The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 21, 1859, Image 1

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31 I
Sant tesidvid from , lirope.. by. ships Mobs, Jens
Histasssissoll:Witmoism • lugs supply 'of now sad
itNful silsaissiaisey , of-whisk hats-sessr Wats Assn
eltessd farina in this 'asstd. ,
',.--inhalitude -
KAttl.G, & Co.,
.pmsAtilitthlikill W 1110441, Burri tgibelle large
esdripol l iA,iffisk-rir t Attx , AND WINTP.N TRAM!,
:gritskiAt of" piatAII4IIRING AND'DRAW.
lite,*oott,)lleivoikrixowN yam
On 'Maya 00 OD3 I ote".
titifelt otawitna • ' • " •,-
t"*AMTning 'soil mit' • shill al is o
naive' AND DAtiratiN taceNos9, NALIP•RODA
10040r, , Affer. ,vooptiot !NNW; MTN AND
: — .'4 4 4l ( Ta NO,g,
:oval rukk Auett.o: Bums AND DU 4ww.
a91,111' Loan:lair rai.
Orr, auraniiisthci '":
1611 OflilaNtir btreeo.' -- -
folpssldg' weitinow, =keg or
_ 'BUM Dunn; -,
unkos,Bicrosi - ma Liar:bad,
• , r,
,14" elibeton:
s/OSTIA% s ellaps_,9 - "
icagy,"l. enowit . ; :11604 tit** woloaci Mid ii •
- s
to Tay AtittripPeatrif Pt sic& ose{sinne is,
_Did aini;:iiir•Rillqisisksitsr; Wash
-34.1 List_ iissakild:
Idliboiddistyisk•lod,Oid isurdotom • ••
Nevi Ja}altoey. Coley. sad Psisdod of "swim;
bt u;
, 1411111Y8
140401Itailb4zai ?HO'
mem &e
, shitaris t ed - ANwoktrAs . ,%,-
eforiptericigitilleit•rweraimr Put RosUab, Dearer
OfilOri oil.teriieelhoeili Maeda 00.4 itutakarbooker,
Dead,' sod Plasser„'- • 't • •,•• -
si'lrldsts Slteitisitiod pt Moyers leliiplted:
'" -7; ' ' • ..•
400abii Alruntuti , cfn ,, Oman.
rs.` . • -
TR°Y'',IEI.OSLERY 400.'s
• , •
MERINO '''FIII: 1 / 4 113 .•
• .k •
•2;•'••• :2 2' •
D A W - E• - B
„. .
.:.• -
'l,-z,- , • - -
, ' • ,-
t'. 2 llptitti MulAttni:
- -v.41 ,- ,t.::•,41-ti".:)E . ,','1., - lAktoores t wo ow e • -
Was' swot, Vora . A.
tM , l_llastqa;,aii.c
_ ,
)• ;)I , )ms .- 111111 Atiliffili •
JLQB A Irk se0 111)01; J.
, -
Paiteraiioolllimitlifir bib 34411Idikgrtly ) by
4,1112C.A44*ina;,,)4 r, mambo. Penns. ,
' ar coy,' Agaikt.-
• 4 •
fitrast , 4ntniiqing Goyim
titotrxerkukiisiimii• GooDs.
....# 2 . 2-4 ** l o trilinTs
11101710111TAL MARBLE WORKS'
on load a rtai Luse asoortnupali*
etsusige OPAPIes IWO ikth• i n "' •
ITALIA! A!!DI Oisszonlicutatake,
Fhtiopeclow umitilit! reduce; pr!ief. If also
amol,raspenta,Uplinites thopabUeissatily;ta;
191 1 E11414EtZi '
liauiv *imam' aim% -
~ ~1 -
~~:i~ritiepuii i sA:lFuxiii~git~''~~aDs.~ ~.
.1)1rINCIABBTBEI:a• 00i, GlitsTLElEpli3
F-Lv.Pusaunnue nom L. ,
qua wow wi. CilliMltti Street; oppo.
;.:. :A:i oo4:itivelo-Ifilathilott _ _
emitiospernakne, We, imo)torstotOrti, nu per.
_uatlyw 44:41 Stiastadating
arr= 91 11, 10 1 *Wijitylat of Elh Ida
"0.. "Oak oviiiiirsasitrol,;_. f n. "' Wha °B4o
bit 4 ,
aoi4; I:Oratoir
•-• ":- , •' , O•II.I{BRATED
ussivALtaux (lONTINENTAL
la. tii'i;"l"44••tailatceos
'922 S3TNUT BT.
D A.S NAE , S S -
;,€),C13.74110-7 4.#3, ACtriztierA,
Obi dibeiiit idee ili•Dieioiet ot tissri dna
iiitllttil Op; Olt 3v.elmn , IT., MOS' TIFTL
14y:ise. •
fad ifirristel 100 yap*
.lokliap,r,nor,;refiDE fir ,11111 TO,
1-4/I(4salrir.iia - -=
'fwal-isiorted stook - of en
idßAH sla ahik Twiui. fo etors iLd for soto
it/ w16:222,4111,22.'& CO
jll2 . 28 R. LTIR• anti 2i N. Wit B,llSpin.
',l . 4eroes eitri anifir•cuied'
114 °Druid 11.4iiii 4 pesEe4 b7,l3llthlner Khlppi &
t ilsialf 10116'701W 1311 q, asten er. Woba, Mitt,
..* -, 767616110,i50il 01.1wil, fa mato-bro.. 0 oAotia
11, 004: AR9O imitaka Ore Ala** Pront (17
viitrimto BEIGAIL - ;41;600
-10•4114w10411161t7.114110.04411114141 00., LE.
,11/1001.11W044,1„ 3 13:4. „ „ • 4..*
11/IARA9A' '',COPTES.--8,200 Bags
sad tot Sale by
- - etetilla 00.
riffnr,7!-,:lrib eleiit,'Peeebe dew above Itlont,
.1 ) ,r 1; °PAP TrA.TONZ S ? 110. to
4111kliti*Iiiiiiciiinkisi maw &toot
`, Utica.
I[liit/10143111D, BY THE
31.101IANIGhle BAIBNY, B. W, coiner of Broad, and
The streets.
1. Gah.PINOTINI, S. W corner of • Twelfth
,1 7, • '
' and Wallenektreets
CLOLA.P.b, • „ Poplar street , b•low
• Tanta. - •
fie I corner Sixth and
Coarse menu:,
No.. 405 Oallowiall
No: 910' Spring Garden
• street. -
No.- 1929 Vint street.
1 6 / 1 3 Pr
Ma. 8. BROM,
11.1PANCOA8T, '
JOHN 6; 11101.11 Y,
No. - 'lid - North Fifth
- street.
B. I ,corner Tlfth r and
skruee Arent., •
• O. B oomer.Alermth•sztti
Lomat streets:
- Broad argot below Wal
nut. -
No. 1 4.1 9 Lombard
street. -
N..' W. earner, SLiteenth
and Pins
„South and Germantown
/edem a a d.
•tr sit above
* Stith: . ,
Clorper South Fourth and
- Johnston Streets '
- B. W. corner Bateenth end
• • ',Ogden stre.ta,,
Wo, 260 North
street. `-.-
' 11.. N. earner leievenih end
Aden n streets.
- No. 1040' North ' Trout
S. W cornea - or - Seventh
and Pinertmete
Coster- street. below Mr-
Month street , , , .
8. W. cosier and
Coates streets. •
'N. "W - corner Tenth- end
Shlnnen streets:' -
;No. 1215 Borah Irma
r. P. OMITH,
r. 0. rioaszi,
,W,. W.
D. RIneRT,
s. A51.(411L1/11
LIN 111;
0. 0. Towing, '
a. /swan,
street. '
W corner Enciad and
.Parrnkn streets
Atorter Nineteenth 040
- • "- •
311,, Nin th .and
lederal Monte, -
~..Tventy essonn -street 'ab.
iLmcniur, -
Gotta • •
V. W. 1/17NTIB • postai !teat above Bma
,IftfIJANTOWi ••- Coiner of Path ant Wirt"-
Camden, N J.,
4 01111 119
"arob 'treat: '
West Ponadololdi r ißeth'd.
)boyeithiverto road.
I. L. RlOllB,
elk. Rumpus,
10tilt BARIUM.
Tremont and Pine Grove,
Psalm. •
it a. rox,
Saab:lL Perna,
TOWNHUD, Meat Mater; PO WS
970. L. 77QY18, :Mho ' iia - Olty,
. 4p.214447), N. J.
o:Holerds, "'
tioneos,,Jl,. J
ii} .~\I:
IMECHANICAt BAtelit 'll!*. , ecirter
LTJ wad MI knits;
Tkle cotalillalument b new in intimate operation day
end • night,'.and ' reepeotrally Invited to *AU
end lee tbaleiniiii main ntlneekzaating tot Um.
Rhe undersion4 Wren **liberty of, saying that for
'Witty du yearn he has been 'a at biker-41,1 u
spprentice. anittirs Jourauntan in ova of the drat
touts in Souland owed, tneuirdye - tirr-during
willelabluie be kasha& the opportunity of =eking ninny
importunate arid "observing all theimproyernerdn whleh
bava been made durlat_thatlmirbil:
In thianataidlaluient, of ,whieh be bac now the 'win
tkeiten*:, in addition to - thin:impiety labriveacing
chinere he km now fatalities Of . =ray kinds not hers.
WOlll ptillolllloC -
flatus atirestraliced l 5 thepuretwee flour,none but
die soundest ancbestiduill untie - used ; and he has no
hesitationla saying that bread of - all • kinds-mu be de
lireied;sinsprpaseed in virility rind Wingat lothatbuin
thuoselliunyveniner • • •
Nunlike Ls wide" the Areal made by the Mechanical .
541°17 )118, .. M " rfla Loyinwlipph. has-been
;sips pals it tterreinenuccuorint, before the meektsiery
oper in, perfect working order E au reepentN . arksd, to
•it , al an* -Alinititit4tii•-.
- - ,• • .40Iilf G. MOUT 8410.
Xrin 63 ' iUtbkI4I!QI9.
‘, ,
Tnts PIIPIOTLY P 07.11 ADD Drr,7ti Van ,Wzgd,
*tom see Itlneynrd of Moors Do Iron , go & I 'o . whose
erste lies In the antra of the farfamed Champnine
Megrim of France. It bra tamp, to been o .Lbeed to
Inn beg lentos of Inland and, the • Continent, end hoe
only very rexent y been intr. anted Into thin °wintry
where tte Tare
,gnodlty, potnblood with: the moderate
price it whloit It to,Olhred; So Aitiedy sokaviog a sate
mess And lop tlerty tinkraoodented In the whole or the
Pold 10 tbli elty bY ic DIAL:No. 20
Id &PIOT TRIM v. and pc tko locincdpal end
by an the leadiog dealers rbroogbons cAO country. -
30. V. X-7.4ELTYGEET:77pI3"r;
I,lo4,llttitiagri U - ,
PERLE" ".iam
•The ondareinued hate been sppotnied sole spots for
_Ste United States ma C►nsda, for the pale of . the
Oaampagne Wine' of Krum JACQUES GOUG &
CO ,at Chalons.enr•Marne, Prance. We present their
wines to the public under two brands, namely:
:Tik; Piikvio?. mai ii of oN - r obits flavor and Crotty
‘Unt,le guarantied to compare favorably with any
Win. in the American market. •
RTI lea arm , Ostinet Mammas', of a
bramilfal kribtoolimi wlrlalift' material to , the trios.
rib irin• L aodriabtivily one of the Smart Oablnat
clliaroaricaro ProdMiai Is Pram* and is tirade from
rirsPoriof the olioliOat islactiona. -
from Oolong exparlaihri, extensive poamaalona, and
lino means of,thir iron knowit, bona. of dit9QUNII
GOMM do op.,' and ttielr daterialmitioa to fttridal
wtove-wbieb mootwith the approval of oorivrimora,
we hal parsaaaral tkat a trial will falls earablish all
WO claim for the airlelletroe of these whom. -
• ',11 , ..41,0443Ecte; Ist 09L013107;
Aoe la Buthtio NiW YORK.
The sierra Wiese easy be bad at the followlart pm*
Is Pitladelebla • • = •
lour Giaasion /e' en ,2114 Walnut 41.1 , none H.
Immo dc:00 , ,583 Dock It JIMMY WALIIIII4 281 °hest
*last Jos. L'insins Ec. - no., 206 S. Front at., Wm.
Mow. An &UAW. 4148. groat it.; • Tellll3oll, OCrenll.
& 00 ,8t H. Second et.; Lawnoirk. Taanno, 807 Mar:
tit At ; lgoirepos Siang, *Arne- Obentunt. and Broad
OIL; Sims. Jr., Twelfth - sal Ohaltiint, Oa.;
utiutax IfAirorado,` TOB Make? AV; Comm,
air Brood and Walnut; ' '&:11rdsio020 Mount
otieft; Woe L !MiLODOOC & MI South Third , at.
. 1 41.1 a• Yt Wie totlowleuVotalat " .
HaVell; COOOSOn't 07LOO1 & Co. ; WABOnIG
VOX eloirofrA" Or.488;•13c. LAwsisos W
CANu 4 sOLL' .; 00 • IlLiscousrul , 80411., , C. Matto;
oni & , . lettinwicaln
Chugs anb Chenitcata.
'DXAMIRX IN AMIXIOAt wixnow owls
101114 m •
E'S,K „D' E:,t! .9,.T
TprLARGABT itr.7113 UNION.
ilehootg, ta,Oak, Wal
• ast i so4.loai!ogsziy, of koadoome atylo
3N00 1 17.11170 IrE7TTON , 113,
(erilqisoose to)
ARACAIBO COFFEE..-200 begs Coffee
IV., - gaperloi Joat received. Per bark
ardt . pr sail! low , by 'OIIIMLES
_40.84.0c ' 180 WALNUr Street. .
, • ,
4'74"J'"q'T!',4,1,114 1,49, Dry Bides)
- SlReatts.alliqr be
ISO WALNUT, iltrat.
11 aquarto any tot brilliancy And durability, and to
tata-ax.aloatve. Lbw Lubricating iloal 011 ,
. S. S. • WOBBAEDIE sotr,
T iNNERIi 01L...L=7220 bbla
,§6ota and
doe E. B. fIVHHABI ) : eon;
‘,44.4 • 1611 Anna Irk.rmiii.
r 924 ESSE .-260 boXee - 'Herkimer County
ILI IRMO* tO don sod for sat* by cv: MUM &
iNLVJUIOSI Street, stexemi door Owe /scot. • $72
- „,.
"STA . E, PAPERI"'t•
. • • • Arlan 12 , 1_ -
karate:be riumerourrothar Contribute re toile (*lam*
Terms—Two bollats a year; Payable In advairerai,,'
Published at No. "S BEFEbtart sTrunii, and rer
rale by ALL NJWB A47INTII. * •
. , • ,
The gifted itithOiees, who has "eiintfibutee mush tilt
Magasiae Literature, and ie ' - ' • •
nu reffeeted new lustre npon Western Llterattrra
this, the most complete, aa leis the most beautiful, 04%
neutron of her pen. '
It le(Printin horn new type, on beautiful pryer, 4 ,
elegantly bonntt:' . • " • -
It i one of thOse books Vfbloh oply women writsolo.
can writs 'vie a doinestio covet 'bowing. musb
Meld into fencrle•oh'raoPr, in all lta Meer shades.
judge It to, be the work of • clever brain find a •gori:
heart, Whose lnepirat , one and exphicrotes are found
the family circle —Spriagfiad (Mass:) Iteloublita2
k of me eh an
eh Merit , iii..eiderable hitt
•Mil:etiould - Jar.gett io be karst rgort, skr,d as sit h'l
lends the leadisztosipeat mach of the author++ intarsil.
The ibl o inaltself II a typopeptiteal heauty.-4RepreW,
'Rosso& I -.. a N •
• , •
• This volume bigot up In Avery yakking meaner. Tllg,
paper : and type ,of the clearest, and as
traitor, the fair rintkotetke eyes Ai —New .13sr(foute
- /kfeSsury:
,• _
This Is one if the hsed.omete vPleinee 'of the yeses
sae on he typt graphical anpearanoe does great Suva to •
the press of Ohio. It is a doineitte story, tbld with
ooneteeteble,wbility, with s amorous ' trotoly-matbA
chordate, ei and lomdeofs rathei litteniefy stated. Tar
nosne Is laid In heir %Ragland; end: toe tale Arevektie .
•• heart histories ++ that will hare quite a °eine tor ei
large clue seadere.—Salem (Mass.) Hasetis • •.;
, To saythat it le safest readible and interestiog work;
0 baying tee litilelof it. Its style" ii simple yet ele
gant, and fall of incident and life: fifeintended
se • severe thrust at,the folly and heartlessness ot,
lotkable Me, and " points its moral " 'fn a way- that
shows that t he authoress n'eans ell "elicit' e. Fa to able
to *intim tall she means —Qssiacy 01,)
IY ilinstotteo well ttie AIM tonsetrosnoto of pride, 11.
nits ,devotion„ -to society and to, Istablon,--Centrai
Chrfiban-fftriild Cisco:Ott. • ' • -
r , ,
' Woe 'oo s
ulitthhiktbit oh yetodg 'etould raid Vale
bekhh ostlllall to admire old Imitate. the' trot wotnia c
os tjp)r ago pm* to ayold the drop,/ end letoked
mete of he beaftlete rptrzy of ptiomml:--4rewb
totid,, Whit.'
(Cr Cloptoe forwarded .10 *44 on of op,
FOLLET, FOSTER, & 00., Punmain,.
171644.0 p ,
st attx NR W poOliSe;
Translatod from M. Illoholot!rn refit 'pier
The acpreoedected succeed et thti r ia#3book.lytbe
celebrated ellehelet, le 'enr.prbiloc, ,Idition'ettlee adt .
Lion locale/ for. 'Br bil,dafTlF3l,tro4bdutzthe°l4lo23r
are N.:ordering It, in large tnaatttlee: - riateint ,
' as me ?. Malta. 'PA» U.
' A Domestic; Diary of the antual crime whichocomed
, among a colony of , the inhabitants 10 the neighborhood
of New Pork and Long Island, during the %trot the
American Re volution, together with Personal Domini. -
arienersof Wastungton and i afayette, never beforeput-
Halted. Belated: by the daughter of a clergymen, and
prepared from records now in
,the poSsession of the
family of the author If lifted by 0 111ney Barclay
one of our most distinguished hiatorians remarks of
title volume, that it is the only Watery r f p testa home
wren*, pobluithd, sq. is 'nteresting OD OM a.count—sii
previous works being more tri less atitiatioal and gine
rat Tote romame mum alone at 1:0 egentios the occur
rences and Incidents which existed in one neighbor
hood. nil°, mord°, Prioted to antique. Price st.
' • ,
IX-ift..2tT.L3r+ - Sr
A naW novel ,of beelines, an t wall drawn (Margo
tam happily oupopired, sod palntad with great truth of
dotati Ay 6i1112 UlippUla• gda volume, Limo.,
muslin; , Prtoo $1.26.
These Doak' will be seat by mall, romea vain, t , "
ley pert of the United !Masa on the receipt the
price', by RUDD & tiARLDITON.
Publishers wad B. oteellera.
No. 180 Gesell street, near Droedwey, N. Y.
feloll/tatf „
80L$ imeoaras,
• BOONS ere sold et the loweit prises end &band_
some gift le given with etch book et the time of pet;
ewe: -
Maxie sodluerned Prie $1
ITALY AND TU WAIt OP 1113§0,—By umlaute lulls
de efarvertlttes prim. $1 16 -
. TDB rowan aza OP TUB waive HOBAN, o• the
long euretioti ramble ef r londOn Clerk, by the author
or Tom Br trot, °obool Dot I Prle. Pl.
Trial• of Yews L nick', by T li 'Arthur. Primo $l.
by blroeelf ; troustat d by. Theodore Dwight Prime Pl.
AU the Welt Publlostlons eon be 'maid at
Girt Book btore
No. 480 MIPS 'NUT otr•et •
r_HA St BB EtS 'P EritaltOtiTSD/A,
ILI (To be In eighty monthly' parts. .5 cents sash)
Ana arty melted to any ad tem by •
JOHN lea/PAOLA N. Agent
Tor APMITOIVII Otator..M.,
ARO AOEHOPE L, OH Ur adore titx.h
n * A t* Mailed fr e wbren—lf 'AM In al•ana
L OTRAVREIT FORWARD; or. Walking in th.
1414 t. Astor. for oohootp. mine 011 ow, Br. Lucy ,
a .aaartal , author of ,inskt Amy? , &a ,A 0. lfono
Illnatrited 'lb cents,
BANK+R LAB; or, !teat for the Weary. Illustra
ted.' 45-ienta"
Tab ...NOVI. OF MN lON oLERG ott4 other etoriei.
I.lostratiog peat morel truths. Deeloned• chiefly for
the Young. Br lour Todd. remo. 76 cents
BLEND TODD or The Loot Toned. 16rao. 60
Ramma AND MUGU; or, Self Ideatery. Bi
Douala, /7 .to. IBmo 76 oeme
THE WA.1113 Or VII B 0408; or, 'toffee of the
Btrthmle of Turk mod beneaster. By J. B. Yager. 11.
InesVated: , 16 no 80oeu4.
TDllllO'2l2l ON TUN iffORTIMEINT. Timesteted.
By eillmen. 12mo. 60 cleats. ,
Poi sale by
#1.41.1A1d B. k. Atiansu tutivreal,
fjlR No 606 01f lITTNUT Street
12mo 76 cants. • , ,
ifOrrogit 07 mil MIMI
There. is a warmth of tone anal feeling about this
hook which will make It not unsocepteble to • large
class of readers. Its practical earbitetnella and sere
ranee of spirit are high recommendations —Banner of
the Gross - • • - -
The yohlme *outsize einem, and earnest expositions
of prophesies: , The author's views are, in some ra
soeste, ' pec u liar , and ate worthy of attention and con.
ilideration —Amerman Rresbyterish. '
The book fe tie product of a calm, thoughtful, ear.
neat. and reverential mt. d, and may be emigrated with
profit —Presbyterian Banner and Advocate.
Just published by
Wildh.lAld 0. & ALFRED KARTLEN,
j 025 ' No. 600 CHESTNUT Street.
The andernigoed rites that be has frequentiy for
sale books printed between the yearn 1470 and 16' 1 0;
early editions of the fathers of the Reformers and of
the Puritan Divicee; In lm, Branton, Lyttleton. Prif—
fandorfff Grotins, Doers; Coke, lisle, the Year Hooke,
Reports, he., are cilia, to be found upon his shelves;
~oyoleoedise, Olassio Authors, History, Poetf.ri
PinioSOPb.r. boience, Political Boonomy. Government,
arobiteisture, Natural History. Vestiges upon these
sad other kindred subjects are being eostinually dealt
In 'by him. Books, an largo and small quantities. pu -
chased at the Oastoin-Home avenue Bookstall, 011B8T
BHP Street, stove fourth, Philsdalchts. JOHN CAMPBELL.
For 11l parity, whiteness, and strength, and admitted
by both the trade and the public to be vastly superior
to any other STARCH now in market. As an evidence
of which, It has taken the premium at the Bair of the
American institute, New York city; New York State
Fair; New Jamey State !air, tad many other pleura
where it has been exhibited. Owing t, the purity of
this article. it Is particularly adapted to fabrics of the
!Meet possible textrtre, it being free from all those sub
summer an common to Starch in ordinary ago that are
'de trot re to artiolos to which they are applied.
For all damage arising from diserepavoles between the
real and alleged merits of this STAMM we will in
dininify partied favoring to; with their Ordeal.
OLIN,OOYR ,Idatill/AOTORIIee 00.
WILLIAM DURYEA; General Agent,
aPSS inwtsetiwtly2o
'"0 HAN T 8 —A large steak of Manila and Jute Rope. '
minutaatued and for /ale at the lowest New Yoik
"ptlelei by ...svEsvma. RITLEIR k CO ,
kle 211 North itrstst Octet s ,stid tt.l Sort& Wharves
- •
New ,lttblicationu.
1-IISPiOIt3I3I3. 1 4
One Voluble, 12nio. 414 pp. 2,rios $1
E4t „trtss.
THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1859.
Charles Pelham Villiers.
By way of atonement, we presume, to the
Earl of CLAZENDON, who bas no office in the
new British Ministry, the Presidency of the.
Board of 'Trade, with a seat in the Cabinet,
declined by Mr. &newt, has been offered to
and accepted by Mi. 0. P. Vumsas;the noble
Earl's brother. As usual, the mendacious
Morning rldver‘tiser'announces that Mr. Con-
DEN Was ,about to be. appointed .Governor
'General of Canada—about the last place he
would accept, Jost now, as it 'would take him
out et , England I
Borne tbirtY•two years ago, a young gentle-
man of aristobratioai appearance and.bearing
presented hiniself in the,old
dinin•hnii of P)OP.ThYst,4i'
'ot" legit
tcosis•written for hitni.according to immemo
rial oustom,i7 thii butler of that time•honored
Instinition—and 'having: previously sent in -a
certificate that he had eaten a certain number
of dinners in the above-mentioned hall—was
then and there declared
,by the Betichtke to
have completed his Jegal.educatlon.:,and was
thereupon. c , calied to the bir.". The young_
gentleman invitation was then in his Itventy
fifth year, but his light figura ; bright bine:eyes,
smooth face:iced , goldon ringlets might have
wirrentedlhe belief that he was some years
younger. In all probability the Benchers may
have felt some little surprise at the appearance
of the noWly-tidmitted counsellor. For at that
time, 31117, PIARIGICB PatuAlt 'Pumas vas, in
all , respects, "a young man about town." Ho
had very little money in his pocket, and was
chiefly: distinguished, at 'the time, for' the'
grace and peraeveronee'of his• waltzing.- ito
vas noted; also, rot' the elegance of his-at•
fire—no man bad more taste In vests,: neck-
tles, gloves, and boots—and he rivalled
.15'Onser himself in We general make-4. To
look at him you would say at once that young
Vmmans was too much of an emuleiteever
to riao abovo the condition - of a 11oud•stree
lounger and a habilui of Almaok's.
B e bad what is aristobratically called "good
blood" in' his veins, being the second eon of
.a younger branch of the,Ordatmanou
The, Hon: Gamma Vmaraas, his father; had
only,a scanty portion ho, commence with, and
-left :,very limited means; to his three sons.
:Cinemas, the eldest; born'in-1800 took to the
diplomatic ' , line, in which 'be 'showed marked
ability. •ClaltLaft beetune'a barrister, 4 we
hive Seen. lifitivriarr' entered the Church,
There Mast have been considerable talent
,arnong'them, for the eldest, when oily a coin , :
rose by merit alone to be British ;4,m-
bassador at Madrid. The death of his cousin,
:without children,-elevated him to the garidom
of Clarendon, and, after being' a Cabinet Mi-
nister under Lordlena SIIII9ELL, he tilled the
office of Viceroy of Ireland: during the iron.
blotto period of 1848, and was Lord FAI,
DIERBTON'S Foreign Secretary .since Febru
ary, 1858. Cannata!, Who. has distinguished
himself' in Parliament as , an excellent debater;'
was Judge Advocate general from December,'
1852, until 'March, 1858. Mosntou (made
'Bishop of Carlisle in 1855, through his elder-.
bother's influence,) the one of the most
pular preachers and useful parochial eler-
Tien - y:4ll . Eizi; 'born hi :1802; walAdd
cated atUambridge University, where
'anguished himeelf rather by his eloquence at
the Upton Debating Club, t where he succeed
ed MAILMAY and preceded' Blinwsa,) than
by any great' kneirriedge of science and clas
sics. 'He graduated as Master of Arts in
1827, the year he was called to the bar. For
'some Sears be appeared on the Western Cir
cuit in the ungenial character of a briefiess
barrister. He was a great favorite among his
be-gowned and be-wigged brethren, and was
the life, and soul of the bar-mess. He bad
lively spirits, keen wit, sportive eloquence,
excellent temper: and—few briefs. B is seni
ors were as much his friends as his more im
mediate contemporaries, and he was pardon-
Italy a pet, while only a lawrstudent, with the
late I t orrl GrvfOrtD, successively Chief Justine
of the Common Plese and Master of the Reds.
When Lord. LYNDHURST was appointed to . the
Rolls, on GIFFORD'S death, he also formed a
strong liking for Mr. Vraragas. Everyone
who, knew him was rejoiced when it was an
winced that their somewhat pococurante
friend was provided for by being made one of
the two Examiners (of witnesses) in Ohance
ry,Nrith a salary of '£l 600 a year As it was
a dfe.appointment, his pecuniary olrenmstan
ces'have been easy: Nevertheless, 11r. Vn-
Marta , has always been rather tt hard tip,"
from his carelessness about money-m tams.
. Mt: Vtualas was very mach out of place
in his valuable office, the duties of which in.
.volve the very scantiest demands , upon the
intellect. Even the clerkly virtue of punctu
ality ho 'was very delleient in. He had a
kback, which continued with him during his
twenty, years of offias, of making appoint- .
mante r z-and not keeping them. In th is ho ex
hibited a strong contrast to the other Exami
ner, Mr. PLONEN., a very hardworking and
pains-takieg man. To the surprise of his
frienda,Mr..Vibmsao entered Parliament in
1885. At that time be was in his thirty-se
cond year, conscious of possessing very great
abilities, and painfully aware that very few
persona gave him credit for having the caps-
city to rise out of the undistinguished rank of
mere men of ton.
He was elected to Parliament by the, bo
rough of Wolverhampton, then:recently cre
ated by - the Reform Bill. Row ever such a
smoky', murky, dirty, muddy town could have
chosen Such a beat; garcon as CH4LBLEAlrixmas
was a matter of senora! surprise, The fact is
readily explainable. He had been one of the
Comittssfoners of Inquiry into:the operathati
of the Peon Laws, only a little before his ap
pointment to the Chancery Examinership, and
had exhibited so much shrewdness and saga-
City during his visit to Wolverhampton that
the new borough very gladly accepted him as
one of its representatives. This connection
with Wolverhampton has continued without
interruption to this day. In 1847, after the
Corn Law Repeal, South Lancashire - also
chose him, but he elected to retain his seat
for Wolverhampton.
Mr. VamEas was in Parliament for some
time before be made any effort to distinguish
himself as a speaker. His 'votes were invaria
bly liberal, and the Ballot has found him one
of its constant supporters. The Anti-horn
League, formed at Manchester, in 1841, has
generally received the credit of having in
duced‘the late Sir BODE= PEEL to remove
the heavy taxation on food, in 'IB4G. PEEL
himself, after the Repeal of the obnoxious
bread tax, declared that Mr. COBDEN was the
champion who bad won the battle. COBDEN
and WILSON (Of Manchester) respectively re
ceived large money-testimonials from the pub
lie fol- -- their services in this cause, but
pioneer. From 1838 down to 1846, be made
an annual motion for the Repeal of the Corn
Laws, and made out a strong case, year after
year, with eloquence, ardor, and a wonder
fully clear array of statistical matter. It be
came emphatically his question, and his ma
nagement of it, showing him a man of tact
and good sense as well as an orator, establish
ed a high character for him, as a statesman.
He has, not cared to place himself before the
country, as an ambitious Parliamentary speak
er, but occasionally bas been tempted into
the arena—Chiefly in reply—and always 'with
In December, 1852, when Lord ABM: MEN
formed his Administration, in succession to
that of Lord DERBY, he appointed Mr. Via.
assns to the office of ImigP-Advocate General,
the salary of which is £2 000 a year; where
upon he resigned his Examinerabip When
the Palmerston Ministry quitted office, in
March, 1858, Mr. VULIERS else resigned. He
was overlooko4 on the recent,reconetructlon
of the Kialstry. Els appointment now is
Ordtioad a doilble to pa),"
for it will please his lordly brother, and•it puts
another Freetrader into the Ministry, instead of
00$DEIN, who declined office. , • .
• Mr. VLIZABES has long since abandondd,the
dandyism .which• distinguished him in his
youth,. Indeed, he has somewhat mu into the
oppesite , extreme, and may now be 'pallid
careless% his dress,and general make -tip.. In
appearance, he continues singularly youth*
At the age of fifty-seven, he does not lo*
more than forty. He is tall and slight, frenh 2 ,
complexioned, easy •in his manners, (a!
more shy, perhaps,-than public men timidly
are,) and is unmarried, albeit a, groat sdailrer,
•of•the fair sex, As a Privy Couneillor;he,
has borne tho•proflx. of
,c! Right
to hianameoince djis4,
• Although his manners Md
ars, ataeratical,
his: ;opinions • are very •Rheral r—they have,
been , so• all his life t JB-a man of:ittint,
conzmon ?- Sense; „nuAeribt,e4Assikeityi,
lie" 'integrityp; of great: „personal : . hiter.
What he means homill say, and what he Rya
he will adhere' to.• The only drawback Which
ire anticipate is that arising from ,Mr., Yu
rawa'a. notorious • disinclination for regular
routine walk. 'By_ fits - and starts, he is indus
trious. •If he, will only bring steady applica
tion to the performance: of, , hiti•highrduthis,he
will (like Captain Cattle's watch) be cc elialied,
by few-and surpassed•by.none.l', „
firoticef( of-New, Books.
- ,We have two, volumes of 'Fames, both of, local,
lesue, The first, by Blitert Brerithry,, beard : tied
"The Hemlock Tree, and
„he Legende," 'At
ratteville, in the Stets of New :York; not finfroM'
CoPperst twn, , the , Preface tells us,"once stood Muni
floe old hemlock trams. ' After an absence of itlew
weeks, the author found reset of Ihtim. failed, and
an envious Out of-the sae into the oldest of there
wh,oh from' its size and beauty, had, 'remanded
hie admiration, while its antiquity- bad : won hie
'veneration. He wrote_ :several Maws, of a - path
tion from the
,tree,,whieh, were_ Pahlish , d, in the
local journal , where thei mot the eye of Mr. Whit.
ford, who owned'the tree. The result was that
"the tree was presented 't6 the poet. With a rod of
land on 'every eldeif it. , When ' the authdr left
that part of thet:MOW, tWenty years ago, he left
the inhabitants as trastees sad guardians. of the '
tree, and believes that they still preserve IV In
like manner, when the mad grand,unole of Byron,
• thepoet, was about patting down the famous oak,
just at theentranoe into the'groa,ndanf, Nerrstead
Abbey, the inhabltantent Nottitighain, in•
deity, purchased the tree &dui hint,'with as much
tend as It overehado wed, and attends -green and
glorious ter this day. Thus, too;41116 etmitir oc-,
°wince suggested Thomas Campbeire Pititionnf
the Beech Tree, which supplied hir: Morris
with the idea and even some of- the language'of
" Woodman, films that Tree." to which the bean-
tiful music of Mr. Maury Angell gave popularity.
Mr. BtaChary, after his petition bad rescued the
tree, made it the medium d relating come fattiest
legends of "
' , What. tontarles ago, befell
The Indian ma—their love their hate ;v- •
. Their outrage,
,w edom, hapless fats:
Ink: manner': onitonte way of life, • .
= Their heating feats, their deadly strife;
Them vatuse,!' , • •
. . ,
atolls relates these etories,, in oritosyllabio verse,
which he who Inns may read. It is not poetry
of a high order, but it is imbued with poetic feel
-14, and; irhether In proSe or verve, we have Tart
ly met with so reliant an animation or the Indian
Character: No publisher's name) on the title• Page,
so we aro 'enable V> indieste where this unpretend
leg and interessing,vol um* is to be purohtu3ed.
The other volume, published by Hazard of Chest.
nut -street, is !;The Wanderer and other Poems,"
b . Alkirifidioates it
olaismite and friend."" The prinolpal poem; front'
which the booklalies its name, is in the speceertan
stanza; 'theheio is Slott of native Child. Harold ;
and tale toeasry Of the West,'through Which he
travels, is described very forcibly and beautifully.
Mr. - Judson, indeed, itsa studied Byron . so mush
that he has Caught not only his, manner, bat his
mode of expression. Here is a stanza about Ni
agara, in which the imitation is obvious.
He that Dal sat upon the oataraot , s verge—
Even on the preellifeels pendent brow—
O'orhnog in downward g. ea upon theenrge,
Hath felt toll many a, 'mint thrill, I trove,
And wlsheth eat to dare ouch dangera more.
Par there lay strewn huge, titanic pl'es
Or rplint.re4 riche 0e 4
e,ges : eenturiee grow,
From whose jagi'd sides the to*tlinue streem
Al round' their etotm•wo'Yz bane its.waye tam:Canons
Byron, however, would have esobewed such
rhymes as piles and roma:.
The Mans% oompenllng,
• By Mayen 1 It lea fearful slake. to tee
And hear the olath or elemental war,
reminds ne too mnoh of Byron's,
By Mayon! It 1* a splendid sight to sem i
Nor one who bath no I &Ind. no brother there
There are many similar ooinoidenoes, which
truly are copies of Byron's language. "The Pro
gross of Freedom, in terzaiYitna,lB as muah better
than "The Wanderer" at the tedious poem on
"Moral Suction" Is inferior .to it "The Age of
Gold" Is a didactic poem of no small merit. Bat,
on the whole, the Misoelleneous Poems, prima.
pally lyrical and sonnets, are sufficiently good to
justify their ollection into a volume.
Edmond About, one of the moat distinguished
among modern French literati, who deals with
foot and notion alike sucoessfully—writing travels
and plays history and poetry,-novels and satire,
With equal brilliancy, and is yet not, mush More
than thirty years old—lately published a volume
upon "The Emma Q sedition," a translation of
whlob has putt been renioduced by the 'Appleton;
New, York. In the Monsteur, last year,' first ap-
peared Ida bitter attacks upon the Papaoy, its
Head, Its servants, and its system. ' The Pontifical
Governnient complained - that he was too out
spoken.. So, be was compelled to , direct:Ulnae
writing in the Moniteur. He rewrote, extended,
and published hie letters.--not in Paris, but in
Brussels, saying: "If I have sought a publisher
in Brussels, while I bad an excellent one In Paris,
it is not because I feel any alarm on the soore of
the regulations of our press, or the severity of our
tribunals. But as the Pope has a long arm, whioh
Might reach me In Prange, I have gone a little out
of the way to tell him the plain tratbe,cent - tined
in Clete pages." This apology says little for the
protcetive power of the Preach Government. The
book is light and even Haply in tone, but it con
tains ,eevere satire, and 'heavy accusations. , M.
About spares no person in Rome, however exalted
the sank. His sketch of Cardinal Autottelli,
Prime Minister to Piro IX, opens thus saucily:
"He was born in a den of thieves. His native
place, Sonata°, is more oelebrated in the history
of crime than all Aroadia in the annals of virtue.
This nest of vultures was bidden in the southern
mountaini towards the Neapolitan frontier. Roads,
impraetteablo to mounted dragoons, winding
through brakes. and thickets; forests, impenetra%
hie to the rtranger ; deep ravines and gloomy ca
verns, all combined to form a most desirable land.
Inane, for the convenience of crime The binases
of itonnino, old, ill-built, flung pall-mell'one anon
the other, and almost uninhabitable by human be
ings, were, in point of foot. little else than depot!!
of pillage and magazines of rapine. The popula
tion, alert and vigorous, had for many years peso.
tisedarcued robbery and depredation, and gained
its livelihood at the point of the carbine. New
born infants inhaled contempt of the law with the
mountain air, and drew in the love of others' goods
with their mothers' milk. - Almost as soon as they
could walk they assumed the oiOpois or mocassins
of untanned leather, with which they learned to
run fearlessly along the - edge of the 'giddiest moult.
taiWpreolpiees When they had acquired the art
of .pursuing and escaping, of taking without being
taken, the knowledge of the different coins, the
arithmetic of the distribution of booty, add the
prprincples of the rights -of nations as they are
praot i sed among the Apaohea or Commixes. their
education was deemed complete. They required
no teaching to learn bow to apply the spoil, and to
satisfy their passions in thwhonr of victory.. In
the year of grace 18011, this sensual, brutal, impi
ous, soperatitions, ignorant. and cunning me en
dowed Italy with a little mountaineer, known as
Giacomo Antonelli."
[From the Anthraelte Gazette
MA. EntrOu A. paragraph has lately appeared
in several of the papers, headed t , Important Sur
gioal Operation, " said to have beau performed, in
Tune last, by D r. Charles H Hoffman, of Heading,
in whioh he removed two ovarian tumors from a
lady living in Hazleton.
Having been present, by invitation, at the ope
ration alluded to, I do not feel iletiosed to allow
Dr Hoffman to TeOttiVe oredit for an operation that
he really did not perform, and with whlou he bad
nothing more to do than myself and other medical
men who were present, through the courtesy of
Dr Wytkos.
To Dr J. H Wyther, of Jeansvllle, the credit Is
due, whatever It may be, of performing the opera
tion, and to him alone—and how Dr. Hoffman; NAVA Onnnae.,—Commander T. A. BMA
under the oiroutnstanoes, oan for,hlmself-- has been detaobed from ordnance duty at Cold
and I only judge that he doer, from the feat that ;N. end Commander H. H. Bell ordered
I have been informed that It was first published In . P" w'
one of the Reading papers.--I cannot underetend. to relieve him, Passed Midshipman Wm. B.
This kind of professional piracy in beaming Evert has been ordered as acting-Master of the
rather too common, lately, and I could not. eon- - Fulton, and Passed Midshipman R. R. Valises to
slstently, let it eras on this occasion—whether the °minder. Vent Wm. R. Fitzgerald has been
originating with Dr. Hoffman, or his Invade— detached from the Belief, and ordered to the
wit - 6mA rebuke.
Sumpter. Lieut. Henry Wilson has been ordered
It may be proper to add; in this conneotion, that
the subject of the operation died on the film day to the Relief. • Vent Jonathan Young has been
after the operation. W: W. McGowan, 21. D. • ordered to the Observatory,
A.-i 3 troll Through -Laurel Hill—NO. 7.
. - 7 - Dr ; enavennup, , ; • ' ~.
-Although the oldest- of our cemeteries, itiorel
Hillis stilt a young Institution. lndeed. , [ll Is only
relatively vesting, that - , we have any old install
thins hi ale country stall, :NotWithstatling the,
recent origin of this' etniterilhoWever-.lhavlng
bninsfriindeid Within'mennory oribii yinuiger half
of the Present gineratioullthimi bison in Walston*e
long enough to demonstrate with Painful eartabati
[ the instability-of Ininien alTairs...A. fa* Insist:teen
[ have occurred, bridal whole families, the, a
I of whioh , were deeply interested ; in :the, Laurel, I nth project at- its 'ClineMeDOeitll3l% bare Paserid..l
enthVgfrom the scone of, motion, leaving' not a
I Toldjgabehind them to tell tbs . :litre - flier that such
i faiiiiirni'air'existed, Gut' the elmple 'Mementoes
liit are beisO r butninttlyirisirved to their memory
bylitheiltandi.",' -' v ' '- ' '-[. ;
-- One striking Cue of%this kind we find in- the
one of brothers, who, mere thamtwental 'eau
ego, wereyery largely engaged In menu tile affsirif
its this oily. Thomonetaryrernsiotts of 4837 over.
whelmed Ora, ant didnores of others, in !anemia
.ntitt...,..lrekot ;kr:widen etrannikilig,thi, hi hut '
0 /
' ; o 44io E 7hi4 ali ta a44o llll o l 4 l oo - ,:114k:
-'" li" a' th. 'ln - airOtii' atiftieel`wi -- h - to
!Mimi' , tie , eno . ns ~ • r. - .
ieneitive,_mindi, are evid - iiiiiiihir,ii ilinteAO f
Cautbitloti, and . Wei 'iblithiStini7.4qetijtateensg :
I hilly: NWT:" In the:sestireatlin ?of thou who
knew rtimin best, -- they botitNited,:hrekeinhtted:
The epitaph, doss not apPeAr,stposi Altar: Conial / ,
but alai! could' totouldering.aelos *Disk Sl44Sit
how souls from °lay:are rent...hignef,'nuttneradt,
AO Ainsnollied by - ,6stlAir,r 44 011 t",1 1 °4 th a t
from multitudes of tombs wontecorne .- thei claylT
bOrn verdict, "Died ort - bioititi heart I' 1 . Cali 1
'the diseases on our weekly lists : by Whatevirrlnareie
we choose: - blasted hopes and luerated love i oloini
a proportion - of vlatimo whioh the'judgmott i t•firitt
rill-alone reveal./ The dutietartsgestedbYphies.'
reflootioptaie, heweyor,;tin to tite',dood,b t,fer, 1
the living. The two brotbers, haie .paosedy from !
,tbe scone,alkeincia then their, i'auttiliiiit, home Slams::
peered. l . l o 'het!'the, Laurel Bill company was Mid
oillanizei thei - moatifeitted a, genieroits iterest In
the m ovement;' and nor, thet‘they are gone with
none' of their kindred left to 'Ono for the 'spot in --
4111ot Ahoy. shiee;:the'presldent of the ethniany,
by his own dtreotion,keeps their graveslninen'
and excellent repair ; and' we cannot but!lo,h , l
open this humane regard the' otherwise Mi.
oared.for, as a - beautiful' einresdon'if his 'town ! ,
liar: adaptoduese for 'the'nO-leas ' honetrable t h an reeponsiblei poet be -.. '', 'r :' '.! -.!
,4 .,...
A short'distadoe from the spot last. referr to; - I
le Abe, restingiplace l of ; the ,lets .Entry , oth.-[
marked by a modest.tomb.: Mr: T. was, w motive,.
of the, State ,of .Delaware„ and was frequently I
heard to say that he never had nyear's editelitlon:
Lake many other* in the history Of Mir young re.;
Public; be olonqriered titer. diglialties Whioh heiet
him lijr his own tintniriamilled eneiglisit Andiowen,
with good natural Potrisre,;(be rose**, hot° Able}
distinction In his prbfession'is ii drtigglit—it usi .1
nets 1p Whichhe wee for'xcianylearartenglog d In
Market street--,and In h 1c.. de1 .. .w 1 1 4 ..*4 0 "11 BC
one of the • most useful "Andmplisient inembqrs'of
1 - iounolls.. We Alfa , beautifully exemplified; the,
'wisdom of bind's:4,pm in te grity, ina tioefu(nels
as a Prirate r oitis en, 'rather' than ' ' , ginning 1 the ,
empty honors of Tilsce foi 'the Mire
sake' of pad.
don.' Mi. Troth died `greatly •Soteiied for his
sterling Worth •al 's' mint by it large oircte of
friends. . ..--. - .
Among the departed Amiga residents of Pills
delphia, who are 'reeolleoted rwith great reeipeet
by many of oar people; the name of Chhrles
Verbs deserves ble enumerated. ) . .111.
graoefal monument' will be ;recognised • on, the
right of the °amino way, a short di/games frill!
the entrance. He was one ofpar most enterprising
importing Merchants. Besides possessing niony,
rare sooial qualities, to Mr. Vesin belongs the dis
tinotion of having in his day stood at the bead of
chess-players in Philadelphia. As is anivertaliy
the ease with those who ter.; skilled' in this mlinly
game, he loved it postionately t and at the Little
Atha:imam coterie Of the - lovers •of these toirns.
meats, Mr. :V. TM an almost oougtent Viegter,
aith r as s.eot t o „ •
game.. ,
- -• ' Nor. as a • well-known patron of the " pre
servative,"att timid the name of Adatic Waldie
here be omitted. The neat, upright marble, altieb
marks his tomb; is iooied "upon with Intel! eat
interest - by many a pasSer;by. lefir. -, ,Waldie as a'
celebrated periodical - publisher, and, by nia of
our citizens, will long be remembered as the ub
Usher of " Waidie's Select Simulating Li te r y,"
a very popular work. Those who perused the: lat.
ter will not willingly paiatile tomb withont iitop
ping to read its modest ineoription. de amen, he
was Weenie& by all; was pre-eminently' popular
among lacountrymen, in' confirmation of which
It may be added that be wee for many yeari the
veined president of_ the Srotelt Thistle Sociaty;. •
In-the Watherdl family lot—to the monument
in which alltmion has alree4been made—reipose
the remains of the late .Tahrt•Price Wetherill. By
those who have reason to know, it is said that no.
event has over occurred at Laurel Bill which ex- -
ailed- more wonder than the enormous - cor,tege
which followed to the tomb the body - of this Wsa
fal and highly esteemed citizen. So great wetthe
number of carriages on this occasion , filled itb
dignitaries of the oily, and the Atnerous friend.
of the deceased, that not half of them Could be
acocmmodated with room-in alt the spacious ioadr
of the omnetery. Mr. Wethetill was for yeire a
controlling mind in our • Connoile,and wielded ate in
fluenoe—almost always in the popular direotion—
which will long be practically felt in various chan
nels of our municipal mivernment. 1 •
Pining from the summer-house, toward 1 the
Pepper property, we encounter a handsome plinth
commemorative of the late Director of the United
States Mint. Profcaser,E M. Patterson (uncle te
the late Dr. Blisha Kent I{ t•ne), whose suavity of
manners, attainments, in Menem, and essellstuo,
es a man, are well known ;to most of oni older
elitism. Before concluding these sketches, :it n
the writer's purpose to devote a brief notice to the
tries which adorn this cemetery—a glorious feu
tune they are—but there is a tree -in the imme
diate vicinity of the Patterson tomb which de
serves attention here. It is a superb and luxuriant
specimen of the Magnolia Maorephylle, towering,
in its oriental majesty, above the surrounding
scene. This splendid tree has an immense lest
and bears a rower of exquisite beauty. Theis is
probably no tree in this °Smite at one.* beau.
tiful and eomitela neglected. It is entirely herdy
and at no distant day ii destined' to:heoome: the
chief ornament of every planter's pride. i
In the section designated the Shrubbery mar
be seen a ouriosity: ha monumental. arehiteoure
The inscription upon -it—wldeli the reader will
pardon my net transcribing for these eolumnair
written in Egyptian': and was, I am informed
composed by the late (Norge R. Gliddon, theeru
dite archreologlet, of "Types' of Mankind" noto
riety, for a no less'eMinetit 'poison than the' late
Wm. Swain, disooverer, author, and patentee of
the celebrated " panacea" which hears his name
It would, of course, be in bed taste to quarrelwith
the seleotion of any language for a monumental
inscription. The, seleotian in this ease has the
1 merit of novelty, to say,the least, and for attract
' ing attention could hardly be excelled." - '
One of 'the most Artletlo pieces of monumental
statuary in this division of Laurel Hill remains
yet unnoticed. It ie centrally located, and adorns
the lot of Mr. Matthew I'. Miller, the statue being
commemorative of hie little son, who from fall
' health was laid cold in death _by a fatal attack of
croup, of but three hours' duration. Enclosed in
a shrine, regumbent upon an altar-tomb, iti the
marble figure of this child, so life-like, that in
viewing it you feel that you are looking upon-a'
work of art. The 'production of this beautiful
piece of statuary was under the following circum
stances: The child having deceased,' it.may be
said in perfect health, retained for some hours the
apparent, freshness and embonpoint of life itself
and, while in this condition, the celebrated sculp
tor Pedrloh (who afterward became the sculptor to
the Emperor of Brazil) was milled in, and took a
perfect model cast from the child, from which he
chiselled what is certainly one of the most artistic
works of its class in the entire grounds. ,
A large number of points and persons have now
bean referred to. To have devoted a line to every
name that meets the eye of the visitor who takes
a systematic stroll through Laurel Sid would
have greatly exceeded the contemplated Brats of
these sketches, if indeed it would not have or
hansted the reader's pattenoe. In accordance with
the design expressed in commencing them; such
features, whether of historic interest or monumen
tal merit, as seemed most worthy of Reties, the
writer has endeavored , briefly to. present; not
doubting, however, that there ere others, perhaps
many equally-worthy, that have crimped hie no.
tine. If such omission( have marred, this, I
trust, will be granted; that they are due • to an
oversight which tinder the circumstances seems
almost turaviddable. The reader will next be in
tradatied to - Sourit Laurel Bill. • - •
NOTIOT TO cosauroxamms.
.Forrespowl eats far IcTsirTssion !in ylen,
as. Wei no
ivory otomussibtow-aast be asoospapled bltba
neap or the vs*: deleellteeiseetees Ls
"thoeef; ciei otit i :0 01 1- A*4. 16 /01 be
nrtttyt - , - - .
*lda be ipastly oblitid to geatlamalis Palmy 14
Too* and riVpie-filia* ;for flying ika
,ostroot sa ve of tk.4ar is jy ty,j•r*Olii Paint**
0 0, r*.560.41 . 0 Oki six*, ti. liaise •
°4 ° ,ll ad I•._ t i all 3okolofialanooffaitkoo will'llobateNst*
t° ii•D4Llrooder:'z
:6(EIVER At ' ji 'T A*B•
- -
-.ladaitiash a r- Paitisiitire'w-'lltsw."—ln a
remit marlin Molotov Walivildbiteremarkable
- preemies - 0 titled Ati- ie,gentletitall" d '
on board the
nofortanatearatti,f.Thirgentlesiten ootaprising the
Male*ettlati:etiltei Partzhadweetilved. themselves
in wirliwileliriallaitteea to taki.ishargeot,the
riots etamausiery deperbleate
Qaa gentlenimi, was Oaf de.ews)i saliao t a.
er was
qedrteroiestet; ati&W ; gialat_talli 'Osman
was 'master of- the 'Ask
~, A hneeeted
a large bowl of that Weir, come
on deck- to pipe alrhstidesimee to laiititbe, - when
*beteg etreekthe wieke and-l'eareatilod, portl ally
uliolt- A e r. , be a nt. , eildkes lll ol.--Patatizgors ) crews
luggage, lunsh baskets", ete• into the lee tan pete r
amid the shrbilti( - ortlmld tromp and :ohitdrett.
Notwlthstaiviant thi monimiteryperit; ens Ideal
gave evldenee of. the Treitoisitnitei roller passion
and the most presence" of mind.
" Good Heaven !" said he, " there goes the whole
pail of punch. The .rtelve-eepressioa sewed Fume to gated thereby:4ot theeeisA*o him than any
anisette-their courage could" have tone.
_ ...
Tait GcsOprem7 -- latalittrltilhtt - org an of
pwiPli7se 'ibe,Weil'ead,Bouth, males
Ih. .following' Waage .dedisrani*,:-"AkzegBrdil
_ths liperieh, meta. IrsheiledV
se, ea the
-;.!Fust Fatiniz DlVllEriOarta.=.4nilgO3Feed
:iraf,-`4 the Wort or 3114,Yorki,deeided,
in the 'Game :efiSatiliiiduiell/ ...Ferretti ea. Edwin
Forfeit,' to 'trant..:the,-rogiost* %Astute of re.
fere* Lai's; matt, 'defendant nark albriony at the
rat. d# 8200 Or Wne; Istuftsl,sofr foil/la/Win
aounsel•tuasaiokie l i
lfr a nifeid , fiirfailliii,,fraalber' torteeoiinty, P..,
issoutal GiolgWitaifenbtadif; furineflii &eon,
alaft ieltaiiiicuttiaiteli,ilvida.Voutlhirty:foitr years,
eatordittieu itilitldt-YOngrridaye_wtfrikr by bengutg
blingolCnitVainhaln troteli rafter In hielberz. -
A 'Efienkariirl WI% cleaves,
S4sifitinif' WM: 1.01#3, - fals ludo:J*4l'lo:dt before
, jaitioa tbiersai *hi) `elhot-igitlds wife
Irea hi- the hititttot •
the Inootabiesdag 717--
torcesin, Grernatii;.tvellAtmn is Pater.
eon,A , r J.. Eniebeiti 'by.itus"Vnuoian
Government, -.`Teltrialeii"geioan?l Piteintaien de
-livered op to fatal& siOitude Within the last fair
Tsar Hen.' Gfeerik 13, ez bpd the
Melt: Ji t ,,rlo Ater fahtlit titititia4ifsil eat
terprios,' Mut t the -dther-day, wero.
d worea ,- . l a - wst-letwii-tfiiiWAluvneWsiaier of the
town. , - • ,p , r.
age hundred dollars to grolatwor Pook;iihts
felbutten;'to 1111 relief - of 'it. ltanilloued
°berths.rescuers 'ln-jsu in
wit* iri:rdyfrA sat
:Syria Sarah _ ,
_ a __
iebnikOait-filtariiiiYirseAtp - pie 'LaMar', L
hoiin'oc i ttityietiolol, - froli - tl•'estedtiiit: li V e l t she
Ta wa s j )•—
lhQcidaite Butailk iiinsc. ) irtoo to
pthObtTarifititirinitiliiiiebatarealtha trawl odt
the and' tneidiltiiiiit tritiinTeirttei ittiettle
the math ! apoduf -
‘:. Tie fa*aill irg s api 41#41tlinvuhrlo,z_ston
' iiiin,liffioqrtjeiaiiriti,
.tat t akiiiie" ample -
`loi/:' The fotioatioitla Andasii , att th.readinesa
Lot Oitor
TRa. agikt.oc 0:14oh liwikwasi s ja 'Ne w -
ari; ic4,; hiat teeeit;to oriatraot.iiit etioae of the
Moe tootmfaiithrera, th ;09.4airs of
shcio tar the , Preabh' saixti, a Tae. .
• •
PcAil/0 1 1 x
BIT 4 Jiugla;says dila Wm.
N.. Byers, one of the.aditorallf eit• Rooky Nonni ath
/Vegas, irriirail at OiaaiwetcygNatoaaka, on thie
6th inst. with tip,? in - rold 48_
Aeoritatm,,iitrlSts, an Interesting
`and beiaiifal, young woman, ,as 11,5 , overcame by
grief at the'loas of les iafaat obild,titht abia,oom
mitte4 throlde by nutting her throat:- .
MiIiI‘EPWARP3,,-.lviia,orito artist, Thoinas
Edwards' oar:Neils West .
borougte Musa:, the Other day; and almostinstant•
iy : - '"
ex :OLD• namee, Ttio mee
White lately died' in Gwiriedd tovinstip,ll
aomery County, at thewiriutoetr age et I.o44ears.
Tut contract forJke . gliding, Masonry, and.
bridging of the LEnentbtirg and CressonAailroad
Atom been awarded Collins • .- •
lor'a ball' -whigh Irlll. 'differ from most
having having #i Eves. , , • _
-A- Gozonsoltzvivsz.—Qttite --a ' religions
enottement Is new prevailing in. Richmond, Va.,
among the negroes.
Osif.hundred atid,JOrtponi _
eaII - Mites for
admission", to - Harvard cr !lege hare , p'resented
,thgaselves at Cambridg e for examination:
't Thin Sis 'Tanttitvi—Wm., H. Ilisrey; *oilier to
.he'gleat Rarey, is now in - Pittsbrirn,..fwitratiting a
large elass in the mysteries of ilos.taming arts.
v ._ ,
SUDDIa 'NAM—Mr. - Joseph 'nettqms, an
old and nanoh.resnitioted eitisen of Woodvitly, i i's4:-
died suddenly on Saturday -last - ,%
_— -, ' .-.'"
, THE - citizens of ,Sacramento ,. CAIRO
have made reparations to give Mr. Are _,
public reception on his arrival in tharplacis,
P. 'E. AYLETT. Fat., a party to the eel
with Mr.'o Jsonincrs WM, is the grandooli of the
itinstrions Patrick Henry; whiise namelleb t ars.
gonadAmanzos..—=There fs a boy residing
in Albany, N 'Y , who 'is: but 17 years old, and
ass a wit, and two children. - -•
PILIPAILMIte are making for the erection
of gas•workeillienbury. - -
THR wadi" at the Bedford Bsings is
about two hundred audtifty persons.i.
A IMOINT census of: the- city: of Leaven
worth puts the population of that oily at 11,000.
Tim corner-atone of, an insane asylum was
laid in Pittsburg, Pa., yesterday.
Letter from the Hon. Dttniel•E. Sickip.
New TORE, Ju ly la, 1059.
Through the conies of Bad events; whio>i ;hiring
he last few months have brought so toneit sill cam,
mY family; f have been went. -No emount
a misrepresentation affecting myself only could
induce me now to open mylips ; nor osnld I ,deem
it worth while under ant oftettm tenon to notice
what has beefi of nsirlits said journals never
regarded ae - the sources or einoiterita of ;labile
pinion, for in there it is tell often obvious; vies
Y unworthy motives prompt the moat 'Votive
s-saolts upon the pirate hie at crtmens,„ bolding
oublio stations. Bet the editorial 'comments in
, he Herald of yesterday, although Censorious, (of
ehloh t , db not comidain whilst I read tbem with
:egret.) differ eo widely -in tons sad-,temper from
she mass of nonsense and calumny whlob has late
, y been written concerning a recent evens in my
domestic relations, that I cannot allow amistake,
into which Youdava keen led by itlatittrare ',infor
mation, to pars without stieh a oerreotionas will
-elieve others Roos any. share . of the reproaches
ahloh it is the pjeasure of the multitude at this
onment to beep upon me and - Mine.
Referring to the fore/ever, which my tebse of
tuts. and myierolings impelled ma to exte nd to an
erring and repentant -wife,. you - obsierve.itu the
sautes of Tone• temperate and dignified _arVole.
'bat, "It is astiA,,however, that the last phase of
• the sffair was -brought about through the advioe
of his lawyers " This is entirely erroneous.
did not a word with one of my counsel
upon the subject, nor with any one else. My re
sonciliation with my wife was my own act,,, dose
without consultation with any relative, minuet
tion, friend. or adviser Whatever blame, if any
belongs to the step, should fall alone upon me, I
am prepared to. defend what I have don* defore
the only tribunals I recogni , e as having tbialight
est claim to jurisdiction over the subject—my own
conscience and the bar of Heaven. I am not
aware of any statute or code of morals, which
makes it infamous. to, forgive a woman; - nor is it
usual to make our domestic life a subjeot of consul
-with friends, no matter how near and dear
to ns. And r cannot know even all the world
ombhied to dictate to - me the repudiation - of my
_wile, when I think it right to forgive her, sad re
store her to my confidence and proteotien. -
' If I ever failed to comprehend the utterly dem
tate position of an °fraud Eng though penitent wo-
Man—the hopeless triton, with ail its dark possi
bilities of danger, to which' she is doomed when
proscribed , as an outcast-4 pan -now see plainly
enough, in the almost universal howl , of denunci
ation with which she to followed to my threshold,
, he miserY'aid perils from' which I have rescued
the mother of my child. And,'altiingh *is very
-tad for me to incur the blame of-friends and the
reproaches of many wise and goad people, I shall
strive to prove to all who feel Orly interest on me,
that if I am the first man who' has ventured to
say to the world. en erring wife and mother tray be
forgiven and redeemed, that in spite - of all, the ob.
itaclea in my path, the good multi of this exam
ple shall entitle it to the itnitationof the generous
and the commit:deflator the just. '
There are many who think that an net of duty,
or:weeding solely from - affections which Can only
be comprehended in the heart of a husband and a
fader, is to be fatal to my professional, political,
and Boatel standing. If tate be so, then ad be it.
Politioal station, professional success, IWO re
cognition. are not the only prices of ambition : and
I have seen enough of-the world in which I have
Moved, „and read enough of the lives of others, to
teach OM that. If one be n patient and resolute, it is
the man himself who Indicates the place be will
ecoupy; and so long as I do nothing worse than to
reunite my family under the roof where they may
god shelter from contumely and persecution, I do
not fear the noisy but fleeting voice of popular
clamor The multitude "accept their first im
pressions from a few; but in the end ' Merl' think
for themselves, and if I know the human_ heart—
and sometimes I think that in a career of mingled
sunshine and storm -I have sounded nearly all its
depthethen I may reassure those who look with
reluctant forebodings upon my future, to , be of
good sheer, for I will not cease to vindicate a just
claim to the respect of, my fellows; while to, those
motley groups. here and there, who look upon my
misfortunes only -es _weepona to,beeMployed for
my destruction, to those I say, duos for - all, if a
a man make a ghat use otitis enemies they will bo
as serviceable to him as his friends. -
In conclusion, let nit, ash only "onefavor: of
those who, from whatever motive, may deem it
necessary or - agreeable to comment in Dubile or
private upon this esdhistory ; and that is, to aim
all their arrows at my breast. and for the sake of
my Innocent child to Spare her yet youthful mo
ther, while she seeks in sorrow and oontrition the
mercy and the nonion of Him to 'glom, sooner or
later, we must all anneal.
Very respectfully,
'your most obedient servant,