The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 02, 1859, Image 1
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J'Zt ci.AAMEO 'ext• ,• , • Alt D. B ; „Y. ICO7 -- ::tyiANs & Big 820 CHESTNUT 'MIMS: -.- 1 ABJA Alm ssAsorrAsur, R"t - ••• 0- a 0-:13 S. • • - lOttiiivAo ' B6l74llll7l, : - ** l o:o4**4,:ifint DRAMs 000100",t 1 DIrCiRD )Mlo Pra llll4B , 752=4.-/4111 74 , Vier , ^ Allifi!!P4V4 3E , ?; 0 1.,.. 1 1411101-Isl. , , f. • Ft - nia*riz jr.4l.44ffigivand anal - i,ilXlll7/PW , • -, < ' ;44LO O <!-P R AS! 3 "r / P i g-LNGS ,, UM. • Lo , l4'' worm STOP, ikiO4•l:-Tootitift Mogi% ,!,041:0311614:at. , 'aupgjWilitittoll two . , i 4 1 3 ; ' ..t • jut:lL :Aal#l3lollllll , _ 1 6 0. 1 *01 1 ,00:;;.4-01.0 1 . * - 1. t1 1 9k:#00 14 41 In :Mt hmis.: . PirrascophiLtheowatylecor ' , 4 0, 40.4, - *Ago 4 o‘ ,ll 4rKifi 11 07* 1 ,: 442 4 '•AtiSrliMlbllifiAtlii#lilli4ril!6l**t 006: ehalitir It ows loViosOoo - , - iA , PA toodwosomt,imit or -. v r , ore rbotiOvolootooft Vellot0 1 046:10 *Mau, oloto w , m4 LtilkiOlootitalootatfriPltnt 4 ' eaunag oat -Table AlattßOY, • ' • tif 7T;idatk NINTH ""et.' . Lurfrbia Moan: g io = 7 • • aff4loB/101-14TOREe= 4 Thp , molkittilliiiiittitief eziotationia red 4:y Ib e 1 Rat ', 11011 Il p ilre tirtri t t 4 iiiiiMiL=Niat4 ) gitsdialithittiVii ;., _ , : aaamptimi4 "*;Jlali t i ateitiotiVerg. i it la:II:rat, w,,, , t*A......,,,1", - iiri!ttiviggicAnt, -; f'.'atail*lr 4- ~ ',r -, '::4 llrtiortte ZWEITE Etna.. ". „ . . ~hQte~ate"t~rll~c~ers;: ; .. FINIORAVagIi„id .„- LH frret s ,R. , C , , rifiLiantr4lttut, px.p.:l4oN, ittoom, B E .10 -0 ,No 'STEEET, Awe , k • ' '> NO, 208 NORM DELAWMiE AVirrONs •';•••- rifIiADEL2I22A - • • 'Os 11. "• 1411 ;kit t -A ND '" lloil :; ' F/G :- . - 11 : CON -- , • y:a. • ;0k12 3 .0 )6 , 1 • 91 iiiig vilksiOt WS: comoirus posAanuolut i SLINDON, HM222012, • •;:f ;•• ; 2.2282022. 41;86;VOLD EAST ' • 4,03Ri fialt2cl22/1281!: PURPOSES. ; '.!licti* , 4l6 pLooms, * :14 4, 1 titdilF l :AVD /UM ntOrs SS's' flAt4 ;003piatyyst mama tam, 1f414 AAi~ > Mr r 4 OFAi 015181482,8222. )fituryinlAso , AND ,66iriN c uT8 ,D lB l l B l 2O. trAliwits for-WatEdi4 Amboy 114 Brfpki.• • - • 41C 7 4' Or . ' 14 141 13LiAN'KE,TS. 1., ""11. OHITTENDEICAt 00., '''''Ai*sitistiesr.:ciestaAoxtate.j t 1 . 11. 4 f ' , i` , von !Atli ' . TRW THOUSAND PA/6' tritoups 7•• • r ' '-',lt-fAVNYD It:F.110m :1•;•ra-11 7 13, 7 , • , • 4 • '. '4 • IVO .1 2 1, zw• ^sr • -7 V;Sl 44 ','' ' ' i 4 w y . • • liilitttrjo mops. ..49NEP. " Impets. SILK; AND .... Lop j3,p rrlnt T 14tf3HORliiitlePANAMA. •1", • &krincrit iripwEss, Ryon* &e. alb ~3tdiF ' tlu • itteutlon b[ oitis l acantrie.peite4., le eethiftect."' < N0:'482 - MAiLICEi` • t“ , ,BSint WM 444,- STRAW, AND- Nr.naavpor, 009,P13. •!; • 000#4: Nuattir.tiprtan atm wicoramusi tk . .,&•vcr ,1,tA,m19 MlLl.lx7,zat c) - 4;kiks. .soT BORTH SICOMA PIATINT, ;,FAIT.ADELPAU. ,lllET4pror A r4q,Api,Box gp34BF ,•„ . • i S iritrANVOV . .• '- ,1 1 00D% T orto,'-ifeleeiolo: •43 . 061 4 .118, BONNiT • 91tI18i PUN= 52.0‘55 . 11k9 555 8PR505, BllpsLss, 4 . '- '1 . :4:•47.3. 86 .:tV;..Es4- . _TAitE • • • !Nei 95 South SBOOND BUM, „ ".".;-.10,1•51D5‘ 431 - _ . • complite asioitiizrOrt ,` • XIBBONIi 414isitdestiript*,,, p'BONetE* IiCkTER,LitS; tatt9o22l4;OraPe, FitENOrind AMERIO BANKER TAIL/A.IAM, BLOND LACW43;, -." , ' " " Aid- other, Mlllinery Goodi. , Oca!PrO4lig everrviiiible - iarteti 4001 1 .1R8i11341%, -1 4 851 0 4 - : 40 1 0 ` 08 !fki luottifigmcS cal and Judo. ,„!: PROPKSi: & 009 - 471-1162JUST-STRINT, bb " l44biti? " Sikoond BO' ITT I(ILLIN6,,RT.IXOVNII;‘ , :" , : ANXOVAL AND. ENCIPBNING:_ ' ''ittitititat;;7o: 6 ,o o3 :!/ 8 , 0 : 1 17 1 .q/i 0 S, TATII4OO . OOIIIIIII6ND : , +! l .o l ! ! ,*#it ir.woN!ftrizt N 01421, TWO DOOSII 'ABOVE X 110 2 .40 TEYPLE.• rili HIRST /LOOltot this speolOor baildbielo totr*olortobr to tbs TRAM add is 'Hod withrovoey deserititieo of itritMOi_NrlloolDis. ogibrsolog lINTHIMUND - 4,10110X4148,1141.11, TIBSI7I dad ST emir, BONN Wrlth from4o4to,;tsC l 4 1 4 1121 ; iNQYASIttigIINDIKINANTB, if all pri c ntiaid. 11,11a1114‘4, - reld i viistio to :intecnis,4l,9lo49,)tucirneli;',liioza, &0., for Borolot -Trinumzyrir' ,euriaotriasek. or PHIL] - 011PEllfiriCh, 790=8; 'ice. m4k - ti i k*E sod 4+ll Moire th-thisalty to the TItILO.II, items ecihneotedwitisus la this Depsetmesti =wit/ tltk ha 1 4 ,7 to owe all her former Men ds , "rat pro; - 'stage httiSC- - •-• ~7 ':--Att;opr.,N; , MOOD ICSODOLI3, Mt% ,„ n . " -OD 11181ITRi hPliqinw "' " 48,59, ESE ffMME MMNI • "1405 4 00 6 * - *LT.i3ouii - 011; - 7/10Trisgv - •-' - cusAria, *Vaunt tAims, " , 1 - ! , :.:..-.1 .-,...' '444'4,74:177 . 0iiii.e. irtbsie la, ,kat:4"..,,,:, B , IItAW ItONNE STRA:VV: slairadro tit sa disostatint. ndwituitled In this httOtiosi of. buyers. Thddd , putslsiting fOiodslo; ikon tints, will do tdits• tdi;ii dill halms sidadtlie 111..BiliNliOilit'fc 00., io ' .iieiVit7Tll.ll,NOOND. 13TR*ST 1,09.‘; y': 1859' wHampsoN & TENKINS, :;( 0 281)!dARIENT. STREET, 'lnvite the stiOntlas of trujOis . to their 1111,63111111 stock of %Miele:Strew aid loug « Emmy* bliesee, flats and Ricroor ogews, ply end 'Oltildrest'i Bate ail Ifmaeri ; S¢bhsil, Trimming; #i. 11•11,gstalusiroltautuvut tathiobribUb 'Of bulginess, pitreliteere Will Mid it to their Meat tioximine our 14 4 1) g.' "' ' • • s. ifiliiii4ogers, Frirela uoteuisexl titbit,* above *Nisi, salons from kid Wadi' iessioinitlea Of the stook album Yfieuteiwelifr4itelch*,*f6bl6 Rm. A" GOOD issoiltErix , : STRAW :GOODS, . S.IIT TX OIAL AURAS, AND STRAW 0141Seriviiiiii; Sri noir opess,434 fOr sal L o, it snail iitoinotspio !yes lost, for soh; it' • WARD'S - Nos, 1.03 - 104, o¢d 107 • . NO;R. 13:!-0 0 Na: B 711 , ,E,E 44s • :Absys Arahißist side. ~"plicre„fitib!ngo. wt5..,791-44 & soN. (limos iatoifiiLtsJ T. Jalin.,) • • , Imporierriaid Distal swim VIM io 'minutia OALLOONB, AT, THE. OLD , STAND, Northaaat corn orof 410#114IL:imsd Street, oGnsi rer - - - THIR D OT E P • • 80..}tORTH • • 19508 No, and b041"1 •'' • ' - ,Ttapofter• 0- , iILINTIFAC27 -6 ._ * • Gr 091.1,., • ; o v '1',1!1 Idodo ofikt iraoti: !voyiILD'BiPAT /. 7 .1 OOT • -1-urze.,*•; - • •, • • • • oßihl'igG' A 4.14 - ,••• , • r"(11U " - •••• • •• ••••• • IgarA.,,qmk suettgu, num, find /10)110AN 8110 X TIEPAilii; 4 6.114m471$ , EDWIN: "fiV:- PAYNE; • - - , impsifir . tad Vsalsr • BOOT; SION, Sad CUIIIIII. MATIRIALS, Iron -131'3141m ;I. W. oat* £3 s IOURTU fits. LASTING%. . , „ • 6A1.100i11, • ' • ••,• 1. • , , — 1 . 101 4 1011 SW, '''" '' • ••-• t'ATWIT meeTalta 1 .• 41ONGRZeil TOILIT fILTPPNB UPP/ 88 .1 „t014,43m) 8801 THRIMDB. LAOlli, , - INV 4 7°K ROSENDALE 'PIASTER. ,RETAIL, . • 4',OrsESSON'_BP.A.TIF,OU.Di ipgp.]mrt EMBEEM 040b 13 epinili*Aon'ool4l App.rxx-N,-,849*, `,,iII6I4BALX TUX 5 , XTbOle Vort&miwitAj ,-- 4 NO. 164 NORTI4 TEMP , sraxia); ig§: B , ool ` ,Y ' 6 ,0 7 ; othwitot,Raps; *AN 1; WILSON, & CO., 09,101.1481QN 101101UNT0 1 , io; 132 048/I , IiIT,I3TABET, _ „ r. TAPigreAT Vit e irilt; •;000 1 1, t • . - 01:44,1.„ _Pr_A! i:, coma, lan y • t• 4-I ' , AZ/AA/APE at is ork, i DAV. )oat *116:4244i** ;amble good., w adit4 1 , 6 44'4 0 lid•kr to be had to Pl4/64 0 9 1 4 . fieturar l iPrisela*Witte tiesietbil4 444 lea I 141 Ur Moot SitOte.l l o:ll l6 gilittalWkiedt , r lo / 4 0,01 feb1411:1 /aim a ni i i*V4l 2 ot,, 'Ol fe2l-2m• BT4X.R 225 SOVTII RINT.III3TRIfiIt,'; - • ' - • mat•W WANRUT., "-=-114943 • • 0 Ali P . .:7l.k.ttettAXltt o'4 -00 GLEN Band INPoRTEBII AND *RA:ERR Ty CARPETING, ; • dr,oigs, - • - ' - ' , - 1, -- - 14AtrOsa, kR Eifwvis 4 E ; 5 . 09 00E " 13T 1 r0 .- T1 14; 0 17 , 98; 46. : •-•• OPPOTI Wa s s EITATIROVIS.,' , • , We.baorgunow on kind VI lef n oide- own mid otimi• zoiAti. to ittOk,po :#l 6 „ `•,, t*Tr i"#""iiilt4-tiOn?MrB;',,4°l HETlSpNkttirA;(7o,4 -1, , ,". Ars reoeitirkg supOlet • 'SUPgaitigilt OLOT I S 3. : DOMMikl, ,'` -= • • ,••' -•' ,• TRl99:ra,c • - - • , • • ',war inesiaranige, Rea. )rain the *abated OptlnfootritersT- YlELSDEßlO AROKENEadtf,,lcillaket.)- , ,- t • '..•• -;" W. Al!,115/1A.NNT.ABEION • • • - :,41XVB&S soukuvr, (L Ad KopiAikt)': • ZAXI3ONA BROTHNIttI. • ,* • _ 2:2•0161prill, - , - • ,`,11105)17,11181111ittritioot. - FARRPLLA B d. l Yl:q#kg l l,. Opmedioaket - isixo' X 734 1 3 0 XVI' 8 . , or • I, 0 T D032111K2,N • 232 CHESTNUT' STRENA, • tetoPatik - Philadelphia. SPUT4•TIa .'l7.l,l,AfPg, - 1809. 40,04 - 1); . ie,iirnHtig7l94otTfi 'OHESTEUZI STREET; Ai • now *plank alp.* ant viz* itOok of LAWlik ORAIJ.IES, PBANTS, to 4 ojkio!:: ' To s 7, - 11111/LLO &1311VIT TllO JIVE t qW_Q — B,T, shar "1311.01311,' BLEAJEI2Di. ,VIE D~Yt WriESTINGIU-- , ilaitiblo for' Bxporr, for 'silo 'by, TiKrtftINGRA.Voc-Wrai FisoN27 /1272744 Br, • per.4l, j H. miciakNiikt•,,a - • W 410411.54 8ii14.114311 Ia r • PROVISIONS, • titranti of . - CHOICE MEATS; - No. U R. viATas put, and 954 and 966 N. IBBEE Et. PIEELADELPHIA..j - - $lll9B BEEP, PORK, LARD, and on nosortmont of P 8091940575 generally, inaludlng HAM, TONG:IIE44 'sad BEEP of Ono own oaring, both Otts sad 9postent, 'constantly on hand quality &dr/wiled; _ -BUYERSaraiartionloky isiiitod to call and owoinlno our dock. ' • - totd3 ten* S W. iTACOBS. • - lda. 62G AROII STREET, • Rae Relished-sad for; sae aML asioStassout of All the moot moderti styles of : • • dAit ItIAGEK , , Also, s groat variety of desirable EIECOVIa RAND CARRIAGES, bat very little aged, !Idol will be sold leer. mar2l-8m - GEORGE W: s ,'SrtrA.TSON's: CARRIAGE - 'REPOSITORY, 1 Nos. 1217, 1219, and 1221 O.RESTNIYT STREET. . marB 8m A.,I3 : RIA.GES Tsai -• ; ,c or p lualpsAcauszol • WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, -•- _ , . 1009 -- -OHESTNIIT firrawr 1011 • ; NEW .11101:03g=FVNISHING_ STORE, WILLIAM 'YARNALL. No. 1020 .OiIEST/117T STREET , (OrPOSITN TDB ADADESS. ON.. PINE ARTS), Inrltea ifoisekeoper!l and othefe, to as examination or his extensive aseoittatat of • . U B II ' • ." HOUSE-FtatNISHING - p Ek001)1)13. * • • , Also; a , beautiful assortment of BIRD CIAON8 5 01111,1141)3Nift OADILIADDS, AND YELODIPEDDS, Ito., ec.o. apl-fm&weinner " LAOITEIi &e.3*e. THE , OLD-ESTABLISHED AND • lINPXYAIIiPID 110U8DIURNIEDIN4 ESTABLISHMENT.. JOHN A. MURPHEY ea ODESTNUT tiTDEET, Bole Amts in tins altyfor the new style Patent Will. dren'a Gigs and °oarless/. Manufacturers end Patentees for Philadelphia of the Motto Eolligeritots. - sp224mtcw tt BLIND ., § AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, Na.l6 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Jamas isclirlitritisiva Isom/Lerma of , ITENITIAN BLINDS , . AID DEALER IN . 'v,riNDow SHADES • 0,1 IVIItY VARSITY. DEMENT, CALCINED runouiszas are bolted, to the BART easextraeat la ttie any - ittheliplqlBT vices. STOW" 64b111, 06116 add lettered. , , "Er:IIIIPAIVEG promptly attended to. WHOLESALE AND COF . FIM 800 hags Jamaica in attire and '— tor mitei by rAMMO nnAgigif 00, - Not 00 0114 At aura pito: 230 slol7TiCifllittp. PHILADELPIM. Walston' ' 3 of Q4naligts. 4~cflse~ rUrnishing `, ~.,qq~G. i,WY,.:, .vi - AY . I' ,';-:'' ~0.59.,. , - ,40.NRAT, AN-2,,1859. yj - . Neiv PuiJiiCatkons. . , ~ , bound, , , , i l Commencing,,ail in duty with pubW '. - titinns,etwatinglroM dur'inin city, are have . o.l4goticit a magnificent Map of the World, on Orsatoi's,Projection, executed by S. Angus , , liiitelkell; - and " piablished by Charles ,De ctr- or, 71:I. - Chestnut Street. •It is large but eumbersoine, neatly mounted upon a roller, 'eh country ( and with - iut every State) dis gffishirigly, colored, and the whole neatly 2rnished. Indeed; It is a handsome and 1- ry 'complete , Library- . map. ~All the lead -0 ' routes are marked down; a large list of !stances , is given;. peennica and'Atistralia , .- , =represented in an enlarged manner. - The Itry ‘ •cover! es of the most, recenttravellerilave ', en used to secure, accuracy. ln a word, it i ,'' an--excellent map. ' , ' ' '' •' d 1. 1 :, ltir.Desilver has publislied'a riejtvolunie of ~ Interlinear Classics ; edited byMr . Thomas • tic ' It o_o;4o'ns - the whole of theAnabasis ~,,, lii ,,X ik e . / , ep L h ik o, e n ,t vii he th pr rui ece i d a i t n e g rlin vo ea l ' u r ra tr es a , e i s t la i ti s o in n : 'l rt ' d th e e d B f a e in t s i t i h t 7u tin s e V, o d f e ' m s et:o ut e r :B ' 7 a v n e d d : b p y ri: t ate re- 11 l'• atileri,:•isnd ' , confident we are that, by the td of such bdOkS, the principal difficulties of I translation pre readily removable. • " 1 't' Fronk ,Griesey Mid Markley, ,of , Goldsmith's Hall, :We _have. received:, an American Pre - - 1 tiontiising. -Dictionary of the • English Lan- Mime, by Alexander.W. Laidlaw, A.M., who, .for.somet years, has beeri'stiedeaSfully, employ ,ed in teaching.--.We :have long felt that such ki.,b6ok ; should ,bo - prepared, - but did not ex= tlo-: fled, it , So yell, done; and' in such, a L tepaiatiVeli . - -tiinall' spriCii'.: " Mr. LaidlitWos• i.c ~ linitionaarti plain and Sensible. We have test: 1 ;$ll his prenunciatlon'edWordS;andhave detect only a single error. He does not countenance As current barbarisms of mispronuaniation, which 'make the Americans sometimes laughed ref:in:England; Per example, the words i tn ii2itir-Europeati, tribune, Italian, are frequent ' lyAmiscalled , inquir-ry, ~ Europey-an, OYlbtote, thcll•faticei.... -Mr. Laidlaw properly,puts them itqui.ry, , Euro-pc-as, . trib•une ? And It.alian. Wheiste. pronounces mere:pride as lilt - were I ercaniif, we believe ,that bets,wrong. Tiuti: . W ll 7 B . l . 6 ;e fiii ric e a d n . , l rri b, o ,t d w e s . ~ d l i n c :: i n fi g a l r a y n ; d wi o t t h is lj p r r o d : " nOunced as mirsan- file:. la' There are about - 40,000 neistionti., An aPpendlic • contains; among ror ,o„ : useful matter,-hints to 'spellers; which ,11:0Ot‘ficilitatellie :attainment' of correct Or ;I graphy. This' Dictionary; we stipriose, , mitit 'become a Much-used echool-book, but etory one who reads and writes , may advan. isigerinsly emsault it. '‘ It is well-printed and flimikaewell , as neatly-bound. s . ;f • 1 4i 11.'11114,1er -4. Co; have published Elo- 1 -tilitits pl-Rhetoric, designed as a manual of in "Jskantion; hy r Prefessor Coppee, of the Did-' ,verlity of Pistipsylvania. The author seems to, ~,tve, ransacked everylrcilt treating ofD,htite -.' ti; and patting the - cream. of their .contents , l iiitotbe.alembie of his - own cultivated - raind, , to tape distilled, as it' were, from such - Mate- liars, A work clear, concise, iefiolarly, and'very ',conlplete. - Ills referenCesfroni American and EnglishWrlters,','Show' ati - ionlarged:acqUaint- ince.With polite literattire. . '-, --, : -s :' ~.. 1 '-7 _TO Williani S.-iiitd- - Alfred Martian we are' indebted for'i delightful book for youth: This' iii the seventh edition; rithit map and illtistra-s Dens 'of ic Robert and Harold, or ,the Young Xarooners of tho :Florida Coast,"- Writteri,by, r, It-Goulding, of Georgia. • It ie something, Ilflitte manner of, Robinson Crusoe, with more; ail Venture, and without his utter solitude and the Mersobelming melancholy of his situation.' ."..s l Kops Es. Brother Bay 1 s the Second edi uoPs„,revloO4l-an& ifilpti4o, Of The Cettage f Ainerica,by Walter'Elder;a;prac- Ito - %sik' - In thiti - eit , -it, ang - - - becatie • kr, have tortatiessit,that /Ire. Southworth ekes a series' of blundera' fil itei ececintit lof-' an assize trial Man Englisi •, 4 t High',•Life In NeW,Yoric," by--Jonathan Slick; Esquire,' is by far the best - of the uts, Morons family of imitators, who- sprang into lite' on' the success • of • Judge Haliburton's account of Sam Slick. There are pages( imen pages here of racy;gennine traitor, ana a reader must ; be bard to ,please' Who cannot find amusement in Mr. Slick's company. Another of Petersoas' new books is a novel called "The Jealous Husband ) ", by 'Mrs. Maillaid, art English - writer. -It is a very in teresting story, well worth , republieatiOni' It strikes us, however, 'arnot being entirely new to us., , W. -A. Townsend & Co. of New York; have published another volume (the fourth) of their magnificent edition of the novels and I romances of Fenimore Cooper, with first-olaas engravings, on steel and-wood, from original drawings by:Dailey, whom we are proud to clidin as a Philadelphian: Even - -the London .Lithenizaw, always - so difficult with American : books, smiles grimly upon this superb:edition of Cooper; and admits that in paper, binding, printing ) , and Illustration, every thing has' been -done to- make - it' worthy of the most liberal ,patronage. -The now volume contains "The Spy," which Was the first of - illooperat, Ameri can novels. ; The illustratioutt are - beautifhl. The vignette (On 'steel) 'representing the es cape of Harvey Birch, is a perfeepgem; .t The Spy" - Contains two of-the beat'characters ever drawn byGooper=-Harvey Birch, the Sby,, end, the grave but `gallant - gentleman, Mr. Harper, who eventually appears, as Washington him -aelf. -- Prefixed - to -Dili editien is the anther's introdecticaiigiving a history of the writing of the book, -'and - ;be -real incident which sug gested it. •• , From Harper & Brothers, of New York, we have 'received' Charles Reade's new domestic , story, - (called_- tt Love Me little, Love me long,") which we have already, heartily Gem:" mended to out readers.' There, is a reality, iteshness, and truth : about it;; fiery pleasant to novekreaders. 'From the same publitthera we have a remarkable volume, which', albeit of , a scientific- nature,. we know that the general reader will : appreciate and enjoy. It is cc The Life cf North 'American Insects." written-by B. jaiger, late - Professor of Zoology awl, Be l • tany 'a the College of New` Jersey. He has heed taelatod•by Dr. H. C.Pieston. The, vo latile contains sixty:nine , engravings of in sacte,trom ~ specimens' in the cabinet of the matter We believe that all the North Ameti. camlysectis are bare de,scribeal: ! But ne,fer,lies ,Ent eulogy boon: Made one-halt so interest., lug a& entertaining,end,haredit valuif' ;of ;the book. Mr: Jaeger- is -an , enthusiast, eiiinei 'and eloquent; sad in his hands, even the per. beetle that we tread upon":becomes objct of importance. The chapter upon • Reel t admirable. - What adds to the value of the bok lathe extreme 'fidelity and delicacy of thewood eogravings.„ s' - Pre) Messrs -Harper wo have. also ,received , tt TheAnferican,, Home 'Garden,” profusely illustried, by Alexander Wation.Whoever the Weer may be he fully-knows hill pleasant subjeci W,e, are happy'• in the Iteltefthia, year afar year, itastefer, gardening ie extend-, • lag - ening-all classes, this vast community. Withlr. Watson's" OlL—that is, the aid of his , bole,—overt' persoe 'May teach: himself how tcralse vegetables, fruits, flowers, young trees, ad farm-crops, Frier Charles Scribner, New Yo'rk, we have anothevoluthe of N. P, Willis's newspaper articles It is, called iiThe Convalescent." It condos a goad deal of ambitious writing, varioneffete attempts- at wit "and' sentiment, seVeraltiewly-colned words, and little that the reser would care to recollect. , The best part of to volume is the conclusion, in which, a trip t Virginia is described. Mr,, Willis, we intent, has nearly written himself out.. ; ,tneh better book; also published by Scritmy is the cc I Scterice and Art of Chess," by X. 8.13. L. It is - eminently prac 7 tient, ai is calculated greatly to-assist young cheas-nYers- Dellstr & Procter, of NeW fork, have jti diciouslrepublfshed The• Poems and Ballads 'of Goole, • translated by Profeador Aytoun,.ef Ittaclood's Afagazifte, and 'fboodore Martin, the entire of the jeer 4' esprit known to the ' world a td Bon 'Genital's , Ballads." The minor mum of Goeth'e'are ;unequal in merit, but the let of abew are- here, and; the trans cOMmenced • their labors in ,this field mat ''ears agO, ifaVe'eartied thegmtitude o Englh • and', Arnerbaan' 'readers by their tistefultslectf on and' their spiritedversions. Gernutereholarei anay`, 4 objeet, perhaps, to the merman which some of these popwit are rem detatlein English; but this volume is•not for the,o , fian seaolar, butler the masses who are Mute to read qiiethe•" In the original, yet : desirbihnowarhat manner of lyrics he wrote. Tti thlierge claiit of readers, the book will be - yetryaieptable and profitable. , A ',lO of James Watt—he of the steam onginewith :1101001m from his oorrespon deuoo3 lapaly boon welt written by, J,-A. • Muirhead, who has already wilMen.inch on the mechanical. inventions of the great engl , neer,,his kinisman; It has been republished bY'ApPletexils Co., of New York. Hitherto there has - been no geed biography, of.Wate.. • The 'notice by -.Arago ; was , more._ scientific than-,personal, ,and ,was but a, sketch. -- Mr. „Is ;connected • with Watt' by blood; and intd,hillesticcoie hie papers,lso spreduesitte'biegranhYwhieh muilt-be'aecepted as highly Satisfactery=worthy;of being placed by the side of Sidles? Life of George Stephen- I -son, founder of Hailstrayism,..,, ;A • good Indeir adds value to, the honk. : 'Ticknor, & Fields; of 'Boston,' have added Another Volittilecif Qtsiney's writings to• 'their 'collection. ' It contains a narrative called siThe- Avenger," sundry additions to the celebrated Confessions aim Opium-eater, Some _ curious -Traditions of the. Rabbins, and a singularly well-argued' paper' non the re cent China war. In a prefatory' letter to -the i• Ameridan editor of his works,O. T. Fields?) De Quine# gratefully states his -obligation for the collecting rof, his works, from various pub lications,.- and his Acknowledgment for- the pecuniary advantages which 'he :has derived from the Illieritlitg of Tiekner& Fields; ' • These 'publishers havis issued another (thine and gold," containing ,thelmeine of` William Motherwell, one. of the best, of the ,moderd minor poets! of Scotland. We Shall :soon no . ; tiee r this-book at:some length, so shall•only here add that it contains many. Very noble lyrics. „‘ • , ' • • • • Gould Ai Lincoln; of Roston, who had, pre viously re published the works of Hugh 'Mil ler, have jest issued a volume, containing his Lectiireo on Popular Geology, with descrip.' tive Sketches from a - Geologist's Portfolio. This! prefaced by a resume of the progress of Geologioal - Relenqe, within' the • last two years,. by Mrs. _Miller. The LiScturesi,.-dell tiered in, Fdinbrigh, strike'.us,as being Tullis equal, at least; to the beat of Miller's most ; successful :writings. • They 'contain, the ma hied knoWledge of a life-time.- The Morin. tive Sketches, Which conclude the volume, are exceedingly graphic. - ' The Rev'.l3,r. F. W. Faber, who quittedthe' Anglican 'for theiliimiah Church, some years ago, and now i r Oatholie clergYnian, London, lately published a voldme of practi cal ieligious essays - or exercises, called ", Bpi. ritual Conferences," _which has just been refs-, sued- by - John ,Murphy- Es• Co., of Baltimore; It 'is written - with elegance, as y,relltss power. Mr: Faber gives many hard lilts.; ; For exam ple, when he ssya, sc For one pique man who maires?plety, Attractive, there are ,pine, who make it rrepubilie. lii ihtlir Words, only:' one mit,cif ten aiming reputed spiritual persons • is reallYspiritual."; - • • , From. W.„ •gleber we have No. 4 -ef oThe Pulpit and the' •Rostrem," a New York .semiquidaiional periodical; containing a. 'sermon - on - - the Progress - and •De mands! of. Christianity; by the' Rev. W. H. Milburh, the blind preaeher.- Also the April number of the• Art Journal, with engravingth , after Mulready and Stanfield, and a sketch of, - st The. Prodigal Son," a sculptured group eie cuted, at Rome, by Mr. J. Mosier, an itmert= self4ang4G , amateur-artist. A •very fine number,-this, of a pcipular Work._ From, Mr; .Zieber ' also; we have the last nuinber,of Bieck wood's Margazins. There is a continuation of a story here, the time that of 111 Chard Coeur, de - Lion, which ft the best historical novel,Of" that remote 'era sine 14 ,IvantiOis." It !scaliest s!' The LeckAf Ladritniete."- ' ''- • From Peterson' We' have `the Maynnmber -Of The Greilf•Refublie Ilfonthignot very, well printed Ind coarsely illustrated; FromP.' E.' 'Abel; theatrical priblistser;(366 'Chestnut street.) welave - several. numbers 'Cif Freisch's - Antertean.Drama, Minor Drama; and Standard-, Drams. , They are. neatly printed,' ,and -sold at a low.pricei They constitute .the acting-drarna,as what is called the Whole Stage businees'! la marked on,,with noitstines, ?Several of rhese plays tire,Amerlearssuch A Glance at New York; G. L'.:Alkeri's adap-• tation of Uncle Tom's Cabin ; "Sohn' BrengL-- ,am'a killer Seisey, The Dark lonili.rifiikep,isWig,Wiitieif for" tire '140; .base are 41V rens," andthree legiandi,`"iesPettifelY4allet "Pour uneppingte,"le,,Migneiii" ranctfctLady, Clare."' • These' frittr bobliS 'are wended in their ,Way, and its:their: day._ .-Prenehl.lifer,=' attire; Alspecially L"Pienfilu- fiction,: hal been lately at suck fever heat, that it refreshing. to come 'across such game of fresbne4s, and simplicity.' M., Thrdien (the real name pf the author) appears -to,be perfectly .conversant with the Englisklarignage ,and with English tastes. "Lady Oleic; -the ,last pnblleation,- is the aropilflcation in prose. of Tennyson's ballad of ,Lady Glare, and is worthy of the inodel. Mignon is 'a charming "episode - of every. day life, addressed to' all the :better. feelings:of our nature.. All `these' works. are 'written with - great elegance' and . parity ,Of reminding one of Paul et Virginie and, Bernardin 'de St. -Pierre. They are Works that may, with great benefit, safely_ be put into the hands of our yoking ladies, which-Is more than can be said-for modern French' novels-in general. Mr. Pennington bas shown great judgment and taste in selecting and intV porting them,. , 89010, RECEIVED Esther; the Hebrew Persian Queen. By Bee W. A,Soott, D D., of Ban Pranciseo. Pp. 353 San Praneisoo: H. Banereft .k Co. _ • Liftrand Events. By William B. Victor: Pp: 232 Oinelnnati : Applegate it Co. - - New Patent Sormone, Maclaine Poetry. and, (Cal ifornian series) by Dow junior. Pp. 288. Now' York : F. A. Brady. , -The - Western Ftnit-BOok ; by P.a. Elliott; edition. Pp. 528. New' York : Moored, Co. - Bongs of tho.Ohnrob, :By George 0. Davie:' Pp. 458 New york : Definer k Prooter. Philadel!: Oda : Darns &Biog. . „ Shall we have Water, in the Squares? for Tht!Press.l tin roc:—Your correapondent "R"exhibits a very oom mendahle.ease for the city finances, in rebuking the Lager for Riving publicity toe oora muttoation recommending a: means of securing a drink of motivator to snob of our eitisens as visit the public squares during the hot tuonthej Certainly ]t toenail: piece of extra vaganoe In the pity of Philadelphia, to make ;the 'water which it permits the public 16 imbibe in the ; taineree palatable and refreshing, by expanding about '25 Gents Per• day for tee m each' of:thoise ,Squares, or so many of them as it.M.!O? , ye proper' to nosommodate with an lee box for,the purpose of ,cooling the water ' wasteful expenditure' should not thought of:Partionlarly whet:mean about to out off the' supplies for Abe- srairels, bet cause the city cannot afford tp provide,' them with mute._ We ! propoae . introducing : birds instead of these destruotive gormandising squirrels, and our economical friend a El" should protest in time 'against the intrednotion of any varieties thatcan not provide for themselves, without taxing this city for their support -- 7', The herd of deer, in Logan Square should be.sent to the almshouse - . or consigned to the tender mer cies of the caterers for oorporatiOn dinners and festive entertainments of *letting committees; foe the brutes have coat the city mulch money, not' only for their pupport, but for the mischief whichy they, bave . done The peacooks and hens have also to fed, I fear.' Should' they not lae sold to cavo'eipense? • - • If this economical vim of "H" had prevailed in Councils at an earlier day,-what a saying Might' have beta ellooted7-Or, rather, hew much useless expenditure might have been avoided! gadgety would not have been purchised, ,, nor any appro priation have been made for beautifying -Pair mount 'Park ; for:are:not these expenditures for unnecessary objects? . - But ‘..11" is. furthermore ap prehensive that a' drink of, cool water, taken by the children, who overheat theinseliea with takipping the rope or trundling the hoop in the squares, ruiglittprejadice , their health. Poor things Cannot the superin tendent be !educed .to play the part &Bandar Paula's. medical . adviser, and deny them 'the in., dulgenee of a refreshing draft, lest their health' should ha endangered? provided their - Maeda ShOuld be so rockiest' or negligent as to attifeilhem' to vialt scenes of such danger without atteriding and guarding them against th e. lurking , insidious danger of ‘, a cup of cold water." , • 'Butonest horrible Of all, ‘, apprehends' the ' temptation to warm the water thus Gaoled, by the introduction of some more ardent Itquid, 'would prove irresistibly. ,tempting,, and our leung Ame rica, of the genus rowdy, and Old America, of the class loafer, would congregate about the attractive hydrant (instead of resorting to the regular grog gy-loth bringing their .bottles, of stryolsnmed con-- dial with them, , , • • This objeetion ,ef his loads me to believe that "II" is a vublze4n and his taken the alarm fOr the profits of, his ,"cal l ing," should the water, which, it has been proposed to grant the public, be made palatable and refreshing 'by the cooling proCessf propoied.' ' Entertaining this opinion of your cerrespondent, take the liberty of-asking - The Presi for its opi nibnpn the'subject of 46 -11's,",:animadversion; and, to enable you to - give it with the proposition before you, T herawith•transmitthe - actiole published In the Lagar, whioh has so alarmed your correspon dent fee the ' health, morals, and fingneen of th e cite; " all of which' would,- in his view, be 41 1 4431- , gerilby its Ooption. Ox Saturday ii•Nr: White, a contractor on the Hamilton and Port Hope (0. W.) Railroad, having had 'ea addition to his household, gave hie laborers a holiday. This they improved by get.' ting drunk, shooting one of their trimber - dead, etabbinita second, and bruising each other India cOminately. _ , TWO egNTS, LetterVont New York. .O.A.Witii o AVAßicatrizoip.oioon . oxii OF = iIENATOIZ wAtti? -.7-xlCoMowox BAIA .7)12M 4-7411POISTS yen'. APRIL,- AND - FOR rilt3 MON2:118 P/117 1, i , DiPAII.Ttlittli , TRIE riiVe EDISON, OF VH:11. '" ONION GRilopAtle " 'OPP,POR XV1L01*77i9921p.11110 4,41115 T 0'1.16 Parteds4oltl:•#„*. "_ Nigral4cOeliCtei 014 q, • - ' - NiiirYinficiAtoill 80,1659; " Aii' ezoureton ot. novel,7oharaoter,,lsAlepo. ?to take plici;einMencing• at , Buffalo, partytit gentlemen of that city have eitartered a steam tag; in which therpropoee to go:dorm the •, to Montezuma, .tbenoe Peniott, , Dake thenc e,. by canal, to`Mairielnirg," thane's to Plata delpyia, Baltiniere end New York', thence eg the Hodson river to Albin*, and then" all the 'Way by „eine' home: It will be the largest canalboat Carlton ever taken: • , = : • _ - 4tati anecdote; is told oftlov: Seward., Daring: the recent seasion of, clip Methodist Conference,: at Auburn,. an eider,:potieed the devoatattentio,n of thetienator, and he asked thiciatter to whafahnitili he,belonged.. said ,Seward, after 'a aco-, meat's thought ,` " l ioit; am an Episcopalian, bat politica ll y Par 'a distal'• - icc,r_: , ;fl . 5 'PlonOloridial and incite are beoked EaropelY, the TanderbiltrWhiett sails - Jaice,4,-for Sonthamp., ton and /lane. ~ - Tho tables of-importa anti:exports at thiapert for the month of April, shore., „-ita:_atnotint ,thrse Amps as large as ,ficr, the, iniatifor APril year, : and considerably .ei,iees:ef, the same period In. 1857, 'The t o tal: dry gardi ,at this po rt since, 'Atli the thinning of tholsorti, year, In each of the last fear yairs,icrias follires Ten Months of r ; 1855-6--, simig 1858-7 - 85 - 836 683 1857-8., ' •• • ' 345:243' l i ' 1858 , 4) •'• - - 77,279,657 As the acootint ,i 6 kept even, weeks, the first twOyears, - above named; inoladed one more .Week„ in each than embraced to .the,lost two, but the compariseq near,;„enbugh, for all PreatiCal par- , poses, The .remaining two' months `of the:fiseal year will alit Olin* a large: increase the cor responding tete! of list Year. - " '" - I ' Mr. B'rowilei, for some Years con , : !leafed - With the journal of Corninerse, leaves this city this' evening or Monday; to take the edi- - tonal management, of -the, W74.l4ingtots,gnicnt. The :Tear/4g. of cofiloeiso riikhll3l titc46PO!'ing‘ compliment) , at parting:, , ; "Mr. Browns, although ifikelgier bk, births': is a great admirer of American institictiotl,44 by diligent stadfditring the , eightYlsra 'rof. Ifs rest. donee ,ins this lountry„ hen _made, himselfiNettai ,acquainted with them, and' with the ;V4{110104 on which - are Ihen'dedObtin are' .moi3t born Amorloans of equally, tine talents and:sena& Lion, and of mature age. Re Je ales a Democrat of the first 'water, ralitiongh belonging to' a - Cioble" family in Irelaudi and atAt fatunedagto , inherit Its ,distinotiops.Melowever : regards these: throne at , a. verylow,rate, end' OidY,destree act well his pert as en 'Ainatieraikititlien‘wkialt Utter he attained some tweyeare `With foreign affairs, ,and . - eseeoially.with r,Ero' ,rOlcean topics, he is ve ry..and it' is this breach of seividetir whielt he lute chiefly i de voted himself inloolateotioairttlit, the ,roccrwil.if Uommereo...,Qactlitlostions . pechspa stiirmore 'portent in the reeppeeible pdattlen ~Mollto be planed, and , whialthe' possesses IS an be is' emi nent degree, - are: sound' tideineoki.litsedittein 'of , purpose, integrity, faithfulness, 'find title Ottriot! tireater have in pine The: Life of l i rofediroNsianh, with .itilatliwate of hie Oradea and Character, - by /Macaulay, The Hatpera havo'nearly , rreedy a wolamnprltarOntin, l •Talea, by the; auther,no:4ll,ThaYllAi',7)P9*':;. tram, by the author of i pt. ! ,Tkinwel, !Ovoid and pewn, by the anther` of atry_yijfingeleiart. net., and the, 4:pletiine t have. Otnerilew he* nearly `ready' : - : George wilt' he found at %Aden' do te:',l:?'Afterl'iedBy 'mouse from ` 36T Ilionditaftettr Walkeritrent, , which to - bir greet 114061. for pub; y. ; molLarreen4, A/14;414,110 ''ab)Piltik" , flAP4 44,4ctigdirp*ii# Yoder' * , , 5 Mute*Yyind Pke :igtep*iv of r P ( 1 ,04xj ;7140k ' P ( . l l*: ;;'` .l l4, p . 4.45Nrel ttvp':',46i: cam-` prq plolll,artfairelii6ndbfe geeiandiluktio eisizilYOniiirirostie be effied44l, ei Dept on t e inlo2lllbendfinisigi,l"--;,--2,, ~(aEI4'ER-'I9.L.=:NEtiVS . - - • , - • FATAL' RAILROAD AC6IINT:,--011 TIOOPLY last, a woman, named Barlow was. in (titer' and instantly, killed, a short diatanee'!fiom Traded's; on the Hudson 'and Boston 'Railroad:, It :ap:' pears that Mrs Barlow and her husband arrived in • fiudson the day previous, .and bad., 'Parted. on foot alOni the railroad the same afternoon. As the train approsehed,ihtienginderpereeived them sitting:Span-the Ira*.„The '3Druaki signal' was given, but- no ntitioe was, taken of it it the time. As the train apPfeziolamt: nearer, f The'zat quietly stepped from the treeighttt his_wife refitted to do 'so-) The train' passed, , uve the aefortuoute-W0- man's logs,.nearly r severing 'the limbs'. - The t . was stopped is soon 'as - pessibte;r and , . isvomits taken buckle findson - foronedinaliald the ex pired the sameeveningTher_is,no;dotilkt..-that, the women intended suicide _' ' f TEIOOSARD•I)OLLA.R. EIOR r k mrnput-,-,-Last Tnesdev, tifteinimi • Illi:'.tonia_ipropidetdr= of .the; Clarendon liotetivituldriVing down the-gleaning 'dale road lighkbusey.-pnd wifen,at the:Juno:. Mower Breadiay and 'Eighth avenue, Neirlrerk:' met - Mr.' G' 0. Bawthersa.4 , - Reit ;driving_ 'rapidly; and the shaft of ;Mrrsgwihorn'e vehicle penetrated the breast of Mr -.Tenes t e.horset,,whieh fell, down and died Intin`idiatelyliom'the, wound” 'As was nattiral; Both 'gentienisn',Were -very mifeb exulted, but a Twenty-second ward, policeman pre; vented a personal encounter, They subirquently became reconoiled, Mr "Rawthorn prisralaing to satisfy Mt.. .Tories' for his lott: 'The-:hoiso, was 'beautiful animal, *names valued 14t,51,000. ' . ' ~E ztr.r.otinln or A Lonostorivit.— IonOnl.0 7; tire ;of:the Pittsburg...Fort Wyne,. and Vbtoago Railroad blew up while standing on a ildb track, at Buoyrus,•Pa.,on Tuesday' last. The men had left but a few 'nal:inter, before to golo'dirinlir.. , It was blown to ideate: , .:"The bell waalandednp,town near the realdenosof thelormarpresident of the oompinly. , Part .of the! Angip) brown upon the top ,of. the c ourt hausei and Caine Bar playing thedenoo:witli'the reaords.. The top of the water 'homes was Itneched off} and to date nothing bad. ' , been been'or heard of , the pieces, - - , TA.IIOIIT EIS Wrass.:—Thi Litchaeld (Ot") Enquirer:ol'4M 212sayaf't-' • "We know a man; in .Wastorn NOwArork whit could not write- when hearse - married, but who was instructed .by - , , ble, wife so thoroughly 'that within five years after hie Marriage he was elected 'higisCherifffonhis county, and Within ton years served: font years in Congress, a and is now one of. 'the , thost - prominentArgatoters in the; Empire Etats, 'president or< xi< bank,and worth probably, half a•militon:of dellars.'? • -, • . < - „ SOI.OoN STITROne, one of the'iveidtby'intin of Ohio. mad greatlandOwner is tolling hill lot possesslons, because . ho'belleves' no man hat aright' to own more land than is matotanyy for his non and that of his' faintly. ''ln. MBA - dyer-. tlsemont*o says, "God, has no, dqubt - yeintljr or dained that'lantisharkt shOnlor emend; arid! r oan truly. say that osn. andoadingly -anthills to Ben all my lands , " and. got , oleiti of the .curse.” Solomon doubtless gets a ifoork MO* for Ma land. , 'FAUX. ' ; ApCIDENT.OII' , Friday last a man named Evan - Mowry-wee killed 'by'the falling in ot weeniers , eat& near Olayaburg r in this county - . He andle:d others engaged in ceiling aCthe than inpaired'to the cabin for dinner, and *idle& it was preparing; the etruotarerwhhfa.had heavy ea.: vering of earth upon it, gave wai,nnd came down upon them with crashing weight;killing Mr. Mow. ryinetantly, and very seriously baiting the other two.—Hollidays4terg (Pa.i'Reignster. • Gut ems.-LThe number pc miles Uatiala fn the United States nowbouea IS abotit . 50,,(1/18 ; the total cost is about $175;000,000,In the three State's of Vermont, New lismpeitite ,and Massaohusetts, there are not ten miles of oanals now used for pur poses of navigation.,. In New York and renneyi vania, canals perform, roost important functions, both in the local and genereitrade ef those States.' A liliiiflr#TY iiiiTWlh'EN!T*o PIICIELISTe.4i' John Wtiode,, ,well.kidisia Pugilist of Bondi!' adoes.,wee r ,seierely handled at one of the sporting houses, in New York, on Sunday week;, by 'JIM .11righesi-The tronble hid its origin In alienate about•llama-stake money, and they, resolved to fight , it, put: ,Wood bid hit face - Mit, britliti, 'and b'at tared in the most palisbeJstyleof the ring.'"; • Lear BiOnday evening; in" Bt. tAntlis,'Mo., a Mexican fell upon his -knees upon the; pavement in front' of a .revolving, wax fashion, figure, and Voteeded devottens,Auilldta of the of passeitrbY. 'Re 'had evidently Mi staken theligere foir twine saint or for the virgin , • 7 - A TEXii,EAsitallinß.-Hon. James Monroe, while walking 'the- eta-nets ef , Diarehell, on WoduehillaZiaat , 111 1 8 -emanated' by a woman, who r *without saying a wordoirew a knife,- and stabbed bid in'the - grain, indicting a dang±rons wound. -The fedide assassin, whets ultras is Itissman, was arrested. , • • • THREE men underfed; to run s, skiff, with a all rig, from, htoVeytOwn to Loiiistown. - tot week; but a flaw 'Of wind lipid their.boat mid drowned one of them. - The otlier,two etwe'etitid'in arimmipg iiilloro.'ntrOaiday4Urff (Pa) ..„._________ „ - ** ; I - iity:;.-. Nowes, . T e l _ • -,••-;-,-••• • - 00111• ' giii, 4c, Tai *psii #1 #... e.- ",k ,1, -- 1 . 1 .sl' -- •• ' -..-,`-'-`)': '` '''''::-:.C.7,---* is 1ah413011 21.1 !. 1° ' -.-, ''•.; - ''-' Iliiiii: - econv a id assfamillill*-• 44 !“, none Of t -. imit.:. "- ~,,, kt• *Mc. ' l4 - 4 0 4 , k 'l ligI L151( be ' -- Write: , th°47,9lll o:l l ati›9 l .o t i t f'..044 '."r:-:= ,7 - ;..F:L e #, " 1 "'" 'Ai-44re 4642_ ..:.„__atua„4....Y1444.,. tirfiluiPiglaiM ak,thov- --' .... `Rim ~...7...* ,7 — 777 "" r- : _ - ,- -,),"• „.. , tK iirmi iewti'of ths CgOil l i Ni g ' , , : 77 7 7-7 tbilretknoseeolt On iIt,tr!I,,,grIFO R Y>I IINI ta - t..;, - *f imlialit*44 lMb, At i ',r,"- lail. - - big to,tiknitishl/210.!;....1 1 -_ _., ...,!. 2... .. '• - _ _ --- ,_ .. 1144111 , , I fp 111104 - ihe:tieo - politicaTintatee of lite.' sOidirylieiltis on scriaily - create*" In lad•YindenietratlF TIPASPfm° Oath' eeettoketitfdsthk-42001_ntho oeoto-itips-- ih r7r,1 4 . 11 /001r 2, niooith rivet: Thi - timo. ors a li4seung w i t h , keep tat- eethail*: , The 'egiiitresaithoul Ma fall. Thor. we ado trophy of pyroteolirVitiia' y -initFroursse, which were , borne' condit;lffs, dieelrtrpd. lei effflaff, nisei. to M8;4.141'1 of the troird. sips., KIS D P.d , ftumketfilin trt la-ejltt inforlibikiMthe Hari Yabi'liotibhii by a analtsit'iiile: 'pitielente , sid , Bobbins tendered intknonieditniente for'ther honor conferred on liier 2 e the meeting warn to , ' ratify the ireka leininitti niter eadie b9Prellol On - the rile& of the taiple thif:,oeitmellyecte tits Dennierstio noznineeo,;On,neediriten44-It.mise. r. amicable filet he. tlionglat,lbat-fba;fit7APYY, eh:meth, coniolldetionl,ltedehasowtedq)lVlni:enTs cod trim eiretinndenee;in _yrolpti,qtfrirq;:tt WI) but fair to_ biter, thit, nn the menegement , Ot the "ofir gaverrnieisi moor unsettled end , enettingi pieettoof SOU . - tke jinni* • 'irtnlVlC - Sieserccer- was in. paggrand mpre',lntrg,,lne r ass , adiaatlgit Tho Snout- difficulty brOitsrally settled; !he l'aagnay Upeditiori boa terntbeatid roost r iiii*liel-= a linsaalel ,cals 'his ninnist3poseed Anton aid apcinfie yall • re -4tll Vtiti/s.• / 10 0 11 4,)tioolvd0 by imprint/kg tin bon, unt„.l).puersgn pattywoald alert i PruSdent "Hoa,,Hithca;lmactrwaa-zett Aka did •not mine with expectation of, . belienipeaker—he And hoped the anli'pprt essionet to him iromta be that or A listener."Z t ents seinonathaqtbq Damearatia party bed the good fortune to moonlike names pricer who** chanalanotoatipo himhm,th o oppf Wiwi ; 11 , 60itetoelt and Boriof.r Meiners' men 'esirtbjr qt all ebeiblenee and eniiielt; mac who hdretoidllY thfil:.lentvegata party in:eunskineandrotones.,..tllikat.Mq innetlett to secure simile waif ed. elbey bad'an iteportent- paircersOoKic , ,oleviernld only work with a unity at4ipthwiamealtY otparPata, ,tber.would beAntrenqOVln ita piorfo-csanieL - aobert Paletborp; tbsicieetion ba Tuesday - frotsult , Llboxklbstflt. Orfiltx ,aalablyzaars,,,Catatteatmaa,. eararps,,m7.-altra- awn dr.! • SReP . 11 4 . I mirt . moialubY l men 'pledged to the Dimioers ld oienso - " 3 0 "iligitimiimat and ' reform •t: :The ! ManzuhaqbadiAleelaildetek.A• 111 ..5v maimed provid.reereant*lbeity=.44"l°-," ' - tly .. remilylog thop front ollite- Mid. ' n¢ , _Demo. crane'patty lirpooderstaila:;thet waiiumblAssmi* re- Atom. tooffilty 1,9 ite v ir ette 4 MilMt ' ' ' ' - ..Dr , Goatee wand* ' ' Sher: felt 'hippy* . iiirillifia - : - oe - otitettindellia;iiid de- .lernibeedle*famailiett witikthiabefbefvo-•,, irlidolii id' umph..:: They bad eome there hi ra.WY- Om seinfnetions or the - eindiditee °MIA' Irii aboaraNigaittY. 4 .4Stalie Ka °natant • wiff'iv ilioir*OlOWSiosilkotoVAAibeid Mk* a monument above that of eomomeaneir, AGEOtyli ‘ Role Asa no moots pi? his Oboriptir Wiliklbiftr*ollte,oft' ttiO - Ouxi 7 - Ili* . imbotatiitfoo*l'OaNlMPOVlLVii‘lina unt *Gird aibuilitit*lnk Ur 'ildttra:illegidelleo • - Jempii9l,- ,liiit e4;elte - isecevAiwsit epee lereeeilesik-ead ". aufdiNidthe: ynlitarleiiiie wad itti'visit - i fiii,, ,,-- MWr.-Adts , - In aublf rtahadition t4R - IllitbooiliVitoltflicaliPoits. • mouth. sod lair* refAilwlexie*Werev-le.-MWddi- ha here e Vitiarn in,, the vesede erv - es4 -*4 9 - 1 - 1 " c ' tnn " "' :lionld meet It just iii,Verteiiitewit -esweerreiegiaa 'tiersii Be biped to iiihd.ihey wotild never lee Yleit'd b y - Ruch. a &unity., T e oppositinn badoonsfeed reform, what reform bad they given us? - Wan it ihrjalms. house *the - Board oUllealtit - peoidantemi'tfiThr wool ed to 840 AC-Denxidatie party restored Ad-glarn when n aro alled d o wn , the Idaitidiinedist' . , at and uir- - itulid"thiliaii of •leffersidi AfliClisilinc - MM Ifs bad.- hennas Walla: ibiarfew_weelistriti pa beifealditriar. ',.. avgke edmineadiedtdm tecebnieieerApeeNie :seepekei,. - ' eimiral Tiiiixile:leuree 'EsidleC Would - me' a - Soho as, c.inint'Of tifir'nitimblietdeltri Ibirotaritipiiii witted, and Toidtfur *Met t•Thie., TeexeMeer. Viet, .e :ei.,_li,tee ineeli , their enmities ~,att,suitter- t hem -10 t h loi‘r vilfda of heaven ; 'There wad ii - Pitiudifiteishit lidrielivddirid their"newt* izikieasf,teief eilizoleilere tif Simeerate thatibm'Y Vel ma - ItPitelho'keesii.Pitlid'Arkti Outbid - the atrugam'fon: the' ~melon - i .- :.r isiaiepiseetereie, op.' pas* the effort, of the - friends of freetiMi*Whitt bed , elite' lesetliker mow of **Weed*. , ~ t....Tbey bad-. broken, oor.:o l 4txnuall: bsdrd ' -, - 1 " *le r Loki' Oa; iiid maid limey iit toilet lieff..l 4 .lllllina the - •Deirroarheivitei-div , lllWeier ., biderir: tinairlumbered.„ the ,:rmuteury;and.pabittudllion dollars ' ef,': the ; mime debt. -. In ouil - yeir:whit had (hi Opiiiii**_ d i mief , It. Ina - feiteelipea tke , isifiqddit Weeeeded 4 lletfr AV:lisd. .___„-in :amok taus dettsteaelat auileutwie iilaiug - ISWAIed ...I 4 d.WlillOll4. US eityle eredit,..ide,.lt*4isike lhozin. *my to Aeliiini`tbeiriebitel' iii 'WeeV7jueililt-ibse was ttieeeeuey wale reie4beilecirogee pelt rise_ l in tbefr lesjility-seeel , leseirthitlf;:"3, , i , ';, - a -, ' --- xi, I. Martin nut itdremet;pni '.. -- -'?ilXO 7 Mid- afeed the hindentfef iluidaterehtthi oSbypetigraitistisf, tbr'soteddilislooliolgottatio44**rolgAPOWC,: Tim , - hadJegrestedflte Obi et the,904009i,104 th e difidieeidwild'ilrl6o,f(ft - ,`Ther eastr-iiis:pewer on rem, pretottef. - , Titar proosiprititur*sretutivi teed:, lied steoletteel , tkeile9X ineke . Irleezd 'ha even gene wiper as 18: L utack -that', 1.40111 min - lei Wu* ciitini,Vl6 piestreilivei else - old" m a =ii „_. levelineetieoled hi rimiumolF Miee is . ' S. - • - s''' - - ice . p ` AllipS,tbkr: , --...• -intin - ' - - • $e- ~,,_, aseredAieliqiphilei.'eereave tdieligemftwoadit.' iiff l O t ibak : ._Str - r oo t ifs: e Moan*, urging thelm lit elect theatelft, , --w" Ale knoirableendii theYeeeti - " -010 Otileek :t= MAaa.Msariea'o>k_ter:XitoltraiNFAlAT7f." • The pioyde;s:Tarti areeilitierize, ths same -; Cverdasinifont ef f lp4+idenCidlili;,Viliiitin tenet*. eery rostimminer*reatiod ipeakeri , • ," At eight 'oieloaft. Mr: Henry to the - alairnedeotmetwinkt-flere 3r . thirtypotlaMen chosen rftTille•rreet 44 ftbl-linCatereio o >'_ , A., of reso lutions expensive s of, the Aerial ;at ,i/aia. molting were 441tand uftalmonslyfthiptied, after - whisk, Mr. Thos.__ 31 . 1 !iiii,!tter ‘ lO " • Mr. ilnlettar said to thie =MAW Maitre' 'reminded him of a wraborseicentleg the betthillel4,4ll abler for the fray.... It was not neoevary-for him lo closet of the great and glorious riceiplee ;41,210a -early, beams be beew they uoderatool - and = sinpreciateCtketr; rot was he thereto Irriblaentbrisliem .and pateogsm for abode:L - 7 they wAreaalled .noon to perform, on Tuesday 'ant, beanies he knew that the, : patriotism which fired ' their laittairould direst them; nor to point ont the *on sequel:idea math would bean, oft country If tits Demo oratio party continued lo,power; nor , would it b.coma o young a man,* him to hold no to aeons sad edante, any of his 'term elt , sens „becenute. they 'inbred from him in principle and practicumbeanse he believed that -.ars Amerlceowhce loves Ids ootatrjdeslial its eroe ,Perity; bet he cauft to' add 'Me - enthrielistirc - b °pea to *aim tad to aid in Inspiring, a. higher - tweention to •chtoveoOToNaty neat; victory roe - 8,03 , 10ne then toi that Inesureceded It; . There winriat, in the his vary, Of this Oneutre. *Duo wban the •people we-is not wady for ant exigeney, and to: redraft. any : grievances they ought hive , , Morton Matilehtel. lisq:,lellnend P end bre- Moatiolyalledad tole. display rit'flurrorke which was then beam- cm:dotted in the prime, at the Dew* rata mastics •Ln the , other alde - of Oshawa. 'There was but one danger, heroin, to be feared on!ttierdevaext. sad that was that wh-ne every person tent certain of success, there wee- apt to be a :aft of that energy and setatty -blob had horetcf weehmturerised 'their efforts. Their majority bailsonirereased by several tleettund vote* at the last alio:tie I,' Med tbdught tbetwite p oteer exotica - It 'wan be increased as much more at the a mir,gelegtites-', liteetituederid. the present election an important tot ' , energy on mos t of the mere officers that are 2,L0 .1* ideated, but on- account of ; the ; feline* the' remit will loan upon upon - the • Tarty -go - "the vial. Tinton. They were abzut , deciding: Anti:thaw Allah ere internam; to, *Vary State inti-Ifo on for if the De- MOCiatIO perty_is aliened tti 'onnquir that electico Tor eitY °Maces it will be a Criterion•that*. city of biledetphie,supporte the 'Adolinistreition of Mr .chanan, and be would the afar. impress upon t? air Mindv tke neeeasity for every man being et hie post on l'uowb6v-aster4o4Pirnt the battle. - Within the last fortnightbe had travailed through a cone drrable. Tartan of toe coat end inn' regions of this Stake, and wan one of a party invited 're visit that section in •order to within the e , great indurtrial de velopments of the State; and he said that they found a ordvalet sentimeint -peovided the-eniodeaftthe people in the different locaiities they ioull.visited, that the time had own. In•which Penneylvassia r eve were OM to , rlisOoliet' Make: the- polby - OL.Atil People's gticty Pr."2.llolimlek The In*loB44mm all had their m Mae-Maui! sp - 4nbettan cf.*e proteeton of American labor; which wail the ,ine they had to settle 'all Tunas:y- 01 1n thiisigbt they• would carryall *awards except the Pourtici-and that - there was coma *nee or Carrying that v (Laughter J ' Mr Henry D Moore followed He had travelled over two hundred miles canoe lust night, inprdento be there to express the interest he. felt its .the eleol9ll of Toes day. and he could not imprea.tob etkonitouily neon his hematite fetareet bee !dietiob, and that every geed Meat feed via this contest. Tree, it wee only a local election for manleipatadeam,yetavetT min within the sated ofMem:doe had a solemn respon mbilityrebting Upon:bite it regard to it, Me had heard people say that they took no put in politics,: because it interfered with their imam affairs T,his was a den gowns- doctrine for, any one to admicate.„..Peeple had nettaken interest enmesh Inglis matter, or better `men would now . occupy the high emcee ofaur eotintry. The only Nay forth. pcopleto &Wargo the - sola= respon sibility, that reated upon them, - waddle - for them to go to- the polls in a rigid; taited , body spinet the soled column of Liftofeeolam._ 4ui petty pre ) nediees mast be Thrown to oft: tilde zed haarßomr. reign' Within their ranks in • order to insure succerei...lie teld,them never to do anythirgdregardlass Of Consequences and related the laterview that happened in the tilted Stites Senate, 1111860, between , Senator Olernins; froth Alabama, and Henry Olay, - derieir Which' the latteeenetenteir end eloquently rebuked the iernierfor -*Meting, that un less Certain eendliknftweercoompilled with, rt Soo* Carolina would Hoeft froingbe Mean twiftrdlers of the olitiseqtancionn Realhedeifte **tariff question, and :stated t ,1 " ,1 431ftkeliftlei lades the lash of nblic opinen,dially summoned up coinage to tell the people. _through kis =wage to Congeal, that we ought to bar • s revision, it the tariff, and that ha neat movement wain mace forward - and ask ter $50.000 000 to nits the Spanish to sell us Classed itsnegroos; and; at another period, to aukidengesee to give him the ft* end-the may for the parrot* of arotecting tnti. sens on the' Whams Mr.- Moore continued to de- Donnie the tonne of the administrative 14 reference to pwteetJan for Maori : mut labor, and oftekided by hying: et Latta to James Badman, yen' may chetah at it. store of the American people, but we Will put yr yt barkby.tke west:an which. Die People will nee on Tues day neat-the ballot-bet • ; donates were else delivered by Yreek.Oroaby Vol. Philip Vete, and Mr. Moran, ellottehom denounced. t to Demoorecy to Strong tercel, and declared their prin ciples and their party the only.tinea which mord per petuatethp prosecute Mid hawk:tan Of the country In generil anti tbecits , of Philadelphia hi particular , The demonstration:made by-the lWoveleetings, both bane held bre the same manta; and in Lltuttspositeou tome* other, was anch, ft is seldom Writhe ma in this Ott, or elsewhere, the strtiatebeing ,ftinstaetly crowd ed with delegegong from different Trait. ofthe city headed by bands of male, Many transparencies of va ried &alas, baiting to tiost: eppropilate to the par ties who had them. Aluirge, added to the novelty of the mere and Created some merriment. The meetings both adlefirpal Were eleven bed the utmost enthogAllin sad ;DIA Oen; prftelled , aides the en *dits e, nitlf4lbtwltbetBanding the hsrana , nes bestowal `m. leo* lidos Of the bonsen the realactlyk - partiee sad ille l / 1 0118,1111b, - • .rye:-~= ~E=fill~