The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 11, 1859, Image 1
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" 4 .- sikowkwbfr hood 140/e, ''- - e - AR - xis, , ilikftst s t!alk! ottiv - of . ...,.4,1,14iiik411.4,140 - 1.4 i« I ( ~ , „one- ;l c • • --A ~.., 4 ' -- ~ . -3;:-... t,:“ - ,-, , , kt --. ~,,,-,p,, ~,,,,,s p f., ..., . - .4,,,, , ,.)..w t. -.7„..-w,..-- 3 , ...- -,v,--4-v, , : <.. ~ _ ;L4Vrri-w-Y 7 \1859, `r 4 "t•i:•„•i. • • • '•: • ; , ~ - • 5 e •-•- '•- , ", ''•• ' • ~,, ,-' , ,s . 4 444 r ~i, : .51 1 , ,. , , ~ , • . ,- , . , , IT -- : 7 -v -::„---; :,,....--`-\,. . : 1. `----'4V 7-• - •?, 14, • - ' ill f ' ' '"AI ' - --,--• ..' " - 11:: •' , :,' . - 4.1i 4 ~ 3A- -, '# .......,- 4 0 .. .t-- - ..... „.--z._—.-- 1.1 MN,, ~ , • ,-;„ . trio .:„ - ,• -- „.0....:..7.-. ~,wrz.,,,_ c- 1: 4- - '•.t...,. t 1 , .? - , 4 ., ...-,,, ~,, .., , - - .e...--- ------``), -- -4, -- 1,,i 6 , 1 4.1.----. „,.., , *,-. __,o,.._ir.---____ —., _ --...,.. . r..... _... ........... , ~ , I , 4 ' 44. ' 1 4.;44 ' 4 . } . 'A' `, .‘. ' ; - . "- - ' ' ' ' ' -*'' 1' ';,:. `b . '-; t • , ..V., ' •-'' --'-' r , , , •, • . , - _ - At'S.:.r...l; : •-• ,\I -2. . - , r.• -- t ''''". ...: , Cri:i . Z,;'..Y'' ,, '' ' ,, „,.. 240. - • ' losn'trik. - r;;;`BA:ILY, timmam*T. iivl4iB.:lol942•TrinTion, TO A ; WAN !%1 :- " : ' 44110 1 111 0. 2 !T I'3o FR ~7dE3 " 45.11518 S •, 4 306.m5. rills: DAY) ; - ' _ • =--4-4:-3-;' - cif 11 :;- 3-3_ 3- • , tlol[ok34.lflY itovic4 rAilitiol3; TYos' Krk;k:t‘ki:S TrILZ.:4LS4O2 ? IMV4IBII4I", (. , v4 p IERTY I O4OS W O :S 4 4 .- o t iko- 1 • e X .E.ll4lltiVOK` , 1 5 P;#11P • ;,"%••144rir .! • Tilet 3 44 -Wa gr, R MAILW Pngq i iitc•W*, ; i' TZ. , 4••• - ,1 V s 4306 4 ,0 r. 4 " Mit ` • dot 4 ~..._ 60Itr • c-AsSoirrktgerk .2plm:Nas, -.YANOT yAßp.ouzlpaTtE - & - c' 40 u 4 42: 42:NORTEt. THIRD REMIT, ' DEPORTIRA AND DUMAS IN XiIitO,NS;....iDGIS . il GOODS, 1 0 :1 7 3 4299PK-.4141z, LINENS, aco: , 00 4 • . • .11!0!.11110rA#D - 000 DIS, • `, StI4PLE43III,- , E, & C 30.„ • , L m, WOW: HOODS, LACES; and 2 .srtußepkants. ~,11k44M741 1 1M. F r. i3s)100 simpean 1 07.M 101 01 1 1i - ^, 11 4 41 '; =or- Aosplote we: MT. ni.4lE,' , GRANT, A 00., • pillklllll4/Gewtommao Dealpt PMINIFIPRO, 4 miurrocts,A.a TAILOttIEttiTEIMMINGS - • 1!11S-*AROTL'ErT422 - x;_ , - _ • OP 1859. - & BOMB • stimaxgr trfitgaTi • ' ' ?AiIIPWITILIVAIIIIIMIOLWWIOOIIB/y1 ON . „ pk01k..A.44 , 14410 " FrrIEPW;;ITONS;I 4e Ca• WILPZIIILALII ,DIALIIIia - !` i r e 4: ', #2411 ', D T 0 ''?I3RY :GOODS, , • • - 240 ieatitir:n ISTRAMIT, Four deicii Ikalcive TM 4J Boso 610;•age.- cfo. .100 N. • - owN i 'l o 9/11 1 011 k A ": 3 : e !T n ! ta IQ t. :O- 411 , 3 "1 3 t , Xcdk e 4", abor7,ll=/Y, 16 • - '4IIIILPRIA. 4,4*. - " A Limn I..Cgt./V:j . PETN CHSTA.TIONS :1859 1:7:44i3a„ 14668,46 ;691:11001 1 4 1 Sired, souls Wate3ROS street, IBIiaLDELI.IIII., - `IMPORTERS MID Bps, :en:r.asANQ rAisrom. 000 ms, zei• firlepP•Oop , ;ol. l, 4 , i itoek t t ~""!mai theyla +14'14.' 04 04s kAbswi: 6114-1121 '110; !4,401*-.R0,0F4 - 'D. B. BMX ItT2CGAr44PA,I4D. 86 CO., 14 loan, lama, oe. • ` n ' fI[PUBTEB.B AND `JOBBBRII No. I:NO_ZTH rU!RD STREET, F$ J 4 JLPHIA. k ) ,RiiStek E3l‘OO.lK read/ for hilialaari,,perts of Ms Union -ire- tiepaethalliticapttad .aell and ass. 'abliqeltPl,9.6lTala i , feble. Bizt ' -0 1 1 0t- Arm h , lll B 4. • BVIII . — 14" .. S SON. , t''l4,o'unit:total tlous,) TILIKKINGS, • ' - 8,0., &a. - - ,, ,i-r;,:t11.11 :OLD' . iopirta anB Aliou strefts. ~.;244):„80" NORTH 7111111)8TILHIT, in; '" tol/1116.0 . 4vrA.NTRACTURERS , QOODS, efftkoo Toole; , • A'rs .. firipOT Tisza, ORPO/Nef MACanne. - _ pc#Tfies:m.pottp,ct ,mus. _ :IKOIASK J JKIKK;taiIO#KOO,IOTKILKADII. !ti . 11.114.101:. iN W:-'I"AId•TE; • CidifiI:MALTBRIALS, lipitknlidipgilff. - li„toogait AWN eatiouiTli HiPairriitag IVINIKI KID, ' • RATINT LIATKEB TOnster , rensa uPPlaa, 71111,KADO. LA019;,*7.0 o.4.lwtat 'IIP,III,4Nr•-•T.,-..4g.,14; - • Alp dlitj.klt - P DOME Ei TIO inoliconz zNvat 'r4! - TiltiZtlf,AND Itrilat; . :Pier I.o*lMlC.Ouirptira Examin lirarrniq ;# 2 ' • 15(t7 . pHtEENUT-STREET; : 1 1 1 00 4 0. 1, * - -'11 1 9 01111111 . --0011 491 10 4 1 . 7.,7,4 EMS .. , . BILE. AND STRAW BONNETS, LE alwitx unalbeNAria: nkre,', . f ART/MULL FLowtya, swors#ol4o.. Tovidok tkii attentio n ' of otty,±oei ootLitry wiper QtpiiirAtl - 4tiABP,N UOUBg. - minus • Ain , e GOODS, - *Of 'every description: '0141.118, BONNBT 81161E8, PRINORPLOWBBS end SPRIGS, RUCIIIRS, &c;, &a • _d. O.' 8a W E. TAIIER„ • 20.Soittli SSPOND Street, • PGILSX,ELPRIA . .. mbl•Stis _ 431 : 101tig,' A moot eliAtllire IR* oousp!ok mOrtazioilt or: spNtprflLATEßl4fli.iiitilk strOrape, P.RENOH Ana ABIERICIAN FLOWilta, RUMIES,42I.IIUTANS, • BLOND . .LA.OIISi . =ES STRAW GOODS, Coreprieing . po ssible variety in BONNET!, DIROIN1II8;InaT13, MlBl3lB , . AND OHILDELINI NATO ; BRAKIR HOODS, and TIUMMINGB. . I:41Iva Mite. r - RCiSERTLEI6I; BROOKS, & CO.; • 411 MARKET MINT, (Formerly ND. 83 South &mad St.) • CITT - MILLIe fly HOUSS. • RIBRONS,, gletßßO/DRAIES, LINCOLN, WOODp& -NICHOLS, LAU AT 45 80IITII SECOND STRUT, Rare opened their new Biles Room , lib CHESTNUT - STREET,Noith Side 'TWO DOORS ABOVE itAssitiO•TERBLE. THE Prasti BOOR of thin opinions building is de: Voted the 'RETAIL TRADE, and is sup plied with every dimeriotion of MILLINERY (Wpm". embruaneusfsimicaD i,EGRORNS, Has, TISSUE lad STRAW-BONN STS, from 25 scents to 504ellars; P 4.NOY and TRIMMED BONNETS, of all prices end nualities„ready-medo and nude to order; RIBBONS, BLOWERS, RIBRIES, LACES, Re., for O et ; TOminicp, uesurpaisti In variety, style, or, tta OIELLDIIIIN , II RATS, ceps. PLATYS, ,looKlza, In. . - Lon g and well kooWn in thin city in the MILLINER? ,TRABE, ii noWoonneoted with us In this Department, and will be hippy to see all her former friends and PO" Irene at our atop.. LINCOLN, :WOOD, & NICHOLS, - • 725 CHESTNUT WIREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTH. . • . 1859 MILLINERY 1859 New anti ecaapykte iwawrtnewtot BITXS, !,1111130118 2, YLOW.IIIII3, Asd,evers other ortielf in,lhat line , Emtatnixp . in - ill an tworiment .nneysiped mWe So . 4l.3;i:irifoh thilo attepticl of buyers. Mods' iiiSubstot - tor:relish, or _on, illiort Nolo, Op t 4rtiNtagfrerioOi4beforeseleOtOirefgairis,' " felt-9m rNo. 41,801ITHINCOND SMUT. __ _.~i, yt _~-,~ IA: GOOD, A t S§QATEENT - • • - STRAW GOODS. , A1LT1,11.1041. l!LOWERS.:133:1011113, AND STRAW • " : - "TAXSISIMOS, Of evert yinit3carit pow open; and for nap, at small gismo upon Ant coat, for cash, at WARD'S, Fos 103 , 105, aita A 0 T ' NORTIL•EEGOND STREET, 0.20, : -, - Abovelre.h, /Seat aide, ' -Aiiitiij ' SW — C ll l o l -11 4 eboobs. WILLIAM 'YAItNALL'S NE Yr HOUSE-EURN/SRING STORE, No. 1020 •ORESTNITT -STREET, • (OPPOSITE TEE ACADEMY OP FINE ARTS) FURNITURE LIPPER% a newAud very convenient article for lifting heavy furniture. Will be found to be of great assistatme in toting op or putting down Oar. pets and Mating, an invaluable article to every Honer keeper WARRANTED REPRIGER !TOM, WATER COOL. and FILTERS., very superior ; CRIILDRION'B . • OARRTAIIEB,, RATTAN CHAIRS, and'a complete • t assorment of-, ; • • MEESE HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. - 1104wth,m-tje7 - • - TEE ,OLD-ESTABLISHED AND ' UNRIVALLED EOUSE•FURNMILNE ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN A. MURPHEY & CO.. „ 922 CHESTNUT STREET, gale Agents in this city for the new style Patent Ohil. drsn's Gigs and,Ouriages. fgerinfatturent and Patentees for Philadel?lda of the mot 0 Refrigerators, ap22.fmtcw tf Y H. itIOHENER &CM.; wuchassma DEMURS arc PROVISIONS. And CURERS of • GEDICIE , MEATS. . _ ,t o. la R. WATER ISt, and PM and 90 f 1 JEORT.St. PRIL4IVELPRIA.I - MRSO BEET, PORE, LAUD, and an easortment of PROVIPIONO generally, ineludifig UAW, TONGURS, and BREW of - our own miring, both City and Weet4rn, eonatantly on hand; quality guarantied. BUYERS are yartieularly invited to call and examine our stock. telinhinte C4 4_ 31. GARDEN & Co., SAUDAOTURNS6 AND WHOLD9AII DMUS - HATS. CAPS, FURS. sna AND DTRAW. BONNETB AND STRAW (loops, ARTMO;AL 'RUMMY.; DNITESBN, RTIONNO, Ao. ka. - No. 600 and 602 haRICET STREET, Southwest oornor of SIX?B BITEIySIVB STOCK, REST TERMS, ,LOWEST"PRIOBS. ,febl4m . SPRING STYLES. 1859, 859 ' AGARD & CO.; BZB MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of Boers to an INTIR.II NNW end complete stook of HATS, CAPS, STRAW 'GOODS, ao., Whtoh they offer for Calk or on the usual emodle. fiar2;Shve* LOOKING GLASSES. INM;2;(;==MM LOOKING GLASSBS, Dor every space and even' , position, and et the Moat moderate Fleas ' LOOKING 1111, MONS In the most elatterate end the most simple fremee. LOOKING GLASSES 'Burned in the but Lute, and is the moat substantial imam LOOKING GLASSES Varnished by us, are risnsfisAured by ourselves in our airs establishment. - - LOOKING GLASSES In MAHOGANY and WALNUT frames for Country flalea, ilUlirierp crabs. J. HILLEORN JQNEB; Imports. ltanufaottror olr • • , I NO: 482 MARKETS.. - '33. - taw r , T r•bi-&q We are offerfNr fbr 1;a4,6;' - „ "A NULL „AD:4MM VP071,0413T, REMOVAL AND REOPENING , STRAW GOODS. CIRAPIS, BIICKSEI, LA9IIIB, _STRAW BONNETS EITII.,ELVT Vrovision iljonses tato ant Ways. JAMES 8. EARLE & SON, 816 013ESTNIIT STREET, liti t tt • . - -• MILAT.F,Pg,/4. PHILADELPIIIA, NVIA ilttrg Otobei grontitti4lon Lp D G WA.Ti IntroSSNiß,' Ce.„ • • tit& Al,• •-2 ;snorting, * 0 • • ' rim "applies of , • -- KUPEK9.It oEbiraNg,-- -r I" r —a folvaiiing - oele soqoemanufsatusam— , I,II,IIDERIO .11ROKENritelttle JOSIAISISTAREWW. , - , " & 80111111D3' (tr.,:siod " zaxßONa liltAT3llllo3, • • ; .X. VOSlNellat &. and - • • 200 01/Ioltrldlrf 13Ssisst, F 4 411 - ILF4.iti 4Bc M.0,t411/S. ' "oild24.1881(031 31220#121211; IMher~'Oßl`3E7l.23: OIgOTII2 I ,DO2IBIIINk, 232 0.11181511.17 BiItKET, fablarn PhiladePhla sr.ttX - Nek , RADE, 1859 - .; .8.13/PLEIr, ItAZARD; &- ntrroanciox,- ; "112 OBIEBTNIIT - BTREE; • ' Ar now opening n large and vnrieLotook of -. LAWN)", CULLUM', MUNTB, and other DItItiIiLGO4DB, fio watii Cie ittontton of the trade to twrtto4t.,AliO,' DOMESTIC .GOODS: , •,-osuourp, woo4war4" Brown Shootings and Shirtinita, Mariner° Etd,ri #4 48 . Drilla. Vent Paildlaits. .to— OORYISR SHEET;NGS 7 4JiIsI 1M41 . _ 01 , 041 it, and foi ado by - - 81112,1111 Y, li*R.D. Obastant.',-; lopisortoFre calobr(ite4 'Cloths itiott)643.;. IJ , 'skins, to - gather witV other desirable mikes of Gersten WOOIIOIIB, Net received end for sale by ' BEIIPLKS, HAZARD; 111,41.8n3 . •114 Obeetnnt atria D an' _ 1.13 & SHEET'LNOS FOR EXPORT. ' • BROWN- BLEAJHED, BLUE- WILMS. HEAVY & LIGHT GREETINGS, Suitable for Export, for male by ' FROTHINGHLIE& WELLS $ Bergh tIiONT ST.,•#* SS LETITIA st - - • oolfAm tUattheo, Jewelrg, JAMES WATSON, • IMPORTER 'WATCHES, JEW.E.LE.r, Ao;,, . : No. 825 HANICHT STMT. Constantly on hand a fall sasortment of 'Vaatotron and Conalantin Wotan. fel.6m 8A.1.1417 & 00., 1010UULLT BAILEY & KITCHEN, UM 'removed to their wPlr4eMd, WlA l it.ortit• nom, , , • ,-; - , - 819 011.88TITUT STREET, NORTE BEWW. TEE @ZBAED 130,1781,1) Niii - riPepirg their tail Met let LPAPOSTID i/IWNLRIr, LAD WAWA '• - PASTY . 41001)8; , , To whtch they invite the attention of the pilaf, ; SILVISAVARM, WATOILIA, DIAMONDS, AND' - ' PNAItrA, ' A! arzoisotils AID smut. 1:12513 8. LILEDEN'eg BRO. • 4.• • settor..onnwa jBD mosivis atuvErpPLAT.Noliv,a m , , , • !ti? 804 COkesyml:llpa %bowl Third, ful . obilz:V. elphia. • • • Coitttintly'osi band and for sitle to thol i rMlti_: ?MA BITS, COMMUNION BRICIPZIM arra,lair.nis PITOUNRO, GOBLETS COJPO,WAITERB:BAd NEVIN °mamas, % NkYB9 , s A pass, • Minas ite. 40. ; , . easize - an 4 platlnz on solar qamagus.- S W. ITAOOBS, • • 625:,&R0xi opa fo x :414 i0n.:41 - oii:itaftorini.lii feresof, ...sorms ',variety of dasirsble asoonD•nem. OARRIAQI 8, thit have been but varyllttie used, will be sold low. mardldbu GEORGE W. WAT S ON'S CARRIAGE - REPOSITORY,, Non, 1217, 1210, and 1221 CHESTNUT STREET.: msre•Sm CARRIAGES • OP TWO MANUFAMBE OP . WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1000 CHESTNUT STREET 1011 febl6.4m .6etuiltg illarhineg WHEELER & WILSON KANIMAOTOMNG 00,41 SEWING MACHINES ! &pester to 0,1 others for tentrel, u e, sod foi BRIM kI&K CM, TAWAS, A`eD DIVEMIMAICIRB, NEW STYLE ONLY FIFTY DOLLARS orrtosa: 629 Oheetnnt Fared, Phlisdelphlo 7 West State SOW, fronton, N. I Over John Titus's More, Easton, tens 7 zee Gay Street, West Chester. sun AGEN : XIDWIR RODER CA. Moorestown, N. J WILLIAM PATITBSON, Balm, N. J Permanent Offices will be opened shortly, by we, in Reading, Allentown, pod !ammeter. Penns. HENRY COY, Agent. I4ARRIB'o BOUDOIR SEWING MA. ALII is offered to the Fiddle as the moat re liable low-primal Bowing Machine In use. It WM sew from six to sixty stitchea to on inch, OH all kinds of goods, from !coarsest bagging to the finest cambrios.. II In, without exception, the simplest in Its mechanical construction overrode, oinican bo run and keptto °idol by • child of twelve years of age. The DOikllll.lo7 of thin 0/60ht00; and the QtraLllf Off ire role, are ,Wel , ranted to be unaurpamed by any other. Ito speed :engin from throe hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per mi. nut.. The thread needle taken directly from the 'moo's, WI4I/011P can remora or exwirotro. In 64,A is a machine that is wanted by every family Who land, see the Aew wino of - THIRTY DOLLARS, • • . at which they are 'mid, brings them within the reach ei tamest every one 8. D. 8A H%, Agent Wit-dem W -eow-Om 740 ARCH BTEDI. - - ROBERT SHOEMAR"FIR & CO., N B. OOR. FOURTH AND RAO Braun, PIIILADELPIIIA, - • WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MANUPAOTURERS OF PAINTS IN OIL, IMPORTERS OP PRINCE PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS. DEALERS IN AMERICAN WINDOW ELAM 11p21.8m ig METROPOLITAN TEA STORE." TEAS ! TEAS! TEAS ! A choice selection of HEEEN AND BL.A.OK TEAS, 08 ROT ImI.OII,TATION. ALSO, COFFEE, WASTED AND GROUND DAILY, ET ST/DAM BNOINE "YOUNG AMERICA." OHARLES SMITH, N0i2913 and 916 MARKET BTRYIET nAM S t HAMS 1 HAMS 1 Prime end ea g er. eared name • 1010.1INTS POUND. Abe, new sugs4.eneed Shoulders AT S °SSTS PUN POUND. CHARLES SMITH ) mlil4.Bm Woe. !la end nin MAIIRET STRUT PLUMBERS' MATERIALS.—A large and varied assortfornt ooratabtly to Store, to Iltieh I deal the attentlgn of tho Trade. Prices fie loir as there of any house ti♦ flew 'York. plf ARIAN asuumzi, mhSO•2 52310804 Street. `AY.„ 'MAY 11. -1859. , . ", , t , ..Y. ,,t : ~. 1 3 .• -'1 1 :4; - ,',- o V 3 + . ' " Fl ''*. ' t - DNEgDAY,'BiIt."I if, 1.859: , PA _ • ' • .44, . The Rosetta Stone. , '' 4J - sugary we gave a detailed account of 0,“ alnebto publication,' possessing not' only. tti bighetit ,satzelarly claims to regard, but ha ing'iliartienliti local iittereit, emanating .fr 'the University of 'Pennsylvania. This le NO RepOrt - of the Committee appointed . by I ti : Philomitheari Society of the University tit iralisittte . the inscription On the Rosetta -Ole!' At the risk - of appearing , tedimis, of i it 'thing to repeat what many readers are al vii. y well acquainted with, we shall here men-. `ti ' - a feW particulars respecting the Rosetta , . / . . . 4: itt'a block of black sienetie basalt, on one al tit which is an inscription in three lan. gqi}geS—vic i 'ltiertiglyphle, Greek, and a - ChireCtoir; nor ealleirthe DemotiO, "which' hits betrilittly recently 'decyphered, and At fully ' itiottilititiee. Until the present . publication raised I' th " .. ill! Of iti mysteiy. During the war it Egypt he ten the French and English in the begin ri g :Of, the' present ' century;thie ' block was 'd eiered by a French officer. It was claimed `,ii ttiO:Rnglish, under one of the articles of , 1? capitulation - of, Alexandria; and though 4 titincit vebninentlY'realtited the transfer, 'might' made 'right" itilhis ' instance, and' he , '"W`,4 - Wate taken possession of by military ribt,be;'.and, shipped off for England, Where it **et,* iii Fehnnify, 18022 l'.,,lnitOasiptUWere taken from the tri-lingtial ini:64ifilii; by. the Piench sa'ans hi Egypt. itiiiciiithe 'tionO-Wits distovered; and in Eng= riabgl,)iiiler the . sin:Sin/0d of the 4,ntlgna rfatqlociiify: --, The atone shows fourteen lines Of.pieinglYphie at the top; thirty-two lines tifteMotic (the vulgar, 'every-day, , secular eh ;actor of the ancient Egyptians, in the tietitrei and fifty-two, lines, in Greek, under- Aesilt;:" t'ariers attempts have been made; for , More. than half a ;century, to ,decypher the inseriptions-- 7 the", difficulty .being, augmented 4140, shine haring been 'broken or chipped, inconte -places; sous to leave lacuna in the carved writing. Exact - scholarship, aided by gtOsswork; had arrived at a correct general idea ,oftitelneaning of the incriptions, 'ln 18654, 'the Ehilematheatr Soi3lety of the University of l i enttsylvania became possessed of a fad- - sitile, in . plaster, of the Rosetta Stone, and su pdgutintly appointed a Committee, consist- InkYof Messrs. Itsiat Ifonvort, drtanz,ns 11.44i1AtN, and S. Iturrisonott :onus,' to Drffite a translation 'of . the iissoription 114,;present it to the BotietY. They fulfilled their '.liiissiott =-- translating,the three' inscriptions, appending historical and ethical examinations of the tear, and richly, - pv*Usely„ and Characteristically - illustrating thin *brk With, illuminations drawn on stone brilfr. Monvou, and printed. in colors by Mr. If*: RodattvtrAt, the attlatical lithographer. Elos:,farther particulars, relative to the mean ,lng,of the, inscriptions, the processes by which ...tiq!'? translatfous ,were made, and the part wlkkil each of the three translators respective ly:took In carrying out the desire of the Philo mi:then Seniety, we• refer to •the publication Sitinik ;ttti . , en At noticed this work, fotir months 4**3 . tenidied la Prophesy that; within a tfct z ; . inny Weald in 'alb attempt to procure a litipy, at 011 r-fold its original price. Our prfdletlekhas been already—in some sekSe2faisitied, end' yet promises tti be again 4 'inplishod after all. 'Within a- month of A 4ret'Kipertrapop, the, edition was 'exhaust. ~ ,i ;.: oveicy 'copy had disappeared, nor eould e l a , . : ; be secured oven when-large rewards were -of;red for their. apprehension: So far our , letioktviit ; Verified" to thefull. -- But here * 2 , fithinitearobe. The *first e'ditiotOgna_un.' 0. ass ngf ..ernan• , ere was t - i/rifittlas. , . f.. Lion for' some of our "".enterprising'" publishers to. pirate knew edition; Some hints-of such a design haying-reached the anthers, they de. tormined to secure themselVes by getting out "alear, edition with new, designs, which they would be careful legally to guard. This has been ' aeatinplialied, and the work may once mote be'had for five dollars-;-thus so far en dangering Abe fulfilment of our prediction. Yet we think that we shall prove a true pro phet after all, for this edition has been most effectually limited by the entire, though acci dental effacing of the lithographic stones—and half of its whole impression has been already engaged. - , It is certainly a remarkable phenomenon hl thehistairy of bookselling that a work without a publisher in a Commercial sense, and there fore without the immense' advantages which trade connections affords should have met with such unusual snsceas. Th 6 etplanation of this success lit to be found in the , novelty of the style, (conspicuous inside and out,) in the in trinsic interest of the subject and the author ship, and lastly in its real literary merit. ' •On this latter subject we are' able to speak with greater confidence than hefore; since we have now the opinions of learned ail compe tent judges in cOntlrmatirm Of Or ' deeleion. .Letters have been 'received fronEfsitirr, BANOROPT, GaOTE, LONOiELLOW, and others, all speaking in the highest terms, and last in time, though not in interest or importance, an autographio, letter from the world-renowned 13untnbr, of which we subj In the original Primal'. The venerable author, be It remem bered, is in his ninetieth year Monsieur, Pat requ 890 , 3 on bien vif interet le " Report of the Committee of the Philomathean Sooiety of the University of Pennlylvanla to translate the in soription on the Rosetta Stone by the reunion of Chas; R. hale, Muntingtm Junes, and Henry Morton." l'analyao solontlOque do In onWore Insor!piton de Rosette, qut, malgii la mdlanga du style Meru , glypblquo, rest* rm_ monument biitorique.d'une grande Importance ra'a pare d'autant plod Ingo° d'elogeo Well° offre le premier main d'lnveatiga• lion independent° 'effort par la literature du Won yeau Continent. C'est pour oo rapport national quo Jo salue rurtout an travail independent. Pen verse moi•mgros dans ce genie d'6 tubs, jet dd ponttant gainer le travail al consoienoleux du soinut e . sunit ciala SoeleikPhilomatique poreeque lea restdtate d 'OP obtonus oontrlbuent d prouver la jastesse du Systeme:de Citampollion impel mon fate, - d'uillaume ttambodt, a render - justice to premier on Allemagno: - Lee mamma plttoresques ajottl;e par M. Henry Morton, ejontent a I'lateret qu'inspire un ouvrage bien digne d'dtro repandn daps rotro doote et Hine Petrie. Je eeppfie Pd. &nodes R. Hale agriier aveo bonte l'hommage do mos sentimans de haute et affeo ttenso ooneldbration. J'nt pleb le livro entre los uildns du-Dooteur Drugeola, gni clejit deux'fols a Paroonrus l'Egypte at eolairol avec sageolte In divielon geograptOgne doe nucleus Noma de l'Egypte. Votre t. b, of t, o. MTV. La Ba. Al. do Humboldb a Berlin oo 12 Mars, 1259. For the benefit of the country gentlemen, we subjoin a translation of this missive: I have received with a very lively interest the Report of the Committee of the Philomathean So ciety at the University of Pennsylvania to trans late the inscription on the Bonet& Stone by the reunion Of Chas. R. Hale, Huntington Jones, and Henry Morton. The scientific analysis of the celebrated ineorlp tion of Rosetta, which, despite the confusion of the hieroglyph% style, remains an historio monument of great importance, has appeared to me especial ly worthy of praise since it offers the fleet essay at independent investigation offered by the literature of the New Continent. It is for this national re lation ,thak I especially greet, this independent work. Little ironed myna in - this class of stu dies, I ought, however, to greet the so conscientious work of the learned Committee of the Pistioma tbean Society, sinew the results now obtained con tribute to prove the 'justice of the system of Champollion, to which my brother, William von Humboldt, was the first to render justice in Ger many., The plolureequo ornaments added by Mr. Henry Morton, Odd to the interest inspired by a work well worthy to be widely spread in your country. I pray Mr. Charles R. Halo to rooolvo with kind ness the homage of my sentiments of high and af: - feettodate consideration. I have placed Ur ktiok. to the halide of Dootor•Errigeoh, who had already - ..Tadt tal l, Sheriff of Probate in in of Utah d ,bre,mantyo ald - eirusty7 infirm:E. , twin travelled :through •Ilgypt, and cleared up I 41 -Iw+, Marshal. ot. ,W;lh sagacity the geographical division of the au- . • l!rove city , - who, being 'dilly ewoin depowasAnd pan, blank Momes of, Rgypt. twat, tin'or about the twenty fifth clay of March;! - , 4..D4 one thousand eight hundred and 914-itine; ' tour, very humble and very obed't servant, T beardalatior,that some person or p• tr.a The Damn ALE:mania fin litymnotor, It elf/3, didlbroWA atone or stones at the sentinnel— ‘ at bertha,March 12, 18+9. 'd' the United S tateb soldiers plaoeCet the Court., „ • This letter is doubly House ifieminary), I .IA Provo T City, 'abed ei g ht . 'gratifying. Pleasing O'clock in_ the ere:ling; ...X .• repaired immediately by its kind ex p ressions , and, If possible, more t ' the spot to mike Inquiry into the matter. Lie+ . tenant II: A. , fd. , Dudleyi thief on 'duty, Informed so pyi its very presence, coming et a flaw when me that the rumor wan °meat:. andlartbeistated felling strength ~ and ,an overwhelming cerre. that the j utrd was now doubled , and that th ey, sport/once has C ompelled the venerable soldier , ;In tiVoa: ,ti:.:,, i4 ,7,7 6 ,377,°Zat741 of science to beg for quarter at the hands o. that If, ilringoommenoid s the guards were o rdered his relentless adrnirers. ~ . „ to hinnedlatety kill the prisoners (some six in num- The'whole affair may well ifford'great sans ber), then held' in custody byerder of the . court, ~ and _guarded by the - military escort. - Lieutenant faction to our patriotic feelings: as American _Dudley further stated ,that every rifle was a Min nlieti, mars 'lmgosilble t; t :o h shoot them .thero citizens: Iti gte first place, beeause this ,pre... 7 , : bath would go duct of native perseVerence and ingenuity has ; I hr:A any al s tros e s t d o y n ' ae l :. been so highly approved abroad, where' we And further deponent +with not. ~ _ . are accustomed look as to the centre of Intel- •Lsirov ," W . m. w.. 0... • . a sari ea and sworn to before me this fifth'day lectual light ; and secondly, as it has demon- of April, A. D, ono thousand eight hundred and Strated the existence of a widely extended, fifty-nine. though latent, taste' in our ,own community.' (Si gr d ° We have Often been surprised at hearing thooe Whom we ShOuld not have supposed capable of imtering into the subject, ,express a ,judicious and apprediatingaPproval. • ._ _ • As regards the peculiarities Of this new edi tion, we vrOttict dra* attention to the forty-two, new designs, among-which wilt be found inter: woven fac.simitee of .Ptolemaic coins, ancient Egyptian bronzes, monies statues, paintings, andyases; and to the binding, where the in ventive genius of Mr. MORTON has effected a' combination of gold, copper, and embossing hitherto tinktio*n in the arts The Late Difflenlties in Utah. The following letters' from Utah, presenting the fie* Of the donduct oi Judge . CRADLE- SiAIIGH which is generally entertained 63 , the people of that Territory haVe been handed 10 us for publications: , - G. S. Cart, April oth, 1850. News items, whidh I ad proposed to. write my self to you, you will obtain in the affidavite for warded to you this week—one by Aurelius Miner, Esq., counsellor and attorney at law, and one from Sheriff Wm. M Wall, of Utah county. I think that they are Very eignifloant, and declare Very plainlY tile atatkpf mjnd add feelings of : t he lion; John Oradlobaugh. They nded ndooniments from - me r brit I may add that, they,are merely, sampleabregoressions and sentiments often delis , ' ered by him during the time.he sat in that court: ,What amid we, expect from snob a man but the exercise of his high "position to be the means to annoy, harass, and destroy 'a:people against whom his bitterest desires and schemes are.direeted. Thenourt,was adjourned sine die on the 4th inst., and the judges remarks at the time of ad lonrnment were replete with ranoor; Illegal and unwarrantable accusations, and evident dirap-, pointinent in not liming able to, criminate ex-Go vernor Young. Haien no Wind rte could get .0 cause against the ex• Governor. e could not dis guise his anxiety and determination to arrest him, but innocents and truth, Is that respect, have tri umphed ae yet, altleongli beefy bribes were offer ed to Dottie! to implleatti some eminent Coolesiaati-' sal officials. Tha judge ia at Cikap, Floyd I whit he is doing I • am not aware. is, however, con opting with pecialators and speculators some mis chief upon the inhabitants of this Territory. What that thisehief is We eanhot tell, but we feel oonfi dent that dii attdsnpte to trample oft oaf flgllte, and•to injure theinnocent will fallen himself. Al though the odart ie adjourned and no business was on band to warrant him to continue it, yet his deputy marshals are prowlitig about the country "seeking whom they may devour." .04 Wading! , day, the sixth Met , they . went Into flpringvill expecting to arrest 'several persona. , Eat-when men seethe very -Constitution dlsrespeoted by &yd. armors, every mean and illegal measure entered into to rob them of their liberty, and wit nesses arrested to deprive the adenoid of testimony in fide favor; they alt careful not to place them retires in the tender Mercies Of, the wicked. We fully ettpedt that the judge has retired to Camp Floyd" to Consult With others equally devoid of troth and, justice, to "prepare' a reply to, tht/ Governor's proclamation. The judge, army offieens generally, and sutlers. are much displeased with the Goiisraor'il stralightfltrward ' and honorable' course.. Indeed; it„Wis, tintrently' rePtarted that they threaten fo arrest the Governof, it be was not careful! -Eat I think ,that,,were snob thing at. tempted; (though it' to -seemly" possible to con. calve such a measue,) the whole army would fail to summed, for the people are loyal .enough to sustain the Executive, and would, I think, resist: Governor Cumming's course is straightforward,, manly, and patriotic. He , is in rather a peculiar position: ' the one hand the Mormons look to hire Wendell:l that 'and defend thed from the in roads ofjadloial , prrjadiee. and he is willing to do his them,, and ' l . defend the right;" °utile other' herid, the interested itinerant set, angry when be triliikrUffrartr tterserweete, lees, he neither donde the Mormons" fever, nor dreads the weasel of their enemies. He takes hit own course; and seeks, in takipg . It, to , promote the wishes of the Administration at Washington. United States- Distriet Attorney,A„ Wilson has pursuedu A a praiseworthy and legal course. He has seen the 'el:deanery 'designs and tyranny of the judge, but bast never lent himself as a tool WIS.* slat in their works., He has tried to de his duty,. and would have accomplished ,it but for the ille gal interforentle of the cond. Bach a man all Mr '- Wilson would be a credit tg the bench In this Ter ritory, at least, if elevated to that position, and would, in a great measure, redeem from deseefts don that dignified profession to mach fallen In this district by the conduct of ootruot °Metals. , As you are no doubt.aware, the judge diemimed the Grand jury because, he alleged, they had nut committed several parties whom he designated murderers, Ac., Jed:;, and then eat in chambers, and RE committing magistrate, to salt his whims. But be Ina failed to commit any other person, al though he plied -himself with asehittily and con ning to effect his purposes. It turns out not to bad wise wlebed it to be He held one man, John Delay, in arrest, although the attornies for the prosecution were willing to seehina'released, stat ing that they had no ,evidence againt him, HIS only reason wad becantle Daley was a teacher, and ho discovered' eel in the evident:le. A' teacher's duty is to visit from house to house, and ask the people if they attended to family and private pray ers; It they asked a litanies on their food ' • if they lived at, pease with their neighbors ; if they sought to do good to all men, and if they attended kgother equally holy duties. This wee enough for effbjudge;Mormoelem be despised. At least we must not attempt to enjoy the rights guarantied by the Federal Constitution; hence a determination to crash us. Is not this a way to make ne revere the laws and °NIMBI To en:amend respect by coercion? ln no other piece of the Unidalare he vesture to take such scours°, Wore he in California, a Vial lanoe Committee would dispose of him summarily. Were be in B Ottawa, they would lynch him with out a moment's warning. Bat in disloyal Utah he is allowed to desecrate his moved (unctions. Pithy° CITY, March 22.1859 The reign of Miele' terror' that hai borne rule for the last fifteen days. in Utah county, if con tinned fifteen more days, will fill ail the hiding places west of the Wasatch Range with prominent citizens, as they feel that Justine is only found beyond the pale of the court, while mefey is net• they sought nor expected from those who shield its form behind Federal steel. Treachery is be ginning to break out in the Um of her innocent victims ; while volumes of writs are beteg issued in the "Star Chamber" for those who have been called to testify before the single-eyed Jeffries of the mountains; end suspected of perjury the remit will be as d3astrons to the citizens as an Indian war, provided the cause is not removed, and the panto shall ,e6r,tinue a few more days. Pest eats that were buried, and, by the Virtue of Mr. Buchanan's proclamation, should have passed into oblivion, aro recalled ; and for every word, sot, or deed, in the pulpit or stand; men are oalled tp . give account before the present committing thagistrate of the United States District ,Court. The end is beyond our martal Ito'n Peace to Israel, we hope and rely, may speedily be her lot, as it is oar prayer. Xosterday, the , grand, jury was die; charged with a reprimand, when they reported that they were on the eve of producing present ments The trial of John Cosier then went off, and he was proved ferment by the evidence for. the prommution and acquitted ; whereupon, with many thanks for past good conduct, they were likewise discharged, and the court resolved itself into that of committing magistrate: Men are sub poinaed as witneeeee, and then arrested and Qom milted to the kind Tare of a military look-up. Thin gives alarm to all thosewho have suspicion that envy or malice wishes then!, any harm, and to escape martial immolatiOe and a mock trial they vanish.. This is disturbing the equilibrium of the inhabitants, and likely seriously to inter fere with agricultural pursuits. 'What object the court can have for one thousand troops 33 a owe tion the citizens frequently propound; and, re memberintr Carthage, they inadvertently say, " beware ' These are the sentiments Of the com munity, es far as I can learn.. There are no veep tone of a hostile demonstration by the people that we are aware of. We have hitherto used, and are intending to use, what- influence we can to keep the people calm, and particularly ourselves; and let the law,. the court, and the troops take their course, relying upon the reotitude of our , cause and that source which never fails for the result, , Governor Cumming will leave for the city to morrow. ' Territory of 'Utah, Great Salt Like county, ss : I Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, Judge of Probate in and for said county, Aurelius Miner, who, being duly sworn, deposes and says, that on or about the 16th day of March, A D. eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, in the public sittivg room of the hotel of Imes Bullock, in Provo city, did hoar the Hon John Oradiebaugh. Judge of the Second Judicial District Court of 11. 8. in cold Territory, say that he would bang Kanosh, if he could, without judge or jury, and that he would bang him, whether he was guilty as one of the perpetrators of the Mountain Meadows massacre or, not. 'And further says, that on or about the day first aforementioned, the said Hon. John Oradlehaugh, in "peaking of those Mormons, charged with et pital offences ' that if he could : get any one of them convicte d, he would hang him so quirk that be could not possibly have time to 'proottre'a par don from the Governor, unless the pardon was made Out tri advance. A d further deponent eaith not (Signed,) Aims LIUS MINER. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this 4th day of April, A D. 1859 , (Signed,) Territory of Utah, Great Salt Lake county, so.: Pollenslly appeared before me the undorABned4 Letter from rooifeapondenee of The Pieeej • - MONficivre. February 21, 1859. - I regret etteeedingly—and I am - aehamid—that I hive not made it oor.verdent ere 'Alm piriod to reply to your kind favor, dated 29th Aprll, 1858, Informing-me that yon,had - again cent to my ad.; dram, and for my benailt;,eandry papers, ke„ and regueatins: that, would, , let you- hear-, front me wbeoever my health and leisure ',mold, allow me • . It would , no' doubt,' be 'gratifying to ion to, be able to learn, from tithe to time', how matters aid things are progressbighere, andlo know what,are the most prominentprospeo le of the'ultimate mo dem of: our New Rev/Mlle ;" buts there are .things dorultantly , arising which prevent• me from writing as freely Oti;these points-as I might Wish. 'Since I resigned the Secretary of, fitatele !Aloe my time , has been diviiied between Mersantile pursuits and agricultural jabot's, And them two - objeoht so bnrden me with - rat+ that many of my friends think"me tadittirt, and ai Itni taking that interest in them that I ehonid. '•' • For the .present' -we -feel' ourselves somewhat embarrassed in the monetary line. owing, as the old song has' IL, " to the failure in the rice crop, and in the palm-ell trade;" but chiefly to aWant in ',us of a lirm resolve - to oertral depending upon our aborigines for artiales oteanort, and to calW rate and retie sotnethingourselies 'for that per=Ode, •of coarse, yoil :perceive- et 'dee that: as yet, we Aro tindettled In .bur' raindundetsided al to what we should Pall, uport, n s a proper Mee for our indenendence. see no , reason why Liberia should falkeither politically or otherwise. elneeler =moose depends upon but a•fewthieg- - i-singleneas ot purpose, unity of efforts and perseverance-:all of which are within her reach, anti Which ear Pe dditst aireaustances here, and but national rola.' tions to foreign lands, demand ottretrictest atten tion; that we may observe, Inculcate, and practice' them: Unless we set some laudable object before lid, and 'then bend all our energies, and apply our intellectual pirate to the attainment, of that oh= jeot, We shall be wariderteg,all our lifetime, and all'our labors will tend to" vexation and 'discontent • , --- (J or national fair, of this year, Monad With ,a degree ,Of cheerfulness and interest rarely soon here.' Its lifelinees arid the artiolois 'exhibited ooropletely captivated the foreignere,,mjeurnink ening us, both rigitihmenjAtuerlitans, and Ger mane. It far surpssiedfirr interest; in 'attendance, I sOdin artiolea both of, variety - and utility, that of last year. A natioesr,,sgritMlberal..ineiltution loss been recently - fdrined here,' • President Beeman is its olderrateer, and of Met is I oiretinderatind h-,w_te-rm spetained :and m il e qiesubserve tee - otpat. contemplated,,l obeli Aleelde as to my becoming one of its 'moiabore - ,it" all of its - operations t - are - dependenv upon" volun tary . efforts by, ittl members; then - it is plain Wwill not continue long, for the time has some when " money is' all things ;" but if, 'Mr the other hand, it should heootrie pecuniarily strong,' al as to be ablo anti willing to ,render peouniarl,aid, as well is to give theoretical isles, to those it in tends benefiting; thus *it will be-produatlve of a great thud of,gold. It will be the mesas of open : . log the eyes, and of s elearlydiscoveringlAnur publid tlid flue Murde whence oar natilauip„.hipPi near. 'ehdrild be derived,and the 'unfailing means. by whioh we may Weida permanency toAtur fade nandence and the 'perpetuation of our Government. 'Verily; we.want, just now, the influence of foreign aid, in Morley, in stientifio men, andinmenyotber reapeota, to give energy to our minds, and to NUM, Mato • us to persevere, "overwrote; and Aito become proverbially great.- ' - • Prosident Benson- took the Presidential. obeli just at the commencement of the tall of curliest'. eat 4 year, when' the time of the treasury 1361i 1 1.4i cease to ascend, aid when it repaired eirly sit his efforts to get the ~%yrherearithal'? to carry on the Clovernmerit,;,- at a - time when .sir our Jae's! Men, men who had been tbeidifeeis and :camel.; lore of-our formarAlmeernors andliaddiet ',had gone through e term o- -7- 1 - 7 1 TTR I retired front elliceit will begin tobscao3lll3/ When some sztecesior,will s,ten M ond, belextlnabeid With the great hitiest will ask', ' why bias the Go iverntnent ittimelt a:bad plight ditrlng Benion's ad- ministration? , Although bonitos* in under the sword and bayonet, andia now lathe maidstet severe trials atillhe holds t" steadily way,” meeting and oveloomintdiffioultias. with a manliness that'does him great credit.. The College is not yet gniewon, but the Episcopal Church batting - r a p idl y pre-. „, greasing. We have before ns very encouraging -prospects of a very , abundant coming harvest. ,have de voted morn time to these limed than I thOught, r, could well spare, it being on the very verge of -the time for the sailing of. t/te 'tumor. - Is, there any chance of my getting a cabinet of minorali?, , ' Yours, D. B. WARNER.. ' Letter from NeW York. THE 113LIGIOD 8 AVAIV/CRSAMEISMOWDI( CIONTRI. BUTIONS Ts 1853.-lIAILIVLY MAILiCILVERT.,•• • RAILWAY DECICIPTS R. STRAKOSCH-41OUROI. CAtIVeS ND TV TDDATIZI3-DOLITTILI,L • MOVIMENTEI MONTSZ AND, DER AILI3DOAD••••• OFII NO EUROPE porreepoodenee of The Press.) NOW Tose. May 9;• 1111$9. The town le Ailed with intelllgent.lcoblog people, who dome to attend . the emilvermieltie of the great be nevolent inititations of the. coned y. Lest evening I made one of ertergeandienee at the Acedemj if Made. when the annual sermon before Abe - Ainerieszi D.ble Society was preached by. the 819. WalteeDlarke, D. D., of Hirtford, Coon. An eonlverrary sermon was alto "preached - before the American Peace boetett, by Dr. Oheever, st the Church- of -the Puritans The Aineri, sin Female Guardian Society end Home for the Friend: less had a large Impairing to the Presbyterian chm , earner of Fourth ,avenue mtd Tifenty.egoond. strait, where the children, to the number of two - hurdred, occupied the front pews, end sing several hymn! writ. ten for them by Mr. Incites Hatt TAN society was organised • quarter taw centrey ago, for, the purpose of resetting the children of the needy, whoa!, helpless off. epring moat likewise perish nn'ess rescuedby.Obilstian heeds. The number who, is the year pest received shelter, food. clothing. care, and instruetion, through the agency of the Hosts, wee 2,678. Tire number of litile ones ooss'ltuting the Home fan ly, , dortog tee year, was 986 ' The receipts of the d'fferent chariteldi; Boat ties fite the year 1858, were' ad follows _ - - ‘7, , American BVe Society • - VP 759 American Tract Poaiety 80.311 , 8 American Homo Miselonary 80aieti.....175 911 ForoimMiselons (Preabytoriao) - 723,077 American BOW of Ilroko , cin lasalono... 188 188 licr itirn : & rang...lied 'Boater ' ' • 14.820 Baptist Homo, Blitsalonary Society ..... •,., 32 0 3 3 Atlantic Arqi Slavery Eloolety 35 987 Sosmen , B Fr end Bodaty ' 25,430 Ooloalattlon Sad ety 57,621 A million and a half received by test et the rend— neat charitable societies In one year, ant that year one of general bwiness depreuion. T The amount tabled by the various Fplmpel, Methodist, liaptite', getional, and other societies" will, donbtleoc, foot up another million and a halt, making an aggregate oftitres millione of dollars contributed for the purp:ses of doing good. The American baptist Free Mell'eti Society held their sixteenth anniversary, at Metropolitan Hall,' Janes Otte, on Saturday, commencing at IV% A. ht., end eon tinning through, the day and evenirg. The attendance was large. The innniil sermon befoie the Protestant Episcopal Society for Seamen was bold in' St George's church, where 'an eloquent sermon wan preached br tuff Rev. Samuel Cecke. The fast trains on the Now York Central Relined are now run at thirty miles per hour, and ire ear eying en increased number of passongers. An idea of the systematic marauement of the trains on this road may be gathered from the fact that the" Day Express; realm from Benin to Row York leas %ahead but one wen motion at Albany since the apring arrangement in 1857, and that ()Conned on the 10th of January last, one of the coldest de' ever known in the State. The railway returns for A. rid, received than far, Show that the Hudson River Railroad and the New Haven aro the only Ones whoee receipts for the past month exceed those of the same month in 1858. The New Haven footle up 877,880, agaleat - 888 696 last year The Michigan Fouthern, Michigan Central, Chicago end Rook Island, Galena and Chicago, and Illinois Central, chow a large falling off. " Mr. atratiosilijwbo is managing the Italian Opera with entire success at the Academy of Mullet, will loon prodnoe, for the first time In America, DonisettPs grand treglo Oilers and last masterwork, ig Il Pollute,” with Plccolomini, Brlgnoli, Amodio, and Janos in the leading carte. Eutdors bave,lor come time past, been current that Bouroiranlt is on the point of erecting a new r iiirst, , Wale theatrical establishment, higher up town, then any of the theatres row open: I learn,that the con tracts were closed yesterday. and that the view edifice is to be built On the lot adjoining the' Eulon Piece Hotel, opposite Union Squire. The management is to be in the hands of Mr. Stuart, Whose friend, Mr. Bigge, or Washington, is .said to furnish somewhat of the means to put up the building. Already the ;clinical plumbers are laying pine for the next charter election—an important one taten in 'ettn. , _ swollen with the influence the successful candidates will wit in the Presidential contest. The present in-' cumbent of the 'Mayoralty, Mr. Tlemanio, is ambitions of re.electios. Vernal:4o Wood, George Law, Ono V. "'fowler, are understood to hare their optics eget in the lame direction. Every more nevi' madl, on the board B. Sucre `TWO ,CENTS. E. iIfITH $1,655,841 1, 1, 1 • -,- ~ - Jtoxigoi. , ?Agialliti*- - ckarerr,":47 - i-: ' • -...' ~-IV 71. - '-, • -.:- - - 17 ° 1 7 841,10 r0u 4 , , ! 1 !. , "..„,: s•• 1 , - fil o 04:10 ea name of tiWoritit IN .77 7 -.77- l i esiii IN but coo midi, iiimia, , , . u.% typopookb— ----- - : , ..,,, -' initunpipag. 7 ~- s il — ',. ii i i i i ;.„. wi; etioliko grodi*ohl * ite .M idl " , !-. 1 . 4 ...-.- 7 . -7--- '; • - ia tut+, aiol ether II A. i"diriitiSTl ---• --"-- • _ tlield* Vie dkrta4.ll4"-;!°141414111/2 the remves. et t ill teCteheihig 'or ' IV 6 4# 4 1, 1 v , - toioirs:thef*tbeild.r, • los to thOeillesot Amer' .. . _ In*/ t° U P' tr 1141 " 1 , , , rt 4 .r POPti*eit , ooSlll. ge eitia44f **Au MOW led teialpalstatlitti afti that iteiddiiate ' tadegirsibte mai iesterge, did iere hilltved to leo paint 111!"ataipaiel• to be givith uaP , Itavaria, 'tidier agate - (0e - * work wish forty;diaege tarverianameher the Nalahheer so that It wilt-work s ir,oofgresit orostin, emirr-'9(f niwairAhta lrewr, of eprlt g AI; T rOIL V YAN1 1 ,100,0* .4.Frill!O ;PO N 44 the folloalmairs. - • Madeaii:laihfire "HOPI th• Gogh the Deihkperaisei Grad Meats ;we her he Lona= in - LeahrstAhr therieW"Tter-peortemial proms, deratAoligreet 4.41 of ItelOWo - 40 the seadderis ttoo of her- perfonnteees,"sautgemiraflr'evataled thew a high o legretoflratie i llicauthritera WAIN riaarror_ than the . matter tmt - one are iaterohalt theasseelt of I her eeacese film ben oath* to the eldltal bethreee er- A , revetment •of agent s ', hirr:'l4eteaa llairiof, New Yost" • 2.- Nonrly,fire 191;014 oaktao inenefornnoUndl keno this port for ntumpo on astoidknin lovokrolotennaers— two handced 4c1,. thirteen oL them, in the yandorbilt GENERAL NEW a. Tenet Fnter-Onass - Thorned Bonita' BORNEDTO DZATHr-On Baturdaj aftliTnlitt lad • fire accidentally oeontred to stabling of Wil liam Shaw, - at the Uoicel , ,Oeuriei, Ir. I. .At the time - of the dra seyeratvoluablellist4lositrotting 'horses wet 6 in-tile stabliikelidief which-Were res cued. with the sursepthelirefltidtliteei:GeOlio Washington, and-Kate latter of whit Iv _had an engsgentenfto,i trot emMoidatiftentoot Kate was a very fast mare; b iatoftellPrivate" ly in 229 - lest.week.. • George - *Adepten aralVa son of Ail NEM Blaek.lll- - Atm, oat of a Mire gni,, tor Shark. tenor Strips'. -Re was conimptently-brother, to, - Leta* Jenny JOnes. and , thit liberseCaadnyllith stattiont Lien ning. who note supplies the Mseaslef asosaloned by ' the, death ef- - his-/Unttrione at_Morrlsrille. • George Washiegten Was a beres'efsdateidve speed - and uncommon, bottom, it arist`trott..d nal "' to a wagon in Ilia minutes, or somewhat under r e - - related, end ,ft stogie mile , to a wagon in-Ile 2 272 His trine iris not, ~positirelr'• known. but was eittiposed (oleo' in the neighbor--: , - hood of -2 23 or 224 •Moires bred be Thiele ty. Pm.; (where We Bashaireoriginated.) by a ow-1- -' tlemanmamed Paaroada,brother to hintwhe rata-' ed Lantern), b `few front Morrisville, who Mold him to Geortre_Whe'druff:',The latter gelds; ,matdispbsed of Maria _After sem:4 changed in ownership 'l6'd:tally heiaatelhe pro perty of Mr. F J. whose priesessionhe wan at the time of the imoldilat - - Itlr.„Modbes kid refused isu ,offer of $4,000 for 'him last - setenter; but be having improved . wonderfulfy let his spsad -. since then, his mails bed Siam aceerdleirly. Ks was, formerly , knOWILAIa !'Awful ) ''= ;The 'three horses britned were worth OyerSit,eoo;,...-- AlfeMmois 14-Oure.-.:431i, Wed- - iiesday meriting a partiefitiont one hundred and thirtv:Mormongaline frotti_the East bjr. the'C'en ire Railroad, end to the Weittly this. Can- - Mt route - - 'They are deittladil ter Utaintefote - the colony of Brighi mn Young: This,party, .- eom • posed Odell of , femalet,--insany wart" . young' end tolerably fat. They war, fro m . Raft'', '- land and 'Waliw, aid were • - sitterded kt - (4ders, istrho-toe4 good ears that nen: tif therambi stray- : ad front the_ fix*. -.„The -party mitre aciscdistiosed to hold co n versation , !f led • bad doubtless" baps adsired io_preemto detain 06 - 'they ipproiedettriste of the,min in therpeitYiedlettiir 'sof ' think it "Si ettriefsiorsiVe7 or :aspire Miudto go - "to Utah, when the Mormonasearo basing two' - difftoulty. with the United litotes clea; indk. 4l ` ; "The - old that to " argot " the guestlod - with'Ailtybody,,,',,sted at 'ended. the cotirersatituft moats kind angel would.,-whisper-to .theca; mniglitidlouet - females of the future „Ahoy ' - striVto tae, and tel tbatupf .dabasenteita- to , wbiahtipmaro to be subjected, tied iiivelheet'fietri, it. tertible:oensit queue.. —Redisstar(N r) - 17nieni%Afdred, 6. Manna TOO Hoot TO B S :Liost:4-Tbuiliday night; after thiridjoirement'of tlM.Deitoeratio State Convention, one of Mee delemateislootta - , the county of Frankliawandered to the-gayety Theatre, to Witness therregedy,of Othello._ Mr; GrieriPer-- melded - the "...Maori . , on 'that oteiaaionettcli=wo must say; looked the charaoteitognestpitifsiticus- The delegate from ;Franklin - appeared aa tisdeduntil the mete in.the dukes pmlane, where - Othello is • arraigned-for the beautiful rtelitianionts, Sere be keit hit„-brows And-looked daggers at the may generel.; , bistiwhenDeede mona herself entered and jollied in defines . or bet ant ho-inreed and _threw hbt arms petit'. about her Waist; thedelegateirwent off -hi a lever ing passion; tweeting- it was II,!S td.-.llBleek'ite- • PobliesilPlaY,' - be_toleratskily the Smith ern *pie,- and.llialloil'Otilt if uteltotnatl:44lrask ,ville Fettles: ; •.; •- YOUNG xieritamed illeilry'Rulliiihre* I ito igiploy :if Mr: Beies;=No, 4 beatastiait'Se. Louts, was employed on Saturday amid a fligataff, at - Ifiglleb'n'OsiicailnetyAtheliii hi height 'for the impart of - inalirlogibeloyat by Iblob ft tilted aid iliveilodom plitlag bit vale,' email' Oil Itiedir; if s6s~tetiDg manner , dated -Ile td-bilaraykanWiti sooner said tbia ibid." By a 6Tmaeltdpoh'~t, and tae ipdn 0 3 14111 04'Wleed hhatilf, and atillgaieljor 44.4, that ha/detain:tap was Were& ten: ars for an hottr'ssme_or,ber v bY histivinee 061 •Pludelh to towont the brats below, . atm retassedi sash* had a large amofinto freight on board 11114 many passengers. Another boat. was offered a btg 11 1131 1er but did'uot dare to risk. 'Tie' greatest dfilloulty experienced - by thoaseandmat monwaila gating thelrou chain hawsers by, alstob manyatthaut were tied. The beat Wilco great that no onliaopild, stand on the :levee , oloeir_ti the watans-aige.— Pittsburg Chronicle 274": THE OLDEST GlEDlfiVrim_'-Faiitatrom. William Illorion:Watkins,'Of llurolvanaf 1792, of Faimcillo, Va., _is said to be . the Mist living ;mamas." of Princeton Ordlega, and now Idghty wed ;years old; $e ;s5& Blabop iHoliart_mezio room-mates, and id a little Tolima' containing the life of Hobart'ther _ .ie'pnbxiabod:i loiter from Warta to ale young friendjialirl,1 4 wising him t o atiaiy-taw. - Ttdsletlar i,•lrsic alionn to Mr. Watkins iszty years A ter i written: - TEE PRIZES offered 110111e.tlIGISItinee by Mr- Cooler, of the Union Sonse,„at New HaviMillonts., to persons making the beat game Of tern hat at his saloon, were distributed on tiaturday Iveninglast, es follows: Filet prise, a gold watehoralowld at 850, to - Andrew Jerome, and two silver_watolent end $ cigar ease to three other competitors - The runs stood as follows: - 423, 418;415, and 305" pine, each in three games • A WORKMAN "IR the employ, of Mr..R: B. Lawkin, of Hudson, - N. Y ,took a notion to Jay down by the side of , the Radon River Railroad track, on Saturday evening, usirig the tall .for a - pillar. When the half Past nine, train passed up, thee - rattling of the"ere and - the,bellOwhag, of the locomotive failed to 'disturb the sleeper - front his dreami: std as the train whizzed past, it -cut off his hair elate pipe tulip; ' • .M.sw Grus,tentou.--The donation of $2O 000 for the Prootion of a gymnasten • for. the - students of Cambridge , Masa ~ given ,by, some . gentleman whose name has not transpired;bas been. put to use. d brick building, cestlng - about - $8 'a optagon form: some 75 feet worms with a hemline alley attached. has been - erected, furnisbed - with all necessary apparatus, and suitably -endowed. and is` to be open for the sPidints of. Harvard University. ' Tuth MAPLE Soles CHOP IN `A.CoorresPondent of the nreijebssais; TRsii. geld, Vermont, a mill township, aboutihrtie and one-half- miles:square, rentaluing -Deady eight hundred Inhabltanti,says..that tetra has this swag produced. at least stiventrfive thousand pounds of sugar, or sa little over' thirty:seven . tons, being ninety-four pounds %Molt istanietokan,'and child - _ _ . _ • FATAL, INJURY TO A OLganyka.s,—A fatal aeoldent oocarred to the Rev. Rome Stringfel low, eManover county,'Va., near Petersburg, on Saturday lass He attempted to MON the Railroad track with- carriers, when a train struck it, instantly killing one of the .horses, fatally Injuring himself, dangerously wounding his wife, and slightly.hrnishighis daughter. . . . , . . a ' THE Lake Superior Mine r , of the 16th; sins that 616 tons of copper brought forward_ to Onto nagon during the put Winter stows ialaeroase on lut winter's operations of''oi+r eighty tons. 'The Nowrioh mine 'has lately streak,* tun of stopper weighing e.gbt of ion tons. „The 'Rutland mine is now engaged mist tine drift, which promi- OW wall. , - , lair SATURDAY AFTERNOON 189 t the freight train from Boston for Worcester ran tff the track between Eirentrille and Needham, in cony gnomes of the heat of the man having warpectthe ratta so that the wheels of the engine ran intdde of them• No person was hurt, though considerable damage was done to the train. _ . . Two Gmessasts, in attempting to go from Spirit-Lake to Sioux City, Ohio, recently, scot - lost, and were out on the prairle,without food. six days and MX hours. They, endured the hardships won derfaliy, although one of them bad his feet badly frozen. • Bra 'Orintsn33.—Tile editor of the *Haute (9a.) Amertcars boasts of having feasted on fully ripe cherries on the 28th of April. - The variety Kooken of ripens at the North about the 30th of may. THN AMOUNT of capital Minded in the ice bulginess in Cincinnati le.eslimated to be about $145,000, and the amnia/ Was to be about $150,- 000, °needing the sure invested In the trade. THE COURTS. YEEITRSDAY'S PROONEDIXGO (IteportedSOT The Prue.) - DISTRICT Cotram.—Judge Hare.— %Arles Oarsmen, it at, re. Henry°apeman. An notion of ejectment. Before repornm. Pary'eua. DISTRICT COURT --Judge , Shorewood. Jahn D. damns TO. Owlet DeDretk. AA ect'oa to re cess, i l .rder. et - Jesse for reitV . , Verdict -lor plaintiff, oes 20 Oattiasine Hopkins, adminlettstrix of Howell Hooking, deoeuied, va. Michael Pay Ittion of eleatmeet. Jar? out. _ Quart:iis SzeirioNs—Jwige Thomtie6n.— The Mae of John end Margaret Tobin, charged with ar son, wee given to the jar? yeetelday- The defence wag geed character, and the fencer of iltpreascatioa that the defendant would commit %wont° ESt - the lotnranas on hie geode, when the ralur‘orthe soots was more than the Amertnt called for by the roller.. The policies on insurance, amounting to_ ni.oo), were pet I n a s i. deuce; also, transcripts - from the doc k et Of Aldermen Patchel and Ogle,-th ahow-that Close did not mate the arte Vest Tobin mod wife until efter he bad bean claimed Tobln with laretosy. The jury &bent four o'clock rethrwd a trerdlerer not gall_ -ty: Matelot At. torney Mann,for,Dominonwealth; Daniel Dnughett7 and Albert O. Qeiran, fondeircideate. " • • • - •