The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 31, 1859, Image 2
tkci; ‘ , ,r, ; • - iio n. , - slow -,Vkigiiiiridtilliii*gyiiiKttei*lT Of, *O44PICIIII,rt *4l-4 a;l ,- : . i***4 -4 f , r 4k fox Oti!ttitlFA Pii4,4olV-I**C-00i0 1010,0***14.14-414: • 30iii*01*** . fliiikkir i l 0. 4 tii i i404 . 1, riai ** ****** l 4iii i4 10 1, ;44, ;044.4 6 ,. 0004-AillOe, - .4ooikeigi:Y ll . 3 *.# lo t 4ll !':)*- - f 45 - ti0u.00.0,4114i A.":50011011;?./1 0 h d.m Btradelia to pad .:;1111:4(-,'It kiti*,-i****,*,;;;;;.-Alsirts i;:flaifir ?:14,041. Aiii***ll6);AiAittall>ettli,Vb.lAWL I:**4 l #*ik3**4iik**oA* t b, - ,1 1 S4t*4;W:d4T.Oj;*tk i k t *t l Or e lVi)# ,rk *oo* Pf!)W aonritiy 4_ , ViVidlitii.o4)."iiiiiaiwutitifio4ii.bin c at ;!rht..4 4 0:0_ 1 0 ,- A r Oujidis works, ixof of 1; 114rioor;' , o'il lit ire ti the: I.Btit hior ; - srotedgpAuitei 3,04 * ., -,t.ol4. , , L igi l ,i4triectiAriPinglilikted - ;brthk: biz OfS blliiikaitiOsi at New Ws.l•sru.,that,to doubt exiett o! the; removal 4134 tr j :; 1: • , .Ab 4 eiriF;RPOOP 4 O t Akrii iii#4o.lllsl 4)**7- 9#;* 4 1010 moo; P Of fo , orris, :«Kitoi*teic‘Atiz4ivAi t iTi 4 OA; 45t!' - Wifferf;tesiiiii!siistivh:fiireeolitkiittlitai t sittazis taii -=.- titiefanYfieheral aVthnifettinffittitios hat ,reeent/Yifaraiabed ihtt. Yiiebeiiiiten general with an • - .: ( lf*kf),;r kAUßlk l 4.o.that4ttialintlNO P / #' '!4k! , 94 14 1,4 4 1Pai*,#014,4i4 14 t , P 9 # 1 9ii; o ttAft'4/44.#9.4.4404#10,r14"1- 'tethiliethit-P,a6o - Witifittaliti4th - stiastnimiettees , oftitnnalitf , Aiiitfl4;lBs(tifinVint h inifillitt esuiraota ties the foreign% peetithairrlei ) 7 te , bnitiftt' tnintty,itt;•;thiE,Treaset•xeotl . .otheio Comptroller ok the TA1ri4 1 6 4 644444.4 4 0)1 1 4.04 4 :* itAi) „qtY4(4 se M 4it A* , * l.*eat! 1 0 0,04- I ,r gla,a!tv: *1410,04. _t'story tgo;L:tis*dzitiiistiedi; 041001#41*EttoA4 , 10%.,a,)titipr}kkin; • ivi 10, 1.. t, p; Trsbee, 14 of city, ,napreeetiti ittfitikdLappiobaiioc i 0 OW tiotiser,thit. Zeit :eon that enatttiy:4l4umehtly rettaeatiag the ockojeqnthln, • ; I;'i theAtairitoliticmeanntier • W ioael7l ), Court, .1444 the Grand, 44 - ititothisailatelthet'ZOeoy;Aii7iDlPP, - • laws - iow :,7104W' s •WISit*di'y'velitsi4Jiiatito 0165)14 rrive d 4', r- - /lot VOlit4taefehtaz? 7041,A,:411#1it,)01-111'01.00411",hii: wife; Judge; „Parker, Nis State joweptiug - attb~rney . N o.ret- '°°s/**AOYX'"TV!4r°-if;Vg:stst i kr;: i Ai 4 O* e- *i.k ' 3i:. T6ii that smell amount ci mousy', were toned In her pocket , ttft4fakitWit#, ~.`-ahtfaitthlt.,tte.mittif'WEed , fatty: ~qtreiios•Aili:alook of eliiidre n . xtilif4 4 lo l4 o4o;-4*4 1 744 1 0:'; - /*4*ififel' ' 'lb. suit a gainst "a ll ge `. asseis ou Seek;rfoiN*; In the ,ifetted stniati;Dlatilt4fecatit,AitiC'wteiei-'l44"Ohhiiiik iiii4eif*W*Jgaatteit , %,erion' , the tilanit=4lsibti • In thewhere thneaaitrAtteettiak,eteetkint:%ta, the Reek,lebtad! bridge, Judge ' diaT.ean , In A.1,0 1 ., 1 44 Elt=tes.9,4ll • ,ault tlouTt;'entlie motion pr: tut tejatiotitin, ground bfeettait With' that 'of the defendants this iridtathnalfeetaiinheisiiithi*iiit feet Humphrey; Marshal l, of 'Kentuckj , bte filially. - • eationtled.4o deafen theinnalastintitorteeitaiiN ' y the Oppoet thou, t4ltittipaqatipti:4l4tki#o"*ekeye,i ,, ,,:;:. , 1 ; arrived iietlieStkOhe4ll 011 04. weir tattivr - tiftelek ifOrieleflifteinnolltinethan a re ewal of in oohntetttaii*ltle(phitito `atfraiisi••the' . priient iffoidf Pa the '',oPPertnetty-to indulge my. -- cherished pose to teams the'. agitation of ,pabllo titteettene to;othartt, lii'whOtit . bands they will be better; directed than .• t f Afki10. 1 4,00,91L , WekrAnt l l9,4 l l o-.44:ttnnounee , that the Philanthropic 14 . 46 ;Am Excelsior. the 'Rrottenbeig LGsdge . (4elnitilt)jOil.-41Pcor tle4oi , l o ,4have forwarde+i, donatione ' to. the ", Monet " Vernon, "iletee'ritiargi TieNlee,ltigent for rinnis.l.l eietse • - rgemeS iidjirkuitzitions referredgoetereifily folkiitedbiother bodkmi Vide Atiat;tt: will -nit im, len& before ever/ "Oeitellow , eitizens hayecon= ; tribtiteit I.olN).'ivtireihatie'oi • the - Home' and , Graff fikw*lvistiliaivir.: • • May;Festival atV.i.he - Acaaemi Of Maple; Parti•al stfolf by bii aapygifilbal , itttsetad , s crowds!! bola*. 't What . 1 0:1 4 ,- , 0,1110 ,tiatighat iiehildriae•party ayoa vary larylizits.,=Atit,lit what it jourj -altta , ; •• avortati weti. yard by _ the ' great-14'qt ehildretti'taw fe= the platy; be irate pirtui and tritafittly,sttirad, esa• c•rth• slaty& Ina 'dad '44i lahoiAttrai-atas deserilisithif iiiriortskiiitiii of sbe eettotte a gatleptorbey-eleinsfl iititittlijewilay• Om sunray, tbrit that the au= 'dinoo4l4lo4stetiteltbive Abet the Older , teem plebeed. , We'' qua ::4minii;,Witiv*GtAiient‘fliiiinettL ours:lk "and Air Theii= , quadrille folka=4 , 640 4144 11 461110iYubi11ii. Wfeuexvn +eri." tkiktirkriitt► oattiumtf_ ;` - ?rett-Pitti ontib l eapej- end xi= Bit lii ti}~i ~, f 1 i941teir40444 • t-next, ,s , lboy• iiii141364:44 1 442gby-a 01111- iemale, juditidust, 'ai11itc,9040.::4040,147 1 1/4141h''dolek *kb , 0s: a od; _ vioorfoitioniisg6al,, , qoatlivadoltie r fa likch*rt=l34i 4144 NA ;• - gitOtit* - 40*,1!..Edeti,!: tben bore c!tem il'ite'...6e;ll).eitibi; by 0 ehihreanied Neapolitan 443 /. 6 t-1,4 1 / 1 10 ; , , 1 04>ft4iettY Tyroleiet Ones 04404 _ l ‘ ,l lksif4 s loo 440, 1 ;10411111 10 16 4 SW: Munk , ti 14011 4.; 1 041 1 4/ filia°4 ,r) ,4 o! -611 " 11 ) 67 Noo (44",iir:41 , -4 1 14 bi Iki,- rAtiA3W $4*,904,14t 1 i4.010 4 1 11 ' l *M-#metly+ fp*m - 4f,liiiil44ouVlotor songs,: !1111#140904 5 ,:06014 , 4iteiiatoffitat4o hesetbt 'l - " ,- 19YMOttekkiirs' pOteotAirilaignibtiattOotio ,,, dam* -,.,1"0`.011#1,1001,.,41P0i_m41itt!'''444/460* , ' ; :-;. : 77, -,i.„o:Tt-F,T.„ - 4 1 02 1 0 1 0 44 *) 104 *'1 , 4•43.iibi par- Sit 'r !OV l A . ****4 o,lll4llll ooo l4 / 1 1 4 "" 1 *; 14 3 4 } - Wtti. l l. llo frjitiotiobigwigo' u t f l 4 lIIIVIK , -#44,,f0 , , - iiiiikioillicialtiot•,7 li i i'3ls6l ' 94o ::#olloll.**._ I. , , , eouriE;oltb. Ihiadilie it itie ' , piigirAqte";ifkite.;,;',l*46,l;,ACidt:afititir;+*iii; 4t-ilie.lol44o***ln*:lna *CuAtill't #y& •",..-"- V O - 4 ' :_ i sMCAis l . 4-4. 044 7 1.4 ifif- 404 '' , 1 0 4104-s 4*4 l Li,i - vgliti*Oop _. -' t • liiio itg - - x:.: ,t - 1 441 ~', 0* .air; ~ , ,4 - sif .: 17,. ~„ 44iiv- t , AlifeCVArite Ira the rope boutineOverr 4 •"- -- An'ileiralef arithc• "- And' Mats-aright ' • -•- A •-, ' - )-8411 ke i'POn'!o° d oes Itettor from i' 4 "occitelOrittle" J. peetiotolly-,:seferAii,.oot : [Ocala eridieneit of The Prais.j spot of:earth which hiusYMore'intereet fol. him „ Wa'sumaiona hhiy 39,1869, • `theta, WS native village otp:OFf The enceese of the Opposition party In Virginia, ;OL • tlin•Btigle,dre' fat ierdekngtdr,,t'e n :frhterelie , while it teeettes another severe legion to the Dra ifermenly kept vVeO I nneracy, is "sunaMtible of /media/ reading ; before 'imall:lettle;where hand which' subs°. miming to which let me say a few Wavle as tonome of the characters who have figured , in the late '...nitsently::.inditeri, the . mournful melody of o d rpaignin th th e stlitate I l ha t v i e °lrefully avoided !, 441;1,4. 411, - !!'.Pflpe.„ ands , of ter lasso!. -°°°- son s re, a te g oanto neit h er Virginia a e r e t c o n n eit n he a r n th e a x t te w n h d- l e oh iitatitliiriefe,he4Mite:',Ocereecon to draw Wen- rallied under the banne r i of y Leteher. nor that led :tioeates-W__e,,,,liiii sten alsbinbe :en b y gogikan.,.,,,,e- no' ed -to be 'animated - ley lofty wad ifewlirsirk; - eitist,Velth, :a charming ingenuity, eomprobenerve Motives. Let:ober, in a moment of t iletnelfylaYettiqUfforlibinettideril. -- We have impulse; - (whether just or .unjust =amounts to Ofteit:lneirCtintneed by gentling, in our own nothing,) Borne' ten years ago partiolpated istsPeni, sPlilionembleal or historlealasianagraph,- v .. gran weste:Virginia, in the course of which apparently eisunolating some greet truth, but ° ovement rnfor the gradual abolition of eta haed not hesitate to endorse certain ideas darn : inveriabirendilig_ with earnest, and, ne gatory to that institution. When nominated for sinribt;'Sneat disinterested advice to the public Q(Pillintoi, and these his opinions were paraded 'to .- - ,finrtifelr: Wearing apparel_ at the Stone against biro, as might have been expected, ho pro . Clothing ; :Half 464-j:tonne adventrirous Over- needed "to recant them, and in eo doing to gloat 'ilser,'WhO".tiniiiiresses his establishment into over certain Tedelent pro-slavery prejudices. lila general ;notices - Exactly so with Mr. Beer- opponents sought tb outbid him in this question :emir Ife - h full of:Chaining: deviceitci press ble game; and though he was violent in declaring ,Washington,Heighta - , Into:Public notice e: his determthation to stand , by slavery to the last , they were more violent in taking 'owns ; a little let be - : rieekir - land on • that me ground ;' and there were lateral territerr,-.with a(cockney and est- causes which entered into the canyon, unnecessary " - desnOWlehes tti,And 11,-Mirchaser. No other to discuss at length. Mr. Weber had -united earthly motive, roaid: induce pooh a man tra 'himself with, the: personal-enemies of' ' Governor be perpetually harping OD' that same theme.' Wise in former etraggles, and, although Governor As 'far' the; Celebrated harp •of a thousand Wise and hie immediate friends supported him, strings, only onetune could be got out of it there can be no doubt that Labeller's position in when played by hint-namely, the glories-of 1855 (when Wise ran for Governor) was remem bered to his' disadvantage by hundreds of the ad , Wesisingtou Heights. misers of the present Governor. The - most import ]?Pereasitle; in,Prlday'a Herald is an Sr. ant of thelnfluenoes that paralysed the Demo - ticle;riesFly two/Columns in length, entitled orate of Virginia; however, was the fatal example cc What will become of the Pope 1" -In this set by Mr. Buohanan'asd his Cabinet at Washing aro dilcuesed the chances of the Pope's ton, and this was seized upon by Mr.- Goggin and having :again to fly from the States of the hie friends with 'admirable The treatment Church, as he did during the last Italian revo• of the public men generally Of Virginia by Mr. Intion-;his prospisets of 'seeking an asylum:ln ,Bnohanan-his backing andtllling on the Kansas question-his notorionef , the .Ealeario-' Islet;-thee insecurity Of hi eavoritiOnin the dietribu on of offiee and contracts in all his departments trusting himself in Aastrik Or France, Russia ti -his simpletons relationship to such men as Ben or l'inkey,L-and tlth-PrOpriety of his betaking nett and Wikoti; and the necessa ry denunciation himself to the United Staterk- r •or rather to that of moat of th ese influer oar by ou ch n journalists as • veryinna , an , very rowdyish portion of it Mr. Prior, of the Washington States-not to speak know ea the city of New York I He could of his double dilemma on the tariff question, and ,reside(Aquoth Nesnerr) with.- Archbishop his crooked record in,regard to the Peottle,Ball- Hiram:es; and el every Protestant sect," Says road-all came in issue , and -when crowde d upon -the:" sate authonity, " would, vie with the. the shoulders of Leteheiyalready . Weakened by Letoher's attempt, to back water onthe question of Catholics and each other in 'giving him a wed domestic slavery In Virginia, so hampered and td, this - asylum of all the persecuted' of debilitated him that he 'fell,-after two or three ' weeks Of the canvass had " expired, and was half .:11ruithermine,.. the' I New York Herald de- defeated before the election day arrived. ':clitres, , what BO* will deny, that c; thil is the But the success (for, however partial, it is a unmet C,Ciatholie country in the world"j-the success) of the Opposition in Virginia, and the "Catholic population, we aro told, being two coneequent necessity of laying down some national' out of thirty millions. platform when the general Opposition come to -'Mr.Esterterr professes to be very deep in gather in. National Convention, is by no means a ;theciseerata of_the White Rouse. Are we to pleasant fact for a DemOorat to contemplate. Throughout - the entire .South, as far as heard bOlteivis that be speaks with authority in the • . rfelle senteneca 1- , from, the Opposetron leaders are committed to the extreme' doctrine that slavery rarest bo pro , I ,- "Itittlhit; Pope therefore eseape at once to Now dad ' the T r'e -Thesele•ttiers a Areibishop Iltighes get up a petition 4° """ s' a re men -- ,inviting hills to demi, We .will gladly,eignie for of extraordinary sagacity and manhood. They :sine.Ttod thereto not'a decent mania the city who cannot afford to go back of their pledged word. "wilt refuse his Signature. 'Wereelongress in ses-, Look at the' list. In' Virginia, It includes suoh folon;„that' boar might order a national vessel to men as the editor of the Richmond Whig, Mr. s 'convey; hine'• - to - the United Stable; • but, in the Gorein himself Mr. Sommers ; Beteler, of , Mr. or, the :ismergertaiy, Wihateno doubt the President,',if ap• tO, would send the'slearn frsgate Niagara, Winchester Congressional district, the Pendletone, plsoef,or some other s uit a ble thin, to hritig him to the the Smarts, and others. In Kentucky, it includes -shores of she .New "World." , Crittenden, I. F. Bell, (the 'present Opposition ( ';.:Anshiltietfiref obtaining the title of act good candidate for Governor,) Prentice, of the Louis •Citholie". (holies Originally intended forthe vide Journal, Humid:trek Marlshall, Dr. A. K. 'priesthood; ; -,and, then airily ettired . in - the Marshall, and men of the same mettle. In ,4ighltinisi.l4/ and broahans,- bapalesoly enders"- Tennessee, there are Netherland, the present vo'ied to learn Ly.tin;) Mr,Hriestarr may be Very. Opposition oaudidate for Governor ; Sere Clemens, angionittearie the riirm;,le a said refuge.- But; James C. Jones, Broahlow, goUicoffer, and others. Most of those men 'are Americans, but they are with a ll 'h i ° iffWen ° ° st W i t i4hln g t°l3, w ° ra' more especially interested in standing well with then think thathe will,riot- be 'Sado, to prevail their people on the slavery question ; and, looking , • . • elitliq.,Byturaiekta Cc, send the steam frigate at them Dimply as politioiand, they may be rfilagaret; ; Orstime other suitable Ship, to bring - with those who differ from them radically on those , ti=the shoree of the New two heats in their own section; for this' allows . - them, their . home status, as they have been 1 r • line , it an : Hei • ' Bays struggling against the Demooratio party for f -the countryyears, It is' true that John hi. Betts, who ffThe'moet,;enitsib]o , part` is a bold and original thinker, In quite ready to go fin ‘th,CreSidercin ef2.thee,Perre -would be this into a National Convention - a nd make a combine Einisirg",lifteilk• - Wii,' - do,' nor 'object. .If the don simply for Success, ignoring' slavery, Amer!: r„,44. 0 40 0 , cense hither, whether with or with- canisin, and other questions , and placing the cam suetlifr; = liiioniirant's aid 'and patronage, 'he, pile simply upon the general ground of opposi. • )11, ny,Aereil 'reside in NeivYork, as out of it: that to the Administration Hat - Usti game will Bilrhifrailillti; CS and that :part of it known OS not do in'the pregent and coming condition of pub /Winking/Ma' 'Heights, which will - -- soon 'rival he opinion. It would - answer if, the Democratic, tilie- r itineet - sithinba of 'the moat beautiful' titian party of the' United States - accepted the Admits istreitipa or tolerated its Acirthomings ; but neer, 'Offieitysor=',tif ceisise ! , 'There is'nething Bke when the most of the Democratic party are note* h).4hertl NO-place - co 'flue as New York,.3,no_ <molar against "the Adminietration, it will not do 'luburb ao wonderful ae Waiblegten fleighti. for any other organization' to make a struggle for Mein t ' mere offices outside of the assertion of great prim rioisis of the-"nwnirs of, the property in that oiples, ,for deserting which the Dereiseraoy,"bf the Telefon : Would b• *llllreg to dispose of se at a fair tinker liana"- rebuked • an repudiators Mr .• be Obtained for the d - OcoatiloweL, ' eratierrof - two en three palaces 'and another St. • Titier'etohniett."', ' -:; - "Sronte;of the Owners t:--certainly one of' them, 4.'4134 Bsitixii , by name. He Is of the owners •of property, m _that regiob " Owns, lot; -with a "wills" ripen =it. He would._"‘ be "willing_ to' dispose 'orit at - a fair ,Orlore s " What his ideai:sf $ fair Priae would he: restal with liimielf, end:What .remains . to hied Cf::a Conscience. - W the Pope can biy, the quarter, acre - property-men will sell-of - contsei . only „at cg a fair price." • the "prespeet of driving this bargain, ,Binary, becomes highly '"imaginative and alnaltht, poetical. :He thus dilates :- .; „ 3 , "Bat hy:all Means let us have a new 'Vatican,' a Lateran and a Quirinal.' with " their, museums, Wilt oaths - models of the Roman palace?, and let tlictreleures of ancient aid - , modern art which -theeeasid•the Roman Oapitoreentain, be removed by .the'Yobe= to ttm new edibles: Let him bring anti Mei she sculpture and paintings-the match leat,,!Apolio Belvidere," the "Laeooon " the 'Hy , IngAllediator," "Venus in the Bath," "Venus Oozing eat of the Beth," the "Rape of Europa," , nebe;" the "Spirts of Diana and her Nymplus;" ~-“Dancing Panne," "infant Lives" stud' Laughing:Graces." the "Archangel Tramp• lingtirriElatan,", the "Virgin and'lnfant Child," thie,‘ , Last" Supper," the 'Hose Homo," and the . - "Transegeration"-with all the works of the great maeters.!.' , Easiet said - than done; r- The Vatican, the Tgainbuti; and the Lateran'cannot, be removed. No Blstti:lcrr larneets,:noi can es the immortal *noes, such as the Liberation of St. Peter , i'rOwx:/, 'risen,' the, I List4ndgment,' and-the AurPri: " But the treasures of art which Retie container. (and Bartivires catalogue in cludes some; which are in Florence) are to be „, packed pp. ;and 'brought over I If the Pope hie to ranter, his life, '(and there is no desire , tit see Way . „ endangered,) dbes Mr. ,Ilit lt om natil,*rionsly think 'that he can remove fr6m-e I : see:lmmortal paintings and sculls:: bite? several, shiritfirould be requisite to carry off all this , lAbove all, Would Itstlywonid Europe sane- ARM the removal? And what for 1-simply that Binsaner's. may„ite dispose, ec at a Mr price," - of Ws lot on Washington Heights, that terra, incognita on Manhattan Island., Which, ,up' to: this, is nearly unap a kioachablei„lii land, as 'the 'streets .and roads Intended to "connect it with the habitable and fiiitehitedPart of. NewYorkursiits yOtlaid out, evaded, and deeigned chielly-en Paper 7 , illesnerblfe; if any ; other tolerable offer is 'snide, before *- reties adventio America, Air, muse* fer, bes, nd jump at It. We dare ;lay that; the. Money would beet great conve nience t 0 Mtn' Vim' that his circulation ie un :Aleniablrfeti belaw 'that . of ,the N. Y. Sun, Which heulfobteined - the advertisement for un- AKllsereirAetters„al the -Poet Oftice,"on the. `Otrongetit preofaihat the Herald, with all its hirag,_ printed 'lnd sold fewer papers [Pl Beturasti, " BAVlDTT threw open hie to wills" 1,0411 the buying werld. , He" draws a delight `,RA finely , sketch Of that wonderful place-its .441eir ma n \ gerivellid walk!'; its garden and tisitse-feurtbV-foniy : _"green•house ; , its ' old *0;1M ; Willard 'room "and ten-phut:alley ; .118',14ablee suid.ociict4ouse,f its poultry house ,and yard ;Atria Itst ,apparatus for nianufaCta rhiirkgrun- 'This is es actly-the . dvrelling already idapted r for a rise ill If rho public-house, and we ,ili'describing it with 144 'Mlimtenetirotriet'aectleriepr, wants to draif_thetittinifini'eflandlords ' it.' 'Will ,nohodrmake. an - offer/ ' So doubt BENNETT wifitkithe biorioy.' , ' if he did, not, be wiluld, 11,TO:11tiletly - linAlie:Heighti; and not iisteeta: thfreali:'adiertise his “Wille,s!, ae - he does. Ahit - Xi; ,paiiiiwrs; self-pia= e#deil!,atil.f . l3,oltidid'aitiiii" Is very angry' ridiculed - big constant 're. "falitidicf!to,Washingt4ri Rejibts:'. itt very tipgry - : •••So:;.loelither jade wince? • t. . • - f'9?!;"-- The appointment- of N. B. • Snownw, P.llt:a.t.FOStins t ster of •Pblladelphia, in lilacs MrseToor;-,141,; ramOtineed iwinctbe, wathentie,newirtif the day. -Mr. tt!is the State. Senate from f§#'.4olo47.ignitis excellent citizen. •Re oriightt.oAnnhe,iipd we bope will make, an effi. , ''iltalt,(4 . 4kesseinuftidatinggostmester:. Of Mr. ?In! tfro9#;:*.hdlli ,- ;1. 11 0 _atiporsedes, =feel „...„kuil',A4lll)"9;:thilti4Ff;tilliis relations to the Y#4 4 P44 1 4 0 4 ttit),OslrSikSPer press, 4ito,far es our. Owtrerjew9eentitiesmOoapeikk k his has been an AllicbitiiiintPti:44 l 4tOnqv#PP b l ie servant, Xhii:eo ll o. , ooo4 l 4lre AgitiOS:tbe president:lo - poi doubt - /Mama extlAded -9 a P 4 - 4 !'•","1tt. d7 1; - • • . .1.-veg .- • • ";t , ' • ; , llisiii - • Skin TN* A.NNollr,—ttolimet ifii:ite,Ve s pn' ou s or: *lo4frOiat-iNitiiiatite.oarsan , fitzteeatti stub lame streets. TI4 nriesion NEN Apirit or their eTO. , 7 1,fis#0 11 0 NM". - B Y MWNI9IIr Funeral Ceremonies or Rev, John C. Baker.' D. • As was eipeeted t the funeril ceremonies of Rev. Jena 4).'l3inissr., pastor of- St. Luke's Lutheran Church, of ilia city, prior to' the removal of the body to Lancaster for Interment, proved very solemn and interesting. , They took place at the church, Fourth street, above - Girard, avenue, year terday moralog . The capaelonSchureh was filled by a sorrowing assembly. Among the clergymen present were the venerated Pother roller, 'Dr. Demme, Dt Mann, Wenzel, Schaeffer, Beer, Hut tei, Conrad, Titus, llogelbeeh, Sets, , be. We no tided, also, Rev. Dr. Pohlman, of Albany, and Rev. Senderling, of Trny. At precisely nine - o'clock, the body, laid out in a silver-mounted coffin, was "brought into the church, and placed, uneovered, In front of the pulpit. Rev: Roller 'announced the appropriate hymn, commencing with the words; ' , How sweet the Nana where Christians die," to., which wee sung, accompanied by the made of the organ, to a most solemn tune, by the choir and iongrogation, Rev. Dr. Pohlman,. of Albany, then road the. Lutheran liturgical burial service. This co:wind ed, Rev. B. W. HUT TON, of St. Matthew's Church of this oily, under the appointment of St. Luke's Church Connell, in an impressive out solemn man ner, deliveredan appropriate funeral d t esourse, which we will publish tomorrow. Letter from New York. LANTERN RETIRED FROM THE TURF—CHURCH RE ISEs $l5 000 FOR, 110 PICTURE—MRS JOHN WOOD—THE RACES THIS WEEK—HR. HALFIN AND THE LEADER—POLIONNATTERS—THE "LAY or THE LAST MINSTREL" (OFIRISTY)-.-OpERATIC —OPI Ton EUROPE- , -)rourar. AOD ' BONNER— WARD BEECHER—A CLERICAL NOTABILITY—JO. JEFFERSON GOBS TO LONDON. relorrespondenao of The Prenj NEW YORK, May 30,185 S Colonel Hall, the os ner of Lantern, bee withdrawn that glorious animal from the course, in pursuance of an announcement made some time since Hereafter ho will be .need by his proprietor as a roaleter, who has quite a notion for rapid tooling. Before Church Shipped the Heart of the Andes" on board the Persia, one of our men who pongee:gem large some of gold, c Herod the artist $15,000 for it, ldrt. John Wool le to be one of the Gongenhelm troops, at Laura reenobt Theatre. Th.yrommence on Moodily, June This Is the notable week for gentlemen of the turf, The races over' the Eclipse course commence on Wed nesday. On Friday the Illn!on stake, four mile heats, by sabrar'ption $2OO each, with $l,OOO added by the as. Notation, will be Tun for by limber, Tar River, 13111 Downing, Esglia, and Don Juan. On Tuesday, at the Fashion course, Temple and 'Ethan Allen soil trot, to atrgons for a puree of $2,000, mile heats, best three in five. !nob has made the fastest time on record b wagons. (2 2B) 'flora hasgone in 2.24)( in hams', and Ethan in the same time to the pole. There is much bone-talk, alt shout, Pill now. . Mr. Charles G. Halpin, the amatory of the post master of this city, bee bourne associated with County- Clerk Winery In the editoreittp of the Leader. The Lgadei is presenting the petals with the best' euchre Of sketches of our prominent men of the city and State tbatbms been' published. ' They are from the pen of life. Clancy, and are sot only dashing, brilliant, and witty, but hit the paillcular peculiarities of the Tad. out subjeots" with an aeon:Soy and acuteness that make them very readable and eagerly looked for. OapP , tai paper, every way, is the Leader. • Captain Pillsbury bee not yet accepted, and probably will not, the appointment of General Superintendent of Polio', Should he positively decline, it is not unlikely that Captain Leonard may be promoted to the Vacancy. Captain L. is concsidediyone or the mostoompetent men in the country for that piisition. Intelligent, expert eisied, prompt, and courteous to a degree, he would at out, 'nominee:id the onneldence of the public and the force, and impart to our groat municipal safeguard the highest discipline, character, and efficiency ' The «lent minstrel 11 WIC "laid' , in the Supreme Court of thin city, on Priday—that unlucky day haring witnessed the discomfiture of - George Christy. in the suit brought against him by the rival bonze of Wood. George to Injunited - from perform) ng until November next. In the meantime he appeals .to:ii a generous public," thrones the press, and announces that he chail be klooley's, late Christy's fdlootrofkl , every evening, to midst in seating the crowd anti Mating them oomfoctsble:- - ••• - On Wednesday, Btrakoeohla Mexican prima donna, Gortesl, dtbots In Sappho. To-night Placetoroth( farewells to the American rob llorend pioposee to make a email speechnieut In the Amalein Iseguige, Bff,lbeeph Jefferson, one of the funniest terrestrial beings in Ude headipbere i is engaged for next year by Mr. Eitclit for the new 'Union dguare Theatre, Grhl, b'resteolial, D'Aegi I, Haslet, end °titer Yireminent mastoal 'notabilitiee. are coming back to us next fall. Auring the weok ending on Baturday - 11st, 994 &st atus-passenger; left Ude port for,Turops. The Peseta took-226; Adelaide,!BBi Vigo, 164 Arno) i Wa ear, 181. Murphy has been- captured by 'Baines. The young meg& of chase has agreed to edit the ohm depart merit whisk Bonner, halt determined to establish In the Ledger, and for which be is to pay Paul large Horan - Wird Beecher area purchased a Country-seat at Peeks- Prlcri,4l9,ooo , - The Income of this ,4. p00r fleber man,' ie now at beet , 116.000 per senaina, -, • :r We hove antonptcut an odd clerical celebtlty, where 'striking eitaincierlailas bate been cletetly eketohed, by it'elwriclinden't or the VraehlogtOn 'RePatblis. This - torsonaga id-the Rev. Mathew Raleimlth, counsellor at taw; and eel:respondent of the Boston Joltruat, who r uttltes thelpracttlonor law and the preaohing or the Goal vielttilth liatri4 of itilierealiehilAbOiltlentsts, and etrOnktobiale4 women, and a horror or any connection THE PItESS.—PHILADELPHIA, uEsDAYs. MAir 31, 1859. between polities and rellgion. Ile le eminently Oahe.: dox end pro•slerrifyi 41'14 , 11 - jolt ;yew Qedoreing Daniel Lord orra llit!ita Ketetiont for their iretylattlablalabote in the recent, Treel - Poirenlion. tiro wee the folnotoor enamel of 1 , 11 ri.Ouniiti3gbath lit the baby ease. - lie will not fellowship Breoher,. Ohisser, Thempon, or Tyng, for pay ore peat neimbiloatt,'Sbaio; RtHe, lirringell.: ealinesehers, who a it iip sedition end 'Arils anions the people, Josvph Jefiersion bas purchased ofTom Taylor the right to plejthe•itmeriiita Corteia 20 England. tie leaves for Lordon in. two or three weeks, and will mediately on tile arrival exploit that popular comedy. Now York Stock Exchatigo, Itlay 30. , • . . t 831,00 ND 10611 D. . . . .. 10000 ti S 6s '7400 4.08g,i60 Sq. Oen. Tt ..,:.560 If ' 3000 do ..... . . 103%1 50 do e 3 73 '7OOO Misso4 6.... 84% 10 do .... ..... .. 73* 2000 do 84M 100 do e6O 72 . 2000 Oa 4,r, Ohl 24 mt. 81X ICO Mich Oen B. 42,1 f 10 Metropolitan Bk.llB 200 do b6O 44 25 ?Immix Bk. 112 100 Mich S& N I It.. 9•\ 6Bk of America...ll9 660 Ohi & Ilk llt ..3 53,1( & ti 18 Tel nd 00.... 94,1 f 200 do 1 bBO NM 100 Cumberland Pref. Me 760 do Sii% 200 ea & Ohi 11...0pg 641200 . do ..., 59 150 do .... ....e35 53%1 60 do ' 580 59% 100 11l Can 8.... r6O 65 ' ;100 'do - e 3 68 Tin lOMtBWOO, A snit s continue steady at $6 50 for Pots, and $6,76 for Pearls. nova.—state and Wes t tern Flour Is more saliva, end 16e5260 better. with large receipts, and mice of 10,0'0 bble at $5 600,6.60 for imperfice State; $8 90 al 25 for extra do; $57008.80 for 'sups:One 'Western; $0 00m 7 80 for extra do; sTel 86 for shipping brando of extra round hoop Ohl+. Southern Plow. Is more satire, wale -11,1104 of 2,100 We at 27.6007.76 for mixed to good and 57.75n9 60 for extra brands. °spode Flour is acad. nal. GaArn.—Wheat is a ihate firmer. with cafes of 5 000 bushels at 21 90 for red Southern, $2 for white do, $2 for white Kentucky, $1 8251 . for white Western, Coro, in greet, with email. wane at 900 for Wader( intact.; 906920 for yellow, and 00m520 for red. Rye to quiet at No Barley hi quiet Oate are dull at 49n520 for Southern, Pennsylvania, and ' Jersey, and 68n530 for Stale, Western, end Canada . Pnovisione.—Pork ,in dull, with sales of 401 bbl, it $17.25 for new Mere, 215 26 for Primo Beef is ow -1 (tonged, with Wes of 1300 bbl, at $707 00 for country Prime; 6909 75 for country Mess; 612m15 for revoked Chicago, and $15a17 for extra. Cut Siesta and Bacon continue dull. Lard to quiet ; sales of 100 bbl* at 11 )( ml 2 (&. Butter and Cheese are without change of mo• mut. Wnioaxv !sheen , at 270. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. STILL LATER FROM EUROPE THE STEAMER HUNGARIAN AT QUEBEC QUEFTI, May O.—The steamship Hungarian, from Liverpool on the 18th inst., arrived here this morning. As abe oomes directly from Liverpool, ber Rayless are still later than those tarnished by the -The-Latest Commerdal. ' LtvearooL, Wednesday --Cotton Market —tlie sides or to-day are estimated at 8.00 bales. The quotations areg d lower Than those of Friday Flour continues to bar e an advancing tendency; prices are 3d higher this scorning The sales of Cotton for three days amount to 12,500 bales, including 1 600 bales to speculators and fir ex port. The market closed vary dull, at a slight dnedoe on all onalltios Middling Orleans is quoted at 6N, and do Uplands at ax. Wheat and Corn are 84 higher, Corn. mixed, is quoted at 68105f/06s 110, and white at Os 4derBe OA. Prod/dove—Beef quiet Posk quiet. Lard steady. Bacon steady. LONDON PRODUOB MARIKET.,—pgar is steady., Bice quiet. - Rosin steady at 41 61 for common. Spirits of _Tut- - panties doll at 44s • ST ATE, Olt TRADE —There is some talk of lbe "em ployees of the mills at Manchester beieg put on abort tills', in sonaegnenee of the dullness of trade - - All qualities of goods had aufferdd &alight decline in prices. The Virginia - Election. BS LVIIORE. 30 —A special despatch reosived the American Office, from the °Moe of the Richmond 'Whig. stye that the -returns from 112 conotiem give Letaber a mrjortty of 414. The remciprar thirtr•six counties sacs Wise a msjority of 1,200. In these there are constdotable gains for Mr. Goggin, the OppoaltEn candidate. lOirgrOlD, May 30.—The Richmond Enquirer eon • elders that Ditcher has been, elected by a email majority, not over 5,000. and the best informed patties *etiolate the majority at between 2,000 end 4 COO WAsetscerow, Iffay 40 —The following sddlilonal re turn, have ipen received of the - meprities 'or Gover nor. •We -have appended the Demooretlo looses and gales as compared with the vote of 2555, when elPfer nor Who was elected by 9.921 majority r Uoggin. Letober. D Lola, D. gain. aop 243 400 Lewis d 0...... ..... Branton 60 ttpehor Randolph -. Berbour Wirt, reported .Thekeep o reported.. Gilmer and Cal. honn (new) an... .1300 Ranawbs - 800 hisvon 160 Putnam small rußj. ITarrtion, Wetzel' 744 Tyler 23 47 • Rtantionn, May SO —Nothing definite bee been 'Nair. teleed thle eventroc with retard to the remit The genet' belief is, that Mr Letober biu been el-otail by a inak , rity ranging farm 4.000 to ti,o(x). ... Desperate right with the Camaeches. VORTY EILLED-TIVO VNITED STATES °spleens • FT J, OVI f , MB, 29.—The overland .mail from San Franeiseo on the Bth instant arrived hero lastlook: - 'The ealifdrn ia news to only one day later, and with out interest. ' Ak latter from Wort' Belknap. dated tho42d, tart an express bad just arrived there from camp Madeinmaki, lninalim the report that Major Tad Meru had another tight with tea Northern °imamate', on the York of the Arkansas river on the 16th daring whioh forty of the Indiana were killed and thirty .six taken prhasnere Two of the troop% were killed and eaveral wounded. Atipong the latter were tient- Lee and Oapt, Azot4ar letter ears that tour or et.*, hundred Texans have encamped twenty Whoa below Bream. on the In. dian Ref OTTO. with the avowed intention of attacking the Reserve Indians Much excitement prevailed in conseqns nee among the Indians. WABNINIZITOtt, May , —The War Departrient hai been Informed byrigatlier General Clark, In 'aletter dated Les Angeles, May 23, of the complete eaccetect Liehtenant Colonel Hoffmenbt eTpedltion, egalicrt the Mohave Indians. The Preieldent aud Secretary Thompson left this • ternomt for !forth Carolina They Were ecoometnled from the PresideuVe house to the railroad 'station by other members of the Oableet ' Mr. Appleton has resumed hit dnhee as Aisistant Secretary of State. bleoretery Floyd, who two weeks ago went to Virginia to reereit his strength, weeded by Martian, writes to b friende here that hie health ia eonsideraMy Improved. The 'General Assembly or the Preeby tartan Church, (N. S.) • TIME DAY. , WILMINGTON, Hay 80 —ln the Comma] Ageembly of the Presbyterian Chun* . fr3l taller, the report ,f the Committee on the 'tree Synod was reed. 'ft refers the body to the action of the Tart General besentbllea for its sentiments on the subject of elayery: , Thp report watadoptod. The report of the Committee on "A•driCattell trall alio under discussion this morning. Ily levitation of the eitteena, the member, of the As: Nimbly took an exotr.fon, on the steamer Logan, this afternoon, to Fort Delaware. Burning of the Warner Block, at Nora iolk, Va. • Neurotic. May 30 —The steamer Block, from &MI T more, bound to tiew Means. which put is here for rani, wme burnt bait night at the wharf. The Oberlin Steve-Rescue Case. DECISION IN T 1 IWIDAS CORPUS: 0.087-TDE PRISONER% TO BR ERRANDS]) CoLemnos, Mop 80.—dodge EOM: thin afternoon, ilellyaree the opinion of the court on the babes,' corona ease of the Oberlin reamer!. 'the majority of the pd. goners will be remanded: Fire at Burlington, N.. 3, DARLINGTON. N 7.. illey,Bo —On Saturday night last the large carpenter shop °oar:pled by CMS & Powell was entirely destroyed, with all their tools and pat terns. The lamp stood beck of York etreet above Broad. and being entirely separate from other buildings, co further damage ensued The ',bop belocgsd to Mehra. Page & Thommand wag worth about $2OO Negri,. Cores & Powell rose upwards of VW. No insurance on shop or tools. Fatal'Accident at Niagara Palls. PUSPANVON BRIDGE, May 80 —Oliff Olson, clerk of the Orand Trunk Railway. was found dead yesterday on the river bank, haying fallen from the prec)nice, a Mar lance of two hundred feet; fie canoe from Toronto to attend the celebration of the Queen's bleth•day, since which nothing har:t f een heard of him. Arizona:-An Independent Governm.ent ET. 1:01718, May 80 —The Arizonian s pubilehed at Tu.. bac Alum. lk ire of which bay been reoeived by the overland mall, contains the proceedings of a moetirg held in Arizona city on the Bth Met . at which eapres slons of 'thong dlrapprobitlon of the course of Con ,greis towards Arizona were made, as well aa en urgent request for the co.operation of the citizens throughout the Territory, with a view to establieh and melntainan independent Government. The New Crop of Mississippi Wheat ss per Bushel. FT Loom May 29.—Tho tint lot or the new trap or wheat wee gild yeatordly, to A W Facto, et Es rer barbel. The wheat wan ratted by 11 , r. Dockery, ct_De Soto county, Mlastes'pol. The Capo Race Foreign News Ar. Pr. .Tomrit, N ,P.. Nay 8o —A dense Thy has pre- Veiled cif Oape Race for the peat ten dem and it le im poealble to see anything two hundred yards off. fleece. thermions/in !steamers which have pasted off that point daring this time hive not been boarded by the Aeeocia• tad Press yacht. New York• Bank Statemeet: truur YORK May 80.—The bent state .ent for the week ending Saturday exhibit' tho following: Decrease in Loan 81,604 000 Decrease in Specie 1,070 OCO • Decrease of Circulation 120 A 0 Decrease of net Deposits. 2 902 000 It is sold that tho actual amount of specie on hand is not over 121,600 000. Havre Cotton !Market. Quenno, May 87-413 y the steamer Ilunsarien.] Manx. May 18,—The Cotton market has been dull only a 008 hales wero sold during tbo week; at 98 for New °cleans dan, closing with a declining ten deny. Mae le bcoyant at 2000918 Markets by Telegraph. Ceram - As, May 80 — . Flour dull at $707 25 for How ard Etrfiet and Ohio brands Wneat undhaoged. Corn dull at 22q20.3 for white, and 84elitio for yellow. Pro• Onions q iot. Bacsonoldes, 9j4 Whiskey dull at 200 Coin, arm; sales of 2 000 bogs or Silo at 1 t9to NAB' °ALBANS, May SO —Salto of Cotton to-day 9,000 bales; prices easier, but quotations notate:used ; . Corn bas a declining tendency; salon at 08M. 'lour is also doolluirig; males at $8.50. Pro- TiP'Ons are very dull, Off . 91..E5T0, May 90 —The Ootton market is west, with but littlo Inquiry. • • • IAVA.NP4II, May 80 —Cotton dull ; prices weak. - iyouse A , May 80.—Ootton—Tkere Is but little 'irquiry; prices unchanged. ulsomfurt,May 80—Flour has advanced 2.15e18n ; Wes of 2 703 bble at $0.2500.60. Wheat le in active demand; nabs of red at ingoiao; white Mole°. Corn active at 82886.. , Whlskey steady sit O. OLD Sriona.—The workmen engaged in esarehin the foundation of the Black bear Hotel, on Fifth street, yesterday afternoon, discovered_ ,an old boZ, wider a stalreate, cOof stifling Neveml pairs. of wooden ehoes, - ; , The ohm were made of erple wood, oncl at, soporior order of manufecture. Tey were ovitiontly Intended for snowed:wee, and had probably bean made for the nee of a company of Indiana , The box containing them had almost fallen to decay, hnt lite Shoal were Ip a zoo atate or preeerrauen, 172 78 700 an • - 900 22 213 .704 80 75 gay 20 210 280 WOUND SD From Witehington. Ittovevpaut. rangements. ONE DAY LATER PROM -pantorA• ARITIVAt' . 9E T11101;0114UNIA. prinee idepoleottls Address:to the Army of Italy. •b!ITAIL9 OF THE AUSTRIAN ARMY'S PROGRESS. Refusal of the British to Recognise, the , Revolutionary Flag In Tuscany. 60/4110LB .riTE A b -913 f ? Breadsititts Rising—Provisions Quiet. Cotton Heavy at One-Eighth Deolipe • The steamship Ammonia, Captain Sohwensen, from Ilamburg 15th, and Southampton at noon on the 16th. arrived at New York yesterday morning. bier advices are one day later than those received by the New York, On the 15th instant. in river Elbe. saw Hamburg ship Deutschland ; 19th Inst., lat. 49 31, long. 6 46. named steamship Ariel, hence for Southampton ; 25th inst., lat. 49 19, long. 3516, oew Hamburg ohin Sir Robert Peel ; 29th inst., lat. 40 11, long. 69 83, saw sorew steamship Weser, hence for South ampr,on and Bremen. The Latest Despatches. FRANCE • Penis, Tuesday, May 17, 1859.—The 217oniter r of to-day oontains a report of the Minister of Fi nance respecting the subscriptions made towards the new loan. The subsoribed capital amounts he 2,307 000 000 f. Eighty million francs have heenwubscribed in sums of 10f. rents The num• bar of subscribers is 525,000' The ministerial re port points out that such results prove the solidity of the French finanoial system, and the wealth, rower, and patriotism of France' They also show the intimate union of France axd the Emperor, end the entire confidence of the nation in the strength and wisdom of the sovereign who pre tties over its destinies. :The Monstetur also contains the following despatch from Alessandris, May 16 : The rain has fallen incessantly during the last tweidays; but the, bad weather has not pre. vented Our treons from taking the positions Be guiled to them by fhe'Emperor.whose headquarters atilt continuo to be at Aleganndritt " PARIS, Tuesday, May 17, 11.45 A. M —Renter oommeneed at" 61f 100, rose to 61f 150, and are now 61f So.' • 12 47 Y. M.—Tho Bourse opens firm. Relates Ott 30a 220 P. M.--Rentes fell to 001850. Tendeney Very boovv. 335 P. al.—The Bourse closed fiat. Relates 61f formotey and 60f 800 for account, being only a freotimast decline since yesterday. - The Moniteur publishes the following address of Prince Napoleon : _' , ARMY Os. ITALY, FIFTH /jORPS WARICEE.— %Idiom of the Fifth oorps of the army of Italy : The Emperor calls me to the honor of commanding you. Many of you are my old comrades of Alma and Inkerman. As in the °Him, and as in Af rica, you will sustain your glorious reputation. Discipline. courses, tenacity—such are the mili tary virtues whioh you will once more display to Europe, which is attentively watching for the great enact In preparation. The country which was the cradle of ancient olvillzatlon and of mo dern renaissance is about to,,owe its liberty to you; you will deliver that country forever from its oppressorsfrom those eternal enemies of France whose name is associated In our history with all our struggles and all our victories. The reception which tho Italian people give to t4alr liberators becrs'witness to the juigloa of the cause whioh the Emperor defends. Tice /Wm pereur Yule la France ! Vive,l'lndependance Dalmatia ! ' , The Prince commanding in chief the Fifth corps of the army ot Italy. "NAPOLEON (JEROME)." SARDINIA TURIN, Monday, May 16, 1859 —The Bmporor remains kill atAlessandria, busied, with his gene rale, in laying otrategloal plans. OPPICIAL BULLETIN, PUBLISHED MONDAY, MAY •16, -A body-of our cavalry has recently fallen in with a detachment of Austrian hussars, tear Yog• hera, and took prisoners a wounded corporal and some <orivates. ,The Austrians hive withdrawn froM Yoghera to ilasieggio. Nothing newt from Vercelli, The Gazetta di Bologna announces ef 5Ol9ll Y that Austria has reoogaised the neutrality of the States of the Ohurob. . TURIN, May 17, 1859 —OFFICIAL BULLETIN To- Iltv.--The bridge of Stella has been threatened by the Austrians. The waters of the Po have risen. Werner' and obildren of the country are compelled by the enemy to labor at the works.. The mayor of Berbianello, a village In the dig- Wet of Alessandria, and other mayors of the province of Voghera, who refused to comply with the demand for contributions, have been arrested - Austrian workmen have been assembled on the right bank of the PO and at the bridge of Stella, red other workmen have been collected between 8t012.1 and Stradolia. ' AUSTRIA. • Tutuevt, May 15, 1859 —The Englith merchant steadier Douro has' arrived with , the East India tllBllll and 'passengers When passing Avioca, in Turkey, she was bearded by the boats of a French shin 7 of.the.line. A French squadron, consisting of two ships.of.the.line and a frigate, have cap. tared Austrian merchant vessels. Tonsts, May .11. —Yesterday afteinoon the Bryant). pluttdron was before Venial). Since yes , 't . erAlky,:the 'Austrian Veyde-bay.easso_ , la.r.un, "njekof all their steamers. The National Bank of Vienna has. granted to the deputationlrom the Bouts° of this place an advance of 1,009,000 florins, • Roue, May 1.6.-012 the 11th instant the Tue. eau consul at Anemia hauled down his flog. On the 12tit the Piench -and Sardinian consuls pro.' tilted to the delegate against the oontinuance of fortilicatimh and threatened to demand their pass plortn. At midnight the delegate was still speak ite.4ustrian general. On the 12th the A:daring were at wortt leyellitigneasine,pabgnek 'the state of siege had been raised. has not yet recognised the neutrality of, :Aeolis. • - Rome la tranquil. r.., • RUSSIA. The Nord etaios that the Russian Government has given orders for the Ist, 2d, 3d, 6th, and 6th corps 'd'aresse to be placed immediately on a wq r footing, with the whole of tho artillery and 'cja. valry belonging to snob The reserves are to be railed, and all soldiers on furlough to rejoin their colors, to be :eeady to march within three months. The limit's liovernment bee given orders fp n supply of tents for an Briny of thirty thouson men. ANQRY cpnitaßronDitrma DRItIVREN FRANCE AND IMMEI (Prom the London Morning adverttser—Ltherid.j We aro enabled to state that a very angry coy. respondence Is Jeet now going on between the French and English Governments, relative to the Permission granted by our Government to Austrian vowels to take shelter under our guns at Malta. The French Gloyernmont energetically complain of this as showing an nodal) friendship for Austria, Inasmuch as French vessels, having no fear o r Austrian ships, do not otk or revaro the same protection. - The London Money 11farke;. firrom tks Lomlon Times' olty article, ?day 18.] The moyemeata of the English lands hsve been precisely each as have been witnessed nearly every day for more than a week. Console opened at nixes 9IX, advanced to r+ ceded until they touched 9l ij, and finally rallied to their fl at price, 9IN 091%. There was po fresh foreign news, but the tope of po• lltical feeling in Oetmany continnes to b 0 watched w .th =mob The depondlon of Count Boot, whose hiss was in favor of England, to make room for Count Rechherg ar Anettlan Foreign Minister, for the pu pose of effecting a reconoillation.wlth BPswlo, OHM , to open a erminect of an adjustment of the It Man dispute. 'Aft ihte, however, may be b.ongbt about by conces sions on the peat of Austria, 44 at the egpense of Tur key rather than at her own,tl the result apparently will be merely to helium a coinbinetion r anoting some of those territorlat changes which have bean predichd for ,4 Europe In MIDO • 8114014,AR OpOIIMSTANQE.— On Wednesday nights the beathwaters of, Gorge's creek were turned into the valley of Senning'e run, by the falling in of the roof of' the coal drift of the Frost burg ,Coal Company, directly under the stream. We aro pleased to learn, however, that no seams injury was qono to the company, and that by the damming of ' the old, and turning the water into a new channel, alt the difficulties, so far as might int.:afore, with the working of the mines, were re moved—Frostburg (Md.) Gantt. rtii CITY. ASIIIEMBLEN TB THII) PERIM WNLOII , I NATION L TIIILITRC.- 45 Lady or Lyons , ' The !Toodles." WH4TLZY k CLARKIN'S ARO/•qmm THRATRII 4, Paint Heart never Wen Pair The Honey moon'i—" The Too Ilea." Nair WALaUT•BiIIiBT TYNATIV.- 44 Rinh•rd Third Iteugh Dlomood.,, filoDenovan's ektrrizn.—Selections from Pliya : Gonm from Opens, PAMOIMMOS, bantling, and Singing PSINIB4LVAIIIL.AOADIbrir OP THE PIVII AII4B.—S': 41bition of Paintings and Statgary. GENERAL REFORMED PRESDYTERTAN SYNOD. —The Synod or the General Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America resumed its emotions on Sathr day morning. at nine cOolock,ln the church of the Rev. Mr. Wylie, qn Broad 'treat, below Spruce. The period from aloe otolock to eleven wee stoat in devotional oXereites. There vie Muslim and ptavhr and addre sae+ from several clergymen and riders sbe ex ercises were cored by Rev Gavin Mord.lian pronounc ing the Arleen.) benediction, after which the Synod proceeded to business. The committee on examining the recregrof the W, at. ern rrerbitery, through the 11ev Gavin- MoMillat, ',ported that they had been neatly and correctly kept. • Rev. S W G. Wylie moved that The Rev. Dr Neill, of the bid Scheel Presbytery. be invited to take a seat as a coneultatzve member. Agreed to. Rev. Dr. McMillan hreaeated a report from the Com mittee on Correspondence with the, other branch of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. The report wan a very lengthy document, and gave the correspondence be tween the tao Eyoode In relation to their differences. It alto elated the renclusions arrived at by a committee of conference which met in Allegheny' act year. On motion the report wee roeepted and the corres pondence ordered to be publish.d Rev a I. McMillan moved that the committee be discharged. Pending the consideration or thin motion the Pyood adjeuraPd • ISTIIIINOON egB3lOX The grand iesumed its eittings et II o'clock, and wee opened with prayer by the moderator. The minutes of the morning session were read and I approved. The reeelotion pending at the time of the adjourn. moot, in relation to the disoharge of the Committee of Co rrespendenee with the other branch of the Defamed Presbyterian Chord!, tree taken ap, Boy. Mr. limas would vote for the &ohm° of Shp committee. Be would not be dragged into the poeition occupied by the other Church to 1832. Dr. Guthrie wan opposed to continuing the committee. The laegusgo applied to this Synod wan not, in his opinioro doormen After come little debate, the Synod derided to eon. tinue tits nom mi ttee Deg B. d, Block presented the report pf the Com. mime GO the Records of the Ohio Stoehr tery, Mating 'that they hot examined the mionten, and found them correctly and neatly kept. Attached to this report were resolutions in favor of abolishing the prattles of examining the minutes of Presbyteries. - The resolutions led to name debate, and were tinnily disagreed to. Der. Dr Guthrie promoted the report of the Coro. Minee on the pima of the' imes. The deaument Rwi an ehiboraie reviser of the present state of the world, ►s tar air It effected the Reformed religion. It idao recent. mended that the fourth Thursday of November, 1859, 'end the third Thursday of February, 1860, be observed as dart of humiliation sod prayer. iipeolat mention rae made of slavery in the report. The Committee de- Plcred -its existence, bat thought no means should be taken , for Its abolition not, consistent with the law, or ~ ' -The motion to aueeptled to !owe debate. , Bev. M. Morrison emoted the language to he ex plicit:- He did not went to' enetein the temitive•deve Rev Dr. Guthrie was not in favor of deeds of rebel lion and blrod. Ha did not mash& the fugitive-Marc law and thanked God for any , rpportonity he could have of helping the slave to hie freedom, ,Ilng let be, was opposed to any derde Of violence Rev. Mr Marsha did vot make the dietinetion hided to by the former speaker He would have no ob. Potion to siding the cower liberty, although he might ire force to accomplish that ob4oct. • • The report was then adopted. An invitation from Mr - George IL Eftuart to visitlilm at his imamate:to faille country was ptesented. by Rev. T W. Z. Wylie and accepted - The report of the committee on the death of the Her. Mr. cooper was presented by the Rev. Dr. Wilson and adopted. A petition was received from - the Presbyterian Ilia; teriCil &misty smiresd. ' On motion of Air. McMaster, the paper was received, and the prayer for co.Operation , it - cootsined granted. ' Mr. J., 0 McMillan presented a report from the Bawd of Domestic Missions, which was sooeited. - The various recom.sendations contained in the report were considered reriarfrn. - The recommendation for the transfer - of the 'lowish Minion from the Home to the Foreign Mission Board, wag. on :notion of the Be.. T. W. J. Wille. -11 44 uF°' the table for futve co gaideration. - The recommendation of the report In favor of confirm= log the labors of the Synod's misaloomy In Minneso ta for the next six months, was debated and referred to the Committee on Supplies. The report was then on motion adopted. The report of 0. McMillen, the trust:tier of the Tonteptio Minden, wax presented The cum of $1,103 46 had been received during the year, of which amont PM 46 mill remained in the treasury. The' report of the trealurer of the .Tewielt Fund woe mad, allowing that The earn of 5721 56 had been received during the year The report of the trenunrer or the Sustentfttion Fund was read. It appeared that Ufa 74 had been received sod expended. The varlone ananefal reports were then referred to the auditiog Gommlitee. The Rev Dr. J. N. McLeod presented the report of the committee On the memorials in favor of union that had been gent into the The report alluded to the invitation of the United Presbyterian General Mutably to unite with them in their Miele of union, and raid the time for negotiation bad pieced. The commitree recommended that the General Fyood deoline the Invitation extended them in favor of an incorporated union _Pox We they suodgeed number - of reams. In regard to tlie Wan of union of con'ederation, the report recommended that the pa, pare in relation to it be laid on the table for future con. Federation. Revs• Gavin McMillan moved the acceptance of the report, and that its coneiderat on be the order-of the day for this morning at ten o'clock. On motion, the Synod adjourned,'lnth prayer by the Pay Mr. McDowell. SABBATH-ECHOOI, ANNWERSART.—The 10Y ty.faurth annivenowy of the Sabbath-lichee!. of the First Presbyterian Church, in Buttonwood street, be. low fillth, Rev. Thome J. Shepherd putter, took place on Sunday afternoon, The exeroleee consisted of the reading of reportic and the presentation of copies of the Script:tree. The report of the .supertn. tendent of the sohool, 'A. Wharthman, Vaq , stated that the roll numbered two hundred and sixty scholars and thirty-four teachers The ~Young Men's Bible Wave had an steerage attendance of eighteen, a majority of whom prefers religion. • - The sum collected by the school during the year, amounts to two hundred and ten dollars, twenty five dollar. being contributed by the--.juvenile =hoot seventy dollars of Chic amount has been appropriated to replenishing the library. now numbering over coven hundred and fifty volumes. The fair held by the young ladies of the church en Christmas day yielded eighty-six dollars, which sum' bee been donated to various =legionary enterprises The report closed with a touching allusion to the deaths of a eon and daughter of the late pastor of the olaurrh, Rev. Jansen Patterson, who were very clonally Identi fied with the Pabbath•echoll canoe,-and whose lives were characterized by the purest and beat of Christian desires and affections. . The report ' of the Minion School Mesas F. H. Ziggenfass sod Henry - Shaw , super intendents, wag next read. Thin school was organised more than forty yeara ago, having its origin in the congregation under the pastoral care of the late Rev. Jarmo Patterson. It was reorganized in 1807, and - wee opened on San. day morning, May 17th. of that year. with fourteen tea hers and twenty-three eoholare Since that time it has been progressing rapidly. Co that the eboot now numbers two hundred scholars, with - two superintend ents and tweoty.three teachers Average attendance of scholars, one hundred, and twelve. Blue the date of opening, four teachers and two Sabbath-school Scholars have united with the Church. „ Interesting remarke were made during the afternoon by Manors Paul Fence and Imo Baker, ae also by , the pastor.. The Wools, ae will be aeon from the dune, are In a moot flourishing condition, and the deepest In terest le manireeted in their proeperity-by both pupils and teachers. ALLEGED CONSPIRACT.—TWO men, named leaisii Rulsehart and Lawrence M. Johnson, were taken before Recorder Erten yesterday afternoon, charged with conspiracy in etsrobing the house of Mr. A. Boy, , on the 22.41 inst. It' !Appears that the defendants, who are constablee, went to the house on that day with it, rearob warrant, Dinned by Alderman Haines. authori sing them to smirch for counterfeit coin and machinery and materials for making it. Mr Roy wag morn, and testified that be lived at No 1210 Thompean street; on Sunday week the derendent and another man entered the house, and raid they bad a search warrant • they Searched the house; but found nothing; one of t ine party-bad coma to the hence before on the same day, and said be wanted to - buy some " - stuff," (counterfeit retail witness put tho - man out ; be then went away, and the three went In together and searched the house; he Invited Them to take a drink before they ; they accepted the invitation, and took edmo whiskey; witness said the defendants prevented Mrs ROY from leaving the house 'Mee: Roy was sworn. and testified that on Saturdey, - the BLit her hence. and acid that Mr. Sohgerer wax In prison, in New York vitrify* knew be was an 'minister, and Ordered "him teleave the. bore ; next - naranovassernowarni,the two defendants went to the house. ' Several other Witeefifilui were exam , afterwhieds the defendante were held to bail in 71,000 each ti an nwer at court. - f at ASSAIII.T.—A. colored man, named Situ Thomas, was arrested In the vicinity of Camden, on Sunday afternoon,-on ,the charge of at.: Waiting to murder Bliss Baldwin, another (blared man It WWII that Baldwin met Thomas& short die taxes from Camden, and after regaling themselves from a botileof ruin belonging to the former, Baldwin went to qleap, and, while in that condition, Tb mita is alleged to have beaten him over the head with a huge atone, wounding him in a dangerous manner, and then stripped him of hie clothing, and returned to Camden. When the injured men became COONOIOIIII, be crept to the edge of the road, where he was discovered by some boys whO conducted him to a farm-hone near by, where hie wounds were dressed after which be was conveyed to Camden. A description of the negro was given, and, in a 'short fame; Marshal Shaw arrested Thorne. He had just been discharged from the penitentiary, where be bad been serving a term or imprloonment. He wee taken before a megietrate, and committed to answer the clime, and will atand a fair chance of getting back to his old quarters. . LIBERTY GUARDEL—This corps, numbering' imme thirty rank and file, commanded by Capt. Kelly, adompanted by the Pennsyleania Cornet Bind, paraded, yesterday afternoon, for target practice, and proceeded to Diamond Cottage garden. Camden. 11. J. The following is a lint of the members who succeeded in winning prizes; Find prise, ton of coal, Private Oriftlth ; f ooo lid prize, Media. ?drat(' Wee Helvereon ; third. perm. medal, &reign Wyman; fourth prize, silver cup, Quartermaeter Gilbert; fifth prise, Lieut. Keyser; Ninth prize, Private Hummel! A tin medal being the mite awarded to the word shot, wan won by Private Thomas Dillon. The company made a very Creditable' and soldierly appearance,-and after marching through the principal streets of Camden, returned at an early hour in the evening to the city. - bIILERRATION —The fifth anniversary of the opening of .t The House of Refuge" will be cele brated on Wednesday afternoon next. Tickets deli vered at the gate of the institntion—admidion tree The visiters wilfbe admitted at 2 o'clock t,, M The exeralsee will commence to the chapel at 4 o'c'ock. The lion 4odge Thompson will preside. It is ex pected that addressee will be delivered by William Id Meredith, Req., Rev. William B. Stevene, and others. The Germanic Baud will attend. end other instrumental tondo performed to enliven the scene, and without any ;moue to the inatitation We trust there will be a, large attendee?) of one &therm and their families on to Interesting an occasion. - 8. SINGULAR DisoovEnv.—Two coffins were discovered yesterday by the workmen who were digging the teller for the new Market House at Fifth and Merchant Directs They were about sic feet from the curate, and the wood of ono of them bad almost crumbled away. The skeletons were in a good elate of Preterfation , and still retained their osseous character. The and of the lower calm, projecting from the earth, was unbroken. The top had yielded to the supeiln el:unbent earth The ground in wh'oh these emblems of humanity were found w.e a grave yard a lorg time ago; and belonged to the T hernacle Presbyterian Church, trey worehipplng on Broad etreeVneer Chestnut. The remains will be removed to-day. INSPECTION op THE EnOONR ERICIADIL—The military companies enmposing the Second Brigade, First Division, Penneylvenia Tolonteers, paraded yesterday morning and marched to a beautiful peat of ground ne. looted for the purpose, near the northern terminus of the Girard College Railway. The impaction took place about four o'clock lathe aiterooon. and the brigade was reviewed by Major General Rshsrt Patterson. A large crowd was assembled to witnese the displ ay of military, whish wee en exceedingly doe one, and the CUR of the above mislay company did a tine brain's in conveying paseengers to and f.orn the parade ground. DEATH OP AN OLD OITIXRN.—Mr. Moses Williams died at ten o'o'ock on Sunday night, at the advanced age of eighty-seven yeare, at his residence, in Wed Philadelphia. Mr. Williams was tern in Dover, Delaware, in 1772 ant same to this city prior to the year 1797, sinee which time he leas resided here. For the past sixty years he bee been a prominent member of the Methodist Church. His facelties were unimpaired until a few days previous to hie death, when he was visited with a photo of paralysis. Tug Schuylkill Iron Oerapany, No. 24, aro baying built a handsome book and ladder truck, com bining many improvements never before introduced. Attached to it will be two cylinders capable of envying egg feet et ten Inch &rains hose, for supplying the eteam fire engines. Thin company deserve moth credit for being the first to introduce Improvements in this description of apparatus Tbeir example is worthy of imitation by same other of our hone companies The new apporatqs Will be bowed about the let of July, REeErrlon.—William B. Reed, Req., - in town. This evening, in the rooms of the Board of Trade, he will receive the congratuldlons of hie towns men and fellow.eitizena on the aruipleletui cotiolueion of hie Chinese mission. The arrangements of the com, mittee baring the matter in charge are of the meet complete and satiefacitory character. Cunnonn wrrn ARSON —A man named John Black has beon arrested on suspicion of having fired the shed attached to the brick-yard belonging to Mr. Jame Harper, alluded at Bighteenth and Prime streets, which was conenmed on annday morning last, and com mitted to await a farther hearing. FounD DRownEe.---Uoroner Fenner yes terday h•ld an inqueet on the.body of William Kirke aged forty fire years, vrho was found in the Delaware yesteeday morning, at the foot or Reame'm wharf. • De aeas.d leaves ► (and), at No 1642 Pony street, - sad had been missing from hie home tame Friday lad, BITTEN MA A DOG.—A laa, named Edward irbile standing wear thti Adams Express Corn psoy's depot, at Broad and Locust streets, about nine otoloot yesterday morning, sae seised by a large dog belonging to the company, sun dragged intq the 11A1;d -fug One of his lege was badly lacerated Agounm.--jamos Nuce, aged 18 years, had his arm broken yesterday afternoon, by being ruu over by the Prtendshlp Bogine, with which he was run ning, to the vicinity of Seventh and Master streets. Conotiza!s _C&SE.—The Coroner Was noti— fied lasievenlng to hold an Inquest 00 the body of a Woman Who died suddenly at a house on Germantirerp 'avenue, below Master street. SLIGHT FIRE.--A. tire occurred about six o'olook last evening at Riokey's factory, occupied ,by Mr. Brunton, In America street, near Jefferson. Damage trifling. 'FitEEIENTATIONa-.-The conductors of the Richmond line of Passenger Railroad care hare pre sented 11 handsome gold bolas to Dr. Bluder,.,the Com pany's agent at Rlehmond, as a mark of friendship and regard, CiannrExiirrnitSfierAZGEß IfircrOlvw.—Tho eit'sens ,Ol , G enrienteirerhremrdlihrown Into a great etas of excitement on Sue* Mirriefits by the discovery of a on the *mks Of cilie Twenty-third ward 'weter.wOrkei which' belonged a little boy named Charles 'Forney, sled five yeari.Nrho had been miming from hie home , . iu Traektordielbee gridey ]set. It op poets he left Lis, home on -that des , with a pamper:doe, who, ma -Sunday monsing,'etated that be left him Hob log at the above ;due; abd atter two due spent in omwoloing for the ohild, and the final discovery of the lisbing•line, it was very easy to oonesive that th. child hod been drowned. Measures were promptly taken to reeorer the body, grappling irons being used and a can non fired errant times In order to raise the body,- but without avail. - This aeoupiedaeyerallsorai, laid meintime Mr. Vralley, the telegrephicecpenitor at t he trankford station-house, telegrapbeCto 'the Central station to make ir gutty concerning the missior-ohild, The inquiry reivilted in the discovery that the boy was at the Nineteenth ward- (Richmond) station-hones, where- be had been since - the day of - fillaspeerairce.' These glad tidings, of course, put an end to the emelt, and Notated the parent*. of the child of their unreel- Dere, The feat of the finding of the hoy,moe telegraphed from the •lifnateenth-ward matfort-trooei Immediately upon his arrival there on Friday evening; b at a owing to some intiunderstanding his identity with 'the child lost. from Irenkford war not discovered until Sunday. ' , Roma volt -THE - Futrx..,Eirrangements bare been made by'a number of tidies fen the pnrimse of holding a Floral Nair; toad the Rime for the Fallen. A meeting in aid Of the project was held at the church of the Rev. Dr Newton, and was !Warmed by the Rev. J. B. Ripley and others, _After taking a number of tickets to be &spilled 'of.-Ithe ladles adjourned to meet on Thursday afternoon at 6 &cloak, We wish these benevolent ladles the :utmost enema to their disinterested - enterprise. Any persot wishing informa tion as to the ate mlation or the fair Gan obtain it at the store of Mr. Rogan. on Walnut Meet: THE COURTS - YIIIII"ERDAT'EI PROCENDINGO Ropotted rot The Press.] UNITED STATES COOT= ' I OOII3IT-4UdgCl3 Grier and Cedarsleder —The court was in session yes terday morning, but &dim:treed without 'transacting any buslnesS of publlelreportence. 'UNITED - STATES Dirrrntox Com—Judge Oaderalader.—Aidrew T Belles and Adam Harris who were convicted. on Wednesday met of passing counter feit gold dollars, were called up for sentenee yesterday morning After some remarks made br ,Ttege, Oa& walader, Belies was sentenced to six months And ffarris to three months at hard labor in the Bast em Penner, Barr.; Adjourned = - DISTRICT COVET—Judge Stroud.—John 'France. It. Elate, adsololetrator of Letitia Blake, deceased. An action to recorerthe balance of purchase mousy alleged to he due upon the purchase of property. , Oa trial. Oredsrick Lauer ye. A E. Cleaver and Michael Kline. The damages to this case are lo be assessed alf Xgsirst Michael Kline. An action upon a book to MO- Ter for certain ale sold and delivered" Oa trial - . . . DISTIller Conran—Judge' Hare. —Henry B, Ashmead vs. /oho W. Moors. An notion upon a promtuory note sad a book mount. 'Verdict for the plaintiff for $lOB 42. Obisles R 'Dickson ' executor of Marls Dougberty , vs. Levels O . Doosberty.Ao notion tiros a prontleeory note Verdict for the plaintiff for 5781 78 Bartelott, Blyna & Co. ye. Prederlok Wises. An action upon a promirsory note No defence. Verdlot for the plaintiff for $175.60. - Adjourn/4i - FINANCIAL AND COINERCIAL The Money market. PHILADSLIerfI, Ray 80,1860. Those of our citizens who are inthreited In the qu'ot tionwhether we shall hawse. poi Poet Mice or coiwiU be pleaeed to learn that the grasping ovaries of .be old fogies connected wi h the Philoeophical Society, who wished to keep a comfortable lounging place for them selves aod get three thousand dollars a year for doing so tram the Baited States GovernMent. bee overreached itself. The argument which they put into the month of the Mayor to prove that the - city ought not to buy the hall, or, la other word's, to prove that they ought cot to be sent out of the building they profeseed to have sold, hoe proved mash more than they intended. It hoe shown the Attorney General of the Unittd States that the building is not worth the Inns the Go vernment was to pay for It. The argument is the Mayor's. The city should get it at alms price, be cause it an only be sold for oblio uses, as for court. bosses, &o. The inference is the GovernmenVe : then it the tie* le In snob terms as to qualify-the owoer'e righb -to make use of it said title Is not good, and the Govern meat will not pass it or pay the price *greed upon. The ginarelusecas are the Phiromphical Society% who will have the pleasure of keeping the ownership of the DM._ ports', or of selling it to the city at the price that they have, for selfish ends; recently represented it to be worth to the Mayor. The benefit is with the public. The Government will sell the bank building alone, and the money that was to have been paid to the,Philo empirical Society, and resolved back spin from the pur dieser at the sale piths hall, will be applied direetly to the construction of the Chestnut-street Post Office. on the vita of Levy's old store. So mneh for this ti Allot nophleal. job. We yesterday congratulated our readers 'ou the fact that we appeared to be approaching the and or p4011 4 / 1 * ger railroad troubles i but we hear that there ts some trouble in the wigwam• of the Richmond and Schuylkill Railway, and that judge Rolle, has, in eon 'miaow:ls, resigned from the board of directors. What's to the wind? The money market fe oldie steady spin, people gene rally having come to the conclusion tba•, the statement of gold in large quantities ikratber good then hurt ful, sus it at the name time pegs cur debts and checks importation. There is not sufficient demand to keep up rates at high figures upon the street, and those who hoped to' fatten 'upon the dishing of others hi a new . , panic wtll . Lbare , to wait for another • opportopityor _ elPacTlgT%OnlT: 4 s°V,'s Pl 4 lairigghtiatit VI g g 4f.vgilomtwwz.—t 111 E a :1 14"ePar5 4 tr• • • w id . 10 • • • • .4.- wmmbe 8 0 -5°- - 4 n 1-g,sB§§ r 0. 51/ERMAgi T.Ee ppnn anlin .g a. .PIW; m.4==rrteit=gBBn - all 1 . 5 p 4 ..0000A0.4.4 IaW.QWCP . S4M a - co . t tiitttrttangtVg 5 , 0 .Wm AQO V.ol=l .2.8..W0 CACDOO.OO WO. V. Fel 0 • . .. . ...I. -6.a., C. . 4.. ..-..b..... , ..4. ~..... w ...' .. " . ...1 . ..." . ........., *.. F .. .1. 1. go . 2l l 4?2trettl - 250; 1 1 w .m.......... m...... - ...a. t , .owtorogT9ro;aomy"en 1 o.+o.mog .04 :41.011.:W M 'n;;lo44t4;ll2#§2§-4t§ got a :P. Nw m 5 snl g° The aggregates show a decrease to every item except capital, as compared with last week : May 23. Mao 20. Capital 8t0ck.....2,11 5132 R5O 741.585.970. Dm. 22,520 Leone 28 837 078 28 400 456. De. 431,518 Specie 5 922,147 5,521 759 .De. 400,398 Due for other bke 1,977 191 1 898.781—De. 80,990 Mae to other Wu. 8, 0 62 751 403 674. De, 59,181 Deposit)) 17382,349 16,454.651—De. 727,638 Circulation 8,014 059 2 975,736 De. 36.929 1957. Loans. fipeele. Oirculat'n. Denoalte. Nov 4...41,199,402 2,071,464 2,141313 1E1,485,788 1858 Jan: 11....21.1102.874 3,770,701 1,011 033 11.t55 268 July 5 ...24,311,928 0 635,877 2,434,181 16,555 848 1859 Jett 3,...26.451 057 0 063,856 2,741,154 17 049.805 Veb. 7 ...28,472 5 89 6.9711 439 2,786 459 17 007 167 throb 1 6 -26,719 583 6.926 714 2,991 387 113,371,868 28—.96 967,429 6 286 203 3 099,255 17 076,060 April 4.27 537 547 0.368 043 8.425.196 17 154770 ,11...97 894 688 6,144 205 3 5 9 0 447 17,002 579 6, 18. _28,109,108 6.404 175 3.884,031 17,829,494 2i... 27.817 9'B 6 689,591 3379,238 17,804,412 91,,y 2 27.747,539 6.080,9133,04.102 17 781,229 9 ...27,693.4^8 6 349.390 '1 152.715 57.441.129 10.....27.415,268 8.288.620 8 090 CO7 IT 003.284 ~ 23.-28 837.878 5 022.1 4 7 9.014 659 17.182 nag 30....26,409,458 6,521,759 2,975 786 16,464 681 The following le a etatentent of the bneinete Irene acted dnrirg the week ending May 28, at the Ph.lladet Dhia Clearing gouge Clearing& Helmet' paid 095 0/3 92 260 343 35 3 792,312 50 285 5 1 1 42 3 842 474 51 231.4 , 7 61 3 314,554 47 290 8/1: 09 3471905 14 HO 516 17 3',277 943 51 265 682 66 Total $20,835 816 88 Et,471,402 32 PHISADBLPHIA STOOK ESOHANGI SALM, My 80, 1889. IMPOUND BY 11/NLIY. BROWN, t 00., BANL•NOTH &TOOK, AND BTOBANON BROKERS, NORTHWEST GORIER :man AND OHNSINOT STREETS. PIRRT 1600 01ly 61 ER 100 X 600 - do, ... cash .10031 3000 do now ....302X 10000 do 302 X 700 do 10 , x 400 do 101aj 0 00 do 101%1 600 otty Os '6O 98 1000 Elmira IA mg 7e 69 I Phtla Dank. 118 BSTWEEN t ...t01g I BECOND 15 Prank & Pouth R. 65 3 nem & Meat Bk,pe 10 Lehigh Scrip 29 8 do RT 7 Minnhill RR 58 2 Pains RR 40 1 Bobuyl Nay pref..l7 -100 Reeding Bit oapb .91 100 d o ou bm 60 L lehkod . BOARDS. 12424 & 31 Street B old 40 BOARD. 5000 City 6g..., 7 Lehigh Scrip 27N 26 Elmira RR....b5. fig 100 Radio RR "IX 10 21 /c 9d Bt RR b 5.46 100 do b 5 96 20 blinobill R bswn.oo 1000 Penns 09 90!( 2000 City 65.....cizah.100,y 0400 City g e 843( 900 Cheek Del 011168.80 , 1 002 do SO 1010 N . Penns RR 109.89 . - ... . . . /0 Commercial Bank. 49 XI 15 F &5f Oink e 5 5n.66 10 do 49%1 b d 0.... min, ,n 6 5 do 49% 3.0 Tireat Phils Att. ~I• 2 60 1, Island RE tog • ....• . OLOBINN PRIC3O—DULL... - Bid. Atha. - . Rid. Atka. Phlls Os 1001(100% Behl NM. Eitook. s - 9 gi R. ..... 1003(100X "_Prof .. 17 17x ci lee l e _102,4103 yirodsp't & Elia EAU 84 Penns 58 . . ...... tO 91 . ' "7e lit rag 68 14 691( Reading R...... 21)( 21% I m 2,1 ' BO ~ bde'lolnoff 78 'BO Mons Wad— ... 10% 11 ,‘ int OS 44 92 - 96 • ILeh Coal & Nay. 481( 49 ~ do 'BO 71. •72 . N Penns B 81( 8x Penns R 401( 40% fc Be f3X 64 " 2d ta off 89 ‘ , 109 88%-8?)( 610 r Canal Con. . " 64 • • °steadies 1t.... kg 5x I "pre " 1083(107 " lot not bde 511/ 51% Bahl Nay Si 1 82 70% 72. Prank& Routh R. 58 " Imp Osln 017 73 79 2.1 &84 St R.. .40 47 . Rave &."Vinel36l. 48.4 rhpadelphia Mavkets. Tito foreign newt* has had ro effect en, the market for Drestifituffe and for Stotts. The -demsnd continues limited, and prices about the same, r, lett quoted—the trade being the only bnyere ,at 77r07 60, for superdne and calm, and $7 75 to $5 60 for extra family and fanny brands, main quality: There to no lonnliy for ebipment,' and common and good unpeTtlne la at It 76m7 dfr bbl; ,Rye Flour and Cloregeal former, held et It 'O. and the inter at $4 tritleput Wheat to dull and unsettled, arid 'Sales of dinso4litteeb' we reported it 109 to 4560 tar felt - to Om rod ) dud 70 ol7do for whiti, tim - O! mai:-Rye Is.- inohauged, int4,ooabeali ,Piarra- - isobtal.oo4oCoracla In better domind to-day, itcl . ,oboull„,OV. found bnyeri et 90a itlosE Oitsirit=tulliso47"the clay . 0010 wo boor of is 1,600 - Bark la Ironired for. butirst,beir-ot oa, *oil: - lot No. - - 1 Quiroltron fn held uarnizo buttini—rie - market _ ported Oti k00 . 1641 - 06tid Giob t rat ar..4otll*, but without any ottioge amslt baitoeii doing ,- ildrof—Tioldireire'ilna to tlielrAolnii.dif of all kinds are limited. saisie logitl4 for prime Olovarseed, , wbtoi. it irmito4 ay . - $6 50 'Nothing didetin 6t)ifikll44iC'Whialiey . dull, and aoadtully for druitse.lopo: for Ponotyliafilaaad Weirlira bbli,Laind -the _ = ,Phlladelphla Cattle Market.. . - -5, -80; 1859. • The offerings of Beet Cattle tit the 8u11, , e Bead and the AveZW, aro?* Yerde-werelargee -this week _than last, reSelelegabeut :1;250 tinet'if.tOtett., were told at rather leader rates, ranging at framl 46 ' 1“ 1414.. • the 100 it!i, the latter , for extra qatC - Iti.: :- Vhofo" . -- log are the paithiniere of, the ailis midete 44 et the different yards. - The market was doll 2 8 1issatrAhratiints, Ohl°, $1150e52 52 8 Ithodes& Co Berke county4losl2.s9„, " 80 0 .24 . 0Que1e. Ohlo;$10500,11 50. - _ 9 Ohio . ElD,6Detuo : •. -1,34, le nonagons, be Bvoilee,I11,„19-50aio • 50„ 331, kaho, , malaware county, $BOlO " • . le RkedeS* Bameow,B,rire nottoty-pslo. beetle."' ' 6) lfelliemer. Books eouoty, SD. _ 19 Hamster & Co ; Lancaster county. $lOOll - 49.51nreley ih,Co ,91f10,-$14.59d11160' 28 rii.eler & Batichtuan,Laucaster Minta*,11 0 1411 . 25.. - , 131. Evens. Laireater neenty,- sloall - 50 ' - - 46 flibbert.&.(34e.,hl "4410er."0.1ti0, $lOStll-50:- 64 WM' Puller, ' , Cato, $40011.50 - 23:Wzo; Does; Cnialeestaildeenietr: $10'50611 25: • SO omittkle Mooney,-Westmorelend no - .-1111.504e12: •s, • 31 Wiet Alexander; Onistse_constyr:3lo'so. 17 BobertN9ely,..l3hastereeeity.WOrelt'so - =,- - - --- 45 Seldomedge. Lancaster coanty, - 111. 50018.., -", 28 ererieman, Lancaster remativsl.lol2 " ~ 79 nothren & tlaQali, Baltimore. Ell 25012 - 50; CO J. Beatable, 8e1t519923,411c512 • 55 Stott & Kimble , Chester count., $lO 50e12 37 J ,McFillen. Chaster county. $lO 50w12 75. 85 kfireelsoan & Co.. Lanerster eonoty ,g 10.000,12 50. 86085 & Klmb , e,'Ohieter,eceinty;slo2el2 • '-` 25 Ileolge 851dotaridg5, Lino...ter county, 810 60412.; 37 B flood: Cheater county, $ll-50. ."-- - 00 Barris: Virginia, $llOll '" ' 56 A. 2,-, Borne 8,000.2D9,000 - Sheen , ware at marketythieweek, at 50a theloo the len thei and ye quote them at from $4 50 - to $6 59 the 100 As; oi L to About 203 „Cowe and (levee were Offered and sold St - from $25 to $5O eadt, , sccordivg to condition' Ot Hogs, the - ariivale a:ed sales at ImlitiPe ,were I,Bol3;ael:ing st from, $9 to $9 the 100 the, net. One, extra lot: brought 19 25' • • • • - - LITER,A7,Y MOVEUENTII.-7Dr. d. .11.-Robinson, the dietil4nLehed ecd,popular noveyat. Whoa° Elwin and Pitch . Whiff's*" Were two. of the ;nest aner';aerd mid . Popular talen'aier Published fa this ornotry, Is now engaged upon-a new work entitled ' Palbaway .4 or, The Motintaln Ontlawv; 2l which, be arnoniess, will tit'prasinted to the pubtlothrptiglt the calcimine of the pret,roik Jiteri64, fcii . irhEete• Joan:at .he lien entered into' atiangatiament to . contilbiltiiiirel it; steely, for "term of Feria. -:lffie addition of so :imitate. epen as Dr,. Rebineols , ete the,bilillantgalax7 of talent, already enlisted in the. stifles of that paper, !Tbe a esinabto ancintaltiOn‘, to the Ilfcreuryi - ',The reading pobllc wilt soitoxistyleck for the'aPpenAnne of ‘, Path,' Fr will be seenlin oar edvertising tho qomulttug Booths, of 'Dr. Non Dinnabsiekei; The - wellAnown Ocralitt sac! # mist, ere nOw open, 11! , ..WalittOrtrest. Dr.*, bas*lntridiolgb, : itpntao9n 'for bte entailing ittecais the n'ost ibßlßsfe is4a;e . deafeeri. Es- ii known' opevi,tor pulite ayer..inel ear.? 31. - -has •virj 'flan and large sasormen!, of the:riry; f.;14, Baba eins *Lie viin jnterqr from dees,Or : l.oi disease - ef r itiketi or nye, - etiontd not deliyAnollo3. . him. Ben Gat final the bfrierte s tatlocii r 'Lee= trek the hriete ;the phyihi of theArld '-; - The art or. linthßeg fromthchee reeeirz ;- Learn of_tha toolotnpletigh..p., worm weovot. - Liairat,'tioninetOdo intothitr"fetkei Aiterteii;f6hraleilthig aftof " The LtehionabliiOloihter, No. 607 inammit street: -• Now" thattha Weitnwanthei : has set - trein earn eat, the Dr Mine Itettigariter see ioreelate-Ilrete— , , Vieter,Poolarare-IndlapenisVe . arttelee, end should he: is aveiyhimeei. We OAu their fully reeoezmond *wiz eel, piing *obeli; Ilitiellie'hittheirptepeettri - pireziaithet - we have evet , Jeep: The Tailoat eines irmy belled eiihe'4,' trottee-fne.hddrepe etiblialeneet et Meters:lD. 13.-iiiieerri' perner4l:l l l are; Doak-, ,. , Trie =pet reinplete • sunr hnenty oompriatteColl the latest mt rec, ercha at re of Perseole, B¢a itheifee , and - Peragan bamboo hat:om i wll - Oh cannot fall to - he L a p p reel it 0 4 i can new bo 4 liatothfr: Itichsreaon, - : ate liatiteratTait . - • 1. 1:: - Ctrini - row BsolitiiiAti itiwennwe Yxitkae Sax preticitlel!tsh, apprawtet,ileleli telestee epee . thole** tnbe,.lejiglirg fl - 1.1”)-1,tpronpu of ,the Wee. Whenever,- . " ~ the'esorer enoret, Shillself wieetrie the Bid iteimeff Mere, Bede boy Aliw ‘ eiteab' lh and hien*: "lili g- Dame Inientin.„ 'thleke 'AI niaehine will eaustiletly,,whiewrinlhe earn of aleteel7,:lotiideif.;. "ef;blyar-, teliitest:the,Breiii fl'ett et Health' : 6015:Ohielilet etteet,libbie - 81010 , • •-- plts gardeniant woods:, He Is seeetilli Wipreseiteil ing,APYPras -- • - II :i ~ h .1 .-• _ „ Tete:done priti4e4. , ore; landmithe flag boandaltee. iirepressotrAheir' lert,heei„erithent feet or - , xrnid, 20 Intonate thif reared frore - this whereto was on n - pedestat'on Which, liwiltiett; Bey your Clettet of L. 11....ELIrldge,the„ iropriehm, of the Chatting Eingorinse,! . — '321 Chestnut etreet..", , - „ „- g v. I' g P To D 0681301011 ves.—Perseas wield. - a to kayo theft lungs'exAmtned by, or &dries from. 'tit Solsextek, will plena defer it until SATURDAY, Jane dth. - as ha has been proleasfonally called - oui of the el ty. =ISLAS* Genuine" It'Sdrareed ' Stenteinie':—inst2 seised: - pi ship Riehind Merge, a* meet splendid la; sortment of thejnetlyeelehiated WEDOWOOD SiONI4.- WARf2erer imported to this atty. Wetted, sad hensht at gni noneuul sairidoe, by Ed. J. ATER, now in Enrope, we ire ei nabbed to offer kis Itvotee of fanefartielre at one-half the nenal Mice The invited to call and examine these rare specimens of art. ' W. J. ICE !IR CO , CHINA HALL; my3l,tath&s.Bt 029 cIELSETIUIT Street.- t7rd' b:l3. To the Ladlea.—Thetr attention Is requests d to De. DIA:RE111 BADDAGR„ (or monthly p-cttegtorj a Heil and highly aPproyed article, Female Bnoporter3, Shelia' Belts, Liaise wet ed on In private rooms, by a oompeteat t nnle'attendants - ' dIIBT.tOB3 SMITH, my3.1.4t Tsars Opee, 33 South Seventh street. Constipation 'of the Barrels.—Hew many of our eitisene ate suffering .from title deems,- and ex=' 'meting to be eared by the use ,oflteleat, pottgett!tea, - whit" debilitate the apnea's, and eantaa return of the . disease with Increased asperity ? Is It not better to have a remedy that will cure, by gliing strength end , vigor to the boleti, - enabling them to perbrat their frincalone In a natural manner? Such a tamely to ItOOPIAND'It GERMAN BIT TERI. It will not purge you. bat, by Its great iiiigeratieg and toote propeitaes, will give Your systems tone that vl , l enable .it to'per form alt its funations Sa &rigor:me and nature? manner.: Sot sale by the proprietors, Dr. 0. Id. JACKSON & CO., 41111,11011 Street. „ lt.dW An Infallible Restorer et thtiltatr and Slght. —,IIII4IBIVEL'S SAU ATHENCENNR HAIR Ng - STORER sots beneficially on the sight as well as on the hair. By attmelating the cuticle, it effort, health to the hair, keeping it firm ant healthy, preventing balt nessiand touting a pew growth where it'preilously existed, and changing gray hairs to their original life. color. gold by all Druggists, ant by ;Matt HAUEIs c CD., No. 70e OHN. TNUT Street, Philadelphia, rnyBo.6t Elegant Spring Clio at HOBERT H. d,DAMEP, Southeast earner Seventh and Neriret e.reere, embracing every variety or- tiasmints adapted t' the seamen, cut to all the latest etyloc, =sae egos& to aaatoiaer work " EXPRESSLY FOR REFAILsAivg," and at the moat reasonable prices. ray2s-tt Saving Fund—Natisnat Safety Trust Curs. PANY.—Obsrttrsd ley the State of Pounaybrania. - , 1. Money 1' rtoeited 'rely day, and in any ainannt,, Isrge or Drain: •' 2. FIVE Plat OENT. latoroat , r ta - p5.141 for money from the day it laput 1n; • 8. The money is always paid back ha GOLD whenever It is called for, and without coiled. 4 Money is received from Executors, Administra tors, G uardians, and other Trustees, in large or email sum, to remain a long or short period. 6 The money reevived from Depositors Is invested in Beal.Estate, lifortgagekevortnd Dents, and other &st atus securities. 6. Office open every day—WhINUT Street, eosin'. west corner Third street, Philadelphia. spit- - Singer's Sewing Machine.—The great papa /arity of them machines may readily be tiideratood, when the fact to known, that any good female operator can earn, with one of them, - ' 0:110 TRW: BAND DOLLARS A YEAR. To every Tailor, gearnatreas, Dresernaker, and each large family in the country, one of these =chinos would be Invaluable, I. M. DINQDR & 00., 603 OTIMITN,ITr Strtet • . ap3o-0m 0. P. VANIB, Agent. (♦raver & Baker's Celebrated NOISELESS PAMILY SILIVISII mAoringsb. - zolw STYLEB AT REDVORD PRICES. rso CHESTNUT SISBURT, PECILABBLPIIId. or the three prue!nent Machine' row before the public, we IraVe 1330 a two, and carefully watched the working of the third, and honestly beltere GROVRII. & ReJIRBt3 to be the very beat we have aden.”--(Delet ware State Reporter. ' atditly One-Price Clatkleg et the Latest Styles. and made in the best manner, expressly for sari IL Q. 11,38. We mark our,lovest railing rricea In PLAIN Mayans on each article. • All garde make to order axe warraotsd satisfaetory; and our OM-PRIOR SYSTIM is etrietly ad • hared to. We believe nibs to be the only-fair •a dealing, u thereby all are treated alike gip 84=17 ISAY 40—Evening Seamen's Sating Faud—Northwest Coiner of SECOND and WALNI:II . Street.. Deplane seeeteed lu small and large amounts, from all alum of The cionsmuulty,And allows Intermit at tba rate of flee . per awl. per annum. Money may be drawn by sbeeke without loos of WI- reat. Wilco open daily, trim 9 mall 5 o'n94, sad ,ocilketn., day . and ssturday until 9in the eiening. Pre'sident'; "ARAB° rail; Treasurer mad Decreer:, aeries M. Nord.. 'clTT7,lTkiits: epttial lirattro., TONES I CRP., 803 Id/LIMIT street