it. ORIN : 4 AI ,--ii. ---, . tipmr t ofitielnal4449lk`Prtsg stlo4l li ttiii 1 . ,„. -t, rbllopiptila'4l* - liatuttlitati plitruiWol4P i.wrNyttibilme.sit aint i bi oib lii ld l.... l .:i i i omit giate'br •'' oubabf 0fith * ,,1 43.1'41-.. - 71.74 , 7:-' , 1 , r . -: ' out, trtko*ini - lii, iv ,Q,-4ii i i- to iiivi Nt -_. , - A• ir - 4 019 wmi , wk.a.--lisiolkitniiiin.botiiion atal`tolloot 404 ,gg itr4oso.l ) Asais i -- ;lau4abow• littlottio,titili.` - ii6lacialaa the tOotattl* tburarorak,O to.oll_r& ;- - la lialii- 4okth Akivi , orsea , d-zwiweawßzY4,-*fedi t i, , ,,,„l, 6f : "eurofol / , • -1 1 10- r.' ; 41.6-li UT r;it C notitullotO - '- ' 141"-Iu l t IV•It tl-l ialCU I ViliAl‘Pilitionali-1 '--- "Mb!! 7,- -- lz- , 1 '.•••••. o • 4 l )4tilluptoottPtiolo 111 1 •' 4 Pidt4. 1, 7 17 1\T - Fr.. -v p - Fv3-• ` `,,-;:-.: .'•": • , •-; - .; . ,c f -1 ;;` , : - ' 4 l 4 1 4iitjitilAiiiblican• party in OM i MC*: ...tfkof i ll*• 4ol "s' S - 1°,1 ' 1 " ' daPricadi . act bi 4 ttliOrflottoodlOO4 otitOto: it itt• )I . etat , i of ii Pot O col o gilt e tt i v " oll ,, ,, ,l 2 . l t-- II - I n-;; ' ' ,atitatlint `andlltilittoit titiftr't- ...1;-,.. ;; ::: , 1 .1.1 r - • - 4 'lteas'eltkilk,"Thallieearkestmr_ ).eirelskrin .!! ;; . s . publican bintinpv.iti:ltintallaitoliitto to rOw i ty 'A " their _vote .-torapouittoklatifib'4ollla be O; • st_olO uaokrto 1414 : 11iniu 400abcairbicit bac hammy! boon . f4eiunatitaituo i4v0.1607v of •ft", Ptliolipioll • hid eq u al Hitbto to , OWllloWe - ,L., .. - ::: ' i - ~ ' ' l , l -11 _..ri Zvi ~1.., i.,,,,,,Ti3Orailb4wltirs, ~',,-,,,-.., -,-,,-•• • ' . ~. i :2 -`s`• , q - ... - 4. - -',WIC-11Orcii ". . ;-.- , ---' •,,.'-ei ..i ii ;'•i,ll;'4l , •aiiiilio4 c ‘:i - , ~14: datici einti , a4 --'- ' • ',---- '--4,4l,4l,isgoAliAlrie r: 4- 00fillnIttoil;', - ' 3 ...,., `‘-3 .7 ,- f.,•3... Alv , :li , ..taimigliAem 4.7 es•t,: . :, , •'' "•.“1, .. : 1 ; , -' ':'•-=' "•? ..''Z'al i ti;( l 4o,4,, i .;', -,,•' ••;' , 't , ;,,,,`, 4 Mr - r 7 , . :‘ !-:" . r;',-c -' lf A i ii ,' k : :.: tii htV-- , 4 , 4 ,, i,r. .- i ci . ,,7„,-. L.,' -Gold : d •. : ai,,w,o lo o.4thia,the 4wii:or,ogrti ii : -•_nisiksiqdretlirVllllC 111'PA'Vg41 fifty 1 1 . 1 i t eurnilsV;Vtli*lo,l!.(f very ri Y , '"l t 4l °ll l l . * ll 9 , La ',gtvaiPti6- e n l it a ** *ll 4 4: 4 iniaiar •-- , Toot - oR Pa 414,1 - Aalic . ll_l4- ii Ntli ctinforn ii .; - fp* 4aat'llOsi itant :. - . 44'1,Ts i r il lz—iite)-oart .- %;11111.;?‘41461141""'"Il laluispa as 44, to ,-.,,, iph , N,.."..Vaie11in1L06,111111.1k,„„,„„.,.. ig Ito law , • ‘ l ;bictl trot" - tr " r l ' r ai .• "1" 4'4747 17!7 - • 'inill , -42 ;:• 4444' - a-•lfi ffit4 -- Wat thati,aboolthoo o oor . =, tii rs ti r Vat' kimAtitkw.loo - 1 1 111 41 1 * Alt° i• - n:oaleikiiii-butari i ' , .; ?XII I ,. ? . "r• :- 1 4`44 1 W.Nitio - Ori44:llAt• , -‘;-.•••••-: -' • • 4.7islownitaNkllll' - -;l l allgorlotow 46 '. l n LI: Caa4AlbinVilloVob i let tit ritt a ttio t ~tdirlityt!ii4t'illtoll4llll4ll4.l,lool4-,,JADOIII* -1,-L,6lll4l.lll„Tiii • :4;4l4olboauPookbloi -Oli k t . o4t W 44l4ll ' d-• ;aside - of teas:froot`Atikuultiacin - ettliblitt !al 5 ..,,..,,. • 444444,441;41th laiPlot : 0 401 ooYt f 43 454.= ,tetti.lll.oo-`l'Or'r--tk•Jir 1i47-1111';Iiiiiitorocame-, 1,,,; divbaii i i s a”.`l 4B l?! P ligi , - , ,,, n o , Ty k oil o ilW WO, y . 1 2 c 0 0 4 11 11 1 14 l: 1 0,01, : A I 1 1 :.g. b ,. I : I: 9 t. ti 1 ; 1 4 1.1 k t: t e a is e i ir t oll! lid o ft ` t o 444 this i t , L i b e t n ' A i i go ,5 • l a top i t i a r oi i t s d e : ...- 4144u0t0a or; expensoi iltAf . ou . tOrr_o7s _,,..„,_ , , -"As* aninta3O-Ob/kootiotittobo_riA , - -' - - - '•- - ; "=Vietur 3niell - -.7-1, '-'... , • , ~, ' ig.sLi t. ., . 7lfr:-Zt-fropoi!lbui 724,Aa4,67,2b1zat • - 'IY -- - " --; , -; Chi/ ...kgi,Vistior4 ,cooknats IrAtk ,-- • , Arrived, . ..aramiiiiiti,, 1,1% ~, - ;i ,s, i if f i ,„, ~ 4,,,,,„,0,04 fto?",'- , ,', , . . :IlivAill4w: .P!, l -,.. : '''• Au, NB. t, - • ,- 1 -1 A •.' - " 6 ', omit,- ~-,'-' 4 • 1 ' 2.: - , r •- :- ` -, r .- - -Wi ta atei.olo,o"samk - Artu ',: alp .1"`-'41Afiai,hol' , -11 , -Niir!' tat* 806,119rk° r - _ , ..,' :, • ---_,___,," ' 7 iii.4,alliali W l ' - min - rj - , 4ilrtiv4._ I=44l;ol,:ltin,r '".•?. •••••• imp., - " pots ,w, - .' :', I , ',• 5, , ••• , •,/r. •,• E., •,,,,Jilik , 110°111!1, ~ 'llP•:''Y' ' 1114' Viii, iii* Ito. saiii ilic3 . l. k aklii ""i Vlit , - roii ikalsth siktl,lo, nit.47l,.wei*tionv= ~`"'' tifAki!""!ltii4ykoil!,g...ll,4°.;4l- ' ' .1.,;` o;1•,' 45a :,....,..,. , 4•1111- it tik,w40,hr, ,, , , ,a1 4. iii itojlr.,. •,_,,,. t ' ..%?1,1,1, 11 r . 1 ritao4ll4, T.latt'it . tlii ,;1; 4101 W'Tt- r !C ' 5 ' "-11: iret,,,..."--4440001,'• ..., :-...,:,..;'-ideal.- s . 1-' ;4ll;illitr ‘ . ,. 4 - - :,-,,""•i;t'' - 'r"'''':;l4l/liall, '!"-; J . • 1-- - '•co;i2,oo •141Liiii, - : • '.14#044. Art', vc,,,•,...,,,-g l',•'liiis tin., .. -,,,,161**1.11r01t Oit An....yestor -"•.-`-• itiosom, mow bpi" 0 ,-- is sciatr. --- , 1.,, "' ' lalli--- -1. 0455 ti1t"..T4 ' "Ir,-1.,.q.-...-e,.• - ,-1,....1 tel 551rr...4,,,...,„...,, ~....., ~. guear'" " "v.—mini-A rifr140744 ~___.- „,.:,: , i;._, ~;, : - 4, , ,iiii,p,... 7 . : ,, I ~' Ur• SG-i!! ! Q-il4„ '5f,"1.44444,51'4411i, ~„42,1,7Gs ; ' ,-- ~AIS,II gzille,, r+M il l y ifin, -',,tlbo+.e la" =l -- ',.. •,•2111:6;o1r..0141`-:ht 5141t•fi:': • , 4 ' '''-' caielia,-.111 .;;,,, Z -A17,-..a`-'1,301(61, - . r a l',..?; •• ',.• 4Tiotrt -14 -.10/114.,:c ,• 04 '411214r..1„.04.9fiii,, ,Dl3.sAarigibic ty .) ,:.' ...-.. , 'r -mw..- ir•etor.. : "..---folbolkk, ',llr .Vr,' ,l `;`;lo X NiirkM.Pl IM it .y r • ,-.,..- ?4 ,01 -7 10 . 0 .r ‘.-- 1 , ~ if• ~ • ••••,,:',--0r,,,1b -1,,-,1,43,. 'Tl's - 4,,..4,;i704' ii"- - li wt•prow, ~,,, ',. . '-` 3 , 4431.. )11-, v , ' .1 , e,, • 4 i 1444tt, it * E sin , 0-'" IplilfOolry- y. 11 r , „ ". 0 4•Qiiiiiiiroo4 1,:--- 4 p i 1. PeUridgtwooltleittftiil4',4:lll" firittiMAl -1' 't -r,-.:' 4114-6.4.4,gba iVaIIMI.:4+4-'4ltrreAktiLlig• 440akit+ +- - ',- -, ley, ~--.4,-, *Oiling ,4-, t'litios 1iimm1 14.64 1 -„,-- --Z,,kr.; o + l K l fLe..l4lNifielarlfEX:l>AtvonAiVierealiM '---'- ' '00eiw,...47#4 ,f;=l _ r ti,.;.•,..*l l o , - „; *At^ n- iip;bl -•'' fl tlio'b:""tilre -,•'- ',lira althi .... „ •-g -- . -, '. Mice Woodn'ol4*** - ":pw''' r'n 00,w e' - '"'"'''' .:11.Cialitla -..,;-;:',l,l**„..4oliessir:,.„2loGl .75.0.111CA1M, ' ' Introved"l'7l,7rVlAZZ-I.‘ , ! ' l'arelvkko l i g .6 1" - • ii,t'1 1 .4 111 4, t4 -o i i j,„o ar Ilk's' 3 ffA = -ikk,;liii,li 0f,441;rt-i, -77- _,' :. - i - ' ,- .Aiti "ft ~&..d1,71101: „,, .:, 1) ,/t--ki,'': ~._f chire";oll;;Tiub"l, ''''' i• ' tritOO" - .41" Y" eigagritigrif-atittir/q; 111411 0 k. *Ail a .•_„, , -:.•;;.irmag. o o,- • 44,41&tqi.,144,Ai51i*,..., ir'ff: . A--,,,,,,1t00kr ; . 4`,9••,?-4iioli4-oobt,T,'"•', ir,q ';,_ 41 , - lowirto, .6,0%,11'.....ifu1t,,,,1 ;-A ; wo, 1: ++1111;',0441-4¢-ijk0,000A,A noi.4 we41 1401 1,01.,!ir 11441174,4=11, -40 : 1 7 , y . ;..1- at' , F. , • - , , 0.4 , If Clateidlli. .--,?. ih m irat sow . 'lelr : tiiyinvii.f..-11.pow,h-! .'••W 4LPIAt iiiiir. - ;••N ; 'h r ' f " ' --' tosoult.“, ~;-; - ww in Binding • totin.3:„,----.'lf.'ivaiiido 3 ,' I '" 111', i ,-_-= 'OIF- rig- Adiagdri=f•-•,,,„-„,,..-z,R.-:;,-',.-1,,..-:, ~,, - = - , ,-. e . .-= • zirauDisrts-2.11.-L' -0-tint's ,41! er.„•L'.'. ~....;,--;j0y.,,,,-ixiiii..-...mwaut!lik ' - - -;' ''''; l 7- 70 -- b • ati;/a ir:,-'`;:6l,-.' Atif.,Airi:47,!, , i ~, • ',.•:-..%;:, - -jt o' 8 ..111440fligkeo _„;,43:Fli ri l` Vl lWl '' - 4 1 ' ' :4 ,_,t,e ,+-DlVisi.oT; f'7 4 ' -',_ ',Tloa r, !: ~,,,!: ' . : : Is l' ruitltriY T :.44::[n*-71tafibrOwitfTA A' ---d-- a ir istso,sW -31 .'"! - L''. ~,x 412 : 044 4. 1 , m'".- T1 ~..",",01147-414?,..t:T.,.".....,.i.1iTTi t 4 ' '-, vli. .1!...,111.1C-",:'S,7,lhuluislrlUto' Ain ' 'l== '''. t•RIZErire4SSILkoPAr 2 --U"i4fisit -t 1 i • ..•:',++ -.. ?!.'ift,tli4•ol, + ',`,'-ltinlitsitwool*Bo 1140541e6 — it , 4:-1..."-tsP '!',,-, '.--., .4 1 t''' 44?,, tsr%4,-11t4Prev4 tliialitCrVi 4ietk+ - r 261114 411 1 1 ;1 3 - +01.45,-,belair sii, ,„....;57A.,-1_,;0„••,,,Biro ,..-, irt,00',4761114.4- s Y' -'rliiititifta.7,4'4ll-- le'l rieihatkEv-ntral:o, , - • :0,41'-iwur ' ri zihsao" •,4,,,D4iimtiOit ropvit , :10,,iii1/1 f viiii wig, golis.r.%,cpispiblit!„ '-'.• --kr*4l" I 0 t 7011,44 -:',-41-11',MILTioua !Lk. !mg 4. ,,,T ':= l,fi l t i c ll, „,_ _77774 .'-11y11P)2•Cittrit,'4ist ~,„.:.'-' 1.:44thi5i.41:441.Mr? '''--wilsrmaisliklal.l.4"''' 'ls Wileill 41 '' ' IbligiOitl , ll ;,.',' ” '- - + - i . ` f :+‘-; ~ '..- -a Ma*" otio4!tl, ' . •-• II ; 0 'xii:,;',.. •• ~ ,•_•-•,:• ,-•"- - un " L...a ; , '--, ;'Tgttst't,lrAwiro,trt..,.., ;' ~• _,,,,„ wn 4,11--- ~ „;•• .jak alti"L Ufa. Q . ... • - ''''' ' 0111- 7sil-Pliklia,l-. -% waill,Pi t"%h omais '' „. -...,.'07.=;411:, 0).:`,,f4,- seriejt.d o g A. Pi di„,,,i,,,,,, - ... „. ' , :fiirimir,; , .” q - --,„,, I ,,,,,, okiit ki ii li z, . > . 42:4.1441,,...;e1ejr.0"2"1, riTl .';''' lr ar ' '' 'l 4 4 , ins, 0 : 41.4k.F7.7;111%-*Tr+4.-V.4`--',.,;1-04, Obit, ~h",,,, ,-i.' ~..;,,Y-1*."1""i li•-" ' '' ' * ' ' ' ' ..t ; J PPiknatZe W, P s. ) Ci ;3A , ‘.-., '' 041,477,..744. "''''; -':1 -1,,+,4 80W,803 d'.... ... :.,, fl , 4 4..n.11101. •': 3 6 ''' Yr/, , iA I i4WOI , II 44 ",,''Elrilliiiiiseititiall',ii, ' -.t ~ ~ '''?.,_.:„ use 2_44.14 •040:` i,..0 Pl)°,epri - ate_ ' - r - . P."'..'3 Of r -- ' . :•5.. ' .• 5t 40126 d 1 )- 6 , to., • ?,'-•• -2 $ 1124.t11 ' mei =tt,-.:: w,136421.° ',*, 24/1 01F.: re2 V1(5,,, , ,0, 4.,, t",K111/0912116" ' 1 ',LAW... LLsL"ns4.l+l§l=_. - , ~1-,, 4;4;4 Third. 9 ' SW stukywr ' ~, '.l3::' ''oliiiitlii4 16001411 W . ' • -+ 'irjovviisk. • 5 ' 4/01)4"4 ' 40..iti• x*.s.. Pik ' ,. . ,..Am - IB a* 001,1,A1ti....,_ Irm ,-4 1.- --, .,___•••' - ‘-. ~, „ors , 13 , 04 ' a MP '.: ,-,,, aII '4Bo' W Orreff%iii AL. 4 cr.tar-t- *is IP - ' l ', ...1 s ir Q, , .1 ~ „ 0 ~,,s kt .s. , - - ....- uok, ------ ti , - - ~,,-,...-vi, - , If j , 4 -40. n. Pol.!!! -',- ,-,2"., sioatilhOef ~ n 7..'0•4 4 "..,1 4 ,,.",- , tit • •:.1 ~ ,rel.• , •,. : , liiiiwiiiq ff=„ 7 `- -> It q- - - , '....,-, , , _.7 }Cf,V.).*WjelilgUtfh**lloo/-1:a enatl,Pr i lt. '.- 1 ''. ' ---:': Alt 1446._if,",,, i;14F,..4147:e4"1n: ' '4,,,,,r*.a.kivity..„, ,p., ' - ..,", wdb•mmnsa, to,. I..tolk.iirikt out,: .-.:, ,' - 1 , 0 01..6%...... '...7'.. . b seitY44,migtf. fL4ir'A,nie".' pswo Ow' ' - • . 14**,84 :Okit__.„+ Ligir elowirlM,-,... -,--.4',-::4,4"1. ';`:420i1 , .....4:0,k,,44, 44 t-•+, - , - 17:-:.-rWA14 , ..U- Wil° , Jay -Tr4'4-.,:r. ii ~, . ..= I,i , -.above :4 . ° kr!: 4.;'%1`?1 '0 7 ----7. 7-77-7,-Altigsigla k.ll4 ''' ' has': `: , ;V;, - Ne r d * ~ ., ,,-. -- . .. 54...,,.• la .14.4wi11t? : ' 1 •-+`,4‘ 70441 00 1,1Pai1d41-41.4 7 iia+41°4744k -----; t,,r+,,jitiirti4+olw OMR”, _ l l. , "Ipblo ,7';';-krrt,l,lll".P., rilermi,', ' , - "ittkolito='—`,%:y .f.dc.,...tifit,liii.kt,„ ~ , s. _ ~,.0 ,A 1,-,..- i,,,,,,., .51.11•1"., amic....a ' '' 437.''''''1''..4..11 6./." 1 Jo' o 51011,4, PIM tg "ii.rri -A , agg 'fr--,r.t43110-,p, lit 2424- -,;,‘. win. k'altra immit, '111:`",-1111,1414hrils -r"" .FAlikilk Alt r ,s , ..--,,- , :,4, ~.• of,v _. . ',..41 !triton/ 7.1 „outer . - ,",,I..o4",,:titakzu +' ';_`'..- "-'4--- •*ihm.?„, .„ -1 - ' -+,3(.,...f= -_- Titir4l: '; •';7:imili - :*: - : 4 -771712,-., ',+ r,IVAOI,O4OII4Art- ~ 'if ihriitim, ,pkiii- , B oitailitl. au" , • , -.' •••', _.• ..Z. Ow egji=oottomak '',.• ..,,,01.50140' ' h, Vs ' -' •- ' 0 ,4 "' ~' ;14 '2, Airts&A -1-, ' ,- 461 1 t, A0iT1,06... _,.. 1 ., ; „ ,•• • ' ''' ' :' , .l'' ' 'lll Ing,;4, - ~Alkudiz". it stiodedmir;:, , _ - , ,i-,iistimoprzirtgoiirit .71 /1)1::L, tLieg VAreel; - ' 4 11. sailer tit" 40.11*, P.'L^.l4,l*.lttri 26 1 1 * ? II " '.- - , ,v 7:'.,-liimripi so aO . 4 0 4 ~! .___.... jueeigio .",,,-,... 'l'.i!l 0 • .11"41itad'Itit r•- -- f 1 ','''.!.:7777q-L4.6,.." - 1 i, - 1 11.i, , A n 'l lI t o wilisitieqr::!4-.' -;;,-,,;iiiitoidall: ~ f;;"fz•;,411 Z,°g 7tlik •,4 0,111,4 itCati ~„*.e, ..,. t „- - ."..Atik! , ,L, -0.1r..!-- .r, • ,:r-f.-1211).::+,17., tget i , 4 t o ''.. ' 4- ,4PV4149.'1,-;4l4:+Pgittli , Allatg,l7l,4W 0141 41 '41',00g4"14 :, oiti-iiivitiir",t4l6”, rtv. lilturous.4l:olllk,":"`` :,7•44,":",1iiia„..r, Ti./!' ii: , ---.'-• I 0,,,,,j4,04 4 4. , p. ,_ ii.„,,,,,.- ---....-,.—.. ~• -,.,, , vt . tr.., eeo .;,, .' ''1111):711,et Pt' Illii*:saiill4.trt 1171 `• ' .....4_44iiiia ....J1,62-3.c.,- ~,,,. r, :"i't'-...,..,.,....4,0241k0tt&qi..--,,,-; r',,e,.7.±. Iwidili4o ,'o7l o.''•-'?"''°f"-1- igriAt 4"l/lt .e#i l ,"T'' .. "- k , , 1-' ?.;; „,,, ~,vh,..r.s* -1,,...., - --, , ,,i-,-; -----.4,,-- r -rz 1 -. .. _., =. c-,. - A 4777 b 1/krm,,,,,C , j_ _ 4 , 11, - , IllsiiirtStrihkliv.4,lleurstir,vaiey, ka -,. .. ' k --'%' ,. / .., .. 0 'r 4.ool,olk,wil"tlialVito;Mteltitaki* iltiktitley 136 - ' na :-7-•/:!:•:, itals 9,11/1414.0110;4'44,3Amt , .. ..rf, Pa ,R, -4 - , , . 1 1 ° , , ; 0 * oiso** ,? sx :`,.'o*. 44 ,- lIIIPtjr, G. Iliiiitl4ll'to; '5-44 ' , ,4 W, a bet eitailtr, i , . t. l W*lll.* rdiodi le la 11)1'W:4010/IA0 _ WO•dgOats Otto L TAMA,: Yob - , 4414110011131,0,11-. , ..“;; - 4 114111 . 404 G - 411'thtiona•'Mfeh Vi b thittikluin',3lDointiotec - - , Mrs 4.Thip...,-Mmbratilt*" . ritiller.: - :::-..Miaa.W4cdwud, • Xmbreirle , elimElimii Han( Ktionstt Sqiisrei; Atri /W . Met BiGiet, Lane, - Pa JAPlisai - Elrlext Mo . rWil", Anwar, egotairsniftii;i64 , ptgrdiicatii'i bdor ta.l.• sll.9Peolion. stiqmobt'utli, - Ps Lunaoarr' I R Rost. . , c :1311 t'sylor Boats county Ftsith Chmlayi Seiko'o-••• .•- :. S B fgestokid, BaoSe co TE BLittloi4ll!taki qq , MOIL Rly;,Backe co - ttittoir,u, ritiEwawtoitri Pa , , • Oorsba. - , Vivi* BiliAb:- Bacti co • 'Efj:;lliiiha Petai aiaiteloaki! Ml or Lock ' NAV' *- 4 ciald I wait; rum! Hopi L Jobrliston, Bloke eo A.'l: Bans, Balton Ircfni.i.B•fiton (MUM smith, Dikstis".,ti?,.. , .. imagitii,boilegtovin Oin , lady,,Ply - 1‘ 9,11414 . 041 S a Kelm; BFept#,i,t7;' i• it Agit Jlll*le,*i l iiol;l7 l 4 litc;i o6 ill°o l ' JicobcP•B44 l 7; aa. ll 4 • : 061,1 7 1141 1i tit raMirtpirit -;,Opper Root's, Uyberrr, Zlrenk.Rowits, Nutbmortotk iml Sim"i n ,wirit*Paoba °avid. Nor,.bararaon tl , ;nees Bunch:4l'lm :.Henry rhimat; D meat . I °ltnFgeftffr".4 l l l FßM gA".1,(405 , , Oleipplui, Chem Valise' , 'iss" it 161:: Chu i •tie r.'AdvinitgAetvideli ItORROW uolantap o , ploek.,biithe! V. A,MAREIB; aid at* (Prioi*cth "by the BUNTON METH; ir ;klßa r. ,A.LDo knes, P aster • of) 12 , 4Ei,lUnlow,Oburbh-YOUB,TH„be:iv 'kVA, •street : wi' . Pres*2o-110IIII0W (Sabbath) 103N iNG at )o,li, "ad KV PUNE} 'at 7)1 ,roolook. - riblio are rirc9tratfqlly.lcrritel. - —• • -••• •(r its •• or.o 'Cle rites teritifoi Cisco ever Evil.", GLIMION, Ari the'sboro stitleot; .itoaaow . tymirlG,m7.sol , eloolOntho Oburci - or thi Ifilidit4l.ool34T, eaet ar Broad, it* Vetm tinier loolietoe mill (nch '11,3`,-T0410.1t lit W.`at 11101111 sod BUTTOh W wi OOD Streit., Subjects-10X, 4 ! The Victory, of Borth In Sect of Troth, 0 . 1.04 Meech of the. Coeettest..:Aoyoteee , in; OOWOJIIT llll4oheittbut,'sbove Nein at.i vooryq kIINDAV At 4 apd 7X P. Me g by the ,IXO.I74UNIeI -Rector., - , lt* Testameut—T., H. ITOOKTOA,' , Vistii: 77 Ba s ivics, se sidEp EV: MORNI,NO; log Welook: N&TIO N AT? HAW Wifitti,:lxiir 'Twelfth. Pats free, • i r , „ , Ruerit — , . 4 .1s Paul giving hts expreience sit , o Veriettr,no la - the reviioth Chapter to the Roast,' tn-Rev. 011.4111011149.44 Me subject, lo , l4oBBo4/,0 4P: lit. - Ohipith',DßOAD'ahl; BAN, 8011! Otteete: - ~%,- ,' -,, •,'• . -.--- - 4 ' - 200 % F ft: - ":111tawiet, *tone. Mailintn, will sinalClndor pfritoon4rbliatAlAlltilOil-STRILIT 'RAIL. on ntilkl -IW-1014 Lad, 6 P.: )t -. Admteolon 6 eon* 'Thi`;fickyf•kk.rd,•.itskixecciary. , ol , ~:flalsbatti !Moot of the MeOcorl:llaktiel Oburbb 4rlllAillokliniholc, Abettor ; Halm, NSW 311.3331 . ' Strict, toplar, TO-MORROW-tdooki) Al TSB- Nuom,o 3 o'clock. Addressee xlil De delivered •by Apo "[Beek.; l Au WaSATONe !AUTO, and- vitsccoalt Roesitra.lntereated ars, invited t' attend, It* corner if Manheint VigB " l7irt&"l:4 l l 4 lN7flll ' o C tra Ti a ! '"n ' by .*v.- - whi,,smioi •... 7)(t.)i, tkOkokbitiojii, 2d.4 lie iv. iloW*, _ . Renato*, llerylets talllhe held se Or end= iOII A- arde l lt " hd " :iti ll"l , 2 614, T0 t-cciTh Ltdoll 6l llo ' lr t 18d u rbd an th l ) - 011011,hei st•loX•efloaki• Malin -the: IIYBAING ',A film Il•qadesehrbotoreld'ilVehddt, by : Bwr.-01141.0.4. EUT -0.111Ndi•of .rorlOs,.: t; .• :-... ,-.-,, :. •••• ,• ; . ,hdrrides .3,111'.bd , bald reghltalr dory -BAIIBATII MO IddiliG sattkliVllNG:, ~ 1 . - - ' I - Babb** Sdhool la th!,AftlellthOON, at 2 P. M. ," If frrii;itailia;plaiiainikleig:iaakie present pa.' mutton and proapaatant lai Papal Roman Power, oh i the' Nerninitv Innaatii,n-wlll , -be the anbjoat , •of *brownie" -tor-GNO,' 8 fololB.'of New York, TO.- etOR - ; ROW- -MORNING, '1**,1) 1 43100k, , sod 1 1 /1/NING ;et cruder ,before I; at - -lee ' Hell. Poutheast: corner-of - beanie NARONN. And NINTa -Strain. : The OW& ale hinted - - - ' -It* , grlllotlice•- , ,,'the 'Amount Meeting et she ,Stalbliolders: and , Of2o+rs of the east,"`WilvAtaseost - AND ,k111111_1(4.11L -110 O!)Nt•ATCYPOiII teihrld be She 24 of May, 1889, it rteteleektibleiat the WOO of - the COiopeey, No t tp,twiLuitTFCtisot;•Phltadelxihti " • • . • . _ 74822 „• , .102..„242C.T012. gioieteti. ri,, *isles.; .-'' The Animist - Itlieltat• eV the - , - - litootheldeti .-ied-Illietion etOh:there 'of the ttitaellBrOVITVAND , iumita. itilltAtOAD COM; PANY, will be held on the 2d of hier,lB69 st - d *Tato& 0.; fif'; ititte OillotArthiftheopetty, No, 808 WAINpT MtititiPhtlidel,phis::- , -, -' .% ; •-- , i , , • --- 1 ' tp,o,2t: ; Wt[. O,ONGAPBEVII.Seetetary. , .- irispn' - ' - ' ',1.1 - ... - 00..'I'liket'll r ItIrteettill Wittd., 4.3 ~ er,Aor.Ockvicu.-71/1111iiiiNeit ' • . Coimor ' 'Citeige W. timble,' IfiOsri• Baoox. riaxotots. . • Le,ll • /wept' : ;'- ‘10•2i41" Se0 1 . 11 ': lir!!` • 4 , t,_esiaii4l6ll; ' • - ; 11110 1r • 'Wad 5:.% , '.. T.iiicrireias Et :-EAsEinn?,. 4,OINOL'.I.IIiOTOIII. 'Obirlevo Oopiitla4ad,. HEE ritth Ws d B<aissetatio Dr . sjrton COU1111.: 4 I , ;' scurooViitazdraiti. • ,Whlte: • assisaoit! " Dougherty, Mibee — ' Offfreed' Pena, add Third Streets Psi -816(126 BklbiliAT COMPANY OP , PRILA, OILMr thi: 226 WALNUT. Street.—Pettnineiremt; Awn- 28,:18 9; - ..reeekbeldini rot tote Company' ate hereby roil d, be: Ode Obi le, between, - the bth end/ 6 th Milne Mel lintiden thair proportteas of the neer,ateek.-,itb'o.riebta'of StOokbol dem to,sub4oxfoo too t}a new sq - 11001 etpire on the'l6ol del of- Vat. 1869. By'order„, ~ MDT , afffdtWOOD, ' Secretary.. f rr Statesieetit of the Ilalen Bank. as requited - , 14 theVecondliection ..of lw - 41 bet of the gene ra Aitenebly of We Om moowealth, approved the 18th ,doref,Oeto9rr, , A7D 1.067. ":•'- • - , , ,- -. , - ' - kinowl t:-:0S - Lnatia'a4 peo!iiiiiiia '" ' '' 0113'490,80 D. „ -, B paote - , -- . ~. 88,437.10 Do, 1/40,fioxi . 'Other Danko . , 98,1342 09 , '''..:, Do., ;', ';; ; Dotes is eked:Moo' .. .. '••••:.• • • , 94,110.00 'Doa . ..--; ~Tkepoelti.inelitding balances dne to, other Dokko „, _.. ~ _ ... 2BO 812 sa . , , .49. ...: , ,irttinst.rata., April 29..18,,, , , ' - .. -.OITY , O,V.PHILADIMPHDL, a —I, ...tames . Lealeyi Vishin' WV:kik- Thum- Bank, of I.loladelphia, being igeforni - de, joeireitierthat the above „abatement 1 11 cot 'toot:” to t h e bOotpf,at" keirledge end' bet let:. ~. , 1 , .., , ,, ,, y,.. , " _._ ~,—....,,,--• • •'7Ollll 1.1181. BY, Colter. - 'I.: - mid* togor,_ imp tktddtk day or - a p"rt I, A.' P. 1869.. ' liv , !'.,f,. .i= ',--,,', i ',':'',,,`„:,..O.,BRAYMR• Alder m an. - .Thiejiaittheiti Friona hos OM, 0 4 3 i - ,.. pAmPU4totiee.khersbrittran that the Annual lueosim_by roo*Oora of rho said -tlorporatioa,for six maruyora and taut ?MOON tzo genre for feat yearr, and -foldU darraroorayorjoasordaa tio,may exist, will be biltas,ahr - VallMag.soralaerataorpet of 'ARCH and OgYiNTAl.Aratata ,ost, , TItIdDAY., !lay 30 , MIN, be • timothy laotriroe.s d,6 0 , 400 k P. , Bltordor - of Ora Board of Traiteea, - dd. T MITOIEBSirN, - • ISsaratory. spBOsitmit pbrPletice.- The Girard Lifelnearanee AA; IiIIITT abtD Isuvr,colorgatur PHIL.. ixtue. —The /mount Mileotton .for fourteen Uses pfe - of the Company, wilt be beld,Ureeebly to tba ohietter;itt 4het.14311 No - 903 otuomur btroet, on 31 9 filatr tie 24 or 'May next, between the boors of _44) oteloiltA; 24.aidAVoleleekaroll) ' 1 4 - 01) . :80 , Jtacr - 2. /Amyl. Aottoiy:'" TAsico ea Me Buido •of/tba_LEolon 1 , 41440( RAILIWATI 00 PAO, dcwibe ;tit ,olr_May prexlmo, will be paid 9/110e.ettbeRetimptur, - No -808 WALNUT Street, gietiod *silty; en,teimi , after MONDAY the 211 of May ,Yr°ll"•—:' ItIITORI NBON, , 'ap29.Bre ' Tresiqtrer: Thei Ph sidleatila City Passenger Real.' tr,TWAY 00111PANI.—Noticellr bytobigiToo to -trim altoallbotdari °Mae Patladelpbla Otty'Paisonger Itelttrey Oomproyi l v 'that LIME ERS PATINT hoe been gra:4mo. asidtll4 to,parramaos or the Actor go. faltab l 7, llll o ,Pablqr4ira to tha AP/T AL MTN. 'of iitirlOotagaay era rtomated to - meat at No. M DOCIf. seabed floor, roe MONDAY, the 1.80 day of fday, 1510 i at 11.e'elook wog thetiote sod place sy ,POtattl,by,tha Ilmatateatoriari,to' orgsofam oats Com ' rilidetrao said Irt i er- "4 111 p inird e a l ;ol:l 3 ta r g r t4l eiaolgo taltita, W. Juvenal, , Barry POosially; ' ' Mertes Harlan, - heriot, illumer,Yetatoe, „. „ Coored Grove, ' Joao Kyr , -• B. Itiah Patrigoa, Witlsm,hipleoevay; p, , 11.14147; ire* NUM' wait! Peip1e , 5'11,49,..--: , ',-: , 'PONT ,opsplL; ' arilry, IT.: jilineg. ~ ..%Ooitic . X -00t4101L: • • $OllOOl. DISNOTORS. .:.:- Jari,iii Blum% - - , • David Paul Brown, Jr., ''.., Tuba Barnard, — , , Henry B. Pilbert, '' 011iknOttori. Edward 3. Rowley, ?ratikliii• - ' . ' *1.10.4ta, ttirYli,eertk Wgig- Douai:lomile Ticket.— 'Oben. Colson,. - Will4m• Boittell.)S. A. - • 0011401•0041201/,. . • •°camas's bingag, - James /dale% • - °basin Vanhcfro, - - 0441105 E. Power, , - Bober% 0 .Btotlie. ' ' i 'si.gsagaar. • Brederied,Wm. Binder. _ ASSICSOM - - Marin 'Bogey ' kaeoov Diorcrroap, Joseph el. Haroock,- a. Monk, ~ - J oioiph N. Piereol, • Henry Kiehl, , (Boi the itogptrM term of gdwerd J, Brodie,) pa. itatice - i— A. hle,lingt of the Illtoolthald.ra 4 or th&noolt$811110 IRON COMPANY will be 4 aWat-,tha,coops,,lN Uffiter►t 114;k:tails, Co•nmbla 'Contity;Pa 'Jon taVIVIDAY, the lath day of May, 146.69,1attbOitt,ppas of alsettog,Nltta Dtrootors to IMO Oa *ballet" at:thefOtitaossating other badness. tAltil , sta, p!att, 'VI. 114 S. CARYL -1, 11 1 ,2 00M ., :z5__`,'4, l4-:,;24ltesattritr.a4Nooratary, ", 1908,4 01 , 8 11 4. Bordeaux and TAMS' Of - 2 - r24118112,—At a meeting of the onowetene of tht More line, the following gentlemen Were. "„kappintod aid fn_gettfag oruarfprions. to.d. books wI9 iirt„foirrid at their respeetlie 'plates of Mod , . Osnmel Werth 818 ' , Delaware avenue. 2 Morrie Wain, VAS 8, Delaware avenue. 888 Market 'asset.. , Y• 1. tontines 214 Gold stmt. ; +" "Poi, 6: - Hollingswoctb 4110 Park street, Chas,l3..Diehe, 222 Walnut street. - ,Y. i. Worrottra.-180Notoot street: Jac -Byers, Third and Wire, • , Weider, 14 NorttvDslatiare avenue, Itoot Is I:1lrbor-4i , 235 Market street. • • Halley, 819,0hootoot Weer: Co? W 230 South Thirteenth -street. -7. Atrnold;Giraril Honed. : Taylor. 11. - and 13 South Water street., /oho Mee; a orner Oaorge and Ninth streets . Third street. W 4 k Rhodes, President of Parmers , I;adaronei 'lDOrdproGiVolout greet. IfAllbteittieff-Dolat stoat. - 1 • fili - blillir i p‘OT 7114"401044,, =II Or• Vireineta , a ,and-• - ether :paten Prayer .' MEETINGS; under the - 0.114108e of the • YOUPT , At.EN'S;OLLRISTIAId • "01! SkEttaTlt AYTENNOONSI; - Stiftteer:Anglitei Vlned; below Cliort at., from `• 3'' ' ratted Btatte,floie, DottenarOod, below Fltth, BX, to '• lifted goes, Bream at.j below - twelfiltifroin 4N to arfieVerance lidieiQuarry atieetitt to BP. N. • Pm:ain't-wird, a froceiffighttt et.i below green, from 6K Add* P.ll. • -* Vigilant Itioe,lbeloefleeend street, SN j to - ON ektlfATil; • *DiligentEngine' Soiner,of „ Tenth and lfilbertrats. ' Delftware Engio4Bonth bt;', above Nineteeeth at." :Vigilantness, IPghth stritet,-above,Wharten.' - „ ON , PUEBDAY;'Itt 7.. • -P '• • „ ''Afiterleit'Engint, Mattel:4ond, b elow Third et. - • `Philadelphia - En - glue, Seventeenth; below Oheatnnt." , Robert hforrieliess; Lombard at., above Eighth - et. Sohnyleill Hoge; Lomat st.',l3eloir Thirteenth. Yrtnyantentlog Douse of Industry. - OW,WEDNESDAY, , it TN P. X. • mnellarts,lioae.,W,mel street; below Third. ' - - '. - ItidependenetiEnglne,Spring Garden near 'nth at • >, • llt, ,Bull'' '-_ - I;IN•THDESDAY. at IN P.,' IC • , Seithireik Mien_ Thild."belew 13arnentor. .Oreetway Sehopillotufe, Kingsesaing, Derby , road: ' N. Libertjßdse;Nelf Market; above Coates at. • Na-al Asylum, Gyayfe ferry road. ' •- • - - -PitimonntlAngine, Rif ge avenue , above Wood \*ate frannt Hose; Pleasant street; aboire Eleventh. , Twenty-third. - Diligent Hose; gaff eon, above - Rece" Weatern Eritine;dallowhill, above Sixteenth at. • Independones Boma. Ge - eige,„below Twenty-third at. ENID al' at 7.N P. , , - Western Bore , Twentieth at' abort) Lombard at. Warren Hose, 'l3arker;aboreSighteenth at; Spring garden Hole ; Parried, near Eleventh et, , . Lafayette Hoae - , - POurth. near Brown et. Bulletin -Building,: 6P. M., . Printerei.,Preyer.bleeiing, Saturday evening, at 7N o'efeek> at Plltgeofnail, Tenth and Filbert atreeta, Itooday afternoon, at 4 otoloolt Mat bleehsnica' Regina Brown and rifteenth street& • * Doilno,f , P. M.. 1: - - Afodicat Stodooto, At top Chestnut ' , 8 A. Br. Ladies' and Ahriatisst frioncla Are affectionately invited to attend . . • Dy3trcithelmitt7o OooOttimi of ToxigNeVa; 4lAasato t . , J - e t The ladiana.—The 'Philadelphia am lakTlON lOU THIS PROTIOCITION AND 11 B. YArION or Pall INDIAN 211L8128.—Thte Society will bold Papet Anneal , ideating on the drat TURF DAY in Aby, at the Weet Room, BANBOId-BVIRET )14.14i, ,at 8 Welook P - addresees will be de livered by Ron: W. D. MOW, the Rev WM LITB I and others, aud, the eleetloa for etitlere will be held. All Interested in the cam ate Oordially invited to attend. ; - ap29 41* Deo of the Amerlean Fire Inanrnnee U,3 'COMPANY. No. Bin wAracur Street —A gene ral Meeting ;of the fitocicholdete- le the AMIAICAN FIRE INSURACIOE CiOMPANYitIII be hew. figreisabkr to Charter, on MONDAY, the mond day of May next at 12 o'elOok _The intuit election for Mindoro will take place Un mediately thereafter: - ' THOMAS it. memo, ap2i-tlistu-tem2* •-• • Secretary. irrOflite et GirardFire and Marine bum fikriOE ...00MPAGY. — , PIiILaDEVPIIIA, April /110.—The Directors of the, Compaq km this day dealers/ a 'Dividend of FOUR nit ODNT: upon tke Capital Stork for;lbe leat els menthe, payable to the fitookholdersaa and atter the 2d day at May.. - 49111 a to That a glifkg. AIXO.D. Pearetary. Aiwne_ ,PhilindeiphialFach •nge Company, April ,P,,,1868.—Rh0 Managers have this day declared a seolf.anoual dividend 'or Two: PEEL 0 IiNT. on the Capital Stock 'of the Company, payable to the fltock holders, or their reprementatives;by the !Moments's dont. at the .11X0IIANG0, on and alter TRTIREIDAY, May ft. The trmstor boolre sill be closed until that date. - - WM. 0 GRANT ap2o trttb'&itms tyrßetenw.-,A: Canna ot ;Sixteen - -Lanni - rex on , BOTANY Will ,be `deli-eyed nuMloly ist•-•the 80.1.611T1F1U AND CUSPIDAL INUIT TITIO, - 20hest• tint - street,ll:lTioornerof - Tweifth, - bythe Principal of the Institute. • Anthers Lectors, wilt be abundantly illustrated by llving'plaitta 'had stloWers, hnd seven of thific - will. be. delivered out' lithe-Wands and groves in the environs of the atty. • The members of. the Mass, se those of the pout three seasons, will enjoy the Ten beet 14tantiges for boo ming maenad botanists, Leetnrea at the - -Rants, on THURSDAYS. at- 6 Odor& P. M. Those in' the woods en SATURDAYS. It 4 o'clock. Opmmencing May it. - Terms' for the , Dourse, $5. The first Lemur" Ifflat, Intrance on Twelfth street. • • • Apl6`lBl - • ; • , ; • I. tr.P Vie - Annual Meeting of the Statitbeldtra :of the PMNNIMILYANIa. AND - LEHIGH' ZINO DO ANTsedil. be held' at :tbe Ootbpanyls Ofilat, No. 121 WALNUT:B46+A, on MONDAY, May 24. at 11 Welook A. M', forthebleottoit 'of ,'Direatora - aid other bastneea.- ; - DA141121, F. lIIIMIR, Opts-tee 7 2. ,'. .- ' . : :,, " • President. Melee of eh. Northwestern Oast Cent. aNY, NO:1051 &inn FOURTH Stmt.—Penn -14, 1859 —..4. - Bpeold Meeting or the Stoaholders of tlis Northotetwo Coal !tionijney will be held at' the °Sinai - or, tit Ooinpany, on SIONGAIt, May 18th, at'4 P; M. to incept or-rejeot a supp.ement to' the Charter of , the - Oonipaiw; approved April Ith, 1059 'H. BURROUGHS. apts.2ot " - President. arMonument Oemetarry--Natice.—Tne,Anr. tntat Meeting of the, trot Molders in " The Monntoent Thrmetety of Philodelybit , ) will be bold at the•Beld of-the TiteAlderodation. tooth aide of NORTH. Street, meet of Dltth, on MONDAY APTERNOON, the 2d dey of May next at 4 o'olook. The Antatel Report of the Mann 011 will be &II and an elecition held (be, lween the' home orCandl ‘Valool4 fotlfyuep Mane.' gore. to attire the ediettlitegYar. , aplB.tmy2 . ~ t AVLOR, 13e,retary, : -The Stockholders of the Ger.. an own PABEaltiGaB - 9.511MAT Outip,Oy are hare. ky-notilled to, meet at' the.ofilee of the COropse:r. No, DOCIC-Otrist.,oll4loNDAT. May 2d, - A, D.,1868 it 4 °V St ont, P..._fer the ,parpolie of tekleg into!coo. 1141eret‘on the Supplerciept ,to their: Oherthr, reed *stub 32.1850, sod also is reletkra to' the dispoeltlou of the htoeh and the ghtlinght the Itosd in oseretlos, _ ' •,, W1,14L551 )18ILLWARD; , • 10 , 5imlir' 10.4 dent. cieles;'Peeple , ii- State eireventiest seen of Phlleddehla, and of the roreral coon= tree of We Cloinumalrealth, attached to the PEOPLE'S PARTY,"ead'att'veters who era opposed to the haladt, tattraT4luit mestere, of the , rilinannt mudstratteri.'are requested tossed DIDLICFAItItd ) equal in numbrr to ttoar rovers% reordeetitattone to the Ilene rot Allzeriblh!to 4i CONVZNTION'tO st - Hatte 1110Iffiftli, on WritreedoOnoe 8th,"1859:' Stip 4.11" to norolosto °sod sd etre for, .WM1'0)1 , 61:11 ORAL and 111:1R710YOS" GeN VIAL, to btrroted for it the general eleetton In nolitpotober . r: EISNItY.M.,PTJLLEA, phairroan. ifihri. Secretary- ' " " 14,84 f apBo4t* rin,,va office Penhaylvanla 'raid Company, ItannnintThe. aptll.lstl4 1659 —4bit Dowd of Threaten hen this day behead semi-anoint Dividend of WIRED CDR OD oT. .the Capital/Dock of , the 0004 6, 0% donor Math Tax, payable on and after May, Powers of Attorney for collection of Divideode can be had on eptilication at. the Oftletrot the Company, No. Penth THIRD Street. apl6.dtlell TllOl3. T: Trattetirer. Big Mountain (mire r equine Coops. PIIILADELMIA:, pilllo:lBs9.—Notles lo hereby Oven, that a Meeting of Mingtoehholders of the "Big Mountain Improtement - Coalmine.", wilt-be bed on IKOND&T, the; 21 day of May, 113119, at 12 n'oleek M., tit , tbe , Company , e Ogles, f3.-B. oorner ef. RIION E and 011.4138N1TT Streets, Yhilatelphis, for the purpose of taking notion open 01. supplement to the Charter of the Compeer, approved Meroh 2t, . By order of the Boatkof Pireotors. afte:tmy2 p, JBlll9,?rosident. air Dr.- . Wader's' Chestnut Springs Water 0171111, at Chestnut rim, Philadelphia ecnizity, pa ~ - , _.. . • • 1.44.113, Olurtain Illatevictio , • WvHENRY PATTEN's • CURTAIN KORB 680 OFILESVNOT Street, below Seventh. Patten Is the only lase mettettuter Window Shedesla town. - Patten is the only large manufacturer of Yilndair phiclea In torn. - • • 'Rotten la 1110, only •Jarg• mannteaturor. of Window Shades In town. ' Petten is the .ouly tome mennezetater of Wlndow• Bhalsola towa. - doi,ooly],large manufaoturer of Window Bkodoa Su - P.ItYl? prpprth CurNn piterfsle direst. i , 444111 !pito? Sur!alci Ma!erpipt greet, "-Patten imports (17titain Rotarian' &reef. Patten imports' Curtain Materials direot. Patten imports curtain Materials direct. Patten impOrte Curtain Materials direct. Patten sells. hilt Shades from 15 eta to $2O each. Patten tells Gilt Shade, from 76 eta to 522 each. Potted slit; Gilt Shade, Con 75 ets, to s2o'elob. Patten yells Gilt Shade, from 76 ore to $2O each. Patten sells Gilt Shale, from 74 ote to S , Q each. Patten eel's Gilt Ybsdes from 75 ate to $2O each. Patten sells Gilt Cornices from 25 ors to $lO each. Talon eel a Gilt ()orators from 26 eta _to *lO Molt. Patten sells Gilt Cornices from 25 eta to $lO 'each. Patten sells gilt Coratoes from 26 ots to $lO each. Patten, Neils Gilt Cornices from 25 cis to $lO. sash. Patten selie Gilt Cornices from 24 it. to $lO each. Tette° mils Gilt Reads from 25 eta to $5 per pair. 'Patten ealle Gilt Sands trona 26 ota toy per pair. .Patten cella hilt Sands from 55 eta to 5 per pair. Fatten eels Gilt Sands from 26 eta tp 2 per pair: Fatten calla Gilt Bands from 25 etc to 54 per pair. Fatten eellitellt Sands from 25 eta to $e oer pair. Patten sells Leos Curtains from $2 to $54 per pair. Patten sells Lace Curtains from $1 to Its per pair. Patten Sells t ace Curtains from 2,t0 $6O per pair. Patten sells Tease Curtiloif from to $ 6O per pair. rotten cells Lime Garrido,' from $2 tp $5O tier pair. Patten tellebsce'OurtelnifroM,l2 to stli por pair. Patten Della Dlctilbi Curtains froroll to $26 per pair. Patten calls MRllin Curtains $1 to $l6 per pair. , Patteo sells Muslin Curtsies tronssl to $26 per pair. Patten sells Muslin Curtains front $1 to sib per pair._ Patten sells !duality Curtains from $l. to $25 per pair. Patten sells ?droll° I . IIIV,SISS from $l.lll 534 par pats. Batton sails tot genie used by Tipbolstersner. fatten sells all goods used by llphoisterent. Tlsttan sells all goods toted by tlpboleterere. Patten sells ell gogia uses by ljetiOlaterers. Patten sells all goods need by lapbolaterens. Patten 'Belle all fp,ple need by Upholsterers. Pattea , a Store is et 020 Cheetrint Street. Pattente /liars is at SO Chestnut Street. Platen's Store Is et eao Oltestn.t Street. Pettenbi Store Is at 0.5 Chestnut Street. • . , Patients Store Is at 6:0 Obsstopt elliceot, • Pattenta Store is et 580 Ches'opt Stregt Whole, ale and Befall fingers will find at PAT PEN'S a large and elegant Stock from erhich to soleot. lt* THE most approplaie ' pletores for parlors &nil - a#.81.) Photographs to Oil, pa you pot vitae them as Defill44l/412, and epereatete them , to / oh m " , I f made at RAIMER'S GALLERY, dEOOLIMEtreet, above Omen. - It* WILKESB4.II, Warranted je be free irom oLiNltErt. The PUREET,WMITE ASH COAL., Mined and for Belo atthe .1 4 0WERT, PRIORS. ' To be had Only , of d'i•VPIDWEVSOI.3; I ,5t5 WILICESBARREI COAT, DEPOT,] First 'inert there CALLOW RILL Street, Del. ~Alen, the pure WEST !WRING MOUNTAIN COAL. The hardest known quality of • L'ERIOD. COAL, and The p . a.stostities of A:BIIaND and BROAD MUN- I TAIN COAL', always on hind and for sale low; OFFICE', ' • WATER Street, above OALLOWRILL. • apBo4Bl • Tr'/1. IWIOO ,INDUBTELIAL PECIITA -1t10," of Ittivana, Cuba, is now ready to enter Into o n traets for the importation. in the Maud of Oahe r of all deseription. of Cattle, both for market Pee and' for breeding vane, In order to give all parties a fair ohanale:the sato Banking Company will admit proposals from parties who may be stn. and furnish snob Cattle, (Balls, CONS, Sheep and'irbga.) and trail. port them to the raid leland, sitherbyet , am or selling veaeeie Bu n t% retire, may eddiege the flankilig Com- ' play se. stove. meany speadylng alt se rt. garde description or-quality, number,-aisa, 'or weight, price, and tome of panne:4,4o i or can send or ar-' pont an agent to the ()Byer . Banana, with fdli rity to enter" into a contract, it .being understood that the Company would prefer to make contmetti 'at a bed price p-r bead, or by the weight; end freefrom all rick or lose, deittered at the polar or place where the Com pany will desigaiste. VOr further' - particular, apply to „ 4411010t'Doutt) SAPlCl"Eitreet. 1 1 :1117WPRESS.-PITILADEPWA; , , :SATURDAY., - ,APR,I-Tr,. 30; 1559: CIL 0 S'E 0 E!.GHTEEN:rI4 , 1-I. , A"R PE R'S ,NET MOIiTELT MAGAZINE': pOR Commis.; THE LAMENTABIA o pnipLAINT HATIIAIIINAL MARIE - Illustrated by Pdat ) dirgrivinflo• ' ' Illnetiated by Pevanteen Ntitraviagi LW:MOINES IN THE FOOTPRINTS, OF TEDITI ' 'ONERRA. ' ,‘ ' Illeetrated by Twenty-two Engravlage. '• - - • -' • OP fIAtTONX YILLA. ' mAitiStaniet , a HOBBY. • . QUARANTINE , AND VENTILATION. By Hato. EL Ti. '' ' ''' - • ' IN THE OLD onineop. TOWER. . .THE ROTHRAYA„., „ . -. , LYNOH LAW. • - „ • 1 OR/TIOISE . IIOREETALLBO; OR, RHYME V.ERSUS; REASON. -, • , , . , , . . SIIOII A MlSTAthi.' • , , , , , THE GOLDEN , ELEPHANT. THE VIRGINIANS. ET W: M. Tneornne.r. ILiturne...rtmL=Betaind Montagne bones—Mr. Will la plesented to bleisiater in-Law —sour Heed ' Tie - es. ~,,,, ,•, • • • . 1 CHATTIER LXVIII. In which ferry goes Weal; Ward' Clew= LXIX. A little Incident. ' Offirran •IXT.: In which Cupid phyel- • . eon: alterable part Cnepenn LXF.I.. White ',work - ' - • „ MONTHLY RECORD OF CURRENT EVENTS. i LITERARY NOTICES..-, . EMI/WS-TABLE, - •• , • . xonows EASY CHAIR. : OUR FOREIGN THHINALI. EDITOR/8 DRAWER. FASHIONS FOR MAY: ILLUSTRATIONS. —Promenade Area. gichttr— Bonnet. - One Copy for One Year $3 00 Two Copies for One Year. 6 00 Three or more Copies for One Year (each) 2 00 „ And an Extra Copy, gratis, for every Club of Test SUBSORIBE RB. Harper's Angulo° 'and Harper's Weekly, tOgethir, one year. $4 00. The Postage upon " MACIAZINO " mnethe paid at the Office where ft is 'Waved. Tye Poetage is • Thirty-six cents a year. It HARPER & lIHOPHRHO, Publishers. • ALBERT, LAIGBTON.• IN Oro VOL ..... 01111M3 BROWN, TAGGARD, & CHASE, PIIBLIBBERO,'BosToIt. - prom the North American Review for A 011,1859 ] Mr. Leighton, wbose poems, as they have, appeared elogly in the journals of the day, have won the warmest praise from wany readers, comes now before the pubillo with his Bret volume, which contains, with many smaller pieces, a poem entitled f. Beauty," delivered before the United Literary Nostetted of Bowdoin Col lege at the last Commencement. The pieces, fn • this volume are, it seems to ne, of singular excellence. They, drat of ALI, Ingress us as the unforced,. Inertia hie outflow of a true poet nature, in harmony with, all things beent Cul; susceptible of the, higher and more subtle significance of the outward world, and ever open to the•breathings of ,the Incorruptible Brrit which pervades sod hallows the visible universe. Then, they are smooth, and harmonious in rhythm; chides and polish'.4, yet without conceit sod. mannerism; in dis tinct; rich and glowing, in ; and lofty, while unexaggerated in sentiment. Tao, tee at the fartlitat, pOesible remove from the audifoity which, in our day, so often a.unterfeits the_, poet's mission by tricks of legerdemain with incongruous fancies and halting sine. paste, and which plays the tatter .to the same miselrn with not a few who are capable of better things Latehton holds out not a e ogle bait "far that claptrap *perinea whiotiii censure and ahem). His puma tsp., peel only to -the refined and delicate appreeittion of those In sympathy with the ,beantitul," true, end good: That they will truly sustain , the herd, yit aearohing, ordeal of their, judgment, we tiond,dently anticipate.. Tbe Welton ,Yournalpys - -•-• The hook ; Is, indeed, re little- twenty'. of .sweet thought! united' to: brtmanione 'intension. ,Tbe die. tiara 1 - 4 clear and accurate, and honestly used to embody. A dentate stamping. It is also daisited, and glowing, but without conceit and Mob only np to the satiaeure of the sentiment: , The prisseryis almo s t unexceptiona ble . The rhythm is goof; envoi!, evict carefully main tained. Genial and elevated in feeling, end tubed In execution, the volume will com Mend itself to the hearties wallas to the jedgmeles of many readers. -ALBERT LAIGETON. Searetair. The Publlihera have leaned this volume in beautiful etyle, panted on tinted paper. sad elegantly bound. , We,quote from the following, as a specimen: - IN TED WOODS. walked afoofiin depths of *utopa woods; The, rutbleis lauds his-loft the maple bare The fen. imp; ther.d. , ood Ike YlNenstbriiltni breath ' No longer me its fragranee to the air. The batheiri strain; itoopral beads noi more; • ' The thistle down on gluey winge bad flown , And myriad 1, on whiob this nomoser wrote Her biuthlogfarewell, at my feet'Were strewn.' A localloese pervaded' every spat ' gloom of whieh'my musing soul partook; Nature mourn - I Bald November wild - • itlattt - torn the fairest pages tam her b00k..., • Hat stellenly • wild bird overhead " • Paned forth a eptsin to straogelj oleer and sweet,' It sowed to !tripe me beck the 'Otiose( May, -And wake time tholes violets at any, feet. • ; ' - 'Then long poodsrea o'er the poet's Words, . cc VIS lose of beauty is not elereye .1411 like the voice of Jove they soothed my path., - And's/ire me strength to bear egioln oly arose. 0 tourrourstig heart! thy pleasures may decay, . Thy faith grow cold. thy gulden dreams tate wing; Still in tie realm of faded 'oath and joy"; -: Heavenkind'y 1 .. a me bird'ofhopo tole* Thellosten Transcript rate . 41 A marked tharanterletic of Mr Laighton's . ptietry le its ettlse spontaneity It Ili quite evident that he does not writ* as 4 vp*DurikOiner of verses, but rather wl h the native freedom o f the tree poet. In raiding hie poems for the first time, we no more'. 7 thlott to ob serve sod criticise the art and mode of exPresekoa, than we do fro listening %, the multit of the birds in a grove at anoint. They come at once, warm and glowing, from the heart of tte_p^st, and they go et once to the heart of the sympathetiOrealer.'? ; ' - 1,14411T0Ws POEMS. In ooe ...... 15mo Ytioe 15 outs #I'IIOW.N, T r A v G a G t3 A B : 2 l: zo 'CHASE, 26 and 2T 9016,14H4, .60$TON. "ALL rtollNEAßnigviirett" We have the pleasure to announce that we have en tered into arrsngemente with one IMES LICHENS for the ts.tpt of his new- publication, entailed 4 . ALL THE YEAD BOUND," each week, in Now York varnish*, nepusly with lie leans in I don, plates being taken ty in the English edition Cod forwarded to sui sufficient fromadvaree for that purpose, The drat number will appear in London end New York on. WEDNESDAY, May 4, and will con ain the commencement -of a new story, entitled "A TALE OP TWO OITIPS,” by Charles Dlekens, to be continued loom week to week dneng about eight months. - Tbue it will be seen that d,merlean readers of ...ALL THE TOAD, 11011N11” will obtain the' stories ant otter nontiibuttooe of Mr. Dickens, and the staff of writers associated with him. embracing. an array of dlg'inguithed talent With which no other publioation can compare. several weeks In adrenal) of their reaeli. log this country through ordinary! eCurcee, and at .the same time they are given to the pabllo In London. ' We will state that this arrangement has been con summated by the payment of a large sour of money to Mr D chine ; yet the elarsordlnaey interest which the announcement of the pneliciation has *netted in literary cireles..tbe miseiverioe witteh Mr. Dickens has given that he Omit devote to it all of k.s best aieret ch and the appearance of • new story from his pen, cannot Jail to command for It at once a large circulation. B nee copies by all news dealers 5 melte. One mop) one year, per mall (62 numbers) $ 2 60 Onecosy ida menthe, per mail (26 numbers) 126 nye Caplan e,e year, per mail - ' ' ' 10 00 _Blereo eeplea ole 9 re , r, Per mall ' fie I i• - • • 1! 20 00 sod at the acme rate for ali over. • • • • • •• - • It will also be issued in monthly parte, put up in ele gant tined come. WO cents each, and by the year on the same terme as above Back. numbers Mirky(' fornish.d when deelnd. Speci mens will be forwarded to any'addreee goat weld on re eeipt of two letter atempe - - • 11. .111118,80 N &00 , Publinhing tgente, , ' No. Bf PARK BOW, New York. EATON'"- ARITBItignO. ADOPTED VOR THE BTATE OP NEW HASIMIRE. THE BOARD ON EDUCATION at a meeting April 20. MO, adopted thin popular Arithmetic for all the. public imhoole of New Haingebire. Thin admirable rook Is rapidly aupplaating oilier and more cumbersome wonky. Tho , e who _have been TRW:IMAM in teaohlew Arithmetic, by w complicated sere, of Molts, ,orerburdsned with ueelees and con- Giaog matter, are gllid to be einem air max nrerpiails text book, containing all that le Mqvassry fully to luatrato end explain the induce. With ouch a book no, use Is found fora key of full solutione. • Thia Arithmetic Is 3. Accurate, clear; logical, mathematically concise, " rtilorimbical in arrangement: 8 Premium! in s=imples aid illustration'. - 4. Complete is a raerwi and eaten title treatien. 5 Adapted to all eiselee of lesynere in Written Arlthmefm.- It to no untried book. It is now louse lathe/ton:oil Ochecht at Poi ,c, Bermingham, Bridgewater, Nam ;. Bei Brittain, 01 i Booth Pails, Ide. ; -Beloit, Wis. j Chester, Ps. I" In all the Pub& Bohol' of BollToB High and Grammar 60110010 In all parts of New Bop land as wallas in the beet schools of other States, end in theCm:mdse. It bee lately been ifityednied Into more than one bltodr®d New Noeland eittee and tow; a. Ytte 1360 T EO.l4OOLi eel woe•nr or TIC BIM BOOK We hove hundreds of Untie:mule's of the rare metit cf the'book from those who are roans it. Wa aorielderius rel.ab:e antbority snob opinions M the following : Donlon ? garch 1,1868. MR LOOS EATON My Dear Sir rleteB acoept my thanks for the copy or your Arithmetic you had the Modem'' , to Nand me. have rxruniued the ircok. d hod in it • many eX oell•noieN. lam hem to give It my commendation. Very truly ar t d,reepeottully 'cure. J ifindAl3 BHEIMIN. Jas. B Estes:ol'K : , My tia.r eir : I Val happy to conger:toted@ you on the remarkable success of your excellent Arithmetic: Its Joh oduction Into all the sal:mole of thin city, solely on its oron inerits. to the fete of a powerful oppotit oa, la a compliment of which you may justly be plood. 1$ gives pleasure to add that, so far as I can learn it gives: waivers:a satielsotiod to oar tsar:here and papas. , I thick it doe to you to SOW that, in toy jeldgment, with Oblburu , s First Lessons. it constitutes the beet series M ariairoetlie for llommon Bcboole with which I am acquainted. Yery truly yours, JOHN D ittIILBMCK. Bup'tYablloßohooleof Poston.- Teachers and eduestere dissatisfied with the multi- DIM tyne boobs by the same Author uo the , same sub. Jeot. now la nee and who are in'sluroisimpiicityand utility 16 teat 16°04,, me invited to correspond with the Publisher'', nr, FLOWER SEEDS.—Now Is the- time to sow /flower, eeedr--90 select varieties, giving a p 11136158101/ Qt, bloom from /nee to November, with praetteal directions how to enlaivate, for UN M DOfr H. A. AMU, Seed Warehouse, 10*, 821 mum or Ni eet. near ;fourth. IaUSINtS3 ELIIIONPLoN.—By the piar .R., ebs.e of s scholarship In BRYAN g atitter- TON'S fdelesetde College, tho bolder becomes a Lite Member of the same, andtorentittied to sll its privi lege. for en nedimitatime. pall and exmatee Omits 'ot- Instruction sod specimens of Penmanship, Po. je, Corner of Seventh enA tillestunt Amts.. *oo2Vit.. ; 3X4W :Vnblications. - VOLUME. BORIef, April 12,1859 BROWgt TACKRBP, & CHASE, Publishers, Nos. 26 and SO 001011111 Z, Boston :13,0.40401, pRAYER:BuOII., , 1;4) . 4' fEW. • BUNS 0E 4, SOO SIiiBTNUS R 8.1111131 . , Philadelphia, In connection With their Brier editions, embraeing eve. stlinwxtant, havo oleo now ready.the fol lowing ediuoca foithe POw,'whloh are offered at fel /ow/DE*OTP /int Tates : Dation, Edition, large 'Fyne, neat binding," ...... SO 82 DO , strong sheep I 80 161110... Edition, neat mnslinhlnd i ng 3t • 'strong ' " — ' 4o 18m0. Edition ] , deign type,,etrog cheep binding... 6 0 Do. a f ro cg 76 Slmo. itrong leather binding....,. 25 • Do. , nmilin 26 82mo liditlon" ong shiMp binding - ' " " 13 Newly ONE RUDD SED DIPPXUEN'P Etill,ES of liner binding. may be bed of , • BURNS do MG,' Doolnglon.s„ - 5p33.2t , S. W. Corner Erearg and ODEIPrn T. V114.VIItc4.11:1101100" D E L AND E 8 1:1JAN 6C S,B003 b A AND DAALISII.2I CO.. 'AND at'ArIONERY, , KO: 81'North VPIIBD Mishit below . Arch, Philadelphia. - , . Publishers' et the* rollowleg ;eerily , 8011601 BooliOi which are aetuowledged by all intelligent teatters who have given them a careful examination to be unri valled in thour adep tattoo to the purposes intended: , SANDEEB , NEW SERIES OP BRADEN.% ConnieOng -of Sanders , Neti Primer," First Rader, " ' " Third Reader, "" ' " Fifth , Reader, • " Breaker, rf - Speller, " " Seeond Reader, " " , Penrth Reader, , • " Nigh School - Reads ,r ". Young Ladies" Reader. 'REDOES' NORMAL PRIMARY AND MENTAL ,ARITEIETIOS, By Peot.,ll, prooks, of Lanoaet6r Normal School'. PELTON'S SPLENDID BENTRIOP OUTLINE MAPS. "They are especially adapted to those beginning, as well se to those more advanced in the study ot Geogra phy, as they rebeive trona thefts clearer and. more our. reel conception of the character and relative else and position of every physical and political feature, than can be obtained from any other Maps extant." All the p:1410. Clone of /VIEION & ten - S. BARNES,A. BURR, NEW YORK, May be found on hand at N. Y. Plabliehers , Prices. ape-Snit,- • Alilliltcrg eocbs, LINGO' Ni, WOOD, & NICHOLS, _ . - No. 1.26-0/MTNIIT STREET, BATWENN iniiNVH ARO EIGHTH, • ant*AND PANO'r BONNETS ) ' - MUSES , and alma:mime FLATS, 70011TE9, OAPS, - SLOWNRSOSITSI3OII% RIIOE4E3, Lkoll4, STRAW IkATSI STRAW RATE 1 The fhtbeellbete in►ite the Attention of HdT'.I3I7Y MU to their • 13PLI1pfi/D 131 . 0012 OP STRAW ffATB, Midi embraces a full line of ell the desitable'etylea of the aerison " LINCOLN, WOOD, do NICHOLS. 725 CHESTNUT STREET, - 331TWLIINVI , 11111TH Ala" EIGHTH, NORTH OWN ilatikero F. RALEY; BANN'FIR, ass.z,novek temporarily to No. 48 South TBISD Street, (oppealtells former 011 ion,) wliero he will eon. Untie making Oolleatione on all 'aeceeldble polotb, and attend to all the brtehiees of a Danker and Broker, on the moat faioraide - - . , OHBOKS ON BANK OH • PENNSYLVANIA BOUGTITAT TBE HIGHEST PRICE. •, - • aP1'0,43% _ - eiluct plateb..Ware. Ti' ' W:LOA.HRTI, & CO., • S74SII3PAOTDDER2 - OP SILVER PLATED WARE, importers and Wholesale and Botta Lealens Is Llotutshusping Arttoles. , -• -.' '. • 714 OHJ2STNIII. St, Phila. Plated Castors.. ...... $2 60, 714 Oheatnut et.' ' 18 00, 714 Chestnut st. 5.7 4' o , 7J4 Chestnut et. 54 00, - 714 Chestout et. $4 60, ' .114 Chestnut at. - , . 10 00, 716 cuestuut at. $5 50, 714 Chestnut et. ._ , 50 00, 714 Chestnut at. . . . , $4 60, • 714 Chestnut RE. ~ , , ' 51 00, 714 Chestnut at. , . ' •$9 00,' • • 714 Oliestun,t at. E 7 5 a , 714 Cheathut at 0 _SA lO, 714 Chestnut et.,d ' '' $9,0 0 , . 714 Chestnut at.,, $9 60. 714 Chestnut at. $lO to $2O • 714 Chestnut 13. 74 piled Zee Plteheve...ti 00, • .714 Chestnut 5t.114 • ~., i , • ;460, :" ' 714 Chestnut st.fis • ' - $0 GO,' ,• .." 114 attestant et. , ' . •. • ', :Sao°, - ;, 714 Chestnut et. . , . • $10,60, 714 C.heittnit et. -•, - . $ll6O, , 714 Chestnut at. -,:, ;. - , , $l2 00, 714 Chestnut at. • '', ~, ,'. • .?•• .• 818.00,. - Tie Chsstant st. '''•:- $l4 00, 714 4 hesitant st. $l6 01, 714 Chestnut it. 10.4344 Dotter Dishes, 841 00, ,714 Chestnut it. $4 60, - 714 Chestnut it. 16 00 714 Chestnut at. $ll 60: ' 714 Chestnut et.' $6 00, 714 Chestnut et. • $6 60, 714 Chestnut at. $7.00, 714 Chestnut it. 87 60, • 714 Chestnut et. • , $8 00, 714 Chestnut it, $9.10, 714 Chestnut et. -. . .$lO 00. 714 Chasten; st. Pistilli Tes Cate - $0 00 , 714 Oheetnut it. $12.00, . 714 Chestnut at. 1115 00, 714 Ohentnut st . ,; $l7 60, 714 Chestnut at. 620.00, 714 CbsetnUt et. . .. 422.50, 714 Cheetnut st. $24.50, - 714 Chestnut et. $27 60, 714 Chestnut st. VOW, 716 Chestnut et. . . $B6 to Sa, 714 Chestnut et. . . Tea pet®, pistil sod chased, of mo dern and antique atylee, - 7)4 Chestnut et. 2 !sled Teo Hums... SI 50, 714 Chest 'at it. 1 9 60 , 71 4 Chestnut at. . , $lO.OO, : ' 714 Chestnut at. $U 00, 714 Chas/nut st. _ „ 1,12.434, 714 Chestnut et. $lB 60, 714 Obeetnut et. . , $15.00, 714 Obestont st. . . Tea Spoons, $1.25 to $2.25 Der sett 714 Chestnut et. Deesert Spoons, $2112 to $2.50 per eat, 714 Chestnut at. Table Spoons, $2 50 to $5.60 per eat, 714 Chestnut at. Dessert /oat, $2.25 to $3 50 per eat, 714 Glaelitout et." Table Porte, la 75 to $4 BO per set, 714 Chestnut at. Yorke and Woos of Plain Threaded 714 Chestnut et. Olive, St. Chalets patterns, 714 Chestnut at. of Common and best treble plats, 714 1- lustaut at. a Sliver Plated Tea Belle, 714 Chestnut at. Silver Plsted Strawberry Pulsate, . 714 Cheetnut at. Saner Plated Nankin Rinse, 'll4 Chestnut at. Silver Plated Salt Cellars, 714 Chestnut at. Silver Plated Nut Cants and P10k55714 Chestnut et. Silver Plated bug holler*, 714 Chestnut et. Silver Plated Candle Stloke, 714 Chestnut at. Silver Plated Sup Ladles, . 7.4 Chestnut et. Silver Plated Salvers and Welters, 714 Chestnut et. Silver rlate4 Oahe Baekete, 7e4 Chestnut et. Silver Plated Cups and tioblete, - 714 Chestnut at. Silver plated ,Bnufters and Trays, 714 Chestnut et. Silver Plated Tee Knives, - 714 abeetnuket. Silver Plated 'Dinner Anises, 714 Oheetnut at. Silver Plated Carvers, 714 Chestnut at, Silver Plated Steels, 714 Chestnut at. Silver Putted Ware of all Made, 714 Chestnut at. 'E, W, ClaltßYL & C 0... 714 011115TNUT BT. • arIANE-SKIRT REEDS; coiled apdstriight, sell.los"st' 20' per cent. below mauttraohxrerel Pricu ' tl ' °lQ"c°"l T 'li"ta intrEPlTT -& CO.,' • • 101 WALNUT S ap3o-2bie rest, LINDWARRANTS WANTED. MUST PRICE IaIVEN BY DREXEL & CO., No. 31 BOUM' WIRD BMW!' !'COLLECTION AGENCY FOR THE ,1-1 WM. GWYNN NEILSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSRLLOR AT LAW, NO. 4 West THIRD Street, OINOINNATI, Ohio,• Attends personally la Oollooting &amming Cla ims Rears to lien.'pallaniy.htoner, Oincinnatl, Ohio. M. H Tilden, - Hon. Haan. Van Hansm, It It. Iliye,'City Molter, u • W. Taylor & 00., Com. Merchants, ap2O 121 NOTIOE.—The Coupons one May 1, 1859, lel attached to the Bonds of TOP. PEACH hnl'OM RT I ATE MININQ (811PANY, wilt be paid noon pre sentation at the Office, on and after Mar 1, 18t9. ap2p at 0. 8 SMITH, Treasurer, B. AI aor.WALIWT and VOIITIIII, 2d Yloor, N 0.3. ROBERT SHOEMAKER - • 6c CO., T. E. CUR. FOURTH ANDHAOE STREETS, PNILADDLPIIIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, BIAPpIoAoToRERs OF PAINTS IN OIL, IMPORTIRS OP,PRINCII PLATE imp WINDOW GLASS. MUM LS AMDDIOAN WINDOW GLAD% sp2l-gm To THOSE, who aro about to purchaeu Drage, Paiute, white head, and Window' Glace, we direct their attention to an utienrptugged and select stack of each goods, which aro to be faun t at the store of %MUM Ac SMITH, ap2B-tf corner of CIDOOND and GREEN fitreete. OFFICE OF THE YENNSYLVANIA AND LBRIGH ZINC COMPANY, No, 321 WAL NUT argot. . . . s . PRIGLDELPHIL, April 26, 1869. , . • • Tho,loterott dna MAY lot on the lidnrtgagii Logo of this Company will be PAIDAPPER TiIAT LAY. ap964618 - - SAMUEL P SIoIEMIL, Prooldent. 110t1EIRNING - FLUID,-Alcohol, and Cam phone, la bbla. end half bble, manufactured and fox sale by Ii3WLEY, A611131111N.E11, & 00. Opl9 No, 16 8011rT11 WPARVIIB. Was. -210 bble extra Sugar Oared coy red Hamm, oared by 'Jeffry Lewin, nivatt & Wood, and Gardner telaypa, & Co., in Cincinnati, for sale by O. O. inLaR & CO., up2B ARCH street. saaend door above Thant. ' LAAIiS, SIDES, AND SHOULDERS...-. 0,000 pieces city smoked, for saTe by - -0. 0. SADLER & 00., ao2B Mg Street, Second door above Front QROUND VELVITLAN ICED—Ahandsome artialo, zuswarsottired and foe gale by W &TERRILL & BROTHER, %TN ; Noe al and 41) North SECOND Btroot IIVIAGKEREL.-8 5 8 bble. Nos. 1,2, and 8 Maetere , , in whole. halves, quarters sod eighths, original a ' agi. ' for "1.b7 0.0 e.iDLBR & ap2B ARCH fitted, iteeond door above Front. Udall Eirtl CDocibtf.- 'TAFFETA SILK MANTILLAS. , _ -A- Sleek Bilk 'Maroons. Bleak 811 k Girolee. Light Cloth Mantles. Hale Cloth ICsaannes., Habit Cloth Bornons. LAC* MANTLBS. French Lace Mantles. ' - Chantilly Laoe Mantles. Handsome Lacs Circulars. Solna cheap auction Into. BARRGIit ROBB& Ohlnt' Galore Barege Robes,- Gay Chintz Colors Baregee. Tao flounced Came Robes. - Barna Robes A'les. Napoieen Baregee. N. B.—Mantle' made to order. - ' COOPRIt tc, CON ARC. , s p,sto B. B. earner NINTH sad MARRET irllit4laDT.ll,oßES: - V Two Flounces and Double Jupes Bleb Militia spolots and Plain Unborn, Marquise end ()hauliers styles. White Granada, neat and Colored Grounds. Plain White Organdlee, Bayadere for Mourning Printed .4conits and Orgindiee of every style;' Colored Ground with Bouquet deslgra. „ The hew color, Violet It. Alva. One cue, of,new dark detigns at 25 canto. ,' Two)Plounoed rich Organdy Babes at $2 50. 88MIFLSBEV BROTIIIRS, apoB OHEBTlitil e and DIGIITG Streets. SPRING: 'CL'OAKS IseLANTILL.A.I3. THE L4RGEST STOCK IN THE ClrY. SPRING SLOTH CIRCULARS. SPRING , OLOTH.OREERPIRLDS - SPRING SILK OIROULARB: BILK MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCE. SPRING EMT MANTILLAS. VELVET MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCE. FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, ENGLISH LACE MANTILLAS. CHANTILLY LACE MANTILLAS. /ca., Ao., eco AA. ; ,co., CONSIDERABLE ADDITIONS, 0111 WO . REROOIIS AND OTllRR . B9l7lofitli ARE MADE! TO OUR STOOK EMT MORNING, Thus realizing a Perpetudl'Op'ening. PRICES STRICTLY MODERATE J. W. PROCTOR & 708 01-11ZEITINTI7T BT.R.MMT. sp27•t[ 1 c litical: npo Aft , FELLOW-CITIZENS Ofr TEE -L. FIFTEENTH, WARIi.-:-Braybil received the regu lar Democratic nomination" for 'ALDERMAN of the Fifteenth Ward, I gespeatfially solicit the support of my fellow. citizens, promising, if elected, to fulfil the duties of the °Mai with impartiality and oomclentioaenees, as lorstorore. ap2l-tt* - DAFT. E. W. BINDER. CANDIDATE OF THE PEOPLE'S ~.PARTY, FOIL ALDERMAN 01 YIPTSIIRTE,WaRDi, ROBEILT irtnanursort.- ap26•Eito pEOPLE'S OITY TIOKET. OITT TREASURER, BENJAMIN H. BROWN. CITY COMMISSIONER, CHARLES M. NEAL. New Vat* Mu Gaups Jobbers. APRIL, , 1E369. WE HAVE NOW OPEN FOR SALE OUR NEW AND ELEGANT PRINTS. • TUE WAMSUTTAS. TO :mum . WE BEG TO CALL TEE ATTENTION of the TRADE, -The best designers and "printers are engsged in producing these CALICOES, and the great sorters whloh has attended the sale of our WARREN PRINTS will be followedup by giving the WADIBUTTA PRINTS to the labile. The COLONS are WARRANTED wear, the STYLES BIATITIFDL, and THE PRICE JUST actor. We *hall sell these Prints by the PACKAGE or PIECE, for CNORI Oa ON VAL • • DE FOREST. . ARMSTRONG. do CO., 80 sail 82 CHAMBERS STREET, .4p20.1m NEW YORK. LADIES ABE INVITBD TO OALL AND IXAMINE OUR EXTE.NRIVE STOOK FINS STRAW FLATS AND OAPS, MISSES AND BOYS, MOST BLECtaIiTLY TBIM&TED, IVIIIOH WILL RE SOLD , Ar VERY LOW lEEE@ CHAS. OAKFORD cue SON, 624 CHESTNUT STREET; ap26.6C BELOW 311VBNTII CANTON MATTINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 8000080110 TO J. ¢ B. ORNE, 619 01 - 130STZTUT i§PrWEIMIT, OPPOSITE TIM STA7I-11017SE, HAVE NOW OPEN • - PRIZE SPRING IMPORTATIONS or , CARPETINGS. • • ALSO, MOD MOW) , - OP CLENSTTOTS SZE AT TrZsT42tß, OP ALL TIM DESIBABLIA BTYLBS, 17 LOW PRICES. mar 18-8 m If E s NEWLAND Sc CO., LOORING•GLABR AND PIOTURN4RADID BUMP &GUMMI:3, WHOLRSALA AND RBTAIL. An' extensive stook of OM PAINTINGS, co. All at vet}, Low Priem 604 AM:Mat:est above SIXTH, Philadelphia. apl6.2m it JOB PRINTING. eA JOB PRINTING. JOB atkomoN—PISINTER—JACIMiI. jAcgivr-:.pRIIITBII—JABBBoN. JUKBOY—E'BINTEA—JA.OIitIuN. OAILDB, BILL HEADS, OHEORB 131,8u8, BILL lIRALoi, CHIRON& MILS, BILL LOMB, WICK& • OIROULABrt, O. OTBOULABB, ho. • OIROULABB, he. JACKSON—PRINTER. JAOBSoti—PRINTER. JACKSON—PRINTER. FIFTH AND OtrEiTNITT. FIFTH AND, OILOTNIIT, ap22.12t FLY/TH AND OHISTNUX IVOTIOE.--We are closing tip oar'busi -17 nem, and will sell the residue of our stock, consistiug of a general assortment of NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS, adapted to both Spring and Fall sales, at prices far below cost, for NEM ASH. Oily Jobbers will 44 well to salt ma ne, as we will offer them goods mush below Agents , ' or Importers , prices. We will also rent our Store or dlepose of our Loin, which has about five years to ran. Possession given between anos let and Inly let. SLI4IIABB ROB SAUL H. J. WITH es BROTHER, apl2-12tat No. 28 South FOURTH Street. $50,000T0 LO4N, in alinl 13 to MIR applicants, u ,on Dlikrucinds, Watebee, Jawelry, OUnS, Merohendiee, °lathing, do., on mode rate term, by JONES t CO:, Brokers, N. W. corner THIRD and G WEILL litzeeta. below . Lombard Be tebliebed for the hat 35 years. Moe hears from A. ht. to 7 P U. , Beoond•hand ilold and Oilier Watches, by eminent makers, warranted genuine, for sale cheap, at ono halt the original coot., ap2S.6mlf • rinlE GALE of poptilar, favor is blowing towards the old eetabliehed. store • °coupled by & 851IPIX, comer of bIiOOND and °BEIM targets, 'there may be _found a °hoick assortmebt of D r a g s of Rae quality, ea well 18 White Leal, Zino Palate, and Window Wass, allot' width use unrivalled, • , „ 'VONT INENT-AL PAPER MONET WANTED.—A fair prim - will le' &an for goid, 'alma apaoltaatfc. - - 4 •4l4l.drapaBl Blood , * Dir. pttob,with • • ' 314a,a veNvAkeszlip,twANZED for. a_saleable ‘...l Pattmt artieie. Call 4£ NO: 160 North ,THIRD O'reet. - -- • , WANTED—By young than, ;a - Sitaa. tion a Liquor, Were. ~',Adprece A. V. P r ei s Office Salary meliorate.. , • ap29-2t* XV,ANTED—By a young Ician; , 22. yeati of v 'Aga. a IHtinktion, - in • Dootaiiiel Shoo randloi Moil, Hui Sat oonsiierable -,tkir , trfde A4dpoe M, l'ilar,Oflkni:- 111067 ononet. to cover expenses.• - - iii29'3t*-: WANTED-4V _a young nian,liCelinee 4 , 05 t.nd. bar, It Rome thatialias bit , idom. Palaj, Inough t 4 eorii.moderste o . ?t, Addrel4l W Press Mee. ' " _ „ - - sp294tit. , • EM.FLOYMENT Wikr4 TED, by a reapact , ALIA able ioneg man from the counter, lately returned from college. GI Willing to mote himself metal to soy county. (Salary not 'much of an object. Good city retereisots., Address O&LtK, hree °HOC' ap9B-at* AYOUNG IfAN; is denitom of - obtaining a Sltuatloil, hammy rof lmeineas, .where, hta aarvicee will command • .fair remnnerailon But of teferences can , , tarnished. • Addresa - RATAPI3OO, offioe ot The fres& ap28781e.; VALE gMAN WANTED FOR., THE MIS -1,0 SOUR/ AND ARKANSAS TRADI9.—k liberal sale. ry min be paid Tor the Amnion of an experienced sod competent SALESMAN, whose acquaints, ce end info. enoe will enable him , to sell LAK GNU' to the trade above indicated. The apptlesot taut furnish Cooed nn. excaptionAble testimonial', of character and vandal tions.• Address SIDGRRTON, BAGSM, & HATCH,: ap26.Bt* No. 202 BROADWAY, New York. , ---- aII7ATION - WAD - TEDT:Dy a ,LAD, A aged 18, (Graduate' ot Orltteladeo Goinuerelal Collage,) as Akaalateut" BOok-keepor.or Entry Clerk, la a Wkoleeale Gry:gOo" dalobblog' or oOrazolaslon Nome, Would make hiraself,nseful to WI 'employer. Good all, references even se "to honesty, - &o: Anion ft.T. T. 8..", Press Office. . tohIS Dir!Ftrbir%. BOARDING, With a pleasant room, at Mb WALNUT 'Street. . spBll-20, A FAMILY residing on a pleasantly-atta rs . ate PAM, in OBBSTBR 001Thrit f ' win re.; ceive Boarders for she Hammer. "Yet -farther particu lars, /abase ‘• D B J., 11 this Offloa apitt•Otei, for gale anZi tot, D . O. E. 0 04. T E S,' 'of- Coatesville, Cheater Valley, wishing to zetire from practfce, will Maw° of his Good-will and Practice, worth $2,000 per annum Iteferenceirs, I. E. B. IdcOlellan and Agnew, Eleventh street, above Ideaket. its GERHANTQWITTROPERTY.—Two jut La' Stone Heinen for sale or to let, with Oa k Water, and all the modem conveniences, good mead lota, and plenty of Melia, within ten Minutea. walk to Wayne Station commanding a view of beautiful mane. ry, it being very elevated; and adJelne tbe'Property of K. Pratt blaliCean, Esq.; For farther partionlan. apply apBo 4t: dl9 AiARMIT Street. - at TO , LET—A very desirable - Dwelling, handsome Side Yard. The house is in a plea. met netgbborhood i contains all the modern improve meets, and is in - firet-rate s condition. Rent $OOO. Yor further particulars. t Katy.) cm the premise!, 810 North Bth'etrert, or at, 105 Arch et. • • • ~4111,1 .2t* OFFICE TO LET--"—No. 228 South Than Street, below Walnut, nail.' the - Xi °Mingo, two Rooms, with- Vire Proof and Ma Intl*. daced, suitable for sa irortronao Company Lawyer tiorrreyancor, or Broker. Apply to , TRibriAtie, • ap2B-13t. •• ' • - 244 &nth THIRD attest. - A VALUABLE LOT, - in the Flist..Ward; 17. hiviog a frontage of 800 feet, in a ratddly'lmprov-' fug neighborhood,de offered In 'xenon, for good im— proved oity property. Address CHARLES - EIRE, at this Of f ice. ip2l3-53t* FOE SALE ON , TO RENT,, on Ground tent, a large Lot, In the southwestern g irt of. the city,' basing three fronts. suitable for •, tiostory or Church building. For psttlonlars, address A.' .ak this Moe. - ,ap2B-t4ts, VOR SALE AT: A'-LOW E:JETTRE oken.—A flat-elan Confectionery end lee Ores= Macon, situated on one of the moat feshionibleetreeta in the city, end now doing hat-rate 1.1241120 W - Apply to • • • . OILIRLEB L. ?WOODWARD, "aw2,B-6tw 114 13 , inth - SIXTH Street: dNORRISTOWN PROPERTY'FOR SAWA 0R.11.6t4T. - • Three Stores and Dwelling on Melastribit. Two Stored and DweDirge on De Kalb street. One Store and rims Dwellings on Swede street. Two 'haudeeme Cottages neer tbe Depot, • ' Two Country Store!, either for sale or rent. Barnet In Beeks,ltoutgomery, and Chester eottniles, for sale, and several beautiful residencee - near the borough. . . *. Eight trainsdaily to and from Thliadelphia. Swami tickets PS." Apply to R. 11.. CORSON, sp27-12t . -Norristown. Penns, de F ctit,• nstaitOUNA, TUBER STORES,' AND se:tumo r:lol7BM OF THE PIIILADISLPFITA:I3AN.If, South- Vest corner of FOURTH and .011N8TOUT nrreeneo4 feet a inches on Chestnut street, and RD hereon Fontth, inoinding a ftve.feet savo, of ',MA the Weet. ern Bank bee the pristiegO . . , The stores sad' BankincHouse are of white marble. The Stores stone (exclusive of the Banking Home and earner Basement) rent for K4OO. 117- A tinge amount of the parehime money may re main on mortgage, - • Apply to • , TUB ev~titlTTZ ,- splO•tuther3t _ ; at the Philadelphia *EAT COTTAGE IN GERMAN TOWN TO RRNT—Sitiate .the Darner of MAIN and OARBENTRIL Stfeete, lollotrang the reel donee and gronods of Oeorge W. Carpenter. -.. The Hoese is mappittet •trttb, Hydrant .the ground. are manly Jefd - out tritti4 "twilit" of diode trees and ebrobbary. Omnibuses pin ttiad9orthrough- , out the day z to and frini the depot, in .ea nee ti on , with the rearoatttratin._ Iminedietspoesearengmen. Rent 8825 per annum, or ,SlOO for the eniniaor month.. SAT from May ley to September let. Apply to _CIRORGI W. CARPENTER, 787 Market greet; onto 7. 0,7100 p, Man etreet, opposite purple-oh street,_ Gerntontown.- • , sp27-4t* „ -. de TO LET—Thtilarie aind - commodioits sa store, No. 825 MAIMAT ihnil, s belotiYourth. Apply on the premien. - sp2 B :tt - 01- COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO LET: Jaa. A neat and ieinny Cottage at 013.1 ALTON 'CUR, near North Pennsylvania Rantol, 8, milaa from the city. Apply at 424 81ARKRT atteet apl2-tr 4111 - OUTTAQES -V t ,—Fi ve new Jinn. and enrourdions Cottages at EDGEWATER The sitnation Is high and healthy, with Churches end Select &hoots in the neighborhood. fitealidioste and Railroad furnish many opportunities of going to, or returning from, the city daily Price. range iron:02,800 to $3 bOO each . Telma of paymentn accommodating:. Apply to A. fdANDEREON, Edgewater Landing. N. B.—Edgewater is on the easterly bank of the Delaware river, about midway between Beverley and Burlington, N . apll.lm* dm TO LET.—A large Stable, 42. feet Ma' front, by 48 feet deep, on a Court running tent of PriANKS treat, between Fourth and fifth atreete,• the premises might be oonverted into a machine chop or two gables. Apply at 401 LIBEASY Street BpB-tmle Ma 17,49. . LIT A B L E. MARKET-STREET PROPERTY TOR SALE—Situate between Dela= ware Seventh and. Eighth streets, known - ka the WHITE HALL HOTEL. Lot forty feet di inches front on Market street, and extending 352 feet, more or lees, to Silbert street: 'For further information, cull on the owner of the property, 0.,11.- GEIrISE, at the Union Hotel. .1110$ glireet, 418-Swat t ry. MISSES O'BRYAN, 914 OHEST VAS: NUT, shove Ninth, enll open Parts MILLINERY cot the Pprlng, on THURSDAY. April 7th, spE,24to. OARD.--MAREUIL-SUR-AY PAGICB), JANUARY 16, 1859 —ln consequence of the frequent invitations received hymn to renew the shipments of my Ohempegne Wines to the United States, I beg leave hereby to inform my former one tomer*, and the public in ton.ral, have ap pointed ?dews. P. O. BMOUW.IIR, AllOlll.ll & 00., dole Agenteln the United States, for the sale of•my Champagne Wines. My W inee have been en long and favorably known in the United Mater, it .111 be un necereary to Comment on their quality, farther thin to say that my new ehipmenti will in no way be found In ferior to the format. ones. BILLNOART SALMON BILLED AWE BaLhION , S3 051A111.1411131. WE2938, both CABINET and VERZBNAY, for sea and con studly on hand, in lota to malt purchasers, by- , F. 0. BROIIWZR, ANODIC % It 00, ap2T•Bm` - 51 IDIAVHS Street, Now 'lrak. SCROFULA, WHITE SWELT.IIiG, TET TEE, HEALD READ, • • AO all Eziptions ot the Skirt are radically and perinn neatly cores by THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE - IiORO/RLA AND MELTE MULLING, - though obstinate and stubborn /Lames, and resisting all caDINARY E.II3I3DIPS. do not fail to yield reader the ucequailed curative and healing properties of the - IMPERIAL DEPLiIIATIVIL ' One or two bottles will catmint* the mast ekepticol. UST tßit has proved the greeted stumbling block to the ordinary remedies of the day. Local epplleations alone do no good, and often do - amen Esau. The die ease mad be eliminated thobough4 from the system In order to effect a complete cure, and it is this radical action of the well-known IeIPAItIaL DSPIIRATIV - B in expelling all vitiated matter from the blood that bee induced co many to prononnee it the guar arson° for Tevvia. 443. . THEI DIIPUBATIVE WILL 0111111 TUTU, and all diseases originating in IMPTIRIPLEB UP TN BLOOD. TaT Oss Berne. Prepared and sold by DIaoNIOBOL & BRO., Late Lonnsbnry & 00., No. bb North PISTR Street, mhl2-stath flot If ' Philadelphia. l0 : t . THE PHRENOLOGICAL CABINET, Esitnmeurn BY BMX.% WRI.LB,, it 0., la open deo , sod evening, for the We of Books on Phrenology, Physiolegj, Water-Ohre, &e. i and for PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINATIONS. 'The importance of Phrenology in the training of the young, %be Wootton of occupations and omnponloos, and to scary department of satire life, is felt and an; knoWledged by all• intelligent persons who Cr. ac quainted with its faots Written descriptions from daguerreotypes will be sent by mail for Iwo dollars Catalogues of Books sent gratis. Address JOHN L. CAPIN, mh23 , cr elf BslV3m , No. 922 Obestrakt ODEINFERIN'S _ ANNIHILATING Po w ttr—Thennly remedy In the whole world: ewe to exterminate Reaches, Ded.bnge, Mosquitoes, Plies, Ante Pleas, Garden Insects ho. Aim, Pills for the destruction of ;Rate and Mice. M. SCHWERIN, for merly partner to E. Lyon, of the Magnetic Powder and Pills. The wonderful eff , ots ot Schwerin's Annihilating Powder were iiektiewledged in this moat flatiering Man .ner-by the President of Girard College, Diritdore of the House of Refuge, Penusylvanis Hospital, and epee prothinent public inet , tutiona of Philadelphia; Also, United Beteg Jell, Washington, I) 0 The. original Certificates tan he 'seen it his office, 804 RACE'street. , = To satisfy . the public, and for the greater,cenvent, once of the habitants of Philadelphia, M aoawr, BIN Is ready to purify theirdwellings Of Roaches; Bed base, Al/ta, he end if satiefaction• is ,not skein pap will not be desired. Depot, 804 RAGE street .. Price 25 cents per bottle. ape-a to th-lmif A:0 BUY :CHEAP WATONES,go to __ TO Isomer of 8.1300 ND and NNW fitreet4 o. • J. PIIIES BAILEY'S 'PATENT SHADE FIX TURlS.—Dealers silt p!es.e notice that I have appointed W. HERBY PATIMI, No 880 OHEST.eiIEr atreqt, Doti, Agent for Philadelphia, through whom the 'trade will be supplied at factory prices: J. B. BAiLBY. Neer Void/. Mara , SB. 1869.-401-kno THE Spring business at ZEIGLER & SMITH'S, corner of SECOND andGREaN Streets, is opened with a superior Musk of Drugs, White Lead, Zino 'Paints, Window Glees, SO all OULer Arti , /011 usually found in a Wholeasia Auig i Rabb MA Malts SetaffiPSWlValt - POS•tg _ _ • IVIIISIOALI432tWiLitt6, - - awl p - an — EZPTAIIt • - • • aqiiavrc-, `, _ hLtlikeill 'SIVA 11160400LANT1, 7 ,,,..‘1„,' deIedame:„BISOAOOLINTI, baa,,',the honey to no her positiimly last end 'einlyipmearaisee thrhici•' - THIS Vabirdayf Seth'. I With dcep hem of- the' Madly' foaling - which hair - " 'been origami ; towardaater, she d olt with, grated, acknowledgments the pretTered 'inner or atannalbsseb.;:' tiry "Concert' IVAdianc" , and pledges herself:Ma XI her pert norzertiona shall bawantingto resift. the sa. - tertainment tiny worthy or thehbld &ad Mira 'Pabbbil age'whiolt has been placed atiiillilispemel, tele pet iiessiti 1111i0ib0itir7'rA- Will be'assieted by Mn W:11. DithibiliTt the WO Americana ,hamo ; plirnor`, MULL° IiaOOOL, the re nowned Olarionetiat ; Kr. O. T. isTANII, the arnitiebt Pianist, sad eignarliLSOAoolAlSTl,theid,latimpalahad, Violoneelitet, - - - "la - the ream' otthe headasda WOW OLANTE sloe The' Grand- Romans. TOP Item Tell et' the Grand deem and savanna-Dom 'tftigeletto;" theendaLi3estaesindl4oado from Lade di Lammermoor, Ind thamilebiatetleienii4abDielmr• bort, eith'Pielonotilloineanpantaiiiint, -, . • • -The; , protrim. - ;irtir imehmiee ,tke.dmas -of_ Italian, German, and English-fond, for 011ipart_ iint heri j acir l dale see bills' of the day. - - PriloEll OP 'ADMISSIOX=To'iIi pith ` of the Gall, - Tickets canbe 'obtained at the Miele litoraeotAbreit Oheatirri ; street; Lee'..t.Wales '110144, - Street; at all the principal Octal", and at Line MP.' PIP - the'eveniel of the - Contort?: • Doors'openat 7 o'clock; • To eommenea at $4. mag-br TL 111 fc , OLARIEB's - A11,01i4311. V V I Prededrate;Letht and THIS (Saturday) =VIKING. Spin 8O ISSL v SWIM VALLI2II4I. Senor Vallsote;'ldi: Wheat* ; SM. Ilidr man; Nello overly, Mrs Drew; Lill Clintriio4l!WW. leA ROL k D NOR AN. MOBS, - Eon. A.Ored ilightlyer, Mr. Wheatley, netralleion. ita eta. seemed sante in Annie third., liqd eta; Orekestra Simile, SO stew Seats irs Private BMW 76 eta; 18 eta Galeryter Ooksed peacoa t _SS i Private Pox in Satiny pr Osdonsylennak. 'UM; Whole Private, Box, 11. „ Aeon -open - at riNdotek reetruessaie at -halt loon . T, z W :WALNUT-NWT THEBAII4, i • 0011988 Brim AND WALNUT IMAXIMOIn doting and Maim Monster . ' LP. Knob: • Business M ama - '''''' D. McrPtlY-;. - • /dB NIGRD MIL 'AND 'IIID3 MAMAS. THIS -- 03Mnidapj EVININGOpoiI 20, 1869.- liteb•thi Mr_ Waller, Maadat, Mr. Sinfirfil; aanquo. ift,Toong rindy !Waller. _ - THMBIthOON OD DIATR. • Jut' inule; - Mr. !Mania. `• PribieVot" adatedOrt—Sovistirfor sit isally OWN. tad Mid Mr, eeptiri Pariesat, task 14 mini eirale, .60 cent ` PrDrate lostrilaimedltit Mins DenUe,ll34Zl4 414 IdigDo Dims In Deepest" aM Paved. Boise, It cents.' - ' Doom , open at awake to 7 dais* 7/7;714,:7/760-1.1 „,, - • AMERICAN ACADEMY . OF : NIISIO. &R.BWILL'OP, DEHLIIIN MIZZAKICIA". . • ° 13.1bilaitiSTISPANI. , • ;(7.., if• • , Mr. Tillman, t * the request of Pdalarni.liassanbes, ye sportfully birthing, the publid thitsha will positively gait for Inrope at art 7 early day. - Theinid lbereareisint which befell her last season; In the death of besiyhrts b Ind, and a Twinged absence from her only übild p ,ren. dens this departure from America twit - Voidable The few performances elm will give In Phllmelphhi Will be her lust appeared:me, aid gee tiluetently mien heinelf obliged to decline the tffede of. new engsgamsam which she het received. • . _ . • - Madime flarmalga retuned raOstreepeistfaltisalle to her friends in' this country for ferroriabe• stowed- upon' her during s; stay at overawe years { fad hopes that she -will slings be hihi. In kindly rainam••• Irrance by the Amailenn pnbhc. In addressing her Philadelphia friendai sludge particularly feels the pain or partang_fromthern t m was among them that she begs her Amnia- wog, veer, slid where bor. efforts (6. (game tlx4amit:liith That appreeiation which it hat been her thibitiodter deserve. ap 28&1304; - ' "7_7," 77, RS. EMILY LESDERNISR'S'ENTIR - urs. TAIIiMENt It CONWWIttIatA OWISTNIIT Rtreiet,'aboie Twelfth,' v - ,tyr• ON diTURD4T JITACIIWG - 4P1410141a, Hiawatha, '(ii itirtime) ' ' PAtEtT SZOOWD. - 'Fong oetlie - The -Widow - Bodo t Papensi (in coortume4 s • The itunawapelice. '_ - W Awriewheir. The Lott -Wale -( in eoetuTe,), - homed Hood. The American Slag, ems ) Ticket" .I'aq:eau - tit euicki. -- May be= - pyieette4d`iit the' Wall, the plaolpal. Book and Mute Stores; aid steel et ter nettle in die city: Doors aptei at . IX,ole'bek commeecie at S.- ' •swydaAto VERIOAN I.OAPEint: Or -:MTM.O: OPENttie NIQBT ON MONDATOpy vita suit OF RUTS 0011,41N0M4 Abril 20. • - • Mr. Illindan respectfully ennenneesthat ht , wDI sire af Short season o•_.itslian,Opera„:„The eonipany, se -re gards the *Melia talent *Aimed, will No on**. 4ape aan.whole, to atur.that Las Phdledet. phis cinder his management, eenterishie. the netted - talents' of GAZZARIGS,;'LABORDB; mtg. vomit% OARL FORMiti,'MOBJILLI eint4LORICIZA.,,,,y , . The, pastleniar feat:wee will ",- , Madame GAZZANICA , B FARlityßi lt o ' The farewell performate,sinf • • -,' • t-L6IIORDR sod') : altof,whom will depart,on ocorelludon of the .seaeon; and the, Brat appearance of TWO'N>aW - Amor STERilANTOOdllignos SBBtGLr& - • The tepittation- of Manor 821sPit6ll4.aelle. eery gresieet :Tenor elm has: visittd *Ali country assist the de*ture,of . hierl.i, is perfeetlY,kitoWn? a`yonng and 'rapidly risiorTettar,• jest Veter.ted Nee: Poonoti, is , less, knew% but 1411 be toed Rv., hale few anperiors in „,tite nen* -reprints* of"Ofenor di Grasia-, inpspersents a re likewise` pending feats; the famone Prima Coons: - • • Madsrie.oo3lE6V - atilt t The Orthkatra and Ohortictillt-ha breelihttofer. ; ft" , the Now - Yolk datdemy of Retie; and-gig , the was u those who gears so inrush Batik - action in laiteirei• They will be under the &saltine of CARL ANN" auirs.; • .The-Opera seleated - for the. openievaight, - On liclliOnY 3 MSy ;I I at II te..oloalli • will, be - LA -A,,,3 1,•- 7 '- which, whilst- an , Oppottnidt-,41w be ilp i ediai k aar once werweitadeine-,Oe:Yinavaa, In, has greet tole of ,vlolatti, snit ptesanttnroseik itU oast all the &Creations of e novelty as the celebrated Te-or , • = OTRYNANI wlll;realie to it ;Ids drat appearance In Philivielpitla. . The prise of adseleslon has been„fisedst_ DOLLAR:TO' ALL YARTS, " • 'wending the 'Yarquatte, Paquette -01rele, Weeny, and Virally Circle. - Reserved - Mate-in the One Dollar and Hill, i - • Reserved Beata in the • Validly OiroliclielV_Te,_ liar. Amphitheatre, Fifty Cents.; • - ''• ' The principal TICKS r 011'0011 - lit the ACADEMY' OF MUIR° ; seats and Caton; may also be • obtained at the Rage htore.of BROX & 1..747r05, corner of Eleventh and Chestnut .treent. On WED2IRSDAT; May 81, will be peribenui the • • • • Opera - MARTSA, in Valise; with an extraordinary street easteniaprising the talents of Laborde, Formes, Rerkel; ebriglic &c. ip.2B-tf • - - rilatiONOlTGH's ~GAIETIES-40eci St., ILI below Third'. Beet Compstly id Phtledelpbbi—inelnalos 1- - FANNY FCRRIST, - bIoLLN. 'MISR ' MOB, N. B. CHRISTY, • - DILLY THOMAS, Boa aniePAnt, J. WILLIAMS, MONS.TH.RICOM, J. CONRAD. PROP. YObT, ko. Great bill to-night: . • PRUR FIGHT or MOBRISSBY and LORMOIA, BOY. - • SERIOUS lINWARSANTA4.WINTABISION, /to. Smare year 'seats early apS9 • 7. -CONRAD, Stage _Manager. MAE THIRTY-SIXTH =ANNUAL IIIBIT1ON"-- . , TEM P3IINBYI.VANIA. - ACADNUY OP THE 112110 T. Anti, No. 1026 OR.66TNIIT STAMM, 10 NOW oP.Pri'DAALT (Souders- exeer inl)%troin 9 A.M. to 6 P. AL, and trona TX tilt 10 P Admiasion 26 mats: Season INekete 66oeote. Chil dren 12 tents , In— STOCKHOLDERS will reeetie theft , tfikete es eel:dictation at the office of the Academy. • ' TIE GREAT PICTURE , " AtBllOl7R9, CUPID; AND TEEM,' - BY CORBEGGIO,..k. D • 1420. - • This great Painting-is new on EXHIBITION, for, short time only, at gift OHJIBTNIIT Street; Vire Bab soripttons Air hotograpts are - . - Admission 45 Dents.' Stattortbers 4.76. VIII, SIOAL FUND, lIALli . := l/a__,L- GEE .LIUL OROEI3BTRA give , trkiMMAIM ALS evary 'SATURDAY. Tile last iviii"be' given on the 28th of May. - Single" TR:Moss-25 _7eents p pila w, of tickets - for mar lw,obte.intsl at dndre's,llo Cheatcrat stmet Bock Lawton's, earner of assentk and Okestont, and at tke The perfoooecose enconscrimo at itcg (Mock IVEW ENGRAVINGS. - -Just received large selenlove or New PllNbilat,- P.NGLIBN, end GRaDiAli ENGRAVII4GB, among watak my be Pleasures of Childhood "—Desandre, sit or 11, each .. Saddle HMOS "—Do Smog, get of 4, ca01n..,....21 00 Large Snares—Deer, ihe —Bonhelm sat of 5 each. 1 00 Life in the Seraglio—tinerard, eat of 10, eaCh.•... 1 20 Leda—Bandry . .. 1 60 The Das& Tool;:-Dompte Celli —'' 120 The Deere. Stalking— do • 120 The Morning Stir—liobart. 1 20 ' The Evening Star— do - ' 120 The Whist Paity—Hillemaeher ' - 1 00 Wierinde—Winterhelter, (reduction) 201 The Love Triiner—liamon • • ' 200 , Larva—Snekner - 2 00 A Scotch Lasatt—Baxter Grand mother and Chdd—Meyer ' - i 66 A Spanish Gipeey—Phillip 2 50 Dispelled' Illusions—Gyeger. (rath:Lotion) . ........ 4 00 Dream of Heel:linens—Dom Pipety, (reduolloo)... 4 00 The Little Sleeeere- - bleyer 4 00 Dons Peptta— Phillip ' - AOO The Pant eat "attire-41W aillfes 6 CO . The Children of the Wood—Sant 6 00 Oh lot in bethnemane—Le Jenne 5 00 Whale illehing; - & Clarop,—(l,unery, each 6 00 Michael. Angelo In hie A' elier—Cabanel 0 00 Forman Sketching truce Nature— do 6 03 Rembrandt in his btu ,in— do- 6 00 Bible Explanation-111min 0 CO The Joye of Home— do - , - 600 Vesture in the EN. Cerittiry—Candron 10 00 flothide—Winterealter 12 Fe The Great Fall, Isbagara—Chnrah 16 00 The Good Shepherd,-Landseer ^0 00 The Congress of Parls—Dueufe 50 CO With ail other modem Engravings of every character. 1; ARLES' , GALLERIES, ap23-10tlf* 816 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. ()HANLE§ MULLIKIN . . . . =EI PLUMBERS' MATERIALS, AT NNW TORE MOW spa MOOS STEAM WILTON'S INSURANOM—ADJUST - ING AND COLLECTING. OSSIDD, No, 808 9028:SNIPP Street, SHILADDLPH/A., - proofs of Loss and other regrdeitas - made out for pat ties mostaloing los or damage by tire to property in sured, is fell compltanoe with the, Intricate conditions of policies of Insurance, in such a manner as to ob viate plea or exooee for reduction or Iliaiptloo, and to the entire satisfaction of all pasties. - Part - Molar attention given to the collection of dame railed iiannuice Companies. ' • pestles will - find it to latirestto consult the ISA arsigtied'as soon'after the lire as poultry,. No charge for Consultation. "JAMES FULTON, osonosue Adjuster. IVII 1!‘ N B 'FINE 71:;1414FSKINI, BOOTS; C Oongres4 gaiters, o. Beat Oity manufacture. Loir prices. wholesale and roratt, at NUTT 4208, No.lll North *NC= Rit. # (Seataidayab Arnh, 00-Ikra tti,oo ko a sof tie)WO Ztoot 2 00
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