".: _ _ _ • :• , .i - ;i: - ‘p.:' - L' - iliiiilai'liiiivliy ,-,,,,. 1.,,A., --._:-,••= .-, ~....- ~,,z4,,_, . ..:,„„-; ~t, 4 4 1.104-„w i t tii ,:, ,01,41,14p1au 2 se -FL. al,,,vApw , 4, maHtillke, 3 it:lerW,Merf _ titsareeso.l ,i„t - --- 040 4 T 4 41a., f4 A10i diilll* 3 iV#4 o # l o4 ll4 P"- =',ll•Olitlit - 40a -Mi. . 1 7.:110 0 :30,-e1 , -Md ~ ~, IIV111: - ,0*,,I0 1 :t ' - o*l l l'N f efil i t i - a '; , ,t00 0 1 , „,p 1 41-4g, - • 60 w- o .otm#: 4 :..wi --- -),;_ ..0h.f.,...,, , ,,p,A , .. , 2, 3 r - wk_v,t, ,,,,, ,57 ,,,, ,a. , t4.) o , , , , , ,,,i,.t,,,,rotkirtAtoto,wikwp", . 161 1fatt i r '* iiilit t ati : IV.V -' : 'l , l ‘•!,- t -, iivpifil4 ,2 i 7.504.00 , 4 1 * , te*01zi °° , 4 - -ib= , .' -," ivpl l Z,Seiliaed: 4 :41 14 *,,,,,. ;' , - 5 i440.: , .4' 4*-A2 .- ' 4 l-t: . ' i -bir- - -14, 1 11 ( a4 ,m 1: ', , a :00* • ..,: 1: 4 7 1 , - .7 , -. Lii444,lllft-qo;94):49rgzai ..Alc , .•L ~ vailookvokiwoetio.* PRI ie100:4,',,,,.. : ' •"*.oivoogtloitclop. o ,4,l, A 41 0 .4 ---,--.4,,' • iootoolooki: od, 44'1,44.4. ),..., * - „-,..): .., ' , 4 4 ..., 0,„ „, !I...latilloyaking.', !•'''- '-:-,„ ~1 .- 1 114 4 1 00 2 4 0 0 1, ~:-.; ,e - siksßiki4C3r,iiiirtillt.46,4l4lo l l: ilt. 1 .lillittF - 04# 1 *#,A 6 _,_4 5 M u iii . ;• -"' *4 T il vt 7 .74iP l' . - lii ~,B Y". .,l 7 oll4,6 3 'irre l Atirdita Ale Ab - '' - '''' . -Wi s ' -, ,, - ..'OrAiiiiegrltttilliad4l4l -4 1 - 4 , •iikad' - ''-lt 14111414: : - ty il sode Se thelt 1- "a l i' " 1 ,;-,,, , J *t.- - ,Mi 8 1 1 1 . 10 0- - - . Mt' , - .?- r'7- ,111 ‘:.,' ~-,,,b „3:,,0 r tivividtl."tslir,rt,l4,..B. ,m, ~ '.. 1 '' '. ~ ..44._ :.f1;:- ' - CUL*II.Mat,IOI4fAITI,9O4, Aq Pti a lt:‘ ~ ' ' - .4 1 t*)414 ,t( .M 4 .10 2 :*- 1 A ~', .. , 40,11 1 1*~4 1 4 4slll -;g ' Wil*:' , -710,"!..P.;;.-•••--v!-1--v>q-r '0.4.i•0 , 4• , ; ltl -,t ---, - , . .- .. . • - ..• 'illidiedAti - ,44okormloicakfi, -m( :-•:,- - .• - -,44, ' VisifLiiMa'biiifittilifneel, at yiresnab:- , ---. it. -', tell_ " ''P'PAAVUegarfAldettorditti, -ss'i 1110 1° 6 :Is:A .. aeld-Oler., bt. 4 ' 3 -. /.littiOtiiiitaAtti iiititAßlMP at,: ;-kt-tb,Clr l P*Oli ,1 1 ; / litOrtrg 3lol 4l4 - St itR 4 0,4.bA11: " Atte*olle. - 00 - 014 1 ' , ;Wt. t 4 -1-41401 0 .-1 1 PA., 1 :;-.,-.:,, , ,ifigitibit ,,s = tot.4 ,4l=2-.4 I like* ' • v;iiiireneiV4ollo - 011 iei.; ind :Ilia. -AIWA! :.:, ow , ia l :" E a . ,:--oIJ L .- :,, -•; -, ....tirmittr „ i e . .: - : - 22:41 , 41, 1 ` :;;7 1 `• 7): k ..771; • , 1 41ThAslioN.. V.: ,4,:, , - ' , '•,' 'ORM: IttfiVille , , : b_ -- •' t, ''',A . ' I'. "A . -'4ls. i • 14 4 11 11 Whik St :,4: i n ,- ,- ,.. ' 4"` -. , - - : 4 ": 4 04ddergtob ~.' '! -'-'- - :''lle ", 'll-n.,, 7 4 b!t*friko 4- 40 ..I!t4'APlnlaiWite r gr , ' w 1 7 WieoetriPe Lytertlloo4:44.4oStairlh4P,Tigot, .„b -. ; 'et beir4 40gieblirs4te. ik`-s'4,-;10.-V:: 3 ! ci4PrAta.'37,ol;l3.Ro i r...'•,',,,',- 13:0403311114143p1K0034 taSIII*46OIOI3 0 f .., . t ~ - ,ii„Pp 133.4: M*4101431133, tetyal , 4llollo3t Le ad: ft i 4. 4"t a l l ai ' lC - ritt =44: VOW '4,t ~ iii**o.o:l/iwilinfitith' ioitiifOLSW,. - " ~,,, , .„10. 1.6 =1itfti . 4,14,14, 1 4..,, i ,.., , , ,ii '.tiiiiit4i 4 .oo* . ...kokil.sitorWi iii; , .u.4.11( . " ..4 4 ~,f iliiiivrowm_ am, kft_liiiam:eal ett;iwtAiitkniftsiettA - iti•eitt , l4 lll6- *ti - re11k1 2 04 14 4-ittri ,1 -:,' clatSt* I;but*CifTrislOtielii fa., 4 *Odt , . ,f gie7olr.. 1 laiMittillrike-100 ? .oclitri me reo i4 , , .„11141 4 1. 1 00;:tl‘g Bit 4 1114 0t ;ei it ~......k,:t nt__rp: ~..,1149rf ICr . l i N • '"""' - 'f' . .. " 1 ".' 4- ! 4 4 ~'!"."l . g ! '° -: i iloce*"l4 o :t r itait ' 4 .-v - i i f i l e V i a ,- 4,...4igi i i;i4, - 0 , i. 4 : 4 2,1 "1 ''' ABOMAAWS4II I -, 19 44 / ttotti -- ' -'-:4l'4 * ' : -liii ' lrh i ti ll eit l , ~, it ,:. '..t i ' - .14..4 4 .... r, - d ,4 , 4 0 . -; ''. - 11 4 : 1 * **114 t1 r t -firbt r ai s ti;L' r rat i- 114 '11.i?a , ,te - - - - _ ' iiiii44. - 0,• - :..piii k entlioottoif$f -Italy to that of the tllnlted Stitet lortill,jo r tr IsEforrlddifferifierieo - I '_::: +big 1; :ti t ti '7-4,f+liiiiritkfltii war ;: :•,,. ;.:ixt , - 4 - t _ sew /111.14t,g.,,,r -,.,.., .. .. I,_ . 4 , tolfs he #,ttlind t r ;eteselphilellti *V 1I? lig ifrkt :. - I'.-T.110 , ..40 1 # 1-1 ). - .tit i V.. - . 0 100 0 0.4443, 1 . 1 .4.1.MiT viiqßftt .one:; pal . 1 4okszttaii L gotrnmen.e. - - 4101$4jii , Orlik'liAnNiiielif4l:l4#.ll. the "name 0 ! ; ":-Illi'''-g44Vllitirlailif tifec4Ol443NVVATc. •'*fiAstwrim,..- ' IpiCiliktitigailiVii riiiiiklks --.- slat ~ p 31340:7P3131C.11' -intittliAkti*Pift.a,lpn for - ''' ' 46 Verri t arrl" i iielEr 7 l i liii' i4 iragol l '' __. -.4, a p • 33333- * et! .3 pp ,„g,, ~li , ''..ii'moitookrAo4: l l44-$0.041.0,01,0 1 ,. e.5.,11 , 1,.. 01,4* M i. : 44441,4 4tit,1, 1g1 Ar1 i ! a1 / 4 , t 1 . , i1 ..--.s4 l l47M l:44:LViiiiii'r4W;4l:44 : l— -- " :4l 4aitativill•-.'' tiiiritliotptanW#rr f lit*„! 141' ' iorigt.4mr , torrlzljk tp . " -- 1. - * - Ai - &II - 0 1 1 9 0 ire Ilt -- :, 1 -1 , ,---.& . , A. ~ -.R.1 6.1 • -;-::;:. ' , Ltociii , ',3i3x3onst " ' , .to- evesuis • ant' a** its ,f 1: -.'-'-',,L,t 1 0 1. :*PC. 1 1. 4 00 1 1 ( 04. 1 000 010 0.40:Tew ---• ,• •.- . ~.,... -ai .i ..timoar,d Peig4iiiirstfliteAttratielejegrapk •- , ,!. • ,_ ..A , - , ...letters:_saiiktradidWifahii.:- -., P* w- .*.4lcikfft.hfr,:ellldertraitteret billit-tt .. • . , i . 9, ~ lin'aer,ittornutth'er•tWar' ',Oe a; -"' -se' 't • • .t ttoretotg of'OAS tiVU4Ol.ll4l`, i l dz ''A l z ' 7 * ,l -4 1 0;*-00Atili44 - C',3 1 44 1 1- 104 it*: L' i- --- ,!!--ttt - t i On;. 1; ;Iiiitgiiir i egir 44 •^ It • I ' ' ' ''` C - ':=4 : ; : .."-!4:AtitilrrN)ort;44O. , 44ll - 4iite'iiii4 rmiii. ~.1 4 . 4 1 °- : 1 7M. i1 "9 ( 0 1i #tt: 4 1 1 .3: '''•_ ::....,',=- ) ..'tarilaillit* .'. , _Viii : ittia;aitairioi. ih - qe416 71 - ttit'aphofithivv , '-ne- , V.- - - ,:tr , 4001'-000#0iii---teiiiiAhd ,=-o4h h0u:,,k;; , . : .q;„;v;;,;,.',? 4 - -J„lf4, - , : :114ywal 1011;aui,tioninaAn'Perie • -Wheat _y ;A - : herrdiellold,loty-boWtbre*llrelOardtt, -,- - „,,,,.. „_;,.... ' ; •‘ : ;c : iiO T lltlir . .! cdri etilViiie. 4l l4V -I treLtle r Pu e oi t e b s- 6 -.'' •"- 1 7 ,,Jsi'isen 4 11 ler Alfei3.th of ,Taly - f: it 66 ar07,140 11 :44 1 40/ii#(0,404.a11#4449- t . -::*i4454 , a t i . n?..''.:l) .; '' ; • PThiS l l4 - 4041/01 flak SOtthit tine -percent/ .;I , ;:..l,M , 7lVl:4filitaiid-P'A 5 - 44-- „..„.''... - ....1 - Ireik.lilto . 4l,loWhilfetAirkiiiiiii:;-'Pefilit* 7 -. dilild'UO 'il'ittlki laiiiiiiiiiii*ViliCihe ; 'llO4 -Ih lftlf,Aisf.. - PirSc - sim'yooderithe i - 014•1M-orda•-oeewaaii.01:-:Iiiimi-bosie-,0404411 , ' , ,,',4•4! 041 01',. - iiir . 44'etioe:,l l briS;eiriis' ere ne Wreerrit„ - - _teittliissilit'llissAestrotWeitirotatorgorok PIT, .:3 - - ,---16,444.1 1 41014111u0IfiltlimitWalt.titEecio.#4 , --' ;100,01t-illOgitlialti - a - AMOtheiries , hem] ' ' -, - .lpletetriti srerer t bsteol .! , ::.liiir-gielbeititire - of the lr1W07:: Ih . ( -15- .o°4 trofir 4 , - . - Xietrti ' - hhii*ellsithrOnletig t, - 1 im - . :p . ~,,.$14, ,, 4, -, 44 . 6itailtii* it itl . " - A ... ,, = iis . o,„,1 . koliotc - o ,4 olmw'kgkoo, , , ,, tia - ta 1 % .- -: . . - ciheo - Att.ter„,mit0rAr,, ,, ,byi1em , , , ,..1.40 , 01 , 1,1 worpoisiii.ittairsatimagiuthid l lepterialittiveipell ; - J 6 *-0 1 . 0144 M 4 10 1 0 11% -*Sitlirii*.'-t"ifPf*.l. - -" , '*loo4.figirh,,, Jetiti4 , Alotti..bepenailS qffiperp:sll,2 . ,,, ;:-;":, belf;rofiktolle,4 *403040 lie '4.: 64 M0 lq c ititi; ' *,-:,--.1 I* - 4.azz e ivtoco , :gotiymr , fi gierw, _. - . - ~... Ng.,. ii , -,, , , ,, , ,=:? - .0 , ,f::;9-.N. , ,, , i4.-.] ._;_- .x.. 1. - . neethimisOverl °thew; It ha,ret klochtiii_ktei'efieed,-*lhisohtorde 1 joilemok,ifikrirelbikamo - Poleii4laihintie , 4arseti#l*-aiWipllatitx . ..l, - ,f11,t, 0;4047 - - llxsma.; -, i. - ' - ,..-'' ,-- ..:- - ..:2:L,; , ..,.1.:z . :;'::.. • ~i41fita1ikr,413,44114314t/P0 bOrPOW - worreipiro , , .! - ....', arktitt BliAim--..1-..Unsttpkne, time has elspzed tilts 7- - -- - :'•-suirlyiliWet betillkerieonseolow onpos L. The -, ' - '.-.l'.* -- "_' '' 0 - elli*liiiliillviribloWin.t.he thiii - de , --- - - : - = ; 1; ' 1410 114 t Militnitt#49COßlVlgo 4 , 4 14* . _ -,::: ~ - • ~ , iI - " l'eno4;ibe hlitsroor blt _p•a4if jpOF, ' ' ..,"-''• wit. i *Air itoriplitle4VisCgi r Astie not - • - --Z141(e17.15344die hi* iteilrh "Ar_t*iefAiti,loo*.er' ~- - . ; - .=-=ldiliebetototoswermeekAloßmormlorrey4roll. --. -_ 2 '.114 - WilelltiOrekt*lPOlisterdariilll4Sesetethindei. --- "- -- 4 - 10b**bir l i ~est INlSAliSterit , bribii t'Cliet tic' , Am . ... opmetee - , "NI Ii ~ road •,, ', ; •: - „i , - - ejilic 7 : Ylii, tio.).?a:- 4,074 ~.'7. :- .AtTlSl4"' k f4o -- -9§ ; l OW _, -- -, tra,o hie344•o7' Varf,PrePOW, , - - s4.,..irwreerb : - -7 :'"bik . fitkO-''i-Nfilit;*friV*4'.octrlVCCstif Aktl,44ml .WitirklWiAl f Aidatiatiel PloPeretiottoirsi'litebetplet*: -..-. P ‘ - •!trill-L - ,ibirl-f_iiiikettiOraseeporehi , 46 .9? : r,:.., , it . : 4oWilier*ltthoit w.quee -.-.;_.,.r.._, - . !slytoteiltuff#Vlthe ()AFL .' •. -': • - t 00y1. Aooo64:kihtr-df_phnitsv3.l , o;. 4 in , Int e, *'e`. - 4i,dekt , elWc -- .:.i..-.'-;-='.: , ' - 1 :,-- -.;, .li-A.t - ...ti: •• Ylloserreip,:iient 7 itilii-iinner itirsi.ou j,eiiittiiir Oftliii'liiiieleiltrepeiitimiii - el P#fitsiel'isb lob • 4:teereOnleri-to-- IbirthiteOritaltrliWobe, se Abe tiain attlrkihrilP.Arle correspondent ...- , 'lRtili /W 4 )oWirtO , f4 l Mtik 14,4,4iIttritXtf ''1141j* tic.imrpponac, ii , An* ow owiey-0 - orooe - ,at. - lWkAllieralik. ilskiir :- _Parak!WOindAlit '.'•• '= -, atfiu7?- , iiii;eree awl ot•Zintiiiiid - 6,4. 140110 I*.vioikwiTiiiihhi - eitehheette,i-iWeirahlirePtelea -' - ,- - -40.114itzfill01 . - 44 1 .*:011ICIFItliiklifiercwast.0f - Au* • , '-"t i lr'2o.sreli..k. enfirt.o444iiteialik Ir Abil orearc' be -', ---.' _-_ _1,44 , *Pon Ake '' - ii* ,, raill. - ,A:reld iihe ifaxina ":-,ipibottai.3.6arelaillpiiii.:istiaiitais;!inic fha . 'i - 1)10.041114` ic.!ti4#4o-4**110(0T, the Princes .4-- , ' f ii'''-'' '- .. ....;P- , . ::'A - -.;-. -,. - ~, -;. 7 4 . i. ', , friVUtiO9r l ll l , o ‘Pri I * . tif A il A i % ' ,„ l /A: 4 o4:* /ili .. 0 brPt. ~.: LW 4.1k313.4,3301pt*PW4,41 - propii. A33l;kl,,thi ' fliek, '" giteerOtesibl•OlergisorwmOstothiefise , otl '- : LiMitegtoiresit-AWrilsWeditthiO:nomnesteeiltitlon ial "ViliediiiO4 4 ,Wit49,lethotutiltivip army 91 7 .-the , '- "Ik iit off - trot r • - 66217 '•11- -- ?`...fi'Llc - ':''%':', 4 I - . -- '' .2 :c x .dlc - =l44Yt 4 ' - .4sitAVOAtti: I '''' 94 '• - ", , 1 p -.:4 - .41- K ira liapoikithike fr Atiiiithi(444 - 4g - 6 - 4 • 7. 41*-) - i' ' ' ' 7 s fil_ljiiiikt.,43.titifiiiiitiOttliii t ilo P iiii3iloo;4ll4 Tilialiraf .IrVilttletfi#4l4#l ' _ site d' El!ltstie., Met Y e :4 l e°6 o4 ' .. -r"it P OW/ 6 NC '4: bk i tlr4 ' ~.Virr, 4 PATI i t I '•, c. . -,. -, •t. ,-4- 1 .4 - _ ~ . . t* , , -::' -E - :::" iic • ug IV w 'tlitet,firtßiAr4“.ll4 ( t A9EO-1 iiitigradisfoitsdloittadeenteselt*,owls**, Se 01 • ,', ',..,lollwasklbOosiotlswltipos*idefeisee:iyalAE:Jll,:Q, 17„1-:, • tiii,i'viiiieleitlilijiiiigitiartiligi , oid l oiki4iiiia .... i ffaiiaiebiliii 4f iiiii4i,*(itiiiiiiiiio,l ,jtl ,i..-r*,..„ #4*ieferwetillff3 Ifetinci tinni4 - :.-Aili, , ~ ' - '.kONFoligAl43,lo4 l l3 . ;* , At,tep, iefolOk', 3 ' , ..q . -; "4 - ' fsgoltioPVlrebedriestoos- nowt ri .,..„,. ~ ,r_ - ,,,,,t,i, •}V, 7 3'4 , . , ... ,-. ±':,•' . q , e n' ':' • ?, IA tiltitgliiir: ' ' 1111Wiiiiiiigi tit* ~- T fliiflaßkilh4f4ll6l 04.04.114:41gtit on the:i. oi - eittes._ .. - ...1:1:,40 - .4*J.olllitfiew s - apds,:akee' tifilltk • ; 133343103r2-04!;: 1 10313C414:410#30.0,P34, .04,3•Pd : -. tati 0 1 0. gi * - 4 4 0• 4 1. r •it t ttitlitrififitil., irt , 44.11 , 0, • -,-,:, *aft 4. flit 3,1011,.: 041, 30.. 1 . 4160)ati0ra.111111• 1 140494' , ..iAbi0.,-,, , Mgertion,f ~ ;',,f- 4 ,ootokrA_Diemitiiteeet inwilicidhaegiee t nbont ''.l4llldefsittOsifOkiritryirentslitinteet,ltaiiani ;•;-gaitt imitaoni; ; ].(pinaltigloto.masser and prepating k - g"..1%..11140, #-- 11 #1 6 44 T4 V 4, fik:OC4o#o4lii- di ll .;•"?:_tr: 'Aot ; .l - -' , iWte V, Arrl:o4; 114 1* ~‘''. ,1 0 ye,,,,, ~ 133-Titc, 4 i• - <. 4., ; , 9040,0101 , 0d1 ' 'l e ^.- .• , 4 RA% .s.4 6 444.olo4kkeirr„eidok • , 4.. ..-- • •• ;. i „gralite..,Liteaorat....trealrpull, '.'--- ' • ' • .-. . VOOLIIVirII rigittitlMl in dei i ' ~ ..14, A tImeili?:! :battery :,pl::_ . T il jefiAi i lleiniiii t :l ,' ,i =14411 .6...h. a - Atigal:11111141116 ii411 4' 441 ',.K l ol 4 4k4rAPPitfigo44olAgall ,j o4 l o l , 4': lfitkitit i rtkor endhan tate 4ti o os tok i ,ma 4 d' _ 41 1744D0 shat wide 07 'i?.iii - Akfieeif 040 in tb"?;. 11 .*00 3 .V0 'r'tikili 'ben all 4f . ~; . i:. iqt k l vAir Strelogo fitiettle Of a rittkid.Olphla WO. Va'- - ' ll l l l4 - ht--NaW-York.---- . - ictoo uletuli-sleSrpeesstoratily.fa 1 i. -,-, ~ '.. , WikielittiOhOlitriob e eir goifbomith died i tit a ota'of s militfatadaigetr in Tireiati-korirtb* '3!aAbdorolgotupvtanoes which, It they pt oyi., .t.:i n b ' 7144101ittitigtql. 1 ,000 0 .4 CrteAlthe .1!°: nee apteleteaadittee 91. tan etwonete in very. tou' old s -oenduot:, , 4t•swouldteppear•that, a. Mr• "-e . ptitruytarm from a aiii_vOtoire, vlsited the fehi residerree- of . - his-wlfe -in Philadelphia, and 'flirt ilwallft, literretzfovedttet.thie -city ; ishelobia :,ole ritpkadsfor Osnd-tethrned - to. , her husband: ir, Ifittl d'efphre,,,l(derif , their' y 64114114 but w abort' Sita Otli..Atpth.l47:=W,triwiro T klr tArtrttoepotal. iiillg_ 9 l, R i teethe l'ilAtd:lliey tiolltidgirigi 'A , tir housiliMest2wentylourttletplet, _on 81f.' Itifa VikeMlYindk( 4 )..(Vv(adaeadortiaeSjii. t - 4,_ ~ ,M .1 4 0594490,9 ,, tak1a .VarY..tl , ex/t Obi yen toirthefeevere.eltelere.trombus. • .A..zdoutiotke tres autfediktely sent to a oar t tilt station-,house for, )4 sptaiir- of- 111 diner wheat-the keeps- of- the , 4tiih :eel trite her'frhind, , trefie heftily:4'a hint 'it • eiwwyess,etAt -the sameTtimaDr ~akini ;of 06 ' ietftet_viirreVan 44nother - dostor ;ase Pie witiinTsrenty-reventh etretit'wefe - atinimened • 7. , t elf9WDP'i'MArrotglt-laity7,7l;(l- Akin al* hle . 400 . 11)944 'lntl YoM Ift, thetOrlok brit'the g c 1f4 1 0 1 1 1. 4 0 0. 41 no' Oki* iiiitil:ltfar: the at't akil,ii 4 6 1 iLP, 1 3-o,4teripitillOdtfit it4otd,Dr ki fortr ;T Mie. - r---=‘, Wh - o,partthottirmeeian bo b .22..yetra....W.ace,..in'... a very stkdred . aid rem riteevenditientivWbeetitedr4 6l66l - 6 4 1 atalle 6-, et, shaearnestlyinquired,of hiat.if he wits really d . Mromd on - Ili glvisigaut adtrinativelanswer,, le re ItAsted. that , ell 'cohere present. theta, tiJo ylitt4:7 l Thilrilltiehapti,;foptted, - that ;he., ran civet, leigite .c-tbet tr elle bad anfthinif to iney kip etlertif 'hie pineeniiii:' Kee then , •thing 'aud ro *Leen. in great.pain, ared_again_leguedialf o 1 Ytibterelen9.l 6 4.th Abe pllslokail4 -Ttitt Perste?, ~,a$ 1 Yalutriti. Oita 1idr,..1..",t0 go.out,,TOlpiGte _did, 10 suraetame promise from the ,Dooter titet,he rote d :lett - bier all-she mid: - Where- her hue qui fiatilatitthelleseasidlitimidia.tellsaid that tii • att takes .rs' dow.ef ieodanamp and further , Wilde Deetorxfor ‘Gad'i.tiakepte saver-lett ill phisfrietztat once ran for an antidote, and waw die itfivfewynninsinteritut - fottnd - liis - patient - in, be stikelkierdindli eitKvitdOi Oa inmates of the lib • w''iliiniflOd-ltr.';"driesin't , `ttp, . th ei, dy tog' it, " ad -Si r , d giwpfriiietir pliiie'ber in" a earth:ego; ehh. in i tKoAepente..hd„, beatyient for, arid' ✓ theesiargappt'lktidoeft;,ltte woman who re the hate sad-she-would not have Alre.L.,--- 14 ndithttavot Pt liteitmodrrailidaltazo ,- •mid 'tin inter intinon,orute,U9etorolotte prevented her. en • turningilhe ioor.. Matilda_ out to die to iha itT stiolkwas too fatale save her; she 'tiled the' le teltitileg,at.elol; Woks*, only. a few hours if iligittikailalifirariiPOWlC''' ; ... ' ' ' ' - is he polio* epaptain was present during the lait (9 if,'"-tuirgrirallarid,twitaVer Vitreous to pro. ro a o ertifleate fro% the atteedittaileotiort3Thioh , to ever, war deltled.3'Thet captain- deonned to t is thOnnlyto Ars iipitiptnOtliip, af heitald the i3l idles:los irfrofd -Oki tr, be reehrdeit en the tai itedett`and4eolo heti* ptibliettY. t On the Oil otfig,-_illYeiteo - Ofr tide' 60 , 10iiiie 'Oita; hie aP- Lt 6 6 114K6tridtliithent , ;gar"; pitioined tie hes • el le 'AO ;tie' ihriletitil 'He' triad' !gait was u ii, Aboar!ehis. that-the woman had melt from the . jg,,S pcOok L - dii!, titbßreenltektiti ltetliebte Ebe ' witlAf a bl , aIiCIAIATIOS APO en? , levite Vela th tuteliondoeet. wo Ant WM no-Hirst ePeeet he th ofghtihiretobld , not., sae further said,that the ialli eiptita'seemedlo-her interested; and pas a el litie:feltole;• but that thetteetei obliged to keep •th 1 ,nt thlitigt tintbrikeitintheee," Thei- coroner then -te d the aneestubto.havathe beili t: burled avocet as prattle, artist whieh,thaperty,partook of torte s at mutants tithe parlor, -Vise lioky of deceased wag i t ti evedfaalitit l repiditria beetle; tied; with no one follow it to Was rapidly.driven off. . te.lretrintilbrltaralthit heve.h.senithade at h Ittattotiq endythelpeited 0 aptain•positively , livildatfeld in the: reifotds ef the ;stilt titAtie .- 'Were ` ft si been setae strarigiqihrlt hpe;rand - a whole matter/should be* theroughty tt efaititter.Vlfiti ,thaleapreirt' and; .oroner • 1 o Ala- agree to lupines& the.laets ,riertainly, re. fkrretraxplaeatiorr.a. , -oi i - . 14 ,-- .8 , ,_, / ' Bindirthirbeearrenee the number' has been re. o reri c iallialieuse,.:The - ftifitf,TeCtite - trat i s teitiPlP 3 heft , °leaked ‘. / 430tslibiriblei lentark*Oby '.fral*lfialialnitYitstid‘thephisielen in attend • e#ZOiffifiadipprornitily,',o'oliblunietited , the (sole 'ts Deputithiperineeprident Oarpentir; with the hopv, o" litilia4rti"fisll'iritteitigitildri - ' ".' ,- "• ' . , Tbsaa parlkaitam of-the-oase- have been taken 'l, orefrayri arropikr ~ .9 warn%) trlp ,bire9ra • it.: nots ry PablielikplAr c*ltlnt ;TO c iraperAs7fri,oni.: pos. stlielesitahl.eiotsdis the netnekoretd).the Pertree , reread ;Ant wovrithhold thern.eintil the mat : woken ballovestigated-by -.the proper. criminal : _ thaif tele.:____. ______ _ _ _ __ _ __ •,„ , ~P o i -(1 ,4 1 ,1' ;.:, jm9artatipne. ' : ~' , nliportiis Prom 0 -.; litiriioo,o4V-ttii**biti 'Vinton, liti*to9l . 1 (g 61 . 6 ' 14 0P.1 4 4-0446:P 4 0 1 109. 6, ' isiioglitellirtitt. ii(ikAftlnroutriEfts.- _ l ' ,-- -- rpm-um-pm LTBrxaramsc . . i ,,. _. 1 ' 6111;°. ' - ' l. "'" " li Ali rcl4 i; iOli . itir - lu?y ° ii 6 411,Muii;1 , ;, -I roid.ttiAtKit - * "LF,bil *U. ',.,,,;'44,NfltlVOrt.l,l,tvirtool ;,,,-' '' - ' Jtily 20 104'. - ';', - ,.i.",ktrurrl'lkre..Citrk, az , Ally 23 A*4o7:,a..2:.aAti.X.ll27XatilVCrrk. .. ' tritY,29 27oryrrr.-..,,„,„,;...2 . 10w,50rk.,, ..Brompri.". t ... ~.,,,,, July 29 bilWlL3's .-:',,,;','''"'-- tore7i.:ll,l7iirpool , ' „Jury 21 0 ritfitriaingtoif NiirreiE.:o4erk: 1.17.'077*0*I 7 4 So ittilfie.rt - .71 - 1 - Airilrigt„;t3y4orrl • ' Ant ' 3 itYt4/7,1,%.4,1174,4".r0rk.ktr5m,00,,,;- - • -‘• or 8 -, 0r0p0,,-;:Z:',.,,fitrakib;.Liverp - oot.: - . ... . i..i.',. km 10 Fillton;:af..l' . 31,frif If*lt-::111.rre:' ' ' ' Amf9o '-` ` ' ' - , • ' VAt,.. , Wf . " - • 4 ' , '• ‘, '" . -- 4 r.-VAIC •`•"' or' ' "- ' •'-' - rail' •,_ ~,•'_,,''''i '',, - - .V4isiothoriLltewlMlC.::'.'...:.Toilo 89 P4 , 1 6 4 ;'4 6' . 1 4 1 - 0 0 991 .4L 1 M_T0rir..... 7 ”4: A --' -- AkrattbsisoApet+.KOW,NOtit...., .. , ..,3tty . 9 01OM*: . i;36ktkarkpktri No vr York .. - . -- ...191y. • 9 A frittil.'." ' ''' 0R 0 ; Alir ' - • 421,1 9, Zar0,04..",.c . .V. ,. .4,iiiter. 4 . Boston :arid 74mourotill.: flotirksor,p.r. - :.tiew Yprk.......':. - itily 19 Orkii -- ' ,.- ''Orpriat:'.3l - e :Nett- or ' ' - 'Joly.:9ll, Oration - 13orethornpkter.Aow york July 27 i- _."- r • „ ' ii-1,.1 ,- . , -;, - r.„ a Errit. 03117OraisAisil Storm:we NM , from Now lt* -- filEt9 4 /14.* 4 ,PORoflabV4 0 4/0 . .,12 , - .-2 • -i , • ,72,i .„.,..,Tho 7.47r7p90790.1173, o Now York , Amt . Ilk_ ig,gxk i it Ai34,2„7lfArvitip7l7l2ir 791! 1 . 7 a1ert- r , rsartaa- - "aiattigt Uiiitliay. tiffs iitiiniii. 04 -"g00f... !t uffdi 67,0,0 froolfairftlfAVr.: - , - ,1 ''' :, ' • Wm-0 6Baut,-- Comarrsz_or rum Moira.. 1 't , 70/ 1 - 1 ti , : 5 4P9 1 9,45';;: <.4 ' • - ILITTEB. • BASS , ,•••• • • • 1"Ott iftehosice, P.ltlediTplNci• - BILD - Wioshing. Burton Liverpool, attli 25' BI Barel'ObisilrLit - ,:dlrepliii;;;:.":::PUtinti l ;Printel v noon levana, loon . , .„., ncollitttellgente 5~~ : dilly' 1 9 1619. 11151711111112 - ..f1 c , 4515015 , 11ETS • Tl 5 WATIB, 5 12 11temensbipltem)4114048.44444.biittra from Now York, Tio"Ospe,,May. Irttb rodkibMl pisaMikera to 40 &Oder. 400...7..Pprrt, .c.ft,X,Orofogtoo, Creek. brig Marius. frassOicidnisdi, , said t.armiLiilstidtte; sotti. Maty lAboo:lfoot.blatot rartiabovb the fhommton Mira. • " 710:10)441torratt,11 40,4 trout , 114 luillarasptaiciV„. - Bohai Uolmrs,.WlllMrosi 4dsys.ffrgm Yrof140:004, 1itim044440..00,414 , 11:-• , , .^Elest Notlir rovari r tnlistp, 4 MO - fro:o' Priividenoo, in ba110At4)44p14144,-",,LL • • ; kalif Witt SIMIMO - f:-ThoidDiob, 4 alio from Boinon, • 414M1Alifoilt 41 - 44,1111p,71130ig0id, disys roitt '0402- 30mi00., willem.llo4 01,3, 0 1160531017,, 41, ihnithtis,,ll dots , from Milford, 11190 0 10144c1iMii04.1 1 4 , - - - frOpi_Alqaudeis; vitt00:1014orogt41141.040 k.: OD , 404,111.4.4-4, , Mifs from ammo', 1)01., wlth ifilioto Jul tarraft,kikk" c Aar frora, 0 lima; _lOl, 411111,4_,ObrlatiotOkOurron, r bf 1114rr 144)Oudt.illoVrimr 04m4iiif Del, - wlth '',B<itiriCimieiwr,tosini,r, dijo from "".'" -" - "- '• • &h.„loj.ttbetk Nfritir,, flays !roil Withlngton, N Piarkielliditon & Co 'l4otittrtfliliamir:(l)O4ligy Rl dsys ftdm *MI=4% 71,0, lith aliingl,e to Norofta & Mots., • - -Stimmeblp" Brti?n, .40111mr,;' NM, 'York; ,TeaA3ldar dice. Obit , 44114itiolit t 'leit"' Noir' O'rlibui, Blsbop, 01- ' mons & 0o; _ • , Brig rionenre, 'Partrloo, Lniidoay Woikmstr4t-Oo PACP.4 I . I fi #4..n.;794 1 "di attwarti Cartioni Brig Lvov Ann, Wase,ltoskor Raneroft, Lewis it Co Briclunpi,,BrAor, 1 , 0 0 05 :Twe, 11 ., 8- & 'Co = robs Arbtte, Inakman, `AC John, mit RA Bonder k g Uir In ' emore, Bontoo, nlnknotick, B Atikr , prow ell . Vela Ridrndir,`WC,Conis,- Roxbury, Wen enned:k ( farm. Breton, Rehr Funk J OrlkiitAdenr) Health( ao do INIAN Giannot Depot OornOO.ll do 'do Rkbark,Donolio, Bruablogtou, do ',ltifiDgivrCrojWoaso. 4 do Nundivyyort, ''do , ~;,, , ,RdinJunnurix=rod.rAldhannut;li, it,Ooroon Oo Efebt Aro lAlitano&,:aolge; N0rw1011, , ,, ,_ , t , Saw Popstoo, listot4 toitoo, lepp,tler & Bro.' 0 1 14(i1ColleN /lower. Ausunts.lbto. Isnetevant &So ft,Or ClAyloy4Raltiroorn, A Groins, Jr ..= -re == =r, - (Corruilynnkonn• Of Qin rbiladelyhts Rrobangs.) • , . . - 1, 7 lii.Zli.Rll PTO: July IS. _The bag Wiettbldlibtl , ,sehr Mary D Lan., both from loudietsrltalpootr, unabated lAD tbla pleau orraniegrowd etill -rnmstn l - bat will lsna taday, ,Pmtaircitr, T 9.40 , tcp: •-• •i" b , o.ri ..,, ~ . ''" ' .3 '' . `" ( C IPi. ' l9"l4l rri f l i ntr re l 1 1 1 10 ' 'll5B .' l 4li , j‘4l44;leto;;•i4 frgti Wo,ttnicifteonaii 4141.11tci :4;;;;BiAluylital'ltiziiil 1 0 4 1 -o.:botli , d' ttoThilLOPVii, -Iver rf i gouvrivi - ,..i,,.:..0i„,,,,,,b„dw 'pt Xi'. A/I.'l k! ;If .}3.: 6116,- irf,,, Rte. to • `A & G kfrosk , i efk Pe*k: o,iiia At ti ;" Prooir - T U, 0, flames ; y, f li f e Cz TA'intioo;4l ,V)i!lintro 4 ,... Ws tor to . i 9 .. .t i14P.01 itAlikle t io, o , k,a a OkAirosilor, , '#-Az , ; 04 030 Pa. Fit ,l o - pive Ao,toi.,jilielei • Oiirit,f, .4JS , Plaiiiiyu° ol 3alt . qf.' Luire.o.4l,,ooEo Weal i.gml ti41#3.6 104* 091104.Paxr;i1E.,bic, coil fo pb®, 111 /./ 63 ,9 ( 1 OiItY4IIIIPPI L,..4 1 41*,.t° I ft, Actiqi 6 t , : 11 ~ , : „ ."::i :,.' : 4 iiirili.)..4.on. Of The r.spj , , JillnipE 014.0 A 11 1 1'....g. 1 je;69..1 f• 4-0 *OA Pay, - :3 l(lieliTiifolatT*474:l67iolojUirlg . with 10 I. tow- INIqIIAAPPRVVA'9O 1 0 40, 1 1:17•Z ; aoke*"9l, ma. tallroia frau to heater; Abbott Jo Co , 0 Beinp,tow,,woA4, t it, rdpployett- fumkor i ,to Croa: key f North* ltsitt:apA7ro9.,:fttwrifitio, do to Noi -0.01,. w oAp.d i o.,s 9 .John,,Lande a . a l lih6 'do to I f `f PiiktoliOdjiglp Voremao, DM, Youngolewor t rot:Rebecca Ann; coat to, Delimit% City. , Ir°4 l'7 , klt 7 'o!',; W. N. W. ,; mope '06" 1 4441 , , • mon A - tn a gnanbr,lki - 2. . r * i'itiii4iciielittegl,striolt 410, Xq933 :Oh er ei- A l l 404 14 Ar 0 4 / 14 4 , to 4,1 tq1• ,13, ,5 11 4ma. , • etew York 17th cope •Ayinoe N lOC • ' • " '' WeftkOottoh;.rattedlywra, Newport E 90th 'OM/ ";„ , 51177 t, 11K7V4Aftie f tiefi krept:ltyetel I, 81 for Aerie et4 o lllllWl974roid. „, 4 7....ViarArlOatimilk4ul.l6 Aqui ..tfogt3forket Wei ! : 80'7k le th rat. v i t,&*grifilaso, 4 lll4 o, ':!!.o l .4 ' f4ni Os Aire at.. • ' ,tat • —ltthrortz,Atakop sallek front -4311,,; - " , 13 i ,41.$ $ lestr,sq,lowAxow..l 4 4,-; tio4o:,Apxolpopp, Wrrag#4ftp.mctil 1. matio, -t , - 04,01,,E 'Ol Onitinto , MAT '24.th .Vt Z .di=hdiE'raar~dn~`'fropi:,~eagk9k foe AritltittAtteidocialistah tbs. pelf of 1 4 . 4 roltWi7 16 4 1 Ctii i ',4tr . kit l ei4141 2 if"OftwerChitrhtetiterellaYAeri;PAthtll'' 7 r 6 t. 6 plver , Pettit ~, -' '.C, m f'fb"4.7‘44, 3 l",r,temewo* Ar item Aolininh-Atii Etvitino— Dubin AA* " . #o4o,!4;tltv.r• At from Mobile 4th, 8 .IRtahltig,-AtLiVerneol. , At from Boston,,Westertriktoplre lit 'Liverpool. friimllliiil4lBttireletlaTarLiterpoor - ' E O4 rer"Boctee - anlY C'Oontmealoili Liverpool: S.lald for Netvorleanant inst,-Anu..l.dverpool. , - 81d for Nsw:lfork-July 2. Quiekstep, sod - t Abieldei Reaolute, and medallion; Liverpool ; ,11,1 gent; Strlatidi do ; American Eagle, Deal, i' Rai Harry: of 'lie Neat; Live;pool. -Bogue Reindeer, Pranklin, hens, was: dirobergirg. ; at caTdenaeltlieliist. ,aehr Venue; Crouch, elehrecLatitalttmore,l66l2 imit• dohps.elara. %growl Cioeentoe,, Reaper; efe'ere,•.4 ~ itlf4ewlerk XB,,fh est far,this`pOrt. - ' ' Bohrt'Alrbitikti tt.tartkelti'l3 Btatioi; U , ;k4l ll Z,OPthlra, •§4olpihxii; gctatt,' and Poilg AaimailLl394 o, 4 luViict Optton lath iinti d `.^ Aihtlama's, e Isitive Vat N0r...; 1 Colin - §otkre.geotge w dim, paimai , find 3 Cr 6tIlle; Ira+ lutan Kaafkil - a`tto • a, fast for Phila.' . , • -e ailhe Bari& • M Irpoo," , wee,'reported beta Prat!. 'defied 15th toot ' '' • ' " Bohr, henro,_Frived at Taunton 15th flames, fraai Oamdaii, anited at . sciatoa_tatn-laat; • - - e. , 813.1plifauttog-an addition to the.. wreaked- miteitsle -enpp3sed - to belong..toi the 1111a91 , 11 .- 11:1111'MPIII,OU. w e ,leern, front Mews-Batton Clcu.thet,the calk, narked B Africa; Gettig; 1858.. agreed with coo --ahlened on . that eater 1.20 th Oqt.a few data „before etre , railed ; for Franoteoo, horn this port,,,anduthat:tbe boards , painted Ted •an one - aide- and-blue-on -the other - were parbi of government wagons also shipped on *U0151431: :ton, and manufactured bsrldesets Oolentan• to- Ramona. :Philadelphia. There seem. ,no room, for donbt bat * . :hat Oh noble ship hoe bsen•lost, and; that bar cep. (Mears and drew have perished.—.W. I'. Herald 4 ' , NOTION,IO - mAyoatts. 'SIX the haoye beleeiging to BOtte Onantkel hale been Omen away. and have_nOtClet been repteeed., _.'•Georgetoetn,44'o,,inly . URN AND CHIMP BREAD, •_- - : ' • MANUPAOTUBSD BY THE AtEiCI.HANIOAti 'BAKERY. oem BE OBTAINED AT TUB iiouwirita: of Broad and ir.(is,tvzsmm, ,5., 1 1 - ! r a f e °, 3 , o „ tm e t ::6l. "iiai tth - : Poplar Wsl e; 4 r::t6 , b e n. o w Tenth. ' H. Idoitap,, • 8. Aorner tlixth-,and s. / 3 . 11 °R N C o! lit 43;,la et tld whlll etre = 9. PANOOABT, , No: 010 "Spring Garden " street, INGX.SY ) . No, 1293 Vine No., ;115 North • fifth street. ' S. . Goatee, firth and Spruce streets. S. B.,rann,er Eleventh and f;;tecuit streets. Broad,Week - below Wel- No.. 14.1,9 Lombardstreet. • N. W. - oorner Plateerith and Pine stream. . /moth and Germantown • Road., 'Mend "Street above flatli, -Corner- South 'Fourth and Johnston allots. _. -B. W. corner Sortie - nth and Ogden ,streets. NO, 200 NOtth` Eleventh, 'S. N corner Eleventh and" Jeffers it "streets" No. _lO4O ~North. 'Front street. ; -. S. W 'corner. of Seventh, and Pialistreida Coates street below:Thliz teenttt street. - _ • - - , .9. S 9: earner Ornnkfter Gird - Oak/re - Streets. ' • N. W i corner Tenth and' ,S4ipnen'itieete. .1.215 South . Pront • *feet, S. W...eorrter Undid and' Parrish Atrelle“ - cierner Nineteenth, - Street' ' and Ridge avenue.' • ' Ninth and 111,51eril ftreets. - Tirentylotoarid' street ab. °ostler,. 'Oostessfteet. 'Novo Seven '"- toenth. ' r :Corner of, fifth and Ghee- Osterlin: W./4 store 119 arph street.- 'West:Philadelphia,ildth read. ' Lein& Pena.' • . • - T. p. W. W. mATalws, D. ,ICNXGEL''t , aAoses eAsym, i'ool3BTl4.l{Y,' 13.- ( 1t. MABON, L. WANAIYTABIB f ZAINTEI, - - DAVID 84DDLIE,E, i.,*EIGHTMAN B...TOIIPRIN)), 8110.0111, at. *OP, mORIt4B, B. TURI.I4B; stioirims, raoa."r: atsal B. El. BOWN; T. MortiTYlll, N. W. IMINVIR, 1. !X. PIIIILL))1ItTON, I.BXOU 0.11. iterernm, S. L. YABNALL, f9ini BARNDT. Ilf. R.• PDX, TOWNSINU, lAIRRS GARLAND, D. HORTON, 7(r:flit SODDY, .14;41 J%jiEOE[ANIOAL Wit S ;V: ILUIr DROaD erid VINE Stredreq - Phfladelphis. • . Tian eetaldiehment le now in eneeessfulonerntiOn der and night, and all ars. reepoottnilY lurked In Alia and lute the whole" 'process of breed making for them , The undersigned takes the party "of saying that for !thirty; flye peens holies Seen "a pus:Heal bat ertike ea apprentice, ins five sie lours:Leeman ikone of . the nut ;homes in iicollandi'anilkerebty•irei as rossiei—llitrlng rwhiehAlme tre baahe4 the opportnnitfirf waking many 'exyarhaentaseid observingall•thelaspruemants whish Aura beak inlets dnrhig that period: • - • " • in,able eateollettasent, of which he hiks -now tie mar, ,sgerpent,"in addition to thenotoniate labor=saelog the. :abloom he bat now fsallitita m any Mph' potherb toforeposeeseat' •• - ' • ' - ' • Deing'ulitistro, Suid'in the piiialmie of dour, none but 'the es9andelika4lo 1)401,4'0, imarbs heed j and he hu no ' hisltatieu Waving that *sad of all' kOds can bide- Uvarab,unaurpasaed'iD tinilitt and ',Slott to thatalide •in the c*lntry . pause' ' • ramilieilii - whielithabra4 made by the - Mechanical IBakery hu not been ,tried• <or in whisk it chi been :tried only at its ooMmenounent,,before_the =Misery • mull* uerfeottrorklng order, are reepeotfully irked to give itk trial now—the onderalpied beUermg it would lead to mutual advantage.. _ , • • my2.4-tf , JOHN G. 10.8,11 Y,, Eittp,tt neat estate o,LU,Dintlilo trian.,ll.l#soßs. -M. — fatal OP . V ALtrXidirTltollll. tett% ' we.sWiox , ciOUNTY,' VIDAR ma. , • • Ticino of a diorite - cif !hi Circtdt.Oottet - fir" the Ocutoty afotTlaitNprOnounged „ so, {hi/1 , 26th of Marsh, 1869, In the ohincery Uncut:4llli tVidtbecle,,tho anderaigned. oettagae mmnireteners under the saiddi craia,Trni aeliberoil the e Coart lionse4ooraf said isoon b''Ort ; thi:B2I,ODND TiTIIRSDAV OF AUGUST text, that being coluntY mutt day, that valuable tractof land deaktrilmil suiltdearoo ‘i all_that certain &an: par- OM, or treat of /11124, lying end in the. county of Wands); and known ae being part of , 11•Psh,,t0ek Tract,' oontabalog one thousand and cleats-WO* swim (1,01114) more or leakboing -part of Sue treat of land convoyed by.ittgusthsoGiontoill aatiltbassarst Ws wife, by deed dated 28th June, 1868 , and recorded In the clerk't oMocofFiVerwichooooty'.: oonst.ii , The above land iewartlialtlehle sett- 4 8 0 7 01. 2936116: bslttg loaetod on the palmate tying - between the James and York rlvets,satahenthill ere3.4etwo o o ileutrAtoo aB2 WO hamattnry There are upon the premises ■ steam saw mill With engins,of 6P-tonTe,powery and good mahatma. Abel BriekDwalling irsinorough repair: • - TOMS, ( 1 1'. PDX, - • 80 Ton& in elan as wilLeeir, the Coate of the shove tnentlansdyntt awl thit sWittatladi Of 0 1 4 non the zosidue a mssiit.of,tarelversponthe o `Riv en, ,the parabolise tc.pro.hond with good” seciiity 'for 'the „de fermi payment, with interest from the sal,. ' - M.StEL J. 8040814, . uttstll,lB g. MALLORY, commissioners. Of.khe abOva IstdeitBo soies sze.ln Una - oultiyation, balsams heavily timtosted.witirsuperior white oak (for ship building,) and pine ths.pins _wank, being worth _18.714er cordon the ban k ; -sexy Amount van - bas , cow; lusted friT, for the New York !market: •• information in Viderniste to the market:, can hilted braddreseing - Newcolnor it StOPolnstkor, Baltimore. Z 4 !;oFt , Y ip_plyibt.to 8. pstriek so 'bang the lands at Srervitste 00IIet HOtpleeWierit!k ounnty,37lrgtnia. j4:6ot " =MEN trigdivillobatta, -St'r . HAVAN& txgrAngi—of the moat noted . bilar, oturh'ts ' ~,...,.. . : Partagoo, _ Os *MO. ~ ~ ncli so dii Oro. j /-ttiimono.. '' ~ : .. ~' Ataceos, ...., .litorasalo, ~.. . .. ...... .llrpSono, - Proobdee,_ - ' , , :A11416, t.o ,;10.. -Of 11, 11 11 4 , , , 3n l l o,l i.Esohtets, :And .61.4.16 r stpoo, in itora t amain • reoelving, and for sidelow, by , , , , 1 , 4 '.7' ' t - - oBARLito Tin'', ' YlglOk - ~. e ~, -.180 WALNUT_ etreal. ' R 11--e.-10311.100, 'l'4o BIJUTIf. 1400 Etreet, offere seda, trans Store and Bond,: be follolflisg Isivetite-Beende of Senors s ; - , "NOyik Imp.'llegelle, Ikeda °enable, Light 9111124 Intro Aatea. Amens, Loadeas, Nabefaii Lon: died, lee; SIC audgde ; Garantleade, Prensendea, Cap!, lote - LcmdendrOapitele -Oonelsa t lareuesia Ontieldf Plbeteriondrae..)°llbropeoden. pinoi t)Anittd• dee, peeved, lefli,es ,Opeiee, ipsna - Loznone, Maputo Lepton tine; - Prinefees, tdxolila tjkeroote. jell.tt 'SEG,A:liff:pffeidet to . dealers - Womble rates, of 'various : nisei, and. brands InoludinaSartagaa. Cabanas, ?Ipso ' Amoco, Sird, Slot matins; Sire /LT, and Santini. Also, Paper Segall, in SIIIPHXN PuGONT a SUNS, • - 116 South vsol4T Street ~1 ms+. AlEths" ALE psopui,gr nivar fi' blowoi ti w i r ticsto estoblethsd store °soupiest. 6,1 ZIZIWATt do SMITH, sorrier of. bIOONA.I I A24 GREBN allots, ekes, msy be,foutid fit -(thetas- assorketotP i g Drama( too tosllty, es- es Whits!, TAW, Z Ontaould Window Obta!,*ll of whlc ere unthrelle4l, CIAIE Ac'OAt i A t T,243:,D,0,14,F. 8013et l al)ov* WeGut.lsl , pogengeifigpi aad dealgrs IpAfer: esatUa, l Papei:iuuf seumzitlBo.vrAepaly., Ationt xhi .Bro)pr6!r4oard. daily, 4:141111.64: Orden ter thotr. e!seks, or, Gale of, ISTOP1,01;14:RID?.. Pa- t li t tA . (s'.iiB - 16 oro and sal* 'by '-Rowtar.- Aslisunri WrlATorga ' - , who.:a.ro . about to rodrehtine • L ;Drtigli'Palatef Waite heed, and Window mese, we dirset their attention'to is uesurpswed and seleot stack-of - Saab goods, which STStil he kiln tat the- store of ' • • ZlAGlififvfc,hedvjew sp2fhtf , Garner of iSttiondond Green Streets., • BXTRA , SUGAR '.IIE-011111.111D-COVBRND II 41111.•yeakod by Ogydner, , PitorrpOl & Co , Bearyliavria, Toho Shay: Ltalath & woos; ;BeaVria_Tapaoott, Sh . Sothera .f tot sale by ••• 0; SADLIS. 4 00., • ";.: Jig " trdir greet, 24 door about Stout. ~ , , ~ (All6--Baotgalupi!ii,l qttarts,, - 60 boui for - *Me by' vniTilsßatri e'- auorsys, 410 sionrimpsfirea• -ED ORK.-810 bbls Moss Pork, of . - 'l4 ow fQt pale b 219.41 ADMIIt-tbslo,, 41,401( Stplet, finoo aN) ,4 iI feZB 111 - 413 10 OFFNi E-:L-4900 -, ' - baga"frima and 1.11, Roastlag Rail laa ,§4O, privitiotigtiayta:trofree 0.1411.411&' tr. LBT/119 fall 1 SHOULDERS -900 Dl a itatal BELAILWILLg i Ala redeviciand4or bv 'Atilart ei CIO j jl9 ' fArohotroat r igAliddoiabiTe Prent, 11 . 1 -110, „B.1301,1 , A;-1.00 kegs for Bate Oy. . !JP :Volum 1,16-. 11: IaBOTEUIIII, Nost 17 and 49 19 _1090014 1 1,4 174 . 44 •J , 1.7 •I 8,0 J.,' Zarb' Obuoi... .isordilhot received:Nod 'tor oda by 0. 0 diD.bii t ...„Ap:„AtANWAtimidowdlid door Ogre Frost ;( icy ~.TXIVS-44at- 4 fit aY ,'• 1859 . „ • • s.; NORTIIERN, ASSURAITOE OOMPANY • 1151:ABLIen4D,IN 101, , FIRE 'AN?' LIFE iI4SiJRA.NOE. 14N1:104, ABERDEEN, BthisTSURGII, GLAS- 0A1 ) .1'1141.4,,96.2954800.: ANNUAL /Nit* 11P - WARDI3 OP Si,oootooo Pollet . es guercntled ,by the 'Militias of neerlyloo . B - liaretiofdere. • • ''Lo•ees promptly adpastad anti pad without reference to London,-by- , - - • WILLIAM 'GETTY, iGiNi 'Cat Tfll UNITJD .wrusg, OFFIOE IiCO fiOUTIEL TEM DVERIgn, !desire. STUMM k, PROTHEIk, 13 Bank ptteet, 211 . 8118, OLAGHOPN 'dc. 00 , 232,,Market at. cl.. -WM. - MASH & 00., 22 Smith Pront st " moorrkwizoir . &Sums,' 8. 'W; corner Pont and Hew stteets. - BMX PH.; WELLIAUd & 00.; 613 Market at. . SAHIB GHell66l dc00.,20 and 22 Letitia a.' 40311P8 21E44 . President Macho:2llos J 221.1i3 DUNLAP, Erq., President tidinn Bank. - Hon. WiLLl.4.22,d p . PORTE . ); 023 "Peanut street; iate: 7udgel3niketnit'Onurt: '„ iro-tiktbers.tf • F' 'INSURA:N, :anti , INRIIIRANOR COMPANY, of • Hartford. - - Caeh Assets, Jan. 1,1859 0 1,807,040 otf, N.AffttitfAx ' PIER 'INSURANCE COMPANY. of York;' , , Ca& Aseeta,Tart.l.,lB66 , 2171,26006 SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINI - . ' INSURANCE COMPANY, Cash Ailtl'itlii4ll.ll. /11859 646,766 86 NORTH. AMERICAN FIRE INBII- • •ILANOSt COMPANY, of :Hartford. - ;Caelt "Araks; A'an: I.; 1859 368,860 06 IRYiNG FIRE nistraiNtiv com- ' • PANT - 0Z New York. . ' oast kaki, Tan. 1, 941,864'81 AIBROHANTP FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. . ' , . . . . , • ' Oaakfialmts, lan". 1, 1.369' ,839,073 83 ' Polloiti'lesizedk r aBB loasei 'equitably ailjoited sad promptly pets, et kte Aioil#, by " • ' - BOWEL 4 WIL3011; Agents, feb23 , if , , rr0:'2,16 WALNUT 81101111%•• THE 'WASHINGTON. ". FIRE AND MARINE raslvtrAcria . colsax..Aav - 2 - : inutCstruaß , Burttaites, - , 280 iirALisTITr'STAEBT, • Inoorporated is 1867, under theilinieral Ineursoes Lew, - of Penueilvunia. 8600,000 Isabseribed 06041 rid , 1AT214.18D /11 . ,,p940A13! ' ' • )3011d and Mortgages; init llaw $60,170 , 8 ant, Itaprnad, and, other Stoeka • ' ,and Ilanniitlia ; ' 54,00 0 , • 9sin Hank " -"" " "'' " 1,630 - • '. ' , ' :, --=,----1111114,800 Insures MILT against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY TIRE ON BUILDINOS, -M.III.OIi&NDISE, HOUSEHOLD WURN/TifffEJ do. Mao. imillallGOES and FRE (GIN to and from al l parte of - the world;and -inland Swags, ticm and Transportation, =Womble tosoSS. CHARLES G. IMN&L'eresidont, WEI. WRIGHT, Ified Ppiaident } ‘,7 0. 0 BUTLER, Semotary, S. G. Emu° Kam% _Assistant Sratarys " ninnOtnea William fmlay, Wright, B. r.LTorrey, - Jam Tonna, Win. B. Grtills, Charles G. Imlay. Jeeper Huffing, 0.0. Ilatler„ Henry K. Utroilli, D. D. Jones, - Alonzo Butler, J. H. Hayes, marlS4l . • . -Treniorkin4,Eles Grove, Penne. Gebatn) Penn&. D 61.4,6.WAUZ ,141.,UTUIAL SWar 114- . , BORAPIOI4 'COMPANY. 'x INCORPORATED 18Y - ,7WS LEGISLATURE - OF PENNSYLVANIA, _ 011101 8.1. CORNIR THIRD AND WALNUT West Crhester, Puma ANantio (My; N. d. ''' 84rebte"Philadelphis: • • —• ," ON .Asitiii-irieuicel.Nom - . .- vzsentra - • . • .. 08.1100. - 7o ail" gaits' of the Moen. " " TIIJIIGUT '' l Alt at• iNsuitOpiag On fiends, byliliiio6loh Lakes sod Lan* Osniall• to Ai part! OF Vie Union. -• ' • " 7 - 11011 ,, IN11171LAkqiii On lipiohlindinelanerslig., ' ' - , -% On linnet,' Dwelling Henget; itial ." ' - AliiillrB,oP TUB °MOD-NZ , , „ • - Doverliter 1,1868. • - .• , Par. • ~ Ajar/cat- Wive,' $108450, Philiedelphls WI OW eetri. L0nn.8105.144 00 g 110,000; Tedinlyirania• State" Leans '' .., ',. 104,4.6 00 $30,000; U.S' -Treasury 4..4 V-,eenc.Naten. 80,712 50 - $50,000, Penoeylrelia Railroad, 24 Mod- - -gage 6 ;p' (lent. R0nda..,,."... 45,875 00 ;20,000,' in North Pentylinnisalsiltoad Slott. ' - . - -ago ill V Sent. "ands ..... ;• •• • 106,000, 600elpiew nagnriztonvnntown 11*. Camping, interest and 'principal , Orpe Kay, N,7 iloretioe, * . thlitU)ig D.I. teed br the otty et-Phila delphle 141/8 00 $15,000,100 MILNE Peu eyltauia Ballto4d _9 O Mr . 4.837 60 $O,OOO, 100 prortit peDnnypirma, ItilleosfOompaity' $2,650, Sundry abases slithitelpbti rOO 000 00 flat Compant,..llAvre de Grua ssta.too - ' .010,190 1)0 Wade and Mortgagee, and - Real .latafe, ' - • 011oi Building • Bills.Recelyable for hairiness " nude : ''' '' 1 20 7 1,# 9 80 5 Balance due atAgenoleaz-Premlunts on , Marina policies recently issued-and other • . • detits - dtte the'OonsnanY -• ' " ' 01,288 11 Scrip and docket angdny insurance Comps,- • nts Bala* OM op deposit in isa4 v. 51 ,067 ' 45 Walls= Atittfo; • Joseph H. Peal, • Edmund A. Ponder, John O. DIVAN, John U. Pontos°, Etevgek 11 . 0 nAirhg, Hngh orsigg . Spenser hP/braino, ahoriosHolter, H. Jones Brooke, Jaoab P. Joaeo, • • OL Q HELIBI LYJa P.lO, $e— INTTERPULSE 148IIR4NOR OOMPA.. ParesENT CAPITAL, 4100,000, , . " All PeTA !amid InVentod. This Clonnief !onion ImILDINao, FurtNutsule,:i sad MILOUANDIAD gonernily, nitninet loan or damage fiznund Rents, 'Mortiager, bionbaniee,'Llone, and' otheinooarftles'on - Real iietitt,e,will also be noeoielly; . ' tuir.acroits. UnObfoni Starr, M orde ca i L. Vinson, ' ITllt i r " 3l7l.l °' 7,74172‘;071" 4 , J'obn 14..Atoocid, D A VOnostaalcs '/Vbil' V. - Tfedipjc,.' Andrei D.-Osath Re Whiwton, L'lhriogetoki krringai.. P. BATCH OUP 81 , 04, Piefirtent. • duniia W. cox', aseietarr- - - Toolp;TarrOgleo.' *62 Scopti - FOrritrt §trfet,.4l2lll; ,tbe cox:l4l4oton of the potorkany!pllo4lof 8 y• oaatiE4 rp.wra. 87s. .41 40- . • QAFE GUARD INSIIKATIONVOItrAIi Y, , 8, A. Comer of RETTLI and WALE UV Street ; , Philadelphia. ' " • • 6200.004 Capital paid in (securely invested) • „81;450 T la Company having been thorongly reorganised, ie • now ready to. make' Inanrance upon. 'all kinds of, pro aPittfit LOBO orDA.UAGA BY YIBB ONLY , apgp to %able term. iamb lt. Beeler, ' • on. 8. B. 'analog Francis Biackburne, hulas if ..lifsfrous, -Itobrit " • Bilhu J-. . „ J. H. Hasbronok s George H Loris, ' Aaron Close, ,1 ,forapih p. - Eitjdfold John ld. r , John Prentice, ,- itiatitipw ellen Edward Miler, - - Alen. trona. P E. BirckhesAl, , Oisp 'Henry 15. Foote, Vf to , A For • • JACOB 11. , SABLAR; Presideut, MINIM B. Ponva, dooriLtitri. 'PHILADIELPIIIii Deo ' mat '.• d2B-tf THE; ROBERT MORRIS , FIRE IN&T RANO)/ 00Aft.ANY - Ttyid I;7ot,npiny inimres against• Loss or Dmrsge by pt i .o on - Public and iirlysto knildinge, .Ornitdre, gtooks of Elpods, and Merahandiae generaify. - ' The following prorielon In the gollOtee ofithis Oom: i nty r guaranteedtheir security when , assigned - na '9Ol. f C This polity shah not be infilidatot oil in any rise affected, after Me assignment as egliotorti Seenrity goOnti , rent, or Mortgage, and the approval of on c e aaelgoment by the ogles, by any transfer or crinveyance of the mortgaged premises. by the owner of the same." - - •/ 1 , ',Dinzeltons s ' • . Paul T. Jones, 4 .lerilinlalt M. nrogke, .ydobti ughoe. 41:4 0 0 , 04rici losao li..Watermenf, Detiti Salomon, Eduard ti Joints, William Vattfervaer, - Joseph Janney, - - Theodore Caplet, I Jodeph 11, Collins, Seninel Oistr-er. PAUL ,T President ... .. . . . FIVE ' WAXER, - , CITY --I.OISURANOS ta. COMPANY; ' - • PNILADDIRCIA, Ps.. VIIANKLItI BUIL ' DINGO, No. CM WhLtiOT Street. ' - CHARTER PIChtIOVAL. - • -:, q hgl3hotir hhdrBdtens.,, -- ' 184851 44 Chartered Capital • - :i.„', -,'-- ' ,Okla Oa UMW' 'tsarist load Or damage byllre ho . d't h'parlto of Oh &Ai IMond Payiptlon,:phd Transportation, on the Watt faiorable tarma,. .•• -: • .. - Dowel promptly *diluted mud road. . ,Pleorge 11..Dert,, .44 w . .,,g01 1 y, , .E;P:. Ilaa, gs drvirair R. Ofiambere, •- • A.D. °Men, ' - 04ailea a:lmlay, -• Jo'fitt O. Dale, H. E.DogPettall, - • Poster'. Perkin Samuel /ones ; • ion. ti• 4. /tiller. - - ovricfnaa: ' . -; G 1 0.8019 U. NAST, President. . m. , P.• Rolle, Ince Prealeept:- - ', • H„,44. 00004MAIlLi Bieiretary ea, ~ dTrecturer. ' • ' ,'' D. IL OTLE Di-Alert earrecry:- -•-• . fr,hi , A hiEgio.o rio linfulthai" 00. ) rii:"INCORPORATRO 111 . 640 i1ARTNIV.Plilt- PltrtrAr. O.IIIOIVAINTIT Street "hove Third, Thifidelphis'-' • -- withghliCrfth "A i d- tehjilfra, thirphe Idifestird hi hound end ithlti:Pilentitietiee6iitinnete nnittron Etwellinge,•liiteree,flinnilturir, "14 erettiennire; Ifttniels in Pert end' their Ciu*rell, Other`Perieni Pro) rtr. . Al!fiesonte IlhareGteridll,l,44ltlP nfilinteel • • - • •1; -anahodolh.' tdarhir ton, • -• • Joiti • P Loris, ,yotra we, • -damps it Oximpbell, ' Pitrletllitt =" - 411datinnd G Dutini; - • .1 ;.;, gAriv OGEOtteg Ty QE :igoi Attarsoksfripov-alosaglit _ Nottranre c!cial!lpAtl44, HEAD_OFFICES: 007, 'PHILADELPHIA wriLmaLvats Ilryaapyols aoo;ono 114,600 Steam To tinit company, Ba vannah Resat Plantation Coin- Ro. Vin Phtladalppila Ezonango uoinpuiy -9,080, 00, TONI. Ismail 0. MIMI, Thoophihus.Pauldint, . James Tia4tiair; William layre, J. P.'Paniston, Joshua P. .tyre, Samuel E. Btokesi Henq Olean,' g'Patland, ThQmiis Oa ppiai Botstri litutqa, - Jcilta B. Bemee t • Pitts?B' D.T. hfoigan, Lam, ItellTlN;Prioldmt.; 4.A.NE5:71116,404dent. tars_, •' 71111;ADIMPZITA, 409 WALNUT BTREST VANDB RYE sit, Vice President. Gla.pirr 8. Bacatigg. Bsaretars4 " TI1) 7 .tf ~817MME-11,q 3 R. PRILASSELPIII,v, WtLM NOTON, „AND' •RALTI, bloagliAtmtizrai:•- • On and liter MONDAY. ,Inlyt4th , MS. ' PASSENGER, TRAINS LPAVE PHILADELPHIA, trir ItaJtlmore at it 16 A. At ;12 - nnon t 'Olzpin66,) and 11 10 P. • Per Oheeter at 8-26 A. 64, - 12, noon; 4.80, and 1110, for WilatioOre at 8.18 M., 12, 4 80, and 11.10 For New Oaetli at 8.15 L - M. l od 480 P t • • .For Middletown AV 8.16 A' M., and t.BO ' For Dover at 8.15' iv; AIDA 410 P - z " For Seaford it B.IIVA •61.., and 480 P. M. TRAINS POR PHILADELPHIA Liar° Baltimore at 0.80 A; (Ellireisb,) 0.40 A. 01 . i and 11.25 P. BF ' • Leave Wiladhgton 0.66 A.' Al:, and 9.20 A. M.,1.10 and 8,40P7111: 1 •, - Lease-New Deeps at 8.45 aud-7.40 P. M. Leave Middletown at 760 A , and 881 , Leave Direr It 860 A.-M., and 5.25 P. M.' Leave Seaford at 5 15 A. M.', and 2 46 P. M.. 'Aare Chester - at 7.44, 050 A. M,;r1.46 and 0.15 Leive Baltimore for Seaford and Delawares Etilraihd r.t 630 and 9.404, •'• I, , ; Turaye FOE BALTIMOI9I, !oat° Slhotter at 8,45;A: M., 19.2t3 Ana U 40P. M. , Leave Wiluilagtea, at 920 A. 41„ 85 P s X ! , and 12.90 A. Al. ' , . , RIND/LYS _ Only at 11..16 P. M. from Pitiladelfdda to 13altimpre Only at 5.0 P. M., from Baltimore "to• Philadelphia. ROS/0111! TRAIN, "with - PADMINGII I ft OAR attached, will rim pe,rollowe ; • Leave Philaitelphialer.Perryillie.and intermediate plietta, at 8.45 I!, - LOMB Wilmington ',for Perryville s and, Intermediate, glaceiat 7 217 P. - _ 7 Inure Barre-de-Gracie for Baltimore and intermediate nitro at 8.40 , n Leer° Baltimore for Reeve de : Graoe and intermediate places at 640 P. M. , Leave Wilinint _ , on,for Intermediate o lqf _NEW WEST' ORES- 'TAN AND PINDAINIDPHIA DAlLitiThp. 212 76,‘ ' 1 - allalidita-ANDINGNSINNT. On and" hitailki 29th,1 52, the 'Praia will leave Philadelphia, 'hole; the., Station, 77: "711. ' cornet , or EIORVININ PH vand MAlN{DiSpieet6,, at- 7 Ai. id Pt, nap .% M., '.% 4 ; '60. and 6 14P, •• • LeavelWiiet Chester, ' from, e lit.ation, on' BAST MA PIMP Btceit, at 6.80, 8 80, and 11.30 A. M., and 2 and 6 46 P. M. ON SUNDAYS—Leave Philadelphia at M., and 2 P. M. Leave. West ,Chester - at 780 A. 51„ and 6.16 P. M. DENNY WOOD, - in32B-tt •.- - General Superintendent. • . . . . . 'T FOR THE , SEA iiRSAVPMS SHORE. ~• '•- , f ..• . bEr If ME vat ItRANORIdINT.• . 0 +1141)BN lAND ' ATLAUTI4I.II4kILROAD. 1 • ONLY TWO ANT, 'A HALT HOMO TO TEI REA '.• ;1 asoRE. On arid after BATORDAY, May 214, anti until far ther notice, tbilnrdatly. trains to Atlantic and • return. ' cOlitlN DAYS, the; nail Train only will run, , Tint, 1114,0Trala, lams Vine-street Yerry.,7 30 A. IL saeonds , Expresr, • n ~41 00 P. M. • - Stopping Califorvoodind water.) 'lnsight Train, (witnfsssenger Can atlanhod).4 qs A.lll Asoommollation- Train, :(Egg - Harbor,) leases Yin.- 'tryst. • - 4.50 1... )1,) t LEAVES ATLANTIC C/TY. • . Pint; Express, Tralnl 000 A, M. Benond; non 4 4-01. M. Yealght, 12.10 A.. M. Anwommodation Train leaves Egg 11i5b0r....5.00 A. M. BIIND 1.2 TRAIN . Lt)11 , 313 1 71w:estrum Terry at Retaraing, leseokAtlatitle at, This. Train tylll.ettOp :only at Waterford, Egg Rarimr,, and Absecom. . _ RABDONVIIOLD - 1100 . 01010DATIOiL Leaves Cloopeile Point 'll,OO A.. LOSTB6 ' 100 P. NI. „Leave*. Oopperhi Point 200 P 10. , LalTelißiddonfleg II 00 P AIM ,Shen -Tickets re Furobased before • ;entering the' i2I-80- Anuod TOIp Tickets 'good for two &Orb, on any regular • It 60 .0n and after Only 'Tory Satardaytbrouga the Bummer, the Illiurflarlior -Aecommodation' Train will , run Waugh to Atlantle, and return;early , on - Idondaf nierning. _ .! view& Intuit lie deneeked - at oa6peee • Polnt by 1 I the °mogul vill•not be re ibis for any, god& tinttleeeerrod and Feeelpted Aor by their grelgtit Agent thePoint,‘ , 4 , mylo-din-pl gORN.G. BRYANT. Agent. t 1 lk R IL L AVA I F I t. Tit WAD, /11.0111 , 11Nti for POTTBV/liilejliiloiD - -• , Il Leaves the Ileppl. at, eoruar of ItCiati iiid - 911111r Streets, at 7.80 A:M.4IIILn", terindaye tortept.d,) for BOTTBVILLII.•BARRIfIBURGT-and all tatero ediak. poloto,eonnAllog at Harrisburg with, trains running to Pittsburg, Cbaroterebarg Carlisle Sunbury, &o.Mk= ' Loire atB 80 P, DAILY, for R9TTBYILDB. and; HAJIL9BURG. Jit 446 •P': ii.o)ArLy, (Boodays ezooriod,) for BALDING, and interteedlita point* , apIS - H. IifoILIIIINNY, Booretgy. 01 - 111#iiiiii`_ ,NOTLOB.--.OHRSTEIt TALLIDY RAILROAD •—Ptia BINGER it i ligrair DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TIRMEDIOTE DTATIONO —On and after Ist Juan; arrPlBs9; the' PamengerTisina for DOWNINGTOWNi aterrfrom the Passenger Delaot , of the Pbtladel• 01440 Raflr6id oornerof BROAD andVINR. etree IMEMENG' TRAM for Dointingtoin, leaves at 7.20 A itrsittioolf for Denrangtorn; liotros at DAILY ( of the • By ,order of the Boeitt ofiltanager#' of pi• ,Philadtl; ?Igo*" hobo Ra N . avatar. - PAILADELPHIA DAIL ` vAL Ltdr--4401.1, 'BOI7TB do .111mira, Willi e paitis, Buffalo, bhicaab„- Beek Wand,- Miagantlalln, Milwaukee, Biltllnwtop,, Motitreat fit 'Paula •Detrdit ,Dtinliiitli,"and et: Louie, • - - 'ramenger 'trains Will leaye the Philadelphia a•lti 334101.12; 1411rolui Depot, esisnee • DROAD and. ,VIDB dtureteolaily. filitedawa 61seeptal.fas fo.lkea : ' • • I _ 1 Bit A. M.. DAY .14XPROBS. • 'For Eitalea, Niagara Palle, Buffalo; Detroit, Malmo anznwn..,:dun2a-ridatd, - -Goklanavet,Paitle, fitudlowtan, and Bt. Louis. 12,000 40 • , , mein .EXPlailti, For Bimini, Niagara Folio, Buffalo, Detroit, , Moat° Milwaukee, Rook Ward, Galena, Bt. Paulo;Burilugton aad St. Lotito. _ , The ISO M. end 8.80 P. M. trains run through to lI.A.PAISI3IIIRO,. stoppini, at all Stations on 'thh-Leba , ugh' yells, Plan: • • '-' ' • ' The T.MI/li ld. traln'Onneets it Bnpert; for Wilkes; ham, Pittston, Beranton, and all elatioot thh LitiIronPIAtINICAND - 111404MSUIMI , RAILISOAD: Byline sneaked to Mbnixa, Snflaio, and asieVilsion Bridge. - EU. Tickets Cali be procured et the Philadelphia and Rhxdra Railroad Mete Vcket Ofiloe;Nortituest earlier of BLT.TH and OILBEITNEIT-Btreeta, and at the Passen ger,Debstr corner BROAD and VINO.• • %inaOVGIELEXPILEBiI mazrorri , taint. . Leaves, the, Depot, Broa4 street. 'Wow Vine daily., irtaidy excepted ,) for all points West atiO 'North, at ..Freights must be delivered before 8 P. M. to insure going the same gsy. - • Porlarther lulonpaildn, apply ' height Depol,Droid i bilaw Vine, Or to. OR ' TAlTlMlStisneritAgont, • • 11. W. sonar hialtt and Oheatputlitreets, _ _ _ Philadelphia ' $4418,804 TO 1859. , Hamm 1859. BVMI ER ANDANONNIENt-NEW YORK LINDH.. MD CAMDEN- AND AMBOY' AND DBILADDLVA AND I . I3.BINTOM.RAILROAD. GO 1 LINES; PROALPIIII.4I!ELPEL? TO.NEW TORE AND AT • . 'ppm. yamikwy o.enr, Will Nero*" iollowe, :- • • • ' At p A. M. via Camden and Amboy ; O. Jc A. Ao pqmPfldAtielt $2,26 At 0 4, le., lie guidon mid Oren' 0117, (New - • Zone?) Atelonenodation..., • 2 26 At 9A. M. vii Camden and jersey City, Morning • Mall • 'S. ~,, , , ..,..,, 800 At n A ; 51., by disanibied, vin Teoany, and Zersey Olt], Dforniuglitrpraes .....,,, ' 800 At 2P. 11 4 via Chunden and Am ioy, 0. SA. Ex .... ........ . .. . . . . 800 At EIS6 P M., by kfterinboat, via Taeony and 7.or sey Olty,,Evening Dlersei 8 90 'At B P. 51.; by Tasony and Jar- • 1440ity, 23 Chia Tlek.et • 226 At 6 P. 116 .; Cainden sad Jersey City, livening Stall , 800 At 11P M., via Camden and Sersoy,Olty, Eight . " - 25 A . t ., 2 ( l re P l ii M it ,T ul la ti tl r a w mte ri n an er l4 l mr o y itta „ Aoin io na t edn ... t . lo 2 n, 26 Oleo islet 1 60 At 62- IL, vis Camden and Amboy, Accommodation, (Freight and Passengerj—lit Ohms 'Motet.... 2 26 Ohm TleSet... ' 1 15 The 11 . D. Id: Mill Line ' ssßurdally • The U Night Elaterdays epOPted - .• . liteprese LIAO dor itt Prtugipel atikti!inft l a IV tt u lpfp, *Wee, Ntimtipok, $e. ; et04.14. liar stoF (}a - Str.ntidsbuil, Wllkeebarre Montrone,' great 'Bend, dee a OA. M via Delaware ' , Laekawanne, and Western Railroad. /or Ifreoheld, at 5 A.M. and 12. 2d. Yoe Want linlly, at 5 and 9 A. rd.. and 2%, 4% and 5 r. • wAy LINER • Pot BAUM, Trenton, &0., •t 8K and , 4X P. M. from Wah wt. street wharf 19r, Nojyrsi, flo•c?4," Bthdingtari, Bor. doutorrn, 40, at owl :IX P. V. I `l3tororibo.it EtookEort for Tooodyot 11 4. M., end for , Bordeaturn and intermadiatcpliaas at 8h Y. Ad. SteainboigAohn Neilson, for Telloni et 11% &. M., and 1.4,15 r and latbl; P idnrlington ar.tl intermediate plactee, at 12' . 4: - - - t f 4 ifty poUnds ofbaggage only allowed'eash passenger Passengere ass nrobibitesi trom taking anything as bag gage bat their steering apparel. Ail beggage overarty pounds to be maid for extra. The company - limit their' responsibility tot:baggage to one dollar per pound, and will net be lisblo for any amount beyond $lOO, ex , cept by special contract. - • - rutt 1 WM, H. GATZSIER. Agent. . . . Awalsw ., —,. PHILADELPHIA; .... -4 , ...4. - _ , -- %BR 61&NTOWN, AC. .11‘ In/filth:Mu WN nethttufill —O36IMER ARRANGE , MEM% —Oa and' etter•Mondey, May 9th,1859, until Further notice. J ; , , - Pelt 4-111P.MANTOW1.1. 1.61.78 Plat'a66lphis 6,7, 8, 88, mixt., 1011) 12 A- 9 1'; 4, 15 , 6 3; !. 7 . 8 . 10, M.d• it Lily. Germantown 6, 7, TN 8, BN, 0, 3,0, 11, - A: M I 12,V, 1, 2,8. 4, 6, 5 t4 ;30, 43 14, 1 :iA, 8 1 , 9ji P. U. Learn Q. 06 glib. A. '4, - 2 3 I!, 6, ig and log P: Naive Germantown 8.10 min. 4. 14., 1.12 min., 4; G4iand94"P-,14... - UFFEHTNIM Aftf.ifta4D. i r miTo r t ito.delpidp. 0,8, oX A. 31 2 1 53 1:e 6 ip g bliescu P a l ltIII 7.10, 7.40, 8.10 9.40. 11.68 A.M, 12.40 a, 8.40, 640, 7.10 , 8 40,30 10 P.M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 0.06 min, A. U., 2,6; and TX P. hi, , ' - LeareVtisstnnt , 4ll7 749 A. 87.,13.90, 9.10 and 8.e6 ?.19. poxl lopp. aormuou AND 17RRTOWN. DATA Platiridalpbia U,, Bii 46 mtn . lo 05 8 min., UM A. It ; 108 min. , 8.05 min. 4 %, 5 7ti 61 (1 '11 3( P. Ms; Leave Norristown 8 1 7, 9,7.1. A. 4 ?, lb TX 0?! 11 0710ATB; Leaps ?I , lladolplits 9 A.. 61. 6 and 4 P.M. Leave Norristown 7 A. 11X., 1 and 8 P. 61. TOICBIANAYUNK. Letitia nittadtdpnla ei 7.011 min., 800 rob o.lb 79 95 ruin, ,11.1 a A. M., 1.06_ Into ., 906 min ., $. 06 min , A {l § , am, .U. Topsitii , ll B anahrnk 8 ,1 1; Bjr, 03(;20 )( 14 A. At. 166, 3.08 - flan 048, ; 8.9 8.906 min. P. P.M. 0 _ 017NDAY9. Leijie rtioniirapk, Id., , 8a( P. M. - • ' H. - 13MITH,'Oeneral Httperbgendent. IV! - DEPOT.NINTR and 411211 N Sta.' C AR4 . -- )WAREUIL—SIM-rAT (OBAIA PA blid) iddrUltlVl eeneegeetlte •of the f vent inritittene matted by me to renew tbe odiedento-of ;my; Obrivigne ;Wined- to the-United •dtetes,.l,berflears hereby to Worm my forum., mop tridereednd the Dirblib' ohintial; timi 'I. t p antedbiedire., Y. o.' SUM tr." MAR, ANOOIII, 0., doleditenth hi the :United States, for the idle of ;ohoitipettne Winee NIVIVInek , bktibeetiei eihd firtoreblY bdrAin Ulla) United. Rates it' will be; to. !hempostrta.imawailat wittiehrovoitty; fatek.k thewho dettbdt my "We alitridehte wilt is novel , be found ti letlefto tkelOYmet'eneee' r 81LL.9.11T ,f , BiLtarowr fattIMON,B.,OIIdIIIO INPitCfNII'WINII3, both oAtEiffilTtifed We Ind bltelpti.l.3tl 7 tdziott by • 1 • • RIIOIIWIR, ANOHBA L A 1611MUIFBR MR -- - ifflrlarirsYLT _ - , 8061611 w AURANDICSIONT. . Yor , ItiITHLIDIIIBI ,"D0Y611810167/: " DAEMON, ALLIINTOWN,, A1A13014 CIIIIIIH,, ,, HAZLDPON, "WILKDAARRI.. /00,, „-, - .• . . . - • On aud, liter PlOradl t • iday 16t h . 1659, Vas - Anger Trains *ill leave PRO trr and WILLOW Striate; Phila. dolphii, DAILY, (Sandays excepted* Par BetbleheinvAllentown. Abash , Ohunk, „Wilkes ._* birre, Hazleton. Ac., (Expran ) 1it.i.,0,•9'80 A. M; Per Bethlehem, (Dxpressa at .- 400 8, hi. , ForDoylestown, (600ommodation,) , at.. 4 '.... .„. , rA, , 8,44. BC find bP. 11. Per )ort Washington, (Aooommodation,),at. - - - - , ', , LBl6 P-11. and 6.40 i', , * ~ TRAINS FOR PIitis A DELPU/k" •:.•. ' . Leave Bethlehem, (Exort800):40 A:M.Bnd 4,11i1f P . Mr % Liere Doylestown, otooommodatland ~ at. .... - Leive Port Washin 8 804, M. andsl - 8,,h1, gton, (Aoooentnedation:.) at. L , ;* 6 110. A. Stl.:and SOP. 61.• . . ON- 8811 DAY8:,* 1 -0 1..? Philslelnhia, for Doylestown, at..B.A. M . and 8 P. M. Doylestown, for Phiiide.,„st 6 80 A. , 61, , An4 5 45 P.M.. t Y Hare to Bethlehem. $1.50 i to Mauch - ,Onruslt, $ 2 00 to 14sten $ 1.60; to Doylestown, 80 centSo* Wilkes /al Passeriges Tieing (eieept anielai tedlia),ooo - at Berke street with Path and Slathlr ..'seis and Sewed antlWrhstreeta Passenger Railro , ~,. Passengers ter ,Wilkaaliarre take 980 A i.MrAlni and Arrive In WLlkesbarmat I P.A. .• ...., , inil6 ~ r, ~ -,, ,- , , lILLIB MARL Ateiltr, . Trim PENNSYLVANIA O E BAILROhrkt • '1 1859. alma , 1859. TH OAPAOITY VII* Bala ft, IS ISQUigi TO • i ANT= Tgs CODNTRY. , • Trutsp,TrlgAß7Gll I . 4llBENBillt lIIITWBE ptry:L'ADDLrblA r ANA, Prtit'altytt‘Ti Contisoting direct at VidliMelpikla with Tbroonla, mine flow Boston, New Yericaod Alf points'aitet, Antrat -the Woo Dqpot at Pittabing with Tliroaglo' Vittne for,Oin- , olanati, 6ti Spey, Oleviand, .131icarp, .Borlinzton, St. Paul% Indianan*, Louisville Yew Orlitens,c sh intermediate points in "Ohio,' Indiana, Illinois; Ken- Ifisifouri;!lan. us; and Nebraska—thin tarnishing , facilities for the trinsportaelon oZ Bsesengerannempasse4 for ffire4, Comfort by ant otb.et roue.. rift , Lines itch Iliiimitli'ic4lttiibmv 'iretthmAohltowe of CammirOdatetors, • , ,13. 24; FELTori:Ptitalqent ~,',BrabklDE pre aniseed to eaciliiele l'Wwldrufre• -130tPinirjlf T 6 A , Pcjhr&le sect Pest Trains. The IX PIIESI Bul4tl : Mail and East Mines, Sunday. 'sainted. Mail Train leaves PhilidelPhia it 1:16A: M. Piet Link • t. • - gg • -1I.60'A.1111: - : Express Train /eaves .• t 10.50 P.M., ; WAIL TILAIREI LEAVE AB. rotimire PanceuitittVg Aeconimoditlon at it A EL garrlebtille - EcepoNnedation ' via Ooltimbli,`2.oo P; Columbia , 4 ,80 e . 31 . - -Passenger; for Welit (lheeterwill ,fake the Malt,' Pariteabiug, and Limeuter ',Trains, at the PenneYlval!, nia Railroad Passempli Mahon.' • - Passezi f i a s for Banbury Elmira, Raft' "falo,YE re Palls; and intermediate - Points, leaving Philidelp r atvl.ll6 K.•ndi g,OO P. Id, go,direetly *.Tlekets; Westward- may obtained .at . the ORNMot the Oempany In P,hiladelpids, New pork:o36lton; or Baltimure; and Tiakets East Ward at ailyofthe import `, ant Railroad Ogles. In the West; 'also on board, any Of -the relater' you of ;Steamer,, on the Misalel9P , Ohldßivers. ` • ~ ; • altrayeaa low an any etheißonhi. . Thp - oompletion ,of the Western conneetlons of the' Pennsylvania Railroad to Olio*, Mihail this the - BETWRE THE *4.BT AND PRE • -• GREAT NO TONI/ABP.., The lionneating of packe t by the. Railroad Brldgialst Pittabarg, avoidingell drayage - or :ferriage of Freight,' together With the saving :of Moe, are adrantages readily appreciated by Shippers. of Prelght and the Travelling Phblio. , - ' • • NIVIERTB KIBTWARD• • BY thi f iltionte.lir ightepf ail deloripticem elan be for ,warded New-York,' Beaton, or Balti mmet,tko r any point en the ilailroale of Ohio, Rentitchy•' ,Indlana,"llllnots, Wisconsin , ;Dawn, - or Ildissonri -by Bail:Cad direot:' The Pennsylvania Ralireit 11110 conneota at PittsburE withEteamers, by irtdoh Goods elan be forwardedto tart thei Ohio 'Mnekinauto Kentucky. Tennessee, ' tuotanland, nttilots, Muria - 141, W 1160110411, Missonr , flethiss.,Arkansas,m4 Ned Eire add,at Cleveland,' fiend6slcy, end Ohlasgowithlitcamsrs to all . ports on, • the Nofthitesteinlake.. • ' ;Merchants and Shipper.- entrusting the transport*• tiolt.of, helr,Prellilltte•thle 'EemPARY, 0 " confidence on itlepsedy transit: ~ • • ' Till „BATAS OP ,Rairear to. ittti , point lathe, 'West by, the Pennsylvania Railroad on at all Nines as 'fliTnreb,lß . _ 6 , age charged by,; other Railroad Our CI , VIIIIOIII., ,j 7 Be particular to *ark .gachagee els Panda. ' aterehanta in , tlN West ordering g B ai.frOirl 4111,114we1l to direetthem ; tohe shipped bythis Route, Per Pilled; oontsaoteo Bhipplog ; Direetions r apply . td, or , address . eitherof,the , &Bann sleets, of the =D. ..t.'lo.4ivairr. Pititiotit; ' Kyle : & -Co., Steubenville, ;g. 8. Pierce &1100 . ,, Johneton •ItipleY i,„ o„; ,R. kdoNfielyi' 0.;; -W. athirn &*ol4'ertiOin cdnnati, o._; o.,Meldrron Madison,' ; Bingham, Lohisyme,l4`.; P . (Plumy &,06.,'Evans.- villehind_ Ni-W.Gtrakana IJ Cairo, / 11 ,0 1 . P. , Bass, St. Lope, Mil.; John R. Mania, Reiheille,Teniq' Dania kEttnt,-Blemphin; Tenn.t. Clarke &, Ohl : nag 0,111,3" 54,-UAL9 Apcintin 1114,111Urphi: Walls, Dubuque. 11l ; or to Freight Agente of. Rail : road; et.differentreirite , ln the•Wein , " Parties attending to their own vdtimnents mom the, 'East, will find itto theirinteresk to pall on the,Agents of dhe Vonmeny at the following places before sitipplig, or lettere- sildreceed - ,to - either, of them on the cubica l of felghle. will Meet With Pr0m.14 1 4411 1 4 0 W-7 - ' M. J. SNREDBB, Philade ybia. eGRAW & KOONS, 8 0 °rib street, Baltiinore. LIBOR & 00,9 Astor Ronseor 18. William st., N. T. LI.EOII k 00.. 641filbi street; Boston: • 4. - 11f:If.'1101111TON, Gang Freight Agent; Plat. L. L ROTIPT, Glenn Ticket Agent, Phila. - TlOB. A. BOOTT; Genii Stip% Altoona, Pa. - : . MIKE 134ipintt u s. '71(.-„ STEAMERS- . Ii VU 4ND • litsilo,vapts,lq Lines, i!ip it'Nticember - 2 - •PlETEMOlC,OhptatztWottett, will sell August 20, Onto. borlit IDeeirakerlk:, "kat. Oebln paw/ • vaci , goad (tibia " • " "76 Par lielgyarov - A . t • NISIGI3OI,'AI genty , At the Warehettaing °empanels Phtla4elplis (Mei, ,Tobeedd Wegaheues,l,,Ctia Street; BIM"' je&l Om' an FOR THE souTunia'arxs- Tow; Boa Nut, an4PLAVANA KITaTOBIBTATI, Captain 0. P:Marshinan. BTA.TI Or 011ORGIA; Captain Joke I. Garvin. 18/021L, Captain Wni. , L.• YOB' 111101,1111 TON, EL O. ' The V. 0.. Mail Steamship; KIYBTON3I BTATB, !Captata Marebmin , will All an Wednesday; idly 'lO, at 8 cOaldarB..)l. , • • '•• " 7 FOR SAVANNAH, Oa, ' ,Tke 11. 9. - Mail etiamdsklP drATE Eivq.N.EVA , °opt.- John J..NerVin, ;Al on Saturday , dal7 10,, at O,A , , The splendid drtibule aide-silteel Steams** I BY- - STONII STASH and , STATh' 07111401iGIA now run , m &boys over: tan days, WM forming a dye-day tam-. munfeation' with the South and Southwest. 117 - Noods recalvad end bills of lading signed every ,-At Mat& SiOariesion,arel Savannah these slalom ono neat will(stearcers for *Midi, and With railroad', &e„ for all plisatibi the Soitth Mid Southeielt; and with the Steataship 1.116.131 b, for: Havana; on the 4th; and 19th -r , 1111,8HiRT , BEDUOID. • , - • g 0 64 tio*At , Aii,avoipo .0(15 per cent. below r r • • freight ondlnsmranoe - au &largo proportion of tioisla shlpped,iiontla will be found to•be lower by tamale ships than bi,sailing'76B674s. N.•-B.—lusurenee on all Railroad freight la Wifely tosiumessary, further than Oliuhishart edad •fisivanitah, the hallroad Oompahlei 49 10 ,i!olli these ponts', . Oibin Thississlo I,llisrliadosi and Savannah 816 00 Steerage .8- 00 Ricursion Tickets, good for the present year.... 80 00 Ticket* to UOVIllm 611 00 Through Tickets to New Orleant...‘ 89 76 ,Do • •• • --*obits 0 •• SIS OD Do Houn:U:4y 26 Do . , - *bevy te ,Oa 21 0 00 0 Do Oolumbus,_lla •lli 00 Do , - Atlanta, Oa as Do • limn, Ga -91 00 1 • - 93 00 110 •• • laOksouville 4 , lila. • - 21 00 143 ' • ferthriclins, Yin" - • - *OO No bale of ladled sighed after the chip hisi sallod. - No freight geelvad on tie day of ceiling. /or freight or passage:l44,l7_lo ,- • - ) •••-• • _ , 4:11/1110N, Jr., Narlallawest coiner YOuliTu and OfiIiSTNIIT. Agents in Oharbiston, V. S. & ti.sarup. ,, - .4 Fivermai, Cr• A 011111318 & W.' • THE • BRITISHYAND' NORTH amElwpai BOLA.A 'atm - artam- . lioli iirr 1011 so usaiSooi: - . • , „Olikei 3 Oeblii Paapige ' - - $lBO ' letstoid Clabin.tae dere. ~OW uosSett so 1,111511790{.. Chief 'Dabln t'almo . • $llO _ ' Sutood gabla Nonage - 00 ' The snips from Poston call at Ila Vim. . , • BEBBIZt; Oapt. Judktua, OANAVA. Ont.' Limo', .. , ARABIA, got: J. Mini, AtiSteta.4; oipt Mtilar; , MO, (tapl. B. o,s;(sott, r N1.4,Q.4.11.5 1 0ipt : Battles., AF OA ; 01_0. ahanuon, aon, . - •• • • . , ... 11t1B - OPit, Ottit 3.l4ltidt: These stwests'earry sales: wbiltelleSt at masthead; green onetar oar& bow ;..red on port ttow.' ' - - 4BaBIA, Stone, • leirsell Boston, Wednesday, July 18. A la, to# L - . . „if ~N I ork, Wethler4A7, 4 0'7 2 0 . CANBtA B . Meng,' , r‘.'' Boston. Weitieadvi July 21'. Atßlo4.`, ' Obanoon; - " `, N York, Wednesday, Aug 8 • BUBO •,...k i l i ettuts, ~ - Boston, Wednesday, Aeg 10. PERSIA., •Yaidkuui, ' , g N York, Wednesday Aug. 17. ARARIA iiiiiiiie n , - " ' Boston , Wednesday , Aug 1.4. n Berths ant Secured tutt4l paid for. • • ' An'esPerlenced Surgeon ou board, The groom of tho l e ships *lll not be accountable for Gold, allteg, - Bullton, specie , Jewelry , Prectsusdtotes or adetalo , unless pills 9f lading 'are signed ' therefor and the valuu thereot.tbureln eapreesed. For trelglat ags wly to or pas_ ' 'ls: OIINARD, - 4 Ooerllng Green.' New Roth. GLasciour 4;k4TD NE 4tir YORE Aktstaw comp ANY . 44 OLaa U tavisupoo, DRINAST, DDOLIbi,' LONI4ONDIIItittor.24O. GLASGOW' Tlioauion, Daturday,Wlß 7,t1 Ifl noon. E MOO Re% Ounirain, Wadsoaday; Jue, ew GLASSiOW, Torppi,op " &Barmy, ILDINB•oR, °Awning, • 4, 211 b ttly , " - ' GleABOOW• RDINDUROII, - Ouseniing, Saturday, 7th Slay. GLASGOW, Thomeon, " 11th June. . , BDINBDROR:Danaming, ‘" '2d of4adear from Nate yo 4, Alldlinroltbia, . poinon„to' olafgoir,, .14tuniu,ol, - INDIA,' ,or Londoodeixy, thsbelata,:s76: Staerage, (mind with an abundance of properly °oohed provisionuinO. „ An experienced Burgeon attached to each 'ateanter No charge for median-v. Tor freight or pauaite l appy WOBRMAN di CO, i7a. 1.71 wAiN tvr k treat, ROBRRT ORAIN, - 'no; SO BROADWAY, New York. 10 AI ;$041:1 8 / 1 0 1 1 .14E13.• for orameu iiilktmiley Top for cottages,', Garden Vies aid toptatne. Vittleod 'Pipe for"dp.ge sad water eaddeter/ Imported end for fell O. A HARMON, 1010 CHESTNUT 8 rest PUrtaa , SiIE,ETINGB 'FOR EXPlirq: .SHOWN; , BLIMORND, hDIXIE DRILLS., - ',IIIIIATE A , PIGHT MEETINGS, i ~,tuAtatilifor Export, tor able by • , , If ROT Ibi(11140 .k. WELLE. 24 802t4 :FM? ~ T,ST., t 8b LtriTlA ST. etio,.l,lr _, , - FIVE / .BprPit !bitelneas at ZEIGLER' & 4611.1711Va;c4aaipf (IRRlNStriata; iS opened with a 'aupeclor Stook of Aragai White timid, - 'Mao 44E14; Vadowj Glass, and - all ardsleS asgallytoato4 .a Witoloaalii Drag, A. kalsit v aim tateilkiNa'eat" ao26-tt -N4 VAL STORES.-150 bbls Spirits Tur s 800 bills Wilmington (N. gale gigiggigftielp ;) 25e bble Pt ett. gig store gut forby -ROW S ./43,11.01ReiR, gr. Otg., Ago avegh Wher!es t • , Js26 DAV/D P. ~MODE B, VNOP.EL ?Atilt N 9, 1091XliailUV-414101'4ire a ‘s.bp-aluction.,•,,.. .LTA-• 1i05.189 and 141 130137E1 11T,It1,ET arovmerir Res. 87 and 69.)' " READ " • L:. _ Piabito Balsa at :Me, I,lllladaiolita 4:alum:lgo avOrr , Tnealay nrentng,,duringlhe business 11010011 . . - Er Handbilla aach Pidperti feaneA pepataly', In addition - ft) *lffolk••ira-t,t(blfah(ottibi,l3atnrday pro/ glow to each iald,tinothonsand catalogued in pamphlet farm, giving foil dadorlddloa, Of all ;Ito Propr , trto btf fiegd. on thelofforidg Tuesdar IEI Fo=l'l7ll4l t1a1,145 -AT 'Tax ratro ELM( BT ollll. aTlirillyaradify morning -' • - R9AI AfITATA:At TILf.VATI WWI: • - •J 3 have large, andolint of'llAallistateat krt. - ate fddle,c Inelnding *Teri 'deseelptloik' of, idly 'and country' propOtty; Printidinsy N had- it the , anotlon attire.- • - - : - PECIVATIP fIAI4I - t • • • trr lsfat• antentd-on our Private ale Reel" ar, A da! sidvertdo4l,oanamonaily, In ons,,Tubflo date 'Abd , radtai (of 'which .1,6:19 miles pre printed ,weeklr,) 'free of obarge. , • • . • . . I°tiz In 4, gat 8 9'... 3lo c!irrlil the Plitladalphii drank; wilt be aoki— ' :5 starefAiniffegi idadeizy of kfttilo. - 1 1 ;. 1 "Wirt Breese Park:Aisaaistion: 1 Meroarittle Lltirary : Odriwy. 815 Palawan. Martial liintacce Company's &rip, 1 Ours atiord Land and Park A111643!6140/2.. . - CARS intgreat'only as hetetotore—not eTe!y ; week as In the Milliken Building iota, °APR rest.; at,“ Coniresi [l7:Bee Itthogeephtalletis bale '<he United ; Stater Rotel ATE,Atilld OITY 6 -," an"' A 100 " 3 . 1 W lot.) li7-113e, - ' Eta 4113VATE- , - •- •- • • - 7 ..4.8.(111 , AND77A,L1JA8L11 LOV ,GEOUND ,Lale and woluable-lot,of ground , southwest side of ,Prtee street - , extending tiong Emerald to Jasper Assets, three !tooth E 5,4 feet frpnt,lo Nit deep ; Nine. 0 -two-AV& want.. . . . , , • COIINTRi 11 , 11NI0111801CPION118.11ZANNV AND GERALANTOWN' - - RAILROAD, with- %table; coach= hottee and modern improvements, Sled large - Int> of ground;-. near the' Intehentinn, or Alyr, Iderroatitanit Hadreed and Fisher's lane,FlNanii-atecdtd, ward; 1!)b , 160 by 200-, feett,;., = ,Gll .1018 . OF GRO ll ND;iimilt . aide - of - Dol t on street; betirain Tlenty-thirdled TwentyClourth; and J.efferson and OZ'ord street( t.,Tere,ntiellAward.; 112. by 98 feet. '• 11AND1 , 01111' RESIDINON, IRWIN?? OEIB.STNIIf lll4L—Haridsomithree:etorYieugh-caat brick cottage, with modern Oonveniateem and Lome lot of geouod, Commit Adreet, -Chestnut:NM lot 102 by 157:feet. •- , , xecafor a e - gale:-Ltatfoi Elilafrdph Lentz, doted., PLBB l tONlC.,',ll ,l 4llrie-istory' brick duelitog,- I and large lot of grotmd, No. 1818 Paesynnirrottt,tionto, weet':of Witartoo, street; lot 82 .feet,,frowto6(klast deep,_ 113"-Diear,of all Inentattacdat. - ' ROA'reld g . (in-: tended ova. beck intilding,) • 'and lot No:. 1144 Ooetee atreetr eat of Kficbtaifith Mtrset , The lot le 100 :feeti ext: Odlrig.to , Olive street, on which there le room to baud aootherJame, • : LARGAS AND YAM:ragtag . Lol . ,"isontbeast cornet of Cope street and the ehilsdelph (a and Trenton" Rail road (lath IVehmond); about 'B6 -feet front; and 16 feet deep.along the railroad. - )rr;Olear : of all Amato. , .„• 5 . • 80.10P.1N ItTlitliT.—Tlio.itpi7 brink dielitni . , No 282 Shippen stieet;'betweidA Sibciwad oM suTote lot 20 by.loo - Bstate of William Bandolph,deoesed. _ lIILIANNik svosirr.—Two three-story brick diril .llOgs, Nos 1-24 and 226 Jalianiis street, neitb of Wood street; lief:4mi filth 'aid 4 Olear of- Lnomblittries: ,They wilt be bold peparately: GBN,NANI OWN --;lfyrobandownep_ew done „rough cast residences, Tilpalmoken etreet, eermentowit. _swat tea_ minatss , walk from , the depot. nay are dabbed In the best, manner, with- all - the, Modern iii proyenients hid conientenees. They, will be sold asps rattly. 99.909 lned , rimein on each. Immediate poel- • .liOBTH ALNVIINTN:STNTIT.-rThtes Story brick nOtthAliefenth itiest, north orioplar. DWNLLINGS, TwalLtm Dweillage arid-lot of -ground:ass% sideot TWelftk stdeel, - *met 0 ! latrard ayerdie,, two fronts, Twenilath;wird, VALUABOICOTINTICT.PLAOI9;;49 'milk, With patios and valuable woidliad;stints ; the H o ok. 'toad, !abmit miles 10010 Darby, aid t 1 miles,. mina, Philadelphia; a hips. beautdol,healthyjanddesi „ tables altitation. - 111lOINAtILII VAR 11,49 Sorsa, 90 peyelitOn my-roadi ] adding from Ntistleton to Holm 004,61:Mut - ono atilt teem, liestietcus ; doable atone :oase s bard,':' Large ate b e l e tot , North fifth. attest, Apple street, and ''deer attain, 'three font!, WO lees 10X tlnalied, front en Fifth Attest Phut at the itiottemsiOrs— TWO _TaBBiIIiT9RY imft-LINNif::- 1 -Three story-brisk- duelling_ No_ 927-Nsabington -one Worsts:4y: Prime lit:neat), , cut o 4 Tenth attest, - with a threi-story- brick dereillog -WU' feat on Latelt-1 011101ANTOWN4 !sty desiss r , ' ble-lot on -Bristol ::strost. Vats: _Dewey, , a ir,e, Ger • -mantown, WAWA ar. few hundred yard& of ',Dewey>, Jana and filioemskerhiaane - , stations, on` the Iflormantowo - Railrowlqi the ',vicinity-of elegant, mutiny seats.:. ,- 610 ONT ti , 965ANT,111.1115T,-,TwO:etory =br elt dwelling; Mount _Pleasant street, neer the Fairmount. 4•stfikiEri .. TatraTßlVel. GALS - On the , prelate's, at •Atlintia Oiti, • , Valted Stites Hotel , ,, "auCaboat 100 bidding 141ta. -. ' ' • '- '- - r Admlnittratrixis Sato.. • Notate ot,Jokrzi•Oseeyokee _ ' • , STOOK OP VEINY 3, IMANDIsiI, •- - ' Wedresedspitornine ' 2'4 -- itity Nth, at 12 o'oloot,'St the &tuition rooms, second store, by ontalogde byt order of Adrithustestrlx of. Joint Oasis), deOrneed, -111 - remaining- stook of floe wines, brandies; ilettistey:. ito.i”irobottlec and. ileinijohns, Also coprier-pnwo r ineasurss ; &0., Ito , /no. - - - - 117' tiatalosnes with-bs :ready tail* days from 'Ali. 8414 al N 05,189 44A 141 Boatt4Ro4kth Stmt. : . r '- 811PARIDA -71114111TV411 -1/4E14011. PLATA . aos,. prAioaforrs, ifircrama x ipp m y. Al tll 4414'0, 41.114 mud:low 41.1?t4i. /444u;:0444 of. 1 0 40411444: 443444:4mA .Airall4“ ) , 41eige44:1014 , 3 fwtes, AA* itgammtv,oaapelier,-,etch from Eiscalp.f, 44 7 4114144, k444.1144ip1ac, ma 4444 -taw 41844444 *404; vanionee or talk Alethig lartti lad saperloi clothes ta4ntl4,:iaalogitti. NXTBITOPM OW. ON MAY-92 VAIMAJILB.SUILDING LOT 9. - July 221, at *dolma g., tiff r d 71111* .at °anginas Hall, caie.Afity; 92.ralnable bidding lots; fighting on the ocean. *nth- street, -North street, .rerry atteet,,• Congress:, street, ; oat , streit,:&isba4. , Third street and Youth' nitwit - Alio, kine'.l-alf interest ih the iltsnAtoglort House Hotel, AO -one.half, interest is; two cottages.- I'Ve Nor ,foll-pattrooliti, Ailenllo4l,' AO , ate haodbllts add lithographic - oil*. • - tiIIIII.kaIDE.COTTAHEP ADD PHillillTiTNE„ - tirAPII Also. tire entArlor dottaseniiilocof 7 giortrid; No. 91," on lithographio,pisni , bane Island, 'New ,Jersey, together infix the furniture, bed. diet/oho:oat of eacellent neality;,„hirtion 7 bus ready 1. ; ROOM'' ' 111E1110;4Sr ;,00UAT thesnistionAtere: _ ' • • - ' AT Frt,UraTH, in'the 111111061phi' and hlieroantllti Librirles and . A t thearenm.. - • , - At .tarftra ekll,-ibelbloabln::ornperb , , nor. nes of,Pifth ,sad Adell4l 'streets, below Wawa, large lirlokbaUding ind 10t,84,h7_09,34 104: _Two -fronts , J3nsinesi3 joinBINNS, • ' , 1101 fill sad OYPION, No. 116 South BISPIi Elmer, ' • (Nearly opposite - the County Court Hoare,) ROILaDN.TARJEIIA - He lam', by taw, power to administer Oaths and Aillroietiohn. and tap Testimony to.. be read In Bel. desei !pithy Oewitof the Commonwealth. of Pennryl- Sanin IC; . . Baia ommissioner of l - U ie nited fitatee,nad: oleo, a 0cm:01131m:1er or Deeds and for the Probate of pc. edittaw,lor Wearlfr all thaßtatex.in Ike Tinton , .oopniselorul td take .Teettmeny, , from -any - _ -of the Omute,ln thla State; or say , of thellairste in the Trotted Stares or Terrttorteifi 'pinsoptly and - oirehrly Wonted— JylS•tf FFIOI3 OF THIR XENTH AND Wl7l T 11128 PABBII% Gig 'BAIL WAY QOAIP&NY Or •PfiIL&DIMPEILL . . Si. 6 FALLON'S SCULLDLI26IB, 620 WALIIIIT Street.-- TrIB, E gi.D1143 -EXPRESS ao., OFFICE it 320_01YE81111:1T /hik e/tea, bleyehandlee, /lank gates, and lipeete, either, by Ita ornAinat) or, bt •naneettld_Al with .other llepresa Oompaille, to all the etrinalpartowzie and Cities of the Ijulted Statile. .etitiDWOsP, , „ Gesigal 8. • 441flidept. cA,LEX. MoKINNET I •-• Qllll 1 06 1 613R0 2 , P 4 0 ,2 - Mania,la.W,Oliati%# l .i, , ,O, ,AiSistinsi , , and In 41„,p 4cteu tt.;-_ , - • tt A UGMST "BE IiMONT, • • • ' BEA.' STUNT, Iggee Let*. of Credit-for Triyallere, avallabh fa spati of the world; through the Ilitaft:Rothehllds, Pane, London, .Frankter,t, *Wei; lid 'Vienna, and -,tei!Oprrelloidenit c , - • • ' calla.-em ssarbulare rYIO THE ll,titi)WAICK THADZ.—The', 0. sabseribers,AGlNTS 'soft THIS SAM REIGN AND. IKralliBllo =HAMM ARE, offer . for, sale the following goods at lowest MOB , nee.: nor Chains of tall.J[inds i branding trace, log, ha ten , Ana; breast,'wagon,,toagge, mine, and qther, ;Mains ; p,, ,Iprigbt'a ;patent, and other Anvils, _and, Rives; .tilt" horse Nat ' round and. Oval-. Bake fani;! 'abort and Jong 'handle grx,pans, litzcatolOr Safety ,grute, .for talatioir rfAtei.,BedsOrsissi dla.rhesas ° board Qtaloos.ano Carpenters' Ottalls; Table and Poiket: Cutlery; PASASteeI riles and Jtupe I past and Wrought: - Batt Hinges ; . /Amp and .1' ":Hlnges;,,Giselet Eciewsr Smerson'e H met ,Sedge Mahogany. Knobs ;• _Wtittea'..Breoeq Shoviehkand:/ipadee, all kinds ; 116 31 at 'and Haunts lorke,,akes, artE.Hoes ; Southgate's_ went Wrenches; 14:eika sad .I.Attohes ;.:Door and Shatter Dolts' Hand, tdedge, ;and Stone Hammers ;" Hooks and Allogeo; Tooke,- ends, Shoe; Wont, and' Plolahing Nails; ; Wronglai.:Nalls; Vag's Stooks 'and 'Meg; , Hatob!s.Tea and , Oonnter Scalia ; Hurry Detain! Alnerioan.and Engllatti. Scythes, Soi,ytlie 5 . 40/108 - And Sides ,• Denglase ta .Snps snit : H=l4 hidialling Gates Patients, Saws ; Axes; Hatchets, Uanunersi general assortment OlllsadsAka ' W: WIS SON., - 'All COMM/HOZ Street. CAL ith - 6.: to: tmoitt & 60.1 -4:linom N 0.444 8404 VOTarki iii - Cola Agents or 010-O..POPTO it fO., MIMS sad Phippere OtAke LOOMTD2J..I 00,11 L, Prom the Lovett Monntain, Neer hehlarte, op243ta] 801117YLISILI. CIOUNTY. Pa. IatiOWLE "& GahlyperoQ.; -Th • ialero and of LIMUOII6, 11011101YLKIII. *i BROAD TOP 611// 81T111911910118 COAL. Office No. 196 Booth ,POURTllBtroot. BROAD Btroets below Race, xP2 Cal , - - PRMADELPIPA W (10 D I COAL, AND WDLING WOOD , JANNEY & YJIA.GRIti • • 00ATISJIYRNDT WIIADD, Haws oonatanttfon hand • large and Napalor article of RIND. OLE, and ElgtEcift-Y, , ,W00D ; and,. harlot sotoisted Our arrangements, er e boar lireparad to up the 19 0 OD BY•STBkId-POWID. , • bras also In band' a-superior qualiq '4O. UDINE I 00AL, of all ~14 . . aaiaateat , *ND nits: Dealers ands Oonstuners• tli Bad A g r ea ti, to„thedr adaAlstagrato purchase Dlndlini Wood of, or, , ' Lin lITSURARCE - AND TRUST COM . TAZTIP._Ttu" PUN " . b1U174 itkrias COMPANY, Northeastwrote of TRIED aid Btreeta: rOspittl, 4412 14.03, U.i.aVaßs,uvo. for short terms, or_ for the whole term or, 1110,...-grante arinaltiel. and endOmnents=pur shams life interests in Reed Iletate; ant makes all owl tmete depending on the contingencies of We. whog um se ,Bnoentors, Adatinietretnni r Truitlea, and Gnerdians.. . _ eausrzza. Dablel L. Miler, " . Bainuel 8 Stoked, ' Benjamin Onstee, • - WlUinm Mart Yt, - ' Itichsrd 8. Newbold, James B Ma Arland,. i WiLII Plipplcar, , iehtlA 11, Trotter, WittillAn II Kern, - Jamul ItuatOn,. Samht , lo:Tlttey, The4llll-ne Paulding, 1 -0134-deiThloweiL- Edroand "A.Poodab,- 0.-Towcascd, - Hutch wan, llodolphas Bent,, , John W. Horner, - .W , Ntam Perr i , , , .1111 a 8 'Archer. - 71driard - T:Tdott, ' J"Chrlatium,' WIII ' am Itobeeson',, " Tbitimin, Warner td- Jahn a. stabler, . 7.ll z Nilphier, Beaton. 4 *lt Lyn, premerit; sroL4B;vieceieet; 7.; s itwildg,3l EMie EP 780017,,1x. 76170TIONES4VIROISV,' Ju.p. vament aemm,lta TA ti l oca A mitfii, - -::, lifinuet.- Whiten' rfalt ar PQRD Atronekrax srov ,§4o,6=muriff Ilitilltif!fili;Aiditadircr,4: 004, 11.1- tinz 404 Malairtfilriaßie; - J • Gt r ia&Y'l' l 3 olo M-.a;-:! , -.: - _ ; .111VOWAtKITIO -; o - • 7 00,400 M ye,. 4.htk_o_.o_ , -&-100 01 "41 pumaeeallarmitaeolf 111,2 A 11"1" 1a IR*ltOregt 144 L-, ED' o,i oar.Privatalfeal,laiglatar?walAWari _ b* „, found a Tor kris' ausolom4t-imilAstate, - ;* r!er7•d pN 01 . city atatm Not 520.7FAIMVLONs04.10. • 0 13 E 111-ITA: TIE Alt - k"AVOTIONUR -MU AND COMM3BIeN lfilltp#A3ll,, - 131X•01 AB•DqtsCia See • " 11.0N111 ,TO - • brosiry . to loss, is lars," - iwaseslliiiiiiessit,ssiirwf"•, eltssdisolso4lll4Y_,APa Stsets7-.An sums oser",,asi ,Assstfa..4sllsrs. eurs...vir AMP* Pa =MSc ,1110411111( IMO -46-atEatka,el44.l4." .10443•66.11t . 0- ' le iberni Orearnt 4tem BA9E eg• • GU& fill'Artle 4 4oooWOliliio3lll: • ./ AtOHIYi - . KOMI I i"; ,- 1-P1,1[1=11,11 , ". , ' Nom fromone dollar to lauanadaj ositt zi od *Tot SON - VanpAtdii .ryl 4l 4ll. ll 4 . Aininolfir-foTt - - Tfittal4l 7 " 41 7 8 00 4V ii „4 „. : 7140, ityrr.bao.l4 l - . ,A4llllllWik okotyliMAAT =, spa . ' ouPs Treg r amisri'l' irgif - Asse; ti o outbe"ittiott , ' PROM:MOM -Xo7llB,4illt4coA!Ask ths lowest market ratecr. .1; !--514 j, Gll. B / 4 " ASSOSICtiVin WATORELWW3I43 sce:,A.T , Pitry*T.l44i, akka,THAtist PM:IIMM. -1187 " 1 04lalit; 4.-/Ar Coriker-iMMtniss4 *4g144. • StrOstsfoUtiOtoilittbilet arfillkaOldAtitiatmOt ' Wt. thtlisaat*otOpatotta, jfkiatristrEntglialkjpotaii flatjtota ad Odd - path; of" tki` "gC , • o; lilAitiStibeessiiiislAciSbls.'hottals4:4oset fisspopslo OviassikAllistMlitolsscilOklndfdigl =At sad epto - taaa, aoaako,t *ma isa ,beep ',,SllliiipsCjisteitridlld,,wslzilus,:soi oaKElO4 l r/SCSQd ikSittislysigi .., 0 1 1 . 0 a tut. sontleOrY swim, I * - 0 1 4 .4 (WOW mutes ; Ana gol "mt. Job, - Soak, slid • stlidesioNyabsiturf - eassirld* Pia" braisileti,.breatoss;*FigontrorviAkciUp,otadS ica . l dialioariaposkonila geoltrany4Vrtog Wn'auteM"-' stip per donned, in boxes a t 1144 ;by pt gle box„or quantities to autit, - Arti,' taamia • ' 111.ThWATI - ' stipstise Ilan -proet•sbiat, • • teat 1%1 UN . • :.- , 7 " • 1 latiiiing: Aube: .. ~ oitsa'`tflTi tls""Pmeiir_= MIAANICLIN,' tt:A334 4 14 - ‘ ' :717/ 1 IV : ‘47 - ci..ll4.ltoitih ' • tut= 150iet; *lrian OtiNtuutiiiid . ,watatt MlistfOok,i - payi: ,1 . 1 t i=t4nrk:sioniii , e , iitissi!)ortitai;aziiiniki, Ststog oak 047 .40: s;!ks;Elrilleatir , 11.tiFt! 1 I V4:9 4 Vfeiiiter#l444,llNk_. - 7 MAN!, OCumeggently will ;rpaCtia ligkilift.. gesitori ) Lzift.r..battilve t :# .iltalltittl~Y• tO'ri3ooletifillwoientintiiiittetkiv mser, maker EkiValwt,Vtifitkokiiikatir , . roil rembies,mxiirma 'or shiglii; iiitiVinsai; 4 •PoOk isc ti , eitI s .WA.7riglatriernd . OWili do can tre withdrawn' max by 'their atinumiat, _.,• ,_': CA .A 1,, %714 11 9•Na1• 3n rated fa tike - Stia• of •Peivadi r iNtki 'ikhatoNfy- to rim* ido4 nay fcm Dulness at 9.xecuts„,; • • ~ LANG AND ONLktaiNif , -ANDITITNIV'', t 4 Ofitak - opidWkf Fikialr-ttitliAlosl446tAk iefedstomptrand SaisplegrovitstA# itatilliVlAL , • , r, -1.:, : „ Is; -?'..., '.. -- 1 ...(2• , 11" s °R, '"s_ •f r '' '--, i i 4 i i 1 -1/1.11.11?= i id- a. : i JAI Eililitair;_ - ~ • ''i . :,: fiecuii. — /ix4 -, ltalaltUrtilbiliti,7l%"AtaWatit 'EI i ; - i Lewis - Hrtuxentag,':: - '''''xiiitiliDe rs ._:, • -_•-. Niolortilliteiikaisii, 7 . 4 1111014 v ~ --_. Ail: Eutsithirthwatir,'.vlthkisti - ~ , t'zi ; rJoseplr lift iripkipatto',4l ,-, - - ;, , i - _:4 , 1......,-,- , :4- 3 1 4003.2 - 41EA4110. 14,94101 s NlS*i ' . - 2 0 074 -.4 1 Pw.*.0:14: M. 11 1.1 , A.7. - ,,:; ~e..,;_. 4 184 '-- - - '. -- - - :', i' , 4 i1arN9 ,4 41! QAVIWOntUf4O-=I"IMPPBIMBiTT. Ttattalt-iNtiTiONA:WfMnIE PANT: WALNUT ErtgrestiSoAthvin eitemwoUttillis, 4 11cio6iaiiiin lir iii,alkail. 411,7!atlitYLTAX1.1.'.64 , money 1e.ree5 5 Y 55 _ 1 _5,4a7 sum , Urns 07 5=010 aim/ 411^ -= tenst w 4 R0"%4 4 ' . 4 . 1 1.* +Tr, tliotVlit lor,, l ?4 t ilrtttil;', Tle;il4ll:ieili F ;iiTesisii lii - jro4ol. it - if:tie fib 'lli,' inornisg . oll 5 &gook' byt,lie Amnis4 . 6 - 2415 557 .5. sad T , b , uradair - iiistitAgiestil 8 5 3 51555. - m , ‘ —.4. - r-, _• • '"- ' I'HONAIIINRYt li: '0101501141.N551.1:4,.1 -- ..4, ' " • - 'NO BART 501,101.9510(11, «,:." FN. j slllllDAkkr, itaai.: ~.. 4:z4 i Fria: 11167 11.1cauier, - •„ - ii, : Edwini Li qaftef, - ,,,,, - . 105 •5 11 L'lP!**; 2.-- ,« '-. --- ' Robait - 501makti,,,..., 43 filizelarAloi - 4- 7 .4. - . 4- , 111151:1L'Aghton. • -1 '3 ';555 . 3 1 0/4;1 - . - ual* '- /- ' - ! 0 '7,ssfroth Moisall« t ironb7 lsll,64 V a d • 74 . Plzmas 1 sssAsilraq. , , ~-: 4- ~ c Pb. iiisaitozemts sia4rastimilin comitroirigish•lb• praviatobi ot. 555,05,5515; S~ig e ; pro* 111504,,anknuat, 5555.51555:5•9551,056,50051, lbws punire 541555 ApeouritiWilisi:s44ssore "..5,445 — ... iwkiqUiwot 4 1 1:go.ity•)1 0 ,f4ati#7,01, tY«, l 5'.. P tig : 4 !stit'Aba , :"«.- ' 4 ' 7 `;`; 44412 VAVIN_G. D.-i - -NrAMXL - N- 7 414:(9742 ' .192ANX* ir,r l l 9 t#T4p4D99 . l,oBlgai:_i Nut ausets::: - - - = • _4 -1,9 A99,994919U091231 rattlilkiiVtigetbi4ii4Vi• - • send .pittiolit: tidied; witk' ki& c l TRIIXBT front be day tot ValrOdir lar ethrsdairdtwitt etadattoir iteoii • uitu S o , idiiik.aodi7 diy, .99 on - avaNAO , -.BT9tnsafitroA-Irlintil9449l.lA: , _ ' - o LARITB torAtlen,x4ail 4 r 4 . 01 / 4 "a a r Tracipuloy t 14747 P../11114 ;61a1D4N .44.447216 1 1VirD*41: 4 .0 WATT VaaavE.V.PRIA. - ' no,Bat Nortk 061*i , tßosiolitittokßofiltllolloiO3%- - ED:RT THE I.lolol4Tplyt DiSattititiotttol tifiaatior thtoTiollir - sad meta,i3lat'llritkOnt:' IfitklailSlW3 , fOINT. INTREIBIL . both the, 00 et 11000 till, lea.. '4114,000a01e end terllabte 1304:4* . Inirtit010011 - :tan lons' bean needed to the Northern part of thi --- eto, azo, Thaßprlng Garden 00 , 10110tAgiatitti...2, Talooo- 'tared:by theftiaTa tintio tilPvintybrithia,td 10004 neetialty:7 Tht Maar* tht - -oritalstioCilidlom- It; 000 beirriotattOdlitolty , o surtzi tioo6loo , date ttieltalutat,lnteritetsAadiro Abe Abe Tarr lam And satetrt.inceoptitattoit,o "idea It.b anuffmtded,: _ 000.1010,0 TEN D4LELTy Train 1) to iX 4eoloolt ; Alen; on-0 1 00:000.. - ati4 1501** • - • I*F .from 3 c9olooist !yak ettotoo,. is Itederrei Kirk - • Joni:L . P. Let!. - • - licat D0101:170dork00, - -Wert& Btialt• - • Francis' Hart, Joeepft - P.-1010Leri, •. - - - John Hessler, Jr., Gang, Knecht,: - . - AMIN 8 .prinee, . Jacob Dook. - 4osoptt.K.ConeB, -1100, R, 111 . - 40sItT 01 .0i; -.- George Wiialiper, eta, T. Thest i Peter 0 . ,, - 49 °"!!, !Wilt! irr b rit4=iiiit: /Loot. la.ini:itsimiim,r _;~~~$ Air B '; 111- C 0.% Awe.. al. owe k. Co:! saperia" PI Ms- son & listoMnirindionllon- Numorizobm MAR, MONWAIt; fos ti„end,:rO4trl Zooms!' • ' • - .'L LEr Plum awl Melodeons to itedit:'-' --- I. GOULD, IMITINTM and, OBJCSTNO.2. SURER/CM 4gA- 1 1 - 9 8 . _ - ,WALILLII }MAZZA, CO. . PIANO-I'OlOZ xeßuntrirpible, • ,-- tfoir2lit, 6, aull Worth' ZOTAIT Matti Arid NO.: 41ALTIMORE , Stniiit. :between:Marled SiFt—i , 1 410itlitzu. • • - • ipaortag'igLiti ottponal.Vimioil:teanatainidWP Tlitliwttiltrihlowebi maid othet_eAlibriteirpArformeas bA ImpaiL sKitstweldi,lol.wiskaA*l7A thiktotl24ll. • Tko &liability of liviiiPiaols will' be WW.trawt...l fad die yAaini; and A' , prirlleo sf Avibangi - gm:o.d within uteatbs,"abbitld trey sot siviAntire ottisfourtfcal: Stainkhicturing w if ekr, ws.will sell larkelatale int r* tall, At 9kiii uks4t reaavuable pries*. _ _ WILLIAM miktut-ar. co - . Mu:N. La• & WALKEI, `88:86T1IITIL , ftwook .aiitholoodviCgeabi;.aud will kali ck AAA, Aalt l e t er-Plastoa 8.1 oiso , ..,1314-02 OICIOKERING & SONS,. ;.. NMI ~,4114310;8413,41111,- AND UPP9AT - PIANO:FORTES: ' WARBROOMp 1907 I,II.IOMOCIT BTESJIT. - Liston a lszgivotbak orout - BNAXITIITIM :44P21.11AP4LIADWbion, been awarded, at thtt difteriusit Iziabiunn in tll. °ma r , A nn Swope, 38 '4otb mime naIMOLABBVIDALB. PTV OS TO RENT; -. ja26-1.7 •Efataunanbtr EIALAIIANDEH 4. • 4, #.larer . sassrttrtent or NYANd WATBON'B MANII/AATUAND BALAIIANDNES Bairn, • TADI.T DOORIL , „lir? stad.SAAWS. BANSVooKs, - Equal to som now to use. - IRON DOOBB.-AIIIITTABB. Oa as good terms as soy staer.eatiV a bds bids ' United Btatta;br - 1 V 1 ..18 d WATBON, - No. all &AAA NOURTH Street, .4111adalphia. ann-tf oALL _ flit4A.T WESTERICINSURAN9OOKI NUR TRUST. 001,1P,Wt, !ARMES , trPIOICINSURA.I4O.II. oOhliPA.ter 03/ • 47511513. PA., • • . ipising oneolidited Msgir baelnese,',lti her - ear/sr ion . duot the make nutter th'e acme of the • ' - GREAT IVESTRUtiI - ; !1' INAWILINI.3I 'AND. Tann 00111iiirt, . • —.:•;:k; °Moe, Ito. 40.3 WALNUT - Mallet s , • -- . 1, ..% (Co m PRI O ___, 8 , 13101,110 .11,) - • PEILADJIMPILIA, eoraciiiied °MAUI and'aeglisble " • • MOTS OP 04.11 R SR6O,COO, t ily e s t e d , f,:ohe mutt pert, jn,hise .BoriPaquid Mese @Milky bearing etx per cant. Interest, 430.inpro-ree pro. petty. worthilonble the' kinontit, AND'MABIL - Lcsv 0411160 EMI Titan oaths most favorable term, • , Oblides 0: Lathrop Dieting, - Alliaarider H. Irian - = Jolla o.,Huniqr, • . Jamul O. , - Into Hasliakirg, , 0. R. Shipman, _ trlr, 3: 11.-AteOur3.7, , /mien' - - Thomaa L. L. Mier,- • • ; Sonatbrin 810auti, ‘ • ere 0. 0. LA.,TAROP. Prealdszt,,, ddkEd,WRiGHI V r ' 1)4A14 120 15e'r "aid." tary Treasurer; O. - N: 21., SHIPMAN. fiesend;Viee President 11111.114,t1R7 (11,1 . • • • • 8 - 1311ANI/EF_QO YrAL.N.T.4.I.Ir; TAM rums. or , PNI4/4871,Vesas—Nnui AND MA BINS INKIDANOZ—No. 4 ILIECHANI4I DITELDRI9I4. Wintered I A I7BI -LespitaVs2oo,4oo—Aitseite,' Jima: „50, ' 11 4 61 1 64 la imind 4 a oo nd mailable m0urit14.:4441 • sue 0n. 44,U s 444 0nrg0.511 3 . pupilage, pa Qfl Mend tear!. • DINNOTORA! Ilea* D; Shinstd, NokorgAlLlitatr4; mn Toby, • 11444441EItaar144Zion• Charlie Waaalastat * TobiasWas4 4 1 , ;William 8. 131:410,4 , ,TobAB. udd, L irratiUls Chtit TiIITRTA ',Seed.** Wnzux auras, .A—' • -iiicjtriii4 QHOULDARS.-45 ~Gl-111S.:JAYARAteib voluartorgiot 41.4 Lsoas swan, Sad Pie 11* ttilyg;L: d.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers