The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 15, 1859, Image 4
~•~.: EMg 1 _•••••••••-• * m e 1,... , 141,4 kti , . id %. .. 1 4` , .P 1 fibilpS,q,it - >li bi - •,. ;. i4 - 64 6 1 0 43 .11[60 60-2110. '. - u- Pien 'i_ - ; 470 ge, - *. vii,l4l6,lurfibei zati.l - birbig '-ai '4 ' 411' s fii4tilnejalo-*Wle s west, _ _ , tf1206 ti./10 SAW' . - v i s aolitt& t & Aiwelort i numultt i 141 , s..ViNwaikk, SfeTho , , f 4 ;-.4 0 6441 , 211 . 1 d ti ti 1 l itgA k trzttella . Wee 21141 , , ' doestatitilinvel•i t /DV ONlAtl a lariar itomf li • Rit liParl thi li k . 1 1 4, litilfiiiitio A-twuutvit / 541 " i re ,:isa tibl,C,46 bati flow 21.4 , 01 L, 11 5 tAlk 0 m Viti001101911,111(4tR timlsrAir - ~:, 41' rm - ,74g.,1 totedontatilmiy)-,A,31,11r „ A , - -. • - „-.4_ , -.0 . V, , _,,,,_ E d.t,;,:x 4.4. i * , ....! , • , a ii i Mvihmsettoart46oo , 1--!114.1706iia- BalritiloishOikAlo o . - *.w"'"""A” .moi too: itatocades - V4 6 gorkaiii:!cootair___ elk, '-'• bak Mt 4 1 1.10* 41. - 44F1 4 , , ti 44149 Zirrtra Lig flotialus, Qom ii# l .**•.*'"- ,1-- ili ' u, on - 'SACO Vilrikt4;ll4loi.v4iiillitilla _OM 1 . a. SAM tiltAlnititt,W' , C ..111AllalW • - vitivillite , ,l, e r' l l, L4 - ' '-'- ininps r' 4, a 6lollVl l ,(c.-...1big ,77 7,_ .. :iiitalAragnitiliiVattiiiibUtWa. t... 1011115 , heir Vetit:;,:a' y. dgrtn.4. ! ii - ap1a1,,,,, -.ViabliV -- 4:44:+. , . , ItYPICt./.•Yliftt*-IP4'iii. , - ArtisaerbilC --- 44** - :. r_!! , _ 41 . 4.! 4 ”.tvr•V r ielg.2 '; a 0 ,KA11ar4 0 44. 1 0.w . ..* 4, 1 17 , 1,,,,,,,, rAtr•PAL!...- 4 t in zu . ri--m, t * ,;:_•...,,...„,...,,,, „J 1 4- ~,,, , :,..4 ,- -, ... , ...3-_, ~•,-;i: .1- .., ..71-..1-4,3- 4 : 4 ; ;E, , ,, ~_..,„ drily -,-..;..' ,:,: - . - ,74,,e4, ilip-4.1p-41-4.ila i r itir i ~ tattoo::: *** Ta•tc4.• nil ' , cr.* , VAT — ,.1 .:249.1 1 **0rr.. 8 74 ..a ..MMI.Milf.--0. ' - `1101 101 416.. fitsaft.ettl I i.4TAVZ9VILitt,i , •F: - --411.,146.f.''' * -,Mitri...” .. , ^t.ttr: + - Ire: Z. ': l l rtlei r .: 44"* .i - ,:+.. - :111 , 4 1 . * 1 1 4 -11 : 41 271.rigati l ,t, ... , :--u*niktikut • . -*mho 11,41,ftilMit,rt , , '..-JorllVos tbillitilaf iliaks 6lol ;i'- 1 :' , 44 . --• 07t - Thi4113.0 1 ! 0 - I,o6Azz r gter i .: l ei 21,7t14-1100miiiiiien of "ital), . ~ , ,s,, _ . • "Aos; 4 ei u ttak ti eetkq i ii i da', - = ,--4(00-011.0410gege• oatOV raiwi pax areas.* - ocs4' it** 114 Igen WATXIL . , • • BtftionotriAtit - tli-VI-vi% o l'i 4, :rf!l'f7R"i l i ia lf ra O a ' 4 r.v''ii , Norfolk; risotrOrttli ro r iat. "soomprol46 raqiiaa . Weblike, 4.0-114004.900,1 trkraVtif inktiortik bOorilkt:444,Affo4Flt 314 frouCalt rokNottyklatkllCAftiokt okialtrig off llto Swim. irot olf,Noin7 4 Ilostitkrai for_ itivorAlt, ettor..9ll=ml : -,briskitairk Nikktlyky,totailstk4,4',,, it pia mita DtK saw motkrularokt of arSkt SahrklaittoiNki klitiN osit 1 1- 40 dos, Irk,* Ifloptok,' JO, krlttliottoo td . Wotilor 9 - „ , - - BuitHlSTKlKO4ibtlf froltilikiikoti l kith 'outgo Mori 4 4 (173 4.m.1 SelieiNolokropk; Cortkr eta lottodioia...wpw - ackekrort V Tdrilift4l64,,Dtol, lm* 'With lloattd*OCANKm . 4 , 4.44 BrerlototrOlikktail,l 41 , ,ki!okkriliiiiikoi Del , ,wltk ems toostkoWuriatt, 1111:11;Oltranliotita . #jiltroni Not'irttli; oog ipga , —imiiitai,esupitimianitisii,ttoi -:' , lnsb."o. to riese - weext..oCv ,,, • ilebe,llllo4llekiidi, 1 - 411ty 41111111111,611111:j'ingiiiii 1140 tol*Aliirri: - (401XV,14110 0 043r*OttiMiptty 113 0tige , • witk ootrt-tow ' • ~ " 4 . 1 = - 001tilmtots 4l*** ' 41 !0!" "4 i, ) ,ooik t ,, U polo to S ake Otl9k,l'lkfiritelpiostieDeff kith Oki to Ohristlofalkilarriii.A -44 Th :4,-,,-;`,..744,4 litialcshliNStilelitoi,.'Baker, - .lseilaila,'W‘rhhibir, i ~ Atsaiwilitspotaward, dttgallf New Yogi I ts Olga fah J Afidordloiii 4 * :-. -',".- •-- ,', • ,- t' '. ' .• ,- •- . Aar D G. A RLogi Wasotmi , fialitattlasklll a'gtshila. inr U frtiffifilitirillalltmcirt„ - A - Gironis, Sr. `..•,` ~ i > ' ~, ' tdoimeepoilimsai. - or' the I.rtosl - '- : - : ; _ 11 , t1112,Alli,( 1 / 1 •0$1 , •, , ki 3d.1550•• - v i a wyormig left tiara. this flanfAll4 lo •4/ 1 5- /9 boat ; la tow , lams sad cidasitaad - ra folloair - - . Yiss - Amadora, theftt t sys t oet,ao f ,to A (I.otittall; • & Ca, Ohrietellsexpliiity boll"; t ru e to Perot ;& Bros , 'llaml WisifdrAttgiiii - Rini l'Oroc - hlteurdi,4'co, Juin. ber , to MopistSoylori/oles„ 011.1m,A0 'to 0 IRD CM wallidoe - 1- Ssit& sr- talliintiosil& alsintid,l7o 0 Grommi Alt 1301'-dUktleill RMAIMiIi cost liktiolawars.• City; osia,o4lWitint Ala llia•M*4o4t, kimbegtellonif. torsi. __ .."s , '. , 4.„i.. ,, ,--9,, , 5,',2 t -,• ‘‘ , :iit - ,„1_i..„ -1.,, , ,, - --,. , , _ _' , -2.- I• ii-,-..:4-. i -,,•- ~-..,-.r..q..-.K.,..1 ,-.,i ..:"t , , ' .71,-(110111oltheersos.) ~,,, > 5 , , , ! ; , = ii! - , ..'l. ; ‘,,S''., ~i2ISADISIDragriIII3,I4 „ Tha follainisbrattfrazatkfiUnlOst CAW Posed lota, , the Martin - Omit to-40i !roue -to i'huseelphts, ' - Isilonsato sifellotrii-, 0•1;•i•i..4 . -i.; t . , . i•., . dohs Nano. dralti'to ADS' Niliblti Wills, dii"tia G. Cattail fil!',o6l:olgotlibtitinsll; limber' to Notartwa - k." 8144-114-I,i4A!Enwifiritikoflti_taßaiiart,&Vo, , ;,..i ~,., ~t. 0311t111111 ; 41Mi ll O t il l'r a t bl e ing"."4.' :Sim bails eshityrisoldinbanilit Ilaphom Young, Ada Tarma;Billairtmilinif , iiiiSitalgott - Chattior -,- samaiii; L: W Surdssll, B fc.' 0 `Small * d'A Ilanrd, it.W. Poiter, Grass Dialer , fl P Hamm, sat Itlirisii,-toSether with those reportod i rrikrlialisa k " i s ; htstaws l ,Ny la d ` , c•L' •" , -5. - •;•-•.- ... • -.• 4.74 ~ , ..i.r. ~,I . ~, J. - -a ~ ' I n Ail ll . lA N l r M oi l. " - -,_ _` .t" vors,../lprir 13 ;"=, dining, sags flinsHolmoa, Irina 'ow • Tim; Cava; der, from Atories hark* D o,lfnidas, front, , New, York; Stamaila Apar, fern Boston'. ' - - - _ , ,-.1 ..,1 A,,,i. -•....-. ..• ,-•-,,, • _ Ship Ouleee, 'ltodsor, front Rio do Ilnielro t •with minis, singed It NoidOiloonalintrlinip - A , ~, ? g. ' tibia Twilight, Gate Cron' diogimons Jan 24, In W hit, at NinfAbrkleta that( -- --"i r, , , , e: - 3 , r,;....,..., Bask Choi WlealAtitorshinati;biabi at'ilstiossit .341 ' ' , r '- - 1:1lcOiells, iollnisatidtriaer diisk it bit., for Pklhelelphis , ' . ..-.,. Dark .1 I lailMadoilildOiht`ladltratrinioo - letk ult. from. PairtAlloinid. ' • • - Sark /LAW Wiilf4 , llllWholiriklstorilly with 1110 tots All r9eol Ifooy aglro• o,,All aw ir a • 18 41 Als.t._ - -- - Dirk Ratili•Myeriat Boitt " di:* . ftl'igo, Me.' Sandia pep nth: loft slag lobs ,RiShardaillai Lewis, from. 10"POoli Ambit:bariliA - AidicaUkDalshitm; load. lag boas astir fon ton Cork, fptartorat-S„ Illoreatotr, Oath? • out, for ,Wostlndfis, billistligi Oalik Ititirdelte s `llam; for Illort.York la 10 dart; 0 .11,Tralttellkiin ,I from Phila. &lipids, disobs; 'Altoona, eititfil,Yrinitiandba; damn Clark, ,Ilitott -- from ear Ing TM- IPat Riau Smith, fromrOrtkilik 01101l0i4141roprItisoifi,lioiterts, fools. sown Ayres, ar lab Bth; larisr, Dinka, Wails, Dom_ "tandem' N rails ,ba iting brut Iranians Sigma tad; far, ' ' - Ariae'Nfiiiktg listi*TAlPV, !Moot le sett is &sew osysi silsoll flo!ipellt..Lioropre, Iliol, , sod Shells 'Adam , - ''' }r - i"-- , -...r'" ,-. 'r , r' , ' • , ' ltrit OfilW.laiariltont 11,riettrinkir, *as at Wit ' hattoolefAETl,. I S;1" - c.crh' , - 1.,',_;- -„-. =4 Oriellogauill) for l'hiladsiplits, 'with =I begs - dares vs•filhdret Iteo-de Isileho,6* tilt/ - i r- / 'Th Brig Ashley-, ory , rhoollst, Uses, &dreg' at Otela. fag*. Ilothais. .• ' • _ ~ ~. - Brig Jamsr - list/ Sitaidek'hoAig;4,tiliint if "id.- um k fast: , - : tet ,4l Delis heralesahe*h; , 3teseihammierdeed , ht Na.. , ta spilt Zenith ' • aorloyfi., , ,ry „illit.„1 1 Xa „ , xi* ' Sth lost at "... -", '. '''''''' " '',' ,','' , - ', ' -"- F , -', ' - Brix llatleh, Gee; Sigetl‘roye oerdeala r Ttli last, for P A is:, :-, , ,r , ~ - ',, '-', Oar , _ ....D ' , gs4:o l iltifill, Ph, 1 : it ii4iis,friT 1 Alamos's. ~, ,,, , . 531 ' 10 ' ~ cabin;ifll*:4WilielhOrig-lfel; •- ' dur/A 4.,14.1rgrah lath butt .-. or , .:'' .1 ~,;,. --`7t, 1.,, , - ' , 1WWWW 111 4 1 4 . 191;r4/ 01 01 41 K 41110 / f t wel" n "' - 4 , esuta'roli ' ' , ',.;, - -,y,,,,, - , ,, i„,„ , ,,.., ,„,-„--, ~,' .....,, ~ -,rr- ~ *lst 11 - I,lgerlfopoo, akeerdetieSelh lost. ' Itooritstlishisl , '2 ,- - • -,,,,,- ,-, -,,, ,_ - - „ a_:;, = - 7 tsehr, Dralitte4 , lSeshorlercrsollect- , from Cardenas •2d ' - hart sae Ph ladelphia:. Bahr A4Cielfsh , s4d4 l l,itae• ikiPred 4 4"Rivimoz+kt Behr s gliiiitliiiingth'tiiesi4 arrived a ptirisetair 11th list,e,-, , :0:r. --, . ~ .',4 ~, 4, 4 , r , e - , 0, - -.. , --- , Y , ~, , ~.,-, ~ law N Bllir s rili l , litraiSrililiA horn !ill River 11th gat fur h Alio ai -ai ',, - it, ..,. i.' - , _ 80b,.: Ir.,- .IWifigritficnidlishf for r -Plaillasijoka; Ana ausiibita ' , lk Ilesiebrzlise; for geor Alettetrisi "II" ft^hi PicliktediaglistlP.' •';`i`iy 'ill -. i. , Zil "i 4 , 1, m a ks A emulmk,kiositalolifollat #O7 I sl l i ' Pit. ' ziti , hist. for PlilW iir,w... . - _ - ... , -1 , , 1....„..i, 4 ~„., , ' - rop.i4iNgs !Lilt ilAnipalsila tai. nu, stool o•s song 4 , KIM o.llt It it loin 140. if. vrbAip, 100,10 a*hket imi Vlyeiekess la • Pilllts l / 111 - .* lolB *, .1 c . Aott "sk,rlrers )yooiy Ma; the Alli - 110 11 k.,. ,f-iislatehlidipispliii t liway the; bowsprit; sriam 44010i f liatight l treids. sigTioi owasAlitt !fortspoio tlisi fora arid mishrmastai, Oiled Cm wilts ,siadafiatialArary Wig tar.ja.l from • the Pistil' IlittilltellP,i eral•llo , e wolitAtailkilleit, Tres ohlird tolit riww,l.he,•,r: 4l F ,lB l4 o l.)toaer 1 44:Wm Old ttlell_.' o *llikPADY.,i..i',o s l*Rtd.S l ll l ,44 l ll4**o !rind. only 24 amwddlairdi nati poises, ~,, A d., ,_ ,, ,it , C ' 't . Arrirsd st iss fresetseo ilth Ilttidittii.rfaarlaigi,' fin in E tt • BostooL 1) ~ses, 0110f,,, , ?t•Wr -cork; A 18th; hies,: Mkt?. WM ;MA 4 3 010014A1111r1 Yoliq...Elersid , ,of the Prima ,R oning; ; Drasfthor,l4ow, yorki gais, - P 23015, - -" ~ ; • ifs SO MNO at ff e rri shIP , Pfirso's - _soritsimmaisMas; f/om Not"ltter Sill Iran - 7so6fGA St 8.40.4 iddifei(NirsbyllaririMirr from flork,l4olfif.o • JIM littlAZPOPIM"Welit • itiplOro r,f atkrfriv fpr, - 4 mar. 26; lat 44 , / 1 / l illosiefil• Wiriritgarpri-,4•11r 1 7 Iron, 97,thvya ffitiltrwrlorkiorAriv-Wirotroo. - ..puvtos „ , fiftSTILIIWAY - &•. OOAVA.- URAND . - ; , apit:wtrgui "pliutes; laii" iudifi*ll, re,edlikikeitihNtbill"' b"P A V = sithideadAipitlitrifiniotatamt, of Iblii CC" poidsoiveitt lb* 'VIA OPOrAggr44l!:Wlll4...rozavir IniOrtititnti 2 2,43r... , y , , th"uar 1101ii&rt.,7i:r1-11, usivw.Bsciti, , .101‘34140.-- - ----.."—°:,40001,1016W OOrad4" . , • ~ .„ . .0001 ..,„.s ln vir k i k olitr i 9 r Et„, ~,, , ' ' -• '' . 'l9C' silmmturmitvailis: : : N0e.14 * aber-Wa'sh ABOIA*11.1"C"6"116•12°7' - • , AAi! , mtmelmr2,Ve t ry o l7WllA,.l44:, • ;.,=, ''^ a ' , , z..` "r"•"`"V" . • • ri. s - 414 ; thiol - Haviiiiivaiii :WA' -T--=o.4tisieftaim.o - • lapener thlkall.„___•, f, ' '''' .-ial, 101114rOttbe . . ‘ 4) We; 0 ro. TitalWilirm • 1.. '' •401$1 Ilia POW*7. iO n t4:lll lmoo Lif ie t f a t. , Or 11,4 14 : 11 6 , tor i o g i t tr , lbsVirstitettitit tym' us yestollitio i 0 elm alfrilo ' MATN: I7 _I, I, A 1 1:4 1 ,4 1 ,4 11 _, , 1 ., -, ' .talls at be rstAltaln all Vilibile4k 607 17- 7/11warif -bill ..V.11 , 142- Mt - _-”It MitritVii., . ' rie' -r iiittbrilitrAirettli And' lit " it " 1144 4 0 1 AV* ' • lbeiljriblialibilrilt. _•. - - c•Airin-Imbip_,, - -' . ... 6 ... ', , f , -*.-- -,, --. 4 '• - -' , - 1411X114 . -77'. :,„„; - .1:4.,.......1 - ..L.,' f.;,,... m itrabli• - ' “ .r 0 ..' .01 1 , 0 114 , g . .f, t.'l , 'r , , ~,,.:•;:',I7T-Tr,,,1p,5.: WAW 1431101,•01114.1114 Op -, ' • , ,i. ~: ',.•,---. -'' -1,741ik1il .fttriligiAgetill, , T,,,,ir, 4, ~, :".. - ' ' ''.-..1' ‘-' 4.. : 7.1, :i i n.N0 , 79701151 k-" .. ' '.. : - , _.. fit * I Me ' Ala On 1 •..417111 . 11 " 1 . 111 r., , lalluttni,-,-....walutfirbioni• ,•-:,r4-I"rgirajtal aOll-41*Olittge-0' .;1; , =t,lpr, 44. 14-.3o_GegigrAilipitt,W7.• '' '' .4 Qa,•,: 111 Wa . ,;:i55.. , 2: , = ,, - . -1- ' , 'MA , - ' , :~s: ;•.u.~... t . jaiPACLAIMS iFOTICE is tere g !1 to, this 00070 "it4O4OlS arilendeSidetaniiiiseeDletnsethat ; wr of '.- , - , 2lblertwlll.berliened ., thereentw ebra. Meattint freerethodetekerriof, unless: the same efe Mild eieurebefore thet-thiretn , “ rB. T.l. VAN OADIT,I. , , :112 1 . 144 .L 1.... drAlAilktferniel for Otalmante, er:f.r. , .0.!,, 482 WALNUT Stheet,lelow &Mil Street. , - Philejlelphlearpril - 147859; - ,..: --- ' i",:,..,..1::: ' -• CLAIM& :011,CD1111117Ge..2theliffe,"&teee OpIIER s ac . v 1,...,1, !VAX ...1::: . ;fit the D stied COhrtler" , the "city' and 00509 5 q. - 2 111/ .! ° . 1 - delphi : - '"_".. , ''''. 4 . t - _,- :" '. ''' l ' ' ' '''' -..r'' -, ', '- ," :: ' Tbeelly Ot Phillidelphifqto ithe A Relent Warthintui A n ceemeeli,,,Meren„veclint.,s2, XVI*, OweitiFoteree , elitedVerivirjeeertioethr mite it nwtt r. inetriat Gouts Do m b4.weimirlB6o, , NO: 12:, , ,, Paring; $07 , 48: , , i,o . Wiiiiitteiretterirthreefotlienrieratreet'and Pommes , sithatieSilnett , use feet ellObithiliebytitei litnidettl :MU! ,thlittasscrith frietrelloihteenhlthil. - ':q l" ...fherth'ie - SitireirD t Viiilibltfinie eit - rtip'uteci OrfneiS fiewlibeehr eniEbieoViter." - Diattlitt" Court,' December , TeM,:113158,:1te.`, - 11 - ....": - .Pining,_..004.93 Lot.,on_irenthr. . 7istidteeiy fete!. Gergi otreetrfounbteedfsoo6 twenty_. * o2, ` 2a 5 ,111V14..,bair10419 northaleftetir fron3 Hun-. Peetergitreir a tet-ele ft9 lloim a i f V il ers ' o P ti li tili t 'et t 4 B ig l o r' j to the giertheerdwiled'hy else:foot eight-and ene.'inier , .1 `tare( til 4140yt!etiVIIA:p049idi004:11ita„sit:90 11 , -, Path i Willisma; ateflan,o44:.Dioltineenseri 'iteaut s l noise!. etr-fiettrite,Estute, i ewnerd oe reputed ,airier.; lot Idleever. re ,owners,„lllnrii , t,Cionit: Dpeeq u Tetal,lBs;; 04 IV qi*lgg-' ,614 t.t1• ' Lot sinis - itastertf eidio.J,Yorlteirest end ,sentnenstirli lids A. _ 56 .-14 5 0 2 , - two -hi:initial - and' thirty. eix feet, tiftrialdeevelleightuthealey-one hundred.audeliti. Allt*Teet threeenia ontouuter lathes On Date a 0014. , 4 / 2 OSOluendeoWeixty-thvie feet six emd fiveeighthe lushes on po T iatiol,;ittpo;,,ti Aiuißmiqiteet, -Npie , *OO th, itatllt ,-;1 1 ~,:- i, , -OA 7 , , ;.-.:•4: .t, .. • . ; . r'' . 4 2 leute lai.telerae, 'weevil lattepnted'ewnene, or who-, ver me 2 be owners.,;Distelialthart, December Term. Me, No lac, Pev,inge $7,21:98.,, Lot. en northeasterly; side,of Torkotrait,,ewenty frateoutheraterly from' Al• - Mweid theist, two kindred-and- shay. tarp feet nine and theietightlie..-thelteirke.olierlitikidirAl azuffiferAlute feet thietelne h es tolthelen street:., Nineteenth 1 iliaine tsar mans; -own error reputed owner; or who. 'ewer - meg beceimert::.-DistrietCostrt; DecembeeTerre, - leb;liel 14:-.Paaringieg88eell r;LoVois. , northeasterly: aide of York - street, seventy-two feet. nerthwesterty Dein Cedar street,...eorrehinedred,wektwenty.teur feet ituentang a half thaliettirirrie hdreired and twenty-Ave feet three; leave to Relleatatthetitllkitnitteetrth,ltald. !Alta ii..eaute,..oviterii .or • reptVed -owneref or Who- Alriritinelttnielee :atietriereourt, Deeettiberlernii . 3.8e5 is elt 2 ..9.2 2 0H. 225 C1 8 .; I Let ea .nortbeestraly , /150 Of Tor" Freon', eeverity-two. feet seetheesterly. traiii"Cildee, ekes; twe hundred and toothy' 'One han4red eitiftweety-flee i feetthese inches to Dailere eter , tiet. Nfrieteiatieeited:,:, •'.. , ~.„.,,, • ,Seinsis. artreajearnirs- or reputed owners, Or . who'. ethrnliai be Oweere. , ..Distrin court,. liteemithr,Term, 1855;1th: 26.' Pirringt,l43s: , Lot roulktineterly side-or , York ateefeW elftv.fettr= feet tiontheinterlryfrout °edit even, one: hundred inteighty-teriefeet 'by one hen.' died sadist - NAY:nine feet Mr' sindtentiAnotter %Area 20.1510R1V71e5t.; Ntneteathi s vent.' -.., ~.•.-.• - .. • ~7i i iairm BOtijsaila flit c - ritead,rovrar 'Or reptitef ; . derneiiii whoever easy. be - owner: t , Diatriet'donitisDe• hied* Ternt,llBs9, Do. 22. " Pavingjsll63 , l2 , .Let' 501.11theileerly corner or York-sod -Gaul allots, ,begln. atel'it e p( if said Serail - Cr them:W.slm Inthered end. lifteteet six, eau, ,ontequatter _inches '-ale ig said Gantt 12.50 d0919_ 74;551 . 0 P• e8 i 'thleto entlatedred exit fora , .thebtan angenigidghth.theihroi along said Gordon rarest terlnkititeiset; theacefortp.,the feet three Metall : goatee :elongto illireetlitrietito.a.peint. fl thaws fattest &leng th* saidillreatatreee,Miip„iturlied,and fousteett.feet.two , threeiguAlkiholteo to oak street ;, thence ninety-3 , m, feet ten onerithltkeebeefalenglhermid -York street to the pi •fttintaning.,;:fibsenienth warily -,-,r, , Bo" .'irldairlasthiPr ?WAR et „ reputed ownerj or - wharf ioae L ke' swam :. „Marlin . our; DeeeMber i Teredikl 551 40 .0.4'5VWC $163,0 . engthweeterly , , Oarietr York atid 'Limon streets . flftY•fetir GOO by , one h eild.twentyotine feet • ell and oars quarter , Inches br fienlisel -- treet.. Nita seh weedY ". :, ,-- 7",- ~ Same vs WitlienagAnte, 'owner - , or ,thputerloWner, 60 whoseor 'iney Lim musk. Dieu ist ' Courf, December Tee m , 20. Pseleg, tic w dl', Lot northeasterly earner Or York and Tulip streets, seventy-two-feet by one hundred ,and,...terenty.five feet Weir finale* to Ste len strerit:,,,deeefeeeth.Swird; ;_ , , - ~ . fame ireri - 'Seylif,t,,lretielia`l2 :On.; Sownefri or, refined' owners", r whester nthYbe'elfeer. ' District Cann, Pe iseniber, Otoni - ,1358, : leo; 21. -- Pavieg, s3l2' s o .-' Lot and brielielsopli, thiltheititteity . terreite of GRA end Latterly; etra — ste,Use hundred end flitythet three Int:heel, by . see hungred,ll4ebsti feet' =Nineteenth ward. -,. 1.2 retie We. R.tehard,..fiutivey;tainer,"er repined owner, or wheeverynily hi "vier, - Diatrlct`,9diatt,_Deoitabgr Term, 1.058 - ;_1503:: - Xalring;fl4 o ,92. - Det , nor Mired.: erly.side 6113driiitAlkistni - ornitheesterly Me or s td-' -- ame street, Ind iteithesaterly elite of Tayloretreet,' one hundred and fifty thin three inches by silti felt, OW ' theesidAdamestnereet and the end Tayloretreet. ,Nlner, Di Utea: Jacob , Ds Ifiron, Owner or reputed miner, Or rrrkdlvei,tnii7,tae owner,:; District eitark "Den•Mbot.- Teim,lllsl, - „No;bojPaiing io sl7B,Bl3lLotaorthweeterly , ilf B clf Cons ] striiitikluf; limited and tereety.four feet 'three , ind fire : eighth int e northeasterly from Heat : lieflion ettestodety.three feet Mg. 1024 unbolt Mabee by - deity : feet. aitineteintli.watd." -- - - " ...-- Fame >Yat.4liel Lukeniiirowner or reputed ownte, er alioeirer say); be , ownee: • :District Court, December room MIS; NO ,60.:;. Paving, $117.66." Lot and tr, nee stable, northeasterly Minnie; of Chiral and Huntingdon etrisall. eigtitteet eight sed three.fodrth Jetties by one ,hissetted,thraiSßinitthe SeidAttuaingdon - greet? Nine -,lliwth .q--....Wanis., o lter or replied owner, er who. erredinartmiwwner.• . District Conn, Deseither , Term, 1.889,'NU:1511. - .Dattes, $110,41..." Lot 'red. brick dwell; log, northirileteily'eorner et - Corn 'and Huntingdon streets, otter futilities:Steed feet along the said Null= Negdonetriret.' , Nineteenth ward. , : ' - - e - Semi emBheetheolitiffi, hernerirer reputed. owners, newihosthe rimy .bie lowner.- Tested Court, December Tend; 1858, No. 1111;..Daringi $555 80. z Lot' 'and:trine fadory,mmtheasterly corner ief. York shidlitike 'trine, to front orilfork Oren two hundredths; nine and thre ir. eighth Lembo; by one,heindeed undone feet' six and she 'roilith indwells depth aloes , the' mad Duke street, by, ninety-three feet three indwell along the northwest side ofilirown streetinNinattuatk ward: .i ,7 Earn et:es. -liale,'oWrieth:or'oeilibted owners, or who.: ever ratty be owners, 'Marlin eaurt, - Deeember,Term, thee, tfer...2Bg 'sell; Ste ell , ‘Lati' two glum 'fie-. tortoni, olaekettatir , lesopieeriglne house, GO the mirth. eeuiterly corner °C.:Yr:wit and Gael ' streets; beginning st ,ft point ha sattoorweri thence *Melding eoutheasteriy along thelerthisetarly Ads et theisald York street one hundredandisighteea feetelghtand dye eighth Wan to ii point i. theuatiftitttitrilongthenalttlfork street two Witailee4 andfortyl eight feet end four lathes, to Almond' street i 1 thwateenortheseterly.aleartbe ;,:northweett , rry. line' of ;Mee Insidldidont tateet lee Modred bud fifty- . mains feateinve,airtioasefearthlosifeejto Nmlen etreet ; 110 1 100 nuthereaterly Along the southwesterly. lire at 31as sett Embus - street three handredund.twenty•eniven feet--acres, atell,thatimetherth Rieke; le Gan; ettesti' thenertaleatthe:anntheamterlyDner of Car geld Gaul. street obehrunteid.and teristy.tre feet three la th es. to -. , th e place cif begiinlega 1 , 1". ;.. .... -",-';' . • - "Muni ei. Roomier. 0., .fiewrell,_,OWner:43r - reputed oWn eri-or, fehoweerm. ay leroWaer. ",- - Trilarice Conitj March Tenni /15611 , 111.4. - YPitirieg4llsl 08 .10t southeasterly egrestr Of-,York And rWilso I , atrede; in - front on nil Yorld'etrert; one , hundted and twentyseven feet nine and parew.eigntlinaheir by , ems hundred:feet in depth, Blinsteeithward. '',. ~, ,- , • ; .-, ..., , , . , -..1 • + • -0411enie:vs. lame; miner or reputedlerisee, et whateirr may be eintst. - :-Disillet Con" , March Terzes - 1850,-No. 0 ; Putugs SBSBIB. Dirt, Westerly corner of York and Wilson ,atreete;letteitt on th 6 said York street ono hinutred andlwenty4forin feet by one hundred feet in doptSti.'.lliensteentb - wert: - : -. ... r .-„.-..- -:: - - 7, ', -.-. .41.1101 US Mutt of:Commen . Plesifet- the city and omit -1,,y.,,_.; er.PlAbrAlelphis: `The:Oily of Phileditlphie, to nes uf.'lleismtWirettaciantend dauteeleDerron, ve.lisreeel . , , Ellis: owner tor. ;reputed. oweer, -, of `whoever respite 1 owner. leereMenDlen,ljevemeerlerrd, 185; No. 21. , Paving, $152 , 14 ;Lot. and 'brick tavarnpehrtheaeterly sterner or YetketheiteseetWetenton• avenue -twenty two • feet '6n said York duet; thence seeentreightleet two and a li4f inthetatong lintert Wiled new:Or late of J. Langtthlthr to Vinentithenne eleven feet ten and three. :iniarteerinelter nerthereatetleAn kid "Timitoti'avenue, , tames 45.51.941rei-feet to the said Yak street. .NLue ,,lluseeic.:hisessitts Ifor4, eweee',cr, reputed owner, ilt lit 'Or nay_btrowner. Common Dieu, December :Tama _, ci - 1_ , 8: - Devfrig,lie2 65. Lot„morthwesterly side of ifirieritribit,heri huudied Slid' twenty-eight feet !Nonliiesterly from the DorthWeeterVelde of nepvive street 'fiflpfour feetton , Yet* attest •to Gray street ; them* along (tray ' street eighty.e!ght feet eight five. ufghtieltelheritere'polait ( thence hasher along the said Guyitieetforty.thres feet threeeeighth ;coheir to Gor don street; thecae forty feet font Inahertateng sold Gar. do* Street ton point t thence northeasterly one hundred end tireettereuine feet Axel, eigiakittelree to.the piece. 9f bv iiii c s ig - , , Ninstie_etk 1 15 11 , - '- •' ' - : . flints yel.`livereifeEngte, owners reputed owners 'or wherever may be ,owner. i Common Pleas, December Term - 4658s .N 01 2 ,5; '.'11entig,195,52. Let, southwest eilystibt of Yelleitreet,hleity.foue feet northwesterly from the nottliweetelyeide of Sepviva ottses, thirty', thew thee by iinehtuelieneed3erent.tnine feet inx end, tine eighth lichee to Gordon street - , Nineteenth word: 4. -lime +panel:die Eateni'bfrried or,,reputed owner, or, . I fnetevelt me.r.bc owner. -Common Plea; Mee:mbar' .Termi.,l6sB,',N6.,2;;'..Dearine, $5O 87:' Lot 'southwest- ;01.1,fiV4 of lork - streeeilliry-seirin feet Aix and three. eighths iriehetiontheieterlydratta the lioratienterly ode ot Trentenithenne,"eigliteen feet by seventy-eight reef main add oitti.denrth inches on the, northwester) y line ,thereof,,Wee*antl - -two: feet .7a - id .s•Vsn-eighthe Isobar:, on thir:eentkeeeterlyedde,tberecif. ; Nineteenth elem. ve.,leme.. - owner: or reputed evuerjet whtever :maybe Owner., , Con k er P leat; December Terin , , 1858, No,-17; :P5wing,11,60,117...L0t sad brick dwelling sauth.. westerly side:Of :York letreet,.eightylve feet els.. and :Math-eighth inehae , aotttheutertrfrobt . the southeast. .eriy side of! Trenton, amnion; eighteen feet bY seventy. ,two feet ierenenghth le th al .» o the northwest erilline of ,Yeaketreet, by ally 'Aix feet Mx and ate , ' half- tuebee on ...the. sontheast.rly line thereof. -NI ne. tsaath wall • Alamo vs, A"toille,tieoii . oirnim. or ie,puted. owner; or mehounrar ...merle - owner. - Common Pleas,. December teenn„lBs9i,-N0..113......P0r1ng'1101.18 Lot Berathweet.: 'orkSedde oP Tarr ilriet;')Ditfehr, feet, sontheiaterkr„ 1 , _from thu southeuterly eldil'e Elepiiva street; thirty.eix feet by One InfedieO"and toothy : nide feet MX and one. fourth i itcheertd Gerd.% s'ireief"lemeteen'h word. Same yrnisrai,_,Narner '6l , 2eptited owebe,"er Whoever' 'only be owner : Mmixlikilleie, IleitemberoZeirdj nee, . r icy:..a.,: Pairiiiky $64.61. Lot - aortheseterty ode "of syerldetro4Eifidencyjatiffelf didisiddie highthlriahoe:l deortlivenittylibra .• the, noithweeferlr Aide of Sapiffs'i Argot, eight“nlftiet' by cinelvindied, ' `,feet tbrielliebee • e Nineteenth, ward: -• ' . • ' ' ' flame* 0. , drthin , Kodgensonner, or reputed owner, or whosuirriney tionner:'Domirtort Dieu; December Tino, 1.564146.11110Taring,11101.16:-.1.0t nottlieliterle side of kTork street, onk,hundied' sifill-flity•Mid feet' aontlressitwardij ftettithesouthethatitintly aide of Tree. .ton avenue, thirty:As reef by 'one hundred and twenty. ..eve feetthree Idelirel ''Nfueteilutle ward. • -, ' ~dame's. Pitillrehl se, owner or reputed menet: or 1 whowepr may, be Owner,,,Common. PleaerMeember , Mum. 1858, - No. - 11 Taring $95 62 -- Lot "southweet Side oe-Yetk Street, ntuetyfeet southeasterly Irma the ecathematerly side of Sepviva street; 'thirty-four feet by one Itindred and twenty-nice - feet six and, one-fouttb. -leehen. i r Nieeteenth ward..l 1-._.- ': .!' ..1 .• , ...i; . ... _ .._ , 1141:410 a, J Longetreih, 'owner "or reputed owner or Whoever may be owner. Common Piess, Moen:bar 'Term.; 3858, No. -20,1 Paying, 1201,78, „Lot ;north :easteiii, stde - of `fork' greet forty-four feet' south. eseterly:frorn the gout hmeteriaide pt/penton avenue, thirty-six feet by'onel 'hued AC in& feet' -thresleebee. Nineteenth ward., , ' , Alamo la. Minor owner or deputed Owner, or homier may be owner. Rodgers, Common Piece, December Teem, :1858, No. 117. Pavieg,-$24 07. Lot north westerly 4fide of Coral street, eighteen feet north Ameterlifrom Dauphin .street, seventeen feet byatty. four feat. Nineteenth ward, ... „-: lame is. Wm. N. Roden and J. Maklnson Sergeant, eprie: thee of the lepviva ,lnite,F owner-11.'0r WAWA „rishiemie,),r whoever may be owner. Common Pleas, 'December Term. 18158. No ; 87, -.Paring, $173 69. Lot, sorsthweeterly sided Vertitreet, filly-four feet north iniaterii from eater street In front on mid York street, ':sietorabrietiehriefield One-half Inches by one bun. &gee twenty-Mee feet mix and err-fourth inches in depth,to, Gordon street. Nineteenth ward.' .f.. Same es, same, owners . or reputed owners , or who. ever:n*4 be,owner. Ootrirriou : Plefie, December , Term, .1 1848.110 66, Daring, 468.11. Lot southweeterly aide of 'VOW street, sseventy.two left mortawestarty theta Gad street, in front on said York street thirty-118 An Won* titillated - and `twenty-With feet' lax' arid' , onef..fouith dishes In &nth to Gordon street., Mae- , $ 04 4115. iiatt.: , ' l ' _ ~,:; sown, inf:Connal Team; owner en foliated - cahleijoi oshoetret may be owner. 00m - ea6likPleas, Diefenber Virma.,loeB, Nor 180. Paring, $107,27: Lot and frame ,dweill i pa southweentely side ssclitermastreat, seventy: , fopir,7 eilt seven 'lnches' nerthwesteily "tram 'queen' ' Ash* in'frout on said Vierina &treat' laity-eight feet Amplifies, by thirty feet in depth, Riebteeuth ward V V vs. Jut Bennett, owner or repithat • Owner, or 1 1 1 5 173, 0 I , l 7 . heir k i o COVUOR Pleas, Deeember *Wittig soitl4iontiy_ithigt Cai1 . 4,1,374,. - akorioryop,,,.. set gee bail noritteriefiii; film Qaitters ortnet, in front on said Vle e ua street forty. :fittiefetafnipe iwebee, by thirty feit'fn dentii , Eighteenth xl r „4„• ~,i.....,..„4„,„ owner;er,rapts - ' tsd owner,.or, A i l asiorogger. - Memnon Pleie; Deaerabet m e i n - k0,170. - . Pirlng, $ 35 56. Lob end frame dem ' neetineestertlyted.seriffenAil street, tJ4O hon. - .areli - nivii,feleitidmnioliesi utrithNwterly from Hrleek.: = Jinn:* it/in frost hi rialdlleetne streetelghteenther, , 11On* WhArthl turd th)rtrAlTed feetledepth:= 2414. , .. 4 .....,,,ripoollii eviipet'4)r-I*Pntea ' 6, n/err or Jiir _ nugy-bit• oilier::: CentaMon' Pleas December i lOilf'' 004.1..N0,-.lo.ll.DaTiog.-1106_41sAot -nortbr deeeterlylairrser* Terkimetfliderotrutei o, o 7Pnfittv. o toitiley 0 mematediod terenty4iriffeettbfeit 511 1 sse,-.:- . lt, „,411 1 01 41- 00(it'7riteiteeitit *iiik , :,, '.-, 'i medietta'Adkistittiel,"eirnitlvorisjatif, . - utissere,toi'irlibeyer ant' le` Owner: - Common Pleas; - . ttTerm,‘ls6B,.No2l66.;,Peying i slBs4, ...Let, . tit NMI Aelif.lef _llttothigdokatreet; `elity 'feet oryaeg.Xsairod Am) ' ois 440114 foot by . .. one hturiredaset eeresttf.oe..,` Mate is re .- - a^"i 414 Arno on,',Astp,@,.;ornarti qtleputed; ownte, or who. ,OVer may be; ownerl,ooitemon,P. emir; December 4.855$ , No. ,18t,,,,paying,A1.84,17,;, wirtheasterly aide of fluOttngden stree t , one litindrOd end' friXty feet northweaterly,from Emerald street, one, hundred feet ,byono hundred and teenty,feetito Eiitebeth ',treat: Nineteenth,wattl ' , . '" - • Mailieve, Tetnee'darbei,iii ,ner Yelinted - Owner, dr ,whoSirer rusy be owner.Oemeorm_Pleas,,Docember 1 611 914 8 6 8 , No 560. Paving, $26 42: ' Litt anal:link welling southeasterly side: of, Dorsi, street, one' htrin-' deed awl. ninety-thre e feet eightantl throe-1'0414h Inched' nOrthearite'elY from ' . Eiciititingdoketriet; thirtten 'feet' , siX Duthie sixty,stx featfiie inched cif the a,orthetint.l erly line; by ‘ eiXty.oight fept Seven inehee the;elfuth westerly line. 'Nineteenth WA: ' " ' B,ame,ve. John , or ,Teputed owner,,or, whoever may ;Orinimou Pleas, D,ecemilee Tterm01858,116..'272, Lot:nod/AA; only corner of Coral and:Dettphinitteets, fifty,siX .feet gig , and three l eighttilhithes hY,forty.eight feet seven and flve.eighth;loolteS',l4lneteerith ward. , - Some Ts. espy 13.11'1141[r, .or: ' Winer, or whoever .:may bit oerner.'' ' Climition'tleam, DeedreberTerm, 1858, NO, , 281', Peng, $2040, Lot southeasterly eide Coral street, dity-sift feet - ell int - thresaeighth Indies I northeasterly from the northeasterly Me of Dauphin. street fourteen feet byforty.eight - feet - etiren - and flee eighth inches. Nineteenth ward.' • ' ' (Same vs samo, owner or refilited 'owner, or whoever snag be 'owner. Ontirt'of Common Piece, December Toro:41858, N0.`280. Paring. 620 69 'Lot Southeast. Arty We of penal Arcot, seventy feet eilt and three; eighth InehOir' bortlinisterly' from 'the - northeasterly' eidoof DriniAlain'irtieet; fourteen feet by forty eight feet - seven and nye-eighth Luches.,, Nineteenth ward. lame santeyeettior be reputed owner, Or,whoever may be owner Colonial Plea4Decmitter Ten', 1858, "No. 286. ;Paving 620 69"; 'Dot sorrilieuterVgidsof Coral street,: eighty-fdtir 'feet' Six tend , three.eighth fnohee northesiterly from the'northeasterly eide of Dauphin street, fourteen feet by forty-eight feet seven and five eighth inches Nineteenth ward. omit, ye. same, owner or _reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. Cob:Moon Pleas , Ifeoenatiir , term; ' No. 282. t Pavtg, $2O 59. Lot southeasterly side of Coral street, ninety-eight feet 'six and three.eighth inches northeOter 7 from the noetheastly eide of Dauphin street,lburteelt foot leo:it-eight ,feet:ts(iviSt and flt*' eighth Inches. 'Nineteenth ward: - :Nemo tit. Poem, owner °stomas& owner, or whoever May he owner,,, CommMkYlem, December Term, 1858, No, 279. Paving, $2O 69. 'Let eoutheasterly aide of ch. rat strait, ono hundred and twelve feet six and three. eighth Incites northeasterly from the northeasterly side of Dauphin street, fourteen' feet by forty-eight feet aeven'and five.eighth inches. Nineteenth' ward. • B,:me to same, owner or reputed owner, or whoever 'may le owner. 'Common_ Pleas, December Term, 1858, No. 218 ' Paving, $2069. - Let , southeaaterly eide of Coral street, one hundred 'and twenti.o x feet six and three.eighth inches northeasterlyl from the ,north. eagerly eide of Dauphin street, fourteen feet by forty eight feet men and five-eighth' inches. Nineteenth ,ward. , - BMe vs. same, owner or re , uter; owner, or whoever 'May he owner. Cowmen Piece, December Term, 1858, No 281 ; Paving, $22 44 Letsoutheasterly corner of -Coraland Price streets, fourteen feet 14 forty. eight feet -never, and flve.eighth ltiches. Nineteenth ward. Patna vs. Mark Daideretine; owner or rewitedbwner, or whitey/Fumy be owner. Common Pleas, March Term, 186 'No. 4C, - Paving, 07.4 Lot ecuthweeterly side of York street, about forty-foor filet northwesterly from Gaud street, fourteen feet by alty-elx lest; nore or levy. liteeteenth ward. Some ye. same, owner or reputed owner, or whoever .mayhe owner. Common Pleas, Maroh - Term, 185- No. 47., Paving, $37.0.2 Lot southwesterly eide of York ~ .etreeti about fifty.eight feet north Westerly from Gaul atteet,trourteen feet . by ingly-three, feet, DIM! or Jean. ritnetoOth ward. , • ' . liauu ye. same, owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be :owner. Common Pleas, March Term, 1869, No, 45,4 Pavicg,ls4B 25.., T o ot southwecerly , corner - of York and Gaul street - a, fifteen feet tort iteihes by lay. six feet; more or lees, Nineteenth ward t Berne ye. same, owner or r•puted owner, or -whoever play her owner; ,COMMeal` Pleas, Idaritti Term. 1.855, 04 Paving, $l2 09. Lot southwesterly side of -York street, pont fifteen feet ten inches northwesterly rfreirsOkul street; fourteen feet tiretricheo by tifty.six feet, more intim. Nineteenth want. ' 13816 - 0 Vs. same owner or reputed owner, or whoever may be owner. name, Pleas, March Term, 1859, No. $4; Paying, $3l 08 Lot aouthwesterlyfelde of, Yolk street, abort thirty feet northwesterly from Gaul street, f,urteen feet by llftrsix feet, more or ,eve. _Nineteenth ward Naito:to,. Gems owiter'bpepilted owner, or whoever may be owner. Common Pleae, March Tette, 1889, No. 48. Paving, $49.05 Lot soutn vresteely aide of York street, one hundred and twenty. six. feet northweeterly from Gant street, eighteen feet by one hundred and twenty-nine feet elk and a fourth inciter!. Nineteenth ward. Elam° Ve: Sande, Owneror reputed'ottner,or. yrhoever may' be menu.' Common Pleas, - March' Tebbe, 1859, No, 42 , Paving, si 9 05. ' Lot sonthweetsrly'side 'of York. Aim% one hundred and eight feet northwesterly fromitioni .etreet, - eighteen feet by one hundred and twenty-nine feet tit va,c , i'l9l3ith inches. Nineteenth • " ,Nzw.Vublicltioqq NEW WORK BY. REV. J. H. INGRA 17 ilAli, • JUST MUSEUM, THE PILLAR OP FIRE :OR, ISRAEL, IN BONDAGE Ity the Anthotofi , The I.'rilloo Of the lieu. of David $$ RHINO AN AOpQUNT,OW TEI WONDNACOL SIDMAN IN THE LIFE OF THE•SON OF PHARAOH'S DAUGHTER (MOSES), Ptom hie youth to tirg nacent of .ginsi; comprising, as , by en eye•altneea, lII® MIRACLES BEFORE PHARAOH, oroorat or Tax aka ptrp miosiortnt or 7/16 1.419 Metall:dog an ittaboritte and"rfahlyoaloted Deeeriptlon of the Architecture at the Egypttars, their Man. • • nOre and gIIODTWIJ in ,Peace and War, in; the Temple, the Family, the Mart, and at the Tomb ; end also of the ferstelftee, while - • to the TAO of Bondage; together with PIOTIIRIIEQUIC sszTottgs OF TUE llEltililTfi n 'UNDER THEIR TASKMASTERS, Of Scenes, Processions. and Opeetaclee upon cod beside the Nile, and Legends of the Obelisk,, PpMazes, - .and Pyramids, and.of_thelr Ponndeta before the Plead. DpalligatiolllB of •Etealriirul VPorrien:, Ainenie, Luinra', and Marla; AND OF woNpicartir, ,raicav, daroll, , Aenassen,(Mones),, sad the Piipoe of Job). Narrated In a Feriae of Lettere from a Syrian Penne 'Marching tullgypt to bin lloyel Mother, ' • - Matsu of !ryes. , . • The:volume abounds in the. aeierhitio passages of highly wrought beauty7Atui Dramatic-Incident. To 114100,000 readers of 14 P,rinee of She House of florid," we need only say, that this book is by the same Author, and incrFe, wondezfully interesting and enehantirg, , - ,Oneyofj., largel2mo : 600 pp. Illustrated PricoSl.2s Peat Loony kddrece by MO, mit pltd, on receipt of ibe-pricO COUtiXRY NEWSPAPERS giving this Card two in sertions, shall be senta copy of the work, by mail, pre paid; upon sending ft oop7 of the 'paper. ' KIDNEY .1c RUSSELL, Publishers, 79 Jour( &RUST, N. Y. .A.CMNT'Ip IrXrA6I•T2IO33- aplB.6t A NEW BOOK BY 311A0AULA.Y DELIBBER & PROOTER, NO. 608 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, rumen THIB DAY; • ' 1. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM PITT. BY MiCAULLY. Preceded by • , Tug LIFE,OF PITT, EARL OP ORATHAAL 18mo. Olotb, 50 Cents. It. THE LIFE OF VIIRDERIOR, THE GREAT. • • BY BLOABLAY. 18mo Olotb,' 50 Mate: ' Befog the Fifth and Plith Volume* or THE I.IOIIBBHOLD LIBRARY. '-5'06 Bale by all Bo< knellers , • apAlmw4t AfFell(BOOK8. , !': LXYB OR CHRIST By Jeremy Taylor. 2 vole TIIE ttliiiiST outman DIBBOTORY. A Outdo . the Matinee and P melplee of Baptist Churehee. 11011ANTEMAfti r EITIA. By the nee. B. W. lark. 16mo. DAILY TIIOUGIITB FOR A. OIIILD. 117 fdrA . Osldirt. 16mo • OUR CHRISTIAN CLASSICS. Roe Doge from the but Divines. Dy lamen Hamilton, D. D. 4 vole. 12mo. • THE LIMO OP NORTH ABIRRIOAN INBEOTS. y B ' 12ato. THE AVENGER. A Narritlve, and other papers. y - Thome De Quincey. 32m0. • TILE OHILDREN:I3 BIBLE STORIES. Illustrated. 0:no. OPPO3ITIA THE JAIL. By the author of "Garde : auillton,ft Ac. ldmo' ' Par Bale at - low pricea, by ' ,! WILLIAM IL en' ALPBED MABTIEN, apl3, i ~ No. en 01138TNOT Street., TIME COTTAGE, GARDEN OF AMERY- A. OA, cattaltiftiir PRAOTIO err - ditsotions for the °idiom , of BLOWERS, EIGIITS, and VEGETABLE'S, Mitzi* and Improvemant'of Solis, Manures and their application. Every article in this book will stand the sorntinrot practice. Price 60 cents MOSS; 13110TGER, & 00 , Publishers, 16 South FOURTH Street. pHOSPIIATIO. GUANO, qOMBRERO ISLAND, W. I. SOMBRERO pIiRMID,Or :Booz, lion about 120 miles N. 11. of iit.:Thomat, and . lis , of velem= formation :, ' is !nand by analyels to contain eighty per cent. 1f BNB TH0212114712: OP Llll5lB, andla nearly fifty per cent. richer in Bone Phosphate than ground bones. The Ilia leiround, and applied to land like Mister. This ({nano is for este by the quantity, or cargo, to dealerS, 'either ground or ungiound else, tb Farmers, in bap or barrels, at $lO por ton of .2,000 The., by ' JOS; HANBOIC & CO., 100 N. Delaware Avenue and'loo N: Water Bt., Bole Agents for Philadelphia: N. 11.-..Damphlete and (limiters furnished gratis by the Agents. feb,l4l.m w t 2m MASKER & CLARK, MANUFACTURERS OF PEOSPEATIO FEB, TILLIER, ANA MEAT .AND :BONE COMPOST. „ ALSO, 108ALEBEFIN' BONE DUST, GI7APO, Ao. 'Price or Fertilizer, $36 per ton of 2,000 lbe, et the Feotory,'De2 cents per lb, If lees than a - ton. Price f Compost , 520, cents per lb. Price Of Bone Duet, LW, or 2 emote per lb, ' Trice of Bone Duet, etiperfloe, $4O, or 2 cents per lb. ,Terme,cash. Addreee, - TABICIIII & CURB, B. W. corner EIGITTII Street and W4EIIIIHGCON irenun, ldie'rtinidetreet, mlt:9ln (Band. :USER PHOSPHATE OF LIME , made o Bong sod Blood, by BLA.B.3BTON: & WOODWARD, and :break!, to dollen and consumers it their etoreo, Ni 47 North WATER Etreitt bolo* Arob, and mhl7-19* West Bud MAIIKEV-Btreet Bridge. . , 9 . tittlettietei iiirttieljing o°o9 IX/INC:II3EBTM lIIBITIORINO OTORIf AND ,rAT.IIA'.SHOULDIR BRAM BHIRT MANDIA(3- TORY, - -"P . ' Mthe did (nand, No. 700 01/EBTNIIT HTIIIMIT, oppo. titans Washington Rouse. .A. - WINOIIBBTER will give; as heretofore, ble par ental sciyerriffion to the Cutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders fqr his eelehrated style of !Marta and gallant filled. it_ the Atkins! *notice:. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal term.. Jr24-ly 11 , W. SDOTT, (late ,of the -firm of WIN- O* cimitrga & Saes?, riatrti'i'LEttlelva 81:11tNI811. '12f07,8 ORR and KURT MANUYAOTORY, 814 WORM UT Street, (nearly opposite the °bard Housed Ohl dol his. ' 7. W,..8. would respeoMelly call the attention of him former patrons and friends to his new Btore, and le prs asnd• to BIIIRTII at:sltort nellos. 'A geifliet fit guarantied.. COUNTRY TRACI initialled !Mk 0rM 1 ,4 1 14#0.'44Pil t 47.944 0, tf ii.O:gjjllos4oo."Apso4ll* tlti#"l : .: Allittti-4 - 5:;‘: 18 59 . 1 , ' titto;4_,• QPBOIAL NisTloE.:LDealeieltt Goodyear4i . Patentjor Vulcanised Dubber Sailllen_dart,'Braide, "Webs ,and eJI ether Fabrics and articles made by coinbia. jravdprOrds substandes with threads of sheets of fracas,- teed Thlsbor are notified that unless the setup are properly 'stamped or labelled with my name. Alt& by my author! , tY, theycannot be legally disposed of in the United States • • lyferchl4iti 11.0,dealtra arp, invited to examine 'specimens now store„andtio'gtie their orders for the, Trode,to the Vndersigned; OWNS' DR OF Tr TITIOrd AND 11XCLISMIVAI MONTS IN TILE' ATENI; for, 411 ego geode, which entbrece all the itt7lesl • Orof,:rlore minufeotrired or imported, and rnalar OUTS. • - - • AISO, LTOII/18DS TO btANOVACTIJBF, AND SELL —and this Terme—may be obtained on application to tnelit No. 418 00IIRTLANDT Street, N. •Y. ne44.3 , -. EfORACJI LE DAY,' litzuraurg TH E ..W.A4INqTQN FIRE AND MARINE Ima - crEt..aavos.. cow/ PAW:11111AI,, BtfILDINGO, No. 230 WALNUT STRUT, bacorporited in 1667. under the,General Insurance Law of rearwlrtnia. Authoriied Capital VutiaorThad Capital Paid up capital 18V88T8.8 48 IVOLLQBO3 Bond and Mortgages, anti lien - $32,170 Bank, Railroad, and other Stooks • 54 000 8,030 114,800 imame ntint against Loss , Ori DAMAGE DV YIRB ON BlininNet3, liBROH&51)10/ 1 , 001:1t3liEt0Lb FURNITURE), &o. Also. on 0 A lieo3B and FREIGHT to and frani'all limb of the world, and Inland N - rolga; lion and' Traneportalion, on favorabla tams. , and tectulting Oaah In Bank • ' °Moons. CHABLIS G. ISITAY, President, WM. WRIGTIP, Vice President, 0.0 DUPLE% lieoretary, U. G. ILAMBORGER, Assistant Beoretary mooing.: ' • t. - William Imlay, William Wright, P. V. Torrey, • Joo. Termer, Wm. B. Grubb: Charles O Imlay. Tenger Harding, 0.0. Butler, HenriK. Strong', D D. Jones, Alonzo Butler, J. a. Hayes, mo• ' FIEtE INSURANCE. BVPNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. z _• 4metg , Ilan. 1,1860 $1,06719'20 QS MANHATTAN FT/IN INSURANCH COMPANY, of New York. ooh Asdats, Jan. 1,1859 .• .. 373,239 00, SPRINE/FIRLD FIRE AND MARINE - INSDRANOR COMPANY:- • • Cub Auks, 11359 445,764 85 NORTH AMERICAN 'NOV RAMON COMPANY, of Hartford. . , - Coak-Asantai Jan. 1, 1859- • 365,860 06 IRVING VIRE INSURANCE COM PANY,"of New Yoik. • _ •-• Cash Aseeta, Jan. 1.1 4 49 ..• • • MERCHANTS' PTIS T451: 1 44401 4 COMPANY, of Hartford. (Stab /poets, jam, 1, 1859 269,074 86 Policita` Wiled, nod. Imes einitably adßoitad and promptly paid, at bin Away, 117 I3OSWELI A WILSON, - ikonte, No. 216 WALNUT STREET, - EN; T IIsTSIYI=I,A.NerJEI C7OIV!CI3.Ik-N-'ir This 'Company Instate! Buildings, Hurnitaie ' and Inerchandlse ginerally, agslnist lone or dimsge by fire. The polleiee of this Company expressly provide that, when assigned as . collateral security, they ahail not be I.IIIMOVID sir smilax - of the owner of the property In sured. Entire ascurity is Spas extended to the holders pf ag.Onsp 11xsee and Ilor . .ro.g)ss, notwithstiodis# re pent deeisloßs of thi Courts of i ay. tirousd Hepts,_ /Jgriogpe, Ideghienyl , Mese, and ether Beeurities on Reel Rslste;wlll 4100 be speolally insursdif desired. r- DIRECTORS. P. Ratchford Btsrr, Herders! L. ItHtee, George H. Stuart, Halbro 'Frasier, John H. Brown, efopn. hJ.*tweed, B. A. Fahnestooli, Be nJ ,T. 9redidr, Andrew D. Cub, 'Mari Wharton, ISTrjErer. F. RATCHFORD STARR, Prealdent. CHARLES W. COXE, Secretary. VSUFORARY °Min: • 168 SOUTH iTREET. feblf•Bm CAREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND %X TRUBT 4:IO6IPANY, , AND raitsivas , UNION INSUItANOB COMPANY_OW Having consolidated their Mathew!, will ber*Aftor OPH iblet the GREAT - WE name nod er th ST e naEmRNe of the • INSURANCE AND 'PRIMP COttPANY, Offloe, No. 403 WALNUT Street, (Company's Building,) PsitAtthents, " With a combined Capital and available _ ASSETS OP GM 110,000, Invested, for the most part, In FIRST BONDS and Mono Ganes, henries all per cent. interest, on Improved pro party, worth double the amount. - FIRE, INLAND, AND hmana °AEG° Taken on - the most favorable tenon. • DIRECTORS. Obaries - 0.-LaihrOp, William Darling', • Alexander Whilidln, E Tracy, John O. Hunter, James IS, Smith, Isaac, Daslehnrst, U.N. Shipman, • J It. McCurdy, , treacle Tyler, Thomas L. Gillespie, Charles Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, 7onathan I Stomata. O. 0. LATOROP, Reeoidot, WM, DARLING, Vice President, JAMgB WRIGHT, Secretary and Treasarer.. O. S RUSSELL Maiden% Secretary 0.10. SHIPMAN, Second Vice President, t01224AW tf, • •, BEANO!! Oman New ,tork. WELLS, FARGO, & CO., NNW , YORIC AND CAT.I.WRNIA EXPRESS AND EXODANGE COMPANY CAPITAL $600,000. 400 CHESTNUT STREET. CALIFORNIA EXPREFaS leave on the 6th awl 20th of each month. ISLAND Olf CUBA. "EXPVII3I3BEB leave by ell the regular steamers-43y 2d; 12th, 17th, and 27th at each month. OOLLEOTIONS made on HAVANA with prompt re turns. Wo 000nlga, to our trlotidi, P. 0. BonibaUer Co., Havana. • • • - 7XO HANGII en BAN FBANOISQO, ORSGON, BAJO/WIWI ISLANDS', ind QA#ANI, for gale in Nome 04 molt. • 0 AraguntlL, cwaconoNs. Bj" Oar PAN IeItA.NOISCC) home gives especial at tention to oolleotiona on all points' in _Osliforzila and Oregon, with prompt returns. , s,dianufactursra and merchants making sales for California or Oregon, can transmit their Mils of hiding through our bonne, and have the injolcea pirtd.for on arrival of the goode there,. thus giving purchasers full banenot time on floe, and yet the sellers autlntaing control of their property until. paid for. D. N. BARNEY, Tn., Agent. marlB.Bm ADAMS EXPRESS 0411'44F1N COM PAN Y OLLEAT 80 TEM AND COUTHWESTERN RREBB NEW ARRANGEMENTS.'- RATES ItEDIJOED The AnAMS EXPRESS 00 , having completed sr• rangements with the Norfolk and Peteraburg,tPetera. burg and Lyneliburg, Zest Tenn , and Virginia Rail roads, &0., Jco, ale now prepared to gill! AMU DESPATCH, at mush BEDIMED. RATES, te goods destined for plena in VIRGINIA, NORTH end SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGIA, ALABAMA, and EAST and WEST TENNESSEE. The establishment°, a THROUGH INLAND ROUTE from PHILADELPHIA to MEMPHIS, Tenn, ensures to Southern and Southwestern buyer/ a safe and reliable means of transportation at very reanonable rotes, end avoids the rinks of °man navigation. - nippers preferring thin Inland Route are, nested to mark goods rr VIA RICHMOND 2,, ThoraWlecting the route via Obesepeako •Boy, at a rowan cavil or 7118161/T, will mark packages " VIA nonrobix. ,, Mr' Dry Goode, Clothing, Boots and, Shoery Rooks, &c., - or merchandise generally, menturlog ME feet to the 103 'pounds, will be deemed and taken as Heavy Freight. 1D Lion and MILKY GOODS taken at a reaaonable advance on Limy-natant Bates. fp" The long-estabiiebed Line of fixpregi to the south and Southwest, by Steamers to Charleston and Savannah, will be continued u heretofore.- - Trr or further information apply at the 0111ce, No, 1320 OIIESTNIIT Street. mh7-8m frHEO. D. EMORY & CO. 11 OFIIION No. 132 Booth FOURTH St Plats , 8010 Agonts of , ONO. C. PUTTS & CO,, MIAMI and Shippers or the • LOCUSTDALK GOAL, From the Lomat Mountain Nom Ashland,. np2•Sm] SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. Q. W. GROOMS & CO., . Dealers and Shippete of SCIIUYLRILL, and BROAD TOY &MI BITUMINOUS COAL Moe No. 182 South FOURTD. Street. Yard, BROAD Street, below Race, • ap2-6at : PaILADELPIIIA. 3ambullas anb Varasola SLEEPER & FENNER, 'II I 3IIIERT,LA.S AND PARASOLS, 880 MARKET BTit.l2llT, Plift,Ansurrtd, Are now making more than one hundred and fifty different varieties of Umbrellas, of , every else, from 22 to 40 inches. Their bosortment of PARASOLS to also very large, and for variety of dealgo, styles, fiulob, and Orions, ex • needs that of any, previous season. Buyers who have not had B, A A , e mate of goods will find their time well spent in looking over thin well• made eteekorhlet includes MANIC NOVISMISS, not 14, to bo met 14 sissy:hoc febl-em . R. CORSON, .; ' R*REAL EBTATE BROKER AND CONVEYAN- ORR. - - Kolas, LOANMD ON GOOD MORTGAGAR k OOLLROTIONS PROMPTLY AIADR. mlOlO Btu ' NORMTOWN, PA. KIE & OAPP,' 228 POOK Street, abovo 'Ur - Walnut, STOCK BitliKEKB, and deplore In Ater cantilo Paper and meourltlea generally., Attend the Brokers! Board daily, and, 811-alt orders for the pub Owe or, olio of filVilfffi, BONDO„Ocd, AT-ly IrgiONISE & 00., opsoni AND XXOTIANNII XisoLitz No. 40 South THIRD Street, I . BI6ADAMPAI.Ii , , ant Itac?eses of PialladeleSto. BIA.TERLILS.—A largo and lL Tailed woortment constantly in stem,. to whleh I call the attention of the Trade. prices afi lok as thoie of any house in New York.. • mbBu•7m+ PRILADELnit. .$500,000 . 200,000 . 114,800 241,864 81 express Eompanice. ADAMS =PRIM CO Vniolegale Ilanntiio Wren Brokers. onenfima MULLIKIN, in MINOR &sat -,-,,--,, 1 _,.,,,,,,:tiii.v.tratiiii., NOTICE JS BERESSC - GrIVRN that' the Othilaticliietlftsnemed.ia i9an sot „to.incorporate tie •Ifestouville, Mantua, and Pairoment Passenger Retiroed eggigskftr." approved the sixth day of Aprii,t 1859,,wh0 are Se follows,: Altirt'S AG:mead. (merles MoOalls, It X. ilarnieb. . Trititt; WM. Pat. tersoo,..J. H. tOheen; Jac b 8 Yost, Robert Glendin, clog. Bobert Morrie, Samuel L Smedley, Jacob Veg. ler, : 3amnet. Hutchins, W. D. /Tetley. James Hooter, Yeaao Heaton, Than : A'. Andrews, R. Yogdee,' John 0 Xeffari D. B H. A Dreer, Nehemiah Byars, 'Robert Belfridge, john A.'Brown. Gt 0 FralnillOWl, 4. 11:BardWell, B. R. Miller, B. Wallace, B. 91 ha. llek;DD. Janes. John Steele, Jesse T. Vogdes, Bte. Pam p: Will, 'Wog Wm, P. hfcoalls; John Y. Beatty,l9. W.latr, Peter Parker, and George H Hill will , open bohks for the purpogoef, tasking and receiving subscriptions -to Ate Capital Stock of-the said , Ulestonyille, Mantua, Pod Pairroonet PaSsengsr Railroad !Cloinpany 'GDPIEN , B DROVB.YARD HOTEL, isdrner of L &BOAST Elt'Avenue add HAVBI3, FORD Streetd Twenty-fourth ward, on the second day of MAY, 1859. at 9 o'clock A. hi , and will keep open said books accordiog to law. 4 ALB HET it ABEIHDAD, 1 'H. X. BARN'S'', D R PAUL, , - "ROBERT 8 BLFIlft HD, Committee. E. W. 04.A1t. apll tlf2 B. M.- ZUGICK, iDT THE "JUNI ANS' .COURT FOR THE MY, AND 00131327 OP PHILADELPHIA. _ . Betate of DELIA TELOMPSON; Dineased. The Auditor 'appointed by the Court tl endit, Settle, and 'adjust the arnount of M.I.OIIAEL 'HEGAN and JOHN McOULLOUGET,xecutors MIL THOMP SON, dedeased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of-the icanuntantosill, inset the patties tutereated, for the purposes ,of lilt appointment, on MONDAY, April 25th, at 4 o'clock "?' M , at 624 WAL NUT Street; in the pity of Prilladelphia: apt-frowbt RILLIAM" A. HOWARDS, Auditor. ' TN- THE ORPHANS' COURT OF' THE JP. OITY AND•CORNTY OF FOILAVOLPHLt, Estate of HENRY HAHN, Deceased ' Notice; is: hereby given, that LEWIS HAIM, - com mittee, dco ,of MESE RAHN, lunatic,) widow of said decedent, has dial in said Court hie petition, claiming to retain, in behalf of said widow, the mini of WA, rat of the fund in the bandit of the Administm• tor of Bald estate, tinder the sot of Assembly of April 14th, 18151, and that the same be granted by the Court gn PRIDAY, April 15th, 1800, unless excepted 'to. • WILLIAM 8. PEIRCE, 4.9 9iB 15 4t* ' Attorney of Committee. NOTICE.—RELLER R. CRESSRAN and =Nay B. ORES 4 6IAN, co-partners under the firm of It R & U. B. OREBSIIAN, having executed to me, Marsh 29, 1859, a general Realignment for the bene fit. of their creditors, all pollens indebted to maid estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them to. TUOMILS y DIEHL, Assignee, 680 WALNUT Street. spl.ftnet 614Pt»g. -..•,• FOR ,TELV NOUTR—OHAELES ""^=' i ' ; TON SAVANNAH . and HAVANA STEAM. 813I8S. ' BE2B ONE STAVll;Captaln 0. P. Harstpniin. 'STATE OF GEORGIA., Captain Johrt.T. Garvin. ISABEL, Oaetaln Wm. Rollins. FOR CHARLESTON ,41. C. The V. S. Mall Steamship HWYSTONE STATE, Captain Marshman, through in 48, to 60 hours, will sail on Frdiay, April 16th, at 10 A SI • FOR SAVANNAH, Ga. Thelf S. Mail Steamship STATE O 6 GEORGIA, Copt, 'John J Garvin, will sail on Wednesday, April 20thl at, 10 rOoleck, A. M. The splendid itrat-elasa side-wheel Stearniships II E.R. STONE ,STATIO and STATE OF GEORGIA now ran as above every ten days, thus forming a fits-day oom munleidlon wittt the Smith and Southwest. Goods received mid bills of lading signed every ' day. , i , . At both Charleston and Savannah these Alpo eon. petit with steamers for Florida, and with railroads, ke., for all plasm; in the Eolith and Simthwelt, and with the Steamship IPARRai, for Havana, on the 4th 'and 10th of every month. • - PE REIICED. ' . Hem Freight at la na average ll of 16 per cent, below Nell y o Fif , istaamaltlP retail. INIVIANIMS. Freight and Icroranoa on a large proportion or Goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these ships than hy,salling vesoolo. -- - - - - -- Cabin Paasage to Charleston and Savannah 516 00 StetramS a « 10 8 00 Excaraton Tickets, good for the present year.... 80 00 Havana 66 00 Through Tioketo to New Orloane 80 76 .. Do Mobile 85 00 'Do • Montgomery: 'Do Alit,•, t - 11 2 .4. co, sa .. bin!, Gs — ' 2.3 00 ;Do . Atlanta, till 23 00 ,Do Macon, Ga . 21 00 ll° ilrysa,Flis 23 00 1110 1801 , 464 vl,t y, .„... 23 00 ,E,3 • futon die, 10. .. sit 00 Da ornandina, Mlti ~. 51 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship has called. No freight'reiteived on the day of sailing. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Jr. Southereat corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT. Agent,, in Charleston, T. O. k T. G. BUDD. • 1 - Savannah. O. A GRIMES kOO 'aiILFOR RIOOKOND, VIA NOR- Vint. AND CITY POINT.—hPRING .•11- 11ARGSIttiliNY—TWICE A.WEBR.-IJnlon Bteamehip Romper Lino or 'Steamships—To salt EVERY VERN alma aid tIATDRDAT, at 11 o'clock 4. M., fn the tiotiVy. J. ri Captain J. R. Relit. rigyvVAN 4, captain 1). Teel orry. OF RIO bIOND, Captain 14. Zditsbell. These fine steamsitlPs will sail as above. They are handsomely Sited up for passengers, haying neloons on deck, ate provided with Primate , Patent Metallle Life Do4l.nt Life Presereers,,ff c.. and no pains or expense v-ri . h:4Y.omfort pp WM7 of passengers and the preteotitn oi goods.- This line offers the pinkest, cheapest, and moat com fortable rptity for passerlers, and is Ad advance of any other for despatch tied sponenly fey freight to the in terior of Virginia, North Ossollite, and 'Amway. No transhipment by this line. - Passageto Ittchmond or Yeterslinrghti, meals included. Do. . Norfolk $6, meals ine,vided. • THOMAS WEBBTER, la., General Agent, felo-31n 14 North waeRVIM. A A A , .ciLAsGtyst, Lista- DERRY, wit hout aim POOL, delay lIRLYABT for E 3 Du o. na', AND LONDON , Retaratickete, good for six mouths, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, 00 for the round trip, out and beak. - - - /SOIL lINIR YOSK. GLASGOW, Thomson, Saturday, March 19th, at 1.1 o , oloek noon. IpINBEGLGEI r OnmmIng, Wednesday, April 18th, at 12 o'clock nqop GLASGOW, 51howson, Saturday, May 14th, atl9 o'clock noon. !ROM GIL/600W. EDINBURGH, Cumming. Saturday, March 10th. GbAfici 0 W, Thomson Wedneaday, April 20th, BIDINIIIIItHEI, Cumming. Saturday, May 7th - RATES Ulf PABBAIIII6. I r PION 01.1600 w. - its* NEW Teal. Pint Wens 16 guineas First (Base $76 00 Steerage, found with Steerage, found with cooked proeisions 8 ii cooked providous. 80 00 Children under 12 years o age, half fare; Infants in Steerage, fres. , , ! . Return tickets' aiailable within elk months, by any Ammer:of this ling. . rivet Claes f • ...VA) Steerage 800 An experienced Burgeon attached to slob Bteamer. For freight or itemise apply to WORKMAN 4 00hog8W4I I NUT Btreet, Philadel phia. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway New York. HAITI tc LONDY, 'Buchanan'a Wharf, Baltimore. mh7 ebutalurnal R OOK -KEEPING, MADE EASY.—The Air rise of TIVININII , B BliE ENTRY DIAGR Pal will obviate all difiloultlea in acquiring a knowledge of tbler ucoful Bolenoe. TwINING 8 ERLI.IitT P.II,I9,4N STITUTB, 108 South MUTH ' Street. ap14,12V, ALLEN GROVE FEMALE SEMINARY, RLNKFORD, Penna., Six miles from Market 'street, Philadelphia. The Sommer Session will commence on MONDAY, May 2. The canna of lostruction in this School is compre hensive Au d .thorough. Parents and Guardians who intend to place their daughters or wards at this Insti tution, will do well to make Immediate application to hire: - L THOMPSON, Principal and Superintendent. THE WEST CHESTER Aoiii/E - Bir, WNW, 011E8T1111, Pa ,alit commence its 10th Session, no. er the charge of its present Principal, on the Orat of May next, The course of instmation is EXTINEUVE and TiIOREIUOII, designed and arranged to prepare boys and young men for College or for the businies requirements of active life. The QPIIVAN and FRENCH lanai:nee are taught by NATIVE, SIDENT T111A.01.11018 of tact, talent, and experience. Average number of pupils 75, under the charge of 7 Teachers, including the Principal. • ' For Catsloguee and full information apply to WM. P. WYglifi, A. St., Principal. ,mEr S O LESSONS. -MISS LIZZIE Mt 0 ARROLL; No' 622 South TIMM Ptreet, third door above Pblppen, continues to give lessons on the PI SNO.FORTZ, either at her resolence or at the bonies of pup'la For terms apply as above. Refers to 001:111.4 Meyer, Plano forte Manufacturer, No. 722 Arch siren, Philadelphia. ap2.lmat I.I.RYANT & STEATTON's NATIONAL JEN MERCANTILE COLLEGES, located at Phila delphia,' 8. -N, corner BKVENTII and OILEBTNIIT ; New York, Bunt°, Cleveland. and Chicago. Por In formation, call or send for Catalogue. fe9-ter IV HITE HALL ACADEMY, three miles •• ~♦ neat or HARRIBBMG, Pa The diventeenth remi•anunal session %TM commence on MONDAY, Mar 2d: The attention of pa Onto and guardienela solicited to lie advantages. Terme, $6O per of 21 weeks The Principal eon be omen et thy Hulon'ilutri every afternoon from the 11th till the lath of April, inclusive. Oily references given. For Oircolero; address p. DP.NLINHHH, rob2o-kite Harrisburg, Pa. NEW LONDON AOADEMY, CHESTER 1. COUNTY, PA. Prof. EDWARD D. PORTER, A 111 , Principal. The 952 d seer( m of this we ll-known School will commence Nay 2d. 3869 It is located to a retired and healthy village, Wetly celebrated for the salubrity of Its climate, and the elevated character of Its citizens. A coach meets the morning care from Philadelphia and Baltimore at Newark, Delaware, to convey studenta to the Academy, ' „ TER el 2— 05 per reentou of five months. The Prinelol may be aeon at the GIRARD TIOUBE every SATURDAY from 2 to 5 P. M,, until May 2d.VA api-lot VONG'S SP i ta..NG GARDEN ACIADESIT, N. S. comer ElGialt and SPYTON WOOD Ste. GOMPIY,BITIAL DLEAllnittNT.—hook keeping in allita' various forms; preparing Stneenta thoroughly for sitnationa in any branch of hnOiness• Pinto anq pr napiental Wfitiar, ,• gointnernial U*4 1 311[414 i Lag and earreepondonce. No institution in the 'United States gives a more thorough and practical course. In this department no teaching is done lu classes, and is open DAY and IIIYBNING, Time unlimited. MATLISHATICAL AND CLASSICAL DIIPART MEINT—(Ieparate from the above.)--Young Men and Soya are prepared for any grade of an Engitch and Clas sical Iducation, Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Artthinetio, Philooophy, dart., Ancient and modern Languagee, with ell the higher Collegiate Studio,. Semitone of the Menthe commence September let, and February let. Pupils reeetved at any time be fore or after thao dates and charged maoralney. Cita. Joshes farnishea gratis. mh2.64f T. DONLEAVIT LONG, Principal - - - SNYDER LEIDY—JAE. M. LEIDY, hor. Penaipsla of LEIDY DEOTHERS , 11.0ADEALY, N0e.149 and 1.60 SIXTH MEET, near Awe, where a knowledge of WRITING, ROGR-HREPING, and ARITRNITIO Le made certain to ovary pupil that may enter. ACIATOUdy open day and evening, - n 022 GEORGE WHITELEY, No; 136 South norm' Street, offers for side, In 80, d only— , A. Eeignette Brandy, - 1857, Pale end Dark. Jules Bolan Cognao,lBso and 1867. Union Proprietors , Cognac, 1054. ' - - Pinot, Osntullfon. &Co clogrlao,lB6o, 1867, 18p. 4.l3amtin Michelle; DU. ROOholle, 1858, to arrive. Martell & Co. Cdgnao, 18813, 18f1, 1848, , Jamaica Bum, 2 years in Bond. 'Ste sart , s kooteh Whiskey. Burgundy Port Wine, • , _Sicily Madeira Wine, ' Lieldelok Champagne. quarts and pinta. tumeasortment of Olsret Winn, fu alma and casks, to arrive • ia34-Bno* COFFEE. -1,000 bags Rio, 300 bags Cape, GOO bey Java end Lteueyra Coffee, for sole by JEDIRS GRAHAM to 00. i ' plial•tt Nos. 70 and 22 LNT/T/A. Urea. aLe bb,At!itiott.' Or THOMAS k SONS,- • Nes. 189 mid - 141 , 80HT/1 FOURTH WTSERT, eel - Teri 67 , and,6 9 .) sro0KB; GEMETERY,LOTS, &o. 'On Tneedey. Evening, „, • , • - April 19th, at 73e", o'clock, at the ,Philadelphia 'change, will be cold, Rrevloaq to real estate,-.. Admuiletistor'kEale. 1 share Point Breezeßark:Association. Silo "15 " , 2 tote, Nos. 234, and 286, neeNorili, Odd Fellows Ce metery. 2 tote, Noe, 438 and'437, motion L, Odd-Fellow* Ce metery. _ " „ Also, for other account!—'' , 1 there Batter Hotel Company - par $6OO, full Paid Lot No., 818, section" 8, ,Monument Cemetery.: Sale positive. Without reserve, far account of whom it may con cern— • , 60 shares Mount eforieteoemetery Company. , for account of whom it may concern— , : 2 coupon IQ per cent, bends, $l,OOO each Calloway Mining and filanteactitring Company, Missouri. • 483 shares Northumberland Improvement Company— par $25. f 60 times Northwest Mining CoMpany,of Michigan. TENTH SPRING- SALE—APRIL 19th. Will include— • Execu'i; , e , Perenintory Sale - THREE-STORY, BRI"E. DWELLING, No. 252 Chan ter street, between Eighth and Ninth, and Race and Vine streets, with a three-story 'brick dwelling in the, rear - OrphineWorot Sale—Eetate of Oharles Byrne;Dectd., THRES.STORY BRIOR_DIVELLING, Ogden street,' between Twelfth and Thirteenth, and Paeil.h and Pop lar greets VERY V AMIABLE .PRO PERTIC.:-Farps, Mansion,, and out buildings, two steam mills, thirteen stone dwellioge, for workmen, and 180 sabres of land, on the Ridge turnpike, three miles from Norristown. To Capitalleta And Others. • VERY' VALUABLE, - BUSINESS LOCATION —The " Pennsylvania Hotel," with - extensive* brick stables, Nos. 48 and 60 Mirth Sixth street, between Market and Arch streets, lot 60 feet front, 200 feet deep. ' Peremptory Sale. ELEGANT MANOION, WAN/ . PHILADELPHIA,-' Also, the elegant stone mansion, with large and vents. ble lot of ground, stable, coash-honie, &o , (late Thorns, 'Allitionee,) Welit Philadelphia, the lot hay. ing three valuable front', viz 800 feet on Walnut street, 220 feet'on,Willient etreet, and 800 teet - on York street. The house built and finished in the best man-. new, with ell modern conveniences." Er, Fnll deacrip: Gone in handbills. - NORTH EIGHTH ,STREET. Three story brick dwelling No . 639 North Eighth street, above .Wallace etreet, with a brick building in the rear, on Loram Worst, two fronts ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT, 17 ACRES on Ridge ro.d 12 miles from Ninth and, Vine etreete, and one mile from Spring Mill station on the Norristown Rio. rord. SOUTH FIFTH STREET.—Three story 'MA dwel ling. No; 860 South Fifth street, third house above Fe deral strast Estate late of Joseph Malsberger, Dec'd. BUSINESS STAND.—.Two•etory brick house, No. 608 North Second street, between Green and Coates etiolate, with two three•story brick dwellings in the rear on Vincent *wet. VALUABLE FARM AND COUNTRY' PLACE, 67 ACRES,!with improvements, on the Beaver DM road, Bridal, Sucks county, Pa. DIVIaTON STREET.—Three-etory brick dwelling, No. 1103 Division . street , between Eleventh and Twelfth, and Callowhill and Noble 'streets. " - GREEN STREET —Modern residence, with modern improvements, No. 1710 'Green street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth innate • HAN DBO6IIt , CGTINTRY BEAT —New 'tone cottage, with 32 awed land, Tqwgehlp Lino road, or Wiesahlo con etreet, 6 miles from Goatee, street, 1 mile went of the Germantown turnpike, , Executor,' Peremptory Seta—Estate of Peter Itntnpf, „ Aecoaeed TWq LOTS 04i quoTtrip, won street, north of Rekens 'street, late Northern Liberties 111AR8IALL STREET.—Three.stoey brick dwelling, No. 441 Harebell " street, between Fourth and Fifth and Wasblisgton and Wharton et eete Exeeutrix'm Sole—Estate of John Diver, Deed Wilms STORY BRICK , Rwatusa, No 1217 North Fifteenth etreet, third house above Girard Avanna. wiLLIAMSON STREET.—Two-story brick dwelling, No. 219 ,Williamson street, east of Moyamenslog Ave nue; between Moore and Morris etreete, Firet word. MAURICE MEET —Three-story brick dwelling ; No. 1203 Maurice etreet, between Twelfth. and Thirn teenth Streets; and Washington end Federal streets, with a brick dwelling in the rear OLi Peter street, First ward. 3NORTIE FOURTH STREET.—Two three.etory brick dwellinge. Noi. 1023 and nig North Fourth street, ur south of Geoe , greet, eight dwellings in the rear, forming court, Sixteen h ward... Peremptory SaIe.—THREE STORY BRICK DWEL LING, STORE, stable, weaver's chops, &a., No. 403 Otis. (late Wood) etreet,lvert'of Amber street, late .Ken ;Aileen: - SOUTH TENTS( ,SIPREET.-,Nerat modern residence, 310. §24 Smith Tenth street, between Lombard and Beath etreete. Map be examined any time previous to Mile, • . WASHINGTON STREET.—Thres-story brick dwa I. ling. No 823 Washington street, between Eighth end Sloth etreete, late Moyamensing. Has two fronts. Estecistor's Sale—Estate of Samuel LyonsiDeci'd: LOMBARD STREET.—tour story brick dwelling, Lombard street out of Fifth street, 30 feet front, 60 feet deep. NEAT MODERN DWELLING, No. 125 Cougreee street, between Front and Second', end Shippen and Eitswater etreete, Sonthwerk. tole at No. 11Q4 Wallace Street. fINTISNL TORbIITORIC, ROSEWOOD PIANO OBIT, pRENOIf MaNTZL CLOOXS, WAPINITRY .411PliTh, k o On Wednesday Morning, tiOtb instant, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No 1104 Wallace street, above Eleventh, the genteel furniture, handsome rosewood? octave plano.forte, 2 fine French mantel olcoko, tapestry carpet, too., of a gentleman &alining housekeeping. LEr Max be examined at 8 o'clook on the morning of sale. Sale at Nos. 189 and 141 South month Street BLIPARIOR 1111INITURN, PIANO-PORTIA, TINA ARMAGH PLATT AITRAOAP, , IMIAWALI3 OAB. PITS, &a. On Tharsdny Atornlnf, • At 9 o'clock, lit the Atation' store an erten/dui qssortnient of , enaellent soconn- hi wl herniture, elegant tdeno-forto ,c tlue mirrors, .cergetoi,oto., from fanillies declining koneekeeping, removed to the More for con. Teutons° of Ws. nERRELL & FIELD, AUCTIONEERS ,No. 112 SOUTH IS IGUTII STREET, below CHESTNUT STREET. ' SALE OF • ELEGANT NEW AND SECOND-RAND FURNITURE, BEDS; &a. This Morning, April 36th, at 10 o'clock, at the auction store, cow, prisms. imparter Walnut toted, Soled, rocking and wall theirs, lounges, Jenny Lind bedsteads dressingbureaus, washstands, cane-seat °halm:extension dieing table, feather beds, ut,t roses, Ingrain and, cottage carpets, table cutlery, ,ta PIANO. Also, i fine tone second hand piano. Also, very superior marble bast of Henry Olsy, Sale at. No. 101 South Eiglatb St . below Oheatuut, BALE OS THE BIIRPLIIS PIISATTHRE 01? a LADT RENIQPINiI pnyaturiv hiorning). April 113th, at 10 o'clock, at No. 104 South Eighth street, Including 2 superior mahogany wardrobes, ma. hogany bureaus, mahogany centre tables, rosewood what not, mahogany card tables, mahogany , chairs, cane peat do mahogany French and other bedsteads, washstands, tables, mattresses, beds, bedding, oil cloth, er rayless, Ste Also, 8 iron fame tables, marble-tope. BOOK-OASES. A 150.13 very superior bookcases. STOVE, 111XTUR) 8, 001INTBN CASE, &a. Also, the complete fix:wet of the store, No. 104 Booth Eighth etreet, comprising glass casing, with draw ers and closets, marblatop counter, oil cloth, stove and and pipe, Also, 1 wheel-barrow. Also, confectioners , table, marble. top, together with benches, tables, be. Also, e 14tge asiectenent of kitchen utensils, As. Sale at the Auction Store, Nm 112 South EighthBtreet , below Oheetnut Street. PLIISOELLANEO4B LIBRARY, dm On Saturday Evening, April 10th, at 7 o'clock, by catalogue, abOut 300 vol umes from the miscellaneous library of a, per a ILI leav ing the city compneing the works of the moat popular authors, such as hietmice, blograpbles,, poems, plays, dco ,Ao. Alo, about 600 Nos. magazines. journals, &o. Also, will be added; about 60 volumes common school books. ENOR&VINGS AlsO, 1 port•folio, containing about 7t rich Nrench engravings. Ow The above can be examined, with catalogues, on Baturday afternoon. gale at the store, No 112 Youth Eighth Street, below INteetnut Street. EAU/ OF BLIPTRIoR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FEATHER DEM, &o. " On Monday Morning, April 18th, at 10 o'olook, an elegant *tenement o household furniture, deo , comprising Jenny Lind bed steads, 'dressing bureaus, washstands, totes, sofas lounges, rocking and 'wall chairs,, chairs centre tables, feather beds, &e. Sale at the 8. E. comer or Eleventh sad Market Eta TUE ENTIRE ROUREHOLD AND RIMIER FUR NITURE. DAR FIXTURES, &0., OF TUE MAN RION KOMI. On Tuesday Morning, April 19tb, at 93( o'clock, by cttalogue, comprising in part superior ‘dressing and plain bureaus, French, Jenny Lind, high poet, and other bedsteads, wardrobes, wsehetande, tables, mattresses, beds, bedding, carpets, &o. Also, the superior parlor furniture, mirrors, PIANO, Also, 1 fine tone piano Also, the bars ba., fixtures, restaurant, eat kitchen utonelle, and all the personal property appertaining to the promisee. . . . DV; The goode can be examined, with catalogues early ozi the morning or pale. SALE OF NEW AND SICOOND-BAND FURNITURE, On Wednesday Morning, April 2Q:1,, at IQ o'clgok. at cur store; No. 112 Routh Eighth street, comprising the usual assortment or new sod second-band household furniture, feather beds, °Amer. Am 117 P Consignments to this sale respectfully solicited. sale at the Old Drove Yard note!, at the Junction o Lancaster Turnpike and Haverford Road, Twenty fourth ward. HORSES, WAVONS, FURNITURE, &r. On Thursday Morning, April 21st. at 10 o'clock, comprising horses, wagons, hay, straw, forke, shovels, Ac. Also, the entire household furniture of the hotel. Also, drinking and eating bars, bar ON turn kitchen utensils, An, Mr. partlcttle-e pa Monday. Irr Regular sales of very superior honeehold fur nlture, pianos, 4.0., held at the auction store, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, at 19 o'clock, 'comprising elegant jenny Lind bedsteads, dressing bureau., tetra, rocAing and parlor choice, centre and bouquet tables, 4e., 4p. La -- We will give our attention to sales of real es tate, stocks, merehandige, household furniture, hrs. entrusted to our charge, upon the lanai reasonable terms.' We will sell honeebold furniture at dwellings, or at our store, ea may be required. Err Oath advAnoes made upon all kinds of goods and merchandise. dULITT, Jt., AUOTIA)IIJ H ti 0. 431 :OIiESTKIT STREET, opposite the Onston goose, between POURTII and PIVTII Streets. vitY WILLIAM 11. &PERIL, GENERAL ILS AUCTION AND COMMISSION MENG4ANTS. No. 4111 North EIGHTH Street, bow A rc h. J. A ELISON. Auctioneer 13uPratiou novastiotv, F'OIINITORE, CARPETS MIRRORS, NNGRAVI •GS, 01 L PAINTINGS ' PLATED WARE, FS &TIMBEDS,BATTREBBEII, , Zto, , Saturday Mort in, At the auction store, commenofnu at 3.0, o'clock, will be sold s la , ge and deettable alartmont of sone. rior parlor, chamber, sod diuiog•room furnitnro, oar. veto, mirrors, engravinga. beds mattresses, ern BILLIAItD Ts DIA, .. On Saturday illornlng, 16th instant, at 11 o'olock, will be sold a puperior marble-bedded billiard table, with patent cushions, belle, ones, rack; couoters, &e. , 1.17" Clormignmente of new end eeoood-limpid berme hold tureitore,pleno•fortee, eprpete., w‘taties, jewelni, "-a.; ,reg VO k i 114 ' settees 11 111 lie Wade tt required. Irr Out-door melee attended to promptly. (Merger 11,04,, 5t 4 other house to this city. • AT PRIVATIO 8 al,B Two large heavy French plate mantel mirrors, richly hoofed g else of pistol; 62190 Inches, and 5600 Will be cold low to elm ao &moot. ESTA. AND AMERICAN TARRED Clorslam 'wort. d manufac t u r ed and - Tor sale 1:11 BAYS% lIP/TLRII,i4 00h SO North .wersit out* sad 99 N. WEIANVNO. • mh9l Oates .13t)'atiih4ii NIEIRRESS, BRIITLXT, - & 00:, - • No. f 2 .9 BABA XIT 5TR)127.1 8911 OP 990 LOT LPREIWIT DRY GOODS OP WI& TME . O O TATION OP 01 )1 ,1 0.0. DENKARD & MI T " TO AND BOVE:Ida THERM. THIS (VISA!) MORNING, APRIL 1501, AT 10 O'CLOCK. - • A OARD.--The particular , attention of , jobbers retailers is requested to our sale, this (Pridny) log, April 15th. at 10 o'clock, comprising the Urgent most desirable' ateortnient• 6f fanny ind 'stern Prone& goods offered if auction Me season: •'' ' NOT/OW—To Belden in Ribbons— •Alro, 600.eartons No. 4 to 22 Tonit 49 sole bonnet rit- Mrs. • 100 cartons steamboat brand black alit ielviiriblione. 'PRINTED CASHMERE AND STILLA. BRAWLS. Also, 80012 , 4 rich printed Claihrnirs Mewls. ' • i 40012.4 printed and broche-berdered Stella sh►Nle. , LONDON - MADDER LA#NS. 10 ogee, 1,400 printed madder lewnit. . • • 100 LOI S OP BLACK AND COLORED DEISS SILKS AND SILK BORES. - 4 In sale this morning -100 lots of rich Bayedere stripe, and chine moult de sole and silk robes. " 20 and 40 inch Bonney! and J. B. brand black gros de Rhine and taffetas. • •- - LARGE SPEOIAL SALE OP PBBNOII GOODS. OP THE IMPORTATION OP MBPBRS. RBNICARD • DUTTON. Tble Morning, • April 16th, at 10 o'clock, by catelogne, on 0 months credit—, The following desirable, goodeof ratarle Lupin's ma nufacture—kW, landed: 160 pieces Lupin's bomb.zinelt. ofinperffne qualitlea, joat landed, and toonly lot to la, offered this Neason 600 geese Implialenlain black; mode] and high colored mouslln de Ulnas, in fine qualities:: ." EOO pieces Losinle plain black, Mode; wilder colored taroartines „ • 200 pieces taptes pla:n black, mode Oa keigh ooloced crape marsh.- 60 pieces Lupin's superior quality black'. grenadine barego and Romani, anew and very deeirable arilots.'•,'_ 960 pieces entirely new style rich - printed busses and poplins, ... Also—. , , . . , .. „ 100 pieces crape Nankirie, a new article for men's, la dies', and children's yrear: . , , ' , 60 places extra enter guallty black drop d'ete, of tunic Luplo manufacture. ' • ' 960 pieces caper quality ducal, dnail crinolines, and abatis. • 160 rich fancy dress alibi—Just landed. ' 500 extra rich doable flounced' and double jape ba rege, grenadine,. and - other new. styles sod tisanes of robes just landed. • • • • - gi 200 extra rich two-flounced and double Jape silk robes, chine and other styles, entirely new. • 60 colored &alleys, superb qualities. 60 pieces plain colored percales, superb qualities: - 60 pieces plain colored brillian ts, superb qualltite. - 50 pieces white piques: ' - „ • BRAWLS. _ 800 I,netn , e silk-fringe Talbot ettiSrla, mode and Waal( 1300 tupla'a wool-fringe I%!bet ',shawls . , extra super _ • ; ; ; 500 L u pin' es rich printed Thibet cleatric and enure. - 500 Lupin's new etyle broche•boidersd 13tella warted colors black and brawn, new decries; IMPORTANT - AND SPROIA'h; €AL7IF.OT 800 ,082; TONS BONNET RIBBONS, or THE IMPORTATION OP MESSRS. SOLIMR 00,, PURRS, etc. - Thie alonilog; • April 16th, at 10 o'clock, also-- 1300 cartons bonnet ribbons, embracing every variety of entirely new styles Paris qualielen. Nos. 4022 broctie, Blinked, plaid, plate, and cannelle bonnet rlbb iii,"being the moat attractive anddeseisble iuwortmentrevier °Mired:" ' . RICII4 PARIS li:01MT DAIOOIII SOARS S Mimi Efortithg, ' - - An invoice of yid Paris poult, do ride .robio, PRINTED YIIASILIMIRE SHAWLS: , 1,000 12-4 now style printed Cochrane shawls „ . BALE OP IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS - • ; •On Teen* Writing, ~ t April 19tb, at 10 o'clock, by catalogne, on &Months , oredit -400 packages and idle of impocted dry goods B , amples and catalogues early on the morning of eaie. UNDERWRITERS' BATA FOR OA9II. On Tuesday Morning, April 10th. at 10 o'clock, for cash, allghtly damaged on voyage of Importation— - 1 awe, 04 Ocoee, black tabby velvets, 1 cue, 63 pieces . , Lacey traverse. • . LARGE spEorAL 88LE Of ISIDORi'ED DRY aoors, On weUescliyy. April 20th; at 1Q o'clook, a large 'special este of ha= ported dry 0 10 4. by ebt 4 Ogno on Mx months' credit. #l7. Partianlare hereafter. B , Y ALFRED M. RERRNESS, PRI - LA DELPHiA 1108861 AND oratowin Rag AAR 8. M. corner of NINTH and BANBO6I STRUTS,' be tween Chestnut and Walnut streets. •' • - BALS 'OR HORSEB, , CABR/e(188. AND DARNESS On Saturday Morning, , At 10 o'clock. at the Bashar,Will be sold— ' A pair of elegant bay carriage horses, cost $1,400 - - An elegant cabal) carriage, by Jambe, cost $l,OOO A vet double berates,. - - • A Germantown wagon, asab.doere, by Lefler - . A bay borne, " believed - to trot in 2 60. An elegant bob-tail gray family horse. - - A brown borne, 7 years old, 15- hands high. - A pstr of sorrel males. A valuable Dathaw hone, 8 years old. A handsome tiny horse, I years old. A allrnlentmen wagon and harness: A gray Elaladlu mare, 0 pasta old. A black saddle horse, and I saddles. Also, other horses end carriages. DU.See,estalogues. PRILIP FORD, ADOTIONERR, No 680 MARRIIT,pTaIiT, between PLIPTII an 4 RlXTlLeontb side LABOR POBLTIVH BALE _ OF STRAW GOOD 3, Ye ' On Monday bforriing; April 18th, at 10 o'clock - precisely, will be /old -by catalogue, about 250 cases of ladles , and misses' , straw bonnets, hltnmers, Ao , men's and boys' straw hats, An. A large line of ladles ' itouga and Heady bonnets. Also, boo - pieces straw triruninge, all frestrgoods, imitable for the present trade.- ' uye The early' attention of purchasers to requested. LABOR BALE OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, &o. On Tuesday /darning, April 10th, at 10 o'clock precisely, - Will be sold, by catalogue, on six months' credit, about 200 pieces of carpeting, consisting of— - - places nob high colors Brussels carpeting. - pieces - 4.4 superfine all -worsted chain and 'wool Oiling carpeting. - . —places 4 4 medium quality carpeting.. ,• - - places alLwooL filling carpeting.. - plates 4.4 and 15• E royal damask Yenitian carpeting, pieces 443 end h-S woollen Venitian carpeting. pieces 4-4 mid 5 t rep and cottage carpets. ...,pleges super quality Mier °flub:db.. ', Jahr), a large assortment of relret rugs, door mate, &It .&o. 1174 Goods arranged for examination, with ea,a logues, early on the morning of sale, to which the st• Lion of buyers is requested _ /11110 MAS BIRCH SE SON, AI virioNsEag, 1 No. 914 OELECTNIIT STREET, above NINTH. BALE PERM? TORY—BALANCE ,Oir STOOK OW , • CITY' JEKELISE RELINCRISHINQ BetHNREIS. This Symns, 19th instant, at 7N O'clomr, at No. 914 Chestnut Street filat•cless ISkarat Wit watches, inhnntleg Mal and open face, some beautifully enamelled; ,also, jew elry In sets to match; also, Single please of jewelry, some in Etruscan style, vim brooches, ear•rings, finger. rings, bracelets, coral, garnet, lava, cameo, carbuncle, ko„ gold lob vest, and chstelan obtains. DIV— Thin sale comprises a general assortment of line goods, all of which - will be open for examination, with catalogues, on 9% iday,l6th Instant. 117* The ladies are respeetfully invited to the sale B Also, 2 elegant plata-glass counter cases, silver. mounted, 7 feet long. ltsr GURNEY & SONS, al • REAL ESTATI.AUCTIONNERS, No U 0 WALNUT STREIT FIFTH SPRING SALE, ' , On Thursday Evening, • April 28th, at 7X o'clock, at the Phlladelpila Waage, will be sold— I share Meroantile Library Company. For account of whom it may concern-- 10 bonds of the Oalloway Mining and Railroad 00. GROUND RENT OF *OO, on lot of ground, with three story brick hotutelbereonereoted, Lomat street, west of Twenty-first Street. THREE THREE•STORY- BRICE STORES. HOTEL STAND, known as the 4 !Oolden Lamb Hotel,” 'tabling, and large lot of ground; Second etreet, above Callow. hill. The lot Is 78 feet front on Second street, by 100 feet deep to St John street, with a front on St. John greet of 100 feet. This is a very valuable property, and well worthy the attention of capitalists. SIX STORY SPORE, FRONT STREET.—ebr-eto,y brick store and tot of ground, No. 237 North Front St , Int 17 feet 0 inches front, running through to Water street. GERMANTOWN BUILDING RITES —Three elegstit building sites of ten eaten each, situate on the Lime.' kiln turnpike, running through to the Township Line road, near Germantown 11:pe Lithographic plane can be bad at the office. HANDSOME CO vr A4B .RESIDENCE, GERMAN. TOWN.—Two sad a half at ry double stone cottage, and lot of ground, near Wayow station. Oermantowo, aijolning the grounds of H. Pratt IllcKette, Esq., lot 209 feet front, by 160 feet deep. The house finished with all the modern sonvenisnces, welkbuilt, and in good order. Posseanion,immedlatelr, TWO STONE DWELLINCIS, DERMANTOWN.-. Two adjoining two and a half.atory atone dwellings, Southeasterly aide of Baines street,"sbove tianeoek Et Uermantown. They eantain eight rooms each with goad cellar and In good order. Lot 44 feet 10 i nches front, bilg e feet neap. THREE-S !DRY BRICK RESIDENCE, with three story back bid Mega, and Inveighed' with ail the mod. ern conveniences, situate No. 810 North Tenth street. Peremptory - Pale, qua/ EsTATE, GERMANTOWN, On Tuesday A fternoon, IVlsy 3d, at 4 o'clock, will be sold at public auction, on the promises— ELEGANT BUILDING LOT, southeasterly corner Of Main street, or Germantown avenue, and Johnson street „on which is 'erected two atone dwellloge, and atone barn ; lot 103 feet front on Main street, by 240 feet deep on Johnson street, and op the south line thereof 021 feet. Aigo ' YOUR LOTS, adjoining the above to the out ward, fronting on Johoson street. 150 feet. front, by from 142 to 142 feet in depth ; the easternmost lot (rooting also on ?Jot ton Street. 6 ID.' Terme and lathographic plane may be bed at our °Mee, No. G2O Walnut street. OAIID.—J. Gunnii, & Bone, auctioneers, attll hold regular sales of Baal Xatate,°aka, &e. household furniture at dwallinge. REAL ISTATI AT PliatliTl BALI. irr On me Private Pale Regfster will always be found a very large amount of real estate, including every delonptlon of city red country property. .1. Si QUitildllY tr. SONS, Real Betide Brokers!, 520 WAViCIT Street, below Sixth. OSES NATE A.. 0( ti, AIIGTION - BER MI AND COMMISSION MiIIORANT, M. *erns; stimi sad BACA litreeto lAIISIEI.IBEI BALE OP FORPEITED UOODB-OVER 2,,000 wo OP VALUABLE FORFEITED COLLA• TEBALB. On Monday Morning, April 18th, at 10 o'clock, at • Moses Walhalla' ann. Lion store, southeast corner of Sixth and Raee streets, consisting in part of diamotda, watches, jewelry, fowl ing pieces, pistols,. mantel time-pieces, dressing este, 2 -linumber of due single stone and cluster Miaowed breast-pins and finger -t ingsarllliante of the Vet water, and some of the largest and most ',ANON (rem offered at pnblio auction. /I kola karat gold EnglisiA patent le , er watches, fun. jeweled and plain, o4' the 'mot*, approved and best makers, in hew hunting- eases; double-cane and open face ~no 18.karof gold-escapement lever and leptue watches; .full,lawebd and plain in bunting-Oise and opentace; flue gold r.cgdah, dative, and French notches ; silver Nogilah patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers, full-jeweled and plain, In lintairg•cases, double case and double-bottom ; eliver-escapement lever end lepine ' , notches, full-jew eled and plain, in hunting. cases and open•face; silver double-cane. hunting-ease, and single mesa watches; Silver gnarlier watches, plated and gilt watches, ince ponds.; second and double•time watches line gold vest chains, some very heavy; flue gold fob, neck, ladies' °hotline, and childien , a chains; gold Beall, keys, and abarme; fine gold bracelets, gold medallions and Icckets; gold pencil:oases and pens; gold eye-glosses, floe gold sets earrings and breast-Dna, Anger-rings, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, amid pine, brooches; silver ware generally ,• elegant dreesisg cane, with solid silver covert, cast ; handsome mantel time piece ; superior double-barrel fowling-phase; revolv ers, ohd outer pistols, and numeron4 other articles. The whole will positively be mold without the least re serve.- Er The geode will be Open for examination on Saturday preceding the male. ANEW REMEDY FOR NEURALGIA' I:3E AND . HEADACHE-2 W. 'PROAELL'S NEI/- NALCO - SALVE IB BoyeiSign remedy ler this dim ease, as well as for severe headache In every instance where it has been applied It has produced a certain and apeedy lure. In cases of fifteen years' standing, after every other remedy hoe railed, this SALVE like magic has been succeseful and relieved the patient iintirely w , tit the use of one box Only. Prepared and for aisle, wholesalaand retail, at hie Dena Store, S. W. cornet IXTH arPAERPLU Wee!? 4411 1 1. ran aiircaa "tin* a t ia ' • • TO THE sou n AND SOUTHWEST, " 7 • :VIA PHILADELPHIA, WILNINNTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD. , ' ' Through tickets can now be procured it the ranee of this Company to the following pointti' Waehlegton.'D. 0. Tenn. Richmond, Va. - Naahviile , Tenn. - . Petersburg. ,Va. Chattanooga, Teen. Norolk, Va, Grand Junction, Tenn: Weldon, N: - Memphis, Tenn. Wilmington, N. 0, Huntsville, Ala. _Oharlestotl, 8.0.. Dalton, Ga. Augusta,.Hi. Savannah, Macon Ga. , Columbus. , 9a.- ,• Atlanta, Ga • _ Montgomery, Ala, _ _ Mobile, Ala. , _ , • - • Baggage checked to all the above points. • The steamship ISABEL leaves ORARLIISTONIor HAVANA, on the 4th and , 18th -of each Inontia, - amd+ - offers it very , desirable roil to plasienpre for W.' latter port, avoiding, Cape Hatteras., - For tickets, or Information, apply lit the'oidies of Ate company in _ - . NEW YOBS S BROADWAY; - .Cr N. Z._ 8.,f00t of 00IIRTL SHIA. - tztreet. IN. W- eer. SIXTH and 01118T PHILADELPHIA NUT Streets, or BROAD and • • - 7 ...PRISM Depot - -- B.M SELTOX, President. TRILL April 1 1P59. r mia„&flm Raitainnrim. ' ivu,httliGToN, AND BALT'- , • 5101113 MAIIIROAD: ' - On Ind atter MONDAY,'A aril PASS 810110/. TRAINS T,BARB PHILADELPHIA; For Baltimore at 8•1541. M ,12 noon, (Furpreea,): and :, For Ohneier at 8 15 A..M.,12 noon, 4.30, arelll For Wilmington at 815 A, M., 11, 430 and U. P.M. , For New Castle at 8 15A. M., and 4.30 1;. M. • For Middletown at 8.15 A M - , and 4.80 P' For Dover at 3.15 Pi . , and 430 P - - For Seaford at 8.16 A M., and 430 P. M. • • . TRAINS FOR. PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 6.30 A. M., (Expresed 930 Al amid t 5 P: ' • - - . !pave Wilmington 6 56 A. M. and 9.20 A. 31.,12.44, amid 20 P Leave New Castle at 8.45 A. M.,,oint 740 P. M.' . leave Middletowdat 7 tO A M : and 6 MP. ff.' Leave Dover at 6 60 A. AL, and 6'26 P, M: • Leave Sealord et 516 A. M.' and 2 45 P.M.' • Leave CheilfBL at 7:44, 9110 A. 1.80, and 9P . Leave Baltimore for Seaford . . atal, -Pelaware at 680 and 980 kt. ~ TiciaNt* Fpa WirkTiMOBB.A. Leave phester atISAVA. 51,04.28 aid 11 80P. M. - 12 L 1 . 0 5 avii . ,,r i gtof , at 9 . 4 A: 14.42 55 Y. M. ead -- • , FUNDATB Only at II P. Per , from Philadelphia to Baltimore. Only at 5 05 P. M., from Baltimore to Philadelphia. PILEIGHT.-THAIN, with rms.RNGEROAR, attached, _ will mu an follows Leave 'Philadelphia for Evrtyville andlnterniqdate platen, at 5.45 , ' Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Intermediati places at 725 P.M. Leave Havre de firana for Baltimore and intermediate' places at 640 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grate and intermediate 'place* eta 26 . , Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate • placer at 6 40P.M. ap9 8.,M. 1113M0N., Yretldeut TEE xENNBTIVANIA- EN TR Al. -r - 1859. 1859. TRS CAPACITY Of' ZS -maw, TO - - ANY:IN WIN COUNTRY;; --• - • - TRUER THROUGH RASBRNGRR TRAINS • 1111TWNEN 'PRIDADELPDIA: AND PITTRIIIING-, Connecting direct at,Philialelphie with Through'Tralia, from Boston; New York and all points east, and at - ttio - Union Depot at Pitabtirg with 'flattish Train.) for einnati, Olevland, Chicago; Burlington" PatiPs, Indianapolis, Louisville New Oriessae; and alt I intermediate points in Ohio, ndiana,' Illinois, Ken tacky, Michigan, Wisconaln,glinnesolut Miasmal, /lan— eta, and Nebraska-ons fundaking _facilities. for the timisportatilin of Pe/Nansens nuampassed for; er i; L t4 and' comfort by:any other route.' - ' _ Expreas and "Rut Liana van through to Pittsburg without change of Cars or Condietors.- -- • ' - - . . Smoking pars are attached to each Trate ; Woodrut's Sloping tlars to tenpins and Vast, Trains. - The.llW, PUSSt RUNS DAILY , : Mall and Vast lama, Baidayil sic pied., - , , Mail Erala leaves at 7.15,6.11. Vast tine • .• ' .g 11,50 A. • Express Train leavee " 10.50 It: • WAY TRAM LEAVE AS FOLLOWS - t . . , ParkesDurg Acealitmodatioxiat 114. M. Harrisburg Accommodationi via Colitmlria, 2.30 Columbia . - 4.80 P:11. Paimengeni for, West Chester Jake the Pareesburg, and Lancaster - Trains, at the Pennsylva l . nix Railroad Passenger Station. - _ - Passengers for Banbury Williamsport, glmira,"lltit tato, Niagara Palle, and intermediate potent, leaolog Philadelphia at T. 15 A. M. and 2.302 P. M. go direetly Tiekets Westward maybe Obtained at the aides of the Company, in Philadelphia,- New York, illostow,•or Baltimore; and Tickets Eastward at any ot the import' ant Railroad. 001ces in the Weft; also on board any alt the regular tine of Stemma' on thehliselaiippt Ohio Rivers. , „ : _ = - - ID" Fore alwaje le low ae any otherSonte. The completion of the . Westernnontiectiona of tie Penneytraria Railroad tolationo, icalealble the .4 Inr.scyr -LIVE RETWRIIR PRE -RA5T.44411 TELII - GREAT. IitORTRWRBT. ,, ' - The connecting of traake the Railroad Br - ids* at - Pittabwg, arolding all drayage or terrine of Freight, : tnether with the eariog of time, are advantages readily appreciated \ by !Shipper! of Freight and thil Trarellpig - " ' - ' " - ' PUIGHTS WESTWARD. - By.this Route Freights of all descriptions am b its foe, warded front Philwieiphia, New YorkjEirsinskjiii more, to any point en the Reline& of akdo grineekii. Indiana, Illinois, Mawr/Biz, levy - at 21i6Boarii Dy - The Pennsylvania Thinned itiaa,eonnesin at Pittabin with Steamers,"by Whiah't4oodecati be forwnrded to any port on the Ohio, kluakingum, Kentioky Tennessee, Onmborland, Illiaola , Miaefaeippi, Wisoonain, Mieion t, Zeurav Arkenewl, and Red Rivers; and Ikt 41OlOtin'' Sandusky, and Chlosno with Steamers -to:all leßta on tke Northweatern Lakes... • - . . . . Merchants and Shippers entrusting .the tutoseento,, Mon of their Pretight tothle ,Cleanparts, Nue_ rely wale confidence on its epeedetranalt, - - • • - • TRY! BATES Or gliall+EiT tv .onj itaitt •thie Wrathy. the Penrisylvaistalkaroect are et 'ell times lett teyorebte are °Wiled ItY • other Eatilrood'Oont.-. ,paeles. TEr Re pfatisolar to -oink pfatsgss 4, via Peons. Reit:owl 1' _ . - - Merchants in the West ordering good* iromthaßast,. will do well to direst thein to be shipped by this Bouts. For !Italia Contracts or ShiPping Directions, apply to, or address .either of The following - agents of the Company; - • A, STEWART,' Pittsburg; - - Doyle & Co., Steubenv il le, 0.. S. Fierce A; Ce.. Zanesville, 0.; 3-J. Johnston, Ripley, 0.; It. bleNselyy Ry,• Ormsby & Cropper, .Portersanth, r Paddock •is Co., Jeffersonville,. Indlarsa;H. W. Brown & 00,, Cincinnati, 0. ;,Athern Minh - art, Clu.. Airmail, 0.; B. O. ateldrum, Medium, Ind. •, Bingham, - Looter - 111e, Ry.; P. G & 00., Evans. villa, Ind'; N. W. Graham & Co.. Cairo, - 111. P. Sam; Bt. Lours, Mo.; John ; ; Mares & Runt, Helitphis, Tenn.', Clarke & Chi cago, ;W. IL If. Roosts ' Alton, lii,; Morphy& Walla, Dubuque, 11l ; or to Freight Agents of - Bail. roads at different points in the West.- Portico attending to their own shipments from - .the Fast, will and it to their interest to WI on the Agents of the Company at the following places before shipping; or letters addressed to either of them on the =Neat of feighte, will meet with prompt attention. E. J. SNBRDEII, - Philadelphia. • • id 'CRAW & KOONS, ~so North etre , * DattimOre. LRECII & C0.,2 A storllonee,or/ S. William St., N.Y. & CO. 51 Kilby etre*aoston. - H. H. 01.18T011, gong -Freight Agent, pkya: - L L }MORT, Gen'lTlcket Agent, Me. J*~OS. J.. SCOTT, Gann Sup , t, Altoona, Pa. ly M , . 13HI L ADE L PHIA, GERMiIiTOWN AND NO BR IS TO W N' RAILROAD.-117INTUR ARRAN4BALENTB,' - - ON AND APPERISIONDAY, NOVEMBER 16118681, FOR GRRMANTOWN, Leave Phradelphia 6 7%, 84D Min., 0%, 10,X, 11 A. M., 1,2, 8,4, 6,6, 7: 8,9, 10 11% P. M. Leave Germantown 6,7, 7%, 8, 0 10 mill.. 10%, 11% A. M., 1.10 min., 2. 8,4, 6,6, 7,8, 9,10 X P. M: 04 , BIINDAYB, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, 6dx P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 6% P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. - Leave Philadelphia 6,7 g min : , 11 , 8 : 40 , min A. M., 2, - 4,6,9 P. H. . - Lista Chestnut 11111.7.10 min., 7. 8 6 n 06 .1_ 8 . 60 0110 :.. 11.10 A. M. 15.60, 8:40; 6.40. T. 40 min. P. H.' . . . ON SUNDAYS Leave Philadelphia 9.20 rein. A. 51., 9, (IX P. 21. Leave Oheetaut Hill 8 A. 24..12.50, 6.20 nabs. P. M. FOR 00518E101100N= AND N011,11437017N. Leave Philadelphia BAG'S, 11 A. At.,l 16 min., 3.10 min., 4X, 5.50 nun , 11,;( P. M, Leave Norristown 6,7, 6, 11 A. N., 1, BN, 5.49 atlas P. M. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 3 P.M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M. and 5 P. FOR MILNATUNFL. Leave Philadelphia 6g, 785 le'" n,, 9, - 11 A. M., 105 min .2 05, 8.10 min , 5.541,‘.48 min ,113( P. M. Leave Manayank sg, Tx, gx, gm; 11 3( A. M., IM, 3,4, 6.10 min, 8.45 P. Id. SUNDYS SAME RI OHNEITNN V V A LLE Y A NAIIR OAD A FOR STOWN. DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia &l( A. M. and 8.10 min. P. H. R. - SMITH, General Superinter.dent. DEPOT, NINTH and 08V614 NU. 1111RILADELPHIA AND ELMEAA. lidtle ROAD 1.1.2111.-4MORIBT ROV,TI to Blnil Tie Wilkesharre, Buffalo, Ohloago, Boat bland, Niagara, Palle, Milwaukee, Burlington, lgestiod, gt, pawn, Detroit, Durdieth, and Bt.' 1414, - ' Paegeuger Irvine will iota the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. T*4.M, aorta! BROAD and VIVA /Brest', dal (*Map excepted) as followe :- .110 A. M. DJAY B.VRBBB, PC!," 4irro 4iagara lane , Buffalo, - Detroit , Chicago, 4g#, 1 14 en) BP* laud, tia ) ena, BC. Pads, Burlington, road Bt. tools. LBO P. M. NIGHT ASPERSE, /tor *an, Niagara Palle, Buffalo, Detroit, Chien°, Miltraukee,Roa Ward . , ealecut, St. Paul!, Burlington, and St. Louie. The 7.80 A ;M. train rtutathrongli to HARRISBURG, atopping at all 'Stations on the Lebanon Valley Bran* of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, At Rupert, for Wilkeeberre Minton, Berante,, and abalone on the 140.11nWAlibi/e, MID Bl;joitintrgo BAILBOAD. Baggage cheated to Elmira, Buttel o. , m i d B,,,p ons i o , Bridge. - tri- Tioketa can be Pro". Led at the Philadelphia and liimira Railroad Li"' 2 ;Ache% 011Ece, Northwest owner of SIXTH and 011 . 1;dpgui, s treet . , end et the Pea. sengerlnknt, r..ignerof BROAD and Vila. TB.B(itIGR 11.1CPIUMB PRBIGIIT TRAIN - loaves tae Depot, Broad .etreet, below Vine, daily, 4odage exeepted.,) for points West asid North, at fl at. trelglita most be_ deli rare& before B P. M. to insure their going the lame day. Jar bother information apply at Freight Depot, Broad, below Viva, Or to CRAB. B. TAPP.IIII, General Agent N. W. eor. Sixth and Chestnut &ro - Philade lphia. CAMDEN AND A.MMOr RAILROAD COMPANY. ue•iti V Eft BTNAMB9AT ARAANGNMNITR. PEULADEIPLUA AND BORDENTOWN, FLORENCE AND BOBBINS. The JORN NELL2ON will leave Wslautatreet Wharf at 8 )( P. M. Retarning—Leave /Jordanian at 13)4 A. M. PHILADELPHIA AND TACONY. TORRIEDALE, BEVERLY. BURLINGTON AND BlLlatOlt. The TRENTON wilt leave Walnut street Wharf at 12 81 ' • the NELSON at 334 P. M and the TRENTON at 4,tiP. Returning—Leave Bristol at 7 10 A.. ffi , and 2 90 and 6.20 P. M and Burlington at 720 A. M and 12.31 and 6.A0 P. Ai FMB—Phi , ndelphia and Mwdentown "5 cents. 1 i i 1 Burlington and 8rtr.t01..1211 ‘• I.U . /Freight taken at low rotes .ar • WM. 11. GATZIIa., Agent. V•• Tawny tripe up at - 834 and lt A. 12 M., and a& and 43i Tsonny ulna down at 810 ant 10.15 A. N., and 18 and 7 SD P. li. t'OHOLZ - 8 JANENTZKY, ts, • 1,15 Sontb•DICHITH Street, Obestont ' IIdPORTIRS AND DEALERS INbelow ARTISTS ,, MA, TERLS/43, • - ItPectemeial to artiits and the nubile in, general their large Mock et Javettilo Paint Danes, Winsor At,: New ton and Geo. Downey k Co' , s Oil and Water 4210301‘j, Brushes, English and' Gerinin 0163111/1, Whatrain'a. Drawing Papers, , Colored Oraynne,' Studies, Platens, for framing, &d. to. Disoonnts given or Timbers and Samitharies. Coast. Dealers ruppllna at to“ pew 4.14,