The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 01, 1859, Image 4
M.. *hi * to Jleraan&cc • : ; ;lMfSlw ? ; - Mr. I ■ :. jtapfSono™' £®» B • |EM»j„ ; -JafeSJf&j ,mMs£ g , P R FnooMra Anna BaSl» H ttdftSoaan _' Purvi. Mrs E 8 ]£OS| H jrrijui Mary Pearepn Mrs Mif Smw"BiMisoo4 HiUHhwtih.- r ..HhaJbooiao^v: ’ gfcfe :«WH«pßgipßH; t T MihAnna € m [Robe rtton Anna -j|gjgpra^. ISIZmS’c ’ ■SWSfiwwr't aMHfef gMgg*-j %Ri§igg?g s^i^trA th r.SHsfe pMffV L^fcM; ■l^^ifeSSS"' t»Wo H S» . „ mmaMfct •sfflK*sgfc*fii®,K g, \ rMMf.SK' B%k: :ssbm£Mk: .aSsct 1 * j.: F6ilSy SBMn-' . : Moran,Anni« ■. .„ ®tFh‘MfV tf 'f . !srA c ,i>”^#^fEfe A! j \ - JgßiS»E&’> H ■'-■•SS»hSa»TS&. 5 >Moffia!toA^frVTO ta h oSsSer»Si wHNSteSr«H ‘ Wood Cdaah,-J -i ' ; HrkkamMN H ' Neuldrlt Mra J~. -AumpsMMsli&i. ] Vnndirwort M B ■ .. . Vjnd.rvon Mr. q ; -' nSfinar^rß^^ •-‘' VartamEmie ■ ' j« .Gflbort Emily Q’CpmeU Mnrl iV .Zo>andt» j - • :GorrenMatraS® --- if- -'-f- ~ : ; : '- ; ; •'f:.^/^ , g;'/',’,"GENTLEMAN’Bi;iaT.' ; r '-,~;.T. -.1 sf«aSt® 4 & h |V ••. |§fe» N •-> , • ffiSSwlita J Bni§ Wm ? R , Mailer Bros* Co | • Armstrong 8;J. '! Entin WmS V ; ;*, Kor.byCv- -;.. .. AffitVrni . Eari* George . 5 _ ■• Afissa^vSpaafciK^^L&-; ■ • .‘Amimpr ’: r ;f*Jg ' ; >lSU^“.ap(|SSM«^Mtd 1 isSSSS-i i-‘ Baker John - - ', grwm Jaa , ISSr ffiSsia .KBRAfIES-?«i , it ' '•»&!' ' Baker Orrio S 2 ~.: Ewin» Geo C :,. ; . Barra tt“M' .- Eason John fJJWKwh : &!fo?n K -' Baa& JobnH Evani Tho* _ / A t ateffiftSv Isnnett He^rr'B : ;Farran&fiMf .;^^^^/, :A i ;■ • ■,&&&& j !h»Dwtor - FrjffTfeatarM SXwoodCn W ferssvfes^ »w,n.jßttwu .JSttera fttarJM Bor. ematt N -' Gauh F-_.. - - |UMlI«nt SSS . ■J > j ; V’ - fistSiSr c2SB A §®S,®?i“ " r I - ■ 53P flE2n f MoKotthafa li S i • «»■<§=»: .JHSa&k* ■. 8w n ir ; : ,; : BominKrtrtck , ttWaJrir’.-'SaSSSBIfWs-MeKwvar-IH , : • ■ v3 ’h. : i - Orootifiolil; Tool. .Mahtrny oa»t JI '- :r ( , Butoher M r m Sfi?" ‘ MaiandtaM l' ’ ! iWfaftil: BorosMatheW; GTenonWinß Macnameaßi }-• “KirrowiJ!ph«t/.-.'G/ibbeniaa MaUack J'- .-* ’!-<_ 1 Barker|ne\v " S re *&vnrt»f'i ? s,■ Canady Bftinl % llimh Wm * „ Carpenter Geo , Maj HMT-., Masepn'Jacob , . • Cnmeron S " MnH&Il Wm 1 " ■ g' , sssiss; -i-paSK:; w« x r ' .Cavaneugb .Martin Jaa i% : -* - ‘ Bianfle Vr S Q l . s . - \ t : VffiSfe; jOiSSi^ ite!: Mfct SsK'slx . ■.Castti>o*'Aj*!Vi-HaakoUp. ,■ ;■ r.Meriaa'Jo; >■> i; ; J.<; fojSSnfotpX jig sJffl „ « - SE&ag' itea ifer:': 1 >.' '-' :^Srn^ 1 - 1 MoStsS l^"^ ■ , &m% , Mfofe :>;! x Mr»i ! fefelp- HhrdmnJno ! »»lrV P& B i pfgjggf t-! .. ColbD Ju»)vi Mi&y • ,►’. r pa^|: §Jsl* ear K,..^^ 1 .. ‘' Coiortian- *= r x : .i r t • Codruigton Haj -HiJiyaf feo 'Mueltenfouset 1 1 gate' f®!t- xps«|«-- r. < SBStfW* ; &fe' ttlatnanH L Anv*“ 4 ' ■ ■ Copeland Boot A HorrowJ,!«'«, ,: <r{eflf,M\i- ; -‘ I.’i: wk&jgpms4 PdraoflPhilip sloftElla&V. WnllnxDW 1 ;• •Putnam E SmithKloridgo, . WnrdS aj &SJLa *:• ISSftftte#*-*- wSn\ J Bro ; RantiS,'SnyderAfoxW - ver ’’ 5 Ramsey SF SolinonFrancis. -WatsonGW ’•' ■ Ueesff Jno E - Jns.3 -- - Waters J Col _ ? JteodJno.Y - ,-ijßpenoerHH r Warner M { ReedjO-B . ~.. Spencer J,Wa. , WeekeßCapt/ KeakirtEL SteyenrSan, WeHlet 0 ; , ~ KeMbMdMt.::‘, Btubl)»l€A3 lor J . , BeesGeo*'"' " BtevoUsSß' " WnlshM 4 4 RedmanCUasG- Stuart JL „. . Weston John Webster 1>; ;■ j isafMi ®assi|ft J ffiehinftnd Win Stevens ThosF Weidloneoht CHJ fuciimond'J B' BtpelJohn 7 VfhiwLJ>_ . ie EL ' Stoum. Jr John ■ WuterfJ . (( Ged'H' f 'Stono WP Capt W IsgitThosS-- na;H *■ r ‘' .strain Tbos ■'7 ' .'*V£ ikinson JP" • andwCbJ Stuftkier Jno H : W Übawt ADr S'Chasß StoittChas'-J-WseJJ riwf'iiS&Tlhn v ;|:ffm n ,cS | rta Edw *. SuUivtm JpUn M, -WHhwas. WW. rtaWm-'-' Sutton-Cna» - -Rev _ I i/jMriSh GA-gwi&Rl V 1 *. W;son ; k Holland SuMmersF . WiHeU l - <1 fijlfc ■ ■; sgafc • ! ra^-«&?&'■ SinMteSfy i ■savmige Geo:: TassartCapto- .r-Wiiwn Geo, * i ScdUjt And* i ■■ kToskeylobn H >,; wTiiin»Wm SaytaGeo.H • T lomaa «IShar-Woodruff J-_, • i ’ . J jsafetei* flsiffi • BhawMttittdtlßr Trutnaftli ■ > .Wood Ch* D r - Siuiahan'John TuskerOsren Woods'ihoß . ‘ 'YToUnWBRov- WrightThM ' • * & P o,Th M :. ! • , .S # s dfejs • : v ®mlnUi TfibS?^-WsttonJaai ’ - 'Vinson. 7 ; -* BSgSA"™ ,Yi\ Ohae, < p; Van Dyke * BrO <■ ; V^;--J’SCI'A®ELJ'HtABOARB.OE.TRADE.: j -rti''iHlTii: J ;|iE»TEB"BAGS,., - i,„V : ;: | ’■ /JiTirßtMßßCnAijTs’jiiciusbK,pnn.AiKi.pniA.. ; •Bark Joseph Maxwell, Davis. 1 ...... Laguarra- oto»' coon BatkA'ADrebprt, Hewit.; .'v?.-. .. 8t Barts, soon :Erl|g Bt&ekßqualU-Babii. t ,r.7U St.-Jaifo de .Cuba, soon ?Byii Mary E. MilUken, Borden.... . .Matanznap Jco. soon •Bohr. PiKedn,fßr)T>apthomr;;..;..;..London,'sooh j;-^BAItt^V^^tfETOCEAW/RTBJAMEBS. P i'v'v’•. W^ ,I rHEiVSre?F)9yATES; ’ Xshjpa’ ' -Haw Bfiniisia........ .Ne w, Yotk. .HAroha rj<.. . Aos 1 Afnca......;;.NewYork..fdvoi-ii>6ot*• Aug 1 1 New York..... .^Tew 1 , York; .Bremen. Aug -6 Northßriton......:OneoeeiVLiverpOOL'..,. .'...;..Aug <& Eur0pe..,....... Va r p 001.....;.... Aug 10 /Kangaroo...«. ..Now,\orj£'.Div'erpool, &0.. iV.. Aug 13 Ocean Queen... .New Yorfc'iHavte.;.... Aug 13 -Persia.' ;. .'.New York.; Liverp001....'....... .Aug 17 Circassian,, a.. .New-York.. Galway.. Aug 18 Tnlton..;;....NewYork. .Havre... Aug SO Glasaow.'-T.. .New York. .Glasgow.*......Aug 34 C ofßaltiinpre i .New York.,Liverpool... Aug 37 -.’..Yr;. -.a TO, ARRIVE; . ' : SKIPS' - - LXAVS, kOE DA.VS .Tontooia.'. ...Southampton. .New York. .Jn, y 18 Oceau Queen. Southampton. .New York; 1 .;...... Ju y so Kangaroo..: Liverpool..NewYork.-.......... Ju y 30 Persia..... Liverpool .New York..; .Tu y 23 Circassian.-..........G51wayv.New Y0rk......*• «Ju y 23 Hfttrimonia, ..Southampton. I .New York.. . Ju y 26 'Fultonr..;;. .Southampton.’.New Y0rk........Ju y 27 Glasgow... .'.Glasgow. .New York..; Ju y 27 Nov* Scotian. .v.Liverpool.Q uoboo: .......Tu y 27 -City of Manohestenßelfsst. iNew York Ju y 27 Arabia * .-..LivAipooL .Boston.-. ...... Ju y3O B*xoni* t .;.M..HamDurr..NewYork.., Aug \ 1 N America. ..A Liverpool .Quebec .Aug • 3 C of .Aug >6 Vanderbilt;. ..Southampton. .New York ■ 3. Asjv.... x;w.«. .Liverpool .New YdrkN ..Aug 3 Bremen Bremen. .New York .Aug \ 9 Hungarian.?:..-Liverpool..Quebec..; ;...Aug V Canada .Liverpool .Boston ~. .Aug V Indian.; Liverpool. l .Quoboc^. .Aug 27 - The Califorpia MaU Steamers sail from New York on the sth and 30th of each month.' '■ • . The Havana Steamers leave New York on the 2d. 7tn, 12tli. 17th, and37th of eaohinonth; and Charleston, S. C.» pn t!ie4th'andl9th. • « ' ! ; When the above dates fall on Sunday, the steamers .will sail on Monday,'except from New .Orleans. ~v j MAKIKEINTEtI/IGENCE. PORT YHtLAPELPHTAY Aug. 1, 1850. ‘SUN’ RISES.', .v. i4's7i SUN-SETS; HIGH-WATER; ....... {.: ARRIVED. ■ s Steanishij) Kenueliee, Hand; 24'hours from New York, vift-Cape May, 7>4 hours, with mdao and passengers to Jaroos Allderdioe. - . - ' - “ Brie, James Crosby, French, 6 days from Providence, in ballast tpQUptsm. • ■ ■ ■ Schr Ellen Bosh, Somers, S days from Salem, Mass, inballasVtoNSturtevantACo j >; Schr Empire.'Marshall, 13 days from Calms, with laths eto,toG&«Kilf& l Gftlvin." ' ■ . ■> r ' Sohr Jas vW Early'. Sipple, l day from Frederica, Ddl, .witbwhejittoJasLßewly3pCo. - - , .. , Snhr Bird. Chambers, 3 from. Lewes. Del with 1 day from Odesaa/uil, with wheat to JasLßewley &C 0.... , » pequonnock, Burroughs, from Boston. - : .Schr,Dorcas Ireland, Baker, irom Boston. - ! . Schr HA Wceks.QHidfrori from Bortbn., 1 r . >Behr XXake, Bcull.from Boston. > .Schr Hannah Matilda. Price f from Boston. Schr J W Woolstoa.Crawfero, - " T gohrDGFfayd, Racket; from AfeWßediord. Schr Mary. Anna, Gibbs, from Warebam. Behr Ameba. Rooknill; from Fall River.. . ,Sohr G. WwhinftonjTayidti.from Egg Harbor. ;A''cpETßEi).' 1 ' ,Btflam.hipPhinßMS,r,,ue,MaUhp.% Boston, Henry jVsjM ateamabip State of Georgia, Garvin, Savannah, U«x Haron, Jr. - ; w , ' Delaware; Cope*,New York, via Capa May, fehtp Wyoming* Burton* Liverpool. Cop® Brothers, s - Bifc.WJndWafd, Gfntt, Port Spain, Trinidad, J T; Al- Bri rAshur* Bodrov St JohniNß, E A Sender A: Co*: ; Schr 2*o otiile, Hoffman, Wilmington, NO.BS Stat ion 2c C o, . Schr EUenßush, Somers, Sclera. N Stnrtevant & Co'. ,Schr HonnrMor,Hoover,EafttCambritUfl. do Schr-Amelia/Hookhill> Providoncc/Yan Dusen, Nor- RchrWßT Thompson, Barnes, Providence, do Bohr Ppqqontuiekr&un-oiuhß Boston,,do . , BchrBidneyPrice,Godfrey,Boston. do- • Schr G Washington. Taylor, Providence. E A Packer. Scht MarrAnnar Gibw, Boston. Hayes Sc Godshall. r ,BcnrH.A.Wcoke. Godfrey,Boston, , . do, , \ Bohr J Lake, Sool|; Boston, : " - do> - geftr HftnnWi MmtUdft. rrietf,‘ Boston, C A H ecksehor. Schr J-WWooUton. CrawfgfdTpawiucket. WH John* SohrDiG Floj-d, Racket, £ Greenwich, Noble, Ham a|chr EF Lewie York,Porti&nd, B Milne* fc Co.- . StrJJerom«,'Jerom&, Alexandria, etc Jr Webster, Jr. BtrCC'AUer* Shore, Alexandria, etc, I) Cooper. ■ Btr H L GaWj Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. » SAILED. Bhii> wromins, Liverpool, loft Walnut St. wharTgjr Batnrday at S.O6PM, in tow of steam-tug Amo heeu'* Hefcargo consistedof 2314 hbls roam. 125 tierces boef, ® bhda quercitron; bark, 29 halos cotton, find 136 ;pkcM Cabin passengers—W-B Hatchi of Philadd * phJfvDr'Woodhousa, do, and 72 passengers in forward cabinftndifoerrtjo.. . ■>. • - (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) ' - m* ' V'V'V-' v - * LEWES, Del,, July Sfc The harbor has been entirely bare -of shipping since my Inst. * Schr. WSauUbury, one brig, one bark, and a numberof schooners passed to sea yesterday. One brig and four schooners' are notr passing in. Wind hght from the norths ,v - - • /■’ . • ‘ • »• "Yofcrs,--< .- - . ! • WM, M. HICKMAN. --'V, MEMORANDA.• ence * arrived Steamshinßonisitia, Troutmann, cleared at New York SlHh.ult.'for Hamburg;' • ’ ■ * • r ' ■ - ‘ f Shuftldt, cleared at New York York , Howes, sailed from Bos ton nit. for Philadelphia. Ship from Apalachicola, arrived at Li- Sbrp Toscarpra, Dpiilovy/for Philadelpliift.enilud from Liverpool J6lh Ulti ! _ ' 'Ship; Sir' John'Franklin, Galt, for Philadelphia, nailed fW'Mad.lphi#,sailed Trim Liverpool IPth tut. . • 1 . / clearedf^r^wY'ork®ll?ulP^ ano> Sblp.R H Tucker; Tucker) went to sea from',Charlca ton 3/th alt. for Liverpool. • ' : _ , ,§hjp Jane. Henderson, Galt, cleared at Baltimore 29th ult. for Rotterdam.’ : '* * • ' , : Konnedy, oteared at New York 30th ult. riMsnt^n^timoro'^^Hh!^lt lam, from Hio doJonoiro, ar 3ri*Darien, Btarrott,henco».at Boston,29thntL^’' India, Allen* hence, arrived at St John, NB, 15th i‘o H pEiSSllpSS{^^*^ )f blearedntsV Jphh*Nß» 2Sth ok 2 ? lh tavfrthsn, Hofses, hence, arrived,at Boston atNew’Ynjjfßlizzard, far.Wiiniinston,Del, old *Bcff?W%ffiffis«ye,eldi(redftt.WilnUngtonV.NC^29th -idln«oir.NC,athilit. .. . , . • : , j,; sonrAE; L BWaios, Hoffman ♦ hence, arrived at Wil- Elliott, Weaver, Onward, ' ’■ an ° ~ Startevdnfc, Dole, lionco ;v.Sehra Martha AnrtMcNeUtHandtrtnd E% Janes,' God ußyyclearod atßoston 29th nit. fllr Wilmington, NC. 1 Aieenira Vatisleaf, tenonVyor Philadelphia, and HMgddn, tot-do or <?ijgur/sailod from Provi- V |ehr Ann. JWskO/ hence, arrived at Calais 17th utt.! N Smlthi pmith, hence, arrived at Newburyport • arrived at Boston get it tilt, "*.***'**.* I*"., »i Mederi, hence, atriVeddfe Boston 29th Grice, Palmer, hence, arrived at llaiti more i, \ /»< < -.■-}» . - , , PWUdeßffa ,Jfyl#r ' Dlear * dst -Battlmbra g9?h wit. for .. ' rV,rr— i .. , -iPe/.stwmship AnsloSftxon,atQuol)oe.) I ‘at^ivelSw^^ ■ r J6 * < ? en * 8 &ro ' r#ll ' “ Livo ' ,r ? ol: Vi®!^StAj T % r M u ! y 'fiG'H®'Pin; -V.b01u,., I* S i rrnE union, ' i • * ' • ARCH STREET, ABOVE THIRD. ! Ofeleasure, FU»entf#r'J^7lroadsrwhich flow ran pist, •DflinoWwproxiroUrr afford noheap and pleasant rida ld&nplaccsof interest in orUbout tho city, jjrjß-em , Vjv'XijU^tlßJSK.y ■ “ '/*oofoooWMta pi a© Boards omTPlnnk, seasoned* end in . ! , prima-Ash Fl&nkf 5»4 to 8 inches thick, ■ Rafted and 2-meh Plank.! Fine .Pickets,, 4H and fl feet lopg, fff Vctt-»owoned Of cabinet makers S I , rCH^S.^- : 935 this.' Shipping fS« a^TO«^i^ ,o doJ S*j>r»!v7- .£:; j y.j-m i, r '.l , : , - ■’ ', , , ,1 i.Siij-u'j ;p» ~t • , , «n'- - v.'*'*' 1 ! ■■ ■, 1 * COMPANIES. ' : ASSUBA> T CE CpMPANY, l 7U t, > ESTABLISHED IN IBM. . /FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. ; ' HEAD OFFICES: ' LONDON, ABERDEEN, EDINBURGH, GLAB . ' GOW,' PHILADELPHIA. . i •CAPITAL, 956,298.800. > ANNUAL INCOME UPWARDS OF 61,000.000. j Policies' EUsraiitioS by' the unlimited .liabilities of nearly 1,000 Shsre.bolders.. *, t - ! 'Losses promptly adjusted and paid without rofeTrcnee to London!by', ; WILLIAM GETTY, , t , •, AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES. ! OFFICE N0.,87 SOUTH THIRD STREET, rniLAPELriiu. REFERENCES. Me3Sra. STUART & BROTHER, 13 JBsr.k etroot. : MYERS, CLAGItORN, & CO., 232 Market eti ’ WM. MeKEE t CO., 3* South Front etreot.i ' ‘f MoCUTCHEN' '& S. W. eorner ... Front and New fitrflet,. ,-7 , j “ SMITH,'WILLIAMS, & CO., ,13 Market Bt •’ “ JAMES GRAHAM & CO., JO and a Letitlast. JOSEPH B. MITCHELL, Eso., President Moehaniee ’ ..'T- n,.Bi(nkvi'':-n 1 ,- .r i . ' ; JAMES DUNI.AI’,,Em.i President Um'On Bank. , i Honl WILLIAM. A, PORTER, 023 M’aleut street, late Judge Supreme Court.' ' rl , 3y6-tuthfc» tf piRE INSURANCE. ■JBTNAINSUBATfCE OOMtANY, of * Srtf !cMU A«MW,ian .l ,!»K)..i...81,867,990 OB MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE . COMEANYYif Noy Yorlr. , . L '* ' ' Ch*hAj»ots,-Jah. 1,1853....... SPRINGFIBLDFIRE AND MARINE . INSURANCECOMPANY. ■ - Cash. AinotH, Jan. 1,1889 NORTH AMERICANVfIRE INSU RANCE CoMPANVfof Hartford. . r Cash Attota; Jan, 1,1869.... .. 303,800 00 IRVINO' FIRE INSURANCE COM ' PANY, of NEW YORK. • Cash Assets, Jan. 1,1859....,. merchants', fire insurance COMPANY, of Hartford.' , ,<:• 'Cash Aaiota; Jan. 1,1889...,C. 539.0T0 83 Policie.-ijuiUsd. runt .leases equitably ■ adjured and promptly paid, at hi» Agenoj, bjr BOSWELL & WILSON', Agents, feMq-tf';' N 0.910 WALNUT Street. - rpHE WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE ! 'insurance COMPANY, FARQUHAR BUILDINGS, No. 280 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1857, under the General Insurance Law of Punnsjl vanin. Authorized Capital, Subscribed CapUaU Paid up Capital..;!.' ' INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: « , ' Bond and Mortgages, first lien. 852,170 Bank. Railroad, and other Stocks and Se curities..., 51,000 Cashinßank..... 8,630 ! ‘ • ■. - 8111,800 Intmros only against LOSS ,OR DAMAGE BY FIRE ON BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. Also, on CARGOES and FREIGHT to and from all parts of the World, and Inland Naviga tion andTranspartation, on favorable terms, OFFICERS/ CHARLES G. IMLAY, President. . •WM. WRIGHT; Vice President. O. C. BUTLER, Socrotary. . ’ H. G. RAMBORGER, Assistant Secretary. 1 -DIRECTORS. Jesper Harding, - William Imlny, O. C. Butler,, William Wright, Henry K. Strong, , F. F. Toney, D.D. Jones. < Jno.'Tonner, - Alonko Butler, Wm..B. Grubb, J. H. Hayes, Charles G. Imlay. roar 18-tf ■ . , Delaware , mutual safety , in surance COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE ,OP PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. 1 OFFICE S, E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT ■ Streets, Philadelphia.' ’ MARINE INSURANCE ON VESSELS, ■) • , CARGO,' - . > To all parts of the World. , T, INLAND INSURANCE On Goods, by River, Canals, Lakos, and Land Carriage - to all parts of the Union. . FIRE INSURANCES . On Merchandise generally. - • On Stores. DwoUmr_Houaes, &o. _ • ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, , - NovemboT 1,1853. ‘ Par, ' , Market Value, 8103,050, Philadelphia City 6 4?* cent. Loau.... 8105,144 00 »110,000 i Pennsylvania Stato Loans 101,425 00 f SO,000, u.B.Trensury‘4jg Notes.... . 50,112 50 50,000, Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage . ‘ ' 6 & cent. Bonds ...... 45,375 00 820,000/Nortn Pennsylvania Railroad Mort • "gage cent. Bonds.. 13,000 00 815,000*300shares stock Germantown Gaa ' Company, interest and. principal - ' guarantied by the City of Phila delphia,.... 14,925 00 85,000,100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad 85,000,100 shares -.-w * — z—L —l— r Havre do Grace ' Eteara Tew Boat Company, Sa , vannah Steam Navigation Com- PhiladelphiaExehange. w 8340,700 *' - . • ’ 8319,19900 Bonds and Mortgages, and Real Estate, Of- • fioe Bulldirt<..r.VT 71,83 35 Bills receivable for insurances made 201,660 36 Balance dilo at A^eholes—Premiums on Ma rine Policies recently mued-and other > ' debts duo the Company 01,288 14 Scrip oad stock of'sundry Insurance Compa nies .. i.. .7,.. : :.. 3.220 00 Cash or Deposit’ in Bank 42,067 85 DIRECTORS. James 0* Hand. , Thoophilui P&uldlWt James Traqusir, "WiLliam Eyre, Jr., J<K.Pemi|fm, Joshua, P, Eyro, SamuplK, Stokes, Henry Sloan. , James B/MKarlana, . Thomas C; Hand* Robert Burton, , John B. Somplo, Pittsb’y, p.T. Morgan, . *J, t ]ilAßsJN?*President. HAND, Vice President.' otary. mhW-<ltf William Martin, Joioph H. Seal; Edmund A, Bouder» * John C. Davis,, Penrose. Geor,e G. Leiper, 'Edward Berlin .ton, . Pr.IU M?Hoflton, William 0, Ludwig, . Hagh'Craig.;. Rpeneer Mmv&iue, Charles Kelly,. ■ : H, Jones Brooko, 3«otv.Jcn Ml . W[LUA HENRV LYLBUR^SMi QUAKER CITY INSURANCE Paid up Capital and Surplus 8324.55143 Chartered Capital.....'. OOQfIQQ 00 Insures against loss or damago by Fire and the perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation, and Transportation, on the most favorable torms. • , Lbues yromptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. George H. Hart, • ' K. W,. Bailey, E. P. Boss. Andrew H. Chambers, A, C. Cattoi), ; Charles G, Imiay, John G.Dale. H, R. Coxgshalf, Foster I. Perkins, .Samuel Jones, '• Hon, H. M. Fuller.' ' - OVFICEBS. GEORGE H. HART, President. E. P, ROSS. Vice President. g. ILCOGOSHALLt Secretary and Treasurer. H. BUTLER, Aai’t Secretary. mhl TH3B ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY ,_OV P»ILASRI.Pnt*, • - 409 WALNUT STREET. Thiß Company insures aeainsi; Loss or Damage by Fire on Public and Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally. The following provision in tho 1 Policies of this Com pany guaranties, their,soounty when assigned ae col lateral: ■ . / , “Thißpoltcy.shnUnot be invalidated, or m nny.wiao affected, aftants assignment as a collateral security to a ground-rent, or mortgage, and the approval of suoh as signment by the officer by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged preruisothe same." Paul T. Jones,' . . Jereniiah M. Brooks, . JohnHulme, ‘ . ’ RobphCjarko, ' IsaaoS. Waterman, David Salomon, Edward G. James, William Yandervcer, Joseph Janney, * , Theodora Cuylqr, Joseph H. Colims. . Samuel Castuer. .FAULT.JONES,Presidemt. • r, WM.YA^DERVEEn,VioorrestdenU Gilbert s. Stkrmso, Secretary. .. . ,my7 : tf. American Eire: insurance co., INCORPORATED 1811)—CHARTER PERFET- No.,3IO'WALHUT Btreat. al»v<>" Third, Philadelphia; ''HaWnK a larpo paid-up Capital Block and Surplus In vested m sera mi and available Securities, continue to in-* •1118 on Dwollings, Storaß, Furniture,'Merohaudiao. VoMoU m Fort andthoir Cargoes; and other Porsonnl Property.. All losses libera) y aiji) promptly adjusted.. - .. . nutKCTope.r • ■ ' ;■ . j/-; SamVl <£XWon, • , ‘Edtatind& ttHilft, - Patrick Brady, ‘ sj»w.iW.l*outHey, ” ’ ' . Israel Moms. • ’ •- 1 - „ „ GJtOROE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS, B.MATUUB, Secretary.. r joSMy if|* -'*fREAN r " *ME „itE a !D XNLANII) BISKS.—FAJi - INSURANCE COMPANY; . , -Capital. ;Ti ..... $lOO,OOO. (Orit&mzed uoqorthe Act of .Assembly relative to In f Kte'*- I ; Charles {Bohstdaonl John W, Jiyorman, W.-I. BLANCBAR3)» Secretary; _ Ja 12-y /"jJ-KEAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND VB., TRUST COMPANY, ‘ - Hnvmr consolidatodlflie'biMnWof the FARMERS’ UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF ATHENS, flu, will hereafter oonauot the same with a combined Capl giiVpTpWftOUfc'-. : . Invested, for the.raoslpart,ijj First flojyp* A?,*p Mort- OAOXB- beanriT sixpof cent mtorost r o» improved pro* party, •vrorthdoublothe amount. V FIREi iNUAND, AND, MARINE CARGO RISKS v ™ o,t ' IRRECTMuK' .' Charle.C. Uathrop,. William Darling, Alexander Whilldin, E. Tracy, Jolrn C.Hyntor. , James If. Smith, *'l*aao‘llA2tehurßt, -. c.N^Shipmati,chicaro, 11. J. R» McCurdy, * Fra. Tyler, Wjiverly. N. Y. Thomas I>. Gfllespte* Charles Harlan,* Darnel L. Collier* - ' , Jonathan Ji Slpcnm. ’ ' ' - • W'M*. DARLINO! Vlso Proaident; ;agggaa , !fe f ,f T IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM w vs. *u terror*/.uld-Kront*, annuities and endowments—pur-' chases lift interests- in Heal Estate, and make* all con- IrtcUdependuiionthocontm-eneießofLifo, • ■ ; as Executors,, Administrators, Assignees, TnutoM.andOiwfJfe. . ~, . Daniol li, Millar. Samuel S. Stokes, '■ , . JamcalL^foFnTland, . JoaocliJK.'j'rotter, 41P5 giflfe -BSp?--. Hfl' >E4w«t4 t. Motti . samuflX cjirtrtlan, i William Hoborucn, Joia j 6 M. Tboraaa, I waraarMiHaain. , Johno:iimnnur, ■: . m _ ' BAML. E* STOKEB) Ylfi® ?r#rtt tm w* itoumfpmtof, . THE PRESS.-PHTLADELPHIA; MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1859. 1 SNI&RaW&E COOTANIfeSi t'• « INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIX-FIRE AND MA- ! RINE INSURANCE-No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILD-; Chartered iri‘l79i—Capital 820Q,0O0f—Absorb, January 3 J 1858.8347,416 60-100. . ' T ‘ i All inyestod in sound soouritios—con-, tinue to insure on Vessels ana Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks'' of Morchamlisfl/aco-ori hbGj-aUnrmS. ' HHenryD.Sherrerd, , , GoprieH.Btuart,. i Simoon Toby.- RaniuolGrant, Jr./ Charles Macalestcr, ioums Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Budd, Henry ft. Frooman, William R. White,- - • Charles!}. Lewis, . • George C. Cnraon. ! HENRYD. SHERRERD, President. ; WILLIAM HARPER, Secretary.- j c g-wfm tf ! Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Strooti puikdobbu. v •. DIRKOTofes j . .. | ThQB. L.,Lmlers, Wm. FVLooch, J. EdgarThombon, Robt.W.D. Truitt, 1 M. W. Baldwin, Wm. K. Hamlin, JolmO, James, 11. 11. Sbilimgford, A. J.Bucknor, ‘G? E.Snanßlor, i John W. Soxton, H« H. Houstou, , [ • William Raiguel, ' Wm. Hi Love, - i Edwin Booth, ■ CharlosF. Norton, -John Garrison, _ „ Isaac Myor, E- S. Wamo. ‘ • President—THOMAS L. LUDERS. VicePresident-E.S.WAIINE. . Secretary—CHAßLES A. DUY. de!s.. CAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. IN >3 TEREST.—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PANY, WALNUT Strceti Southwest corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Incorporated by the State of Ponnaylvft mSioAoVi»'receiVoitid ¥ny eumilftrseor, small,andii terost paid from tbs day of deposit to tlio day of with drihol’oflicp is opchevory day from .9 o’clock in tie morning tills o’clock,in tho oveninj, and on Monday ■ ROBERT SELFRIDOE, Vice President. William J. Rekd, Soeretary. | DIRKCIOBJ. lon. Henry L. Bonnbr, F. Carroll Brewster, f —ii. * ■ Joseph B. Barr, ! d S®ifSl<o/'' . Francis Leo, " | S c a K‘dfA£, - Henry Lifl'enrierfer. | Money is received ana payments made daily. i Tho investments orpmndo, 'in-conformity .vrita the Srovistonsdf the Charter, in Steal Estate MoTUneds, round Rents-and such first-class securities as will 41- ways insure perfect eeourity .to the depositor*, and vrhloh cannot Tail to live pormanfinff and stability jto this Institution. ' oul-lT A . .. I .1— , ? .l— I .1 373,330 GO Saving fund.—united states TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD nnd CHEST NLargoSndß^U.wtnß'rt^ve'^(^3wdb«ek,4^4®* mandwithout notice, with iFIVR PKIt CENT. INTE REST from the day of deposit to the day of 'Withdrawal. Office hour#, from 9 nntft fi o’clock overy day, end on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until * o’clock. ,I. pkAPTS for sale on-England, Ireland, and Scotland, f, jffo*id“nt™TEPHKN R. CRAWFORD, Treasurer—PLlNY -FISK, ToUer—JAMES R. HUNTER. 443,724 85 341,804 81 1 “ Alittlo, but often, fills thd Puise.” Franklin, saving, eund--- No. 136 South' FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, para all De posits ondernand. - 11 _ .-Depositors’ money, secured liy~.Govornfnoht State. And City Loans, Ground Kents, Mortgages, Company deems. safety better than large profits, consequently will run no risk with deposi tors 1 money, but havo it at nil .times ready to re turn with 6 per cent, interest to the owner,-ns they have always done. This Company never married or singlo, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and Such deposits can be withdrawn only by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to recotvei mo ney from tnlsteesand executors. » LARGE AND SMALL" SUMS RECEIVED. Oftice open daily from-9 to 3 o'clock, and on Wednesday Saturday evenings until 6 o’clk. • DIRECTORS. Jacob B. Shannon, _ Cyrus Cftdwaltnder, JolmShindtor, » . George RusstiTl, , . Malaohi W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatts t pMarov. ■ Jos; ILSathorthwaite, Ephraim Slanofiard, ' ' : Aro'}«BK , ffioN, rrc.ident. Cvnus CinwAnLAUBB, Treasurer. d!8-y - . - SPRING GARDEN SAYING FUND SO- CIETY OP PHILADELPHIA. Office, No, 331 North THIRD Stroet, <Consolidation Bankßuildtnc.) ■ ' CHARTERED BY THE OP P£?IN -d2s?fpoiwiblB find reliable Saving*institution lias long been neoded in the Northern pari of the city, and" The Spring Gardon Saving* Fond Society n waschartoredby the Legislature of Pennsylvania to supply4hls necessity. The Managers, in organizing jind locating it, have Men governed wholly by ft desire to accommodato • the busi ness interest and wants of the very largo and entorpn aing i«pulati o n^^m|jMy|,«woumlos 4il . From9to2>*o’clock: also/.on. Monday and Thursday from 6 until 8 o’clock in the evening. MASAOBKS. • Fredoriek Klett, Bfophen Smith, ' I . John P. Levy, 1 'fc Ih K-Hlfo"!. - Bade! Underkoffor, FlodenckStmjko, Franc!. Hart, Joseph F.LeCloro, , John Kosslar, Jr., George Kneclit, , James B.Pringle. JncobDocki • : Joseph M. Crowell, JIo». Wm.Millward, i Goorgo Woolpgor* Oeo. £'Thorn. j , Peter C- Ellmaker. . . Robert B. Davidson. 1 , • • JAMES S. PRINGLE, President. Fbakcis Hart, Secretary. . '•* ‘ * jago-tcu pURB AND CHEAP; BREAD,' | MANUFACTURED BY THE “ ] MECHANICAL BAKEBy, CAN DBOXTAIXRD AT TUX VOLLOWINO \ ' 1 PLACES;.'/ :r ' V MECHANICAL BAKERY, 8. W. earner of Broad nnd Vino streets l'. J, ORAVENSTINE S. W. corner of Twelfth 1 ' • and Wallace street*,! ; C.M. CLARK. «troot,,U«<6W - > Tenth. -/<:•-.*«/,< t . MRS. S.teOK No. 404 CaTlowhjill «tro«t. , \T . S. PANCOAST No. MO Bprlne Qordsp ‘.•street. - .• * JOHN O. MOXEY No. I»J Vino «tro4t, j T. P. SMITH :: No. 115 North Fifth .trout, -iY T. 0. HORNER. S. E. corner' Fifth and W. W. MATHEWS sfK'corner lurrenth knd D. KNIGHT .....'. Eroad U !tro l ot, 0 l)olow Wnl- GEORpE GARV1N.........N0“1in LomUrd etroot. D. COURTNEY. N. W. comer Sixteenth _ and Pino streots. 8. R. MASON, - Fourth and Gorraantovn Road. B; R.WANAMAKER. Fad oral stfeot, .above Z. LENTZ Corner South Fourth hnd u Johnston Btroeta. . L, HOLLAND S.W.cernerStsteenthaml Ogden stToets. • • • . DAVID SADDLER No. 260 North Eleventh _ street. '' ■ . . , . J. WEIOHTMAN S. E. oornor Ebvontli and JefTorson streets. _ S. S. TOMKINS No.tlOW North Front streot. If. BROOKS S.-W. «somer ef Seventh and Pmo attests. >. JANE MYERS Coatosstjoet, below Thir ’ ' _ teenth street. ~ • . F. M. WOOD. ......B.W.corner Franklm pnd F.'MORRIS Npw!°c“mor l fcontlt end E. B. TURNER....'. .No!'J^? e tfon?'li Frpi>» J. SHUSTER. corner Brosil end Parrish streets. THOS. T. BLEST Corner Nineteenth'street and Ridge avenue v , B. S. SOWN.. N.< K.’corner .Ninth and _ Federal sttoM Je McINTYRE iTwonty-wcofld Mroot, nb f Contes. . 1 E. W. HUNTER Coates street, nbove 8e - • -vonteenth. ALEX. FULLERTON Corner of Fifth snd Chris- J. L. HICKS Camden, N. J. e storo’ll9 „ Arch street. C. H, RAINIER Woßt Philadelphia,36thst. R.L.YARNELI l£JjKK^T L ' JOHN BARNDT TrCment nnd sne Grsve r SJ. D. BOX., Roaming,Ponna." - GEO. B. TOWNSEND West Chester, T«uvi GEO. L.BEOKER Atlontie City, li,' J. JAMES GARLAND. Capo Me,, N. J. D. HORTON. Ploroneo, N. J. JOHN BODD Wilmington, bd. Je2-tf 9093,8 m 70 Hf ECHANICAL BAKERY; S. Wi Corner ±l* BROAD and VINE Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Thi? establishmantis now in successful operation, day and night, and All are ronpoctfulljf invited to’cfril and seo the whole process of bread-making for themwlves. i Tho undorsisned tnkes the liberty of snytar that for thirty-five yoftrs ho has beep a practical Bake/—five an Apprentice, and five as ioumojman in one of the first houses |n Scotland# anu-twehty-five ns masttir—during which time he luus had the opportunity of mafimg ninny experiments, and observing au tho improvements which have been made during that period/ -V * •** In this establishment, of W<(iah ho has nqufiho , 'mnn asement, ifi ddditiOn to the compote labor-saving ma chinery, ho lm« !)p>* fapihjiojjfif ihany kinds nut hereto fore possessed. < Being unrestrained in the purohase of flounnone but tho soundest and best shall ever boijsodjnnajiohasno hesitation in saying .that Broad of all kinds dim bo tie hverod; unsurpassed m Quality and weight by that miwlo bythdordinarypfoceiw. : ?•-/ ; .Families in whtoh the Bread mftdn by tho Mechanical Mtnkory has not been tried, or in which it has been'tried ,d,!r,l ' ned f° mygl-tf . , v ; • y - Sapaftnigadeot. CABINET WARE. VIA* TABLES. t • • v MOORE & OAMPIO:sr;i . . No. 281 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ' ’ ill connection with thotroxtensive Cabinet Busi loes.aro no^mannfooturm|t^*^otio^ ( iu^^| , l>f‘ , i Whl6h aro prnnouifcep pjr’aU'lrityWoHitfefi th mtfrbo superior to all other*' • * . •• r Fortho<|iw(ity and finish of tljoiio .*|saMe* Ibimnnu lacWrera wor to their numerous matrons tlirou? unit tho Union, who aro familiar with tho oharaoter *f thoir ■work.- 7 7 v ; / / • CAnD.-.-MAREuiL^ra^i^pHiT. I’AGNE), JANUARY 16/ JB6i>.— ln const) fciijnco d"f too.frequent invitations received by in# tor3rfaw;tho shipments of my Champagne Wines to the Unitedßtotes, ( bog leave hereby to inform my former cuatonfcni and United Stato., for tho enle of ini Chanipn.noAVl ids. Mr S ri fl e 2 i'.’-'i o b ,? on „f 5 lol '* «l>“ favorably known in tho.Unltod St«_(o«. lt will bo umiopojßnry tocomrasnt on tlieir quality, farther than to any that toy now ihlwnf ate will in no way he found Inferior to theitbnner one*. T •, BILXiESAnT SAI,MON% I ' L OTa , M?AOl«i‘f'lm!lsS, both CABINET and YEREBNAY, for aafo* IMoon stantly on haml. in lota to suit purchasers, by' * \_P 1 „ p. c. BiioyWKft. ANcIiKR, tici. npZ7-6m i M BRAVER Street, New Vo#. JW. SCOT'J—lftto of tho firm; of i>vln * cheater fc . Scott—GENTLEMEN’B FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFACTORY. 814 CH&BTNJJ.T Street, (noarly opposite the Girard H|mso ; } j!w*°eE would rospoctfuUr call tho attontioA efhis former patrons and friends to hianevratoro, ntuTifpre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at abort notlo*t, | A perfect fit jtUArantled. Wholesale Trade supplied with 800 Shiifa atmjCollars. * jjaj-jj .Washing And ironing. v , | W ASHING, ; AJfD mONTNG DONE IJ, with NEATNESS, and DfeatfATcil? Ladles and uontlomon, Families. Boardm.; Schobls. gotela. StoamlwW, Ac.,' at DONOVAN'S -FAMnltf AVNDRY, Ncr, J» South SIXTH* Street, owner of Frame. .Family, Shirts and, Collars patent'poliahed. Evorvthmg washed-by hand, on the common \jrtUh* ojigS elni,m, " ls,,ri ' t,r , r ■ 11 ~ y. ... . ■ SAVING FUNDS. “ A Dollar saved is twice corned.” " > bread. WINES AND IjIQUOIIS, FURNISHING GOODS. ™QsnHttw.gßajft &«M6»«SPißßiial of i.oda'd-pheioht. i RAILROAD COMPANY^. ROAD x _ . . ‘- 1 Look Haven, Lawisbure, ; Wayno, Northumberland* ; Jersey Shore, Hunbury, . Linden, Trevorton Intersection, Newbury, Georgetown, ■Williamsport, MiUorstown, Muncy, } r. } , Halifex* . , , W^tsontown,”• •- > York.! » j' t Milton, , ALg Uanover Junotion. Gettysburg, aud nil intermediate points on HANOVER’ to Freight Station, THIRTEENTH; and MARKET Streets, will bo nromptly fqrwarded. t jyB-3m E. J. BNEEPBIt, Freight Agent. ; PHILADELPHIA AND, Chicago, Rook Island, NiagaraFalla[. Milwaukee, Buy fingion, Montreal, St. Paul's, Detroit, Dunltoth, and St| Passenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Road* in« Railroad Dopot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, DXlLY,(Sundaj»ogcop^asgU^ s j For Elmira, Niagara Falls. Buffalo, Dotroit, Milwaukee, RocklaUvnd, Galon&,St. Paul's, Burlington', ’ n ‘ ,3 t.- L °ui!:3oP.M.‘ NI GHT EXPRESS.,- • | For Elmira, Niagara Falls. Buffalo. Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,Rook Island, Galena,St. Paul's, Burlington, and St, Louis, * The 7.30 A. M.anii BAO I>. M. trains, run, through th HARRIBBURO,,topping at oil Station, on thertobanon V Tho y iS A. C M. train; odmtoete'Rt Rupert for Wilko,- baiTO, Pittston Scranton: and all station, on tho LACK.- AWANNA AND BLOOhtSBURg RAILROAD. . i Baggage oheokdd'to Blimia,’ Buffalo, and Buspensioh B aal o iiokoto can bo procured at tho Philadelphia and **-• -ad Office, Northwest^corn^r Efnura Railroad o>.ico, North*--.corriei of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, nnd at the Pasaeij "6r /TRAIN J LeavoiitheDepot, Broad streot.bolowVnodatly. (Sun day ©xceptod,) tor alt points West and North, at 6 P. M. Freights ;must be qphvoreja before 3 insure, going the same day. . , , > ForfurthoMnformation*npply atr.., j ' Freight Depoti BROAD,‘below Vine, Or to CIfAS.- S/TAPPENy Uoneral Asent,- comer SIXTH and CHESTNUT J fiS x« rggaagarafl PHI LADELPIIIA. GER- MaNTOWN ANB NORHIB-. TOWNRA(I.ROAB-BUMMERARIIANGEMI.N , I'S OHAndAl^r.M^.^^^ilfutthernot^. % £?% Ridll'p.f Leave Gormantownfo, 7,V)». d, B>a* 9,10,11, A. M.,121£, ~2 >3. 4 , 5 , 0,6«,7^95 1 (£1i M .. Leave Philadelphia 9.05 min. A. M., 2, 3, S, 7)6, and IQ)* GormantownB.l6 nun..A. M>, 1.10 min., 4,0)«, andMiP.M. TNUT H!LL HAILROAB. • . Laavs Phifodelpliia 6,8, 85i, 11 A. M„ 1, 3«, i, tX, 0,9, .i*tk P M 1 1 Leave Cheatmit’HUl 7.10,7.'40, 110, 0.10, 11.65 A. M„ 1 2 .» |5 .«,0.40,7.10,1^^10^. r ' FORCdNSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN.! Leave Philadelphia 0,8.05 min.. 10.05, nuu.» UK A/M., • Leavo Nomstown 6,7,9, HA. M., 1, 3>a, 4)£> G, IK, Pd M. ’‘ - • * • > > >. - . . > ’ Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 3 and 4 P. M. ' loW Nor r i a , °w ?p 7 R A.M. i ,l A end6P ; M. ; . Leave Philadelphia C, 7.05 mm.,'8.05 min., 9>i. 10.05 min.,llH A. JU., 1.05 inin., 2.05 Inm., 3.05 mm., 4J£, 6^,. A./ Q.l p NJ I Loave ftlnneyunk 6)», 7?*, BV£, 9) *, JG)£, 11)* A. M., I>*» I.eave Philadelphia!? A. M.,3.4PM. Loave Manayunk 7>* A. M« , IH» 6)*l 836 P- M. • H. K. SMITH. General Superintendent, my 7 DEPOT, NINTH and GREEN Street#. RKawtssssefsa ' NORTH PENNSYL- VANIA RAILROAD, _ f For BET*HL EH EM f BOY LE ST O\V S EASTON, ALLENTOWN,. • RlAyOfi - CHUNK, HAZLETON, an d Bafter m6nDAY, Mar 16th, 3859, Possoniror Trams will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phi ladelphia, DAILY, {Sundays oxcepteqs). ' j For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk.Wilkes barre,Hazelion, «o.,(Express.)at9JM) A. M. ■ . For Bothlehehi, (Express,) at4P.-M. , „ | , For Doylestown, ’(AccommbditiOn,') at 8.15 A. M. and 5 P. M< For Fort Washington, ( Accommodation,) at 2.15 P.,M* and 6.20 fo r PHILADELPHIA: „ , Loavo Bethlehem, (Express,) at 8 A. M. and 4,10 P. M. Leave Doylestown, “(Accommodation,) at 6.30 A. M. Leave Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at 6.30 A« M '“” daJsP - M . ON SUNDAYS. „ , ! Philadelphia, for Doylestown, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. hr. Doylestown, forPhuada.. at 630 A. hi. and 6.45 P. M. ' Pare to Bothlehein, i sl.6<)i to Mauoh Chunk. $2.60; to Eustou, $1.60; to Doylestown,Boconts; to Wilkosbatro, Passenger Trains (except Similar .Trains,) con nect at Berka street with Fifth and. Sixth-streets, and Second and Third-streets Passenger Railroads. Passengers for Wilkesbarro tako 930 A. M, Train, and arrivoin Wilkosbarre at7P. M. myl6 .ELLIS CLARK, Agent, * 1859.' Mmmmm 1859. DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO’fl LINES, FROM PHILADELPHIA. TO ! NEW YORK AND WAY-PLACES, J2HOM WALNUT-STREET WJIAIIP, Willleave as follows, viz: At 6A. AI., via Camden and Amboy, and C. & A. Accommodation ....92 2$ At $ .via Camden and Jersey City, (Now JerseylAcoomrnodfttioii 2 25 At9A.Ml,'viauamdon and Jersey City,Morning ’ Mail $OO At 11 A. M., by Steamboat, via Tacflny fttul Jorsoy ■ City, Morning Express S 00 At2P. M.,viaCamden and Amboy, C. &A. Ex- prdsa*.V.'.v..: ... v. $ 00 At3X F. M., by fltoamboat, via Tacony and Jer- 1 > sey City. Evening Express...... 3 00 At 3H P. AI,. b£.Steamboat, via Tncony.antf Jor- ’ soy City,2d Class Ticket 22$ A|js P. At.* via Camden and Jorgoy City, .Evening » . At 11P.' M./via Camden and Jorsoy City, Night ? Mail * 2$ At 2 K P.M, via Camdon and Amboy, Accomodation,. > (Freight and Posse ngor—lst Class Ticket.. ...C.: 22$ 2d Class Ticket ISO At fi P. AL,.vta Citndonand Amboy, Accommodation. 1 ( Freight end l^ongorW.] Tbo CP. M. Mail Lino runs daily. The H Night Mail, Saturdays excepted. . Express Lines stop at Pnnoipal Stations only. • -. For Bemdero, Easton, Flomington, at 6 A. M. ft °For wntierCfap. Stroudsburg, liemnton, Montrose, Great Bond, Ac., at 6 A. M., via BolawSre, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad. .. i , , FoftFroehold.atfiA.M. and 3 P.M* , * For Mount Holly, at.o add 0 A*. At,, and 2X, i X, and $ P * M * . WAY LINES , , For Bristol, Trenton, &o, at 3X and 4X P. Mm from Por U Palmyra,Polanco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden* town, &c.‘, at 1 and 2XP. At. „ _ . , Steamboat Iticnard otookton for Taoony at 11 A. M., and for Bordentown and mtormodiate places at 3X P.M. ‘ t Steamboat John Noilson for Tacony at 8X A. M.,and for Bristol, Burlington, and intormediato places, at 12 AI.and4XP.AL Fifty pounds of only allowed each paaaonger. Paw>n pra are 'prohibited from takin< anythin* as bax jra o but their apparel. All over fifty pounds to bo »id for extra", The company: limit their WM. 11. OATZMER, Agent. EnnrTMT NOTICE.—CHESTER start fremthe-PaMoruor Depot of the Philadelphia and Heading Railroad Company, cornor pf BROAD and tyrPOTnftptQfni l«»veg af AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downlnttowm leaves at vuimLu and Reading Railroad Company. m - W- H. mcILHENNY, Secretary. NE W TO? ches fiSrJKiSiSHBBTER AND PHILADELPHIA' RAILRPAXKvij. MEDIA. . . . . " ' ■ i . '..'.BUMMER ARRANGEMENT.' i ! On ami after Mas 39th, ltafl, the trains will leave Phi- o®Sr?Vrom, the Station, on EAST MARKET Street, at 0.30, SJO and 11 JO, A. M.,and 2, and 8.45 P.M. » ON SUNDAYS—Loavo Philadelphia at 8 A. M;, and S' P. M. Leave Wost Chester at 7JO A. M.. and 6.15 1\ M. * ‘ ' HENRY WOOD, - my 23-tf General Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAIL ROAD, iMQRNfNOTINK. for POTTSVILLE, READ • • Y - TNG and HARRISBURG. . Leaves tlio Depot, at corner of BROAD ami VINE - StreetSx^;pAlLi r .(S»llday4 excepted,) toy IwrSTjLLE, IfARUfSBPRG. and nU intermediati Domti. connhctinV at Hnrfnsbtfrg with 1 trains rtfftßtfcg to PituiniV,, So. ■, • Leave At ASOIV M„ DAILY, for and HARRISBURG. • ’ • „At 4.45 P. M., DAILY, (Sundaysexcepted,) for READ ING, and intermediate points. ’ _ « nplB , W. H. McILIHSpiY, Secretary. npilE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL iJb • -. : t „ - . .railroad: 1859. SBmmmm 1859. THE CAPACIIYW THIS'ROAD IS EQUAL TO ANYIN THE COUNTRY. THREE TfniOUGHIUSBENaKIt TRAINS i BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG, Connecting direct at Philadelphia -with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and at tho Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains for Gin* clnnhti, St. Louis. Cleveland,' Chicago, Burlington,;Bt. Paul’s, Indianapolis, Louisville, Now Orleans, arid; all nna Nebraska—thus furnishing facilities lor the trans portation of Passengers unsurpassed for' speed And com fort by ony other route, - . , , Express Xnties nin throutH to Pittsburg; without ohango of Oars or Cpdanotors. 1 Smoking Cars are attached to each Train; ‘Woodruff’* Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. Tho EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Line*, Stm- Wl'fetaw*,?;M £• M: ; • Express Train leavos “ 10A0 P. M. . „ WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS; Parkeabarg Accommodation at 11 A. M. Colmfflfa ' S 4 ec ftl n itwflaUall' Viit P. M. PagsenKors % West Chester'-wiUitaVo'the Mail, rarkoiiburg* and Lancaster Trams, at the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station. i , Paaeonffor* for Bunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Boffa- Tickets Westwardmaj boobtained at the offiooofthe Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Bal timoro; and Tickets Easjward nt any of the important. . Railroad,pflijstsinmthdWMfcpAhm‘on board any- tfniie of Stettm6W'6n tile'Mississippi or-Ohio. ' ’Faro always ns low as anv othcr Route. The Bompjotion of the Western connections of the THE The connection of tracks l>y the Ttallrodd Bridge' at Pitlaburgi avoiding all drayago or forriago of Freight, togothor with the saving of time, nro advantages rondily npnrcciated,by Sliippors of Freight and tho Traveling f“ . io i freights westward, By this Route Freights of all descriptions can bo for- Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa, or Missouri, by Rail road direct. •' - .. ?he Pennsylvania Railroad also connects nt Pittsburg with Steamers, by which Goods can bo forwarded to any port on the Ohio,. Muskingum, [Kentucky, Tennessee, Sandusky, ami Chicago, with Steamors to all porta on the Northwestern Lakes; », j* • • a i • k MoreliAnts and Shippers entrusting the triniWrittation of their Freight to tins Company, enn roly with confi dence on Its speedy transit.. < - TJI&RATES OF FREIGHT to npypnipt in tljp West by tho Pennsylvania Railroad nro at all times ns favora ble as nro charged by other Railroad Companies. KL. Be particular to mark package* 4 *, via Penna. Rail road/ ■, •' • ■ Merchants m tho West ordering goods from tho East, 1 wilt do well to direct them to bo shipped by this Route. For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions,'imply th, nr *ddrom i th°r fifths toitowind Amts of fto Gum lmnJ'l •'». AJSTEWAliT.'Tittsbure: Doyle A Co.,BteubenvUlo t O.; H.B.Pierco * Co., Zanes ville,' o.} JVJ. Johnston, Riploy, 0.; R. MoNeely.Mays villo, Kyj Ormsby & Cropper, Portsmouth. 0.; Paddock & Co., jpfieraonvßle, Indiana; H..W, Brown Sc Co., Cincinnati- O.: Athorn Sc Hibbert, Cmoinnati, Q.: R>C* EcV.';''i;: n a’. 1 yi bum & Co., Cairo, 111.; 8.-F-Sms, St. Lome, Mo.; Jolrn H. Horn;, ISnahvillo, Tonn.iHorria fc Hunt Momphie. Tenn.; Clnrka & Co.. Chic. o. III.; W. H. H. Koonta Alton. 111.1 Murphy,kJWnlle, Dubuquo. 111.; orto Kroliht A. ont, of Hnllronds nt dilferopt pqint, In the Wlrt. r * Pnrtio. nlt.ndln.- td (.halt Bwxi elupmonta from tho Eest-will find it to thotrintoroat to call bn tHe A nnt.of the Bompnnr. at the lolloMnv Place, beforojlhlbplilr; or loltbre addressed to either of them on tho subject of iMtefess!! [ij'l nPRAILROAI) LINES, imp® TH3ETSEASHORB. ARRANGEMENT,, ' CAMDEN and'atlantic RAILROAD: I ONLY Tjva TO THE SEA] "■■ ■On and aftef SATURDAY, May 31st, and until further® notioe. three daily traine to Atlantio and return, - 1 On SUNDAYS, the Mail Train only will nln. , First, Mail Train, leaves Vino-Street Ferry.. .7.80 A. M*. Soeond, Express,' r ■ ...MOF.M, (Stoppingonlyfor’woodftndTrfttor.) . 1 Freight Train (with Pu?aqngor Car attached).A. M, ; .Accommodation Train,-(Egg Habor,) loaves „ ■ Vine street - 4,60 P. M.\ LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. First,-Express Train, leaves:...' ;..,.6.00 A.M; Seoond, Mail, '■ “ - .4.40 I*.M. Freight. - “ 12.10 A. M. Accommodation Train loaves Egg Harbor 9.02 A .M. SUNDAY TRAIN; • ! Leaves. Vine-streot Ferry at ...7 A. Mj Returning, leaves Atlantic at. .6 P. JVL '• l’his : train will stop only at Waterford, Egg Harbor! andAbseoom. ' HADDONFIELD ACCOMMODATION. , Leavos Cooper’s Point :..; 11,00 A. Ml LeavesHaadonfipld 1.00 P.M* Loaves Coopers Point :.... 2.00 P. M; Leaves Haddonfiold 3.00 P. Mi Fare to Atlantici'when Tickots are purchased before on* - terinV the @l 80 Round Trip Tickets, good for. two days, on any regular train..... .......f. 1 82 30 On and after July 2d, and every Saturday through the Summer* tho Egg Harbor Accommodation Train will run hrouih to Atlantic, and return early on Monday mom in , J 1 ■ - - • - < Freight must be delivered at Cooper’s Point by 1 P. M. The.Qompanr will pot be responsible for any goodsun lreaeiveuanu receipted for by their FroUnt Agent at io Point, i - myi9-dsepl- * '• JOHN G. BRYANT, Agent.; i mlnt AIEK ARKANGEr “aW^HIA^ITLMINGTON, AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. { PASSENOBH^TB3fIN£I^^E Ul M I fei^LPHIA, For Baltimore'A..Mi, >l2 noon, tExpress,) and 11.10P.M. • .- .t-. . . . For Chcstor at 8.15 A. M., 12noon, 450, and 11.10 R. M. For Wilmin <ton at 8.16 A. M., 12,4.30. arid 11.10 P. M. .For New-Castle at9.l(>A.M„snd 450 P.M. -> ' For Middletown at 8.16 A. M.. and 4.30 P. M. i . For Dover at 8.16 A. M., and 4JO P. M. For Soafordat S.lfr A. M., and 4.30 P. M. c ; _ TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA . J Leave. Baltimore at 6,30 A. M.> (Expro*s,)2.4o A. M., and 6.25 P.‘M; " • , i . g Lcave^W ilrmngtpn at 6,66 A. M. add B*2o A. M., 1,10 and Leave New Castle at 8.46 A. M.. and 7.40 plm. . ' Leave Middletown.at7AdA.AL and 6A4P.M* i , Leave Dover at 6AO A. M.. and 555 P. M. ; LeaveSeafordats,lsA.M., and 2.45 P.M. ! Leave Chester at A. M., 1.45 and 9.15 P. M. ftt ' TRAINS -FOR BALTIMORE ‘ ' s ' Leave Chester at 8.46 A. M., 3258 and IL4O P. M. ■ •Leave Wilmington: at 950 A. M.j 12A5P.M., and 1250 A. M. , • *,■ . - . , , „ ‘ „ SUNDAYS ' • ! Only at 11.10 P.M.* from Philadelphia to Baltimore.; • ' will run os follows: i Lehvo-philadolphia for Parryvilleand. intermediate plapesat6.4s.P..M. - • . s Loave Wilmington for Perryvillo and intermediate places at 755 P. M, - | LeaveHaVro-de.Grace for Baltimore and intermediate places at 6.40. A. M. < • P °i(l' ° f av . rfl *^ e '® raco oud intermediate Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate placos at 5.40 P. M. • ;■ iyg S. M. FELTON, President’. BUSINESS CARDS. THEO. D. :EMORY' & CO. - OF FICF. No 346 South. FOURTH St., ‘Philndm, Sole Agents of GEO. C. POTTS & CO., , i Miners apd Shippers of the - LOCUST DALE COAL, From tho Locust Mountain! Near Ashland, ap2-6m] SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. ' 5 JOHN SINKS. ( ; „„ _ HOUSE and OFFICE, ,' Np. lie South South SIXTH Street, - (Nearly House,) ( He has, by law. “ fullpower to administer Oaths and Affirmations, and take Testimony to be read in Evidence in any Court of .the-Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” Ho is a Commissioner ot the United States, and also, a Commissioner of Deeds and for the Probate of Ac counts, for noarly all the States in the Union. • i Commissions to tako Testimony, .from any. of the Courts, m this Stato, or any of tho Courts in the United States or lerntotios, promptly and oarefully executed. - ' - ■ jyi3-tf. OKIE & CAPP, 223 DOCK Street, abrive Wnlnnt, STbCK BROKERS, anil doiler. in Mer oantuo. Paper'and securities generally. Attend the. Brokers' Board dally, and fill all orders for the purchase or sale of STOCKS, HONRS, Ac. - ja7-ly OFFICE OF/ <? THIRTEENTH AND FIF TEENTH STREETS PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA.” • Rbora No. 4, FALLON’S BUILDINGS, 620 WALNUT Street. • royU-tf. TIE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Pack ages. Merchandise' Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own Lines, or in connection with other Express Com panies, to all the principle, towns and cities of tho United States. E. S. SANDFORD, aul-tf General Superintendent. A lex. McKinney, -tX . ATTORNEY AT LAW, _ GREENSBURG, PA, Will practise m Westmoreland, Armstrong, ami In' diana counties. seli-tf. A UGUST BELMONT. 4% BANKER, 76 BEAVER STREET. IssuesXetters of Credit for Travellers, available in at parts of the world, through the Messrs. Rothchilds, o:’ Pans, London, Frankfort, Naples, and Vienna, and thoir Correspondents, • - . . mh7-6m NOTICES* -SJPECIAL NOTlCE.—Dealers in Good yearns Patent Vulcanized Rubber ~ Suspenders, Braids. Webs, and all'other fabrics and articles made by combining fibrous substances with threads, or sheets or vulcanized rubber, are notified that unless the came are properly stamped or labelled with piy name, and by my authority, (hoy legally disposed of in tho United States, Merchants and denlors are mvitoil to ox "amine sjieoiinens now in store, and to give their ordefs for th 6 SpriiU Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWNER OF THE .TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS IN THEVyATENT for these goods, wh h Qinbracd.aUtnb styles'hbre to lore manufactured or ported, anu many others. ALBO. LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE and SELL —and tlm Torms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 28 COURTLANDT Street, N. Y. n24-ly , HORACE B> DAY- T%rQTiCE.-,-M uppllofttjpn wtHite made J-At the next session qt the .Legislature of Pennsyl vania -for the incorporation of a Bank.‘With «enaral .bftnkin pnvile ea. with » capital of TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS: to be called the MANUFACTURERS’ BANK, to bo loeitod in tho oity of Philadelphia. t j)Z-s6m T\TOTICE.'-- ; Persons having bnsiness with ±1 -the-FLOUR INSPECTOR will call at No/ 14 VlNEStfoot, bOtwoen the hoars of $ o'clock and 3 wm H* nrfmr' ',WI . . , f lanrTniymstor. LEGAL. ]||DNIOIPAL CLAIMS, Notice 15 hereby siven to tho ovnen or tho propeiiiet mentioned |n too appended rtomarantU of damn, that Wflt» or «clto fooillkyill ber lMuod.tharaan, in three months from the dato hereof, unlaw 1 ttiii Wtrle ore paid MlPlritoih.rifo.' VILLI \ M B uEttEY, ’ * Attorney for Ctaaimants, i - - ■ , -411 CHESTNUT Strok PnrtAMLrniA, June2B, isw. , IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ' • The City of Philadelphia tq flmUaO q? Jacob Bartholo mew va. Ley It Brother, l owner* or reputed ownors.'or whoever'may. bo owners; Common- ploas, Deeombor Tertn.lBsB.No.iM3. Pavin<, $163 W. Lot on tho west side of Church street, 87 feet 8 mohes south of Franklin street, IGG foot by 104 fyet. In the Firdt word. , • Same vs. John Alexander, owner or reputed owner,lor whoever may be owner. Common Pleas. March Term, im No; in; PaVlnK.-SW & ' Lot on tho out sido oh fnweFirstwalu' kW,nQh<?S * orth of Moore street. Same vs. George P. Johnson, owner or reputod owner, or whoever mar be .owner. Common Pleas, March Term, 1869. No. 172. Tavimf.QH3 16. .Lot on the southwest corner of Church anaßeed streets. In the First ward. - j029-Wl3t ‘ , • -V Fi OHANCiSKY .OF , NEW JERSEY. Joshua Rawnsley and others, \ '■ _ _ Complainants, and I Tho Trenton Mutual Lifeand >On Bill, &cl Fire Company, : f • . Jn pursuance of an prdor mndobribeChancellor;in theflfbqvo-stated cauio. dfttod.iUe thiwday Of Docopi bof, A.J). i&&Ehecred l {c™ ortho Above-named Insu- are hereby notified that they are ra-' ouiyed to present to the subscriber, residing at Trenton, Now Jersey, and prove before him, under oath or affir mation, or.otherwise, as ho shall direct, their several claims and demnnds against said Company, witiiih six months from the date >of mid tWf tiiOy will GOO excluded from the Ijohofitgjii- ftlloh dTVidimds as may bo made and declared pysaid’Ceuft.' ' - . - ' ‘ vs,r ' 4 * 'JAMES WILSON, feg2 ? -tu 8m , -master in Chancery. TVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that up ' plioation hag born made for » re-lbimn or Cortift calo No. 155 at QBHmANTOWN GAS STOCK, Five Sliarea, in Hie name of l)r. T. F. BETTON, dated Janu ary Md, 1555, the name having, been lout or mislaid. J. O. ROSENQARTEN, 1 Attorney for Dr, Retina. Philadelphia, June 23,1659, COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. , - between ijje subscribers is thiaday dissolved hr mutual boslness of tho firm will* bo “ “ Ul " orUed "> July let, 1859.. ' , . ffiSaflSife. jpSEPH B. HANSON will continno tho Tobacco Com mTatdbn mlsihdis, ifnd Agency fyr cue mlo" e/ Sombrero Gunno, as hdretolofe. • ' ” 7 • ■ , i No. 105 North WATER Sjrqat, m Nd- V» Avenue. GEORGE BOLDIN, ' s 105 North WATER Streot. NORWOOD PENROSE, ' : > 103 North PI'II.AV.'ARI' Avenue NORWOOD pENROSE (lato of tho Brmof Joaoph B. Hnnsjon, & Co.) is this' day assoqiatod with GEORGE BOLDIN, under tho stylo and firm of BOLDIN Sc PEN ROSE, for the purpose.'p,f (jQiiduoting a Tobaccq, pi and July L 1839.' ‘ IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 4- ' firm of WARNICK. OHADWICK; & BRO. in thin dav dissolved, The Heater, Killed, and .Stove Wn!, u continußd under the hsfna of OHADwToK A the Northeeet cporo| W Philadelphia, Julr H, S^ 018 CI^UWiCK. f , REAL ESTATE. TO LUAftJEIt 'JtfEJ? --ANP FARMERS. SALK OF VALUABLE TIMBER LANDS, „ * IN WARWICK COUNTY,’VIRGINIA, Bjr virtu© ofadeorco of tho Circuit Court for tho County Tiforosaidj pronounced on tuo 23th of March, 18p9,in tho ofotmoerf suit of QnmbriU vs. Whitbook, the ' undersigned, acting hs Commissioners tinder tho said do .croe, will Bell, boforo the Court-House door of Hrtid county, on the SECOND THURSDAY OF AUGUST next—thatbomg county courtdny—that Yauwbfp tract of mnddosoribodlnAald decroo “niftirwiHurla.m'pieco. parcel, or tract of land; iim* audbenn m the county of ■ Wnrj'ipt-. a o d. kMV nf part of the, ‘ HM Nqct Tract, ’ Jtmtamm, p,M.tlittusenilSindo|.llty-el»Ktaorcs,- n.(B8;i mare ones,, l»B'. Jin.fTof tuo tract o( Inndcnu vayefl W Au.usmie GanibnU and Margaret. hi* wile, by deed dated 28th June, 3853,. and recorded in tho clerk’s oftico of Warwick county court.” Tho above landis very valuable and easy of access, boiru tanatod on tho peninsula lyinbotween the-Jaws# and York S.nd aboutlißll between Hampton and Wil- Thpre‘a», upon tho promises, a steam saw th.en ino of flity-horse power,,and goodaiib- BnokDwellin'.intlforou hrepair. s < . . ■ TERMS OF SALE: •! So muoh in, cash Its will pay tho costs of tho ahoVc montionod suit and tho expenses of cala amrupdii Uio residue a credit ©f-twelVA monthff'wiu be -iyen the Burch&gq? to Bfojkma 'vdtfP%lsacilrity. for the Oo- Icrredfaymdtrtj'Wtn interest from tho drvy of sale, \ f 'LEMUEL' J. BOWDEN. i < < 1 . ■ ■ - Of lands. ISO acres arc i» f.he cullivatloo balance heavily, timbered with superior white oak (for ■hjp buildm') and pine—the pin© wood beia, worth w S-jittriot, adiolnitK the land,’at 'l«fsr COMI MMty, ViyglotEi j SHIPPING, ,s!?*ffe. : '"FoE i TPJS-SOIITH'.-—PHILA- . ?5- CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH ROUTE. .OgL Goods received everyday, and -bills of lading, signed at second wharfabove Vine street. . . .F,OR CHARLESTON, S. C. \ . Tho U. S. ilnil Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap-, tain C. PJMarghmau, Will sail on'Wednesday, July 37, at r Bo’clock, A.M, i ■ , ■ < » ' FOR SAVANNAH. Ga. r ,! The L. 8. Mail Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA.: KhF'clock 1 a’m arv * n ’ sail on Saturday, July 80, at Tho 8 p|e ndiAfi rst-cl a bs aide-wheel Steamships KEY STONE-STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run as above eveir ten daya, thus forming* five-day commu nication with the South and Southwest, connecting with steamers for Florida, and with railroads for New.Oy leans ahd intermediate pjunta. . . •, i FREIGHTS REDUCED. Heavy Freight-at an avorage ot\ 13 per cent, below NwY . Ort r anl ' , ?: P m B tRANOE. ,/ • 1 . Freight and Insurance on a largo proportion of Goods shipped aputh will be found to be lower by these ships I than by sailing vessels! ‘- fusur&nce on all Railroad Freight is entirely unneces sary, farther than Charleston or Savannah, the Railroad Companies takine all risks from'these points. > i - -- GREAT-REDUCTION IN FARE. i _ Faro by this route 26 to 40 por cent/cbeaper than by the inland Route, as will be seen by the followuig sche dule. Through tickets from Philadelphia vtaCharlea ton and Savannah steamships, INCLUDING MEALS on the whole Tonte, except from‘Charleston and Savon* nahto Montgomery: - -r j - _ INLAND RODTX. • v To Charleston $l5 00 Charleston ...-..523 50 Savannah 15 00 Savannah ,8100 Au-usta . 20 00 » Augusta... .>ss 00 Macon 2100 Mac0n. ? 82,76 Atlanta 23 00 Atlanta...»/. v.-SIOO Columbus 23 00 Columbus.. 96 00 Albany...... 24 00 Albany...-.,..; 87 00 Montgomery.... 26 00 Mont 0rnery........ 38tO M0bi1e......... 38 00 M0bi1e...,........... 46 50 New Orleans.... 39 7* Now,Orleans 8110 N. B.—Passengers by this route connect with the In land Route to South Carolina and Georia,.travelling by the samo conveyances thence to New Orleans. - > '> < . No freight received on the day of sailing.; For freight er passage apply to . „ v ' - ‘ AI^EX. I HERON, Jr.. ', ■ SonUiweßt corner FOUTKand CHESTNUT,, . Agonts in Charleston, T. 8. It T. G.-BUDD. »’?*'■ Savafanah.C. A. GREINER 6t CO.- jy'23- 1 STEAMEHS; ■ "”®“*!HAVRE ANT SOUTHAMPTON," • .ARAGOjCa^AinLines, will sail, Jnly • 23,September iTULTON; Captain Wotton,Tnll sail August2o, Octo ber IS, December 10. • First Cabin j> wsa«. • . 8130 Becond Cabm.passago,.; 75 .For^orpW.» BM£^t NEagOJ( • • At the waTenousmalCompany** Phitsdelpin'a Ocice, ■Tobacco Warehouse, JOCK Street, Phila. ' je33-6m Glasgow and new yor£ STEAMSHIP TO GLASGOW,,-LIVERPOOL, BELFAST, -DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY—for 830. . .. . f 'l/.rSOMNSW YOK. GLASGOW, Thompson, Saturday, 14th May, at 12 noon, 3DINBURGH* Camming, Wednesday, Ist Jane, ‘‘ GLASGOW;Thompson, •«. . 6th July, • “ EDINBURGH, Camming, " 27th July, " V. •’ <■ . ' FROM OLASGOW. EDINBURGH. Cuimnmg, Saturday, 7th May, •, GLASGOW,Thompson, - “ lltnJimo. • .EDINBURGH. Gumming, 1 14 •2d Joi/.- . Ratda of Passage from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Belfast. Dublin, or Lon donderry, first daaa, 976. Steerage, found with an a bun-' danceofproperlf cooked provisions, $3O. , An experienced Surgeon attached' to eaoh steamer. No charge for medicines. - • - \ > For freight or passage, apply to __ - ’ ’ . ' 'WORKMAN & C 0.,: s . 'No. 123 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. - * _ ROBERT ORAIGj No. 23 BROADWAY, New York. ; FOR THE SOUTH—CHARLES SAVANNAH, and HAVANA STEAM KEYSTONE STATE, Captain C. P. Marshnum. - STATE OE GEORGIA, Captain John J, Garvin. . ISABEL*. Captain Wm. Rolling. „ y oR OHARLESTON > a ot The tJ, S.'Mnil Steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Cap tain, Marafiman. will ami qh Friday, August $, at 10, 10, o’clock, A. M*or SAVANNAS. Ga. ' The U. .S. Mail Steamship STATE OF. GEOROHA. Captain John J. Gomri, will sail on Wednesday, August at The^p!en3ldtfirst -class side-wheel Steamships KEY STONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA now run, &s above, every ton days, thrift forming a com munication with the South and Southwest. - ivy Goods received and bills of lading .signed every & Xt both Charleston and Savannah these.ships connect with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, &c., for all places m the Sooth and Southwest, and with the Steamship ISABEL, for Havana, on the'4th. and 19th of every month. „ ' - . FREIGHT REDUCED. Heavy freight at an average of 15 per cent, below Now York steamship rates.; * _.^„ t - INSURANCE. . ' Freight nnd"irisumnc6 on a large proportion of Goods shipped South, will be found to bo,lower, by. these ships than by sailing vessels. „ N. B.—lnsurance on all Railroad Freight is tntxre.iy unnecessary, further than Charleston and Savannah, the Railroad Companies taking all risks from these Sabirftassagd to Charleston and Savannah... Steerage , , i 4 v ' 44 Excursion Tiokets, good for the present year. Ticket* to Havana. Through Tickets to New 0r1ean5............ .. •• Do, , Mobile • ! Do ; . Montgomery . )o Albany, Ga Do Columbus. Ga. Do Atlanta, G0...~ Jo Macon, Ga..... )o Falntka,Fla. Do Ficolata, Fla )o Jacksonville, Fla. 21 00 Do Fernandina. Fla.. 21 W No bills of lading signed alter the ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of sailing. For freight or passage apply to jtEEON J ’ 1 Southeast coraor FOyRTHaniOHESTRuT. Agonts in Charleston, V. 8.. V|r. G. IIUDD.. - “ SavannaluC. A.GRIMER & CO. sgm* THU BRITISH AND NORTH SaJftfiaAMBRICAy ROY.AL/MAIL STEAM- • . PROM VEW YOflfc TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage. , $l3O Second Cabin I’assago 75 . - PROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. . CiiioT Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passago..:.: 60 ' The ships froirt Boston call at Halifax. • ‘ PERSIA, Judkins, | AMERICA, Cftpt. Millar, ARABIA, Cant. J. Stono, I NIAGARA,‘Capi. Andor- ASJA,, Capt. JL. G. f*o4t* ] son. . AFRlCA,Capt.Shdpnop, fEpROpA/Capt.J.Loitch. CANADA, Capt. Lang, I These vessels carry a clear white light at paast-hcad; green ori starboard bow; red op porttow. ARABIA. Stone, Leave? Boston, Wednesday, July 13. ASIA. Lott. “ N York, Wednesday, July 20, CANADA, Lang, ■** Boston, Wednesday, July 27. AFRICA, Shannon, " N York. Wednesday, Ansi 3. KunOFA.Lmtch,, Boston, Wednesday. Aug, 10. PERSIA, Judkilu, NYork, Wodnaitdar! Auj. 17. ARABIA, Stono, Boston, Wednesday, Aug.2t. , Berths hot secured upti| paid Aifr An experienced Surrean on board. ‘ Theowßorgof theseshipg will not be accountable for Jewelry, Precious Stones or MeSals. utdewi hillsqf lading are signed therefor and the value thereof the?em dxtressed. Forfreijhtnr pag an o w|{)y to £• CUNARD, 4 Bowline Green. • marSl-ti New York. MACHINERY AND IKON, ~ SAMCSt, V. MXBKICK, 1. VAUOHAX HEBHICK* COETHWaSi^MIgVy;- tfIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, MER^ib A m*6NS, for Land, River, and Marine sorvice. oSiY„ a ci, 0 5!rr\ o r^n"A^?t','. ! , ro, ' B<,, ' t, '' * e '»«W»n tXtZX s ° you Riu- Til JR?.??? Vaohluerj at Ota latost and most im proyfirj ponsmiction. fl,?; *r r & ?£ 8 # £ n - ? t xM nn W lon Mechiaery, such as ■nM? G nst Mills, Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trai, &*. Defecators. Filtere, Furapm lEn/ines. Ao. Sold A onts for N. Rilheux’s Patent Su-ar Boilin? Apparatus: Nastpyth’s Patent, Steam Hammor; and c hi f ® patent Centrifugal Sugar Drain- HARDWARE. TO THE HARDWARE TRADE.—The subscribers. AGENT, 4 ) FOR THE SALE OF FO REIGN AN® DOMESTIC HARDWARE, offer for sale the follftWitW foods at lowest rates:. Lewis' superior Chains of all lands, including trace,'los, halter, fifth, breast-waaon, tonme; coil, ship, mine, and other Chains; P. wmht * patent and other Anvils and Vicos; **L” Horse Nails: round nnd oval Bake Pans; abort and long handle Fry Pans; Excelsior Safety Bus© for blasting rocks; Bed Screws j American Slates, Blackboard Cra yons and Cftrpontora Clunk Table and Pocket Cutlery; Last Stoel Rhe* and Rasps; Cast and Wrought Butt Hinges; Strap and “T”Hinges: Gimletßcrowa: Rotor son’s Razor Strops; Hodees’ Mahogany Knoba; Whites', Braces: Shovels and Spades, nli Irindjtj Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes, and Hoes; Wrenches; Locks and Latches; .Door and Shutter Bolts; Hand, Sledce, nnd Stone Hammers; Hooks And Hinges; Tacks, Brads, Shoe. Clout, and NaiU:.Wrought Nails; Ktng’a Stocks ami B 104; HatchsTca and Counter Scales; Curry-Combs* American and English; Scythes, Soothe Stones and Rides; Boticlnss’ Pumps antf Kmn»; Alo lasses Gates, Faucets, Saws of all kinds; Axes, Hat- Vhets, Hammers, Ac., with a general assortment of Hardware. W, G, LEWIS A SON, ap9-dtf ; 4H CWdMERCE §t\aet, . PBUSH£S, mHE CHEAPEST' BRUSH O USE IN • w O, g’ SF oo *®* No. 2, 62 knots, 74 “ No. 3, 66 knots, 87 “ No. 4, 80 knots, 1W « ' No. 6, 83 knots, 11$ « No. o, lft) knots, 12ft «■ No. 7,104 knots, 350. •» • No.B,i6oknots. 37fi •* ■ ■ • ' T 4 , m HRNRY C. ECKSTEIN. 6? North THIRD Street, below Arc^i, : p 1 . 1 Fniladolphia. PR 0U T ? S CELEBRATED LONDQN BRUSHES. - .{Dvditr is more essontinl in a Hair Brush than in any other Toilet artiole. TROUT'S’ BRUSHES, wherever introduced, nave at once taken preceitono© for qualitr ofmatenalsamifor scientific eonslructioa, His Hair Brushes, combining a peculiar elasticity with the ro- S^ Sit s.i” rmn ® i,a ' ftro . *wnd 1° >-*s© uniformly and smoothly through the hair rather than roughly and tharsWj ovsn it.thnsrlvinc the propei; stimulus and conseqoent freedom from dandruff to. the scalp.#lcin without fuiurlng it, and. thus, too. iwturine a natural I y fjoswr, • healtliT-condition to the hair. His-TEETH. |>AIL and COMB BRUSHESaro ecjualis[ desirable aiw mr their respective uses, all cotnbuung, hi a rcuiaucablw (lpsroo.comi'lotost usefuhiossjrifn oxlmaiaiWjUum bility. /A full Assortment iirPnoVT'S' sonondr sood,. inoludmg some ontjLolv nay wttmrus, toeothor with a larco stock of •liUBIN'S dosvmbk) aOAPJi nnd PER.’ FUMERY.iu*t Fpr •. , .p ' _ v A CO-.ApothocAriea. . jy S»Mf Street, corner of Twoifth. COAL, sa. w. gkoo,mb & ca, . EE&IGH, TOTSEM '- • Office. No. 146 Sooth FOURTH Stroet. BROAD Strcot, below Race. ap2-Cm PHILADELPHIA. WOOD, COAL, AND KINDLING WOOD. , , JANNEY Sc YEAGER. COATES-STHEET-WHAHF,. onhAntl Alar,o and supariararticln. or FINE OAK and HICKORY WOOD; and. ImS completed our arranttomonta. aro tmw pronatod tasav tho Wood by- BTea,m * hand a superior nrticjo or LEHIGH COAL, of all sizes, seloeted'with pare, Doalers and Coilsumera will find crealij to tholr advantase to purchnso Kindlinz Votii Hl*. . 1 ■ .-JSS-Sln CIGARS, TOBACCO, &o. CIGARS.--A. . JIERINO,- 140 SOUTH FRONT Stroot. oflors for sale from Store and Bond, ' i\« following favorite Brands of Cigars: ' _Ncuva Liup. Regnha,- Nueva Ewp.‘ Conclms.- Lisht dMs,lst,2d, and 3d; Garantiznda, Pronsandos, Cap{- Kl!hrt\ri n Pn?r.'A r ftp i 0 a Iglesins? Zarznolla,- • K 1 Kb J° London Fino, Ganitn r ni” 80 ® oP°j 0 P°jp H t:EapAUa London, Eapana London Find, Pnnoipoa. Manilla Cherootß. 1011-tf R A YANA CIGARS, offered to dealers at favornblo rntesi of various sites and brand#. in» Cabana. Figaro, Nouo. Bird. Ploron* tiha, Fire Fly, ahd Fonb'ca. Also. Paper Citrars, nr STEPHEN fDgUET * SON, ’ , * t\Q South FRONT Street. MINTON’S . ENCAUSTIC TILES * ftr Hoof a. . * ■ jpaNtSfitfiTß.’Eai,? febis tf 1010 ClfESTjnrFl^reet. CSALT AFLOAT.—I,3OO .sacks Ashtoii’s ►J fine; COO'MhTshall’s do.; 2 000'LivoTpooV Groubd. arrived por ship Northampton, and forenle by- ' * . .i3iBouth a^M^a E r R v%. CL DAVID P. MOORE, UNDER 'mimw* TAKSR,Np,I»Y|NS HI, SALES BIT AUCTION. THOMAS' Sr-SONSr^^^ • Nos. IS, and Ml SOUTH FOURTH STREET. ■ 7 '■ ■ WrffltfßSß&k'iL*' -V- • i Pubjio Sales., at the Philadelphia Excliange every Tuesday evening, during the business Season. ■er Handbills of each Property issued separately, in addition to whioh we publish on the Batunlar previous .to each sale, one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, pgivlnr full description of all tue Property to be sold on -the following Tuesday.- '- . - , ST FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday mornine. . . • - - REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. US?? We have a large amount of Real Estate at Private Bale, including every description Of city and country property • Printed lists may be had at the auction store. - PRIVATE SALE REGISTER?* • ■ Roal Estate entered on our Private Sale Register, and advertised occasionally in onr Public Sale Abstracts, ofwbich 1,000 copios are printed weekly,) freo of charge. -- , . . . ' CARD.—The Trade Sale to Booksellers wilt commence oji Tuesday, September 13. ))&. Catalogues now ready. ' CARD.—In July and Auruat only occasional sales, as heretofore—not evory- week, as in the business season. gvriwm _ “ The United States Hotel.!’ and 100 building lots, AT LANTIC, CITY, 6th August*. B3i» See handbills. TRUSTEE’S SALE.—Oa the- premises, at Atlairtie City,United States Hotel/.’ and about 100 bailding > REAL ESTATE SALE, , . On Tuesday Noon. • - * ak 12 ? c^ at the Philadelphia Er- Elegant country seat, 19>£ acres, with extensive jro irovements. une shade trees, superior fruit trees, green house. Tapery.&c., Ac.i on the Ilaverford road. Dela ware county, within half a mile of the depot of the Phi ladelphia and Darbv Pa&aener Railway, at Darbf. and H mile from'a station on the PhUadeiphia and'Wist * C icster Railroad. The owner .sells on, account of re moving from the Siatc. The stock, Ac., will be sold a day or'two after the sale of the placo. . TWO,STORES AND DWELLINGS.-Two three story brick stores and dwellings. Nos. 1003 and 1005 Beach street; north ofLnuxelstreet. Terras cash, rlmmediate possession.. B&- They will be sold separately. x - Bale of Nos. 133 and HI South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH PLATE MIR RORS, PIANO-FORTE. BRUSSELS CARPETS.' At 9 o’clock, at the an assortras'nt of ixcellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano-fortes, Lne mirrors, carpets, etc., from Cumiliasdcclinitu house ieeping, removed to thh store for convenience of sale. . Trustee’s Balfl—On the Premises.'' UNITED STATES HOTEL AND lOO BUILD , -ING LOTB,-ATLANTIC CITY.-NEW JERSEY/ . On Saturday morning,' ' August 6th/ls50; at 11 o’ojock. will bejiGild atpobhcsnle, on the premises, thoTmted States Hotel and about 100 buildinr lots, Atlantic City, New Jersey. , aa*'FnU description*-and lithographic plan* may .be baa at the auction room*.' .ROOMS HARMONY. COURT TO RENT.-Ap- Plr at the auction store/ ’ AT PRIVATE[ BALB.—Shares in tho Philadelphia and and Atbenaani, . - .SALE.—The I valuable nroperty,eomer PHILIP: FORD.. AUCTIONEER, No. 530 MARMT STREET, . betwoon FIFTH and siyTll, south side. First Large fall sale of boots and shoes , , - FOR 1839. - . . On Thursday Morning, August 4, at 10 o’clock precisely, will be sold by cats o(uo, on lour month* credit, I.ooocose*boots,shoes, broirms. Oxford ties, gaiters, children** and missos* hhoes, Mies’ shoes, .gaiters, ties. &c.; bora* and routh* Oxford ties, gaiters, toots, brosnng, &c.', em bracing a large and most desirable aasortmentof the tost oity and Eastern manufacture, well worthy the attention of city and eouptry .buyers, a* the saleWiU be'positive and without reserve. : ~I*3*. Good* may bo examined with catalogues early on the morning of sale. - 1 - - * B. SCQTT. Jt, AUCTIONEER, No. 4C9 * CHEStNuTSTREET, nnposite the Ciutom, iioiiHQ, betveeh FOURTH nnd FIFTH Street., ' - Furness, brinley, & co„ -No. <23 MARKET STREET. JM. GUMJIEY. & SONS, •’ REAE ESTATE AUCTIONEERS. «At>Tk rxf r> No. WALNUT STREET.- CARD.—J. M. Gurnmer Sc. Son*, auctioneer*, will hold regular ealea of Real Estate, Stocks, Ac. AlßOhouse hold furniture at dwelling*.;. ... Ha. On our Private Salo Register will always be found a very Inrce.amoQntof real estate, includingeverrte sortptionof city and country property. J. M. GUMMEY at SONS, : .. ~ Estate Brokers. • No. WALNUT Street, below Sixth* Til OSES -NATHANS, AUCTIONEER • MONEY TO LOAN. - MoXET TO LOAN, IX LAHOE OR SMALL AMOtTNTS, on merchanduo gonerally, nnd on all article* of vtUdo; All SUMS ONH HUNDRED DOLLARS TWO PEB CENT. PKlt MONTH, including storage, &e„ at Nathans’ Principal Lstabbahment. 3. K comer of SIXTH and RAC£Sts. , GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. • MONEY l MONK V! ‘ MONEY! U ' *. ; Monoy liberally advanced ialargenr smaU amounts, from one dollar to thousand*, on gold and diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowlmg-oitces, musical in struments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, grocerie*, ci gars,hardware,cuttenr, books, horses/wohielesj harness* and all articles of valuo, for any. length of time agreed on, at Nathans Thicipal Estadlisumkxt, southeast comer of Sixth and Race jtroeta. ' ; PROMISSORY NOTES’, with collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates, GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY. 4c.. AT PRIVATE SALE. It. NATANS’ PRINCI- Vu T ’ E ’ wnwr of SIXTH nnd RACE Streets.—The following articles wifi bo sold foEtess thanhalftheusmU^ire prices: FinegoldEn?Ushpatent iolMewelled ana pkun, of the most approved And best make,m hunting oases and double bottomed:. Fine gold escapement lever and lopino watches, in hunting case anA open Dice, some of thomaro extra full jeweled, andbost make. Silver English patent lover, vratoheg, eacapo-- ment lever and lopmes, m hunting case aad open, race, some very superior; EoglUh, Swiss, Fr'erch,-amt Quartier watches; fine gold vest, fob, neck, ond chil uron a Chains; fine gold peiicil cases nnd pens, VmceleU* breastpins, finSdV-*mK*, ear-rin**, studs, msdaUiana, and jeweliy generally, Superior Havana Cigar* at #l* per thousand, iu boxeauf 290 each, will be »oM hx afug’ a box of quantities, to suit purchasera. • Numerous t* » articles, &c., Ac., &o, ' ,*ncr . , a * AT PRIVATE SALE. v .* Asuporlorfire-proofjofaest, 4feet highbr , f . ' Also, watches, and jewelry of every fi^’acription* 100 ' ... 815 00 ....'•8 00 ..., 30 00 55 00 ....30 75 .... 35 00 24 00 21 00 .... 23 00 .... 23 00 2l 00 23 00 .... 23 00 BT. LOUIS, > lia \y i LLIAMS & BOTle, auctioneers North MAIM aTßll]!®?tP7 MERCHANTS. No. 10 CoMtIoCI- i‘ ’ • Sr -. l 'o“' s . Mo.. (formerly with thoiT larvllll li Co.,jPhllod«l,hi»,) oaBr Jlp® merchants, inanuthcturers, and others of * the sale of dry goods, earpots, toots, shoes, hardware, jewelry, &c., &c. ’ 5?- Gash advanoes mado on receipt of goods. ’ : Settlements made throe days after sale. __ ' HEPXRKNCES. L. & R?Curtis o^Co.^, * arrotts. Jf,. York. “ s ‘- loaii, Mo. .. _ Crow, McCroary, A Co., “ •» Mr.B.h. W00d,N0.23 North Third street, trill sd- COM Umni from Philadelphia JfIEDICINAi. Hff WINSLOW, EXPERIENCED . Physician, presents to the attei SOUTH jt In'Ct FOR CHILDREN which «oatt?JVititAles the on roduoin* all : AUm PAIN ana spasmodic acti ' BURE TO REGULATJ Depend upon it, mothers, it v and RELIEF AND HEALTH We have put up andaold, *, years, and tan say, m conj P-i I what we have never boen>-i medfctne;NEVEß HAS p OLE INSTANCE, TO EF[« timely used.' Never d'ulk* dissatisfaction by any ono trary,.all are. debahtedidQ speak in terms or hi&hestL, cal offsets and medical virlC mattey • •" what we do & experience,and pled .oouri raontol what we here del 1 " instance where the Infant £ exhaustion, rolief will bale, minutes alter the Syrup ig!« This valuablo propa ration! C of the most EArERI- e NURSESinNawßiulnDd}, uever-laillh/ success in *■ THOUSANDS, It not only relieves the * vigor&tes the stomach aod and gives tone aqq energy j vuUian%,which, if-not, death, we believe it the the world, in all cnsns of RHCGA JN.CIIILDREN. toethmr or from any other every mother who hpa a tho loroiouLC coniplamta-: nor the.prejuctioea of 1 your aufrerm? child tr y SURE—yes, AR&oLu ~£j use cJ\tlu% mourn* -AL tious for u»ns w* mo, » eomima uni*' •maocomj •-« the. fact wib , jw York, is ou 1 S' Dnuciatstl ~ otface, No, g CEDAR CELEBRATED TAR Jordial cures Consumption. \Vesteott a Par Cordial euros Bronchitis. T\ estentt s Tar Cordial cures Coujlis and Colds. U> 8 Jp r Co i cures Sore Titroatond Breast. Heart. " T ° r CoTd,sl «wea* I'alpitadSn o? lb® Westcottja Tnr Cordial cures Nervous BoWiity,: w«!l c «& 8 ? ftr euros GenoralUeWitr. , StSiS'iirffiH:* 1 CUrM Dlse '' u “ ! ? of ““ Mdne/s. Pi'o». 3tcott ’ a Tar Cordi< ‘ l curc > Blind and BlaMinj Westeott’l Tnr Cordial cores Female Wcatnoisen. St™ot?PhiffihS" C ° rd, ‘ I Ecpot ’ No - C2 ' J AR C7I TCOTT can be consulted onthoabov^ t H s Con.ultins Booms. No.. G - J ARCH Street, from 10 A. M. to 4p. M. SSU-tl A NOTHER PROOF OF THE EFFECTS OF TRQXKLL’S NEURALGIA . „ PntLs., July7th.Tfl9>. w. Tanxntl.—Pear Bir:—l have been tropolod h 'NK ÜBALUIA" for the hit « laarr'; 3 ha\o aftuerod the most excrueiatins pain, eowii>Ai]intr nie M tnuoa to give up my business entirely, I touMnot eatt&od sleep was a stranger to my eyes. Isuabrod more than tongues can tell. I had the advice sjhdaidof usod other remedieiibotnll of no avail. Having noticed, your adveitisiiront in tho Jftpera. I concluded to-call on a person'*rhoro l had earnedtnis cured, of a case of 20 mm stondms- ha apphed the " SALVE’' hut onco, aid ffeit fSmidiSft I e^vc d the pain entirely, fpel like a different man. ■ Sincu then I nnvt? WKeomothinffthßt done formonth? i° H It T HP n ,U tustht in a ohair. My appotite & , ?^5 o &aug. I ‘ SoUra,<>fUl toJOU l* or thoreatora^ P H: B AKEH,Tdbacconi»t, t» CARROL Street, abovo WOQ1). Kensington. ? U(l & S: W. corner SlxVir nnij VAKRiSH Strata, and at- T. R. CALLENDKt? ir Ocl s, N«yT. coffer. Third and Walnut Sts. ac4U-tf ~PixNosr efpppj .RAVEN, BACO>;, & Co.’s,' iSu JO^ 118 ’ inriv^ !t -' i ndELODKOxVS and &AR- Rooms. 0 a ° f °r Churohos and Lectura Pianos to Root.' SEVENTH and CHESTNUT. SUPERIOR PIANOS. nTTF ■ william knabe & co. piano-forte manufacturers * Nor. 1,3,5. and 7 North EUTAw Stroot, nod t Street, between Charlosa 207 , Light Streets, 'Baltimoro, > nd. / Havo always on hnml a large assortment of 1 nor Pianos, recommended by certifica* their supo- Tlialberg, Strakosch, and other oelebratf -e» from S. .to he canal, if not superior, to any made» >d, porformers The durability of their Pianos will b Jl tins country, five years and a privilege of oxehan/* d warranted for mix should thoy not give f «. granted within Mnmifaeturmglar£ely,wewitUell> w. v l , J 0 satisfaction, at the most reasonable prices, -- > « ao\fcsalo and retail, \Y l r " -Messrs. LEE Sc WAL** St CO., Street, Philadelphia, a£ ,vKR, No. 7» CHESTNUT will keep constantly p' our authorized.Atrents and nufacturera 1 prioos. ' A b°*d and soli cur Pianos at tna- & SONS, WAREROOM3 SO7 CHESTNUT STREET.' _ inslora a large stock of onr BE AI?TJFT r i nnd UNEQUAI.I.EBINSTRUMENTS. Wal££rbei„ Kw Exij “ tioM 'alUfcountryami ”p^teM» FIEST - CI ' AS 3 MEDAM. y Mackerel and alewives.—no vioml I®* 1 ®* anc l w half bbls new No. 2; 200 bbls and 190- ITI9 --1 W south waAßyfis;. Jut * <VKSE AND FEMALE mtion of mothora her r SX& lJ? ‘ r TEETHING, rocess of toothing, by soft .inflammation i-wiU'alUr Eton, and is ’E THE BOWELS. . will ftivo rostto youreelvos [ TO YOT7R INFANT 3. this article .for over ten Bdenco and truth of it> FECT* A CURE, when wo know an-mstaace of' who used it On theWr with. lts-oper&tiona, and . commendation of itamaxi > lues.. Wo speak in. this ’ know,”, after ton years* 2 reputation for the falfU -2 clare. Jn almost^ever* 3 !? RiVferm: from pain andi u I<«VVI iq fifteen ortweatr •7 I E^ramis® and has been, used with L. OF CASES. (CQ r’ •’ • • .child, iron psin, hot m ,« bowels, comets acidity, fe ijp tho wholo a/atom. J* £ Wo• 6RIPIX6IM T r ’ - ,0 COLIC andovoreo®' -t-E j wo&dite yomodir .«*cpn -7T Keet and suros+ a. and in Cfl OySENTE T> - remedy m Jz whether ' AY'and X>fAK. 1? eause it arises. from ** eb«‘* • Wa would’say to <* .U sunermf fromany ot“ r“ ..o not lot your prejudices, othors, stand bptwoon i . tho robot that will bo vCO SURE—to follow the l timely uscd> PtuL-direc i *-» pany each bottle. Kona simile ofCURTXS/c I‘ER the outsidewrappoiv nroiwhout the world, Urine i- Street.Naw . jj2s-ly