wW '--, .,, _ i4.,,, , i... ',t'Agilitist.''' '' ' AIR '-'- .. , -X .y.-0 i ,;,..,‘430106 1 A: ' -16t*ii TA I 41 grail i tAiL /1 ,, :t,: - t , uto 4-. .. Minilllollolooll A -„'• .. -:-.:- , g‘ , 171 1, , , ~,x;,„t." :. 'i - - , ,T! . •,0,_ :..;... 1,7 i ;. , Dealers'and Shippers of usateri;'l4olllJVLSlLti, sad, BROAD TOP lISM/ ' , BITUMINOUS:OOAT, • fi6;ali.2 ',Beath ioinnitattiet. '11)011” - BE %I TN ''• - , , , „urriDELSHI/s. ,:r: titi..~!utl` r:i ~ll,tit~►Tll'Al. VSGLItittAI9D;VT,A,SSII*V BOARD 119a. 801 MOUNT, ll:lt:Loader crout)i; ,rP-,r) MOORB, Prjztoipal Paine adaitta tanyVais -:oltxrefareacemi even. partkiellsniimatlter4otredWr, ;-" - L :426.1u4 - Mirk- STEATTON,TATIO • AmtormitTgli VOLLI6IB, loosti* at" Philo, Qb ihhOli: 34' oonier"SRVENTEL tad C11.18TNIII! t elerg4d, and 0,14 . 500. :Tor In „ftli4l4ostV 441 cs'igead for stalcpuf. fe9.4 SNYDER LEIDY—JAE. •M. 'LEIDY, "Plia.4 4 lafoliiTiriMniTlMOTlLlEW AOADRMY, •;Mor.Mal and.l6o 41,F.FM OTlth:llT i ciparltfa., • wkitistimilitlgoat , • " ' " i?onimitNkr, iiasitietshitti 06V:rya thbt etttot,: - - Oa' %/74#10 ,1 4 0 -11'.1. to".IO.DZ .I.: PILL/1 ItlgiclALlidt*Waciikelat 'irozooti 'ot, Jkaoiir lIIVINTagtOOOti.- . • _.-- Abzetitattentta:,!lt riot* r a fta , Aim ; 2 % , --,:-.---...z.,..1.,5p0,.,D oTmatrisniza. I ,'t,liret - ;,- . - i .' Iftrisill_lik, vitatt,'. - '.''.m., ' 44..., , , t;' ,--- , 1 1,- - - - / 11444 44 31 1 •,.. --;., I'oOlitut L pphieeto, ' - ..- _ , JOT° lONS a ft er Bei,tember:lsl2l: ,' I- - -11 EVA " 44t - has - nuarmaz. s3B . llttftrtlOXlst the Trumata ea; sal a Dipleina tram . boos • to. the boot le - eonueeadatioa ajtotoczaaa- mai Lye, for obtattdoos a 1100 a sitwititra - /.?- .„, . .:1 /. '. . 3 • • • " - . ' ' VAT AZO UMW . 41.19! lro lag, Da ,apktleat;ea at the 00 1 1 41 , ;.ti,=; : 4.t.. - ; ,- ,._ - z . ~-,- ..-.:. r ':. .- ~ '. " 441. F .' ''="olCitnngt.' art. ,„....- . : ., .... Xc':,: - -Erg :P., 0:T, • LitidEaTi . Itix 14110 N, suitablivfoi tanks; Qua ; and Saluda, in Oak, NR ' - - ' nut, and Idattogsai, of handsome style .• • , :and , pitumn, , , ,• • , - 7 vg.3.k,RAilll, IMOCaIrrAM 190 :14 . X37 . 1 . 011" ,(BCIOOIII/30.9.1 to) MEE ;11AMM.T.TT, tro,s269ISOUTH-THIR'D-STREET PIIBINZT • IJANATURE AID IiSILLIARD MOORS' $6 - CAMPION; 011. 80IITEC 132.130111) BMW, In sou:motion !with their Attensirio Babb:Let Business, are no* pariataatarlag a sapariot attiopt of , BILLIARD ,TABLRB, = iiiSlnerUilioir nit fiaatra'Sall mpg', &Selma with s , , ,WOONX 'iaIYAKPIOI I rirIhIPBOURD Ovtlaloxe elßlAlCuie(pr;vintintied' • fell ; isXnhre,ueett them to be - 1 11r,to Altotheri. • . Tisthennultyncid Amish of these, Tables the Enna linteirett refer:lA :theteuumerenn , ,patrcissi threighont Il ,the nion, , Thenre (galley with the ammeter eLtheir ; ; , ta3.4.6za Simanals. 09.; MINIS 7AHNISHIN4 STOSI !Lodi MANWPAOTONI 'OF THE ozrainuasm-accr mum HAVE TUIMOVID, TO No;a2o, `_IO2B , OHESTNUT• STREET. PENNSYLVANIA , B-110, COMPANY SDBINEURANIONS ON , LIVBEI AND 'GRANTING; ANNDITINII ehavii removed their °Labe, tatitonitilt; - to ;No. - 94 -11 , 41NWEStreet, Er66 - Sour !oidowiThlrd ettest.'-;- .• , ,„ _, ~_;__~takcics. 115p•R1 4 0,ORBON;'' - ' - ~ 13 1 1411341LiZEITATILBROILIB, AND :90N*PIPAII, , bithiIIIDAN,OOO . D.MOSTOAQNS. 001,LZOTIONB PROILIPTLY iaib .•- NORRISTOWN, PA. , , • nKIE dr,OAPP,'22B D,OOK. kitree44bove IFJF.'76llAutiliTooB-111i0gERkIiita 4esairs WSW.. Pazior rind' Otonaitars,gooarsily. Atten tho '74 4m iers) Board- daily; raid MI- all ordor.o for the - pr. . - OkirEdlrldi IIT00103; BMW iota; arlianusik acct ~ IL) ' -raiots Atm litotreirtrit ioaxiii, • la. a Beath THIRD StEetti 11111.111111,11111.1. . ' . 11401/Mug and Idarmar.o nf PagildelDMlL STEINWAY & SON'S GRAND end- ,SQUARE PIANOS,- now univernallY socommendea-V the' beet 'Artiste; protes! atonal sad =Om perfornessof thhs country A com issesisou with , the', beet - abet' waiters trill coolly eatery thelnrehuer of their -suppsinelty, as they speak for themeelvearrindaava them money and trouble. t ° ,E141.8111S BROS ' :sals264hiet - 1000 Chestnut Asset. B PERMItTIANos. • „„irttarklimmins ; - Pleito•sustis MANIIPAOTURIR2 t , IfOc."1. a, a, Ana t Maith":3VOTAW Street, and No. 207 ' - BALTIMORE 41treset,-betriden (Amiss and . r*-1, • triljihAlOieta • Baltimore :on ka4 a t areg assortment of thisli +ial+artaa plan* . reoommended b 7 eertificates from 18. Thelberg:Bttalroebelinaketiree3rlebrated performers eone,'not coperlim, Arty esade ads country. 4Nri o titlr pf - thetrilanocallk ,lnr!! arranted for 6Volakabge granted eritta eta - matt thetnot eve eatlre , satiafaotl tn. Manure* 3Ugetrj re Will tell *hairede and re. eall.,at *smolt mmermalola PTiC4III7I , ' i 91.41,117,1 iffifilif?,'& do, ql.mmarri LIB 4 , 141,10 ER, No. 722 OBISTNUT tU tiL eVata; are cur sintboriaed Agents, and c rep , head and- tell our at. lifao Arlon - - mirliokitt -fipmt, pgioxii.aora-4, SONS, 3 . :: t - - • '-iiiiailettraiis Or t -' lA I EWLIT) ficerAleff fUrfpicitir .; " - '"-, ,• , P.U.NO4OnntS. ' 1 ' ,:••,_.' -WA-MW ,8 18 1307; CIIINSVNUT unman ',:uoulmV tfhtSfe in noroAkiame Moak of our BE AUTI47I. lorweiel ALlanYnfOng TB. WO havo en jimitooiiieSselilletent /WOW= inibto country 4nd ':',lef.Llti -Afifl",thlf VIRSt-9/4,88-fißDALL ffieSS,firnii-i'•;.-•• ..? T,.• 4, - -,,, , , .... „ , ~ , .. , , , - • • F l 4 o W:ltitiei . -- Vond-burlLiviii):Xlsiefatdi;Oittlog, - and Derguitsf aaQ^`3irtid?YlfeiYr it Celiaent, flreltripg //lin and 1 1 0 4 4,0 1 ‘1 0 . 0 tieri Ittfie.r.___,,,PlitAlP l olt, p• ' -- • I --•• •aaptiliA • insurance COmpattieg B 'c: This Company Inenres BM!dingo, rurnlture, and, memb x ndlse genertillyTagedinit loss or damage by the. - The poßolenof,thinOompanynXpr,seelypros4de that when hisiltied as - eolfctfra/ sicurity;thel shall not be Aymara - Me ar Asn-Attil of the miler 'the property in-`, lured. Mahe seenrityAs thus extended to the holders Of (180171 ED Bane and MoirsoisS, notwithetending rya oentAeolefoni of the.Odurtiof I ow. *round Rent", tlNSgagea 149 0 ballies' Mutt, 114 other Seetuittles*nniteal ltetate, will Alio be epeolally' Dißurrtir.f o'clock, will be sold at pliblla without n servo, on the premises-L, _ - TIM &LIG aNT BUILDING- - RITES, situate oa the southeasterly aide offlaurski Lane or Int street Ger mantown, tee-quarter of a mile out from iheealiroad. ,The lob are lOOteet front by 800 foat.drep, planted with ersigrom and other abide trees, sod are in fkbl&br beautiful location; betwerri the handsome reitlencevor .Horatio 0 Woad and 0. D'lm‘iliers,3Eqrs.i and - within Ova minatet walk of "the railroad - _ II Part my gemehton ground-mat t • ' NINTH SPRING f AL1f...,011 PREMISES. PRISSIIPTORY - SEIB' OP ' einntramplirs% LOTS. On. Saturday Afternoon. May Warhol 43; n>clokc,will bi add at,pnislle sale, without reserve, on the premises,— _ A number of elegant WILDING. 'SITU on Queen, Pulaski, and Penn at.etts, _G-eroran These lota are desirable, being beadtifully located, and within a short distance event' stations on the railroad., - 1' Terms of a be had, and lithographie plena seen at tbex,filce:may „ . - _ CARD.-4,. Etaxaseey•fc aastleseesa, liold , regolar sales of DUI MUM, Ellooki, he. -&keg baryiehold Fori?ltiitre at sis+ll,inea.. . - • DIAL 93TAT1 AT MUM BAWL • Er On our - Prints - WC Saeger will Aliso bi found a very large amount of reel Wits isestesig avert deamption cf etty and countrypr dc ope i 0118.1107. B t o 13, lieta Zidit• Broken. - -- ,408 wBl, QT fravet. glum? FORD,. AIIOTIONEXR i , No. 530 IatAD.N.IT STRlkliT, betneers 4 / 1 12.15 - ' seri RUTH. wet). nide ' P ERRAIP TORY BALE OF 'l6o OASTS DOOM: 1116133, DROGAND to.; HEN'S AND 3018'STEAW HATE , LADIES' AND MISSES' STN&W - 13PNtilIF5;ktr. - This scorning,' May 12th, at 10 o'clock precisely, will 'be soli by cats 01n10 on 4 months , credit, A large and desirable sosortmetit of men's and boys , boots, shoes, gaiters, slippers, broom' kc - ; ladies , and mimosa shoes, gait ers, clippers, M , artha Wasteogions, Farrar, Jenny Linde, An, Also a large assortment of man's and boys' straw hats, ladles , and misses' straw bonnets, bloomers, bloomers; fists, Ac , embracing a great nriety,of the most recent styles, • - - 137 - .The attention of buyers la particularly ro— w:wiled. , BERRELL & FIELD, - AUCTIONEERS, No. 112 13017111 EIGHTH STIMET, below CHESTNUT MEET. • LAMM BALE. OF .EIZOONDJEAND PCHNITURP ri , BEM. MATPRNINE3. &c., ON AOOOI7ST OP WRONM IT-MAT CONCERN - On - Priday Morning, May .13th, at 30 otelooh, t ur store, We,: tid Eiewth Eighth street, below [Meerut Street. - comprising Oast, mg bureaus. washstands, Jenny Mott and Ligh-peat bedsteads, what-not, Van Man Wirds, cane seat and other,ohairs, RIR and mahogany frame slalom', to il et ware, feather beds, mattresses, &a. Also, a large assortment of elegant new foreflora, ouch as draping bdreaus, Jenny Lind and cottage bed st,aes. washstands, totes, sofas, lounges,Joanne and wall chairs, Ingrain, cottage, and other c , arpote, beds, mattresses, &o. - - - irr Regular sales of very superior household fur. altars, pianos, &c.,held at the andlon dare, every Monday, We d nesd ay, and 'Friday - mornings, at 10 o'clock, comprising elegant Lenny -Lind bedsteads, draining bureau', Leics. trolling and parlor theirs, centre and bouquet tables, &a., &0. 117 We will glre our attentirri to sales of real es tate, Woke, merchandise, household furniture, &a., entrusted to our charge, upon the most reasonable* terms. We will call household furniture 0 dwellings, - or at our store, as may be required. _ _ - !ET Cash advances made upon all kind! of goods and merchandise. re SCOTT, Jr., - AUOTIWir.a.LIA,, No: 481 ONEETNUT STREET. ,oppoedde tho Chaetoni genes. between POITRTH and PITYR Streets LARGE AND ATTR eonvo PEREMPTORY PALE OF STRAW GOODS An Friday Morning _ - ,r 13th bast.. by catalogue on medit, commencing at 40 o'clock, will be mild the largest and beat assortment of straw goods offered this season, comprising every variety of ladies' and misses' braid and pedal straw hairnets. hair land lace bonnets ; Neapolitan ark! fancy French bonnets tocether with medium to fine quality white and colored Leghorn braid and fancy bitumen, • and flats. MEN'S END BOYS' BATS Liao men's and bny's , Palm, Benst, Canton, and Panama hats, white and colored - - , 117•• Catalogues ready, and eamplex arranged-for ea tmtnation early on the morning of sale. SALE OP 1118 STOOK AND NIXTEiIIEI3 OP A NO— TION JOBBING HOUSE. On Monday Morning, 16th inst., by eatategue, on a eredit, will be sold a stalk of notions, eonsistirg of the venal assortment of Br t class gotds, selected for the city total trade. Also, at the same time, the fixtures, comprising shelving, drawers, &a. lIJ' Particulars in future advertisement. BRUSHES! BRUSHES! BRUSHES 1 2,000 dozen Tied Whitewaah. 1,500 " Nailed " 2,500 " Handsernte. 1,000 " Clamps. 500 ". Duste, a. 6,000 " Ehoebraehea. , For late lower than at any other house in the city, by RIMY C. XOBEITNIN, 82 North THIRD ?treat., below Arch S' '5 PIIRO COD-LIVER OIL, 'PERFECTLY SWEET AND PALATABLE, manu factured at Newfoundland for the Proprietors, from fresh and healthy livers, by steam, at slow _tempera. turd, thus preserving the sweetness and purity of the Oil, while the natural fishy flavor is pettedly covered, and the Oil rendered palatable and agreeable to the taste. The Proprietor!' of • this Oil spare no expense in having their Oil properly prepared at' Newfoundland, the only place where the Oadna merrhui ra Poland in abundance. The true Oil is.. treuttently impaired. by admixtures with oil from other specie* of the Oasis family, and only that coming from the r! Boas I, ca n be ral ed,upon es the genuine. • Oar Oil hat been extelyitedrmad pronounced to be pare and the perfection of nee quality--charaoterlatios which enable it to maintain anperierity over all other kinds: , Prewed and for sale , Wholesale 'and tilltzt-tr andth,Chwils' . • . O&KUL—. Beat American Navy and Navy Oakum in store and for 'sale by WBATEE; PIT LER & 00., N. 23 North WATfit at. and .12 Tiortit WHARI7IISI ' mtall _lO6 BBLS. Spirits Titrpentise 25 „Ibis Crude do; 148 bids. ,Tarito arrive- per sobs P A. Saunders ; l ioo bbla Rapping Bonin, to arrive fpar War A. Bayard, for nale by HOWLEY, cARIBURNER, & CU. , - No. 16 SOUTH WHARI7XB. OIL fo sale by wsselaßlLL it BIIOTUBB, lieti. 4T 41141 49 NOtik !PIP . ; fitter;l;