The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 30, 1859, Image 1

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: ''. 4' ,-' .3>.. , n,gat. onsets:, -.-- ,4,' -.s ;
f•!:-.1 .g.ili'f_; !any, rlll_lthif,QP,lo,2* liken.
-4• iiniered',theardbeg,to set '6(6anirretie.4'.l). UN;
irrifearetta.l36: - On tlieentrltUtetheeref ;the Dlstrlat
tkeitit artik mama -etit4. ter Um /teeters.. Alehtiet at
Ifiessaybreula L-7_ :7- ::: --.- 1-.,,,,"-, ,•,.,, , , -,:- „ ~•.„ _ •
'4,,--, , , ,1,•• ;, :i. ~.,_...
;Well sin of .thi.XliraThsth, } ho thrith•97.thrth 1-0 1 ,- *
; 1 1'betherna r a whn eonquer sod goyim -Ma anti-: ,: ,
'reathringthth Ili 11111.thasiebjeat maid , ~
'Ai rakoftke he 4 fc!fthe, *tent Pro. 11 4.. •,. •• • !
'...rott , hours air ' their eseiles-theli herrth4lona a
', 1 4hifiati• ,• --" - •:'.`,'-. L • •,- - - -- v •
titerrataarttiouriha hireaOiee Orr (rt.-
'Thei-rirAt tait.tkfAeseoottktae tralthearlog trees,
`Are eeCritethet, bthbhetto *rank! SO knees; • •
-11th.,044! tri th )thiliailthiif tia nritithitfind bad, ,
,Illbtelayal,astl faithful's Starves! to IV)
.. _ , •
ttegares, 1 1 71, 1 1.7,1741, 1 ;4 I 'froTiVitiiTin'..
iiwitiiiii. , iiidittig urn of iivvie.'4lMt, and maize,
linaltruste,“: the thaturchbesitke kniTeri."
iinelnake ith`thi'lfittb•bialth that Asia on hie farm , -
frfartntake thith ate srfeithia. tine psulobathrea-
Mrthlit4k iii.U111..4 . 0 . 44:41AAN4:4Cbi144.1
, The dorm- air th e glorgh•sheiree tier tom for the
•Notruoted on iihreiti In'thellioltehl eirei ; i '
riehtleharaussirklah,fratunearKettyederele.PYY• r
• Illeate barks liernekthookthet the *gore eoadetott- •
,Nrctedw.irtfee it..posits frOza_therf,-, -,,, , , „
If aural the potatothiliat lei them e.,•steiand. ' 1 -
IliktAtnea the as mail se we tina:nut crimes& % , ,
,Z`tionst'orifi 404410 sear wea:sat -
. pread irible tabla'.. Ss ibbt th the *knit ;" :-',' :•,
•laudgferiini keit' dibi4lY biAltit.: l o. th'!th,bther, i,,
31)thee4,:ailria r *lfs I Ilu ier Uri arifiti t beat ,
-*Mkfarce Of Wilifiti:tlii"villb Ail` ;riailltf ; '
12Ine /ism lislttilah I rritate no Imam et ilia, ,
thentlikkANllVegolO r thbfulfa4frertid° her , .'
-Meatiessmatee!u'be with her freehand 'side her! •
, Viire" iiiiesijalterithmitank lite; - ,leolytie ire &wire;
Mow* may Sheath with tteloyilOthrflOrWing- , ,
Validaribi 1114,111111 heir% :Item' the world'', ride
4.thArkttlikk• i! ) 1 11 !t i1414 -*- i 'l 66 ' r iiilPs '
TireYean" me, iii Bprisitimr. WOllOl6lOl. and Fill, ,
.4411 Oidiitheleilifill NM tllll4loo,Towei 'Mal ;,• ,
Aid after itietkifYieth,'wheefrilt, , grase; tot grata
, etzeirsther'42 la, barrel from the hill stpd site p}kin, ;
.111 , 1ULAWbo aithat - i'pOisol, rf WO tirfirtie„.
.oiiirhrt theatty. had loth ttrthelisult4o:- - ' - -, -,
l i r.ol,thlithififk ibritherYtha; Ithraandibir their feat,'
lett Tavennial euithwkish the ,•Pallberr mus Pi safe! i
laireitterhey here triitilrerq'itot **wool , hoof, , '
Ifertirettitehe 0 rowel( ~ the best only sets ; - •••
/Lithiarmiii *HI bliftiktilebeekete they keed:- .„
Thkeloffthithak4lth "Mut to Platte P"4 - - "7
. .
1„31111 1T„ .11 .t . Sti.'B',ollllll IIkLL CLOTHING
4 40,4* - ,,iteaiilkii4fstileti between IPA% sit
8 nth *!rate. senti eldi;lbllsithlblith::.. :'. ' ,
.G.l.4.ltarkas LkiktAkoipouiylo *wooing styli Ekon;
IdgiortNathoico;:*.ktid Arkotetokit, oWool Brown sod
V4ogliO1:-LI1lk-GoOko, oOrkisOridetoklAktritt XaktO4
Mitt; aimmarkdoot at tko _Wove Goods 1110 W
1111111 r Illi4 LOT brs, -Jookom ,
iliT4kkolid . llo GIiGIRGGX *4 d.'!
- .1 - -
• &_ cc>.
Zi viseit Malik u** a • ulortmeat or f
' ( 4 O 2 DS
ti*Ori.ol:li2i4iiik', ,in*ititspn; - sktetil*ei:oter
thii,birii4griiss M 14411. it .
ion soki
VARint - or
POlliliZlN3llo4sli3p,m - ;
-4 49AWAtifillii44,WICSORINTZ11,Ss,
';',.1,"..:01,411>ttt14.016);.11081ER,T, 2 ;
;:6 41 "1 . 4 1 . 11 :409 1 .0 1 4 4 #, ,' - • '
*Mils toad In Wait 1444 s 1 4J•ll4Wortimmt; •"-
8091 611141EMEONCYT:S TORT, •. •
;,.i s T — ei`..-. :.,,,:- A
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) MB . Aid42o -OiIESTigTT .13111,11 ET.
1111311L1114 - 411(D•SEAS9NAB13E
0 D s
, ; ,,,Di k misolivinissezt, •
• rirfudst.i.pitass,enti,,t - -
6 .. , -0Q 0 .0 , 0, 1 0149T,P 1 1111D 111 . 1 *,E 0, ,
••!,-- :. :gaiiturriewnquaut azure imiamr,
;•ii,ol44lficirtirarOas; • , ,
-osuun-sua.a;,3ilol7oiair •
Wilk:ol4sta bilitittl•BAßieloc
Irgt7RTH Alfcl:4llCH. • •
As- 00,i-1.;
1:144,1"50N',S :
-4- tii:101 N 011,7111 NIGHTS' 111110110,
„Ova movidpg; orlet ly1 110 °,*" 4:1.4 • r
i 4Ni) BICIMPUL•0 1 / 4 11 '
A. • 1 0 , , 41 - •
• ' l / 4 "- 4 4 ,1
4Dittfinti*taiiimgatt 401zwinis,
OW . ,4-f-4701011-Xlt 4211,4.5 p OXIBRAY.
'VIi'MDE6II 3 2IOTIOIIIII , p. , !i ,- .• - •
sok, THONNLNYg k:OHHOI • ; '—
to* PS Hoeft of'
1111AOKSMAHas , sHAWLs: ,
:r- , :1114118 , .414 „BOHM SILKS - - •
=IC atalwarawra a "Fame masa= .
vms '
, ,:, sgA „ __.. a t ,
?StRtLA-• ,14reeto;'Zioat "I
"tlS°*-11,si'igeolrid"'"' Bfocue.borderi,‘
-,•pitti .T.O , . jaw. goo ,
. =6414 ' . • - . f mas:
tn, 041015 .
ta i :
. aof .0. abli*,_ , „
~,LA On a All9Ka,re,
l a Imo Tod°,7* ---:109it! '
4110:, .., to t [, ,„
/ P. . '
MArk'''Y IiPtCARZ 'NO W 4859
!tecto.7.voisma..?v i! ariusta l _
iit hl wi l i ivasie t ut
o Tak ztor p,
1113011415111.' •
esootole Bc. Co.,
, 108 offSATNOT street.
H. Mit/HENN& lk -. 00. 1 , , •
11011,1r:WitAi!pt., aig:964'ind p6B N,-/ROJITT st
f.••••• .0111 , 11$1=0-4
• - - , K1411•1111illy PORN; LAID, and. an asaorbient of
PEOVlPlONOwninallii Whaling WOO, .T6NOVXO j
sottBllllCat wows otttiov,both 0371111 d Wpll .
jOMI -
IMINR O arOPOgtiaillWillYltildaoan sod OXIIMille
Ittridititibit, - & SMITH.
WO: 4840104', 'TiIII2D- 811tEETi
'rgAtlFitto . ' TA:' • '',,, -_::- ' ' ' '' ,
' Me tolkiwjecteettmoir la from a - well-lcooNlr
litliari - it Pkilailtdolai in uoterelaos. to.IBOIC.NtiL'S
NittiltiVeldoNALV,N, ..-• ,-. .- . : -,... , _. —„
_ ,* dime silliereg With "were Neuralgia ior.:Up.,
wardatd...aer lame., Hive tried' Allimathie and Be.
gegegpitgl/rpli !Maim; sag eltetiotter Tamed" that wag
4agerritad, id eddird gat 1241 lellef., - a• *Pa induced la,
try,thit , stira..ami;MMe ualug , irate' thart on. lem;I:
toinutlmmagiatei rellor,%.llte Ilan an: loft me, -mai:
-etvoio ritarri of it:' 'raolglitarili. sad rhaerfaity
MOO it; taxidturfiltaig -M`o, to itrose- eleiiiiirlf
'affildiked.rtliiiitho reaytneow viers lo,T.Nfrt i reltegi- , ig•
,to Niu outlr aid eurdk tamed?. ler 1. bare s , ti tedit,,
~. , -
1 ".--,:,;>, ,:` ..;, , , ±, ,repiligtsljgrrOli:Viitil rikimip :.,
1 . :s .. 10, Ntt N0,0144111' t i Ptgicri - e
74E - iigaid'ldil - 10% , Nerair r liLNTIN 4024 PAINT=
: ,
NAV AL': ripsip,-- 406' bige,
tit zei .."4 ,Yl pet' tl ' ii4 g rrt,TrigordiVil t erVirikrt 466;
11111,AlgaVtairlit, ,
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N. W': Coiner roman . Ind MARKET -8t
Aro now piepOrot to °Pro a
• • " FANCY GOODS, Le:
yARD„ GEILLMOI3E & (30.:
Noe: io 'anti 4A NOR'ilt TEE* SilirsT, •
*.srmoomis,,risozl, ,LINENS,
5rV.e.14...P11,105.:4 .P O- te . 1 ;
BRION*IO - DOM*7 4 7: D4y.:610m,
816' INCARILVT :13taBBT.
fg•tlui -
LINENS,- ' , , '
•NU=l GC!OD'S,
LAVES, and
82$110111.1Cg ! T StRINET.
fix "ltiootik,ststritOtioUto:l4oll
01VIIM 4aio➢eaa
maims by caroiltaii Ifs fie more; eampl•io Wit bore
• ...(sbl•kii
,311 : 534NT991Cic•Cat t NI! . , - _,& , 90.;: , :
baportsra rod -.W1014;61,14
' •
, * 3 fll-14:.4:R KR T. EIT.B.WiIT. Iv ;
arAnsat): ,
, robt.em a thtradeoliti.
imotalbezz - mwatis
DRYtri ,
• •• - (negativist sorsa Third isit:Oheery sts.,)
reb*ft 1 11 4 4 /' 2104 .• „•
. $4:1.0F 1859.
• - 255 MANEarivirlith f
.inteoarm4 •PD _ WHOLiBALB , 7OBBSBH 01.
' - To wipsh iko sitontion of BITTIBB 104it03.-
. 8.0 6' .
11-.A.8,,K E: t 'EC'T EZET
'Daatar `ln'
- ItoportiWe aud
ULNA, 191/4144:0111,9AT1, .NONBAZINNI3,, DNISS
'GOODS, 04:;ke. '
ara . eluatautly. Wedelns' New Goode front Saw
*de aUd ,iktimetilil4:diertlOtei; to which we 10,11 a
! pitittiiN; JONES; 4,03.,
• • ~ I losi &ant below MAI, Bost4 dap,
& 00.,
nrecomais Alit4ollllll9B
. ,
Axe lid!, INIT. NO
Maas • -• P11.114101184/1/A.
riA-TdEi; ROSE, wrza-rzigts,
i9l Dtl fltreet i and tad COMIVISCIA Street,
i ni " D IMP KLA,
x74.pr9 - s-ppomes,
~,11ame bow open o?Toilete itOok; to 'width they In
vite the attentlOn of bosom '‘
4 , 5;
R Y' , G O.D S
289 Axi) 241'140E2H THIRD STREET,
. •
kbara'Rlia4l ktzset.
[Erkola krauts far
febitPins '
Ptrio MEMO, • - Wpm.
I J L - 0 0 10,24-00214. Wu, 0, Burma, D. D. B. Esau/
ItiEdEr.a; & do..
lota Bladsa ; Lets, & Co. .
• - - rd
. ,
Y • Cl-. 0 1)• D S',
SPI4 - 14,!31* STOCK
I! mew 4iompiiii ii"onlii'diOptmont4, and:ready for
Bayard. PtoroPt-Pollint IneVekante; friar!. all Patti of
Ako • Caton, am reerotlODy oblioitott oats and
mime lot iikeyroiolvoi. ' _• , _
C103100,-•TW,INES, , ,manufactured
%a *Mot sal• II NNAVEB, VIVIAN; co., No 2$
ti.iverswo. now.or " mum
axititea . tAziert4iiii,lktiiil,aild Navy
Oakum In store and (or este WPM :Vita; SIT.
LE9 e'llo.l' No 28 Nettle 3 1 1/0 1 3/1t at. end I:2 Noel'
ItVita • vtavl
Tapictiso 118,9111105,' bt 41 di=
IMSSIOOIIIOi SW% SS toors, iitanisrok Sly.lingo, MI.;
fQ#Liqty nkie
Adits. ice.01:(0. boot OA.
W WO 4 1 1 1,
~11V j ,101172,
I ,"
PHILAttF.LPHIA,: , . -,:11.T10.4,64i.Y. APRIL 30.• 1859.
, ,OA-Riet
Viii 1 1111;12 ,11 071 . :L ,
.'-fdASONICI 11A14.719 OBBITHCIT ,
, Above, leveath dtrOdt,':
Wide French Setinv;
„Wide French Brooatelleg
Wide Pren"oti cloud de Leiria. ,
Vide Woßiteit time*. _
Wide Union Damask,
f, Wide Daingek "fab,e Pith. per yard
' Wide Marlette ter 11,:"B. Oars. '
Preach Plashes for A A. Oars.
0111 Oorniesaand,Binds.
riorde, tamps, and Prlogei."
' Teasels end Loupe. ' ••. - • '
- • Hooke, Itlngsi aqd Brackets,
, .purni.nre, coveriags. ,
•••• Late Ourtaina, $BOO a rally -
Lace Curtains,,S4o o a pair.
Lace dortaitne, $4 50" a pair.:
Lace On'rtsintii $6 tO a pair.
' • lade Curtains, $5 00 a, pair. •
• . Lace Curtains , $7 00 • pmts. „
tace.Ourtsles, 67 SO a pair. •
Lead Curtains; $8 00 a pair.
LOCO Curtsind, 50 'a P ll9 . - I
„ Laos Our . tslna, 80.00 a pair.
Lade Oneteinti, $llOO • pair. -
• tees Curtabta siO 00,a pair. ..
, - - Lace Onztatne, $12.00 a pair.
Liqe Ourtains,l2l4 00 a pair.
'Vote Curtains; $l5 00A pair. ' , ,
• Laos Oartstua, $lO.lO
pair. .
. , 7Aas Curtains $lB 00 a p
tug Oilltains. $lO 00" a pair.
'Laos Curtains, $B5 90
tiartiktra, $3O 00 a pair.
Lasts Curialaa, $4 O 00 a pair.
'ldefe oartains. 150 00 a pair.
• • - WINDOW_ SHABA% •
painted and Geld Serders, in etore and for gale at tips
following priori; wiala'good natures complete' f4r *dela
I shade, retail:' • '••• • • ' • ~- •
Glit Bordered ehadee sad Plitures, $ 0 76..
Gilt Bordered Mildest and Fixtures,,,St 00„-'•••• -
Gilt Bordered Shade. and Fixtures, lEO5 "'”! • 2 ,1
Gold Bordered binds§ and...fixtures,- $1.60..,
10014 Bordered Madge anti flitureh' VAC •
Gold Bordered Shadel and itigthres,'Sl •
"Gold Bordered:Blloes and Fixtures LI-25. •",
"-ooid Bordered elisdes sad lilioureiLlaa 50.
Gold Bordered Shedesand•Plitnres, •SS 76."
- geld Bordered Shade's end Fixtures, $R 00
' Gold llordiridsBlune 508 tistnres,'43 25:
Gold Bordered shades and eixtures, $ t 50,, s;,
) Goldflordered Modes and Fixtures, $S 76.
..",„" !": 1
GOId'BOVIOXEd Shades and Ftithieu,
_St" ;
Gold Bordered Stadia and P Unruh". $4 55,-
Gold Bordered Shade/ cue Fixturer, - Stlak,
Gold Bordered. Shades and fixtores, S 4 75. ;
Gold himitrid therltii and Patureb, $660, f. •
• Gold Bordered Bliedei and Putures, ,; " • .
;7 ,• •
Gold BOrdOrOd,ObOded and , 87 od.
Gold Bordered Shades' And IPlXlarts, $9 „1
Gold Bordered Shades and rixturee, s'O 00., • s'..;( - ",
'6014-nordefedkhades ap.d Vistula, $l3lO. '
Bordered „Shades Voids 'to order; Uriiioll. eta
arlaq.' ••••• -•'-• • ' ," • ' • • el,
6i)040_ grolitntisOimt
• ,inepiek4
'FLOOR • alirdlJOT i lie:;:i,,
T . 021 Le*Fsst , 8143011 limeamiLlitlfft,,
80t8 'B. W. oorOor of 1180/4 up
0,11 OLOTHd, AND HATTLNAB,' ' " •
*OII I E, , Witigog. 044 An•
, d I Z IIO 11 #* 11 1‘
-a" , . It . o. 182 CIiBSTNUT ;$2 . 11.111M,:;„,1; , ::.
'I".IIPI3BTRX :VELXV,i's .• • i- . 0,1
' 11111 ir, 14111 ry '
• ;
001 TOR; Lis and ad
, A 7,
Wki(allii fire reeel!ing daily !Non; the IdenuTeekb4
and are prepared to offer the trade,on
'lhtVing the Agenefrior somecor the beet end tadt.del
abside bode, lie inn offer bidoiements n_bt heteiett •
fo 'bit* in Phfiedefidtte: ,All geode *old atlimaitt,
taetnrsr. ) s priest.Ordete earehdly Attended
1D Aloe; Agents , Blink and Widtd,Wad•ophi,
Larne supply ntirldelk , ireimireeonetently or/ink:,
. febl-dxn
, RAW „_ „A. 5,
Meo A.LLUM' sr. 00.,
o A rt, Pt 'X ANI7 F 0 rif,'R
utroarss3 <,
,WABEHOUSi, , bO9 qiiEST2fI7T ,?TRBET,
• 0T.1011,1101311.111, '‘ •
- „ ,
ItITO now on )1111N1.11.,11 ,
steak Of Clarpot •
fug, of onr on and other` pokes, to Which we Indite
the attention of Western and flontbeen baled. todl7l!n
ItIDGWAY,,II4O,BSNER, & 00., .
. . ,
, Importers of WOOLTANtii
'. Asa marring WI isupppos of = .
T.41.1a011_, - :
Ivo the followlog eelebrated oreentseturera—
ArBIDERIO 111101tEr413 (lattle'Tioket.) '
' = IMMO to' IlOttetTAT (O. sad M. Clothe.) . ,
B. ToENNI,Da lc co:, and others.
' retel4tet . ' . 146,43WIISTKUT Street
FARR.P.JAL4V 1i4011L:C1 4 6.
alimony)* gionaukne, "
. •
OLOTI10 ) 11021/Rillftt, Bra. :
232 oEfESTlitrr STRUT,
teid•Bia " - ' Phlladelphls.
Ar . Epir
. 4sniag leige and ;tasted stoat of " •
LAWNES, Oktel,LIES, PAlSTA,"iiset other.'' •
. • • • • • DAMS 0100 Doll,"
TO whlett the Waal:lon of the trede to itivltee. Also,
Cemprhilag 'peeetetrge, Woodward .Doesklns,
Biown . ShaqingeaTlthittlign, Karim& Stripe., Blue
vmt Vedditute. ,
10, OOKFIS H -SHEETIL,IGS—J ust received
ALL and for sale by
112 Ilhonlvoqxtow4.l,
iptlocaoy'rs celebrated Cloths sod Doe-
JL. Moo, torthor with other desirable 'pike, of
Gersten Woollens, lastleceleed and for sahib , •
:211/ELISYr HAZA.11.1),..2. 111n0 1 1ilt420N,
, , 112 (Mantel* etre
• Suitable for 'Rupert, for We bi
vneTiliNcinazi &.WELLe,
114 S.,li FRONT ST., ¢26 LETITIA st
Ear - Liana
S o ' W. JACOBS,
No. 625 AROB STREET ; - -
Has finished and for esle a tall assortment of all the
moat modern styles of •
a great variety of desirable 8110CND HAND
OARRIAGIO3, that have been Oaf very little ssed, wlrich
wiD be sold low. mar2l-3m
Nos. 1217,1219, and 1221 •
W Anuouss,
. ,
No. 17 SOUTH .1101MTH BTI43ET.
toarlAw Below Pderket Bast Me
VlNO—Ground in Oil, Brown and "Violet
color!, manufaCtured apd for Bale by
ViFICISERILL & 13110117.11 P.,
.26 . Noe 47 sod 49 Nati' BIRIOND Street.
gIOFFEE.--1100 bags - Jn'lea in store an
nib by. - JAnlo3 l 4lcAttell & 00.,
1125 N ee. 9.01n4 LST/T/A street.
1 1,
4 -1,41 ttss
SALTURDAY, .5.1'.R1L 30, 1859
1 Jueti6e• for. Sailors.
i:ri . b it ti i T ta l4 4 ee tilite e t 4 r ' la E l; li a l t i ' il L il iv n iS e r w p s o p o a l rle A rs s Assizes,
loh conVineeti us that . British judges'havo
1 .0 41 t --tnorP. censiderador( for seamen, their
righta and their wrongs, than Some Judges in
ible'country.,. , .. .
' ) . l ' llei trial took' place on the let of April, in
_brown Court, at -Liverpool,- before .3fr:
Zilatiee'.lirti.tas. ' To' use the ordlnarrpai-
I#nce or the rePort,'.amis Viratot MITOREIL
g1i , 117414d0: tar aiding and abetting SOWS
VienLittan, la ..the "wilful murd 3r of Tuoyit.ts'
isl*lpa.n, a saiior, on board the Bogota. "The
'itednied , was prosecuted' at suit of the Croin,
'Ord wail defended by two • counsel , of• ability.
114 Clictniitances:proVed - by.the prosecution
o:reaifollort : - ' •., ,` .- • ,
~L. 1 rieet,as. Atitat was a Gornitsh :miner, NOM
lityl;ll4Ved some Money by working at his craft
:/i4hili r riodrtielog:a4 Valparaiso, last Christ- ,
isolete'rmined to returra,tr; England byen
faringlihriself.m! etokeponlioard the steamer
Athia; ii;:trotlifthe paisage„home.i, , The crew'
'a - : tea. , i_er BtxtMe•ett MemittiPseli4lUflitif
i. 'elegizeore '(of ...Albite Bvertewaseirliii.dhp
6,le,f,and'gra;etutit the_ seccind,):twelvettire
irtikind tifir 'stokere.'•'The-Bogota . left' Val- .
iaralso, on December . 27ar and reached 810
dp4aneiro eil:.Tiirinaiy 28ii , While - the cold
• weatheriaated, while they werein theSgaite'
ti,fiNagellan, Lannia was,rip to his Work but
in-the hot weather ho was so incapable tbal , lie
•dtlfereil , Monerfew , an. exchange of duty,,anti
hid idetermitted to life qfp at Rio. , -Unite'.
Atnide)iler "himself,' he changed his'inind;'
*t,Rio itig:Oipsi belle:to Were eteettei •ceet'
d, elm sailed thence on the 25t o tummy,
t li t i t :rtlY,beftire 12 at'llinin,...„', rt , ecea , s ~ was
1, hepritionetle waiela,wbich that afternocei
Was. from .4 , to 03. - :!the - tihip,had - four-boilerii
fend tiro stokeholes-'he deceased had already
lone' some severk in the , .stokahole when 'lie
Alfa to his daly iit'd.'•The day was-hots MIT
P OI,. !Ile heat Wait so great that'inie, 'et
lf t w, of the crew kneeled otrfroie exhintatioir:'
Tbe , ;deCiaaiied Came.out:of the stokeheee,iii
'consequerica. of,the heat, and was ordered
altown by the priSoner., Ele`,cluire ; nu . again,
`tut assidpusheil down by the prisoner into tile,
after stokehole: Be again, hoWever, - cathe'
yie. 7 , Dpring thietimo the two engineers Were
lit the engliketnein, and ; probably Saar Weide;
i s eisedge up again.", - Mtrairsin - then'ealled to
*tartar limmankri,
tineof the 86)10 . 3pr:trim
perm for some rope l yarn.,if then went n, es
Itlfoundtze,deceasedcomplaining*trogany[ - n, at the instance of Buenasai, ithe chief
and'with the help of maother...num,
fook - Larrnen;itinggling and erying,dowrithe.
'fieward stiiketiele. I . le then - tied him with the
`r:op eft, the-port, or lift:rail of the'laddcr, at its
foot, . le f t -,lci,ns - there aline, , anti:went 'into the
;Ongine-room. The fore.stOkehrile Wasstwenty4 . ,
nixie feet eleven, incien; - siring,
,:six-',feet ten 1
inches udde r and sixteen
,-feet high, There:
..Was a narrow , passage, about two, feet wide,
Which led from' the - stokehole - between, the
boilers intollie engino-rocen, *blob was'Mrich
COolei than the stokehole:', And up, and down,
*iii . 9,Dginc-room the ' prieoner 'Walked, Wateh-
Ingthe'deeeaand; who cried for help, first on
Irian and.titen on god,1111:10";sank. , Se Was'
tied up about half an hour, „during which tipie,
the Inmates 'were: f ired. up , twica4 ;'There
'were , six—furnaces, and' the ladder tatai
to - 4oithfir - three , feet of • the nearest fur
:nate. 'itte'dpcittsed, iiboutthe
,tlint - of the
Stipend' firing up, alining round, witirhis head
litinging, - -ltiriards,
~.thei nearest fiwnace.' The
teat it wile tlied 4 1 '64 &militia; then
wen - • ."iiiiinuer,-.0-Dsisa4. - --P
The prisonerthen,arentAffrintrriiltirnpet with
the - chief engineer and doctor. 'The de
ceased was carried up gasping.• The doctor
%defeat& head to he bathed, but respiration
became feebler, and at last - ceased. At Liver
pool, on ; lbe arrival of the ship,sonie of the
prey gavOtforpaatlon of what happened.
Both engineers were arrested, and the prison
er ' add he had acted by the orders of the
chief engitiaer There was, however, some
'evidence that' the prisoner had originated the
idea, of tying the. deCeased down. Re had
threatened to chain him down, and bad pro
-sided rends. He walked rip and elotan within
sight and hearing of the deserved, but took no
steps to relieve hint WI told cc Tom is dead."
Ali Mit was proved,-rthere could be no
doubt that the deceased was literally burned
alive 'before one of the furnaces 'of the,
ates Mer, His back and left side were placed
sonto fifteen to eighteen inches from the open,
fiery furnace. He was kept tied in this posi
tion for- over an hour, during which fresh fuel
was twice ,antplied to the glowing flanace.
He called' for help, on men and 'Cod, and
finally-perished. , All this was under the eye
and ear of lifrrount,,the second engineer,
who actually proposed this fiendish treatment,
and, while,, the victim was being fried alive,
coolly walked np - and dOwn, his eye on:the
victim, his ears . drinking in his cries. All
this- roasting, too, was. on a.-day when ,the
weather-was so 'hot that a strong seaman was
disabled by a sunstroke. All this because
the - Mail was too ill to do work whip') aotoally
is sworn to as having been no part of his
ditty, - and for which 'inability he - waS
to, 'be punished as ct a sladker," The
final punistunobt for "skulking,' 'on board
the Bogota, was to put tile preowned offender
into irons, and , on short allowance of food and
water. To do them justice, they did not roast
a poor fellow to death, every day. MITOIIELT,
heard him shoat—supplications to man, prayers
to God, and exclamations about his wife and
children—for over ten minutes before death
relieved him. 11(1011A.Ntal, the chief mate,
was just as active, and when one of the seamen
showed some signs of pity for the man who
was dying in torture before the eyes ore crowd
of people, shouted out 4 1 Now, you
mind yourself, or you'll be punished in the
same way."
The commander of the Bogota deposed that,
until the Victim was dead, he heard nothing of
the roasting. The man died, and was buried
that night, and this witness read ;he burial
service. .It was his duty to inflict punishment.
The engineers could inflict minor punish
ments, such as stoppinr grog. They bad no
authority from witness to tie the, man in the
stokehole, and if. they had asked for it they
should not have bad it. He never gave any
authority to inflict such a punishment. He
testified that the prisoner MITOIIELL, whom he
'had down for eight years, was " a very humane
man." Though this murder had been com
e milted bithis humane roan and another, (both
1 of of the ship,) the Captain never put
these into irons. No, to be knocked down,
Welted,- trampled on, sworn at, and roasted
to death belonged to common men. The first
and second engineers could do what they
When the Bogota reached -Liv erpool, both
of these "humane men" were -brought,
before Mr. Marianne, the stipendiary !nag's
trate—whO seems to be about as great a nin
compoop as most of our own thieklieaded
aldermen—who took slight ball for their ap.
pearance, and then liberated them. Buone:NAN
subsequently gave leg-bail, but Africa icra. stood
his trial.
There were no witnesses for the defence, but
Atrronbies counsel contended that the prison
er, who was a kind and humane man, really never
thought of killing the deceased, and that the
most probable cause of death was—sunstroke !
He added, (precisely as one of, our own Judges
stated, not long ago,) that «a whip could not
be worked unlash there Was perfect obedience
and discipline on board it, and if the verdicts
of juries were to be allowed to. tamper with
the long-established custom, and the idea that
the contracts of seamen were to' be governed
by the new-fangled notions of what obedience
was due, the days of the suptemacy of Eng
land on the sea wore numbered. A ship could
not be worked on . such 'principles ; yet,. if
these keusattone ivere • ()Mimed, the disci-
pline which ; enabled the mercantile marine to
tie efficiently worked ;could : not be • kept 'tip,
, end oar trade must be destroyed." •
Mr. Justice rfrintxs, we are happy
`When Charging thejury, repudiated, this timory,,
whiChlens to •place:ithelcoramon sailor's life
at - the Meru of Superlovofficers,:with orfediti-,
out authority. It had been urged ; by tbh
learned donned for the defence, that, inch ,
imnishments Were pecessarrfor the proßer.dhi
ciplitie of the ship,'end that _without them the .
commercial marine would be destroyed ; .bnt
there was .nothing in the :eyldence to jeadtp .
that conclusion ; andif inferior officers could
'be , allowed to inflict-such punishments without
'the authority of the captain, every petty °fil l,
Cer in the ship w,ould exercise authority,,arid .
there would' be no head. .Therowas no power '
to Interfere iviththe libdrty of a•man on bockid
a ship, * except•by the direct command ,of -the
'Captain.. ' • •••:', • '
'The jury, after 'ilew 'Minutes' consuitution,,
convicted the pritioner of mom/laughter; with
,out quitting 'their . licor:,. The - judge, immedir:
ately aentenced the • Prisonor. toypenal, , ,servi-,
'bide for &Loon goers, adding that the prispegr,
when he found the man 'insensible, instead 'of,
instantly cutting him down,' had, gone for,
orders to= hie superior ail cer, under. that: c.i . t4137,
imreed systeni'" of , discipline said to exist 0u,..
'board merchant , ships; and boldly - defended,
and which mint be',rooteUout 'by the 1aw.,:0)
each` _petty 'ofilder' looking 'tor , 011ertf-tOitku,
opfeef alkok httbliblnalutiviro,,,tlr'
.IzThiali'aft.efteroppijobrionbiabblenti udolett ,Ai
, id to he hoped; iVilVdCf i3ometbilig to chet&" 'e
'tyranny 'to `which • seamen iireLimbjectA R.,
board 'of rrieiebtint vessels , belonging tfi gt.
IZnited Stites, ae well as to England.. S :.
pole that; afteettio murder of this poor - - 1
'niia,==literally roasted 'alive 'before a red=liot,
furnace,:--the crew had 'arisen and demaaded
that the t*o , 'etigineere;Blloll,MAN •and lttir ,, ,
etfiim,-should'be placed in Confinement4bri„
'wouidAnve been- Considered' mutiny;, 0*
'every .man's ;jack of them *ould have* ela f
liable to be hingbd. What, is wanted:. :
'tics - foi 'the ` sailorey4-Protection for, : 4 . .21itt
against thecapilei;.the cruelty, the Ul4
per of their commanders. • , . -,.., ~1 . . .;tg•
• • • .... ...e.y.
The' paid to Which We havd • here drairi ati.",
„.. .
lonftoirodourred on board an Englisli steam, ii.
'the vietiM"Was'.Englieh, and • so, were tht - tite
Who tortured him. ' Bat. we must übt lay #O.
flattering unction to oui' souls that the ineroir,
tile Marine of our - owiaavbfred country bfirpft
'out With eleanliandti.' -!.tioni- the fati:V4tur,
- eiSeo Oorresrfendelander.the - New YorkTiMesi.
or Thursday;wo take the' folloWingmose its.
palling statement t' ' • *--, .-- - •:.: ' - .- ."'
.”" lf:r: the pausal' yorilrititereelie thatthis are
[ of Captain Pendleton, of the bark Sarak, , Riirk,
for Inhuman treatment-of-hie .arew t end ;alleged
murder,of out of them,. it ;creating, noneidersble,
oo:titan:tent.. The aridense" on',ltis ,Momination, I
,gqes to prove a series of birbarittee and inhatitati ,
treatment of memnever.equalled in 'all the highly '
colored aeocsitte.of ,slavery i , and 116 - ole'Tame
Cabin must have * henna, Meet delightful Rhode in
comparison with !he:details nr. the, atrocious and"
.fiend.likerreatmeet barn beings experienced on -
the voyage•of the Sar a, Park. , The: evidence
is overwhelming .,, It -1e ' proved gat be beat hod,
Sashed ; his ; menokiting ;their:backs and'gsitblng'
them with the whip, and then throwing, aptt ilorle
brine upon theiivionnds to IMighteatheir see/Igs. ,
fte amused himself by knooking'dOwn Williata the'
man that dted,sableptently,.throwing. him serest(
dooksoben ,laroplng anon hies with thtek:Wow
and a series-of crudities. linhear&of Muerte chi-,
Used image. " The. conch roonx" hes ,beep aided'
while the examination was goinom-a dld
*Melt a pitch lute the feeling itgeinst•Oaptilvernlie- .
• tea risen, that an inferiated-orewd of ftv4 hatireci..
pimple were ready, to take the law rote geir 'Orrti
hands, and bad not the marehal ehewn,great grin::
nem, and been assisted 'by a-peele:if fort; , orllfty
oftisens, armed with ',revolvers, - CaptainiP. would'
have been sperifieed to the fary,of the people. ), -,
After this, we , should like to hear; soy ran
~—eiren, if he were a Judge . nine,tiutee orier-- - „
'deny that sailors in o'nr merchantTservlce are
!tot entitled to . the .very tulips!
which Law; and- Justice (not Always synOnY.
mods) can girt them. - Clearly, there must - be
some great chock upon the eapricious cruelty,
or Ships' 'it/doers: , It bah
.Orneity_ as !was
" - . 4l :laistifttlypoard the *artier pogolal a i d'
the bark. a tritl-t Ftgllittlit° , l:tv-:a , •, ..
( 4 necessary discipline,'? then is Sir 4T.4 - gds
Wmtsti right ire 4eneiucing .that system 'ail
trebly to accursed." , , . . i
Henn ra ic.itz.-4 . fireinan on the Fitch
burg -
and Woroester railroad, while walking last
Monday, between' West Boylstown and Sterling,
Mass.,, donned to red in a covered bridge on the
road near Oakdale, and felt asleep. The morning
train out from Worcester, approaching at a speed
of 30 miles an hour; did not disturb his slumbers
until it struok him on the hip The steps on the
forward car were Wrenched off by the collision,
and some damage was done to the bridge where
the man's head struck it, but the man himself
escaped, with unbroken bones and. without any
serious injury!
Ll7BllB 'NATl7.—^ a tire were shown yester
day, by M. Swartiwelder,'lsq a young chicken
that appeared to have died after it was perfectly
formed. In the shell, which had four perfectly de,
veloped lege and feet, and was, in respect to its
ixteans of locomotion; as much a quadruped as the
animal kingdom can show. The body was es
usual both in sins and appearance. The legs
were in pairs, as they appear in the body of the
oat or dog, but the middle or knee joint bent in
the same direction on both pairs as they are found
to In the common well-formed fowl —Pittsburg
MYSTEitOllB.—LaBt Wednesday 1110111114,
Wbiio several laborers were employed to clearing
out a culvert, about two miles from the city; tear
Mnmerth's icehouse, on the Miami canal, at Cin
cinnati, they discovered the bodies of- a. boy (ap
parently about seven or eight years old),ond of a
new-born chltd,whieh were much decomosed, and
had probably been lying there for a' steeple of
weeks. The bodies were wrapped up in a shawl
and six ; shirts, the latter of which were marked
cc B. Cane."
T~aeooo -The aid, Mass., Repub
lica** Bays that double the quantity of tobacco will
be raised in ihe"Conneotient river valley this year
that, the re rras Inst. Ito placation is also ex
tending in other seOtionti of the country. at the
Flonth and in the West.' The great' pronto real,
.iied. rill I rapidly inoreaso produotion. The Win
mon (N. C ) Oentinel says the farmers of that re
gion are turning their attention to the erOp moth
bore that heretofore.
A WOMAN named Richards, thirty years old,
recently walked with her two ohildren barefootin
the snow, from Bracken. Xentucky, io ' Lexington,
a 'distance of about ninety miles. She bad been
reduced to utter poverty, and was endeavoring,
reach her relatives, who Five- in Pittsburg) Ohio.
At 'Lexington her case became known, and shn
was furnished by the Sons of Maittrwith means to
pursue her imam* , in a more oomfortablernanner.
FLOATED OFT.—The fourth arch of the old
Allegbei3y bridge, at Pittsburg, came dotin last
Thursday, anti the cable with which it was attach
ed to the pier parting. it floated down the
stream, taking with it two men who wore lire
paring to land it at the 'time. A skiff with five
men was sent in pursuit, and doubtless ere this it
has been safely landed, and the men rescued from
their rather unoomfortable position.
THE Albany (N.Y.) .Argos states that Tho
mas Y. How, Jr , of Auburn, while engaged, in
legal argument on Thursday in Syracuse, in the
midst of a powerful effort, was otoerved to corn
manse trembling. the law papers suddenly dropped
from his hand, his countenance became contorted,
and he drepped to the floor In a stare of insonsi
bility. He was eopionely bled. His left arm and
lower limbs are wholly benumbed
D. Porter, wall known ea the "Rentuoky (Haut,"
though born at Portsmouth; Obio; woe band dead
in his bed, at his residence near Louisville, on
Monday morning last. He was forty-nineyears of
age, seven feet nine incites in height and when In
good health weighed three hundred pounds.,
A DEsPgaterg wont Is now in progress at
Hartford, between the Rev. Dr. Bushnell, who, on
amount of ill health, has resigned his pastorate;
and his parishioners.- They insist upon his doing
nothing and receiving the usual salary, while he
is determined not to submit to any moth arrange.
mant, hemp) thti quarrel —Norwich (Mess.) But-
A FATAT. Dramtsn.—A malignant and fatal
disease of the throat has meetly made Its appear.
ante at Well fleet, MR/Is In the family-of Capt.
Richard R. Freeman five children, between the
ages of five and fifteen years, haveall died within
the space of twenty-three days.
Inannmtn.—On 'Monday night last an attempt
was made to throw the train of tho Michigan
Southern road from the track, near Goshen, In
diana. A huge RUA of timber was placed across
the track, but fortunately the pilot of the engine
removed it without damage to the train.
THE OPPOSITION between the steamers mi
ning en the 8t Lawrence, below Montreal. is se'
great, that the fare between (Fort) William Henry
and Montreal has been reduced to fifteen cents,
being one-third of a cent per mile; the distance is
Tins Bann swinging in the tOWer, of St... St
ephen's Church, East Haddam, Conn, - '
!stover a
thoneand yoarn old. It bears the date of A. D.
815, and there is no reason to doubt tho oorrootness
of that date,
EVERY DOG ID ift9SaGhDßOtti, Who WORM'
have the right to live, must be registered, num
bered, and licensed by the town Olenk, and every
deg must wear a collar with his owne rs tame and
his own number registered on it.
A 'BOY named Stallings has heart: convicted
of manslaughter at Mount Vernon la., in killing
a schoolmate named Stillwell,' and - sentenoed to
two years in the penitentiary. • -
Tag intoi or acs in Chicago, 111., bee been
reduced to S 2 50 per tholurand feet, to take effect
on the let or./khey,
Letter Tient' Graybeard: 1-.- - -,':
~ , _
~ iime - ioni;"Thurliiiiy,ip. M. 1 ,
- It is doubtlas Jae; Wit the mass - a your raid,
era In Philtuielphia; , espeeially tittrehnrehleing.
neaten' of them,- have;_mr., some; SiSas;:gr. cilter,,,
,'hoardlienry Ward' Beecher on the platferri.ifis
the eloquent leoturer, then„ he is. , .knowss; tottt,
far liss famiUur is the public, with iff r; Beecher as,
the "Bev." palter:, I, once heard.",Gheneeller
!Perris,. of, New, York, remark in yribiletinit the,
thermometer of,the piety Of any ohniohires belt I
indicated by the atteedrunee of its people' Upon' the ,
regulai . ,eveniniisivices diming: the" week. ~I be-:
.iteVe, - With . Most prOfteicre of Ohriatianity,:this
rule -is, in - this-sense,: accepted-4a a , ,oriterion.
-Finding';' that "iit-was :the _custom - of,. Pi"; 1
Month Ohnrotht Brooklyikaa it, in ,w*, ,most
of ~ our ',Marshy in Philadelphie, _to -,heVe la I
Weduesday„evening leettnie Actin the;Pator,' I.
attended „Air. 13 ealterra, church" 'tut .., evening„ and !lo for the Brat time s aw the Porlulainitblie loc.
furer, - -,lic the retirenientof hoiii; Mingling with - ,
his, oims people in, social ;srozatilp. ,- .Ths dectnin.;
room - or theist present edifies is Act nraunally large-,
and Its iittarlor is alniost as plain as a guakerrneee '.
ing.housin - The evening was unfavorable, but,the. i
room,wat Hued:- In Pax !yeathy, I ant ,tOld, if is.
•T e r.r;Miqk crow ded., ;At 71 a'olaii:the'eariletes:l
,were , to commence, and ; at ibeiXretapment'When 1
-the - olookopiesitithe SPealcals deskihaiked'Gta
*#r;,. l o..), 3 asob'er. vaireOdaiiiiii , si If hillidituft;
come 4 ,froili a,' itiredit'y's- 'Wilk; eritithiet,having
tokcie'time - td orceb; hie 'haiOrind+ toot davierat. in
'ail ordinary-olda smn•eheir; behinds irofy it runall,
Woodieffabl4, - the plibtform heingeleatekeeshaps,
' 41 .}- 4 11 1 ****11M44..t.A90r,91ST. gt 9111( :After .
~./.o '- ifffloo::' ft; ' fPlAtieo Wti ll 41 1 . 0 41rictiiiroitteepai:
11 *** 419 4 1 VOCViiirtieifrie r ,Ign,ili#:Und ,
thrOteOgitlf„rpla.P9c 1 4 C o tji t *it!Oftittit4 to
19pcereepeAding,Oinitherli the Plyinintii r tro'llio4
*loll ' 6 f, hypsa; iiilianewitli thentamistithant
St firi iiiiiio,fitte liyilikiliioWidiattgii . iltsek.ptAige
Cleft for me," •A:nicist - oonssitditts Orangemen of
Wit they ttersiaithatibitmcsieef • oh,
~,,,,„,..rp„..,...:9,..,,r,,,„,.,,,.:1W ri, t118
-agstialltigtlhe-ieoessitr efseParttecqudo, ~400),5,1
niitskfilKto•ort9 fli d -a l .k*,_ll49t-soillt.# l ol 9f
'40 1 ,4 1 , 1 10P AM imliioktf#er.ileglitililll,--4011P-1
i ' -- ifftthtMs)4le.a: Ai r ii t
.‘ l ,,vo,,i' n re!ex , I ro, initi
finttri'-tlAt•leirielrg#44vtiti-er, In;
' -,9 i - - l i fm r ta k d '4lB d 49o4 l , 4*- (dada-,
, tasi.e'. ja466ir ietaitiwiagsfairiA".nisx.
nikt - ovoidicionowtaitAktiftiad t tii i iiri
ilthlitt,/4geriiiittatiAlt*OifiktilillYnklk *O2
fleetalithila,itiatiAlittlyi, ititil**l l .igt, o l . :l.4o ll the
'Pulleinttl -9 44 6 1F-hiffb fialf f ill i NS , P 9o l ll3l- rck .
I,oClK4o4.4til'i dam Al ifr * - : Ai ! Mr` n - a ""'
t alnd4-11.-flefieher, rose, enC,friitn ia mtio - h-wo a
piyie,ori 1 4S'itililei.b - e.fort i liiCiciiadt,'Cridle4d Well,
a s.hOrt yasia r gySt poriptrit'sfillatlivilitlier*lth
tie 'belief 'Oaf "Mee liearenfiro - re ill' eililblently.
iiitteinfeeilth'ilie Sabied-VOlurne iilE tcrataire,
:it.;, or with 'Uteielew of makligNereene of - them: by
requiring ~t herd?to,tearokfor theaselVes, - he iild
not eposeify,mheiy , ,,tia PMgp ,- ,..eqilCbedmitti,-
,Tbe, Soriptures,read, t howe t Ter„are etateo-ic.
-: ealm„and:crribiacts thlibesui ifai'clause
pf promise i..Thilf,that Oaf in tare abet reap in ,
jokr and agidrW",lfe Wage:an forth and Vamp
eth,-hisaring paetene - seed;• stall fdentdittar , e4me
dfairi' With , rejeleing, luifighig:ldi Taborets-4i*,
tinf," ,, Tliei teaser - sewing. ; of, fears,-was, , irrr,
• perly, .: the ?theine.: eA-.. r,,,his:;:diefieuraioffhill4
. wee ..eertetclY • one - - of ",the ,most-- thaengllr
extempore NO_ , oentrersatienel,„mtlpi(..ettortii :1-
, hfY° i1 v0 7:4 ° , 1 1 4 s '. Y .F_l i §l'oll ' e -kW ,figt6litCrelad
ing,A,e_rtride# 'S. few Mena ficnii,thertable,.plaoing ;
Idalsands balii4hlsii;`and' reelined - against the
- brad 'tiorea, -- ",teith Ids - Ings" , eroired, add 'nom!
fienad i ) tfobarhentlite tilicht -'-"e bat'' hb - bad
Wad With , tut 'lnitiolit 'lWe r end- easylerallharity:
eis - It lie leadtheitti inapirlor Vritlt-a . ecitisrie2 of his ,
rmos t %ablate ; 'Side-eds.:l .Frera:,thilAmeleion he ,
orwitelopellyaisp torwitr4 In the table. thee,-
1 -
: I .ff*- 45 a bill_ctftsh:s gnie.P.tor,- iFfla b kv" 4 - 41
nmillMtiosi, wntld,agaiie,reile”i air i!lailtirit
jed• "T o, these iiii . ,6 haVehOen" - leortateried'hP hear
'hrt:, Veigiiii . r*iii(sif AOOOlOl3 Aqteiiiiiiii to by
big teatime ottlifirthhilitie, 'kid othie -I sithjacts,,,
'in 'which , leitgli.pievoiitiires , ) cialatltute ;the
ataPle, =the - 1 ' Meat - a owing !i of !,.- tearalk , 'wilf
isimtis.el not very indigenous theme;. and - ; yet ,
theraviiterluietheetilong of the .opinion plly , the
two;_tneat asioik) t ob 9X 4 ok . Xr- r ..r Bee 4 4,er'. l - 11 47P;;
are the.mlithini and thesympothetio„ inketfect,
harmony Ihis7vititl,w - as Ate` 'exiibitiop 0 .
i rrePreeeiblit smile, shinineticar i
igh the tifirP ;In
the-eyes 'aids 'coniregatiOni- iiiiihrlis;, - 'iith;. - tiro
Must deliseito toishis,r-he ,yartiiiyid- the eXPeri„
- - , Al..ikeeeeetttlit,A nct A m irrs with here land
there a - fitie t a - neetharriAapi
lone. - Incidents of- his own life were freely-intro.,
Bused into-his disertra, and ralinitonolitmf Clic.;
slonato- the -doings of death
,lin his :era-family
were Made, some of which,,if reproduad, Would
prObably move the reader aiithef did the' hearer ;
but E ferheir,. and ' partied • to' oiler' topics;
Among ether /things, • the' speaker` said that
one 'of the mat oonsoling- pasagavirs the New
Testament was ita_shertestmerseo Jane Wept."
-I may remark that, quite in ;accordance-with the
primitive onstom,q Christians in tttair s o cial timit-_
Inge for worship, 1,1 entire discourse Was 4ldresse4,
to Ohreetteilis for their edliteatiori, latettrif,. as
Is sonatimee the case, stiording the' Ginsiiel out
over the heads of -snob, at imaginary itnreconoiled
sinners, WhO, it may well bepremised, , have little
disposition to attend deVotiOnal amides of so pri
vate 'a Mara tor as the' weekly. evening _meetings
in our churehes. ' , Be _olosed his discourse at ex.
, actlyhaltpast , eight, the usual conducting ear•
oleos ocouriylog In all,not morethan,fon nrinutea.
Hundred!, seemed haPpyin - trsking their pater by
the hand as they peeled Out of the robin ; ' , .`-.
, I yesterday also attended the
_noonday ~Valicels
men's prayer-meeting, in tine old - North Dutch
Church, Patton, Street; where it' has been 'held
daily, without interinisslon, glare the 231 of :Sep-,
- amber, 1867; -'. lify . opinion - is that . the remarks
Made In - The Press a week - agoi.witir regard to
the present aspect of; the koonflai meetings` In
Philadelphia; will, apply as welt to the meetings in
Fulton street.- There is manifestly la n
„of a Cei. I
tarn kind of interest in both then there was ayear
ago. 'Then, theywere, ,, alled " Revival " meetings,
and properly so ; now, although they are seeming
ly pharaoterised with as deep' religious fervor,
they - oannot be said essentially to direr in this re.
spot front many Congregational praiermestloge in
ordinary times. The room, which -is leas than
ono-fourth as large as Sansom-street Church,
was yesterday completely fated, and in the pro,
gross of the exercises was, what in these Union
gatherings would be *called a "quick" meeting.
In opening, the leader read twelve requests for
prayer, which had been sent In Dined the day pre
vines 'Some" of these were front. Troy, Galway, 1
Wisconsin; and otter 'places remote from the oily,
:embracing 'requests for things temporal es well as
ipiritiiii: , Aniong others, ,there was one from a
Christian in behalf of a brother for whcm .he
Was greatly concerned, because that brotifer was
uncertain of his own salvation, believing that if
he was elected to be saved be would be caved, and
If he-was elected to be damned that would be his
. _
fate. ,
In the remarke.made by different persons there
was much unielseity of sentiment; though, to'roy
mind, there is a signlfloanite in the foot that the
'burden of all that was said was the dOlngs end ex•.
hibitions of the. .pirse; &Isar ago, as alt pill lel
member, the 'ilium more especially contained the
jewel wbioh seemed to draw ferth• the prayers and
exhortations of these Union meetings. •
Mush has been said lately ,of Rev T. L. Coy
lees unexpected resignation aepastor of the Mar
ket-atreet Reformed Dutch Church; for the per
' Pose, ostensiblY it may he 'said, of Adding amore
' permanent field 'orusefulneis At a meeting of
the congregation held in .Tnesday evening of the
present week, .the following proposition was
adopted, by which the partial conneetion, at least.
of Mr. Cuyler, is still secured to hisobargo : The
serviees during the ensuing year are te'rentaiw
unchanged, with the . exeepthin that Mr;:quyier's
,place hi toile stipplied in the Market-street ,Ohureh
`on Sunday - evenings, to 'enable liiitilo . Preaeliim'
thoie eveisingiin the Nome Chapel, Twenty-ninth
street, where be is else to lecture on - Madriesday
evenings, for the benefit of the tap-town =anthers
of Iris church. The resialt will 'probably be a
new church somewhere for the 'whole
congregation to worship in.
From the enterprising Baptist book-pnblishere,
hiessra„SheldOn ,15 Co., I - learn that Mr. gputgeoree
coming to this conotry is now regarded as a fixed'
feat, and that he will probably .arrive in New-
York prior to; the: 12th of May., ; The pi foe of
admission, to hear him will be for,theArinfold:Ols
jest of raising funds to build, his Airich";'altd
limiting the audiences ,wtdch csr6Wd 'lanai' ,
him to no more tickets 'than :ths"iiMM' ; hell 16
occupy will comfortably
Crete Comarunion . .—Thei
wilt Baptist,) pnbli shed - insLinier, :NAL , asserts
that tiviiiegitlar Baptist oinviolina in•liciwpart, It.
I , have 'become •free; dr ''open 1 :td: communion
churches. Witraa churches are, ander, the core of
Bev. Dr.. Jankaon and AM'. How* fdtdonm, Jr,
—=Clisischin. Observer.' '
linmutorra Tirana sr us Lesitiou.—The Rothe=
dial circuits in Lonitou•Ct the Lady-day-quarterly
meeting, when the statistics are taken for. the Con
ference, reported an increase of npwarde of 650
members..• • - •
- . .
PITT9IIIIIIO —The work (religious) le reviving in
Pittsburg and Allegheny Olt". More iritoieat le
reported than has existed hitherto.'
Boaral.o —The Buffalo
large and costly Presbiterienblturobes will 11Xely
be built the presenteemort in this city.
ma'am ro 001iIINSPOPIDENIrli
Varreepondente for u win pleas WNW
fovea ,
ltrery oommaniastioa - Wriwilien aefp~ye " d bt the
!woe at the writer, >Uk sc to furore er?riOtel,!!, , a
the tYpi**Aii, one - Os of, sikt iibaikbe
written niron.
' We deal be pi gettlamini In Peanepi.
wtaland orifr,4l). einfg the
earreet xieirko tie dgiy 9k 1):14e jartiipaiir losslittet,
_, CC4i,"*.:tile-116!"8.
of poptilegon;or iwi.tiefociiiit U* it U trittittereet.
, cr
'Reported for The lorrise.T - -
• „i; Plhutpttcrau , April 74190.
The ProdoPet nisit*Sin:k" To been 94 . 1 t 1 - ti 0 1„ 113 . ,
irtialc.hut*thouton96.4. int5.,14,11"4!1 the
leadimpartiplea,; Brealietos *re 'attracting reiblir - mors
Attention; s o p lioidaracif 4 Thitrheat a :the aloes
are firmer In their Moira. Bark Is da is:' OiNG - Minitheriee
unsettled, Corea ,•la steak, V' 9ll ll ll ' and
11folasses irednil."'Gritton prices are
lowei.Nish 'are' better, *net
- higkerjrices. , More !envoi , Ilides.hail Ps.
tier are direiand:,'. The Iron roarbeb. le utiniangld-
Lead laved dull llounber la - inAgoodrequalifot
prime Nand' libres-r*kale Is more doing, eti Woe*
artabout the same.. Oita are quiet. Plester• L pastas,
The Prevision market:is firri, brit Gielianesationikeve
been sod Toindaii ard• - firdi. Wool is
d un:- -In, . 1 ° 14 7 f'o?tliii apaitead To Dry foods-there
11 1 TM 1111 110 - `loing. sad, troth the - COMinikeitin'hadjob
Emma liar; be en 'earylisltutfirt" , thla Weak; - -Viere iii no
of Mock. , Banta and Ithomiland Rarddare , are Alio
carob, and prioes the lame. ,
BREADSTUBVS come forward slowly. and Witt;:ition _
• thmedilight receipts of Flour the market has ruled Pearly
ateidy;litt the' I.9Xo2se;diri4bl• batter ; the
demand howaTer, hoth'for,shiputeutaaAhOme navy of
.6; limited obaraliter,,ths ureeltuytelegyielthingimir a 9w
10,000 bble,:part for export', stldied.2s fuir, fripmline.
and 68.1.2 g up to 88 75 for estivisisordirighd reality,
the 'atter for faitel. The ;entailers ant, When
hats beim _buying, within 'the . more of sB.l2,feup to
672641 bbl for ComulantabliOlee' imperhatrextras.and
'ft nry•lntili In • -iihnutt-- STA,Plunr eqd 9tauliroal
Medan and uneettiaii, with smell mime of 'he 'former
121 . oaf 0400 bby of, the latter#llB:TAM99.Bfig
tr Ibl for 6111 zeal.
ofTiOartait Moil for
thm irow
ba lf
is pt . oudigmAril 9ll4 R,
rre 1 1,1:
Derrell - of fitirmu r ei • " • 5;457
* l99ll nlicee .
Du. ".•• . .
- •Do. Cent eleiii.rete:.4:l4•••
pipo.bOokoonkbfosi. 4b
the airrivaL ~ei~~ still •446
SYbeat.=the ; ,market . be 4 11 / I gtt-6iat = t>;af - is
fair and prieselathir
d,pau e f. Ch l V k lofol6e. fOr kding ikasTholoreo 16tMate
eipe at'liiltebfiteK"Ny -
'le ire Uttar ditalairdVe..f 3100.1sam rtifisn'i mad at'
S 70803" Gordis peace. media. felt_miquitst Orgiit
advanea, with video of 111,090 buiofollew Wish' for
fair to " Oast f dais:o4 4 l(ft at' ithee., and
erhiteit 7 68.841r..1aa, la quality. „o„tait are better-, ith
sew of 10 000 -bus, Goutharn add l' TOJCS6e.
' - Barley le ; aside of Peen's; "Wage :iretlfeirlfork
• atBoa. - t tesigme from 954 - 40111, - nakqualiti.
VTIOVIBIORIV-The merited Is Armor ,for
Dot, the high stews ocApidenni cheek eifisr.• - 1140 Pork
to' taken" Sc woofed 1.5 , 119.95iGg1i0 . ; liititsitear at
113 21 Mmesisteegnalla In &mall
W IL Y for AltnoTto: WV°, eat Westemsdo attlli A
eeliteif tree Tie* w.lxim. ti6".60 41" bbl
There hie beet Mora , imitiryi addlitiese bieretuitirr-
Mum no,abaske ; tem in iota} at 1076 012.30 for pla'n
land fanny, Name, 930)10 , 3.7pm Owes and 7,4003 e for
Shoulder* Greer, If atilurre'reetifilfinittetryf the of
fering aselightandiMileteittleetbetter",,Salue.ohlifans,
!quickie at 10,101felida, O,Ve9X4 ;411q,11.3(
aka; shout:am :at
.ilea of 600 toe and tale at IYX 1 Itlatv0•01:12102-12* - 2 12 - 12 X folSo.:4P. omit 1104-00,147slt,diVrr._4011's
.soloqll Tembrab. and,lggaistdi at islo#„dr : for
Roll Aire tit pea
• Ifni
" ge e sy. pm it -
7,9g6124- -4 • 441,1,1- et•- • -
RTAIO.-The_iniat lief% ' co • ritiniiedull,
• bit Pidees iii-e - i'idfhout ;aids%
ege to* at 424.-for firtfac *lf Feriff4t2 66assu0diss2
issidarof 06gI0V11...siotektulmi
A 4 Al
1006 Y tger 6 se 6 .l4.-eale of
old : gailroad lisii,n_eualtomeilikruit,99lll.sorlP-1/0*
time, Trines of ir) et
- a
demand dim &MIMS iiidditiereler-leilialifslf , and
210 itylor.Yellinf4fotali:Mixethatp;c 1 1 6htt 4 1 1 1,
foricer,Otiol,o4^to emir. ureexaso_beo7fooftflobak,'
didnardi foilitiorirlitOn'bliir fallen off,
a`nd frollOtlvlbia it $52 kiNtah,it %think•kataboiders
~erefirmi- In 'Nenere',Serit.noebitex f#pokfokpa
„worth sl4lflb, and Otupieut slosevamg cord.
- "COAL - ..-41iermi•Mit,ifeer
and mule *Mimi aratießlaiht Priceefsrldoik istamot fail
to entail a serious losefipmseenerege;fieltaottiebnyl- •
kill white mit aratnadell tigeT.29,lindiedeall
OCAS Vida i free du ImilamikAlholinheatiValPlinkordity.
41 m►Raaig 6 tB 3 tR 1 InP6se*Img• imadiPAIIANe
, of oftibiado:fokuatilwit.2oA2telpfir 11.b.1 8, imatbs;
/perm ere boldat49of,oott,folloorikili2.l3o,lloFA'
RurOpean idricee,iimitfitte-iinfivore
ble,lind mien* amw itionettleilitoT MAN'. ifrwinto ;With a
thrited dementfor spinners ilalasjnoinds _stout 710 -
Wes, chiefly ppland 001, 12e for lea
Itier ittemei for middling' tilt tailtty. lyriiples at 12w
andlnfersora9dlselligt perlb.i.•
moremoo; laqoPro.robor;otompf;r4witlc
the in:erjoof throe /cork aitofk*st . -
- - - ?• 1, 1000 -. 'mlBo6 ANT ,
Beene stPerte: -411,410.00000126,0147100204142,200-
Az. to 9. 8Ata1ii..1,450 00a 2.184.1k001j0 000h41R,000
gz: to Trance... - ..• '391,009 SOO,OOO - '-. , 30.000 - = 402 000
;1113.10 other * 481.000-F,4111/0110,.!iliht.900:1•400
rota exp0rbe , ...,;.2. 2 11., 0 001,104,00111"90nR,118,900
Bunk. on hanit.:.,:• •• 031,000' 061000 3911 ) 000 , ssopoa
' Of wilortilibmthe'paiviodkrfiebiddibrtlifoloro:
Zoolmi st_Porto:.•../..0.00U, , ..71.000; , - - ,17.000... , 47b 000
Itx, to G.SILO% 93.009 . AOOOO - ....,49,000
to Trenef;...:. - . • 0.030 ' =ll,OOO `'• 1(.000"'16- 000
Itiother ...
........... "r41.1000;: - .,.."000-,93000
4. 1 '.6t6ie55606., 112.00.4 Itt 000%,-, 000, Ate oro
Sobiaubr.--Dioatoto-. - fieciomoo at ithepayte;eourpread
with19561t76 000 baler 'l"tiorkid-fitolassie to" Great
ilhitaltwrominkredml4lelll6o.:43lo6o Wee diorama to
'ranee. 45,000; increase to otbee porta, ZS 030.
louporbor 80,000 bares ,
cOv vltonika , eentiniie light; beit , the &Mind is
1 00 1eftWidilvtirMeelhiucerithasiessit.A.0401iags Rio
at 12 302 1 1X0 fdefilx`ank p
- arime wtoDsy, coo buss 6
.ouras me: -6t
• aud gime St:looto,ot,10.01" /bp
`on ti .. • ,
,DETICIS'AND DIU are inaetive imam, 13,a sales
we Dalai' Soda - Ashat 2,1 g tea 111410 ed Roma. 90a ;
OrengelThellati 280.'-and battpetre 5t , 860,01 love
Grad wDrimotono and AI eargo of leigWood on terms kept
PlBll.-blarie'rel come /onkel...gib:nay anatileei are
better. There Is more doing. prima ramileg at AMMO
17 • for Fo 1, Mx 616 for 10. 2„ and SiOsaog tor N..
3; pickled Herring ere elm better, &Mug at /2033 i
abl. at in quality,• Coda* traitor, ' •
TWATBAIit3.-Good Western sell alserylat
ERTIVV-Llntttier plea of; Steity 'brinitivustid
'moas-are•enehtar from:the - wharf-at 5t.50a216 41?
as to Condition, sal - .R. 1 34m1 at 2602 t 6 air box t
heir sod quarter boot is proportion_ ,Ottm2l. ar d Cot'
react tre-dultj, Driedfrnitunue,fOrward - Coady, and
matte mom legal iy:. Balee at Apolap at iht,Besehrn
at Senna for apparel glutton( old helves, ,siodlectlits
for Hared ; the jotter for prim e 'which` ate asittori:.
FREIGHTS —soy Liverpool thrrehino 'beaten the
berth, lad the rates are -To I ordottyrd quote
203022 e 63 41 , too, West ladle fistulas, *tiro:inlet ; we
quote at about 40e Wit 110 She for Fugar,Ond SS 4' bbea
,or hfolsates; to Boston the rotators -the elms-May Os
itr,,bbi for Flour. 670 for_Grain, and grifis for_meamare
meta goods; to the South - the tofu continue u hut
quoted. Coif freights are better SI tato Boron,
0 004rtfut having, been paid, to New-Taft, - from Tort,
Riehmord - _ ;,.- _ _
, . .
GlNFAVG:,,.riere7e little or co,tradeogering or
AGMak, bud priora are MO
Gtr& 0 tate fair itivrat - q
at prettoot tretatkers
'sit% 50 M80 Nr - toi rot Pet uvio,ll ' • -
. .
• HEMP Se • ortekaogod,rand no dam live ban report
-ad ' - MEd} atikikia -; - : '
anygs tootling tit fair regtukit; and -aWizaport of
Pernambado las MEd) dietoaed of at -00 i9' - m,
mouths - - -
HOPE - are dolt. 4ath taloa of buteni o Hiatt= at
12618 a 47 th,"ss ingoatitp. -
LEATHER ioarkat continues buoysut sod
dem, and good gpardiliB,de sod gliughtor are mute sad
much wanted - • • -
LIINTHIR re ,movine eft more freely; among the
Wag we notice EOM. Whit, Pine Boards at. V. 5018 ;
Yen°, Sap do at $15028; Headrick at $7 and
Spruce joiAt at $l3 4'-7W feet Lath. are worth it boo
$l. and Pllcete 1887 41 , NI fret.
• .
MOT. 41301:8 —The mutat he etaady, with Pales or
Cuba Kneen twin at 29e524; Glared et 26620 e. end
11,1 r Orleinaict 40Mdtc. on time; 200 bble et - the letter s
dateard, eat At emotion at UN te68,10 each.
• -NAVAL ETOREEtare coming in morefreely. but the
demtnd for moat hinds to moderate; sides el 2 000 bble
- common Rosin it $1.6.2 Cid 600 bblt - No. -2 -4 . 61 Via
$226. Tar le eterdr.att 60 and Pitch_ et UV s 2.
13p0.41.4 Turpentine le in, tate request; with !idea in
lute at 53KeeSte4Y villon',"whleh , le better: = -
• OlLS..—Tho'demsed fcr Fpera and Whale has been
meetly coutlued to store tots OrtriA and Whale selling
at 66tr620, Cow months I.inseed Oil to lather doll it
61 eri2o - , Lard Oil cella mote freely at9Ba96e for winter.
I t iriSTlttt is scares and emoted at $3.50 toe.
. .
, RIO 3 —The demond is limited, and *iota are hardly
maintained Baled HO mete at 33(0430 41 , lb for
good aed Pritne tote
BALI —An import of Liverpool. triogui and fine.
cold at Bsc for Iho former, and $,) .50 41 , sick for the
- ttEETii are very quiet. Oloversted is dull. and the
inter bare been only m a small way, - al ssres 60 per ba.
Timothy and l'lskiteed are steady Tho forteer is 'worth
s2n3 25. an 4 the litte.r - S1 70 j' bushel
SUGAR Tliti market like. beitit very f
- dell our
last weekly report I •supplien have been ootoinr, , forlrwd
freely, most of which go into store, as boar , . and sel
lers are apirtja their vietisT isle/ of 300 lihda (tuba,
Porto Theo; and bee °rialtos are retorted at. dX 0 . 7%0
41" Re 'pall rev and too ce Recoil at 7.,Ve Be tun , ion
150 Wider dsmstred.Netr Orleans sold at 4eo,ttic 4lr lb,
ems. "
BPIRITS.:—Brandy and Gin mall slowly, without
shun:' in prices , Bales N E. Itnm at Beaus whis
key it , very quiet. but priees see Oeid,ri' 1104.11 of PBlll3-.
sylvanite lints et 25)(0200. Ohio at Wei hhdt 4.5 Xe, and
irudge 2400414 z 4,
Bost , to bell Rapiy: with fertber sales Of Oriental
DeV•reivi at to. and Oleine at I,lf e4r lb.
TALLOW .—Ody rendered is in moderate request at
loNe; country Como and. 10oIOXe lb.
TEAS—There in * steady demand for both Blacks
and Greene. godelves SWAMI.
• TOBACCO —T demand tooth:mire .fair for both
Leaf and tosentichtred; at folly previous rates.
WOOL=Sisonfeettims generally are fairly
and prime are moiettled. - The new el tp will;begin to
come forward in four or fire weeks, should The weather
'oontinni favorable and the !aloe hare'been limited st
(rem 'BB op to 6110 Ofs' m; net cash, for eiromon to prime
fleece. - . .
, - -
11or The Prime 1 — -
Partommrnta, - 4th me. 28,,1859. I
- Thy,publioation of this article will be consider , ti
as a contribution toward, the removal_ of tho
grievance herein Mentioned : -
I would like to call attention to - the fast that
the freight trains in Market-meet are becoming
oven' del more and more inctinvenient to the
citizens. A few days since, in passing down the
lower side, of the above-mentioned street, above
Broad; I"obierred -- a number of persons waiting
fora chance to eras It appeared that there was
a train lying idle, and eompletety obstructing the
,pathway of Broad street, and just as some persons
wore making np their minds to ,oriass Market
stieet and go down the' other side; - ti emend train
eate down- Market,' drawn- by seven or eight
-routes, and, turning the northriett corner, become
stalled., Moth pathways were ,bleaked up, and
persons pressed with _haste were forced to go half
a square out of their road or - lose -much . time in
awaiting an opportunity to cross. • Now,' imagine
ladies placid in this situatien. en a rainy day,
•when the street is filled with•mnd and water, and
judge whether every one ought 'not to - do, all in his
Power to alleviate, these miseries. - Tunnilling loss
b e en mentioned, and if it is meney the projectors
want, let indlvidualstontribute towards their own
eolithe public good- ; • ; • , --. A. S.
Nnw CA7110410 Cgun,cg,—Tttq -plans of the
Church of St. Frateis de' Sates,' Charlestown,,
which is - to be erected on. - the''Oreat otErmkor's
Hill, are now Cemnlete;and the contrite:a for the
same have been sianeds ".=The olurreh Is to be built
In - the compoilte tyyle. of athhiteoture, the material
to be rough blue IlitiCaterm...ltwill have a tower
whit a Clock, And aspire Whielf will Ise to the
height of a hundred and sixty feet, and will seat
upwardiroC2,2oo persons. The work , is to be cow
unlaced - •
' -