The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 22, 1859, Image 4
rpjfa-WP ,° : *le ;714% 11#145414ii ' T 6.1 ..„. .- • .., -,,,,,,,, = it. }1 44 , g urprigrig7-744, , .:!;‹ ,. *: - .04 :V 4-1 ;P• nelq" - Tii.,1,57: 81 1'1„,,, -: ~'f'Ai...;: 2:zakit.W,O*lllC, ~, .4..., i. . VAX,. . ... + 0 +....4 6 ..tAllak Ihteatkaf# 't.t, Alsisft"..\Zp' r 'ikon ,iq-;:pos,,spßipAajoi, ..,,,i4, ,•,-, v, or k' 'X . n , l - - _- 1.-- " -------7 -- v - ' ', ':-:',.-,',"', .,. •: =-:z'--.i;: ;.'-•-VlAbiil-iiiin-c ~;:f;:tuna;. -: :( on POLT o I . * . I v * it s t e : . 4 ,, l1 ~...!.4 14104_m..t .ae • a,44-44..4,r0r5s "''": . !- - Illionlagi - ZW4.44 156 404 1600 k0kw.c.;. ,-, :tvAlltr 2 s , --- ,-,./1 - ki i iii - -'- '- '''-- -416iffoise.".ttimicool" , ' ' - Jult4l - '0,&16 '4674:44 .- Voloreiki.eitkilltrAl6sl6.lll:7o7:l l °; '' '.140.7166i4i1tifi1%.ti5.a..4.1-4 - ::4 , 6:ll. l g , figizr=l=m-x;::- . .0.Tanzol, ~gm e a. .-.,,i 1 1w 00 r,-,,,....7.,, kti1 1imi 1 wv11- 4 . 4 ::.(.N0t, , s:.'f* . *.',- , 4i4,, ... „40 1 .-14 . 10%-,414: " ~; .., 4 ,4, -;.,: ~.N.TA''W"...Z., l o,Mrl r Amtr, . .:', _ v .6616i --....f , zlksys:foolii:‘ , . ;&,iitiiiiinpi Artgafkp ''., Jutt 3_ . .'..- Allaspo' '' ' . ' 1 •00,001 i-00mur,t..w....4...iaty 16 ~-.: , 116116666161:116101666666 , 4;Winr York; iiKz.Fq/u1.6 18: AClllllls.4.lhjaikikAti**Ma4l44nlY 2 ° ;oak . 51,1.19600g0t0n.: 67 Totic.:„i. :i;,,,29 :b row - Pirtlivi.'.'.;.:.l.o4notp#o..; 41000‘ - it-miSiiit A 111 ..1.4* -- .:': ia1,409 ifity.t. ; .1111),i.i.,.;1 4 ';,..s At . 7;4;444: 4..,&*".. • f0c....1.....a5ty_5t, - ~ ' .7 A - I T.Tig44isittbiliti' 1141010104.8/ Ilia ;141i• - irerkm.viirksr:i?,' - ,i , ' ' '''iiiii VA - OVA- "`!..64 .6 Z., Ilt 1 114 - 27 ' Oda. a01t 1 41 1 4 1 d0 ,010 ,-' 1 '.'4llllll .s etk 1 , 201 4 x!tt_ 50 1 1, , , , i , , , ,, , i ii ,1! . - i i - r ; ,, , lialrlPS'*)!*P'o -**,fo444lo.l.4PVltliowit!r ~ r , i , a ;._ , • 3140011404.W4L;41:0 .1, • , •• 7 • IPORTWAIWAPi I ia t ' '.36O ` :-1 • -•• • :.= . ?: . 1011t 'f-e---TrAIDINIFAM., A , • :68 etiimaipXoprobee, pink, 24 boars from NM% rill . ' 'illa Cdaa. Id ,ay eltkeidia dißtpareidamiltaasd dn., lerra..-tOrOadalfrairrpefklartwa Meat ftgib Mil anati= ere itaroiVemialditmaC,Mll itrameeerimolddt Alp ~ M aamakalaistomiablvaolialliu t to:rllagr4 i t " . '? " -, =meowerobal;Itlelmalatlfraoilffif ,, Yo0A 1 0 Mkt - tire* . felkeeldeM Otiretadoiled tra dmiadVk 'ft ddf •. ,' ferammeld'Emmlogloo, Dakar, de Donn from Boston' . milkeidtasoteaaramemetaPlC illii•Or 4f, MO 'Nava a; la 4.4tarklitatlatilit twelbtaa. Oil ratalab lb.. s'l,a, lataoreisanl,awiter eleirtifuoldo.t , Padadotimi--qhmt ; - LA: O MAI 4PlOoleed 'dinette: TiMstßilitti, VW:. Frid&: , , 1 , 1 -=adrotattell ti a l 4 . f=Pa : rea e a;;; ; :ll l l i e delete to , 'lf EP Walton, daly4tial Id if 'OW; 11F.Rigglihatralt- 44fir:alaarli411." Mr W IXt aillarliOrtaroslllealthiaarmakkildp- Piing; &hap _ ractormilexhifte4vishow..llo44l44ACV; 4 ''' rr ' ',` ' Sok Faun , .Braatotreles t a day; r al ma toia,ll;Fp ~- -t ral; loorUfolattio Orokreteddllima r i4 • !Li.' 1 4- • 1,1,1,, ' 1 , ,, sok so 4161011i'1i5a'.., 4 11 4 oarytar,fely H a r .rat witkoweleatasmattrtu :.-., ---,,,,,,,,, A , l'4 • , . ' leabe-darfolmer÷fays ,- fmote - Charaltos, - -_ PlatitlieoatadlhtidiaPiftit, Kota & C 0..," E , ~,,•`-.; "Ofodfx,Pc i eßreiefrea. Makitadi, sl,thipi, omits Dams IWFV. 46 - deriteeloo‘Trifeeloyit-Doe '-, -- _. "Plev,. ilaterkikatrelkl ,51117,Xtoral • tiawea, Deli. ' -,, eel shoat taliail: Cowley & Co. -„,;_,:-.. , ",7 ,- -• - AMU edam':f i t u TtaKiVreflaf;taikid ftato /We' ,fforadttlireaCle Ighlaiallaaratt -&-800., ~,, 7_,:t."-t- ' ,-; I** Peak.* A, 4ilicallaat;4,o44 KfOlit H1,0211111e 9111411"611.-Klitaktorsat-lb . 7„. C 0....—,, ~, 1'4,4: ~ ".: :::::-/„^-• -..- *tar BMsimlo, I dept stosaant York, la ball "- I Ikair m ar k fliall4; 4 llfaittaft l 74art traiii.Parillar• M - ' a WM letattoto *a Aktioitat ar.oo. . --, 13 , ' 3 , 606101 W err/7 Simon!, 2 2Rea from Dolton; ire 60. , !eldeelyiritldep*X4-11=a 4-47 ti; , o 14 , -.:`s ', ' e l ieilleftoOriatm a",i-tenz,=."l, J s ., -, -,,rr ~" ,10Matotddsikileafroa31offollt, with e l„rmMa, Comm 2 days Irma Peacoat; del, bib, Lsodeflutdy,froid,edirfatiai,alth' gral &si 11- 1 7 21 4 . 14 ePi C rtjU t ( ' )d:;;at Doi; ;ritk kW* 'to In I nlV ' hall.Pera-a ; . tu. ,- ,, ,- .:•21 ,r .l P ...;...,. ": IklgrAVlralths;taltla.riam Realm: ,s, ;,.1 , ,' z: r : . , salativinathokanallath from flosfoo. ' , ,-, ,t • t - 41 ESSAwimPitarmo,dloamo.- ,:. ,: elderee: 14111e_ff frrm ProMallema" ' ad * Ulla f Sairo " ~, lir , , i da=4= p 4l, lols wiL a rza „..,,, : ' ll ‘37, ll ANatid.S 0t.4-'' 0.-s'''' • ...?...' . 'ix r -, ,;. , '',.. , ,,...9€ , '',S ' ' • ;:treak1111D; .......,./ .1 , 1; i - , ' ' , Illogyild9010161;lhollowl•Ns& YorkiviaCape May, ,ain ettx-of etre port,lfpwer, Mooton. Coors i lal r ito WileDidl_li -LfrtlYrC Thatginof 1 in ilh Peefd. , elaaalrd, Boston, I, AadarthadA :seaii,litranna,,,Tarraall, do _do ' flair floarsor. Ormeallt_l4ll647_2i- f„, ',-. • 'do ' • NW tirP PhadoZOrienme.lidatori," ' - do .-., disbrilleas & Calmosa. Prl Beer 4 itaimaland. Peso, o do ~2,lol43titodt'oPit,f-CiNeller4l3lWgrePadtee, NO, D 8 ilakoJekteeaffleSClP,4 B l-eiFerEdl ) ,lle Roriti!.,•,l , 1 grios•-.,4 1 .4 1 / 0 0 4 -4s.MYt4 l .!,lan &,V9. ` l4 2_,lffl , •PlNTY4SlMikiel'Arr.f. J ." AO . l• I , '"" ,-;M ,.. 1 WW , Bee 1 1 1 34 llP t a"ff 0 . ' l ' iters 13 1°M i t A r*Ag , 4 i i i 74 1,4 1 . -341474 . 3 ieri ,o4 l ;: o W . 4 i t o i z i WI.: 111 / 11 { 1 / 4 1 / 1 1 1 9 1 Parliria.mcgoaritablcao , I 4 - ,,,WitP#P,Piittkorf,,lleitimpo#,,w, l l - , Mfi. 141‘..7100Prilijorti-OPWIR; Two l ltiiair• %AI Mti1 . :#4 , P,40.1a0•4..114 ii OP. : i . .. , ,7i . s 1k tiltrWinitlffrkr=modato,&.o,,,,, - fat Sop a up: Is do -" :" 'S li tr t a li r ZV I. , er, BI O I4 UM 0 -"It /re, 4 1 1 6 o ti to lt e, & ,fi lk , w ' ve ' r6 ' tra :lei- - , _ - ' repar------ ...- ... Tl‘ , * '' ,67. 4 .%_"`41.4-001'411 eite ,, Pi NY 91 4 96 0• SO itoIC alill - vit -- _, - ;,a gr a m lea Droisk., sad:e; w ' loara,p2l ,lpirjr Sra,..„Thwa emtattaat„." . PMelY , foe.r boril4olo-41;•4' - l.1.10:altill;4104 tew- An • rrai r a7 at llorlarirr-..1r.-11:4',M.4" - .141 . . -4 , - - 4 iir k artat, ri ll " , ralr 2t, A laDio P 111 ',: tivralillia,ll,CßAlllllP4*.ot ' Vmratatotat)ilesPorr I from Iteastaii. Ito wow Leal= wine isortti: - caroritiklkai‘R-31111 ' , 4'lll;oAiTillmenae. es 4 IPdreed. arstßaway;irroar.Vbrakalaa.. i•rfrall OW r lt go im O ll:aho 6 r , T ,, i - lti„Ro t r lai r k aa - l iver pant era fast. „So 4.1' , ..1P,f:44. - zi , 4 0 • BhIP- ~ If Ao ll eaCterlirpre,9 l latio** , v l l 0. 10motrallt liik* ,, A. 4 .-- '„' ''_eiteme, ° _,iikffo*Yerletild AO ,_op - ~ :, :, giir It'Ort.YotAll, l 4- 1 0 !PM - itsof , . . itighr via t,t l l l l: 4 o 4-- u,;,1 '' r ' l. ' A '.., :t )11 .. . , -, , s 0- ~-,, , a re ~... , ~, , , 1 1 . k., ! ~,,,..... ,-, !FA * , , eVitlifitArAllig i rrief , OttAt i g a vitseipt .Gift , offteo,f, Ink lilA.* 11„ Ailrt' -- ., -.,,,',.' -;-, -, 9 1:TIPM: ', Igt i f4l° 7 A f tll tito ;llA l, * 44 '- ! 1 ,4 1 41a r 1f4714414 0 /friihka la'Arsii itßia a TO --alekkj . , '3, < illadePlliA- -- - '''.. - NO . • ilk, 1413116*.viulitor Ifilrol: , inso ' . '.” ilk ;11.0111 Wadi laraMele tilt ": 116 ' s .' ' 6, l l 3 ti , (Pr i t s4 TMlV;; Ei k. i ?i soc . :ie . . Ar 4 * 1 4 01 ,!Rfg4A 6 4:A*, mtlir. ii.. m .5. , 164 , 04.4. .; ii , 1 .,,.„, ,i44witiii ,, , , tr ' - Jeok AA. ii - fitiiif.wairttinii fireid. ' was at Rus ' 11 14 44 1 ailittillt i11,!,1A-.41,TP , :i t o .- 1 , Raw 'lr s o:R. in's st RIO lia h. * -.• ..' ..... .--' laair., tutu, _arrived at Cahoot , Sant itifitittAislttfoi`i&itf is Wei, via 1611114 . st ~ - = m- a l l c. l d m t l9 a laa rr rba * a a k r r p a r i i a l :. l , c t ,d os -- i ' ,i - l i-u . .-A,- -- a-,- - , - 14 , . - 1 t : - y - —er e.., , s ttl ; .;, ,-, (.„ Refs Ottani', Nottpii,herik`ieltivad at Baton Rbti; 4 , 1.1-271 j. .f.;,WiIL ~.. •,' Wary Ifarrart‘RprillpW Roil-lraiß RI% hut. .11""4 tillii!MitVijr, NO j GAM.' 41311a11e sat 41.110PICTO, Otti , atita4 r.4 " fib L: • -14Ziabiliaszlioge,`,P0mineipsoriicat-itio ar. 14 11•11011$1411140484fifik KW' ; - ,YeetfiglA foot • • t Tr-, - 1610C4 0 9 . ' 114: Ilipimori aqui hetipriwoolah - ti , .?,,,:ir, • Tr.} had , OjjetiliV arjo' IflllWM•fili NUN . latt O SAM-INCAMT! at' vatiot4Ptosmito stem; flostsloitid;o4l *WWI wgrik_funraworek4t ....oatistaatsri 'Malt MAO* tAk aroffunr ?ii •if tgo i s ifs ' _sac ..fleste46llllllo , 109! 11 0 0 #04 1 . 41 4.f4t 0.54 . 6 .': 4 r4O-, , ‘J4 , 7•.;:t.-- .#4• • lartivii r— lUSA J,t Fie,itisw4iii t.ZIT,p; .• , , ' itipillibiodukfimittettsi:Shwryin • • ' (Hem) iloltek , ftsitue, siiroamorear ,states, Isdi '_ o l*C.Wlitallitiabitalltikt, Light Ell r•te,-apt isotdasatricrinttita*miniditsis foellaw , To6l,ol.lll , 4isigtiplig7l(fOor4.; roievag thitaitiee*toro IMrak King, att4:,-; • Nietirt4Wrksir tailtir-'.:Alsaft**4llloniUtitemios, / 'barks A Allisf(ssobbSistoky,Slamtt• 2 ' llll l l r#S - 01Sissk Swains. -St 1,11 i 11eptie, EWA • Ago.) , mom. :Oratket, A -99"0 101 r4 ' 6 " 4 "410/6,4 1 .19. • .A 4gitikireitiCMin .17'*t 3 1 -,- , , o• , ;.11. - • . 4_1,4nitii,......:", , , . ~,WAUff, ' ,1.1i4 1a , : ., /ti '' ' ' 'Pt 1 .. 41j*, ' - taipino,* i thle .; niwk-Aett_rl ,'.. # I e-ligmrit' l l i_liist.wl, ENE ;: , :':',::::', - ,.40 , 7* -)':,.-.)ci,:f:,Z,iiiiii - I - --- 4Yl'l C l - - : , _ --- - - - n. ---- -•- t. , 1 -''''' - 1iP,,,.. 1P4E40,4"*.k*C4:10 6 0 1-tor O A X• - Pir- t - -- ,- i*4l),--,,,,,oltol:Nisectia, r-g: ''' r '• i -'-',',.-`E`Orirp,BlolPqro.l3.ET:s ' " '' - • ,:tt.ikl. i -, - ,- ;q , ,2,J ' ~,i:Tp.',- 44k ti 4 4- O'O:l4 , A2, , i , :CA'Pr lit " a ki SSON' .-,.,., Z'.'„7.' . - , - 17 , --; ~_..- -' P# WC ,--..-- - ;',... i - I`eitriVallHDlX: '140 . 01;1,LIINS; ' ';il - -'' 1 ch 0,94-1 qiT. , , i•cku Rix's Eg-DA:ra.,. ---. Poßin.. ..c.,: - • IVOLlialzg,tilk b tlitlie pale 111617,NTAIN ALB,' , tikisAlltil or pleampe, and all how desire rellitstioa from , theediaeSe, : slseid.l-take•soleae*peof-4.his-gyeat- ,- --. 2 - . 4 ,eiSi i' ..-tzplittiatOTXif !OF.:-EAlt el - - . ' ' '''' z''‘ ' 1. f A ar o ' ibi,ii-lataitasituta .- ..'; " mr.,,,ET 15 . -I_,:t.t: t tkelliesi:i r.ii,p , i...: - ..' -: - 'i , ~.. .. ~. I, 84 •,:, , ;'--- , klievinviat - 1 - ;-..x ',. -- . --- - , - 7, 15 - 111171/OfiDAPIUN6IS - PA83.11NGE8.4.. are likewise Alireisies+witliitiekets,A4,llopetrall, , the termieus of S.itlislistatteadoCaad--Bnied - Torllallwied-where two, :pH ilkiaterstetesindtheehs: eehatet log the Bigler , - , - ( 21061.4i.116 61* boa at.ttlo. iglu i ot.gto,-Poulawyppis liall= a PiPplia, cosgtowit cowl NO ra* th .f4.)§264..: )(it THOSIAS pLOCUst, Agest.l. -, , - jyto4,l . llV-18-1.-. 110t4.-rireorr-clake,lrgentv- O iti4lo; ' Ptii 4 /WOW alase4ztiat +mow 4. ikOrt ilicattt•F 100 t wart' *IMWAVA r v.or, ilxilltb; , L-21.1fastabsitIon illiitobtatoet Mresitodom:AN) 24kAoliisidit 014041:10114p' sos 419. , . a - DAILY-4'OBI. 0 &PE - tafy,'o itil#lo . :CiptatiVtigsiilll6.Yee AtelE l "Aitieett)ilatteetelinifinteCit ~, etelcbilje, e itleye , - Pmeeteit by TlllB Itiie salve' it the Island to time 4.l.2Meateiteetnemdations afthe hotels • iiioVotilict is TQltbl£buats : :Grit° the Teletetigeeelege ate, !itefeteled. ...II 00 1 :1 ,„ 8 .1dIPP . O.; 1 17/1,, U l r e ' `-• 9. Pi , -.•- ...... i . . , o4itilies; Urfa& the - Tanga „, - 04 9.21 it* 't.' -4 40iiliAi , - NKr, - - - s e jdZ ie .- ''' • r'' , ,fi- Fin ‘..T;'• ARID • ' ,i , ''. ± : - f.rlytil .., ',:-7 1,1 . 4'4 U.,. , : ,:, , r,-. 1 • ..... ~. ra (01m4.4y$ szooptidl ) at 9,44 , o'a mk, A. O M. 'll t ;MaletidEQ, -0•,•11q4.ea Ott itne4DiaB, -,01„8.1.„31. ~ , -I . ~ A • ~, ‘ littoni4•ll-VAlaWAJillt Osptalia popes, ' i-- B,iBCON-.47•••tai•,•selleir,-- , - • SIM Osptal• Ga pe . ..; li l ft n, Af l is - -L, 1 May ILO wi ions - i kri.k9,l4l3oetffewth .r. 1 _ i Nevi vii . oct•px#4loo ylrg, Aygbplow NM* street, a, eCA... Si ta,. ~. .: v • ...-_,.;,- . _ o _ o 0 _ 3 - OItipPIRATp;pe'CVLII . W" . 01i1y,.ay , .,,s 7)t at, te l i;f7",_ .I.7l;irCeli;'lß -Rz ufai=ii,3le#:cti4 6 -,i:atj '''' 11l viipo.lasi, data, it , - . ~„. , ,pie, tazipelott, (min - . ,:-. . s2,g 9. , 4 -..„,:. - .- ._ gulair,A...--;--- ........... -- 1 ;7 6 - ili! , •tcOn i llakrylk:ll.l2lrilae o t L iye . • s - tr. ':l' iii •,.I. , , z'ltz'+-7.•: peitil v ib:Tlei•t,. piyrjaelltre : . 0 ' 00 ' f '‘e'l ''' '" ' 4 ' ' 'iltit•Roonto eitr* i 4.4.1.. 41. 100 ...' 1 ' - - - -. ' .. tikenit low' ,i--,lllliightiloelfiiirlorliilidqilipteletst for.' Alitigt: . Gaols delitiot4 tisycina New "'ICY: will ,•• -, Irs•d•OlthisepataLlede.blisomizitoron. -- :, - . , .‘ 1 i 4,. 1 ' '--- - JakI4IIISAILIMIRDIOB, Agensti :-. I' I‘,iiii•l'inGeoActi DmpkylON kv!tili7E. - -.,-,- - ,iioT !' roAne, - m - AT - Tff, ii :13uNDAys: .. r. ..,-. girths thit hisiion:" • st•merldn 1•••• foy O•r• , :ld•konsitudiro, - 40 , 4 „ waciiik telly • - ket,r , eip,,g ie .t_ea7 R• 40• litsyv Ilogitlkeitiotti . l24V et 4 . 6 Slcfti,,. , - i BO f, 1 ~ +``HE'S ~` .~ ?1 Ql~-177r p~{KYi w~is:..:t. •.._ .. _ 1...____._4._W~... UNl(7lP,ATr~t7ti~tb[£.~;,~::,~:~,>..{:~ , firotieele hereby even to tits owners of the proper .tiem meothenedrit the appended memoranda of °Jaime, 10,44 ,1e1ite of lairs :Italie be tinned. thereon, in tkie %months from, - . the . date, ..biere9folllll, the dame '444148 . 4r1 Obaforeibatthus,, . , I ; WI6LIAIt ' s. i.A.ttorney for Olihniott; , - .- T Off!lffl!lipT Ettreat; 28;180; OITY ALND '0.01714TY dji vunkrisleat The eitrotlittlidelpbbe - to -the'nes -- of - isiob Bar - :thotoreese Ts La* re - Brother; iiwnerit or reputed. owners; -of.yebsewir nue be owners; 'Cotomen3_ Flown -Dem row, =T4=41835: SIN NI Lot on -the SriOrt of..Choreh etiest,S7 , feet 6 Mabee eonth of Fr nllin :!treetts 103_ feet-eby , 101,teet....1n. the First Same ea -John Alexander.e}rikirotSbOnted owner, or likOiTer 111117 be owner.' 'OenilifobTless, Much Term 1809: '416.1.7.3:.2..Peeint ;SOO ~r.totbn,the. 0; 1 4 - shlei atialikirett i , triet;lBB test 40' inober north 44 blobrif, 'yam: , - In' the first ward; • . • - .7-7 Vit George P. Johnson; owner or, reputed owner, ors whiNvehrl 'may be. - -earner: , 00111111i0113 - Fleas. Mardi 1er1CA859;.:183f:;1 7 2 ..',11,1_,i3g - JUS lb:: Luc orGtbe 11. thfriiit tirn!r of phttreh indlsred7Mriste. 4 Try the 11 ; :JeStmeibt „ . ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to ety "oftPhtleatalphia, Cloefeatlener, -deoessed..having beast Ireauted to the ateakeribii, 011 pinata indibted 10 iald estate will - please mate--paymenti- and -thole baying dilute will premeat them 10 - ' t., • • /MAU JA.CD BT . • „510', 1500 triattxr , fit.ept, ' • OrleiabilttpikWy,4llllotllloll tlett.llA, w •-hylftit* „, • , ,114a.,`,2 , 11, 85415 TElllllr6treet. EtMtaSTESTilittratirto.tho O. tat. of JAKE W';-,ltassltpi l ettc r it Citi t ot Philadelphia, posited, bit tattla etuitid to. the 1141` 601 0 0 4 00 all P4t4001 indatitieltn‘eil4' iiatete rahnestid td 'Meta payment, aid' illtise" fivrinsi - ' elaima oe,demande Agaloit Um lime Oreseat them to ' Ike lki.lZ &BEIM Ezeitittlx lit, orJo h•r Otorniy,iAlyttitt, 0,31.41{1m0, 01100 IV/ANDY 13iieet. Tlarrog lISAISEVEIr GlVEN'thacappll ffla :. . ,ttoix has %chi far giro iiin4 of Oartitlcatet N 163 a sTocKlaftishiczes loithenauvvg pc, 1 , ,v awryoN, d4tid Zana#T224 l , ifite; the dint* iiliTrUS “deliSsfoi,filil+l4l— TAI I 6.ItO,BIINOARTINV , i - . • - •F , Xti3orimi,troy Dr Dottort. 111691;z t....1;_, ...: . , "3426'48'. 7,1 t IN - THE" Oit_PRANS'',CiOITILT TOR THE AteOtINTY -•• ••: •. ' tut Biwa broo.llleptrisLl4Y:Teciessee The Auditor oppolutill'to mad; kettlii, sad Adjust atiamat or,'', OHAV Al/11/CriP,4I:XY; Vow doomsod. 'rms. '*o. at tied bir 10ELB1f1, Administrator of the OAYID inft viskii afatlibutlttn, iitojmdt4l.l6;lliijotitrbio *peolattlicarn,' ort'SA.ll7 'DAY:. ,he 281 diaforMily; at 11 'Ai le; it- his ,offl tfol. siT =ono. Vf , Pg-t,tl.i;pittfiaeOloe • - ,-jvat-erowise • ; .• • • "ft °TICE of Admititeraticin of tbii Snit} of 001 NktiTlatii.t.PAlOAPltibto. /1860 Mod have ATAN nos pallotioritpsa scrost,a - aeolovor vitt iniOn, moot - Laid % isrineet ipomo to tho 41f0ounael-A, mut ; . ..,-;1011 eat* 't: 4 kiithle 9WALIA 1 111- attest.. -. :04STA.-I'E'A)F -- JOSEF' H — 1r Eit.OZR, DE. oiasieri.zzeittoi temmnotamt ;op iit.lliaTataie of passitAtirsaiketrDear.isbd:.,bativiit Imo groused ttegister of AVMs 044.,11114441011 4 Cr/0.41.e 0 . 4.,111,4 Girard Liferdatrabia.laalglitYVAld:Vralt , Com. ItsAy t , Phifidalptoiy? various Ituetitod wilt mak« pay cairst, arkitAtlceiC kkaiik;4lsbilaf int 10t0Opt: tua came atikoofflereti44ll9444,4o.74 l ‘n 4011 4)811R4114:1 14:&44 zaosee:st aisinc 014 n g61it,-, - - Actuary. , , zr.,%::::," • NO NMI PAP', 2, 1' •- • -Ro,lKnia Yl'OEll3lB6. .._ .1 ' , l-=- - --; •, - • - ,"-- -NO NOUN Ralitte: ATISSI, Or' litifstzsi: ar_thi4odats,tlambago Thastather, Toothaches: or. Sitprimfrom other, . . -.. '-'-' ;"- -_,-.• , --.: ' ...Bodity infirrpiact 5' Il[ i ISP.I.fe - All 000 4 ebniqrsYllgeor QV- RaDWarS =__- i, , . ~. .. . :.., -4 , , RR tiDY; R.E.PIRIfe.:*, .- . , --- ' • TiVINRTAI7 TLY STOP a!zwa..ixixii„,ifirorg: txagu • i orairvol.Psltigi &cm AgoirBei l 4l:Wie,• , ! , • -• • „ ~ litl. SOALPS OLITC.ROURPSe • .., ~ ~.: -. ' BISIOR ik0v.t0,,, , ' ... , ,1 taa ,i deta It , important that every molly :Mop A eepply 'Of it washout. - _i' , :. , „ , w, ,r,, .1.,' • ~ S ~, - ~ ~ ~--, ' 'Armed with' thte remedy, ahonsehel - d le saws pro- Air whist sudden attaike of eleknest. _Thousands of ties of 'persons hers beep eared - by Re thnetruse • "'fth were lettdcleely Weed in the nlgettlte!with . chimp., Spouts. Vomiting, Cholera, Yellow,: Serer, . sent , other. ejoient disease°. feetee,Sopee of titbit Roetnedy,be to skew Internalap, se the ease raw require. when eaddemly z - ee4id wi It Pala of dialtaeso aqa 4$ trlll-, tattantly:ra• U the patient from plia,44 *Martha AMIN. , . 4 - T 4 -44 4 24DWArt(111144,iXAITS,; ~., ..:., ~.,.... -. - ..,.. - ...i .- .lisfoyer harm -NitIIR.ALOIA - ' ' - • In sue hoar Oitaime:,,, - * - -: - ,4u tow eolnhtt i :DltillatlCA ' - '-' ' ' - ' " ' ' In liftennualuntes .TOOTHAOH.E. ..,,, . - - In one minnts gPtbMS • :. ' e... ... ' - i• • • •-•• •Ite ave minute a bI II 11111110/1.0011 In tett minutes, ogibtok,r4NOlinrrl. - • -' - - In' fifteen 'minutes OgiLlifAlNS,‘“,„ .0. ' , In afteeterninntee , IN pLturszA - Usti hours rBORR THEM, '-- --- ' - - --- - - ' tributes. 9 13 t 4 8:1_, , ,,.. .. 'i,t - 4 - i; - :.. - e.. .... '. . : .. .In tive.VEOptittil! YR ST settlon.^...• •1 - - - - -.... .. i, .0: -Ali, X 0011 X ,ThIALYSIS ' , • . .. .141PUNE A . . 4 . " " oos, • AND AI ALL 0ur.840.V - •_•• 'ta woutuis, The moment it ii applied to tale %plied 'parts, aU $ PUN f LiffilittASlUlSS 0114811.1 - - Look oat for ocolotOrfoltO rod imitations, ••• 0111 : 1-: . UL WaYOI43fIoir:RBLIEL:,•.:; -- Pre 96 Immix, 10 goats, !waft portiotti*:,,, • • ' 51sWaTNII ' 6 , 6 6 z•zifoll.'ZlEßEß ' 4 .4 ‘;'.'":".. 43ALLENDBB • #l7 - 11 , 7 1 /PZ IfIZOPI3,- 0, . Tall IaBEHOIC,IIirtAIIMIVIdP.AINEJiirWiI Iltolf $OB -: 1,0/t ROWsibldifinOliillia, liiefflaliylNCllp4l '- ILlel4l . iiTAGloltillltoxiirtai Ofiffil -- 3 4 - 3 - , • LIT ANIS IfldillatAlifiSAS.XlL. -. .-iii'tio'fiiiirt ' itiiiif xlclitiiibeeu tnorwrghli Med014.1004 0 14 - 10tattuntIS:nutprISTWILlobiLtIla - only set i en44/411leoll$ l' o ,l l o/ 1 11WW4Weue,lymthese appeases now', befose-thelosono..orkisndavna .adristlnate- the bownle4 but Mlbota „a radload.slud.:toso4edimo cure le tkoao eetereialeeibith otheMremallhe do , not resell. Berl re erampa and pains in the atomsob or bowels cured -hi. tuledly,Prlii - -04ollti at 2 1 1 1 .4+00.3W-2 0- Ardnuteor +it le, lumpily 011.0•00 alt it all stomach or bowel difficulties / I i T iii &Howled', la 'a aims* 'eLlthi kietimouy we are " , ,.,,,,, ,. --.".905140520101%)dee.11,'A1159: -- :,,,L i t illin 11141.14 Drop put up by Trail & Btolii, fri WAS* qlsollmollsor, oad - „oenabiot it** inuot Mil le, Medloini In theme suileal have ever known. 'Us year I would ham been Illiftgo several times, to =hate 'Jen,' $2O for a Mal of your Late Drop. Please dell Me hear hsorn;PnAlmoolilit,lo,o,44:dldllgtlol4l Wad' zoto some if %la igsi Drops ... - 4 _, „. .191(2{, PALL M. b. - 4 ,4llrther abuadtait prcnire'4l4-id - tie hands of all ri - pats Peepared byN124d414,-AppW,..AdlOWillllt, 'Seal ltlirk, and eoldbritYwh. re ot 25. Midst i bottle., 0,- .1, tr: 016.V.E5, CHOOTIMIT Street, corner BIIOADB dien ' lmldAllbts/Miltsd Inbli. .400 ltd)iitfdl i oi..,-, VjJ ft • i, • ta ,t ...!'-. I,ktbttgtn'OOPW;iU,' " 11f . ON ' lit. .];'-' 'iimtilittiltirlitlf Tlto2.llkla ktitis*gu, l .--r)Y , - -.-. en, - ...,..` 1 ' ' . 1. ,,,i':."• e 1,.. __,:f;, ' ,,, ,:ri1f , i4 3fil'y fiti: - 3866.'`: '1 :a ,jf,:nnoxigtn-tpear,Strprl pi:viol:10o teolipled Ski ~ ABILIOLGIA II eon the lace `-34 errataiend 1 1111111Iedk ther.emat! ; nnarnotathttpalo, compelling , t,Mtno na say,bninneed,antirely. I u eta ;e atop maw, itefeaanen,tol Ink era ,I UZI., I ` l l4 T e t tlotilatt‘ttatA4 l .il. /*ld rholatif on and 41r4es - lehminmaa r aid turo Mbie r eemediiii; tide I Waystli,Mit, thnirlottoul sonnsdtertiaement to from, ' ir coomilk§k ! emit en a person Whom I had hed-FlNgt,.. t .rit'Atar•lll tt.1.2ftf,714t0 etrieirlillt , patio , i , a.. e een Me once, a n I,se n. toninta' . eh&OFY-s .Mt7r.IPPMIR9I.i.oII., *..Palo 2 *.' yo nio upt fa c a sof man. &nos thr, Ve 9 3 11 0 11 (,n0470ya1re pot done or 401.WA444:r Clip 15, 10814 A rued, ,k - t, 761!!!)r.: I r!, 9. fr - 1 1 .-4 ataribiltiti;4 l 44,i' irry,_.-. , duissoa;straW42,494.l piton:l , oiriiiwithomoirs,. , , poillpiirm piiitpu i t.i. -, F A 1.e.1. Aka ; .. ... _ ~.. . 4 1- 14 6, 11 M I PWIL s vs feli im " 'll 4 4r N • ldo Su,4, Tmo iotilitrOtA 9 o , • .101Koosvoi. ,iiks Tor murky . ti Ik , AMINHAVONs#I. door, *no pat.. irk /IP = sEL 4'2: QOUARDIASS OF. THE PP9R, •NO , 4l*.iiii3A'V,ONTgE Btrtet: " A O /° IV--41 / femPClebrfOng• olklmeagalaat iSflAs board' a Otlerdlinuorthe `Psor;'teili please present the hide 'gibbons delay to Ude - rifles • • "..[ •. iyio Be 4 OALTIOVN Idi•DBRINGJIR Sfotetarsi.:: t:FLUE GUARDIANS OF !HIE POUR, V./ 4A tforth arivzerra sireeti: • 4 ' PROPfhteLilf moa )1.48P.1,ND Royal, ,rate oealtd nroposelo, endorsed proposals for etilrpTying , 888, and - 6dIITTON - rbYthOZEITLADEILPIIIk - AL - Ml3- - 110130E1, for six months, will be received by the eo lila office. tiotillMlND/tYf 10 , Oelooleld.. El , Attinit 1;1869, The quantity of - Beef required will be 'boat 100,000 t °nude, erid be from well-fed (mM°, ',weighing not lees thee 600 pouodit to, be deilv_ereidigt ,the side or earoassiaml without beet. ' .1 ' Of Mutton, ir)faired. 'aid r 4 net be from well; fetteold elzeop, Boned sod good; - market table meet vequiree,lo be , dellVermr pant; POMP -end quentity4 seamy be orderedilebe)espect ,terranttmelibeA upon delivery, • 'Yb,4i fitiarftimia resorve, ,thirlitttato wises sneh meat r ',lei the opinten - or,,ttie steward god atoreteeper, be not:snail to tee.qualitz ie. • 'nalteidary the letterer the oontreet. , even ye lett tl i tka contractor to supply tbegientityordsredorlll ,givee•privilege Vitae Mordant:trot salog, and hedß feit'egqoe,iff any, eill o be deducted from the eimeet44t 'payedent, Payments to be made ntwathly, and no loon tobbeeel recognieed naleol from veliablcAng,P" fiponstble persona. , Jyr fr -es CALHOUN Id _DgBiNGEB;Rett tvp T I 0 E.—Sealed, Proppealdi'-.Btido ' rarif • 6 Proposals, for ferelehtng the do idloSchoolit with Lehigh and,Behorlkill Opal, rrill,be, reeefFed' by the-ua dereigioed `at thotgiSTßOlifir,Rii , 011100: B ..It:08r: 'OartrOlX:rtl sod ADDIRCI Strests:Optil MONDAY, at 2,100;it eolooklf The pieCoiabeireitit be far separete,bistriote, as follows Diet - riot; omm lirisicet the let, 2d; Rd; and dthwarde: - , The Die; rriof rh, rth - Bth ; and SW Wards:. " Thc - 13& - Dirrirt, iith,illth 4 l2lb. , and' Made J. The. 4tili 10thi latir. 4601 , MA 20ih warde Tee 6th &tarifa, loth! 17th. lath arid 10th' warde - i' There' reill-ibaYere deee SGIII , sTovE;• and she-ton to be 2 240 Veundi: ; Eloped Je; irtlt :be reeelved at the same texci for the Ohateoal and edlieg' Wood that may be -reggired: z' - order of the Committee no gnDDllei. - : •RODS= J - Secretary Controllers of Paoli* cahoots. N , . . , , asta OTICE TO sIIIPPEA _ or pooki.,FREIGHT V oe, en Wait 1.,V ANIL RAILSOkO tfotd Perri are ecitriptaparfil'in receive and - lerixard Preight _to - the rotiOing - points • on' the - NORTEINRN OENTR&L RAWBO&DI' , k ,,, - - ''' , • - -' -- - - - Lock Haven, .I.,eariabarg, • „ Wayne; - -.-- - • Northumberland; ,_ , 'Jersey Shore, . Sunhury , . •, . - Linden, ' Trerretton•intereection, ' ' Newbury, - Georgetown,. • • _ , Williamsport ; litilererown, - ;.: ... Silllrcf, .• Halifax, •i„ ALSO. - Watsontown ? " 'York, '. , • . ~ Milton; ', .. 11111101rerJunotion. -'''-• . - - Gettreburg, and all internediate;pointe onHANOVEG Set LEGAD. ,' All geride sent, to /freight Station, TIIIIITBUTfIi and M &RICHT Streote, onit be'promptly for wordeAt - ~ .A3, 8 am , - ~., N J.__SNIIDDBIL. Freight Agent. fiVOTlOW.Persons - having bnoliteia with I.'ll the - Pf.Oillt - 1148PROTOR. -- will call , at-No. 14 NINE Street, between the hour' of. O'' ci?elook.'ibid, 8 P. K., where they will trnd the luepeetor or hie Deputy, 0 41.311118Tlita, , v , G. ht—Lhial&N, ' • itll t Fleur ; Inepeator. Peteistfor Vulesideed Otnbber 'Bnependeini , Brelds, ifeiba tor alibtkoifibstoi and artielaismsuiebybambln. log likens efilisteneerinith' threads or nheets of mama• laep rubtertarariatidedthet unless thehime are properly stamped oilibelliettritir my neine;and by mmethod- , ty,f they cannot Be legally 'dbiliosed of , in t h e Milted dAtee Merolienter end deslete me , invited to examine tpeolmene now in einfi,' end Welt , * their orders for the Spring 'Trade tothe undendgned, EXCLUSIVE OWN. 00 — THZ - TITLES — ANIr, EXCLUnIVI - EIGETB IN THE PATENT for them gob* whleh e entbtlee all' the atylea heretofore manufeetnred or imported; and.. 11 11718 ° O th , A r tiLI'EiCTINO ,bin") . BILL —end the Torment-mar be - obtained im applidation to - mil et No. COODELANOTAitreet, Ma% • • • • - /MACE 11, OAV.' cIFFIOE(PHitA.DII;#IIII: GAS WORill; June 80th,1859 No , toe le hereby given, that applinatton has been made hy the undermentioned persons. o the Trinities of 1 the 'PHIL&DELVIIIg : fot.. the emanate tefatidablo to them for-gervionis ,and! Meters.' agreeably ttittia 9.0.1.rp0ti Of 'Councils, Messed -Myatt. Alt • .7614/144'07111,,,802 Vlne - streht, August/1i 1857.410 31 s LVllargigiou, 606'Botqh Pirtle ottieti 17, 19,80. 051" Hrs. Tine "Willower, 20 Booth Tenth - streeti ----- June 2,1867 -0 flip. t.. Town, 212 1144149 n stieet, Mar 28 . 18 R: 1 . 15 .. 4obn H. Alleges B. X 1 .corner . lAo44oßth'ind w Pople24tto, ' Api 4l . 20, 1858 ,21.60 Patdok T. kletfult,l2oB,4, airs, tity444,.A.pry 24, 1851 • 4 20.25 Sat. 0. Absett, 611.. North ylftoontfi streo4;34*.:. nars,l, 1858 25 20 A. MoGarry,,enat elde Vsissunt r 4544, limb , of Been rreat, March 29 -7557 ' ' 24.15 OherleeUellor, N W. cooper 244, ,, ,401! . ,Ar.0,5148.,-. - tar 44ro•te, July 24. 1868 ;14 86 AndrewMcKinley, 1828 SouNi„l4rofit, Aostun 10, - 1C•.211 1868 — Muth& El.._ltioley,l3Blllianaterlikeet,l4l: 10, 1868 RO tf . • A i oleher, eut Bide Nineteenth street, north.' of " Penang°, Pebruaryll.lB6B 51 20 'W, 0. Planaluen.4l6 April 1.-1855:: '21. 4 5 P. llniiiby,lB.oB - 1/lalioad attest , ' April 6 ; 1858 ..' 2O 60 Tramiel & fliother;lB3l3 Franklin attest; March 11 •"' • " • " ~1 4 SO ' Ai e...H0r)ey,24150nil pros° street, November . 19:10T: • • 24.80 James Donaghy, - re'll: Goner Nineteenth arid Sponse meals, November 80,1858 • • 28 00 John Si op_ worth • Topth ,- ottotti May 1, 1865 - ..... +•7 74 21 50 Mn M: Pearce:, ff.l , and Arch' • • attests, Mai 1,1855 - " 25 )10 ,John IfettrY, , lBO South' &mond , etreet, June 1, - - Georg 0. 51111er, 809 North 'tenth etreetiooto. ' ••• her 22,1657 - - 25.50 0 0 ^gr .fg• stittotieSsNotth Sixth street, Aiugnet ' 12,1848,- 1.85 it. T. Preitoil, 'Muth aide Greei, 191 E..fjl Prow , ty-third etreet.idar 1851 6il Patriot illejate, jo South :84th etreet, October' 2, 858-, l9 A. Ifolotire.ll2 South street. tictober 24. 1857 1 , 24 1 gingh Word 409 Penn street, Clitiiber 15, 1858. - ... 25 John llughesoSl9 Hamilton street, March 80, - 1858 - • ' • - ' 23.10 0. II; Defry, 237120rth Twentieth street, uetober 26. 186 • - • • - •Su so The original bille brined 'AMR rev: ipt+ given by the ritacere or Gee Work. haying been lot or mislaid by the-above partial, pavement of ; the proper 5111114 .be Made to them (pulse. objectiiini be preferred) at the "end of rourpeelts from the prelentdate ' • fOTIOE.—In the matter of the refiner vaDeratetmehip-Outrrowny. • Notice to hereby given that the Report of the Auditor apOoleted by the court of Common Pleas for the 'city sod aogoly of Philadelphia to-report upon the Petition to diapolep - tithael4narporitigo eurtolettle Des been filed in said °nate caLgaii an na ws 'pew:tons silkioed thereto before•V 50th d/Yr 1869, the paid Report,e4lA "ciMh:roteda. gli T pc. acoordfues 11,0111401,14, - - . 7 imyitto 4.3994,:-.17 • . IPW,G; W4llB, 3718 m ' rtotkrtOtary. NattliE.:—ArCapplleatio . ri'lviii,,b(Tnii.4o the Dolt Metz* of the brgis , Sture ,PellagylVl. nisi for; the; incorporation of a" Beek, with raeral •ba Jklor erielleree, with a capital or TWO HUNDRED A 4DAPII/ CY rEInIISAND XIOL.LaBEii to ba called the VAODy.OII/1111Bly Be2ol, to be located le the oltr. oY , - • ; ; 1,24 em • ialteleitre TO LOUBERAIBLAXIii „.rAtti,NERS_ BUS Of VALITA.oLIII.IB I OII6 LeifiDBji t WABWIoI.OOIIIBTY, ntlirttLO or & deeteeNf ;ha: Otreett - Ommt, for the Ocaurey Afforeaeld;;poonoantiedr on the; gok Aferah, - / 852 : in jbe oßaogerx soit'of Gambial WhOlMelc. the.. onitereigiteVaapag Oat CemipieeteciOrttailat"tho etkid de creo,'Will soil' bilbre.the Oonittfloor of gild Mem tY Oa -. 0 4 $ .081PW. 1 3/1 11 1 8 NAY '4VtiOn" b9Ati ,that W124'004E4 440 " 6/ x Ws ' $ gable /meta mug dedinibAtia entdleeriM'''lo thO'aertalulfe* par. ' O B4 of tjaat . of, ianch.,/ylog„aga Jp the mops, of Warettoki and inow,n,ar .belds pertlit the't gielV,Neehi Tram,' eentedalos OMMisnit efibtpilisht Wee.' ..(I,QBea, more momiszbetter tiaot of land. conveyed by_Auguettne_eatabolWand Btergaiathis Wire; 'by .4sed <Wed ,88th,Jose, 1868, .sni recorded the 'elerk.4l dies h 1 Weriilik enmity aouit. 3, • The above land 'amity nimble sad siaaror teems, being lodated ron thavehliseghi -iyingfietween the JllOlBll and York riveraiand 'phut alt way bet Ween Hampton Wit. Moments- iTher4 ern the proceeds ' a steam - eter mil[ roith engine's.: 80.1oise etater, and. good , aubsten. ttal BylairDieelltasltitaorobehrieMlN - • • •-", •• Bp mneja yin -Pay' Viendite of the above mantioniad aptfelf§the impeniti of tile, and • spun the , 'residue a anent dflielyto anobthe he' given,. lbw ptitatisseo to priAmod witbrimairaelfity , for - the de felled peyosent,:mittOthteteet from t e day of sale. _ Z. BO oVOII "- ONAULSB ,- flom,,mtulonere. ,o,lthe above hiode,lBomaihre, In fine ~eultivation, balemlio Nmpvilp.thiaberid wt* 6 1 1 10Pr' ) 0 1 10 1 # 'On ship builognsall.4oll)lip-Pibl. socik, Delos !Moth 8446 pei,dord'Om tNe bap ~• aityS4pspf ) ..oin,`,be,isepr Meted for.. for the .ties., imktperNet t „ Any Noforelictienla fpfeeenea-M 2411,Mil!ifof by iaddrerailng-Niwoomor to'Bbinebriker,' Bkitimpro..; 1141 .9ibitiP 1 / 4 1 6_0_8 , 3sArlok gitts4.o4 t4 O hada: ;at *swa croFp Hope, ,ficsfifficN ppFity, „ • ~ E iOaist” grzbAdel,'.**.c. LIAM . 1 14 ' 4 1141-411—..0.f : tits illipit:nottid , 'Parto9oo, - , • ioooinse, -•, . Uojts de oro, A:790100n,, diniaepa, J099171,ti ' • 'Neptuno, ' Pfteboss, • • 01011140 to . 40. Of flevills, Loodon, Pan - 440. mid,. 41111ar eipo,"ln store • tonwtinityvocololng and fwlo bY • - 10V 1 " ' 7,Bo,.4y#TJOAT,fityoo, — E. 114403. TH ROUT Street, offers -for Wei. falai Pt* tad lend, the foUoyritet favorite Puna' of 'Hegira Cheese Wei-Regalia, Meta amp, Conchae, Light Oa atd lintra'Aeter," Amelia;-Landow, hiabehis, - Lon• &elf, Ist '2X-andliet-GarantlatdarPrensandom-Vapt tolsi London, Capitols Albeetaglidleilee.:Zerinell% CobhMi PatrialanttrelhAckVir9,lo9o4A P4lo, Gantt', das airevas, ntla,,ea,,Ope_taa, esennaLaraaceay Ildpans London .14 4 0, pritugSKA,4l3.l4l9)vorpoSe, 141 VA liA:l6EGAlia ,l :iitret"adAp . . , :4Milers ' M tmarabta rstaky 'vstlasit Sisst sad *ands ' IzalidlasibsstaiscOdsbataCilliA'rdi , Maw reatissiTlrelly, sad Pontiac , Maa;Tsper Bo ts, bi' NTIGUIST 'la 13 N 8 - • i 50,3 9 . 16 &Md . 0/1101Stpttist,"- 111OW.AND FINB AND 111.11.0 - 11 , TSD . RANON COMPANY , No. 412 WALNIITA tu!". lahly4ololls. - ::= _ 77. " A. 4 1/,Pkrrolto i , „ JD iv:14 1 61o, - ' - Wni; X•. olox-o.l4losor' lia1:841111Ogrord, • • ; A. J. Enamor,O. X. Boooglor,, Tolui Inistodi" "''' • - Wm". Lcidokr; • 11d'oln , Boopk; • '.' ; Oharhilt.liaptio 4 r,!;',„ joiti - 06iiibit; ‘-• - ; • E. U. Vigils, ••, • I • • • ,N4ort Pvulideitt-421, weAN Y. WEE' GALE of ,flopular;,:itivor, ie -blowin towards Um old eotabliehod -Moro .otarilded 'b7 sir : cams*. oonurr of hiIOOND 'and '0 HEIN Jrebto) whoro raw be, found r < ahojew Ilwoorimont rosq,or two, {polity, jr,4 wolEita Whito•Lood, Zino n pair}hqand Window Glue, sll or whloh are nnilvidlod, '0 ++ + 4 ' ,• • e," OrIE OAP 22E , 22E , DOOK'Eltreet; Ifithifit,lo , ooE;.otOßPltiv and 4enkr.P Fnr• gt n e a rolr r' lP s tr i gl V e gAt ' l ri 1 ' 1 , 411,4 --tb ; i!lomio or Ws of SITINitg:.IIONDU/co) ‘.4",fieltay . in itore` i att Mx we ELOWL'in s ," '‘ 130,, WOLITIr WTI it p dovcarr 08.1 8J jis store and To sere b, • *rah stresh 24 Sim abovaitcont. - -%- : 'AipSS.z.PRILADELPRW FRADAY; JULY 22, 1850. sL, N_Op.THERN ASEATRANI/E - CaSPANY ' 'PTA:3I4BEIRO 'Eft 'use •• SIRE AND LIFE INPDRANDE. , „ HEAD OFFICES: LONDON, ABERDEEN, 2DINBUBOH, °LAE _ GOW, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL e 6.298,800.. ANNUAL 'NOOKS UPWARDS ,01 31;00,0o0. Polloles guarantied by the unlimited Mobilities 01 ,nearii IEOO Shareholdere. "Loom promptlY kb:tired and raid without referenee to Lolidon;bi , 2 • t WILLIAM - G-ETTY; *GENT soR THE 'UNITED 'STATES, ; OFFICE' 80. 37 8013TH THIRDA4TREBT, - • - - , ' • PIIMADHLPHIA. • - _ • Rzymplo7oB.., Memo STUART &: - BROillil2,lB Bank street. , MYERS, OLAGROBN & _CQ., 282 Mirka*. " r Wit.'ll6Kaa t6r-410:42 tooth Vront at ' geOITFOREON„tc a: W. truer Front and New atleati. • - • • •••= • , " dLLIA MEI 06.;614 ifarkfit et. JApitga, OBAHaM to 09., 20 and 22 Letitia at. ,3'0331P/AB 221,11OteLki'Sld,,,, Frialdipt Meobantee ;MOB DIIN.E.CP, Lfrq ., Presiden t Union • How : WILLIAM Ji:PARTBIC - 822Waltint street, late 'lodge Supreme Court . • bd-ttah& FIRE INST_IIIA.NOE 4 "; T , - ' , . ~ . 113TNA .110311RAii0AI,00.159#NY of -.- , 11Ftford. • .• -: .; ~; -- , , 09213. Assets, J99.1,1869' ' ' 5t,597,900 08 MA.I9IIATTA' EIR9 1N10j114.19031 , ,0091PANY, of NeW Yoiik. . Ossb. Assete,Jan:l4,lB69. - -,.. -' 373,939 09 BPRINQPIEI;D PIM' AND MAXIM ; ' ' 0031PA1(Y.:' _ ••- ' • OgLeh Aee:fits; lan. 1,181C..4, *48;784 86 , NORTH" .AMERIOdIi PIKE - R3NOE I:3OkPA . Silty of Hartford. ' Oasii Aiseta,'Sa6.ll 1859 • 866,880 08 INVINO •PIAN ViStrWOE: g lo 4' ' • .PANY, of New York., Oagi Ateptsdae!l;lls9'..... ‘841,864 81 K3ll6EtAlfr6P, . 0031PAktY, of Hartford. `Hoak Assets,' Tan, 1,1969 239,079 63 • `P,'olialea' agtiltably , aoljoatad arid promptly paid, at his Agency, by HOSPiga - 1Y.1;68011, -- Agontt, No. 916 - WAINITT STItHIPP.. feb7M4f THE WASH:III I 9I`T, FIRE AND MARINE , C:gais,it i ATsr'r YARCIAMSII BUILDIktif ' No. 280 WALNUT STEtZT, ^ ' PHILADELPHIA. Inoorporatatt la 1861, ander the aral - lanaraaaLsW aaa or Penusylvai!la, - ,uthorized Ospital uubsarlbed Capital POI up Capital. • , I , AS lOLLOWS Bond and Mortgagee, first Ilan - .652,170 - - Beek, Relived, sal other titmice and 8110Alliketl " - SCOOP '- Oaskin 1114# ' '8,630 "Vil:49 8 0 0 oimt neinit LOBS OR DARAGII Ae FIRR ON RUILDINCNI, IdDROHANDIBB, - 001:03RHOLli smucar OA, &o. Also, on 0 eltool4 and - FRE (GUT to and frotaill , perte of the world, and. Inlso4 Nhflgs , tioP And tflifienfteNo.ft,. o . l o l f.Pfakk B l. 4 . ll !'„ . 011101E9. MA4LIII3 0..1,111AY, Preside:a, . WRIGHT', Vigo Vrool4put, 0. 111..BUTL1113..boordorti.. 11. G. RiMBORGIOIL,loolobout15410urt•171 .DISAITOCe , , William Wright, 77. V. Tom), • Jae. Topper, Wm. 13: Grubb, - oborloo,G /120,11 Jasper Harding, 0.0. Butler, Henry K. Strong, D. A. Jones, Mango 'antler, dr. H. nyrlB•t! DrairawAgr; muTr,ntx: trAirrrx - Tri. - : , BVISANOV COSIPASSI INC.ORRORATED BY TIIR • LierszArer4R , OF PRAINEWLVANIA,OW. - 0111071 S. Z. CORS,IIiI MIRED LIID„WA„RTIT , Streets, Philadelphia. MARINI xruitraANox... . ON VESSRLS,- - - - - • - OSBCIO. ,To Jai parts dr„Illi• World. - --- ,114111Glit ''‘ • ' ' , • • ..' , IlitrifTligtataosis , -- - • On Goods, by illmfr.4ltnals, lalloai ind,landOarrisdps to all earth or the nion. fi g , - "4/1 p. f...INE) u)k..! 9 Ike ..._ • -.. on es 9 ron .401 8 MI al - OAIg4IO,X, * 1 aN Pqr. ./ . ~, ..,.., .. . trarkdt Va id., 8103,050, PiiiisoeipiiiiicKid#Wai t Loanislos.l44 00 $llO,OOO, Pennsylvanla ittAiellmans .. ...... 104,4-5,00 180,000, 11. S Treasury 4.5, 31r seat. Notes. 4 0,112:40 00,0001 Pannaylvaela Rallroad; Ad, Moil- ... , -- - • page 6 4P.' seat, ,Seods ia - )i 4 ..46,874, 00, 11$0,M, Neftl l - Parrro-41 0 t" -.6,000, - 4.41 4 0, 09? ~•• i . ~ ......... IMO ko: ' ii 00 alsayea_steddr--Girmantrde . n am.- ------- - - : . company, intsreat- and Priril#:- 1 ~: ~ - . - - • totonititeotbylliagiti of- lam-, , 5 delphia - 0..-,ld 02S CO $6 4,000, 100 attaxes:Penroolranis Itallsoad , . - - Company . 4 BST AO . „ , , ' $6,000 , 100 shares -. North- P enn s y lvan i a - - - Railroad Company . - uo 00 .53,640, Sundry . ' shares: Ph il adelphia lee • • - , _. Boat•Company,"Rame de , Grass • - "i• , • • • Steam Tow' Boat Companyi.b.- .ranosh Stesm Naviotioo eom.. • , .., . ' palry. and Rhitmiel?hlallzoliang• - 17bropally: • ' .9,080 OS $340; 700 • 1119 Benorind Ifortgaies, and Real ,Xatate,-01 09 - - ,1 - °floe Bonding. a. , . 71.88886 Bide Itagivabia for Insursaair made.......201,6f 1 8 6 ~ Balance - duo at Agenolta— Primula= on -- P l iSk 01bP:t -delo4oo 111600110417 114,268 10 1 3Pdp 5t. 4 49.C! . .aPd0. iuMni4 loo N9lnts• • 3,420 Qo '1.1%11h On Oran , 811411,;4.1..11:,eira 42,067,A, , DIRIOTORO. ' Mann, .Tadnee I. nand, , Joseph H. Beal, j a h m erti s r us ni tt i nl ir ding, Idmund Bonder, John O. Davie, ; Wltliam ] efts •1944 H:Penroeibl S. , X..terdaten, ; lkeeigg g• Joabnaiß. !, • lid Ward Darn tya, ; 4'15141 n. Dri. R inu B lq4i 0 Lisdiifit6'; Tales 13; sraland, High Oreig • - Ttniniaa 0. nand, SPonasaWowaina, Robert Barton, OharlesJohn 8.-Batnplo,Pittabl 11.4 ones Brooke - , D..T. Morgan, Jacob Jones, ;• J. Logew WILLIA MAlLTlN;Preildent. „ . • THOki. 0. HAND, Vice President. 'HENRY 1tY14311.8N. Beoretzry. , rab2o4tt TERPW§E 7 4 73 1 1 ,n4q 0 V . :• 0 °#-E47 ramatiT o4pyr4L, siob,ofto. „ -Aµ Fed In endToveett 'This ‘l4l4pany Brirril:010 FraNtettfall, ,and It10100#191 . 1T•ganoially, ngalyasa l000:.Or b 7 dre: - OM. nod Banta, nawagagea..Meolianios' Lieaa, apt otharaaanritlea On Waal Aotat6, will 'also ba:apacially insured it desired. . . - - , Witham 7 23°1::) , ‘R J B M o B roz. °.vi n rge4a llr. Dtuarair ; ri . 'Bat TAI k° Brasier, John AL , ,A.twaadi B • linlintstock, Beni 'Y. firedini, Barlirr D. dash, : Henry Wharton,. J. Livingston lirsingir. 11.8A.T011011,D OTAltit yresiliant," CBIARTrlifl W. BOXII, Erearotaty. • • - ; • a 'south BOIJATII iltormt t nun Ton/wary 0111.0, 1-t i - • 4 , ntarath -ti F e isomplalohul#a ° l" 7 ' iewAditir. ofe.: W CORNEA 701311 II AN QAPE(} . I744C' INMITgANCIE COMPANY, .0 - orneeAt - PIPTS indVALHIPp, Speeti, Philadelta. ,- ) S ‘ in (securelyDi :felted)" , .... ... SarpDtii O "' - • ' 91,460 ponNiangvint been'tberently TOOTi.Vis 'niny ready to Into:ranee upon ail hi -party, 2nerehan aci :A0,7 saitnet , &OBS' or AIIAGB Y!),lNCONLY;nriglorable'leTret."••• illral IK-eeleti 2 77 0.11: aain g • lilkeklnana, - Watrouai Hobert P. ging, " 'Uhl; I. Baldwin, B: Ho ilahy - ' 'J. A. H. Haabrotiok, Otero, H ‘Levie, Aaron Oloie, , :oast& • Joluoll; Dedeh,'; • : - John Prentice, - -Edward Alex: o.learteaet R. SireneaS, " - Alfr e d Olsys; , - • Marra. /Nets. n - irer.:l:Dateral: ' - JACOB. MINIM Poo Secretary. ' ' POILADILPHIL, Dee: 280, /BID. 911.-tt MITE EPIEWP - P6O/01131 , FII I kINETP aktroz ipappir -- • . • .• • OP PEILADIMPUIIi • , • r4O 9-WALNUT STEED:P.. • Thin Company:lnures natant Lou or Damage by Tire on pantie and Private .Bnildloga. Varnitura, Stooks of tteode, tderdbendise kanbrany, , - Vbe follcidatßollelohto teelidlighl ot:thit Pow r e Tsistraitpea tlietrsectiritg.wnen efishfosst ak a•cot• r"Th 1 1 01 1 11 1. 7 6;11 not he itivilideted, or In anYwhie attested, after. its assignment u a oollateril asecrity to a grpand,rant, dr .73:tartan's, and the - appnyrad of Wash faalinlTAVy the olden, by any transfer or-conveyance of the mor agiOrerniege,"•by the OVII§jOf the 0,614.11 PIREOTOBS: PAUTT:IOiI; -- Hnime, : „ Dohatt PA? P.-. Yiktor,lD 4 its- -HaTl?-§l9: • yy emit u emu, Wii ens ; 44)070111., • JOseph Janney,- '• ' • Theodore teyleri Joseph 11.11611ine, • • &Muni Ctetnier, • '-• 1 • • ;PAUL T JUNIN , President:' WM. VA.N WRVS gni Yioll Inoldent. thump' a. *MIMIC Bocretiri: 7.d.y'o; ariOE QVASBR, • OfTY , /4418Ult4NOE 0011 PANT; - PHILADULVII A, ANKLItt• kttllfDT*oB, No. 408 Ilp:141. Pc44.ep Capital an alit.W,Li." 4 • )1 . 14824 ' 361 ch i=4 l ,ltio t tpausiii.vo t iii , ; • ,;amtti oo rs or thd land aritol9!, .P.,29°lrt+fl°h)-441 the moat raeoiehle tertev ' Logro promptly sugly d itoiro et.44 andta. pokilk Qgoige H : Ilan; • ' • , • • I W. pallmyy ' E.P. Boss, , •'• • , ' Altdray Ohaffitrim, ' 0. Oitt4P3 9.4iktlas Ct - Daub Joba NO,' • Oottessll j ! Soder I. Perkftei Samusliontit, • • ,•. Nod. 11. M. Pitler. oirtamas.' - stiEollGiEt.. HAWIti Preeldette. I. P. ROBO, ittoo P;esidint. • ' ' • " H:OOGEIEWAIL I 84kultory qua , woover, BIITt4III, 'Att. t Seelettyli. irod I•-• YISX CIO. INOO.9POBATIED , IBIO-I.II:irARPX.X. ) 'No. 810 W4Bftt,. aborPildrd Plal v del H‘,l pard , n °spite Rtgelt Od Stn pft i p s twoloted - iniotratird - RiWill (mint** . Ina*. niThetellintini Stoked . , irtittiltite ithrietandise wait's In•Pitrt and. tholi oargaeo 4 - slid - Tobrierimit PropertV • " • • la . 88 . 0088. , wilborge Abbott , john wcobv , • - ,i_kmoslv:Blo° , ll _ impel O . landtin; summit' AVIA, , Pitriakliro47; • 1 1P-ir;_VOPLO.I,_ _ • •",-EO GE einitly; . ?ftlyteot.',' •I—tgioNtaa IiARIS 0,10/474; Vol u .... , . . SUMMER AB -it RAIROBIONT. , PLUI4DBLIPITNINGTON, , , A111 ,, V ~ BAITI. ~.., ...s.) i leigirte C L B It.f ppac' l lif . itiisii. : ,:, PAP! 6=a TX ...NW II ... - . 5 - ( 1IIL 'VALP11..... ? ., to; rialtrmore'afBlsAf M,IA n n'Ar xpreaa,) and Por Oheeter at 816 A. BL, n00ni,4.80, and 1110 P.M. For WilniiiigionB ; is " 80, and 11:10 , P. M. Yorliew Cleetle at 8.15 A. M.;tind 480 P. 11.7 - poi,l4l4,dietown at 8,16 A • hi., and 4.80 P, ld. ..For Dover. et 8.16 4, td , and 480 P, Al. • for;Pe4font 'at 6.15 A 'o. i .ana a 80P. M. TRAINS 11011' PEITIAr/ELPHIA. Leaie Baltimore at is so A. , (Exp Fess,) 0,40 A. 14.3 and 6.26 P. m. , , . Leave Wilininitten t B.ll.4.l"M;',' 9.20. A:M.i and MOP. 61. 7, .v , • • ~ ; .30 Leave New Castle at 8.46 A.)!., and T 40. P rM..• • Leave Middletowunt• 60. A M . and 6.84 P. M. Lelve Dover at 6 60 A. El., and 6.26 P. M. Leen Beato.rd 585.15 A.. bi.; and 2 45' P.' ' , Lesiva Chester 04,44, 960 A. M., 1.45 and 2.16 Leave Baltimore for Seaford and. Be,lawate , Unread at SO and 0.40 A. hi: . - VitAiNS ton osafiratilia. Leave Oheetar 1t3,45 13,28 Mid 1140 P. ' 'Lesve..Wikaingion at s 20 12.66 and 12,40 A. M. - . • .. , BIINDA.rB . Only at 11.10 P. M., from Philidelphla to Baltimore. Only at P. M:: from Baltiniore to Philadelphia. IRBIGHT - TRAlN,with PASSBNGBR CAB atteohed, , wIII run as follows - • - Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places, at 6.45 P. M. , , • • Leave Wilminitori,fotertyviihe and . interrcist . lase .1"""til "Ad. *Mate . Leave,firaile for Baltimore dn rm , Piv° " 6.4° intermediate :Lear) Balti there forldevre•dedirace and n L pla ;iav es a eltiglig i tn for Philadelphia, Interned! ate O- m an at 640 P. M. - ,j 72 "NEW WEST: ORES 'AMB, '4.,ND - , PMILAXIMLpftIa, aeliato via -M MA.", • ~ , • OMMES.IIIILAAUNGEMMIJT. Oil sod . "I' d70:71}1}1'.4888 the Trains, , leave sdeltiltliW.7l•oBl',..go,Btalon, N. ' R. corner •ot NI HTIoINIII amt ed.AR NZ Eltriete, at' 1 arid 17 sed Hot 80!and0 , Leave West ' Ohestet, from the }Ratko' On . NAST. MARKEIT'Street, at 9.40,8 80011 , 7 11.80 ht.. Pd 2 ONIRINDAYR—LeiteePBIIIIIphis at 84. M., imi2 P. M. Leave Wait 9histsv t 780 d..litod 6.14 ' M. • HENRY WOOD, -in.72s-tr dent; , ,Aamikijagotirl':FOß f 2 , M f:BEA bUidittlat A hiLINGIid3IIET. • : OAMIMINI .2.ISIDALTriNTIO BAMMAZ. ONLY Tll;cl,,Allp•A'-11ALIf ,110171141 - TO' .71111 ONA Su 'avo4. iidittAirflattPATOiw 21st, and until fur. they notice. throe'daily *aloe to Atiantle.mid Op kIINOILYIE . th e - ,"Pridn only WIZ ntn. M. lint, Itail - Yriini hiov as Vlop- r Ptreet Perry.'.l.Bo,A, M. Shcoodi Es yreig;', " ;_• ,StoppligOnly i ttOood and Witter./ Prelght Train, (Pith POrenges Oar attaohed)A ,80 A.M. - Aeoomioodittltin „:2"rain", • (Zg!", llarhor,), leaves , Vine. "street' •'"'" • • • '" tp p. M. 'ATLANyIO OLTY, , r ' 'MA; Zxpreed; Traltiltaied ' • 'OOOA. M. Second, Mall, is ' ' 4'40 P.M. Zreight, - 12.10 A, M. Apoommodatlon Train leaven Egg 1iarb0r....5.02 £'M. • MIND ay TRAIN. • • Lakes Vinetitriet lorry ' " - A. M. Retorting, leaves'Atiaolleat - - 8 P:110: This Train will atop ,only at - Waterford, .11gg Harbor,' and Absecom. • • • • lIADDONiaLD'4I;7O,OMIIIODATIoN. 'Leaves Ooopees , ' v. 11.00 Aat. Ithavell ' oo P. M., Leaves Ooope P. M. ria Point • • " ' 7 Lehrer Hadtonileld • • trim P. M. Fore to Atlttiitlov - whirp, "Zioldtte • yrltOlthpod hefts entoringt olita.'"o6l 7 ' ri•tt••l O.BO nood Tri,!ilialieteygocrl for two days, op 107 'motor BV6O Ott and after Jitly Ali and ovary Saturday through the Summer, the Egg Har bor Aosommhdation ' Train will sun thr g ough to Atlantio, and return_ early on Monday lit inata. . Freight mus t be deUverod4l Clooper?o, y 010 1 .14 1 P, M. • The'Ooiups.ny Win sot torreeponenoli for omtfoodi until ?welted and rOoelplplfot,'hy gals lirolett . gent at I.llePqlo. , roy/D:iiank'' pint G. BRll4ilif, 'Agent, AOO,OOO 114,800 maimicarobt,! PHILADELPHIA' AND RBADING .BALL' ROAD, 6iOBNIN 'WNW pPoTTEIVILLN,:BILD, .604. HARB,IBIIIIRG, '• • " ,TRAM IBS DoPol4' 3 l4 7 46infir of BROAD 'kid VMS Streets, at 7.80 A. M., DAILY (84.0004 eitoepti4,l for .POTTBVILLII. HARRIBEffiIt-and . 411 IBloatt4late polataowittitlng st.lii i tiabti TM" Vitifeiranning to rittalmeg, Oliariber4oB Oarlislo, sunburn As,, OON LIN* "4. - Leave at 880 P. DAILY, for POTTRIRLILD • and ELBRIBBIRt0". i - , At 446 P.:. M., 'DAILY,. -I (Banaarl ' 42o2 otiaa f o r aIADIND, led fatermedlateTainte • ' • ' H. 111q11411INNY, forstary.. aIumOTIOr:4OECKSTER yAwnr RAILINIAIY—T AR! UNGER T Al OR DOWNINCITQWN AND TN TBRIINDIATp STATIONS --fn d tftir lot inn-, • 1 7. 1 4 1 0; 114 'D r A01 1 tioteltolAwfor DOWNINAPPOWN, *IR Mort ftictote•ltasologor•Dopot of , tho - Pbtladet. phis AntitOOdlogliatiliod Company, cantor Of BROAD and TUB Street".— 7'. if lAORNING.ITSAINfoiDoonthittown, leans. et I.IS A. Id• 7.5 AITIRATODN:TDAiN for ;Doirldregtoini, time. at 4.461"1 - " ' DAILY maws exeeptoo.i By order of the llomd of filmmitlff) of ills '4 ll s4 l ' plda artd ftted!n; Rallibert Company. dfer ; , tlfe' "M o . l f4lff i nnf' ilaar,ta" : , .„..,..,„.„.„ ,, , , ., , - 4 , , Arrepavg4 , leka a -. LI ; r q OUT aballailrltara., urs; IBlrraloyi Ilia*, , ' k Wiwi; litoms.74lll,- if thrattkoal ,D 100, rdpatreal, Or. 'Paula, Botrolti- Ilannatb3nd. ar..Lpala... ..,,,., , ~., .• - .. -, , Lt Passenger trifila 4rlll loan, the. , PllledelPkill lod Beading Railroad' Bapai:oorner BlltlaD,aad Wink atm% 4.11 7 , VII ayaarnd a atioaPlifli I Poe. .. I Ala,, . 41..V.P eld: •". - , Vlrolra; 11l ' )1, Bagalo, Parrott .oklcsgo ; 111,6 °P.11i RoA.lP*oolll4lkai 4C,..rkilkl, Bittlington, and Bt. Writs: • ,- - . . • , 8 ao' r, rti -,, bactirr txrum, Yor Ilmlya, plitageraltalle,., Bu ff alo, Detroit, OhlOago,, lffllinnikoa,4l44Bdiaid;rialsna,At..Pakko, Burlington, and 8t. 4 1,0u1a., ' ..'" : " , The 7.80 A, IC' and 849 P. M. trigall nut thro to -NARNISRUIIer stopping :at all Stations on' ke lilt% non ValleaDtaneh- • • The 1.110 A".. N. thin eonneets c all a gitations Wilkes battik Pittston, ,Oorliiten, .and DAORAWANNA AND 'BLOOIIBBUIIe RAILROAD. Baggage ebeehed to Diesirsiligalo s and ilimnalon Midge: • , •• • • • •• •• • • M. Medea* vakwll4 , O A Philadelphia and ' toed tehet'Odl 4 oe, Notthaest oesnior BIRTH, and Streets, and stabilassen: ger Dllpat. corner BROAD and TINT:- • ‘• 2 • ' TnPlMlLlmPaiess FREiGIIT TRAIN - Leaves ;the i•Doot,llsoaCstrast. below. Titre - dally.• g ixoday eiceptold f ez sp points last' lad 'Writ ! • PiligjAti West be delivered before BP. to 'insure gobig the same dap. • Nor farther informailon, apply at • • Freight Depot. Bread, below Vine, .'tip to , pu,s, B. General Agent') •• -• • N. W. coiner BizNi and Chestnut Strong' 0014* • • • • • - Philadelphia „ 11859..:IWatagmb'18.59 14ea,t05 TO . ' "107MMUR ARMANGMMINT—NSWIOB.O:I4Nte. TSIO CAMDEN AND 'A 41211:44504D9LVA AND TBNNTON 0 09,0 AD oo !smogs, :, /49m tijila_ PIT. 04k TO 2 , Y51W-Tol2s' • ' 45M WAY PL4O.$Ol . . . ' • ' WM , ws.twov4Wszsr , Will lone as follows; shit " _ .-: • lAnu. At a A. M. yin Onnulen and Amboy, 0: & /0.• An ' comm.:dation ,_... t'! , '.< $2 25 At 6 A. M., Tis - ffliniden and 'Jeremy ' my ) (New .Tersoy) , AnoorronodaUon ' 226 At 9 A. M. yin. Camden and Jersey Clan Morning .1 ' Mall 13 CO AS 11 A. C, Iv aptaqt, 74 Ttrny aq law • 'Sty, "gaping ma .... $ 0 . 0 At 2 P Mt, win 0 den And Am'OoT, O. A.A.. 31- vamp , • ,8 00 4ct OtaboilJ, 164 / 0 0.0 , 1W 1 Or- B ' oo - 9.9,11, ATenii4=o4. .1.• 81% r. as., by Ott s, , 'Tacony ety Otty, 01134 Tlqat 47 6 520 U.,.f10 derp4en 244 away OttY,'„lfvealcit h sit, ire.,irr, . 8 20 lit l P-M.:Yirualaaati alley Olty, Night Mall ' • •• 26 At, F P via Camden and. Amboy, Accomitedation freight and Passenger)—lst OlamTlaket 226' Nd Clams Ticket 160 At 6P 11.,via Camden and Amboy, Aosommodelloo4 (freight and paesenger), Teket,'„.; The BP. Id, 14GG:iiiit OVP - 14 1141, Saturdays exoeptott •L , - • Mxpreas Linea stop at Prinelpal Stations ooly. for :Belvidere, Masten, Flemington,' &a., at 8 A: U. 8,4 P. M. S' -; Nor Water Gap, Ntrtindebnrg, Scranton, WiiNesbarre, ,ktobtroee, Great , Band, Ate!',"at yie Asiarie, Lackawanna, atetWaiteriMum r . _ - - Nor Breebold, et 6 A. 61. *O4l P. For Mount Golly, tit intl . !' A: U.', and 2,y, 4% and 6, I°. MAT r4 14 §4 ' Preatour e 6., 14.04 fail 4J;111. fret • ' VOr k a, I( lan* BeviriN, B4Yiingtec, Boy' denternace" at gm P. M.- - -Btgainkahltiplahrd'inedkton, for Tabour et 114. ill., ani l iq ;A4400 ( 1'010 .itattrliPttlatg lraot Gt 411 Bte r aiiiheit Yobii foiTiorial at 8)( A:M., sad - for:Brictol.4.lnriingion Mad interreedlatellaces, at.l2 YMtp ponnde of baggage only,aliowed shah passenger. Paasengers Ore ,Ipmmited,tivm. taking anything atibl gage buy. titirwGeringippstel. 'All baggage Overtf Poullar 'Whe'l 4 l4l47l , C "Daanritt i tt Tsibility oi. :yo 6.d01l 'per po ot be 11 4 1 V dr'.'W7, ,b06114'*4041,.,0x cep by erefalroontrOt. ' June t' •WM. GATtillift. 'V&A:" _ .FIIITADELPOI4 3 KENT "-011 imet titer' maims ° II ' y 9th 18D9 anus farther notice. TOR iieRRMANTO*N. - ' Limo Philadelphili 8,7, - 8, 84, Wt.,. /4 1 111419, A. Of 2 1 O, OpOpO.Vb Op 7,8, V, 4 0 , alai 11, Leave thirmantowti Q 7,7,4 ex, o 10 11, A. M., .19%,4;9;8.4;6,(1,6 •ON SUNDAYS, - 10 oroPktiadolphis 9.0 . 4 404.4. 51., 9, 4,1, ant toga 8 lA 1.1 0 ram, 4 , awn om nin t B. IA - H I LL RA/44104P. Lints - PALMaI4IOS.II. - 0,11,".811, 1.1,- 4. u t . 9, y;6, 4, 5,4,1 e, 1 1 /4 - 1, N - 4 6 65 lAOB Pliontno U, 11 " 12,40; 8.40, 6 40, 7.10, p 40, 50.10 P. . •• • • "' • ON 'SUNDAYS; • . Le are o.o6 min. A. M., 2,6, and 7X Leave Ohesinnt Hill 7.60 A M.`,12.60, 6.12 P. 2.1. pun 00176/101100NAN AND 'NORRVITOWN, ' Lama Philadelphia, 6, 8.06 min., 10 06 m1n., , 11% A. 14:, 1 Otinrin;, 4,4 f, 51f, 0 X, / I.X u, Leon Noirlitown 0,7; 0, A. 61,1, BN, 44, g, t P. U. tBj~j BU Le47o v A. 61., 8 and 4 P.M. . ,11 1,4aire Norristown 7 A. M., 1 and 6 P:l4. FOR idANAYIINIE 'Leave Philadelphia 6, 7,06 min., 8 05 min , 4}(, 10.06 min• , k • 11 X A. M., 1.05 min.; 2 06 min., 8.06 min , 4w, aw, V 4, 11 4 1 4, Unto , flonalunic 00 4 Ix, kw, ex, uoi lig 4. M.; I)f, - 8.05 min 4,5„ 8.0 NV min. P. M. • Q. SUNDAYS, LearePliiledelphia p 4.11., 0, 4 Pc M.' Toni" mansilunr Tw A 68:. kw, H. 8%. • . 14. gt4PrEr,-Gemimil tendon'. 9 , 4 JuspoPitiLNTll an EN 811. PAQN/D, JANl7ellt Id, : lera).:=-In , 'eonsegnenee of Abe rw t rent lovlretioon reeelted by 41-e to repair the Aimee of iOhelPPtitat'_iyinee to- , putt ed MUM; ,kg leave hereby ;to, inform former mut tompre.-eod the pinblio y6i34; nil, that I hare 'ay.: pointed Mews. Y. 0 . -O ROUWRItTANOHaIt, & CO., Bole; Asertte la Nig Nolte& States, for the 'gale of my W Itrineli •My • Winne have been so long and raootablytnoW4 In the IThited`Statea, un .gopeasary to - eotnnient on thelynuallsy, blither than to lay that my new ehtpments will In no Maybe found in rerler to the rbthltit• 4401; ILLS fi_surkm Timis 1 . 0 kEIPORT lilt/AC/LAT 5141,m0x. Mintown,"BL.AORBD,, & BUMP valblil.• OR II AMPAOR W _ .8c LIGHT, SRIENTINQS, both OABINS-P:ari 1 /BRZENAYi , for sale and. non- -bottable YormLeport, ce, „. oracle tor gently on bend In lots to suit purchasers, by ; ••• ; ; '"5/10TPIYROMAM &-WRIO L L , R &MOWN% CO.i, 24 'Scala- .F.R9, 2 y4", 6 Z - 14.1V-L827214. sr. ,;. New lrovß A c0a11147 - - ititt laiuilr'ati * H:: NORT 'iPEN'NBYL- V; ANIAIIAILIOAD: , -Th - -- IN : •:, , ;z..,81:13161.11R ABBARGENINNT:. '.. :-,' ' „Poi RETHLPESIetd, DOYLIrrOWN;-11APTON,• 91113NTOWN. , MAUOR ,-011713116,,, 4630180 N, IN zrajaidßAßßl. iko • - - - , . Oit' iitieittde stosuir; Raj lfitb, r o4:4ameriter Tram! wilneeve WONT iud tifkLOW §tite , ttabiliV delptle,VAlTX,.(Bundsys am d.:): •, ..'" ••• Tor ,Beghlehem, , Alientown. taph Ohttalw Wilkes; . berreafieleton• ke•;ll4affeati yat.41.,'.11 80;6; K. tor BpaaKisii,e(litpres "i•. J.. I .. ii.4,oP'l l • K. Por Doklaatown,ploookmodiitioi4 ik• ''" '' it , , , .••• • " ' r , 18'6: IC andi) P. . For 9 Ort , WaeldlagrOrq t4kOokiiimitto4,rit t . ' - ' L.. , 6,, -• 'Ai 80 P 1:14 and 840 . 11. '' ~' Ttg 1r )T laNB 40:11, TH,.110398A F 1119kr • • • ' ' - :Lome Iliemehemi (I.lmoulratB Atli' and 4 , 10 P. K. Tlaire Doylestown, (Actopovxdatigni) rliti 4 n .....andtP t * 1 4• Ye 14 , 1V ,0441t,i1ii (Motu* ilKrat' .0 .. • : .-., , ^" 4 3 , 04.' „kid 888 P.M. ~ •.` ' ' 1 ' ' cirtlex*D4.l . 4 i , , ridiaael64l2,lor Dquitorg, sit•4o 'AUK:sell P.M. Dayleatowa, for Plume.; it o'Bo A. 4 . and 6 46•P.118. - - Pare to bethleheni 'Bl6O , ;ad, Me 010ndr21 2 .,__60 i MAIO:kW $ 1 : 90 06 1 /o'yleatogii 00 ntli t° wiff '?!" 611 1 Paeienger• •Traini AtmeOpt ft l o lll, :lriaini) 0411- neoteist Berke street with Pink and Slain-streete kid 8:1004d and Thir d•etreetsPasethstrßabOkle," ' - -- I-paesengera (or Wllkeebarre take 980 A B. T rain, , and 4rrirt4 in,W,lLkestperte at P . 14,, ' •• mylil :•, ' , g ~ ' '"'"':". 71:L19,0,613 Agent.% ' . „ TRE„Etliprs'Kuvreilk tilt i A . V.A. /I , - ROA.D. ,• • ', - '-- 1 ;; A5 ,,A P . ' OrttAtigal 1859. ,2*,M af , IIKAIDITIr Or 4'lllir,;tio*DT. lii - Fittritt - FP 4 lFitier k 4attnafr A ClPSSN Gll Lirnittitt,'' ' • HirriVIIEN ParLSOELFRin., AN t r PITTSBURG', Connecting lilted st Philadelpi:pwi,Through,Troni front IliMtbn', New York and all • MU eascand at the linidn'tDepot at Pittsburg with' limp& Trains-for Olm' Monett, fit Louis, Oleviand, Maio, Burlington; St. ,Peall's, Indianapolis, Loutwilier New Orleans, and all intelmediate pointoitin Mao, Indians,•LUMOla, Ken' Why, Michigan, *Maoists, Minnesota. Miami, Kan esti, pailkiiibreaks.kkits:furniehing facilities for the transportation of Pliesenwers wpstuel - ' for, speed , and no ni • oribtanthiherr +. ' obti: ' ' , t '' ' , I. T gash ,and Nast Line* , Ili through to Pittabtrg• wit suplOumor;loVotsilteksts. • , •-0 . 9 t Oars pre n, id triacliTrati 1 W - Miditiire kiwis :Vets to Kip inelart Train*: The NE ,Rlllol4,iltrlgHt4/41W/4 Malt and lisstildnete, lituldh,” excepted; . • Mail `Trif - Isirrii PhllitileiPlalecati.l64: M. • • •'- - last Line, I tt.," t i• u . ts .a - , p mgo,k, pi; intent Trait leaves • E l / 4 .M. •• 1 .' WAY- TRAINS Mail. As FOLLOWS : ''. • Pariatarg Sccommndatlon at 11 ik: M. • • HarrlibturArelomnindation, oil' Oolumbit, 7.00 P. M Ool*ble t „ t _ , ,-, , ~' ~ .ASO ,P. M. • .. tPaisengell ' Pie Weet'Obester Will 'take the' Mall; Pintekbtrir: and 'Lateaster Tillie, at the Penniylva nletniolrdad P airenterlitstion.•, ~,. • iluteengere r for EtuMnsy,YrilliimePort, Illsuirs, puf.• , fain ; Mort Talk - add intermediate points,- leaving I.ld /au. snit: gm 2,51)50 abseil, thronill'iL L t it , ~.- it^ • t.", • , ,-• ,-; - , t - I •• ',Tickets weetwerei may - be optioned at the • Ofilee 'of the; OoMpany in+PhlisdelPhlei New• York, Boston; dr Baltinturpitand TicketsTiOtward at any of the import , an s4llcOli OlOr r allailthe Weet; also on hoard' any of thri,reWalla' of litataisers oh the 'Mlesissitipi Or- Oho . g 4, 1,,,, , ••t•tr P" 0 ..=',.; ;S• d 3 - -: , ' ~ .4. 4k kinlnnYi di Ipw se. any „tither Haute. •t•, , .. . , -, hp, tomplatiow skf„tite r 'Western.connatOone of „ the , Tenmiliania'litilidadto Mow, makes this the • - " - bIIthOTILLOWBETW.IIII6/4T - 11AIIT :A.NPITHS ;_'this - ,• t• ... , of. tea* liyAllit'llafitosit BKdge at PitPteburtarolditit altdrayage ini - finglitgo of Ireight, , :tizsgethef Oath AIM Oaring Lof.t tinidr Are Idvsgt= r'nfgrlinstP=4o,, 1 1 1 ‘P I OPPIAC , ,; •6 9it_.;„ 15 ;;,, i _ tr.' , $ •L "f., - ;1/11,1110EITII 11018TWAID; (~.: ,-,;',.` ''' ,L• •') -, • ,-By. this idnuts,Preights of all descriptions can be for.. waded frorn philadopkii, New York, Boalort, or,Kalli• mereilo any pchlt tenth. Italiroldi of 0hi.0, - geotnetn, Indian* Illinole, Wispotgain r iiira r or. Miesouri, by Itellsoaci4lrest. : , The Fennolkb% Itsli o „ i t a , lio no nnect eti Pittsburg : ov: Steamers, by whichlTOddi din hi forwarded to any on thelOhloi:Mosidnguns;• Kentucky, Tennessee, mberland LillitoleihilmissippiiWisoonain, Missouri, aril tK • .t.Atianelle; and ;Mild lityme;) and, st Oleveland, 131; du sky, and Ohlsagovithlteentas to all ports on th Sarthwartern Lakes. l 2„ 1 :' •', • i , ~ • GiChanta tend. Phr cnittiptiltp ' lion OfAietr /liLeie Alibi ore , oan tr = rta‘ rith ' i lt i n tilf. .S i trOWlStfahl,siny , tim e s he We Its e Pennsylvoole usoewose 0 ell &I fiiizati 4: c ass 15%2104 , by i Oka, Railsoset Com a t :i1 dteclartlealss, to inner ijeteisies'fi iii'Penits. ond.” ' - Merchant; in the West ordains goat; from tie the; ;rill dpareWto Street th:en: tdba'shippil by, tkis ilonta. Ptietralght (tontine te or • glihiplog Difestios4; sifsli Ca O V.F4 4 TIfforIiV.Itiitt , V,•,TSURSAS4 - 1 / 4 . 6 l o ,•PcSiiii, ~.. - , PrBITIART. Fitielintiti •:, i • , , Day* A', 4 *,' atoubdtairule, O.+ a; 0., F Woe, k. co., / 610 • 11011 ; O. ;:a . .,.Yohnstidd r illployo.i K. ?ifiNiday, Msyntlle,,Sy„. • o,rmsbyk Cropper. Pori: month, 0.; Paddock , rk„ 00., lereteonerne... Tylierst,• IL W. Bonn ,k, co..'Oisetnostt,,O,, it:tlthsrit ii•Eliblieftt s tl *twist'', o._; ,It.„0. Itte x gitioN 7 -11 , 1•.li , 1 . . ..,,,_Bistilivii, it,94.V•A" - .1 , air-T240 fib. ..,.. iiriraNi4 l ;„l42 . l4 Jan Xi. 44 ;q 4 4 -7 44 e 0:4 1 i, Mekkd % i_;, lio.tlaao4l; l .' TA 0 0 * , ° 7 el'in; VI; . w—l4llE,94goti 4.44, 14.; Ig m by ~..., w '4O , milim, 444 05.. - to Freight •Asgents or; EMI. r 4 44 4 ar e V *m ro wel..:PPlT•Alik t i '-. . :. F eistteriding to tar ;Win:tents from the limit, wil; 44 it to-their bitterest to call on the. Agents of the Ogn3ppas,un it the following places before shipplmo or tattimi, . to. etthet of them on the ; sithieet or 1 felfte,,will Mist with tr,eo attatitto,.: , .. t , • '•&?4E - to ozi it bc.,,, , .... v 7 Bettis:lore. ~, . • ilt.teter ouo,oelS. 111 htinlit.2 3 . 1 . ,P,lce o - 00': 64 E o4 il_by , O l 4"BOittol.• _,', .- ' - • - , :4r/lAP 'lliffl I , ;'4o4lltAgipe t taerthllit ty ? li. t nO,l .w, (ten .FI t, .tizetitalitiO• v T4t9O• 4. ;, • r P,, .'/ ,9 4 ,1 Akt . . % 26. shW~l ; ND: . - GLit(49.Nr.iiND : NEW Tan,. t wrstiLmow(e- : cateitiv 8rg414. Inte Qr"; •, t " I Y341114111MA88, BUBI,IO4.AND , 301 N AW(.for - 888 Ydit. In aItIGOW. Thotopon, Wednentay, Anittet 24th; at 12 'ototoek noon. ' - • BROIL QLI,OQOW. :41La8fI0W;TInnnecitritWkdeeday, July 'Aden of paw p front -New- York,- Phlladel pr Boston, to tileagowl - I.l*.rpol; B•lfast Dpdtwor Lon donderry, first OM, 310---E4teerage; Lund with 1141 onnodance of raptly trdoptl - provieloot,ll33. - An etipertennA Actaeon ,atttkokint to -nook steamer. no °harp fOr.medleiten. " ' ' Bor . frelsktor pineagespri to ' • ' •.' • • - WORK IRAN k OQ:. ' •• Ao. 12t 15ravvy awe, Phu*. „ • - 310,1311 RT Liftd.;ll; 420' . 1 , 19•1211014111NYKY, New 'York. • 11. S. M. STEMLNRS : • . 7 44- f r Ativall'ANXl BOInfrAMTTON; • • ' snago. pa t In Lhitti alu trall •*7 Siaptvuto Mist b)a Second Clabtn' Pawns ' - 76 Torlrealit'Or paigags,tepply to • Wbf NEILSON, Agent, At the Wiretionsing Company's Phlladalfala Office, Tobaaco Warstmnie;llo9ll SENO, - fel3.6m FOR THE tIoUTZ . -:ttia4l4El3- TONI eggF4ii, vii 447 (A 8438•14- 57,14 - stoup ma t Owttitntl. P. m„ r ... , ' BT4TI 016140$ AVORptctlititticu J. Mil. .: - - IP.Bia , a7ri' znaugvii,..ii: . .. , It 0 The 11. B. ',Maltateamehali ;,KiYBTONII STATI; Captain Idersbraan;will•sill on ypidnesdiy, July 0, st II o'clock A Ai . , t , . ',bit DATA.Wittlf,' Gt.- . ' The U. 61. ik44 1 4 StaNueklp,,ATATA op ,011ORGLi. Olt. Jo h n A „Idari l / 4 1,111 ma on ilaturdiS t {city 88., T a Grld Sift . tale side-wheel oteamehdpi Mar, BTO I V& $ and" STAT.II,O - cmoivap: 1101 e • ran 'as ii, re extsr,lett day., 7 .i. 0., ocia., reunimitiott tfi'dtotEloyn 16 atm eat,' • A lm . Goode rNtelised acid 81 , of '1 ug slimed armory -Ili both Charleston iicec'Elaininiati :flisie altitts eon. nest withittriVolitp 6 401Tith I . o49mite i t, for'v t ll Ars in eDon, h Sou hymt, end SP e IltearAllbill- fer , aviduti on Ike 4th and 194 ' of Ivory IliOn . ' ' '. ' s , ...1 '• ~." '. 7111IORT•REDINCID. —• • ' ' - • , Heavy- Itreight 'it an average- of 43 yer amt. bolo* Nair Yorkcitsartualp rates.— •- • ' '' ' -• • • ' - • , -- - ''' -u - ' 'MCMANUS: " ' - -• ' • Freight and Insurance on a large p roportion of Coeds chipped South *ill be foindstd blrlizler b, Atm WO than icy 81614016 . .1'66,4g6,,,,, - •. • ,-...,, • . • , . 11. lio—trantentdriM iii Ridlroad Vralght I. eturray imshocersdrif, -- further rt in - oPutitttorr add Bevan's], tits' Itairrtnut-Quittplinie laltink•all 'risks from these toilet': ualtin name to Charlatan and davannatt,..,..ild 00 Steerage 31, ~ ; ~.. :It 1' 3 ~; -. t k , :417.! 7.. ^ ' • r 8 , 61, Ixenrsion Tithe* good for the protnt r t ay9.a. at dd TMota to , Havann,:", ; :i i - ' _ _ ‘ 8 . dik Tutnnaklli4o4Bl9 Na1Cdt1440,4:..i - 89 73 Do lifobile -• ' - - 86 00 Di' ,- --, -: - 4 'Montgomery ' v r 00 ]tool - -; - Al any, (11m." ii .. OO Do , •, - 4r ,,,, ~.. ‘ . 1 ._... .. ... . 4 r 14._ - . .;„„, .4.1 r0 2D. - Plec, eg5 j,116 1 1 . 0 . 4. • 2 41 . ,1 I ,4 =l;as; la 11 00 No bills of lading signed after - the chip had railed. No freight received an ,the day of-aA11i,4,.::,,„ PO4 heght,P44+,40 . 69817 8 0: ' • •,•""...., -. ~• ,!". A. IDIRON, Jr.,- - ' i ' iontjl'inilifilimotiourPg tossualeOur• - • acigoolikokiogit ß :, T. 8. Jc-T. .4617.16.1 k, ~ ~. ...altt ~THRq itRITIRE AND NORTH 'll AMEALOAIir olr A k ALVL 7- IMAM.; ' • • ' , sank sisw boa* to Friaboob. (NW 4 : 1 0, 1 1 . P4 ,1 0 I .',' ' &mond Ciao, n Paasade, -. .......... V.'...."..V,.."..- • r,aobi boarow To . Liplar9ok.. Chief Oalan Pasnage wllO ilsoond OsiblirP age ' • ail • The naive frock Borden call at Ilallfaa. . E-F t r u ta, 'Capt. Vudinns,• CANADA, Capt. Linn, A lA, Oapt. J. Stone, AMBRIOA, Rapt. Millar. ASIA: °apt: A. O. Lott, r NIAGARA, Oapt. Ander. ANILIOA, 044, Shannon, `-• e , ) ,/ ' ' „.„,.` •‘- -, '• • , lIVIO 14, Out 4 • L9ktf.• These Teta& wrg a feat trig not 0 1 mtst4tiut ;. relit ° z rto . t a t" "' red ill,' tort "' •g - 1 ' ' A., , , , learns n • Nein:myth), NI g la. Mt; 14 " i„. • ". r ' zi - Vork ' Afalubmiall .laly alf. 41:k4 , , if,,. • '.4 4 , inonto4.-gtoAl i topity gi. i l A ni o n ?Mr'. :, • 11 44 ,4:d a ard l a r i0 VSldtila, ' udfini, . 4 4 II York" Wednesdag Y) Aug'A 17.. ARABIA :inane, , ' " Boston: Wednesday, Aug. 24.. Bertha not mooned until paid for. -t , ,• - • An diparitinned Burgeon on board. ~ - • ; - The owners of these ahipa will not tt lotottntOlit for Gold,'Bilver,,BuLllot, ligania, Ziewaltf,•Renfitha at, * or !detain, pop hilislif Tad•ing are signed' therefor and Itortuattirthinadt , tharetwoorboa . 4. t - ;or frokist a a 4 'l l ‘ 4 g, oVI7 to g l i/NO T ?t 4-1 / 4 1114403.41• 01 .: inexal-t! --- - rt ew' 1011. N yEUR ARGE - 011 9PAII Y OF THE BTATB OP PErittBTINABIA—TIBISANI MA. BINA INSIIIIANOV4-N0,4 ABOHANDB 811ILDING8. Chartered' .1194z-1301tal ssloo,oa.gii a 4 .0 ars 1,108, sag oguimrl9, . All !net et 1 11 U A1p116141104 te;enrHiee—ionti ow to ittoi.iro 0 . VB , 8 4 and gum', Buthynge, Monks o.3itooninilso; &6 on !Iberia terns. AJBAOTOHR ; Heniy 15:Bieriardi ' • Liusre, Simeon 1,1• 4 ,_ . ehunuel Gmt, Jr., We) Haves; ona O. Thom B. Hatton, Yolhn Hew Et• ViIVAA) WO= HirikW ' _Qhmno+l B. Leine ) ricineep,,Onmen. Y SHIRRIED, - Preeldent. H 11 4 1, 4 0 4P105• fligretArf • •.• Jet! grzsm UTTO2O.: , XIMAIISTICI. TILER' lox Ornamental 01.linney Tops for eoftagee. - flardeseVesee lii "mutate... 7 , • " Ylpe for drains and eater condilatOM timprortsilismit Air kale by • A HARRISON. , febl64l z •,1 S. e'rsiet. • ratuaLuip.A., o „ Noe, 180 and 141' BOLIREWOURTII (10arlerrly Roo. 01 , 61400.); • t &AL RaITATIoSTOO.IIO, iablie Belie et, talc lPhilertilehte An t aliinge ever! Teasley evening; dettrii bildropse &mum r-_ 117. Randblini e-iisek Propertjtfained In addition to'whlth pnbliih ha , the:petrirdap pre trove to each ewe, one moment estalotnallipereAlitt lona, g i vinpfalldeaerlptlon of-ad/ RIC be.; adltion the Collo wiegyneraiky _,Mr.IIII4XITUR SULII,',B ALAS "Ay ',AIFCIF9A 11101111 ever*" Thiliedepinorniug.- • PALMY& ' W V "Ta alarti Satetintot IWO Islet* WM.. pate inelndimrtrrerrheearlptlon-01, 0 1 1 i ' eoestr irP ro f e .l.!7•.'-&thated Rite martbt. hid the' eultlon atote. YELYSTAI;RALI 'Er Ittatlnclto enterrit'en'ont ter,.-and. reltertioed, oecianinally In'ciar , Bide AbiOnklY t of; Whisk 1,000 copies ere printed; weeklo r , f" , " I _ 0 AlaDo"til ably ant Atiguet onlp:'ciresitonal . 1 101 1 0 , IS :heretofore — not *toy week, ea In the bean," Hell OAP& MAY, Minot et.f, , Oonjrnolo • Rotel: _Er pre. ,litheprnphlclPlrairl and hand* t. The United Stets. •Lftotid, , i lOW binding - kitas ATL4nM CITY; oth Anon. ew Almbin l • TlitlirtWir El4l,lo—On the premleee, at Ail.ottq . 1 'UMW &Wei Hotel"," . and Shoat 100 bntlding lote. , TINNVFX Liu.' OM Tali litpX TNAliri-92. , VALUABLI BIIILDM• myrlL - Jniy 2gli at 4 tOokook Y 114‘; will be Sold it 00 e1Inele. Beat Cue MAT; a 2 ratuablir, beilding lets fronting 1# 4 3 Oe.ieW. • Boattl- etteek,,Pith :crept, retry streeP, Mongresi - Sreet. Wrest 'street,' &bond street, Third_ West sodYqurthonteetso , nne.nalf Interest id' thoWsitiftEgtonMinno Hotel, ind'onethsfantoreit In twd 117'4,m fall partlantars,..4iwuntalone; ka , ass haadbitlAsad lithogrAptuo - '311.4.1;414 90PT4S}E 4MAYWAN/ra.8114 4 ZE AL • Alsci: 'e and loc of, - gionn4, on lithogreptio,plans of Mr... 111150. iots, - Cspo New} Jenliy. , together witktbsfollins fanitturei bad, , Etlog, .Ite„ all otaguaalleat gaudily; Toll Pelrlfr!Nt• hull rend; bandball ' r"' koii: lee Nyack Antitai Strei:' • BIIPARIOIr rozontmelL-InlEmoit PLATS Kit= R9lOll, P IAN O,7OII IIO I IMBIU 414221 . 2 a• ' • -• nuys4, Muslim At 9 040404 tAig stiotiiiii furs:, r an tosorbne#V 'of oadollont otoiondgtinft lainiforei elegantldsoo. fortooi'llnip 'afirrido;lfoopetO, `otd.(•' bosh' familloo"do olhalnif hotoloketqlogi `roosOf•d tfo Uror Olifieff , ,for • TOILIOOCO of we: ; • ROOMS ON IMISAIONY r 00111 T .VO-11.1121VW-Ap ply at thrtauettonaattoqmre _ • ' AT THIYATIF Iltil4.r;44Aareilit, the Pklladelphla snd,Mereintile' LibrarleCtant Atluttltutn• • AT TRITATE'SALII:-Tha:valtable property, wr iter Of Binh andAdelpliratitiete, Wt.* -Walnut, lane briolkbultsling and 104* ,Tyro tcqnyb . > ~iusiitcss:~CarDsi TORN- IN oP, -5 •. • ' No. 116 South 61X1 . 11 - 13treet, (Nearly opposite the County. Conrt.llcone,), - PHIL it.DEli6Ei CA. P i e has, by law rail power to administer' Oathi and ANrmations, en d Testimerly - ter he :real - in Bel- dense in any Court of the, Commonwealth, of Pennsyl tants " , lie le a Oommissioner of the United Stale., and also, s'Commissioner of Deed., and for the. Probate of 4p, points, fer nearly ell the fitatai in the Union gemmieeldiel`36 - :,fislue.efestiatimys'T from any of ilia' Court., in Nile State, Of any of the,Ooturts in the 'United Eitaileeplikritdrlife,‘:prbniptly , - *weft:illy elpiented (1: • • "31/ 8- tr- • Or , c THIRTEENTH- = AND PLYTIINTH-STILIIITA WAY .0014YANY OR TIYILADILYBIA Boon!' AIAySWPA KIyLDPSCIS, - Pa •.. „.„ %VIE - ADAMS EXPRMSki; 004 , OPTI — DI A au annum Ott*, faiirards Dareebt, Yaak iz!e• !iptrabrWhe ? 3 4,40504 1 1 1 , aad• Byeeto t ellOr by igri 140, of ki 4%0480 an' *P I Other - 71:fian lk . 8A24 1111" 31), : -U r 4.. - • • thwrat Bigrobk. A ,x..,110K1N ,r ` ;" • ATTORNMY, AT LAW,,-: , ' Rllll4o=*l A ' • ' PteotteO WootttionilaW 41.4W01ig,*4 /*- alum :1; 7t giik4l A:VIM , AnaitiNt; BEAV B ; 1, 1111, Le sof Oredit foe ,Teitvellere, "minable tie oill i rtatof tie tioild,ikeiniok of sie,odOlo,elziekitr4 Talel*Nitit'Vtle..,kV§d 'a-- , p1,•,e s•CoYe'ts.r7r:„ • fIUOTIOZ iiiiltglif-GlArAlf,v -,,that • the, Arat OHAOWLOIL • & :ARS', Is os de 0 Luolved: , The liestis, toys bast=' *swain &caballed tomtit tie name- or OKADWXOE.'. iBBO., it the : IC ,annalr AIitOOND'anKAAQA litioets. • JOHNS ,OILtDWIOIIi, YR ,NOIA A: ogekDwAo.c ' !hiladilphis, , Julyll,,lb64.o . Wag :1304 4 ,4434.N)ORSHP.thiOafpxe 4 lotto' bite's* thiiebearibets eikr givicptiM mutiot anent The bueineeti of the Um will hn Rattled by AOSTPlitAiti tihtlettleoettote aitithorteeil to "r4°- °°"kgitrwl ~..4q13 , let, 11115.; -'lloBWOOD:rshyvyyti , ..- 4442111N1 8., NA Bolt' *II continue the Tr:twet Oommieston budgie* and:egetiaihitibistite; of Soot: torero @woo, id heretofore. I' 1 L ` 1; -G*0,414v: /AWII4--i,::, c !, • • W - I,2*,`Wot: - NQRWOOD PEtt - ROSE;% ., • • lob 'North VIIDA.Whit2 lunrcie. 1- - ZIORWOOD P11N3014,-liai44i tie &az of 4awit) , Liapinn*aiL' is 'oda asT 091tei BOLDIN, qmor . to --mils .and 1164.• 40Pni NIN11081; for the purpose . 'of 'otioditatingt :a Tohteco OH, and One* 18611. „ c : 7_ : NiCk TICE..=—THE ,, CIOPART.N.EIIBI3II ) L heretofore - ellettog; Sottisen the 'enbisolberi, ander the iFirel of WEI H. MOWN. d: 00., Is We dey Stleeolied, =oast egseteos:_, „E. The bash:kers of the Arm - Mitt be settled hy - 6)lthli• 61131 T. BitbalfoßD ets4-eohittllyLllßl, who are: egtherlsed to r:se the borne bf tke'Lleit.for that put!- . °4-1 `- 00 1 10 11, - 7. ll B a ro V itt l ioo.o, - . 1 —I- • , Stafttlit,l,l3 - 411 a • Puttiostrets t . 7thmooth tait4o4* TA_ TEL It iRDWARO,"PIiADE;;:Mie' - imbeicribers,AGlNlll YON TUN 04 11 . 01 1 REIGN' AND DOILESTIO TrARDWA#E--,' offer for Dale the follcrwinfigon4i :• LIMO' :NIP. nor Obabui o f binde; Imola lautreee, log, ;WW I - rh.btcot;. toms. epilodtig, ralne,nnd other unlace ; P. right's patent nitkotaar Anvil,- and Vise. aL " Aurae Naga; round and oval Bate Pank . 4ora and long handle Fry Pans,.Exneldor Safety Flue tr,blaining rooks; Bed BoieifsiimiAidan Mates; Blaok=, board Orayons and Carpenter,: Chalk; Tab!, and'Pooliet Cutlery; Cantlinninfilna and IWO; GaatimilWrolitbt Batt Ilium ; Strop and Mugu; Gimlet bmaike; Binerion'nßasor Birnia; Hedged' 44' .oitany Winne i Whites' Biases; "Shevere,And bpadeail all' bifida; .flay' and fdannre Parka; liabea;; : and. Goes ; . flonthgatien patent ,wregaties ; Dooba. sixt Vataitea :Door and Shutter Boit; r Rend, ' alejltesind :Slobs - Gammon: • HO!! and 7.1 0 _k - 1401 ; I. kie; Stop olaav 4.1 Rho, lag hia wrombn N le; Vag a, Stool,. and Dies; Ilitabre T aNA Oininter Genies; Gerry Clonine, Arneidein And Ilnallshi`‘ betake Stance 'and 111 .4 8 dipland•sele.-DOM: And: MOMS Mohamed gallon rC9 l,4 i nnl‘rd dk Rll kn a 4l o 64,s,ll4atalialiF, !implore, do WWI hidglardi tr Uardrarn - - LT •-• dr, 80N., ' „.4. • 4U 001MI1LIIROI attest, riILIECI. D. EMOlirik CO.. A ONION No. 148 South 191111114 Ott i lihga., J r : , . t r a s..A. 1 4, ..- • ril lEttf t a l , 6 0 4 4 U, ,-, ow Dela boAt,,, -- from u " - " Atl i g artZt4AL : j ' ' ' e sp24m) sciturvutiu ' tpurn• :1 j Pi! ''' ' "Ir.!apvogx S•` " a y ria, Sk inPNROID VON MU. UMW,' HO oNB 00AL. (Moo No. 140 IloraVa L .119aTipitroot. " BROAD Mot; Wear mkoe, - ,„4,2 , , • PIMAIDELPIP, w - . • : vo, - - AND " 1 I WOO.D. jANNIRy.* YMAG,IIIII, 4 - 00.&128-erRitIT a." cceesentty recliand a lerim'aad iaparior article of PUB. OAIL, and ,UPPElitilt .WOOD,; sad, haripg completed our erramementa, are cow prireerial lko saw the WOOD , BINSTItit-POWIEL''We. hard 'en band.d napalm quality rot 11i41616 0044 ,otodl shun, selented 140 atp. .inallarn and Clonananns wip end It gtaatiVC tkuln advantaya to paininu: itodllug r 'APS INStrRAIME AtiO TRIIRT 00M .A-41 PAW?' PBNN 7 . *M4 , Ltin HANOI! ooMPANT, mietUeiit °grw: of 7aULP DOnIC Streets:' Osottal, Ott f„35,08, , , , lAsilf4Ell LIV/68 ' for abort-tOnno, or for, Alto ,wkolo tom. or 1 4 0- 11imits aad andimoonta,,pur. aimoo 14fe Intortota td 74tkr4; 'mai Vilma all ou tman dep.ndina on thooon lea of Lira - ,• They, aot onoacipare, ) Atyntalataatora, !karts am, Trw_itlet.artalatiaman. IMIZEM Daolel L.. Miller, Headman Coates, Richard 8. Newbold, WililinfP: - .Haotee, - W amm illiam II 4mia, 8e Diaries ly Hallowell, /i B DPX CLTOWeeezel, DAd_Wriaa .Wtl William 'Neilson, Warner ltll. Ruin, N. 8. Mitch • DANIEL HAUL. I. Joint W. )102..8114, 8%01. MA.Nji) J t IfLAND lAMI 0010431 g: - 1109 Ole,. (Cirgothlitt fOt t ytt . 4 As{ OAR/owl) rolotlyo to Iti nrsDcorpwilsoo/Apveed;isie.y awe 4110altrwur BI",; "Philadelphia. • ... , plxilyroas. Essinte.*A t ht, A ndlityLtVlei, • William W. Wilt**, ID. D. Matra', • • (nitres Itielxardson, .14r. W. 'Amman, Jacob W. Stout, A. H. Etwittatelui; Barclay 1,1111.40011, Jobn B Billion, °env W. W. Knight., ONONGD W, DAV, prdwakal SF 1. ALANDWAStD. goo.taior. •• • • - jal2.? Wtiring .bzgAno4B, .2EIGLER , & K. rra wen ee et 11X0ONIN and °RION Streets, 1 4 °pitied with a eapatior stook of Drage, White Leed, ylao Paints, WindowLiGliaas, aii4l ,- all. ethos articles usually Wed to eiWitolesali and p7. BE fo tabtipuraput ,4080,tf IVAVA t ii STORES.--150 bblB Spirits nu t. e ilentiseL 800 blobs NUltriiagton (0. 0) Tar, (ai r tre lariebbbyd'2slobbia mk t in'itore sod for eats by 110 W LIKT; : : ANIUIIORNIII4 ,4. 00., No. 16 Routh Initrraf. ,• . 1 , ' • Plat fIAMS.-- - I , I6MERCES ,EXTRA SUGAR OUR . ED RAllllWpseted reirdzier,-Pb.lllOo Clo,,ltonly [Awful, Jobil Ahoy, 110ittet Wood, Betty Topic:AL; Cialgly, *ad ottrisni. • ' •• • • - - • , - O.IIADLAIR WM Are ;trot. Second door *bore Front DEFINED zaites for ludo by _ gy 99199 ". UIRILL & D9O ?gen, Nog, 4799449 North 6..4 , 171 . HEM E.-875 BOXES 'HERKIMER `Li 00IINTY 01111118 M, In Store sailor Bale by • •,• • .' ' 0. 0. SADLER it - 00 Arch otrent, bbaowl door.above.lhont pAyin P. JKIORP, lINLY...II' 41 11110.taram;re. faßtik for. ...--- .. 106 . 8001 T, Jr.; A UCTIQRSEB.r.MO*-. ri ommittrz irriturtte-lti• &Moil cr Oii.; between NOVIATE ann - rmentlnnsete. - I, k plata. ?WIZ' i •SOr. SO 10 ang • aitTl*4gra, , 14 11 T4SMBSt50:0111CIA t ; *2004" jar Na: 499 3940141.:M949.: , - - - --- • - - - aI[OII:TACIET br_ZONS, ' a:, • BILL ISTATI AMMONIUM, - " '` • WM,: MN WALNUT MEM: = ,Ininmrt; Moss,-Oactionsesi WC' ealairotlioal Mato, nooks, 44 mi.,- umh°l ! ° ..W f ,lP.PPit,ro s 44114/11,8r.: - 'll3 - on od: Pointe: Anln /teigtit - ftlrin toand, a 'vary - Laird , aakatal "of 'tail' irtsier "• 2 7 limaildlon of ally and - • *Amy • .„ - Not 1201 FAINIITAltrilli i Uklw NI•13 EgrITA. H 13413:011001/Plk, q.Ug. AND CO.lalliggf.ll'ldall4462l, stars AND It&ON Strobl- YONALYI9.IOO:7 Moruy to loon 60 itmorits," ets rots. duladthe ; seavtairoied' taiartarthaskotiveler. :AU= ; 40, Pflifflf ,Oftr_ititirsit gollorc 'We mai pa • nws , f4 atOrage, ittv, at Fatima , ' coiner °tali= mot frifM E fillatil"PfißLlll'a.ooolMODATlOlt - - 014.11 Y - moms! r - mown! lf - ' ehorllbitialit o atimileed GA grgeoroniallhniosuilk - ' from one dollar thonanuis, on gold'and aibroo'Nato - diamond!, oratalloo,-, josurs7,4owlinginitneui,. r inotionano,firniture, dry goods; otothtmogrodertel,! - 1 4E1 , h alliT i t c a t thbof l 4 l berseff r400 1 .11, - kfz,' -- now !metal dee • vane ‘e:vir tometiliotAloo on, at • Nothans' .ProttignL.ffito ifshotoist, - 1 1 7 Iiiiint comer Of llizili : and Ate* steno* PllioBl.lBBoolfoTli e i`wital odllateral loireentaricevieti .. " -k .; • • GREAT lialtGA/NIC I .IN W Itlfferl'Aa; --- "T 4B LUIIISIII2% 6.ll:coiims of aolnliat3llo2!, Proefo,—'the follow!og &mous trillbsioldbmbolothank - :%."- aid WA,: 4tnall atinagrineo rine, gold, plgliah potuat ,--• tau jeweled ing 'orthe Moot al:Tn . :44 blot mato, in hunting canes and. Jtooldo.bottomod. Vid , cleliPraent lareuarut tratalon,lF,,knotiag tome!andoOon flour, some of awn' extra fa ll fourabot ind teattuake. ;Error Alight!. patant - hire iratahar,•l6'. - appeal lever , aisetleentes;i3v kentleg owe and- open - - faro: o raLoyary,attparicnt.:-.llnoliztri, liwint,:lronolo, sad . . Omni* Tato)* due gold _ . ,vest, fob, socik, _ 44 /4 - children's' ilium; Au, ease _cad _,_ hrstiezetto, breastpins, Angur-ringi_aar-ringe; stag, dalliona, and.ionnhgvalnaW nub)? Evans OM' at ;16 per thogeaml in' boxes of 204 osok, _ kV Angle' bon 'or quantities to ma prolhar:' morotui fancy sedan am. 4t1. - .kur - rldo; ni tcJit o- 2 1 : 00 P,obilat MO ' - • ' eaten stand jeveryxCirirerydeactilition , . ft ST. L91 3 8 , ._ -M o. - • LiratiLS' - BOTTA; ..irrAlcxsll. 'oolimuituON :SERAUttaiip3„-N o , .10 North MAIN ERBIUM, ar:Loorlilitgw, iferroarly with Mews. Afyon, C1i5eh0rp . ,..8:06,,, Alstlids4hhe,.),affee their 4ervieis -te-tite efered4flei itiefafserarers; sad' others of Philadelphia,- fogy sale of drigOods, otiN Pa - rboo.,,te2ishpoS uli ,____eltelriffalfhlorweirr i Wade rtosip. of goods. i!!!!.1404flext11 Wide torte lisp after Ws. Mehra. Myers, 01,141t0n5,& (fo., • Stuart & " Va n Wye, Townsend . , Is Wsw York L & H. (NAL 4 - If Wood, Ohrlet7;&V.. fft. M 0 . ., at Crow, NfoOrearrilk - 0,,: = - sr its* Me.D. 4..Woo4l4,la(Nolrurthimabet,otAirod.l P i arollsosabwelotqkfiodolAii o . • igyiirW~i.. AVING 717.ilDv4IVE PER , CIENT; IN '. . TSILBST,4I4IICSAL-- SWAM MIMS , 00 =• WAMOVlSlllgeoffikastinraat Wrier of. rapt . 11i .. PhgaSebSSa. -,,,,' , -,.-1. V'.'? '.; -1 44 ~ i ~ , ." 1 "-,::- -.2,, , ' SliSomoaasiskjariiii'A(rasa as„.SsiSinlraina.,. -, _god9II .I O 4 SONS 4t,ifsf 510:41t400;ggissil A sa '`.:: loatalramthiSai arlapaap pi, ilia' day ''Tkiidig. fir Olkitivsit * 1 6;6 - ' 7 9 ' 4l l 4oOlL:ii *jai nairninitill S okatOok lalkiriiimalik, IRS Sl L, Slaiatar sad Tlarodairfairesingii.thi 1 iNlaelt.._ . ~.:' =,%. 4 ,,, ' :,, -* - j _, - , , -'t i, 1(01 1 L-21114illvLIMUSIFIX, Pritialast.,.: ~ , 1 10 1 114 0 1 t girlaniLoolo/irot.Predattl.., , --- :1rt. 1 4 , 401_ 4 4 4 a 1 7- iba: Biinfril ilh11111r: `: 'A P Aiirtat sr Inn 1 r im . ir ,• • t Edw iim 1 ii: esiso.;.' ,- • , ;".: ''.'4oospiriv!Barii', t, Atobert - nottonos s - i'--" ' 7l ' lo4ll6l '.4.:__ ''' ':'' ' '- .. ~ EnsoLASAlitanr, '`. -:: ' . 1000 0 0 Yerzews ''' ' ' 0 10:41ethrlibusime, 7 -,:- ~ R ortrystmesdatifti; - - .MonoyAntintivv.d4 3 4) l 7Eimionivib 44 - 1 7.1 ,- 4 . : SU firramtaxarts are, =se .La ', aosfirriattrwltiv- the ..' provisions:of fila photo. ! a - tact,: /Mate licalialas,- eroaafilialq! ,ark 4 ISeSiAlrit7elema `lllOOOlll/ Xi , mill ollrays imam, ii r efeet tat1:101y ,tii.4o- dity. ot4lo9'lsid - whlnh'taitict liir tditriill 4l : ika4itibility,te - .. Ws Initisonon:!- - , ,- 1 -., - -.4 ! r -r ,' ' '.:iinfly. TRUST qOII2.A.Ny owner of 7111plaiii01 WAR& Lama arid outidi roostrotNanti paid bah Wit do, nand -without notice, 'Jai _PPM MIK MONT frames dor of tomtit to, the- dos -of . MO hours; boa ituattl 5 Wolof*, +in* MONDILVEVININaff ftox uutll &dock. ' DRUM lariat thit/it:giait Id; tridast r iad trow. ,fihpirwrio, estswirow lertiows,w...PLltili itO VIAL f TlN,'nth QP.ELNG IRAILDRN :SAVING. ru*ii ha oily: or,-nutuogaauta. -• .08lee,Do. 88 1.-Xostb:MINILI Bine% • • - glegeollli Ilishlittildhap,) 9mtargalp AT THE zareisumnispi • - Amelia •• • - • Deposits weeel4l" masa One Dollarand reprald and repaid is Without,. wities, with IFIVW PIM 081818'. from the dm el deposit till rho .1 T P148 1 0 1 , 8 inett - LBl -dug trews needed In the Northern past of Slie-eitr, end ,4 The liprlng Garden lining fund Ihielety* , ..7 - wea Owed by the leglidlitgre of Pennsylvania to supply Ode ereeebelty- The Nanagero, In organising - and looatleg it, have been governed wholly by a desire to argeogno- , date the Podium Intermits and wants of the wry - large and enterprising population by which it Is imrroundedll. , •OPPIOII OPIN DAILY,' NrOal to outtookr also, on Noinsw, and - DAY from fr until 8 &libel In the rivenhig. , - • • • eYAHAeIIB.. Frederick Met% • DlAPaell Dunk, • Job , P. Levy. - N. Strunk • • Daniel masticator, - wwilidearB BB 6BBs - Wanda Hart, - , &mph P. teCtbara ) - John Hessler; yr., 0 63 sr• amuse it pries Jwob Doak • "wok 1110oWell, Hon. kIIIsreA eeorge WOQIPPerr, Oro. VTlmern, Peter C. Dilinaker, Robert B. Davidson. 7A81115 D. Mums Krwr. rommos - ' iort.tru. , _ . lOW LYNN, BACON, t - , _ A &. xis m"att,- Davin, & (10.4, and A-13, aide & Co.'s IngaliOr PIANOS. Also Ma hon & unrivalled 11.11LODIONS and BAR deedrable for Chucked -and Dud= Rooms. I' Pismo sad Melodeons to Bin& sagrttis 3: 3. GOULD, 8311.134311 and. IMLI3TNEI3. atm SUPER/Qll P/AXOS. tati RAAB' & CO, PI&11O-1 Ihrll - MAlittPitOT 8, tiLand LNottb ApTAW iltrest,and Mo. 20T htibi,TWOßEftatrait, between obarloa and • , Light Orestg;llaltheso, Have aliraye On :hand - a lute, aro, .rtaient: their 'anpiner Planar, rialotiniended by sertiliCates from Tbuelbont,ether eelelwated, performers to be equal:KVA Weherice;to any . =dela tide country. The clazablitts of Moir MOOS will be warranted be, Ilya Yaw; and a griailavaarazatiaare. putted within - nix menthe, Ahead tbey not lye entire Lille - action. blantaattarin,g : L ost nil - will Jell wholesale - and tail, at the rmos, reassnable l icrit - , • •• Re.r:s2 ounrsuz, street Panaaalptila; ire oar.. antlifiriandlamts,:ntit will keep oonlitently on -bawl a m Pianos at narinfectarea'a *ices, - inkbeim 'DIEING - - ..:01110 - KIMING BL:SON8 ), ~ puirupuirmiui opt ;,.. QRANAyBQUASE AND 11PRIGHT ' ,PIANO-AATXB.-L - • • - WO,O 00.0018 a 807 : ossannir !,..71•13B1. Zoantently is store • large stook 9 four Di eolcirOS and ONIMOALLND nuerukat t es we 'me beast Eu awarded; at the 003ffsi2t lashibf•.;o n iht.c.entry and rope. 38 GOLD zri*-014111!tiD).14. PLWRI ElinV-- - • Samuel Slaty, William My% 11, James 1k Wayland, - area H. Trottel', - - - Jame* TitebAllus P 4414611, • Udassid A:Pondez, xlnkl3ll.-Ustshinson, 'John W. ll'orker; . ' .111.1411.Aralaer. • - `; Mound /,'• Obrietlen, Thomaii; "jobn.O. Bremer, ler, llaston. L up44114;p 01 , 14 ,„ t . .-891t0E48,•loe Pivot. „ • , 9.1411--1, 111,.i.1........5.rtm.t0f ,IVASS VW.ATBOW/ PIigItAD.ILPRIL „MANIIN•O/11:1/11.10 -., • I • “ LitiAIiANDIX akras,• ,-, i T or • Biok ~ o eel /ATILT DOOM, ltoree.• • BANE 1,00/.13 - ._. . . . :.. • -. .. itel m oe 3 1 to Any - vier 13 . nee.- ZION /tr./WWI/IBS, as., , Oa ika good taring at any ether usWishmetat In Ike liJattedVtatto, by - .. - ' __ - ' IVAI4S it WATLIO ,74 No. gd goatkCJIVIISITH Street, • • - Philadelphia. ararter MO THOSE who are about to 'p a Drags, Palate; White Lead: and Wbutow Rhin, wo direct their attention to an tme.Apasses and select stook of snob 'Cads, which are Us be fermi at the store of • - 7:111GLISB " al2B tf. .Corner of,gerondnad Green Streets.: AMS-126, 7 R . EXTRA, SIIGAB 'OURID 00V - BIU30:311.1021, packed by Gardner, - - Ftoprodc Mr... Henry Jobs ahoy: /taloa& Wood ! . : Boat') & Tamsolq, and °Otero For sale by • .1 - 0.,0. 8A01.114 & 'drokairost. 4d door *Dote Prost. OIL.-- , BacigalupPa,, quart s , 50 AWN. 4 tOt dale IrWITH3RIIL &- WROTH" •w+. AO lOwils 111110111010, - Deallit,L3ll3 'bbla 'Mesa kink, 'of New. Jitney, Ohio. and Philadi4lliaAin, for sale bT 0: 0. BADLAB to CO., /MOS Benet, esecea/ above:lFront.. 430YFEE -64,000, taiga Prime and BOILIaIe Ille; ISO bars ;Rini!, taftoll3lll- eats •+Rea)e b 7. .TAJIMB 4161.11341.21 4lr Co.,- LtTfl )11 ;4;g4 1 W.4 1 1 gi41: 1 147 ".10 asebsiteektitiooffalrritiohont,— TA Bids: bat 4,111` , .•Is t gu N 0.136 Sadt.h.7ol:llVlll &risk Istioilea Matta - 0 sag pawall dersitawk4d4l4l4.• eafirlaidak - 7 4. 41 /S. -.914 d . ' 111 .714 0. sataitlittmeT-1011 'tie ittAisk with' portiere motierlbitt hoe' irskt all thea to rftummathi tamed tbliol,itr*, &a the./ /OM* alajvadadecotidatleaspatraals r _ qui l rultir 4'4'4 dqjt, 1 enua 4 wV=. 1 04 !Wei e du* _ j i wax: tritoossuat.;_ of liftworrywid with pptheri ift i iresinstii. 'tor cfruito4 gild mestere • = Irmo ow& sums asarcri` ! met OVA daily frotill , tes'iroWooki, sad o Wedadila+Yiall I.?4htuallky.4nabidaluttill °WC. . nuiarintis; " ' -,---' .'.: James: aluiskc; . ': ' Cykiiikdkallatai, - Jolla. Wail& ~'' Scarce lbasell • . lgiolsalkiWZ Nemo, o' ' - liolkU t. Hyaii; lwais - ltrunittary - - oToc Thooky De 0 4 4,1 .4 6 - Nickolas Ilittesikkasi o ' NMI= i ~- .o ` .E.Natiosstliwaitio ~o oliplatclo D I PA II Irr4A 3)I , IM . Trli l k A t T ritv, - a e a , 4 q 12X= I=l=X ;lianas. Balantanber !Safes: DER 11.41.1115, 7 GIV DS • CALL