' ' • Ti , - 1 - 44,00` ; 1.1111.11i1 - ' - ',-- • " ..F0 aA ~ iiii - “v. , Iti 1 .4-.! - , :: -,.--: 4- 4 ',..e. -;,,,' -'1 ,--, • ~. : ~--' ~,,,:-. ,4 9, : •, - - - /- - ,, , ,.:h— , 4 .J52~ - i6 , '* , ..%, ,, W . , „..,„ ' 1 . 7 . ,;,' -, , ~ ... .,, , --1, , , . , ..,:. , 1 1 ' ''''- '5 = ,7 ' .:1 1" 4: Z 4 t0i114%10)&111 ,1 4,40ti t 31ki 8 A,1 0 ; 11 4 . ''' , `,2 - , - , - IV. - ‘_•!,lrrAti,ra t ifk i s ,m ;Fi'„WoitilitiVellistilh P LC! * liiiii'PhitaitelPhill: 4,44",,„ 1 1:1Z -,;° ; .a - t ss ,"-, IPA - 7 'r s liktif#lledukto,Orte,i - _ , Aft "- : Atfihiiiiiiiiciii, thili1141)1000 1 407 .1 . 14;;0; : :•BiritiD: , :441 3 ‘ 1 i N e' i n' '. • ' --: -1 ''' ;i, :':: ;'' ' ' ''''' :' 1tZ,:,...L'1.-:•.,r11 Aist ma -.A.mt m ik e* 1 todou 2.4.1 r ' 'c' b at - 01161101 Ima• ••• -' gie - " 'ilki" VW ir• roidot4l.6 _ . ,-,lllisliiil, „....---4 .. mitt Al - , - klu'ils4ll-111,E_A'.,rv-iiiiir iiiii - figlife! ! , . 1 ' 1 .„ i f ptv.. , 4ioi'iinigP:S,: jr** 6 na m e ; 4; 1 ...-• - n • ..1,04-p,,, ~1LL.,,•...40?..:i5t.c, Ofklifi . -, ,--,341- -,... 11. -440,4.1111611i,Tr,4•Agah0ve5.11,1r ,44,,,,Pr-ribi?', 2ittik ( Cf .414rft_a Ttitliiiii'lol'' .:,p-iipik.?,,'All':. riot fh l f - ! - :rr , , - wci,tifelie, -. '"-''• Via -- .werikto,7lT . 041 , th , 1: 1 4.i m iOl iJ 1.7" , -- . iio ltho l i f itk . TT, —. btoit- , ' I.,bal_it , 9, „ Al * kit Oatittf 14-lii AS • 1"4" lik' 4 ,Artiialotrrt-ilidflit)tiit*'lt filliT ' ,„,,kciatiiiiit - 4,..,,041 490 .1-:, - , ..-... 1-frAiiiiiiiis• ---.4i, ,s zlli.l4 l . b v ik ''''i ts ;soiitr I*t ;"414iiiist '- -;,-.'4,4o:ikilat.,Atfi - 4 4 04 0,*i ii i i x 41. 4 : , , ,__ .,iii. 1.7 , ' -,i'-,4f:epiq4j4-',--Arl,,a,aZ --itl'ailkitiOAlM44,„.7„.• I - :1,- .: ,:li'„ - ' 'jr- - - i:vjrge, l l - ..! ~;*; --•,;;, i c ht fir,.rsVift:rQ,_4'" ~-10.74;,!*,•41.4"iii;•1 :-•---•-,:.-,..llll,—.4indilifistjait-110 t Avi ,7 ''-. '.' Ii; t,,4044011 , ,,f, „, ""1".4,6'6 0018 4 0 4._, i , • o44t et. tip ( ; ; `2.-4. eif:'.1.,......,••"'.10"41)14,111 11, ... f ae -- ,.. -- `lO, - 11.74 4 FA - '-''..:-.'•• 41,, i..-M-If:tild'.- tio40 4 : 1 0-'-',',1%'-_,..i4 atid,tlifilita' ~ e" , .. ";"401114 ri; 461010 t ""-"-7V- . ' 'is io7s l =,-:: '',',_,A,--4M44. ' 14,40,4eeti1k-44,4 V,446"/Pfttlik,L4,l =< 4 "J 4 ; o * - ' ,Ta rite giik/OrlikortrlP-7..,, 9 ,5" , ....,0-I , A• t't , c ' 14 ' 1. ' 6 ? -.'. 1 ,rata:o44iVr!jj•li ee.7.4.....M 114144444.1:14! ~.. , . .., ,N 7rigii i ,t4iii,l i u hi.l4 :,.,.,,,.....-, -- t ,.. b ., 0 (lb. • ' ', - - ' - --- -. ...• ,ArmizTiArloll!-,-i 'irai 'boa 11:!1W Ni..l-iiiiii 404,11k.1","9, 7 3*,.'bi10wt - '''.l.4*-1.147-thic,-;.. _.,-.,-Kliiitlnititi4ifbindimi• - .---- - . -.„-,414.1:4"`'----&--iati:**....,...-744tt. s*'-'9!Y liiiii*ti!44fre'lllrsZl.tavac--- '4 - -- '-1.41400.1*.C14:00161,,,,'-''",',l;`,,ie, br,,PV1417; '4 -- Z - '44 3 !}, Alter. tilygimiAll*,.."7.4 ' ..,- :‘ ,- -;; - ‘0 , 0:1%•, , ,... maw .- ' ' -‘ quimigfikLw.., 'ii.' '.Vithikris'e r liltr,,P-17.' '' T; '. 144-biatiood. ,, ,l ,- - , ;,4 it - ~u,a 4110.e.°21.Ta-,„,!044 . ,•,:st•tit ' , 011tIllivtatlf0f.tr!ViTi6t41 o u b. '•' ,414-4. f.40:401414°- i liim et •4o,ll „' 4 ,,„ ilia, qg .„ , ., , bv iti, 441.7-77-iiiiiiit!x•Ta. 1 ..061 'lir - - i•:(!4 • 44- . ,----., ibigAr .;, 0.,.404... -' 144vr4oiTrAiwiNtii,ove!...; ...:-,,.. 100e4R.:mx-v -4,i4itiWll"i'altvf•-;. ii,-,,114. eil t;,,, z1 „. in reo 3l ,„ t , '‘.1•,14..., , ~-411017#,c,014-11z144:4134414> ----"t'-r• " ,- sc , ouf, , . . . $4,,,,, tkotoetted .', 4:_ti11ufi1.1.%419141, iii,*lele'Vith.:.chOili4fjt s ' ' : , i i l ..„ ,tV.,,-. 7,,t-,t-traitifhiy*N4,-!. ill* ittde ' ', . --- =6% 1 7 7 1 4*MA l*telt gitt4-I.oi'li44oiii ''.',.iiiifli4lloltt:L, A. 1e 4443 yr orerta' . if A1gi,12,1,,P' M-7.-iiiiiedic,l44o *oh', i!e' 'llit*N t faktot 01"11',##t" • .: 4,6‘4:14611{4i21&rf,,.., ~-*O. AlOitgAtialt!„„,-viv:.-11. iii*le 4 .4 lll !,l asp ioeusbors4l-,,!P..2.7,:,-;244,-oilytiereireid m ~ 1441474.i#•*:"--427.6,6,4110,0A014411!?4/ 9W, ,;431604 Al t ,- ' ll f -- ',6' :iiiie-'o'sri4clitf,'-'heeT4eri. 3 , „ ..,,,,,-„„,,,,,,,dr0m,f,.. me itel • - „,-'1 4:g". ibitim s 4o . )pti . .111Militipilioll e 46,41+01tr .4''Z.:s&l7l4iii,iiitari,Tial,lll44ivoitillosi,,Filltiallilead, they )tost - . . _ ''''''" 'll ''' ' 6: -. i.illiiii*l•ndi al ---,..tniiiiirmilier-fibi--IP"r4i4htti4r4 irafAsti;wll9 et -I..A.'S tlittttellttiiii*Z Vlit - g4. 1 4r- t n a. 5'4, „ ,.„. ...,,. 4,..77,E..".A-In.. -.- ''' , ..iiiii,:pieviirrivedler! Pit; '''''; .. "Aw-I‘:" itit E el i ii i liktii,,PilP 4b !. ~, - Atil 11041 .-tror t i -..-- -- ' ria4 I; .' , L , ,, " t ;s "' iiillkt4P4ik.; •-•- ' - , 340,f - -.''' - '-- "tktirtt# 6 ,: l 4l 6 , . ! f r t.,o444.:AftlicoVlrli iit. if :04,irtiiiry,?, ' - '4.4 , 11,/ i!v 44!!,-1111`ii,,,,,...---,-4' i, siVt_,_ ..,,._ir.Enr+..., L -.Z- iii;Unfilpiatic. irlib; • .---',"zt-ti-Aiticht-bitimwmfrx","" ."7"2.,i1,-felt - 4xiar•salct er ,;.--jt•jkibooes *WOW hall.P'"he f 0 , n ,414, 4 ii• ter -- --:q- Akiflit,"*Wir4 4...... 0 -!. - _i E 4' of th at (kit . , • r-‘19...141 , 41,-4,4740001-1tt240114',.. - di'ijoiabor. ift• e,44/00*.f ,-- ,;:iii*,sisif-10**1"-- - ...il ' f siou= .•, ; , , , OvVillitA. ..--,,61=,414_ ow n od e •" , -, Z%-1001107,...9-4,;,, ,,-- C - 3 ,,! -- iik , „kiirr i ku'• ' -a'i l nre-fti4l/1 T:s*.h•Tlifitiefit*Ohtllo:l4 Ni ue ' ,.°lo% :400#60, . 1 *, , 3.... , „ iiiii ,-, a407 , fi.,:mo : „ •'.:: iii-, depcikkAlimt, litoibii : iii,o bolsi on' i J I-P4 i4iiittalli.,..____‘it.9.llr,..,4- - 14, - ,fill,:ikiird•t `cd! • . .: ',l y: - 4 44 jAbik* 3 / 4 . ' -I''F-..v ,-- "i., Thee . bit ~!-AF:,4.11.1 * (440,1 0 1 4 11,fer iiii4ate iiiii.Ocftial-, .. , A 504 0 4 ; 0 41 4 :,- ~, - , 4.-1.4,4 e, ii4.-Atlh 'Vl,b'lliPll''''Allt4,-, tirk4.:bkiiNdirl'4lW'Xi'''- ~,, ...VrlE,,==7,7l,oi,„friailk-k4osik At `'•**..***, f*All4‘"?...,i,„A'V:liimitt; 041 4 i f ei ..'4 ,- 4,beilitit l 4 44 .,''Ltal ti rala • 4 ' , kik 41#4 iz,:i --,'•f.#,lkejihtiktif,..,r7rii.2•iii.:(;44l4-c84C*4411:46it r-'.; ; : : : :i:• - plit „ (tAktki„.....0 1 _,. 4 ,.- • i t ii& w .,4oo•lo***3/4 - , titt; ,'-,01,0,11,11tip•Tr",..4.--, ~4,11,•.•eiti0-,..r..4101k4-,,,,w ~, ';,4,itai it.ko-#1.4„,,47-n7aliimilokir*4ilivlr !T..= '- 11:--'14ist"liSii"-' - 14-11:4140411#04`;,th9". ,•%; 411:411 0'0 f t1y, 4 4,,, , ...--. t- -,-,'-',- -_ ..• -I -;- re, '''-i-tifloi- it 10 ; 1 07.1- 421 $! 1 #••;"'- " iiic _- '_.-,4t -_-ILiil*Ctie,L2itzt4hvtTiltitr -Pik fit'ere? 11,417-77.--'' iii Legge star" -'44):1 fol:", • '"' -tit'il'Of", t el e- "' - .:.,,iii6ktife46 ii4k...; • ~:si.;:ct'6.`.-"Atil:#kiiikti*?l,l,ll!iiiitt'2,olg.* -: l'aisilaroirelketkftilltot. „, 110 P , I r v,iii . Awi ,pni IS i:,:iiiiiili'4o/Wai-likk,,, tiiiitolialki4:4,lo3:l: -,4 --' ,iofii*•4•;frAr4l.7-t 7 4:‘/; -, ; ) 3 . :4' 7. :e-p'- L 14 g,.l#, 0! 44 .4 4 ).4--..e1tir; , 14 -- ii t.i- bi 'i. i, "'r i g • •' - a . IT; • Vl,V4thritilliVdtikr it/ 1 2014d sap ; •. ,:;-iviocisi:Viligi Mrilatispoinin4-Wrakis th e. : , t ., z ,N, bat tibia 'Pl'ilk 4 Da :side; patosol.4.l:ttre:" , ~i'l.,ll44`tor,Lkgil),:littjr=l etta-enks I P At: ' lllO *id' ' B".-.""ig lbr. l in tt l f. l .g,l. - nous' iwimpor -';''- ' 2.'Stw '641,1`14"1"."---: .beitkiii'dolithOW-1,711,314, •-'41.1410.4.10 ifil. yet 111, l i ef • l liibl.r!ill it -- __.; cape --;j: I!, fi l l-iv 1,8 a iiitrd'at lion .ta ~ , nr_ '' '''r ut ltta l lis ql`' ''''e-1- jettliOlit,it.,o"t'' -: ' -thlfilliOnWit 441q11.0 . - ' - i - if eji -• la iltiAifliehi ---::,-1-..?-,-.,„44-)4,-*VIP:kAli1,-'??1,T.,,, ~,' .444 , - the , 4 Wirilii4;oo:9ll4444#l. 4 7:10 0 14A if*: -. 7:411/1514#11ftelitt:7111,0011,0C9k, afe': il -.„',.;..,11*;e14., 'i,l_,-.04':,77.;?%--s-.z.'„ .I,'',-, Y.- - ',.' ' 4-` -;./khtheq`',3s.V,i2t.ga.'",r 1,--ietiii;;-.iittlis sP• ;;:;4!:-*.etT*1411441-1_' -61-1*- 4A; 41 , r At broikinkth44 al ' -1, ..- ':L r, ,4rIely1111 1 11 1 11,Ti„.01, lt,,t, tbsiii, fi.616.--Eaerluk,, ''' -- -...1- ' . ,r -it .: wiliwil(iivc,f,yfrir,r-•,-iiiivickid-lie;domotik; - , , ...,:;•k - 2 •-•-, - 1.- -A*,.Perol-,E 11..1.;„iiimint,*111itOiKPIF",;, _ r 5: ,, ,,,i,; dipor, irlopsAist, put qpiri ..,..,,,,teirway pr 0..,., •. , , --' - 41,- Qat,.A.sectOisk,Pokr*C; .Igover4ilent ;. _ ~- 4 •Awlmic 1 .. -._....--...otest rtra 4 ,,, ~ L. • .., - - •r. ' ',''' I.,`Y- -alihulibilt 16w 4 4 .,4r.t.,i,V F-;;1:1;"r."1"iii" "" '- '' ' -,, '..-;-.--• ' tritts. rVl.'-'-',-;..) m ention4,4 th iiiiiighlizfew .-'-: _ ...'4-1-4 ;54,.-44,-eiterdik7•**„...-., - 1E kimiiidas ludd..., -.1 : - - :•i,,• •'v-11411','11f1b...r 4,E,861i-ore-fikisii,, tit4 l rtte)i° It ',. 4 le „, , ,w=4 ,7r..,--/-:9-.,,,....„1.-: lt! t....4n ,,, 1 ''''?' ' 511=t401111/I—,f a '' ' '' ' '4 - . 4.- ''..---1111.' '• :;1::-....!‘i';f:C_Its, >; -Ih e r . ...irfifi noi de i tte f et wr o e f o b n e 4 f, ~542/,' .11*-gliew, ort,t'f„..4.,?„n:Thitripty 'Witt' '-- .-..- - -t',-, ;',...:?-Y, 's`6l4 r i •M 0 ; 1 4 4 7 - 4„..ento , or! . .14 .......„~, ,- _4'i18.014 11 0 1 6014.1.1,tiris bolvithlok.oxpledad ';''.A.' -qz446410614r°16 ,/- *- "'"'.i. r i o t . to pi RA plith.-1,61910, --, white•-•§.4-014.1014,"!'4,7,!9"- i' ,l '..‘ - '-t _ 1,... -- .' ‘...... 11 0„„ 1 ,i •'/ iiiiattsg - in ..,,„ - -,.. ~, - 141 - Talis - -i' - 8 mut . I 'j 4 J , i‘i - A'itklas9l4 named - Li gii i ib i e f was 1111 t1), 4 a 1 ' . 41, ,,, :r *;4841,011:01.0'11!"-' , 14 th ielt o',6l , Siik l'ilit,irr, 'tY, '' ;- ' -it' ' 'XC-*lttilii-g " tt ''' ltit t 'l''. __ 4( 4 =4o6l 2.___i - # 4 ,1*.,,, 1 .14Lirilvr4y,ci ,0.1 - -r , ,. '*4:4 , k: .....77P.,‘.-; ,biii-stA:ileitii* I,!r.i'' ' 4 1111*- :laiiri , sod liiogri kni fe with - ' ~,,,,“.„- ii , lhoilodot . Atli a • • • • I ---' iiher4tiplat'liti '- ' ' 'C'' d i*Orid-to oak ,b. A. ~1 - , - ;. ~`irvitill' 'l.e-ee-'4lTi i,,0 4 ;414 11 -;Atill ° ITV - .1 e , .7 'A fi g 213401/r el i le ' .- t 9 - ' H. imereffmil.4 l'e ''' " neck 4 19 :47 ' l"fitt a- - 0 46it :Ariski.if'_- ": -..-r, -c;-..,...in1irj44 - :.,4„ ftlib.fAli , ii4s. ~.b,,iii- ...Fair, 44,-f P'"'"?",ii is Alit - Titled - ; there. Cap, _ . ,T . „ i n Ti o , E . d .. : A 4 .: i-iplUi4o. ifinr-,,tk'M1i'..41,.!,;7771.!,t` j•" ''',-" "-'''''*'*..-, --- .C.'5,,,,- • .• ~6,- -talf•lo4 ~.77.• . ,th. • ,', likkioced,,*,' isin 1 0_ ? job-, , •1 ,A'iirlY-.4101°-7,-,101.611,24etke1r' ;,, '"443roni n,i0r,;.0r„4 alit be -- -, -,-.0.-int •• ' tbOA - i ii as ill nn"--..-iii:, ''''' 4 '''''.,. -)ifirAltit,' TO. t - dlocA ail .r :,", IMP 7,l'' '4,-1144rilltk 'Olt Macke '.. ;Inn" - . le ma! ~r_ 0* t •_,ibet ~ henttar-fipt',..a, •'lrb - ail St - . J', •-i- -it zioriiholit•r• ii,g,al' •Abililliall - ~ 2_!. VI <-.7.-at.- • ' 3 ".1--‘,41,0!,40fi 147. 'lie C- ' - Sc iii :iiii „ . - - '',.. 1 5%.- , 1044 11-T-ititiVfls.f- jerk!. cod -I PM/ ' ', • ',- ; `---v ' 0 ta. wr,- kb_ 41,661 ••.L-- A their ~. ,==.,..=i;olr77nes FA - id. 00-,-1414104, t:ie -01 .atil -- • Pi";- ' ' -11,_-• ti m e ar° ~ fts-46-rll,-..v,,,, ha,7- its/ -ew :- " ,--3-.• 4•1. ,f4tink, .00.0- -, from , • veinl!lf-s 0 1 7= M. • ~k';'t,= p •,11h •r, .-44,11X13,, iiijiteP.:,,,pol,„eu., #v iieurte =, - = • • ... :11,-.141,0bt *IF:Yr. smut ....--wieff,oll-1.414; 0114. Imre , ", :,,,;-',47 ot'ff, 430 MP -- ' 'asfY a hc4 -- ' - 910' II -'•T` - '4'34,-'1444 11 ).,- il th e, Y 'hit se- 1ti01g,.,....bu0r 1-4.,*Oo,7lbectiF--4 tabs 1.4 by. fttje .I.l= • 304 Qir „,b,k ,- ~..., -,,,,..,ibt t',lnT tliti4ll%wia'APOldir, Ik' de barr ed i; -i.•.,i.t.• -,-,-.:1,11-11Pi-eitet-; ii,pur ..." ,Itor_ii4v. c,:;.:;:'si,*fit___,-,irtgr1705,,5t.,1114 15 .„0,41,1"e ~4 "1,,t-':!, i ,::,,,•'„,.-';‘*_ ;,70,0i.,..1,„ -f43:•7 ipil, ,-.,4-'':,. )1, p.m -,..i-/'iiirti,iiiiiit vitfilo i4iiiiiii. n, J. 4ilet • ted -<4 '44,7 ' ithtii .- the= 4 ) ~-,' eletim rte , ~ =, i."=k5,4-64,4, „ _.- =,,,1y (APT -, . Pon -iiieT ' mits , ' ' ~,,..,,p;:",', - :,Tiat'stin. oitmol,ll were 'AN 1.7 - 4 i .. tir. k 1/4firlik4lfireefTbn C,Ofigi:;i4llll am" t? , si. tiii 'fiiiitittrYitiiii4i4ilaSil't,i g'4'4; 4*i P 0' .. :1;,110441 in At- . 2 .4 i nci --41,}141!)',,0f * no ble . , -.` 'IV." t , ,Aillti nte , .1 6,i nti ,-,-. ..,,..A illor ..;:- -,pcnv, "die* , „,1itere,4146,,,.',1, di but ' -- 1 ' - ' '-:%44.14te1e.171 bl **Zi''''.4otisitlVl 7%,,„'=,,, ie4s-41 i:_=,--.• .-,,..th...—„ i q).% • bearp.4.-4"1 ,:, -`•• ,',,5"1?- 4-, :As ..,•;•,-c.r. ,t ,..L 1 , • -"nor 1414 --Z.st, ly I.': 4P-='-S.;‘*lt'.l4,V ke, lite' tint= '''..l ibi —7, sent -` IF.- 4._ . _. BP „',,,,:=%• :',4111,.. 'oblec-40:441.0,..,4464% -3 3 '' a, we a caw - = __ la 111,0, ''C'4o.l**l4,o# -Iwitil*'' fat, letkil'A ' ' iki!Xo , I-:,Atfs,.',Oriirattitrimii4 -. .' -- .: - AN- Rt:, -4---..-,L.',Vit,-,-,,io4llflri-7-1 ' The last-reembred EnglistelVelfr- 11 451 13100 the deatbs'of some celitbritles, moSteal 11- tertui, who were es Witl he 60 , 117: F 0 0 . 1c0) It not personally, oethis side of 'the Worldetln, -I 'The first - of these Is Madame Bogie, the sing dled atHt. Peterphurg? on the 12th rusts poet departiti Tor Lon dthi; to4•pe ,'afteiSaster, at the Royal 'ltalsOperazhoruse:there, :Sherwas a v.,ocal-.. (444004 1 ; 1 10 ,Aesart 644 -419Wariti,. tietia 4 ,thinVite..'oinei4ian''Hydeptedia ,-,- (Wh ie h ` ritys2 , ,hrogroolepjiii living as well XS .:Tf.vthe;„deed,),lye,,loarn that Asozoimi Bosro• 0 1; bore ru at, 31,01): 1 ;1: 2 141411u,st., , .4829 4 . 4A iiptiye'd , Amil 4; a dealded .404 for ,mn- , ile;.atan,fiarly*ge parents, ,phteed' " - .lwit,•?6iidi;r: the leslutotitni• off oesrminer,:in - She was , not qutte.'fifteencwhen,ebe . madeAt: tMeoeiihit'hebtiti'et Milah; in Her, Toter° course -Was' to"4lslio,o,l?Ohlatt:3,F'sikim 'Wer4erai' Site, 4von'i to 0010.1hiS9n,*_1!4ere;.tpe:t•frii0'p Otrire4". bix yeitreff:ongsgementil.whieh ttax,t:attelvetit. tq , J i kqdttl i ,aftckil4l4,asmol lief teat irttimih-and.:triel, hereto a Harhdan 'ildlencierliflhe7setuson:!of -18487,49. I . l,cerfelld*lpi :Seasoipahti - siteg - 1 at , the :Taz Came , to' the ,I),f - 1856, 'ind' ;ir:l444llifi'44*,•'*!Pree:Yeafkbere,'Mie otthe reijloiirs A1T,9044, 4 *000 1 4 4'io stage.: 'She ,thenreter4,tl4o,surope„4o. tiss tinge Sang Vltichtareetwitivemstattow at:iendon, H*ls; It;"Oeteisburgi'snd other !great' cities. , .flieiteli:iinqois 'Tinier , says; “the most ac ottlilolie# *POI, a - of Pid he bad' *Ofehrolleteither thirtieth . year:- It to, pro= ,b0;-,,,titttO'ilie'-'414.`v,ertWealthy,' for, - over 900 :00.- the, blaholit 0401 k? - 3[ 4i.OTf ir t * e. ;ocattobeti and:9o. A iete, , ?j,y,g4 - 1,4451Er; :(. udder ;Wheat I nitesagementTelie, ffreteengat loirkerork,) AhatAis4 far beck ati 1850, Beate - Eti4vorrs'or his 'Very vertiqvi= A 0044616, lee!' iftoi her money.' „goonabe 911 e 13110 pei'scessed - ,,What, so fart' A'do,.4. , mohle:.yole r witti itiMint ithetteflunt eittstiooteentlon. . s.teudycittfoi h , ,N,-,hsa ; also o.ohnetelife:.t.bl6 aortal 60.0 ) ,, A.beripliano 'secret !Which 101 es ./eilatilfOreettiefria•e;.•-and NO S bialon (64 poles." She , fion; tic bubmi, about 47.5f;.**16*./v404 mike 1 , 16 ! .06ut seven - must iave beea: , loeg past au, which 'be Itnelltlsoki‘psssitios.,i4i9z,iveS„ an.,ector andr,sii*drat; 'the -Dahlia-Theatre, arid. , gave lilk.?liidgbtofl vines= Beeky; t lilhatp , . - reeelva; fialdlks bankruptcy,' to ,a t akEinte l lr;4s,', ,bpl_, ',(1, - ozea';Oeiis,,plif me 11 94 14. A- , 2 4 Srhilkejliinn! ) flkwi:!L Nyest-:af4,lrelfgat, t an4 taught .heiselt 'a , good; 0E81 5 114481 ~, l estritotivire her, f,VVldlev - Orel she :" wrote; several whieN , "the '. best known !: : •'Etrikift#inia,• • cane d arid `=Wild o4„ - pow#lo . li,thd, ileatjueoeis,'fa 4g, 1 5r ti, : ,4141 *4l,l4riied, in :104., fa' ah Irish japethecaryils;ho:se ambition led ; hlta,te Weidie :to bsere the:reiy IL t - D. appendsd to Me risme,- by "virtue - of a St. Andrews; dlioloma. , Ilitfotit OW she:hid - been lionised, In London, litialiii2stitat of the DOwager Countess of Cork, iiiidher - uf4raiirdinfitfattire; (faahioned;by her ieit,*;the'4lreeitui• Ositiuteiptited:withf,the. inthiwa rtiaii ) hei ialdfaitnrea lideipiessive 44 , 0f....ndpg MO 0 1 04' and' aboyetulijicm admiratde r e*eentienin:the' •Itiskilarpi made her not ,little noted, Pnring the';' , Vhseroyeity Duke . , of ItiCinnenil',, hart , htudiand-'wei knighted, and 'because! Sir Mettriatt2 , 47 an • odd coielepee, 'fini husband; Obauire; who kept I? l 'Cad g bathe' i in sDnidli, as into. Sir. Anniun t 0, 0 , * ,110, Ladies `So n . ti . ait-•*.D11: Cr , AAßA.atsii ll 44 #surd of literary 'PSteitoroldP:=-01!.DukOln) '‘ratated*on ' , Weal:Tot -of , tho. fun , it';yletdod. 'it. 'innate-116 , Oaressed4hat , the houses ?: 1 006',14411 - ete,:vrtiYe very ~osant places lone' Kean., .*oo,' Active: 41 **F 1 4 4 *1='4#4it ATP* a *46'4 vein, and was notlisiiito639llful ith ic,Thqtrlldens. the:ceriap - erm liznifea • . :persons; ittrietiene=-leisbe not only iqrdi4d, but;dampwoman". 7 -LadyillOGAN the - -Ihir. arid h;ereine',o, hisf':yerenricesi Lker 8 . ,,,50 4 1 1 */‘!!!$ 6 , 1 Italy aidi'49e; !imesr/,4nererorea,dowithil, which mon, ,har" afi Birropeinkreyertation„ She .compilsk a Life aif'.SsY;varoa BOlA v andj In fact, wary,. inde;,, 4stigibli, 'lndustrie*, • Th e - Reartrerry Re . OFeer and' s had the , had , taste to, 'hei•!tk martyrdom; because of het - . his wee' ika Aunt tirktili„event:"o:: her life, fee:it 113dt:reed, Lord c r it v y*:givo, , her, * 'far. bick,t,a3 1833, a life_ . : peislop-of $l5Oll ,a.,year, out •of the public triesury;' 4the bad Undying_ faith In tbe,lite iiricabiliti of , her. husband, who wrote a bali4;ltiMbering•booli on the Philosophy of tifeand - Norile: In her old age, ehe quitted Dabilii;•, which 'sho' was _mueh . attached, *Pt itoidiy 444,1" her - abode near' poudon. a., yelnme,mdtell So - wages Xutot. .Here by-the Arni,E7 i'vprepof :Ne*.:York,), which greatly diesp, Pointed public expectation, as It merely.cen tidned ber - Diary,idriring a visit to Paris, forty years sae ; unimportant 'letters- ' notes trern,"ia rt o*i;' Media/Meted fereignini; Aar TOUT -- to ' her sister In Dub. principelly „ „relating to " ,her,win new her ,slat/es new ,aby. In , - 4;:rwites...,Aftrgaaine for 1435, ie ;pap-aad-inicf,,Sketah ,Lady lloaairt, by illustrating a 'portrait of. Mer: Dadlehiptby'llacirsci in which, , exemplifsing the mister paitdon; the is represented before a gfeti:t leid4pg -glass;" admiringly fitting a new "bonnet Upon ; herself!, Laity lioness - Will be reollected for ionetantlytesieliting pages with,PrapO and, quotations-most of whinh,,whetber from-ignorance on her pari; Or carelessness at the printing-office, are flagrant. 1 1 .9 'wrong.= q- One great- merit; .she • deservei Credit for:', isihe'vrawnet . :asbamed of her country), and her able 'OP, and patriotic spirit for it, it'llmes when 4 , , Viasiariusiiii . ie arrived of this death s pt' rimße. ce ileMoeraerld *0 2 0 1 10011...Ppb/ithed;P/ 18 8 8 0, obtained great ;'i r eatttoitent he z :Published whether Workichielly intended tp shim the nausea of the - -tgreat . . , French - Revolution--but among Whl6lof . we remember lightly, ho omlte ail inentleif!_orthe'lAiderlean War' of 'lndepon. Toooloii*tis was born - ht Itik4hitt tie pine enough to write)* , OfittOkry*finle". i sdefid. For the Journal ..cluya .. contradinis suponneenient of the deativ of 14. ALKaIS DD Toentravn,r,n, Which appeared in% tie London Times. He is repro. 'minted to be- lying extremely low , In the piles "dtfildrear - - - `'` „ . . . - 4ailoVri3fnitti from drawing attention :to' ; '*ii44l'6lolz hitiodeT: Of the Acivr York OnitfeCt. Anntiiiimiiig K. DE , death oo:W,edoO . E!..lsky, it ' : 0;6 70/ . 'phthied. that inliugitore4 Inotionirrof rTllo4k , :tio Itiisa-columns , under Dn". ergo ,4600tetti to:':D. B - . 10 11 10Y1.' author t l !I ::t i rriTicilit n i,ll,ll;: ' l "k t n a4 . l .lll l 4. - hee written a 'kirk - rannblis? entitled g+ D'amdatay In Ainstioa r 'l, , whish was , republiihell in New Yark,,nfistibers )apatly,9oo ,00tavo pages, awfis Starbeia; ablest; and largest, been ever writ ten Vont institutions by foreigner; or aria -by alititiv!O!• ' . . 1.1 .0161e4i0 Theban forgotthat Ds TOCQI7IE , a!FieitOt'ivittet; whty of Coin°, 'cOttld . l ha*Vaoi.laiii; In is Critical Dictionari'i4Eniiiih'LitclAtint and 444 1 t05ii4 and Be .#llttit PIKPRot is!' find , JtOrratorapißaOgrapi*Oiiiaa'Ai4Dot bad the hypor:701100:1001,61di* : 41.411. 390 for tf BON;- iii, Son g ," whole there, described aa f,t Ono - , *uldWiiiititinkiiiidfikqii translation of pigit#irixot'a Ad It and , the Re -4*kikoiitinif;i!,iiiiecuted by the eft:rang Mr. Bow. !: • , TUICDAY WRIO,ID Assar-41,n., ;11;ti_„ Our Pao!rarri-.—aoli datalogne f iseiedlo-day, nik,4loll large; amount *aittablo otty innrinti o nirt Itiarri-Y,Ao - to eoldleriimptoril T ; b y deio Oil. latarOltelanill;al 6o : 4 There ere now Wee Amerioane in the Unlver ettr of -thatehr(dge, Et:Vend. Two of them are ihet9o4/11, trill the third is from Virginia. deft 4;acconnts,_yenelvekfrom the Territory of ; Utah show that very nnfortu niqi state of affairs, now °nista there. From 'the moment' the expeditlonnntefi4 its hinders,. there does not appear to hai i e heitiltn entire cordiality of feeling and hare:parer action be tween Gov. OIIMEHNO and Gon—TtinnaroN. The American soldiers after stifferlng the . _ tiona of their long journey, and their 'exposed, winter encampment—with fearful stories.'o? Mo T nion viOlenee'ediristantlY dinned into their ; earn e slough longed ter . a -etrife. in thOse' whose - contumacy bad led them. to that distint'' region might be punished and mi litdi lintels gained ; Cluxurna, as clilll'!011iedr; ivieely , and btimately,desired•tp ,license"' a peaceful adjustment of the existing 'The judges.;.•knowing Abet their Pred;cessors bad been constantly engaged in 'a - coinfliet with 'the Marmon' people, previotis to - the arrival "Of the army, and conscious that htSre'iiis very little probability of Mormon . . , piles .paying oproper respect to American dour - tie; appear, front the Outset, .to . have re garded-the Monnerei rather with the feelings nateral;to-prosectiting attorneys than, the 'ealiri and Unimpassioned sentiments of impar lialAtidges. Alter the proclamation of the 'President,,` granting amnesty for past offences, 'he'd' been - read. and circulated, and the civil Control of the Territory fully Tested in Geyer-, nor Cuurana, order and quiet for a time pre ;Failed.' 'The Dbitrict Attorney weakened this 'feeling when' bennwiseltinstituted pressen-, Bona for 'crimes which bad elearly,been per-. fined by the Presidents But, having: failed in 'that . :undertakieg, _another diffietilty b r ae arisen.' .4.'cottrt has recently been summoned at Provo; important Mormon town. .The Greed Jury was cOmposed of men selecte4, by *hat ikituillad.,ll4 County Court, which eon-, elite Cif -officers: of Bleu same characterfts the DoiretY Commissioners • of Pennsylvania. •Verione bills of ledietment were framed, among which were bills against two. Judiaus, named Main and , -Lodirrea-.Gness, ,who were charged 'with assaule,„with intent , commit a rape, on Djnbah -Mormon girl, and a bill against 4 ' Morns pilfer _procuring and enticing i3oldieip tp assort. These :bills-. of ..Indictmeet were Promptly • lotted but • the. attention of -the jury witv absti directed to indictments agalnet a namberof :leading Mormons, for the murder rot the ' , two 'Paetrages; father and ; eon, and Terrett,Ut Spridgvklle, initareb, 14 35 7- The' I :alleiation was that the. deceased had aposter Used from. . the 'Mormon Church, and deter -m 1114244- emigrate •to California;-that, the Monaions.foisolved to prevent, theft 4epartnro, Mid, finding• it, imposslbbs , to petspedp, the apostates to .remain,- they- WIN:0 410 i down- on ' the. toad,' a fter, they bad tra. voNed but - a few miles! on , their journey. , The .istdge Specially directed-the attention of the' Grand dory io :this ease., After several weeks of deliberation, it,- failed ,FOllOO to -find"airtio'hill. inconsequence, as the Judge of the fact that its members were!re• fated to, or sympothised with, the murderers. The mind there discharged, them. an ;in:' dignant speech, denouncing in violent terms, their neglect, and concluding with the follOw- Mg extract : ' If it is eipeot that this court fs ti to he deed by. this eoinetunity isf as - a 'Meant' of protecting it against IhO,penadilloes of Gentiles and Indians, anises nits' ownOnnitY will punish its own' mur dererti, snob igneetationssiii not be realised.' It will not be need for sash purpose. it When' this peoble acme• to their reason and manifest i s" disposition to, punish 'their own high offenders; tben be' tiMe to enforce Outlaw else for 'their, prometion. If this Court pan not bring Yen to nsanse of yam. , duty, it pan at least turn the:a:olles in QUO:qv loose mop you." ; iniconiPliance , Wltli this threat, the judge is reported to have set tre . e . the two Indians Chetted with 'rare, and: thuS to have prac tiCally retorted upon .the lliormonsby giving them to nielerstand, that if they world' not aossiet." him in punishing thinks ',rheti he re garded as criminals, he would not assist them: In punishinglhose' against whom their 'ant mnaiity Tian excited." ' ' , „, , Ono of the flrat tp of judge Cin:anii- Bandar, after Th e -court asseriabied, way to sead to' Gel:feint Joiourron for a company of United 'States . troops to guard and protect the court, to takn'abaoe 9f 'such prlionereas might be. ordered iritocnatotly, anif to" 13 Mold witnessea from Mormon vengeance, with which' Ji; tP;I -leged thay Worn threatened. rotpaest *ea promptly i3Onspikd with. Soon after the-sol diers resembled, 'the illeFor tinfl Cominork 'Connell 40frroiotiCiA T.reityg - 1 - 04 to theovertior, againiit, the employment Of the 'Jutted States troops to assist In the performance era elFietlyjedielal duty. The judge denounced thia remoustrane,t3 ; pod persisted In maintaining an ; armed ,guard arena the cenrt. , Governor Comma sympathised with the citions, and wrote a let tart!? General Toirsorron requesting the with., , draWal,oe the troops, hut his reqnest was not 'complied with ; indeed; additional forces were setit to 'theaid of the first company. The Goveinoi then hunted a proclamation, in which he formally-proteatc4 against the employment of the troops around the coort-houseat.Provo, 'alleging that their preaenco had,} tendency to terrify the inhabitants, to disturb the peace ot? the Territory, end to subvert tho ondo of jai- tree, and that the troops were placed there without his consent. and in opposition te,the letter" and spirit of his instructions. His course was warmly approved by the MorMons, Some- of whom- are said to contemplate an organization of the militia, to be arrayed against the United States. troops. 'Judge Onanstustenr, on receiving the proclamation 'of the' Governer, attacketi it in open court, denying acne of its statements, and deciaring -that his,eourt is not 'suiservient to, and *III not`-act nuclei executive dictation. So the case appeal's to stanfi at Pretient—the army and the judge favoring rigorous measures- against the the' Governor Is anxious So . conelliate,them and to fully reatoie peace in the TirvitOry. ' ' The When* is au unfortunate one., 'lt is quite erident .that there can be no harmony of action for - .the prometion of the ends of justice 'between the judge and the Mormon jerks, and 'that sue.h a spirit of antagonism his been aroused between, them that they apt mere like t* hcistile farces, or two opposing parties to one suit, than as co-ordinate branches of a common system of jurispru dence: Heiyper , s - Vitgazine. • Peterson' have banded ns the now number of Harper's. Magazent. .It aloes the 18th volume. With the exception of Thaokeray's Virginiano" and a story by Charles Lomb (" Ellen hitherto unpublished, every attiole in this volume is one. nal,' from - the pan'af ,an Amerioan author. Per. severance in this will 'give the 'magarine, already possessing the largest circulation of any monthly lit the world, a , distinetive character which must locreaso its' already vast popularity. There is a lietddealef variety in this melange. The Open log article; an ‘ illustrated poem, containing the ''Lamentable, Complaint of Katherina Marla 'Pepalle, Spinster, nee. Kate Mary P.vpple," ought to have hied written, if it is not; by Butler. There iinther,portry and pleasant prose and good en• graving" and tke Easy Chair, Table' and Drawer of.the Editor, and four additional chapters of "The Virginians,'' in which there is some quarreling, two marriages and plenty of lovemaking. Alto. • gather, a right good number. ~' , always look at the month's list of forth. Coming and now books which winds up Harper. This month we learn that, among the "Nearly Rea4y,".are Henry Alford's Greek Testament, yol.I; the first part of Lever's new Toluene°, Gerald Pltsgeridd ; The Bertram, by the author of " Dr. Thorne'," a new edition , of Cloero's "De O. oils," by .55 Anthon; an illustrated library edition of " John Halifax," and new editions of Banger ',:Historyof.Prostittalon, Carlyle's Pre, deriok the Great, and Dr. Thompson's " The ;,and and the Beek.!' - "at VAVAT. GENERA/. COURT 31.ARTIAL was in'session on board the sloop of-war Falmouth, at Montevideo, on thelOth of March. for the trial of Captain Wagely, of the United, States chartered Mesmer Atlanta, and Identenant Warrington—the latter for drunkenness. ~The charge against Capt. itidgely. originated' as follows: One of the At. larlta's men had been guilty' or some offenee, in ,chastisement for whielkOopt. Ilidgelyoideted hie hetiCto bit shaved. The Sailor begged to have any timill,y,ptinishment inillettel on him rather than to Vsgrailefully brand him'.-ari Amorloan 'before his ship Mates. The captain peremptorily repeated "his - order, when -the prisoner solemn ,/y, swore that if his hoed was shaved, he would oomillit' suicide. Still. Captain Ridgely in sisted, and every hair was shaved from the oul, pelt's bead, rbioli so exasperated the unfortunate, fellow that he rushed •to the bulwarks, and pre. oipitated himself into a watery grave ., learn: frig there,faete, the commandepin• chief milled 'a eourtAnartial for.* trial of Captain Itidgely, which. had not noneladed ita business when out correspondent eland hie letter. Fmk ix - Taw - WOODR.—ThO VaYettevllle (N. 04 Obsertmr4 of Monday lust, states that a fire broke out on , Thursday week near the steam saw-mail on the Fayetteville and Albemarle plank road, about, six miles from town, whioh' raged "41 1 greet fury till about 1 A M. on Friday, when ft was arrested,' baying destroyed about SO op' alarge extent of fences, timber, ko. on several plantations./ Th e wind was high, and the drought had so dried the leaves as to make the fire spread rapidly. The sufferers are Miss MoPherson, Mr. McPherson, Mr. Qwen, and probsbiy others, THE . PRESS.-PMLADELPHIA, APRIL 50, 1859: A CougreasumiikKaVe , 'Code — o ash for for , • This is the Of au article in- the Co-. , lumina, South Carolina, .Soitherd Guardian of the 26th of April, and "the editor snorers it In the following frank oil candid manner. There can be no doubt thatlelooks to the overthrow of the Union as the result of the movement of his associates against the doctrine of Popuiar Sovereignty and non-intervention lathe Terri- tortes : The gdgefteld Advertise', itaß, ti may not the prOpriefy of pressing the lineation of rt - slave code for the Territories be doubted ?" Tble irouiry seems to imply that the opponents of the Donetsk. ootnitruCtiminf Minditterventi on' ere oßtiming that congress - should inaugurate slavery into the Text Morita., by the adoption, of a code of laws' for its establishment and_ regulation there and in this respect, indicates, on the _part of our respected contemporary' CI entire- teleapprehension of the position of the advocates of Congressional inter vention. They do not: ask 'Congress to legislate slavery into ; ,the. •-,Territories„ . the ~.U nite d States, but to atford it, all the necconitY Prsi,eo - tion in' going . and cOntinuteCthere; firisther words,' they ,demand that Cengrese shall interpose to prevent its oreature=its agent-4h° , Territorial Legislature, from passing - and:enforcing latch to preventita introduction, or to drive it outiif ihhas already gone there.- •They do not ask this of Con gress, as a boon, but demand it as. siright. If it dare not violate the trust itself, it cannot be ex cased from responsibility if it permits, its creature .and agent to violate_ it. N:er,ean Congress evade its _responsibility by ,referring the Matter tothe Supreme `Court the Maid: Stated. ,- 'hat court, like all other ',WWII tribunals; isinteddisd 'to proteot individual 'rights, and minis •al wrongs. • It 'eau riot only, upori'.theestmand the parties before it..lt may efferd r peennieo44s , dress, by way of danriges, to the; l tnalt t ythose negro* have been takes from Mm noderms On- constitutional law ;,hut it Utterly' poiterleksto protect the, petit-foal rights 'et' 'the:people,'Of the Southern States in the' common territorial!: ;We Mindy have the Dred &Mit decithiaPby•whioh , the constitutional' right of the ilarebolder tetra.. move with his • stoves into the Territories hattlfeen fully established; and yet of what use is thia,der'l otsion to us when we have to encounter 02%40t-oil the Territorial Legislature 9( KII3I/31.8:pOiltlyely prohibiting usfrOm entering that Werriterl with par slave,s ? • SOO Southern Mmtwill ienture our* . Me sliver to that Territory 14 the tooth 0381. .tive 'enactment, relying 'one the ffispiertie Court atone for his protection? is:true, itrobied of his 'Slaves, as , he assuredly ,irovild be; be might recover damages - for - the value of, hie property lost, by bringing, his _salon in- the Visited States -Court; but who is wilting to -re move with slaves to . ansas, under the ,estieting state of affairs, with the allsolute eertalptitlutt his negmee will be taken fretp him, end with the uncertainty of recovering their r valueln a edit at law? It does appear us that the Supreme e rt of the' ...United States is :not •the.-proper' tribapol.to appeal to - forproteotion to the petal sal rights of communitiee. From. its vary nature, it Is inospable of acting directly upon, or for eons. mettles.. It must have parties before Wind a ease made for its adjedlostion, andits' decree otin °mite dimity, only anon' those Parties; arid,orotit hub sot - matter 'Of 'the litigation.' le :true that court May eitablieh general principles but it hag• no 'power tO enforce' those principles ' until Mother cue • conies before it to whiott they 'are; applicable. , „ , • Fast a delusion; thep, is It .to rely, upon the r;gl._t of appeal to the courts of the yaltod States a an sufficient protection for the political rights of theivittPle of the.Satithein State's'?" We are this fig, with the' deeistenef the Bittleiriti timid .in our fever, as leotolly Shtit out and ' , debarred from the enjoyment Of our constitutional right to remove: with our Slaves Into the Territory of genus as if. Congress, in, the plenitude of Its power, hash embodied the' Ifilmat proviso in, the -opt organising a Territerl&l,flev,ernment for, the Territoty.. This I timpsestiopal?lytrutt 7 ti !cannot 'pea will pot be denied7and yet we are t§litby the Very men who were pfenare;cl to "dissolve; the Union in the event or ll*ndoptiOn et 'the Wilmer proviso by Congreas, that we haye nu' enuse p r Complaint so long as *6 have Regarded to uti the privilege of going into the United States courts to ask redress for property taken from us under an unconstitutional territorial law ! , ,-• . If (I,ongross had adopted the Wilmot, previa°, would we not enjoyed the same privileges of testing its constitutionality In the Oaprmine Court that itujoYvvowl Then, how are we tatter of than if 'the Wilmot,ProViai hid• been putted by flongrels and hid received the sandlots - of the Pre adept ? We as in 4,11 pander and sincerity, if the pileups 'of the Wilmot proviso :4A/even would have given ns good cause to dissolve the linlon' s how can we *Molt to the mune nnisonsLitutional denial or our rights , by the utter aTerritorial-Legislature? if his the dpty epongress to inteincse'for tine Pro teetion of OAR in 'the rierrlteriee 'Against the Mmonetititional and anauthorire, ad o td pxJas --_.naa,...s.....a.w.sisrwatiordelotmtoluougresit a perfurntance of- this ditty Ti It beoloBolt 18 e likely that bonny.) will Denham to our 'demands and do Its duty ? If Mete tteuffielent reason for us, to yield our right • and radiatn from making the demand, then Congress has bat • to intimate a 9 9 1nolinatio n to pomade any of our 0044 and. our Martha are closed, at Ono and foreier ' Such Is not, wo are 'Sure, the feeling' of the. freemen of the South—we are not so hopelessly mthjuge. tad as to he influenced by such aonaiderations. We believe that-tkeye is not a single right we cant justly claim under,the Constitution that we pan , not obtain, oven though It be wrung from a re luctant Congress, upon the single condition that the entire be shall unite in the demand. But 'should it be denied, it, will than be ppm for the Synth to do what she has' never yet 'done in good faith, and that is' to estimate fairly. and im partially the advantages and disadvantages of our present Union with, the Northern States of this Confederacy, and with a firm -band and un• denoted heart, to strike - an hops* balance be tween the debtor and creditor side of the ao• count, and let the mutt determine the fate of the Union., , „ • • • BY MIDNIGHT MAIL. Letter from "QcoaglonaL✓r' oOrrespondeace or, The Prase.] . Ty.spnlytypoN, Aprki 29, 1859 The belief that a war in Europe hat; become in evitable prevailiin all Uze diplomatic and isootal Circles of this city. What part the English'Govera, meet and what part the Russian fl-overnment will play, are questions which absorb.a good deal of at tention. The almost certain presipitation'of titles in the Old World will render it very diffjoult for Mr. Buchanan to melte a change in the Arne- Kean I...nation at London. That he his" no feel ing for Mr. pallas, our minister there, is true ; but, then, the contingency of of"a war in Barer's!, will demand the presence of our most distinguish, ed citizen at the British' capital. Mr. Dallas had ancoeeded in ingratiating' himself -In the good graces of the British and European publics, and to mush a degree that his counsel fonnd to be of the utmost importance to his own country ping the, eFitilein the affilre of foretp patine t is difereot as „ to, France, where M. Mason bee been retained ;' less banana of any'uteritc of hie own, than biome' of the Mixtures of home polir ties. Paris, in the approaching complications or the'European Powers, must, of necessity, be the centre of extraordinary interest ; and the United States ought to be personated there hyena of the ablest and most distinguished of One rep. Gov. Wise has been suggested no the appointment out , - witty OHO to be, made to this position; but he Is restive under the yolre of Presidential influence, and ham somewhat publicity rebulthd the President for his resent departures from Demobratis prinoir pies, and this ttettles"; . any aspirations 'that his friends may have in his behalf. . Nothing is of more Importance at the present moment than the adoption of the right . polley In reference to the position that our country should occupy in the approsohing Buiepean war. After some inquiry, I have ascertained that Mr. Henry Wikoff, an ateaele# of the New York' Herald, goes' abroad as a diplomatic agent of the Govern ment of the United States This is Mr.'Wiltrff 'a second appointment 01106 Mr. Buchanan has been President. Nothing could be more graceful then the manner in which the Prosidentime treated Mr Wikoff, as well as all the associates and dependents of the Now York Herald. Mr. Wikoff reached the United States in 1850, after the battle for the Pre elderly had been practically fought. He never had any relation whatever with our' politico, and never any connection with the Democratic party, but spoke for any or either party, as eironmstanees sug gested to MM. Mr. Wilted' is, I believe, a sort do Philadelphian, but having resided nearly all the Past part of his years abroad, pretends to no inr tercet either in his, native city or hie native country, Ile bas considerable talent of a certain sort, and having managed to take possession, and speak for that precious hypoorite and knave, Ben- nett, of the NeW York Herald, and on this ground 'to threaten Mr, Buchanan with the especial indig nation of the Herald whenever tiny of the requests of that paper are refused, be all this sort of capital to a good account, and takes exoollent care of himself. There ORA be no doubt that linked', has secured this second place Under the, President through the New York iferald. Ile belongs to the keen ones of our age andlitne, and is probably the most genteel Robert bleoaire ,of the day. You will observe that he generally loaves for Europe when the spring and summer are approaching, reaching the Vetted States at the beginning of the , winter, in time to spend a' pleasant Gongreesional season at WaShington, and te intrigue himself into the affections of the "Birthed the Sailor,” now in the Presidenity, and "the Old Man of the Sea," of the Neti York Herald, who is riding him to death.' ' • , There is quite a contest In Georgia , in reference to the eleetion of a +United States Senator la place or thoUlastrions Thorson, thetieeder of the owes• aloe party in that State, and ono of the men anxious to break up the Union. What the upshot will be no ono Gan determine, bat there is no doubt ,that Mr, S 1014)417 001 iii has gone liblue r the purpose of taking part in' the play.lith charged . very distinctly in eertain papers' with' being desirous of obtaining the'seat of Mr, Diemen' in the Sepate. for himself: , - , • - The Seward Republiane 6/0 much exalted at . the idea 'of any interference against Republiean.' lima on the art of, 'the opposition leaders in Penn.- eylvania Those now in Washington (and we have bad quite a number within the last week) do not coronet their-opinions on the subject. They do not feel,as if they had the reins of the future in their handi as completely en they sitaponed they bad 's few weeks ago. The. truth is, the People's linty in Pennsylvania was framed by certain gentlemen who knew thatit never could bring the American element to unite with the Republican element on a Republietin ,platform.' The American element in Penneylianiale au enthusitistia and sincere, ele ment, not apt to give way.to sectionallomi and not a' little proud of ite nationality, while intensely devoted to 'certain; doctrines in reference to reli gions and civil liberty. What the American ele ment will devise in response to the movement against that element. in New York headed by Greeley, in lifarcaohnsetts; by Senator Wilson, in the NoithWeet . by- Mi. Seward and his friends re. mains to seen. , The case of the , Philadelphia postmaster, to which I have made alight reference, is' yet unde cided, although Mr. 'Robert Tyler (chairman of the Administration State Central Committee) has caused it to be announced that .hir.Westoott's head must ge'eff- in s chedience to the domande of the Virginia leader of your. Pennsylvania Demo. oraoy. I have naturally -taken little interest in this affair ; but I.trust that if the President should determine to surrender Mr:Veitoott to the 'demands cf thoseyho, up to his nomination, with very few exceptions; were 'his Personal and polftl. cal oppanente,'he will place the act upon the right ground, and not dismiss the poitmaster upon a I false and eleventh-hour pretext. Whatever may be said of Mr: Wlmtcott'a polities, bit notion y in The official matter witiolt has been charged against him refleots no diseredit upon his Personal in tegrity. 000ASIONAL/ ?alit() Amusements. Mr. and ittri. Waller eoneindt; 'engage ment at the Wainut.strapt Theatre, thio evening 'There to but one opinion, and that the higheit; o , , , Barry Sullivan "stars" it at the Walnnt streefTheatrs, 'next Week. • The Areli. as it is ahlireviatingly. ollled,r is orowdo et'atjr evening.. We hear an exaellent 'aecannt of the' new ploy, “Signor Valiente," the performattoi- of whigh we hays Imo anehle to witness. ' Modem's) flieeaneianti gave • a eonpiire at. Lan• ouster, on Thnreday evening, whieli ,wae.neil at tended. - . , On Tuesday-in Passion• Week; Madame Itiscaots giants gave her fleet comers la title city, after a lapse, of Marty years. As we noticed at the time, the attendance was not very good, but the lady's voice and' execution were admirable—equat to La, gringe';4 In her moat successful performances. • A seeond - Oencert was announced for the following Ihurp4sy:Lit not:being remembered that this was the eve of Go od Friday: The remit wasiso attend. ance. Many persons, who wished to hear,Maietne Idsoacolintl, have" arranged to eviller a Farewell ConaextfWhich will take plebe evening,t at • 'Masioal Fund ' The: - perfannsfa.will! be Madame D. ; her husband (on the violoncello .;) Evans; piano forte' player;, Shiner ,Mseobi, a olario alet soloist, from Mao;. and Mr. Dennett, a basso singor. The programme is very well selected, and, We man say, with the linearity of truth,' that Madame E. is a'vomilist of, One voloo and a good school. This will bp ,her last appgaranee in this pity, for she sings in Nee Tierce otiMinday, and, after giving a few conceits East, sails for Lima in June, thence to Australia, after which she retires. THE LATg.sT NEWs BY TELEGRAPH. - - - - 'Washington Affairs. *asstuarqw,Aprli 2p.—Lieutenant Newry, whe hen hem here for,some da3 on bueiness eonneetrd with IHume, will Mare for, that Territory to-morrow, bet 111 return next winter to urge the organisation of a arriterfal floieroment 7.• The last Congress nepropriated $lO,OOO for ,the put, shake of preeegts f or the 'tope ;natio', seknowledg-, meat of their good faith and friendship for - the tyaiten. The Indian Paresis is now mattlig arranneritenbi for the distribution of the presents. whieh wilt omelet prir olpally of egriculturat implements- deneral Jerre. the Nicaraguan minister, on the Roth icaterit mitift'd Hr. Telverton, Presideot of the Amer). nen Atlantis and Pee'flo Ship Canal Company:that their charter had been dattlaredforfelted by the Congress of Nicarsgue calks, ground that the onmpsny had' felled ro Val st oopliatioN. Re hes ftkeTlee nottart4 Stoma ta:y.oms to that Wiest. Post • (*ice Matters. WAsituraiffir, Apyl 28.—The queort'oo relative tp the Bhiliulelphte pootmieter how not yet been do nearly mot tled end the reported rbarcral RC Pqatotuster 7ffectoott is at least pia stars. 0. Plan: tha paitmaster at Detroit, will De reallOMl so soon at hie succetsor con be loeleotiod, Wont which ',therein Nowa difficulty. , • • The Pro.sid-tot•ot the Pacific Mail lltsinnehtp Coon rzai The 'o tweeter Genirel will coon no new ronto , ornn= der the pun ratite hilt of Itta , in Virginia, North Os. Sonfh Carolina, Georgia, and tioridc but, will 0/13 , 112U0 the servien - on, all the old' routes, the con 'Steele ''or which were recently awaTded. Thp ,Treaspry Receipts—Cobden 7 at shtagtai!. WisurnoWei, Aprll It'—The Tresses,' ttioillPir are tomirig up to the estimate, of the Secretary. , It Ii oot detestiluid when the treasury siotee, ea thbrieed bithelats law, will be lawied Boa. niched leaden arrlve4 here last Wert, and le the goeat Of the Prealdeut.• Ftons the Gol4 Mines. VOL oyettLiam N.Tpnzsanouizi TO meNven 2111iEn liptrd rfr . TUN yzandaiox Cptiittryin. Lniveswoorir .4,11 29.—& portion of the loriatlnir poty deSpatehrd he the Overland lilltpreall Co itpeny tamed yteterday,hrlegingintelliger ee from I:tourer Oity to the filth instant They report the new taste located 1.4 eoery war adapted to the requirement* of travel—the gram, wood, and water being atundsqt. The steles whieh left here on the 1$ th Instant were pa Bed near the, hritd.wetere of Enlomon's Rork, and were gettlrg a'ecur well. .. -Tbere wss tie dOeitution of confldenee SWIM the miners Viattering marts continued to be reosived hem the mountains. The richest proep•ote are found Sp the !Wray of 8 oat X'ark and Anapaltee, but the Found .as still froOn and Mennen. heevy. - Three men were AUDI( In - 'flyer. otwon,the Rth Dust., for murder. by the Vigilanee 06mmittee. and there yu Feat e4oltement there when cur laforment left 'Ths msgimum distance 'Obvious Leavenworth and Denver Oltr. by the new route, yes !sqo miles, as esti. meted by the surveyors. A number of emigrants were pursuing It Itartin yields. of ibis oily, has been appointed poet= Nester et iloulder pity Extension of TejegrapOn Facilities in Canada. Quango 4pril 20 —The Montreal Telegraph Com. prey. owoing all the noes in this province. have de. 'oldet tp attend tlie'Rivlere do Lo up line to Farther Point. which Is elfoated 'on .tho south side The St. AAR/pace river. Ow 160.mlles emit or tine otty.'where ;the Obennel compels all large veleala to pass within .short 4.atatitte of the shorn. pedal whloh point reliable arrapsemeota haye been made iq 0061:motion with the Now York Alegreated Preen. to hare all turopeen sAmmere and sailing Tamil boarded , end their news romptly tra 'emitted over the wires to tbis ottyi Port end Ninon; Pew York, and Philadelphia. And at, the Canadian Pteamehlp Company hays deal "SW to rip - their steamers fromrLiverPool on, every Wilding's'', the " Fortner Point to telegraph station remises to be one of the mitt Important 'pante for &trepan news outside of New York—the etreritere of the Canadian line always bringing four, and frequently die dare. liter nnwp. The - telegraph 'line in expiated tb -be • epooletel within a wroth, a epeeist steamer with men and ma-. 'Vials herbs' left this ally yesterday for the esene et g lion. the Bediet Samuel Yeager, the Missing Easton Merchant, round. illAtlett, April 3) —Great excitement prevails here, gated by the eneouneement that the body pi' Mr. anuel 'e.ger. the miseirg merchant of this place, d been (plod in the Ohio river, at Rut blverpool, et .tve m lee below Pittsburg The holy wie found on the lath that , and it le enp welt to bare been in tho water tome two weaks ei note The verdict of the ooroneee Jury was aeOhleutal •rwointr. Meetly WO in money Wes found upon the WT. Ifle m , ma:endues book, keys, end tome papery. 4sra nitrite's , d. The reulains have been cent for, and ICI be brought on here for reintermint. St. PauPe Catholic Church, Portsmouth, Vu., destroyed .by Fire. OONFOLK, April 20 PatWe Roman catholic Canine: Wm. Jcieph 1I PlaniteWe j etTortingoutb. Va., eitt destroyed by are lest night. The piataree end vflitniente were semi. The church wee built In 1863, eW o et STI,OCO. There le au insurance of $10,900 on tli property. t Marine Intelligence. '4ORARC, April 29 —The bast Emigrant strived at -tels p•rt tl day, befog the Brat vessel from, Europe sines the rem:merge of navigation this season. Thp ship Pride of Catiada from Liverprol. passed the tele graph station at Meters de Loup, yesterday. The Southern Mall. Acollard, April 29 —The Nov Orleans p'spqrs of To day evening have been received by moll. They nti co kin the tetaile or the Me_ xican news boo 'at by the ate mer Tennfts( so, including the atrocities committed by e contendhag parties. . . Flom Snnta Fe, Ft Louts, April 24 - The Banta Fe mail or the 11th hint rA•ched ludopetdence thia evening Tie btalktmltt, and atrpenter ebop conneoted with the Military derrztacent were burned on the 6th inst. Lon Is not stated , , Ukuntuonia t .A.,nrU29.—lrionr active, and advanced ( 6in Igs 8n liturard etreet sod Ohio branda. Wheat and Oara'are solve id an advance of 2a a baited. Provi slinelrm. but unchanged pajourriat,Aprd '26 —Pinar in rm at $6 4fr bbl. Bat fi , m at 7A ofia. Lard quiet, at lie. Port Oct at VI 8/1/N191.11, Aprll 29 —Cotton—The market, is tittle to 40. with 'Mee of only 2 2Q bales; prlcee are an settled. ' - , *w OBLeasd, Aprll 20.—Ootton —.Wee. of 6,800 ba`erto-day. ' , , , - Ailes of the week ' 87 sfo bales. Aseelpts of the week 22 700 ~ Itceipts (sem weak of het year)......28 000 ,1 Porte of the week 66 000 " lat expqrte of the amok 2 012 700 0 ___ ___ *mints - aimed of last year .. 103,000 Receipts ahead of hut year at all . Southern porta 761,000 §, Stock In port 213 600 lg. Stook In port came time hat year 11/6 000 rr Maumee sell' at 800 Flour has an advalnenpt ten dency ; sales at $0 1 Corn buoyant -at Et. Coffee Orm at 114 ran , I ra es or the week 12.000 base. Thee have been no trocorts this week. Stork in, port 17,260 bags, spinet 7 600 bags, the 'took on hand the- scum time lest year. Freights on Cotton to Liverpool94.2d Ten GE4srAl : i yora f .eyEar 10 to 'be held' in Now Orleans 'on a grand. reale this year. Ther- Oreole'reeeettarte is the yliftee seleeteet for theft+ tival. The prooeeda of last year's eetebratfoh, amounting to nOOO, ware expended for the be• nedt of sufferers from the epidemic, THE CITY. 41111781141131NT8 THIS XI7BNIBRI,L: `-.V7011811.i.6141 A . 9401 M Y OM TIIII FIN/I. “Itie.4X, 4 ; btigtiOil of rAintinge and a tatuary. ,0160licsizerm STRlxtr.—"faerottry, °lipid, and Vopus a byillonikato.” Offirebtler IE4i.L.- 41 Aire. 31 tally Leed9rnier's Eater,' ts!ombat - MintCIAII; BMW IIALL —PitielfOU ' Osneett of Madame nll es Blseacolmati, - WHIATLEIT & CLAIBIIOIII AllOll-11111117 "Bono: Yfillanrr"-7-" A Aolard for an Cflirtr. ,, Nart WAlAstrt-Bramer Tetzkraz.— clfartierhil- I, The Boma of Death.” dioDoimuodie Gainvra.—Boleotiona from Plage, Goma from - Operse, Pantomimed, Dwaing, and Pinging, gremenuria Gems from „Operas, Negro tocentricitile,iragoen, Singing, and Dancing. llonntiir.:=4.learful And a fatal illoancrance took place yesterday afternoon, In Seventh street, a few , done-from Loritbarer.iVain'in'tioneed a'amei MeCroryf who reeldednn Seventh street, and bore the reputation orb ' elnjf dissipated Imin, gat inVilotated, and:: on coming home, commenced ,to maltreat hie wire. Icing. the furniture, and do all teldeopower to annoy b's family Me wife. toe the purpose. it leaaid, el frlsht- Aping:her inebriated Dobler, went-befornen alderman, sod, making an affidavit of her hoshiod , ri Diledolage. obtained a warrant for.hls arrest. .The warrant was put in the hande hrOttleeitatauel B.l3tioniogbiro, who Pro ceeded to the house of McCrory for the purpose of ex ecuting the ntlealon..•lt is alleged that on arriving' et the hones. McCrory ordered the offlear out, and became forlotui. Cunningham said became there to do his duty info d'a It; and Dinceeded,l3 ; take the man - Into custody McCrory resisted. and drawing a knife, made at Cunningham Cunningham retreated a few pees, and finding Peanut linpogelble, he del.* a revolver from hie nerson and fired. Tbe b all took effeet in the neck of McCrory, who was removeekte the pennayiyaula wosei. tel He arriked at the Hostlital!_about. three efe'oek, and died in about ten minntaa. In the rnea-time Cun ningham left the house, and proceeding to the Central Station, delivered himself Info the enetedy of Chief Boggles. Me. went before Alderman Ogle. who cote , ...nod 'a hearing the etee'. 'A statement - wee mane by Cunningham, but in the absence of necessary wit nesses, and MI .12Am:iciest had mot yet been held, the magistrate continued the bearing until this morning'at nine o'clock. An inquest will be held on the bed/ to ' day: ;..The 'alderman - refused to take any, hall, - and the sconsisd wiedeodetod - th pion. " - FATIIMOUNTPARir.—The,work.of ImproviOg the plat diriStatd cissliinect fcii 'pa;k; on thnno:th side of the reservoir, at Patrmouot, is being vigorously pushed forward;' Every sleyadde a nay : improvement to this admirable location; and when the proposed' p'an shall have been tarried out In all its dahlia. we aatmL pate that there Will Di few parte to this country that will posses greater *Meath:me One of the moot otekiort features Oath a been already introduced is an Immense foeatain, which has a base of lee feet An .diemeter. z Pie Idea Igto have is surrounded by granite walla - and riumerons septet:lied figure* beim the Coun cils bore not yet made the appropriation for that pur pose, the *Mix barn beenreodded, and present a very hsautifel appearance. When computed, it will havp • 'misty of jell so that froth one to tone streams mey be thrown at wilt. A temporary jet hen been introduced, end at a late trial the water was thrown nearly sixty feet high. ANOTIIIttt NEW MARKET Hones.—The Ease ern Market 'Clonipaity, whieh was Incorporated at the last setslon of thi•tegislature. bee afimmenead the erection of 'the Eastern 'marYst.houre. The strueture will extend three hundred and twenty.eight feet emit frem- Pft4 etseet eel one hundred and sixteen feet falls fromllqiebantAtreetrt. Inconsequence of thetwr ebilitYhf thb reitopsej'a obtain flit, ebtire• front' on liftb,,etreo, the -market will have a ,f ron t age there of but forti-eieht feet.' The' aionoa flo or will be sop portedhy &relies. the basemen t . stlndlog emp'e ato•aaa for the . vlatualleriand other - owmanta of the stalls. Galleries are to be erected a'oog the southern. north• ero, -- end esettern fee the pale of fretts. The building is to be light.d by 'oedema wetted dobr-weye, window. aterre the fielleries, ate% by • dome ten feet high, It is expected that the market will be ready for' occupation by the let of Earitembar.-- VrlooriNci 'A 1 0 FA111.— l ire learn that shortlf before dnek bet evening, s few of tbe sdhe ients:of two rival 11S - eiftpoMae met In the Liget-beer saloon Of a Gernieri, whose'usine ire are t i nsta to leirn in Morrie street, between Pour% and Binh atrente, in thograt ward. and raised • row. drring which the em ptied: wee ehot hi 'the abdomen and wounded eerie ouch. A young men, knowolby the name of thne". (+Gegen, was retorted to have been shot in the head' act mortally wooraded. The relics were called in, and with some dlfficalt• succeeded in quelling the dietorben-e,: And - wrested four of the party. who were taken to the Bret dietrict ntrt'ondsorine, and 'locked up to - await. • hearing this rooenlng • We were unable to learn the origin of the d'ffictilty, and therefone leave it to be:dee .- veloped at the hearirg, ' Liarnez Bsouners.—The will of the late Tbnmss D. Mutter, which - was exeouted in Peale, 1855. and -hie itrat mirerded city; be queaths $30,000,„ to be in trust by the College of Physicians of - PhtlMiaipitte; to'cemplate,arrangements made with that Institution to referent,. to the museum or the deceased, Should therOollege of Physietane de cline carrying out thit arrangements entered into, but net 'mpleted at the tints of the Doctor's departure for Harope„ In 1856, the museum and the money are tp be Opted to the New, 7f erk academy of Meifoloe •, and It thefdeoline, they are tri go:to the deceased's relatives. 520 000 are, also ..begneathed ,foe the founding of a Ward' , for ihnorables; to cennection Willi the Protest ant Ppleimpal Mosplta'', - • PcifilT4o4 IIfeWSUIRS.—The politicians', of both pante* aye preparing, their , 'respective forces fpx the approaching election Tneeday next; and, - thie evening. will makes grand demonstration at Indeperi deuce Hell. The Democrats announce their meeting to come nff in I odepandeece Square, and the Peeppoe party will ho d theirs in front of the Hall, at the came thee. Numerous op/eche/I mar be expected from - both algen of the •oreee, god all wbewish may have MO op. pe.tgolty of blearing bath sides of the question folly andthronghly, dismissed -the, eleation, on Trim day neltt; the following °Mears Will be thereat: Catty Coretniestnner, City „Treaituter,' members of Common ouncil In all the ward", of Select Council in the odd wards, and School Directors and Constables. YARD FORCE.—The - number ' of titayenotersto - tbq unTyyird, at the, Prompt lime, including weblike aft i labours, Is about six hundred. The greater part of the meatheelee are engaged at ,work upon the Opp of No. 2,,which- le - neerlynlank_ed„. and - irDT - Prholibly ---- teady - for Winching - la a month or WO., The week upon s'oop-of.vrar No. 1 is rapidly urorgessieg; she ; wilt he ready fort Patrice In A few weeks. Hpest the completion of the Laneetter and the Biros. Cher* 111 he a lame dirofrortiqd of the force, alt thirsts nothing else but eloop No. 2on band, and no new work provided for by Congrem.• Azt,nattelkaoroute,—Two men, named Mi nimal Reading and Thomas Smith, were seen on Thum day,night by some police officers in the Yard attached to the dwelling of higgeorge Williams, at 216,Wel nut street The lateness of -the boar Jed to:the so spl oleo that they were there for o good purproe. and they were aocordlegly artented: • They areretiken before Al derman Patchett yestmdey morning, en the charge of !dealing taro *beets which were found In their Ones, • ion, and committed to answer. FOUND DROWN/W.—The body-of an; un known white man was found yesterday aftemocoilloat log in the Delaware; beloir the new coal whansne nn the .Point House road,. •The -wee live : feet eight Inches !n height. rather Mout la pomp, and about thirty. "'Wrests' of age. He wee &MO. In a black cloth eget, dart ?leered nllk Test, plaid oassimere pantaloon', lbine drilling skirt, and a heavy pelt or beets. , Tile coroner held en looraeet on the b3dy and returned a - yerdict of " toned browned." THE . WORE of - demolishing the market sheds west of , Biped attest progressed y °derby very' r apidly. One 'guars was entirely 'demolished, and of the Other bat a few pillars aid frame-work remain The peoets'OC - removing them exereicenties attracts much attention ln the neighbothrei, and Crowds of thrifty people were on bend during the deg,: on the ,alert for such stray laths and scantling as would be useful for domestic purposes." WE have been prevented frpm mentioning the fair, at 4synela seli , which has been progressing soma days, for want of time. It is kinder thidlrectlon of a number of Oathollo ladles. and the proceeds go to the benefit of the poor. 1 heir dlepley to Awry mettle, ble, and we are happy to say the attendance - his been oScallent.. It CO 'aliment neat week, A WOMAN Hl:MT.—While the work of de molishing the market shale was going on yesterday, a 112 the crowd . was aril* by a falling log, and severely ininred the resided In the neighborboOd a-d was removed to her home: We w „trier that more rash peep% do net 'get their Irmlie maimed by rnehing In among the falling,ti where, ,for.fnet, es we saw many of them yesterday The potion should preyeht it FAST DRIVING,—WaItOf Bogart wag up be fore Alderman Remington yesterday morning on .the °barge of driving a cart at a tartans rite ; fa 811Ippen 'street, near Fourth; ovi,Thttrsday &Repeat/. Boring hie driye be knocked down a colored icy In that 'vicini ty and 'lnjured Nut severely.: Began was committed to pr/son. FILATERNA Lonom, No. 1013 I. 0. of to t F., at Odle Montag led eysolog, granted a donation of, 8 . 4 to tho Mount Vernon Pond for the purchase of the Dome Cud Tomb nf Washington. Thin excellent mopement. OR the part of Fraternal, the drat lodge of Odd ?Gnosis in tble city, will, we hope, be followed by other,. Ai,',Roan EHorrarrEn. --An individual named Robert Fraley was arrested yesterday !tinning, to the Birth ward, suspicion of having stolen a lot of broke and a number gf small articles of, which he was unable to give a sitlefaatory. account. Ile was taken befpre A Merman limier, and,held to answer, Goaons4.'s CAaz.--oororit?rFennerlield an impeet yesterday morning . pn the body of Aene Marla Bowers, the woman who died In the Seventeenth-ward eletlee-home on ThntadYg afternoon. BeN was fifty years of age. The owenor rendered a verdict of death from exprstite and Intemperance A *oup To Tug Wrog.—The term of ittl prifeantent Of two notorious thieves, known as "RI pity" and fl Tamen Jack will expire on Mou thy- These gentlemen have beeti on their wits for a long time, and their entrance one* more into respect able society is an event worth chronicling. THE WE &TITER YESTERDAY WaS delightful, a presumes of the coming summer, warm, genial. sod a' tractive to promenaders. To morrow is the First of Dim, and with it comes the season of birds and teuity, snashioe and Ropers. We give it a oordial greeting. Tux FIRST CITY TROOP will meet for drill this afternoon at Broad unit Westmoreland streets. Weaimim Lave commenced operations on he Fourth and Blghtb.etreet rs'lway. THE COURTS TBOTMADAY'II PROOMIXDIXGS !Reported for ThePrese,l • • 11. S. CiROPIT CotTwr —Judge Grier.— This anti' Wee In aerofoil for a abort time, but to burl norm of public Interest was transacted Q,UARTEEt - .SleatllONC—Judge Thompson._ Homy Dittinglielmar wan charged with the larceny of are gold walottee valued et $lOO, the property of.Bloom ingthal & Ilrunswlak. The proaeonfors allege that the detendant obtained the watches from them to be cold upon pommlealoo, and tbst he did not returu the money for the nine. The defence set rip was that the defend ant bought the ghetto upon credit and old not &stale the wetchea tohe sold op commission. Verdict rot guilty. Henry Onllln'lM &Deleted of the larceny of a horse blankstethe property pf Wm aloqueld, Joshua Prost and Oharlotte Scoot` were charged with maboiona misehiet in breaking four glass jars, valued at $1.12, the property of John Porter. On trial. Aldermen, Allen and Officer Briceland, of the down town police, were voaterday on the charge of swindling the countryman, ICaritetter, who was tested out of a large anno of money, on hie wayto Pikers Peak. The particulate of the cue - we have given to our read. era. jury out, , • 'humor Comm— Judge Sharawpod, Theljommonwealth or Poonrylveule, at the supeetion of Patrick J. Jordan, es, George !Ogee, Audi' Wil liam Morgan. William Meroney. , and Andrew J. water, We nottritteelka salon under the eheriff e imenlealer att. On trial ' Oliver Sproul ea ASll.O[l. Before reported. ,Auettion'on a promiaeory iota. Verdict for the plain : tiff roe 146 75 „ The Commonwealth of Penenylvanto dal. se. George Mope of at. An action under the sherifr's lolerpleade er _On - trial -• r ,00001 f NEAS—Judge•Ludlow.,--Johp Af." Teat T 11." Robert David. A pineerding under the land lord And ten a nt act if Ass 9; to , 'obtain peeeeeelop of cer. ,- tarn preinPes: — Verdrai for plaintiff David Leighton to lisneteed and Ramat Adsolithi to recover filt Work and labor done. On trial. ,_. —. . .. _ FINANCIAL: AND COMMERCIAL: I . ni zunn , i i ir l ElClF 2 A . ' 4 7 (lll 4 .4 " l 011i e ° 41 • ; ills rpm impti ,l l9F - 140:2_ ,- , i4. 1 . -- 45,::?-- , ~k ~t, i ' ; The Pyramid offilieh, limpit , T( l ll‘)? J 1 643 4 : , ". - , P , ll43 ,.. lll° l tY yji ' r im a rin rk t l ' Apii , n, , 85 ,.. Cathedrel,at'eoloine" ' " `'“- ' - '''' ."' ~ , r ,, - 001 • There li no denurne for any of the fancy stooks, arid Mader ettrict.W.:±4:;:-/ - 444' '72' . .;:seri . . l 4tel'f - 482 -no dlirpoeltlon ,to Speonlater'' in any of the securities On Cathedral at Antwerp.......... ' - - 478 _ . the 'stook Cat. City loans' dtate loads, and the bonds Minster at Strasbourg-T.44.7,7,c - '' 488 Of Undoubted railroad ayimpinlee meet a steady sale, at Pyramid of 01 0 0 1:10ficrpf ~. ~,,..; ~,, , _.,, " , 442 good prices, to parties seeking to mate reliable invest. 1 • A itralrild 0 4 0 r:4442 feitAfitti-Winld_PttAlea.,wwwt meets, bat there is no desire to invest money on mere . alight to a ' Inviter army, - Just as Atisi , heaps of scallent speonlation. The market is very easy for money. Fix - vady-iiradetarmentedellchs - „therepta of all -visitors to per cent . is the maximum We on the street Pr first, the Brown Stone Clothing litall'id I.4lt7iliVielirtteor, class paper, whleh iii manta outside of ,:tb e barite, , Be. Hos, BI 13 arid lififi'fibeitliot Atioirile Sixth. coed end third-tete Payer, in the money market; is like' kfifaiiirCies. "Bilmili .4144:iiiiitiiiirViif i tAX8o the lower chteses'of and Seettritleo, unpoinhirand net distinct' shed JareritOti,HlC4)o,7lhe dl4rriett saav,to ;ell- . The ,rates,for,,,enoliyraper vary too monk baby , offspring of Merl' LOnlee , Prin ter quotation, ranging &lithe way from 8 toll - psi Oen:Cr, - rieratiAlnial Of Berland; adYtredintek"lll,lllC . rindeen The Crawls's& chattel trend, coupe:a, and those of of 'Us:ging 4: 4 ' PT , " i the Oldninfillo4, ,-nii 9.4.o.nit of the WilneMeport and -Blorlreßsilroad Company, will Her Moat- Catholie Mefrity of lipsful asd4ll*Jfeoneh be paid on and after Monday next, - May .2, at the ofilrie baby,•prestented earor,,,bo,o Years erte by tee pretty id 0. 4 ,0 8 Walnut street: ; . 1 3- 414 1 1Xlitainialo-Mr irlijilii: -1 b010. 6 .1 " 11 ; • • The fo. ll OwiPIA thf a mount of-east. iv-en-11901'4d over B hentdllte.rMeittbabial-fiftn.ritin:neAnno9nt-Ile , w' t he Iftiothurdon and Broad ?Top Railroad , for the week no toubk order theirroraixobee et the: Plena store of ending Thursday, April 28, 1859 ' - - %OM „Orstiville Stator: NO:do7 Obbitiatliieeit: , ,l-t,t , Amount ohioned previously this yeer dome Inn. ' • Giiiniiirtia - rict - Liniiii - :...:Maifl BP' Yeafeds nark's* 180- - ' " ' '- -' - adia,S B , ,-„„ :: .. . ~ ~_ , ,;, .. - • early in the morning ;,. seta_ buttons on your bustantt , s Total arum* stripped,:' "- " - ',- ' - 88421. darts; do, rist",r4s 'lip ; .4 ;itONT.spart; r at ?? t the Amount shipped to Samedstelaat year ~ ,•• 'lO 855 ejorreg find audit "proaritifs'of your ftmtlyfrplant a - exeCe-of_2oOdYstoponfoyeurfaceLoseefolli iOni,iit all angry realism _premeds , your husband to b y bas clothes att. - II: Ithlrid se's -- ~ bid liiiinklin Ball Cloth. ing - BlinOrliim, ,, fro. 221 Chestnnrstreet; and,rupecit Ogond !,fll' 4, 4 P.0.T1 1 1-i , - i: 2 1" -,4 -. • §. Incense 1,66 Thti foffoiryii ii the ainotint of 00al trsneportid on the Philadeliida :and .Itoadtni ‘,ltailioad the week ending T kar ed ay! Apr i l 2 ! 3 ,11 8 f 4 i • I From Port " Carbon ' r a , 70,841 04 4 , . Pottsville ' 2,816 01 • • Schuylkill Rayon .70,870;08 gg = Auburn' .1 608 06 Port Clinton " " 666178 'irotal for mi.ok - ;"80 ' 761 -15 „ prevlotudyithla . .. :489,881)12 TO matte time Last year ' 450,98412 The falrowl4 it the ittnentit or teal tratepteged on the Behaylitilklravigattoa,lor tht week etalleg Thum day, Aprll2B, • , • Prom Port Oarlio* Potbmille • en "Port pllitton ' Total for the week - - Previously this yeer To SIMI time hut year - 1111-41,1:( The coal !tonnage of the t3bamokla sad.:Pottc.t silloß lliosil'Oonipany for the 'week - ending gpril2oll, ~. _ , , 1889, was • ' ..... 18 flame Ifeeklattyegr ' ~,1,4,- ' ,11 8 09 CO ..1,427 18 The 'amount of coal ahliped by the lryennkii tins Company, for the week andine liatarlay,ApiC 23,1859 Amount reported prevlonsly , Total since Opining of navigation, 4th test, ..19,651.V' PHILAZOILIFILIA 'STOOK - 11203314.115113 Ilit WIN , ,! ,• • .., ' - • - Apra. 29, 3869 , - 1 , airr,orrinor Imm', lirlorit, 4r. 00., 4 • , , owls, Lim iszootion - ritorrfre, 710821177180, 00 11071 07 10 _ „AND 9101117111 M litilllnsfln• ,-_; . -,, ~, —., ,- ,- ~ - 111I8? BOAttlr - --- ! -' " - 5408 81 Yantis' 56 " •`'943j 10 . 44pri It tr. 41,%, • 400 N Penna . & Bs ndr6sx :5 . L . :do -. 15 4 1 % 3000 Chef& CaI.,TYI fie ,81 , 5, , do, ..... .; .. pa 41.% 100 Bab N•iv 64 .1 82:. ,---76 - 24:- * -I''.'. do 1......(.1.• :7 1"X , 1131122 do 31 St R 76. - . 01g 8 "...dlr. , - ' '` 4l% ` 4 N Penns R b 5 , 97 4 1 LettigliNsilay,B... 43 8 Ninetall it 80 10 Norris .oansi 64 2. • - do ' ' 40 _ 5 do - 54 2 - da 60 -5 • do_ " 54 • 8 ideobanlcev B 8 nub Mg 8 Little Elabnylß.,;.. 20% 25.... do - cash 2834 1 2 Farm 64 11seh Bk., 61 00 Girard' Back, oid.. - 1234 Ito Union CatoslTraf. . 434 BRTWIAN HOARDS. •-, :. Ifooo Reading R 6s 1 86 76 Xl5O Stirq Canal . 4-'- 9000 do '7O lb I 5 Academy of Maio.. 60 ^. _, ".". 131430 ND BOARD f i 660 Penns le 94 14 Sum cini,l , 4 180 abt do • 1. 011{ 60 6404xd 84n14 ' 61' 1100 ebt do .. 8 cart 9*3( 75 'do 51, _. .1300;01ty 64.4`...: ... : .1003( 61 •., do.- - 11 , 1030' do nair.'.:.1033( 6 Illinins R... 1 .. ..-. .. ±9% 600 ll'asleton Be ... .. in 10 nit? Bank ...; . .. '43 1 5 17 : 1 17.1n0rti Obst 111;.' Ed '' 27 hire bill f10rip..'..... 14k 1001 N P. It 105 -.lwo' ASV 43 Penna. 14- , --- .- - 413( 3600 (Sotto W.Pir 84'05 05 12;' - - d 0...; ... .-..,• 41 34 1030 °atm,' Ist tut,76...65X 8 Idinehtli 60 9 Rarriabnigll...:.'s7X i - CLOSING, 1.1110; BM. Athod:: 1:1 El 54. 1 74 - ."1313410434 . Phis 84.100 1 09034 "' ' R '190)(100)1 . 4 New .;.103' 1033( Penns Sc -•943( 94141 Reading v,/,. -24 x, 85 4 1 vv bdanOlooff 84X 84341 11 mt 84 '44 04 95 " ' 'do 'B6 76 7614 Penns a- • - 4134.41% Nor gox N or Canal Con: 68x-543( Iv pre , divot 107 x 107% Bahl Nsv 86 1 82. 7634-78 _ g v limp fla ~.. -114 ,86 Now York Stook , 18-122A0T/VB B(d BOhI Nei , g i4xdr. ex " Prof 127(:12 w.mapt&ziata BS I 9X Ta let mtg.. 12x 72 2,1 18 • Long Mind - 12 112 X Lek Ocal & Nay. 62 '9B IN Penns Id OX Igo f 6 68 "104 93 ,94 4 34twarliga 6r ex - .liitint bee 65 :56 , Baulk lc South It 64 21 8/1 St IC".' litaosAt Vise at change, Aprittp. 500 V.rdlnis St 81 99 10) Reuling 11 980'40% 100(0 Mlecouri fla e 69 97 100 do :50% 7009 do 87% 20 Mich S& N Ind ` 973 29 SaOlfio 33 aco,, ~ -79 88.;;-. d O, : 8 31 60 do Via mu 100 0 • do ' . ,0% 111 do 791( 100 do ' 9% . 250 ,do 79% tOO linbon Itly It 98081% - 297 • ' do' ' 909-78% 60 Psalms R . 122% 100 do 80 60 Gal & ebb B 980 839 • 21 Potion Coal Co 81 100 do !di 159 Mdltd&N I 20980 33 , ; 100 r do , , . "b3O 84 200 ' do P 9 30 2,2% 100 ' , d 6 , -120 do% 75 do 82% 60 do .64% 860 li Y 0961391 /1 719 10 do 912 81 100 do f. 71% 210 Ohio & Rook I '68% 200 do 980 71% 60 do 110 587( 60. Al. -.1011%1200 , d o 910_513. 1 0 0 , du. 1,- 2980 71 t/, 1.0 --, do ; 6833" 700 'do 910 71% 110 ' do 9121 67% 20 do 71% 100 do 910 68% qgo Erie It 1% i ~,. 41ARMITS. d Sale are without change in tone or price. Fr. ria.—The market for State and Western lelenrie 0105 better. with mrderate receipts and sales of 15 000 bbliat $3.76e4 80 for onsented4s 2560,60 for =okra°. Abdo $606 55 for extra do, $5 2585 70. for, etipmfine Western, $6,86 70 for extra. sad-U.4586.T0 for 'ship ping bands 0 , extra;rontid boor, Qhto;: -. Boatharn Flour Ic firmer, with rale:tor 1.000 tb'e at $610,88 40 tot com mon to mixed, sod $6 f 008.26 for extra. Canada Moor Is nominet at SG /607.60 . , ••eacts.vetkrbeat le firm boteinilie with smelt sties at full previous prices. Corn is firmer, with oaten o!, 10,- 0 (i bush Week•ra mixed at 82%6880 ;,Yellow ern at £08b70. , ,R7er is doll .7 1146856, belay is heavy Oats are stead/ at 46n60i for fotithern, SOOO - and Jersey; kind 53,8593 for State, Canada and Western. —Pori fottir; wit[ • sales of LOCO bble new mess kr $l6 %Sold BNA :mime at - $l2 75612 87X. Beef is ton:booed. vette Wee of 800 bble at $6 26 for, country prime ; $7 25n8,76' for country 'men; $9.506 11 15 far repacked Western , and $18615 60 for extra. Out Keats and Bwon abo wno change of moment. Lard Is drill, with sales of "100 bble at 11Xollyik. Batter andOheese continue doll Whlakerfs .1011 at 250, with !Ilea of 100 bbla CITY ITEMS. 1 302iPIEHLWON.—Coarmstion Witt •he held if Ohtist, Clearch,, Skerturt,cwo, tomorrow' (Sunday) morning ; and ,the eqcsecriftort of grace Church nbapel, at Mount Airy', will titre place tomorrow litternoon, at a quarter to four -o'clock, neon irltrelt oacatlon n car toon will be preached by the Bey. Mr. Pratt, rector or the Minn% of the germane. • ; Trtu WAtipoty SHADES of novel das'gn, produced by the artia'e la the employ oi o Henry Patten, 630 Obeaintit'et-eit; are 'all the rage, aid are disposed sr, lneltelltig fixtures, at remarkably low prlees. ' Rev. Dn. Rinsn's Litaiiinn will take place to- Morrow evening; at St. Joseph , s,l3hwch, 19111ines alley. The !ordure will' be • followed by a seleetion of sacred music. :The , Welbnetediehed' reputation, for eloquence which the' Ser lecturer so deservedly in- Jaye, and the charitable ol‘pata to rhieit:* proceeds are to be applied, cannot fail to attract & crowded ands once. . . lifintcuswrs, frourtbe country, would do well to ,loolt,theptigh the Imuendeimtleible and aeleot ateort meant of telndoei . ilindes certain' 'trimmings, and alt thing.' required ter ,the ornamenting of windows, at W Henry Patten's. 630 Ohettnut street RAVE You BOUGHT YOUR New BONNET?— Mere ie nothing at all OVISiTe in this question, and then Yes," or "No," we doubt not, will be mentally 'even with equal directness by the - fair creatures to whom it Is addressed If the answer to our 'inquiry should be a negative one, , the qoestion is likely to arke in the reader's mitd,.yWhere shall .Ibaj it ?" ant to which we respond, with .qual promptness, that the celebrated `mUlfneri empotlom of Messrs. Lincoln' Wood. &.Nlohols, No 'l2stheattint, is the plane to fled bonnetint ail 'conceivable kinds. onahties, mad prism Their palatial retail rooms are now daily being thronged with pureha•ers. THIS Mcn thinner stook in the oity,.as regards °bake, and a diversity of !Visa and design!, in magni ficent fabrics for el:Wales, anid.trirrmings, are now for inspection at W. Henry Patten's, 630 Ohre:nut street, atunprecedented lawprleea. • "Tug Coatis " is the appropriate title of a new pattern of kitchen Range; menaf+ctnrad eel sold only by Mr. 3'. 8. Clark, 1008 Market street." We say the appropriate name, b•oaaee from what we have eeen of the media of title empitior Vilma, all it requires le to become genertily known to the petal to mate it leave the flight of Dooati , e comet all in the shade. in ennead son with the rapidity ofrale wh'oh these Ranges most command, at the low price of ewatttr Dot+ IRS The fad in, that thin range bakes, boils, roseta, broils, and heals a large bath bolter, all at the same time, and all it needs, to be pronounced by everybody a marvel of completeness," IC for It to be rem • , SUPERIOR CANDIES AND CONFECTIONERIES -I Is a thing of some value to know, of any article which enters Into such general consumption as conrettorieries do, where it may be obtained in richest variety, sod in greatest purity. Be3ottd. all question, we ran safely meet this inquiry by direetivg everybody to the popu lar establishment of Messrs. B. G. Whitman & 00., Second street, below Chestnut. It I/ the general know ledge of this foot that amounts for their - Store being nos ded with customers at all hence of the day. "PROM PRUDENCE COIJETU PEACE; PROM PICACS ANUNDINCE,U both of which may-be secured by de positing In the Franklin ,Saving Band, No. 138 South Yourth street, below Chestnut: This CO °pony receives large and small Bums on de poele, sod Instate them . only In the meat reliable se purities, which proved of great advantage to all dimes during the recent depression in bushes., when many, fora long time, earned nothing, their only dependence being their reelects -earnings, saved np and deposited in this company, which nave[ suspended,, and always paid on demand, . Fans Las, married or single, and mini:ire, can derosit In their own right, and such depealtsean be withdrawn osx,r byyhetr clatertt. Bee advertisement In another column. ' Tttla ANNIVERSARY Of ibe Northern Home torlriendless Ohildren will be hind in the (Murat or the Atonement, darner of Seventeenth and Bummer streets, on Sunday evening ant, at quarter before eight *talent. -The annual report will be read, and several addrersea made. • BROOKE'S PATENT GLACE SPOOL - COTTON IS IIA• gueatirnably an important squad to a latlyisworlk-box. The smoothness with which it works is truly The most eminent sewing ?machine Inventors tars „ . ON a of itip - opt ,06nvenie0 nrtielei 3n holm 'kali-Ring pi, theibrietdlt . cekee; neetri,ltentrahie, and hind can be 'node good, sod tree ttcrAd idl topudon. Ojotoonta, di the Alltiixitt• Bating powdei Neves, , On the 2011 instant, by Rer_-:l43l.llextg T. Baehr, Mr. TH01444 Mt.15111470,4* - te Mtes MAGGIII M. 804/MeN,:alkot the.Tweity-rourth ward, this city Br Rev . fficr'ee'Obindler., on' the rth „Instant; Mr. GIORti 4 1/4.T14 Ate teltig‘itTX b lIIMP *- ,To thleetry, 04 ,ibp.,Wittk it'd& 0., Itmr4oe, Ash lyrool- ' , 8i11. , ANDIROOIL\ er-Ifew<lerieji $o Min 03.441314,, H „may : 41togbrof. Jee...kedereon or • ts* • By Yrteede , eererneit'ry'bi z lttitileiti, Mbitleeteit, J. GIMRq.II OBMB. 11011 of the late2P.4w.'d , Oroje, to - ItIJTII P dettibter - orlitelmel * 619,669 16 " 6 766 00 ' 2,115 , 04, 22 816'00 781.• )0 „,. -„ .Thuroder: • afteni oile2gth Likpril, 4 , 116./ITin 4 8013D1111,daturkter otkifikEnplintiAsof Ogren - Gant, _ in the 31 yeaeof berege(o,, - , -,- 012 the kith tiiitintillTEßY - 7. CIOONSY/ in the 231 year of ber age - - - e , Tlte - .reline.* and - trievagiloP, findj natio the members alit. aTobtO-Bolallte:„....re redoectlntiv 'ea s ed nrett.!nd'thei Ineiredi* - -fiortrAthe residence of her oistateei NO , etfeet:±. l 4l 4 ***o9' o °O sod :Pipe and Welf.lt' 414: Thirteilatb,, , :ttits - (114;04.1.3 morning, it - 8 'o'clock. 'Forieierttefeicerstlit2/ohn'e Church Dvermeat *tat 114rekeers. * .. 88,470 14 „UM/0 111 ~144 501.10 . . . On ttie7 21tti , Instant, .101/N GABIIOLR TORE - IY, W. ,rt.:,sgedn 0 lila male friends - lire reaped:tally` Wetted twiblend tke_funeralamm_bleiste_ seeldenea n_ fi W O -- 17 - Pine stmt,ew Alu tbirdsy)Allecrifftx:MTParolMP"'- iiliii. 'JO IMeninant'Oltatert t' , g * Om the rith trots a.t . i',79flN OAMPBSL,Li year of:Mn -,.,••••,. • reliliven andiaries9o.sl4 ril9P9s4loslmilied 10 attend thalnaeral,ArnoxOna Teeldiree of Ita brother tik det•net. below Ker r* to =lmre" /Bandajj akeritie bit in , elnelr. tr. On the":29}li , initint, 55ZON1lgt. alitiltAbEN, aged 95 "'NM. - .IO MA tuns ttf.M,ll4. ttitia.V.7.V!'-detVett CyLinvited =ter *thin/ 411 s tfunturaharft A hLsieterest. &reel'. lt,rtirner of Ilfxrnitrzlhatough Merest etreete, this (4tortlav)afterapon k 4 1 titt2be ,f - tritbout nutter notfeti, ,TO erne - eerie' OstheidiMlTEMYMer Ore the'lathAitstatit4.o.4lllllll2Lkoartee-_o4obse Courtney. aired al years . ' , _2.-4 re• speelfallr3dvited miheret- Meade of her husband - No Dreloridseet, between Perthiland irmp:Loon. arch, thca - eater day) afternoon. at ere o caner. enthont fur.her node.. To:premed:to LOsthedval,Ceneetervw:e.r.s. * On the 28th leetelq, MUD' WILSON', am of John and Margaret Oralgoiged 4 yearn, months, and 22 days _ ttivS reletive and friends of- the Saintly ' eare reepeet fully tevlted TrineiiiV-fieie the reeleenee hla nirentipMo s SBB Belfolk street, fleet attest above Itteshingtork•Slrentle • (late.Prilos gtricta.thle Iga,nr dai)ifternocirclit ofeciek: Tit pre a'tio'lKontimPnt Cemetery. * Oaths letlehisitf,' ,, MAßMOMMON, in the 10th year of her age - ea; _ -- Mer , relttvegesad - etrlesdicare-respeatfally,:lnrited CO attinPf thet.friteentl, - ,froof herlats - resideneer Ehatit street, above'nermantow* iwiedt:thhl (lletstdift Jitlion• - Ine..-to leave the tense at firtreleek, sal messed to the Mot" " . 1 1 XrPtrItfibliner..2`1”,nri-P l 4 - ' - ..41` Refrlgeratey" st•ft . yratef r ,pdmie, e t • • W/0 1 4 1 tAjal Apirp,iiir 60, • - W,setiisb sTurr Brzesfor4ifrfatratbtaiii* iesl VT 03 , c medium $2O 00 c • T,OTltrge - 123.03 Be it, fita . ' Irars#7*r, I an ladneezaanta,. ,- wayltiAlOckgßA TO P,§ sad WLTES. COOLILES, it yascsa - ,...tban "LIT, 01 44 61 54 ePTiiheii: : ; -: S•I I3 NPAPPEFf 8' ; • - ap3o , ,-7incoomilukr.calwityr. • ' Der Thttlet 'A14'1111.14 11 : 1 40.0a - Travellers, B , neekeepers and Boarders, toils 'Meat Osee BROX BEVISIW, co , eaatatotpg ptaostiva ; the most convenient and etb.oly artiste)* me, :Mum,. rectory, Itorl6o Nort*TH/RDAttett. 'lt* 5 - • '.- - - 48 48 V 43)i Humboldt and Hoe Gland —Which Istbo mootoott :JONlormtutottitt„tiptomd alum:tit seeissible - milinlahiferforib'etiontlamei ea; aid dot largely to ... our geqrtipbieil knowledge, the Elg gbreolthriattentlibt tbelsitigOthn of human Sof. frrlag, earl is,bls loteutioo'Otttiiifodiatii:flikuldot i vs. kaolin:Ho Ikea cetintriai «HOOPLAINH#H.IB.- 5f BITT!RfI, , , , 44 pouter/ ed en inns ale boon upon toaniiina: Dyepepnii, flili.Ctmplalut,ood Ner vous Del:dile:S. are speedily and permanently . cored by this remedy. Nor, seta by,the,Proprietors, Dr. 0 it. SLOESON L' r &l.; - 4114110H •ttoot, PldlObidpbbt. it , Mitch popit• lartty of thus mactitrist. may ssadity to understood, when the pact Is tumult, that soy good fluids operator can gain , wlts one of them, - - - _ OMB TUOIIM tD -DOLLda3,4 YAWL To .Terry Tailor, Itesunatrear, breairoakir f :sad each Inzelamll7lp.th's 40apy: oda oc,tlvist "akin!" would ' - - - - orNsallt & 00., 602 01118TV1IT - apBo-8m 0. P. DAVIS, Agent. - Plata Facts for FlaincreoPle. 4 . 1,00 , 0 6 ',the many •Indocemonte offered i *poetry end proliei in ieirlips of flat,and' putilreitionts of escrificed prices, (although rarely realized 7 y the purchaser,) it is dieleult to decide where one. can do the brit with hie monej, sod Most honestly dealt 'with. - TEED -WRIT!. MALI, OW MING BAZAAR, 8. W. corner Youth and n iderket, purinee the straight forward, honest - Mintier of deal ;_rda:4l;:nihrontises bit into they picnirctf.,Thtifc hiettn plain`dealing is a jewel at WHITE R&M. You'll find it. , Zl . They buy their goods fer oak, by the cue, of the manufacturers, importers, and commie/don houses- In their manner of purchasing they save customers at least twenty per cent. Their Clotting is well made, cnt,'And trimmed in a. durab'e and tastefal mentor, for weer and use. not for show al-me...Their I"rleetsmarked in PLA IN FIGURBB on'eatili galenist; avid-thaw, st fhelloweef living proet. Bat call and see, and convince yourselvee, at Grover &lier 9 a Cel(brited • . liolBllLBBe 11'41111.LX sownk G. rakerirNx. NNW EITYLEIL _ fsp form • frd OHlliiNtly - 8 tniiirrf. PRILID APB' t. "We hoe one or Grover do Baker'a in our 0111 U krOA - MCMP4I9gOrAILTet_to the mantfaaturera, that is so good u , it wu oiranted to be.”—lN. Y. • 7ep.29-17 ElEgan. New Sl7le, e - TOILET sEre, Complete, with 8-OP,JARA AND IQOZ-NDII3-- to match, at aboni HAY TEED 'USUAL PffiClS • These Chamber Pete have been purohaeed, for cash, by W. J. Kerr & Co.; aepresent in Europe, amd will be round at enrprlaingly redneed priori; Call and sea them (over 208 sets) all laid out, with the prices malted down in plain figures.' - 1 • ••• Cash buyers may depend on get'irg soot bargains la all kinds of plain white and decorated Wrench-Chian CUT AND ENGRAVED TAN.L£ GLASS . ALSO Pine White Stoneware Dining Este for Tea Sets, 48 pieces, for $2 80 bargslos to bely &Lib! old 01ene 011.118TNTIT Street, directly, oypoalte the old State Iloiiea,' - W.,a ; Knit' it 00 ' sp2s-mwiers-ft ail veiniin 3.00,000 BOXES COSTAIVS SXTERMINATORS jnstreasnytd. The only Infallible remedies known f< r the exterminst.on of Bala, Bilee. Bo.ches, Ants, Bed bugs, Fleas, Vermin on Yowls and Aniossls. Philadel Wes Depot N. N. corner of MTH and ARCH Streets: Bald, also. by Druggists, - Groom, and Dealers ovary tam. - ,•, • • • Apii7-wAsidt* , . . . One.Priee Clethilig 'et-the Lateet Styles, said made In the best tawnier, expreallyror sivan. min. -Wessark Our lowest NeMag pries' In n...up von.e on iiiielf artlele. ~ All goods made to order are warranted eatiefsatcUy; and our oNa-Tarou STEM= 13 Aridly sa bered to. We believe thin to be the - only hair way et dealing, an thereby all are treated alike. • a 28.tui2i The Persian or Chinese Powder tenth re dark or bilious complexions a pearly whiteness, imparting meanwhile the natural- bloom or bandit' - and :oath; Unlike the meet a' tboxe new teed, it has no aril:tri ms ingredient in its composition, being compounded on strictly scientific, principle - S. - ' cola by all &umiak. aidIyJULEB HAUEL & CO., No. 704 CHESTNUT Sires; PULA;lphia. ap2s et Sating Faind—ritatiount Safety Trust Com. PANY.—Chartered by the State of renasilruals. 1. :Money's received every day, - and in any ainonnt, argior 2. FIVE PER ORNT. intereat 1e paid for money rom the day It la put In. 8. The money le always paid back In laci.LTl whenever t le called for, and Without notice: = - 4 gooey Is received from Executors, Administra tors, Guardians, and other Trturtees, In large or small emus, to remain a loog or short period. 6 The Money reo.lved froni - Deskuritrirs Is Invested in Beal Estate, Mortgages,Groand Evuts, and other first. class securities. 6. Office open every 'da7—'67A.Vittit Street, south wed caner Thlri attest, Philadelpkia . apls Fine Spring Clitibini. • At HOBSRT H. ADAM southeast corner of Berenth and Harked stretej_enbrecrlng every variety of Gar. manta ndapted to`the imaien; cut teal the latest styles, made elitist to andel:ant 'Work, and at the most reasons• ble - z • apls-3ra Saartrarivi Raving Fund—Northwest' Corner 'of 6:200ND aid WALNUT atrecte.t I)apoisite received, in small and lams ananeuels, from all classes of the 901nmlinity, and alkoti interest at the rate of Me per ceo.per - • Etlcktiei_ney lie drawn bi abeam without loss at ante. teat. 09loe open daily, from 9 untll $ o l Noely and on Mort fietiraap 'untf,l 9 In,the- vren34,. President, liyanklM ;fell; yries - Onver - entr efftetax*i elaszles I. `-* • '" -'"' .alauiaiu -.: , ;TECIVQSJIIAT WMTEEJLA 8 W. corner PonxtE 144 Market ate lON.IB_ ,CO., 604 MARKIIT BTREET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers