The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 08, 1859, Image 1

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The PATAL 0071.001 HAT, Ili Novelty at tki
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ES ' rrEAVAAttela s i l3 - o RAtiVitii:
WIRTNUT Street, below Birierigiti.:,
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m i fxposHipvcv.A.T.tmrr" . 1 1 -
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11011=1 , 91.1 6, lot4stial, IC 14 la biaatif
orfme*P4 roam, biatfilii a sell. feta •
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00 , 61 668 ftrii I ejlit, 41 10 0 ;11 00114 rglign" ,
-.11181 Wattage wad, sad la bviraty roe .ICII. ,
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Inrdotitiw ottimit
ogookyt. , d w VIUSB
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Trawavetd from tkilN,E,4llfflifr, of
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st lila
jilAst . • • '
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BAUMY xrrolins; .• • .•
aiicr•ip l e ti r !ckatiaitiralroot, rm. mow
140.0 grarnM.T, 8 PREET.
• . 'NOETH anwanowirigkeißAßD EIOIISA.
• • NON ii*offie i.u.stook or
YAIOY 900D11,
.1h), wklok they loyiti the . ,Mteatlon of the
patES WAT . EitiK;
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WA TC g'S:~, 3 B:W:B:L$ Y, &0.,
Ni* sts Mmuairennarr
41SilUP el • PUS S ItaCiuipittfuntof Vaalteron
* 4.1. 0 8 #11 ' •
• • eIiNIia•PLATID. WARE, •
Gls GuiVartrr BOW; stele Mot' 11110
•i"e t:yl3l.lari; I •
I‘lloitiiiall vat rio to tail Ttiado.•
oorraolotr,ssavtor sire, IMO,
t . intounipowinares; gulf.* . wArrias.
•.. • • inn, °Aaron /ENtiIik . SPOOPM;
•• •• ?one, IAbLo, he'. as
espri,6o $14 . 1.1r oak all Ithotil ot nista, • • 003.17
r.•` ~
•••••4 • cf:itwirio tie.'
k; Juni Reda Blauorp,ls
fDallect*Tisi : •
. :2 *WitA90404.. 0 /. 4401*
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;; •• - . ..r -• • : : ! •. • :
N• • .“..10, • • • •
D Atalligif . gamnitArwinow Gun.
,• • '
•:,e'• , v t !*
NO. 1020 oillitilUT STailer,
': , (Oppodin the' Attadon;y of ••
'tan*. Attativila to Its simorterm ;at of
1111PIESCOR" IMPRIODEATOES, iransatiildto*
Ors eartiev •t:t ;
.:WAttR-0(X/Li1, Htlibd with Pote•Nktie , t , 1 '
41IIREREtt 1036111GENATOR9, very eel 15 $l.
StD 03041.4, CHESTS, math•proot•
lea *Palma moottvaimt s •
00400 AS:
•_..• I tj
• MANUPAOTtlakiktr-ANEC;1 o;yrilMafir 0 ;yrilMafi r
JOHN A. tura PB:Exti
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:vr.'nommisualasirrara mum-zoom,
• - (112:0/LEST,IiIIT.STBXST;
VA •
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isr.`• . ,
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ib s isiwrimmoss . z ,
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J. T. 110W1 0 11Tfr i ,
to :26 9:80 , 111 11/Liyl!,.Bl.ltEE
•i*Nairir ircatwußiti, igu44o,
R.1.14111611111,ac , f:::. ::i .C,. • .... •," L',' . ~. i •
t -V lMltraii•O - AM.P.IO/49 ' '
f'!"-';' , . . - .I6IIIOVINVIBOOND 6 raitr tz " . • " ti 1 ,
' s '
' . 4.lllllofiltestaasiy• oathiet muftis;
RN atmir a superior artiot• at . .
lia• as laid i sapply, odalwl irlik
Ii A ftIiIPSOW , a Immo via ougatotte,
prisfrimmt vs all wag ti earl tlaia to to
re All atiers.` ''' • • , :- . 4.ur . - ••• '
'••• - Alantr aatt
ca n of %VA ?lam t. 114 Muth-.
rat tolideannwrons tkrouskott
Om Viting•fatilllit with t=otar of tlier
......1 c,f, 1- 4 . : . . , • , . . talt.los
:.. ; tp.
r!Eplo F. MCLI.Y - # 00,
01111100111111011111- TO ' .10111111. •Z. 141111.6 oo.,)" '
••r " •
11 4 !; * # l ifEl4lto irgatli!k
; 7 ilaiNg
.14 61 1 4 „., .4 061 4. 'll4ll , ' . 1164 .... ill !,t 1, 1 I.llllllll'
;1/881111-!###""llharitt.iigieli* -lit:1101m
1 14.4. 1 10 , 14 11 5. 1 :#! , 9 0 r!V prompt
• I .• ; • ise2-tf
a bwart
C. bk.6.7.4lter4Tt,
• •
No. 18410011 , 0*w 4141 MT,
- 1 •
HAILDWAREi.cIW,LERY, 017/04./Co.
'l44lfilt,atalt.cilfifr.fia,iii* o 4 • •-•
-.,;( • : • • ;:- • • • •
ael!Well'are** l . f( o .**loslif -1 44fivcis:
AS „. Aras4fa ,
f ~~~t4 , aw'• : t~~'lt ~ ~ f
W i p . alp( 4. ooHEN; - ,
; •':.''..; AZ 2 *Wilk Aii 4 4414 iI. X I C
.1, 01 1114 4 - V A ND : - ..ix'oitz st iv
'7;•d,' 4 U:::1110.4.tr10NERY... , .. i; :....
. 0 ,
~„:, 0";1111111LOPM !X111 . 11 . 0111 .
•„,- , ... 780 4 0 .
awm . VPienri s ii i
IL t i t';; - ''•;: : 0 17 77, 7 1 ; .. Z .........: : Iv:
e lan '
AM fie
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"*.?..7.7 • ; :*
*: 41$ -..]:i-l i i i iiiN4V;l3:6•o3; • • *
Atistitirkaltfltitit" .- n • %.
• 1‘ 1 5;. D 44 xmliTrt.•
tma rart, acrtyßwArts, tiatioldbasioOut
i to oss of in ,dostr4tlono OcifilaWolllllol.oolllllo
to s on stria or, potion* to‘ordOk . A. , ..: • .
Nstesi " 6 , / 11 " 4, 44 tI WIT; •
nomionc nob *i 0 irtlari, Nedithog i v
•34.410, Linda 14 . 01,1 t. o e. L oo
_um best tatililo7) OMR..
nintlotA wr yw 1 *^. 4 ...V.7 1 . 111111 . ,
_ .
ANNICIVIII,OUg?-44 7 . 0 bbie or Straits awl
144 Oil. tai 'Strifes( tar br
J • :‹i‘a .1. , 11: 0, apex/I:au &
s :
PHIJ-ARRAIW. J ''.1959b1
'filhAfer SPetw•
p0p1 4 1;4 it.Liiiii.i22.22o
* N.E . .i3 0.4 Y.
" '
WEST &•• 0111PSOM
1,1031 TE suLpritra AND 01 lierai r e
ars now open, and are easy .of &glossa iris llerrithol
tome. am tls• Cumberland Valley. Road to Newlin',
thanes 8 milasatallng to the Springs, wheresow ar
rive at t P • M. rams di). arrangement lirnoneL
plat. tor Yldare. Board per WOW, per'day, $1.26
Roduatlon for famillesi Reforeams—Jaa.Bt•-q,
too Kektldkial, Denaroft Janney, Jr.,
-Reference to the AnalyalB of tAi Witirlt,'Jim. 0.
Boott;•llaaketionl Proressof ot;ll:S.:ldtat.' • •a, •
Address ; Vivian* P.-0.4 8001 r. &0 0 NU:
PIT• 80 20 ji,. • .Propsiatonl.
TrsmE9 ' STATES '110T1111:? .• L 0 G
/IRANOO, , N. slassetitor• ',tame this
method of loforolltz Mt friend* nod tkorablio. ant OP
and after.lMPE Zilt hle,iotiise be *pop for the
reception of pasta, whin every effort 'lll be made to.
please those Who may favor blm. The hones, 1. phis.
malt gloated 011 a ens bled, with" lawn In front. A
fall slew or Tao 000sn, good roads, stabling, &e., make
it as attreetfee ea any bonse fn the otonetry..The cm.
!Domination is mooosible by two daily line horn foot of.
Wolont4troot wharr,4fi B£. and 2 .'112.f
Referonoo—Groarly, • Warden, £ Oey , 220 Obootoot
almott..% •• •- • •• B. A. 131101/11(AXER
woutni, kit of Pioooylivialo' 'venue; ATLONTIO'
lo NOW- OPIN -for t000t,o:, lot oonteoloooo of
.orraogommiat, oontlgukty to toe. bomb, and .ottrootavo;
'ado the sifjoaost somas, thla boas& a finrivalled.;
The proprlotOo Lee spirt& to - paios•la
Hotel all tbet could be &Wad by ',Win: • , : •
' • 21.7. D.,;•
V SPRING!), 01711131GILAND 00., PA.'
This ferorite and fashionable Wat erlog Pleo6,4llllllef
watt) boated near the heal of the Bine Movataisi; ,
foot altos from Carnale. Pa., will Do open for viefterif
Olathe. 20th of IVNI., The vete" ,of thee, Parings
lite highly Impregnated with !mineral', and for drinking
lad . bathing amb not varpseeed bP any Prilplier
eetultri, Viol Ozanne are well yehtilated, end,
IWO earrotowird lay 1,200 felt of below:dee, The winery,
of, the grandeat kiad, sod the areoinsoodalloos for the
Plieriation, health, and oonafort virliare ere one:.
Wpitioitable. ' Good tlto, pleaiant trivet, Iln* mule,
Imwlf Diatoms,. and aka pow, andial the
amusement' uesally found at Watering. Pia', ass be eie;
Japed hors. YUMAN! leaving Philadelphia or Beitintorai
in the monang train at. at Um Spell& at dela*
P. ax patty Por fartkir liiforhhatlon adcln&C
- • r•' YOW.IIIN, & -
' •• • .;•'.• , 0/ALIBLI BtRINGB, :
• llsrammim& —Zahn 0. De ciciata i is! , W Mato '4l,
Rhodes, Bp Thomas 0. Porolial. bit , Philadelphia;
Alex. Kirkland, Dm., B. 110111401 ; Jacob
ide, Sui., Stallard Wanda, Mq;,.Wastiolitan;
D. 0. ...iv:. - .1 • ; 01504.42
,T6E'i'.'llN TED - ; ?&TES . nOTEri;',-AT
kiLANTIO OITT be oa•adt lot the re:
atitttai of Ilatt•es on :the let of JOSS: The' Ron •
211111101111 tbanaSronovated sad improved, rod Is
11141114MAtkaa illaposs and oorotort• of • grit,
4111110- ROW. tq' other turprovimtate, a
tanzia4 had - tddi lidera : admit° the Wail, on .bleb
the' guests ertll• bie'llteliVerelt•Rtee of elusrge dus;
itty sal m • riddistap_k )111711.11.
B . • •••
Thl .11,11--keoern ioh , dellgktral naimmer tieort
4,111 h•nisera for the tion of rteitori re tit* dat
•,:d kept open VII 'ale !Uzi of 00totrf. • i •
•• TIM ROW erlll be heeler the auktuicemeht of *
0. Alle., who.* eipeTleeket, ooeurteohs comiroers, aadt
testion to Ma cemoe lireistke_otoloot Amustim.4,
ereafcirt Ord ki=tieeeive.::' ,•••• ,
Partied Calor Inforottion in rettd
to to Shoe, wilt 44,2n0 011,1111,1161141:--:
p1y204« itoporinuodoit MOM
A..NOALITBLi HATA. will bp i agila
t7A.' tor the.oootooroakroo or woo
make their home In the =Peter darlegytit•
••••no,•• tlefiret d•rof Ittipl 730,41101,
an'annalitierheoe on• enli• - awl&
ClurPhllatel •• •• Tottimilie • • , -
. • • • • • ..
71• w of s' rrOundlog cautery. frinst oW lIi I
pp ta the WI op notes OS*, a &atones of toms tbl
mites'. The freeh, COlntry 11Ir Which is constaatly.
etlrrlng thus, end the excelleat' water, recommend
thenuolres. The proprietor has taken peal to prOride
emery, comfort and luxury 'within kis ruck for the
sasenomostion at kI m rusts. Ifia•hdetei is new and
newly urnieked—hll bathing appleggill.9oMpletc, sad
hie stabllc g good. pear, accOingtsl4.llo Of the beet
klsd sac be obtained 44 the, piiittalt ap. Tamil
auxterele J 41,10111
o fpoprietor. l
snylSorte-2mes • . ; •
'.ll.:Seril.l6o ASTIR 001:721TY, •
• 'Plus +overate mtabileltaent will be opened let; nor
&rat of .11:1111 • Winged on tle „NOM& Mir, 60
miles wort of - Phliatelplila, 16 moil or Reeding, 13
north cf Laniarter, AO east of lierrlebarg, and laving
the folvacitinro of tlso purest son nator, 'fort infloty
of battle. tke elf. elevated to 1,900 feet above water
level, with, grated and shady walk, In dense (oven,;
add most eaten'''s ludic ape notary he the Melon,
it to rot imrpaired a. a .'mover readenee. • "
♦ementendattocm for 400 persons, Improved stowing,
juo4terrlap botches; aloe a• good ate* Ot,
homes and etrrfeerce..witn sinntinolss•. A' good band
of mule, billiard tablet, ten lon alley. Itli suer pr
6,60141111 from all the above points by 7111 i and coulee.
The proprietor sparse nothing to make it a home
pl.°. for oomfort and hohltA.' " -
lot farther pertleolitre, eN Creole:B, to be had ,by
spo r i og lomph B. fdpere. Third 'and Vine meteor
Jame. B. Rade, elf Chestnut street; or to the Propels.
Sari Joe KPH 1 106 1 11116AOHIllt,
• z • Splint* Poet 020,
Lancaster County, Peewee ~
mylB Om
, NEAR Gonsosu, CONN: • •
The Optiserfbar, baring purchased title wittl•knowa.
,Ilist•olose &Atonable Summer Rouse,' would Worts NE
tanner patrons end the pub:legepatiralln. that It le to be
refurnished, painted fertilised but; put In complete
ardor. ond oozed teethe reevption of company on the
first day of JUNR, ander' the imenstliate aneeriaten
dance of SAMIIBLAPOWLIUM, lag:, tle popoler
no To r* food*, Ort4Ltebuteut, for the Wit ten
The Note] la"Of moterdocastroatton, bout orlon CI.
Motive scale; with "aoaqmmodations rot two hundred
and ffitrgnerts, commanding a doe view of Long bland
Sound: Billiard, Shuffle, gold Bowling Rooms, at aco o
vaolont instance from the House. Good YLehlng nod
Bathing within eve minutes walk.
Anitogernenta hare beerimade with the NOW Lon
don, Btonlogton, and Provldenos Railroad fer a new
depot .vithin one Mlle {lt t4e loess, mined th e
is hem ' s RunStation . " Alto, fo Ehounion chats,
for the hoarder,. to and from the Tontine Hotel ), to
the f100d, ,, et half price. •
N. I).—Allioraitoest are never seen st the Hotel.
Br a. LIN 80B&NT01:1, •
• 1131 W EILVAN 000 N." .
I Ina,' made extentlee. Improvements In the TON
TIESI HOTEL this Boring, In the aditton of new
Roams, new Billiard Tabl ea, ar.d Bilk Rooms, with hot
and cold Wale. /1111148/ OIL hire mullet of rooMl at
either Hews, es 'low ea et any first-clue hotel lathe
Ntrr• •
eq agentioq will be p.JO thp 'isgesti of the two
h 0 1 149. •
Apore tho eels owner oqf the f'Bitolinces pro.
Cgt.4 keying a atz years , few, from January
n 4 the rowriza my whole time wILI
beadonstai to the romfort of the peeta.. •
0 110/I , ifinew . . .I,HI
. .
• zottaexorl HOIIBE
BASTA' OW Picgrletere
Min House has changed kande, and will be (menet on
the 90th of idAy, for tie, scoornmodation of Bonnier'
and Exeurektuist". It to refurnished In the beet style, num ltormturs, Sodding, Le.
The Netional is admirably altuat.d on Atlantic! ITS
one, aninto•nds a fine view of the Ocean, sad but one
square from'''. boat Bathing Oronad 01.1 tan Island.
• A eplandid Ball . ROOM Sad Dialog Boom being St
lobed to keine ) makes
. It particularly dutiable
for' ihsecosioni. • ' , inglo.lm*
1010310.$ FlO b VBll,. .. •
r ... • W. L. DS BONN N, Proprietor.
Thuguell.tnrrin estalietiment, tith f•vorito retort
of eitiesns ling visitors, has lately' ondergone sumo.
oleo repairs, sont to non one of, the most ooromodious,
sigrent, sad thorough Weis l• the Union ; beautifalig
loented at the corner. .of 'sod PENN Pt - rests,
briar's, Its imeommoditions are bet-alms ; the
rooms spadous and Wig; and the table constantly lop-
Peg. with all the inundator the poison. Persons der.
'irons of spending► law weeks 1. the steamer in 'an
agreeable and ecooombral mangier, could not do bettor
than midis • trial 0. BOURBON , O K 1118101" SOUPS
at sp2ittf
_ .
A - •
0 THE • EtkiiDWAltt
madoeribersi*AOßYlTS FOR Till SAL). OP FO
sate the following roods at lowoat ratan I Lewis' sups.
rlor Chalon, of all binds, looloding tau, log, bolter,
filth binuti *Mind, tongue, 0011, dap, mine, and other
Chains;'P. Wright'S patent and other Anylla and
Ilene; . 1 L» Worm* Nails; round and °VIII Sake Pane;
forand long handle fry Pang, likoilifor Safety Pass
fin. Wargo( rooks) Bed Serstrel'Ameriran Mateo, Sleek
board ()rayons sod Oaryientere - U),slit Tattle QUI Pocket
OoUa►; Out ilteal Filen and Rape; Out and Wrought
butt Mogul anti T Ohnlet Screws;
honor'Strops; Rodeos Mahogan Knobs;
Whites' Blanes; 'Shoran'. and Ppades, 41 k inds; Hay
F'd Montt, Fula, Rakes, and Ijolle Setithpl4 . lll
tent Win:a:Ali Woke and Latches ; Door and
linitor ; binds., nod Stone Hammen ,•
Hooks and ,
Hipps ; Muth,- Breda, Shoe, Olont, and
1 letlalting NW*: Wioggiit .90114tigig Monts iwt
p 1..; anirOogiatoi OtitYy 0 01 0 11 1
•enwirlau and ; baythee, sythe Slone. and
Allot Otni
Pny* and Kunst Moleeesit Oates
;fanosts, Saws of all in
linda dgno,Bstehato, Hamm erg,
110,, with s general aitiorerit of Ifardwere
• • W IWW FON..
7 iljeAliftf •• , • „ 41:100=113010
WTHOSE who: are' &bent to , purchase
11)=0, Palau, Whits Lose, ilia Window
c Gloat,
viun un
a their attention to in' aurpsaisa and 'sleet
took of smolt goods, ',blob are to le foun') at the store
" ' ' • 41116111111
says -ti aeon of Rinengli and; '0191141,
fiIHE GAL If. of: iiiipillir3iViirfe - blo r iiii)
1 towards the old eataldlehed store oecupied jol
1111GLIIft & OMIT 11, °otter of 11100 ND awl OREM
Otreeti, where limy be fodnd *a Woke. omortatood of
Nogo of floo quoilty, al *oil it White Lem!, - Ziao
.ta,r W4140W 45110/ 1 10.1 of vhfoh aro tuoirollott.
in& as . oninno
. 1 .;:.,1._ : ::: 1 Xoo.lpilbliiations:.
rie)I6B I2 ,NEW , NOVEL I I
IPubltahoti THIS DKr. and for aes by
.;T. R. PRTERBOI4 A. 131tOTHIE 8 , -
. . ,' ," ''' No. $O6 011ESTNIT Street.
T 1 . 0 . 0111;11111." By •G, P. B; James, Is now .
.ti . ; 'imitate:rarities work was . '
ig i r
: '1: 41 . tfrr 'if 4 1 ; rh re h : I the 4Pa P t i n b e ta rt ' l e
b 6f : ni t: 178 P A ln y th ul e ari a. P a t e ' o r .
• ' 'Wrath • Boonton LID 111101TT DOLTeelf;
THU OATALIBB. ' • ' . .
1 . An illetoridal • Novel. : . ,
' Ily (1 P. It J &Mini „Brel., •
Atithor or ~ Elohellou ', " Lord Idontegae's Poo,"
k MIM7 of BUrsuody, ,, etc ',to,
Oompteteln and liege dooderdmo volume of Dive Hun
. deed Piper, Mlth • breutlful 'WERT, PORTRAIT of
• • the AIIT/108, 'title bin AUTOGRAPH nod or It; dove
up lo two imunee, paper aorer, pilaff $1 I' or, hood.
go Melt bound In ode 'clam*, olotb, priori WM. Heart
• the following from Cl P It' James's feet letter i
.. ",' .. Mifflin! CoNSULATII ffkilbßAl., 1
'.• '. • • • •
I. Vining .' 4th Apritr 1.6 6 ‘..! , 7.
:1•ItOgil' : I brae Mint yon of this s) tee mu
' iweeptere and
,00mplation of . The Ofteal MY Mei
. tau : they wig reefs " you safely. Should:they not do
'id '. eying' kept a odpi here, the lora could wily be
ladt de_ In regard to the payment for ' The Oars'.
.11er, I nave drawn - Mlle upon your hones for Ile
fillenget,' all befog doted March Slot—one for $008.68,
.aktotker. for loot let and on• for $1 .07, making ; in all,
• f1,40,.1111 per agreement medre.rid signed by a. on the
all Ally, 1859. - I hope you ; will. here' the - madness
40 tot we over *hoer of It, pa. I .hell MS to lee the
wort or print !In menumrlpt T likettirell, and think .
Alla Mere liolt• Ocouttf totlOrile , lf: to 'Ott You.
30 "-",! li , -,Youre feitbfally, '. • . G...P. it, JASON." .
4 . • "..rjg. BROTIIIIIId here just published a new and
'Mug! edition rot JAMES% Lori Wolit.:- • - •
.2 ... .".' }-LORD IdONTAGUIPS PAGE. • '
:4A, ' .of th e lahreportantn 011eetreT, Ornate e
klate goltirne,'olotb, with STRAIT. PORTRAIT
•'l . ADTIIOII., Priem, $1.26.. , ._..„ ,-•
f our
PI Hailed and for Bale at the PubllthlngEns Make
aoiltog Ditabllitmoot at _
. _ . ' ~.. •7.ii ,
_. - PRTERRON & RROTRRisi I '. vf. I
- it .... a'.,.. 0: ISTIIIIT 4 • t ; .thilsrlelphift, Pet. .
-1 - 1 f" . ••.;`:: - .7.7 V ".
%."' i a 7 uvilini ' : • - ..-DIADADDWP/1 4 .:
: • D.,. ' 4 7. - ElDl•Lailitt• • 50i larn itii:'Dtit;.'
Mb, Nil DAY.. a IfeW .414ItliptiVot,_. , A• 0 OM It9ftw•••
DI . ..0111 0 AIdIiIItIOAN.LITaIitAIICOUO ottrooolost •
eon n otot,fints - bloiDODlttostlliketob es at ihitenvi;
,thort{,lo. Prof. o'. P..o3thelktand, .Page 120. 491.- '
?VA& ,t1t1013; '' ' of . 0=044' tit% the flroti itio110t!
of oolltolo,loto :boob muOtt ealargid,. , tkaajimount at ,
mita; I .* ths,Toll;tm• caned/n.154 !Li* • •, and thi
'onto)korott 'oaten:lly torteed , anta ~ '.,- %.,.,„...,., , ... ,
Thbrielowe 'eampleted Pi0......A. fr•tt ..,•=4. e , -4f
• ompocuags riC; . .Nratox : 'Amor ' . IhP 4t 2 vfni
woo s 7 , raiit: , 131.a01.1(Gly /.. 1. ' ' ' t•ibtt:
tit r foilotrtoic•iwood ore•tkot is•fr ige ....,4___„....04' , , , e :,!.,_,,-• • •
1.0. COMPINPM . • ,), Z g a gal, ll lWPAßi
fro o• rotulimoa. el ' :th • Welt ;
Den .:.09irelethig .al . ' Velopeceeir Drab..
Aot -• kid' tkildotl• - 1 lli , *it , Werkf* ith eri
Nil plm,..,.tfiri ••• /I Pr.. to Trots*. •
pp. .Twanty4, .' •'” 4, ',, -...1 7.A.55. , ::1
• 51 ..r r LlBll. . Ur i Al Of Alillt•grAttllrlir
t f
.TIT ?II 01111TUBIt.. - -Qa , the earoirptip,hal Ma al ,
taefrta - , !CoraDoodlaya at 1941filla virmitar.,..emoarii.:
Ave - el a 'Sequel id it' ~ I tiftlat of antltero aouiprtilmo
tbathoratahed nuiliallYstr4ontstrw •Iltthj r mot shoos;
.1 t2.04 , 17. , ifd4!,o worti..iftnifprip.-:,
n i: -. 4A -, Nu* mo Aitoros tor l
ookip i t : . 4 ..,, .: : . r., 1.. • <1,,;., f
: IfOOAV '.oc, tho, MPS :1 01 .04.1. 1 49, leldill01:11.0 4 no
•V 31 1. 04 14 1 1 11 WM. 1 41! 1 .• • • f.....C• • • •".'f;AV•v '•P -
. - . The pilau et- ealh , voltulteaßla/145131$ , , it,.
/V " ' )30.0118.: '..:- :."-' l zlftse z , :• ,l `" lq , g ' 5
r , if t 7
V ' ''NNWII6ONII ;•:. pl ' .4 1 ' r l / 2 14, : et
. t ,, - ••• r. • .1 . r 1
. ' ?l ti l ' . .. I. Vou au risitalietp .• L . t.
• VIA ..g. EF, chi. it-
P ',l r A rolisl ttreTurlileb NAOMI eeitni
-':T:'r i LTPPORD. , Ai weeel., Si: 4 . e' r•Li ri.) re.
' / , . ARI t•; cop 97 6 I'm 01-2116 1 4 ,17r 1 W Mita,
___ .1 . • ' 4
A 1,18 ANONite`.WOADS: twr.,,peaby,;lllll:
tore • . Widow By win. Seriatou '4l' , 7 -4 e., -
_ ~ ousA AND • BACA : a Tpaation. Tilts .. fflw, pi
llebard Neer, DULA Jr 76 <lrbil. c • .e .... .... ..7 -
Tip LAIRD OF NOBLAW,r A Scottish 'Wry: sr,
Ike MP 740 e of Ilitgarat Maitland, do , de., $l.
t l a
kNOM ADD TVS Milao. By the , author 4t.
ili i... Statro7d. st.
f . illYMageoBslr: BIN, P. Willli. SI 25. -
, IR 1 MARSUALL 5 or, 0 ore:ldent Wad lts ef 6 0110. ,
ary, , ff P. Llo4lollb. $1 00. . ' ' .'
ICUSTOR 5 OR, DOTI Ail ramiarr. By,L
OIES Of ITALIAN l a b.- 240!... IMfliind
it By Mrs Jamison. 75 m - • .•: „ 1..
.422'N$•IllOOLLBOTIONEI flit, oHolny,imanz,m;
floury Warbler . $1 W. • .• ... ••
*Wary lortowrillo Numb B. D. $1 TS: ... ..
ell7 7 3hire tad Book 01 1.1 1011 ifenor*U.T, will do well to
tiabl.l64 ilxam toe ear very extortive and tomploto Stook
Of 8166kal to ovory diro.rtment of Literature, ttemstalug
Lefreirry style arid variety or Binding, . •
r; AT Tritt LOWINT 134131:1 rafora, - ..
rz...z;••• • ' AT TUB TBAOFlents,Romi,
•4!1 - 4 Gant & Voutitals, ' • • •
~,„, - c. ' 1113601E000116 - TO 0 00wreorrialf & So.; '
-......, ' 80. 600 OfIXEITNOT Eltroot, above Mint,
- j isC .. . rhilitielohle.
, • ORW- ORE EK ' . TESTAMENT. •—•
.. .. 4• 0 . GIMPS TEBTAWBNT, with * thitlea l l7
Tait 1 a Digest of Tartoa• 8ea.,119g9; Marginal
-to Vilibsl and r4lOl 33h310 Dugs; Prolego.
reatid s azitisalard Zasivtloi Owamtatary, • By
9yAllawa.ll. D. • la four volaggee —Vol. T ooatalo-
L;.. • , i191.1349p015: , Wow - vastly.. fire. 11S;':.__-'-` '
...: ....,... 0... mom co tbT'B.4lOOlllll.ll3P . ..: al trUi.
-, • . .
pik.e. ~7 . Luc . Bro. 9 ~! ..... . • t L.
-.:MIOUS , 007.1hIEWBA211111 OW 1 00131 ta ARO of
TILIPAPOIHN,T. nsamws.:.f in trt.b clitton. 8.0.
i11e:_.... I .
t PAtzeuNV9oMilLiiii IiOHNO. 8 rola:Bro. $3.4.
Vl* ailifk____:_ IL - •
. • ~ .:3010610x 0, 4 ALT/BPD PURTION, ,
..1 4, ' ' •• . ~• No. 608 OROBTNTIT stress: •
ler DAUNT. Mentely vainmes, °nod, $1.60 *ash.
Sole Apter , se S. • MOHANATII t 406 WALNUT
litive*. • • ; . • '• • • . Je7. et* '
V. tie trndersigoed Metal thit be hes fretittently for
naleboOki - printed between, the yearn 1410 and Lbße;
early editions of .the Fathers of Heforniere and of ,
"the Huriteilliiivineu to Law, Diseton; Lyttielion.,Prif- -
fendorik Grottos, GOO, Golre; lisle, the Year Bookie,
Reports, Ore„ are often to be round upon. lie shelves;
Oyolopedias,Leifecros, Olauto Authors, History, Poetry,
Philosophy,' defense, Political. Reonemy, Government,
Anhitenture,biatural History, Treatises, upon these,
end other kindred out:Juts are being continually dealt
In by him. .11001E11;m large and email quantities!, pa...
Assad at the Ocetem•Gowie avenue Booksiall a 0/10T.
stir Eltrest,,above renal!, YhiladelPhile•
m7lBdm' - JOHN oenipozw..
illrn Oppbe
ING.-8. V. N lIIINTES will open, THIS
DAY„-at hie NNW -ATONIC N 0.40 South ANCOND
'Street - a great varlet:7 of new-style
AND LAOS idatiTlLl/Aff. - .
- LAOS POINTS, from 51.110,t0 $B5.
N large seeertment of White Atereellies and
, Ddlllant • BABQIINSLand• DINAVERB, for Miteee,, to
whieb'he invites, the attention of the Ladies. , Jeo-6t*
v - A fall line of OntatoorDliffd,
• HforooDlea sod Bilk TottinVi,
• Light and Dirk thin OasaintoseO,
' Thin Dahill and tinny Ooottnaa,-
Whits kind , FISTICY Style. Linen Drilla.
,jok OiIEViNtIT ind ElGllTHltreato.
P•••• 7 • - Nstineh Twilled Bright Stripes, , ,
Wide Glazad Strd Chintzes, -
4;4 distelizene, - fimitate*, a$
- . Carria r 811-p 2
B 14
Jet , "011.118TNITT Ind lIIEGIVI litres%
‘... , -.3aßtreoelved.- . • ,
NoseMkt litec'erst ages it
Web Dotdde Jape Orgoindi o ' -- •
New Sq.le do liana, $2 60.
• ,
Fucavuditydo, Xiewn.42ll.
Gra,siellaa, Pail de Oheires, And °Willie,
Baregea and Burge Bober. . -
Brilliants, Percales, end Organdies.
Basadere Hoheirs and TrarellinioDress -Materials:
flew strieg., - , , ,
2,640 Fettle nenroityie Bine Imps. In Brims, Lifson,
Autiorant e t BUM, jet LSji_iienin-sall trea t
Hosterp, a dna lissortinert. . .
:Linens, and Linen - Osribrici Handkerehl efs.
Bs the shawLrooen, -in groat yariety. • .
Poinia,,Bornoos, apd _Mantles, $6 to sap.
. Black Bilks for Oiroulara and Denims
Wide White and Meek Baregie for 01 renlan, &a..
Patent Hoop'. Blies -for: Ladles and,illinees, from 76
roots to $67:4 fall , OEURLEB 'ADAM% • s—
roy2s, 'Ord .. .MOH' Streets. '
vit -CATS .— Atery larks sesortmeniof Chanties for
Ladies' 'Ad Mame wear . for sale at 110FIC ANN'S
- - fIOtIERY•ISTORB: f NOrth Nicavra at e r f er:
Hosiery for iadleat and lama' wear. '
Hosiery for Centel and Youths' :Fear,
')ar pale 0110111,110 , 11. ' • • •
• non= B'FORS, ft North NIGMTH Street.
Gauss Merino undergarment+ of every variety,
Vor Luna, Children - mod Gaeta wear, for bale at •
---• HOFMANN'S HOSERHY firma, '..
vaySO•fraw-tt - , No S North NIGHTII Street. ;
TIRE' MOST 'BE A.IITIFIIIi ,;; annortment
SPRUM GOODlilossktie tonna etAtoBLROVA,
where elegem* in style, Is netted with economy, in
price, - . • -
Poitt de
ObeviAi;de Br:pianos, iiiittbilifohalis, Check,
'de Parton, And 411 tho.neW etylon of Bring Goode.
Black and Yancy,Bilka of superior ACyles and gull.
6n lmmeiue
rril Oklgarali iiir4Toup eretello nnenig
weary low pri sed •,. • •
• A splendid seeortanepSot ) e mbroideries. ' •
We are no* opening our Spring - Moab sod Rentable,'
'embracing many elegant styles entirely oerr.
Cloths Vatielmoree, and lihirtlog and Tyb ls
Linens, cialieoe, Lawns, Ginghams, Shirting and Sheet
log linalinsaco; - • . 1110111,110 Y,,,
11015-111wif No. 11 Routh NINZEPSteIet.
, N.
B.—DailYln receipt of bargains from Analog.
Psanoti Luis shank.-
Yvniati Lacs Poistne.'
nem% Rue - -
Una noitilisf,
Yel7 Ittpps ObintlUr. Mantillas.
Alma alik Dusters, 91/WS Trinloollg,
Silk Mantlllas, nn We se., &a.
Alla, a male US
-081111 AP
PANOY saLKS,;DAANGNS, LAWNS, ta., &a., at
T ON - Njs N Oita BM. '
ppEAL TallEA.l) LACE
, .
Just rseelved' and will tie mimed on
111138bAY, MAY
1111 AL °HitAllblitt ,
HlNrpttli ANR PO •INT 10;
, .
AT tam - .
' . . , 108 OgiIBTNtIT: Street,
ord. I. N..-11.09TQA ft• 141;
t S .
WZDNESDAILTs , N.EZ 8, 1869.
pm Tlis Praia.) •
' The Press of May 38th has an article lUnstrit.
this of this interesting locality—so well knOwn
abroad as the garden of the eminent John Ber
tram, the ",Amerioan Botanist to his Majesty
George Ill," that F:eoher, (the celebrated bats=
blot of the Imperial Gardens of Bt. Petersburg,i
• could name, without having visited, nearly every
I tree and plant irithin• its border,. Linnteue pro.
not:tatted Sartain' ,"the te greatest natural botanist
in theriorld•'?, -
"Who hinting our own oltisene (says The Press)
cannot recall to Mind that botanic triturates of Bar- •
trini'e celebrated floral garden era the western
bank Of the BahttylkJJl, that oldweather-beaten
mansion :still.stand lug tallies 1741, with ita,eaered
_entablatures, ‘ , perutonefin etones,"Unfolding, amid
the tracery of .olustering roses,.. , Thought. that
breathe and rioids that burn," revealing the pipni
life of that idainQuakerfloriit whom oar own pie*.
less Wathington loved' to !Knit; and to "enjoy the
seventy (Able earthly panidlae. • - • •+,
Thrlie hallowed is this spot indeed, for daring,
the assembling of Congron at Philadelphia, }vett
vher . -- .
, .pfttriot heart' sat staid the leafy girring,iftd chat-,
AO 0001 ally together upon the otattlieptV i tr
pentons queortions of that time."' ;SI - "::- •
This certiolo In TA4 ire» whialriOyatioon'-
deitead, in coneeotion n wlth the .. 4 9Keittelninnit.Pett-'
flick!" so the 9111 tut., (teldetreikllkutiAkt '
.stated the faidwlng line d : • :.: 2, 1:4 1 A %N" -- • 1 . , 1
it.t.kge.:' , l,::: •i. ;',,, I r_. . 1 341 l't nsitiatifi, , ,,., t ,
Ithi l ilti r eeitsnindeir lopped 1 1 1140halfb I,ild'•4l 1
.........elf•orbei• bautaaftrolidterafilli: .
'...' ' '.lfialiliiiiiia: aronr • Yentlii 1 •• • • ••?:-.1 .L..%:;:
'"` 4l. 'Veldetaillottiro hopes ore felidedeirtn.t. te:. n 1
. the virtue of the Nat; , :, • .-rr .
And whose Present faith le beeeded .
, Sy the deeds alone whist het, .
0 '.:- - Tetrlll took thoie proris with Alianiii—
c.l't Grovei to patriot Words dela
ht.) :, Yoemen, Whose newer 'r, ••.
AT. hokadtilth NMI'S, ' -: ..
. • 4 . -ill if OV rantinitherad hare ;
•• . , obißommA AbAt.umproula . . .ti iii,e,m pi redid by the dap! `• " ' - ' 7l '
Vi : k' irkitiiiite virtu • toy :insistent - ,.,t .
_.-.„ ;'That Gould Inuopat Atlas's praise; t
•,..... t; . Wen agoorou it thet-thl plates
' 4 ' 'Whoa:f re e:lron ti t ogy ' III ;Z:4 •'..ti:. 1
: 1 ',' To the twit en.l b „tiq; .. -; ..P 1
.7:—..: W,hits the tnen who itteirteloelenoe,
.., . s . :;
' St
. , sun r•joe• i . .
r..:: • " a 1111° wgrIIIPPed r i ll44 } lll, ? i ! lb l air, -.. - T:. ii.
1 : - . 0 ' vitl pliomin
the limn:Hut ealei.v ,=...4% ..-
ic ~.... • •i
-t. ' Toake joins baron ttoVlV''':"A•! - •1 , .:',. :)f i
::••• S - 7:1! , 1••• ,
f ly vis"nebeitituvesti.e44
(equo g poet'e eareeteet itridoePr ; , .:••:(" 7: I
i f; i psu be gathered Tar fiar denehtere, •
',lollCdop.e rtruxres trkin.
' l 7" la tisk isdiemoi; their'heanty,
nfleeir heart/ beirohlithrongli their 'ape ;
1 intiroore raeiayt to the dray
Nairn Catch ekll true bosort rta•
meet, oh! livored Ater,
Oti thy brioir, that lovoli bind, -
Who/canines owl give
, new . hope „to.llel. .;.:'
And to love •
.Rilhiroltfift **WOW, •
diri! •
sc•niorr.. beyostildinuree; _ .
• Of the good; tin mat the ions?
• Fie who ors r wattle; freedom', • 's •
Ae who broveir down heaven to mai . 1
Lie who ea* %Corer, tendril
•'' Avidness or la
ir g iOr.
,S.PPVH;: : • I
h n ey and others entight try
Roe the 'weetby ends
Ot dein ratan good:
* TboMihs Mootei.
alovements of the Opposltio*lß Pant
•, t - sylvanla. •••• ' - • : t
' The Delaware' oeiunty • Reiiddiocisti of -the 3a
tim,,opntaAns an.artiole
,earnestly renunistinting
against 4ny attempt et the Reopte's.Donvention,
wbieh is shortly .to - - assemble at'-lierriiborg,
'ignore the filnaiPles of the Republionn party, and
to convert the Cpimiltiosi'leigimization - in ill's .
reilvedWhlgparty. - The,Ripscalcaft .
says: - ., • -,• • • dg •
The political Boorbeiss of Philadelphia,
their blind "devotion to what they "are ' ',lensed . to ,
'call -! a heal thy- conservative ismatiment,!, intend
to offer in•Oenveratiori - a series of resolutions_ do.
-ploring wbat'tbey term t`seetlonaklesnes in na
thine politioe,'.. condemning' the -prefligsoy of , the
'Buchanan" Tarty, exalting the - dofitthies-ofPt.
teotion; and on this basis only, :invite the veep
of the Union • tei elect • delegates to "..a Pdopleess
National Convd.tion to nominate candidates for.
President and 'Vice President. If snob *isola
tions &mild peso the , Convention, they will- Urc=
claim that Pennsylvania renounce: Reptibliban
ideal and !sentiments altogether; abandons the.
Nkrionits, Republioan Organisation' now ,existing!„
and very modestly-sets up.-her own, material , in
terests intim' shape of •Id gra' proteotivw doctrines,
'tithe standard •other -patrietlim, --- ,with the Mk:,
'plied understanding - that thei3onth- may attend to'
her-material • interests' in, whatever •way lbw
'pleases,:-and take Oahe from the tlok• mast
whenever ehe eau: ' - • - =
= This notable plan of combinin g ail 3110thiIII of
the Opposition by Suppressing , _ every, deolaratiqn:
of their 'prinoiples, or , emasoulatmirthem-41,
fighting the Demoorathi party in .1880 without ,a
'platform. and with no loftier atm than - rotation in
°ace, of :redneing the : great Contest to` • a =mere
strife betersc the ins and oufs,ls a- Southern.
idea-a more pro-slavery dodge toliheat the free
white inkwell of the tinkle of-the -frnits of the
victory that • awaits ;their - cause in 1860: " Tt
°Actuated in the Virginia State Convention held
atletersbarg lutwinteroras elaborately enunoi
iited‘by lotla in Me speeoh- in New Yorki in Feb-.
!airy Mat, and had been adopted and quietly, but
aotively, advocated 'by certain politidians of our
State, who are t familiar with concessions to
Southern demands„; and rather like the. Wier ,
when it Is Called 4conservatlinit"
"Now that Botta , and Goggi& are defeated In
Virginia, we hope this preolowt scheme' of foisting
Virginia pm - slavery doottineS on •Pennsylvarda
will 'be abandoned. If any 'attempt should no.
vertheless be made to pass resolutions at the Chin
vention of the oliaraCter. we - refer to,' wa invoke;
the - delegates from thelnorthweetern , and ttalialle
counties to vote them down atones; and Should it'
unfortunately turn. we:contents we 'mink
fear it will—that the Coliventionhas been adroitly_
: peeked' for thifissni, .thitt-1 delegates- aserelly
'pledged lo this admine have studiously concealed
itfrom their constituents; that by these and abilit
la unfair means the oraftyand craven plotterkire
likely to maker the 'Convention .speak: alieoand
placcoet great State in'a false and disgraceful po
sitiom‘ins 'call Upon Republican deleg_ates3
promptly retire from' the' Convention: Let the
'issue 'be Met• at the.outeet—the , masses-of-the
State ivill mustainalich a 'imursily calling- a 'now
Convention, adopting a platform wltiolt PM- -
phatioally declare the devotion. - .lof 'Pennsylvania
tc the prinolPiee.of Liberty mad 'Brea-Soil, and
definitely Tido° the Rep:ollo4u party of, the State
- 7 :ootaPrtaltir nineteen.twentleths= of , the whole
opposition—in line with their Republician brethren
throughout the-Union = We do not' ask, the' SOU^
Verkiitka-Cd" Wednesday ne;t to pMS - resolutions
reaffirming the-Republican platform, simply be
tattoo-it has no right to do so,, - is, not- salted as
a Repuldscan
_Oonvent(on. n ot. are -the delegates
'elected as Republicans. ' OU • the 'other hand,We
will MA Submit to 'any motion -Whloh• ignores,,re
flaohy, or in any . may injures Republioaniam, or the
National organnatien,ef the Republican party. -
" The Peopleil patty iris a mahloi
pal more' It originated in INew York, and was
sabsequently.adoptelin Philadelphia. It served
the purpogire of its creation 'inthose ottling,. and
was inauguratid—unfOrtnintely we think—oe
State party, last year.. We find it :existing this
, ear by virtue of the Convention about to meet.
- et 'it assemble, malse its nominations and adj,sens.'
We shall cheerfully support Its nominees for : State
1 5110 ers, bid it must not attempt to Manufacture
'pelitioat capital for any Preeld.antial candidating;
or giny'elbre or portY for 1880. .attempt
124 Made to prolong its entatenee, beyond -.the fall
eleotions. Its mission will then be, fulfilled, ;Let
it be then dissolved; Parties, in our /Date 'Win
'take their eland for the:groit contest' of 1800, as
eofdiniete prindiples' they Profess upon the
ismes of the day andthe age—extension or non.
extension ofelavery.. We.want, - fair, field, ;and
ask no favors .. We do not want to shoat others,
and we will not submit to be cheated.. ,
Cantons' is to day stronger toy ilfty : the : Mien& rotes
than it was let, the Convention' ponder.
.T.tarrait's ARTESIAN WELL •at Reading', Pit 4
reached the depth Of 750 feet.. 'There'll',
.apparently, an abundancaof :water, but it only,
rises to within 19 feet or - the surfaoe,,owing, 'as is
siippbsed, to an aperture sixi inches in' width,' ,
wbteh ties been diaviverid: teet;bakw,the ear ,
face, through 'which this water appears to Pass. ,
no boring willbefeentinued until , the wall :roaches
the depth of 1,000 feet; for ' which Mr. Laiter:clottl'
"treated;; and it the water does not theta else t 04.110.
surface, a large forcing pump will be ipPliedon
bring it wife ilitquirta height. It was testatf
on Thursday evening, /and are'pleasedta ;slits
that it proyes to be' the:purest and seftest-mineralt
water, strongly- epthenated,‘.nottunlittat!the
orated Bedfordforater,, autleald.levyesetablet
modioated;tvaler gjaatogett : ROTP4isay.;Therd
lantt,longer any ddubt ,of...the realisation - of ?dr,
Laser's moat saugqineroxpeetations with regard to
this well, uport.,whio,lic he }ic e .e . xvindoci. no little
OM ) 047 ) and, mopiz.-% , • •
. .
°lndia peep of : milebanu:
• Loigif •
• r
Thi :General Yorey'st47..
tepid Of tifelbattheketetfeateltsdlo, Li !for
worded by litibrabal Hamm , 4 14 11 ..." 1 tk.
EmpefOrt•t:• r i i• 4.-,
• plrOgitM4..May...lo. 11*-Miditight.
Monstablf Ithtioas.t. thi honor to
send you a min" eajpgammt of: ray ' ll,l- ,
elms this day.•
-Alartng received tifbinsatiop it 121 M, that
a strong haistiian'itgatnn, with' iirtillery; tied co
tripled Uasteggioilind led driven out fromidonte•
belle' the *drained posts of the.: Pietiotonteite
cavalry, I immediately pushed fiirlftfd to the out"
volition the Montebello road with two teittalioni ;
of the Berverity-foirth; drained -to , reltere tWo..
battalion's of the Righty-fo,nith, encamped on - that
road, in freak of„Vogliera, on the Melton levet 1.4
Me , ntithri the 'rest of my diet:ton. was getting
trader itrins-:-a` battery of =Unary (tixth of the
Mahar regiment) led the way. ~ , •
On reaching the bridge 'over tbe streamlit Poe ,
sagesto, the extreme limit of oar ont, I or-'
doted it section of artillery to , be placed in battery,
sapported on tbe right end on the left by leo b
tone or
Eighty-north, theireltern-Tehootere
lining the banks of the stream. _ •
hisantimis the-enemy hod posited on from Moe
tebello to Olnestrallo, and, being informed thee he
wcirenoing epithet 'else in tiro oeleatiss, the
vire. by the high road, the Other by the nail");
aced, I ordored,the left, bat' al ion of the &may.
fourth t.. .00ver the road 'to caseinsaf ears, and
SD other beitalimy telake up:e poultfouf vet the,
Itch tfde. of " '
tiAl,l+ fit, ~ gliteitrwllo.. , a w,-,_
..._. Jrjellely,og with the 'multi boo* t- _4'l.
'Pantry &Joni the ridged, aid the , lthll' read With
toy artillery, protected h7,,tbil al1 0 4° ,01 0 6 " 6a r'
airy. I ihould mortveetZgolesondon o( Y '
s-' tebello, I arratigiiii niir tut ooltudit'sei fol.
lows andel' 4ko oiiism lieNtateirtllßeetrat. , :'', *)
7 1 4 e • §sitliattentivibettilliee f og Phameem, ew
ported ay.tea:Ztiratyirothlf3aventy,fetirth
placid 41. i'etoTo 'lc attacked or dAe e nth aPi
defer et; ,
teello,'Wherekaie Int•toY had.sitairelcid hheeelgi
kipti 6 9 , d'iSkb_Vilk ribil.At Pillit - walla lit,;As.
imaeita of the 'plane. which wa bid to OM
vrtioithir. ,, rewis•alittri g Ude 'easolritthat Gaieitet
Seittet;wasutrtally wornotedeteiyaidier ' •: - 13.:i
li.e.reßAwilltsl rtst!tancli_atitV,lftmlWr
-t0„ , ,,, , ,ie1d
,the i*
~ ty argot
CrASZifikiiiebeligh tomtgijii iftiebtilmttle
ehuyah.yerd, they:ware &Wes tellelli-hetpwz
sitton at thcosiat of• tha,bay**iir , Ta•Ci,
abeetiOr " Vival 7 .lresier.ideq.' - -!.-, '' - ',-""
: - It trait ito4ret o'skok?, tosigiitttat
.tpiptlrF RP 0.0.071 4 0 PetRIVRIAM:P,retal I 1
S e
1 / 1 11 w°•PY 49 0 14 hshild th e 'ripp whist,
ihtrehrtroh-yard'ilisitisatsliti bifirktilth
• roux ; gene and: allowetlediteg ' !lb 4 6 .
bask the last ikastrisa , oolitanA
~ ' le: 1
Shortly iatorwaidi - I 'WISE eoltuon
'Orsionate Oistakrl6,Eltilvtillt jßk Ittard theft,
and retina ..illokroatiof - ri. , •,s: •,,,--- ,• •',
„„ I edmiteti, . eAfa i. , ett• too highli 01
hrevery'Of '_.. ' a ff a ir : 1112--ernotre,
entialterat;'int i - id with otaeh, °Wei,*
emolatien../Ametareld I forget tba offineklit,:wi
'tar, who, aft, or the greatest !terries toilet, .7 _vl
I shell 'ilia the honor, in ettothig i l
send you a Hat *Ethos, whisepedelly
. .
them*, vs
~, 1 trr.:,,,.,•,• ~, 1.1 •t . t v . kf,n , l ta r
Ido not et the o.X . llet 11 OVUM - ' r
lops; - lar , Ls' its
_,•eiapeeteills. l 'Wetc
r, mosso, who did setatene I - evi a .
it offroximeimUst,, 'from 641044 ItilitOtt
4 „v atti m*A4:::o Ppe •'. , • ‘ • ...-;* A . ."' ‘;..'"71 •
ne Ma of : iiiiiiiiirmy to art kantitso oieoailar
tiler Wafts . kly tkta,Flabar (I,llllok.folliks
a iellyli the 'pito orllontehldill, -•
Ws \kiwi taken - alsbot -301 4 0tisonerekt
whom fe a a OMR, lifAi N : -.,:-,*
So me powder wagene, h 41" ,
4 1 MEAN it'lllalt, l 2d•/* " ltilla;i
that my division has been the brit
the enemy. nas glogssl,2lApgitio.
' cella emiet the iriblist names ot..thiZiejdrei - '
I trust, mark yeti ettheill~tehlithedi
........- -. AL ..1.... -Al.
,tains; with - reithaot, --- 22.10,41(lerteltal s 7enl
humble' and Very :Obeslioet' wartaileVtine'lft
Oonatandieg the 7,irlit-P47/14-14-thl tic
' - I'il3 4 iimit'inforinitletiliiitiVe4i4edvid 'ool_
he under frpm 3 .0;000 , 40140442 inefiins. rzall
believe this 'Womaniser the; peleonori,.ia,
exceed that number ixinsideralffy.7‘!-- I
• " ,4 2.1121` AUSTRIAACREPOWLI• - •"H', -
The fallowing to the official belletin leaned lbytha
~ ,netritukfteverinnent:.
1 4Vizeirk 2(40i/stint, a - eril
Stadion.: talked readnisilisinee fay
breed metoltjon'ard Tegikeandziontebellos but
after hot fight-with lir:Pre:ll*U foltlykrPil
strength, retreated behind the - Po;',
A'he efar. ,- AisstilWa Voirespihriiinfee,rof , th
210, , contain*: the following alliqientlnflPfamude
Sion on the enbjeat : -
(4 On - `the 20th indent, (din: ttidiciii
eieonnoltering- party*, to tlearn the lintangtitatad
positiop of the enemy!" right wing. -The Austrian):
adverts:id' toward Twalio and''Mo6tebello, Where
they - met the enemy. in' sialwiloi feriae:- Afteret
very :severe , confileC Gen. Otadion.dnsw - book hiet
troopitin I)9##:et-order to the lafthatatof the Po,
'after - havhig; Imitator, 'thread -the anima, to elm
ploy Ida whole strength."`' • t
The Timm% correspondent of thia*Onden Tin*
-soya that the • Avatrian..foroe monsisted ,o,f,thr;:
bilged**, mat the;
their loss abo t
the comae as that `at the - lit'reaebi-f
• ,PARTIOULARS OP TAE - fige t ril)-:14,4711414
Th• Elaidinien GoirarnittenCli ;laitied, the to -
loYriig bulletin:tin regard to xi editstbittle
' Topny May 21 To-doy the extremeleft of
army, under General,Olaidial.,foraed a passa ge
over. the Sesta;
_near "Verizelit, - , in' an admirable
manner:*MAW \flit pittA6Allightilea'ving
officers. - and,privetec se. prbonent i i tofu-her with
arms,,,wagans,and boreoli
'' ) `Wane,Slande2: • :May, '22 - -Chinerat Olildlii
• Wishing to - take poseletlon.of the sod of thirbridea
Of Vercelli, which adjoined .the; lett , bank -of, the
river, in order
,bythat . mew to ' protect the oetw
strtiotlon of andther'bildgii over the Sesta, eitove
foritard 'two colonies, which, after having passed "
the river, jolneket -the- aame point - the •,00inmite
whioh ()rested near Sege on the side next Albine,
was attacked by the Anstrlatis ie great force, aid
ansiained a fierce-oonfliot at a plaormalled7illati
The enenty",eratOtotiever; raided, and our troops.
established, them:leiter In Porgi'Veraeilli y'the
other column - crossed ithe'Meshi 'near Ostpuoirki
Vaeohi ; _ard-after. bating anrprleeti4iveleompk.
hies of - the enem y, remained at place. - Otir •
loss is itisigailloant; but that
aoreAderithle. ,:Thaltiodenisee, after having spiked
Abeirmannon _evaersted pallsa r lsystnfilth end re-"
ireatedtd Offie „
Ttrtittr, Mobday , May in -L.Yelittitilaytheeminiy:
appeared in great.feree,at-Ralestre c etiat ..the
jeot of obstructing the march of the. reeonnoiteiing ;
paitt; ithielt had - taken lite'diriatioa of the Beela t .
by- order of ,the Tfiog or Barad*. Ilhei
artillery -was, however, t aps:toed in every Taft."'
The Austrians bate
shot an ittitalluititrof eight ,
perrans, In-whose hone." , Allatriiiillittultid , been
found., ,Ther,Preneh fie" eileilitet-fleateggio,
where'4bay, arejoitlfilng -themselves. Yager.
- daY Pri4ob Nagdeolt toOktile deport's:re - for "Lee"
YrA despitels,dated :Vienne, kay 22, says :„ -
"At, Mon, on - the-21st instanti - about - 10,000d'
the,prancolardlniaa _army attacked' nr troops,
ntunbaiing 3,ooo,,atMerobiti•• , our vita... l ' l 4'o"A
fightiadte Ortepga... 'At thteitaae, tiotacelAtis - -
,14 1 4 4nrilodee hurried to, the etecnae,, and threat , „,
ailed e 'attempt flank; which retreated *tor* the ,
Beale: to the western tide of, the'rlfer." '
' '‘"
('08,NN.4, May . 24 tiako;Preziebs'troOpi
have retioaied across the' fleelei. to the western
-hank of the river at Borge.-.:At 'Verealli„ a Pled
montage penadroe ;dreamiest- has • been test; to
flight by an AutrianrabannpiteillliP,lltbv 046. - 1
bal Alta
,entered.Virale, yeaterday evenhig With
WAR hems
„. . • „ , .
The .21foniteur oontaine the anno u nceme nt the
a note bad' been, sent to foreign - Governments to,
thearect that the commerce of neutral States will
be respeeted, and the prinoiples laid dcwn:at Ile
Rerie Congress observed, pledgee theYreneh (164`
vernm'ent to the protoooLannexed to the Treat.* of
rade, onsets that privateering is and` remain* abo
lished ; that the neutral Bag covers enemy's goods,
With the exeeptfen of contraband of warOmd that
% neutral goods, with, thwexceptioc of contraband of
war, are.not.liable to , captors. under an enemy's
flog; and 'that' blookadeg bider to bebindiner,
intuit be 'elfeotlie pthat ta, must be Maintainedi by
a , foroe auelotent,really to 419,Taue . gaggga .1 9 :to e
coast of the enemy. . • • _ ,
The siege fleet wig -fitting ant 'it Minion: With:
great lipeditibh: -Inderendent of screw:liners arid=
Frigates,-it is to .00ntist of :tem gere_wgun,l3oats,l
gettable for 'Pie elialloW *yes Of 'the -Adriatic.; ,
''l he babel iittirimentifirti so urgent thatineichant I
Nesseld are left *ithottt orewsw,,- .
Paris, 4 3 a trO ;annorposei that;the.Frenelt ,
Illtiveininent bid speed. to
,tetiliander itt Rrotee ,
' thert the nein l deg of inatany.
~ /vemall,Frenolk forow:hadJandedak.Laghoria, ,
andwas received with enticuilasm.
;The blockade of 'Vaidee;- liar tlieladfoletng
470513 t, was annatimietto , theAnierian oorsmieder
me idt.y•
- :France le fad p . batret raiignfaed the oentre li ty
of Naples. • ” ;
-I tit stated that an;ooa - Aristriane,wererabout to:
ooneentrateltet - Nantriberg- • i t -
A,ll. Bl lP4toh,lhtn.Botn4 says that the AU t ars
had,leftShinicr 11611111 in and Ceneentrated them-
Mt theilterAdde, and that the Frono4 'and
, SatiintalkitAfem 4 4 1- am In t" ie ( 1 1 two
Balsa Federal Connell, 4
,Stin 0 a
iroperdes of sherpehooters, ova ' , company_ of :
• hasseurs and liattaltOn 0' 1 0 4 449 to the
te ' n .,T e P lL 'itre
Haiti the,
At, woe. reported, via,Pr
' Augtrish' datallmenti the flago -Maggiore', had
tr io ra r sm fgaed i i r ,: l 11,11
.„ ; 1 1 , A
see einee she 'rnsietntoit or, the tom - under ,
'prirsiefflitpOleet4 the Austrian Will retied OA the'
'mina ar
at.ii.:44.6 , 44-.::: - .- - *. t,
appw.ta"!P:lniir. is - : •
- ' - .
sit.Oiliqe.sor• '14,1": *if : . - ; ---:'-
tie:" - " , ' - "; , ' i- -. - .,..... - .,.;:."
. 11,,, i0V0A4 4 4/10kiiiatAxibixourb:.4 .
Keilveicpieta. - : - 11diam.6::
TimeilstriTe • Wgiiia'AikiiilloOssr.
airii44.* • -- .i&doroi,6•o”*.
•1 1 .i44' simuo:ait .' - .Ikkiepoitimsc..
-It: v. 68
- 1 1 1 kflilimMOtle.iff z i
Oka Mt* Wary hail.welif
Nenedieemeirtiteotive Lew" -
111 " 4 " "°11 0 r
Prelervaidelli s e ,
The Naplierehrveibondent of afire:4mi Tifoul
•ta3Y that the lkanpoiltah filltrwilosat baA N/Adir
overtures to Ragland for*,thei r _aad Wei;
the* had been responded te in 614)414
The Leaden P•4l slutosuldatkailizolaid wa s
4betilt to vend Sir Jester ifildsoti ce riikka tor
Naples, sod that Brass. and PardfothWlPXll alto
Shoot to Mkt eliplostekla ropraasstativaa,
Thai soresapsoileabeidenulni'm
wll/ ba
.little or no sharks* in the 'GNUS" polloY Of
Aultzle, Bbs will endeavor to leaks friendoriwitti
Paula, bat will oat ortad 401112114 or the Ports
decoorito from linepry smettreiwele alarm
mid there mot, Ammar Sr agar, be aatleue
I Matarbailoom If eartypeka a p era not made. /'he '
country is fall at agents who net airport
The Etatirq;:at Rieefot iv wild to nave - written ,
' an 11141110allipll !stilt:to thsfitaltasy *11,4 with m
piiiikasoffrievidririg dim vowtos Widows or
Mir, sad eawaint hho that km will take care
e grails fa/ shall 114 wa r
afeekbla in a' -
sollBl7ft .IMKIIOIIIII,IIII*---011Tilalkili
nittayiSth', - a lialloilitatYlidirlk MOW ..W;
held. in the lame room of the Pie.47111111 - X4l,
Dtarolnistar. 8I:417 pert of the balding, with, the
timption.oe the ,fralEsty, far adtilisloh which
ono abtlltsgtru deemed, wee ereineled,tereasees.i
The dbefintan indkifigraade , la,lniet . lpitiehr he
hi.Rouartit, wilawweeleadi7 alirik4lll:l_4:l4"4l„d.:.
WO ilvad stirtiss limas sal ha AlliaMeTei
belLevedthat ki;herd e-
tillrthaWattdirlio;lffititteteittfat,:tbi . rderpbtre
tkitelYlapaiklrt.4tAlfekaticirbtftkifaltafte - 4r
AMPatter rratleaeith — aratitii4tirklMMlMitla
lemc If *Mt
astionlifirelear Arabia
arm efitlistjatellirt - thitre tolgtit plittzhe
~sione interest eruptiontr among the Vbile'Jlfft
na for end be, (M Bomgtb)
traded, rema i n thlet.Engliatt_lieold.' actitral with
"respeot Milesitot ireriii-Ret-elefet
ly neutral, there mut bet long and jgetertd:Sare
-pearr,wori:,,ltr ootteldelon, ha call ifettiike to,,E9g
jawl a. poor heti* 4141 , -his
flight from the fangs of "egatitet-
Iyhorn he fOght for liberty, and phook'ber:iiifer
eat Ott! It witlifdee=low that ifYilLifred
Ife,ooo - , lttusetaat Jrirateirl "tiap,-.t -- fLoad Apr snail
Let; then , -Peoplee eteßeataid ratee,aloud.t air
Toile; - ' end itifeistimA-lbet ttheyl . thire
the - minietere of :Rattliad - ittly:7"'froad::Otket4l
Let them tetra that Eriglatid:had'i'brolliar't lays
for iade'pendenaiii and wourdtiot_abed ottirdroptaf
bloOd' for Atitriazi oPproalloir. , TObeart.t:; , Vet
Atistria,: lie foreliciat bY'Etattsmil:ava-thelV'ekte
`would be foreaken by God: • gtheert - 1:; - Let Irak-
Lipd - blip,. herself- oat of hairpi- , wat hie 'only
prayer ; 'and, Mr: is Perttag mord' the peopteof
Idanoheiter,: st.:_tord *hick might be lifilitt:ta
their et r he_ theta' eier atterebetaid i witivoke
:the bteitipti Of' thieAtadighty upon Eagisnd,}afid Mt to titi - ottairiakrastion;:bUtime. lo-7 -' "
11C,',.1Cimitli, - "iyhd - bid Ariiikint ?an litay , and a
quarter, - here-tat down amidst loud , applavitetbe
whelrrtedteiterr!ritingiS , Bieervdt!Ptheageratlemen,
then addrtattd- the Patettag•ir
Murtnan:—At 1f O'clock - A M." lak
day, the .Firet police were Miradtd by the a*. of
" reorder ',' in Aor#A street,
_and notng:to the spot
they found a man named, Daniel Farrell with two
Ortini la Ms left - adde;onentibielt had penetrated
hie - heart and thri tither hie Rinks. taken
to the atition;house; where lei ioon,dled: iPatriok
and Dennis Mullen were ialleated- on :eneplolon
-and - John - Yoder-was , detained „as • .witeese.
A bloodj_knifo was found „"ili the "vieinity - "„Of the
dying'man. - ' '-'` "
Farrell was one of the orew of the frigate Minne-
India Lw be; like eer - eral of:bideldpmatee,liad fallen
,into bad oempeny.. Ideerly. iserim, hundred dollen'
it dui him for,wagesiandibn)euititherkeWein of -
thwart yary attontiva - tolie
Young Merman, who had for tic or: threi , Year&
bee' livityt lirthit atty4esterdarldstrfed for his
native land ho'johi the - armies of hie- country, now
in theleld. Eyerymale child born in thr_oonn
try it registered and required to give, in timed of
needs, yeara' Woke, and in time pf War,'elg
yearn, to the King 71' he leered:the , trountry•be
-fora'ariiving at-81 yule of kg., holm *ogles_ ite..
curtly for his return when be &Maine histniY-
Hence young Male had to go Molt, or, itie' fath er
had to nay $ BOO aanforfilit to the "Oevernitient.—
ThealiWg - "TiMati',4th.'
Diem ot '„Qili'Fionienii.4Geitige'Aiol-
Man,`:tine of et
hid realdenee:nilarridisnapollrinnTineday week.
Hie preoles age was not known - ^'-tint thesiTho,had
the beat_oppeihmity,,of.judging -in , regard to it
inppoeed hews* *bent one bundred'yeare old. ,
* He
settled nehr'indianaindis in possessed
. extraordieitry-eonslitriticaiand 'Continued en
tlve and vigorous up to aehert Siete previonato hie
death, and, setatned_thittosof 04 ;mental faculties
tilt his last memento.. „ „
ASAD.—Trro little sehool yearn
Old, while 'Winer.. reins.", 111. - Allegheny oily on
!Thursday, quarreledoihen one ,lenny Ellin - atm*
the other; Eliesbeth;oli the-heed ; nod :pushed her
: 4, 71111,!' "noon Aotnneelload
vomiting and. ebilkieg, anenihe.dled.rbocorsolree
o'clock the saute day.,....Dr.,,Hirou is orognion
death :fright shoik to
lei 'neryek as there eras- no
- Tex itgahivs of the' late Alexander Hata
bizried thirty-seven yearr agi in the New
Haven Cemetery, were day,ev, :Pp) eine* ex
humed-for the purpose uf being removedta , Bridge
port, (where his son's remain* haVit' Within a few
years been deposited), - The Coffin being of malts.
gany, was found to 1,41 algiTit perfectly sound—ao
InnOif 80, , it 4rill said; the , 'sexton :tumid, or did,
etand.upon it tp
• !The skeleton appeared
Atitittd*, in'tho.death of
tiamnel >; daughter, by
,droweing; oe-
Pikked,near - Old" Bridges% Middlesex county, New
gerifetilastlditaday.: - While accompanied by hie
=w - Ite-sonoianghter," and father-in:law, he was at
tempting to cross a pond live, amall..boat, she
,began to,sink. • The party then juneiod . out, de-
Agniiii to awini, *len Mr.lllll 'and - hie daughter
*ate oartted ~to the hotto*. - :• • L
A itiri ant,itaibit recently emerged from
the muddy depths of the Minch:l4ot, ant , trawled
Upon a wharf tin-New Orleans.. Raving taken a
l e i sur ely, surveyur ; the civilised world, he began
slowly-4o dratitimself, up the wharf-Abyrerd the
levee. efts neenancl killed by bloarefrbta be
hind, no etiolating to fate the monitor: 4Mit was
ton feet 10ng.. ; , • - '
:et Norwich,.;on Th u rsday,
nnderfook-teroc*.'s. little dog, by'rtYingh - igone
to Mama& and- throwing'himintwthe river.;'but a
big dog ,- said to Wit relative; plumpet,jete th e
Water and pulledlittle dog Opt,' - 24 0 , 11 x-Periment
was repeated, the third time .and „often: tip ! and
be_ Irled 40 1 4' :Ned* leaves
B tis' Poiiii;,:till'o' - was'reperted to-have
'beed ltlßed 'in - NewlrCilivbY.her-liusbaitd. at art
inqUest. on SaturdeyoratiehoWn'tolivedicdfrom
apoplexy, Peed - Weed' War ego,reie.dritking. The
Inebaiid wahielaaseil from milady,
Vais'yitrtbikalready made its app estrattes Ise
- -tht(vtbeitt BL - 111ary'S sousty. MOW*And
;wrap. are mild w by toOluopitoingtomPs
._ ~ , it Cr: ~