The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 09, 1859, Image 1
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".............ez --- .., . -41100 4Pita * _,4 11 41 0 : 11 5 1 : 1 00# . , esalimoiki-APoifir: .... ~ , . ,-,, . • , . . ~ . . ~ _ Vaviiiieltili**'l' ' - : 4 4 1- 11101:4 1 -Vir* t ' ,1110*17:7(vin#its,lx*P3140) ,V 4241, 07 : k iit4" ; * 0111041illt" giiiroti ~, 7 E• f .: >744 ag.t r 111144114 4 thi - Corriats! skip it ark Isstluakiri P5l t Irodit — Doassi - do r,ttE Efisairsitoxess9 • - t i listimeiltilW*S', F:ist* l iiiiiiiir44 lib # i!i4 111 7, tk7s ,Issassillsseft- Vi,S)O I O I **IGg I ARIIL ' - iti*tt ,AsinikAke:Akek;AA' . 0 1 ) / 444 : 1111 0 1 .441* $,!; 1 0 6 : tri ?Ka I Wtafterielliik*4*l l6l 44 ! . 1 91,irteil 1 7 - cg 40 Twimivk z l 4 firinttsVe istonf • ••••• kt.'o,wim """. j'4llllM4e.t r.,•;;tl iorioter;* itmaa *". ants* Nig. P,O.tigt4br - ,us. o l,Mweittb, 47".46444 as treats for Min Wuxi./ Plum. , , , • ``' 0. 1 1iLIVORMI1i4111:118..1 • AA9, IO *FAIP 13 1 1tEMT, - rair „ t r MEOHA.NICAZ 13AKERY; immuse OBTAlllittk:At *-• t 01. 0 .6, 6 • •• •r. its,o4ix*-Yulisit, N. ir;b:Wair.of sicausied J. ONiANSVINN, Sfrroiliti 3 O l t ; Vigo' 'iNkt' oadWanaositrooto. 'c7illtirt ' 1 ' ' !ol e le , " • 4 it 11. : / fa 1111 , 1 ,;;" " c . sod 11118.1 EION; < No. -402 041Joirk11,1 pkiwoh,re,- • 66 16 16 OWL, Jo= moxit -114,40611...Y101464441 y.l 4 .sion, - - N. . - -il4. /Mk Snot, 1L,410 9toe *Mit sad w•*ad D. 1411014, • '2 0r004"4t4;04; W4-` 902101 941111 N; 4 I. 9 2,100 P 12 , 1 r) «mbar i aranaa th 6, - 4 ‘". s 7 4 )11 . , s s I• 14 15 4 1 1 1 A1ia11, - "ova • t .)i ; , owe: , -.—, • Z. • cons: Row lOWA toe - • Joboostlougrootir, /I"t4NP. , •= DAVID SA/MUM; `'llro.'2oo North 'll,mith J. WINONIIIAN, N:coilot Worlotili lad • 1016,1 61, . .110, 1640 Not* Trot Er:jilooligt IT, sad Plaestrieti. t l / 4 .4.4 stripiil P.M. `‘tailtkittoot, , An'; ;` **DJ - arir; "orb« fe -owes stown..i - _ oorooe,routh No. 418 Bovb } ;Nat ' dna. • 9: ir *mai iltdot - sad Tioe4,- om 04,et NisotoboUt „ - •7 94Wilimic N9Nti," ' •• , • • • 'Nowtramoioi Ofsto! X 11 I,IIXMIB s: w.'Hl fl*, ,:, 41.34..suirautVos t vac ost.7 4 , skis 119 • :10 • 'irsol#l - 4 4 10 10 , . _ 'inTiffiat - , :;`;.•-:-= 41 ~ - 4 'l4ll Y *l4A,Fialrar°744. r'f Itove,cm; •30Hit'intilt ' iirlstritai fiat iiiicisßt-s. vt.:fpx, Re i : , erill""ipwa„-! or"stAtirs - ulevrilita AA ' -,;,k , ;: y0t;.-.•dtau ~ ..t.ktih.oa-alari,,t,t.yar,tutte,hiolt,,imb,,i•:p-,-4iP, NI!o-eaI vM k*zaiAeotlcii rsltlol. tlaw 4,t i i,it u ,k -lt n,% a. „.4 s f e , i t e -o ib ,, sipt , , 1 4,1 4 ii , a , p l l'l4=leit; iiiblita =illiiiliflad - * - ' 1 0 0.11 4 1 4 ,3 0 i? itaiv Ili INlellia,M.Myt*-I,IOW • 44.c.%!.. -e , •';'% ~,', -- ligusisto riablumakakr-w”.1.6.."=Xs apt, atrec,— k setlhato-' Xs bad ssow*da Nolfl7 -i 4614101sAititasto b* tsto bat ' litak arr ail irituisittla tilt .4.104000-.. xis",arrarAz, f i . ....= 01444- ,:, • 4k t iP c 4. . , ~ _ io••• I , kaida ,„„ dr ', :',•• "au . ~., .. • uthowi llirj or . , -, Itilaillogif • AtOlocri Pa l '''' 'IIIZGARQN;_JEILGRONI4:4'&O. • A - r4;015, : ; vit.. skirt ex if w Ea it tit T , - • JAMII - :: iiollSit DELAWARE _ ovine's' •srefak:ifitt. • 1. 71011211 _ . ?2 ,44 l l :M____ ft, 'twirl GORKWALL, Deikeu , Onar , ' " 10001 1 0 1 0 1 •1 0 44 , - „:-•1 :1? ,• RAMPV:OI4°, R . - ' COZD - -Iparr —•-•• 10E1Alt,CPAT.4`,:PIct IRON, I,o4l,BciwgzAk ruafosEs. - *SUM IMP WIPE 1114011411,•- - , s ~ 4 " 1.7 *MEM ANWszang 1110 N, , r 1 WAT,E14•411: 6 448 , , ciisSAtAtersia - slmom . eclai; - " - 30* stLi'Low,tto .otAksi A.oQmix.9lguirr. r 500 •WA.TBIti • ihiritirinf trio' AND 'Tfizirti• twOmorptunria. iltrfAsis' to'ear,,,t`4o4.!#,(kikoio s W.' , 4Abtit4S;;:f ' lON miciF 4411ra 11,1tasoottaRest oF soil xrdiets dims 44 333 `..3 A, j „ 3 '3V:; i 2-714-: ;0 1 4 14:12 1 S; r• 3 111* ' IP i l /I ' 2* dieliluk Mk* )initufisiol - 4 4 44;0 440iiiii* ( .144. 1 0*.t47ittue, 1 idri . *now — • 1,--jporgrisklt r4ii:agiamiAkmalo-0 7 . ,, ' -1 -4 "•;•• T 2 P-' ;1":1*Ai viv *icidtits.; r .:;,- -.:.... - 7. '..ifil. .t'l,olll/111410 , o r.tikgrolo ( I t:NnuiisoN iirkiittciciti:L)sfAdairitg: - , ‘iisior..***** , ./siumseamir-tew,wall, ...zaweirri.zeotrArp.r.e.botralts Jst. • • ' i ;- .4smt ,i. , moiot frrffcrr vuidei •Z' 51060 $0•114, `;` - ,::.MakittOsoltree=llo.l4,;- A 417 11 EASMOR. • , ,t, x:001-, 44, ilteab - Wor• • tam*. • • nwW4olidir , 1,01 ,A71 ' Aili MEM VO4 W -r ' , NO -20 - r s,ii ~ ' , • ••l lll. t gASpoils.4lobli#o. ••• •-s t ". . sv*.mtit. -021r-o.**4 l lt - AD 4, , D;R'E•S'S 0 0 D,S. , tt , - , MEN'S VUID BOYS , WB - • . vox tuts ar - MEET. • " ERY. , mut 6 , N010.11, 11100 ND STRUT. ,nw *44 *kir iiisumialis owl Timm; Var,PPfti "a_ eirmnlr Wour) :fe HO Z.4184:L14p T lipuw,tii-tr.: , : „ , :fliitituup Oobs. The PAW. OOTADODi HAT, the Novelty of the „ ;by / 11 9 3 -OP*ATPOP; PeN.lOllOPs• t - 3:t A,W, HATS T ao% LINOOLN,I WOOD; & NICHOLS, 725.' a)RZBTNOT• MEET,' r. Cr .W0.7)4X/Sf AD9VI 2 III/401‘10 214111.11.) Qdspitiftg;.;QDil QCtbtrys; &t: CARPAtTII.4I3IfI, * o r- 47 4 & 00 . oosaasiffox iminusra, 4 /Mb gairgnirr SMIXT, ~.0-2,1,- , 14111. 101111b1 iturNit; - UNIZAINi I rfiNiitlAS, MG '-:•;1'0:Axi, irktsii we ariiii:sitilag iiiiitraiitiii 16114.00*5 t 414 1 10 ,!FRafTit,t 0 ocaT4o , , toA4k,oolbiral , s.,. E/*li r illiiii" aaktoticieb=4: f-efis4"t47 , 11 0 0 4 0 1 0 10* 3 90 84 0 0 10 Ilirltotors 4'11')48 4114104 OMIT= I r"°4l- Atts,adad: T ktana. . . , ligir AlstyAgefibefois Mask and , Indio Wadding,. te .. 1 4: 11 C1,6 R. bilYiallitflastfirturd, - ; - . - -4 1 n 4 b4RPW 1 vAmidillimieeobit t G" -- P z.. , EMI 2 f 8 IMIXTIIIEMAN- 11 8 1 0i1AVA,1 1 8;_ : ,- /631;4,,ELSFITSttr't Street below 'Seventh "H . AX.L Ft-A3:*At;Boitri plow) No most 7 NOSTS•6IZTH 111$111T, NANUFAOtUBEBS' aniankontrniark atine aTocacir, —Teem taseviiiiitide relating to the-- ' OENTtS,FURNISHINGt BUSINESS: , mit-tint - F!`" , _ St1;1 WIRCOUTER Q4Ci,EIfrIpIENIS NIIINDIAING OTPim '' rAtl6lr ;ILHOIILPiIIe.BIIOI' MIST '111141131.0. At Abe 4s4Rts44 tic TOL OWIEITNUT oppo, r • ~ettlatiii taw " . , A. wlliroinownis viduev.;salitifitof6t4; his ier., lowa mapoli to "Otapliignisld' BfilmOototrlng . ftimigtosema, 4.oda*tor qelsibtitki styli Of Nati sal Uollais *MOE ' Wholesale -trade - *4O Was anti: Qh.c*.o, BLINDS AND SHADES. Vinriria-ANA - s. 16 . NORTH ilaNnif 13TREET, 110112 VENITIAN' BLINDS - - :'LAD IN • • WINDOW 'SHADES ' :4 4 11nt7 VAZIRTT. • - ersii!ifted to Ws Bs5T tin ess As. *o*(7' . IS ths.LOW/ANT-Priolik MAN MA* rata CO' SIIIPAISURFpromitIy ikttmottsi a. _ ,r , , Cabinet-Alarm . , . ,D-E,18 1 4E , :z i t) T. . I T: I& I*-45,142tigi TM!s I,m irl=tg k 'M Oi , - f4l).4l4Pl*,o.ollKilrpiss *K t • 40kii ; i:00.;:a1 'T* l :,i l Ti 24 t4 s r [1: .IVIKETT; ifo-26.11-6.011i/tiii:LitDiTRENZ BILLIARD_ V EN(OOIO4"*VAMPION,, isblitit:=1t 111111 ; • •4.w"gatiliW; an :of 00 irotHiat im eio siont io=au ss 10w ...t0t s - . 1 . 11 01 74: 6 44 4 ; 1 0,. t 4". ." • -moms ay.o.miarpmesamyAruNAD:uusaloni. A l vers - sat , ntittagrt - 4:14 .147 via `P#o,4 o ,V:o l 4este. ii . , : poirlffti _a . ltios'otii.4loApsoc4 , *7• 44 04, Itisq;zl 4iwAix.l*#:" . L'A ihr•wayeasikas ,ipoorogror , .-" " ezisar' <li,e;i;3o•*•*:titsigiaii wit 0114 1 4 , OtAteltir": siboutuid ir"ti . 0 14 " 6 01..0040041:: 111*- 1 07 -0 0! 1 ! 0 :t* &ABB' male mum, Mid Ir t itiftr* fog* ` for clouth:- k*f•tr,' , l 24. t - L ,1 4 15 NAlliv cattalo t / It",$1111; : earuampali) e 4 .1 inlet; 2. '• t , IiIPLLXIOII4II 4101.1041111 . • 3FStira i r rtol44as]' . • 7 /P110,411;T:$20,1E11 - 0 . T 31.0fp'6,1 .4.44- 3E itatikbeoft 6)iareetionaii,, - "or sn4 Nute„ clam, Itestal 9 y'tlj attoinded ' : 1- „*.# 11 1.1, 'Preserving',lses, Pr. pRESERVig 6. ' JARS. POTTER , & BODINE'S PATENT AIR=TIGRT .oi;Aaa FRUIT-JA.RS REHOUIT,IOI.I9i.It .111I&LING,IRE811 PRIIITB, &o 'tor. W. by dealers, iti Cbpai sy4' alum and Bowie Famishing g4;41!hl THWTRADEr OUPP,LIED BY POTTER & BODINE. IQ7 WIN,I4T-NIfT,:I3OIEBT. Odr Jar- havbcp,bien , tea ced . ,to the r"tisfartion of shoirandeof fibailles, oonedentli present' the onetomerp..:WW would aell eepeelel attention to the mr ' perioriti of oar allele over thOre . itiliff -lpatta-Perolia or ma in place, of oemena; for the gala perch", &c , 'lmpart" 4i.,strimg.aiut injurious flavor te. the fruit, be: Mari Whig 4:Aikidos defecilvs. . , P. & B. also mansffsetare supirior mineral water and -poTtol , .bottles, and all Mode of " green glese•hollow. 'ware' : ' ibiattita, /mak& *t. BAILEY & 007 10110111 MT BAILEY & Have nmo►ad, to thalr;bew ; YL9aproof, White Marble Mare, :011EFITlitt, BiItRET, BELOW' THE *MOD BOURN. - ,Now oyenSes tetr lia r l(4 of IMPORTBD UMW*, FLAMED WARN, AND YANCY (mops, TO' whiele they invite the attention of the public. elvviamAza, WATOIIES, DIAMONDS, AND PZABIA, WHOiiIILLA OD mut, :3AMES WATSON,' IMPORTER 7EWEI/1", &a., No. 825 MARKET BTREST. „. I'4'll(l'6'lU issortment of '66heron inb Ckinatiotti-WatOkee; ,fel•6n 8. JARDIFN — .3fIOIO.; - . ' - fe, J. kwarfirkorusiSto ,AND PAT 'ON SILVIA-MUM •WlllB, CIA1111T111:11 Strad; above Ttlra, stairs,' _ , lltailAaatlrou Matt awl for rale loth* Teal*, - TI.VBETaLOOIII/11111ION' BEBVIOIBITB, WINS, PlT,pagas, GOBLETS, 011 est. WALTIRS 'Ban- HITS, °intone, Envie, lapoomi, - • - • ; PORES; LADLES, laa.. ite " GUMP* and plating azi allAiof metal. natural fitack. eriI!AiStENGER RAILWAY ,S,TOCKS F•os SALB. Tia'ekbatia " e[ tit; iarititu . Paeseigsi Mame now oporallon la tlitselV and ,those la Immo itruotlon, and whiab oxpetted to to running As these stooks Are • isorielorilly before tke Baird bf. Bookers, we :era limits, out friao,ds aid the yublte hi /Hi Ike t . iiinn# Olpss:dulpalg• it tigria latortimuoia respettag Valush, t?, err as ea *J=N ,I I I It Vzi•Nfl 4110.8 k. No. 89 south 7EIB/S1) st.- - 212 7 1 i 416 • • M===d . Awl iiwrirpint of 77-7 .BTERE'OI3O_OPIC pewee urn Importation, including ANGLIBI4-IBUBi GARKAN, SWIM IieTPRWI, AND suer LAND Daaritu. COLORED ANDILLIJMINATED GROUPS, MEC= EDWA.III) PARRISEL ifiy114A0426".. '-_"" . 800•Atek'strost. drugs" anb Qrhaniiiate. ;. 'ROBERT • AHOEM . • & C3Q.. N: E. OWL NOUNTN AND NAON anuirrs, WHOLESALE HAI:MOIST% ILUMFAOTORIESS OP PAINTS IN impoioEa OP liumon PLATE AIM ' W I N .D . O A A S •tinia! IN ANLIRIOAN WINDOW °LAIN; itlantg. pmur F. *ELLIE' &'OO., (utiolissois To 33011P1T J. 116113 r 0c0.,) No. 1& PUTH THIRD iITILINTI PS L DIUIiIA._ BARK EMS, COhtEIMOIAL PAPER, L=D SOUGHT AND SOLD. : AI.o Sow% but may, on MR10111 1 . 012. /lien 'to obligations throoglitiot Ooantri t and , nnatomoro, why "7 on prompt gat. 'Webs "mid Alpo-tr ; Aarb*ait, H:''& r GEO.; 4.13)130TT,' No. 18 North - YOURTHBTRNEI, INIIONTiIIa AND DIAIARII IN • pirT.ON.Y,, GUNS, RIO.: ,• • Ala% NAILS; POE/1118; fro offered to Dojori ost thortnoot Moro 4atiu ierp. - ENRy. • iooREN, rioik4r.i dab 11•10iLp1 IN IP wit k AND - ROIKEt3T/0 fo473oNEtnr. Po4 l .rtft . R i . 11 71 Ft IGlltri iron 607 CHESTNUT STREET', leadikawt OPPOOVILnick rtAT:11,1101:101. Y:OoNtatr4 Cj6olii.isi"o":ltANGE: ~~ BTzSdE3e ere parsatAted to We, 4,4110 Thitti pftl3l3llt. in fuel, militate quieter and more aaihorm thin ani*laire ever liltrodamed iititle 1011-O,IIE lir*OLSoolll 4101., . cnA _ TuL y.,s, 1182 MARKET ST, (LAT' 8iL1C15 . 4.14114446.) ;0P:49 THURSDAY. JUNE 9. 1859. , CONGRES: HALL, =BLAND, THIS WELL-KNOWN: • FIRST-CLASS MOTEL FOR THE REOEPTION inrEhTs W'ErIoNESE O A.Y' TIEN 16th DAY OF J171,14,- WEST 'ice THOMPSON, PROPRIETORS:', 1859. . . r OHIO WHITE SULPHUR SERIN( S., OPEN TO, ViBiTiiltl BiZZINCitIIALOIL.Oft Rad - SUM, PRO JUN) isT,TCp A06024.140VATi0 - NO itOR OTilt '6bo THE OHIO WHITS 5ULP01:722.81 1 212D128 are aqua , ted in Delaware eonnty, 18 miles north of Ooltiwbus (tho capital of Oblo,) on the tiolote river, 26 miles fro Delaware, 6 miles from the White Blether statton 'o the Sprinslield, BM 'Vernon, and Plttabnis Sagro and 10 miles from Plessant,Vallsgros 4 110 0 'Pate on the Oslumbne, Piqua, and Indiana 'Railroad. The msdloinal qualities of these Springs are. nnsit • passed by those of any other Mineral Vfaterk in thit, United States i f lot Room, or other Information, ad areal: ' ANDltinit W11.602j, 32t• • White Betebee itetitiell• Ohio. "I'](TRITE SULPHUR , ANH — OHALIY: V BPIATB BPRINGO, at BOBBLING OAP, PA *i are now Open, and are oasy „oraceees vla lierristurgt m. the on the Oumboriand Talley ROM to Newville thence S miles staging,to the, Springs, where you an rive at t. P. M. same day.., 'livery arraegeinent is coni. plate for.Visiters. Board per wee 14124 Perjlti, US; Reduction for families. Referencriae.94ol, hforj , " ton Mnsilcheal, Baroroft'& 00., B. Janney, Ir. & 00. - • , - Reference to the Austral* of the M 3 u. o' ere, • ; Booth, Angel:el Professor of II B. Mint. ' Address Newville,B. 0,1300TT & 00ILE, jel Bate' , Proprietors. UNITED STATES HOTEL, LONE BRANCH, N. T.—The subscriber take; this method of informing his &lends and the publie, that op and after JUNK Roth his house; will - be open for the, reception of gouts, when every elfoit will be' made )1 please those who may favor him. The hone,. is pie santly situated on a line bluff, with lawn IA front, full view of the ocean, good roads, stabling, p.e.,14, it ea attractive m any h ouse In the conatry. , 'The mnsiesticee is accessible by two dally , lines frein - foot Wainutoetreet wharf, 'vie: 6 A. M., and 2 P, SE' Refercaoe..-Grandy, Wsrden, Co Ohismut street. A. 1311.0.11MA6ER, jel.2m* , Eros-tido!. - - - QEA BATHING.L.THE MILVSIO Qt rOl7Blll. root of Pennsylvania avenue, AItANTI. CITY, to NOW OPEN- for gusts. /or ooOotilizoO qt arrangement, contiguity to tlne bomb, end :attriettii,.. rim of the adj wont grounds, this /teen ls. unrivall4 The proprietor his spared. no palmsnuthing Rotel all that Gould 1:4 dulled by.vieltpre. .- • • - • • jel•Sok . -- - CARLISLE _ WHITE BULIIII4I SPRINGS, OIIMAPOLAND CO. P.A. , This &tort= SPRINGS,, fashionable .Watiring - Plaoti, plat, =idly bested neat the bus of the - Blue Moan ,: four miles-frombliopen fOrAIRI on tbe .20th of JUNS. The wateri of there'll H are bights Impftgastset with =Mesabi, and for a and bathing are not surpassed by.say gislplstirSpri to the aocustry. The buildings =siren ventllstse, Aid an arirround.el by 1,200 feet of balsoniee. *APT is of the grandestkind, and the aisoomosadatioas forth, rsereation, health, and comfort- of Walters ass diptionable.,,Ooo4 fare, pleasant drivel, lbse ' billiards, bowling saloon, and othax Ones. Antall the amiunimentattensilyfaandat Watering Plameart tie en joyed here. Visits= leaving Philadelphia or B‘lilailire in the morning train Arrive at the Spring* at S iitoloals' , Pally mail. Per farther informationliddtoui • ' ..•OWZN..OIANDENISti.. & 004 , . • gkinatent SPRINGS, Enviussioss —.Mini 0: Ps Closte,_Pm nodes, /leg ' Thomas 0 . Pereira, ; P.M .M 004; 'Alen. Kirkland, Prq., IL /Wins; PaltimeitiVJaileb Oldeon, Xiq., Maud Saq.,-Walphikton, - -' roYSkital, MIKE "ISTATF4(4 ;• 4T • L , ATLANTIOLVITY-rwill eaptiou.ot Waiters 00 *arid .0 f JUNI, T. • .• bainAberroisiolt, ,r I CRAXMOCARAL. i'llPP l h4 with al a _ staraciti ohm ,la n to abet teapioyam , 16 Taftrisd bu boon ockoatraotod to tbertaiKar; . 10 1! 111, jat ..)0. REDFORD SPRIMGE: • - Thif well.kootra 4ellektful floottr ynike_twAraltsitArtirtig arnetra-ts. The ' Hotel will , he auder :We 4noua jipment of Mr. A. (}.,Allen, whples exponents, courtbont tdsnoort, oast. tetiOnt to his- gcidete 'atiss the‘ sinplest 'amivance of otiinfort'aiorkitot treatment. , - , Roches wishing rroonro, or say Information in mud tO the plaapi addrem the submalber,.. , •- my2o4w. enpelintendent ord Ignore Sp . CIPHRATA " MOUNTAIN ' SPRINGS, .I2A LAN° &WEIR UOUNTY,4IINNA, ".„ This favorate establish neat will' be opened by the first of JC2I2. Situated, on the Hplareta miles woort . of Philadelphia, 13 south of Reading, 13 north of Laneastei; 42 , net of Harrisburg, and having theadvuntage of the purest Fora water, every variety of baths, the site _elevated to ,2,200 feat above lister lord, with graied'and shady walks fn. dense forests, and this most extensive latideoape scenery lathe Upton, it is not surpassed ass slimmer reeidenee, - ' - , Apoommodations for 400 persons; Improved stalling, and good explaga bones; alto a good - stook or beery horses and ominfie, amusements . A good band of muds, billiard tables, tel pin alley. It is miry of moms from all the above pointa by Wined and notches The proprietor spires nothing to make it a home• place for oomfort and health. , For farther partionlare, Ole, Oradea*, to he; bid by, gimlying to Joseph B. Myers, Third owl' tlieete ("VOL. Early, ale Chestnut street, • or to the Proprie- AV) ,10,23:21; 49NleilA0111)R, isphpits Poet Ogles, Idinosater County, Perms. CCALEDONIABPRINGB. I -- The - trader signed takes Omura in ;miaowing: that dble bee rented. , froas tbd proprietokw theme celebrated Brine, and trots teat, trona her long experience, and naming emirs& the pervious of Mr. J. W. ROYSTON, aid with Prompt attention to the wishes of her gods, she will be able lo tender Imola satiefaction to all who favor her tith, their pat r ona g e. Her terms are very low; and, In hin" gadaelng the price pf 'boarding, she hopes to Film it within the power of 'every marniser-rprortao4 agile indolge In theirnettal recreation. Persons les ngtho' olty by the morning trains Will be enableit• to arrive at the Springs the same day, by the way of Gettysburg or Obambereburg, where combed will be in attendance to convey passengers to .the Springs. The ammo will oometenoe on the Ist of June. ',The terms are as fol. ,lowst , • 'ThDo ierdper de we e r k ”Itt•ie!'•'lls " "6 go Obildrei - under 12 goitre, eeeveele, bell Oleo All eetotOnMeatloos addreeted to the underslgoe4, at Ohemberelyurg, will meet wlth'promptattentien. my 12 thettitlyl HANNAH M. 000P211: ATLANTIO CITY! ATLANTIC CITY ! NATIONAL ILOTNL atto - XOllllBlOll 'EOIIIIE.' ' BASS & 00., Proprietor!. This Eases bee changed kande, end will be opento on the 20th of MAY for the enconumodetion of•Ecarders sod Excursionists. It to refternishe4. She beet style, *Ali new Enrnititre, Bedding; &e:' ' The National is admirably situft.d on Atlantic wre aths, oommanda a tine view of the Ocean; and but one aquare - from the hest Bathing prottod on the Inland. A Splendid Ball Ma ke s Dining Boma desirable tached to, this hostas,' • it particularly' fo 'Excursions. - intlo.lm* IXOIMOR; THN MANSION Eit)lo/4, , SMADING, PltNeldi;" : W. L. DR BOURBON,' Pingrietord, This well.known ilelabllehlnent, the , termite limed of dithene and tleltere, hen lately undergone eaten alye repairs,and le now one of-the most oontmodiorl, elegant, en thorough hiltela In the onion ; beautathlly LOitejti tte °omit. of YIWTH and PENN Street., c ; ' ming modattpue are 4tateleas ; the Too* eal US addli rf . i. ant the Uhl, eonsttatly plied with ell the luxuries of the seaeon. PllllOllO elrotiegif spending - slewlyeeke In the summer In an Ildredsble and eoonordleal manner, ohnld . not `dobetter than makes tflhi Or 89134110N 1 8 MANS ION IIQI3IOI st Reading. . egOtf REMOVAL!. Irt.. 1i3EX33:1 ITT removed ff? ln PP R, ?"1"! FRONT AND ARO4 BTAlizr.g To their iI2IW STONE No. 115 ARCH STREET, , The eighth baildlog west of grant Street. jel-lm merchant Olailorts E• . 0. THOMPSON. • iffeßo44.lfT TAILOR, . N. C'EMNPE QP-4/NVENTE ‘ E AND WALNUT - §TN.)4F.Te, " • OPPOSITIO wiligaitfterclN Bqu,p4l, Torttee'ottattiip to hto afoot; of ai.vtlfs, l ottaalp for tho preqoat Sod tlPalllPS otatoti . ; l 4.otol to tit, wants of all dames of eholee enstoin, wileh ~nll be made to order with poroopal, mire and all common ob oe:rpm of fashion. B . N. . B.—Partiolilsr ittoottoo given to et of PANDA woNg. , apl24nth&S 26t I. If! *4'.FT§oN, TAILOR, ,„ ,1146 ODSSTNIIT STRENT, • Third Door tialow Tweifth greet, Ilionth side, Phlbulle. • t'halosoortowint of Seasonable , GOODS row or TQ THOSE who are about to purchase 'Drnid, Vedette, 144,1h/claw:C' and Wtedost Qlaes we direct their attention to an ttueurpaieed and seleot stook of each goods v . ibtab are to be roan at the store of . ' ' - • , •ZINGIAIR k, MOTH. " *OTOS, of 1111100101 efwl ORNIN Fltreats 1.11 Eltall44:-464 bbla,- Plekled Hendee; 8; also; 880'boyee 'looked Herring Oa Bele by O. O. '13")/44% ABoafitetd) !amid door abmra /rola, -' = • I • , A re fsummer,iltooxo. OAP& , MAY, N. J WILL BD -OPiI!RID tlemovato. Wm) flabltratiorig. PIOTORIAL EDITION WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DIOTIONARY. We have just Mound a pew:edition of Webeter , a Una bridged Dictionary, containing, in Witten to ALL THE ;MATTERS Or PREVIOUS EDITIONS, L-1.600 TUTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS, UAW:I :Tally executed. 11. From 0,000 to' 10.00 D NEW WORDS IN THE VOCIABOLARY, with eoptottm definitionc 111 =A TABLE OP tIYNONYMB, by Prof: ,(40010- BICII,'In which more than Two rtt memo) words are earetally dinattmlnated, forraing's fuller work on Env' .11411 Synonyms, of itself, than any other tuned, beside Orabb, and believed In crone, of that. IV TABLE GIVING THE PRONIINOIATION 'OI NAMES OP 8,000 DIaTINGIIIMED PERSONS OP 'MODERN TIMES. V -PEOULLAR lISE OP WORDS AND SEM IN , TUB BIBLE. With other new fesinrEe, constituting 'BY PAH the most COMPLETE AND COMPREHENSIVE WORK. OS THE HIND BUR MUSD TO THE PUBLIC. IN ONE VOLUME OF 1760 PAGES. PRICE, $6 SO,. For 13618 by MI Booksellers. . _ . LIPPINCOTT-8c CO., PHILADELPHIA, ) G. & O. MERRIAM;' q.e.o . ts - ZiWiXlol.t.o 4 .l; - N.T-Eit 25TH;., .• . .','"...t.cxxitzr,z,,,T ait,, a-x=4# '4PP. • p *RiT NEW mivoxik 3 , z nic,SE no - t vrcittib 81 tit RAI. 11 : 9 4 1 4/14 ir^TO - TUN .:I;' • ~' • • a . : 0:1 - iN `AGENT YQR ALL'AITthiITONI OUBBORIPVION` • zpolco, •-.B.IZOAD 2 , ABOVE 1.1.4-etta&th2w ' • - DOCTOR TALMEIV 3 NRiv DOOR. TON NEW AND 'lllll OLD ; Or CALITORNIL AND INDIA IN ROMANTIC AO - By J. W. Palmer, M. D. author of Up and Down the Ifrawaddi 21- Beautifully illustrated. Moll% 12mo. •it What a fautotts .llnglithAesiewer said ot Both en w 'will with Justioe apply to "The New and the' al Well ati to its predeasaadr, 4 i Up and , Dim* the Ufa 'iraddi : , "There Ws wide difference between this ,boek and almost all other recerrftkoks of its Corsi:Abe . litter, • (or the most part. farnieh ns with the names of plum; sad ottblngs; thin represents the thing; themselves ; the latter supply - fade and. statistics relating to the Nast or the West; this gives we the very Nast, the tory West,- in alt ite - mren .gorgeous or gloomy. realities. Tottehed by this felieltous hand, the remotest °Neon; hue upon the readies mind nOt a eerie' of mere Tao• tares, buts Meese 4f factual partiotpatlon; ,, , Nioreover, 4 . The New and the Old )0 is , ,booh of Stories, bawd 'ripen veritable sad remarkable expo. riot:lees, mainly trite as-to localities,peredni and events, runt baring ail the; dr.matlp interest of tbe lemons " Diary ot a Physicist;" 'or every one 'bikes seer bad father, brother, lower, or friend; in California or In.' die. • Also, DOW ready, Ak: B kOHNLOWB STOW( _ . Ana& of Love,, Sentiment, sod Humor ,By Oliver Sumo. 1 y011..12an0, Muslin: Price it. nen Bohai are sold everywhere, and sent by mall, roarasue rams, to any part of the United btatea, on the receippt f the pries. by , BUDD & OLfr LIMON, Publishers and Ilsoksellera. No. 180 Grand street, Self Broadway, N. P. fl-LEVE L A ND ' S, .COMPSNDIUM OF ADRRIOAN 'llll4t, LITERATURE ...,11pEREIITYPE 0 J.: DIDDLE, No. 608 MINOR , nab - e ' abb. Tail! DAY, a New edition of .%)40901PAN. .DIUM ON ADIERIOAN LITREATII.BOO,LtiIi, roonlOgl •cally arranged, with blegraphinal alretah'Eadiflisir Dr. Prof . -0. .01eveland. Largel2mo., 786 .. ' " lrthieleilibiti; as epoiparsit With the first, the gateau - 0h enla.god; the amount' of whole work tuerefullyttortselatuttieTr a th ,• Tie yoltutte CORI pleteor tke Stereotype Series of Oolerserrrome Or Zs/Mum len :Aspeuter VVllTaLiptas mammas the three fo,lowlng•nsmed works: 1. - A COMPEND 11161 OP 1160L1811LITERATIIRR, from the , Pottrteenth , to the. close of the Eighteenth Century. , Ocksistlng of Biographies' Mathes of the Authors, and Ileleatione from their Works, together .with lidtplanstory Ind Ilinatrative Note". Large 12m0., pp. 162 Dwanty.rocood them:sad. 2 INOLII3H LITERATURE OP Tail ,NINE. TEENTII CENTURY. Oa the same plan aa the au. titer's Compendium of English Literature,l , awl de. sieved as a sequel to it Its Met of authors commies' distinguished English authors now living, and those who have died in the present century. Large 12m0., pp PM. • 8 A COMPENDIUM OP AItIERIO.4I4 LITERA TURE,. On the came Manus the author's Compen dium of Engliab. Literature "- jl7" The price of each volume le $1.60 ; the postage 26 cents. .107411 NEW BOOKS. NEW BOOKS HOE BIIVAIER READING. THE PASHA PAPERS: Epistles of afahomed Puha, Rear Admiral of the Tartlet' Navy. $1: TIGHE LYIWORD. A novel. Al. If:FARA/3EG; "or, the Tree of Ealetenee. By James Mallen. El.' HAISHILHS AMONG WOBAS: their Poetry, His tory and Wisdom By Wm. Swinton $1 TO OHBA AND BACK: a Vocation Voyage. By Richard Beery Dans, Jr. 75 cents. TEE LAIRD OF.NORLAW. A Scottish story. By the antlior er Marmot Maitland, ito , dee. 51. • ROMANCE AND ITS HERO. By 'the author of Magdalen Stafford. $l. THE CONVALISOENT. Br N. P. Willie. $1 25. HOPE MARSHALL; or. Government and Its Obleen, By Mrs. It P. Lomita. $1 00. THE MUSTER; OR, LOVE AND LIBERTY. By B. R. Truantry. $l. • MEMOIRS Or , ITALTAN PAINTERS. }Blue and Gold. 'Bjrktrc: Jamieon. ciente. THE mroglxmoTlON4 GT GEORRRY By Henry ITlnteley $1 25. ' LIMITS OR RELIGIOUS THOUGHT EXAMINED. By Tl•nry longoeville Manse!, B. D. $1 25. Travelers and Book buyers generally, will do well to call and examine Our very extensive and complete stook of Books in every deter tment of Literature. comprising STANDARD AND LIGHT READING In every style andvariety or Diudiug, AT TIM LOWEST 0/0311 mama, AT 'VIE TEACH Sn'tf ROME: • GAITT & TOLIMA% • „ BUCIORSBORS TO D. 00WPERTHWAIT & CIO., No. 609 OLENSTNUT - Street; skein, Sixth, North side, et pt Phitadel.bla. £ll.-A LFORD'n GREEK "T.ESTAMENT. THE %MK TESTAMENT, with a 'Critically Revised Text; a Digest of Various Readings; Marginal References to Verbal and Idlomatio Usage; Prolego mena; and a (Digest and Exegetical Commentary. By Henry Alford, B. D. In four volume.—Vol. I eontain ing The Your Gospels. Now ready. five 0, Volume V HIIMBOLDVEI 000108. limo THOLIJORNS 00MISI6NTABY ON THE 008PLL OR T. JOHN. Bvo. $2 25 WIMP. OOMMENTARTIB ON THE LAWS OP THE ANCIENT HEBREWS. Pour% edition, Bvo. 251 • iteaB3I4IIOOMELFTZ WOMB. Orolo. Bro. 10.75 Nor silo by WII.LIAId B. & ALFRED riABTLIIIi, oT No. 606 OHRBTNI7I , Street LIENDIORE COOPER' B 1- I.I3OTRA.TED. RPLINein Ulm*. DEMONS ET DARLBY. Monthly Toluene, bound, 51.60 eaoh. Bole Agency , at MOIIBNIIYI, 400 WALNUT • el- t* J3OYD's BIISMESS , D,IREOTORT. aubaoribar respectfully' informs the enfant; oS khtladelphia that be will rtiblieh We SUBINELIO DIEM iTOIIY as Nolen sei information ran be collected. Careful and rosponalpla men am now oinvaaalng -the oily, and It le heped the public mill 'ere the: billierrinil infoPlut, Jinn opeerfdlly '' 4 few' papa of advarganntaala be Inserted at '29 per pa te , apeolarplaula apeuial aentraot. , - • Sibetalpflon price, One Dollar per eepp. . WTLLIMI H BOYD, 409 011BATNIIT Street, Once of JOY. COB. . MEM OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS. The undersigned states that he bee frequently for Bale book. printed between the years 1470 and 1600 early editions of the Fathers of the Reformers 'and of the Puritan Divines; In Law, Braaten, Lyttleton, Put fendorff, Grains, Dowst, Coke, Dale, the Year Books, Deports, Am., are often to be found upon }}tocltelra tlyelopediail,LeVcons, CI 1004 Authors, ElietoiY;POstrYi Philosophy, defenoe, Political EnottomY; Government, Architecture, Natural Itletory. Treatises 'upon theta and other kindred subJeets are being continually dealt In Books, in largo and small quantities, pur chased at the Onetorn-llonme avenue p stall, GUMMY, p y Se n ,aboyeFourtb ? V l l O • 'lOlO4 I:I4MPABFL• VEDERRY ,O STATIONERY ESTABLISH -a. MINT. POLIEtTK and BA.OXl.—Ptrriut about com mencing boldness can dud, on our abelves, a good as sortment of BLANK A.OOO I NNI` BOOKS, Promissory Notes and. Drafts, Letter, Cap and Noto Papers, and Nu tralopen; with &general assortment of fitationery udapt. et to Counting bones use. Our Mock is bought to large quantities, explosively for OABH, giving`us opportuni ties of Gelling goods at VARY, LOW PRICES tp OASII. #l.l)fißin Osiers by mall promptly attended to.Arldzaes W., Agent, qOlll4lll/ind'ILALIN ioo ]m TOPHRTI §T4T/ 0 4PRE rOfIRTH nod p4op.-4,99ct aer4CoB paeogted rapers, loolgepg some . Very Ana .144a1Ittea of Note, Cap, and Letter pa• pore. which tie era closing put VBItY :TiOW. WIT. Ct. PITtaY. Agept. 201311Trt and RAO.II. jet m , AA LARGC r assortment of MISO EL LANE - MS BOOKS. roltablo for summer rosding,B7BLL. 1 1 919, PRERY'S,IOI3IO.II awl Ramo arlflEAP _TRUNKS, VALISES, and OAR- N.' Par - 174Quinimx AND RETAIL. .A. L.& A. P. DA (TON, No. 111 North SHOOND Street, Thr29•atattb-3mtv Nast side; above Arch. jEENS PQR NEWS -WEAR. Ja- . 4 AMSTIOILLI Linen Cowpony's Superior style Brown Linen Ooatiagn, ( and X, eerielS Shades {-Brown end Blenched Ltnen .onoks; 'meow styles; Brawn Linen Della.. n'etenteif eSsertment of the tboee Goode now On simple, 'adios sale by, JOSEPH LEA, 41134 f 400 and 130 IHLESTNUT Street 'MOWING MACHINES, of tho 'most ap- LuL proved Paiteraa, tor nabs by O. B.' 11001118, jeCtit# , No. 111 MatKiT ;Moot. E4t 'll ress THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1859 Letters from John. Stark, Thomas Jef fereon, and James Madison. , - When JORN.STARK, who was a Revolution : - all; hero, if ever man were, was leading his Green Mountain Boys to the memorable attack on the "Hessians and Tories, near Bennington, ho exclaimed, "Boys! there's •the enemy. They must be beat, or Molly Stark must sleep a widow this night! Forward, boys! March!" Stirring words: they were—the utterance of a brave man's determined will. They have got into our motional 'history, and will descend with it toponterlty. Brave •as, his own sword, General STARK served through the' War of Independence— from the Battle of Bunker's Hill to the close. Like many Of hismolleagues in • that struggle; he lived to a green old • ago, with unclouded faculties; to' witness how well his country wore the honors shd had` won.. Be, survived the •close of the war nearly forty years. Hie Life has to be written, and-we are happy to learn, from the follOWing letter, that a competent 131md , idevrithwitt, •. • Mai," ixzea ...4111s At .L. W*441110Nii . ftaike - rOditiflt : oPlind two - ,hereterorl'idlPdblttholl•lnitettfrithlwAtesidents • afsthilinited Btatei, , ThoinselTeffe7win:and llnanee. Madlson,,to 4,16010444 ef Revidutioporyferno,- inetilMWitlx , 4 l o!WY. B !sq4, Thehe lethirlfWkre coUdit.among.,th6,4ppers theyieter,agry s ,,P i elelr.thark Bfq`;.of NeW Blimp; Aria; highry4ifftelOnd - welpedliCtiled:Ohtleon itiVoittllendxf4hisro; irtittiig 'lll'3 l htegrapk), to b 6 stiled'o A Memoir Of:o6leitGeneral.• John Btafk; ;with 'portion of hi(olltelitletteis during'th6-,Warek , the American of Other *Morsel dielluo rist,!.**ted well,theirpopfs i be i the seven-years. war,-and fn that 16:arwhieh 'resulted la .the,estab liehment, is, a nation, of the united' States of America." . , , . , . General America.'.', diA not only r ank among lastribite nuinliekithel 111013611 e tin guieli d Relied in the Waforilicliliendenee, but Was one of Newßrigland'imostvalund and 'influential sans.. )le - lias born, 'August 22;1728, and died May 8; 1822,Meing in •the ninety-fourth year of his age, and, the last surviving American General of the Revolution. • 8.-0. A. ,The first:of these letters was written to General STARK by President JIIIFERSON i. . • ' Mearicanno, August 14,1805. Itzarsorzto GzNznAL : I baVe 'lately learnt through the channel of the ;newspapers, that you are atillin life, and enjoy:health and spirits. The Aotorles of" B,enniegton, th e first - link In thie"ohelp. `frial;Ee whfoh lamed in the surrender of - Aar:demi, are still fresh in'the meinory every . American; and' thd name of him who aohieved them dear tolls heart. , . • Permit me, therefore, as a stranger - who knows rut only by ; the services, you have„ rendered, to, express to ,yon the, sincere emotions ,of,pleasnre which he 'felkon learning that Your days bad been thus proloaged ; his feiveitprayerefthat may be preservid Itriximfort ; and the Oenviotieti that whenever they end memory . will be cherished by those kelteconsis'after yore as- one Who has not lived in vain for 'his count*: I Salute. you,;yenerablepatriot andljeneralovith affisotion and reverence; - Tnemes JaysnasOn.. HOD. Major General STATER. General &mix's. reply, which is admirably written, at thoAgii r af 77, runs thus: „ DBRZYPISLD, 00, 1805, :RZSPZOTHID , Bra,: Your friendly letter of Aug° ai 18th lama to hand ,a few days elope, hut, owing wane the impoollity Inseparably with theyane of Igo; X have . riot been ante 'to acknowledge it until now. ' ' : ' ' I have been 'in my 77th year since the 211th'of 'August last,ind since the close of the Reiolu:— ,tiOnary War have devoted my time entirely to do 'maid erapb4menta,.eud. tn.-the ittiie_of Obecurity, _and retirement have tasted that tranquility whiaii therhecoxams.b.teutikofis busy world can-seitersi_ affOrd, ; I. thank yon ' for the Opinpliiient you are pleased to make me, nor will I conceal the eatisfaetion feel id,recolving it froth 'a gentlemen 'Who Pos sesses so large a portion of my confidence. I US!' eonfess' to yam, sir, that I enctehigeir to think - that the I abors of the* Revolution •,werecin ' vain, and' that I should Jive to see the system restored which I had assisted in destroying. But my fears are at on end, ond..Vapl now calmly preparing to meet the unerringfateof man, with, however, the eat's: factory reflection that I leane4i numerous progeny in a conntrylighly favoredby Nature, rind nn ier a Government whose prinolples and views tie. Have to be correct and just. " With the highest consideration of respeot.and esteem, I have the honor to be, sir, your moat obe dient servant, ; JOIIN STARK. To Th omas Tarrensox, President...of the United States. Nearly four• years and &ball later, General STIER was thus addressed by another. ?real , dent—JAMES MADISON: • WASIIINGVON, Dee. 26, 1809. Sur very particular friend of yours, who has been rough reconnuended to my esteenwhas lately mentioned you to :me in a manner, ,of whioh avail myself to offer this expression of the sense I have alwan entertained of yourcharpoter, and of the part you bore as a hero and a patriot In estab lishing the independence Of ourrginntry. I cannot better render this tribute than by congratulating yen on the happiness you 'cannot fait to derive froM the motives which made you a champion in so glorious a oanee'; froM the . gratittele shown by your fellow citizens for your distinguished servi ces, and especially from the opportunity whieh a protracted life has given you of witnessing the triumph of republican institutions, se dear to you ; in the unrivalled prosperity flowing from - them during a trial of more than a fourth of a century. May your life Still be_ eontinued as long as it can be a blessing, and May the example It will be queath never bo lost on those who live after you. SANNS MADISON Major General Joule STAIIB. . The gallant octogenarian responded, as was his wont, with energy and good sense, and the old ' revolutionary feeling is observable in every. sentence of his well•written reply : • DEIRRYPIEVD, San. 213 t, mg. , SIB: I had yesterday the pleasure of reeeiving an address from the Vint Maglatrate of the only ,Itepublio on earth. This letter compliments me upon my services ma soldier, - and also praises my patriotism. • .• , - It is trite I love the country of my'birth, for It le pot only the land I would choose before all ?there, but It is the only spot where I scold Went Out the remnant of my days with any satisfaction: Twice has my country 'been invaded by foreign foes, and swiss I went out with citizens to obtain a pease... When that ob4eot was attained, I rammed to my farm and my ,o,rlglual nactupation. I have ever valued woe so Lunen, that I would not seen= flee it for anything but rreedom, yet submission to insult I never thought the way to obtain or suP. port either. I was pleased with your dismissal of the man sett by England to insult as, beartUse she wilt aasertein by the experiment thative are the same nation we were in '76, grown stronger by age; and having gained wisdom by experience: , If the enmity of the trltistrla to ho fooro-a , their allianoe it still more dangerous. I have ;ought by their aide, as well as against them, and hate, foundlhem to be treacherous e nd ungene rouS as friends, and dishonorable As enemies, liave also tried tilte , ,prench; tint as enemies, (17554) and erase as friends, and, although all the strong prejudices of my unlit were against them, I have forroed a Mara favorable opinion of them than Of the'Ertglish: . Let us match even them,. - But of all the dangers, from which I apprehend the most serious evil to my country,. and, our re , publican Inetitatione, none requires a More watch fal eye than.our Internal iiritish Faction. If the comninmestion of the result of toy ixpe thine° on be" of any service in the approsehinis storm, or if any benefit can be derived from any example. of 1018, my strongest wish will be gra tided: , , 5 tlhe few days or weeks of the remainder of my life will be In friendship with jams)? Madison. ; To 42,74na MdpiElQ74, • sigEizi President of of the 'United States. We have to,actnoirledge, very tvatinly;tbe kindness of our friend at Hagerstown, in sending us these ,very interesting letter , ?NO are extyplißelY flllatneteristio, atld breathe a fine spirit of patriotism, which We, should be glad, to see more general than itf seems to be, in some quarters. A BaAV.E.ACT -Ann GEnnapan REWARD.-- A eon of Mr. Rdwerd Reed, of this eityffell from a wharf a few days since * and wasabout sinliing, under a ship, whim a trackman named. Richard' Dyer jumped in, end by the.rgreatest * exertion eueoeeded in reeouing,the ,boy„ ;The father of the led nresented the trucknien a snit of olothe enorth $l.OO. A oionient'e delay of hesitation en the part of Mr. ' Byer Would have toot the boy Me life.— . 13ostoli Atka. " ' TWO CENTS.!„ Letter from Graybeard. LIMaBICK, MontgomeryC , *., „Perhaps the•beit bast thing kr &denizen who linden • linpossibleto get _ mann). the Gedmade COnntry at this season of the pet to amen the ogiver fields, is to reednbent them.,, A thirty; miles ,ride through the ,Sohuyikill ; valley. this mornins, his fully convinced nie pat, dime: heatqe_hini not id any sense relaxed her_ acemitoined bon* to tie agricultural aitiseneof this beautiful eeetion'Of'orir State. The prospect of luxoriant oriMirwrufileier better. Pastures are - rich - beyond description ; 'end tinder the influence of genial sunshine and oo- Ilona showers, the wheat and ryeAlelde Wave With a, prospective abundance ; which nothing bat tome, unforeseen caenalty oan prevent maturing., i The_ a bin, which in • consequenoe, of protracted early reins was planted rather later than ,usual,'6he venal time of. planting „being, according to eboif- Irbil custom, when the oak leaves are the Aso of squirrel's earl!, or from theist to the 10th of May IS yet email In the blade; but presents a beautiful uniformity in the' bills, and a degree of verdant health, whioh, under the mathematical 'symmetry evinced by the farmers of Montgomery and Chea ter-counties in,their mode of,planting it, strikes th e eye pleasantly as one is whirled along the margin of broad brown• fields in a rapid train, first seein g the emerald TOM transversely, then diagbally,. thin longitudinally ) and se, on, to other views. - I am half inoilnedto reltin what ads tome ii; inostindieroimineident, that ocetirred °nib's train . on - Our way up this morning.' 'ABI etterela Oar 14t Broad and 'Yin* atreets„the - only,,olleallt4eat Aat 'presented Itselfctralt:ontibf.!4=l4 tbigniter half otwithfit'iirsts OSCuPim, C 0 .14.A 1 1., , lank, Individual whosettative dietelet tl l,Weyesiet, lons in rightly fix4a#pop, via itio4v 4l l, ? sifter ! had seeceedekla ae sing intit*:#llllfiacc: fret for me by liie - iinisieltlyfranto-41d, 7 0erldrY lexes'; etc:, which li t e *if wit:gnio' inviiiiitteeo' 4rinitin the:hands attire biggig‘meiteiaiinl_,Whit-; ther "I Was going to :pariahs borinty , ?"'lliNah 4 the eiternal indications of- is olotc-fiskslntait'e : Wealth. In a few Minutes anew agtmOratidethe tour Of- the: oar, (Ton .rares !, Too ii; wall; the general ejaculation as soon as he_ente,red it,) Ind I was anxious to see if 'roy.fellow-traielleri *min indplge his literary teste in thisi War; but ti , hen' the - question was pit to him be,. ans wered With a significan she eo "the ead, an turned to me with” tide' SwiePizig'nennient, "Its alf a ietehbennyi; der beliefs' cent "do Ithisin noW•lnt ite - apont • Pogianntin !" Seeing . that I had - pro.: Cured Thu Pares and wait about, to open it, be looked at the title for, an instant,as if to /make sure of his mark, and then inquired, with a rather equivccal endorsement, "Date is ,Perney'e ham heft?" ,And on being told, that itviaii,he eon:. Sing, with en - air of faith, whioh it ' yirilarit . .P4... hepe have beeiiWielced to shake,' "Iva% - thancy, Shona 'Und•Pugoinnoti ish pound `to` °eine:Out, right !" 7We had' not yet reached the'Behriyikiir bridge,' when my 'stout Ledoinpten frierid, with his mind, evidently upon his well-filled granaries; in' , inired of me as , to the grain widrict report 3 • whioh -being , hard to, get-at, in my compressed, eight-by-ten „position, I- handed. him the paper 1 0 o examine for himielf. , I .very :soon discovered, . ?Weyer, that his; acceptance was likely fk:Proie hima, rather _Pretreated' entertainment: Crop -o:tenons hie eearehratthe 'held 'of Ihe'fireteeliten of 'advertisements on' page one; lie • hid.' barely' reaatedne reading Metter oil that side Whenlhe Conductor annotmeed the MenlyankAtatkin. -'Att I.:- itad to the mew time feerententied reading is peri- . I dial, the fall partionlareofriny,frlend'ahunt-for he " arain Machete; cannot- by ,giVen,jr! a„ , lanes at bin. prosress,ns we neared Morrhstow_a, X found him 'intent upon a - Paragraph Of news neat he foot' of 7 th r isolanin t ' Port Berinedy feting lain With the Sheet turned,' but soh-revarSed'issid 00 . 1 , 1 f bri 'paged, he was' paring - indieerimliiiteljr, With evident' increasing hien, 'over amnion and laitioad" advertisements, legal- notioeili. business herds,4e. - ;Twice I found:him with , *eloper in. 4 rerted--11he the, pious old,dady- at ohurob_who pleaded. lefkbandodpeoo for,'holding her, hymn *be down aide up._.. At PlicaniiVille;'he wiped *be hugs driipsof *eat froMhis. brerk; and ap -laieittly Tor the 'firsetinie iOneeived thalami that Mokpiper Mightheinintednin - the ilisae.' The ii - bley thought 'vves,7 Bawd upon, thoish, viith the enthusiast which riskallYattendt an idea . wbere itieh things area noviltY, , tbe sat wan not withput Snore :or.", lam damage ;to the . 14 " ) .__akf , _,. 44., we_ lie" l ihhOtto:eatirt9/ 117 ,*a1 4 k., , ~,„,, .•44.. 1 ,*ttt'ff‘. i . p*itircAlcins t i. - „ _war/town-the' „column of _o eats, ;, th es mews incis - 3W, fag greet. caution "wo uld adrift of; neon he eitend, !ea his reseaich thrkegh this "Wants," "For Bale and to LOW* not even- averlaking 'the diiPleys; land just before reaching' Moyers , Tord;haviing toarefully examined every other apt in the paper, 'his eye lit •upon the object of bie:seareh, ,, The time had _now nearly . ecrived for, me •to leave the *chi, so I was obliged to ask _hint formy paper, while' by this tirae.was in very mush the condi.' 'tion of a well-worn, dinky when the thermometer is ," 05in-the shade." Said he, in retarningit, :" This is Flirty much of a muss, but corn isn't ris . ~ 'muoh." - . .. : .. .„ - "- The late ohange !alba name of the Washington Union - to " The Constitution," Is regarded here by some of Mr. Buohanan's old friends se a suffi cient insult to the framer's of that great ‘‘ um of our liberties" to agitate their bones in their testing places. " The Monarchist" is' suggested as a much more appropriate title for Mr:Buchan an's nrgali. The deep:rooted contempt in which the present idministration is the most in telligent men in the Democratic 'party thiough this region is growing; and in fact, to Any, in this single district—Where, in tlevember,lBso, Mr. En (amen, we' believe, received uPirata of font ban. dred out of the Me hundred votes oast—there are <, none so poor es to do him reverence," and few indeed who hesitate to speak in decided term, against his disreputable course. The Mount Vernon Fund is now certain to be speedily raised. The managenient of this .patri otio enterprise in this State, under the direction of the newly appointed Itioe.liegent, Miss Mace'. ester, is succeeding admirably. The appointment of sub-agents for the various districts throughout the State, will bring into the Fund within the next few months many thousands of dollars, the contributions mainly of the mothers and daughters of our rural districts, who, but for this arrange. ment; would have been' deprived the privilege of contributing to this noble object. The agents ap pointed for this district, lam glad to learn, have met with signal moors& Mils Rafe Hood, daugh ter of the late John M. Hood, Esq., and Miss Har riet Frick, daughter of Benjamin Frick;Bisq., late senator from : Montgomery, have the honor of of in this capacity. : • onalritaikiW.- The Neutral Attitude 'of Prussia 93e- fended. [Prom the Cologne Casette.] -• We have been continually eondeninad to read, in different journals, a series of blind 'attacks upon Prussia; they persist in smarming her of waiting t@o long before inobillsing ber army, and of refu sing to' plain a Corpeof observation on the Rhine to march sagainst the detested enemy of the Ger-- Man nation:' Via 'are still compelled to road and hear those absurd vaporing*, although the prudent and reflecting policy of Prussia has bean acknow ledged, on several amasions, to be the only one that rational people can approve. It appears; nevertheless, that this approbation has not been Oran in'terms eriffielently distinct and simple for a' large number of our-brothers io the south of. Germany,' whose prejudices render -theist blind., For this-reason we now explain, ones more, in clear terms, the prinelples that have guided Prussia hitherto in the calm and prudent toner of her way: 1. -Because the Cause dePinded by Austria in Italy cannot inspire her with any sympathy. 2. ,ljecauge Austria, disregarding the mediation and vternings of Prussia, has assumed the offensive at the moment whenleast expected. 3. 'Because Pr - nista, as a - Federal State, in virtue of the forty-sixth article in the Federal treaty, is not obliged to assist another State of the Germano Confederation in a war undertaken' by that State for its extra• Federal possessions, unless there be danger for the Confederation itself. 4, Because no enemy has yet made any threat ening demonatration - in 'She , Freneh Possessions bounding the German countries of the Rhine: 3. Beosuse ,, if Germany were to deem a corps of observation necessary on the'lthlte, - Franoe, on her side, would' station 6 similar one; and the en tire war might easily be diverted, VllOOl3 aaqell. - say, upon Germany.,, 6. Because, moreover, an offensive movement of the German'trimps froth theßhine against France, instead of shelling, the ,Napoleoplo dynasty, dun. gorous to the pease of Europe, would consolidate it and render tt national, since this' mode Of'pro. coediting would provolce a aimilar'ono frOica.Rll6Bla, in the east of Germany, against the Austrian mid' Prussian provinces, and so the war "mlght. become littropeen; 7. lleeausir Prods has nev,er theca; long, been . quietly arming, and at thievery moment has or dered, its nine army corps to be plaeed'on'a war footing in the Most. extended sense of the term; becanee she has made a like ,propealtion-to the Diet for all the Federal States, so that they all bay be ready to match' and take Gni- field in case the territory , of the , Oimfederation • Should be Mit tel:,d on any side whatever and thus to rapid' without delay' any enemy desirous of eeising the Rhenish frontiers. . . 1300kmiee t In, abort, Prania is went, whemeri. terirlass so Agetsive and of -.such impOrtatee_ are at lake; to have due - regard to the good or: evil consequences likely Imreeult therefrom, and not lightly and unnecessarily to impose snorificei; betqauce,-on the contrary, when , real Gentian in-, .terests are at stake, she is always retiflj , td defend them, not ecerety with vain, - sterile 'words,' bit with her whole forams broughtinto , aotion, nil the' Isserifices being imposed,upen herself,,- B,nch arti,`- in a few words, the chief motives that -have hith erto determined Prussia's line or 'seabed. These motives, clear to every ttprejudiced person, will reerlitord itSjust by Ay i9aecna,blo men, - Rona/ TO ealuksigoMlPMF.Bl : Oorroposidents far II Tax Puss bOO in mind tke fgalovisi - - Avery onninnualontfon must,bo insonapoodo4 b 7 PO =woof the writer, In order to Wen oorrontneoi fa the typozrophy s bnt ono alde of the skeet ghoul! be Written ttpita. - - , ..,We shall be greatly oblllge4i to gentlemen in Ponntyl vanla, and °thin Stated, for eantrilAtkonalgtvlag the ir.irro* aria of , ths dq in IbSti parthi,a F loantu.., , t4s of poptaalionier any taiormatiqa that will be !I4irf!t.- lag to tkieserm,al. reader s - _ 3 ; _ i i ".IO2E.NE.R.AL - REMY; I giortannor .F!Onre-,,Leaf Monday afternoon, 'about 2 o'clock. a fight:tack place-between two fellows:named PurraLLObsabire and-James Skin ner, atwhat Is kaown.aS the First Ward Motel, on Ninon street, Alexandria; ,Va., - -.,Ohasitirels the' 'proprietor of the house, and irsierni, that a tight o=lanced between theta ; but front what bAllattifis a e not prepared to say.' It is saidlhat Fr ginner,- b big drunk or drinking. was breaking. up the "f 1 rniture of the housei-and that Cheshire ordered him out, when be rotas's', to go.. A-fight - conir, Minced, daring-which frightful wound* were le-, - flicted, a hatohet or_ sorailsimilar instrument:: - oh the head. and arm of Bklitier:`,Thiwound upon tle heed iii,rarY severe,hie 'skull being eruehed through: ' A piece af the skull hone, about the elle 'Ol a'dollar, waitaketi out by-Dr: Lewis, th-e-Phy a chin irtui dressed Skinner's wounds.. 'life wound _upon - the arm is more than two iodise long, and about - half an -inch in depth,-and, although_ very ugly to look at, will not prove, dangerous, as it is _u simple flesh wound.. Cheshire was arrested arid ,committed to jail. . _- . , - - - . . - - 1 A. 'SAD CASE or 'JUVENILE ORININALITY— Orrs Bor. Sraaa AXATIILIt.:--",Att the old-cook , erows so theryoung cook learns," is a. provers as ' old.- as the .f oldest inhabitent,!.'" ' and- 'Redline older. ' ilia stabbing : epidemic, 'is affeeting . th e young as well is the old'. Yesterday afternoon an Irish boy stained Reeglien; about- 10 years old, holdly Challenged ailed of II; named Frank Wood. tau fight him. Frank smiled at the little inip and tamed sway to pick up , ships in one of the ship , lards of Bast Boston. _iVhile.bent,lteegium stab bed him with - a dirk knife twhis in ,the book, and then. took to •hislieels. -Mlle, bloodi e ponred op t freely, hut fo r hinately_the,wortids'irere not dan r t/570W and ;the' Sow, .Wan 4 0011 :etlitilloheV • Tbe iceentrirsticesghsp, __ , "nd ttink hint bathe istit erklionK4ff6tOist -;AV.,';':' t;*UnS~ , ? -1 ft 44, I,l4._Whit 11 tqleerriileklifteth,,Itglttntekstrirek,a , home In -IgenteereVfiespbri:Ahl:;4‘nloiii'd• eld#rilyOrnocketa,vinelniatrortireileef against erhich-alentletiiiin- was sittfiiiri tire that elloce4 a Eotd, burnt 'the: clothes' of another =and itedtattte opani - andlierforinedotherestentthingfreaks,-:1 ncronettamkilled4-4 : , ,,,t , i'i„ , . , ... : ,-..„ ... i VeutTiitlrtiAt 7 theygracceeitotar.rnelan .in ibergrestbillfataniatelv this teesivedirith-great San Itran#teo r where dbn ;dater has an y..wenaintasoestranhltiamiliAuSkteli ) e,agipit- of .14,,Vbelant - to icalitemilit - Lot - lap titite , ik kini 1 1 0 444% 'wig. - the -zieltPls 3 4-:a salute nes ilincinlionorofthiteraiii:, ~. . , I 4,444tic**ltic i 0 , X s4 lgil-rilicl - F• .H 4 iPe f tlattedltert at the , chlaego.all.l,Trihune, who has heeniilw.igilh•iplitere, wril4tellift)ti tail ;faded Idie(l4iittiv a ,littnaitid traiipi:bili ellefii 'WM,. hiinineed'elynehhitindleseraTlMilidirr,'ard olt delegate , to 410enveatitqlzto4orm a trouttl:‘ tralottioramewAtate; 4 .c.. , : - ------ ,:•:,, ?••• ;•-• • - :.. - , , AN- exarnitint dlationds in Bige lon Brothers'jewelry store, BOston. on Friday bull; Int them into his mooth,to test thent,4l4-was eoted in trying:to. , enbalitubefor, one.of the . most alnablo,,a paste imitation - with' which .Ile bad provideChimself. T';.• %nit Gantrent ydaysHK,Sgsnisatii - at fast; - 1* ri 'WeintrithebYlfirltininfiethrlfritlit treek, , ind-badly 4142 seied."'lrwlen loiliaritsrof•k % the students iirells.pnntfiladilnielloni leery nerl 4 :j ously injured. = I Olin want. - dra`Volig6ll7, Wlitat'iraa .Inaded , frith 3,000 pounds oflatid; ,prniiiid over the :neck 6fist boy, only four- , years of averjaAlliste r H, On Wednerday. of, last ...titek. ;Ike ; thing, with every proepeot Of:seenyery." - W.; Llool T rilia-: !k tr o oknah '• i io,4e 44 ,*; litoprls% ng .thsi_ the"ib sbindor•storm on - Friday lea ,lexcolfebed laternpletely 41tbout injuring toild luott'A.JrAxisikrt. sonsprairilegt-innlig o• • X": inXiin4 h i sdn'tlierdireatble - WeildsHriirkelliede oaring ten lushes ti#tettiktirker-,iihtstr,v been sent ftr,Pitiftitit,.,o-1-"A.:Y:.-7.',"3-,-,1.,:.-•-s,riv 02,NTIatitAll ew York, wall.' ei=ttietery' whialtVieftwarh i er colunt,bia„? n/tbnateatensg i sinnte... , :: Jrciiralouit:at - twentrillyis Ankle* plate, - ..ant; Creen uorn.nt'irizeatits asinarf s were in Ilse:: harleston O. marketlest,week., SEYINTRYI7IIIOI3344ICBLIMMIAniIIie were retteived oyer ,, the3sitilroid,-at-.Qottyaburg k Ps., Attiing the month oPMAY , <, _ Azamatme.of.tltei:Laet,..ieland Calamity. - INsw Oryains Ihrilosposi6o,(ll: Of, ii,T;(lloi - P4 )l o. ' "i I.ittory, etiaigainia rentattfle - etieitsth' Miir - inventtiin , of • an imiginativa , mu4, became , . known recently to a faik porsonill ;•=peit.2 +howev or, rowsktia: oz;,ktmgi g?,.,nsql 4. 1 93140h,a, z - igentleman who oopiannuaatit -lA tiOnaawaiTtsM3o. of its Absolnto truth; and gave' ntelbirlaitMelt ,thatiattiei &apatite& alttetbeilreii 4 ;ttitila tt ' e ,whea Wet lerribtetaattaphWetetaikci-litAest.. , Islfelsit:Pift4P. - -..Mttimril-,05 I, •-kne.4174.1 1 14.44".,v 11031131 k Po -maxiVitti r OrkutitfrPrAf - "PerV t -i" fkiaggir .• g - !.ityg • -- gat ?Ai* • -• • " = • ••• !gentleman aud-hle family, consisting-of evrifs, amt. two or thetas 'phildron, - were involved %tithe mile-, fmitg • ' - , In the midst of Use - thioklleomhe storm, - -tbe 'confusion, 'andlerrorif the , scene,'-the. gentleritan ,became separated from his•littlefamily and - barely !.eseepei with his life..., The .horror and distrem of the poor man atthCinidden Joss of Ala .dear, ores may,be- 'ma - Ono!' by Chose fusho loie' ; • their own wives and children. For ieVerat dflis his Olinda' feared 'that his' mental sufferinui would deprive him of reason; and, one ofrtheauklndly invited him , to make his home at his house in New Orleans, for a bents* that he would gradually - OOMe to look more calmly upon- • the misfortune that had befallen him , It happened that with the family in' which he: thus became domeatioated was living a young and , accomplished lady, of fine person and manners, who, having compassion ripen theatlileted stranger, - took u pon - herself th in e - mous duty of doing every thing her - power to alleviate his sorrows,' and • make him forget the, pest.. She played as sang for him, read to him rode with him, and finally latighed and joked with blinso fleeting:and tran sitory are the greatest of humangriefs when brought under the influence of the enjoyments and delights of life. In brief, 'she carried her consolations so far that the gentleman became enamored, infatuated, and offered her his hand and fortune. Whether she reciprocated bis passion, or whether the . feat that she was is poor school leather and he a wealthy planter influenced her decision upon his proposi tion, is not a:cmestion proper tole oonaideredhere_ finffibe' it to say that 'she accepted his offer stipu lating thut, - -out of due respect to ptiblie opinion, a year must elapse before their union should be con summated. As time paged on preparations for a magnificent wedding proceeded.-The gentleman a aptended trettsseau, aidd out his plans for a bridal lour. and for theirsubsequent domestic 'settlement, and, in fact, everything went on swim mingly until near the close of his term of proba tion. The event of a single day in this ease as in thousands of others. served to destroy in an instant his matrimonial schemes, though Whether his sub sequent pease of mind and happiness were not promoted thereby, is a question. A short time t raviolis to the day, assigned for his wedding. be received a letter from his wife—still in the flesh--; dated from Rio de Janeiro, informing him that she and one of their children Mile - alive and well, and would probably be in hie arms within a very short, period. It appears that amidst the destruction era chaos of the terrible storm in which It had been supposed she and her little ones were lost, Madame clung to bar youngest child, and - when the 'Waves .submerged the island, anti swept away everything npon. it, she floated out into the Gulf upon certain_ fragMerits - the general wreck". Drifting, finally, after much suffering, into the traik - of sea-gotng vessels to and from this port. she was pinked up by en outward-bound ship and tarried to Rio, no opportunity occurring, in the meantime, to send her back to the States. The voyage was a long one, and slokness had pre; vented her from taking primego in the filet vessel that sailed for her nadirs land, and bj some fatality the letter which thus apprised-him of her esistenee„reached his hands but a few hours pre vious to her own arrival What followed' Pan readily be imagined=how this'sober, Staid, Middle aged gentleman, doubtful Whether to be disap pointed or happy. ttroket the astounding news to his unsuspecting fiancee; how she, poor girl, went first iuto tears and - then, into hysterias, and was finally consoled 'by hit pecuniary liberality, and how all partieS ultimately resumed their original positions, and were happy, the wife not being per mitted to know bow narrowly her husband had escaped slipping his neok.into a second Manion- Mal halter. . , Tan D8X003.6.T8 of kansas held a Terrill". vial Convention at Tieumseh on the 10th of May. Some twenty counties wore represented by about one .hundred .rend, fifty delegates. The greatest harmony prevailed, and the indications were strong that the sentiment of the Territory Was beociming conservative. The people would not endorse snob men as Lane and Montgomery, or any party-which Sustained them. s The old Prete. , State - party 'teems to -have gone out, or ad lead to be ready,to. step catt: ; There is'no necessity for its existence. and, Indeed, there 'nee not been for three or font sears._All now admit that there has been no chance fo slavery in the Territory from the 'first, and all , must perceive, we think, that the quarrel ovei•that-Itubjeet was wholly useless, save as a4ording eapital -for. Northern agitators.. The fallowing ls one of the resolutions admited at the Convention above referred to. It proclaimia-dootrine which will very coon become Millar is Ransaa as well as - out of it: "'Resolved, That non-intervention by Congress with, theidomestlo institutions of the States or Territories le the vital and distinctive.featare of 'the - Demooratio party. and any deviation from that principle: either for or against those institu tions; la linpolitio; illiberal, and unjust." . - POPULAR SOVIikEIGNTY Ili liertstAth—Tho Republican •flonVention lately held in Kansas passed, by a small majority, popular sovereignty resolves. Horace Greeley was present, and spoke for two houis'iag-tinst them, recommending The pure -Philadelphia platform. - So did all the lead ing Republicans in the Territorj; but .tha mode rate portion carried the day by a small majority. The Demooratio9oovention, heldsome time since, adopted still stronger resolves le favor of popular aevereigaty[going even ea fa as blr.lticohanen, who declared that " the people of is Territory, like - these of a State, shall decide for. themselves whether slavery shall, of shalt not, exist within their - • Thelolloilog re:sointiotia were aqoptea at lrlafty, Maine, mete 28th ' _^' Hasa/oegl, ollteUt; or be `oheated;',* that - We - are in favor of the' Cincioruiti reseitabite, just as , We—Were -when they ware adopted; -that' the people of a. Territory : bare a right to prohibit slavery if they do, notovant it, and to allow it if they went it. . , - Res4ved That whoever 'May (Want, Stand th i s platform; "