The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 11, 1859, Image 4
t .• 1, - ; , t7 --- M , ..4;: :,- ,T r ' , "' ; ':"t- , -; ilfl:;; ,. ''' ' ,.'. :. , ,";',.,..,,,. ~,,.. ;f3, 4- - .. 4 . 7,n)r - ,....; ....,:%. t ez,...1...1,, , , :, :':::, E 0 f ':- W - t ; rk - AV I .t ~,.,' A -,-. ®£ ~.n.4-$, _ 7 ~i,, , [ i - ,c".'i _,..-4,;:-.-_,, , ,„; -,-......,,,, , V,, ,t., AI 1 :1: , ;,%. ~, if IT - ii• --1 ,1 , •: 3. 1. t. r!,.,i',, , ,A'A - :',:- . ; ,, 1 - i' . f,gl:-f „- ..,,, „. .........„-wf•, -'47-4''a- - ,'• [ ' 4, ' - ' - ' , ' , '--- - 44 - --- . --,- ':':'7 . -: - :;:!- , T , .- :,- ..-'1,44-I=iiiili.%-oirtMiaW.4....A.-AEk!' ".`=,.-,..,f.,,..,,,,,... It; -Ani%-lkiitykil..,ftt'lz- A;%,,,,,:: . 4 .. C '. . --'• :.,,,LI-4 ' , VT i z'' , " ' ';''''''''Zir r. M-::-;s'-'if-:;''''4],...%v ,A-. 1. -. I. -.. -----;';-:'''''---r,'-'-':"fi*, .:,let 2.'-‘,4'ril.,s , . :, ...att ,- ;, A- ~'v--.'ie4 4.p.' P1:c,,.,..--,-.: '',..!,.,3A-vt;_,;.-3, e .,, ,, ....r,, -i ~... - - ote•OTlglik. . 0 . Cirlif;'. . `•"' =‘ , ,, i - 2 -- '- ' - '' --L, '' ” " ..,..-1 •i:iii4o,4ooo,et% vgbaloali c: Pjf;.';l,-,,,,fr_. -:,'..!:g`i'i,T4:',,,q.'-'-''' ''''''',"l"46c# . - - ~'.. - -77,9>'•*11#1,;k: 6,',.'7,:!.-"'::',',',M--,lserabLittl' • 11WfgekQ6. t4iik.Mil i',-,.•:-:.::',.:‘,;,Y.",:'.; . i .. - ' 'lOO/11 ULV...' 4,4ll:::**Ntei.; AA.. - cailaikamakokv4o•lo,-Awmlarl vezdatait thibil. ,44 '-. li ff tlei V , ,,-/iiiiiydoi- di to a Dlr.. ~... ' ---;-.,..,-.:,1 ' ii Tarr -/ ' J . R e g' 411 .1, 01 - ,','''..:-: ' - i - z, '•`.-, . 111111eipiA. .• 0,,T iiirliclitibllN'7 to' -, .=- -- f: , , - - - :- - „,,iiie I L ~ 4,, 410,ketoutA,41.:14_vf-, :-- - :: ,----.. l,.` ,, :iiiir r - ,_ ~ ,4 1 :.P.4. , ,,,,_ .. 1 ,Y7 - :,; - - - -',l , .: --;';':l:''' Z l E -I. c *-4 ;* - ;.3 l \ l o:74e4migiiob„,, ''' 46 ' . . 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''.!- ',<''';'W.-11.'n1144: '‘-' , • , aA , '-', •47 . * 4 -': :ja LbAiw" '...- - ;:i - 9 . , •-`;t;-...!....,,z,,m-Y ..r, .-..„ ,-, :-.4., 4.z , - 4 , 1 N4 . - ." . , ..*, „...i i i.- ...-, ...:..,,,,,, ~,?..- ,1 1 .e:::, 41112 ,, , - ' '' ' , -t.-?';:, - ,7,,,,,, , O' , 17, ,,, ,I=1,_•'. ,:-.., -,s tg. ',7,,,,..--,;',-.,,,.,:-...,.-.,,,,,,-..,,1,5•iiitt0 Ati4tiviiii.---- -- - ray; _~_ zt ~5.~, a.s•- /M!1 r i f t - . . 7 4'. - ' ~, , 1 ..'14,t4444d)c.-koz.t\z't -..k 1,1 - ; , ,_ ',4,A- 4 k ,,,,,, ,, , ' ,4 , tirlec4Tigtfrailarkll 1 ..., ' ~ „,, , ,, ` ,-;....i.„- w illoicitaror..xec k sikkia.,!--.,-I?wax4 , :z.a-,-.., , ' v• ,,,,,-; ~..,-.,-. . . wogrmlt„,,actonrolkarmr ? ...:, A..: -,., „, , ,:J.7f.,4 ~.,*.71:3-10.,,t0•JA, ,, , t 7Pt--.:CP,'-•, ,,, t-.': st`4,tile - 4, -e ktef t il%O •-..4.l"truf , 7 4 - - .., - ;vt.ft u iT-100 04 i'' f.- '',- 1414,. voir-- ~4- ----- - -- ~_---,, ~Y„ - t ~lY'-~I , V;1. , •• , 7:- *4l l% lo tVir i t 2 U /l ELWA IB -,W 8 1,V 4 a .14 • PJ 0 AAP 1 NM.%44 11 , 04 4 4 3 1 *1111 , 1 W , 44' 6' "" 14711112'r ", . 11 4 4aas Pr i rdatt i e W i,hat. • w,>=A +lob Ilovb IMP ipet. ..q7r4 •I• • • A • - A' 4 MEN >~ ' _...~_t ~. ~.. ,__ , K15 ,-.-.- :.!-..,- 5,, 7:: - Fc w:.:„, ---. il,:•6' , • . 004 'tl4:lls-V-0',43*- b~ t!!W • ' Gr - Ma .) T, -, 1 Auitti!,,.,,,,., ; ..,11.1y! %'4„t m .:"..40.,,k44,Y,L,"Agt, gr 7 y, ' :01" 1 ": 77 :•-.4.-..,_...Awit 1 / 24 ~., 1... -:aimirrs or p.....r t! , ,i,. I i t :, ?: - .i.e..04.,_air.c.,-•1,-.1441 tisisafirmay 1... zut,.',4%;•!`, . , ;', . • T , - ~,,,,‘„, 11",-- - ,..;,, li i ~.., johsara„ ela to 4 =' ' ' ft, l st ' iiiiXlusi reel " 0 , 0 ! i 11k ' ' l rin: by **Westmont. - • ',""- - ..i# ;- -.7 - 7 ". tot by th e Stiff 47 —47. 1;46' W IT ,P, .1-7Str Illet e *nista* itied L : i A l itirs2r._ 4ptena' ablArn - Lie 3 siVetook. sot as ia 1 :1= , .. , , . rt.. 4 1 ,],,4,,. -,-6 ": 4-13 ' - At - -:' : ? l ''' '. ' ' '" 'firm ice,:-"?:.n~` ~ ~`. _,. ~~n .t , , , tr:' ; l _,'':',;; , , '-':',*,",,=':•i'.-..-;"i'-':'••-':••J ,-11,4174.110... 6 co ) NelleisofW Ninai. • - ZT . s i'lt {. '-''''-'';-.- "VOlDUlEttif4L . PAniti':-ii • ' ... -i -,,, i - -.-r. ~';,144y - *AictuaTrEi; •f;';:'!: . _,:::•',"Pt' z - ; '''' ''' ' • - ' '. ' ' ' 140U 4 t09441: 0 ; Z-7:'=' ; '' 601 1 4:1aiurodO9n ' ll ll o4 44. i iittititioii'llios , to^ iouoationo --thimtgliont , , -4? • -- • -a. tho , Oottititirolot,etoloonro - oovr 1 4 : 44ronpt M. • " - araq -s L - Ls —LB'l.4, D • ; • • • 1 fet 4 '3 , ' • Deiiirsoki4 gamirapy r last, hoeing hetet sprinted by_ ------ ' Vitlp,_le k""i tti=tt' VT' ,TV2te: wr , _Hiiiii' Tn r,"bowr w*. A6 - 4 - , plti24o - , *Mk e*O.Pa, Army tostenr *l n l t iffifor of the forme!, ana 4 are Iciatirll ll 4- 14tk V ittIti gi t41* Ir itilri ' d.r . ' • /I:ll;.;s4,:,..,oEXtagre.fEitTANOP , AT , , 3 . • - rot/ admit, thin port, 'direst froze the lalinde; We ere prepared iota* 0149111 ,for,dellieop....frootilosesiszor...from those .of. the '..`Wht!• • !tre!lett,! . _ k. 7: l4Et - 15t:tg.1 ' /1 14*4 1 W ii t l iittia~- " an NO; • - t 51 1, 411 04, . But 107 -1 * a4t: — *07: 1 0 11,-; rnallerilleir's pzraystostMor* 'Rubber Ihiryro, Braids, AriiMblibilOitiobillioliiiiiiiiitolOSzoolo by otillibiro loOstomesaiWb.4lol,l4o . 9rFibootootrolooa. SWW- 14 04 1 4 6 ,.,M 11•4•00 1 *, WO IN relief 'lUPP4o:olllrip.rd#,Y4 ODA :by ply. morn -1.,,.., , ...., lic 7,40,0Navt-thirtkivatted -_tip" _ _ ., ..5".A.V0 110 . 140 441Upg orC in r 0 Vicomino irmiklus smilr LVlORria' .; IP Os %heir ordain' for tali lIALKirt Tnido to Ike; AIXOLUSIVZ OWN. , iIC O. TATUM, . ;' CLIIBI9III BIGHTS lIKIIIK 4:x tforthiresigoods,vhich embrace fill 4upy,iitic trobcsLwo. ,auumbiOivorl,:or; Imported, and 74111, ---' L iViLiiiiiiiiii ifi 114 T - ed - taioniihnia L to ----r it '2ll MIT ' --- citicrri -1 , - . • ,40111401460.11V51):=4n.--,---,1- gitionts DAY: t~ a; J'~ '•d..lgx' • - EMW,FAI4.IOO,'& I " CO•,t P'SERT tladltl#OßNlA. EXPRESS AIdIrEXORANGE dORPARY: %% - 5600,000. 0 o', 0 HilS SIT-11 i` T R E'E T • I, , OALEIOEIQIL EXPRESand hate r on thedth and iitik of wh month..v- T;;Easta matt Rotas, 211.13 , . per lb; mow Bonn, lOLaNS OPI OUSAC'EXPOSSES lems hi all *moist itigiori--wA4lifile, 'IVA, Ind at e of math _ ..1;)014.1.111710111 • MU on- itttrilia with a:invent ta. tanalw.,Weendairi to , oar trien" P. 0. annatined• 0 ailtiGit'elt SAS linaatnift,ME Idaddasiuddlididial;•tat again Omni to nit: 4 --,Voastrimate youAgen9Na. ted,l4444l4iiitco hemile tikes empoefd at iestkin*Lionietriii. n' ill popita Inroallroils and OndStd4 l triths4lniktit ;returns. Manntaatnteza sad 10, 0 3 4.: 9406- for C 141 4 0 0 1 $ i3Opho,n, tramp', 1,140-Idud at lading throng% oar, how and .4ye,the'pfirpfosifyisia tor on anitalpflite gags there, Una stilne punduuwni,fall bensitt,oLe on fades, and ,WWI Oillitrstathecovirot at Qum propenymito ,Paidttor; - ' - - .`- ' 4.;.1i1 - ESENET" Jltu Aigebt. M hi Z 8 0024141P1. , Isom , , y , AND - ISOSTSW 3 BTriPS ,NX, 71• ?..WilCiltiltAilliiill4Pil. lly.osll tr i ,, t w f ar i- alliereelet ramuir L 746"llll % l l= 7 I C ? liergtLab i" ,Pete # i 'Niue' aii CYll7llllk Reil - IteeTibie'reilei_now•ailea l el to.kinii 417101 L i l4°l . T iffair ; ~a...- 41.."..--zurelloraztatigri ihiiigE Ant Trii --. no — "filiArattliaff 4 ) - • .1- ... g - -2 '. *A ., / ! -- , i ... rINICTLINFAIII...' • ..... .. -- -, , _2...,-„,_ .__•._ _ ..., # . t , . sorisflawbsopoiliouT ilKatoletraitiiiitv+olloith Otteibt .. -. , OM -24 imaritiltordili. 4 lllist , . • 4.°964l6 t i tirk:A: " , 5 •10 v ackls ' . 4" Ve.,1. ... _WealliOND' i #Tael *elle ' OON neelly Utile a Unit An* 0 *fisoliototist ShitkPUMIN• 4 g Tii 210XIFOLIE. 1 . ) • K•telpviti,sbii4s,t isottifoel4tCsal/ Oh*, *Ai Arie.,.iktelselisithir IrStalift inftiottite itx feet to OOP PanalVTOP Are! - : 00 ~taken '"' / 147 1 lfrokt. ".'l ,,- ', N , ' , -,7 --,-- mar 14ifitriost itosiveiiiino lobos it a retainable *am* Vaillr,:ilialiella "a ROW . .l ' r-V I S Uolt - oktlaMilibt'Xillie ol:Expeeta to,the ik141111•00111111Welk - br Stirs V Phar,l,tton and -Ilealiail.eiiffilaiontlenied illtelktigOr 1 4 ' 4 Wmporrista - silnfOrzdstsio sWyst ,tlr pato, No. w4)1111MISTM;sto): :, ', : •• , , - FM> Al -1.01 . 1 4,4 ,t•i' - , `,1 11 1411106 •, , '-. ~' + • -- 1 :: — STEINWAY-Ai,SON'S, :GRAND .. . siaiscsiaukurs.prlrceBiiiow - iminnhoy , Asoor,fsd. be Us bon .iirtlatt4rofis 'Mpiiiiiiii4 iisidsigiperdester,:ef Ali emititry- - AVont! r iLtrou . ,101,1006111 Mt ot,b4tr makers wlli wily liana) lireador otAliatrftsulisiiidity; a* Rill- vela; Ipr Ole!Illy• ,tubalFll2oper glini /rouble. , 061.00„,tt,Eira ~,,, -_:,c , ,, ~.,;-. k r , ••••••_•'' 51.ARUS MIAS i. , 0 1 ~ ' A , ;, , ,', :.:, : ,, ;4,k,! . :, , ,,, AOO6 flke•tarat aired. ' " • r- RitistzlikAuLtl3l - .&:_co, •- iiimo,iNClAtilikuktirsoLoTtraVis, * Sosf k is,.6.;sad Iltortk r AlTlAWAltiveti and No.lBll ILIIIIBIOBE Mast; lotwewn Charles and „_„ strests,lialtipaoro, — ‘', - Ifitiaaltrais haatt , • Lugo assortment of their •Amsptirurt rianoillsouidlod_tny-trortifisateS from 8. ‘2IOIIWrg:BOCRoW d abet ailibratid berfortnors t°l* tfl"4l1 veri 4.7.i., tkis omant,r, BdIS, lams ' be_warranted for smispinvoo toga Wranted within ills ttis~ , should' *Sy ers entire aatiatastlon. Ilinalasdasiat lalgel7;4orti sellwitoloals and re tail 'at tlwasost rasoOklrptiew • ' te_oo. 122 OH/MIMI Streit Pktlafialpitlai . io,4l , aar•Auttiorised Agents, and igkroli:lpmmuitatty irietipatr and - sall parPlaaaa at imastalaktdiedealthaa: , — ‘,: - " OAPPer-9;449/;EILMG :Is, SONS, r,, • : , 144:40(Aff Dr 64 1 17ARV i rATLi itgrit`triffi6 lint . OesetsaUfr la stove larriatoek of oar BIKUTIIIt% :aiskIYSZQUALLZD INaTROMMTII, -We have been" asaldad, at tkeltllteroat fa coaatry and IrtiOL . D ABB /MAMA 101T-01.4418,11/DALE. • =NM 1 . ' :::,:., ..., , ~, „:, , : .-.l.:lficti• P' Fr MUIO. - D.' - *MORT:.ig : .00. . 1.. . A., forum Ftli:lB2 !UMW NOORTH St., Phlle - '-"- - , ' 154•.-Arafs of., - ' - iik0. , a.r6115&,0 c,, . - kuisitimi shilliii it she • • F , - —•-: zocuispAL* cosi, ft= iae F..t".tioit - lkimitatu L .. - 1 . : sp9l- ' flokl'i''Solll34ll a le i St7PLlr,' . Pa. . W. GROOMS 'Ac' 00; _ - ' - ' So,' • .. Doolorissisd - Obliniou of placelf,r - Aoaunsut„ and BROAD ,TOP 011111 ~ . . ","'"*"-- 'Breumnrous GOAL. . 1 _ - - - ..6 - ",%.".0511, No. 122, Routh NODItTIi Unfit. ~ nt.' BRAIAD A Ifitayl i ,holyor!, BO* 1 ,r :.:r,.+ - -:',!:piiiknuit. 1 1 • ONGLIFIR ANIVOLASSIOAL'BOAftp.• XIIt4CIROOL 7010,8. ' meaty, Penneyleents,- ernrui.ledeldttedntany time - Ottrietereteed siren. 'ifeoe4tiielen elent eitoninr„ 1 1 4 0../ • JailkLiki4TA STINSPEO3{I. :NATIONAL 'COLLYCENS," leaded 'et PM's- MAU, 4 1 11pvhotnee2AxerSteTIL•nd p11.181.2(tr2; Nenrandel:Ballido ) Cletilend; saVlNklftto.' rlror In. foniatkin. 41mill or send tot Opeeleittee. , -7 f°9-tt Arg. it s Vile Co of Oa awaits,. %mew .oft IM 4IDX—ALt. K. LEIDY, bra Wt.:Mau! AOADISIY, thmallkand/it SIXTR , Fromm% near Baer 14.41iPtlitti yid AIII.IIMITO la innhfoirtirainerett pd .11 that relay inter. .N*l, r . LIITUNDSIVII " la 1111.A.D . E LP Lit IA • - VOIOMROII4, - ;olndlakaokortkeast corner. of INIUMIIiIIT red UM= Strode. • '-' 4ll 'f i hd:IA= 2 0 11 0001 . to thou' ter"- t tir: `''''' ' • ' ' ;'7, 7: 0:°.4.40. 41.Eforiai, - 401,41 4.40 10 1 . 1mi r k i p i.;:v3: -:- ., ; TevidlG l VArii; . ..t . ... ~ . 5-, - 4 I..ereone, - FAA'o.l9,4•Fi—Tii ;..,---,,,, -IPrKertak Wow., i 4/0046taBBIM1f1lfter September nth. ' . 4410.111101414 los , torrnroAt , :titeratrarrow)at Ali f=l'4 ll o.!OVlNllieess hem ,‘, Imre I. beet re - 4 1 1_,,.,,...,.141101,...48,:;14.41 eerr hart, forobtaping a ' r ' itaiTLlVelieliTjiiii . liirlitill .1 0 - n:iiiplieitit'osi,ittlie PorlOrtar - 4i S-': - ~- .-` '',,> - .. ' ' ' • - eie&tr , ..ii. -, . Fe - R . ; CORSO NATANDIiNGENG AND OONVINAN4 ii.I IO A . IND.ON GOOD mottears. OA NOTIONS NNOMPTDIt N. DkiliwanW l 'ett 11 9 1 41870071; "A, stkiEllg,& OAPP, 228 ",11001t! Btvißft; above -4 , r , r:Algsnitilfo9lVDßOlCtßkiiiie dello& In starldliilPaiserniCalleatltleis generally: Attend: the , - Orokital Board - dilly ) and 811 all orders for: the pir.: 'imcgailtro)Nbe • -, IfROOKIn BOPP% he. jay-ly - %dip - OBLIMIII 13 / 1 0.11LNEa t ItrfeSi - IV * # 11 N 11 0:4 14 4 1111 , r g1 e 4,4 •1 41 1 1 . • • MEI= insurance Coiripaitilia. V ICII I -E-I *.P*. -I , S g s ckii3-um•A•N+- aMini le" -V , - I Ate Ehildln d ., 4: Nenlture i )an d ms handles genotallpisalneklose or dantserblbre. TIO I exifeksit provide that mbkiet.l lB l6oll4l99//erteral-areurlty t they ehttN. nob be Aiktotoin lii • nuiti,..trer of thn oniutr thlt kreport7 '"'EF:imee• literality le ihrui'llitendeCtO the holders of cbtotlin acres azA WitityAcl9B t stotwlthataddluig re- Bent deeifitaiilibetleitiii Omni. Rents, ArOrtS 6 o l ll 10 0. 01 1 , WW- ' Limb 4 4 ' 'Other' . teehettitilitiltaid Bahia ylll'6llo be epeotitl Unwed If ilielzreN -= "" " ••• • • • „ TtawtOlk, George 11.,Steart, - Nalbro Tinsley John 11, Bruin; , John M. Atwo; lakitestroak, - Neal'. T. 'lreriletc; cub; ' • , Henry 7,!nrion, , • • - BTAB , E, yisf4ok' OHALBI4EI3,W.AatiIIi Secretor*. i 5 - .49,13:14 , ',F,0,17#11! STREET.' BXUE I A *8 PrT--TE" WASHINGTON. ,AI =ifs Uziiva~ eCIME3P4.IIT.*' :-. 7 . 18;208All NO 213 10. 16 -Nun gTHEr„; Paridamunrk. lnoorporstwi In linowlei fiiwszsl Insarawse Lsw , , • :of--Fenniylvsnis, . , , . AiAtiorlsed - Capiilil -i " . s6Qpiiioo Subioribiitt Cliptttl ' ''' ' " ' " • ". 20qt600 hitt 4craidtir -- '. ' - ' . ' '-1i4,500 . , . , , - ' 111178T/RD A8 , IOLLOWB: , , Bend ,aid MoFtmear, Ant lien' " 868,11.1/0 i • 14;311q1lotlretiraa4 . ot!ier Otoda - ' , t sad 1":1 - •• -• '5l: OM) • • '• • - • - • 6,430. - • /wand 0211.4 adi r Snot tOdEl OR DdSLA4E BE PIRA ON fItIVILDINO - S, MIIIOHdriDISE: HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Ito: Aleo.en OABGOES and BRE CGHT -to sod from aU parts'ot-the world', and 'lnland Navigo. Hon and 'summation, on favorstle'termai. ' 00A11,018 . W%.'RIEGITi-Viab 'President,' 0 0 BUTPM,Beiretery, H. G. RAWBORGBl4.pialataiitilearetaryt William William Wright, 7. - t. Torrey, , We. Tonne Ai. B. Wrfib, W-Xmley. Jesper Harding, 0.0. Butler,HenryE. Strong, donee, Alonzo Biala; . S. H. Boss, na4rA•tt •.‘ NSUR.A.NO AT 'ltitiO#tiltoll CODIPAtif, o f 411i1forf. • '• • - ' ' • Ail& 1869 ' 51,867,920 OS MANHATTAN FIBS „INSUILANOR „ • . OOINVANI,of Now York. , 082A - Aseeta,!lio..l.lBs9" 8113,939 09 SPRINEEVIIILDIFIECEAND MARINA' ' _ INSURANCE! COMPANY., ' - - • • cash Aimi.ts; 'Ita":1;186 448,794 lig NORTH AIARRICAN,,akteR itrAtr- 1 ~ - a Attom oOppittt, or, Rialford. . • - ' taatiAllasta, J'ad. - 1; 185 S . 314,860 06 ~mll3. .IN S URAN CE , • • • P ANT , of New:York. • Ceeh Assets, Tan, 1,1[69 941,864 81 EIRRITHANES'• TIRE -INSURANCR ;!0031PAirlf ttufiErfl. , • 0 sek Aueta, lan. 1, 1850 Pollees lined, aid lama or 4Qt promptly paid, at bill Agency, by BOSWELL A•WILSON, Agents, fable-t 1 - • - 11 . 0 - .' 914t1 WALNUT STREET. DELAWARE :MUTUAL, SAFETY IN 1NC021,0 i1 811 7r.1217 1 i C, 71M: 1 . 11173 . LAMBE loPt krrISSLVAIA,RSB6, ORATOR DAL CORNEA THIT,D•-AN? , Wll/117 Bsc~a ammo Is a „ — S2/140, 8 . 1143 r . ',(TO jpo r t s of, tbo World. 111.1111/11T • IdLANDINBIIBANOIB On Goodo, by Sher: Canals, Lakesfand Land Canino, 14A ail Prtgt. rut! Pir.O . a On MiliitinadakonebilY. • " On atertli, 01411108 HoWs, .00108 OP,THA oweryetty, tar. *IIR ' s , -111-14 / 1 1 1 11 '- 8108,080, Philliejplits BAr Loan.slos 14470 u sae IreouWiadlik 8 tej,oang • • 04,4.5, 00 13' Treasury .4 4j' vent. Notes. 80 ,u2:59 • , PonasyllsTis Hailing 2d Most. - . . gsgeiS V.13533t. Bondi $70,000, North Eannoylvarda Railroad fork gaga 13,411' oast. rondo . . ~. 1;000 00 $35,00; 800 sfidiol stook GennanioWeas ' . Oompany, Interest ani principal — guinatesistil brite'ol4 of Phila. - delphla t • ' - 14 046'00 85)100)100 *horsy Pennsylvania Railroad _ Company - ' 4,831,50 sham, North Pennsylvania Ralid,Cothpany • 885:05 83,135; Mind* 'shards ghtladelphis 108 11045 Opihpany, Ilirre di (+rose t -41esaa TOW Roat,Ohropanti Ba -11, &hail& Stbsta, Navigation Owe play, toadPlittsBelo.lBl4aliabise '" 2,880:00 8840, 19,1911 00 Bondi sal nornmee, aid Red Anat., Of. ‘:•1148 Building - • 71,888 25 BOW Iteodrabie for insuramoes leads 201,606 28 Hahne due at -AganoleB Premiums- on - • •,• *444 potiolea,ed--and[Oher OW dad, the trompa:ny ' r 61,288 14 Sarip'and 4504 onnd47 . 14 4 , q0 40 , 00844- ' • - - 8,220 00, Oath on.dersit In- Bank - 48,007 05 • • $ 68,804 •7 0 180i8. • I t AriesA hedlihit r. J. P. Peniston .:208110A P. ifte, Simnel E. etoku, •• Homy Sloarti ' James 13.81 1 1firland, ;Thomas O. Head, - Robert Burton, , Alebn B. Semple, , Pitt/181i T: Morgan, ti a. T. Logan, ir I MARTIN, President. MAND, Vise President:- Ago. - mb2o William 4004th 'RAMOWitt6. Magma . Jobh wvost), - Jah Paikam, samiise trolpari ' • Idward Darlington, • .Wit, X. IL Miami Wm, 0.-Ludwig, Hugh Omit, - - Spencer M'Lluthe s • chs•rlea Maley, SOmm Jamb.P.l'mzek, WILED. • THOS. C HENRY LYLIMBN, _rOHE irustraAtrot -IL COMPANY • ' ' ` •✓ OilifiLEDiailti; 400' W.•LN•tir-nTS.P.,g T • Ttite Compeny Insuresiled Lessor D msg. by Ittre cor,Pholle and; It:trate Bali ittosks or 'anode; and ifiraliindbie genrralli• Sbe roghntaggeorlalgpin the Policies of We Oem c riyrisrantala tkelz Neourlty, "ban assigned as • eel " U TlasirollarablelEnat beiniatidsted, or In any *lse *Noted. otter Its timignment as a rolletersl security to ag onnd•itent, or.anortgages and. theipproval of-such aseigarnent by,the olSoe, by any transfer or memento or the mortgaged promisee, by Gift 'owner of the mune." - : DIBBOTORB Paul T. Jones, Jeremiah M. Brooke, Jtihn Hahne, " • Robert Clark, lease B. Waterman) • DOW Salomon, Fdliord 4 ;ones, William Vandetireer, Joseph Janney, - • Theodore Onyler, ioeeph 11.' Collies, Gilbert B. Sterling. , , Peuh T. JONge,;•Preside4. , GILBB AT. B. IikTBAI . VG; Prehfcient. Wit Letterman ; Theretary ' " —mi7 tr. (2.IIIMAVWENTERN LNDLIMANOE AND COMPANY, TANINNINI !UNION INIFURANUN OODLPANY OP • ' - AWIEUINS, Ti.. • Ifmripig ommolidated. their bwrlness, will hereafter eon - And the eerie ender the name of the • • ' • GREAT WESTERN , INEWELNON AND • TRUST COMPANY, Odic., No, 400 WALNUT Street, , , (Compeer's BDll4hi ,) • rinvattimpine, With I combined Capital sad available ' - "ASSZTIS Of OVAIL 11 , 50,000, Invented, for the most pert, in Muer BOND/ and MOll7. Imola, bearing super anti Internet, en improved pro- Pent , . worth doable the summit. FINN; INLAND,"AttlildAllfftli CA REW .1118103 Taken or the moot favorable terms. OE, Ohirlee 0. Lathrop, William Darillig, - Alexander Trsei" John o.lonater,'' ' — Jamie 11.'llinith; haat Thithikuosti , N.' Shipman, " • J. B. Wady, , r ThetossiLvOillesple,' Charles Usesn, — Daniel L. Collier, - Jonathan J. Blown: O. O. LATHROP, Pxeeldent. WU. %tamYloo Preaddint. JAMES WRIOILT, Searetary G., and Treasurer. • RIISOBLI... Assistant peeretary. O.T('. stirPlitAN,'Ssocuid M. President, ntlikdA.W . Blaooll 0/01011 Nett York QAPEGUARD - INS 1...7 • 13: , c , oorner °Urn: • Cenapi tminsal gelid in Olinsirel* L _ • Teti Company hiving ins neer rookie , roske'lnsurt pe_nivrehandise. he BY EJBE,ONLY, ppm, fair Issob N ' -t I bane!' Bisekininse r • I Robirt E B. English, George 11- 11 Levis, Joseph . Stidlold • , -.Jobb Preetke, ' :Edward . . PAL Blrokhesd,• Henri A. Foote, . . • . • JACOB = 11 1 1 Si *Wu, Secret.. Pulpotax,vut, Dee, 28d, A =MOAN— FIRE' INSITRANOE " OOy INOORPOR2I2IEV 1810 011,411 T ER PETUALr NW. 810 WALNUT Strict, "him' Thi at V s" ha* 'Petd - uP capita noel' and &Width a.. laming nag "wraith to grocuritiee, whitinne to Insure Cu Dwelling') Stored ;' Dartitths ) ‘Merehandire, Mesabi in-Rort and , th eir oMoms) a n d, wther PeriOnAl "Property.. All Loess liberally and rtpapt;c7v4Jll9rtiotl: • asap Abbolly •• ' • • -.•: Jan T.' Limbo, • • JobstWolsh,. • •• °soar W. Monti, flamuelo.lfortair - " • Mum 11.Omapb611, PablecTsady, -—• . • • admonst 0. TIMM. • Pcnilthey. • 0110001TABBOTT v Tiaiido0. TIIOILIOI 01'008. BeeretAry, '• ' 3152•71! THE QUAKER OITY ' INSURAEUE " OOMPANY, . 'PHILADALPIITA, Ps. riANEGIN BOU,DINGO, No: 448 'WALNUT Pinot • • —•— °BARTER PIARPHTITAL. ' Paid tap llaplkal and sarploa • , 1224,86 i 42 Chartered Capital ' 000,000 00 Insures airatnettoss or damage by Rite and the perils Of the Ilea; Inland Nasiga tl on, and TranenOrtatlon, on the tnoettavorable WWI!. LOOM promntlytidiasted'and pald. . DIIIOI.OBB. Mitt, : X W. Bailey, H. P. hose , Andrew R. 011antberis - A. 0. Cattail, .oaarlea 0. Imlay, - John Vale, H. P. Oodeahnlii - • ' Foster!. Perkins, Samuel Jones, • " , !cow H. - • Orisionas. , 00010111, H. HART; Prasideni., L , g. P. 0.011/1, Vies President. _ H. It. CIOCHISHALL,I3earatary and,Pralatllat. H. BUTLER, Asel Secretary. • nthl' Itttominr..— 866 bbia. Moo: 7,2, and 8 L Illsokerel t Inkialiveajqiuten anCelgtalts, in of . igius3 painfaim for solo by O. O. BADLIR k 80. E sp2B 4RPUBtreet,fiscionn door &we itzfnl,, PRESS7-11111ADELPHIA., tuf . LA - PETtrTal • - • 4 11) RIJBIS -- ,O}3AM.PAGNV.S. , • ilia indekalined hare been appointed mole *genie for the United States and , Unmade ' toe the sale ,of the Ohampegne Wines Of - More. JACQUES (1011EG:A 00 1 at ChalonseniOdeine,4l2/1410,- We present thliV winteki) inideitir4 nimely: 44.A.pprg,g.: • AND • - • - RUBIS: The " DEM Wise (sof exquisite flavor and fruity isst•;:aildli - gffers4oo to gorepare feroriblyAitiilany . *lne litfie American market, The " RUDIff" lAA: One_Cebinet Champagne, of • :beautiful Ruby color, Whie is natural to the wine. Thle undolitilediy , one of the finest. Olibinot chanipignes 'Pm:ld:Med lulfranti; Aid Ii midi, from grapes of the choicest selections. , Prom the ex/en:die poeseselons, e nd Neri . known tiotteit.Of 'JAKIIIIB HORRH & 004 and their deter:Whiff ion to famish stings wkisds shall ifieetinththi - approiii btethashertyt, Ito feel persuaded that a trial will fully establish ill we claim for the moil*e of these wines, tacitidtit,cAtimi, & tionOst.ET, --; No. 19 BROAD STR.IIII I , NEW YORK; The stave Wines may-be had at the following plseS' in Philadelphia Jogs 12/11AIRON & CO ; 184 Walnut et.; Tnotiasll. JABOBA& 00,218 Dock et ; JIM? WAtiken,43l-oheet .nutiVii :Joe. r2TothitBee Co., 2116 8. /front IV,. ICA -111121.1. & ALLIS; 2148, hoot at.; FATTIMAOII, 0011111, &Co 88 N . Sec o nd et.; LAwson - & Tnaxes, 60? Ma he,, lit i'litoKes6S Manx, corner chestnut and cr,Uld eta.; Woe. PARVIA, Jr , Twelfth and Chestnut ex.; FBI DLIMAN & CAYwIRE., 708 Market et ,• Coitus our. Windt:ad Walniti.otaxot.v.. 4 W0R1 ,1 174 WAIBuy street; wee. , IL4111)1500a & 004114 South Third et. Alas at the following Hotels: 01111,0 HMCO, FAIRBURY, BYERS, & 00.1WI8111$0, TOO CORSA, A.B. GLASS; OT. LAWIO I / 1 0.11 COAL, wit ff. Ostumeit A. Co.; AlesogAlprEs> norm, 0. M0.41A &802, , - f 011,104-84! • t eI.OMMERCIAL-B &NIL ; OFD' PENNSYL= VAN la—Paiiiimbrant, May 3;1353. The Dtteetiite liprOltblo deals ad 'a rividood, of THREE AND ONE-HALE per cent , oat of the profits or the at Mx naphtha, payable on demo& clesi , ot Mate Tax. 8. 0 "PALER% - seys.lot . , „ . , CIO ARELERS' 'AND'MECHASIOS' BANK V Detrnie. May a 1869. The Dleenfore Imo' this dty deolere4 2 i , Dividend - of YOUR per cent., payable on demand • enys.6t W 4 'BllairrON, (Netter. RANK c.)y ; 3-1 1, 1888. " " ' • Tbe I:ll.ceelors Itpte Ws day_ dealaxedseDividend' of F 011114,8 5 -8558 ., an 51,885p:tat Mosefothe laet In monthm pqable on demand. JAMBI Itil&8.181114 • 1 415.-YriVeAr% OIRARD .*l3r 1859.. Directora have this - day declared :Dividend' or THREW AND A MAIM per tent for the Jot' Nix inontba, free of -State- Tex, pelage, Oe stet otter the 18th mass. ; satrquired by the General Banhfog Law,- htoakholaora are :quested to bring their eertificiSes for Oonsolidation..EiDEEAgYlN, . 1 -4.-ungo ' - Cashier. 14110REZTOR [HEW I TB- HOT L,ter: N,1 17 -The,.anbeerithe, hailn§ leased ihe' Mole named topular Roue fora term of years, intend opening about June let. The former patrons of the home, - And others ' may be assured - that no 'effort's 'oq the part of the proprietors shell:be wautlog to ren der it a truly attractive simmer resort. Bathe, Billiard Tables, Ten Pip Allele, And Illetdink oa the-premieee. • lEBBlitfi it WILLARD., -„ ET' Boom' hatred fro a diagram of the House, b). ADDlicatlon `at the o ur„of W. WILLARD, 4t9 OIIRBTNIIT Eltreet,fieoond floor. myo.lm A TLANTIC 1 - AT ANTIC' 011' ft ! NaTioNAL HOTEL 239,079 83 adjusted 000 - - BAST & CO. Proprietors , This Hoare has chanxidturnde, mad will be opforrti on the 20th of MAY for the aottunmtidatlon of Boarder', had Eftetireithiats. It 4 refurnieltrd In the bed style, tali now Iformtnre, Bedding &0., .—*: - The National Le , admiribly nitwt dun Atlentio ate one, comm +ode a fine.view of the Ocean and bat one tonere from the bait Ambles around on the Island. 'Radar- . splendid •Ball 'Radar- and Dining-Zoom bei,dg tutted to this home, mature it particularly desirable for Incarreione. . my.tuarour ril REY. 3iQ UNT.BOARDING HOUSE, near 144311i6(9963; Ps,, Onstabl%had in 1833,) will bitipen far boarders, May la. It Si one hones rids from Philadelphia ,The gttlunda are easterners and Mall shaded p ship TOOO2ll airy and pleasant. The lbos tion. Sa high. (160 feet above the Bobs:111MM, and,at: baslszly, beli t tler. ~ as an be &hereby ceriidaateopf tin'd rant. ,ho admirably slapped for faint lea , With children. • - Ther. beat' referent,' can be Won: Terms moderato. • Address. •• ••,, .•,•,,• Be,. SAMUEL' AAtION; my9...rairfl2t or 0.1 1 11; Anß9ll, Norrlittowoi Pa• 45,876 00 IVOTIOE- -is whereby-given that ROBERT' A • - 111161VH8 ma, on the 'Ridley or J'ANNANY, 1869, make en assignment (or the beneft of creditors, to the maleriagned. All pereima having _claims on sald Estate, or indebted to the Doe, wilt present their Goa ale or settle thy same wilb•mo. - • .• ==, AsSiglielh • tayi.o.6tls. = .= TO6 North EIGEITII Street: t RISTY Ars. upYrrot, 44 - no. 7 1-.; 1048. No. 608, D. 0: rood lit Court, $2410111 The Auditor apPointsd ,to 06016, and' a:llpp the dame 64 4 the 1004, taiislogijoili •peteoN eptilte,) and, mate dist:ll4ton therrig; will attend the dutles of Pdaappointitant on .TIIISeDATi May 47, 18611, at 4 o'olook P. E., et hie oltloe, No. 20 Bow% SIETE Street, up stairs, where and when basing claim on the Marro rand are required to present them, or be 'debarred from larttelpatitg therein; , I my° 10t* MO,Ohfi DR0P4141. - Aeutitor4 IN THE ORPETAIiS° OOTIOS4,OK 3 TE Ji OITY AND COUNTY OP PIIII:IIDELPIUA. - • Estate of ItOWERT PATTON, Deoesettif.' The Audit or appointed to audit, • eittlE and'iljnat the mmonnt or JANE PATTON and, .111411,0 PET4O,NI itorditote 07 the Will of ROBERT PATTuff. end inert distribietloke.,*lll idiot thhe eer lotareeted therein, on TVMP&Y; May 17 $1.,14 4 ollook 114 at his ofilee r la h. 204 SonthllooltTE Etaietr • Elia • Init-tal- • .• --,-,11111 • YP Tfir4MANSION 1101J8E,', . 1- ' • , ; ,- vatm..5214 • W.- L.-1).11..BOURBON, Proprietor. • 'This well-known astabilshtnent, the favorite resort of callow, 'lad ,falters; has late!) , undergone 'caten ates repairs, and Se now one of the woes , s ocutohodlotts, absent, end thoiodeli Miele in the Union; beinattfally -located at , the corner of IFI/TEt and- PPtibl- Streets, leading Its accommodations are ,¢ret , einel the rooms mutton. lad airy! and the table eonatiatly sup plied wittkatt the Interim of the emu*. .Poieone de nim/Of speeding* fevoteeke_ In the dimmer In an agreeable and cannon:Mal manner, cOull not do better than Atte a Wet of BOURISONIi 11A1 BION afitra.i at fthedlng.. 14.22.11 , Iwwu itOTEL 5 - 014 . T1111 311 . 1111QPXAN Olit Halt Pettus, corner Prukfort street, Opp - mite City au.) Merle, u they may be ordered in the emMforke Bel rectory.-- - • There is a Barber's WY end Bath Bootee attached to the Hotel. , N. B.,—Beware of Banners end. Neckmesa Who say we are MI. " • B. /BBNON, kioprietor.. fe22.Btu - ' rUfißit IiOURN, aglisztitrze, Ea. ____k a, noteila EMT -•- - ' ALIG4RTLY raunimw. itoW, 2.11 N TO WITOB a I. mrlo-, , - . WELLB cninum.,ProPliskir lIVINCOMSTER CO., COINtLEXENI 7171121ISHIIXG BTORI . • anciuismiekupa FRUIT kill lIPACL TORY_, ht the Old El tand, Ito. IN OHEI5Tblin aTHIWT, ono. dte the Washington Hasse. A. WINOLIBBTER *ill give, aa keretsfoie, hie per sonal supervision to the gutting and htannfacturlng departments. Orden for his celebrated idyls of thirty end Collars tilled at the" oratatot - , nabs. :Wholesale trade pplied Vatic Jr24l-// fIEIESTNIIT GROVE WEIMMET.--A:da N../ aim to lemma the ootorunption of impbreePirite knotrift.• their injdrious effaeta upon .the odnetitution has ...indteed ...the offering to the ,pubile of an artloli which thdanalyastion of Professor Chilton; AnalytioN. Chemist, of New York, and Mews. Booth, Garrett, I/ Omen, of Philadelphia( proves beyond all question, t/t be the midgets Mel ormsequently Brut injuriona spirt tt ever offered the /Well= public'. OBIITIPIHATP OP CHILTON. • haviairalysed ea& Ckestint-Grote Whieket remand „from dlr.. 9 WHARTON, arq - ha ving 'iarefully - testei tt, •I am pleased to state that it is entirely free front pole:mom or deleterious substances .- - It Lib immix/44y pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey.- _ , JAMBS CHILTON,H. 'New Tick, Boit. 11,1588.- 'Analytical Chemist. • PEILADIILMIA, 8e . 9,1868. DM Bin: We bens carefully testal, Ms sample 'of Ohostnat-Grove Wldekrii which you termite, end find that it eontalns none of tkepolaonons substance knows. lee Pardo CH, which Is the obaraotertitio and lorrirect Ingredient of the Whiskeys In general sum; You respeotfully, BoOTa, fiABRITT, oat; Chemists. , To Clianmas Witsarox, Jr., to% WATAIIT 91., Philadelphia. , 0a2241t3.11 : ANGE 00)IPANY, ind TaLNl7l' , Street, ruded) 5200 . , 111, ,000 460 tkorougly reonfLAl.s4,ll ea .o.pra.- all , tilde o_f_ , ,,pro. 'against LOPS orDA.NAGH table terms." , TORO. Hon. B. B. OnsilOg Charlton P. Waitrons, Illhu I. Baldwin, I. A., H. Hasbrouck, • Aaron inOoes John 8L Besoh,' - Ilattkow Kelley, , Alex. 0. Lawrence Alfred Olayp, , • Forbes. 5. ' BRIII,III, Preildent, •' riga; • aiati S4LAILAI4DER, SAFES. ' 'e - largo oneortmOnt of EVANS & WATESSEPB MANNXAQTI7II.IIIO SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOOR, Nor Banks and Storm SANE LOOKS, - Equal to any now In use. IBMS DOOBS, SHIFTTNRS' On no good terms se any othor eitabl tehtnent In the United Stateqby EVANS WATSON, No. 26 South F9IIRTH Street, Phtledelphts. aul&tf TIJIAME GIVE 118 0 CALL (I)BAM PAGNE), JANUARY 10, 1869.-414 eoesequence of the frequent invitations received bruit Jolene,' the ebtpmente of my, Ohampagne Winos to the UnitedEtates, I beg leave hereby. to inform my,, former cus tomers, and the patdlo general . that I have sp• polnted Messrs,. non wilat,'Alioal & 00., Sole &gentian the Mittel States,',.for the 'sale of my Ohampegne •Wlnen • Mr Wimp hem been so long and favorably Iczowri in llie United Staten, it, will ,be no neeersary to comment on theft quell IY,dhrther than to any that my now shlpmenttiall in no way be found In , foaor to the former rinse. . SIM:WARM SALMON. BILLSOART OALIdON , EI 011AblYNINE both CABINIT and V.8117,11N41.Y, for and con. staidly on bend, in lota to atilt ptrelmerra, by ' P. O. 811011WZR, ANOW/11, & CO, ~6 1816.9118 Street, blew York. NEURALGIA. I L The following testiroony le from a well-known citizen or Philadelphia, in reference te ThOXELIdfI NEURALGIA SALVE: "I hate haen afflicted With osiers Neural& for, up; war& Of 'Metal year:. • Hare tried Allopathic and Now inceopathlt phyalotara , pad every other remedy that Wail suggested, and toted get Mt 'relief.' I was tsrluce4 to , try- tills salvo; end alter using leti than one boa, t fou n d fromedfate The pain all left' one, and I have had no return of it: I volunnirtly and chettrully recommend It, (ant have done no,) to those eiroilsev afflicted; that they may know where to ibd relief. it to the only and mire remedy, for I have te - ted it WAIDEo FETTERS, Mae* Drayman, No, 02.7 North Fifth street, PhDs." For a*, P. W. - corner PARRIBJEI M r °,4' • I • lIPIV'tf ~. anl~. ~3lDitiiaenb~. Rummer itesoito. AND XOSIBESION' HOWSE \ .LPgat: -NQ!ias. fiOt CITY OP HIM TOM SIENOLN ROOM QO.CTS. PgR DAY ijhEntk)nln's af![Yttiatif oo o tD tits 'attb Cissors WEDNESDAY. MAY 11. 1859. 111 Et. DR..I47:PtTONA! ',,INTEW VOUTME a w soli ouldium. TDB BEST TBINOB By the Rev. Richard Newt' toe, D. D. Illnetratt4 16,ti0. -75 oeatn. THE ART Of EXTEMPORE SPEAKING'. By II: wattle, with additions by a member of the New 'Pork - Bar. - .limo -•- , Tale P..OUAORD BOB! AND WNAT IT COST. BYLlArriet B. hiatCeeVer. 50tects. •.• • , 441111 WOIMEIVP .10$1PflUB; 4 Tao 3 12410 type. $5. -• • Volum - 5 5 Irvin& "WASHINGTON." Biro. $2.. now ItOtralit TO PULPIT i Or, the Life of Dr. Nitto. lb cents, - BOMA ,111.P1,13,111,F.84, or b . )Irlioes of a 'Mothals Voles. , ID ,„ , Bar Bole by WILLIAM E. & AL,FILSD SEARTIEN; my 9 Let those now laugh who never laughed before; . And those who Always laughed now laugh the more 1(1HE HARP OF A'ir itOv AN)) "ERRING:" I , , . OA, titttfrkpoi tint a itrErlxti, ()outline more than lengtia; Id oro*ded fiYll of fanny stories. and fa illustrated with •OVSlit TWO HUNDIIIID 001dIOAIL EINGRANINGS. , This eurione bcok combines the elements of fan, pa; then, and , rare entertainment, with the moat laughable' whiole being Interlarded with rich and indlorond incidents pertaining to every-d , l life In abort, if you want,romethlog to " drive away doll care," this le Instil.' If yon a•o orm,whope dispeoltion4 sour,- Loot at this hookf—tt* tare yob. in an hour I You'll laugh so loud, ao heartily antl•j3lly, That younhforget you e'er tree melsocholy The plotureard - allbchrifilel. daelgned by ionie of our bast Whits, (Including Barley )) end the oollectionof droll °media and queer stories is uneurpassed, hoeing. boon torero' years in- preparation. It is a book of nearly four hundred pages, with tinted frontispiece, by barley. Bound in fancygUt wont; mittebio for the library or the Centre•tible. • PriCIA one dollar and a quarter. P0 4611 0b.r lIIOH .t,YIT4trAIRALD, • •,f . No.:18 'ANN , Eltreet, New York And /crania& by T.M.PF,MEIIBOta ; . No. 804 011BATNIIT Brest, a. tiAT •PtistasakAii. • - EIPLDBM/TWEI HALL, LIBRA-BY wrgesr, • ' • 1 - ' , dHARLEI}, DE01LV1614,,71,4 , 0023TN11T STREIT alaw9A raommNotNet Dtp,noifeei • of nrsi • BN4LIBII lANGII &GB ...; , sr ALIMANDIM 41.1.4101.67 fr A. •Prlneipskof the Monroe Oratarnardchool, Philadelphia. —PRIOR ONE DOLLAR. This Donk cantatas all variable and aontostad epall loge, irregular infltptioni,)priMs* and mender,' aci clate, appropilate preposition", references to writings. of etited tot merit ,; defirntione' of ,geographical names, 'and proper times of persons; tranelations of foreign, phrases . rates for ; epenling,-.111% eontrasting the con; Owlet add l'lsbiterian 'orthographies, he ; ac: - lty„ intettioli of ,citireldl and.ttell4ilsd,pistierthe work le Made to inborn, the molar alhotittigh slid set leot spelling-book,And of lan aid le teaching the artef.', lOnglletr bomPotition.'"lt had been especially fluted ta ws in schools and favailles And it eau be made servidia able in iegreater number of ways than any work of Its kind. It contalneidoo pageereach page embracer throe • coluints,'"and each pan of-the elucidation' of a word •le printed In a distinctive type., • . . Er On , the reoelpk of One Roller the Publlshere Will mall the More, work to any part of, the United Btatei.„...,-- •-- , • = db - are; SIC D THE LARGEST IN THE REIGN. Saßtble for Banks, Ofrloor, ihnef_B46ll, hi Oak, itla gilt, ahg Miliiinny t or hiondaomo style etall palters, A. L. ADAMS' IRPROViiS ISM* RAO% 2-±I7TTON'I3. ketrqose i gipq To? 1 1 1A.VMITrt No. II SOST IRS STREET oplei-8m VABINET FIITANITIJBE tam BIJ.LTAB,D 16.11,118. . MOCRE';464 CAMPION. t No. =I SOUTH 1111300 ND SCHIST, In connection with their extend,* Cabinet Bnaineee, lAN now manufacterior artiele of BILLId tD TABLES, -_ and int,* maw on hand a loU Supply, Bashed with MOO= fo.o/11HRIONII IMBROVED CUSHIONS, which ere preoconeed hi ell who he,. wswlthem to be coperh.r to tlI others, , • - - Y. the gnallty and ihileh of these Table's the mann faetniwiWrefer,to their numerate rstrOvis tionagliont the Union, *ho are with titeehatioter of their WheittiF o,fisittoPl6- • SLEEP 'BO.VENI4ER, Wholesale lelannteaturers UMBRETLAS AND,,PARABOLI3, 813EP IttiLIST ), PHILADBLPHIA, Are wow making more then one - hundred end fifty different varieties of 13mbrelles of very else, from 22 to 40 inches:' t The!! seeoftMent of PAIIASOLB Ye also very )I*, end fotveriety of design, styles, tiniol4 - and prises, ax. oeedB that of any merlons seesqu. -• ..stilyerastlefl hale nod Hill B.& t.4 - ttiaie of dot*. *lll find theirVide eliefitjh oyes eteek, *lnch inelidos NAM' NOVELTINO, sibs Co be mss wttk Ettriouals. REMO V :A. • HANCOCK & CO., atzlieortriinettrat BTORB and bikutlrAoTOrit 01, TIM OBAHICEIA,TBD HABIT Etta HINOtiID To No. 1026 OHESTNiii 8T EEk. anat4•Sm REMOVAL. THE PENNSYLVANIA Mrio COMPANY PAR INSURANOIIS ON WYSS AND (}RANTING ANNUITIES 'hare removed their - Moe. temporarily, to. No. 254 WALNUT Streeti. first door below Third area. - sn2/1-2m - pulitt*: . • wir E. BAEBEE • • • •ATtOENVI , B , ogsTkit e. Eon. Wm. A. Porter; Bon. James Cthiper. B. B. Oomegyo, E,q , Philsole!phtft Bask Mem% .Boyd k Bate!. • = aplB.lm* ellr• /NM:MANCE BROKER AND &MOSER, -OKO.) bto .110 BMA 'FOURTH Met, Wow OBestnu 8188, MABINB , INLAND, and Lin 11 , 111611103 effected, at the Lowest Rates, in responsible Mess, bee of charge to the eeaored. t0h22.8t0 A UGUST BELMONT, .CEL BANIESE: 76 BEEVEIit STREET, helm Letters of:Oredit toe TrateUm, availahle in ell Odle or the world, tlitotigh the Messrs. Rothelllda, or Peril, London': lrankfort, Nage., and Vienna, and ItOBERT , PALETRO, RP, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW,, 816 WALK MT Street, shot° 'Eighth, phtladatobla. - ' • " 1.751.5tre. !TIRE, ADAMS EVREI3I3,O. OF 10)1 820:08ISTNUT STRUT, !timed' PASSAU, 'Amon lIRROUANDIZB, BANE NOTES and BPIIOIB, att , Swk_ht its own LIMBS or In emmootio With other alhh COMPASUSito AU Um prinoip:l TOWNS and OITA= of thAlUaltad Btatto. 4 , 4 L A LEX. NoKINNEY, CA, .I.TTOIL'ai AT LAW, • eatuNfinunci, PA; MU motto* I Woatmoreland, Armstrong and In Mans amities. stall-11 BRUSECES BRIISIIESI BRITSIIES I 2,000 dow Tied Whltawash 1,800. Nailed 2,600 c , Naadeerabu. . 1,000 " °lamps. 600 . 1 , -Dastera. 6,000. - Illmebrimlies. tor sale lower than at eny other house In the elty by HENRY 0. HOKRTEIN, 52 North'THIRD Street.' below Arab suti , . ' PORE COD•LIVDR - OIL, PIIIIWBOTLY OWNET AND PALA TABLE, mann. facture& at. New fonnoland for the Pr e yrfetors, Dom fresh and healthy heart; by steam, nt a low. tempera tare, thus preserving the sweetnese and putity of, the 011; while the natural fishy flavor IC perfectly coveed, and the. Oil rendered .palatsble and agreeable to . the ' taste: - -The roprlslors of this Oil awe no expense in having their Oil. properly prepared at Newfoundland, the only plane where the liadus merrhua is found In abundance.. , The true Oil, Is frequently-Impaired by admixtures with oil from other apemen of-the (lades family, and only that coming from th e e," Hanks" can be re led upon as the genuine. Our Oil - hat been analysed, and pronounced to be whichd the perfection Of tine quality—obe-saterietics enable it to maintain Da superiority infer all other kinds. ;Prepared and for We, Wholesale and Betetil, by 'mb224l TWlCLlTrilatirt OHIMAN D , PHlladj PO THE HARDWARE TRADE.—The aubsoribers, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF PO. BEIGE AND DJMESTIO HARDWARE, offer for sale the following goods at lowest rates : Lewis , sups. nor Chains of all kinds, including tract, log, halter, fifth, breast, wagon, tongue, coil, ship, wise, and other Chains; P. Wright'e patent and other Anvils and Vices; . L Home Nails; round and oval Bike Pane; abort and long handle Pry Pane, Excelsior Bs sty Buse for blasting rocks; Bed Screw; Amrrican Slates, Black. boardOrnyons and Carpenters , Ohs& ; Table and Pocket Cutlery; Oast Steel Piles and Beane I Cast and Wrought Batt Hinges; Strap and "T" Hinges; Gimlet Screws; Emerson's R ator Strops; Hodges , Mahogany _Knobs Whiten , Bracer; ;Morels. and Spades, ail -kinds; lisp and Manure ;Forks, - Bakes, and: rinds ; Bouthgite's patent Wrenches; Locks and _Latches; Door and ShAtter Dolts ;,Hand, Sledge, and Stone Hammer* ; Hooke and Hinges ; Tack., Bride, Shoe, Clout, and Finishing Nails ; Wrought Nails; - King's ,Btecte and Dies; Hatcbts-Teaai3d Counter Scales; Curry Combo, American and English ; Boythos, Scythe Stones, an ti Billie; Douglaall' PIMPS and Rama; Moluara Gates; Faucets; Saws of all kinds; Agee, Hatchets, Lialutnere l Ae., with a general assortment of Hardware LEWIS SON,, 41100MMEROS Street, COFFEE. -800 bags Jamaica in to an for sale by , JAMBS GURAM & gab., , Moo 22 anA 02 $11,41.4 OAKlll4.—Boat American- Navy and Navy Oakum In etoie sod for gale, by WEAVES,EIT. LER ft CO., No 23 Nor th WATIN St and 22 North WrIATIV32I 2 . rfothr OIL SASSAFRAS, for sale by • - WATHNIIII2L 4 DROSHIR, roy2 Noa. 47 and 40 North 13E00ND Strop QUGA Id. 2 bhds.- low grade to prime NO New Orleans Sager in store and for ante by LialltB GRAHAM & 00., "25_ No. 40 and 411 LVITTITt. ntr.ot AMS AND SHOULUNDS.-2,000 pleoeB .11.1 eityem.ked' Stains and, Shoulders. Also, SOO pieces extra cogar•oered Hatt )lor Isle by ' • • 0, O,BAD7,EA & 00:, `• 4.llolB2reA s 2d door &boys atcrat, Inatitingl 1.W . Y1-4014 AT CIA ETD* .13A.01/0111), CUE POC/VD.Eb ~ E NTIRELY •FROM Gain, fe one of the best Purgative and Liver kitdisbies now before the public, -that ode as a' Cathdoie, sister, milder, and -more efleotual than any other medicine known. It le notonly a Cathartic, but a Liter. reme dy, outing first on the-Liver to ejoutite morbid matter; then on - the stomach and bowels to carry off • that mat; "ber,-thus asoomplialting twopurpotes effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced Is the ope- Agoras of, most Cathartics. It atrengthert. the eye tent at the saint time that it it, am, when taken daflt ill moderato 4080E4 will etrengiben and build it ttp *#4 ol l llo l is one of the prhisiplilregulittore ofth humanbodyi and when it performs its fu n *tong well, the powers of the ; system, are, folly devel opod.,The atoinaeh ISM- most entirely dependent OR 'the : healthy action of . the Liver for the, .proper performanceof its 'funs- tigne ;my/m.w stomiush - is at fault the bowels ire • at fault, and the-,whole system =Tent in itionSe-ir 4 queues of one organ—the Liver—baying sensed tio its duty. or the die eases of that organ, One n of the proprietors has shads .it attidg„tsi mast* of more than 20 /lark to tha MO tarn , • gs 4 ay Wherewith to counter actt. the -Marty 011mga - malts to Whiet it is lie bi To prove teat tfili xi- 7 1 mid, 111 j lagtio4o.., any tierson troubled with Li- g ia~oosganp of fig foams, hem but to try *lrish:Alen II certain: - These Gums reefers; all O Morbid or inktmattsit from the system, trupplyblir in tlielepleee ' s health* Bow of bile; invigorating the %." Stamsollitilusing toot to digest we'll, purifying the k mood, 'tine , and health - to the whole ma- ohlii try, - seitoving the, manse oit the digoasis—pg- • resting radical" cure., Britous orroOge are • ausal, taker is bst seviprarosisisit"l4 the otiz Monetdie cif the,lavaa bretoosavon. . - One does, after eating, stomach and prevent the : • Only , One dose, taken - - Only one dose, taken at gently, and. mares•Oos -one dose, taken after rapa. , One, dde two re eve 010* MIA 1.0e.e. One bottle 'Wienfor re tkshestise of the discrete, Allnly one dose immedi. while one dose, often re.; is Onotaran Montilla. and a • EOnly °nal:rattle is ardent the effects otme. nen.' • ' - .ipor - Ona. bottle taken siallownese or unnittnral . Ono dosttaken a short irigol to the appetite, and One'dOse 'often repeat alma in ill: wont forms, Gentian its almost , One twb.doaea ,core in children; there. is ,no re snedylk the Trorld;sa it &Ow bettlee Cure nissorbente. We take Pinann tare: clue ee a rul pretentive far Hvil, Aryl/ 1141!'..ltw41(15Laintti. tieSU* to ',its soaderthl ''f virtues. - .. . , . ' AR who we It are snow their snootiness tsittifitony is ice favor. • , . . Er Ma Water is the mouth with the .cestrigorator, mad swallow both together. . --. . THE LIVER ItiVICORATOR Is 'A tionwrisza UNDRat. DIE(00,181ri and le daily . sork- Ing mires, almost too great to believe. it auras se tf by magic, seem; the first dose giving benefit; and wide= more :SUS one isottle is required to mire any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worst Jaundice or Dye- Oia to seem:twin Headache, all of which are the re id tof a ,lfri ;firA DYER. - , -,-- - • ~ •. •i• ,10 mat Dollllllilt BOTTLE. '.• Dr. BAN, 0 o,,POPtilitbr, , W. BiiYgdinty,-Bes 'York. Agents for Philadelpid, T . W. CTOTT & BONB, 218' North Reseed ERMA, , • -..- ~ • ~!. : - , • MWI liy All .Druggiefe.- gold OA 1* 811ittlffii I d 3, Twelfth and °bertha sheets, and F. BROWN; Fifth aedChelltnitokmtethilada. may it lksilit • , iadiltarab' etiettal Ai; DUMP E. ,Din.stra South ,PallitTli Street Pultsnstrurs, April latb, ISSO. P.S,9I3EIIGER -TRAINS nit RAJIRISBITIIG. • On Lind fitter MONDAY, 18th lust, TWO PASSEN GER, TRAINS will be van DAILY (Bnredsie excepted) to anrriobirg, via itendiog sad into =OWe points. ' MAMBO LINE. Leiven the Depot, at Amid .ud Vine Anita at 7.80 A. IL Arriving In Harrisburg at 72.80 Noon. AItrABNOON LINE Leaves the Depot at Broad and Vine streets et 8,80 P.M. - Arriving in Harrisburg at 8 80 P. M. Pare to Harriebnig, tot class - " 24 class 2 70 ' By order of the Board: eplO lm W. H MOILHEDINT. Secretary ITILADELPHtd. AFFXJENPIIB AND READING HAIL 14 A ,:diOUtcaNO H; for POTTSVILLE, BESDI TEO and f;eires Depot;' at' aiiner of BROAD Mid TIES Stieeta. IIL LS A t i n tritasauty f uleso , dl for. 113 1 74 8 ,e5 ° hu,ati.g M g % treine n ra te =n ittabarg, ohszilbe a retdra. — "Osil r ial• 'Stinbdry dcc o cFTEENOON LthiCS _ • Leave at:8' 80 1514DATLYi. for POTTSVILLE aid EIHIRISBIIRG. At 4 46 P. bf , DAILY, (Snudays excepted.) for BEADING, and Intermediate points aplB W. H. bIoIIiIENNY, Secretary. PIILLADELPHIA . , ' GERMANTOWN, -AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD-SUMMER. ARRANGEMENTS -On incliner Monday,. May -941, 1849 4 until farther notice. •• •• 7,014 ONBAIANTOWN. ; Leila "Pliniclemisli 0," 8, BM, 143, 10, 11, 12, 2,8, gm, 4, is 6M, 8,7, cl, 9, 10, and 11M I,424lGerMinlefirt 0, g,IM, 8, SE, 00.01_111 A. Icl,, Igyi, 1, 2,E. 4;45, 6, OM, 2M, 8,9, 10,14 P. N. , - • • " (IN BIINDANSi Leave EhGtdslphla p.m! min: A. M., 2, E, cl, TM and 10 P4l_, - - - Leave Germintoin 8.10 dcln. A. HU, 1.10 min., 4, pg, ind 9,k• P. M. 0ME8195111. an,r, RAILROAD. Leave Pb114441041n 6, a, 5X1 11 . , A. M s 2, BX, 8 4,13 6 aabraftn P uitil 1.10, 9 . 40,11 . 864. M., 1240, 840, 640710 4 8 8 t0 i N A 1 1 04.44 Lowell ihilsdelphis .. 9.os min. A. 51., 2,5, and 7;11 Lease Wiestiots 'lllll 7.60 A' II 12 60 - 610 and 8.66 31311E118H0001.11N" AND NOBMIST01011; Luisl.ll3lBl 1, 84, 6, 8.05 min. 10 08 11$ sx, s,x, 11$-P. M. ire NeortlakMa 0, 7,14 n st.i.titrxitg, 6, I,lf 11. ' , krinats, • " Leave YhMadelpiis 0 A: 11:, 8 and 4 P.M. Leave Norrlatown 7 A. M.', 1 and 6 P. M. FOR DIANATONR - Leave Philadelphia 6, 7.05 vain., 805 min ,9g,10 06 min 11. g A. M. 1.05' min., 203 min.,3306 min , 4s, 6s;dsi, 8, ng xi. K. Leave Manaynnk og, Tg, Bx, 9K, 1034 IIN A. M., lg o.o6"min , 4,6, eig'i 8.9 00 min. P. M. 011 61151DAY8, Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 8, 4 P. ht Lave Minium* 7i4 A lA., OM. 9% P.M. • H. H. SMITH, General Superintendent. . DEPOT, TH and (IRISH Ste tw*: FOE THE EOUTH-OHABLES TON, SAVANNAH, mut 11.47 ANA SHIPS. -RNYBTONE /MATH, Captain O. P. Hershman. /MAUI OF GRORGIA, Captain John J. Cirri& 0 aptain Wm. Rollins.' • NOR °BARU/MON, 8.0. , . The S.' Mall - Steamship RINSTONR !MATH, Oaptaln himekman, through in 48 to "50 hours, will sail on Satardily,Way 14; at 10 A H.' " NOR SAVANNAH, On. The U. B. Mall Eitemnship STATR ON EIRORSIA, Oapt. Jobn Garvin, will sail on Friday,-May 20th, at 10A .11 • '• ' ' - ' The splendid firet.ohias side-Wheel littarashlis SY. 13ZONII SPATS and !MATH OP GEORGIA now min aalthore every tan days, thus forming.• fire-day oom nipation with the South and Southwest. . • ' Goode reedited - and bills of lading signed every • At both Oharleuittin and Birvimnah these oldie (ma rmot with steamers for Mori* dud with railroads, /to., for all plans in the South and Southwest, and *Rh the Steameldp ISAIIRL, for Havana, on the 4th And 19th ef every month. . ',_ FREIGHT. REDUCED. - Heivy Freight at an average 'of 16 per cent. below New York steamship Mee. INSURANCE. • Freight and insurance on a large proportion of Goods shipped, tionth will be found to be lower by these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin Passage to Charlestoh and Savannah ¶l5 00 Steerage .4 4 • • . " " 800 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year.... 80 00 Tickets to Havana. 65 00 Through Tickets to New Orleans 89 25 . Mobile 85 00 Do Montgomery ^6 00 Do 'Albany, Go 24 00 Do Oolumbtuf, Ga." ' - 28 00 . Atbliati G • Do Macon, Os 21 00 Do Palatka, Fla 23 00 . . .Do .- 41colata., Fla 28 00 Do Jackeonville, Ma. - -21 00 Do Fernandina, Pls. 21 00 No bliM of lading signed after the ship has sailed. No freight received qn the day of sailing. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Jr., Southwest coiner FOURTH and CHEST NUT. Agents in Charleston, T. S. fr. T. G. BUDD. . 4 . - Savannah. 0. A GRIMES A CO- GLASGOW AND NEW YORK BTU DISHIP COMPANY. —I3TBAM TO Oh•bou W, LIVSEPOOL, BOLRAHT, DUBLIN, -AND LONDONDZIARY T -4 or PO • - /M NM TOBIL. GLASGOW, Thomioo Sator l day,l4th MayAt iS on EDLN2l3llllll,Comnzlog,Wadoooloy, l i t i ime , .4 GLASGOW, Totowa, " - Bth July, .. ZOLNBUSG/1, Gummhoy, 0' , 27th July, ,c ' ' , • FROM GLASGOW Ms EDINDURGH,,OuumIng, Saturday, 7th iftiy. GLASGOW. Thornton, " 17th Jane. EDINBURGH. Cumming, " ad July. . Bates of Renege from New York, Philadelphia, or Boston, to Glasgow, Liverpool, Be lfast, Dublin, or Londonderry, Salt elute, 876. Steerage, forted with an abundance of properly cooked provielone, 680. - - - An exPerlented Burgeon attached to each steamer No oblige for medicines. For freight or passage, apply to , WORKMAN it 00., No. 128 WALNUT t treat, Phila. ROBBBT CRAIG, ap264l' No. 28 BROADWAY, New York. igadnanbrs m ILA ADE LPHIA WARRING AND F VANT/p,TDUI WARSHOVBI.- ARNOLD & WILSON,' BIIOOIIBBOSIB TO T. 41..FA3Z180111. • We have removed from our old Stand in Walnut street so the LABOR BTORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the Bt. Lawrenoe Hotel, where our 010.frionds and the public aro respolltaly Invited to examine our extensive etook of Winn Air Purnaois, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers,' Regiateris, Enameled Stone Mantels , Parlor Coal Orates, Ea deo. We are now manufacturing ONILBOWB - OBLEBBATED PAT. ENT NEW COAL GAB CONBUNING PURNAOE, the Most ;worsen' , and economical Heater • over Invented , and suited to ell classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Lo* Do Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sires and pattern'. e have also oomm the roannfaatare EN W AMELED STONE enced of MANTELS from Peas isdronta Sims. These Mantels were awarded :a SPECIAL PREMIUM as tim late leher old Brae foltion of the Fran/abs institute of this dig. Thai &present all the rare and beantlfillansroon =moues are not injured by &maks, Coal Ma, Oil or Addy and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at - ouch lass p rize ass Marble. Call wed see them. ARNOLD & WILSON' RIM. IL PELTW — ILL, liaminteadent. ThDpAeli&ta, AT rll.lB6ll—ap% COFFEE. -250 bags prime Laguayra in store and for sale by JAMES GRAlikar & 00 , AP2 o xea. 25 and 22 LBTITIA Street. RAMS. -246 bble oxtra sugar Glared arm- Etllllll, cured, by Rem Lurie, notate & Woad, and °ulnae, Phloem, k. 00., in • Cipoinnati, for Bale O. O. BAOLVR it 00., ' .P 2,8 - ARCM Strwat. nennmt ,Ipne abr.,* Premt. WIIILIARB, for sale by muumuu, & BROTHER, a•g • N 04.47 And 49 North SIKIOND Etrost. VIELONAS' bc - 86.1411 ' ' • • 0- 1 .1 reel. 111 '' ' aid 141 sotrtt wo'n - utni - - dotbtetftNpoe • - 8415 OE' 74111111 IMPoLITABi, ' ABE' ViRX, 'VALUABLE PRIVATE LlBRABlstig",iire:pow, trewtring" cataloglied of theee,veri valnible libraries: t0:69 a 041.154. use dtth, 2tUa 2 . 6,kipprpt,"ULA wholeembodytcgsi iiimetql4 rfah; etsolpo aadi select deflection of tare and fili3oo6 tate, la aßoet,sll, the. various btanabas of Ifteratnie, tOgethfrpith : Illuntleated and illnetisted works, boob of - mtt doles , engravings from the beat mudere. lea. - _ SAVE OP SUPERIOR IIIRNITITIIII. MIRRORS, 8 ELEGANT ROSEWOOD PI ANO-0011,TES; LARGE ROgs-' OOP RAPE, SUPERIOR 111011-OAST OK ,11A0f ATELLE TABLE, CLOTHES MAN GEM,' TURNING La'r ,OAIITEI /cc CARD —Our salitd.monow, moping,. at the 1 1 110110, store. wilt - comprise, besides 069 lota of evselleuf se cond hard harnitars. elegant rosewood- ano.loita, van oefavall, Louts XIV style, 2 elegant roaerfool Watt fortes, 2 , second-hand piano.forteu, Azle ant suplitfor Are• Foot safe, made _by Evans 'at Watson superior high-cage cloak. Eva& make; hagatelle t'b'e, with 'balls and ones complete, imolai laths. Mottles manerv,.. Velvet, Brussels, and other dupes Leda and bedding,' China and glassware, forrolog anattisotive assortreent, iikrtht l fre Attention of ladies aid' others Smarties o pdrphO" Catalogiee new rest,' Sia His settees arranged for assunirialfon: • • niTinprik ti.lifitroLs—Tat 'rob. , Will fookoloplooll o:ther ia.uthle property , " the, following: • ••• ••••• -•• " •'° • VALUABLE REAtr - ESTATIC' EVAHLVER Olt 'THE ' • - - • • UNITED STATES.; THE MARBLE BANKING•HOUSE; Surd "httgg lot,. !road Ind - .-Dook-atreete - and, the - st Philosophies.' Bell,"- Ipdependenee , &Oars: by Order'of the Unitid" Stated Griferriment • -The bank lot-73% feet' by 291 feet,-with-four frUntahn ° llsoiond street, Doak street. and Gold and. L'odig streett, betties's Chtistont and Walnut streets, opposite 'UGC YttliWtelphia change. - • fp' Pee handbills and lithographio plans. . purr A Lulu of E90,0i 0 • may' be'had on mortgage ma the bank property for Ave years.' • ' • • VALUABLE BUSINRriI STAND —Three-etory bid* Mora. N 0.147 South Beened Meet, between Chestnut • god Velma' Streets, opposite the old Bank of Terinsyl iania, 22 feet front,-24 feet deep -= ' Orobepe' th , tert fiale—Retste of Powell Hopkins. deo 4 Tflozo-stOat BRICH OWED - LING.Me, Jo. idper 4 , r_eat, tietwetet Optic* eadnde, and Thliteente sod Broad Omits , Same Istate,—'PW4e,•l3TOßY BRIQE fir, B'B Ceti:Lerine street, betiteen Third and /mirth. streets., • . „_ Seam Istat*.-'-THRER TERVE-STM'. Bit DWELLINGS, nortbeiet corner 41 Dine and ty third streets. - • Suns Estate THE fcmfaiNdToft AI.", I PIG LOWS, HALL.w—Large Pm...story Wok beilegnesed large lot 40 by 100 feet, Queen street, Not ot , palm ford Rand, late Kensington. ' j Execntairst Peretiptury Salo.,Estite of 'Ord 'Re Wimp, deedased. VALUABLE BUSINESS fiTANff.—thalie-itory brick store mil dwelling, No. 184 North front Mast, between Arch and Rees, with a brick dwelling in the redr. Salt absolute flame Estate.—TWO-STORY BRICK _DWELLING, N0.„P.413 Madison street, between Rase and 1 / I sl6, and Eleventhand TWelfth streets. Sale abiolnte -LOT Or Giotroo, - - west kids of Twentieth street, arth Of ldarket: ;BalitabsOlute. ; • r ' _Same Estate—YEARLY - GROOND-RENT OP - 148,' 'secured by a itiroo-otov brick dwelling. sonthweat ear ner of Twentieth and ilbertatreete. Sale absolute' Same Estate.-LYEARLY CiROl7l9l-RENT- 01/480, out of lot of ground Twentieth street, ninth 01 Market. Sale absblute . „ Seale of Eleanor Dowell. deceaeed. VALUABLE DUSTMEN LOCATION —Snot dwell ing, No 816 Cherry street, east of Paurth street. Peremptory - BaIe,L4IANDSOME. COUNTRY. 8 EAT; 40 AORES, with improvements, Onlhe Plymouth road, near Gwynedd, 'on the North'Pritustylvsnis •Raitrord, Pile positive. .. - • ~' • • :PRAY IAfPORTANT AND VALUABLE PROP,II2- TV' (old? N05:703, 105, and 101. Arch street, between Mrd Rod Fourth streets:' Together 89 feet front. TO' be doll separately,' ''= `..= 7 • .11ANtti01111 oorniTat plotoi, , miu property. wa ter pbwer, ma: teary, Ea., SO acres. fronting on Ores. helm, Cheritnt Hill, and Paper 31011 roods three fronts, near lbt oountry seat of James Often:llmi" Walt AND VALUABLE WHAltir PROPERTY, With brick store and tavern; brick and frame dwellings, and large lot with-three trent., : Beech street De laware sweetie And Cohetkaink Canal late Northern Liberties - • HANDSOME MODEM'? assfoxazOs, No. 1431 Spruce street, west of Broad: " • • YOUB-SToRY tia,off IAOTORY, seam engine;' ko., -Pegg street, between front and Se* Met het-streets, Eleventh ward 37 by so feet.- ImmediaHl "Pcsaerlion. • ° • ' -LARGE AND VALI:ABLE LOT, with three valuable fronts, via: Rtdgd *rearm, -College avenue, and Master street, opposite atrial College, Twentieth "ward Peremptory,Pele -;-TiIBEE-SIONY,BBIOK pwst.- Lthti Diets street; eighth house west of Thirteenth, Twentieth ward. Setif absolnte. DRIIRABLB PARE, 60 401136, 4 three.fourthe of a' mile from Lansdale station on the North • Pennsylvania Railroad, lid miles Doylestown Railroad; Montgo mery County, Pa.- _ 'Peremptory 'Bale. r -NR 11011011-0,411 T STONE DWELLING, frith garden, Sze fruit trees, lea, Bridge street, Mantua Village - • - THRBE-SPOBY, BRICK , DWILLING, southeast corner, of Poplar street ant Corinthian avenue, Sa teen% ward. ' ' ' " " VALUABLE ItISINESS LOOATIOE, ARCH ST.— The valuable business' locaWm; N0:931 Arch street, ,between Ninth and Tentlistreets. _ - HANDSOME MODERN BESIDENON, with all Imo dern donvenierides, No. 810 North - Fifth attain, above Brown. Immediate pander% sbren. , . . MARSHALL STRRET:.— Brick So d frame dvellirge, No 100 Marshall•etreet, above Costes.. ' WARNOCK STUB/ST.-7 brae-glory •brick No, 918 Warnock street, south of Girard i.etege - VAI,IIABLE PROPERTY, WEST THILAIRELPAIA.. Large stone manaltie, stone stable, 2 drellingt,,sed over 4 acres lead, carter of Hared° rd road and Meriden avenue, two- Knaves from ' the West Philadelphia Pas senger Railway. . „ . is soleoleat to relieve the food from rising end corm before- -etitini,..iwsventii night t looseng th. bimela 71Y7WP00. oath meal,wlU cursing teaspoonfuls will away's meld etikudttiokyinikried and meaea uperrett emre. atply, relieves lIoLiO, pea d 1 de's sure cure for ,prerentivenf 'needed to tkrorrout of the diedne after. :a long 6.14' for 711:11iDICOI ISMOTeII ill oolpr from the akin.. time before eating (area rushee toed digest well. ad, Mires CIIROINIG - DIAZ. while Bowan and Bowls. to the (lief doee. attsoVi oawm,.d. by WOlOOl stin,.r, - sofer, or speedier savartgils. Ditorrr, bi sieleull the oomminding tliii medi- Vilma and Aau!, Oznia, lefiltioge /tow tatiP"- ore *Mgt to . . ' Executor's fisteiNo. - 1334 Oatleiihllt Street, - ' ritaME 8171LD1N433; Lllll 3 / 1 11* Zso. - This Iforaing, • ' May 11th, at 11 (Pe 0 alt,A4l. 0. 1331 Oallowlllll street quantity or flame abode, lot of lumber, &a to be re moved from the premises.- 2 supiados . PLATS ROSA PlANO;lonrli, BRUMES OABpZTL ' • Oa Thurattr. Iloratiapi ' At 41 Aldoek, at - tftel anotloriltore, azi - salortasinit of efoellent second-head -farnltoso elegant Oulu. Tortes, die oritivia,- 'warp* eta.; m -fam il ies de. anise Asusakeiplec rotoofist to the - ilOres ooi. Violence of agile. = -- Also, an slegint Tossweild delen-ootaye Oslo. Also, a turning lathe, Also. alma. andt,arkportins-probK sans ittaito b 7 Evans & YfatfiXill!. , Also, an sISOst r*7604 pl.•••-Torte,"f•Ootisfe, Lookis Also a saliorfor mehogeny high-cue tklIT Also, a superior °ionise mane*. _ Op Yr lday lifoonhtg, lath fOiet at 11 &Watt; at ea Mobile of P. &If Quigley, N. r corner of George'and gereageent& et* a pair of honea, libbt and - dark • by, to ati void aopa eately. „ , - _ • mr Pale peremptait by -Order or executors (17:, They have beets kept id the unary, during the absence of Dr. Heck) Mace June bet' OtAGINAL Oth PAINTUIGH-:•BY itritg PEAK AND AMERICAN eirras;ll._ 'On Yndivy Morphia; - • - stay 18th, at 11 Welook, at the anetlon store, will be aold acollection of oil palatipga, consisting of a Tuley of Viewing and iutereating aubhote, by European and American livlog &Vlore. - - , Oataleves will be ready three deo pre:dons, and the pahatioga arreogral ler inegeotion. Y . E RE.NESS, DBLPHIA. WEBB AND OABbIAGE Be TAM', B. B. corner or NINTH and SANSONE BT/Ut5TO, be tween Ohestnut and Walnut streets. BALE OP HOBBES AND OARBIAOBS, AT MINT LBWS BTABLI3. This Morning, May 1 th, at 10.o'olook, at Beitler'e stables, Seven. teenth street, above Market, will be Sold— About 80 horess - • - Between 20 and 00 wagons Nod light carriages. -Abso,lo large two and one horse carriages. D' AU to be eold without reserve • - • • BALI OP HONSIB, Os nal AGES, • • On boarder Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the Balser, will be mid— .. Horses, carriage", and iarneaa. „ BT :WILLIAM R. STEER, - GENSEAA AUCTION AND 00911M88ION MERCHANTS No 4b North HIGHTII Street. - below Ara: , J.- A. EDISON- Auetionees EXTENSIVE PEREMPTORY SALE OE SUPEBIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, PIANO. BORER. SILVER.PL WEED. WARE. CLOCKS, HARDWARE, 13SITTANIA WAKE, Au. On Friday Morning, • • 13th instant, at the auction store, ornamenting at 19 o'clock, will be sold the usual large assortment of cope. rior rosewood, walnut, and mahogany furniture, DV. FIXTURES, SHOW CA9E4, BIRE.PROOB3, DESKS, SIGNS. TABUS, STOVAS, & o. Also, the lease, fixture's, AO, of the auction store, No, 46 North Eighth street, comprising superior al Ter_ plated chow-cases. staging, shelving, fire•proo's, alum, 410115 e, Mores, Mid .swerythins imams, f r the carry. lag on of the business - - PIANO-FORT.I4 . BILVERILA . TED WARE, Ac., Also, a floe-toned ptaao-torte, EIX -octave. by Load, Also, eight sots floe silver. plated tea-rate, coffee urns, egg.bollers, castors, &0., to ba sold to pay advances Also, a large lot of Britannia ware, hardware, oat., lery, &b. FOR BAWL—The lases, fi Motes, &c. of the auction More, No. 4 North ..Nighth street, and More to let. Apply at the auction mote. 117" Oorudiinmente or new' and eaeond.hand norms a odi, furniture, idano•fortes, mote, watobea jeweVi , reepeethill,y aolleited. on which . mimes will be made if required. Ont.door Wei attended to prempt4. Chirps as moderate an any other bonne in this Mtn. -WU OA IS AlTiliLlf Atrormargadi LU. AND 0020.118910 N ILIIROZANTi O. I. small RlTRazalliAWilitreats. - _ - - • . ' MONEY TO _LOSE. Money to loan, in /area or MEW amounts, on mer chandise generally, and rival' - articles of value All sums over osw Aundwcf-,dollars two par cent. per month, Including dos ;at Nathans , Principal Establishment, 8. 1. corner of BUTE and &SQL See. after PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. MONEY!,- MONEY! I ItIONBY l I I Money liberally'. advanced In large or iron!! amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and silver plate, diemonde, watches, Jewelry, fowling-pieces, monks { instruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing', grocerlea, cigars,- hardware, cutlery, books, horses; vehicles, hat; new, and all art icles of rains, for foor.,leith of time Agreed on , at Nablans , Pr i ncipal mita Badman*, amitheast corner of Bluth and Dace streets. PROMD3BO.IIY NOTES, with collateral, dlimounted bi the lowest market rates. - GREAT BARGAINS IN WATOHEa, JBWIaLRIf, leo., AT PRIVATE BALI!, at NATRANS' PRINCIPAL Es Lismattemv, 8. B. Corner of SIXTH and RAGE Btreets.—The following articles will be sold for leas than half the Tonal store prices; Pine gold English patent full jeweled and plain, of the moat ,approved and beet retake, In bunting cases and double bottomed. Fine gold escapement laver and 'spine ,watehee, In hunting case and open face, some.of them extra full jeweled and beet make. Bilvar English patent lever watches, te• espement lever and,lepinge, in hunting ciao and open face, smile very superior:lnglish, Swiss, French, and (Kistler vatoboo; Ong , gold vest fob, neck, and children's chains; -fine gold penci l" cases and pens, bracelets, breastpins, linger-rings, ear-rings, studs me dallions, and jewelry generally. Superior Havana cigar; at $lB per thousand, in boxes or SOO each, will be sold by 'tingle bok or quantities to snit purchasers. Nu- Sefton" fancy artiolee, Sco., AT PRIVATE BALI. . EMiffMaiMiMM 106 SIMS. Spirits Turpen no; , 25%bis Crude do • 'l4B bbla. Tar, teiiirrivo • far sahr P A. Boundora ; 1400 ' bble Stripping Rosin, to striveper oche J. A. Bayard, fornale by ROWLEY, ARRBORNIII.,tr. Ou mon No 16 EIOITTO WRAR9II6. • A mr,kurw, 140 South 1 , 110. N T Street, • offers for sale— , 600 boxes Layer Mains. 500 do. Bunch do. 260 half boxes do. 60 casks prime Currants 50 boxes Shelled Almonds. 800 bags 6oft..Bhell Languedook Almonds. 61:* mums ".Washlogton Morton Olaret. Aunts - ate Maraschino and enracoa Cordial/4 CASSIA -500 mate„ for sato by WiTaßarLb & havYREB, 143 No. 47 444 Ail North BNO9ND ealckiip,%saigm, Sale it Nos. 1.89 sad 141 &QM tooth Street a ritorho dale— elite • al Dr. hu. Y: Beak, deed PAPAIR OY B Te A.Y 0/1.2.111&GB HOBBS. . - Also, vista renal jewelry of ovegdesoripSon 6 Mlle. prime Honey. - Routed and Ground Java Coffee Ground Rice, Pimento, Pepper. 6 puncheons sup. Bay Bum. - , 1M 1L14103 40#04/Al, --- r7:&VN ~ tea 41401_11.6118 yr, Inpaiwp.-. , „ .6: sum Al IRTINCIR _ Maill4, at la 9,ooWtteaataktiaaii*CfPaatitte,.. 400 Paatiliejo9ldlda:killiniiatiPlas,lo6oll ity oat , : etnaprtator saaaralanortaiagt.-' ..4 „JD' BitutPlea a're,talastiais fealty oni - iattplilig . 44 ••• 410 - 101,1 wet wriwpw; - ~015,1145T17,15PR155-115L8.-",- - '„ ..clo,rinteesy - mst r ati zi fs . Mar 19tb, o'efefeati it the „14101edel'iddislik=- change, for" aeobitrit, of *bone ft .044 e $5(.0 10 per'nent.Vottroacillowt - of ths.Wwilstsep ton city. : .10514 ..P0,50145./4 Oftlte_bssSe”4-Irig-- 1 enic end-Callfornta• -L- - - Bbe *Mel 'Gist westord firgt6tbe -4.214 lteektaelir, jtettiFoir edikOseia Telfety ittaimi:of iiiii4oroio ;aid *ittetos Co 4 emir teilnjseddisir::einptoettr,, - .. - thout ',warren? / 1 97 4 tntiOn , : - ' , HatiDtOME„AtOPVIWABODiti_OB;4IIII.O.OI7, with thiiii-ii 4 oi - detitseliied bag dkuss;senntsand.-wiats _ AU the ova- mediref.coirrieteard,:letploPel3l/* bestirs, rums, - tee-SaCtiti dfary- - rsosni spoiling ,ti bee,- wateeekteet,, - ho &a, papered thioinh.wkt:tir.ived: : bniltand in eloilleiterder.nitustansitkft•of-Xidatat street, ' l5l - feet - niirth'ef Mittie ate. et - ; U. feet front by 102 fest.Ofencete to is - bask stied. THELEFebTOBY 88108 laalpllloE,' with:l. 4 N' *tog bsok,tialldisge. and-lot tr-lirtnnd,!„, tnt ride 90 WOW stedet37o reit - mirth "of ltister Bone fib furnishes .with 111 elSitilderri_nonve4ss.43 •nd In gold &der •-tot 17 feet fro - 4 hj 10k yest"ls7‘ oboe deep t 9 Perth street - ; „" %ere. is alibi exacted on the. Perth o'reeifreit antes tot a donblittlirisi- story blink dwodlog: fasalse4 with the ansdiritleintrovemants cow Wog gin r ows. TWO , IITORY - BRIOS DWArLllllo.and Idiot grOandi aortae. wide of, erSjitistrretM feet eieeterud. front Thir a4t4i,erki...itfreet' SlantnsyThy. Sysst_ rblia cliada• The ii. oo eldhtilos Si* inwood Gediz:Amiens an artelleeif 144110 isr=the! , :ju'd v - lot 11 feet front by 65 feetrleli ••. , _ , TH16)1470.11k711.41011:,1YWZL1 ING 4 _with two.: s' ary -beck buildings. turniebel- with convenienoes pspereit tbriaglioll4 dad 1 1 1' month side or 11111,1,11 C, 783 feet cur JO Spi , _Vee.nta as . and nertb,or 43,Isinfd venue; lot ~I,A, 4 744freint by !Alfeer THRllll4!fiffalt - 1314.101{..,DWELL1N4,' „witch etch; beck - furn'etked elt 1117 tr soederce oonvenielteee, - paps ed,Throoglieot= 4 to 3 0 4 o ' 4 " . ' attests north elde of Stiles street, I tB feet - oast ?fn.) . s' ' tooth street, lot 15 feet front he fie feet deep . veLtreblat-Lox , OP- GBOUND, - serlth . tee. - fifmtis: .od tier meld streets, attest* era the -esti elffe,of preak lio etreet,'lB6 lest 8. firehes dertli tyro Metter sliest. 28 feet 4 loeties Iftsokinfitieet ! 37,j49- feet ft, ittedrisidul, unistow thidairb feillerissttl'etreet':,„ , THE.3.B-STOBY OlL1011.313181D13140)1;We:' rcyfr ill,atreet; •beiterlien' firreerrierid 'Zoe lit feet 3 thaw front b 109 fliebee dOseilio, -a bask outlet; saSjset to tr yearly, mut e r beet.! $4T113„,, - LOT OF OR.OLlNF;,sattutititly.:Arldi - lit upshot street; led feet santhweet of Leldglistestie, Ingots • stb wsrd feat loy_1(10 bet deep toS:twenty-NM lido 'street, lathe - two satins. of Ord =Weeds& ood_lfttri3. street! Yeamenser' • TWO' TRIUM 82 , 01tT ',MOW DWlLLltlOS.,:exre .stoll tuildlog (pled fie a veldt slop). and iot of 'trotted, with two .fr owe.. No. 924 'North Volk Aittutl lot 18 test hold brloo felt" derriti to - Alder dust ~; Air( &LLD I Mt PBS. BALI' gy :I.IIBMANTOW/f--,IOTIL On Paturday „Afternoon Hat, digt, - 401% o'clock, will be sold afternoon, !ale, Wilhott !Items on the premlaes— - • " ' 71211 E LEO&NV BUILDING elTZß;ntteste on the eoutheaaterly aide or Clatuett7 Lane or. aft 1 etatott Ger mantowniooditutitef ote mtht *net from the railroad. The iota are 100 feet (font "hi - Wrest Nap, "planted With evazireniand other abode keen, mid are Ina high, beautiful location, between the biltitbonnivesilisitittof Horatio 0 IFOod and icings , i11441, 1 4 * five minute walk of the *Aimed etatitti."..":; , "; Er Fait May , _ NINTH BPGING PACITOBPPRB . .PBBMISIIIf- PBBEINPTOBY 'BALE . OP GBIDN &MOWN' , LOTS% On I!atuiday' Afternoon, May 28th, at ba eolQ aQpnblia sale, without reserve, Gotha prerolsia • kirsinher - of elegant BUILDING `IIPeBB on . Queen. Pulaski, and Penn etreete, German pun_ 'These lota are desirable, being beautifully located, slut winds, a short dletanee avers' attains OU the railrowl, - -Terms of abn i u d i - a ng.uch ogn o, g ram. .6e. at lße (Small/ • _ '„" M. Ettionssy wass,'asilloseng,: will hold roghbit oalois household foittiglios Z.. J . . , • _ =AL: NUMMI?) 91=1 every ddrengti” • :1 W4V. -AiUUT/UNAF4,7‘,MV. Jt. • - 1110 , 11ABIE7! 11109110.1001641172:21 Aad • SIXTH. mouth /14. Nam orinersiionsimesoy:sibotei : • 4 z•-• _ -" - May 313r0 , 0100k preelsoly wil(bOlKaOld by eata• lone, on a oredit, - 400- lota of - dry goods, Lamy tooda. .Ito otitoplistog a lapis annartment, niallni l o 1 !•pligia• . - ' WHIT EHXIDEL • -- • • In sale willrba foul/ a liitalla a it 'Willi* - 11in lovable of Pashrooobt.d. mote beniat ZSO lbs, blast gamin/ aft: . • , llao, Shim !towSADAN, 'hair:sloth ninul• aseebris h i ! dlierehlets v eotton ball hosa4lllbillnslan, saUnets, - eassimeterr, aemOste"&e..-IM Ul4, to#Oria sottment of steps sett fader jimal. PZIIZNP.IVEY arLift.rnso-amati soors.nioseL BAOGASS, tab, 111.11W8 AND BOIBIBTIZAW.MOIM 4.41.11 MIMS' ITEM,' BObStalTO; • Vik TimunairOSOsarle,l,, • Mai 12th, it lifi , olook, prielsoliosill'be „sold , by cati,oiree,on.4monthP.,crenit,lailergs, and destiabbsi• assortment ad aleibijamd Amjik , hooticibiii; c leattersi , slippers, browWailladies and 7 iiissir= shorm,„ ere . albspers,-Nlattlut-_ Wish. nrf,pia'lriridlso Jassy 1,4da,i,tt0;.:, -Mao 'chip ammettoast of mod toys!, stiairlata,',lsdlestasaltabisie , sttiarthonets,bloiiiienii bloomers, Bats; tkitrj•iimbilibiliklibmat - lity:::,ipl ‘ la• meat ?saint ityberr, •-• , • • V . :Th*l'; attesPon% of bitfiri quoted, ' 148BEIELL FlELD' s ' e AtIOTION - 8ER13, - ci ji iti .l4 94itra v ei EAU mr-I Ringtlwit estioiw striiitupx, ;- weioeit; :4111 D.'ma slinikera/Luasovtuto,at 1 4 1, apiitieetnitiktuaii,"erti- NUM el•kiat bidgtaidg drew tux- tresesvl, , .viliststasods, A•lintrit-mod 'boaqt•A tr, —tokb,te, totes, sofir,-leatip,!; isetk . l3 , ware; asrpe', , #,;- ".• itigalai Atlee, tit my, frapattast;ittis attara, ,plaaaot;' ke4Thala at the oral* ittatt6-- Mary ataadsy, !Winegar,- and ,Nridaeigaaslajtata, 1111 &data, .aoastatatag stegaat " - Stipar- Lix4" dreaming batemas, , tatek._-_roaking gad ijiplot.f.4ollllk cadre and Avarua tables, &el Be; ~--.- irr We nem. give car 7attyttosi to - salaroCreit ser .tats, 'Woks, tattattutttotiploasehalefutaltatit;' arittaated :to our, charge, Ippon the terms." Wallin sell bOusebold flirkitars' 4prellietp, or at own , dowse loarbCrequivoL, Na- Uaeh lamella" studs apiiaw4l Voir et saats,tatit: tuarolaarMaa.- , . _ IR ACOrti :ActIOTWK.„WiSii, - )Nik. Hi wourrstillivitiurt i - oppaittvsko= autos betv•eit'.lol:lll,TH ated:lbeete-: _ TCt Claß9 IH IdIPLVII/10,T k ii(rlDS„ - 061113.—There will tmeinaludeit to eabi,*ts meretag. 24,000 dozen.: bleak - poi; AqtatitAtkid`,'tqlegplee blonde, to *hilehAtie partiteilei atteetkria et lie titlen;- - !- tlon et the mid. le Istetted - • MAlco, eve levolee of rich Vreeet ftcnieisti;. SALE. Of ' aoo . NNSROCDDRiff, 'WHYTH 000D9, BONNXf AND tRIMALINIG -1318BONS /10.. As, May 11th, „by alitalpaue on asssadit. eassinensedag at 10 0'13 05 1s1!, Prssisali, sold.-490 lots of assorted pods. for preasatastst.- ,; aatskitues MO, Iliad-41.0*i ii awination, early oiathamormag Or Oat: , .- 13TOO1 - 91 EM6R,OIDESIIIB—BI',ORD;It- OP. AS. Included hi thealxive sale sill ibOtosiid ilalge stook of Brooch needlowoM goods, IT order of aisigo.o, coin prlountimbroldaiiiiplreCirsate. beadkereldefe; skids, "P 00 ,13 6, Bounding, ellen& ~thosttied, tonere; sets, lace maiithoi,'"Ole,,tco' being' le fill:end general es nortmear,Vie elan itetc - ofisvoity; yetaßioot Inch:Lied in vale will bdfottia: -40117 4 01 k RLOWItall. 7LO caeoin very One smog - styles real Titania mild del do .ere suited to belt city.retitlsalee - - .; BONNET AND TRIMMING , RIBBONB. Also, - line Of nobb spring - styles . fight and ebbe ponit de sole bonnet ribbons. - - Also.-rloli Paris trimmtiig fringes,. moire antiques, gofforsd ribbons, rile_. - 6004.1701/1 BILTINGS. - 'ALM - 000 placiet of finny and solid colors alb and cotton .belt ribbons. ..100 -- BOR D BLONDES ' JOIN) B. _ Also, -100 cartons black and white joined blonde., - EMBROIDERERS, WRITE GOODS. French embroidered Swiss. sad isconet sets, collars, infants' rdbos i jaionet wpiets, .49 - Also, cambno, jecodet, and plata and Bered PA 111 t MITTS. A full Hoe or Parts bhok fillet male.-from meditim tohigh coat, for beet "Mt/ trade. . - P. RABO4B AND BUN I:IXOXXLI,AX. Also, silk and gingham parnole aid sun_arnbrallerf oT rich new styles, - _ Also, 100 dozen gents' linen Wit front • . _AIPo, a line of moire antique and - elude bats: Also, 100 M driljed•eyed nekdies,atiarpe and- be tweenr boa 2 big. PAWS SATtid, Ales, ifeh ivory mid sandal weal Paris faun, , Perfume mid Ad,' boxes,. fumy wurk,lrxes, ere, buck puma. . - Loam AND ATTRmainrm ENIIIMPToRY BALD OF STRAW GOOTS. On Friday Morning 131 h inst., by catalogue on a coedit, commencing at 10 &dock, will be cold the largest -sod beat aaeortnrent of straw goods offered. this reason, comerising every variety of ladies , and asirees , ,braid and , pedal straw bonnets. hair and lace.. bonneta,Meafolitin and fancy French Unaotiv torether.withialedluntro tine ntitlity white and colored-Leghern breld and fancy Nuointo . Nswis AND DOT& ans. Also minis . and brys , Palm, Banat, Amato; and Panama hats, wbite and colcred - • • • 117' Catalogues ready, and samples arranged for ex amlnatlan, early on the morning *reale, • ALM OF 1R ATOM - AND BIIITORIB OF A NO TION JOBBIbG 1/013811: On Monday Morning, /6th Int., by catalogue, on - a oreditoritt be rold took of notions, conststiog of -the mud assortment of tir,t clot - ego, do, selected for the oity retell Vac Also, at the same time, the natures, comprising Adel/4, drawers, &o. Particulars in future advertisement,- ST. LOMB, 11iu. 'WILLIAMS & BOltt, Avanosasne . ND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 10 North MAIN STREET, 8r Loma, Mo. - (formerly with Meagre. lOare, Clagtoro, d:Co. -Phil ' adelphia,) offer their services to. the mernhante, manufacturers, and others of Philadelphia, for the gale of dl7 - Vedlif"r" petrgboOtei isboes, hardware , jewelry ; &o. • • Cash advances mede - on receipt of geode. Settlemeeta made three days altar sale. _News. Nl.yereiOlaglioro; k Od,lidla: " stnart & Brother, -• • . 1 Van Wyok, Towneend, k Marren, New York L & B. Curtis &. Co, • 11 -41 Wood, Meaty, & Co., St. Louie, Mo., rCrow, McCreary. & Co. W . ood, No. 23 Nort h ' Third 'treat will bd • vile with rartlea oonelgulog from Philadelphia, in4lm w-ly QUIIOLZ & JA.N.ENTZBri. . , 1., 115 Ponth _EIGHTH Street; below Ohe IMPORTBRB AND DEALIRB IN ARTIBT S ! &commend to Artie' and the-1011e In general their large stock of Jorenile Point •Itonee, Wincor -do • New. ton and Geo, Rowney; & „Co Olk.Land Water Cohyrs, &mace, &pet and Roman. Oanne, Whatmen'a Drawing, Pa n, 001oriVI Crayon, Studies, Colored Pictures for framing, /ca., ke. t Diaoonnte given co Teachers and Berolnariee. ems "mew+ enuelled, at trade, priced, ta2.5.41.: IRON- FOUNDRY CASTINGS, of all •111- A MeilidOllM,-Otlah an. Girders; Re!trout- Castings. Me clattery, {lrate liars, &0., on th e best terms. CAR. tiIIINL,44I/TIMANIAMIVNIiafich IA :Filth est-, enblL2lll Rosin to at - Shipping IR C E N v4T44 6 . ll b .l e yd . Q . A .ass . l 7 417§ ~'::~ wk ~x