The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 15, 1859, Image 1
310,1ie • ,4110M91 10 144“ 1 00040x400 1 00':' 4 , 741. 1 . 0,41 , :- - .2 , 4'; • Ir • • " r * l 0/4144,/ . 0 0+4 11 1 til& ,-;;DOLLAss .worAimair anon j !Wen Doeune,rollt3,k -,2100`221151101tif /414 1104440140:1*Asfino14 ...54550-ent; of Ins -.:2t7 et " llniens 1001ssalit.sifuelaykerl:;";[, , ; , ,. :161ininr01-be'sset•OS' Onbeertiero 10. Aim OW 111164140414114 41p Awe Cegtee. t.- 1.4 . oo "100,11101.„,,_.•114"-. .... ..... 12 00 •144-4.414 W lUl—ZmilkbleN4).;,2) Ihros coirmic ill , - 41,4 - • ii`• • i - 1.4r,* •4; ... •• ;" Vtlikttir,l, ll 4T .1"110".1 1i P ia *! I liftS22lo2tittiogitai•vot any ilinpreasie,strieseit es Agents for 12,0 ,1 1,1 r kessep ',0* ,1 4:404 1 004; .:Aesss2 ." , 205iklibilf.t7i - 101111 - lOr 'lbso t Cofisiridi - - • - - ste tOnteil itigmoti 0 "'OraligTS'' • • - ,`...1:'(..Lt 4 •-.` - ' 4 lllO Zr• ...PAIL Sit•pitC" GOV aem4 l l - i s ? -- I so - 46 C6Ne- 7.r . 7 ,!!'er# " ig 41 - p fa ut sf ' so *Tsui' Led ror oto r 4, , 7 ,1 - WORE; IN PHIL ADDIS:IEIA, ; :P.g.BLE RUMS '01 . 1.4. IPAGNES. , • letiatiatahlerifrt here aktialtS 4 ata sfraFt!' 6 /, the ttottid lUDs and Cenede tor of the Oklaliattraa Willi at maiww. -- ,lic•UrAti 00110 •& 0D.,. Ohitoud •• sw-Nero,~7fiinee. titifit LA 'FERIAS • MID Ittrillik no !. titt9i 'nisi is 48 efimma,ll,nrie sad trot tiiKawthritaia4ol••••resmatiAt wit• soy tfd;#l.oill4k** , - - t.; baautifut , thi„trifra. 1 4 421 ;alit Oo a SM ia i i uisp i ie i b psh. ib i t t s t s i p 'i u r g a ,od l e d I = n a n p l cf ts tl w la i e t s a ` h e r ' i i e l i i : a t ' s o, } f s i» . ~~e a r ' so ' } ,`,catithet ih5 , 4 4 ,4 4 4 1 4 10'4i/fir, #44,101114,1109091,441j?a!, . ' 114 hip, 44 l 66 : 6 o l w,:leilPtriP , /Olt 4t, 4 00 1 : 11 4, lite.:&.`o4-4 AWA - 440 1 .4 - RINICCIni. , t•M ciakawiwa*. in feet I , tiskik*li w• efolita• 1414'4*. 480ay. 4.1111110, 110 Tart No. isvuommeauitii 111 W TORIC. . TM Moro Wier outykorktittortfro 'frOtiwtme - plant Plutedi)phlo , • t - t- • logo; OLuatmv_W i1i0.",1114*;44 LTioxis H. nettairiteol'llE Doan Tinfiriaticlllll asst., awes; rim 'lP:remiss* 04,4111.-rktat 1. MA" 011114 Osl4llGlll49l4irroatit. ; 14.1tiktectir &AS * se 4,-146‘14614 ; 1 4woor*sissimi,e 0 T Mat' at it. g Teconiiois 4/Intizehilittiktr Anat 0t1 . 4 4 WI friavur, Ofrostrot iti.; nu t mitts lc Htnesw Tor eltldr; kw& ammo; ego. aeon! /114 Rotr.4lll -WARM arse}; Ws. italmpor.ll.,u;4,ll,lsa!nitli Third at. - 'Also at tkifektoirtai ifolsiiv friiiiioltfrook ; frimitair; &LOC Dia,D'iliirito. tea lissaiVA.Toeraiiilik:-TioriniNir B. 04pfras..*. , Oar;allumiumm. , Here., 0 Mail" BA tiO 0E10 , 14% ..71 , .-MM.-4.1"f1a ;ter plii:lliON-0314001414;4110.- - .• • :6 1 4' it fre,'" sop Olt Ili: '11"0 t , Mlo' 150:4 4 . 0 P4a DAPft.t. WATA - MNITI, , „., • . :, •c , • 1. 1 4141. 1 ,. • - lU.Petalfaiirlata! P 0244 :k • , • ' 2 , - f coiriTAA - lionassiOnz,. . - 91- F :444 1 # 11 ,XW1 - 3 ,)Aylooxpurarourt.,, Cr- kiragOkt*E4 Vt:tg,*_NNWf OiXraira :r l3 4"Pti*. BOIL= iiiwriul imoosim, SOIL= •.1111117r/1313.111011q *47r04, . 155 t t :AS:4 1 0t$ ,' -Amitaimatmatrita.Nage., - 1!-• t 10* 0:904; 00 0(4 1 #4** ' ll l5P' _WATIL:EV ritarlinnitialle AND, - -, OS-Pme 't - Tiftl . NTT tiatlll Dilann; toriVeilkOlk 4 ' 62 :rabic omit ninfastetrisa .;• -5 r - • 1121,1carAGES;r ' ' i;6l,44torisct4so:4on) u4161+0 1 811111*,; stt, IW- 7 4„- GARRIAGgs.- •• -- • Atuoiormont. urnii - Lat 111,1P051TifiRT 1599, , 111# 1 4;Bialtak . ion' ± 7,1 g.-4* - • in"' WHEELS: WILSON OEWINEk PIA.OWNEI4 earitaito,-iat'ottietv toi'sseent we, sod tar 112 .0 1 . P1VE 111 . 6 ,10 4 44 0111 4 AP' PAIIMIPAI I 4 I , NIT-1,f74217Z.8:021110P1PTF eliptuit Stret r iiiibiehtilda , • - ;; Olv*Ol otis ;Wm 'haw* Isyst,Tnn ILton, J. ti/P1 ,1 , iftrit4SiStiTa: . IDWA ROBETIM; WQMs_tginks 41.4. . MP 1 4" 4eramero Oflortoelit be opeambiiiiiartjiollimi; bt Ro4.l4l;4llentorki4l46oMt 4 t; Otins. - - ; MARjr,.4POIE, 414. A) ' Mum irilitailootr fl rad . fe s Mum 11446 **Did . 001- 11 '4 46 1 0 f. dil l 0414" Ur mita gOs l ll i 04 6 : °S . P;o94lo 6ll 4• 64 wit4kPall**Wamlit, Iy tthoit discopticrt, the itmplegt no ate` wistriefthi •,67 sii4loll=l be. visiiiiinumr9•44o fipullA *mull" y'pi! et sir. pf ProNM l l,oM,9f.K:ggelh,!“-,rai , 20.12904 M motomiosiCry wlofbor..lwipootriomm from Orrmrimlotrono, limoirod stamimo ppr skutt PlAnat!firffewkithro l tt r # o 4:o 6 l -1. irsatoPiiMenoamm Is zeiefilagatt is vow biomes fudirillUoffostomif :MUZZY DOLLAR,., • er 14411111102,11014,111DVIDISIIIMIDDI DWI ODD Aiopt,,, 7,1,1,0,4 : IinfINMASEWING ept..lialosiggi pima*, simbenevottitao_clask tbsa boy °Um Il&bokhots casorniersollar:lo6l.oool‘• Wantad—Aa &tap? filkit AadiaM - & LIOX, 1444 ‘ ; " #.l"74•DWAlrpl(int Witt, g. B israomiLtAttlix - - 4 - mtv , " 0, ; ... kor 'i , ll lo / 811118-0 1 ) : 41 r ViIX ! 46 YOW - C y 43r1t[I7C1A' .714•• , ,771 4011 . i . 400 l v.v.- "k...4,i-HAltlit ,-.>;::::',..- ' - I ItiL--im-arma• wrwailirlf"4llWo46,,";,,,,c-:, ''''' - , -:, iiiier =lllfiniting4- ii ii . ~ ,k , souttrwozi‘‘ tT77- ,.,- .. % .26„ bifiiiiSoilLisetl ----wcjilittigiretA: v rriso r akt 0064 407, na,Ciaut , WS ' IN ie I AIPSKISIWkeIi r '4' ' 'S.60111,11°Illipo; i• ,r,_ ~ " , . ,1 1 r* .."7_ 1 141 t4 ' tet 111000 1 10 1 90 ! - ;ll,.wrimr , A% ~,z7.4114A0 :-YQli:: - iN : Q. '272:-1' rll I SNPW, SHOE, • , CORSET JEANES, • " . . -oopawn aimegioe,_ YON notl+l l lolloS PACK/401,n 7 4 5 . 144:6 - A. L. B I EY, ,• *0.'218 MARKET STREET. ALLENpALE QUILTS, • . 9-410-4, 11-4,• 12-4,18-4, You sum Iv tibina - u;A: L; ; BALLY. .• -218 MARKET STREET. • Q 0013. just. itoriprvED • The 7&T>L 03T1fil)11 HEN; the Novelty ` of the beeedni by - LINCOLN, WOOD, 'Bg,NICHOLD. ' - T'S 'too or qiiigt7 - Weld)) ' BC NiOttOLS 726. STENET, DOORS - 4)36v. it t seorao nemPla.) nvig-tJeis 0 4 1 1 lientheffintititOAS ;',llo,j i i3gAs! - piSF • IL:F.; *IAN'S CRAVATS; Btreet, helew Eeventh; --'- I 'll WALBORN -It 00., (NOW) MOIL 6 sod 7 661.T4 BIRTH MEET, IiAIStUPAOTTIBISIC9 „ , s , ATCIOKO, XTO. 240100,410,Tattitlo Matins to Um ititSTili%iritxtjtxlN er - groxri E Bs tl • • • :-. • t.',GEN-T .1111 LEN'S •41nimennellirost On • • MIAS IltarnrA o 04 mai ito: M a t " itilinichtWomiiipEur etrix4;•copo: npoir , ritz Auv d 4hwtZfors , 414;11ani'ensd kloirmirsradi durtul= Siam erten owe.'" ct 'OWN BA 7 Lt.V'' 43".#30., ' •- - • • • JO' saw Siti•proq, lan* &lOU I'2lo 'Olllll SiT4ls7,' a,,,XIFITIVTiti GIRARD if3M4', ",:iIEOAS. • IDIPORTID ammunr, PLATLO-WIRAN; AND f ~ • 1.4151111 000DS, •• • • • if: 44 0 011 *1 11 1. 1114 !* 0 i l3 40 0 P . 0 1 the WU°. saysitAvu, WATOREA, DIAMONDVAND at xaors~tia AID SE VilL t .• •- S r. a t * **(t ' s l 'W4i r tSPS . .. IMP'ORTER RNME (:)H EVI, If4ll L* - P, &0., No. 815 -MASKET StitEET oifeiturent, Vadieron s d t 8; JAADAN .8c '8R0. ) .- •11,1114014.43TINIRACMID IMPOSTERS 07 EIBVIIN=PLATSID MARE, -No. Sit ORTATitllfftdet; shove Third, op dam) Thladelphta. , Dosattaithr Cal bad :walla dale to thiiTtada, TR& 1:7.70, COMMUNION SERVICE sll ' B, URNS, .PITCII-1015, B 08. Rafe. CASTORS, ENIVRS, SPOONS, - 7ORKS,.LADIJE, &0., ao 011eticir sad plating as silleisdoof natal, t 0747 j3lintio"antr 1040e0. 13XX 14 .D.K_44•Tb: - '?L-PgS:' , . B. , ,WILLIAMS.,eI';' Nti~ 16 1108iSji117171_13TOET, t¢ THR )11104IT:1!1*11/0-MAIii141021MIllt ON 84 7 */4rriAll BLINDS • %)11") , DILLy.I nt , WINDOW SHADES - ON .3Viar •PUEOMIER* invited tO,Ate /111111 1 eirortment 11 0 6 . Atiitfle-/ORT -OW 4 . - 12921 a RADIO sugl• mid, loitered, , maraupict ropiiptly attended 10, 'Qtabittet- , Wart. E'B •IC DYE 1 3- 0 - TIt3J'TAAROAT IftTUE 11 lON. P‘itlbi• tot Dialis , v4a , lag Wien% In 0114 Wel- Aintirandlisacianyjot kinti,me tityle indlettiers; A.; L. 1/11AMW:XligniOVIED DEEM BACK,. XMPCII: I 73O'I" Oa' 131:3"11'OXV 'S. : , mammon To) • ti". Lio. 259 O.OIIT/I THIRD OTB'EPT. ," „ COMM EVRNITII:II,F. orri MOORF. &! CAMPION. ifo. 261 801778, agooND 8 "railz it yatktOlf:extettelve Cablaetißustaess, eie ryeto4obfottOtog aitlele of , IntlitAttb,TAlttEit, sod 11011 , / 001,1042.01ri1l supply,' flotaboff with 111001tirk.:0ANDIPION% nimovaD Wok on pre bbosol. by all*koliye !LOA thinibo p ie manor to all ,others„ rie oetliseis:Tables !Ito mann lbotokotO— ever,r totheir Oastitoni lattouo tam l / 2 20010 tbictridoil; , ,d ,krefrOdl,isr fi4kaiiiisetioi their 11 4 , 1 -.: • . ,111.1f-ko R° AI; - Ramiro av CO. EA TO resealed from tits IL E. earner of ritONT AND ARCH STREET - STOXIB -115' _Altos STREET;. , The ash* building volt of Trout attest. • 0..k 1 M, _ , • . _ • - - 4 . P . 4441.4"!".L1 ' 4 11119,01 , :rEI MID 'Tipst,za IN AND. D o mz s rz STATIONERY. • mturl***lit. 11`ilatir @T L 1 • • .1 Ent AIM FOAL 111yOLVO MOMS Walfillia 41,114: ' • • F 507,0,iiESTiitt STREET, -t; - • tIIATADIANIA-44101i5b;04 • quarts. 60 111410149**Nr&falstrai & virotsza, ' golooPiretteet.' 1.9 ~ - . , •• . . • , ' • ~• i ~, ••,, t . ..., - . -•, . • • ' .. - V _' , t,'': • .%'-; - ''''`,,, ~.,1 . . .,..„..............,,,,,,,..,,,: . ~ • _......_....„:.:.....,,..,,,., „..,....„,..: ,;._ ~...,,.:.,,,,,_..„._ ....„,.....•.,..-......• ... , . • • ... ~,., ...( .,.....,.„ :_:, -kv. , 2---..rilii'4:•• -- "•• : •:-"":••••••'-' " 4 • Ir•- ...:f . '".".• i . , . „ 72 _: -..., 0 • . 1,1frr . .. %;.., A• --- ''''.; '-'.• ...i... A . ..(i . ... ~.f . ~..k..'f . i . ... • . rf • t•:• • r 1 ,-Ltr . • , i.l , ..,, ' ,- . _. , 7 ~ , ._. :1 ,7,± ..". .. . , '4. ' ' ... * . 7-•' ' l' 1 •4 • r Ili - iiii;;;=. ' - • :all iiiirT-:% ,- '• .•• ,•• .....,----- . • • .• ••.,...r!,-... 1... • • ',•• -.:. J: •'• -• •- i . - .... - : • ••• •r. 'Ati: •• • • 1 • •;• , . ° P.- • • : --r ' ----'• . : • ' . -'' 1/ - - • ' ' '• 4.1. • . , •• • ••• ‘9 , %; - •- , . 14 5 l ai Vd,'lfr 4 . • - -'. !-. • X.F#1 , .. - - '''''':•• e • .' _ " < 1, ''`i •••.'f - - ' • ' ~- ' --' 1 ''.... •:,... -- 'St --,, Nai.- ......,..,..,., .... --. • ... , • •-..- • • •,. • ~ ••I ~ ... 1r.. 3- --4 4 1.0 1 " . 1 .. -_-....,::;,- ---. —. ' L.. ` 119 111 47‘' :::: ' 1 1 ~,1 i 31- .... .1L .....- .,. , , . -- ~ - • ,i,....-• --tj:..5-, ‘..‘• \ ~ " •• .. -., • .• •• . -?-4 . _ • '• •'_•••( , . _ ...-,\ 1 - • • 1: , - , , -;,....:;,--- 4„,„_.- ~ ~.,.. • • • - •- ,,,V 3 -, .. • .. e _ .., . .- ~:,_._. ~ ..• , . ...:„ 0f .:........„ ~...„... , ' - --,,------ _.,------- 17.....4,4.-,..-,. 4e•,------4-,-- • • 1 ,. . ,--.--.1,;..,-..t-:;•,,_ _ -''-•.,- ---__,.-.--- !4-'"••—__---/-':' ~, . ...--,..,_.,--..,.. ,-- tt---..., , 1..•., """.-- s .\. . ..... -.------ ' •• - 1 -- .. - •• • • . . ~•., ~ „ _ , ~ •;-- ~ ! I ....--.....-,I•A .144.... i. r , ,,,. „ - „4/. , , ".44 ,' .. t . ' l ''''. ...,.. L:. : , ' • ,!.. . •.. ' .'' ‘--, -- 1',"0 -- .....? - i -,•,,,,._,:-- ________. • - ,- ~ _ . - •-- - • . R~eni~»alp: 'Retail Mira v.. yobs REDUCTION. THOS. W. EVA!IS . & CO. ...ts sow B!LLINL OFF MN BALANON 0, MOM STOOK - , or • .mimmEß DRESS GOODS, GREATLY REDUCED PRIDES. 80 and E2O :CHESTNUT S'TREET. ' , jei4 st • - . - l A N BOtriIitIER : BROTHERB ASE SELLING OFF TRIIIIR VA:Li:JAB - 1Z OToOB 01 DAY GOODS., PRISTWIT TO REMOVING' TO NEW PREMISES. 612 OBES rttuT INTERESTING:AIM IMPQRT.A.XT • qlll4Y 4lo l ltral i gi l i l lit: 4 l2. 3 lV I ! Tint OUSATIST %IDS IN ; YBILLDILIPInd. I ... AND TiadiaNTITILIP /101m6y raw can Au* imPORTRII Treat& Ldaa Byasie. - , • . . • Tteaah Lao. Mated: Irma Laa Tema. Tomah lade Id aatillai. . . . Vaart Steh Caimans idantnlas. Plain link It_nede_ no COM& Teaming, ha. Oink Marauskiktik and Ipkaa , 4noo v a Lord Lot or • •• • Baog , . 01111Alk I PairGY ktuts, innUinleli LAWNS, tca. - ."&a., at • -}-TH_ORSL.I9.I oglezi> all et, N. Corsa? WORTH k Rinse. ;immix; - a.REGE, lf Aro DOUBLE JuPialutow, , TAmertpo; MASSITZ . , DAII23.AIIOLkIB. - 2 • • , Orastellar, Mt. do °honer, Bugalua and Challis, Barogeo aid Barna 80b..r firillianta - Paroalba Hoods?* Mohair* Trarolltag-Durso Waterier, new errata. . • , 2,600 yards riew•rirlio,Hina Loins. Browni, Ultra; Amaranths, Pints, and 'Bluer, at 12X cents—the bolt goods offered. froiliory: a flail aasorfatent. lioW4deries, mud Linea Clarafiti6 piiiorfa, lOU shairl-iirom", to groataarlity: Black Lee Volati,lllionoot. littriotho s $6 to $8 . 5. - BtarlrEiikiforOtrindailLaatibrallka. Wide White and Illiish Bantu for Ohaulark'ad." Patera hoop Sahli toe Unto and' Mimi, from .75 eon* to $8....a fall Lai. , - -1 -4301.11L115 Q1D6115, men - • IIGHT6EriaS IROR. Baneful. OrAustt.wrs, 'G-AtfliTth i s;"Geilbrr; ,u999.—A. eery lOrso sowertmantof Await/eta for 1 4 44,0 ijoi - mbusi WSW, for We It HOFMANN'S - ROMEO 5 , 01111, 9 North SMITH Street Iftwiety for Lidlei , andlebeeV wear : •Ifoelery for Gents' end - I"ontbe weary - )or iiale at nonwons. - • • - ; •- • :u0 +int WiOns; 9.lforth 1101ENESfrfet. Galvin, merino undergarmoots• of .very orkrlrth • :Yoe, Lego,. Children, sod,Gentowear.for gala at ' • - •• • '7 , AtOrNehMelf gosnoxv maw, 9'499 : ti.94t :No . 9 Nor* MGM% Street. War MOST - BEArrutrf kesortment of SPRING , GOODS"eas *found se IfoNGROY'S, when, adananee froakle. is :wolfed 'saki 000sooky In lie.Cierrer,_4l* femme, ittoke . tra t OheelY rib Arita, and ell WourW dMY 9 ! PripteNdoM calk mei YterertlWrf estilarkwyrY2 '9l - iooit9= s9o9 ifs at very low prises " ' - - • - A:splendid issoinnontof Miobroiderias. : ' ' We are now opening our S' ring Oldeks end Mantillas, "'boding mil/ wieesieeetyhe entirely new. ckrUmi, Oesatmeree, m$ • Airliners, ftlrtlog and Table ‘ Lbuoi, b eacon; pewee, Glingtuori, - klbirtlor and sheer- Jug Mnsilbi ;' ho. ' , ,'.14 . 011L11,0Y, sels:finlicf • ll SAO 1f14113. Street. 14.'9.-:•Oillzinrandpe of Saigalne-front-Anotion. IDrtigs anb'Ontirais: R9 l3 Mt i l a SH4DEMA3-ER 80 004 N. R:voß.lrown AND SAAB snumre; THILADILPHIA, JiIeUGGISTS, NANUId iOTErit:PRO OP PAINTO-IN /MPOIITERB OW 7ANNOI4 PLATE WINDOW GLASS. DNALIDIS IM AMDDIOAN WINDOW GLAM. sP2i-Bel flanges. W GAS—OONSI3III4 G • - COOKING RANGE. I~1? BIZ ES. 'Alm; axe suannitne4 to snre pktlenen 7.401, Per Cent. In intl. mat hike galas]; nun more maroon Non. AAT Pthor Panora otNnnini, erei Introduned 1n ilni,nairket. : SON ME WNOLDBAIaI AND RIADAIL. CHARLES WILLIAMS. 1182 MARKET ST, , (LATE BAZAR & WILLLUDI.) Want • ' fflttrbflitt H. 'MATTSON, S• • A MBH;CI MT T A I,L 0 1198 casanittri , STREIT, Third Door bo;ow preythprit t Booth lido, I'Mloda. irr A full orrtunut of 9u00u4140001/8 ewe mi Wind. - „ m 7104171 A.OSAIt ' 6 E.I.ORAOT O OALVSB' PERT. Attention le repented to thin St7YBRIOII ?REPARATION for the produotion of a • • PURR, BRIGHT, 111:71tITIOUB JELLY, pot up to four different sizes, adapted to families, liosrding HOUMA, Confectionery Retabliehmente, Imported and odd, Wtolesale and Retell, by EDWARD • PARRISH. • soci Ali011131SBEIT: :12i3,211,onwk.rrist DVRTSA'S CELEBRATED MAIZE NA, NCR BLAND SISNGN, MINUTE; PUDDING, DATUM ,PTIDDING, Bomut CUSTARD, MOCK CREAM zon'amioi,,illlB, CARES, &a. ILANUFACTORE—GLEN COVE, L. ISLAND. . . We Ulm great pleasure Inpresentieg to the public oar MAIZINA, (which ie pat up In one pound peekegee, with dlnetions for me on the wrapper], se belog by tar the Cialit.PßST, se well the most deltoate mid whole conic article for callnafy nob now extant, and 1$ conce ded to be, by the many that have tatted its delicate qOalitles, a Most Important Mhillion to our national ~ DLL of psre, ,, particularly for alert. The article ie imidanfadtured with the - utmost ears • from the dratted' selected Southern Indira Corn. The wa ter need. in ItS Mannf.arne Is drawn from . pirennin /30; and ie remarkably Titre and wholesome; no vr ter amid be Utter Shed, for cleansihg' of s sub- Itmuse delft - MAU berthed largely for feed, and toren.: air It particularly adapted to the use of invalids' and the sick room, it being equal, If not superior, to the lierputda Arrolv,Root. Parties in the 'Tide are i t idtott to WI, when we will take pleasure In present. i4g.thetll samples. ry OLIN MANIIDAOTURING 00. ' JOSEPLI R. TAYLOR, . int WALNUT STUNT, Vilictleale Agent for Phtledelptiti. , WK. pIIRYEA, - General Agent, POLTON STRUT, NSW TORE.' in.. 8..46. are the may parties' ,the world, that niennteetniel 5iA.123N1,1 ',lt4etag. second. tn, othYLlktelizeluivre AP. 0004PTAVc9irtint PigtimiE 2mA. wEDNEgivoti.' - : 1869. Xx-rn" Wilt•DEI READY FOR 'PUBLIC,* TWIT ABOUT 1 4 112 FIRST OF JULY. PENNSYLVANIA STARVE REPORTS, Vol. izzfi, comprising oases' adjudged •111 the Supreme; boOrt Of fooinjiyiPla. By 30)3iPlf O*Bll . , State Reporter. Vol. ztli li7 Thle liedume will- contain the Decisions of the' Court, very nearly down to date, ]KAYO BROTHER, . LAW BOOKBELLB;(B . ,PUBLI4BERS tk• IMPOinnia 19 SOUTH SIXTH STREHT,. H ENRY I WA4D BEECHER'S "STAR PAPERS" • Arrsaa IX THE BriiitY Walt. Among the ominous other thettribittoril tette eettimite, ice. , KW. •HADJWIT: DIDONIIII OTOWN, Bey. OHO. D. omvzie, and JOHN O. Teruo—Two Dollars a year, payable la lames. PAHA/ed • at No. 5 ItERIZMSIS FITD.IIIItS, And tor vale by ALL WM' AttiTra. ,jel4-tro4:wBoa . ryt..TODD'i NEW 'BOOK. A...'711111 ANGEL OF THE 1019111010, ET O BIES. By M Dr: 16rao 7660attC. „ THE WA.IIB OF THE BOH; or, Storied Of; Straggle ot York atid Idineaater. By J. ,O, Edgar. 16mo. 60 cents. ' THE YOUNI 'MW OF THE BIBLE, Oansiderid In Seder of Lectures before the Yolice Wage Obrts. Bra Aesooiatton, ' . llllsUnguillied • Olargymeil I2mo. $l. • TEM LIMITS OP BBLIGIOIIR . THOUGHT -DX • 611171 D By Hoary B Memel, B. D. 19mo. $l. A COL SIDDRATION OP •TIIB PERMON ON MB OUST. By Daniel H. Bill .121 no. 75 cants. 7 • " BIN POUNDINGS. By Rey. B. Riploy. 1¢mo: • nte. • TR De IIDIABIif IN DOMANDB. Dy Mre. M., -Luiiy od Bev , A. B Baker. 2 ?els , 18mo. $l. MOVIIIRS OP TUB BIBLE. , By Mrs. P; O. Allston. 2mo. 76 cent.. • TEE GLEANERS, LED THE FIELD WHICH HEY CHOU. 18mo. 26 ants. ?Or sale by WILLIAM 8, & *MED MAZITEN, Jell . - No; COO -OELNSTNI7T Street. ,IN 'PRESS.' AtlD WILL BE ISallEt. .lnly let 185 9. ' 80Ylaft.13`,COOMERY YOB ,THR ambrateing an entirely now egatim of Plain Cookery Odd 00diOetIO artOretor. By ALEXIS 80YMR, author of Madan: Honatwife,i ao., 'do. 1 wol., royal, Otoo., Publithad and for solo by - - , oHABL 18 71.4 011318TNTIT iitreet, Yhtladelphia. OE'D'BQQKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BODIEg; ; The undersigned states that he bas frequently for pale books printed between - the -seers 1470 and •, early editions of tho.liathere of the Reformers and of the Puritan Divines; lirsetoil,-Lyttleton, Put. tendorir, Grotto ", Dowat, Doke, Rale, Ake 'Year Books, Report*, die., are often to be found upon 110 theiver; tlyelopediae, Lazio:an Massie Anthere,llistaty, Pothrt, Philosophy, - ileienae,'Politleal Bennomy, Government,' Arehiteeture, -Natural Htetory. Treatteil 'ripen these and other kindred eubjeotr are being ofthtinuelly dealt in Whim. Moots, to large and email quantities,•pu , flowed at the Cairtoni-Ranie grannie Beekstell, ORDIST- NUT Street, above Your*, Philadelphia. tnylB 6m - - • PORN 04111PIIIILL:, Calefertici,n4i. SIIIIIIEW'OO : NrEOTACiti:ERY. E. O. WHITMAN & CO; BNOOND AND CIIIIBTNIT STAMM, AU CONTINUALLY MANUFACTURING CANDIES, PRESERVES, SYRUPS, , , &0., 70# TAX WARISI'AVM. PlatiOta . GOING' OUT OT Ta OIT -WTI& 111PID OUR GINGER DROPS, MOSS P.OVE;EX,T.R4 STRONG MINT DROPS, MIXED .q...4NDIES, 4.c OT MUCH 13XIITION TO TRIM Storf silty of 110d0111 to noir y all parts of the _eft" hr t winge! ; : • - t 3e111:11110tr4W. pRr_BERVING IT .ESI POTTER. & BOOZER'S "PATENT, AIR-TI.GHT OLASS PIZUITJ ARS IMUMETIO&LLY rasusei pitxtpirnurrs, ae for dale by dealers in . Ohbra and alma sad Maas randshing Goode. . . VIII TRADE lIIIPPLIED BY POTTER & BODINE, 107 CHESTNUT. STEM. Oar Jar hieing been tested to the antis/action of thousands of famines, we'eonadently *meet it to the oustsmers. We would call expects' atieutionto the su periority of our article over thole using gotta pi:ohs or gum in plea° of cement; for the gotta parolee, koi, 'rapists's strong and injurious furor to the fruit, be sides being otherwise defective. &.13. ateo maeutiotare slips - rips fathered water and porter bottles, arid all * nide of green gime , Ware jeft-tf Looking-Slants. LOOKING GLASSES. Now ha Ooze the moat ezteneive and elegant snort mental LOOKING GLLBBI4I3 - , for every space and every position, and at ,tko most moderato peon LOOKING GLL9BIIII, • In the moat elaborate and the most Ample Immo. LOOKING GL4BBIIB firmed in the beet taste, and In the molt rebetanttal meaner. . WOKING GLII3IIZS . . . Pornlobed by as, are maiglfikotased by ourselves to our era witikbushineut.. • LOOKING mosso - In MAHOGANY mid WALNUT frames fat Omar, Bales. JAMES B. EARLE do SON, 816 0 11E8TNIIT 'STR,IOIIT, •pl.o PIIII4I4LPHIA, illonen. plume r. KELLY 1 4 4 00., 66 (aucloassoßs TO ROUST T. SOSO 4130.,) No. 16 SOUTH THIRD STRRET, PHILADNYPHIA BANK NOTES, OOMMEROIAL PAPER, 1 LAND WARRANTS,' BOUGHT AIM HOLD Also, Stockm and Bonds, but only on eomtdieslon. spealal &itentioa given to collections throughout the country, and endow:mg my rely oa prompt ad vices and retinue.„ap2.l3 Marble Works. ON UNE N TAL MARBLE WORKS Has constantly on band a very large aatorttnent of MONUMENTS, ENOLOSIIRES, and - GRAVE-STONES, ' Of various &tape, made of the finest ITALIAN AND AbINRIOAN MARBLES, Whitt he will sell at greetiy redoes& prisea r . Is also papered to execute orders upon the meat favorable terms, and respeottully Invites the public flimsily to examine his stook before parehesing eisewhege, ADAM STEINMETZ, Monumental bisible DIDGII ATBNITTI, bele* Dleventh street, aplB•ia w f-dm T 'WASHINGTON MILLER, as s BLANK.I3 - 00K MANUFACTURER, • , No. 204 NORTH THIRD RTRIPAET. LEDoEtta, JOURNALS, DAY BOOKS, Cod DE ANN. DOORS of all dosorlptions constantly on hand or made in anyntyle or pattern to order. Alsostnes, Music, and other Booka bona to order. - ,1014 LINED BORAX.-20 oases for• 0010 wrriftiltall& pitcrelt HU I Noe. Vaal 49 North (3300 ND gr* i g,.,Y, 4 ,....A . f.O pp ~,...,4,, , r -, - I, A i ti + ... wzrOrisiva r airii r fcomPrincet },,„-4, -op, Di. J. :iee of ThePresci • Mr tinkt Brt.,Pagsa ;. Do you everattend Dem meneemantitiDO you everlOok out of your right angled eity d.tear yorirseig_away from, polities, eaulllledilitii,.lo - . andnerve, and think of the conntry, and whet tire couritiy - 64iitairuil Grain, stock, and rustielty,arelriet the 'only things the country eon talus:. It lids beantlfuLvillagertAnd pretty towns ; ft bps ;reapel as wall an:beasts ; men Al well as mules;lidi 01 well ` as Venda. ,Insiirit* itispeete i the d„,„. 4 a great laiditatiert,,• : i - - . • . utt Mt by, asking Omni., yerr 'at M tendance at 13 °/n oll' e 4 reelifer4.4 ol Coitipirl was 11, To be sure, torthaire your re - telloWklaeloPolplaßelY tam ingout:,oo'hunarralt,drelratakinerliohle-inen,. aud,erverY 4.tlitbiniii.*lPitri , Ifelf hi ereirded• - With s ~ antritnl, WS tratitin, ,P *bid the In Oda $ viialey.lo.4„ stildwootsupp, Atials learned pro fesior died ' es Winery I'lindi tb4-lera..ePeelee of 0011111:11112 'e rx , fi, .0, 7,-• i' r,,,,0:1 1 - ,, ,, Then; witetr-Ite. lirit ••JOIY 'deo Omer; t.he Doi- • 'varsity rafi'PetrirdylViniar charters • the tame hail, end i a fits - willing yonths tweak from the , eat O 1: - ,00mtneneeMeOt.: , And, of `090:0, 9. übiquitous rasa, yen cia tlitif:4!_.!: ' '. •' - 1 But there:are other sehoolot than, med ical, ald andtastitet of learning even , more veneraldo then Oath Bratty of Pennsylvania: ,-I • 1 --: , -• • • Prindettfaisaiittie lawn in'New Jersey. band scone in itat4fOrsi attractive, additionally, from ifs luitititigati. Ita flair hartgOne abroad to the,eor nel.s of „th4"iarth, and itineme to the ends orthii WOritt ~Tirfeldeiritd" nebular' leiriling both look uporr.•••Pr n, as a nouttelling . ,nether. -• And VAlltiffAlt _. *table Dollegteof New Jersey holds Itsrßetilittegek „ 'l. , ' -- ..t:•- •:'.• "—' • ' l ,lcylieWiplip liradilaYnidit'.W4faliitiiittlit ,Twil repprte tlill,,X tt*, ; t,he, No Vein- Minens edermutaif the 'wiriest jubilee reach the wor l o,ll4ahrough -type and ^printer's ink,,yet, quietly andtpleasantly,t7onimermement monis, and every, twelve-month a fresh , battalion fs Member! from that An' wultlog station to the -world, fitted, at least thoortellabllnfOr Arvien therein. -.. , Arid, apl *4 t4ne le fletnnienoemint i pleasant to the yen Asedositei, enger,td, enter the world ; pleasant-to aprefeleers and undee•graduntea, as Indientlng,;',ettemmsion'of their labors; pleasant tOlbe. 'people; as affording, a Change add ay °Bement f : the toilforteity of their life ; plea% Sant 'lO th isrldiedil Who fi ll 'the old doltish, or t l , why! wool ' lifliar,tltere? ;and. very pleasant to' the - isaat ,„ 'allinits; in 'affording, as 'lt 'does, a fixed titne.,_.; ' point -for-,gatl!erinuarennd their /Fred tlnd ~..7 , givemerrhot mar 'world's a r' , " a a pier* and day where they tarn; ti , k . , . n-. their' iropponW and " recuperate , their -etre .' It affords 'the Weary oppotnnitk errefrOth 1. r ..,1t ;avail luipe to the young, sea-,. 1 Yega balk Isgi rdertertre te,the aged; ' It .eeti apart co: , ' hen the gene of ifitl344ll Hall 'all over. the:. hiepd. nd; r frern , the • bench, the office, the exeltifter !lady, and the forum, may lay aside • their hnr Ins, tread again 'the bid paths, revive old' reaollbeitionigsandfOrge' anew friendships Ore _ . . ' ated in coli r litille. - Yoq irtie - rotten ,liall, Mr: Press, from the. Pagr) ef, olf,reastiatry?a, history. You knowler as rwhettoon fakirs old colonial times. Yon know her as, eaknew ging, Edwards . and Davies' at , her head. .Y - now• hev,lovel to liberty, throwing ;all her in ! ' nee on the Itarehrtioriary side: lon reeelleet " the coat her President, as a leading 'roan, tot ' Continental .Doegress; how She pro f :tagthil id '.Ver (0111 wake that Congress, driven ;from 'Toni; ty ,b,f tiii,eriemy; • how she was viola- Ail by lltb-lre•Ve I Red hew the afforded•quar•- ters to P otIVII•fogoes.;1 Yon know how tradition has Jnyesisktevery split with patriotic, as well as the more rely intellectual fame. , Yon know all this; and ' tor' Chtelogee shims with names fri-, mous' fo'rfe ryis yirtue. - ; But, with all this know-, 1 • /61 2 0 1 -3 ; l t •i 1. 0 1 . 1,„ fqe , ,.°Co the-locality fraught "'L." 1 4 10 smoriPti ?; Have 'von ever inspected. - the jewel lt . e.ite worthy caslieti Princeton ? • If not,• let tellgrou or It ;,..and let MI urge a personal Melt, to eptllreg Ypitioyitt eyrie the, beautlea of the' 'plaerri ••• •S-- - 'f:- ..., • • • • • . PrincetWeinhoo:ered in trees, and surrounded by ireso,7ll l 0.. iletted . en its outskirts, and -' 11411 4. 1 telit„lke ellikte-19 13 g11t, With handsome re - - pldirces;fer rural beauty cannot be excelled. On the brile4.-Mela. 'street •trfa the college grounds. embraolnglinmy..aeres. Mbecallegt-Old Korth, rti it is commonly ealled-L,Nasseallall,bs It woe Chris toned iticfla more derrectly known, stands, with walls that+have" 'been erected a century, almost liddert behind the noble trees• of, the earenns. It liitelWleabliqttr bilr_reriatrie been cannonaded, and yet'remilaplirM MI the day it was dolt finished ; the Inagnigdentafirrityy-fast cannieting, in the rear, befog onlyißigingniinted (rain Mc snarl:it Inaftt'edt- Roc kr Ihr nletiOleoderrystyler. Planking it are' tail large stnetrirtg;Alre old library and 1131060 m • bk 4 trbr irlik*Nritlt grP!iattpr, are the Eat pnd Week , -- ..5. - ..„c..a..tatir stab:peach ;:whiler the chapel, 141iNlikul,halls• for, the literary foci& Bee, and, • 4 reedrmt's and professors' boast's; dB trit thaphi -- • ` l , l lkatil ,1011' mutt " tetailiti•platte, deer Pick '. -- - '.S''',' ,4 .'"" - '''' '' ` .-- • 1 1.9:61R. %. ‘ '44l.llll.l.ridi l iti - ';t• • ih ' ikisa bfet ol o.l4hole. t ... ." ~.".:-.,. :' ,i dP;,pttii. Witt ir.- I b Ll , lclotntanneit” - ' - ''. . . ?Tarr "• , , esdity IR noel I' - .en what yea'ivill sea and hear Should yen -come? " ..- •On - ,Tnealay mornin garb instant. an address le delivered before t he American Whig and Clio sophlo entails'. -'lbis takes place in the Hirst PresbYferlaii Obureh, and the orator on the core /Mt ocoasion is BeY. Joshua flail Molivaine, D.D., Of Rochester, N. Y. , , In the afternoon the alumni gather in the col lege and, and Short, pithy speeches are delivered 'wren:sweat:giver of the classes in deoeunial or der. This year they will be from graduates of 1 99; Igf), "19, '29,' SO, and '49—with remarks from- Others who may be called. en. There is not the formality of aveeoration. and to many this meet ing Is the brightest and most. pleasant feature of the whole series. - - PHILADEPRIC In. the evening the literary societies aro repre iented by lour juniors from each, who pronounce (rations is the church. On Wednesday, or Com mencement-day propor, the seniors deliver their speocliturin the morning; then an intermission comas, and the exercises 'are elosed;bY the Mas ter's oration, the conferring of degrees, and the valedictory. The alumni dinner then egoora, and °omit:ken - dement is over. Tboio 'are the regular official proneedings In addition, there will, this year, occur two reunions of graduated classes The °lass of '49 holds its &maniai meeting, and the elan of '66 its triennial. The reunion of the class of '5O will take place on Tuesday—and it is probable that of '49 will be held the mite day. The master's oration is revived by the class of '56 on this occasion.' Whether it will be perpettp. ated most depend on oironmstaneel. Of the suc cess of this ono there can be no doubt. To reach Princeton is easy. Trains are leaving your Wal nut-street wharf at 7,9, and U A. M.,. as well es 4 and 6 P. M., arriving at Princeton two hours afterwards. And' the train leaves Ilensingtoa at 1130 P. M. The 'return to Philadelphia may be made in any of six trains a day. The same railroad fads are true of the passage from and to New York. But I weary you wtth muoh talking. Do you Mr: 'Press, come up to Princeton on theltath o June, and lee Neiman and her eons in their glory • D. Q. Philadelphia Collection House. We take the following notice of a Philadelphia Collection Thum from the Money article of the New York Commercial Advertiser: The well known Philadelphia Collection House of Birney ik Davis has reoently opened an office in the -Amorican Fachange Bank building, corner of Cedar street and Broadway. A house of the kind is ocrtainira desideratum in our business comma• airy, and we hazard littlei in predicting for the en terprise as cordial , at 'support as it has received in our sister city. The bast e:lode of oolloating olefins has alwariboon a puzzling problem to out nisi chants. Although banks; and brokers generally take maturing paper to be eolleoted through other banks and brokers, they consider this incidental to circulation, discounting, and dealing in stooks; and there has been not a little aomplaint of delay in returns, and the lavish use of protests where they were unnecessary. But neither banks nor brokers eon de anything with protested paper. ex cept to rrturn it to the owner What shall then be done with the claim? acme large firms keep a corps of travelling clerks, whose 'chief business is .to adjust or com promise suspended debts. This system would be excellent, provided the' business wore confined to a email distriet, or was of large amount, and pro- Tided the Oinks employed , ware business men of tact andlegal skin. But the claims of cornet er cid firm are generally scattered over a large part of tbo Union, and are so stud! that the difference between what is k.ffered by tailing debtors and Nomt, h R.cased by Merit?, does not average the tenth part of saiurien Tod trs rolling expenses, not to speak of the foes paid local attorneys for draw ing 'papers which the Clerk is incompetent to pre pare, As a preutical thing, therefore, the system of collecting by travelling clerks is a failure. Some merchants, dissath lied with the travelling clerk system, fermata Responded paper to lawyers In the vicinity of theo let:tors, taking the names inmost 6/03 from other merchants, whose formation is little mere precise; in many cases, than their own, or from agencies wise rtoonimend their reporters. The Maims are sent without eon tract.-as to foe. TI , o result has,o plan. IR some gnat.;, the claim is never board from again, and heavy fee and cost bills on uncol lected °Miens and extortionate ' deductions from moneys collected' have been matters of, we may almost say, general experience. One of our large houses has dealared, as the result of its effort, for twenty years, to collect .suepended debts, that it would have made some money and saved much trouble if it had wholly dispensed with collecting clerks and country attorneys, and accepted, with out Investigation; the offers of failing debtors. The collection house of Birney Davis is free from the objections we have suggested to other systems. Their theory of business is to, take maturing paper, collect it' at maturity, if poesible, and if not, trepresent it by special agent, inveitigatis the eireunattanotol, negotiate and .seoure,mr•eue; If 56 directed ; never to protest unless necessary to fix theiliability Of a party ;`to send, their chee for a c o llection on the day of receipt ; . to advise client in ,writing of each steptakert;, to beep thoroughly informed , in.-regard to: he fact; promptness ,and responsibility of collecting attorneys, country bemkeri and colleoters toil! Parts'of , theeitustry, and make arrangements in tidvanee with the best; regulating fees Wall oMitlngetidios' which can be ,foreseen; to incur no cost without 09rcloot of 1,0 give counsel as to management and se curity of Metros, and to attend to taking doped , floret, le necessary ; and to know limits or judicial I distriete ; times of holding courts, and all peon liarities of collection laws. With a thorough, ao , tive, and 'welt-Patronlsed organization for the 'United States - and Canaille, Messrs. Btrney Davis will, we doubt not, afford here, as they are doing InTittladelphia, Important facilities to our business aotamonsty for the collection of All Ohleses - BXOYANGE, Letter From' POrtland; • faotretiontence of The Pron.] PO9,xLiND, MAttrz, June 9th, 1859:- During the sojoern of 3effersen Davis in this lindeat oily last summer, his firsteentifig Admiring South, and , in.fact all others having a knowledge of his' antecedents, were surprised upon learning the mahlyeand patriotic union sentiments he ex pressed at the time of his departure hence, the • yore; antipode's 'of those be Was'iront to utter upon all previous moutons. Since uiy.arrival here have divined-the cause of hie sudden conversion. The fact is, hisnaind, which was originally full of noble impulses bad become-warped front te , too long residence ist nrid Matelots, end simply wanted to be invigorated and unbent by the I:reeing-air and beautiful scenery with yid& this geed' city abounds. Looking over the Mudd, waters of the Mississippi from its barren banks, he 'Nerd' 'not experience those delightful emotions of' contem plative abstraction which were evidently engen dered by the sublime objects surrounding • Min Isere, and hence his inability to view the •great question of oar glorious Vidon in Its proper light before. I do:not think I was ever so conscious of the en-, nobling effect+, upon the human mind by great and , beautiful objects of Nature as I have been daring; 'the poet feta days, in blotting Aspen the abundance, ,v,eriety otferedlo:view from what- are, here totem& the eastern Gild western promenades. , have often .faneled the nnsubstantial.vielenc-of • sleep ,reat : here,' I, imagine,• the .unenbetentlal' forms, of things_ are- visionary, Beholding ',the! • White:Mountains in tbp Aerante capped with • enow„end yet ;feeling the warmi genial rages& an , Indian summer's ann,aua havitla most pleturesque and beantifelintermediateseenery—embraoing in ' the coup &ail Ahe playful stream,"whieh ‘hves only) in quiescence and sunshine, the mountain and ocean ourrente , .whose voloes:areeeppalling I and, hose_ Towers aszo.lereeistibiliagAbOttest I stkateshiglyeelieletleantt l'oeusestils - Country-at alt points—these are the °Meets of, delight - which strike and awe the -beholder. So anomalous. and grand are such (Crewings of a vast Deity ehet they appear. not , in cOnneotion . erith the, seenery; though they resemble It In 'their exalted and im pressive character. Theyare apt to matrons feel Our superior rank and undivided empire over the animal creation; and out intellectual alliance, al• though remote it may be, with the great and good of beings framed like ourselves. eta a place of eummer resort Portland has-been overlooked by that large tines of parents fortunate. ly able to flee from the heat and Ineonvenienoes of cities It presents precisely the attractions which the class of persons alluded to avow as the objeot of their desires, and is entirely free from the die.- ' sipation, gambling exolusiveners, and 'other bane-: • ful and , ridietsions miluenoeaAt work at -Carstens, *report; andethermatering-plaees of-alike Ilk: Situated on a peninsula having a rocky base but a' I most rich end productive serfage soil, and partially surrounded by a magnificent salt water bay, the • Mete at all times charged with a-saline - moisture that makes it invigorating and delightful to re spire, This bay is studded with:pumerour fertile islands, easy of &cease, and upon whioh:faollities 'for bathing, tithing, andluntlog on be obtained. Comparing the meteorological statistics-of this place with dbose of.yonr otter for.a fewyears beehi I fit 4, that ,the teniperature here, dating' the ex- Areme,het months of sammet,is ten de tees lower , duting the day, while at - night the cool,refeeahing :air from the ocean ;produces -IP, reduction of from fifteen to twenty degrees .below the beat of the .day. • .; , Ire view of the natural -beauties. and advan tagee pf this locality, the cheapness of living, and 'theatrical anti other amusements, as compared 'with other, watering plasetyand the faollities and 'abeapneas of making forays into the °anodes and Mountains,White _there can be no doubt but that will in time become a great antatiter , xesort to those who prefer /moist advantages and quietude to ostentation display. - ,The people here are anxiously looking forward to the arrival of the steamship Groat .Eastern, .which is positively expected this summer. Docks have been constructed for her reception, and • all kinds of speculations have been entered into by the corporate authorities and private individuals, the former with a view, of benefiting the city as mush as possible and the latter their pockets. de when theeaceessful , laying of the 11 tlantio Telegraph Cable was announced, every 'man , . woman, and child in the, community expects to be benefited by the irruption, of this to Jester of the deep. The Preerieter of the main hotel here, •the , United' States, bee .not only,onlarged and embollialted his boned seas tomato it compare' favo:ably in beauty and intermit aonsfort with the first-class hotels of the more central Atlantiooitiese but t in anticline ties of the orowdsOf visitors upon the 'Oceintion , of her arrival, boa alto epaieged a whole block of buildings during the briod ' of n her stay.' - „ . The Fairmount Water Works. ! Per TesPress.l . - „ Ention :—Tike ;oracle in TO Prels,: of Friday, signed " Citizen," has led, me, as a friend to - the present Ohlef Engineer of the Watcir Depart• mean - to Inferred myself as to the mistakes, therein dared isiton 'his de p artment. , me te ley the veltult - of ,my, inquiries beihritYppixeeders. _ "Ilitittati9 begins witka grand naistake:lleeting Mixt/else . 3,upp..0:4 the teserVoirte oomptabied, ire ib tArreffirigiTtg 1,4* :eanrOsralstael;lesMltr,M 7 always presented ahmnsightlY; unfinished appear. ones ; they in . no way support dui reservoir' ' nor will their removal in. any way interfere with the. stability of the basin. It' is ,not intended to out any distance into the hill, but merely, by folk:Wring the natural' cleavage of the' rook, to term a,bold precipice; this wilt give room for a level 'walk and grass plat helot", a winding walk will be left among the rooks, reaching to the top, and• the whole, when fintshedovill add materially to the bold And pleturesque aspect of the place. ",01t1.. soh" ought to go out, and see for hirosell before be writes long articles. Then he says, Councils gave hasty sanction to the wiegineen plans. The plans were etthinitted to Councils in October.. They were then laid be fore a subotommittee of the watering department; then the watering committee digested them the. roughly, and, &sally , Councils themsolVes, after six monthaef investhation, acted upon the reatthe= mendations of the th ief; and adopted them without any amendment whatever. Their final action took place in April. If six montha in coottniftees IS not long enough, how long would " Citizen" have them. investigate? As to impairing the beauty of ,the' grounde, ." Citizen," like many' others, makes a notes before he is hurt. Has he seen the plane of any of the 'new buildings that are to impair the beauty of the grounds? He ought to see them before be writes condemning them. Now as to the grand 'argnment of " Citizen" about the sturieritority of the e Turbine water wheebi. No one knows their superiority bttor than the chief himself. ," Oitisen'a" suggostien to replace all the old wheels with Turbine's would do very well, provided the engineer could atop Off the era-_ ter from the ally for six months to come while the old wheels sire being torn out and the new ones put in. Citizen" stains to be quite ready in computing capaoitles, duties, ,to. Maybe he could devise some plan for temporarily supplying the, city with wither (lay for six months) without the use of Veit-mount - The fact is, Mr. Enter, wheel and, peep go. 4, though so worn out as to be almost useless; wil l have to be rile constantly this summer to assist in keeping up the supply. It cannot be spared for removal until cold Weather tomes again. This utter impossibility of teasing out the old wheels precludes the 'necessity of our 'examining the detailed, estimates of the cost of the proposed improvements, as figured up by " Citizen." Ile regard to the multiplying of water wheels at .Fairmount while the supply of water in the Schuyl kill to,run them cannot be increased, "Citizen" is probably not aware that for four months back eufficiont water has been running over the dam at Fairmount to have run constantly all the old wheels, and the now ones, too, if they had been there. By the now arrangement of, connecting the re , servoirs, the steam works both at Spring Carden and Kensington would then have been allowed to lie almost - entirely quiet, while' they could have "keen put in thorough repair for the heavy demand of August and tiopteber. They would thus have saved in coal, wage's, wear and tear, oil, tallow, .to , enough to pay the interest on the oast of the proposed improvements for at least half the year. " Citieen" closes his article by worrying again about the " bad taste and hasty judgement " whic h . are about to ruin o%km - oda. The present Coun cils, Watering Committee, and Chief together, riill see to that matter thoroughly. They are as welt able to do it as any trio that has ever preceded them—at least, in my bumble judgment. The fact is, Mr. Editor, too mush praise cannot be bestowed upon Councils for thole prompt and energetic notion in the matter before us. The whole city has been crying out More Water" for font' or five years beck, and one of the first things the prevent potty did when they came into poWer, was to appoint A dOMUilttol9 to confer with the Chief Engineer in reference to the matter. After every thorough investigation, the plan of the Chief Engineer was not only adopted, but.means wore placed in his hands to enter upon the work at once, and the enercy with which he has pushed the improvement! to a matter of remark from every one acquainted with the facts. Citizen" makes 'a groat "blow" about the spending of $15,001 unnecessarily in the erection of a new ' As to the matter' of economical expenditure of the city's mrno7 lam perfeetly e:itis ft ed to leave that In the hands of the present department Every on' who pays atteniion to stlnh matters knows that under the prevent Chia Engineer the works yield nearly one hundred thonsand dollars per annum morn in water rents thort ever , before, and the running exyouses have' been .- ,reduced nearly thnuian dollars per rinnubelow what they ire— , lost year With push faota before no, 'We need not tear that the $15,000 in question will be injudiciously or incautiously expended. "LOOKAR ON." PERMS OP FIBEIERMEIC—The Gloucester (Masa l Talegraph, gives a Hat of one hundred and ten fishing vessels, belonging to that port, which have been lost during the last ,thirty years. In these amain three hundred and thirty-six persons were lost or Aids number, two hundred and twenty-form have been lost within, the last ten Years, or an average of twenty-two Hes each year. The vales Of the property loot in those vessels-was about tdllif,ooor , The yepriSe2.was the most dins irons of the whole thirty; during that year thirteen vessels were lost, five of whioh, having forty men on board, were never heard from. Tut= Farina.—Our townsmen, Louis Chapin and S. P. Allen, of the Dethacrat, have Just retumed from limn county, Canada, where they :Tent throe days in angling for the tinny tribes. We are indebted to Mr. Chapin for a libo• ral share of the fruit of tha'aiieditiost. Mr. C. also showed na some leaves whiCh he plucked from the tress in Canada, after the late frost, to show how severe it nu in that region, The trees Were suddenly changed from. green to 'black, anti the Dreher& look as If a withering blight had'pitinted over . therm—Tiny Th 494 (pad Advcrtssar. • • • , TWO CENTS,. Rallrorid 'Meeting; , „ - ; 'Pertinent tOtlio notice a large meeting of tits 'friends of thee Tyr one ' and Look ateveteltaliroid -assembl e d In -the-, apart , room, la Bellefonte,- on Wednesday, " she Ist day of .Tune. The Von. A. G. Cartin'waseitlied to the" obair,ll. and '•Thos,'Wilton; - sloe; presidia , 'and llrU; liumetu secretary:, - - Mr. Curtin. on talting'the- Chair; rat:larked that 'he observed a number of &angers present::iniong • them Thos.l Masher, Jr., - pretidentiottlite Cate, wissaand , the Williamsport and Elmira- Railroads„ a gentleman of liberal viewitind leektiowl aged 'ability ;as ter railroad man, • and' 11 . : , .1kr 'fondle, the aide and 'indent superintendent - o,4mila* whoa ailroad. ~ Ifts also Observed the ktririre9r-, borne,'engineers and lontritetore'of great 'sips-, rienee thisecontrY and in Europe, whe:bsd, visited ; the • tend, l ud• the oolkots7e•and arho ifPf., competent to give a cermet - opitehin orttee line of the road, its eltaraeter,and'prolthloidilOblik Henhoo • °Deterred • utiongethere anoletywearta . railroad enterprise, . a PkinfiltAlSlA _ roads; Col. Joseph Paxton of-", ra t "' Man htd coati-here to attend th • ' 1 ' ' Mai ingeand he hoped: we Wouldobear freria, g ; 'Xim'offieere of the Soe4lfere,hetter 4,4 0 , 1 ,t5b0 the direct'objeettif ttuemeasti t ag and to them be now t "referrestihe .._ • •..•,•; DrOjneleensaocl.s.a4l,eleasso bad brimmed* with, tine bs litaiiromd ,Compapy to run the Ty..; 'me arid Lest(Tfeiviin end thithe lied in .vitertheoilleentef Thai toleifitt section of the oonnten,Nremoine , our -enterprise,. apd , if, Worthy othseletausi • The 'rusk slid; 'progressing and ivies atentlyateade_forithe Mack, and it-,was .time that' meow se -were ; teketi- to eemPletelt., Tb, #lo4Brit 'Osborne - hied imedialtrer exeinitted • its: oharacterderlititrienginbering, point of view. ghoy bad pasted , Omagh some , Or. re, vaPe.7. s s went into the, forest vrerit of, the Allegbeny ROMA tains observed tha"beel'intereste; the dron'utidek end iron- works, lumber mine and flouting mills; and made a detailed .repprt, whistrrialekore the table Outtiel9Ped.: - it would leo ..reriat..*Wite; to onehtsibajlealigird'Uto:fit-' -traduce to isandiebee Thorium 'Maher, - Jr:',.'prit-T Went of-tho Ontawissa, WillipmepOrc.,l9ld,Fh°,:o!l Railroad Computes. The obitirman'of the tdsetii4 having intiotineed Thomas Ilitnber,4r.,' President of -the Catawissa, Williainvortlvo -Uric Road, ~,• , selduat• be felt much obligged the ohalcutui, •htid to Dr..UnderwO6d, Orr having=et= plained„to the,oltineoe of BellefOate 'of his.visit at this time - -wbieh 'wee by,no Amass to, attempt-th impart aity - information 'to them' on, mbjeotswithwhiohithey'warefarsnore-.falelliar than he canthi r possihly he r much less to make nay, formal address to a town,meating, in order to mimie them to a conviction of their trueintereits in regard to the Tyronerand:Lookuiliven , Reill- Hdbad come unprepared for, so „Piddle's' reoaptionyanit would feel grearembirrisstainti on thespoaamon,' were it -nettrthat,the 'arnicai potiltiOw, of, our common interests reouirad It.,ffoolt,and , fl 2 - Interohnbge of obinierint:thite ; merit% slid ,earnest co-oPekatiort forbid' remold' evelfare*- , " Moreover, with the aid of hti frierlds—Aglard. and John ' Osborne, by wee enebleel,to make en Jen , portant proposition to the Meeting; which; if tier eepted„ would unqueistionablreneuretheolinumu - ' diets constraction of three fifths of the Tyrone and Look Haven road—and "place the "completion of the entire line beyond any reationable doubt: • lleir.,Rtmher stated that his acquaintance with Oils subject was of very recent date, having coin. maimed 'about three monthe 'dime. by thei intro: :dnotion of Dr Underworld; the enterprising and :indefatigable 'president of the roads to whose:aso• 'evil management and 'perseverance under evil and , good report- the' stookholdere owe ,the `safety and ateady progress of the work. , lie had heard, throagli' his friends Philiedel phia, interested the Sober Shoe Company, of . Dr. Linderecour,s ability,,andhadleen,urged,bs ,them"tei lend a helping hand to the road ; but it Ives' not till' the:Presitient u talfotrperionally and' 'pointed put its.olaTms upcni.onteympatthy and co. operation, the importance of. its cotemporapeous completion with the 'Sunbury Mid - We 16 - 1,4001 e 'Raveit,'and the largettibute that it - weald brings to. the Oatawissa and:Ml/airs load, that be ; bad telt it incumbent upon him, amid overwlisi*ing.. cares, to attempt a vi,goiolis effort onlekalf_Of the, enterprise:• -" Mr. 'timber-proceeded-to say that la had • in- - vited Richard and John Osborne ,to visit the,loos: - doubt 'the road, to' report - on its conditicin and prospects; and if tbeyeavrtheirway clean to den.' der proposals for its immediete pompletion.froml Atilesherg tO Dock Bayou • They hid'aeoorillegly, 'given a therein& investigation -tolheirhole -teat , and theresult of their ;estantirratiowvese tow. Mid upon the table, Ina oleareaCyory ancoarag-. log repoW This pamphlet boitairted Moat vitas, Ile information with regard to the resources '6f the district through whioirthe road :passed4 and ;which we believe would be feud, prepared, with, more than professional Uouraoy and cantiOn;'end faetitaotatements 'would fait bolo W the beak; • ' de would not•demin the meetincwitiva , recitel• of those 'advantage's, or of the Varlolls'eelardatlens' braperatlative profitt which the subject 'invited: They know nit these already; they-had,gaugadf he~r,iron.ore veins , spangled by t plumfeet -the. depth of their hoar m ines, and,' eslimati4 the Mil liontrof• feet on 'eriory' rqdati mile Or their `rdah: thnher lands. „They hmt.bullt lateral roads, and; ear nd,is and !anum,. to ~wok,up_and_ptepare, Or market their deli' miner al and- agrtottitkiral r r rt needed, therehoro,no arguinept oroternoustm; irir"kon*ew tad etialWaii=a ;the4l NV " fitita a &don of , tharittannfaottired stint's , to *el tweet!. profitablo,market. , . - • More espeelallY was this unneoessiti in vlese of the:feet of the teresit'prOgriss - that. hod been' Made' by.them ha-the oenstraotion of, the; Tyrone- and' Look flaxen road. ,It.wits, evident, that the cid.. sent of the Vicinity, were,' paartiallyitt `least; eon. Vineed of the intportanee of gradually Ooriiplatini a railroad communication with the great. North and loath.. , Bob there was 'one very important:view of the ease,- to which he wouldlike earnestly to call their attar:Mon, a‘nd Sh 4 was *bawl:at newton of ma !, It is a well-known ,prinotple, of; tpecilumies,that, what Is gained in time 'must be losidomewheie. And it was generally true in igreat edistritotioni,' that to work against time Implied &greater mow attire of energy or means than would be required for more gradual operationa. it might beso in this Inetanne • yet itweepoi sible that to prose through the L ' oolt Haven road , With vigor and desoatoh, so as to, complete the oonneetion the ensufng /trauma, 'would prove, on the whole, even the snort economical' finesobil titep they could take._ Iron was unprecedentedly low, and wages and material werelow.' Let the war news fade away-or prove, as was likely, the harbinger. of:great pros perity, to ,our, agricultural, rusd hence. for all our interests-Land wages. - and food, andiron, and ma: timid of all kinds Woad rebound to's far higher extent than would be'sny die; Count on the present negotiatiens of- our bonds... But whether in the immediate oaleulation of profit and loss this were the ease or not, it was certain to prove' in the ultimate and eomprelienc dive estimate of the results, the soundest polloy,, and the treestecononsytofinith the road at once, at any reasonable cost, - - • • Why, one of .the reports of your excellent and faithful engineer, Mr. lifolitinn, to whom it isint. possible to award too meek praise for his skill and devotion to the Interests of the Oompany, In the location and construction of the line--•one of. his early reports states the fact, which l: believe to be 'an under-ebtimate, that there are one 'thoMiand' million feet of lumber, at a moderate calculation, "within an area of fin oaa miles square, in Centre county. And that 'this lumber ' worth in the stump only sl'lo per 1,000 feet; or $1,500,000; but that at the terminus of your• road at Tyrone or look Haven, it is worth, manufaotured, $12,000,000. Now, this manufacture involves no expenditure out of the county —t'ao cutting and sawing are all paid for within its limits; end therefore, the whole difference between 'the present oath:dated Value, and the realised •returns forties Ilniehed -coin modity is a oleargale, to the county, of $10,500,000" And so long as this result is delayed it is a °natt y:tient clear loss to the county: • ' • What might not be accomplished with this- ten million dollars in Centre county, if realised with._ In the next twenty yenta! How your ooal mines would be developed ! now iron furnaces and-roll ing mills - would spring up all over , the country !. flow busy (tour mills, and saw mills, anti . 'lank . roads, end , railroads,' would be in producing' nd Manufeetuting and transporting your agrloulturkl and mineral wealth! Why, even this old rickety canal, which now looks hardly worth the powder necessary to blow It up, might gather something of ihe overflowing treasure; and a lively imagination might picture steam navigation on its waters, and twenty four self-acting steam gates and shutting at the bidding of this spirit of enterprise. - , ;Hat look at the anhjeot further : every year's delay in the average realization of this 610;000,000 is a loss of the interest 'on this sum to the county. Let us estimate this at six per cent., and- there dead loss, irrecoverably sunk every year, of $600,1100 to the district And this 'is on timber alone, on fifteen.mties square of land. Apply the same test to the timber along your whole,road ; more than that, apply it to the hundreds of , lions of tons of coat -and iron ore in Sour region, and the imagination is startled at the figures, which are brought out. Even the moat economical and, prudent of your: stockholders and citizens would urge the work for-, ward, and would say complete the arch—whatever it may oast for the keystone matters little. One remarkable -advantage possessed by a re• gion pierced by a railroad is this: The distant, markets for grain or produce, or coal or iron; or lumber are brought to your doora—and the full prices at the frontiers of the State are realized, less the simple cost of railroad transportation to the markets. You have but to pick up a New York or Phila delphia paper and get the ruling values of grain, or lumber, or Iron, or gas coal, and step to the railroad agent in. your town for the rates to that plaoe, and you havo the clear net profit of the transaotion in hand at once before your eyes.' There can be no mistake. Sell the produce by telegraph, deliverable In three days at New York, and make your contract with the. railroad, and draw on the shipment, and you are safe: ' grouts' may decline ; delays over the contract may`vo ter, possibly, but you are indemnified frontless, and can devote your time and your capital ; to fresh Operations. Mx. Klaiber then proceeded to show, by en 'ark curate outline map of the connecting. roads, that, both the grades and the distanoes'wereln i favor of the Look Haven outlet letctbaireoll'and pro deep, as area as for the -passengertravel Wend from the Eastern Taking the centred the trona and Lock Ha-' von' road es the rtienvi . starting point—which Bellefonte represented quite.. nearly .- and itorould be found that to Harrisbur g, the common inter section of the two routes; on the way 'to Beni more, the Lock Raven route had the advantage of three miles of diatom°, audn great advantage in grades. -To Philadelphia the same advantage, if passengers took the' Northern Confetti froM'Wil-' . Ifaraimort. 'Bat to -New York there was a saving -froorßellefonte of 81 miles, betides-the delays In transit In Philadelphia from one the other, 7fVlill[My: Oonvoreadoata tar «4n bassi' Will plisse bow in lad Ike rOstr s *yery:eozgenioe4oo eteit eeeleme*ett , 'the nazi* of the wetter. to lasso 00irkibiaii br the typography,,,bet oar ehhe OA* eked elooeld be We ahall grew, etillps!tofteeth,erk in Meryl - !We, erett ether lteteep, fc.r.e;eorlhitttees difas . the eerreoi mews of the ley is thu r r etlealiq 44,4" 1 , the reeenrere or the rermesoln eoeiltFri* Inatta aF pnolstion, or arytnioneatteoket 1411 b. firieei in to the genet4"ll4 . tr% • - even if oonneetionsinirek Otheiwise complete So ;that the Tyrone and Chkartielitroad_could.aetnelly transport theielnieber to - Noir 'Toth', worths whole lies •of 3 the TyMas earl-Lock Ravewtoad, bl mileg,. the kffleFleS JAIN ,region siargeo - trihnikt, and yet he in New_York_ by sielkortit-and - cheaper louts then:any other line 'sdorded liana: • k.•:- - = ! Stilt more Uoportesiti were all ,these_conalders thine to the Snow Siio,e tfompeny, whom Venable - impioreinents intertidal ffy•tene elidlook Matfett toad at shone et.oeritral pidistt-and, beneswino would reap ,the maxim= advantage from ,00ns partitive' cheepnies - Orttieleistede totibi. `And when to .thiktwas 'added this fintAbil the nOrthers market, were also open t° the fhtedPhcitt pa c li and the) "Binglsanaten, Syntons6,, Albany," an Otherkplacee noW using Westniorelausdaosi Atilleff Sew verbs, wtaid-thus Wist_VPnc,d..hY... 9 1 i.Wrinfi, with Snow Shoe pat, at - prices ,of transporladols Which Weinid ibify esoilietitian.= iiiiirelithiagivet &demi would : herkeiktheiltookbeidere,to .al _ nte terially in the-effort tocomplete the road, eleast fin* Mffeleliterretio'lmek Rafe*, iii soinafter the hpsidng, °Utile thenbury . and _lris road : toy that .pointanit wee posaible to sesompllib it . fume Word new With regard to' the" alteinatlie • Use 'friar! , Look Raven hi , Williamsport. '...... On riding up ""yesterday through the rash agricultural country above and below Jerre, Shore, one cddld 'not bat lies'eatofilehed at , the pelfey'Whiah - f had alumni tO, hng,the the barren Miffs. on the other side.of the rime to alms-of*e local trade which 'Of inself woulitalnuiat justify a road ,on _the left„ tittle.' Still, then the sartreed Week' eeirthN, 'Pledgee td the' stiscant of 4200;000. Ur alry beemmadeto the - stock subeitiption fer :that-Lbw end though 40 . 1 9PlitOPteeStraetojehad.-oderied- to tekethat 7upseripidon andlinign _the - roast on its Mortgagehipidilennediately after completing this road th" Look" Martin; jet Sr. Ifimbiietated•that he:deprecated; ea stetilroad man; the eenatinotion ef rival tauten and if the IpiTe the - CatasitisaceetelWithe , eee- tights ti soar Ravening thesmoW „e&itid. ,perpetkadiz - to Williamsport, he eZela 1 #: 11 0r 2 1eliftI if the emetreettiiii - -! - -W gii ":iptith4 04 -- . 1 t0) itiforteseetti'S •,.iit r sca'n't ehonld. . previa% ,: he -,,wcnrld., - pledge himself o, aid "in . the. immediate . completion, -of the Tyrone and Leer Havel' eileitislon - ter ef Mims; tort; on a basis Of loadtteiriptiosie 0. $2511;000' to thelowar line: Afr.l.R.iinber- then lintrodneet. Richard Oaborne,./laq . to the „meeting, . who SA reined in full form, the proposals . for . completing the road from Julian Pinnace to Look Raven the coming autumn, 'based 'eni' a - - sabgaription. of $120;000 oh the Tyrotie and Look Raven beide at' seventy-Ive oentszon:notesrof responsible parties running from, three .months to - twenty-seven months from Allii jet, _1859,410/S - 1; idtheubeariti: Lions already pledged, would enable 'theist' to r itbz sorb themsel ves theremaidder'of the bonds -hems eery to the completion - of :this section bf the work. k Aar r-Ximber stateddhat he had no, personal in t te rest, . direct of lrnreot; i n ' tinicontreet of in the . imestruetion of thkirdectin any"way But that he' ~ ,belleved - it eery tintrortant Id Sedate - rigs in -lig ' !oilers's -that" thoi , Typineekaidlialslßevini...road 'should .bet• opened. - *Chilli, apt her felt alms. that ) !there would ,nevisr- be melte,* Ahem , " ltelee 9- klitral. proposition - thin Itielisi4gairid'John paboine . ~lid ' now - made', to troMpleti - that section' - et i 561200 'a 'Mile; with -7 8d Irirto (it anicktust - payable ' in bonds. ...- 1 - - ..l. _‘• •:, .... - ;:i. r ,-- - , 1 The proposal, in fact, tendered a oeusiderable ; oubsoription of foreignimpitattothisloaar inter lard, 'One diminishinglreally "the efforlerequilite - fat home ; -• end , he earnestlr - hoped . no Ikeitionise consideration mould inrfere with 'Assorting. and! !earnest co-operation:of te all pertieskintsreistedain. Ale great,work, - • •-- - , , _,...-- _,- -, , i Air.: Ostionie.. renieried" that. the': Tyreins ant, ',Lis* Raven - Railroad, - throngikent ' its 'entire ` longth,lnutlt seer look to itiasitteft klMlntation Is " the natural outlet thrall its prednetions, anAfor , [these reasons :• lst. Because die' ieneewee in its fe , • :vor- r "Tymne, leirwes,iern extremity,lbeinges,ooll2. ardititanoe to Nets York,' via ihe_Tyrotioner Leek ' alisten Railroad ; as by any otherrmiter-endspocide i ,frovi a middle point, say Bellefonte, belnglester / Ito, New Yorlr. - via. Leskaorgoe , bl mom than , SO :miles, than ibo !brows...-. 2d ,The, mat of. trim!. , iporting i ton of, goods_ herd Tyrone' Look - 'Raven being taken - at - 21 - cositte; it Ward& require' en outlay of abort 48 Pelts tki oarrttglikailuanti- .ty,frOM-emit tomcor against aredeseof Wallegrek or,' -h*i other.words,the total,reoeipts on-the road:or .e c ear, An "Pane of helot. 111.1.21)00,i Li ; had - "been sheen' to ' givew Tabun of Mien per oint.ipitsidil ' ',require to be about $2101300 . to, plaid - OW . lmgal return, if the.outhst;for=thicgrader eh the:Dead iVegle . valley,.,oo, forced ditmog, t.i.te!seestkinecon- _-, 1 ictions. .. - \ • . . 1 i -Whit Sane inindWouldeind 14 , ti n Pikesen- . lers - Wwstooard;in eider - letixarriire *Yen ectitere * oink. and-who Weald preferrollinghis harden alp '4 111, when b.T..• sialoii •., Waling ,round7ititeekubi of ~ tat:Ni down and meth :the seine pobitt.-"why abonl the enteipthing mole' who'havp,lnkal_,ded grailektthie Mad, lot cirri . ' this goods atiel`Piaild-", '_ gets or. Its local ttadn'irier'lhele olio loads iiiid. • swellitereckeittap - rather than-perisiri ittewkimter. 1 keel' other Joked. ,te .add . to Weir ,sersons3 -- It's c therefore; distance; Ocist_of tramportetion, dirt.. , donde en your stook; and Interittori YOU! bonds,:, bre questions involved, and widish will be' aids- ~' factorily - settled-- tip the kainiections jow late formekalreedy, it requirea k no:sutler arguments 3 to show What I have herons stated, that the traffic. 1 bf your own road,, from every penst„ok_ik "Emil fatal' to liZkllavait. ' - --,- ' t Like advantages - ore to be folind'in•theitoiteto r Philadelphia,the differesteein diastase Wig, of Oenteesdete. . t. tkrie Deva it t t ei t tr - Tern esttheir e ititlillitraik f all a allintiil: tri,=.:; , , ithevelit,i-i-ii-was- : --- . - 41.. , iti. ageinit the triuhdolliatlifi in iteleors , Mr. Osborne elated that the whole subject had U, beenoorefully, examined by request of,- theprest• dent of- the", Cataivitsa; Williknosport, — sind Aries , lraid ; 'that front his Mirsteesed desire tolavethis adapeedily Hashed, theyhed vieltedtbehountry : . examin,e ihrresocult6l. handition: of. theroad, - 0., and.he was happy to be ebbs, atAlket n_seeting., . to say ' that, so fat as theywekm,concornedt they ' bid witnessed enough o` minvince"thenilbatlt eould be a safe investment for them; end that -- there'wcot abundant proof of the read frail its own *mmeos beteg temunerative; -that' with net -- feelings," Oestrous .of carrying. oat the wishes of - kr. }limber, they Sete, prepared to became large itabteribere to the bonds; millettake to the pkiheingh,denstgeethe Mad he raining' order ' fall, and. if this present owners of :the raßroad • mild - take among themselves& few shares of:them clearditlei, the Olt, of 'Philadelphia _will this on. . boil lie brought witlibi:. two hundred - ,and fifty Miles of Bellefonti.Whilis, at 'this moment •she is ' chore than one hundred - miles.frourlack - Hairen, Ind near four hundred from 'Philadelphia, esti- -, Matingthe time of travelling as per railroad. :- i The - proposition for Putting thls - traeleon that ' Portion of the' road =heti/atm Leek" Raven mid • Juliaraprinme, was discussed - by - Hon. • Jame! T. Ra1e,..11.. Blanchard, L.- A. Mackey, Dr. Tinder- ' 'rood, and o th ers. . • t Col' Joseph Paxton was now introduced to the Meeting : " , • I Cot. Paxton said that a certain proivetitp ' awaited the Tyrone .and Look -Haven road from • the day of its opening. --I ithe coups of-his long, but pleasant days ride' from T,ookltairen-to this place, 'he had been greatli,sl mok with tlikißrogvles. • this Wild vaUerhad made slime his bat tisit, somas tirentnflte years ago..,:' .. - :T. , :. - - •, ' ~' . .The cultivation of a large portion Of the district • pissed through was, equal to that of- the. oldest settled and most improved oounties'of the State ;.. , and the iron furnaces "and' low-mills everYwhere • in operation or awaiting the opening of the road to commence opems'iensi insured; the very first ,year an adequate return for the bondholders,..and • after that year would intquestionablV - remunerate the stockholders for their investment. Re de- ' sired to assure every, capitalist present, that at ewe aty.five per cent , the price propoied to offer the bonds at to subseribetioind'in view Of the - AMple time given for their payment in cash, every • subscriber would, in his Judgment, make money by the" operation, In addition to thei great kid . he -wohld 'render - to the road, and to' hie other Interests. 7 •- , , -- -. 7:` .." •, lle felt euro every Party% present, or-who should hear 'of the Imposition, who had money td Invest," would'oonoludo with 'hitt, that these bonds at seventy-llva per gent, were a ,salt irons, reliable investinent. Thely had-alt the sienrity of a Mortgage on real *iota with a vital income, coming - in every year, pay the interest and diminish gradually, the b nded'debt. ;Col Piston added that his experienee of 'rail reads; sines their first introduetion into-this soon try, some. twenty-five years ago, • had been very considerible, nod. he 'felt glad ',to' assure tile gentlemen laterested • that be had never •seea. a cheoper, a-straighter,' tor el batter Dien fled road. than the, Tyrone- and _Look _Heron Ned. lie had' himself paid ) out In bash; for 'the co`pstriation of it singlemll oh the Crataseina triad, more than the average cost or Ales miles of this road when completed: And yet the Cata lina was now earning and paying' the interest on 'the bonds, and in a year er two would -pay a divi dend on her. stock, lie felt sere, therefore, that this road, on the small construction cost of $15,000 per mile, would immediately-and amply pay the interest on. the -whole stook end bonds. and he earnestly, recommended the enbscription to these bands, as a very desirable investment for families or estates, as well as for the purpon'ef completing the road as proposed at this time: Oa motion of Dr. Wm. - Underwood, it was a . ...-soitead, That, in the opinion of this meeting, the proposition Sitbelitied by Thomas limber, Jr , and the lilessrs-Osborne, is libarel,and if responded the people of Centre o2unty, will insure the cdropletbin of the road. = - Resolved, That James T Hale, W. A. Thomas, 'I3M T. Milliken, P.D.Wilson,W: P. Reynolds, John Irwin, J. I. Thompson, Thomas Wilson, Wm Foa m, Jr. Jacob Graffiti.% John Zotiel,,Jno. Chatham, DeotorJ. M. Motley, are hereby appointed to take inimediate 1110811 b to sell beside of ..tateloompany, and in all other reapeots,earry.eut the arrange menteproposed to complete the road, and that they nic earnestly rennested to fulfil the purposes of this appointment Within tendays. Resolved; That we are deeply obliged to Thos. Rimber, J r.,, and the Messrs. Osborne and Colonel Pait ol 3 for their visit to Centre county at this time, and - their generous intentions. THE Pottstown (I's:) Ledger eye Mr. FMnklin Levengood, of this borough, who left Pottstown some two or three months ago for Pike's Peak, arrived home last Friday: In company with others from this place,' he travelled within !chant pal:hundred add Sixty miletref the new t'dorado," when, becoming satisfied that the reported lancl,otgeld?„'Nu a hurehat, he-,t/telced abbot, and returned- -"The paity_suffered severe liardehips In 'their' portal westward 'from 'Ms sotirVistifiantifign Ilistance`of about-eleven hun dred miles on foot, in going and coming; and etthetnie cur the:gtpund_et,- night . , - .with 10 2 other heilding than, a single buffalo skin to each man- Metier 'of the' natty from VA/ vicinity reached :- the Outings. _ -, • A Soares paper states that of nine 'hundred end fifty-three clergymen attending the late'an niverseries in that oity, but seventy-three were ttin profossional badgetba - whtt. cravat. The growth of hair on the faced °elms. of, the divines we 4 anotbernign quit they iris Wittig to stand 'as men among men, and At-appropriate dielnotione in rometbingif "'born oitusequenali tban. paoaltaritlee ooattual.-- - - •