The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 28, 1859, Image 2

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61,4161 . Asut idea, dyisolOgned
`00; 'imageMeth* prosi4liski *AI le food the
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Otra . ,4olllooati= 4 'iliLo B OPlir n 9V
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111DnoltrA4,44230Aiiesikianit diairdm4,e9ll),,lll
i=l.o)Virit'D',ltitliiik:ritibriihs, Plitk+l
tsita_glf-TIP:4OTri*P /4 .-,;
F., ! 1
WAS , : llsilntrßlOW4Wi I r9sXl *C 4 IF IAzi , tw aL T
seuittoviarovi - qta
= stiss..itivey.rciradislovarsatifn '
Povrtiol.V.Liankteillil,t4•AooismAlfea :or - i=k ,, vanti.
' Rows '
Cosekertisarcia .44STINIS iit ' oll. 4l
/1111WIL:-4kolE01 Jetw Liptikr Nrirs Tstait-:
,"o rate iirie,444l(lll.lo l j .
"--0- ° N
O tt: 4 . .16210"49 1 4i,* 1 " , 41 4 sizi' : f 7
,X*4 1, 74 1. 4. 1401 : 1111• #iTTI4I: ;.;•-•
switliallous. 2- .4hiluiim. liars -rim wAtifiwi-,
- tow TA *AN* ;119AI.
- 9- inirisPleuttuAir=4, ctrettm,A , II a._
• r.-1 141alet-TVI•
• Aleits-•ilitoinzitli
riterp, ' &oi
s ll ****** - Viaa :
it tie* 4stait4ll4l6o*#* 64.
f :AU thil.-P l ** o g,T* 4 .?# l li i " ,
as% ,
•.; - ;
;.B Ohs stiOnsititi-Teinewitde;dt:liewzOrlsone, s ,
we two vary
in . 4klFexleii-'";
*CA ) 1 0::# 6644 4 "A Pi: *l* 0 1 0'42.47
alreedy'_eornaeuced - the
workrai itaeghtaVOtaid , :Was murdering, .pea sable :
foreigners indiserimbsatelv:lte had also bane ! '
dsimal Protest: igeinst tiM rimegnitioni of the,4ua
ris- 4 4ev!lidlirkt.' , lho"' exiiitUitt%' o !
end he banished,from -the - ,cointry; Hu stle. had'
Arietsiliii)bl,ka'!*4-40,41'N*gAis tndt
demanding piyatene of, nialfriC66l lsl ii them. At
Vera Oni, P , too; mittens are approaching a oriels.
The British Minister had - -insisted en `the full; pay
wientS'Of ill the - bialms oteintryirien, and had :
instreeted,tbe commander of I the Eoglisk,6eef
Vera Pwitt ; te,deinerid iid;ttid !ilitilriaillione of;
,tmatti itkienne r in thid etty, and, in;
saes of rabid, to,ihonibird. Searatisad
wititdieWst the ezetieetur of *ik 'Bon)* oonsul-11;
Vora . Ores. .1 =
The steamship 0 . 4,4 hfiresheidesi Captain Keri-
WY, front - A pril-April 6 end : Queenstown. Stb,
arrived at• New York yesterday with 358 , pitmen
germ - film bringssw '
Bishop Donne; of New JerseY:whe him been in;
a sinking srondition. for. 1 dirt, died Yesterl
t‘t -11,11114 born.
in Trenton; on the,.27th - of-,Msy; 1799,'sind, douse
- , 'quently; was, at the - time of his'death; in his 60th
1832 hears electedAshop
664444,30 K lest In
the'rewssesiditig year ; he we. •ehoser4eatar of St.
Marewcelburela; ! ! Birlingtoih," bud: her has resided'
• theta eidrilloni;;fodilbtdi- i >o l 4o l hi, pler6pal
duliel, • tlinie":elei - pr'fietdi .0W v1P# 1 041:Of St.
44 13 0 111 04, 001140;716ettiptions
ler Toting' Wiwi - - aidlPeing Siren, eke - bindle& by:
The,peepls of
Brooklyn -there sadly disappointed
yseterdayfise:the 1044106*e of - the - Weather !With
. 400 "water
w0rk5 .41421 D am e Ad!r*lniOrfilPtiC.l",34l.ifinta-
sui•protott4thWAnaking Mir displey.--, The
0 ' 11 4 11 64 6 1n ilmleethe,';:riatieilMelserge held
melting, and asp to the eoniltiel q ; to postpone
the tiemoneieeiten - WititinAii'f;!;!' - ;t;-* r; •
1 1 #1** 0 ;cair5.0i.OlitA.eio
apoßen i,Bosten pnoi; Married, but'
' iCtilist-Yriare
Mi•iiker; 44•- ifingrtwi 1 ' 1 '44 ,Dr*":
eat;,,WitCWitorir: she liVeSiniiiii:teinittari, ego,
Sixteen Periskifter* desertion of :his ':first*itf.
Kr: Askliriiiiiikred;*': - lallk - riiiitt - Xio**.
mugs, with whom be livrd until the time of .his
• daikth;itfCbdebir'tl667 • 4o to whole-imft all
, ~.. , , ~
,_ , ,
bolt reitnta.innort 4 .`44 4l ,Mtninn -39...,:iii grave.
The haimi4lit dispittithisrtli'Cii-thif,=grinisi. ;
Of illigal'lgt*Apiptihrel, 'hithi esioud`lofst
Imlit th.,:iliisii,.l4o l 4lio,",ii*Videitiir ,
to,ist it itigiti ',,Tki , ,,ssmiet bin 4412M1 that tile.'
diet wife is not Tattled to ' Aiwa ? ' bit no tulle do-, .
' ,eistelkhiniebbisaibsobed.',#Ar - I: -st ,-,-• y';-!
:".,• fittioidee areibottomiag 20 •fashionable; and bin
eltlngnOmuiltlirina#7l;;-tiii tie enntiannin - '64
Re iinninithath. ik. , 4o , l4::;son:,m6nd'af.lio,
. amtaropialichu N t man nitrindlA tit , Phillips =.
BMus, At Deb*, 0n 1 4 144 filitinteradikt. 11 , 2 , ', I
in ibandsoite. liiw,iit t .c . ' , wi : Linietitin,7 S e 1
pritesibii Of ittionOintriargVothir ordii, that j
liezw*A -1.411 0 4 1 x 4 14 Rrnilat•Pnftl l 4,4 4 onsed':l
*,thit.., F. ip
. ~,1 _ 61iprtlyArter,,rithing _to la*
soaa,li• s•st tit. tOnowhig now to the lahalbrA 1"
",. , , '4. ', '''; PUILITAIIVOVINI. Room[ No. 43` ,
oTL sk4 eirri , z.Dear flit , "•lam very tuiwell: and:
do'not expect to riettvir; will- yott %be so kind Mall
send_for I' ifirdetir to come to , my woOns. - 4'4 , "earis ', ,
not of whieb denomination; mi , ,he is a'trie •:ofirini
121ut and mpioassneri, , :: - ... , -,-,-.., ...1 ,, ,,.
~ T . , ",-."., ;
„,.... •,, „ Tours Respeitifolli f ' , '!.. ' I ,-", . ^
--• ... ,-,.,,,..,,,,... •," - ~.. l,, 4. 4 y. LAWARTIFOg.
A Orel* ,-44494,,k't were immediately lint i
for, sok, wakulhey, Admit. As rc;lat ) l , 4aiod oa i
.tbs tishWait:strePtYrifid, - raistied?tio oitneoi Jai.'
dairom ghi:, , anbijo4iiajiii-nuin:watr unified,;
imuilltidWith;',Mili-prajed iviii till he recovered;
1 4 4 niteitedi , and thim the sympathising friends,
who bad lein , instruamnial In Mussing bim from',
self destruegon, kindly contributed $25 to pay hlel
oxptioroi to St. r ! OiitiValid lie lift with( Indian.
,- spells intim' trittkn fivijiaM, Just b efore theeirlyel,
of, the *adagios:Ai, he fleadniky:irairi; wbo in-i
;fimMed,"thii heitifiligtlfilidi:thoft..4l4; •only, a•
few days beters,"ainioit Committed mdcide at tba4
plimr,` , under ettnoetiitetaili Vie' same birentii
bianesit and Sin hild **Writhed for him: flt
it 11! .1 *Iikt tkat X 0 . 111 4, exPnrimoifted until he
,kiiew jetty boig. Mimi. kitudinutii be 'MUM -safely
*Alio Isitmiiyitig Into 'afoot bli'iiielfal dolisi).
• 4boaia yaiingo3thi'llshermin4Wivitiof Buck- ,
port, lfitebuthisetts. broke into a liquor shop, and,
made st gentral smash-up of the "demijohns and'
boil's, aftelspllilue, the contents on' the ground.
When the;omit was brought up for trial, Pant "*"
llee Eibair decided - nl4- inder,lthi prohibit/Iy ,
:liquor; law; of kfaMiclmetits; intOzleating • liquor,
when °Tern , / int nitin, nvu int:Pion:Or* end that
the, intfignent. fishy otnin had pot committed en
- rutterifor got ;It le sow, mutated that the loft •
be - of ifit.'iCiiiiaii 'ooltp - ;alithig et totem, itaa,
:Satiated a teoldoi, on ippesi,=irldetkroversesthe
1i4P,i 7 4P1 it Chief tLlntlen PAT! nnd.roalmig
,RiritatosiCtiquois,to bit ,Psopirty,.. moist from de-",
striation by , violist's. , , „, ,- , ~ ,
. ,The,flavassitt ifspub r ucatt mentions, as a anti-'',
one fie, that eyelid is now' loading at that place 1
with limber for tbinoly Land, ntnta2 l- ; '' Coin_ ' -
woos makes curious changes, and plums the , pro.
duotonf the , earth in strange plasm. " We We hays iv
'schooner, th e Forest flelio,',Claptela P ercival, now,
„leading with 3iniber, idinr,„ port, and deritaid for,
Retreat, Dee of 1 the seaports of aril's,. ink Asia. I
Who woohilfavii , kutiikoildd lhaf,:iii gut course of
- huuMa 'Smoke, thi - pili t ic"rmit'S'of,er.4v. would'
iost9paiiiippOsii ' to._ iitiPtd,:,ioco)i, ' *104;0
Baalbek, to roOdCralsithienelent city of , :Dam...
een; bOth:oUrhink,' art -fr the -ffSir.nuti
• .oi‘to Meat , NNW Alai donate Nut P 1 4004 4. 'i11. I
'*Holy "qtly:! ,- Yet,tlo46 , lvi its' standerfai4ivolit
teenerhaesligte it i s living realifi , t'aggig 're**
der, t o - p eor tUt w hi Shalt Mak , i ll ' Otiitigt42°
to_tiat distant lead ean:mingloCitte nnmaintlpiin of
his own bilie with, tlat'sairod metoorles:tif-tastdi
' tixl frs 4l WA, hYlhn iff4TOcit,a4k(litte! ~ - '
• .I.s iithough6 that ' the_ ilsOcuo4too - or lire-Make
explosion or 04 bouits e4lie`tiataker tieflithoho-,
lir, at 6t; VOW hia boigiaora:agr44_thsalkt drat
itipp'oael. `,Wti-totel laos:oCltlitre passengers :is
- now Japortog it 20. in4inting '3, , indins, :Of 'the
deok passengers, 23 perished ; milting a talkie(' 42
of-theivroposers; in'additibreto the ,<Slneeti ent
,,,:p!oirrillas tbibist.l , -,N7 , ' .-57' -,„.1
_ 4 ,
~, ~,,,. ~
: .:. - Y:lielfiir*filit,', 8:0:til!t•ti 'Efok of 'at, - rows
- tisliOdlOpreelk,44l.44 44+ 1 04 charged with
~ e ntiMialing fends of • thi'hinkl4.„-tkn:aranalti of
$30,000. ', - _ .7..‘"C•p:.; ~ t . • 1"....,i,, -,,,, .I,`, ' •:, .: '
ykimfasseerat.the voi•xsity - 05Mtlibigan, die-
eimwred i iitr (tonne On tiaC.23llnstillti'llnat. l 42
tit liiiii Lin - r;-_ , licit ,Ctilik'Satt. 30 i.,
. aid
AK AP PI :'69 A I- 1 7 #i';/ /4 frtl'ir , kifi',:4ot:li,l l o;r!sig
.1", 1 11":0410.1 1 6 , ..J I L 1 1 -ttli'''Etli`WL...' l l . LS , ,_'::ii„l l ~1
2AI. fsflow nairimiNilson,allet natneldi wite,p,lll
iiiiittiiibilintomii_iff" 31SW;yittk by oilelAtjpg oig Ohist
'.lltritird ... 1/4.<'arlii - seraif f !eutorgdokiorgahc pookita,or
jrsititiireiiht-nitifiiiiii-bittlmbeti- vteett4i
t - Meitf4f #rofipi;ll.o.llr. gliff iihi doting a
' lii & f oAtiii i ii i4 ifiii**, "o 4lo4bwr-`;'::
"' 8 4 1 *."t Plort*,ll4l°4rellki death
of` 1112$ ; :fhtliNiiii-A r t 0 it t : t ikilis, ;formerly Pr
iti,;;;4*_,4,41, '',-;_.. -- : 174
i,. Aili#4o44o4o44*'i„.6oii oiWifii:ars
itivenPNitistoisVtimeßoitt; endeavoring itglin- -,
Aiit lini4ltotiii‘iiliSiiVikalisittiir44* hi'
:lkinilicilit4iii r itiffratairkiaidi' ' ' Int
,4 1 itgt4AG'ii:X.041iiifek-st#l,A6;43, li . of
Wiltilq i*T 1 11 6 ";" 14 4.01* - ' " ' ' Win
- '.k0;140-foottiqi li - titbit In4l„Wit isin4liiim 10
' 1 " -, :` 'Mii - n)!.Wilfi , (AO/ XhiOnAiii *l** gad
ji-Vil6 - 441,0 006 # 14, ;.4 rtg e 4:o;Aki l ai,!,"` ~, ~,_,-,,4
' -, -'f Thii ,l 4 — ** . toixtintii~Mi' -ihWpwitliett..
- `iiiiin.___t"itniniib .44ll6 4. TAk 004 Ivs'o o 000 A lt;
4P 14- O ir-ro4litift. ,ht,-;="itir , iskfuisfen, Mel
SITIIIM 060 00111111010 i."
The Difficultiesi in Utak. : Book-vendors and 800k -buyers. The Itailroad•Competition. 1
„ .
The Utah problem, U,,etwlthetanding the im- 1 , ,Looking.over, the Bdelt:Advertisements in The New York stock brokers, particularly
manse sums that have peen lavishedepen the 'Yeeterday'lC-Paiss, We noticed that-while the those interested in the New York. Central
:expedition , sent to tier doniitry, ;and - . the , majority of :booksellers and - publishers, in , Railroad,' are becoming very much alarmed at,
anxiety of the-sycophants:of th e NatioealAd- , Boston and New York, have the good sense, 1 the competition now existieg between, the
Ministration to diainifoilt.the'eredit of hav 7 when-they announce a I:ooob,'.te mention its Northern and Southern lines •to the Great
Jug settled the difficulty there, appears to be price, those in Philadelphia generally prefer I West.
ve the York Central has
:as ftw front final Augment now as before the leaving the public to guess at it. He who sees destroyed tEe Old nompactno permanent , and by Rs bad
'army_ tvaidespatched there. The presence of a book advertised, with the price affixed, can 1 faith shown thatarrangement
can be made that it would respect, its redue
,thelrOOPre'redueally enough, mites the aril: make up his mind c. to buy, or not to buY,”
ituisitt:offtheicAorrnonsV for no nation likes •at once. If the price be not named, he fro. Mons . of rates of freight have all been followed
instantly by equal reductions the rates of
to .7ieve, Mit e'.bedlei 'of "soldiers quartered quently will decline going out of his way to
the Pennsylvania Central, and Baltimore and
:Wl4riniail . thelninielieetholding it in sub- ; ask it, and the upshot usually is that, in the
Ohio lines! and this policy will he maintained
eetion(.The 'Parties; heivever, - who fatten end, his wish to purchase fades away. -Thus
Pie'initite irprillait - ' the Federal' Treasury; and it is in the pl
over l is worse in country-places, throughout by the latter companies. It is
Whireiliehitliped 'the,' Menai
_spent for the 1 where the lor books is literally at sea stated that the Camden and Amboy Rail
-44 arid. hy thee; of whom It is ,Pcinaptised, i when he sees numerous announcements of road has abandoned its arbitrary rate on
ea rette C entitinanee iri that quarter, and c wifi , literary novelties—prices unmenttoeed—and is Western business to and from New York, and
that it has agreed to establish a pro rata ache- '
INA permit it pi . depart from theinif they c an I compelled not to buy because he is uncertain
dule , in harmony with ithe Philadelphia and
41_0TM:saw:fair pretext byWhich their, prodta- whether the particular wo rk he desires is sold
Baltimore roads. The natural geographical
I ble conned-lon with it nan,be continued.,; for eme.dellar or for three.
p, , erlietelegraphiedelmatch which we published 'We shall' 'rapidly glance through the bOok-
difference in favor of the latter over the New
York lines will be maintained at all hazards,
jeaterdaYlnothing indicates. that a deep feel- , advertisements in yesterday'a Passe, to arrive
and in the struggle the New York Central
1 -iiioi(lioetility hall-lion engendered between ;at results." & Lincoln, of Boston, ad
' Miennitterid the jedgeo on the one hand, and vertigo four important works—Mansel's Limits Railroad will, in the end, be inevitably corn
the ' Miretutlie,',Gbientor'uatisizio,, and the
lof Religieruf Thought, Hugh Miller ' s Popular ptacles,elled to created by succumb, for it can not surmount ob
s Nature in ita rivalry with
POila, Of 'Utah en 'AO 'other; ' We' can Geology, Masson's Life of John Milton, and
isoaresdy-,,suppese, thet :Die Governor would , Sir William ,Hamilten'e Lectures on Meta. roads which are in a better position to main
aide ~7 l rith„,the - letter! , tot' Whoso' -peculiar PbYsice. -- Gould & Lincoln, in each case, men. talc a protracted contest than it is, and which
tenets , he. can ,!, sympathy,. without flea the size and price of the book: have the will as well as the ability to cope
:Wring some good reasorrfor ,doing so. -The Next we have Ticknor & Fields, also of with it.
Irdtges ) appelf - to ,- hive found the -Marmon Boston, whir advertise, as to be published on
jerieiliatirelY intractable; and to have looked, next SiterdaY, a Memoir' of Chief Justice
'to, *ilia isitent Aleut, to the army for aid in Parsons, with notices of some of his Contem
iiiiernergenielint it' ondi eases 'the army Poraries, by his son, Theophilus Parsons. On
pa" 40 no-good. A iti;thevitahle that he the same day they will publish Owen Mere
aitionef prier, ,shmaid be . influenced by the dith's Poems (the writer being Bulwer's son),
:isit4e,of the piddic, : sentiment prevailing ;, in and; in each case, they state the price of the
,the.:,community - from which they_ are .sum- book: ' -
intoned: I This defect in the system—if it is a do- A - Philadelphia house, , Messrs. Hazard &
'tect,4xistievery'where outside of Utah, and Brothers, ' announce Reade's new novel; and a
it leriotaurprisiug, that it should slim exist in' variety of other publications. , But they care
that Territory.,:" TheenlY reritedYfor itythich .fully omit stating the price of any one book
M 4 einple'yinetit of an army ewe afford is the upon their yet.
44iiiatioi,of*aitia0myr,' and
,the' trial:of ' Another local firm, Messrs. William S. &
AU Otlen4ora by,,ltaseminary Process,. But A. Martian; also advertise Reade's book and
since= the.liermens have recognised, ,in 'a other novelties—not stating the price of ono
;general-- sense;, the authority of the United of them. '
States Government, and so conducted them- Next comes. the announcement of an Arne
advitene th 'bevennlisted the sympathies of risen Pronouncing Dictionary of the Enlist'
Greierpor_ Oily*, :we de not' see why the ; Language, by fir r Latakia, , published by
jedgesanl the slew of 'Utah cannot permit .Crissey & Markley and- Charles Desilver, and
,the innei*eidOpa bithat TerritorY(so,long es, th e' ont of this work is prominently stated.
JO .fhigranta'viclatioa, Of order occurs) , is is We dare say that this will sell many copies,
'tolerated in all other portions of the, United es it ought. •
-Stites: •-However much the American people ' ' Mr. Sabin, of eYe Antique' Book Store,"
hew advertises with us; does not give any
may abhor the religious Ideas of the Mormons
ariktheir polygamous practices, they have no prices—but as his is only a general announce
-1 control Over 'those lubjecti! and the only ment, it was impossible for him to do so.
fanethsns, which the. Governor, Judges, and .We turn-from our first to our third page,
; array can exercise in Utah 'are those which .and meet a' long advertisement of the New
might endelsould be legitimetely exercised in York Ledger, containing a very captive...hag
any other Territory. • , . list of ' articles , by'various popular authors, in
;' - -Ttiere'ia,reasonto hope, from de accounts this week's number, and closing with the an
1-Whichlsve :recently been forwarded from , nouncement that Charleallickens is to write
Utah; that the influence' of the leading spirits for, the Ledger. Will it be believed that Mr.
litho' hue telen' fereinost' in Maintaining the Bonher, with all his bueiness.aharpness, actri
'lMPostirre , of'Mormonism ametig their own; ally hat forgotten to tell the world on 'what
people , it! :gradually being greatly weakened, terms his immortal Ledger may be obtained I '
and if no occasion arises to render it necessary T. B. Peterson & Brothers, who advertise
for the Mormon! to Onto, closely,together in their very useful and popular Counterfeit : Ae
seif-def once, the natural spirit of independence teeter, carefully state on what terms it may be
indigenous to American soil will eventually de- purchased. They advertise largely, and inva.
strop, of itielf, the hold of Hinman Yocea riably append the price of each book to its
and his•elders upon th eir deluded followers,' . name. ,
and - they Will immune self-thinking, self- Next to them comes the celebrated Bedell
'acting Citizens, like tie great body of the publishing-house of Little, Brown, & Co., an
people of all other portions of this Union. nouncing new editions of Story's Commenta
ries on Partnership and on Promissory Notes,
with a dozen more legal works of standard
value. In every instance, Little, Brown, &
Co. mention the size and state the price of each
work. '
Another Philadelphia flrm,(Sowers, Barnes,
& C0.,),wh0 advertise various popular school
becks, of admitted value, do not mention at
what pried they may be obtained. Wieser
& Procter, of New York, (a newly.established
house which has issued several first-dais
books, Red is evidently making headway,
, without much , ostentation,) advertise the new
translation, by Aytoun & Martin, of Gcletheis
Poems and Ballade, jest published in London,
and also The Songs .of the -Church. They '
1 name the prices, respectively seventy-five
cents and one dollar, thus allowing book-pur.
Chasers to judge whether they shall briy. • '
'Afteetheni,Lindeay and Blakiston; of South
Sixth sheet, announce it fertheoming splendid
library edition of the Works. of Jesepbue:_in
.... " ....,..1 ---..--- I :Mitn ine , nir e's_ ui tattelohilin
cardesspess,they say nom atm ache;.
',Lately, Mr. ;William Brotherhood, from
-wheat we occasionally purchase out-of-the.'
Way old and carious books, acquaints the pub
lie that he is about publishing - The Lives of
lEminent Philadelphians, by various writers,'
1 with forty steel plates of deceased Worthies,
the whole book to contain 800 pages, and the
price to be $lO for the ,quarto edition and $5
for -the edition royal Svo. Now here is a
- definite announcement which he who runs may
read: Contents, illustrations, authorship, size,
and price' are' all before the public, in one
b rk ei W e l a ll u r e a b p ta id i l n y
copy.fn,— a w nd e none b s u e t en a
_glaece. Of course, the list of subscribers to
's t4 ub li sc vi ri °
two dozen of the portraits, chiefly engraved
-John and Samuel Sartain, and can give our
opinion that the forty portraits alone are well
worth the $lO charged for a 4to copy of the
book. -
- Running back through what we hero have
written, we find that five Philadelphia book.fel-
Jere who advertised in Tun Pans, yesterday,
did not mention the prices of their books ,and
that three others did ; that three leading Bos
ton publishers carefully state prices ; that one
New York publisher does the same, and that
'another neglects it. Of course, it is not for
us to quarrel with the manner in which people
advertise, but, simply as not infrequent book
buyers, we know that a knowledge of the price
Of a beak, derived from an advertisement, re
peatedly induces us to purchase. Others, We
dare say, are similarly influenced and affected.
-Those who •live in the country, with only
Heated resources for the purchase of new
books, are in a manner compelled to purchase
from the advertisements which mention the
prices, -for, they cannot order in the dark;
when the cost is not ascertainable.
Popular,flovereignty in the Territories
The •Adminiatration version of the doctrine
'iit , iipiplir - SOrin;e3gnty le of such a character
nolo 'Mader it utterly devoid of practical bene
ittje the . people of the Territoriea. - Mr.
iri►irsir.dett4ed, it; In 1856, M. be the right of
the eitiieim - of a Territory to form and regulate
Obirdorneitic institution in the:same inanner
tie ~ P OOPIe :cd ; a ; and the right =of
acitgavernnient, with special reference to the
*Very queitiori,Jiaii, been a prolific theme of
tiemeeritic eulogy.: , :Yet, now , there le no
greater heresy 'than' to declare that the people.
of ki l l i erritoky 'have ...a4 , fontipt 4hatevei..eret
the vitipery 'gtteittan:-, - She doctrine is main
'taped': that , they can only set upon it at the
time-,,they farm; a'fliate,Oonstitutlon; and the
likvoTitefityle of aelioi at such a momentvaa
htmuttiolly,llittatrated - by; the 'CirO,Mustatices
attending the:: thrmillan .61 'the :I.l..ecomPtcin
oily Is the right of Terri.:
biittehi aientried•that it le thidr special duty
tOridetit;aidihst if theyto l to diiicharge,
CC yii!,,drityi,Portirelialeiliinid,intervene and' pass,
a,Territoriat "level code,: The popular will is
titlher citnipliiteltiitraliaed.' The -"Poiittlar
:SOVOinglity; Of the Territories. is ,te, be ;con•
eirneil to Mean, thatthe:people are'enly bo
'4 liberty tkoheetoilietween Tioltintariiyesiah:
Ilehineatid:lirofi , oting slivery themselves, or
hiving its protection in their midst—which
to he';,,lneyNable;,tipielalli provided for by
theory;however,will never trfurupli.
,lirelielleire that when the'. Democratic ,parti
cOminitiedriteelf to Popular Elovereiguty, to
stielf:geliornment; stipport of te the 'will
of UlAlptit.y,!!.it -Meauksoinething, and that
`substaittially,An=soink shape or other, the
poWer,Watieonteired'npOn the 'people of the
101 . 1634 to,, dead° for themselves whether
theyi Would :or Would' not tolerate slavery.
Peilticlantintay do their utmost to fritter away
Alf ;MOO by•ivoreriting, settle technicalities and
invoking Congressional ,intervention against
the rights of the people, but the , latter
willtriumpb, in spite of them, and' stamp upon
their Institutions the .imPresa. of their will;
PepulorSorerolgn4-has - bi3en invoked as the
guardian s spirit lit theVerritorfee of this Re:
Public; and, it' ie idle to attempt to overthreW
,itit decrees. ' Where the people want slavery
they will establish it, and where they are
:opOeseittO:it, , it wilt be impossible 'to secure
, for-it a substantial foothold. Some of the
ablest 'journals of the South discern this truth
ite ;OleattY-kii thelltnnocritcY Of the North, and
:the only wonder is that :it should be contro.
'vetted anywhere. Tile COlumbla south Coro.
„,tinirts, w reeent article, which, while it con.
tains - some striking' truths, we de not fully
j indorie,r,lasys ,
' • "The result of the Echo case, in Charleston,
weltillustrates the futtliti of Congressional
interposition, in the, a f fairs of a Territory,
either to establish or exclude slavery therefrom.
, We have urged the utter impotency of Congress,
or, even , the combined' branches of the Federal
Govern Mont, to eriforee any law against which
the local - sineiment is
,arraged. * e' The
very' Territoiles 'have , opened- their eyes to the
potently of public sentiment,' and 'they, too, now
claim tricot aside, and will set aside, any law of
''c . imgrese purporting, to force- upon Cheat an
411Shillti0/4 to which they may be' opposed.
-Whether right or wrong,' this they can and will
do. " Though they_ poised not •the right to ex.
'elude it by legal enactment, theihave found out
tfie• - poirer_ of -loofa' sentiment; and that' power
they -will` exerolee, and ,no earthly . power 'can
preventl them. If the y . favor the stastitutton, ,
they . Will' throw' the - weagh.t of that sentiment in
its Flavor--i f !hill - are opposed to se, the' power
'seat be - thrown accordingly. As the Charleston
Mercury says of the slave trade cased, to say we
of:all attempts 'to force - 'arty-Federal measure
against public sentiment-4t will be idle, expen
sivi,"and ' Whether at the North mat the
the East or West, Chow us anywhere en
•Amerimin community, and we - wilt show a'oommu
„tiny which may be so influenced that it will cleave
=to Sentiment and moilfice law,. Whether it be a
timidity of that clamor which American sent!.
*Mit creates when Opposed,;pr whether it be the
individual- eonvietiens rising above
,law, we kW:lw not, Ye either Vito recogulee pranti
higher.lawinnl-Ahat role of action which
'makes nubile sentiment a law unto itself.'-
"Congress May pass fugitive-slave laws, anti
„idive.tredelaws, envitorial ;lave thy
Irk - 40TM ;nothing against public sentiment.:
',,t4tOolleintimeMny say that this lea tendency to
inetaliy,tindlhould be retnedied-that these laws
should entereed';'' It can ',only , be done-by
'eheriginketirFedsrtal Gotennnent, and remodel.
upen7ii more centralised ',plea. That is
'the milfriohily: - Let 'those - who 'oppose ul
we'ehall'meet them on: it. - We, Shall
not be tangle Aimionstrating that the evils which
generitaweeld be immeasuiably greeter
:than there noWeomplained of. If, thee, the laws of
the Federal tlofernment can - be No easily set tielde
wherf.theticonfilot With'sentiment] which
itietion•Will move' for disunion The, siave•trade
XiterCof 'the fibuth have 'achieved their object;
l• white. eau' thee" Complain-St ? ' The anti.fogitive.
Inert ofthellorth have walleyed theirs;
ehanietthey, not be esti/tied'? Neither will dare
litritegthen' the Government 'to attack the other.
Theethe two extremes have been tunnelling from ,
aPpositerildea;- End have reet/oneommon plat
-forneratid” hiving eabbledomplislied 'their ends,'
'Ate deleivid 'of oats* for agitation:" 7, •
Another Donation to the Mount Vernon
• - - Fund. • -
1::;;Ifr . n ;life? pleakail to, announce that the 00.
• MOM- Lodgei,No; 91i A. Y. M., bas, in an.
ewpi to an nppeal from Mist Lair E. Ide.oa.
Angara :ef tbe • Liiliee`Nonnt
e;VMpoilissoolatlon - lor Pennsylvania, appro.
tie" *ount Yoruba
Ve are-glad that tO.onample_of.the
and Phtenix tiodgei bed so soon
.. *III.IM made by ether lodges at an early day. •
.157" The - Hon. - Simians A. Daiiazaa'ar.
*tied in this ,city last aveniag, and la stopping
it the Wig Clime,
European .Affairs.
some journals inform us that the Dissolu
tion of Parliament in England (which will
keep the Derby Ministry in office, probably
until Midsummer, if the worst come to the
worst, and the now members form a hostile
majority,) must have a prejudicial effect upon
the chances of preserving peace in Europe.
We are always greatly obliged by information
upon any subject, baying lived long enough
to think and say, with Athena's wisest sou,
' l . AU that we knew le, zo'hfuk eau be known,"
but will not accept, as fact, an hypothesis
simply founded on individual belief, evidently
without Mil knowledge or serious thought
upon the subject.
The Peace Congress which has been agreed
upon, was suggested by the British Minister,
Lord Criwrmy,- and was immediately recom
mended to Austria and France, by Russia and
Preside. , Should that Congress be held,' the
Fareign Secretary (Lord Atamissatutr) and
Lord COWLEY, the British Minister to France,
will represent England. Now, both of these
noblemen are known to be warm friends of
European peace and progress. The Derby
Ministry still remaining in office, the foreign
polio' of Great Britain will still be carried out,
and it is known to be pacificatory.
But; bad a ic Liberal " Ministry - taken office
on the defeat of the Referm Bill, by a shabby
partinsanceuvre, foreign Powers would have
had every cause for believing that England
would deviate from the impartial course she
has pursued, for the last fourteen months. Lord
Jona Room; who went to' Vienna, in 185,
to try his a prentice band " at diplomacy,
must - still be sore because be was jookeyed by
the" Austrian Cabinet. He would be anti=
Austrian. Then, Lord, Pamtentron, whom
all the great Powers look upon an a devote-,
ting fire-brand, the mere announcement of his
name in a new British Cabinet would almost
precipitate the contest, if contest there is to
be—whiCh seems most uncertain.
The Dissolution of Parliament, exactly , each
a move as, Lord, PALusaaron made on his`
Ohina•War doleat in 1867, will probably place
from 200 to 250 new men in the COMinons,
and we should not wonder if, when Parlianient
reassembles, instead of a majority of 80 against
him, Lord Daunt ahonld have a majority of
100 to support him.
Wa would cell attention to Measta...l. M. Ginn
ing .t Sons' list of real estate to be gold this eve
ning, at the Szobange. It' comprises several
eery valuable properties, some of which will be sold
Tha (Award starve:whip gdeopaiett New York , ier
Liverpool yesterday at noon, taking out $532,421
in ipvie ) ands Imp numker of imosongoso.
Not believing that Italian opera is exactly one of
the elements of existence, or that, like the freedom
of the press, or the air we breathe, 4 . if we have it
not, we die," we have not been absolutely as
tonished, overcome. eleetritled, by the announce
ment, from Mr. Ullman, that be commences a
abort operatic ninon here on Monday evening;
that the price of seats will range from fifty cents'
to one dollar and fifty cents; and the sale of
seats will commence on Saturday. Mr. Ullman,
by his extreme puffing of Plecolomini, last sense;
bee placed himself in the situation of the idle boy
who called out Wolf 1" so often, that when the
animal actually came people did not heed, and
the boy was devoured. In future, at least for a,
long time, we shall put no faith whatever in any
critical opinion which (to sell tickets) Mr. Ullman
may gratuitously give the publio. Ile said that
Pleeolomini--" the born Princess" of Mr. N. P.
Willis's fancy—woe the greatest singer in
the world, and she turned out to be only a coquet-,
Sab i lively, operatic; soubrette, with scarcely any
- •
There are some singers in his present troupe,
however, whom ho need not praise., Mesdames
Gassaniga and Laborde, Adelaide Phillips, Oari
Formes, Morelli, and Florenza, are in this oats
gory.—for we know that they sing well.. Comely
Signor Gamier, and his zleier wife, are mentioned
as having g. engagements pending
man we have heard before, with Maretzek, and
the lady has undoubtedly a high, reputation as a
vocalist. Two now tenors. are positively an.
stounced,-LSignor Stefini, (who - sings with Gas
saniga, on Monday, "in La Traviata,") and
Signor Sbrigiia, from Havana. Of these, whom
Mr. Ullman highly commends, we shall report- 7
when we hear them. • As we have already men
tioned, Madame Gasmaniga announees that her
performance in this pity, on this occasion, will be
her last, at any, piano, before her departure for'
Europe —There will be operatic) performances at
the Academy on the evenings of neat Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesday, In bonrequence of the
shortness of the season—The Orchestra and
Chorus, from New York, will be wader the direc
tion of Mr. 0. Anaobuts.:
Plooolomini Is in Detroit, and will appear in.
the Academy of Music,.at New York, in the course
of next 'Week. She bee been so ill•advised as to
publish a card, in which she °enact:An& to core.'
pliment_" this country; so grand, so free, and so'
charming." She blames Mr. Ullman's puffs as
being • " too rose•oolored," and says that those
who blamed her wore "too severe " She would
rather stay thait'return to Europe, but' Fate calla,
Dad the "waist go on the drat of Juno." Finally;
she is going to appear in several new ream Of
course, those who have hearri...Ficooloreini make a
mos!, "I dreamt that I dwelt," will knew that
she never wrote, for she cannot read, this card of
[ger vbe p regc l
Your neighbor of the hedger has a very absurd
proposition fora new kind of hydrant to be 004
in the public spores, and furnished With roe daily.
The Gnawer of this is very material, as it would
be a heedless waste of money. SO addition to this;
there are hundreds of children playing about the
squares, who become very muoh heated byezeroise,
and, net accustomed to hare foe water at homei;
would be vory apt to drinit'ioo mach, to flier
serious injury. Another string objection is the
inducenteist it would offer to drain"; ririnkin;
Two_or three leafers with . a pint of whiskey
woul trod - 11.,_ies water very ogreentne
.o___.A.,oonti_erionlitur - tnruanernbt t;ader,',lrith
Jug this Teri aheurd projeot
of beyond theoolumns of the Led-er. We, how,.
over, highly . approve .Of introduoing hydrant
pumps into all the streets of war city. S.
Thomas & Sone sell regularly every week. Their
forthoonsing sales, 3d, 10th, and 17th May, each
somprisee =oh an amount and varie Lief valuable
city and country property as -to render theni
worthy the, attention of. buyers. Bee advertise:
ments, nuotion head.
—Their sale neat Tuesday will cornprlse`several
very elegant country seats; Mr. Bowen's to be
sold peremptorily. Also, valuable city property /
by order of Orphans' Court, eaeoutcrs, trustees,
and others. See advertisements and handbills.
Thu Bank of Pennsylvania, Second street, and the
Philosophies' Halt, Fifth street, will be' sold 17th
Letter from New York.
• PItnertIYLVANIA - me MIME tiollll—P7loilT 'FOR
stritope—ltte nAvENPolle..
(Correspondence of The Press.l
New Yonte, April 27, 1869.
'the Odd Mellows had entire p xisefisloo of the city
yesterday. They hat been coming to town by thousands
for a day or two, and the hotels, pine -s of amusement,
leo , were tin caged by them The celebration may
be mid to have been divided into four parts thne en
abling those by whom it was got up to carry out their
very elaborate programme, without any complaint of
tediousness. The incident in, perhaps, worthy of note,
that while the clergy of the Episenmal Church generally
regard with disfavor all rooret societies, as do the
ROman Catholics, the prominent persona in the religi.
one portion of this celebration were clergymen of 'the
former church. and prominent as men of ability and in.
finance. The Rev. Julius M. Willey, of Connecticut,
who arranged the ererveaes, (which were mostly from the
tok of Common Praye.,) la Secretary of the Eplecoptl
Convention of that Diocese, sod the Bev. Dr. Wells is 17he Blovemeate of the American Tele
one of the most eloquent Hpieci pit clergymen of Doe-
eraph Company.
ton. The servioen stabs Church of the Divine Unity, New Yone, April 07 —, We are reliably informed that
(Di. Chapin%) commenced at 10X A. M., whale, the the nap nations between the
AVantic Telegraph Company, and blortileh Government, the
the New York, New•
members of the order, in full regalia, entered, the foundiand, and London relegraph Company have
organ sending forth a voluntary as they came In. The reached a ei p t c:lnt n l i th tee adgitg el oUgo
e e r ou c b o t ot abo o r the
galleries were filled exclnitively with ladies. Thin ear .
c ' ap i l 4 tlfl being aoceptfd. per
view of mt.
vice wan not vary lengthy. The great demonstration of tact, as we learn from the same reliable patine, the
the day was the procession, whiclCmoved from the 80. J Atlantic Company are actively engaged in making the
ter, to Madison Tonere, and is which, it Is eetlmated,: - most thorough taste of the varieue tin& of cable adapt.
ed to the Atlantis line, and will be prepared to enter
marched at least ten thousand members et the order.:
rte Into the necessary contracts at an early day; and in the
Before the oration of Mr. Boylston, the very great, ~,,,antime , the company have decided to- expend. a earn,
grand oddity of the - ot'der,'Past Greed Sire Wildey, of; not exceeding $lOO,OOO, to resuscitate the present cable,
Baltimore, was brought to the front of the Stand and active or e r a a t tl e a r ns w t i flthiseud will be commenced as
and exhibited to the' 'nem...ins sea of - facet; as the go ge u h th eav e y battery of permit. fHenley, which arrived at
4, old gemrcan vet started the border,' lhue. Bt. Job ea, N. ,late last fall, ha, not yet been tent to
United Btatr e. Mr . Boylston then ' delivered 1 tal i the teleetaph station at Trinity Bey, owing to the ice,
speech, after which the various lodges departed?' nut will he In poettion within the next few weeks or
each on its own hook, and so Wei part number two, ,
'the Atlantic Company will not attempt to lay the
Pert third coneisted of a collatlen at the Astor Mouse, new cable until July of next year, 1560.
which' was not considered to very odd. 'Here Grande
father Wildey was again trotted out. and concluded a
brief speech by proposing the following vigorone and
plow sentiment : ttThe enemies of Old Fellowehip-4
Mar they be rammed, damned, and jammed into
severityafour pounder, and blown out at the touch
hole Pl ee .which oentianerat wan reeelved with, great
tt lecture' , and much' bringing together o' handy.
Part four con/dated of a ball at the Academy of Music, '
which was not so great a success al it would have been,
it everybody had not been used up by the exercises
during the day. As a whole, the celebration wee IR:
brilliant tomato The order now numbers about
200,000 members in the United States, and paid
last year, 1350,C00 for the relief of the sick, and $l2 000
for the education of orphans.
Beal estate continues to attmot the attention not
only of epeceittors, but there deadroue of investiog
their surplus incidc. Boldness men who have the faci
lities for forming a cannot °pinto's ' gay there ere fewer
stored and bonses to let this spring than has been
known at any time heretofore. Dente are very high,
and real estate almost everywhere on the advance.
The receipts of coin from the West by 'Express are
very large. On Friday last, the, American Expreee
Company receited, by ose meeeenger, two tone of ape.
ale, and for some time past their daily_ receipts have
been over 1 , 10,60 Exchange is name at the West, and
brokers are running the Illinois and Indiana banks for
gold for remittance
Dayard . Taylor is about to abandon the character of A
traveller. Baying done the whole world, be bas nom,
to the conclusion that the beet piece to live in is Penn.
.sylvania; eonnequeutly, he is,ahrut to creel an elegaat
residence on the Brandywine, in Monter county, near
the'nenes of bin loybood, where be proposer to retire
and enjoy himself, an Doctor 011apod says, 1 $ Opium
If anybody doubts that the country in rich, let hint
look at the passenger liars of outgoing European
steamers. On Saturday last nearly five hundred pert.
pie nailed in the steamer, and an many more are booked
to leave during the present week.
thee Davenport continues to win upon the admiratic I
of our playgoers. Der performance of "Peg Woillna, ;
ton, last evening, was one of the beet comedy-night, i
New York has enjoyed this many a week.
The oollootion of European oil paintings which
his been on exhibition for some days at the sales,
room of E goott, Jr., 431 Chestnut street, will be
sold this morning, at half-past ten o'clock. 'it
O6iciprisos many original.paintiaga of pleasing sub.
jeota, and is well worthy the attention of the
Italian Opera.
Important News from Mexico.
o.A.vrumr. OF' MAZATLAN
Consul Blank Banished
British Threats to Bombard Vera Um
' NEW OnLBANB, April 26 —The steamship Tennessee
hat arrived, with Vera Cent &deices to the 22d instant,
and from the city of Mexico to the 19th.
General Mirirnon forced the lines of Generals Am
pudis and Liava, at Orizsba, and moaned in regain
inr the capital on the 11th inst., bat with a diminiehed
army. ,
The .11,"berale bee been defeated and driven from
Tomboys, and Ohepeltspeo, losing two hundred men.
General Mirsmon is accused of murdering peaceable
foreigners lodisorimina'ely,
A formal protest ban been issued spinet the rem&
Aaron of Tures
United States Maul 13140)s exequatur has been
withdrawn and he is banished f orn the country,
The capture of Mazatlan, by Pesqulera hoe baton
pla^e, as was anticipased from the previous &deices
.Tbe kende& war vessels are threatening the r &Mae
porta, demandinbt piteMent of Beitlah
' The Britleh minister inelets upon the full payment of
all anima, ra^d the commander of the squadron at Vera
Om is instructed to demand 81,100000 from the
custom home, and in race of refuel to Lombard the
The inane exequatur of the Spanish consul has
been withdrawn
WASHINGTON, April 27—Evening —The intelllgenea
by the steamer Tennetree. of t'e threatened bombard
ment of Vera Cruz by the British. is not believed here,
for the reason that the claims of both the English and
Freneh Governments were satisfactorily settled two
menthe ago.
Aeon the Bt h inst., Miramon Inset Orizaba, which
Is slaty leagues from the eity of Mexico: it la eon el
dared impossible that he could have renahed the latter
plane on the 11th inst.
The American Telegraph Company and
the Report of the Sickles Trial.
New YOOK, April 27 —dome years - ago, when the
printing telegraph logonanent wee trot pat In ()aera
tion In this country, Mr. P 0 J Smith. then and now
part owner of the Morse patent, sneeringly remarked I
that Ills tt Durham Hull" would carry, one thoneand
verde teem Boston to New York in much quicker time
than the came number could be transmitted over
the Printing Telegraph trifle. That bull' ) how
_wag never entered, for the fallacy of its
owner's bout was vary speedily demostrated by the
extraordinary speed and eMalenoy with which the
printing telegraph inetrument worked, even at the
tionsmeiteement of its, career. Since then it has, on
more than 000 occardon, es'oniebed the public with
the amount o' work It wan capable of performing with.
,in a given time, especially on occasions when mating
debates in C 'ogress called for an extroarlinary activity
alone rte wired-
But it was reeerved for the recent Sicklee trial at
'Whodtinsfon to furr Ha the "occasion for a full teat of
the power 01 the Oath& instrument' .and its capabi
lities thus elicited have estonlebed the tribic more
than ever. every day, for three conrootire weeks,
from five to six column of that trial were sent to the
Aesoclated Pres. from Washington, over the wires of
the American Telegraph Company, at an average of two
thousand to twentv five hundred wo'de per hour, and
with en accuracy almost miraculous. In order to come
within the mark,_ we will put the average at from
twelve to fifteen thousand words per day, making the
aggregate for twenty dale of abort eaventy.five colonies
or the ales of The Press or North American Philadsle
phia. or a hundred cline:ins of the .11,rald Tribune, Of
Times. 0 0 this oltr, and thug furnishing matter enough
for an octave volume of 690 closely printed, pages, and
this too without detriment toe vary heavy butane of
the regular patrons of the tine. We venture the 1.01 ,
11.00. without fear of eort , adlotion, that each a teat in
telegraphing has never been ,performed 41004 the trot
wire wan stretched. It stands wit/tout a compeer in
the telegraphic world. But we think it witt , not
stand 'thin; alone for a very great length of time es
there will doubtlets hereafter arise other great
occasion' when, at in the Sicklea gene, the
sympathies of the nubile will be wrought to
such a pitch of Intense excitement that they
eagerly, demand the knowledge of every incident
connected with them, anti o' every word fleeted in
their behalf. On such 0004400 P the p ens which would
keep up with the spirit of the egg will have to supply
this demand, and the telegraph rill be again called to
tut its powers of tranemieelon. We anticipate that
there will to many exalting debates during the tendon
of the next Cpogreee that wilt tarnish ria with uou
sully long reports for our colurene. The Mame at
tending this telegraphic arrangement is, of courie, en
0-mono, but as the telegraph has become a fixed
tattoo In newspaper enterprise, were the expense twice
as much as it le, we should, nevertheleel, cheer
fully resort to ire facilities for the benefit of our
We Isiah. in this oonnwtion, to say a word or two in
la-half of the enic'ency pod cowboy exhibited on the
o canton of the Boakies trial by the ernployeee of the
American Company's Washir eon printing lines* ' to
Superintendent Westervelt and Messrs Taken, of
Washington; Thayer. of Philadelphia and Illochinan,
of this city; together with their active sae gentlemanly
apel.tante. Bapeolsl prates le due for their untiriog
egorts on that occuton ; their aeraegements ware ad.
rateably made, and they were carried out smoothly and
efOolently to the end of the trial.
Frani iVashillgton,
WASIIINGTON, April 21 —A private letter, from a re
spomdble source, dated si Bogota. has been received
here. stating that the English holders of the bonds of
the New Granad•au Government have demanded some
subetantial secarity for the payment of the Interest and
thefr ultimate redemption and that the Britieh Go.
'ferment is snatalciog the ' demand. One of the prop°.
titions is for Ike power to glop the Panchless re the
Panama Negros& ant maiden them to the bondholdere
' Jalge Douglas left this afternoon for New York, on,
pirate business
It is untrue thathir Bishop of Conneetleut, hat been
tendered the Cominissionership of P tents.
feoretary Cobb, who tut night left with his family
for Geo , gia, will be absent till the 10th of May
An additional naval forbe will be sent to the Gulf
after the return of the Paraguay expedition
There le en earnest coot -at for the Uarre consulship,
Mr. Peee, , e res , guatlon having been received. It has
been offered to Simeon Johnson, editor of the late Union
A, mew. to Airs by the President teat
Inroad* of the Apache Indiana.
~S eny aretaaafti.ha_ross..2iy presented to the Pose[-
•moreow se minister from Mexico -
The gentlemen who el:inducted Mr 'Plates from the
do:k yesterday were; ent. Wiley and B 11. Diann, of
New York.
The Utah Difficulties—The Mormon
Lonie, April 27 —Accounts received horn 'various
private aowces on the Mormon side represent the ono
aition o f affairs In Utah sr werially diffe , ent from the
previous mods. It is po itively denied that there Is
even a symptom of a hostile demonetrat'on on the pert of
the people. They represent that persons are ink teased
as witnesses. then arrested and place. in charge or the
troops for eare•keeping ; that the sheriff of 'Utah county.
notified Judge Crediebaugh that he was prepared to
take charge of sit prisoners sussed of prime; ; that be
bad a serve 'jail, and wontd increue his bond to any
extent; that the Judge requited that the Grand Jury
jest prepared shoold make a presentment when they,
were dierba-ged, and they had protested against the
action of the court,
It is also asserted that Governor Cumming, Pecreta•
ry Harnett, Prosecuting &Mornay Wilson, and Dr.
coy, were opposed to and Indignant at the course pur
sued by judge Cradlebaurh.
,The Deseret News had Published a memorial from
the people to Governor Bumming. attemptinglo prove
the illegality of 'fudge Oradiebangla h.lding court at
Provo cty COverely criticising the Judge'e coerce, 60 -
auelog him of setting splay the civil authorities of the
Territory by employing 041 to execute the orders of
the court without valid reason, (thee clearly indicating
a disregard of the latest expressed policy of the ad
ministration concerning Hiatt), and charging him with
the settled purpose of forcing a collision between the
people sod the troops.
The Mormons seem to regard Mr. Dual anan's prod's
mati n u exempting parties (tom arrest for all• past
Secret Designs on the Pike's Peak
LIATCMORTII, AWE 27 —kg.nts are now in WS
oily and tither .polots, Secretly urging_ emigration
towards the gold regions, with the vise* of forming a
nucleus at Pike's Peat to deemed on Senors, and prob.:
a b ;,1 7 ,
o ts , r
c a
p d i
it O u h 1 1 Ltu a y h e r
given the emigrants,
but the leader. of this movement have hopes of the
von-develorment of the gold country, and the probable
dissatistattion of a greet number with the proepeets of
the 111111811
It is estimated thst'sbout ten thousand, who were en
route for the Peak, have left for damnt pomte on the
Missouri river.
A company is organisina in Xanssa City for derma.
nodsr the supervision of Mr. Clarkson, formerly post
mssOr of this city.
Later front Havana.
New Wax. April 27 —The steamer Moses Taylor
left etepintvall on the evening of the 11th, and Havana
on the ovenlrg of the 21st lost. She brn3ga the 1111.
'Ann mail
Alt we, quirt on tho faiand of Cuba. Sugars wore
active In grades smash's for the Spanish market Oth
erwise, the market wee dull, Molasses nuohanged.
Yroianta luau foe Plohaugee l .proving -011 London
12012% per cent premium q on New York peresgper
cent. premium.
Sinking of n Steamer—Loss of Life. I
CHICAGO ; April 21.—The steamer Eollan, floes St(
Louie, bound !or Pt Paul, soak in Lake Pepin on laat
Frid Fnur persor e, whose names are unknown, were
Loss of a Government Steniner.
• - • •
- •
Si Lours. April 26—The United Staten steamer
Mink. eith a cargo or Government stores, Bank. on
Sunday, above St Joseph. The loan le reported at
Cho Explosion of tht; St. Nicholas.
ET Louts, April 27 —The latent tellignuce from
Memphis le•de to the belief that the destruction of life
has been more serious than appeared by the Brat re
ports, and that the let of killed and missing did net
contain the tomee or all the cabin p•ssangere. The
total lone of cabin passengers le now reported at 28, in.
eludir g 8 Irdins or the deck pasieuyei ; perished.
mating a total of 4D of the paesenaere, In addition to
the allee a and employees on the Teat.
Ail the bol tern of the boat exploled, elmnltspeouely.
They were old; but were considered safe. The boat was
partially toanred in this Oily. The boat was valued at
225,000 ' •
Arrest of a Bank Teller.
BY. Louis; April 57 —George A. Atherton, teller of
the Southern Bank, of thin city, has been airestrd,
charged with embattling the funds of that institution
to the amount of $5B 090 In *Mitten to A.'hertou l a
Mlicilat bond there It $2O 003 secured on property valued
at $70,000 Atherton in a man of family, and was for
merly book.kesper of the Bank of Missouri, and the
report now prevails that be abstracted $20,050 from
that bank.
Opening of the Delaware and Hudson
Nnw Yong, April 27 —The Delaware . and Elution
Canal has been opened for navigation.
• Matti of Bishop Donne.
BURLINGTON, April 27 —Bishop thane of the (Hoene
of New Jersey, died at one o'clock this afternoon.
Markets by Telegraph.
13lLTIMoRit, April 27.—Plour dull, but firm e $8 12x
for floaferd Street sod Ohio. otter are tokleg $6 26
et the erne for Howard. Street. Wheat buoyant flora
doll at 76e770 for white, end 80oSio for yellow. Pro-
Ylgons arm, bnt viet. W.hiskei dull,
The quarantine and Sanitary Conven
tion at New Yolk. -
New ,YORK, April 21 —The oily auhorities have
DI de ertengernen'S 'o give the delegates to the Qooran.
t i ne sod Sanitary 0 .nvention. row in Rolston here, a
gnitd bacquet at the Metropolitan Hotel.
Burning .of the ,Tremont House at
- ' Niagara Falls.
Bos•asstoet BRI[QH, WIACUIR 1., April 27.-The
mont House and seyoral adjoining buildings ware de-
Ftrowd by tire hat night The logs amounted to
$lO 000, on wh'oh there le so immune. The leoen
diary has been arrested,
The Steamer St. 14 ichoias Disaster.
Murals. Tenn , April 21—Of the sufferers by the
etcelopthe of the steamer et Nicholas, on the Missis
sippi. Mr E. V. (Paine, the first clerk of St Louie,
died reeterdiy and Messrs' B. B. Stewart, of Staun
ton, Va , and H. H. Raynolds. of Sioux city, are not
expeo-sd- to recover. 'Miss Ella Kennidy, of Brine
wick, who was scalded, he getting well.
. ,
PetirBTLVdata dodortur or TEM rnua dare.—Ez•
hibitioa of Paintings and Statuary.
916 ChherivT Emier.—..lileretiry, Cupid, and Venn,
by Oorregio. ,)
SVHseneir & (71.41[1'11 AROII-STRINV TH1114,111...
" Ee2Or Valente"—" Doctor Dilworth."'
New Warm:m-11m1aT THHATi. —" The Petrloisubi
DatightPri , —ii The Idiot of the Heath?,
MoDonovon!s Gaiwriza.—fieleations from Ploys,
arms from Operas, Pantomimes, Dancing, and Singing
TECOMIIIIPS VAIICTINIL-11412111 from Operas, ftegro
Eccentricities, Parses, Elingang,,and Dancing.
at the La Pierre Rouse, last evening, wee a mod brit-
Vint affair In point of nurubtrs; arrangement, respect
ebility—everything. The large banquet-ball of the
La Pierre Rouse was decorated- in a brilliant manner
The chandeliers; were festooned with roses. and two
tro teem; were sasperlded at the ends of the room One
of them was inscribed "Protection to American La.
bor ;" on the ether, the" Harmony of Interest "
The decorations of the tables were in a style of groat
taste and beauty Modele of a railroad car, loaded with
coal and iron, the temple Of Venue, and other emblems,
bouquets, .td, were auttere4
. along , The whole fable.
We need not wok of -tbe c u isine—that was mere.
There were some fifty (limbos, - and two dozen kinds of
wine. The dishes were all that au epicure world wish,
though we must say they were not improved by having
I soma horrid. nopronouncable Preach, name on the bill
of fere. There were "Etc de 'feu Verne, ahi Mare
chat," Coteieltee d' &neon Ae Printempei ala Jar
diniere," "Arcade de rouleta p'que, lox Obaropig,
nous," and so on to the end. /They tasted very we'l, to
be sure, bet they would have tasted much better in
plain Eng p ell. -
The wines were excellent and pnpular. There were
the soft sherry and the mild Madeira; the height els,
ret end the purple port; the dark Bulrtiody and the sweet
Sent,rne and, to crown ill. the foaming, bracing,
p.etry-lreptring mid eloquence producing champ , gno.
Such a company, with snob goodly fare, ant delicious
wipes wan all that a company Could be. Poe, frolic
high toned wit, and gentlemanly mirth emulated'
around the Wile for two long hones, intereper-ed with
the popping of champagne mini, and the rabling of
wine.giesses • There wore jekes of an exoraplating
character—jokes on iron, on coal, on American
chewiee. the tariffs, and'a dosen other kindred things—
and good jokes they were, two, if our re n tdera will take
our word for it,
The dinner hour wee fixed et..five o'clock. Dinner
hours are not generally very ptinotnal, and accordingly
it wee nearly 'seven before the company who had bairn
thronging the reception parlors, paying their reaped'
to Mr. Carey, Mr, Bell, and the distingnished men pre
sent, Resta I themselves at the table and made them
selves at home
The cloth wan removedn—really removed—at near.
ly nice o'clock Mayor Henry was seated at the bead of
the table; on hie right the guest, Henrr 0. Carey, Esq.,
and on Ws left the celebratet Senior from Tennessee,
Hon John Bell. Mr. Bolt attracted much s tentinn. and
made a speech of mach power, which was loudly ap
His Hotter' the Mayor opened the oratorical part of
the entertainment in a abort speech. alluding In eons.
plimentary terms to Mr Carey. , r It." concluded the
Mayor. "during the last two vein of the senate of. this
city, there here been tunes when idleness , hat covered
the shuttle with duet, when the rust or Mines has
cankered the engine, when despnedenoy has weighed
down the energy of the laborer, and when want and
suffering have made their - abode by his hearth-stone,
there have not happened for default of the plain teach.
loge and the earnest appetite and warnings -our
esteemed guest Without•fnyther preface, I morose
4 , The health of our dietingniehed fellow-60am, !leery
0. Clayey."
Remy O. Carey, Biq then rose, and, amid loud and
Icing demonstrations or applause. proceeded to thank
the company before him Nor the kindly feeling this
day manifested be wan deeply grateful. 'To Inaba guest
of nab man was to be honored beyond all desert. He
bad at Brat declined to be a reelpie t of this honor. but
he considered the demonstration more as a tribute to
&great principle than a peranni tribute of reprint, end
se such he partiolpated in it.: Ills lite visit to the in.
tenor of Pennsylvania had convinced him. if he had
never been convinced before, of the great resources of
hie native State.
Mr Carey continued for come time, explaining hie
theory in regard to protection, and expressing his con
viction that Its concern would tend to the encomia of oitv
country and the promotion of Reheat Interests.
Mr. Daley concluded amid great applause
file Honor then announced the next toast to he "Ms.
Coital Agrieulture,” and milled on Dr Eckardt to re.
The Doctor said he came there from Berke Count/,
the place where Glancy Jones And lived.. had his
speech In his band in the shape of a proof sheet, and
those who wanted to read ft in full could buy the next
morally& papers. The main idea sought to be eluci
dated by the speaker, was, Milt to prosper the farmer
must have apm home market. Re IMAM 411147 sic
pvisinee a great distance 'spookily the bulky and pe.
ri.bable portion of it What we want is a tariff that
wilt protect our constitutional currency from expo?.
tatioa—thaVvrill protect ate against running into 11-ht
In foreign rust one—that will events to us cod mosey,
and an abundance of it, at low rates of interest —that
will keep our bank Imams sound, by keeping our hard
money at home, and thet will eatable un to pay off our
enormous fcrellin debt witbent the loge of oar coin by
forcing the rest of the world to take more of our cur ,
plus agrieuitured and other productions, end less or
rather norm, of our hard money;
B tweet a sound constitutional currency on the o-e
hand, and an Braden:mitre paper circulation on the
other • between an abundance or good money and uni
_tgrniatAnf....ktgratof from three to flee per cent., •s
Ocemable paper currency 1,1% b iOtsates of intense ,
Tangle); from ten to flirty per cent.. as in the United
State!, on the other • between a gord market and reedy
pay for labor and all the credence of labor, on.the one
hand, end rig market far labor and the pi groats of labor,
on the other; the inane made and precasted in this way
before the farmers sod people of the United Staten will
enable them to appreciate the value and Importance of
the proteotive policy.
'The regular tenets of the evening were then read la
order. and reerwded to as follows
"The iron interests of our country." 8
t. The coal intereets." John Tucker.
"Oar manufacturing interests, as connected with
textile febrice rr James W. Blown. )
"Our internal Improvements." 8 St. Felton.
The =Wank Joseph Harrison, Jr.
"Foreign commerce, as fostered by.domestio Indus.
try " Geo: L Boaby.
William D. Lewin, chairman of the committee of ar
rangements, alien 'proposed the Men. John 11e11,,0f
Tennessee. Mr. Ball was received with extravagant
demonstrations of approbation, and addressed the com
pany hall op -eoh of .ome length and forcible eloquence..
It is quite an nnexpectel 'pleasure said Mr. Bell,
to me to be here to day. Raving to kevisit Washing
ton a few days ago, on bankens connected with the
tonsking up of my nodal re'stions in that city, end the
return of ray family to Tennessee, I bed the honor to
receive an invitation to be prseent on this interesting
°minion. Thoui h attended with come personal Menu
, yea:dermas, I would not forbear to avail myself of the
opportn , ity that Worded me of teptifylog my sense of
the eminent worth of your hooorei greet—of the mote
Who. without 010141 station or its attendants, has per
t maned services of greater valve ,to country than,
three of half the generals - and 'Alterman who figure in
Its 0411 and military soosle.
After complimenting Ilte, Carey on hie career se a pu
nting economist and hie ohmmeter as a man, and die.
coming the general finanelal polio of our country, Mr.
hell spoke very complimentary of Pennsylvania and
concluded amid rivet amour.
Senator Cameron and Dr. Bider severally responded
to complimentary sentlmente In capital and appropriate'
When we loft—at an early uncertain bour—Ool P.
8. White wee 'waking. The audience was in a good
humor. and bad no intention of adjourning.
AN IMPORTANT SALE.—A public sale of the
old Pennsylvania Rank building, on Second West, and
the Mall of the Philolophical Society, on Independence'
Square, will take piece on the 17th of May. The bank
property cost $280,000, The Mayor is anther's 'a, by a
resolution caned at the last meeting of Councils, to
pnrehsse the Philosophical Society building at a cent
of 578 000. An evening rotemporerr even the following
history of this venerable and celebrated property:
sr Independence Nears was - originally cut up into,
building lots, the same es any other rort'od of the
city plot whioh was not reserved for publio nurposee.,
Then* tote were 'sold to private citizeon. In 1729, when
the State House 'wee commenced, the northern half of
the lot was pnrehased for the purpose by the Pro-
VinCial atithoritied. route time afterwards, the feath
er's halt of the square wee bought, and the act en.
thorislog the purchato contained a clause declaring
that It should be kept as an open -green and walk for—
eier.- The city afterwarde became the owner of the
property, Before the transfer to the city took place,
the American Philosophical Society inade'applic'stion
to the State Legislature for a grant of a Tort on of le.'
dependence Square for the purpose of bat ding a hell.'
The grant woe made and the hall wad built. About
two years ago, the Un ited States Clovernmeut offered to
purchase the Sooletyta property for the accommodation
of the Pederal courts. ,to.. and the Society made ap
plication to the Legislature for permiselon to sell what
bad beau g acted for aapbciflo trumps: ' This vermin.
aloe was objected to by come of the city members; and;
after some delay, an act wet panned authorizing the
sale. but providing that the property could only be
sold Io be applied lo public use. 'Under this provision,
the c ty in the only party competent to put chase the
property, and it can hare no competitor."
/3 mucous elderly man, named
John Wiley, who teeldel in a entail but a short &Aimee
this aide of Paoli, was eluding on, thf trick of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, about eight o'olook yesterday
morning, welohlog the'm o vampish; or a weatern•bound
freight train. when he war struck and knocked down by
a prdorroger train coming eaet One of his logo was
broken He wee oho badly injured about the heed and
body The sufferer wee brought to the okiy, and coo
veyed to the Pennsylvania Hospital. He re about 70
yearn of age
NAVAL INTELLIGENCE.—The following Offi
cers were reported on Tueeday last for day, ou beard
the United States eloop-of-war Pertamotith Commatl.
der, John Calhoun, E•q ; Piret Lieutenant, Robert B;
Mel]; Second Lieutenant. t}eo•ge A. Stevens ; Fourth
Lieutenant, Horses N. Orabb; Finh Lieutenant Truett
Abbott; Pureer, John A Bates; Captain's &meters,
Edward K. Winship ; Sailmater. Samuel ratem ; Dint:
swain, George Dean ; Canner, W. H Hamilton; Car
penter, William D. Toy. •
tate place, to-morrow, in the Episcopal churches re.
cently erected in Germantown. The Church of fit,
John the Baptist, Main street, will be consecrated in
the morning, at bait past ten oecloet, by the Bishop of
the Diocese, and in the erten° n, Oalvery Church,
Manhelen street. will ba made sacred by the same inc.
pressive formality. On Pa Imlay, at 4P. DI the corner
atone of St. Michael , . Episcopal Church. High street,
will be laid, with the usual ceremonies. in tt e presence
or Bishop Bowman. who. we Meru, will also attend the
other churches on Friday.
STAANOS STORY.—A. man named Charles
M Grath, of very respectable appearance, was forted
at an early hour yesterday morning, sitting upon the
stops of a tavern at Eighth and grualine streets. Ile
was almost ineensible, awl Is scproted to bays been
suffering from the effects of drugged liquor, He alleges
that he bad been turned out o• the place, after having
bee. robbed of tvo are•dullar notes, a gold ring, and
hilt hat
PASSING COUNTERFEIT 3.1011EY.-- 1 1 woman
named Ruth Sanderson was arrested. on Toeslay ere.
nlng, on the charge or attempting to peon a counterfeit
bait-dollar In Market street, between Seventh and
E ghtb. Several of the bogus collie were found• upon
her person. The accused ea'd that she reamed the
counterfeit from a farmer en Saturday last She was
held to bail for a bearing by United States Oommhelonei
MUZZkill YOUR Doas.—Mayor Henry has th
an/ hie proclawiallo, Is reference to the n•nine tribe.
The ornate of this ep4cles of property have been 1 , 01-
[kt that all nonozzled ours fauna running at l'rre after
the hretrif May next wilt be taken into custody and
dealt with according to law.
CLURLEd EDIVARD9 was held to ball yester
day morning to answer the charge or attempting to pals
a counterfeit teb•dol'ar bill, purporting to ba the issue
ot, the /sermon , . end Drovers' .Bank or Wayueaborg•
Edwards purchased a shirt at a trimming more on Of.
lard avenue, and tendered the note in payment,
__ .. ._ _._ __ z....._ ....,_ ~ „ -. _„.,_ -
CONkassED,-WO,fitated a few days Since .
that a snarl had:baan _detected in the sot of robbing a • -
store, Which he had entered by means of false keye. - The ' MOROI , • qgfit •
lieg,"., --
He accrUipanied the officers to his residence, In Wiser- - Pirianatint i ril Apilli7, 1 8 68 . •
ton itreet, above' Eighth, where, they found a quantity R e eli n g Raiismotsio n - e , ee et i e ,,,, itz .,- . t , 44 . 1 .-*,, 2fli
es North Pennsylvania axes mid at 85X at the Bret board,
Of geode of various kinds, and also a lot of pewter key
and afterwards fell off V. ;Long Wind Railroad stook
which, although very 'roughly made, doubtless served
was steady,at 12,V. ~Unisin Canal bonds„with scrip on,
for the_ puppets for which they were intended. The
goods were removed to the Central Station. end many
of them have since been identified ' The alleged thief -- sold 86)(4" 1410, Eine ahem. it',l34 _ The .eon
wee held for a further hearing, and since his enntlne- etittition' bottle of-the Pittebarg, • tort ?Wee, and
mint has confess ?d the commission of several offences. Chloteocltailroul Company -sold at 61. The limas of
It appears that he was recently engaged in hilliness at the Prsokfard Passenger Railroad Cemploy gold it 6f4
Bristol. Pa , and while there be sustained a reputation . , . . _ . , .
for piety and morality. I haiollowlog is a copy_of a and their raven per cent-bet& at - 91.1‘.. , -the same Woe
I letter he bee addressed to a firm at Bristol : ' brought by the aimed per nerd bonds of the Secoci aid
l'ameoliMMlL Comm!' Pateett, April 25,1859. Thim.streste Railway. '' City Loses' ire in' nudienti
Masers. ----,, & --,-----:. • _
- With overwhelming grief and Amu I . write you demand, at rook for the railroad -issues, and 103 X for
these few lines Per some months past"' haverbeen reCent‘ . esirtifioates. There'it no dieposition'- ibont the
taking various articles from your store when I was Stnik: Exchange fo - r any taiga iltaiolifive . opiratiosus_
there to buy. This evil led to an nit in which I have The' money;
,werhat continues without elosige..,l
been detected. Your goods have been taken to the po.
lice . station,, corner s f 'Fifth and' Chestnut street's, Peterson a Counterfeit Detector for May Ist is issued
where yoo,csn get thern..l am willing to return sit, end With Its moat contaitts:,aorietted by the well-}naive
make all iteedfoloosifeeston Yon bays my note pays= house of Drexel ' - lo C10.. - -alwagsa . nate :anir,reitatdi
ble on demand, the pajmeni of which, yori may press will
4 ,.., 0 i, , , f 61 , 4 ,, ~_„..__ ~„...., - . . - , __-_:_,.„ ~. ,_
lonce and my lust punishmentloo ; but I hops you will ' '4... ... 3 9 ,, weikno9 0 r a._.”..* , . , '...
be merciful All my slink hoe been taken to the station We are also .in receipt of ;Imlay &Illeknald'a,liank
house also on *suspicion ofttains stolen goode. I cans of Note Reporter - for 'May 2d2. :At the bead isilialfst of
' pay 3 ori sow but as soon as my g cis are restored I new conatarreits we notice the following sisitfrin r :
will pay you all. I throw myself on your mercy and
awe understand that i new eounterfelt on the Bur
in your power, to deal with me 46,1010 M good is your
eight. I pray you have mercy Oa meter MO fOO -wire Boston Comity Bank, N. i, of the denomination 'of
and children's Bake . 'As you, hope to - fled mercy of 'Five,' lose been yet in circulation this inantirig.
GNI hove mercy on me, that my family may not bade- As We hail' airyet no desetletlar,zireidviei our nub •
stooped. . -- --• scribes to be cautions in receiving noteetus this hank,
Arramaxar'Surotoa.....--George Invade, .at- of tbe abwie denomination:is_ Ihe Beak Note Reporter
tempted to commit suicide yesterday morning_ by jump- to pablis hed weekly,, Olio. 112 - gonth Third Street. '
leg into the Delaware at the foot Of' Allegheny avenue. The publie sie - catitlOne I against a ipuriOne note Mir-
A policemen, who saw him make the attempt, suc
ceeded in resuming him front hill perilous position. porting to be a tea-dolt; bill of the farmers , end pro
Wiiyriesbnig Peinisyfirania, of the same
HOSPITAL 01.88.-.Tecoblitiley, Who WaS Se- '
design, as the ,recently-exposed notes of,,the Parmers l
verely irjared on the Per.nsylvanis Railroad, yesterdayyand Drovers 'Bank of Petersburg, Indiana. .The note
moraine, died at the Pennsylvania Hospital, a few l oo ks well , and ~,,,„,..d,,,,,,i4,ici.meneyeted with
hours after being removed thither. The' coroner will - ' peop le
hold an lognest on the body this morning... the genuine. It is not like the real note, however.
I MILITARY VISITEBS.-The New York Light The sinrichas , bili'lms- for a' vignette-DidiedifinollY,
Guards. Captain Garland, contemplate paying a visit plough and ahead' of grain, with a cabin and mountains
to Philadelphia - shout the 20th of Mar. The corps fa
in the distance ;` lower right.hand corner; female sit
one of the "crack" companies of New York. ting, leaning on horn of plenty; lower left, female re-
Ix consequence of the recent extension of
presenting justice; on the back Is the letter X in red
the fire-alarm telegraph to the' houses of a nrinsber of ten tln"n•
fire companies, a number of additional instruments will , The following Se She PNtskarg kink statpment for the
be placed in the Central Station. week preceding April 26:
a tarn. Circulation. -Steele. .Lowfs , Delseette.
Bk Pittsburg.. - 868 411 - 485 - 901 1:817,548 670.250
ggehange Bk.. MN 316 241,040 1124,422 370,381
Mto M , • - .284162. 101,484 11,018.039 ":316,088
Citizens: ' - 143870 55.890 ' • 638,986 "80 108
Mechanics'.- 220,006 88 f,42 769.18 8 80,888
Iron Mtg..... 210 430 118.944 698 019 185 814
Allegheny.... 248,440 90.3E9 699111 19 525
, , —:..--,.. ' -d_...` _2---:. _, •._._...L.-.-
2,084.153 1,165,780 7,245,983 1 782,131
Lest week.... 2,059,493 1,191,797 7,197,068 1,751,280
10 DROlldel ;111:1
Reported for TheyresB : l , . ,
Oadwalatier.=The cene of Daniel B. Vonderstnith was,
yeeterday morning resumed The court assembibd at 10
o'clock, and Mr. Phillips, who had been :masking at
the hour of adjonroment, vaunted hie argument: '
• The general validito of the,indiotroents watt the main
peint considered by Me. Phillips, The terms in which
the offence of the prisoner •at the bar - in charged
are vague, uncertain. nod illegal. They rendered. In
fact, the whole documents invalid. The Sue bad bath
anted to convict the defendant, and yet they were not
told what epeciflo charges they would be eltoected to
convict hint on. It was a general charge of forgery ;
but whet was forgedl—tt a tt a declaration,• rr an
,‘ a promissory note,• or what I The terms
in the bill of Indictment were • other writings.. This
was not sufficient in Mr. Phillips , view When a man
in charged with committing an offense, he must know
the name and the nature of that offence. and when tbis
is not stated in the bill of indleitment, it falls.
- The `statute'ef Ildiltationn was the siesiies nest
point. By the act of Coogress of 1843 it Is regoired
that all olia - gee of not, a nature as those for which
Mr. Vondersmith is aoswerlog most be made within
two yearn from the time of their immmiesion: - Now,
it wee alleged that thin forgery wee committed on the
19th of February. 1881, and that Mr. Vooderemith lest
tencaster, for Rome. on the 19. h of February, 1864.
This point wan discussed by the soaker with great
minuteueen. If It was admitted, ea he had no doubt it
would be, It bars four of the s'a. Mlle of irdhatment.
Mr. Phillips concluded by speaking of the facts of
the case. There were here. in the court room, two
great powers: one, that of the Federal Government,
Immense in reeourees and influence; the other, this
defenceless man, surrounded by many enibtrrassing cir
cumstances and liable to many Inevitable hardships.
Ire did not charge thin on the romeel. It was produced
by the universality of the lawe otewideince, The way
of adminietering the law of penaloni. it bed }pen sell
by the learned gentleman who ',Wats d in the prosecu
tion, rather invited than dete•red the prartioes charged
on the defendant. lie thanked the Jam , for their care
ful consideration—for the attention they hod given
him during the prove.* of the ease, ant committed it
to tt air consideration.
A revue was taken at belt prat twelve
On the court resuming its readout District Attorney
Vandyke, amour need atimmieg up for the proseootion.
Ho congratulated the court, the jury; and the counsel
on both olden, that after seven days trial this tedious
and important care teas rapidly approa•hing its close
He thanked them, too for their kindneen, courtesy,
and attention. The prisoner at - the bir Mime here to
stainer the charge of forgery. He was a man of the
legal profession—a man or great Intelligence—a roan
who hat held high positfoo in tinplate, He had been
living in a ettee of if:licence, and - roUld not * (if he
wan guilty of the o"argre p• SVOCIIIt him) have
any neutrally for the money that had been taken from
the Government
The speaker then rent Into the history of th, ease
et great Unetb. He dstatl.d the &intent trenetettone
in which It wan alleged Judge Toudaremi,h was en-
gaged, from 1842 down to 1853, when the matter wat
detected, The eannunt of re oneg tato trona-the tree
•nry wee &bent UT MO. The counsel for the defendant
bed, Pom the b•glnoto6 of the mum. thrown 'reound
the ease ell the erahltragemette lew or font coal be
made to sanction. They bad avoided all explications
They had not BOW ht to explain one kart of the trans(
aotion ; they could rot. The strong arms .of .fifty
Governments emed hot force en explanation from the
defendant otherwise than by the immaniSsmonat of
silent sod documentary evidence be was laying before
them. The practice of members of Conroe/is heroin rug
claim agents sod pension silents for the bsnelt.Of their
oonetitnents was a bad one. They go to Washington - to
make laws. and to do nothing else•
Mr Vendjto then er%intnn td argue the question of
the statute of limitations._He contend.,4 thaethe time
of prosecution is not coaeed to two years., A. statute
of limitation(' cannot be by implioaVon, it must be So
set forth.
Mr. Vaverh* eentioued 'eddreeelog the jury up to the
hour of 'adjournment. wbt.•h vria ex'eoded for a•.balf
hour to vcc , matodate the speaker. It as expected the
cuss will &lase to-dor.
QuAnTaa - Sussrozrs—Jnage
Peterilaffman endllllsabeth Uottmss. Waf•L_geutnittai
ums. saasea - D57161.. The e►ms
defendants wore scqu tted of asvica* WI battery' 'upon
JOl.Ol i. llarrae.
_ .
William 111cOendri plead polity to the larceny of
pair or I;oo . 4:slued at ;2,10, the property of William
Tay'or: Sentenced !OD, dap' latprtsonmentind to
pa:the eoate. • • • --
Mir ge Winn and Alezaidar Wltion plead guilty
to the charge of attempting 14 commit a burglary In en
t.ring the promisee or Sarah Grundy - The same de.
faud.nte plead guilty to the larceny of .teenty-dea
tWn hruaties, and_ fifty, pansies, the property of
James Peterson.
Andrew Revolves aequitted of,assamit and battery
upon Ann Danny.
Conrad Hatevtoek wee certVieted of-aessalt and bat
tery upon a little boy namotillimon Bart.-, Sentenced
to pays - floe of $lO and caste . - -•-
Cha•les Welsh was changed .wlth atteattit and ba ttery
urn John Gallagher with , intent .to 'OIL: Tartlet
Patrick Lee. ails. Palmer Waiding. Was convicted of
&agents end battery with intent to kill Samuel Hender
son. Sentenced to three months , Imprisonment in the
county prison. -
The jury In the ease of °bales Fisher. obarged with
malloione mischief in defao'ng the froutlepPce of the
hone carriage belc , ging,to the Penney/venial-lose Coal
psoy, valued at tat. Came Into court 'yretterdoy and
said they were unable to agree open a verdict sod
naked to be dlecharged. The court then discharged
- John Devereaux and George W. Alexander were
charged with gestalt end battery u^ott Daniel Reef
while at a fire riot in Filth street; above Race. The
affair happened about two weeks' ego The same de.
fendante were charged with riot upon the 111th of April
hat. in Sixth street, above Race. in assisting ,in
'ani£ing thaGtod. Wilt Fire Cotrtpany, while they were,
proceeding to a tire The defendants were arrested at,
a tavern at the southwest - corner of Third and Green,
streets. Jury nut. I
Henry Djeche was acquitted npundhe oharge_cf
Bamnel Firth was charged eiltb - amartlt and batter,
non Jeremiah Onseiday. Verdict .gulity The same*
defendant wig charged with =Reims miaohtef In break
ing a moat barrel, the property of Jeremiah Vasslds. r.
William Thompenn wee conyleted of the larceny of
• pair ef boots. Elinitencod to three months in the
County Priem.
Georce Vincent was acquitted of the charge of ma
fliOaß mischief.
DISTRICT COURT Judge Sharewood.--
Elesiboth Moore ye. lesse Berton., Redeem Cooper, end
(Merles E Artettroeic, trettag, &o. Safore
Verdlet the the defend/min.
Lewisliitting ye. The City of Misdeals. ,An action
to recover the amount alleged to be doe for work and
labor done in bnliding a bridge over the railroad at'
Girard avenue. Verdict for plaintiff, $1,2117 20.
Commonwealth of Tounavivenis ye. George Magee et,
al. An action under the sheriff's interpleader act. Oa'
DISTRICT COURT—Judge Hare.—John H.
Gould vs Tgostiun I uta. An action to recover damage!
for !lender. Verdict for the defendant.
Henry Grafts, adminiatrator of Wlllam Greene, de.
evased,we. The New Granada alineral Land Company,and
Ephraim Clerk, Jr., Battle Paul, William 0 Ludwig,
and William J. Janke, atoekholdere of sold Company.
An action to recover the amount alleged to be due for
work end labor done In the reunite of The defendants',
by , working in their gold mince. Jury out.'
Moore Field and Daniel G. Keefe. trading, Ac., re .
Into Geed and George W Reed, trading Ice An
ached on a proralacory note; Verdict for the plaintiff.'
for $704 82
James Vreeland re George C. Bower, An action
against the defendant all ebdo•ear of a prolate:wry note
Tho dAtenne eat up In that the defendant. et the time
the endorsement or geld note, was under the age of
twenty o.le yeare.. On trial.
CommoN PLEAS—Judge Ludlow.—'Robert
Geldevith re. Sa , not Smith. An Wien under the
• • - • - - •
landlord And tonant act, to tetoter poseeesion Of pre
mines for non-payment of rent On trial. • ,
1 Captain Ephraim pendletou, of Bath, file., ma a
ter of bark Ssiah Park, has been arrested at
San Franoisco, on a chaigs of having treated his
sailors with horrid cruelty, and of having killed
one of Ihem; tatted Williams,. on Ike paring*
from Cardiff to, that,. port, It is alleged that
Captain Pendleton - beat. Williams, kicked
him, chained him In an uneomfortab'e posi
tion, placed him where he could be washed by
the cold sea'water", and deprived him of ffiod and
rest until the poor fellow died. The inhabitants
of San Francisco -were terribly exasperated upon
learning the facts, and a mob of several thousand
attempted to take him from the officers, in order
to bang him to a lamp-post, but he was safely
lodged in jail.
A case was tried before Judge Hoar, in the Su
preme Court, at Taunton, Mass., last week, to
recover the amount of three promissory notes It
was proved that the notes were given for laical-
eating liquors, and a verdict was ordered for the
A Gaavr Bons.--General Palmer '
an offi.
car of great distinction in the British service,
was as remarkable for his eminent abilities as
for playful reto'rt and brilliant repartee.. On
one occasion, when in India, a young and
forward officer, whether of the company's civil
or military service the chronicle sayeth not,
was rather freely and pertly cross-examining
the Gana(' as to his early career and rapid
promotion._lle insisted on knoWing the date
of every grde,• and the history of every dis
tinction. Things went on - quietly for some
time ; •at,length the General fired the follow
ing shot, en ricochet, and the curtain fell:
"I have now, young 'gentleman, had the
pleasure of satisfying your curiosity ; will you
likewise permit me to indulge mine ?"
"Assuredly, General— I shall willingly an
swer any question you may put to me."
"Weli, now, I told you how I came to the
country, and when ; may I ask in what capaci
ty you arrived in it ?"
c. Doubtless, Oeneral: I lefangland in the
Kent, as a guinea-pig," (an inferior sort of ,
midshipman ) It was two or three years
"Really! Well, upon my - conscience,'l
thought so. Are you snre, though; - it 'Was
only two or three years ago ? You have grown
up Ouch a great bore alum"
. 48,895
Depress,. 5,345 38,017
- "PreaStirf notes -
and notes of Due to bka. Due by btu
,gtbar banks.,
Pittsburg. U24,5'0
Ex ben, 142.811
M. &5I - 103,538 - -
flatirons , 4 950
Meth 28,987
Iron city..... 35,186
Allegheny .... 24.283
$463.825 , .. 5 .274,549 - $158,521
Last week 453 795 254,922 185 3C5
Inerisie. ;..; 29,530
Dacres.e.... 6,845
2 IIILADILPII11: TO 31011 - 540111
April 27,1959.
szrosiso sr &Lower, asowa, & 00., sArg-sors, groom,
AND /111M11GE 1110191214 SIOWERWairt 006111 VI ID
AID 031789.1192 MIMI&
1611U3'1. VICIAItII - .
600 MT 66. ' 100% 100 Loblgb: Zin0....16 13(
700 to 100% 200 do - 1,6 -1 %
800 do New 103% 203 ' do b 5 1%
600 do .... .106•108% fOl - do- 1.5 33(
1000 Irmo% & Fonth 7A 91% 600 do -66 13(
1000 -do
_913( 10' Reading 8.. - .65wa 25%
10'0' - do' . ' '' , gig 200 " . do - ..isott&tot 257(
/000 lteading R6s 'B6. 76 100 do .... ' 25%
'OOO ' do' ' ,76 3SI olio Ow' 61 Prif.lo7.l(
2003 do 76'' ''
I Lel -, igli Val R.— -43
N Penns R... .b 5 93
100 Fogg 12V.
1100 do, .12
10 Prk & 50n411...b5 e 6
1 ''°bs B6
10 Consolidattoci Bk. 28,1(
10 Lehigh' 8eri0...b5 29
1.2 afteltsakelik,. 2814
1 Girard 12K
200 o do "6
20001101os Oared 68 '
83eip on..6dys 87
1000 -. do 8634
1000 .de bsws .8634
2000-NNiels R 6e.. 65%
1000 d0...........6684
lOW —65 K
rod Qom dt dni 6083
1000 Pitts Pt Wslns 6e
Ohio Coo 7a 64
'5OO Penni be 90%
MI City 08.... New 1 0 31[
10 0 Nimirs lot mg 78.7354
200 do ' ' 13%
1000 do 7234
600 Elmlno 24 mg Is. 6254
3000 2d Oc R To. 91%
1000 wet Sontb or 7e. 01l
SOON Penns 68— .`06%
0/48111% PAL*
Bid. Asked.
17 El ds '74 -- '08%10154
PION ihr 700 iiiloo)*
" R 1003(10054
New —lO3 1085
Pantos 68 -943; 95
Bssdinii B 05.1,V25K
ti bde , 7olneff 84,14 85
mt 68 44 08- 9b- '
do 'B6 16 7634
Penns R e 41% 4134
"2dmBe in off 90 91 •
Ilor Rama Con. 63 EsV
„. „
8900Lbi nliVel B 69. 93
110 Mamba! tiarip .. 14%
- 6 111oehill B 60%
50 Long Island B. D 5 12%
6 tlarridbeeglt..„. 67g
' 23 Lehigh Vet 8.... 43
_5 Corn Sz Bk 24%
8 Little Pohl 3.... 20%
1:•72 Western - .40
B. Ashur.
Bahl Way 4t00r.. S. BX
" Prat 28% 19
Winspn &Jahn ll 9 it. ON
"..7m Id mtg.. 72 73
it 24 63:2214
(Lo pdaadt::::. 22X12,6
I Leh Ooal & Nal% 62 63 --
el , Pao* IX 9% Og
" 63.... ..... ;UN el o.
- ,g
- la at
CilittleimilAL , Z; 6X • 63i
; . lit mt bds 66M
Wank & Booth It 84
_oprardlvolflo7 1 07 3 w
Bohl Naves , 82. 76g 76
44 84 St 8.... 47% 4S
Pima Vine St 11, 43g
The produce' market has bean quiet, today owing to
the storm, end -.there Yeti little doing in Plpur
prices are about the slime as last quoted, and the,only
sales we hear of-are 500 bb's ',Worn - extra at •
and in nosh lob! to The trade at from this Beare op to
`5 3- 5067_2.1eft hbt foranperane extras and temeybrands,
as in quality. Some holders are *IVA% timer in their
views to-day. By eylouriinitjorn Meal are Jteadv
$412) for the former and 53 87M bbl for the lat.
tei,laut wB hitirOrnai sales to'diyr Wheat leham. and
about 1,090 bus have been sold in lot! at .150 to 160 e for
red, 160ea1700 for white y f fair,ood Priam gunity. Rye
Lin steady doomed el lige. COrti meets with a miler
ateltiquiry, arid prime In searoe; - 1400tme yellow wild
at fitle afloat, and 2.000 bus, not wool, on terms kept pri
rite. Oafs end Penn orewokhslatino
Bark Xi unobsegedi and ,No. -, 1 Quereltron Is Arm, but
quiet at 533 5/r ton. Cotton—Prices ire lriegular and
the market dull at previous quoted rates Groceries—
There is very little demand for Pura and Molasses. and
prices faystr the. bayirs; 'lleffie is Ortadjr and very lit
tle doing. Provitions- r The market is &EEL but with.
out ionelimorement.' Seede- - -Tliere Is very little offer
ing or pelting, and Oloverated to wanted at 15 25 sp.
bushel. 'ltd Alois' In Timothy or Ilaxeeed _Whiakey
sells slowly at 2531; eV/Clap; Pennsylvania bbls, 24er241i o
for drudge, and 2502530 for bads.
:change; April 27.
Boa '
New York Stoek E:
5000 II 8 58 '55 102%
1050 II 864'74704%
26000 Illinois Int '6O 90
5000 N Cavallo& 6s 100
10 0 Tenn es TO 93%
9000 do- 93
9400 Indians Btie • 89'
60300 Illasonel 6s 87%
600 , 0 do' '560 87
• 4000 llndsoo B 3d ins 79
. 401 Mich Oen Bpo atx
6001 M Can bds a6O 88
Ito° do 88
8 1 00 111 Preard 95 %
1000 I,Bria&W 2 , 1 tot 45
10 , efer Ix Bank •, 90%
10 Ilk State of N Y 106%1
20 Chatham Bank 8 1 334'
20 Continental Bank 104%
80 People's Bank 305%
6 Del & Had Co 96
100 do e6O 90
SO Penns Coal Co 803(
120 do 80.%
100 Oemb'd prof - 5602 t
FO PLCIB O 14 8 810 87%
90 do . - 5034
380 e 0 68
' do - e6O 85 -
200 Pane Mining Oo I%
50 Claba Mining Oo 15
2 1 0 Oleir & Toledo It 24%
70 do 25
200 do 860249
110 Ittsdlag B 513[
BSCIOND 110.451'.
3000 Miesouri Gs 87% 50 111105 Central It .5134
5000 - do 105 87%14 1 0 Mfch S gnat: - 9434
5080 11l Can ids 560 5834 105 do 1(0 84
1000 &tit & Wag mt 57 450 - do 830 343:
5 Hanover Bank 8113( 260 -tfo 2 - 5494
255 Pune us Co 87% 150 nil:Nutria B, t6O 65%
100" - do ' 87% 200 do ' 6%.%
110 do 87 250 Hal& Oki, It 15
200 grin B 7 - 100 do ell 64%
1050 N Y Central It 72 100 do AC%
69 do 620713( 10 ' -do 'x306414
150 do - . '• 79% do ISO 54%
95 do 51 0 I'M Met On Tollt, 6602414
100 do 'BO 7' %Ow Chicago & R I 69
200 Harlon' Ft prat 2 0% 870 do - 69%
200 do 56028% 2ro do s . "O 55%
Iro Mich 8& N Ind. 12 200 do HO 59%
100 do . 11 yg Ica do . sto tax
6ro li Y Central 88 72
101 . do MO 72
100 do bow 72
100 , do b 6072
100 eo ' blO 72X
160 - do , .10 72
1840 , ' do o 71%
200_ do , b5O 1234
100 ._' do' " -- blO 72X
24'41 do b 3 72X
670 do • - • 472
700 do .3071 X
800 Harlem B prat-8602816
100 eo 33X
276 Mich Central B _AIX
110 '. -d% .- - . 51X
IVO do '.70 Ea
100 do • . 66061
1(0 - do --
00100 Mich 3&7l7gua e7O 341
I 50 do 81)(
16 Panama P. 123
5 do , 122%
6 do 1227]
360 G3l & Ohio It e3O 85
30 do 6..31
, 600 , do 355‘
' B5O Oh% & Rook 1333 52x
600 -do ' - - e9 59
950 do 557
1(0 do, e3058X
500 do mr 52 NI
450 do e3O 50x
350 do 530 69
AMES —The lowitet ie without change; Wee of Pate
and Petrie et $5 75 -
Cos ras.—The market is quiet this retuning, but very
arm, Vat a large business was dose in St. Domingo last
evening ; the *Arsons of Olara Winser and Alexarder
Ann, ermprising 60'2 bags; have been bought, for ea
port at 10 6-16 e.
Oorros market continues lioteniii and de
pressed j sales of 600 bales to-day ardl2oo do , part in
iressitta, on a basis of No. for Middling Uplands, and
Nhn for Gulf. -
Fines, Sco.—The Inquiry for W astern Canal Flour-is
quite settee for the day, and the improvement noticed
yriterday la more apparent to-day. Flour free of de
fection Is held with coofilence,
The ca'ne are 3 o,f 00 bbla at 15.1505.50 for inapactad
supettioe Nee, 25 70e6 75 for stoics do-$00025 for
extra do, $5 90e815 for low gredee of Western extra,
$6 2006 Xi for ®hipping brands of rorind hoop extra
Oh-0,-$64007 60 for traate 'reedit do $67009 for-St
Louis brands and $6 8008 25 forextra Genoese
soadian Flour lain limited demard, butte armor;
Sales of small lots at 28 1007 85 - Southern .Flour is
firmer, especially the medium grades; the taloa ire
2 600 bbte at $ 6OB 40 for eupertioat Baltimore, de,, and
$6 (048.25 tor the better grader -live Flour la in lair
demand ; Wes of 160 Ws at 28 60e4 40. Corn Meal fa
steady; sates of 200 bbbiJarriey at Se 60
GRAIN —The Wheat market ea nwe Retire, and itt
Arm for winter' but tearer for spring ' • the Iron ry is
mainly for milliPg. The este. are 47000 boatels at
fo , No. 2 %keg° Bodo', No - for jdo 1 do;
Si 40001 45 for winter Weettert ; 51 60 for rrinie white
Michigan ; 21 70 for good white St. lonia ; St 45 for
moot Minnie ; $lOO for red French and 21. 60 for
White do; sl2oxl 25 for Milwaukee Club; $1 64 for
good white Southern, and 2142 for ter red.
Barley 1 greet, the demand wilted to prime. wh ich
la less plenty ;
,sales of State at 753. 0 its are totter ;
.the demand is mere gotten; Pales of 17.000 bushels at
540155M0 for State a d 570590 for Canadian.
Corn is without important variation; mixed is heavy;
Bales o 45 050 bee at SIX e 826 for Western mixed ; 82
0860 for white southern ; too for damp do ; Cod 55,3 i CD
810 for Jersey and routhern - - .
. .
loos —the - demand to moderate for all descriptions
!Scotch Pig is in light att nk, and firm at $24 50625 50, 6
mouths. - Other SLOB sell slowly at former ratio -
1110LABSES —The demand is moderate; this
N ew asp time ; _l6 Made and ' 76 bbie Mimeo.
vsdo - at 37033- ' • 2(0 T d 'V266296, - 1'314170 do,
clay ed boed,for eXport,-- at 21s, sash- •- • ,
PsoXlSioss —The pork maiket is spin lower, but
closes with rather more titouneae, with a demand Tor
the femme—sales of 1.4E0 bble at sl6'!s for few mere,
$l9 75 for 'steer, and $l6 for mime moan. $l2 75 for
prime and animpeotid do. Included in the sales are
000 Ms mere for July. on privets terms.
Beef in firmer sod in good &mod. with 11011 arri
vals—tales 'of - 450 bblii at sBo7 for wintry prime ;
$7 7t®B_76' . for do mare; $9 40611, 5(-for fowledmese,
mese, and $l2 man 50 for extra do 'Prima - mem do in
fait demand at $113821, and India et $22623.
Beef hams are firm; Wee of 150 Shin at $14617.
Bison in quiet; raise of 15,000 The light Wee. ear ent,
at 5340. Cut rotate are quiet =- the 'titivate are mode
tate ; sales of 240 Weasel tee at py, 07 foi shoulders,
and 8X691f for hems. " - • - --
"lent in rather lower and Is dull; ealea of 400 bbl and
at 21)(611%e -* Batter - este Cheese axe steady
- Btu--Toe market is quiet and prices sachem isd
I sal, of /GO Wa at 84 mixt., as to t 7.
$32 368
- W - 611
8 028
sl'.2 261
12 551
42 266
Arsta 27- Vln ng: