foolish thing it Was for thorn to sot about killing one another for nothing.' Tho . idea sooras to havo struck, Lnurons "In Uib suiuo common-sense wny ? and thoy shook hands, and wimt homo friends; so tliut.it good to be Htuck id tbp mud. - f r* • - - While thoßfitish occupied Philadelphia, as Wat son’s Annals inform us, f tho artillery were* en camped in Chestnut street, between Third hnd Sixth, tho squaro its an artillery park. At thhhorthoastoorner of Fifth and Chestnut; whero Brown’s iron building how stands, Knox had for a time hia office as' Soerotary of War of tntr United States, And for a whilotho Pdslnirtutor OonoralV offioo .wm adjoining, under tho same roof. Mr. Brown’s massive buildings, put up but u fow years siuce, nro’ among tho ornaiaonts of the street. Brown's Bssonco of Jamaica Ginger hay a wfdo ! roputation. ■ Tho Into Dr. Mutter, oho of thogrbal- 1 out shrgooas that Philadelphia ovor bad,*nnd she can• boost of many of great oininouco, told a story illustrating Mr. Brown’s strong faith in this medi cine. Thb Doctor wasquUsing him on It, nmj went over o long list of “ ills which flesh is heir to,P inquiring in each oaso how ho (Mr. Brown) thought thoy phould bo treated. In every case Mr. B. con tended that his gingor frhs applicable, either taken ns a medicinu, or applied externally. ! It is well for each one to bo fully persuaded in bis own mind, atlc&st in a ease of tills kind, whore tho tendency is' to;do no' harm mid much good. While ppoaking -of Dr. 'Mutter, perhaps you will allow a slight digression. Tho Doctor Imd a smart 1 littlo darkoy waltor, who cither caught a fondness forjoking from him, orporhaps it was inborn; at any rato; ho iron always ready to play a trick on any one. A lady oneo wont to• th’o Doctor’s with a violent toothache to. inquire what to do. Tho Doc tor-was not in his office, but tlio boy went out of tho room as if toonll him, and returning told tho lady thattho Doctor was trory tired, and asked to bo exposed from coming' down to sco her, but ad yised her to tako a doso of magnesia, apply a mus tard plaster, bathe her feet in warm water and go to bed.’* With implicit confidence tho direction wasohoyod. A. few days after, tho lady meeting tho Doctor in tho street, thiinkod him for his'advico which, though eho thought Very strange, had proved Tory effectual. : OeOASIOXAL. It was now the Doctor’s turn to be surprised. 110 had never heard of the caso before, and, on inquiry, ho fottud tho boy had boon trying an experiment on tho lady’s.credulity. No harm resulted. Was thiß an accidental' dtsedvery ? Who'-Wlehcß to' try tho remody ?; Mr. Brown has hod A drug etoro at this corner for-many,.years,-and it is, perhaps,, tho largostrotail establishment of tho kind in the city. We Uarp fpom Hazard's Register, of Pennsyl vania, for "May, 1831, that about that timo in dig ging foundations for a now biutdlng at tho north what corner/of tho street, tho cotncr-stono of.its prcdeocßSor .was-found, bearing date.l7ol. The stone was^c*cmployod. as h comor*stonOi On tho wcst fiidqofi tho slroot arc two lithographic, eatafc-' liohmon(s-*-thnt : o£ L,-N. Rosenthal .and Dnval’ffc Rack employs'; quite of hands and does b large amount ofworh in tho course of a year, Tfy<*, operations of ono of thoso establishments is K : curious,Jindporhapo hdve'shy. idonof thtoT. Tho lithographic art was discovered accidentally, about tho beginning of this, century, by a pair Ocrindu hamcdßcnefeldcrl' Ho' had been trying experiments in otching motel plates, which is done-i by covering parts of tho metal with some prepare- 1 tion whidh rvlll resist tbo oftbets of nn aoid, which poured ovor,‘covers tho &uifn'oo of otUot* parts, pro ducing thus, when well mnnngbdrtho effect of nn engraving,'With groator-expedition and facility; AVhilo engaged at this ho wishod to sot down jin ac count, (n washer-woman’?, wo bolioro.) and paper not being convenient, bo wttrto it on aalab of whieh lay near; witltfa pon dipped in tho coating ho employed on bis metal plates. It ocotirrcdUd him to try tho effect of otching tho stono. Tho ro suH was in part Successful, and encouraged further; experiments. Etching off stona- (in the , manner usiuiUy employed for.nudal) has not been a Very satisfactory process, . arid consequently is llttlo usod. v’But trying’this led to important dig-' coveries. Tho wholo. system of lithography, As, gonorally practised, dopomls upon tho ropugnarioo betwoon oil and Wator, So that whordono is tho .other will not bo. A.- drawing is made ■on a smooth, stono with a pbn o> crayon, iii which grouse is a principal constituent;. Tho stono is then’ prepared ho ns'readily to absorb wator, and after been wbt,- a rolior of greasy ink is passed over tho smooth surface whore tlio lines are; groaso, attracts greaso{/whore they are not, the stono is left clonni A sheet of paper is then laiU on tho* stono and passed, through, Uio press, nhd tho linos of tho drawing Or .writing transferred-to ft. Writing done on a prepared papor, with a peculiar ink, .(both furbished by lithographers,) ipay ho - copied on a stono much as lottore in a copying press; and autograph circulars, Ac., printed with dOspateli and at a comparatively low expense; Thore aro no types to set up, and bonco, when but a few luiprc&iona' are requited, litho graphing is cheaper than ordinary printing; but us nil the printing,must bo done byhoqd, and not more tha»'4Go,hupm>i<iona can bo taken in n day, for a largo number of copies it is luoreoxpeiisivo. Printing in colorfl is done by having each color drawn on a - separate stone aud printed singly, requiring', ..muoh' care, . both ;in the artist and tho printer. In some of tho fine imitations of.water colors published lately r ln England,, as many as thirty different stones have boon used. for ono pioture; Thoro ha* been too little doiriand for such JKponsivo .work In this country- to Warrant ,our IHliogrnphors to engage in it. But Messrs. -RqscnOml and Duval, with others in this city, hftvo produced some vory oroditablo works in thcirlino .of business' -Down stairs,'under - Mr. KoaonthaVs, ig tho Offico of Blood’s Dispatch. A ulight sketch of the history of this important institution may -bolntoroeting. / : ■ . • r A Mr.. Halsey, a tailor, employing two or throe boys to run with messages and errands, was sue- - cecdcd by D. 0. Blood. A Brother, who founded; what wiw first culled tho City Dispatch Pust.'tjhn*! Koehorsporgor, tho prasent solo proprietor, beeamo h partner of D. 0* Blood in *1849, ■ and the aotivo’ manager of tUo business, Mr. Blood , being utthatj time, and till his death, nearly five year* ago, chief clerk in tho Ledger offico. From a small and in-' significant business they now deliver tlom 7 to 12,000 letters daily, about one-sixth of. whieh are' loiters to tho poat’offibo for United States mails, 1 employing thirty-sovon men, and several office buys for'epcciul mesSongors. ■ Tho deliveries in -the outer; districts nro expedited by tbo aid of horsos and /Wugohs.d Romo years aifico a proposition wasmudo to tho Government to dolivor, by contract, all mall arid ether'lottors, at'a coat of.ono cont.each, In, •place of two,-as then andnow collected. Dr. Lob man, thon postiringtor, offered to have his carriers to do tho samo'thing, so as to prevont the contract.; Blood’s Dispatch reduced thoir price to one cent in ptncoof two conts, previously Dhargod. The Go mnraortt oarriere delivored for nfowwceks at ono oont per .letter, and then Went hock fo tho old 1 pried/ BlOod’s Dispatch office was fiurriqd. a Mho; destruction .of tho Shakspoarian Building, Sixth Arid Cirpcnter, nboVo Chestnut, and removed to; -tho theneo.to their present publia office, 1 Fifth,ineai?-Ohoalriutetreot. ! .; ■ ■ 4 Thfe oarrlerß’ offlce ia in tho ihird «foty pf;Mv- Makic’eJßuitding, Chestnut street, above Fourth. •When tho bueinoss.firat came,into notice, they 00-, tupicd tbD basement.of 42 South Third street, bo-j low Chcathut. Tho wholo-chy was scrved'hy foqr boys. It is rtoW/almoßt .the only ragdlum for • tljoj delivery of legal,:hank, inpurnucp no-; ticcs, circulars,,Ao. milo of tho offico" lottprs aro delivered houriy/ bnyqnd that distance,, from throo to liv'd ~timpB dailyi to di«- tonco. . Carefol attention tq tho, wants of tho rioss community, a judicious Byatotn Of had tho prompt doHvfity of al| mai tor eo/oniitted to ’iheir care, ha? built up the business. January; and July bills, arid, tho {ypSenttno, aeaaoh, is thdii* har*. Vest. Tho Worflo the weather the ■ belter thq busi-' h<ta' 1 The Iftto Judge Kano decided thnt proof of a notice being deposited in'DinOtVa lUspftteh 'whs le gal notice, &z\ , ' . .- ■ ; , , ‘ ‘ Tho 'doUveiy of valentines in February, .1850, oxclitsivoof tho regular'business lottora, was over BOjUdO in three dayij. - ’ * \ - ' In' a basoriicnt of ,tbO same building i? tho prin- oipfiV 'ofilcq of tho Philmlelpliia i Wmqh'giy'esohebks to tho tr|ijo|lqr at, } ■ljjß’bwivdopr aro yaiiroad cheCsTss/This is ft in ' days i of,jpasßehg6r ra}lr6ftdB;,.fpf,Aho!systG?n is wo-' /aomioifti and /' Compahy aleo;dcl]yor 'gwidsfromrindto any/^ar^ofthopi^yy'anddiirlpg :tH,e summor rdns'ln e'xjtfesa,to Atlantic cHy^4oß'‘, .vering/baggflgb withotit^oar^bf ; its" -roeidenco to tho, There,a re Bovbrnl ' branch oflioes through tho city Vhoro calls are re gistered by thosa who wish to employ tho oxpresj. .T’BTE- L-AyB.ES.Tf NEWS M v jsiectipu. /; 5 Aug. 1;—-After a‘spirited canyate,’ throughout‘tho State to-day/ to receive tho votoa of its/oitizens, Tho following! reports convoy tho expression of the ” will of tho people,” as far asTioafafroiii. ' ' j In this city and Jefferson county tho Opposition, ticket has received a majority of about I,ICO Votes/ .. In tho Seventh Congressional district, Robert Mallory, the OpjmUion candidate,, has. probably' boon*eloctdxl over Thomas 11. Ilolt, tho Deraoorqtio nominee. ' ' ‘ ' l \ •The returns from interior aro ns yot too niofigrc for any conclusion to .be foimcd from’ them. • ’ ' . ' . : , LornsvitiyH,- Aug., Ist—^Midnight.—As 'fnv.as hoard from, in Ashland district, tho. voto is cloao. ! In Ihc Rifth, Cpngrcssional 7 district,'Johru Y- Brovtai on tho rog.ular DomoaVatJc, tickot, is, probn .bly cidctod OVcr John' ll.' Jewett, Ihdopcndout Democrat. ! ; 1 ; .-Mcagro- returns from tho Second district, show a . laygc QmmUion gain, Messrs, Jackson, (Opp.) and 'Poytori (from.) aro tho candidates for Congross in that distriut.' ‘ * • f In tho Bdvcnth disfriotMallory lias 900 mdj’ority .ovqr Holt, for Congress. ", - Fdythcr from; OttHforuia. ' • -■ Jby bVimbXs-n MAit.}'' • . liot-iH, 1 July 31.—Tho overland inoil to the , Bth l inst., .which arrivod last night; furnishes soma items of, interest. . : . • *. • Tho b.ark,Messenger Bird, which leftllio Janoiro' inysterionsly'several liionths since, iy«S at Tahili* about tho iuiddlo of May, and her Captain shipped! •200.000 lbs..of cOfToe to Sitnrl'raftcisoo by.the ship Tho eoffeo lias boon seized.by Jho.sheriff, ; of *Snn-Francisco, on account of tho real owuors. : It reported that'tho runaway captain has already; rcalizeu $50,000 by tho salo oi portions of tho cargo qoimnHtcd to bis chrov- It'is. not known whftt’wns tho destination, of the Messenger Bird when she ' loft Tahiti. < \ v , , ... , Tim United Btatca-sloop-qf-war Wirrren' left 6atV Fra'noiscb on tho Otli of July for Panama. ’ . ‘ ! A tiro, occurred, at Woavorsvillo on the sth Of. July, causing a loss of $lOO,OOO. - , Much oxoitement prevailed ip Kovada and.Eldo rado bounties in consoquonco of extensive gold discoveries on 'Walkor rivor, east of tho Sierra Ho’vada. . . L . 1 . - Tho. Fort Smith. Times says that tlio Creek and Chorokeo are In open hostilities in conso quonco of tho murdors committeif by tho fornior.! Four-hundred’Crocks arbin hrnib awaiting tlio /movements of tlid Chordkces. from Carson Valley indicate tho'election of Major Dodgo as delegato to Cougrcsb.. Convcntlou of the Negroes of New, Dnglaml, , Tmi KBXT rREHIDHXTIAL CONTEST .UNDER CON-’ BlbBKATlOx: Boston, Auguat I.—A convention of colored men, to consider upon tho conrsu to piirauo during tho .noxt Presidential canvass, and, to provide measures for tho advancement of tho negro rnco in its moral, social, and political condition, is* now in Boston in tbißclty. Delegate* from all tno New Bhgfand and several other States mo present. Tho session will, bo oontinuod for thrpo days. % ’ . TiioVo wna also a colored, military demonstration to-day, cpmmoiriorntivo of r tho"lVertt India.eman cipation. 1 • ' ' / From Washington* - Washington, Aug I.— Col. BimeonM. Johnson, . ono of tho- oditqra of tho Into Washington who, several months ago, was appointed consid to Havrp, has. tendered His resignation. Thobffico, howovor, is not open for compotUioh. So nnmorouß have tho applications for situations .in Jho. Census Bureau already become, that in ofdor, to faeilUato responses thereto, printed, forms havo! boon proimrod, stating that' no, additional ; clerical : force wilt bo vcquirc<l until next year/ ‘ Socrotary Toucoy has roturned from his Northofn trip. - • . ' /’<*.' ■ A lotter rocoivod from Socrotnry Floyd,, who is now at the Virginia Springs, states that his health 'la Blowly iinproving. . 1 , From Mexico* Nhw Our,bans, August I,—Tho ritemnshipa In dianola and Arizona arrivod horo to-day, from JJnizoa on tho 28th and Indianola on the 30th ult.y They, bring's72,ooo in spoaio, and tho following advioos: • - Thoro had been two hundred and thirty deaths from fever at Royiiosn. Tho dates from Tampico aro to tho 22d ult. - Qdn. Degollftdo Was there, actively proparing for"* U now campaign. Gen. Garcia was at Matamoros, recruiting. The Juarez decree had boon enthusiastically re ceived. 1 ’ • ' A conducta of $OOO,OOO was on ite way to .Yillo. Tho report that Santa Anna was at the capital is generally disbelieved. Tho Waahington Monument mid the Post Office Department, •- Washington, duly 3t> lfs9.—The, couetrue*ion .of the Washington. Nationnl Monumont, after a .susponsion of sovorhl years, isaboul to bo resumed. ' Systems to raise funds.for thQ' ; proBeciittou of tho work havo boon put in Operation, and it is proposed ;to request the postmasters throughout tho country /to'niTo old to tho enterprise by plaeing boxos.yrit'hln thoir respcotlvo cflleca for tho reception of contri butions, and forwarding tho returns tb’Waahington. A few cents a month from tho thirty thousand post* .ofiiaes vVould sutjlco, in a fow years, to raise the .shaft to its intended height. ; 7 i Tiio Steamer Huntsville* Washington, August I.—After twelvo hours’ 'labor the firemen succeeded in suppressing the tiro in.tho hold of tho steamship Huntsville, beforo re norted on firo in Charleston harbor on Saturday, Her cargo consisted.of 000 bales of upland cotton, 800 barrels of flour,' 100 tierces of rice, besides n largo quantity of ponchos and watermelons. Near-, '|yJBohalos of cotton, which woro on dock,>WDro' ,saved*.. - .Tho Charioyton; Courier (from which papor those facte aro obtained) docs pot state tho amoiintof the loss. ”Flght Between the Omaha and Sioux Ihdians* Sr. Louis, July 31.—Tho St. Joseph Journal- of tho 80th learns that a band of fifty Omaha Indians woro attacked by a large party of Sioux, vrhou they 'wore a hundred miles from Decatur, in Xobrnakn, on tha night of tho 23d inst. A fight ensued, during, which seventeen of tho Indians woro killed, and seventeen wounded. Tho Omaha* succocdcd in taking fivo Sioux scalps. Departure of the President from Bed ford Springs* pß.DKoKD.'AuirUst' I,—The President, accompa nied ‘by Mrs.' Secretary Thompson, ‘Mlerf Lnno, Judgo Bowlarj Augustus Schell, mid Mr. Thomp son. with Judgo poughorty and Major Wnteon, of Bedford, .loft this morning for Cumberland. CuMBBhhAND. Md., Aug. I.—Tho President and party arrived licrd this hvonhig ' from Bedford Springs, and arc stopping at tho RovoroHouso. Tncy will leave at 20 minutes pasPti to-morrow, morning for Washington., - Settlement ofLong-contested Hailrotul Damage* Boston! August I.— Tho Boston and Worcester Railroad havo finally aojttlcd the .oaso with Mr*. Shaw, who was injured on their road eight yoarn ago, by the paymout'to hor of $25,000, iho total amount of tho vordiut und costs obtuiued by hov in tho Supremo Court. ‘ Ohio State Wool Fair. . CnsrnLAxn, August I,—Tho State will bp hold liore on tho4th in*t. ;'tho public «alo to take plnco on tho Fine »suiple* from In diana and Michigan, us well ns from this State, aro .already on exhibition. ' New York Batik Statement* * Nkw Yomr, August l.—Tlio bank statement for ;tfao week endiug on Saturday shows a decroaso in .’toans of $588,000; decronso in'speeio,,si32,ooo; do creaso in deposits, $827,000) nndinorease in oiren lation, $44,000. ’ Sailing of the Storc-ftliip, Reiicf* Nkw ydpK, August Tho styro ehip Relief jsailed tbrday for Aspinwoll. — Markets by Telegraph* Nuw Oalkans, July SO.—Cottnn. Thorn was Hotldns i!ono to-day in the market*. Fretehtiton to lav-, frppol /id; a foiy balsa of now Cotton woro bought at. 'p'*C W »> for.Blnvmont to-New York/ '• !" August I.—Flour buoyant: sales of SOOO pb!» at-uii-ndvoneo of MJtfo t Citr Mills niid Jlowanl .ftroot at $5-25. Wlieat decimal 3c50 i sales <*f.4O,CM) ‘feus: larjro eumilifg on hand; white, Q1.Ww1.35; red #140®1.200.r 1 Corn dulb23,oui) bus received; white. 73 «o; yellow/SJe. Pron-uons dull; llacoh, Sides,9*ac;i Mows Tork, eifl.7s. Whiskov dull at : . ; . New. Oblhans, Auy-1.-rTlio Cotton market closnd very dull, but there Ik no Wj nngn to jopnrt in thn quote-' wOHf. The first bnlos of Louisiana cotton was'in the' -pinrketand brmisht.MVcbHh. Corn is firm»fc bushel. ! J’rovieiona, generally, have n declining ton , doncy. {■CiftCivxAif,' Aug. j.—Flour «ml Whiskey iirft im ennnged. wiioat hnu.a tioehnm? tcmUmcy; but thero were no transactions m tho market to-day. ‘ T|lk Btath JquttX.u,.-fWo Have received the Mcond number of a now weekly jburnnl, with tlio ojicive title, printed In PhiTadolphin, and ahirted, Wdu'nderdtaud, «a tho organ of Jho Ameribail jto publicau party of tho State. Itis a neutiy-printdl,' handsomo-lookiog, sheet, quarto-forra, about tho size of * T/|a‘ Vfiekly Preis. It is conducted by- Ruben G. Orwig, Esq., proviousty connc*cted edi- tho Union County. Star, at Mifllins-' burg, and tho Home Gazette, at 1 Lowi«burg, pn. Judging iVoni tlio variikl contente of ilio present pad from the able ohenictorof tho cdftd-' rials, wo havo no doubt that ibo Journal will provo a success. Wo nro glad to ibnrn that it Blarte .Uitli a Vory hamlsomo list.' , ’ ( The Rights of NfttUTalixeil'-.Citizena* 1 On obo question connected-with theimlnruUrntioii •of foToignors and their rights in tlio United States,i Governor Wteo raises a point.which will* attract 1 >BO hi a attention. It is, whothor. slnoo alone lias tho'power to natiirallzo foreigner,} find to im&o thorn oltironb, any individiml State cari abridge tbOao rights, as bn» been done hy Mnssn chupeifts, by denying them tho same rights of suf-' frngo with native . citizens.' * ,In other words.' whether since, under tho Constitution, of tho'tJnl-’' tadjStalcß, ” the citizens of onfall Stato sball be cb titltel to ail tho -privileges and immunities of thd several - States,” a naturalised citizen of Virginia or. of Now. York, who is also a citizen of iho Untied State*, is ‘not, by virtue of tboclauso wo havo quoted, entitled ttf an the right a of a na|ivp-born citizen of oithorof thfaso'StateH, •shodUl ho eirtlgifotp to'.Massachhßottß. -Tlio Consti lutiofl.of Mossftcliuaotta says a lihtivc-borri, citizen of fyow York emigrating to thAt 'Stnte 'mAy vote ntier ono year’s rosldpnpo, but iw inturhlizeJ oitlzcit of Now York cm igniting to ftrassnelmsottH min only gain n * voting residence by remaining two years. But the Constitution of tho United States says, “ thopHizcns of each State 'shall bo ontitlcd to all aiid imlhunitics of oitizohg of tho sbveral Statcs. J, tftates, * . • ’ FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Teutonia at N. York, liyEßPqor, dates to rot is, 1 : W;' TEo -etoamcr Teutonia, from ,18,' arrivod-atNow York-yesterday. Her mivices arc uot so Into, by thrco days, as received via Capo Race, but our nowapaper files aro two days later than any received, The captain of tho bark Manrieo,wko saved So many passengers from tlio burning steamship Aus tria, bus been invested with tho order of tho lied Eagle,’"by ~ - Thc^ t Hrqvrncipl;-Qtateai ofljumburg' have* peti-’ tionod tho King of Holland to tako measures for ititeii ptov.itf’c6_froj».£hd German’GsnYe doratibn. . 1 PRUSSIA.:;!; " .... | The Royal Chiof Rank has lowered its discount! for bills from 5 por cent, to 4 por cent., and tho: Lombards discount from fl to 5 por cout. < ENGLAND. i v T|io,submarine tclegruph-bctweon tho Norfolk co/iftt'niul fionninrk’ laid. Tho cablo was paid out at tho rato of ono hundred inilos per day THE'WAR. TUB LATEST REDOUTS AND RUMORS All captured 'Austrian, vStaaels, according to the l preliminaries of the treaty, will bo given up. July* 100). the Austrian again begin tho running! of their vessels to Vonicc. ; Tho running of tho Lloych stoamors conunoncos! to on tho f, WBinyrna on ! tho 26th, ami to Alexandria on'twe lfth August.' Tbo lines to Corfu, Malta, Carnmania, Bnrcolonn, and to tho Po, aro for tho present still suspended. At tho sitting of the Fodoral*Diot on the 10th,, Austria-cpiuinunjcnted the preliminaries of the, poaoo/and'propdsod that tho contingents should be’ roturned, and tho Fodcral fortresses restored to a‘ ponce footing. •’ • 1 ■' ■ ' ■ -Austria rifthdveirhqr proposals of tho tth iust., and Pniwia licrs of, v thq -.ith. furthor pro .po.Hcd that tho 'former' resolution of tho Diet—to assemblo a corps of observation, on thq cancelled. • >- ’ ' ■' Tho Marquis d’Azeglio has arrived in Turin. Signor Kattaxzi, President of tho Chauibor.of heed charged wUE tho formatioil of tho now Cabinet. Tho PieUmontoso. Ga-zctts of-, simply; states in 'ii 1 lino, without any dommont, that tho preliminaries of peaoo woro siguwf on tho 12th.' Tho Opinion?,' Of Turin, Count Cavbur’a organ, ; docs nut.concoul its dissatisfaction at seeing Yenice, remain.in tho hands of Austrian *4* -regards, Count OftVour’S'roUfguritlbil, it attributes'it to the’ insufficiency ‘of tho of peace imposed Upon: Austria, which', beiug'quito contrary to his expecta tions, rendered it impossible for him to remain io office.-; ! ?!' • •. •, : An .imporia! manifesto signed at the Imperial Csstle of LnWnburg, ncarYiemia f ‘ was'published nt Viennu, on tho 16th. It frankly cxplains-tlmt tho motive for tho,conclusion of peaco was the bolding back.OfrThbmatutol-lfcderat allies, whose nicdialiou- promised less favorable conditions than, (C direct understand! m*. « • > fi[ .Xhfcinanife6.U> also.states that reforms oonforma blo to tho spirlt of the, tiipo. shall bo madd in IH'e public laws and administration. ■ Floronop and pther, parts of Tuscany liaVo protestediagainstih'b peace, and that tho Pope has refused tho. “ honorqiy, of tho Italian Confederation! - Its a word, Italy, to liborato and organize which tho,war Vus /under taken, prdmisesfto bo soon in V worse state of con fusion than over.— Parts Cor re spoildin ce of Lon don Times. * * . Tim INTERVIEW. OF .THE: EMPERORS. : Some littln private information..relative ,to tho• interview, of tub two Emperors has this morning' boon acquired. Exactly pfc 9in .the morning of .tho; 11th tlio Emperor Francis Joaoph roachod .YiHf ; Franca, whore ho was received • by tho Emperor of. ,tho Fronch with groat apparent kindness, and oypn - a'show of deforenco, Tho two monnrehs took-, breakfast, and ronmihed together nDtil : &ra*tHo afternoon, and-}t would appear that thoy, settled ! tho bases' for tho prcliimimnosof porico boforo they 1 parted.'. In military cirdcsU is stated ih'di Louis iY apolcon, showed, certain docuinontsto the JEm- 1 peror'of Austria, which removed any doubt he might nave felt abottt theneeesiily'for sacrificing Lombardy. lt The one document, h said formant, “ was a Pmsso-Anglo-Russtan peace project . which was based on the ecssion-of Vcnetia as wdl m Lombard y, and tho other, was a de spatch, In Which Prussia-expressed-her rcsolvohot to draw libr' sword ifi* dofpnco of, any, partof, tho Austrian possessions-in Italy/'—Vienna cor. of Loiuloii Times. J • 1 • ' '- ■' • • . A letter from Yalegglo gives a few additional details concerning the interview of tho tqro Em perors at - Villa Franca. It says’: “ When tho sovereigns woro about to .on.tor the houHo two Noblq Guards woro' ranged oh tho right dn the vestibule, and tho Cent Guards oh' the left. Tho Emperor FrancW Joseph insisted. on ■ the Em peror Tsapolcon ontering Arid.' Tbo Emperor in vited Franois Joseph to breakihst, butrlho: latter beggod to be-oxcuscd, as he had breakfasted boforo sotting out, Tho two Enrnotots then “entered the sitting-room aloho. Their MaiwUea sat down at op posite sides of tho table. Tho EmpororNapoJeon laid on tho tnbloa fow cigarettes in nn cnrolopo, and of fered ono to tho younggoYorcign,.wbodocline4 it, Al though ho ilurd person heard a word of what passed at this interview, F ean etnto that they conversed sometime# in Italian! but more frequently in,Gor man; not a word was writton down.' Earing the conversation tho Etnporor Napoleon, asif mechani cally, picked to pieces some of tho-flowors placod in n vaso •befbra him, On issuing from‘tho bouse the Emperor Napoleon conversed; an instant With Baron lies*, while Francis Joseph spqko with Mar shal Yaillant.' Thoir' MajtatioStnofi briefly in* spcctcd thcir eeoorts. TUq Em poror of Austria WAS ho strode with the uniform and beaming of the Copt •GnrdeS and Uuidos, that ho oponly oppressed his admiration. ' Jlo also asked whethor these soldiers; formed part of tho Imperial Guard. * TflE TEftMS OF THE TREATY. ' * Tho Paris\l?cWtf''glvo3 the following exptanh tionapf wliat it conceives to bo tho mci?t probable arrangement, of tho Italian States undor tho now organixation': “A comparison of tho despatch by which tho Etnporor Napoleon mndo known tho.bnsia of poace adopted nt Villa Franca with that by which the Em wuror of Austria commumeatql tho snmo event to lii-j subjects givos a comploto idea of tho two stipu lations made by tho two sovereigns. Whilo inform ing us that Austria i 3 to retain'vonetiaMho French di‘epivtch ( did not indicato what would <bo tho'now froutior between Piedmont and Austria/ * The Aus trian despatch mentions tho lino of tho Mincio, which romovos nil uncertainty .' as to tho fate of Fotfcfuora and JMnutua, which remain in tho hands of Austria. • The-Fronch despatch . said nothing about tbo duebios, and tho EriipororVproclamation to tho army of Italy only aUud&to! thorn .in speaking of tho Govornuients which had kept aloof from* tho movement, or wore recalled into their possessions. Tho Austrian despatch oxprcssly stipulates tho rosloration of tho sovoroigns of Tuscany and Mo dena. ' . _ *• Tho despatch docs not mention tho Duchcss-Uc gent of Fnrma, but it appoars to us so much loss probable that sho. is not included, in iho gOnoral of nil tho sovoroigns restored, tho Duuhcss-Rogent is the ono who will experience' iho least embarrassment in again mooting her people. Lastly, tho Austrian despatch 'does not represent tho establishment of u Confederation as no accom plished fact, but inQro)y.6tat<& } t]iat.Austria agrees with Franco iu promoting tho formation of an Italian Confederation/ That' 'stipulation thus be comes perfectly intelligible, for if suggests that tho assent of the States’whicn aro to outer into Jho Diosod. Confederation wilt, bo applied for, ahd thoy cannot bo regarded as * defi nitely engaged by arrangements in which thoy havo hitherto had. no shnro. Ad-: mitring, therefore, in conformity with tho opinion of a groat number of persons, that thoro will bo no Congress, and that Europo will not bo oallcd on to fivo an opinion on tho bases adopted at Villa riuion, there still remain ft groat number of ques tions to bo solved betwobu' Austria and Ifr&nco on iho one hand, and cortain Italian sovereigns on tho othor. But that is a work which tho rCHt of Europo, if such bo thoir pleasure, way very proporljWenvo to tho partita who signed tho preliminaries at Villa Franca, and to Italy, whoso reorganization. they Lavo undertaken togo'hor.” - -, *■' v / 1 THE POPE AND THE CONFEDERATION.^ ■* # . * ' It was agreod'betwoon tho Emperors that tho Popo should 1 bo tho President of; the Confederation, and-, tho Emperor Frauds, Joseph promised to do x all inhispoverto persuade Jl/y Holiness io agree to tho secularization of the doom ins of'the Church. This’ last piece of, information piay Appoar.apocryphal, but it was' inquired at an excellent source, and doubtless will provo to bo cofrebt/ In 1851 it was well known nt Homo that Louis Napoleon bad. formed. a plan for'the confederation of the Italian Sfatoe, and ono or two of iU principal features are stilt present, to my memory. Then, as novr, the. Popo was to,bo • President‘of tho Italian' Confederation, but-tho Executive power was to bo in tho hands of Sard!* ’ nia. Tho idea of tho secularization of tho domains of the Church is no.w.to.uono pf tho Powers.— Vteuna Correspondent of London Times'.' V’ Letter from Downingtown. [Correspondence of The. Pre^3.] \ w boyrNixotowy, August 1. ‘ Mr. Editor ! Wo wore extremely delighted thisj morning, on opening jfWJVrw, to aco ifc'iri ty* rtuiling now tlrcsc, a fit token of tiro taate that con trols it and’tho prosperity that is attending its pro gress. Everybody' was pleased, 'everybody was talking about 'it, and everybody was.wishing.that Hvo a thousand yoars, and prospor aa,it has been prospering. I have little nows for you from.thiß thriving,little borough—l had nparly writtcu villngo. AVo:ma nage to fau away tho summer, and to orijoy tho aocoiui-harid ooa-breeros from your iimumorablo correspondents nt ’ tho soa-shoro. As far as crops aro cpuoorned, I could not give yoU any bad tidings, wero I Oyer so prone to it. Tho barns aro filled with whoat, tho ground is bonripg,fruitfully, ’and tho gonial smiles that ’ groeb’ you as - you pass from mrm-houso to farm-house toll of hoary, parties and happy hearW. I notico a number of • atrnngo faoos from tho 'city, who hare boon drivon from the environs by tho heat.' They tell droadfid tales of city life aud its summer misoriey, to.suoh on eitont that wo almost'woop for your sufferings, and only wish that we oould-transplant, our cosy* ae dato, and bustling borough into jour limits, so that you might,geo whit it is to bo wabro tho ibrooxe of lumvon pfowpto brnvoly. and-thp grateful foliage; a burning - Tho event of the past week jy«3 tho~ Ifarvcat Homo colebratiun, 1 gotten'up ih> tlio? old-fnulnuned Cheetor county style, with Doth oyos open - to-tho greatest’ plcaauro ‘to; tho ■ greatest • number.' Tho; celebration camo off on Saturday, in the romantic grovo of “ Solitudo, ’’ about one’ milo distant from 1 where lam writing, and bordering oh tho banks of -the softly-flowing. Brandywine; ‘ Nuuibpra bf; persons wero present from l)owningtoWn, Coates-I viilo, \Yo sfc 'Cheater, and Wallace, township- To. those who know* anything bf. Chester county ,;jnnd‘ pnrticnlaxly of this - portionuf it, Z : nood mot«say; anything of gonerous gpntlcmcn and lovely Indies.: I don’t wand to bo .charged with fiatfoiy, and so' I’ll.gay no nioro.on that Jicnd.. Thoro was montol musie from tho CoatosVllio. w&t' Chester.: nhd Marshalton bands, vocal music, from scTOrat, singing societies, and swbbtcr music than Ml frohL a multitudo of birds that hovored around , the grove during tho day.. The array of-good- things was liot sligntod, as' you may woll suppose/ .Thcs weather was very gonial; tho best, of spirits, pre vailed, and tho only thing rogrottcit was tho short-; .nedsof thoday. -*.*.**!*.** , AYilliam C. Tl'iLsb-v, yomig man who played tho two games of ehos* with .Yale andliar - vard chnmpions. without .seeing tho board's, ind beating tho Harvard, Ih; snyri tho Worcester Trails efipti u fanner's,boy from Sponoor, - but sovouteed years'old, and ■ had 'juBt como in fromhuying to meet his collego opponents. Ho is a young innnof unusualipathematioalabilities, 1 • T;,/! S THgJITY." '' || A^^|Li.EGfD^^^^^nEMKXT. —Yestcrdayj ai||rn^m| r a- mak J. 3farray, a col-; L t|||' a boforo Recordor; ehpr®|pf a certain amount W. Armbruster, late Rc-M iheiver'of Taxes. had deposited sums, df/inoncy, at diflerent- times, in the Saving Fund,- at tfm.corner of Third and Walnut slroots, and tho{ baianco of $1,875 he drew out in December Inst.] Tho prosccutbn was represented by'Wm.'L.-Hiratj and David Sellars, BaasA tho defence by’Daniel 1 Dougherty. f \ : > on ,x thirdny : feiDe6effibef] ( -of, th^^halaucefgVyi^ing.tOjkfe! 1 oreditin tho SavingEund, he purchased u. bond of > about tho/ Aron dqm- i pany, which ho transforrod to his wife, i&- • S leged tliat Ihoiairfigned tHoliitth bohd to ono Pftt ] rick Murray, qnd.sinoe r tbat,.tipo-tjjio inonoy has ! been paid oh* it/ ahd'is now ili ttic pos- ! ; session of tho wife, y?*] tr > Tho following is*thd substance 4bo evidence: ; Honry E. Bonncn testified that* HonryJ. Murray kept'an account in tho Saving! Fund,;of (Witness) ife,president;:/!^No-] vombor ho had $6,375 doposited in said Saving: Fund; don’t;know.howmuo)i moneyhedepositod,l altogether, Michael Kennedy testified as to tho handwriting! of tho defendant. _ ! This'witness-wos one bf-his* sureties, and brought! suit in order to bring Murray to justico, and to got; his (surotioe) money,‘ '-This is tho sefcond suit lhat : ho# been instituted against tho defendant.-: r ?w. > Tho account book with tho Saving Fund having ■ boon* proVqd, tho/ following' addilionijr dostUddiiy > was olicitod: A ■ C. S. IVood sworn.—Mr. Murray was absent in! tho West; I wroto to - him; this woman camotnoi or three times afterwards (ho bpnd was duo last of May. On’tho cross-ei»minati9n‘tho s wibeASMid that it was a bond for $5,600; waagivon for a valua ble consideration, and was duo on Juno Ist, 1859. r J. Alexander Simpson sworn.—l received tho! amount of monoy duo. on tho boud, and drew a check, markod it good;'and left it with my clork.) with lustruotion* to baud it to the lady who had' left tho bond for collodion; ho delivered it as it* wn» authorized ; I was instructed to collect it for! Patrick Murray;-.I nevey/saw -31 rf Murray iustrtiited me to collect it. J u i - / '- At this dago of tho proceedings Mr. Dougherty! inado some objection, and soino argument onsued botweon him and counsel for Iho prosecution, after, which ,wJtn.cssod resuniodj—l 4o not know what bo-, camOfcdft there .is tho Jcheck I drow [check produeod;| all I know about wbat booarao of tho monoy was obtained from defendant as his counsol; I hnro no knowledge or belief as to where tho monoy is. >} Sir. Kcuncdy recalled.^-Mis.Murray belongs to this city; sho used to make nmbreifus boforo sko was married; saw tbo record of her marriage at St. Augustino’s Church; not ovor two years siuco; may be less. On oroHS-oxaminntion he said ho first saw tho. lAdyr,&t his'jplAbeJKllQOnth or .two ago; was not present at her marriage; did not want to be. ooiver of ToIcFBl u c J unol 85 jmS since .that >tldto Homo tfro of. thfotf hundred dollars; howoa collector for Fifth ward for tho years JB5B and-1857;; tlie 'warrants werarfgivqnrhfm-byTdr. 'Armbruster; I havo him in person; ho said he was willing to pay if given hint;-I can’t toll exactly- how much is duo'; will to Mato tho amount in a wcok or ton days. -./The ovi.deuce. here closed, and;the case wont over for another hearing, to tako plaoo on Monday morning at cloven 6’olockr ■ ‘ ' Tho i>Oistmastors of .many of tbo principal cities, including thoSa of New- York, - Washington, Bos ton, Brooklyn, Baltimore, and Charleston, havo alroady expressed* to loedrit a cor dial' Tito Postm&sfer General has writton a lottor to Lieutenant Ives, tho engineer in charge of tho monument.;, -Ha says: “It is tho privilogo of poatmastbrs, and others associated with Borneo,, in, .common with all olhor citi isena. to givo to this enterprise such sUpport* : 'oe thoir judgments and .focUngs may. prompt. It is ns citizens, ahd'not as officers, ihat'uieir influence will bo invoked, and I doubt not that iu this lauda bio ondeavor, worthy to illustrato and; porputuato the fame of tho Father of his Country/th6y will ylold to none in the promptness and earnestness of thoirco-oporation.” */> .H . C X The noMiciDß Case.—Coroner Fenner yesterday tnor^ing l resumed tho investiga tion in tho case of Margaret Smith, who was eup posed to havo been foulfy dcalt with, at a house in etrpct on Sunday morning. f ' Tho inqucaTWas tho offico of Alderman Mooro, in Fourth street below Shippon. Tho fol lowing* evidcutfo : Wak ’oheitod, in .addition'do.thAt published in yesterday’s Press. -v *: < Mary Dowd wan sworn, and testified that EUen Dolan told heron Saturday ovenmg tliat KonyrSmith{Daileyj was boaUnsf hor sistor with a board.'* Witness'Jirojia tho house over the collar in which the body was found. Ellon Feenoy sworn.—About 12 o’clock on Saturday mKht-witness any. a wre*tUn? on.tire pAy.eipent; ahq looked out of t no window, and saw a quarrelling between, deceased and liar sister, saw no blows struck; tho two and anothor woman! whom -witnoss-did not know, wont down tho collar Ellen Dolan had told the wit ness yesterday moraine, that Rosy Smith (Dailey) had struck the deceased with a bonrd. James Dowd was sworn.—Ho had heard nnsry lan irunge between.t)iq detfeascd sml ttro- women on Satur day meht; hhtsawnomowsf Witncasllvcsin the house ovof tlio collar, bat he heard no noise below stairs during-the night, c--'. ... ... , _ •Rose Dailoy, the* sister or the deceased, was called, and stated that thedecoaied was very much intoxica ted on Saturday rnsiit; tliat she heard nn-Sunday Jnorp mg that her sister (Was‘dead,*but thht hhe*too.w nothin? further concerning tho cause of her death,'ex cept that she ..wan’% r orr*drunk* on; Saturday evening: she had not Mnrrolhkl with lier, but had plven her good ndrico; sho did not see her olive after eight o’clock in this evening l . 1 1 ■s.A Ellon Dolan was re-callod.—Sho hoard Rosa Dailey ; jawinx” her sister, Imt did not see her strike hHX the. /deceased fell mid struck her head /witness slept in tho cellar with tho.deceased,.on SatpjpeTipgnh' The jury rendferod a vcrdibt .that the deceased died from intemperance and exposure, and not from viol&ncci, as allegod. '{7 ' l . ’j Dr. S,‘P. Brown raado a post mortem-exami nation on Sunday morning.‘“ T|io in his opinion, died *• from of caused either by a fall.dqwn stairs, or blows from, a hnrampr othor The Dootof'was not called onto* testify, for eoftuf reason’ or othor, and. it appgiijriTvory. Istrange that tbo Coroner's jury agreed on such a vordtet. , Disguaceful Conduct*—An cx-policcnianj hpraod, John F. . FiuWr,. of.tho EigMh division, w/vi boforo Recomor, Encu yesterday*.morning, on two charges preforrod .agninst him ty- Mr. Whi. Garland. It‘appears that Mrs. Garland/in co'm pany with ; Voinb' ladies, f was sitting-door stops of hor dwolling, ;,on-Friday evening,, when Fraser approached and behaved in aa indecent manner... ■ Mrs., Garland oxpostidated,with him, when Fraser, as-is alleged,-aeized a missilo,.pat on a star, and, with the aid of a policeman-named Barr, arrested Mr< G. On- thoir way to tho station house, it is alleged, Barr offered to release him for two dollars and a half; Garland refused to ac- oedo to their demand, howovbr, nnd upon.stating <l\o case, at thp ; station-liouse f jh® was discharged by tho lieutenant, but subsequently token before Alderman Planklnton, whore' ' Fraser preferred a chargo.of assault and .battory ogainst him,-and he was hold in $lOO bail to answer'..’ Mr. Garland then, complained .to 'tho 1 Chlof pf'Police,’ lint was in-' formed that Friwer hftd resigned his ,offico. jtoj then ruaifo an affidavit of the faots boforo Recordor ; linen,.upon whichFrasor was- arrested;AUfirlt^o : honring ho was hold in jtSOj) hail to arwwor-St’ court. 1 ' Officor Bafr.js now under trial by tho-. Mayor's Court for his sharo'in tho transaction.' 1 Their Rkckttxon .—V? e lmve ali-cady stated; that tbo Mayor and Councils of Cinciunati proposed-’ visiting our city,. Baltimore, and • iatorraediatoi points, during- tho present week- .Wo learn that 5 the party left ’ Cincinnati yesterday-morning, l and; expected to Pittsbi'tog/last/ evening,' whore: extensive' arrangements ihad been anode for their*, reception. It is'the‘lntention* ot thd company to’ leave tliat city On this ' evening,' so' that they, will probably, arrive .hor - AV’o are pleased to auh'ounoo that tho authorities of our- city are making arrangements.for thoir proper re ception, and that both branches of Councils will, hold a meeting for that purpose this aftornoon. * i 1 Oyt 1 os A Tocu./i-Thp : Mount' Vernon As sociation, .composed of: Philadelphia” typos, loft this oity yostorday afternoon, on- a Southern tour. Thomen piftbo “stick and rule “havo grand.an-' tioipatidiia of a glorious, time. They'will os far s ai Richmond,'and Plop ht Mount Vornon, Wash-, ington city, and’ Baltimore/ 1V r o comraend them to! tho kindest ‘constdcration of thoir professional. -brethren in thoso cities. The name of the vessel chartered for tho is “ Tho Father and* Sons.” .-' . , . . - Ax Inhuman IVretcu.—Yesterday morning; a eolored roan, named Thomas >Yalterg, teeiding in Baker, street, bolow Seventh, was takon bejfore AI-; dorman Dallas on the charge of boating his wife.!; It appears thoy bad some, difficulty’on Sunday, -morning, when'ho boat'bar in tho most shocking lnannor.' taken to tho Pennsylvania Hos pital. Waltora was committed to ansvforat Court CASBALTy.rr-AjjripidpyorjUa/petiM.-Taylor, whito at work on tho now passenger railroad dopot, l nt (iormnnfowti ro«4 ,l . nc i yester day morning, wub seriously injured by tho break-’ iug down of tho scaffold.';He,was removed, to his 1 jr<?sidoncG on tho Frankford road, .bolow , Wood elroet., • ~ . -r. - 7 .r, . , Tiih Body of ft colored man, whose name ; is unknown/Warffound yeatordaydnlho vicinity of, Gray's Ferry and Mniden-lnug. Tho bqd£ is sup- j posed\o have boon therefor Iwonty-fouv hours.’ Coroner Fenner “mis sen t'for to investigate. ■ Saved from Dhowning.—A man named Hugh Carlin, while Jn.a staWpf.iflfoiicafion, foil' into jGunnor's lorday aftornnon. 'A’ lad driving ‘ along t at .the; dimo^otiood.thQpQri^u^opditi^^uC^j^O^rliu, and rescued hint muoh - Ska ward Bound.-—Tho irlgate. Congress, willihcr full complempnt the "'Navy Yanl yesterilay. ‘ShoVilf remain on t’ovtlkfirfin! a few days and tako on poWd and provisions for her for a thvec-yoars cruisof.. t ,. “ MiNiBTKß^u. > U^yoN^’? Tr The.montliiymcot iug of this will plaqc this (Tjicsday) morn-; ing at iO o’clock,’in-th#“Union Jf. E. Church, Fourth bolow Arch ! ‘atrect. : All olorgymon aro in-, vito.i. ’’ ; 1 [niii> 'to. AnB w Efi. - Jml i es. Hollingsworth, residing at HiootowPi. waB.beforo Aldoruinn King, yesterday, charged, with to kill his wife. ‘lfo'was hold'lii $BOO to answer atbdurt. Explosion- Anua ; Myora wns sovoroly biirnctl,' on tSunday l night, by tho explosion of a fluid lamp, at a houso in Front streot; Fourth Varih! , Tiik lYcst Philadelphia Engine •,Company ■nro about changing their equipments • to ,tho l Hfiw York style, f/i',-' 1 ’ >*. ». h ... » I i>.,i -.- , J, > ; ■ -- - of the Commiaaoners ofthe^oorwas bold yester day ’afterooeh,*afc- Ufo Dlac&teyi At&sfebiiaei W. Thp .folk)wing members wftro.,nre^nt;.Hcssrs. Crossoh,"Dickinson, EshOrf Brans,' Ltmts, Llftuard, Maris, Markß/Robbins; Keyser, .. The house *gens reported as follows: . v.T Number in.the. House to-day - 2,284. , ■ T 3 Number samo limb loat ycar - 2,259 -‘.i . Increase .*-tT ;• •* -f/25 '---T The following communication was received from 'Dr. R. K. Smith, chicf rcaidcnt physician. Apgcst i, las?. Tp tub Doahd of Amonz -themsny misrepi'psehtatioaseiriflhating from-the fi&*- day Transcript, Mr. 3lnris utaiid to .have stated, at the mnaticasyliim.focA.periQd.of 1 heard this remark, but dm not 3kj finderstarid ‘it. "If f have ever missed a day, it was when upon'leave of absence, or occasioned by Hicknest- rhat' L sijouW uO charted thus paUicirSrith a nejjlecf of.my officfnl duty Is more than ! am willing to permit, nnd it will be only justico to meTor 3lr. Maria to say.ns plainly «ud pnHicly, iu the presence of tho hoard and the reporters, whether he designed to fix such a 'oha/gg, oponr mo, and if not, XrS liberate me from such a stfspiotoul f - - ** Very resoectfuUy 4 yours,- Roburt K. Bmitu. - .Mr/MarisAisclaimed jiiakiug any such nsadrtion as that alluded to by Dr. Smith. Jfb referred to a chief resident physician, .without making any di rect allusion.tp^tho.presenMncnmheni.. ■« Mr;* Evans j cortamly ‘ understood-Mr. Maria to refer to the doctor when ho made the remark. - Mr. 3laris had made his explanation, and had nothing more to say/ t ; j-» > A communication was received from Win. D. Lewis, of tbo Jlechanlcal.Bukory, asking to fur nish the Almshouse with broad. Roferred to the Comm i t th# dn'thoHduso. A communication was rccoivod from "Bqiuucl Griffiths, visitor of the First district, resigning his position, .and. attacking Mr. Linnard. in- bitter terras/*' 1 1 --*' - -'*- Mr. 3faris objected to its reception as being very insulting to tho Board, but nevortbelosH, on motion of Mr. Lentz, tho repprt waa received, and tho resignation acceptod. A report was' recoived From the treasurer, and ordored to bo filed. *' A- report was also received from the steward, Marshall Henszoy. •. Mr; ’Williiuns presented n report, rinsing tho security of tlio storekeeper from $l,OOO to $2,500. Adopted. " * Mr. Evans .presented a resolution authorizing the enlargement of tho graveyard, and the repair of the bridge/' Agreod.tol '/• presonted a resolution instructing ihe’Ooramitteo on Hoapital to report on the expedi ency ofred(icing tho J supply of porter. He .stated thht a' Hundred dozen of porter had been cexuhitucd every w£ek/ and he thought - it- was tdo much. Adopted. . , '' F DnJUcdloU/fheproposal9;for'fbmirfilng'ltocf-and mutton u'Orif Opcrtotl/Oud read asTollowsc . „ ... - ._]. _rer.ioofts. lf# &o Josepli Tillow, (imKfob,.i;.ui.. s© Valentino Doraof, (boof,) & Cliarlos BiMdlorribeeW..’.!.’. i. . 7 W .losoph Neil, {tniitton.).s 72 Itonry Wasner, (mntton,). S 79 hMwnul W»rtuum,J . * - 3. L. Boraef. S(bcef,). 5 74 Mlwani Bcliidd,' A.; John H. Jbrtos, fmutton,).V.. .; 5 07 , B. S. Hunt, (beef,). 5 18 ! John Rhlor, (boef,j. / 5 hi . {. ie W, Myers, (inuttoi),). 6 00 ohnll. JonM, y (b0Af,J...*......,/J.%..‘.V. 54f leorso.Widnor/t Bro.,(mutton, 6 00 olin inur’kTp.ftifiniton,).. L . i./, 6 75 iViHuim’MT»rs.’(beer,).......... ~. a 25 A. R. k D.R. Paul,(beef,) « uu BonJfljnm Hn]tz&r r (Jwef,). 5 20 Samuel C. Wood, (roueli h00f,5 SO “ {beef best kind,). ••• Tto **- {mutton,). fit)* Francis Boon, {mutton, fc r..“. 8 25 O. W. If. .Smith/linnlton,)..i.. /.........♦■- 5r70 W.H. Simstor,{beof.). 58> WiHtain Myers, 6 00 Mr. Palmer stated that a proposal he hod offered was not included-to.thK list jaat readr./ Tho propo sal tendered beef for $495 a hnndred pounds. On motion', tho consideration of the* proposal for beefnfaa postpohod-until nextr “- Mr. Marks moved to give the contract for mutton to John 11. Jones, at F 55.67i n hundred pounds. AgrcotkLo, My. |iinnard Toting in., tbo negatiye. moved, tbat thi/fitorolec'per’i -aalary bo insronwd to $9OO, it now being $6OO. . Mr. Dickinson hoped that it wonld fiot he raised. There was no appropriation for any increased com pensation. ;,p '- • ■ - V r- 1 On motion,;the Boam ■ went into: an eleotton for sovoralofficorßof.thbinstitution- V -- - Georgo Jeffries was elootcd.doorkeepfr.by pim majority. Jr. i > John Mulford was fleeted atorekeoppr in place of received oightveteff. llugans vm. unanimously fleeted matrQiyof the hou«e.'‘ /•v -'t 1 ./ *. jtt • J Miss Anne Robinson yraa unanimously re-elcctcd matron of children's asylum; 1 ’ * - Mie-i Racbol Scott was. unanimously re-el octcd teacher. - s Henry Mark was uhanlmohsly ro-eTcetcd mosaon gor^offthoßpard- :‘ *r t \ vj *r r -• William Graham was ri)*cl<wted gardehoronahi mouely. . A y. . - - >. - The committ,co appointed toeelocfc namcs.for the new modioal bo'a’ra 'were authorized *to call the board together when ready to,report. On morion of Mr.'Sorver, tho as>o rotary was au thoriiid/td tjmrchaAe tiekots Ao convoy over the passenger railroad,when going to and from tho House. Amounted/ Letter from Northampton Comity.: [Correa porsaeace of The _ * AAi--- : : j,- 1559. ' Postal, hrrangemenfo it* tiixs. ploisb, defective, for but of BcVetai by mysolf,’during thopwt week; but jon«/ftgul*rly reached its destination. 1 The postmaster of the place is efficiently aided' by;twb-stbaU boys, who occupy tho positions goneniUy to thoso whoso ago and bxperibhoVarb'considered requisito cldowh ereTat/lhc fitithfal and of their rbsponsiblo duties. ' y * But very titUo of interest haa iranspiced the good, folks weeks; .and, doWh thafcihn closed for the supuner YscatioD, «nd the stodenU, just > frbm7 laborious themselVeS s in happy; home circle ip preiy part of our cobntry; matters* And 1 things 'have as- fiatj- ancT uuprofitab!e ,r 'for eome~tjmo'to come. .Hfweini&.‘ikeTdiiial noiab/ahdexctienient, wo can congratulafe ourselves thah umid runt! dc-< light*, thoro is a quiot, that fully compensates for the'lack of tliaf tual din which scema to.constitute the chief essen tml of your great and .crowded cities. Politics are in a state of indifference, and nothing but tho most .herculean efibtt& can serve to revive;the fast-drodping spirits of the friends of : tHoNational malailministmtioD. whereas, on the other bond, the Union State-Bights Democracy are effectively, following the eVcn fonor of their way, deiorininwt to svucpxisfe cyen you; “thc hea4 wd frunt’ of tbe offebumg,” by the vita! ftrorigth of tbeir achievements in -tho .future/' We have a Bacholor’s -HitUV here, u No. 9,'’ whom Nlox and other ,cx-membe« of the Legislafuro congregnto almost nightly for social and political dUqußsigne ’Ajnong Jho-number aro my otdfrldtids. Messrs. Johnson, ©tout, and Lee,.of whoso genuine hospitality; dun ng my temporary Sojburii * htfr6; I have been tho constant recipient. Tho surrounding scenery of ibis place is indeed beautiful. Hills and valleys exist in pleasant pro fusion, uitb an ample sufficiency of vchlnro und sylvnncy* for the-moat consummatircoDnoireunrof woodland, dale, nnd.laWfi, nnd .“pourfd o’er is tijo calm influence of a* stream- almost :i\p* to rn antic nnd, beautiful ns your.favorito of Indian ■waters, thatorrant .child of the .Schuylkill-,.your own IVissahickon. walks, liko the classi cal groves of'Greeco, “ do here 1 abound,*’-and aro. 6f.'coiire*o, “sacred to friendship; trathi and loVe.t* Easton girls, aro.a great institution, sparkling and lively ns the,periapt-gems .they are; but/withal, their modesty,-likQcmy-own, ia their prevaiting eharactoriatto,., though they are romping,- gootf nritni*cd, frCsh, whole-souled/ and chrJy-bexded.• - YouhHvo read. ; -perbapa,«une of the old descrip tions’ of tho strolling players! 1 -when theykarmo/ fi£ftdf*sO- \Wjff rtHth % thV’gay/froedam'/add/ Dee easiness of country;, „ Now, -you. would think that of the locomotive, and. the factory had swept away the footrprints.ofthe rustic Thespiz, and intmluced a “modern” of ft raore metoebsryr less jovial, and more mechanloal character. - Bub Suchia'cotithe cnM; wo all tho spirit of tho early morning, pf thelfvelj drama, playing the'famous old “Box and CoxJV 'for= - with a rcmarkably .liaTrow platform for a stage,-.and. such impromptu 'con veuienocs ns call in the requisition- of natural Pconcry, ancl leave.much to bo supplied by a “gorgeous” . imagination. Evory -thing betokens the transiency of' the inriitutidurrM ib like the nymphs, tbo sprite?, and rustic spirits gen erally, ip tho. olden, romance* ihe sight of such rarities was but a “ short appearance”- only-voucto safed to the choeou low, in which 'the good people of Boston'Worn includod-‘Tbo encamped at “ Glane's. Citizen's , Gordon, ' K and among the “ star” biombors arc 7 Messrs. Tammy-' hill, 'Haletod, /and Coßins, lyouf city, and the,rory creapi of good fellowship. Xours. . / jPrcsxhasmadQ its nppcarahce'.here, Tin' its.. new and beautiihl dross. Tho uttobst'dotfro waemanifested to obtain copies', and T-'regretted that the supply was not suffiCtout/to tho demand./ Mere, abod Tr£m your friend, W - D. ~ ' No Divorce.—ln Soutli Cnrplina ther&.is no divorco aftor maniago: wed for’life‘raneC 63 tho fact in .'law whoa an instance of divorco has never bean known thoro! It has boon authorita tively Settlod that no judicial tribunal in the Btato has authority to declaro a decree of divorce for any cause whatsoever. If tho power, exists it is in the Legislature, which has" hitherto 1 nev<cr thought proper to exorcise the power. ' Fortiicr/tt ha« been determined by tho courts bf Suulh Caro lina, that aznarriago solemnized in ,tUai v Bth?e"fs indissolublo by tho aontcnco of any court ih >i-#x6t«h“ Stato,-vao as to affect the right* Or -condition of the parttesMn South" Carolina. It will bo sSenJ" then, that it is'muoh easier to tie tho knot than to undo it. > With rare, exceptions, tho .ooremony of -mar riage is, in fact, porfonned by a clergyman}-but the marriagecQnlraol c Jd.-uv t only parr of tho law, but it sentiment of .Iho'coinmithity on the Subject of di vorco. - •' - **-' -’*• \ - - - The New CathoiTo GhuiiUii.'—Tlio : Albany Ar^fis t in a somewhat denunciatory review of Dr. BeUowe’ movement, gays: “This new device will resemble tcliglon as a wooden nutmeg docs tho original fruit—shape, form, oolor, alike, but beechwood within. * * •‘.Tho jUfficuUy.about all their foibbtifip methods of making a religion for people to believe in jg ihnt they will not live. A living religion, like a plant, sprii>g£ from the mud. J Its rOot mast be in earu,«iui it must, by its natural instinct, aspire to tho light above and feed ou it. False religions and true hove alike tbis ch'araeleV. Mr. Bellows cannot niako a blade of grass, by any artificial proccee, much lee# a religion,for tnon to believe in. , His' t broad reli gion ’ will turn out a broad farco , f *, Schoolmasters; Wanted; at Normal School. —Tbo people ofllliaois have bad No rma! University chartered by the Legislature of 1857. Tho buildings of tho new institution arc go ng up at Bloomington, and when completed the manufacture of schoolmasters.and. sohoqimifitreß?w will bo carricd on os a wholesale business.' A few days since a friend stopped inrido tho.&aseent edi fice, wbon ho found the following' notice “No SniokCing Alowed ware their i& aney Bhareinss About.-?,.,, . IVjiat is a G.- Hi ;J ; . A, l —A saysi.“ln your .Personal’* of.SaturdayJast you °f on equipago at Newport whioli Was bruuglit tnerb for tho D. K. A. of a inyeH’c'gocistyjulily celebrated for,deeds of charUy and loro? 4 Kayo .hoard many inquiries, relative to thb.-ineanirig of tbo letters. I cannot spoak with authority’ but am informed that'G. B. $. J. to an office of-hpnor aiid .profit in tfio order of Ul9 Sons of Malta—an oaten sivo and rapidly-growing association—aad that no member can fill this.mponBiblo plaqowhoTs.nDt both a cbaritablo and competent m&ni ahd in-godd etanding.”—iV. I’. Put. ■ -■' ■ :!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers