Meeting oi Councils. The 9!:ited ivePtirg of both branches of CPI , Councils was held yesterday &ice: nr).Jll, at threa o'olock. The following communications and petitions wore received and appropriately referred • One asking Councils to authorize the opening of the market house, at Broad and Ilve streets, on Sa turd ty nights. One from J A. J arena], superin tend-nit of Girard estate. giving a statement of the finances up to the time his suneessor entered on the Belies of :ugh front whtelt eye learn there tots a balance on herd of Stl,3 822 40. Ole from the Commissionor of Markets, setting forth that be hod awarded the et ntraer for the building of the market houses on Routh Eleventh street to the lowest bidder A number of peli• tiles were received from the Centrellers of Public Schools:, asking for au spnwpriation for repairs, painting, end alter:ol.m of the Iligh School, liormat Sehtol, and other school buildings Seve ral coMlrillniCatintte Were received from the Board of Health. containing the proceedings of said P card relative to hygiene, &c... &c. One from Washington L. Malan, clerk of the Board of Health, giving the statement of the finances of that dant:latent. One from Mr. Christopher, announcing the following apnointments in his department: Robert Gray, watchman at the State House, etre Thomas Dallas, resigned ; Chas. Rarer, boll-ringer of the State-House steeple, vice George M. Sheets, resigned. air. Charles T Jones. from the Committee on Laws, ren,rted a hill making, an appropriation of $l5ll to Wm D. Baker for auditing the accounts of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas. This bill was atmroyed by Judge Allison on the 21st December, 13.58. Posted. Mr. Leidy. from the Committee on Railroads, reported a bill opposint , the application of the West Philadelphia Rail's - Ind Company to ere- d their track in the Twenty fourth ward. A motion to proceed to the second reading ef the bill was lost by a vote of 7 to 13. The same gentleman, from the committee on the contested-election case of Stephen Denton. of the Pirst 'Ward. submitted a lengthy repnrt containing the difference between the number of votes in the ballot-box, as counted be the committee, and the fir,ares recorded in that - IEONi returns, and regard hg the mistake at evidently a elerienl error. In some of the precincts tho law regulating eleelinss was utterly disregarded by ignorant officers. The committee, therefore, decided that Mr Ben ton, the sitting member, was clearly entitled to his seat The decision was announced by the pre sident, Mr. Cornmen Mr Ford submitted a bill authorizing the High way Department to enter into a contract with a competent person to several streets in the northern part of the city, provideil that the Ger mantown Turnpike Company first release all right and title to that tart of their road south of Eighth street Laid over. Mr. Leidy reported a bill providing for the regu lation of the curb and footways on Trenton .ve• num in the Nineteenth ward, so as to allow the sidewalks to be nine feet in width, instead of twelve feet, in order to make more room between the curb-stone and the Trenton Railroad track. Revered to Committee on Surveys. Mr Leidy. from the Committee on Railroads, "reported an ordinance o' thorizing the Heatonville Railway Company to lay their track over the wire bridge. La'd over Mr. Cuyler submitted a resolution authorizing the aurwrintet dent of the Girard estate to lease the Girard property on Fifth street, above Chest nut street, to the Etstern Market-house Company fir a term of five years. at $1.500 per annum ; to give seourity for the payment of the rent, and the restoration of the bui!dirgsiu as goad condition as they are in at the present time Laid orer. The following resolution was submittal : Resolved, That when Coneei's edjeurn they ad j nun to meet on the second Thursday in Septem ber, and the intermediate meetings.between this and that t'me be dispensed with. Agreed to. Mr. Worberill offered a resolution, that when ever the Board of Health may require the Com missioner of Highways to remove any nuisances which may be considered prejudicial to the health of our eitizene, it shalt he the duty of the Commis- Pinner to bare the meek perf•rmed at once- Re ferrrd to the Committee on Highways. Mr Beideman offered a resolution, instrueting the Solicitor and Commissioner of Highways to take legal action to compel the Germantown Turnpike Company to put that part of their road between Sixth and Ninth streets in good travel ling order After a brief debate. relative to the pewee of Councils to instruct the Solicitor, the re'rlution was agreed to. The resolution from Common Council making certain inquiry relative to the transfer of cer tain work and labor in the Iligharay Department was eoneerred in, with an amendment requiring Mr. Dirkinbine to reTort to Councils the reason why he dismieted Mr Job R B trey, an engineer of the Water Department, and also why he die charged M W. Garret in se summary a manner. The nateu•iment and resolution were adapted The resolution approving the enreties of Jacob Sheetz, Commissioner of Girard Eita'es, was re• ferred to the Committee on Highways; that of the sureties of E E Remelt and Jacob Sean!z, Commissioners of Highways. The bill appropriating $3,000 to pay police ma gistrates was agreed to A resolution, authorizing the Tax Receiver to employ three additional clerks at a salary of $75 per month, for the space of three months, was con curred in he b:11 milling appropriation to Highway Ttniett fnr repairs to bridgeE, and authorizing and paving t f certain streets, were s.3_ they tame :nom Common Council. ion . .Apencling the Fairmount Ea ' • concurred in opriating SMO to the Empire Hook- C.)mpany, for the expense of intro re-alarm telexraph in their house, was concurred in he hill making an appropriation of 5.19,980 to the Almshouse, for supplies to that institution, gave Tile to a considerable debate A motion to postpone was lost. The bill wee concurred in. Tee bill making an appropriation to pay for the erection of two additional sections of market houses in Eleventh street below Catharine, was concerted in. The action on the sureties of Mr. Shee's was re considered, and after considerable discussion Mr. Reed insisted on adjournment twice. This motion was lost. A Motion to refer the snb;ect of the sureties to the committee was agreed to A bill front Common Council making an appro priation of $5 4SI for printing the annual state =eta of the (: . !ontrellee. Mr Bertetnan. t eaid that wban Ibis question was up before, it was stated that $2 000 would be all that wJuid be rt (I aired to nublinh th 3,t, statement. It was to bare been published in two papers. and It etas stated on this ti , or at that time that an edt. tor said That. it could be published in three papers fir that :mount of money Two thousand dollars was all that was asked far at that time, and now we have a demand for $5,4531 40 more to pay. An animated debate ensued. The Council re fused to suspend the rule, and the bill, of course, lays over. Adjourned. COMMf)N COUNCIL, The Chazr aubmitted a commuoication from the Flom(' of Ileslth, )tieing a atatement or the condition of their illasocert...roie - % Lae already been pablimbed_ Mr. Gamble submitted an ordinance repealing the ordinance which makes it necessary for the makirity of rho Con mittee on Health to diem old bills contracted by the Board of Health. Agreed to A communication was received from the Chief Engi neer of rife Fire Department, giving a statement of the for the qu.rter ending Jute 30: Total mime.? of 6 es. 87 ; depertment in service 53 ; lossea. S3B 620; insurance $24,91,0 • iota over Wall ranee $ 3 670 A communication will received from the Commissioner of Markets etatirg that proposals bad been received for cot:retracting two sections of markets on south Ele venth attest for $7 . 740. Referred to Committee on Markets. A communication was received from J:b R. Barry, asking a further investigation of bit difficulty with Mr. Birktobine the Chief Engineer of the Watering De partment, L LP) o a the tab's. A commuerestion was submitted from William Gar ret, stet ng that he bed been dl-mused as an cosi riser at Fairmount Water Works, in COner ounce of his swearing to the truth before the special committee of ceuncils appointed to irquire into the difficulty exist. ins betwo.n the Chief k ugineer rkinbine and Job R. R-ferred to a special committee, consistiug of Messrs tirseswell. Ninesteef, and Siter Mr. Thomas rubaritted a petition asking that the market at Br• ad and Brea be opened on eaturday even ings. Referred to the Committee on Markets. Mr. F, neon, a petition from the r priog Garden Fire Company, asking that their house be selected as a ici cet-oc for a steam fire engine Referred to the Com mittee on Tracts and Fire Cur. pat4Plt. Mr. itidridge. a petition for water pipes on Rich met d street, below Tioga. Referred to the Committee on Water. Mr. Hacker, of the Committee on Finenre, submitted a resolutiot approving of the names of John Dyer and Emanuel Pray. as sureties for Jacoo Silents, Chief Commies crier of Highways . and W. N. S sermon and E C Rickets, as sureties of E. C. Berman, Assistant CommLatoucr of Highways. Agreed to. ]so. au ortheanee looking an appropriation of $2 . ,000 to pay the pieties magistrates Agreed to. Also. so todinanee authoriztig the Tax Receiver to employ three additional stroke, in order to ascertain what registered texas have been collected and not re turned to the a ty. The report says there heirs been .13-ge deli; quencio a After an derable debits, the ordinance was adopted by the loilowiog vote : YEAz—Means. Adler, Bald, Babb, Brinker, Broths, Caere veva. I+, Craig Ds, nes, DT-slim_ Teak, Dl er, feldt, Eldridge. Pinion, Fanat, Gt.mble, 11-as, Hacker, Reimer, . atter, Helms, Hodgdon, Houeeman I sham, ..Kelch Leigh, Lrugtlin. Malone, Manuel, Ninesteet, l'om-icy, Potter, Pugh, Randolph, Riley, Schenk • m.a a. S err. Ptewsrt, stinger, Stratton, rummers. D. 'rt email Tyson Chen, Waite, Ward, Warner, Wister, :Z tee. Trego, (President) -51 NAYS Basler. Dickson, Fisher, Garvin. H•st,it Justice, Kerr, La-ing, Layer, Meitri , e. Mc- Clean. Meter, O'hiien, O'Neill. Quinn, Bites, Thome ton-17. Mr. Hacker, of the Committee on rnince, inhmitted resclut on approving of the of Lewis!. 0 Hit ner and Tooma. E Bearer as eureties of Jacob iiinows Bcperir.teaceot of the Girard Mr Quinn moved to recommit the report back to the con initiee, with instructions to report what teat estate these gentlemen own io Philadelphia Mr. witiisn, 13 SLomas opnoeed the motion, as the Finance Committee lad carefully Inveatiated this snoj.e. The motion to positions was withdrawn, and the reso lution was adopted Mr Quinn eal.ed attention to an ordinance making at, sive} riatiou to the Water Department and in cr.,ing the salary of the clerk of the department, wh:en bed been pchlielied in the dairy papers, duly sigetd ty the illeyor and toll, Presidents of Councils, aim clook P. and be reopened on 51 , ..)5:Da.Y, August 29;1,11359, at o'clock A lit. Br order of the Controllers of Public Schools, had 3t ItOIIERT d HEMPRILL, Smeary. Er-Officeof the West Phlintelphtlt Pass SENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, N W. corner of kfAVERWORD REOLd and 10C3 %N Street. Twenty. fourth Ward, PITILADELPHIA,JuIyI3,IBS9 —Tha Board of Directors of said 00.pany has declared a Semi-An nual D vide-d of YOUR DoLLARs per share on the Capital Stock of the Company. peyablo to the Stock tAders or their legal represantattvee, on and after the 26th that The Transfer Rooks will be elored on and after the 14th instant, and remain closed until the 2bth instant. jyl4-t)y2S LOMBASKT, Secretary. TT. North Philadelphia Passenger Railway COMPANY, GERM ANTOWN via BROAD et.— Books for the , ttbscription to LW, Stock mill be opened. on Muhl DAY. July 18. et 10 o'clock A. M et the Office of the Company, No. 200 bouth POlitiTli Street. jyl4.4t orOffice of the North Branch Canal Coins PANY. ATHENS, ri3D,l9..—The Saint ADIIIISI In terest on the Bonds of the North Breech Cs.,al pony, due on the 15th July. 1850, will be psid upon the presentation of the Coupons at the Farmers' and Me chanics' Bank, Philadelphia, on cod after that date. W. G MILLING, .ivl2 Assistaet Treasurer. Mantua, and Fairmount PASSENGER RAILROAD COMPANY The Second Instalment of FIVE DOLLAR , per Share on the Capital 13 oak of thin Comp ~ny will be due and payable on or before the 96th of July. ie29-r,1v90 le. M. 7.IILTPIC. Ranrstary KrMince of. Second and Tliird-Stt cet, Pus- SENGER RAILWAY COMPANY OF POI .A- Dha.PHIA. 225 WALNUT Street, PHIL, DX:1.1'111A, 7nuo 23, 185 D.—A Third Ingtalment or FIVE DOL LARS on each Share of Stock, second iseue, will be due and payable on Xsth July next. • ROBERT KELTON, • le24.frm&wljy2s Treasure•. irrOrrice of Fairmount and Arch-street CITY PAbSENOICit RNILW AY COMPANY, PIoILAOSLPHIA Jn:y C OW —A. Third Inetdment of NIVIS DOLLAtia on onoh Share on the Oopitei neck of this Cowpony will bo due and parable on or before the 6th of August next. JNO. T. LA.NIIN, jy7-6t Secretary. PACING AT OHESTNUP HILL PARK —A grand trial of armed will be eon tinted at the above place on SATURDAY, the 16th in,t , at 3 o'clock P. M., for a Forte of MO, botweao the celebrated pelt% horsed thicbacau and Day DiDy James Pennypacker names Buchanan; Georg t Ben dricke. Bay Billy. LEWIS RITTER., jrl6 2t* • Proprietor. pHILADELPHIA. MADE GOODS. SHIPLEY. HAZARD. & 112 CFI troTNII P ktroot, tititir to the trade the following well known wakes of goods; BLUE DENIM, Omega, IMMIX, and Linwood. 7-8 and 4.4 TICRIN(4B, Omega, Linwood. Toledo. and Lexiogton BTRIPM, ory, Cley, Pioneer 8 Amon Dro.k, 'Poled °' anti. MAO DRAIWN, SOAPED, AND PLAID OSNA11IIR:Iti, Blue Ridge Dan River, Fair 11111 Illancheater, Waal ington, Red River, Franklin, Tallaliameee, Ameri can Mit% Blantyre, and Old Dominion CANTON FLANNELS AND DOESKINS, Brown, Bleachad, Color.d. and; Printed, of v 4140011 styles; KENTUCKY JEAN. AND LIMEYS. Button 's, Humboldt, Franklin, Howard, &a ,&.a ALSO. ShRSTINUS AND DRILLS, of So u thern and Haet•rn ordiea Roattlek, Beaver Creek, Webster, Railroad, bleesill Uo., Knickerbocker, Oxfold, and Pioneer. To fill of which the attention of buyere is invited. jyt 6.1 m Vir B. SMITH'S MACHINERY DEPOT, 103 WALNUT Stye t.—Door, Sash. Blind and other Wood Working Machinery; Patent Power Mori. Machines, throe sl:4glil, an extra article; Pa•eat Moulding Machines throe Dix •s, to werk three a-duo it once, or for atioking flesh A very superior *reopening Machine on a new plan; Surface Planer, convenien, and compact, for shop wie. lane above machines are built entirely of Iron and steel, and have always taken the Bret prize!' when exhibited in competition with other machinery:.. Gall and examine. B. U. PUBSTON. jyl64l6cW4ttt 1859, New publirations. ri ET THE BEST !—PE TER SON 's T COT.INTEIIY I FIT I KIT NOTtoit AND BANK NOTE LOT ix the twit. tuRl Lye Gun everytindy ehonltt get. JULY 15 IiUNTIsIiR Ii Nu' . 1t 51:1. DV. It in the MOAT COMPLETE. It is the MOBl PERPEOT. It in the SWIM RisLIAHHIPi. And by all odde. THE BEST. PETERSON'S DiMilt:TOR in one suited exactly for the present day and limea. The Press everywhere in unanimous in their praises of PWl'bintiObl'a Dbi flf.CTOft, and over one thoustaucl dill rent editors, in their various papera, in differant parts of the country, have already polrriunced it Pita MOST PR.RIsOT, MORT CoMPIAT3, MOST 111G -1.1A111.19, AHD THR 11RHT rETICOTHI To SUIT THR WANTS ()F THR BrSINRSH OoMMONITY EVER BeFORE PCBLI D, and ono that erory shopkeepor,4netchant, and tt(we keo per in the land Phould onbearibe to, and recelyi3 nmthly, 1:11 thaw would thereby gave handreda of donors to the c , ,ured, of a potrt TER One Oopv. Monthly, One Year, Due Dollar. One Copy, eenli•Illoothly, One Year, Two Dellare. Slugle Numbers, Ten Conte. Calt and anbscribe. or-remit the price per wall, awl we will gaud It to you ragn'ar Iv. to T. It PETERSON R. BItaTIIKIOI, 101 No. 308 OFIESTNUT street, Dalliing tiobee, glop 4, JOHN P. SLOAN'S BATIIING.E.OBE AND CLOTHINu STORE, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Where will be found a large asaortinent of all kiude DREBE3V.S. for LOVllee, Cenilernen, MIPBPS, Maxtern Children and Infante. such as BLOUSES, LEANDGES. and FLAN• NEI. SHINTS, of all qualities, aizie and colors. To gether with every style of BATBI'O ROSES, OIL 041.3, LI:VILER AND GUM BELTS, SLIPPERS, GUM SFIOES, TOWELLING, VASS, COLOGNES. &c., as well an ➢fornuag (lawns, for old std young, large and anal Also Gentlemen's lirees Collars, Sus penders, Gloves C ra•ats,llandkerahiefe, Half- hone, &o. A large assortment of READY-MADE CIOVIING, suitable for the season, always on hand, and for iptle at 119 low rates as any other eat..bliehmrnt on the Inland or elsewhere. J. P. I 4 LOAN also keeps on band a full supply of BATHING ROEA at ZA01.4: HALL HLOTHING SrOttK, No. KB (formerly 274) MARKET Street, five doors above Eights et-vet. Philadelphia, which will be sold at the meet rea•onabte prLes. Bathing suite will be hired to transient at toe store on the Island. Having made the getting•up of bathing apparel his study for several yearn past, the subderiber thinks that his experience qualities him to stilt the taste of the most fastidious. " WE f!TUDY TO PLHARIC." T P. SLOAN couples the Store N. N. corner of WASRINOTON and DECATUR ' Streets, Cape Island, opposite the United Metes hotel and the American House, where tire ILO AN will have the supervision of a very large and weli•selected aarortment of BATHING ArrAltEfi for Lades, MR/1M Children, and Infants, comprising Basques, Pclkas, Yokes, Sacks, and every other approved article desirable or suitable for sea-battling. Peraona who intend visiting Cape Leland can be ac commodated with bathing apparel at the above store, and thus avoid the trouble sod expense of carrying them from a distance. This being his eighth season in the Bathing-lobe ba sinfuls, J P. 81.0 ASt feels RathElal of hie ability to Osage persons in all kinds of garments suitable for Sea bathing. litetutning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he respectfully solicits a continu ance of the same JOHN P SLOAN No. SOS (formerly 274) 111AREtU1' St , Philadelphia, Han nne of the Itrgeist ;weer:meats of Bathing Robes in the 'United Stares, suitab!tt for Sea bathing at Cape '8111.114, N. J.. Newport, B. I. Long Branch. At!autte City, and elenwhere. jy9.6tic Elissolntrons an Copartnerships IVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the II firm of WARrIL,K OfiAOWIOK & BRO., s this day diaeolved. The Heater, Bang* and 'five butd nese be continued under the name Of OHADWIOII & BRO., at the N. E onreer 13&COND and RAW Etreets. JOHN 11 OHADWIOIK, FIt.NOIS A. CHAD WIOX. Philadelphia, July 11, 1e59. j,12-t[ THE COPARTFERSHIP heretofore ex- I between the subscribers Is this day dissolved by mutual cbtivnt; The business of the firm will be settled by JOSEPH kIADISON, who is authorized to use the mama cif-the firm in liquidAtloe. JO.PPH B. HANSON, July lid, 1859. ,VORWOOD PlIt4ROk,E, JOBEPII B. MANS ill continuo thn Tobacco OOMMignion busineee, and ageney for the /IMO of 00ill brero Civano, as heretofore. No. 105 North WATER Street, and No. 106 Nord' DEL'iltyij' .RE A ream). GEORGE BOLIMN, lob North WAII I kitroot NORWOOD PENROSE., WO North DELMVANI?. Artome NORWOOD PENROBN, (late of the - firm or Joseph B Hanson C 0.,) Is this day associated with GEORtiR BOLDIN, under the style and thin of BOLDIN & PANROBII, for the purpose of conducting in 'Lansaw Oil, and General Commission business. July 1, 1859. jyt-tr NNT 0 TIC E. -THE COPARTNERSHIP I heretofore eXifitlug between the antiwar/hers, under. the Firm of WM H. FROWN & Cu., is this day dissolved by Bantus]. consent. The impinges' at the firm will be settled be OORNF LIUS J. BRADFORD and SearcrEL LUTZ, who are authorized to use the Time of the firm for that par- WM. H BnOWN, CORN. BRaDFOND, SAMUEL LeTZ. PlitLA uIELYLIEL,"ItIi tliOuth Ist, 1859, IiVILLINLANTIC LINEN CO.'S PATENT SILK-MINISH SPOOL COPTON, Uniqualied In SMOOTHNESS, STRENGTH - , and And warranted 200 yardw. I`,lll, SALM TO Vitt TRALB BY TRB AGincre, BILLINGS, ROOP, & WASHINGTON, 2-1 and 116 BANK STREET! jyl6-ImWw-lm THERMOMETERS. AT MUALLISTEB'S, 728 CHESTNUT STREET. j x l4.-.3t. THE SOLE AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED ANA 11NRI TALL E D CONTINENTAL: COFFEE POT In at the Honse•Fernishleg Mord, 922 OBE iTNUT ST. J. A. MURPHEY gt CO. jylB HENRY D. NELL, CLOTH STORE, Nos. 4 Pad 6 NORTH 6RCOND STRAIT. NNW BTYLN6 FANO Y OASSIMERN6 nod 1 , 823T1 NOS, (For Spriug mid Surunet. We hr,) firIiOLESALE AND ft tCTAIL. siilS-ca'th-kt GREAT WESTERN INSURANON AND TRUST COMPANY, AND NEN YAW:MRS' UNION INSURANOI OOMPANT OW ATHENS, PA., Hiring oomeinisted their tiethees, will ligfelfl4l duot the same under the name of the GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMP/NT, Office, N 0.103 WALNUT Street, (Oompany'm Building,) PRILADMLPRIA, With a (*whined Capital and available ASSETS OF OVER 5660,000, Invested, for the moat part, in FIRST Bonus and Moat GUM, bearing six per cent. interest, on improved pre pert, worth double the amount --- - - FMB, INLAND, AND MARINI! OAS/a0 Taken on the moat favorable terma. DIRECTORS. Charles 0. Lathrop, William Darling, Alexander Whlndio, E. Tracy, John o.lJan:or, James K. Smith, Immo Ilarleharst, O. N. Shipman, J. 11. McCurdy, Francis 'prier, Thomas L. Gillespie, Charles Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, J.:menisci J. Elloeure. C. O. LATHROP, President. WM. DARLING, Vice President. JAMES WRlGHT,,Searetery and Treasurer. 0. 8. RUSSELL. Assistant Secretary, 0. N. SI:LIPMAN, Second Vice President, mh22-d&W tf BIANOR Orrnos New York. VIRE AND INLAND ILISK.S.---FAME INSIIIIANCIR COMPANY Oapital SIOAOOO. (Orueuised under the Act of Aeseinuly relative to lo euranee Companion, painted April Id, 1866.) 011 lee 411 CIINSYNOT lit., Philadelphia. DIRSOTOKO. Samuel Wright Henry Lewis, Jr., William W. Wattere, D. B. Birply, Charles Itiaherdeon, John W. Bremen, Jacob W. Btotit, ArUi. itoseuheiui, ftAtelAY Lippincott, John B Amnon, George A. West, W. W. Knight. GISOPAP. W. DAY, Preeldent. W 1. 'BLANCH/MD, iiaorwrary lal2-y V S. WHELEN & CO., 309 WALNUT Vi• Street, puroluve and eell ON 001lIMIS3ION all Stocks and Loans iu this city, and the principal cities of the United States, and tauke advances on the same. Loans on tloCetera negotiated. le29•wfmlflm LINENS FOR, MEN'S WEAR. American Linen Company's superior style Brown Linen Beatings, X and X, 7/1110L121 IrOWI2 awl Bleachml Linen atzeks, various etyleei Brown Linen mina. A choice assortment of the above (foods now 011 sample, and for sale by JOSEPH USA, leo anti IRn nniirMAlTT* atr..4 ftil AR ACA'S° COFFEE.-200 bags Coffee 'till of superior quulity,, just reveired. Der bait Irma mid (or aids low, CILIA RIES TSIT, jyl3-10t _ -" r 130 WA Oar 111 Street. N 1 ARACMBO HIDE 6.-800 Dry ItHes, .111 jut rboeivel per bark inns, and fo^ axle low by CHARLES T ETE, 110 WALNUT Street. iIEED-BUCKWHKAT, 100 bushels; Cider Viossar (pure,) at 143 BLUME P street, below 811- CIOND, north side. W. P RENA'S!. j, 11- 6tis RIINED SUGAR.-1,50 0 bbls. Yellow 0, B, and A emir.. amiohad. /Mod, and Pulver• imod Sugar for nolo by iA AIM GRAHAM Att 00., L PI 'PITT A Mfr..... riIIANNBR'S OIL.-220 bbls of 'Straits and 1 Bunk Oil, in More and for sale by R. HUBBARD & BON, 108 8001 nurse, 'WANTED—A boy to learn the engraving Inyitire at 1 lb south tlmrth street. IVITANTE'D—In a Who Wale Hat. House, au 'Wive, lutslliaent I,rd to learn the nosiness. Address BOX mn, Philadnlp6ia P 0. jyls 4t* dip WANT ED—A neat two•story Dwell. If Liq nouca al . hit' I.lf A utv minutes' walk of ti and ANM Streets. Address, Rtsting rent. , Pre , ,i , : n. 910 PRINTERS—A Proof firldef is do girotia of otaitinirr. t situ4tion. AddreFa uf The l'rAss, j yl4-2t* IVANTED—A Situation by a young Lady, V V to teaoh French and Engllall, In a private fami ly or academy. Address 1800 ARCH street. iyl2-st* 1. - - - WANTED.—I want to exchange Western Lawn' and City Property for Merchandise rultable for the Mississippi and Mianonri Valley trade Address J ZERBIZ, Room No 83 Mt Vernon Hotel ,j , el2 et• No. 117 North RECO r D Street WANTED—A partner (or otherwise) in lr the itoaning of Coal 01la, le., ha., with Tea Thomand hollers cepa& . already eatnbllah ed. Ingolra No. 127 WA LNUT Street. 119-6t* IVANTE D--In a Jobbing Hosiery House,a Salesman who can Inllaeuee a lmn-011as Pouthern or trade ?Often., Iran real name and refe rence, PDX 331, Philadelphia P. 0. jyil-nonl3o, WANTED TO EXCLUNGE for improved c , ty property. free from incumbratice, 160 acres of excellent FA RIK LAND, located in Gloucester Co , New Jersey. The Railroad Doh' Camden to Br idgeton, shortly to be laid. passes within a short distance of the land. For further particulars address J. K offle. of '• The Press" je2l go TO RENT—A. three-story House, with Mk three-story hack buildings, and all the modern improvements, on I.II.ORTH St-est. below Onates, east aids Rent $lO. Apply to 3 ANSEA JEFF AM, jylb-at* Rear of tlliard HOLM A s" TO RENT—The desirable Dwelling, No. 229 South EIGIITII Street, below Walnut, with hack buildings, and ell the modern e.iuven'ences. Apply to AtillIONY P & .1. II MORRIS, jei9 thntr7t. - 4t , 916 Anal Street. VOR. GALE—Two Stalls in South Second_ ntreet Market, end side, above South street. Ap ply to Stall No. 216, Weetero Market, or 12;S Fouth FIIMI Street j 5,16 St* VOR SALE—A. Fire Proof Salo, (Evans & Watiinn , a rate,i is perfect order, will be sold low. Addren RoX 260 Pont Office. ji4-2t* 4.01 TO LET—No. IGO3 VINE Street. WI New modern Rour•eto:y Dwain:lg, with throe et;ty di.uole back buildinirs Apply at the d. W. orutr of Et I•;OO tiD and MARKET Etreeta. Key at the Drug •tore Opposit,. jyl3 at% NI TO RENT OR FOR SALE—An. eligi mat ble Dwelling House, replete with modern con- Yen 10 =UR, No. 37 North ELEVENTH Street, below Itent $4:O per annum. Inquire - of JOLIN GRIGG, 228 WALNUT Street. TO LET FOR THREE MONTHS. Furnished Cottage, situated on the Germantown Railroad, with five chambers, two sitting rooms, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, wide entry, hat and cold water ; range, bath. gas, stable, coach-house, large garden, with every kind of vegetables in the around, everything furnished but bed-linen. Commucrloations '2O times a day with the city Apply to J. M.I3UMMEY & SON 3, 620 WAI.NUT Street, je2S•iftf TO in Hams to suit fil-fivkfru , applior.c.ts, upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Guam, Merchandise, Clothing, ke., on mode. Pete terms, by JONES k. CO., Broken, N. W. corner THIRD and HARRILL Streets, below Lombard. Es tablished for the last 35 years. Office hours from 7 A.. M. to 7 P M. Second-hand Gold and Silver Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for ash cheap, at one ball the original coat. sp2B,3tnit D'irs—on the Union Bank of bon. don, and Royal Bank of Ireland. In awns to snit. Put Bale by WELLS, FARGO, A: Oil, 10318-3m* 300 ORES ore r street. HOARDERS WANTED IN THE COHN AAP TRY.—'.hsrue four Boarders 'muted to remain with a family until B-ptember Ist, at one or tr,e most de sirable and healthy situations in Delaware county, one mile out of Chester. Address BOX 86, Ch•.star N. O. Re. rencea given and requt•ad. Jyl.s n3i* BOARDING —Firat-class Boarding at the 11.1 S. W earner or FERVENT(' and WALNUI! /Meets, house handsomely fornialiA. FamiHee awl single gentlemen accommodated. Tranaient fleirdera taken jyls fit* UM. 111 ER BO A.RD IN(I.—A few more Bowlers can be accommodated at a &Alb tint lora tiou Charges mr•derate. Poe particulars, inquire of U.. 1. No 70/ North bKOOND Atrort j,.5 2t.;* TWO IrtjUltS may be had in a pleasantly situated tartr-house, in Cheater county, eight intlen tram West Ohriner. App y at B'l 2.ANISOM Street, between the hours of /2 and 2, and d and 8 I'. M ji6 12t* UNTRY .BOAki,DlNG.—Pleusant Board %1 CACI be obtained is the village of EbOILDOWN, Cheater nratuty, by addreseing the snbaeriber. jj4 lest* 'IIANNALI F. WILla, 11.0A.RDING---Elegant and airy Rooms, a_si Single and m Suit.“l, eau Lo h i Nrith fir et- eleed Baer,' for the Summer at IAIS WALNUT STII.N.ET jyl.- Ira IIUTAN? & STAATTON's NATIONAL 11IIIRCANTILA COLLEGES, located s.t Errata ddphis, 8. N. corner REVENTII sad CHNSTNITT ; New. York, Buffslo, 01.9vf•laad, Lad Ohlono. 'Tor. 1n• formAtlnn, erel! thatalowna. }PP - if /THE HANNAH MORE AOADEIttr, 1 A SAMINARY FOE VOTING LADIES, Prlucipalet. Mi•eee ~ 111 RLOTIT and ISABELLA, •od A. II GRIMSIIA W, A. M., M D. Ths next emotion of this Institailoa will noinnionos OD the dist ISIOn . iDAY in bsp•ember. Young Wiwi receive, in this school, a complete edu. ci.tioa. physical, u oral. and intellectual. The Academy is wall prov;d-d with Philosiphicat ar d Obeinical Ap paratus, Phy siological Mnaels, Maps, Diagrams . Modele for Drawing. and New Mtiniati Instruments. Exercise in a octurnodieue play house promotes the health of the pupils Yor °lranian, apply to the frlacipals, Dr ID Miliff* fintiock k Orensbaw, Bixth and. Arch streets, Phile.del phia ; Mr. J. B. °handler, Nos 306 and 308 CLezioni Street, or to Mr. Win rioctor, Jr . Draggeit, Ninth sod Lombard st , e4tH Phu& kid wirn ildm Wqm pion THE SEA-SHORE, IN IWO AND A RALF HOURS. Trains - leava. VINE STREET FlSBR'edaily at . 7) . ‘ A. M. and 4 P. - ~M Returning at SA. M. and 4.10 P. M. Sunday Tulin for ATLANTIC Mace T A. M. and returns at 5 P. M. ;;2' SEE ADVERTISEMENT. JNO. G. BRYANT. jyls-1t A.C3I-Misrr. A xam„-ft, , NOVEL, AND DELIGUI: FU OLENDINING'S ANNUAL MOONLIGHT EXCUB MOOT TO ATTANTIO CITY, ON FATIIRDAY IasNINO - , JULY /6,1869 One whole day and two nights filo eea•eide Faro for the mind trip, .$1..F0. Boats leave Vine street Ferry at 8 P. M., returning arrive by 8 A. M. on Monday. JOEIN 1.. ANDERSON, jidElit* Searetare of Committee. t i FOR CAPE 'MAY, AND NEW YORK, DAILY, (Sundayn excepted )14 o'o'ock, A. M. EXTRA TRIPS TO CeeE MAY ON SUNDAYS, Al 8 A. at. Etnaniere DELAWARE, Captain Copes, IiCHTON, captain tteliew, KENNEBEC. Captain Hand, . . . . Form a Daily Line between thin city, Cape May, and New York. leaving From First Pier below Spruce street, at 9,iii A. M. On nUNDAYS, for OAP?. MAY only, at 8 o'clock, A. M. REDDENING, Leave New York, (Bnudaye excepted,) at. ..... .9 P. 81. Cape May, daily, at 8 A. hi Fare Winton' York, Cabin $2 00 .r 4, Steeraira I 90 Fare to Cape May, incluiiihg Carriage Hire . if, ~ Servante 10 it II Beason Ticket, Carriage Hire freights for New York and Cape May taken at low rites. Goods destined beyond New Ye.k will be for warded with despatch. free of commission. - . J &MES A LLIIIIRIIIOI4, AgAnt, 314 bud 316 Eouth DELAWARE AVENUE, During the ^ kt-caon,' a steamer will leave for Capt. Bicy, on Bnudayn, at 8 - o'clock A. M. Returning, leave j Cape May, Monday morning, at 8 o'clock. e3O tl WINSHIP'S PATENT SELF-VENTILATING REFRIGERATORS oNLY TITORMIWILY VENTILATED AND ttEALTEIV REFRIGERATOR. IN Tan LINCD Wrra MO, AND VIII °mom WHALED Prof Silliman;ln his recent work on Natural Phiioao ph•, uses drawings of this Refrigerator to illustrate the circulation of air by the combined effects or co.d and heat, and he says of its operation, " It is In beautiful accordance with Natural Laws, having a moll , e fora+ Or 'MS it tergo, to ratablieh and Maintain 1111 OUIIIIII4 COriSirt2lt current of air, and consequent venti/atiosit The liefrigerator hag Neu timid, add ig highly rt,eom monded, by Professors 8 II iman porter, and Thatcher, of Yale College; Prof. Mares, of New Yrnk ; Prof. i:have, o f Providence; oommodure Greanry, U d. N ; Dr. ff. G. Olstk, Olt , ' Physician, of Buatoa, and many other prom , nent scientific men. D 8. Fernald, Proprietor of Union Market. Brooklyn, says "In au experience of twelve years, i have used and been familiar with every style of Refrigerator, near of which will compare will; Winship's. I tiod it ventilates perfectly, is economical in ice, and pro. serv..a meats' splendidly) , Every housekeeper who wishes a pure, healthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, should purchase one of Winship's. Please call and examine them. 34. H. wrottuta, W. -a. LEJPI4, T. WRELEN. For dale by NOWIII, CHASE, Sr. NORTH, No. ROD North SECOND STRtZT, And ARNOLD & WILSON, jel•2m If No. 1010 011E7TNXTT STREET. VAC C INTAINS.—A large assortment, ILA of new and elegant &alga.. and n..est qua.lty, fr. m $1.50 to VOA pair. TIIII31)In. Loops Gilt C01....Meg. Panda, II iota, Mum eco--eve rything required for fetenleli,g WINDOWS. alit nora sr tup.rlen and Goon P attires, Inc., $t and fi1.25 each, mod €1 01 D Burden-St a tee, St 25 to $l2 50 eaoh. Picture Cord Rod Taeeele ; Table and Piano Covert ; Curtain Materials of all kinds, from the lowest price to the most rapeneive. W. 11. CARILYI, & J 3 ,14 tf Curtain Store, ILo oil wriTNUT gt.yeet. eIIIRTAAN ATER AL 1 AND MIA - - xi MlNilti a every description, Lace and him lin tales Gold and Gilt Wader Vl7 , odow Shades true. $1 to $12,50 each with good strong fixtures Btraurrs are respeottally invited to examine our goods. Wholesale and Retail. Curtains made and arranged so as to be put up at windows without any difficulty. W. H Milian do BRO , Curtain Store, Maeoeie Hall, jy1441 719 Camara r Street. ill anis. far Gale attb 100 Let boarbing Oaucaturnal WILMINGTON, DIIL excniaions State Itoome,tstrs FOR OAP& MAY, ON SUNDAYS ticfri;crotors MARICZT WITH OHLRCOAL AMERICAN (re' mi Mr. tit Ij k , p s f Mlo,ll , frirudn h... 1 thA hit 3 AND CHI or tr4ils.- dullibin, that ho will %rivo Suveoth FLORAL MATINEE ON sivri:Elli A AFTERNOON, Jul.* With a new a nt teloi.ted troupe ef TWO HUNDRED LI VILE CHILDREN ; On which occasion will he prod uziA, for the flat time, a row Ballet d'Antion entitled the tliftlletiS OP Tun EMILY TAN I:1- dd. TIM NIILLICIL AWL) ITIS PIIiGFITKR Art..r which, (RANI! LLEt DI 1 1141.T.I.c9E;5iBiNT, in which all the children will appear. To be followed by, first time, the Grand C;aiestial Scene, entitled LE (MINOT& To anueltrie with the Nitreery JACK. AND THE P.EAN MLR OH, raw DKATFI OF GOBBLEGOOF Tiekete to all parte ni the Howie 25 nitrite to no had no and after Friday, at fleck .sr. Lawton'a and the ,*,ca decoy. Off ANNE OF TIM IC—ln OMNI' that haliBa Mui (Iran may avoid the noonday pun. the door will oven II LF.PAST THREE O'CLO -IC. and the F.xercia-h will commence at Putt tro wog, which will arable all to return home In the tool of the evening. The Howe will be kept perfectly peel by an iminnAe REVOLVING FAN in the collar, worked bye. near,' or, gine of ten-horse power, which le placed out6ide of the bnilding jolt 3t r HE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF I- ME FINE No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET, le open daily, launders excepted,) from 9A. year; halfP.M Aihniesion 25 ctn. Oinkiren under 12 year; half price. Shares of Stook, entitling the holder's family to &o mission to the Academy at all times, $3O. 3 , r , , ..- , ..)N0 7 1-..G r o GAIETIES—Race /St. THE GREAT HERNANDR2., TUE GREAT BERN A ND)..Z , WORLD.RENOWNED PERFORM:I - 51A, WORLD•RENOWNED PERFORMER, EVERY NIGHT, EVERY NIGHT. GREAT IMPALEMENT FEAT. je22 GREAT IMPALEMENT FEAT. 1.1 A SSLER'S OROIIESTRA,-Al. 11.&35- -1 LER & BROTHSR rempeetfally snnonnee thm they have located their Office at the! treeldence, 108 LOCUST STREET, where eugageneute can be mane set Eininmer liesorto ITOLDZKOM's HOUSE, on BRIGA.N -1.1 TINE BE WU, is now open fur the reception Iv vtaitere. The gunning and lighang are gond. Oaptair.'aboat always waiting at the inlet on the sr rival of the Cara, to alertly pm +miters to the house ; they exn go in &tont forty minute's. knot of board, $7 per week. jrlt.l2t* W. lIOLLZROM. N. 1.1 —1 be rare start from Vine street at 7S K IL EROS} NE HOUSE, JACKSON ET., B:9s. 4JAPH Id LAND, N J —Thin popular and fasor;te house having been newly furnished. is now op.o for t1:13 Innen. aubseriber inform hip htltlietoUS (riende and the public that he bag opened thin Restaurant ; where may be found all the delicacies of the s.ason. served up in a surorior manneY. d with oysters, turtle and clans soups ; also supper furneihea for parties. A choice asscrt.ent of I;gnore and elgare constantly on hand. The meet skilful cooks and obit ging waiters. GEORGE HOBART, JR , j 59 12t Proprietor rpetEMONT HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N- J- J.—ttint?liititY 111111111.4 Proprietor Thie Bons., so pleasantly situated, in close proximity to the Beach, is now open for the reception of vienters. The large, splendid lawn in front c.f the house; the Sue shade, good roome ani table, reutier it the most deilre hie place on the la'and. Attached to the premises are Bowling Saloons and Berber Shop. iyo-12t. HOUSTONni UNITED STATER TIO'VRI, CAYN MAT 'Ms Spacious and favorite resort Or Miters t,. Usk, May hag paned into the hands of COL. SiAbIUBL T. HOUSTON, (tate of Barnum's City Hoiel,l and will be thrown open to the pnblie on MONDAY, the 20th inst. The long experience of the Colonel In this eosoec tivo tits him ior the succesrfol conducting at eneh hones, while he win he Ltt pp.,etod by the eety treat &tat, in every department, that eau be procured. The houoe has been entirely renovated, and decorated in the moot gorgeous manner, and arrang.mente made for the supplying of the hider and rho wine collar' with all OMOI aced in the terms substantial and luxoriea We can safely advise vhdtere to give the Colonel a call, and predict that hie host of friends will be vastly in creased before the season I. over. jya•lla SEA EATI:LIDI G. NATIONAL HALL, ()APR ISLAND, CAfN MAY. N.J. This Hoe. large, sod airy house is NNW .0 VitN for 'flatten!. It in aint:riguiatied for comfort, local y, aa6 cooommobatocs, with awpie room for 200 per -2,m0. Terms moderate. je26.6w AARON OA R. RI I'SON Proprlator. A NDAL USIA HALL will be again opened ..L7L for the accommodation of those who desire to make their home In the country awing the liUMMtr u the trot day of June It ispleasantly locat‘ei on an eini uence, one mile to the north of Reading, oo the Philadelphia and Potte‘llie Turnpike, and from its elevated tweitimi has the benefit of coannauoirg a good view of the au •rounding country. from Noveroduk Hiti upte the Hhte Aleuutain 41ap, a diblauee of come thirty mites. The fresh country air which le constantly etirronr there, and the excellent water, recommend themselves. The proprietor has taken pains to provide every comfort and luxury within hie reack tor the aceornmo ation of hie guests. His brume is new and one/1y tun:dialed—hie bathing apparat he complete, awl his stabil r g good. Livery accommodations of the best kind can be obtained at the shortest notice. Tenon moderate JAMS 8. ht.ADR/RA, Proprietor. mylg. fm-2m4 VONG BEACH HOUSE, opposite 11 1- , TOVISESTON, N. .T.—rhin old and weidknown House is now open forthe reception of vhsitere : having been put in the best condit.on, and ronsider,,b,e im provements made Tbesnocoriber eledfirea himself that nothing shall be left undone that will add to the coin , fort or pleasure of bin gueete As thin place in no well known - dust it it uhnect scary say more. Th.?, wider eignad very re , p.iitiully solicits the patronage of all hii, old frieule, Mod tho public in general Terms $S per Ivrea- P.G. STAWARP, Propmtor Wm. (h kill will run FL DAILY LINE O i.FATB from ATI.ANTIU OITY on ann after JUNE emmeet with the morning train from niterlel phia There will also be a line I[o4ll LSTDS POINU at the Male time. Parties wiehiog to COM prewincts to tIlLt time. will please ti ithe bubn , lber in al. VVaCel. nod a boat will he sent tb meet them - et eithi;r ;Aare Serf-finwlm r rHE OCEAN. . In...l:4lll.Acriber will Opab hid dotal for the resarcj. ion or vi,itors on tno 2.lth. HENRY HOWLAND ; Long Branch, N. J. 3.l7.fmwim illebirinaL WESTCOTT'B CELEBRATED TAR -a- , CORDIAL Weatcott'e Tar Cordial eurei CI ^UP 111,4) 1 10u. Weetcon's Tar Cordial cum bronchitis. Westcott's Tar Cordial cures Congha and Colds. WestciAL'ii Tar Cordial enrea Threat and llrea:t Westcott's Tar Cordial cures Palpitation of tha Heart. Wertcott'e Tar Cordial cures Nervous Debility. W tentouti 'a Tar Cordial cures General Debility. creeteoWs Tar Cordial cures Diseases of Ricinays, AtrAognry, and !mi. Weetcott - s tar Cordial cures blind and B:eaclini Piles WeeleJttle Tar Cordial cures Female Weatneillel. Dr Weptcott , a Tar Cordial Depot, No. SIP ♦ROR Street Philadelphia. Also, Principal a epot for Dr. Wsstoott's Anti-Scrofu lous Syrup and ()Worm Mixture. Dr. N. R. WEITCOTT can be consulted on the stole dieeesen. free of charge. at hie Consultation Bowe. No. 029 ARCH street, from 10 A, M to 4 P, M. jae-tr ANOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER FUL EMUSO TROXICLIOti NEORALOIA sALTE.. _ Puma., July 7th. IMP. kir, E W Tztoxett.—Dear Sir: —I have been troubled with the "NELIE,a4GIA" for the hot 14 years, arra have suffered the moat excruciating pain, compelling me at taupe to give up my business entirety. Ia• aid not vat, and eleep was a e'ranger to my eyes I ite rated more than to, glue can tell I had the advice and :id of various physicians, and used other temedies, but all of uo avail. Llavlog noticed lour advertleement iu the papers, I concluded to anti on a person whom I had !earned wan claret of a cane of 10 years standing lie applied the ti SALVE" but once, and I felt Immedi ate relief—a wound application removed the painen tit ely, and I tow feel like a dip'-rent man. Since thea I have slept we I—sttnething that I have not done for months, being obliged to sit up all nigh; in a obeit My appetite has returned, and I feel grateful to you for the Mt loilttion of iny health, Vl-14111.1-1$ D. DARE% Tobacconist CARROL *ti.rt, above WOOF), K.aciagtou For ealw. wholesale and zetall, at W corner nixmw CO PA ItEl[Bll strextm, and at 'P. R. CALLENDER & N. W. corner l'hlra and Walnut stn. aOO LIFE DROPS TAN GREVE' REMEDY FOR . - DIARME CRAMPS OR PAINS IN THE STOMACH OR BOW 11,8, 'MOLINA. MORBUS, INOIPI INT STAGES OF OROLNRA, 000- LT') AND KINDRED bISHASES. This Is no new medicine. It has been thorongely tried and tested for 10 years. and proved to be the only safe and perfectly reliable medicine for theme inseam now before the public. It does nut constipate the bowels, but effects • radical and immediate cure in those severe MUM that other remedies do not reach. Severe cramps and pains in the stomach or bowels cored by nue or two doses of 20 drops in 20 minutes. It is •gnsily PritStiCiolln in all 5t011,11102 or bowel difficulties. Tne following is a sample of the testimony us are daily receiving Counfaue, Mimi.. May 15, 1859 I have umail the Life Drepa pat up by Trail & litow, for, Cholla, &a., and consider It the moat valuable medicine in thee° wee I have ever known Last year I would here been willing, Sliv Ara 1 times, to kinvo gtven $2O fora vial of your Life Drops. Pleane let me hoar from you immediately, and do not fail to send me soma of the Life Drops JOHN HALL, M. D. Further abundant proofs are in the hands of ail agents Prepared by TRALL A, STOW, 49 BOWERY, New York, a nd sold everywh.ra st 25 cent. a bottle. P, b. HLIVER, ORIZATNIIT Street, corner BROAD ; General Agent for Philadelphia. my3o if-mwf 3m VIRST IMPURTATIO24 i" or Otitt,TtNRAM MINERAL HALM. Just arrived per Ship " Lancaster," au invoice of the above eelebrated Salts, from. the Span of Oholtera ham, England. - Pereira. in him Atateria Medics, page 822, recom• mends, them for Diseased Liver, llropaloel Otruiplainta, Habitual Constipation , Remo:holds, Determination of Blood to the Head, &e. This is the only genuine arti cle in the city, ror male Wholeeale and Retail, at CHISTISNI & 00 1 8., No. 45 Pouth I'OTT TB Street. jott-tiw -t1 CHESTNUT SPRINGS WATER-CURE, At CLIIISTADT HILL. PETILADELPIIIA County, Pa tor the treatment of all Chronic and obstinate disemes. This institution. under the charge of an experienced awl ehyniciau, in now confessedly the lending anu most socceasiul hydropathlo establishment in thin aouutry. Itureassioss.-14re. Mary Oottringer, 134 North. Twolfth gtreet; Charles L. Sharplmt, Eeq , corner ehth and Chenille, ctreetcGeorge Grant, JCR , 833 htertet street ; 11. Farrington. Esq., of Myers, Oleg horn , Co. For other ref.trenceganapartictuare Millrace DR. JOSEPH. A. WEDER, RESICHNT PHYSICIAN, OEIRSTHIPI! HILL. 1.0-Smin ftIACKEREL.-200 bbls., 175 halt's, 130 quarters ; and 50 kilts No. lei 190 bble., 260 hairs km+ larg e No. 8, in store Rod for Palo by WM. J. TA.YLoB. & co., Iva 1814 &mot WhRTTiTh. gatFOR FREIGHT OR OHM:TER TO GREAT BRITAIN OR NORTH OP Eupnem The the hark ILI Z A HUTH, eammi. ucw lyiuK at Al mond etreet wharf. Apply to LI ARJEd B B 0 4., 13 , 11-60 i4TRAW BERM Ryes:. RONEX.-40 ODIs. prime quality (WWI Honey per sebr eilfillin For RAM by A. 141.1. RINO, 140 Anintb IHIPNT Rtroot •111 1 1 3. 112 14 1 T N IPS D NI 1.1:14-LitBRO;11;1:a().CNa841:1 t i a ' 4 toßute kt:t .42T0 BUY' CHEAP WATOtTES, go to NorthWemet Corner nt a u.l brzw Atr...i ra [apt-Imal f. if 2.'5,