The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 25, 1859, Image 4
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I: rtYd elwthd,l4l/11111tkIDWalit421 -2, 7„:, F ..;,,„ - „ , /ilea as V Der, • utilogDODIA 6 , 'DOW Ja e - i . t - -', Alges - snerses-- Cra .' ord Awl ...-Ilerstos 0.._ ,- r „ AdlieWSAlDWlrrszoiabea. antamvalltebWitrixt4l,9f I i , • , -- Aslttey#,Doedrs&dimsterXork,iallteDrX;s4d-V-,*- - '' -.- Co ; . .e..)+ 4.4 ''.,.,- -.l.*e. - ,` , olD444444lloli'Vkli , --, - - ate/ 1.119khmr.•4 - 1- llossiderstAirle,;," Xerii,tayst) - ne- • , 1.--^ ,. : r ' '- AnebSZN8014118,A4:6011§4148 . 801141 1 -.. ~, X is*dams 1 , W. 1 , -. li - - - - Ass141.11**Si11.0:11110 , 111Wiik--Reittipitoget [ Aatiii44o43""ikluillkiwk,ir ,ll•flotalvairarr,l, - - '• L ' • • austlitoMenAtwAttai'Awar_vit ilg - .24llllltteAtiptv , i , -. -- ' ' :Lsiiiisoiwirl.:Sotiolistelshitir sauna; Itelf:7,-f-,_ , , i . 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Win' WON ,- , --:- - * - Y , - -- '' nOk•WiltilfillY-P , `Villiflieklb RV 'WPM 4.1 iariii - `, ~,,,,, „&.•:,,,-„, - -- DerktrAddd&44.sDetkeo,4l . -i-: i , ti4-;1(011oaD Of* -4 , ---- --•-•' „. -Daisy Zi x d, , ;-IseiriXtko . ,4l,„ ,- ,Dossioster • -• ,;-;!: -- ' ' • Bands - 3 .'DXSegIsSI-7, „”- ' , Mit one inn .-- 1i - • ..i. - ' ' karratt pi riik-ililifiglitif'' to.iffeati win 14 - -,,--- ,--, - ' Swett ~,* axe: - ~ Do ere &00 a,' Bataan Zoo • r, ' Bseat - & - t.llniesretit••• - : - f,_, -7,e, :10WADX`Wde W"."'• ~-: - . ra i nstlt i "'; l iit ' ii i t-:11/t t3 t 1 ,' ' itigl i X t r A li-/;:r r., ,: , - Itaw i terierlir Co - - -2 metraissiGiel•-•:,1% - ,tiegoistfrio - a.: ••_ 4 r,' - '-- • - De a vAiit -41 ;1 1 411V7, ` ,i i i " ii '314, 1 1 171 , ' , .: , -- , I .: .. ::. ,- .. DX brie HD •• : • ash& 1;117 • 2 •W- MAW Wit ~,= -' , .-- . • Diesbact lohe'_ ',11016a Bo' • - ,i-t,g o ss o d - sy s ii L • F,,, h - ' BO 481441 /I -- -' Doti* ThOtitosi" 'NOWA Writ t- ,_ - ' Deaderjossi /A 2 Dairen' ilt s ( •:-;•-•ttrigicth &ant- r i - Seignior XAt -: DOA,. DAIWA IF:, CY issiolA - :•• , • - Distaff Dr,* II : - DoWst S A- r rik, --- -411d1401 rib ' - 7- - • -,' .= Dottie 0 - D liiingiOrkt.trytiiit:iti "pit - ' ' v._ . . Deseetr.thnostir DOwaler WO ; , 'ir.-kAteiraiii-114.1 s -- • BergetrAuser itt r,•:Dearrin l lool',:-C,lloriglid A.- ' . • ' . Strptiquiettkit-leatititPfkiiilitq , ,T Oriyips 44 =-... . DesAttroklistslD,A•Dadeoes Win P'-z., ,- 111 ft ;axle Oboe - ' ,-*-5...,-- wog '- -: - S:cltutX.J , ll....:. - -:.-41 - eter-.44,---- • Impookftsiti ti tp,ol l ll.o6-011.1iiii.i, 1 kon. it r . ,i , , sir •..- , Eihh•Jos- ,• •• --' -' - .Sleets Wor" - --"DeregAhr J #,,. „Metatarsi tc:Sola A , -,:-. , •• - BliVlCAttiefit3,lo*Nrsitil , , - .U,Ruslaw'Bdirii. , ' , ,• ~ . - 'IMAM Mae • ;;;;;Doesast Dr J'A.,, ,'L 1 1 1(alittaillat 9-d nhe A strn AK.P .--101 4 5,W4 ‘ " '..':iagir , a' ,- „mi , torgifsfiL kaimill- \--,140 1 1 ; . . ' , ~ st:witriti ow, •-" - , fut t l,k; '. _ .Be itiiiiti IttWi • it 1111tiiiViiv - G, '"'ltiwiT '" '' ••' -'' • . " , - Bessisiel.W l -,:tosAewildedoVfill'i - -Ireieoetsilat - Dead Robed -'• - Dfitor / i t, X■• _ Jiseisme N . ,a -V -- - - Perett&3 •W S - • , -- IneiSis ;44 ,4 ' „ Janda:ll-TRW -,-: - -- . Rowe& rc.*- ‘ 1. -- Kf. , miattatNeir4iiolisiiit Itimii.V,„ korai* clirak :F , ltioirt ' qt- , 1 ,- ainpisii_k iiiiii! -,- - ' If-ok ittifitetio -- 1./.; ~ , ,-. n y. fed, :,..44.-•.,4%) , 00. , 4•114 , , 3 „, Mecit01011 ;( - - - -, 11001 : 011., , ,”' •J. -- /Miliitativ kv =,._ 1 , Arors - ,t A;;*.if..;''„DoseVis , - ,s; - ,... • .T . ,3 0 - 1 0, s A - .. 1 = grown Ai0...,..1 :Y? isettist X 1:1"-"i".- '•l'johntou Jr le --1.- F• Idioms' pea •",„.„- -- - Wetter Wes It " ,' Jena. - W-0 ` '-- ' - DoricriffelixT- - ,7ltedeicid'Uttst.';•Tokris 11 - „„ litoiri4 - 4171 L -,•-3 i 1 1( •.t: I 'V•J: , _4 110.841. 3 - " • -Batale,(011 1 1*; -, triimit't .'7 -Josue Diebizi -t -: ; kiiiistialitktimi•F-34artioll-tot 1/.4'. ritiorat,eit 1.13 -" - - titooksViiii AL" - '7l-- , 'Perrsit d it, - -: - ' , Josses Aso ; .. . , ",• - Brady /mad - , /ow JAirx - ,;, , , •• :•.•!:,:-JOIDD,Xr - ; Brour. - Alliiii N - tan Dr ft 8 '''" , Zoete The - - Bisleiri 0.0 II Afersoutoe Joh* • Joint Itobt - . 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';';-;, ,` -. ;trisidArai f',••4 1 ,.7,5 slossottteß = snout Was--,-1.711910 . 44 - 7:i..k.,;.J011iD . 410D,R,0t4t, ,-• icriiiluotlf#4,i, ; - ..roilii .1 07.-i- , ,, , --:, sleasscldf_X win -;-•; Datklefr ,' - • -" = troid' lite '-"' Ns nun, zit - , "tyro . . tilitit - .lo rd l • '.„ 1 „ , „ - -, -,-,Klllllbor, Art if K.-. - BMW= 4 se i ' lf,-,-;-- - '‘-t-Dists,SSIDXSISS: ;hi; • . 0010 - - 4 . g o -„d 0 , -,-21,""-, 'XiyeAttri- , ± - .1.,.! , garekr , ,--, ,-., -Fassa..Toip-..41 . .A..,,iii udur • siticilcik*Aiikt,ltmytitk*: _Li . - :L• Deices 019A-X.l-;: &Co 4 , .., -.a Pomp; letse gt- - - -:KeliT,Aisisol ,A , -;; Ded4 ItiiiiirT„.dtbelkr,iis a' -''''' Nitta 1 14A.,,..,,i0, 'BecidsitODUC•;,;Dr;setirlobe I; ' • 'Kelly: 4( 1. K ..:: n 'Bails Cavaiiitic - ,114.0117,.ir - I_. lc ;fir w 4: ,'r • tkoieljetiqiik-;;-,, imikkeitsidit ' Itaaskr,Wsp-T,R •- .sk D7:117 0 .- - " , ejskeris as ••-• • - - J`~_.. ;:. 0 t y~ Y' _ 1t=4.1414,P ca M m ll l ifi teti 4 : ; 0 . t ' ,4ll lt )"ti*.A , ipi tl , oteail,Vll= 1 0i 740ttigiogrT: _---- Cki g laa i'Afifirsl lll l-11,;.4_02.4004,0*-.3. ':.‘? - .: csoir A ift Nt1 ,,,4 4i; - * isimil/N4 , :'' 744 F-On bl i g W4l'fai/Y4 l l ll, vid''' r:2111M M q quit $` " ',',. % ''', Alt( ~ '.!-,- - , -',muiffe.lfigig ~ tt ~,-; '_ ' citijob I t ir'oo4ol4l 4 - .. , ,,x - folt• A 0 pm* • .-,,4, X * , -4404.4:0 - 4 piliFt•x•pm n i Dv!! -I 0 I ~ , i : , Ivo: - . T , h ,... 4 :1:;; ; .c .-- . 0 Aver( VIP' .04 i i guill - ~. 4-1 . i„ e VT? 4 : -. tan , O 4 1 611,1 p% Jai ' '.: -,:'" el id e , 11 - H - ;, ~.,,ig•sie,„ 1 0, 1 . - z - AtirAttiirzsraatreitiot:i" — R i r g li-I i gIV I ki94CO3 - D,x;411-,AigiAli ,Alao , fibrk 1< , ,-.-goa - Ji11ai....46f,140414**j0be1..v 1 Ailmiltli fje - - . 44aL 1 0 49 ta Is , t-l'iintiakbrniltll4.4%4 I+ 1 9 , 4“ - •,.('' -, -44 , 4 r. lissitio-4/.6,,- ---.oeite 41t i--,4: ria way ;arlitilAiNscW•m- 14 u , ( V- 4 ,ll 4 o 4 4lA4oPizAwturl z-v. t ie ~ 2 - , - ''''' , t4gArpwikeissiorl_t.pol e/WAW A : 4; - 12,i1dwit.k...0410 . 1..4, - -- :7 - - 11-. '" r-' , 10 6 .44 1 21: 4 14-"'• ; j )1 6 9ittehei Dr _llPalgoariret A.* AtilDrager T W ,_ IL -_ Psi Difiel ,, r 4 liteimA Her G. : :Aitilgoty Hertryr'4eirarAllo - Benj - -Bterritr, John - • .I v erollam 1m j!fidei Tato ti il. BliipisiaiiifAidi ma & Me!, ' Parker Jno _ -, atookham DW 2 q4lt 2 ' Pa riar..antilindol ,, ldt Opr. J l ino at tuth AianvNttiel#ll - B,:,:Alas 41' 147. E A .7.0 . B r ow. , t.... ,ph i uto 0 w.. • • 1-, titer itt Catt'o I .$( rattle A I ' PennMgeoTrill 11 , - atielfeld John - -Kt iam . ' Peter... Wed a - ...Stetillese Memel 1 ,fr..., - 7 Mien Joe R Paredt•TV•`; , ' - -- Eliowte . Wall ~-, ,',' :I ,Atelathand Wm Philidfutnatlnk Oredart i ohn ' ~ ..1 latrilierdt:Jr,s4trileltildibot4,- Etord.ltair 2':'s:ofetttie Dap sr!i:4 ,- .lteirattren 't .'‘ - iltroned lienrvf," .' I :._. iliternee 0 . Praittipelial c' - ici3tlli'Di•Wm - -0:. f ^ ea eight Sat -. ,Penigicle r fa , ‘' ' l '; et.a,bitogkikalivA , , Abiatin A, t'oiPlittAg..2ll“ , :;'-'l3 - Ad&D'pA &;:tAt9.... • °Eldest Eat Porter (4. W . _ lar - -,- i 9 --liorAitheA AB. Power David 0 ."..: atoeinidei , In. : • ''. ; dievaearid Roht , Pinter lt G BtelenWra.v- ` 0- • cre.K.enbemA 8 ' Pratt R N Btromphforß ,-, • Iftbstyre Ino - _ Prorge•llo a ., , I , BtthWeaabob :, ,-` • Wire 8 ' - Pratt Henry 8 :Mgreeen3a - il :• : .::::: Neill air , 4 Pratt B 8 halter DP'' ' •i l o Bobt - noshes L M •• rditfratiel -- ;_-, ' 1 7 J no' • ' ,- .PrOutrir V , i'llki a! ' ttou , Wm '''' v ' imaCiMedf :oePreatpnittaltltg:::dintlivahlee A - ::I ityyJF ... - Pahl ,reFaTar _ eanrn*-Alga: 485 iii 1 ell liill' .r I arilakelTllll iitTle;t4ei 7 , -,, i iiiiiiiiTZ , 41‘geldeller 11, g. !;:. riot kseost , ( !t. Immifototo. ~• Atro e tENo , 4l -, :;4garsi;';;;Nii a l iato7Lruel l t Hiddos & Colt,ilLisfiadiDellfir: Tfyineellt \-!-1' 7 Musa Wm ,- -Reynolds A; , -Teylitillobt' I'L Itirittay Taylor - Read 8 N 2 TatiitriEltr ; ".•,!,! Mattis 7 W -'" Bead F ' ' 1 TilyloirliaTH It 2' • aping Jae 13 S. Bead 3IC & MA:Talbot Oben int. 7 , 'ibla tiol ' Reaves D & Son villiiiiliiiqdrepli •• -Kadin Henry.v.lßeadiGeki IT 'itii`4 - 450lor , 'Arehd Ater liinlit , •,le,,•itlieigliWlll•;!.•.o :: , ,Tatrniria Hr , fittipttlirerr GWEemL&Hroe:- .2 Tallerllenry • I . ' *II MepttierAtektthee 4,' r, i ..',' Titylarlfr) 7 , , ill* 'Lad I. (~Illisd lit.--7 t• :' Thalmann Dr .7 • jittrithint R2l Rlohorde.W et It ;-- ' - ,W , r-: • , ,titedir Teo Riegely 711 ....: , .'s'hortniX Tariob' •lit iteltfitirderii iliotter2 11 , , ,-- . 14 Thotopott'And , i idai 'duo - -Blear Ossa.P ..-,, :• -21tompserild;R .Mar e Geer- • . Itobtrimmo dolma - Thompson W E ,MT 444401phi - 7 ~ liberal' nos ... : . Th , nieon •.I . II- , • ;kt o:&-;Dironr,42Loomrterarolt,_:. - .Townsend Pi 8 NI N. ~:,_,:., r‘tßette Btepttert -, , Turphaetes I. VI 1 14,0 4 2 4 4W.`::,H0e1t01er4.1- ,:,..: Tatter James, ; flatlentl'i'• Boneyilltas 11 - ;, ; : TroittUil t •-, -, a, trik,lit" o4 :r k;:attoirkeeu ........---,- ,• Tann% :Elf 2, - dul e1 4 L,,,y , .... , :',.hogesal.hp , il St. Tehm.Bdwaid• - ... Kr b i boi ' t ;a !'ir , ""! -, Beret Lewis , - .' - i '' ToWeseid•Capt: Id reOixi 4;. - Itolabitut JlAtig I ~ _ - -.'W.H. :4 -, _,-.- .t. . ~..,_IC $.•,:i . c0...,; , . • I "l,ll.orsertboe ,, • : - Torroritart W ht.- . L. 411 H 413 1 11 1 .; , t, i. - , Babeits Chasid ,IToirintan Oapt H ettqle - Jeo ., -,- I,Boirers , ll,ra Co •Voley' 'the ; .., .. ttlylso.V,;.ti- - ,, ,, Ritteirj-G , W: - - Turner - Bev- D • i AUL H H ' Dyenertiebtl , , %-. L McNeal" .'.. L.: .• Illd leneitql- • •P•,--litiesell,WEerr -. Tawneend A -, , v "Hid onit - ,4,•:•." , 4; 'Rapp Geo ~ , W, i - iTonmanilmeirre • 14 e otAlertizir -; Boshilto:ij ri; _.;;,- :Walton °has', ' •,' Mille 7elto B, (1 trttrirgeor;:wioth'p . Walters Wroll . ' -Alillerlansti.i -..-:: Barene. Tidy B- -- Witroce Wm '' - . t c - INAttetee.,o,l2 ;;;;lebutt OW 1" - . - :Wolin* .Woo W , , ~ ~..i , Cept I P BanfordA 17 ' - Wale t Hobert,- \. llilic esilatlaeob---1 - Belatehing Daild z Ward R' R ~ . • ‘-„ 'ME e11*A.4.-,.: , „:„ c asphalt John ':: offatera Col:7 IA • , ell Wari • .:,- Seadiraton lu - • -Ward lames ~' • . it • ,ri J'ae:2:: - ; - Deb mirltatolul T.,Wats nr.ltobert ~ - Iro 4Allilild" ..;", I .4leartraer Then- ' , Walton John, , r asiOkak% ,`, soottlltettop‘k . . ligray.llev.H ll -- , - -P, Aii - -.'", - 1. ;,i_llesttririgoort D I • ::',Wratareer & len: 0 ! It tau! ,:, - ; - ...-Batnnela BE. ;.i War d Amen r • , 430 DSO ..'___l• `,.., i Bakord Henry!. ~,' Walker Ernest .• ill enderWm -,llhroford , B/ 7-Walkere an N , . ildoo le JJEleth -, :tr„ Nehttrentso Nut ,1 ;Willis W H - . . ~ M ertieber • ::;-,; -' , W D •:,' •r •• „, -,' •Walton l o &Oo - - Adreder - 1! ~iBShetek- R obt 0 - Wagaer. Rfee In , . rior ale flitTIM2 -841f2Jti• r. ..•i' . 1,: •..-, sin rite _., •; - -,- Mo tt Dr - , Beide' 80l B , Weller 0 A M°l44Lr -. l' c ...' 4 1n10Y , 4-' l2 :•,. .: Weet ProVW • Mr WHY; iv ;A Belrthigs•Pß - , :West Hew - • . • ' artteilori Iteoird Ike: Feting& Co .Welghtman W (krt. Pa R,7:, :A; e ! r 204Modirjaii L • ..,Wetel4ll4o3 • . . •:. ifist. i d -Witt, . Ohl pp 11 stun d , .Wastenberger,Wil. , ,too Outs IN lirehaldoinAblet -,..:: .1140 '' t --',. ' „1 "_-_,. = . - Shayer Wm G Welch:lsom ; ' ;i t , W IC' ' , Shaw Wmp1 , .....- - Wetmore Ho - II 0 ;Morilbyles ' Shaer J O.: 2 , ' , ,Wents, Jonah M nmy Li 7-R,2,ethelePetd. Ned. , Welts ller E•‘ --' 'Bill. Win , .. .•. Shad, r.Wm ..-- Wetner 9tio I '; 4141 erAtex ~ ,r- Bhorp,,Dritlt , - ,Welton Copt • ligo t t 4 W 2 io .• .-; tibette ‘ ,74o . ob; • , .;Weltteat..,Meorel =2tt er MDT' D She'. N t --, tiorth. ge. On.- . • ' cirid.W.264 , A, ,71 20 1 M M, i• U. , & Wialteli.ert Pet . - - fiirey Jog •', ' Bros - - White D -;.•2 ,: --; NO tAprpeeo ,' .rjilttitioge phis; • , ;WAtte,Nhoen , . i otoib:Nmuldt- 2 1... Allan , AltiMP ', 1; Whltelterleat 4 , :NA e, 4 Wiradl, A kinte Wm - ,Wbetrut - 1 1 9.,1V- - ,•- '''.. 04 ~;-..4-4, . --.-_,, . --'44lrtos,Wm A-Oo ~. WAStaker I, A 2, . Newhord Mails - - 131trime7'BE - ,_ WillilikatiGlo, Nett Howl Tr , 1"... Sittle 17 , r ; 1 1 '.' LI , '„.Wild Ileum,. lileholaDap J a - , illipes.l4.m;:. - , Wlgley.ldr„- , _ . bleler Dr F -'7 Bournensintoob T.; Wille, L,P 2; Watt It e c^ ' 13 4 pler & Este "'Miry Japes - • ; tritj'4,Wro Strotrioe Toomu Willard Thoe 'Haagen Dell - Ektrritt Li I J Willard Capt I Nesit3lr - Bleeper 7ehn 0 Wilton Samuel Notion Tdw ,81ateh5e7ohaS" "; Wing frltylt. igiglttiogale B 7 Sla u g h ter laross Winthester A P Itedray Bobt B Ohara ood John Williams John Nails Ohristopr Smith 8& Co , Machold Beni it 4 Nis C• ' - "14 - • , w ki - ^ ten! e • •l3mith , name . lege dW.. , . , . Mello Arehtbic.r..• - Bar 7 • Wilbert Peter htj 'WM - giliZth-W H Williams Ohne :Net .to DR B limi'lla Id Si. ~ ,-, • WllllB.ohas NSM 1.7 Smith Tes M ' - Wetnitooklul Ittlill Jiro - - Smith • Frank G Waters II Bne,Wn Copt- , ,Smith AB , Woodward GA - arilson P00t,2 SorltiCWm Tr. ', Woolf aft Jonah z Olinnnell Hugh Smith David Woodward N W 'o'i .it Blvd - Smith (rho Warne E H .o!Bvitnlrunsi flailthaoliskA ' . , W " i°47-Wm ir-- APls!' P'D" " - 'Berith'Wne" 7) Wooley PAM' 2 • 01ratiltotot D Smith Okambers Wright john K rilllianghlin • ~_ - Smith 11 & H Wright I?rodk Aretaby . 0 W; • • Brown Wright George. - o,oltha Wm ,-• Smith I/Hal/ugh Vandllie 'Tiro W Awe Hon lit - D rmith T Uhler Wor 7 `Ott Oapt H Smith :as Weyde J V Ow a Oornelltut Smalley llt 4 ,'.l.trikie Ittedk Oil Jos - Ilioeyd Win 8 Ventlyek Edgar ,lige , r, Martin, 4 Bwoble Jacob Tenderer iii H Southwick Jae 8 Vandyke 0 It la Parkmsn Henry Spelmem Win'- • Bro %Parker Frank - Spears N T Onsekenhoss H purl* 0 i no ripeneeer Levi rd • Parker flao,ll/;.• 13pritorrir . :Jr...flAt. Va,gben F W Pallatt Gib Ti " "" land Qnia Idly - Parilial, , Spars Jim Si °nog ti Palmer 13 11 Sprogell idarekall gonna James Perk W A tsterrltt;Wm.U , ,l::ei &roan Charles IT , N. B. BROWNS'. P. H. litititangeasErntianilwd IrißE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INSM HANOI 00110 ANY • OWTHILADILPHIL _, MU i t: pi:LHr It Dt I 1% 1_ * s - - - &5$ ee mg Loss or D by lire on public and Par 40'4'44441Pb. 'garniture, Stocks of Gojdri, and Sierslundiss generakly. ;;Ah•10/10wing provision in the Policies of this Vow inly• guarantr? thal tali " ywegfri*,when assigned as a ,00l• 4 7'q This polhsy shalt hot', be turall4ated, or in any wise IliTeoted t after it' as s ignment as a collateral eeaurity to t IftnWlanntior tali( sge, And 'the approval. or: pooh lisalgamont by the (demi by any transfer or ootoreyance 1, of the nuurtviged premises, by the owner y of the same.- VIIIMOTOBW; t VauTT;lnnuar, -- --- Tarsrulati M. Brooks; f iltoberttearli, ; ' t , , „ . Xdritit a Amokll,o4erTatiri - •j_JakiePil Janney, , Theodore Onylsr, 13annlettialAner , , ; 1,70N119, , , Tresldent. - • ,WW/Vll,l4.llllaTllolli Vice:Tresldent. tfltings: S. grnautwa. Saaratery. ; " mi7-tf —TIM QUr I( u O.E "vos p,A".14 PHILADxLPHId, AR,.. proMMT , 0 4 1 AR, JP .P. 09 . ,,1 1,tRA.T4 •"' ' " raag•TilieliltsttsfkPlaurpt..4. $22-0,251 42 Ohlriored ap to W ... . 600,000 00 ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or ,hb Lor pligatluxTookopartptioo, on t i .t" l 94 1 04 ' 01140,0 4 94 19117 ,, .4 • . • . , 4 ,4 0 , 01 Pr0k 0 Pit.0 91 40 , 44 0 4 „L ai - - Dtairmaap: v , r 111, 9 748 -46 / , - , Aqdrowlilukorabots, , 0 4arlos Q /aokoie, Data, • libido, el. Perkin!, Sorovill onapi- • :troo. i• 0 -,9T1103103..,_ 1 AU. K. RAUT, P.slWo4ootc ' P.:ll.QBBt, VioeiPreslslept...1 - 4 .• - 411.4ficsoisestrALL, and'Trittnuer.. - , X1igh„..Mitt,01 1 05 , 9 3 . 1 1 ,1 7., „ yttpl , A MERIUAIT - 11: - ,StuitAliON 004 La. INoollPoll , 42'3lrien-pg4.llT.R# PEITUAL7 - - NC 810 WALNUT Street, abori , brine a lergelulaftif...73hipital Striot eirititurplor ;Ine~JAoNemdanA-Arelisble SecutitteerAoottehelel. ;9e lr :tears on kirelltuse;Atotgoik Punttotei Morphine:Ulm,. la Portand hilifr_UktoW,' wt. other PariOne o ,Pmerty.. AUJofteellNNOT.to4 ;ploy"' AAJOteIL DilliKt/Okqi't , . Alfs2l6 - 111014411 , f E.: 4014 , T, James loamtiben, AponeL-C64lortAA; .133444A6 Patriekaridn• , • Ohos.W.4pratneyo , ; e!. /grief Mesas; e:,O.NOBNE . AUBOTT,:lerealdAnt. , •4L'IXOWAVI, NARlA,Aweretuy . ..It• fiE U A W 1 ' . : Si,'l Ik7 'UAL ,SAFETY -!N , 11 N h EC Ir Y Waojikos44,R.hgEVISYi1DiS m.., .OP,RE 77I III NOV%VANIA, um, : 0,162101;'11."111: CORES ii !Mi e r nitiP WALNUT 'i ' ~:• • , r,B ,; Steleto; 'lndia nit, ,-' , • - . 1., - - 1 41111 1 111 5 1 11 ..i '"8P' ‘A 432' '' ' '- j -To,, 5 - i CARGO,' .t'_ t I all•parta of !ihn Iroild. I 1.1411611/T," ,••••••:". ,: ' -; - -.- ...-.• ..-,.. . It? NV !kW?. 4ialo On'44ooda, iry ILiner.'Otualsilnitesopid - Land earrings , • -I.'.!4.6llltnittint•tho Union. , • . .i•'i 1 - '...,.':-%; FRI ;1-1 It 011 .R.A Pi 0 .110 ' -- On Wernbandis• gonerikllt, •.•!!- • - , . •• • On Moms; Onnilina Roam Ar•o , ' - i:. , :-.-Aos re Of - 10011011PAUX. - 0 -.-- - ,• .• r .- . - •,:"Ifoororalmipli 1868; ~ .1 • , , z ' Zinn' - 3 - '-'''-'--• - " ' -'-' ""!---` ' - ---- Mariet Vatlid." 510.050, rh 11 4410/philiaitt 0 tr.cont. L0nn;6106,144. 00 1110.000/ Piaiiiiirmatilitat4o4l.ktil....:. 10.1,44 00 1180,000 Mil' Ttennok,r4X,' irinint Notes. - 99,112 00 "Peit T ti gl ithi An ' rg "4 '' 14 ' ' ll'l '' 'tr- 45 ; 5 75 00 $*,000; Niiiitiv e .uniitiyagf.4.itiroid Wit- ' - - - :•-•'''' 7, 446 - 11 - VAton6;.-oontia: ::, ' V . ' -.:;,....• 12,0000 0 S - i rr 9), t 9Cl olo l ip " aii=it 'aid Vii . n ' orpZ , ' . 7 ' • ; "" !'; i. ffillisiit4o,6)!ltli Oity„orpilia- -- •'• :' ' "."' - '4olnliiiP' .-- ',4 - , .1 - .' • . .14 026'00 ; $5.099, 100 sfiains ,1 , .. , ....74 . fifi - iqii;,ll4 -. -, ' - Oonipiiiit.f. • - - •" • -, cam' 00 ..'116,000, 100 101arer';;Nortii: renzuTtrauln ' -1 .• " - Riiilininlilkiipoor - - ' ' -- ilms : q, ounaiy. rokietli ebilndeipina 'loo ' ' ' . -- DM Ootopao . 1.11.44 - po de Ormo '" ' 'eneniniTOW. - Boit •Co • diiiny, 0,11;-.:, - i 9 '.' - iion,ab' Steen - Itittiration Com- ' - :; - - - - piny, atni?lindelpin ptehante . ', . n „• i-, - ciovpo33y..l::: i, ........ i....,,,. .. - 0,000 00, , . . ~ „ _ - -..•,, ~.lotirpr ' , Mk . '"t--:`_'_-- 810,;100 99 80061 600 M01:6611/00 1 604 - p..4 at? Date Eatldlog.: ' - , " masa 88 DMA 116061vablerot ininirsaeo, made " 201,608 80 Pren3loloo - -• tiaHriejnilieles reosatl,tinu 66 - . 2 1 406.006r • •.• :1666E6 80666 1360Ameir "•'" ' ' fierhiiilipeNot sundry' lantana 00t131*-'' • - nilit:A•rOA•a• HMO 00 Clikih Or* In am* , 3 Pa 04 $098,804 112111121 Ipartuasi A &ma, — otld Q: Dam, - Et. Pew**, ?mt ad Datil sa, Lei wad iv. u..linstps hpAYLWalrfejq'' '' '' ; glides Xellm 1) . „; '‘,lsonie &WHO' Lill LiNtlitniirenTia_a;' ITEAtiSIMANCE - ,s,furrairsp com..„ rif t-4 4 - twor4tintwtli4 tote t•U"' ter 111 , 00 9.1 1 5410411ei4 costgr `4t`4t Titt“kp Ibleiti.•• eiptesit 05ii,11.5.03 • -- MbILSP.II lit'VX*l6r Wtor:the 'ottOfe r wp mid itmloirmickik—"par• lajtestAktatminl maJcde all con. iZtatr,Uir Adinahuitorx i r dOltnel, v.ll-4 OAR: - :0111 ; 11 t 141 It'fitbkek, Ist : Amin ggime,' • , Nsit n, ' Jamas B. MaParland, MURIA P Rio* • W Josh-1i Troikfrh 1111abriVICtro f ' 0 lames llaatodl'""r " Imager°, —TheotilltufrOmbilbk; trilrowelV.." Rdatund Vf6.atter, Henn; 0, Towpdertl; • Dadiel L., lititehttrion; r'itptkas Ensit,p ..lohtvw,ntritieatk ' Maid•n. Cranfe , • sum 11.4valtri.;- Minot vi *AV. Sonnet Willtsalitabottooreq,` ,Joaaph4lol4l,iterii Varait Reallf.; job. GI sittewir,- E}.l t'C'-orfbio koditihterii Bast r I htatiA t iOr f 4 r , I "t hV 71t11.*.%ffoinkiikbficidi:17. 4•/,11:23-tY4 ISAMU; JdmOa . 0 Thoophalckaulding, demes.:Traquar, - NWlDlsmltyre; , "'Bstater,E3toluni' '08. , r7 Moak', ;mei Jr:Moral nd, comi Thiii 0. 11an4 1 1 . 7 Robert Durkiit;' , ; John 13 ; freinirlo,Ritiobl -D. T. 3f0i04 4 ic TA% Loma; r butyric!, .kresident, „ , mb2q-4tt, PLULADEL 101-419.),Pr1W1!: B Tamooh. ' po a 4 - • Wll.ll - 111100at, llctipros:lri - rivintrg: Ross ii,•Aßnion, • • r••• ••• ' I.lBTite.R.--1141436 - , ;At the Dfirckostie. Exchoggo, fy l . {Scutt/phis. ~. 52ip Wyoming. Button '- ^' ' - 'l..iv Oinool, July 25 Bark Irma, N0tia",.....,, .., tlartrvioea, noon I . :?riir . Black Ervh3.l493b.ria ".• • tilt J" a, io do Outfok,imon tSAHLINti ate 'VIRE OCEAN STEAMERS. 7119RTUR lINXTRS*TA ... T*34," MVPS „ - gas ' ' DAYS' Canada p.i.•15 8 014 0 Loo-taT 8 rP00,•• if • ,iore. July 27, ot:Weshlogton Newleork.Woik & 80 , `Arrina.•. • INF IT*.i.kiwerPoo l ..l,4 . .v,;i. - Ang New York .....New York..llrerrken dug .• ...r...4••••atoston,elMretP99 l AVdO ..... :New' Y0rk.'.250,74 Aug 20 • . . . " " - Attg 20 .1218 1 gow '- • NowiTorkileh rreao . ; ..... Awg , ,•&11RATI. - ;Mrs • • .LEAllil , /OR RAYS: NOW York....Botithempton..Ndw York J'aly 12 EurOpg ' 'Liverpool: Boston - le Held 13101ri11.. Southesnoton..New York Tub , 18, Kaugaroo ' Liverooolwaleiryork. - , .„01aly 20 Odelln Queen.tontlfomotoii..New'York.... 20 Penis Liverpool. ;New York • stay 23 V I,l Wfi 3••• • • •••80Rthair r O O l4 .I . l4lW'YOrk I Olroieekto 01804 OlietrOw..New York ' Yaly, I , i3rinottoi • 'Aug ' , Er The Californis Mail Steamers eall from New ti t * EL Afar on...he 4. and- 9.4tk ef eenh month.- . i Thaltiliaki.dteamore leave month, ,Ynek, on the 94, th;l2th; 11 th, and 21th Oreadtt month, and ijkirles ton. 8 COmilhlrettati449th. ,r> , • k ‘'., ~, I , •, , When the above dates Pali ion, Bunday, the • etelantre will veil AR 514... y 7 .-e j ment ; froin New Orleans., ~.„ .f e - ?,lnarina , ‘lftttelligencl. rafftT.or,,TAlM I tiainti'.'sidi ts;:teoe. itll4 MO: t BUN' BETS - -• s HIGH WAyllt. s . 947 — ANII.IYRD Stp_anillo . lCoonpkoo,RatoliyA , liollto from New York, vitt spe Mayotitlemdbe arierissiengere to Jas Alider• Wei ;Pesistbidow. the Br aorivwineo drlghtrhin It bark, unkpewo; brig. Mary 2 4 11.1lliken,.and twric„fnll, rigged 'brigs heloVi,fitalfs* Booki: Mirk . oarolioe Bileras,and ketch fioninleree st the Tisaarette: • •-•- • ' - Steamship Bosh* saltew, 24 , home from New Yore, ads OelMrfdartwlth futile and passengers to Jos Ander. 3 3 1 119 Northstppton. Blwall;fi,"deirs from Liverpool, With mire'to P 'Wright & foss: Birk - Whinorentli.Finltif, 80 day* froM . Patanno; with fruitoke , totilsonere & Bra: •July•ft, let 85,11vIong 89 dOi spoke Br chip Edward pros, from Clelenthtfor Lt-, verpool; July 7„let, SO, long 44 20, spoke Mirk pistol Webster:qiiekersom from' 'Palermo for Tialtlosore,hnd terosloed in company until the events g of the eth. Bsrk" Rowena. %Moo° Goal tagnayrsi arid •Pbrto 01. Valle Jnlg9. . wtth Coffee, hidae, &o. , toDiillettßrOthers• tefkbirks Lilian, for New York aerie day Watson, for dodora' Passed bailie "flietty ketoh , Clottimerae. from Matmsse, and hsrk'.oarollite ldiems, fromBagoa la Grande. - Birk Reindeer, Franklin. 8 daYafrota Oa t denae, with , - stigar and molasses to Ste W -*sash'. - • ' • • ' Wapppq, poombs,ll days from Cardenas, with "mar and mid eassir td B &* Welsh. OlisiliktOn; With Mash to ywstis &It&, "' ' • LfderY LoireW Steel, 8 dos from New York, In ballast to B A Sonder & 00, ' , behr Cf Orloff, days Palmer:B" front-Wiltriton, NO.;withWaval stores to Bewley. Alikburner:& Co- _ Piaui B If Atwood, Sotith,ti.days from Boston, with lee to osotairi.i ' - . . _ . • Bohr tannitii - Notil, sdays from Plymouth, in ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. 1.•,•" • . ' Behr 'GeoW , Lang, 2days from Indian Diver, Del; witialsorntol"Witaeort. ' r - Bahr .Geo Pales,•l4loltereon, 4 days from Providence, witti mdse to-Crowell & 'Fehr Carrie .Gues.-Pirma, 5 days from _Charleston, with cotton, dm•to.Pettit: Martin & Co. - Subs , Grime Glrdlem Palnei B days front Boston, with ids to ;matador • - , Bohr W.Dlllon:Plerce; 6 days from Boston, ballast. •• Bohr L fiturtevarit.-Dole. from Boston. • • Bohr J Clerk, Scull : from Boston. • • •• • • •• Bohr Mew Illuo,rlicskiosr. from CohassetNatrowa. lichr Island Belie, Shermail, from Wareham • - ~ Bohr Sophia Godfrey, liqman,-frearbbsw_London. . • Behr Prank'Pleratic 111agthe,-,ffom New York. liebr.frotitinneh, , Tealarom Norwalk Bohr Comm Ware, Arbtlish, from Braintree. , ' • Sobr,L.ll;36ndicott, Leeds; from Newport. • ootte,Therefei.o..Qandy, from Providesos. - • - ~ Bohr W 0 Nelsonilladloott, - from Providenoe. • • Bohr A. Pharo. CallaterefrottoProvidetee.. • Bahr Mary Elisabeth, blidareAfrom Nantucket.. Bohr Mary Anne, Bowen; fromiDighton., • , •• ' SCILEAREIDi Steamship Delaware, COpee, New York, vie Clap. May, jas Allderdice. • abirydiatilla:Molienale,•Obarleston. , Twells & Co. • Berk Ceres, Iturophrey, St lobo, NS, •• - do. - • Birk Osmbla, Keen' Het West, B Miloee & Co.. • Brig JartDavis, - Staples, Thomaston, Me, B A Bonder & Oo • r. c, Brig rodia. Allan, lit Jobe. do. Brig Mary I,owelL Stool Salons, 0 Miller 4 Co. Bohr Alonlaar.lLong, Belem. ''r Bohr Theresa 04 , Gliodyy Boatoni t • ;4,, , do • Schr-Onativie.Jsimeraoe;,Boaton, 11 A Bauder & Co. , Bchi ' lt W Dillon. Pharos; Portland,Sturtevant & EAT. Fannie, Neal,l9lbiotithi do , Behil liturteyant, Dole, Bo too, ' 'do , Bohr Mosey Payson...lltridge.,Boaton, D Cooper., Bohr 3 Clark, Segni Bolliol2iTylor.,Stone A, 00.. Bob* Prink Qrleano, L Audenrled Bohr Grvernor,Mtioper:-Bosion, • at: do Brihr,R4odirey, Woman, N.London, Nevin & Sawyer. Bohr Libiorah, Teal, Belfast, Illakiston-do Co. • Behr W.N.oo,lt,,l(Ottch, Prinfldenee, , do • Fehr Marfa illarlton,thrittle. • -do - • Bohr A Photo, Carslicr, Xs:lt-River, Tiverton 004 elo. Sob,L.M. grlloott,,Leje, Providence B Milner& Co. Bahr W 13 Nelsort.•Bndieott, rip,'do 1 Bohr ablin Begets, bltlatt, Stonlogton, L Ibittherinel & Co. Bohr Lady Catharine; Dengen.ii - Cambridge, do Bohr Billott; Weayer,Pmitts do Behr J Norton, • • • do Behi HartistA Sarah, Smith, L'ynsi, "do , Bohr-Oman. Wave, Browo r Lynn i -Vao Duman, Norton Betr Wjr Newconi r b, - Bakiir.'Lynn„ - ' do Bohr Mary & Xllpostb, hiladary;Nantuoket, do Bohr Jso Katonaback;Lakei - rpsyrich, do gebi .pepri,,iliaemer. PoMaaerrperti Bohr Mary Dlisabath. 1441.1014 a. gQ Bohr Y J Henry. Beatty_ Balticaora,-, 17.9 Fehr Throes Iraland4•ll4l4 Charlerdowo, do Rohr W Bichardron, ared;Ziewburyport, do Sold Henrietta, Minnie/ Newport • , • do, • B4kr iodtlitFkOitOLOso: et Jolor. , 011; Co. Bohr James Naiilloll.44diatOne Mama. - • notirjinoop,. Jppes; Pi'arrori. SI, 3 H enry Boer ffeory. resaapoo, rjorfolk, T Webster, Ir. Btr rfor9tpe, faroirie,Prefkensyn, p, Thnroas Web „- ; Ste Planet, Wiloop,,NaW,Yoiir. ,M Bard-fc po. far, Baltimore, A grepie, l'Opmgoanannovi of, Tbsiirrias,l • HAVRE Bit 4114011.,Jn1y, 23.1850. ' But three- baste „bare reached ~us as, yet from- the break. and the captains o' ,theee, express' fears that the bank has broken. oat 'Again, as -there have been heavy robes in Gift, - dfrpotiots., « The ,llisightonlift this mans., hog Bight, „ . , • MorreAponthpOo of the - Prafal., BEADING, July 21,1852. The following biosti from the Union - Clonal passed iron thcliolutylltill Canal to-dah'ishtfied, to ,Philadelphia, •tadenantroonsignod as !Otiose , ' t' ' "• -' Nancy Ann and Boole Elm. iron - ore to N & G-Brooki B B, Denman, lumber to? FilDelsk r eri ,tk A Albright,- do to NortirterelloTheetr.;' , ' - ••• • •- - " 5 - ••••• (Oofteidiondenee of ths , Philadelphia Exohange.) L&Z &TORT°, July . 23, 0 A M. • The. bang; Heindeer„tronr.Oardenimmith admit , and molasses, anchored off this station last evening, and• will be detained untirto•Mortornic•tiondai , itti =deism • fumigation f - • - _ iConiegondernent Op Phliiidelvlde • A 0 . 4 103. The ship Thee t Perkin, areahi , tff gel tiarriet Lune, and one sebooter, are ‘the, ocllyires4lCal, , the tiarb6r. l The following% tee Sela ' left the' little:Sr last itenienr for their different putt& a -deatliarloh.or7e! "erehrefinilleni Henry, Isabel; 119anar; - paralcilieleiniticf,ntilea 'Jahn, Ilegallan. Jahn G ferriciliary Ann Goad:l4oHW Vah Baron, Wnr:Vihipilt, 'lleigford:- Wind N— wentber 000 braplig. - • TOlataillo r WM. M. LUO*ldett. - ° •ft • • • • Au: 001;nenlstf.1 • • - • • tOorreepondenee or the Philedelphialtxobange.] 0/3.3 101 .sin, July 24; 10 'A H. The barks Whit. , Wing; , for; Logniirs;•llamilton, for Efavana; brigs Sarah Bilsetitti; for Boston; fent% Clara, forgtutport, Elisabeth Wattsrand Darien . , for eastern potls, pent 10 Vrar: l ,reetardtty. .The MI) Fanny Potts , tor, Porter; front , teow '40.44; tat inn.' ter Oadls, pat tato the Betiorsie , l3fetiwate7 'yeaterdsP, ad onhe of statue - Fe of eaptaio,*;l4 siert roll:ping to perfoita"do , , Wiad N* . — heather fee ;'' ~•". • '" • Yotuori Ste, • THOS.' B. , 111:1M1110: • • '• iIIitpONR"DICSPLTeg. • ' ' P M—The stetinir'llerri4 14,1:d ounzid by- hare tide afternoon, bound snorth. • &vend Wigs end rnbre wont in.! Wind 811 Thermometer 80 in the shade: • , . ^ T . 13 . - R . „ • [U VILFO,II/ 1t0 . 11011P11.111111.1 • .-•- BOSTON; July 23, The bpi% Oanade, bOye fOrlbiltltuo , e, eolilded,wlth' the ably 13 , Terly. from altlenore.logrut to Boaton, Ipet eTening,Jeft, 11.Ighlehd rcht, end returned. to forTepaird. • • - a -MBfdOBANNAai i^ =• • (Br), for Liverpool,, aided limn New York 23i met. ' - - liteelaship'Qoatior Oily, ' ehef OW from Mesas lath inn arrived at New York 23d; 221, oil Cape Hatteras, town steamship Slur Vitest',' . , from New York for diploma Ship Spirif.of Hie Timis, Klein, Nailed 'trim ,134tn — bai dnie 4 for frrerptibl,' ' ' Ship _fiyoltine.' Willett, froin Beattie, &rend at San I;rateilleo preidous to oth iv37r. : Ship Ottolloop, Palimm, from north Iro?g, arrived at Ban Iftanhimoo pr'ailohs to Oth inst. Ship Golden-West, florae e,. from Honk Ko lig; arrived at San Krinorstio pro** tbOthloot." Sb p. dvdga97taw, Parks:,. oleersd at New York 2sl feet for Shanghai.. r- r - - Ship Uscotini , Liverpooloir• rived atNaw , Bbtp W Whaitoit. 18'days fromGalwaiton. for Ll .vorpool, wits spohon 1801 lost /tt 28 80, ion 70 EQ. •• 131 alp Bt Loma, Barry, oksared at Utorana 11th bet for 811 pa OabOt r ehina - and 'Llzsio D kyi for Philadelphia, salad front New Haven 221 inst. • • • Ship Brasto. Landis, !Watt Ikterpool,' seri fed at . Baltimore 23d inat.— , flalofientuel fates, Young. cleared at Bolton 224 bet, fortiew Orleins: Bark Ingrid', fdanday,,fromAepinwall, arrived et Blen'agoe iOthM.t. Bark; John- carver, „Bowden, far Pielledelphle, woe towed Mimi frota,Plaw-Orleans 10th Met, ?lark rei Brans. Vie, from BM de Janette, was 'ce dig Baltimore 934 t. - = • t • Bark Br u nette, Stone, cleared et Charleston 20th lost for Rio oo,JetreirO. t • " Brig tgaY Quern, William, for tale port, trim at Port an , P,dnott wet , ' 110. - ' • ewe ßrig,Carl Allen, hence at aton22l Met. Brine Selena P Smith. Santa ; Tangier, Paddington and /dayflower,- atone, bonceyerntred at Now York Rid Met Brig Brelfon Ray, from If ilibrlige for Philadelphia,pat loin Boston lout foga lobar. • Brig ,tlitum- Rdwerd:,llaseelk Mine and Ann Ludwig, boons, arrived at Portland Net Matt tfahrellioladoValin,l track ; Blebabird.- Compton; Restless, Smith; W Ltitched, Plomer ; W Pim monk, Godfaey rAllas 1/nO,-J/otter; P MUMMY, CPA. fray. and Maroolle. 4 .13.14)r, helm at Breton 222 Met. tear Amelia', Rockall', bonne at Yell River - 19th Intl. 1 50 tkunlia Fraser, Allen, bents at Fall River' 20th Mot. . , , „ Behr Boier, Parson'', benoo M Newbarytort 2lat , Belli narrei;itogers,nleared at New Londsn 21st hist far Nile port, _, ? ; - F 3 -,.. Bohr-A fleitt-m, Brim, kenos at Newport 2let Jost. Bert 8 o,llintth„ftralth ; Panthea, Porter, hence, -and 0 - Itrik, ghee . , do for Pawntuokst, at Proeidenes 2143 n,; fOtii Ap)i.; ; - • : . -. Koh es ,1:1 gson, fitaesy ; Eleauty, Johnson ; Delmont, Rlan;for this port, lied, Prank Par,Risher, for Oruiden, T. salted from Provlderoe filet hiet. • • Ochre Ir , Urookeri„Preabren liana at Taunton 214 Pedriok,- for thittport ; idgiraVkilh:r.fiii , 1314t0n.; areal:plat, Downing, ior ittiaghtn i ,Dol,„, and Brolly, -Ann. Oa/Wok,- for °heater, Pliao„nlearedf at Delihriora Bdebtni4o - ,/ ; • • btendellioo ~neodersoui (tom Remedios, era rived'*t,tlett tfiq 0 3 4 .1 64. • - • • Bohr:Bate morrin! re at rerattlithllithltiliV. " ' ' t Sehr;.itannie, 4009, /11.100 110 Md /1111141,44. lest for Buttes* to,do , vlloedingt3deilthdr of, sugar for phila- Bohr lfentos' Clausen sped from New Bedford 22d mat: Bnls D V Harbn torrb ge f o$ $ epos, arrived at New ift ?fp ' ata flehrs Dom, .gaelier';,'Viind, B /4 Sharp ; Sims, leszie , "Waal, _ Lakotril -Pricie --Chambers r MarDF,Reitaii_.,oex %Mat antler' , Croaker ; ' tifici"Edviard! May. tied IS whelden, Weithrharkee, arrived at.Beetort 42d lost.„,- 0 Bohr Elle 9 ; Franca', Mahoney, filArkak t t St J o h n , s -4$ /dirt Nei BO rialadelphl*, TRH PRESS.--PITILADELPIIIA, MONDAY. :MIA .25; 054. ffifE_E ' ; •• -- • - rf .r. THE REENSYLVAISIA RAiRROAD COMPANY' :tow. ;Bugs. . - 1 - ..01/R.5.10,X TIORETS A.LTdONA 'ARV orti)ssciN. 0tir1.8.6 , ALLEGHENY .MOUNTAINS, GOOD FORFGORTZIEN DAYS Persons winhfnf, to breathe pure BIOUNTAIN AIR, ;matelot of Oman e, and who desire relaxation from . bnainege, shoolti tainratlimotegO of this great AltDiTollo - 1%T.: ZIP EARI4, iI;TOK4'eiND OBESEION. • /late to Alton& end ; Return - • 1.716 ' 'fireman " 00 ••- • ,flooowell - , • 15 . 11BDTOUTHIPRIZIG5 PAO3ENGERt :are likowlqo fartkiehed with Atehett ,to tortiolowa of ebb,llnatiugdonattd Broad Top Ifallroad—where two deny Ibtoe of stages endlneolve eotnielit for , the tipringa .7.44ia,t4.t0• be hen tbejltine et. tbe•Poeuerttenle. TtailrUd ComPloi,iiontbaist comer Bilowintliand Mar: bet ttreete.• • • -.1.1.Q,MAS MOODY,. Ageet. 7 ".19M 411 • ,1469.10 v ip LITT, Gen • Tioke: Agent. . . _ DAILY FOS CAPE • MAY,-. ", - Thellner a teloner WALLOON; Captain W. tylaillatu ' or Aural, Captain Taggart, leaves 'Arch' street 'rrnart etery 'inolnieg at 93( o'clock, Mondays .. .. exeepted y •1•. , r • - -! ~ - " Passengers by THIS line arrive, at the Island In time to semilwaceononedations at the hotels' - ' . Emigrants are not carried in T1317b131 boats. Fari to the Inland h.:Muted $t 00 . ' .$ Here:ants 70 , it' if ''Besion , 2l6kete,Oarylege }tire ' ' 'ektis • 800 Carriages, Horses, and' Freight taken at the nenal rates,' . iylo.2ttie FOR CAPE NAY, •AND , 'NEW YORK DAILY, r ensidiyi excepted )at . o'o'oek, N. EXTEA. , . EIPB °Atli NAY ON,BILIDAY/31 , . At 8 A...81.'c Steamers DELAWARE, Oaitaln (llopes, • ROSTON, Dentate Bellow, KENNEBEC, Captain Efand, Perm A Daily Line between Ibis 'elly,aape May, and New York. leaving from First Pier below Bpruse street, 0111dtqlDAYS, for OAPE MAY onlyi at 8 o'oloalr, A.M. - „ —.—. ......---..--. „ .. . Luis NOT , leg*, (Bacidaya excepted,) at ' 6P. M. , .., - Cape May, daily, at 8 A. 141 Fate tallow York, Catch.,. ' ' i ' 52 00 ..... .. , .. Me Bteeritte -1.6 0 Pare to Cipe Mei, loolettet. Carriage Hite - .76 • ... .. . Somata7s .. .. Season Ticket, Carriage Illte ' • ._ ~. extra 800 _ _ cc, cc , Fiats Boaras,eatra' 100 Freights for. Vew York and Cape gley taken at low rates Goode, beyond New Fmk. .be for warded with despateli, free of commiesion. , . Fa/4AS ALI,DRIIDIO.F, Agent, • - 814 and 0/oReinth DalfidyliAlllll, AVIINZIE . , FOR CAVA:it'd:l4.OR 6UN - Dijfl3. ' - During tint "gesson," et steamer,will losre for Ospo Plity, pa Sundays, lit. li.o'clock .A., , , M.' 'Returning leave, Cape Man Monday morning, at $ o'clock. _ . „Jain). tf Notices'. , NOTICE TO SHIPPERS astsfais 0., LOOT 1 . 11 - 41bLiT , , l'jillt-i • .f.rl k t,Vatr4l. ItAILIIOLD 0.9/4P ANY are ni) preparod to receive and rorward Yrolglat to the following polite on - the .NORTHIORN ..O.IIINTBAL ItAlniloe.D: - r , Lookllnven, Lewisburg Wayne Wayne _ Northirmtionland, Jersey , , ,-131inbury,. . Linden, ' ' Tierarton Intersection, Dlevibney, Georgetown,- - • - - ' Williamsport, , - Ai illerstown, - Munoy, fralitsk, Watsontown, - York; rv• . Milton, .. Hanover j'unotion. 4LBO. - iaettt album, and ell Inter .tedlotdpolote on H ANOY.IIII AILIIOAD. • - • •Alrgocide iltnt' to Yirelglit Stilton, TIIIRTVE4TII.! 44 id aBIE , Er Eltrebtd; will be pfomptly lot ear,ded ' is/3 361 - - /,'SNSMoBR. WreikbV Agent. • , „ 110TICE.—Peraon9 , having bu'aiiiefis with the FLOUR YNSPEOTOR, will eall r.t N0.'14 VINE Street, between, the Ilium of 9' olelook , sod p: E., where they will find the Impactor or him Deputy, p h1:111E9T3111. O. M. LAIIMA.N, - .jrl7 • „. Xeeeeeter.., rEGIAL ITOTlGE.—Dealers in Goodyear's /.7.PatentfoiVulbilleed' Rubber Buspendersi' . .Nralda; , Wohaptes all other Fabrics indirtidlea made V (nimbly- IniehrkieshtstiVeaVgt tluedthfiir theeteof voloari-' lied rabberalidatlfitiiThatiuslfielliesasadire properly stamped'Orlabolled tAlth'my stake, lad- by toy authori ty, ;they thinner. be legally !disposed of in the United States •yldirehants and dealers are invited to examine seeolnions now lii stdieTandbigire theft' Vrderscrof the sprier to shillndelilig.ed;' , NXOLllSlVE OW ?V rII, INV TUN ,TITLNII - AND :11X .ItIGHtE IN ,TURTATIIN't fdi thbce goods, TrtidoVembAide.iiti the heretofore rsannfattfureil "of lvlpbrted, and caany.others. raaDN9l4l , 6l.l.Aritraertinii AND SILT , the Tirpap=tnhy 144, plptidged ori'appllcitlaiLte "meet L 2 s OPPOIkaPT atrrM •L -, : • • • • s , MIAMI otiptE appdtpatiee •aill be made. a the peat Imola° .the Leglilats,re of Pandeilva.• - nla roc the •or nator., ..Itll general bankingrollvtlagra, with a nuptial of TWO 11131 i DUD AHD vis,ry Taotra AND DoLT,AI4,' to tju delletrthe ISIANI/Vagflllttatr DAN, to be looataa la the o 4 of /7 2 . 6 Su? „ olio, LUMBER , ME;N. JiNt/ FARMERS.: BABB 01 VaLITAuLB TIMBER LANDS, fIy '77IROINIA, , 7/7101iF * WARWICIII:OSIII NTY Ivrea the Ci ; rtrolt Court for the County oreettir, tice 70/'.• or March, 1850, la - th e Oanartfoolt - or GazOlidirril , Wtzsolr, rgo naderelgaidAotiagad Ootedoisidouraoadoi the laid da• tree, erlil ion - before' the OnittitOusedoor'ol ealdoottrr• ty on thi BEIOOND,S'IiITRODLY - Or LW/1M nest that being county 'eclat del, that valuable trod - CO Yatib ' described In said doortid'” as an that oertkin piece, ;pat. oel, or tract of - land, lying, and, in; the county or Warwiok, and being part of the Itioh Boot' TAW cogtabeing one thtmsand and eighty,alght scree. (1,058,1 c mote ar - "tere,.hejs:_part of the tract'af land noireeyedlry -,lll and fie ) garet kip !Ire b 7 40 7 4 kik* h itiak, l lll/0, renTirecoldcd, io, ch 4 eierk's o ee, atwiok 008817 qoguro_. - The above land is eery valitablirsual mu , wage, being located. on the lioniasnia lying between'-the Judea and York river-c, and about half war between Haoipton sod liamsbarg There are upon the premises a 'toxn oar min with engine o(MM:cove, power , and good eabatan tlfYßritk D,weliing in thorough refiair. „. , TRW RF ,44 00 iOne? In Oesliltrwlit 410 1 emits of the 'above mentioned anita empeneer-of isle, and upon, the vosidue a croilit of - twillvti"mohthei will be. given, - the, larridieser to pai'oond wire spot} 4ayritt fur the de • reread paroeid, Vent/41451qt fioto o day of sale. , LETTET , J. 641, . - gownnere. Of the above lands, 188 acres alas oiPation, balance - heavily limbarild with superior mkt far atop briliding,),and pipet the pine woob being worth $2.75 pet contort - Um-bank -any amount can be ooze treated for, for the New York market. Any information In reference to the molter can belied by addressing Neiroolner do Bionebraker, Baltimore. MC, or by applying to S. Patrick,adjoitdog the lands at Warwick Court House, Warwick tionfity, ./ 01 -40e ' "' A NOTHER PROOF 011. THE WONDER z-mk. Kify49TB ti,41311AQ14 Pima, July 7th, ISM). ' Mr. JI• W. Taoxsta.—Dear Elf: —I have been troubled with the 4, tripthtaLOld. ,, ,f4 the last 14. years, and her,o sofferet the intjet esereoletips. palp, compelling me at times give tnrley business entirely. 'ii or not eat, and, sleep was,a offense?, to coy eyes ' I ear. farad more than torgue can tell I bad the advice and aid of iiiironelibyamians, and need other remedied, blot all of no avail. flaying noticed l our adirertiseraint in tue, papers;l. concluded to cell on a person whom I had le;anse Ina enrol:of a C 386 of 20 yearn etendlus Kr npnlied the DALVDP. but ogee, and r felt ate relief—a second applinatidn removal tie train en. titely, and I now feel like is,dilfeent man. Idinle;then I have slept weal—something that I have not done for montbd, being Obliged to sit up all eight In a chair, Itly.appetite bee returned, arid I feel grateful to you for the restoration of my health. " ' ARLES D. Tobaonontat ' • OiltßOLSkreet, above WOOD, Kenslngton. ?or Isle. wholeeale and retail, at O. W corner SIXTD and TAILEIBD streets; and at T. It. OALLENDnIt & Co.'s, N. W. corner Phird and Walnut sta. -' S. lir,E4pqrr.* cELg,Thazasp TAR - 'Weatoottls Tar pqrdiel oure.Oansumptton, •Westoott's Tar Cordial mires Brgroshitis. Westoott a Ter Cordial cures Coughs and Colds. Westoottls Tar Cordial cares Bor. Thr‘At and Breast. Westeutt's Tar Cordial CUM PfdpiratiOLl Of the Heart. „ Weatoottle Tar OOrdial sures Helms Dehility. t Westoottis Tar Comial gores General Debility. WestootVii Tar Cordial cures Diseases of Btrarimarr. and Gravel. . Wastoott's Tar Cordial cures • Blind and Bleeding Piles. • Westoottla Tar CorMaluitree Female Weaknesses. Dr WestooWs Tar Cordial Depot, Do. 629 A/101.1 Street Philadelphia, Also, Principal t epot for Dr. Weatoottie Anti•Sorofa loon Ogrup sret,Ohotera Mixture. , Dr, A, WHeTOOI.T. can ha conceited on the ewe Maoism !roe qt allergia. at his Consuiistmo Rooms. No, 620 Alton Eltreet, from 10 A. 04 to 4 P. 01. !Asir • SIKE . ,S ll5 , PURR 00D•LI9X11 01b, , ' PIAIIBXQTLX, EIWENT AND.PALATABLIII, vnentl• rotated at ,Nortfonneland for - the Proprietors, , free. fresh and healthy- livers, by steam, at * lop temper's, tura, tams preserving the sweetness awl parity of ttl on, while thenatarel flebytlivor le perfectly covered and the On - rendered, palatable and agreeable to the ken; .„ - The Proprietors of this Olt spare no' expense In having their Oil prOperty prepared nt Newfoundland. the only place .where the °lndus marches, ur found lu abundance.. The true Oil la frequently impaired by a4mLititiet with oil from other, speores or the Under rennin and only that coMing from the ( !finke " can bb relied upon as the genuine, . Our Oilila4 I,egin analyzed, and pronounced be pure and th perfection or fine quality—charanteristice which enable "It to maintain lie auperberiti dyer sit other kinds. Prepared and (Or saloi Who)(Wale and RiAsti, , UO., , . tah22-tf,,_. „ ywitjal,2,Tr apt TIABEIAKDIPIatVI ('!BEAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND . ; Tiiusw coup4wr; < °MON 00. 403 IYALNUI iolreet, - ~ , , (Coytrobara Boding,) . • . nnicAnaLerAtA,' Having oonaelldated the hualreeea or the PAOMrItS , lINIOt4,,INSUBANCII COAIPANY OF ATIINNS, PA , int hereafter genAot the seene trite a oanenned Capi tol and,lfollable • ' , - AUNTS OP OVIR 63110,000, Invented, for the tiostpart, In keßlir 3301108 Atil) Mont 0kage,,b99 111 4 nix per cent, interest, on nupreeel pro• perty..north doable ; the amount. • FIRS, INLAL , D, , AND MANION OAROO lIIMB Token on the moat Clearable terms. ; -• DIRECTORS. '' • Obeolee O. fetthrop, Wllliem btallng; Ahiaander 11: Tracy, John C. Minter, " James B. Oral. h;' , Ilealehatet, "O.N. Oh tv.thr n, Ohidegn,ll. J. IL mithirery • pro: Tyler, Waverly, :I V Thomas L, OilieePle, Charles Ileyjau, ' Danlot L. collier, Jonathon S. Menem. • O. O. LATHROP, Pieehleot. • • DABLING, Via,, president, • ?JAMES WRIGHT, Secretory ond Tlaturer. . 0: B. RI:SHILL, Assittymtgureetwy whlrj,d&wtr - 91VIVESTERN ANJ) SOUTHERN- MEL MIANTS rA lergeetoek'of Itantle enditste Itope menplaotured end for isle at the lowest New York prices by"' WEVER, YULE itiv •Go - jyYO, 7g Noith Water street, and 22,t1ortli ONE Y.-40 - bble. -prime - - quality Oebo -11-4 AtinEr pe'r fdr ti "A. M. Strl - No. 140 Wrth,pnONT Rh..N7l . tir ASHER ' SA)II4-:-2 0 bble of , Straits liner Bank 011, in stroilisand tat sale by r— numautt 1, soli, • 2088400 108 South Miami. xcurojon I ' • . 3 ,-••• e• - • ligal &tate, fliebiutuil. fdiWaiiiued - • --"` -`,:• EitiMMER AR- P , ..e.D.mbeni. "-a ycifkl . .tv a igo e rt Air em N D l'. . ', pALTX-; Q:. ' On and 1,1; elllol DA , 2,.- July 4th, 1869. liW , ' ', ...: ~A??.BN, AILSOLD. .. . .. - ' ' PASsENONR TRAIDISBBABB PHILADELPHIA,. For Baltimore at 9 16'..1. It,, 12 noon, (Bipreaa,) and -113 0 ie. AI: For Cheater at 21 . 5 A, ti., 13 noon, 4.80, and 11.10 P.M. , .. . ~ . . , , For Wilmington at 8.15 A.. 1.1., 12; 4,80, and 11.10 P.M. For new. Ompiiit 6.16 . A. za., and 4 80 5, M. For Middlopownat 8.18 A M., and 4 60 P. 8 1. For DOrer at 915 A . 21 ~ and 480 P At. , For Seaford at 8.15.4. - 14. mad 420 P. M. . _ TRAINS-FOR ',IIIILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 0.80 .I.l.,.(Expresed 0.40 A. M., and 6:25 R. M. ' ..,1 ..1 - • , • " ‘ • - LeaveVilmingtOn.o;66 A. AI., 'aid - 0.174 - A. M., 1.10 and 0.40 P.' 8:1 .' ~ . ... , • Leave gewrOartiest.B.4s,A.M.oand 740 P.. M.. • ' ' Leav4 Middletown At 7 90'4 it : and 6 84 P. M. , Leave Dover at 6Ao 4 m., aid 5,25 P. M,. • ' Leave Seaford at 5.15 A, M,‘ and 245 P. - 141.-. -- , Lear A. 9heater -a1.7.44, 9 60 A. 11., 1.45 and 9.16. i . . . , 7.4 are Baltimon‘ flit Bodoni' and Polaware 99 1 1f099 - 'at 680 and 0.40 A. M. r - • - ' ''. ' TRAINS FOR BM:TP.10814 - Ldave Ohpater at, 8.46 A. M., 12.28 and 11 405. M. i, • Leave w9m4tigiori at 9,20 . A. M., 12 66 P. M., and. 12:20 A. )1,. ' . ~ , P. SIIIiDAYS , .. „ 'Only at 11.10 ~F. 11,, frem,Philadelphia to Baltimore. ' Only at 6.26 P. M., from Baltimore to, Philadelphia: 'MIGHT T.11.41N, with PASSENORR 0411, attached, , ' will ran alfollowe f , Leave Philadelphia-for Perryville and inter'rgediate places, at 6.451'. AI.. ' .. , Leave Wilma ogton r 6r T'airprille and intermediate Alines at 7 25. .. H. • . .- . Leave Ilarre.:de.Grane for Baltimore and intermediate pities at 6.40 A: M. -" . - Leave Baltimore for Harr...degrace and Intermediate places at 6 40 P. M. , Leave Wilmington for kbilodelphis and intermediate . planes at 640 P.ll -hi , B. ic - kELTON. President ate_' .:= TDIi ; AnD PHYLADBLP9IA NJ WEST. QIIES_ RAILBUAD 5.51 . 02 LA.. • SUSISISS. AP,ReNGEBISSIT., oh aril iifterMAT 26th,.1856, the Trains leave Philadelphia, from' the Statical, N. B. corner .0f EIGIITAIINTII and MARKET Streets, at 7• and II a. M., anci..2, 4 80. and 615,P. AT. -• Leave West Chester, froto,.the Station, on *AST MARES? Street, at B, SO , BSO and 11.80 A. hi., and 2 ands 45P. IC • , ON SllNDAYB—LeavoPhilidiaphia ati B A. M., and 2 P: M. Leave ,West 'Chester at 7 SO-A..51.01nd 5.35 I'. Ikr.` ' - . .. H.ItNflY WOOD, ' my 2841 ' General Butterintendent. aNAI . lli - '_, you THE , SEA SHORE. ' • , '611.481NR - a' RANGEMENT.- , OAMDEW AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD.' ONLY T WO - AND. A MAL nou T MOIRA TO Till BRA st . , • On and atter SATURDAY, May Eleti r and until Tar.. ,then notice, three daily trains tb Atlantis and return. 'On IetiNDAYS, the.mer Train only will ran., PRA, Mall Train, lemma Thai-street Yerry..7 80 A. M. 6exond, E xpress, . c , ...4.00 P. M. • i • ping billy "'brined and water.) Frelght Train. (wlttrPiugspnger Oar atthohed) .4 95 A.M Aoaommoditlon "Train ' (Egg Harbor,) leaves Vine. Mxeet. ... '., .:. ..... .: .. ... 4 op. m, LATER •A.TLANTIO CITY: Pipit, Express, Train leirte's ' 000 A.M. &mud, Mall, i , ' 4'40 P. M. Freight, CI - ..... 12.10 A.. M. .Accommodation Train leaves Egg Harbor...A.o9 A. M. "SUNDAY TRAIN. " Leaies Vind4treet Feral , at' • •• " 7A. M. ' Hataratogy levies Athifitid at.', 6 P. M. Thia Train will atop only at Waterford, Egg Harbor, , and'Abaecom.- • , . ummotrimoLD 0001MODATioN ',sates Cooper's Point 11001. M. Lea Fae Haddonfield ' .1.00 P. M. Leaves Ooopees Point 8.00 P. M. lmaresEaddondeldi ' 800 P..M., Fare to Atlantio, *hen Tickets are purchased. before' ' entering the s osni • f•sl 80 tnitind Trip Valente, good for two days oft any 'resnlar train s "B/ b 0 On and after July :end'overyglatnrday.tbrongh,the Summer,the Herboe,dooomitodation .Train will rnolhrorgh to Ailantid, Cretnx?:l early on Monday Preis t must. 'be delivered it Cooper's; Point, by 1 PI M. The Cougifuliirill berespoeelble for any, goode adtirteeeleed aikrioelpted for - by their Freight Agent at the Poiol. mylo•„, 4QIIS'9: 81(.14.NT..4ent . _ 1141 11 LFAVIVIT I A 'I4:POTTSVILL.II, MM . " the Me§etV'nt'nornar of Bilokls god Will fitraeta, 07. A. M., DAlLltildinndayo anoaptr4,) for POTTBVILLN:qIABRIERIDIte, and all 112tennediate ,polota,oonntatlag Hurrianhit ma th trains running to kqtraburgiOhamberaimarg.loarlisio, , Bnubiiry, rao. • '"LINZB • ' • Lama at 8 fat P. itAnWi for rol'rgylLLl and 4A.1111158M14. • r • At 446 P, , DATLY;) (Sundays :444egt4d,) fOt RIM:IW% aorklateriosatitti Wats. Apia - , Mt. IifoILEIENNT, Ourretary. • • p . 7:4 0 1 0 1 NOTIOE.-4EtESTER , MALLEY BAILIIOAD -PAB BRIEMTRAINB , I/06 , DOWNINGTOWN AND STATIONS.--it Met Jain. ay/ 185901 A Paitaengek Trak& for DOWNINGTOWN will start froitilbcoraateager - Depot of 'the Thlladel• and Reading Itall•zad cortipany. aornor NEDAD Btiaata, • • :`,". Motaingp TaLliv f x twrin F town, loam at Y. 20 el+TslercKpi 0414, Ion: DalOgnltoWn) 1.1V62 . - DAILY (ednesie rlpeptod„) By order of tho'4ol{4.o4Moaners of the Vandal Is sad Iteedtod RailLroad.Ootale iler oty. dign W Ar,ll4hritTaipalv, Sonia-an - , - ,Taivogtkinok o_ll - AND /MUIR& RAIL; ROAD LLNE-4),AcKg.trx. to Elmira, Wilkes, trim, Wail°, Chili/Ego, lipak lilend, Niagara Pella, Milwaukee, Burlingtou, - „Modtreal, M. Pant , Detroit, Danlieth, And i,tz , , , P.e.lieuger Wlll leave, the Philadelphia 'awd Reading itallioad. Depot, corner BROAD, and SINS etripthaisfir , Mbdayii incoiltod,) gAIsiOVIS : • VI 4. 1 41...114 - 2 - VEnt SR. Porißlitilre,Nlagara, Pap', kiqffiffe, etude, own°, Milwaukee, Reek.Dilead, Galena, St. Pauli, Burlington ; ea Bt. Levis. ' ' • - 11 SO P. bi ;NIGHT REPRO& liorßimiri, Niagara Palle,' Buffalo, Detroit (Mingo, - Milwaukee, Rock lelene Claims St.' Paulaßurlingtont and " • • The T.BO A. M. i 2..86 P. M. trains Inn thzongb to riA#4l9Bllllrii• stopping at all Stations on the baba. non If ener bratt4l..., - The 7.4 a 4:M. Dsin 00{inotti it Ruiert, lir Wilkes. halve, Pittaton, Seranton, , and all /tuitions on the LACKAWANNA "AND BLOOMSBURG- RAILROAD: Baggsge obOokod . to -Elmira; Bonin, and flospension Bridge. - , trr Tieketeeeis be proeered et the Philadelphia and glmire Railroad Line's Thlcet °Toe, Northwest corner of- SIZ,TH end CHESTNUT Street., end at the Paaeen ger beplt, corner BROAD end V.INN. THROUGH EXPRGSS PARIOHT TRAIN .Liaees .The 'Depot Beosa OW, below Vine. daily. ahndey eirepteddlerval , pgits Weet and North, it 6 M. Freights most be dsliemlibqore a P. N. tg insure P R l9 o g r t figr h4 tlre 4l r Otne , 14 01 4 1 , bear Vine, Or to CO4B. B. TAP 8(.1.1481mgal APO, • N. W. owner Sixth avid Chestnut Ste esti, , Philadelphia 1859. Nomi'm 1859. SUMMER ARRANGEMSNT.—NNW YOBS: LINIIS. TE.I.N- • AroY, *to Puparlospui ArileritUNTori It 4 ROAD CO.'S LINDA, non Vim op. nit. to NEW TORE . AND WAY NAOMI; -, • . ems' watann-sianair muse, Will leave so fellows; via _ • Paste At 8 A. M. vial/anvils% Amboy, O. & A. Le comttsadstrun 82 At 'At OA. Id via Camden' 'and Jersey City, (New Jamey). Aneonimodatlon 2 20 At 9 A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Matt . ", 800 At 11 4. by Steamboat, via Tacony and Jamey WV, Matulnif Enproas .. 00 At 2P . 81,,i1a Camden and Amboy, O. & A. El - 00 lAt BX .T. M.t by Steamboat, via Taeony and Jar- 8 ear Oily, Brenitießnprees 8 00 At 8% P. 1,1., by Steamboat via Tacony and Jar goy City, 24 011iss Tietiet ' 2 2t At 6 P. 11., via, Camden , and' Jersey City, Evening 1..., B 00 At 11 P. 11., via Camden and iarsey,Olty, Night Mall - 228 At 21( P.M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, , (freight and panerager ) —let Olaea Ticket .... 2 21 ' 3d Clan Ticket -- 180 - At OP U., ilia Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, ' (Freight and PaseengarY—let Clan Ticket.... .2 2E 24 Clams Ticket.... 1 lb The 0 P. Line raw daily. The 1. Night Mail, flatnidaye agoep tad - ozr Bapreaa Linea atop at Principal Station, only. .For Belvidere, Beaton, Flemington, !co., at 0 A. M. and B%P. M. For Water (lap, Striesdaburg, Scranton, Wilkesbarre Montrose, Groat Bead, An.; at 8 A. 81 , via Delaware. Lsetawanna,' and Western Railroad. For Freehold, it 64. U. and 2 P. M. For Mount licaty, at 8 and 9 .4., M.. and 2X, og and E P. At. WAT LINES Yes Brian], Trenton, &0., at 8% and 4% P. M. from Wel, tit-street wharf For Palmyra, Delano, Beverly, Burlington, Bor dentown, Ac., at 1 and 2)( P. M Steamboat Richard Stockton, for Tumor at 11 A. M., and for Itordentawst and intermediate places at 8% P.M. - Steamboat JobnNellton, for Tammy at 8% A.M., and for, Briatol, Burlington and intermediate plates, at 12 kl.and P. M. , Play pounds of baggage only allowed eaoh paseenger Passengereare'orohibited from taking e.nything ee bag gage but theft wearing apparel. All baggage over Pity pentode to be pall for extra. The eampany limit their responsibility ler baggage to one dollar per pound, am will not be liable' for any amount beyond $lOO, ex. eept by spoolal oontraot. ,Junel WM. H. GATZMIIB, Agent. MEM .., 40 0 • PHILADELPHIA, EIIOMMINTOWM, AND NOnnfaTulYN trallaUnD —6176111E1t ARRA NOE- Matill3,—On and ,liter Monday, May 9th, 1869, until farther notice. ?Olt GRIIMANTOWIi Learn Phitadalphis 8,7, 8,6 X, min., 10,11 X 12, A. M., 1, 2, 8, BA, 4,5, 5), 8,7, 8,9, 10, Mol, P. H. Leave Oennantopa 8,7, 7.3, 8 84, 0, 10, 11, A. M., 12X, 1,2, B. 4,6, 6, O,X, 73g, 8, O. 10X P. If, • : ON SUNDAYS, Letve Philadelplili 9.06 min. A. M., 2,8, 6, TX And 1034 P. M. • Heave Germautorn 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 lulu., 4 ; IX, mid OX P. 11, k 011.1:STTHIT HILL RAILROAD. 1,0874 Phtladelt,Bl4. (1 ) 8., BA , 11, A. M , 2, 8,X,. 4, 6X, 0,9, P.M, • 4 - LoirroOheatunt.Hlll 7.10, 7.40, 8.10, 9.40,11.66 A.M., 12.40, 8.40, 640, 7.10., 640, 10.10 P.M. 015 SUNDAYS, Lena Allaielphlp 9.05 min. A. 61., 2,5, and P. M. P Lesors 0116040 NM 7.60 A. M.,;7.60,find O.IQ d 8.66 . fd. won consuotroomm AND NORRISTOWN. Lo Siinedolol6. 6, 8.45 miti.,lo 06 Ado., 11% A. :M., 1 05 min., SA 4,q, 5%, 6X, 11% P. M. Leave Norristown 6,1, 9, 11 A, M.,1, am, 4%, 6,1% P. M. ON IFTDAYB,, Leave Philadelphisi) A.TSl.,Batid 4 P. M, Leave Norristown rA. M. I and 6P. M. FOR MAN - APT:INK - • Leave Philadeliihl • 6, 7.45 min., 13 05 min , 91(, 10.05 min , /1,14 A. 51., 1.05 min., 206 min ., 8.06 =ln , 9x, 6%, O X, 8 , 11% P. ~8650 )lannynnk , 8%, 9%, 105 E Il3f 4.51., IX, 8.05 min , 4, 0, - , 4=ff CI! min. P. SI. Ltikye ghlla,telph,a 9. A. Id., 8, 4 C, Ltiii4Biatiay r ank. 74' A pi ,18 (1,56. Hpihcendlnt. my 7 DEPOT, NINTII incl GIi.E.I2N labs, CARD...... 4 tAR4171L-SUItrAY (OHAM PAGNI9; JANUARY, 18, 1889.-1 n consequence Of the frett n entintritatiOne reoelved by me to renew the shipments of .111 y OhempagileY Winos to the Putted States, I beg, lease hereby: tog inform my former cos, toMers, and the pnblio_in_seneral, that I have ap pointed Messre. V. O. vIIOOWER, ANOlikE, 1 OD., Sole Agent's in'the United States, for the male of my Ohampagne Vines My Wines hwre been so long nod faVorably known in the United States; It will be un necessary [:p comment on their quality, further than to eel that my new shipments will In no way be round to ;sloe to the former ones, 'IIIILIMOART SALMON. SILLEOiRT SALMON'S OHAMPAGNA 'WINDS, both OAIIINST,noct .VERZILNAY, for sale and Don vtirtly sand inlata.*lnit pnrehasers, by -. ANOMIE, & CO., aplk— it .11/14.V8S ATM, Nov York. w 7,0,v rar Una - .1 NORTH , ' PENNEWL:: , TANiaritsit;Ro&D. rr 6 , ..-21.4 1 7Plea•Airttazia - gmati2..., - • Alextr" 118T1ILI.R8Int, DOYL7.IBTO WM, 1188 TON, ALL.RWPOWN.. — 5 / 4 1:fott!. ! alivair,. ,HAZIATON, IO MILLOISBARR. 'km • On aid 'altar itOROAY,Ifay- 1ith.1859. Pesu'onisi Twos will leaveT RQ and WILLOW Btreets, .delp n ia ; DAI LT,' (Sundays sloe'pted :)' YOr ;Bstnlshem,r - Allentown.- Mundt • barr,e, Rushton. dro,i (Expieeo at . o , Bo' A.M. For Detlalonnin t (Raprerad at • 4 00 I'. Mi For Dnylestnlnd (Arnommpdatton i ) at " ' - - • $l6 A, M. and P.M. Far fort Washingfip, (Anaommodation,) at - • _ _ • -,• • ,'2 15 and 6 At; • TILIIIIB •poitomrnie,l Lea7e Battnalisin, (Ranreti,) at 84,'.11 . , and 4'lo P. M. 'Learn DOylentonni (AndorcuriOdeakr,)' at ' " 11 , , '6'Bo A. M. and 42. M. Lao ir" 6 :WmAington, (Adeounttodation.) at. , - Ott, BlINRAYO: 'Phtledeladdit, toiXforlestnnn; at.. 9 'A.M. and 8 P; M. Adtientowd, for Philadill. at 6 80 A; M. and 5 45 P.M. '74re , to 1 1 0thlebtom. $1,60 to' !Mach Munk, $2 80 I 44 "Maston'14.601 to Insylestourn s 80 OE4I to. Wilkes. lairr*; $4 60, . - ,• $ : - , Passenger Trains (except Bandar Tratns) con. nets atlialits street with Pleth,SadBi2tlt.strseta. and 1 13emond,and ThirllatFeste Pisaeoger Railroads " PagSsaers, tor WilSenbarre take 980 A M. Train, 'arid 'arriva in Wilkapbarre at 7 P. M. , • s limas oLeak, Agent. . • ,HE PENNSYLVAiIIk OE IT TILekIA ~Jrt. , ' 'RAILROAD: - , :1859.r : -Milimgx, :1859 THE OAPACI7TY .RO4O IS EQUAL TO • :ANY IN'TRD COUNTRY. • • , THREW, THROIIGH PASSENGER T R AINS BETWEEN 'PHILADELPHIA' AND PITTRDURIG, Clormenting direct at Philadelphia with Through Train, Dom Boston, New 'York - and allpoints out at the IlnibuDepot at Pittsburg with arlitatigh Tritium for Oln• etsciati, St. Louis, Cluland, • Chicago, Burlington', St. , Paul% Indlanapplis; Louisville; New Orleans, mad all ' Intermediate points in 01110 f, Indiana, Illinois, Hen tachy,Miebigon, Wisconsin, MinnereataAdlerouri, Ken _moon& 'Nebraska—thus funiahing faellitire , for the ,traitspiartation'of P4sengersnrniapassed for speed'and comfort by lay otlier',reute. ' :Hapress' and Put Linea sun through to' Pittsburg :wltbqut change:Of Care or Conductors'. • ' • - - Smoking Care are attached to each Train ; Wotan:in Sleeping Cam te Exprese , and Fist ,Traine. 'The IM PRESS It NB , DAILY t , M a ll and Put Lines, Sundays enotplid: Ma Train I - • Philadelphia at 7.15 A;2l. Past Line " 11.60 A. M. • Earpresis Train leaves w 10.ISDP: M. WAY TRAINS' 'LEAVE AS POI:LOWS Parkesburg Aeoommodotion at 11 A., hi. Harrisburg Aceommodation, via Columbia, 2.00 P. Columbia , • " 4.80,P. M. . Passengers for West - Chester will • take , the Nell, Parheebarg, and Leauster Trains, at the Pennaylsa s,lii.Rhilioad Nonlinear Station. • Pantengers for Elanbtiry 'Willlinaluiort, Elmira, Buf falo ' Niagara Palls andintermediate points, leaving' Phi adelphia at M. and 2.00 P. M. go directly thh. ugh. , - • (kebs Weetwatd. may, be obtained at the Office of the Compan y In Philadelphia, New York, Boston; or Sal 'morel and_Tiokets Eastward at any of the import 'adt :Railroad (Mem in the Weet; aloe on board any of the ;reenter 'Line tif Steamers on the Illhialealppl or 'Chip Rivers. shiayiit low as any other Route. - • - 'ne completion 'of ,- the Weston' connections Of the • Pennsylvania Railroad to Ohicap,:rnaked this the • DIRECT I4INE. BRTWERN THE EAST AND THE The REAT NORT H • - enbitititin G g Of Crocks _by theWE S Bridge at 'Pittsburg, aloMingiall drkfage or ferriage of Preight, togilther with the. raring of time, are advantages 'readily •apploalated`lar-Shlpitorc oflfteight swid • the Travelling ' ' • • ' . , PIIIIIIGHTS WESTWARD. By thialtoute Protean of all daaatiptlorul Can be for warded from Philadelphia, New York,Roston; or Bala , 'inare r toakty point, en the Railroads of Ohlo,,Herituoky Indiana, 'llllnobl, WiaeOtain, ,Inwa, or, Missouri, by , ',Railroad direot. • ' • The Peunsylrenti Railroad aim booms:diet Pliteborp 'With Steamers, by Which Goods can bo ferwarded to any port on , the Ohio , kinoleinguro ; Rentneky,-Tennessee, Ounibeiland;llllnole, Mlsilialppi, Wisconsin, Minimal. Hannasi - Arkansas, arid Ned Rivers; arid , at Cleveland: • eanduky, and Ohlesmawith Steamers - to ell porta on the Northwestern Laken. ,Meraharita and - Shipper - 6 'entrusting theltansimrti• tion of helrJraightio thivOompinly, 'eta -rely with - Confidence ou epeedwittinalt: • THE HATES OP fiRRIHRT to any point In the truth., the pernosylvantallaiiroad are ,at attic:lea as CoOrible ' are obaiged by other Railroad Com punier. • ED"' ta 'mirk packages yla'Penna. Merchants In the West ordering geode froreathellast. will do well to "(titan them to be shipped by this Rota • freight . Contreras or nipping. Direetioni,apply to, or Atlld.rose either of IU following agent." :of the • . a. D A DiEWA.HT.,Pittabufgl• Doyle Co., Mau ovine o.' H., B..rterla o.i ohnito ' n, Ripley, 0 McNeely, ' firmsbr Cropper. Portsmouth, o.'; Paddork_. 00., , 4siterponfille, Indiana ;• H. W. Brown & tliquinnatl, 0: 4thene Plibbert, Oin• utmost!, 0.R.,,0. *datum; Madison; Ind gingham, LoulsrUle,./4.• P.O (Miley &C 0.,. Evan& villa, Ind.; :12...W. Gratami fr. Co.. Cairo, Ill.' R. P pus, St. Lento, Mo4Jobn Harifs,Nashville, Tenn . ; 'Elarrilr.t. Memphis , Tema.; Clarke & Ehir • cago, ;W.H. H. Remits /Oben, IR.; Murphy a Halle; Dubuque; Illf or to •Prelght Aglizitg of Rail; .roads at different points in the Weet. • 'Barth, ittendlog *to their men gleipmenta from the haat, will Doi it to their Internet to dal on the Agent, of the Company at the following/pluee bpfote shipping; or letters addreaead to , either of them on.theasubjem of fright., Will Meet with - prompt attention. - , C. J. dNEP,Drat, phiil6loll6.-- .StiORAW'& ROHS, 20 North oktoe_ haltleware. - LEECH .fc , CO. .0 Mier Hones, cal S. William et., Y LIDEOIi & CO. 4 Eilby street. Boston. ' H. H. - HOUSTON, Oen'l Preight Agent, Phila. 4.1, • HOUPTIGen'i TisketAgenti Phila, TEMP, A. ,BOOTT's Supt, Altoona, Pa. , , Obi Piling. 041.E41.14, AND IN. Flts SC 414:P [NTS. , • ' ' OMAIlltkaTO • AND SAVIIINIM ROUTE . • g1i6411 sekall4d *eery 'day, MA 1011/1 of lading signed at croons wharf 'abOve Vine etreet - FOR uniatuurroN, S. 0: . • The U. S. Mall Stearnehir - KIYSTONI STIP/. Captain O.P. Illandnan, will sell on Wednesday, July, 21, at 8 &cloak. A. M. • t • - - • • /OR SAVANNAS, Ga. ' • The lI.II.b•PAIrf GEORGIA.OF 'OaPt• alaiSlO,Midtedion Saturday, aMy ZO at 10A " ^ - The splendid first-Moil side-Whim Steamships RIP. 'IRON/ SPANS and STATE OS' GEORGIA' now run as above every ten 'days; thus forming s: env. retunidation with the Booth and Southwest, connee.iog with steamers for Florida 'and with railroads for New Orleans and intermediate points' 111lSlO1es: Heavy Freight at, an avenge of * per Cant. below New York steamsttlp rattu.. - . 1N5:0444i. „ ' Freight and Insnmacte - on &large proportion of Weds chipped South *Gibe fettuid to 'be lower by these 039 a than by sailing veseol9. - = Ines:ranee en: all idallroad Freight is entirely none. osidarY,iaribef glen Gherieston or OlirlitlOb, The Rail. road Comp/Idea taking all Asks froto these Points. OBVI4T- ItkiDU• TIOI IN PARR. • - Fare by this route 28 to 90 per cent cheaper than by the Inland flouts, as will be eeen br the following cake dale. Through tickets from Philadelphia via Otiarles. ton and Savannah ateamabips, INOLUDING MEALS on the whole rou'e, extept from Charleston s,nd Saran nah to Montgomery: • • - -': 7 ' ;• 74 ' , , , INLAID *own. To Charleston 84 0/Charle.ton us so• ' Savannah 15 uo Savannah • 81 00 A nghsta 23 00 &riga .ta..... ...... 21 00 Flamm at 00 alanon 81 75 Atlantis • 18 co - A•hots 81 00 Columbus - 23 00 Coiumbus ' 85 00 Albany 21 00 Albany, 87 00 Montgomery.... 26 10 Montgomery 88 00 b10b11e...• ...... 81 00 Mobile 46 00 New Orleans.... 30,15 ti, we Orleans 61 00 N. B —Pius...gine by this mite conneaCwitb the In land Route to font* , Carolina and Georgia, treadling by the mama conveyances thence to New Oileans. Co nille or timing signed alter the 'hip has selltd. No freight received on of **,ling. for irolplt or passage apply to ALEX. lIEION, Jr., Bouthweat corner 10tfRi1l end 01123 T NUT. Agents In Charleston; T. 8. & T:(1. num) ~ - Savannah. O. A, ensiNan k. — 00. -jy23 GLASGOW AND NEW YORK -ETEA , OBVIP COMPANY. STEAK TO Mb& otivV, LtV/RPOOL, RELYABY, DUBLIN, AND LONDONDERRY for $3O. ' FROM NEW YORK aLasoow. Thompson, Wednemy, Afloat 24th, a 13 o'clock noon. PIIO3I GLASGOW GLASGOW, Thomann, Wednesday, July 27th Bete. of plow ire from New York, Philadelphia; or Boston, to talasgow, Liverpool, Belfast, Dublin or Lon doriderry, drat class, $76. Steerage, feared with an abundance of properly cooked provieloos, 330. An experienced burgeon attached to each steamer. No charge for medic ries. - For freight or passage apnly to WOREhI&N fr. CO., No. 123 weiAtre West, Phila. ROBERT 01141 G, jy2o No. 23 BROADWAY,NerfIork. 11. 5.,31. ST&AbiERS 101 HAVDE AND SOUTHAMTFON, ARAGO,Ceptain Linea, will sail July 20, Beptembe 17, November 12 , FULTON, Contain Wotton, will eat' August 20, Octo ber 15. Deoember 10. , First, Cabin wane • PM Second Cabin passage 75 For freight or psesege, apply to W 5. NEILSON, Agent, At the Warehousing Company's Philadelphia Moe, Tabasco Warehones, LOOK Btreet, PhDs. job Om THE BRITISH AND NORTH ABIERIO6II ROYAL MAIL 13TAtal .. 711011 WSW TOTE TO I.TTSULPOOL Chief Cabin Passage..... .. 13econd 0 abin‘ Pim M 0..... 411.01 i BOIITOT TO LITTOPOOL, Chief Cabin Paasego.. Beciond Cabin Passage The ships from.Hoston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkine, CANADA., Capt. Lang, ARABIA, Capt . J. Stolle, AMERICA, Capt. Miller. ASIA. Capt. E. G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Ander- APRI.OA, Capt. Shannon, eon, lIIIPAP4, Capt J. Leitch These yeasole harry a olear white light at coast-head; green on starboard bow ; red on port bow. ARABIA, Stone, leaves Boston, Wednesday, July 13, N York, Wednesday, July 20. CANADA, Lang, " Boston. Wednesday, July 21. &MICA, Shannon, " N York, Wednesday. Aug it EURO Lettels, U Boston, Wedneeday, Aug 10. PERSIA, Judkins, N York, Wedoesdey Aug, 17. ARABIA • Stone, • u Boston,•WedestdATi ARS 2 4. Berths not stionred until Old for. An experienced Snrgeoo on board. The Owners of threo ships will not tietweountathle tot Gold, allver,,Builion,. Speeds, Jewelry, Preciena Stones or Metals:tit:dem Mlle of lading are signed therefor, and the Value thereof therein expreasied. For freight or paesage apply to E. CANARD, 4 Bowling Green nia.r3l4l New York. Qtigara, Qrobatro, &•4.. E G 11Xlillsil), 140 SOUTH LI PROM Birder, agars for rale, 'from Store and Bond, tliefollogrio'g favorite Brenda of Began : Nuevo imp.' Regalia, Nueva Bkop. Cvao e, Livia Onerd _Matra dot.. Am 11., London, : Nabeden, Lou. dreg, let, 24;land Bda ; earentl4ada, Preneaudos, Pori rola London's:. Capitols Contbaa, Igleodat Zartnelis, Ottha MI Pgrfa Londrar, El Ebro Loudon Finn, a anfla daa, Moves, Ena as °perm; ..I.epana London Nopuos London Wino, PrinotoesOnernnta• AVANA SkGARS offered to dealers at favorable rates, of various Mien pad brands, Ina wilog Partagaa, Oabatmf, Pigsto, Mono, Sitd, glo• rentlna, Fire Ply, and Foutica. Paper fiegars, b 1 BT.IIEIIIOI FIJOUAT tr. SONS, - 216 South FRONT Strut DRILLB,B4 SEIEETINGS FOR EXPORT BROWN, BLBAORED, do BLUR DRILLS. ZIS4VY & LIGEIT BHEIDPINGd, (Suitable for RzpOrt, for Isle by , ' • .1 1 110THINGRAM 94 South FRONT ST.; . I ,p. tib'L.EI'ITIA ST. cml6..V. HEE E.-436 BOXES HERICLIKEB 0013 STY °mil:B2, o w t i toatzrgy- A.ea4 aita.,t, 41 4 00i Ono front. AM THOMAS & SONS, --": = mi. Noe. 189 and 141 sorma fOURTEI Van 1,5 (IbriderriAlzia. C and'69.l.- itEAL mszterß, groom, public Bale. at. thof.Pittledelibia Paebinis.very Vuoslay evening, during the Milanese amome„ pndbllie of male' Property , Loaned' Nei *irately, In addition to which publifnt,on .the Saturday pre - , vine to ego!' male, one then:poi estalognen in pamphlet form, oringinit deseriptlou of all the, Property Min', sold on the followitorMneedar; ' • ' tri- FutiNver r ,BALvi TIER • etranott fiTpliE ever.); Thureday 'Morning S Neil We haves alnoUn k tot tv /e RAMO, at .Pri vete, Bale; including @Tem._ deleription, of city and oottetri'ptoperty. Printed nett may be hilt at .the , aupt!on 'tore, PRIVATR flAtal • • V' neat Potato catered on our Privet* let, ;Ma advertised s oasitoially In our Public:" Sole Abs.raet?, (of , whiett,l(ooo copies are printerli woo'ily,) tree Of 'onurge. , , ae _ARD.—InTnly and Ad only, occasional sales, beretofore—not army week, as in the bnalocsa Thal:ratted states liotal, 2, and 100 banding !obi,. ATI4AFITip, CITY, 6th August. ID' iksie hanobilla , TRUSTEWS BALIO—On the premisaii, at Atlantic ditf, " United States Hotel', ,, 'and 'about 100 bnildiog, , sale atm". 113 b let 4 141 Boixti raniti • SUPARIOVPUBWITITiIIi TRENCH PLATT atntc 1t01111,./ANIOLIORTI,BIII7BBII,6 CIA31E11711.: • ‘••_• _•onTnninder rbitorniog, - - • • At a e'ecoca r ,at, tke inustion neat, an maiortment of ereellent aiootid,band Somdtrirei; elegant; plane. foiteei thie pairrom, carpets, ets., - , front tanAllei elloWhar.eelieeping, removed to the cuteti for eon. venignei rif Also, by order - cif administrate; a fine driabli•bi e ;dad gun. Trustee's Bale-.On the Premises. UNITED ITAT.IO3 MOTS& • AND ABOUT 100 BUILD ,INN Lors,‘ATLAN,; IO OITY, zig.w J;r13.3.1i1t. " • - On Banish:l Marnlng;_: , Aagnett3;lBso,,st 11 'o'd ook; VIII be mold 'pub. Ito sale on the premises, the United 'Stites Hotel and about 100 boliolog-lopi'Atlatztla Ott!, New Jaime-. Er Iron deserlptionn• and litkographie titans um ba had At the anotioo,foomm. • -Itoollll , ___,BlB 'ON MAitaiptiT 001711 T - ajar ply a 'the ateitlori stefe. ATt PI 6 IVATIFIALS.:I-9beree 1p Ulf rkiii/slibia and Mercantile Libraries and Atheneuni., Al. PRIVATE 'I3ALA.,—The ve l uatd 6 f.kroperb` t sot' tier of Nitta sod Aftelpill 'street"; below Wsiftut,"larg• brisk building end lot, SS by WM test. Two fronts. . TELI,TAMS BOThi,.Aminosalmi AND COMMISSION, MENOUANTS, No. IS North MAIN SPUD; yr. Loork; Mo., rtormerlykrnit Maims. Myers, Olikhotn; & 00.. Philadelphia) offer ,their lervides td the' prerehentd;`inanifactareis and °there of Philadelphia • for the aide ordiy, goods: car. piers( boots; ehoea hardware, jewalry;Ao., • Cash advances made, on receipt of pods. - - Settlements made three darkener male: • . . ; . , aspaasiona. Moms. Myers, silaghorn, tr. Co., Phila. -11 Stuart k Brother, ' '` 1 . Cl Van Wyek; TownreriC ,81' Warrene. New York 11 Lto B. Mirth!' tt To, • , - ' •et 1 . 'Woad, Mutiny; to 00., , Bt. Loma; Mo. -. 1 , Crow; McCreary, tc C 0. ,, " -a- ' Mr. D. B. Wood, No.. Nort Third street, will ad vise with parties consigning from Philadolpkla. ..• lOHN BUMS,- = • " . a 1 • ' . , Holl3ll , and OHNION, - N 0.116 Youth-SIXTH Street; " ' (Nearly opposite the County Court Hotuis,) PHIGADXLPHIA - 'He bee, by law, lull power to,adollulstes Oaths and keirm.tione. and take I l l estimboy".to 'he toad in Byl aw:ea in any eourt of 'The commonwealth - of plow]. vsais re " - He is s Commissioner of the Milted Rates; and also, • Commissioner of Deeds-and for" the Prdtotte -of Ac. counts, fornearly !Hato!. in the Union ,• Oommisslons to. take •,'Teetttueuy, from soy. "6r the ()amt.!, in this /kite, Or any of the Courts in the Unitot Stows or Terittoties; promptly and carefully exedute3 . . . r" 3 / 1 8-Ir _ • j4F.FICIS ~ OF. ce THIRTEENTH --AND parminava-muirra, -, Risstimootnis WAY OQ AP ANY OP, Path &DELPHI Room No. 4 NALI f ON , 4 PaippyioB, 020 WALNUT St"Ot• : ,s myl4 tt • 'SHE: ADAMS , EXPRESS 004_ ,OFFIOE a OH,ESTNI:fr Streit, Iceirarde Pareels,4ea• bierdbitudise; Bank Motet; and 'Suomi either by It& Aim Linea, or •ba -iieuneotiart vial • other, lx.preei Cmpania*, to all the principal trams. sad "See' Or the United Eitatat , - • • • ••• 31-; ti;•II4NDSWIDi • • sal. , General Superintendent. ALLEX. -RoKINNBIri cm: - APTOBNIIY 4.T LAW, O.II2aNSBITHG, PA, • Till) plinth's In Weatmonland, Armstrong, and 'l3ll liana counties. AUGUST' BELMONT,' • ; . BARIUM: fa BEAVER 811411 t Issues Lettere of ore* rite ValeTh in, mailabl e'ln all parts of the wank(, throogh thelleashi.ltothehilds, of Parte, Lciudcw %Wank - fort, Nsylee, and Vie*, thetrOorreepondette.- - - ader-On" isialtatav anti • Coputntrobilis TliSSOLUTlON.—TheCopartnerithip here latele costing, 'ander The firm of EVANS Zs ziAISOoPISE illotel•keepers) is TBIB DAY dissolved by mutual consent.' , VA N EVANS, - ~ • • UPTON S. NEWCOMNIL - • , El 8. le EWCOMER hillier:in:based the Interest or EVAN IS V teB 10 - Tal TINTON, AR OEt Street,. sp9,o Thud, will still cnntittue the Deane e; 104 Itopes,' Dar strict attention to the wants of fristdi *be, trsveliteg to ksepttT)iH , DNlON'n•ttltatoail character as,Wllimetit. portlier Arra:- pIifoTICM iffv.HERSBr GiVBIT ) Ethel- the LA drat of WARdI...2 OHLOWIGH • fr, Hi°, le WS day eipaolyed , The Heater, Bangs, sad • twe beak: miss will be continued tinder the name ; of tateDwtot; ,k B 20;,. at the N. H , Corner 81100140 ha i t. 24 2 . Streets, ' . ~J OHN, B. 0/44Vitifle , •'. . Pr t ifitHil A.. 011 A s PWIOk. " ' phuskuiphi;lo t v A bin._ -,. , - , :: • TIRE COPARTEERSHIP, beretofoo 04 istlng between the nabiortben is Widey djesolred by ;autos' Oone.nt The Duane* of - the firm Yrill be =Wed by JOBEPI3 B. HAfIoQN, who in entholleetl meths nein') of the ern In - . • .7,oeltrlt 4.•7161.7130N, PIDAWOO/01, PICNIIOeI, July Ist, 1869 , JeIsEPEE B. EfA . NBeld • ointinge the Tolumo COMMlllllirrn bogines_a, so 4 agency forAiii 4 slo, of Beta brat o (iamb, Am heretofore. ' . GEORGE BOLDIN, Id North WATIR Street NOEWOOD PENROSE, 106 North toBLA'SFARE A:rem:tit NORWOOD PENIIOBII, (late tlito, amid Josaiial B Ranson & C 0.,) 140 4or associated with opues 80LD11 , 7, ander the style and arm of DOLDIN & PBGROBII, for the pumase ar conducting a Tobacco Oil, and General Ocronoisedon business, Jnlp S, 1859, Nl' O T ICE. —THE COPARTNERSHIP - W heretofore existing between. the enbeerrlbere,' under the Ninn of WM. 11. BROWN B CV., ie this day dleeolted by znAtivil isonseat, : - • The bueluera of the firm will be settled by 001111I LAUS J. BiteDlfOttlf and dralUltlf LUGS, who are authorised to use the name of the firm foi that put , post. Whf. 11 BROWN -• _ ' CORN 3 . Bit siDi ORD , BoldUtt, LUTZ. ' POILADELPIIIii 7th month let, 2880. • TO THE HARDWARE TRADE. --Tbe subseribers, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF FO. REIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Offer for sale the following - goods at lowest rates t Lewis , cope. nor Chains of all kinds, ineluding . traso, log, halter, fifth breast, wagon, tongue, coil, ship, none and other Chains P. Wright's patent and other Avila and Vines; L " Home Nails; round and oval Bake Pans; short and long handle Pry Pene, Excelsior Safety Fuse for blasting rooks; Bed Screws; American Slates, mad,. board Crayons and Carpenters' Chalk; Table and Pocket Cutlers; Oast Steel Film arid 111146; Cast and Wrought Butt Hinges ; Strap and u 2' " Hinges; Gimlet torews; Emerson's Kanon •Strops; Hodges' Mahcqiny Knobs; Whites' Breams; Shouela.and Spades, Jail kinds; Hay and Manure Forks, Rakes, and Hoes ; flonthgate's patent Wrenchea ; Looks and Latches;. Door and Shutter Bolts' Hand, Sledge, and Stone Hammers ; Rooks and Hinges ; Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Clout, and Finishing Nails ; Wrought Halls; King's Stocks and Dies; Hatch's Tea and-Counter &alai; Curry Combs, American and English; S cythes , Scythe Stones and Rifles; Douglass' Pumps and Rams; Molasses Gates; Faucets, Sawn of all kinds; Ages, Hatchets, Hammers, do., with a general assortment of Hardware W. G. LEWIS Ss SON., COMMERON-Street. TITO. D..EMORY & CO. IFION No. 146 South YOUBIS 81., ?tau., Bole 'Agente of 610. C. POTTS & CO, Moen and Shippey of the LOCICISTDALN COAL, Prom the Lomat Mountain, • -- Near AAhind, ap24lm] SOIIITYLKILL 0011NPT,',Pe. • W. GROOMS & 00., Dealers end Mappers of LIHIGH, SCHUYLKILL, and BROAD TOP DM. BITUMINOUS COAL. ' Oates No. 14e Sone %FOURTH 514.011%. BROAD; Street, 'below Ram sp2 Ora PH/LADELDIif MMM OO D, qatj i , AND N./NDLING WOOD YANNEY' TIAG3II, 00ATES-ATILZDT MUDD, Dave oonsfantly on band a large ana superior Article Of RIND: OAR, and lIICKODY WOODI and; having ontopleted oar arramements, are now prepared to asw the WOOD BY ATE ttd•POWII9. 'We have Also on hand a. superior quality 01 bhll/011 0041.,1 of all seleoted with ears Dealers and lOonsumorAwill Ind it greatly 20 their strotitage to turohast Wood of us, jett.lien °WARD FIRE AND IiARINE INS II RANCID COMPANY, No. 412 P7A4UT are 0" DIBEOTORS. Thos. L, Laden', Wm. P. Leech, J. Edgar Thou'uton s - Robt. W. D. Watt ' H. W. Baldwin, -Wln. 4. garaHrl, John 0. James, - H. Al. Stkilikugrord, A. J .Buckgpr , 0. X. Spangler, :0 1 / 4 W •Pe4ten, WRAlian Halgail, H.R. Houston, Wm. H. Loo*, Idwin Booth, obsagssit. Rattan.' John Garrison, has' hips:. , H. S. Warne, . President—Vlol46B L. LIMP:M. vice Preald.egt—n. WAR.N"J. Bottratltty—OHA ILLER A. Dy 117.. 616 t liNSURANOE UOMPANY OF THE STALII OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE ANIAMA BIND INSURANONo. 4 JI.XOHAN4II BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1794—Cepital s2oo,ooo—Asests, Jan 4 l ir, 1, $3O ,4 4 0.00.100; AU invested itt sowed and available ieuritie6 7 -eontl one to inflate on Veeseig and Cargoes, Buildings, Stooks or Merehandise, to.i on liberal terms. • PIRROTOlt8: Henry P. Sharrerd, George IL Stuart Simeon Toki, Samuel Grant, Jr ' ~ Charles Macalestei, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, ,Tnomee b. Wotteco, Jahn B.llndd, Henry G. Freeman, William SP/Nita, °norms' a. Lewis, George O. Carson. HENRY Dy EIHERILIRD, President W1L134131( Memo. Secretor]. - je9.wfrmAt• isf INTON'a ENOADSTIO TII4B for LU. Anon. Oroomsotal Chimney Topei for cottager. GardenNamas end twilit/Wm" • ' Vitrified Pigs fox &Slat sod witty eakdactois. • importid rurd far ails 17 S. A. HARRISON, X•blb..N /0/0 MINOT/MT $4141, ST. LOUIS, Mio: Ottsineso tams. , No. 104 MIA% WATER Stzeot, - and No . NoTOA MILAWAIiii Avenue garbwart. ~' ~9RI. -! HOOTTar.; 110-170114 ft, . No, Ipt A-071 :111/XATIIPZ Eravor_ t 6 'tl oppoaiti>" `lZongp. IQURTI!,4II4 .Tig l2ll 47tato.,--.. "`. FOND; diutirrozatzu; iaO PIT= Aid tn2ql{. son Va. ~ a •-• • • • , lAsNriSb, - BRINLAY, Lc 00" 11. - No. 429 *maw MORT. 2er: GURNEY & SONS , , a" P. t SHUTE AUCTIONIXIES, _ , 1N0.,520 wanart Man. litallotty„Ztßaas, aaatiaame, hold tregalai Mau Of Baal latata, nook., tta., Also, - household rataltare at direillass. - • • • -• • ' - - • - velD On ry irlvite ;Bali .ltagliter wlll.oyaye found very large 'amount of "rast evtala;- I,lledirg every' detorlptioo of atty and =Vora. • ) , • - M. a Nei • L _ Beal IleteleAreeTh. ' • - • • Pla. tie WAr..III:IT 'Street, bele* 08 ES NA TRANS; AUCTIONEER LTA_ AND CiistioweriAllipiAml, is ;i:siThe • 48, AND itann Wend. • - ' • alp/MY-TO 7,oAlse - MOM/ le leen, ix large pe men aatesaft, Zmie• elieteliee gamin'', end oil an pee)", of vast. 411 stone orotr.ost Amara &nits two , pet , Met. math", initiating litroxage, 4te at Nathan& PAReir Ilatabh*Deet, 8. M. corner of InETnaidltatlE - In? PUBLIC A.oooll4onalfloll.- 1104/11f I MOlnri hiOnglf Money liberallzOyanood large at anal antoarda frond one ttollar to3htintiarde, oageld and. et plate, gut °ride, watottea, fowling-pieces; anuneat Inetromente, furnitoro, drj , goode, olethinfedgroettfor,, digafili hardwire ,'eatiem,bcote, horses, eabittlesi• hat nen. 11111 all &Aloha in vain., for any - lent% of time 'agieixt• on, at MLA/fist. Priazipol Elfsb/isheatat l sonthenet earner of RIM tad, gace 'treats. PnOhtISSODY onnitaral, dlsoonrited 'the lowest market rate', • - DA.13111%148 iIIff,WATOREI4I.IIIII3IIICY, • Ice.i AT PSIVATII $A14.11,-atpttyakfill!PßTlMlPlSA-. 4687ATILIfflIMEN'r,f:X. burner of SIXTH andllnalf StreestAr-TAefollowlag action:a sold for lasitlea Dal f the wool store prima :•Ifinti gold English patent - fall jeweled and plaln„of the moat epprord ithd beet - 'nuke, lie hunting. alacealiV donb - leieV rine =, •goldeeetpeinex4 lever end: lopine- wetth ' se in-leentlekt lteee'sna open face, acme of them extra full,fecreledand, beitmnice. tilhess flnglish pitiint - levei 'retches, - es. capentent lefer and lepiiet) takueting cuff end Open -- fats; wine 'lacy enperiar Swiss . , Tx:mak, and - Quartlec sratobes ens ' gold vast, fob, neck, aid elalldren'e eksine I keno "gold: pineal= ogees and - pane - bracelets, If:v*l4loft anger-YlnIP: alf - Tinfg; 4l2 LUA dallione, and Jonah" iindendlT- Superio r R aupa 'Du." at 1116 - gertlionsand; in boxes of 200 eaeh sold, by single box: or :quantities to snit ginsau- wort.; Ni 4-. morons farm article', tce., , . AT MUTAT] BALM. - - - enparled Ire-proof *heat; 4- f 444 kilt, kt a fikol Aka 'lrate& egand Jewelry of weirjdeserletlon. .9aiii . ng „InOa:, iriit o en, Llle the Purse.” ANKLIN '= SAYIN G -- -4372'n Fi N 0.126 Routh YOURTII street; between Chestnut and. 'Walnut, Philadelphia; paws all deposits on demand. " - • Depositors , Money secured by GOTSIVO.C2t, State,and City, Loans, Ground 'Beats, Mart- 1 gages 1 0 ' _;nia4 .' ; deems safety safeliinitU• thsitl.4 1 ineilte; consequently will run stylish with - , ton' money bqt have it at entrees nsidy lo return with 6 ;Ay Cent. intereitte theroinier, es they - have always donit,,-ThisCloturnWlNNl:ie sewpen ded. mules, merited :gyesizille; eitalkiii*- , deposit in their.own , right; lad nth can bowithdrewncon.r-by their oonanst, 4' Charter pCrpetnal. Incorporated by *Oats of Penniiiivania,. with authority to' reatiee MU." ney Lomtrustoes and estantali.- : ' L, - , • _TARO! AND SUALL Btiblii itIiSWIYID. . ,' Offibe open' dally - front_il to lio!cloidi, and on Wednesday arid fistarday4stnings until 11 &fah. dacob R. Simi:man; - - gnat ii:SisAiii!* . i,,, JohnSitindiefi '- - • ge'lltiinien - - - - ';',. Bialachi.W. Sloan, • - . Edward t. Hyatt, ,-. ieliislirumbbsiar, ' ' - 11enzif De_ limb ~ Nielmlas Rittenhouse; 'intim NMeWilri. " Zoe. ;I. Elatherthralto, 411plustm BlapoNal, Joie , pg W. Lippincott. • '' ' AODDIL - 1311ARNON, Prodded, , Crave 041/WALLA.D* 521104/4281'.. --: - 2 , I Dollar 'wad in tali& QAVING.IP-ErNO-:-7-F./TE P.EILOUTAIf— 'Tisiest—NATAONALi:B4.FATY :Urfa .1701 S• PANT: ivALNlTT,litreet;l3oltblr,f4.** ! ,r !ITU); . , „ • / 1002 P 011,3 ".- 8 ,61 Stifte as - Paissratima.'" Money Is rewired In oy Aram, large or small, and ha , ' terest paid from tita4s of deposit to Eke- day of 'KW: d from &diode. tho - The cyan every ayA. 610 =6 1 - 6 1 till 6 D'aloolt is tlio eyeatorf,iadoa Mlonday mut Tktuiday evaainge till 8 rOelooks. •". • MINIM BURRS, P.l44lideni, - ROBBIIT BBLVILTLIGE, 'Vice President: Wit. J. Read, Booratary. - - .• • , primrose., •-.. , -_ .—", ‘•• - - Hen. Henry L. Benner, '- I. Carroll.Brewittery •' Folifpf D. Outer, - • Joseph /Mau; _ - Robert Selfridge, ' , . Womb Lodi -I .. WO. K. easel, - 4000 Utedy . .. „ (11 - Landreth Manne, — 'lleitry 'endarielar, - ~ •-, Money is reeelvid - and - payinents lauds lady;' ' The I arestinente are made, l- fa ' nonforitilty with` the , proitaiona of thei Obartar. An 'lima 'Vitae Alotrallitils;." Ground Beater an 4 mania , SreVelsair aeonrities an 'trill ' alert Wince perfeet„esendity It! tim ,de fend whin .0:09:41 Bail to 1 " ~ i l. pidtort VZ t9, thhi tip:it:f 13 on , Pv 4 . ana4 ,6 7 - . 04 SabA , SfiVlNG'_ - FUND—UNITED STAfißtr . TEMPT COMPANY, corner of WHIN & sadiMM/TED , NUT Knots. . . • Dame aid :than iniiiiroWlT „ OT tiook on maid witbodt mottos, wits PP , M PNR CANT: IN- T.NAVAp Traiatio day cif dariNa-- to Abi • day. of with. thug. - Office liotiraoto* !OW b ii 3 olt;ek.4ll4" dy, and oa MONDAY MINANINGI3 from T until 9.0'61cde.,- Davro for his on „ Miglaad, sad Peopled, Tram xi upwards: , '• - Prosidoit—OTZPllNN' la: ONAMTODD. • Trounirer—PLlNY PIIH. . .I , ,entertiwas B: RONTNR: 111.1 KG EFARDEN SAVINO .47, MIT OP PHILADELPHIA. pA-N Cane, No. Mil North VIAND - ' • Itionsolidation Bank Balla* crasarnaft:sr THXDIIGHILATHEI OVA sYLraNiAmins at One 'Heller sr; t in w - and repaid in 0 . 613, withont , notiee, irate/nun rzi 'OeNT. INTARDBT recue-the day at de4beittill'veitkr drawn - • A resPotudble and reliable geltaze Inntlta#on big long been needed in the Northfra i part (011ie_ city and "The Spring' Garden &mins land &Nat,» was afar- - tared by the Leirigeture. et Pennsylvania to supply this nsceaalty The hland4lre, II organising. and heating, it, have been•gOrened wholly sr a desire Lamm:demo date the 'We/meld - interests Ind wantent the iery large - end enterOsing population bywhiallit to annerurded. 011V/OH OPEN DAILY, Drain AtoZN Weloati also on blonnar and TRIMS• Day fro= until 8 o' olook in the ,evening. MANAGERS: - - Vrederieklilett, , Stepherigmlti, • , John P. Lary,' — Hon G. X Strung, ° Daniel tinderkotlet % • redeziok Binake, Francis Hart, Joseph LeCtere, John litielay, Jr., George Xneakt, Jeanne 13 Prinii/e, Jacob Doak': - Joseph it Oowell , Hon. WO,. Atilleard, George Woelpper, Gun. T Thorn, Peter O.- Robert D. Darld•an. • -JAIIIXB I. ppatroza, Preeident, VIUWOTH. , I I / 1 11VTAaaratiz7 - •' • ften.ktir puinos. ' - 'll AVE N, C 0.% ratilui Cluk , s, Mullett, Davlsi'fo Cooe, and A. U. eide, & co'.4 sloped& Evokes, Also, M. son k. Hazolin's unrivalled ar&LODMONS and OA It- MONIUMS, 16 desirable for Olsozei!es And Lecture Rooms. • ' ID.• Pianos and Idekdeous to lent' - J. M. eout,u, SIV3N - TH Ind OELICSTNUT SUPERIOR' P1A.N03.• _ NWILLIAM KNABB dr, CO., ANO-FOR T& marillPeoroliss, Nos. I, 3,3, and 7 North MOTAW Street, and No. 207 BALTIMOBE Street, between Charles and Light streets Baltimore H&TO , an 'llinAd a aeeordnaat of stew = penal. piar.o4, m t om:amended y, nertifeates from B. Thalbarg.limakosoh, and other; celebrated_ performers to be *gust If not el:Leerier, to any made in this country. The durability of their flans will be warranted for Ave years, and a privilege of 'exchange granted within gig months, should they, not entire • iitialisation. 51 . 1 tAdtuttea 7 s`Bet.7, we will Bel itholonale and re tail, It the most reasonable prices. ' WILLIAM kNABE 3 00. . Messrs. LU &, WALKER, No.' 22 OKRAS/MI Street Philadelphia, are our authorised ,Asonts, and will keep constantly op hand and sell ens VAnoll at manufsoturees prices. mhs-6fil 0/110KERIlia & EONS, 11•1111714.0119NLINS OP GRAND, qua AND UPESIGIST WAR.IOIO9Die ttOY 011MITNIIT fiTHENT. ClonatanUi in aline a large stook of onr - DhIaTITIPDI and UNEQUALLED INfiTiatlldhNTSlf We have been awarded, at the different Exhibition iu this country and Eu 38 GOLDL AND RILVIN P/N.Bl-OIPASii PIAt 03 TO RENT. ja2d-ly Salantanini Oafce. !3aI4IIIANDFIEL SA 8. A largo osartmeist ' PRILAH3ILPRIA BALAUANDME BAR 1143, ,VA'CLT DIJORS, for Donlui pore,. BA NN LOOM, _ . Equal to any now in sae, IRON DOORS. FBUTTAILIS, 24„ On u good Loma as any abbot iitabliainnont In tie United States, by - - SWANS A - WATSON., No. 28 Bonik FOURTH Street, Pkiladalpbts. ann-tt. li 03 IVRI TYR A CALL 910 THOSE:who are about to ~ I ,di:dtk as e Drage,'Paintn, White Lead. and Wiradan Glans we direet their attention to an unaurpar i ed a n d ta ld a l stook 'of such goods, which are O be folio t at the store of , ZeLillt amtilt. , 1 ,26 Corner of Ste.elil end Green StleetO. IIAMS-125 I Boa . EXTRA SUGAR MIRED covrarai II AISIS. packed by OaOver, p e a & Co , neon', Latis; ,tobrk Sbay. Balsa, to Wood, Beitty 4 Taroott, and sabers Par se'e by O. SAMNA CO., jra Arch street, 9d door above Pront. inkICIEI , BeXJAPP, 228 DOCK= Street ) aboya '.7 Walnut; EITQ.OB. BROKERS; and dealers in Mar (lentils Paper anMeecorttiee generally. Attend the Brokers , Board daily, and AU ell order!' tor the Mr these or irle,of STOMS. BONDS, &e.- 1e.7-11r QA CASKS PRIME ,RICE in 'store and tin" for isle by nown n y. Asuninuma s CO_ No 15 ROUTH' WITAXIIIIS - LAD 0/L.=BabigalutiVß, quarts, 50 Meat for Rao by wrvrtiAtuttruE intonnis. 4. Rt..* PORK.-310_ bbla Mess -Pork, of New a. Jereey, Olin. and Ybiladelphlt packing, .for tale by 0. 0. SADLER A CO., ARON Street, Betted dro above Front. ItRA RIO --I,OOOCOFFE bags Prime amt Y Roasting me; 163 ban Trrime, Laipsyra, Coffee MY emu by 'JAMAS GRAHAM. +k - 00., LITITIA fall. . . - Q. , HODLDERS,9O, HEMS. DRY SALTKY EHolnDlifta . , jastseeeiyed sod for We by , _ , 0. 0 SADLER A;00., • To .. /I inb otrnat. 21 dnnr *horn liNemt DEFINED BOEAX.-20 eases fo7 sale by WITUNRILL & BROTHER. Nos. 47mod 49 North CHE E E E.-374 BOXES HERKIMER COUNTY CHR=II, In Store and for Yale by SADLRIt la 430 ' 118 Arab street, Peoond door above Front DAVID. P. IWORB, DM* 1 111110 1 MUM Ns. MY= IWO. MO illbli