The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 30, 1859, Image 1

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', • ' , ,t1:101 1 ::: ve.
1f4;:18 NoßTa.akixim. wriarizt,
:us Korrixt •
ran*ifatitutiosinuni or
.IigNOTALIT Y Bra n 11)13
• ' mimic* SHADES • ' •
, ozl srIa.X:SYARi r•
x." si finited. to so swim...tams
L7N)1,04 Ili lATIFSZT 'Mee -:;
44119311JEICADie MI4004)0600i: •z• •1.
• ,
• • • •
p 4 -1 ?; 1 4. 6
• of swig•or*lfkoimi:onflioL
101t't`Lf AR linkrumia, • ' •
WM. .D.RQSVIsV•ei Co.,
meitgET DEBT).
t"; ~jcb►i~ais ;
.r 3 • •
I , or.itafliftr* OIL; •
diai iis i ga r i • jpil .
6.4 ; • •
• as,. '
r .
S . At
, t .
eA 4 fi u rrlite riTt
_or .
Eigslll4 &oe ,
AI *mu' Illserw.
,; ~~.
- OIL 0, - T • H' I N
• —• ~.••1 • ,o s ?1I NIWJST STYLES •
'-• - '
• NOW 11,111,4;N4 AT
• • • • • ,
" •:." •-•' •• . • • - .
'"..- A.-se:lOW MARKET •81 REST'
!fags, Sc..
0 Kir, IVD 111 • • • .
tf AJMER R • HATS • - -
Are now'reekropinkovei pt . . .
• •trietßAlkatiel •ORILDBMIIIitamyRLATI!;
ilteibeivis, elegantly triatai•C" • .. • ' •
orry•fatiatisaa prtap;•• ••• • • .
4 • • PANAMA'. Imolai st.lo. • _ • •
ettilattaiiiii , i •• 'Drab •qtretaatv.Piarl -Ctsiatmere, the
llisireireittltete, - daaPiatamajez. Pm Belgian Straw
liiiiittylerat Het will be fond at We Mato._
11alliaarett i Vaqiall Oa - • Remember • •
• •-..drALIKFORD'S . • ;
• mita 4,% Vifar)fr : sirrians BTHSBTe'• • •
gear 'ffilo io;
• WOHNZQND . 46 ;!Zr/P.P l a t ".
..i.f:6II2IdIRAL iIESTERN LAND AONTe s :i: . -1
ot . pnidixe or Laadi-111liiieW
Aii!saintris tork, Wino!ias,
- • , le a simou, and Rossi. •
oteot *M faralsbod, Ocolliwtlowt wide, Sad
4 1 11 . 11 0 01** Pi t l , "'g e t4t e!'
" • 411/4311 No. 1,11.1100 ND PLOW&
111810 1 1VN-11,17 IL DINGS
40y 9 ri,forlor yHmantimia weour amok'
. siot lit' PA. • •
.;, 6:4mii040 lobb*t.e..;
finAifi*n lo :Athl.lis l *ll , ecobt.
- "•- •
t 4 1M 41711. 0.116. - - •
.0:1181 CIEMSMit !Otter, below IS event!),
„ ..J A Y ;;11:4' . 11A14. •
ft •
c•- . w.4•130 - 4 - tri , :de. co.,
N (tloor) Nos. S saa :r Noma RIZTII STIISXT,
'." • alrinfidithiliiB
• diasitialitiTriii**ol33 BTOOKO, XTO,
- .I* , 4lol4.47llllll'ililtala relating to the
V • suaszectum FITORN
, .
. .
- .
At the Old Steed; Nu: 761 ouserestm street, oppo.
elk the Weahleston o °Uee'.:
A. .wisomergati, will /lac bereto4ri, lib par- ,
BOW etiperetatetv to the* Illattint met .htietitsotntinit
depeatmeele. Ottorsler hte terlebretect style of Marta
tut Collar+ find at Um ehortelit notfoo. Wholesale
rtobiecippllad on Itherel tirms. ~.
eitias ,Extures, t.ramps, &r.
GAS . riaraII.REK,
siroitis 718 onzEiTNITT STREET.
?•-.. 3120./..DWAY, N. 1.,
WOSld dpidti p=roiormto publio that theyeemtinns
tG tommfuthre aL le,inde of
4.6 Ft:iros,
n .
Lau% •
, .
NZI6B, '
• "
. &0., ego.,
AM Vial their lute and varied Otelh uululateee th e
simplest u well as the mint elaboraiit plittethui Uteldll o
by their Preach attlets. They olio Oe:Mune to keep
at their Store, No. 876 BROADWAY, lute and full
emiortmeat of all that maodfutam3d g, 'MI: Deelete
and others are Melted to call and exam:dive.
myl9-12t. ' • •
. -
• aoperlik , otlirrit for kowiral we, ital for • '
MUST Oratioas,:twaps,',oD
•-• • .
overtias t *
'".. eta Obietant Street, Phtladelpbta • "
7 Wert State Street, Trenton, N. J.
over John Thee , * Store, Seaton, Penna.
I' that Gay Street, Wen °baiter.
• SUB deStiTS:
mitard. blooreetewn, N. J. •
Permanent OStoes Trill, be. opened übortly, by.stlis
Iteadinsi Allentown, aod Lermeater. Penne. • . • s •
• •••, -v :• lIENRY COY,. Agent.
loymia.: •
.1017D0/11: SEWING MA.'
, ,
08m5ts altered to the Public Ai the moat nr
Itablo iMe-iiricett 'towing hillehthe to uis. it will late
from ;It t O 553 1 aUteira to an limb,. Mt all 'Mute of
- EMU, frOM rearglat laggickg t,be flasetaambrto - . ft
1., without lorAption, tka entplart In 111 mechanic&
r ticue ,4 4osiciUrmadit,.andi am be run OA; heDtta " 91
bye child , of twelve yews or sge, TMe oUl&ilLtrl of
tble utachtoo, and ths tapiaarir or rre w‘lliz are "no"
rated to be tuaaancated by toy otter . Zia al:sed Mkt , *
from three hundred to liftean Ixtuatbag Alta:hag yet sal,
"cute. Tkr Atread nowt if Wain elf ready tom the tro° /t •
ItiritOOW.rielLOVlll.r or amraitoute. Ice tut, it II
that la "natal by Glary basally I Att. liad, ne
si *bill they aroma, kthiptmak the macho!
e inceat every 0ne..., . DM Et, Agent,'
brio-dein w .40446. :'; • ' • Tear aBONi ATRIUM,
'XL IA lIIIIINATIIM COAL Otr,-;—Vtaratate4
equal t o iloy . for , brllllinoy3ad 4 , ' ibillty, and 11
sico•ox•plc4lie t Also lubrioattog 06. On. - .
.. 4 . .
,K, tit. BUBO ptw gOti o ' ..,
i n ia m .- • ; It . -- ••'. - •• i 104 f dth Wharriki.
140 : tgeree5 - ,O , lttli Angar•Ottred
litotod' bi',Gor; ;ins, &
lobe &tiny, ilol fc'Wool stisdt
o tot 0, ,0 SODLIOI j is
011t00, Ilteoakdobt'alidie ''14128
PHIDM - 7p.
„ • • . ....
D - AVETurrTON - ; ,- ifet p 7 1 .• - :
•'' ' •"Ig2WrYoliStre-/.0 4 .'' ', - ''' •
Hitt iragenaasnsumEolit, ~ 1 1 1: 0 14 `-.: •
. ..... ...• ?, ..,•/.41 w 9. 1 , •..,1....,
BENTON'S! DEP4iTgaiWAR ffri• I F I :!!!.
• 1 ' , %••• :.• • • - - Tt .. 2 , i..,5)#‘... , -'` , . . „
• SCVACCI” : 354Cfr..A.. .' •, , i ..: .
• .- . • ~-; :•• ...'
: .:• ' "1 - ' • . 4 ..
.. • AnoiDO litiTili;** o ? u .....,:•,.:
. • . ; ,
• (moo or : their
:their Nair . . ADrlce4,9 , frite. );',,
WHO ALONE IS A• 111 . ).• izgD
i. ,, -.,4
. • ' .TO -•-,
- r,;. ' • ' % - -
_. ... , ilt""I' !.•
i1t0 ,...1 •
B.ZOBITH AND SOFTLY ittlfr:fpldelfjßfl:
• ' Tim Work 4 commode 4 to ttio De r 4 oo';.Fil ‘ .l brawls,
oi it chipolata* nosey of the brlllloal ire records the erldenoe ,thit znan•la - Cot Self
goyeroment, 'Cod it Will abaci light . tt' tilt: fly Of all
impending pitting AitteattPici 'while, eht TOtioiciit
lotto. All who aspire to goy shire trithrit4/4 ill**lils.
State Federal, or Africiolecti or left oitafr- ,ftediecO
stood the history cod worttoga 'of our 'tali 11 - .Toitio;
a t
tattoos, me Interested, in ouch a wori,.,V :r27-31:•
. •
API ; 1;11%•Bnil-U
A new American rditteewititlutirr
i ;01. unto: 21 21
_ The "TIN TII.InIPICT," by *"
If 0:;14164 by lafferatn Bind/
fished In London, In the'year .11i,
Maly republehed In thla country, bui
That ninth of its matter ; vie of lror
and temporary interest, referilim,ti
rellelous rquabblee of the. times
Work here wet bat tenporery, end if
flinty not , f print.' It oonteinedilt
quantity of . wit and whidOm. ' &Isl.
mate Pi reensoltation'st thief time ,
The ernerlean Editor; to whom'veat
fite f f vap!inir
. It for repnaliostior
irtille• trintng the orleitial of all , the
serrated, sod' of no preaent sod h
embody, withwhat remained, lath ,
Commonplace book as APP-ars4 to'
thately within thetlealeo of the ant
pied: of the - . book , -air tOphsbatioal
tloo Of thia,wit end ielirlom of many
I enoleot and • modernhae not been
, It now 11; theteok' . l. 0001111t114 - 40 .
Ito, with the Miller that, trlitlVlt. ,
I of esay qeotatleos to many Of .011 e
~itittwe yet tooteto While. aWerpl
profitably a • anion:ter iftehwilla or
general . raider,, ,, , ,•'...‘:.• ':f. , r
IA the - • ' Tin Truintatif thiVniel
lid the motlerToboseVollit ft/hood •
es yolid Ohttuke of Wladom ~* ate girt
eat floweret& wit.ltroatinitt a book 1
stilted for Snatrastion, eritrippingly it
tertziontent, iiith equal reason. .A
food of "sweet and bitter fanoy, ,, it
nibble at it Re often -se .you may, t
many 14 . 1111016,0034 mod agreeable nu
may read It through, le lf.diti, Nit It
thoughtfolnese, aII fe-tltne. -- • ••.• 1
• • - ' •1:). APPLXVII /a 0067
f)I I 4PP . t. : ' ' '- •
• , 00R?iieEl OP PIOUS AND 01
Are daily receiving:the NM Somme
beta of- merit will be found Upon ate];
tLetoly Published— , _
Boado's I .LOVE LITYLB,.'
Illesotc.• ' •• 3 ••••"3 •
'‘.111:1Alf BENI;
or ." Manakin EstafforO. , !,ilt••••„-I_,'
Bocrroft.Tifoßwß.-Bj A•••Tretlik
• GIR&LD 1122.G8afi.L8.. Ity Vl.l
MONLI'II. By the. anthor,oj !!*ll
26_ • •
• •
"B & £l. bare olio for sals thi MIN
wed idltlon of •
isyßS4t , Unfoiely temed.J.;.PripoNli,
" E VERY ifiTilllB (414 . DOI
Just aublloo4, TUX ICAITOMe 011
JUNIN 110L110TIO MAO 1011 MUD)
'ari, 08,
aIII OBBTVIOI 1:4101A8101
.111DICI 011
A %
WITH 01,035 A NY Octavo; 110've. ;
'MD • nate/tsar of the Chem' ita4 Pre,
des la *b e Rolcotle Medical College or .
.Pllll/4elpale, It ooe - of the most
llomeette, Prudes
prances of All6palby, Roucespathy,
all I t ; thyme or !Itikllans•
*lna a asp
ibVipitOin. 1; foi gale C'y Jour.
to ototo .01711TII Blrest, ; 0917111[111 - ii 00,
SECONDhaI Rkall ; ' U. AI rrisnotraikain ego .
catasycoutta, 3 god by the AtttA k oty illf.'l2o Sixth
atnet., Prim, . .
E.LADIS3'O4O-813910 - " •
. • oisainrittiLmout,
c om p r iotp r icr.ottfts (trip patsies for frothing In Ap
plique. Bead-work BraldlOffi - Clara* work, .Knittlog,
Netting, Letting,, Qalltlng, Petah
work. &o.; &a. Illuetrated with SBA .new eograir)oga.
Compiled from the best authorities, by Miss llerstm•
Bartley. Publlseed by 111YAN8.
ISa COIdeTNOT Street, Philadelphia. 1810;
Thls loth, meet (templets sari db.:m:ll4k -ISoTk of Its
lad. By welting to •el mole, straight .forward style, and
rejecting all Irrelevant triplet, the author he' been spa
bled to oohed, in tki volume an inomeose arditut of
useful and valusibie Information, so 4 by far Ole most
exteuerre collection of elegant patterns that has ever
been brought together in one book. These patterns are
engraved by the beat ornate, and printed h n excellent
paper. - and beautiful style.: Of course, such a volume
is the rags with the ladtee, who eau appreciate tasteful
patterns for tdoralrg 'heir persona and their deeding'.
They, know tee yams of ' , Hartle, sr • Lulles , nand
- Book." sod are orderly* It with a perfect. task It Is
an Indlepeo cable book for all vibe would be oirteet In
ornamental work •
Beside* the saoJeata named on the tllls.poge, we ob.
nerve that the volume *menage descriptions seed opera
v:ogs of all the 'serious Mode of illtobeeand descrip
tions. with illustrated patterns, and multitude of
other mitten Inoldentel to the subleat • Tbs. number
of useful patterns for working in this book IA greater
than ass be Obtained In any other wiy, by ovine ten
time' the price asked for ei flartlern• Ladles' Hand-
Book " This ralusble book for the ladies will be sent
by mall, for the lOW prise of . one '211f0 , 1 .111
snail a copy and n handsome meant to all .pareine Ti.
mittlog one dollar tor the book, and twenty-rime resifts
fur past.(..
A new fawned Catalogue of bootee and gifts, with
induciecasnts to agents; wilt be sent tree on arolleatlou.
Address G. G. .111AV8,
mykTAtt ' 4SSI CIIKSTSIGT Street, l'hil4elphlA.
0Y tat
• ' SEAT or welt, •
Nrobreoing a fall atop of Barope, read complete Maps
of Sardinia and Lombardy, Austria sod Ltaiy. The
wbole embodied ID one Doper Imperial sheet. e'se fid by
411 loohoe, tarnishing soot. rellahle geogrophloti lotor•
motion. en oenaot bo protons* from soy othrr. grooms,
This sheet also tOoteins titatiftios, easefully GOmpiled
from the latest reliable authorities. giving.tho itreosth
of the ermtee and, tsetse of the Powers of Suro)e with
brier accounts of the Leaders arid Oostende of the op.
poring Armies, in the present straggle.
. ..
Loots Napoleon 111, Xmparor of Pranoss ; Abiandor
If, dtoperor nf all the dossier!: Fraaols /neap) I. lm.
• parer or Mates, and Vlotor drnenuel 11, Ring of Par.
dime. , • ,
. ,
Their's% sinews attending the' putilleatlon of Ae
olians''s smaller meet plater Map of the Pest of War,"
lies Indueed tke publisher tablets. this eatoodsd Map,
prepared from steel plates, rendering it rostly iapeelor
to the common Lithographic blips, now lamed. This
"plandldetap will be furnished at the fol;cering low
prices :„
Randeennely Colored. In rues sl 00
Is • ,• e. • in sheets 60
Or either of the Mope of Europe, •a tsars, Particle
and Lointardr, Or Italy, furnished sepairstt4 In sheets,
colored. at 26 cents. •. , ... . • ... . v ... /,
Pobtlehed and fo r sale by • -
,_, • CHABLIS nlicr.vw ,
N 0.711 cumerNar Btreet; P Ilentelphia.
lir• The Mepe can be obtelced of Dsellers, News
Agents. h 0 , generally, throughout the • alted States,
and are also furnished In asses by (I 0, TANS, Play.
delphla, end ..11VANB k 00., New York
They will Os forwarded by mail, poet old, on receipt
of edvestitel price
11J Agents wanted to saurus for Nis Mop, to all
motions of this Union. Terms liberal. !
Er Country pipers giving this a perulnent Inger
pool will ready' a copy of Ake Maps i paid.
saysl.6l ' •• • • ..
The modoeslgoed elates that he hi, frequently for
Mite books printed between the yeavilelo and 1600 ,
early eilt,lone of the Pethere of the Oformore and of
' the Puritan D 17114.; In Law, Braeton 'Lyttleton. Par
fendorff; Grottos, Dowat, Coke, Ltale : 4e Year Books,
llerrts, dro., are often to be found nMe shelves;
Oy 010 pod I as, Le gi eons. Closets Anthore History, Poetry,
Philosophy, &Armee, Political Econosy. government,
.trehlteeture, Natural History . Treaties open these
ssod other kindred subjects ere being lostlonally dealt
1ia . ,17r - blus. Dooke, in large sod smd warm's'. nev
em:9d at the Oestons•Honee *inane 65 , iketall, OlikST
igurces.rnet, above Fourth, rhiladel eta
Dulls: 60 ' . • • 70Itt CAMPBELL.
mari t :lE TO BOOKBOYER S.
II x ... ab out respeotroily annotnisi that be bee for
ffotuttops db.:Caution the OfthdOetee or els iralaable
L to „ tt „, to b.' poll b,e Auction doing this month, in
New. York and ' ° hit ' 4 °l.Pbfa• . ' •'"
• J. 8 will visit A.
. . . imeo t ti "serioti OP M.)11100172. ,
Tot.. this romasi for the par owe
of purchasing old abs'll, sod 'winces. to oUggsst to
• Moulins and Book bd)Oni that 4 " 4° T fer ` °° uf o'er
fl 4.
tvreaty 7.TH to ute boo k bull newt O Europe sod 'Awe
ri co ! Will enable him to
s." older. With whlch he
may be eetrustaJ, to their elt...' .° I lfalt"ft "
, meld. tjel • 27 math Stir,,Tu• :tees, pailed4ohla. '
1110BILVEIt'e MAPS Ori; lE BEAT °P
B -A.
M •
PL .
BVilt ,
AP 0 ) P
, - Bite 10 by 28 iree.
A MAP OP MU AUSTRIA-II A glint, with 6 P
- of -I.O,IIDARDY and . 41013.
, Pine 14N by 19 Indio.
And, *Complete !dap or the Etai Ttl of ELEDIPIIA...
_ . , • . Oise 14,4 by 19 Ini 11.
piled . sad corrected Iron e !taut 'European
authorities, and forming the moot omplete eouree of
information now to he attained,
The whole three maps, bendeo.: y colored, ere put
ap Inane volume, gotet form, on artdabed at theloW
peke, of 75 wroth, 011,1191 9 DE9ILWEIt, r•
- . 714 ifEIriTIOT f. eet, thiladelpttla.
0013hilitT PAPERS giving i I a prominent Weer.
Lion, y 111099199 I <ropy of the hi .9, pot paid. .. ,
myll4w . . . I
' - '
rrto THOSE who are . , ~ waistline
" Drogs, Plants, White Leflend "Window OWN,
we dtreot their ettention , o sois urpkensit sod @sleet
steak of such goods, which 'trot° e tone ! at the store
Of zpo !AEI & SMITH,
ap . 211-t, ' anther of ANCOR 0 a d ORIIP , Strthte.
SIIOtrLDERO:-.410 Dry•salt Shonl-.
dere, Jost:repelled iod for •by O. 0. 11110L111L
& 00 . 1 eltAft 'greet. WlMil§ d . libm/A7lollt. • 11:1721!
11:411D , ,--170 bble ' NO: • Loaf hard for
AA was bi O. 0. Stadaiti "ry AcKlittb.t.
(mod door store hoot. t
MONDAY. MAY - '3.0; - 18.591
*ONNII.7I;e:MILY' 80, 1869,
„Lake Maggiore and the Ticino. ,
. .long since, the writer had the pleaeure of
-travelling;through some of the ((bonen which have
'acne acquired a new interest is the probable zest
of a .torritio
.war in Italy.
,Perhape few remi
nhoences ef then may, not, under the present air
• antestanees, be,nninteresting; though the reader
must not expect any amineintenoe with military
matters from one ignorant et the aril p,inolpler of
that solemn+. Snob points ae these have already
been, and doubtless wilt often again bo, fully de
veloped by writers oapablecif it. , . •
On the 10th of July we oiosied the St. Gothard
PAU, iibtut 10 o'olook A. At.- And hadcoarcely left
•a; tributary of the 'Rhino befo r e eimonntering it•
mountain etream fulling into the Tickle, or, as it Is
frequently, sailed,. the, ToMin. On it Went, whirl
ing and plunging, while, only leis wildly, our dri
ver:urged his bonnie at the top of their speed down
the olgroglttalines. Swissdrlveis deep, as one is
apt to think, tooklosoly down bill, but an almost
impereeptible up-hill gradient.lo drawled over at
a soail`s pace. At, the foot of the mountain we
-earns) to Airole, a place of impostanco, - -atict
iTFO- t46 1 41t1 4tWV.: ,iXi141 4 74 W, 1 9176 M-Prt
aceriery,weieliengeil.•: *e; passed fhwfugit . .green
vlneyardo,tend -.under the shade of. tieh ehestnut
trees which tilethe the mountain sides. The build-.
trigs Were Of .nAlfferettt style from what we had
befori:meh vrith,',isztdt yet .more (Efferent, were :
-this dihabitinibi; Wit . Wore 411 -In Switzerland,
bet ,
tket , peopie la their habits and manners, were
The aftrtit(feon. woo .well advanced' whAti' we er•
!rived at lialliniona; a plc.oo of perhaps two then
'mend inhabitants, whose anotertteWalls anti towArs
thow its , importance of old. •It seems .deoeyed,
hand yet its position is such thakit may again come
into noto. It is • situated at the junotion of she
St. Oothardand Iterriardine rondo, and a railroad
projetiteit'jta , tetitniebt.tlfe Italian _Takao and the,
•Liike otOonetairee, will, if 'completed, as: Is pro,
through' It • 'Thor. are . three pls.
eantleit'oVerloolifnithe'town. The hoteL
isdleed, wao mine of. ho
ieleancskin theoierid. country 'around Del
41,insoniqespooltilly bevend it on the miad to Lo
'fistitio) hes, been : • frequently overgewed, and. laid
:Waste hy aeode.or the ,Tossizt
"- -. ..1i1i the Seeming-34 4min on to Lloarno, on Lake,
lf,a'Wei Where irlifilirited , Shortly after dark.
W:likol boreteatfirerironahlr fermi, and'lltted .
wit Kano style...; cltir..partywere, for et Nye • ea* ,
tAta 541y.:h00 - npants.,' Berldse; What,pttrhapirwe.
jaidzllttte'.iehsee to orpoot, ". the, Ornein 4, - wee:
dileaiistnd nice. . We bad two naur bed•icoms o
:thifietioad. door front, with a Ault:l44k= between
the wa ll a of each frescoed, and the Aloiiis pair.
With a sort bf•moutio; the bed.spreida :were .
.11k. rAltegether, the room! , eto ', were Hi to a
,with' - the finest at tho St: bilokohis, Me'
York ',. and that, you know, L is'stiong praise. : j% ;, .......
Atiat morning' we had Played snowball on -the :
.toitef. St, Oethard ; at night we went 'id boa with:
- elm wlntlowe wide open, and trYing, nihardaaNro.
.eetildi to keep tool. Next; morning Ire were
awake betimes to gale' at the beautiful soma? of,
SA lake. It was too dark and misty when we at- i
sirSd'the night before to - enablo us to seo it. At..
ter breakfast, at which we had flue fruit for das....
(egi, ire Walked np the bill; back of the:town; to
!ht Oltkoh of the Madonna del demo. . This is, I
iitortid think, throe or jpilL kindred teat abate the
.toxe. il'he path, ivoll
,shaded by , trees, is , a fine,
tbrOadi . ..aleagged tine, withstonts stops. yrery now .
tintiktner - , , lotitba thapeht stand all along by the
roadside. A .joUplooking old monk, in a snuff
ojilored.dreiii, MU sweeping oat the chore),, which,
though smell, was .very: battatful. Making him
'self genarillY useful by showing us the °biota of -
,inteteet about
„theolioirett, explaining ;, the' paint,.
dilitita.,. , the. piece ;of elfyer ,we, pieced in his
bends seemed to pliesetim exceedingly. , ,A con =
~ — .6..{..;.,„_"ektAg'shLirolt:, ,
_,--Astik.tite greet-lota'
of' attraction' sratt-Lin•" , ;'Aigi: aut-Attratt•
theme, of lake, and mountain, and vitinge;----..-
1111* most above:dug, and wellelepsid the toilsome
clamber uphill that hot day. .
Lectern° la a small town, about, as , large as Bel.
Its situation is eatromely flee, and there
are some elegant beildiuge in it. It was, many
years sinee, - noted for its menufaotare of silk, but
the perrreautione which seeded upon the Deforraa
tion.drbie off the Protestants to &Mole, and the
tradeodetost rained at Looarno; bee flourished in
Its newer goat. It is said, though this I do not
'eve from personal observation, that there are
seven different castes, as it were, among the inha•
bitants of this 'yillage, the diatinetions between
whioh are punctiliously obeerved. Shortly before
I noon we set off, by ono of the 'little steamers, far
Imine, on the opposite side of the lake, Where wo
first entered Austrian territory. Our oeuvre lay
from thence itileigh Lugaro and Como, lauding
an ereursion on and upon the borders of the Lake of
Como, to Mart As I wish in this letter to treat
especially of Lake Maggiore and the Tioino,.l will,
for the present, pose over the consideration of all
'that oeourred until we left Milan, some days after
ward, on our return to Switzerland.
As there traria four of us, it was pleasanter, and
no more expensive, to hire a carriage than to go by
the diligence. The morning was a hot one, and,
the road dusty. We passed by groves of olive and
gelds of rice and Indian corn. This lasi had quite
'a home , look. Indian corn does not seem to be
highly appreciated la Europe. I never oaoe mat
with green corn on the table, and I think but
Once, saw oorn•bread. Olive trees resemble wil
lows,'and rine buokwheat. I refer only to gene
ral appearance, as peen front a carriage driving
put Oar horses were gded; the carriage lndiffer-'
ently so, the harness very poor. The traces were
made of rope. I notioed the diligence we met was
no better off in this rasped. The journey wag a
tedioull ono, the road straight and level; Cool
Swiss mountains wore in sight, but, dimly so from
the haziness of the atmosphere ; while '
on either
side the country west a dull level plain.
Between eleven and twelve o'clock we name he
the Austrian dogana, or 'meriting &Bee, at Ma.
gouts, within a mile of the Tiolno. Hare our
driver took out his heroes to rest them, and, all
we could do, would 'not start again for an hour or
more. Italians do not seam to understand the
benefit of American go-aheaffltiveness. We were
within ten miles of Novarie;'where we expected
to take the oars for Arena, and the delay caused
ns to mine the train by a few minutes. Probably
he'delayed on purpose to detain us at Novara, and,
as things have turned out, I run glad he did.
Close by where we 'stopped was the Navlglle
Grande, the oldest canal in Europe, being six or
seven hundred years old. Begun a hundred
years before, it was comPlettd by litiPo•
leone Della Torre, about the middle of the thir
teenth century. While Waiting we made qUito
a feast on white mulberries, which abound in the
neighborhood. A mile or less from the office at
Magenta we crossed the nowoselobrated bridge of
Bulfalora, or, es it is called in my passport, Ponto
Nueva di Magenta. I did not auppOse at the time
that it would become so noted as it has since, or I
would of couple have examined it carefully. It
was a magnificent, nidge,'nearly Imo feet long,
built of lightesolored stone, and cost over $600,000.
It was begun by therreneh, in 1810, but remained
unfinished until 1827, It was wide enough to admit
of a railroad treok, beside the earrings-way. When
we were there the railroad was not far from althea,
and I understand that the part from Novara to
the bridge has boon recently opened, the remainder
to Milan being loft uncompleted from diffionity
With the Austrian Government. Passing through
the Treeate, we arrived at Novara about half past
two, to find the train for Arena, had started a few
minutes before There was no help for it,
and there is no ate grumbling about what
ono CAN'T help, (or , to/tat One CAN ) Fortu
nately, we found a vary good restaurant at the
station, which was nicely lilted up, and, if It he'd
not been for the flies, was quite a pleasant piece
to stay at. As the train would stet leave for six
hours or so, we waited 'until It grow cooler before
setting out on our explorations. The elation is
just outside the town.
Novara is quite a city, with a population of
nearly 20,000. There is e very old bathedral in It,
a thousand years or so, I believe, in some parts,
but not much improved by recent alterations. It
Is very interesting to a student of architecture,
and if in Its original state, would doubtless be
very pleneing. At present it Is not vary attractive
jo tire Salami traveller. Just on the outskirts of
_{ho town le a beautiful shady green. Its appear
anoe fg petiole that whieh the Battery at New York
presented before its recent enlargement, the-ter.
race jutting out in one ease into the water, in the
other into a eastoelY lees level plain. The city it
'elevated, I should any, about 80 feet above the
surrounding level. It was very pleasant to lie on
the stone seats under the trees, and , look out on
the peaceful landscape spread out Air miles.
Barely ten years ago the prospoot there was
far different, for close at hand weeethe battle-field
where in 1849 Charles Albert, the father of the
present King of Sardinia, WAS defeated by the
Austrian General Radotsky. It was in aonse-•
queues of this defeat that, his father abdieating
in his favor, the talented soyereiga who now coon•
piste the Sarainian throne came into posseacdon of
- It,. The old fort near sheen marks of conflict in its
t#44erint /`iisw - a P 144 whorl btql, or bomb
had Made a niche largo erio,ugh, for a hore4 Mg
cart to Stand ; :the bottom of the deep ditch: areiiild,
the fort, Perhaps 40,feet wide, ,was Made into's
garden, whore Indian, cent andetiter yegetibler
seemed to be flourialdng.,, 46.. s el g l i t .o'olpek 'Oa
train left' for Arona, where : we; arrired'after 'rwr
hour's ride... • : -.. l',
... .", .4:......
-.• The principal cariosity abotil*Oplethe'etatie
of fit. Charles Borromeo, a mile er : twetrom town.
As the heat was to leave soon after,iieven, we ars e .
at live to to this_ statue. It stands on . , an ele
vated position near the lake ;, the pedestal. is ithont .
*forty, the statne fully • sixty feet, In height. ''Tlikt
base is of granite; the head, hands, and feet call
in bronze ; the drapery, .to., are of shoet•oopper.
It is really an artistic piece of work. There is a;
ladder kept nt the foot of the bans whioh' it
atands, to • mount into it. I presume the people,
who have this ladder in charge think that if they
kept it up .on the hill they could not conseial-:
timisly charge Bove liras (dO. cents) for the use 'of
it ; so they retry W up and, down fo r each- Parti"
Between the,folde of the robe there is in one' pleat
a narrow, °poising; :climbing .op .to which, . We' ,
squeezed through, and mounted by the aid of the
bars which run from the Inner ease of masonry. to ,
the shell, so irregularly ail tq heeke.the wont;
quite difficult, and to expose outea pate to a con- 4
()nation, we reaohed'. the' haul, and sat 'down. in,
the interior of the nose, which .makes a sort 'of
arm-chair.. Openings in the eyes serve no win
Bows.' - I should think eight or ten' ordinary trized
winpjght,..beleld iN in - thebead at .net rue ~ ,T
was•Cardistal•Arobbishop of Milatt'idthe.llxteina ... ,
• tieuiturjr*id his- Chap:star!. Assorred.,thi' repent:
*lda avin tijui .itho.".luUtit. dil4ol4.PPPittrq."*.
iatninoliod to itettord tadti.: .-.': .• ::,..• aj , ~.' ; '. ,> .• i4 7.
•.`Fllefore returningto toWnWe. W1..4041n* bp . •;
;the clear waters of the lake., Thesall up - ' '
. was very pleasant, anWast wee nearly lif4
long, , and with. many ,coves ...and: wiedidot: .. t• '"_
. prospeote were over openinginp before ue. , A, e4r :
of Palianza,"ono of the ,placts whera , :the 'Veinal
touched, and whloh has lately. been Seized by :the
Austrian Oorernment, has recently been published
In'imitatian of rater Alonif Ite general appear
anoo—and that is, of coarse, all that a momentary
vier/ from the dock. oft a :steamermarrents me In
epathing Of-it , ssiems very. acourate. , Pintail,
..eeme readers''may have seen & oopy, of :it at Ile
zard'is erthdosi; tiheetnnt,;belew Eighth,,it i bLut,t; .
as obis may think, 'at all liner than, the . original':
• Jolt . borers arriving at Palianza weiaised the,
Borromenn Islands, tourist number. O ne: afileM
'contains a palette belonging to that family', This .
Island was built up in finial:toe, from a blittftiotb.
In winter, it can be all put under gluts ;'so• that
belie, in sight of eternal snow, grow the: freittrof
the tarrid.seho- At Magadino. at its northern 'ex. , '
tranity,.we 'took leave of the L ske Maggiore, and!
. at i thle.point I wilAcloso tite,present paper .
i rgildii.;orthe 'Great West. ;
• fungaxtioP iroric the Wistehx`444,/-
tiffi;tllthiii4 I In dh19401111.0504,
4 10
641- qP r : -
4 CiiittKtbeAiitsle tx,iiioteot) sriatipt
• • 014 tjto o,fruptiolkjtjakea *IRAQ
tountirely:tupon , Alle ;esktellki4.l4
. 4 1;1 exertionikto•neoure
1441WW4i40Iiin,fra Aliwnesernme6 , 4Thiel
4411411fRehfCieWork bylfiwin T. Ifreedly, "Ritt,
eihicileLeildhttivitt;qs`mollt hea 3 Pllnt fermi the de
velopmertte.yeslatzend atatisties of the mannfaeL
Amick . Industrielof Philadelphia in IBS?, together
Prig 4etatekT renierkablemanufaetoriee, and a
11,8 t of some of-'the most liaportaat articles new
Inedeld Phllibielohla.•,- This bookie a great: deal+ ,
deratureior the Weet and. Northwest, andlalion4
esstanalvelyr airooateir ijoburportion prihe
gauntry ; Strange as it may seed, our ixterehante
are; as 4 eneral Ming, bat ilitteradquainted with
our Phila delphia neighbors... Their intsinesf, kyi
hitherto' been chiefly
_donek.baltaw_York, and in
deed it -is . but . lately .thet :they tiaveliserr email
aware of the suPerier offered In ther , iiisfr
of directness, nearness; cheapnest, ke.l pt. the
Peonsylvanta roads .fervfreight -stud. passenger
traffic direr those bf the more elroultotis New York
rotates. .• . ,
This, however, Is , now. beirit.ganetallYknoWn
and appreciated throughout," t virost," owing to,
the exertions ert/te.t l etiOsaeivaittor.Certival 'R.
Company, in sitreadiag fsboift - and
these facts co-nen:Mau he or* t • • • -
/eflisifistentang- —l777 ' , amttitin
Itctital a ir‘ti
.WAlLVErs‘Whenitltad lisgatiqilofeamt,
mielpts, at thnet;l66ofhea•bnetnOnn tit dAtunittly
dull, and a fair alp3re,4C,Erafils and travel la turn.,
log Itself into this, the Incas natural•ebarmal of all
the great routes oanneeting chicago and the
West .witt the' wittimard cities. - Rat :erbilii'tke
great Pennsylvania, Central 'Railroad has been
•working so faithfully for the ,f4teresta •of
Philadelphia, &sae'. the enerchanfi and mina
facturers _Philadelphia . bent "artOeiently
alive m the .1111MeTtle and largely rArtunerative
growing. business and • patrottatte eke* • VAC
undeveloped Northwest avid Miesissippi Val=
ley We think net. ' One Inivohtntif still -go to
Now York, to a great 'extent,' - ta purchase goods,
When they:oar; be bought as oheap,,rul' cheaper,
in the city of Philadelphia; and our stook grow
ers and grava-dealers 011 look.toNew York as the
only market,. when they have a better market
nearer home. -The fault iff noetheirs, but that of
the merchants and elsvitalisfs of .Plalarlelphia,
who are less enterprising than their 'New Teri:
neighbors. They make, or have made; no com.
measurate exertion to secure the husinese of this
great section of country, to theessi/ves. ' We,
will venture to say that riot ono, la ten 'of our
Ohloago merchants
• aver, beard of the various
Arm 'representing : the variant; ' manufacturing
interests in Philadelphia, as, given' in Allis use
ful little book. When we see one' advertise
ment from Philadelphia and •Baltimore in our
Western exchanges, we see twenty fatly detail
ing the advantages of buying goods from - New
York jobbers, imparters, and manufacturers. • Lat.
Philadelphia inflate a little enterprise, ambition,
and aotivity into the huni•drum sameness of her
way vat:doing business a century since, and keep
up more closely, with , the Spirit and progress of the
times. This book lea stop, but a' step only, in the
right direction. Lot it be followed by other wise
and persistent efforts, and vast 'benefits will an,
ores: The ago of miracles and physical impossi
bilities has gone by. 1 1:The mountain no longer
goes to Mehemet, Mahomet must come 'to the
mountain.— Dropping metaphor, our Philadelphia
merchants and business men must favor us with
an occasional glimpse of what is going on there,
what facilities and opportunities they eon offer to
Western trade, if they would reap advantagefrom
The Government of France--Its, Actual
A paragraph giving the mutual personnel of the
Pronah Government is oiroulatlng in the papers,
oredited to the Journal of Commerce. So fre
quent and radical are the errors it (mutable, that
we deem It worth while to present the subjoined
amended and extended list.—New 'York Times.
Regent of the Empire—The Empress Eugenie.
Private Councillor of the Regent—Prince Jerome
Council of the Regency—Plerre Jules Basotho,
Presidont; Cardinal Monlot, Duke of Malakoff,
Aohillo Fonkt, R. T. TAN)long, Count de Morley,
Count de Porelgny,. Marshal 'Turnout, Count
Minister of State and of the Honsebold—Aohilie
Minister of Foreign Ad:dm—Count Colonmt Wa.
Minister of the Interior—Duke of Padua. '
Minister of rmanae—Pierre Magee.
Minister of War—Field Marshal Count Bandon.
Minister of the Marine—Admiral F. A. same=
, Minister of Instrnetien and Worship—guano
Minister of Commeroo—Eugene Ronher:
Minister of Algiers and the Colonies—Oonnt do
aboaselonp Lanbat.
Minister of Justice—Oland° Alphonse Delangle.
Prosident—;•Raymond Theo lore Troplong,
Vice President—Rmmt de Royer.
President—Count , de Alertly. '
Ootoinander-in:Ohiof—The Emperor Napoleon
M. •
Aids-de.Oamp of the Emperor--Gen. Coma do
Montebello, Gen. _Prince de la Moskowa, Gen.
Fleury, Col. de ,Genlia, Lieut. Vol.'
Marquis of Taulongeon, and Lieut. Col. Lepio.
Orderly•Otrtoers—Lieut. 001. Pave , Chef d'Esea.
dron Schmitz, Captains Brady, Emile Tasoher do
la Pagerie, Prineo do In Tour d'Auvergne, and
Lieut. Prinoo Joaohim Murat.
Major General—hiarshal Valliant.
fe e r , a o . p ' mander—fdarehal Count Baregue7 d'llll-
Ohio( of the Staff—Goa. Foltx. , . ,
Generals of Dlvislon—Foroy,Benret, Blanchard,'
L'Admirardt, dollartlmprey, Jusuf, Vaareytt do
la Charriore, It:wrap°. Gate • •' i .
Commandef—Gen. Mamba° lidlifa4on.
Chief of the Staff—Gen ,Debrun.•
generale of Vivid - on—Do la Motto Rouge, De
fault, Bouvet, Polheo.:Bspinasso.
Commander—Marebal .Cantobert, .
Chief of the Btaff—General do Bonneville
Generals of Divielort— , flourbaki, Troohar, Da
orot, Botanic, Colliwooa, Renaut, Ploart, Tannic:
Chief of tho Staff—Generals Bopirent de la
Ville, Bol:et. •
Generale of Division—Vinoy, Niol, do Legnita,
do Fatly, O'Farrell, Salute.
Commandor-In•Ohtef of the Form to Operate In
the Adriatle—Prince Napoleon.• Chief of the Army of Observation
upon the Rhine—The Marshal, Duke of Malakoff.
EXOITIMENT AMONqii.AO-P161001,13.—.. A DIM
etor &en4rd has appeared in a New York Morning
paper, stating that a,chifonier recently 'emerged
,from,the sewers of that 'oity, iu whioh he had re-,
,maloed four menthe, having realised- , a fortune. of
ten thoixsand dollars, obtained prinelpelly in the
vloinity of Fifth, avenue. -It,aaid. that there
will be a speedy disappearaneeT, of "rag pickers,
I who will, inetaulation of the good toilette of their
I brother, dispute with- the rate.the oecapatlen of
subterranean New -York. 'The atmovhere of a
' sower is said to meruble the ",n ative air." of a
.titettronier; • • • - -
GARE,B4:L. ',la WA%
for ) dtitif ge hag
jut commaiiiied Italia Basin - OOP
line van,' trbottleiratt biotin atfentiestiple,
hle ladyfjTheYovere Mulled:l44lB3k or th.P??..
abonte, t anA Jived iiiid'erlfe_ for inbre
than 'twenttyy years:"`The ""
'-idsiiiedfzntffhid3Y Mm.
Pease,taritt she le - a stater of. noted
New , rot trini sdo narYl 7 !hatstarne. OAth at al so
a brother who.isa oler gymen 'Matte.4 Itia
'said thatetelr.ftit't - donry tolethtniband.offive tbonsand'dollare, - Whieh save - hint a,suatieintfal
start, in • life. „They,:have, no_ohildren. " -
,snonth's Shoe
wentlo indianai end by tint
lasso statatei of that 'Ellate"ebtalited.6. divorce, or
something Galled kinvoreefromlite wife. • - .
,Thiee - pring he was married akein'it Suipsiisl4l'
Bridge; and semi' thirty daYielter,- - ited his mar
riage 'published - I/env bailing trent 'adieu& • We
are told;- that he, was marriedpn the bridge-481P,
log the preaoirer that lie was -wattle rental* in
his notions, and
„waited to hale - the cierinatiOny per
foimed on 'ithat greet work of: art suspended over,
thejoarink,dood,,,, was gratified and the hstr& , J
monk . performed; `Woo
_matfett* persons
have 'Milani - ad' that , ' Mr. i Conine teeleeted„.this,
talon far-Abe: rem/ego' ceremony, thig , aPtivear
taititv;might arise • whether it Iran 'performed
the'l3tate Now York htt,„Cthesbythe
know the'' gentlematri
butes the arrangement to; anything else. thin lie
love for I the ,rornantletteheffer 17;pfert, of
Thief:B4y. ' " ' " ' - -
0 1 , Piatioil,„',Iia its' ph
ithiah appears Id . edam
• toriert*has keen. tab,
.JhTpiVev square, auk" , 4 _
-Aajt- atoll& am, doot,olitii* do.
irearatap.hat afed4,ol le sehole lit the%feu
[6 , ltletilltheitorliArcAp ttl-,f.tifteilWiljlVitadfdreo'
klaok. filatebolgilbif bbilz ii(heaFeai
53tri, Abet lticiayhC
arligptfatlcrile altitude tkepett
Tgip fitai‘hetton2 11 milled upow that the
'llO tfdnaci
Arise! dolrsi iwithcnit .
'!thttotiPg big ~Itlttfitj t otgla.
1/ 0 14kbeethif :01,4 hi the mnpoleaahno, fox his
itneeloaiihotMO:4o' thing Id, siasfake ;thew in'
leallteettiPi- k:''7'4,0' , .•!.;
7— e134
lair ois • eflkecedwoeili:t , - ' u riitif
w4.16,14,==109. 0 atkitihe'.
tji-4 44.40,4ertigit . IsiAtweA
llifif• • ,at, Aiit , Jia' • eAtfliti tinift4W
C-Ii re Snip that a rimhiii,nryonng mew. OF,
fnto an Miti•ettishig "OlaKi Etsliniecabili t jwbea
gets Qtf hn oath, taireinedltetearfirted.httrentyitlve
eenteorlateh mast be patd.into thettAtiettitf,' The
eolie'deirete4 te-senie.ehMitehlillPier
'when etiffloientl3i large' to btiatiin3qtritetidett,eivi ,
Thal hive: el.teatiiese,xteeded`WgittiingrA3
alai!iitto a pew s hi the ehnritC lad hart; finds',
hand tti ctirtottlerti
nth tiN D:Wh:ltetitriti ibbiar
`engineer 'efittle:, Ceatillt Railroad,, Warm Wa :Mat
the western elan* of the Ittaelti4gt ttnott covered.
•w,ith inalione 54104'1:m4. They anpeesid brat near ,
'the ton•or ntotintatif 4 4 .. iliontliteireekcega; and'
'seem 'to bo,inevinrg lit 'a twestilly direotion,v Amt P
he ,recollgoted IltetlDrz 0140; of;•Balthrore, fret
I dieted the ziTitiearaneeet ch - ,lollll:lcHo — Eiriii Valley daring th he month.; ' '- • •
A .invisartwAssAssits.--A thaidayatsinbeA
workman einployed lin-Pomeroy 'slaotory:stPitts,
field, Mass. ' „Tree stabbed with a jack knife, by a
boy Whom he had,' naerkiken' to ohaktlse for
tieing iniulting` lagusw-to, some yonng,women
alto employed at the faotory._. The wound was not
very severe,And the , - boy, after spending night
in the loOk•up; Wait tat off and sent to his parents'
'in Neivr Took. - ' • -
LAW.6.I7NON ,11Arnurt,lat German, of,
Edwardavilleallimile, attended a ball on?lneediii
night, with a yonnglatlyto rhomhe
. wsadddngaged
to Remarried; 'biOamejaalouitif heiustuee she'
danced with other-partlesibeeMea himself, and on
their return home attempted to - aide ler,to death,
Thinkirighe had been enooearfnf in '1,0 , `
armed a pistol and blew bin brainennt; -The.ght..
thonghAreadfulli Injured; may, recover. , =
Ma. Afmu , donn ,
died last Monday itteropi fro*asingaler
On' the "prhaadinelfxiday be sin* a nenAnife
blade into the paint eltriehand, sehlohnattsed In
tense pain. Sunday, while walking In his garden
he fell Into a nervous spasm, and being borne into
the home, faillid rapidly till his death. Monday
'Morning. , . •
A LAAGE, eatable, cartilaginous, fish, com
monly called a sturgeon, was .reocutly.cangbt in
the Red River of the North, in Minnesota, which
mensared 'seven foot in length'. It is laid a man
once had his canoe oapeiseclon that river by a dab;
and a writer in a St. Paul paper wonders if whales
do not come up there from Labrador.
Bunt DAVIS," while - 'looking 'at -Carlin
court's balloon ascension from Taloa, New York,
became so excited that he wont into a .flt, whioh
relapsed into madness, anti resulted in death.
TWEIITY•SIS THOUSAND . noriina, o ut of the
fifty thquaand to be raised in 'New York oity for
keeping therEgyptieneolleetion of curiosities there,
have been got together. -
NATI( Olr A Ones DivoTEE.—'4ollTalUler,
the most aremessral chess champion in New Orleans,
la dead: Re eras. the. chess editor of . the Now Or
JAIIES Barr; one of the alitoverers of the
mammoth cave, died in' Kentucky a few days ago,
aged ninety-four leers.
lIAD - noes have 'made their appearartee,tn
Oentro county, Pa. .
Horrible lteveiation by a -Mallow.
Armstrong, one of the murderers of thrtmell
carrier near .Brantford, 0. W.; has mede a full
confession. , During his lifetime be hurt robbed to
the extent ot fifty' do:ascend , dollars In money and
jewelry. The largest haul made by htni Was from
the parser's' officio of the eteamer Buitiire State,
when lying at a wharf at Buffalo;- the sum stolen
by him on that ,oqoacion being,two tlioutand eight
hundred and ten dollars "'The robbery was Wad
ed by dressing himself no as a female,and passing
himself off, as the wife of the cook of the boat.
The clothes. ere furnished him by a prostitute in
a house of ill-fame, to whom he gave three hurt•
dred - dollars for the use of them: A more startling
piece - of, villainy, however, to which he hes eon-.
fessed,,ia given by the Brantford paper :
It seems that on the day of hie ' diaoharge froth
;jail; vis.t the' 11th- of April last; he hrtd scent!,
dentist conversation with Moore, one, of the con
victs now under &Intense of death, When the letter
told him that about a month' previous an' attempt
had been made by himself and,the other epaulet
to throw one of the Great Western trains a the
track, with the intent, In "the confusion 'which
Would be Certain' to follow, to pillage ;and rob the
passengers, but their attempt failod. , , The engineer
ef, the train, on„seeing some ..obstruction on the
track, at oneeWhistioct wdown brakes" and re
versed hie engine, and after an Investigation of
the 'cause of. obstruotion,and. finding no damage,
done, the Alain went on its way, and they (Over,
and Moore) returned horns: He also - stated that
'this occurrence took place between Parisand Bar.
Washington Territirry, •
, „
A letter from Washington' Territory; in : the
Ban Proudest° Hirald says: •
A gr'ettt 'deal of interest manifested
with regard to the Convention Which will assemble
on the 9th of .May for the,purpose of nominating
oandidates for the 'different !. county °Mau • of
rfalla•Walla county;`-end it , delegate to the
Territorial Convention st,t Olympia, for the-Bomb.
nation of is eandidate to represent the Territory
in Lthe Congress „of , the Dotted States, the HOW
Mr. Stevens. 'The proiricsits are'very favorable
to the -ie-eleotiocr of Governor Stevens, stir the
Di:moored° party in, Walla- Walia county is pre
dominant, and Will poll a very strong vote, eon
eidering its yanthridnosi. -
The future greatness of Washington Territory
la being foreshadowed by the rapidity With whioh
its fertile valleys are 'being Midiapied by the
'sturdy yeomanry of 'onr•‘vreatern borders. The'
ll* cabin can now,,beamen inalmost every fertile
spot, with the well•ploisgbedilelds, enclosed with
anhstantial Tenors,' giving- tividence' oT'tha per—
Menem! settling otthe valleys. • „Sends of cattle
are oonstantly„ Wog brought. in, and a :bid*.
trade fn almost, 'eolo very "e,rtiobi dt nitiodiandiso
pi 5111,71041441441 " '
.riiroxikri„s a ,7. t
• " T i r ri'lni
::44,6 * 144 .:5ttf ,d1. 1 4, 1 010, 0 0:14. 01 '
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47P0104*fbittR ifibinald;blH
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pempeejkAeleseitahr - -
nee ehreitheirlersirSeleerp
lintisimittf.b lll,6 lt*Jo44o.4o4-
foodpottio,tlll, tit* Ow
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:to imi_ddelol ppolt, Metbleteek
er.:tkiehatolteerek •e,I!OW
41 14 fAttiektolif
ardieleily i thailar
selves to:Our nottiot~_oo49-1 qfitt -
soft others ,7-44;t1howtooi e .*4
ozwoomdfd 11.11111%.4_,
itca of anitra stel s v pi ,o6 o l llloalitter A 4,
ioatkia":.ya, o_Oso mfoor....o l l l 4oVocAt:__
eyPelndod "temhleh:77/eY theiveeefeed
preeiefet anealeileeete:eiepoeir-peetilt teeetteee •
Tio! re.
lieretblet Orkpeeseso4,.:erel rout 41
The 1411 A, thlt ease it Viiir iwookoo oortAoloil. -coo.
iiTo; .airtitiax-fed *coat icorittsl4 the
Com 1 2141 °
/ * hm *. party defimdaat .
2 ~ , ;,.2_
The pr of the MO Whit the eefineleich! neemene
atisofers ftif' the — Sett , aaatahgat #;frikai. Pal 4
jollied from PrOaaKing #4: o 4 ll klit ai _
w kfAttit
sad that thamakay ha 04*p' 4.3a, , 141-. !ar
eoutplalneetiand:thit I. may bi - ithieletete se!eat
liedet'end elkeporeizer-beillemeiVellete*-0041d0"4."
".44 311 - 00, 1 4) " SY. .--:!a..11:-A-04#16.1.40:31.1."
Ardi - ---..., J_
krixi,, 0...,,_...-.4107 .e'dtDiff u tilhfildV,lf itiffite_ ,
;seerk-frandeitant ,t in - feet,"l -eiss- Nap rho :
Irkgok4o , lisot aiiiioviveto - ite.attor. - -
'di . imisidtthenabd Id detillel II 'o* WO-
/19,1 00gr i 11t 1 Y71 4 "..-thi:#444ol ll * tarn
new can litgeomidsditent, the flexerre*. iii Ate
toilititOlute4S *At thtl - lattitti...ffilletret _ , "U..' -r.
-16" eve* Oreatita 4 4 , o4 7ll e7e * Med** -
loraeLtruste,afiglng sec Mose* *4'7*. Tthergeol. - ,
'party In dismithlthe r beelftliioo,o _ thibarty .
1 seeklitteilitOretitisOdn' , , , ' ;ye - ;li..a
[ Iro ol a /a • TVIAINSAVaIkX". it 4 b r
I Lord gnu *+ ' el l- . • lohitood.
jcitho *jag - a Weir ." Itlirr thl ivito,.
litoilioSfehio7,*(y_7_ . ,A. , 1 1,11 t1'.,.., irj.
lit=l,WiEnCt io - s liciatTtr4 , fl i7l .
litat " sel .- .‘ ,A • ~- • " ,
' . - 1 411 0 1 , “ I ,loo . t k t a , '
1":,,,,:4:, ~k_ • , .. effisalikiffiah
d *C..:
, _,--
... bee. .'n eifeeegissa.- at
embe- ..,... -
ffili - , ' ~ eifies_afthe - "Jadee ielth mantel
dhifs - ~ - ~ " efebe.)ol li - i ..--
„ tt oriw ' , ..-r,, , - 4 - i,
;to deiiiiatieiC ".. /.. . --, ,',',.,-- e-
*op ' • ' ' Via' 70311 1 7" 'leen beiSffiree -
ItnenVittnititiefifisklrfilibherbflag Rem. Per
' " *
* v im,
beitnitheiMetde sdPretatsasocreffirsillitilth ekmutt.' - ': . ". -" :
etatioseetthiptiseetud-thefistetrythilidtatth-: - -_, ' -
- .'ge such or Ilicattgemitylrere MM. i Arllollji, 448 Oh, " i
27}-I,esto mien th e emotion OA, riallthef a Oath, - '
he'tles elm' hic been Sirengfffily diprieed-Of Web to
. ritariordsinigoqiind oath il, tble.deeydog tie reer.. -
PR7- 7 / I •PtetH , id Ali,A , "°-' , lc Try ponic,,or m os t..
Ammer, County.-7 tiensir:7lW:Chg3"..,%tnerldi surely ..
.alliisfattlith , tinht of A.4fet!rmivvilltetilkfftottArroPY "
41'.7r1M ( of .14 estositivziko Imo ail ale. • -
'Tate remedy it - iv risietkinuttejtirf biliphint of law .
I has tesen,lntreind - upou disk nensielidsmth.,weF Info to _ -1
sent - him-there for wins rothsithin to indiertalte to 1 1
Maim a demi:is/10th 16+6113'Se - a Naos - t . ,‘it 60, entlroli,
toitiondhlge r to soy oirenttoircast,too - ...,....-
• After the conalos'on of tee
„firmest unen thieum =
tforr, thentiort tereportay fujunetion allow.
/ASV bnst.l ,,, ' 7 46 corporator._ 40,.tirodesi with the
elooJoo of , the ofilesre of the oommanv":' "'hie mum
'war Mowed to - order-Ao - prirrent- any:oM= by the,,the atooktoldera. *Soh south be vela
diMid to the,rights 'at the tioinolaininf finites the de..
tathiimattennfe,Vlli 'ease",byikeleourril s at no we are
unable, - to %MA ,01.1 r IgWrillit_ISKAOS4 fir,; A 6 r' 4l4 r'r. 6
above" itated, - inellrlit:mpstr the nropiVlrobtlen beteg
made by thenomigelfds the detmedsettidiseolye the In
4neelipo althea , pithited.• - . - '
StfPlthilit * COVIV7.—Chtet 7nstiotr.,Lowrie,
min Yiatlasweolin44,493travvia,Etloikelind Read --
In the Supreme Cond for She_ MIMI* Wades of Senn
sylvailla; held lit ifirriebelf the' Seth 'eller, a%
the 1011-mine epielons were read, and judgements enter
ed in the following eases, via;.
Samuel Yobs en. Northimptiri County. - 'lltrior team
1 Clourt,of Carom= PI:m0 itdethamieTou MeV. Opt -
ohm Im:oath:xi Woodward.' Judgment affirmed.
wittier:re ffieglecq , Eivor 'to the 13totht - : Or Common
Voss of Phtlallphispontaty. Chief Justlee
Lowrie. Decree revolved 'as to costs,' and alSrmed as
to the residue.' hietite Reed Comte "from this Mid
- Mallins is,ffitliMiey -Tide mise"dents 'up for the de.
editor. of tbe'Snereinei Court neon" a emtlesate from the
Nisi -Ilitil Court.; •Opinion -by. Chief Justice Lowrie.
Jostles Bud altio - dloseoht from thlt leataion.
Sohn taitiraitswovs:-Zohn EtealitmailtaneyDelinger,
administrators -of ahiniel, Stahler,deesued. firms to
the Court of Common Maser tehlith soobty. opinion
by Juaties Thompson. Xodaranent affirmed, , '
William W. Kidder vs. Nelson Kidder sod O. Hale.
Serer 'to the Oeurt of Common Pleas of W 'anon county.
Opinion by Twat* Strong
_Judgment a ffi rmed, and a
venire fides d. nova awarde d. ,
°owes PrmisSiidge Allfeoit.—the Sec
[ end and Third-dna% T'imienger Railway Company es,
The Omen and Ocatea•Street Passenger Railway Com
pany, the President and Directors thereof'. In equity.
The complainaote allege that they Were inooroorated
by an set of Assembly, April 10th, 1868, and that by
TIMIS thereof they have oonetruetede large portion of
their reed,. and are totes' tthe samo upon Second end
Third 'treats awl Ooatep Street; and upon other porilms
therCof.- The! by liar of 'Asearnbly of April 21, 1868,
the defendants were thoorporated, and M'i'tes thereof
theyhme nearly completed their road. mid are about
el,rtie to run end Use the saute. • That the defendants
laid their track. to Second and Third street's along
Green and Mate* street,hlaim the estate van their
ears neen their niad:and lona them slang Coates street
from Oak to Seemed street, and along Second and Third
streets from Green to - Metes 'Street on -the north, to
Dock street on tbe That the defendants claim
the tight to cJta their road, and *Mont regard to their
saperintendenni coders; instructions' and. control, and
, to take pansengers white miming upon the* road from
point to point on their line of railway: That the Jw
fendanta by law hare invent] of therighti eft pretended.
- That if each right exists it: can .onlybe tq run their
care upon that part of their >cad laid dia pastas street
from Oak to &coal; ripen eompensition,
That no terms baTe ben ,egreed,upoo by %bent and
delendauln for any nee nt their Veld:and no term
have boon legally determined to,' :lender or eom
ppetnation for ens th age of, their road hoeboon made by
defender:4 according to lair.
Tbenoniplahistits ask feria IslanettoniMi deems to
strattlogths defendants that they have ro Tight to rise
or run their'ears upon soy peat of their road.
That it arneh right emste, it Is only to nee that part of
their road on Omar). street, between Ook and Second
That Menet fled exists in defendants to run ears en
any part of their road, that utak cars and driven', con
duetore, and unproven 'ordefandante, while on their
reed, shalt be subbed to At_ order!. .00ntrol, end
superebtion of the eoinplalnaate, and the rules and
regulations .piteseribed - by thew, and the defendants
have no right to take and ; run paseengers neon their
real, to ;be carried front Votes to plies thereon.
'that - the dottmdarite may •be r.stralued; from names
or-running their o'ra upon the whole or any part of
thelr.irtilrtay. That the defendants hive: no right to
hoe or inn their ears upon any -part of their road
.wittledegiude compensation in made - acceeding to law
that the defendants and their el:010_01mill* subject 'a
their ,tvilee, regnlatione x end order*. Mil OM is row
inter argument •
Cannon . Preis - , Ju dge Henry
xmlintr vs.`thi, Welt Phhadelpiala -Passenger Hallway
Clomparty. -In anal,: This ease eat argued a few
daye Since. The complainant 'asked the sent to rant
epernal iejanetion restraining_ the defendants from
further' Proceeding to ?nth!, their road or toy their rails
along and across a *lmp- eland et theiontheart earner
et the I , hibedelphia latdiaaetoter turnpike, and 'forty
feet wide striet, le the TwentY4burth ward of the pity
nt Thiledelnhia, oontairdnii in front .oriseld turnpike
$6 feet, and extending i e lk depth eenthweetwardly ]8 feet
ib I t so,fest,wkie 'street, That it should be deormalth at
i tiiudefendantsttive no right to use or Om., said strip
cc lead, build theirroad, or lay their rails thereon
Batindej Judge Ludlow -delivered an opinion in
Abe-ease; - Oral:Matt as Injunction, - -
.11;1111e.l.T.Ift SiiserOna--41:143 - . - T ' hompeon.—
nila nowt saes engaged. In keurbair . halreas carpus and
deaernort cases.
- -.llfnazezr IsTspnoilon.,..T4e; . Second be:
aide will peiade to-day for i timpectioneadieview. The
lino will Deformed Alo ihaa., ondtrankim Piper* and
the troops will‘somok to • -geld .Wile Gireri College,
where the 'brigade 'will to"
th • day; Ao the *fur.
noon Major General Patterson will review the brigade,
The. Girard-Oollege Passenger liatiwal oars, equal.
leave Second and Arch :fleets els Ninth and Ridgeavenue, will convey persona direct to thip field, which
is it the terminus of the road.' - - ,-,-
The Third brigade will be Invented eat the arsenal
this evening-
~, The spoon& negl9349Cof infantri.r.(hlalu Conroy,
_wW_forixt at 9g o'clock; at Ilianklin IleinAre. The
Jackson Guards will eloort tae ablest!: ' -
. ..,
':- Terse . GITTING.B.NADT.--The:verance Hose
boropusy- are matte Larrentenualse ;to 444 Fe et York,
Patrale,.Niagrualhale, and, ainida; qrallus WI( of Jab"
next. Pomp's Gomel Ilito4:of Miran.' *Pa. well ac
company the -vielters...-.Poter Yrns, Fes .. 'beeeThwen
elected chief maPshaVeadVinlein T. Halter sad Geo.
P. neg:id; esdebOres: - - They' will - taie their new
- ‘eitil*td , ' Carriage. nowheiog bollt,' , Talitad at V 600 .
The members will wear drat. .oats; gee We of the hew
York patty/se, and zed oblige, and will be absent about
two west': _ '•
The Good Intent note CoMpsny Ma also male/ Cr. -
resigemente to visit Harrisburg modietcrip . ,h,. 4
4114billigtel , ier AllialßWl - ..._ - - , ,