The Coffroth And lacßibble Difficulty. [nom the San Frandsen Hamm. i The Sacrament& Mawr :L in Oa extra issued Sat tied ay at ternoon,Vireao along &commit of the =- catty between. Messrs Coffroth road bliK.ilshin, of which thp...foliowing is the gist : It is said that white,fiffeltibbin was dining at the restaurant., Coffroth entered, and, in deprecation of the dele gates of the Anti-litcomptat Convention, otated that they all wore Broderick collars, branded with a large letter B ; that McKibbin rose, advanded to Do/froth, and trAd him he would not permit the use of. mob language in regard to his friends; that Coffroth repeated the language, whereupon, according to one report, MaKtbbin knooked aim down ; or, as: others say, merely slapped him in she owe. - i t Is probable tb..t. CaFroth fell under the assault, and it is not disputed that the inter fereneenf bystanders iudnoed a temporary suspen sion of hostilities The incident created a decided excitement in politioaleholes, and doubtless there was no leak if counsellors to advocate a hostile meeting of the parties, inasmuch as at an early hour enbsequent to the collision fticKibbin was in vited to the told by Coffroth. Subsequent events denote that the challenge was promptly accepted The police got hold of the affair, and immediately took steps to prevent a hostile meeting. Mr Richard Irwin, of PLUMS'S, was second to Mr. Ceffrotb, and Mr. William Addison, of this city, was second to Mr. Moffitoem: The parties were to fight at Nye's Rancho, in Sutter county, twenty-one miles from Sacramento, at half-past six o'cloot P. M ; weapons pistols, and distance, ten paces The ponce were on the alert for the parties as early as one P. M,, warrants for their arrest having been issued by Jos ices Barr and Goggins—the format on the complaint of the ()met ..1 Police (J P. Hardy,) and the latter on the affidavit of John Pagin. McKibbin was ar I.:sted about half-past one o'clock by either Burke, and taken before Justice Herr, who admitted him to bail in the sum of $2 600, with Harvey Hough ton anti D. 0. Mills all sureties, to appear and answer to day (Saturday). lelefillibinrantifrierids passed the Star Meuse at a quarter - to five o'clock, arriving on the ground about half-past sixo'clock. ard33.te, Irwin, Dr. Proctor, (Coffroth's surgeon,) and another man, ail frienas of Coffroth drove up to the Siar Zone° about half - an boor after the 1 - ; her party pesSed.';,and,-while tarrying a few mo men:s, ware overtaken by two men in a buggy, bearing a note from C.,ffroth, stating that he was a prts/uer, but advieirig them that he would j ,in them as soon as - he could. His friends immedi \ately pushed on to the field, anti began overtures ior an extension of time, on the ground Of Col; fro-his tin voidable detention in the hands of the officers. While these were,proceecting the sheriff of Sutter county, who had got wind of the enact rated duel, made his appearance, and the nego tiations were suspended. The manner of Ooffeoth's arrest was as follows : Yesterday, about atiree:c'olock, -P: M., -a. buggy passed Malone's stables on Fourth, between I and J streets, in front of which establishment happened to stand Sheriff Manlove, who had a alit for the ar- rest of Coffroih already in. his possetsion, In the buggy were Ctffroth and E J. Souders, whom the sheriff at unite hatted, commanding them to stop They di,' not do so, but continued on their way. A hone stood at the stables ready saddled, which Sheriff Manlove at once put Undeenquisitionipur miog and overtaking the buggy on H street, be - teen SUM and Seventh. live he prodnood his warrantand made the &resit, the parties &mom pd., yinitiim back.. ' . . fihmeree e wing the above account, we have heard nothing further of the affair. .Free Afttiwk_ Emigration. twoi. 7 4llxiimism FRVIN .NN112011.9 LEAVING NEW ORLEANS rote HAYTI [Prom theftew Orlazes eioiyace, June 21.] We teak a walk down to the levee yesterday afternoon to see toe settooner. A 0 Brewer leave her wharf. The Brewer, Capt: tlex, cleared hfun day for Port an Prinee,-liayti. and. -- tekei away ad passengers tut hundred - -teete - psitintiinz!iS wols.r.!rotp.; this city, 4%0 voluatartly immigrate, induced" the tempf.pprespeeitsvbffered to them in Hirt, under Pre tent Getfrard's 9roverameat. Tao importance of this movement, and its prob able influence on the welfare of the Ilaytien peo ple, as well as on the-lite t of the black race in general, and especially, on. that of the free 'do- - lored population, which occupies .a sort of un certain,- undefined position in our midst, is well worthy of reflection and study. Tee. two bun dredL who left last night belong ittiithe:,mfoSt in dustrijits and respectable class our colored Tney emigrate mostly in faisilied" and ill 'take ' them a small capital Whereupon to build their future fortune. The greater part are young, able-bodied, and intelligent young men, all pos sessing the advantages.of some education and in dustrious habits. We do nut believe that in the whole crowd (*Md be found one who is .igno rant of reading and writing, while some have re ; . oeived good educations — ,aney hie men who have been Weight up Ma trade, orchaire i fell O wed com mercial pursuit' Toney have grown Up our millet, have imbited.ottr4rii,eipies, and' oarry . :l,o -their brethren kiajni an amount ci experiential required by dilly eontaot with the whims, 'anti a dli v osietoo to follow the inspirations of that spirit of progress which is inherent the Ametican people. Their` behavior, at the moment of p%rting, was indicative',of, the fact ,tliat their resolution has been taken Zatekniainr.e4iTlietit . m, and when nil the consequences - had helm Welt Weighed in their minds liners was e,.....fiertain sadness, which ail feel on leaving their nati!diand to stak their for. tunes in other climes, but teinpered by the oneer ful nape that iv is for weir ietat artil._ that euezess, will beleaud at the end at outing - !aa was ""Ektdiall by anplessatit .sairiations. Above Me t deo their educations habits 4 and, tastes, andi•Sitdtign . well and kindly treated by the Whited;attilcinitfer , ing that proscription welch raised a barrier briKal than whenever they would have tnixsti with us in places of public resort ti deearred it-tu using any pout Was„dise of eqUISNAMI. happ.nem. Tuey had to itve-try.„them ' selves and for themselves In the new country to which they no sy - Lgo Their phros in society is aireAdy, marired- They are sure to be welcome guests of tae meat intelligent of the ilaytieng., and, in return for the attima ta,oB urniso the people of Lle,ytt wilt gain:by their arrival, they wiitenj,jr e,nstderaii.on and el : salit,. of liens—those soothing, balms to the wounded vanity of m sn, the . enj /went of wnich makes him better, because it duos away witn the feeling of envy, the secret o.,.nse of the greater part I,l * hu maa misery. • 3trulostaiums: (Reported for The Praise.] LIVERPOOI.-3bip Othello-135 cases and baiee - mds• Blast & Bro; 45 do It Gramm A CO; 49 do Lewis & Co; '.72 do of Wes. ou & tie; 131 casks do Jae Lee & co; 82 bbl. bottled beer A Kerr; 9 ;Age mdse Bercroft, Bearer A du; &do Ginnoy. Wsrdln & CO; 9 do Hates k Coaleb; '- ta's.ciais Bros & Co; 1 do Raj's. & bru; 26 do Wiey & .1111 . tilan; 2 do W llotmse; 8 du opt'. ffsr & wooerte; 14 do :-Bharp !!.sines & Co, 1 pomey . and set of baratee Cole " num K Alton at; Co; 1 mach one Browne & Bowen; 791 bile lion &A B Bariolett; 414 do 110 f. hi Smith; 329 do Mortis. Taekst B On; 2060.pera 200 bile d o du d , to & Junes it Co; .1653 bees 549 d're do C Col:grave & Son; 1 conk haw W H Kuight; 320 tune maple, edit 1612 do One do 48 (RE matte 60 too butted beer Lana Jeaose & Co; 260 tae tin plates E J Ettiog & Bro; 251 do N Trotter & Cu; 2164 Ei e Sonata B. lbt Taylor & 4.10; 139 crates 18 one P iffriskt do mono; 52 crated .2. 8 12 Psareej Son & C-; 143 casks soda iisn.loo-tes tole sehidg pothers 23 -Ms cen4tic asda 10 kegs chlorate potash Matted& Cope; 44 musks soda ask 8 & W Welsh; 96 do Clark & AteCounin; 200 kegs chemicals 100 tea bleaching powders X & F C karoall & 00; 25 tee bleaching pewee s 45 bble sod. Bela RAlf. Churchman; 12 oratse earthenware it & it A WrAttf; 40 toe stoptt.ts ammonia 35 agates earthen- . was 401 bare iron 234 bdls do order. PHILA. OIL EWWIGAg4ERIFT Wm. T.Hoid.ur, R at. ti • W.l4.intiat, - CoanarrEE OF THE MONTH JOHN Y ADDIOE.3, .' . :11: • '." LEtTER. , .:BAGS - ' '-, it Ile Merchants , Exchange, Pkiy4elrtiet. I ' l 4' V200_„,..nai5.q.,-Blrrß*l ...; ... T. i serpirolotut y 25 Bareunan-n Lan.. Alms On Port on Prince, soon Bark. Ilsontiten, Parker Einvana, soon a.----- -----, ---- ------- . is. is ..0 r lif r G -- - - 6 i r . ir itiE •ou i.h.mi • STEAMS:KS. ,42KNICIPSF A SNITIDATAT218. •- - T ' " . BEMs . •••.1...4.46Ait- 4- VOW- •;-' - - -'-- - DAYS I W iisvells.A....A...' , NAkVilc..ll - .;..,.,.......71dy 16 VanaerbUg.::.'alerMer ore: .fl 11114;:ki:anlY l'e 0 of Boteunota...NeW4oo:.l4 .. . nv4,4. - .iiiiplai. Assw 4 ' ' - NEir,torit.:l.troriiitol " July' Vugo ...r 1; w:Fort..Ooik, d:a...::. r i .. July 28 Arsgo New York. Alaimo Roy 23 Water. .....New Yort..Bremen ....... ....July 23 Moods Beaton— Llverpool July 27 oof Waelubgton New vork..Cork & Liverpool... July 80 Atria.' ... .....New York..LiVerpoal Au 3 New York .;„-.lleiw'4ark—Bremen Aug 6 Nampa - - 800,t00.. Liverpool.— '.- Aug 10 Fu1t0n...... • ...Now I:lo..Etaftw . .-.44: - .•:.•;•.. ding 20- SNIPS 1.1.a.14.. sox . DAYS Weser 19remen—New'York..z.. —.June SO Bwassia t '— ' liambnri..New.York - ....July 4 Indt.n ... ':::''7,4:lOkeipool.:Qaebee Jai) , b 0 of-Wasniagtm.Liverpool .New York July 6 Azle , southappron..New York ..... • • ..Jnly 9 New York....denthatopton..fiewitol6:4,,,,6,....July, 9 Africa .....aie e rfeW retk.' -;,.;; . -July; 9 Europa '1.d.0t311 , 0);.. dtaton. - ... - ....."... — ataY- 115 lit emo,ooia.. Sonihamptoo - .. New York;l-..." ''Jity 4 lB Ea..garoo - Liverpool.. New Yuri . :::: - .; - .:....1n19(20 /VIM. .:. — ,4o3utlauldoni - aisn TOra July. ~. , . r Er Thu California Mali ate6lmm p , att Ffui Now, Tort on the Kt and 90th of each moat. 10" The Havana Steamers lama Niiw York, on the Sid, Tth,l2th 17th, and'27thof each montki and Charles ton, 6 0, on toe 4th and 19th. ~ When the SOOTS dates' fall on Sander, the steamers will sail on atenday, except from New (Means. 1 Marine Inttlligrrict. renT rotai l aogGente.. Jity 15. VISO. . SON 11.11148._.,...4...44. ~. 813h1 lIMTs .7 17 urATIk., 222 AB6lvsD Steamship :Boston, Sallow, 24 home from New York, via Cape May'`with mdse and paaseogera to Jae A Ilder dme. - _ ribip Othello ? ereenough,,39 deye. from Limp 'ot. With mien to Wpglit "et Bons. uowel up by tug J lientin Brig Nueva Grinds (Sin) "isesparta, 10 days from Gergentl. with brimstone, 11112MSO, &O. to Powers 1 Weightinaut. Brig Martha Kendall, Norton, 8 days from Chseestoni with name to Pot it, Ma•tio & Co Bohr 61.iloah N, thutier. 6 days , rom Walshlogion. 80, with lumber Ir. ban! B o lt on a t co, Behr Sarah & Miry, &inane*, 4 dips from Norfolk, Vs. with 'hullos to Bami Buttock & Co. Bohr oboe urn, Potter, 6 Mud from Seaton, in ballast to L eincitorioi & Co. eabc eon Near, Jotioi, 4 days from New York, with ice To captain. Behr nut dewy. loassapea. 5 days from Norfolk, with obi glee to Noniron & &mete Bo r John Whitby x luny from °Jena, Del, with onto to Ohrletuis tr. Cavan Lehr /rant liertert, Parker, 6 dap from Booton,with ice to 1 hct B Cahill. EMIT A JO zoe•rH, Duffel', 1 day firm'. Le 17122, Del vita corn toJaeL Bewley A 00. _ _ Behr Lancet, Bayard 1 d.y from Ohrietiink, Del, With grain to Christian & Curran Lehr Corn Tooter, Lund. from Borten. Behr David smith. Douglass, from Boston Behr Ohre H Weiner, W ever, from B •atoa Bebr Saar, Green. Irom Beaton Behr J„Taigess ,Shimor, from KIM' York. Behr lemneible, Hudson; from Nov Fork. 8 hr H P rim•nuns, Godfrey, from Providence. behr abbe Carron. Pratt from Pro ridsnee. em i r Casper d ott, ^hoe, from Hartford. Coi Le ter. D8121.1.Y., from Na.rwiet ken; Strbegsr, Bhichwrit, fr.= New sadfora Fehr Womb Budd hose, 'aim Jersey Day, Behr I H Pharo, Cavelier from Jersey Day. Steamer . edition, Wl:podia, 8 n. ors IroM Cape May, Pith pe,reogere to °retain. Off hooey . Point passed hark Louisa, from Cardenas. otsato ship Kennebee, lioad,New - fuer:el:o44 Hwy, I Allele rd.m.b. chr ouzo Tod er. i t ocd; Bos , cn; B Nilned & Co BcDr War H. d ftdde hinton Hammett & o.llwell babe' Saco, Greon,NiNG, licks /AMU do War H r du Behr Chas Cairt,ll, Ptati; Pilaw bate* Wellston &Co. Buhr Lest Daboury, Ploy:deuce, N•eturteradt & Cu. Wes Otrasger, Nwacwold, New Badtind, sa Bohr Joe Guest, it' linser, Washington, Can Dose*, Norton &Co. Bohr 1. , ,i.d.b:e, aludson, Belem, do B-hr F J Brogoorg. Nichols, Washington, do Sour droste4 Dicier, nOtlilleOrt, CIO d' , " Bohr Wm Loper. Robinson, New Bedford, • co Behr lo J Pict urn. Plobop, Haverhill, do Bshr L B. Crooner, Presbroy. Taunton, do Bohr Sarah Lonisa, Cruise, Auw•gnsn, do Bair 0 H erernet, woaver, Blerou, ltothormel It .. Co- Seb.r Csopor B4ft, shoe, Pawtucket, do Bohr War-Steed, Smith. Prcvilentsa, do Bohr tiarnish Matilda. Ptico, Boston, do Beta Cimino's, We, New li MCI Tiverton Coal Co. Bohr J B. Phertosh,-Cava.ier, Warren, U Miler & Co Batir Alice Lei Foster. Boston. L Andeuried & Co. Bt , r It Willing, Claypool, Baltimore, A. Grovel, Jr. POrre•w•rdenet. hr The Preen.] awn= P/i %TWIN. JulT 14 11459 . The Wyoming lac hefre inns inozistrik 1.1.11 6 b.a.ia in to+, Is i deo Rod consigned no follower Lewis Berford, coin to P Fitzpatrick, and flour to Ki ser and oth-rii North Star, lumber to Henry Oroekey; Perkins & Um:an, lumber to Al Trump & done; George Hopson. lumber to Bfeione to Taylor; Two Staten, coal to Delaware Oily. OLBARED • [er TELEGRAPH.] [oo2TelipOndenoe of the Philadelphia E3•hange.J Oars Instep. July 14, 6 35 P bd. Two brigs are now off film plane it.ward honed_ No thing in inght bound out. Wind south. Thermometer 80 deg in the shade Yours, /co, ki.OIIANDA Steamaidp Philadelphia Howes, from New Orlearis via BevAna Bth inst. arrived at New York 13th inst. bblp Grace Gordon, Babion, cleared at Bristol 13tir inst. for anti Francisco. Ehip Haien A killer, Sweeny., from New York Feb 6 41ra FrEindl36.), was spoken, no date, lat 28 3, long 84 W. ~ark Warren Fisher, Gallagher, banes, arrived at Matisse a 4sh inst. Brig George Amos, lift:Iola, hence, arrived at Boston tato ins; ecara Ann 8 Candor., Nowell, and r le Imatia, May Bence, GMT d nS Boston UM loaf. Schr Neptune, Sutton, hence, %raved at Welrbttrypeat 12th inst. Bonn , daub Ann Roe, Biker, Diamond, Martin, Joan Oadvralader„ Godfrey, Theresa 0. Gandy, Panatiett, Wallies, and L ihnetevant, Role, hence, arrived at Boe• too 13th ion. Bohz J H donee, Flitter, hems, arrived at Notfolk 12th lost. - klehr It W Tull, Townsend, cleared at Boston 13th ins fer Philadelphia. Behr Gen Darby, Ryder, from Rio Grande, arrived at Now Turk 18th inet. . . . .ochre Ymiiy 0 Denison, Sontbworth, and Allen & Mary, Jones, hence ior eastern ports, at New Yolk 13th inatint Behr Eveline, Wikliaraa,hence, arrived at New /Caren 17th lost Pchre ♦ E Brown, Endicott Jane N Patterson, Dole, • lieunudoak.. Hewitt,Mall, Kelly, John Bogi-r., tomes, and T L Muter, do for Pawtucket, at Providence I.2th Met. &bre W W Brainerd, Bowditoh, Emily Fowler, Wil lard, for Philadelphia, and Lydia Catharine, Maguire, for do or Rondo= 'soled from Providence 12th ie.; Palm Isabelia, ' litanton cleared at New Tort 13th feat for.ehiladelphts. Capt Chapman, late of sohr Sea Witch, has returned to New Yolk, and states that he picked np about Feb 3, about 30 miles li of Uape Pillar. annul of hl...pilau, a lin ire ship's mainmast. iron work aitiabed, with double topsail ysmis, appatenty those of a large Amerman clipper ship lie also saw mike back t prate cask heads branded with .133 &frau. Oct 10 18i 3 " and the New York custom ht use mach, pieces of boxes, do. the natty.. were in ptseaelataa at same pork, he, and ..f • wrack. The iron Waft Cu stamped with the tnalt&R name, which inapt 0 had lot gotten. [rhe 'missing slip alanionn sailed from New York for ten Francisco Oct 23, the same monk aeon the cask heads.] Notices • --- OPFIfb.EPHIL . ADELPHIA GAS WORK., June 30th, 18a9 No ioe is hereby given, that application has been the tivith , rmontioned persons, io the •Trostees of the , PEILLaDRL nut OAS WORKS, for the amounts refundabie to them for bervices and Meters agreeably to the Ordinance of Councils, passed March ,cate, 1869. Cliari.s. Wile, 802 Vine street, Angtist Wi467.312 as T:Hargadoii; 50A-gouth Fifth street, June 17, 3867 19.60 Mrs. Jane Willower, 246 South Tenth street, June 2.1857 24.75 0 -MI Tows, 212 Medi, on street, May a 5 1813 . : 18:16 John H. Magee, ii. E. corner Nineteenth and Poplar strews, April 20, 1558. 21.60 Pat•ick P. 61claurk, 729 dansom street, Aptil 24, 1857 20.96 Jae. 0 Abnett; 611 North Fifteenth street, Jan nary 1,1858 25 20 A. 915G-eery. east side Passynna road, tooth of Peed iv rest, Merck 29 1857 24.15 N W. corner Blervntla sad hies tar Bizerte. July 21. 1855 10 25 Andrew MelKinley, 182 f Smith. street, Angeit,lo, 1658 19 20 Queries H.. Kineley, 1331 Fitzwater street, May 10.1858. 5... 22 80 A eisher, east side Nuletweath street, north of Venango, February 8 1859 51 20' W. C. Plannig•n. 415 Pine street, April 1.1355.. 2t P. Murp^.st,l3oB DiaTIOUll street, April 6, 1558 , .. 20 50 Minuet 1 Brolieth,lB36 Franklin street,l2liiibh 2, 14 30 IZMMEEiii . larnes Donaghy, H E. corner Nineteenth and Sprigs Burette, November 80, 1858 _23 00 Job. arts, 43 .North Tenth street, Kay 1, 1.355 51 60 Mrs ef Pearce. S. E. corner Tentis and Arch • - .itreets May 1 1655 26 60 John Henry, 133 South Second street, J 1e55 31.47 Georg C Miller; 809 North 7 enth street. Octo ber 22,11;7 • 20.60 George O. Miller, , S22 North blith etreet t Auguet 52,1 8 58 . ss. 785 J. N. Pierson. south side Gres let E. of f nen ty-third street May —. 1857 .. 65.60 ..Datrtev-.51.9.80. 7.0 r:oo:tb. street : , Actober 2: 853 • 19 35 1 hielotire 7E2 &lath street !isctoeer 24 1857" 24 6 rine. Peed 409 Penn eteejt„Oeteber 15 1858.... 26 85 John Hughes, 1610 - HaMilion streat. March 30, 1858 23 70 Detryi.237lforth Terentieth.street, uotober 1 .. ,Afr.786d:.;.-... • 30'40 The original bills beheld - . ani receipts given by the officers of the Gas Works having been boat or mislaid byAstabovesarties. payment of the proper Moss will eg be V , eta, cu,lesta ohlsotiorse be preferred) at the end eeps:from the'pregent data s . WIL t.Ltatirisßaret.,. Gadder. NM I& Ti)'SHIPPERS ,ss.._mck OF LOOAL F 1030111', - Toe - ra - - A 01' wykat+La AtAILIDO - Alr - IJOSSPAtir are now prepitta reurive and iorwax . d:Pieight to Lb(' -Following points Jig; the NORTELENN 011NrItaL RAIGHO &Dr Lock flamen, Wayne, Jersey Shore ; linden,, Newbury, Williamsport, Marley, Witte:altos - a, Milton; Gettysburg, and all inter Lediati,points on RA:ROVER RAILROAD. •AL goods soot to Freight Station. 'SHIRT/MVPS And Si tRICAT Streets, w,ll be promptly for *Ards& 3m R J. MN SIDER, Freight Agent. CO"ICE, OF THE WYOMIN.9,.:OANAL COMPANY, 323 WALNUT Street, PIE: LAlnumr.te, July 5,1859 NOTICE.-The Coupons due the 16th inet., on the bowie of TEtB WYOM4NG CANAL COMPANY, will be paid sou prerseztacton at the BANK OP Nonni AMIInICA in Philadelphia. on and aster that date. jyti.t,llls 0 • BMA PARRISH - Treasurer. NOTlCE.—Persona having business-'with the PLOP'S .INSCJEOTOft. will clan at No. 14 VlND_Street, betireen the hours of 9 oislook and R. M. where they will find the Inepastor or hie Deputy, 1. M. HIEST.Eft. G. M. LAIIMAN,.... Flour Tospentar.• SPECIAL NOTlOE.— Dealers in Goody; pee Patent for Vulcanized Rubber Suspenders, Braille, Webs, and all other Fabrics and articles made by combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of yulcsn ised rubber are notiliedthat unless the saws are properly 'stamped or labelled With my name, and by my authorl-1 ey, • they cannot be legally •dieposed of in the United States Merchants and dealers are invited to,examine' specimens now in store, and to give their orders for the Spring Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN ER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUoIV 11 RIGHTS EN THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the stylee heretofore mannfaotured or imported, and. Many others. - • - r ALSO, LIVENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terme—may be obtained on application to me at No. RS ICOURTLA.NDT Street, N. Y. HORACE DAY. ` - 'l4afttinal. • StitArs'" --. " _ - ?" : ... . .- - ': , TriBB COD-LIVER OIL, "' ' PIRIPROTLY BWRET , AND PALATABLII, - Minn, fisetaved-at Newfoundland for• the Plibilifistorei. from fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at a low tempera tare, thus preserving the , sweetness and purity of the Oil, while the natagyil fishy flavor is perfectly covered, and the Oil rendered palatable and agreeable to the . taste. - . - . The Proprietors of this 011 spare no expense In haying their Oil properly prepared at Newfoundland, the only place where the Qadue merritua is found in ahundenee. The. true Oil is frequently impaired by admixtures with oil from hther species of the ideates family, and only that coming, from the " Banks" can be raked upon u the genuine.. _ Our Oil hat bean analyzed, and pronounced to' be pure and the perfection of ifuse.quality—ablvaoterleilos which enable it to maintain its superiority over all other kiwis. Prepared and for sale, Wholesale and Retail, by ILASSARD & CO. -mla tr. TWELPTR IlCi .0111ESTN TIT . PhiladPs x 1 - : • NQo R .- KOR_ FAIN, 4 NO MORE SIMKINS. NO tiitiitH RHEUMATISM, Or Stiffness of the Joints, Lumbago Headaches, .Toothaches. or Sufferingfront other Bodily Infirmities THE RAPID AND (30 .lE9,M's 21/11I0AOY OP RADW READY RELIEF, IN IbiiiTANTLY STOP O IIVG TRW MOST IMMO— CIATING PAINS AND AO'IES, BURNS, Slue DS OUT& WOUNDS, BRUNS& fen , renders it important that every family keep a supply of it m the bowie. Armed with CA• remedy, a honseho , d in always pro tected against sudden attacks of sickness Thousands or lives of persona have been Rayed by its timely use, who were suddenly eeized in the nighttime with Cramps, Spasms. Vomiting, Cholera, Yellow Fever, and other violent diseases. Let a dose of this Remedy be Ashen internaliy, as the case only require. when suddenly seised wi h Palo or Sickness, stir It will instantly re. Neve the patient from pain, and arrest the disease. ILADWAY , E READY BELIE➢ MIS MEW rtiummteriasc In four tmure N MIIRALCIA. In -ne hoar CRAMP In Inn mi.:mt.-a DIAILRHOIA.... In fifteen minutes TOOTHACHE. In one minute SPAaliti In flee minute. .. 1.111 HEADACHE In ten minutes °HILL- AND 1/11V.all .Ia fifteen miontea CHILBLAINS In fifteen minutes INPLUENZA. ln six hours 804th THROAr. In tau minutes 11111P18 In twe ity minutes FROST BITNIK Agin OBEVa PAIIALYBII LafdaiNEsfl AND IN ALL GABLE Of BRUIBEB, WOUNDB, Themoment it hi applied to the injured parte, all PAIN AND LIN nASINDBB °BASAL Look out for couatertsits and imitations. Purchase only RADWAY 7 B BRADY Price 25 cents, 60 cents, and $l. per bottle. —di r oiaep se suia city DO aIei'PCTISE et BONS, W. B. zunialt P B. CALLENDER. my2-tnfBni QHOULDEUS-90 HEWS. DRY SALT BILJULDERB, jest recPiTod and for yalo by 0 0 8 ADIAIR & 00 j 79 Arch street 21 door .b Front. 114L-CARB. SOurA.-100 Rugs Int' sato ny 0) WE PHERILL k BROTHER, Noe. 47 and 49 N. ilkoN n .trotat, 1.4 441 nilifsi in Korn and •Jl.l for sal& by ROWLEY. AEREERNEK. wr. in' $017711 . WR A PLVIR TjAIL--"200 bble `Tar, in pricun order, tor ab FITLEIi ma Warniatrimt sn4 24 NORTii CURE AND OF AP BREAD. MECHANICAL BAKERY. col BIR OBTAINED AT ME FOT.I.OWTIIO- • 111101401ICIAL 86.1LEBY, B. W. corner of Broad and J. GRAVINSTINII, o. If‘,PLIIIKI n. Winn, • BIBEL B. BECK, 0. PANOOABT, JOHN O. MOXEY, T. P. BMIIII, T. U. 11ORN.111, W. W. MATHEWS 7HOB. H. HUUIIIIB D. KNIGHT; GIORGI GARVIii D. ODURTNEI, 8. B. MASON S. R. WANAStaiiiirt, z. LENTa, L. HOLLAND, DATID BADDLY* J. WEIGHTMAii S. S. TOMPK[NI S. BROOKS, JANII MYE F. M. WOOD 24.40 Lewisburg,: Northumberland ; Banbury, Trevertou IntermaGtio eeorptown, Mlileietowri k ; Halifax; York, Hanover junction. ALSO. . aaa LIMFAC TIMED DV TEF• Vine streets. W. earner of Twelfth and Wallace streets. itoplar street bolo ir 4 -j Tenth., N. N corner Math and _Coates streets. Na. 400 tlallowhill "'street No. 910 - -Spring Garden dust. No. 1223 Vine etreat. No. 111 North Wirth street. 8- l 9 corner Pllth and Elprase streets. d. 1➢ comer Eleventh and Locust streets. Bread street below Wai l:int. NMMMiI N. W corner Sixteenth and Pine screens. Fourth and Germantown . Road. Federal street above Sixth. Corner South Fourth and Johnston streets S. W. corner 84.teenth and Ogden streets. No :160 North Eleventh street. O. B. corner Eleventh and Jeffers n streets. No. 1040 North Front street. W corner of Seventh and Vhiestreets . Coates street below Thir teenth street. S. W corner Franklin and Coste• streets. N. W corner Tenth and Shippen streets. No. 12125 South Front street. S. W corner Broad and Parrish 'trestle Corner Nineteenth street and Ridge overate. B. corner Ninth and Federal streets. Twenty-ascend Street ab. Coates Coates street above Seven teenth. Corner of fifth and Chris tian. 'Camden, N J., store 119 Arch street. West P niladelphis, Beth at above ilevertord toad. Lanni, Penna. P. MORRIS, B. B. TISTI.Nrsii S. SHUSTER THOS. T. BLIST. B B. BOW.N, 7. MoINTYILit E. W. KUNTZ% &LBX. FIILLEUTOir, I. L. HICKS, O.H. BLINI 0 it, R. L. YARNELL, JOHN BARNBT M. R. YOX, 410. B. TOWNS ND, 11120. L. HICIEBB, FARES GARLAND, D. HOBTOD, .TOHN BODDY. ja•tf mureavv.NpgA„K„ri,R;fo.lll.o7hi. corner This establishment is now in successful operation day and night, and all are respectfully invited to call and eeethe whole process of bread making for them waives. The undersigned takes the liberty of saying that for thirty five years he has been a practical baker—five as apprentice, and five as journeyman in one of the Bret houses in Scotland, and twenty five as master—during which time he hashadthe opportunity of making many eiporiments and observing all the improeementa which have been made during that period. In this establishment, of which he ban now the man agement, in addition to the complete labor-saving ma ehinerv, he has now facilities of many lriahriliot here tofore posiseased. Being unrestrained In the pureituassW none but the minndestium bestehall ever be ueed,atid he has no hesitation iu saying that bread of altitinda can be de livered;tineurpassed in queptyand weight to that made In the' ordinary process 2 : 4 Ifainiliee in which tNeWWWIrd is by ;the Mechanical Bakery has not been - tide* Or in whieh ft has been tried only at its conidainoiment, before the machinery was in perfect wollekrder, e ,respectfully irked to give it a Wallow - denigtied believing it would lead to Mutuaradvintage. my24.41,v ,, JOHN G. MOXBY, Ittai Fatah #llO LUMBER MEN AND FARMERS. &SIB OF VIILHA ,LB' TIMBER liANDli t Ic WABWIOII CIUNTY, VIR9LNIA, ' By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court :for the County aforesaid, pronounced on the 26E11,0 March, 1869, in the chancery snit of Gambrill vs Whitbeck, the undersigned. acting aa Commissioners under the saidde area, will cell before the Court House door of esid coup t.V on the BBCOND TIITIAJID,Av 'Off AUtilinT neit; that being county court day, that valuable traotof , land described in said decree as ad. that certain piece, par cel, or tract of land, lying and in the county of Warwick, and known as being part of the ' Rich neck Tract,' containing one thousand and eighty-eight acres, (1,08 e;) more or less, being part of tad tract of land conveyed by Augustine Gambrill and Margaret hie wife, - . by deed da.etil 28th;nue,. 1868, ant recorded in the dark's office•of Warwick corinty coirt. , s The' above land is very valuable and - easy of access, being located on the peninsula yeng netween the James and York rivers, and about half way between Hampton and Wil liamsburg There are upon the preansis a steam saw mill with engine of 10-hor-e power i , and good-substaii tie,' Brick Dwellink in taorongh repair. ' - VIRUS . OF dita. 80 much in cash ad will Pay the Costs of the above mentioned 'emit and the espouses of sale, and .npon the residua a credit of timlve mouths' - will be given, the purchaser to pro-bond with good security for the de ferred payment, with interest from the day of ,sale, LEMIIBI. J. BONDS', ONARLNO I. MALLORY, 00m..lasiosera. Of the above hinds, 180 scree are in Ins cultivation, balance heavily timbeted wish superi9r white oak (for ship building,)mod - Pint; the pine wook being worth 69.76 per cord on the bank; any amount can be con tracted for, for the New York market. Any information in reference to the matter can be had by addressing Newcomer tr. Stonebraker, - , Baltimore, Md., or cy applying to 8. Patriot, adpiniek the lauds at Warwick Court House, Warwick county, Virginia. ;eel-Sot T - • Krgat Notices IN THE ORPHANS' OOURT FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Notate of THOMAS DIJBANT, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by ihi • onrt to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ENO KGB atenS and DAVID 0. POLLITT, iixeentore of THOS. DURANT, deceased, and to malice distribution of the balance • in the hands of the actoonntonts.4 will meet the parties in terested for the purpose of Isis appointment, on hiaN DAY. July 18,1444... it 4 o'clock P.. N., his ogee, No. 213 ScuthSlXTll Street. in the oily of ehiladel riErnis C CASSIDY, j7B-faiwin* . Antittir. ix THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF. PRILADELPRIa.. Trust Estate of JOHN 'LAPeLET, 'Jemmied. The Auditor appointed to audit; settle, and adjust the account of i•AVID I,4PdLET, now deceased, Trail tee,: as filed hy JOHN WELSH, Administrator of the said DAVID `LAMES', and to make distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on SiTIIK• DAY. •he 231 day of July, at 11 A, !Cott his oslce, No. 271 south FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. jyll-mwtsl . LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION to the Notate or BONNY KOENIG lete ot 'the pity. of Philadelphia, Clonfootionir, - deesseed. hieing been granted to the au iterlber, all porgies indebted t l . surd saute will please make payment, and those having aliOmit will present them to 22 NAY &CO RY, Ad mi istrainr, No 1506 IR/MUT Sheet, Or tohis Attornej, PRSOEttICH WRITES, : jylf6t* No. 241 South TUIRD Street. ETTERS TNSTAMENTARY to the es -1-4I tate of JAME, W. FAI33I,TT, late of the City of Philadelphia. deneased, have bean ((rented to the an dersigued, and all persons indetred to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or deniands against the same to present them to fiRIA DIAZ ill 8 Executrix, Mt Peace, near Falls of Schuylkill, CT to her Attorney,SAMllEL H. PE »KING, .1. 1 7 fet e 72 We.LNITT Street. ESTATE OF JOSEPH' 'YEAGER, DE QS testamentary rpm the Emtate of 4 09P.P WV& AGER, Deeeased, having been granted by the ltegipter Wino of Philadelphia County to 4 - The Girard Life Tneuranoo Annuity and Trust 00m pony of Philadelphia," all pe p tone indebted will make payment, and those having claims vill pessont the same at the aloe of said Company. No 408 0 SRTNif e Street JOHN F. JAIdliS, je24-flittt • Antoary. Tigare, ttobarra, &Jc HAVANA OIGARS—Of the most noted 1-lll_ braids, MIMI 11l Figaro, Pamp!, Cabanas, - floj is ae Oro, tipmaun, A zateuB, ktionolll, Neptnno, Praelbinse 01 .ria, Ica , eta. Of hegalia:loondon, Panatela. and Millar a! zee, in store, constantly receiving, and for sale low, by CaAltlar TzTl. 180 WALNUT &rept. EGA E. B.—A.. MERINO, 140.50UT.11 eJ FRONT Street, offers for sale, Nand Store and Bond, the following favorite Brands of Segue Nueva Engl. Regalia, Nueva Emp. Conchae, Light Guard Entre Antos, Amelia, Londoaa, Nabailla Lon. dres, Ist, 2d and 338 ; Garantisada, Prensandoar Capt. tole London, Capitols Conchae, Iglesias. Btu-moils, Cuba Petri& Londres, Ni Ebro London Nino, Ganita ae,e, Breves, ills as Operas, F epana London ' Espana London lino, Prinoipes , *tarns ()I:moots. jell-ti f_ll AV ANA SEGARS offered to dealers at favorable rates, of various sites and brands including Partsgas, Cabanas, Figaro, Mono, Bird, Flo• renting, lire Pit, and to Aka. Also, Paper &gars, in ISTAPHIIN PUGUIT & BOrts, Me Bona WRONT &nisi JUST RECEIVED, direct from the growers, 25 pipes isivrine Otiiiati la Rose, ana 25 pipes Hans Sauterne, vintage 1857, for sale by 4AIIO ASTRA, El EVENTiI ana WALtt UT CL ABET WlNE.—Lafonreade'e Pure Bor dela' Claret Wine, of the vintage of 1852 and 1858 for Nate by DI 0013118151 f ii&PCITIKOAD & CO., No 885 MARK IT Street lerf-tm* Cll EE SE . 435 FOXES IIERIKIMER COUNTY ORME, In tor and for We by C. 0 SAD. li & CO , jy9 Arab street, 7d oar above Front. IVI ANILLA ROYS—Assorted sizes maul:L OA. lactated mid for sale at lowest New York prises by WllleVint. PITLER, & 00., No. 28 North WATER mod Lad 22 NORTHWITARXIit 11Y28 910 THOSE who are about to purchase Drugs, Paints, White Lead. and Window Glass, wo clireci their attention to an nruingpaued and afloat stoek of anela goods, which are to 00 Amu at the etore of ZINGLICB a SMITH, elan•ti Corner of Second and Green Signets. . . ILIAM.B.-125 tierce — a extra Su gar cured ILL Covered Hama. picked by Herber rhipps, & Co , Henry Lewis, lobo Shay, Hoiatt & Wood, godtty & Tepsoott and others, for sale by C. 0 BADLIOR ac. 00.. ARCH Ettrowt.. !WWI' d door alleNvw. Front iii PORK. -810 tibia liless Pork, of row Jersey, Ohio. and Philadelphia packing, for sale by 0. 0.. anDLBR & 00„ aRUB flitrcet, second dno above Front. Je2s LO OOFFEE.-1,000 bags Prime arid Rtg. Routing Rio• 160 bag@ prime Lagnsyra Coffee tax Alas b, I4M GRAHAM t Cu., LATTTLII THE PRESS.--PHILADELPMA, FRIDAY. JULY 15. 1859. NORTEFERN ASSURANCE COMPANY LONDON, ABERDEEN, YDINBURGII, GLAE. 001 V, 1114LADELPHLA. ANNUAL INCOME trr WABD3 Of 11,000,000. Policies guarantied by the unlimited liabilities of nearly ROD Shareholders, Lo•ees promptly adjusted and paid without referenee to London, by OFFICE EC. 37 SOUTH THIRD STREIT, it/6;IM STUART & BROTHER, 13 Bina street '• MYERS, OLAGHORN &00 , 232 Market at. • WM. WELCH & CO., 22 South Front st " XeCUTOHEON & COLLINS, 3. W. corner ....Trout and New sheets. " C§M I ril, wiLLIAIII3 & 00., 613 Market at. " JAMIO3 GRAHAM & CO., 20 and 22 Letitia et, 30 31pa B MITCHELL, Irq., President Meehanles Bank. JAMES DUNLAP, Erg., President Union Bast. Hon. WILLIAM A. p .)STEII, 823 Walnut street, We Judge Supreme Court. ,136-tutb&a..l.l FIRE INSURANCE. ATNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Cutt Moots, Jan. 1, 1869 $l,BBl MANHATTAN Fißit INtVRANO 0051 PANT, of New York. Cob Ageots, Jan. 1,1869 OPRINEVIELA FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Coati Anna,, Jan. 1,1869 4480*i 865 NORTH AMERICAN FIRE MSC RANCH COMPANY, of Hartford, Oash kesiots, Jan. 1, 1869 IRVING FIRS INSURANCE COM ZANY, of Now York. Cub Assets. J an. 1, 1 0 69 bigIICUANTB 9 PIRA !MURANO'S COMPANY, of Hertford. Cub Assets, Jan. 1, 1869 it 39,079 Policies leaned, ■nd losses equitably Muted and promptly paid, at his Agency, by ROSWELL & WILSON, Agents, ftiti264f No. 216 WALNUT BTRIINT. Tremont and Pine Grove Penn. lleadiog, Peeve. Wed Cheater, Peuue At/anti° City, N. J. Cape May, N. J !tonnes, N. J Wilmington, Del nettrante onzpanies XSTABLISHBD IN 1826 FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE HEAD OFFICES: C APIT AL 86,298,800. WILLIAM GETTY. AGENT FOR THE UNITED STATES, PHILADELPHIA KEFI RENU.VS THE WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE CIOM - 2 0 .A.IsTIL" PAM:IIi /tB BUILDINGS, No. 280 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1867. under the General .InettraneeLstr of ronnlylyania, etherize& Capital. 5500000 Bnbearibed Capital 200,000 114,800 Paid up Capital INTISTED •B FOLLOWS: Bond and Mortgages, first lien $42,170 Bank, Railroad, and other !Rooks and Securities 64.000 Cash ln Bank 8,630 --5114,800 Insures ORLY against LOBS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE ON BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, (to. Also, on Gammas =4 FUN tel-DY to and from all parts of the world, and Inland Naviga tion and Transportation, on favorable terms. 07010S118. OH&RLIR G-. IMLAY, President, WM. WRIGHT, Vise President, 0. 0 SUMER, Nei:weary; H. G. RAMBORGER, Assists.ntl3eiretaryt Dirisoyasis William Imlay, iin Wille P P. Torrey, Jae. Toaster, Win. R. Grubb. Charles G Imlay. Jasper Harding, 0.0.- Butler, , 'Henry 1. Strong, D D.:Jonea, Alonzo Batter, .7_ II Rapes, m 1 01841 D ribavrattr. NuTUaL. say= IN SURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY IHE LBGISLATUR-E OF PENNSYLVANIA, 1835. 011101 8.1. CORIUM TRIED AND WALNUT ." . . - Streets, Philedelyilds. hIAIIINN INSII'N•NOI • ON VISSILi3, ( OAROO, To all parts of the World, ItRNIOBT, -.' IN INSIMANORS . " . . On Oasis, by Blear , Owe% Lehes, pet LesolOarrisp to ell parks of the Union.-'' ' Tlnis .INSTrRANOSIS - , On Merahandiee generally. .0413tOrsib,Owelllog Honsetl, &o' - - ASSZTS,,,OP - 111,11.111Th3TANit - , -- ~ ,-,-,,,, Neiritinbar 1 1838. ..‘ P4r: * 14;74et yaws; $lO4 060; Philadelphia City SW cent. Loan.slo6 144` 00. $llO.OOO, Pennsylvania State loons ' 1)0 $30.000,. U. S Treeenry 43s fisent. I.l,itesf 30,13.2 Sso,ooo; Railroad 2d- Start- • gage it gr cent. Bonds 45.,875 00 $20,000, North Penosylvantaßeilroad Mort - cage S 4c , cook„. 'onds 12,000 00 $16,000, 600 sh.ree stooMermantown Gas Company, interest and principal guaranteed by the city of Phila delphia 14020 00 ss,oaojoo ;mares Pennsylvania Railroad Company,„„, 4,W37 - 40 $5,000, 100 snares North Pennsylvania Railroad Company . 660 00 $3,650, Sundry shares Philadelphia Ice soat Company, Havre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, liia• ' varnish Steam Navigation Com. puny, and Philadelphia Exchange Clon/Pani...•.?!?•••f ??!..???.'• 2,030 Bonds oo and Mortgagee, and Real letate, Of- 419,190 GO °dee Building 71.8e835 Hills kteceivalbe for inauramees made 201,686 36 Balance due at AVIUM6III-- Fromm= on Marine policies recently issued—and other debts due the Company 01,*18 14 Scrip and stock of sundry insurance Compa- -. nies 3,220 00 Clash ou deposit in Bank . 42,067 85 DIRNCTORII. James O. Hand, Theophilus Paulding, Jaws Traquair, William gyro, Jr.. J. S. Penieton, aniline P. Ars, • Samuel E. Stokes, Henry. MOW James il. D'Periand, Thomas 0. Rand, Robert Burton, Jelin B. Sample, Pitta's D. T. Morgan, " J. T. 4.1 MARITIN, irefilitent. HAND, Vice President. story. me26-dtf William Martin, JoaeA Edmund A. Blinder, John 0_ Davis John R. Penrcian, George G. Lelper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Hinton, Wra. 0 L4dwig; 11 4g 1 . 1 Oraig Spencer Wiieal u s, Charles Heller, H. Jones Smote, Jacob P. Jones, WILLIA • THOd. 0 HENRY LTLBURN, Se • ENTERPRISE INSURANCE CU , •A NY. PICISENT CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. All Pak/ la and Invested. Thiatompany 'Denis BUILDINGS, BURNITURS; and teIIUIOGANDISB generally, against loss or damage by fire. Ground Bents, Mortgagee. Mechanic' , Liens, end other monrities on Real testate, will also be specially insured, if desired. DIRSOTORS. P Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William Wane, . George If Stuart, Na'bra Frasier, ' John 11 Brow*, John Y. Atwood, B "A. ItahnteSoCki . lienj T. Tregintr i . AndreyD. oo4 , Hen - sy Whadon, J. Livingston &rimer. F. BATO ORB 8 !A$&, Proshiont. OHARLIB W. 005 Y, Beoretarr. Temporary office, 152 South FOURTH Street, ;midi the completion of the Company's Bulldog W CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT BTh. mylB-2m QAFEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, S. B. - 00rner of pins and WALNUT Staid, Philadelphia. Capital paid in (securely invented) P 300,000 MIMI!!! OM This Companylm aving been thorongly reorganise d ;' is new ready to make Insnrantp upon ail kinds of pro-' PentlN IteraMmillp, Inc ; appit lOW or DAMAGB BY . PIIIIONLif, upon favor ki emp. DIRAC BS. t Jacob N. Beeler, Hon. B. B. Cashing frauds Blackburn*, Charles P. Watrons, Bob.rt. P. King, Manna J. Baldwin? B B. Anglia. J. A. H. Illasbronak, George H. Levis, Aaron Close, Joseph B iltidfold John if. Beach, • John Prentice, ' Matthew •Kelley, Edward Wher, Alex. 0. LILIMIIIOIII P A. Blrekheid, Alfred Clap, _ I) Henry B. 'ants , Wm C Forbes. JAOQB . ;CHELAN, Prealdent, HINNY B Boors, Secretary. Puit..unamis., Dec 284,1858 PIHE ROBERT MORRIS FIRE INS RANCE COmr.4.NIC Or 409 WatNUT isTILEET. Tilts Coaipiny insures agatost Loos or Damage by Fire on Pnelie and Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise generally The following provision in the Policies of this Coin pony guarantees their security when assigned sea col. lateral: 4 ‘ This policy shall not be inialidatsd.' Or 113 any Mile affected, after . its &tgument as aeollateral 'security tg a ruund-rent, or mortgage, and the apprOval of snob assignment by the office, by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged premises, by the batter of the game." R/R110T0.118: Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John Hahne. Robert Clark, Mad 8. Waterman, DATi4 Sailopon, Eduard U. James, William liaiodemor, Joseph Janney : Theodore 'ilayier, Joseph U. odi • tus, Samuel EAU& r JONEe, President. WK. V A.I.I)IIRPE. uld, Vice President. lambast 8 Basarand, Secretary. m)7-tr TRB QUAKER OUT LOSURA.KOK COMPANY, PRILAWILPHIA, Pa. FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, No. 408 W&LNOT Street. OnARTIIa PIIIIPBTUAL. • Paid up Capital and Surplus 1,824.351 49 Chartered Capital6oo,ooo 00 Insures against lose or damage by Fire id;fl the perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation, and Transportation, on the most favorable terms. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. . George R.llart„ B W. Bailey, E. P. Rost, Andres, Chan - Aga, A. C. Cattail, - elarles G linity, John G. Dale,• H. R. Coassho4l ; Poster I. Perins, Samuel Joliet;Non. NM. K. if. Puller. 0PY10228. GEORGE U. 4AUT, President. B. P. ROSS, Vice Priferi 4 Vf4. H. IL 00610•81IALL, Mearetsry and Trzartirer. P. 1j.11 1 3T1,11R, gas)t Secretary. mitt A NERICAN FIRE INSURANCE 09., rm. INCORPORATED 11110-OH4RTER PER PETUAL. No.lllo WA.LIRIT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Raving a large paid.up Capital Stock and earplug Invented in sound and available eacrsities, contiaseta insure on Dwellings, Btores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and their Oargoeei and other Persona) Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. otenoross: Oeorge Abbott, ." John T Lewis John Weld', James E. Campbell ilamnel 0. Morton; ' • Ildrpund 13 Dinah; Patrlotßrady,Olias.W. Ponitney, • - Israel Morris. OBOBOE ABBOTT; : President. ' AMOAIAB B•Mstat7 , Jati'lft flailroatt Lints. SUMMER Alt. RA NREMPIVr• PRlLA.DRipui si A, On vi S tL i me a r aD ß : AND BALTI. _ . On and after MONDAY. July 4th. 1859. FABEENGER TRA.INE LEAVE .MILADELPHIA, Per Baltimore at 8 18 A. 11., 12 noon ' (Barenni) *ad 11.10 P. M. for Cheater at R 16 A. M., 12 noon, 4.80, and 11.10 Tor Wilmington at 8.16 A. M.,12, 4.80, and 11.10 P. K. For Now °matte at 8.10 A. M., and 480 P. M. For Middletown at 8.16 A M., and 4.30 P. M. For Dover st 8.16 A. K., and 480 P. M. For Seaford at 818 A it end 480 P. M. TRAINS IiOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8-80 A. M., (Express,) 9.40 A.M., and 626 P. M Leave Wilmington 8.56 A. M., and 9.20 A. M., 1.10 and 8.40 F. M. Leave New Castle at 8.48 A.M., and 7 40 P. M. Leave MiOdlotown st T 60 A DI , and 0 86 1.. it. Leave Dover at o 50 A. ld., and 6.25 P. M. Leave Seaford at 5.15 A. M., and 246 P. M. Leave Cheater at 7.44, 960 A. M., 1.46 and 9.15 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Seaford and Delaware Itailsoad at 8.80 and 940 A. M. TRAINS YOB BALTIIIOIOII, Leave Cheater at 8.46 A. M., 12.28 and 11 40P. M. Leave Wilmington at 920 A. M., 12.65 P. M., and 12.20 A. M. Only at 11.10 P. Af., Rcom Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 6.26 P. M.. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. FREIGHT TRAIN, with PASSENGER OAR attached, will run an follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate planes, at 5%46 P. M. Leave Wilininsto n for Perryville and intermediate pluses at 7 26 P. M. Leave Havre-de-Brace for Baltimore and Intermediate plume at 6.40 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Rarre•de-(}race and intermediate phloem at 6 40 P. M. Lam Wilnflation for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 5.40 P. M Jl2 ARAMNEW WEST CHES TER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD 116 MODEL. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MAT 29th, 1859 the Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Station, N. E. corner of EIGHTICIONTH sod MARKET Streets, at 7 and 11 A. M., end 2, 4 80. and 616 P. M. - Leave Went Cheater, from the Station, on BAST MARKET Street, at 6.80, 8 30, and 11.80 A. M., and 2 end 45 P. M. OM MIN I:lAl[o—Leave Philadelphia at e A. M, and 2 P. M. Lame West Cheatar at 780 A. M., and 535 P. M. EBNIBIt WOOD, m;2B-tt General BupeOntendent. a s sau M.41111141M1N FOR. THE SEA SHORE. cUst6luß neRANOISHINT. CAMDEN AND ATL aNTIO RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND A HALF HOURS TO THE SEA SHORE. Nn and after SATURDAY, May 21st, and until far ther notice. three daily trains to Atlantic, and return. On hUNDAYS, the Mail Train emir will run. Pint, Nall Train, leaves Vine-street Perry.. 7 30 A. M. Second, .Express, it ".4 00 P. M. Stopping only for wood and wate r . ) Freight Train (with Passenger Oar attached) .4 33 A.M Accommodation Train, (Egg Harbor,) leaves Vine. street - 4 60 P. M. 'MAYES ATIANT/0 OITY, Pint, Exprese, Train leaven 0 00 A. M. Second, Mail, 11 440 P. M. Freight, cc 12.10 A. M. Accommodation Train leaves Egg Harb0r....6.09 A. M. BUDD tY TRAIN. Leaves Vine.street ferry at 7 A. M. Returning, I Atlantic at S P. M. This Train will stop only at Waterford, Egg Harbor, and Absecom. 'HADDONFIELD AOOOMMODATION. Leaves Cooper's Point 11 00 L. M. Leaves, 1 00 P. M. Leaves Cooper's Point 2.00 T. M. Leaves Haddonfield 8 00 P M. Pare to Atlantic, when Tickets are purchased before entering the care S 1 80 Round Trip Tickets, good for two dale, on my train • $2 60 On and after July 2d, and Gritty Saturday through the Summer, the Egg Harbor Aocommodation Train will run through to Atlantic, and . return early on Monday morning. , Preight mist be delivered at Cooper's Point by 1 P. M. The Ooropany will not be responeible for any goods until received and receipted for by their Freight. Agent at the Point. myl9-dsepl awystio on *4103114 IS rsil 4 4.bzugie. KO AND TM/MING BATL HD, KO IMO LI PI, for POTTSVILLE, READ IN@ and HARRISBURG, Leaves she Depot, at corner of BROAD and VINE Streets, at 7.30 A. M., DAILY, (Sundays ozoept.d,) for POTTEIVILLB. HARRISBURG, , and all intermediate points, eonzveting,at Harrisburg with trains running to Pittaburg,Chamberibtirg, Carlisle, Sunbury, &o. , a FTBRNOON LINES ,Leave at 8 801'..81., DAILY, for POTTSVILLE and _ ABEIBBEGIGI - , : At '4 46 P. M., DAILY, "Sundays szeepted,) for BEADING, and intermediate points apl.B ; W. H. hIcILitIIENT, Secretary. 2101108.-0151bSTZU Iliggir l fh VALLEY RAILROAD —PAD WINGER TR4INB NOR,DOWNINGTOWN AND IN hTATIONB--On and after Ist Jann e!". 1869 ~the Piaseuger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN , wilfstart froM the Passenger Depot of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Company. corner of BROAD end VINII streets HORNING TRAIN for Downingtown, loam at 7.20 , APTIIINOON TWN for 'Downingtown, lawful at . 46 P DAILY (Bgalfga f usptai ) Bp order of QV Board o falaya of he Dialdol• and Reading Railroad Company. ano to a lifeiti.RlDlNlll9. flasaakarv. . i m itic ams PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIL- Rueu,-1.1.NE-Gill kT rOUTB to Elmira, William- Airre; Buffalo. 'QUicago, Rost Island, Niagara Falls, MilWatikeei Bur li ngton. Miuttreali st. Pauli, !Introit, ankrt, Lops, *— LD'elmitridlis , RU l learn- tke - Phibeietplabi aeut Rning , fsastroad corner BROAD and YINR Streets, daily. (Sundays excepted.) as follows : SO A M.. DAY EXPRESS. For Elmira, Niagara Fele, Buffalo, Detroit, Obioago Milwankee,'Boak Island, Galena, Bt. Paula, Burlington, and 8t Louis. • 8.80 P. Id 7 num, EXPREAS, Bop .11Imir' a, Niagara Balls, Buffalo, Detroit, C Moog° M Reek Island, Galana, St. Paula, Burlington and Bt. Louis. The TIM n.lll..and 320 P. St. train' run through to RABRISBUSO, flopping at all Stations on the Leba non Yellfte Breech. • . . The 7.30 A. IC:train conneets at Rupert, ler Wiltee barre, Pittston' Scranton, and. all stations on the 1404 AMANDA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggege chilihed to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. Ticketehsn by rowed at the Philadelphia and Elihfra itatfroadlinele Pasta Northwest garner of SIXTH and OHES . pruT Streets and at the Passen ger Dep3t. corner BROAD and VINE. • THROIIHEI EXPRESS PREIGHT TRAIN Lame the• iltepot, Broid 'treat, below Vine. daily, gootlayerrephey for all points West end North, at 6 • Freights must be delivered before 11 P. M. to immre going the, mama dap. br further information, apply at • ire Ight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to CHAS. S. TAPPSIN, General Agent, W:'ooi ner Sixth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia $598,804 70 1859, EIBMINIE 1859. aumm - int ARRA.NREMIINT—NEW YOBS THE.CANDB.N AND AMBOY AND PIaILaALVA `AND..TBSNTON 'RAILROAD CO 'S LINES PROM DULL &DiII:PEEL!, TO NEW YOUR ;., AND. WAY- PLACES, --... ' reel! vrAz.ntry-erennv waszi, m Will 'ess fellows, yip At I A.l4'. via Camden and ikminty, Cl. ef. A. AA. commpdation - - . 82 25 At 8 A. Al i via Camden and ' Trirsoy 01t7, (Mew aailleY) .Aoollonimantino 2 25 At 2 A. M. yia Camden and' Jeisey'Citj, Morning Mail ...;,, ' "''' , -. , 808 At 11 A. 61.51iySteamboit, v i a T aeo n yan Jers ey d - Jers City, Morning,Biiprees. ' ' 8 00 At 2 P. iti4ilis Camden and Amboy , 9. & A. BE . . ~ Press..i.i. .., 8 00 At ENT M., by Stearoboat,-Yia Tialierwnd Jer sey Ottj% , Ilvening,llprome ' • . 800 At 8N P. M. by Steamboat, ma- Tariony and Jet , 55 1 Olt"( 410laini.Tieket. - 2 26 At 6 P. M:4l4,oamden Ind 'Jersey City, Brening Mail - ' " . 800 Atli PI.M. , to Camden an& Jersey City, Night Mait'.'......^. , . '': .. ..... ...1 .. 2 25 At 2)l_P:rd-';vlBoaci . den ..... A a mbiy, Accommodation (TWOS and Teinenger)--lat Mass Tteet..... I 1:. it- - f. ;;••••- ..... 24 Class Ticket I MI At 6Ai h., Camden and Ambely Accommodation, (7r lifand Pssisongerst Class Ticket.... 225 .1 ". '• - 24 ONO TiCket... ITi i ll 6 irlr• 4- IPARAtne Line daily. The 11. xt As . trdayo weer sprees Lino stop at Brincipal Stations only. •• - Belvidere, listen, Slomington; &0., at BA. N. 2.4 P:.‘3l. • Tor Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkeabarre, bionts r ose,Streat Bend, &a., wt 8 A. NE , via Delaware, Lackawanna. and Western Railroad. For' Freedtald, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. N. ...Tor Mount Holly, at 0 and 9 A. M., and 2N, iliN and a Vi 4 1 !. . . - - W.*)' LIRIX lOr.Brtetol, Trenton, co., let N, And 4% V. M. front Wah.nttetreet whirr . • 'Tor ' Palmyra, Delano°, Beverly, Burlington, Bor. dpntown,,&o., at 1 and 4,1( P. M. ll:asanboatliielihrd 140.4ton:for Tawny it 11 A. M., and for Bordentown and intermediate . places at 8N 006146014 TOkux Neilson, for Tacour at 8)f A. M., and for Bristol; Burlington and 'intermediate please, at 12 H. and 4,4 R. M. Fifty popride of baggage only allowod ern& paeneuger. Pseeengens are prohibited trom taking anything se bag• gage but their Rearing apparel. All bone over Arty pounds to be paid lbw entts. The company-limit their reeponsibility tor beg** to one dollar per pound, and will not. be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex rept by spentiel oontraet. .1 . 9. Re 1' , *ll. H. HATSIIIIIII., Agent. c pittLA.Digtx.fix4 7:: Awi l inot: ki r...- - asitaisVlT a lre. N IA_ NO Uttetuttql ttelLitt).l —613616111 _ 1 a , MIMS —On had niter Monday ,' May Pth, p 69 un til farther nottea, Lasve . Philddelphis 6,8% min., 10 1114' 19, M.,1, 2,60 it , 4,6, 6X, 0i 7,8, 9, 10, and, /1, P. M. • Leave Germalltolm 6, T. 71f 8, Bw, 9,10,11, A. M., 12V ,1, 2, 8.4,'6, 0 6, 61,.7% 4 , 8, O. 10X P. 61. eup4i:o Leave Philini•iphin 036 min:A. , M., 2,8, 6, 1,1( and 10 P. M. Iteave Germantown 8.10 min. A. N., 1.10 min., 4, and 91 , P. - MILL 16611440 AD. leedvir Pusdqlpkid.e, 6, 4 1 1 ,11., A. 64 8 ; ; ; 4 ; 153 tit 6 s , 6 9, 01 1 4t. P ta l tall 7.10, 7.40. 8.10 A.. If., 12:1°)T3 ' 4 40'821°r14111),!;gPid* Leave Philadelphia 9.06 nan. A. M., 4, A, and TX N.B. Ire Obeatspl , 14917.¢9 4. g. 19 and 8.66 ?. 30R CONSHOHOCKEN ANN NORRISTOWN. Leave P9ll444iptits. 6, 8.96 min., 111 9b ngo., .111 A. M., IIX rain— 3.06 aoia. 4g, EA 411, 111( P.M. 'Leave Norristown 6,1, 9, 11 ng , 4X, 6,1% P. 11. Leave Philsdalphia 9 A. 51., 8 and 4 Y. M Leave Morn /gown 7 A. M.,1 -sad 6 P. M. POR ,MARAYIINg l o am 1 , 4114491nhis B , 7.4,9 DAIL, 8 95 min , 9)(,10.05 mip 7113 4'95 miu. , a.os min , 9g, 5 81, 6 X, g, 1 551 B'. 55. Lenin 81anaynnk6X, 73E, 81(, 93E, 10g 44;8.06 min , 4, Er, is"g, B. Q 08 min. I'. 11, M... ' ' ig P. 8 . % P. M . H. H. SMITH, ieneral linperintedeni. mei DEPOT. NINTH and GIN 80. CARD.--14AREVIL-SIJR,-AY PA(iNTI), f&NUARY consequence of. the frequent invitation received by me to renew the shipments of my Champagne • Wines .to the United States, I beg leave hereby to inform my former ous tOlnaill, and the public in seneral, that I have ap.. pointed Messrs. P. 0. trROUWEII, ANOSag & CO., aw e Agenteia the United Buttes, for the sale of my ,flhunspogne Wines. My Wines have been so long and fliorgraiii,y kaown in the United Stately it will be un •lreeeesary te eornmeatori their quality, further than to saY that my, new shipments will in no way be found in feriorto the former oriel. BILLIOART BALMON'S 01:1411PMINJI 'l9Olll3 1 both OABIAMT and VESZINAY, for sale for sale the following goods at lowest rates : Lewis' supe rior Chains of all hinds, including trace, log, hailer, fifth, breast, wagon, tongue, coil, ship, mine, and other Chains P. Wright. patent and other AnVili 'and Vines; " L" Horse Nails; rhtind and oval Bake Pans; short and long handle Wry Pans, ,P4aeleinr dafety Tote for Wasting rocks; Bed Serowe; Arn.tielth Slates, Black board Crayons and Carpenter. , Obeli.; Table and Pocket Cutlery; Oast 840 Files and Rasps; . Cast and Wrought Britt Miugae I Strap and " T Binges; Gimlet berewe; Ifirneraon's Bator Strops; Hodges' Mahogany Knobs; Whites' firaiemi Shovels. and Spades, all kinds; Bay and Manure Burks, Rakes, and Hoes ; Southr,:4o4 patent Wrenches; Locks and Latches; ljear end. Shutter Bolts ;: Hand, sledge, and Stscie HaMfolirs •, Hooks and Hinges; Tucks, ity.4s, Anne, Mont, and Finishing Nails; Wro%as Nalle • King's Stouts and Dice; il Dice; Tea arid Counter !Ales ; Curry Combs, Atinerlean and English; Scythes. bcythe Stones and Rifles; Douglass' Pumps and Rams; Molasses Gates. faucets; Saws of all Axes, Hatokets, Hammers, Se, with , a general aeaturtnient of. Hardware W. G. LEWIS & BON. ' 411 COMMERCE Street. /11HEO. D. EMORY & CO. OPWION No. 146 South Potrwrsi Bi.. ralla Sole Agents of GllO. a. POTTS & CO., Minute and Shippers of the L001101!DALI 00AL, from the Locust Mountain, Near/Inland, • sp24;m] BOBUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. W. GROOME & 00., PO* Dealers and Shippers of soauvi,KlGL and BROAD TOP SIMI BITUMINOUS 00AL. - °Mee No: 146 South SOURTH Street. BROAD Stetud, below Race, ep2 em PRTLADRLPRTA 1 LLUMLNATLN G COAL 01L---Warranted AL equal to any for brilliancy and durability, and is *.onher-oloalvs. Also Lubritiatinn Onal Oil. it. B. HUBBARD 4 NON, 1 - AN si.ntermnwrvor RICE. -20 0 casks PrinWiletnaling Mee In dor* and for nob b_y_ELOWLIY, ASHBWINER, 4 14144 e. DOI= WM/IL On Salto hin 2kttrtion. EVOTT, h., AUCTIONEER, No. IEI • ouIfITNUT opposite the Claitatm "Zoom between YOURVI and Frriß Streeta. DHILIP FORD, UOTIOUEER, No. I. 630 MARILIT betwaan Pirrit Is* SIXTH. path rids. IFIU/144 Z;61,, .ItItIYLX Y, • & Pio. 429 menvar 21'2,23t Tlt. GUMMY tic SONS ) • ARAL ItBTAT(L A1:10119.1110M8, En. 620 WALNUT ST2/ILalv OARD.—J. M. Gummy k eons, *oath:vers, vii hold regular ealee of Beal Relate, HUAI ) &a. Ala.d, household furniture at dwellings Er. 7" On our Private Rale Register will always be found a very large &utopia of real estate, inaladlaa every dvaerlptiou of pity and Country properly J. M. GIIIIMEIf k BOOS, Real Retate Broker/i t No: 620 WALNUT Street, below Pixt6l. iiOS ES NA TEAMS, AUCTIONEER. AND COMMISSION MBROHANT, 111. 1, ea :n: SIXTH AND lIACM Btreete. MONEY TO LOAN. Money to /owe, large or Small sweewiets, Warr char/dila) generally, and on all articles of value. die sums over one hundred dollars teem per aril, month, including storage, Ac , Nathan. ' Principa listabllshment, 8. 1. corner of &STU and lacue, SW. GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY! MONCY! I MONEY! Money liberally advanced la large or small nation - use, from one dollar to thousands, CM gold and oilier plats, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling-pieces, mimics! Instruments, furniture, dry good', clothing, grcleriaa, cigars, hardware cutlery, books, horses, veil- ales, ha; ness, and all articles of value, for any length of , time agreed on, at Nat/ease' Pr incipal Beta biiihnisisi, antitheses miner of Sixth amid ltsew otriatn, PROMIggORY Nolqui, with eollateral, diacconted ti the loweet market rates. GREAT BARGAINS IN WATCHES, INWILtik, &0., AT PRIVATE BALI!, at NATHANiP PRINCIP A L RSTABLINIMICNT, 8. 1. Corner of BIXTH and RAUB Streets.—The following article. will be sold for Mu than half the weal store prices : Pine gold English pateni full jeweled and plain, of the most approved and best make, in bunting oases and double bottomed. Fins gold oecapement lever and lepine watches, in bunting case and open fate, some of them extra full jeweled mu beet make: Silver langlish patent lever watches, es capement lever and lepines, In hunting case and open fare, some very anparior Inglish, .wise, Trench, arm Gnarlier watches i One gold veeil fob, Se, 10,4 i eldldrarda .hulas fine gold penal cases And branelete, breastpins, finger-rings, ear-singe, abada l ma &Moen, and jewelry generally. Superior Ravens rapt , at no per thousand, in boxes of 200 each, will be cola by single box or quantities to snit parcithaera, - merman fancy ertlelee, Au., Ac., Ac. AT PRIVATI ®ALA A =parlor Are-proof obest, I feet bf gig Li n (lot wide. Also; watch emend jewelry el' every3esortritioe fining funtro. 1, A little. but often, tale the Puree." IRANKLIN SAVING FUND- No. 136 South YOURTII Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pays all deposits on demand. Depositors' money neared by Unieronisni, State, and City Loam, Ground Rents, Mott gages, &e. This Company daeuie safety better than large profits, consequently will run no nek with der peeltoro money, bet have It at all times ready to return with per cent. interest to the owner, as they have always done. This Company never suspended. Females, married or single, and Minors can deposit in their own right, and ouch deposits can be withdrawn ONLY by their consent. Charter perpetual. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive uio ney from trustees and executors. LARGE AND SMALL SUMS RECEIVED. Gfec, pima 4104 frc9 w * 9 , 445 , 9 X, g. Wednesday and Baturdsy evenings until 8 o'olk. DIRBOTOREI. Jacob B. Shannon, Cyrus Oadwalltioder, John Shindler, George Renal, Malachi W. Sloan, Idwarti T. Hyatt, Lewis Krnmbhssr, Henry Delany, 'Nicholas Rittenhouse, Nathan Smedley, lion. H. Satherthwaire, Mphraim Bianchi* Joseph W JACOB B. SHANNON, Preeideal OTIIIOB OLDWALLADiI, Treasurer. dlB-y " A DOW awed in Winn earned SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TERCBT—NATIONAL SAFETY TEUsT 001- P ANY, WALNUT Street, Southwest corner of TIiLR Philadelphia. INOORPORATBD BY TUN BYATB OP PIi9M9VLiIKI4 Money ie received in any num, large or mail, and La , tenet paid from the day of deposit to the .tly of witk.- drawal The °Nee is open every day from &Moot in tee morning till 6 o'clock in the pruning, and on Mondkr, and Thursday weavings till 21 o''ainsk. DON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT 811LER6Etil, Viaa President WI, I. BUD' flatirePhryi rnuoross. . • Eton Henry L Bewail) . 'Y. OarlrOU Ihretfitsl3 Edward L. Oarter, . Joseph 3:Bars, Hobert Selfridge, ~' , Vrancia Lea h Semi. E. Ashton, iit.. Joseph. Tortes, --. 0 Landreth Mullah gimp Eitganderfflez , Money is received asd r izsiente made daily. The investmetiti ere ~, ilk otatforisitiwith the provisiohe of the Ohs :, in 'Beal Estate . M ortgages s armed Rents, and rush first-e - - wil l ) always Insure perfect security which cannot fail to give perm this institution. j&VING FUND.-11N1 TRUST COMPANY, Oa n4r of T NUT Streets. Large and emelt sums received, am mend without notice, with FIVE TEAEST from the day iar deposit to draws'. Office holm. from 0 until 6 o'clock, MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 wail bIIAPTS for sale on Roglaud, from XI upwards. President—aTlPlUßN R. CRAW IfORI) Treasurer—PLlNY FM.. Tellar—JAM.lB R. RUNTIR CPRING GARDEN SAVING FUN 011 TY OP PHILADELPHIA. Ofiloe, No. 331 North TBIRD Btreat, (Oonaolidation Bank Building ) OBARTBRID BY THE LEGISLATORS OV - tr. .• BY - WAN I A Deposits received In enamor One Dollar and Grif!: - imd repaid in Gold, without notice, with prpoN BENT. INTIREBT from the day of deptalt till wry= drawn. A responsible and reliable Bevinge lustltutioe. `.4i long been needed in the Northam part of the city, Lai "The Spring Garden Easing mud Society wee char , tered by the Le , lelature of Penneylvania to supply this necessity. %It:Managers, in organising and locatini it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the buainese interests and wante of the vary largji and anterprinixig popul/tion yy 14DIDD it is earroIIDNON. OWNED OPEN DAILY, Prom oto 9,A o'clock • also, on MOND/4 and rfutiais-- DAY Siom 8 until 8 o'clock in the evening. MANAGEEIi. Prederick Kielt y Stephen Smith, John P. Levy, lion IL Blromg, Daniel Underkoder, rederick &sake , /ranch! Hart, Joseph P. LeClere, John Ressler, Jr., George Knecht, Jame! 8 Pringle, Jacob Dock Joseph M Cowell, lion . Wm. Millw lard, George Woelpper, Gco. T. Thorn, Peter C. =maker, Robert B. Davidiam. JAM.IB 8. 1 - 1/INGLE, Preshlcut 71.1.4016 UAa7. Stlnerm/sr• iN'oto-4rl( RAVEN, BACON, & ?hums & Clark's, Hallett, , Davis, & Co.'a, and A. H. Gale & Co.'s superior PIANOS. Also, Ma. son & Hamlin's unrivalled MELODEONS and Heft- MONIUMEI, BO desirable for Churches and Leetari Booms. ID' Plume and Melodeons to Rent. inyl4-ly SUPERIOR PIANOS. WILLIAM KNArsa 4 CO PIANO- PO RIN mAN lIIF LOT trkit Nos. 1,8, 6, and 7 North .BUTAW Street, and lee BALTIhIO2.B Street, between Charles end Light streets, Baltimore lave always on band a large assortment ut thele atiperior Pianos, recommended by certificates from 13. Thalberg. Stretch:di, and other oalebrated performers to be equal. if not superior, to any made in this country The durability of their Pianos will be warranted far are year., and a _privilege of exobange granted witbia six months, should they not give entire satisfaction.. Manufacturing lygely, we will sell wholesale and re-:. tall, at the moat reasomabla prices. 4 WiLLIAM RblaßE h Cis. - - - . hieure. LIN & WALKER, No.' 22 02131STNET Street Philadelphia, are our authorised Agents, ana will kaep constantly on hand and sell one Pismo; as manufsetnrees prices. mhb-Sze CHICKERING & SON S, O! GUANO, MttAllg ANti tlPkitilrr PIANO-F , ORTNS. WARSROOIde 807 CHESTNUT ffraterr Cenolastly in atom a large stock of our St • UTI VEIL and UNEQUALLED INSTRUMENTS. We have Leer, awarded, at the different IshiLition in this country and fluor, 38 GOLD ANn at LTAIL FIRST-GLASS 111ND..411, PlAi‘ OS TO RANT. ja243-1T salamaiater elan. aSALAMANDER N0'7 4 :8, A large asaart o aut of IVANS A WATEO/Vil MANITPACTURZy 'PUILADIII4 Pill A BILAIKANDIR BAI titi VaULT D dOßs, /or Beaks and titorea. BANN LOOKS, Equal to any now In nee. IRON DOORS. BHUTTARII, ete., On we mat term an any other eetabliahmeni in the United States, by irretta & WATSON, No. NI South PUENTE Street , Philadelphla. an 1844 2 GIVI MI AAALL BRUSHES 1 BRUSHES I BRUSHES I 2,000 doom Tiel Whitewall. 1,600 IC Nailed it 2,500 " Handeerobi. 1,000 it Clamp. 600 ,4 Dusters. 0,000 " ObGnymAites. Far Pal* inwn . lima al any °Ma? abate la las arei T EIIRD Eitreat. w Arab W - - 00 D COAL, AND ' KINDLING WOOD. • , J ANN JELY7:IE 00ATRilliTWERT WHARF. Have constautlyoUhand a large end supirlor artlala of PINE. OAK, , and HICKORY WOOD'; sod, baOtig ooropletod ott4 arran, entente, are now prepared to saw the WOOD, HY EITE M.YOWIAR We have also ou band a Araffinor quality of LGIIIOH 00A.L, of all eises, selected with care. Dealers and Oousumers will dna it greatly to their advantage to purchase Hiedling Wend or no ;01.stin BALE ROPE AND TWINE --hianntac- CI tared and for isle by WEAVER, MUM, & 00., No. 28 North WATER Mast and 22 NORTH iny2B /11HE GALE of popular• favor is blowing 1 towards the old established more Odellpied by zHzor>rs do SMITH , opener of kIOOND and GILEIsti Streets, where way be found a choice amortment of Drug. of due quality, as well u White Lead, Zino Palate, and Window Glam, all of whisk are unrivalled, sons-tf ("KIR & CAPP, 223 DOCK Street, above or. Walnut, STOOK BROKERS, and dealing in hirer. nautili Paper and Neouritiee generally. Attend the Broker& Board daily, and dB all orders for the par shame or sale of STOOKS. BONDS. &a. Bf-1y .AMS-125 RCS. BM RA SUGAR 1 , -1;01:1SBD HOVERED HAMS. packed by Gardner Paitta &Oo.;Henry Lewis, Jelin Shay. 'Matt & Woad: Beatty k Taptaott, and others For sate by O. 0, BADLItIi k 00., jyfl Arab West, !Id dear above Front. V n ALLD 0114.--Baolgalupra, quarts, 60 I.3jiesia fog Hi! by WITEIIRILL BROTE/1/4 root IN 49 lOU INKNM INN* ea. Lippincott J. X. GOULu, SIVIENTII &n 4 011118TNIrr RIM 0. 10/10TITN,