The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 11, 1859, Image 3
.-..' ).... ' , , -:: , - 310100tft•tnAn4Filenianmt ,Vfotrtp--gausw , , ‘ , 744l4,lierifheldod triViterat er-the,Pifteeolb ' ' i l w ,,'"'-_, '" f;:4l,l , _ArbAlltirrtiCsllloillirf . .'ar Merettweti-1 - '""tir ltfnflokrolollit-loirotkrilorallitWa Oat* 1 ' t.,t,p a gi; -4 Itati4lo - 4 la lilitareli , babilitig about 'ajtrAtginia; 10 tile report 41f .'etittinking co urd or„ haeltegliatferellareattteolltf thetzeightuirre .. ' -t Tbe",, esirelleillikv , seleillidlid - tilrintefbil In" 'fl t i - 41 k1 day itistarde'T. - What 7 tendsid,to'rklieftlii`feell(g, to WS- anginal , baget wites'ilieLtnot: 'hi( 11 010 1 W g oral ti. be 41,,sViiti 4 moartslriedits • to the egnife._ol , ,abo,lnatiat i a ti.` M hilt,' or the partiee enaotieg" lb' blo"Y Otliodit'el. '"tt,l t ,-, .' ' ,l '.':.. '' ' There wrorplethoistaiertaittrifitlett, anal( !me inose„mottetteateaddi alpeehabrethartits intedooter tat: eceeia it war a narrtobli, A that it witi'a ir IP triotio, ydkito 0 nail it 0011 the bloAsaV#QT", that -it te rabibieterliglir th an - oitiiorfox beneation timbiottlibilatittiethskilfatl,eneugh enough ,- la ' it 34 leat,tbrianktag or Owes 'alumna 01 . 4.nev0 gmper terli week or two.' ;01)0ton s knowing latok a 4 otrow.o.4,t.ffemi hints eboiteblgb treason; Pi' nerty,,unkettioldo, while X. P!' ,144 !" mtit‘t ugh 3: ly by h e a InIT? aaahsark not A :mar(lai,,tlja: Jail nottothall aired iitifleerorittwonodidi' *.''' ' -' gor,ege ergdmortell thit - a einititidloto,Vy";rniaort, it WAS 'ape-table to obtain ii tangibl e case .. fhe psapm'iti tihricishititidiid:a; to, 40 apimis t no", • knew nOtbihrt.,llir alklidgVtill'-niatter. Thep tudelyzattragibr,llieiCaltottlderi, . pointed to the mane of „the,trsgsdyrtipskthrite,ottt aundey pleoetr,' of...ati ries, it 4si v iasimia=biling smigaged±in better AritiiiinalbV„abb4l9tAtiutAl Pandering to' a morbid aptatittaity,latottem after-aorrois ,' ;.Tab corner hati4stiti lea Wines% witlenithed 'doom- A-cyst/Hot - _ , bad-Woe - 1i 1'440'0, •blit-thai verdiorrial bailed , tiedeittsaftrianioipattvk add awy, araassible only bilifilintAleiiS.`-i , • t ot '- ' '151"1.1 re i t l4 lß e " 'lC Otbig tie doi Oit the Wane of riAtititagirelirita great 4161- I'lliOr kg • - Onkel" jpriplelsog r ifatiti. 1 t `appears that a ` 4114 4 ), 1W1•, ' Allif*MAllberl;' , WbAl W‘la aniantla -inT i tz 'ill panallhostilind,had pestrantaipat !* - lientratier eit *ears . wee at ii Wail ellak , -Me, , Orthijililifigte:oteektitifititirtillelf_ll 4 l - lballnireit:',% ktereen_roefititltitrli and , Twenty' loupe olpse4„enthe'teilith sidOniloyerat estates we t telt4trs„O' ale';'Wi ,Whilittimithue,,tiAlttith 1 3:40.1 ,- , l 4lstulliok ' -9 f. 4 - ''4l,hiltiery.',,,Whila' 'll „24WASVIV ° i;i 101 0/t1 14),4 0 1 "..S . WW' WWWWW.MI . Ogr.iiMlAlW, , iir-utiii"otthoP pettish - 41tiot'f* .' iilikek-WitiWatPArtliiscaltitistritul .,,,to 4 ' ilk "WW)lllr44ll4iotAliOlkiihiu. Ptio'illarY'dkiWior'.loog i 'llrbNoll'e, - '',Mi ."' „ ' trl#4lolaiiirlriditlef . :`;',.ll4iditit i f , 1, .,„__. iiahroso,g. 6 e,kii#.4 .4- •giientirOicilt, !: t . or solt4„.a.opr,„ Vii . - L . ~..,.,:i„.._ ~,---- . -•-,, 1 , , ioliltiplait'44lltopitorho*otauniatifiiroppregi . fortgweeArlaighli b ilerfete with - ptia . purpose, of __ partite leit4it'iridiagliiiit iliekiii,e,soeeoneded i Pillria:lfliflP*, 'Eto*raii - oirlitlet'Orli' ''' Wbilo. ‘ 4 ...arillWt°ll'.frktll: „eh tliTti that' Irallib4, la,,Vgauwa-Matsailhairpiyed , TikVi i i ,0,04:0 , 0 3140:, tiltii-lat kliatifiteaut of, • theitztept 4Weifetlsert. atwdatt - thaf.theemov • bait ssatosidebi, y„lineitatailystirreatuatedoisy tat', • --fitiliilViiritiwi*OraildfipPilikilbliiki# 43B * -torApstitilit6Ortitistri v o . 7 0, , *tee* 24 el _ ~ , likitclill iiiittiliteltri. imilli' "tir o liKlKSPl;taatikt4Kbevi r 1#C,41% ,- 4011 4 4yA posf& , , , , ~ ..i. , ~,,,,- 1 • selOollartiCiasa,trkalt - Frlvirdifultr6 4 4bir, leigheerfir:la 5140; - "Iskiiii4,P , '`Of 4 NiiiiCiiiidr Ankiiiit" A 41400 , --, the Via; WWl' &hien ' hide; a' 54E° „ - Pbt%iif 7 4,.k.44,0 1 tr , TV41 4 1 1 ;1110t0r . 7 ' " rile i tAll*Alabaiiiinigh• 3 hat A man - 1 imak, ' - A ' A Alaskan - In' that stlibborhood • ildapiteasilhat l'atilekkilerilill, Our proprietor of fthe tayern,, ; nekiitaltttly*niMe ng haed .fames or ' TheiteitlitnititakingillreinAhe affeoprof which be died in A (Ort,Mtataaa,..,Artastrtrog left thp hotel 10, _,olodbilotrifta,0 10 '" , P4tbf.bati t e en Bred, and smamina to eanoial imtbiniin, 10 breast pooket, ' - after whichhe hurried' up the West, and was soon , outorelght.." ' ' ' ; - , le arn kerefliele. o 4 # ibli..oloo,- hey, ,itil ,we 01n learniliatillOtiag lipPatrillo bun entirely ''iiemquifsl-AWim; ikimOsesSg pisoidmitursi-isia SO - i s aaddentAlkonaT, Oh lanriiiiralqataiji 4, •nude _tilleoiluttelioliVooblirenkiitritt iiii;` bairn; and ' bil 4 i - All'illtiol l ii,Alk A',„.otltlit, 44 114. i - 44) r *mos *like'olll4/10',045eikurniOcaplti, tiikbo-rdoitrAwo ' 'men, staidtag ea 'llite' miner of the street .aad heariegthe.reportt of mplcol,t.ppouttedett , to the oPot, ead , illoatti that ikatil.: back- been ;fatally wounded.' V, , Ttref Inlaid aim up', - And heisted thin ~ t - u t.iekd Ibeiltie',,teila i , _- , Thurretriest" Was Spallearibikoiliiy froulefatildifTO it - iketatter it ild is.dr.WW passuituttion, when it. wm senerplined . Illaklia4tettitiesikluat in itsii. c iift aid i; ',, from Ma , 'eft: 4 3 l3 a 'Cod - is ...ton Miehams. Before ki - deialltrillefillf staled; An the,-prateree ar his , twa,teen, Akio - the . ' shooting Wee ~" liaruktheeilitetilliet Areistrong bad told him tootori 414 4 47 Melt la wan attiokett him and - thei-terrad armed-m[44er fin self•deltrace in ease "" til „ ;pituttre'eltobid,kilt,zgepoittect.„;l4oolll told boa = tb tiotille , Ooslriofllooffort to tkwoo• of aroorlori hod', tar isallp reverie the law, amid lhat , wb4o iPtinitWilla' Plata iCaitgorlet- - "A pookiitorteni eg Ittultia.:areihrild; , When it It* found Jltwitlfie 'ball , tapt-iii;tolii AS' iSfi 61014.: ' lltif coroner testitooneraldil 11 Ike camt,"loll.lttri - Min aria tab Me awttir4l i tp*tljled,tw liteltdiare trete, bit owhill t: 4 > the ellakproflocakiipoa,ttwieeliegt of rho To.lwittodt or tokunfor. noatet man, the cane was adj.arnettover Inuit. Otis ustraing. - man resig.aad , iteeill are seld to have been old friettle, kettlhli,botriveling, heteetitraxe exhited betteltia tlierc i .Tild , bab' aainitisry;axtellai af=l felt; fib 014,;Armittimg .16,901 1320414,44c0 1.0 flight: fa arWatalp` afar' Vie pla•ol ,farudad. He naa eetjwrewted, at A late hour laili Mining. = 'T lt*§rititgt quxenott. , ;l t Tlltt, . oar's '.- ok Itit i Efilleti lthertraOte - 'l,44fltlegil'Allinrie, Beltways ware starmdmalterdafttairning, and, ran daring the day, it PrOPTti- 11 4ityallii torsoimemedete our I suburban inhabitant/timid thaansibiamoa in qatat of inartetintrirereattoitt eltel the libortof the pre- 1 nedingilieltilirlt - etailindevelMittthativtunhor the orders of ktayer,fleiary,„ etzirieyniuld be suede by the pone,' hip thi liisd4 - Ihiciugh,r,blotiJho iine,ot tel thlisdadi to pavarifilierihnbikoroiAkvi,' and mod - or - jitts:olPailat !ho fen `-inphateceot•in the truitterimuselews *mess the Limber, tepAtted tc, testilsr,...poialtraling tbe route tri' Oltierra lire „ intourothcovartr,ibeftlayt -elaiNieowt'arr-the' , lrst , obr t of 4 6.1. 04 itt' - ` 4 . 1 4 cioatts4 , fiot4 r . bod- !i, i avittiCro:•'NligitinykoviletiPbtAlis . ' qt . ' - dein lof wint; itreat - et.;,lieth oondimpay ada: difier.,..;ow,t t a..,tiiia,,-i',. llitle„thelety. , Oa • faithoin,tesstiftieritiOn the' . authoriliet conotti - dad that the prowttsourse 'to putpwe would be to teltri, e Vnete or , like!fiterti" . thaVretPort „them to the feitfllyilrieltroir„,,o - rfolitlfgelaelfsppoead 'daring thariaylisintsslert,ielthtbit moyemeakr.Ve no: tlood - thittlike_pati faujuli, - dairrg the, whole iley, with9glowti,- lotto, and well bottaxeliPNOPl* -- walkaien t , -pritagiills---repairiag to, th e banks of the fiebtfylyil , with their feamiliesooltthale Its loylgorating'brtelee t tand lake their shine blithe baratrets lad telefoon t isjoluients br lite; '`', ~'- a The nolabetorsapli ear wee tat ea bythe p olite, and-this marajbk atria Matins lilt ,be ituini for tbeliflegureAnd •Contliptors -' Titet matter will ,10 fish., *All kiillliotlitil and the mooted questiou . ,o bleat" at dieelettued - -The age for breaking the Sunday` • Sunday' law ; is`lis e detlers-'- Tait lin4 tal.,ao small, that with est:Mich bitehless as road had'y , Nur day,'oo; muttony rola pay the 11,le'olf,emb oar, and yet make a letge4verrage profit than on any' day in the,week-,t,- , , -',, , ~, . .. .. ~iislei{.pgorYLts Oni.Satuidafynoni : : cit siplf4 propettlyg t attimiiiileveAtAiii*oilOok..loo Compopx : reirf - Aoe - finfroikfirlins:9oltoutAottet andAtt, Lopibii*Oriiikviltjittio,l2**irtrialc wits as - - t'Ai 4 " 11 .1 4 `4."- - t•' , ..A - • ! - I ii'v , ' ,• '''A - -:-Vi ', : t';.:-.,, ,- -ii -, :, ' ,'•-,,, • lc 4iint - outWe):lsesteei- jfetiwi, dtatrieg',/iiitAir from no& a; 248•fiet : U do':, 2.5 1 t feek .fli,ito,r 2'33 feat f."2.0i0 '„'• oval ,to.."tha Open-. g e lefieiitatedOlited Plog,),lBo,tces ,p,perpeadloa larly As throw - :a Itiohltrealktittlytiver the flak • stair 1251eidi*Igh; , 1' , , , :g , ,,J., , , , ,-•::::,. , •-e,,, , ,4,• •; -i , if,.;-,,•,-.. , -- At Lowiiierd. affe ct4ll stp. ll fiftlit h er wa t er from the dealt l' lelltioh ' ,, iitiltlO, .2 lt3 • feet Ot , aii. , ; los fee , ;-itefevillofiok,„,'_:!‘ - -' - = .''':- - . Datlag - fi‘iktitiPiiiiagoes the iiriama; its'abblei --woe atticl(lp,,th_tael the neat,;-'e_ xlifrhitlig la* taotiotirtilitoirei-5 , ;,-, , , ', . ~' ,- ,-;„ ', - ~:,:: - ~- Thlo' 4 1nOilf;Ifflit'fbi. 7 faot of ii .:--- e -embraotag a sew piltoiplizia:steiat Modes power, , le Yet , 4llo:_.• , . Telly. , fibliviziiiedi of ihij the fitstrpodioasorox: . pet iiiiifit'or Way solttleforliiiie_eligine I Iraqi ,rallp t e trOjadjiglpstatltylog.,,_illia - iii,notibliik,liiw• ever;tltat'ttio - vagiao cif tbeEigtitheretk-Itosold as ootaplitii ac it - weptigetibli iiiistieb aufavecia eboald • be; sodWii bate no .44abli lithe cost* of _ , WiLiam•giOr,,wlen therlisi atosak eaglet, war liittedtteid lair lanali'lidloule IC exalted by ' ' tie -lialmardliaCianiabagaable:ebilitaater. Now we bard,theieliteld kind., Itent;"4 - ym eaettioal, - arid , •'Wfil 4 o.* eli - aipittAVlVe look feting' , ati , lmprovw. mat in tbilaaistoof,,ateXic eaPliftipei/led nista: - eeitlete ? ,itid , thet , lopeedllrsitle.tit'flitelittiOn et lifitarts,4l.oisi*L,Pited:c.'ihtti,bidlifiiie:el the, ffoitik, wowlf: - , - IWillifiltpfiftiijKaidtfila,witak,, l , ;„ -.-',, ---,:, • - - - . l :)o'litltipifflitY - 132 1Y Ail. 6 0.1 11 V 01 ;46.44 1 44, ;=1 '.' Tien to- - :04 - 4404k,,,iiilikelgfkgpoptifi xi ira,,' moo ulowiAtklitl*, , totoltiget itailii'i and shies , - . we two poinjoitAhipplairto iblaissivag all tba Vine • ,ativii aria, petid,sitiktiletaglbeadteiret art ea. 1 ttreip - ieeitellifiter putpcoW,,wirourtp - ao,por httetliifftlV it er tbelf-lithetii yllirlie m'e( - -- - botieldlefid 111* - .`tittiif;thelCidsktkiftiol'llftui = . ft: ft• , '.Wfili.' iheititi:ffiett pi Aistr 0 - SOittd delligo,- ; ' - •Thidilvislifitiee,lield*pastiaiiitidtottieaelpisent, too led -, .• .'. •„ ~ . •. 1 - - l irodej i: - O - e i d ip ,441441eaest.apok - i , d - wert Welk etitieeiitegedireahlOtelifdolitetii - `-Ws were ;irtitalarltierltaely , tha , Wiele:lttireq ' 74 ,101 04#50_-44", l -ATVlddiMigett, _ : -gv,ZTtiltithil it Plt - iieltilo4o44- 4, 4 - J•tio 00144 - i ike4 l o".!liwhloiii ?,i4l4o 4 (tof c l.otblPtoitfilftl4fAleoe„ wattifodi i i4l4oflitiP,cmo4 , :os ß A: dell,riiWidftwftoriditiaitfidffi-w. _ - .tlotratiptiodpild la• thileXiiinaiketimvoiAbelao awl erwitififiliwi - Oehlkilitilliwe:' ,,- ; riVehiWtotiir, of - 11 , i,kiti,',LV,Igie, flz,,ifj,„,ijofikifftilti,::eriteidJ7. - , ignoblifu9 7 , 2 Ippit - - -, 49rrooeivit ':firelft,,,pyi T lirdwidiliiip:thift,ifwbb iiiifieiliti44,Zith tiki•APP. ',..• • ,140, 1 / 4 14;., , t,ISATTi'AtiaXieet" , :tOtf4a7.0§/i".444: - : giiidere , i9“_- , mixtei /kid ' Virtts,!',-,V, lif lohael 'A , Attiiiii6;X-1111Dillalii0M1 Vrtliiklilr.btrou oho gew 'of ,t,li* seetil a ) but. (whit, to.' at ilia-Idea t'sibliih , ,-,‘• s_itePPik4' 3 4l , ft,B,li.kiiii ,,- fi''',A4 , ,Pialtteifitti. -- thit :•- ~ '', groat•idar#t •„ - , , hiCuli`sPY:ol4odii.' whtiedpeolod to - -'' 1001 l al twigiit•flilitrillihtliettitifiir end biviatt, , ',otouoSiftirtkCppiliatlif oetlidloif; It Pdeilhfiii - eyed , anti - WiiK,d:-';lbir. - tirvti4i --- iiitallirodia btioik', 613 ffeatffiii rollitdelpiprety_polid). ~, 1 ,, ,,p;- kitidigiiiiiiiii - Oit)liiiiri iAbi , --iiiiiattt Wievirtf44.leblir-olCifeittOiffaiateitig , ' irOodie; - - ti , nned- Matt Jkii - pifod;.wid'altitiiiiitt bit the charge "'of p *filet PilaititiC:,,Whea' - ,tolitif. fit-ettetody Ait :,- . 'was la, the wit otleeptiliie like - . i'''peeee,o4eivielt, • - • - roaCoar ititie,ttryled,efulteppliktChelliet alien ' '-, - with gropefit*Oeit''Alepn.hed4fel , h4P4Kllooolol3 a' ' lekgirildttidictifiatiewle, - ;? Width i atow fs , B l lo 4 - e g„ - purebitta et Iliilsolelitiltifre ,',. before eight . *Vogt -fif 411 - 4,,iiiitiefig:YAciiiag,-bei- liejwitw to tait.,PJll,il*-"hiiitiftleildwie I fit exttoottoit tWo -. Iteelieguraceltborsoititoitapist Pittifoatiotie con. - -, tong Ile end the oiliee:100 tie then took • . gitso,o„lA;thcotic tethts - „7oitic - etoUtiltliotigti oicoopriorptelpelPVii:polliwealipiptifiltfimitiztonli: ---_ - 'yet otiiiiiiiiqVtlieV,Witifirated lit'atikliliig - the , ' -. _•• aneek•••fie;:pitwevitijo 4 , lohfitbsise*tiziCatime •=, ', to title itiY; oat Atiinalai matielLedi fieelf.o4of fie - , , - diteloptiletite,;;lffitiehik,ited,:.Aipief,4_doggott " ' : het,todidth:iiiiid - ;:Ohlitiiil7 , gb* ft f `:irtion'liffook Let,iala.,eitirodpf•• Side)oiii:;titleetitto tWfleittal 'diattia;-atiii - ;mif,-tioing iiiedikidi'a. 4 , titiddrable • ,' • ' tam ef:Vie *PAW* rid totiddlidther pdtitoity.ffir '” '',,' eit-IepAPP/koltoieti lielillid`i,lii:o4o-410-Velle , ' :•'_ - '•,'-;-"JafiiCillblrd!a , baialf-lip7thit , tiiii , ,ervilst, , ' ritii, •''Weki qatlft,t4t~ilkhetlittefJlfiltii wan 1 :"' .'.tilkilllllit - 'lllwam•zeiClitt,- Iftka:aataltiat , - ' - her tti,'aleit_thepitilwidlikidAtidiftiiiti ihif Dela; , :- .1h 1 4 ,-," 4ll 4" 4ititfi tie/ Aiag+3l. - -. ° ; 11 144 . , 11* t jk1 1t4-h--- 1 • AP , ft hie b4t.'OffitelliPti*lVißliroa t t"Zil 0444 1 910k* . ~- I , 'Zr-:P'- i'Yfirt , ln' i , ' - • - e - ' '4c' ,_ ..,_ • _ . gaiiiitailiiiP" ,- iioiiiiiditii , 4 ' 4Aiii,Nf:' , i- - ,. ~ : 144104- 0 0iiiti:4*- - tblir**; detiWPW(Org , :" '.;•-••-,-, 040 tepfifiditrelktdiri norxtriooto * , .....:?:rittA4 - . 4 1 f IW. l'ilaill ' 4 i - '' Plaillth' isi . .,,li.,lepii ...i , A gAzi-jr4ittvittitufin 4 Ar :01 1 4 )r, r - 40T4t00447Al .ng viiiiiickt ilifotquitiiipo.),. notio.,-tri,iwiiat it'll delis '-- Atcoicitowi,ef.atitturovitaolivicta -4it04iz.*,4,,,,,:-.4,^1,17,,-:-fA- Inc: x- . t .4 ,-,. %..10;t..,,- --....-A;,..., ,, ,37,-.4;4...-,i, , ,-- ,, c ,Irq.. ~....- ' . . - 1 , ... - 5..,... ,, , ~,-.: finitel number of Oemeruldaetiona"riiveitrliole.from indignant ad siren of _ TA . co mp , aining of the erle tenee , 'of soveial- ottiaanorti rittich'ehoitid retiolved; _o‘,ne;'whe bigot; Mnett". Bentan,q antra If the two caguares on Market street, west of Fifteenth, are 14 remain in-thcoMidittOn. they are atAirestinC• ". Waled mneh,telk,"- be seys,abont'llteipiiek Work' that wed- niede Of• the old' shida end; of the Manifold Iteasin'gi'44- were to pricy fora' }their • removal' , It amounted to netting, lem sorry to say.:• -Whet was positive is now a sd. • iorlative.onisande,.and the egnares of whiehl oPtidthiglAre roost offensive and dangerous .condition.". Whether it is the bualness - of the Weldirn . ldatket !Onizirianje or - net to repave the street, we are not,. tutt „notelairepated to say ; but, ~watist.ciordiallY Nerve in l_illentett'S" condemno r, Von orthe condition tit -the sites of the old market 'l,l;tliteatreet east of. Eighth is to be left in theisitee condition as that above Fifteenth is, titian the s'aeds removed; the - longer the day I 'of their demolition is postPoned - the hatter. West Endll wood theta have the passenger railroads ` leading` to' Fairtnoun t repaired. " A great majority oftheerossings, partioalarly where the railroad turns, front" Pooh, .ffeee, ,Vine, and Calla'reeta into the streets runningparallel alth•the titer, are in trmiserabie condition: - In. stead of being neatly, paved and graded; large Piles of tioliblet Sten* gravel, and rubbish are eel ' leoted at the corners, rendering it atranst,impOssi ble for vehicles topers, and making travelling on the, streets! very dangerous - complaint of Wait End,." . hoirever well grounded, will, we trope, few days:have :no foundation. -The Alorpoiations he alludes to are more enterprising and publittertirliedTthen Ao" permit this . , state of things to'continne fifany length of time. -Ft,ono. Beata. eight-or ten oommunioations of a ehitiatiteir sent,to- mt,by down-town Fob. ;Seilbeis,- seteetone - signedt" Bouthweik,"- on aciantint of - its brevity,' '.4-Thasitreeisln the timer parts of thkeity.l l- says "lank like „the'beds of •• • dried 'up , tircelni t *,plentlful,ltt the‘mud: - Safer* 'ail:deer lit la 'oellOiad In and has bestir fCr,,,tatif:cs:lbStie ,weedis,:opd yet I am bet., Jef.ttlfZthitn,Mtnit of., nolghbors. If this thing dontinnee , and the .filtltis,allowed th-ttesumialate, .•hothimgehtirt oftat miracle can -save tie from a pas lileneedif. Oar °WOit petienee'corroberates that. "or" ffetithirark."' , The•onlY'retnedythat he his, 'We - fier,"ltfegtietlehoirtifpf rairt, , :ltnin is a great •IttallintiOn„after oll t and.the,,heatilsing.ahont it is ienet igritishekbY ciintriotorepr oontrolled ikt!rfin.daxlan.t:.,- !-- A ----'.-" '' - ' -- i si dt ' ','',.. straq itto., , peatic , ,namit;and' , s- guts o a neatirwritten , sheet- Or note" unpin.. "Astra!! livid in the Thiretisititlt, , Want, and thinkatinit the, peoPleribraii isnelnies , it -is 'to' remove the Ribes 'Should beyelere,p, their visits, ;Casks of -SobecaOlteed'ing,tite,', nlatsinentS :an ' the' daY : pro , . Illiceffcif-Weiltr'llulefeilver,iletotieed;taltemaits ,for , eYS-:::iiithaktit"-.beingl.retuovitd ,, ' libthing can - be more lioesaYlarta,kthriftylrouseiketater than this} andAto weedeOCAlitriPnbrittgrg , ,'PAtpte Are Maid' fOr.*Ottlliiidint to_3lli'veri, Often - Mir eerreS.' „panthinecouiplaine,`of, Fteirig_liegleolea4; anti whys bverbitaiiiren ittti,thotdd See 'that, three dude!, are '; "Nrest vita otteettr'siMpnllffistlSA to have palisade. Theaeriliths,tgOuhlee,Mnekbabettiliaritb . ;isod - Whili wegledgeintWeadirksiingrieVitnees, , befereA eileFs.' ihtsing -,pnbild,",-:Wie' Weald rirestecaniend la. Perboe al - ,httplfdatfinfreJlielisiWautft4iliteiCie.lhe beet Ml'. Anedy foilhe irillk iici lartalf-tindpisil,y,eoitiPlain ., oEuiti,?„..tirarettititkitowWbeilitti,,Whennn in. iiatimils granted sgainstanertalti eerporetion; ,eventing themfroittOarrying on'eworlythit her I ten COMMinnedithey 'laver the , right' - tit _leave that work in stOset - ftro;or in:the way it was when Abetlib:4lllly eteinneueed fr. 'As 'no illustration of• his pelpt, i P Equity:P. ottee the fast that the , lineoud and :Teted.street. Passenger Railroad,' baring, „ commenced to lay rails along Dcolt sweet, Vona Seined to Third,,wers-prevented by - In In junotion, and that. instead of repairing the street whet:titre irjanetion iresgeintedi 'the.* left it in an impassable' and 'dangerotur Condition, iiretltich eon; , Onion' fruiter retuning , - We do not" know exactly what the law seva,although , tbat, may ,be',esslly ieleerteleed- Ildrwesio. knoW,that common sense 'hod the rights of Persons and property wonld sag. best alifferent enures-from. thAt pursued by the Elseiond and Third;Street Railroad Company.- -We entirely agree With ,- Equity ',' in saying that the condition of the teacVouliock street is dangerous and insonvitntent,,and that i t - should be repaired. . „ - I . _ Nutinotarto.—,To those of Our readers af dieted with the, lately. - prevailing mania for put sbasing ovine "tatau sealant _ date, the following Item. goliaeredf from a rural' paper, will be found Interesting: -,- ~ - -, ---- - - - •-' .',. Caution-Wit'underetand_ that roveral or our toittaintAtarbier hare "been 'victimised during the present Week, 'by purehaelog at a high price,. irom a young man, a reaident of one of one neigh- - boring towns. what he represented as " Was hing• ton-pennies," of of 1791 and 1792 now very soae, Upon examination they were found ttobetipi v rlotte, Oar - efficient chief burgess being put upon bletraelf,lisimieded - in overhauling and obliglatiiiinle 'dttgorge iiiitil-gottert gains He Stated 'that the dote were manufactured eta oar ban bens* in :the -city,: pf„ Philadelphia, and were ,diiiiributed tor- the purpose of taking advantage of the noinosolleoting -mania which ,is now raging throuthent th, , ,Sratos,,- He bad obtained, from persona batiste borough, tie high as 55 for a shwa j Hiliatilii.-Saintiel H. Ounnirigham,,whose battle belga intosuoh pilau( notoriety. lately, resigned his position on !he pollee force on Same. day: ~ te'givininp his,b'olge to, Chief Ruggles, he acknowledged tea many kindnesees and courtesies that bed liiin.extended to bi 02 by that gentleman, ni . these - wider his cemmend; in the hour of his itilliation.-Ailtbough he bad served on the pollee, fora long tiate,and as he thought with an earnest desire to do his duty an tirinfileer, yet be was con vinced that the, post of an Mater wagon', of tempt. effort - , It hid knougheort - him &great amount of trouble; and be erlsetil,to" Mai re into :private life '-beyond Ihs'lntlinizitot. _Eh :resignation was ao. ,CePied ~.,-.D.;::::,....-.., , ,.„- I:oring* , PoinOrSS.Before - Aid.' Clark; on' the onosipfaisit,of 'John' O•iori,Franiclin Jackson, Intik PetirinattAilliani.Yrist, and George Heal. 41'64w - ere held ti , -answer atcourt 'the 'charge of selling lottery potholes.- „The roalettroubleatout these- lottery. polity asses is; tbatwo - never beer itsCetid-ottiven - , P reek fere'daYs a- batch of al leged Offenders:are sip before a magistrate, but somehow orinher they neverget Mtn court. Toe evil ,of aellieg Jotter, policies to a, very grievous on6; - and -;jf : a „flambee of those -,engaged in it were only punished as the law provides, it would-be-8k emptiest thing- for the' • commit. nil at large. ~ . ~, -,- . , , . 1 A DESPERATE SSATIT.T.—On Saturday morn' log rtmairmamed-Thomaslt. Marvel wee-held in $1 009 'ball 'to *DeWite the charge of an assault and 'battery Nina' Meer 'Reynter,-witis on intent to k ii. , ; appears-that on' the-.evening preceding, I salier on board' the U 8. frigate Congress de serter.' Ho Was pursued' by_several ooioera as far as Cooper's'Point: From there he'returned to the OltY'on a rafV On arriving here he was recognised' by Officer, l'ay tater, - who -gave 'chase As Papa ter weepsising „South...street wharf , " however, Marvel raiSed,tiiseste and' attempted to strike the (fader. The assault was evaded and Marvel taken, into Williatii aged. seventeen yearn, : while bathirg tomef compinions in the vicinity of ,Turtle,B.ock, in the Schuylkill, was drowned about ' Move II Walock. yeaterd ay morn lug. His body was recovered about , seve'n. o'clock- last evaded, and taken" fo,tha Ynaldisnee of 'bin parable, at .368 Welt .titrent gni* - The pareula of the boy are altnost'dtairacted., and what renders the occurrenoe th dlatreselain, is Abe fiat that a brother of the :unfortunate youth was drowned about'a year since 'in nearly,the stime,place - Arraiiii young mall, named George Young. was bell by Aldermen Plankinton, Oa Ga.urday "m ruing, to 'answer the .oharge of attempting to'rob the oil store of George Whiteman; ore Spring Garden street; below Nintb He entered the =dose it is lats'beiti. oa Night preceling„ mud. tr,IS 094 ,eatrying Off the Monet , ' tilt, when 4e" b.r.:s tiitiien, and taken into nualedY;., 0601;:—ThittiOlargtifonittaina on the north .aide of Fairmoint basin will be kept in operation avery'evening, ftwrt-eir. to eight o'eloclr, Ae - matter of comae; this additional' attraction will attract ranmerOns - visllers "to Fairmount, the mu nicipal Saratoga of our city; As an evidence 01 the power of the fountains, a 3+t of eighty feet high le thrown througb en inetratd-three quarters . - - VOL ; ..„ _Tancitz was - an alarhi .of fire on Saturday .morning, about' half past ten o'clook, occasioned -by the burning of the roof of Gaul's cooper shop, et '.lvawirtarkeyitted'idargaretta streets. in the S'aveniti ward . Altho ugh the roof was partially dertiOyed,,the 'damage was very trifling j,givioirts.4 . ...At` a - late ‘- hour On Saturday isyesilnk 'it: worn** winked ,Poweri tommltted sat ? 'aidifby"throwitig'bersell'from the outside stair. Isiiiita7 Inflated betWi3en Beach and WS, 14tr Streets, in O. Elgbt4 ?rani: ,itin astute is as signed for the'analawalzoirdesd. - - , . . „ Tan citizens 424 - Doylestoten are making 'eirong`efforts tO,have a telltterx esiienipitent tad . ,itj th at place.: . There , are a number onniii. ; :tery"poraparilet. in Bootie county, and ire_ hope ithirmity soon have a (Mende cf showing -the ! - ,:yrorki how they would look on a tented field. EddYtitts:"• *Anitirt,. corner 'of 'Fifth end,hiprohantaitnata, is regressing raPidly.. The 4 404vittlbts5 ai4 neatij completed, and foundation Walla ereoted - fer the boner. partition wallet It is viatended to'have the whole- work 'finished by the . 41'6” iitiv:Are.;=:rtto Philanthropic Lodge' I{4) 15,'1; 0 - Of 0 'B.: designn making - au ezeunsieu Ailetst,lo etty, en IVadetteder,ntat. - -Every an ningetoent has been made to renter this ozone sion•oattpf the moat delilbtfukof the'enaton. • - firtader waa neld by At 4 inept; Bei ster; in,theihutn'of Sl,O l O bet, to anawar the charge of keeping '6 diseraletty hOtiskst peach and Brown 'Meet., in the Sterenth , pnownsrp,-P-Iblung • man ; named George Fidaft' wes aced sulpary, drool:Ltd in lite Del El*ll re; yeste_rday*tning,, at &point, napr Petty's Island. liaatifik wit : 161'10o fot,bie ,bedy,;during tho day, but it Iris 'Cot - 2 - 1 Ditari;-.onStiturday:nonitrningd'obn nyezleir, tie inditildnal lid Woe Ili severely scalded by' fairing of hot dyrnouff at Cuestas, a fesi:piptypt sitioe;Aled: at, tbe hospital. , • Exessimaildir, Thla morning an examine dee of a number of apprentices, who have made Application folihe purpose of learning trades In tpise - navy yard, win like place. IF . fluftntifr Duottestuit,.—aide RE SUE,V, ctr,LIIASURA 201111,810 N. —An' extra of the - Melon "(5d ioh (gap) .Eximartor, July 0, gas the fkihttlidetAt et' sad , 'aetident occurred yesterday m, terrtoon,4C - Olet;-Lake, Steuben county, Indi• nia,,teeenty miles south Of -Hillsdale, by the up etttlitrot a sail beat,' contilning party of twen :lenedi 'pentane; %only ladiee and children, font- tteacar *limn -were' droWned: - - - , - Borersl of. the luiatiet:wert residents of 'thelown of goading,' 44111064-0 onir•Zie following are the names of then; drowned f rom Reading, Ilillsdale county: Turner and' adopted daughter, 4 40 IlvOlterlt old fldies Louitaq mei, daugh- Ityr_or - Nelson ,Turner, aged about twenty, Who vas formerly a student of fldlidele "(teller",; a son - of. lieleos ,Turifor, nine loots; Danforth, teed; snit iff•; - tdd brother, Jefteteou Berry: 2 be lotittritlng . aterts fromMillsdale ion nty and Indians : gster , ltt•law ; Mite Lamp. feu .Wttid bridgef,i fidi. E t ign,'fite, owner of the 11000fflit:ifee hotodunis of:theathers we 14tygrtot" Yet, leatuaLP - - „ . • AtkiltiOVil);Takelt,sttitt. az "Patisszart. cAtitty. l ,4,-jaung Wen , aged about 25, hy_the name :Of Otto 6"itme, a wetly. €1; 1 301110 bi"Ptutsia, who -! wait piraoute-thed 'v./sedan% ,Paterson, - Solna liett9i Betiht, to„ TMOSIDA. tleiiaffroydrty,`Worth .ficim 410,000 -to $2OOOO, Vi.: ll, lomote,', ' _the soo , utd day of Ms atataat,h*:ganatAtto the Vp. ?I.—Newark (N.J.) 11 1 . 1 teirr• - , s'y CITY IT.EMS. Thee?: 61 - Anef..eo Hedir.°lnetenttlenta - to 'n OW. the hearing in tritli r i variety, and of the moat sew °vett orietraotioo, at P fdalteiree Ner-Latrtifnent depot, ; N 0.116 - sonth Tenth rtreet,,below, Chestnut street. fyll 61 Wisaytnn Ornahlt , ittni.—Gov. Mee, of Virginia, - 'hat written a letter on the ant , ),ot of ken. Oare'e elewri on the right; of naturalierd oittaene Bar} wonder, the letfer Is but half a whiten long, and to thin feet mei be attiihttled the extraordinary eirentottana. that he teyene biog fn it eoneerning the merits of the meg. nlile,entgarmenti made - and sold et the worn Stone Olothleir Hall of Noeltbilt dr. Wilson, No. 603 and 606 Obeetnntatreet, above Sixth; Queer men,' that Om . Rnmovrma ! ItzmoviNa ! Ramovpira !—ln order to disperse of ,bit present extewlye atoek of beautiful summer goods, B 8 Bldridge, the proprietor of the .:grat.klin' Olothinillniporiwri,” Bra, 132 t oheatuut street, is selling cff, enfirny regard:esi of cost.. The 'Meet styles of fechionahle ready made mat. them clothieg at greatly reduced prices. . , TA*2 rot;rit Ctiqpn.,f, O vl I iage tailor, in the mouth of Spain, . Had aine!d, bash pardoned, ane hod ainn , d again Coodemied to die the villager. implote The jedgelto ',pare their tallor , e life once more : - g‘ What! bang.oor tailor? le the my; Where {4 oiie - 'este sad brasebes abeeld he die 1 , 2 6, If toemkove mast be bung." e s zolaints a Told., ""-We hi?e two cobblers; yotinsLy take your choice l" A most iniiMitent personage le " ye tallor,i , victims. laxly if be gets clothlog In the style of Graz:Mlle Siotes,i the 'fashionable clothier, No. OCT Chestnut WILIAM OV TNON OCEAN STNAMEILS. .1110 U TIMONIUM BTATIS. ' WWI --• , I MITI ~' - WOZ ' , - - DAIS' Amble„ ".:.. ' ' Bosten..Liverpool July 13 13 everle...• ....Jim, I rk..Hambrag Ally 16 Vanderbilt... - . .New York—Pontbscopton, &a-3215 , 18 O of Baltimore.-. New York—Liverpool JOT, le Asia Nov York.. Liverpool - July 20 Amigo; .... ..a:..riew York..llavre ' ' - July 2:3 ,Weeer ....Newirork..Brernen July 28 Canada' • a... ; Boeton..laverpool Jail 7r cot Weablogton New Vork.:Cork & Liverpool. July 80 - ,TO ARMY& ' ' •. antra LBaill.. Vol DAVI Weser - - Bremen',New York. .: .. ....June 28 krafto - Havre..New York ' June 29 Need. ' Llverpool..Bouton ' July 2 Xfon - Yoreqool.l.l3 , lston Jnly 2 Cori/Ada Carona/ g..Na ff York ..... . - ...July '4 Indlen .....11 - Liverooli.Quebeo ' July b -0 of Wailllington ISeerpuol - ..New Pork July 0 Arlel:';.c.;:..donthatupton..tiaor York • - July 9 Ners.YorkorJ.Boutberppron..New York • July 8' A trios.... ........63Terpool—Nerr York Julir 9 'Etu' o 9 l, .-" . i,' 4.:Liverpool.:u oston - • `,l la klanicoot . de....floathaoaptoo ..New York ' J ay ylB 1 : •- , ~ i ,". : • : r T... Lgr The California Nall Steamers tail from NOW York on the atb and 20th of oath month. • • - Er 77 ThAtanalteareers leave Item ',Urfa, on the 2th, th,lnnllTth of each nunAl4 and Moles , 8.0,bn mad 2911 k. • ' ' Iwkett 'Maim* dates fall on 'Olinda, y the steamers *NI ealron Monday. exoept Irmo New Orleans. riit . Jntèlt s nu Irr BRA 1101:111TH. • rizassailt.l - (Clorreppondeaos of the - Presi.) . - - New Yonc, July 10 : kirbrid, Ishii) Vontbemptoo, from London; barks Atli• Lots. from Drama.; Bokrto, from kfootevidoo; brig Coma Rica, from Aapinomll , . . BOSTON, 1.01 y 10. Arrived, 11,4 Wfoaold Scott, from Bau Pratkolsoo. • Below, *lap Highlander, from Calcutta. MILV.OIIAZIDA Phitiraivrprattte; Matthowe, elttred at Donna 9th that forlto:44WD. - Ship damaai Appelton, Yreeman, for Hong Kota, sailen from Algae nay April 27 Oast Doane being too *ink to proceed, (intik( return Learn U states, Ship It.inehee, from Reitimore for Jiro de Janeiro, was spoken lotion let St 20, long 68 ID Skip J N Cruilacg,,kinmer. tor Liverpool cleared at Charleston Stn rout with 2.1v7 bass cotton, 873 Was rosin. and la bored copper ore. • Bark (*olden ass, Ratan, from Galveston ; arrived at New York Oar lust, Brig Dohlo, Bartlett, for Liguayra, cleared nt N Yotk 9th tun, • • . Brig Slit s BroWo, for Naiadslola:reilled from New Bedford Bth Mot. Ihrk Reto,t. Penis% lioxford, for Philadelphia, sailed from New Bad Lord 90a hat. Bark latinoy, hto.te, from Alpo. Bay, arrived At 1306 ton 9,11 mgt. brig W A Sawyer! Favor, for Phtladolplis, bleared it &iron 9 b hat - Brig Chic49l4 licwea s hence, arrived at Choi/etas Bth ioet. - , , Brig Open 2es, Babbidge, henlis t arrived at Charlea on Elta ta.t. Bahr 0610 f Chempho, °lasted at New London 7th inat for Yhdad.iplra. ' • ' Bohm Alabama Vangilser, 3 0 Bexter, Baboor6, 18 Plater. GnanY B L ray; Lake and • ontharo, est , ad from :awn 746 mat toe Philads pain aohre 2 phraini and aims D, Is. J Panaer, Jr, /Offing& worta, ea , tar, Yates, nary Patterson, somas. and Wasbington Town -end, for ildladelphts, milled from Prottdenee fitti hut Bcbr Bay j Cogbeh. illivert. from Pall Alver. for Phila delphia, at New London 7th iron . t ohrf Mary Nowell., ow 11 and Carthame', Oteepo, for Philadelphia, sailed from Now Booford 9th met Bobr Tlgte D nobtatt, from Dighton for Philadel phia at Newport 8 b last 80109 J , 11 Alleo, Dahooeb golght. Bodloott, and B Townaeod, Wit/Mee' beams nt Boston ooh Inst. Sahel ()Replan blegathlia. aad Lawn, Dome, cleared qt dada's' 9.a bet. tat Phimaalphta - S•bte Carrie Boss, lino , man Battle, (had, beams at Obarloeten gib met. kchr dant. 1. Obartze, Winetts, hence at Nawberti 4th wit Sittr New Jersey. 130:11th, at Baker's Landing from Pi I & dews' reperm...on the eta lost 1 A 111, between Moot Island and Paint Judas, wax Inn into by st lunge topsail achr, name unknown, batten up the dotted, Elle at wit no on the , larboard bow. ear jinn away j bboom, rail, dranobeeos ford 'broads, split brimmed's' and plseksbear in the fore rlgg elf, and out the vessel down fotward neatly to the water , a edge. Thenounowisehr es 150012 II she TA clear et ml on her aurae, rehiring Le ley lir no, 'mum& rerpiest.tto do so. the large leurh ,, r belonging to the 'strange weird wall lel( on the deck of the new Jersey. , IRRIVALB AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. or TO 01111 o'ol.ooll Tina afORIUNO GIRARD 001IBI—Oissturri Street, below NNW Chicago , Tractor, einilh, Je., I cihaffar, At lonia Oeo V Dittrow .13t Loads , Fi Slag , N O - Mrs Grantor, nansticlagus O Brintoa & le, Chester's° W 0 Cotton:Bo/ton & L Ase el , la Ohatl44trii . s . Bohn Scott , M Mr* B T Runt, Petersburg B T Punt; Pete (burg, Vs F I Bunt. Petersburg, Vs ' W B Avery, Morgenton,NO Mrs Arnold_ r manna' G T., A pplet , n, Savannah It I, ;yen, colustb`a, B 0 - lice it 1., Bran EC T Durand Wa*b Pod & wt. Mies - I It Prooke, N Y At W Goerteer,Olinton,NY G li Conner, Crawford, Ala JSi Battelle, Maine G W Doty, N Y 7 II Small: York, Pa J Einem. York, Pa 80 H. - nigmeeber, Ps S N Obsmbere, La ' Mies (Bmbers. La J 0 it , lne at Is:La ' - ' We Stewart. La Mma Stewart La Mtn Emma Elks, La Bite Reynolds: La ' A Miltenberger & la, Balt Mtge Denbar Batt S B Maddox, N Y 0 S Lewle & Is, Phil& UO Mimeo &fr St Louts J $ Lamer Os - .: N W"rtliivgtott,Olotanstt _ Maori nether & k. M4Mplaii T Talmo . ; & la. Waterloo 8 Oronisa: New Tork n likOiHey.Lontsion* W P BA!ter , ect, .11arTiego,N J D Oooka, Brooklyn J J Coots, Brooklyn Erfro Cooke, Brooklyn Mo Darr. Brooklyn Wm Pottervo, ity - J T B.raord, VOW York nFekr Oolek. Now York 0 7' Warren, Ohio • - P W Lewis, Boston n 1411..1'0rd. New York W T Ooppn, Porismotitl,Vs GM B*lllP, Jr. Portsmouth 8. 8 Newton to (a, Georgia Mies Eolith. O•oroia Mrs Saimmarbalm. Georva J G T'satatt 8 0 Moore, Sr Mlssicalppl. 3' at Rao , . BrooMan G AeMo•t New Turk JR Woadbura Mile I L Wot Ohara, Mks Law a Wadi, OklalsTatt N diet V ctsbnuf W Rork. 8t Lon•s James Harrison, St Louis T A Harris Hanna!, Mo FRANKLIN HOCall—Ohosteet at „ above Fait& Zio Wagoner, 061etuto Evan )1 Untolo, M 4 Wm A M Lincoln, Md ' B Van Bigler denier City -W 11 Wow., Jersey City It Newell & orr, N Y Jna If Biddle, ablia 0 Boehm° Baltimore Parker & rYe Mira Park er,i Ye Wro'llatike & wf. Conn 100 E Weston. Wllming 2 n A attleb , ker Greenv'e, 0 T Jamison, Newark, N 4 B, Collins, Va ' ANINTITOAN HOTlL—Ob.stent at . above Ififth J Rutter, W Cheater J H•sgell* la. Naatozi It T, Smith & la. Bordentown 0 H Wilson, Cubs W thinmell, Pa T. Simpson, Pa I Thoreta, Pa - ' a Smith. Rli I wainuleve,P& ' 0 Widley. N York P Laguna. HaVaria -- N Corti., b. York 0 Et Coale, .. we. 0or)Isa T 0 Moyle, Phos - WEt Devitt Oblo G Plunkett. St Patti A Htrobel, St Louis G 23 Sroatiev, Man - WI. Heiler, Salt $Ol7lB l 110TRL—Ohistnnt arrewt. above ISIM John Elt+nebeomb, Batt .7 W Mintier, Catamarca URi ter, Obeetont Bill Than Noes, Brandon, Vt Ivan Voriek, N Y W Ontv.l2 it Wright Baton B 0 Puller. dram U Whitmore, Ti V Berl U Piper, Boston Wee Piper E D•omead But !lobo 8 Ponti.r 'Wilson Small k le, li If P. 6 Ward. Louisville, If/ A D Brans, N V 11.7 Bogart. N V Oar Culver; Hodson X Demme, Nadeau Say Dewey. N V it Bradford N.Y. - J McLean. Prow's. R 1 ,ct 8 eaykr, Newark, N 7. J Dalrymple Newark, NJ P. Bbiwart,N "1,,. - .Tilos Downing, N Y Itliairlarp•nier.74'y To Miggbp a n j • ti. A Btumnora, NV ' ' '' .. , nOrDPP trglaNONHOTNL—Peeond street, aboie Aria. P Marra Reading R Garrett Crape 11.1 W Rarnewer, N Y Mr J Pitney, Abseaorn. NI .1 Ueda. Abworn, NJ line Lee, Pittabarg, Pa Gen Pried Heston Geo Conner, Magna . CV a Ratter Neetrin - 0 Monno3.e Garton - W A Healtmeun, Beaton A Peddle, Manton G A Peterron, Moto*' , P M Burch, Magna Gen R B nee. Manton - W R Ns es, Banton 13 R R !ler, Benton ft Pomp, Magna John Pittenger, lesion • J n." 'rind Eaton A noales, ',Won 0 M B ere% Reston - W Eleoerly. Neeton W LI Pomp, iluton 11 Nailer, Eta , on jam Hoop, Keeton W Hotel, Mreton H SePo Reston Ga 0 W Wilhelm, Baden • AEt Co: la el, Norrletorn RAOLNIZOTIM—ThIed at., above Ram W andolph. Perna - Dept Parkery, Penna T,Brown, Getimetowa, DOW) , Ble 131. Davie. Ohio 8 Wllkin.on, - Ponca 'l' Worth Peons R Ryes Cheater eo Itaroola. D.l eo, Penns P Harothrey. ?acme bUddlefon. W Gmett Oheeter 00 Shock, Hoot/ornery oo M nroola, Delaware co L litAgtrey. Itnotellie StentOn, W eatbatg P Shoreline, D•laware on ' II Riad, Reeding II tßonloB, Heading ' W Landon, Delaware oo traTZONEL RO'PEL—Rene at.. above WM,' D 8 Roberta. Who shone D Leaman. Wilkeebarre • B Hemlock, Buffalo J A B , ld tons .111mCes Mite hi W Boyd, lalmits 7 Kiobbem, Allentown A Phaplar, Anneals, Ps John Brewer, Annvlite, Pa A. Irabodeo, A IL.TIIIO, PA UNION HOTHL—Arrn street, share Third H !Oen; ' Baltimore Richard Bradford, Balt /renew''. dr, Pittabrug Time DormOt, Bneton Ben) N Wills N Y ft Pro amt, Stubon,l* Y Geo Gorden, N J W ffi Zoning ; Mamie tdra Hernandez t oh, N BARIaIY 131111 AP IlolllL—Baeond et.. Wow Vine. J Bookman, Bucks co A Pritchas ' AtlantiaClSy A Walker, Dollngton Wm L l o y d. Nentown Bookman, Newtown - 0 Kohl, Olnolonatl, 0 Cleo W Benlstoln. Del ' • OODINBSOIAL HOTEIL—SIoth Street, atom Chestnut J 4 Hicks. Oheeter oo A B Day, Dome Mice !Dhotis; Cheater to MPennock.Wllminglon A. B Ladowal, PA Parld Border, Pa 0 d Althor', Monts 13 Pugh, idocitg co STATIN UNION 110TIV—Market atenet. sio're lONA MClete. !Mantle City Mlea Hoover, Geo L PHU, liarrlebars Deal , jr. Ohio • 0 N i ter", Motust Holly 0 Aiooo. t p, Gal A Hol t n, N 7 John PrIoe,,NU Re . . . 01,AOIE 13.11A11 PLOTIL—Tbied et.. above Oallow6lll. -Levi Temple. Beebe co 1) A Alter, P 6114 .Wm 6voteeme, Bunts ao Wm )1 Beet man, Buoke co Monter BaCklAti, Beebe co Oboe Prime & eon, Pe . 'BALD 111401,111:—Tbir$1 at, above Cia Lewis a Phillips, Doke oo PS:DI Smith, biOntg , , co John Jules, Backs co JUROR ANTIS' MUSS. I bist it.. above CallowikUl. 0 Doh; tterareatawa, Fi Was Darkest, amid's!, R. TM i, PRESS.-;PHILADELPIDA., 'MONDAY, .1!:34:1t: :It - ,' 1859 ifSBOUANTB' ROT.Nat— Fourth e,troai, below -Arch Vbipp. D Westesvelt, , li Y J ttoD Smith. Pittsburg • J 'Porno a, Ot Ifintag b Poott, Phil. D J Morrell, Jobrototru A A Bostih, Olsoelnuatt ,-111" P Fietvey, Voylvviotril , OP 60161 ell, Moine Mrs Mlisvieell, Phole D Addle Phila: Mrs Itotsvoreld ! I st N Y Wm Lee, N Y, wry, ht Collies el - • 1 J LOftiln. Pinftbarg JW If A Moodie, Milton 0 0 Wraith Illliou Judge Heiner & joy, pa Mies Hajopl, peons 3 slow* & holy, Boot on T Hlogibury & ldy, slf MIRe Id Niagamrr. NY- irk azirdon. ?avg., B D STePlos•sou 'Mita J Btotrotoo, Olverdeld fircrial Nottreti. The Most Skeptical are Speedily Convinced of the efilsinney of the Eta Athenlanua, or Hair Atom, of :ales Reuel in preventing the hair tiling t ff or turning gra . y. Ite n.e rara.ts as Well ea earls baldness, end gives to the hair a healthy, soft Wind , anat. Gray hairs and ahlekstii it changes to ,Geis original life color Sold by ejl druggists. and 14 :oleo Usual it Co, No, 704 Chestnut street, PhilsdPl• phis. The 11,ppelltes.—If is n •ery difficult twitid . with the mejnity of persona to restrain leek appetlte , :l Bence we see an abundance of liver iota., plaints, and disorders of the stomach and digeetive gams. INMAN D'3 GEM Pg,24 BITT ERB will entirely ours these complaints and restore the system to its original vigor end streigth. Voraale by all druggists and dealers in medicine at 76 cents per bottle; also, be. the proprietors, Dr. 0. al, MOK50:1 & CO Allan St., Philadelphia • - ltd&W A Great Conservator of IS caul y —Jntes 'Smelts EMI DIMS! DE VENUS ADD N MPH 80a,P; fOr removing Tam, Sunbarn, Presides. Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions of the Skin, has • magical and delis htful ef fect. Our lady readers belie but to give it one trial to be convinced of its potency. Sold by alt druggists, pod by JI3L - E8 nAuEL k 00., MI Chestnut street, Phila delphia.' sy / Sesmen4 Saving Fund—Northwest Corner, of rECOND end W&LNITT atreete..=-Depon to received in smidi and large emanate, fre;ro all Wanes of the oommunity, and aliens interest at the rate of five per, MGM per /1001161. Honey may, be drawn by cheeks without logo of in.; 'Wrest, OfHoe open daily, from 9 until 5 o'clook and en Mon day and Saturday until Sin the evenieg. President Wranklin Toll T Treasurer and Secretary, Malec t Morrie. 'Elegant Spring and Iltintnier tilothing,' at ROBERI H. ADAM ) , .Bontheaai eorkioefieventh'and ilarket streets Cable Cloth; Cassfume, Alpsoa,'Llnen; and Graio Oloth Coate; in - all the latent etFlei. Pant , and Vests, in groat, varlaty„ ell suns sing xsuarnaa lIQUit, ?Co woai, AlD_initunici AT TEI YOB? inialMiCialn cabala. - ' • ' 09 4022' • . Greyer Sr. Baker's Celebrated NCISSLISS BAMILY SSWItiG 111AOHINI8. *lw ammoon ramie, • 180 ONSSTNIIT beam, Pandoup lc Of the three prominent Idaohlimn DOW before the pablle4 we, have need two, and carefully watched the working of the third, and boneetly behere GBOVAR BARB/VS to be the very beat we here - esen,i'—iDelao ware State Reporter. -0929.1 y Saving Fund—National Safety 'Vast Coln PANY.—Obarttrest by. the State of Pennsylvania, ~ . honey is received every day, and is any anurent, large oiannall. , 2. VIVI Via VENT. intoned la paid for money tram the day it fi put in. 8. The money is always paid back la GOLD wkaromo it is called fOrp and without notice. 4 Money le received from Executors, ddmiafsfa• tors, Guardians, and other Truntoce, in large or mall taw, to remain a long or short period. 6 The money mosived from Depositors Is invested in Real Estate, Mortgages, Ground Bente, and other Ent: , aleasseouritlee. 6. Office open every day—WgititlT Street, wat3•, west corner Third Amt. Phil6delphls. split One.-erica Clothing of the 'Latest Styles, and made In the beet mariner, expreealy for *MIL ' IMES. We mark our loweet selling prices in PLLIN noussi on each article. An goodamake to order are warranted, satiafeetory, and our Otill•Pa 101 SYS'S% is strlotly sd horrid M. We believe tale to be the only oar vs deallni,Sur thereby all are treated alike JONES A. 00., (104 MA REIM 6.redst st4S-tuat Singer's Sewing Machine.—The great pope• laxity of these amehlnea may readily be understood, when the fact fa known, that any good female operator can earn, with one of them, ON" THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR To every Tatter, Beametreae,• Dream:Laker, and e . t.a large family in the country. one of theee machined erode be Invaluable, 1.41. BLNGI7Ii k CO., 662 OITUTNUT apBo.Bto - 0. P. 'DAVIS. &want On tlio 4th of May, by tbu Rev. Gore Villalay, Mr. mod , tN B. Porrza, to NW BURY Id. 11,1111118, all of tble atty. , * On the o'll Lent. Br Rev. Thomas Brainard, Mr Ho. Mr, 13 AARONSON to ton IMMO& L. GOV. daughter of the lath James Ga. all of Philadelphia. • On the sth teat., by Rev Wm liturrett, ItOBFILP finale to Id eGGIB - A.., daughter of lames Marian, all of thin , On the morning of the 10th inst.,. Ree,loBEiU BELOODE, D 1) , 10 the 08th year of hie age The immediate Mende of the fa oily are Invited to meat at hte late tealdense, 1208 Green. street, on 'rave d*, site noon, at 8 o'eleek Ihe funeral est-deep affil comma:we at the ifiret eWicati, Winer of Broad and Arch street/, at half p , at 4 ahVg • On Pato day evening, oth Met . PETER -04031. BURGER. aged Se year. US* 'mate friend* are Invited to attend the faoral, from hie late reeldenoe, 103 South Eleventh street, on Wednekley morning, at 8 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel tlfll *** In this city, on Saturday, Jay 9'h. RLKANOR RANDALL, wife of John L Own. need OS yearn * On the 9th teat . Mr. OffAALSS 4. RICYNOLD3., in the OA year of his age The Meade and relatives ere invited to attend the faueral, from his late reeldenre, Queen street, below ihnth, on Tuesday attetnoon, at 9 o'clock. To proceed toltonot Storleb Oesostery. •* On the 9th inet , Mrs. OATHARINR ARAD, In the 29th rem of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are , respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her, Wet El ovechter. N 0.1229 Palethorp street (late Perry) Knoinngton, this (bloods') east noon,,at 4 o'clock ' To pt.cetti to Monument iJense- On the Bth (net,, TH081,48 30818. eon of Edmund G and Sarah Jones. in the 221 year of hie ege. The rela , tree end friends of the family ate Tweet folly incited tuattend the Invent. from the resiopeee of hte patents, N 0.020 'South Fourth street, this ,Mun• day) afternoon, at 8 o'clock. • On the Bth lost , Mra. fdARTGA' LIT ME, In the eeth year of her ego. The relatives and friends of the family are respeet fully lovt.ed to attend the funeral. from the residence of her hustind, Bolters tittle. 1837' Lombard street, this (Mousey) afternoon, at 4 o'clock Health Report. thsAt.ra OFFICI, 71117 9 Worms sls it!, City of Philadelphm from t the 9th of Ju y,1819 =23 Apoplexl ...... .... gnats. Darns ... Mom or Stomach. Causer or Uterus.. Casualties .... ... Oro ap Oungsat'n of Loop. Cougest'n of Brain Mosier. Infantoso . Ohslava lifortss.... Oonanm•n of Lunge Convulsions cyanosis r. Thoraces ...... Dropsy, Brous Wiest Diseaste of Brata.., .• Droword Debility Effusion on Brain., OF TRZ 11 . ‘ , er 1 year.... Tl n 1 to 2.... 2 to 6 " 6to 10 " 10 to 16 " 16 to 20.... ...... .' " 20 to 30 11 " 80 to 40 11 40 to 66 Prom the Alcoshouse,6 ; People of Color, 16; fans the Country, 0 Moles ITT Boys • 'omelet 114 Girls By order of the Board of Health. ARTHUR IICIGHPS, Heelth Meer. us Alumni. Automation * Central Utigh 801101.,L —The Bthll- Annual Meetleg of the Alumni AC °elation of th• Central Erich Vohcol, trill he held et the /11011 B'llool. BUILDICIO, Broad sod Green Wireets. on WEDNEBDAY BvErmiti, July 13. 1889, at 8 o'clock, rdemb•re of the' Association mar procure Tickets for the nigh Cahoot Commencement from the Treasurer no that av•eloit. ARRIMICH 11l YSB, President J•NC3 Ti. LIT*LA Seareterv. Jill ate rifee the Examination et 1i1• Applicant.. ter AdmoMin to tbn DEXTRAL H)011 ocrioot vi 1 be I , .utlntied On MONDAY. TUESDAY. sod WED NESDAY of next week corumenclae on each day at Si ock The older et . .. Nucleation will be ea fonown MONDAY, July 11th—Practical Arithmetic (Exam plea) acc illatory of the United Mateo TOMO/ Cr, 12ta.--Orthvyxsplay and the Principles of Arithmetic. Ii ZONE 8 Der,l3th.—Dadolt fens 5%.1 Menem. Mon. 11/OLIA/M3 11. Id .Gt7t t 6, rtinciPal ricra Olfice of the Franklord and Sonitivrark PElLLADfibanh OITY PAlt letiGhlt ROAD COMPANY, SHAH I (lite Ohatbsul) Street, below Vonrih, July 6th, 1 3 369 —The threstors have Ms day d.o &red a r ettd•annual Dlrlde d of NINNT PEIR OlsNr on the Capital Ptock of the Company. payable to the Stockholders or their legal representatives, on and atter the 16th inst. The T rimier Bouts will be clued until the 16th. 21 HARI, Tretourer, 317 0 11 13,t7.6 u. Office of Fairmount and Arch. ,tryvt CITY PArBENGIid. R tILWAY COMPANY, kaIILiDIMPLII/ July 6 186 e —A Third lostMneot of PINE DOLLARS on WW2 Shwa on the Oapltel 6tools of UM Uotopany will be due and payable on or before the 618 of Magnet next. :NO. T. LANON, j 77 atHearetsry. __ Err Mie n Fittrinounttiger Km sway COMPANY, laisnouttr, Pbfla , July 6.-3859. at a meeting of the Beare of Dlreetori or the rale mount Passenger Railway Company, held Intel, iftig, it wee resolved, that a Third ad of SEVIN PBR OM al T. no the Capital Stook be declared from therm:dogs of the road for the laet Mx mouths, payable at the Office of the Company July lath Ind. The Stook Transfer Boob will be °loved until 20th font B. N. MALONB, jyd•Bt Treasurer. 07. ne.,..mie, Mantua, and ira*rinonat PASSEtiGYR RAILROAD °IMPART The Deoond Instalment of VIVID DOLLAR, per net 0 on . the Capital S ook of thno Comp Any will be due and payable on or before the 26th of July. Jena-Wane 14. If. =MUIR, P44111.41,1W1 TrOffice of Second and Third-Street. Pee- SEEGER RAILWAY COMPANY Off PfII .11:6 DELPRIA. 226 WALNUT Street, YeIEAMILVEIII, June 28, 1869 —A Third Instalment of SIVE ROL LARS on each Share of Stock, second issue, Will be due and payable on 26th July nett. ROBERT KELTON, Ye44.fnutWijr46 Tfeeenfef. ftlarriageg Elleatbs. =CO BOlevy ...... ?ever, 111 , 10ar.... ••• Scarlet " Ztob - id... Hemorrhage, bow's Istlam a. B Bin ... •• .‘ LlYer Pisers " B. & Bowels . Larysx Truwillon M so 1 aii• po to. Id anemia... IfoosilPs Old Age Tabe. Pdesenterlot thnetntson Bowels Want and Neglent. Whooping Cough.. TIMIS WEIR—. From SO to OD. BO to 70 o 70 to 80. 6, 80 to PO_ PO toloo., 100 to 110 291. ,fatten Eh!) apobs Jobb.ers H. DUHRING & CO., Nos 23 and 28' NORTIUPOURTH STREET, Are now recolvlog, by !in.:A(.llolre ortlyols from Ratope T RUM PALL llf POSTAI ; LONS ENGLISH AND GERMAN II (3 S I 1?) It IC GLOVES, AND SMALL WARTS, And eolleit an Inepecdion of tbele complete and Welt• anorted stook, NaPHOILLIN eltet TED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. tientotials. REMOVAL. ABBOTT, .701--INVE3 cot Co. RAVE REMOVED 'lO NO. ,b27 - MAIIKET STREET, 524 COMMERCE STREET, Below Sixth liatbittg Viobes, Qt , grz. JOHN P. SLOAN'S BATIIING•ROB1 AND CLOTHING STORE, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Where will be found a largo assortment of all kinds o .Ih.T.I.3.TDICE 27EVE6EMIB, for Lames. 0-enleinen Ulises. Masters Children and Infanta. snob as BLO tIBEe, I.I9ANDHIIB and PLAN • N.Bf. 811 f /ad, of all qualities, alzas and colon. To. - gather with every style of BATDI•G BO BEB, OIE, 0 SPB, VIIEIt AND GUM DELTA, PLIPPaItI, OWL 8110E8," TOWDLLING I B II APB,OOLOGNIB,&o, as well es Morning Gowns, for old sod Youog.'large and swill Alto. Gentlemen's brers !Mils. Collars, tins pandert,Gfrves Cravats, Handkerohlefe, Mar- hose, &o. A. large assottinent of BEADY-Af ADS OLOTIIING, tunable for the sewn" Olwave on hand, and for ash) at as low rates as any other establishment 'on the Island or elsewhere, . • • PLOAK alto keeps on heed's lull supply of ita Tanta 2.00 ES .iceGhtt nett. epoT6/ti4 'fiTOEttll, No 800 (fortnerly 271) MAD kin' Street, flee doers above Eigbta eVeet,..p hf ladelphia, which will be ;843 1, 1 .t the moot reironsble prices. fry- Bathing aullettill be hired to transient 'what're at the labors on the Island. • . . Raging made the.lettinfpnp of bathing apparel hie it for several yeara put. the anhamber thinks that hie experience (i/alines him to Ault the taste of the most faatidloSuf. , ‘• WN FfITOY TO PLICASO." , 3 P. SLOSH roottpies the Btore N. E. corns. or ,WAEItUNGTON and DSOATIIR Streets, Ospe !eland, woposite the trotted - litotes Hotel end the anterloso House, where Mrs ,LOAN will here the supervision of A very large endwelt.aeleeted arrortment of ' ,BA.TRING,APPAREE. for Led'ea, Dilates, Children, rod Wants, otecaprfetng Penn's, Polka!, Yokes, Backe, and every other approved article desirable or suitable for sea-batillog. Persons who intend visiting Cape Island eau be an• commadated with bathing apparel at the above store, and thus avoid the trouble a:d expense of Carrying them from a distance. , . . This heist hie eighth season In the Bathtng.tobe bn MOSS. J P SLOAN feels eatt•flid of his ability to p etas permmit in all kinds of garments suitable for Sea. bathing. - Returning sincere thanks for the liberal patronage heratoroie reetivid, he x8'13E601117 soliolts a continu ants, of the came SntiN P BLOAN i NO SOO (formerly 2i4) MARKET 8t , Philadelphia, Han ono of the largest assortments of Bathing Robes in the United R totes. notable for gas bathtog at Cape N. J., Nerrptrt, B. 1., Long Breech. Atloom City, sod elsewhere. JO OW tiefriggratore. WINSHIP'S PATENT BELE-VENTILATING REFRIGERATORS. TWO ONLY THOROUNEMY VDINTILATDD AND KNALTILY 11.111/BIGNRATON IN TH3I INARICDT. EENAID WITS ZINO, AND TUN CASINO BILLID WITH OHARCO4I, Prof 81111mau,ln his regent work on Natural niter*. ph., ueee drawing" or "hie Refrigerator to illustrate the circulation or air by the oombtned enacts of ao d and at, and be says at - Its ...emotion, 4, It is in beant.ftil sews,. witu Natural L4W.T. haring a moire fora otOrtis ti largo.' to ..stiabliab cud maintain an outward constant. current of ay. and oontoquent • ...The eefoß.rator ltar.bbect re4d, sad to htguly recoup ni.nded, qrcoroporo 811iman P. rter, and Thatcher, of Tito 0011r81; prof. Mate*, of flew 'De k; Prof time.. of provfoogeo ; flnalffindOre Gregory, II 8. N ; Dr. If O. Clerk. ult. Par/1101m, of Boston, and many other proornent "dentine men., D, 8, Fernald, Proprietor of Union Market. Brooklyn, says t In an experlecce or twelve years, I IMO OW and been familiar with every style of itertigerator, Stone of which via compote with Winship's. I fled if ventilates correctly, is economical in Ice, and pre. Servislinate eplendidir.ii . • Beery boner keeper who winhee • pure, healthy, cheap, and economical Refrigerator, - should purchase one of Winshiph. Please salt and examine them. Poe eal! by NORTH, CHASE,. & NORTH, No. 200 Ni Alt' BE2IOND STRSIT, And - - ARNOLD & WILSON, lel-211 No. 1010 01112eTN111` STREET. re g al Noting. ifti TAE ORPEUNS' COURT FOR THE A. COUNTY OF POILADELPIIIt. . . . Tinat Estate of JOH+ LAYtLBY. TeceAsed. The Ardltor appointed to audit, settle, and adjtust the arnountof oit YID i.*Pel.BY, now deceased. Trus. tee, it, filed by .701,1b1 W.111.8i1, Administrator of the said DAVID LAP 31,1112, and to make distribution. wilt attend to the duties or his appointment, on Salti Dip'. •be dill day of July, at 11. A. AL at his omces Ito 271. math 118111. Btteet, Phliadelph a. j7ll•mwilt ESTATE OF JOSEPH 'YEAGER, DE. OBABSD.—Lettere testamentary opm the Estate of. JUSSPH VBACt ER, Demised. haring' boon granted by the Itegtoter of Wills of Philidelphla County to ‘• the Girard Life Inontanoo Annuity and Trust Com pony of Phltadelph.a," ollpsrootut ttmebted wttl maim payment, and those haring olefins will prearnt toe Amnia et theornse of said Company. No 408 OHROTNIJ C Street 30H1'.i F. JAMBE, je24.ffitoo Malan% OT.l.O.E.—Letters of Administration. of the Estate of JOHN MATT, tats of Philadelphia deceased, have been granted to 18100 M VAN Hon Ail persons Indebted to said decedent will make pay ment end ell having claims will present the same to the aniperiber. 1811Agt. V 411 HORN. jell set* No. 1660 WALLAOR Street. it-riETTERS TESTAMENTARY to the es tate or JAMB a W. PASUPP, late of the City of Philadelphia, &malted, have been granted to the no• dereigoed i , and all pereone Indeteed to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims or dehsands against the same to present them to alitt ItLIZ6I3IIIPII FASSIVP, Essentsix, latt Pena, near Palle of Schuylkill, Or to her Attorney, SAMUEL U. jell ISt 672 WALNUT Street. HENRY D. NELL, CLOTH STORE, Pim 4 and 0 IdORTIL SECOND WIT= NEW ST 'VMS V &NOY CASESIMEMIS and VIDWINGI3, (For Spring and Bummer wear,) WEOLESALE AND RETAIL ,ao.B:ku t ,t-tf CHESTNUT SPRINGS • WATER-CURE, At 011185TOIIIT L' PHILADELPHIA Oonnty, Pa. for the treat nentof ell Chronic and obstinate dimmer'. This Institution under the obarge of an experieneed and skilful Physician, le now confessedly the leading and moat successful hydropethie establlahment in this oeuntry. Rarsaancies —Mrs. Mart Oottrirger, 184 North Twelfth at eat; Chsrles L. flharpless, Esq , corner 11.ghth and Chestnut streets; George Orant, Beg 888 Market street ; if. Farrington. Esq., of !dyers, Oleg. born, &Co For other ret•renessnnu partion.ano address DR. JOSRPLI A WEDER, • Ititi3IDDIVI" PIiVBIOIAN, CHEMThiIIT HILL. Jen.Aniir eiFOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER TO 'GREAT BRITAIN OR NORTICOII BIIROPR. WM, dee balk Li Z !FIRM, Berm'. now lyinit At Al mond street wheel. Apelv to HARM BRO 4., 121.1.43 t. 19)6 EITHAWBBBBY Street. !won a small Daguerreotype or Arabro a.- one or an absent•or doomed person pm an harm a Ida V. Portrait. a Photograph in Oil Ylelt IGIGIRER'a rtiOrOORaYLIN GALLERY, BROOM) :Greet above °teen ft* Q n 11 P. D-13 (IC WII &T, 100 bushels; Cider ►VieeFor (pure, )et 143 HARKS ecroct, below .E. CON north side. W. P. HENRY. J.ll. ,tav vusixisis FOR MEN'S WEAR. L 4 'Amerloan Linen Oompanrs superior style Brown Linen Boating% X and various shades ; Brown and Bloodied Linen Ducks, various styles; Brown Linen Brills, A amine assortment of the above Gads now m sample, and for sale by 305131P11 1 gst enn nursouramo S. WHELEN & CO., 809 WALNUT 1 2A• Street, punitive sod eell ON COBI4IfB3ION all otoots and Loans in this ally. and the principal cities of that:tutted States, end malto advances on the Berne. Loans on Collateral negotiated. ' t. 8. WIfBLIDN, W. It LILTIE, le2B , efinlfim T WEinLEIN. QHOULDERS-90 RUDS. DRY SALT BIIutILDNRB, joss reoafortd and for sale by 0 0 13 4DLEIt lc on, Arch street 2d door .b ,oe Front V H KE SE . -435 BOXES HERKIMER COUNTY 00.131588, In store sad for sale by .CO BAD Alt & 00 , 33 9 Arch street, Rd coos above Front. SALAD OIL .—BaelgalupPs, quarts, 60 . {or ewe by wirrumitrta. k BROTEINO, 4.4 4. "anvil.. RTUIOND iitPoust Li ONE 40 bbis. prime quality Cuba WAIL Roney per sob? 40011 n for owe by A. ME RINO. 140 Arvetla V RANT qtraat 4.111 SYRUP MOLASSES.-260 hbds and bbls. No. York and Pialludelpbis Syrup for gale by rAmtiO GRAHAM k CO . LETITIA. etrook int] TANNER'S OIL.-220 bbla of Straits and .lIL Bank 011, In store Inn Oar salq by R. B. HUBBARD & BON, mylArei 105 MIA!. Wbaryiks. R _ 10 COFFEB.-1,000 bags Primo and Routing Rio; 150 bus prim* Lagortyra Oodee 0t.1 , . by JA811913 GRAHAM & Llama fan CL ABET WlNE.—Lafouroade's Yore Bor. dem Olsret Wine, of the vintage of 185/ aid 1860 for sale tie D 8 mummer. CANOUROADR A 00., Nn eB6 MARK Wr Atm.* WV-Im* IaVALT t SALT I"—Ashton and Maraball's flue; loyerpool ground; A.htou eE firer Billie Dairy, snorted Meer ; and Turk'. reload, ocieltuntly'on Laud and tor rale by ILLSIXANDBa KURR 82 NOBTa WHAUVZS. hifit nenrante gloipattigo, FIRE INSURANCE. ATM, inttßANom COMPANY , of Hartford, - Nib Assets, Jan. 1, 1959 $1,8611920 OS MANHATTAN' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. of Neve York. Om& Aeeeti. J. 1, mg..... alum/FIELD WIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. Oath Aesete, Jan. 1, HBO 44151Tf4 SO NORTH AMI , RICAN EIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY; of Hartford. Cash Agana, Jan 1, 1889 IRVING FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY, of New York. Oash Jao. 1:1P69 941,884 81 idEBOHANTS , Pin 111811BAN011 0011PAITY, of latztfotd. Cash Assets, Jan, 1, 1869 939,079 88 Policies issued, and losses equitably adinsted and promptly paid, at his Agency, by BOSWELL h WILSON, Agents, No. 216 ,WALNUT BTllBlll'. THE WASHINGTON FIRE AND MARINE X15T817.11,49.157'030 CO7Ad1 0 41.1V1r • IMBQUUkIt BUILDINGS, No. 230 WALNUT STREET, PIIIIADIALPIII& Incorporated In 1857, under the General Inentnnee law of Pe ambrosia. Authorized Capital 6600,000 Subscribed Capital... 400,000 • Paid op Capital 114,800 INTRIMID AB rotanwe Bond and Mortgagee, first 1ien.....4462,170 Bank, Railroad, and other Blocks and Secarities " 64.000 Cash in Bank 8,630 Insures mom against LON OR DAMAO" BT PIR.II ON BOILDINOS, MDROIIANDIBII, 1301:1811110LD 413RNITORS &a. Also, an 0 liaoSB and "BRIGHT to and from all ' puts of the world, and Inland Naviga tion and Transportation, on favoraole terms. 01,7104118. OHAILLIB' G. -IMLAY, President, • WM.. WRIGHT, Vim. President, 0. 0 surLan, Peoretary," U. G. RAMBO MIR. Assistairt georstaryt mak:lons SVill(arit,lmla William Wright, V I. Torrey,. /no. 'Tanner, Wm. B. Grabb, °hulas G. Imlay., Jasper Harding, 0.0. Bsaler, Henry K. enroll, D D. Todeih' Alonzo Batter, T. 11 Ilayes, DSLAWARE NUT UAL SAFETY 4.1= SURANOR COMPANY. ,' ; .' INCOBPOR.4,TBD BY 7HB LEGIBLATUBB - • ' 011101 5. P .P C t E r O e N e N , Y h E ila H d l NlpDhi A a. W ALNUT- MAR/NE , P NBU e RANOR • , OH VRIVIRLII, i - -- CARGO, To all porta of the World. • PRISICHT iktaam noreatelms On Goode, by River. Oanale, Lakes, and Land Outlaws - to all parts of the Union. FIRS% INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &o. ASEISTEI OF TELE COMPNY, November 1, 11158.. . , Par. . -- . .. .. Market rabic 5108,050, Philadelphia Oily 641 , cent. L0an.5105 144 00 5110,000, Pennsylvania State Loans 104,4-5 00 550,000, U. 13 Treasury 4}i OJ' cent.Notee. 20,112 50 250,000, Pennsylvania Railroad Id Mort gage a 4)' oent. Bonds 45,875 00 $20,000, North Pennsylvania 1141 road Mort- , - gage 6Op i t +'onde ... ... .... 12,000 00 515,000, 000 sb,res a • ermantown Has Company, in rest and principal guaranteed by the otty of Phila delphia 14 925 00 $5,000000 snares Pennsylvania Railroad Company 4467 60 . 56,000, 100 sharea North Pennsylvania Raiiroad Company 560 00 0,550, Sundry shares Philadelphia Ice Boat Company, Havre de Grace Steam Tow Boat Company, 13a. , lasing' Steam Navigation Com pany. and Philedelpida Exchange • " Company 1,080 00 8810,700 819,199 00 • Hones end Mortgagee, and Real Agitate, Of 08se Building 71,88335' Bills Reoeivab,e for insurances made 201,608 36 Balance due at Agencies— Premiums on • Marine policies reeentll isened--and other debts due the Companv 01,238 14 Borlp and Wok of sundry insurance Romps- Mee 13,920 00 Cub on &poen in Rank 42,087 85 DIRECTORS. James O. Hand, - - Thoophilus Paulding, James Tngneir William Byre, Jr., J T. Panision, loalana P. Eyre, Samuel E. Stoker, Hen* Sloan James U. li'Varland, Thomas O. Rant, Robert Burton, .John B. Sample; Pittab , g D. T. Morgan," J. T. Logan, MARTIN, Prealdent. HAND, Vice President. stay. nob26-dtt William Martin, Joseph 11 Beal, Edmund A. Bonder, John 0. Davie, (obit R. Penrose, George Ci Lelper, Edward Darlington, Dr. R. M. Huston,' Wm 0 - Ludwig, Hugh Oraig. Spencer tiqlraine, Charles BelieyJ , IL Joni Brooke, lamb P. /ones, wit Li' • 'PROs. 0 =REY LYLBURN,B, GREAT WESTERN INSITSANON &NV UMW COMPANY, ' AHD THE PAIIMESSI ONION INEUDANOB COMPANY OP L'PEIBNB, PA., Having consolidated their basica/a, will hereafter cog, daot the same UMW tbo - name of the GREAT WESTERN LNEURANCIE AND TRUST OOMPANT, Officeile o. 403 WALNUT &rest, (Company's Building,) - PHILADELPHIA, With a combined Capital and available , ASSETS Of OVER rao,ooo, Invested, for the most part, ID Plas7 HOODS And WHIP °soma, bearing els per sent intense% on 111311/01/0H pro party worth double the amount. PINE, INLAND, AND SIAM/ CIADOO -EISTJ Taken on the moat favorable tetras. DIRECTORS. Charles C. Lathrop, - William Darihig, Alexander WMlldin, -X Traoy, Joha 0. tinnier, - Mimes U. Smith, resso Realehund, 0. N. Shipman, J. H. McCurdy, Prawns Tyler, - Thomas L. Gillespie, Charles Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonethan Slocum 0, 0. LATHROP, President, WM. DARLING, Vioe President: JAMES WRIGHT, &motto and Treunier. 0. S. RUSSELL. Assistant Bemetarp. O. N. SELIPIIAN, Second The President, mh27-d&W tr FIZAISCUI 07710111 New York WARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU Ja. RANON OPMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Wave PlaiLtAelphlo. DIREOTORB. Thos. L. Luders, Wm. I. Lee*, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Traitt, U. W. Baldwin, Wm. X. Hamlin; John 0. James, H. H. Ehillingford, L. J. llneknor, 0. it. Bpangler, John W. Baxton, H.S. Houston, William Ralguel, Wm. H. Lore, Urdu Booth, Charles P. Norton, John Garrison, Sasso Alyer. ' E. S. Warne. President,-TECONIAB L. Lt7D.t.r - Vine President—E. B. WARN 2. Banrstar7-011FABLEA A. D 1717 t KERMAN FIRE INSURANOF. 00., ta. INCORPORATED 1810.-0114LBTSII P. PETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Having a large paid.up Capital Steak and Surplus Invested in sound and available Sbelltitiell, continnats lattice on Dwellings, Stores, Porniturs, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and their Carpels, and - other Personal Property. AUL:wee liberally and promptly ad dated. DrillOYOna. George Abbott, John T Leerier, raw Welsh, James B Campbell, Hammel 0. Horton, Bdmnnd G Duttlh, Patriok Brady, Ohae.W. Poultuey, • 'lsrael Morrie. GEOEME ABBOTT, President. 1 11051A8 MARES BeAretary ja2B.•lf INTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPA NY. PRESENT CAPITAL, $lOO,OOO. All Paid la and Invested. This Company insure BUILDINGS, PURNITIJIIII, and MERCHANDISE genersily, againot loos or damage by fire (}round Rents, MortgaTee. Mechanics , Liens, and otherseenritlee on Real notate, will also be epeeiaUy insured, If desired. nzmioiroaa Mordegal L. Dawson, George /I Stuart, John H Brown, B A Fahnestoek, Andrew D. Clash, J. Liviegston &ringer. ORD STARR, Preeident. . : .ratan. .nth FOURTH Street, until pan7 l / 4 Unite log l'a AND WALNUT STS. Ratchford Starr, William &PR ea, Naibro Brasier, John K. Atwood, Beal I'. Trediak, Henry Wharton, B. RATON SNARLS/3 W. 00%e, : Temprary 011 Ice. 152 the eompletion' of the Cool B W 001INE a SOUR mylB.2m QAPEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, ~.", B E. Corner of FIFTH and WALNUT Btroet, Philaielpl3la. Capital paid in (seenrely Inverted) I=o,ooo Bu ea 81,450 Tbla Company having been thorougly reorganqed, le now ready to make Ineurance upon ail kinds of pro perty, mertbandlee. Ito , against LOSB or DAMAO)) BY OISE ONLY, ripen favorable terms. DIBECTOR9. Jamb N. Heater, Eon. B B Cashing Francis Blackburn*, Charles A. Watrotts, Robert P. Sing, Elihn I Baldwtni N 13 English. J. A. H. Haabronelti George H Levis, Aaron Close, Joseph E Btidfold John It Beach, John Prentlee, Matthew Kelley, Edward Wiler, "Alex. 0. Lawrence P IL Birckhead, Alfred Olapp, Henry R. Foote, Wm 01 Forbes. JACOB A. HEELER, President, Timmy It Fronts, Beeretary. PHILADELPHIA, Den 234, /868 91HE E MART MORRIS FIRE INSU AARON 00bleANY 00 PHILADELPHIA, 409 WALNUT dTHERT. Thle Comp my Insures against Lessor Damage by/Pre on Paoli° and Private Buildings, Furniture, Stocks of Goode, and Merchandise rocerallY The following provision ID the Policies of this Oom pany guarantees their security when assigned as a col• lateral: `i Thin policy shall not be Invalidated, or in any wide affected, after tte acalgamont aa a collateral &amity to a g onod•rent, or mortgage, and the approval of such aaalgoment by the °Mee, by any transfer or conveyance of the mortgaged premises, by the owner of The name." DLREOTORB: Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooks, John linboe, Robert (Mork, Dago 8. Waterthau, Deeld Salomon, Bdeard G JAMBS, William Vanderreer, Joseph Janney, - Theodore Copier, Joseph R. Collins, [Samuel Cantons. PAUL T JONSN President. VANDSIBVE•B, Vise President. GiLHISRP 8 STBRLING, Seeretary. m)7-t( TuBPHILADELPHIA,QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, P. FRANKLIN Di3ILDINGS,. Na. 4O WALNUT ®fleet, IH.;T:•_ .:p. I. Paid up Capital and Surplus VP24,851 42 °Watered Capital 500,000 00 Ingoarea against lose or damage by Flee and the perils of the Sea, Inland Navigation, and Transportation, on. the moat favorable terms. Lowee promptly adfnated and paid. DlllllO7OllB. George 11. Mart, D l 9 Halley, E. P Rosa, Andrew P. Chambers, A. C. Cattail, Castries 13 Imlay, Jelin 4. Dale, 11. R. Coggehall, Poster I. Perkins, Samuel Jones, lien. 11. lA. Puna?. OPFIOIII9. GEORG'S U. CART, President. R. P. Ross, Wee President. U. R. CORGBUALL, Secretary and Treasurer. 8. It. BUTLER, Asst Amstar,. nal • . . . V - ANE I Y-4 j'oblbiglotry 'Roue" Ateom.n. wbo eau loaatona alltot-olom Routbe or,Varle- Mare., with teal moo sod , rote. MEL fox; I Phu/1191phi* P. 0„ QITETATAVIT-WANTED—Bia yoaag man; u Ps - Daly/II Or Altridapt 8c , 0v4e.0 r brag malliroduars o , :thiltead*Os OnmccusTelW.Coilda*: sad Cap furniels Arit•alresbttduerx rermax.s. to —_- 41. 1 W 4 1 1,1 I:I*NINGEIM. , - ito '6O slOttiiolfD Sareot:zostestan. 873,239 OW WANTED p(Ottier (or:::otheridie) In the - Beeolog of Ootho4O 3 - :"with Too 'Channel In oilers (mortal,- Business already_ setebliele ed. irgaire Na 127 WALNUT etreet. J79sMr• 388,860 08 TAN TX D—.A. SITUATION , BY v SOHNO MAN at noels , kreperor 010E10 13$11 prattleal knowledge of Double Bran. Book keeping';. connive the beat of references. Address: Bro o 1, Hemline P. 0 f Pa; . j 8,3.4 b VIVAN.TEDL—AN ACTIVE OR SP OTAL v PAD Tli gikorith I capital of $O.OOO or $20,000,t0 loin parties weiti same mneasuj 01 ,cestibriesse. In an au ttblisbed Dry Hinds Jobbing House Satisfactory in dm:laments will b e offered, upon addressing. , Conedeuret , at the 0 Lille of this paper. - Ebllmleipbts. July 9, 1069., 1.9.8 t A N EXPERIENCED BOOK: KEEPER EA. desires an engsgern&nt in a idercantila bons*. First -alms retaien.e given. Address i. Prelatical)._ Box 1044 P.O. j,9 WANTED -6.. sitturtion Book-keeper. The aittertiser bee been a tessher in one of the Bret Own ons.eisi Oolieges in tbis aty for four 'years. To any one in want of a ooloimAent mem to Ukes charge or a set of book., a tars Warm is &Horded. Ad. dress 8 H t 9., this GAG*. „ 170.604 WITANTED TO EXOEUNGt for improved fom 160 acre of excelleny tp PALM LAND, r located inlnoarnbrenoe, Gloucester Oo ,s New Jersey, The Railroad. from Gamlen to Bridgeton, thorny to be laid paasee within a short dletance of the lend. For further particultte address J.../1. 3 (Maio, “The Press P Stir Sale am) dea TO RENT OR. .FOR SALE—An eligi ble DtreHint• Home :opiate - with modern con veniences. No. 87 North ' 81,817114TH Street, Wow Audi, Bent 84;0 per aiumna, require of JOHN (}RIG(}, . Je9-6teK - • , • 226 weamur Street: , DE4IRABLE - !-RESIDENCE AND 'ornan tuft &MILL-The- Subseribirrffers for sale his residence and Gitioe, No 703 8A2,0011 Street The dwelling house is Impanel with vie lo all the rooms except the attici; hot and cold water in kitchen; teemed 'and child stories ; ,excellent furnace endiunge,, bath, &a , &a. The allow, heated on the s ear tittle lot, rem:ther ,m awl' with en entrains frees Be 'nett, street, t. lighk - afry.• wail bullt,and'faridehed with permanent, book shelve. end atoisets , Pi* aprontestoarl ma; the, Natation le a very deeirnble one; while tbinittiresepi, ration for all busineee purposes et the cake and 'dwell , log, combined with their local prositulty, add osier to the COATlMifallee 111:11nomfort of the - remnant Or term, Ito , apply to COOKS LONGS rantl, - be•titte , „ „ Np,703 SAI4BOII Street. .0 MO. lIIHANOL-Ttie Steck; ale and Tlxtnreie of a' Retail Dry eotxte &we . , one of, the Ind lei:Lanese Intaftoni 4 ,jbo /tor_ farther pertlen'nee, sooty to V. - k., Peace - 180c • Poeneeelon giver immed'ately: -" 2 • ' ifB4loo . TO LET=Feoond atoryi. of „No. _lB ~o rtb 'FOURTH Street, one of the beet tontines, wstom conren.eneee, rto. Applp to °SOWN ABBOTT, on the premises. , j) 74f I'OR BALE—A Manufacturing Business complete, withiniebinery, tools_ ha .Tee Artie* has a ready sale, and an unlimited oomumption, pattloOlars, addisecortee real name (none othrre len! be attended to,) MANU,AorITRHB , Ledger Obi jy7.6tsf VOR SALE— Steam Engine of • three. horse power., with woof. • slob!. oat off. jr3.6t* TROMAS STEWART, " Vo.lB MARE B'B Alley, Second below Bade; TO LET Oft THREE , MONTIfS.r. gelt Prmatehed Cottage, eitnated on the Germantown _Railroad, with five ebambere; two sittteg rooms, parlor, dinlng-roong.Atitolten, wide entry, het and 'cold water, range, bath; gas. stable,. coaelt•honee, large garden, with troubled of vegetables friths ground, ever7thlog furnished bid bed•linen. Comumnioations 20 _times a day with the city Apply to J. M. tatt,M.MBY. & SON', 610 w.Lvur threat. - - je2B-51te 14fielg, in alum to nit 501000 applicants, it won Diamonds, Waning; Entry, Enna; idetcliandies, Clothing, &o, on .mode non terms, by JONBB Ot, CO., Brokers, N.' W. corner THIRD and G &BRILL Streeta, below - liombard. tabliebed for tha bat 3 pima.' Olden boon from A. Di toIP 11. - • Oecond•band Gold and Elver -Watehee,", by enlient welters, wamnted genuine; for ale aeon ; at one bait the nrional coat. • apag-endf DaA,Frs—On the Union Bank of Lon dna, and Royal Bank or Ireland: in =mato init. Tor soloby WELLS. TANGO, & 00.. ' 1018-Orp* • 400 CHESTNUT titres.' X 090,804 70 AT&O.OIT WITH BO AHD—One handsome V. snits of roams second story; parlor. ohlunber, aid dressing room. tither apartments. separate or Gem , ninnieating ; one single roam. at the well-known resi dence, an. ea Son h rIXVB &NTH Street; above Cheat. nut Persona taken transiently daring the summer months No cb , ldren in the house at present. Ref Terse to this Mae bgetS, BOARDING. -A fewsingle gentlemen,- or a gentleman and wsro. can be accolaavidated with goal room sad 0 catalog boa 'ding, on reasonable fa a theireele location. -Apply at 81:North TINSMITH treet.above Filbert •• - - ' jyB Bt* - FTGLA.L•I SIENTS - desiring first-class- Board maa can be acommada , ed with tine gorge iceme -at 925 WALNUT &met, (formerly the tealdanosar G. Ddisai, Eiq) - - ' iymt* TWO. R3OALS: may be had in a pleasantly situated farn-honse s in' Minter county, eintst mites mom Weat Oh.ater. Appy at B'l nANBOBI &mat; between MP lidnri all nod 8, and 8 and 8 P. 81 ,j,B I,2t* ' COUNTRY BOARDlNG.—Pleasant Board can be obtained la the village of II bOILDOWN, Chester county, by a:doming the Euteoriber; ' jy4 1t ate HANNAH F. BatkinllNG--Ele g ant and airy Room, &ogle din Ranee, ono be bed wi:b ' &Wanes }Lard for the Bammer at 1316 WnI,NUT entiWir. , ,., Jyl• lm East anb Sattitb:' LOST.—Commissioners' Scrip for Four Shores or Ibn 0 nicomrwriuN BANK STOOK, InstLe4lo the orgaeof N. d FAIBRBEI.' JOHN LOI9STRITri. bl•fro4tit SOT Worth SIXTH Street -Potts. U dal 1111rn Opotts COLORED TARLET&NS. White ani 'Bright Co`ore of wide Tarlettne For protection from Moe. _ 0 4 10-4 Winagnitoliettinge in white And bright colon' 811ARPUE88 ABOTHIRS, botif OfiE3TOIIIT and Effiließ Streets CHEAP LAWNS. OloSlug stock of Lswns and thin Drsts Goods at low prices. 811AIIPL1811 IMOTHIES, )J7•it 01:1318TNLIT and BIG NM Streets LIMBROIDEBED MUSLINS. - White Swiss Mulles in a great variety Ot dots and figures; for Bemoan Wear. FIGARPLEne BROTHERS, jyt y -if OBESTNUT and BLOOM arrests. 111TLY, 1869111 J Pine Preach Dram Goode at bait prig* l i I We have just °Ward out, from an importer, FOR CAM.' Several lots of excellent geode, Which we will sell at less than - ONE•HALE THY' Ra:GULAft PRIOR! Also, the balance of our regular stook of RANGY eILES, BAREGIed, Le-, Le. French Lace Flosolonainiel. French Lace Pointe, and Hantillss. Ohantilla Laee Goode, in great variety. Rich Black Bilk Mestere, very cheap Travelling Dodo e, In different materials. Bummer Ocoee. for Men's and boys , wear Linens, Linen liandkeroblere, Beni.towels. Le., La Pitloo-009 , 78, Thole covers. Stand•covere, Ito., and a full etcok of Domestic Goode. _ TROItNLfY a CIIISM. V. D Hare,, wisß - TH & SPRING OiIIITEN. jr2 WD BUY AND SELL FOR OASH. • VAIINTLETS,, GMINSLETS, GAUNT LETS.—A. very large asentroent of Gauntlota for Le,dlee , and Mbytes , wear, for sale at HOillaNN'S EIO+INItY BrORN. 9 North EIGHTH Street. Notary for Ladles. tad fdleees'. wear, ilosiery for Canto' and Youths' wear. Tor Bale at 110ittilateN , 9... HOERNItY STORE. 9 North EIGHTH Street. - Ganes aferino arolergarmenta of every variety, For Wire, Children, and Genre wear, for sale at 110 PM aNNII 1108INftr S COBS, , No 9 North EIGHTH Street. fIENER REDIT OTION ' IN PRIOI3 LA OP BUMMER GOODS as canal at this season. Super printed Chillies reduced to 12X and.l9 cents. Barna Napoleons to IS 20, and 25 tents. By gainsaid Poll de Onevres. Dame Robes from $7 60 to 25 SO. , 15.50 to $150: " " " 00 to $5OO, Ibo., ke. Lane Pointe, Mantles, and Picaolomires tvl reduced. %Wit% Ground Organ klea Mug mots. White Oround Drallants reduced to 10 eente. Site neat and medium atyle Preach Lawns. reduced to ID cents, ,ko , Ao. Wide Whit+, track, and Mode color ,• .Bereges, for nitwit!. Mantles, .0.0. India nhawle ID variety. Dank Bilks, Dish Linens, nutting Plalde,lto. OMARLDI3 ADAMS, teas want( EIGHTH and Anol3 streets. 61 Oa LACE BOURNOI7B WITH zle • Capes, Points anti Mantillas, (Aleneon,) all at rad aced prises to close the season, at the SIANTILA.s MPoRITtat. 703 011111STNITT Stmt. FRENCH LAMS BOURNOMI WITH 111 Pill, Points and &taut( lax, Mandl ay.) In grad, proftiaton, at re duced prices, to close the pawn% at the PARIS SIAN CILIA EMPORIUM, 708 OUBBThUT 111,A0E, AND WHITE DaREGII OLOaTili AND Dnatere at reJneed pr oee, to clone the ee.son, at the DANIS rdatiVlLl,l Etifirr 703 1:111113TNNT attest. BUMMER CLOAKS AND DtirTEbß., in an infinite variety of hwbr,o, at red ooed pno•e, et the PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. 703 01111: 4 MUT Street. The whole of our otock la now I ff.rlng et redacted prices ; preparatory to the clone of the peMon. J. W. Pflual'utt & CO. jyl 708 OEIVSTriIII` SEASONABLk— B4reges at 11 et cod. $8 Berage Bobeeat $5. Xxoelleut 25 °eats. Black Ileragee, 31. cent. Btu& , r•pe lusreta worth 88. Thin Dress Goode all reduoed. COOP leR & CON altp. 028 8. X. corner NINTH and HAMICET SERVICEABLE— a7 ng Drees Gonde redneed ' ilbeeas, Mixtures, Stripes, • Dayaderes, Browna,,Ohene Figured, Dm. First-rate 16% sent Lavelle's Cos 14 cents. Suellen% Blank Mantilla Bate. - 88 styles beet neat end gay 12X vent Lawns. GOODIiTt S DONARD. 'Je2B B. Loonier BIBTII and MASHY BEAUTIFUL— ' Band Black Slililliantillal Relit good genteel elylefit4 25 . Franon and Chantilly Lase Mantles. Lace Points, Barge Punters. coopule k CON&Tip, Jen . S. E. °mar NINTH and WOW 811 'IAMB -126 q RCS. EXTRA- SUGAR GORED COVORED HaliB paeked by Gardner, Pluppe & Co , Henry Law a, dello Slow, Helmt & Wood, Beatty & Toptoott, and °therm 'Bar br • ' G. 0. CADMIC : it. CO., j y g mot: attest, uct door aboye Vont Mantit Boarbing wlcsgt.cnts. - -- • , PENNSYLVANIA:.*CprIirr- trio Tall PINE MOM: i 3 -- • I.oll6,oLMlTlllaisrsirgyo mmeload;) :mi.. D 1. Kr.; 6 P.M Adagesion _Mc , .01614v01l twin' 12 Mil Metpops.miuiotolhw- - abeays aettoi,k;:ntitllisitl4 lgolOris fi'6611;16; ft- Acta4emy it an. Milikk. 100. - IIIoWNOUGH* (ALWLIF3- r -lia9e , OU*, Tux GRini triatutoitrz, Tom GR.R•T 11118 fr AYDIN. . , WIALLMfiIIDIOWPID,'PERTOBILIIII,- - W0R1.03 - 11111NOwniD W Pzitirosigsmi,- = - 14ViRt. ant, Motley bIGHT.. • • '• _ . o.lsEar;lbiedir , vmspr J• 24 -..6lll4T.itleAllyp!AT - • • .• • Liessmvs: OHMIZEtrRA.-4( Rims. g-s -Line lianottater that they haieltiested theit; Offinewt'llar sacei LOCUST, 5T1L16.14, where eitialipenavite pestle made ea - grxoifrifbni. -- r - a tag to 47.,p17.45i0N „ TO AT ANTIC Crrr, , ON WSDPISSiLY irixf.,,,7uis - la; - 111811 MI 4111111*1111# 9/ 1. - PititiANZUEOLUO Lcpoi, m0".16, I. Tiotet.,ll.2l; Children hell prim " •` -. l' - Leave 'TINS Street Wharf et 6 eeloelr, A. linty.- Saturate& Lerma AyLAIITIO OITY et 6 611 - - bli•lit • -- , i lr aw r ak 'FOß 0 1,t. P.E - - • ' °NEW TOE[, ' DAILY, (( ell:opted - 1149)` oVolli f R.% TILL TIUPS TO Ont. MAX ON OLfellyilli, Steamers DNIAWANII, Ciptain Cower,' BcOTON, Captalw Bellew . ' • . • " =NNW ONO, Captain Hand, „ • Nona • Daily Line between this sty , Ce ps '• Nay,' aint New Toth; leartag from hut Pier below liprnee *Week On nIINDAYe, for CAPE NAY only, 8 L. - , • • • - 10.Bruurise, •- Leave New York, (OnaitiOneicleteillao "01KM. ,' • " • Cape Nay, Wine' ' - • - 841' N .•` ' Pare to Now York, Catiqi."' ...... ........ ;• 02'00 • " "-'• • Steers & • I'66' Pare -to Cape Mn,, looltdaig Carriage Hare . " Stirritaltil - TO " " - !weed Ticket, Oarriagi Bye • , t - iltate „1. CO - Freighti for Nair York and lisps 'Nay gLIOW ratea, Goode destined boyaild pew, TO.k 18‘& , Warded with , drepateh.lresi of rozeraiailei • ..••••:- 814 said 816 tenth' TOICAWAZZ- *43,1N11,1,- - OAPs MA etherwrii; ;- Daring the I. kinsan; stnekinlewal Ny e an BnidainOtt lintv#) - 01evii , OnPn Mal; Monday' knoraniGlitS n'etOek 'JnlKritt . - • ORRElltitri!_ - $ tiotfatiotrat•BALLOODO-Cototw: W: Whilldin, or 811,164, Oaptois - Taiisri,lwrOlelhook. stroet ohof ovary Wotaing.-at OX F o'clock, ' swept*/ y - ragm.. s eri bI THIa Me wino stake 1 - 4,41112w0 z stow* sowoooodationola botch` 'migrants are sot oawild la , TED MI bbotOil , - Fors to the Yolood 01. - " Serlowto• •- " rr ' Boum Tyrotolastziogo nines, Rona; and Trait t. (amines,;wll . at 'the tutor Sintinifiti*its . EitOstlfg: W7 1 1. - SX, ;: - ,'.'ri9,oKgaffr'W.t.i.- aws..- CAP* Id GAISID,Ii itqii (hi** howls hawing teen :stela,' faraishei. =KT opre tweet., essson. The atitieoribtr lotrirtels- hie numerous trial& and the public that hit hilt elpebeitelde gelltattliat;' - where may - be public ell Iherdellesaiet gib* 441 4 011 1' served up in a superior owner.' siippth 4 with ',- oysters, tuttle• clam 'soups; alio =mapper! pare..; for Dirties. shows estytt.oeat of Ignore .* 41 , 111.. ocuaatently On brad . The mostikilfet woke , ging waiters: Citaitint iIOBASToIti; • it 9 2 2 t - - . kroPOOPIN- J 1 amilisr IiOITSC; 0/.PB 7-=}lU3t'ititlit 13413)13 This Boni. 'mg jlessiuttly altintid, in clan orestanitio lb* seneh: Ileum opeiti for:the nreseptiOn or large, moist dld lava in' heat of' ate' Obi e shade, good room .exti talie, reader Itibe most Moshe, ble plus) on the II emit: - Attacked tolhO prnmees Ilowilox reboot and IlarbefEhop, - =;_ QEA-SIDE BOARDING . *f Artilatttka OITY —Persons dotard - tutor spending noeitiZtisie the son shore. - are, invited 14 the enteteriberin tisetestl." the :sierra sttens.and Isteeovsnesse at thirAablerAj The h..teiehinthe en refueshed, end isTeryoontrinsienne , .' tnpaied for the Onntole to omens. roe - bit term: lerthst intornstlon aat Ie ILIA et Se/16 en. street. third plc* its et* .I_l OUST ON' 6 , lINITBD lITATBS 130114 1 . 1 , OEPE -MAY., This Bastions end tannin leant Tieltettilet dfayhae leased Into the lisallt of r-- s- COL-SAW:ISL" HOlrel . M: (taw of Bun &i City Hotel,) , end will ballpoint oven to therpnblie env _MONDAY; the 2 0 :h tiiit. - - - • Tlie lon; etlveilevoitCthe Colowel is thli. non vsetilarly me Met tot tlis easossefelhindleting got Spahr & home, while ho will tallttpponed by the- very . but aids, in every Oepantesat ) , *stun be votenudt-,- _, The hone hu been entirely rassiested,-and neeorattet , In the molt gorveone meaner and 4izangesseite nude= for the enpplyhtiv of the' /erati - enAthe ; _wine sollent with all emen wed la the terms atibilleetial entllnSatial. We tan tattle steles stetter* to, lasi the Camel WI. I. sod ; inapt that hie belt or illards,Will . bit lisatl,T creased before the sea s on tenieir, _ , jy0441 SEA ILTIONAL - HALL; • f OdPII IIIfAND, NAPA S.T. N. ThEs One, bum and arty; hooss ILI:IOW °!)N for Hatters. It Is distal/lashed for comforj.Ndartr.disd superior secoannedstoStOritli saldirrooti &elf*, per sons. - Term moderato. , ' - _ _ , jed& 6w, .4dRON 'NkRRI ram, Proprbdor.,.... - - I OLG BLit/El ito,u - s'L- 'oppribitif ' TCONERTON, eldand,weli Wm," [row* is now oiled forthe reneptiona r of eisiteriLlteintS been metin the beat condition; 'and,:considersbie provementd made. ' The enteeriber pledgee himself that:, notbingeball be lett undoes thatirill add to fiect'ecnu. - fort or pleasure of his gneets A - s this piste it en wall known that it is unnecessary to anymore. The under. • signed very reepsetratly sidridtetkopatruitcpsol all bit old friends, and the poNto in genital. • Tanis Piper week. ' - • , P. Miasicir: ' Captain Wm. Gaeklll run a bAILf BOATS from ATLANTIC CITY on and afteri_JUNN 85th, to connect with the morning train Stain Vlitiadel= phis There will also be s line hi.= Marl! POTNI at the name time. Yartiee eights% to limns prwriOns tp that time.- will please ti is athe subscofter in .ad. tunes, and shoat will be sent to:meet, th. m - at either pleas -' icl7-fMieles NDALUSIA HALL - wi i be Nliaiti:opbned CM. for the accommodation of those who detire, to mate their home la the oonetry daring the Sommer se.soo,iu the drat day of Jane - It isplessanty on an eminence one mile to the 'north of - Reeding, as the Philadelphia and Pottsville Turnpike, and ttota_its elevated political bits the benefit of commandleg • roll vie* . Gifts earrowading ecoarda7..from, Plaveneirat Hill up to the Blue Mfiontain Gap, a distance of mom; thirty miles. The fresh eotiata7 air wh,oh is ameitantly, stirring there, and the excellent water, recommend themselves. The proprietor has taken pales to poirdel every comfort sad' luxury ' within his reach-for the aocommo Pion of his guests. Gis totem Is new and aewly tarnished—hie bathing separates complete, and hie stabtir g good. Livery secommodations of the beat kind oan be obtained at the shortest notice. .Tertint moderate YAM= O. easnsrew, Proprietiar. , • , . 911.11 E OCEAN. a Tye itibsartbor will open Ms Hotel for the Mop' Lion of eleitere an the 20th JUNG - ,- Millalt ,HOWLIIND, Long Einuyat X. !I._ J•11-fmwlm Metticittal. NOTHER PROOF OF THE WONDER-- ti VOL SPPROTB OP 'PROXILIa • L a Jul 7. O. Mr. W Teosutd.—Dear Sir: —I eb y een th t roubled with the " NEUR#LGIA I, for the leer 14 rears, and have nalldred the most 'excruciating pate, compelling me at tares to give up my business entirely. I.' std not eat, and sleep wee a slrsager to my eyes • I suf fered more then for gee can tell I had the advice toed old of various physician, sad used other remedies, but ail of no avail. Ravioli. notteed 3 oar advertimmentiu the papers, I tonaluded to call en a person whom I had learned was enrol. of a ease of 10 _some stmidint - He applied the SALVISiI but ruse, and I felt immedi ate relief—a seemed applicialloo -removed the stain *li thely, end I now feel like a differaet man. Sinew then I bare slept well—domething that Limeys not dome for -months, being obliged tO , situp all- night in a chair: My sprat-terms returned, and I feel mutant to you for the restoration of my health..— • • MAULED E BUCIB, Tobacconist = CAREW.. Straleti above WOOD, Kensington. /Or aalla..arttataaala and retail, at ti W a.nruerglXTß tad PARRISH utittete, and it T. B OAIXENDIII dr. Ots. , a, N. W. corner ['bird and Walnut do. ' apto iP FIRST IMPORTATION tr CIIIILTRNEIAM MINERAL SALTS. Just arrived per Ship " Lanosster an terrace of the above celebrated Salts, from the Spas of Obtain ham, Ragland. Pereira in hie Maeda' Medics. page 222, Mono, mends them for Diseased Liver, Dropsicei• Complalote, Habitual Constipation, Hemorboide, DetermtnaVOn of Blood to the Read, &o. This is the only genuine arts. ale In the atty. For sale Wholesale and Retail, at CROITIANI 4; CO'S., No. 45 South FOURTH Street. IFS DROPS-. Jua 'THS ORE ST 11.14.11 EDY FOR- je6.mwf•tt DIARRENEC Oiled P 8 OR PAINS ot sTOKLOR OR BOWELS, CHOLERA MORSOB, INCIPI ENT iiTAGES OF CHOLERA., OHO. LIO AND KINDRED DIREARES. • This le no new med eine. It has been thoroughly tried nod tended o=lo years, aed proved to be the only sate end perfectly reliable medium) for these diseases now before the nubile. It does not constipate the bowels, bat effects a radical and immediate an he those'serere cams that other remedies do not reach, Serer. tramps and reins to the stomach or bowels cured by one or two done of 21 drppa It 20 minutes It le squally efficacious in all stomach or bowel difficulties. Toe rOUOTTiog Is a Sample of the testimony we arc daily teething C0L4111 , 170, Mira Majr 16, '1862; have used the Life Drupe put up by Trail & Stow, for Dieulces, Caoho, &0., and cenelder,ft the moat valuable medicine in these camas I have ever known. Last year I would hare been willing, several times, to have green $2O for a vial of your Life Drops. Please let me hear from yen immediately, and do not fail to send me tome of the Life Drops J011.11 , A1 AL L, AI D. Farther abundant rout* are,Ju the bands of al l agents Prepared by 'IIIi , LOA - &I3VOW, 43 DOWDILY, New York, and sold corerVitts id at 25 cont. bottle. P. G., OLIVIIft, on tetTNIIT /Meet, ronier B hOAD, General Agent for,Philedeioni , msBo it met PM tbucatialial. HANNAH MORS-AnAHEMY, A 831111N 4 8Y POS YOUNG L a pin WILMINGTO*{D•L p r i n apale, Osseo s•ncorra and 1 . 8 . A BELLA, sad A. H. GHIIIIIDAW, lid-, UD. The next sessional this Institution will nommen( • on the Dist MOIIDAirte teptimber - Poing Liaise rewire, in this ashoot, a complete e‘- nation phyiditsi, moral. and latellootual. ThirAradimy is well prorr.d -a with Philos( pineal sod ;mato Physiological r Idonals, Napa, , Diagralus, Models ' for Drawing. add- Saw llusieel'lnstrumetts. Disrobe in • oommodicus play house promotes the heath of the Mai , - - For Circulars, apply to the Principals, or to'-Morn,. Buttock & orenshaw, Stith and Arch streets . . Phiteeel. phis Mr. J. B. Chandler, Nos 306 and sos ,Okettimt street, or to Mr. Wm P,octor, Jr., Dnigrat. rin ih and Loral:laid streets While )yFLPfltl 4q' YALNY. tla 20'16.8.1 Co At Jur delpla a a, l - 8. 0 mea rn er c SW m M m TH - a l n o a O tt ß d Y i S t TNITY Ia. ; New York, Buffalo, Olerralatul; and ffkleaka. Torte. fornialluo, mill or send for Clairdene. . re,d-tf • 044/AR& SODA.-100 kegs for .sale by 1-14 WSTEBRILL k BROTHS!, Noe. a mot 49 N. 131190:4D stavet. U. A. 134.T60111: M=gl