The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 07, 1859, Image 4
":- .., Meli '...,t, r_ 1.4 - a , o ' ,. Vl ' 4v , o = o l , 14,0 dla,tE,: t.. 4.- l$llZ-kIU • 4114A101101 1 1 1 ,0 011 Vitt li t r .P.M e . Xr''"l''') ,:' - „, ; ,',.r.,-;`, - i - .•:isTX.F . .rtiki6. . —-- 0. 1 1111 111114 .' . '_-.• ..,i?liiillijoljetM.... „SM. 114iit tWIFSR :, t ikvt i atr , f 4W . , *m, l,=-*),,lpriisa.-41, i 4 . ei r „ 01 ,AW; ‘ - iiii,Zeil**D!'AlitiArdikii#o,d Arr#ll i f lAdtV. 14 11i t'. '' 4441*.;001100**derledidaD -.,90101 . 441410. iA4.1.; ';:fitatair 110..atvirfhtuk:wm,!rataapjand„!ilairaatt• • ab'tf ::*;:wthAdialifoickit 'lintosite4-lish 'Steal are atiediTiiiii.iDe 4 beat ' lialid ftir 11160 ' - Dili,' ~ ,W itt4 arbttq'TtititAiti 14 101kkgSPII,A 0 E - thirrcilidlipaiditli **Ay !byrietedeater , ;i4k , tlotesvorrAftilkikkoistoo: . ...4.o..wiii, -. ,' . 0,,, , ;a0 , 0, 4 00iii.* "04 101; , - i. imatatoing - i*Oita *atlaw Apalamialif4• 6 o6l: bit aritiko4 - alaisly • la' le . a.a. ' raitie,i,•ar,araatt4t iia; - Avt*aa;'s.a4tefill`fiqqba l ':•' `,17 1 -Ytt,, • ur6,-,-,6114-40*:iltmOliffi,AWA--44 it. 7,,. • . ' raidiOta anereltosV 'TslisKr e Tesei , -414 , Tag", iti'S n i llik 1 0 504 ti, ,c r 4l !"*s l W i tt a ll b um : 411 4 , 0 w -, , e - a- ,% J^ b,, , , ,, ..-1 ';001' A . * o lo4l l i lel mask' sibAdiseessiiilo 4 : o4taasioriebitAdi '. .. .. ~,, are **Vat 1,11,1 1, 1163416Mirdi . Aprii roitsael , .. w ee n e arifillig.Ndertalit dio6iiiiirdike hi. - . shlaiss*raiselpAirN thikit4„-aorsora,lively this to eapeetedlithilhotatliot irate tatobizi.,,R*4 iVOAL - atead,Oied , latost , !_hiadd*i(N;2l,drdAd,ied . Shoe; Sad 'l_ol ,Bardwiwnina aligat 2' fr . ' :44sth , i 1 ~ , , ii ; spjaan=„bn' '. B.' "..! 'II, Mi t,p4A -- tar man, .', 2 1.: 4. :. ~ , • •••• • iiriaA ki r ,i• so . ~, , . I _,A •, r , 0,1 1...,, 2 VITIAT ' V at 1 iriirt! ~ taobt •' i • tterraii'_de 2 ti„lo. lii t it tor broads; 15 140T-lelor rale* "i .211 OM 1 - 44t44 stair - sailtsombesidei. iklotier„,Tor 'stetted • loll:; fle-ttideAV - ind# l9l r 0 0 t o -'fsll. , htmt' TM4114"41444440# /44 . - frit t rk # i `',l %kir ' ' Z better, .- - ,==blslllllslr if - iroortic.. 4 t.l:4liili*OarsAlmhinAat it. 4,:!lo,•,*tiet. ' sal 41041014VD0W ,-_,1 , ,, , , ~- ,T I .OIMtW , IA.r JPP OII - ?”),! -, l T : fi i *:. ',Lao i . , , . ..,,j,5,, , , . ~,,.:,, ~, , ,,,yi •,,,,„..,.,,, 1, It - 24 ..... , Vi .... " .... NU 46"1 trillik . '" s" ' ... • ' 'fp _. ....PIT a- ... , - .411.1M'11l f. • , , y , • , , , 1 Illto. •424.j*..***.i..1 * -- . -.. ..? ~- I . • - -` bo, - , --.1.0 " : 4 1i•rp.p,44,-. 4 i=-•••-•! '-' 26 .,: 1 ;;- ', ~. -Do. • '' " - 1 : - ,e - :' 3 4:41i:: ; 4 0%1' ' _ - . 442,.,`,A,„*.r . ,, , ,,,tr,.”1.•!% ~ - , -.1!?,A.:.! -,,,,,,, wr., il URI ' , 4411.1.0.te. ~.., ~.„, , illi. ~ - - 5k. 7. 111, .. , • , li_c_ .. ftwo " Pi,i, 0 . 4 1,, ,, 4 0 4 imi umk• p.W Art , klgr jig s Shit HO - ta' li t - I r l itaa lPf i lr aira t at :2°l' ai ' ' ''' &ZS, . l a rth .;: d liii i iirti b te Oars,taia. maid, ant %WOK are IttredAtatb:. eatiderydtbsirdToMand isrelove • isiiiifisl.,:. !Olt* 'VW i , Ow-bie Lehi - "l at lilliiip i -tot4 1 4 4,10 ' it. Teed is is bates _ •e 1 o ril ' ~ ' 44 11 f'. o4 .!!ti 9P . jr , ~ ,, k sbutt e iliistatut,,..4uo, ... v 11.0- 4 1 C r 7-,,A, , ' ll ,a611 . 1a4 P ** ' 1 ' 4,-* iii r ti - '" 7 " ' - t . _ b bl: -44 ' oils ' T - t lir ,i' _XIT , , ...IL . 0 Oa ' ` Braatrat,Es 6. VI", ..../ar'llawcaislni:. ask lane SaVssaksisail?:'lll,l4 , l`af • - Ilhaian . , Billitteir 'pLihrsodAhlef Wild it Itidas 14 1,40= 1 . 6 4., th4 rt . 11 4Td bt l i rtryisto:p!ot , v... il'llig-,./it AO t‘r=r .1144 - * aro Maar: haler oi'l i' la plekle at 100 P *ldea - 1a'if,i4 . 42 4 - it ra ir= a ,VlZlO - days t a `' 1 1 4 a n d wys , SitilssrAKteadAssi 11 -12%-tV6O • alayil, 7 lArn sopa at nif ail% na, ilsotars."2ol3 hi la modal.** reSeiet; Die abiliPlaidtid is vary doll eales,,ot - N.a02.4.* WaliClliii , .. oh* it 014.100, ail HOU attliifilleqPlria:, s.liofabe passe ivied ft dale. rr -bl6TALB=Pithealeostleolit Arety , „llll . 4.4labiejo., - clods rabbit WeOldsKaibilisdiS IP ',lloat-1001t0e.4 , . sad; b. sod In_ X 0 for Ito. Si I' lossihire USW Pig Is not iaqiiikni t iiftoilindits4las4ll4 - swahoLax Skews was wanealt 1/111i ind-WiroMillataaat.s9o Xf itaiLli taciithi. lor - Bard awl Pills then" Ss n•abisdy 144•1rh wok the mills, . ate betagoirilholepWlDWAollele., law 4.-• Thera is `bliblitteataeVhriket lettidi, tut the ' Datkidli[4llthityseviOme rata& -teiipparnadpis inosa hiataiwonnicaint - walaw.-1r., ,, ..•:...., I , i , -,6:1,P1i , .. , ....f.. , ,, , .5,71 assik,zsisegosage,,W.,,,iods,,ise:illevrlyr ass• the stelae isrbialatorith hose tabu oUllo.-1., at $B3. 4P toe, - ankliinhfliguablanitianlhaltad railsolX;i-Bantana , Bark - is stinkaliniad.whisa al Cdnantott; wak•ara.saakbad a t $ll • en Illiwahthat Weld per sold -1:•. .- isiumwaraff.“lo 4 / 1 1 1 01 r.F9Riwilalf OF'" 21kidikktrrik>1 1 , - .-a'A. t't',4 tiro tot: • ‘: ,r• -.- . • I, t i v i i -L: • ,434,1una0. 4144,qatit nos e anon spa or,Ada atlas it* eselS*B-4 19.4 1 4 0 4 1 .'i'. 2 .4 1.010 ?" 04 " 644 - ell" ii , - wililkttaistlatikePSl ! 0 1k00040;PAT - 7# 1 4X , at rtaf•A ~...A.r.,*- ~,s i , ~,, 4 , ~,,,, ~. .) 0444 , ; , . 4 4 1 . 1=901 4 1 W 0W1 0141/111144.n. 01 :411* ****1 4, 1 0-4944 4 ., Sr ./ = l. - !f 1Yn. 44 0 . 1 41 Ys W .',.. ... 4/141 I ba..o" ,-, ,, , - -.10. , .i• 1, awn* 0 siodayita with idea of X MIX* • . .. 1- -X-4draallf Vdtaiif lisluips -1 11 1 1 0.0 10 R • 11 ,4, WIWI 6:2 1 14,0 0 ,1b41? StraraV, iaiOili.lif: ab, 0 14 3 - 414 ,41M• 0 #1..M;,2 tio t . e t c . , V,lbllDit , ..tzar avale t atet . , _ VAtlitiktorrdtait ~ , la ' .itslark , _ _l.44yetibe ,Al lays .0r,1110,..,b5ie5,, , 4 04 A? 4* *lto 'it IWO.** aid Yilte.- , T isovetaist eines bit& ti hvb# l lo24.lo4' • "Abe.PielthriOlDACTlAtal ir " U rn"' liiii''''' 'l.' i ~,,,,, , - ~ - - . : 4 1 V' - 1 ' 111119, 3tieftrat Ports. ...8,1t19,0002,760,000 2,711„000 a USA, • is. to O. neta*.toixtomo g o l o o l,ses,oo.o4l,o4o 34049 irA,":l l a.tagosielooo . :Vali,TXPe-1", liat,Ao „,... , mama •---- 4::::21119;000100;000 CASCO* khos; nor fgli ‘ I, l•,:irPiasq'.v. 4,0 0-1100 , 000 • 659 , 00 01 ~,,„' Of wtiNhiinielm pliapid to tna &boys v ..;•:: Ar - ' l O 9 O 113 . 9 0 0 % .. 46 .5_ 1 0 i Vtit VIZ T , ,aeoh,lootaal iaormo.:`.ll2;oar, go* : b. to Twos '‘...,, , iik-0,4 , 00, 1 - ;....,94p4 ,6,900•••• , ' , 1•04 Ilte. • , iVin;.,l,l- 4 0,, t - 14,dd2,1U4 4 ys tOd ~; ,';ii:. 10 1,... ~1 0. 905, „ . • -oho • • t Ak l'OlapPdtt e Lliitli ,4ll46 ' .. i, ,-.e .' P ' ' '- ' nen 41(0 .' t 'lift& ' .* Ojos, prolialit(**4l.9 - uvirralsoe i . 1,,,, ja o ur itra4a-,,sra : ,:,:sirpr . '4T ,is,Wor .0.1 --- le , *DOW iodifitiittDdite , 4lv- Vitilmitiziiriftittiii;tfiku. '' '' ''. ii - Ida ' - . - . - . ' )it oil : MVII7I I4 I: 4 IM i- rd l e e PTZ 19 ' VP "1 41. •, il a._ p li al - Ito. Sonia 10in • '' 30 dtt Cnik:;-, 1 4,-t....2., ,1"."1 1 -qlg OP 201 -1 71 -1 0 1 M"r ~..=..., 0 ., e !II *Pot !,. i tr iA , Xikagi nt .l ol , ii .,: i i'Vl a ,k 4 iii , , f , jp i , • ' fiat Alrikgr- 1- ~ 1 1 F ...- . t:TOtils `-, LAI*: - weft= Trot kid • saes seer* Ist ti t,r7. l ltllb? ylli WI/ itt a rgt i Virilt , 3 4. 1 , , ,iri • fqr; 414 7 "*lO,J,t-ilitgKi,...,*pift 44iiii , 4, , ii,.*sia , bithiiii0i4oi 1 , ifilidsi = iie - lne#4 4 )Z7Wl:4 l lt I 300 P - 44 4alrumixfo.thf.fa hill if; 10,,tia ' ki?,. •. Ewa 111W!Witiitiva; y 1 =oar' sp';',4lity" ,", bbtailintit,o iwth:b di, •, •,Piabs,. • Alk/farloo-An_fok, ,iiitid s ilmat !aid' .1 Xi it lo6 `l 3 4 ol 4 l, lo, ‘,P,CWATirlii - hAlei • Sh al e la 4 a IMO. 2,1 . set osier; id.ltarlia, at IsDO fiat Boston •triiiititio are &oi ire guetir at 213 4 v I rftliati , b)te loreride s lu:diode 'otitis* , •. eaborisi )toolaVideottestir WOW NO :..0400,14, d. • , ' ,440113. X l o B4l # l ertatim,,ar**teitsrAkt, pirl4l., ifaalara bsj'- , ‘ 'LA'fati_lo l, ..7he., elo .0 , 0 1 04, ad inlair flys, , ffiedo a - SCwhita-Bitii-Sloosll4,bostda at lilbsisA. t,Altadbeat.4yillos:dliait $lllO/410fsaptiira,;d2.14e11; sod Lathe Sl.solllsXvirlier. ' - , , ' • •,,,1441:111. ~ ..Tinikaakkak iqui • WorgscalstiO/4,a40/ -„- 'lsaias sailed at filly Omar Dare: „ _ i •- 4 ---.121118 a L. 41111•& leidibing /deist tad -yriekii bro. , entirely tonging.- - • . •.•, v',i' 'i. - 1 i GUANO as to fair request , with tatter riles of TS, F-iiint?„l64[llors6Oi sod ',.ikaabrero„st:S2deldo 4P-tvo, ash, as tailott; ..;;'._-,:`l - /-e . .":%' ,' . -"..-",' , - -,! ~ ;ilatitd- _ ,t-Theratellidis (*to r ah:silo Sias jade, enly. la son Imo toassisived isafter , 2siliAttschiLor , 4 I i --*.klltnikfir•:l4444.l4etiv4, aad iss ‘ vissay.serliale ir Africa* are anaold.' They palatally stwaakan Xiik , ( , -airr0p5.f4,291.*ba•Ama••••1147444 , 4444410* old croii, • /witbaasiaa ak;Bails4K-X.' ,, X4W;;Xiwbors ar 4ll ll, 4 4tltu -- ArriVoilk-Vl4lO/10:** fa, qualltf. --- - •- - - - . il, ,- , -411D1I10.:.4erbliat Bann nt",llintiiffitei•lattad at - - 'l.lsliwlisaim4,l6l2",aoll4l, din inonGic : = , s,+' ~ , , ..rsKyystlded-r-Mie thsriesdfirbettor atd- the mike; -Ativraer,:trith saes otelayed Cali. at ;sew Oineoweado .• -, atildia,wailit.Nrif Brion! wt 40a, us ~ time ... . ; - -F , -.;t,llll,VAlsatOsiXdraiti saiet‘witivhsht atm*. fo.,aie- - ••'.ntio is F. nailaiot comotanblisais avi morbid at It dal, q , If6COliala Do: tat It 75.52, aid No i aold it as le• ---441,-Tar 40444•41441.62 60, and Piteh sl.a7) e 32 - 'bbl: - Terryllatioe - is -- liv steady - must ardi, • atom, with Wes at 64e5& ttr gallon, - OILS-Thera bus bats an illiftl/91114 danwaid e forjard - , 011, and pins 44* honor. with. 041 401.1X14 1 4/ at • 04s . • 4 loos , Fish Oils sr* attfainag.inore stn. akin:, and I,llWils more Wows in prim. Wu of Crude Whilli! at Se redik ; Bashed 1 41aq at ps_plgoo.ia Bp. at $1 Wel SO, oath, atoll fa rms: bowed ke mu* At, .61•44,1 Is teas sad bbla. - • / , cr,lMll:ll.nated, a nd =dialing on Salvia at $3lO 1 'XIOE..:-.l4leas ari nitahsored,, but the , tdianasd pa , ,i nanand Sklar 1iff,111,4 assail- ' , ' ,, ;--- 7 4.--osi 41140‘ , NO•cit *TWOS a Litleipoo/ LTC. ':' bees sold•On private Gram. '.. • •• 2-' ••; 1 Iltima.-,Tave is Very littifyaby - AeSildriteded ~ ',,,A1124.12reb..26 dr,bothel ; Timo th y sent In a Stair Key-, , -...-IslilideibM l Ttittioed. at Ft 6501 70 ir bushel. . „ 1 , . dtlitti 8 --Per Brandy and Gin there le tetastarvie . '-' his", at fife /sat Tanta ions t'll X Min" dwanatida dB • 10 4$4 1 W•itiway..letli Ansa of Patuisirlia la/ ilik ifolllll,4antrelabit Bo at 2Te ; at 2/k41421 .. 4 *ad drudge at 24X ono . , qI"f2AUGINV444 - 7441saerket Is tether finale, with am. of ; VOltAbdsrhiba sad Torso Moo at 6.1(olg e; on time. i ' ''' --is4SbLibiT4-421tygtatered sells at Mix e V lb The - • ..x. 10 %., i?Satitti i i ; 4 if; r pates, :. 'c './- • r• e - : bre ilea 4. a to and s fair e kSalseas • _ , sol4rgyarr*--J_ Re ;:: .; •.,:, .f,t.t>.,1 , , ~, ; • $"• - .. _ BLOWN: s',lollAlSlMPArgellired, is oda ~.! b 4%.,baroAti . t4ittiirl „Lostio . ‘ l / 2 1 1 . mi l ; 4 m5.4...n.: ;Xi : -.-- 1 ttillr.„tbi Alf It vfl ‘ llll l *lY'soo,l , lll t , • orate p debits °rot a; „41%'„*11,4 e! ' . ,-r= .., - _ - _-bIK r_. ::,Offirt In lis tTil,r.invlts!t, -It- 1 7 9,0 r .4i - ti4i,...-151 1 1M., Ilk mit far Bia thaimoi , , i L'4 .:;.~x.~::::~xm~,~,R~ft~n~:, ' flrojoitid fed ' --; , ,dvdecod-42trig d020 , W0201, 21204-424 do r .4 C 21dogootikkgOloblk do Id Judo :dimoompo 211121111721300—1 ark Anbllo Illantley-80$2diAm. exit Is2l-22 dk $2 *OWE SO ougoolt tour do 2 bblo. $4,425014.4(41 kb& now - ,I:Allsdalta ilsl22li otv 02122251111M)24.2122AP.. Al l ossameri2as 4 toT ,- 110111aBA&INt,W•hk. d-1 -4 • - : Asedifiltill.-411sltailaier.-14413;id0i 8004, 'ZifrAgolletiWO•Plittic lewd Slop Jag gone 3 vt.isemeigirigi 111 r" 111 " 021 F 0/ 7M a l io Oo ,E 1 . 114 , , ",, 1114D10=41krIt hoer ,T,galioso , oaddiolliA IlibtorAmioag Co, , , X4ollolll# 11014121 - . 0 . 1 D -". a ' iDtrl4ol ... Argilf""-„; conirminkmrlpi, m , nr, ' fifiatTEß:'3l64lil;ii, i - ' • 41.thatitsfautofgal- Excks*o4l%fasielphis,, lidrikailrotang vi - 4141.," .2digapipue, scow ,121 kiek 16 4 11 , - Panistabnoo, Mon ': ' ? :4)-4 : 4 ;„ Plum .A..... 41 .41.ft'AFVUMnit nag 6# SWI 4 ,I,4PATIV . VI" ''' Pjtr- .4,9111 -01 li , xp 4 !m t ' '1 -7; p - - 4, - ,, 1 , 4• t 01T ' 10 ~- - 7 , IT' viiim-r- 44r 1 44 r ' . i , • bi .--- • tr '-, WI ' .-- -•• li ficrtptlrok irti Ades 1- ' in liiii q i ik k : , aitt-_, ,r := s . ti ___...",.:-- ,1114.: 7 1 , 1 , is 0 fur 74ifierto sierinr:: .63ea s ~ 104A3.. 1 IWlilOO i' _,,...--).' rtr i rr t t-9 1149 1 1 7. 1 &„of ;' mil ' 0;1 : ! i f :I f 1 1_1 ~.. : If . - : -;“ eK 'Atl i fAlt- .;040- 44 : 14it ...,, ti 0 14;4 : 10t t 0 ..., ~! 4, glitleoUq., - - 11',01-4.1:4*5*41' - 'r - i ',--'-_-.;•e':::-;1,4,1-.,;;,41.,1.4c. '•: ,. .'t -'- - - , 1 444 1 4 • 1 0i - sYfflooorti";:liatuttivmtar. co TAW gAM I O,, P 4 3- •, •M, irpproVirg44 , ll ll, filit y ,a- r „ , B e ,B6sto , yi 1 , , Stone I!" ". t e. CI Sliilz,AWllll,liratiatet.BAW,Yor- - Wi t daW e i t h 02!mooklolomi JIB. WA‘toil , ... „ 7 1 Fig/104'51 oit.i o P. 9Akit* t °•!? , ;M irl . )ll !' - .. ,141441t4144411h•44 , •1 ' Ar0 1 ; ~,,,..,-, - a 161114016,600y0mA0, ButtoflrOZA groros, IrPL 1: B i 0119.// o,loo 4 llVreeMlf , l 6ll l.tP ° • ', 1 W .4'2,;: - 14:0oose000Zof ,• , •-r:eo A-TEE IP GRA O 46, May fl 'WC. It k, ' 1it5 A34.1 15 14 84!0 3 • 21)°210, 1 D, , 0 ? •, • 40 1. 6 4 6 At ' ' 161"PtitAliu. 7r 3 P,40 IFlliigliWr i ll l lt , fir..m.,, l t ir 4. 0 1 ; .t. ~„ oofigoldoo Eagle, I 1 . ' IrOolo 6 .36 " iostt :" lll lll 7ert i e lf 9D ork ; l, Ull iOr 6lll4. ol, Ci f I I At yi 41 414,814/ott.AF por,Acooort Oboott' U. ' 71_,VM. its Ato Irtlinhaltieer, ass' ai doroVtilleat - sto; At 41/0111 o.ll66lhisr.k, i y u ght; UK Strsalbi,Bork: 6 1#14,X 01 ottiortlF, %6VolitAre'Olty. • *'•-• , ---__- ' - • e iiftVoiriga boats from7thiftfototOanal paued foto . i.,:.4.11AD6144, May 6, iltD9 Ji th AphAillill,F . Itsyytiaitp itlii:b, , usataptii, - , Ite2o , 6 'l o , ` ' '. I xl ,W p t Witit dr ir ' 76 :ll;Efod 4(lL'l ' V : to ild l , Ar wiT ii •a: Mar t' r ,t t t it:l3l l : l sital l : l6l.l :ei: Ct a ; " : l ll ll !* .k°' l l : ? Ba .. l l:637l_ lll !:: sl l :ll , toil 6AlC4roolo._Oommtroo, 1110604 r, & 0 ,.. 10 Buuvi 1 ,_„4tl elphlo 0 almost) ,-,• ~,I,MAW. , Dor,,,hloy lly L lityoutordtpibA wenvortbtbay. - The' r low Viiiiliels aro at the harbor, via: _Bark Loess , ~t 5411 11ii ii iiiiliat ra Veg ril tae, DP It' I F` bfiersk l Z l Ll V' ee ll s '- , 6.-1110 ,BaArArt,.B-Itoilltrt, Alex „Blue Malabar M ` Z4l o 4irf, 4 SlAteory, loopy; itotor,,lim, 1 I hot, d, 3 ftWillifto,'Loithions, e5i01141,.. 0 ii,/,' l ilt - too ilieliNOlitttare;atid steamer He. .1,,.1 Skin& the 'weather prdli' favorable, the solo ] it rokford 'Vitt ha tot otf,•• the' hotOlt "to-morrow. lad"L 4.• „I - 1.1 . : . 'i 1 / . , )at titAosa 3 .1 ' • T: ti o ao oh it lptlithif: ti ff ur 7lhosit . 0 „ trhs , : 4 1 , 77 of_mbitth . 1 lit, 4:i tiiit A ate If W Al. 03 Su HA d. goo ain't' mice So on -0,70:::,,it::467:c:0%::::17::,:u-ellb!.7,k6IBArl:y1:67,, . 0 2 6 4 :1 : ::-• 4 ut Ibilslgale.itet Afoir oishoooiro,wint to Seat IL , :mixoluitia. , • - bsd /bit ~.. , „ ,„,„.„.„ ,„„.„ „ , • Plomplatly OW of the Wait, Dray , at Havana, 27th 1 osui t ouivi E bitori:; ll 2loo : : : :: r ,„ : l4o2wik. ' ,,,tt itiri :tliirsta t tut; il ;7 led ibit.i,m_.4.: - ,,a 1 P 3 , sul.,: tt; ?_,;4 lO rsir r o: 4l .A. s e: p ,ra ln :es w ia tl :::: : 11P tiliti:V E 1 1"14 :14 1.6 1oo rli :e a r: a a 7 Livo: C o h l ,ar :I g o: '4 11114 :1 17 1 611.11a : ;/• 9 C111 $1 ,for li bo m fte ;Ato : : ll :6o 6 633 9: di eM in g ar i k re et . , 310alyinsptlitirifitsdn)olealled at •Boaton,Ath cßarhrfirrflerMatti; hones; solved at New Orleans ihslit'Oskillydeil foi thin , 'r ort, milled . from Boston th last , AtitAttifoon Cooliron, hues, at Buena, 20th tilt, 4210iillati 12 liendalt, Bkankloma, at' linevitas, 19th, .3tortratribt. q * -0 • ~, -••• ~. • .., " i - 11mlitikrrodltiakor; Oolloghori from Havana; was Ofecfleiirletit'llthiust , - -.. "-, -. , ' ', ,' - 'll67lCAtintl3gLnvellliteinse; at Mdtansad 28th alt. , , 'Bashi Witriesi trallott, liallatt; elsaoht at Boston. 6th: itart. for *to Janeiro, 1 lirre lAsy 'Quest? Williams; herma, was discharging IrtP•brt otErlotrlittrutt;• , - , . Brig Abby MI tobeth, Phlrmoy i , sailed from Olenfne• 16 36 .t4gi rtif tor fhlp port; 4! 93ohr•tliroAloishoro) Semiaor.: eloart4 st'Sarinnib GI lAA fOr Bin Jhoebb,'wlth 10963' feot dubs. • • • t thElfisikv/V Ball' OttnAenoe at Olenfuegos 24th AO Mired IWO; ilaudlton,- for Pow York, 'sailed • • !this. pert in 4 dam iris at iflitWlDertek • •• • • • • I lientelVt‘iiiiviraueosl,•Battlth; and' Charity, Barrett, Ifehatiikleilionfitklasit - t• • • • • - 'lake larth'Paeitlei'llfarey, hence-at Deponent Bohr Ailantle;lWeei,i from- Delaware. City,- at Port- Nei& - ' - • Bahr Ithene n otosh x Hawitt, hence at Providence' 4th Pare Abisice Tllidudy, irtilid• front- Providence .4th initfor thli port. • left iitektyViChition; ince; ariived at ; Noifolk, 'Belk -Robbie Dillon, - Marti, from New -York, at , livid it Chathorion•4l.l2 inetl - • - • p kilegirs4:as • -41• 7 from -and Antarkin -11itt Avon, at Marseilles. • - "`" - ,AltrOmllget 6,2othiltioformer 'sr:Liverpool, • " , ,Wirtrov flotenhak - 'ow; Blltaztellig. at' Quer/gown • - • illd'inelfeirikirle April littit,'.(iatlenbarp, frok Hem ; -21it'lotteelosteeeterr from -Illtindarlintioioloo; aio,Dom Scioto!. Byeilatulet, - from Llverpotl -;. ittete-Atriet Ilieottirs, - 'treks do 224 ) , J Tholnpion i , frootee ,-•••-- . , 1. , fern, fromtlardiff, k744114.-fritakmtaa4lotlsi Weymostai,_ from Ltvorpool 804-41iritos Boni Osleat,tit. tt *414,' I t • Sat - Salt-anb to Zet. mm - itisSTlti& i 3114 OY VALUABLE • t firo Eivr Y The ItLOIIII.IIIG MILL, in th e city of Albany, N. Y.; known as the AUBURN'OtrY MILL, will be add at Public "isogon. lOU o'olook., ox WDDxa9DA TU*4OE , MAY, o 0 On Prom Men. It in of tour atnMenOridit Of ' very substantial 17, and in nrerT way angelica. building. It lea recently been:l4oi* ewe ordain with new Machinery has Awn /111/I.ok4nnn, annn?n,yiltankni in tie not clam or Irani; JD ham rain 4Bmmblynter re' 022 feet fall, on th outlet of Owarift^Lsiintlier be, -by. a recent Stets lon"voolkshituri. gjholttrriotrior oconstant power A good home isiCeiritdm inialuess is riltvady establish. adi whisk can be largp*fir . nrlM -- iliW,*Sitd meths taisiegof wheat Mr the vic i i2rrapidlyburaisslog, rirelderk bleßoine ripply n ion be relied upon. TS - 4:iieheetlon there are a filikrTWOret'Oßit - DOUBLE BURGLING HOBBS,- . • And JPirer,sl valuable Building Lots. ,Thepropertyl irowriti iitriationila especially adapted to mtergly and permanent bome busineu, merchant AlArtibtlaklink.Vori*lV.l l o l69 /rtbli"it" inducements in - a °cation emir% in 6 ttty "well brown frifiltiPpiWreurtileueer sea place ;of residence. T e superiority of rid - the water power, and the location, matter the proiwrty well worth the at. *Widow of Intileff and llurtiltdr men. Bale positive, and without reserrat'on, and no post. piititteirt7id Mccorintbf.;the weather:- • Aportion of thi Omahas. money may - remain on Bondhad•Nortgage. jtot :further putiemilmie concerning the proper'j, 'iihrohnoiruit)bo hid to Meru. Nelson, Beardsley, and B. K. Wooltry, Auburn; John Yikb, Seneca Valls; d'ohyti:Bitire,Briffsiml - nt 13htiptra k,po . Albany. mitt-Idt - 01tARL.11819RISHT. ' , _ Am FOS SAL r—t-'Ort" 'MAIN% Street, i'Iitt'ANKFORD; alloo;large DWJILLING, and two dos OTOBila„willt Dwalltop osteDry Goodn, the-other it iloot sod Skon•atore, -.each 4oinca good 40finat. - 144414141,01 - ISAAC 8111ti011td3S4 d'ON lett Prank[o rd FOR 84j4E,0R: 3 1 . 0 LET—A central 's'. 11,y,1000,01 froieety;'24o.l7o South Fourth street, 'nutfeNe. Jos reestaenoe `Witness. :61;p1;e• on the pewit's', . , royeLltio . small genteel conntiy reeldenete:ilith'itslili;itslf a mils from Ablaition I ,Statione North Pinne:ylyanis Iteilrosid„ and. one and s 1101 from Chestnut Inquire U )4010,11. 410.0ominetos street. - myd.Stik dti TO LET--Second. and _Fonrth.itory roorSkii Store No. 'lir With WAtipA attest 4054te 'Ed LETi 7 ql..l4rnie4ed gotstii‘ sitliqed at Tlogietiattin t wn'airinantown - Balitoid; with .ginitlit#lointaan' oollazitatok - ,f,titokon nor, atablei cow girdeu ',Lac eery kiadCcipta,- du,thib;gr,ound,,flowqrs, 44..., 1i 0ttt1y ,comtau. nication 'with throttf:' itifly on th 4" premistoi;oorner TPristPOPit aa4 TIM& 17.12 gt lit - 804 4 - VIM D LEAP • Vir,"/A.N.OS:IitIV4Ofti O tOrt, cOtiwrirolo., wish mule attached lbw the Will know}'' Cadge' Rook Steam Paw sod Plopinw,Xlll, la the town of Castle ROok, mirthe 4 ,,Oaegif three; lb Neg. County, sflasone, Will be eoldna;gre fleitclay pi r Jatat. at the front door of the front city '0( St: Lbati, 'No., at • • tato eAler,;4;lXlo, area 'of mattrable,Plne and, Lead rfatddietgth a flrft•oliari &Of respobWor otatimt 15,000 feet lef dikpllght;eindlLoasea Stables ' no*, 811° P.• 6 . rail 4 1 / - 00 ttafit *ger.; ere ifiverar valuable _bedeiollepd jPO ttoOlowl proporty, and 10 lir th icikly .44614 d Pinetorio4 of< which has never been Annebini miles from the /con goorktatrilt4ltiout; 65 inilre'fronf'dt. tonic, the ntr1.0.61 , 100, Las., TO sale will be• positive otirterros;lo elows PlultWirsh'Pl At the 'al" tlme"seddarar will !he_ sold toe welbanowit - ex en atirp sairi frefoYeinttincOatt arottilteamboat :Lumber, eltraetpd* the denriltded town,Of gage Itorik,va the Arer Idrftivtef mile. tin& Via - 1 / 4 4660' Railroad. 'Alleythe ietrgeJtof* .111oisi#jotar ittimaabitely ad -4e*lrisw-ft, eeciplunra d ote* priexteniled done. toinielfatlettlictard:pre,artder leafewliloh eon be pain'. ailed /at. ~ ,Terass fivorAdift •Irer piim . plaoto giv des fantod seeniate "dinierdptte n the , Property, ad .dreireuffilllffrri6WONO, gaq , 'Pi; )troous:-EVAIMION, - PAYATON. is CO.; Pittsburg; Pa ; 4rteeere;,gemantoN; STOAT, h tfALQNE, goatee, 14941 0 10gf ,Booolll9Brk 00. 77a660P91.1.;;At..Y.,"#;"1.1P- • Ia i rOWICFS,OFERTY' FOR BwataaroglurNTl,,, , • 2 ,&Tbreirtiteressett Dwelling Sairltdrtetwesti TwuStaMe'ead De Sala street, We EttoSwand Three Dwellings on Swede street. goisonsigiottsgen now the Depo t. , Ti'" Uri tee,' eittleffor renti. ,- , Yarns in llaeliii Itobtgomerfriant Chester senates, atillell4:isit:sereret boeutitul,resielenoes ,nest ;the from Philettelphis. Demon tickets ,"14,147-72t T-4.Tkits large: cothittodtons ston , f Ago, 1128 , 11ARENT .stieet, below imirtb: rAtley:airtais prodow- - • sp264f 00,Orrar RESIPENag TO LET.— 1.; skiii•stiCr6abis ositag• it MILTON wpm, liifirlarthqennirraalcilathroad, 8 viper .from the' elty. Al IritA94 : 4 , loloE#T Iltreet. ' 0p12.1f. 4407140 I"! 80;Z:;4 1 1$4 new innitm A. 1114 The ottnltion AlifiWthh,PCl9 4 - littrckeennd Se . loot *spot" WA, raborhon. itteitnboatentsfltailroad furnliltinanfn rtnntttm, to, Trm:42' 0V V ; P isage frbm ps,Boo to" 13,600 0 . :1;11., :pain of payment nenommodating,,Applylo', - r i ng AhMlßSON.Thiwater Landing. _At / jf....--VAMSfitStUi - ba the easterly bank of the . 00awattitly_et midway between Beverley and 40it 0 : 7 ." • • -apll-100. =ME large kitable - feet St; 6t 4tE ' b - '' fet aettiVoit mixt nventog out of Pitttels Stromq, btoti!feen fourth apt liftiritreete) the meritoefilttfettlw.e?lt*rteit fattY,* toivittne shop or 'tffe otsvp?,', tpiMmuutv Street apS4 ratt slams ' ""- :.. 4m0mm1a..4 4141A4,„tilJ11A, A f A 0 T D DDi .vAd' 10Dirzooss,, ,sexiczi-o411_1",„;14,11„, in '; 1 - - ! - '"iiiiirN4 1 1#071141w*A 7 04, Li m 500dunnk...,41.1.p.y eltor,ll7 14 ;:ivAzios, ; NO.lo s .ooo4intrfEnt a lad ,sale .fittUSHEIiii ( BRUSRES 1' BRU4g4S I - .9 . .11 - 4 71•11iy d itikivniski No ,-5 - 1 0- j o d wos i o; 600):•: - 4,,tim i tete„ L 0 000 ' _Ohoebeneheo, ." - 10r ititalai:ilf °pier ;17f1, • V.:4l'l;M' 1,:,;,1„, HAMMY O. 4 .1914101111 apl9 62 North THIRD aerate, below Arab. k 3 / 4 ittisran IA PERIM- 1 CHAMP:A-0 1 1ga: - The'undirefgkhere, been elpitinted sole IntOutelort the', United States and Canada, for *thO:oille of the Cfrar4nithe' Wineit )3r. Iifeseze:!TACQIIES 110811,11&- ', o oq l l' Ctilinfe-b4-fitaindi,VnUree", ' plveent 'their; Wines tii,thOubilikuinier hrande, e ' , t ,,' 3B10;. ,:IThe al ililV4i Vfini ef efliiquisit4l'di.for and fruity taitef sad hi nitaninthei , tinemparo tiny Whie tit the Arearlaarrmatket;, • - - • •• • vrlttiklio is - final Cabinet °hoopoe, of 6 ~ ,beentital,,,Tenby,geletv whlcalkis 'natural - to the wine. , Thie Win. 1$ 'stutioubtedly one — ok the finest cabino p* - Nalefi, .14 ftoni 1 - grapes of the ehoicest selifotione` , „ , tram the lost explienwpxtenalve ponessioni, and - lark! peaty! of the' wollicnowa: lionaiLot JACQUES Wish{;` the detirmination Whisk otoopetitgerpi• we feel persuaded that a jrliki will fully' alitablisit all we olaim flr the awoollenae of these wines. idc MOOLIJSKEY' , .1. • . • . 2 .114:i19 BROAD 8T NET, NEW. oRE. i'he stove WiMeiLmike tie bid eyt stie tiellOwlng places tri Ytd)rAl,..oPhi.&V „v... • _a_ . Joaa itARRIBOH or, Liu", ,ilmossAce.,.93BAiitket ..-7 A mumr.WALitAti.,Met °bait- Mast. Tontis,&' 06.,-2061,:.11t0nt at.i s MIT OHIII4. &ALLIO4I4 B.llreet eV, gATTMISO'N,`IIoitNE, *and it.; 'Liwilot it, - YlrifEßS, 807' Mar , kit et.; Tuomescixl3L.tom ; b6tneL.Chisimiit' aid Breed etc; Wm. PAavAit, jr., ; Twelltb and Chestnut its.; Sin etalitim Xc ALAWW,AMD, TOVldszket'et 813 ION COLTON, eon-Broad and•Wabinti betel.° & Wont., 120 Wilint 'deist; Wm. L Minnow( to co., 116 Booth Third - et. Alswit the follOriatrliotels: ; • • Hones, Pkiskkir, sums; Of.i.;',WAnIIINGI. TON HOME, A.H.GLASS ' ; 114..1.4WEE10111'8[011 11 .5 WM. 13. cAltiazzactlo Oo ;:ALraowiTs'. Harm., O. NOW itM & Som. . . • fell =MIL/Iw' F. KELLY &•CO., 60118.90RII C :i0 MUM Z. ROSS ot C 0.,) No. 16 i3 . OI:ITItiIIIRD STREET, BANE NOTES, COMMERCIAL PAPER, BOUGHT. AND 'BOLD ♦lso,,Btooks ILIA Bonds, but outs qu ocunnabssiOn, /3pecW:gttihtlon, given to -collecting throughout die 'iountry, and customers may rely on prompt ad vitae and return". REMOVAL. • • -.- HANCOCK da . ,00., MIN% PURNISMING STORM and MANUFACTORY OF 'FRB 04111351.'i10 LIMIT SHIRTS, • - RATMIIMMOVIM TO . . No. 1026 pRESTNIIT STREET. REMOVAL.=The EXCHANGE FIRE KW AND INL&ND INBURANOIO COMPANY le re moved to 144 South POCUTII iltsvet, above Walnut West, opposite Iformeni Plaee. my4.Bt EIIEMOVAL. THE ;PENNSYLVANIA COI4PANY TOR INK: MANORS ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNIIITIRB have their °Mae, temporarily, to No. 284 WALN UT litres*, first door below Third street. ' - - ' srallAzo VNGLIBRi AND 7 CILASSIOLL -BOARD /KJ ING41:1HOOD 1011 BOYS. • - • , • . 11101INTIO1r, Lineeeter county, Pennrylvanis, • • - ' • • • • ••• MOORN, Peinaipel. • Puillsvelinitie4 at say time Oity voiereineve given. ' .Yor nevt beaters emit , * a (dander. . , iptßieriv &13TNATTON'a NATIONAL 11111BOANTIT4 .COLLltalso, 1Oodod"ii delpbas, B. 1111: ionizer SEVENTH ih4 CH.BI3TNIIT Now York, Bulto;o, Cleveland, And Oktcago. !or in forraiktiolt wII or lend roe Catalogue. tiff•tr 14N ER IIDY4 Patn7alpala atLEIDY—JAB; LEIDY Aladi M nglrY Na: 146 and 160 erwm 0T1091 . 1, near Bice, where a knowladvi of _A.; r, . WHITING, Bbol-mixruid, - ASITHILITIO is made openyaryinpli, that may enter. AOADIIMIrday ao2ll inkaTTSHDRIV. 6 Te#II.4i*DEL r /1 AA V OOMMICROIAL 001,L381, &atheist sonar rd 1:11131n5= INIL.SIMINtIi laid'al4. Ali buditution dared to sat gang men der Mg :WM Iftilitatililli - . - =.= ..• = • „ ItoAliD 0? Tiruirrsie." B. 5.4 , 001' ,-, 0 ,_-_, irindia MANIA Gear' Z. Stuart Daldrigline,' John TEMA, ' =i r DavidS. Brown, Imo ber g A. V. Parsons por . l ajtk!gair46:;i `t,; ' IllieliOlqr1:1. ' 1 „ . ' tikUi tl4 00tt: 3V1N1110; FIIMIONS otter peptamber latli. Ilaoh Eitudent ha 'Tardetnnai' risranorton at thli latitution, and a Diploma from here 11 the best re sommaidation &young- =en WI has, for obtaining a good situation. - • Colter G726 , nv • ha hid olapieatiovs& dtria Jttottrattre Qrampanits. - DELAWARE 'I4IIITErAL SAFETY IN MOBANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY VIE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA, )IB3S. OPTIOD 8. E. CORNEB,TEURD AND WALNUT Ehreeta; Philadelphia. INOUNI.NON ON To •". OABOO, To all parte of the World, FBNIOIIT, • • • • INItAND 1N61111,414028 On Goode, by River. Camila, Label., and Land Carriage, to all parte of the Union. PILE, LILIIIIRANOZB On Merchandise generally. . On Stores, Dwelling Mouses, is. ARSETB OP TEE COMPANY', November 1,1868. Par.-,, Markel Value. 5102050, PhilidelPhia 011 y 04,cent. Lean. 5105,144 00 $llO,OOO, Pennsylvania State Loans 101.4.6 00 $BO,OOO, U. 13 Treasury 4,4 OP cent. Nate& 1,0,112 60 $60,000, Penneylvaala Railroad 2d 51mt t • gage 04ir cent, Bondi' .. .. •• • • $:0,000, North Penneylvania Railroad Mort ' gaga S 4, gent: Ponds . .. $15,000, 800 shares stook Germantown One Company, interest and principal -imaranteed by the city or Phila delphia '' 14 925 00 $5 000 100 shares Pentw ip lvania Railroad , • - •Otfintsop • 55,000, 100,,sharon, North Pannaylvania , Rattroad Company 52,660, liondry shares Philadelphia Ice Boat COmliany,'RsYre de Gate Steam Tow Boat Company, Sa vannah Stearn Navigation Com. paay, and Philadelphia Exchange ,f ;' 2 Company 2,030 00 $340,700 319,199 00 Ponds end lifortgiaes, and nest Nstete, Or ', :Reif Building 71,868 85 Blue Receivabo) for lasurences made 201,666 .66 :Baena 4 due', Agenoles— , Premiums on Marine policies recently issued.—and other debts due the Oompany. 61,289 14 Scrip and stock of enndry Insurance Compa nies.. . Oselt as deposit in Bank . WORD= Marti% Joseph H SW, Ddmand - A. Sondes, Jnhn o.,Devls, - , Juhn 8 . Penrose, George 0. Leiper, ledward Darlington, -Dr. A. M. Huston, Wm: O. Ludwig, Hugh Craig. Spencer htliviine, Chariot Kelley, ' H. Jones Drools ; Jacob B. Jones, • • - • WiLLIA • • " ' :TRots:..o . EIRSICY Liavali, 62 • GREAT. WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST - CO t MPANY, • dm • rAIIIIIBI ONION Torun - Amor COMPANY or - ArLoNg, - Having coniolidatedlbeirlidelnesi, will hereafter con , duct the same under the name of the • GREAT WESTERN " INSIJEJIWEL AND • TRUST- COMPANY, Oißce, No. 4G WALNUT Street, , • (Company's Building ,) - •Pntramihrnia, ,, • , ?nth licomilined Capital and available ' ,- ASILETS CLOVER rd 0,0130, ", InTelltady theApostvzt, ‘ heel Bonne find MCI? • oadneibearing six per cent. Interest, on improved pro• 'perty,merik double the amount. JURE, INLAND, AND 'MARINE CARGO BOMB ' Taken on tile moot favorable terms, - - r , • , , DIRECTORS, chalet, 0. - Lathrop, - Willtarn Derling, AlexanderW bindle - Et Traiy, • - ankh O. Minter- - James S. Smith, Isom Haslehunit, 0. N. Shipman, J. R. McCurdy, Premeds Tiler, Thomas L. Gillespie, Charles ilarlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonathan J. altionm O. 0. LATHROP, President.. , • „ WM. DARLING, Vice President. +JAMES WRIGHT, Secretary and Trimmer. C. 8. RUSSELL. Amistant Secretary. O. N. SHIPMAN, Seoond Vice Preeldent, •• - itakstst.d&w tf , • Btuxon Orman New York. B. 8. , OORSON4 Norristown, Pesos III'ARRIS'o BOUDOIR SEWING NA. •••••••' is offered to the pablle ae the motif ph Ilapla foW,:priapd 13intIng Minna in we. It will an fron!i six toli4tt - irittehes an , loch; 01 tilnde, of poili;lrtniVeoareest 'bagging to the flout eatiantod. ,I 1 aviegttint; th.a fti mietasi4eaf ittaztinatitmeTormittle, ititflolut bWroitincl kelt to olio by la ehil4 of twelve yearn of age. , , Thepayanuaig of lawman , oof woir,, , are war ,rsitt44 itasitiplyieeft,bittity °the*. s p eed r,anglii Item *No hundred to Allow; bitutipt ttitobet nate; ma thrOad noodle takenflirsetly fromtha /pools ,wirgoire e rti tact, It It juidattto s tliat'..oKtitted,byik!iry campy In the lend, and the low view of .., • - , " ' „ „ TRISTY DOLL/kWh ' et fkio.itiid; brings, Item within the Not of 16046447 Ono ” B. D. BARA, Agbnt, IC-eow ' • 920 Anon. zot r ogrygn.! 94, 40 . 4dy t otto`dtdal teiffidritiir'plaftV booms inbilov.:4;oartia4 - lont ridtabl4 auto for I 14:" -114.14MATOII:g40111101t fill 11MATIeNl7 "T Ala calgt /41:41.11141tipipclii irpo'4itort4„ at. za most pataraiddlrdt and .wo,are daily reorlKof latteo Mind oettlfloatel ad.,. Undshipg and renuirkable" aurae' 'AU , ff Ito 'bnielfled ILT,7llll. 4 „ltlnhaeeilirttittgitc'gf. l l:. ,4o thealtaumailo oatterers , Privinot' bje TREODOBA Rififi _mow , * N ;Rao - pt,wr 13f6stiti lOYta.mow, uptk TB. - exvD= .!: itUbig ''filatteg. PHILADSLPHIe LAND WA!tRANTO, EXCHANGE Etlllooolll., tMtaiw*. 45,876 00 12,000 00 4Y,08.7 86 $698,804 70 TOES. James O. Hand, Theophilas Pudding, James Tiaitualr, Byre, Zr.; Z. P. Penleton, Joshua P..Byro, ' Samuel E. Indices, Henry Blosn,_ James B. BP/farbind, Thomas H. Hand, Robert Burton, ZOhn B. Semple, Plitateg D. T. Morgan, T. T. Logan, Il ' MAUTIN, President. HAIM, TWO President. _ . , mb2048t..w tOMMEROIAV ANK fTENNSYL , veNia.—ratiL,DELyyna, may 0,180. The Directors h re this day - deals,. ed a Dividend of TIMED AND on)2.11017 per rent , oat of the.pronte of the last -' ." laix,monllief payable on demand. pleat of , /Dates Te n, •"' r* , • ^ PALSIED, ; niy6•lot Cash er. VARMERS' AND MEOHANICS' 'BANK DEIR4II. The Dirnotore have thin di- declared 0 Dividend or 'POUR per cent., payable on demand. .mys.ot MURTON, iir.;lls [Mier. Sm: EOEIANICS' BANK— • .PHILADELPHIA,May 8,1869 -; • ••= ; The Directors have this day declared. a Dividend of FIVE per cent for the last Six months, payable on and after the 18th loot., agreeably to charter. my 4 St - • J 073,1 1 MITOEML,HuhIer. SOUTHWAIIK BANK---PAILADEirritA, May:84859. , .1 • The Board of Directo rs have tide day dechk.d Dividend of MN per oent., payable on and after THURSDAY, the sth last: P. P. STMT., 1°14.6E, Cashier. WESTERN BANK' OF PHILADEL PHIA., iday,3, 185 o„ • The Directors of Ibis Dank hive this daydeclared a Dividend of FIVE per tent., payable on and after the inst., agreeably to the provisions of the charter, my4-6t G. hi—TROXTMAN, Cashier; C",,IRARD BANK-:-Paiiinkirrx j ; t' Ma , 3 NA 1859. The Direetais have thie day declared a Div Heed of 'MAMA AND. A....1LAL 1 / per eeot-for the _last fitv.- months; trade( State Tart, titiyabirr ort ace - after The 18th inst., to required by the General Banking Jaw. Stokb older, arelrequeated to brlng . lltele - oertificated for Co nsolidation., . tV, L. fiCEIAPPISII., my9.tDl2o ' • • • • • •• • • • 'Oadhler. B CORN EXCHANGE BANK—rum/1.- 1 nscreili , . The Directors have this day a Dlirldend of TIMER per cent, clear' of 3tate Tax, and' payable lon, demand , • welder. RA K OF-PENN TOW,NBHI • :....81,(4 .8 1869. •, „ The Direatois . haVe this Ant deed/red :a:Dividend of POUR per cent. on the capital ; stook for the Wit Six months, payable ondemand, 1111:88DLL, ; loya.vrfmat ' • VSOHAITGE BANS OF PITTSBURGH —Pirratioaos. May 8, 1869. t pgeofore of this dank have ai;laidd • iDivAd444- il, Fl9.lkperOent., out of the prate of the Jest montks Eastern 'Stockholders will ,be+ paid on at d after the 18th inst",,'at the WESTERN BANK of delplds. - my64hata3t- F Cashier., e> COINI SOLIDATION BANS.--=-Pni4l)'• PHIL, May 8, 1859. The Direotors have this day dictated . a }iividend of TUBED per cent. tot the ,put Bix _months, payable, clear of Iltata Tax, on and after MOND VI, the 9th inst. my4.titsk . • (JAMES Y. WATBOff„ President. 001 Notices IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF THE CirrY,ANIVOOPITV OF PRILALRLPRIC Retate of WM. YRNDIIOIOB' BAl3lol,'Deceard.; The widow of saidfiecedent hen presented and ined 4 an inventor* Aid' apprateenient of the personalty' to the rattle of Rao eleet.d to be retained by her under the Act of Assembly of April 1051; and onion ex oepted to on or before PM tY, /day '2otli 1859, the acute will be coutirmed and 'allowed by the Bald Court,' VIOTOR GIIILLOtti• ; , Attorney of Petitteneri, my 6 T 10 12* CHRISTY vs. ,REy.IsTOLDS.—FI. - Fo. Deo.. 1868 No. 6081 D. 0. 'lf nod In (hurt, $245 82 -• The Auditor appointed to audit, settle,. and adlnat the claims on the above fund, Ithising "from personal estate,) and mass distribution • thereof, Will attend Ito the duties,of his appointment on TUESDAY, May " yr, /860. at 4 o'clock P. 11., at his Office. No. 29 Booth SIXTH Street; up Astro, where and whoa: all persons having shams on the aboye fans are required to present them, or be debarred froth Participating therein. ' 8-10 tit . _ MOBlB A DEOPSIE Auditor. LISTATE OF ,WITAAA.IITIPILWORTLI. L' —Loiters of admlidsttition tilts Tai tato of2B, LIAM T. DILWOWTG„ late , of the city of , P phis, dedeMed, havlngheen'greatid toc the' sublErer, all persons hidebted s to said estate are requested-to mate payment, and those hitiihg 'olidniS against the same to present them, without delay, to •. lOWAN G. DTLWORTH Adollaletratrix, ap 16 e Ws , ; 1201 CIOESTNUT trait. - H T THE OR HAMS' OITET .FOIC irgic OITY AND COUNTY OP, P PEA ADELYNIA. • WALKER In the matte JAMES of thote Do:no n s uf the mied., or alsti4ren of / _ The Auditor appointed toucan, sett e ; and adjust the acoonnt of ANNA.° WALKEN, Testamentary Gnat , elan of the minor children of JAMES 'WALKEN:Ale ceased, and to report diatribution,,rnsiet itiva parties in interest at his cam, WALNUT , StSet, on WEDNESDAY, the 11th day of May, 1869, . at four o'clock P. IC It. O. NAPE, 1028 thstuSt Auditor. • - IWIARY PHILLIPS vs. JAMES .PHIL-1 /La. LIPS, 0. P. 84pt Term, 18$8 No. 84..+ Divorce, A. V. It.—rir, r Yon aye not,fled'of a ruin granted on yon, to appear ,In Court, on N4TIIIMASS f hist 7tb, 1869, and chow came why a divorce obeli coV bedecreed in the above woe. • spite-thettitt . TriCHAB T. CLAXTON, &To Janne' Pott.t.tpo. - 'Attorney ter Vetitionav I Summer liessorts. I'LORENOE HEIGHTS • ROTEL, Fli"):4 ranee,lLlve-The itablitibere, - Nailig lamed she above named Copular Rotolo for a term of pion, iotond opening about June let. The former patrons' of-the house, and others, may by amend that egorscol, oa the part of the groptlatoni` alien lardditte render it a truly attraotlyeatinmer ratort. , l .4 Bathe, Billiard Tabled, Ten PM •Allays. 'and Stabling Oa the praminic , 'ROBBINS &,24VILIANT. Roomaseaural from a diagram of the Royal by application"' at the 'ogles - or W. WlLLAlrditadd ORlBThillf Streetomeend door, •-• • • • AO•041 1 1 i DURYS.A.'S CELEBRATED MAIZE NA Nos'. BLAEO MINUTE PIIDDXP I G, B+ HI! ,PtDDINGy'BOILHD 0135TAIIP, MOOR inaars lOH oiniAlt, Pin, OAKES, br.o. ; ATANDPAOTORYrTfiLrq We take great pleasure in presentlog to the public' our MAIZINA., (which. to put up In one pound Peelfiged, With directions for we on the wrepperi siS helukty far thild &JAPAN', saws - 11as the ntostdelleate sod bole some article for,calinary pee now extant, and is epees. ded to be, by the many that have tested its delimits qualities, a most important addition to our, national . 4 111.1 of Pere," particularly for ,desert. Theattitie texinilactured , with , the utmost.- care. fr0m...04 ehoicest iieleoted Southern 'lndian Oorn.', , The ',wa ter need , In its menu(' Onto le drain from perinnial Sprite', 'and Se remarkably pure 'and 'wholeelme; 'no *stir &Mid be better fitted for the cleansing of ;oat. stance designed to be used-largely for feed, end to red der it particularly adapted to the the of , Invalids and the siok room, it being equal, if Swot superior, to the beet Berland& Arrow hoot. Parties In the Trade, are !milted to call, when we will take pleasure in prMent thtm samples. GLIN COVB f.IANIMACTUBING CO. ' JOSEPH H. TAYLOR,y 104 WALNCIVSTBENT, WUWale Agent for •I , killadelphli WM: DURYtA., GFeneral. Agent; leo FULTON STRAW, NEIN.YORE.. N. 11.—We are the only parties In ttin Wirleiihet manufacture likIZENA, we hiving serureCte,our. Selves the exclusive right. ap2o t 7eacta porm, CARD..—IiiiatEUIL-SUR,-LY, • :(GaVi- PAGNM), lANUART 10, 1669,—Tn, consequence of the frequent invitations received by me to renew the shipments; 'of Amy °Umpqua ,Wl.lllll to the liaitsd Btates,l beg leave hereby to inform my , former,cas towers, end the general, that I.:have, np pointed Elegem. 4'. 0. BROUWBB, AOOl4 0, it 00., 0010 Agentein the United for the sa te of my Champagne , Wines.: My .Winee have been so lenrand liiorably known in the United Staten, it will be nn mummery to comment on their 'quality, further thou to sly that my new shipments will in no way he found in ferior to the tomer ones. - ' - - il&L6100, BILLBOART" 5A14106141 onAntrAMltt WOlOB, both .odEilNlir, and VERZENAIt, for sale 'and 'Con stantly on hand, in tail to suit Pic•clumers, try " F. 0. BBOUWBB, A-NOHIOII, - lr. 61ggisyna Street. brew Toes; THE H&D,DWARS TAADDIt—The aubaerlbere, AGENTS' FOR' TIIR BALD .01 ,, ,10. REIGN AND DUIIIII3TIO RARDWARII, ~offer) for sale the following goOde at lowest rates , '" Lowlat` sage. 'Cor Chains of all kinds, luoluding traced log, ho'tar, fifth breast, wagon, tongue, Doll, phlp, mine, and, gther Chains P. Wright's, patent and - .other ' , Anvils tAnd does;,'" L" Horse Nails; round sod - oval Balm:Paco; short awl long handle Fry Pansolloalalor'ilatety Flies folblaitlng make; Bed Screws; /Lowrie= Blateo,l3la4k board Crayons and Carpenters' Chalk; TibleAnd Pgaltat Outlory ; Cast Steel Files and Hasps; Oast and Wrought Butt Wages; Strap aid " T " Illngta; Bettye; Emerson , ' azor EltrOps ; Hodges , Nahogawy.:Nouto Whites Braces; 'Showell,. and Spade', all' lads I Hay and /4104:10.14 Forks, 'Balm, and Roes ; - BoUthgate'a patent, Wrenches; Locks and Latches r Door and Shutter Done ; Rand, Sledge,- and .13tous ,Hooks and Magee •, 'rooks, Buda, Bhoe, Olout.lAnd 1/lolthlng Italie; Wrought Valle ; litars Monte and Dies; Hata; le Tea and Counter &oleo r 3 Carry CONba, American end Snell& ;- Scythes,' kopthe.ktonaw,etat Mee ; bonito& knmpe and. Rama; Ilblionws411; Rounds; Saws of ankh:ids ; Ages, tfatehete;ll re f `Ao., with a general smortmeitt of Hardwire, 1.1W113 , &ICU . 411 001141113011 'THE "c , BANJO INDITSTELIAL4gOIIA.- Cube, is now ready to onto nto contratta for the ~Importation;in tbs . 's/and of Ot s ba, of ea! description" of Caine. l both for market tote nd for breeding ; In orde to give fill -parties - a fair chance, the Bald Santini Company will kd(nit propitala tram parties whe may be able and W11111:140 loofah autli,Cattle COlll, Sheep and : e dge,) and; Ups ;mil them t o o the bald Diand,:eitber by strata or sailing reptile' Bea 'partied rosy address! the Benking,l4l/1. pally Meetly epeinfying 611'pirtionlare Itre • garde descriptionor nudity, number, nisei or weight, price, eta terme of payment,"&cl . or dad acid or ap point an agent 'to the Oily of Havana, with Cali anttio• ray to`anter,, Into a contract, it being underatoodlhat the Company would prefer to rnake contraeta at a led pries iAr head, - or by the weight, end fro from alliiek or lees, deliVered at the point or place *herd LIM/If/am. pally will designate: For further partiotdarir apply to A; M7iBIBC r ,, lAt' " ,", 140 tenth 1/11ONT'iltre t. Ti .spring business at ZEIGLER! & SMITH'S, corner or SE ooND and GREIOI Ales, it opened with' superior sleek or Drugs, White" sad; Zino 'Paints, Window Wats. and all other arttelee usually found in a Wholesale 4rng, Paint,. int Glass establishment . • 414Ci't, 111, LislTON's EIitYAUSTIO TILE'S ,for LTA floors. •Ornarnental Ohlunsay.Tops tor cottages. " I GaSden Vanes and Fountains. Vitrified Pipe for drams and water esnioduutors. Pivoted 01111 for sale by , 8: 41 • fillaar •. 1010 CLIPATNYIF sitssal. ttORDs, TWINES, &o:,,moiutlfottged end for sale by wzAvEs, InTiaka, k 00,:akTo. 29 1f.17.11111111. Pf . 1.04 29 Nopth :gra & Vet? c , ; Is Li 0, INS I RALNUE, J I AT. ING AND OOLIMOTINq OVI/10i, 'Hai 08 OLIINTNIII fared ' t •' Pretoria of Lou and other requisites madeotit for pll. ties anstainlng ,loss es dastege 14 tire to' proper te sts ed, fu full oomplianee with the intricate tend lons of Policies of /tutusauce, in each' a manner as! ob viate plea or excuse fur redaction or litigation; dto the entire astiefitotton otall parties. Particular attention given to the colleitforrof aims Inioutaiee (Itim_pautesi •-; ; parties will !lad Cl to their lot/reit to Obasiilt - :the an• dersigoad, as soon after the Urea" No cherge for consultation, • ! ! Ok i ' PAS 'APR for ea le by- . " , •wkrasttn.,l; Bova - ift, my 2 Noe.'47 and 49 Nexth, REMINIf tittnet .ILTAM.B.-246 bbls • oitra ugar, cov - R.R. toted Ramo, ofirqd .by ljeary Lewis-- and. Gardner; rhliiht;',& 00%16' Otitalnoitti, fox. oplebt , v. 0. BArDL MR dr-0(1., sp2B ''" ARCM litrootresoond door thowo iffont. 111A.KUIL—BestAmeglqW e tiayy atApavy - Oakurti in stare end lox , LER tr.' 00:, wet sa , Noah NAT 004 North 1414,1011. 5.1 1:11141 STORY. 11ORDEll WAB, TALI Or DISUNION. By the author of " Wild Weatern Scones." Dad JPrie F e 426'. • the publishers of this novel tale are confident that thealtopleannonneemeot of a volume in the vein of 4 ,Viifild W9l,l4#lllooxibil.) , and by,the samu ali t alt , aionnie an unwoliteraiiniandia fliehaw'boolt: ' - BORDER WAR wild from Re peculiar character, atones occupy the un• divided attention of a large portion of the thinking agitriteditlg„p9MlAtion Autoriah• W or k, baTkl 4 °lgungulUd - cueraoteristfer of-thie prairie tiopi hat over appeared from the proem, and its very aluipllarlty will produce thouzaude et readers. hi pULPBIT BAY, BY JDBEP ) i atillfdAN DSA ICB charming. Nina of thhOworld-celebrgelf Patty Poem. Printed on colored plate paper. hitudin,l2mo, itnntisPlece Price 60 dents T(Published rota permissfou of the Family ) hese books are sold everywhere, and sent by pottage free, to any part of the United States j on the rettept of the ptte , e, by XtIJLID,&. 04RIATON. ap29 Olaf N 0.130 GRAND Bt., nearßroadwey,N , Y. - COMPLETION OF IRVING'' , WASH INGTON.—New readiTtlie Fifth and concluding Volume of IRVING'S LIFE OP WASHINGTON. • l!lubsorrliors a l.efiltlqn, to,octavo, large type $4. '404 , *1 - hts'yoltitnerinaltidei the tWO:Piesillential terms and closing years of Washington's life. It has also an appendix, containing the Farewell Address, with the author's revisions and corrections; an coconut of the various rortralis of Washington, and other Documents. ?With a copious Index to the dye schizo& It has elan line engtavinge of Rembrandt Peale's FOrtrait of WashingtOn,.aral;of tip!„l , /,nlb M Mount Vernon. $ Ooples in shade, for the Purpose of Wading to match tete in library bindirg OARLYLE'S LIVE OP SCHILLER. Uniform with Praderfek the Great. 1 vol. limo DATAPIPORZ,DIION. 7410,'.4,Ekr,` 4 0 10 1 PY ,Lever. ijompleto • in paper covers THE HARP OF A THOUSAND STRINGS; or, _Laughter for a Life Time. Illustrated by Barley, Hop• pin, and °there. _ _ - I LOVE ME LITTLE, LOVE ME LONG. The new novel by Read°, author of White Lim' , Le. k OP/Eft MEREDITIPS Pp rydd. (Bulwex , s , Eion.) Blue and t I MEMOIRS OP rinoraiiira PARSONS, elhief jostles of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts. By Ida Son. 1 vol. 12m0,- - 1 WHAT WILL HE DOWITH IT f The Lelpsio edi tion. 4 volumes. Large type. !VERDANT aniatiMkApv,g,NTux,m. supply of his - most amestag bebk Islailaracetied. English .edr..• with all the Illustrations. Persona desirous of purchasing Books to take to tni annatry with them; a large assortment of entertaining Books of BIOGRAPHIES, • TRAVELS. dw , In addition to the large stock of Books .in every other plepartment of literature always on hand, and for pale at low priedai at • HAZARD BROTHERS, rays St 721 CHESTNUT Street VOLUME V, IRVIN - Gm WASHING TON —The Firth kid - cinierading volume of Waehington Bvo MEMOIR OW TIiIrOPHILIIB PAWNS. diet Joe :Moe or the Bnprenie7 gualetal Cour; of _Masechneetta. 'With neticee of come Of hie contemporaries. fly T. iParsone. Lzmo $i to. ant LT.F.B, RALRIGM WS TIMER, with 'other Pepore . - Charles Itlngelei: • 12mo: • 81.25. ROE . Owen Meredith. Dine and (*old. 15 oenta • , - ;farn 111DIPEIMAIIINL; : By Mrs. Alfred Gritty, an tbor of " Parables from Nature," dne IBmo.' '59 eta ' 11NOLE JAME THE BALINT HILLER. 18mo. 30 cents. P•NNY THE BLOWER GIRL; or, Honesty Re. warded. By Salina Banbury, author of "Glory, Glory, Glom" N,q, 18m0... 31 cents. POEMS. By Albert Leighton; Mine. 16 mite For sale by WILLIAM 8. & ALIFERD MAUTIEN, m 8 No . 808 - 011ESTNIIT Street D kVENPORT P qAki CpItIPLETE. . . LEVER'S NEW WORK. DAVENPORT. DUNN A IiAN 'UR D AY. DT CHARLES Author of I. Cherie* (Pidalley r .the, . Dragoon," "Hal Lorreopthir'''" Heraca'Tdmpleton " &a. WITH B AUTIPUL ILLUSCRATIONS BY PHIZ Price 60 Cents a copy. ::W6 have alsq igaktmlindoinewcand uniform edition of the other ;works Of Charted Lavdr, as follolis : - CHARLES LEVER'S WORKS, All neatly done op in paper covers. Okudes 0 i 7, Price 60 cents. Harry Lorrequer r 60 cents. Horace Templeton .. cants. TomalitiltdiOf '96411.•••' 50 Mite. Arthur O'Leary ' 50 tints Jack Hinton the Guardsman 60 cents. The Knight of OsErnit. EO cents, Kate OlittOglitteo '' • ' ' 50 cents. Con Oman, the 10511011 She 60 cent,. Daveoptort Bann ; A Man of our Day 50 cents. Published by T. B. i'E'T ERSON & BROTHERS, mys.Bt No. 806 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. NINOL. 1.2m0., pp. 3 74.. sl.2§. tegidAtt ATM liXW4PII.IINB I I.- •By Dr. titielton idaekenile, Litererr Editor or J. B. LIPpINCOT r te 00. Philadelphia e iIIST PUBLISHED— WITEfer. efARRLEB, • - GOLDSMITH% BAIA. Targuatr RTREAT, AND Dnuitics, 7.14 ogg3IIIIIT , • sir AMP/JOAN PRONOUNCING DICTIONAFT OP TON IiNGLIMIAANCIUAGE. NT AplixtNlNlNn. Laippaw, A. idr•, i i riNitiplllol the Monroe Grammar nobool, t • - ;',l f.t fiIIONVONEADSQLW. t• . This Book contains at sails re and contested Spell ings, irregular inflotions, primary and secondary ao canto, appropriate prepositions, references to writings; of atendard merit, definition' of geographical names,' Ma proper names of perunss; translations of farrago phrases, rules for spoiling, Mite ctontruting the non-. narrative Webeterian orthographiee, fee , e. ; By thificalertion d f erleargardlaWAtti4 plane, the work is made to 'observe the uses of a thorough and 80,1 lest epelling-book, and of an aid in teaching the art ofi Duelist' poroppaition. It has bren espedally fitted for , mut In trobocle and families and Ocala be spede,servioe4 &bib irrit treater ntimlies. Of waysition any Stork of its kind. It oontalps6o3 pages—each page embraces three ooloatas, and each part of the elucidation of a word lc printed in a distinothm type.. frj- On 'the receipt crone' Dollar the Pnblishers i will mail the above work to coy part of the United: Bier-:.. ap2.3.1m • It ARE' SINGULAR, AND VALUARLE , BOOKS bought, sold, and exchanged by J. SABIN, YekAntique Book Store, fat? 27 South SIXTH Street. • QPEOIAIaTOTIOF4. ,—Pealers P 2 Goodyear's Patent for Vilos:ufsed Rubber Suspenders, Braids; Webs, and all other Fabrics and articles made by eombin, log fibrous Imhstances with threads or sheets of vnlean, lied rubber ars notified that unless the same aro properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my 4uthorl:l ty, they cannot be legally di s posed of In the United States Alemhants and,deplers ere : invited to examine specimens no* friatorti;and to we their ordera for tbei Spring Trade to the undersigned. NXOLUBIVE OWN: MR 0/ THN TITLES AND XXOLUSIV II RIGHTS IN VIM PATAN'S for these goods, , which embrace all thl'etylis heretofore Maitifactursd br - iMported, and many others. AL4O,,LIONNIINS TO HAND/ACTOR! AND Hint —and the Venus:—mny'lis obliiimd; on :sppl/eation to me at No. SA COURTLANDT Street N. Y. n 241,17 MAUDE H. DAY. WELLS, , FARGO, & CO., . NEW YORZ. AND OAX,IFORNIA EiPRET'S AND . EZOHANGE COMPANY OAPITAL. 4600,000, 400 CHESTN•IIT STREET 0 A LIFOUNIA BX.PREBeIa leave on the 6th and 20th of each month‘ RATES Exp'rese; =O. per lb; Slow Exprem, jfro. To, lb ISLAND OP Otita EXPRESSES hive by all the ropier shkamoriplay 2d 14th, 17th, and 27th of each month; " • • rt ••• • • • and, COLLECTIONS made on HAVANA with prompt re turne. We consign to our friends, P. 0. llombalier et Co , tlavene. 1 • , , • • NIX° FUNGI! en 8 1i FHONOIeOo , Daimon, &MONICA! Mane, and Elairena, for sale in sums to suit. • - .CALjPintNI/4. OttLLROTXONS. „ ' L O'Orir'l4ll'l3llA'NOiSCO borne 'gties especial at tention to ealleotione on all points in Oallfornia and Oregon, with prompt returns. Manufacturers and =rollout/ making sales for California or Oregon, eaP transmit their bills of lading through our house, and have the invoices paid for on arrival of the goods there, thus giving,purehasers full beueiltof time on sales, and yet the sellers'maintaing control of their property until paid for. =MN AIAMS EXPRESS • COMPANY. HAM:MR.ICM- SOUTHWESTERN . . . PREPS. NEW ARRANGE!dENTS. RATES REDUCED. „The ADAMS REPRESS having completed ert , range/re/ad with lbw - Norfolk's:id Petersburg, Peters. burg and Lynchburg, Not Tenn., and Virginia Rail— roads, dm., kn. ma now prepared to give QUIOE. DESPATCH. at ' mink :REDUCED RATES, to goods deetined for places in VIRGINIA, NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA, ALABAMA, and EAST and WEST ,TANRESIME. , . - --Thkeetakilikuse S nt of if II:riot/cm iNLiktni ROUTE from PHILADELPHIA to MEMPHIS, Tenn, secures to Southern and Soutar/astern buyers a safe and reliable means of ftinspOrtition. at -very reasonable rates, and avoids the risks of ocean navigation. Shippers preferring this Inland Route are iprgueeted to mark goods 4, VIA,E.IOIIIKOND " Thom Meeting the route via Chesapeake Bey, at LORIS mars or enemy, will mark packages VIA NORFOLK." igr,Dry Goode, Clothing, Boot; end Shoal, Books, fte.g on. marchendideigenerally measuring Ma feet to the 100 pounds, will be deemed and taken as Heavy Freight. b' LIGHT and BUIAT,GOODEI taken at a reasonable advance on HILAYT 1 ,4 151011 T RATBS. 11:7" The long-establiebed Lino of Napreae to the South and Sonthwret, by Bteamere to Charleston and Saraniah, will be.oontinne4 aa heretoftWw: ,• , ftr - For firtlier Information apply at titedifice; No. 820 0111:13TNIIT Street. rob7-Bal ADAMS CO, SLEEPER & F.ENIsZER, Wholesale Manufacturers • UMBRFILLA.B AND PARASOLS, 838 BARNET EiTR.II3IT, 1 t , !`..Pali4Dar4PUllt, • ' Are now making more than one hundred and fifty different varieties of Umbrellas, of every sire, front 22 to 4d,inehes, Their eteottiziniof 'PAREd3OI.B 'le elle° wary large, end for variety of design, styles, finish, and prices, coeds that of any previous season, ladyare whb ilumter nbt make of 'goods will end their time well spent in looking over thin well. made stock, which !naiades MANY NOYMLTIEB, tot' to be met w i th eisewhara. • • • tabl-Swi— QTRIES'E - 003)-LIVEllt oxL, i'IRBECTLY ' B NVEIIT'AIIb . PALAT'ABLI2. Mann factored at Newfouadland for the Proprietors, how fresh and healthy ltrere, by steam, at a low tempers tare,, thee preserving the sweetness and pprkty of Me 011, , aliftelhenataraFtlaliy qieveir le 'perfeatlrcoiere4, and the Oil rendered palatable and agreeable to ilia taste. Okilts . lPATott,( Ingtranop Alijalf,t4t The Proprieiore of Me Oil spare no ',avenge in having their 011 properly prepared at Newfoundland, the only place where VW endue tnerrhua to found in ebundtuce. The true 011 le frequently Impaired by admlaturea with oil from other species of the Glades family, and only that coming from the " Hanks" ;can rbe rel;ed dponen the genalne. .k • ' Our 011 hat be r - analyted t and Proncitineed to bo pure and the perfection of fine quality—charaoterietica which enable It to malntaiu lie euperierlty over all other kinds. ••i'rdixtrad4nd Belo, Wbolisablritut BOtail, by 1.1/0311ARD & 00 nOlati TwsLyru and oiparvNlTT FOURTH EDITION OF NOtiCei, (~x~ress~ ~t[uttl~Rriies D. N. BARNEY, Jn., Agen • [MMoIeMNIK attbllarasigo 7. ::1559. I ,4 AMERICAN. GUANO, • .! We take pleasure It Informing Ferment, Dealers, and the the.publio generally, that,' having; been appointed by Li.:21.103;0AN GUANO COMP ANY ! , SOLE , AGENTS Poi the sale of tble yeleable fertiliser, In Philadelphia, we ate' prepartet - to furnlehit in any quantity, from the single bag or barrel to mildew cargo, at the Male of prises adopted by the Company, FROM 130 . Ter $4O ER 2240 POUNDS, Acisordlog . tci the a'motint purchased. Diperimento'niade with ARM ISLAND and FL NIIVIAN ettriNOS, Upon itlif kin& of Soil, hare, in every Ihstancerredulted 10 farm. of.Dia former, and we tad now congratnlete the agrianittural own untulty upon having within Kr reach, a , , " GENUINE GUANO, . >1 • • 'dr REASONABLE PRICE. • . - . . • The Slap REMAND Will stingily arrive at this port, direst from the Islands. We are prepared, to take orders for delivery 'from him nano, _dr from those of the "White : Swallow! , and ,, Plyin g Dagle." AL4I.4EN., 4 - NEEDLES, No. 42 B. ,DBLANOABB !MENUS, and No. 418. WATztt.. BTHEET , • , - r ',PHILADETRUIA. : Bole Agente'llor the- States , of Pennsylvania, New - • fell-snor Sm PIiASKER & OLARK, stiasCPA.SMORMS.4 . OF 'PROSPHATIO FBA- 11'11.1.1E11, 7 AP1/ MEAT 'AND.IIONE COMPOST. IVA(); UNIIIIIB-IN • BONN,DUST, GUANO, &o. Price of WerWreer;lSS per: tob of 2,0001br, at tho Factory, or g. cents per Ibilf.leee than a , toa. , Price of Coiiipostis2si or 114 gents per lb. Pried of IlOces Test. VS, or S seats per lb. Price of , Biene best; sive/gide, SAO, or 2 canto per lb. Terms ()soh. Address N.' ' 1 • -• .1 TIMID& it .014111 C,. • W. !corner ~ R IGIITM Street And -WILMINGTON ?eerie, late Prline'itreet 7 • ' f 2m* BABA ERI Ai U 'Jar 48.1, P.—MER' II FAIL a I. BIIVIRIOW TO iALLAP,:_, - . 1 The article of 8011115 le so well !Morelia sit formerly and ail lie merits's° generally aokomrledged, that it As tot at ea Ind the Commas. Pelmet SID. =se, Manufsottirsd by Masers) 'PLIIIIII & OD., fess. eyeeseding all otherfosilizersr. By their ,atiooomful alsoo'rery and preparation ; liler .Orair objection against the article has been removed; (Vs: ite glow results. ) Pennon; and othensmow. get a Manure 1 . 4 which they ban underetand,lt always .pstre.. always reliable.. It Mill at once enrich the son, posit forward the ..crops, and. at the same, tatscbeLaßVlNG, mask, GO'S „ I - - SUPRA -PHOSPIIdTP OP LIMB. - Vide , deservedly'popubtr -Fertiliser to inspired by geati. TOMB & 00., at 'their Carbon Works, and is pronoutteed gg &opener to Per Lime Stone Land, tis invaluable, Ito effect upon the land and crops is ;quick MO faSgt*Z—with all the. benefits arising from -gannet - fit hail *but* of Re **handing effects: -It Is teed in about the same quantities and for the same pit; ose, as the Obemtcal Pulverised Bones. These popular Fertilizers ire put up !abase and bar• froje, convenient forhandling. "every attention paid to ',farmers and others wishing information. The latent ,papers pe . tephleta alwaytto be found:at ode office.— 'Goods delivered free of expense to toy part or - the city 'or railroad depots. A call is solicited. . TWELLS A 00., 10 and 12 South Wharves, below afarket St.. Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—To avoid the bustle and delay on the Wharf or Oil Water street, vegans will load In alley adjoining. mk22.triths2m Want ~ , QIIPER,IOM, X'fIOSPHAZIO QUANCI.— mpottniD AND VON fa.LN, ON NELSON ANLIi TRIIREI,, NY „ , . ' MINUS Ithlitli; 136 North DRIANYARN Avenue, Philalelphia. •. The Analysfe.of. this 9126212 miaow ft to :mutat& 16134 per cent or phoephorlo acid, and it is thus recommend ed by high selectee authority: rr Thbi Guano bee a slightly acid reachlon,'dne to the solubility of a portion of, snperrphosphate invrater. Its very large per oentage of phosphoric acid stamps it, in my estimation, as a Guano of a eery superior an tailor, because afth per cent, of phosphoric acid are evsivalelt is 88 per ciryt elhorie phosphat iinlc. e • -..1&111E6 G. B OOTH. Tor Boont, Ghnioirt, & 02.212.0. Ptaftdralphie, Allah 1,1669.' 1 The'satistsetiOnwhich the ImPerior varieties of Pharr phatio Gain(' have. given , to Owners ; wherever they have been tried; hoe ampltsheirrt that practice as wen 62 theory commend them as the beet and. cheapest ler- Misers that tan be need. They are not only immediate bat durahlo ini thekeffsoti. and' benefit not only the !Ink - crop to which they - are applied, but succeeding Ws. , The value of boned as acintinure' is . now universally 20424401664 66p012.32266=1,22 . 6 clearly demonstrated thet their chief Irefue ciamiett not in the animal matter they Woritatp,:put in their pholphatee, afid inthis latter quality they are not riinclt mote than •hille a's rich as pPIiP/202016t0g6626., _ _ _ 341411 z wiwitslmigui grabittel-Ware. ])ESE .DEPOT. TEE I:ARREST IN TEE UNION.' • , l3altable lar Ilfatp; 011laes, Ind Platicals, la Oat, Wal nut', 5t . 1 . 24 "itm t fi t f o rillsitne lityk) , A. L. ADAMS' IMPROVED DESK RACK, - ar X-tCiCatTilT 1 - TUTTOI'sT'S. (61:1001MOBB TO) a"...T: HAMMITT. No. ;sit soUTli TRIED STREET spla-Sca Cleilitis"YßNßE mu, BILLIARD MOORE 8e .CAMPION. No. 28 SOUTH. 131300 ND POORT, In otroneation.with their extensive Cabinet Busmen, are now mancasotstrint a a superlotterilele of. BILLt BD TABLES, and have now ow bend a full Ripply, finished with MOORII doCAM/lONS IbIPHOVZO CUSHIONS, whieh are pronounced by all who have need them to be quperior to all others. - - IVO the quality and tinlah of them 'fables the menu tutelars rater to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar With tito character of their work. . lal4-tim iftailsoar tints: aititimat . PHILADBLPHIA. AND RDADING RAILROAD . COMPANY: 011118 IN T Iloath POWITH t'S trliet. PUILADIOLPIIIA . Aprll 18th, 1859. PASSENGER THAINS BOR. RANISIDIRG. On and alterAlONDAYtllth , TWO PASSEt‘ GER TRAINS will be ran DAILY (Sundays excepted) tD Harrisburg, via Reading and intermediate points. NERNINGt LINE, • Leaves the Depot at Broad 'and Vine streets at 7.30 Attiring in lia , r ,V e r bE i l l . tt oN l2o tili Nonn. Leaves the Depot 'at' Bread and Vine streets at 3.30 P. M. Arrlcing in Harrisburg at 8 80 P. M. Pars 'to Harrisburg, ist class' . i 12 5 25 ... : • ii ; —St class 270 By order of the Boar& ap19.101" ', ~ 4P. It MoILIIENNY, Secretary iftWARMaI PRIL&DELPIIIL AND WADING 'RAIL ROAD, Stour ING LINE, for POTTSVILLE, BRAD; IN s u d HARRIS/MB% - "Iteareath li o spid, at cornier& BROAD and TINS Streets, at 7:80 A. DAILY, (Sandais exespted,) for POTTSVILLN. HARRISBURG, and. all Intermediate points, tialui, sting at Harrisburg with trains running to Pittsburg, OhambTiburg, do. • FTERNOON LINNB Leave at 3 80 P. AL, DAILY, for POTTEIVILLM and HAP.P.IBBURG. At 4 - 45 P., 61., DAILY (Sundays excepted.) for 13.11aDIStb And intermediate points a:dß W. IL MoII.IIZNNY, Secretary. egipinng• FOB-THE- tiOUTH—OHARLE3- TON, SAVANNAH, and HAVANA BTSI?d- AIITBTONT STA.TBI, Copt"an 0. WM 6 -10260. BTATIA 0$ OXORGE4, Captain John J. eIIXTIII. /8A13.811., Capella Wm. Rolling. - _> NOR 004.111418T0N, 80. The U. 0. Malt Steemehlp MITBTONII PITATX °Raab Marehmin, through M 48 to 40 hours, wil. nall on'etturdayddsil!. atR?!. - Ths U. 8. 81s11 Steamship BTATB OP GEORGIA, Capt. Tobn J Garvin, will sail en Tuesday, ?day lOtti, at 10 ASi • , The splendid first-dam alde-wheel Insolentlpe . RU STONE-STATE and STATE Olt eIIORGIA now raw is above every ton days, thee !Owning a tive-day ooze nalell_insthen wish the South and Southwest. dAlUier Goode reeeived and bills of lading sigised every • At both" Charleston and Savannah these skips ebn.. neat with steamers for Plorida, and with railroads, &c.; -for sill pleies to the South aid - 11outhivest; and with the Steasnehip L9ADDI., for' liavaits, on' the 4th and 10th of avail? month. - • • • '• ' , /MIGHT REDVOND. • 'Heavy height at an imam of 16 per sent. below New York steamship Wm': , • INSURANSIN. Preighi a r rid Disuranee oh a large proportion of Goods shipped Son h wilthe found to- be lower by thole ships than by inning vessels. Cabin Passage, to Oluirleaton'and Savannah 516 00 Moran ' " IS " 900 Szenrsion Tickets, good for the present year— • 80 00 Tickets SO Hamm.. ... . . .. ~. p 6 00 Through Tickets to New &Lune 8 9 75 Do • Mobile 36 00 Do Montgomery 26 00 • Do ' Albany, Ca 94 00 Do Oolatabne pa. 23 00 Do' ' Atlanta, Oa " 23 00 Do Macon, Ga 21 00 . ' Do ' Palatka, Pia • .... 23 133 TM Pfoolata, .lla Et 00 ': Do Jaaktooville ; Pis 21 00 Do Yernandina, 21a. 21 00 No bills of lading sighed atterth e ship has sailed. No freight received on the day of "sailing. , Noy freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Jr., Southwest corner POITRTH and MIDST NUT.' Agenta in ChnnathG .4 GRIMED . B &000. . _ GLASGOW, AND NEW YORK ,BrXAMIIIP COMPANY. —BTRAII TO 0 'Bl4.4 W, LIVRBPOOL, BRLPABT, DBBLIN,, AND LON,DONDRBRR—far FROM ilaW YOWL. GLASGOW, ThoMs,on, Saturday, nth May at 12 noon. RDIN WAG% Otitanall, W ednesday , lat J une, , t GLASGOW; Templed], Oth July, " .11DINBURCIEI, Bumming, .. a 21th July, " PROM OLABOOW EDINBURGH, Cumming, Saturday, 7th May. GLASGOW, Thomson « 11th June. EDINBURGH, Chimming, t , 21 July. Rites of 'Passage from New York, Philadelphia, or Bolden, to Glasgow, y.dverpool, Belfast, Dublin, or LotidonderrY, Sal eikse;B7b, Steerage, found with an abundance of properly cooked provlalone, S3O. - Passage from either at the above places to New York, first cabin 875; steerage, $3O. Children ruder 12 years of age, half tare. An experienced Burgeon attached to each steamer.. No charge for medicines. Nor freight or passage, apply to , WORKMAN & 00., 'No. 12a WALNUT street, Phila. AOMORI' CRAIG, - ap2a-tt No. 23 BROADWAY, New York. 106 BPbS. ' Spirits Turpentine; 25 bbls °rude do; 1411bb16. Tar, to orrivo per robr t." A. Soup:tore; 1400 Dbl. Shipping }login, to arrive per Bohr J. A.; liiiyfird,'for wile by • ROWLEY, ASHBURNSItt , myt3 , No. 10 sown WIIARVICS.' AOKER.EL.-36 6 bbl". Nos. I, 2, and 3 Am.s. lActterel, in nhole. halve", quarter" and eighth', In original package", for side by O. 0. sentarat , tons < Anna Street, "eoond door "hoe" Front 'COFF4B.-800 bap Jamaica in store an for Ole by " • 0449 ORAUAIi & go:, 4 1484 Mc 90 000 In U TR.l4lk pest • 4426.189 and 14118 01ITNIfOuSTII stir'!,' • t 1-I PotmaSlyNotAT and 611.1 ' BToolCli t REAL Jr.e.—TIIIBDAY-7174X.T.11 • raMphlet bistait t u b e r'now - resdy,datalning full - da• seriptioiu(of - all 'the 'ptimertles to tarocild on l'neidar: next, 10th .inct., with a list of Wei 17414' 84thand last instant; and of real °Stets ,at prlfate Oats, 0 1 : 111 3pHiling a large arsonat bf ntlitible property. VALUABLE; UAL" ESTATY;; gp Own OF Till UrtIEXP BTATtett... „ Aar, kite; lair Eanking=Elouse,,aed large lot, Beehod Audi:Molt streets, end the f. PltilosophiCal Twllikie pi* *pare s by Order of thnlfintell Stares lloternntant e , n *on' amount of other property. 117- See haridbiDn. STOOKS. SCRIP. - On Tueeday,, Evening, Chaloth init., at o'dook, It the Philadelphia 4x nge, will bs sold, precious to seat eetate,-' - • Bxecutorik 8am.,60 Aimee' Reilince 'Mut* Inn' renae 04 1 riiianr• ; VW Delaware Mutual Ins. 00. scrip. d allures 'American Academy of Mule. - 1 share Mereintlle Library. HOUBB,4IIANTIO CITY, STOOK' - Alto, rt attire of the Moir oVr , The Bile Rouse Asin elation of imam: 91130 , ,,p5e $l,OOO. - . „ - FOURTEENTH SPRING HALF-MAY 10th. Will' inelader'among Other valuable 'property, the following: ' • • kreentorbilind'i -Batiste of Joseph Wain, deceased;'637 /Walls AND 80 PEBOREB.DANI); Seolch-Vali," ley,' Col:amble county; Pe; 14 miles from Ostatrissa, fnd flee Mlles from the Shemin etation of the ()stemless ind Williantsport Railroad, U ,Full partieulare in ""- Orphans' °mart eale 2 -176tate of htieph Wright,dee'd. NORTH 1711/Tfr BTRDEI-Twe-story hrlcik , dwell-. log, No. 281. North Fdth trisect Bice and Tine. dame' Estate . --atiarAL-LOT; No. 14 south! east t in the Eonaldton's Cemetery, S. W. corner Muth Ann Skipper! etreate. - SAII2O Estate.-20 BURIAL LOTi, b10i.'268 to [277 inclusive, of Beetloo ,K, in Cedar Rill Cemetery, Ox ford township, Philadelphia. name -Estate -COUNTRY- 2140/21 I MIENS and 76 percher:, wit himprovementsdnuotion, of the Quirt/ road and Poirdechiill Jane, () ate; Northern Liberties ) ' Orphans , Court Sale-Estate of Anna Week, deed. TRBEI.STORP-BRION DWELLING-, No. 419 N. Seventh 'street, between .Willow and Noble - - • Executors , Pale-Estate of David liketellow, deed. LARGE' AND V ALUABLB,PROPERTTi Broad, Tnia, teeadh, Zither, Wolf, Porter ! . gad. Moak streets, and Moyameosing road, 18 sores, with improvements, oppn- Cite Dr - Bend's:elegant residenee. - - • HANDBOUN' AND VALENTA PATON; 'known - Ss alsnirimdol fronting on the Cutor toad, having se am to the Timaileton turnpike - , 1 mile ebore Prankford.' and 1,t2 tulle _lsom the Frankford and NotithWark rail way depot. VALUABLE 'BUSINESS STAND.--Three4tory blink store sod dwelling, northwest earner of Tenth and Coates street.' Inicondleur fierceselchr. • Executors , Sate-Estate of Matthew 0. TetiNnif. deed. RAOLIWPASEP.-Neet. modern' residence, 120 lime street, east of Second,' • ' ' _ peremptory fhtli-tteXpsoini 'IgaDiRN STABLH AND COACH HOUSE, Sipes street, between Pifteenth mad Sixteenth and plus end Zobbsrd streets', Sate el. solute. Inthiediate'po4elleinn- ' " • ' , To Capitalist!: and lathers • - ; 'VALUABLE PROPERTI7 ADJOINING .Tllll GAB' WOR 118, :-Ellibt sores, %qui Arthinni, bin; he., Pae. ayunk.road and Long biog.:adjoining the cit y gas works (First ward). - - -. Peremptory gate,-NDAP DWELLING, No, 262 POntliFeventeentketreet, north of Spence, Sete !absolute. Immediate poseetsion.. _ 'VALUABLE BiD3INESCSPAND -Valuable store., (four Stories on Front ,street, nee stories on Water street,/ northeast Comer ofCheattnat mut Front streets, extending through to Water street. Three fronts NORIEI „NJ. MN EN T H STBIET.-Neat modern dwelling, No. 88 North-Eleventh. street,- between ill- Peremptory R MAW 1 , O w N —two iysek dwellingeilegarsen etreet v Gannantown, BO feet front, 180 feet deep ; fisheabselute.. • •-• ' ' DESIRABLE MODERN RISIDENON,' with side 'yard. leo: 610 North Seventh attest, between Button wood and Spring Garden. . VALUABLE PROPENTY.-Three.story brier dwell -268 south Fifth greet, north of Sprtme, ineollate porsendcia. • 00 UNPIIP'PL80/1.--Destrable nothige,'iud one *Me 'of lead, sear the juneedn or the Ridge rond'and Hensc yank tat/Vara., (Twenty•first ward,) wl th a front on. Abe Sdbuyikill fiver, and within one minutes walk of ,Wiseahlekeir Steamboat laodtrg ' _ VALUABLE 131181.NEPB STAND;_imithwest *neer of Locust and Eighth "trees.' Been Occupied se a tee tiurant', and a good bush:lees stand: Immediate posies- amps. COTTAGE —Two-story beak cottage, south east corner of Twentieth and Parrieh Atm*, (plftiooth word) loniedlate ponesalon. lIANIPOIHE MODIRN 111181DINCI, orttk ell mo dern convenience*, No. 724 Norgi Bona/ strait , tP• low, Brown - . Peremptory age.—TtutzE4Teay.llll,lON. DWELT, RiG, No, 411860 k infth..otreet, tooth of Plee., Pale absolute. • Peremptotlllele.—THßALATOßY LNG, No. NM leer street, between Doak end , Third, month of Walnut. Phdeabsoluts. DWALLINGB tareo.story irtek northwest corner of Raspberry elley and Pryoes court. between Ninth and Tenth and Spruce and Locust sta. 0 .8017 TH PROLT 81M6EIT.—Twastory Wok dwell inw. No. 712 Booth ►root street. abate Ahoond , `SOUTH , TWERTII BTRNIPT .L-Nest modern Wee. story:kick dwelling, No. 808 South Twelfth sheet, be. low Lombard. BUSINESS STAND —Nut three story brick' atone and dwellleg, No. 1841 Paesynnkroed, north of Reed as J'EPPASSON STREET.—New threedtory brick dwell ing; No - 1 324 defrersonelrest 'Stist - of Breed (Twentieth wart) ' • • „ DWELLING AND B AKERY.—Tireit-itory - brink dwelling end baker 7 N 0.1816 Kids, avenue, corner of prenele street; with two-story Stable • ' ' MOUNT. WARRON EiTlOlWE—Tbren,atory brick dwelling, 1i0.1039 !daunt Terrion street, between Tenth and Eleventh arid Green and Wallace, (late Sp dog Gar den ) Immediate posieesion ' MIST P I,L ALPHA —Two:and-ialalt story ' stone &gelling, with Ode yard Oak street, wader Rose, ; West rldiadolphia, (Twenty:fourth , ward) - POPLAR STRART.--bleat modern dweablg, Poplar street Wood honse - teat of llfteenth, Adminletiatorsl gale—gstitsiof Adein-Walten- doc'd• • TALTIABIA RR kJ. ESTATE IN TIM DISIVOT.OII - LTBIRT . Ttip 'Story frame dwelling and frame stable, lip. 90 North Third street, above , -- - tams .Iterate.arise-story Inane dwelliag, and fra m e. nortk /earth street, wait able, soothotLeorgs.i lame Iletate.- - wThses• rtory.blick dvelllog, east tide of Apple street, (now Lawtoaced,- au* of George. Berns Rotate —Yearly ground rent or 822.60. pi:healer* of *skirl:iota estate InhAndbille. Side id NWIISCiti Locust I.3tiiiit _ . HANDSOME RUENITURB, PINS CARPETS, OIL' PAINTINGS, An. • " , On Monday Moining, May PM, at 20 o'o/oe.k,'ist No. 914:1S Loorurt street, by catalogue, the entire parlor,, and chamber' furniture of a-gentleman declining housekeeping. _ The furniture wee made to order, hail been in. UM cut • short time, and is in excellent order.• • lir Catalogues will be ready, and the articles at. ranged for examination; at 8 o'clock on the Morning' of sale., • • . Bats at Ito. 1319 Girard d'relitla . NNAT MINIVAN, OIL PAINTINGIII, TAYI4II.It . O&P.PITS: &o. Oa 'Pawky:Neinlog, May 10th, at 10 o' , olook, at No. 13i8 °lrani avenue,. shove Thirteenth - atreet, the neat furniture, tine - 01k palntloga, tapestry topetS, oil eloths, hats mattiessei; suite cottage corn Mit e; &0., St a gentleman destining housekeeping. I'D" Nay be examined Mt o'slooli an the monolog of sale. , Bale at Nos. 184 sad 141 Boidli /math Street su.pmuon WURNITIIRA ABEAM. PLATT . 511R4 ROM, PIANO-PORTA, BRUIVIALS curlers. On .Thursdag Morning, : At 0 o'clock, at the suction store, an assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant piano, fortes, fine mirrors, carpets, eta., aD, families de• alining housekeeping, tampered to the stun foe (son: ?entente of We. _ , MR OP ORIGINAL OIL •PAINTINOB—BY EURO• PAN AND AAIRRIOAN ARTISTS. Oh Indic) Morning, • May 18th, at ti o'clock, at the auction store,. will be bold a °enaction ofoll paintings, conciating of a variety of pleading acd interesting anbjeota, by Baropeao and American living &rams. Ostalognea will be ready three dap previous., and the paintings arranged far Inspection; OS ZS NAT IL 2 AITOTIONEBB /NA. AND °wallows AULROFIANT, B. B. soma BUTS sal MON Streets IiATIWO3 , BALI OF FORFEITED OOLLATNIIALB. --- • - .600 ♦ •le. of elegant bound and ealnatge book., the moat of them new, oonelitmg of Theological, Historical, Medical, Law, and ?di/0411=state Books, being the library of a, gentleman.. • On Tuesday damming, • May lOtk, at 10 o'clock; at Moms Neither& sootier' stare, southeast corner of Math and Race streets, in secoratatory salesroom, entrance from Rao sired, eon- Meting, In part of: Hera7's.Commentartes,l ii so lamest; fire's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures. and Mines, 2 vole; • Boeyolopedis of Useful - Knowledge; Walker's Dictionary ; Spicer 'Summer's' Pienott Pro nor:ming Dictionary; Alusworth'a INotlonai, Web ster's I:notional.); unabridged ; Blettardeon's Dictionary, 2 vole, quarto ; Analysis of the Holy Bible, by Wert Homer'. Introduetion, 2 vole; Horner's Special Anato my and Histology, 2 mils; Ohellas'ellyetem of Sweeny, S vole; Duaglisen's Hinnaii 'Physiology, 2 vole; Mor ton's Huma n Anatomy ; Ramsbotham's System of Ob. stetrice , i Dunglison'a Human Heald,; Surgical Anato my, by Joe. Msollee ; Dunlap's Book of Forms; Gets's Forms in Conveyancing; Prserott's Ferdinand and Isa bella; Soott's Napoleon ; Joseplm, 2 vale ; Macautsy's Di:gland ; Townsend's Hungary ; Balard Terlor'e Travel., Ovate, and numerous others. 1:17. Can be examined two days previous to sale. ST.IOI7IS, Mo. %WILLIAMS & BOYLE, Atiertownwits AND comitiaszim MERDHANTS, No: -10 North MAIN STRUT, ST. Loins, Mo.,(formerly with Messrs. Myers , (Mem% Pc Phildelphis,) offer 'their service' to the menshants, Wanufactarers, and others of Philadelphia, for the 'Bale of dry goods, Oar pets bbots, shoes, hardware ( jewelry, , • Caw advances made on receip t of goods. Pettlementarmade three days after sale. Mews. Myers, elaghOrn, & Go , Ettuart & Brother, it Van Wyok, Townsend, & , Warrens, New York " L& B. Curtis & Co, " Wood, Christy, & Co., Bt. Louis, Mo. " Oro*, McCreary. & Co. " " Mr. D. Wood, No. 23 Nort h Third street, will ad vile with parties consigning from Philadelphia. nr44 m w-ly WEST END ODAL YARD, S. E cor ner TWENTY-1111TP and WILLOW Streets.— Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal cheap for each. Old Blackheath btorie and Egg Blies-- $3 76 " " Nut $3OO and 336 Orders left at the IRON BTORE, 945 RIDGE Ave nue, or sent by Poet will receive prompt attention. my2-6tat JOHN 8. SERRILL. THEO. D. EMORY & CO. OrtION No. 132 Booth FOURTH Phila., Bole Agents of ORO. C. POTTS & CO., Miners and Shippers of the LOOIIBTDALI COAL, From the Locust Mountain, Neer Ashland, apa.Cinl CONUTLKILL COUNTY. Pa. Q n W. GROOME & CO., ' ►Dealers and Shippers of 1.1101411, 80IIIIV LIVILL UMINOUS COAL Offiaa No. 182 Booth FOURTH Btreet. Yard, BROAD street,. below Rao°, ap2.Boi PHILADELPHIA TJUR T gEN TH-AND FITTEENTIt- STREETS•PASSENNER RAILWAY COMPANY , Under a resolntionlasSed at a meeting of the Com missioners named in the Act Incorporating the Thir teenth and Fifteenth-streets Passenger Railway Dem psey, laeld- On the .14th of April, the undersigned hereby give notice that they have fixed the ninth day of MAY next for disposing of the stook of said Corn piny. The 800k...wi1l be opened for the purpose on that day it eleven o'clock. at No. 272 South r Ritl Street, In accordance with the provisions of the ()horror ' EPWARD GRATZ, BAYARD' ROBINSON, • JOHN M " RILEY P. 0. BT,LRAKEA, Ocnindttee. JOUR LAMBERT, HENRY BAIRNS, r TROB S. 01101IBARGER, I splBtM9- COFFEE.-260 bags prime Lagnayra V store and for sale by SAMNA GRARAII ec 00 , Non. 20 and 22 LISTITIA Street OSIN.-700 bble. Shipping Rosin to 'fix- LIP rive per eobooner ,L A. Bayiud, tor eats by 410i9LWal, .ABIIOIOIRIOR 8, 00 Mla Ro. isoirgamitowill. FUR/08% BILINLIttroV - CNI," - - No. 429 1441ilIIIT,11.191)17. 9AUI Or BUNCH AND-BautX!tAr.o9oPE- On. Tasaday .10 .toig;e, on.-1.•1909thy:- 8 0 09aokke . i aad Toti of Frericii aikarittii • gist2Tied iii4 .9 o4lo ltiell earl) or. the mondas Damn—rout, Aucrionzra, NO; T g ß s Alt i ly4frissir. bit - woes METE aM . - LARGE SALE OE READT-MADE BREHM ()LOTUS, CASHMERES, MIRES, NECK .TIES, . • On Menday,MOrning, • . May Oth, at 10 o'clock precisely mill be sold Vesta. - logne t large and roost,dssirstge sortroant afxsady.- muds spring efotlifig, emulating of manse am/ boys sloth and habit cloth dress and business coata,Etau , s • and boy. " - dean' d 'ate, and nom coats, , -band bo.T.Peaßtmere,,satintit and:Linea pints, • monis - and -boys!' double lied elagle-breasted and Roan lamps:Ns& ani - oolonad cloths, easelnieres yestings, &a.; a large it.. of mak— ablstg,,colllol... 4•41, ‘coutprlidug Rua of able goads of the, liteat Ayles suitable for the presetit trade, end well worthy the attentio n of buyers. • orCala ogees ot, monolog of sale. - - • BALII Og DRY o—'n Dl3, FANCY GOODS, too. -- On Nedneiklay Morning, - Play 11, at 10 o'clock poteissly be add by esti to logos, W2ll credit,. 400: lotstaftry roods: fano/ goods , ' , rotor/dna. large assortment of seasonablegords, - WHITn4OOOB. In sale will bafottod large Doe of white goods. , DID EONEI. Mi lurolue of Faris vault-de sole bonnet ribbons.. DEWING BILK t ,210 lbc.hisok sewlogailk.:- t - ' ;Alm linen towelling, halr•eloth skirting, lbres• cambric- hardlteroblefs, cotton half hone, silk illuslos, eatioete, oaselmires, cravats he., -with a general m. r sortment of staple and &um goads, • t - ERRELL & AUCIT/ONZEAB No. 112 SOUTH BIGHTII STIIIIIII., • below ff ,onsgerfitm. erwmge.' • - 123 -r. 114 011se Wee of 'eery superior lionsekeld altars, plaisos; &e., held at the suction store, every Itonaav, Wednesday, and Prlday •at'.lo Wallet; eoispriaing elegant 'Jenny Nod- bedsteads, dressing 'bureaus, tease, meting sad parlor chairs, - centre and.bosignet fables, -.!'" • '' • " ID' We ertil give our attention tosales of reel ea. • tate; etoololi ..inentlialdieLgataidahold finances,- he.; • entrusted, to • oar. eliarge r vipon- -swat reseonable terms. We will sell boneeboU furniture-at Or at oar stare, an may be reguiril, • •-- ED" Cub advanete Made upon all kindi of goods and traernhandisat 3131:YrT, Jr. , AUOTIONZE4, No. 401 , • wasT•ww Switilw, 4 o= the Mistier • Vous; between IPOTHITH- and rt— •' • SPEOIht SAM Ow 1,00(t OlTrning;Y:ldaDlt This o ' ' • Mit 7th.- by nataloacte,l,atiMtinnanning will be fold at saleertant,'43l Chestnut etmt— '• 1,000 oustoni-made elarte, comprising a run awkort-•.f Intent or white and fancy Boit and broad Veit linen to. some, with and 'withinit collars; also; plate and faney Marseilles-do. ' Haring .bien toantitaainred for best - nity retell , trade, and being snagged In tots to wait '• purchasers, the y be round well worthyorattentiesi. t Also , included in ante, tbillte - plyltYron and etandiql " &dun: TM' OP 609 Lora NidDROIDNNIZP, WHITE GOODS, BONNET AND XIBBOND, &a., kc - •On - Wednesday Morning, • -• liltb, by eidalogbe, on credit, sommsnelog st 50 o'clock precisely; wilt be mold 500 lots At lialortml' goods. ter precisely Bales. • Ostalngoit sesdy, aid samples aliened Iny imislatioile'srly - mrtbs Morntng or sale. ••' • 't ,13T0011 Or ..RstilEoll2olllBlllll—BY Oft 1::111/ AS." , Included in the abort "sale will be founds large stdele or French ileedleirork 'g•loOdii . ,„ by order of assignee, tom.' ;prising embroidered tiabei, Waists. bandkerehlefi, oreps, bud; donning; edsiog, tnetirting, collars, sate, Aare mansion, 'qcolug a tall and passel I. !oddment, Milo entire Stook of city. rebid stole. , BY- ALFRED ,31; BEBKNESS, Jur DEMPIIIA 110387 dle,D Chloll4oll ,- S. ccirtier 'of NlNTEtand - MM . * STlchtlri, tweed Chestnut and %hat dhoti. ' ' - ' - 6MI 011:1201t3124 oeuisiaciakpAßNßas, ThiChteriihig, - At 10 Wei POi; vitt lie aid_ ' - About 60 home, ionce very anperior. ' itollhartierilant will beround in catalogues Alen, at the ewe time, i large olleetinn of desirable new and ascend-bend eairleges, inehirling a aehah earl. rime, by order of eieeirtors, eta $l,lOO. •':, • - • . , BALE OP HORSES' AND caution, !AT PAM STABLES.- Oallredneaday Moratig: - • • • 1. May 1 th, at 10 , o'eloak; at Bettlai , a stablas,l3stea teeiltb street; able, Market, rill be acid— About SO horsos Between 20 80tragons - an4 light carriages. Alec, IQ large taro and eneloice carriages. • ' E=P`lAll to be /old trithont marts - Ter *Malik* 51111111, (11M - SRAJT. JL. AMNION - -AND 0010 MOON 11.11SKSILNIS, No. 1113 North SMITH Street. selow - Arek. • • , Sala sifts:Auction store_, - ' • - OP MEMOS PIIMITURN., •••• • • • May 7th, summer:mg at 10 11 , e'ooi, viii tar sold a lugs ands superior assortment of Aionsehold furniture, comprising rosewbod, aslant, mahogany,- parlor, obsne ber, dinlng•room••and - office furniture, ,oarpetai. frame mirror., oil• paintings, rosttresesee, Mather t oda, SWOOND HAND BiISNtTURN..• . Also, a small assortment of seooad•haad furniture. • • . BILIT2R.PLATED - NfAitli.‘ z Er Also, ail seta ot,lteary-plsted wars, eoffeattro!, MOW/Mr iwitims, At, ."-.• - 4 -4 44 , _ iLT Constirsaisom og sow oda usisold-blual 'll,ooss kold farina*, pishp•toilds, writs; liatalite,,lordrt* too.; tespoottollt Oat llbottairodS mesa will be toads it *sired. - • 67- Oat ;mar - i&A..owdot primie k r;- , ( airs as Erdal:Us #lO - atlist is *IS • ' 11 1 PIIITAT2' BAIV Two lugs loon Willa plats loastsl sehraer, Middy (maid !); of platie b9z9o field& bp/10f. Will • sold low to oloaa sd meant. . I `X. OMIT W80Z113,- 7 -Lt • a, • ‘, EAU/ laTits AtiaTiolnutier " - - litti WALIIVE "••:. artENTI: 8.1.111 AG 941,11. • • —• • Da 4 Thtintlay min, • Way Itab, 1859, at 8 o'clock !litho evening , tha Phllsdelyhta llzobango,*tor amount of whom It may aonoern— bee Wiper per colt, coupon pond of the Warbiog. ton oily And' Mining, Obropany of the' Ella** Tit, ginta and Calfrornia. - ', - - _- - • /Fre 61,900 Bret - mortgage Coupon - Bonds' of lbe Western. Virginia and lienturhy Balbroad and Coal - - Thirty ebarea of the Phlladelplaht and Pittston'Coal Compwy, per $ 5O . - . _ PEREMPTORY BALE- - THIIIII-11TOILV 1311101 f. BOILDINQ, No: ZOO Pow ell strtet,. between Eprues and -Pine streets, Lott(' feet 9 !aches front by 69 feet 6 Inches deep to a brick outlet, sdbject to a; yearly ground rent of 643.99. -- -• •• `PNItIOII - PPORY BALE. • - LOT 'OV- GROUND dittiatod eni thek soedliesstaly side of Berivic erteeistl6o feet southweekol,Lehlitx avenue, Nineteenth- vol'd ; feet by 100, Toot deep to a twonty.feet- street, lathier - two iuttureaer thit toad sod V.bled-streets Pitseenjeor Hallway. f "GlitTli Mini% BALI —Ohl Mg tlitilktlOßß, PICAPMPTORY BALE LOP GIBMANTOWti. . On gattkrder Afternoon. May Seth. st delodt, will be sold at pabllo sate, without reserve, on the praralaes— A number of elegant BUILDING BIM on Queen, Pulaski, and Penn atisets, Oermairown. These lots see desirable, being beautifully" located,, and within' a short distance of several stations on the Toth oad , irr Terms maybe hail and lithographic! plans seen at the (Irene. - Atti.—j- IL Elummis, to Elms, inetioseen!'i hold rogolu. taloa of Baal inst., Stooks, &o. lionseltold fundtoroat —• • - . . EET Oa oar Private , sa. &seater mill edema ba found a .very. large amount of reel estate inoladlag envy delangloa of city and aoantrypro la Eit pat J. UttlEtlY & BO . 8, HO • • ' Ibeallitatetßrokne6 WAI ....MT Street, below Milk. *acts anb tlestantants. T HE MANSION' ROUSE, BEADING, - W. L. DE BOURBON,.Preptletor. This well-known esistalthmeat, the favorite read of °Aliens and' visitors, hisilately,undrgene repairs, and le hey( one of - the Meet eetatecellons, elegant, and thorough hbtela In the Union • besittenliy Jousted et - the ' - sk.tne's PIPTICatid - P ER! Streets, Beading Its , sesommliditions are first-clue; the rOO/111i 1101.0101111 end Airy ; and the table conotantly sup plied with all the luxuries of the, - RBlBOll. Perves (le st:rouser spending a felfweeks 'ln_ the summer - In - an agreeable and economical manner. could not' do better than make a trial of 'BOTDIDDN'S blANtilOit DO2lBll at Reeding._ ' -422.tX HOPNL, - • • -' - FRENCH'S . ON TEM LITROPNAN PLAN, ' CITY OF NNW YORE.'' ' MILS ROOM 60 CT& PLR DAY. - • City Hall Square, comer Frankfort street, (oPpoeite CRty Mule, se they may be ordered in the spaelens Rej No - T ta here ry. is allarber% Shop4lad Bath Rooms attached to the Hotel:. N. B.—Beware of Enamors and Hackman who say we arena/. R. FRNNOB, proprietor. tee 8m JONES HOUSE, sAsxrasvaa, PA. - __Aike**l it lam) 2L.IIGNITLY PIIIINTonoar - • NOW ONIN TO VINTON!. 'Et729-y WIILLB 00VARLY.-Pr4-ithot. piancis: ' STEINWAY & SON'S GRAND and SQUARE 'PIANOS, now universally to use,'lnd - recommended by the beet Artiste; profes sional and amateur performers, of this country A com parison with' the beet other makers wilt easily satisfy the patehaser of their superiority, as they speak for themselves, and save them money and trouble. BLASIUS -EROS , 1000 Chestnut street. mb26 Tim* SUPERIOR PIANOS, . WILLIAM RNABE A CO, PIANO.YORrE MANUPACTURIRS, . Nos. I, it, 6, and 7 North EUTAW Street, and N0:207 BALTIMORE Street, between Charles and Light streets, Baltimore, Have always on hand a large aaeortment of their Superior Pianos. me:Amended by Certificate, from 8. Thalberg. Strakoech, and other celebrated performers to be equal. if not superior, to any made in this country. The durability of their PIAIIO6 will be warranted for fire years, and a privilege orexchange granted within eiS moths,, shoe% they not give entire satisfaction. ktanufaciunnela'gely, - we will sell wholesale and re tail, at the meet reasonable prices. WILLIAM INASE & CO. Stems: LEE A WALKER, No. 722 CHESTNUT Street Philadelphia, are our authorised Agents, and will keep constantly on hand and' sell our Phlllol at mennfactureelprices. trilts-em CHICKERING & SONS, It.LIV7AO7VIuuni or GRAND, SQL - ARE, AND 'UPRIGHT - - _.PIANO-FORTES._.- WARBROO/dz 1307 OLIESTNUT STRSZT Constantly in store a large Mock of our BICALIDIDDA and UNDQuALLED .I.NaTRUbI EN TB. We hair° been awarded, at the different Exhibition In thin country and lanrope. 98 GOLD AND BILY.AIt 1/107-014/38 hrdIDALIS. ja2B-ly J3rokus. • L 0011A0N, *REAL 'ESTATE DRONER AND CONVEYAN. - OWL . MONEY LOANED 6N OOOD MORTOADIS. OOLLEOTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. mhqo Sui - NORRISTOWN, PA. , & CAPP,' 223' DOCK. Street, - above lIJJ Walnut, STOOIiIiMLERS, and dralerif In Mer cantile Paper 1111,1 eseurltlea generally., Attene. the Brokeri , ,Boar4 and All all orders for ..the Intr. ithaqe asle of STOOKS,-BONDS, &a- f9tONISE & 00., arNOllt AND IXORANOR BROKAW*, No. 40 Routh THIRD Shiro; • ariA - Rigmcisis of tnefideitaia. RHUBARB, for mks by_ ,t - La, • • k-1114011tiqe, ' = 1 4 1 ' 0.47 iout it Nita iloolin 'teat,