The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 02, 1859, Image 1
4 ' • ,e //y.wciU'i' .i.uriJMO'/ .tittm—urn’ ' .. —.. . ... , . ............ 1 ’ '‘ls •tlMj •*> 4*',-. atii'ni j— * ■ _.■»■- V^.adr] '-;';,it sl\.-n .?'i'; -V,‘.«SIF —J.Y .. .'• . Ate™'-V‘!r\'#M\?mv.*s‘*i. 4*.W****®4 m«*Uy ( ! cheaply »jk! •XjKditiwulj': -S t-'Jl.f'STy?*- t-‘. l{ w&C'-: :^rfLi.f»Cs ! X-t f ''-’*iM ',llL - ;j •-'V.a <:* ->.*!.-# • ■:-(USi^i^iJr'U■ r “\i!'<V:-( >KL&.rV ; Cj . . . ..CIaOUtAM, :. > ' • hi. : 3 'igfr]^..‘Ri^*.*</ ' >! ,J ' ! . BUiftttroFi : ' '•'" '■ •! <k:s ,'.Ptj-;d' j?n'-- <•-*■ -, 'hryj''^jK)S , 3 rfe'i.‘ e y?V.'».;'!s-;r<. f -:' , - ,- 'K'thi r i‘--<oT?f , ::U ‘ i*ryfnufyi' \*ct* v; LA814 , 8» WUw+fefi’ .(.•.< :r i J * >r;h i"' U/‘*«V ■.",*:■ • ;fi XI " ; : RAILROAD A2^4Naif»A N OB l ■”'*? & \-’'-‘-'-''ih~ %V 1 ?il.*'* - «V :5,..,-.i. ;:,-,.'.v--?,• ; v, : :, ;COMyA3«iEs. ,**f uttSaJodte;,:: 1 / ,' :;,y» Mi* »Rlf «OODB JOJBBBRS. s AND.'BKOWN ii’-jf: ’ h ‘', ■ r> : S' ' ■> • u . J. ' /' l fif ? } ' \ A PtJU,' tUCB ply s THE MOSyAPPHOV^^ i • ■j'V-•, \"l_v | f ? By'lmTlECß.pCf^CiEAe^'^v.'^ ;■• ft','.' .... ;ra market; stkekt. y i - ' : '* w OPENING '• 'luE'a.i - ' : ;V; ’ :! day,at/gi/st i. ;T.%-v.-V' ■ -. f s ai>siEitJA;;ii; BAii^y,, •: ■ !■/ : •■ 4»: »lAHKET STREET, ,■'/ Vnl-tr; ’y - ' ' !' !> ‘,v4 f; WHOtfeSAiECtOTHIITG. (OIX3THING! : ; / 3 . • cV'‘Hii;^KirE ; s‘s’'ii so-k-j'i' : : ■t Wkiunkm co»«t* or roinn' -, ,-', ' Anow.»iiay*t«iujv«*to(ikj}f» -V s c, v ’ ! ii, //SY. h -W- t<lvu-t<.,y-gcu -.;ro*y« v» ■. ; = 'BOCXHBBS AND WKSTEBH TRADE, ■> XHEr INVITE; tTHB A’FTBNTION Olr BUYERS. - jyaMn>n>> nati^aaifi ifcil: m<rri ■tjii'n.i , ..: r »K3C,lBp,q: •.>«i=»«ottt*eofi*H i -rE6i»'r'BTilßETi; ; i Vm ■-•« joffr - 1.- 4'fr£juwßi w r-cii'" =■)> » ,i-«>:'.-a »«j .'fi;.»;ijErm^sTiuffix,'jv,Tv I • '?v % • - * -^r'y^y r/-V^' :V ‘ •' v ' l '- , 'fi,: " /Vr.»:w'ATCJBBS» : 'aE»«BRT i :*e.' : O 0 i ;-«'I>' 1 >' . ''s s&ot m^gg^ge^tfM-'&h.f' ■: I, tfsi ' if- .-v.,,: ,U.To»Meh'll!ej' lavitatheatienUdh birth,=pnblhs.' /; and'} ; . .• . .’•’. ‘ PEARLS;' ’'•' ’ •'• ’" •'' ••; - , *■ •/•■'mCm iV-»'f ->.-.iv -nri>',r,' J -- j;ii«,•-•«■>•■;?,.; ■-- rl | . •-T!>.l.'J'S <?*T?lf)Bo>WfJa|,-4TOi»*i»lJ4 r ssi wit - a < , ' ':Wll7-iftfv ’ V / ‘ W>r' ~ : .•!■'!. jj1 j r'’ .••*>.•.•••! •RfMANUFAOTURERS-ANDIMPORTBRS OF ? i ( iii-^Av^{6ll,VE*tW l Airßfe-.-W'AWg,'i">R rjfttfw-s -*t-N««hwett «^*: ? fJlECOli3DjuldNfeWB&S*t»,i ''i.C'if'.w'r-L'.-l-J 'vr--;| ]ij‘v ri f;;i/ 'i ■ -'? - . ,-18** ,«tes*iv» *oi jtfHMt MMrt-1 fa4«(B*Wd ■Z’.txi'.&sui ti .-a »:«» ,ww».iwr»'fl»!M«*B. »•:-• .fo-vs ’ *t: tk» «*; giauaaft ‘ v *'t : i 1 a^iteto^tir<^*lWii»ofr( ■•• it.-» <•>«,”; . M&&a4htm~tsmiifsSM vt&met.m y-i .*&*• t . «iid: ,WALNDTnfnt>n f<>r O<>fiil>Ti -«v+" V**.'./'"-'-. z.i s SK|B?®te3i^^a&&& v» lpSg|yi^iD^m}: . - **' 3» *ol^^V?HCT^i^3B«^»i(S«(ftv« V i i * I f £ , ' ; Js-3;sr.-p.Sc-'- 'ijxtft-- ff,';.s^ia'^-.y ; ; AH& •' * ■ s# “9 Uizffc&jV: | •ft*# •Str/t ll ~fr +. • "~ : Hit; '?_.;£; j ' '0 . > i"<-s}<s,- tr.'d •tvc ■ ' *s&*?*)&s&{ *ji« -i: | r. 1:;' rHn.ADElipJirjC' l Wi ■ k >-« ■* v- /Hyi , ~ iS/JUWgORTBRS. !^'VOE; u 3.^m--£ DRY GOODS COMMISSION HOUSES. dfr-fci- .s;;x..ijii-i *.; ; ■:■ - ,-r,u s r. i , s JN;«».r33LSS OHESMTOX STREET, ‘.; v ■! j * c 0,,; •',- . ~.,..; . V.,ERI.NT.E3t> ■ vt ' ><■* wg-" ! . ‘ ..y.'' :!; , ' ■ ; U BOMBAZINES, VEU. BAHEBES. s-'t; <•! ■; 1 :i£»o," : BROCUBANDSTI;LLASHA\VLS, CLOVE?..'.. f - ffROY HOSIERY CO.’S r^.^tßl^^i^BcrßTS f ; •'• ■ :t ; D /,!,! iR: A-":w. 7e VR y'.s f r : '#dRERT .e."evans, : ' .* ;• ?' ’’ .’ ff ■ 216 ' pHESTNOT , STRKE T. y ;':‘.!:WltoiiEBAliE. DRY GOODS. "246 'OHrSStNtJT . STTIEBT, Have received oiid off*r lor stile far the on * s ' : • 1 ' ” 5 * liberalism*, -v-; .•"/,;»*t'«JkWujASfOmT>UK» o» ( i„* 1;! Y?/''AdsjtJd for ■ market, j for the' MAKES OF : P.'S'.& S.V . • ••• ' if)—/ u’t*< i Y ,Y SNOEGKS’. . : ■ ~.-i jI i, ~ ~V AS» : - t ... ~ ZT- ■'■■ '"BISC|iOFF?S ; -<d£oTH:S & DOESKINS^ •ul-lOt -- ■ i' i* ' -' :• : QjNGHAiis;-.: ;v -V'v SOLID pax LOW;To‘SUPER. AND DARK FANCY'S, "V . v ?:■ . •■-•ov* •- >■ ;; ■ fling, ; ;V ’,■ f;I;< ',! ? 1 !ri *‘-‘4 • 1 7, „V t •’ ,«asl-m f CHESTNUT STREET. 1 ;E fc"N,E ; A ; IV:Evr 1,~: .J3O'CHESTNUT STREET,;„,y ' "f, 1 Arenow oSeiinKtheirFall importation of * . ~'/.//..1-v'v' 3 3 ; -j; yrmttaopjyrj'kf, 3/■ ■: To Uie.Jobbing Trade, oiMhe moetliberalterme. .■ -l.***M*R!V''ri: 03 b- i n ■.'! .N;:-.-;: ,V . . . : 1 is£' ,^:;p<x,' ; * U 525 CHKSTNOT STREET, -■■'■. Invito the attention of Wholesale Bayert to their. Urge ■>«t' ! mj»aetadLibr falLlnd ,’wm‘E^’tiuDß,; »«rt jjIU V•%AtSRBURY }CNITTf NO COMPANY'S 'MERINO s'inILV&'ASD ••t- ';-' • - ‘*, "w’A'riißvi.Err hosiery■ -Mlliss AtErino 6RiRTS ANI) DRAWERS AND HOSEjHALF-HOSE AND WOOLLEN REAST/O SKIRTS. ■ "PROVfDKNtJE ‘MANHEAC'I'ORINO COMPANY’S FANcY’KNIT WOOLLENiSOODS,t WHITE AND. 001A>RED;iSHETLAND YARN.. --, , ri < . .EASTERNMANUFACTURINO COMPANY’S WOOLLEN KtHTHNOYATINS., ! " WALLACE i SONS’ STEBL-SFRINO SKIRTS. ; ;'X:.’.'. ; ' ', ?.} agents, for'-’ ;• : ■ OTiS-MANUFACTURINO COMPANY’S MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. ■•) ’5 .:--;i- ’ ■"'■•'> •. . ASSANPINK,MERINO SHIRTS AND DRAWEES. .AMERICAN-AND HOWE COMPANIES’ PINS. jimADELPHIA GOODS. . - Mgr: to ih*.ijpdo,tt*, flttftlfih g 'jrell-kno*n makes of b*^»r^*MLW>fTlQKlsf©S,-/ * , . . Brown, Colored. andnPnnteii, of. yariou* ■v-a *!«Kmjcaofejri®RMio iiNsEYS*! fSSip'^Slit 5 Co.'fKmo*^ i^rSSl.^iSashtlw> , »U?aSofi , cf-tmy«rai>ioWW., fitraflt, tho Pin Tnldo a'dafiralde a*»rt fmintof Cotton; iwboUnSfLliioii,t«a4qr<nt«d faiiica, i'ftSbfM &&koftiiS<J(ief'Print*, j ®s§; t ydimskf-« :: ">r-''. -‘ -'- 1 add ‘ Fink' «tapl» »nd f*ss t L. «’ ' 13UH»ING-& GO., •> JU * HOIiXHI'bUJITHiWREBr/ ; - Arotiow ree«iTinfV br rio«B«iv'e 1 .rrivals from E'iropß, • THEIR FADE IMPORTATIONS : ' fjlW-J:.priVilvJ !y~p fe>> ):';•! VD '•••-'t it. iiiui .i .- GERMAN • .. OLOyiSi ANp ; BMAU..WARES, . k ‘M* T* 11 " \'*J' .;V- , v f-'MMrtedtttKit,;, ' . - "■.• ItiSXßSipi? ■ut, >.. ,u' .v,:>SEWESFjQ--'MAGHINES!.; fkMrlor to alloth.r* f«r’(en«r»V(iii», »M f“f 1 -■ M^ii^icßß^feiwfes/AAD^REsSirASEJia. -«.w ' ; . F.nntneat CNRmi KUI bi.oMnmt • me, la <»KwVH»«wW*»S Vtußut, rnoiW;. u' T e* -,-if .fiKrifflSSH C<jy..At«nt. ■■■•■--- ■> ■ - • ■ jataagsagaaiaß «••«*» Sui«tOar»dHi:m., o for o *Wbj LER # ca ; £ avfl Aloh «tr«et f wcood doer above Front. SIIiK ARD'flliY GOODS JOBfiEßsj JP^hXlloweElTco^ ~ . 333 MARKET ' i ■• AND . 27 N. EOUBTH STREET, Have now open* and ready for sale* \ A SUPERB. ASSORTMENT " * : 0? ; .. • NEW SILKS / ' * ' - 1; AND ' 1 • ~ ' JANC7 : D R Y, Of their own importation. jy27-12t CRACKERS. 1 gOS'TON CRACKERS. BOND ’S EXTBA CR ACKERS FOR FAMIHES. SODA BISCUIT, ; nic ;> CREAM , TOABT BISCUIT., ,<? , SEAUAMWAFERS. ■ EXTRA riEOT BREAD. ■ •■•-• D. I.- - " 1 Wo are constantly receiving this celebrated moke of Crocker*, freed from the Bakery, in barrels, boxes, end tine. •..-•■ • 1 ■ it. H. TRENOR, Agent, ' 1 oul-ty ■ -HO SOUTH WHARVES. el BREAD. : pURE AND CHEAP BREAD, ; v ..;TMANUFACTURED BY, THB ,' MECHANICAL bakery, .... ’ • CX N SB OBTAINED,AT,TnE FOIiLOOVIKO . . * ‘ PLACES: • MECHANICAL BAKERY i S- V/. comer of Broeil and J.GRAVENSTINE .....S of Twelfth n xt or ■ bo- and! Wallace etroots. C- M. CLARK..-.- .Poplar street, bo low ,31.,M011E1L,..... 5.. E.. corner Sixth and MRS.'S. BECK./I-;'......... .nSad 5 s o a !\T o.wh ill Si PANpOAST.,.. .....No. Mo Spring Garden JOHN G. M0XEY....... „: ifofiSa Vine street, ', ;• • ■T., P. 5M1TH............... .No. 115 North Fifth etreel, T. C. HORNER..... R E. cflreor Fifth' and W. W. MATHEWR..ia...: A"SSEleventh and D, KNIGHT...... .... ... Wal- GEORGE GARV1N.........n5“uw Lerabatd street, | D, COURTNEY.«.N. W. corner. Sixteenth 1 s. R. Mason, ..........i/pSjlfel'&anto™ S. R. WANAMAKEB—.'... Fe.deoral.street, ebovo Z .LENTZ.:... .....:.'.Comer'Sdhtti fourth'and L. HOLLAND.'..S.feom"r six't&nth and DAVID, SADDLER.... "nX WEIGHT MAN\.........;..8.'E. corner Eleventhacd H.;s. ToMKiNf:.:. ;i. H. 8R00K5...... ;..:. Seventh •y^;?«3!^..4....v:;&^aWwTur. F. M. WOOD.„J...Ur.. ii S.w|o h^mn1 t linand: .F, MORRIS..;..NfW. corner'lt'enth attd p; B. TURNER.-/..... Froht J. SHUSTER t corner Broadand TJIOS.' Ti BLEST irireet «a' JiMeiNTYRE.,/.-.....Twee bf^e^ond^Btreet^ab. /E. W. HUNTER Co?to«°" IVoet, above 86- AiEX. FULLERTON...cSofRIIhand Chris- HT0K5*...«,e.......-V.iCamden, X. J., store i 29, Went Philadelphia, 3Gth si., B;i' ! 'Y/RraLj.,.;...;v.'.;-.LtSiiMS? dro “ i ' : PEO/ Br ! ToWNSfeNDiWisitflhtsibiir,' Potlha " ; JAMES GARLAND..Capo May, n. j, ; D. H0RT0N....;...;........Ff0e5c0,N. J. .JOHN BODj). Wilminston,Del. . - jeS-tf , IMfEOHANIOAL . SAKERY.S, \v. Ctnutr PHILADELPHIA.' in sur-ceafful operation, dar tur£\snV4?^^l^?, TW P?°“ u J , J r tnytted to call ana see '^^^LV'^ c “ l i )^ l, . r P a< VvP ia Sl n * * or thetnselvaa. > SSMwTgiiM take* the liberty of saying that fbr thiny-firo yearebe ha* been a practical ft* ■£P?!s®Uce, and f aye.aaJourneyman In bttfl’bf the first has now tha man oliijWty.lithM hm?faoiiititaor manr tin^inothofeto- U.rc JSOSSBBIMHi. . ) ; :. ..... .'. ;.;, .. .. . Beinc unreatrauied In the purchase of flour, none hut 4.W1«1 ehall over bo UMrt i anil lie hae no teia ®: 1 * 1 M »n; tliet Brocilof aUkmijc can bo do l in »»d weight by that Itiatfe bltliOsOralnary firocene.-i .., "RfiSliteH Jt ,0 “ *. h ® ?,r 6 ¥- f l 1)! ‘I 1 ? Aleofianical .sßSffiSS ln ”d.;,?^',» wh eh it hie been, tried 2l , rA; i i?'°!3" me ll?.* menl ' lK,fore the maohlnery Was ih cider, are rejpMtltiUy.aekedto give it a tnal now, u»e undenigned believing it wontd lew lt> . Jo^l* Y dW.. RETAIL DRY ROODS. rpHORNLEY&CUISM, Northeast comer EIGHTH Atal BPJtIJiG OAR ' ’ ' ' , TItEI^ItfeISIRSTOCK ’ At nnd under Cast Price!!! >|HCn Robes, •. ,-,;|NaiK>lcon Bfiroge», .AiohßarcsQ Robos, , Pucalsnnd Vfiloncifta ( Very fineCambrio Lawns; Crape Tftraartinei, ’GpoaquaUty of, CUaUleB, Fancy Bilks, &fr„ ib» ’ ’ ■Black La<}e> Pomtosi ■ , ..t ; BlockfiUk 4 JjuBUrs l , ieeto® »“*"^ me Shatvto.&c. im, 9<|ofl ShiitWM end Bheetine Muslins. . ■ Irish Llnetis, Men’s and Boys’ Wear. &0., &o. : ■■ > ■ ■ **ALL FOR CASH.. •*' m«l-tf , , ... .... i p E E NOH LACE EOURNOVS WITH 3- CeMTfiPoirits and Mantilla.,NAlencon.) all at re kFb,™chxAce boußnous ~ . ■ PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM BA^Ecf^CwSw 1 AND '• m toWiWKffit. variety orfabne, at reduced pnces.Atthe - • •' I . -'PARIS MANTILI/A BltfPOßiyM. sU -'v'i.'.'v" ■'■ ~ :,mOHKBTNUTStreot. r-jLf-'l'b Whole our »t©pk # Ja now offering at reduced prices, preparatory to the close ofthe season, • ■ - r ‘ *-i> STw. proctor & co;, ~hl i* i. \ ■ 706 CHESTNUT Street. IVEW KICK FOULARDS, .' Ae Just received— aWFOULARILItOpES, full lengths. _' '»»«»«■«. Imported by V ■ &c. ■ . •. -Vy • Fine Black Broadolot ha. Lsdiea’ Cloths* light colors and black. • . , . Fine Black Doeskins and CMsirnoree. . ’-'Fancy .Cft»«imerco, VesUnK*, andSatinetts, ’ N. B.—Summer Stuffs eoilinc oheap. , J : .! , = CftOPifß A CONAKD. . Jy27 NINTiiattjJMAJtKET. T INEN GOODS. . #-■ -Best makesiieavy and fine Linens, . . Spmeoheap lota uythe piece or yard, Napkin*; Doylies. Towels, Diapers, ' Cloibs, iromTfo. to , ; CONRAD, ' -fag • r - ■ i ! ' ‘ NINTH anJ MAKrfET. \I7ILLUMSVILLF,. -T y, ; vWa?»satta, andothor.SbirUngs. i . , .Fine and low-priced,Shirt Bosoms. BheetMa bir the yard or piece. **' • ‘Flannels, Tickm*s, _ £ i f iljn . M' , . Cf OBER & CONRAD. > Jy 9tr. , T ,; , Sr , JuNTH?and MARKET. riHEAP ])RESS GOLDS: 1 cr. nt Calicoflfl at - • * lawA* of eood «t,le« and qualitie*. 1 i- . BRriTWFRa '. ‘•fag "‘rl 'CHEaTOyTanlliUHlTirßtreo’u. ; l ; : ; ; : ! '‘', ! '',Eii»NistaiNfc-oooi>s.' , '.ti --T W.?SOOTT—late of tko finn- of lVin .V« Ah<lrt«r & . ; FimNISIH :INO.. STQIL>;]- andAjSH i ! lT - MANUFACTORY*. 81. , OjiTard JEloas6,> • - ?! T.T ana.DESpATOH. fpr Slnsl. Hotel*. Htearnboate, Ae, f at poNOVAri’B' FAl'tll.Y IiAIJNDRY, Not, 3SS Smith HIXTH-Btroet, nf Frinw.i Faroilr- Shiftij aid Collsm; patont.polwhetl tWMr*4 W;,“ll d >. on tj^o, Jjornraoj! ( vrasn- STheFholabu*m««sl» “ttl«fa attotidad to_hyiremale :°W!ST“ ■ ‘ 11^gg« WfltS r rriiEunion, : ■' "."•;'. .: 1 ■' ■A., abo^tiggD^,^ ;Tha - adapted to and Jn close ft eheaphnd pleaiantride to all plioee oi interest in or about the oity. jy 23*$m I ~ , 2,.0 issa. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1859. Uetterg fl-om Euroj)o-»No. XII. [Correspondence of ThaFrqss.] ■ Fiuaouna, .Tuno 22,1859. j At a Tory oarly hour this morning twss aroused! by, tho hooming of 'cannon, and ringing-of bolls' annonncing tho grwutr, fitc d 6 Vieu. '- Boforo I; was grossed,; tho swelling notes, of tho firgnto; from tlio neighboring cathedral reached my enr, and multitudes of gatly>drossod iloaSuntry-woro: thronging tlio' streets.,Tho" dress , of -tho Fri-: hourgeoiso Is vory pretty, comiiiingof an apron pf somo gay material which almost covers'tlio skirt, to whioh thorods a boddloo'plnhod on tho shoulders! and'hlding tho two ends of a threo.oomordd kor-. chief of spmpothei stuff, omhroldored with' spangles'and beads', Tho cap So a high crown of blaok silk-worn , on, tho back of tho head} with a deop ftill of black laoo,‘whioh stands out stiffly at' tho stops, and, in tho middle clthoV falls back pf! droops gracofullyover tho front of thehedd. Some have their hair brushed; back - and -plaited with black velvet Into, an immenso knot. Their fill white nittslin 1 sleovcs arc. carefully ironpd’ In long' narrow creases, and then crimped around, giving a vory pretty effect. ; Jostbcforo my window On the Sqilafo they atb fitting up an altar on whioh a, gaiiy«cUcS2(id was doll is the njesl conspicuous object.. Tholptap.irfd jSavcmeitt aid part of the street hayo boon hung ;with tapestry. ,Crowdsaro comingnnd going,'ami just now a string of little orphan girls, liiarchaUed by the Sisters of Charlty,'afq ranged admiringly' before,it. Yesterday hearty everyJtouse in town had one or moro young saplings, plahled in little, tubs of water,'fastened Up against the house, tbol spreading limbs festooning the yrindhpra and doore' ip tho most natural and graceful t mahnor!Tho; trods havo boon fastened • into beams and ranged! along the Streets and Square, and around tips Ca thedral, giving tho town a most refreshing, 'rural' look. Tho windows aro allfllledwlthohoiooflowors', 'andbouquets, in ornamental pets) candelabra and! wax lights, whioh, when the {lost issue from the Cathedral,.were Ilf and keptburhlngi , dupjng the progross of the procession, When X wont | into the Btroot l found it lined on eitlior slda with the military up to the Cathedral door. As tho pro-! oossion moved out .with bannors, images, fslloS, ahd splendid insignia, some of tho pcoplo began: to' uncover, and ,I , moved to a moro : respectful ! distaneo. Suddenly a peat'of bells'and’xo»t bf cannon-announced the Host., The military pro-; sented arms, tho pc6plo" uncovered ond fell upon tholr knees, and theehalitttingpf the priests foso, aboVo tho cun. “.Otes 'votro .chapeau ! M said a* gruff voioe at my olhPwj- ‘fNovor,”was tho spoil tanoods reply in English, as, turning with surprise at this unexpected attack, I bait a, goli iVarine. ' ‘ Alice dOtld, Vite" he. returned, flourishing his ba ton, and to avoid more disagreeable consequences, I ■ retired to my hotel, whoro I appeased my indigna tion, as well, as, toy hunger, by a : good ' breakfast., I find'l am just In tinto to Mfi tlitsjirijceiaion pass' the hotel, atid WUh"ha'por ahd ponpil in hand, I Bit; nnobsorvedj to take my notes. Already a priest appears in Bplendid ganncnts of brocade, his hands, orossed In affected meekness upon his breast, pre ceded and supported on.olthor stdo bff thtoo little,' boys in white, crimien, find black,' bearing rich ban '.norp of Satin, and follpwbd .hy all tho hoys in town, .in a double single filo, hat in -hand and arranged' j;accordihgtoaito; noWagilt crucifix; now a llfe^ ; sizo imago of f the Saviour in silver gilt, berrno npdni tho shouldersof two priests} a gUt temple/ borne l j by twq in crliiistin veivctandgold,.containing! bbDos fancifully arranged with tinaol mid-glass—: perhaps precious stones; now a sm&UsUVor image/; I by boys in gowns And ecclesiastics' in lppg ? J blade robes; numbers of men, apparehtly’.of -bigber classes, bearing glass flamboaux ; others wittfj highly ornamottted batons Surnttttntod by lights-'the military lining tiiid Wa^"^abnon sionally ahd bells ringing. Tho cortogehaUi/ and ranging themselves with their-varloos they wait for some ceremony, which is doubtless-Jbi bo performed before tho altar oroctod this moriifbg.- I hoar muslc/occompahied with'yoices/iti tho;d£M ,tanbo—there is a the : approaches *• Ifrtui tbowlndcwof piifcotol,;il&J: Updlt-Ui® glittering pagCafct andfeol pecSfe ««cV, Volley ,df canndn:'; Tl&s®ojiiQ^rp ; ,allon their knaes, uncdVorAd and bendipg IoV in tho silonco of worship* How solcpm a spec-; taolo to an imaginative mind/ Now theyrisownd r tho procession” moves.' '"Tho, vestments _and costly j trappings of the priests sp&rkjo in tho §un. Imago* after image passes, apparently of preoious mdtal; now an immense W&x-doll dressed iu spangled blue and white satin; now a Bilver Virgin with, gold rays issuing all round, her person— crucifixes, and lights; a long string of Capueins; with shaven hoads and fino beards, now on organ, covered with floWert aqd stmuunded bf the siugew;j qunntit\osoF priestl; Ih tho nibifc gorgeous vest mchtb, fbUOWca by a nnipber of boys, in white and* scarlet,, swinging: .their censors; now ;tho' hpst,. carried by tho Bishop mnder a canopy of volvot and gold, tho corners decorated with and bluo feathers; oh either, side, a-priest bears his oroacr and. mltrot They Stdp bofdro tho altar.; A wrotched band strikes up i hdw the organ &pd singing—vilo inuslo \ now the voice of tho priest alono£ noW the responses—shooking discord! Cushions are being distributed aihOng tho priests;, the Oansillo knool upoh the,stones. Tho,brown; robe/ hoods, and sandals of .tho Capucins, with theirshaVen heads and long gray beards; their dispositiOn in tho street; in short, all tho coloring and grdupihg ofthe Scoho bcidw ino is most ipio turebquo and—-theatrical I ' ‘ 'i' , I went into tho Cathedral during, tho continu ance of the ceremony, and havo heard the great organ. I was never moro disappointed in my life. It is'disagreeably, ldud and harsh. The lower ,key£ aro afithiiiatio, and tho higher sol on edgo. Itmust f ,bo played vory.dif forenily on sot occasions, or travellers never could fall into ecstasies ovor such sounds as I heard. I left Fribourg for Berno about twolvo' o’clock, diverging from the high rciad to visit the honni* tnge of la Madelaine, about an hour from tho former place. This is n curious excavation of chapels, chambers, stables, Ac., in the living rook hanging high over tho rlvor Sarine, in a most wild and aocluiled place. I hare no there is many a romantic story connected Afcih. this hermitage, which was tho work of two wen alone; in tho year 1670. As it has no endowment, it has long since been abandoned by hormits, and is now occupied by a poor gardonor, who, having' no' family, has taken up his solitary.abodo In one of its little rooms. X lost myself anaong tho wckmlb and.glens . of this .wild place, and was obliged to take a peasant to put me again on tho high road. In passing through tho village of Laupinl found them all in thbir holiday attire—booth! and oako stands all about, like ono of our fair days; a tawdry altar -erected outside tho church, cm blazoned with all sorts of incongruities, and tho military* marching, drossed in tho' ancient Swiss costume, which, was. quite Btriking : end unique. Four halbordlors, with .chnp.oaus 'and-. towering plumes of white and, red h wfth ayound their-necks, • and a Spanish costumo' of black and orange, in harloquia stripes, preceded* the company, who were dressed in bluo and orahgo; ‘ coats,* white and; blaok gaiters, with tremendous bcar-skih caps, from which a piece of red oloth, embroidered with gold, hung downbo*, hind. I was much interested and amused at. all I saw, and the villagers seemed to regard myforeign appoaranoo with the same degree of curiosity. It was a curious ’sight ati I entored tho long, low room of tho auborgo, paoked with men and women, and'tbocasements hermetically closed; forif there is anything in the world tho Swiss- droad, it is a current! They!eon stand any quantity or qualityi of. smells, but’h'littlo fresh air from au open; window, makes them norvoua. Horo were mon, and their wives and mothers, lads' and . lasses, in : their b'yightest coßtumcs, all in thohoydayof eu joymont—not\o( a noisy, Bacchanalian character, but hearty, simple, and truo—and though nil wore taking wine or beer, none seemed, to bo unduly in fluenced thoroby. -Tho hour for ontiro abandonment had not yet ar rived. * TJp to two o’clock tho day was bacred, after, . which they could danoo, ariddoliver. themsolvos to all sorts of hilarity, I noticed a very pretty oustpnj, whioh.prpyaila hero friends. 1 .Upon entering,.the, imborge; iny grndo wm'. recog nised by many of hifti who Imme diately offered him tholr glasses; which he and Wiirnodf in token of amity and good will. /1 saw. tho r soldiers *and ’people maroHihg intp-’the. church, for tho concluding religious services pfj tho feto, and then set out' toward Borpo,’ passing on the '‘road a TeW fino old houses, relics of Übrnoßo aria-’ tooraoy, and reaching the town itself about dus& - . - . . 11 .Yours truly, •, , • , s . fy,, . , Akotiier Keg attA at hfAiUNX—It is pyo- : polled to havo another, ocean rogattp. at Kohantr~a three days y jubUpp,inolUding a moiistot promonaap .concert, by a. band of at; least eighty, ’ocean regatta, and a grand batl. A mfietlng was 'held.Thursday evening at Nah&nt in rolation fo the matter. An effort’ bo made to indtido tho Now -York yaoht squadron to visit Nahaht and partioi ;pnto in the regatta. A committee, of which tho lion. Charles Levi Woodbury is chairman, was ap pointed to,confer officially with/.Commodore Ste 'ypns and Secretary Morgan) of thpHew York squa dron. Tho regatta and attendant festivities will take place in August.— Sasto7i Atlas,' Strop Through Xfturel HiH-No. U. i i! v - 1 A t.routnt 6xVjsios.' * ! ’ /i-‘ V, aitAVBEAttD. ' along tho fnim the gatisof tho sooonll, or nortbcrii’ehfcrftnco, to SOoth‘laurel ““H Wfl/Atf6fc,*uccosBivoly thb !lots with >a‘; mofluflibnfc fldiririlbflforfifcivc pf hlmaolC and flcvoral members of his family ;.tbo neatly'-arranged.premisoa of AJ» drahajn, and the lot tho lila John ftoror, Bsq_., fth? citizen of Philadelphia^. This lot is gH° place of. sevcralmOmbors of Mr; and boats marks pf tn?to arid atteti ti6n v . In ,thls ; sAn\o fringe, also, is the beautifully looatca|lot of Mr.Robcrt Shoomakor, containing timrieany designated graves of. his wifo Elizahoth, .^ n d theft 1 chifdron, Robert and ifrank. , j Dircdiy fronting tho carriage-way,'in oho of the ! -most pdtiapipuons locations).id, dibid proximity to i 1 tho lasthotiicd point, is tho iargo triangular lot Of! Ct}t* Chambers, a morcliantpf - this ; city of large vjdalth, and long' knpwnas among, the,most enterpristng-and.efficient, representatives,in this .Oily, ofrUio fftportmcnt of trade in whichho was for i l c f* rill dhddtttrtt, ettpOtj riWyri fJeCdrid; Tins centrally iooatedibt, it is nnderstpod f whi soon y in a manner suited to its peculiar sitria* uohj jnjifhich OVpnt it will fdrm a very attractive featurapf this part of LaurebHilt, ; Rotting pur "stops from this point,, and looking id direction, & number of;bosgtifally- open to tho viow, tho compare-- timy : joi v el jiwsjjeiffc affording a, fibono ihwkioh our Id dlVided tewc6h th'<nVafriegrit&r ,and* tho con sum mat e,pfcffjl displayed. Jn _thoir' brra»gomont;j ,Tho inters ;we hat© priced, divides .ik&'Friendalbtiryhiff grdmni; .al/4ttd3| find./ohttS ilurtv&itoyfi iifld ;Sputh|»astoni i>oandarieB of those belonging, to the! ■ First Reforowd;putph and Fifth Baptist Churches; of pity; Tho first of .these,: belonging to the: congregation wersbipplngiu the, epttoiova tkew-«cU*‘ poo- Oftftho corner .of-Sovonth and Spring Carden (Roy, A. Ai TTiUits, pastor,) was purchased w>us,'Bi2t ypars ago, at, which tinte tho'fonder bhtylrigjgroiinds- df this, chtlroh, located at Bix* .teorittlnudlladobifeold, Wofo-sttld;, fhti fetodkai: : dead to ,their .present piaoe of inteririorit -was|oonaftor Tho IfUterwfts; how- ricpdiiipUflUed * Wltlioiit difflchityi . In duo Jpstahco, flie writer, well remembora that a serious’' affray;wns npprehondod whilo: tho work of, dirfn:j was going fprwa,rd r and which was orilyi Pfov|nted frdni:bringing doctor disgrace ripdn tile, wayipg portion by tho oharaotoristio coolness and. -st|lf'jppflflps?ton of a well-known oitizon, thou, us .s?9W, in the session of.thfs church.; TfaebolUgc-, rpnfr in, tho oosq placed Ijlmßelf in thopnorivlaolo ; .Ifeht of.a,speculator in tho tuftlecMf hii depafteu >ldndrea,having, with the viowof extorting money, (Whjoh ho also supoepdod in obtaining,) refused his icpnscnt to thoir removal, when he knew that tho work Wat inevitable. Theso Xrojuids.on, lUoo.sthiet are nowoccnpied:hy the. terft arid , hew' Hi ihbj .Boeisty of-Fronds, [formerly .settled at Fifth and-' latter sbructuro being now used .asa.Balcsrpom by thoMcssrs. riorstmaim. -I fr'M WPfimVrdneh.tiito fdfltidn, Which is separated tho Friopds’, already noticed, hy a : narrow, .avenue, wQ fifst oorao upon the iotof Charles’ pno of the oldest and mdstiinfinontia). imemborß of the Congregation here roferrod to/ Tim fronts of Mr. S.—panlel Sutter arid his wife Sri-! roposo beneath im anoiont altar-tomb,: ;bbUt having,deparidd this life at the ftdvancod age! sooro years and [four.« 1 Other members of jthlLfaipny Alsorsloop in [this enclosure; '* Imme diately. adjoining is a neat njqnnment erected to, lt. Grifi\ths,' his wife Elitaboth, 1 and; thoir ted) are tHe graves ofObii^., Rebecca and Philip Potts, with theirehU- Elizabeth, Margaret, and'Wm: M.; Andrew! -Read, Andrew MilleV and his wife Robecoa, Reubep: Conrad ;Qrovo. Busaw, wifo of AldxandMl Michael Katz, Snmuol'Baker, Samuel Opting,' Jacob Schrefrioi*, Rebccdft If. 'Oldedttergh, and -Gcorgo dlynior. Elizabeth' Weiss, Sd- SnaHz, Jbhh MrßcshBpg } iohn' Worn, Goo. Petor AunOr, George TV". Morris," arid- Idfliors, whbso-lives are honorably associated wfth, ithe early history of this congregation. ‘ Tho cnclo- SiiVflS bf George W. Montz Arid Frederick Erringer riotlee'in thlff connection. ! Thb mo?t ola- Jlfbrato nrid orriattumtal ftdtufo here is tkb'sptoridid' Infew-monument’ to Yfedbrtcfe and ClaHisfr* Gaul/ of thto pidiriOridi is rid less elogdht than' base, .the whole sustaining w finely-wrought fiutod; shaft, surmounted by an rirnj With a pacing no-' tloe bf the tomb 3 in this vicinity, of Rev. Joel Tyler Benedict, Peter Jfonnator, and Honry Xxaro, and Itho family vault of Lewis Rush, we leave this sec tion) and enter tho one adjoining it on tho north, through an I)ron archway lottored “ Tun Fifth Baptist CHuncn.” . In this extonslvo lot tho visitor will find much to admire, and, as has boss already suggested, to in dicate thowisdom and* propriety of oongrogations removing thjlir üb&a frpid dUy Mirjangj-grounds to' tho far more oongonial surroundings of a rural co niotory. Probably tho most noted tomb in this soo* tion ; ia that mnrkod*by a monument to Rov. wil liam Staughton, D.D. This niuch-boloved and in • flucntial divine occupied; while & high position ill thdUdtiiiitciidfoh; diidil still gratefully romembored by multitudes, ad tfnd Of the ixiost gifted and ednsidteiit frlorida Of that denomination. The round doriio/ church in Sansom Street,* bolow. Ninth, (tho Fifth Baptist, notf in tiio pastoral charge of Rov. Merriwotlier AVinston,)was oroctod for Dr. Staughton, and may bo , said to have boon founded by hint. In tiiia obdrob, so much endeared to many by its lator associations, his cidqueiidd and! peculiar stylo of delivery, and, more than all, his ; characteristic fearlessness in proclaiming .wliat ho bolicYod to bo. tho truth, scoured for him an overwhelming congregation, it wad in thisohurch, and, iM mistake not, under the auspioos of Dr. Staughton, that was ;first introduced tho mode of baptizing by immersion within tho walls of ft build ing.; For this piirpdSo a largo marblo tank was openod on theso occasions in front of the pulpit, and tho neophyte immorsod in the presence of tho con gregation, thus avoiding tho exposuro incident to inolomont woather, when tho ordinanoo was ad ministered in running streams, out in tho open air. Tho plAu then introduced has since been very generally adopted. Dr. Staughton continued many yonra pastor of this church. Ho was also, in tho eourso of his tong and useful life, Principal of the Baptist Theological Institute, in this city, the first corresponding secretary to tho flaptist: Board of Foreign Missions, and President of Columbia College, D. C. - The*remains of bis Wifo are also buried beneath this monumont. . Near at hand, in this division, also, is tho large family vault of our woll-known townsman, Josiah Randall, and hard by is tho tomb of Colonel Jonas P. Fairlnmb, who'deceased in l85t; Tho beautiful monument, ‘oroctod to hismomory, is thotribiito of bis lady. Ono of tho most noteworthy memorials in this vicinity, on tho southern line of iho lot, is that orootod to Christopher Wilkinson, and his son, William C. In a medallion, on tho cast side, arc carved tho profile portraits of both, in relief. * Tho tombs of Aloxandor Wilson, Richard Poarce, Wil liam Brinton, Margaret Buchanan, 'Alexander Harper, James W. Simms, and John R. Hassell, arc also boro designated.' f Lejivingtho' sovoral congregational Beotiond ? and retracing ouf 'stops toward thefiouth, wo pass tho family lot of our woll-fcnowh and enterprising fol loW-oiUzen, Johiißioe, Esq. This enclosure Is graced.with a very beautiful obolisk; surmounted by .statuary—tho latter ' consisting of a-female figure; with tho emblems of Christian hopo (in the “Rock of Ages”) and> peace, (symbolizod by ! a dove,) gracefully apponded. Tho whole is artisll calfy executed. ‘ Adjoining this is tho noatly onoloacd Buckingham lot, alongsldo of which is -that of John-Dallam; whore, In a magnificent aar oopbngnB, are deposited the remains of Cbarlos W. Oldonborgh. 1 ■ * * ‘ In a vory bouutiful spot closo at haild, undor tho shadow of throo graceful homlooks, rest tho re mains of tho wife ofMr. Edward M. Hopkins, who died in this city,' In 1857. pursuing our way a' short dietanCo' toward the ccritral building, wo en ter acharming clump of shrubbery, in whioh tho tombs of James G. Dew, John Dawson Park, and James Hart orb worthy'of speoial notice. ’ Qnrob-’ sarvations from this point are Tendered doubly in teresting by the gftrdon-Hko appearance preaentod on'all sides, nhd in faot, long bofore tho visiter has advanoed in his tour thus far, he will have noticed an indefinable something whioh lends a charin &’nd ; interest'to : these grounds, unoquallod any .whoro elso in tho* environs of Philadelphia. It is the effect produebd by skilful landsoapo gardening.' The troes and shrubbery in this cemotory, as al ready intimated,' afo worthy of more than a pass ing and will therefore,’ with tho reader’s kind indulgence, be made tho subject of No. 12. - Miss Adda. A. Goddard, who Was arrested a few days siuoe In Boston on a charge of obtaining $5OO of Mr. Willirtra' R. Hiiston, of Rexbury, by means of false: pretences, has commenced suih against tho proprietors of tho Traveller aud/TVaji- newspapers for libel in artiolos rotating to her alleged transactions in Roxbury, Troy, and ' other places, which articles originally appeared in - tho Traveller } Verb copied into tho Transcript with additional romarke. The damages aro laid at .slo,oooin tho oaso of the Traveller . and in that of tho Transcript at $5,000.' Tho writs oro return able at tho Ootobor Term of tho Superior Court. MiSs Goddard has also commenced suits for fnlso imprisonment against William R. Huston and Officer Hawley Folsom, laying damages in caob oaso at $5,000, and still another suit against Mr. Heston ; for slander. * tetter from Wanderer--ffo. 2/ [Corrospondonoo of Tho Press.] St. Louis, July 27, 185 D. Artless derirt fo got ffoifloWhero in tho faj IVost‘h(is prompted my present trip to the Indiati Territory, which adjoins,Arkansas upon the west; and as I am unable to get away- bn my journey from this place Until tonight, X will endeavor , to throw off ,some account of iny wanderings since X loft Philadelphia. My first stopping place was the Allegheny Mountain House} at Cresson. Hero X, found comfortable quarters, and- enjoyed a good inight’s rCsti• stiero wttqdlargo company already) ..there for tho sqason, and with tides to the visits to Prince Galitsin’s .famous little town tlf Lorotto, botanizing, bowling, trout, fishing, danq- 1 ing and singing, the hours flew awAy upon- angel-S Wings: -1 did nbfc stop at fqr. the > reason .that! had boon there only.a foW tfee&d'before'ij .During that visit I had full opportunities to learn what a gloriousHostolrie Harry Shirl.keeps. at tho St.-Charles; to get acquainted with Huntor.and other loading anti-Lecompton man; see East Lib-j orfcy, which, in the midst of high llllls and near the riVor. stands to, Pittsburg , as ; a -roaortfordlijncrs! dud duppord, as the Palis of the Schuylkill’ do ,to Philadelphia fandj nlofc thafi «s,■ fo behold the im-) „raenso manufacturing,works and rssouroeS -burg.A* time as you jook from’ any,of the) hlllz, tho glaring furnEcos.apoUtifigup, fird and flames, through act atmosphsfO'fhiekeried, with black smoke, at oncefigares .tot the.imftgiaa-: tion; monsters. struggling] with ,terrific.;, jagQ l; to; . inhUlie.tiMier Wdjjdi -Stit tdd notprdpose! so much to write of fjtddLrl't t)f-t&afc which I) Seo out of it. . Ataady tho gfddtta? tercets of Ponnsylvonfai' iu which she U f so intimate ly concerned>Jiavo jjad gll and favor lit thefidinhiraqfs%«r -PicSs.i- * .* .-;M .. Through ,ihe,maiiftg'eiihiHilfineifentisyivantaj Railroad ,qn arrangement hasJtafi-qfltefqdi into by which passengers from Philadelphia . reach j Chicago, with otily onechaflgeof ckri, loaring Phi-; laaelphin. afoWjminntee'bcfWe twelve H one day! dfld C&tcagd in t time for 'tea .the nbxt) day. , Prom •Prttanr'g J p'asSengers ! tafco the Pitts* burg, Port Wayne. * Chicago cars.- £ ‘aftt, proud’ to hear on all SlaeS that this' is, conceded ,to be -fho best rijute from 'the "Bea4j6 l arif 'to 'uhieKgb^: Travellers froni South j ifoilptfu;-/ is .of .infinite advantage bpjth to. tho tjjado of Chiqagfl.tiHcl Fhiiadolplua, and of tho intoryeni Jig,townB and cities,; • 'This' road/as ft is. called,' riins ovof d ebunfify'in ! Ohlo and'Xn'dfaiia.“ As you-.glide through tliti-forests ,\rind aortas' the smalt-,prairies, - you., -JJpq, r ,upptt ,tevery r -.hand clearings being made, grounds, boing- brokefl, log* . houses going up, and all the ’ evidences which are 'Witnfiflsdaln toe frontier settlements when the tide of emigration surges .tip ritfd » roshesiatiiri farther westward. r Thero are several large ttfWriS upon tho tmite,,. jj'prt Wayne is an old .town,- having.- boen at 6ho‘tiiiio tHo village of.a famous;Miami 'chief, dud afterward. tho site of. -ft United States fori: Xt, us said to ne fipanshliig;' -1 &w here and elsewhere: mica of swamp oak ready .to' bcL se'fit id market: Tbpprops pjC ooreals.were ,r, „ r ) •„> .. As onoxcoaMrihe nso of Chicago, within noompA* rdtiVely few froihdhamietjfar'odt and strng- S""ng Upon thd almost boundless prftirios of Illinois, be a .Co'tHihfind!al portof the first magnitude} and, p‘, {HO iawdiia .marts of, old, inhabited iby mer chant princes, living in marblo palaces, and enjoy ing overyjnxury that trade.csA preorire. and money purchase, it amazes, like the .wild taloiof the Ara bian stdry-tetlorß. . But'so Soven years ago I.waif my,wpy the hunting-grounds of ih'd upper 2 ahutncnit was a busy,.thriving place; .. Xtwas.prinoipallyrCihottioet'Cd by tho tran .siont visiter, however, because of its timber streets, and' tuhber sidewalks, .timber ,hcra*es,;its man trapsinstreotand aido-walks, .whore, if ypn djd not go in and sprain either, or Wyi yon wore ?iire To v ircad upon] thq.en'd'of a loose piaffe Which would fly.. up ana rap you oyor the head or body writir an uneicpected) vigor,’or else turn you a side or t baok somersault, after th,o style of,tho Chinese jngglors who .came. from San Franclscd three or four years Bgd—fdr its hotels} which wore principally rtoldtz* yoih of myriads of mosquitos, its fast younemen, and tho genejal and cosy, way in which the Sabbath .Wftapufethrougn.;Btitfi{ tHo same,time nobody could fail to admiro.tlid ready afld unceasing energy Of; the Chicago people. How has the eta changed W all olse except tnelast. ’As Tom Marshall woll saidy tho town is going up.; It is going up in more ways than one, for hotels,, stores, streets, and s|de*watkfi havo bueu raised -five -or Bix foot. 'Wpodcn Streets ate disappoaring, and id their place there .'fti® thogo aS flop na 'atiy in Fhiladolphia. The art flagged ’blOeka of marble ; butidfogafor stores are dfeqtcd, andiu arehitcoturalfinish andextetitpanndwhoro bo ’ „ * v . . Tho' marblo used in these structures is of a fine texture, and the better, I think, for not being, so whito and 'dazzling as the marblo of the Eastern (jitiea,, It iflquarnpd at Joliet principally.. Miohi- lSilnuJutij It runs jn froutpf the city and eioso fipdn tho. waters or which Btretehes oufc'beybnd than tap eye df glass ban discovon -The ‘dftflgu is fd flll up between‘the dredfect, Faifinount ercumls, into drives and parks., Thb tUnßr wfio of Hie ave nuo is occupied oy princely mansions of marble. I had tho pleasure of visiting ono In company with my good friend, Colonel Eastman, the able assist ant editor of the Chicago \Tijiies,. and who,.thpn2h quite a Voting ifiafi] has acourbd for.himsolf a. wide, reputation in journalists It wiiS tho dwelling of M; D. Gilman, Esq., late Democratic candidate for mayor, and who, from what I could learn, enjoys deserved popularity. Iu appointments, and finish and capaoity, it equals tho fine houses of Broadway, 4 but it cxools thorn in this; that It has a vast and dcllghtftil tioW iipdn tnd lnkd, whor'd 7UI ipping Can' bo Boon sailing to and fro as at Cape May, ilMmiil boata flying about, and that iMms always cool, re freshing breezes. • - . . In tho vioimty of Chicago thero aro many sumr mor resorts, and an untold number of ‘ Sunday lagcr-bcor gardens. Access can bohad to tHo latter, and most dF the farmer, by.horae-ears and omni buses. ' I went to hco Hydo rark, which Is kept by Jabcr.,of Jabcr, Hawk, 4 Co., of the Richmond lidds'e; Chicago, arid iu connection with it. It is pleasantly fhiUatCd upon tho lake-shoro, six milos from the ottyr It is capable Of accommodating ttfo hundred gucata, and is accessible by Steamboat, carriage/ and railway; and, in addition,, as tho steamboat aavofticcifients say of tho olork, lot mo say for Mr. Jabor', that t fhund him a “ clever follow.” , , Tho feeling for Douglas is Very warm. All m* formation froth the South and East, respecting his chances for the Charleston, nomination, is eagerly rc'coivdd and canvassed. Almost ©Very.hour of the day I found a crowd at the Briggs. House etigaged at that occupation. I .hoard from gontlemon just returned from Kentucky Rnd other States South, that Donglns’ chances - art growing'each day stronger, uud that ho hns now more fnend# in that section than he has credit for in the North. In this oity (St, Louis) some of tho Buohanan Dome-' dratshaTo booh fiercely opposed to him, but they already show signs df rtlentiug. They have felt tho public pulse, and It boats ncdlthfal music to tho strain of popular sovereignty! “ Ofilbb hath charms to sootho the troubled heart”—new read ing of Congreve. - Tho Briggs Houso is one of the bost-kopt hotels iu the,Weatorn country. Tho proprietors and clerks aro obliging, and you aro not onoatod with extor tionate extra charges, Ono travelling from ptaco to place, nS I have boon, and with littlo knowledge of tho hotels lu strnngo places, fall well knows how gratoful is tho Information of a good’hotel r There fore, I reCOmtrtCnd the Briggs House, Chicago. WAHDBBKR, Chatlostoh iJtffOhdcdj [Correspondence of Tho Press.} Charleston, S. C., July 29,1859. Editor Philadelphia Press : Your 1 ‘Occasional” oorrespondontswbats undor ahuge blunder when he writes that CharleSttm win bo an unhealthy location for the convening of the Democratic National Con vention in Juno. It matters little where this grand conclave holds Us meeting to theeltizens of Charles ton. - But when the proverbial sanitary condition of this good city is impeached, it demands a speedy and “ ex-cathedra ” denial to offset the false ro-, port. Tho weekly statements of the “Board of, ; Health” emphatically controvert this injurious ru-: nsbr of your misinformed Washingtonian. ‘ f . ' Thb undeniable fact, thbt many of our up-country 1 people dro migrating North rto Charleston, goos -to prove that-they uo not-“.think it unsafe ,to ap proach tho sea-board.lf tho,yellow scythe was over here as early as the month of Juno il is “ be yond tho reoolleoHon of tho oldest inhabitant’’ God knows wo havo it soon and often, and sovero enough when it is actually here. Lot us, then, not bo charged with having this u .Desolator” amongst us when wo woro nevor enjoying better health., ' , ‘ Your'.ubiquitous correspondent, knows nothin? about 1 our accommodations foreman and beast” In asserting; that wo havo no suitable plaoe, save thotheatro. whoroin thts‘“ doming' together of the tribes of Democracy” can assemble. ' 11 •' /' Accommodations-ample, food wholesome, dnnk thing needed Is hero to sup ply tho oravlng wanta of poor humanity. Cincin nati cannot' boatt of better/ But, 1 again, ho hints that our political atmOSphoro )S impregnated with tho most deadly malaria.-Now; really this is some thing novel. - DoCa place warp men’s judgments ? Do ultra men swerve tho -great' mass of conserva tives that do'assemble p,n'such occasions'? .Rest as sured, that the “ Rights of each State ” would be as carefully respccteahcrb' as any where.-. Shall wo incot in / Africa, so.that individual States cannot imperiously dictate by reason of having the gath ering in theirißldsi? Shall 11 wiro-pullofs,” “ plat form-plnnuora,” nhd devilish ihtriguors poison tho deliberations of sagacious men? . Ncveri!- IT tho delegates should bo so foidunato as to oongregate hero next June, hono wlll leave dissatisfied with : oither accommodations or'edibles,, or drinkables. Tf “Occasional n> should,happen to bo here to jot down the proceedings, ho will be constrained to’do-, dare that no never enjoyed botter health than’du ring his temporary sojourn Hero. A free negro, if u Occasional” desires it, shall cator to hiastomiichio desiderata, and line his diaphragm with- the best of tho laiid. , " ' _ Fax; TuEjCUarlogton (S. C.) Mercury say a. that reoently a little child was so severely iqjurod by a gamc-cock belonging to a naturalist of that city, : that its lifo waS'pYacbA in great danger. «ThechilA • was passing through tho, building-whero tho, fowls were kept, when ho was attacked by a largo cook; which peckod and spurred him sadly. An onslaught upon the bird by a domestic- with a broom-handlo <?ono savod the boy from very-serious injury. , , A-man' named Bullard loft Rochester, Nov York', and his wife and family, some months since, for parts unknown. He took aparamour with him, and loft ft largo number of I. O. H.’s in the; hands -of oonfiding creditors. He wont to California,-and took np his abode in -Folsomo city, passing off his parnmour as his wifo, and is moving among tho “first families!’ ’ His family is in very destitute oironmstances. • ) •y'ph-M hi. vivraj4}u io-K u=,m oun coßßsaycKMirT visits,enks ‘ pK*Vfjib ' JfoitJtikd ‘ojp THe' 2flT^—bb! -BPBAKIfIB^'V^;iSrPROVfeMBXfS ! irAkKTO r AXm’bFi . THOSy. tijraWVjl.DE *ADE—rTHB apx STB.; TBBin ; AUuB^MBXT. "WATBRS—THE ADyAXTAOES! POSSESSEri^W-^ERfIS^O.V—REWAJIkAatE: Vacv is| BEOAnil ' . DRIVEB“FW®B’ "VOVJCTAiM - AHD.jXBOtr^^JPOXB^, loreito—UAi,;,rxsTsr, prince pribst-t-ma^*! ‘ c ahpbrll’V VAXAdr.HEKtd?, xtoe ’noTRES—Arm,; ' ; ynrAI,IA’,;-* < .AXa£BCHESYJs*?u advtCE'to^ fx&a^ _ -, v-' ; , .• ri Press.] !* /- T "' I ' ' ’ ' ! - J ' . : CiiKsabs, July 'S,’lBo9.' [ ' T : haVa Just tested myitolf jiglitfttlly'(jool'aß'd : pl'oai«nt diy atihisparadfMOf ,8 to 'jot dotrti a-faw ltotus/ I do not kiawi how ■ th.o thcrKKiBlet«f Tsn’geH, lor tho only anel horo appoara but for {he CftpeeiM information of of your readers aa fadong to ibo ; ‘ ‘ o ant-got:ftwa^cUib, 1 ’ who,jot. now circuUtlng‘ 'among tiji' i Uiat jrithin doors, in ilcftry woollen yet I am biuyryeGoinfortAble. s!his X WlieS wore hoard Wiilk.t cnVi'lopcd :: iri tlilok shawis',’ ■ informed ttmtqalM hrkpcetaklo irdsl 'waffVSiflbJo; •to tho nuked bTifstjßi early hour. “ Ihink of ih»t, ■Ojgpi Si»eke on fjie, ofJ[uij i. -jcj-stf ;Bnyf ttomipr ,tfiat.j&fiiiupj>crß and’ fflosgnjtgs prflr .iV / i ' .Since mjr Tirit tf Bre.sfidd last Sommer, some ad idilional Smtitovemßiaf have 1 -6mB dtiierS ( haa been erettea, 1 pied,'although <?f ptastertS: wesK' wiimf,.-which will probabljr'bofitilh orie .'affdttional, irdora&; r .Thft rioevaßßtrigpopularity of Sp,. bfsij&jpr »h, ttfluaiiMtC find other Improve lieooSsaiy Wore Seiisori cdmftienees. , s: l^reiirt : now.upw«rfß ittd fifty ttaesbthe.plWOi whiohu evidenaocf itft,xrow lotf fitmalarity, siiioe opehedSn'ategdtt riate moaner fis a'fStcntnerVosOTfe a year ago*' ’ Arimahere-itf‘A of mnusementefor Jifast tiloaf-’-but evott anpplied. I write T ieaVHHO tfiflrid and dafioo pTOgressirigiri ihe large that-fife least is something : ta mate rime fly.on sfiksn that My far- those* who de- Ifghtln guch flnfcKafitmenls; * . " ‘ ' ’ ;' the ritimoro'as ? ftbOßfc. Cresson* Although «Cfold - eriough 'tor make Jpnp tatfc as -the, cofiamon, eaepresaon.-goeat possess rib medicinal properties, ' It ,' is not c!aim«i for thorn toposscso heallng onklfator' Bht Qrc?«m;has iUfl:antogeB oat of .the proyinto’of faah> jonjiWe watering places. -ITw 2.7oofeet abovo thc icvel of tho Atlaiitfo ooean. fineh an ■altitiide : naturally produces i: milled Ulrj i which canned he otljertrise. than benoScial to each penona aarasldo’lnlow coilirtrteiu eyenjw a. inero change. -Phyatoiais .nro‘ inlttej. patients sdWkti gdth *thef. longs to , tropical oil. 'mates* 1 will flot lnquiro into the re fits to'boderiv§d ; BVo«igomptrvegTrbma residence inChba,'El6rida,-of l J^Ber,'*^e3t . Indies; ‘butl.wUl narrato.a rsmarkaT)|9ifaot.' * In m*tt»ptsQo miles of tho Alleghany motintaia,, embracing both east %rni('and' western -ba3e&j r contA!mng ‘a population of-Upwards tiorilsnofc.ope 19 &«000 annually. .* '. <. . ~, r The sbenery aboift charmirigly plotu re&quo. - l ouql,' BCfinestCred ''shade'' afforded by thu-ifioM©’ whicht-the rays pf-thq- eUrirCan saarcely penetpato, must he Intenselvgrttifying to those who 'have just e&apfed the heac And dnst'of a oity. There is an excellent lively stable kept Here, ? 'ana tho drives.aro delightful,.either in <tho,(Uree 7 tlon 6f Epensbrirg or Hollidaysburg, by ani excel lent turnpike.; On dhri - eastern' stripe, in ‘gored of tho mountain,' where tho thermomoter probably neyqr,marka.oysr fiOrdpmea, John Erica keeps,tho Fountain' Icri—ana quite a place of. resort ,it 'is.' He'Has notonly ft'hoaatiful foantam of : water : nedr his door, which jtends- its sparkling jets' high into the air, bttt pt the hose ©f it he has a pond stocked with S; WO morintalii troutj whtdh he serves op* to order. • - r ■ ? I; .* o a j /: j' r- -‘ • •' I 4 * *‘- - < i . From Cressou Ihorq U a plank Toad to, Lo.retto—a distance of fivemilps., she driVa is through a wood where- (he foliage 1 Ifi'lutariant'enough 'to form a canopy..; Ldfetto Is a> Oathblio settlement, and Is sufficiently linked .vrlth; histoiy to repays«visit; Here, ih solemn, grandeur .'and rilerice, repose the remains'of oho bf the most romarkablo iheii of the present .century—Demetrius Augustus .GalliUlnl - prince, r who forsook tho, luxunotiß blandishments of a European' Court, and the high position fie held to heootno a devout And humble miiaioriary Was then a wilderness* His gravo is marked by a hiontlmeiii; And, white the .Catholics so doeply re vere hia iflefftbry, Ptotestahte cannot but admire the, truly Christian fortitude with which ho forsook tho world, when, (hoy road -his history .upon the granito. block .erected over his to'mh; : Soeh staves as lus are piicrim ' x iLShnnestonocodepr creed confined; i • > . • TheDeiphian vales and Palestine*. < .. . *1 4 ?W»Mee<rttfJff lllerahld. J, , "• ’ _ And nOw^mc(moltiriO!p lt aword about tho euiame and genoroj matistfentent of at Cressou. (n-bet-al’tlie head'of such-a resort thaffMsjorr Campbell is Ao£ea&ly forindf and yet. with all tho care and involves, ho ls pfitfeotlv at hentno*. The table is, in all re spects, equal to that of-any watering place or fash ionable resort in the Union. - -A son of Mr. Oamp holl attends to this department in person, being (Kmataiitly employed in gathering tho best supplies that both etiy and < countiy markets can furnish. The office is under charge of Mr. Bushrod Wash ington. This is his first season aa bookkeeper of. a hotel, but* he discharges his-duties with the ease and gentlemanly grace of a veteron.; • Everybody fona of the pioturesque,. the ro mdnHoana the beautiful, should spend at.least a few days at Cresson. It is bat nine hoars ride from Philadelphia, on the best, the safest, end moßt admirably conducted railroad in' the Union. .You can there inhalo tho pure mountain air. and eat with tho appetite of a oharooal-burherf—for, mark you, peoplo hero acquire gm appetite,.and do not “peck” like tho enervated cock-sparrows and jenny-wrens who fly to tho springs “for succor and support. ,j I say, give Crceson a trial, and:if you do not rotnnv home with renewed life and-vigor, and highly delighted with your trip, you may, in tho language'of Dogbony; “writ© me down an ass,” .Yours, : . Aeleobenv.: Letter from Pittsburg. •. iCorrespondence of The TresS.i *' t ■• PiTTSBtmO, Juno 30, 1809. Believing it id bs tbe duty of all good citizens to expose error and defeat the plans of designing politicians, t, tnko pleasure in exposing the true meaning of two artioles which have recently, ap peared in the \Pitteburg Post, favoring the nomi nation’of James Buchananht Charleston. , Certain JottoT-writers for tho* Eastern press have oesorWa thai the authoT 'of these papers is Attor ney General 'Black; others, that. Mr. Buchanan, having altered his detettnipation not to be. a candi date for ro-clcotiqfc, has 1 'selected the Post as tho proper organ through which to make public this anncftiifcepient. There is not the least semblance of-truth in either of theso stories. Because the distinguished Attorney GonOral is so profuse of Shakspcore, it has been presumed that tnb first, ar ticle was bis, asjt was interspersed by, several apt S notations from the great Bard.As well might it ave bfccn attributed to tbe prolific pen of'Wm. H. 1 Bmith, Esq., '(former editor nf tho Posr A .who has read Shakspearc, as well, as Judge-Blacky and to nd little advantage to himself and tho commu nity at lftfrfd/ , ', ■ with a full knowledgo of tho facts, I.canposi tivoly saV that Judge B< la not the author, nor had J. B. tho slightost intimation that his vanity Was ftuddt W bo flattered, until hb read the Post containing; tho artwles referred to. But tho editor, James O. Bttffj Esq(.-* desirous of feeling tho pnlso of the party, .threw out the twocoiumnsof honeyed ; words which - have tickled-the President -Over sinoe, and has satisfied, his iown mind that there.exista a,decided ayersidn to J. .B.’s nomina tion, oten amongst his professed friends. * ThoW>ro positidn-hos found no response in tho hearts of tho pooplo, and no newspaper, thus far, has defended if As a proof of tho UnjpopulaHty of J. B. for the nomihAtion, tho opponents of his polioy have but to point to the reoopnon.byith© publio of * huge joke porpotratod unwittingly, by -the editor of, the Pittsburg' Post; (who may yet find it to bo-an ox; pensive ono to him.) to tost tho sincerity of B.’s .politioal (D believe ho has, no personal) frionds, .whoso friendship wanes as his Administration draws to a’alose. . ’ Robert Mor has issued another, address, ns whioh he discusses the naturalization question Bo abominably attended to in tho Lb Clorc letter of Mr. Cosfis. OurGonnnn and Irish Democracy are disgusted with this last attempt to-pateh up this blunder of Cass in Uia doUgo, and it will bo a mat tor of great difficulty to get them to vote tho Dc mocratTe ticket at the coming election. - They feel that tho Administration, would b ftve strictly odhor od- to ita first declaration, that tho American png does not protbc'tiho nkthrhlized foreigner in hw na tive home; had riot the pressuro;of public opinion compollod a comploto somersault on this pjam ques -41 Oho Democracy in genei-Bi look on their Tyler addresses as the emanations of a;inan whoso ten-, donoics aro .deceptive.; Thsy. . John, Tyler and. the old Whig parly; they add to that mornory tho treachery ‘OfJamoa Buchanan-to Am . party in 1857 ;, hia old Federalism, - which was hidden/wmtho party for thirty years, —that ho was tho first ropudlatof of tho assessments •in' his own Statb^thttt-ho 7 is not' a Ponnsylvanian fat heart; and they; believe that Ty lor, aro now using tho Democratic organization of our .State to subserve tiib sldvb interests of the South, to' the : ekolusion of--all other interests'' affecting the whole country.,.. adcjfe&SQS are tQ Alle gheny county' Democrats, and, from what I can •loarn', hyth'oontiro‘west 5 . ' i; ' 1 In'/our ; late- Demoer&tib County Convention tho Administration was .completely, ignqrod .by tho nomination* (for oasis tan fe law judge) of;Georgo F. 1 Gilmoro, Esq., who was a delegate from this coun ty, rtnd a loading spirit in the Democratio State- Rights Convention, which met at Harrisburg, in; April last, to rebuke tho Austrian Dynhsty at Wash ington;- Mr. Gilmoro .received tho votes of fifty three fiolegates, and- Judgo Maynard forty-two. On the opening of tho Convention, it was oloarly asoorbtined'that Jud&dMaynatd would bo its at-, most unanimous choice.; i His nomination would havo; ita aotion; but for tjiobond.repudiation question. ; now'unhappily disturbing tho party in nearly - all tho western counties'of* the Btato.' Mr. Gilmore’s, opinions on this Vexed question, and his anti-Lc comptOn views, together with his untiring'Oppo-. sition to Mf. Buohnnan’s policy, has rendered Jim. : quito pOpulat with all parties, and will secur* nup hundreds of ‘ Republican votes, and fchc ontirOj S *¥cotdd°tell you some strange things abouti G6v. I Bigler, the Sftgo of Clearfield, who was hero a short time'ago, endeavoring to impress us with thobolief; thatho wes on the side of tb° people—that ho was; farther from tho President that Senator Douglas that Mi* J. 8., In his endeavor to pack the Charles ton Convention, would destroy the Democratic -- . .--mS ' ’SSLSWH’’ /•' *»’ -• > “ ‘ f‘- -nVriAtiaarT rweEtpCori.*, orov.r I '’ < . ' :.' <to irtrtrw"T-f - jj, .... - fee { i .-•,- : ■■ .v^v..-. :V'i»r J/ii« •i • S' '/'A < i>\!> l-i> WlWJtit: WJ -r.44 'o'R<« /-t I ■- --.a '* eteiite Barlea tfUliMlihe ctuses cf u tktukii people for lU hM f«ltliM. eoad;qtoCT .rttf. ttwTwt tf mflltoM or fifceraeafor llsHfe. ,„-’ ,r - Fall* %«ir*Wnfdeotet;iß* si»*»r» .nrer next be HrijniirtuLt vsned tMfflSteb.rp.’llST«nr-rar**j"-<raitUbe^eom- Ifflfe." contWeSbft/twftijr, thi.ab7w.ter,. bat Sjorriin tbrnkHliH c.n'tr.rrf-lt-«wnrrr tb«B ftbeet la :SR“Me %, .we yf location at thsold woold. mow perfect appesniilbß. ng* . be exptalaSsHiy ffapporin* Oort lifiTbody Ww, ssi?-msfis&t ■MHrtptio. br4onWf^3V?CTopertj^'lS?flK hlgK.'water bed ir»ah»d ;t :or into tin. t»rr*»t, hoatiag down «g *drv udseu lmf. Teat thd’ BQDMot 'ow- soti' died *(s drwnuof ’ttu evident.". Tbe'pepfeot'atate of prvserv.tiorief dried-ap tigadoß migbt eTen give rise to.reuoaeble euepipian thftt. tlio doceasodmigbt hare died 'of poisoning by etaenie. :Th6 remnant df 'e white ehrond.htuig arotthd hla -pawiimSnt fit. Louis (Mq.)Sejmilicfin. : A ' .i;® <■-,. ’,[ rUn-vi'S* lor Sorghum Evaporator, extensively sold through (Ontthe jfest, engaged••in ceristfootEii of a flying machine./ Mrr,C/isquith' sUcccss.-and-has filod’a fcaveatat the' Patent Ofllea at Washington. iWeare ignorant of the details on .whichJds airship, is.. to.,£* built but, understand that, 'while a balloon ig to be 'Used for elevatfoaf, steam is to be the 1 motive power; ! The~ invehiorki auite sanguine foat*he« has di&oyered;Jfo*iifamer machinery whereby fob be parigatedCat will. 'He has'built, orirabout to‘ build, a' houw fbr ihe pnrpoae of coiitifihiiig His labor without being annGyed by,foe curious-: k- u :,y f r ]\ < ABeasonable Chicago, 111., TrtSiine says, a day or two slncea lady'of unusual amplitude of- crinoline" got into 4 one of the 0 street railroad cars, ' She spread her shirts aver fonidui centseqts, to' foefooiprofifoe. cal culated bn Brush oFpa^'ngera.iihmedia'tely/ After arrahgfngmdtter& and things;-foe lady mailed tb# coqduetbr andsaid: “How yon.thioit I occupy? 5 ,’ Jffe was an unmarried man,-and not caring; about exaggerating the; matter: rttdied: u Three seats.With'Hiat the s fiftoen ; cents., paying.%. <s There’sthe pay,for three soats—npw don’t let .ipe he disairbed.And she wall not-. ~,,lS ' ;,> *• .- • j * f BoiBArTESn»T ‘TO Escape.—Last v Thor«lay a cohvict'in the Jeffersonville (Ey.) who outside the prison; attempted,to escape: Ho walked to the river bank orpcsUp' thp Eddy on the Falls, and, divesting himself Df erery thing but his shirt and vest jplnngsd info thatftrer andswam to.tMs side, .&distamfoof,nearly Arw* Quarters of a mile.' 1 One cT the guards purmbd him bn horseback''as far-'as' the'river bank, and then jumped info: a akiif and, came fo this swimming the horse afterjiim. * The guard caught the prieone.; near'ibe lTniied States Marine pitai, and/after tying him,- brought’-hiia ; to the city, and crossed, on iie ferry-boak: - - ? Hobhible Accidbnt.—On Friday .mprning a German named Henry Bcheible: some fifty? eight years' o?*agc, whs caught'by a'belt in thb Banner cotton; factory, in Pittsburgj and' had his arm, midway between the ; ifrift jpd- pUfow; ground completely off over a drum. The samp of the arm, half way up to the to a jelly. He was taken! to his resldenes.on Ohio street, above, East Common,' and Hre. Harfotieyer, Waiters, and Aughab&n summoned, .wfibiinputatea tho arm olose by the'shoulder! The^injured rbait haa.been for. many ye«« in themillAs a caxpou tor, and has. a family dependent on his ex- . ExcitiSG -FooT-H^OE.—A spiritCdfoot-race Friday ereiiiug t e :-«w if hetw>eh|we well-knownpM-cstriana—Messrs. Clark. anAGgodv Thcdiatanco rutt was one hundred - yards, J for « purse of one hundred -dollars/ At the start Clerk made a misstep, and came well pigh foiling on his nose.. This gave Good. a fine hut Clark soon overhauled him, and “ came home ’* 'four feet ahead. ' This waa very bed for Mr. Good, but very good for Mr. Clark, who made a dollar a yard by the 1 operation. \ A good deaT'of'mQney changed bands amongst the outsiders.' - ■’ - ’ As Me. Joseph LnrF,ra-respecUbl6 former living near Saokett’s Harbor, New York, wentnnfc to salt his cattle, on Sunday last, ho was set upon by a wioked throe-ycar-old bull. The animaTnrsfc struck him: with both horns in- the loins, and gava him a toss in the air: as the.unfortunate man canto down"he.was 'struck again in foe forehead and Bhonlder. Of course the result was inevitable death. A neighbor saw the transaction, and when -he west to foe rescue of Mr., Luff, the infuriated animal came rushing upbn him, when he was shot with a gu& that the man had with him; - v Another curiosity has been discovered at the CbUtenango, N. Y., White Sulphur Springs.; It is a cavern, having its entrance in the hank, about fen rods north of tne Spring House, and 'about six feet above the -level of the -food.' It has -already beon. explored to a distance of 250 fee Land found to contain a mineral spring—the water being simi lar to that found last summer. Bcautiftil, trans parent crystals have also been found-in the cave. The entrance was discovered about two weeks ago by a' boy who was searching for birds* nests'.' ' Celebration at Noiwic^.— Boston Journal says that tho 200th - anniversary nf tha settlement of Norwich, Conn., is. to. be celebrated on .the 7th. and Bth days of September. On the first day foe corner-stone of a monument fo the memory of Major John Mason, one of the 'earikst settlers of the town, and who. distinguished himself in foe war with the Pequots, will bo laid, oh which occasion Hod. John A. K'ockwell, of Norwich, will deliver an oration. . - - Last . Friday morning the Pittsburg Gazelle had reached its 73d anniversary. The first copy was issued on the 29th of July, 1788, and it was not only the first paper printed in Pittsburg, bat the, first one west of. the Allegheny'mountain. Seventy-three years haye passed away since then, "and to-a&y the Gazette is in alhore flourishing and thrifty condition than it ever wasbefore. It# pio gross has kept pooo with foat.of foe city. - - v . Tub Worcester. (Mass.) Spy gays that an “ Old Folks’ Quilting” took place in South Sutton, last week, at the house of widow Joshua Lackey, whioh was - attended by Sixteen ladies, whose uni ted ages amounted to.ten hundred and fifty-four years, They quilted a quilt of nearly two thousand pieces, the largest less than four inches 1 square. ’ 1 “Feriet,” "the Boston Journal’s sparkling letter-writer, is at Newport, giving racy accounts of the doings there. He was at a famous dinner party lately, which lasted into the wee hours; described' tbo' entortainment in good Dutch, and cams borne with a.young man who walked Spa nish. . ,■ r , - - : Troops .on Fihe.-t-We, understand that an extensive and disastrous fire has been raging in tho wObcte at the oast of'Buffalo, for several ahys paat, .which has caused considerable alarm, and anxiety among those residing in the vicinity. Peaces and a few, outbuildings have been .destroyed, and tho fire threatens others. ** *’ - ' ’ • - A. perfect mumroy was found floating in tho river at St. Louis on ; the fifth hit. v lt is.supposed that the - body h&d been buried in the bank of tho river, where tbqsoti had some peculiar antiseptic or preservative duality* and that it had been’washed out by tho high tide. The remnant of a shroud hung about tho shoulders. "An*American ’Convention,is called at St, Louis| Missouri; by tho American 1 Executive Com mittee there. The-St.;Louis Democrat com- of the call, and predicts that it will come to was a sparrin'g exhibition at the Na tional Thbatre, New York; on Saturday evening last, for tho benefit of Fatty .Wolsh, who is in train ing for a prize fight with Norton on the 9th inst.. A young MANV'eighteen. of : age, last walked 1 from Hartford, Conn.,'to Wor cester, Mass., in tho rain, making tho aixty-fiv© miles in sixteenhours. r,, t ; Sexor Don ; Miguel Lebdo :db .Tejada, tho Secretary, of the Treasury of Moxioo, is to Now York city, and is stopping at the St.'Denis." Benor Tejada' stands' In' the first rank of Mexican states men, and . iff tho great leader..6f tho party to that Republic which would remove the, incubus of the Church from its society and Government, and ap ply its vaAt possessions: to Thhiio and educational uses. Sis visit there is connected with some finan cial arrangements for too Liberal Government pf Mexico. , 1' i .v ' Col. Geo. W. Hughes, who r nas received the nomination of a Uemdcrafo Cmvenhoii for-mem bor of Congress from the. Bixth-idistnct, pf Mary land, was a high in.-the i engineer., cpips*, aon oJin tho rfciioan war hnd m' Qovernor oF Jalapa At the close of the . war * terigued lua placein thb army afidTetirfid tohis farm.oa'YTest river, Maryland.,. -- • , - . *. The.trustees of Rutgers College havo elect ed 'Professor Elios Loomis, lafb ortho‘.University of New York, professor of mathematios; in pUcC Of Dr.- Strong; and Prof. Howard: Crosby, .alw- of tho New York University, professor of Greek, jn place of the Rov* Dr. Ptoudfit.’ K i)R. WvE. M’LAren, formerly an editor in Pittsburg and in Cleveland, is preparing-to depari for Japmi, Where he will hereafter devote .himself to misnonary lobora. , Paor. ?. F. Gbbenb, for several years' past tho prindpol of tho R.nnaeUor (Now York) Pol,T technio InstUuto of Troy, h&a ieagned th»t;poa tioa. PERSOJiAXi.