The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 30, 1859, Image 4
0 Owl 1.0 /la, and deollei iitfot 6oein -- ---, • - atent , Pe. , • '' t /fibs" P r 414 vi t i. l• - i',. -,Omaiing; 04 NI 4 4 0114 ,/..".. 4 .._ "I"ii,u,kir sat: :7 ‘4-• -••••• ...,. • Taw,. ri. ' , ;4ye11i4 . 40 . 140,1* .."*410411i 41 1 !1 . ' ll {' ' ( • 0 V• k ! . 1 ' ' .I' l . . ••••:,...4.-igo ; l kfin.:,.. • ••• tk: ''"' . .... : i : Atia. ; 4 2Jae:. ,tek,V• 4 , 1 , ' 411.1241,. „-5. t .teif2l-Ar ..;• fitAV.4 % :t•WV:ig AriAtro'2l?, PCi4P•PI:V.C.?:7O. • •'`..l4' ": 4 04•1ti.:"5• .1 " • ,t t e..4.,i,?:lls%rreao.*tt.:SPZ' • 51,4 61- ‘ Mirff i s 6ll ; t ° ''4l`6l* Vlinni WINO" . -‘illYoffi t Of l O N ', 41 4 0 4 '1 ' - 54f-s - wP - ‘re ' ' .';#„o " ,tAtlt 1 ' liiriwialt, 8.-.usuT rlrsi.o4:o l 4 l- 14fng tlreatipor,tolippratte, Wgl f ig l itq l * „,,yak.,., .4 :54'...5.,‘:•..{ 4, . plinethi r tliga:44l • '• 11011 4444 t cn ..)•: i ti deteaL-illkinlitettl ie oiletiPtll*Jeittlo4 tikt ttiexpliißger;nuAgetit, 11 Prigi*ntiffig,P 4 01 5kihig . it 4 45,0tReatisniikeithlkutire, litotl,theimie iiiiiipint ' ' 4441 000=V M ,-', •'-e l "9 4)lo l ,ffb ‘ t l ir i , Plift4 oll obi4fii*,4 l o*. ..,,„_- ....._ rpit4;iwiathitigto ioLloilv. • oitll4:olol,coTrti,orglift 6 ;* 4103 u19.Ccoriam r ,a .rap...ite.bithill 14211 iliiiifTlf 7 :(l*.4 l oY,X4l 4 - 411 0 1 : 06411, or :4 6 ' • .. o "r . x .#ol ll . e 0 4 0 .6# , t 4. 0 ° :6 4 4 e .. 0,4 1 1 6 1 ,0 4 t I°l4ttKPt4ltoVr4ltPlM-Pr°l.l4l'B7•' ' Amintatcty ma ;the ••prthotple. of f, atilt% NI W 4 iNilic, , t4 i. , ' kCi e rt t ; i ii f o k t.44i • on of wrilton instruments." ' And. In noVA, i:igs . Tik;itti/- viiii:XlMaityii me* , Terk aid Eris RatfroadzelmtlilaYs (Paths ziPsi fill Court says 4cl,4l(e i tiniljniony of :six 3 l pigtop'which was rejected littd.nerqtrvanny to, kag.:Sgacifi on ,41411C4 ill4lginireee 'ti•lmso; tiiiir rather to be IntitidtitVW ilistrtletto 11241 'Zi;itinolpi it t .urt on eomenteohanloak , 4 ., ,, 6 i*1 3 i 0 4 444 1 4 t.rt le ffKl i t 4.2"°44, by. ,k , -tooefi-filitigii4ClVid;tio.tritli aiiiitruoi or/. , iateliesiits*di: iwibiVitefigpea 'to _ tcriih*R 1 ,11..20 , 11,•`,..?*: , 4C ' ' 't. i a t,4*,* ,'4/49 7, . Pli:OtP ,4 1 4;16, the + pftis#o7aeu*Gbilier, triootat;.irr arm. Og i rf:l lo _ , , TWAW,II4'Ii4 paint 'otiCtifo:dW 011;136110 IN vehukr of the modololoii4 (123 , y1001i 464104ViegSA/PV‘c.ei, Tgeatkifyipt., gi &foe lo skaia , itliOitol 6 jporinftiithilw to 0444116* telt Akin 4Firi or ea' " if . tfo4 -4 Kiiii4.l - if iiipAiiikciiili - sfjk 44.01,.,440,1,i t iot:•tmrrreivt4ito * k . =itillf-e t il l'WCoo lni~lmnOnt'' Of' Nt4tliii 5"2..a1, Jiiiliellirifelitle r ikaiiiiim trare tbilektrbo ;oil:41:41;04 mitten visr. '.:4:ol.Nimo4li.tfeig+. l 44.ol.- itiwi 4i3.,.(ditt'fi.t.o.).#ol.64l..dthheid.:Ast g:t - pti.maan#.4:iliv - irw*kaisiiiiwig ~ e ,. ' 6 4,4ol 4 l lo4l " l *P i tti ll ks,, AY **Ammo st ii wined to -iii witowiti, ''', _ m lo4 o wAtimir!P th otqw*HmtritatinYllori: maa weettAredeeentrkmed in - eromexam. iationa„-toteetAsrldltrr:ka 911 , edgebf i rtilk i t Wr i f li, * l k ilikt iOt e ft r A illir 4 9 / 1 / ini,4sitia gig - 5%120 :gird Yet , ../ 1 4 - , illf4wict c..l .. ~,,o.M4G:o„.ll4i4oeWtesSfl42,9.lW*AY9* W r if#,, Ups. Ilme,l"abloarttnEvidertieiiett ll , `• 4ti""0%6 caseifniiiicire,tyolta. ;4 Fils4* - 1 10 ita -, brAhrrlittaoi , ii ) filP . !WAWA: Skeen/444g iviltl4‘; , jaital: meets:.(o ,9tVek - AM Ali'ljo.P. 2 :) . , „!Fttni tif, e' • Stif/illO l o* /112 ; s e c` U P• l o ot . ,*,f?t64.,1 - oC4asqeff<iti4; 4a• - hriicii'lfeic. kagsforeeeihe wok tadkuieiroonti,a - tithirt, that del 1 Aairilitiiivriaji "instrument ;iikti) - ija l l ( .s.**+. 4lll6 l ll !°lv'es unludtT, Nlcit4isll4*l#oKilitr iiiitikiiklft4RoPtillti 44 ',: - X4, lq i Vburitnilf.• '44l2%inagi•WsAii4 s i l kilt4lt, l 4,fillg... • % * iaraglicaukiiei tc* Wind 4*i * net. °;*lig,• TA 'lf e # 44 4l inliiirAtigi ' ' . 1 1! 0 44.407td.; .01 , 1 1, 04 1 . 1 4 0 ktottithifiaroV l' 6ll "47l 2 Matitell iiiik34.1.44. - -4 infiktigdairirtlk 47710 giii 4 iii 7- 'IA .4) c.• ) er t"fl'itr ol4l k 4 . blak stiff' r- 4:40s he seYs I " /111 , kali leadiiig tl, , - ~.,15!,;trAtee lostreqesitisAikPei + O , r ;bit/Pe/AV! d icoriung ' to 4g e, i r 10 4, ; wiiitwiit,oet!:)%4l4,:twtol or trittb jt s n ,ti'll"")o4.,lte-IY*44 *in iirdeNr a p thi t A ‘i niiiifth' 4l4 44o l oo: 4 e:o l ‘. l444s Y ( ft which the hisnioent t fitilueb-Veldtaitkyrbtair ta olisbitartee4AßMlVid'o6Sin •10 22 1 1 , 1 44 ligAioeuttillifallfreiafl!kik JoirAck", terftaiteirlainise. of 'orbit `omamlinietton• 1me94,1t. , ithateveg, therefore, indicatil 00 nAterso2l4alm) tjacCli (Ong tbedltuu ot: ,Interpretattotiakthp i lateguage and meaning A the,partlia, in ref 66 to it, and Is also aj :. .. .fonadativi for giving the Irtect•ropent,sso woe. ;Mobil* ;hen cineittired Matt 81 y, ditnii.; l ento ow that lthith it; wmck meivfla if cf ) P ' ' : • 4 4;;41ir0,wi5c:10:1295 Yt: -W4All4;APftor,tillg to .484143 for. tile ' 40* . iriitiar 100144 4 12:11t4)011b14 pi' ' 1 it Ni.obsery.o:l44ll4mot 41 1 , *(Er nti4;jegllsL k litig •!,. 0 .0 1 1 1 ,1i,._ ./ 11 0 . 0 4 ,* . i11.. r• .414 imapiarlykkintilina o, ,f4241k---zjiiillidAlli 4 iti 4 Por iiiii, 0 111 14 431 .R . 0ft'0 r- 1i ai1 1m11 110 4 414 004 1 . Away. ieeetvable, tommorieipwitieK liesn!iiiim9DlPo ll e wilo, 443 hein , " ' ' • t Ulf Oragefolitlik`rifigitgiVitirol testi *s224,lbreti,lookedtbrougii the whole of tlis: 'tiertimolsilii4l o:4alititing read it twi very eamfallydstttai left this Impression, upon WiiharlistiaOthe t r eiot;' ,, obitred" eir ‘ litihrwt joolklmitwelt known to the huh mill,,kTelf IferklrlOO f filt4," and that these I, itt " were '. oltirattonwsirltida. , 1 , think. they • 157,-we'ia .4zio witnesses whom . tz ! iotairtitfeltioi. h it p, `..., ,* Ma ",',tt - ,214p15 5 1 used theta il • - 1' 0 5 4*. r h %/4 1 t a rt' 2 9 , 01rin: • ... . - litho hid 1 4 ' Wil ; and tbOi; Aibirtgit*lfiltindi: 47 ill* t iatt Ebel* , :aritnitlemt WorstAiatit,„ .. in , India .1144sroulif - Ittme-efera itallitiltiOpind. their testimony elle pil EA clear, thigligtenn ~ shirred or eq. P .. ~.. , i • odlll'Araffaltillitnown prior teigtitt 'bero is sorneritondthr4atareen this testimony. i hnd the taitltututy WOO of the dotentlanta' iiilleaaceA Ull l'4Wittii ;AO, in regard 'to *any of , the `wktoptioi f Yor . ,ltW'rlot:oridapss,. Mt. rosti4k will apply} ?that they are intimated to "VA thc f` . t b Ott i P* ll3 , ll *: , o l o l o: ll ,l 6 -tv fq/ (ha C° o l ' " 31144 IllYilmt 2 12 09' 1 441 1 6 1 11 aro itimilt*OlikkiAthitOiftoliallo . i 9 - M of *aloonlie, ntbtierii*ltivriat right, they . . 1 14 41 ttfft ' t...oo ll 44lti.ii!•` c ia : 260 wP 1 , 3 i1t 6 4 1 0* - :40: 41 36141111rfinti!' - ‘ 4labn' can - o(iiiiitilia arOnfringlii . All .• *ln a ' .* 1 4 * tlf 46 ;4oalutior IlhO g ratt r 4- ri ll osheopip,4 o . o o;,, c iutho r ,•fif not entirely • ',..t144 lattliMMllit.will apply to a large.:pkei 440044**9117-sor, th e defendonte witeasa; 4 tljtth44: l / 4 ,tbat they testify that there tilla goo 2:1040)41".6i111:06',Woyott olait!e, • . iltl,4l 2 l l 4ldtilfigie the patent oliiircii 9th i gitOTkilAilt apparent to the ' - . ' — t , lk 'Pi,. Purtp being „ altlrroel f' ,Was : well lble, to', trace.) { •ont. Ttiii';eternt: red or corettga i r _• I bare alreatt I well in”! KW, Ititireforei 4 140 Ok' tad ad -, 0 044, 10 1 01031 i: *0 . itelbfg n.l 0, iti h Arl` ft. !Vil •i: neiV at'id ' tpli, 14 .*MX/ 414 wee a Aint; ii ,litiOtg r ii* ..-- _olitigir 10 f , 4it'lOOPt a' W ie g .. , , ~, ~. i , ,'; , iiMikif . l . ! when' the wo • be.‘t:rireedvitiidreanti , sentbA ! Y: , , ,' ' 11,10-'Piiii,/ 411 1 1 PIAllif.tOgi : „_' . • 4` f * ll : 4V 4 4 t W .r ill + .4 :P tli fek v - 9 " 1 : - : V . ice-. , 464:.*hths did-ttiddiearaii, ;- ~ s ol witactiditi o diy„.,-ohrb4ir • ~ ~.A. „ , Minn tr. his patent . hr • .. 9 14 1 540itr0i did he mean all '? 1 abirrid• 4 *,' „I i rl 7.,* , 4 9 4) and then ' • • ~,„0-3 cii:k•••••4; • I ? 4 , 6ll fi l nit t ,k9 4 .10401 : documentary 44 /54 - 1414 '.:- W if... j `gll t Mei t .il l;i i; i " . .: " -5 t P r•si .' •"4 , .. , •vntse•pliirrsip, ,, :t;.-50v5.5,•' • . i. .' • ~,, i..• , ' 4 / 1 . 041;:t". : v.• ,- , , : •-• .., .. - ••• --3:f..:- z- ...111:::: , • .. , ,:ic•,_, , .441 1 . A4 - ..:,-.- ..,.. .-, -,,,•:',., , ....... 1."‘• ;,!fkk `-',..,AS'' -, -,4•'',1-,:.:!'-' 1 11 :1 11 . of it t iT,Tutto;') lyear,_by ' pOkt calk .. - . _, , ~ ~ I. .66.rolteirstliftilt" : any condlet 'tr. , qiittriefit iitielatiebritrolfirtnlintWertiftifelll' . ... ;Meg .m 5 1it . 3 9, 0:43 E F.P.0.40 ' i"trtnne : ' .WheroiAntereate • are - :so- conspil4ted - d • 4 iiiiiitlilic ti A l jhok . ifelli • Okeills,Not . . r .th.4l4dia. ! Vibtiet "menufactiiiii"'"fire; "the'- ' l4:ltt woita i ftP9"1 4 .% 1 0 i = . , grer 4 er ..ll #P - 4' . ;...Ai . :4..tifilol : iiffi'-igh-A.C-Ad ' flivii•Ceivil49...t4'..iii`itbn . in. ~.Iyll. l ll#llti thd comae contemperatioons with ',.;1 llatlttii4isidonirstia; or: any dedlideiral:.Ones,' - 140 ,: ftiiim.:tho:teeilmOisitit; liiiiiiiitiosVdtkt• ioidliit&thOinottlai.}7'aildllia.,:tidtiti9iithielt i tlO*Oiffldnie;iihibicilkilo : Nicbir:tgat: : imtijeaq tg , :tli6ll4 l: 1 1 4 1 1oilstcleeditiiit to : ) sfo4thsieliqii hiefiat;4! . ritueilcA ; " - to ":.. - .P*;o"t'itist-. l l4o 3 ;;MOPettreafA)titletioi:. ' te , IPA' th4.:tiimrliitietitlter tft:'. ikii;il 'volts, to hikPalent,,ot,:itareh' Iltb, 1844 3 ,:he'.16; it:ie . :lp, 4 nittil it! hy, Weide,. 'ironing . the - gitilit Atr.thai: ', hind7of "s hirred icititie liiiikikigiverk . an' 7 . TaapoMtte-tint:OhOiltitoisttitllied-to.hts oppli- '• 6.551.,i51r.., wh at ' lt la, f '044:0 fie* his, t alent o z enee"i6L4l?as,,which ho *settled. rektiii foliiiiiiiiistidelt Phattrtio :say!, nt "1f0,116 - ", - ..42o".44:l.iliAtllWaiti• apt:lie:hit spid 'e .I[r;;llitvidliaitypsn- the: excluslyiltisht UP ' WitiettligniMintik : 64i4 . shiqatiNli f itik*ipicti" . ",4CiYaSn'k, Pik ii,s,ooo!',4lo"doei . *eirj ,, !- " the .1 - ight to - inenafseinr6.'stilikrisi l liii*ft.....#4lt . ...been thet.langettle, .it. would ba r' . Atli,ii xtV. , .. 1 '.0 031 :3: ,der!;, Ahe . defendant/1! •NOW:sie'-kopw ehat:that- minlnsive right was • S.lNcil,ati,f)3lihs'inif to;00,4114•,:-.114weafthe. .if tug t . re 4 .'intinufaiterirgOcid it 'it Oder' ihe,pittteit,' tilc 3 ,ooo.;'A l t , !_ ,v!:‘,Xtioltt,,k: i.. - 01;x4ir . .. - . Iraids , :ihti appliiiipt..beight '.'thii.,rlght.hittlie X.00*0.3144 '"? i:r`4' s "' 'Shortly ,aftiir,. • applicant sold thrritolorliTent.Achiii,,s!lniiiiei 'whirred good,, one to T enn ft - ..ioit, - *.:. titer to the' , l•lewark :India ollubbor laanefat; tering OoMpany; "and *a third :to Onderdonkllit tLetion:: ,, .• ''% *3 :. P, • .. . W hen thosoftlerodut 'of, 4),oo4l44 . isitil.b . r,y,th6.eseliontreit rights irtkiiptitisfered . ,lhat s thi!.;#o:o4 . griods ; ins:. 'r , r,Ope,/ii..iifiglit ii61,1iVen.444.00.,Dai:”... Ism- AlfelYigiff..9.7.4_APPP.P -; :.:04. 0 9P Aiggoiii •., oi, r oh7theidluerent. other raghts.he has •Sold, 16 'l4, V .l f_ —Olt iiii!'e." l . 6 :RlOKO."... ti:9 l .. 4 ; l o " 9'isi the right SO 'make'. baby-jusspersithe% right to . make diilir,',Spiloga,"ttie:,iighepto,enthe*Ptleapi, foe railroad - ears, the right te, eiaito• Clothing, tho right to Mike baper-hoMen or, bands, the , ArAethltriSkS' . .,liiilliag,,.'&o . ...!, ;:xO,-... *kali Illyi:owtied.tholhii and fibs:At:to tiottopeiiies lilr t VeitlialiiidiCte....ntake!e)titiiii44)e; no 3414iiiier . tylentrelti . for not a' , dollar.lrfit . r.e.;. 4(ii4l - *:ifilii4 i4O : 1 1 iO '' , a - 1iii,414 , 4046 13 ,.. dietteriihWhYttl Ili, 11 44 12 tYi0. r Il i ftkif",,,.*i n g • icuiltfi #4 l !..4 deka '6 n t*lil4ll lLßa * is 'tfk ti ci i d ,:g * o:; aP afetio ';da :P ri oi 'Pt l C'i ,y n :if ; - l the "l4 :i T r r h i l ti rr ir od °: goids„ arid at this litidifirtligtritamitiflitlinf. ,he i5y5;... 4 05W41,?t5:52 . 40 1 5.0;". 'Now, if Day:had -roititeiseholemonopoly to. metro 'n:iiiiii kid :sewed, as well as cemented ilootitt,, no ono' had It. Goodyear: num Ignored it when he made , application for 'the . ettetielow . .. . , 4)." ! ipatent-, fA ifiiitmveF,: / s t t.follo . 85, ,alter ktig of the - goittr.64 - eridas.4:lWeeti himself_ .111f4ft46214143; 1.10fti11*184.4 hi eiyoy, i. lie" one! at, et* `. agvieniente was 0 . i+ to t sideflajf:thi.itsitir64lght . Ofifotti:i • tiOrtinittelSoi thoionsgeilieftelo;:et.::o 'hi* . iffso &IMO. 30.41F110; WOO. t1i, : r41 0 . - # ..1 el44l4lol4o.l)Eiltit4 , Jft.e.trialtd:.-Yottr , aik . , - ; iiipiqgli;699 I . l,oo:l4KlitintErigli,N"kid:Stre elf . • ifoil#4.lst..*.ly44.4iee' peiturforVisgolf square irkiitints4&* 4 , . !Ciiii_Llet ` • We . .Woa ' 1 .„ . % , Re- . feeringattr f lip; t h e w esmttent„dp.Fillebe:sieen , . tithr:,.,_,, IterAlea?,.`iftikk - ilt.ihilloOdgbenitido stdifittitl:Wiiiiitditid* .Matin nadoe the eon- . trj"etir':loo;4l/sal,fifsiedietir,-,tiayli,..nt folio, *SifilliikAtAiiitilathooB6%.,l7oll: *gide Oli Ol!t, • CB4-it,71010.., 10.,#348/14021)n.fkinge. iiiirsttrotne°..rtgutii.tionr% , tppficanti ., !sioV : itl.4<iiiP.lo4 l l*l'OgifiCtst,' . 9. l o.#._Pii@e 14 . 2 _ , iqiral' :151401 ' , a lice ins t ;,fiing"."arsongst others ,, • Iti'lini"bitenit Ceiredt. tlit7,United ~ itittiSiloi., thiptett,retbcNPlV,4 4s *, ii: 0 # 1 6*04 1 .•8 1 4 40, 1 . other jin.iAititi:, , Heat eleitti.WMre pending, for • . * liiistilme,, were severely contested, sad very) fltilienelTia.!:' , , : ,-. '.. ,-..' : ..• :. ::, , • ~•; i e . - A i;r›i.f.•. - -.tir , •. i the'-:,') .: ..%•'"' 4g.lfiatiOt •We. look at billja;pfow-Jorsoy; ' "" ''' .'diti*hat:Petetittlitlvetlfiekiltri*s, " . ...llefringisgivin , Ifialilllt3tIOII:: : it 4.. 4ii:lWtoith,tile:.74sl4 .4.iietieein : thernV liftlii , " . infrlngeinent,',:ted. t . ttesl,44 , dont t eeis 'or 1840f,thit; the. billiti&nnetit O'fisiiilott :Geed fe:oAiitOefittits ititi s Set forth : fi*Moon After . ,i4ti-s#ement and Said iiceute said-fist ",iitii.:. , - . o;.;iiiiiii.#'o":lES:EifiirStaiiinis 0011101 )4: •- . *iiitiirOr r AtOkeiteritlionOftrttqittibb`or `,,ttiflifitinfrAnillig: OtinTkiiiibtiet than - .those vAlitell4,iiii , .;) l o4o, In itolidooif,iow kii:i4iikiliirte,ooo l 4o - orodAlioi.; . . la r it ir0i . 11414/ - ;illitiieisoaOf eciiire4,oiiiiiireo; I,,iiV ~66,j;10:-.Viiiiiii dot:1,011SO? oil . 0 101.WW;;Z:Ba.kb: 8 :, 5 iif 0314..4...iii.4. large :1 - Mitillif , :fir. , z 1! Ear-appiori , !piici.ittigi.;heie, ' ri . ..l.l4l4 o o4ii's l 4lo,o B ;;ioCtf:kani4):3' 4 ..': Jr.,#4;:#lloPfriflig,fll4)!ltl:#4' by ' he, if g T.0.P.44011** 4 .itritri440,044•Wit. 6 /: B OPh ii r:, 1 1 . :44 1. 1Niktkile. s .atiftfcilit.h 41 0 .3 ?.. , . A 6 iv , . 'die Olignio*.W•lehe'lliißriiliiiiiibe7initiiil t kiklijirsfti,Det. • • )t"thYtill? . t!kttr.thteil2sen :iiiiiitteg l . ol,4.lkitre;'"ifs , :ipill . :iii::::Oninfid ! ri - eti - ; ; ;Olit 10 - #40,, :y.i . 4.,z7.601,_iiiii0:-,441,nat f . 0113i . ; fill tieVirotilt bOtirt efAist:f.slerinsy,":fer. s ti+oli4l.lo4A!filli.:!4;lo,..ritiH ', s4:o4 ., :t . .*- 6 i , ' - ', 6 ,4 ooo4 : lB46.,l , o7,nwomOrio . cetta.:nsing . .4nlit4oo . 43lo447to:tilitoi Ottai , eirttellie..tio kaiiiitrisoOktli, making under 4:pie, con;', - fro I have,juitt.'eneinerated -8 1Foib,:. 6 nri - eaokfiiit,itioricit hf0.,, , r, .„ 0 ... * 0 0 04,0 : 5 00 00. Ilithitt'wkren Ir. ilieslit elattlfeOplie.,.l , lF rt";? i -t",! ....;:" 1 .••' , .. 0.1... '.r.,cz, t. ...i.,:r. - .....,,,t, 4, , , ... -1 • , • L sk. 4.o . %l9li,Visififip*4lY;o6Bribst;" ribs yVelict,i,ibic r la r aiidifiiii7ii.6o' .. diriraerniii k in. litisfii:eig Itiol**C4liiriii4a . apy, ip'dteitipi 64' lii..`•itiiiittilfli4hOt - 'ilii;;i4d dbe general loin' rAiitifid.„ oe:OtrAg04:ka08;!!-Tn.the Con .fiii4iof•lB46' iii i l trait. thony.tir; the . artieleit .144.pedin•Alio.'..pntent....ot: MakoitSt; '1844 7 . 00:11:e . contranyiiiii there.jititiektrything to sitopititeeitPiionrY4filipiii:Ainlant to InelnAo liflikiiidnOtk itaieii. .:ii : ttoiii. . gelid . ; geods 1 In Anti ilqiii!-,ll,....2l9,t:Or:tierls.ititltuit' tie very ; lingneio.ofAihp,apkticatitiifor the cxtenSion. of WA pitentili*.l4lsieri(ehl ; :tinti`•,ir its "sop' oty , P to hay• , ..i. , ‘l -: y,-1 . : . . -..-- *--..1. ... 1, • latent of limit also at , tho . :olasille#Utie tii . .the gnitet,of Dupont & Ely.att,,ts Teliiiistly itio • :PT . o l ,,t,l;i i i*t,.4.9'„ , trni , !Fbh - Tot. , ‘ , 3k . ... 4 .;fiiiiid • igOo l ltrWiiis:iine...that was ISA-kit4n; *arid' - tlfak - 441Miefere;'thiii•terd'.Was) . ttti j . tivistlciti of ;,.obedyear .ehen lie took out his paten t .- •• ' • .... .... .... . . .... . .. .. . • ,lint.lia, there anything in. the patent itself of liiiriikikl4,4 t - , (4; nkidi# l .llie!;tosit of this'tirM I tillblinill or: 4 3.ooiiiiiiill ' OY.AtiOilyearipiss 'orltiOklike f f,' , ;iili*iinioti*ii,.'ol l # o o l Linider. its 4 idea t.! its 11iStoIrt remarked, Good ;ear4"dtii'net'",'flivifil' thelitiiid . shiered;, and surely ~ coiragstedl;;lwnte. g :ivied .. that he soVll . lnkiie Joao& in tisirjAletiouary lit"' the sporl,:161014?;;, 5' S p irte d, " the testimony', ligtyill44iiiit(.4 teriiP-Illiciwri'ond.- applied to. an .hinterterabie - Warlett , of:goos, - -; :Rossi Cioisa- Year*etencl,.in:the patent,orAta* ,IY, 184 4, :that :lie invented. ft i.= ice* jtt: it 11::. :No* let Its eoustrlie tht patent altokettliiir...:•Xt_ls.tine, • ;says et "the Cortinioniiiiint,'4ll4 speoifi T eldiskiii that .I . itevelnvented a new and useful iii*iiifecture, .whieh ,4 I denominate' tOrre itsts*.o.r shirred 'lndia-Rubber' goods,ii.: , ,Bot 100 ii . ivilat PO reel ly ,patoota.• Moeshe Patent . d new'reantifeeturo?•Tirtiit does ho call 'tin hi a . aPpiteatiOn t 6 ittotnienttlitliO'ioren; ei tension, when ho eimake.of 'baying Sold` it to Sosdatil 7 :kiiiiv •ii iniirinrenient.": What: doett hi:VsaytiolOw id: hig_claiiiil • bOoslt read thus? :‘ --"/ llaviiefor - the ;purtioaci of putting the -.public in: possneidort ',et thy Invention; talli,deseritiCd the nature Of toils anufacturci.• Whicst4,ia/.l. l oymicl or corrugated goods." If iiiiitiliskticsn . -,9 . 9 istigsago nee‘thoro would .11 - *Tif*AnP-tl. =rorc. ° - !P': the, . eon!tructiesi ilihne s d *be defendeits. But the langnago " ' tilei' .-o •Xlivingi -Scot , fully . describod - the ;V ,i4r, liMil)a . 4t4pl','Cßl:rui-ate'd 4eirtish,s).Tfien'tliero4itif,i. manufa cture be : lool . ttlik,iketdroidWll.lkciA , lo: ; tlkiiirint. oh :the .fare :Ol'. : . difi..,.!piteoL.- ; -11e . i.,continues : • t ? e fA ii4 -2,1/01141, also '06:''!ll 44er tn . , *llia: 1- manuflesturelthe •Aernei What 'claim! iiir,:tesi,ilheroin„(rmillitt'...thai:theie . nits ; tOtioktitiitlikelt big . pkt) and . dosii6 to secure • .)4flitgeji[pittent; ii.:the,f;:i Ming et . suettgoode mAoV,4*.hiog . or 44, tir.throisacalidia • 3piiibir,ro...iuo3 - eit:eit as nitrite "deskikim,/ • Vik,o : 4: - . oqing of said, stripe ' Ori.'.."WripOitti, sides ;tett& .t tie '::lenilla93 . of 1 oloth,- , leather; ": or 'any ! Ttoio:ellitatilti malarial Which' la:ninon • t o : he,nulted "to each other and to Lilo. thresh, or etilpi or eletii, - lii 'nielins'. of._ Indfit-rubhor cement, the'ssmo :being effected so as to' pro, ,dote to; manufactured : ch. as . herein • :Set fortti- , New-what is h is. patent / 1t la a *** . ,.....ptii66,p , 4.)4oii:.i..iimikoltactiir6 that 'was knoWn before:' Itistead" tif: malting tor ' ilikited 'goods kesaiitilibir . treating, .Ithich was st- tillatOry grneeeti,,he mokei them more Ailiiiiky. and 'quickly .I*. cementing. - - That is - mist hefistosts,-s new, mankifocturo of cor -4i1t.141.10041it •It TO . kl.low.:01?(I' niond int THE eft.ESEC:-PHiLADW. s'3 g, llttittitiands er by the law:or 180; le, i thbVetge:bl'isif; tifitu the laninaie fiattutt;-Ari/it. the tostimortY t 4 1,34 4 ,,, and . from the lang r usge of. Gocalvlr 11111041 i his"..applicatiott"to• thit,looindledikteil !ratentli,,thitis: he" dik. nee infeitil:tii'lltelt, lit grantiu'lhe : Oentri,titliffitflNE46 lit:tr goods :n s tig !cadet. ttio:iatontAirrtvpiticti ! , . •!. fief ue"noi geed( plsco;laAApitiliia in lice :Cettateral s thiktlE A:4ood haViff Veen* Any `ottioel.ititeitilop,to# 'the pill of F Gotsi Sc'.sl"4ollo:iiiil 4 l:!ksti . e.'tf itssiggaimoul,sp'the 28th for Sept. ln ut0,438 . 68, to the IndiajtublieK Company, thy* likAute portitikitlthilt struek my -Wed, •iiirelby, •drt connectiort•itith this hitestiel‘,:lter.gties : on to idyl 4 .l.revi, in con = sideration'of the premises, and of'tho:sum of tBO,OOO paid to the party Of tiiii , "flMt•part by the parties of the second;:part; ' the recolpt ;whereof is 'hereby aOthowled, and of the la. riffs heroin ,epoopled, , the parly ot tho first pa?C'hse :giapted, hargalned,ssold, and con. •yoyeci- unto the parties of tho' oocond part the full, ;ilia ol lite, and `exclusive Deena o, itight'acid•'titetp;:,arid,Vend to Aiwa: toheitifsed; theinvention ; lOpthanlsed as the wfme May or 'can be the Maisniactnio of Xll brpided, woven, centeisfed-qr 101064;tabrlie,•or:Snefilas are or riartiii covered;or r prltteeteton Ohe 'or both sides,..wknio44iic . tv;idhor than rib ber:, tindin ail 311100* itaiftelliiryfdgodde."l I cite this`feill the purpose of 'asking this tines ,unestiont Why,* if theta were neit,„other shirred goOds Made, than. those under tee pa tent of March 9,t11d he :lid '1.1100 ( In hero 1 ilocanae it is admitted that Dar held the right to. shirred goodi at this thskii. : ;:Does It, not show that there wore , other- ahliithd goodghan these made undoitttiCipatitiii,lof March li t 1844 ' I cite it : let .tilit t .turphile, iurd'that'atono. 1 tot 119 now look at tho three license . ..attic= 'tarred to in the contract ;,..This first IS the license' to Hutchinson &"Itounipii:on the 12th of August,, Isls. It aonviyi ‘; free licoriso to manufacture, use and vend ,stiirred or corrugated goodi t of every descriP- Ilov," In so far as the said' Charles Goodyear play,have, any rights co,i4iirlviiegos. -Shirred goods of every descrtpllo4 4 NO% the con tract of tho 29tti of Otitoher, 1810, between Goodyear & Day, the language is, to make ttio, and vendall shirred or corrugated -goods," 'exempt so far . as Goodyear has parted with Abe right by three itemisestherefore, It isimportantto aseertitin what those titre° 11- conseticontain: Geicitilyearconvois to Hutchin son .e Runyon the right to use his inventions In the manufacture or_ shirred. or corrugated goods of every description, is so 'far' ash a tjest:to reit. NoT, ie had fhb 40 to sin tije irivemtloria, underjtkiateatsof March o t h; 1844. Bet.there saresome.thlngs that he had note right to do. ", Ho. had no monopoly in woven goods made 61 'common gum,. bat, he Could seifihdright,iii . cornet:Red goods of common. rubber. and of , vulcanigedsrubbor, and lits:eintld9Ktite;:tight, to:sititie woven goods' iietintigint.sed rubber and ? theired'ore, ho puts that De)14:1; also, In hisllntoblihnin,&ll f unithj . ibitt they shalliieSt biM , at ,ttitOrtitsi 4C:tent:Conte per isquartiffitiosaii 4 tudd' ahisfelA.:o44<which '.they ortthigi:damsoi ith imikeihy..or under, • mot . thicitit_Sistsof nidir any ithprovementi, or letterspatent before) Mentioned:" Now, can any One doubt about that cMmtitiotlenl X 4 . 40 net, a shadow doubt that Ile . Inietificti,toigbli. to It Whin son &Runyon, lidensd, f the' right to manufacturo::Sa kit* Akio :nods, iviiqttio : . ) ,they: %lice° sionimited, opkTod 'or woirentand 'to use lit filitilf:mainfacture _his thilangnage. !It could not be plainer; are to pay Good. yoar ten cents per square yatd 'on all thiried * goods idilehlbey Cr their aisignkshati nitaho l or , • U5O to be made (.by or under any of the; in. Sinlions,'lmprevomonts l ; ; l4;lotietillit4 llll )itt fore montioned.” Thigslts•gaydf Butch son Runyon mate itrien'iiii*ed:6o6434.ol: toq] cents a, beCtinfiligierliro Matt them under",thirilitent'oThiarAc t ,4B,4l, I .theycontnititie Ai' eff:aleuth:o o o. Oat) 4 diinltkigalim.#grs.n3',Of Melinda' isofte::: U - dti net: think the •Thigr VialtUgultiti*liYiliii l :',. o ° Mktg': *amber, IMO, :rautehholifin .&. , R ny on. idinvoi Goodyear.thiti , :l . Conse, in gerieral s term, Ibr the manufacture "of ahhtid ;OS, ittrugated India Robber geode." • • ;Vie ,(('tense to Onderdonk & Lots* Wa6 giantiikiti. ; ilieptomber,..lB4s. It is Am a It.; eel*? piptitimfacture, 11514 ' ; and vend Shined bi tortugito goods, of , every description, In ..kefft4 011,994 Year may have any rights and' pill Legge ; relating theroto. It scents to be a.' ,doW`o :61:theAter; and is substantially the recionvoyet to Doodyear on . . Thii,thfird Rein* to:1401i Cits 4 lifalao In the samolpnpirella intagei!:.theirall.seom to coool . . : Orioott.ogiot:';',Vor Feson voyed to:bogged:On:WS Bd-or December, ' ' 7 - • • - There Vic I.rellirence made by the•COSISOI for the'defendiiiite (Mf. Marshall) in Viiiefsin- ment,:to the release °Eerie of those licenses by the Noialk Rubber Oe.s—the Hntchinsoni & .. , Runyon license—which professes to make release, only the right to ake the ; goods under, the patent of March Oth. The.,rolease bears ne' ditto, but WAS reeOrdedXSiGke. 9th of Deisoni li 1f46) - i ittrtiite, "eoPiritlit •en the Part of ' O l CoP:i9illiyikittilil , ":" And the said Com; pisetcovenantii:,iaisCagroier. to :and with the eidtkilharies dooditelis, Giat•griy will not ma rinfaceure ahliriWpi t ititicubted, India Rubber goCds, hi violatiOnN ( 'Gil patent for Said ma nufacture, leined'ikdarlos G,oodyear 'cm the Oth day of Maroh,;lB44:" The granting part hrz,-;gt Know all : ** by these prottenle, that tie; Newark. India': R übbor Manufacturing 1:101X1011,114 iii delielderation of One dollar to likelepaid bYoharies Goodyear, has aesigned fit thegidtharles Geodyeatiand his assigns, all their:lnterest in the Within, instrument, and ovory.::elause, articlo,''Sie..Abig therein ftiontained." The assignment"; is t .therefore; genera; tilt Merely. the covenant, that they will-not manufacture ebirred or Corrugated goods, that refers ,to the patent•Of *Arch 9. But Wis something remarkable that-on - the edam day they made a general release and a general covenant, as follows: 4 4 For and in consideration, cif 'ono dollar, to las in hand paid, by (Bnten Goodyear, end in considera tion 'of other good catiees us therounto mo ving, wo hereby assign, transfer, and sot over to said Oharltil'peodyear, hie executors, ad. ministrsiersoinirwisigne, the' within license, right andlirivillegicand the assignment there. of to us, entreat rights granted or lotended to be'granted thereby or, incidental thereto, in as - fall and' - ample a manner as we now hold and possess the setae. And we also stipulate, covenant and agree that' we will not, after the Ist day of January,. one thousand eight hue dred and `'forty-seven; . directly or indirectly manufacture, or he concerned in the menu fichire, of shirred or `corrugated India Rub ber, goods:" ' So it appears that, finding their error, they correeted ' R." One release Is en dorsed on the assignment, and ,the other. on the original license. ' : I think, 00,far as I have been. able to draw Itiinforence from those licensee; that they tlitrongthon the conclusion to:which I have arriiiidtbat in the jaentracC-of October, 29, 1848 i the ceablrred or corrugated geode" Meant ALL RINDS OP swum) Oa' 0011.V.170ATHD a001113;140EPOISO OEHRIPPPD, WOVEN, Oft saweD, and is not limited to the goods made under the Patent of Mira 0th;1844.. : - - And, this is further - apparent *hen we look at the license to Suydam : . The argument for the - defendants Is, that Goodyear, when he used these words In the instrument of Octo ber 29, intended only•the goods made under the' patent of , March ; 4 l .4l4:'*:o# As '2lth' of May,. 1844; GoOdyear sold iolloydares the right to manufacture shirred itoode under, the patent of Match 9th. The 'tromp exProse ly limits his right to those goods alone. • It Is not, 4. I sell the right to make shirred or cor rugated goods," but it ieciteii • 44 All My right, title; mid intirUit in andth two certain patents granted to rue by the United States of America, both dated the 9th day of March, 1844, for an, improvement in India Rubber fabrics." Now, I hold it to be very clear that If a man owns typo rights , to manefhature goods by patents of different dates, ensile sells to ,a: his right under ono specifically; and' to B ttio right to manufacture the geode generally, as a matter of course the fair construction of the latter grant will be held to be a conveyance of the right, to manufacture, under both patents ; because In file first grant, when ho Intended MErY - URPA,Ire . 3131 - 31 , o°. 1859. Wt.. )(inertia rto eealtda ori-tho.fses-Of itie . g ,tinit,.N..,„.„o4,Li-84413kp0; be nee 000,orine id go over alit gronintio very ablyoectlpled by the learn ceanaetiortritotb - dfdee; nbt ab o to do justice to lip, not r LIOLD TOE TITLE P. I) A.T! ft 9 : . TIES OrIETRAGV TUE 2Oru OF OOTOBEfti /041 J, TO WE VULOA 17,61 •RullOsf. 41, Tl 4 lust:victims ..oiVatt BfilitßlLD GOODH, .oupgays THEY DB OEDIESTSt, altiVID) 0 / 1 4 4 9.V.44....10 :• BM I wintry cwor4 or tstoOn tho deed tt the 240. or Atity, 1808.,1r Ookratmor zmuniois ALL THE magliass. 0011081ININ0. wlitall tllllB 002p4OVARII,Y RAO.AItIOVIUBX XXPItROS *LULL ROT /SRARTF,O tO DAY BY THE OONTRAOTII OD, TLIEr PABBED Olt TUB TERMS OF I'll 6 DERR Of:1808: I do rfotspoak nowabout the valtdrly of itr--whether it operates in piesinli orlfffo loro—bu4ufttf roue stt . uses,terfus whfUh . will embracellieso articles'. It grants to pay ,tho right to usa :Ctoodyear.'s-tuvention of vulcia• nized rubber for the present and all eaten* or renewed teirris'of said 014 . 6; as the ,satne mayor s ian ho" used the manufacture of It ,(( ;. ttrividod, woven; cemented,' or sowed fabrics, or such as aro or eau be covered or protect 4; on one or ;both sides...with eubetances oth:er" than rithbor, and in all articiath,elantic, shirred geode." ' , NOW, if Goodyear htid tho riiht, make ~ f, b li' g entit when ' lie made . It, the title , would Cobiso pass underit,'„ . Is it not a. perfect deed in itself ' ? Tble4eed 'was , 'pt.:: tacked on the ground 'that it^wati nnt valid. , But it fa a deed under 'sealiletlitur giveft for a consideratiOn;and it speattftgn presepti. deed conveys a : title , althongb it maytts;vo. covenantsin it which have not bedn perthrtnd4 There, aro thing's wilier rest , in grantfled things Whit% ' rest ' in covenant. in Rican, at' every lease,or deed,„if not quite every oh!, (hero Is tiOthothing that rests in grant andtiotticr thing.that rests in Covenant. The words lid this grant aro, et I hereby _license, and: Comfit" There it hi,: ; it operates sa a grant. , Then it says, (.4 I ngroo to can. fine." That Is a covenant for farther an. scrum., , Than it ssys;.(f I hereby authorize and empower the said Day to use my name:to premectite and defend the rights and Privilege's hereby granted." , Then it provides : < «And. the terms and conditions Upon which this• license shall iield and enjoyed,. as 'to bonuses; not exceeding in tiro 'whole the stlni : of: thirty theunand 'dollars, and Bit I.olifi,,rit exceeding ?lie cents a pound on the :piddne.t., aball be fixed-and determined by Nathaniel Hayward and, Thos. A. Jouckon, vvitoso award in the promises shall be final, and shall be trtiple. within throe months from tho 18th dnY' orb%) next."' Now, I am not called upon' to give a con struction to this Covenant in this deed, as to Whit might be its °tract. , But.Goodyoar made It, and with It be made a grant in presenn. If the covenant falls by hls the grant' nevertheless stands.: The covenant does not effect the, grant ; the . great' passes the title and operates isPresenti. The covenant may , have beeense Impossible, ity'the expiration )of the time, but yet the grant stands. • Is not that well known principle In the :'common law ? If by the expiration of time. such a covenant becomes irriposalble, the pint' kends. tint, bititioedyear this 'flight on the 24th ' of May, 188E4? ,Thst . depends ,upon the con struction Which you give to ~ the . licento rof Goodyear to the Naugatuck Company on the 18th of July, 1844. Dtd that license catiry the right of the , Naugatuck Company into the . eitonded term of the, patent of Juno 15, 1&14? .. . • ' Now, If the Supremo Coed Jiiie decided that, question there, wocid be mai of it. Beit I do not consider that question al decided In 20 ' Howard. Courts are i Called -# h only 'to decide questions that , sea 'lan Illiem. I A ilm ile Judge sometimes, 'ha' giving iiiil.V ibion, uses , language which, although It ler alwaym entitled ' *consideration and reaped, yet)n reforedco trhquestions thaeiiiitio riot before the Co4rt, it* the deoldonorialitch was noFnecessa .to ite docislotiiilke,questions bade it, is 401 , " of bindin2 authority.:-' The' doe in 10 Howdrd was thie i 'Lleiaittophiliiiel of the violation of' theChattee Patent by: the, Upton Clompally. Of.conree,'be could not- recover unless be could satisfy the Churl that he was the °wrier . .ottiitipaierit,• 'The Court decided that. hew* :64ke D inn l er,..• , •+: :••:,. e.'•: la, s,) , -, • v... : s s , .F ThaVWpoitits in lbeitliiiiii% Vilittill i gilltreititrelerencl to the •Tiestion of the +filidifiNittti deed'O . 1868. In the7oiso of n . : //koiol44o'rit t the . Court 'had' decided thifthe Chaffee Patent was in Judson for Hine' benent or Goodieitr. 1 They speak of two odn *tracts that J colon made, hut the decision reets upon the last contract of the 12ttiof;NOVitu. bet. In 'that *case of Day . es. Hariaßirsi,llt will be foand that. Chaffee attempted ` , to' set iesido Ids contracts with . Jaded+, ' because, the contracts bad not boon , perfornied: I read' ftorn IP Howard, 222, in reference to my, la 4 statement in regard to the operation of the deed 00858 : " From.the awing and ;Wet, of the agreement the remedy for' tho ' breach. Could rest only upon the personal obligation of Judson, as by the previous one of the oth of September, the interest In the patent . bad leveed, ,to Goodyear and his licensees, and 'ikoddeult or act of Judaon could affect them. 'Chaffee chose to be satisfied with the covenant , of Judson, without stipulation or condition as ii, respected the other, parties, and be must be consent with It." So the Court .decided in Oat ease that the Chaffee patent williii/08011, liftlielbeneflt of. Goodyear. :. - • , " .:... ffil,:yoigain complains o r the Union Company fey terplation of the same patent; cleimlni 41t161titinself by tho same Instrument. Tho Court say, In this case•of Day vs. The Unioil. Company, (20 Howard, 211:,) " Tho Court held lu the case of liar/shorn 'et. al. es: Day, that under the agreement of the,sth ot September, 1850, between Judson and Chance, the paten tee, the entire ownership in the. patent, legal and 'equitable passed to Judson for the Murat of Goodyear, and those holdiag rights ; urter him, and on that grouud decided in favor of the liedisees• Now, in this case, thelicenses under:Goodyear to manufacturheloth, Of the description 'claimed are 'tut broad and aniple as were thobta - of the delondaeits in the ease jdst mentioned. Goodyear became the sole owner of the Chaffee patent as early as 'the 28t1i Juni), 184 t, and on this 18th July following gave a linenpo to the NaugateCk Company .to reedit fadure cloths, with certain exceptions, neater all his patents—those in which he 'Was thou in terested, or in which lie .rulght thereafter be Interested, Issued or to be issued, &dialer, In all, renewal or pstente. Ho also gave a like' extensive license; on the 18tii of Barth, 1817, to W. E. & John Rider, for' manufacturing ships!, letter and mall , bags." Now, I have a most profound respect for the learned Judge who delivered this opinion; :but-air the case turned not upon this question, but upon other points; these licensee have to be :Critically examined ; beeriuse it will be , found, on looking at the licenses referred to' by the , Court, that, they aro .different la a lap- , guage . and: in terms from ' the Naugatuck time°. But what does the Judge say, when ho dimes to the point on which the *owes deckled I " All Those various licensee after- Wilfil.became consolidated i n the Unionl , n. . die Rubber Company,the defendants In Ude suit ; ;and present, therefore, a compliki de fence. to the suit, If Goodyear was the trio owner of the Chaffee renewed patent." .'(And thoy decided, as they say, a little below,thid . r ho alas.) " The Mouse of tho dottandid#s - in this ease atands upon two gronside, oithei of which would seem to constitute !a sufficient defence to the suit for infriegemenii First, authority from Goodyear, tho Oireor 4.1. the Towed term of the patent ;.andoiecend, the express recognition of Chail'ee, the Paton; tee; of the right of these parties, as licenseei of GiOdyear, to use the improvement. And we.miry add to , these grounderof defence,' that ' . uponztlie" interpretation of the Cieutt, id thou steise of !Hartshorn: vs. Day, .of the several. :igrodments relating to able patent, and esPO i olaliy; that of the sth of September, 1850, Day took no interest in It uedor the asslinment Of Chaffee, of-let of July, 1863, he .having, pre-' vide to that time, parted with all hie Intordst tenths benefit of Goodyear and his licensees." Those aro the grounds upon which tho Code put , it. 'There was no question before them :About the renewed or extended. term .of the Patent of 'June:l4lB4l grill I presume it was never argued. ' It was another patent, en tirely;rthe, Chaffee patent 7 -and the decision is pet upon the ground that the complainant, Day, had no right whatever, if the patent ilea violated, to recover ; and that wee sufficient to decide that case. But the Court wont on and decided that the defendants had a right to the extended tair "of the Chaffee patent, under the license from the Naugatuck Company. Ifoiv r iehat Is that license'' - "That the bald :10,f,Y4PrObleAnict -ftliPtlighownbendrtiPriNOßdz halhliginetr 'and ?granted * " IPt Ifitglit9,'o44Vglibber ra'jfAff absolute liconan pito anj ant filth!.170011- = biern l „' 6 l'lo4 _glibber, and 1 41Tiyitbittinleltt tli Vrapatatlan , of.rndia 'l4,ol:diet . fer Ilitl.p.ealtsitui4i:aiey nth& *Melo ;if theretiaa- dtsei:prank maple ter,blettltie,'aanie,inefr:lie apillaable;f6rind during the nnaiplretl : tepbi . of all , „l.)atchle:leatfeil to hint110404107:00, ohatsciiivei.i . 'here la a full sentence. He giros It to the* dtirlorthlWeiii - r 7 i;t 7 ;ll 7 Pititeila. Isai to'hinar_lio4lng arty .. ~fste ;,►eifatsuo+reri : , ':And for- and' during the lineal:46'4 tot* er tit* of any otherPatont, it:at:anti, -renewid of patenta, owned_by him'Matla - that he then ~ o wa)4,).or•in which he may'haYo att intoiea4 . 11411(4 Or to' be ;hatted." Thikiltiktil:' - cOyer eases-islietn-be might- have hid in hitereat hit efiatent,whiett hart ntitheenz larded ;npfoo' Courts have.decided that you cart sell in Wee!" eat in a patent that is to beiartnad: 'Now read it the other say',-'as the 'coutisof foi. 'the de fendittte and during the' unexpired term ofjall patents : latiOd'.to hint", bearing; sii date Whatioeier,, andlreneivala ofqiistente b*ned by hiiii;:nr in wlitchheotaX4VO,,WlnfOriat, laanedier,to be issued;" 'tau would have Mixt Using the woid issued twice, heetinie luta - granted, atioie.,l the rigliCto than:lie, of his - patents •issued to him , bearing 'any date-whatsoeVer, thleti a full grant )" , litid 'then" lie gifants•to .theidin a differeitfiente±neeihe id it for 'ild . dirirg the unexplied term„or. terns of:sany-other patent or patents or renewals of - patents, owned by " Does not the : Wont "reiievtale, ' *44B sentence; rOet't , P4enfa,tili 4 erefili*‘o4 by him but not batted to hlin:Lbecanae,therta waa the Ohaffae , patent which"' was &tined , by but net issued 'to hlnfi . -Or' to tficiie 01 . 9 :k lie ririQirt'hhvo en; in4restcfni the invention fo be patented I , - ,-, t ,,„lkTow,let Os look' at - the license-to Trotter. Soe the difibronee in' the language. It la a licenaa6 use any Of the' ,, mach/lie', 0 9i??0 0 7: shlons and 'Methods: rtirnifinituring and .preparing: India itubber ",.,*.-!t- which the:said .parti or: the, first part now has -or may bow after have; by virtue of any patent or Patents, oi ;Otherwise,' fer.and during thri tineipired term or : farina of ; aim slic)i patoptt or. patents, ,or,ropewal or renewals_thoreof, which ,are or . may be -owned' by him, or In tihieh 'ho may have'atfinforeat, or' f which heniai:tieae . tne, poisessed.'„ ) ,That is tiillbront.language tin ; 'holy. :The licit is the license to Riders ,% TrOtter: - This'non tains on expresti'proidslotithatftelialf tarsi _pr qrina of said patents, or any of them, or the renew als .thereof.”. .That, therefore;-Is very clear. , He intended to convey Whatever ho did con'. voy to them during the, renewal or, all patentsM r ho Says BO in express language. , It Is to ,nontiano.daring the.unexpked term or torme, of said patents, any of them, or the renewals lherecif;" In the agriernent - pf - Goodyear with ihe Union Company ,April 23, 1868, he speltkii` of the patent about-to expire, and this is eito'd by the counsel for the'defendards to shot that; the Nabgathcli lleasetiesintendini 0 ; 4140 into, the exter 1 4941 0113 4 o s f , the;Paterit of 13nne :16, 181-1, ,by -this •sigreementi , , Now, Vet look at this a - moment: It says That_ ithere,as the', tiarttee tfiti:nentind part hit've certain rights ind:interoisfi • s in:: the pittenta. of the ,partr of, thw:first,part,..*_, !f.* under lair agreement made by the party or the first pitrt With the Naugatuck Indid:Rith,ber tioniPany, Trotter;:* t ifittient Rider & Brothers, , ',' and an agree: moot made with Rider & Brotherly and Jonathan Trotter ; " I rte' and ‘' , lteriiiis - the; patent (if 'the party of, the first Iphit,'Allitea' Ji4el6,th, 1844,..„ about to expire, find i application, has_ boew made loran 'extension thereof.. licriv,•,'.inT erdi3r-le fiX, deflne;2and: render O'ortnlii thetindebligidiens'el the; ifaitiOn,,ig,;44y,p . receed tq arraago,tho tarilr .reapeeting.; eloth . when made-into. clothlkti Now, 'was - that:WOO :under the Naugattick license, fiet'ac_ r iill ;,;hut,,,upder thoTr4nr ikenee: Theyare to pay two cents per:lnner*, yard of-clotitiwthe plena - or Whewmade one and a half On§ allontill on India Rubber', sold Ir9ihnots,er etherwisaandtwo'and-a half' cents 'a wand for other artielea_triothernin. the , ReensW•tw;Riderd, and!H r Trtit*:Aind?„-net" ifti : 4o . op IbitigrakeOlceiViti thetthere no ' aTs.li4l-9nt to :that agreeinont efßotiodyearAo than; that the' , Naugatuck Meese doverid the'nxtendo term of that,pittonti:.! - ", - .. , , - A-1 ant 'thdefore'disloised to' think from this" Inetituran4,- ; and4`of the'deed May,F4,lB6B,;o4;'ikey„ deo n 4120: conveyed en interest to,Dastin:ttie , ariefes; the.. ifr:friligeiliet.O.l wMch 141.1 ir`nt . spfateedni. Bar rr IS NOT NEOESNAILY TO DO So pi! Tilta‘..4ll4C tne title; of -Day-ori the cents:act lid 1846; and from thtfbetstattention been, ablesto give to ; 14 1-beve beard nothing bi•the‘ argument; an, aree.: . rietirik lel, the r dbeinnentari 6r parol evidenea; to-convince nieihafthi'iiiinia"it'shiered",efeciri*ted," bithe contrsot of October29,4B46;ahotildle, :limited aid riot - 140rd to the goods mode,inder thavatant of March 9, .1844. r: - ruzaasonajwrm, SIGN A DECREE AoAirier TUE; DaTERDANTS, ILEsTitelltiNO MHO!, ' 4.11 : TBATIW FOR IN THE DILL.; The „canoe was argued, on the pert of the pernplairutria, by',llen.' J. M. - B.,,Latiehe ;of Maryland, T. it. Janeiro, of Rhodelsland, and 4. - ',Selward MOW Toile, with whore itin. 8.-R. Curtis of bluest dins etto and - other's were associated. . , , • ' • i Attail s .AND pkyiitchiniprigents totbi Attention of mothers bet . . SOOTEItNGfSYKUP - • FOR , 011ILDREN - TEBVEITNO' 'Alai pest], fsellitaton prosees of teething, by ifOrttning tht eons, reducing all Intlammitloe ; wlr All 4 ALL PAIN and simemodle sattanT sind 1N Firkrii itape ivtpt!n Itimitthers It wllt 'eta .. tett:le:y."or 11,BLIRP AND lIIIALTH TO Yong INPANTit: We ha's pnt up and gold ;,,4thle allele for over ten years, and gen say,- la eonOdenee 'and' tru h' of it, what we have never been" able to say_oracy Whir medloine, WINYAH, • HASP IT BAILED.' In A 81N .61, TO NYO.I PHUT , p 1131113, when timely used. Instance of 'fllasatinfaotlon by nay one Who wed- it. On the con teary, all are dellghteda with dts 'oPeliallonol. and speak In-terms of highest. ' , commendation Mita Mae catefflottemd medical tune r ..We speak, in, this wittier 'de:o ktiow,,wOtter ten, yearn , hiPerlefitlejandplisldeourl4 eipatathon for the 1•141- scout of what„we here, de l .. t otem , In IlitpOS every iiptill#WWhirre the, Infant" Ia aulPiong Iron& pal - nand ealumetton ,iellef Nbe ell found In atteen or Alfen,ty nil°hlo° af ter - ThlNVelnabli repave on . ° fe thh preecrlptlon of cue ' triQat xemai X VOBD sod Nl7llBlB In New itndland, 0 as; has...been need with never7fallina cocoons In, ID' -"' •-' .141.01711AND8 .OP 0611E8. Cot only relieves. Ike otilld nom pain. but In vlscieNei the Stmosob and `e` bowels, corrects acidit, and Wee tone and energy to the whole -system. lt • will almost dnetantly Rave oitteiNttlN TUB pow,EmsArip...w Da 130.41Chandeverporne eon valgons, ~.whlsh, -If . not speedily remedied, end In death... , Ws believe it the H beet and 1112011 C remedy n the worid e ln all Wes •of GO DYtINTINY end DIAN ft/faikt, IN 0111hDREN,4,4 whether-it , art Os from 4tiethieg or from any ether 7, cause. We.woOld ear to every- mother, who - has .a child entrerloctrain any pt the forakolnd'oompleints,ls do not letloer priludlces, the- prelnabies 'ef ;others; stand between rine angering child and the - -tellitit that - will be llliTilti—ytit;'•4lßBol.ll3TlO L'Y 8171t1I—to' fellow 'the - use,. of this medicine, Wel timely 'Med. -Volt dire°. Nona fop piing plli sitoOnit 14 Piny a each: battle. None Zealand Ilnlese'lhei _fact kt of MINT 18 & Pint- NI08; Nett' York , is on ell the eatable wrapper. 17 Bold by Drudelata'tli.oakhout the world., Prin lateLetdee, 1 1 0. 18 ONDAIL Street, New York. . - s - AL HOWLER PROOF OF,,T4E WON.DER 11L PW zuners OP NituRALGIA SALVE -Pinta.; July 7th , Mr; E. W. Tnoisit —Dear air: 4 bays been tronialCd with the tor the last -I4 retire, and hove outfoxed the moat exoruclating polo, compelling meet times to give tap my bueineas entirely. Locale not oat, and , 'leap was a atimiger 'to my elee rgur. feted morn thou tongue canton I badliovadvieft and old of Varlotta phyatoistre, and tiebd Other, remedlee; bit all of no avail. having noticed •r 3 oar adiertliententin the pagers, I concluded tooth on a perm whom learned Rae enrol of & 439119 of .20 'erg etanding, Re' applied the, , I.SALVIII , but onto, rood I felt fuunoui: ate rollefr,et secondrapplication removed the Vein en. array, mart now feel like a diffeiectuien. Since then' plmaloptwaa—aomething that I have nor done for months, bang obliged to alt up all' night ins theig My appotltahoe remark/4g and X foal gratilla to yOu for the reetprotion Of MI himitly CHARLES B • MOOR, Tobseooristi OABROL Street, shove WOOD, Kenainaton.L Der mac wholeoole mut letal, ate. W earner SIXTH and .PABBISH stmots t took C 0.% oorner-notit*HOJWatnut eta, &00.tfl WESTOOTT'D OELSBRATZII-TAR ...NIA" CORDIAL " H " - WestooWs Tar Cotdierecra, Coortnnplion WegnerPc Tar Cordial cures Bronchitis.- - , • • Westoott's Tar Cordial Curti Cotighe arid Colds. • We etoott'a Tar Cordial orirea Bore Throat . westeettie Tar' Obrdlal iturea r l'alpltailort of the Heart. • • • • - Walloon's Tar Cordial acres Ha - rialto Debility. ' Wtstoottls Tar Cordial curea fialtenti Debility. Westott'aVer Cordial eines Diseases ,of }Mom 'Otraolilltli and Gravel. Weatcolt's Tar Cordial eons Blind and Heeling vienteiritla Tel; Cordial Caret Ferutle Weal sea Br- Winteotpe Tqr Cordial' Depot, No. 6:9 ARCH Kraal - Also; Principal Depot for Dr. Weatoott'e Antl.l3croin. lone Syrup and Cholera Mixture. Dr,;= - 11., It. Pi'llaTCO IT:o an be "ooniulted on the 'thole dinettes,. free at: charge. et hie Consultation Hotting, No: S et, (tempi. M:,.10 DAM' MOOSE, Ur eli*- MEM mix, xt. tip vinit Bono. tiumsell , , I _ . t TitaltAgacßiONSe ' ate Nok Isciital4t,Bouturtookuriptivi ArdietteivNei: arivo '''`" tßi a l; . l3 tATV:Vrooßik4.le . " , - Pnblie Base -at theF,Phifedelehtaltgolatigf Turaley blerit*totthitql the huidarfeeseabbal. frje. dlsodblite rot ettelfrroperty_ lateplater7o tttedditlitteetidol erepubliah en - the , Pitsedity Prer TIM to earth sale, oaelhougand 4:dialogue to pasOlet form, giving full deaoription of all the Property to be eold on thb folloTpvellajr 1 Arive ItillNlMNfraglatt AT TUN AUCTION ItTtNtillsrerfTentrilaglactening• ' 4 - 'F.: 'F , r . y!'-1 • AlivAt ISTATIVAW.PkIPAVN PAM , . 'We have a terseltdsointof /NM RAMO at Pri vate` Sale; Itneldithrg e v ery. dendlitibu of Mfr . Ind' eonotry property. .Prfhted- lilts may be had at :the anotton'etere. ' SALIN 11.10IMIR.! r • Real llstateasitatod on Our Prt4 Sato Ree ter, and adrotitepd- 'occasionally lu our Public' ls Abelniots,ol" whloki I,tMJO cioia•s are private!: iNeklyi).._ tree ot - ::,0 - 440.......MhO,Tgodi Halo. to Bookse will-Qom- Itoptember - -13.: I Catalogue OAR - 13.--' July . : aid: Angnat oal7 onnaaloiud.aatga4 aalniatatafolo.-ndt envy wank, u in •th,* ;tandem! Theliniiii 1346fii intai, 11 and 300 3)111 . 4_14 lota, -ATIANTIC-13.1,Tri OTh aanddt.:' PI" nwbillS " 'ilitog-.-011 the jmiuttsee - ,` Athettel " Ci r olt 44 F4t 40 ,440, 3 011 1 ?„ sad about 100 6nB • " • itaTATEI „ - Ob Tuesday Morning', dualist 10111 ; 95 9 .tioak at the Phtledet , Ixobabgs— - - " • Nine* 00047 seat' 189 sitesslei ,praraote n ts, - A49. - alhade Neer, superior fruit ardeMerles, variety, Eao„ Au op the, Nbsellolo Z. Dello/10a Soutar. trltfile'llalf.i'litlWof - 111.0:depaUel the elttledelrhti- 3 Dartiy - Taseeitiet:liellway, At. si t colle [mot,* alatlah lifid•Wiet "Oh,rek•ritil aplls - 011 *S weat of reinoitslrittlm the 0 tate. • 11111'..Stbak,'"&0 .9 will be sold a der, of twq alter the sale of the place:, TWO ,EltOrthite AND' DA1DL1.4.11E18...4w0 three; stag bilik'steptes 'and dwelltagei Noe. 'lOOO and 100 E, Beech street. &arab of ,Learel "treat .Terms emit, *lmmedlate4statesaion,,Tutr,r 1104 t 4 e l 9• "7. Ails at Nor. lairsio lit Boats' toittb BpEEBIOB DUENITURS .41tENOEVS L lNS.Snilltr., KOBE, 1.141.21040_ 'Mumma oAltrirro; - , •••-•oir.nrvoids k r ItratillAt;- At 9 Wilook a at tie - Inetlistatotir totortitioal• of ezeilleotnitebrit-hiod AlLMltttre r tettipArriao: fortes, !ie carrots, carpels, stal l tram :millet Soi , i 'olffiltitirrarikaiSf•Spateitiolto fitorillbt "sto, TrinltneS eale-4n the 11111TID ATARI& BOTAL AhIy.MILIT 100 11011.11- LW- LOTS, ATLAB SIC _ClTY . ,%.l. pi Ettr. ; teniteßsidey MOrahari: • •'• • Abettet 0,1860 i at 11 "obt'ook, wilt be eobt rat pat.: Ito eabloter-the proadeos, the United-States Hotel and about 100 Ibutattag lots, - Atlantic Otte, Newlereee. - -Itali dbioriptioss. ant llthmaphta plane eas/ be zaa at the antlett toonid.• - - t• - • ROOKS ON NANMORT‘ . ..nousr TO Ay at the • • aT PRIVANN - latil:.-41karra in limrlidia:Otlplida inst-lderonatila-.l.okraried and atbsaanni: • •-- PNIVAINIIAIN,—Ihii ',Addable 'p_rayertrial . g. tier or 711th and Ablinid atesetlif Was Wain*. urge blink building dad !Alt OfdiXdaat , ,i , -Tiro"-froater. - z iiiiineos , • • '-- • -.IOEIN'BINNE4 A . 'z ' - : 1 -1 1 f riat'ovrlcri, '," No; MiltiotteMLlCrilltotet,' - (Neatly op the dloiulty'Ocitttlfiniee'd " - = hei,:b7 lair; relll poirectoodmfehitelOithsind delesistiose;eid toke'Teettoseirfio herteed" la ltvi-- 'deooe Ia $u Court of , Maio OotantoOwealth Peardyl youte.,, tie tdmodeiloher 0104 United fitsteeVisa..* • Commissioner of Deeds amd for, the Probate- of Alf, eounto, for nearly all tile 'Motet In Ike;:onlorr - 00nrurtiolons to fakir Testimony, Mat Any , the Marta, 10. thiSilltate;of soy of 'the Cottle In the 'COCO& atm.? or Territortee; qinntiptly•Anit earetnn, expooted: - - „ - 771541,:. 'q,TEILIITEENTEL -AND 1 4!:citrf11trraMtniirn .pAsimacss RAM= WAY- 00 Wyoxor. PaIIADJILPHICI. • . " ROOM 14i tirkttobitascatanpop,42o Wilmot tf Armats.EXl'REss.,ao:;orraom ,4119,(11051141:IT fittest, totereris..Piiroelle,,Peek eget, Ittetthdiee, Ilaak Notes; anlPAlpeete, eltketi iby Itteentlteeli,ol , l4-,ooaseetkoit arttit,etherLixpms oexepeelee9 te Myth* Ftletcdpel ttYWlli.ateteettee of the . ; 3,IIIILIMND3OND, Sul, tt; - r.,1- 6htiat*4ll•Poriatendent. .4 Lzroktorris-K; ,i, , ':IIiTTOILIVRY:. AT. LAW, pmethisla Woitmorttsadi Aranstrarg i , sad la. divas aolmtlier.,,4 • • •!: - 40.1-11- ; • t A 3y-,,DAturna,:re , BEATza 1114111 T ), • iaknas Lettamat Credit far Travalleva, avaltabls la, all parts at tlat.worldi throserthe Mandy. Ratlialiilaa, af•rads, Lomb Atisaktertillaplesi aa4•Vianuat l *ad Abala la. • - -ry •-,101.40, ..,, ; ~cricas - 2(OTX% ,TO r 8 Rik" 4 0 , , ' , - MiIIINIE : -, - 'tit tOtlAriinElolol44,-iiAsiv ';Wr 4i - 7441/ 41 "ftWat i t. 4 418)st. to tit 6 .1 " RP 44 /r ' Pa '"lfi al ' 60004 VANTRA, tali:tg . fl :. - ,f- kt 3t , 2.. .., ~, ,, ,Nopqiiikiiii., 44 4 4 4 , 1 p 1 i.,4,,:,,3 ;. , - 140 , 47; Fli4i ;,,, : 4 144101 ', - . l 4 , irbusar - ; , -" , - ,- , A, ~--"- - __ l4 - it - 4,t 0w .,: -..••••-• - f:f , w4tilizr ~4*,_ Y! ":;•-.' ' -, - sair62r `, -• , • • • - • 5'..L44_054..„••, : ,.., -,,:i ~,,-; •, • :--;11 - 4 0, ,,,,,, - .- ~ , -;- ='•r- I T , '° A, ''' - ''''',,' aniotiaiiiim. .-, .; , ~.: .. , ,i , , , _, , , , , ~ ,A.T.SO6-tirkits'iiiiiiii(CTllf --. ttiotiA 44 1 4 j i 0"" . ' ...... ;„.' '-''-"- ' "." 'AA 0.1. -I %lleo - . ' lopiett Station-, Ta.....-JOANTAI, - AIMS- -- 4 4° ' - iii tiprompity I/of/ludo!. ~. , int It Ci a gn. ll 4 l.4, r pis, frOhlkt Agen!. - , .- - , 1 ,31 1 ; 4 1 , : - IJ'iA = . 11 ,t -' 4, - ' 1111011(1E-Nrticiite. having' km'-the YVIUX , lABBMIOTOM.i. vall. 'VITqI, blittgiewthoi hounrise-LoYeloalv!ied R. liciehere tkey,"irklittod , thelawpator wilts Dersty t _4411(..1417111it1i •-. , - • clarpeetor. ECRAl:NOTlOlL,D,ealeiilgithodyear'i N'lifonitroCtlittildsoa Rabbai:supwadow•Dratt* • inienereassoestasoes with Weidner eheeteet mime hiekkebberarenotilledtheteielesetheemehreletoperly etato . pol e* g acme ; end by Er/ adman; t7l USW diepoieVot fa the United Itatei brie,* to emi.deelere are Ineltel to moans .1111padmongkpot Atom tad to gay" thole Osten for the umerogoed,..axoLusnrs avow. It wr'tfla"Vms ANLlxq.zzotTa Itatiret: nt /Mt' RAT V* OM* goe4 ll, ol9 l ClMbride the4l o l4l *" 2/6 K a tte be ebUanee - et heppetheeter! tieeht 119.116 09,111/90 _ r . , v - B 1 9. 11 . (1 , 311 :Ar Pa.4l: fipplldOfjoif, wilt be" patfle: I. If 'Os mitt jitailoa Of -the r Lsilifshiat of Pennsylva:, ohs 'fosjtliatiouriaaatioa of o,llsuk; _ with: Oasis' boubligrielo, -filth capitsVof,TWO IftrffDßllD, *AD "MUSD DOLLARS, ;to to salad the hthaftirsOnflatiar BANE, tC be lodated io tke city' . 1;2.o8to Vaiiisoluttons,anb fillopartneroliipe 0/01'illetlfiEREBY GiVEI;II, ih at 'homer 'WARRICK- CHADWICK , thte4ar dblietredc,: The Hester ; liege; tuidt'Vtvelnu. need etillhaileathined 'dada the tame 2 of 'COXIJIWICK ar. - - ARC ,el 7 :the B earner •13110OND - MA RAOI, Meet!. • • JOHN K. CHADWICK; - - • -• BR eNOLIIA: CHADWIICK.! ,PhlllialpiCe - /ply 11, 11/69. . •-:. • • 'OI2AI IP 2I VQE!at aiTILERSHIP heretofOre anbaoribtra is thu day dlasolied b$ mutual eons-rut -The business or the firm - will -be settled by,/91110PAI H.:HANSON, who iratitherlseil %to loathe parni:oS,the Om in liquhlation. ' • " " • ' JOSNPIL-B.HANSON, ' Jul/ ht,l B lo - , NORWOOD PRIMROSE, ; • dOatIPH o.AffBP.lf will continue the Tobaroo Cloattateaton bateteesa, and ageney for the gale. of Bow bytire Geario, is heretofore. • -; No.-104 Perth PIATIR Street, - N0..10 North DBLAWARI Avenue. GEORGE .ROLDINi JOS North WATER Street 404 WPOD rpfROSN, DES North DELAWARE Avenue 111MWOODRENTip87, (late of the ilnoot ionaph):l Mimi fr.. flci„) . 10 tike d,sy iasoelated with 00/198, A01,1:4.1N . , -wider Ake stsle and acin:of=llOLDlN PAtIROSII, for the'pOipose of 000duittng a Tobacco Oilw and tio - nerai omin:fission busonat July 1, 1859. O T MM. —THE ' 00P4RT.NERSEIP herekifore existing between the entreeribeie, under the Firm of HM. U. Ititovm & co., Is this derdieeoiret by ; mutual pqnsent—, - „ '- The - ballnere ofthe firm wilt be settled by 0011,Np: 1.41.14 I. IiRADYPRRoand Nati:FEL Linz, who, ere entheitsed to pee the-acme of the Arm for thlt - pur- Me: . „ - 11,13110WN, - , ; J. BitaDIVRDi 8.itd13116 Ptritstattreibt, 7th month let 1869. • jy1.1114 , Coal. qpilEo. - ,p: EMORY 00. %IL ornos tr0.:149 Bout FOURTH Ft, VOW . - i3ole Agents of - - - OHO. C. rbrra & cO., - • bl!norg end 13h3pRere t L h o l zarr - mu La - 0 - 617,, From the LoOlidi ittOututatn'. „ A • Near Ashland, aplAns] BOWEIpTAILL 001:110TY. Pa, Q, • Wz--GROOME & 09, ky. = Dealeri/ and' Oilppertr of' . ranneu,', , BOHOTIACILL, sad BROAD Tor SIMI • , DITUMI*OIIB COAL. ' . - - • ONLo• - --_No." 146 b oth YOURTII lirest. , - , aaost• Pelcrtw nue. apleat- , ;- • ' .;"• • -4.II3.LADELPItIA vivo OD, ORAL, AND' KINDLINg - Iry _ -• & TAIG]fRy IL "00Arld4TIIIXT W HARF, • Bali conelentlyaa ands & large arid fraperlor &Mole of tOaKiaad , BlolEoill WOOD; tnri completed our arraniternentit, are now prepared . Caw the - WOOD-BYITIIII.II-.FOW3R. ' ham ilea Cu hand a eoperlot 'quality of LERIGH. 'COAT, ' or all sizes; aelected withaare. Dialers and Conimmere will. &Alt grentirto'.their adiantage to purchase Aiodtlug Wood2rif:tui.. t-- seater, _ . reHE CHEAPEST BRUSH 11017§E PEIR , 64I9I,VitIA..;—Look at the .folteritig' of. PrieetrrOTAfeedeentbe tied, compare thenS •trith these ow:l4M pmetntrekr. s. , - p4ossa. No. 9, , 132 knot", 7.? .4' • -- No: 88 knot+ . 8? 4 ,. ' 44- • No. 4, 80 knot4l l 3o 14 No. 5, 88 knots, 112 44 No. 0,100 knots, 125 $ 4 No. 7,1043;n0te, 350 44 .•, , No. 8, _I6Q khoti. X 75 44 - - 81NRY diIIOROXIN, 03 t iforth THIRD Street, below &rob, „ , itittiTOs' ls ENOAUSTIO TILES. for Otaluiesitai Oblaniey,Tope fir cottages. ' -`9llcdest Vallee luid lonntelac. ' Vitrigea, Pipe ibr.dreino end water Coadsleics# Ymptltttdknd far We bp,' reat6•U' DIE ,lINIitibT;AROH:ST,REET, ki3OVP frtiabi RUILADEItIinfO. -Url'Orl, a Mt, intueiion of•thin HOTDtLissuperiorly, r edspted,to the wantet,uf the Duelness,Publia v. and to those In install' or Pleinutre:reasenger Italiroads, whinh now min pest, and in elonurproxlmiti, Afford It ahedy" and' pleikSent ride 'to all "ploreo of Intoroot in or alma tlto 01W - * .;#4.6t0 4 14/r an inn#4 44:ork inibilaingalfirki'andletietql las befit eitylkiniPauttnii iisektirkittitiritidevtittrilla - Otentlen teV4DlVAradi oblate" Austio.o l6l k***-1 1 P, 1 1 1 - 1 "" o°4ll/TA - fri!' Goods may to•exani 7/4144110tfogpmmly on Cgs Denting uf - iiitiV 4 • 'L., , - • - l i le-Uch7 "- aft(i ' 'climiltuT a Qom botiteest Irom tr mg ga m. ati.: Ipprziktu It, Atop:, •' ' ;•• _"" ' 4 116:180 wAsararalramr. vAnD • 1101 64hur asolkittgaik -1011 iota tor. girl/Mk of .ffittouney bettishotA Minn:ire daythitp.-7 - ..• • • - - - • ,fl:7",on,eac,,RXiv a i e. : Mdc - Anidnllitir - iaift be total a very jam. ousuipt of 044..mai14e, deigrlP,°l at-7:l"4"viartrar' - • - t--"-%11400- • , rot izi*Asaurt o,s -s preip Oa I t R sOArT liil!h At 7 tt-Ta' s:. Atmeoultuta e tips • 04 .,.L ! , 7 , - . -- ~—.-- - (,--mingey itipleani-vit Warrior sfacai4itiorft, eit-noi; ahapo.l, sonallyontli as; ia/Aggclost st,N" tasti over ise - assgrict..464/Oi, n tOs_:_sgri. ... Pe "Oak, Isrlsearatotagg,4,a 4 a monist istabilikalsat-13- II rotser;4loll • W _ , ..,sio t iq t ityinda, Axiamiw7t: . L ' UPNAV —4 IO OTII -- -r -- 'Vasil libiralii- fair litisidlitianiany frObeene'lialli? Itranclis*pliiiiiiik iimitathirjOSW Catnauti, 111,06111 W. tam eftrafferAdkiT 9 ladituneati ftrik ai iiK44 6 o= 2 algae'', Ineggair eatry, , _ - , i . on, NO all - ' arvalosior lfttlan.Oni myna asiol rThisindl,NiiiiWnissent, isialand °moot aid Min insdi...: raom wow N an'tonVaial_ i'lloanc:il,- . fit. ilialawartirumilit •1 1 :7 -- `4Nb l ii. --- ='.,- - 4 48 #4 '41 4CM911 1:111 41 4 . - i WAD , j S., 4 ungai iiiiirrialrl Stisigitei Ottani alibi on Inelasalus lislf the _gissE aterepriaaa vglar oak/ 4 0* Oka% lo3l4olieleltaila 14O,S,dAcksisit a_ iii i i mat-bao Inught saki; la s am *MAO% ..;;Plas gallineapament IWO sad 'was linget_biLkinglige use trat op,* fra6aostisetriliifisrAtatrikniUalindoll sae beat malut: • Silver-lbenh lagar likin: Pad** Ol• arid IslaijgalLigh# P. , wi l iriat - Ve Oar =Mae ; ' • ;:,,Arroaq sall. altildru'd *bang ; , -11nalpalligig=INSCliasi braolen,Priastriot Ilivi WOW= *los 'el adokuto4tri ssanstif,6l 1 lifel. lj sAlls- ntiv-Sr'qtaial,Milrn_ ..44- tur .---Ns. Ar: !,..2 1 ihril,eitalikei_444. 7 te.A4 q 1if7 , . - - - `1" 1191COt it *A3r. 1 0 Ala, Vast Gins Anaftiiiingplia . Ont i rg-. ViratliitrAVOOVlAl/107`.- Mitt' WALNUT sii•t, Siniunriit akin sf OEM s Iseeetes444 er oft Eteoevioeloceeftftetth. Menelle keeel4o4.thealse44ol44lo4ftolkeol tette: :614 Mite the ft: 40'4440t ti•As• - .110,7 with- • - sr-- The Mai is Opm sistyltir trasSitsMisett ths tssitstsg till to'skpoltjaths moist. soksat , is,dlltsrfitlfir Slashes. WI It.. delaoic ' • BOA -7ElMltsestlesi t at 411/tsso,lteoretsty:Ti't': ,,,, , - - I * Hon. Hoary V. - Beanwri - - - IniNterillilheseSeh , Edward L. Cartept,e , , ,, , - • 1 Vroimybelloblirti 4 ) - luall , UWEIC Ilelfri4m. - ~ . • .-,-,: :Ailitoire_ . ~,, —• ', faitlirrepori,; • ._ , !PO. JAPthia_lituumi;, , L ! , f•itvgabliaisiikt, ' 7 It4mayiarieelsod,sai barmrente inadiii. disllt t e‘-', - - ` lb* taieetmati lietiViosifetiatrlith. Iti siravidowitAtiathistkill*MoVlONArrige., OiosikAlkale, satlonie.„4looo6oll l l3loMidn reliriktifilaiiiiperrect - ty. Ao - _ tl¢ _ - _ sad IrklaCeihroOt ‘ - 64- - to QUI.: Potitotilm. t,--,, ,, , ,,,, f - • ~ - r vr,-...:... - 5 1, ookly $ A AVLbte. FUND-41147111W-qtrA f fill , Tim IXOWANT; Myttabz . istv:44gion iiimit4•l6 - snit 6461A11144 41'444 , _43 MAL cot &a mandi.iiiihOtt; seittoi.'l66l4f/Vi i' p IZVIIIO7zIII- rum fm0,4104.0 4, 4o ooo l F:W;uttillw4rb' caws vot*friii 0 iibutioWarilignala. EVllllNGlityptt IMMO on; - .-P4Arra for milikip -110#4.0451,411 4-* .1 10 0gmali - • rieslekint-41TIPMROV OICLIVPOIV_ Tlimearer—, PUN .241,Usr t -0111.11111 . QPRlNtreAltuitif 81iTINGTUNTLOtfr P., MATT OP FSILADBLF IA: (Mae . , Igo. 861 Ntalh'XlMlD"llree6, oaisTi.4Ucatottdition Salltitar I i! ' • ;1111. 1 (41/1-4 ~1; • *rifts jeoitioig:iiiOßSTsipitsiiniiiiimi Fistl4 41 1 1 d 000 1 00::411600 ,sattoeiyitk.fillXZES vaitt.11F1:210001!0!;60000,61010di ~- /Vroordsoolo.4oli-iollikitki,l6o44ijoiollololilme btoliamitod fa the NaMicia•patt ths- oity;ao4 Tioreprh, Goofs* tiavfok-rind Sodot, JPIL ism Qat , I•7 4 o74llo lo 4 ol o o oroorttriumloaidsiCNlZlZ JcePtiG/- - 41kir,R 1 Ou ennialbeat4-- it; My.. Masi "tays !holly by,a-AsOn3o_adteesuse• date - Aotoithtelt, l o l oo l 4oVoo l ol- 0 0 , -. o = )1210 oikt9ileVonotlikUoti 10*.014011.1 :110 001 From 0 to sjeolatoaksloo,4iiiiiromakesse maw DAY from 6 auttl Veto& fa 1,14 - • • - - - imimmaa, _ Arredtoiok • Btopheialimitit, ' Tack lolllosl.ll6ooa 11. It -Strong,. • 0. 406101 4 0 1 0 1 0-1 , 1 1 111 :0 1 - • TAW. - •-'460:g0 - • ZoolgiiiI:Oolv011; 0 00 x0 W 6 4 00000, 'rthe:Ti !Uri, - C. Robert flomblion: ~" iaauto 11.:PENIMI; .0046114. ton:, JOICLet RAVE BACIONi & CF;Ei" lilateile Oink% galletf, Ihvbi; k 09.4, Sad MOM Cle)ii tuft:liar TIANOIL Also, Mo ttos do RezeLte , * %drivelled 11110.0LINONS 101'1C16. MORTON!, in- dealrable Ckareliew end 'lmetare MP- SUPERIOR - PIANOS. a - • , - W/ILIAX - PLaNO.TOBtIit MANMPAO2II2.I.IIB; VOL - LB, 6, ind.7-Nortli- lIITAW, titres - 4 and Ito.' SIOt • BALTlRlOltEtitrott% Wilma Charlet at4,-, Light streistaßaltimore, HIM liW67ll'oll - k9lldni 'lle assortment of their eapenoartanosirettoomended y eersißoatee hem B. Tkalberg, Btrakosoh, and. ether celebrated performer' to be equal, itnotanyerior, to any made tortirlo nnintry. The durability or Taal; Pianos will bawarrantaajor Dv. yeast, and a irluilesd of-rcrkajUrirri illCrt e Xatira ats .mentbs, boald - tber notal'Hra Intim Manathetarin; lvitray,44-‘lll=, dalltrialineiltrant Mt tall, at the most reasonable West.- - • .' , WILLIAII , I6 NAB* r 00 - Meanta- No:r ,ircomETEur Street, Pllhatelphliy'artr oar aathotieed 'AgenttiOard will koep7.atmetaatly on:hamt andfiell'etifilaran at tnanufaftaterla prieea.. _ agaf_tA ' - 'oBIQSERiNN,bi SONS I ',: 4 114130/4.C702111111 ON V M' • eqtaas, - .l4w..unilear-. - MAW-ROMS. 10118fITA:81118TNOT Constantly fa facie a lango steak of oar BRatillillt, and 1311.11QUALLID INBTBIGILNNTO. • We - hare beam SI, At the efferent lizhibitteu la this scants; sad Inrope 38 G AND ItlLlElpi PAIitatOI4O,IIIIPAUL PLSBOB TO -12CARDWARZ 'ITRADE •-1--1 4 h9 - -AL"Seibecaltrize,AGlNTS SVP-THIELIALH -OP -PO. 11100Nr - S_ND'. Domnrto WOW WANE; Offer' efor male the following geode allowed Wes .-Lewls' infe rior - 01;elns of all %lOC brawlingArtoe;_ 14; hater, fifth, breeikeragon,lonete;_oolloshig; mlne, and other Chains ; "P; Wr i ght*, patent :end,othat denrile and hoes ; L Horse Palle; round -- and near Bake Pone; short and -long handle Wry Pane, lizaelnior Safety puss for blasting rbektr, 'Bed Betewl; AnnerlcouiSlatee; Black board Oregon" andtheepenteret Chalk 1-Peble and Pocket Ontlery ; Oast 13440411teland Beeps; Oast and Wrought Data Hinges ; Strap and . 4 "D "3.lingie; Alinlet t Sirava; Hmereoll'e Minor" Stros,e ; Hodges"- •11: _Knobs ; Whites' Drat*, Shovels. and_snades,all - kinds OW and Manure Porta, liatem,,,autt - Aluse 1. Sonthgste's ritent , Wrenches; Loki as& Latches;- --Door and Shutter Bone ; HandoSleego, and Stone Hammers ; Haas and AMON goets,: , Undff, - Shoe, -Olont, and Plolehlog Nallei:Hoseghr Pant; Hires Flocks and Dies; Hatole's Snarled: Donn:m.B(We'; Ourry:Otunbe, American nial,,Sagllali Soyiltse,_ Scythe Stones. an d Dlfieekti/eWans'. Pumps and Name; _Moleenes_ Dates ; Faun .11swe_of all kinds ;-,4tnet,Hatehoteplanuners, ae.,Di gene* assortment of. Hardware- " - _ - W.- Gl ' LEM& e SON., 41100Kbill401I Street. Mir SALAMANDER' RAPES, A large akasektmetat ;;t --- - aNTANB "It 11 WAT ' ILADTIL'PHI A. , DIAWILVAOT AILD datAAMANDAR - SATEB, • (11 ---•% , - VAX - LT:- Dechtly Z flank* and DANE LOOKS, ' - Oat MtOrdidad. any ealker,= -W)- maw A. - WATBO4 2 Vatonak SOLTETEI 8 - GIVILui-a `eAt4,. II winos, 10ID CIINFITWOT Brraat. tisk.(4llg - ,•4liWi 4is:iol3oiinitroct, to_wAre '-F Wahint, STOOK BB.Oltgit 8;4mill - dealers lailffer oarktilerPererluel, keouriftreginetellp — latent( - the /Brokers' /hard -dsilroterd . 11l AIL orders: for -, the per. *hue or sole of STOOKS. - ILLUMINATING COAL OIL--Warranted' -411.u.equal -;ant fire brallitiog and - 4niabillt44:lll tg imon4A-ploatirs. Alad !Abel:toting Coed on. • • - ; II; 13liAlis AJO. ' • Pa 110 ali***oll4 MEI willittrikiiiiattislirtileibt — riiiscif VRANKIJItirri SAVINOE;',IIIS '' , /ifct: leertentet SODWID- Dereekkbetifee• ObeeteeN: 4 teeek mew sibrue,lN getsiriad 'Mr leeemei. fleeiieDieree XjaßOOMP in taeenCOS.Wi t. 4 .6 = Prides; colkootnotitly via res'Seileic peters , moierf,'bet bin% - atiaulissimmi to retara with fume oetat.lactozositotbootatiti lua_ . ...* awal,A o alk,'Sbliqhmspoy debeeit'W tbbleraihs' Atike;: too beeblielibdie can be vitithAeneent bpagikieraseaVi W airtu r sts4l = , 44o o 9 o l4o4Netklo%4Nbite a-Nem! ilibbl. - INV e t a tetigkebjek eettibm treibeialdee DAC— DAWN AND BINALDNUMNIUMNIMD: 01005tti gt,eft , 9 1 3 9 1 1 ,1 , 2 1 !tt.. Waiadedarmamanaritesolp, - • -,, amuivso . -. /No 'oe*Sstli rtirm linierea aim 4 4 - urea ,-411 4- 16/mrp Bittaiumukl [ Og 3 Ef: ,, l rtV t ;Vir=w fo,• L. - hAARLIWITI'sI4O I' waulio l - 41 44 1 P, ,• , , 1, Dollaillive4 trtentearaibilPs;',' 4110mr. MP` PIMP" sad Welottome to Stoat. . J: Z. eouLn, cat ousaroi. 44atiiweirj. , liiilo4koo.4"gfeeit';