, Imufifp : iap,As_ ^ - "leimmommimin f. }`'~S` ~' z k 'r~. 4 , 4i - %.Z:•_4•:;;gVklvv)fsggiriar-;;thitiogli:l - 4 -, .17 1 7 421,t41.*: - .444lliiii*diii;iiiii.ifit.liii - **liii.PiCiV , ''"'''' 4 i'sioiiiii 4017#0 4 idtii*fits.!;')?.! - .jr l *iur.d..9l iiAtilitiyolt*itoommi.r..7o„. 010 4 44,. --- - - -0. - -roitus4tiiiii - ortorAiiipotow *rim ototik ~,,i . .i 41 .,. 2 ,,,- , • -- .4.,- -.ii ' . ... ,, , ,, ..... , ;;; 7 Wa1 .17. - 17,514 , 4;11. ,, 744:;.Tir - tc , i ) Th. -',...t. ,- ..97.1 - :-..'!il V; s'. -4i , ,, , iiti t *:i4iikvijfi4, 4 4ff!i::;;,i't '-';';-,' ` ', ,,. ,.'2i - 1 0` t . 43)' 13 *** 1 40; - . 4: 4),(iTi 9 .C - At:. l4o (: . =t . 4 .t T i'4- f ~ -,,,,-.,-,„:: liokiiicvl7 - 4t#1 . :v14 - 4 44, *t - '!', * - i ' POW , 9 -, AP' x ' " ArSPrAT I V - k -1- I.N. l ter )I? '9!t ,-..4".•, F --,- : --. 1 , 11yi:444i 6, 47))#11,71.1" - 4-: i.4 ,--- 4 , .1 .: . i.,-v,*D(itoistAliZ."4llol. Itailit, * ,f O iri4 - Velr • , ' ,l . .iy.ft,, l l 4 i.o p s ii i iii .,i ii ,6 ~. &I' ~.,-,:wz,i'mni.#o.9, . :*,.- t at f t,tr, _woo .. 0 1.!1ikAu, 4 4 10 g1 1 4. ) .-,trilj ~:,, N .A4mmtifit',:mv:;ll4ig-TAqiil,'!!!ArTW:F.l o ,l 4 l',.,Mt.i - --- - owas - s - pc P. O L 2 / 1 1" V;v1T-r , a 7--v e - 4 ,; 11 1 0 1 4 . 05 - - - iii'ilt.. IT, i , oy,:tont.ts, Os, - -: " .. 'T,;'AA'if . lititii.4liiiii:si'e)ilf:Aii*)ll , 4 , ,/qi 00004 1 '' -, - - .:1 ,, i- 'fg;' , ._,:,,5..40 1 T.,-4 4 .*, k,*;*.iiiii.7.o3!**Okalrajt:* o :. • ' - - • -- :-"lti.--$011:0, 1 , , TV,*9 1 501, 1 11AT1!? 1 M4•= - .7 821, WAIN' '-' f -,„ --r.;:icittite„,ppootwil•-,-,m ) P#P.P.-.; , .* ,:--,'..,-,,-,.,;,,,,, ' itatirgiro4lo,l7V'll lit:Pi" . : I l l li '- g* Tin,- - :;''t:'-'/Cit41,4**141.4*-44194#3.-910.1114*- I'S t.: 0-,-Vti , i;,-' 6 0, 1', #.f Vali. LCC4 2 4 .- -Oftfit#: 4 :4lo: l !irrg i # 01 !..: , ''.,llSk,eS, : e.,,,spicsusqrasss .Pss,s4o;,.listi l l,ii... 4 .. ,:, i I'Ploo) , ,S,,sr r.#iostii.4.::sreps„sts . ,i- , -J . •.: - ''00ItR:600, Xitiqq#4l.olo,,..l "04, - `*P-4!0!. ,„:-, 4 ~,k!1 . ,,':1- ' :.''....- - :'', ':,_' . l i,_?„-- I. ,"z 4V: 2 l('''l, l ; ',l i - l - r;:;i '4,ol.3llll , ,,mi*itapipmAik . .. , ,l4grilui ., :.rili - 9:0 • -,f , ' , :';', '',- ''''-''--• ??. ' ' ,- ;:'-' ,1 ''% . 1 '''' ' -r ', '''--; E q**ZINI VV , 4i*Vie-tOrfi..:L 4 T 4o e• '. 4 ''- - ' :itiWto:*- - .-", - 1 , ,.' :." i-- ~,. .;:;i,,i4,.t:TV- ' 4 ' ~,-,3,r)tior-s,l,4ski:olif ig.o-444,4Wiiiii,10.400,-7-11" - . ?-f-T ;04114;- - "40iiii*- - OrAcjayigiiivioliwcAil ~- ., • " iitf;: A oi ki is:..Eo7.4- ; -..*9 : . : 71-, ,i , '-'.t:ari f e.ivtriA::& , . ' , 2 -;7,t %PIXY' , " TiF4.l' *if* ar, - .691)16 .*P. ''-' g - ***,,i'itioliii4e PINAii. , lii,-IYE 0 S 1 8: :?..V. , ol4,,Ogf_4rni,:i.x_lefot:C4',-JAii,i42-iiirisk,ii - VS ii,Al, I, iiii i i*llA: - : l o l4l !fi,a i t A r li!!. l4 lffi , :s.jkl4E B 7 .- - - ' _ ~, l';, ,. !.,,;s( . .iirWri'iiiii',-,.11.41i5is , pi Tvapp;r 2 ,-flome',Qpo4: ~,,, , ',4iiikTl/.1,:i.r:-1,, ; ,-: ' ,„,,.i 1 4:,., ,.'' —'111111 ;. 0 1 47-UVIZ II4 O - J i r, Al ki t r l F M 7 - Tr u Fl i PT ie ' . ; : , f...7:,Fi:O ft * t ft . .*K 24 o t ( ar-4 v i ii i i ik:iii i iiii ! ..,ii, ,ftlis;:,,A),,,,:ymmiy‘itAillicß.kt,!.lo4l6, P. 0.„,., :. : .-,-Iwilmip,vcAms,-,osr, 1 1 , , ,seir4icota:- - - 7!; , :f7.:Thrlitriset'iltrsi.ciitiiiiST`FA . ,',ll#l4\4,•; . ll9';.6). .:.- '- • • +,*l_,.ll.Wrstifir!:::;lll.?*•;',47,)fig,i';',li..W..624i4.4)P.? P 1,4- : - ."!- - ' )- rlikktaiek!.o , 444 - Aiiii.,#*itii4ii„);cirivp*,:,.covii: 'lo*.t4i); - re6m - Fird,i(t.4,.. - i. l .lo. • :;iit—Tai - tilityiliti' ,' ' ,l4.4lTllWgiiiiifiovil';'Fialocii - TERaf .' lliAlijictpni, .'rldt:!i 4 4):tiViiiiiiViitiliiiiiiiitjefoiskoii'vffili,..-Oftir!-' 4 1 ' "i , 'S.4:=i4iSkeliita4.4-iiiiiiii4aie,Tui,*,,itftossli.' pp _ : • . —it ” - iiiiiiii c attriiiiiiiiii;AlAt - lits4i; ,, , ~-- , - - -. ..:•1 : (t 5 iiiiir_trii4 ~ :Stai.kiiil,4iWitiii4litigiiii;:iii?-:. -,•.,.., i i iiisc:;..oi*ailtic!", ) ,o2 , ..4l , '-ifiiiiiiiiiiitt. 7 4l4o64i' ‘''.;=:"6 ,- *Sailist***o•46.• , ." - !` '...-,‘:'•• . - ''!. --, " 1-. " - • - Fr'•V'i -_-, f.. : '; . ' - -- - - -,- 4.lll4iitaiiiiiik - k l Aaii a;n z ii,i' a ' f ,'" •,;I . :4"k , .**it , l4iiiiiiiiiir44l4'o3,ltiirol.lopi , t, , Liik s 'lii.l4: .-;-' f'.. , -Alf itios#,46 - is qiiii - C* ilik, - ,116111,-.l2o2isleitf 11.iitri)141 0- iiiti4,ktli tolliii4(at-Tfik 'O l - ris i , -,- .., -; ~'-:•- ~ , ,-1- 4 :- , 1 ..0. , ' -, ,4Rick , 4 l iik - 4 1 404i ,7 iolliiint 7 V . 1 0 41 1 ; Pt.P:„ ::, Mi ni N,lsliiii.k,f:AS(To4Ahrcirghliiiirsl istp., - - ;-;fl:;l.ooo4,rsiN4ifil , :. l4 o.st,ltoio",Dio!ail, .-;:Alt,<lficlitio.'-',-, ; 1-,*ouSiST.t.4,sfar-,P00,4416,; , ; :jkti,,h,..r a topoi t i*,,,Al t. - . 4 , .. - i,j.: ,- , ~ .i. k ., ? ..,.-_, t - , .., ,,, , i. - ,.; - 4 ""A r : 1 4,'1 , 1 ,, ii . ! .,-7 7.*: - ~-;.. ---•. ;-,•a-, FcC ". I f Atiiiilliii** , 4l4* . *4 . 4:o4 t ti, , f.- Utti _..3ift - -- ifism.,-wowt tie-dAw!:::`,..:fai,tiii_;fi.'_iild_iiivii, ,----'' --- -,, HMittonaprianaiw.. 41 : 2 !'', °. , .;:rook?Slow 4 f*" • ~ ,1 - ~ liliattiiitieotmr, ';;;•,:',til*Oliwortill*'?"inre' ;.. iit'illl -01`4 ''.: 4 ' tia1k.;4 4 04 1 . in/1 1'0 11 4,#! ;Al , ..A`,9 ,11( -ft, ';';.;,,ll,4l.olViatiiic--"1,41' -5,-Viii070itru,...11...;t17,1i.01;;!,*7,.!;1:6,:r,12i,:0kii,rii ' Ar!"-.. , -I' - , " 4,,,•'i' '''' 18f tiketrafikait, ",s .tad siiirk, , ,LlTZ, c , 9 ,T, _• 4- --. 4, - t d- , _ also., - - ----ilel a ct ili ' ,. 7,ll ll 'l4 l - 5• , , A t• • ii• ; *. a i r an # ::, - "" it.... - '' f' - iiiiioiirod . by Alielrif Se .. -, MI- , '— - , I ? i - t i " " '" ' •' • '•" . s '' ' ' my Itozei- mow - '"-• , laind.ltrai* fat in: •• • •-; ; ".., , - t lotallti-1 -- ; 41 t , 11014 ***l44l York dm" geoont • , „fit bfrf, bfg : • nielt ilium"' yirifiee'l9_l4i: land . z' :Od'irilei'd j tteß tctlie Pe i: 'MI tr6lo ill t• 4.,' '' ' dint TeeeP - -;,-A 149 . 11 , g ren,,ti . ,t , Ao ~,,, ... ',kir to 'bill' TARDC' ~ + !At '" '' 'bei:ir .044;164. / 41 / 1 Y f; fioltite,,O.P* •• "id,e' one) *!_' •• - th# "II ("i4e.i *Ni -;-. - :• - - ' the, ittet.,tf,,..,-;•-•".`i, : 1 c kill:4lM , b k. QlLitl il wr i os tork fets lifl"'"'"Pi.r.-,he• *W ''' . Ikabl` 17 4 a" 04,414g1t5n 't'lkattiel4V3lf tact " ~.^144111.1 - ^t ' i:, "Jt' -I t li° t donlei`fsees it t "''. 1if1ti0147..4% s on. ?liTortheta simi th will rota:, a - 0 -whit, _,, ring ihMlitba,--cre i re Islet', „6111-• eihottt dirf* ionthilia th ,diolaret.:l '''''''.' '7,7 :pogittisi 111"1"r:Litt1051* ''Bellt otleilat;/*Plb' , :.tio"-..A.C-.4siellitattie-ti the IT = -InAdolltel . '' :--witiolit*hitilhey Alitil"!innont,h; ofiter * • '- ' 'sllla° difit4brolit4m4l4gbtlitq=. `'.'‘ 1.'11‘;11" adt2”'*req,'"4l"r uilttrii;Te c ou n t unuor' es4,.,l„,.sith • -,,,, -t6,ritg..'- on 4t,,ta - b n , &arm- In ilit 9k9a of Illa r ia 7 Jut tbp lia-loytroiliairli, a no -tfilleitT-'"itiftre-T*.t'aP ifo anig• i " bu ild ,t,itiepiiiitillli'l- = - mit igifiAl * t op , t 4,0 • ' ' iii0'4111416*ik7i.w.....40 tit ~. ,-I' flit 0 t th y i f itr 060 f.,.",•« ihsitlite c • .46441,-.1151 01 skt" IS • t itei lieli4kl4l..,.%utetitif dtr/,l4,ftve-d-jolt„r. ' 4 ...•(-1,0t,-Atts--,,n m64ntlf " jog pOrta.- ' .--..:1:11% 6rit-i,tosetiolic:ohti4lwinai'f:2 o : , 'O7 t ; rta • i n , fr.--)llo4l**".ii?W,aitarn *th k P la°6 et i baa ''':4 AtiliStekoli '101046 3", f r i nalY - didtri 4 4 e , l 43 ' . • 4- *Wax° , 4-I b , tat $ lau „_°. ~n old soralu!, .., , - pa thee '.. i wareY•';" - far-,d aaed rt %i baulaili ,',l-402.1°' - &hit" Ili ` lefiitifutriti -telh*W ` ' Ott °i i i ' 1' ' rWill.l iql _ out te.Tl4l* git'L lIET:7Bll . Or, • '`' ' + - 114e_ 9 P - - tts,ub, . a 04111.1 in,101.:491a , in bowleg\ 0. 4 ibr a. 3 = - '-L fatutfP,'"-- / Mud' " , for ble ~ infora-ooree , - ` ' foy'ht - ' mte la,' .--- yes - ‘-oirpritou lot a, "iiiiredi! =in 0, .; , inyltr, _.,&iii wY.! th. la . -2.A.liXreel,L___,F !..ragi" toed how who :ell, :,, A,,tr"7 •os ~ din iiiietuo..,- -,' '‘.sl. Oast Ps'll i iltabailli't i at weo 6* • ,q,4 - AA th Ili al, ,v i n if t ‘i l';':!3" '. ar 01°161.01:- leariiit'63;',#' the stake! 't - ..., ~Ofc 1., '0,4,0 `,..a. frog, ei4. lii4,.l,ollters° it•dfs4ot6Y6 ' lir ,theskbaani,a, sitatpin'" t' 1 44.06i4!: --”, or.,.lttilio,'' , bts ,Aibagl c't -die, titia)l6l:s •''''''' l.T.:4ltr I *' !- ' - '''''-iiitifk' t°t' ' itha"' , /14f 411,04fololarititit'sieln:tb169 , , . ‘l.:':ll647isp,,iidiflif,.. f- ~ ~, ~, ~ ti. 41;410)±4fA 4- iNfriYaricd I „memo; toat-Il en , , '14,;.1-1014-01 01440'4 4°!!T ',hire., 9altetatihar L- v , V 3 ,4‘ ` ;.l -o,,rtijfikftuiT4l4, _Abate. Ira, - f ~ ~ ,---,1 3,4 e ll #l4lll.4l9fire 'lit . `,:i'iolit kr 4.h, kppl. , I' mriiii k tiirtte ~!. t No, Gline'''' farltnn 'rll'; iPt 4° jii:i'iliOP z' it-INCIA -' ,I.A" Or*, '4,0" sit Of' i 'lllsll,',.tlimA and Uve two . ,„,-,11141 64111,- $ 11) -, a Wink* l^ ' ^ ' I a 1r " - ` o— ifltedt--ii*. ssw - tr., • 1* .0119_13P N.. ,- ~,k, 0 1 sr ---1 i jwosk , , , krr'. 4v,E,liifft-r- -i„„ittcdlitt ,- ~,, ~,,,,, is d / ` i'c 's ;Citleitesitok, 10.' . •-,,,,, % PL7lo:gr-- A i it tip!, t 6 , ~,,,,o^ -- ep'ql. ..c= k , = it no ritti979„, . L 1 -. -,,,iptgills6_ n.',,,k.crp'tf A 1 • " ',..,, atioil as. ' - 0 '',:Ce-il:,,,,,,,6*Milillas'i.:,l`,o^`J' lia *at* PenTi 1 'to .u.f `l,B-10t*P1714.7,419z .14,i14:itc,p14704,"' irbaki i t b c t 'i' ** *lgniitittu J,,,i-7-.0 4.4tiod,,lLP.isaidteir tail! 4,01,nA1t0 mu' , e;',, fittiroo.a., tor•:'l!,`, I. ith‘ s ib,..) 4 'slW -i s , I ' ,Pl.c.lll'"viiin ' 14 4414 11 -i.., -,t,,1,,, Y e;," t New ; '-itil A .''..l. ' *0 0•4 Ili' rag.... '' sal , ..,..4.,!,t ,—,T. t ,. .' ''''' ..- 4 ibIITSI ' • „tail.,f; ':,-e ,gotk., etkt, L,lnnimiPlC iii *kw.* - i ~lit 7 ''' - 49,41114410,1iii1ui*" 'N' Vail ' ' / f e, ' :" stei " ;104** "1 i poet -tilt" Itleiti 1 $ .7 , ' ' . .)( 0 , irk W . A N .A . i.t ) ii i1t:*4 144 ° 6 ; ,ibr.4. , i . gr,,,, . 0r.,4410•44",__,\ iliiiing an T -..- a-,;!4,ArikAt44.4tsliTon ulgt_la a1.40E4 - ap t f , ,a4aitr __, is . •.,,-, a ZI - 1: ' *"Aiar;4l6-01 01 11) 1 1 1 Ai' ii -' -ita**6Pri '.. 11.501 th e .T7oiii4R-t)P',.a,K-7.'," 'F4,141'1'77036 IL9 fa"' li'''-I.:rs i'il'ikiji mt**AP4,l,...' lor 1011, t,1a S , I- 6 ' -i yibargl?..._.l.- 4 vd,,b, 441,191ia1a ." -H 4 ',l4;lo4ll S7. oitailar 1 140 1 1 ,.-'• 1 litiolitilaliaf 11 0 _, .tlZiliti-ir,- i , ! ~,.;.110' .-04,0,41441,,,i-idikiior; ,il,-#ititvp,!git't t 'Pt -iioppiii,g"!, 'l-P --''' •,‘-''-!ft",-.'':;-::.;4,.tii*iiiiiiii4i'- aiij f 4'.,:,..- .r •-•'• %f;iL44l;i '.b lLY-iii49.:l! i•5 . ,, ' ,.C r ' r: , ,,,..:-;,. fA7. , i;.114/jo7rasto ,'..c.l,lZ.yiik-oote,YlF",f,:,-.;,...-,.:,-. ~,,:i„.)-Q;,..glyli --,4 -;-?-4-4i,,:.toirkittt.,-44t4/4*4*7.24iii'!iiiii;; ....;." (4 , i0. - :t iditifiliiilife-,o4liPti;li gi _ 7", -,.., ---r-Z•:- Irit_tk _►--lat.* tir4" -laid -.' , 'crtc!...',„,,.' 1.;11641. ~ , ,.s. .I,'- v , ' ;jiff tifiX :, :'f'lPtyY:A'iz4:-,,..i',;.;-bof;6!lj;.-"t'tr- 'pi 14 . E i, oc ...4kr lm• - 14 0 0 1 4hig ' 0 'foie4 l . l -ef AitnitAdl„m:, itnb l 4 l !"' -4.4: rok,' "and -an , . li and ': ono ~ 4: Of now '1(414 -6*;- will l ,citiolii sittial 1 feietkoNt9- iti7AOPthit ' ,.slo l * ; , "kl,O/44°) ti ll iP l fift Judo korai: i: 4 ifili -4 0 4- - i,i'Et. ' . .1 ' ,..4-, ~ it l I tu n '. li, 41 : i t. and'..r --c-, A_?:.:.. , -;:,,, ':.(%''''`,l,-;''.,:'..P4'-i-',. .-vrotil-;411k=7"7-7-'7itiii4ollot ,-414 ," -.- -'- ` 4: ' ,;:4i i-X. .;''''" ' 41:#0,0';'..''',.•.i."1' .'.,''- ',',!' l'l',.'• --, it< . :'ri;-a''i'~;r~ P , !17 , -.• , The Iresid" gnit Sif.tVlatTl l . l 4 # , 'Bedford'' gpirtngaTiie,,i4kYlliko9.fni d 4tu: 'thee - antis •iagsliktiftsihnrg Pest prat,, geded lilitsi*itselMli rein te:eisin the Done : - iiratio_party; and 'denianded - hie renomination at ttio ' Ohs lesion , Convention. To the Post #elengn,this,high honor, not merely of having ProkidneWe!kildifgriceret - welcome totho Pro eirletiV:Mictite• , bh - Anitow of tile annual visit to our ftveriteTemsatiVinin also of Ujiii ! gp.iliiet,hit 'net ltiiifirif; eng - -: 'gee s the ditiiiitilonsowhichs!ao - ' cordin tjentsial, are afflicting the De th4r#lo'.ll,g,iitt:-71',WV/deslie, to mark the fact • iiiltioljtii)elitiblefliik`,*Ctfiiioei;;se;t l iiiilt. : Oni • I. 7iiiiiiiiire4Ctgraiiniary' "TiOe'reriiiideet l ie —.4 • 1 tt i lYo, l) ,,, l !: l nt u A A. ,,, t *4)7 00 : in.. 4 44,4,1, 1 , - .1" 11 * ~, • *l4 ` t Xederel?..Aidtileistrationi he maybe Sully coin.° yedre?..bo ie.eo:willing to Ofernielsothinglike being ltilhe tbilii!inceiteiViiei*sitteriliiii rose "' ' o fiery: 'e Othe ' rs. may ; raeti ,. iu and OftiT tbi4 they., 100 are eai~ona o f haying ;.Mr, hriasta;si: : renoMleetedi.'andiheforwthin ;some .oval inventor may bay. Bled his protest In:the proper department at Washiegtoti,:cialming •`(.1131 such'eeinnOtil tritinderti ; end Sti Pest glory' ln the coddn 4ubnesß of )1014 AOlinro the - die= to :pievaterrthe the renomination of'JAuesBUCUAr AB' '4',sr,,the'Di.ossidency, to 188?..;: With no envy'of oar `gitqeinfootarksrtin the contrary, with the , :iilffiiiisttOinible:Micairsitten-'or his - pluck-L4o' oU:the' Obvious . 'obstacles Irs'idalo : attc,": (ref liko all inventors, he''cannot t'cineisrifseell`ciOhni;iiiee the eininlry'Or the , ff?Atikong.o,o9ii. , ; In .the first Ace,' ; iSpoi AgAnjnni tebfivorybody,and telegraphed 44111hii.vicirld,4hat • he, cannot_ and will not be eicandidatefor re-election. Can--he be in 'ifeeed-ttr reeensidiethis determination? ' Friani that -Mei - Banaktuir • has on several o Stone changed hie 'Mind bet in the Metter .t'lhe'• - iiiiitlenii , L7=With iiiiWeighti*rei, • .sr bed, an d , sta oink ~e eire ta,nontinnote,exeoptaa trust so thankless? ;Recollect Mr. Btronerbui-in no JUL/ 1 1 8 OASAR he who- .= • - • • . •;.:;130 ibiiiire,dsobinits lii*Oplitkeet9 the see—from the ever. of tco the l'aters of the:Pi.cl9o-=- w pro"er-will rliellke,ifiesese, that Obirletr eto plies one distinguih:ad' Chief Magistrate 'fel) 'Wild te 'candidate neat year:' 'lf all people` would enhiorlbsi to The fittehrtys, .71fore.ngy, Port, the, enterprising Ait.Or,neeAllereafter, atmoy,hiteselt with no . .,flehipe po'et collectorahips, or - mblta printlag:.-3The trouble In the' i,,fl4hir , ,,Jedkat TOW/a 'thst oheartily: second .the lifnittromuistri nornination, 4 their, 'n °. earance to ;'ro e . .ppoooota of ,the suggestions: of the 'Poit p we th 4 ought, to he ;, Gitleddowuthgwlod ." -';Thep arefaetwd- i-""' lll4 X eb-' : 91 , 8 . 9 40-410-se!TerlO mercy. . What 4idacity;friaiphanta like DOIICkL&S, Buries,. !.Witipjthid:Atittretteztima,:to thlatc - of setting heintielveif!tip'against our itfajestv At What .'preirereptien thiectudi- Aatia . lh . rjoest.'effide Y tO `think that 'lf .gtgc*o 4:lf . 0/040'. ho',ol potilOiatte ibminea I ,raftor:_ihity,, , stiii, not elected .Disap ,polifted,o4a,:seelters, and, all the tribes that ,ippoee-tboTecotometeletionfr of the Post, will coon be - forgotten In she tempest of popular .4etbitslaam that irill - approve and endorse that ;eeetinfmendatit* And - at the polls. •when ;hit thee 'ecMie4;-let no not forget to_do heior' fertile tetelleofttiat was the irst..to,sugOt thetitie . reitedyoi delivering ,heAfeikifteratlO Party, from the disionstons ,ahloltthreafetked its,dostinetion4, - , P -, allifeldighlehool - Difficulty.* We 7exinalned objeations urged ' tgalast the . ' recant , High' Sohdol examination iattentiCiri;:rinii hive waited with Patience - r'larite - riatiltii:biatarti' - Ipwriin'g.litir opinion in ii )441bily warranted. in the , conclusion, that the -charges, which. have !teen brought, either _against _the 'fairness of :he • - examinationy. or,:againet the integrity of, tny,lprofess" ere ' , OE teachere, were wholly -:ironridiese." Thatfeset of 'questions - on - eon :pitiation'erse 'abstracted by two pupils 'of the ffiCh BehMal, from the port-folio of - a Pro -I.o.lls—or..,Ond' 'that' airy were extensively - circa= lattad itattopenlYtanght ,by. scone, and secretly it:tight by other', as the questions that were to 'ma; " given :at .the examination, . was elderly , lotermined bribe - committee, and promptly. , ?teltiewitidged , .byithe teachers and animism of. he 'Selittele,rl3nC 'those questions' `fete known to ber'n .the, betide of 'gr tnimar ; ,, phoottitechers, itf` , tipatt to have anew' se of 440tfoiniprep - w4on cinnstiftitinn. Soon hipeamOkiMiam.:ihrourrtiout the citY,'that ;f ome,quealionspbad feaked out, surmise - and ionjedtttre,'preMpled,certain. teachers lic'en litterately 16 allege :that-, fraud, had been ialirtaefre)eftin , tbe - efeMination, and that the AileationiOriall-tbe efudies had been used in the' dictation of at the High Sehooti , , TheA3Olink bentrei,.tookTprimapt men-, wiree.o-ltsain - those was env -truth, in -thetto allegations. -.-: - &-special ~committee was, ap pointed toisienaine into-toe grounds of these charges i niatis , tbay , Were letind , to rest epee - the'tibittiless - fabrin' cif a vision." The com mitiseilifier'n;:learehing 'and - thorough ex -smia seventeen 'home, nothing ~:tOtiliptl4tieJacOnationinattd4; _smith° de thltt,"loo.)tit*ifil,". all. the snore ' creditable.to the ; parties !Implicated- because every meMber Of ; iii. except oneereproseuted , domPlainingietatiort; and the parties °barged, litatistflnprisinMitett in the-dotinnittee•'What e4;4-ir; !that dimimitten'..has repeatedly, both' `-, 041141,7:and ptivatelyi ailyt i 'OOmMittee and it; itio!A!Oalp,,fuliyeicineritert- every one, from `tutprePer potion in the Metter; and the . Board 40:atrol ha!, by repeated official acts, given eViderice„ 0f..-their A belief that all of the ac •enied havei, been: innocent of wrong. At th r efi lest-meeting they unanimously- passed a rife - of i ciatienre - tiOn inch as shophl publish, or :fitinirdr. 'ei,parfs evi thOiafeiang they' Ossed the f4low og*olutik* au, e xpression of the; sense ortho,ifoird.: = Risolvegi, , . That the4 - intoretery.of this board be ifetraptestte,pahlish,_ ever his signature, the third rak :0 .04164 4.thieptioial commit t ee "on the 1010164 aitainatibru ." • a Tit - id:: not 'there - was mot a partioltrof liner that: the,pricaipal, or any weather -of the ;f a culty or* tfich..tiatteol,or„ otter teacher en 'plod la the petite sehogle, had, any, hnoiriedga Or .001/111110itj it*Mininnniiiaduth 'to any of the :weedidstei, - . the qtteitions tufed 7 in the examine. There- Was 'a full board; twenty-four , tieing iete , on; tho 'abot , o-resolittion * . a4iliiiiiti • i7ooldr, :to three against 'it. • lite Imiktireee VitanAND; and Can isa. belt reasonfo soling was not thiii‘,.jl,ol4:,,ttoi,,eipreasS their ,views, but be; naUse - iheo , loo 4 t:the;entire . report of the CiotittnitteO 141 1 4 1 01 - 0 ,1 arar gratified „at . ,beholdink-nuett-,tit — complete eseneration,, toipejttt, inlitterelanspicion - wall not titi.;ithisy o dr•to-supersede - In. eh allenging tiin'Otirteitai' , for tionniable nieti and efficient "'Ale '6311461p . ' efiore - ,pf kiliand inflifed• On Vodnitidisy Nadir , eikvivit?im 5 said irtilobCdtditt6iisidAtatielAtilge. -•-, r- .:Ticrriitta''aitAlr4f ISO ,nobin off - op , Satur; ,day afternoon nailielWeitil w :Tielt firiVoleorti for a premium of $2OO, mile heats, the bent three In Ave, to harusu. .$ Oa MI Luperali :,,AAtidiaaramiedad larks kingly crown, tlyabakitadidtll4oareet4, ll - not ae„eapi , the, nonitration after #l,any' refassla ;..of cit :and we havi, 'our raisedlalOrlaaying this: - Maiftdons men qipthOlt i,isAiroef that - , Mr: - Btorfstritt will 14 a dintdate. bananse: - Jde' Said that he but the 'Pittsburg Paill - should re -netither.thitlik.'lll,lstierr; of the New York fliigld~, life Washing'on%"Constifelion, , and .;itheripoStleso - ,the *dnalaistration Demo. ettleinhave'prOnlaitited that he is.not in, the deldi'Llf;,:hoWever, the -Post :can overcome - , l 4:3fltreriaismo's - h'esitstion , and pledges, 'it will harm ' many inspielontr auxiliaries in "ielte - The rtinomhiatteit' of Maces 3notraiSit - itChartfisionli desired by as tin. , 04`Ataarfaaii_jiaci - Ola, and af "r9,6044eY..45.0.Fa1;.. - .Thonsande of :;ittll9.4o.nsh•_yfollld event with zteitteity.l /rein:the White Mountains of the 44g10"that Solitude 1. , .4, 4 ,-Widieirella tam torsgeoiand /liars no stilled' The Eic.rit eau W&i i>3rama. tt!a„,sald(ol the fined of intelligence in great,war ikitabi,.ovhich breaks in uper(us oh the,arriyal of 'every European . steamer; we copilot wonder at the superior Ira-. Porten= attached' In alt 41fe histories of the world to the deeds of Military Chieftains "and the belligerent movements of nations; for, however barbarous, and, in'the aggregate, =- beneficial war maybe, it calls into sunk aotive exercise the mental and physical powero of mankind, and is so full of exciting incidents; 'tat the routirie - if iiede;wltiteitconfbrs in- , zdaltelf ant:idler beneato• on the .human race, is comparatively destitute of historld Interest. ttrugglo commenced in Italy;therelhali bean eicar'cely 'ii%day'in which the ialiiil'OC4ifencies; if they could be' fully and minutely 'described their bearings, would mit firliaiicend abseibing interest incidents 'Which ` the' pens !cit poets . and have portrayed for the entertainment of tlitir' readers, from the dayteef 11011 Na to •Iliii'prinierit time. In this great drama of real , life;the'theitre of actionle 'a continent; the sthise k thotisands of human lives ;:the prize at renown and the control of a dis trict er country *Mob, in beauty, fertility; and 'hieterie s interest,' is scarcely equalled •by ; any Aber portiorfof the - werld. Emperors, Kings; generals,' soldiers; surgeons diplomatists, istatesmen,andrevolutienists;constithte the dra math) persona, Cad the whole civilized world the 4614164 m: 'As each riewstthase of:the mighty plot la nirolve!l, 'a profound sensation is created, emrfosity 'atilt eagerly looks ler:raid for: the new developments which must intervene before the attain can drop ' sad a floailreaty of peace terminatelhegraud PerforManCe:: ; • Of the • opposinglorces, Upon" whose 'anta gonism' the interest of the strife hinges,,that of wbioll NAPOLEON Is the representative and the leader • haw-teen ;auncesafol, not ,only in. Winning the battles that have bean fought; but also .the 'Sympathies of the principal portion of the audience. , • The . current of American sentiment'-is uniformly in his ;favor, save among those who have Aprons Austrian pre possessions, and •those whose recollection of the 'coup it'itiTt• has filled their bosoms with 'thadybug hatred of its originator. The fears of a; new Napoleonic regime of extended con :quest,Wistch atone time extensively preitailed LaEngland, new, is ti, great measure, died ; awiy, and but little ' sympathy,_ for . the Austrians' is expressed ; in that country. In France, the Emperor has added immensely to his popularity by his management of the war, and the' extraordinary triumphs he has achiested. In Russia,the discomfiture of Aus tria is: viewed with , intense- satisfaction.. In aerratiPY, conaiderable fear dud hatred of Na pekoe exists, and a strong disPospionto aid &nettle, is Manifested iyet those feelings are not universal, mill Germiny can be satisfied •that self protection does not require her to en gage in the war, in all probability her neutral. IV wattle preserved. • ' In' Italy, the' dennttYmOst immediately_in. terested, the 'character of tlie'prevailing feel ing cannot be mistaken. The, masses of the Italians have hated Austria with all the Wen :pity ottheir natures. _AP Northern Italy re. j &Rein het defeats with a joy, which only na tions reamed' from a, crushing tyranny can feel. 'Even in the Pope's dominions fearful re. ioltshavebr'dkeu out, which have not been sob duel without great difficulty. in Naples, re voiutianary manifestoes are widely circulated and the new King is warded that If he dares , to persist in the cruel policy of his father, his throne will cease to be' anything more than a memory." While France - 11mi trtild t.om. hardy, end bas actively , coromeiced the' de, livernuce of Venetia, she has excited brilliant 'hopes of libertyin every - corner of Italy, and the lute also rekindled the' dying embers of hope ;in the ,breasts et _the patriots of Elms gary.- Konen= and If..r,apmt are co-operating with the Allies. If, for the present, they can not directly aid their native land, they can wreak vengeance upon, and.weaken the ,arm Of, her hatighty,,oppressor. Even if nro, Important principle tad been involvel.in-Alsemmiut_meir;_asp e it r __}w)i_cod ayewse , Much tact, ,bravery, setentido' and skill-40 sapertor etatesm;nahip and •gertetrabhip—' has been displayed, hY, the allies; that tho world conld,not'have restrained. 'the admiration Atte . togbe masterly rifaindei in hick one Of the most difficult of human ''undertakingts 'has been' prosecuted. it has been, faint tho outset, a series of wonderful suceeettlie ,triumphs. - The celerity with which troops were , despatched to Piedmont, to protect her. from the•Anotrian invasion— the bravery displayed at„Kontebello-- the cap ture ,of PaleStro:—the 'Mance avrlng bY which the Ticino was safely crossed—the skill and 'courage with which the great battle of Ma, gents was fought and won—the famous opera.. dons Of Gauntannt—the battle of If ele gn arm— the occupancy of Lombardy—the great Strug gle of Solferino, and inareaults-=constitate a series' of military • sobtevements - which have, perhapi never been equalled In the same space of time. And' they 'have alio ifilirded the, most astonisbing'proofer of individual daring, strength, and soldierly Proficiency-I-of stratek. 'gical superiority — and of , the rare power of, successftelly'ffirecting the movements of huge Ineitt:St4; and so ecaktyolling all the minute and varied diementsof martial power as CO' con. centrate the right map , and munitions at the right time at the proper point, and thne sulking consternation into the , ranks, of a mighty. enemy, and placking the eagles of vic tory from adversaries .who - supposed them selves invincible. • • • Hozzo for Ko.Anth t Let us eay , a kind word for Itesstram. In no nation hai be been , more feted and 'praised. more laughed at and denounced, than In the flatted Staten. ; We gars him a reception be , fore which that of LAILYZI : TE ic,paled its in efthatu d fires," and 'after he .left- uc we de (dared that the Idol had feat of clay, and that the eagle wee: bat's sekddavi after. all. 'We Charged film' with-lifolishly pending' the mo ney herhadiellented'froin us; and settled down, pretty generally , 'lnto the hollef that, able, tred gifted as he was,-,he was a mere getthis,`chas leg an idle theory, like a child chasing : a but terfiV,' and useful only in exulting people to Mt possible revolutions.. Well, Roams has turned uP:a . practical statesman, and not a statesm an 'Merely; but a soldier. Unlike MAZEItIft; a nd some of his other entimairlots of 18484, be il ceptei zkr,ipoLr ctee, 'px: out tsos 'and teilleves iq them, msd,,likeSe sensible man;refusee to In quire into Motive's where the results dew in the direction `o national liberty,-. Had Tioesuist been a mere.franseendeotalLet, he would been out of the region of facts and joined the imprecticables; who refines 'to believe' in the hategrity of - the Freneb-Enmeror, upon :the :plea:that he, May do . wrong' hereafter.' ,fie will: be , of immense ; advantage " - to , the Alltee in Italy and in alt the. Hungarian _Lie; Is: , a 'loan of wonderful in tellectnat resourdes, and wields his_ powei 'of Controlling the :masses with eqUal ekili and eanrage. , r In bin new , sphere , he Will be to•tho struggling millions - of Europe a great RIENZA; and not scuprlae us if, after tf_anomson-has' scourged . the Austrian hoides out -of Italy,'-and established Italian incle, pendence, for the firat time, on a • firm basis, that 'Conine may have won for Hungary a rm' lees enduring rescue fteni the Power which kannolatig - iiirsed• the classic States of the itediterrancan. There , is, indeed, a close affinity between Italy and Hungary. Oppreised by the 'same despotism and fired by the same emotions, may they attain a commons destiny, "Mut rthut(erown the hopes of GAMS rapi the one and of itosscref in th . e'other - Newspapers` net. Prepaid. LETTER - ME TEE - POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT.' (From to Borne` N. r. Pontius'. ;; ; •Thi-Hornellsvillo.Tranns says,the pia ttnneter . 'of that village baireesived the following ,reply to troide by hiMot the Postmaster General, ,whioh lasi follows: -•-• • '4. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Appointment Offioe, Juts 5, 1859. "Sir: In reply to yours of the 21' instant, I in.' formyolithitt if transient 'neivapapers happen to be mailed to you' wi th out baying the podtette on them prepaid, you' are entitled to receive them from the Oleo of delivery on paying mob amount of ;oaks 'open them as 'ought to haxo beep 'Aid before they werematled, • .• • ' •, ' , Tottaito - 'Ft rst .49.iiiisiatit au:neater fiat - rated." -It el pears ihat` the 'preaeht Teat tin NB law Ivo. qt:Orea that " transient' newspapers 'passing through,theMail &odd be' prepeid, but' it same. times posers, that Mash panors paso through'en. palitnniii they reach their destitution, the rare of charge pa wittehle amply, expressed in the above ,otter. ?TILE. LAKE LIGHT- HOUSES. Oommodoto obniitnan thh beton! Board-Nig dep art ltt a rely dove on EE all • alai tour ortheilatt visftinetho light-66114i of that section, with a view to a thorough mastery of all the details or the service. THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA; THURSDAY; JULY 21, 1859. MAIL. 41 VO ' corititoual. 11 [ClorretpoidestA at The Prrici Ninety yeariago the'tieletsrated Junius wrote a letter.to his Grace the Duke of Bedford, which I read the other morning, and found the latter Part of it singularly and strikingly applicable to his Grace the Preeident of the United States. It is dated on the-18th of September, - 1766. I -relax theee,whoare mittens In euoh matters to the con-• eluding passages; instead of cepying thesis into • 'this isomnitinioation. TWelve yeare ago, - while, Mr. Buchanan was Secretary of State under James K Polk, he' watt smitten with the idea of cutting loole,forever. from Pennsylvania, • and of sinking the sureet of his life in another State, if not in another country. Indignant and alarmed' at the local prejudice whiels had been excited against him at hie own home, he declared more than once that be rover would return io Lancaeter ; and you will recollect how.constantly you were engaged . defesidis3g biro, beessinie Of his extraordinary tette:l:to the tarooolleittor of that plate; in which ho _attempted to Geneve the payment of his taxes; oa the . ground , that he Wee no longer a citizen of Pennsylvania.. I, have every reason to with that he It once more deeply , impressed wlth the propriety of cutting loses forever: from his native litato 'at the Oleic; of his' Preeldential term. Id° not think Its will ,',turn to Lasieaiter to re- Side there Permanently, should he , survive until 1861 There ire fest attractions for him there. Most of his ootemporarlos have 'departed. The young and gallant spirits; . who ,once clustered so enthusiastically around his Standard, no longer respond to his call, no longer defend, hie courts; but are now - either ranked among his open ene mies, or among - . tile cold and Silent apeotators of his shifting and treaUhereus 'Washington is a plane in whiols Mr Buishiman could pleasantly spend 'his hat' hour.. He is fend of . prtbitelife,' and hat a large circle 'of acqnaintasices. , kooiety hero is &Ways agreeable; particularly during the sittings of Congress, and , he could, either bury himself in., retiremest, or forget, the events of WO Admialstratien in the gaiety and elect:orient of the metropolis.. - , , • It Is interesting to see how gradually, under the . influence of 'the - present Administration, the Ind Of the Damooratici party has' been aesumed by the old line Whigs. In five of the districts in .Geor• gin, every Damoorado candidate for Congress was only a few years ago a bitter enemy of theft/6mo • cretin potty.-. In , Kentuoky, ameng., the most prominent men in there plaits, are T B fiteiikten, William ,Preston, (now minister at, Madrid: ),end James B: Clay,' while the 'Adtailnistratisin• organ, the Loulsolle Corciisr, etaited into existence 'bitter end peiseouthig adiersery of t h e Dethooratio organisation. ' In Virginia, Messrs. Wise,llanter, Booook, Faulkner, Powellomd: Lyons, were, for .many years, • ranked with - the opposition. In Louisiana, United States Senator,-Benjamin-and Mr.Fpetis, oath American ti representative from Etta city of New 01:16012B ) Were . distingtilehed for t tem antogonistii to our Party, and even DPW it Is proposed to nominate as the Democratic candidate, in 'at least one of the diaries, a gentleman who only a short time eines, wee en active member' of the Kaow•Nothiag order. These inatabees, withenkge tug farther, will recall • many, others to the intent. gent reader. , It le no purpose of mine to question the motives of there gentlemen, or to say that they are not sincere , Democrats, but it le. a fact that - cannot escape comment, that at the very time the haat, of command ise 'plaoed in'their hands, the - Administration of 'the . General Government' beaded by Janies Iltnehanan, l 8 pereeviringly en. geged in the nullification and desired - Hen of the Demoted° creed, and in restoring to vitality and vigor the very Federal theeries which had began to be regarded as obsolete.- • In Beleyer.'s play of "Amoy we 'find an apt illustratima of thegresit leison so elk= taught in this worleief ours—namely, that the polar man to. day wh:egoist /added/ rich soon litids himself cur. Mended with 'eympathising and ardent 'friends And Po in polities. -The' bold,: brave,' 'hereto leader, who latighe all-eeldels . considerationa to acorn, and; prefers death with this truth to rising with the wrong, is pieced jII a ,olipital position to try ; the mettle 4' thous, who, under Obi:44mm• stemless, are, eager to °all themselves hisfile s srket; sod_ if be has not IS good stook of phllostoehy, and his faith le' not rooted' in him, be "will be aptio ciao hie career with' lorry' opinion of blimp , 'nature. When The Press took its stand against the Administration, in •1687, you will recollect bow many peeks/Cone were made that it - had. taken 0, fetal leaPo and :that:yen: never more would rile (rout t h e gu lf into Zik Joh you had tktfilifflioiMelicut and aapiratioes ; ,and, I have no doubt Yen art he. silently amused at the manner in which the . _ ::motives, and to o n from n at , oiled the Democratic party; 'Yotiwereeorepelleil to pert company with some of theta patent patrl• eta, and .to ,hear , of them speaking offensively of : y?lirjoureali and yourself. But having 'geed stock of forticarenpe,- and a fixed reliance in,, the justice of your one" you baits them goVl:bytt., and told there to wait for yet; at the Were.' I pledge you that when you go:out,' 00 yet are, bound to do, you Will 'find the fooes'of sitt4heso gentleinen wreathed with smile., end entleto et. Maud your moony. It is ationishing what a change , has Mlle over this Mess of, peliti. clans in regard to Do‘uglits. One year ago ha was as .much iradtmed by theta as for ;years ,go be was traduced, by the Abelitionieti. 4 In det.d, 'the Administration papers 'Seemed to' he mare' reprints of the assaults" tip*Jadge thuglis, after the'pusage of the RentaiNebrat. k c bill in 18W They oiled him Steptert.Arno/d Douglas; Proposed 'that he should be burnt in effigy; had him 'dragooned,. in the Senate, and mede,him a target ofleettreeeseeleebie degree of defamation, pereonal and' political ; and who he went home to.lllinots the whole ,pack, were let (nose at his hialiainifilled theeouutry with their hOwle of ,derisiont and hatreA. ,Where does Ste 'p'ten A. Douglas stand to day?' That. - is the pee. tier. Go with me any fine Morning to enrol' the Weller resorts In' this city; Where Pelitialana wet 'do eoegregate,"'and you will hi ortWised is hear into what sudden favor the Pttle tilft, " hay amended—what a delightful tc. senile hility!' be has become—how vigorous in,healgi lie ii—hoty . fortunate in all his Remittal, Tanteres— , bow, strong, with the peoplii 7 how, tru e' tO the Southand whit a shame (Chi la My! that be ever' Inietaied to' - foln the Itepublinnits, oileave the Dentociatio parts 4 l - ' ,If 'he tistishe oar streetil he is' the-`object, not r Mar* of attention , tend admiration, but of obteuninto de. Grope. ,Hie prestige begins to - he felt eten in the official snuggeries, and these ke,emacented and shapqtared place Mon, whose song 'fim morning till night is “I f st who wilt be Pi:v.444hr, 'Will be Vicar of Bray,'" hero dropped th eir yarn ee d . ravenous tione,have'neased , the f ir,itnenimtica taoks upon Mr. Dangles,' in <distant tbd`eterving newspapers, end, no doubt,-sire proieNng tbe way' for the future by stabbing the •AdMitiletration in the beck, which, yerterday, thay were olpy.too g'aid to term But snob is life"—and tomb are palittas! Dater sloe are intiltiplylng. Even S nth Carollaa begins to thrill at' the Mane of Dinglee; Tennessee, which relporided so eninestly to him three years ago, at Clinitinanti, is getting ready 'Tisk ; and' sleepy old North the Rip Van Winkle State, opens her eyes through the }Weigh Standard, and, wilt prereetly begin to (Oahu Douglas see sort of adopted . sop. Me flofik, the Darnoettstio candidate for Gi:!veretor ; Hunter, the meet torlifdable', tnin in ' Virginia after Governor Wise ; , ,I L antes .runty (the greitipcpuler Preto in Tmineascr); Bleary S Foote' he '" Marten" of the Ifileti'partylla Jiie etesippt) ; Pose, in TORS; South, 4n .-Loidslans ; John ponith, of Alabama, are-all putting on their armor to tight for ,Pougles, at charieston miezt 'year, Said I not rightly, the oilier 64, tflat, ho wee the , man of deitlny?": 'AGO Evelyn, in the, play, became the heir otegreet estate, he `turned, 'around io' hitinctigieWetiog Irietuje,, wilt) 'Mid 'previously refused M advance him tan'iotinda,-andh made them blush foil' shame, whin, in the niideCtif .his affinenee, ho'4Oreated bis 'request. z Who will not:lend Julio Douglas ton pounds now? Onpastoian• Tire ATLANTIC AND 'THE, MENTEDITANNAN. —Thu Bay Of Blaney end the Mediterranean are to be netted,'ainl 1.200 miles to , be saved -Icy a Steat canal' through the interior of, , Spain tartling as Ale announcement may , 'he at drat to our readers, it in neverthelein true. The,Projeot ban received the 'sootier' of the Go. varnment' of Spain.' and the Queen, by her'royal proolaination, of March 25 1859, - has granted to the pideotar; Mr. Charles B TA, of Barnes, Sur. te-W two years to- make the neekeittry preparations for carrying, it Into 'effect • Thie gt,gantio work, which is dealgn a d for,' the4ergote of shorten • log the wasp of shltoditg - and from the Mediterraterust and 7 the , porte 4T Northern Eu. rope toy writ then,.1,009 rotten, will be .285 miles inlength, 810 feetyride,lindlo , fiat deap—aealla bleier yeeett of the 'Wnt arid moat unerece• dented dltninalonat. It w ill.eomme,,ee at Bitbno, on the coast of-Blicay,,end, pirodeeding through the tiantabrlin inentitaineatid'tkti, valleg Ebro, and passing' by. Seragtiana'.ae& Bitella, Will fail into the Mediterranean et the - 1 ,1 1 / of AlfAuellt in Catalonia The cost of thin enterprise ban not yet been ascertained, but it is itimitb certain that a large partial:Ca the expenses will• be borne h.) the SpaniskGovernment, and nonsequently a 0010 patativelYeMall amount or capital will Iro reined in England, while the reventica,ntWocr from the tolls upon shipping and for rip's of oroy will be immense.—Lendou Rittxtrated A gODEL Cot:Nikita:tr. f vino.. —4 loading draggle, of Now York, has itaelded the following oovrouto old letter front a man in Winoongl4 Deer Sir— Will you pleas inform me What Bente are warthiniho city of differ.nt mega, s l y ginning (S,Berterriita yellow and Blaok) Nhrve root (Snake root White Bleak) Blood root filay tipple rem ,pleao glv me A correat war.' Arid also yellow dock root ridiriard or life of QM rest and Riot B irk I have A good ammo of ,giting 4 „qoantlty I r I can g od out b ow muc h they 'rid give in the dity per haps I have not mentioned ail pleas state the name Of ,the d.fferent kinds;of-roote. that are Bailable and oblige yours to the whole. Nile dinglet Man of 'Now York Brant me an nastier as Boon ne-poselble. . SERVED not 21.0ET,:-A. man in, Buffalo, a few days alnoe reeeived a severe beating from a lady whom he had insulted in the streets. WAIOINOTON, July /0; , 15369 • Letter frostt New:Yorlt.. •oortur,Woratner AT ..vits' Erma iloinattr : Rap SANOTIRS—IEPORTS, THOR JANUARY TO JULY; 'FOR. THREE NEARS-140EPTIOR OT'PRILaDHL -,paid PERSOTERAHroe nose 00liPAIT-INNATES PUBLIC- INSTITUTIONSRLONDIR - PROPOSES TO R3P69—AIIitEET HOES AT . NIORT —YAM CLUB—JOSEPR sarrettsON—ssrrensow nay's. (Correspondence or The Press.] , Nary Your, July 20, 1859. New York possesses one efts:Alone' institution that is daily and rapidly growing in the estima tion of the people—the Free Academy. This : Academy is -the collegiate adjunct of the public schools, , and 'receivei Ira' them, as pupils, th e beat ,Sattelata. • At, the annual Commencement, last eveltntg. there was an ut.usual amount of good rueeking from the yonogslers, One of the b.st ttf , rto wet by Reid Paadors, a ten of George. N Sanders, on the Free - Academy; In which the oharge was repelled that the adrantages of the Academy were „ordici;jsYed by the sons . of the That, , A large : proiortion of the graduating class of the preeentl year had earned their own Ruppert:- Ile paid Oust tribute to the late State Senator ; Robert Rally, and Townsend Harris, our present commissioner to Japan—two New York merchants, cinetteisively presidents 'of 'the Academy. The !ideal development of tha,Academy was chiefly duo to the well•direoted efforts of Hr. Harris. I give yon below a table of ithnorts at this port for tho'week ending on the 18th fnet., and acorn. partitive statement for the corresponding week in '67 and '6B, end for the first six months in caoh cf those years: - For weak end. July H. 1857 - 1858. - 1850: pry goods ... ... $5 858 105 2 208 8 5 8 -8 98 5 .103 General. roerolsnd s e -2 783, 5 81 027 HI 2 £OO 007 Tata foe week.... 89 181 984 -4 931 6(9 6 289,740 Previously repttd.: 128 801 018 02,982 021 181.771,627 i $131,982 987 87,213 En /88 087.287 Pince .Thri. I This shows the.extracrdinary fact that the im ports for the presentlear already eiweed those of the year . 1857,, and indicates a state of things for the remainder of the year that cannot be viewed without _ The morning papers tiontain elaborate Belmonte of the - splendid reception 'glifen - lbet evening to Perseverance Hose. Company No.-5, of Philadela phia, on their return from Niagara. They ar rived by the Radon river train at about half-past 9 o'oloek, and were mat by about twenty Isotope• ales, who " strung out" a full mile in length. A cannon, stationed at St. John's Park, blazed away at a terrible rate, and jhe expenditure - of skyrooket and Roman candle was prodigal. Broad 7 way was all alive with speotators, and as -the pro cession moved along, the bands playing and' the. people - cheering; the 'sight - was quite exalting. Among those who 'participated in the reception, were 40 Hose Company, 3 Bogus, Company; 1 Engine Company, 15 Hose Company,' it Engine Company, 6 Hook and Ladder, 44 11,aseCeinpany, 40 Engine Company, No. 8, with Steam Plra Engine, 33 Rose Company, 25 Beene Company 4 Hook and Ladder, 5 Hose Company, 57 Hoae Com pany,l4 Engine Company, 31 Eugine Company, 50 Bigine Company, and 12 Hose Company. All the apparatus was tastefallydeeorated with bout qmstsand ribbons, and the whole line of the pro: cession irai brilliantly illuminated by innumera ble lanterns and torohee. A osnstant diseharge of Raman candles was kept up, announcing the pro gram of the column along- the 'route prepoied. To-day the strangers visited the - Institutions} at Blaokwell and Randall's Island, and to-morrow they will take a ride out to High Bridge in com pany with their hosts.. There were 7,092 inmates yesterday in the va rious public, institutions in this Oily under control of the Governors of the Almshouse. 'At the meet ing of the Governers yesiterday, Mr. Eddy, mans ger of Eiblo's Theatre,' petitioned for permission to erect it. platform one hundred feet 'WO on aokweli's Isitted,, that a iope might be etretehed szross m New „York Isteed, In order to give en ex hibition snob. es the visttere to'ldisgara Vallahave recently enjoyed.' Mr. Eddy offered to give bonds that ea - harm shOuld be done to tinfpyohlia pro. petty, The petition was denied, only one, vote. being given 'ln Mr. E'a favor. Blondin, 'how ever, is determined, to do the thing somewhere in the vieletityt and a, man whtrhas the Otter to del ,what he did at the Halls will not be switched off frogs purpose by the mere rebuild a Geyer nor of Abe paupers.' - - The street oommissionei is doing the poblio a - 061114,'h.V having' the nettles of streets and the numbers.a.corner houses painted on the lamps at the , corners of• ,every biook—a nonvenlint guide in the night-time to strangers. - Ibe New York Yacht Club are uffiotally pulled for the drat summer mules, to start from White. itene on the 6‘h' Of Adana; and aril thence for llignretoiva itin,Truihts ere to earri Rogers' oti a ste ; ' wear the vo,l:flatlet) uotform,And; to yield Irepliott obed:otoo to the rata for tbnlgoViiroinest of thn /11. Orrjerelin.r.i.urigul k l mr , o f jo t n - to Europa, 4nel:capitol:lolly, is to hava - tbo - o haaor a ostoplimsetary benefit on SI turday evening, of this qet when he will itinstrate: if Oar American Cousin" for .the last time in this dorm try, and do varloutother tromieal things, mot yet annotq.od. The Tribune staters that Col. Jefferson Davis is said to be engineering the President's' prospeots of General Pierce, wbe is reportedlo be in the raea for Charleston. Impostant from Kansas. • Tha eommittee appointed by the Constitutional Convention to prepare and report a preamble and hill of s Ights , report ae follows : The preamble, after reookoisingonr dependence on Divine Providence, defines the boundaries of the Territory, The first article of the bill of rights dealers' all men to be equally free. .Szo. 2 Ait political power le inherent In the people, and alt free governments are founded on their authority, and are instituted for their, equal protection arid benefit. •Sze S The people - have the right to assemble, In a peaceable manner, to consult for their common good, to inerrant their Representatives, and to Petition the general M 501 0 4 10 redress of their grievances - . Sec 4 The people have the right to hem gams for their defeats and securityihat standing armies In time of peace are dangerous tti liberty, end shall hot be tolerated, and the military shill be in stew, mbordioatiou to the olvii PoWer. 'Sap 5. The right of trial by pay - shall beiii• 'violate; , and extend to:persons of every condi tion; but Oars, trial may- be waived by the-par ties in all cow in the manner prescribed by law. Ste 6. There shall be no slavery in this State, and no ineoluniegiapriltude, unless for the pa. niehtdentof oriretty whereof the parties shall have been duly mitivioted. Sac. 7. The right of every person to worship God according -to the diotatee of Ms own eon science. 140 partiality or preferenoe for any seat' tee 8. Tea privilege of the writ of hada; camels Sec 9 MI persons shall be bailable exoept for capital oflenoes. Sao 10'- la any trial in any court the moused shall be allowed to appear and defend in person or by -mongol. Bee 1l The liberty of the press shall be pre- served inviolate, and all persons may freely speak, write, or publish their sentiments 'on all subjects, being rosporisible fer the abase ef right. „ . . 530.12 The freedom of deliberation, spesoh, and debate , in the Legislature is Co 01§1011 , 191 to the rights of the people, that it cannot be the foundation of - any accusation or ~p rosoOtt;lon. action or complaint, in any court or place what; soorPr . SEC 13. No person shall be transported (Mt`of ibe Stale for any effspoe committed within the emcee, and no eonviotion in Sae State ellell work a oorruntion of blood or forfeiture of estate SEC .14. 'Trauma ag tinet the State shall consist only la levying war against it, adhering toils onto mi o g, or giving them aid and o "Mort. Sac 15. No soldier shall; in time of pewee be gnartarad in any haute without the consent oethe owner nor in time of war eroept in a manner pre• sortb.d by law Sao 16 The right of the people to he secure in their persons, houses, papers, estates, Ss., against unreasonable searches and salaams. shall beinvlo. I lie; and no warrant shall Irene Mr upon probe. Mir eall.o, stirrinted by oath-or effirmatiou,:plr Voidarly &earthing the place to be searched and tbesersons'and things to be seized. Fno 17 N.i person shall'be imorismei for debt , in any cavil tuition or means or final proem, ex cPrt Moises of fraud, and no penon,ehall be im prboned for a militia line in time of pomp. , , Bno F11.01;44111 who are; or , who may be mune hereafter, bona fide resident/ of this state, VI al enjoy the setae rights in respect to the ;pas erosion, erjnyinent, and inheritance of prciperty, ,as native horn °lame , Sao 19. All scoria eball be open, and every person, for an Injury done him in lands, goods, person, or reputation, shall' have remedy by dye, course of law, and juatioo administered without denial or delay, Bac 29 No hereditary emoluments, honors. or privileges, ehali ever be granted or conferred by ibis Ftsto, nor shall there be any oaustitntionol distinotlnna no mount dere or sax Site Private prOperty theft he kid invio late, but euheervitut to the pubno wolfare Sec. 22. No ol‘izen of thin latitOtth 01 h• holl to appear before the Supremo ()mt of the Uelted Sta.ea on an apponl ftOut the .Supreme ()tier: of this State; but when sppertle;nro Gatti on goes tines of inter Sate law. tbry than only bo through or frouLthe Dietriot Outlets of the United States. , Eno. 21. Title einciultatinit of rleta rhell not be 0011fb TU. d tt. imp tir or deny others !stained by the people, 'mei rill pawei a not herein :delegated re main with the people. Kr.ws PIIOM man PLAIIie•—A. gentleman who itt, thc. P , ke's Peak g•eld mines on the 25th ultimo inft-rine the Nettie Olt" Herald that the inidiers a: Fort Rearnoy, hrtve all been oddered to Salt Lake, and that past le now deserted. A compute' of soldiers, stationed beyond the Fort for the pro• tootion of emigrants, lost ninety horses by - a stampede a few days ago. Pierce A 0 f.'s survey ins party, from Nobrasha Oltv, lost their horses by stampede, and the party euffered considerably for want of water. He oonftrms the report - of the Indian hostilities, and the binning of the Paw nee village. ,04149nSfA PnlyATft LAND CLAn(B.•---TbO following 'potoole have been transmitted by the General Land Unite to the Surveyor General of California for delivery, vie : For the rancho,•' Canada de Balmundo," finally confirmed to Maria Lulea Greer and Mannels Oonplogor. The racoho 'known by the name of "'Potrero Grande;" Rosily confirmed to Juan Matins Sanchez NEW JERSEY Mantra AT Dr D. 0 Wilson. of Warren' county, boo, been disobarged from n St 400 otesitship in the !Jotted States Pension Office, owing to hie lOU Leoompton oympaibles with Mr. Admin. _ Da. 'Mattis( H. Ilkustonn, a, member of the' btate senate of Arkansas, died :oat the Atk inst. !'HE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. From 10 —The Californiapepera fur- I Blotted by the .overland mail, whioh arrived. hate ' lest evening, lOntsin the following additional in telligence: The prisoners who maned from the State pnol; torridly) , bad overpo.vored the guard Twelve of them hnd hoer, recaptured and eight were shot while in the bushes endeavoring tosmottpe _forret. The Tialien residents of San Franoisoo had - ratted 55 000. to be Presented to King Viotor Em manuel, for the benefit of needy subjects, • The p e 60A Oniedn - Talley bad called a Con- , vention, to meet on the 18th of July, to ocansidar the proper measurie for insuring the Wilier safe ty: The - election of a delegate to Congress to re present the'proposed:Teiritery of Nevada la' fixed for the 2d of July The yroather was intensely, het throughout the Stata, - parohing vegetation: - Some parts of the oconskry.looked,as,though Mottled been harried. -The loottiity.of 'Santa Ilarbersi Visited by a terrible eirosao on the 17th. forcing the people to alinathinneelves; %doom limingl Animals In the fields, end literally waning the (Fulton the 'trees The Fraser' River mining news cordial:Media/ °enraging. , _ Prom WastAO.on.. WASnufaTen, July 20 —A novel oommitment has been roads to the Distriot of Columbia; Poffi• tentiary, of an Indian who was found guilty of horse-stealing in Kansas. Be was immediately, est to work. , The' Commissioner of Pensions hag fawned a cir cular, inwhiob he directs that invalid pensioners' of the army and navy who are subjected to bien nial examinations, pretenti, with their, ',usual vouchers on the 4th of September and lat of Jan , uary:neit,; respectively, the oertifloate as to the etate of their disability. 1 The operation of the act of Congreed of the 3,1, Of IdaroVlBs9„virtually suspends the eemi;art nue' payments of invalid' penilone at" the com mencement of each biennial period, until She 014- Minato' of two physicians or surgeons bat been presented., .."' The Charles ton papers, reoedved here, reisoid the death of the venerable Colonel roil. Who had long borne a oonspiouous and distinguished pool tints in the:councils of the state ef Sallth - Carolie Watiutwaroli, July 20 -`..-The &detail , of the" Interior will -tyant.mtt by the Paeltlettteatier of the -25 h of July, $254 000 to Oregon and Wash • buten; to satisfy the recentirandited:olahne on account' of advances made for restoring and maintaining pet:Useable aid 'more' frleidlr Sala. tow with the -Indian tribes. - , ' Judge Gibs 'of Ponneylieritot, boo been an petaled special agent to diagonals, with the view so to arrange matters ae to prevent future Aifflouldec . . . Tbs. Wilts and publio documents ,pertainimg to the first seesten'of the late Coneotuf aye being boxed; to be tent to the varimmlltoraminetitor, tiotiti thronshout the country, to Cosovdatioi with the' law. This is one of the refortnembloh have eprived . :members of selling snob world, Ratans formerly-promised, for westapater, or at noMinal sums, to speculating book-vendors. ! • From Pike's, Peak'. „ Leave:molten, ICansac Joiy eXpiress from Denver city, on the 80th nit,. arrived here , tbic evening. ' ; Everything in themining region wee in lug condition. , , • The - express brought no papers, and hence no important detalls,are tarnished. . , - Another express will be due to-mOriow. . - The 4.adia.Rabber Case at liciltira ore INDORSE/1T DECISION Bauttruorta.lnly 20.—1 n the osse.of Horse. H. Day et al. , r 3. ti•ellman et al., (which lately co nnoted the eourt,bere for twe weeks.) his. Hmor Judge Giles this morning rendered, at tho.olore of a cony ahle opinion, a deolsion in 'favor. of Mr Day on all the points presented, holding• that under his agreements with Mr -Goodyear. Mr. Day has an exoluslre monopoly of elude goods eon tattling enteaniesd rubber. A perpetual mo tion we. granted. &Mae fifteen othir salts were dapindingliereupon this di olsion, in all of whlob perpetualinlanOtions will loins • Lyn Oil Lair in Ifftesoart , --o,no N i pgro Burned lend Two Haned: 8 ? Louie; Zuly 20.-;-ketieeterliespatah'tO the Bufigtin. of. tido Oitisarsibat throe nojrioel who Argo err - trie atAfarehall; 'Mo.. for murder, and , rape, - 'aire . yesairditi laken'fromj4ll by a tmob, and one, pee burned „at a "Ititte, - ,nbtle the other two wet, hung. Fire • Alain; MIA: , leeleitiapti at • • • New, Orleans.-- 411 SW OULVANS. - July, 20.—The City. °Minot hive adorred ic. etamewell'& Co.'s system o Are alarm and polide telegraph. „,, pigaitiiti - ofliie Steamer /kelt!. 4, Iklivrtoni,Jinty 20 —The eteataship Asti inflect. Nt wpm, ivr Liverpool, with' 80 passengers and sig7 000'In spate. : , '82009* Mat frupy Pike's peak: Lateveiroarm. July 20.—.A.nothei exprlmi, from •ftenter ftit on the 14th inst . arrived here. this afternoon, with $2,500 in rld dust. ninth of iidge John' W. Nash. of Ire died ew his remittal:no is Powitesse, on•iiiiday , - OW Steatnahlp Africa. BABDl{lool[..Tely o'olook P. M.—There OS no tigiorof the steamship - Miles; itow idut, with Liverpool dates to the >i th instant. - The wind is noiteast and the , weather cloudy. Desperate Affritr at Huntsville, Ark. Er.om the ratetteritte stritartatan, rely 2 .Sinee our last issue, our quiet t nen was thrown into a MA state of 'exeltement, by a report ,that there had echarred on the nubile square of our sister town, Huntsville, a fatal reneentra, wherein Forester Sleek, Foci ,aon of Col. Wm. Bleck. of this tar, and Mr. Warren Sams, 'merchant of Huntsville, 'were killed immediately, and John - Black and Dr. Ja mey Smithson , of this any; and Constable Moody and James Sarne,wf Huntsville, were severely wounded. All ,the above named parties were personalty known to • moan- of t our, othsane, and the utmost anxiety was felt and manifested to know the particulars of the distress ing tragedy. We' proceed to give the partial:Uses of the. .affair as it has been detailed to n.e by several eye -Witnesses : It appears that on.h . ridav,-the 24th inst., dome alteroation between Jaoree Same, the son of Warren Sams, ankForeater Bleck, took place, Whloh Welting words and threatening actions were teed by young Sans towards Btaok. Ne collision, how ever' resulted at this time. and it wag ancooosed that there -Would :be no further gunnel. Several boars afterwards, some bard words were inter changed between Warren Same and' Forester Blank, when both drew- weapond, -the former a bowie-knife ' 'and the latter a revolver: Black's wlstol misse d Are twice, and was discharged at Sams twine: the last shot, as ts suppased, taking effect in the head of Suns; Sams, in the meantime, advancing on Bleak with his knife One of our informants states that Sams watlin the not of 'fall ing, when the report of firearms from an unexpeoted quarter was heard, and Sam; fell instantly. .Just at this time, young Sams clime rooming up with a double-barreled abet gun,' and diteharged' one barrel, at the titillates of six or eight feet, into the side of Mr Break. and jest as he was-falling fired the other barrel low his bask, both - bar rele heavily charged With buckshot. Young Same then attacked Dr. James Smithson, knookint, hire 'down with 'his gun' when Dr. D C Fmithenn. a brother of JAMS.' advaeoltig Wald his brother, struck at -Same with a gin, but missed him end felled hie brother to the ground Jemes 8 nitheon,. who. , it seems, was unarmed, +ratted the'shot-gun.i from the bandit of, D. O. Smithson and, chased y: nag Sense off the ground, snapping the gon at, him in his flight.' Several piatel•show were fired,- end 'bowie-knive; used, by dome persons al yet unknown, Probßbl7 by interested spectators j An idea may be farmed of the unparalleled savage- Pees of elle street fight when it is onnsidered'that. Warren Same was shot' with ten pistol Wis.' and ' , tabbed once or twice in .the breast—that Forester Black was abet twice with a drathietharreled that, grinl—John Black and James Seolthron wounded in the thigh 'James Semi Stabbed withW bOwle-knife, and Hr Monde severely Wounded in the further. that.after the fight ball eeded, four re volvera were found lying unwell:le ground, f brittle, three of which were entirely empty and one partial ly discharged Not a Found less heard alter the shooting commenced, save the sharp. qaisk revert of the revolver, the stunning sound of the dendly shot.oan, and the ninth of cold steel, until Same ' end Snook had. fallen and- their life-blood' was pouring forth through 'the ghastly 'rind fatal woands • Theleisnewf this tragedy was enoush to sicken a manly heart. A young man in' the' morning of life; end s mature man in 811 , 1/Enn of bin days. lying within a raw feet of eaotewther, their lives pouring' out- in torrents of blood,' and four others bleeding from severe wounds ;, hut imagination can :feebly dep=ot the heart-rending - lamentations of mothers, sisters, wives, rpl , tivert and friends. Our Informants sav hut a minute or two had elapsed after the firing before the square was covered with near a hundred women, who made the teeth resound with their frantic screams and wild cries of grief. Wo learn that warrante have been hared far the apprehension of several eupp wed to be connected with the affray, but no examination hat at this date (June 29) been bad. Forester Blank woo formerly a resident of this alto, was a graduate of the Lebanon, Tennessee, Law School, and had been for several years loca ted at Huntsville in the practice of hie profession lie was mulch esteemed by his brother lawyers, and had many warm personal friends. We knew him as an inteligeet, social, generous, uns49.:b gentleman, honorable and high witpled In his to Tyre:cum, whose heart was bound to hie'friettls wills c,rda .or triple sleet. Ile thus, unfortunate ly, fell at the age of twenty-flue years, leaving a young wife, sisters and brothers,-and an aged ft thor to bewail his untimely end , A FaTBUR Wrtil THRISE Dozgte CHILDREN:— Tun GEntrans ljemntmosr.At`Markttehienfelt, a viii s i e situat e d on the liver Main, in Bavaria there lives a man six'y-eight years of age, named johannes Boblettenbtok, Me-le ,a Master shim! ney•soeep, avocation more honorable in Germint than in this country, anti for ,half, a century has given pereoral attention to his inniniese. Be is nnw living with his th;rd"wife, and n the lath of June lest his tbirty.eixth child was christened at the parish oburoh By his first consort be hod coven; by hie second, eleven; and by his third, eighteen children—of whom half aye girls, and one half boys A few families no prolific would supply , a nation with an the so'diery required for its defenen, and liborers to ptirform its neoessary agroulture and inanufeeturing. There lethality left la the old Tentonto stock yet, enabling it to sprout SO abundantly.. The Fronds, and even the isaariet, come up to it. . LINN OS' YOB: Lass Elttffi.—Load.: leg in Brunswick dook, for °leveler& Ohio, dl. root, tho beautiful Amerioan schooner R. 1.1..11ai mon, B, A Berke, commander, 351,t0n5. This eplentild vessel has just made the welts° itom, the tit Lawrence in the short space or - eighteen days, and' having nearly tho whole of her cargo engaged, presents a rare opportunity to shippers The rates of freight from Liverpool so Cleveland are quoted : Pins gods 40454 , inetartrement forty Abet, to the ton hardware '351 , weight or measurement, as best for vessel; soda ashes, ,te, 3210 d. do ; rope and cordage, 404„dtk ,• iron ond pies 301, weight; machinery and castings 505., .weight and, measurement; in bags, 30a., weight4.l earthenware 265., Ariamuremepti alai bottled ) 845. 1 de. FINANCIAI 4 . AND COMMElielifi; - ",. : Theraltpneyr Market. ?" ; ljatr.enwrata,;lnty2o,lasa. Tbk 63,001 i, market flnetturted a goad deafdarlng: the day. Building Retinal shares opened et 213 heavy deeffart frail yesterday—and gradually advanced whieh it again deolduadr , These movemanta are partly attributable to--the reports received from the New York board, *bury"' : the weakness exhibited yesterday wee followed - dpr to day_hy.e., presenre of sellers on the market, and a 'hettyYpinettildeeliner: - 7iithetinarkertilidtchl . , gan 1 5 6 -1 1 0 ' in' (0 1 te8 otnitliti*the quell; ,tism.,o Y. ralellaltnnkir,finnys of a certain de fault in the payment of its interesilillini due art the oe.kegtlai, nOtWitlistanding a stateMS4 printed sometime since to the effect that-the det6-, I pany-sieekliairied , - - the 114414 i Teirl the' .14pds'aie I contribution to its sinking fund, and aintbittihei` aides. ReadingTlitiatigan Central, N. Y. Centrah' payeral Otatetsysoka: ant thaVacifiillifail, off in New York. It own board, however, theleloitkrient 'tree Vilerillially.eouritied to y 4 log. Passenger Railwity shares were in demand 'let fair Priaell, excepting Viestiqiilideirthli„whlch n ireeini 'favor wider' the *Uri peculiar ' nianageniMt tta:preeint 'boa. iota natio below per. , - 410 en: and Coates; ten' .1111 freely at 284 Reim end - Vine streetet 441; Piffle "and Cleat - Streit 4t (12;-:'andilleaoad and .Third street at 27i for the herclartie, And 43,d Pr the old. Pannaylvanii isd vanoed4; Oatawisra Chattel AttIIII The ,New. York Herald is quite boldly, engaged in writing on:Abe t chancre of another panic It 'dads' in'the feet that -three Hamburg steamers-Are engaged tit'sail for New York' fri: sevent seta an evidence of Vie fii4 importations from ib i road are ''fo;,aoAtfillia'iii all elintg firm Aermany, and tlialWe are toifivihesii,fairlsrals of goas 'Aughst. It is admitted that Mit' importers believe that the im 'Ptireatitini are goineloY fall bit t 'kae may ,be.. apt Ault on oorialgiateenti4lo9ld raioount of 'tseir menufaotar'era.;'The; let'egdbalan.cea off the account, much to Vl:ie . /ami titsdAliat, we have repeatedly arrived at in writing !ipott-thiri gabled of filioortatiet; /COMM& bur, um likely-Abet:the NeW ;York Market foldry,gondeand. tnany'tithei foreign -ports will tlsisfelthe &hod and that the bents will witness a drain of specie are unprepared , ::'foriti will , put them to grave mann venience. It reste.rnainl3i wiiitothearAcOdeeide bow far the fnconveufece6lbell extend. Ifs they, keep ridnoing their disoonnt Cries- aalaillis:thelt • .apeole • reserve. deolloes; Attire will-be no-panic, .and the , misehleCtined.-not- fele .outehle the . ol , the ireportereOf - they delay 'Aktr, can traction-too-long -rstetherdid iti - they may find - tbernSelyes in , Ootober Mixt .In , a danaierons , Pasittomql r. For the teat. theekintrY atiaige Gannet be Permanent .loser 13V-exemilvt...lesports bole of, dry` icede ettipPed..l fro ed , Garrut an to that ifiztkekataial,,iiid. Sold here `lei lest then' it cost himakicand An& it over,...entlibils'iltieoptsofrk . the oteit,of 4,l3entlitinfaattsterAnd,tkeAmpettep— who. in many oases, - is thermeto Aaantofrthe me. nufilefntar , IfthirEterntereitthts falls tad its„fiff.: ty_ millions more rods than the villuoltry really wanta, the lost=hill fdhbn them - rirrilliiiit agents berg; and the omputry at large relit be able to re plenieh,lis stooks at anmnimally fow - priCe. it is true, is not tba sort of trade which it la area. tilde to carry forilwith foreign flattens flint the re sponsibility for the present condition of tbir rests, not with those who will profit by a onlispie in prices, but with those who will lona by such an event " . The lir, York Times,says, of the stooklmor kit Ili that city : ""Ttie'dciarrtihrd turn in the, share market bad no decided lothence on iS'ate stooks or Reading bonds, whioh sold at Shone yesterday's rates.i,bat it affnded mush embar rassment (the British's's Friday last) to the' ? ape enlaroes for the fall, and they were by ::no means -reluotant to pram their contraolt ao. eordlney. , Tole, change of ,e;orftleneei lower Oak, is no s tnP mea .-to t. 14 ivon• dered at, 'nor is it unusual, under similar; et/metalline, any more than the spirit evincid by the Bulls when prises tend upward. Thd lest stSmod torn . httefbadissmetithag of : oharrest fei some days poet, and not a "few ortileraettmed posed to day to let the market down preliminary to a fresh turn in the opposite direction It ie not improbable that rush, - cilf,prove to be the course of pekes' fri itilding and two or three of the Western struks, if not in New York OentraLi The, general ermektt left off dull, and shareprioes, for the most part, tame.'.- . . I '• The afters talon ont by the etea - mer Asia ti def . amounted to only about four , Musette& thorn sand The nelra . by the Ariel shows the pr fee of coil: tole to bar ' s reaohed-93e,..wfthia sheet 2 per One:_ er. thelicheet point ,reanhed, !Ask ,r 4 44 1 9, 11 yr idle° Bit - 4e In pralonodirea6,lo4-eilinteree had thoroughly reroyerral from the panic of the; pre. coding year. no August let' conpant of 66 ,Ilatriaortigega bonds pr the I'illia4.4lll,*Vie . 13 iintitik." Batilkmd • - t'atlparry_trEtta- ? aiD rasentaiioa at ttuff dattttani:Ain -Eittei The following 3t1,44„ shipment of 'ooel the Bareley Railiniztend.Cottllompirrlos }reek ending July 16 .... .... . .. Ptevionsly reported :2 4,7 467 1 . ". Amount shipped tor the , season . 10,6141 TES bit : guess of the Hailiston Itillread and Coal Company for the „we - ek'endlng 'Tay lath was l 2. •• 088 tons, making 240,753 0128 for the seatoo., The oorresponangttounage In 1858 - eau, for the - eieeli, 12,241, and for the season 171,908, leaving the business' for this year 63,848 tons ahead=of last -- There - weriz.lo?2s ton'sof ooal - rhipped-on Lehigh Valley Radioed lest ireek;:making the towage for the year 322,073 In 1838 the'corres• ponding tonnage for the week was 11,089 tons for the season-207.302 toned . z The thtpteente Octal an the Wilk Blisslt Mut, e -Towasea, , Pa., by tka Barelay..ganroad end Coat Fain.. puny Tore. ,Cart Pox the week an6ieginly/16 " ; ilO Peeetece el9pmenta ' ' 9 464 Ainonnt foitbs 'aeasiii The following Is i atateinent of the reoelptai of the Ilford/ Canal Compel: _ _ Total to July 9.1869 .. $ll7 764 85 Week ending July 18,1669....: 0 189 35____ _,..,_ $1211,90a 23 Total to July 10_1868 " $9l 623' 76 .• • Week Gulley July 17,1868... 8 284 07 • ' $99767 ea _ Inoress•,lBs9 ..,4 $.7/,140 40, PililalMPll4 ATOM. ZXOLIABGE BALE& • airy 20, 1E69. UNPONTIDDYNANLIT.BIONT. & 00.,NANX•1011 STOOD . AND NIORANON HOINIIIi-NONVNIMWE 001111 %NW AID 0811N107 ATuUfl „ rz.g.s_T_Bo.raD. _ . " 8 - 0 Olt- es - ~:: disk 2i4 1 Beni Meadow S.. 56 800 Lehish 71 6s Favi - 99 - 20 Was% Philo B '6O 1600 '• do . .5.0 05 _. 2 , --T do - - 50 rOO Read R. 61048. cab 00 . 7 ltpenns. R. ' B' - 1000 24 kat sr It 75... 00 13 Norristown R 60 ;13. 0 0 & A trt 6. 40.:. IA . to 0 eprnoS,&27oB.st a alis 2000 NPa B 6- , ..06.R _ P4 50 do bswn 134 20 Morris Col „lots 64 Y2O Green& Costes at B -60 Renting B. ' .2tX ~ ?..0 i r' ' 2 dys -98 „ 20,d0 2 -}4 2 Glltail Bk 464 100 - -- do . ..... ..b5 21% 2 Marin& Moab Bk .51k "2)" -- 80 - .....V. -- ..". - :' .. 24" 150 - Pondall '-' • ' " .884 100 - ,do ose . 6 27,41_17 do lots-rh -100 ' - ..'68::.:1..,.b5rin 2243- , 5-4064 1 7 , of Music.. '5l - 100 -do ..-....0ak - 241(1" ---- -•- - . , • ' -.. , -...' ,330063 30 8 / 1 1):7_. '-' .' .I ' ' 200 City is, Nqw. , :..108 1000 Pons 4.2‘fiviit 6i 80,b 601 Ostawis Obit 104 6010 West Phito R... 49k 4 10 do '' 66 60 - ' 28 Ilailotoo 0164. m, 44 & 1 600 do .... 1,6w0 49 ,1 i 11 Mao & 111e.4g Bk.: :•6% 600 Phl ia&flutb.sy Is 16 2 Harrisburg IL '... ' 66% 10 0N Pa 11434-86wo 681( 4 do 6F,N 1000 do ~. .- . „ . ..„ 111 x MI Tintlr4 R ....... 4 14 8 4 01 Really( .. IA 09X 100 do ...: ...... ' 4 1000 do - 64X1 6 Poona n - - 88,4 0L08334, PEIG3II-111:1AL., , , - .. . . . 11. d. Askad• ----- ----• --- .844. 4,.ke. Phtla 81 9 4 X, ~ .. BoblProf , 3.T 18 te 9 8% •- - Vg mann a:2llmA' 4 New ...1024 t. 4r., 1,,t Pli. 36 ' 6O Peons 8*..14, Or p,01( iT 1, ' ...7* 2d m.g .. 82 4.84 Itendkug R. .. .. glx 2 23‘ tong name N.. 10.V•20), ~ bde '78.. : 801 Leh COal & Ns,. '4B -" ,m• 8044 fil , til 1 9 Penns 8 . - 4,... kg; '"dcoB6 n o ff 89ji 70 , ' w as.;;. ..... . 83% i 8" A, Penes ,11......, BSX . 8 0 .41 e ..10s '', 84A, -.. 24 m.84.` .. 80 St illntaitbraiW.•.,.. 23i, 4 I ?for ann.! eon 04 65 .. let. mt bds 89A' 42 Bell New 84 .82. rs ,' - 68) P&Bontb Rdlvoff 80 , .. Imp 8e... 72 IS 2 b 8 ,1 B'4lV. .98 ..433, ;; ', ':. - .5:1 tit:VP/n . 2184 Eitill. :44A . , PhilfedOptAk 113/tr)lApt.. 1, Jots 10--Evening. "There la very 111612 Mir siAel ln "Breadstuff's to !ti ty, es the demand.fon- rent is :Only , to-iroirply - , -, :tiA , boon trade, at priers raeging from $1 25 up to $1 60 WY; bbl, at to brard at d freihnees Bettod old stock toper fluttered at the lowest dimes, which estabgehes ther decline for this description Preab around super floe; made from new a hiat,lapitinty; and dell at $6 Sr iP bbl. Bye Pirur is also dull at 141st . 25 and Penna. horn Meal at 51 76 tp• tbl, cud we boa. eif-lis cal a el ei her. or wheashe cafes have bean light. and price naaetoledard lower, einelow with a downward tendaney ; Isles einbemit about 1 000 boa. shied, prime new south Inured, st. 11.4-rzcs 35 ; white Is eructed at 11.45c1.60, without sales to coy 'extent Rio Is viaated al 860 for old Pennsylvania, and but litt:e' offering. Cori is scarce, and about 1 636 bastieleof yellow told at 803 for Interior, and 860/46X e for d goer Doio,oo,rasu i Pprinsylvania; part in stork."o-Is, eon titme drill at 32a80Xa for Pennsylvania, and 300 for prime Delaware aetnall sale of flew crop Jersey we! , male at 360. = Bark Is nottoguiredlor, end first quell , ,ty No ,),Queroltronhi gamey at 1/T 60 ton 14 Oat_ 'too theta Si not =Mb delinebnt holderi arie"-densesiir • ; II full prices. Ora:pries , move. eff.filoirly,thti de mead being for bujireoikly rdfareier Pro vielorla remain Aimart }leads are alackquiet, sag a o m o btacioDa doing iu Cloverseed at $ 10D5,15 t b 41,0 the c triage are yerr . 'le onabangetl : Drudge le ganoi alowlJ , it 25X0,, Pion kylranla bb 27a, 0 110 283, and hhcletit 40i - o2'to'l'ttle latter in the • general asking rata. • NOW YOrk Stock ' xchange l Julir 2000 afistonti 63% '6O Mials - Oentval N..1.421r 4500 North ovolina 6s 04% 50 do . • 42,4 40 , 1111 Oso 80. - . bah 60 "do' ' lag 4, A 4000 Elnd R 3l Mo g ..70 20 fistond Al'4ollll B. 360 Pamtlo Mai , 8 13 ..60) 300 Mteb S 4uar,410 21% 60 Chicago lb .12. I. 003 ado - • ' DBO 22 - 250 do ' r 140 61 100 ; do z k a 2t 100 N Y Oen N... 416 74% 06 Papaya% St - A litm 60 do 46 74% 800 GOl &Obi Rs.:Bo 6371 - 8 . 0 d 0.... alb 74)1 100_ do.. 64s 26 Nubia' R PreP..B6 103 d0..-.48 64 60 May Taisdo, A 66 64 • • TUB M SAN E'ra' - Asnas.—Tbe demand is fair; tales of 26.bbis rota at i 6 -1.2%, and 16 bbls Mauls at. 115 75. cora 0,-,-.Tbek inquiry t . limned a t tidy rate;; esle of 67P balebiaracat ea at 10%®111(0, 40 d0,910 - at '%4 100 Java 44.114 a, and 040 !raid 'ad pviv%te Latta. COTTON —The donand bas sigh ly improved, as bay prices, iboughlne ma,ket - is by no mean, sot ye: toe sales yestaiday and Vto. - day comprise 008 bale! on a basis of. / t J 4 ,for Middling Upland. _and 4.g:fot any &0.-. xis wish? pus is la.in — bilt 0, 1 41 Fr POWOO:91.0001 - -Ord . O . te, far- Vollarir -4 1441014 Its Soler of,ttxtt obarso'er. St, /49,143 thtruhttarrhpr anS„rtotohla It tbOrjors. nts - 1140 , 114 bl tabriiartfvti for tommut torihrort. Soirr•Otrottiloo Wit ar.wzoekti for morrittia ' , tate; $5 21 :41 4 .50 for f/t $5 ' 65 10 for /Ow ftridin Writ. fliCffitTOOl.44 50640; tit :4 . 4 00a3elo a 6.m0-a cos vide: ptfir for bide beard ;do ; 40.5 for st. ,Looto b andi t_iiiiiielbitir76 tor extra Grover . . Southern Proariitleeirer,ligd wirier are ...lir I r*Nca'• Ur OAP olarb l / 4 1 f0trit0t40,1,76 1 3 ht+tr. as* 4066 andjiiisOffeT the bit; jrfrrodri= • • By Thole In fatrienised 04104 con !deckle .4411 sr Claamerst. 111.9005 for - sfer o 7, and 24 95n410 for Brar..dierloaa sad 4.4r.eooens et $.ll 50810 75. Gasie•-=`rirs .deniree for Wheal is Molted anf the nirka4l4loolr - tritlamori Sh.lBif rash* of - 8.500 bits at $1 840 t 50 .(or,,adrameeito ashnise irst.r.Monthnns ; 811061 55 3r AVM de, 04216001 80 forbid and new wefts Eadt6eltr 1 tityals qideradelds nominate 690106 P MIN are heavy 4441 ?' ,50.0 444 4 1 -4;ltlight noaold.fon , f.eabae of 21,000 he 0,40 045 i for Sauedlsn'and4o•44lor Rata ...vArdlsioaetlve Trims Weatani -nstredta,Varot and mantrd.;_nalea 0f , .6 000 htry at 8801190,2nr , damsged Southern yellow and 87e for ord raller.:Weaftro. M 0 L 41 4104 Jia dell; srdesnf 516-IW6favAitlesna et d 00 ...7.9104014:0010 end steady, , Paormfroml-,The.deinens for EYSicflat ao*Lt Ta‘• • "' t prima I . l E.,4Aciinifizi.4, The sales oral 76n bll. et sTa M for thin . ere eSll:76 = tiir "pic01V4611116150111 80 for • ImOnded In the antes sreAooo shWeasesar_esth to , morrow, at 18 76 , • -- Bed find fdr dinsindfor ilia trade. and Is 'teed!. f fahotfl .280 Ole a 4 sB,oB:l6, , for,prlcai;ll2oB 75, for conufte mesa, 20018 for repeated mew and.{lo 12015 for extra -(- • = l5 - diniffaiiialffroil'iatinondsiarrffeetluline ;Wet bat firm stsl6, bcw 50..., Cot melt- ere 1 o`110,104 , 14:10-161es of 173 hhdt and, tforees, at 64 2,630,1'0r shen , deni, end 2080 for tome, 'Llttecesql Obit- sit 11f(094-4. ireides 4 w• hear of fa hbda do at 70. end salted at too. - . Lend ari stoat , len ge - ; tt e demand la fair—silta Or 500 bbl® end trot at 105 i 011 A; e. ,Betjer Id lo Or demand:at 120170f0r 06M, sold 120 19.forrtahr - flfseekls saltitdo If 8119 e. , 51os boa penned ; Wu • of 1611 es at -BXpao for Pro MI ere In moderate request; etateidy roots; - sales of 210 rze+ asersket esemfe ,- Raked are an fetr re quest at steads trite g Wnfairsx...,Tha snorket f a foerm 7 0kleo 4660 Mfg 41 YEW TOPIC OATTLI AsitErtifiedo , h. 18E9 At market 8 251 Seeves 3 , l9S 1118 Teals,- 11 618 Sheep and Lambe, and' 8 POO' Siiine—ahowirg is M enus' or 24 pine,-1882 7, (42 piwp end Lambe and 7,400 4 1r/n0 ; and a deo'enen or 801 Bn. neared 19 Tee& • At hem., 81.,2 $ BBB head were r old to butchers for tlihr motet; -'the market M Minton's for Beef Ciaftlewes spin lowai; `ow qnehe a »destine e bell siteet D. , weft moral ffima -0-te 10Xe ,efferesegNerge Th. ',toot ini2bwkdoef-soliod weir tali. "quelity, bno row Xt.'s on este, end the highest pfiee eras not over 40,10,1 f no high. • - &Heston varded 11 010 heave+ IvnAhi do of whiolt war. from Otdoond I3loolr{ thlr *IP 131 wevher, tip number of eossure.re now out towo. en nwo.l at This annum. end tha:laiii windy. hate aimed the forthor dorsal/Mon In prices, Ana the general dullness pm* fretting. - .B.tivraosa".74ey - 20 Wasat 1410614er ter slolllllL°7oori daftard3a for shire, wid ElletB2-e - far idly..%don dr. al 9h a for irdva • ktiikthill at $lll - 46Tor him. Whiskey dull at 263.0 . ti•torr and nor+ *a tty.; males at $1 Vied Wheat Se in fair donisno 144.. , artn , h.need. there le a iced detasrul for Sidon and MI k dia•ta - ellromii,Lhilyl9.—Col4o*;-56 1 .0.4,611, cork 470 b etps lit 11.30. Torm.ddioss.... Sala pt ,4111 i• 69 ba. wi.«-Peo.batio CiNctsVart-4 eAIyPIK 20 —Far i ts left lAtSAfilliqwrit ;494c...t.A.l4llP7Lii liorlYiteCyrffrgrat 'fa snr - dors foisiliee, -rusk • ti-ficia as Trte_tfitrOssajfttritrejtaitediatiltal;iteTY• tit , •m Ms Album .7.aroia nr p46. 0 ..1 V" :.04 Agile, &of ;March' last idit‘snai of sTOketna stolen out of a chest in the isatuteiof J.e...B.aokati, on Lrdins' greet- ' 641111151614111 were then alter. taf3sd as to the, glitter party. bar there eras not mtilhient -iiirlifeine to Marrasit: the liming of: a aricaintd.proom , Baba tient dernlenments rend, eVhe ,hteeniehitti this Asmiadon.pniMilaisir antsre- - Mined, and en Saturday afternoon tdr . ,B and Oipt. Hagedorn appteied- befehe4titidee Role, and upm B.'s halide:nay a trarraet w4118:11 , 34 for the arrest of a formitrinutetir'ef tilielt 4 efe and given to Cept: - Hegicloraj ,The inure eveniqg the -repeated -party returned-ta . '..ttra ci WA" p the to . r a .-1/r .Kam' ,; *net ilkitlboil rlelioltU :wife. and eloil after his - arrival be wacarriattet by Capt. Jlegadorerged,leeked-etirbrtherPred4beerfer era.' den. : ITU :tprAestedqbi t i l .s7o9942,fle the oriole' With'illohlte iintraliargeCand'Ocelired_that he liedieknowledge - eriiMerer of i tie Wiling . , .Thiritig the pinning i warrint ) sfad-ptinedSin the hands of Offloar_Teomey for the arrest Cribb wife. end is ohnitsiny reitti 4 lfir litickell-hintsrted fm rho town 91,1EV10L,..1154 ,10... b, n'otocds:ye4erday morning:. arreitid her, Asa,z q w cornea the sad part if tide history. --- :-- - '-, " % Bbe wag brought-to town at it o'clock vireerday morning. nod in lb* afteraden --Squire 0 -le - parti ally Weaned tlielnitter: ' Toe. you's r woman, whole bar 21yearerof ego and most retrectikt r bonnittearappeired - before-lbe ,maglatrate with thomiiitintereetb* littlettab4tet eblusifarily eon [ fee a that. she bad actually& a.hlgh, crime- she 1 liaella Via' tba.!dbd 040 4 ih'in E e -adilerra g 11 ' V I and ali_orrectieni. kit she declared she would tell the libels stem' Bha acknowledged th et she rook the utoeitflearse!foCt -of the abeettrirothiatOt was placed for safe keeping; that she did noteount it, bukpat-le. in.tter bateau drawer _; Ahatibaltad n e vise told liee - - lautbaind eaten had liken it, and he aid - itiotirniti It; that abe bid given him money from Wee to time; bat hid told lifrelt - eteme from her mother; that mitett'she moirecillite 4oilisesial the money in a sofa-bottom chair, hivisaing it be tween the bail Covering and staple& and - then - naillett - itte cover doweragato. ;•-iftliee solemnly de / dared that her idtsband . stat ink - Meat of the mime, sed.proteiteditienetireigoirtertingclik:ko.-i - Aerobe concluded her voluntary statement, her robot . godfather 11:1.11.9: 41.E,16 into the roam, and the mini - at' that instant' was `terribly eifecting, and would lova -raceatt•tbe -moat t obdurate and 'Ginty - heart.' The father rearottrig - the - fearful situation in 'whiablibtobilderas placed, gene aloud hesterle,shoet, and 4,11 ,upon J,a life,'. white the 'deneliterlne.t into a p a rer : e m of tears, and cried, " 03 ! father i' father ! father I" Shelves removed from the room, with her cbil&And the father. after a lonia of a fawn:flouter: became oahm:bot seemed as- , if he had been rtrioltetVaith a', deep g'oom. The crime anti lea results were n arparent that he oouid not restrain his feelings, and he gave way beneath' the' oreabing- weight - that seemed to be hearing down upon him. It wee truly heartrood log. and We trust - wel may never-again 1411-.WhAlela h to mush a. 1.08013: - ~. -= ' -.-- '-',-"' Capt Hagedorn end, f'fficer Toomey had the bowel 'of the sainted. end. es she tip ate& In one of the chairs round $250 of them V. and heels found some $2l in a small trunk in the room She ruhrmlnen!lly slid, them mart be more ...4 thei money ibout ',Us premises, end-iferther lamb will be made Theintstkmdon beinceaseitestd apart from hts wife. pro•ested ble innteenoe, sad when told of his wifels statement, that she was the guilty party, biestAto teeth: - - We Mira euppressed ..the -names of tbla.young matt and woman, at the soifeitatbsoof their heats broken perente.' and we wirald - fhat 'it -*mil in rut -pewee - to hint the record Oist . e:oittely- Vett Would be a Ittek. that wnuld hint with it orbotinded nlotion. while nor:Ural don of crbetrairg the deMilssitAtairlMe4eriles,oithil. a deep Inset. IMMO egaattee ptvare[gntyinßeutvoity. We aomniond Om read• er.. We - lowa from the Nsw York Tribuna— a '.•reepo . rdentofthekpnonrvnaehtagiortse truth of the itatementirbioh follow. "Me former contempt for Kentusky.DeMooreoy i e appriaohlnit. a eoneldepthici deidwe tif re-prat from what information I have been a lo e ea- ga th er it this _polities.) meetings I:haite attended. and from an examination of 'hi party leihropeirive. ilt least I hive a great rdaiiva *tripped foe the De. menraey_i_bere in otimparienn mirk brethren in Mississippi, Tennessee, and even 'Weenie, and in comparison with the positian of the 0 priaition in this 'tendon on the appation of eventing wroten• •lan to Slavery in the Territories Bell, the Opp-W -inn oevalidate for ainvereop mArea as miLn!lieent a fool of himself in saw:mating the monstrance-Own , - di ty of a sliwril fortherVirriteriee a. Jeff D *via ever dilLetbrate -views on this , enbirotiere ideett. eel with his own. Mr. Mairalit , hie Deprierntit opponent - , very frankly - declares himself oplineed to any Conger elopel tiegleltition in -behalf of iieyery in the Territories!. and plantar himself nn the Douglas platform. whoie Wra•fon foe the -p eee td... v he evidently firers ,lie is a matt 9e teoi abilities, rather a pat ramie. jaditita from appearance?, end, I would. suppese,., natiserser an amtabte heart. De is infinitely - more 'liberal in hit views than Mr. Beitii and, - taken nn' of the miaamatio - atmosphere of ilia ipeculler ia. titatieti, ) ; Make, liond Repaid lean. In he Second Clongressinol distriet some drys a roi [beard the rival candidate. for Denereee, p. c . nn, Dem.. and Jecksoia, Opo. The Oppasidon nen, caterrund of hiester;end Fals'ati le a mode' are enter of the Bell stamp ; ;Idle his op. oonent delieue4 , s fit tents - the prnroitioa to nehe Cone-ear a protection of earery in the Ter. •Itories Dr. Peyton, who now represents the 2i listrict, is frank' .alscoate of Sunaiter Sow. orciantY , which is Dractiralty' aft• gad , en sett ,lavery measure Rs I want, prorided the Federal , iorernment leteit Work hteitiinrteiy Asa iriend .f freedom,' all wywYmpaitiles are with, the De. noeraiic candidate. who, I am, stwri in Fay, is, vivertheleo, still fonlisiCsitionkh"to defend the airruptinrCand;exiesitagatee of the present Ad. eintatestion. "Irid - the Oppneitlon - in •Bentnoky talon the platform tainted .ant - by •oommon sense and de• oenoy, and paid some respect to a large. in Dili sent, and virtuous element of the voters of the stare; they might have cleated their entire Caret by an - overwhelming majority ; by the mise• sable and* senseless 0.11:1T30 which - they have -nken-they will drive three fourth; a do anti .laiery. voters to . the support ef Deutocratio toket, and, the other_ fourth will stay at home to utter ditigust'at the faeility with whtoh some oecple make donkeys of thernselrea..",: Smantart NISSOUItri—FarECT or THi - K&THAT - 4.IITHEITT" florrespon.ent if ilia St into fiepirVicais, writt4 from Ver non county, Mod. , •- o A murder was conamltied, In this county re son tly under peculiar dream eances. On Sunday, 26 lc ult., John Denton, a resident of this county, llama sorossA man in Nevada City by the name of James Hardwick, whom he, arrested for the mur „iler.,9f his _Menton's) fatheie, la Kansas,: about `year jibes Denton-had Hardwick , ha indouffed, and'plimed eiourely ander visa court- Wale then made application fortiwrit, and ' , sing informed that•hili could not obtain one, from the fact that -Lehe'•atit' was' domnittled:fri•gansar, ilieretipen •Dintioni who' Beams to be. a very de- Mod man, , seion'eleft " - Own in company with •Is prisoner — stens stating that be was going o • take him to L ittle: Osage, in this county, shore he had 'some' friends,-for etiairrity. - This vas about _eleven o'clock. Iterti day - Denton 'returned to Nevada, to ' the trial d -a man whom- he; had foDOwed'and'arrested for borne stealing, and stated- that Hard wirdt had tot away from hint: Four: days af.er this H wd wick's b was found in a .large rirairle,about -ten - miles from Nevada end Denton was ilieteupoti arrested for the murder of •Hardwiek, and ptimalltted,t6.34l for .unirsier in the drat de • p.m, _ , Dantoti Made a_'statement Of the faofs in the vie before the pattrt,'- He -stated that, while riding through the prairie, in conversation with Hard wick, - that he (Hardwick) confessed to him -hat he was One, of the crowd who -went- to the house of old man Denton after - nigiO; called him in from bed, and shot him down while be was deeding in his door: Denten said, upon this eon- Ocarina otHerdistek to him. that he. became tar 'flatly enrage,-; - and toliid "not' bear 'the idea of ~-ding with the man who would thue openly con :fete-to him the murder of tie father. and et the 'itsme time reeolleciing that all offends* Of what ever, , character, committed prier to the amnesty sot of the Legislature of fransas,-last winter. wore potteldered as bygones, and seeing ao rodresa for Ysiiscitieder' the latoe-of.thitieNintti i lte, there fora, tOoktlits law in hisawn bA544.4.!::
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