The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 28, 1859, Image 3
• _ - . •••• .•••••1-f`e TrAwlifbabfacloAkehais—_- `lldk nr"AVikoill!dil*.a l ol4 okirtere),ity koinntesp,,„foltr, „ ofite.thit , ,144•0 3 11PiettiligeiiiPlatilA Wire present L.- Mimic • `-•;.-?.', - ,esteebni=tHeititesindvalst; Itentiffdimani, fdarlii• 1.. -- -:',„'ldedliS,k/talpleikllers,,Stii - ICSYetsi,..president4‘ ' - .'•!• - : 1, 211111 - blej_1101-11tinvilariteoot ;lb.!' 0 0 16 ktloih 4 t.': = "-; W 41608141104; libyno 4' thy •Alcitsitititst 1141irie."ase*iihttiAti,minaldlizeitSlt :IS ' 101114,014d,',70* - 0 1 i 0 PEP,. • be a4adot[ =•!..,- Xs. lanottoti'lyose to."..w.itiellegad , clatellolt, and - •setti - that it.ltilliabObiettliplestlko 'board hb Audi , . arthcsolleitation eCtano,'...of.-lbe'ltlisabsts of the - boaid, -, rojad to' 40potre fro* .os6o a/Stillman he • ' knejr,stOskejliklbjaefi, 'Otiatfililieimillehlit zirittlftionf. IttretaititiO4,urtabfdainted,,, Illeaction tleatiglaig'2ll,olMOZetinvineed:. sinee - ;! eras - into; =`dtoidOli 464, , tavoiiivtilvAmotriano.ivi & ittifew of that • -,-.••• " ac ospes (Writer* 10,hawmt,walted orbby the OtieSdi,eneTAPook•ltom",the "ward,,who asses tihrfAto" , ,qli - Ilii•asti,Batitsel 411 r till the; as 'sl - the, penal .who had ,41natitilVti sci oottbibent."'_ , atkedtite_Gaar; 'l l *l - M l 4, l •Kettik) RE :questions bete the obstlitOter-os44l,mainodriffiths,; and •,ottli_eftei, T re• imodsfregefinalii'efilidielng-a_ospabie ins slid ho vote fol'Aio.i.,, , fde:eiiilltonrrea,elchtei iuntti• 1/0111,'etringtii•qt,terrpriblin aernrance., of of the liti , hilziand'asket-'binf if he knew 36,10e411kiK-defiliteCth6tchts bad. been Insert'. and moti on joroit,-.41.t0, sagei,"silloolli on -.013111148,44 1 ',' Iltswenialosm,town, aittfoisad; troinpereenallid , ! htr that ' , snot; indeettwati•the obite-e-oretimart . itChaliwisintati'llfcab the Spealter,hadildia faoti Ittl!liVtihg ffeti,eittfitiltPerrhie, neptivikAtirit Malin proper, Rriuh ',-'stsielrrt4, l 4:4lo/3kualies'orlibehtifiestmtng paupers . I;ll.,,pd.nut thialt - Ith.itimadilethe„.oiroutwitarteee, l 41.1i,tn,l'ile10;....i.ipailterratteli Wogs ' the - Colantle.! ,-.l4antirkgpoo'r,gAtaiiiisi'resieni,lifitisortetialnedi ThliifteMipoact - his Maill(dritlfee) %Wilde feet that', dill„, - 444;41:0rbiriitbad4si-lietkif COmmhisicriter , =F r be4ttie,"tiitefki:4 l o sin r - - I , ,bil;o4 , "ttuff4rosetilti:of relationi, ”" '.6i)ioluded,try niavti k etpultti , .a :mau l eSe4ted ritilti;.,4#44.*ol44 oOtteirr.'Nlettorixf the' Rine ; • , - 2 4 )a -itol o 4 , :it / P- PP ti f! 4 " ll " l V t # ll !" 91t111°1i s -AfehteettlVlett n 7-Vrite - Iteele4efigkett frAktergror o -Ot t l l4. o **t t e • 'lletitapiSalstdir • ; ' 'N - 141.'lltaiks - 41014141,414,1lbaritinint,,eic - preei - ' ;16g, eiliyzelatrefrately, hiscviers en-,the • snejeoto - ar'sald taiorid akabolition" of She Oboe of •,,ehjef, , lnstdens would; forltierbiatAritareitsAf the institution; - * - • "---• '°lsie,44llEnktd said he !sighed the tua,prity report,! - Zhat.,:litinklaiMaelt."o - Peto,te cifep,a , x,olomtlyt at any - timajd'_fireidr --,irg into an- electton for chief restdensphysielitt. 4 :) ;,*••• , thert,slttthe' matter wanething abo7e Of ithe •titem'bers. ",Re - did not; lithre,seerts I;7o'o3ftde ,o 1 isieMberei that inideretSod &Delta euhfaibi. ' •- " • :11/r , -.RObblia oolholded in the views of the tietitiemon."llb- believed that no ltee - the.simattomebtiutd"prosper with ".".• • witdethe :fiteliareiutdie s eoisideraliett-froin,motis r e/,iortilare r'nedidisottednir.-thissiatero, agit tkoW that of 'tither limey It was, irk. Olderiesitioitt - pbyskilan to attend to 4 0, 1 illael ,- '',Re•saittosifidlitat that kskisan)Ml the physical alone' ..tbe mental, perfciefa the dole's 'Feigned te,h_lni, lie • •Vilsededdiutli4i:tiytir :of alasMhing - the °Soil of - ,:ebletresident - pllYeloiem,'sbd - he hoped-this teseln ' ;Aims 'attached to the raporVivoithi be adopted. ,-f • ydaa end Ayr Ottthe}esbinttonwere " called, f - ,aad resulted se follows • •-• • -• , Thes.'=4"liteitailt." Veber - , Alentil:llintird; - 11ditil;•bierke; aitd lieyearipresi ,Aesser—lttr 'Waitrons , ••="' , - _.• .430 - the'reelqtitiest - was weed to; '• '• ' ,` ,"•dir-ROtOolnifmSoed that thecomnlttee,' on-ex leragtinto!l.l3l;_eipediet ,of abolishing 'the' ofileitiiitAtlicatssableitit iistinotta to rep Ors thit'iwoei-Of :oonsidting phyetelans ; *lna to : , t4eptlit'alErati.,to the prOPrletYothaving a het@ to tbilitabe: &Spellman; Agreed:lo -,- ",','•.- - .Prtnistiort;:theitias for 'dispensing with - glitter; elate of the eibletiveldept thytiehtti wed exter,drd , ' to,tite„3ss.ll,orkoseet; - - ? r : • , ,Itif.,Berveifnibeed that:sac "trek - seta , the' bilanieln paisestiodio kitiitinctreas o rer; ;he ' golleitor beinthoilaed to antes satiefiotion on his host, -Agreed =• - - ,--- ---. s• hirAlloterstiosed thai r itasiewar tiertasiliOrtied the n'emher Of"pereons drawings from; ti-, • . •Iteras stated that there -iradlualla brie auks bei t tf. personefdiawing from, the - eniros. - titat jt. • sisieinaposilelejoi - the, board or the, steward 101 stem* a dite eaositay., - the Motion yes aereadfe.”' ,• ' • ' t ' ' • Mr_ bait. moved thatthe - seeredary belistrnet 'ad toblieOge ihe'edvertirrxnent for_ beef and Tata, toil for the Iftitrhons4; se sato h:fie the oStab far kit 1111.ilibeilibd not se a geicass,'- BMo 41 1 ) 411 , fk-' 1) " °P 9 r , q!'" "" " ,, k ile ° 4 " = , iuiltir,lDiekinsen s moved taste,thefoonitnittei rePPrt `Z the nettles oft , wenty-four:oandidatesfen the Oltetee ' •Ifjit the lip o rtigiili C witllle mete Mukth.trioktWelm , - , .4144.111.arie deareds_to,htive a distill - nitride ;bribe '4lst Med losfi •Ithools ara•ltblia - delistredffrom-servinzOn the Medical heard- - *Os'opPosed to-having professors •sif• naktitOst (lite hasid, ' , filth, re uttioh jtettteele tri , theti bands ''`okilsyerobld ,- ,islyidispeocelkeir.olhoeii in st,ndentt from nbtnad, Itdorlog he dem l'etaiybitog Men of Phileilitphia, ~ ~-,Tbo,ssgtet wee tlitail3 ,dran'Pbd withoniany no pee betog taken malt- ' Linnaidlntoreed lh¢t oii:ll4onday, text tlie r?..telq - an etedionjer ddo r keeper; atore -I ( ll7ePar,,ltlei*oit, , gardener znestangai, , ,,and Seheol tastater, : - .."'111s711 role, Vow: the,' Crommittee? On/I.onOnnie; yiretebted krepoqin relation tiiike - eitiarleatif the oleit 06114'?letten, tbil,leertitery; owl, the other ;=-," ' • , Thit - repoit;if tar, is relate 4 to tie oleriee de pleted; was referred heolk 4o the'ocohlitloo de L lyni ilfarrants - lot •ther salaries were ordered ‘ 1„0- be ~` - - _ _ . Ur. 16 4 61 + 1 2 6 66 13 40 e itt be.lmuid bilf ; iiP itri biotionla telatiCD4e; ifiti , V),44.brAPOritat klifii; , italouraera., , , , , ... ,4" _ r 4.4slis*srt lairmnasin - Tueridayjtveh "lig. j et ; trim* eleven o'olook,'"i dissent was Mader -b.P.Littitinant,liatilliiviqr*.plabllpyr:boasik - at thilsorrer Of Sagami•ttreet inset Jaelper lase, kept ~hyiario'lehntittrensinikitherlitirldie's nes oted Ow as attityerei strirkborikelirri iipatationAii the neigh= borbriedZerkeifiertilythinehita respectable place. Weans - the Miloark entered' they fined a party of tame Afteeri:men saireily plying their nolawitit nettles'. Areat elf ista,rere nude by the surprised ,--10pettaelen to mope, many of ttism„talting .to the - 166 6 16 5 6161' theirittdeir, bat ai is /gas& of bollix. - misliwere etatkintd mimed the Waal, rillefforti of . that iitiiiabiiit were Weave, and this'isbelti Oat --..jiany9Stazisillanted , le the' istattek:honse . ' "_The . fateVOA; 6062 Sind eta- boa, "lbgeihei irith a ,balfidellit,'Sritieh r ivim 'on .the bank *ban the de Neon- yivalsinadin were 'rettroved- to-'the: *WIMP bow. - lbe;PattY haesamering before , a megls. irate in' the-vionthre'lla fellow4g gentlemen - were, hold , in thiretutr:of_SsQolo keep -the puree 4 in eeptoltiktair`plohnrStiort Janice Dm en,'J'airies wittionii - irstit% tAttlin'llept3C'Wilitita ' Henry nliblnlit,. i'tiiiir ,JalitiSiihi ,fierAmin/ - DilleY, , , Aeries 0 4 4. 14 V,, , Vito ti.i-o9tilt". Willitmn'Tlifinnts; difiriesittiffcr ;end Robert Newlin.': Stevenson,- . tenrkot ipefof- tbp,house, - ,ivas•held lA, the anm of SUM bail ;It:al:Iwor at cops% • - _• ' 1111.ititiii_fibriihrli rs v Attrituitzti.-11.1gli (36- itable iiinniters-'yestereit'y '',arriSted a 4.liSinters / 'Lewis Ithisiettari, ?attire e orgy et ,b'elesieenorsic. Jed iriaroveralsobberiie lately,- Alra'airerimaa er ;6%4 at, „ 4 - hotp4terliettrit Jo Dpokopreet. *hire 11 , hriallifitirrimirtityleik.i,Deiectiarrrert with having ...tibterid tihe, OW 'of 4Mr,tTsittl34 o_,Bleyeetn itssisti;lailfratti,ift, 411.4:0010*,414 trims. agolik • • VOA, 5e4 , 4,14 erjaireitY. lielatisk to bis..4lfe; Itslestoirs ryas attorrentillereaftevin robirod the house at -14 .4rottitherevi - iscai:Pouri,h and Ytte , atreetakort-the afternoon of , lnty:23• , hle sti It-it: liteCtitit,- Oit'gefilif tii.,ther hoMos of Mi.' Etira • miertri; hd saiied A setv,ahtit &eV itentleizein • tills ' - :lb:r, 00 , 7166J61612:„11;sieffeliTe'robponte, he dsited In, fasheCup stAtirs,'brokelepen a4tosreat,! , ,and teek4 , Ped66s6.olAietella`this *Wee 1317523' :.The : ' serisisirmiatli , oti atistrties„esdet44ted 'to atop htei', 'but 6 hOattfle his' esoeptalTrioi or,Trihz-o reethee' ' eltaites sesleld atelettltrirehhare, tottitothig hi m' , wlt4tratissettessthattbeveliseninvolisd srlate in , liyatisl,:_iiiiitilitOkf - ffiti - , new bend in this bust. two kerei4higref Netv,Yorir, here ho hoe • `,liitirellaiatiefeer ;Infer/at sttePearfal le his pro - Jeidplo.3lolll bilpstlic stimV.4f.,ollolsattto , aireserree t Votirt.4 ~.: ,:,- i -, ---:4•: ,, ,C,,ir is , .--.. , _.- ' ' 2 ' 6,1111 1 11 JUteitta-411 - a 11416410 ris , ibellik . or it,,,t0t4.4 , 16Tg AI the Qiichor term: of the .-, laperfettirreitiosc - lifnibmiliiimstitti f watohniaker ; LerifiresitV.-totmesonirt; lhoinsit` Bicitbriongen thsisteitfliWprtififelijay4linisher, t iTravfs Maimed, 11 410bitikt;I=V 4 Roiliirar tie ! , -..fhomas M- Davis, ' ' 40-J,Peiattell4ivizOittior i _(lbitileii). Jaokson, fittwit , i kii.klifilmrionizatige martifeeturer ;- Pe- A - 'far .-"Xeyirefr Merchant;,' , Xis. Haim, dotir Jsmis 61013 , 4011exasel,kbilte B _Nipple. iier, f eehanklobtElilyet* St ~, shoemaker ; pinie Row. ••• iltbsift:lllot4-44101Robstis;eoaehteaket; Zitohiid ' ‘htetioseftgb - Atrisetoit; Cletii , IV: Taylor, enroll ant ; ''-4 0 ,u - Yreeigii,44/ r'",Tiiiieli Tone/opt !Mier; J It -.- leritd.r, kentietherii Ilan* yfieebrenner, oig, ; ' ar° l ll " s ,Mq! b, g4 ,9 4 o l . TBl"kiiikeAF';iitofirl:ztx : 6 l6 - 3 46+6 66. 1 lealled - ItttblaitetU , i(itiii'mt lit::-Itielial'afitiii". ' 5,5 e - hal 14.teatotiptll icing:3*(4orue the eastage, -. s l ad beasts,' Old 4,, thek„9l3;e4hatsea. Obit' win :•• he, - b her lien° IR disohargett and . 'obtaitßitereephly etesisskeedt,,fiefigitt#4, This - '' , _p i L i l t nistessseuhat iSbroNasi found , psoßriar, bililltst6 11Q116..141 1 6.06146•11002 lizii, ti 014,60 66 Jltifiiii.f 141 1 6 ottsr6Poit: .'"atrilisle , ,otrei erxteets, 5, : , '-'<ighlitiikelitfillif,troze Otte if i ectiota ttlif lb - pe l s s,eictOjefeliittektbilietiati,iliSis is 'fis lki iii r i -,' `loi'oessitilitAiAbtgfisisik'saitsiliaresf theaate‘. --- ' "":, , _,vittirpitiiiitsti-••-iirki,tritireittythi, the Z 7 .-, ', lidilfelotterinfiemirorth&COntraotete totho eoni• ;" ,:;,' • - "-!..3, - - :aftkrisrsCttierstridtil* ' . 4 k... , 2i..i! ,- .. 1. ;Jr.-2 5'.-- \ , ',l 1 4. .'''-- '.:''':: 4 t a tiii4l4o;i l lliiirat;giliiiiie A 1 , 1 7 ,' Ipiiiti. A-- -. ..": r .iijilltiViariVit' fi r oitiso - iitii - iia sadta prttli '.._ ' '''', i bait a . 4l44.lbestiff,lWahitile'df keetChili dB. I . - *.- ' =',' *ihidtkotofilitilOgofilit444 tlie kieventsenth 1 '''l,"., J ,'':llll 2 l2.l44444sidests et.thabvieleity hale been -` , • , ', , *Auleetelpfy i talfiiyied - ,-ferlrocliV , time'. pesf,by, the -:•'..;' , •-..:.**oo4oo,lll4*Mt.,Viloiektorsintisamerit. of the t4' sr ...,,,,_,,,...... ifellilirt sfi ehlly were ,' e:! . `'.!, - -.Affettlfoirtc' 1.0 - 0 0 ,1 C rJO 6 b 6 llsh 96 -'-, ,„:il7,.:,..3) l rintimiAlf,i:4 , - , like hel4 - 24:' 5r.:04132"0460016i J-, ; ' , :-",:‘,?1C1i, , V,4 0 )6., , *... -71 : 4 1 <- 4. ;'•rs ll ,l 4, lASP,gileiii,t*siii - 142 . iiii;iiht fi likii Qi ~, ?., 714 as :41 , 0ieleup,14 - fselii44l:44lbiefatis faiii4l434 , ; : `T97ne - -, 4,4 . Afga , wiermund it 4 1 A istiut. ais Lc '4losAlembehltiltiowlestfr.-f liettettesetif'sklid as ti3e 3 '-'1 , 0001, 011 .0. 411 'hit ‘6 uw..10 6 0. 6 1'664 ' 6 6,0 1 3 16 6 '4lll "0 64 °Pt* s':,,-.,- 5 a_ fipPnapt.=mkt , TniVnh.---it • large pre! ; pnrttOn'ef.the mentb.ereontniodinwittee"of appatuted.bythe:nieeting hold bythe State Abuse yard , arr. , 'SatirdeVievettlet lasi, met last. {night .at , the - I,Witherill Muse; to eigerdze, theta,- 4elves f andity - Inakei Prepairatione for a large ' thipnonle en Saturdaymening next. Quito tan, aaraest spirithelnated.the !nowhere, end it the leelinge.ll4 oPialoPeotiftere.thireagembled are , Ita,betairell:ka indleafivei,i4 the , public ; opinion on the ,snij wined 11436Lilig oti Saturday *lllTririnre a lemitsteir demonstration. Oomialttees Were Appointed to take ohltige 'she - several' mai." ef ; - fihithety4ititingi .orgaciaation, . resole 'sgstakers';mtutai Staging. dc".., with blame ttorie : tor. Wake the; general com `miittee on Friday evening, when the finstarrange. ?mats ;for the great meeting 04 Saturday evening perfeeted? - With a Visor to 'define exactly the ,ehiset pro. pered:Ca'2beolitained the agitation:, Dr. Slim offered thefelleadng rinolutioa Thatiour committee on-speakers re. quesvof throe 'who may speak at the meeting on next Saturday. night only to advocate the paesago of !,:tt , laW jaatifying - and legalizing the right te Sun day . • 4,-Some, 416 am - sloe rusted-8e to tho propriety of passing the )fesolutiOn;- beeinie , was seareely proper to dictate' a field of remark to' speakers, white. ; at,the *yield 'be Impossible to •estrein`one who.wes..Sarriod away by earnest noel beyond.: what others might be *Wing to sane tion.":' The -resehttlati was finally , voted 'down, Initing.the *tatter entirely , , in. the hands of the iinkoonimittee.• - , - - - ,Cristramtia.—.l . Yeeng tan, parried , Thin. Mvliarry, wuetaken tolhe Pennsylvania Hospital, yederday-morning, having reoeived• a fracture of his right, leg' while wrestling,' at .hlanayunk, on Tuesday, evening.:• , " . - Teiiter - dej afternoon, n:liorkinanmhite enziPtoied trirepeliteg the trentoineilroad bridge,Pear 0 011 7 e clipped foil a diatonoe of fifty, feet. ;The 00 0urreacewas witnessed by several of his fellow: Work men who prooeeded•to the spot and fottnd that litr,eitillAted- been -badly freetureth ' Ile *se con veyed to bin residence at Trenton. carpenter, rremeli , llionn - rfell'-fretit - tblo - reht of a .honee at •Nineteenth and Wallace _etreets,.yeeterd l 3% 'after noon, 4pitiiis - 46tIodily injured. • lie teas removed - - to hie relideneela Linn street. - • Agnltokp Fens--TLUGOOn and COates, and theltesOliiiidelptilisf'shienger Railways Furnish peoliegii.ortwenty,live tioltets for one ..dollar. The latter company have rednoid the fare to three ciente fur pavengors who ride from their depot in West Philadelphia - to Margaretta atreet,and inter mediate points.: This arrangement hM been made accommodate the bills:ens of the Twenty•fourth 'Ward, who patronise thoinerket located near hiar gitetta was an alarm of fire lastevening occasioned by the outdo sign of. a Quid lOnip in 1' building hear Thompson 'and,Sixtieistb: streets. The building was owned by one Samuel lifoimei. In the effort to extin guish the flames; one of the coonpants of. the boom named Daniel /fall and shout S 2 years of age, was severely hurned about the face and hands. The Usual aceompanhitent of a' hafting fluid aceldent, is either:deatit or deformity; and we congratulate WS fiat viottrolon'so easy an esoane. • ;109naira.v.ifIfilaress.—=Charles Carno.rvon was arrested oti Tuesday - oVening falba vicinity of ehltowhiil and Twerity.fiith Streets; in an intea leited nondition, and upon searching him at the station-house,w - Joaded reVolver .4as found in his possession.- was taken- heti,* a magistrate yesterday morning and held in $lOO ball to,answer the Charge cf carrying concealed deadly weapons. Coaortza. , ,a Case.—Cornea _ r Fenner yester day loild an inquest.on the b dy of lif,ry Camp bell, who,died treuithe effects - of ,enoessive drink• ing; at her residenee,in, Third .street, above Pop. lac , Verdieri'deattarons intemperance.- Iffi. r .tveretVs Otanon. , , In th e elieraotetletio &Meagher the Hon. Edward Everett, at, the Meeting hold in Doiton after the death of Ruins Choate, he Apressed the following "eensiments.. They are„beautifal. indeed: `.2 It It is Perhapi bible discourses on academical laud-popular -ocostatoris that he is roost extoneivelY known in the community; as it is these whioh were lietenrid - to-with" -delighted'-admiration by the largest:itudlencee. - Be loved to treat a purely • literary , thecae;;ankh. knew how to, throw a angle frestinee—like the cool morning dew on a Muster of purple grapes—over the _most famllar teplesata 'patriotic- oelebratido. 'Soule of those neensionaiperfornmoces.wiii ever be bold among the brightest gems of our literature. The eulogy on` Dinier Meteor, - at Dartmouth College, in whieh he mingled at once all the light of his genius and all,thie warmth of hie heart, has, within My" knowledge;-never; been; equalled among the Perforeoutmes of its plascin.this imuntry for atm pathetiaeppreciation of a, great man,' disoromt. ;ntititig analysis - of 'ebaralater,: fertility of tration, weight ofsentiment, 'arid' a style at mice chaste; hereon:, acid brilliant: The ling ifentehoitswhiolt have tame criticised In this, as in hie other perforideneeti: are like those which - Dr pboantia g admired ind condemned -in Milton's preee—welloompacted; - full, of meaning, fit pistil glee fOr., great' thoughts. Bat he does not deal eicinaiveiy in those ponderous 'aentenees. There ianothing of the artifieial Johnscnian balance in hie style: , • It le7twoftert marked by , a' pregnant hievotyjie by itionoratis amplitude, Ile is some• times sis' in „oonoiselepigrammatio clauses, to skirmish:wit/it* light treopa and drive in the allentY's OUtpoits. - It is only. on fitting ocoasione, whim. great prinalplt , e , arti to be vindicated nod solemn rtothe told'; when some moral or politteal .Waterloo_or Solierino• - is to bh 'fought, that he puts on the entire-pan _ Opoly . of his gorgeous the tido. Ititithen that his 'raelestiolienteuees swell r,Ortlin'almenehnie, tif;:hili thought; slat_ you hear *fel':Ao4;AP fill ;retioCotio , erifled ordnance; and when he 'his stormed the heighte,-and broken the eintrereitid , Aranipital , thrrialtiseee; and 'tattled' the Staggering , Wings. Of the adversary, ...that he sounds tole imperial olarion-along _the. Whole line 1 Of battle, and troves " forward with all his hosts in oneoverwilehling oblige.' - "Our fitiend,wae, inert the perionel 'relations of life, tinirinc,s(uniejfisk, and disinterested of men. Comminuting? from .an early period a valuable ' oliiintelage; And rising rapidly to the summit of hie-profensiori,,and to. the best practice in the manta of Massachusetts and In the Supreme Omit of theMaited btstea, With no expensive teems or - habits, and a meatier of life highly unostentatious and "slinple,:advatelhg years overtook him with bat slender provision for their decline. ilia reaped fame, where:he. ought to have reaped bethleinti"Orid fornine.. rUcareer whioto in Eng teridtidtdd litiveheen crowned with taseeoo; and probably with' diathignished rank and °Moe, found him as sixty chained to the treadmill of laborious „ prao:ice. ' • • ra , He might, indeed, be regarded se a martyr to bleprofessida -.He gave to it his time, his strength, aria negleotieg dote etre of regular bodily exercise, ansioseaslenal entire,relaxation, ha might be sold tehav e given to it his life. lie pastime 1 the mark ing sinxtetiee and - feverish -atonements of his clients, Trani th e "courts: where he argued the eariees 'entrusted to him with all 'the energy of his ledelltieti, minting into. oorremondlug 'aoriem an overtaskednervons system, there cares and anxie ties knotted him toxbeecreariness 6f his midnight vigils; and the.nntest ot :hie sleepless pillow. In this Way be tod'a tong litefessional oureer ' worn and harassed with other men's cares, and nail. Seel ten added years - of professional usefulness to the intensity with which he threw himself into Abe diesharge of his duties la middle life. There are ".other leoelleetione 'of our friend's career, other phases of hie character , on which I weilegladly. dwell; but the hour ' , his elapsed, &nigh; not necessary., The gentlemen who have Preceded-me, hie, professional brethren, his prosier, the press of the country, generously allowing past differences of opinion to be bowled in his grave, bevel:lonia - that made hp for any deficiency in my femurs e:,• His work is doneanonly,Worthily done. Neer More in the ternples of justice-:-never more bilinellenstatThantiter—never more in the orewd eti.ateetablY774serer snore in,thin omsectated hall, where, beeo often held listening crowds in wrapt admiration, than ';.we catch the unearthly glance hienYile, or listen to the strange sweet musk, of To Morrew , eixell follow hlre...Lthe pure .pa t ri ot- - the - consummate Jorist-.. = the elo quent 'oratortho lumOred citizen— he beloved triend , rtii , the,; aud - who will not feel.:as welay-hlm there, that a brighter go. nitre and a warmer heart are not left among loving men?" Tha'Adveriisir says: The prevailing senti ment otthelisteners, se welt as a conplcuous re gard far the proprieties ;of the ecoasion, forbad* the usual marks of topplanse, except in one in /04MM: wit at the moment when the orator, "speaking of the 043011810n8' when Choate felt that so,mogreat Solforlite was to be won, foileived- in eloquent • Motapher the well•retnem• bared course of the latter field, and reached the deteribingthe general charge upon the rooted opponents of the viotor r that the feelings of the audience were wrought to the highest point of ambition; for a moment carried away from - their recollection of the occasion, they -broke out in a :generalned losig n eentinned burst applause. It TM AV Deane to be 'remembered among the chief triumphs of the_ orator, and to have been present Is something to =be long-remembered by the lis tener." 7;ll;:isntieptit.„utet", has been recently die d/hired Knox: coin:Ay, Indiana, who le under 20, weight; 110, poundeond followed and kept up with a ore* one day neatly binding 160 dozen lane - bundle's of Oat.A.- Bun end ehe could easily -hatm bound ago thooradlo (Mold h.tre out them. . . . Tim - 111,orrilIaasirdi M. Clay; of Kura - tacky, his addepred slid iavitatien to address t 10 literary, ,Ordsdlis aCtell'o,rson College, at Oannonsbarg, Pa., ea the 21 of Angie., , - V - CI.TY,A.TEIVIS. ' THERE 19;' NO ACCOUNTING FOR. Tnriens.—The sthordsi • young lady fell six !aches frowla door:atep and broke liiirrieak. Io /h. tollißia man dropped from a fourth story* and stained with an Iniery to hie 'Moulder. In BMW*, a holy made aninvoinotary de scent from a escoad•atory 'window, but wad saved from Umlaut hurt, by hevOrinolibs, on the imacbute prin. elple. Tuthie catalogue of strange thlega, we may add .that i t Weedy there are persons who am are so blind , rO - heir inttrees 'that they do trot area get at-the 'Brown Stone Clothing hell of trbi.T6oB as.d cos Chestnut Myna, .above 1313th. „ , Spehal ffinturos. 43rliter BeiheigirCelebrated -!tipiramg,,tjardarlsowitili MACHINA% ; 414 smissesn mess. 78.0 OgIIBTNIIT 440 , 1 1 / I T, PHlLAlnebrEtla. t4,of ;the' three, pic l earierkt, Adisebtaes now before the if elate. wed two' see elkrefeati watqbe 4 the isstlreSg,St'Sto sue honestly believe GEOVielt DOSTUStOta:theieri beat 'we bus aeen.rr.4Dali nf~slhta.lfspottfi.:,. ;; • sows, 4p*iliir9ce.:C! f thinCel the Latest Stytaxi and wade IsiAlielant ;manner, expressly for airsata Beans. Witelaelt etelowest eeltleg prices ta'rasni glossas an eseh'aetfaCe::; AU .:goilds,taalie to Orley ate .warranted CHW•difeetaiikii* - east-ratcia: erasing IC airlotljad hired to be the ordrndr we SteidinmaktkinrAMapttisatid : .eas 11A.KRa9k tareos ;71114150C1.1-mit OlsAMEng.:—Tite visa pepu• brityAUtieloe.,,piasightiii may rawly be understood, wkihrthe frat, Is gyms, that any good female operator rd cdtheni, , 179Diptitsfyittaut Doiimis A 'MAL Torfori preenuker, and each iar ii,thaeatistyt,ooad Wee PlalucPuet l 4 takeitt**. - Gs 44 1 P 2 7Me11t 411%,40/1 CUESEMit RNA 8,-v. Ditali, Amt. Olt a it ill Wird Pi t of Bow It *kit • el oft 44 Noticto. Greofeyli Ovarlanti Letters. ' 301/ 13 1113:1121E 111211131032811. , '-'MB. (1311EL3113 lent lat t ters wOl be from - E2ob. , 111 hieletteroloom Utatt, Caltropla; and Oentx!l. 't2i.morloa Wlll Appear In 133 DAILY ; 33211.-W133-“w and W3130Y-TRIBUN2I. Torm ; DAILY ranitlir, .$3; esnollninsi.x, .$3; Wantior Tinsono, $2. :800 010.Tofms, owkiiIIIIIIIN3 of any' date. 13140 1 m00k 'nurnbero gent apilination. Address, ' rtiYIWYB.GIEItiTILZT,,Ec Co,, 'liana, Buildings, New York ltd&W Aftliotlon.—Why will you suffer the terrors end stilletlons leeldent to adiserderedetate of the liver Of digestive Organs, When a certain remedy is within yourreacht BOOPLANDIB salticel&tl - BITTERS will cure you. • If' you will only discard your prdirlios, and glee this artiste a trial, yon will never regret it. SfOtfi iterate will be strengthened and regain its ori ginal vigor, and- you will be able to digest your food . satisfactorily. H • ' These . 13itters are _'for' tale by • all druggists and dealers iriidleinos, at t/S cents per bottle. Also by the. Proprietors; Jar. 0. 111. Th. 08,103 & 00., 418 Auoa !street, PAlladelphia. It tho: Feet: ,".D11..W. W. /11/INGSTON, CHIROPODIST, Hag returned home atter an 'thrones of ten days on professional bortotiql; and will now attend to the man, who called white hi Iran away. Ouniultleg room, 523 hreketteitt. Onlos honie from BA.H.toG P. H. It For Softening - the Skin, - Rendering It Fair and Bloototog. removlig can-burn, freckles, and mita. coons m option's that eo often mar Amain beauty. ZULU liklifiL , B ii&ti DIVINE DR VENUS, OR !MIPS EO&P, has no - rival. Even old age ylelde to its potency ; and the complexion is made radiant with tho dolteate bloom of perennial youth. Sold by all druggists, and by JIILIN3 -MUM & CO., No. TO4 O.IIFATNUT Street, Philadelphia: jy2B-8t Seamen's Saving Fnuil-•Northwest Corner of hECOND and WALNUT Btreeta.—Depoelts reoeived in small and Jorge amonnts,- from all *lmes of the eoromtinity, and allows interest at the rate of five per oeat. per annum. Money may be drawn by cheeks without loss of ln• tenet, Office open Millar, firm 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and anti:inlay until 9in the evening. President ]Franklin Fell; TrOMtleer and Becretery, Oherlea E hiortin. • Saving Fand—Nationat Safety Tenet Vent PearY.—Ohavteren by the State of PeosaYiv/Ws. . ie received every dap, and in any amount, large or email. a. Trill PER GENT . . interest La paid for money from the day it is put in. L. The money balms paid beck In GOLD whenever it Li called for, and without notice. ldoney received from .Executors, Administra tors', Guordians,"end other Trustees, to large or Smell same, to remain a long or short period. 6: The money received from Depositors is invested in Real Setae, Mortgagee, Ground Dents, and other Amt. oleo securities. 6. Office open every day—WALNUT Street; south wett corner Third street. Philadelphia • aplls ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, ur to on VOLOON TIIIA )1411INDIO 1 OIBARD 1/0110Z-Alheatiant Btraet, below Ninth. 111 }toward, Nlf ,-- 30 Dugan Baltimore I Jae T bale Beildranto A A Carrier& la, Pittsburg 11 &mix & al, Bt Louis' Ks nubbin's ht Louts John D Window, Phil& A 8 Hooter,' Nair Madrid D e Ocodioe, Kr W p sin Mtb, Norfolk Q W Mordlate, N l7 II It AMOS. Ale Jas Williams. Richmond G W Dunbar & en, N 0 li J Mantes, Bgl , , u w woodborry, N 0 Div d 8 tarns, Men Mrs Hiller & child, La N Valle, St Louis N No wean, N 0 Jahn N Boyd, N Y Rdsr a idollereon, Boston at oottrtrighti N Y it W Isliton,*, Richmond Thou 0 Holmes, Dal Judge Donaldson, Boast Bias Boors, Albany 5 Bogart, N 0 John bid:lumen Ind . Jonn Alluig Ind 08 Aldridge, Peru, In 3 B. L °ob.:user, St Lenin Oapt J Hynders, N Y it O'Keefe N Y ii 0 Finley, Richmond, Ye it it lialikS,Poisratarg,Ves K A Yoking, Sah-rabg. Va PB. Levering, Baltimore J W Williams, Baltimore" fi Edileman & la, Lana Mae fit T Nahleman ' Limo 1111loaler ' Lancaster W J Weeks & wr , , O a - Wm A llLeonerd, Oa Miss it II Leonard, Oa Miss k M. Bolt, Oa /law W row, Cis , ' ' Com it it httiekton, Nl' my Barton& ssf,Oal Stitt a 13461e4 Baton Botige ,0 a Bradley. Phila. lion .1 13 liaakin & oh, N Y Ohs. U Doserty, Oln- 0 Mr Brown, Baltimore Rev RP Colt, Pottsville, JII Thompson. Peoria, 11l Is'T Jenkins, N Y -.. ' W It Joluntan, Va - A I' Snaliaar. Ye - John B Wilson, Va Di J N llu.t, N 0 7! liaskina, N 0 J. Li Kenyon, N 0 • L flimsier, Illinois &las Bblaaler, Illinois 3 smith, Pa ' L Blur, Texas W El Ad cards, N it 3 U Silley, Jermoy Oily a a is Wil l 's, pi y W W Whiting, Bowan , II Oaporell, N Y J Wald. Maas_ I) 3 Kills, Brooklyn °apt t ldoiess : 11 B A T J Davis, ,o P Bayard, Johnson ?Ad It/Lao SOS, Boston W A Data. & la, - Blatt A' WlVallor, wadhfogion 3 Todd, Va ',. -Itl3 Molted.), 't , ,, 0 ND chanson.lKolille '0 is Dickloaon, jr, Mobile J a Bowdon, Mob ze J W epaidinit, os Loots W itli. flown, 0 altanora . - S Lowery, Urn, 0 17 it iltroncook, N Y B Poole, higulant s llagdosoo, Boylan W it maridaon, La It 04,rs, Be.d.und ' J Henderson, St Lords 21 , 1 W Delabsy, Leavitt City it .1) liclusta W B Zomba., Noitio.own .. ARAMILIN H01782-08estaut at., above Th ird Tlaleon lldt.‘" bn Vi e e/ t uf, TA eatlo - fl i Gorratsou, Pottsville, Pa b 8 Vague, Philo 13, W ea), N Y J LtioTeliN Oovn W d Mouutatibe i VA IH/ a IS J 'ormolu, N Y Atha Mary louoom, N Y J g Clark, lowa duo Xltuo, Pnua tllslloli 110TIL—Arob street. above Third, A M. Beansp, ral/o, II Wright, Troy, 0 1 Eia le, Cube 0 BOllid, New llavan .); OIIILL,/, /VOW Haven J A d Ran, Ma Jae uniting., 14.tohez, Was John bluluy, Indiana J. hicL.o, Carbon co Rubt D Halt John Welle , Portant VA W B.anchad,N Y warneloy & la, 11 Y Out 11 kiatAltlf, Tamaqua rl A rooter, kbila d2IIOOANTa , EiOTGl,—Poarth street, below Areb• W J 10,oleirs, Pa key T SYLlllamr, Cli Loafs (ben Punter, Woatmoroland J .1 ayros, Wllvatnsport Jos 11.,agnon, Ye n. Lee. elo,burg If. o,re, let,henle, Tenn Geo L G.llospto, Tean 0 S aicarts, tional.l. U L I t.,4 onu A ri, Aloe 3,Be,froour et. la, Nit biro barter, Banos (iron! Joan J elobeetr, Thioa - Imago J bluOvett. Utica like ti Tob.a, Yana J W oa,drtell, villa, I& LC Becaul, Br Loao A W 00/ameu,,ll/ Ja, Delo, ben frakeieco ' WI, brocklee,ltiplay, 0 K a bourn, t 4 0 3 N linein & sun, It 0 i'' J Itti,(leri, .07 0 Wat inayhugh, Puotatoy,o JOkilla , 110TEL-41hearront Mama. linden Bizra Thus Price, Ida D B Sanctum, Maws J Bari .bup, Old IV W Sporty, warateigta Joni, tirmc, , Va ' Mu D Saco, 01310 A 0. Y.flansiord, Ofn, 0 Dont, Weeks, N Y 11 II Thelnisdone, ea NY B March, N U 3 It Pre, 0111,0 A It Nell, Wllmingin,N 0 J zd Wm.:he:nee, Balk d lien.i•nlin. But J . DirimeN Um blehend Vi.cou thra . , 04 G G Bonin, Snit J Helper, Toronto, 0 W .le.* Ii Demberry, Bitt r Saner, Os 1 Ring, s dr 0 A Madden, N Y CI lamer, Os ' 0 W Bombard, Tema Y A 051500, Yrovidectoe, II I 0 Alooro, Washington 0 Ti Lindley, ls Y A D Oromb.e, Bald J W roma, St Lonla W 0. notional, Sall cio, lid 4 W lionmani Ala satuaaarai HGTIL--Oheatnet si., shows Vllth. T B PAlltiptl A eon, (iTi 4 io num kiN iltrqsg, OMo ell Blopeos, fr. Is, N Y W a BArO, Mole T tiolsoris, Gs 0 3. Uhunk 59 Witry , W Beast, Pottsville Joe U Ailing, Newark - T B Mere/and, Newark W Osrpeetror & le, N Y Tilos Hooper, N Y WaUla teusell, Terse U u eiechor. N Y U B Bwarr, LfileasLer X U Lizookt &, is, N Y Bjoeite, N Y „ Porter, Trenton, N: A B ‘ sie,,,,H, N y j~htaWae,rruna'e,ltl A b Dina.u, Y J M. Brick, bllnerev list T 0 Crookthankl, flit J U Urookohants, flit Dr Pepper, N Y N Y T B Un,ae, N Y J N welld,utn, N Haven ho a wxn , on N Y I U BOOPAIIIO, N Y L Kilburn Jr Is, Mass /Avid eour,roy. & la, Naas J 1 Young, Vs W D tialtabury, N Y A S Long tr. Is, 8 Id White Baltimore false is e. white, Baltimore Buzij Cobaro, lint J T UNman, Bel Jos Li Jammu, D 4), BALD ELGLV—Third st,, abort Oallowblll. John 8 Walter, Phil* John Nellats, Allentown N P linter to da, Pa J 01 Itoaruma., kin los to Cleo unemen, netalthem N N TreZer, liambarg PAlllp Haase, •r. N J W tt Abodes, Email:4 ,1 Meal, Bratfora co, Pa (iwdli Harnr, Lenigh toya II Lerch, I , ortasumpten ao, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Ease st.„ above Third E Mendenhall, Bloomsburg DCI Wilson, 'Washington M• Ph - 10mb httston A 3 °aromas', !Mast oiLty Oirfaany, Atlantic Olty 3 Power, Misting) Ony Wir.fteio,..dtlttoto Hay W Jones, kottaeille E ian Reese, Vs .7 T Bald Wu, Hasson. W ci w oolong. on, 81 Chunk J B !late ogeio; Pa J Dancer, Pot , avilie V A .11 , 1tarman,82mr'leetrle Await ct nibs r. sera llar hos Jno n Moisraln, Lock Baron tI o Harr, Llt,cester Jas II Ilantsch, Iteathog J W 308A17, 81a8t1 RAMA% EIOTAL—Third st.. awe note. L Phlliatas, Pasts'', PA T B. own . , E LianOrer, Ps J troimburn . , B Pays R Olney. theater co P. Kunasy. LeasyvillO J floAtt, lbeaturco E SOU, Chester Co 21 Eirdfah,Uhester co IS P barpltee, DM Co Shea sasrpleas. Bel co J itessurs m, Obeater co J Simons, WE m, Del J Smith; Ituweliville, Pa T Wood 0 Levis Chen or co, Rs 0 uortman, Mel co A Mug, (Meow co B Parser, L•ooaeter 8 Mumps's, Lebanon T (hand, Doylestown B Ralson, W Chester 110IINT YBRNON H0T21.-4Stoond street, aboyeArob. W Parmster, N Y Rho W !Nihon, ilerrlati's Zimmetrlusn, N Y S II Amt, AI Chunk Neleos Boons, B D a II II It Know.os, D 0 beet Veleerv, Ihttslehtime Ohm Ohnntlaau,Nonist'n BATIJAY,SHRAI HOPlSL—Second It., Wow va t BRuitmih, Buds 00 (1 Spencer, Hartford,Gonn J Itantbutn, Atlantic Oily Wm N Pince, pi. Shoimmirer P. Born, Bucks co David li - rktulde, Pa Ii F Ohamberi n, PhiTa aeo Itoutey, tiartstille II 0 Talinalge, Pa W M Auk A. ton, Ruche co Wm G Allen; Bristol, Ps 8124218.110100 110TIL—Estocket street, above ElaSe. It Sealers, Delia - are 00, WOl althon, ijoottand W 8 Wood, Flemington Jas Drown, Lancaster D F AodersOn, Philo John Wobon, PhDs Win II Watt, Pittsburg Jas Deawkidle, Pittsburg Wm Banos, 0000irtlio Bowl GrUbJB, z;bicago Johnson, hortharnpton L . Smith, Mobile Darr, Richmond , d F Tnoomilier &mom' 00l J J Patterson, PS Jae Roes, Centre co GM Bargees; Vt AG WI hiatus, Lk coming to John Beltly, Lacoartter Andrew Gray, a D F Anderson. Ind W MoVey, Harrisburg LI eloOleos, Atlantic City . 00118181tOPAL BOUM—Bath attain, above Ohostnul WWI ftbartet MOMllloMeri Davie Kimble, Dilater OD J 8 Birk, Chester oo L hullo ()hater oo Bocj Byre, abater co J Brownback, Cheater oo - 10 D Caldwell, Barelaittor , N Y Groin, Lancaster co W G Hammon, Chester co Jas Donna, Wilmla, Del 8 Burnet & la, Abington Baulk Janee, Ohio G W.Milee, Peak Bottom) II Dlenant, ?Jolla W W,ieop, Alan D Wiley, York to Braun Wiley, York co T Di Danford, York oo htIID4BAITB' gam, Third et., above Callowhlll E WHIMS 1413C8SW i Ropp JJ Bidding, Rea([Erg T lihannon bhannon, Peons D,lrakel, Allentown) NY _Ammerman, adyerstoarn Col P Vausanr,,Benke no El BsWei k la, P/1013.11. H BaMet, PUMA Idr» W Lee; Banton. A Barber & son, Penne It Weeder. Allentown D El 'Taylor, Be hithem D Kramer, Darn= &onkel, Durham DLA.OR BIWA HOTlM—Third et., above Oallowhill GWeeber, Biaiden Ofeek 'll Nearer, Hoefitehivine W Thompson, 1100800 e D Hun, ludleos G Mangle, Potteellle G Yeager, rh , Ja 0 Duper Jenkintown' W B Joon, Jenkintown 3 Con ll6 :• l4ol theroptom D Lehr, araintown 0 Bendier, Lehigh oo b Borer, Ohembereborg 441g-, ,, Pit5819:441114.4i) ' iL,i 0 11* -- . TillMitt:AT; 31* . i: 2S .1i59 inaritu InteUigencv. la 7 081 YOUBTII nen • NT rtitsortsra.l , • (Correspondenoe of the PUMAS.) Nan Yong, July 2f. Arrived, ship ?fay Plower, from Gibraltar ; brig Charles B Truitt, from Rio de Janeiro. Dalow, bark Ann E. Grant, from Rio. " Nonarome, Va... July O. Arrived, ship I:tightwadlaf, from ammo . , with U rand iron. 1110110BANDA. Stomalp Bolton, bellow, hence, arrived at N York yesterday. titeamehip Habana, s.looonnell, hence for heir Or lemon, touched et Key West 1911 a inst., Steamship Virginia, Kelly, nailed from Richmond 26th toot, for Philadelphia. Ship Gov lisogdort, Stone, from tiverpool for Phila. delphia, woe spoken, no date. lot St lon 0 10. Ship d Wakefield, Young, cleared at blew York yes terday for Bong Kong. ship Geo Baynes. Batoholder, failed from San Fran alum let lost. for Rowland Island. Ship Queen of the Prone, Dubois, cleared at N York Yesterday for Ban Francine°. Ship Bonet, Mitchell, cleared at San Francisco 2d Init. tor Nest 5 ork. ehlp Deity, from New Castle, NSW, or rived at San Francisco 6'h inst. Bark Jolla Costner, which capsized In Eau Frasofeca Bay on tbo 23th Jane, broke adrift irom alongaido the ship Southern Eagle 'on Wednoslay morning, 29. h, and drifted to eon; elm went ashore about throe miles month of Poit L.l3the Telegtoph Slat en. Tho steamer Martin White went to her aestetonee, but returned, kavirg failed to render her any. She lies on the beach with her post side Move in, and wit prove a total lose. Boi IC Maas Pal tingill, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived at New York yesterday. Beak Ziogaraia. 'soaker, from Rio de Janeiro 15th nit arrivoct at Now York yearei day. Berk Weather Gage, lila ea, for Elko de Janeiro. cleared at New York yesterday. Berk 1.. m••. Bier, Diver, from Elavane, was below New York yesterday. EMI. nail), Bird, Cook, from Bassein, was at MUD May 21, nno. Bark Jeonet, Barkley, from New Castle, N Bailee from Tahiti about May 21 Bark Mahlon Withamton, Pohaffortb, from Plume for Bettis cleared at Gibraltar 20th nit Bark Belle, Ryder, cleared at contou :01th nit, for Bug Crawford, Small, cleated at New York yeeter dry for Nailed. Brig nett Lion, Wall, from Rio de Janeiro, at N York yesterday. Brig topeadoway, Thompson, hence fox St Batts, wee spokes .113.1 a lost. let '24 11, I peg 6215. Shirr B Wation, Carlisle, hear., was sabot, on the East Baok, Mobile Bay—most of her cargo had been taken out on a wearabont, and it, rate expected she would be Hosted of 27tti Met Sabre W W Maioy, Bock; Sarah of Bright, Sad h ; 11. it Orgeball, Capital!, teed Neptune, Myers, hence, sunset, as Boston 211 la,tast. . 11 Sohr Saran, Bemon. helms, at New Bedford 26th lust, Rano, July 10 —a fire broke out in the Might of July 8, on board the Amerirein chip Abby Bleatchard, White, LnollogUt Bordeaux for Now ur ear.ll, dud haviog spirito on honed. By the prompt aesielrosoe of the fire brigade the ere, whites wig/oaten in the altar pat of the chip, non wan purely nomdeutal, van got comm. the loos at coneleting of merchandme, sail-cloth, and cot ton. 1307 MPS'. KOLB. July P Fetus Niacin. .7 fieott Bud all, rat adelplus for unstop' Fly, Cheese • man, do for Nantucket; Ortolan, alattluqrs, Porte month for Philadelphia; S B Bailey, Line, Haverhill for do; Blinn France., Mahoney, St John, S ar, for do; Alva ado, brattier Comte fordo 2dth—Ar and aid, bag Oen Boyd, (tray, Calais for Philadelphia Also old echo B J Scott, Sly, Grecian, S B Bailey, hams, ff A M—No vessels in port. On the oveninv of the 21st Intent by the Der, Dr Marin; JOHN OrlliNTliDlt to LODISA KOMIGEB, both of tribi cloy, On the 26th of duly, PIIEDEISIOIC. Una% In the Olth year of Ms age. His male relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from the realdence of hie eon. la-law, Mariam itaker s No 1333 Arch street, on Stair• day moraine, /30th instant, at 9)a &cloak. at Laurel LIM. *if* - - On Wedne•dey morning, 2.tilt Intent, SIMON WAIL. LEA aged 80 years. The male friends of the temlly are rbetlectftilly invi ted to attend hie funeral, free) the residence or his brother 11. Weiiiery 8.4 , southwest censor of Frank lin and Buttonwood streets. ou Friday, the 28th instant, at 10 o'cicct A. M. wit , out farther notice. ** On Wednesday. the 11th lost . JOSEPO infant eon of W Lehman and Mary W. IL Bchaddr, aged' months. .Cue netide eq}l be glen 0 , the fanetat. On the 231 instant, et Onroptut,era, We. RUA '- BETH OCTOBER, widow of the late Christopher t., t- Unger, to the 88th year of tier am The relatives and &Janda of Old family ate re/lpeat tally invited to attend the 'Moors}, froth her lets ren denas, Main sleet, below Logan, this (Thursday) after noon at 3 o'clock, without further 110L100. * On the 28th instant, aditall BIM:Ian, In the 714 year et her age. The relatives and friends of the family are reopen. fully Invited to. attend the Memel, from the residence of her dautliter, Angeliro Miles, southeast corner of °hutch and Orchard streets, Brank'ord, Twenty-third •atd. thin (Monday) ~afternoce at 8 o'clock, w an- Cut further notice. To prucel& to Baptlet dittrial Ground Brantford. 41. On the Mt& instant. AnANDA., wire of Valentine Boraet, and d'nghter of tho late john Milbank, in the 35th year of bet age, Tba rat+ Mires and friends of the family are retpent telly invited to attend tbb rubbral, In morrow fkcidcy) afternoon. at 9 o'clock, from her husband's remdence, Sixth and nester streets. To pecensd to Liars! Mil.* , On the 28th instant, ant. MARGARET YOUNG, In the 831 year of her ago. he rmatmes end friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral. from the rardenes of her husband. Adam Yotpre, 420 Carpenter street, thin (Thursday) attarnoon, a 1.3 o'clock, without further notice. * - . thethe , 28th Oafilit I ANN a, daughter of the Isto Jaime had Abut- Bradhy, stab - 1 - year - 1d menthe and 14 _ ii The relatives and friends of be family are reaped fully invited to attend the funeral. from the reel-asses of her brother-re. law, John Qatnn"; Vlrnthtp Line Read, above fleet tolipte Germentown ruad, thin (Thursday) afternoon, at 1!( &Moak without farther notice. T. mom. dtoCa h drel Cemetery On the I 6 th ins aut. A 11., non of Jana!! and Reletza Coulter. aged IT mottos The reletiVes and ci tie family aro reopen!. fully invited to attend from the residence of his parents, No. 3 rennevivaaia abrade, *set or Twenty firth etree', tide ( Thursciar) d teanoon, at 4 o'clock, Ivitacut further notice. 10 proceed to Moe. Meet OnMe , et`• Oa the 24 , ..h 'instant, Mae. ANNA TOON, widow of the late Abraham Thorn, in Lk , filet yea• of her ago, The rallit , ves a' rrtetute of ttto fuutly are ro'peot• fully inv.ted to attend the Inueral, from her lute roßi deuce, Mt ilargdolph street, to morrow (Friday) altar• Loon. et II o'clock without further amine. Oe the 26th instant, at Ltelra , ablvq. Pr I ANOI9 IRMO, latent child of racehe a—d. 21.e.beth aged 10 tenths and 0 daym• The relettros end friesda losltPd to attend the Cetera], this (Thureley) wrolog. et 10 °ldea. * ye New - York, Jtt.y. Tr. -600, aged St years, fEtiJA MIN C. L;1, b rother of Jiro, Theodore T. of city. UT North Branch Cassel Company —Notice S ootholders of the Norio Brooch venal thwipsny are hereby notlfltd that by a resolution of like Board of Baosse.e an testament of TWO AND A It sLIT LOLLARS per share is raw:Eifel to he paid to the Trevoler or nis assistant, at their Mike, in WILK auttAlltiN. by the lath day of September neat, and if net paid Illthla thirty dap] after that date the hook will bet fitilotba. GEO. M 1301.LTNISA.` It, Treasurer. • W. G.. Bran. taa , Aseistans 'treasurer. 7ulp 22.1, EC Kr. Preen Rad CoatraAtreet Phtladelphta PAeBBNOINt 'RAILWAY COMPANY. ..I.OIIINTS 00 )D 3011 A MOE 0 4 triE ROAD of this C p ~~~ ap ~~ - yyy are for cafe at the (Pleb of the Octupany, 423 f etreet; at the Iteoetrer'a 011101, P.Or• Wu a Orrayd Roar*, aud at the Dept of tt o perceanterm opt Norrintono flatiron - I,st Nioth eta Orton. Prioe 006 Dollar for a Paring° of Trrout.t. five. WAND'S( firiAblittiob, JO2 It . Becrstary. irra NOtiCa to Stocicholdno. —An Electton ill bo hold for tailcoat or the ALL?•.:GIIISNY taooriTalti EIEALTII INeTILOTH, at uktb%bON, on tho situ M0.1.D.1.1 , la Angasc, et d o'oo tor. T. itLetn, tiOOSEI, deortlary. Staunch it Vatley and Pot mile DAMN 'AD OU., 1109 WALNUT Sccect—Pcuce.- plateau, July 19, 1859 —the COUPOro one Ana , t let upoc the Haat Clortgue th,eda et the PIIIIt DAL PM& AND SUNBURY NAURUAN CO., xfll be paid on sod after that oats. on presentation at thte Office, between the home 0110 and 2 o'clock, hal 22 25 dtA3 (IFFICE GUARDIANS OF THE POOR, . 1 .5 NO. &lb:nth szlrEtcrti kreet. ti 2116P0d.5.L8 COlt 13.0141 1 AND MUT rON.lf Sept rate sealed etopOett 11, endorsed proPutile for supplying DERV and nitriaoh for the PIIILeDBLPIIIA atais for one year, will be received by the Store tray. at his Ans. until , MONDAY, 10 (Moak A. fd 2 Austiat 1. MM. The quantity of Beet required will be about 100 MO toned', and must be from well.fed cattle, neighing, bot less than 000 poundr— he weal to be cut up, arm the utak, Chute, as legs minded. Alma the name auddint of Mutton will be required. and mutt be from,wel I fattened eta p. Bound and goal market table meat well be requital, to be delivered at nueb times, midge entity, as m‘y be orde ed, to beinspeo• ted and neighed upon del Irety. The 0 uardlann rererre the right tee telin men meat a, in the op nil= of the steward ent storekeeper, le not equal to tut quality to quired by thee letter of eke centrals. A niter. Upon t- e part of the contractor to nupp.v the quantity ordered will Kira the pro/liege t the Itneadof puce, ening, and thedlo - If any, rill be deducted from the attereodirg payment. Payments to be made monthly, and no pro , propose,/ will beeteeopised unless from reliable and :a 'Tensible persona, ly 28 43 NOV CE.—On and after THURSDAY, 28th IN feet the eltia Or the Betond and Third street Pareenger ct allwey OLnaptny win run from RICHMOND to liftlolsollUhli every 15 rrlnutne, Fare, G COUttl, Sy2/3 St THCEI LOGAN, Secretary. REIMER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GAL— LEILY, SROOtili Street, abovo Omen, rx the taunt oomplato to Mc city, because you can get any tine YllO Poo PA from Lit] to Miniature, and any price ADIIIItOPY E, irorn tironty acute to $l5. lt* VAIVIOE's STEANI-PLOW SUCCESS- Jt —Yesterday the Itoam-P:ow was exhibited at Oxford Park. to the almlrallon of 1110 nucurolif farrows aml citizens In attendance. It will to t xhlbi• t d again TO D.Y. -TO MORROW, end PRIDAY. la Do zooming from 10 to 12, and in the afternoon from 3to 4 Pomo,' ni.hirm to witness thin Greet Xxlool. Lion sill take ha Ritlh and 81ath•streete earl to Prank. ford. whers omnibus. ~ will be in at endanes to convey tisem to the Park. Admaslon 25 cents. jt27 , at .31 A R a MUSIC STORE, No. 1102 0111I8TOIrr btreet„ rhlladelphin, Whey. all the latest and purl:Liar a nate e.O be ob. Wood fr,ro any canape la thi f nits 1 .itates. In struction Books. Pot PIYOBB Songs, Ballade, ace Now Oaralegues will be forwarded to any one, post-paid Melo will be sent, post-paid, on receipt of tne price runked on catalogue Publiohing and receiving new Masks daily. Musical Instruments and musical mar• obandise of every description at importors , end manu facturers, prices. Mann, jy2o.lro 1102 OIIBSTNLIT attest. QTEREOSOOPES AND STERDOSO31 1 10 Na m e., In great viviety, from the London Prd Pale Morel:m:10000os , of West Impor tation, wbolfeale end retail, tit the Stereopeopio /luau, 112 laheth 1 , 011 , t1 , 11 Street, below. Chestnut. 3r2.3 et-St lA. 1. 'SUNMAN, Opt pLEFINED SUGAR AT CASH PRIDES. U. DONOGUUII, Bluth WATnIt Street, offors for veto Loaf and eatenttont Loaf at 101(a; Oruthea mni Patronised, and tijici; White OttTee Einar. 9, 9M 5 and 9%0 atliee Hagar, 7x , Vx, ex 8%, tith ; eatteat Ye lotto, 63. Attu prtroa km 0 atularavv; etvaru Syr^. ti and alotansea and t I ffen vir,nno grade% at )(matt ;oh er)eva iv :6 81,0, "UNION, datill SIUF iT, Atiit Ve; IL. map, PIM& DELPHIC trews 0, NSW. CORM —The situation or this HO Crib in Superiorly 6demtad to tho wants of the line , usoo Public; and to those in search of pleasure, F . :weave nallroade, which now run past, and in close proximity, offal a alien, and. pleasant ride to all plump of interest in or about the till, jy28.61Xl Stlarrtageo. illgatbo. JOUN la. (10DDATtD, IStotttm r CALHOUN M. DFIMIKMMI, Pao elothing CLOTHING I AT WHOLESALE: 0,. mt . .A..rtsx riTth s ac s o 833 BiAItIOT STRZWC, 'IIGUDIEWIT CORM OV YOURTII NTIMITJ Offor for este, on the wont LIBERAL TERMS, A 00W and ertenstve stook of FALL AND WINTER OLOTRING, • MIAMI, TVIIS SUITHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, • TO WHIOII TIISY INVITE TUE ATTENTION OF HIMMEL jr2B 2m . • Ovate anb Oliaeg. FALL STOCK Or BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & 00., 314 bIAAICBT 13TIMET, Have now on bend a large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES OF EVERY YAUIRTr, DARTER'S AND OUT MUM. Purehaaero visiting the city will please call end es. amine their etook. j 13ouge-ifinitioging eotibo. LIOUSEKEE'PERS, AND Trlol3ll CIitPUNCING /101382KIMPING t Wlll end by Oa the Isriest and most used stook of housekeeping and nonfat articles in the city, comprleing may new goods, Jot- escorted from Europe, of a kind noses before for Bale in Philedelpbla,at the torerooms of JOHN A.MURPHEYS: 922 ORESTRUT STREET, - ABOVE MYTH, 3,127-rmatwlf . taw publications. liiTA.VERLEY NOVELS., AND SIR WALTER SOOTTBI COMPLETE PROSE AND POET lOLL WORESt Pabilehed and for tole by T. B. PEPERRON k BnoTtrig3, No. SO3 OIIESPNLIT Street. WAVERLEY NOVELS By Fir Walter Scott. With magalacent Portrait of Sir Walter Scott, engraved. from the last Portrait for which heaver sat at Abbott,. fordotith big Autograph under it. POTItitiIOWS la the ohespret and on'y complete eds. Von of the far.fomed Works of Sir Walter Scott, published 'IL the United Solari, L'FIT r1iM:).4 7 13 edition of the WAVERLET NOVELS ferreptinted from the °riffled Edinburg Edition. that was Untied in Porlpelght Tolnmee, at a cost of $7l, and sompriass the following works Neat orldtd Lothian. The Mcmaetery. Beide of Lammermoor. The Betrothed. ' The Slack Dwarf. Red Gauntlet. Guy M.nnering. The Talisman, The Antigairy. Woodstock. Old Mortality. The Abbot. Rent' worth. The Surgeon's Daughter; The Pirate. Aunt Margaret's Mirror. Wavgrloy: The Pair Maid of Perth Ivanhoe. p Donut Doted tif Pails. • Rub Rey. The highland Virldolf. A Legend of Montreal,. Tapsiitited Ofitresbef. The Portages of Nigel. Anne or Gelersteln. of the Peak. Castle Deogereuc. Qttootla Dartford. The Laird's Jock. St. Rousn's WO/. - - 'The Dr...vers. Glossary (or the Navels. Alt of the above mortis are published complete to Twenty eta peer-cover Volualed, end told it the low peke of Vipects for each volume, or SS a set. T. B. PIISEItSCSS & BadTaatt also§obllsh the iihole of the abois; cotiiplefe in live ldrge oattril voles:lea wetly soil hen/dumbly, 'Sound in tarlotit stYlre, ' Etsgaleg In pries from SO to $l3, &Ai:titled to style and quality of binding. big WALTER BOOTY'S COWLSTO AND 050150 PROSE, MVO POETIOAL WORE S. This edition Is complete in ten largo octavo volume, of over 7.000 pages. arid it contains the whole of his WAY/MUNE NOVELS. (deco:Ned above, which only form fire of rite feq4 tolususe ) as well as the whole of Me piton. roAtlonL,god LIRd&IbTIO WORKS; together with his LIPS lab' sePotlauil, lied an hly EItTORtEtt and ItS.,ATB ; with, the MEMOIRS OP Slit WALTER „SCOTT'S LIVE by Tooitamir. lint., end the AUTTIOR'S LAST DORBROTIoNo AND ADDITIONS - Ocropthipg oror Seven Thousand pages, and bound in eizteeo different slits*. frriat TWELVE DOLLAAS u *Marl' DOLLS:RA a SET. T B. PETERSON & SRO fIISItS, No SO3 WISSPNIUT etrort, ( 1 :1 G. BVALW BOOK-LIST. aooxi aro sold at the lowest pride,. and a ondromo°GlBlororth from 60 cents to 51, to alma with each Plooh:at the time or purolsoso. SCOW' 800146 82A115 V 11.96 - A 1.000 4 .101LVE j or. WO rod tilierty i iiryrape , 117 too otltho7 bf t , Belle BrittarN Latterly , 1 int,ltlotoPriovP.. Lt,OTIIKEB YOB TUN , By th e Bee Routh elorrell Brown, or the Myrtle. utreot Oloapel,,Ltrerpool. , FLROT EBRIV(3. , - With attiogragblul Introdaetion by Dr. It. Shelton Msaicenz a. • . Web WM tinder a epeeist arrangement with the Btaa. - . Wph isiplendld Portrait, engtsTed on steel by Bar. te-ta. • One *O'dme. [,loth Pries $l. DARING AND 31P,IIDIJ Dbt.D.4 AlilltlClAn WOmE,N, a - ratirfiling eZamplise of Oorlregb, Portitule, Dfivotedoess. arid 8 lf•exeriflee among the Palliser blethers of the Western country. By J. Prost, Lb D Oen volume. 12mo: Cloth Price P. THZ ahlaittOaS PRAOTfOrtii 0011CNRY BOOK. Being the melt comp ota Book r uti:lahod, airing dire a. tine. , or Proem rieg Freda acoording to the Mon thuds, and numerous ran pas in every brunet of the Odlicary Art. Br a Philadelphia tionnekte t at. One co'utne. )2.n0 Oloth Price gl 1T rLY AND Ina Welt OP 1919. With many Blogra phinal Botches and a litstory tf the War. By Mine. Jute de trarguntitted. One vela ter , S 2 no. Cloth. trinetlsS., aLfr TUB LITE•T POBLIOntIO6.II. AND A Pier . 4 1 1 7 , 3 N Vain EAOI.I 1.1001 C., AT k. k. XV ANS' Gift•Dnok tratabinhconut. jy2.7 at No 4 9 DEURoTNII P St , , ok n oit .NEW SIIMMBR BOOKS LOVE-(L'AMOIII2.) traatl,Sed fto M. Mloholot'o groat French work The unprecedented sticcess cf tbta test 16ok, by the celebrate% Matelot. le eurpaelog. Ildit:On after ride: tlon to celled for. Blehiellere throughout the country are re-ordering it In, large quantitlee. a Praised by by eown, and condemned by others, it la the cones. (Jon book of the del » IL third edition now ready. One volume, limo. Munlio, Prise $l. RECOLLECTIONS or VIE REVOLT' I lON. Duroaatio Diary of the aot4al stoats whiepp ensured among a colony of the Inhabitants to the neighbofhohl of New York and Long raised, during the War of the American Revolution, together wait Personal Bimini• 608130ta of Weehington and Lafayette, never before pub licised. ltelatrd by the daughter of a clergymen. and prepared from recordit now ip the poileasion of the family of the author. Zdited by Pidney Derolay One of our most distinguished historians remarks of this volume, that it le the only history LI pi testa home mein published, atd is Interesting on this a:count—all preflous works being more or less statistical and gene rel. This volume !WO alone at plestriting the occur. room and incidents which existed in one neighbor• 32 ho., muslin, printed to antique. Yam) St. I‘I"OI?..b.LE.A.N. A new novel, of freshness ant well drawn charac ters, happily conceived, and painted with great truth of detail Ay Allan Hampden, Oco volume, limo., mueltu. Piths 8110. Theme Boots will be soot by mail, rommealt Plea, to any pert of the United t taw. on the receipt of the prim by RUDD et. OA NLGTON, Paltaborti and Dlokeellert, N 0.190 Grand argot, near DromMermy, N. Y. jele.thtestf - TILE BETKF — Ott. THE TIRES. Jur venuetszo, iiS FOR TUB PROBLII. nr tun Re , erend OTOWULL BROWN, of the Myr tle•street Ohakel, L carpool. FISST s SUMS t With a Biographical Lutz:oho:Atm by Dr. it Elan. TON AlAGitim Z fa. P.All3hed under a special arrangement with the author. With a splendid Portrait tegraved. on Steel, by Far. tale. Ono volume 12-no , cloth. Price, $l. 'From the Lwerpool Moreau ‘, Ur. Brown , a Loot:siren nil an important plate, for which we have to other book. The style Is char the Wet ia kiwi the rewonior careful and the argument , oluelve and although 'in dolent! they ate not eta. carton, but aro ouch that would hums many pampa to attend place. of worship. We are persuaded teat this book will render more a col than any book of for. causer Lectures that have ban published in thieNine. teentit Century." ALL THE NNW DOGES, AND A GIFT GIVEN SPITE EAO& BOOK, at Gift Book xetxblt&Laent ) Jp23 et No. 489 CIIEb TNIIT t., cs . }.IASIBEetS , b EacMilittPE,DlA, 4 .-/ (To be m eighty monthly puts, 36 gents °sob) Rego`arly atippliad to any ad'rosa, by JOAN a•ORARLAN, Agant FOT APPLOOOO'O Nan Ausazdau 01Lenore, ARO ADE HO EkiTN II . above Bath. 3 y14 *We Mailed fr e anywhere-1r paid In adrane.. A N EARNEST AND TDOUGIITFIIIs ..CX. BOWL Luarunsa ON THII MST TWO VIBIONB OF THE BOOK OF DANIEL. By Bev. William Newton. 12tuo. TO cents. 0011028 OF THE rases: There Is a warmth of tone and feeling about this book -which will make it not unaaraptable to a large clam of readers. Its practical earnostneta and reve rence of spirit are high recommendation —Banner of the Oros The volume contains 111110810 Dud earnest expositions of prophecies. The author's deal are, in some re. apses, peculiar, and son worthy Of attention and eon eideration.—American Presbyterian. The book is the product of a calm, thoughtral, ear. nest, and reverential mli d, and may be conflated with proftt.—Presbyterian Banner and Advocate. Juat publlnhed by wridaela 8. & AMID) Jell Ho. 868 0111SaTNUT !meet. fILD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS, 1 . 33 , 5 undersigned States that he has frequently for sale books printed between the years 1470 and 1600; early editions of the Pathere or the Reformers and of the Puritan Divined; in Law, Draston, LytOeton, Pot fendorn, Grottoa, Dowat, Coke, Gale, the Year Books, Reports, deo., are often to ba toned upon his abelvee; Qyolopedlal, blii3Oba, Ohmic Authors, History, Poetry, Philosophy, Memo, Political Bconomy, Government, Architecture, Natural history. Treatises open these end other kindred subplots ere beteg cootinually dealt in by him. Books, in large end smell quantities, pu - abased at the Clostorn-Bones avenue Bookstall, MOT NIII` 9tref/I' l aboto Fourth, Philadelphia. ray.lo. Out JOHN CAMPBELL. ILLAIMIN APING GOAL OlL—Warranted equal to any for army and durability, and it Sabl:Ont-ploalVa. 4.140 Labrianting Coal Oil. n. p, iIUDBABD ea NON, 148 ItontAMon“, Milk anb Tarp (lictobs Jobbtra. M L.HALLOWELL&OO., 883 MARKET . • AKO Z 7. N. FOURTH STREET, Hllll nor open, and ready for isle, BIJPERII or NEW SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, O[ their onn hoportstion, 3y21-12t REMOVAL. J. W. GIBBS & SONS RAVE BLEMOVRD TO NO. 681 MAIRICE r ST.. N0A731 BlDis, TIMED DOOR BELOW BLtTU STREW. Jy26 6C REMOVAL. SIBLEY, MOLTEN & WOODRUFF, TWO DOOM BELOW RTXTH, BT., NORTH MDR iy23ati•catt•Ot ' CARLISLE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, cumnEutatiD count, rim, SYLVANIA. - The price of Board for the remainder or the Peuou, at Me delightful Summer Belton, wall be VI to ES per week Miters, leaving Ballade'phis or Baltimore In the morning trans, arrive lit the tptlngs at 8 P. Id ' jy2B.BW OWEN, CILBSDINfIi. & 00. BRIGANTINE HOUSE, • This is a most delightful resort fur famillee. The Bathing et this point is duelcelled anywhere. A large Hotel, the lillliair,NTlNE HOllBll, has been recently built. The location is cool and delightful, being elm ated between the Bay and the Oman. line fishing and gunning throughout the leeenrk. Terms ZS per week. Captain Tuner's new boat, the Bea MM." awaits pariningera at the Inlet on the arrival of the =urn. log train at Atlantis City, from whiolt the BBIGit- TriV.fil HOPES le situated a diet:nee of three mllet, being a pleifeent inland tall. Paatengers will had ()apt. Turner at lied loofa Rhidi, where they will leave the can Poet °files address, AttentleCity. _ jt3o•tAl4 ViTARN SPRINGS, SITUATE AT THS BASS OP WARIGOIt arDas hIOUNTAIN. This romantic watering place, fire miles north of HUNTINGTON, Penna., has been newly fitted and fur nished, ready f 0 the reception of visitors, at the fol lowing rates : per Week, $l.lO per day. Gentlemen wishing to keep horses can be accommodated with good owl stabling, attentive and trusty hostler., at low rates. A daily line of hieil dill rims' from the railroad sta tion, In Iluntineton: to the OprltYge, Matins an the arrival of eachpassenger train. je3o lm* JOHN R. HERD. N EPTUNE 11°U8fdLANTIO CITY. This POPULAR and pavourra HOUSE 'having bona ENLARGED AND REYDUNIINIED, is now thrown opal teethe season. Its Rooms 113 LattOß, and lIILEOANTLY with story oonVenlence and notated for SCrjoUtaera at hand. This House adjelnil " on MASSACHU SETTS Avenue. within convenient distance of the sad, to reach which broad and solid gravel rttas have been laid out. It le adjacent to the Lighthouse, an 3 commando a floe view of the Ocesn and Permanent and Transient Boarders accommodated on liberal terms. Ohildren and Servants half-price. JOHN RIME, Proprietor. RKEA BATHING. 1911.6.19 ANS HOVBI, Cope blend, N. J. This ferorably and well•keonn Rotel to now open for the reception of fieltorn. Terms $8 per week. je23.6w JAMB PlzosAlc, Proprietor. 1859. OHIO WRITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. °PIN TO lISITAS,SSIIIINO ttRALTR OR PIMA SUBS, .11M1 A itatit Ist TO 06rocaa ACCOMMODATIONS SON OVINI 450 TILE OGIO WHITE STILPEIIIR SPRINGS ero attn . ted in DelaSare cswity, 1.5 miles north or Columbus, (the capital or Ohio,) on the Scidtb miles from Delaware, 5 miles from the White ildithur Station, on the tpringilaid, BM Vernon , and Pittsburg Railtotid, and 10 miles from Pleasant Valley or Springs station, on the 0.-Innabon, PiTIA, and Indiana Railroad. The medicinal qualities of these Springs ire tusaux , passed by those of any other Mineral Waters in the Ignited States. Nor Ewm, or other information address W WILSON,NDRE Js. - Whitd tittlptier Optthga Ohlo. 11711ITE B#LrEttla AAP OHALY BEATS SPRINGS, at D 01.191.00 OAP, PA , are now open, and are easy of nom via Retrial% i thence on the Onmberland Valley Road to Rewiring thence B mlles staging to the Springs, where you ar rive at hv. hi. eame day. Bray arrangement Is cam plate for Welters. Board per week, it; per day, $1.26. Badrietlen for families. References-44a. Steal, Her- V 7121 Baroroft kOO., .B. B. Janney, as Reference th the hotshots of the Waters, Jas. 0. Booth, Analytical Protector Of II it Mint. Address Newrillo P. 0., soon! coirra, jet% annek Proprieta/a UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONG /111,ANOH, N. J.—The subscriber takes this method of informing his friends find the pens, that on and after JUNE 20th hie house will be open for the reception of guests, when every effort will be made to please those who may favor him. The house is plus• snotty attested on a fine bluff, with lawn in front. A full view of the 000su. good roads, stabling, /co., make it de atfratlivre as any hones in the conotty. The com munication le accessible by two daily lines from foot of Wainut.strect *hart, Via': 0 A. 6f. , and 91i N. Iloference—Nrenity, Warden, Lc On , 219 Chestnut sgeet : 11. A, 011OBISAHES QB A BAtHING.—THE MANSION POMO, foot of Pennsylvania avenue, ATIANTIO OITY, is NOW OPEN , for guests. Bar convenience of arrangement, oontlgutty to the beaoh, and attraetive nen of the adjacent grounds, thin house is unrivalled. Tde prokrletor hes spared no pains in making this Hotel all that oottld ho desired by visitors. . B. LIM IIMPHELATA MOUNTAIN IatINIO, 11.141 LANO IBT PR COUNTY, etiNtift. This worsts eatabilsh oent wlll be opened by the first of JUNR. Mated on the Spbrata Ridge, 69 mllee treat of Philadelphia, 16 aoath or Reading. 15 north of Lancaster, 40 east of liarriabarg, and having the advantage of the parent Ws water, every variety of bathe, the aloe elevated to I,NIO feet above water level, *lth graded and shady walks In dense forests, and the moat eattensite lautiaape canary In the Union, It le not atirpassed es a firimmer residence. Avommodations for 400 persons, improved stabling, end good earriege boluses i also s good stock of livery bombe and carriages, with amusements. A good band of Wale, billiard tablea, ten pin alley. It is easy of aortas from all the abote points by railread and ctiaohes The proprietor operas nothing to Make it a home place for comfort and health. Jar farther partioulare, 069 cirettlarg, to be had ,by applying to Joseph 13. Myers. Third and Vine streets ; James 11. Earle, 818 Chestnut street; or to the Proprie tor, JOREPH .KONIGRACHAR, Ephrata Post 017100., La:muter Onsets, PBll.ll/1. THE MANSION HOUSE, READING, PENNA. W. L. DE BOURBON, Proprietor: This Well-known estabilelament, the termite resort of citizens and 'slattern, hee lately undergone erten are repairs, and Is now one of the moat commodious, elegant, and thorough hotels to the Union ; beautifully located at the corner of FIFTH and PENN Btreete, Heading. Its accommodations are lirst,claes ; the rooms spacious and airy j and the table constantly sup. pllnd erith all the Innurlee of the season. Potions de- Mrona of !Tending • few treats in the summer In an agreeable and eaononileal manner, conid not dobetter than make a trial of BOILEBOWB MANSION nous' at Beadier trusTows UNITED STATE% 110T8L, GAPE MAY. Title epsolons and favorite resort of militant to Cape May has passed into the hands of COL. SANUSL T. HOUSTON, (late df Barnunt's City Hotel,) and will be thrown open to the pablie on MONDAY, the 20th inst. The long experience of the Colonel in this reneges Lion pee slimly fita him for the ernceasful conducting of such a house, while be will be supported by the very hest side, in every department, that can bo procured. The home has been entirely renovated, and decorated In the most gorgeous manner, and arrangements made for the supplying of the larder and the wine cellars with all met seed in the terms substantial and luxuries. We can Far* , advise visitors to give the Colonel a call, and predict that his boat of friends will be vastly in. creased before the season 14 over. jytt./m SEA BATHING. NATIONAL HALL, CAPE ISLAND, tUt•33 IdsT, N. J. This fins, lugs, end airy houso is NOW ,OPPN for staters, /t distlnguisbed for coy:aro:S., totality, sad superior accommodations, with ample room for 200 per sons. Terme moderate. je2o , ow AARON GARAI/D/ON, Proprietor. G. G EV &UM BEDLOE/D HOTEL) At the terminus of the Ilsiirosd, on the left, beyond the Depot. Ws Noon le NOW OPEN for Bolero and Transient Villiers, and offers accommodations 'opal to any Hotel in Atlantic City. Since last season, the obambere bare been very much Improved, end rendered more comfortable by Venetian blinds hiving been put up at the windows. Charges moderate. Children and Servants, halfprlce. Er Parties should keep their seats until the oars arrive in front of the natal. The algae are eoneeinti• mu. jnviS Sot • • SEA BATIUNG— AVIaNTIO OITY. CONGAREE HALL Se now open for the RECEP TION OP BOARDBRE. and the subscriber will be happy to see hie friends who may favor him with their patronage flaring the swoon. je26.80r VIOL 0. GARRETT. IEA BATHING. CONGRESS HALL, LONG DBANOR, N. J. Will be opee for the reception of visitant, JULY 4th. The Rouse arid Furniture are entirely new, with all the modern Improvement' and convenienoes, and loca ted on a Noe with the National House, with tine lawn In front, and within one hundred yards of the beach. There will not be soy btu. kept; in every other re epeot the above house will be fint-olase, and the pro prietor hopes by strict attention to mahouts, to receive a ceetinuanoe at that very liberal patronage extendint to him through the last seven yea's. Persons wishing to engage rooms, eon do so by ed. dressing' WOOLMAN BTOKEfi s Proprietor. IALT .AFLOAT.-1,800 sacks Ashton's /...7 Hoe; 500 Alareball's do i 2,000 Liverpool Ground, arrived per obip Northampton, sod for pale by ALEXeII 23. 184 130171 S and 523 N. WBA3IIIO. Itemovals. MVP. HEW:AM TO THEIR NEW STORE. NO, 581 MARKET STREET, emitter ile.earts. EMMY SUITS, Proprietor, DBIGANTIII3I MIAMI, H. X ATLANTIO OITY, NNW MM. WANTED -IN A DRY GOODS 308. . BING Holm. on &Al•e, ixtelltiont LLD to Imo MY buttons. AddressOn handwriting of &poll. et ot;ttitb rofotentio, "B. box 548 Pbll. 4 . l ohis Post " i3284t • ITUATION 'ye - ANTED-By an 'coo k-7 rieroad. PAGABGAN; in • Wholesale Dry Goode Jobbing Douse. Updoubtel teatlmcmiala wSq be then, Addreea g. Leonard 2, °Mee of tbfa paper. 3,23 12t* WANTED—By a sober, industrious Man, • situation as PAOSIGI cm PORTER In Wholes - 110 Dcy Goode or Straw 0012114. „Bettor eft rot/ranee will bolo:Melted. Address gt M. H tbis office. itsB eta , VVANTED—By a lid la , yeais of aga, a ettnstion - u BOY In sil9holatate Store or • S'eotorr. Oso furnish rood reeommeods tlons, Address Alfred, ,, olSee of The Press. .0 28 4t* WANTED—By the advertiser, a situation ALITRY OLBIIH lu i Whole•lda 3:7_9tiodf Moults by one who has bad two gears' expernnee. Ad. deems (f IL T. " thls ir , s4t* • WANTED—A young:Man wants situ- Von, to any kind of buidnen where Ber rien would command a fair compensation. Best of mi. 'ernes can caobe furallbcd. Address if Pasant: 3 mows thapatoli .1729 -so WAN 2 ED Employ matt at House. car peatetiag.Work, by a young =anklet. onto/ Ms time, In an Interior town of Pennaf brads. Addmo "James ofade of The Puss . 5528$ WANTED. -14. WATOMCAKER wants a /Phut! on. Peet city reference Moron.' Addrsu Walter,' Bkoi's Degkeethe. • jor-sts g,I.TVAT I ON WANTED 'as Travelling Beeman' for a lihielerale Importing Wine - and Liquor House. The advertiser' hos had • number of years experience in the obese eaaselty, and bu geneiakftowledge of the Lignor trade. Can 'produce the beat of references. Ma no objection to going Reath, Address, with name, and where on Interview clan be had D 8., Post Ofade, Philadelphia. jy22-ot* WANTED TO EXCHANGE for improved eV property, free from Luontabranee, ICA ores of excellent FARM LLND, lodated la ClieueerfAr CO., New Jersey. The Railroad from Camden to littd,geles,- shortil to be load. myosins wttW a short dictum of the land. For further particulars ii4dreta J. K., office of iiTherrese" Jon IFF JOHN P. SLAVIN,' (formerly of cone= ty Tyrone,) Pilo landed in New Toth in Anal last will address a line to big P eter. BRIDGHT BLA, TIN, New Haven, lit t he will hear gomathtug to hie advantage. jt2B.4t* PERSONAL.—The lovers of. rural delights si e lirsited t+ attend the Glens' timer .11teutelon oa PRIDAY biliST, Tickets should be purchased eery, an the number is !hefted - sy2 PERSONAL.—if this should reach the eye or JOUN P. Tiiiii6Aß. he is mottled- to call at the Post Wise, as a lottor awaits him irom h's Ma ther.jytil•itt* ,for date ant( My Let. WARNS AND 00IINTN7f BEATS FOR OALI Farm of 102 acres, only two and a half miles from Norristown. will be sold on easy terms, and would mshe two handsome farms. Farm of 43 sores, beautifully lodated, under good cultivation, and is a Tory desirable property—wry fair improvements Farm of 100 mires, Mg miles from Norristown, In a good neighborhood and Osmotically located-L-improvemente very good. Coun ty seat, with 10 Arm highly Improved, sunlit a spbm did part of the country; only two, mites from -Norris town Farm of 80 acres near Port_Kennedy, in Cheater county, one of the moat productive little properties in the country, and possession can be given at soy time-- tonne easy - Ifarm of 60 acne, in a good neighborhood, for sale Cheap. Country seat,with la sores, within the borough Limit. Country Seat with 20 scree, fruit abun dant, near the banner. Farms varying from 20 to 100 mores, for rale on terms to snit, throughout the county. Three or four Hotel properties for tale, where a good business can be tone _ Persons desirous of parcuiing real estate may find it to their adssutsgo to cell an lee me. (bed Hones and Carriages wilt be !Crotched, free of expease, to parties who may dello to tide oat to examine the pro portiee I have for sale. Nor Poll descriptions, terms , Ice. Address ,097 , wt&m.2w BR. CORSON. Norristown. Pa. STORE TO RENT FIaTURREI FOR BALI' /a Tier of rensming .to the Stores under the New Hotel, we offer our proeeot store for eats, and will die pogo of the fixtures if applied for FOOD; Possesqou will be given *tett the IA of Ciitobor next. OANFORDA OM, jt2B 8t 624 o.lffildTtitiT Street. I'OR SALE .—TELE - -lOWA .1100/C -ROOKS, DAVENPORT, lOWA.—A rare chimes for a person with a moderate capital, to obtain an old established Perildinal, Book. Stationery, and Wall Pa per bnriniel, in ono or the handeemeat. moat thriving and healthy cities on the Upper hareissipid. Oonneo tlert direct by Railway from all the Eastern Apply, by letter er pereollll/11, to - °BASLER ADAMS, .EIGHTH and ABOH Mesta, ' Philadelphia. jylO es&w2vr of TO LET—HOUSE No. 188 NEW street, with elaveziliaom, Oae. Bath. neaten, Basirn ha Apply to I. KELLAM:UM & EON, jytl . l et* Beal Estate agents. No. 416 ilEinti Bt. oory . , „.. (1f TO LOAN, in nth , to. snitoll9 applicants aeon Diamonds, Watches, welry, Gans, Merchandise; Clothing, ere., on mode rate terra, by lONEB & CO., Brokers, N. W. corner -TIMID sad 0 aBISILL ihreete, below Lombard. Bs- UM:abe to d f Mr the Let 86 yeare. Orley hoard from? k A.m. rs. _ &dead-limit OM mit Mere tiValtabief by existent makers, warranted genus 10, ler sala cheap, at ono half the °Areal cost. • - &phi-Beall WEST ORESTER-PROPERTY FOR BriT-6. large and desirable n 4510110 in the trco• roagh of West Obeetsr,V ,suateride g all the modem int• prorements, with doe, airy parlors and chambers, bat tered toe rant. It le situated nearly opposite the Court Howie, adjoining the Rant of Chester county, and le IMO y of special attention as a cosuatry realdenoe du ring the grimmer. Apply to • DANLD jyle•stuth 8t itligh street, West Cheater, 11AFT—On the Mama Bnk ot Lon. don, an S d Royal Bank ot Ireland, in a anateto Pot WILLS, PAM), 00., t03184k00 400 00.213T8UT Btttork A CEIOIOE OF FINE LARGE ROOMS, L - 5.. with Be , rdine for atalltee and Single Gentle. men, at 1100 W.itittar t Street. , .016 6s* II SIRABLE PRIVATE BOARDING for 1.1 families; tarp end small moms communicating, handsomely turnMiel; la•ge garden attached. bee. revue required. 16,9 riPittiCre. Street /119./m* HOARDING—EIegant and airy Rooms, LP Sloe.) std in Baths, can be bad with ant-alms .Ittotwd for the Bummer at .1315 WALNUT STILIIIT. )71-1m _ PtoptletOr. VIRST—OLASS BOARDING, AT- 1104 hPIII3OII Strada House pleasantly sib:Laird. rooms airy sad hanosomely furnished. Persona frcui the Louth wilt Hod ft an, agreeable place. Permaxont and transient Boarders accommodated. .17 23 . 18 c alt.* YflllU RENANS INSTITUTE. The subsenber will orn, Bliprzmasn, 14th, to WALNUT Street, near Broads Ala hohcKsi for the higher edneation of *limited strunti•t of Tenn Parents to whom he is not personally' known are re ferral to Professor 0. D. Oleaveland Professor Charles Short Bor. 11. J. Morton, D. D., ROT. Wm B. Sherman, D. D., Bev J. Y. B Wilmer, D D., Boy. 11. A. Board moo, D D., Rey. Wm. B. Pumas, D D. and others. jien.2m PlaiSti I. KRIM. 1110".11.YANT bt STRATTOPP O NATIONAL 141.330ANTILli COLLYAM, basted at Pans delphia, 3. Z. corner WIVE:NTH and 01.1S8TNICITi New York, Buffalo, Cleveland, and Ohlaairo. Tor In formation, call or send for Oatalotne. WINSIIIP'S PATENT tELF-9ENTILAYING REFRIOSNATOBB. TIM ONLY TIIONOUGULY YENTIL AVID AND lICIIALTNY REWIMGER-440.11 IN TH.B MA.88111 4 . LINED WITH ZINO, AND TEN OARING PIL/diD WITH CHARCOAL. Prof. Eilliman;in his resent work on Natural Philo/a ph', uses draw Inge or this Refrigerator, to illustratotbe circulation of air by the'Comblned effects of cord and heat, and be says 01 its operation, "It is in beautiful accordance with Natural Laws, baring a moil's force or vie a largo, to eatabliab and maintain an outward constant current of air., and tionsequent ventilation." The Refrigerator has been nerd, and to Wittily recom• mended, by Professoreß . lttmnn . Porter, and Thatcher, of Yale College; Prof. Mapes, of New York; Prof. Ohms, of Providence; Commodore Gregory, Li O. N ; Dr. H. G. Clark, City Physician, of Boston, and many other prominent tudentitlo men. D 8. Pornald, Proprietor of Union Market, Brooklyn, says: In an experience of twelve years, I have ruled and been famiiier with every style of Refrigerator, nonvof which win compare teeth Winship's. I Rod it vhatilates perfectly, 3s economical in ice, and pro. serves meats eplendidly.” eery ho ueekeepor who wisher a pure, healthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, should pureese one of Wicohip's. Please call and examine them. Tor tale by NORTH, C HASH, di NORTH, N 0.209 North BBOOND Ents3T, And ARNOLD A WELDON, if No. 1010 011001TNIIT BTREET. HENRY D. NELL, CLOTH STORE, • Now. 4 and 6 NOM% ILECOND SMUT. --. NNW BTYLIIII rialOT 06118IALERIS9 and vstyrnon, (ror Efpring and Bummer Trash) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. anla-in th-tr PP 0. WALBORN irc (Noir) Non. f end 7 11011TH SIX= BMW, ItARIVAOTIIILIEERB BUIRTO, WRAPPERS, DRESS FITOOES, WO. Dealers In every snide rotating to the GENT'S FURNISHING BUSINESS m717-Bmil LUMBER. -150,000 (eat superior 64 and 4.4 Mobile Flooring Boards. 500 000 White Pirko Boards and Plank, seasoned, end in thlokoess varying from .% to 0 inch's. 200 000 Plastering Laths. 50.000 feet prime Ash Plank, 6.4 to E Bide' think. WM 000 liprriee Joists and Batters, and 5-inch Plank. Sprnee and White Pine rickets : 4X end 6 feet long, pohated Tog.ther with a general assortment of well-eetwoned Luinber for building pnrpnann or cabinet makers. For ails at moderate priers by Jy2l-thatolato kIARBEtsT, DATIo. & CO. LOCUST and TIVIONTY.FOCBTEI iltensta (VA - VAL STORES.-985 bbls. Ebipping 1 • ROME' bb bble. time Turpent to, landing from Nobs Geo. W. Gtlo3. 21.0 %ble. Shipping lloein ; 170 bble. Spin. Turpentine, from eobr. J G. Stine. For sale by GOWLIY, ASUBSIIIINSR, & 00., SAO No.lo SOUTH WHARVES. 03adtt. tlerourtal. hoar ling. eburational. Refrigerators. ====l ~~:, AVROIL-STitgEt. zA; BSIIIIII OP TfIII'PIArOItITAPPOI44II Wein Ooromenefro mONDAT K HMIS BR4Ttintol,itu , :&tAlitoffli 4 ll:44llll: mumuyinAND 0011f-laSta.0.4111111; ~ stronnt evaa ratosoannall. • - 4 Prat& Brower, Fred Witron. It at .411seriAlitarana A. Thayer, Stager Roes, Sea Ton WPaikealthar. - , !AO , alt the Nottparells appear. ' - Yar fall partionlars Pee protmunraes CARDS OP AlthilanO TO INTY4TIfIi - MOTS. - Belated seats in Drava Okete, gh (eats; Oft Wenn, Bte';., fio,sentioseata ta Priwat4' Boxer, - II timitcr, Da Isiy.lB units ; Gallery for eo)ersO porsorat.96 foal, I_ - Yr vile Raz fa 11,01ery for adored PPirsong, 8101001 L .. B ems opas from 10 A. IC to OP: ' - D4ors open at TX; to soannenee at Oh( delaek LON noßaxs. %pineal Kanhfer . OnABLPff A `Binlittla 4.,nnr!:;'"'" MoDONOUGWF GMATIGB-41simi • BUR _2.421. Inman/4in - TEM (+REIM BREA ANDRZ: ' WORLD•EINOWVZD PRRYOBAME, - WORLD.ERNOWIRRD PIRTOREEI4 - - . . EVART EIGHT' WARY' GREAT IMPALRMANT PRAT. ; = big GREAT, KPALEVAINT FIAT. HE PENNSYLVAIT4AACAPENT or Mil SINE ARTS. • • No. 1025'0201522111T 521112 1 T1 '- De open daily, (Sunders ,aloe td,) from IL, NE" 6 P.E. /Ord* ros 25 de. • Children "Mar - 11 raw half price. Shares of fitock, entitling the hotbed funny U minion to the Academy at all Noma, . . LIASSLEiVB ORORESTRA - --41. HAN. MA. LW& BBOTHIIIt respectfully 11211)01:0111111 got they have loaded their Once et Set freatieuce,lM 1.00113 T EITRIIT; wham engaifeereats ern beruchies* - exnusigne. OSMAN EPHRATA ;MOUNTAIN - SPRINGS. EIIOBTEST - ANii 011414.11 S? E 013191, PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. PAU , THROUGH - 1111;11,/ Passengers leave by 7 80 Moning Vat! Tr►le Olt (Bandaya excentad), spiting at lanalina at laL. IL.: and impending ►t once by stage to ttce BP= Gi„; Pole tickets apply at the Hooding lattriadreiteelerl Depot, BROAD And Ir/N.l Otteett. . • G.A. Xi/04We - J 72 .1m - Gimeral Berrtatesieet, ANN THE PENNSYLVANIA 1 3 / I IIMGAD COMPANY NOW MUNN _ EXOU,ItB/ON -VARLETS ALTOONA AND ; 012.18gtOlt: ALLEGHENY. MOUNTAINS, r , GOOD TOR- POURTHENDAYS. Persons wishing to breathe yore 1114:11:11TAM Map seekers of pleasu,e, and all who desire relszetto,troxi business, should take advaitage of thlorgrstit • DEDUOTION OP PARS' " TO irtsrz - - LTONA AND'ORBIIB6III. --- " Pate to Alton' and astern ' IN r Cresson " Hopewell er• BEDIORD SPRTI463 PABIRN4E.Rt_ are ltluicalte furnisted with tickets to Hopewell—the: tertainural the Huntingdon and Broad Top, Ballrosii—wberio7Ws daily Boas of stages and hoots .01=0 for the hlnheipar- Tiokets to be bad et the ditto of the Vesos7rfsala Railroad Company, southeast corner illesentk sal Nig. bet streets.. THOMAS MOObE, Agent., had 4. Ima- L. 130 npr, Oen • Tialesslieut. • Irma- . 4% , DAILY FOR ,Oe•PR The floe steamer BALLOON; Captain lir; or ABM., Captain • Taggort;" loom 'Arch street wart ovary monclng at tlx o'clock, (Baatirja accepted) Fangersgere by 11148 Ike arrivi at the laud in time to scours accocunodatlolia at the badge. , Atelgrants ate not carried is TlU tiZ boats. , , Tare to the Wind, Carriage Aire Walt:did ' $l,OO o .1 &mate.— - 16 11 11 Season - Tioketa.,,Carriego Rim .-' extis it° Carriages, Itorata, mud' //eight 'lda &fibs toad rates. • - ' • - - j719-Itstet „ ..A . 4 llZt FOB, CAPE :MAY, ' BED NEW TM, DAILY, ißondays excepted }at 0.4 i Walk, A. IL • EXTRA TRIPS To cull, mar ON filitiDAYll; AT 8 LN. Steamers DBLAWARN, Captain Copes, BOBI . ON, eaptase ICENIIBBItO, MOOD Hand, . Herm a Daily Line between Ws oily. pap. /toy, and New York. leaving front Ant Pier below glom seat, at SIX A. M. On BIINDAYB, for OAP MAY only, at $ Veloric, A. N. - RNFIIBNING. - • Leave New York , (Bardays aseepted,) •.. Cape May, daily, at . OA. ht. Fars toNew York, Cabin - • Si 00 Mere& - - lase to Cape May, %chiding Carnage Sirs Nerrants - Beason Nieket; Curiaea extra Sh ea ` OO ,tt tt Rate Rooms extra 1 00 Freights for New York and daps - Nay taken at low rates. Goods destined beyond New York will be for warded with despatch, free of 00=1{0{0E4 JAIIIB ALLDNEDION, Arm% and lid Booth Diff.a.WAAl /MINN' YOB OAPB MAY, ON SUNDAYS. Dating the n Reagan," A steamer will leave for Cape C M a y h a y ~ M y onds y a mo rnin g. AB. o'clock t oningJ a l B e o s .tmt Mutts and Kiquars. PRINCE IMP/SRIAL CHAMPAGNE. DS MOMS & CO., IPERNAY, PIANOS. THIS IS A rzsumonx Puam ADD DILIOSSI Wmur from the Vineyard of keurs. De Ventge dr. Po , whorls estate lire in the centre of the far-lam& Cdampo Therrist of Fiance. It has Winton been Donnas to' the bait tables of Baglead end the Continent., and by only very reeenVy been introduced into this country, where its rare quality. combined with the moderate price at which it is offered, is already, ardneviag a enu ores and popularity unprecedented. in the annals of tie Wine Trade. Bold be tbta elty P. 1184115 & 13116.4.110. UK MADICaT FTEreare, and at the Prim,!pal _Rote% and by all the leading dealers tluroushent theta:quit:l , y. M. P. 13.AXTC21.13.17T0T.TT. Corner of BBOLDWAY and BBOO2dE BTIMITB 1714trith&am A. -A. BABLN /LAVING WLTH LTA DRAWN dram the Ono of A. BAUM A. DENIXID o: La Boehello, Mace, the beet see will hereafter be continued- undo the firm or eLNILED RCN 4134. Hie stellloktoenssaul tdsAlp wspoweled OOGNAO will be shipped, se usual. to D. IMO. OHADIP. Thle Agent AL.V.RID ItAbrAITD. - Ye Iloehelle, June 20th, 1259. 'jy27 flt*, ROCHELLE BRANDY WAR. -MAL TEAS sad Eighths, Dow larellest from the Atte& Per sale by 7. D. LONGebelor P. 5311-6tle 2111 Bong' PIKENT Street flebiduaL OROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, EW- A, bIBEABB, TITTER, 80ALD ratAD—lruptione of the Bkin seuerally, tout elk flamers end ifulfaritin of the Blood are radically and permanently oared try the Celebrated IMPSRIAL DBPURATIV3I It bas been a very Important LIMA in the care or CANOSSOLTB DISEAIIad by Dr. Louneberey & Oo a for a number of years paet, and its greet value in the ware of Owens 'a abundantly established by tho - Suany mum effected by It— In SUROIIIL01:18 Mellow; its remarkable eurattee efreet bee never been equalled. It aurae the meet ob atinete eases. - . SCALD HEAD, and ill &options of the Skin, readily yield to • moderate 1160 of this bledliiino. Blallinent Mem and demo Are readily owed by the me of a few bottles. Prepared and mold by _ hisaNICHOL et 8R0.,➢ ;Late Lonnsberry & (APO NO 60 North FIFTH Street, below Jirolt. For sale by the following Druggists J. P. Long & Co., Lancaster ; 0. W. Iptinr , Potts. vine; T. H. Reser, Reading ; S. 8. Stevens, Beading; T. & J. McOlintook, Boston; Jas. elven, treat Ches ter; Wm. Stabler, Norristown; Simon Ran, Bettie bem •, Dr. Mammy, New Hope; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; - Sohnnidt, ea Co., Allentown; El lie lc Bell, tdensynalt,• Pa.; I. D. James, Trenton; De La Cour, Camden ; Brewster &. Co.. Bridgeton ; Robertson & Lippincott, Salem, N. ; Normal!, Wilmington •L. S. Hoopes, Wilmingtcat; "T. F. Hammenly, Milord, Delaware, and Druggiets generally. jell-ninth am it - eabingt-Ware. CABINET FURNITURE ern RILLTAVI) TABLIB, MOORE & CAMPION. No. 201 BOUM SECOND SMUT Conneetion with their eitanstre Ciabinat itnalneah ere now manolnotarixty a superior article at - BILLIARD TABLES, - and have now on hand a foil supply, dnisked with 110010 & OAMPION 3 I3 IIdiWYBD OUBBIONS, which are pononneed by all who ban lead them to ha superior to all others. Par the quality and finisher these Tables the mann nantarere refer to their nunterons 'patron* tlinnnehont the Union, who are Weiner with the eharsetar or their work. WILLIKA.NTIO. LINEN CO.'S PATENT BILK-FINISH SPOOL COTTON, Unapt Med in SMOOTHNESS, BTRINOTE, azd FINISH, and warranted 200 yards. YOB BUM TO THE TRADE BY TfIa'AOINTB, BILLINGS, ROOF, & WASHINGTON, 24 and 28 BANK BTBBBT. j7ls4mWw-lin CHESTNUT SPRINGS WATER-CURE. At OTINSTATIT EILL, Plidttg&DlX , Pat& liciligkr, Pa., for the treatuient of Otranto and obstinate diseases. This inititution, valet the charge of an wiper/Med and Wilful Physician, is now ixinfessedly the leading ;and most ffn ooo3ool kidropatitie eirtablishatent is API - oconnhy, - Poresnanons.—mrs. Mary Ootttingei,. lad" YsEctls Twelfth street; °hulas L. Pftespless t Bea euiv wighth and Oheirtant streets; George ersakcPalx,• Market street ; al. Parringtori.444.oo lii/yer^:wwW*-8183- horn, & 00. Pot other ref, rim:Mesa portion , arta‘Lideesn-': DR RTWIDINT PIITHICILUS; manors 14-emir THE Spring buitteas at =MISR: tibilTEVB, comer of flllool , llr and ORRIN ®skis/ le opened with a impeder stook of Thugs, White Lead, Zino Pointe, Window Wan, and all ones articles mall found La a WliOlesala DM) 211414 and 6/49 eat yid-if KMMEI 801.1 110027.11.13,