The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 01, 1859, Image 3
- 1. omjsrm FlN'i ,; ■- ! j ' i -Thc:Mtolieif WtttkcUr;"^ ;l : : • • - - Two-jfehjs hayo elapsed- sMl &?&f‘ TkePms." m%t ,of *hat .palm .which-, preceded -financial revulsions ‘tim r oommprplpVi world, has fchowhi man, f washing atpj»)'i^>hid : .themselves, | as hostihay mightj against- ; Wo mwouH j -ber many conversations inohrUHl© yopm.§a to Iho plNwpeflfa.?;! And the answer, that not nfltneusingle article •anypartofUie world td adryaßtagp j that wo had got our priccs jtafifltcd'. ,toi SflobL aldegtee' that ’ we Offered ’aH^the;;*orid r “goods for gold ; that the world had sent market until ~t\x6A raiß pf ~gohl, bad already gene oh bo long thatwehad no mote- means to continue - rpiyihgl’.ajbj must suspend', by 5 widespread^hbn.k -' ( and not of a. MW«^gMtoV.|o^^v«a^Befbre&V Y l !* V - "' ' all events', 1^ , *pbihUehUpjt.coh]ld / .d<S-t^CgO't|d.. \^S-m^Wt^wMdoi^f f >of > folly,// * The day/otf reckoning 'p^d:f-The’ ; their sorrow and penitence werefolYofgobd rcsolii would, beA* KV‘ J 'u\r. ): v /-s ;.X\* \ _ ;-s - -P‘Kt-.Ps £ <lair .we haye,-chronicled ’ ’of out: Cofnmejoial inon through: the ‘ .dkrhest hbwa bf more tiy tag Eearwhiqh foltowed it,* . the d&y bjrda'y tljo ' Changes j-yho stagnation of the-alPW'hceretiph bf ; »pe<iteYftfirianclhl? Tike abserieefoY profitable .usp forit in bu siness circlCß,audits conSequeritohormous aocumu- £ lttib‘n j r tbb'Spiihgitig ujvof;iife in tho stock mar- , .:k6ts,'hnd ~ revival .of business; and hpal th .- wnall^tocks .. pn rwhenflie/country- toko ‘ t 'eburage abd- buyttord than the absbl ute. n ePwafrioa ! thVfolly 1 of the lm|ibrteV»iii^nfforfng,thoir . *ttcceas_tQ.tempttbem'into tp forelgn the'.consequent renewal.' >-• of the drflm bf andretfewed/ • of trophic tboursoivea athorati?. - ' '/!! j T-, f t*-r Ini wo years wp have passed firpur the brink of a . crash though iail tie .'phases, of Vain, bankruptcy, > add if dftpger,;.b.rbn^it on byoycr importations and and .. Dye. import. ; did two yeara/Agp, if wo are to hive, mother panic ' and anothor'cratti.' Wo btdicvb not now.' h We ' "liave ebltW’-terra^tOtteV^iß’*. prices, abroad,’ which are, lively to continue, and; a hcaYy-,new crop at-, hand to pjfijja, ooiurpspniees.' the greatest Burplusof on.hsud, winch ire shall be able to sell abroad—not at the, prices , which speculators and enthusiasts have hoped fob perhaps, Initst ratea which will' afford a fair re muneration to the producers, the ruilrosds,flh(l the , factora. our'wiiilbmor'forcsightataU, hut' ■ ' by the mercy “ that teniperstho wind to the shorri 3 lamb, , ’whtol : o»apopwe'tldnVVe»o(b6i : 's)brtbd i i ofcpptstraSon'.''?, 1 -/. «... . ’.>- .Ibis little history urouldnothavo been believed,- had it all boon . prodiotod. in tho.!flrat nnrabor.of The JVej.VtKoyoara ago. y; - j ' '; .'W'ebclioyoiaaapcoplCj thatit is our especial mis- J • sion to advance in everything beyond-our predo-’, . cossors. AVo bave realised in its fullestcxtcnt the • -truth tthehldtwyjingjltbat iauh W an animal thgt' I employ* Vools.';,'\fo an not only able ] b- ttat: oir mat-; ' h ters’ bat we ere porpetaally on the raoktoimproyb,' ’ f. ,pnd.iita,pfWiwtipns;y :IVe i < have mada ourovrhago In our own country eiu - phaticslly 'the mechanical age. We have! realised • •• ' In this respect that tbis'tf tbp;t>!i( age; oftaejrppld, .. - andtonrstolvcs its ancients, jpjrofitihg ,bjr; the know-. •• ln • ..aoienoe. ahd : in' mMhanKai.lhv'entipnrvo recognise no limits toour. progress, arid,-Wo' leave no means unemployed to oducato ourselves andour ohlldron ; y »rigUt, ;'-.. ' f‘r'j .*:*{£•?<*- j ,;.u,: - ; h Bat ih;.th'e,inalter of onreducstson.nsa com-- - ~»reiaVpMpl<bfault. v-Wi- carry ..ourofiergyand liur.'Witiiprieo thfeitheipursitto of •}- tradeand' eommerco;*nd'we;drive a.gieat busi- often;, bufeatlohdadfwithymany r «md'freqiient 3 disBslei».',' , ji r e .oddepte, onr young Xoro’verjr’bther pursuit than that into *' 4 ;.wbfoh* thd/fgroafc‘ r Wo ■. / our lavryers, our doctors, Our * dentists andpui* apothecaries, all go through sovoro. - coursos of study training '**£ future' labors fybnt 1 r. 'business'virith 5. .and , ■ quirod. in the. "ordinary conrso Of comtnon ‘ 'gchool cddcatip^,; ; I; ''[: .>\'v ' ’ 'r-'- m : P 1 Tiio olil-fiialiii)ne(l diMipHnB:»nd tTBiiiing n«je«- sary for thoooiinting-honsopnrfaßtago.liaß omlt.-' ; tod; v/TSo - c tbo'npld^l^llMl—anaioao," '‘ v? 'teuafilh ini'ipersWriDg as h;o ' are noyrjbut.trained toßystoiholid’thopght as well .. as action—Bro now rarcly set. KventheOduefition the yooDginen' received unconscioualy in copying M-<.-tho seoior’a kttert hEadiMppesTed in thednven-j ' tion of "the copying pressj and the art of the real . merchant of . the. last generation haa been merged Into tho learning of. the nianrrbo judges, of hla :' mereantllo. abiHty'iprincjpally-hy' tlio' anionnt of gooils'ho. t»tn cSittHyo td peM thro'agh.hli hOhdS in -agiven timoaaliuyor 'and ppllor.j; 1 y. fi'i . .' . ...IfKir ncgloct of mercanfiie edaestionis a serious V dOfcSt % •htoisystefia, ■ aMj the onr. highorfhi)olsjandonrmorchnh(sthem»oitos,?hoiild ■ apply all : their rest to efTectits remedy; for,' as ’ f fiifferVrom tlie folly X;‘ -St :thie tho jrhw ;and judicious merchant “finds himsolf equally 3n ; / trolred in the ruin trhich . tho speculator brings J ;.,'!iEqh’hi»ovrfl'Jtoiid;i >-•- 1 ; t i , •• . PHiiiABEtPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, on • fotaa.ti’ij'yX^7^, d. sbpostedjbt n*in,rr,,sso,wo< l ar coi, bins-jois. , . srocc, snt> sxcxixfmOßßosras.noßTHirssrcoKJtKii . TnmnAKo,cn**»sor«*a)taTs. y.. t . >«v ' . yio'.;^: t oii«#i*#jpraaTiEOAW).M;dif. r.sWM»<Whltoh-*.'!S5Si*K »Eorih.&'Mooß ■: srm - d0". ..1 .v:ca>li.»;< awest.Phila ft, .;, 800 '• So Near. .cash.lori-i lyOßeiulmg it....., f .' 3000 Pa & Ist tn'te.esan.o9': 'S' - Jo' l .” ~..22ff: ■ , “1 Bled fN'Amoricii..i3o * »C4c'Ainll;..:Wwn.ilfs3 ; £ dawi ;A v»yUDH ' a ’< .V.YttmJNtf- ' '•? yh «■ yys '\ VntJiT i -■6 ■ ■ #M»T«tin«s ’SO... , - do; . r> 1 cm ' do' .. ’ TOwrViirfjnufcG*..;..: ■ ’ .MJOOWYCeti It «r;....W ’* aw Krie Kim bds. ;*iß' eeoo mOb IV Ms. .; ~J» • ’ lOOQTerro HA“A'2m.3B * -MOOD*!.*WJstm: -M* - ~JOAm sB§s|j§^,Jg ■ oO:‘.' r do'.\V».V.M. .V4JOJOK *"'■ ICO '' ' flOCom * -,300 - .d 0,.., JdOJa** 'do* 100 ~r 4 o» .... '’• v-c-SK . joo b».73^ -v;mo -'do• *.....*a0.75** • . 900 do,-..,. . Steamship JJoston, Scllaw, 24 Vinura from-Now York,' Alldflf 7hour«» with iad*e.6ud-,pa*songors to Jay ' flh?p Grey EavJs,Hu|hss. from Rio de Janeiro June 29. with coffee to RutteriNewliaU tc Co. Pawengpr—R. W Aiulersoii.'ofßiehniond.Yn.Baued in company with iWt.mWBr.WS: Cartyvirom New York for'C&fifonlta,repx; 3Westmln ster, from Pensacola. dfachg; Statesman, from Monto videot wUj Jlohecea, Michonor,from Lisbon for N York. Id<, to sail July 2: Parana, Lee, for New York, Ids, to sail about July 5; Sophia,’Jones, l front-Baltimore, wtg; W It Newman, Gavit, fronfdn do: Wheatland, Doanofiux. from Philadelphia.diflciiß;Otu Hickory, Holmes, from Pensa cola, do: F S Moans. Means, from Darien, do; St James, Cruse, from Plniadelphia,do.arr23dt Antaeoumt. Davis, from Now Ydrk. do; arr 23d}‘Kodron. Farrell, from Boston, do. an- 2td; warrea Hallett, Pfalletfc, from Bus* ton* d<j; arJUtb; L&ne&strja, (Br) for Now York, loading; Auiijllmjflw} for New-Orleanm do; brigs Manr Hamilton. Dailey', from Pensacola, for U States, loading, to sail -about July ft Alina,-(BrJfor' Delaware Breakwater, Idg; fTrirtjtSwl.foi; NOW: York. do: sohrs Chßster,' Harding, fromMotiiio.'dschs; Vatkrifui. (Norhfiir N York, Id,! Bailed June 18th, hark Creole, Bnrk, for Baltimore; bng MaryMoßao, for Wnmingtoni NO; J9th, barks Panama, Grave;, for,NowYorki.Lamplighter, Hardy, do; Brasil ,wro, Baxter do? 20th, wrk Celia, ißr) dot gjst.barks Fanny Hamilton; Was*, do: Ann fcLi* xr, (linm)Hnmp tnn Hoads; bng Brothers, (Br/IhrN York; S3tJ, brig Amy ; Warwick;: Brown.' forfßichmond; 83d. Ham brig- Die Bchwlabe.jor :BaUimoffn .24th, barks Jl H Allen. Rob biito;for Ha\To| Nonnol|tan,Bnnlott< for-NoV Orleans; 2fijh,-]virknhMn.e Wm fi Scranton, Catlicart; forCalifor matZTth, bark Moaco, Josaohn, for New Orleans} hr hr II ACsmolwlf, for.NaV.Yorlt: I6th, Dr br\rk Pitot Finn. Juno 29, TOW- bark-Jnincis Ii Dayts. from Richmond; off jUo, tKWim ip./-™ long 67 TOW, passed a barjf iitaddms SW, snowing a white signal with a fetter l Ketch Commerco,. Barnes, from-Matanzas, via qua rantine, to John‘Mason A. Co .. . .; ,M A Bchr Star, Oaten, 9 days from Conoord, with bark to J W.Bacon. i , Behr oocT6btJT.HJnddon, 4 days from Newtown, Md, with lumber to J Wißaodn. - ; ,’i BehrMaiestifl,"Brftjnhte,3 days fr6tn' Fredericksburg, Md, wahgminjo? 'YBM°P‘ „, - „ - Bchr Rfchanl Vsux» Frink, 6 days Jrom Boston, with f . fish to CrowolA. CoUiqb. • * Bohr OceanHornld,Clifford ,20daysfromHillaborough, NB, witli laths and Plaster to K A Boader &. Co. , ■ • X? rV, . ’BV.TBI.EOBAPIf.: - ‘ - ! m -.wpßnrr . - - • CABD.-r-Tlie'tlOdersignfetL, were-nGt t>rosent „ A ship is now going, m, Supposed to bo tho Grey Eagle, , JMjfiof towsa/ .Wind SE-wea}her floe.' ' * ‘ ’• ' "Tours, ' THQS. B. HUGHES. '"V-' 1 CAPE ISLAND, Juljr3l,SPM. . ,/„ti & r: nr,.ri .... nAfliyEL, _ The pacWot ship Wyoming, for Liverpool, wont to sea ' lGrtr^Our^der^Lrtl^a^/ . J. Cummings, the Wind HE—weather fino. ,r: -- -• -f s .^L^a.dAwgi.t;hext:io.tkn.l?bit^lSUl«sHofot;/- , r •Y<rari., l ;• /: ~ THOS. D. HUGHES. ■ *! i - > . keepsaf«sh)idpUly hf .drUgSSod;perfiro|«rf-JKmBtaiHly -J' ' ." - rrnVro«nnndnn7fldfTho Vrflß«:) • onhi»&'-MriCurarairigB*stprelronoofw|>osslar‘rt' ‘/ ■ <• '—* NewYonx,JulySl. Wteof'AUantiOCity.u': , - -Arrived, ships Undo Toby.from MacnoiYorktowm, 4<«- .. Covered by AL Te'mpe], at V)diUW,'about the beginning of Baldwin, from Eleuthera; Sarah Maria fnr Bombrero. Charleston29thnit.,,. •. - •;^ ■ uU./hdwbver, it %Bbip.Tlomet, Benson,, for New York, sailed from' San ' at Boston soil! hc»»i>if, per'MC6nd/- nirfoCPhibuTelphi/u j k }^^bMii'ri^^lty'aMet#H^^fidi^^meagreater'thadf Barter,: honce, was below Boston , hencejarriveS at Boston 80th ult.' bn <'' ErHbEldndge;at tliS 1 ** Old Fra»riinHall Clothmg : scb r.Dirlgo JCramerrfor Alexandria, cleared at Boston' r worihfiii ,r; Na.B2i ; ifHe'snrat‘*treetri^< i; . floth ? -'i-j j j,• ..- ,-V . w - • '■gofirsJngomrtr,Lambert, nnd Geo J Jones, Crowell, - fef thC’SHTicarilC' for eloared at Bpstnil SOth ult.; . i . ach|»es 1 'ar«'no€jiiaUer!| bat . Bohr NanoY' & B,el«fca. /y nc bt.) Lawrence, hence, , .’ ';thߧaWY<fc^ Asha • z 7 iJ .bjr. wear-,.gar- Nov/011, Nowell, froin MKnchesterfof Phi*' . ! HaU of ladClphia. arrived at New Bedford, 2Qtli ult. - fo( g6iiHo- ' sailed from Pall 1 Klvor 28th ." ' , ychr JohnJ ric'o.Hcar,. froni BdHton fnr I’luhuleliilila, , „ ~ TWfU|U(*D I ', Day,Naviiort,®thtilt. >- ; •" . -Jl&L g ■’ Leaai, JiMtca, ,‘at. FrovBonci> th, heat. - ; !s<,.hr G_R,Twitrlißli, Itorie, from Itnrtford Mtb « . rfU, f,V.k««»s^y > ! li K?rfM«dileiGKi!i!ley,..wilBlUiom.llattronl 2Sth nit, ? s*a : }')gdltA:^iB6 ! i{igs' " ’-5 I*>* Np.6WCheT.^ l JO^WETHEIULL& BBOTHER, Nos, 47 oml,B^ r V •>’< ' - r* { C 3 u t '- ' Teiesfraph. *. 4 * ■’■ r »,~FI6iU’ l (y.V6rfqulet saVeslimnod, - ? Wrin*imrppp*edtoU®7ibout «lJp. 00/n seNa slowly at - j ;h79B^ - 05t« lot^rw\dw Mujiels(it96*4le. ' ' Ac&OTckni 'fa quality. wJijakoy scarce and nominal at , 50,,)! -rPi Mw—Flour active -antf firmer, •f;; ‘fat without obanse:«le*2.<Wtofretaat 8176 for toun. <’■' - ana f 4ss for extra Imnotß i;B42S«4fiov(nr *ap«nor nnd /'.'• eXtrjvWisconslu for.wtrx-Miohurftn^naOhio, ■ :/ ebd 8&60e4.76 fpK double extra; • < Wheat quiet end firmr w,'-, §?*•« fi*9Wbusliels ; mixml water and .rinar Illinois at ‘ -ii- -£*>?>«o-n*v wlrile 'Kentucky j > r -.; duUrUeavjr* «W*«wiHloWM ,eic Mxwt.of .“ r 5 fets llli noie. efif; - Oat* quiet anu nominal' and.Kyo-dulliftiJd lieavy,:. .Whiskey / fretful* -f te«d r ; /S*o on - corn,, JOo on ■ ;L/lHwit* AndSepfaßoorto Nw.-York.fLake import* tor V , At7,J4»QuSrrfl|» imr< 6 WOboshel* .wheat/ 7,000 bushels wheat* 25,000 .bushels '-'fl 7 SO^-Floqr.'irfe^tlj\-> Wheat Vdoolined' • frffSe t" white «liiftrl,4o,cicwni£ fc? yellow,#>of'whUe&toJ Frovjbiiojif doll. Vfoi«ker«?7#e., '-, CiKcigjtATVJp]*3o,—Flour aim atjSieoefl. whisker r ~=;■ sells v *: \r' si-v;;?j / u,-. HOTELB, l - up Toii o’cLobK Triis MtftiNiHd.. ‘ - - 1 , GIRARD .street, below Ninth. 'D TBisbie; Norfolk • AMuller,StLquis JYPointer,Cleveland .OP ftjarahiLa. i W A CDrigham{ Memphis GBasholl, Memphis i 6 Carfcentor, Chicago ; Siyuoker „ WFautiknor ’ ,r WW Bnrlovr, Ga T . G MTaylor, Go ; % , G HWhedeni ln,BtLouia Mi* Grocer; 8 O'" ‘ ! r Miss Gracey, SC * 'MP«IUrBU j ' ■-■ LL Johnstoil. Oft’ ‘ 1 A Co>onbhiufc. S 0 ■ Miss Donorsnt. 8 C JasFriadbing.Sp.- , J .W Thomas* Charleston .. - WmEDancey, Miw - * CaptH Smith, NJ- • CantStolesberg. NV' . r VJG A.Stovall & la, Tenn ; A-B Estos &. la* o G > -%WJBrooker B-KThomtoa. - c Lamar, Go W A King, DO F,W Jones.D G ■< CaptHarnson, Conn*' > St Louts J %WateVB fc frrßjilt. >‘ JC Marshall Ala* St Louis R HOlmes &l/v,Bt Louis -r J Camfield/,NO 1) Harrison; NO , RS.Weir, N York , J J Alrtrth; B«ltna,- Ala -' Mw- Alston. Selma, Ato Z MfiCord, Selma, Ala'.;; . • I,T Spitowirk; Louisville J MoCutohen ’ l ' / Mrs Caldwe I. N 0 . Miss White, 8 C - ; * Jaa Carer, Baltimore TaAn«Cole,ir, Baltimore. TG.Mclntyre,La- FHlJptdni’NY ' • A B Blaokman,‘Miss WASheplianlrN Y > GHKirk',No w-Knoxt'NO • ' I--- vAMorheimer.NO 'AL'RieWt,Canton.’Mo *-Hon WMedill.Ohio JHHichlerkeasing, Louisv H B Wilkins, \Pittrtmrg • FABeeler, Pittsburg , Miss Beeler, Pittsburg Miiia Sliorlv FftUburg ! . F G Hepburn. Bah; * > ; ■Jjr Ball N Y P Kejnj,»o l, , .WLSohoener.N Y ’*■ G-WCroorao, Boston. •GW Lent*. Oakville 1 / ChLCrousdy, JI O; *. 0 MBoria, N 0 -> ‘. ■ i • * Hon 8 A Donatos, 111 . { .JW Shealor, Chicago '• M Corben,. Washington j ’XG McClelland, Tenn. ;J G Delano, Chile’> ' l T 8 Page* Chile’'' ''- •! JCMoManus,Memphis < G P Huls. Memphls ; D C Champliii. Memphis , CTi W,Roma!nr Canhda i J R Hunter, Memphis J M Reed; NJ I JR Whiting; NY , , -TS-Fisher; Washington,' * llTFoster,Richmond C G -Stephens; 8C • f ; '-’'v-L JM-McUUire, Louisville,Ky Wm Cannins. Tenn HBG*ltoherV*Vftrb'v 'BGWiUis.BC'.. , H During,. Mexico,./; , :• Philip Tabb,jNY, .> . ■ iisSsssi&am ■ AG Comptoh. Texoa : "Mr Dickinson, N Y - j JCPhiilips.StJLoui*' j - , JJonos.NY ‘ - • SB Miller, Detroit. .1 BPittmeii, Detroit . FxlM'iu -Mm,.Siw'ton ■ ■' R'Holman. Aufmetn', Ga Ell^vll!fe!dckV>J ! o '"" ‘ K r A Mot>n tie. MeHijliia. ‘MrsWUson.-Memphm ■ Z, "i H W Walton, loiiisville chae E Marshall, N,o' . : MERCHANT’S street,, lwlowAroli. Goo O Deane, Chicago . S GTnrnor, Plvmoutli JohifN Jonefe Maaiapn.Wis J W Biimnor.lvlailiaoii.Wia T S Ewimil Norrietowii .! MeAbce, I’hila ! ■ J.DNewßome'. Toaha ,' J ’ CDPiokett. Texas . HEPickett,Tenn - ■’ G H iljn»a. Me James II Brown, Mo " 1 '.T Boyd. PhilA.' GBinpdy, Dei. / y LGAllen, 111 1 J Johnson;Allecbany city - JRWatkins. nlemphiS Dtt Arnold, Pittsburg • 1 •: Jarvis Adams. Pittsburg. • AWShenV.,Lancaster JCCaldvrelbßhila , A Fulton,Pittsburg - F T HoweU.Plula. , A A Carrier & indy,'Pittsb’g T M Allou, Atlantio oity« EDTownsertd,Painifra . AMBRTOAN'HOTELr-Chestnut'St.. above Fifth.: W A Bon!, NY , v - J Rnttor, Wefit Chester Jnn Griffiths, Niles " .W C Karsnet. Met' • G G William* & la; NY H Watson.Tronton . C D Wilbor.Tll -• JS Taft, Houston. Texas JVTMItcWH. NJ - 1 P Roberts, West Chester C M Underwood. St Louis . J Gjtnclsers. Vn JL Murphy. Mum •' . • H W-Bates, Miss ■ . 1 S C Rmitb.' Huntsville, Ala. K J Bradley, N C C L MeNider, Phil - ‘ *. W M Harlow, 8t Louis Mrs Wiidy,BtLouis' WW Lazarus, Phi a ; ■J.WillianW.Balt ' • H Fisher. MinersviHe J HBeok.Potteville ;, ~ Geo HBimes;Phila ; HM*Melntire. r WChester 'HRFreOmnp.NY • RAKelleyiNY' « .j •/.MrO F Botbndse.N Y - Geo 8 Sontag. Ind Enoch Owens. Mu Thoss.Gary,NCi h.J'HHeuling,NJ JONES HOTEIA-Chestnut st,.‘above, Sixth. , w-A'jkSnh’rfV 1 ' 601 "' ■ & b h P Hnnnov. Washington -J K MiTclioll. US N *,. A McNiokle, Ky. ;, HKDi.mick fc to, St Louis JO Phillips' . - - CWAismiith,Phila . C HGallator, Ya W PLander* NY, . • H RWiUiar,Balt : W Green,NY. ;. • A F George I JBBJonqs.Woslungton > /Sandstone : R Jordon. Boston / r ChasLee,NY . , TJipaM Griffin,-Miks •«. '. - .■ ' James M Toddi Wheolmg Gpo J Clark. Cincinnati,,o flfred HBoip A la,Balt ; - M{sfl Iteio, Bnlt • is* CJudiok. Balt ■± , .. Miss fJnaiok. Balt B Carroll, 8a1t... *; jMßvrtholow. Balt t . - -S-Field, K V. '. T H-SullnTin A: la, Balt GTMlfßalt , ’ 'B C Reed, Bali - WPVanDennod.Ala,. AKCory,Richmond >D KBrock, N Y , - . W BennettJl Y 0 H Fuller, 111 “ . H Bowers, Va Then Kibler. Md- •< ‘ John Lee. Md , Sami Jenkins, N Y John Black, Hudson, N Y Vl FItANKLIN' at., above Third. / Geo Vf JBbioit» Evansville Mrs GWEicoiT, Evnnsv’e ;F Emory; Evansville, Lid , G K Emory, Evnnsvdlo.rnd JnaFCtork.NY .! Geo EHutohinson, N J WAWinthrop.Va RWHill, New Haven, Con ■Henry Kivett, NC . • MereditlV Rivott. N C ; Jqs B Craix, Lowis,' Del . T McCafTerty. Claymonnd AChambers.Pa / W J Goddes, MilTord; N J P Smith. N Y It Nace & 10. N \ - . ‘I J .E A EIy,NJ . NATIONAL HOTEMUee nlfovo Third. , OscarSeebaaa,NY - ; • JEShulor,NJ Henry oWilson, Pa-> • E G Apple, Pa n Sami AJohnsonvßalt ‘ R A Thayer* Allentown "john. Dar. Pottsv'ille G Goobi, Pottsvillo Henry Colins, PoUsYille ‘ : .T Seitr.enper, PottsviUe Jos 8 Weimer. PottsviHe • O Fislier, Pa - D.Leaman, Wilkosbhrro ’. BA Bass. Wilkesbarre •Jba Mlfnirae.N J >_'• .• », JID McFariflnn. M Chunk P.Olinhant, Allpntowii . G W.RamsAy, Readine Mr* Woodaidej Phila' -1' Mias AWoodside, Phila AUss Annie McGrann.Phila,ll BHeckman, Easton . Chas Wade,'Bloomfield, 0 GW Wade. Bloomfield, 4 0 HM Bams,Dayton, O' T MBLoeb,Pbtla STATES’ UNION HOTEL-Marketstreet,aliovo Sixth. E J Boatcli,Brigantine J D Walsh, Huntingdon l WSWoodjFtomington;. WJsterrett,P]l»lrv , TBJames,’PitUburs. .. HHJohnson.'Pittsburg ' J W Foreuson.* Pittsburg J 3ft Swank. Johnstown , H Hendrick. 11l . , „ ,JR Jones, Middletown ' JD Collins. Middletown' - J Lathrop, Chicago wm TetupleJßnlt T) Kloson, Ohio J , E J Wykoff. rhila '• • J Adams, Pittsburg' -M Benner, Ohio ' • Gen Lamden, Pittsburg i H Dubreo, Perrv co, Pa ’ . J GuUhallvPerry co, I’a. I) K Anderson; N J . ~T W Brown, Lancaster ' ' j F Tumbiosion, N 0 8 Conard.Peima JDrmynddio, Penna - , .1 Jay, Snllivbn co. Po . M llenrV, Va'-- > • TKimr.Rochester 8 R MoPhflrwm. Texas - A VWagner & tody, N C D Pbaboay, Boston ; ' MERCHANTS’ HOITSE-Third st., above Callqwhill. Wjn Kline', Allentown. ■ . ChasKlino, Allentown , .Jos Nogal, Allentown,' . Amos EUiugor, Allentown JMLtnd, Pa;,*/ t JaaHßnsh.-P«i,-, •, ~1 •. D Fnolw,AJlontown BiobytlTtY*. - ~ t tt Bpersrßeeravillo J B BliaetTer,'Reading,#* D b Kenyon. Readmit, Pa B A Albright. Iteading, Pa S Weltiel. Doualassville J MeCann, Phila ~ “ KKrens.StPaul •. WmMoyor»;Fre&burg,iPa I) S Bayer, Freebnrg, Fa' Peter-Bont*,-Lancaster co GJI M»llor,WonJoI«dor/ f Pa ' HjUerlin*, PJiili ■ J Hertpn fete. Boston • '■ .y - , SNewllnJtolt JBmitU«~.NW Bedford jSincUre.SC > ■ _P>ftintor, Caitf.May. . Jt-Nyce, Chester co - Philst’ r. - - • w Grtrrett* Chester co JYnrnall.Bolen,Pa RColtm»n,Whiteinnr«b J Glino/ West Point * * T .Tones; «Y EBeum tc to,- Boston' '• F Menagh, Tf Y W Baker,'P&. - ,w.V - « COMMERCIAL ,ftOTRL-Bixth: fit, above Chestnut Mjsaliobertß'.Pejinnrr , .. E P Bharpleiu, Ponnfi .rw McCracken, Bel co.’ -_'fl Hodgson, P A B R R. T R Neil. Lanoaaler co ; ijHarmor, Lancastor co W F NoiLLanejurter co' - '-If Jackson. Chester co R Miles,'Phil*' C 8 Patterson, Fhila J.P Leytia, Pel,)., , J •* --. MOUNT yERNON fit., Mwfo Arch. J Graup, Pa '-CW Beanß & la, Chester M HnnoalßKrtstori . • WD Roger*. Lancaster 8W Brady,Easton WBrovn,linston- • Isaac Huehesj Easton-'',CF Bpermv* Phil* - J Bhnw Sc la, Millville,N J ASBeeh.Philft - ; - RR . . ,*■ BF.Clark, N Y J . • W HawcVßethleheni r « •<. • s' ,BALP st.’, ftbove Caliowhill. ; J MHler, Northampton co J Briiiiper, Nortluynptonco -D'Httuior.Mootcomerf co ‘.O'B Stonshton, Milton- : llMusselman.Quakertown Henry S Finer; Phila - -.TEryiriweriTefia J Kliner, Montgomery co BLACK BEAR-BpTFXr-Thira st M above Callowliffl. J W Gnndrmn, Pino Grove I.evi Temple, HarUville ■Linford Roads. Bjrberry r /Dios Htacfile, Allentown S 3 I j Tomlinson, Somerton-' • BH-Toinlimwn. By berry ,WJ ilornitjr,Allentown . Thoaßteckel, Allentown . F-BliorterrHpllidaysborg Mis* MWierback, Pa. . 'VtliNltiNHOTEL—Arch street, above Third. ’ J G Hafmir, Cinr Ohio " RWMpAlpine.Atfv ■W!PBhnrpe.Snlem.'-N FSPhillips. Philo » r Martin & la.’N-Y : '' .1 Simpkim Cin, Ohio ‘ V Thorne. Gin, Ohio . W A‘Pried &■ ferri, Balt. JDBrown, Canton, Ohio r Miss Goodman, Canton* O 'Alins Brown/Canton, O • B WHayes, Pitila '• i BARLBY-’SHEAF pt., below Vine'/ Jha Palmer; Afiddletbwn ' John Watson.JMiddletown Wm AJvrortf Buck# co, Pa John Farcen, Bucks ca. Pa .Hon/Ditworth.-Pa, * M FjCeertan, Pa - r , JVixeon, New Hope . • : t sTu son, Kansas', ige S ale> s- -j a 1 y r 3 O." l 1»NYC«nR,,..V.;;,.74 ' so (io “il < .74% UO Hudson Riv-R...... S 3 r JO® , sIOAS -3W Harlem Rpref;.... 86 - W- * A>^ji.. b6OMXs CO Reading R.:. •: .sSM4?2 *OOs?’dov.... .bOO.« 200 do.-.v.,,, 101 JdA ..i.. :aaK JOOmch Can R..... sNMik 200 ' ' do..,;*.v'WOuS , fid’r do* ...... ....vaS.42 ' 100 Zy do .....;....b6o.*2k' CO- doT-.*.. ~.,.-.*46.41*2 100 5g0.42 fiOMtehSaANWR!.. 7)1 led : do ; MO- do 20Q Panama R;.. ...v.. l|s*£ Meat & chTit,.,..B».6Sk \ 100,Cte*A Tot R. ~,830.23« \ mew arih,;..eiS i tt^-rdo../"UfolS r riyNor.AVTor R... 90 BEE FOURTH PAGE. EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, above Race . MAUtNEINTELLIGENCJE. SPECIAL NOTICES?. Hope.—l'hcru is yet hope for tlieDys'pep tio ! Do not despair, if you have bson unable to find relief.' HOOFLAND’S GERMAN' BITTERS wilt cure any and : every esse of -Dyspepsia. It. will euro every case of Liver Cdmplaint. It will remove the yellow and sallow! appoampoe from the skin and eyes. It will restore the norvoiis'system to its' original vigor, and givo entire! health to the body. , ' For sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines, at 7fi cents'per bottle.. Also by the proprietors, Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., 418 ARCH Street, Fhilada. ltd&W . A Purely Tegrtablk Compound, Ciikmi oabhY' Combined.—The EXu Athbnuinnb, on Hair Renovatoh, op. Joles Hauel■ has wonderful potoncy in restoring the hair and preserving the sight; as a pre ventive and euro for baldness, it is unrivalled, and will ohange gray'hairahd whiskers to their original lifo color, iinpattirik to them the lustre of youth.- 1 Sold by all drug gists. and br JULES HAUEL & CO., No. 704 CHEST? NUT-Street; Philadelphia. aul-6t - ’ One-Price Clothing op * the Latest Bttlrs» nrid made in .the Iwnt manner, expressly for retail sales;: Wo lowest soiling prices in plaik pfabiiEs bn oaoh articlo. * All goods mode to order fire warranted satisfactory* anil our onb-pbick system is strictly adhered to. Wo believe this to bo the only fair way of dealing* as therebjr nil are treated alike.’ . JONES & CO. > 604 MARKET Street. ftp2S-t&027. Grover & Baker’s Celebrated Noiseless . Family Sewing-Machines, .. AT TlBDtrCKn PEICKS. Temporarily nt No. 501 Broadway. Will retuni to No. 495 in a few woeks. Saving Fond—National Safety Trust Company.— Chartered by the Suite of Pennsylvania. 1 ' H . RULES. 1 1. Money ju received every day,'and in any amount, large or small. $( . r 2. FIVE PER CENT, interest is paid for money from the day it is put in.' '• ' • -/ / 3. The money is always paid back in GOLD whenever it is called’for,’and’ without notice. 4. Money is roopived from Executors, Administrators, Guardian*-, and other Trustees, in large or small sums, toVomain along dr short period. . - 5/ The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and other flrst clas& securitioß., a . •' 6. Office open’ovory day—WALNUT Street, southyrost corner Third street, Philadelphia. apl« . Seamen’s Saving Fund—Northwest Corner Second'and Walnut, Streets.—Deposits re received in'small and largo amounts, from all classes of t|io community, and allows intorestat the rate of five per cent, per annum. : ’ ' •• Money may bo drawn by. checks without loss of in terest. ' Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day .and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, FRANKLIN FELL; Treasurer and Seoretary, CHAS. E. MORRIS. - * - 1 ‘ MARRIED. On the 28th ult.,l»y Rev. A. P- Cobb, R. 8. WILLIAM SON, of Now York, to ISABEL 1., daughter of the late Wm.H. Stewart, of Philadelphia.- * On the 23th nit., by the Rev. W. CathcnrU Mr. JOEL A. MOORE to Miss Mary R. STOY, hoth of this city. * On the 4th ult., by Rev. J. B. Maddox, Mr. GEOkGE W. MATHEWS to Miss SARAH ANN DUNLAP, for merly of Easton. ‘ • - * On* the 27th ult.. by Rev. John Walker Jackson. Mr. HENRY C. OWENS to Miss ANNIE E. ROBINSON. * On tho 23th ult, by the same, Mr. CHARLES R. CA REY, formerly of Philadelphia, to Miss JOSEPHINE COCHRAN, youngest daughter of the late Johns. Coch ran. * In Baltimore, on the 28th ult.. by Rev. Mr, Morgan, JOHN M. NACE to ANNA R. WIKER, both of Balti mo!f thO'Wth ult, by Aid. C. Brazer, Mr. ROBERT H. HALL to Miss OLARAAlUlGG,l>othofthißcity. * On tho 25th ult.. by. Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, Mr. WILLIAM H.' HUTTENLOCIf to Miss SARAH PLUMLY, both of this citr. - • * DIED. On the 28th ult,, Mias ANN MoMULLIN, in the 47th Funeral from the residence of her mother, Paul street, above Unity, Frankford, this (.Monday) afternoon, at 3. o’olook. To proceed to Cedar Hill Cemetery. * 1 On thff~23th'ult, JACOB ERNST, in the CStli year of his age. i ' . ‘ > ‘ Fuooral from- the residence of his son. No. 848 North Soventhstreet,thia(Monday)morning,at 10o'clock. * - On tho 30th ult., MARY HILL, daughter of Mrs. Mary Hill, in the 18th yoar of her age. Funeral from tho residence of Mrs. Hill, 326 South Se cond street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o’olook* To proceed to Odd Fellows’ Cemetery.'' * - On tho 28th ult, Mrs. ELIZABETH METZGAR, wife of Godfrey Metzgor, in the 47th year of her age. * Funeral from the residence of her husband, 1229 Elm street, below Girard avenue, Eighteenth ward, this (Monday) afternoon, at 4 o’olook. To proceed to Pal mer’s Ground. < • • - - * On the‘27th ult. t JOSEPH SHUMAN, aged 37 years. - Fujioral from his late residence. Gaul street, between Noms and Dauphin, this (Monday) afternoon, at 6 o’clock. To proceed to Hanover-street Burial Ground.* On tho 23th ult.. JANE, wife of Andrew Nichols, in tho fifth year of her age. „ Funeral from the residence of hor husband,l3ls North Fourth street, this (Monday) afternoon, at 2 o’olook. * , Health Report* , , ■ 1 Health Ofpics> July 30, interments tn the Cit p of Philadelphia from the . _ , * the 90th July. DWHASfiS. Fever, Typhus „ “ typhoid Gangrene Iloinorrhago Inflammation Brain. ’* ' Bronchi 'i Livor.. „ Lungs.. ; “ S. it Bowels Inanition....' Jaundice Manin-a-potu.;..-... Marasmus Measles Old Ago.; Palsy. Still-born.... Suicide... iA... ufooraFioii lii'wifaV, tec.,*: Abscess Anemia 8um5..'....'.: Cancer of Uterus.... Casualties Croup Congestion of Lungs “ Brain. Cliolora Infantum...’. Cholera Morbus Consump’n of Lungs C0nvu15i0n5.......... Cyanosis... Diarrhcea S repay. Brain isoase, of Brain..... Biseasg of Heart.... rowned.....' Dfaentery,..-. D0bthty.......’...... Effusion on Brain.... Fracturo Fever, Puerperal.... f* Remittent... Scarlet; 50VE TITHRE WEBE; ..118 From 40 to 50.. .... .41 *♦ 50 to 00 .19 M 60 to 70 .. 6 44 70to 80. ..4 “ 80to 90.,..., 5 90 to 100 .14 Under 1 year From Ito 3 . ** - 2to 3. ... “ -Btoia “ lo to is “ 1fit0W...4...... 20 to 30. . 30 to 40. From the AlmeKoui the Couutry, 2. • Males. UC: Fomalei ByordoroF the Boa ART W^~ People of Color, 20 ; Girls,*lo9. HUGHES, Health 01 ' FREE LECTURE BV PROFESSOR- Rf. M w CALKINS. M. D., on TUESDAY AFTERNOON fttTk M., nnd EVENING nt 8 I’. M., on tho “ Causes. Prevention, nnd Cure of tho Dwoanoiof Summor, 1 * at ECLECTIC COLLEGE; Sixth and Caliowlull. • Medical Office. No. 1421 CHESTNUT St. aui-2t if* A MEETING OF TRE YOUNG MEN'S J[J" DEMOCRATIC UNION CLUB will ft hold T?I IS MERCHANTS’ HOTEL. -A! persons ▼ho have been elected rnembors are requested to attend, - ‘ •-• : ‘ „t» . WAC LEECH) Jr., Chairmen, . «* QT' NORTH BRANCH, CANAECOMPANY. -►w —NOTICE.—The-Stockholder* pf the North Bronoh Canal; Company are hereby'notified, that by a a P instalment of TWO AND A.HALF DOLLARS per share is required W Ixj.vaul to the Treasure ror iia Assistant, at thoir of fice, m t ie 15th day of September next, and if not paid within th rty .days after that date the stock 1 - -- ' '„ a * < OEO * .HQELBNBACK, Treasurer. W. O.Stfblikq, Assistant Treasurer; • July 23d, 1850. iTvf* NOTICE T<> STOCKHOLDERS.—AN kj? . Ejection will l»o hold for officers of the ALLE GHENY AIOUNTAIN HEAI.TH INSTITWETat Ores flon,ontUo first, MONDAY in August, nt 2 o’clock. Jygl-9t. .4 * ’T. BLAIR MOQRE, Secretary., fY#* OFFICE SIIAMOKIN VALLEY AND » POTTBVILLE RAILROAD C0..509 WALNUT July W. IS6o.—Tli« COUPONS due August Ist.upon the First Mortgage Bonds of the PinLADELPHIAAND 9UNBURY RAllSoAl) CO., will be paid on and after that date, on presentation at this office, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock. JOHN L. GODDARD, jy2l 2225-dtAS . Secretary. RETAIL BUY GOODS. rpHORNLEY &.CHTSM, A . Northrait corner EiGHTH and'SPRING GAR DEN, . - - ' - \ ‘‘ . ' Are closinr out . _* THEIR SUMMER STOCK „ , _ .At nml under Cost prico!!{ Rich Organdie Robes, Napoleon Bareges, - Hioh gftrere Robes. Uucnls nnd Valencias, Verr fine Cambric Lawns,-lOrape Tnnmrtinoa,. of Olialhes, ; Fancy Bilks, &0.,i0. Black Lace Pomtos, * ’ * ' Black Silk Busters, » „ . \ Silk Mantillas, Barego Shawls, See Juttoponod* a splendid set or • Poulard Silks, very cheap, - ' , Black Silks. ■ . ; Qood Sliirjmg and Muslins. v Irish Linens, Men’s and Boys’ Wear, &c.,'£ro. "AUi I'OR oisH.”- * ’ • TMTBRTNO GAUZE UNDERGARMENTS, ■,of Cartwright. Sc Warner's superior make. We have them m all varieties iorLadios/ Cents’ and Chil dren’* wear. Hosiery m medium and suponor qualities for Ladies* GonW/.aml Children's woar,including alotof Ladios’ open-worked Lisle-thread Hobo, of very fine qualities, and a lot of Imen and Lislo-thrond half hose for Cents 1 wear.. , Gauntlets m silk, silk and Lisle, Lialo thread, kid and buckskin. - , .1' Nubia, Scarfs or Clouds, of largo eiro,in white and colors, for sale at, HOFMANN'S HOSIERY STORE, augl«mw&ftf. . No. 0 NORTH EIGHTH street. NOTICES: TCGTlCE.—Letters A testamentary on .the pstate of tho Rev. J, 0. 'Bakor, O. Delate of tho city of Philadelphia, docoasod, having been grantod to the l subscriber, all.persons indebted nre requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same to present them without delay to a .. t JOHN F. LONG. Lancaster. Po., Or to his attorhoy, ■- * CHAS. E. I/BX. ' augl-mCt* . Cl North Sixth street, Philadelphia. fIGNTINEtfTAL HOTEL COMPANY.— In accordance with ft rosohttion of the Board of Managers of tho “ CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPA NY, ft third instalment of twenty jper cent, or ono mndred dollars upon each share of the new stock sub scribed, will bo payable error before .Friday, the 6th day of Augnstr' at the office of the Troasarer, lYp, BJS Aroh street, above Elcjith-HtrCot. augl-tag J. SERGEANT PRICE, Treasurer. POLITICAL. JjIORPROTnONbtABY OF..THE COURT _ , v'Joseph, c. Costello. , - Of the Second Ward, WSrBubloot to Democratic rule a. TOILET ARTICLES. VAN HAAGEN&MoKEONE’SORIEN r'TAL DETERSIVE SOAP ia deoidedly the best ever made. One pound of it is equal to three of common soap. All respectable grocers koon it. > . „ THAIN & McKEONE,, Jr3o : 2t, '. • ' 22 South WHARVES,/ Y OU WANT-LIFE-SIZE PHOTO GRAPHS In Oil forjrour parlors, and sinall Photo graphs «nd Anibrotyncs for tour mends- Resort to Koimer’s Gallery, SECOND street above Groen. , H*M rfMiß STOCK OF WINDOW-GLASS, X .GROVND PAINTS of all Colors, and WHITE LEAD, winch ZIEGLER. Sc SMITH, Wholesale Drug gists, corner of SECOND and GREEN: Streets, offer for P.ubho approval, as to prioe nnu quality, are une qualled. .Tltpso who consult their own 1 interests will exnnimo their assortment, and purchase of them a su perior quality of goods, at a less prioe than can be had elsewhere. , , ■ ; Jy29-tf TTAMSAND SHOULDERS—2,OOO pieces Oitr Smoked Hams arid- Shoulders. Also, WO pie - ce» extra Sugar Cured Hams, for sale by . , - . ■■ , C.fl. SADLER A C 0.,: ; ftugl , Arch street, second doorahovo Front. HERRING.— 340 ‘barrels Pickled Herring. Also, 320 boxes Smoked Herring, for sale by ’ ’ ••' 7- - ‘ C. C. SADLER, ScrCO, •ttogl . Arch street, second door ftbovP'FTont. f’NIDER BRANDY.—IO liblsi puro Uonne£- ticut Cider Brandy. Also, 6 hbla. old ey & quality on consignment, end for sale by i—/ C. C. SADLER U CO." null Ar«h street, second doe, ttbove fjont, THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1859. ■ COMMISSION HOUSES. £JONftAD & SEBRILL, ! DUNDEE LINENS. ; 206 CHESTNUT STREET, aul-2m PHILADELPHIA. jjUEAOHED AND BROWN SHEETINGS. BY THE PIECE OR PACKAGE. JOSHUA L. DAILY. . 213'MARKET STREET, ratf- ‘ PHILADELPHIA. • JjTIRST OPENING- PALL STYLES, THIS DAY, AUGUST I. JOSHUA L. BAILY, WITOI.ESAI.E DRY GOODS. QIBBONS & CANTADOR, '240 CHESTNUT STREET, Have rocoivcd and offer for sale by the packngo, on SOLE AGENTS IN THIS MARKET FOR THE F. & H., CLOTHS & DOESKINS. BUI-10t JVAMBS WOOL SHIRTS AND PANTS, BRITISH JIOBIERY, EMBROIDERIES. DISEASES, nul-m w f-lOt Q.INGIIAMS. SOLID CIIK LOW TO SUPER AND DARK FANCY’S, ~ ' lUUGWAY & FHNG, < & BEARS, Are now offering their Fall importation of WHITE GOODS, LACE GOODS, &c„ To the Jobbing Trade, on the moatliboral terms, ftul-lra JJEMOVAL. MOSS, BRO., & CO.. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Have rmiiorei] to 430 MARKET STREET, ml-m-if SOUTH SIDE. Removal. . J. W. GIBBS & SONS Have removed to NO. 531 MARKET ST., NOHTH fIIDE, THIRD DOOR BELOW SIXTH STREET. ' JyM-Ct J^EMOVAL. SIBLEY, MOLTON, & WOODRUFF TWO DOORS BELOW SIXTH STREET, N. SIDE. jl23satuth-Gt SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. HJU H ALiLOWEIX & CO., 833 MARKET AND • 27 N. FOURTH STREET, Have and ready for sale, A SUPERB ASSORTMENT OP NEW SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS,. Of their own importation, Jy27*l2t R # O. WALBOBN & Cp., (Now) Nos. Band 7.NORTH SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURERS ■ oy StHRTB, "WRAPPERS, DRESS STOCKS, ETC. Dealers in ovory,article relating to tho . GENT’S FURNISHING BUSINESS: myl7-3mif JJOSTON QRACKERS. BOND’S EXTRA CRACKERS BOSTON CRACKERS, SODA BISCUIT, OYSTER *• MILK GRAHAM “ WINE “ LEMON PIO NIC " CREAM _ “ WATER » PRESIDENT “ TOAST BISCUIT “ GRAHAM WAFERS. EXTRA PILOT BREAD. -We are constantly receiving this celebrated make .of CraokarH, fresh from tho Bakery, in barrels, boxes, ami tins. gENAT BROTHERS & GO. 288 CHESTNUT STREET, .IMPORTERS OP , W H I T B GOODS,, , , - EMBROIDERIES, AND L. O. SURFS., , Invito the attention of wholesale buyera to aont aoason’a importation and atook, comprising every desirable variety of the above-named goods, n|^l^jr DKY GOODS JOBBERS. J , A PULL LIKHOV THE MOST APPROVED BRANDS, VOR SALE MERRIMACK PRINTS, 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. liberal terms. A TV LL ASSORTMENT OP wo OLLENS. Adapted for Fall 1859. CELEBRATED MAKES OF p. s. & s., SNOECK, BISCHOFF’S GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS, LACES AND JOINED BLONDS, Buyers are invited to examine our NEW FALL STOCK BRITTAN BROTHERS, 4 MURRAY STREET; JUST OPENED, 2.0 CHESTNUT STREET. 230 CHESTNUT STREET, EMBROIDERIES. REMOVALS. HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE, NO. 631 MARKET STREET, FURNISHING GOODS. CRACKERS. FOR FAMILIES. 11. H. TRENOH, Agent, 110 SOUTH WHARVES. NEW 'PUBLICATIONS. JUST I>,.U BUS II F 1) ITALY AND FRANCE I‘N THE XVITH CENTURY; ETTOHE F'IeRAMOSCA AT BARLETTA, A# HISTORICAL NOVEL BY JdASSIMO D’AZEOLIO. Tho author of ihis novel is well known as one of tLe most ominent statesmen in Italy; ami from his prosen 4 position ho lessfjinn tho striking parallel botwofcn the situation of affairs now and three centuries ago* it is be lieved that this brilliant picture will not be without its practical value. ; As a story it is one of intense interest. Tho Challenge, of Barletta mnyfniriy vio with Scott’s famous descrip tion in “Ivanhob” ortho tournament nt Ashby. The characters are mostly. Well known to history. Among them Caesar Borgia, tho infamous son of Alexander VI, is powerfully dratvn. , As a mirror of the Italian charaotor, and as an aid in understanding tie soorot springs of Italian history, tho work is full Of value. Tho attention if Booksellers, mill of tho reading-pub ic, is respectfully invited. - In one vol. 12mo, 860 pp. Price 1, PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, & Co. ' NOW READY, A new dition of that Valuable ami Bonutiful Work, MILCH COWS DAIRY FARMING. ! ' Secretary of tije Masa’tts State Board of Agriculture. Fully and Beautifully Illustrated with 130 Engravings. " j2mo ( 410 pp. Price $1.25. Tho most for universal use among farm ers that has ever been published in this country. There is scarcely anything worth knowing about howto select a cow, how RV’tfeat her, and how to make butter and chooao, that c.iWot bo found in this volume.—Now York Tribuno., , ! PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, & Co., PUBLISHERS, BOSTON: aul-m w f-St CO NEW. COUNTERFEITS.—PETER SON’S DETECTOR for AUGUST first is now ready. . > PETERSON’S COUNTERFEIT DETEC TOR for AUGUST Ist is now ready. Getit'nt onoo. . Get the best detector— peter- SON’S is that ono. ‘Eighty New Counterfeits. Storekeepers should have pe- TERSON’S DETECTOR always at their desk. PETERSON *S DETECTOR IS PUB LISHED twice a month, on the Ist and 15th* Price 10cents. - > • . •' DREXEL’S COUNTERFEIT detec tor FOR AUGUST is realty this day. Price 10 cents. ’ ‘ 1 " PETERSON’S COUNTERFEIT DETEC TOR FOR AUGUST is ready this day. Price 10 DREXEL’S COUNTERFEIT DETEC TOR FOR AUGUST iB ready thia day. Price 10 ceuts. •' ' ; i PETERSON'S COUNTERFEIT DETEC TOR FOR AUGUST is ready this day. PrioolO conta. ~ D REXEL’S COUNTERFEIT DETEC -S*OR FOR AUGUST is ready this day. I'riro 10 cents.-- It is published and for safe nt PETERSON’S, 309 CHESTNUT Street. One Dollar a year only* Call and subscribe. . ; Jy29‘3t GO. EVANS’ BOOK LIST.—ALL * Books are sold at the lowest prices, and a hand some Gift, worth from 50 coats to 8100, is given with enohlxiokattliotimonf Pitrohnso* , r , LECTURES FOR THE PEOPLE, by the Rev Hugh Stowed Brbwn, of the Myrtlo-stroot Chanel, .Liverpool. First Horiefl. with a biographical introduction ML Pr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. Ono volume 12mo, cloth. Price AND THE WAR OF 18M, with many bio graphicnl'sketches, and a History of the Causes of the War. Bj,Madame Julio do MarguoriUos. One volume OF ALL RELIGIONS; giving a ttatoinout of the Origin. Devolopnionte, poc trinos andGovemment of tho Religious Denominations throughout the United States and Europe, with bio graphical notices of eminent divino*. Edited and com-, ploted hr Samuel M. Smucker, LL. D. Ono volume 12mo, C, ANNA CLACTON, OR THE MOTHER’S TRIAI,, a Tale of Real life, by Mrs. 11. J. Moore. One volume I2 THK TBMI’EKANCE FOUNTAIN, or Jottingsi from tho Towrt Pump. A collection of Temporance Tates. «KteS l and a GIFT GIVEN WITH EACH BOOK, nt g R ! GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, jySQ.jt , . No. 459 Chestnut ttroet.Plula. TATE FAIR ADVERTISING.—THE STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY TROPOSE issuing a pamphlet for tho purpose of correct in formation in regard to tho approaching EXHIBIPION to l>o held in Philadelphia, on tho Inst r OUR DA\ S OF ® issue a very large odition, to bp clrcur lated among that class of parsons abroatlwjHnn Min ordinary advertisements will not i®nch, and who y-ill bo likely to bo induced to attond tho b air, il tho groat facilities for tho transportation of articlesland for Lx cursioniata made by tho Railroads, and tho increased number of classos upon their promium List, and tho other advantages never before eiijojcdby Exhibitions or Visitors, are fairly laid bohna »«i, rt . The Edition will not bo loss than 100,000 COPIES, to bo s pamidilot will tm pirciilattil ijmlnly amnnsst those w)u> Will probably visit ifio oity dumiß tho Kxju- Tho’whole will 1* .mailo np so ns to furnisli intorestinj matter to the public, and servo as aguulo tostraiieora V may bo obtained upon application iuperson, or goo . y , „ ar[Wqr6 , .Or to DAVID H. WILLIAMS, # , _ .. .. » - ■ • SLLawrence Hotel. Philadolplna. New York. ‘NEW - SUMMER BOOKS. LOVE-CI/AMOUR.) Translated from M. Michelet’s groat French work. The unprecedented succors of this last book, by the celebrated Micholet, is surprising. Edition after edition is called for. Booksellors throughout the oountry aro,ro ordering it in large quantities, "Fraisod by some, and condeimiod by others, it is the * sensation’ book of the day.” A third .edition now ready. One volume, 12 ino > Muslin. Price Si. . RECOLLECTIONS OF TIIE REVOLUTION. A Domestic Diary of tho actual ovents which occurred amomnt colony of the inhabitants in the nenthtorlipou of Nev York and Lome Island, during the War of the American Revolution, together with Pomona! Reminis cences of Washington and Lafayette, novor botore pub lished. Related by tho daughter of a clergyman, and prepared from records now in the possession <?f tho fa mily ol the author. Sidney Barclay. ■ 1 One of onr most distinguished .historians remarks or this'volume, that it is thoonfr history of private homo ovents published, and is interesting on this account—nil previous worksbolng more or less statistical and general, This volume aimß alone nt presenting, the occurrences anu incidents which existed in one neighborhood. 12 mo., muslin, printed in antique. Prico 81. HARTLEY NORMAN. ** A new novel, of Freshness and well-drawn character, happily conceived, and painted with gront truth of do *().’> By Allen Hampden. One volume, 32 mo.,muslin. Price SI 26. ' Theao Books will be sont by mail, postaou phek, to iny part of tho United .Stalos^on^rocmpt^onh^^rico, juW-th&stf Publishers mid Booksellers, No. 130 Grand Street, near Broadway, N. \. AN EARNEST AND THOUGHTFUL LECTURES ON THE FIIiST TIVO VISIONS OP THE BOOK OF DANIEL. By Rov. William Newton. 12mo. 76 cents. • NOTICK* OF THE rnufi < * : ; .Thsrc is a warmth of tone and fooling about thin book which will make it not unacceptable to a largo elassof readers. Its practical onrnpatneas and revo ronce of spirit aro high rccommondntions.—Bannei ol contains sincero and onrnost*oxpcsltions of prophecies. Tho nuthor’s viows ore, in some, respects, peculiar, and arc worthy of attention ami consideration. —American Presbyterian. The tiook is tho product of ft calm, thouehtful, earnest, and rovorontinl mind, and inavlio consulted with profit. —Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. : J “ l pu WILLIXst S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, jo2». No. COB CHESTNUT Stroot. OLD BOOKS--OLD BOOKS-OLD BOOKS. Tho undersigned states that ho lias frequomlyfor Rate books printed botweon tlio years 1470 ami J6oot early oditiona of the Fathers of tho Reformers and ot tho Pn; ritaa Dirines; in Law, Brneton.LvtlloUm, Putlcndorll, Grotius, l)owat, Coke, Hale, tho \ oar Books, Reports, See., tire often to bo found on hin Bhotvosi Cvolppodms, Lexicons, Classic authors. History, Poetry, rhuosopliy, Boienco. Political Ecmminy, Government, Arclutecturo. NAturfll llistor'. Treatises upon theso and otlior kindred subjects are bain* continually doalt in hy hun. Books, n largo and small quantities, purchased at tho Custom lousa avonuo BiwUall, CHESTNUT Stroot, abovo fourth, Pliiladelphift. Tr . TTv c * duiidi t myl3-6m . . JOHN CAMPBELL. COPARTNERSHIPS. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The sub scrilHirs havo this day formorl a* copartncrghin for tlie-transaction of the WIiOLKSAIih DRY GOODS "BU atNEBS. under tho firm of WILLIAMS & Alt NEST, - and have takou tho store, No.- 416 Market streot, whore ilioy wiU offer groat inducements to cash and short t^me ' >UTO5rB, CHARLES B. WILLIAMS, James d. arnest. Pliiladolpliia,Btb mo. L augl-tlt DISSOLUTI ON.—The Copartnership heretofore existing undor. tho firm of. EVANS & NEWCOMER (Hotel-kcopers) i« this day dissolved, by imitual consent. UPTON^'NEWCOMER. U. S. NEWCOMER liavine jmrolmßcd tho interest «1‘ J3YAN EVANS in THE UNidN.ARCII Stroot, atioyo Third; Will-still continuo tho business, ami hopes, by striot attention to tho wants nt i'« ,friondH and tho travelling public, to keep U TIIK UNION” with such diameter as will morit popular tavor. Jy4-mflt -[HR. A. RABIN HAVING WITHDRAWN ITJL from Urn Arm of A. BAIIIN & A.RENAUD, otLa Ilochetlo. Franco, tho ImamoHS vnll boroaltar fro oon -s"undorlho’ firm of ALFRED RENAUD.IIia well-known ami liighlr "abmcmtml COONAC wilt lio atappod, as usual, to F.D. Laßoobollo, Juno !otb,isa). ; Jy«7-«1* CURTAIN MATERIALS. CURTAIN MATERIALS AND TRIM -\Lf MINGS of cvcrv dosoription* Lacoand Muslin Cur tains, Gold and Gilt Border Window Hlmitos, from S 3 to 812.60 each i with good strong fixtures, •btraneors arq respoctfuily invited to examine our goods. Wholesale and retail. Curtains made ami imangcd so as to bo put up at wiudowa without & uR O . t ' Curtain Store, Masonic Hath jyK-tfif ■' - -No. 720 Chestnut stropt. LACE CURTAINS.—A large assortment of now and olotranl designs and finest quality, from $3.60 to 840 a,pair. Tassels, Loops. Gut Cornices,Bands, Hooks, Rings, Ac.—every tlung required for furnishing WINDOWS. Gilt Border Blmdos and, noon Fixtures, 760„ Si, and §1.25 each, and Gold Border fihadon, §1.25 to $12.50 oacln Picturo Cord and 'lassola} Tablo and Piano Covers; Curtain Materials of all kinds, from the lowoat prloo ,o Iho moat t , 1I(0 „ JyK-tf if Curtain Storo, 119 CHESTNUT Btroot. MARSH’S MUSIC STORE,. 1 : ITX No. 1102 CHESTNUT Stroet* Philadelphia, ; . Where all the latest nndlpopiilar Music can bo ou talned from any cntaloguo lit tho UnitOu States, in struction Books, Set Piecos, Songs, Ballads,&c. 'Now Catalogues will lie forwarded to any. one, post-pftul. Musio will oo sent, post-paid, on rocoipt or.tno'pricc marked oil oatnfogue. Pubhslmiß and receiving rtow x Musio daily. Musical Instruments and musical ijfcf ohandisoof every doeoriptlou at importers and m BV CHAS. L. FLINT. MUSIC. ■’ NEW PUBLICATIONS. ROUEN’S PHILADELPHIA CITY Dl yj rectory foe isoo. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES IN CAPITALS. PRICE 52.00 PER COPV. As nn evidence of the patronage this work has re ceived, wo append .a column of subscribers, and beg to nssure our other friends of equal eminent standing, that their names are only omitted, for the roason that their numbers would fill more than two columns of the “ Press .” DroXol A Co;, ; Andrew C. Craig Sc Co., Girard House, Richards & Miller, * Myors, Claehorn, & Co., Augustus Merino, Thomas Buldlo & Co., Workman Sc Co.. - Browne it Bowen Wilson, Childs. A C0.,- Cope Brothers, 'Jno. Garrison & Co., John Grieg, , > Robt. Taylor A Co., Rutter, Nowhall, A Co., Van Dusen, Norton, A Co., G. Dallett Sc Co. tl Groen, Bro. & Cooper,' Boswell SC Wilson, Am. Life Ins. A Trust Co., TwollsACo.. Union Canal Co., Riegei* Baird, Sc Co., Gibbons Sc Cnntndor, Thos. Simpson A Sons, - Thomas Sc Martin. Jas. E. Caldwell A Co., . Joseph Howell Sc, Co., Sower, Barnes, Sc Go ., P. F. Kelly A Co., Warner, Miskoy, Sc Merrellßeovea Sc Deal, Wright, Smith, & Co., " Baker, Woacott, Sc Co., Allen Sc Needles, , Hurst Sc Brobston. 8. Paimor Sc Co., Jacob limerick Sc Co., I Mercer and Antelo Diehl Sc Wertz,* 1 Jno. Gibson, Sons. Sc Co., Stitz Sc Hartley, Stewart. Carson, Sc Co., M. Bernheim Sc Co., Titos. Richardson Sc Co., Farrell Sc Morris, Patterson Sc Bo.ulton.- - - - John Syz Sc Co., Lewis Andenretd Sc Co., Chickering Sc Bons, Jos. F. Tobias A Co., • •• Wm. D. Sfterrerd, H. Dubosq Sc Bros., ' Penn Mut, Life 2ns. Co., T. B. Peterson Sc Bros., Penna. Co. for Insurance on Shipley,Hazard, Sc Hutch- Lives, etc., insam . _ 4 , Northern Assurance Co.* Went, Forbes. Sc Lloyd,' . Royal Insurance Co., . Isaao Barton Sc Co., Corn Exchange Ins. Co., Roberts, Walton,'A Co., ’ Ouaker City Ins. Co.J J. C.ilowo Sc Co., Jefferson Ins. Co., Cronise Sc Co.» Neptune Ins. Co., Dfeer Sc Sears, ■ Conn. Mut. Life Ins. Co., , Brown Sc Ernngor, Manufacturers! Ins. Co., ! Baugh Sc Sons. Eastern Ins. Co., Jos. C. Grubb A Co., Six Penny Savings Fund Cake.Bouldin. Sc Co., RpringGardenSavineFnnd, Lewis, Bros., A Cq., Tlinmasp. Smiley. M. D., Conrad A waltbn, ' _ 0. B. & t. M.Bnnth, Thojnns Bell, Delaware M. S. Ins. Co., Custom House, JnB.-CO.-nf -State of-Benna.i Consolidation Rank, * ■ Equitable Mutual Ins. Co., 'Rank of Northern I,ib., Union-Mutual' Ins.- Co.’ of v nn .“nd Moeh’a Bank, l'emia., Philadelphia Bank, Giraru Fire AM. Tns. Co., Commonwealth Bank, Washington F. Sc M.InS. City Bank,: ' ‘ * T X' n 'i • A I Post Office. Kensington Fire ins. Co., * Mayor’s Offiro, Commonwealth Ins,' Co. of Receiver of Taxes, - State of Pepna., _ Sheriff’s Office.. - Grenf Western ,Ins. Sc T. Merchants' Hotel, Co., - ■ American Hotel, - Robert Morris, Ins, Co.,’ - Jos. Hnrrison, Jr., Newark Mut. B. L. ins. Co., W. H.Witto, SaroKiiardlns.CoM • , Grant & Bon, , U. S. Ins. and Trust Co ' Dennis Sc Jones, r Adams’-Exyress Co.. , - C. P. Knight Sc Co., Howard’s Express Co., C. H. Grant A Co., Kinsley A Co., ’ ’ Tenhrook Sc Bro., We is. Fargo,;* Co., Taj lor, Gillespie, Sc Co., Plulada. Local Express Exchange Reading Rooms, Magnetics Telegraph Co., ' Robinson * Hieskell, . . Joel Ray,- ’ - Charles Roddy, ' M. G. Reir, Jno. G. Roller. . , F. Rollmann, Schmitt * Stnhenrauch, Jos. E, Smiley, Schnlz Sc Janeutzky, F. Sever Sc Bro., • F. Ratohford Starr,» J. S. Sleeper Sc Son, H. T. Schmidt, Clms. Sharpe, . , , J. T. Sherwin, Thomas 8h ipley, C. W. Stiles, ■ Schott AHoacock, ■ John If. Btokos, Stauffer* Harley, Samuel Sloan, * ‘ -A. F. Sabine. Wm. ll. Sowers, Adam K. StoltZ. .. William Simon, Jacob 0. aioirjnier, Joseph Starkey, J. Sergeant Price, • Georyo Simpson, ; Jno. T. Scuddor, i • J. G. Sc T. H. Smith, B. 0. * T. 8. Snydor, „ Georgo M. Snowdon , Lewis Snail, . ; A.'H. Shoemaker, 1 William Bparks, ‘ Wm. R, Simpson, Smith, Woodman, Sc Co., Geo. Sponcor, Jr„ . William Rnig|or, , * ; Jno. H. Stovrnrt, A. B. Shipley, Shrank Sc Earnest, .Tno. V. Shado, , W. Tiller. S. W. Thnckara, Thus. S, Taylor, Henry Troemner, A. B. Taylor, Wm.S.Torr,- J. Thompson. Geo. W. Tobins, W. Bankroll Taylor, Sam). E. Tyson, William Taylor, Jno. Thorpe, Stephen Tornm, David Thomas, Jesse M. Tjson. Jno. Vogt & Co„ , Chas. Vozin Sc Co., Edmund B. Vnughnn, E. Vnnderslico, Gluts. T. Vogel. Geo. W. Vaughan, Jno. O. Vanderbilt, • Wirier Sc Brothor, EdwardWaldew, Isaiah Woolston’.' K. W. Williams, Win, B. Leary, M. D.i Thoa. C.Lovp, Josso Lee, Loob Sc Hirsch, Jno. T. Lewis Sc Bros., Asher S. Leidy, E. S.’Loedom. H. K. I/ojran, John Lambert, Clms. Laing * Co., Clms. T.Levan, ' Thos. J. Lancaster, Adolphus Linpt, M. D.« J. W. McCurdy & Son, M’Donnoll, Groen# * Co., 8. M’Clintock Sc Co. f - Wftrdnlo G. M’Allislor, W. * 8. McLaughlin, G. Sc A. M’Clement. D. L. Miller, Jr.. F. K. Mocdonough * Co., Ellwood Matlaek, Wm. H. Mnnror, Chas. H. Muirheul, Duncan M. Mitchoson, E. Masso, ‘ Martin * Cluaylo, J. H. Mftrkland, - W. K. Mendenhall, Geo. C. Miller, C. Mahan. William Moffitt, ; Morrison. A M’Caulley, Heitry.MoUer, ' F. Malmti. . • Christian Meesor, Robert Morley, - T. J. Mauli, Henry Noil, Hueh Norcross, • Moses Nathans, At B. Neill * Co., Chiu*. B.Noai, Lawrence Nugent, H. W. Overman, C. Hall Ogdon, N. G, Porter. John Power, Pfeil A'Brothors,' T. B.‘Pu«h, 1 John Philbin,. Jas. 1,. Primrose, Clms. Flrmpton, J. C. PAjntdr 1 Theo. W. Parker, J. D. Phillips, Alfred Fevrnt, Isnno C. Price, Rowland * Ervion, A. C. Roberts, William Riddlo, A. W. Rand, v r ; Androw Rankin, J. Rosenbaum * Co.‘, ' Jno.T. Riekotta, , Jnq. R. Rax, - Robort llalstoh, Ailiert Roberts; 1 Lewis W, Ralston, Fowler * Townsend, 8. Alteri - Caspar Boennmg, F. Brtiroin * Co., Thax. J. Barger, J. M. Brown, • H. V. Bassett, Wm. J, Brennors, JI.B. Brisben,- Juliua Bagiot. J. Sc G. A. Binder, Jno. Bonsnll Sc Co., .Torernmh Butler, Henry C. Busch, F. 0. Brightloy, D&vui Boitler, Baldwin, Lindorman, Sc Co., Jas. N. C. Black, John BavUs. .Tas. H. Bryson, , George Bmdor, Bolder. Toinaon, * Wiekel.W. A. Bailliere, C. A. Butts, J.W.Bmdloy, Goo. Bortram, , W. S. Brown, Joseph Boucher. *' N. B. Browno, L. G. Brown Sc Co., 11. Bolficid Sc Co., ‘ Boliort C. Brotbe, Kami. F. Baldorston, Oscar L. Baker, .1.8. Borkonstock, Jno. M. Bleyler, Andrew J. Boswell, 1 Joseph Birch, Borgor * Toleinliaus, Naflmn Barrett, H.S. Battin. 5 L, Oscar Baker, Bennett Sc Cobb, Board of Trade, C. Bird. Bryant Sc Stratton, • , Balderston Sc Albertson, A.M. Brown* Co., Alex. W. Banos, Booth Sc Kennedy, James 8011, 1 David Blakely, .T. D. Burdett, M. D., Henry Ckiy, Lcvris Cooper,' ■ Josopn Conrad, • T. h. Chapman, 11. Coultor, Sarah Cox, H ;^VaHcrClomont, Jas. R. Cantwell, Thomas Campbell, Win. J. Carltn, Penna. Insane Hospital, W. J, Cnrter, J. Hlokk Conrad, Chambers * Brother, Wm. H. Coulston, Wm. H. Cnmp; • • ■ M. B. Drott. Jno. G. Dale, Daniel P. Diotorichi' Walter B. Dick, A, B. De Haven, Edwin F. Durang, Dick & Levy* John Davis, Donoxan * Co., .Tamos H. Dens, J. J. N. Douglass, Chtis. Duschg, Michaol Putin, 11. Dorman, ■ Jno. Dates Doy, G, Jno. F. Deal, Thomas Elliott, - Charles Earnest, Jah. Elfroth. Chas. Evans Sc Bon, W. H. Eloriickcr, J. M. Ellis * Son, A. Eppolshoiinor, ’ Aug. E.sonwoin, Geo. C. Evans, B. L. Evorett, T.nnis M. Emanuel, Rmnuol Ellerinan, Win. KcluU* Isaac B. Eklridge, Jos. T. Ford. Win. H. Faulkner, Chas. D. Freoman, W. C. Fonntain * Bro., ‘ William Flory, Thomas Fishel, • Chas. S. Fenthor, Alex. M. Fox, William Fry, • Abrahnm France, George Fontier, P’. Fobot. William Getty, Samuel B. Grice, Daniol Green, Granollo * Taylor, Goldsmith Brothers, Jacob Goldsmith, C. H. Garden Sc Co., J. Sc G. H. Gihson. Wm. J. Gilbert, G. E. Galen, M. D., Androw W. Gay ley, L. * F. Groshols, J. W. Gnskill,* Jncob Griesliotmer, Wm. W. Garjaml, Win. \V. Gardiner* Jno. H. Gardiner, Wil|mjn Groves, Nelson Gavit, Jno.K. Green,. A. E. Givens, 8. It. Gloun, Robert Gilhlnn, Eton C. Gnyn. - Jno. Gloisner, Thomas R. Gill, Freilk. A. GauUior, . Henry N. Howson, Goblneh* Motegar, ‘ Hugh Harrold, Geo. W. Githens, Hoguet * Hutton, Herst * Co.. Henry llowsoti, Edward H. Hunt, Win. B. Hood, Clms. F. Holflncht, G. W. Harris, M. Hower, H. W.Honsol, M. Hinckloy. Peter Hall, 8. M. Hamad, . Geo. W. Hoylmrgor, Goo. Hunt Sc Co., Thomas llonry, T. M. Huber, Jacob Hammer, C. 8. Houghton Sc Co., H. A.-Jinnee, , Robert Huddle, Huehos * Morrtsq, Charles Heobner, D. Hannakor, Jninea Hill, A. R. Horther, Charles Harrman, Samuel Harrison, J. F. Htifnal, • H. Holtlmuson, Horline & llensel, Win. Haller,, P. Healey Sc Co., Hans'* Bremeer, Goo. W. Husband, E. W. Inskcop, C. L. Ingram. Abraham Isaacs, Joy, Coo. * Co., H. 8. Jones, Jos. W. Johnson, Jones * Doemor, David James, M. D.» Korn * Co., John Kuhn. Jas. Kftoimn, Jr., Kelly * Doherty, Jacob Kohler, Edwm A. Kelloy, Georgo^Kirk. Krause * Miller, F. W. *.G. A. Holder, Keene, Ftorline, & Franks,Jno. Klein, T. Klandor & Brothor, Jno. Ketcham, D. R. King * Co., Goo. W. Kraft. Robt. Kllvlngtou, A. H. Keen * Co. Wm. F. Kennedy, Jncob R.-Kline, il. E. Kcono, R. C. Keeney, Ladd, Webster, * Co., R. 0. Lowry. “ Publio Lodgor,” B. Andrews * Son. Parrv * McMillan, H.W. P. Alien, Randolph * Jenks, Allison * Fav, Hoove* * Deni. A. L. Arohnmbault, Rebn* Everett. ' J. B.Angnoy, Robanco Mntunl Ins. Co., Goo. If. Ashton, Htorn * Freoman. Wjn. Armstrong, M. D.» Ruilepdor * Pascal, Andross & Co.. Savory * Co.. Richard Ashburst, Jeremiah Smith, C. H. & Geo. Abbott, Job. Steele * Co., . Ohntlos Adams, Robt. Shoenmkor * Co., W, R. Acton * Co., Richard G. Stotesbury, ' John B. Adams, x R. Sinnthurst. John Ambler, Jr., Sitor, Van Cnlin, * Glass Alex. Adams, : Curwon Stoddart * Bro., Abliott * Co., i Wm. Kellers & 00., Ilobt. Adams, Jr., 1 John Stone * Son, J. H. Allen * Co., Tuttle * 00.. , R. * F. Atinore, Toner Sc Davis. Bishop. Simons, * Co., Thompson * .Tonkins, Rarnl.H. Bihiu'haua, Truitt, Bro., * Co., BJnrxnv* Smith, Traner. Jonos. Sc Co, H. S. Boardman, J,Givis Thompson & Co., C»tv Treasurer. Jorry Walker, J. Cresson Bradford, Clerk Orphans’ Court, Baugh * Sons, Wijer & Moss, Besson * Son. - Woavor, Filler, Sc Co., Rlnnchnrd * Lea, .Tas. Wilcox. Win. Beatty * Son. John Yard. Jr., Sc Son, Hold. R. Corson * Co., W. B. Zinbor. Cristiani * Co.. Geo, P. Weaver, Wm. M. Meredith, ' Wyatt * Hovrliiurs, . Cauby * Brotlior, Win. Wilson * Soil» > . C. B. CamplJoll & CO.l ’ W. Henry.Patton,' ‘ J. M. Brown. _ Pohtoehiuc Collogo, H. B. * J. M. Bonners, 11. Robinson * Co., rrnnkhu Bacon, A.B, Roichonbnch, . „ Bowen * Fox, lloyitolds, Hmvell, * Kioff, Win. L. Brown, Clms. F. Rioho, - S.J..Bestor, - MansionHnußor • .Bullitt* Fairthorno,. J. H. Bhhl.iU A Sons, Daily * Alexander, Snodgmss * Steelman, John Bonsnll * Co., 0. C. Sadler & Co., • 30; W. Baird, > Shaffnor. Ziegler, * Co., Frederick Brewn, .T, & M. Saunders, R. Badger, John H. Stokes, Arthur M,'Barton, ■Bitor. Price. * Co., 11. Biekloy * &n, Jas. B. Smith & Co., J. * G. A. Binder, D. L. Stackhouse, Brown * Pratt, Grunvillo Stokes, F. C. Brightloy, Evnni W. Shippon, Bosga * Kirk. Taw Sc Boers, Button * Laning, • Turnbull. Allen, A Co., Burgm A SOne, N. & G. Taylor, Wm. j. A. Birkey, M. D., Truman * Shaw, Bates * Coatos, U. H. & C. W. Taylor, John Baird, Vnnco * Landis, Bonnot & DoughoTty, Willcox * Doflaker, . .las. L. Bowloy A Co., David Webster, Bailey * Co., , , Wm. Wnnmek,- ' Burns * Boig, R. * J. J. Williams, M. T. Borour, ’ T. W. Sc J. A. Yost, . , Booth * Kennedy, A. H. Yornnll, Callendor * Co.* Work, McCouob, Sc Co., St. G. T. Cntnpboll, Wood * Perot, 8. W. Collom A Co., . Hoopos * Tmvnsoiul, , Clothier & I'odrick, John M. Wolff, William Curtis,' ; J. R. Cassolborry, Wm. Dunlap, . , Alex Convory, , Jacob Dupton, Androw Cathonvoml, Walter Dimnoro * Co., ‘ Cowdrlck A Thatcimr, P. C.-Elhunktsr, , Henry Croskoy * Co., T. S. Eniorjr, ClaghoTn & Fryer, “ The Union,” Chambers * Brothor, ~ ' 11. C. Eckstein, John G. Dale, Chas. Evans A Son. Davis & Blrnoy. John B. English Sc Co.. Dulilh. Cook, A Co.. Thos. W. Evans A Co., Franklin Savings Fund Estate of John Moss, Wm. H. Horstman & Halo ABowdoin, J.Wm. Hofmann, - • O/S: Hemphill, llowoll, Smith, * Co., • Hurlbutt Sc Thomas, C. & E. Honszov, Hansard * Co., Horstman, Brother, A Co., ‘Jesner Harding * Son, Marshall Hounzoy, > ;0.8. Huubqll, , llemsworth. Kakms, * Co.,T. IT. Jacobs * Co., C. M. Jackson & Co., .Tonka & Ogdon, ’ Jones * White, Johnson. Lund, * Wall, B. 8. Jannoy, Jr.*& Co., Jonos * Deomer, > F. V. Kiu* A Co,, Kitroro, Wilson, * Co., B.D.Kershaw *Co;,' -Kirkpatrick, Do Haven, * Loo A Walker, • Co;, Leary, Getz, * Co.. C W.LockoACo., Lincoln, Wood, * Nichols, Richard M.>Le&. M’Cutohoon * Collins, L. Lndomus & Co'., J. I*. M’Fadden, Jas. E. M’Clees. * Martion & Co., * Marxson Witto,’ J. Miles * Ron* Win. F. Murphy * Sons, Merrick * Sons, , Morris, Tasker. * Co., - Moss* Gamble, Wm. H; Maurice,' Carlton P.'Moore * Co., AloxrHenrr* John O. Mend & Sous . Massey. Collins, A C 0.,. . ILF. Niemann. ; Honry B.'Norris, - Obertonllor-A.Froytng, Nowlin Marshall A Co., . OldonbeTghA Taggart, Jno. Fennin-ton A Son. 1 'J’cacodkv’Zell, A Hutch- Protestant Episcopal Book ' • tnanti- I_. . - Depository,. _ t Altx>n T, Foist. • , ' Upward J. P 0115,... } Philadelphia Co. Tibet De-1 otry Biothors, * partimml. Plulada. Germantown, And Sumuol P. I'odrick A Co., Norristown HR . „ Presbyterian Board of Publication. aul-lt WANTS. WANTED —An Interest in a Jobbing - House on Market street, having a cash capital 'of 815,000. The'beatof reference given,' Address Wi A., immediately t at the Press office, iu their real names, where an Interview can be brut. : it* t "VS/"ANTED —A Salesman : in a Wholesale T f Coot and Shoe Store., To one that can influence a good Ohio and Pennsylvania trade, a liberal salary will bo given. Adrire&s A.B. C., office of this paper. augl-6t* Wf ANTED—By a Young Man, a situation * * as Assistant in a packing room or Light Porter. Can give good reference. Address J. F., Press office. , augl-6t*_ ■ / WANTED —A situation by a respectable German girl, in a private American family, as a nurse or Chambermaid. Apply at -No. 1103 Jones street. augi-3t 1 HOUSEKEEPER'S SITUATION WANT ED—By a genteel American widow.-fully compe tent and experienced; a widowers family preferred; salary not so much an object as a comfortable home, unexceptionable references. AddressiUrs. H. F.« Press office.' • ( , - augl-2t* ■ A CTIVE CANVASSER’S WANTED— For .xtm. a new periodical, nt wliioli good wages may he earned/ Andress Books, at this office, •' - ,augl-4t* TO' CLOCK MAKERS.—SITUATION wanted, by a young man, at chick work* or any Other similar business; a good shop and steady employ ment is the principal object; hag no obieotion to any part af tho country. Address J., at this office, ~ augHt WANTED— A SALESMAN in a Whole: sale Dry Goods Storo. To an efficient man a lib eral salary will bo given. Address “Elton,” office of this paper. , -- • jy29-4t* WANTED —By n young man, a situa tion in an Importing House, wbdre he can make himself nseral m the Counting Room. Address “A. Z,,” at this office. - jy29-St* SITUATION WANTED—By an expe riepced SALESMAN, in a Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing House. . Undoubted testimonials will be given. Audresg “ Leonard,” office of this paper. i 'Wf ANTED—By a sober, industrious Man, v v a situation as PACKER or PORTER, in n Whole sale Dry Goods or Straw House. Best of city references Will be furnished. Address “M. H.” at this office. > jygHt* - • : WANTED— By a lad, 10 years of a^e, a situation-W ERRAND BOY In a Wholesale Store or Factory. Can furnish good recommendations. Andreas u Alfred,” office of The Press, - jygMt* ; WANTED TO EXCHANGE for improv ed oity'uroneny ,-frjotrom incumbrance, 160 acre* 'nr "excellent' PARoLJjAND, located iftGloucester Co., New Joraoy. Tlio Railroad from Camden to Bridgeton, shortly to be laid, posses within a short distance of the land. For further particulars address J. K., offing of The Press. _ jell. ■ I’OIi.SALE AN» TO LET.r m. TO LET—A furnished HOUSE coif trally located, to a respectable tenant' Abortion of tho rent will lie taken out in board. For particulars address, with real name, ELLIOTT, at this office.. - fiul-6t* . , MT.O .LET.—The threc-storied .House, No. 13 JAMES Street. Apply on the premises. 2t» IAND IN' EXCHANGE.—One hundred and sixty acres of good TIMBER LAND in New Jersey, willbe exchanged for improved City Property. Address K, office of The Press., 6t* FOR SALE.—Ono hundred acres of un improved land in Gloucester County, New Jersey, IS miles below WoodhuTy. For particulars apply at No. No. lIS FEDERAL Street. J '~ ' nnl-3t». Available farm and country SEAT FOR SALE, two mites frort the Chelten hill Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, containing 120 aoros of highly improved land, with an abundance of fruit and shade trees. The improvements aro a fine stono mansion, containing fourteen rooms, tenant-house, ice-house, large barn, carriage-house, and all necessary out buildings. A fine building sito on-the premises. Could easily be divided into two beautiful country seats. For further particulars inquire of John J. C. Harvey, on the promises. • • • • auel-lm* HARDWARE. —A Wholesale House, do in?.chiefly a Southern package "business, to prompt dealers in cities, desires to sell out. Bad health the reason for retiring. Tho business of twelve years standing. Tho stock is all now, and mostly in original packages. The Terras will bo liberal. No lands taken m exchange. Address “ Delphos,” Box 2051 Now York Post Office/ • ■ , • augl-12w SUPERIOR NORTH THIRD STORE TO £3 RENT.—The large and well-lighted granite .front Store. No. 121 North Third street, above Arch, suitable for Jobbing or Heavy Package Trade. Terms satisfac tory to a responsible tenant. Apply on tlio promises, or at No. 427 Vino street. . . jy3o-7t* m TO - LET—HOUSE No. 133 NEW Street, with eleven Rooms. Gas. Bath, Renters, Ranges; Sec: Applv to I. BELLANGBE Ss SON, jyffi-Ct* Roal Estate Agents, No. 414 Green streot. DRAFTS— On th&Union Bank of London, and Royal Bank of Ireland, in smite to suit. For sale by WELLS, FARGO & CO., my!B-3m* No. 400 Chestnut street. , . BOAKDING. APR IV AT E FAMILY, WITHOUT children or boarders, wish to lot a beautifully, fur nished front parlor and bedroom, on the first floor, aim a room on tho second floor, to reapcctdbloperaons; all the modern improvomouts. r augl-3t* BOARD WANTED—For \a -Lady and - Child 18 months old, in some privato family in the countrv. Torms jnust bo moderate. Please address BOARD, at this draco, stating terras, location, etc. j>29-ot* . ' ' _____ BOARD WANTED—By a,Lady, with an unfurnished room, or without board; torms not to exceed $4 or $5 per Week, with board; reference given if required. Address Mrs. J. C., at this office, for three days. - ' j>3P-»t A CHOICE OF FINE LARGE ROOMS, witlfßoanlin* fur Families and Single Gentlemen,- at 1100 WALNUT Street. - ■ J?a,-ot* Desirable private boarding for families; large and small rooms communicating, handsomely furnished; large garden attached. Koler onces required. 1529 SPRUCE-Street. ■ jyl9-lin THIRST-CLASS BOARDING, AT 1104 M? SPRUCE street. House pleasantly situated,'rooms airv and handsomely furnished. Persons from tho couth PERSONAL. INFORMATION WANTED—Of DAVID J- EDWARBS, who loft Ida homo, Worth street, New York, oil July M; had about 8300, or $m and a gold watch? ho is about six feet high, light .complexion, ra ther pale * had on a white coat. Any information or him will no thankfully received by his afflicted wife, Mary Ann Edwards, by addressing a noto to Mr. Curry* Wo. 5 Worth street, Now York. . Ml4t* The lady who took a parasol in exchange for her own, on Saturday last, in tiro Third-streot car, will ploase call at No. 33 Eighth street, and get her own. *t A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN, WHO - has been deprived oftho moans of support, wishes to find a person who will adopt her child, a healthy boy 8 months old. Address L.J.. at this office. augl-3t* LOST AND POUND. T OST.—On the 25th day of July, a check Li drawn by us oh the Bankofthe Northern- Liber ties, No. 9iS, for to the order of Chns. M. Jack son & Co., of Baltimore, and not endorsed by them. The public are cautioned against negotiating the same, "TgiSr' m 8 tw °' l "“Leaver, fitler a co. EDUCATIONAL. Eden hall (late paradise) f, SEMINARY, situated in the village of Paradise, on Lancaster mid Philadelphia, turnpike, fifty-three miles west of Philadelphia, nine miles east of Lancaster citv. ami three-fourths of a mile Irom Leaman Place, station. Points}tvaiiia Railroad. RE-OPENS. for its TENTH SESSION, on tho SECOND WEDNESDAY IN SEPTEMBER. The building is undergoing tho rough TOpair, a story being added for dormitories, into which wator will be introduced, and bath attached. Comfortable accommodation is thus provided for thirty boarding pupils, and tho trustees Anil spare no expense to render tho school worthy of public favor. t . Among tho innn) to whom the conductors of this school might refer, they arc permitted particularly to name the Rt. Itov. Bishops Alonzo Pottor and Do Laiicoy. and tho Rov. Dr. W. Bacon Stevens, ol Philadelphia. They also submit the following testimonial, kindly tendered h\ tho lU. Rev. Dr. S. Bowman, Assistant Bishop P. h. Church, Penjuylvanla: “ The Seminary for jounff ladies at Paradise, Lancas ter county, under tl»o cenornl superintendence ol Dr. Killikolly, and with Miss Chamberlain, ns tlio immedi ate ami active Principal, is one that, I think, may bo re lied on to do faithfully nil that it promises. Tho situa tion is healthy, bountiful, and easily accessible by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Dr. Kilhkeliy has had largo ex perience in superintending tho education of young la dies, nml Miss Chainborlam brings to the institution the weil-carnod reputation of a most competent and sne cessful teacher, ns well in imparting knowledge ns in administering discipline. The Seminary is, therefore, I think, entitled to the confidence ol the public, and I hope will recoivo it.” . * , . , FOR TERMS, which are. very moderate, ploase ad dress tho Rov« Dr. , Roctor, nul-Ow Paradise, Lancaster county, Pa. Edge h ill school, princetox, NEW JERSEY. ’ , , 4 Tho next session will open on Wednesday. August 3d. Boys receive a careful preparation for colle*o or busi ness. Thorough instruction in English Mathematics. Ancient and Modern Languages, etc. Fundamental principles are mastered,-ami habits of study torined which will jnake future attainments ease and rapid. Tho moral character of the pupils is guarded with tho utmost vigilance. All gonial and moral infiuoncos aro made to pervade tho school, and no pains aro spared to render it a snfo, comfortable, and happy homo. For terms and particular, add™., JAMJ , g j, HUGHES, Principal. augl-mtuwalw-mwnfrv . THE TIEMANS INSTITUTE. • The subscriber will open SEPTEMBER J2lh, in WALNUT Street, near Broad,-his School* for the higher education of a limited number of Young Ladies. Parents to whom ho is not personally known aro referred to Professor C. 1), Cloavoland, Prolessor Charlos Short, Rev. H. J. Morton, D. D., Rov. Win. B. Starcns, D. D., Rev. J, P. B. Wilmor, D. D.» Rov. IL A. Boardnmn, D. D., Rov. Wm. 11. Furness, D. D., and others. ; ; jy2l-2m JAMES I. HELM. 1 RYANT & STRATTON’S NATIONAL * MERCANTILEJCOLLEGES, located at Phila delphia, 4. E. corner. BBVEN.TTI.amI CHESTNUT? Now York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Chicago, hpr in formation, call or send for Catalogue. to9-tt „ WINES AND LIQUORS. pRINGU IMPERIAL CHAMPAGNE, DE VENOGE A CO., EPERNAY, FRANCE. This is a peevectly Pvbe and Delicate Wine, from tho Vinoyard of Mesutu; Do Vonogo & Co., whose ostato lies in the centre <f the far-fumed Champagne District of France, it has hitherto, neon confined to the bopt tables of England and tho Continent, and lias only very recontlv been introduccd*nto this country, where its rare quality, combined with tho moderate price at whicKit isofi'ored, ia already achieving a success and popularity unprecedented in the annals of the Wine Sold in this city by REEVF.S k, DEAL, No. 201 MAR KET STREET, and nt tho Principal Hotels, and by all the leading dealers throughout tho country; E. V. lIAUGIIWOUT, Comer of BROADWAY and BROOME STREETS. j)l9-tuth&s3sn if , ■ ; Rochelle bkandYt—in quarters and Eighths,now landingfrom the-Atlas. For sale F. D. LONGCHAAIP, 217 South FRONT Street. HYDROPATHIC, OHESTNUT SPRINGS, WATER-CURE. At CHESTNUT lirLli, PHILADELPHIA County. Pa., tnrtha troalmontof all Chrome ami olwiH’at'lduioasaß. This institution, under the chance of an ojpenenpad and akiiful Physician, is now, ronfossodjX, tho .loading and most' successful hydropathio establishment, in this CO l[” l pm'iKNCKa.-Mrs.,'Mnrr Cottrinubr, lit North - Twelfth street; Charles I;. Bhnrplass, Esq. r corner Eiahth ami Chostnut slroots; Georkei Grant. Esq., 333 Market street pH. Forrnwton, Esq., of Myers, Cianhom, & Co. , For other reforonooa^nd,ja,«tieulart^agH|Ba J RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, CIIESTNUT HILL.) ■ jo9-3tiiif * 1 ‘ • TiENNSY|sVANIiY ‘ PAINT : STORE.— AT ZIEGLEIi !c SMITH, corner of SECOND l ? d GREFN Streets. This yell-known anoicnt establish!—jt still retains the reputation of Beilins the host articnonjt esunordmnr; low puses, jy»-H ■EPHIIATA mountain. SHORTEST AND GREATEST ROUTE, * PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. FARE THROUGH. Passengers lesvo by 730 Morning Mail Tram daily, (Sundaysexcepted), arriving at Reading at 30 A. M., and proceeding at once by stage to the SPRINGS. , For tickets apply at the Reading Railroad Passenger Depot, BROAD nnd VINE Streets. . ... THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY ALTOONA AND CRESSON iiSU2 n3 rN ishins 10 Itto.the' pure MOUNTAIN AIK, ' seekers of Pleasure, and all wbo desire' relaxation from business, should take advantage of this great - - ' REDUCTION OP PARE, TO VISIT ’ . ALTOONA AND CRESSON. Pareto Altoona and,-Return.; .'....*7 jfi “ Cresson 7to passengers are .likewise furnished with tickets to Hopewell—the termisusofthe Huntingdon and Broad Top,Raiimad--wherA two daily lines of stages and hacks connect for the Springs. „ . if» r im LEWIS L. T HOUPT,Gj^ ) 'K^totjg > Mt FOR CAPE MAY. -p JJMI/Y. (Sa-rtdars exee»tod,> at 9), o'clocA*. ( fiL^ ’ EXTRA TRIPS MAY ON SUNDAY'S, Steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes, ■ S9&TON. Captain Sellew, _ KENNEBEC, Captain Hand, - SUNDAYS, for CAr gi M f Y G „ n ,„ a t S o'e.ool, Leave New York, (SiimUye excepted,) nt...... A P. M. Faro to ork, Cabin. gg yo Faro to Cape May, including Carriage Hire/. I /.V. 1 75 .. “ Servants 75 Season Ticket, Carriage Hire . .. extra 800 .. . r - T State Rooms, extra 100 Freights for Now York and Cape Mar taken at low s i d J >o!ron .‘ i York will bo for warded with despatch, free of commission. JAMESALLDERDrCE; Agent. 3H and 31C South DELAWARE AVENUE. jtv .. FOR CAPE MAY, ON SUNDAYS. Dntvie the Scaeon,” a steamer will leave for Cape y ’ S? ay ?» at 8 o’clock A. M. Retumiiir, leave Cape Mar, Monday morning, at 8 o’clock. IeSO-tf DAILY FOR CAPE MAY.— steamer BALLOON. Captain W. Captain Taggart, JeAvea Aroh street wharf every morning, at 9J4 o’clock, (Sundays ex cepted.) Passengers by THIS line arrive at the Island in time to secure accommodations at the hotels. • Emigrants are not carried in THESE boats. Fare to the island, Carnage Hire inc1uded.......... - -** • Servants .. “ Season -Tickets, Carriage Hire . ' extra gjo Carnages, Horses, and Freight taken at the usual rate 3« .. ; ■ '1 iy»-24* T-TO! FOR THE SEA SHORE!—the «* Philopatrian Literary Institute's Seventh Grand Annual Excursion to Atlantic City, on WEDNESDAY. August 3d, 1859. Tickets 8L25, to be had oEany of the members, andtat■ tlie wharf on the morniny of the er cureion. Deck a Band ia encased for.tbe occasion.' Thu last boat leaves Vine-street wharf at^ljeftm^dc^elock. _ - Chairman of Committee. D. Fbhbis, Secretary. - 1 angl-ft* 1859. OHIO WHITE SULPHITE SPRINGS. OPEN TO VISITERS SEEKING HEALTH OR. PLEA SURE, FROM JUNE Isr TO OCTOBER Ist! r * ACCOMMODATION FOR £OO VISITERS . THE OKIO WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS n aitan ted >n Delaware eoanty, IS miles north of Cohunbus. (the capital of Ohio. l on the Scioto river* 10 miles from Dela ware, 6 miles from the White Sulphurstatioo. on the .Springfield, Mt. Vernon, and Pittsburg- Railroad* and 10 miles from Pleasant Valley or Spring station, on the Co lambus* Piqua* and Indiana Railroad. : - / The medicinal qualities of these Sprinn srsumur* lifted States 080 miy °^ ,or Mineral Waters in tlio Forßuom, or othor information, address ANDREW WrLSON. Jn.* White Sulphur Springe, Ohio. JJRIGANTINE HOUSE, This is a'most deliqrlitrul resort for families. The Bathing at Hotel, the BRIGANTINE HOUSE, hss .been recently built. .The logition is eoot and delightful, being situated between the Bay and tno Oeean.. Fine"fishing and gun mhg throughout the season. Terra? $8 par ytoeik. -» - ? ' < f trainntAOtntic Cit,,from which the BRIGANTIXg IIOIJSL .is situated adistaiice of three mile., being a pianmni minnd sail. - Pawansers-wtll find Capt. Tumor at Bodloa’a Hotel, wliorotliey will loavo the oare. .foot Office address, Atlantic City. • • je3DtA34 TpPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPEINGS, Ail LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNA. 2S}!,fe vo Ss? establishment will be opened hr the Erst of JUNE. Situated on the Enhrata Ridge, K miles west of Philadelphia, 18 south .of Reading,'l3 north of Lan caster, 40 east of Hnrn&burx, aud ftavinjr the advantage of the purest soft water, every variety of baths, the site elevated to 1,200 feet above water level; with graded and shady walks m depse, forests, and tho most eitensiro landscape seedory m the Union, it is not surpassed as a aummor residence. - Accommodations for 400 persona, improved etablinr, and good carnage houses; nlsoivpood stock of Uverr horses and carnages, with amusement*. A good band of music, billiard tables,ten-pin aller.~:lti* enar of ac cess from nil tho above points «by railroad and coaches. 2-he proprietor spares nothing to make it a-lioma-placo for comfort and health. For further particulars, sea circulars, to be had by ap- g lying to Joseph B. Myers, Third and Vine streets; Jas. . harle, 816 Chestnut street: or to the Proprietor. • JOSEPH KOmGMACHEK, HphrnU Post Office, Lancaster County. Ponoa. HOUSTON'S UNITED STATES HOTEL, . CAPE MAY. ’ This spacious and favorite resort or visiters to Capo May has passed into the hands of COL. SAMUEL T. HOUSTON. . ..... (Lnteof Barman’s Citj Hotel,) and will be thrown open fo the pnblic on MONDAY. the 31th inst. Tho Ion? experience ol tlio Colonel in this connection peculiarly fits him for the successful conducting of such a house, while he will ho supported by. the very best aids, in every department, that can be procured. The house has been entirely ronovnted, nod decorated in the most gorgeous mannor, and arrangements mode ior the supplying of the larder, and the wine cellars with all omhraccd in the terms substantial and luxuries. We can safely advise visitors to give the 1 Colonel a call, and predict that his host of friends will bo vastly increased lieforo the season is over. jys-lm jsedloe;s hotel, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY, ' At tho toilfiinua of the Railroad, on the left, beyond the Depot. This Jlouso is NOW OPEN for Boarders and Transient Visiters, and oU'ersaccowmodsiionßequal to any Hotel in Atlantio City. . Since last season, the chn'mbors hare !>oen very much unproved, and rendered more comfortable by Venetian blinds having Itecn put up at the windows. Charges moderate. • Children and Servants half price. r Parties Bhoukl keep their scatsuntiltUe care ar rive in Front ol tho Hotel. The signs are conspicuous. :je2s-2m ' rfIHE MANSION HOUSE.’ -*• READING. PENN’A. W. li. DE BOURBON, Proprietor. • This well-known establishment, the favorite resoft of citizens and visiters..has lately undergone extensive repairs, and ts now one of tho most commodious, ele gant. and thorough hotels in the Union : beautifully lo cated at tho cornorof FIFTH ami PENN Streets, Read ing. Its accommodations are first-class; the rooms spacious and airy: nnd tho table constantly supplied with all the luxuries of tho season. Persons desirous of spending a few weeks in the-summer in an agree able and economical manner, could not do better than make n trial of BOURBON’S MANSION HOUSE at .Reading. ■ . ap22-tf TVEPTUNE HOUSE. ,X W ATLANTIC CITY ThisPOPTLARand FAVORITE HOUSE having been •ENLARGEDand REFURNlSHKD.isnowthrownopen for the season. Its Rooms are laegb, ana eleoabtly furnished, with every convenience and comfort for so journers at hand. _ This House adjoins “ BfcDLoa’s,’’ on MASSACHU SETTS Avenue, within convenient distance of the suri, to reach which broad and solid gravel walks have boon laid out. It is adjacent to the Lighthouse, and commands a fino view ol the Ocean and Inlet. ‘ Permanent and Transient Boarders accommodated on ljbjrnl tomw. Children and Servants half prico. 1 j025-2m ' . . JOHN SMICKi Proprietor. WHITE- SULPHUR AND CHALY BEATE SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP, PA., aro now open, nml are easy of access via Harrisburg; thonce on the Cumberland Valley road to Newviilo; thence 8 miles staging to the Springs, whoro you arrive ht5P, M.-same-day. .Every arrangement is complete for visitors. Board pot week. SB;pet day, 51.25. Ro .duction lor families. ■ Raferences—Jas. Steel, Morton MoMichacl, Bancroft, A Co., B. 8. Jeannoy, Jry & Co. Reference to the Analjsis of tho Waters, James C. Booth, Analytical Professor of U. 8. .Mint, j Address NqwviUo P. 0., SCOTT & COYLE, jo7-3m* ~ ~~ ~ • Proprietor. SEA ItATHING.—THE MANSION HOUSE, foot of Pennsylvania avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, is NOW OPEN for guests. For convenience of arrangement,continuity to the bench, and attractiveness to the adjacent grounds, this house is unrivalled. The J’ropriotor has spared no pains in making this Hotel nil that could bo desired by visiters. joi-3m CARLISLE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN SYLVANIA.' ’ ' - - Tho price of Board for tho remainder of tho season, At this delightful Summor Resort, will be S? to $8 per week. Visiters, leaving Philadelphia or Baltimore in the niornmg train, arri\*e at the Sonne at 3 P. AL j>23-3w OWEN, CLENPKNIN, A CO. .CSEA BATHING. - lO NATIONAL HALL, „ , T . CAPE ISLAND, CAPE MAY, N. J. This fine, torso, and iciry house is NOW OPEN for visiters. It ie distinguished for comiort, locality, and superior accommodations, with ample room for 200 per- riQS m °A AKON GARRETSON, Proprietor. SOLE Ihi PORTER, CJB A BATHING}^ >3 _ _ _ ATLANTIC CITY. CONGRK& lU^ lB . llo * o ** l * for the RECEPTION OF BOAjIUELtf, mid the subscriber 'vriU be happy to soo his menus who may favor lum with their patronage season. *3 Delaware house, cape TsUnd. n. j. . , Tins favorably and well-known Hotel is now open for tho reeepLon of visitors. Terms $8 per week, JAMES MECKAY. Proprietor. THE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE FINE ARTS. - < . .V - No. 1«5 CHESTNUT STREET,'* ~ dailj, (Sundays exeontedDfrora'SrA. R P. M. Admission 25 cants. Children und«t,l2 jre&rs half* P ,Shares of Stock, entitling tlid holder’s family to ad mission to the Academy at all times. $3O. HASSLEK’S- Wt^j^TßA.eMiMsS. LE IV x, BROTHER respectfully Announce that they nave located their Oflieo ftt their residence. 120& LOCUbT STRLETj Uere can be m&de a a mu jeu-tyi EXCURSIONS. ~ SPRINGS. G. A. NICOLLS, ; General .Superintendent. ' HOW ISSUES EXCURSION TICKETS ■ . OX THE '• ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS, GOOD FOE FOURTEEN. DAYS. SUMMER RESORTS. ■ HENRY SMlTH,Proprietor,. BRIGANTINE BEACH, N. J. TIIOS. C. GARRETT. * ,t: - AMUSEMENTS.