ir re • f VW•4 14 4 -; :1 1 ,5 )) 4 1:0 1. . f • A•4:2„4,,, ' 4 1;51...44* . ig : 4 a • W4' A** - !----4* -14.; udit Lifo, - 5 I 4 A . • ' ' ,4 t 46‘ ffle Int- 1 PT.44 .mOrvip,s, • `. •-• r:if! • ; " 1 ; .1$.•Ii14;':"' 1;1•8: . xzga , ... 6,l‘tte 4.4.5; ~..-,74,, q ..., . ..,. 14. - . 4.0.4 - is ?,c7w. ,31,,,,f_..z , :',' 4 ,- --4!: - efiz-x., 44 - 1...-Avii.t 4 1."...f .- • , ....,,,,,.4 ei• • 0 . 4 0:7,,,-': - : o s, , A-i's 4 •o - 3 1 •4••- .' f.Vs' •,. t', - ..1 "-A. - - ?•.:_,?• t,. -3--, ~.*,': '-',, ..• 1( -r, , . g.'t , iol' PIZ : i - % ..rv. ; z:V4 4 4 ...41 )4 ? 1 Att l ,ol : si. :l. .. 0 '75., ~ - it.?-:,, ,: 4 ~.,,..,.§„,-,;,„ 4 , • ..: 7, =-: A', •,y;p• E t 04. -11 6 ; !•• :'- ); Z : N t - f . „' - ' 7 ' •S' i 'V'S , -1- .. - k1.: ,. .''1, , . 4 ... 4 1 .4 I:" s• - 4,,, , '-'V .‘.:-.: ...!••;,•9 AP . 0 5 • +,.' •'? .? ' \ , 1 ' I , , g • A '' . .t• .. , _ . :II *i.47...nitig.r. Assak,;:,,-,,-1--lireAriv),,, . „ ...--,- 30) , th.... - ~4 i 04 01.0- ttri ckb * .. ,,, lttes.x , , 4 ?:- • . - --7 —/ 11 , 1 ,-, . ' io,r,i 1 1 1WIrm.' • .......4v R.. at t'lt ' i:l6 •;,, ‘ ,..„, w ,, 'latt e tr ‘,13, ~ 4276 , 174: - 1. , r _ . 1 4 2 11 0• 1 *Y 411 . 1 ? -- , 1 Toboovfm 4.i' : y. i1 14 . ,evyy , .:4 ..._ . 6 7 liti, Yip, . keiftill t, :" 4-7 4 7 2...0 ••• Pr.. t . , e,• t • • , Alt , '-• _. . - . m _. 2 4 1 ., 7 : 4 - •. • ~I,i"-; 'c' •.• ~ •, _ 44 8.. e tVlri lti ;,- _ .:I ft6 9. ,-. 1 c. r . Icf4ilo 'lO ?At . . ngiv !I'll 'l4 no Al ~ .A . nopire Aeiitak ir• limn: 1 'o! - one [albino t 'or 4 1147,notiortety laying clahn •to the author . shlii.ol;•sagie famous worh-zhose real atOor wasliiiiilbi the grave. W . what can inoNce - I.' '"•Oiiiiitiiis being to the traustiarent folfeof 'r• , 4 itog ( Or hers,) a bOok so firth 'l 4 • . Affool-liolm's lind4..-..thi0..,r00t.,4 • iltafollatl37.deceased,.bli frifinds would rha .it' 4 ' liiO4kbObjetil such I . &feline, ft• fa to ex': liiiiir.:: , 4 get(aiiiktiihiTo*estii 7 Mtkilag Jii . thi s lai VetiirAti f ailii r iltifilir_•f o /14) ps,:ti4 . powe Yrnmpthrielf.ilmiv....ttiovii: 114'lt'?failftti.bift011:•4 itftosuaf 1 olei t iet • Vei;:kil . ,..iliolile,w)l i pirfif ons A ri . Ttitt; mit" loil;ll9lmileTiltetpiilt '-iii44o , , 4 ` 4 4 11 h ' nag "ci b il it it l 4 l l , 7.4 4 4'il l it' " Px .6.4":ZW47l4il.l.6;ifahafklarvlkAaai•PlallflOta" nafildhia 1 ' 4a#4 47 0 4 0.04;#114ii" _kg• - red - iiiiiiittia i l. f 4)*A 9 Rigi.AM tioiaigittickr4,l!. ll r!tA*lfvFais l, VFW*, 44645,*•tit*:::#64'4"76, 0rry.14404f1ik,14) '.4114,PA.474/48...75444 7 :14‘. 1 40 11 0A 0 a 41 . •,, boat; lthet:faulltbrahlii v'effl team 1 * etl , K•ift r i f ite4 ii ghfAg ed6. Ilea it. ttififfaglivlffilitAraresamaifF.. w7 l. 47 44 I lili lt 6 1 1t ° 1 1 , M ai' .74 1 M t tiff l i .7 : .., e. ch .: , '., -94 7 14 f Mila-k i fft l ri. 3 # . i*m.rh5 4 ...01'! 0 , 19. the , b o o Aftaithiletitot4tlfithr §§l,4/11,roaltn*iterleee 14/•4l4;irgoireg i ki4sli 'faitalai ( the, '4:to6k fiu l if t ptioo . 44**iei . elitot . tie. - front. , cr ank ttN. imatilqa.l4ol4* ar iPP l LV oo l ll l ll o4. ll4lloltstii 'o6lilw'coppiiii.Wryitel;x4,4 l thno;: Af, • yourrnisi3o , Of laiiiir.av- pa, d4iiii.*, senteillatijaihrif!o:theE4q .151016;:il oft: .44 4 4 1 Keiri.t 4 al.**001ViC ? •491=Cl u lliaid. that 'emirs: Ilihostwoon, the .English ;0#4 . , .114triiir, ) Iiid 3 1.40' bit ip L tlitU'l'li'a,ltad Dot tiA l itki(•' 64 034,pf 4,o,o*(it; . pilfiles , - - i limi, iinuic:ini-Analgient . .***l,l,o4riaid‘ 1 'ittai MA,(All(Kfitifiroll44W-1111- '`.recellellifAt4sii i sieWlareflifogi Irliff: for iodlgnitti)iltdnii i t pligt) 4l o,o l tgoL kik' r iiiiiiltleiliAtt r iia a ti - rit t gA; kii6i . : iftfoo‘.4 , 9lftelh‘Bo. ?I(44olrelet•••cif: Asi PeOrtllPll46.4lloella t•Pretamtpxybor;;; li e L r .` a lattla'AliklPSW, .0; 449 11 34 0 iii 4eny Ing ' 044' 2:iiiefjpiit;)LiiteLioonts's ;atatements;:rolloaaidotei:4l:lotter fl•om it fefAtf :or sat& ,f.aoidigiWiqojaiting' life belief itat*.4i, 7 4 7 l 73l4. ol 7 ia4 o .affaila•lalm;4,hiff iiii ie t,4l, 4 .4widoirigoe' vl ioviaarnot to maphi ti-Vilge ", ' .lfloo,Co .l .ttPrOci li A c itiqi Ap too' - I ,loshisxmktamAimi Apiii i i w iibeiniirii idooklati AO HilithritAibor; 1 # 34 .,0:01:0r 1: ".4 0 4 1 i -4.1 0 0 40 .* :41111 , ti ,:w 4ittigtoca aohapier Leta atom mblefh. irk. ' Liaorn, for, reitatilieirlitriVV.:#4llkitahlfj 'fiasliiit=eitUto - dit. 7 ' 1 ,...Y . ; - .. 1 . .;; . ., 4 at 31 ":4, 18 # 011t*fi ' n;)," 4 1 0 1 Y' 'A; tiLtafkrea 6 1 4 00,...0* Lifenfit, Oa a-- •-v , Yii. ~i Ivrenenta . a. fair c a m, 4alitatl6llll(iiirerift .1 . ;!17 , r ,7 • ' • ; ... ililllo. 4141Z/.47siattecitli aohinia: ` afehtlop top - 41)(olftherateli guinea att the watherP ci. r 1 A4.5ta14,0,.... e t f) .may be remembered nivu,...asslza lyblely Age premed (bat ' l _,_tv guit fl ams throes (fieriest' 114%; doit „x,r. 11 "°1• 0 (1'9 1 hor and Ruthenia Oer eat IfoSserttes to, this heltelf,44” lig' 1,„„,„,„.,„ ~,,„„,,5 „ ,, iehe!. theilauters 'lllbr iped i e4garyig9e4t,, • Ili , beffsvpe the ilehthrlittetee in: favor , 7 9r•th propesltio I to It ltehrrwititileir 4 qh , k tleCtie r ef, ji ses,`,l4 -whole' . leyis •Wifllo6 7 / 1 411•The,i,;:•, - 4L'obsilettir :shatter tole at orlirePoiritt9rittieWpedoktiw,3*.iiitio iiiiftsit letti o getoilesattfitp74l7t7aphrr. ord s '...whiliewk fp" eibii - N.)(it Ittielliihi or, . 7 . acre. stit • roofehattvle.• hiflttWlishist fa" 1011,(46 &meet eictsijihant; :iiita or *wit ra#B4o 7l / 7 ;,' , flikriattetair kiwi atm , tOgigliclis hi ll AI sr' Bode," act ibleataaso bf • ' liatty*Aitli 1 - till 6' 'nfee who I.WinbatededVeittletkh •firteeer- fro IC ..14014014thes!'Book of, NM Itsisoni,grebe o , a wt • ot mico osa f r os, can . mistake •Attolis %liked t' .. sl**Anittatat &ambn itio lot: , miiitti, ..,, _,..„ . , ..Au .mmigathittotfitti f irc - --1 iiiAtittlimillticralli.oirWipvi the ""t • . #• , KOheiliiel Wel ioVtlievie,whif - - 4i,:"'"n..pum...""".Zir" 4 •1 4 11 1 V -Atmeefflf./100 ','lnflata , :lfewitt6,f,Ttil coif - .. rope, yea seems is Jilt icifor - seaVD(e 'il at iv. *ctosay,3“ivkaolni. to- the. *Mar; fit' Z4.i qmeB4 ol shire,,prirstirs.,lo.l , 01 ...,, . ~ '*.Pil lose `tan . ... , 14 44 , 1,„147, 404 .ns ..k i e , .Wll,, - i f ' 6 - 7 , 4 1, :pr. . . zak4:„ , ~, i*4l4, i ' ly cpms..l); . iil; madit N lA f olt ,Aus ' • ! put promos. that. way be loanittie., .itialsoi,ifetho emtit,,E? to *lmport the bietteekt lit' 114firttle, Who Aire yiiiited iti a (Ask ; k :I'm -0,10140-Pato AlsoVot, a itok al 41 3 . 1 14hiur -w•or. TeithlwArgumbot one read' ohJemon ,ukiiiiil taken-. " If AlliMi node '.', 4 tha,,wortel or 111 7 111fiazNaid Wiry iloWliVWl4 do 'ultimo avow ,itt vlveretidissafeelturary aieobe on therososti` • Arm' , fib. y *Het 'Alt poitidlell,-; and asentegi.W availiwavaverwatermild, ft posettelli'ald the 'Ole of i I Ifbay .i arly otaegw, u , m* we ate iliehieiteiCtik in eoptsurwellain , eirt ,- 64109tradiliit'ettplbltd,'"nor , . w111;111.•wid , 411 re. Itiwltt hi^able t t: hi tie this!Jstatemsett e it Good •tiatbors , arer :Meade: aid:the ,pahlterLhaie , tic right th 7 s k t thilr , 1. 1., f1700 41 .. tli . 1 7 ,:tv:1Arie . Pm at Pt : t A. ' • im.:,e .r%J- ,/St * it VIV I ? .. 11 440dit°11 11 44849.4 .di 1 roEs Arati old t it • ...vrillleilit i o .presotrat a A 9 4 4114 .0 Cep: !0 11 tasPigor . ensOk Iscistl wti 0: 4 Y2: - ; AV .. .,... =.. H1t4/ ~ /, ' '`l , lMB g k,4l,fd k"' - -4,8, .zeteitty L D iplom tic thaittlingai " 5 4. i'it t 4 lll # 44l. o 6ll 4o l o ll tht :04404,4-tilttafploPtaix4plbo prOdifit.,Adak 11rilt'101fillti,i-Ayoltokitojoiips to an end. U ili! t tlili! l 4 4 l l Wi r ffOallicgO" been ''' Uh t4li latPl i wil l . l4 °llo lB -that . 6 Ve littiv.lo 4 ,4 l 4t4 l l 4 (lll,lte:•#4lte peselen • .M . - . 104. 4 1 . 1041 Mk( *P t MoneleartßlLLS ihromtuded , ci i ii it air Wiff i Willik*ti *rot 1 4,. 4 . 1 1KA1C- 0 10-44rw iriatis lOW :wfd, outi hat irsitilfif . ol44ll-ftonili-bingOi in 4otfa s o BoottrAttiiikityitteg:7lo4:l(rOtotetr; Vlll•liqXitiF, of /0.4.7.W.,4601111434i0nid .411.tgoot: rldr, abut JA V I ": 115 1 t t 1 / 1 0, 14/ 73 4 .4#1 1 : 4 1 e *Pa• • nejiptlO iiiiidetteastir poor."-z Vito bttbi- N l:44 *, ! k iira „,„ 4 . 0 .04 w earkok. ., FATIY; ; WT , PriViiTAIT - IfiOndett:iilid liquallfallikentl4,l isii4l;e3 ne.-ru• • norAlorsolt . 1 /..4 ••••Ar.tetaueo .t • ' •pf~i~i~`~+. Ley-.~.~ _.r. - ~i~ -DTs' "" i .If t i v ilit Cariel N . it . 1' ' : t r i a , 11 ,... r . . , 6, .:, ew or .-- rpoildteicipitaViii 4 4l: , Xl4l-1 x -.:11 : -->•1 1. .34a . a f ..3,.c0 Ak.; , ....d.'.. , •e, . .f I I ' ' I.l ' •• • ' '• •' • VAYITIPAithiS 29 1 18M. - • ;,igiiiiiis*pii,q itizoi Pilate r.Yese skalds+, 1 :ii i i2t l : * * Ar tb rit i t e i t. t el ! E :ROP l 4, 4 0, isill Attest 'tdfatf Ye 1 41#4400 - "lijiiiriipAll*2 ifin.iiiii: tipge -1 011140,q:., 3 !ifr0A-An4.. k*v f k- ortoi.;, msg. 1 A , .. le 70,q entail . Cif Itotala: 4.•isasPY l •Af,irorfastOilifillilfatafed prOoft•ln litaiki to-bet OetiOntitliwiwittfbeitAsehtt In Cep; f,90,„ 1 , 1 "; Iff,lo t tt* tite Out here loi ~ 4 4 :001 1 it .. .!Illi..Blll:;iibloh.Weexesslited by her • eniiiiiet;:,,Osimillii, not-11.sallY detartntni Jell,:-441110,14ii rg,'..tile: •ssonrso • that.lie beew.puri thailik:4ol' a' :<:.theientiost ,by i bls pensonal 'epees's} to -thy•ligiPatitiocitiy; ,, eiroitit Aie °new made • to itijadiesii the pu bite . , rolod ',against Ur. por: Yeal;t4iy •liilorsitsreeetsteloris' of 'the one' in the ;ptibliis!nbirePaisiore, 'fa... soli'e 'lista - I:mos by hired estAor,fire,lindirr 'Mitre. bir-inoeimets tsnentannt; ' - !atithinifizipieiSpo4i4oliir,W!.tk,the2keeti'in her t110ta1.,__..04 ,1 /i4 : .0.e11t Poe!tieiiiiiil.tiero entirely .inhordisuati land ,41wisidiary, - icliteAmen is '.we re IbistllVititt Kir elnel air 9itibeein tarried from bit I . A.i.i.thiti, - *.si.tbe.),;(6l4nthet 0 i - ,,,a 4 . poi to r 'iViibilsigkeii , thilt.)l4 4 /figOiiiiii Pre mete& bet 1 *RR . 0./ 11 . 1 iif AC 2 ! . .; 4seet.thisse.ndsitepresentettoca, :Await be:detrimental to Mi. P., in bir.natise totyi tc;' , kgrikkoki'. i ' ; ;lleerti• 'IA' iadoifloaf tualavio-:. : iiii#3l '!4!iliiit i ilii: riertepapere oaotifidog,itieni: tip.,f9+o.4.tiknoloie to: attention a reply, Itoltimoessiritliti elgnatare of !‘ Jlestlce;" iwhich '#l .o ..kolikillsoDee•parels 'of ..tbe24.lnst.,,sehhibl . ol o44.44.*Psib!!kkk In your Piper..., 731". iii -I jUiti.-:I uoji'•iiio.- author:, if tliel aimmaltiobilkirAPonviibut ih# expikariaxtsibtli i ItieriiiititilitiOlitil:eKetfireir d• ... the assail a 4..1n! SiS r a ...,..„„4„...y„„,„, Of. oruellkyl4; i R OO _ ' 4 000 . i:A0 . . - . 44atiakh ehown by re-1 1f :its! Is, feet- Intioil.byilie reaorde Id' the 1 iestitt r ethietlef t leitreWitre. •I'Elttiatalr bae ye- I eit:iielfg t „. 6o fift i i*rfo4. r .hiti:firmor beetiend I; ' i ktkilijtrattitlletOgpri.gPlii.)isteg. " ipinolless': lt, g(l.44oliliii4ent,iees.proiea. by-the deposition(' . I ile!ttPiewer etaitag that she wee In tbe - reoeipt Id I. '' . "' ' IA Ti I . annum r h •' • ..", 01., Niotio l .4 0 Ire 'per . pm, ex pro:. Otilitiiiiitoioli o . l.llfernie, BO Much. for - lA - 0 . •ikio,. -4044 . 01 0 .g.‘dwln Yorield. :411,s :tifibkitithoni;of iheolc-....,Justioa '.t pertraysibil! I• - • bory t tiii!?itiblyi, ehatt "01 ,whiiik,ii:iiii? •licti3Oii:lgjisrriaa 41 ia New York Tiniei r i. ... -irirt Ir . o.iio,nety and jranicly tor tka . ell* tfb‘ 04i7r4ad ,Statittee of kfor York * ' iirlidrahlop*lli Otorostre td hold lop sets' • liffiiiitiaicigifiiiiklUk.PrOst, rtooapti IcigiltliAllifitiiiitat4gifet for' the • .Ittfelfliiii-jillidoiiidtCliimaegtelatois. •-• i4i : • olik idekiralmpEn mi.-44040 At. , Co.'i iinity.alant etr ee tii ;UV, *Mired" MI *thillskatiiiitatelitiffoitet.ofraiNdrld iiidli: 0.1.4400zAig4,04644 Fp, Zigr ig” , , OsSlat fasted get% thigfeetittre‘: ; . , 44 -7 .4.••, -- : . . - 4 . 1 ':•( ; -• § - .i'l ; • I ~ : k AiitiO t nttlar;asi itifillifi;•llfatd' 'of 04 . » W 43 1301iievidltillei (iii2lriiinfilikeePie' J ' * • :..403iliedideitYNO:thii Wiriderlfotiliii ' ~ XdittiOitillif. fu• -,1 :,-, .-. 1 ... : 1.:..1 t:7,...f-drivg.46.64:/.-Mr..{ . .•r - : .. f r- • 7.::.., 6 , . •. . , .. , " i 4 l oloo iki°B o liiik°l*"44iii! . . • i l itil,:ifiti k iiii ~t..:eni,:Oseirliis il l° • l ob 4 iiiifeiiitt"b4l?)teeper. o r sele F l* 3 In . II rstibteiliffs'oi '*iiiiiidn'otuili* AoiliO, il . Toile' iiirtAistitlitiiiii44iii of IA ' biutiesi • 4i0113111U pity, lselpfeitdgfadeete or ,‘ Orittenden's Commercial Voltigei . . Arid ; th o ro u ghly convertant wltti book. 90 its dranc4as, . • . f ...; 1-1 0 -, " - :• --- ,6 - "' r • • M A I L . - .... ' F ' :ET MA 1 .? - 4 get . ).`1; ""1- 7t ----- eette... ~etultelannl.” • •_. • itkiiiiiiontie Ike Ilmes' ......:' • . • 4 i i • 1 . " . .r...r, • . s. '.. ' , 1..! eiwiltWvoit,.,lrtly 29,1859. . One of the most • Ir4dtcptitions Correspondents, among all our public eKls James, Buohanen, 1 President of the United ' Melee. Whim we ion. alder hie exquisite eallgraphy • and the Mot that no inolimenuseript can be prepared Without mu:emu, leg muoh time, . and requiting a great &set a e(' otireil .the numbeeet:listtera betas -written from his 0n ..,,. .... . frguog Its i ppiftlojil lif e, ,if -gatiereil • Into volueoee, e li'iistinateillikii, Would startle t he ,-. . • 144 , ,rauit i .. oko":Vi'7.ll.l9lpßw. , , ozirovolubiob oF ! ..... r oplianliki . in, e crsol, If Otton,. Adams, i 4 'the 'old 'l..tiilftifClikaFfillPP/I;IP•du'?'"6"." 1 C : t 'liAll'fll4lllooiiebi.P,.wfies,`,tiriuld filn.'far. e)i et , lie,;:itturtliiiiti l f'irAildliii 'een ifi h n tin 3 • to Ittlit,t_ l 44fitio u ntr 014..11.1"it'ooi3i.9htqc Mn. : '4 •„ ..,4trtuitio2p,oopetl,b,rimi government ITol7,itlottcysiiiabgttov(ittlitiansip; treigis 1 tO iTt . O4-teiettiitliOtriiitt,lliistfliecti. Ihetifit: trdiii ; 'llte.ek e liittflifl4lol 7l4*V ilie i miiiiiiiif lierivii!oet. ,5; , ;.- , 0041c - x. 04 ; Ana ' :,tititritii6:s;,) 'cl'iro)i' &skill? altilii'lliteleite , and ilyttarloW io.' litiolieVuOnfthe, iiiiitleitens,,`,iittfil)etstlalr agtl:. ii.ittlitifillfilid"iiiitefaliisf Pialolfinal44lPillimen,' `pabliiii*d fiiitistWe '4364 . .adOkiiii . .oltieems; and litterianitlenAiteni and "palters iJfiluit' a ,e•la *me tipqtiiil4, Casio lit ' seas 'llitiire .oaole •titnifdas;. `Mid'. %die' irmial I?saiell i(a 'edit the 4 b'a'ron . , ). tailiter.' nhiiiiiiiiiialeel.ill!islo oh' irieletrilf dikorthiliiitlnees 14 hit oefiSepondentii. VO'theice iinki te'titi • iloti`eittiti4iy; truer ho,wag etately-add dignified. ` w riting, "iitittr; Samson said • Orion. oceation, an if be expeoted to read hit own : letters Itihiti'libitt'morning paper at pie hien kfolit table. l.- TO . theis he Wishod to' woe to Me Anil.realm •-birbeile, to v inieloy 'the I attgatage of htinest'Grif. IBM ini'dtissittrior "Ilaiiiiisal ;sVolhiey r . te Qoeen 'Catharine s "As ,sweet as . sienni# 4 , ' - and es! rally; If theytweris old 'enenslee,'ieMetobeflag 130titittiral. axiom, '" :A 'eat diefeer" tutnetti .. .. . •Wirly. wrathi."- It. the - strew If piallitotv-euo/, for limiance; eiderlog the cs'tnitign 'of 1.856--he ttu , ;Went himeelf frig neatly. orsd . deribtiege hie auto igeaPh is preeeived'eMbalaied•inletiesider' for the see of poiterity. .It may, liowever;:be . isitfe:y as iiiritetl, that It till tble eorreepondinde Coed be ox- , poibd' to Ohne olOW'it' weal& be &aid 'teconfain' no more Inionsistonclewthitti''UsMilty eitilltill'it, Or allefigerb the'evritiogs' of 'an . 11Mbitleue; Wiin,tishb . hislbelfri intent:ln! thi :pnitult 'dr tito!gfitterlng, . . ldWocefldbf....PresideneY' during: 'ull thei 'active, !pieta ettf:thli s. lifei '. Itl• is " erne ' the.- Oilifo`rnia Meallleßillroad:letter, - Mmielderid - Wlth'reffereme oallits+tliniq•lifaiberp and object` . or lii.p'repitia;'. ;limi;Altilettertif the 12ther Jill?, 181, tOltobert J. Walker; whlto'Gsvernot of /Vials,; and a few' other camel . 'lndfsorettons; might, in the liandi 3 Of the hietortani , IniPalr' the 'symmetry ef ttilli cot , rave:dame ;:, yet lire 'ebauld dorimirthe eigkreglste of, suohli ,oheroter, l B,llVrigtinl the' Statile as a Mimic , Without . .!fleseetidufg . ''to 1 firithride • the 'tstivial-eleteete , which' a' elder!' iturpeetion' might ~. , • . . ,espotie. :-.l3nt, of 1 all the ' men to whom , Mr.. Boohanttn •gare his most utaretarved eimfidenee, there are'twtr who deserve to' he pre eminently ,enviad—fwo into 'whose kOlOtike he poured hit ()hot: , east manotai--twowho solaced Idahoan of moulting tribulations:: linefla .111/1/1 Glethey Jones, and the llluetrions !,,Ilnks..: , - Whit ^ v 1.601065 missives . they must prosiess ! I•Whafbufthie.cenid hive Induced the - . courageous *dieter:Xis , of: Mei Bashanan . to . . . Jones 4, - .Whet,sbut= , thla ;Wield' have.'indueed hi s ,affeationate; regard:for thattonfists. and 'distitt , Salehed statesmen ? , :-..Whit but lids adult' have% Aasolved Matto resist - all Pannifylvsmii; kitino;hie' s • Allielred•to _put him tato hil 0 ableet ? ' 'lloldi6g; .. as Aphit beldihieraryleartetringeilt is amazing that he.rdiould: ham Uciasented• to Coinproluise'all his . . bopionpos:theniddetit'ministirship'st the odurt . of , Frsnoic jamishz - 4 , l3itt - Sinks beloligs to another Oboe': sirlttlike;JOneb,lirho held hie treasures for -Private'utwoJinke;flur!you of Philadelphia welt , remecnber,,tever repaired, blotter !rota hie friend,. Mr. Buchanan, withent duly., making it tis Pablio' Wepoeilblo; in .confidential quarters;, and it was ,pgrosable :to eels how kindly the candidate Mr. the „Presidency. responded ;to the generous and' Indus• trlenceomixfunloitions - ef lilt friend, ,No was laolceer;Oodurretion , with% Mr.. Baohanan while, . . - mink ter. et the .Cotte6 of Bt. James then . .Jinke, and no ono understood so wolf his ?riveter aspirritiona . felow,ers. ble -,donialif to...Bennett-And others) 'u Wiilltei:.7lt fa to lb le emlable'weaknestion the:park • rot 46;k:friend Jitike - _ihitt I atn'inde hied' for i l , ..“ k lyosii or thiCreilcining Cartons document, :the (ilthilehkiridelli, will dualities:-be reoogulsod by 'MI who report o f the 'amidfatal pf, . hi,latttorfeWtflepterfentetiveir,aPPltated tali; 'vett*tireit,te r hitibitriOtigaitiet,lkallairjr.beisilt: - , .4eltitr-;:f"..', '';',„„'., ~., ;.„,.. •-„,.- : ,, i ..t. . i • --7-7-71--7-161 ■ murroLlayselkly itt,:y.ift, .I'l 4l Mr numvltette N. - Ao' ” _ 'we to_ _,. 6 reakfeet nhh4adrioirTiocscivticAptio t t . neat or-wommo;• ttiod:WilithgNitSidthhi,? ' • that-nearly; every= . body-was r males ) a'siop of thit'lnfatnets aback Forney's Prets, , rthiobj I!" regret 'to say, imams to' •be eironlitted here, as If for the purpose of fle;. stroytne ‘ myrdlgeuitiOh.....i3oose of my best'frlende,. . 241 tharn° l tO 4 °On take it . .regulerly; al thoceb, 'oat orderer:oboe to my,feelloge, they do not rent it lisi6frolestiee;`' I rioYer read that vile paperAy• keIM butloelfirg Curious to Iciferi whit bed gaited. this great nottimottptii . l indmied"mY friend, Major ' ~W2 - 1-7_, to inquire the ; meuse, • open which -hd NO formed ailitistt 3-copyor a ,letter porporting!tp : lir 'been ',Utah by y r estitome t hapi been lost.lis, 4/111.0 4 / 1 1* of 'Weihiegtoat End had' found' Its Wai• ata..TAe!Peess - fXbroughlbitelertfoOs of ' Omar' 0110;j4Iti, It dAt onto tattivbf •the'Puro and • the iT.Jr-bi..... Ms_ eels - Piittioill'arlY, - otinY? Administration slaw ,13 4.1ifilkno -,thers; - apprebendlog that yea .UllOl4 svertaidaqme things injurious to one ociOs• ore *anis; ...tgot the Major . to read me this letter. / QQlltare to sot; that I heard It with horror, and 1 feel .boniii , ,. to . enure you that I - -never • semi ved the e -Qi rig n loath ap d Wyeabingtoen trill u B , llecome by calling uign ;Geo. oblige and sllreot lug httn.,to t make as positive and public a debts' of Atli, letter of youra as he did- in reference to my letters hi.. Wendell,' - .I have COMO' erolplototi that Ihia PlllteS.was not found. by'Judge Bleok'e 'roes: gauges', but. think that ,It leaked . out; .as 'other things, have leaked,ont ) .. through some rascally, porim er,,. y lleeee tell Postmaster Getters' Holt to i 0 - ,an immediate investigation. , I trust yet. 1' ;more careful wokttielottinvani , note HS notitenhyt. ', ~ . • .. • .;!.....,' ‘ l ., • ulerar * X prooeml to °peek , to' yertvon • other, toile's, Ittticsomes my duty to inform. you. that :I , wal cm* jtelteet tet. put Into the Bedford Gaserfa a forma:des:dal , of my 'befog .8: candidate for the Preildettoy r lttind nearly everybody et the Spline pppOsedla Me. .Some of , my oldest . .frlendeJ men; ritem ,I . hayeJttiowa slat* my - boyhood,WithoUgh.: morYitrill-tome, avoid - talking , pelltlos; and only those toady me who are in .exprotant positions.' 1 If:You will leok attbe'phreseolegf of my detais. 41913, hotiqver,:7on will find that I hero tett *large avenue open for escape I, the nomination should be ,oloed ;spots me. (loathing /pm resolved upon, 'at 'Auk gate, end la this both . Bennett and Bowman 'epilik'wlth toy eanotion—and that le, if 1. oannot 'stet 'the nocoloatton tortelf,l ;will defeat either 'Douglas; Wire, btephens, or' Ilieeklitridge at the enlist' dpueentlen, lor will ambit to defeat, glad at . the election In November,' in 1860. I hate done my best s lo'paritlyne the Barmier:die party 'lt tine a longtime before they frosted Inc. ..My.ebility wee far above that of Most of the pub. Ho mon or Pennsylvania and I ought 'to have •bees Presided in 0148; 'When the °One ohmo. to me 14 was only booedsti ,they , eon', ! , not' do - With. out me ;' and befog •nne who remembers le jartreo If not servloes, • I ehell'not image:to avail myself or the opportunity to repay this dia . ! ',Anguished Itbeanh reinotant isonsideretfini of my ; merits., Before.. wilting my, deolension, -I took up the two great lexsoographere-LWebstei Ausiltichardsonand I found that the word." oan • dldsite " means "Ova who, when aol ionic% °Moe or 'hoder,'woio a, garment more white than ordinary;" and that the, Romans store a white garment in common, butyiben asekir g or etanding for ease, they wore it'mprii white than ordinary, and re -11 fte?hed''the , white - hue " of it Let thoeo who otiose not to.uoderatard the terms of my deolen goo be, eximoniehed. • My ambition and cravat remain unehangod. i ' . . . " * Oir Penneylventa politics, I one sorry to repeat, to you, are not in a'good ooadition. I bear a good deal of Bigler ; be Is working for himself withoit the ellghteet reference to me • The Insulting allu don to lay' werkpoN; -in the knees.' lotted esfeey where to my &Atli:Cent.. Be will find that I one aot 1/0: ' week in the kneel' when the limo oomes for big re.alssotion ; at any rate, I would rather be weak there than weak Ito the head.. The ekulli of some tneitare like black-oak bark—the older thoy grew the thicker-they•get,• I woe told to•day that Col. Bee:4Mß expeots to lose the delegates in Washington eounty, notwithstanding I appointed hie son Andrew to a valuable platten in Nebraska. The., delegatos 'from Westmoreland county are already reported as againat'ua. Foster, MoKito - nay, Sheriff, Hogue, end other 'rebels,' have done this. , I believe you have elected your delegates -in Books, and as my. old foe, Frank Vansant, is One of them, I can, of coarse. rely upon hie enthu sigetio support In the 4th of Starch Convention. I wish you wonld:wrjte to nay friend Lewis 13 Ooryell ';at once.; I am, told that •he Is 'for inn, and thinks I am; for Hunter.. Let •h im rest. Its Allis , pleasing delnslou. , ',On -second thought, I think It would bo better foe yen to go to•Dooke county your self and And out what General Davie Is doing and .others, and In order to make matter, all etraight, I will write to Tyler that be mast let Boom alone, if he dooellve . at Bristol, and that I wish it to he entirely, under your control. ' Tyler never did any good in Baas, odd now that he has boon put at the. head ,of- the State Ceatral Commit. es he will:heve his bandit fall in trying to convince the Irish pentoarato that General Cans fe right an unto selleatiomand isslaborto g to orove that we have car ried out the platform of 1856, that the lien:loaf the Territories were to hare no ,control whatever over tbe .subject of slavery.- This question of naturalist tlon„by. the way, may be handled with soateakill and effect. If my friends, in oonvereing.with:w4. ti-re Americans ,art, Know• Nothings; wDi make my platform tbe.esse letters, and :lu convoreiog with our. Irish and German adopted ottlsene, will make Judge Black's letter my platform, e ll will b e tight.: 'I have suggested this Idea to my excellent friend, that diellSguished statesman and unrivalled diplomatists-Mr. Haldeman, the editor of the Bar. rleburg Patriot ei, Mien s . who,. from his -for sign :experience, ie' welt- calm:titled to illuminate this Mactdavelisut polloy. It's a great outrage, whau - At it considered . that lam the son of an Irlshmon, thht I eentot be permitted to take a little liberty with the countrymen of my father, without being hauled over the coals and denounce d h,y_tua4 mon as jokn ,Mitehel and MoMesters, tf, the 'Freer/m * le' .roirpcs/, es ,hostile to them. I confide' la' (lien .11 reatly to' *eke' all rikht with' the Germane on , t le 'question,' arid although ' I! anti ini tend . be returns - from :Servo , in' a very I had homor, (the fettled Noe compelled to dietuten 1,11/%lllov. to see him horn before he has pubilq... ly eqmpoßtod Wilmot, - against be.','can it be pot-' . elide - tifttreY old frlende in Lonceeter . °entity or Diehl birth - hive rime off on this tstalgentl;:s I wlllsj not believe it. By the way, it , was resit/meads-II eery for me' to do something to conolliatelba IMO. bets of the , Amßatan porta'''. who have,been dis posed' to oorao.over •to me, and partionlafrly from. the South. Sash men ns Rustle of Letitia/31V Plke of Arkaneas, Randy of Tennessee, and Mar. shall of Kentucky, bad to be convinced that I Ives not very much attached to the adopted cdti- TEM Plitine-PITRAMIX* r • , A; • se 2 ; ettelibtget thelrlupport nudetta 4. lly ' elrourn iMithlitTek • . , •. ; • I titi'iltit'!agret with y. a ir to lair: kills Plttetirtrost, and I am glad their Get erell/Olf. man, ot;s e Washington Canstitutiodi has not 'co pled bid artiole nominating me for-the Presideney. Burr tea really, been made my enemy by nos. Veldableolroutztaisnoel I ought to hate appelet• ed him 'postthastet at Pittsburg; bedeude-be Wad an Old friend of mine i -bat I yielded to oomblrallons, and disappointed him. Ile deed that the officials of my Administratioe In Pittsburg are lazy or in• different en to myself. lie has the battle to fight Mere elogle.kandesi inslatono,,ena ll)l4,tbey. are, Mang, to, and rohdi 19 go fur Douglasprilreekj Inridiro,'ho Metes for me to oompel theta tihofst 'their cattail '" This Is • sehold'aeorirat IM de , ,monstration,..and I tacn only au rprlied sivatlorney aud' laborite not' itee it at I dd.' am very 'forty that thy friandatbroughout this State should have deemed It necessary to attnet :Brecht fledge and Wise so soon. 'Whig is it great blunder, and if 1•000ld • have preventhd Hen.. Hamad of the .aonetittitiors, • from; bib. assault, upon I , should haye done so, but ~ L really, not' fo apcusibfe • for that paper. - hear that a crea ture ' maned Sudan, nt .•'Brio; •id thin; State, :(labd haa• defame MY ;ebararster than otbar Inert pn our like frontier) hat ,etteeked •Wlie.' 'NW; Dttai.o never bed any regard far Brbokinridge,:and, einoe Wise Ilan shown big independeopo o sver" . little,,for. him I do net think that aellanits upon either; at this time, will help In reference to :Philadelphia, .1 never have really uod,eratebd that place, It haa been opposed to pre front time of 'Joseph Id the netted 'When I • Sans' regularly 'Po septa by • the Demooratio party for President. , • .I.bave tried my Mottos on that, benighted village heretofore, and thiy have eirtaye tailed • yOt I think they Molt goosed at , lest. • And (a t the reptdn that there Is • notOte,df my old edppOrterain Philadelphia that I can name who le now sincerely toy friend, but I ' have a host of disinteriateffnew friends, who have always heretofore been against tae, and upon rims rely,. Henry Id. Phillips le one of them.: Be Is 'sharp, end is really for me; iluingb hiss !fester ing' aloe fOr Valleys rsed'will goifor hashes &. be . g a " d 4 M u c b g a ri n t 0 6° I Ctior wil le l tdonn o , t d is o tean t c! se ll, h t e rh ut il l i g i b tul t 'slip'slip , 'ov'er • to Dallat, which would be the worst) thing ••• for ' . Mari it mot ' been for Phillips'p devotion taDalles as a minister at Lon• dort.l should long' . dgti hive rellevild myself in that qUartet. Oolleotorli ',Ora in Lancaster county, does mot-seem to. underetand.Pbtladelpts la ,polttioe, end I !led be; necess ary to take Charge of that btainess myself.. I would . trust - John 'Hamilton', the surlieydr of the•porti bot be hes O. liking for' Dallas too, and would be very apt to sell pie out if an opportunity .offered, bavinebeen. applinieil'witilellt any soltalth.Jed froth Monett 1 bave tome bailee ' that .13 Air and the neer postmaster, . Mr. - ; rowne. - will he enabled, so to peek delegation from the. oity for the nett Der mortals. Vote Convention de'te'prove that We have not ekpendrid our power to vain. Jridge Black it anxious trip. to . Philadelphia to stipend M t this,bit: he ;halves's not to be the Man I would go theta Myself if -I Whit' w deals - lee kbeu, Shrewd; cantlettelfriend, 'who •wttl viltit'Phll Adel •Pttis, behind to , all the friends of o u sh r se,,Wise, Harder, Breetinridge, sod fliokinson,•and induce them : to unite- with Baker. Teter; , 'Hamilton, Browne; and others, against Bonnier, so es to send a set 'of lelegatee to,the nett State Convention that will go for me ft? the nomination at Olathe. I ogres with you that Judge Ilia* is not the . man for Governor.. I am for' Judge Sherwood, who has been bare for several days past, and who •it a • fine, seeable, and egroseble Rootlemiu. I think he It oar beet matt, , It is tree I hive a good deal of old Whlggery in my Administration, and Shorewood was at onb.time an old -Whig; be tides, he same over an what is on odious question lallennsylvaulte—l insert free trade: but then ho atorted. egainet,Leoempton, and ries converted to my flkelliMeedt.erldentlys ,therefore, is ottr Man!, • • • ' •, • • ' • . "In national matters, I have only to repent that your general views •on the eunlent of the Preset denoy ,I heartily, approve.- on need not be alarmed about. Cobb ::filephene and Toombs still killhim off. will lake 'man a liteeicloridge ; my old-enemy auntey will; take eare of my old I friend Wise. An to New York, think your sup gallon in regard ta-Seymour nod Michaels Is, deserving. of all pram. • - I •do • net think (few what loan learn,• that ffernando Wood, Fowler, and Sobel' will ever make up their aim• ouittes lithe Empire -Slate and Ithink we.wlil, ere have ,Claseldy, 'OE the Albany /Was; wish ea. Bennett whelsorstands my views on tbis subject ,Perfeetly, end wlll.vontilates them in his own adroit way.. •• . ' • •• "I have manisllMeelties with my old friends oat of : Pennsylvania. ..:/ bear that Jesse TS—Bright complaisusin many quarters about the remota' of his brother. for which' war not to blanse.• I toxin,' also, th at , John - Thomson, of New Jerser, haa lately iouterrhat relieved binvelf from his farmer personal I:allotment to myaelf. ' As to 001. Wall, of the Seine 8 Mt% I have eased coaxing him; he je Incorrigible, • •• • , • . . 1 •11nt my letter:ll Atisay ioo long, and I have; Only to add in cooolutten, keep it to • routed( And• eat upon; its suggestions et Jesse earliesteenver nienoe. . will to Wlltblilkin in t o few . 1 Y , 7 4 • • • • ••:1; . I Man Moto herc • retetting what I have to ;NO on other 1,4 11110.--fil f or my next. Oeosstioat:l .• .. . • " ' ••• ', tettOijtons New Vont:" " 2 ~ -Mut. •TRAtraran.,or..rns OoLLIne-Itotaatine-i-, An. •:: orrictit, noo in 180)1.Tor • all nu goes s—no 4 n o • , min!!.cnairrtan union—Dß: orns. lonian ow, 1 i th • - DU 141.1611 a . PROP PAI(MCL— , TEADZI : 4 1t-ATT ill. 1 7 7 . 40 . . LTA7IO7/1: ;Or , DflY.lllooDii-r.-Xid , .WILI TB, ,74"Ttp1108 - ,A0 . 11 .:Illir. CciiTUßTV;76ril IT AreigemarOliiinlav:-NosLAl6ll4Amr.fie,' r: r44lXttligoTy. trii As La Ir .popi, lidolinse'.474- - VfMriz ~ . : ' - -- -ril ~ .f. f l e ,'• . , '' I, o itter!dr.of aini PrillJ .. .. A ...- ''• ~ • •• , .1,, i. .• 4.3.1...g..0. '-- 7 -.,.• 'I ...i1 a . 4 •'' . - ' A'. " 0517 11 /tur (4*M ' The:COHN Bet tnt atastrospip greptreo 4134 abeolutely deed: The 'Atlanthl 64! lialtki ir bare been formallidetivered to the 1 , ana6sitMpany, :whit'itie done having Mon alfeiednneadaited for ;I.lkfkaight• aid pist.somier' bisalnial to Calffornia.' !the entire forward cabins sit, ole'aral'astey,land being arranged for 'ateerage'Vessengers,Pid the to aver after cabins will. be put lo order,lorpond7 Maas ; passengers, The cabin dieing rds ec are Wholly. distil:sot frotn the statelesms, whlol Wlll:bik ~ . . an agreeable ritionge from 'the.old system. i (.. • . The Know Nothings, with held a prelminary meeting a fan days since for the parproof talk.' log what Is best for them'to do in the aproa;sb ing State election; have given another elm of VI. tatity, by laming an offfelal nail for a meting of %he Orate Coutiall, to'bo held at Geneva, 'cxhirpd.l neaday; Atigust 24th. I lod;.en ingniq among, those booupyinginduelitill poSitions With the or der, that their animosity to the ifeed'and henard demination; la of 'the tatereat;and will, if pied; blo,. be =made' of the . moat prietioar sort: , '4'ble means; probably, that .if the Democrats hank ..! ice atul 'nominate a tolerably fair ticket, that t 6 Amerioans will supped it,' and - Make no month . lion of their own—not that they love Del so much as they hate tberltripnblioans. ' ' : 4 ThoYourig !ton's Christian Asicolatton sifisik. 'Obi forth finish efforts to keep up and ielirgis T :' Sale the'religiims Istcreit t h at pervaded ths6onit" try during last year.: They have oponedvei at the corner of 'Broadway and Twelfth airand two prayer-meetings are held daily ; one ht n. o 'till '7r in the Morning; another from 51 l 6 fa the afterincm.. So far 'they have been vilewell attended, ond.prousloe favorably for the fu re. , Dr. Otte; surgeon of the California- , emit 'Moses Taylor, and 'author of the Pelisses tildes 'le HerPer's fdegitino, has created a littlekrolte; .... , . . r meet among the newspapsr men and jeweers, by allowing WO Oita OW of the golden things Veld to have been taken from' Indian graven in.Ohrlgni: - . Photo Aso seem not to have, aassated I to . the Script tire faot,. that as', they brought noth g Into. this world, pelther.eau they carry anyihi out ;h for. they'put into -their coffins math geld' in the shape of bats, frogs, and doge, and (I eeklyou to before the allegation) they also put ii, 107 and then, 'an' alligator. Several of 'these siadmenn are on view at Ball, Bleak, b oo.'s- 7 .oni in the form of a bat, with outstretched wings 6tl dm gemlike head, surmounted by four borne aeved outward; another is a' frog. 'The bat w hs 64. (moots, is of pure gold, and coat the D tot $2O per outleo on the Isthmus. , 1 The dry.gcods' trade are in tlie midst of i pros. porous business. The prose news his 4:4 pro dnoed muoh influence in the general mats, on c the good resulta have been neutraliald'h3r e eon vfollon that chief artiolos of Western nrothoo will . continue to be depressed without e n eiporlientand. '4l tab; to bemire, has experleneed a alight sirs noe; .but the general feeling Is that low pride mistral° during the season. The importations et:clique to 'be linmynae On, cue day last week, per On. thousand Introlees were entered, and for tb week ending July 23d, nearly four hundred tbniand dollars' worth of plain cottons were toupee. With the present week's issue of TA's fury, Mr. Themes MoEtraih withdraws from he con cern. The paper hal been characterise( by the highest respectability and pcuderootti;—abie ,editorials, acute reviews, and readable *tree's, 'bat all very long, and not retnarkn h ly. lively. Whole to conduct it hereafter It is not steed but Its tone must be greatly changed or the gblisher Must print it for private circulation. : • . Alba Adelaide Phillips, whose artistionerlt is appreciated by the lovere of the Operalsee re m:dyed handsome 'offers for tbp next seam. both' from Btrakcaoh and Ullman, for NeW YorkPhile.- I 'd a e ri lp a tt . la, and Boston, and from Alaretzek tor ;Ha . To-morrow "(Stinrday) evening, Rdwh Booth "plityclogo, at Nlblo'a, to the Othello ofOharlee Pope, and the Deldemona of Alin Sara 'kevens, (epee:the most promising notressee of the ay, and Altogether a refined, lady-like, and moat rfarmlog young woman,) and the Emilia of IdatlPonist. Burton has had crowded houses during As two mesh." engagement. On Monday the Reels eons mottos'. Miss Virginia Stewart, the victim of Maloneld'a murderous intent,' still lingers at the 4ospital. Her surviving thus far hes been a miracit ATLANTIC Orr y.---There are few watorig plume In this oonntry, that have the acme avanties that aro offered to the pleasure eeeker t Allan. ile pity. 'tire Ultimo run each day frog 'Phila• del phis; and as eight or ulnacare are ateohed to 'gob train,,the number of arrivals at thidolight fat place of reeert roach several hunded each day. • The railroad le one of tile best in the qountry, and although a portlon of It Is outing ed over a salt marsh, the track is alrognier and firm as older and more carefully, tailgated roads.. The gammas of tho rod since its COM pletloalos been mainly, If not entirely,Swlng to the excellent management of. the presided, John 'Brodhead, Big. ' Mt. Brodhead Is younen years, but 13 ebility and energy hat no superior` and In-, deed he to already recognised by tellretti Men is one of. the moptehrend and , capable preetants In the country.. The towns end. villages 'long the line of the road aielnoraltaing .with'wontirfni rts platy, Innumber and dee • Xgg limbo; Oily, a irottlement Inhabited almo.A.exolualvolyby Gies, mans, having wlthln.the ]cat two or' tine years' grown from rs Smell collootion of I:ma'am:whips: half a Soren In number, to .a large town'tonisin log two or thito thouttand lohabltanta Thkkotals' at Atlantic' . CUT are almost withont ',legation " first7class" bolesos ; the Sea-bathing Is i blignfal ; ' I d the walla iind drives in the violnity aro r mar ably, pleasant and beautiful, 'and Indeed ' do oa km • spend an hour at the plate without beingpleat . Reading Daily Times, 1 SAytTlIDA:ti ,M t r S Toy, LAc: BY TBiIEGttAPIT: Fottr hays Laterf r om,EarOile;, THE sTEAMER, OCEAN MEN OFF CAPE RACE. The Dads of Peace 'said ,to be - coneld •••• . „ , , trod ImProotlehble , by the , Emperors. Lord Paloaeraton's Orggn atta6V3 tho proodedings at Villa The Peace not to be Ratified by a Congress o Powers, but by a -Meeting of Atntritin, - iFrenehi'and , Bardinfan ' Representatives. /kW AaDerivrry . ,A. 1.10r r csi-TI-Tac • • PREIIOI4 &Sly. FORtIEitINIONoiTHE etiANNtL,COIST , .sBt.- Rine's, N. F Jfify The steamship' Odeon Qum:6lolWe left ,Elout.' .h ampton on the • 20th inst. and the 4eedlee,on the 21st, 'lewd off,qape Race at half-Past eight - teolook ihis , meting., and was intercepted by the nacre yadlit of the AO:Welted' Priem n 6 iiiiMet Rota' Scotian. strived' out on the 19112'inst."' -' • - ; GENERAL NEWS: ' The folloiving Summary of news is firnithed _The Emperor. yspolcon had arrived at Palls LODI his Italian o . • Austrianlinds were nanyAitWand - the shbeorh bore to the now Austrian,losn 'bad boon releseeti" from their obligations . ' 'new 'lllhistry had:hien' formed it Afailitora being 'constituted Minister of 'War and Prmidatit of the, Rounoll.. ; • . Teti Bente of Berlin had lowered .the rate hf.die. , daunt to fbiir pet oefli. • Voroigo Cbmmercial . [ST Tile dreatiett 001 es iregri LIVERPOOL COTTON id 1 Rif ffT,, July 11241.000, .baleert Cotton: have bun .dieroted of diming , -tite Out three due. inalnd.og 2 009,balee to opeculatora i ,and the, eitheaniount to cipatleri. ' Tfere Veen it' dedline slues Friday, of bite VI.; in alr'quilltlea; end the nutlet. .olo.ekiery cull 'Maser. Clare * Jr: S'obl . e . eirniin_otes Or e Mid-, ar com .dling At 7 8481.- and- „ Upland middling fltj Td ; 'holders afoot/9ring triply but without shaking 'II -Me. to'prees ST ATX,CY ,TRAOll,—The &driers (real Idaybliester are not ao fuorable;lherharfreta betas ,generelly,ollll. Prided are etead..K.horiever./ T,NN L4'9110001. BRE A DEITI:1 YIS IIARK ST cloud doll. DiecersAlidhardeoe eisapuice repo rt , Mous. very dull.,:izeuch:bratde e r 'e offered at further_rebootlon In price. - , American Flour eelle at 1f1r1012.1 04 hental. of 106 :, I ” ;• ." '.. 'Wheat. nutet,.Lbrit, Stu ; .Weetern red _T. 61 ditto ithito9cie9ded. Corn MAIL. garOpean hafiA ll 4 l lo.V - de;* aline - 4; orilee to •Pliani ;. Wee - Or rolled and yellow at de .101n0, .8.4! mi. whited leole 9d. I The harvest prOsPeela are (A. - arable , , , hiVICIPOOL 'PROVISION 'III.BITETS; he—'• .Alseers.. filcher non do Spence, illgispd..AthYit; 00.1 James McHenry, and; others, report the Siorleion aoartret Orin. end !owe heaej and nominal York is heaty.end ,the qantatione barely witutsinta: /Moon le' heat,. - The ootloit sales ,Ilsee been with- Orwee. , Irkrd w steady , cud in rather nitore - demuiffest troasa.Tic* la notanally qui , ted. -1.1 1 1/114001: YRODTIONt MARXIST L-lloein 'lei dull at Seildeelw 94 for- cammon.• Boger le ;steady ' , r.Cloffre li - 4n.let.'" Wee ib drill. Ashes—Pols are, quiet, at 21.1 91; Pearls. are quiet.' Spirit,' of Ttirpentine - drill at 86184024,111, •, - , - LONNOtt 11.31taNT8..4-MiLulrg Daringequo's Wheat le 10wer..., Sneer dill'. and 88 lower. • Coffee firm". E Tea ,natet, at le 2.4drtle 34 Blae heavy.-• . , : - LONI. Itii/Nat 11411Itirr, duty 0 - 4 .tloaeolit are itp?tbi at a5),;693,x,,, Aim:4lolw atettritlea uncharged. Thelloney'lcrket contiattes withontehanee to note . Another 'circular 'reports Sugar - dull.' cane dull. Rine, Attf47. slntpeelloe fip Elio dolt, at 85088 a, THS'LAT.EBg.-41yeRio --The pales of ,Oottna to-asyt are , eatiniatedeta;ooo 'bales; Inelnd leg lo,,ereaulatre wad for export: Zyhe_marilet le *dull. 'Breadetaflr 'apatlettivery'dull; 5 1.01 onimport• ,agt.....-ryorleiacartra • FronOVAikingto,n; f . WesstirrorOa,,,July29.—.9dvices, received! her • ficire'lltearagui. gill's the; eastlrallo°of a' lair ,Pros" poot'of. the '• eati4factOry settlercient'd the'Tranalt dith4ultier,' and speek,in oontideht:tereas"ofl. the ability of General Jerez, to swore the. rejsctioi by i:loilkress' of `the' article in 'the Lateer-Zsladen, whschis objeoted to• by our Governmisnt. ' ' : - . .There seems to, belie doubt ..but,rthe mission to Oehttlal America Will he tenderedlO, t rudge .1low• lin, whoett visit' th Bedford le' 00'1 `to, by ...,, 'I. - ~ The Treaturylvilance, on th - , vrett ,norly deo ruillioill; the receipts fOr- ,ending on. that day, ewe. MilliCns,AWo lit 'And lifty-two tboitsand I thrtaatenntof.dra d. one million sia hundred :and,"..slitteen ; tit° Sand 1 0 1,40 its' $ issued; two ':raillitich dde ` htlialthd:and Marteen thousand ; - arodaat:of inerealie' , otier 'the former week &handrail AS thirty 'thousand.. - :_,..: •. , • '' ' • A . letter frdni superintendent Johnsot has been 'received ak thel.fidipirThireatt,' in Fhb) , Speaking orthe,diflionlty between the •Paisneelhdlarti aid the citispro of liebresha,lse says no white-pardons haveteen hilled;`botlise Whites hove ,itilled. two AstdiallEcild car - bonded cirie,-thelfidlans Making; no reolotanset'whomther Wort ,- approsobed by the billion's; who tvere more culpable in, prodaeing 7 the difficulty' span the Indlado., , The norispeper ,ao `eourim„_he reye;ere greatly eeanerated• .1. to minister to the - Argentioe'Vonfederatlen, - rwoolved his in struotionit to'llesil add `stiirted oh his destination. - - fhplitinglats Constitutional Conire4tion LP?A.VVIIWORTIfI duly ; '29 'Constitutional Convention has 'nearly completed. Its labora u ned 'will probably adjinin ti-rnorrori. l he Constitution -is • radiantly anti•alaterY,' It differ." front the .14eavenworth inatroment J 1111.8• caueb as Iti does not e'atend the 'rights 9c kuffrige to negrotic7 Acoordieg to provisions the Lula laturo gill oongipt of.saventSe. tut ReprellentatittelL and twentyono Senators. • , - The' Wittiness of 'rho - CoaVention has been dis posed of ivlth tolerable expedition; the natant:ins of, the appOrtionment of,ttm State and the loins lion or the temporary dapital. being tbo only noes, sures' that earlobe obideolee.' "TOpeita, eras seleoted as the _temporary' oapital; , the itOwn 'of Lawrineo being a cempotitor. , The efforta of Abe partlearte of both placed revealed sonsidorable oorreption,' both inside and outside of the 'Oen- Ventida, and one or more , member% are iMplioatOd in charnel' of bribery; The Indloations are that the' ratification Of the Constitution will b 3 vigir L - ously opposed, by the Demooraoy; atoll the'stro g measures ; adroonted by ,the latter, inoludlog e adoexatiorl of the Platte. diatriot, the excluitiOn or free nagrbes, , this prohibition of bunk, lashes, and, the preservation of ths.preaent Westen beay dary;whioh embraoes the gold regions, have been defeated: ' , , Later from Pike's Peak. fir. Lours, July. 29 —The Leavenworth (Times 'bits reasfred interesting private advloes from Den ver,eity, br the 4 artival of - the - Pikes' Peak ea• prose last aight, ..The,dateafrom Denver City are to the 20th inst. The Mines °mitten° to yield well, end new leads are .constantly being developed. A. good misty miners have been' compelled; to gale work in eon senienea of The so s foley of ,water. A company has Commenced the ooestination Of a flame, which will:be eleven miles in length, to convey water to the, nelehbnhood of ,Itiountain City. The work of tunnellog,itas also been ooze mantled, - • ; Burglary ut • Baltimore. Iliurruons; July 29 —The. residence. of John 'Jones; a milkman, on Ynrk avenue, was entered by barglarelast night, andrtibbed of $1,151 end .'a gold ,weteh, The rohbers , siniceedad'in making their escape after a severe struggle with Mr, Jona, in 'Web' they snapped a pistol, and drew knivel They bad - niched up ail the valuables in the bona(' bat owing to thelelerrninqd realatanoo they on. countered, were oliwpslliti to retreat, blr. Jones narrowly escaped with his life. &Cotton; Meunier on Fire. anitnrassrox, S. C., July 28, The steamer Huntsvilic,‘ bean I foe. New York, was disheveled to be on Ire this meriting, and immediately put in for ehoze. , Tweityellve of , her paisengers roach ed the city this aftetnoon, in a•pilet boat, ;The steamer has also; remitted Charleston, and run alongside of the southern wharf. The cotton In her hold le on fire, and the firemen are pouring In streams of water. ' It is =negate, as yet,,to team the extent of damage done. - New Postal Treaty, • MAW Ornahrts, July 28.—d new postal trnty between .he United dtates and Cuba has been consummated by General Oonotta end Mr. Ilelar. The mails a e to be made up the general cloned in ire United Stet's. Sinking ot , u We stern Steamer. ' Blmamis, July 29 —The steamer Return, a White River packet, sunk at Duval's EMI, on Wednesday. The lots amounted to- $10,000; en which them is no insurance. No lives were lost. The Southern Pacific Raitroad. ; Lourerpts, July 20 —President Fowlkes, with ;50,000, to pay the first instalment on the South ern Paola° Redhead, left here for litarshall f Tezas, yesterday. DeetruCtive Fire at Now York., NEw Yonx, July 20 —The store of Andre ,t •Biathers,enNiraler atrcot, with a stook of tobaoeo, otgara, and Ifluesoras'llioloo2 totally destroyed by fire this afternoon, The loss 18,0th:rutted at $50,- 000: The buildings adjAning were damaged to the amount of' , slo,ooo. On the whole less there, is an insuraum of over $4,0,000. :$20.500 from Pilmts Pm& 81 , ..;Louis,' July 20:—A spsolal despatch to' the Democrat atiya.that three *non arrived at Bt. "JosaiThr bringing $12,5011 in gold dust. Those pushes are also said to have disposed of $8 000 at Ostalin, 'waking a total of ~ 2 0,000 from the Kan. savtalnes.• The gangue CoUstittittonal Convention. Sr, Lents, July 20 —The Hanna Conotitu- Clonal Oonvontion adjourned sine die to•night. ; • .A State Obnatitutiou "Iran adopted by a vote ok thirty-four to thirteen, alt the Domooratio tam bore voting against, and refusing to olgo•it. Explosion - "of a , Graud.ntvindle' in Ne-v York. JostNr.w YORK; July 29.--An fmmense owlndl's has eiploded here. It eras melted the Growl. D cushy of Baden Fourteen !Milton Man, eonueotod with a lottery, of which the MOMS. Itothaehilds were re• presented as the European agents. Constantine Feltner &Ca were the agents for this ally. This firm has,been operating extensively in the South and Won t but era now, ralsalug. From tietVenne. tirsrx Org,u pea, July 29 —The Mee neer iirouada, from Havana on tho 250, _via Kay WePi, arrived Here lf,eyeied ilfAtuceers.-Bugare 'were dull but me • clanged. SterliniExebarete 12b13 ,per omit. premium. di • Hasuffe, oh Nem Yoik 2 per 'emit premium. FromNofthera Mexico. , CIuABLEsToN July 29.—Actvloos from hfutttmc i - roe to the 11:h inst. report that Northern Mexico , Wee in a Elate of quiet. Gen. Well had been su perseded. I MC • FURTHER FROM - EUROPE,I: 4s.x.romo • 43.2%1:371014. PDX-14.1". Nothing' additional in retard tO.,the Basis of Peace. INCREASE OF DISCONTENT IN ITALY DEATH_ OF THE QUEEN OR PORTUGAL. NAPOLEON AT ST. • OirD RETURN.; QC. EMPEROR: NAPOLEON TO _ , 'PARIS. , „ - BUOYANCY OF 'AUSTRIAN' FUNDS THE NEW SARDINIAN ,MINI S TRY ME. GLADSTONE'S BUDGET :R5,000,000 273E3F1C/ITi!lsTcrY'.. Gladstone recommends Direct Taxatiott: ' • , , IMPORTANT CORLMRROIAL • NEWS COTTON DECLINED, CONSOLS, 90ia94,1 Exuma Four, below Quebeo, , Jaly D.—The atearnehtP:Aisglp-Sazort„from Liverpool., on the 2dth, passed thfOitint to.dity; bound up for Que. ,The,papere contain nothing additionalin regard to ilia basis of peace. rieliaSontent; recoiling from Napoleon's hasty course; Wail apparently on the, Moreau; pirtlett. lady in Italy ; Napbleoai < hid arrived MEL Cloud. ' . The Queen of Portugal iffdeltd. - The Vienna correspondent of tee LondorO'imes stip repreeentatives'of Austria; Frarme, and Bardisilaltill soots meet at Zurich, to,oonolnde the 'treaty, of peaoo: There will be 'no Congress of -the great PoWerc °ailed to ratify • tbe treaty' ) tho Emperors of France and Amara having agreed tb settle the difficulties 'without the intervention of neutral Powers: The Maria correspondent of the' Leaden . t.Porr Rays that both ef,the Emperors are convinced that the basis of peace agreed upon by them lain many resonate impraotioable. • - - The English Journals continue to ridicule the terms of the pease. The Po'st (Lord Palmerston'a organ), attauke the proceedings at Villa Franoa with some severity. , The Parlicoirespondent of the /Vsios says there le a fiellni of , dilappointment, 'gad even of Wig n atiou,,qmgog' all, who' took a Intorno interest In the Aim&Ur the war. The hisperor has seriously lowered hhisolf in the opinion of air tinted.: Glit&T 1111,ITA1N., In the Romig lords, on the 18th, the debate wee °endued to the despatches betweenEogland atd Prussia in regard to the war. • In. the Mouse of Commons, Lord John Ruaeell stated that the subject of the Stadt duties wet un der eonsideretion,by the law deters of the Oreln, who,,pending their decision, recommena thet . re niwal,of the fernier treaty for six months. Mr. Gladstone introdrundhls annual Bastogne? budget.' The following are the prinetpal figures : Iteventte,of thejaer , $ 65,467,000 Expenditures' 64 003,000 Esticautedrevenne of the current year.. 64,340 000 Estimated expenditures 09,201,000 Mr. Gladstone proposed to add' four pence . te,the income tax on the income over .£1.60, and an half penny on the ineornehetween £l5O and £lOO. The debate which followed was favorable to the sahetne proposed ; by:Mi. atedeterie to increase the reVenne.. , ' ' The nonsideiaVoit. or the Budget, in its details nai fixed for ,the 21st inst. • It was announced in the House of Lords,,oblhe -18.11 inst.; that the subjeet of telegraphic commu nioation :With' Gibraltar, - Amerioai and, the West Coast of Africa; wet teoelTfpg the herionS attention of that Governmont rn ;,the_ *us," pf .11r....tiorsman gave 'nonce of his intentlili to introdtioe,a resolution providing that,works for the • country's :defense shall be - provided for otherwise than , bnikrlnal vote of Parliament. An important dospatoh from Lord ',Tohn'll:tittlell, deal Ihe. 24d. of 'Moe, strongly - urging. I,he portenceot the' rthatrality,of Etthata, had found its we"' into Print and : Ittliadted much; uttentieui.bottt , • The announcement of peace (instil to bare ° s apid elges einumerciel improvement in ' , Cando. The-Park Flour • market ures'Atill,Mid beat - The ParitiooireepOndene of the toficitin Itey'aia says the greatest, aottrity prevailed ell,nloist the Frerialfoist:-‘z • . - ,The Channel 'iciest iittebeini fortilled,, and. frlat . ogiakirk!iparth bettprfee were being constructed . ' at the . :distarniec of every three then gaud yards, - , , The Paris Pap sap, thiirhiddinipeVierdi; ♦ dlvislen'of 'the `fifentryfittholdne - a het rattan of ,Chaesenie, 'seleoted, from the different oerPs jor- the of Italy,-bad rehielited order* to march Inoniedietely for:Peril, 3chece they will 're calve a.dictlnguished redeistion. - The budget of-the Chancellor of - the E ieheqtter (Mr. Gladstone) bed been ,precented - to Parlia ment. Its figures she'w detlolettd74 of lie-- Mil- Hone sterling.' Mr: Gladstone proton dire-attains- Lion to any other - Lumina - to meet the deficit. Re proposes to add four per 'dent; to - tie ,Income tax duties,on melt "splOtas; - - anti 'Ma. Niger ie to ;be exempt. Prince Napoleon' sine at Genoa, on the-17th. On the Paris Baum, routes closed - oit -the 19th Inst., at 68f 200. - • _ " - • ITALY. - - • Thoro were strong Indications of diem tent tin same parts of Italy. • " ' - _ Great agitation existed tit Florence. •, The' Frovislortal, Gaiernment of Twalany had hinted a proolamitlan describing the basis of peace as betraying the -Wrest, hones: that the lasoan' Government s partloipated in, and wereltho senti racnts'of • the people, And declaring' that Tuscany will not be rephtoed under the yoke and influence of Austria,: against her wilt and' rights. , L 3 IV,Orii.paye that - a :French Corps of '4O 000 miltrioMaillipattlY until the ;re-organization of the country" accorditig" to the treaty of Yalta- Franca. The Pledmontese correspondent of the -DiGy NOM says that freeh Pleditiontese troops are, going to Romero& with Napoleon's content, to maintain' order, :tad take from the Pope alt ; hope of recovering it 17 the help of the SWISS Guards. ' The most im - *tent s pawns of the Roman States had 'sail "a: deputation to..donfer with, Gaelnaldi do regard the otinditlon of "affairs. Modena and ,Parms are said to be in a state a revolt. • , The Austrian troops remain in their prsition, the same as if peace had not been declared. Orders had been given to some of the French ehipeofontrar to . proteot Frenotimen and' their pie perry in Tuseany;tn cope Or need. The Paris correspondent of the Post stye it bas never been Intended to support, by. the Frenoh army, the return of the Grand Dike of Tuscany, It was reported that Sardinia has 'recalled its representatives from Tuscany and Modena; and that the Provisional Governments of Tolman'? and Modena aro organizing a force to oppose the re. turn of the Dukee . ()traveller Pertal had been sent from Florence %o Paris on a special mission.. • - ‘1 The Times' correspondent says that •tho news of the peace produeed the greatest exasperation and defection at Turin: The Emperor eras ac cused of being a traitor to Ltaly ; his potralta had to be witadrawn from view in the shop win'. dews, to prevent them from being broken. The Opti.zion, of Turin manifests' dissatisfao tion 'Venice being allowed to remain in the hands of Austria. The Government Of Imimbardy had oantioned the editors of the press against using loves (Wee against the reoent events, and recommended there to assume sentiments of moderation, under pain of ouppretaion. - PRUEBIA. The Prince Regent' had issued an order of the day to tho army, expreesing 'eatiefaotion with the treaty of poaoo, and conclusion of the war. Gen. Wrangle had, bean removed from the coma tpaad of the elev.:which was to have been con centrated on the Rhine. —• NAPLES. Four thousand Swiss troops had left the Nea politan settle°, and gone home. The disband meet of many more wee expeoted. Large holies of troops were ooncentrating a Naples. _ - - The Latest. • 187 Telegmph,fromLotadon to Ltvorpool.j , ' Losnott, July 20.—Tho Daily News city arti cle of Tuesday evening, says that Mr. Gladstone's budget'oomtnends itself to favor by its simplielty, and although It Involves the neoesalty.of a sacri fice, it bee been:well received in the eity. Suicide of 'a Murderer. CIIARLESTON, S. o.,July 29 —NM, who was under sentence for te murder of Mr. Lyons, of New York, committed suicide today to his cell. The Times pity artiole says, ,that the general feeling in regard to the budget sea he said to hs completely satisfactory. It is to be regretted, however, that there is not even an allusion to the. expediency Cr otherwise of an export duty on coat, the equalization of sugar duties, etc. The rierea • city tnat the income tax shall be all levied in half a. veer, is disputed. Lc Nord says, that, although the preliminaries of the Treaty of Peace have been arranged by the principals at Villa 'Fiance it will be .definitely, drawn up at Zurich, and w ill then be offloially,cont m uncoated to the Cobris of Europe, in obedionod to those arganiO and international stipulations which form a part of the public law of Europe. The Steamer Northern Light Signalled• New Youn t Jnly 29.—Tho ateamehlp 'Northern Light, from Aspinwall, hire been signalled below. Markets by Telegrapbt Bwrim J u ly ao.—Plotte is buoyant et an advence of 12X City Id nu. and Itowwd Street 66 12,11 . 'Wheat advanced' Itrae; white slBore I. 43 r. tot $1 2021 26. Corn firm nt 81m82 aeWe for both yellow end white. Prosleions quiet hut unchanged. Whiakey, Ohio, 27,ti0. New Dements, July 21 .-- Cotton—Belot to day Of 600 bales at 11 X o for middling. The following le the weekly statement: • - Sales of the week • 115000 Receipts do do .. SCO i, Do ottbe mime week ,of last pm.. 2 700 Exports or the week 7.600 tt To Al exports of the season 1 600 000 tt Receipts shout of :lan Year 900 000 Do do . do •at all Booth. out polio - 0130 000 ti Stook to per t...:•....... 28000 t. Coffee sena at3.lXmllX o •Ifi' lb. Wes of the weak ex° base.. - pinatas/Tr, July 20.-Bloar drooping ;'cake at $4 80 we. Whiskey Do. Prow Mons anOhouged. Mose Pork Belle at 815,00. QUARIA37ON, July 29..LCotton—e.alee of the, week, 1,009 bales ; ;hero are more baying than Rollers in the ' market ' Receipts of the week, 2,500 biles ; the quota. lions (ititrozn it t) are'Dierno. be ng a decline of „ye on the wrier Stock in'_port 12,603 bales, Meknes rxtbange ot . premium. Enchants on New York XV' at premium.. Freights on Clottori to Weer, pool 8.400. - iliversesn, July 20 —Cotton Isles of the 'Week' only 290 bales at aria/venal of Xo in price. Rocelpts of the wee k 0,800 balm Stook In port, 18,000. timr , 4 ... A 7 CITY% ! ca t si z e , :-.--7AI Ti . , I.loVaitilltr Y0*4.4 new Peas ,- The tolloed Jug rePoient a nubile meeting, in a priyaire house, [ loas'imentßarnlsteCto the reporters through the ertjunips of, 'art4fternoon contemporary. Thrtre , porters erthi - liseining papers, not being ilvited;,., c urid er.y a9g2nl publish it through the courtesy or :seine l A meeting of citizens of the northern par( of the' city wee held tart evening, at the house of Mr. JohnM. id lyler, at „the., earner of Sixth and 93 re w a street ,pus, fey, the rpose,of 4:mush:tering theap,ro -. prietyof metitlenhoitOottpoile, tbtaiffiropriate the square bounded hy Sixth. and Marshall andßrown arid Metes ititietle - Pithlienfiat a pink :'_' - , -, .R. The ,meeting,was,orgentsert, by calling Nebeitf •ALlOnit tirthe chhir;" and appointing wivati: P. - Small secretary.. and of the meeting , and urged this propriety ettrintitil4; an eargestAfieft for its accomptisholent He re. !erred - to' the rapid - increase of. Mil ate district of the Northern'lAberties_in wealth, ,businses'--and ' nopoialion,. fad - pointed 'oaf Sig gent ad isntagar. to be .derivedAn ; point ; of,,,hcaltit, nubile leery. ment,'and the iMprovement of property, era par., Maoist-1y of thetlirard 'estate,dik The vicinity, by the establishment of &Jerkin the locatitho named. ileitis:A othiiigentlemen advocated the measure and Made '4 etrongfappealtUthosefpfeeeftt to;pro.:2 mote the object by every means - in their poker. - Lettereiveret 'read qrodo -- 4.lsepla P. Lougheed,- Sob DisiriotAttorpoy x and Frederick M. Adams, 'Big ; degreitting their inebiliti - to attend the meet ing„ and expressingehelr hearty conourrineedn the.pronesition... . .- -- ....-.2 I • , -- - '"''';- Mr.' F: 11 'Trdiall'alfo' Whist' that- nry, the Mayor ofthe el ty, had expressed Id - oho. Con of the measure. and would lend his, .to lie 10 itieOinellsh - nient. ,- M r. - -Titenidsiloneitiklefliii - that a committee of seven be appointed to prepare a pittition - bal COetelhOind - alscr to...genre' mithithe City Solleitor, apd ,Seperiptanderit of the Girard Estate - .'en' the proprietY 4 and legality of 'apnropri ating the property in oneation , . , .whichis a portion of the Girarkistate - --i.-tethei purforsiittaced, which was agreed to, and Meseta. Thomas Jenesa•Wissu B. Mann ' John Fry, Lewis Tawe, A. It. FengeraY, John Bougatrethl and John W. Moore were op pointed on the committee. The chairman of the meeting was added to the committee. f Mr.,lfry,l/6-cedlitat.when the meeting adj.:write, - it will adjourn to scieetettlais place. - on ThUraday evening next; to hear the report of the committee, and thatthia rneeting.xesolye Bself-Anto ' ulttee'cif 'the - argre; in 'the ntearitifie; for the purpose of urging the citizens of the district to a favorable, action in the, proposition, which was agreed. to :' .'" ' s --- -, - , t* , • ' 2 The secretary suggested that, in the event of the SUCQSS9 of the present movement. the square stduld - banalleilt the u-Girard'. Perk," which was resolved with general favor. 1 Mr. Mann being called upon, expressed his an' , prebatiort tilt the fir4osed- yneasnroaprovided it cari be legally carried out, end 'stated that he would be happy to unite in any proceedings Oaten• promote If- - -,, . 2 .2, 2--.. , , - 0. , z The thanks of the meeting were nuanmeusly tendered to Mr. Blyler for the nee of the room for the,meeting, and , bia , efforti l in...farthorink its, objsota,after which the meeting adjourned-2Z - • PnESarrna.fA4, ,41,,eanp,', os,',,D,ONgettit .3 11 4- - kimono - --Froin - a - report of th e - Presliitinian Board of, Domestio•Mitsions,.lately pubti - Shed, .wo glean th e following Manatee! . ' - ,The number-of ohnuthei Ind, mliiiiinari ,-,. , . t • - stritions.t.wholly..or% in' pirt antrplied - . - ft 2 - _(ao far,rts reported),loy the saisstona.* -• " -„, : ', 815 Number of newii.orgapized ohurehes.;. 2 .50 11 ' admissions 011 exiniination. - . 2 709 t 1 ... i r ,, , • , _._, ~,,- nortileate3... 1,801, .._ -/ Weint.edmistibßul —... ~,_ ~ 'Amber of Sabbatiredhoole, , tl', ,-,, --; 1 35t - toioll'irg '` ” '' 2 200 ~. ~ scholars, - 17,453 • - t , ' baptisms 2 792 Appropriations made to missionaries drom Itlerob. TelB6B, td Btaraliil;l.Bs6, have hee4 7 -in Ph!lade!ptqa $58,38D 17 Do. in Lbtrisililli • ' ?6,116 66 • . I Total - ' " 894,476 83 The agpseprlations this year are `lore -- • --* then lest ' - $2;724 83 The total amount of reeeints from March 1, 1858, to March 1,1859, with bajanoe in, treaeuries,..lo, .t. ; , .„.,,, , - 420,057 28 After deducting:the litritfalliWidt out and due, the available 'balance in the treasuries is 15 722 62 The board has been organised yams, and has in commission at present six hundred Mis sionaries thoughoutilie United States. . i , THE STABBING AFFAIR ON THURSDAT.-131r." Keen, the gentleman who was so seriously stabbed by the insane Colton, was doing much better at the Hospital _yesterday. The.wpund in the limpet 'entered the lung, but it is nagmecemasily dais or our. The wound lathe abdomen cannot be pro esi, and it fa impossible to amertaln with any deg of certainty What injury has been inflicted bylit,i From the improved condition of Mr. -K. strovg_ hopeaarcentertahord tryibisf friende: of, this upi- Wraferidoveiy. • ''' ''— . r 'Colton, tho cattle of all Mr. Keene !Our es, came very near escaping from the Sixth-wardta tion.honse on .Thursday evening, about midni t During the afternoon and evening the prisoner seemed Olds, and about **olio o'olonk atnightthe knocked at the door of hie cell. Talent: Bowers. anewered the knock, and' Colton told him be wanted a colored man put in ths cell with him it ban theylwere talking -, at o$ is metier, the prisoner made a - deorticirate'eff,rt - te enospe. and the most active exertions of tener-ttiefleetefiteeo were required to preventhisevesmpllshiag his ob. jest. .Uter - handling /several of the - efficient very roughly; Ottrhereedean -, :triatife _weelaverpowered, and - -being se*.rely Bed, he was again, lazer in his cell. - irtfitptdkninogniaz be' hattne hearing before Aldermen Traller;-arid -*ye ComerOtte& to sereit,the.rttealt,of;hislMlßOlfrlitlitil-',;:, . -• ./ r.-- Arsonists Fern: , Acorossf.—An elderly colored iiilY,' Abiitt"!riliiisty - years cf age, IVas , knocked. down.„on.,Tburaday,.,by the - horses , at tubed toe oar of the Pit thandilixthatreete Rail- - way Oeingeny, al ,e0:-.eaveraly inured ; that she died AV the'Hoepitit falba *evening" We have po doubt that her old ago ; and, the _infirmities at upon it, had, eomething 'te'detirith toy, death, but the oredisposing,aawse ,was, the Inatirj she received. It is stated - that 'she Caine from au D enlist prorinee in the Meet- Indies; where she bad amassed _lrate' altum•ot money by honest in. awry: , - The. eorriner'iPjaryz reindered'a verdiet exrulpating . the officers from any blame at all it this matter. Wilave - rnerationecriefore the fro quently-reerteeing, ateldenta.Mn„theie passengto yailroads,and - while...ereztixprgiatio` opinion as tc Rio main eauysof,thetta, we ranst -- be.allioyed ir mention's:Mr regret at the `great Want bf earls et both aides that 03 often leads to fatal troareqiimicrie Until arraogemeata are consummated by which q 1 railway par is under -more,perfeet control, these seal:loath will oecnr.i Meek a t , ire roj'doe in tb• departure of the old-fashioned and tunnimfortabl , omnibus, and the - sdiiiit=ertlie neat and com modious oar, it is a sad thing that the railroad Osaka that thread our atreele are so °Rem - sprinkle. with the,blood ofr - unfortunate -mon, women, and ohildren. • - -r , , - . ,::: •,, ,-, ~, • - • I Fraxs.--The alarm Of - fire - yesterday after; noon about half pant one .o'oloek, was 000saionee by the partial burning of the dwelling .st . Elias ..ffitzipion; NO- 1820 Arch efiestV's_TheflaUtes bete-- sated from the wooden work of a window-frame taking 116 from agde-light:'lhi dernak e . anlisurit ed to about $2OO. ~.. . ,--- !1L ,, 3 ~, /.'. ..",,,:. -,'.. I L ' There was3another alard abont leo' o'olckilt Ir Alle morning, amasioned by. the burning of thereof of two email shanties la small etreeernening on' of Bedford street, between:Fifth and S:xtl streak: But little damage was oserislotted.,,- , ,,' ~. ._ • ', ... , FIRE AT Massexurix;rOn ,Thnrsdar.aiter noon a fire broke out in the house of Mr. Thames Bisset, on Cotton street ; piner*. 7 . The,famil3 wag absent from home r and p ; gas-liglit bed beer left' binning near an omen - window. The wine blew a curtain inte-the gas-light and set it on fire and the flames equannnesatest to -the furniture to Cie room Sergeant Wrigley, of, the police force dimoveryi the tire, ,and he suceeeded in eatle, guishing it, but-not until he was almost auffooated by the smoke: , - _ CHARGED WITH LARostiT.—A young main named ,William Bates had a, hearing, in, the Nine teenth ward yesterday morning, on the charge Of (dealing $BOO. from, his brother,whe who: is the pro prietor of a hotel at Washington, D. C. A con. idderable portion of the stolen money war found upon the prisoner. Be was arrested at a late hour on Thursday evening at' Richmond and Vl ' ' enna streets. , . , . A New M/aunr, lloesE.—A new market is in process of coneirnotion at the corner o' Tweinty.eccond and Spring Garden streets. Tb. foundation, alreadylatd, covers a space of our hundred and forty-five 'square feet. The city Is not thickly populated In that vicinity, ant the utility cf the structure is of doubtful Import , AtettEsTED ON BUSPIOIO.II,--A woman-wan arrested at Sixth and Smell streets, on ,Tburrday evening at a 'lite hour; Ort.,suspiolon of it osier stolen three; silk, dresses and two mantillas, wide!' were found In her. possession. They are:now. -at the Second-distriet statioulouse awaiting RI Owner. 'Prourooxitr ARREBTED.—On the arrival of the evening train from New York, on Thursday evening,.officer Joshua Taggart, arrested a man named Thomas Brown, who haled from New York on suspicion of being a plolipOoltet. 'Re Was taken before Recorder Keen yesterday:morning, and committed for &further hearing. 110nosnr.—A man- named Edward Monroe was arrested In the Kle-ionth ward at a late hour on Thursday-evening, on the charge of keeling r silver goblet from the house of ;Mrs. Krouse. The, goblet 'had been presented to, Mrs, Krause by a yacht club.. Monroe was committed:, to power by Alderman Butler. .._ Accirossr. —Yesterday morning John Hart', 'man, a German boy, steed 17 pate, 'was adidtted to the -Hospital, havibg four' fingereof his right, hand out out by a' rnatohing-natehfne,- - which' ho' was directing at Dolby's WS for the manufatituri of boxes, atWashington4treet wharf. . .., Mein , BRovrestON To:IiADE AND THE'FIHENO BANKS.-..The , favorite - steamer John ',!,,,:,Wainer leaves the oily on to•Morreilor Cape May and the fishing bankd,. their allbrding aft opportunity to Visit the ocean, Dad return In a single day,: Fer particulars not advertisement: „-- ..,. , . Oman linititrqs: 7 --The M. - B. Okureh, 'of Camden, will bold a meeting at Turner's Grove, oommencing "en the - 801 - proxiniM 'The Marlton charge will ,abro bare a similar meeting at the. same Vino in Heine? Wroth.' ' ' ' - New Ewa: Cinnixon.,-4. now hose _ear,' siege, now being hulk in this city for the Itri,di-', legion Piro Company of Wilmington. wilt helsont: to that GUY on the tith'or Aegost. " Great °prepa rations bare been, made to receive it by the Wil mington firemen.. , .. . _ ,; . Tuu . STEAIf.FROUGH.— At the request of: numbers of persons, who have not had the opport trinity of wit nevi eg its operations, Mr. Pawky, has copeented - to : exhibit` hie_stearn=pir ugli-at. Oxford Park, until 4 o'vleolx this afternoon. , A nannsonv and evellexecuted ergravlng of she Past Grand Stria and other leading officers of the I 0 of 0. F., embracing the - likenedses of many familiar feces turn all-pasta of the Union, is now circulating among the Order. ~ _ -,-, • . .: Artnifo'i. Pario;vert:•=-In the ' Ninth' ward en Thursday, Byron and Margaret Maher were arrested and hold to bail to answer 'the _oharg3 of assisting a prisoner,to enoaDe. ' ' . - ' . , , .... . THE Wnarnex ASSOOLLT lON. Will give their arsenal pie-nto at Strawberry Mansion on Tuesday, and from the arrangements made by the commit tee, it promises to be'the best of the settioii. ' . / 1( SODDEN DEATII.- 7 41114. , Rosy Steele dield very suddenly last evening, at her residereso, , in Relief street, above Second. The coroner was no- Med. . it 'i ;-211pit Finanohl roiroleivitinits good deal stirred up, this morsive4mibp folitmistst amoutiihe' matt In , theinoney4rtiolcoLoris*ent Ootta, nhiretiettreinitissigeateratiqif4hlleulty in oneof -ourletboloithenksotwinattizn some irregularity. to the -ettootuitatttlat An immediehriavastisethartirdeited, , ;:atii the , . AR9 8 .0.4, 4 0 M+- litab itiontsUf*knd - this riotbini has ttanSOired:_lt iteltprg).o.4oilitog more than • itmularitiejt:iitil be sneeoverett, bat; in no oaths, dasttihelleitirmilrer *' I,4,iitiO44 , etee if th e 14 nittionl :diat 9 what ,wore,tho particnlata, and Ito ortia - ll'Arndly that reliable anthoi(o, RontoOrhyktilhtiarrfoe of teni l 4o4o l / 3 - reputation -4 -14.1100 .and nosourrilitekor-bmerties to) toiloteseenit to. began to liana IntittkatitiVisiteter4SititiP , facto about thilii3OtillseriT/IMajtijkleifyierCiOA in dr' iiiitietioll'aVOiit:fli4iiiltol,4l:ool,:iii 411 k oftl-: oars, which otiotionsCtOlVsont.eieti* "month until:64l3e of the lisiti - sliesditiled bien.,.to show a itisfOilifolt tiiiiiie.oiciietifillekxiit4,lBlo co conut. The ftte_t (s,:thist or. estoris44l',Fkeighbor, eoinethingin- the . way - of news for Ms rea.lifielaltiegerdlilleet of dull limes, al lowed, hltioMf..(e e 734;: 4 4.teraent is enitrety Inliseetl fat is the'henhe Phis are concerned. - We have .t 0.4 the_puropeaa,_eewspageve by theilarai `.The Lando* Times' city &Aide of Snly,l,sth, h 01.46 the fogelvkg. " The, sank=, of, ilpielead. to-day have reduced their rate Or aim:mot tram 3 per cent - , at - whioh it waki.4l4ion„. - thlt_Aikte.o'.. 4 i3ieritent• The step fa t ly sintioipot , sod. it consequently exercised no-it:dinettee on the attkiltiaterket. As the demand for' capital for. thti -various under taking! held In abeyiltieWirriat war will now, be heavy, la also:eerlain thit 11,11 , C r on" tinental Payers irillindeavor to take- prompt ad vantage; of. ,thp peace, to recruit hy leans their exhausted treasuries, there -is reasem - .to suppose ,thet,the presentaintndineewill not be maintained for any lengthened period. .The reeulte of the ;harreak - heweverj.einhaveran:lapittient hearing on the question, add thee -far aft the estoesta that respect seem to promise everything thuiteculd be desired. - _ - - - "Consols opened - thWinorrung at 95 to j, or more than one, per cent, below the highest point tonohediesteriliv , From_ this they recovered., ln oonsequence of a rather large purchase. to Ohl; bat the reoeiptof lower prices from the Piris - Bourso then cocasloned a newrelatme, 414 the - latest ope- Wire t`tigalit neghe - - The Milleitliat all con fid snae #bnnertnanent;reponeolAarope mut now beratiandeffed, and that it-will merely depend upon unforeseen easnaltleawhether three months or three years will Intervene &fore the conomenoe merWof a a* stitigileAlicreases in every - -The 'closing quotation from the - Fronok Bourse, July Aolthig .- iseal.fset of af:oot one Mate Inisi,.llliiic& 4 . , ? foie— . grog k.000trootor; ~,r.seoltodoo,...t4o_zlitka tv colt)graoranrognotoOkm,sode*OlFoompliition of tCtifiMii+ 46-424iiiiirfr;f`;:!' liad'ailointsOf.. the litieitynoittleap to be reset - rend fitful Ofidife,didshoeidliritto*Agegipin, rmaivelt Ft .T.andOrri , iArlrebait?il4 elti Xl aliefaitiln # 024 ?k0 etSTAO,I4' 17-_ 11n. iiilictpd'bi'eidApylheit: 3 ;='' l!-Bilitrbniti to. fltittieihe -market for American seouritiii during . the pert •iieek.Li as show& More aitiiitY, aild a'itritildsrablis. ascent of businesahas been transeste4 i'patplp dads at it ifßeTet ailtrapCie _ ill 'proof. Anerus s . seven par 'oent,rrailroad , -bonds iiiiie - bein -Ili ge:cd'retineet. The report (recently resebradafdlialireafileits : of the Illintni . Ultra Ititilroad - hail hid a favorable. effect oil the afraid abelicinifidetliat goinplAy. Panitsiliiititel:Peiliinf.iiiialili tiiiit4a it dra . 85, and Penwirsnia - penir al Jtaiiitead` iffx per ainViniidisit-9(tiff27,.': : ----_-..... -, ',_.;;!.,";: 2 _ . Witmer, .&,`iiiiiitfirkfiiimliOthrllstli ,Tidy, sip, the Iffiniirdziarta:daysonfaiaa' tau itentigrre tarn of the Ilanir i erffrificei l witireOrairiltre fol th4 toniag resides atoOtopered irl Jima lemiunt : Deoreaso easholerthankotta • millions ;Mils discorukted ficit diti;, tuba" cad trin frith millionii; AidrantehTloirr:kone , sei - entif ratlike's:. treidittl7 , b Ilene°, twenty-siren - and three:loh minions th ereat,: ;7 , tIII . IIIC BO t!tfc, IlialiAbresi ..onts•surentit tettl lions' ,-- ,--t - W. v.-.: .- 4 ::Sl-- ,-, :. r., 4 ,X...!,- . b riii etiii - ni - sTket li'cial6 dull yit;l4,Mle, in loans,'ltraliil ihitiiiiiMblif 4 -ilia - titit ,- . hoard; and $i,500-loantand , bdahariiii AV tilioilifetild;lboard. Prides are withontlehangea: '-:-_ - ';F:',;;• -.--': %.' - ~IV!!Jelr,l l, ,bilikwitf#'o,;th,tioliefogP'fift-te'n's Cai4erfeit,, ittikliNAClA 0r . 4001313 / 1- '4lttels:' Ville); liiiiii:;:it'MeMessipary, Allegheny , - oonnty, in this Eiblieliti l irribrown. not :to-day by the Pittebargiraiikel_ - 34- , !r,...1.1-1-L?7l'-"! - : The same partylnforni! us Jiiitlitirf4T_Orysy is iiiiiilt&iffed*tlisial: r, 1 ,011f SZ-41$44"1Wit3k tral Banilf Vitt iteraret, at Higlifiltown. , ' , Stereo have; been tridsi . libtirrimirple duped with them in the lower part 44„orir oily. : /be note is' en alteration of, a broken , bank :of Nashville, tem, ...xi i the •firtnittel . 4-14114.- i 'Ehtilfflett,* ....; 11 PIM loadideeitren, rimikrant , .rra gen, houses, de. ; - man Ttiougilindi *IA 410 ~ farl!-- . 1,p,-;tdia lower left corner; sailor,- falrdreastid, lemur sight. Somer. - .DiesetalshgritiltitatantValto- fiteteff • newith a :fiesql Olen of4patame yff=.; another:of:the _ swindles en:l entiriplifA off upon the Papi4,oo.At'isv*EP._*....,4Ml4l,ttAiet ib% barryAoliebtleN 4 lntalttit IhriliEltte,ttig . inOt - ta. It ites Ia ihe tWpriat Wiiie the hind. , :;'. Itaite„ titlacor ther tin& Dunh,rnt;ffallin:ffenr tinalithffea-liiiiii!!.: • ilialoffoiting le the ataottii‘of aaa2.transported _ on the the Reek -enaing . - Test. - Chrt •- - , Prom Port °Arbon - -- 9 292 10 Potta•Illo ..... . - 1,07912 . Fehaylklll Hann - 10 6 Poet Olinton 1,49110 wieit Fir,goa_et givolul 7 t tll 601,894 11 To same this 62O 3 bT6 16 fireitiepittea over till Top ...Mourattet • Por the week endivglttlylylllll9......... 2640 tone Piertoady, this jeer ,65,1140.." , . Total O , gee Jan- 1 61,680 ~ To Fetn7o time !sat year - 61 443 " I Inareaake I6SW' g' TO, fofk*liii 111)1W sun* of coil trwported on theThiladelphraiind Retail; Italirotuf, lasing ttis'week inane Thursday, July 28.1859 ` _ Toes, Owt 9,41) 09 . 5 TiO OA .119.745 - 09 1.911 04 4,838 69 Prom Port Oitrb Pottryttlo - - " sotnylltll Harm. 'I Antsne.... - 4 . Port OUntod Total foe the-week 30,009 14 Prevkinnly thin year. 921,973 10 Toted - To - same Urns isit yeir The ,Lykpaa evil • trade,_for the:week ending July 28, was 2,829.08 tone; same week last Tear, 3,485. Total, tr the wawa, 48,801,01 tete ; 10. 1858, 52,987.10.- ileereams foe the week, 834.14 ; for the moon, 6.,,880:99.- The last rePOit of :lie Tievertizi . eoet trade le as follows: For week ending JalT 93... Preylowly Total - 66,88311 PIIILAIMILPHIII STOWIEXCHANCtE FALB% .itly 99, 1859. • 8.1.95T1DSTItaltLir.8901111:150 1 ):01.11115 ft 3 Amp azosamlii -3:55x888,- 90151 11 99 2 87 001111 5 5118 .9 AND 031881197 8111.1111191, 1111.$1' BOARD 100 Olty Ge". "221( .311"ment 1100 do New g6wn.10211 20 do "80 WO 0 AID 6h , 20....88,4 JO Idloehill 1 1 .,e5w0.69.1r 500 Aloilis 21 m - 4 - 10,440.4 . 1000 asterism 1 m 75..34 5 leblgh liam."4: - .48 _- 8 Pewee ....SO 20 21onle0it8:.1011wa 493( 1 do . : • 8300 ND BOARD. 203 Oily 16 ' 53 .1 i . 6 11Plea RR-Tern-102 1)00 Lableli Val R 01/..Bax ,- 0 Poirisvg, 1t....bu 443 ( 1000 Pa R 2d mt 0....87 -- •1511teb,Baak ... i.. ..20g 600 0 & Ara Oe '88...:843( 4 , do 281( 14 Pearls R 89 - 2 PhOada 11k: - 1183( 10 • do 89 . 10 tab Rai. Prot - 173 i 6 tutoo VIV. T.frn. l o/ , , = : -` -•, • • '- , or,9,3o4.llugaitrAcgiva,,- .. -„ vv. .. • -....".' .. - 161.1."Asktd PILLUISSi.. ... : . 99% , n) IPOk Nr Prot:..' 1734 17% ,' 8 .'. '... 99% 100 waispq et Illm - B B.g 4% .. NSW . . ' i;102% - . ,1 Ts let mtg.. le 69 Penni 61.,1n0at1 414 : 91.1( -‘.t in sa miff „; its4dlag R.:. :.. WV ' 27% Long baud 11.". 10% 10% • 61 bda l 7o.. BO Leh Goal 01asT:48 - - 4834 ..• ta t fige.l4 PO _:9l , 84, Tenni" 1t.,.• •, -8,1f.-B,l‘ 1 61 do l BB:iieff 69 7O -i 6 Or ---- - '',64 '-' 84.1( Penna. 8....... 86.1 1 i 59 14 108 - - • 89 1 6 24 al 81. • .'. 887( - El MAIMS* 15.:., 2 Nor Canal Con 62 62% -16 lit mt Me, 82 42, . 11 prat dtr off 104 - 105 B&B:ath B. alroff 80 ' Sett Nay - 8e 1 82. 69% ~ , mg - 1 21'SM. tite 8.. . ~- 41, 66 Imp 01..1 ,78 - Iltaie&Vbselibltr '..- ' 44% .. . . - , New Yoik'Slopk - -- imao• • 25000 1 S 52, 1874 101.3( 4000 rdirsoarl Or 83 mai Virginia es .0$ • .1000 10 1 nit 12!1: - 403 N Y Con' bll 14g NO do 211-ptcx,l 74X, 28 Mideeit Iffer 17.' SIX 50 Harlem P.1 0 ,rit _ 115 X 160 do ..t." - - 100 • b 6031 200 _ DSO 85 X 200'iteading R 660 41X , . - r fHB M • ,xchaage, ./!tly 29. ssaAVelißitir G06102/X ;pa: IV 21X 60 _do - .60 911[ 110 Pontine R 610 118, 1180. do 116' 69 IllLobia Oen 11 a 0 66. 1 00 do - 8414 100 . do AlO 64% 60 Fla &Chia I 6 aro 113 x 100 • doMO 68% 100 0181 k Tot an sax g for Pot., lad 11.141, lot iiias lie quiet at $5 32 Pearls. rate ind Westsrn Vint , Is nova -Alio fire kit for more I§otlYtt, 11GC100156 hfOsi., with tight Itooros, And sake of 9,0002ib1i at boo4-00,for supertne State, 2308 80 for extra do, fri 2004 74 for superfine Westere, '24 20.2 30 for,extredir. $6,015.5, 1 0 for slipping troll& ofsitts round:boon 0bt0,.52 51502 80; for fresh trotind do.. Sontberti flour ie si sbads dm...ft ales of 1.2111 Ole at 8805 70 for_ Ottitid Io good, and 15 75.2.00 forentrubninds., ri - • _, - GRAIN —Whist_l3 1.20 bi tter, tilittiele• of 10 Of° be. at $.35.130 for new tad fionthilrn $1 05 for cdd de; £130.1.38 for do white; 82.10 for old Western. red; 21 8801 42 for white Kenteolfy. - Corn it besiryi mitt sale% of 20000 be et 800 ror Western arlsed, 83ri For white, Bontriern.„ Mrs Is quiet it 3003t0 for Solittieriil, Peensylvarilei sod 09.41 e for State, 0#2111411, and Western. - - - Paorteroan —Pork la dull, rltlk *mall pales at . SOX for Men, end 70.15 for prime. Beef fi quiet I hiliiCof HO bole et Pae..75 for rim; taw for entrary nalae. 8248051 a - for reputed Western. ael Eta Mole foriiretraennal Cldttneata and Ban - a are quiet- -Lard in emelt, ertelf ealelrat 10Xer1eXe. Butter and Oketae,tavanifisont aeons. - - - -- - - - - === . , EkollitOs .-emThel ditangerbnnd Society wi ll httrolf4ti , tdeitt - linget WelPti farm, on Men d.tty. ,litusie;isger, dewing, and fun yin be mid otently enjoyed. 960 011 01 ..:6°6178 18 . Tem 3T 04,377 17