The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 09, 1859, Image 2
_ . 40045;: 3A,E3 . , -- • Lti4IP,W,RSP#T,-JIjNE 9, 1869? -'-1 i'-:'l,oo.l.llMtg#tr-,'=riUglik - ifiStrri Or 11X **6 orthi, vrovivog#.':iiike(***l ( * ** * 4 . "‘LAaei ***X , r o S.7o l * renteraiiiito r iga oliti:l44WW4\-** * 4 P0, 10 . 4 i 4 mho nevoid **owl tetrfietylkiiiskiiweitave baea " ltts!;_b;soulabotlik to obis6r#4 l4l of 1 *-441.a danild#lo-4111001Nruf• 110104$11•14*.zeilleit 4•Poi fei Walla: •jof CBs 'Boildot 01.4440,44.-Svealig*s Iti(1.0111: • o got OzlviripFutirwilltki:filtelinglito f In:*lta l46 PE#, 24l *** l " ll-044.' thkiiro4akot.o,eila_l?7,.*, F,011.9-Vig OndeitO ff . ~,gq •• A k• " ' 0g2401114$011X,;;TO - Itiirfis..i: 04044 erblii(7—tintlitiii: eitaro,. • Niriorr 'Or! 'ifs , ,iflofacif .3 l,.Tc4 - 4 01 i i1 4 70,, W# 4721 * 1'14t040 - 44,*10 . foie—Slit tip°, AnpirtoxiV Pun To Joni WAsintirool'itii PLi ' _ STOTI94 00,1 41 8 !! jixrn o 4.22_,113P448 , • , KIX lot 'O7 POPUL4 31 0 1ryttlX194TY."`, 11:44611 HAWILYCIICAND,RIB,OOI , twousti se— '=',o-241Voroirioi!-Usirrooup-Srooot or Mol Was, "T6o4,llapotsoitltthoirrilis Dzsrogo:-Tint wiut Irv/ /Looosvisirtroltz=tAlcoisou • deb. or . Tsio ~ O rroorrtoX ' ix • P isxxiiirraxii4A, • Doorme 'DPWOOIII7O yritatipL _Wstorif, 11t.94-Tao I;R4ioum e" ll3 a P qaP ll2o42 l , 4 ** ** A*' t*** *l ix Thin ost I,rit i,111.11 3 141112•8 41111 t., WAULOIOTOK, Ito.-- - MMUS! or Novo, '!_ • . • 'Tam • calt .:..orrozza. army or , isst ParsiazacrotA Mils"24-0140mocAzio" iniorktot NAamnii4.l 6 anLiost.initi. Coin:* ' 111/3T 111/111111T...1111W, WM MANAUS Or , V o .4 lll W 4s Foinc. 4l torr ar p ro," - ~ , kazictrAlvitox; 4tI`LBIIDA 07 0 , 1147 ~,,CoNkitil."ol*4l:"li9iill ,A;6414-:-,Gie44,111' Pea ~ P ,AOIIIII-430W- k ros ArixikrTits WoOl. TIA Dip MOONLLAREOU3.-011nsik Noi4—lrtrortaw Or AW OLD Paituakicratax InTIO .110010 - 'IU3I7LTOS-.-11 11' 0 101111 AT W 118; DOUBLI TWQ MIX lON AWAY' - WITS SAO' ,iirtiss—Foulaw ST .43.19.411/Aitor—Tis - lour =HAMItTOIN SCifilt2iy.t.4llloWilOWor TA*li/• , Torps. , 4Diirs' " Or 1' :tifittirst dr 134aarts 7 4:iiiiii Tioritia Os taxo,ist mot: , BOATS DarcAi= Lis Tiur or Witiriii44othroxi Tin Atria Da topez.:A. 41Ln. Fla /"/ I + ll o4 'l T 6o ,44 o—trr r Ai P* l ***L, Tr 01 0 20 7 4 f *w* **cm iniwer,psza9;tiluinidi:diolltbiWWlb•ri at, per jeay, izimilllllol3, for the sheikeom audio dabs 111 . 1111 1)1 1 1 1 A 4 * 51 Os, , fruf.iials lo , As adroit* 1 1 4skow***=fic:(Pazik - At ftonta, ot.Tpi.Ptiiaa of . • lis is lnslipw*readr fat ) .) , , , Bute: San Bi,aik; Tkiimei J#Edivoihind J,AF,W *Wilson -Lettiy frOpkanY baud A:tiiiudeg Litsijaland 9sliblity,: Ate. • ThrO MEE . . • ' - • 417.1 e rrital.l4 Cho grorar,,ohnonship, Argo; a iit.latiii; N. F., fr. o # l l_ 4 " l l,7lL wi hats, f4T . dir lo!Odhgarioa froir Aiiropt. ;The • not - .Ofi'artgicoif , , ThifAii4rhuk ;data ra:., iiho had ad.• roh9 - 194-piet:T=o» viOtreehAkdriaafadiattaiel of Jop... Qotton ,end b, 4 141fitid4Sial0 1 4 aii;k4o , 4•9loirigu o 4 4 , • .'llk• jtaili:godo Ariel anbratf Nefiarickleo , terday4=AtiOml*"' ) , 1441.1 4** 4 =P- 64 4 thoSlyi ofilkaddaga?o.iadilis =5 lhabfidi Oilithi;fo Bailhoofe, *lt t Urgn is a 4 . 01•1101 1 I ta.hrrade Ihat. - meiLYrMi.lo l 4 l 4 Asit:lis lipmfikir got4iiif, - usletanes from imita 'that j.rp.e, *cotiiiAipt tiro vqj tart' 414* . tiiiotir eoP, 4014Aize, 144 .9 1 0Fi,4; 000*ind,Ilksr00:**, Ih•It-. : 4bu!k* *C ;4* Wet, - • tick h -hiiirevedifo t tbeisOkthij- l it k poiy,Outtoirontiv; nreiOztirtikitikreiiip*o I#irki.K!iatt",qlllo . tifd '447 :Bi4 l 4;ifivit*'*l l- qiiriiii 1 44.W0Lia4 111 1, we 111 that 44,iseyii*L-Linied • OttlinbitiQiiii:MilMet: MieWtntiiiiiiiti front tione. 4 - ef 4sl*fit'#2.4l:lo4.olo4.PV.i9°ol*-P1i,01!,.; Stu brought : id~we.'tlia 4hel - pinisermitiow: party Weis citty;mitti faitproipeot of , v orrest.l Mee title ;the larie • .ge,f.:o.4hr#* l o; 4 4"-.*CA:i4 .1 1,.. 01 *A wi c ,tbeistfloeing Mit owes One bandteiftleys, The, • good, eipeeted id then -eliiineroni4' , ii•promr(he nierkit,`‘ mid there - Wu rpopiotevinad.snei inn Piet* woe IttisViind,tliftninlog MOM favorable. xhi StiteConvention of UM ~P ecple'stj. pm* stieeibiedii'llairinno 'yeoteranYiatoknowilarted, Thomas cpViitthisnlorthkaillikq . Aiditor Gene; nite,Ooneiia tcetin. Ourropi tieneral. "d' MOM ineolitione wetwesointi,*; kimedetunitien of , witiolt will be found our "Mlogrnph ortiointii The ConwentiOn sap - anted anodic:. -1 - ' Coo Otitipp, TO 4! einiusiemed - ite Mellon In thii•Oiti,:*esterdo,,in the eiwireh • of :IterF•'=ifii -Bilide;.-Miero; :street near Tge.ilttitsfi%oo4,,ifi°l#*;WriTYi°l llotort • , Wil,l;ave: ; let no returns *mai- the" elretion in Xermie;•sotanoodayi fee. Members of Alie.ponstitir: lio'nel - ,Qiinenntfont , ;,;-;We • learn from - ti.iteiMatoli one; .brit:tgatle7alilltilown patch witeirot late last night from :Leavenworth stews that tie Demooratio *het snooredad in that comity by 1n•J0n, 4 7 of 450 . The sttii4ioorief mef , oonVinl, Clop Pastentity, Ailtirnore: -Tile delfts* inn 6114 46 4 4 fra*niii Annt'nnsiali nineri In itiestiti;:ifod*rtriverflp#etion'ot It AC* siiiii!sgininelinni - InnaPind '• The-Port fyieepepartnient tear that einintektit nt***, l 4initir 4'01'1010nm! intent/ otibor by 0340* 1 4 4‘°'i 44 14 1 3) t!ir* ' ,ko*wiiittospiecol- Womoi ;0„ b 7, mune • 9'7, ,In.-, netd'..eraehmft thi pattaffeentaton thatwas pui.en.theet when thik ' PM& tbFeeo..thit oflee.,. Tiereti .ite" steam of, 100;04 : the ina-itintnat `The; saapriiit4ipi so',‘L T l 6 4ol: • '4 6 ,ii7 , 44•,*1ii 1441 Inanne.4_ ..:nnunPn 'sr 4 k,7 ..istotrusir, pormaetent, i grit *elk npint,r-i4 thirn titters! i,Dg how winr' stamp. srs;sa the Ilia 4., - theP.9 . l4:!-T Latter. iirlW them pus egeln; 6407 Get kin 4e ertiipenpli. Tie department eat form no; ,d 3 iiitti#l4•o"tiglihektintillt 'the ditanOWo444l'4ll . i ej tweis teinWinatithri 44 Wiwi - 'W 7 luPPute r liwrikenteit then thee*tertetti4 , on aiseenei die t ;Mari; ' tor' selling', the,' • - wwiftiowiVeleSucintnei,nittite;thiLoorintrj! 4willeglintfilerieSeitheseueignieelty le itus ru ? 1 4 6 -111.40091400110bilakit far the' panel* he 44 1 0 0 1 5 jlrinlAnli itnin 1 44 ic Plo thftt : 0 - 0, 0000.; "k,* otitifipeijisthOntibit*A47i.o44lkri, #ol 6 l4l*lth4ol.44 l o•7*# o llYonfil.: , • -7 isbop Purcell, et-'olitetersetkpubttrieen taleitei 'eFilltiteattentten 10 - Ithe? - -enfiettertig rope;o4lditiiw' Chi Iletiolid world to.avert al./10,44a et three Vaitliitte"ife l 11 11 W tn.n. 4-. l KititiP4Min !terd iogs 'epplii p wi of I*(4ol‘6oo ll #o,l7, l kritnntitLidielmsnAnt4' Blithoircip*Pos the opinion Alt there' will be Pope, Of bees Na *OO/44 0 .:ifYki=4: mai~OfAnt - inttsngnink.or ingenivigiritokai _swot hicianclok vintagers not tiCatntlitnehie - strnenrChtthelte-kletts, ties the , ltriientoeueeint,-Aletator otalie4utteles Of-Be rercentertatne4arry Abet s. (.to: tau**, of tkikatokta the chatolg.,Al•4o ditentitei-itot, lOC in: Falai ,th! • toutet,Swhieithe:r,dorrefell elrtie Ira oPelins er-inn 4 7 , 7100nin WIC skl,Ohitthte P4 l l' 7,1 'at ;:itlii,AL 4l l ll okkrAniiiki44;:psagl' fAfwelwip sox*: inkitkiikTe; :ii,-i 4flo .*114:411;1:,)ii lei itaifi g tfoa th lta:***i_. #otl.xt _ •, kfUbm• - x•qmfir. , -47,24.. a The New note' • • • Y; ;The interest which has been aronseriby the new gets], - shortly to be opeded'at the corner .Ninth and Chestnut streets, is 'one: of the most. auspicious indications . of the day. The' hymens; Oapleity of, , :thia establishment, its *herons 'modern improvements, its beautiful lecatiort,, the highly experienced gentleman Who ',le to preside over it, the wealthy and in tik-anal Althorn' who compose the direction, ,44 the instamonnt et capital invested, are all ab 4E114 liestirancen thit tit will take the first pbsitionamorig the hotels of the country, and' Will' attract prowde of ,visiters from all 'sec tions'. Homo akiretenisiens are' stiff enter tained that the Mew hotel will ilsorb so much of the .pstronage.,of the travelling -public - t iOnterfore rorith -- the public houses, already [ n "ekiiitence: our opinion this is •the ierieSt'of. fogYisnis. Philadelphia has never been "Pieirizieler town, and its' nnme :i4iii(l4vietagee ,over . all other cities are and; while New ,Yerk will , al: ways; cominutd - ,;the largest share the pa- Tticruige; It Will render Philadelphia , more and *ore'soceptsaile to all classes ofthe American 'people, and ',particularly to those who desire to enjoy the , thousand attractions of which we can Proidly-lioast;" IS' a 'fact; borne out by ample'_experiene.e; ' th at 'every improVement ',Which, adds' tAthe comfort of the people, every Jp, science and in ,mechanics, not , Only•hiproves the ,publfe :mote; brit rewards, those who bave been fortunate enough to con ,tribute- to that taste. We have seen hoe , . the , multiplicity of • railroads • has increased , the travel on 'these great thoroughfares. In our midst we have 'daily exhibition of this easel , . the 'extraordinary success which has attended - the introduction of city passenger railroads, ' now Used, and to be used, ',tens thonitands who' have hereto. fore,riever theniselves of the tedious propess of - omnibus riding. There ire many -appetites 'that grow by what they feeduPen; bet none more rio - ,than • that which ,polur to thegratification of the"wants and de mands. rif!trivellert.f .when= the St: Nicholas iletel:warr'etitabliehed New York certain croaking prophets took care to predict that the New icerk.Betel:Worildricooh close its doors. 'Whit hen been the Consequence 7 Not only does the NeW Turk Hotel, elegant and refined ad it 1., absorb a vast amount of custom, but Other , :palatiallestabliehments have risen all bier the eityi everyone of which is pouring ahrioethicalculable profits into' the coffers of the*piiitore: Now, ou'r Girard, ourLa Pierre, it:Latvrenie; Merchants' Hotel, Washington, Franklin, Jones's, and 'others unnecessary to name; will, in orm,opirtion, be ,much __benefited by. the opening And successful management of the.hotel at-the corner 9f Ninth and Chest., nut streets. -.Competition will 'not only in `duce those's& the head of &litho city, hotels to it:Prove their .:respectiv'e'' establishments; but rivellere(WM ?be attracted 'to , the city, as theyare ',attracted !te 'New T'ork; by the fact thit,theie,heniee are the first of their kind. NOrMiist we pet,rout, of r. eight the new era o*.t . , has dawned uPoirni in another respect. Philadelphia is bound to be ,the great entrepot af.Western and-'Southern travel and trade. *brae great : railroads will shortly pour in nips her- the , countless traffic' of theist' greet 're. glens; and where commerce; domestic or fo reign; concentrates, there we obeli find people gathering„ :!,and there, ;too, will be found perfection .in every, department of .human progress, „whether we conehisi merely per- Sena! *armies -or, the More intellectual ele juenta , Of:'art, literature, and , science. •In another year we Anil :be tapping the lakes,- Ira weare 'neir_lariping the Mississippi. Our inerihnita, - `rne' longer' blind 'to this state bf facts; 'are' stretching out ,their• hinds to greep,,'Ona fiicilitiesi :1 showered" riPon then; by„Natere by a genermis , ex. Penditureef their, own cepital. Our medical isollegeo, standing, sathey do unquestiOnably, first - on - this continent, and hardly excelled by inn :Iri ' Europe," gather here every, winter ihreandiof yeung - men from • every. State in 'l,c" , nlfi - s eo t ‘ en y , nen a lay are, ,:tiiitiCl4.ciio l ll,.:teey, the quickening p u lse th at prjeleiii;everi,braneh :of jinetnerie.' Our putillp,aMiseMent, iiot so imunerotis as they should are-'among the beatr.ssidAterr. we reflectlhatthis lo A' COM. Vicinity": Of all .bandred • tholudiiid , souls, we , limed' not be,imrprisedlosee - sotherfgreat itritions of other theatres,and other" •, wishes li f ,eoristrintly " enlarging population: Therefore`rihordd'Our ,cilticens; bail . every such - .enterpritsp, as that of the new. botettrith* joy. Each. one leonlyan - others. • Those (already apprehend th at rivalry will destroy betels lalicady:establithed will be among - the first to I .ce*eitt - hew* imperfectly' they , • have read the !sighs of the'times: ' , The Zoitives. Oae of the most remarkable publications of the Ali•lithe report of tiiifellow:tiwasman, Captain, gnomon B. MoOmmtssi, late 9f the Firet Biked' Etatai Baia* and now vice BOddent-0 -, Piet:greltt Central Illinois Rail, n1y,7110 Ins One of the officers sent by the Secretary , of War, louder the late Administra , tioin - to the 'seat 'of• war in Europe; in 1855 and '1858: It abounds in highly interesting infbrmitilion;"Jiod has been most favorably commented upon by,FrOioii; English, Austri -0 -Ititlian, and - SPanislC Journals The follo:wingteitisetkom and-,Spanish; report describes the Most 'efficient arm of, the French service, the:Zopaves o:i The draw of the TtmaVe is of the Arab pattern ;, thaesp Is a loose fig; or skull cep,' of scarlet felt, , with a tassel ; a turban is worn over this in full diesi cloth-vest 'and loose jsokoti which leave the teak uneneumbered byoollor, stook, or cravat, cover the upper-portion of 'his body, and alloy, free ffiovamegt of. grind; • the scarlet pants are if the lioecarlerital pattern, and are tucked under 'garters like that; of •MS foot- lithe of the guard •; the overcoatis a. loose oloak, - with: a hood; the Clhaseirs - wear a similar one. The men say that tbliiilress is the Anoint convenient possible,. and preterit Mimi other., - • = - • "_Theacuavei areallTrenob; they are selected frousemong,the. old : campaigners for their fine -Opaque andteltid courage,, andl have 'certainly pivretil that theY are; what • their appearance tiotildAtidieste,: the most realest, seltreliant, andcmiplete Infantry that Europe can produce. "With his graceful dress, soldierly bearing, and vigilant attitude; the Zouave at an outpost is the . bean Ideal of stealer. , _ , !f, They negleoi no opportunity ot,adding to their parson co mforts ; ,it „ the a s ream in the it °laity Ms party mar/kin/son plait* iati sore to;be im ply euppthed, fag lads, if, anythrig the 'xonithes are quits tqtain, to 0h... -" ~lie~eoioiainenta ore the mot light and irstes , fulA-Aive,ivir seen; - the, stride is long, bat the AO 44,1 karesly trie touch,the ground, and the inareit ~iit-aPOiteatlyt t iiiida. - plaint ',start cietn -4,--.tliligitaiilifiliitteit'aiee ii shorter and quither, anernet no easy, and graieefal, - - . 5 ' 4 ' piques& by. he appearance it(thiM . ll,,,,itas corps 14*aq:different ;" the Mies look lilts *saw iiiirgstth little foliose, who Mang find tlleti beitAisit Ala thiniiithare; - but. the Zonaies hattliff9 lo 4 , atl Oa-activity and energy 'of. the Ott ilaii:ithellisidiiidiatitiirlactiMotild !rider them attesikthg in mad or In do. !ha poet desperate hatno liatid:tnatnintiiri,T9t ' the iro,epa that I_ have tvegii l at tl st hotter to . assist,ta,-,,definiithi the %Owen. , „ The - grsn,iieliers Of, ilia' , gairdats :au large mew, and a fine-look 111.gistddiety set.' —;";,- ' - ieothigenra -iers Amid!, ; active men, brit, "larger Sag aro light infantry." Unitel iitatea itriseiah 04 our revs Yard Thor lino - el ‘ ooP:of-yrer, flho • Isancaster,t 'o4)4oklifOgniq* the list of the ihti,tlde; abant , ,,tw6 - i .0104,Yreiteiday , iftsundon, and inilititeita shoit - dhdiinei up_ the tiver; until putde, ; 'sftur...:ividelf,"sbe r . started 'for TOO Wahl, 44s taiii• hosra her , supply of VOilder;." - f !‘!'Thellianiaster will then make ttt foiliw,O4l4juuf .itoOttil`,to- Norfolk 'indAll;tip !Mb f-• ibis if/ the flakatilp of Ai5!` 1 0400.4044:e0,9/# 4- 3 4 " 99.; '4l3oinic4eri , 'L B;A[9 l +Tafixiiio)o4l .10;deted---hy thiptFJ,Runi): fitted:Out with d0.414,teh aa-theSai:taiiikortoPrOMan §ti.l,l*rounott'lhnute' out IForn Oda , . 44 , ,if t ffe place" to ic The , CS 'esesy.tutekeits'itis.oo, , • n , r; ,t';.; ' 1;1 jtr PYWO:. , : • The :eriFort, • 01.1 karfclaterii, from New ::**,147;tii1a1 4 10 1 471 1 00 )1 0 4 * Wik iptttr Titetigrio;i*O44l o B-111 11 : 00 10zukatitiAnoihor 'Agap/ 1 4 1/14-vipswerhet eonnot•be too often Ifilkirtoikthil *till* in 144/Isiv grads, and t i pll* 4001 cultivated mind 44.**,49 ,11 F/4*- 61 T.ilk0 1 4 4 e* Ii f o rin e nee; .110fAracii400roirAiis slier 'BituidaY , Aw O'er *AA!' Pr - *hi lit 4. 4 3 , • ; - Tspor; the , cionnterp Eilti ;.1f " at Lag:morning, N.J.,logiesesped !tom the Camden jail. -- ~.~_~ _.: ra - ~ _.:._ Exit Piecolomiut I Ries MARIA CLERSNTRIN3WhO was so admira blz_ski?ken of; by Mr. Nierrranler. P. WILLIS, as alorn Princess;" and was accepted as niece of 'a great_Cardinal at Rome, on the endorsement of Mr. ULLMAN, the enterprising operatic manager, has left those : shores. She departed for Europe in the steamer Vander bilt, on Saturday last, followed (oteourse) by the regrets, if not the tender' tears, o f young New York. Her suite accompa nied her, with one exception—to be pro sently stated. The family-party, including that remarkably arlitocratic , and highly distingta dame, the Princess's lady-mother, have &muted. In the usual course of time and' events' -the young lady would have been speedily forgotten—except that, when serious thought came, whether the public, bad the worth of their money out of Prooonoxisr, (we use her assumed as bar best known name.) the opinion might be that she was not one tenth suciii good singer 'as SONTAG or AL sorri,:Bruno or LAGRANGE, STBTTANONI OT OoLsos. These, with others whom •it would be tedious to enumerate, were artists—some times with considerable dramatic power—but our lively, laughing Prociotomnix bad scarcely any thing artistical about her, except in cha reams such' ati, In' the ordinary drama, we we'uld'eall chambermaid parts. In short, she Was but a singing soubrette, with a small voice, and 'cariosity and fashion,' which have a ;sort ; of tt follow myleader" operation, when wound up by strong pulling, drew crowds to see and hear her. Were 'sbe a real artist, she would never have ventured on the stage of our beau tiful AcadeMy of Music, to make herself laughed 'at, bet Ween amusement and contempt, in a wretched mispronunciation of an Eng lish ballad; in 'which she hoped that her an dienie would - _ ' ' , i, Loaf me alll ze ewe." How audiences could submit to such an in diction, such an impertinence, a second time, In the same city, is one of the wonders of the time and place. The "born Princess," whom Wrxxis glori fied, will not be as speedily forgotten, in New. York, as many of her class. It seems that she quitted these hospitable shores, in such a paroxysm of grief, that her memory was af feeted=indoed, so much impaired that she actually forgot to pay her month's board at the 'Everett House in New York. Consider, in that she ,carried-away with her, as the fruits of seven months' playing at opera-sing ing in this country; about $160,000, it clearly was want "of memory and not want of cash, which made hor depart without paying her hotel bill. The amount is said to be somewhat about $1,200. Her estimable family. were fond of good eating, and. took their wine• as if they had .never beard of Govan and the Maine Liquor Law. • That illustrious patrician, her mother, "the Countess," certainly looked as leehe did not disdain creature comforts. Nor, indeed, did any of the fatally. - 'Per the last three months, Mei Pracoremur was under the financial cbarge of an English gentietrian named Fun, sent hither by Mr. Ltairmr,, Ex-Manager, from London.- - Mr. Fun paid all tho bills , it,is said—but be did not pay for the breakfasts and lunches, din ners and suppers, wines and punches of the Princess, and her august family and follow ers. So, when riUGOLOIKINI cleared away, wafted along by steam and the sighs which her New York admirers breathed after her, fir. Cr.szi, 'of the Everett House, asked Mr. FIBIE for the amount of t; get little bill," and when the cash was not forthcoming, put blm in, the debtore prison, (as the • surest way to prevent his leaving the country without pay ing the debt,) and Mr. Fun was in durance vile at the last account. Nobody can blame the landlord for desiring to hive his bill paid: The course he has taken will obtain the money, if an y thing will. Mr. LUMLEY ought to pay it—Jjnt,.perhaps, he may ,plead inability. Yet,. it reports' be true, Mr. Lmunzimust have cleared half as much as Prcootowurr, and out of hiti $75,000 the hotel, `bill would' not be much, The last New York `rimier is that Mr. Fier eodeavoiad to obtain the Money from PIOCOLOMIIII, or a draft upon . her, friend and; exporter, Mr. Ltmnur, ant that she declined to give the accommodation. It is ic the born lirlncetS," and net the landlord, who has bettered harshly; meanly, unkindly to :lir. Luutziedtageriti : - .4ine - is off.' A 11".,1,...uce - Oznaertitriiiiiiti 'ltn9SlPtr,irct4W44o7to tbiq little musical soubrette has disappeared . A Princeas yypo leaves the country with her hotel-bill unpaid, . is decidedly a common-place character. *bat. if Mr. ()LIPP had "attached" and imprisoned her 'instead of poor lersul New 'York, which took this little singer to' heart,its , fondly worshipping her 'as a born Prineasi,„” is' botind to redeeM her from the posaible'imputation of having left Mr. etans's hotel-bill unpaid. Let her white-kidded ad mirers, who so. greatly were _smitten by her sunny smiles and charming coouetry, put their hands in -their pockets, pay the bill, liberate Fox, and send the receipt over to Pteooimumr, by the next steamer I Summer Resorts. . . Now that the season has almost arrived in which all who can, Conveniently, leave the hot thoroughfares of the city for the seashore, or for' cool sequeitered nooks in the country, the a Summer Resort" advertising column of_Trts !Rasa will be found a valuable guide to those who have not yet fully decided where to spend their summer months. We have on severa l occasions directed the attention of our readeyo to different points throughout onr State which are well worthy, of their, consideration, and de sire now specially to call to their pollee the agreeable resorts advertised upon our first page, among whiollvrill be found the follow ing in Pennsylvania s White Sulphur and Ohalybeate Springs, at Doubling Gap. " Carlisle White Sulphur Spriuga; Oniaber land county, tour mites from Carbide. Bedford, Springs, edfoyd. - Ephrata SPrinPLEPhrata, Lancaster corm ty. Andalusia Hall, near Beading. The Mansion House, •Reading, under the' superintendence of thatjustly-renowned beeper,•W. L. Daßboanom. •. • . • - Nearly all these fistablishinents - are well and favdrably known to irtost'of our readerm. , . Bed ford is oat) of the beet-established watering.; places [norm State, and has beena :sort for some of the leading men of Pennsyl vania for many years. Tho establishment at `Ephrata Springs,' under' the management of , Mr. Kommasomm, has been beautithlly adorned, and Is, thronged every season by guests,-who a are cuttundut,ie le Vie rpralseof its' charms. The epilogs at Doubling Gap and those near Carlisle have gained a Fide cele brity: Beading is surrounded by many attrac- Hoag; itrid, at the hotels' alluded to above, 'guests will be certain to be entertained in a satisfactory Manner. • , Among', other resorts' . 'piny - Wants, which should be. visited by every .Philadel phian who wtshee to rfltnOss. the grand scenery 'of Ms State and to enjoy the cool , breees, of her mountain ,districts, the Delaware Hrater. Gap; near Stroudsburg; now under the charge of Mr. L: 'W. BiODIIICAD, should not bo forgotten; • 4.osiatle gity ban be 9040, :ty its proximity, the favorite resort of tho masses of our city, as well uof many-of our most respenteblo and fashionable families. - The United States Hotel will be under the charge. of,Coinan & HINICTA during- the 'ensuing- season—the Mansion Rose uuder the charge of E. LEE—and the Hess 11001 u nder the superintendence of Hess & Co, " ' • W * *AT sc,Taoirpsox Will open goriftrood atgape Nab for visitors, on tlie /.4th day of June. Notwithstanding ti/e dotcaoris of At. 'antic City, the attractions of Cape May sre 114) , great;tliat in - many respects, porimps„ .. no sea son Ives more successful there tha that' of ):80,40 .- We pristitne 'that of 1859 will b 9 snally peasant and profitable. The rnltea n ,States gotta, at -Long Itranch, ,wl4 " i to ;varied on the 20th - inet, by f015 . #404. Rot a few of Mir Citlenifprefor ay'ekey yesort t a tho acia-aido. Theioi who , intend 'travelling at 04041 d :war, 4. mind the gacimM's ribtel; near ,411 4 ( 1 4 ; 00 1 0gfititi PAO' the t i n 'Mediate elliier*. **W. of flArißt . PO 0., E ft ., s pa owned by H : Las spq.woff. :Ctitime,ftentidrrott or: 7!;titie',vb van WR Ar•"*, 'The PenniyivaiditAillioad Oompenrhave made laigedednotlon inike, passenger fere westward rte'dietinosi betsvoisti this city and Mileage can pow — bl,trotvelled for ten' dollars, , over the best roads-lxi_the oonnery., At tole rate the oherge le lees than one tient per, ratio, T4e: travel over the Pennsylvania Railroad will be greatli, bemired . 00nitnitionee of the low rate of fare, THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY; JUNE 9, 1859. B Y MIDNIGHT MAIL. Letter from , ioceasional.” COrrespondenoo of The Pfesci WASHINGTON' Juno 8, 1850 Bon. John M Read, of your Ruprerne C)urt, Is being talked of as the Republican-candidate for the Prostdeney. The great vote be polled at the last eleotion In Pennsylvania is olaiined as an wit deuce that be eon unite all the seotione in his fa vor. . The President is excessively annoyed at the po sition amused by the 01;io Democratic State Con vention; but these annoyineee are just beginning, and the State Conventions of lowa and Minnesota will present a still bitterer pup to Me lips. A gen tleman, now here from Minnesota, states that the only way to save the Deraooraoy of that state is 'to follow the example 'of Ohio. Some of the Admi nistrationists in Minnesota ,are very anxious to snake through the Convention the election of de legates to Charleston'; but there is a Well-pre pared organization against this attempt, which, it is said, will eucceed. The State ()onion tion of Wisconsin will probably be held , about the middle of July; and a delegation elected to the Charleston Convention whiob will not son. sent to any new tests upon the slavery question, or 'submit to the diefranchisement, by, that Conven tion, of the regular organization in Illinois. Mr. Baohanare's " Swiss Guard" bee commenced howl ing over the pretended' discovery of a oho= to peak the Convention with Douglas men. The ab surdity of this exposition is in the foot ,that it would be hardly possible to find in the State a suillotent number of Buchanan men to make up a controlling ma:Wit* in the Convention. Besides, those men hoping the Federal tame and repro seating the Administration are almost uniformly of that class of men who could never command any position of trust from their neighbors, -- whatever political sentiments they might profesa—and many of them have tried all shades of, politics unsuccess folly until the present Administration opened a refuge for political lassaroni. - Among the annoy snorts to which the Democracy of this country have 'been subjected under the present regime, are what 'is called "Administration newspapers." The best °Aloes are given, out on condition ; that the recipient is to sustain a newspaper in the interest of the' 4 . friends of the Administra tion." They generally get some half starved professional letter-writer from this pity, or a nem: parer hack from an Eastern city, to take charge of the concern. These literary vagabonds gene. rally begin .by misrepresenting and abusing the local Demooraoy, and, after winning a saleable notoriety in this way, and by disposing of their political hareem to the Republicans for limitable compensation, pat forth a manifesto declaring that they have been forced, by. the corruption of the Demogretio party, to abandon it and take refuge in the pure Republican party. A manifesto •of this kind, put forth by a seedy loafer-who has been editing an Administration paper in Minnesota for some time past, in the pay of the Sioux Indian Agency, is now having the run •of the:Repub lican paperer. These vagabonds bring much roan. dal upon the party, but they do much loss damage outside than they Would do inside of the party. If, the ; whole gang. of Federal office-holders throughout the Northwest would ant °non''y in- . stead of secretly with the Republicans, the Demo creep would be mph stronger for the rieldaned. A gentleman in this city from Wisconsin gives me come interesting information as to the position of things in that State The delegites froneWts cousin to the Charleston Convention will not be instructed to Tote for the nernination of Douglas, or any other man, but you may he certain that they will be fully committed against a slave coda, and indubitably in favor of tqqatter sovereignty, as defined by:the Constitution—l mean that Con atitution which Mr. nnobsnan'a office-holders are sworn to support—not the old concern which W ile officers formerly swore by. The Presidential trip to North Carolina seems to hale invigorated him, as Well as the plainsmen Kid hangers-on in this city who reflect the wishes and will,of the t.seontive. They now speak freely, and with much less reserve, of the reepessitv for a re-nomination of Ring James' by the Charleston flonvention. I know many prudent and far-seelag Democratic politicians, and statesmen, who ex press the oonfident opinion that that event should and wilt occur. The President being reeponeible for the present deplorable condition of the party and the country, should be compelled to stand the tart of a popular judgment on his measures and policy. There are net 1;414' men now, I think, whose nomination would be with a fig, either tQ the party or themselves, who would be willing to endorse either. With the renomination of J. B. to reprgeent the " dead Careless" of the 'party, a fine opportur;ity would be afforded the Demooratie mrusses,..North and South, 'last and West, with conservative, Union-loving men everywhere, to iroblne (as they did is Jetokson's time, when they threw off the do :anion of Ring Canons) and rep,: diets the shackles of a corrupt peeked party Con vention. .0010 e-holden! went)* buil • alltrelrAb country, partionlariorie.3r...--wmitallti - rent. sylyania, arranging for the Charleston Convert- Ann, and it is undsrstood here that noseriousoppoet, Doriiffillki masse briboie wiatilvip;lyiepresent the •wishes of the - Demopratls, PortY, the oeneetunin: Von of the purpose to- renominate king James,- Let :B, be renominated, as he 'should be; by an Office-holders' %mention, (so far at testa as the Middle, Western, and Northern States ere con oerned,) and mirth a rebuke will be adminilitered tt treaehey.and v elated forth as will blind the vision of tll, mere politicians. • ". - It is noticeable 00 the President gave Rich mond a wide berth, and returned, as he went from his late trip, by the way of Norfolk. ' Waa this purely accidental? Was It convenient? or Is there an infectious disease prevailing in the 'Anital of the Ancient Dominion ? B-would seem to be of the opinion, st leftist, that there le an unhealthy poillipel organisation" in that city, which he wail anxious - to weld. jlie reception at Richmond by Governor 'Wise can easily be imagined. It would have been honorable, court - cone, and civil, but the Gevernor hart a way sometimes of talking very plain. -What is the matter betweep J. B. and. Senator Bigler? There is certainly et threw Leese. The friends of the firmer arequitebellinoee, and, charge your distinguished Senator, not with being ". weak in the bows," hut rather stiff in those members for one of his pliant ,sonatitolion. ' The truth is, Bigler is looking out for himself. Yeas Ofilieltor Baker don't like him, and has sneered at his pre tensions in this city; on his weekly visits; for a year past, and IL M. Phillips, before the ed journment of the last Clongreas, disparaged Bigler on every occasion; and announeed itimeelj as a oandtdate for the Senatorship. Strawberry Festiial at Barium's Gar. deo, Kingsessing. If We day he fine, and if not on the day after, a fine strawberry Beset will, come off, at "Bar tram's Garden," now belonging to Ur. 13.mtwiek, which thatgentleman has kindly devoted for this purpose, this time. The affair is under ladles' man &gement, and therefore hi:lona to summed. -Women' manage every thing wall, from parties down to' husbands and beaux. The result' of the day's festivity, it Is hoped, will be to pre ,Ide "funds for the banding of a solteel house, at's Church,', Itinigeeasing. ~ ,Lciossa to the beautiful grenade of Mr. pastwiek is very faelle, rapid, and sheep, by the Market-street and parhyPassenger Oars, Whigh Will ran thioughout the wholvday, in quick stmeession. WO beigtßY wish tilSo Managers all the moms they ta4loinntgi. 'Aey have a good tense in hand. Sunbury and Erie Railroad. The prospect of ' the early completion•of this work prep ,peouliar signlfloanoo to the following extract from A. 'McClure's speeoh In imp port of the bill authorising' the eels qf the State ,canals to the &tube* , altd Erie Ithilrbair Clomps,. ny, delivered during the session of 10571' • "I regard the completion of 'the fiuntinry and Erie Railroad as thp great measure 'nor, the age. It le not merely a queation'of today nor, of the generation. When yon and I. Mr. kipeater,,phall have paired away, the fruits of this great measure will not yet have reached their fullness. The har dy formate of the Vorth, who are strangers to the bounty of the gOmmonwealtli, will !Paoli those who are to dome use Omit to bless the men who this Any plead their came. They haye struggleifor a quarter of a century, but now onnpidpt tq nq Qvi• donee of progress around them that is not the fruit of their unceasing toil. They havelopell on, and still hoped on, as disaster clouded the prospeets of this great movement; and still they hope tor 0:10 day which I trust is sow soon to dawn upon them, when the lakes and the Atlantio shall strike binds id northern wilderness, and pour its exhaust- , testi native-wealth lntoihe lap of commerce They have bpin, Abair' operant the' hardens imposed upon the Tioplito mqro bur nihrel.fitvored stsitions develop t Wealth ;"they hays hhiPetf,•llY the, fruits of t elr 4114 our ~raliroaes, our canals, and our colleges; and now they gih, nbt our bounty, not our gifts, not our credit ; bat the'' , ask that we shall enable them, by a generous 'Policy, involving no pecuniary saerinee to the State, to consummate an enterprise that m ast scat ter enlightened progress and untold wealth over the loogcneglpote;l regions of the Oommonwealth." ~ , ~ . , , EMFA. WlCktilatis reooyered.46,oo ilarpdges from the tittle Miami, polumbutandXonfakOtifol 4,olfros "pimpany '.. for kpliog per - pooband, a 1'414140#40,4)64: ATTIYaf Yaw Watt, Ilion, 4,44 pteloyet, 4r el, ,frog Sonthempton - an.the 2Stlt ltlt., oßly#4 Aare. qtort „HIT &detain hoe been siittelpstad by ths,,arttval or the steamer Oily or Wesblustou. $l4 report. having passed on the 80th Olt:: a Memel% supposed 'tiS be the lisoutroo;, on the 2d tost.,, , a pro p:6llst, eappeeed to be tttellldlnburgh {,e nd tin ,the Oth, embers/id algnele with the Olty or.rdenehitittor, the also weed ten Icebergs.. • - Yarning of a Near York Wool aumaanur;',Tfinewv-rtte bitch Bdoin, from Buenos Ayeeo; Toporto.tho bun urof tho !Ark' Anglo, from Buouo6 dyloo,pousil,for NOW York, With fi aro or 652 Dj vosi.,phe au burl:Abu tho• Itia Of Apr( , Lai h. oroyto pagooted of haTitue it her on fire. A ref( la °facet opp optraety been hold 010. 40 UMM I V D T I P t itlY l l -B ent r home for trial. • _ , -Likroirroorrn, hole B.—The eloollon in thin eniinti for minarets of tho Conatitntronil Contention it/monad In lye/groan of the potpnoratle ticket by 460 majority. Augrada and Charleston- Chesi 11!alai, Julie B.—The ebese mateh betwee4 Auguste Add OWlesion - bait boob won by Augusta: OcosezoLti The Kansas ,Election. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Four Days Pater front Europe. THE STEAMSHIP . ARGO AT ST. JOHNS. DEFEAT AND RETREAT OF THE AUSTRIANS. Revolutionary Movements in Lombardy. ADVANCE 'OF GARIBALDI TO CORO. VOLUNTEERS JOINING HIM 'cowToN AND EREADSTIIFFS STEADY. CONSOLS 92)408236 Sr. 1 mute, N. P., r 4tine B"—The strew steamer Argo, from Galway, arnlyed last evening, with dates to Mon day. the 20th ult. 'The news from the seat of war Is not important. General Garibaldi •has made' a further advance from Varese, where be was last stationed, to the town of Oome, whieti he had entered amid the m'et lively de monstrations of rejolotng. ' The belle were rang, and • general illumination tools niece. All the steamer" on Lake Onmo lima In plasession of General Garibaldi, and the Austrians were In rapid re teat from that notion. Li). No. May 28.—The Austrians, puroned by General Garibaldi; ere in rapid retreat towards Mien. Gen. Garibaldi has tiPO ocumpled Gametio and tseee, " There are ininirreotionary movement/1 in the Valle'. lino and eight hundred insurgents are on - board an Austrian steamer. Another devaioh sari that after a turbine! fight of three hours, gen. Garibaldi entered Como. The own bit was renewed at Oareorleate, when the Attatrlans again gave way and retreated. An Austrian war degree bad cannonaded °ennoble, on Lake Maggiore. bat without tenoh'eirsot: At Como the National Guards tn , bllfzed. and en' fir tidiery force was trgan's , d. mad volunteers were has tening to moraine the The national movement was rereading, and the town of Leone had declared. 'Melt free. The Austrians, in considerable force, bad occupied Delia. PARIS, My 28.—The Pays nye that the Austrians emitted Protege', yesterday and re. entered Lombardy. The Mane journal states that England is endeavoring t 0 resew dlolomette rel.tions with Naples, but only on sohditiquileatarame will almultaneonaly do the Name: iSsreral •cdteinels of Swiss regiments' ,ps compromised JO' conspiracy Deduct the Crown Primes (supposed to 141 LEI of Esplesi.) SNOWS. nor 29 —The Emperor and troops ate IA perfect health The harvest is begun, and the army Is. abundantly supplied. The soldiers are in high spirits. ha vie. S,turdar, May 28.—Advises from Atomise my that Busela, Prussia England, end Turkey, have not recognized the provisional Government of Tuscany a d their representatives are said to hays withdrawn, thalrfligs ORB AT BRITAIN LospoN, Beturday. - --There was a 1.0140 armnees on too stook market to.ity, bl 4 there was scarcely any business done at the bank. , •-••• • • . . -'The demand for silver for the East hen revived. The remittances to be made on the 4th of June are expected to be larger than of late. The building of an iron ram screw frigate, of 6,000 tone,o is to be commenced during next week. Tho London Post, In replyiog to some statements charging LordsPahnerston and John Russell with being acteated by rivalry, says that if the liberal party can. not Oct unitedly the fault will not rent with its chiefs. The Times say* that the report that Monsieur ger ealilly Is about to leave Paris on an extreordleaty tioramipelon to the Garman Confederation tends to strengthen-the supposition of a possible comprombie at no distant day, through the agency of Prussia. Portugal has deolarea her neutrality. Foreign Commercial Intelligence. [ar Tua EITIMAIOR 1000 ] Ltvestrom.,. Saturday evenlog.—The Cotton market closes steady, with an satire demand ; the, sales today Weestimated At 10,000 bales. ' fNote —The • renal Weekgrreport pf the* Cotton market has ott been re ceived by the Argo..l ' ' - Wars Ittabardson, Spence ; it Co re olreulam report ir the noirlattrffe merketionerally quiet, bat hteady. The Liverpool Provision market was firm, but quiet. Loinort, Saturday.—The Menem Desloge , - °trailer civeithe following report of the Loudon market : • lion —Welsh Sage dull at .Z 5 160010 i Welsh Bare dull. , Wheat aimed sdeolide of 4ess. Sugar heavy, and idols lower. Teas firm at Is Sd for Oongoil ' • Spi riting Turpentine - heavy, and slightly diselipsd; tales at 4g, 7d. ,Lrtiet , ooL, Monday, May 80.—Ootton Is In rood de. mend and arm to-day. Th 9 roles nil meta a,gog boles. TON FINANCIAL Lo \ anon, Batarday.—Oonacle ere (voted at 92,ij092%. The bullion In the Bank of Begland hoe Increased £412 aDO during the 'teak. Flom, Friday etenhyr.—The Ocotillo hoe advanced one•gnarter. From CalifornM' and Oregon.. fllyOveriard Mail j Pr Lours, June 7 —The - overland mail , whleh lerp San frandico on the 18th Olt., has reached Jefferson City, and will arrive here to-bight. • The news is not important. Tile ledluu had burned another hence at Red Bluffs The Orimer advice§ Etite the politicians are stirring, prlar . ,te the meeting of the Legislature. The props wenaproadaing. The mining news from Fraser , o river continues 411. gumming. M t ost of the California miners were returning from go - A rarge.Seet of clippers wee doe at San VranoiscO, some having been out two hundred days. The goose expected by these Chloe depressed the market, and there ~waino peopled of an advance in the primes. Trade was in - The mining news from the interior eontlnued revers ible, r3110021D DISPVEVII J• ' _ toius,•nvqi 11 — General Umber has 'pasha or. derkdirecting the organization of an'expedition under ,the osminsee of Captain', Fulton, fo open a "moo read . FieMbble river to . Batt Lido. • er Surprise :smiled at Fan Tramdsoo frame 0,0 OQ' is 'Wale, endbring. newt tkat t • e, enserratinsperty were besieging that'oity. with s' file it pitit:peat of wresting it from the heeds et the'Llbee tha, The itt Peen oorreveeodeae et the Itspobrteas 'papa blhoinaa Znioare§ brother of the er.tivemeeet vie - they Ow, mioegtip atarted from Connie with a foree oozy. ous.' plan, for the purpofe of hug fife eity of phi ' • ^ 4 "Altair of tibirifs had also started from MI Paso destined for Obibtieue....!... Froth Washington. oTra_COONNII op ACTION PRIMING TIT WAR IN Rtrßopix—A Ds OLARATION OP RR T/TRILITT PORTA: colluso —lllNucan. "Ayrloo—nis CORDIAL RPICIIpTION RY TIM Wasursorme. June 8 —The Administration has not yet fully determined on Its course of lotion pending the eer in .Wnrone, but bee under conelderation a de... elaritirn or statement, of Y4O principles by wh'oh the United States, as a neutral, will be governed It will clearly eat forth the just rights of American calving' *Mr in the peaceful pursuits of commerce, wh i ch, es fa as portable, the Administr a tion designs protect. T pledge poiltione which will be summed cannot new be tomertained. but they eptroxlmate to the prin. ciplea heretofore declared, namely • that free salve make free goods, contrabeed of war exeented—and that the goods of a friend captured on board 'the vessel. of au enemy. with the like exception, shag not be stiq tot to cm orcation • and that the rights of war ought not, In thp nature of thlora: to extend Urther than to exult Irani neutrals the Interruption of ell trade with &block. ade - yett, sod to subject articles contribead of war to rapture end conflecatlon. The official exposition .111 Involve the dieenestonnf Impoktant golleteral goestions, including that of ' block• adeoted,as to how tat this hpillgereot right ahOold be extoaleed ' . Malawi Ployd has returned irorn his visit to Vir nich t no has not entirely recovered hie health. lac A T Tote arc. f . r ,, oz . itim . Vc co o m r2r4sett i lt t ilt te it e t n iell o ettr , auth4tisa mint thither to make arrangements tor proteetion or the nroerloats interests in the erentpf - au assault py Ittiramon. The Jarmo of our ronulton is the gulf bin occasioned much Joy, both to our countrymen and the Liberals., Thp People's State Convention. Ulnarenwia t done fi i ---The Convention of the Poo. pie's party met at '0 o ohmic-. and wee called to order by Henry M Puller, chairman of Abe State Central oentuditee, who moved that Morton Ifolliebasl Beg , of Philadelphia, act se temporary chairman, which wu set e a a t 9. Mrs. "weal/ Doan, T T Worth L. Bogen, and dames Malaga?, were appointed, utoretvies, ilist or delegates wee then oiled,' and every oonntein the State Mind be reprove:OW. Ur. McMichael made makable speech on gemming the *O. 1, , A crahmittee, composed "of one member from mole Senatorial district, wee selected' by the delegates for the purpose of gelecting permanent aflame of the Con= teatime - The Committee appointed on credentials reported in fever ' admitting W. P. ileymotle, Jobe Walton, Joe. Rittenhouse, coil Hoary IF Hitner as delegates from Nootionnerr county. The repot was adopted. Thermruittse on PermansutOilleere reported Dayid Taggar for pretident, and a long flat of vice.presidente end to °bake. The report weenoanimonsly adopted. . The greeldent median eloquent appall on tahiog hie pet. I' Gage al nominations were then made for Auditor .GaiNfra apd &greyer General. Arc 4 mittee of thirty three we then selected to prettir elsolutions, and, the genvention . aq owned till , t; e'pleetc, P. 117 • . ' Arrelthoolf sealliOti. , The Conventione reaasembled at three o'clock, and profile ded to balloting. On the eighth ballot, Thomas O. Cochran was nomi. anted for AudltorGeneral. Oe tb; first ballot for eurviyor General. Gen. Heim wee elected, and both nominations were made lineal , moue. 1 The Cimonsittee on Resolutions reported a series, of which the following le an abstraeit i The first dleapprovey , of .pneentive intorveutionto prostrate the will of the people, constitutionally ea. preased i iither in the States or Territoriee, AS a dumb sons el ant of Pedsral power. ' Seeen Protests' against the sectional aid pro-sla very policy of the National Administration, as at 'war 'with'the'righte of the phople, end suhverstre of the rirlaciplas c f oor Government Third .',Denoundee all attempts to eneot a Congres atonal sieve code Tor the Territories, and seines con. tinned beitility to the eateurion . of elarory over free tertlto• I Yourtc i l 0011d01111118 tile littlMPt do rlrflr e th 9 slave trade, a censnresthe Administration in conolvIn; at the practical reopeolne of that traffic. Web, lavers it tariff, and considers the profeesloes of the Prieldentses favoring protection as all vain, in ehloh no'rellanee can be placed. Sixth. Condemns the reckless and profligate extrava gaecte of the National Administration Seventh. Deplores the defeat of the homestead bill by Congress Righth. peploses that the purity, and safety of the ballot big must be preserved, and recommends the pro. nerlegislation to prerept frauds upon the nataralisa• Lion lasi. ~ , . , , ..,.. '.' II . . N A sk . Approved of so enactment by Clongrenti to pre vent the hitilidehtion of foralggrofipuinstit - • Tenth. Itpatted all partlee to join in the restoration of, the Geyernmsnt to It original purity. •.1311.rontb. Approves of the count* pursued by gene tar Oanteron and the members of Courses who Impi ously supported the protantive policy and the home ntesd blil.mod opposed the policy of the liatiooal Ad ministration on the Hawaii gnestion,, -' The rmelutlona wets unanimously adopted, and, after soma F ontjne Withal, the Convention adjourned sine 4io. • • - Flood ijl the 'Upper Mississippi—Heavy Damage.: •. • • Opialaqi•Taae B.—Front tie St Paul (141 n.) papers of ffst4reey epd eaaar, if a learn that that city, and other obeys, an below, have' imlyered sirlanisly t r im p Qaodin the Tauter 111Issidlopl. 3Xi h dangsge * h a 4040 0 the property of the Wareham. levee In Eit. Paul. The towttof Brooklyn, which le opposite, woe en tirely mibmorgod. the inhabitants being compelled to obtudon their dwellings on account of the general In undstion. At 81. Authboj the damage to property vu humane a. wend hundred thousavd feet of legs, belonging to the sari milts along the river, aro swept away, and the mulls greatlY damaged.. , The upper bridge, which cook V 20,000, was 'wept away, and the lower bridge, which wu built it it cost of geo,ooo, w4li greatly damaged.. .• TAM* from lbe Various quarters along the upper minshodifpl" state that nearly 11(ll the bridges art the Stream sot gotta, .. • ye flegr btper than it O~been for a tyntinper of I An - Abandoned Stayet 0000LIBTOR, 31100 C Gout survey etaam ar Walker ban arrived, having left -Key West on the 4 th instant. l Ohs reportt that r the bark .7 W. Oobb bed been towed Into Banns by a Pew 'York soltimaer, which ;was picked. np, oif alattinses. untitled end. abandoned. She bad evidently lauded a eareo or megrim, LATER FROM BUENOS AYRES. General Urquiza Preparing for an Inver stock of Buenos Ayres. PAR4GUAY TO ASSIST HIM ci,I(8810IVII841:11Z8 , 8 INTEBEIT IN THIS BNT TLEISHNT 01 PARAGUAY'S DIFFICULTIES WITH THE UNITED STATES. BA LTIII efts, rune B.—By the arrival of the bark Pusan, from Buenos Ayres, we bare the following information from the River de la Plata, received up to the day of sailing, April 21. General Mutest woe preparing for an invulon of Buenos Arm. with a large force. It was generally undaratood that this invasion ,will take place if he (lNuts's) succeeds in obtaining as. ensue. from Paraguay; and that there has been Route understanding to this OLIO. between Lopez, Pres!. dont of Paraguay, end Grunts', for eiedeting the let. ter with money or steamers—the Argentine Govern ment having none of its own for transportation: - This explains the extr. ordinary interest Gigaton took in the settlement of the diffloulties between the lJnited States and Paraguay, offering the mediation of the Government of the Argentine Confederation in various wave, finally going himself to viiit Lops and suiting as a mediator between ClommLesioner Bowlln and President Lopes. Volutes hes received the soubrlgnet of ' 6 Peoldoetef of Nadal': 'According to this, the United States has played only mond fiddle In this almost war, The United States milliliter reeldent to the Argentine Coofederation, Hon. B. 0 Tank. was at Buenos Ayres with hie family. The littoral's en TOW/ for the 'United States, on their return home. • - • • • • • •• Among the pessergera of the Susan are 11. A. Pedant late minister to the A rpntiror Oon•edarntion t Captain Daniel Dubin, Jr of the firm of D Nesbitt & eon, Boston, and ft obert 111.1inllir,"of Fee York. ACCIDENT TO .THE _STEAMER BOIHBURGH Collision with' an Icebini. Perilous Situation of her Passengers and Crew. , SAFE ARRIVAL AT ST. JOHNS,N..F. Er.,7onas,- N. R., June B.—Theseamehip Edinburgh - , which, milled on the let inst. 'from New York, bound to ftlegow, pot into thta wart ye/Manley in dfetress, having been in 00111'10n with an Iceberg on Monday, in a donee fog - Two of the compartments Into which her bold we divided were fall of water, and it was only by the most vigorous eXariiona of her crew and all the passengers, and the constant working at the pumps, thet she was Joint from Molting, and-Captain .Commings enabled to reach this port. At one time. be• position wee so ori.. Mat that all the boats were lowered, and supplied with water and p - orielons, add 'the plasm/gore &Potted by lists to the several boats, they expecting every moment 'to be obliged to leave the steemer The preparation, for snobs entingeney were perfect, but, fortunately, her commander ham been enabled to bring the Edinburgh safely Into port without a single callosity The paesengerg numbered one hundred and forty nine. The collision with the iceberg moored on Monday, at twenty minutes atter eleven &cloak A' 111.. when 180 miles east of /*ohne, ins dense fog. The iceberg woe first discovered dtreetly ahead, the shipbeing In let: 47 40. long. 48 20 The helm was pat hard ■-port. and oho passed lathed touching the part above water, but Arnett tinder water a little abaft.of the port bow, and stove In one of her forward plates. The engines were etopped and backed,' but the Chip had passed the Ice berg before her way was gapped. The two forward oompartmente flied attend immediately with water The pampa were oafishly set going and Calls end bed ding lowered over into the boats. All the male passen gers assisted the crew in •working the pumps and ball. log. There was a denim frg all Moody and Monday night, with rain. the wind fresh, but the 'flea smooth. At noon on Tuesday an Onaerration wan taken for the Ent lime In three dam and the ship was found to be in lat. 47 41 N. long. 60 29 'W, the ,dletanee from At Johns being 47 mike. Land was noon afterwards mode; all herds working vigorously akthe pumps and bailing. The weer was only kept from flowing into the other compartments by their Ineessant labor The passengers epsak in tie. highest terms of Cant. Cumming's conduct throughout the trying scene By otolook op Vuoldiy - morningiu hlrge number of the mete passengers had become eznausted. but the were labor, imnoskt upon them by the aatenaliy of the caws, was continued: - • Bleary preparation was made by Captain Onneming to team the nerdy of all. The • small boats erste fully, supplied with multiage, clothing, eta., and sway sue scalped to a particular bolt. The lady peatengere eat up all night ready to wank. . Slaveholfere Conyi3ittioq In MarINTO. B et.Tl4Onli, /nee thinvemtlen At The elelelbOlh• ere of Maryland met, in this oky, thte morning. he attendamse very large, embraoing delegate , ' from every 'motion of the Mete, except Allegheny county and Deltlmme city, Including the most wealthy and toile. ential eltlsene. Judge M. II Ohambara wee choeen prep dent; R. 8. Key, Woe prealdent, and Col. Hughes, easrstory. Judge Chambers made an address, Counselling pru dence and moderation in the disanuLon of the delicate question involved. and expressed the hope that wiadom and harmony would proved.:- • A committee on resolutions was ap pointed. and, of motion of Senator Name, it wu determined that no resolution should be entertained ,by the Convention on. less kiln:lntel tp the committee and reported for con alderation. A recess Was taken till 4 o , olook tote afternoon, when The Convention will Meet at Temperance Temple, the bell in which the organisation was eirioted being VI email. B/LTII(OR1, rune B—Evening —At the session of the Ellare•holthlrel Convention this afternoon the Corn• mine, on Resolutions inked that • longer time be al lowed them to report. Tending the d senselon of a motion made by &altar Revco to rent thedri till tem *Much tu•inorrow morn ing, the Contention ad)outued. From Plke's' Peak. Lnivisswoarn, . 1 / a ussa, ',Tone 8 Pike's Peak .Ixpren Inks arrived. bringing dates Isom Denver city to the 26th ult., and WOO in gold. ' livery variety of report is entrant. In some parts the miners are 'yid to be mattes $l6 to $2O per day, and la other. nothing st all, The Indians are eolleot. intin considerable bombers along the fixeren route r oad prorlog troubleionie to travellers, refusing to allow !the utegii t 6 prreseerWitbdot tb6 litOmsot black and also bagging and sledding ernatoyor they 01111 theii um. ore; • . ai!rond, Accident. - neiseor., Tenn.. isieee —The men train tient Lynch. burg, Vn.l on the Irolgtnianna Vonnesone lionrond, run over a cow Ulf morning, near this town. The dreeand isoond•olase oars "era itirown from the track and at. Most demolished. The brakeman vu killed; Simnel lindiroad, bad hie arm severely burnt. and it is gunpoint to be broken. Several otter passengers are wounded, but,not seriously; Destrup4ve Thousand Bales of Cotton Itlytmod—Loss .500,00.9. • Wummarog Jans - 8 diiiettch from the Ifolrmo but (Ga I Bute office states that the Alabama sod son. tabu Warehouse was 'destroyed 'by fire oh Too/day night, tub/dins 8,000 bales or cotton sod a large amount of goods stored in it. , Thp lug is estimated at ball a million. The smomit covered by insurance hu not been auertaimod. 'The qui is attributed to an fp- Reduction of Fare' on the P., F. W. and C. ftailroad. . . , , 0810.100. June 7 — T h e Plttihurg, P o rt rt Wayne and Ohltago Railroad rednoed the fare or passenger, today, to the followleg prises; To New York, $l2; to Boston, $l4; to Baltimore and Philadelphla t go. The - other roaie have don, the Lome. ' Election in Kansan. La Avian care. Jane T —There ie a heated content to- day the onghout the Tenritory, in the election of dele gates to the Oonititntional Convention ea provided by a recent not of the Lealsiature. Pant issues have been generally ignored, and th e nutlet placed .themgelven upon a free State basic Definite return, from the Ter ritory cannot be had for tiro or thus due. Destructive Fite at Salem, Mass.-'Lose of Life. 841.104, Uses. Jane, , r 4 The " gentian Howe" on Tem meet, the hotel stables, and tumoral aej fining stores, were deNtroyed by fire this morning 4 man perished In the flames. - There were eighteen horses In the atablee et the time, and none of them could be rescued from the flames. . . The leas le eetimitAd at 5150 0.0. The principal Bur help ace eaTitt, and Vie heirs of Nathan's west. . Vasa cccierfal Revolt at Maracaibo. New Yonx, lime 8 —The reboomer Amy Obese. ar rived from Minoan°, brill. &dyke; to bitty rf. The soldiers in Port fin Clerk's kad revolted, and. capturing the fort. took the ofecers •in command prh alma, and then liberated the persons confined in the fort. The following day three hundred men were lent down, who retook the fort, when ill harems quiet again. - Satling of the t i eia . - 0111,50Q,q1,:10 an Naw Warr, Jane B.—The steamship Alin sailed at noon, with one hundred and fifty psswangers, and nearly • f 1,600,000 in specie. THE CITY. Aldl7l3ll7aNTO TIIIB EMIR% Weverre-Beanner Tmemris.,--The French Company of Ne 7 Anoz-Stanwr TganTas —Morris I:Ironton, Poll, and Trowbridge's ? , 41nftrola, dow•bell•o- glans. AteDomovaWe GA11T11.9.--Begotlonn from Plays. Goma from Oporto, Pantomimes , Dancing, and Flinging. Powiert.visrA AnAnsur or ran Pm. AR73.--10.1- hlbltlon of Paintings and Stan/try. , ANNUAL 'MEETING OW THE PENNSYLVANIA: Mama. Smarr —First Day —The Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania commenced its annual•seisions in the Hall Of the University buildings yesterday morning, at 11 o'clock, Dr. Smith Cunningham, of Beaver, in the chair. Bev. Dr. Stevens, of this city, opened the pro ceedings with prayer. Dr. Jewell,• of the Philadelphia committee of straogimPlitil,,then welcomed the delegates from the interior in a very eloquent speech. It was a ,yery agreeable mission to, himself and his col leagues to welcome their brethren of .the State to the city of Philadelphia and its hospitalities, on the ocoopion of the Eleventh Anneal Session of the Medical Society of pern a yl va ida. They had left the endearments of home, the halide of the par tient; and the quiet of the study, to renew at the Mecca of medical seance, and within sight of the walls of their Alma Mater, their devotion' to the principles of their time-honored profession. It was only by the maintenance of a systematic orga nization among the members of the medical pro. fission that the beet interests of their godlike and gloriousealling could be served- By this mea ns only could they defeat the aims of the empiric, and prfverye inviolate their principles against the Dianna - attacks SY the nPalornfia pretenders who preach faise.doetrines; and seek to destroy by their triekery. The Doctor oonoluded by again welcom ing most cordially, on behalf of the profession of Philadelphia, their- brethren, of •the• State, and hoped that the kindness and good'feeling that had marked the former Meetings of. the society would continue to exist.- . „ , , _ Dr. Edge 'of Cheater, was appointed Secretary ~lace of p r . Amen il ! iitti t o F ne, ' , who was ab sent. • A committee on credentials was appointed,' and a i e eesetakert WeUarble them . ,te prepare their report.. The recess having expired, end the report of the oommitteafbaying, bean read and accepted, the smeary reake number Of invitations from seve ral of our publio - inatitutions, inviting 'the dale gates to pay them a visit. On motion of Dr. Atlee,,the invitations were ae oepted; initthe-thanks of the society returned for the courtesies thus extended to them. On motion, all regular practitioners present, not delegates frourcounty• moieties, were invited to seats SO members of the Convention, after having presented' themselves to the Committee on Ofedthi • ' t -- Vie annual address of , the president of, the So aloty was read by Dr: Onaninghem. It was +lvory leairned and'iiiteristing piper on Uteio•Gestation, and wee listened to with groat Attention by the fiembefs, , 4 • IFOr Ebingtqn, Chester, iewied that the thanks or the soolety he tendered to the fireeldeot for his eddress, and that he be requested to furnish a copy for publication. Agreed to. Dr. Jewell eTplained the arrangements of the. ooramlttsie appointed to-take charge of the de)e- - : gofer, after wide& the goolety adjourned until 4 ceolook In tho afternoon. ASTERMON SESSION. The eeetetY reennled its cessions at four o'clock, Dr. Carpenter In the chair. ' The ,Oommittee on Nominations was constituted as follows flit.. S Ounninghtimi of Beaver 00m 3 19 Dr. 'A- Reisinger, Philadelphia; Dr Allen, Brad for4 Dr Worthington, Chester; Dr. Carpenter, Schnilklll;-Dr,Shearer, York; Dr. Hill, Mont gomery; Dr. Reber,,Berkii;• Dr. B R. McConnell, Carbon ; 'Dr.'Harrison, Susquehanna; Dr Parker, Lancaster; Dr. Singer, Perry; Dr Mahon, In diana. The committee were authorized to fix the piece for the next meeting of the society. Reports from county societies being in order, a report was read from the York County Soddy, andreferred to the Committee en Publication.- - Dr. Parrish, Or the' Soltool for Feeble Minded Children, was introduced in company with several of his pupils, and spent a balf-boar in exhibiting to the society the various methods of treatment in his institution. - The exhibition gave great plea sure. The report of the Philadelphia Medical flOolotj , was presented, and referred to the Committee on Publication., ' : ' ' The report - Of the Treturarer was read, and re ferred to an auditing committee consisting of Drs Wallace, Shearer' ' and Sample. The report of th e Board of Clamors of the Phil.. delphia County Medical 'Society wee 'read as fol lows: In reply to'the propositions embiamed in the raid rk• Vous 'submitted for their opinion. the Geysers woold respectfully report, that .they would recommend the members of the reenter profession to witk , old floe:ribs, (scuttles and graduates' of female medical contra al Aionntenance and simport, and thet they cannot, amidst ently with coned medical ethic', soma or hold profes sional intercourse wirb their profesrort or alumni. Secretary Beard of gensola B. I Lem, Bee. Bee. PULL do. Med. Soo. On motion of Dr. Condie, the report wee referred to a committee of five, with instraetione to report before the final' adjournment 'of the society. The president appointed the following gentle men as the committee: Drs. D. F. Condie, Lu ther, Singer, Worthington, and Cassidy. The report of -the-Nominating ',Committee was 'read, and, on motion of Dr. Atlee, laid on the ta ble for the present. - The society then adjourned, to meet this morn ing at haltpact nine,eolook. ESOLPE OP THE COUNTERPEribIi, THROB OMER PRIFONERR, FROM THE OANDIIN JAM. —The notorious counterfeiter, Washington Taylor, who was airested at Long a.comineon'the 211th of May, by Offieers Jenkins and Taggart, the parti, colors of which we have already netieed, escaped -from the jail at Ostendell on Tuesday MP: rri pany with three other prisottere, named William Askins, William H. Bean, and James Fula°. OOP reader' will remember that 'at the final bearing before Jnetice Cassidy, a few-days, slue, Taylor declared that he would never again be convicted. It was append that be 'intended to commit nut- Gide, es be once out his throat. in. the prisoner's dock after being sentenced. • It term out,- how ever, that bet has, only "cut his slick," after onto ting the bar of the jail in which he was confined. Since his arrest, he has been confined in the prison undir the court-house. wee known to bees canning as a fox, and as skilful in carrying out his plans as he was shrewd in forming them. The sheriff was accordingly cautioned to keep a sharp look out for' his man, or he wield give him the slip. Within a few days Taylor has pretended to, be terribly afflicted with asthma, and be complained to the sheriff that his cell wee clue and damp' and that be could not breathe in - It. Ile was,acoord- Ingly allowed the use of. the corridor upon whiob the cell wee located, and be ranged it at pleasure. - The three other prisoners alluded to were mu tamed on Tueeday. as follows: asking, for break ing into an office, and for passing counterfeit mo ney, to two years imprisonmeet ; Bean, for assault and battery, one year; Palms, for naming Coun terfeit coin, sir, months. They were to have been conveyed to the State prison yesterday, bat about three o'olook yesterday morning a prisoner named Sawyer, who was confined for a trifling offence, and who occupied theoell allotted to Taylor, heard a suspicious noise in the corridor, and be soon after went out and found that Taylor was gone. He also discovered that the door of the oelleocaP;nd by the three men named 'shoreline open and the cell empty. Ne then went to a grated window at the end of the corridor, and found! that- a;heavy men bar had been Sawed cut of it. He crept through the aperture, wh'oh opened into the court house yard; and went to the quarters of the sheriff, and aroused him and gave the alarm. Bat it was too late, the birds had flown.- - Several days and nights must have been oeon pied by the - prisoners in effecting their release. The iron' bolt which ensured - this doorliad been Sawed' through from the inside of the dell, and it mutt have required a oonelderable length of time and no little labor to accomplish the desired- resnl t. Thistavoing operetion must have been • carried on in daylight, when they were in imminent danger of detection. The window was operated • upon at night by Taylor, and the marks mode by the saw were carefully filled with' black' grease, until eve rything was prepared for their escape. The pri soners in the cell concealed their saws under the door, and a loose board shears where 'Mel were kept. I bee not been eacertained where' Taylor kept his tools, but as he is an' experienced hand, and Spent so many years of his life within the gloomy,walls of prisons. he was doubtless prepared for any interruption. Nothing has been beard of the fugitives, int. yet, hut in these days of tele graphs it is almost impossible for 'them to leave the country. , - ' Crank= :Nairn Wirrwitxtr Pntrapst.mna AND Haw Yortit.The' ionic-talked-of cricket match between the St. fietiige Oinl, of New York ; and the Philadelphia Club,- of ,thia city, was corn- - zeroed, on the grounds of the latter club, in South Camden, yesterday afternoon: - , There was a very large attendance,' and great luterest appeared to be taken in the game, every , stroke of the bat *Mulling shouts of applause from the bystanders The weather was exceedingly propitions,:the - ra y s pf the sun-being warded-off by a dense and shift ing shield. of clouds, that overspread the-skies during the day, and= threatened u eery-serious Shower of rain. The. play,: ortthe average, wee any good—to particularize on our part would be very.invidious. - . „ 1 We print the score below. from 6 3tHelaji t rilthe 'leell -' thatjhe-S-Like r t° ClR 4grViiiiy, after which the Thiladelphtane will take the bete conchal& the game : ST. %VOWS'S SLOB. • , unit . lemmas. 'SIMMS . Ib. Waterman. 10, a. S. Wirier, b. water -Waller.... 8 b Waterman. 8, b. Heater. Bineham..l.2 b. Senior. 12, run out. • Gibbs - 1 b Waterman: ran out. , .. . , 8. WORM. Ab. Eenior. ~ 6, not. out. . . . ELWrlghtl6 run ant,! - ' •2, ti Baretur, b. El'nfor• iternett... 6 run out. 2, 0 Vinton, b. Vernon Oroektord 0b: Vernon.' - •• Lb. Senior. - • ' • Btoakpnle. 6b. Waterman. 14, not oat. Watson... ob. Vernon. . 2, not Ont. , Ford 0 not oat. , 0, B. Waterman. Bras 6 ' Byes. 1 Les byes.. 1 ter byes ' ] Wes.— 6 Wide, 6 Total ' 64 Total 50 (llnfla)ahed ) PHILADREPBT& PINS? INNINGS Hall, ... 0 a . Weiler, b. a Wright. Baines 0 b Hibbee. - - • Shareatt 8 1 .b. w .b. IL Wright. Barclay 0 etumned by' Ling, b. 8 - Wright. , . , Senior ' - - 0e: 11: Wright,.b - Gibbed. anis& s o. Willits; b. Gibbon John Wider - 1 et. and b 8. Wright. W, !timbal' - 15 not out. 'ketone - 8 a Hibba, b. B. Wright. Vernon ' 10 " at' Liam, b. 'Vernon Waterman 0 a. IL Wright, b. Gibbon. Brae - - , - 1 Leg biaa...„,.. 1. _ Widee ' • 7 % - Tan REG&TrA..—The regatta between the twenty.two feet boats, to take place to-day. promises to be a brilliant affair. The race, as we have said, is for the obamplon flags, and a puree of $l6O for the fastest yacht. The second and third boats will receive prises. The squadron FBI leave the Kenaington Waterworks buoy at half.past !line - o'clock A". M., run to Chester, around the buoy, and return. Among others, we hear of the following boats being' entered: L Thendoreßsling, John MoDonald,Hartranft. Wm. B. Mann,G. N. Hill, John If Butler. Major Riometfel, Gilbert, D. Bi Lyle, and Royston. The following; among ,other yachts, will worn nany the other boats entered: Saud, Delany, Bleak Eagle,' Warren, Lily, Fivieg . Cloud, Richard Van; and Dawn. Several steamers will accompany the , voyagers, and a gay time generally is anticipated - The weather look• doubtful as we write, but we hope, for the sake of oar friends, that the weather may prove pro pitious. ALIXOED MISDEMEANOR —Alderman J. B. Freeman appeared before _Recorder Eolith on, Tuesday afternoon, on a charge of misdemeanor in office. It is alleged, by the prosecutor, Mr. John' Roesler, that he, with another gentleman, was arrested, on a warrant issued by Alderman FMB: man, on -a charge of oonspiraoy. A writ for trover was served at the same time upon Mr. B Mr.-Wm. T. Jenkins, In support of the, charge before the alderman, was examined with reference to his ejectment from a house leased by him from Mr Hertzler, and the lease was also produced in evidence. The charge of trover was dismissed by Alderman Freeman, and Mr Heriller and hit companion Were Weld in goo to -answer the charge of conspiracy A writ of habeas carpus was then taken out, and Judge Thompson - discharged the - parties on the ground that, under the lease executed to Mr Jenkins, it might have been supposed that an amt. cable aetion (ac-was - done in this ease) Gould be entered. This kale, whiolt was produced before the alderman, it is contended, authorized the en try of an , amicable action. the mode adopted by Mr. Hertzler to eject Mr. Jenkins; and the alleged misdemeanor on the part of - the alderman, is claimed to' consist in binding over on a charge of Oonspiraoy, in face of the lease, or articles of agree. matt. , The deolalon of the alderman was based upon a ease decided' in the Supreme Court. The R nor der 'reserved his deoision until this afteonoon. DEATS OF BENJAMIN S. Tammy, N. D.—lt will be ta course of much regret to a large circle of friends. and aoquaintanees, to learn the death of Dr. Benjamin B Janney, of apoplexy, which event occurred yesterday morning, at his residence, in Sixth street, below Green. Dr. Janney has been well and favorably known, for many years past, to a large olase of our citizens, who have profusion ally and'otherwise been thrown oontaot with him The deceased graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1812. lie was a private student In the oflioe of Dr. Benjamin Rush. Dr. Janney ranked at the Head of his profession; and Was for a number of years resident physician at the Penn silvenfa Hospital. He was about seventy-three years of age. Fazer. Ibisneury . .-4 Min named Hobert Carr Was fatally injured about half-pinet fiVolieck yesterday morning, by falling between tiro freight oars of the Baltimore R,attroad Company, at Broad and Carpenter streets.- .II appears he was ens-' toyed as, brakeman, and while, attempting to jump on the oars; fell on the track, and the train passed over his legs, crushing them in a shacking manner about the knees.. The unfortunate man was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital, where he died in about an hour. Carr had been ill for some time, and be had gone out in search of employment as a laborer, when the accident heel him. He' wasLtin Irishman by birth,land thirty. # . 7.e yekef of age. He left a wife and obi children. rally is very poor: , ,r 411'-OVER. ken 7118 Tnusac--.-resterday morning, uathatine McAllister balled at the Pone teenth-ward stationlikuse, and claimed the trunk which was forced in Woods itithaTwenty-fourth onlunday lest - It appears that atethwas pn her way to klanayunli,, and gave - the - th ink into the charge of Iwo boys to convey to the railroad a station; -Instead of oarrying to,that plaoe, they Made oftyrAtis it, and rifled tent all its vaisithlas. WEDVIEI3OII.OI&N GZAZILA.L. ONVENTIONe..- The General Convention - of the New , Chetah. the United Mates, commenly knoWn es4;6.reditn borglang, oommeneed its anneal gamtin , yetterday morning, at the stone church odettpled by thrrAe4.4. William H Honed*, en Cherry stieetomer.l'wen ty. first. A large dele gation from all parte of the country' was preeent, ;RCM's chtireit - elisillied to . its utmost enmity._ !The annual addrete Was delivered by the Rev. Thomas Worcester, b , of Boston. It was " toile long, - but wee - listened - to with marked at tention and _interest. We regret -that our limits: prevent our giving a, sketch of this discourse, though ft would be IMO to do it itistice in an, ordinary . syn o psis. - - - „ - After the ceremony of organizing, a ese was taken fer the purpose of dining=a ecen m ital tion'having been provided'bY the' PhilltdalPila neeintern, in the basement bf the °torah. " - A'haD• pier meeting than :that s hold :lover: Abe dinner tablet; is, rarelyfieen.--;./n.feet, the whole,proeced inge of the Convention Tattring „the,- day. were marked by alitimorty and unity froni whiehniany, • droller bodies in .other churches might .take. a. lesson. • 2- - - - - The afternoon session was prinoipelly devottd:';„ to the -reading of-reports front'itssooletionsisd- - ' oietiet, committees; and other •arbirdinnte Waive. - Towardo idt o'clock - the' Corviention'adjocirted= till this morning at ten - o-'clock. At eleven tads, n eitnoirvilltbo preached by the Bev. Samuel'': Dike, of Beth, Me. - - - - ' • ANNTIA Marrnta.—The.amtnalrheeting of the stockholders of the Academy of -Muslo,wae held on Monday hat, In the -grand esloon of the . Aoademy..Mr. Smith was.oalled to the_ chair, and Mr. Michael .111sbetalipointed score tare. The reports of the dirWsirand treasurer were - road and adoptedi-ailar,whiok :an "-..eleation:tefdr place for twelve directors to serve for the enersina _; year, which resulted in the unanimous of the following-tained . geritlenrin ;' •-`• - James O. Hand. John B Budd, Geo. $. - _ Pepper, _ Frederick Greff,,l3AniuelßransOlt s .761113. P. Steiger, '`. realm B. Waterman, Tames Traquair, Lyon J. Levy, F. J. Press, Fairman Rogers; and Nathan Taylor At a subsequent period the tirectoris met and organised by electing the following nMoers : James O. - nrosiden. ; John-B. Bridd, treasurer; Michael Nisbet, secretary , and Aubrey, _ H. Smith, We unditistaadrhat Mr. Oilman has,not-com.- plied with the terms requited bythe directors in leasing the Opera lielse;:rind they accordingly re- - thin it themselves, to bit it-to such persons as mar apply for it, either for nighre._lslong period or 'forsliglei'- Twg FAIR er Cirgirrwur -lin.L.—The Cheat nut Hill Agrioultiral Fair was visited yeateraity by, a great Goncourt* of eitiaens. The display was - excellent, and 'WC races'exolting and wellmair- • tested. The judges on stallions awarded the regu, lsr preplums. - A 'pacing match came 'oti . beteteen ' "Gray 'aild,a bay horse, the former win- ning: There was a trial of speed With horses in harness,i , Black Bill,',' " Jae Eforrie," Bill" perdiipatiog. The first beat wee irns by - "Joe - Morris,'.! Nowt 3 05; the- .• seeond heat in 2 47.- The third was a dead heat. The 'berth heat was won by" Black Bill" in 2 50. • Black Bill won the two following beats The oon- teit was a very aloes one. A special preinium was awarded to Colonel Mortheys for. his bores Othello." There will be a grand trial of don ble•toamer to-day. Tam festival and floral fair in aid of the ; H 9 .121 6 'far the Fallen Tree attended bya 'wait crowd last eviming., - Nutobers,of new decorations , - have beenadded te_those now possessed, while the air was filled_ , with_ the fragrance of flowers,land the floor strewed with crushed rose leaves ; ._ The band played as stuielient 6=16 as on the preC'eding evenipg, and the ladies were quite as charming and attractive. - Three more Melts and ihire will he en end to this rare mane of beauty, musk, and flowers. It would_ be well for our citizzns, who may be benevolently inclined, to ply this fet tival a visit. Apart from the praiseworthy pur pose for which it is established, the intrlntrie , at-." tractions presented Rill readily repayAlteir . hie andliese. Hosprraz, Hases.=' , .:ll.: man named Oberlen Rbill, aged 39 years, a hones painter, fell from a maffoldi yesterday afternoon, while iiiigegiditi - painting Onto in' the vicinity. of Eighth,and Sprats streets. In falling he struek his head oa ' the, pavement;. inffinting,several severe Wounds He was niched str, in an Insensible crobdition — and oanveyed to, tbs.; hospital, , where he, riunainf. critical condition. Patrick Donley,=a driyman, aged`4o yeare,. was seized with a At, yesterday afternoon,.while.dri , wing 'a drily In Weinnt' street, near•Rfteenth street, and fell l the' street. The dray-pealed .„ over hita,'„hruistrig hire severely. He Was talria to the hospital. , z • FIRE IN „TEL „WASD.—A fire_ took place - yesterdaY 'about noon,Ati rrse building situated it HO. 1025 MariboroughaV"- -- It wee owned by f: Bennett and oeoupled,2" Thomas. The roof wee injured byilte , " = "'' "4 ' 3 a number of articles in the gr.---Are d a m a g ed ' The total loss oteasioned by the water"' and the hurried rrmoval-41 amount to throe hundred and fifty demal• A young'-married" eouple, retailing w...- - etaire. lost everything_thej possessed in_WwB7 of apparel to-the amoutit'or Arty The brick building adjoining on,tha east Imes slightly injured. - The buildings yriese frdiy_fneured., The Are bare 10 . 1411 k, eased -by acme carelses-..boya playing witlt erecters:, . ":. , „ minors: Ast the, - matehrsien who were oharge_ of the banding at Franklin _awl Wallace streets were - asleep at the time the battik' , log was entered by the party of burglars on day - mOrniest, - and :that the arrest,of th e pirties„ was mado'-hy palbeikerit - we hiire' since been'in-:: !valid was entirelyMtifoundeC" I:ppearg(thitl, one of- th e watchmen had„lsien-sleemng, hutisse;_ awakened by his eompanioni:who , went twasoWyt+ the °Moors, and during his absence a eolored mm was called in Who assishni in . eaptaring "the bps: s. tine' of the Presbyterian Clairolt at'Prankford wilt ins laid this - afternoon; • it font , O'clock,' Reir;-,43re Bcovelittin; with olergYmen- of Philadelphia and alsawlferO,ltlii-iskpresent and `psrtiolpate in the_ - r.rshstreitt oars: Sent:o94SP" - stingers to the - ohnrolt grounds in one'. hour . irsiqs - Ohestnnt street. , , - Elmoseswir-Hosea atm.-1.61de- Buitosp - 'lris arrested on Tuesday erening,:nion eotaidttrge 'of 8.8 . .11eily,. tipon.the charge of keeping. *Aut. - orderly house in Daponbeau street.— She sue, taken before Alderman - Coulter and held to hail, to answer.- 'Four of thi inmates of -the house were also held to ball to keep the peace; - _ „ ••Annsiri..:4l.• Mai, named 'Thomas 'Crilly:i! she arrested yesterday for stealing twentv•nine Ras brackets from a store in Doak street. He was held in ..t4OO by -Alderman Ogle.- .7he Property was found in the poesession of Mary-Welsb, in Seventh aired, near Shippen,.. Ehe was also keit! DIED rabx ate Insuaras.—Conrad Stacy, aged five years, who was so severely injured, on Tuesday evening, as we stated yesterday, by being run over by a oar on the Race and Vine-streets Railway, died a few hours after being removed to the residenoe of bia parents. Lenoir Fran. —At eleyen o'clock last evening we noticed the contlagrafion of an exten sive building, situated apparently on Cooper's poin•, a shore distance north of Camden. The lateness of the hour ttevented - ni froni - learning any of the particulars. - • ' • 't : ,- Paasonais.—Hou: , D: L.; .Yulee, United States Senator from. Florida, is at the Girard Houle.. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The 11Youep Market. - - - • PtnLtisulna, Juee 8.1550 Beading Railroad stook site heavily upon the stomata of those who have been most deeply engaged In sus taining its prise in the market. We noticed a day or two since - the failure of a prominent, brute in this builnese,"and another is said to day to bare gone to the wail. The stook went down to 1r3(; bit closed atl7%. Long Wand Railroad gold at 10, and Pernuryl., genie. at SIN, _The market le very dull. The'oroakers In Oa money market, who bare been anticipating suntber shipment of gold by the Isis equal to_ the great exportation In the Penile. wets disappointed by the setting this morning of the dela, with' but one million and a half of eves. We hare 'teatime the Banker's Movers for dime, publhhed by I. Smith Nomene. New York. This ma canine. apart hem its befog the organ and exponent of the Clinton Hall reformers of coriricey, le - it good Journal, ably edited. The June norther le untie full of interest The tollowieg Is the Pittsburg Bank statement for the week preceding Jutted : B • NIEL 01111711.13.1nt1. Pose& /0314111 Bk Pittsburg.. WOO 921 $872'278 $1 997 065 $814.819 %Eskimos-Bk.. 520 740 395,488 15r.7.468 014212 - 51 , & M 249.T02 340 846 1,001847-:-20 5 1 48 . Citizenz+ 158 960 55 250 619.860;. , 78 - IB+ll-.. Vinebenies+ .... 280 200 101251 . 788 43.14 - 89 565 [ ten ORY ...• • 9 , 9 #3O 0 894 1108 175 tew kllsgbeng..... "210,635 87 884 890 889 92,186 1.939 498,-1.0 0 3.F117 7,0 0,569 1 F 83,775 Lent week.., .1,952,238 1,033,945 7,032,937 1 099093 Isorease.,.. Decrease ... 32,779 Treanry not., and notes of Dne to bke. Dne by bka otb , .r barks. Pittsburg..." 278,146. ' . 143 222 $11499 Manhonae...... 164,558 87 930 78 949 M. & M . 95.150 91 627 33 134 °lsiran. , 21.236 9 776 10 167 Mechanisat.... 21.685 28.544 9 177 Iron atty..... 19,678 79 'lB 042 kileghany .... 17,008 £0,748 - ' 10 284 5157 959 288 928 327.982 Last week... 951,363 260,231 146 767 ItlerOßSe.... De drew.— . 8,909 PHILADILPHIA BToOB_Ezone_9em, MISS, Icing 8, 1859 IMPORTED NNW/ALM 9801710. & 00., NAN/N-ROTE Brow, AND NNOLUIFON BROILNSO, NORTNIIINEN ,VOINNI TR= ♦ED 0100200011' ANBeNTB PIR.SIT.ROARD..: ", 8000 Penn Be 2174 00 100 Beading 16 17% 1000 do ... 2dye.9o 50 do 17% 6000 do .100 25 ' do 17% 410 Oltyoi - new 05t.P.101 1 00 do 17% O.XI Catawlet to* 7a.50 . 3 Penn B .30% 1000 do '-- 60 2 -do 89% 1000 Bum let EA; 7e...88% 10 do M 6.50% 1501 do 89% 14 MIDAIR R 67% 1000 Read R He 10....781,1!100 L leland B ...o•eb.10 100 Read W. ...... ....17X 50 do - ....ass% 10 200 do 18%110 do 10 100 do .. ..... .17% 14 Bony Meadow R ..58 100 do 17X 8 do 58 160 . do -- .17% RMTWBEN BOARDS 2005 Peon 51 2171,00 1155 D I blat lea 8o rip IS& 1000 do .. 217 i 90 11000 Penn It id k. 100% 800 do . 90 - - ' BROOND }MAR V. -; ,: :- 2roo Penn as 44 oo - 500 N , Penn A dd... ..81% 1000 do .......8.90 100 W Chestne.ll 8445,4 s 10(0 do coupon .03 300 Iteb.lBh Zino 1 910.1 01tyle O&P 97, 60. 7 oag rebind 11....:10 20008491 Ifar es 1 82...71 " ' 4 tiohistOWn 8.,;.-...40,g 1000 do - ".--- 71' -4 . . do: :..• ' 80% 1000 .do , _:::..... ..71 • : - .5 Bear Head IC, 68 0000 Chas Val R 7424840 - 24 bissi - & Mee Ili b15;26.% . -., -.-:- OLOUNG ,Pytlc4B-4TS - ApY. - ..Su - Asked. -- - Bili:Atisd. PhDs; ar,': - .11 '97% 641-Nar itoai 9 ~- It'ineßP." l / 7 - 97% • 11 Pref - --, 18- 10% ..11 , ?Ire ninfraoo . ,loo% WERA &Slat Y— . Ric Parma Ni - 49% 90g 4 . Is 1f,,!•!n 1 8.4, i1 2 X.. 7 ° - Reading R. 77% 18 , “40-- . -- '- • 60 ..b4.'70...; ILo 9 • nir Island 9% 10% ''''''' Mi r Gil 1 44 - 92 94 1 1 1.41.00al & 2189.„.., , 44% 1 , ”... diy -t 18 ni •:78 N Penpi 11 , _ 4,, 8;j Ilona 4 ig ....- spy r_e se - _, , ..111 m ...;..; wf '"(4oa - - ' ' HT' 09 Woe Cana - Clon. 110 64- I Osinerisas 11...: , 8 - --: a% -1 1 _9x1 ' i ci.: 108 'lO7 , ,or: Istmc au 49 % 6O xs al Nay 4 t,M l .-7 0 )f. trail;ksooqk,:rea . it 1mp15..... , 71; , Id & Zi11311;:':',.47.14 - 48% -• Soli& Met IMO* " 1 NESZEINIE 82,618