The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 13, 1859, Image 1
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Ogden streets .'• a IMO ; Korth 7411eVyntk ttreet. , ' A. corner - 704month ind t L.L____Lt __albfkuralitreeti• #. TONIKt/fil,r ' , ;SYCIDC: t ` i lt 0015 ; ' ; ` - • 4 . ft i'sfad . 4 4,11 ' AM US E ' • MOAK 4.0001 !WOW Tide.) 4 \ 4l: i** ) ; R. kOlatO ' W -Doreen , • •c -BidpiiatfitreetC , L" , , < -No, - ..15.1.6 ,Elooth, hoot; ' - . Pariah "treat.' ~.:'oornar.'Nfaataeath street! • B : 4 4 4 / 4 " 31 4- Ili" : "Voila s n lederN TdoINTYP,B, - atica'f '=•-t I ‘;••;W r !--A 17 4 1 ,T.j 9 •;e - ,; , 2 Otetteeste4S Maya Peron-, gorier 061401;0nd kWAIi 1 'lil4?iiii3l4 l ;l-..1.i- 11; -a i riti,a;a.3 , .;itori - 110 - 0 -s-... • •Woo*Paitadalplits, Bath at 1 . *love Hivalord road. `.7tiied peons. - . - Tkamont and Ploa (Irani --. Wait Oliaator, POMO J. Vapeltai, p.Y. - #1; GIG " r.Yae:QLRUxn ; wiidastao, P=MIM , ogettaWBALKARY, .82 . N ., - (50 ,Mer; Viri Ali:4op strut ., ,pafriagariti i ai ;;i,,t,, 11 : oaMailtp#3lflal;tl2l;ll.l- to di ,04 ... tliosiirtroktr. .19 1, _#.0111.t P 4 40 rgoo4 totrornitiPtaiti et osilos. Iht,„. at lidtti *3.ltitFits hip t!eN•Prt ti t.kal l 4. Ilgt ~........Amim "Liggait,Vr ei tr, 74,,- - iiiieci-4idoi 11111111i1 ' Auto , - p - 41495 1 1 . 11:trg, 4 1m4 ,,ir I , ° =' ls " . - ,' ~, ina ii Alio rats*: • . ,-, • s l' • 1 x i ' t; Of Vidal ho air aow-th ti il 1010itiail to tie 'oootooptol'Jobovoevisittoo ! r ;10 astAlti c... 1 40 1- . , ,,f.f)‘ I, 4i_p. ~F t.- . 7 , Al iNs eo;e - top4iiiii4,di ' 4. 6614 but 4.. w i t : , IWltt b• Old i. 1 1,0 ..... hai r Qi "Xil lOW N a OINI,Or ill , thltie 12. ' ilige' • I * l / 1 7 *" 11 “ 411019 . - - • bee •- I tnatimi, ~:::,,S I:t / :114itiii. itia liiii — fii t„INIC10,1 1 : _ V4 4 .-T- el !li 4 j itto•- --44: ;Alf' 1r 'r .4 TV:in#o#olo,Akltuiiiing,eurobs. CO — Et . ' , ;JL:4I* Ada 24 S . " • • -,;-s".t .0.9,4,k1,i95A5:11 , ttil}lloBl - irIitAVATS; :680311KEITN: UT - Street, beloii lieveßtb, - ,„" • - ", • R , 04' 1 WALBORN • '''-010fritgl;:Cand OTRIIIT, -, m4o7.9rAcqualas sominj WIIAPPE ,uss ,ETH:toz!i, -NTo: -Nottifillivoti Fe* the 1 616 41"8 / '71LiAN/Int14,4 •BUBINESS: " , ; Nirktoo4StEgli 0.0. 3 GE,NTLEX4N 1 4` 4 14 ,1, nagignlAG; PORI ,if ihemo, titklo Cgifirlgilti ghost, oppo. - - Ike Wishlastini "'A: WiaClUilltiamitt tin.stitejeetaroe*, 1ihi.10 14 4 potialupetylalogif, thy . mating . aCkisia)Allaturing '. 1 ;40 1 %0 11 1 011.- Olden forMildabnited style - of 'Mats IP O %Pliant *US at,A)l6,shostfooo34). WholOall 'trait; fappnegroia Ilbeirid teraw' - 64,2be5. BEANDs - ,Ea114 '6114. 170 E15* : ;E x vs7;?vot. f ii;iA*S. itjiTREET, rEgi asosOicTiNO misoli.9ll4oß, oP VNITIAN,-BI`[NDS OLuora•ix SlLitots • nnloliatiosiirit tom( tb the BUT hisorthwitt 'foto 414,01,bizowsOrpriaii. :Amos' mania 'awe fetter ed, 117911111PALIMI pftssptly *maw I Cabinet-Ware. E, ja_Yg : P 0 T TIEN 1144Afrx IMIX04 ; lidtsbuloteltisilia, Mead, ant studs, in Oak;Wal udiont lgoiLogoort or hoodoomo *WI sodimmoro, A4,4110 03 1' ' 4Ok9 i TED Dag RAM fr4:l;:ijiiT, , as micrT ; ro* gI'ILKET • , " • , atnaTirinitatUßP . 436 44 LLIAU P _ • MOORE trc oAUPION „ !fezosSEtfn Snt/rt sosa;ta'aimarras 710,atifill41,Metiof OriOemtielo of 1 a l lz Alitl c TAßtkiti , itwol44. sqw as hasd.citill iribly; soloed with 00 cuatrlosv 11011.01111) CUSHIONS eassitai 'by •Iniiid*,t POUT ° t° g li pcm to sat oaken t‘6 4o ,,AtslitOttthe ei tiliallef 'WW2: i.e.. 0 siget , to 14/111001111 6041011 i tNl=. *llo ' , sa aattiss with ttrAo , ,thaxadet of twit , , .1114-410 ~..13,r4,4*--ft, ~.ij 6 K MANIIPACTURER, NOROII„I,UTSD STREET. 1 B L ANK ; .4-81StilsifJOURNAIS, DAY BOWED, and BA 4 1 1 1 X40 4 . 4kieriffrOoOl eonotontly od bads or road`` 480 - i # lOor:ISNOri to Order. • ktiliOlionliAlitteduilLothir 11,404 land ordo;:, ''''' 4/ I #iiii**l . 4# oii ;:'' ' :!: ', 'BORDEAUX 'OLA-11 , PIT'' 'FROM :*A.SONErrON ' I,2OO:CpM , - • 2 . 60., '_ Zotophe. ,, - 29- .1,: 611 !4• 1 4x:'' • . 20z. g 4,; 'I ' 2$ Oieie Vii)Emp#4lo : °licit; iBo;,L'ii; • 26-1,0, , it , • 1651, c 9 p aa iu se :;i The abuts mirsowlandlim from Mitt , g irms, Ed -r9X male 1)7- • pitheDkUnii, -„ " , "ni; '1 •"!,,,,'• • • " 124. WAT.IQirr,iTii I FLE?Ti ' -,i,saTtat c.-; - AND AUDIS 'CilAii ) EPA 4 C+Sgekk: „ • The tuvishOSALITI 144i:41'004, 1161,e.iges,dii trolted,:stotos, . t?r -410 i, w ale gf_4lo etuunpagne MUM of Measee:i JA.oAtrka-401111G , te 00., et Chalosui-snearattoe. We pelmet thile wtnt to 0-el 4 4 41 ° enler two *°". 2 4 111 9 1 ,!1)-- - • • AP: 'ae «PIIBLI n Whio la of aquiline Si*, sad frplij taste, and la guarantied to nompiire Id* aiiy Wins In' ttieAritetlasa - • :!,R,u146 ,, 14,4 et?ihiei:iihrimpagir _of n J4lcattf4l , .nfto* 44 This min* ,t,ndovibtedly ?ono ,of _the finest • oitklnet Champagnes prodinnin trionee;' , and .14, , made gropmni tlae elinleentneteritione. lane, mope of thli .4all'hnonagheiah of ,TA,01.17EF3 , iiiete_dellntoliiiition to 'farAteli w? Pe/ that w 111,141.17, eetabllsh 411 we a! toit , . . - _ , - citAtitElt;' ABEGOokIdoOLOSKEY • .• *kW .10$S. ; the abode Wines my l)e bad it the tollgwing, in Philadelphia , , :111 , 1 Walnut at.; 1 ; 1101t.ill H. LiapsakAlii;;2l3Blk4l(4l,,lttawk WAiitip, NI L Akesti iett ot. e - Job. C'Tontaa'te :Oa.; NB, B.:,Paant at.. 4 mar masa & A1.t1X;214 0: I roistst.';',PATrAksos; Offoz, &TA ;88 N:flottopd,at4sLaleam e kNinti,clB, 9117 Mar ket. at. TanxiiioS BLion,Leonsei Cheataut one 'Braid sta.; IN. Plan sn, , Twelfth' and Obettuut)ts.; maxim & IiATWAIIID,IOB ,h 1 araeh'ist that* - Oos,eon, nor. Broad ink Welioiti - Astoin & Wontozo ',ittainnt Vise.`„L'lntannacut & Co., flotith;rllny Ales at tit* tenoning tiatela GINAto PniineliinT;SiEar *Animal. mon mairoisi.killl4eui aterfit.; Wx. O. CLAtrum - .A.,.094 Itti!oiticts , Ramat, o.lloXis sin;lo, • . , tell . aitt4n: r:— PRESERVI°N( ; JI&RS, POTTER &• - BODINE'S PAT.Z.NT ,- .A. r n l I 4•H,T El-LASS- FRUiT-JARS. IitERNITIOULY OWING IRISH VAULTS, aco, /or_ degeri to iiihs:onn Utw - lila lima, ' .razidelthie Mids. ' etPPLiED ."" POTTER a BODINE, "Odr, 3 . Ar the setrieqiiion-qt 4/irtprfaj:pfy,g4ll4l, prf 401 einoctiij 1041200i:4o the 14'4. pelloritref,osir'artiele *To thdis 'laths:ll4i p!relt.6. !*- 0141ag44etfriite# 1 0Ptive. 4 ; • ; 11.16,9 also ore o.sLatitse superiorsolaimslw&tAr sag life&kc'oo4 or krtoo.44# hofow ijPti - ; - -V , :t. ,1- • CO:4- 4 . 70*,0,,ty. , 1131/IVetT &,RTTOREN; • - , lesiorrientorail to Ilk& '•9beirlfirelptoot, White Xiirld? OMIBT4UT BTRtET, - NORTH &ID!, BELOW TKE aI#ARD 110091. , Now 'opening pair Nall Simi , oi . /ifißOßTlLDMiWilLlitilli4TiD WARES: Ain) a.•; , r9r GOODB, To which, theytnetto the iittentlien or the public ,DilM ONO% MIME AT wuous Mug AND ItITAIL .nl7•lr tf J 4l 4 F45 : . ..7 4 T 5Q ; 41 . P 0 R . T E *A.'iCHESi JEWELRY, Sto.i , No. 825 BARNET STREET. Sonstanay 'on hand a inn inanntmant of ?adman and Conatantin Mistaken. fel Om JARBEN'& BRO., " J • WANIIP•011311014 'AND IISPORT3IIB 01` • iiiimEh t ilATElO WAR R, No.llol OELVTAllretreet; above Third, (op digits,/ ' ; 'Coaßtailtly oaliabraild for solo to Mid Tiede, - • TB& 006ildErti lON . :01111VIOZ 'MB - PlTil}l2llo,,oo mars., CD Pit .IVAIZJIRS, Boil . • • ' Ts. OiSTORti. TOOVI3; 'SPOONS, • ' . • 'lOlllO, - 1401.1%; do.. • OMIT g and platingeon all Nada or mow.- fatil2o, lll 4 l ',tEbtlnitao. kiIIOEMAKER N.E. OM FOURTH AND RAO STRNEIO, • WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MASULS.OI"ORARS OF I'MpiTB;IN ' IMP01111!Ktf or numou PLATE Ada WINDOW ' ,GLASS; DIULLIBREI IBI , AMIZIgAtf WiNDOW orat'llm , 1, • gionea. PHILIP F. KELLY & • 7 • (auccrienints ' , ro 11011 MT J. 31.09114 a 0.,) No. 'l6 SOUTH THIRD , NISBET, PRILADILPHIA BANK NOTES, COMMERRIAL PAPER,. - • LAND WARRANTS, • • -EXORANRE; BOUGHT AND'ISOLD. Otpicol 'lna BO ' Pd." - bitt Only on ebrernieslon. - ISpeetal atteOloiefitven . to dolleatioat th;tmlibotit mita (=tomer; my rely on Prompt . , desk and return. ' . spß•tf 9~ooktng~.ilasseo: OOKING GLASSES. 1.4 . , -Mow >n store the moat extenalys sad Oegipt wrort meat of L. , poixrpo GLABBIEI,• IP* at the rood , P"7 I.L . 00 . si*G atowitii Etith,,ii'utiNi l leabag. i!oixdi#lo tOiiteirciple tiamits. : -- • Freitag Intl, beet tate, Wid in 'the most iglitastla antener, , • Lpogise 91.469.11#1 /mashed by un.,one nonninnnus by ourinlYee In our conk nanbliehmenb r * toointa ()Wan iiiiio44liitand,ivaAtrriv;.;ut:ii for opuistrt 4408 5.:414.1.11 80Ni • • • Etl6,ollSl3l'NUT , :atitisv; patam!lit.putA. BRANDIES.7—rf 4 . enta9pey Nowa - an d 'i4 gotttiblle 'Branily . ; - now Ikildrng titan bn board the bivk Yids, it'Ldaibod-rtteesWbart. Imiiarfad and fot ea% briIENRY BOtildla CCO., , jed•des. - ..•,• • 521 and 22.31o0b.F01;14T118traak. 425 NPS.' i; te2i ~Icd l AnKoalli ; ; ;; ' hole xnd 8 2 4 1 144 01 , 1 , 0 :- 0, 'BA.DIMIL ev, 9? AA 31 afi Psaka lf ' ibOT Front InnatAlte"" °9l • MIGAPIELPHIA; ' '''''''' 4:UNE- - 0 Pi r • z RIGANTINE HOUSE) • - ,aINRY 8111211 rropOetoi ' • 4 ,i 3 . Zi.3 eta . • r This le s most dellghtful tempt, 'Bathing at thiapointia unexcelled anyielt.:#•„ .4•taiga thelllttGAllTlNvyttotott,.hee been , iseiettyY bunt. ThelOteittell le" , cool 'tea. eellghtretillealet 'elttlstelhettieen the Att'y met the 06ess: +fillelb•,46 and gunning thresebooe , tee eesepe.,.' OS,PUIA bolt airaitilisiedgire It tiro rnlet onllnintrisel earielitostisetifitity". frig] *ha* , tb6 BAIGANIINEMOVB,I6 lk fe1t110114.4 4letemie6t.(tetee bilsl%lPlta!matlld"a' r , j • boit4iPS • 01110 *WRITE SULP,RITR 'SPRING.L.` ..... „ ..... . OPEN' TO VISITEReI tinIKIIY4'EMILTECOIt'AIi/11 • 11171i6, IRO d • Strea' let TO- OOPOOEff, ACICOMMODATIONS - ppp VlNT.intk' OHIO WHITS SULP4IiIit etlievl • 'tod houriti,:rd" iolfes horth'or.Oolhtlithei (the capita or Olito,) on theEcloto riverl o ;m l . ti l ., oo ( * ~ peleirere,:kmilus ,tra ,tram 7thulkote sulphur staon,l4- .theypriagiteld,llt. 'Vernon. eld.''Pitteberg ith)lre44, alittlovigg;trotilLptile4eid Vellei!orlhitioge 11`titiin) :On the Walther Vote: tied Rellread,'..l Tho..piediolueli,quelirlesorltheile SPUR , aZ#l o 4' putted thoSO,o! edy; other - . Xiherul rviferi vritted Metes ' • ' - • „ - 1:4 Ilid'ametral ot'othet Uternietlee, 4l4 ' 4 l 4l4 o 1 ,.. .,1" • . w .h h Ol it h ,A ß s t u r ph : iWilatroDifilonhrti WAITE •'z SULPELUR L'ANDI , OEtAi:t. 1 ~ 1 . - BEIASE SPRING/4M DOI/BlaNer aPv t '' 1 onii - pike". pima, And,age ea.y- of amts.. 7* Harriai ; thippe ml, the; CturibMland Villey Rog, 1 6 . 2 9.10 1 , A - thincers 'irOlis..atiging id d the ' iilpfrngs, vlitTir tri .- lfmcatt PM,. tame 40."14rmy ormitoxims A 'r Igo, forybitate...Boold por,lwmik> 0 i• Po 4 tyl .. NMrnetton. for. families. atleranies—smAtm, , ',„; 4'4 , 51Y blokttelaosi, litutiort .t . Co.; II.,: 8- - VidooSil- '` Ro s pizeilb Ito': ,tbgr ARMillv a tote Witir4; l7 4.: ' , I „Boot, ApikLy . Nal Pnifesoor,f 11. O. tank. . .. It' , *Ono .. • •Iloitipil , . cl:,- soot r:rt twirtirj r - : , -.J'et:ttiiir ki , • --• • '-' ' '''' ".. ;' POPTIOWW!' - , . „ . TrINPTE ""VrATES - J.-111,6 submiOber ' tikes' , is 'method Of larordalog_his friends tqldthei kuhlle,th and , efter'2lTNEt 20th , hisz house; nill3,olopen;',lp lfint reception or, Sae/lte. Wile]; friarYeift!tlink b.k 40: _please those wheousyfarqr Mug. , The, hot*, hi`f. ndtty attested on 'i One blat'ailth Ittern,in , rni fall vie* , of th e ocean : geed tuide s ntiblingrAii-; it 411 ittntotiva:iis any "house- in the onatitiV rbi munientiost .MA6801040, by two/110r Mies poser -yi'grint-strioitribitkr, y15:,.0 - A;hl;`, ss2,l4;!:f Refereneer—Ginady;"Wirdeo,‘ -1h Alo 4 4 20 -, 11141' , .. •t Street:- _ _ • • l•-'41.,,A..11110.1f,MAgll I „V; 4 0 , 1 c 2,1,1 !` 4 , • A NDALUSIAjBAUL will bki iikilll G rp R'.al kW theasoomfreidatio*.of , tfiedia — Thri‘ teal -to make their home lo tisk- ommery diarbeg OR fi),p 2er ivionomihothrot dAy; or gum , It la pleaptallyigWold tia do erolnerieet one Millet° We 'nettle of fie ad the , Phlladdiplifia end Pottsville Tdrapilre: and f ' '.iits elevated position iiiittlitiltenefitof oornmandirg ' I triel view of the aurrouroilmr °metal , flow, NVl'Vriki° Arial up to the Blue eimmtaim - Gap, - 1 dietaries of ~latety miles. The fresh -4:0 - untry- air , vriVoti Is ' tly stlmasr „there., rued the excellent •-yrikter , sermlnd themselves ' The proprietor bier taken peak to pr Ide tiveiy , totiaterb Sod'irmusy'Avlthlzt'bis iritelr for , ~the. ooeommo., 141°04311e gitosta,t Hit boas. fro!depleded needy i orniehed—id e bathing appetiatos eomplete;- and hie stabil' , flichiCZLivirfanarathbditrans of the : beet kind out Am obtsined at, the, shortest notice.LTemoS mcwitifsfe 4 "' 1108.13.1trA14114, Vioftiptbr x mylEwain:2m* " -, ' .4: E irsi , itisi ettr—il ds o x rOUSH. Mot or-Pentrylvaair &fermi, ATLANTIC toOrtatetOtorcOriTP,_44 6o .rof sfrishnntenyoonti*ltty to the beenboind-iinntronre. nese of The sdlicent_grounte,,thly home le uttering" The proprietor km spared no . psion in malintt Si - IftithfeArttitioobla beedihirad. by Maria: , t, , jel-Bm' 34. A.ftlallt LE • 're' Pr ET. , 7831491U11 11l BP illii(1£1; OtfidOBRIAND :00.; PA: ' , " This fetorite imd Mehtiiiiiible'f.Miiterlit Plata, 011111 V, witty located near the bate of the Blue Mountain, lour miles tiotn.earlfsle—Pa,, Bill lieppers for vieltejs 'oil the'ldth "orJMNIII: The ' waters of thee, likings are highly inipregeetedirith eilikiiieLe, and rot. drialting and: bathing ere siot`serpasted by iley4iiipliur "Syringe in the country', :The buildings arpyreU ventilated, and are karroindsd - by1,200 feet balebbliii sprawl is of the grandest kind. and the aonommedatlttheibr the reoriatiOnZ kisith; AtA,w2rorp. ol rtll4 l ri BrOtisk oeprionable: Good fare, pleasant driest due -mnaioi billiards, bowling saloon,". kali Aar sago!,small the araus4aatiti iisnatli Valid at Maeda' Vlitai tail be en. toyed here. Visitere leaving Philadelphians Baltimore' in the morning train arrive, at the 180,M a< d o clock Prat. pally mail. For farther inroproitioa OWAN,` CrolNDUirif. • • ' 9 totattatars#BlNGEkPa. Baraaaitoee—Jolla O . De Boom; Beq.„.4W i l i k o hird A. Rhode-4 4E4i Thome' o,Perolval„,Piiii pis • tt.itAriglitut. )tae,,, ; Vlaatat, Itioliard - .llscv; ttikii D • _ •,,,; • 0 T--"''UNITIOD, :5TAU5.', 4 5,0114,4",,AT . 'th.hil4.llo Ottir; ' , tiff iii intilnatlg4.. 0 xel oeptio or visitors' on Um' t "of JUN rT• , atiu 4 littii it ieth6OVgbiri•-;ltittl , ',.-; ' 'lttid tw 4,140i1ati1 , 4-44 1 0r4 Isliworlidt4ll44llfOr, railroad_ has beat construe to Oa ; bosnib,ois which the month will ,?po9ns,b,ted Instro! 'ohaFe . 4u!toll biitbiniebdstri.' , ' - ' ' 4 -' ' - inyS., Ira, :' , , , ! • 470N3A1t it laNKial• Q.A.OHEIPe'BEAD HOTEL; .- NEAR GUILFORD, CONN.! . ' The , eubaorlbtir, having' Wailed this rwell•known 'first-olass holdonable Summer Horde, would Leona II S former patrons and the pultiegenerallyi that it is to be refurnished: painted beide end ''Ont4 , pat complete ordir.luad'openbd tar the reettpUon bt atimpany on the first day of JUNE, under the trumrdiate superinten -donee of simusitexasswerr,' Rao:, the popular 'and universal favorite atthia establishment for the last ten • The interim of modern bonstmetlon, built on an ex. tISDPIT6 IWO. -with: sccommodations - for two. hundred and fifty gnats, oommandimea fine New of Long blend Sounds • Ballard; EhnEle, and Boiling Rooms, at a con venient distance from • the ‘Romet, Rood Fishing and Bathing within Ere minutes 'walk, . • • • ' Arrangements been been made with the New Lon don, Etonington.and Providence 'Railroad for s - new .depot; within - Mae mile' of - the Ilonse, called the .Eactlerres Reed Elation " Also, for Excursion Roasts, for the boarders to and front the" Tontine Hotel" to the Read,. at half pride. . - N. 13.—Mosqu!toes are never soma at the Rotel, TONTINE HOTEL, ' BY U. LICE sozawrox. , Nzw trevaN comic I bare made attend , attendee Improvements the TON. TINE EIRTET, this Spring,. in the addition of new linable; heir Billiard Tables, and Bath Boon, with hot and cold water. Baronies buil:tart:Attires of zooms at either Houser, on low an at any firePolass hotel in the country; Every attention will be paid the, gaimts of the two -houses. ' . Being the mile owner of the " Blithest's Mid* , pro. Oar, and. having.yeses, W ho froni •Jannary next, of the CONTIffirIIOTIM, my le time will he devoted to the coratort of the guest*. thylVwfmew ' H., LBIO 80RA.NTON. A..Thle well•known and delightful ?Imam ;resort will be opal - for the reoeStiOn'of visitors on the 01%t of Junta and kept' opentill thd . firet or Cetobei.' g" The krotel'will he shier 04 liii,a4gement of Jdr 'A. G Allen, whose experience, noortions man iere, end at. tenth* to tile game gives the , amplest assurance of comic,, and kind treatment. - - Pawlphtaa Tpome, or any Informst on in regard to 14 1 1".. Oahir gapeti nteideitt BedfiettaerilalLjpilrWß-s., IiPHIL,KTA •-• MOUNTAIN' SPRINGS, 0001 , 11`1% r INNL. ' This layorate estiblieh sent Will be opened by the drat of, '• Masted on' the Sparata Ridge, FP 'nabs west of ,Phlladelphia; HI south or needing, 18 north of Lancourter; 40 east of Ilirtisburg, mid having 'the advantage of the purest soft water, 'every variety of baths. the site elevated to 1,200 feet above water jeval, with graded and eleady,walke in dense foresto and the/Moat extensive hiretatape goner, In die Union, It FR net surpassed u a summer residenee:, Aceonntiodations for 900 persona, improved stabling, end geed carriage houses., sled a good stook of livery borsewand - carritutes, - with amueements. & good band . of musks, Willard tables , tan put alley.' it le 'awry of amnia frobfall the above points by retuned and toadies The proprietor' aOarea nothing to make it"spieme. place fo;r onmfort and libalth. „ Pot further partlenlare, see circulars, to be, Ins by applyingi to los6ph - B: Idyeri. 'third add - 'Vine At:trete; Jsraea a. Blstle t bld Chestnut stresti or .to theiltroprle.. tor - JOItkPIOLONIGbfAOHAR, I Ephrata Poet Ofilee, 'cora Bin Zit:master County, Penns. T . 11 4 MANSION SOUGE, , READING, PENNA. " DE BOURBON, Pioprietor. ' This well-known esthbilehment, th e favorite resort of oirjaene and vleiterti, has lately undergone eaten -111,0 repairs, and is now orient the most commodious, elegant, and thorough hotels In the Union I beautifully lentil' at, the corner of PIPPO' and 'PENN jitreeta, Reading— Ite eccemtoodatioas are Orst•eises ;' the room, apsolone ;aid and thelable eonstantlyaup.• plied with all the I'CLZU46EI of the season. - 'owned°, grouser spending a few wadi in the enmmor:in. .n agreeible and,monoitilent mintier, tioujd not dribetter than make is trial of BOURBON'S biENSiON muss at heading, , 05/414f lUarble MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS Hai oonstsatli ow bOod %Teri Ingo ealsortmeut of MONUMENT'S, ENOLOSURES, gnd . GRAVE-STONES, Of various designs, made of the Anent ITALIAN .AND ANIZAIOAN mmuitats, Which he will Bell at ,graitly mimed prices. Ie oleo prepared to execute orders upon the most favorable terms, and reepeetinity Invites the public generally to examine hie stock before mireitasine elseirhere. AIYA. NI 'SrI i EIN METZ. Monumental liable Works, MOON ATTNUN; below Sloven% street, . OIL m w tem . Philadelphia. NEW GAB-CON BIJMING COOKING . RANGE• EIX2C STZI3B. They are unerenteed to me at ismet ThlrtyPer Cent. In fuel, nlll bake inloker and mere uniform than any other Pattern of "Bangle ever Introduced fn this D4taket. FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RDTAIL CHARLES WILLIAMS. 'llB2 ,M4RKET ST, (LATH BAZAR k WILLIAMS.) 11,10 COF FEE .—I,OOO bags Primo 'and JUL Raanttrir WO; 10 barn prime Lapp* 1101 fee Inr sale by- ;AWN eltiillAM k CV., -LATVIA iStreet. ,fen, N 4131 libblitationo. .NOVEL 1.;;-THE ar LIMB, is published this day, and for rale atH •.T,_B, ITTEII9I4/r& BILOTUVRE;', , - 808 01,11113TNOT &net. 9pRE .41.4. - vAgasiti,- 7 .TitmE j s , NEVP AL _Nowa, fi l published Oda day ) NA for sale at T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS'. "' • No SOTOORSTNIIT Strad, I.ISIES , 1.113 W NOVEL (—THE fu,l4pit,,thints.bad fhtodei, end for Bate - -•• • . • - 1","11...P.M8RAW 446'1117.0773EREP, 176 505 0111WfiliT street, PRE 0 A. VA. L LEE I'.--JAMES' NEW JR_ Novir, is publisball this Sty, sad for lisle at T. B. PETERSON St BROTHERS., No 808 CHESTNUT Street., ; AD/E5& NEN ROYAL I—TIELE„ OAYA pen/lied thla 13 0 .34 akdk o itip ts, ,. TZNOC. OMISTIV.IT, Street: rip E 'o•Aly ra - E 1:-="-ThlititIV 'NEW . •NOVEL;lipililLthed thEi daj, sterfor ti,4 '- PETEaRoti k BROTHERS', • Na. 200 OURSTAHrEtriet, :TAMES' NEW ,NOVEL !—TEEN EANA. 11.141t,lapnb11,4ad this dav, and t'Ptaalo at T-1.1. 'Pin/IEI3ON & - BROVEIE.RB , „• - No. 808 INIIISTNIIT Stunt; F; - t ;1 4 ft 1-44:14ES,"NEW -- ;407.11, 2 ialittbllshed - thisds7, t for asta ' T. N. PIPTERHOS & BROT(111101 , .• • . •No;-348 CHESTNUT Street. TAME , NEW N NOVEL I—THE , CAVIL ar Linn, ie p'ahl Mod this day:sod for sale st. T, B, PBTEI4IIO , IIr. tt HBO •' No: 808 CRBSTAIT litteet4 111 fly;. TAVAL:I,E VET I~UV9k t la publ.ihea thin day and for Isla at P)lfrilttßON EtfiOrfiffitil, • • , Y 1 • "1t0:11...55r01L851 NI:Pr Ftrait, :IfF,Ei AIR 5V 'NOVEL f-TFLE CAY 455.- i' . . ,:-.Nti.jitie,..bito -111"715 1 1 3111rigg I VOtIntiti74;k ,, , '' • • 'V. /tos orintwuT;omwt,.'. tiMO,INTA 7- GUE'fv r4Gf,..443y , t7W• tesa%ifi l i , e4ittiao• 't le ,dsp id; and.fg:ValVo'irA4 orll 11440 v•AG, 4 1 ,1' r4.,R,T,7 4 -14 , - ii.VOrtma • , .'• . • 011A31BEIWA. , :, ^" • ENO Y 0 1 .011 4 _P.14-1 4:',OIOnOFIAF.Y or :burvritau, itriourt,raM , ON TUN OaBII3 I 4 It 7ITIR T.:A I NT I PISITIOI4 OF 1411 GERMAN cosUß9kr2ovB.l.botiaolv. donfißsdnd Walt Maps and ndmdrans 'Woad Enkravlnga. ~:X.nsiscordanae with-their original ,proiect to supply the m r.164.if pablic. prOmptly; conveniently, sad !Cheaply, With'the recent greet' leictiotieries• of Gametal Knowledge invhe languSgei each to its proper elese,or apsetaizty, from the most co...4sased. technical definer to the' moot oemprob ornate thesaurus cabana: ttv trestieett--an troportantplanot orinolt their Jamie ,graphie Necyclopseios and Now, ,Arcericau • Cyclops° Ka are but PM'is — P .Appleton Co. have the satisfaction to auoohnee thit they mlll proinoe regularly, and With tdritaxasps end. Illuettet'onc.tibtuplete, the nor end plena...Encyclopaedia. of the.Bleeme, Chambers. with; out alieratlors. Isom the tondo' find lidluburgle •luorder to meet the wants of every slew, inelndlog .those of the humblest means, and trifornialt a Dietiona, •ry of lincmleiles'in a form Procurable' even by the daily laborer, D. Appleton ./C tier. publiati Cham4 beneeknerelopredia in Monthly patOr Paoli /. 5 "QUI eith, Until the irbOin le niempistetti it being cond.:, Aently annealed - that, thenork.'irill• b 6 comprised "mashfdillouthly Parts, feral - tog oor T yolunisdr-ron mirth .more pipers}, scale than the. New American OyeloPettia, (Vifteen Volumed.) bat of canne propor ilosailly-chesper. In -fact, thia,will be the cheapest ,Eciteclopmdio ever publiebed and ,one of the mint cum. prohtnalve in Ita kind; it wlll be expressly satiation/try, In one 61Pliablif, as dfaiineninliodes the one tend from A inflater ot hinfiritreatiartej and orttheother, fiOnsT candrination::efAllotioneries of, ameba branehes of fr,will,„itt the same time, be sufficiently 'Wised fresh; in 'the, anal breathes of be. :iiicirrephy;Natorel factory, mid the Semmes. Chew bores Noosofopiella will bear nearly the same rolatind toile NevrAin.rieao Clyelopinila that that- contempt.- TEMIOUS work Imide to, the. Naryclopoodle BtitS/30164, mach turfing Ne own ;- clanne, - .and lts , own public, and liars its Owe place lu the Cold of pop ular informatioh, without' loterfering with' either , or. ltd.:companions, .Obambers's.6 oyntoFw.tia letto. crafting contribution 'ottta 'Editors to Wino bitoretnre-,a work designed, in , rs special scsoner,'9nally In `lts ShOnStrOotion Rod ito Yofbni - fifrmie n frp . .. ,•, . , " D. APPitTON.,k. CO., Pra illehera ' • - - foroiale,by •Newa Agents theongbout „ the , United Btu § • jelo.Bt 091g1), ',THOUSAND 1 7 7.ANNAVERSA.- •,711.y . A . tipAnsB ,orniirtapTi,nyo) UN1014....1.0c0t to*" z _lo avant ate, - 60 cents t • Anode, Sid - befit free: g,"'"1"•4"-•VOPtiP- geruppered.,4atc6 this 11;-:pautPrilee tertian - & it nate. • Frill or Burling thought, breathe; 'au -Woollen, Spirit, and, wo doubt not trill produce the desired et-, tent."—L.PrOcran 00nfeet. • ifer Baia at the Inolcatures. Pnbllehorpi 'address: , • ; T. IL 6POOllTOlf.' , • 1400 011118TNUT Bt., Philadelphia, Pet,.,' LIENIP&OILE OOOPEIVNUPEILS: 11.- Lualqut.un. ET.LH.4I.IO , II.DirioN.. DESIGNS BY DAIS.LRY. Monthly !plumes, bound, paso each: Bole Agency, at 8. MSEINNRY'I3, 406 WALNUT Streit. - ja-ste Dopiness 'Carks. 'CIFFICE OF. t,c THIRTEENTH MW ,4,..rFivvesbyrs_Bruivre, pASSEAGIIII RAIL , !AY COMPANY OP PRILADELLMII A. II - - Roo No. 4 P.ALLON'A BUILDLNOI3; 620 WALNUT Street: ' - z - uul4,tf riiilE ADAMS EXPRESS, CO:,' OFFICE ',1120 OEIRSTNIIT Si refit, forwards Parole, NA.: ages, hterohandlca, Bog Notes, and Specie, either by its own Lines, or In connection with, other llapress OoloPenlee,'to ail the principal towns and (aim; of the United States. - it. B. SANDFORD, eta , a • General Superintendent. ' ALEX. MoIKINNEY A • ATTOIEWBV AT LAWi GP.EZINSBURG, PA, Will prutine to Weatgnoreland, Arnydrong,' and In dlarm dor:Mies. sell-tt W. MARTIEN, • J• INSURANCE BROKER AND ADTUBTER, Odle°, No 110 south so IlltTff Street, below OhestAut, ,rilLAmKtrarA 1 1 1101, BILICINV, INLAND, and LIRA INSURANCE effeeted, at the. Loweer:;Roted, la reeporteible offices, tree•a( ewe to the RIPHUVA., m11.22.8m A UGUBT BELMONT, BANKRII; 78 8136171111 STREET, Tema Lettere of ; Oredit for Travellers, avallable 1.1; all . karte of the world, through the htesere.Rothohihle, of Parte, tendon,' FranVett, Naples; . and Vienna, dad earreepon&nts - mh741,11, 1Dic;Golta1oli8 anb grapartnershipg. 'pup COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex. ' Wog between the nitderelgued Rader the style of fidg'L O. PIP,Bn fr.. CO., Is thib day dlesolvtodby mutt* eoneent. tittedtl, 0. p.tpk.s. I. tuly watt:toil. led to Nettle the boldness of tbdlste firm. . • 84mma, 0. ,ptPfla; . . , littoßGll A. PIPER. • Fbillxiolpbla, Twill, /319 , , • , THE WHOLRS I ALE DRY GOODS -bust nese trill be continued under the Mlle' or BAWL 0. PIPIIII &00, of No. 813 814,1t111t1 . fitted. - jeB-8t . , , 8,4.1111JAL O. !IRBIL AH E CoP.A.B,THERSHIP,' H4HETO PORK existing between 'the udderslgned .is this day dlisolred by , _throwlthdrageal of •13 F. PRIINTI• 8, The ,besluere of thOte Bent will be elttlod. by SAM. 11 SL GRANT, Jr , (ein nee the neor of the firm in Ilquidattoa, and - confine() the Peng. aid Dye Btaff bushaese at the old DNA, 139 tOUTR , PI ATRIL Btreet. , • , 80.311340 L GRANT, Jr., ,P., FRIONTIBB. EIZEiI VOIPAILTPTERSIIII'. Tho undersigned lJ berlog Marohased the Interest of 13,1111 2 1, (DUNI% Je., &00 in the /Aland Chemical and Dye Weed Werlucinirsite fdanaynok, have this day formed a no 'pattnerlblp under the firm of PRENTICB,BTILWALL, '& CO , for the purpose of the manufacture -and. sale of Dye Woods and Chemionla, In ell its branches, at the above named works. OLII., In the elty, 1:23 sopra WOTSA Street. , B. N. PIiIDNTiZa. (We 8: (kraut, Jr., .!6' 0o.) ICLIA8•0111,01,1t1.4, THOB. 0. 1111114V83. Juno I. WO. tital,estate VO-LITMDER MEN AND FARMERS. .BALI 4 OW Va.l,llAttLE TIMB LANDS, IN WAIIWICNI oarUNTY; VIRGINIA. . . ey virtu* of a decree of the Circuit Court for the ,County aforesaid, pronnoneed on the 25th of March, 1859, In the chancery snit Of Cerebral vs Wbltheok, the ,nodoraigned.notlog enure under the said de. erne, will Sell before the Court Howe door of said coon tX on the fiERIOND TafIREIDAY Of MRITIST next, that, being county court day, that valuable tract of land dearribed in said decree "ea ell that pertain piece, par cel, oY trout of laud, lying end in the county of Warwick, and known as being part of the' Rich Neck Tract,' containing one thousand and eight:m.l4a acres, (1,08$.) more or lees, being p tit of too twat of land conveyed by Auguetine Cambrlll acd Margaret Ms wife, by deed dated 28th Juno, .18Mi, ani recorded in the clerk's office of Warwick county, court." The atnive land is very valuable and easy of arum, being located on the peninsula lying between the James and York tire, a, atorab Mt halt way between Hampton and Wil lipmeburg Thera era upon the premises a steam saw mill with engine of 450.h0rm power, and good zubotwa tiat firlek Dwelling in thorough - repair, TF.IOI9'OP do n:moll in oath as Will pay VW 0011t8 Of the above mentioned entt and 01w-expenses of tile, op 4 wpm the reeldue a media of twelve months Will be given, The ptirohaser to pre-bond with good secrojity for the de ferred payment, with interest from the flay of mile. bEaIUEL J BOA , f flflA.Rb - S3 S. biALLOUY, 00MtuiSSID13070. 'Of the abicre %ode, IRO acroe are in' fine cultivation, balance heavily timbered with,eoperior white oak (for ship bnliding t ) and pine; the, Ono wook belo worth $1.75 per cord nu the bank; any amount can to con., - tractc,d for, forth° New Perko:whet. "Any Information in referencia to the matter can be bad by , addreftelng Newcomer & Blonebraher, Baltimore, W., or by applying to B. Patrick, adjAning the leak, it,Warwlog Court Rouse, Warwick county, Virginia. - "jelled:it - • • • MANIA OR RUPTURE.—The attention of persons thus afflicted le ear nestly turPtid to - - WIIITE , 2, PATENT LaVlCit T11L , 83, entirely .new In principle. and differing radically from all others. tt combines many new and Valuable points of great 'important*, and Id recommended for its plior/y, efficiency. and the °ale with which It hi fitted owl worn ,It In belieted that more poettlye nue may he effected with It then ripittor Truss in we. RAGE Btreets, it the 'gent for their rale and. adjustment. ''jeil•aatit - , 41 MONDAY, J,1743i,13, 10R. Notices or New popke. . . . . . A short time,ago, we nottoed Aytotto Martin's Jranstation of Gosthe'e Minor Poem, r,epnhgelted by Deliner & l'cootOi; of Now Mite noii to say that E. U. Butler and Oompany;;of b4 - vijnotleonod, In an . Bvo •ve - ry hatid'sdeci4 got up, The Minor poetry of agate i aoolgAtion. from , Me Angs; . ballads,-and ,cOther leaser pefte, translated by Grasett "Thotrise.• Thie collootion tionsieto almost .wholly of lyrics written in q ttio's early yearo,eno hnbad 4 Prorioetl : hlesplift, souik hie brow , " ' Iv that admixture with , the world and the world's passions, pursuits, and habits, bylvvitleh his more mature rums were net improved—to say the least 'of thent. GoetheNs oils „metres, have geherall3r bean adiiii.ed fe. Judglog of theietkanitatione on better autlioiliy then oar oisn', is to` their fidelity ; we can sayllidt never has the'fill'aPirit of Gotithe's lyrtoe beets' so nearly'prosenfed. Thortudis evidently an aceomplbrhedGeimen scholar. Viet*. lag them as English poems, which:they how are made, for the ru my,' they have the easy flor. and grace of original • poetry. They consist of a few minor poems: lyrips, addressed to Frederica; Lotte,and Lik (throe of Goii the's numerous lova. ftidndiy; 'ditto to Frau von Stein; snatches of emg from " Wilhelm ldebiter" and '" Faust ;"! 'With Leliale Poems, Stings, ballad's,• dorinets, elegies; Parables; misoellanboue, arid . Drum about one hundred and slaty specimens hefe given, 4, }lV* . 1 4 4 ( Ilif t4 4 3 ;,..Yn, ) 1 .1'; e- , , Pre Y • ?melirize Go o tfie'i44 VP, Xa , these' dubtioris, Written eretaars, flattery, 'and:World' habStehttd lew,ered" the ' tone ef his - 'keled; the P eet 'shows liilneelf Hiitratieleier hes ably , performed revery dlibult task:" In .his probe .intrbduetiou t whose Only:fault is its brevity; • lir: Thomas Mentintia i GitiCthe original of Mignon, in Itaoeb i ', wits , Antoinette Gerald:). a rple4a of Schlocier, who married groiithe'S Older, Alba was passionately attached to Goethe loom hei childhood. - hir: Thomas (Whis hits ;given an dx qatOtolylrue rendering . orldlgnoit's dos Land) says that 'the first, of this identity, .. lett was not known until,,the pnblicailen ,of the correspondence, beAvreett Goethe and 1F.11 . . Jacobi, has never bolos& 1108)1 mentioned in guy English publiaation. Mr. Themes has to clearly "won his spurs," in thetouro.ay .of literature, by this volame,thatowe shall hope to meet him, are long, in the same lists again. Goethe has never before been no• fully dotielnetice to. The eleventh volume of Benton's .Elbridgment of Ole Debates of Congress,-ItomffB9 to 1850, has boon, published-by the' Appletons, -of &law York. This is a empendousundertaking, he - Which the late T. H. iientoni derided his lattei years, , and lived long enough to complete. It Win this country, to ordinary pi:Th.ldays, What 'Hansard is; in, England, to ,debating Parliament,mon. The ability which Mt. Banton • brought to, boar 'upon 'latch tasit4"ork has long 'been:undoubted.Equal M it, we think, is his constant endeavor to 'he full without running into diffuseness, andfio condense without beaming °Wont°. The present volume, of 782 royal octavcipagei, contains the proceedings and debates of 'Congress' (rent igsfeli,- 1820, to Sul/ 10, 1833. The debates on the United States Bank;ln this petliod, are 'full of interest. Thiti, Abridgment of the Debates has a large elroalation, and deserves It. • A geed Temperance _story ltra rarity. Satoh, however, II My Sieter•Margarit, - by Mrs M. Edwards, 'with fotir illestratione v published by Carlton New York: The •popniarity of one ohms of books' is great. We mean that, class which treats of the maimed art.: 'Boyer's' ShillinAr. Cookery far the People, published:in London in 1854, Sold 110,000 in ten monthe,and the 100th thonsand•is-now going o 0 It is a capital book; to be sere, and can be per ottesed;'at Englpsh oast, - at Pennington's, South Seventh street. • With commendable Oelerity, Harper have just issued a well-timed book, being the tlft4 volume of the late' Alexander- von Illumholdt'S p m r i 0 i of has boon made by E. C. 'Otte- and aiattitk "'Cosmos," into whioh Ifumbaidt threw the con contraio Information- with which study, travel; observation, and thought bad Ailed .Ms mind do. ring en unusually prolonged life; has had ietnark able popularity, here and in Europe, and is of It. self suilloient to make a high reputation for any writer, ' Now that Humboldt has departed,' the demand for the work will greatly increase. ',This new volume treats, more particularly, of the con stituent part of the earth's composition, with the theories of its construotion, materials, Internal action, external - phenomena. Cihiefly;heweVor, it relates to Voloanoeg, upon -whioh a vast iangenf knowledge is- here brought to bear. -The details are given with Humboldt's 'accustomed Maass, awe racy, and clearness. - When last we had to lineal of Mr. Charles Dar ter Cleveland, it pained us to express the opinion that his 'Coviendsum of American 'Literature 'Woe ill-arranged anct imperfoot,:eith se deoldod a political Mae as to disqualify it from being ailed In the instrnotion of yowl'. Mr. Cleveland rode his two hobbies—Tee.totalista -and anttalavery— through the Compendium, at a hand-gallop; and got terribly shaken, if not thrown ' We meet him again, as Editor of Milton's poems, supplying a good, though brier biography of the great, poet, numerous original and well.oulled notes, an In dex to the subjects of Paradise Lost, and a very full Verbal' index to all the Poems. Nor fe this all. The text has been moat thoroughly revised, collated, and corrected. The result is that we can fairly give Mr, Cleieland full credit for hiving produced the most satisfactory edition of Milton's Poetical works - ever published. One flaw we notice. In • the Index of subjeota of Paradise Lest, Mr. Cleveland puts ~B laveholder; his great guilt in' the - eight of Qod—Book xii, line 64." The lines are - • ' , 0 eseatable COO!' 50 to aspire , Above his brethren -, to hitneelf;asetoi-g AtitipOrity usurp'd;from God not given . ," on which, travellieg,greatly . out of his way, Mr. Cleveland puts this, note: HOW Can tiny Slave; bolder road this noblo passage and eontinuo for- it single day longer to hold his brother man in bond age ?" We do not moan here to discuss the point thus mooted, but havo to sey'that the linos allude not to Slavery, but to 'the poison described by the Angel Miohael, as having employed people 40 construct a tower whioh should reach to heaven; We suggest that Mr. Cleitilind amend his Tadex and omit his note iu his next edition, publiehed by Lippincott & Co. - : i , Appleton k 00.. of New :York, - have corn lanced the iipublioation, in ~ ,fisrsivnite, of a now work, which Messrs. Ohantbers, of Ed inburgh, have had a Jong time in prepara tion, and, with their large resources of capital, available talent, - and perseverance, will certainly bring to a satisfactorioonolusion. The work is called Chrenibers'.Enoyelopcsdia, and is a platten ary of universal Knowledge for the People, on tip %nets of the latest edition of the German Converse- Gone' Lenican. It will be iflustrated'by, wood On. gravings and maps; and :will' be 'completed In -SO monthly Perta,-the first of which is before us, price fifteen cents. It contains 64 pages royal Bvo., good print and paper, with numerous' Wood outs. The whole work oast no more that; $l2. Its only draWbaok is that it will take nearly seven years to complete, while Appleton's New Ameri can Encyclopedia will be finished in two years. The two works will not and cannot clash. The adniirers of the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher may desire to knOw that two volumes from his pen have just been published by perby tt Saoksob, of New York. The first if those, ohlefirmade up from his . contributions ,to . a weekly metre - paper, bears the named New Star Papers I or Views and Experiences. of Religious Subjects. It bench inferior to Mr. Beeoher's Other " Star Tapers," (published in 1855 and 1858,) inasmuch as they are chiefly didactic, argumentative, and controversial. Most of, them are occasional diatribes; which. should have perished with the amnion, and are not worth being thus 'preserved between book corers. Mr. Beecher seems folhink that every line which he spells or writes is worthy pf remene-' brims. The other book is very different and much better It boars tbo name of Plain and Pleasant - Tal k about Fruits, Flowers, anAfanning. It appears that it is more than twelve years slice, these pieces were commenced, and more - than ten, you're since their, author looked at thins. Rerby Jackson have dug them out an Indiana paper,' and, Mr. Bomber adds, they have ene throiigh tho press without his own revision. We Suggest' that, ne an act of courtesy to the public; as well as orjustioe to himself, Mr. Beecher ought have re vised them, if he consented to their being colluded. , But ho is so oompled with newspaper-writing and. preaching, itinerating as a lecturer and fulmina ting as a public speaker, that he had no tirue,'we suppose, to look over and oorreot his juvenile effm. sions. Twenty yehrs ago, at the age of twenty six, Mr. Bomber settled at Indtatiapelis, the capital of Indiana. There he became fond of earl: culture, hortioulture, aad -botany, reriAnClarge-, ly upon these subjects, and.lasoinated by the . varieties of delightful, informatton which their 1, study revealed to him. Into ai Tuclial, magazine, I called .Western Farmer and 'Gardener, he threw NOMIQf the of *11;41034e thud acquired. Very little of What .hel wrote,.is :';Mr: Beecher, whet had nolirreolielti , kaoltledge,:,ealionr informatiou from beolinanSt nrYfrllMr7J.9.4PYleo'. and condensed itrand rraelatairist plaiA c apui: prectlmd form, suOh aa. deftar7 reademiii a yriati4it s State. • Tlietna !malt not any; :11terry in its' dloilon. , 'Ootinti+l4:lote , , 1161 , 'it - a 'good zienithingl'iroitli Ittibteinf, Mai isileti of feats witii4hich the" wore - alreadretorearemt-' ltdr than Mr' Beatified.: bimitelC'ever .bat beeii, , thengb,•-byllie Aiwa Ito h,4411_01444 the .0.24(0f5,0:: tether, in, dho , wsgszlpo : ' Le tpmeelf ; into a l pretty ,estenelvesespenttasoo*tte khp •There 43n:4114 Ileeo:hariarc Ik:the' It drably an' anpretezidinki hOinelk and' onninan:ietoiloal colleoltou `of - ;inarigri*ha lead abort aitiolei on firmink'andigardeiiiiii., ,, - • The late!Dr:',Totiri MitoltelVor this e4ty r eigie a: great loss folds Profirshniiretteh heAsygrestlY• adorned. Nthrottairinortara. , hort.evai. is appß• cable - to, hlm, Rise, essays trontais I.pett:have` been oolleotedandodited Weir !Ind -1 4 .h 1 49d ,as a. hook•bit 3 . AV ,140(tioOti po . . Four of ' tittle either aininig*e= pdpili In:4iterra bledloil dot lege 'of PhiladelPhtai tn'ehlelf 'the t iiiittaii - 144 - Profitelot - of trisitlie,'"Or , ln leinahfrnerlddio4l' devoted Ate'dkal Baena ei" - Orhei iiiisayorpolo' Aollnat Magnetism :or: Vital 31.riduotion, new' retpnbllshod.. rgreat it.nericiat.y . slise of Di!. ieritl ago ought to vrerrai0,064,11114.09,11' of a great. many ,papers not. olutaliosi Mu.N' volume. 1111:, tams, hers:, on t!is POO: of Fevers an the new :treatment of innti,'.ftisd' Ohre* " - ithentnatlisin c ,' are nt . 's's. , much ae value, andtheirihnitY; hying • .; inr plot& ~ ~... -... a umilflitli ,whiob , 18obatinuatithi of Illora Alantaga Page.' , It le a2atlrriug ablMol the „ Kregit - OkTo' I War in -!aglati.d, ,andiAZ WAILIthIr. 4 , 4 1 4, 8 tit 1 .... well, and pa, elevating PfrAlif, 0, 41 11 0 -O, l "iM the otbar rwtbaii) to,the.PleaB4o4tmAl.iillNl Ilia 'dignity of* *Aga. r clr4rasten iltjatrfel vory:vrooiliibrilly inlha - atdriitili&liinttif ' bly ' "Oi, Ufa 'sit Ai, ii i , ;l l ll oo a l tiaVelf / ~_ _ ,- ' . `' T .4 ' t- A fiery pleasingltittli'velitate,lluretaisowebt entattoii - of iwhialr•we, tops bihsar ofl bialfalafial Plabllsbed bi ;ghee %Olen tehdlhatz l'ell s S iFr•qP,F 2 ti#M7i A ,l 4l l , l l;A!FittalvibY,lßOYelA '' Itlplity,, radar, af 4ha ,, Ma*Lariplabarttl44,4 °UT. . I *W lt t i iicar.:S4 lqP a P r i e fil llth Ailt Rlpfei, 04114 a great !4•2oi=iloz*Y;;Pf,,:.., aneadotei g frobe eill f ey - Wliiektie AU; *: i . 71;0%4h - hit° tiffilfietaktifeti .. ' ' which are 41au1afia teibbiirstAtigilaita'S' ' mob. :,.. • • in!ei• !fr,,-',. r ‘-' , •e , ..;:l 5 tr:-nr4il, W. U. Boyd, or New.rotk; Itwi bii , aog**.ilat Yaw TersayßuLuesaSiioterles; alai , fiio44l can ilud ZllllrililflAittliTillrlallitliwkAuMlair:ol other fq 4, 0 P1 1 144 1 011.44/# l 4 41(4 ,,, *'4 deubt s tbay Will twl farelmaaj t farAtr,,- , 2 . ~,,, a great repritittro* far' accuracy _., ` '`44,,.'''', A revised' p4ittob; 4:f:tot/Wk . " Shit_ flj 'Mr Therenalri'd Eta oiltn&L'ia OillAritriiPoll liati ' d a SliatentatieggraßlNo43llliiiitiiiiii*, Ilrape6 of Aldever,"Jifalsebotidgltle,t4t4ol philompbioal avid it4rwarkilkStillikfolfj... pf orsibutry stadenfa and?reildferlfii4rhiliOic frequent. tiefoot,ie (iepßaik Tbe Key, numilor tki-Weilkiltif-14:.: irepablish4V oily by, 15,r, peat artiele,`, Abe r " es'ok t, ifiamion's etortite - 1111.316'PiEeiiileW Proetet tad ;batmen' ileorgeaLiii4o#4o4 - 14044 - :•,iihetrne s ept4WlTl: ..45 -Xews rPF' ' 4*44 ` - tb, eavilhelee )eo - fOrMition: - • • - Otiaries Deativer,'&eiie . :ek itie 4? 4ee:jest,pis llama; in sheet ; - o mite 0tt,141 Seal' of Wa*,'' , 'handing • Serdiiiiii;stem , Empire; Italy,- arittEetiipii.' l 4ifiest doing-41$ Enloe]. infommtionle Wady ivitiliportralts -(not very goo:1 likeneseee) of , the,pritioipal monarchs Inc rimekiately letereeted, in the War • ; •,- 110 0 . E.4;1 1 .E6E1VED., ; : I Sloan's Constructive Asohlteoture ;.a Aaide te l'inctleal - Builder "carefully prepared plates. ; Ar 7 chitiot. 1 vol. 4E3. " - PP:l4il‘.` B. Lippincott very, useful !work,E pertly got up, -whioliwalhallnotiabirtere , ...The - New. •Ainerloan • Cyoloptedia." rdpui Dictionary: of timers& Knowledge.. Edited :b George Ripley and; Chanced - . Dana. . Vol. (Cougitlliittoation.) ;Royal iivo. - NeW -York.: 11. Appleton A. Co. ; Aicade Hotel. .„ . • The Ladles' Hand link of FandyendDrnamen titlNOriC jilastrated by 262 engravings. bOili,- pllealiom the best authorities, by Miss Flerenee Hartley. 'pp, 240. Phlladelplaiai G. 4. Efani [This is Abe most - complete and satisfactory book on fancy and oinamitntal watt we have Yet Mei, and the ladies, yonneand _old, who employ theft odd moments in epoh a , mokeixdioyel.od induatryi will find hundreds of novelties in its papa]. , Lectures on the First-Two Visions of the Book of Daniel. :By Nilliem Newton, Hector of; he Church of the Holy Tripity, Nest chegtor, Perineyliards Pp.' 250; Phifagelphia :' S. - AC' At Mantes. [Mr. Newton, a leaking' parochial otergYnian, here attempts, with much earnestnese 'and no small ability , and ingenuity, to elucidate thei hidden mystery_ of mysterious passages An hook_ ot He thinks, with many preee'dirKatitherj. .04 Papal Emu° Iras clearly, irolleated by the Pr T ° h P o b t . i l eat Oiniery or Man's Reltition - tO . God and a Future' State:- 'By Ncheiniall Adams, D. 'Bolton, -pp. 235: 'Boston': Gould k Lincoln. - -Phi, ladelphia: Smith, English; 'St Eschatology; ; or, the„Boriptural : Doctrine of the Lord, the Judgment; and the Ites,eqection. Pp. 287._ Boston : 3, E: !Tilton & Co., Philadel phisi H'. B. a' A. • "01d Smith Chapel Prayai" seetliff ifs, origin and liistot , Y. larao.' pp:l99 'Boiton : J. E ton:. Philadelphia : Smith, English, Co. ' Catharine, By the . Authcir of "Agneaund The Little Key." 12mo. pp. 192. Blame publishers.. • Itomanism in America._ By:the Key, Babas!: Clark. 12mo. pp. 271.. orne publishers. [These various pntilleations, by Messrs. Tilton 3; Co ,okßaaton, are of a religions east;eacept ono which is cOnfrairersial. TheYttra Worthy of ex: tended aironlation, partioularly`td . froMilies j • The Angel of 'the- feebeid: 'and other Storlim By John "Todd. l2mo. pp. !SM.' 'Northampton; :- Bridgman % Ohilds. Philadelphia : Butler 4 00. Tlgbe Lytterd. A Novel._ Pp. 270. New York : Jelin Miller. _Philadelphia: Lippincott, Co." [This is 'a story, apparently by a new hand, exhibita 'considerabie'ohieiVation, some talent; and no Lilian bonstrnotiiipetier:i ' Epitome of the AmeriettnlKaleotio:Praotioe of Medicine, ac. By William - Paine, IC D. 710, ootavo. Philadelphia:- John (Madding: , (We are reminded, in this _book,, of .Bnoten's • Domestic Medicine, but it is more Kt:lent:4o and rational, as hall as considerably less allopethie. Baohelorls !Req . .' BY Oliver Banee. Pp. 247. Now York: Itirdd d Carleton: Philadelphia: Lippincott A 00. [A romance of real life, written by 'a man whose- mind tends to tiiaeght rather than to action. •It is worth reading,- though the plot has few incidents.] The Night-I/Woofs Poem. By Joseph Kennedy. Philadelphia : Pablished-by„the author. Mothers of the Bible. By Mrs. B. G. Ashton. With an IntrodnetoriEseay. by Rev. A. L. Btone. .12mo , pp. 535. Sarni publisheM. - _ Tho Pasha' ' Epistles of Mohammed Pasha, Rear.idmiral thei Tni&tsb navy; written from Now YOrk' tri'hie' friend ;Abel Ben-Hassan. 12m0., pp. 812. New York Charles Barlboer. The Dlonnatory. •By Bir•WelterSoott., (Peter son's twenty•fivo.oont of tike Waveriey Novels.} Royal Bvo., pp, 121. T. B. Paterson k Brothers.. — T - Poems. By Anne Whitney: 12m0:, PM- Naw York : Appleton Co: Philadelphia: 'PetOrsoas. [These poem; 'remind us* of Miss Praetor's. The limit among them, MOW as "The Prospe'ot," are-the most enocessfol, The Stinnett; aro eo good as to make ns wish ,that .there were more of . • Memoirs of the 131mpress.Catherine IL . , Written by Herself. , iVitii a Prersoe by A. Hereon. 'Trine lated:from to Preach. 1.2ra0., pp. 3 . 09: 'New Yuri( :"Appleton Co. Philadelphia Peterion &.-Brothers: • Thoughts upon Edadational Topics, end, In einutions. By- George B. Boni/ell.. 12 ute“-PP. 865, Boston: Phillips, Bampeop, da„,oo, , f This. volume, by -a Bow author, , .contains observation upon Education and itsAindred toPiee,, which aro practical as well as philosophical, and well war thy - of being widely eitualated awl largely thought OTer.] "ROZTEnC24II€4I6IIIIiii*VMS,Q . ' tbersfeerieebreet mreir'iniessr .• . 1014 Seeioel hVethel( thelolloAse - a- /you oormarealeetkeH4tee . blo.aesouijiaalee - ii tbs muse of the virtu. /winder to hrilte Ourteokleee hrt th° 4 P °lo2o; r o Nit-sne!efetAttelleet, obeald be - • ITtd , * l lgr °P U PA O allf/Rfilft InArra* " 4 " , :4 ' A otker,B4*-6t .eos~Srtbattoas Bons N,. loirrent news of the dod , it =Mr Pf 2 4 ti. f. rseourooo of Ors oluffoo2*s G 6111 27 40 -immix of populatlon, oosor fifirouiffas thatwf interest ireig tlas PinOtOltiir' ,An'F f infiil:on doiarc Afton . ; • Orostiiiltioh4l . q. fdo: 'Plaid** IdnAt fis4;:r ilitilrkaprl,lo#!lntn:Yik,frala• i _ is '•• 'GENERA& I ,, NETPB. , LUIGI FILEI Li Nillw:;-_-"Toilz-41::the I largestlirel thittlinvtilskan plafeimNisiltertiljm. ilearr, o ll o a/lad'Anlfl4o illikciliqtr4nlll2lflatem sqtreet., , The Antlook piatuk cgt,ths us/it:portion-of "tofinibit: floor ortbetfiv,i-stirlfbitok 'numbers 126 had ,-127 =Street; bottgited by John Rinibriv, ad i iatrlnet marruttioto_il&Abe building is cane, hundred Sfebbdmeßt find ray feet •Ilida. and stands hatFa. o 4,l.--Axlstor9 , - sn l vagtkett tonemtki,t, r ecently , aredeit, on. Ittitagion 'street, and isr 11111100'ft' the brbziok 'dwelling , &kill's - , YrtrisibbY6 Ire. 113; 1 111,:106p107 Norfolk,atreet: :Numbor 105 Norfelkistrist- it a chair mannfaotory and easpentor,*o2,- a, - fai'v-piattleCarkar- Abelit: &lam, hat:been iintrided; the,WhOle ;upper 'pertibof:Failkner's 'ellen Was Wrapped tamed: after about • two kokrelstntwasingeinrtlone the - 05141m5% the flames ware subdue* vlsuti nial , before; Mee; elitaViihtGled ,mpls level withg4ound. The steam, [engine 'deified; by -,M anhattan Engine tionipany, 1f6.11, ' 'W - Week,ee ist - `the lire within a few &Mutational , it - broke Oakland, -,in1114 minds of all disinterest.* persona,-,nerform ed, wendent, It *se statlonalon: Norfolk L attanit, pear the beck parker Failknefahailircc, 4 o ft, to e'aid > Vilettir fhb exiititiont of nit some th'e' direlllnge on Iforfollretbiretirouldlitive ;Eisenaonstunal2 , /-Me tribb:naronntelk thedsnage don, by the Ankh *ma ' The SISOAA , O;TWI I,llllllltArkapliatilciißP3l Sew StzralHinilze not4iff9na bi llW , c hil 4 o 49 . 4( l ' 6 o°.4 ll l,ging Bin.' Waipi: • -I . .... 7 4.1"-P"; t i o ft - 6611 E Eta isti7ill"? l:7 -arr a ti: litimarimavire~alla failAirrosztriftoon 41 iwitedlakorliisi: , .siisolmmOlitla• shotiant& 444. O ct tylp , ' ,•'• ,-,;.- , , -.. 14 - , a ," 7 ' AV ' crinmelbiiiiitiiiitirnii. 111"ik. _....._.., !tang , toe find.showitig: • ettmealtilthe anoseizA3, ttosnitimui Auggneat;_ke ; themmornt enAnga.liniated. the csonesq. - 6 I 'Ana AJRir„„M r osig,rr,Tlnt OhattmAnoitit .o.gggzeire sitie tegtet, - , 0: lakin 4} 'll,gradUve plagne. lunt Wendy made ita,alipVaribe 'Tiiihigeontintymrid 111064 'Witte Atheatfieldi Altd—triaidowit:infignand'of its, appear/0,07 - cm , skvertitiatitia:vitt ttioltiattutt flelde, itutirely,fitripping the ptalics arui deetvaiing tile' ernes.' Bolus Arge - Mendemajnvinbeenifriowed ,dogs dam to.the 'greund,'maiggety leat . 42:eiaran •tharnrais bad grown onilielind. , -The Little de atioyeri am inoreatitig in mumbeng and migenflbg fram• Una . , 1. .•'. • 2_ , • SAVAGE Fioax .ECCIIIII4-.. 01313 ;Twenty-fatirth-atvie.Otablip, New Yark, on today morning htit,betweentiro or the siefitoyeea-i.a olti;aa'ao.remerkallle, for their vim - Maio Moilitl4ls. One of tliemlif thh diog•filtiflght - bit 'this loyiar lip Off the other; itid-diefootted his loft - ahooldisr:- Dr. Webb otede atkertifietel Upon:the fellow, and re duced .the Joxation. tr i. e lOW hewn to - kelp ,hia "iiienth 'abut lfnd hieWstut ,gaileVfor.sorare The inifortinato wretch reploodinuietallpa pilu at the puniehmentie gave the other." , -: • • - NAititi)W—ESCIAPE.--A irtarCivaa,put in the look-up at Beaton, laeV.Pridity,' On - enspialen-uf being concerned, in breaking , into , lmato - atAb- Ington; Mass. - :Feeling loneercsta l tn the lookup. as he - seyii,jahe„attempted to eleapa crawling through - Ike Ventilator over the 'door of thacalf. He - got hisrhead:threnghehot amid go - he further, end the officer who Corrientes:lls dinner , found - ,laira-hanging- Otero,, sod. naarly-exhausted - It la - probable that he would have died had ke uot been so epportuneli rellev,cd.; liTurOx rliolicsiritY.LOri Friday- lasts nue colt, foneiettitt'eldi e ' Merrill; of Iraisalbordiglii'iiiistilled in bit-pas tare by lightning. , :It Theo bone said that.light fling rover breaka.the flask This - mate ~ 0..410deS that theory, with° lightniag.struok this colt kook of the shoulders and . made 'a paettagi thiongh the ,animal;lingo," and .heart, enoughlo admit a. men'A sat- - On beinvstrnek resat/ a -.den:earl:to leap of about fifteen feet, -stud fell dead and rigid. - • - , - . A CLIDEGYZIAN; no of the linnets. delegates to the Synod of . the :United Presbyteriarigharoh, at 'Xenia; sac 'roblied on 'the - mini cralsiut SOO &boat the time the 2 bribiiiss * Eitartitigl , lttee Of.the money hadlieen Contributed by 'Mambas el the Synod for •the ,relief a Veer qua afflicted brother minister in .Illinois, sad the memaining $3O 10.3 his own money, on s wltiett ite depended to take him tome. - The monefireeineiralletwhieh he -had plseedls . f e. -- ddeqestet of his DAFEER.—Thedayi-after the:late conflagra tion in Baleful, Meiss:i fireman having.performed the dangerous-eat of attashiag a rope to the high, shaky walls of .the ,`!. Mansion House," on - being Oompliineuted for the-notion, and' asked "if he did not fear the dagger, replied: "Danger!'. there's 'not half So 'nen& danger In that' as there: is in a pint of rot•guf." There had been a liberal flow of this "perilous stuff" the night previous with sickening results. • • - _ - - DEATH THOM • A D/EHEiAII: DAHEE:=-A, few dip( (dace a Geiiaalli who itt. Only ,itnown -by the name' of it Misitio,"_ while 'engeted"tiC Hodson .dressing a cow whioh' had died from disease; neeidentally 'cut his unit with a knife:olla he ME using ; His' arm shortly after I'm:Mtge inflamed; and, growing gradually worse, finally resulted in his death on Thursday; An - inquest was held, and the jury rendered a 'rerdiot in aecordance with the abode facts. - - Ailßp, yra: ibe body of the railroad conductor, drowned in Shrewsbury (Vt.) pond, soma .days: ,was found was thus : Seine quicksilver was put In a loaf of ,brows broad, and the latter placed' in Alie,watar - immediately it 'darted 011; like 11 lire animal, against a strong„our• rent of, wind and waves, and went as fast aa some [nen who followed it could boat, till it-came to where the body was nod, which was sixty feet under water,,and,there stopped ...• THE kkom for the championship of-the - Yale Navy, between the Varunna, light cis-oared boat, and the Olympia, a heavy eight-oared. boat, Was won by the Varanna,' who. held the - deg before, having twin It last year:- • Distance three miles; time of the Vamnna, 22 mitt. 6 see., of the Olympia 22 min. 30 am. 'The rate was!' an azoitingone, and witnessed by alarge crowd. "- TES finest stemnboat in the world is said to .the, of the Norwieh, and Wareest‘r line 'loin' New York to Boston and White Mountain. 'Bar Main saloon contalnetim baulked Imparts Ittata-rooms, and her cobine ire Ested - sleeping accommodations:for twelve hfuldred..„paSsengent. • _SC. /020 Bawer, Tilbw-.-11. happy Couple havejastreturned to:Fairloatb, lifase,treli th e i r wedding trip, which was a ..whsllng voyage that lasted five years. During their absence the wife gave birth to two babes, one of which was a child of four years when it reached home, _ , • BEroarrso i 9 mks UNIN' r EBEEITIE —An affray took place lately•in the University of Virginia, between-two of the students, and. one of them, L M. Bentley, was seriously,.lf not fatally, woundedby a pistol. The_ quarrel grew out of a medal awarded by the'Oolatablan Sooletyl' • Two PmEori-Stiodithor Kterdnis, 'between Duncan and King; cante . off MT-Louisville; fy , onlWasdav • Dlr., Bing won the • first Match, for one buadred dollars, at fifteen single birds—and Mr. Dungan th,e second,-.for two hundred dollars, at thirty pall, of, hirds, . • Truntktb,W-1-laLl.r, of dioney, 111., who kept tOft . iselted in, Ida "buratvo drawer, and ' foolisl fibasldd'of his wealth;"•wits . 'robbed of all his ireamireen Sunday night week: , ' - ACORNS, it IS Eitd,,itketdbii to pretoint ap 'ass' armee, this Year , Will be-unusually -plenty. P nittgrow era: •and. 4 dialers should., calculate Ise corchnglys•- • . . • • Thb Striatnah (GO %Republican , tar) that it eoeiv~d'ulox .7o: tips - peaches fibm Henry F. J gao l . it Baas omit!, listrlN4YetVl ildst.