tkci; ‘ , ,r, ; • - iio n. , - slow -,Vkigiiiiridtilliii*gyiiiKttei*lT Of, *O44PICIIII,rt *4l-4 a;l ,- : . i***4 -4 f , r 4k fox Oti!ttitlFA Pii4,4olV-I**C-00i0 1010,0***14.14-414: • 30iii*01*** . fliiikkir i l 0. 4 tii i i404 . 1, riai ** ****** l 4iii i4 10 1, ;44, ;044.4 6 ,. 0004-AillOe, - .4ooikeigi:Y ll . 3 *.# lo t 4ll !':)*- - f 45 - ti0u.00.0,4114i A.":50011011;?./1 0 h d.m Btradelia to pad .:;1111:4(-,'It kiti*,-i****,*,;;;;;.-Alsirts i;:flaifir ?:14,041. Aiii***ll6);AiAittall>ettli,Vb.lAWL I:**4 l #*ik3**4iik**oA* t b, - ,1 1 S4t*4;W:d4T.Oj;*tk i k t *t l Or e lVi)# ,rk *oo* Pf!)W aonritiy 4_ , ViVidlitii.o4)."iiiiiaiwutitifio4ii.bin c at ;!rht..4 4 0:0_ 1 0 ,- A r Oujidis works, ixof of 1; 114rioor;' , o'il lit ire ti the: I.Btit hior ; - srotedgpAuitei 3,04 * ., -,t.ol4. , , L igi l ,i4triectiAriPinglilikted - ;brthk: biz OfS blliiikaitiOsi at New Ws.l•sru.,that,to doubt exiett o! the; removal 4134 tr j :; 1: • , .Ab 4 eiriF;RPOOP 4 O t Akrii iii#4o.lllsl 4)**7- 9#;* 4 1010 moo; P Of fo , orris, :«Kitoi*teic‘Atiz4ivAi t iTi 4 OA; 45t!' - Wifferf;tesiiiii!siistivh:fiireeolitkiittlitai t sittazis taii -=.- titiefanYfieheral aVthnifettinffittitios hat ,reeent/Yifaraiabed ihtt. Yiiebeiiiiten general with an • - .: ( lf*kf),;r kAUßlk l 4.o.that4ttialintlNO P / #' '!4k! , 94 14 1,4 4 1Pai*,#014,4i4 14 t , P 9 # 1 9ii; o ttAft'4/44.#9.4.4404#10,r14"1- 'tethiliethit-P,a6o - Witifittaliti4th - stiastnimiettees , oftitnnalitf , Aiiitfl4;lBs(tifinVint h inifillitt esuiraota ties the foreign% peetithairrlei ) 7 te , bnitiftt' tnintty,itt;•;thiE,Treaset•xeotl . .otheio Comptroller ok the TA1ri4 1 6 4 644444.4 4 0)1 1 4.04 4 :* itAi) „qtY4(4 se M 4it A* , * l.*eat! 1 0 0,04- I ,r gla,a!tv: *1410,04. _t'story tgo;L:tis*dzitiiistiedi; 041001#41*EttoA4 , 10%.,a,)titipr}kkin; • ivi 10, 1.. t, p; Trsbee, 14 of city, ,napreeetiti ittfitikdLappiobaiioc i 0 OW tiotiser,thit. Zeit :eon that enatttiy:4l4umehtly rettaeatiag the ockojeqnthln, • ; I;'i theAtairitoliticmeanntier • W ioael7l ), Court, .1444 the Grand, 44 - ititothisailatelthet'ZOeoy;Aii7iDlPP, - • laws - iow :,7104W' s •WISit*di'y'velitsi4Jiiatito 0165)14 rrive d 4', r- - /lot VOlit4taefehtaz? 7041,A,:411#1it,)01-111'01.00411",hii: wife; Judge; „Parker, Nis State joweptiug - attb~rney . N o.ret- '°°s/**AOYX'"TV!4r°-if;Vg:stst i kr;: i Ai 4 O* e- *i.k ' 3i:. T6ii that smell amount ci mousy', were toned In her pocket , ttft4fakitWit#, ~.`-ahtfaitthlt.,tte.mittif'WEed , fatty: ~qtreiios•Aili:alook of eliiidre n . xtilif4 4 lo l4 o4o;-4*4 1 744 1 0:'; - /*4*ififel' ' 'lb. suit a gainst "a ll ge `. asseis ou Seek;rfoiN*; In the ,ifetted stniati;Dlatilt4fecatit,AitiC'wteiei-'l44"Ohhiiiik iiii4eif*W*Jgaatteit , %,erion' , the tilanit=4lsibti • In thewhere thneaaitrAtteettiak,eteetkint:%ta, the Reek,lebtad! bridge, Judge ' diaT.ean , In A.1,0 1 ., 1 44 Elt=tes.9,4ll • ,ault tlouTt;'entlie motion pr: tut tejatiotitin, ground bfeettait With' that 'of the defendants this iridtathnalfeetaiinheisiiithi*iiit feet Humphrey; Marshal l, of 'Kentuckj , bte filially. - • eationtled.4o deafen theinnalastintitorteeitaiiN ' y the Oppoet thou, t4ltittipaqatipti:4l4tki#o"*ekeye,i ,, ,,:;:. , 1 ; arrived iietlieStkOhe4ll 011 04. weir tattivr - tiftelek ifOrieleflifteinnolltinethan a re ewal of in oohntetttaii*ltle(phitito `atfraiisi••the' . priient iffoidf Pa the '',oPPertnetty-to indulge my. -- cherished pose to teams the'. agitation of ,pabllo titteettene to;othartt, lii'whOtit . bands they will be better; directed than .• t f Afki10. 1 4,00,91L , WekrAnt l l9,4 l l o-.44:ttnnounee , that the Philanthropic 14 . 46 ;Am Excelsior. the 'Rrottenbeig LGsdge . (4elnitilt)jOil.-41Pcor tle4oi , l o ,4have forwarde+i, donatione ' to. the ", Monet " Vernon, "iletee'ritiargi TieNlee,ltigent for rinnis.l.l eietse • - rgemeS iidjirkuitzitions referredgoetereifily folkiitedbiother bodkmi Vide Atiat;tt: will -nit im, len& before ever/ "Oeitellow , eitizens hayecon= ; tribtiteit I.olN).'ivtireihatie'oi • the - Home' and , Graff fikw*lvistiliaivir.: • • May;Festival atV.i.he - Acaaemi Of Maple; Parti•al stfolf by bii aapygifilbal , itttsetad , s crowds!! bola*. 't What . 1 0:1 4 ,- , 0,1110 ,tiatighat iiehildriae•party ayoa vary larylizits.,=Atit,lit what it jourj -altta , ; •• avortati weti. yard by _ the ' great-14'qt ehildretti'taw fe= the platy; be irate pirtui and tritafittly,sttirad, esa• c•rth• slaty& Ina 'dad '44i lahoiAttrai-atas deserilisithif iiiriortskiiitiii of sbe eettotte a gatleptorbey-eleinsfl iititittlijewilay• Om sunray, tbrit that the au= 'dinoo4l4lo4stetiteltbive Abet the Older , teem plebeed. , We'' qua ::4minii;,Witiv*GtAiient‘fliiiinettL ours:lk "and Air Theii= , quadrille folka=4 , 640 4144 11 461110iYubi11ii. Wfeuexvn +eri." tkiktirkriitt► oattiumtf_ ;` - ?rett-Pitti ontib l eapej- end xi= Bit lii ti}~i ~, f 1 i941teir40444 • t-next, ,s , lboy• iiii141364:44 1 442gby-a 01111- iemale, juditidust, 'ai11itc,9040.::4040,147 1 1/4141h''dolek *kb , 0s: a od; _ vioorfoitioniisg6al,, , qoatlivadoltie r fa likch*rt=l34i 4144 NA ;• - gitOtit* - 40*,1!..Edeti,!: tben bore c!tem il'ite'...6e;ll).eitibi; by 0 ehihreanied Neapolitan 443 /. 6 t-1,4 1 / 1 10 ; , , 1 04>ft4iettY Tyroleiet Ones 04404 _ l ‘ ,l lksif4 s loo 440, 1 ;10411111 10 16 4 SW: Munk , ti 14011 4.; 1 041 1 4/ filia°4 ,r) ,4 o! -611 " 11 ) 67 Noo (44",iir:41 , -4 1 14 bi Iki,- rAtiA3W $4*,904,14t 1 i4.010 4 1 11 ' l *M-#metly+ fp*m - 4f,liiiil44ouVlotor songs,: !1111#140904 5 ,:06014 , 4iteiiatoffitat4o hesetbt 'l - " ,- 19YMOttekkiirs' pOteotAirilaignibtiattOotio ,,, dam* -,.,1"0`.011#1,1001,.,41P0i_m41itt!'''444/460* , ' ; :-;. : 77, -,i.„o:Tt-F,T.„ - 4 1 02 1 0 1 0 44 *) 104 *'1 , 4•43.iibi par- Sit 'r !OV l A . ****4 o,lll4llll ooo l4 / 1 1 4 "" 1 *; 14 3 4 } - Wtti. l l. llo frjitiotiobigwigo' u t f l 4 lIIIVIK , -#44,,f0 , , - iiiiikioillicialtiot•,7 li i i'3ls6l ' 94o ::#olloll.**._ I. , , , eouriE;oltb. Ihiadilie it itie ' , piigirAqte";ifkite.;,;',l*46,l;,ACidt:afititir;+*iii; 4t-ilie.lol44o***ln*:lna *CuAtill't #y& •",..-"- V O - 4 ' :_ i sMCAis l . 4-4. 044 7 1.4 ifif- 404 '' , 1 0 4104-s 4*4 l Li,i - vgliti*Oop _. -' t • liiio itg - - x:.: ,t - 1 441 ~', 0* .air; ~ , ,4 - sif .: 17,. ~„ 44iiv- t , AlifeCVArite Ira the rope boutineOverr 4 •"- -- An'ileiralef arithc• "- And' Mats-aright ' • -•- A •-, ' - )-8411 ke i'POn'!o° d oes Itettor from i' 4 "occitelOrittle" J. peetiotolly-,:seferAii,.oot : [Ocala eridieneit of The Prais.j spot of:earth which hiusYMore'intereet fol. him „ Wa'sumaiona hhiy 39,1869, • `theta, WS native village otp:OFf The enceese of the Opposition party In Virginia, ;OL • tlin•Btigle,dre' fat ierdekngtdr,,t'e n :frhterelie , while it teeettes another severe legion to the Dra ifermenly kept vVeO I nneracy, is "sunaMtible of /media/ reading ; before 'imall:lettle;where hand which' subs°. miming to which let me say a few Wavle as tonome of the characters who have figured , in the late '...nitsently::.inditeri, the . mournful melody of o d rpaignin th th e stlitate I l ha t v i e °lrefully avoided !, 441;1,4. 411, - !!'.Pflpe.„ ands , of ter lasso!. -°°°- son s re, a te g oanto neit h er Virginia a e r e t c o n n eit n he a r n th e a x t te w n h d- l e oh iitatitliiriefe,he4Mite:',Ocereecon to draw Wen- rallied under the banne r i of y Leteher. nor that led :tioeates-W__e,,,,liiii sten alsbinbe :en b y gogikan.,.,,,,e- no' ed -to be 'animated - ley lofty wad ifewlirsirk; - eitist,Velth, :a charming ingenuity, eomprobenerve Motives. Let:ober, in a moment of t iletnelfylaYettiqUfforlibinettideril. -- We have impulse; - (whether just or .unjust =amounts to Ofteit:lneirCtintneed by gentling, in our own nothing,) Borne' ten years ago partiolpated istsPeni, sPlilionembleal or historlealasianagraph,- v .. gran weste:Virginia, in the course of which apparently eisunolating some greet truth, but ° ovement rnfor the gradual abolition of eta haed not hesitate to endorse certain ideas darn : inveriabirendilig_ with earnest, and, ne gatory to that institution. When nominated for sinribt;'Sneat disinterested advice to the public Q(Pillintoi, and these his opinions were paraded 'to .- - ,finrtifelr: Wearing apparel_ at the Stone against biro, as might have been expected, ho pro . Clothing ; :Half 464-j:tonne adventrirous Over- needed "to recant them, and in eo doing to gloat 'ilser,'WhO".tiniiiiresses his establishment into over certain Tedelent pro-slavery prejudices. lila general ;notices - Exactly so with Mr. Beer- opponents sought tb outbid him in this question :emir Ife - h full of:Chaining: deviceitci press ble game; and though he was violent in declaring ,Washington,Heighta - , Into:Public notice e: his determthation to stand , by slavery to the last , they were more violent in taking 'owns ; a little let be - : rieekir - land on • that me ground ;' and there were lateral territerr,-.with a(cockney and est- causes which entered into the canyon, unnecessary " - desnOWlehes tti,And 11,-Mirchaser. No other to discuss at length. Mr. Weber had -united earthly motive, roaid: induce pooh a man tra 'himself with, the: personal-enemies of' ' Governor be perpetually harping OD' that same theme.' Wise in former etraggles, and, although Governor As 'far' the; Celebrated harp •of a thousand Wise and hie immediate friends supported him, strings, only onetune could be got out of it there can be no doubt that Labeller's position in when played by hint-namely, the glories-of 1855 (when Wise ran for Governor) was remem bered to his' disadvantage by hundreds of the ad , Wesisingtou Heights. misers of the present Governor. The - most import ]?Pereasitle; in,Prlday'a Herald is an Sr. ant of thelnfluenoes that paralysed the Demo - ticle;riesFly two/Columns in length, entitled orate of Virginia; however, was the fatal example cc What will become of the Pope 1" -In this set by Mr. Buohanan'asd his Cabinet at Washing aro dilcuesed the chances of the Pope's ton, and this was seized upon by Mr.- Goggin and having :again to fly from the States of the hie friends with 'admirable The treatment Church, as he did during the last Italian revo• of the public men generally Of Virginia by Mr. Intion-;his prospisets of 'seeking an asylum:ln ,Bnohanan-his backing andtllling on the Kansas question-his notorionef , the .Ealeario-' Islet;-thee insecurity Of hi eavoritiOnin the dietribu on of offiee and contracts in all his departments trusting himself in Aastrik Or France, Russia ti -his simpletons relationship to such men as Ben or l'inkey,L-and tlth-PrOpriety of his betaking nett and Wikoti; and the necessa ry denunciation himself to the United Staterk- r •or rather to that of moat of th ese influer oar by ou ch n journalists as • veryinna , an , very rowdyish portion of it Mr. Prior, of the Washington States-not to speak know ea the city of New York I He could of his double dilemma on the tariff question, and ,reside(Aquoth Nesnerr) with.- Archbishop his crooked record in,regard to the Peottle,Ball- Hiram:es; and el every Protestant sect," Says road-all came in issue , and -when crowde d upon -the:" sate authonity, " would, vie with the. the shoulders of Leteheiyalready . Weakened by Letoher's attempt, to back water onthe question of Catholics and each other in 'giving him a wed domestic slavery In Virginia, so hampered and td, this - asylum of all the persecuted' of debilitated him that he 'fell,-after two or three ' weeks Of the canvass had " expired, and was half .:11ruithermine,.. the' I New York Herald de- defeated before the election day arrived. ':clitres, , what BO* will deny, that c; thil is the But the success (for, however partial, it is a unmet C,Ciatholie country in the world"j-the success) of the Opposition in Virginia, and the "Catholic population, we aro told, being two coneequent necessity of laying down some national' out of thirty millions. platform when the general Opposition come to -'Mr.Esterterr professes to be very deep in gather in. National Convention, is by no means a ;theciseerata of_the White Rouse. Are we to pleasant fact for a DemOorat to contemplate. Throughout - the entire .South, as far as heard bOlteivis that be speaks with authority in the • . rfelle senteneca 1- , from, the Opposetron leaders are committed to the extreme' doctrine that slavery rarest bo pro , I ,- "Itittlhit; Pope therefore eseape at once to Now dad ' the T r'e -Thesele•ttiers a Areibishop Iltighes get up a petition 4° """ s' a re men -- ,inviting hills to demi, We .will gladly,eignie for of extraordinary sagacity and manhood. They :sine.Ttod thereto not'a decent mania the city who cannot afford to go back of their pledged word. "wilt refuse his Signature. 'Wereelongress in ses-, Look at the' list. In' Virginia, It includes suoh folon;„that' boar might order a national vessel to men as the editor of the Richmond Whig, Mr. s 'convey; hine'• - to - the United Stable; • but, in the Gorein himself Mr. Sommers ; Beteler, of , Mr. or, the :ismergertaiy, Wihateno doubt the President,',if ap• tO, would send the'slearn frsgate Niagara, Winchester Congressional district, the Pendletone, plsoef,or some other s uit a ble thin, to hritig him to the the Smarts, and others. In Kentucky, it includes -shores of she .New "World." , Crittenden, I. F. Bell, (the 'present Opposition ( ';.:Anshiltietfiref obtaining the title of act good candidate for Governor,) Prentice, of the Louis •Citholie". (holies Originally intended forthe vide Journal, Humid:trek Marlshall, Dr. A. K. 'priesthood; ; -,and, then airily ettired . in - the Marshall, and men of the same mettle. In ,4ighltinisi.l4/ and broahans,- bapalesoly enders"- Tennessee, there are Netherland, the present vo'ied to learn Ly.tin;) Mr,Hriestarr may be Very. Opposition oaudidate for Governor ; Sere Clemens, angionittearie the riirm;,le a said refuge.- But; James C. Jones, Broahlow, goUicoffer, and others. Most of those men 'are Americans, but they are with a ll 'h i ° iffWen ° ° st W i t i4hln g t°l3, w ° ra' more especially interested in standing well with then think thathe will,riot- be 'Sado, to prevail their people on the slavery question ; and, looking , • . • elitliq.,Byturaiekta Cc, send the steam frigate at them Dimply as politioiand, they may be rfilagaret; ; Orstime other suitable Ship, to bring - with those who differ from them radically on those , ti=the shoree of the New two heats in their own section; for this' allows . - them, their . home status, as they have been 1 r • line , it an : Hei • ' Bays struggling against the Demooratio party for f -the countryyears, It is' true that John hi. Betts, who ffThe'moet,;enitsib]o , part` is a bold and original thinker, In quite ready to go fin ‘th,CreSidercin ef2.thee,Perre -would be this into a National Convention - a nd make a combine Einisirg",lifteilk• - Wii,' - do,' nor 'object. .If the don simply for Success, ignoring' slavery, Amer!: r„,44. 0 40 0 , cense hither, whether with or with- canisin, and other questions , and placing the cam suetlifr; = liiioniirant's aid 'and patronage, 'he, pile simply upon the general ground of opposi. • )11, ny,Aereil 'reside in NeivYork, as out of it: that to the Administration Hat - Usti game will Bilrhifrailillti; CS and that :part of it known OS not do in'the pregent and coming condition of pub /Winking/Ma' 'Heights, which will - -- soon 'rival he opinion. It would - answer if, the Democratic, tilie- r itineet - sithinba of 'the moat beautiful' titian party of the' United States - accepted the Admits istreitipa or tolerated its Acirthomings ; but neer, 'Offieitysor=',tif ceisise ! , 'There is'nething Bke when the most of the Democratic party are note* h).4hertl NO-place - co 'flue as New York,.3,no_