The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 25, 1859, Image 2
rit",_•4.,a'e;' t ? - t\s• r,;le daiiittai, fo- I;t g-b*a imttith3l36l-.P'' o' k ' Vrogr'ess realise tiA' , o-414 I • '-- '-- T-e nit P .:•,isi4iii 0 .1 r vYerY, -rt44. l. ' 7 ':' .1 It Is difficult elihiati '1443.141f,e 1 ' they 1.- , q.:,,,n'•-ttl"-* • sof -1/h/lad OPl.°l'..iiiid:whi e-ifoa, ~.,,,,,,,,Ira' ',•-w... ' ~„ 4q Ma • , ' Tiniertaa;•aa'- ffeAt'aile iktten of - "''''' ',_,:./ IK ~. 4,:-Vi '-''2. '''' 44; :TeaFs- ' itaadiltl- ' tivalr .„--.. 6 _,, 0 4„,g, 'q -- ',.., ~ '-*-4)f,., ' kind. hark. eniapara ,ti, she elements _ „ren. ~ , ._ /.4 , , ,41.4,15,..7_,..„. .„.,.! tx_ losasted ~ lasseaS -,-.nrifed in a nd, ~.,., ' 2, ,'' '' . 0, P r,,,,,,4 i itA.l,',--4---"----,;,,frv--. 4 11" e ban great* . ' d aria/like, corder!' !In i 4,.. A --''''' II ! 41, Pit. ,::,:t. 444:1$610;1;. ~,, ' ,• 64., „al wealth, !"', 0 ,,, ty, . to, .., i 60--siranteid i :.;,,,',:1,1•4 5 ,•1R•f:.,,,,atV''''• 4.itirtib :::,.-.4-"--, a lit , int!n_t_?"24 in ...!:/tr,:Attill¢4 all-tir,aamnier .0r ';.': , `.321V•C;4, ,: t*if - Pl .l &il=' - ''',_w-- tiiiitnaltiltirVAS; Ar.llll - 491'1* . h h ° it vcittlf lo: our commercial ` `- r,`,*--;.-44'‘ -.'•.-44g; .`"ii't-443.1t;',"iit z '°//eirk'nk*.4i!! loo,,i° and a ' e-er;uef-," (C:i4:o#:‘,.l7c, 010,- ' • ' '' '''''' ' 4"ltt4gall ' 74t- ' 10-';-"94toonutnP4tei;,autles,9'tedi. ,41-,trt!--*- - ;.„. 7,0400 01.* .2. ~Hlte.4-4101' iiii,l2.m*ll.CoVe iiO4K/alsi,` T.-.7.1`,',4* fae*/.:‘,.-** - - ~,, . .,r TAO.4,* 411.L..rn;-'s,6r,,_•lttieSaiiliteibill'', been 112 " ',J. b e ,111)0,1h4; „ ,-,...i,'0167-.'v ,-, , oa t oit all. Tit,- ,ipisili,au-- immense, .7 4 • a 4 1.- „-.. -ittza,.. -40,1;*4-rii: v .i . ,--winfolwrilief, 0- i!4 lea= iakoo!ne rFaii4ifititirA, ' t*lll* " -7'.' *#,,'''' ,bat tir*leOls controls, ,- lcorruption '4-0-141611111, fe ' - it - -: r :4.iitairorke ,!P., -r• -.14,,Aita1,...,.....A- co. ::'!411,11,,1:00140:°I. - .., -L,-"iwiiiiieo-- ~.. * '1: ',.." : ; ,i-i-004. - 4 • iii...s.4a;l7,„iiidin_twv.?"`4l,ooll!', I,i,loanY 144a* P"e r , !it* '','' ' ''' ' 4".tii- tilf,!. "o.l4;l4oi.aiiiitol"' life; ,:"'--iita.- ',,_ ~. i..ailsikalt*akeia fitlosllM. 'i d 101 8, - liaehrrb ~ i iii ed ., ' Health, , ,' we ~;;.„,- ". - pic....7‹, ig4l--',". - - 4 - par* it i. 0.0 --, cure. ~, -1, 11, 4,7 : -.-..=.::-14. :t ,f,* ~ 7 sj,,,i,‘l.l4_ott,Ltm:l,' 1,0'1,411;,,.hainf ;,....,t'ilrunAh#Y-li3.„„ealar‘; e,.hear/ 0,1 -? ';:_-teer,--,-=.144", 'Vt .4: v . " -„, , ~,,Y.f5,,,,,,,e,,4_,,c,v;i1i "riaiiireS4,.;,,tr-idS;Tfarer-i•nta) anir it 1-a**- - ''? 4t, v-' 06►'''IIStk,e 1,-4 , i,tsstakitAt p ure;.l -fthd P tehatiiiVeli. *l' °°' ' ,1.-„4.. 1.14, 4:14t4'..., ' ' .v.r,...'—"- .' '• ifia .. , sza, ;,x,' itave ..%.., ,--liing T'7 •. , :. '1,r42,7;0i20.31... '"' 44 •1-4 1"=,04411144-0*:91 ti1k,k931441c4,1r-4" Agit eitY• liurlis,b” 7T14, ~,,,v,,#&-ttirlogtx, itt, -,joiii,er,-Itn, idltaylet.Pro ~,t-picr...,kt and thou, ,Aff.ii- p..-:i •-•'' ,;a'itelaejjr7tigfit-1, iti-1 144,aitsicrii-vitirlyiti,4lslitaT.! mao,.,?i: - -',F,",".4-,..0?11 ' ,af .d6,44-447-1444_ 01 ~,Irtirptt M irc -', i` , :eV! ':'` blec:,.d.stt:illeirliall4"4thie;l67; ',,,1,',-faiftstth,t.tu ,t7,..)kfir4Wilitida33ll L,,,--taaill';Al/i°,4"---.114,140 W:17!- iti aas of •'"'- A. - large ... -„,.tm0,..,wif4.- . ,- ~ ~ - ;.,...5,,,,-4„ ~z-.1..,-1.--aiiTYStentral'PiP vet.' . ‘-, ilt '--:::- - „ bfir-It_.nrrixn,A ,w,k wmFr, sed'i ...,- -..1 upra n reba ,: ,-;. '*Pm.- ttorg, • , ilkilitooddyi ~,iti,,,n, ere° 'fin- --gre4 .I . ' - 3,baa - laurk •.:,,,..,44m.9.04t, ~...,-.,,,,ilitbi4lataik-wiell'Arti 7 • altiVT. 'i'ptits,T, -deur. 4' , n '..,,,, u f •-• g re r t -livre„.-ohee4ka k gran have bee . :•-,'" - 7 .. ; •' ' - .11,4".A* -' /tit -,. it aria a". u 111,14. -.S - -,„4- imposing' ~rihea ha , btly 2t-),,,- ''',bit:r :,•er :. 'lt, ,z,....,..‘ - ~,0a..,0,1,..... .I.- r:r e4basass7-ioe. maw' ch., the ' si ns% ,i,.#d7iTilihgeag-P1m0•g5=„f....".4,-.:4 ( -,,,itli,„fixe,, ~.. t 'agglaSt' 'sth, and i . kaiLiti • ''-.1:I*1-1sIli'016441fstlitalelaihrbgq,-°11- 'ili- i?Ar-.lff ',The.-ladie ia g°//e 12? l have' 74, v..1,-.,;.k4,1riq..L,....,1/11,6,4eitad11ie11ia..4.44114414'.11,740 : erect , ''''''t ifionoii 'll "la the ;c ounts Railroads have '''' 7- ",c0dd4e,„.,0i6,4tui--... attivi4l,l,k2titgAr:as.-..-., t liti l "",.- j.,' ' foilla!nitil.. -bay ndsibu, ''4<:l,,l'kkee7,4‘;',CiCed"..‘6l"llr, 10,"17.,,AP.'=4-ist'L-22...L.T:.4 -'" i ''iiiiiirut't •tea.:, Th'i,nd ' have c° ex the tent ', 10:CarANA.,:,,7,s-i V,,,,t,,,,,iiiliisx_P;-.4,-.0a4- -t,1,44:04,-teleaesorol. ""i n'ai) te anf. aaing •;13-,-,,."':drV.*••-istisvVeatft,,--gs.'il-!2i'-1/t -ti l - '''' ' - 41 "4,0 :titian ''yi7`,„,abiiii:`e,eorees e tie 110 ° °pots '`, 7 ' ''' '.f:',•:,Aroliir"-z:loiftiliTt .._.'' ''' ;" el tilt4rl Vidto tb,.4L'riTut but: '4 '• .. ?tie .I!ew gt.'oas ',.,?,',,.'e' 4/4/..iXt 1.......V4•..:,.4i, Yd.',; Aiihrleitui 'noikePt,gijalng f'',.. r first ; -' jestiY, s ,';,!illtr tit,A6vP-517-iiiiorireiring?Yai the -it nj.f. ino., eitizni?...,aanet sar., '-' 1.,_'3 q/- ' -,L4-/ - t h itCalita!!"ll4, ggi.tal,'ll,ll',.:ri :House bag hts,ht on i the .15Q/Ib4 now'nearly ti =. ' ' 47,Wilifi 7 ,litttiL.'l'i.. i411:44,*?- ':' . amusements , iiiiiigillqtiinis streets , sad most Ibtilik4ll/#llllili-/S'"l/14*ntlainli 'iiio' 44-Y, 'ii,iiiig °h_es- f the largest flare an !':A"2riiliw*Allani, - ' " 009 IlkeeiV Itn * l l- be n .o ' °a - and the and ll Ninth :'ii,E-.8,°#2:441,..4.;? - —*it .441,1teki, le- fh'o",*.rin. idghth au . eggs/. step-0S.,.11!!1-kip2fi*:. thi .ft..l„tiele -it , - M r. isalrai:,,.-k ‘alo°l.f?:l4,e‘6tawseeetaelled' 'Y" - : r 1 ' :, `-.'-'**wrAil,,L__o*-... i t ig'."° , 1 . 4 1:73 'iihal,i,s--' *Pr n 7 CI fi' • d II" be, ';' ':44 ifmt.,"Wistiii 144: Migalaw: ) ,..a,i rit g o L 1164 '#*ait of any `other 'R.,ll,vo;fi-wltltta -:',,---,t,---_ , liiii.4 ,. .te . -4 -4; ;71,40,,_fil ,rlrth:,,lftirthil?,4-9=iciqnPir ,Th Atlantic 1 104.11 atigYltaiitaid,W,,.lll.'4rifigif-',,L_P%rai -rittibitiii4;s4'iilitil,73°lluirYwithin tieillia Tkeit*.ioo,l47srshk--,4,,,,p4,#,„„,.,.frdiil ~,,Plettell-,lTA,b'ie rditi"s /lat, iatbleg 'ea. :., :., " `,,,".111!/!Jai.**) ,l ;.l-"-r`4saii3Otaa'tthet flit:T*lo,4r! iiiii-RallTfie-ot 04). #°•s-',ld with Wesenr„d '-"'''-..7 i l l ' I ll'i;d- 6f11 4"NITIA444Z-} "tf:i44,00%. liisiik4.9:!:;?i'dhiel?_intill: Beadinf Lions ;, ;?:'..Al,:i#eit,Z, _,#lltUf.,,,*'-f ::- isiali.°l4t.r: the'il eeall iliceiVassiant nevi. °°eallgsalls hag '..-.*514-*i'll:'4l4''TX,i,"''';`Z.'si..m" ti 40/°-.te-314--hi*Y;lrePt the Niagar a and .Bri,e. - irti4tezz-giik:rotl . - - sbrit-,' 4,oaaalif -.l,talrf ,bis.relre4iss route 2he, Sunbury ara invert '''' - tg ; _tDiso4/41- siror 4 l4 ;l'rr 1/411,11; iat:l` ' ,'/0011.: ttlealeleii;idl°P/ ' `7lrit aJtitit; 744*44,,::,-,,,. -,;;-.'',iii'iii; :40):4.0n0 ' r - - many, of the 'eXittraearty .;-_*,o,,:i,dot,ittii*„4„,ilZla, i4 , :q?.1 2 ' .flu„,ti iiiik:Ott to iiie--! ei , ,lisati.iedsis 7:for the -* -ialett,...l,l:'P"f3ilittt74l_4l4C,l*Pq ,64,..Miir lilia it eae ietit struggle Railroad, lain ~ ,rilaas7dl ea din' g . ivania a .-.110-_,,=.Aritkg*,7,,,, 'llll , Rag d y, .0( my . ~ ,=,,,, , an . nq , pr - nal ' , the gelk -d stand's .....1 ,--, ---Nity,--, • it..— 4a 11.4 ~ ibrkt•prge.4 {'-aisll,3kal9K 01410 -•-, - weit ' a n d ',f,--', -, ar7- ,-,-,,fitite. , 1-b/ivak ,-'' ” of; c,- .4-cr,tite-, a ll ii i , rivals, . along which tu, V' 1 ..,..--.-ItSaik" try-k ,4,,,T01itC1/„ail-ealaphl*sal,,Mrp* :ICa-4e- iantied, . ' eiteiY al? ti. :,.;-- '..4!'"'ape,,,----41ige,,,*-:, '', ,-41,%.7-', f_yriN;ll,7, gia. *PI :ithasisadtag ien saast ho superiority' .-2.[,!/,'777.gie#-!Tiii, (iiiTn7eliinnny'-`tk,:, tidiuTtiatia terth9rhdesrly 'eleinv-erig:Poo c0w1•,,. •,,. ;:I;icor-4roork)i_ii -4.l 4%!iitionY,?::- iti:,„!.._;:;;; ~ :o,ll6o:delphii-FITZ,i on th6tel the taantY_°: '''':-Ng w gieSl4l'4 :4/leatiSia‘Ati''l, -'°rl;-o'.•;'.::'''' ' :4r411.a0.1,,,ej.a?`af:. reSldelebilsjthfulgessliati. :..:: tr,', ,Taig' said ''' 4',4.--,, v'.eiiifFll''''. --2 an: D ept'"..4.lli, P'7l-ti 'all 0 -aecessarY•.° ha. C--;;:lazt,.!9,' .i . a .... .'; a eio'liastill.ll.assad' - 'A11,,,,,t,i,„,'s 1. 4; 1 :angl,',,,-;,,bieh all 9/ " 11 be 'Par° d , .;:,fr,,,,,,,. 7_1,-`„liiiii,--:--.riaiforific.:-..,- ii-AnaltA7••"(,• ..e.... t 44,14i,,,,,t,, r ‘ o r, me Oa. ..„.-matable , • "':''i-Y.,'7lr-r-,00-#,O!'"e: raliiv in* - . ~,tuni7 ekefTk. 4i,,',ltlidli,vidat which /s '`itias is far ..,--,, ilTb.t.,„__'-',.....,', ihati sele cted - 'torte ' all-tii) 11,06,1:° ' 'ter P" and the, .' ''--I`o.thr.T.:kniilAPP',..dh.,..' - '00.11,,,- iidoe ‘ititft4., - fiittiiiike."ll: bar rived!'as not, ' ' .: ; 7 1. -- :• - . ' 514,05 11;,, -A1t.i4r;,,,,,77*-0.1,01,-..'l,,siiiirt. Ai , k ii.'l2l4enn, , that Ait any °,,sys tire such as ' '44*-- '') 14:**),T.°Ugii041E IM'Z' Wivlif -,superior .7 allre 'el' tbhiPra4si pos sesses -'- is- ;tot klio. ar,,,4,..tb1i,-11, r--1 , , van tages lil. her i3O seta X!, Be ass pOS 13, '' , !ll%tipliiiirth., ,vii-A.,3,rtaiiiik- r Appoyt It-t;iiiable ue it. is inland I!'ad -', `.T.7.1,41,4%.4-004ta,-.:Vatt f,i,litty'khir,,,,i 9/4 reit/7"er° s conducting _ 1_1:I-North -- ' 4et _r__ __l' rei0:=7)4441.41. • it',-ikir,* jilt to - ge. fibPPl,l,r° . elk west ' a" ,;re and hi southw ~ ; 1i:4.1'177_4 iiriato ',„,t,to4.l,Aha lse be d'-" itilfr sifParie ~s,ut " • . . becoming el qi , these ' '"eg.liet-',--- kAleet- ' , ! tl ' lt if - itit*ite 'iii,*(...#l/ '-'° , aro dailY" i argantrY. -' d • by _'-:..'',..lntie fix tii::T.,,, 1 , #•,,,,-rib•'fi7 'of 463filmhie,114 to' toe *A? e . ippreelate, • their' " 'lrlei*-'-- 6414.7" V 1int4791-- A g e 4 r- ,- ",-- -41 = 46'4414'7 Asp " but properly - Rimed . for ' he, ' '',' lie, 441 , , t 1 ',../-- angetntaAjoi4ol%;7l!„ 4_1.4,...,„:- aka! j • - eileothre!Y *A to 00e # 0. , / I -' , - '-- -40,'',4"'Z'''l 4.',...OlilNli'ast lir F ay tag To I Oa:- .to delltint , ' -1130•°11.7 * * --"` 'intsol.l4. ''`M-41 L'll.- bit T,lt * . e. t "' 0 : - - Cities. • i. is '- 444.; *lttiiikciirtwi(4l47'4°,ftho taegek.OPPo4 American character ci,. .s,4_,laiisits. -47.-iiiit Ako"0, „*.i.- •#4*i,tp-ra: iiik rink 7 11- 41:;the:F commercial .nife bema/ant,na. - 'fi',_,'-''a.,lll,ls:#4CV,!AletiprOntaf.---4-1-- i swid(pollloviit Ok. Jur- , reoc and in ere ---: : i the to ''fbi,..tli._. igrcitilitt;a7 • itcj: ,4,v,'lst ff.i' -;b;thindge_. -is, RerhaPs/, .„rm ,:''',....!,1!„.--iii*4lide ~,,,,,,itait ~„*..1.04.,, 77,- Me sta l!if!ridelisifilaY t issge''per-u -k' '4-71):'#trAki!!-L'o.-fftifibrethidl./IL° .'l-I„Zirtglet,o trae'ailf9t a Ye:sltbe Ne w,-4:llrie, 4--,.:14,041,,,it,'01•44 4:6ol.ifteltit'idt,a4,ll,F37:) Eil' 10-;Pifl"' aid cikteretimpeet by - importer!, ' ' '' ik', '.. 'llt,iitilliii‘ 1t1e,i7.-i:7M-;iV r A c ` 4 , Ltcr,, alhoniPl---,44M4''7-43A °PIT' rn7103- "--;.:::T'seal)l4o°l:4F,,l).FA:;-Z;:'4': t i l l : ylizo44,‘' oilor!rjr,-404-40.0!...1.,0„,b,01,15... e . : ,?..,,,.,, _ ~.-,...,,,,,,,:.,„ ~,lifor , T,- ., ~ _, Of :i.74-O,IV 'iror T7kultt ziptd -'''r -- i f . „ 438 ! '': 1 • ~- --,„--,,:,------644,4,w0,,rari? 9,. ..„,,tat00p,,.,- -;-, Htiist ,.7,411vu1t.„.24„-- " for :..",_,aaag= ._ a ,Itur- ,-- 4.llt*i..r.r:Zikihtf.S • AZTiTif ..17.7,41,01igi1T4d,b7,,,-77 1ib4,014 an - iii,4l,.cf., irits°,4-.,,.:4#:#0.,,tadr-#44, -1iii0.:,....44-Al4"*" ~:pLO-4.y.simir4Vit4ti:ii3%* 11(lie.iiiigioitit - i , mta- , ----L------- ,` - ,-0391Sray-'divietOWV, '='l*, s .. ~ - • '",*i, %;:-41.=•,'1n,r 4#l*.- , , - - - p ro t e l t *L-s_-4 : 4'414 tr‘''.'*'!: 'etiriArk*'''' --,_ -,,,:*#T .. - .f-.1‘..;.,...'1 , 3 / 4 , 0., 'i - ';''''''''.._, - , • 8 ••.0. #4-9reiti toitiln.lll. i;fiktgik4,,,i,y Y sc r 1)-'0ilie.wory; Ito' Af.44...,-='l4ii l i tt;Putk...-...i..- .o.,'4.4iitablVt, ~ „.:7,77, ~,,....16iihootoilave' 0,;,“ -W -'- ~.: litii-owirm' :,, switiekiritv:7o 4..1r1it tifteAr*i°2Mip , 114e*,#'0.144.0.-lin --:‘,4101. 0.4 4• - liitiiiiC 4 ,o l4 )..- ` v-'. I,=44o3lllo,o!”,,hnie'iiiiiiikt 'll.'ldir!::. 0-:.?-= , 14 , 61e-Iriray;)t-m_ .1--auilter,coAlP: ....efllfiPi.,,,,--.,1 1',414.ttv ~, . -1 4disider4ll6 - yrolle.• -,_.,_, Art 4,44:11 1 4r '1 iiiiiiliiiii,oo- •-- ' iiii**ti t #' - wi44liii-l!*_lrttiod-', ~•-• • -rlie "iv/erpqa' - --', ~1,....„,,,,,,- ~,.,:iiit44,,, ci1y.,...,....),,,,, •• - .4i......---fl4-Wrig+k l o;,•- , •fi;•",4l:"4'PM - , - P _-:....9§1, •-• -'• ''' ntrolV - ,-.-•--f-10- .tpAl ._-,siiiit ifilV.-thtiagitikiii i4 4 7 .t , ' . .' - . -- q.tV . i iiiiiqr7..':771,7 4. -1 4 .1 04 - -; , 5,0•?q-1- , , L, ~...• ~ . • _...._, ,twt,AY.O,V.'64,/,,';.3,..`0.1;',:,;,:i.___"'" ,'fighF,:ww,i,774,;si,c, i p,ik: e u-4- iiiii-;iitris t y gle, , ;iiidiguort3 i ts •--i-'••'''''' ',4 #.l.,,,,, difia ' iiippe, ttztirl-r4gt,".4&y:liiil; ,•,-,,..11•4440440,47,,-,-1-41i-s-Aortifi', To ''''' fi ; iii -, i tt e'i •ti.: 441414,14,44124,tz_. ,lii,iihitiiiV,lo,l,,,oikgai,l 141•Vii.i.crii'ilr's0.3fr,i-PFMI4I,"i tiliii4-41 , - '_ e :' , s.l74 140.ZAtie lot#4'lM.,. 14''''.4-60,,:0 :-:•,.i.ollsolf**--, • ' iitiitiwrlgtr°-•-•iiiiii-nikiWIIM?--n , - - arit!aatAiiii,,,-4-*-,- .ilak,a.L.** it4lratiii Xl?!'4: c-- aooadiy thialikoot i c,„ . ,, 4 4l #4. -. ,*-4 ymi .-FOO *P-4-t14,04-4,9, molkiiiloosi- o ig f otikAg.,--iii-,*.m!*. -, ti :arida:, ''-''••'".11-"Ius4,1•511110- -_,•.' -liii-pir,lr A r pro -- -, --..• -i '",•'-' 1,-- ii• ipa i s - -out 4,,,, rok41;401.11.0.1 :. ': - i gimp, 7 -: - ---r----iettc7ill , ,--Trifiii'OPYPP' -• ,- eliftiiriiCO -.1!! itawfo'tirjr**).l,„,-04,- ai r at ..--- „m5..%--.,- gAhtir pre.: '-;••.. iiiiiiegiiiVittO?Ti-= sesiOrlm, ihia'aarouti, foildi:lb°lf *'s?T ietithilti4t44 -peekt.f,l„...':,--e,460, iite,t2-iiiomt.ftyjiiiv-a-i o**,4; •-:44,14%-n '-1111114?-te,`"tetha-40C-Vi t:---,,biitli:411-t. iiik;.,142140#44e.1•• -:,-;',A.,• - - . - -.7 - r-: ' -,. simi - - -''- 041•4‘..1_- -7.-. 3•, , , - ,...- : : - , 1•4•14; ,-.•‘• , • - ii • iof -,•',.r,,,.,........Th'itt11bited,i . . i'i:--, tiet. witkih!"Pir 'Kiii'.--7iilye tie ukitol?i,,FitiVie,lo-.44?"fta,"511-1?-ili 14iiii?elf0J,.17,,i,-'siiiff itiiiii,*4: ."1.--11:1iiit.. .it - .10/AY.?..-. u, .4 - i d , y e t '.lveles .• ~ ot ., :',•:.:::--4"',;.____NOL•thid- r'! i iii, liaaiiil°,iiiii --tb-4'4""4-'1.1,i , - _'....yrr5 . ,_ 'wit &logo/v: l 'og. 4. / ii,-iatfei? qtaaf,, i If V . ,=.4.-.., ,•iaity;,-,i.-401ialila:4., --iiiiipAkitafte '':--f'54110411,. ~, --titii**l44.4.l-L. Ot t • ' is is:=4 , '-:' --i.thiroositott.4 ... • -1-4 4 - 441jiliti : 1* -.01-toti :-' •'',•, - ‘ • ........k-o- . - wigs.. - , • • -•'• - ----- ~- . alio-, Th.* v. . • :, , , •,:, ;..'iNt, ...,w‘.‘,17404. *404 c!fA,SiZsilii•ii,trix,blll",-• 01,31, 1 0 ' 1 - 1 ,- , - '-•.#4,,•7',%4:•-•=giiiiNi( it* end Atijoa,"'"ll-4- -- b* - ta a -Pre - la bit 'AIN em ., - *weed , ,.. :;'.04044-4-t.:'-iiiitikltoaqa, - - ' ,4 - lots', risek . - inlig.i.M4v?t-' - - i .tno , •:.). A la"".-ibe eimehily 2-iiistowit lii,lalliaide&ilit i01,4:11!. , • '.f.14,41ce-rsisti:;l),', fi , oiliiit!r:', ft?, ,ta. troubled' ;l.,,,•;,iiith, --:--iiiidat4llll4,.... -.4-**o;-7,1-frokttrei ;•?'iiii,,,it*,,iitt 4.4o:"L46,,Ti;iiipi4i.ii!i ._,',!;'iiititimi OA., -- - Ibio-iiiil.L.,.__#-•-•-• Ins"- •ifikieton,e - •- - ,t, :-:- eil-4,t:•0, .1* ti-4"-"':,j4ii wiTT,i.iii,,..T.',;`,',l' 1 T.:.;.; . e'clikeirepl.-- wax*. illyr",'--,-,4,4:42ifienOw #o4eUelk!"-1-diki O t et io l it4 l l- ---- , i 64 , W ;-.0-410t. t,o'it-fol*illii-:*iilt4fiii4:,44:. *. #01*1!L,,,,r tolibiqtio_,,2',*,:ht, Wiriiikft4l-31ii: ":401:11" 1746.4.:'D"fg"7' ' -'7 i4liaiiiit X . 0 -* ','-,-','..•iieTe..X4y,t-,,-.±.ll,igiiiiiiit7-.4!„ iti , *elatiiie 1 64 4 Ohs IN -- - - fi g .. -• ''-i" . ' 40164 e .- t quAriii--> .1 181 .k,l!' '-,,i,i i - u 141 - ,'-'4'9111.: --t'•-:•'--104*-1104;•-tiiii:i040iiificegi - -',,kiitN e f-ainnij *,. ";,----, :.##,),,,iinti, tbllit.faidiy;thisol ! ?..;;4•41- ii.1.71-44r,iiiitiro itsi gr"ditii - 1111 - 41.0 4 % , •si4iotll, , -, , - Viifirtif -I'.' P-,,,r,-.4-'itipie 418i-iiiiiedVl -3., 14414f1' 4:44; „•'•.--= iiiii-jr.4l/"At7:- ' -441,11772iii;:;41 -etia.......,u...t.-Aiiiiii*-'fr•q.,l*!,, Ittitplikal= 410•_44( 616.40 f -tkliT'VL N A ', 4 ' 'Olt" - iiiig WAY tliiti:t447-4*•,*it: • "- - ' )1'41 ,,,,i,t4,10.04FAT,f,ri,,,-- ,..);44,R,L,:i.`; fi r-i fi ' 10 - ----', •:,00-40t. ' .} 4 '•?: - k- • - •ii ' i-eo 1 410624', the ' ''' .5• .ft,',' 4040* -• , '•=lifititrl ; 10 . *, El - - - - - - ...- -, itatitilli, S , ---- ---,-;:!it's--- -- ,e s ~'~'y"~l. _~~ ', '" ~: , n the; • - I._,l#;fith#7*i4o4lo:o.(ftilkl4nd imported` -I.l49r44lo=l4lihiSveisals, !ices steam-; krtrifie, kcipiONeity ,-, 43*1141- to, extensive, '44,When::,are,;;see.,the,,progresis that , Pntuidel oi has mido. daring the,,, last , die years ;a other : ; respects-in he - city. government; in all . mattere affecting her, municipal, amino now In esiabihititng Weir! connections with the' 'in-; tt!riiir, lit`',iendezing :the 'city accessible' and: *tiri#,Olyik - s f ffi,tlii*eiale4iti of Alta interior- 1 = titt , :cannol ionieive it possibielthst she , will to much longer her:fe'reign comMerce upOn lclissiC:tiat,":o4ll , render ' it as imposink-as all ligri...iithei'lliteresta. - ; Movements towards the accomplishment of this end, are now, in pre :gresii' and, every,. lover of Philadelphia tihoniC,;t4he'lq:geijo interest their access'.. %the:Pennsylvania,' Itailioad, Gnu= Parir ii , andeaVoring -to = secure a terminus 19 0 ft , the], tiglawAre ! Ttyg,„p -wMch ,the _duce •4f , itike'fiVest be taken at a trilling expense; and 'her - Tait — agricultural' resonrces ,ifinstralunitied to; andfroM, this pOrt st soloW irate - as to +left competition. The last aezelOn; also 'chartered 4: Philadelphia atiainehip, comPani; which 'ainis)if the:construction or purchase of steam-, 4104 that are to be pl l l ender the imme diate control or our own citizens.- The sues thisislwo' projectS ,ivonld , go very car tOwavliplacing,enr foreign comnterci upon proper V and if this 'ls Aone,•the rapV. Aity - of o*pio gr ass s it our , city will be greatly, accelerated, a n d: she will soon hold the rank tolwhichter intrinsic greatness entitles her. Ificulati du - Bone Sits '—Attiention ie oalled tOsi isliableleharfpfcriity 'lithe Schuylkill, hiving a frosit'therreei of more thin one hundred. feet; Ulleeifinettenilere'irtiarf on Mill 'Creek; said pro. , front of fourhundrid - feet, - embriCing, ~all,abOut eight iiielidlag a eubstaitial stone mansion ell.. glidt !pallet*, Coe& hoof*, bard, lime stone end Ens 'pipee are laid stony else Duby , roaii the premises. -. , ...l'heionvonlinetaeceis.ta: l the , city-. bi means of 'th'elerby Plissmegeir Railroad, which passes in filiii,i"iifftliUPicparty; its ialuihle Schuylkill front, wharf on Creek, ,sad Proalinlty, to the West dhater . .teeehee the - -Noisily, 4414erit - a'very desirable business loos Son. Atritiiiiiiiiedbutely, adjoining the Wood tan die dame: :terY;ll4, - iiiiiiiist 4:Cabinet? be, the only means pfdpgreatuied crieelfe,to veluable'S ; iforyt- : killtionWront the North_side of the Alinshunse, IsithriSittlictn *tact the WOO laree, adistance *fMorietillen'onit Sapitallete who , are de., ketitible briesicient *Ill: find, '.ii ikli(findeintege . tO,,ezaMine' tha :property. bike pleof Ott the - evening, of ,ihe,2l3th liiitroit;thelzoh,OP: .1 - ;LXIIIII,, ST*1)01, ' X043 ' 1,040* *pit_ yir - 8010 Blietiftr-‘,l3tOsnO, . Courty , - ATI 00kortir 60..propertleak= :tricist , thepx very ' Sot; tx.4414,4 pamphlet and 'Myer iiiimiOsunder suliiioik4aad; ' Bale 4.4;6i - bankinghouse d00.,:17th May; by '4oeiiitfatiot s tktoittitoic' , hite advqrthement ' „lfsisi.is4.o*B424,ii , ',Lyte laic; pliasure to of,. the public(' to 'tho "sir, id to.dilUtor the, benefit ti?-taillifiint of 14, Icdejih.” • Velegaid tide And their efliirti ,110w.;,(th,eirse.eppiSliwe tiolievu;thei base 'elier tki:lxtblisYto obtain funds' for the, aid of olttlAcuni ; '' its 'Odell:int we trust, will ei he bends of our oltissns. PAild,Planol44ll4::listi sioinlai;;Af • 281 manprisseozoolleat heiaa `Altr&fillifrai:absiSraoOtliiiolditii; also' smile -ii4liliiil•EtcrOpsitli, sad o#i ~X~I . „, *ttr.lll.l*. ret.,Aarlopezerai_ v -Bo Co 4" 1a fii76t4iir #isLiitikiolleolokiieper; we .regitd. 69110kut, 1 iv0:441. 4 Qv ns = viflt piradeAhis aapietal taii trill tam out about a **ad*, iattikataortta a baud at eighteen mntie!►ae, ipermlighttpuameto, lowing the sairletlug- PLOU:!z - • • • - - ' - - s , i' '',,_, , ,- .--,,,-:-.),. ',,:,:'_' ••,"‘. - - , • ',-, ',?t,,,,_, 44 ''. . 1. -y:„ , ,-2-, . i !-,:R.'l. :,, •,, liopqar 0 - ,;n,tbecelehrated , ,discussion !Lee United 'statiO Senat4'ln the . ,2B;ircil 'elitUttiyilast, in read to the dower; of : the people of- the Ter aeviisiwiev'derhi'elkilde...74toßini°7ll:4li;tl9Ofnit 1 not to= iississip pl; boldly l , cheat or to be cheated.;" and followed up this avowal by demanding Obrigresslonal pro tection ,for_tilavery. „A number .of Southern Senators sUbitaidially Ceitenrred - With - hitni and since that period a disposition has con-, stantly bech-mapifested- by ; ,.the nitraists who aniunto stoatstho oree,d:of the Uemooratie , qaity , , to haslet upon this, doetrine ~as a sin's: tt*tlgn.; ; Pte:,,Trsilhingten' 9onitilution; not .espouse,, this: tooys!, ;hoWeirer';:inuell - .lt, 'may , sympathise'-with 16Arlesif, , owed "chainpions or: it; eria deavorslo,pavethe way for' new treacheries to the principle: or,aelf-goy,artaetit by an article 4roth talten,the - foliewing tract: - There Il no longer rusi intestine 'dissension of , 'the least Miportanee in the Demooratto party on thaelevery gustatory The principles emblazoned On Its banner '..are---won.tratervewtfon i . by Con gross or .by Territorial Legislatures, either td ;Ostatish"ill` piohitirgallery, toithittthe Territor ries: and the protection slats vropettn lortgatithe TeiritOri eondaton shall ismoint, '541, the Pidteicirit! wider' the Constitution' of rho ''lTrittetrStatos. 'When the peoPle of any en oh Ter l'itbrY' tail the •Pr'esidentrstated In his Stillman 'letter otAugust'ls; 1857, br the Conneotiout oler firriebrprobeed to frame% State Constitution, then 'ititilteir•'right ' toledide the• important question far themselves, whether they will continue, modi. fy, or abolish:slavery.' ' In the Meantime, what Ake Constitution has recognised to be property, the 'ff:nstimtnetnietnalistaynotplioirlutroiparro3r.ertirhtehgaer Stott decision; reeognising •the right of the people 'of any Staterto take their slaves into the Territo. • ilea of - the Vetted , States; will stand as a land mark whilst the Union shall endure. !The, waves of Black Republicanism may beat: against it in , vain. ,- How, -this Iprinelple could - ever have been eerlously,.tionbted; is; a mystery. As. the Presii dent observes in the same letter: ~ I f .a, elipfede; ;ration of sovereign. States ,acquire a new tent.' tory. at the expense of their common blood and treasure, surely: one, set of the partners can hive :no right to +=elude the other from its eulOymint by prohibiting" themfrom taking into it whatsoever is recognised to be property by the common Coned. Antioe,'„ • - We shall Lear but little more within the ranks •of the'Demooratio party o; antagenzstie 'or un friendly legialatson en, the Territories against , slavery, , the Constitution, and the, Deed Soott de. &lone ~It does not seem to be generally known that even the Kansas Legisliture,, at their list Session, after a - severe straggle, repudiated • this doctrine; and - refused. to adopt unfriendly legislation , against, slavery Within the Ter. • ritory: ,The advocates b f the potter in a Teirtto riatLegsstature, either &realm ,or.ladsrectly, to ,nullify • decision of,the Supreme Court of. the United , States, • must eveltuelly join Seward and :Illokman in ,asserting thit incompatibility of slave and free States. to live. s tagether in the same Con lederacY ; and this is - nothing f more nor less than:ran4 disunion,” ", • The Jeeuitical chaMoter of this article can only be fully appreciated by eonsidering It 'in •connection With the doctrine avowed by seve ral - Southern Senators in 'the course of the , debate 'of last Gnastr,. o Mis souri,: • . • told ec The doctrine of -non-interfe rence by Congress with slavery in the Territo. . „riedmeans, and can only,*mean, that Congress eintiktneither establish nor prohibit it. That 'is: all: , Leave these qUeetions to the Consti tution , and the.courts'. AYiihuritever rights ,individuals have in the 'Territory, may de:. brand, and when demanded, MUST HAVE adt quay protectpit."' • • - On this basis, which is identical with that of the'oigan, Senator Gairss contended that if; after slavery- was established in a,..Terrltory, and its right ,to•caist o ttiere was confirmed by . .IholSupierne Court of , the. United' States, the Jocal Legislature failed to protect itiVongre'es shOgld'be,' invoked, to, do So, and Such action would- not be ;in violation of 'the doctrine- of 'Oengressional- non-intervention as he under.: item! it;but be the imperative duty of (lon, gross. , 'Senator Stevan, while deprecating Vic agi.: ltation, of the gnestion at. this timo;; atrongiiy intimated his endorsement of Z r. fiansais 6iewe*hen . he 'said s , • • "It for . the oirorts, and riot for Congrees, ,deolde Ant 'gal question' that may arise as to the 404 of glove proliertyln the, Territories; that'. 11 the Dehmoiatto *toy.; but it is not clear, that; a neiesecty, mitl . .raeyer ai:iee for, the inter larvae', 0,1 aeniTeag ta2,ezecitte a fight decree, of, the, courts. , . . '„ .Other portfons of hitt speoclkcontain still stronger committals to this doctrine. While;in the, ;Nortb, the, AdministratiOn• ; Organs daye - not outrage public sentiment by, 'eveallog t heir `real opinions; and alhtte, In, isoine.eatme, they., even, deny their sympathy with, - •the2 doctrine , of Congressional = protee r , :00) ‘ ,1 1 11, 13. F _faithful allies the views : which , roclainis:" , • • ' , Cnitieptirtyjefittitagenistider - usfriendty heirs- Wien ia4hs Terrift rtes against eland-y.l' Its that Me'people of Me Ter'rMiiiei lava whatever over Mt,iiistiftsi,ion. doseri may establish idavery, in , detiancia :men, of the wyhes of eighty thousand freemen. The `tatter can not abolish it„ If they hill to protect it,- tinda decree or the Snpremo Court recog nises the right to hold slaves in the Territories, CimireSS' to. be' involred,', and, the Whole p6wei`of the Federal sativMninent set - in mo tion; to, _protect the' rights . of alaveholders. This theerydedicates'ill'the American Terri tories to alaieryoncl, enlists all the Federal powers for its Protection within their Melts; against the will of the intuthitants who are, to reside in 'them." It destroys' every- ves tige of Popular Sovereignty. It ,brands the-, language,• ,of „ the- • Kansas-Nobiaska bill -with , falsehood. • It ' converts the Ifstional Oovernment into an active agent of slaverry proPitgaiulista. It places , slave property on a higher basis ,than any other species - of property:, If it is insisted upon it wilt tired pitate -,the "inevitable diviiiOn of the Union into' two sectional parties, and forever destroy the., national organhation of the ;Democratic party. 'No Northern State support it, and ao Northern Senator or raenther of Congress, with the: consent of his constituents, can 'cite for Thebensecreei. of th 6 North havestftig glad long and manfully for the preservation of -the constitutional rights of the South, and ere willing to' do io still. , SU, like the prise. ? ner in the iron cell who saw its limits grade. aUY, , circus:tee:air% round him, ono demand tits followed upon another,, until now that Congressional protection for slavery is pre 'sented aira teat of political orthodsy, as a dog ma which must be advocated under penalty of exconiiiiriteation, Self-preservation compels them tO?repediate ',it in terms which none can ntisunderetand. - -- • Public Entertainments. AnOIIIIITREZT THEATRE .—We attended Mr. Wheatley'a benefit at the Arch. street Theatre on ,Saturday 'evening, and enjoyed a rare treat in the two first pieces, " The Married Sake," and " The Follies of a Night," but we feel bound to protest against the affair called " The Green Mountain Boy,"'whiell concluded the entertainment." It is eminently absurd and pointless, and wholly un worthy of, the high character of The Aroh-street Theatre, orient the best oonduoted establishments in America, if not the hart, and where our old Thigliali,playa are certainly better perforined than in coy other theatre in our experience: Even Mr. T. B..ll:Berke, a man et rare genius, whose persona ;Don of ,ffeirmer AsAfield- in "Speed the Sleigh," a - few evenings ego, startled ns by its - exquisite truth to "tater?, could not 'redeem the last piece on Saturday evening. Mr. Wheatley has attained too, high a character in his profusion to permit hbnieltte be imposed upon, or to yield to any favoritidnein the may of accepting Or acting snob bad pieces as "The Green Mountain Bey." • Mr. Fredericks, the stage manager of the Arch, takeit, his ,beneSt for Ann , leafs to-morrow evening. TtiCperformanoes 'will he "The Wed ding Day," "Our American Cousin," and "The - lollies of a Eight," 'one of the best comedies on the stage.' ' • • Mrs: and Mist 'Earren ernoluded their engage- Meat, at Walnut-street Theatre, on Saturday 'evening.- They cannot be said, under the mildest eritioism,Ao have succeeded.- Mii. Ferren's pro 'artist eiaggarations, as an Rotten, are the vary things Whieh her daughter should not imitate— ,but deer.`- To make her into anything like a good soirees, Mies' Benny Barren should rough it, in amau parts;nt,enrall theatres, for' the next three yeara. In a Word, :elm must became aware that people cannot be ; great performers, In , any art. without first acquiring the rudiments, the etc •inerite,' of the art: She has Commenced with lead ing parts, 10 WOO she might to atop. All the par ret-ing in ,the world wilt not manufacture a great aetressnut of the raw material, a solsool-girl. Der very, selflosseesion, ease—almost effrontery—are 1014, bgebist If she continue under her ;present strange schooling, she will never rise ,bigger thin to be the representative of exaggerated 'action end unqualified rant. This may, suit for the Westnntatet for Midterms ae3ustomed to see really linenetiog. - -On the other hand,, Mr: and Mrs. Weller, - who really are artists. in the -frilled sense of the word. Are - announced to; appear this evening, in the •Drielteip of, Meld., This play; .written by Ttioinaa .Wsibster,„Yriur, first, pnbliabed in 1023, 01.9plit years, after 4hskepearo deathj_kitt ira,lnot nor-formed ) , we believe, until 1678, in the dosing year - of . Me' reign of Charles 11, when it was altered for the tee and teas brought out at the Duke's Theatre. THE PRESS.--rPHILADE4PHIA, MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1859. • The feixotiCl!tit,...ißet4rtar(,:Playid th part of Bosofts,.'"hfra. ..the Ilfeelis f -Mr.‘ • Harris, iieraliniSnaf, - the,;:hrOther, and 14 gmtth personated .4ntopio; ,f4aliiiraOter whiekt trisipg -young actor; Mr. :` 8110:rgiOtill The play, firit.:written;ris..s.fine,`t edy—a: little inead;spoltsii now naclifen, it in a be. It was re-adapted for.the - Stage,' in ,1850, Horne, an English dranietist, now in dstralia, who was compelled to out oat a god deol, and' -- to' introduce' several lOW- scent to tit 'for modern audiences.,„ _lie. weeded, 'and' it' is hie 'isysime 'Which thci WaDts • pro. 'dime this evening. If they stall well supported, and Mr. Showell's - acOarilma? a Ana bard, we have no doubt about - their snocw. But— en& we ray it with. regret;4-thelttock.eoipany ,at the W.alutit•street Theatre is very poor; Barely, .on this occasion, the majority Will eintiseend to commit the-dialogue to, memory—theidid not think' it worth while to do 'So ,when Gilei ,Ovorreaob" watt played three weeks ago.Witiihti usual remarkable regard for appropriattiess; .(lunningion,)eader and direoto,r,of,the tehisatid, preftiees this intense tragedy4lth‘-thelGra:no. `Oierture from the opera of Don Giovanni Wili kene and his Dinah - would"have, imenjust as imitable. "' ' 1 .; „: • - Idobonough , s Gaieties .(Fthao: 'attea( helot Third) is - going ahead astonishingly:Me lkaa, ac extensive and able aompanY,and etii boapt, what few managers'ea, that frequent during the anion" be his hid to refuse moneyla coals ganef' of his house being as iSicwdeda it %Calif be. . - " Oome at a Beak" is an old invitaion. Pidiadelphia Band,, No.l, repeat H. O Wed. - nesday evening, at National Guards' Rill; Rani street,- the contributing meinbers' Quads/in Party (eighth series) will doubtless assemble a lrge - and pleasant party. , Miss Riohinge announces a consort, alklusical Fund Hall, for Wednesday evening. Beside tha,6e neficiaire,lhe performers will oone(stot MlO Anna Whaler, Miss M. O'Connell, Messrs: Geo Simpson and J . , R. Thomas, (have not we' heard hese two in Eihiopitc?) and Mr. Philip Rohr:. ' Th pianist will be Mr. Charles Jarvis.. Wst muekay that, with- a single exce4ioni tie_ programao is ex tremely wellteleoted and attractive. BY MIDNIGHT: MAIL. Letter from " OCORRiOnah! Morreopondence of The Pz..i I The last coil of the Sickles trial is bete; finally wound off, and we are nowlooklog forwird for a verdict by Monday or Tuesday. • Sante • disap pointment was expressed that 4he ,0011t..did not continue its session up to Sunday morales, so that the fury might proceed immediately to aleaielon. Mr. Stanton's speech eras - so masterly and at the same time so lengtsy,' that its points' will no doubt elleit a reply from the proseaution. lam clear that every indication points to an acquittal, though it is said that one of Abe jurors - le hbatile to Mr. Sickles. ;h.*. ,beet • acquainted with the presentoondition of things do not halite to say that the Jury, wore ready to hri'ng is is vadlet'six days , ego, while others contend that he true course would, have been to submit the care to the jury without argunient. , Mr. Sickles hinself 'le confident that he will be aocinitted,„—;. , _ . With the subsidence of the •exeltementgrowirg out of this trial, the spirit of gossip in eigard - to "paittiovhaa ,revived. We must, have Os'r elk= chat here,' or die out. 'The last bon boucle le that of the appointment of Mr. Quiggle, of yips city, to the important post of oonsul to Antwerp. The ,manner in wide, this appointment discussed shows that Mr. Qulggle stands possessed, of all the qualifications for receiving thiti high honor at the hands of the Bxreutive. While a Senator in the State Legislature, 'from the Centre: aid piintop district, he voted for Generat'llameroia for Unitrd States Senator; when the latter Wu lasi defeated,. in. 1854-55 ; and It is also stated that ia,the seine 'Legislature, while pledged to Support the antique'• bibitory liquor leagbe, he deserted 'it 'aiter.,:heing placed under obligations , to the meetirs; and voted for the prohibitory bill. 'The Demeerats, of his former imnrity; headed by the leadingLenomp7 ton)tes, - protested against his- eppoiritment on Many, grontids, and the 50n.,'4.11150i,1 White, the Lecompton member of Oongrase from tise'elinteri and I,yooming district, although at grit inclined to ildldte Mr. fp:Jiggle, subsequently withdrew Mile: gaminendetipn, and did all Infiliperr teriefelt tbp tYppolutinent. illr. Quiggie wieap.openantf'}@omp- What active sympathiser With the antl•Lesgmptoß Democrats, and, particularly dennneistory of the Befieral:-Adminielietion;no to a eartaVaried Bqt senator Bigler determined, ,that theLapOint rarnt should, be made; , end in the faits of id the local feeling against it, he suoceeded'in deceiving the president, and Mr. Qoiggie obtained th•oont , mission. itiz. White;, Whom' Ten will rebolleci as 'the Pennsylvania member, of tile 'Pommii , . tee of investigation on the . Manses' Oefpiolimp lion the last (longterm, and as one of .timintoet votive Leaompteilmernhers of that bedi f ,'' ttere firing the past EretOr f 'Otlte4 Open , kr: Beeltanan.( eariestly .prolisted 'ln self An the ground, and air toted rkihti;. : ,. a ~,pl, , a; Lion of the appointment. , Whitt you residiebt how many active men in :the state have been-looking forward to :some ouch recognition as this; Sind to so desliabje ' a poet, nethat of Antwerp, the feat thitt this appointment should hive beoanz ado in the face of the resistance of some of the, leading Ad• ministration men Of Pennsylvania, shows the Ocon llets, state of things hero at Washington. Butimoro A painful rumor is in olsoulti4oll to the 'pfoot that the chief floonolal deicer of the late Maio of Iteprosontativei has been missing fur thO litlfi two .or three weeks, and that the clerk, Mr. Allen; of Illinois, is in °measly's- trikalation, :; *bear giving names and robe, remarking only- Rita Mr. Allen had full werniog , of the' oharaoter of h lai r Modiste tirsisitint - befoio-he'-gppollited blitz i tot 1 11 4 6 i 4 4Mt.noihing Will result to the dims von tageeithos ofAhiGovernmont or the Clerk et the Hooserof Repierintotives. ..: -: - , I• Every,darmiltipiles 'evidences of the denil nittien ofOli / thonthern peditiolans to force th De i mooratio , Oarty -ripen the dootrino that the 'ogle of the ' Territories - shall have- no rights ovi tie subject - of slavery, and that Congress mutt pSleot Mayory blithe Torritorletirtt all hazards. • 1 - The fronisvilie Demoeiat; the leading Addnle. tendon paper ip Kentuoky, tot only takeihie ground, but rejects the Cincinnati platform; and GoVernor'Brown, Senator item 'Mlsaissippici out in a letter, in which be assent that the SOU will be eontent'with nothing lies than the protedin of slavery in the Territories by Congress and atilt,. decal Government. The Administration ,Su. once of the North is yielding to this sew dettnd. ' The great age and feeble health of at teas err of the Judges on the United States Supreme lt oh may render it the duty of the President to kp new appointments to that august tribunal' dting the next one or two years. ,Tudge Meek ill ok: tug forward' to this Snuggery as the Weiwid Vie of his aspirations, and experts to he gratified.; ne- Bee Grier, the sound and astute representatikf the Pennsylvania and New Jersey district eithe. Supreme bench, is a than of egtraordinary 100. and Mr. Buchner' would be oempelled to 4 de whether two_ judges of, the Supreme Court ti be taken from the flame State, should race es °Calm in other distriots. There have been, e. Have, as many as three judges from one 4 a Southern districts, on the' Supreme hermit ;b as' I ) New Jersey is a part of your distrid, ft is , y probable that, the people of New Jersey wo - 'list upon baying their man. Judge Black e. voting himself to a constant abuse of pour ! to Administration; and everybody whe Mills toe ta .2 is compelled to listen to his assaults upon no y those who are in favor of the State Atimlui ~ tion, but also upon' ouch distinguished jerk a Judge Thompiton, Judge Woodward, Judge! . rle i 'and Judge Strong, of the Supremo Con f Pennsylvania. No language is too vile for / i Blank to use when speaking of these upright excellent men. Re entails them not only per ally, but publicly traduoes their motive.' h t will recoiled 18 that, while on his tato visit to dpiphia,.ho did not hesitate to use the most p . sive language whenever Le referred to the El Adminiatration and to the members of thh t' preme Court of Pennsylvania. Probably no man ever mounted to positiot Washington, under any Administration; who lees to win it than Jeremiah S. Blank, the } sent Attorney General, During all, the year` struggle for Mr. Buchanan, in your State and Where, he was hardly ever heard of. He nj sat in a Buchanan convention, and hardly./ the President. In 1850 be neither lifted pen votes In Support of the Bernadette cause; nal is even, doubted whether he voted in the'ai peigu. I refer to this simply for the purleu( showing how easy it, is for gentlemen attal high position to lose their sewer, and- to in i ti • in personal -abused all who do not happen agree with theta 'Wle it the possession of tt nary power, A gentleman now here from Tenissytvani4 ma to - remind , you that the appointment of present,oonsal to parte, Mr."Spenoer-Trho? I said, has not voted in our country, for slit years, and bad about inuoh to do with the moaratio party as if be had never been bonsi-- • the 'work of Mr, Robert Tyler, the 'chairman the.Litoorapten Sitsvo•Code Central Committee Yannsylvan!a. lia4.-an opportunity ; been p tented of properly disowning this appeintment the time, it, never would have been , madej Mr. Tyler managed:to carry it over the heltd. the' old Deniborats in the midst of the exoltem. prevailing on other questions. Mr. ilpenoer Is, doubt, &lead man ; but if it had boort undansto' by the working mei of the party, during the P. .oldonCal eliottod,,that the patronage of the • I .ministration was to be given to those trhontst o had never served the party;.but never voted it, and that Mr. Robert Tyler, Pheltaittil slave-oode ociamittee, could on glow suoh apcil 'meats, through, there ,would have been lut ists .eouragemeno for the men who putAr Mohan? Where he is., Mr: Spenser ought °Widely' Oise a year's salary to Penneylvania to help the To compton tioket, through, Chwasioeaw SHINCITON, 1241859 Loiter from Nenv,York: 4iapspOp'PEACiAziptil "FOR ifiIf: , CONTICSTs OF TNE, ~...ptiSSER - AND VANES op PRE, CONTRIBUTORS- - ' TkS , ENOREAspick TRU plix ,r iint LEGAL_ ADpER . STSFRO.—DEATIT SENATOR =RON:ET:Tr : THE TOERP.,-;—_SOOOPSO , OP . NTSSI - '4DAVANPORT VIE NORPRIC.TESTIPONTAL.. ' (001Tsepondense"or Thipreas4 , , _ Naw You, April 23 1859 Harper's Magazine, for May, the advainte sheets of which have just passed under my glance, opens with a teever roatical, by - Boos-Terry,- entitled The •Lenentable Oomplaint ,of Katherina .hier'ea BpPFenel iltdeiaterleed fate Idery r POpPle.t.) AFisoleveirly Bins- Crated byßoppin, and is, " got tip' to show how dia. cult, end generally smsuecaasfut, it le to trinsiornilf good, sensitive country girl Into a faishionable ~. Miss 'ote. Mar., of Madipon Square." The next paper, pro. fogey ilinetrated, is abOut, Flies,” and tells the reader everything that is known relative in the ariettruut teal straoture and ordinary habits of that eurioue little bird. The writer is MeV. Marlette Taylor. Next roll ; lows Loriegingilin the Footprint; of the Pioneers,'? by Edward 0. BruCe, or Wincliester, Vii„" giving racy sketch of miters and tillage, 'old and new: "lamestherit; - ".01.0sapeak•r• • Bey, ,and Olurltitik; and 'whir Was aid -and 'done • Mi . 4 eartainexourslon therein. fully - dexeribed. T, D. Sher wood oontributes Tie Merchant."' i ehdrt poem, full .of beautiful thoughts, „ that will be read with pleasure by Odin who, reared to the old farnihonie, have ob tained in the city the elegant dollars so eagerly looked „foreirtlfte turn i'cooty,sgain to tine farm-tone. fringed with vies - " Elnaceedlng Burning of Belton's Villa," ea story, by 7. D. Wbelpley. Another dory' kelt. Margaret's Irobbr,'.!is by a gentleman who Milan: the pleasure or rprnainfng Moog. father .than to be mentioned so slaver Writer or tiotfori. :Next we have a talent de pi per by Dr. 'Raid, no 41 Querattinsand Vontila• Mo. , ' T. B Aldrich centributes "In the Old Church Tower' , four wart . sweet verses. .• Thellothaays”, is by a lady whose name; I am not it liberty,to sive ...Lynch Law?' Is by an anonymoue writer.. hir...D 0. Opetleton is the inventor of "Criticism Forestalled; or, Rhyme vorsrui Beaton.' , Mrs. Katherine ''Jl • Williams is the author of the very readable 'story, Such a Mistake and that clever writer of all sorts of Wage, •i Baroull Nordbort, gives ns "The Golden, Elephant.'! Tbese - are the 'articles; With the of the authors, in the May nuMber. The remaining por tion is made up of The *trephine , ' and the usual Monthly Tteened of Current Events, Literari Notices, Editor's Table, Editor's Eas y Chair;&ci", On the whole a capital number. I mentioned, the other day, that one of the most sen sible and 'just litre passed by the Legielaturejust ad journed, was that which increased the rate allowed by ?Mr • for the advertisement of legal notices. As this law it likely ,to attnot the attention of the press of Other States, where this kind Of, advertleing le inade quately 'Sid, and will donbtleae be made the bails of lagishatine settee, I hive thought best to send yon.the followint copy or tta Wbole bill : , „ _ _ An ant In relation to the publication= of legal notions. The people of the State of New York. represented In Bents and, Ailembly, do enlist* follow' - Election 1. The giourleitor or proprietors'of any news paper may charge mid stillest, for publishing any rorlos, order; citation. summon' or other roceeding or adver. tisement,"required , by law to be published. not more than 76 Malts vier folio' toe the first insertion. and 80 ciente for each !subsequent insertion after the first. But this ant shell not operate to change the present rates of compensation for the publication of the session lawe; nor shall the provis'ons of this ant apply to provisions in Surrogate's courts. or any totters - rev:drat lobe pubilehed relating to estates of deeeised persons. Sea. S. All laws and parts of laws not consietent with this act are hereby repealed. ' - ' Bee. 8. This ant shall take effect immediately. - The rates heretoinre allowed for the sins of adverti sing affected by this bill were fifty Sent* per leo of one hundred 'fordo for the first' insertion, and twenty cents for each subsequent insertion These 'prises were Aged thirty years ago, when newspaper advertising wee grate a"different thing from it Is now. • - !tens.te Doherty, who died at Albany, on Wedneeday evening last; was one of the Senators from this elti—a 'y nag gentleman of ability, and the inheritor to , an araplo f whine lie was ace of those trulyamlable, it good fel; lows n who lacked the stamina to resist temptation; and fell a too-easy Victim to the thoroughly organised hut infamims System of the lobby, whoie intermits were stvbserved by his absence from, rather than presence In, the Sena's.' flaw thrOugh the Instruments of the fourth house ~t hat be was kept almost tionehultlY under the influenee of eihnuirts, and finally hurried to the grave. The lobby of the last Legislature surpersed all Its predecessor" It, the Audacity . and infamy of its scheme,. . The enema or Miss Davenport. at. , the Metropolitan, Lae tisein quite a impale* to of the theatre-mieis, thougli . not to those who have seen and appreciated the iidyiniersonatfone. :The D'xprevs sayi Thin adMI: robin, actresit is dceperilog, the impression she,hadinade, and . ehe will do ac, foiheiliowsi is raided by the high. est Hilda. The- intelleitual.irace Of her movement, ,and the fresh Impultilvonvm,mimbined with a certiln reticence, lndleatiog that the emotion la always deeper tton its endemism, bas Johann few eau Thg rheas-players were in high sionehree on Thnradir evening. It wee understood that tte testimonial to Pan! hforehit will Isenreiented in ibis chipel of the Rlew Vort Tinlyersity, before the plupglid their friends, and that the presentation oppiotieg will to by Penn Bolin Van Boren, imd auger Pritieo 2 —Wiss, J. Neer York Stock Exchange, Apnl,23. 11110010 snap 1900 N 1' Central IS 72 7 1201 - , do-. - aln'T•X soor . 'do • - 030„7234 201 do 560=723 906 inch & gat ; '4 O B„tXB6 6000pirgin1n 6* 9)Y 6000 Ohio 61 .66 104 100 Mama' es 873 i. 16060 Tenn 64 , 90 93,4* ROO Nod R 101 6000 N Cleat 24 to b 100 100 trio Aso 160 Rar.dia R ' '101( 200 11a11sm IL put' 160 11lob Centisa B rg 8Q - dp 200 do ,- , 210 81 000 dp 611( . . . 400 Lae & MIII. G 1T Mt of Oommeree 1014 240 Rustling a1w , 601( 100 • Ida Patiflet 4p 51,11 Co., .88 , , $lll 8716 140 do stt 88% 0 8 01 r-Oeulral 8 ' 78x . 490 to 78 1010 „ do '4EO 78 - . . BO Oblo k 1“.11, onw'.67 200 do MO 57 250 I. do 810 57. • TUE KABKR - SEI. • The untayorablearesther etas forenoon pherked „ . Yerjotnitit, Fillet haying heel Sonened to 6 606 bbis• of all Mods, within yesterday's range. - tensest was depressed{ melee of 110 000 bushais at Kll 78x1,60 for white Kentucky, 818501.44 for inferior in very shod red Western, and an unascertained Flee for unsound Chicago spring. • Cope —Bales were reported of 12 SOO bushels at Seep BT4_fer new yellow Jersey and ilituthern, and 82e88b for old mixed Western. Kr; —Wee 11,00 e bushels Northern at 864800, • Beatty . —}lales '5,800 ton/lets State at, abarrOc. kra.bel. 0 rs were in dentand,lB,:d f2nLastiset Avner. A VIVO W Ft.wrolt. ing ws for new all The sale Steely prig, Lagoon Walnut/1 FHE 13 Arrival or 111, OVarlaad frOm Atizona - • Yr. Loma, April 23 '--Thiciveriand mail, from Cali fornia, bast arrived, with detest to the lit inct The Melees hive been anticipated by the arrival of the Tebuantepec dimmer at New Orleans. ,Illixty.nina pound. of sneer, the product of the Art. 'sena mines, were received here by the overlaid mall c,aah. Railroad ,llyidge Partially Destroyed by Fire. TRAIN NRECRITATED INTO THE RIVER-ENQINEI3!I %WAR— BCBTOI. April gft .:—The bridge across parker dyer was partially destroyed by tlre some time last night. It Is supposed It Wes set pit are by sparks from the 10 7 emotive of the eastern train. -'At ao early hour this morning, a freight train from Portsmouth, for this city, came along, and the engineer not knowing of the fire, the whale train was precipitated into the river. The erglneer woe inetantly killed. , The Paraguay Indemnity. WAsuisoron. April 24 —A draft for; 0,000 bee been teo•i red at the State Department, 'aa an lath... l6o a' lion to the limn, of the eeaman who was killed on It lard the steamer Water Witch In 1055 by a allot fired frOM the Parevayab fort when that steamer was an Its way to ra?lore the Parana river. Funeral of Outlay. Dr. Joltnlte rllstritione. Apol 24,—The funeral of the Rey, De. Jobse'o.kpleat this atternoon, starting repot Ilmroasa uol Church.. The building was densely packed with Members of the con option, and, the street outside watelso throned. The funeral sirrices, which were very impressive, were cooduotrd by,tbo RSV. Oberlin Boward, assistsot minister of the same °bomb. A large number of the clergy was also present. The funeral procession was the tares! e.or wen io Balti more, thousands tbro•giog the aldeovelke sod following the body, test fylog to the uolrersal 'esteem In which the doessasd wee held. , Death of a Bcitlsh Consul. , BALTIMORW prll 24 D MOnnon enl or her Ilrßemote Maiesty fee the State or INerylmod, dl-d at hie residence to We city, Oa Baturdaqi ester pretreated Illasse. High Rego of Muerte the fltinotsodppi. Now 0111.11.11111 April 24 —An 1M03113110 110300 tit Of damage hag been dope by the retaliate along the Weak- Moat The line will he over a million or dollars. It wee feared at one time that the Faure levee above the oily would bo o Mee away, which would have over, flowed nearly the whole lower motion of the country. A large number of workmen were timely Cent to the erol, and prevented coy glorious damage. From Red r oft no hove Illetetrowi acoounts of the flood. , Itev.. Ur. Unrden, the Wife-Poisoner. liumnicaa, N. J.. April 28.—Rev, Mr. Harden, the Me'lledmt whilst/ r who le charred with pniaenirg hie lON, arrived here list OW in charge of itfr. Dean, a piton °Moor of Trenton. whoarreated Mallet Wheeling, Va. There wee en Immense crowd at the railroad depot when the t.ain arrived whtoh conveyed the pi. um, and groat exolternent oxide throughout the country In regard to the unfortunate affair. • Application for Stay of Execution, Aaueer, April 23,—The counsel for tire. Hartung, sentenced to be hums OD Wedneaday n ext, tw o ma. n l, 4 made sPPlioattoo before the Third Judicial Mort for eta of exectelon. with the latent to obtain • new trial, it to thought the court will not grant it. The Or. renter has expressed • determinetion cot to i n t o , fere with the coact:ice of the law. One of the Ovum youbds urged Is that tea unfortunate woman et °old not be ex...anted until after her paramour Is tried, as it may be Shown that she should_ not teeter the extreme tenter/Goof the law. snow Storm in the Aiountaine. Paapaaro. Pa , Aprll 24.—A. tremendous soor•storto pl needled in the mouutatne weal of this ' 'rho atego• d•lrere arri►lpy here to-day report the now 'n3 three feet deep, Heavy Fog on the Hudson. Pew Vette, April 43..—There wee a heavy tog on the MOW* lest night and this morning., The Frannie filiddy, New Wo id, bean Now , on. and Kniokerbonter, all tiret•oiaee begs, gut ashore at differed pinta Moog the river, but were MI got Of, without elation' damage, Shisatternoon. • Recovery of a Light Boat. NEW LONDON: Aril 24 —A light boat, which broke drift 00 Sa'urday, has been brought into Cornfield , olot t near Saybrook Dtattotins —The ancients attributed extra- Om I Taff Boa TWIN. --• To-day, the Nevi Stilelpe.—A: young man; named Charles ordinary virtues to: the diamond; They be n orb owes; train brought- on their way to their Pry, Jr., eon of George Pry, of Robeson tcwnship, !loved it could not be broken' by the greatest i Vestorn homes, in Minnesota, the deputation of Ps., committed eutolde about six o'olook on Satnr- blow ; but Pliny !lays that IC it be 'soaked in lirlimobsgo Indians, who have been to Washing. day evening last, : by banging himself, In his the blood of a may then-be broken. lon to sec their Great Father. They are a flne • father's barn, with a chain about four or five'reet' The people of old also believed that a diamond, I.oking sot of men, and were dressed in their us:. long.: Ile had for some time past been low•epirfted- kept in the house, would prevent domestic Ivo costume, war•palnt, blankets and all. They and in feeble - health, but-wag sot thought- ill ~ Pothered ton, and 'return with one less than enough to warrant the calling in ~f - a pbyriman , s trife betteeee man and wife. This was mere ..lien they left • their hunting-grounds, having .The,deoeased, was a single man, about twenty-six , ~.,.., , i mag i nation • but there is a diamond' that na y cried their head chief in Washington.—Utica years of age, of egoellent moral character, and ,h e Keg in eva:ty,Taintiy, whichhaa thit that, . Y.) Telegraph, April 22d. his death falls heavily upon his aged parents, I and that 15—floon MITER. i THE CITY. - , - 1.311M91418NT8 THIS livimusa.i 64:1ADIIIT or VII Fill 'hibitton of Plifatings and Eltntuary; , ..- , ~. elh . tholepin ISitsire."Merouty, Cupid, and ;tiering; br Carvallo. , 0 : _ wpßimArr re,igtinxit , e Ascabarisirr Taremnti '= a Fontes) or a Night) l4l The Mauled Rake"—. , The' 'Green Mountain , Dim Wairor-Briame nutter—cc Tho Duchess! of Idalfi"-- 44 The Laughing Hyena? , MoDoarmartfe 041ertse.-41eleotIone from MAYO Gentli from Operas, Pantomimes, Dancing, end Hinging Tnotracrla Vasil:Tue.—Gems from Operas, Negro leoentricities, Places, Hinging, and Dancing. THE VEHDTOT in tto• case of the Inquest on /ohm Caste' haint4dinctti been rendered. The Invnett:. Whin was coaducts,Trith, otesed ; doors, and the- dance we cos previa it 64 &ail to' tha'nublis,' c by the coroner, after a co'r a 'nation with'tbe officers of the law, and,* iffiblicifficia , Wonld do no harm to public jostles. John 8. 'Myna, offimr-Illo„ 24, fyr9rn—l was standing - at Twelfth and SIIPPert streett,"OU Surdy morning, about half past one o'clock, 17th lost ; Y saw • mon fire ;a ;pleat ; wee etanding about no the flag thet'crossed the West iide - of 'Twelfth - Street; 1 edit thp first lead fired, and thought it was probably co odieet making an an' pit; and dtd.not pay much attention to it flaw Robert ?hempen hi bad on Week suit and Mack }Kossuth hat; sew , hint standing with a pistol In his hand and tire; 'this Sysi tin:. sewed load; Thompsois fl ed -both lauds; then .1.04 w a man strike him on the bead with a horn ; I went 'to: street Thompson, era he started to rundown Twelfth Street; I Warted after hill]; I caught him-and wrenehed the pistol ent, of his hand; (pistol shown, a fivii:slioober tj la the scuffle be fell rained him np and trot him to the station banes,; he woe ant on the.forehhill I I' fieW 80 wound In the side; Dr. Haney waft there, and he mid be did not think he was wounded anywhere eapept Ql the bead •, there was a fire In ShiPpen Street,hisloyeTwalfth ; I saw no one fall; the two ehpta were fired in quick succession ; after this there were, several 04010 had ; The_derrlege wee the_north aide of nipple drain, and Thompson tired towardathe front part of the Barr; the northireit direction ,• I beard riodiettitbance pre vious to firing the pistol; I do not know Caplet; and did ebb know any one was shot at the Several others gave evidence, but nothing ma 7 brie( was elicited, Which finitt given above.. The july.retired;And after' a few manatee delibera'. Non, brought in a verdict, setting forth that "the death of Jotter 41; captor um aimed by a Piatol - shot infirc•id from st pistol lo the kludge( Robert Thompson, onthpmorning of, the 17th hist , Arc Oninitii.-41, - Mend 'lnforms' net that, as ho was palming' pi' Sidge • avenue, "tote - Vine . _ . street, shout eleven,o!elock,ort Satunlay,evening,:he overtook a partiof five men,' alt of them more or; under the influence of; ,liquor,; that as they neared Wood street, a yoring lady, eeoompenied by a little girl, turned the corny, andi:whileepreeteding in ; the direct lion of %%mistreat; elle wee rniel selised bione of shit party, who, disrevardmg her appeals tepees nnmelestl etif forced her With' groat violence against a house', and attempted improper liberties with her person. She at nee en-earned "murder," and, - although her Mee brought no officer to bet assistance, they bad the Piled to :frighten off, her assailant. who with and erouradsit passed a abort distance up the avenue anfentered drinking hones. .yre regret that the brute wan not ar. rest4d, that he ;night receive the punishment he no richly deserres. THE hoe race stormon Saturday, morning emus* a gencralcay s e in of Ohestrstatreet, lwfpont of the new building :, wh ich is la promise of construction at the southwest corner of Chill - dram - id Second etrgett A deep , excavation had been made on Oheet tit street dantdi vaults under the aide walks. The rain weakened the hink• on Oheitirit'etriet,end sk• greet pirtion'br thf street eared in, earmlog with it a large bed of planter leg morter f and. breaking off,the waterluid gas metal. The workmen employed in the building had arrived on the, ground, and fa soon se, possible the water was atop. pad in the main,iud - the gee was brined eft.' A' large quantity of water -ran tato the excevotiott: and for p time, it wee relied that 'the buildlog would be throws down. Had tiskactddent oeenfred, during the night the damage would hers..poen mush toorsaerious. " rM 'FoitAL'Ol , `Jonw fano of John Hanle, who was shot in aliremen's riot ou ' llriedej week, took plaits yesterdeyeftereion from the resideami of hie mother, on Qiieen street, above Bwanson.l7ll4 wee burled in the 'Union Oemetery. Muth street, boleti Prime, at the iipeneskr,at&hir thlfilor, Owl -Campus', The funeral services were performed by the Rev H. W, Butter. of the New-at set -Lutheran obureli, who ever oboe the,uneortrmate Sooltin murder has taken a deep it twat in almlehl welfare The funeral was attended by hundreds of firemen, 'to whom Rev. Mr. Hotter adi dressed a Kama appeal, onmoionleg them to immediate repentance. cud warntog them eepetdally against carry; Mg concluded deadly weapons, as a most prolific Bourne of crime, quilting. the words of the Saviour. "All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." A Len about ten years of age was .badiyi hurt on Saturday morning bya home falling on him ih the'netghtorhood of Eighth and Oallawhiltitreeti, ABOUT DAYoBBEA,E on -Saturday the eon. due.or of a freight train, on the Philadelphia, mingion and Baltlinore railroad discovered a colored man, in a dying condition; lying beside the track near the Bali RossatatiOnVin 'the Twenty-rourah wadi The mati,wie picked up and conveyed to the city, bnt died before he reached here. ~.The body was recomieed se Davis, 'avoiding. itrOhlo'strest, near Eleventh. He left a wile and children. Be had been insane re: cosily, ant on Ifundy he 'lett bpme The trotter hold an inquest in the' case, and a verdict O&M& from exposure was rendered. OS SATSILBAT 150101110 a tqlnwas deteoted in the itet of stealing 'a lief of - eau, leather froin=.'the Coding Aare °friar; Davie, at Sectind and South etreete. Vhe man was taken Into onetody, and Lieutenant Golder and Sergeant Godwin took the matter to hand and 'matched the house occupied by the alleged thief, Id Wharton owlet, aboye - Biglith `A. large Quantity of goods, which are imprsed to have been stolen, was critid - in the bowie', and removed to the Oentral ata‘ Goa. sTherik was a Dumber of fate kepi Mound at the 'balm"( totny'of them wre - roagbitollef t pewter, but they min to have answered the *mme for which the} were intended. The a c cused wee comnittea' to await a fu•therhearing. ' 'oopwr OP., QUARTS'S.. BRilin43:l-9il SahudayOht, e ' Fill !Ilk tfaintimilit',`Engine pantie were up, on ihe chaise of_ hinting: Williain".l); Kelley, for.thelleed made mittfen to quash the eases, He fuitherbontioded thatWitta She thief lin. Onset rented the authority to punish recount ewe coin. pastes The eats was continued to next Saturday. • Tfizai 'Wail a fight, yesterday ''afternoon, about hairiest tWO Walotik, at .the corner of Zleeentli and Baca street's, between the adherent, of the Pair: mount add ene&Wili: 'lre Oompanies A number or paring atones and other mheibinawere thrown. No one was injured. We keard set no' arrests. --.14 it not time that this periodical practice "tf Sunder rioting Should be etoppedl . . , ... m . . Tp i• Tlttap annual oetino of . toe quarazt : tine and Sanitary Convention's Still be held In the city of Now rprk on the 27th Inst. The delegate; trem the trolleke pf Physicians of this city, are - Drs. lewelli co2dte, Busehnnberger, Bell -, and Ls. Roche Those from the Phil/delphia County Medical S ciety. Drs. Lamb, (Matra, eisybary, Smelts and fit4lair Ash. . . Os Saturday morning about daybreak, da ring the prevalence - of the - fearful storm that raged about that time, the dwelling hones, of Mr. Joseph Porter, No. 2 0 .12 Carlton street was struck by light. sling • - A small portion of the roof was torn off. Per. toughly, no parsed wge injured: . AN Isrenr about two weeks old, whose pa. recta risme sit No; us luta street, wee found dotal to bed on Saturday mornmg. It had been smot , eredbi another child who was sleeping in the alms bed, and who, daring the night. white both were %deep, pissed Its hands over Its mouth. „•, - A aux, named Christian 'ltleCorinick, was found on Friday evening by two oilkiens of the reserve towns, lyiog'on o,nt. of the bf srket.street stale In au in sensible condition. He le suppoiedio have ixen taken with alit. He was remora to his home, in Ileehatile Street, Southwark. A surr has been commenced by Beck's Brass Pond, for music furnished to the, oliy on the on. Carlon of the grand musitipst celebration of the hat anniversary of our national Independence. The hear ing was postponed until Wednemlay week, when It will come be`o:e Alderman ?libber& A 'Cloux4rrsis of the Baltimore Waal. Be l . pertinent is now In the Oily, and were engaged on Sa. turday wining, in cOmpany with - the Chief Engineer laud ,Water-Committee of (fondle, in ,inspeothig the asjeret water.norkifin city. r A ooturasur bits been made by the Mechanic Engine Company, with the bnilders of the steam en., gine of the Hope floss Company for an ermine of the same calibre. It is to be built and hostrel by the 4th =CI 111:=E1 V galldn EWS Tl. IT le aald the Chief. Euzieetr hue deter.. mined that a fire se mpany mud take lts stream into the fire whenever it le posalbli. and not stand off snd play a Railer! Crean, as Is so oleo done when the aide-etream ameba need with more I frans.• Tun loopy of the Washington Engine Cons psny to under/cone a ntunber of alterations, In order tp prepare It for the reception of a new @teem fire engine. •Tun BODY of a drowned man was found on flsturdny inornlng• In the Palmylklll river, below Mb !Word Avenue Bridge. The coronet's jury returned si indict of Vound drowned." . Wonxitex are now engaged In laying a large quantity of tweet) , loch plea , to euiply the oar betel! mouth Ntrest wit& aster. ACCIDENT ON, Tan CHANDENSICIRO Tuna- PIKBI.—On Saturday last, as Mr. Samuel Barnhart, of this plane, was driving bit ala•horse road team over the bridge at the "Narrows," a short dis tance below town, the flooring and-supporting timbers of the bridge gave way, and the wagon and tour of the horses attaobed to it dropped through into the stream beneath. The depth of the water under the bridge is estimated to have been from twelve ,to fifteen feet. Tho wagon was loaded principally with flour, the weight of the whole load "being about I.ooewt. A oonsidorable quantity of the fleur was lost, and some of the re mainder damaged so as to render its sale of no advantage to the owner. The four horses that went through the bridge with the wagon were Saved, which seems miraculous, indeed, when we think of the height_ they fell, (some twenty-five feet) and the danger of their entanglement in the harneas and wagon gears in the deep water late which they were plunged. Mr. Barnhart's 'own escape is a matter to be wondered at. Just as the timbers began to ciaek and sink beneath his team he stepped from that portion of the bridge that went down. lle had boon walking with the tvia front horses, which escaped by the breaking of the, coupling chain, and thus was saved from the ptri lons fall which otherwise would.have awaited him. Take it ail In all, this accident was most extraordi nary,-.-liodiiud (Pa ) Gazette. • A wom BRUTMAY .111UnDsnED By mu —Oa Friday last, groat eitoitement prevailed in Saugerties, :Ulster county, N. Y. by the report that a woman named Orr had'been, brutally mur dered by her husband. A large number of aid• seas, attracted by the horrible news, rushed to the home to ascertain whether the 'report wee true, and the appearance of 'the *amen fully oorrobo rated the fact. The arum, legs, and a p ort i on o f her face bore unmistakable evidence of violence, prmanting,a brutaed an d livid appearance. The husband woe instantly , arrested, and • placed in safe keeping, until, the jury should render a ver dict. An inquest was then held upon the body. when the jury rendered a - verdict that the decamp ed met her death by' the" brutal and inhuman treatment of her husband. The murderer is now in jail. • - • - - _" IOURTa 1 4TulipLi44Aoosspxlviel piiport!Wormetiftml UNITED STATEN DISTRICT COUNT Judge Cadwalsaerl—The _ease of Daniel , B. Vonderimithi 'nharneftwith forging pegs en pedant, wee - resumed on . Beterdir morning: ' -:1 - 11einsuiln Baker, morn —I live in Lanosster county. Efiet.Hempfleld township; I am mevenly.fonr yearn i old ;'I do not recollect Jelin Parker; [wltneu referred • to oertlfiest wof ottleene„ . oll Hemptleld township; in the "ease of Jullandsc - Parker;) 'tie naiad . - edited - to this is riptMY:bitudwrit neversworn be. , , iii • -'- fore Alderman lifesteemithelOth Veciimhei, 1845. • same paper.]-ri ilasalferroden-,township, Lan = oaateroatinfyl'llidi - seviioerfoyeartu r old ; I do not ipulember .l'ohnMarhes, .f ibe - ievololonirT ear; 1 - 414' hot Op ttst`pe foirtlaeste ;), wainot sworn b - rfcriaidarnsan 7o n Meyer as 'toter intowl: edge of John Tether ; I have : lived In'East Hempfield • township shoat - lode leirs'i.and know -the r.eople theregenerally ; lam the only:person - named Raul - Lanais lathe towrialtip , AndrewAle:is ,telitihial==l lire in Hut Heropfleld tewnehip; fieferrsd-tweintiepspera , my name lmthis - paper wu not Maned - by_f ;,- lam eaventy.shr. yearn old ; Ido not know JobinVarkiiii , end' I. did not make, affidavit before Mama* Sohn Musser that I ' IBM Lapels morn.; sad 1%1d.1 Mow the defendant; I have acted se • ropyfet for him in throe or four cues theta remelnberof fwitneesreferred to original dealer ritionor7ohn, MatilonL•thin.paper. was written by me at hie•rrquest ; he furnished me with Aim lona, and copied it ; .lusseltedree _to evy,thereper„whating that • he wished to tend it to the Peedosi OM* iu id,dlitorent handwriting . , as , he bad' sent's umber, and they bad not been stated upon; I antit'ine'Atier of the Lancaster bar ; .I ; step-copied the Mar fide earth:Meth which is st . tw3tisidctp: ; , the ',disn'aratioo ; [witness „referred to proof le the' sa m e CUM bl „Pater - Bruneridated A prilleth, 1814);1 wrote this at :the:l 4 oo4 ,ortbe defendant; [referred the- , orielnal , deetarattim pit/oiliest *be Catharine Ilowan.. - datett Zaullary - ....22de- 1 8 14 r together witty-OE4V% attached]; thie. te. rarhandf ' - writing, all except the, dates • I coiled it for. the de. fendant ; all the tupers a m. mow, shown arc in my handwriting ; fairitnees sturwrestiliewit ofJobri,Conter); I also copied title piper for the deft.; witness referred to, proof by John Bruner) *opted this paper for the de. reorient; when th e defendant ounce after She copies he always took the oilainile aired. [Witnesa remind tittle original declaration in the ate of Mary Lent, on the 20th of June, 1844, before Sedge Shaeffer.] I drew op these papers for the defendant; it le all in my hand y-Mier, except the dated slid ;purl Mitoses shown the °tiniest declaration - of Rachel - Mo.:0.1o, dated Demurer 7,444 . ...tirgether . , with the. afillsmits there . ° filtrated ] I cop ied all these pipers fertile de , *indent; don't know p, jostle% of, the _male, named Hurd Carpenter ; the carßtlettea Of , theiterothobetary of the Court et Common Pleas of Latenorter aunty are - gartnine I attested aolianapere that TM cot Simi. at the reroute! the defendant, wither were acknowledged before an alderman. A number of ether papers were Amen to the witness; who said that he bad wri.ten them for the , defendantoild ( there at his re quest. James II 't the"ret s'aa Lyttle testified— ameon o ex er Little, who was a revcOntidatedj , soldier ~, risi - mitherie rams was - Sane Dutra, ;-.l , ,donit'reeolleetwlien Jane died ; I think it was about ten or elm* years Iwo. Mr. Amweke testified—[?town ;tire pailelT of the an. plioetion or Susan Long.' . Thseirpspers were written by the defendant. - except: the , certificate of the Pro- tbonotary of the.Conrt or Common Pleas; the paean; are listed Hay 24,18483 entrant of Prost 7 s History or the United States woe written by the' defendant. (Witness shown letter dated - Levouter, December rft 1841, from Basso Loon to the Clommlaslooar of Pert- Clone This wava'so written by the deteedavt. Prost'sllfitory of Mil:lotted Slater; liver by 'Philip Meet and Philip Monter, end the letter of SI;111111 to the Oonnnisesener PaNihatle. were offered inevidence, but ware objected to bybfr. ?hillfes for the defame Objeetion overruled. nninbeeof otheeeffl. , docile, marriage certificates, original dieelarations, ho ; were shown to the witness. who said they ware in the hiniwriting of the defindent. - They were offered to evidence. Two letters of the defendant to Hon E. L; Riwude, Conrulgoormr of P•1111(01:11. IMO offered in evidence. , A fbdevit of,Tolin Patteirson In smart of an eppqration for a' petition; she in the handwriting of the defendant. wee offered in evidence. d number of other letters by the defendant to Hon. E. L. Edwards; were tbenoffered in evidence., .... • [the orihinil doettneriCof earth_ gteroleaneer, with the certificate of Zobn Baker, and th certificate of Mini E Shaeffer, was shown to the witness ) _ theliatidwritingatkfi deteitdait.4, [AI 'in of defendant bet' e Aid H " Carpenter was kande - 4th the witness, who said this Is a genuine paper. Witnere banded the °erred declaration of Beeline Callahan' dated April S 1849, beforia , 3l. Shaeffer. with the marrt4 ego mutt:irate of Mr. Baker and attestation of E Shaeffer ] This was written by the defendant: I ea , . not tell whether; their. signalltre4 .are.geonnine or not. (Witness shown the original declaration of Samuel Her bert, dated ,Tannary 4 1849, purporting to be the amyl• wing child , of Stewart ant Sarah Herbert, Deere Hon. torreither With the proof attacked. arid the marriage certifiCate of Baker. January 4,1849 ] The Prothonotary's certificate is genuine &Mull of John Baker. before Jeremiah 'Brown, on 'February 12i tbifiewitltiell , Th. Fillitesark it ten by the defendentf the Armatures era net pumice: (the origluaLdecisration of Pine Weiner& widow of John Weinerdolated ileptimherlB4B t lrefore_Zatge; Shaeffer: together with the ifidseite'siipporting it. and the marriage oertificate of John 0 -Bear, were handed to the witness] These papule were written by the de= fenducethe signitares ems not genuine' .;1 9 7itriess banded the original dacleraVon of Catharine Fink, toe gather with the affidavits supportingitkdated April 24' 1846. and the aftituit of FL Ilonnuel These papers are in the hand Writing of , the defendant itheidgcae„ torts are not genuine, • - A recess was taker' :of, fifteen minutes atiiiof.past After the recess several, other witnesseclrerei en. mined. Miss Catherine: litiledie; tte. getter Sir. Autwakej Me. We. ttr.4etattheas :teatifitd doer cements and certificates, SOrkaraffidayitsandurtitleatei being in Juifiro!Vendetegdtb , i handwriting, and to the signatures being , bet vary poor imitations of the orli gloats. Daring Mr. Matthews' ,testimony, a dlsonselon Owe on a pliei °Clay between Dir. 4%11110 rindtherrstriet Attbiney. If listen three o'clock, thaledge disitarged the jury, and asked the counsel to proceed with their argument. ' Mr Phillips protested It was a right drat both to client sod: the "ganillinien ortbe - jary-tharthey should hear' the aegnmente nietneaVen whether of law nr,utdence„ The,Tedge. thinight.'ntherwiifo: The diteision of points of law were altogether with _the .1011ge.. IL the jury Wanted to hien , the arguroesite'OF weasel, they might remain did not tblnk , therwohld be very much interested boweeev. Phillips said he wild new nothing in the oh; ateerttl-theifscrt::' - 4 - • - The court ttop *AI maiiiiig; at 10 Weleet. wealth. , An °oleos - wee dia08:401 1 1* firming the &cis writif hedge - Id drew, ftam:.indot an appeal bad been taken.• - Bile', it - will , be remembered was tried, conricted, and lesoteiseed od A:Charge of forgery. Thle deers* confirms4lmaintenee, Sat - itt.- mat& Bliss '0 , The City of Philadelphia, ie,•Wm McGrath, City Tr:estrum. Coition deliverid "Juitioe..4ltroosr. At Niel Prins. Mam a to dia•else sehmetion dlernbiald: Malone et al. ye The-Northwestern Msil.road•Com... rimy. In equity. Argument upon report:of of. pewee made at Nisi Pram -.- • ' Nisi Pairs —Juitiois Rawl—UP, Cplumbla Building and Bselege Fund Association. In equity ' Speelal ibtaaaliaaitiraCoad.“ wove at .The Northwestent Bellrord pang et el., Argument Upon the report - of the:master was heard before the const in bee and decree mule at Nist Prins. - And now, April 9.1,-11369,the report of the toaster being died, and the cite raining on to be argued thereon, by conovel- for complainant and",re ispondente ae for certain oudhotders, before the court in bane, it le ordertid, decreed and' adlodged that.thii report of the master be confirmed, Mid laid road be sold as therein set forth, the date of the sale being Seed for • the 154 h day; f duly, 1859. and the amount id 'easitto'bio paid at the time of eels beirg $l,OOO. • Quamt, SgesroNo—Judge Thqmpson.— Bsturday morning, James Mogan had a hearing on a wit of habeas commit, Chemed - with shooting 114,ert Thompson; at the riot - In which Joh. Cagle was cattily wounded. Tbonnuon. while in the hospital. made an efilt it that Ghegau shot him, :Alderman Moiluirn was ez.minid and Mahn/ that he raw -thei wounds in ' Thempion , a side at the hospital and that Theo:won there inentided, the encased es the person who slot him- This Alderman bad taken Ghegan to the hospital far recognition. The Judge old - the defendant lit the ento of $lOOO to answer the charge CITY ITEMS. Goon Won TRa Estosaaa —On a regent occasion Prisms Jerome called upon hie imperial nephew at the Toilettes, and commenced 'a tirade of violent reproach. The old Prince is card to hero exolaimid, 44 Yon have not a. drop of great Napoleon , . blood to piny -yOloc ,, 4, Well,• replied the Immovable Emperor. 44 at' all events I bare his Whole family on my shoulders n The Emperor had emoethlog better than Banapartes upon ha shoulders, for It Is whispered that he Immix beet dreotoostemale at the Brown' &One - Clothing Hall of Wilroo, Noe. 60 , 0 and 005 Chestnut Won, above Math, rittladelptda. , Mittraiti.=Coloinelitti 'the army of the United Staten are paid rations Included, from Mt to $221 per month l Majors from arra to $181; Captains from $lll 60 to $lBO,Asl Brat Lianteoante from ,$lOl f 0 to 8100 60. The beet militaryointhier 18 Grenville Stoke., the feshfonable t.llor, No £O7 Chestnut et-eet. Ito has also on hand a largo stook of bointifal spring nylon for oltisens! dress. Call and no, CANDID A man of sense son &stifles. disdain, -, A man of weal ;k may yeialure'to go plain; The fool to always found behind the screen, But Ws the else man's interest to be seen Bo it le the interest of Z. H. Eldridge to Invite the pupils to call mud fee blot, at the't Old Franklin Ball Clothing Emporium," No, 821 Chestnut street. esbero easy be found an elegant stork of 11erdymade Clothing, In all the latist spring styles, uosqublled by any other clothing establishment - in the city. LITTITBRAN CONPIRENCII Conference of the East Pennsylvania Lutheran Pynod will meet in Bt. lidatthearN Lutheran - Altura', 'New emit, a which . Rev B W. Flutter is pallor, on , to niorrow.(Tuesday) mornlng, The opening merinos Will be preached on thli(hlonday) evening, lit • quarter be fore eight &cloak, by Rev. R. Greenwald, of Ream bi— G. bee the reputation of being an able and eloquent pulpit orator.. SOMITHINQ 41/011T CHILDREN.—Children are taught to tease, very median they are taught to cry. With all his little wants, real or ima ginary, the child runs to its mother. They are matters of importance to him. He wants a definite and decisive answer-one which will settle the questionand his mind will be on the rack until he has it. It is not in the na ture of the child A 6 feel otherwise. He will have no peace himself, and will therefore give his mother no peace,' till ho understands and knows that the point is settled, and h . ow it is settled. If you giv'e him no answer till he has spoken ten times, be will speak ten times ; and then, if he has any reason to suspect that speaking twenty times' more will obtain an answer more favorable to his wishes, he will speak twenty times more. And this will soon grow into a habit. But give him an answer the first time he speaks, and he will not be obliged to speak a second time to obtain one; and never alter a decision for his teasing, and be will soon give it up as of no use. If you have leisure, and the occasion eeems-a. proper one, you may let him argue lie case_ before you decide it—but not_ afterwards.','ltideed, If he has learned by experience that your de cisions are final, he will seld'om, if ever, at-_ tempt it. He` will consider ad answer as an answer. His spied will be at rest on that point, and soon find something else with which to amuse himself. - • ,-„ EINAN_Okir - itiII'COMEDIERVILL. =,,, 7,4 ;:ii:4":# -..21311-kilioneir *44 4 ;W-it - _ - •+„ ",,pmg.t.TALF - 04.-AP.KII.t h the baldness transuded 'footitaporcitopeotebls ttmonnt. ' The finittnattatur limitidiarikiiierregelar. State area_ deolluedl eity,:sLttc- advaaisid.Cliforett7ol4loooll, etX o.4eatitt(felf Off irillt,-aiiTrith,o-04eilar-v0p.,,0 o.**afv . :inii - a9fiek 44e - ; int.:vit .- Dann& _Daiwa h oh d ri i4tool.t.. 4filars44D" bonda advangektbll94ol% lopphlandiand North - - b r .Fi t° 7lV 4 44 h -tkrftittMWV_lttrftykaPE?Pr, - gen unchanged. and tti4, •Ranheflveitoi road stock deeltried, 4.l . ,th,..Tipdr dodos, - and the {hires . . 4ejaPriTiDr Thttdistetrtftii AlriTtolf-AilloPead- , Fotutttliti itstaptles • - Done- upon- the giant monetary,. centrea4Wiptughin niteuy feelloreverywhenit; - whieh" 1 ,01 4 , - . mit i o. to tir*nalatton la docks: TheAraesrint.thie .D.anneylviala.apakDiispray jute extAtetri good deal of reins*, NOM eentgaligingigee to deliver lump eoat to:oltitit fu New Ifoileity at .p.60..4k , ton or company are einktnenioney ongwerr tototihoirthay deliver, gulag bpAp , ofpy oapee litthrjhtratolllkoldeve t The Lira trompukg, .the,Delawaryiroi4Diefrort-itta publieted tittlif:Of Prlies onal'4011.• „razed_ on- hoard of:raidelltetlihindoittotidakoagirfrono twenty to twiwtg•dria.,r ente per;itio higher ratite of the feiniglitinlifOaal 'Civinging, and the Tiet, sweep_ lad,HaddonCritopatirrittrgic, Waited too 'add itfonal foe. coal deltvired it 2I -T ri4 TheSeeic ton44l lideUroted at Attie, ithirtt for abonithesare thit Wharged by iti Delaware and- Didrin coat, PAU tit `;',.t. V 191724ADALPHIA sTops - ix,qapei snows= sir siirtmr,lnibiliSt: Now, 4 112 : 1 ' 145 W1P 1 04 - . l "igwV9Prfo9 l4 , 3 MAD `7` ~ - • .. - - - - -'r o =';‘Z -4111012 1, 110 - A - 1111 t" --• ...' •`"- -- 100 Pandit 504 - '45 . .: , -94.2 2000 Illiqtexiiil Ow::. ' . 4 8 - 21000 , do, .:...mss. 93% ,560 Bahl 115,,5412,75% - `2OlO 'dO " ' ''' . 93% 1000 - LoBl6h 11:41 04. 97 - 1000 do ooup.oth 90 1.600 do . ...:4 - rw - itit - '97 ' wog/ 64. - • -109 r :800 ~,,, do.„ ~.4.1:.:„' 97 500. -do 54 -1 61:.1 - : 96 'x • 1000 0:614 PITH LG.". 47 110 00',.: do 85,..55iii10 0 %20001 , I do - 47 - 1000 -- do, .;.--.N0cr19834 100 ; 0 92 P it ak t rarqpi 1000 - , --i do ~...iciewirlostsi -166 ~,: 00 , 4 - , ~" g 5000 - , do .:..New IfY4% IGO _ - do ''.._.-... olio. AK._ 1000 — d0,',.`.'4,111pw.1085( )10 Welt &1104 91t - ..- 271,5 - 1%0 N Palt 5.1.0414. 66 , 10 - " Witt Phirsa.,..;_sl%- -2040 • do ~...pu11,66 , ..-, to clotamoim,Wpll:23M ' - 'lOO 4 t 'di. '.'"ltisteee" ' B , s . ii , ' —' '26 1 34 - . Iwo do ".„os ‘ Bl. - e 6„ ,16„..,- do ' '6634 a, 500 do , `„otelt`s6' 4. 2lll6atilfead...lota 69. 500084112.1 m . 64 10.4.90 - 10 Milo. Bk. 90 1000 tilco PU10106.15 75' 1 100 Boadlig B. -263 \, 10:o uniß.put 61 ash 88_ , '2 Ilf 16 ,„. co ~. 26 1000 ~ : do , : ..olirs - 117% ",,' 'ord; % 4151 -1 . 08%, - .. 15000 Del 11171:ston bdit 00% - 6 Norristo B. Own 53% 10000 -- `llO - , .4. - ' , - --`.190% :- : BV-Eiiiinsill..esab -9% 7000. - do' ~ ~.. 90% , 10,2 . &Am 1t...2dy5121 - : 7 2009 Del 4 , 1497011;.: 89' -'1 - d0 ... ....,„.9 , 94121 . I . :: i Ilirinlll3,-., Itii 4 04k*,• - ,;» - ,1 ;--..--i -2i/ibis( & Dada 61'60 =1 oiiiim B. ',- , 4 367( , 4 367( I 2030 Ghee Vat B 1e... 47 20 006101140601 . k . -. 26% K 600 Ite.d It 84 '43...7. 9k : ;`1 Penns 'll ' - ' 41% 1000 -•do • ~,, 4 4..1- : 94 - 14 do 41% 10 24 & Bd.ot A.... 48, . 8- - do - 41% ' - , szcoitirßCpAltD. None rein. 011.. i .. 01 : 1001144, itleeihi‘iiit 26% 200 City flo 1.,37,,,,- 5 . , do ..... .. .. 21% ' 100- do '' ' - 100 i - i: 103 flehlisi,Proitt' . 95 10% .L• 10- ,- do V.:- . ii . . . 100: ,- , :_BO 14"„Roositlt "• - 44% 1; 0 do 61 Pd(l„,. 98% T - 5 Academy of Idusio 10 500.1 Bind IQs plp4a,,,Tag I.o.lleaii,Motaa 84 5 .'05 59 I 1000.. , do.- , _P70..15 85 - 10 Little Elchl 11. 9 - .1. 4100, - -", do , " , ',Tad' 8/SE. J ,l6,4]tiratilßk."....ieses 61 ' 1000111311ra lit ni1i:.:75% -4 ,4" -.'50 , - ..... , ...i50h Si - - '2OOO - do - „„ ..'_72% . - 07,. ido - -...- -- -;:,.c - 4.5:61.- 10 Kann!' & , 144.1 . 111r 27% - 1614f t aii .iftigilt;l:r3,- - 11 1 ,‘ 624 & 11..... 48 - Z-- - ' \ ..''' ' • '"- C 42 P -, - LOP kir , iiiingl7 - fiiiii:-' - _ Bid. Asked. - - '' : - . Bid. Aslorli. - Li 8.54- 1 75 - -- 104%1011 801.1Nsw'Footilt:1 fq, - 031 Phil - - - 100.300% " ' , "PioT. ~'...".,." 19' - 19% . 1 , :-.11 ....,4100j 300% Woorpn &libel/4 - 9% 9% Iliw ...103 - loah ":74 lot mtg.: 2 l2 IS , POEM& So - 93% . -94-- 1. .C2CA ii.-:.:1. A tdl2,: 41 Betiding ,B. 2 6*-243(illant Dilatid..... .52% Foblte.loinotr-S6-:;'16340L - &26T.gail .-- 53 - 1t .r. int 84'44 SO 95 ti Pentuk A ' ' 934 9 % .. -_, .6 6 ,; - . sBB yet' Oh. : 5. , Qv ..,:-,-,, . .. - 16 . 4 66 yentts B 41% Auf - 1F,191 '' '94%45 . ' c , 2d nt pi liblT 90 ~ SO% ditsielsia 1t..: ' ', , 41%- 0,15 BtOr _ o•Dai c00."-63; :667‘1.1c _ ,- - , lif iiit f)66 . 649g,61 _ ' - " pro( dlyott 107 -- -.lot.airiasurSiejtoaßis , ti - - 5691 Pia* Ben?. VC - :. - . 1.6 3C1 11 4. 31 60A;_, - " 1 -4 ,lX.' 4 Fii 0- Imp a* - ..zAtt." . " 114„4 atiaolt 'flab viz 41-- ' , ft.. , , . ..- .. _ . .... , - , Pialadelphia : Maikeitsw - - mere t(i.'ilaycstrul obaumfa the itrarket,the only sales yre belt otbliNg '552. iii3126*44 - eiliekrisc'ts quoted atlessß4X, holi4nnpooisilgttltog the tar rite torstiniaint snri d i, , seirea * tiii*l4,4l4; knyfeje *Vat- Iri* to ity, the litter fe - r :Laney brnli Ity,e,.aretriAtiutsOy at 1t,12X, sod. Pon s g corn )11p24,1t43.87X 'bbl. Wheat - tontintrei in 'lipid' rilinest f'nliotinelcao about 2,C03 bus 5i1647.2650 for good abil ieda, and 160 e 5165 0 .; tbite: ig Voadg- dinos# at 610. ' Coracontinuos V ery' soiree,. sea id _el!' /Aar) 4 . 4 4 h, Albano, adloosesd, with, salsa of ,about.l,6oo `brotrile: Beatles/a yellow to:trete Idetereetliffeffaa, sertik*A. , , 'ifj. Ode are deiii 000, andl,Coo bus priMerertras 41/fk-#l4k-411t4 1 1) I Qdeteipoo tat= it sl3**: route: rsamatn ,l tnie, :4N 4 , o *.ti. tt ,1 ,..M.P.PV. eclat abotrt iiiirlonteraise.' Buyers ishillidukog:dmitor lo wen peas. •••-• Griosaries*,Prostsibiatiimee-til no- Ulm naiyou4smodementokinms dol4gyi4ggr, Beads —ployeresekii butAtttbatagufred ter„ iheastrsou being olriii:latiiii N aiii.ioo44,l - ore - !4!; - *be. t ta 25 Or int.- Midskoi , iinoti ..oritii4mi`olerits mead st 24.21)0 for d:sshif3,,23e2sjps for hhds, sat 27. y r, g.)greenii)l42l l egi ITO held higher. - Maikets by Telegraph. A. 41511 —Us sigatef Cattsele SIT 4 i •--- titemiiie,, • T„, 7,7 r. ORM • • . , • .. . . 110i_ Total ez Exportsl ß mift'tor ILA 4iasiti... 4::.1.4111_13011.. Itaseipts *bead of 119 ys' t 4 ' —ittiel 0 1) - 8160} fa - - .. srs:asvg. " Against, akthe samAtinm. ll 3l,7s*A': , Massa, sinotadbillkwlWorligg.flibml • week 18,000 bags; imports. 1,000 bags; cork la Wax; 20600 bags, ',mast 18 000 attlnissamtbmslast par' _ bzw Oaczami, April 53 —Ba'asot Coltent twebizbass bees 8.000.1a1ml Ohs_ inaik•C. bag &slant grim In some taus being Ace lawns. )I,BPloam aka 9 1 4 1 .4 8 at 1 2Xs. Mobusas 83 0 . IlaseA buoyant: - Ilsza Slamages.-- „ _ On the Met instant. by Strll: W, Satter, 6101$i A. WOLYIWISBNIRGNR; - Jr3;' Ype, ',HAMAR R. MYERS. both of Pbilsdetshin. Af Pittsbeig, ttik thelDth Instant, MU* GOBULY% 4;' Pabl:Lir, to ANAINtii4 yonsgast @enabler of alenab Rivet, :Sot ; Itinersvirs. , * Wv4t.boi. On Sunday monism, 241 r instant. le the 90th year of his age, EDWARD LOWERS WELSH, ion of John Wslah The funeral - will take place from No. 103492 race atreat.an_ Tuesday_ afternoon, 26 thinat.....The.servimi at halkput three ti t ektek- To move at four o'olork. and premed to Laurel LBW ' - j rise Os the 24th itus'aut, 31111.11 N PHYSlCEitton'ot the late Dr. Philip Spur Physiek. - * On the 21st lout Miss SUSANNA. H. 8131111LER- SiELD, In the 20th year of her age. Her relatives and friendarare remietfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the'retridence - orJamea Mil ler, Market street, west of Till, this tMooday) after noon, at one o'clock,= -„ - , _ le On - Thstred ay evening, the Ink; MARGIMET R., wife of John 8 Gamble - The rehdires and friends of the thadlykre tespecitfally Invited to attend her funeral, from her late rest deuce, corner of Manheint mid Wayne streets (German ' lotto,' this (Monday) - morning, at ten o ' clock , with out farther notice. Oarrigges to convey friends from the city, will-atart from the residence of Benjamin Strattan. No. 818 Wood street, at 9,ti o'clock A. BI preclude. is The relatives and friendit of the late Mut ELIZA BETH LOGAN BELTON, are perticularlytv quilted to attend bee funeral, without further nehie from the resides •. of her mother. Mrs" A Legio, No 1180 Arch street, this (Idolatry) morning, at 11 o'clock. To proceed to Germaoteirn.' - * On the 23d lost , zurtaarn, daughter of &holes andlanellouldtworth; used 18 The relatives and friends of the family are reopeet fully invited to attend the funeral, from the reel d 'nee of her parents. Pear street, Hestonville, Twenty. forth ward. this (Monday, afteniron, st 4 Web ok te On the 234 instant, ISABELLA. °ARLIN; reed 21 years, daughter of Ann and the late - James The relatives and friends of the family, me ; re spectrally invited to attend the funeral, from the reel denoe a( her mother,. 40. 623 ,Charles street, below South attest, OVoVe Fourth,- - tlile (Monday) morning. at 9 o'clock Interment at 8t Joseph's Cemetery. * Oa the, 2 3tinatant,,PATßlON 702088. aged 52 years. The relatives and. friend's of the family are levp:_ct fully tiVited to is• tend the funeral, from his late resi dence, po 303 Water street, below Spruce; on . Tuesday re ortaing,.at 9 °taloa. Funeral service at - St. Joseph , ' Church. -Interesent at 8t Mary's Cemetery. 4* On the 22d Instant Miss KATE MoBRIDE. Tee relatives and Blends - of the family are respeet fully &Vend her funeral, from the residence of her parents, N 0.824 north"Srxteenth street, above Par rish:on Tuesday afrernoon,-tbe 25th teat , at 2 °tense, without further notice. Exercises will be held in Green Hill Presbyterian Church, after which to proceed to Monument Cemetery- _tr* On the 21ct instant, GEORGE UHLER, M. D the 08th year of his tge. . - Ms male relatives and friends, also Lndge NO. 3,1, Y M . ere respectfally invited to attend- the federal, from his - late residence, No. St 7 kfareball street. ahoy. Parrish, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o'olock. To pie ce to Laurel Hill On the 221 instant:gra. MARY REITER, widow of the latelolin Reiter. in the 17th year of her age. - ' Her friends. are respectfully. .Inyited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Arra, Elisabeth Marshall, No. , 1425 Race Meet, this (Monday) scorning, at 9 o'clock. _ _ . _ _ . On the 21st instant, MAGGIE A.: deughterof William and Minaret McFadden, in the 19th year of her age. The I elatives and friends of the family are :civettrol ly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence or her parents, • Main street, litansynnk,' this (Monday) ironing, at Id o'olook, without further Health Report... Cirrtcni, -- April 2 - 8.'1829. In:amulets ix City , of PiiitadttphioYrora. the 18th to. the 28d of Apr - , D. a .• H ... a l a 1110118Z4. - • I:: ••• 2101140111. ..e.. „ , .- F : , - -,F F r Abeeesa_ .1 rarer, Pnerperol.. '' 4 Asphyxia --.- -1 +. Scarlet..... 7 ApoplexyAex , ... :-...'.. 1- . " Typhus.... 1 1 " . Typhoid ... - 8I 1 Barns 1 rfa'rhap Dre g.... I Caneerof 13toMann. 1 inflaro tioo; Main: e ~ Mum. II - Intl/tuft Broreht.: 2 2 Csanalttio -•- 1 2 ., Liver 1 1 Croup 1 D ', Loop 418 Congest'n of Ltlnia.. 2 2 1 , . - Nava."... it of Brain 2 2 " B. A Bowels 4 1 Ohalersanfontona 8 ,, Larynx .... 1 Oononm'n of Lunge 37 Mauls-a-ImM 1 . Oonralsiona 8 I Afarsimui ' - ''' 2-. 3 Diarrt CEA ...... .... 1 Measles - - ' --. 7 - 1 Dropey, Brom' 8 Old Age . '1„ ; :, -.:ii , ~ Chet 6 1 ,Bcrillo 1 Diseaoo of ,Br a ain... .1 14 ;htll of l-hora . 10 I. , Beart .. 2Preform., ... :: ........ _; 1 Spine .. '2 lloknova ,--.. .. 1 1 D e bility- -- , 8-1 Whooping Cough.. 1 Brolpolos 1 , -- Broptura or 988 AAOTX Tama TAU ' 40 irrom4o to 90 14 15 .a - -80 to 80 • - 10 . ..... ,24 .:x•'80 to 70. ' - 18 . 8 ' ~ 70 to - 80.::..4. • 8 4 ..-. . : . .. , 2 44 --90 to 100 4 24 •... 88 11 oder 1 year., From 1 to " 2to 6 " 6to 10...., , " 10 tol6 " 16 t 020.:,. .. . . " 20 to ....... t t'Boto 40 99 I - Total. From theAlMelionei, 6 ; Ptoptceof 'Color, 18. Male*. ..4••• .• . ...... 98 62 Females: ' ' 961 = ' 6.... 40 Bror!fsr,f Um Board of Health. guens, awatif ilia' T. -