The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 08, 1859, Image 3
,c,4 1 4 4 '.' ,2100 rek 440 9 0(40 )kr; 14;t4 i k IL fl ''' '‘72 ll° 2l ,t a th : t r e t fit it'!V l AV l T I V: ' Z . WV' *ft** *. _ Aligirgtl4offi IC ', '.: 4 ,:, •,' ' tr i k ikigit,AcZ' :Atiofus.,fhae?4 4 ft,Wrgi'l, 1 ' !"- i. StritillteltletteaTriabc eleltriustee 13 47 1-4111 04 , 1 ,„, “ • / 1 ''.,°' ti - : , vllthhteeletatele thityee zeroed trajtareo4.7'.. t ; • '', I— - eviatitaiciewogli 4 'iltiltdMr Oiltid', 4 i 1 4-, - raltioi;*lll4 iota rairiiiizilitibtO ` O l f i s, rr a' l go ;iltebUitievii,iiVisrit Ira Itiiliiv it , a• 104 .r ''/ l air t raltlielaie4l l kia , tit(fAhn do# 6 l v t u t D iiiC4 ll 4o ti# l # lo oo# 4 o,t‘ d' . , ' L aZgLo A ozedutelti, emu* 1 4.11fifilt te l ' = i eettYleeoda bstialtee4emi 4 , •'/" . *.r.t.7.4 l' • 'S •L",..;' ~`' P 4 riiiitiog wfflegimpria J s u,eOl vioult th. tiA. • 0 f Mrlagattatioo tale or •octec, IA DTA ir.,,b , par1 1.. 1 t: that ol,ty we wok: - , ~‘-..:,,` „, ~;.A, , :. , s a lt_ , 4 , , I o•llarits-40cof ilblre -- -4.,, bb ' aitti DO. ' 4 ItOtt . t? doefAl t ,t'lle t l "T. a t...v....... - 4. i" 62 la e 1 ~la r..,. it ~ „, , Alitsimet , Itekz . F`. .. a. . ;.:A.7....1 °ZOO \. 4 k. , . 14, -".. anereameo tat sae geouradorent Itinka 80 OD , 43.4440.890811.1 t 4k... .. . ;'......*... 4... .. :::•.66 CO " f "-, **Atte tkkok 60' the ' l . 4llllthg Ham of itemmaiebleal 4 /. I, s l tkiaktfit Arq.l4,t*alt" latatottapee ' toihe - , ~i f fk ' at N drama °Mel -7 The &Oh* , moue m teelesesote, otrethyr, lab mutt of eopth em. no '`,,ilar, k41 4 141i A , 14000 / .1 : °164 , t/MiAlla abf ' ly 4l * . , s ,'"llff '' Yr.# 4 ,_, , t ll, l " ?.:P oo4 4 sbefalt \ l'bibteP,...glie. .. 6".7:t e4":"'1, r :=,, r•A ', ; 11 ,: y . '‘74 Is t i ,e *C u i 4 bir* ain, ass " I { Il r elj b ar P 4 :4 8 6 try at atta thre e o Iraqi:o ,4 *OP iaor ~.. " d id ''' Me' „,,,11 7 r itotsjpe4 , i 41 4 -001411111 trupresast that the ttteittal t 'd brinelealliaAber teetal Abell** trill Ow ' • vic.c.4 ehohattionnotitlifildittl4*_? U. -,1, t $4 440444.0444.410440440*1 filo OR *Vit0614004....,:ff,k1.1701(. ' , tall!! me a , ' 1 i tr,*.ktit40 4 4. 611 ,1,-, 914 9 41 0. 14 ' 04 ' S t • fhem( „ , fer to 11. A 4 +4 betaiiiiit- they , fink - 71, 1 , ~'1 91 74 4 04, , ~,t —,, ict ,” O u t' • vinywrivist , 4,,.,,, Q I.*'" ', 2 -, -q. fii illa . . At JO. 4qt %%At bk.,' tbs. sieyliovertefloate hsfirregotons - e i ti °6 44 a riPo4lo l4bi tt l ti l ittefe bl l37:x7,l,lr br g; %.,.4,,,rit,5i0ftri0...,,,,,,,,..5i,..40111)09- 0. bat irk to work amte limit pimp tbat yr lab *ef atteltattbeetk"restllmeatof irellietaat iterjeleiVo Moo t esti Of, karate gr.lif.rente),Oghtmtitytt‘ suet tashe , fie 440ertaiilerafrt hriN , -.0.4. • 4 4 I . s fitir, t,,..i. ..,, - -, Vie ieettfere (io ) bffebet. atilonee f r b, :notlem o .l ll C - Elf tbee teen andlifitl4loA iiiitati - ind Bras ; 5.. "; judlploot Couvr4ll6llWl46 - 66•IitiebrilisButy.10; ' O4 e r v t 4t onst visOma ). ` g iv # ll k , l onoirlii r toienittlii r itiriiyir tiihii,lopiatiot and eaditeou'ot ea' , W l4l O rot4ol ~i.,*,,• 4 , , L,„,-;4• ,Thit.',"4111.4.44 Pitfilowiritaiina Cotqp6ll*, by thie r te""i"? 4:eitritatt r tak t ialtril a at?); ititi ZVI, loret,'', 7 i=t=.l44ltr, Airoc..-I,l:Rii, WWI Moe' Swill eatitre atliffita# ..,. r siA l kimet*Ailr,i t zpii r ' itto ai7 . 6l6Art=s:retini6Wwas "- '411; rued-to bun& it 4 , 64 , 16606-61%emationne, %IP the ti; , oti7.-7,itz ,,-..7111: r.okyt , ga, Abs. PrltOtte OttOnotaltatthit Sh 'sissy , !writ Wader . se t mot -moon tin96t7 MOON IA , fik 11111.40$ Elk:.act tameable omelettes, aa "an ' t iii," • ya ° mobler modembutb. ab orodttedoe* ' _ aime,tbee tame Are sow igtadid from Si 5 i.iiCitikratio*,.*!!k it tl; qiinifM4l,Tl. ' t#A 4 1 1 10 . 0 110.. el t i‘ltami Wm' „,„11abod al ,11.11 in.• bUrg. .-- ~., 111;01 1 s 4oo9t,:itiFe„po a bp , tb• p , , 0 , 444 _ _.,„.....4,,_....(„,„ 4,4.4 rt , ,, ' 'lnto titib . Ao k lbb i t i gitgeal s aalet that, tot all 4, Imam. eke Nem eltleOteoitaly g WO bis 7, ikt il ' sirriiii. 41,41.9iiity to thiviipa ' s iVeg . 4,t i et, kb) itio- 40 ,0f 4.44444A1ke Cll. e 4 r ak• itatsoke that Me meek. AU''' be.4gared 141420441 T, to Dose: - • •.,- ,--, l' . ' ' * 11a114421RE1- tl"ett liii-,11F1,"Pi,114/9? r="4l=Ait4oll4 maw, staluatos" ion 16140astie,alttib i r ditedialatimaskaree. , e- 4 - 1 ..,./ ~..,',- ~ - .., r Ili 4,,,ctVost,s,:tiiiii;;firiiii=&x,.;it......lll silki...— .:: ,to:4 ,211, Ao s,, :timil..-., 4 ,01 7•;;;,,,vrik.. 24,10 • 4°V- t .:7,:rat it _•,, so§ s.: ,diz,-"...',..-7.2,,, *et ..04 . ,21 ., - :•.1t#,#,... m . ,M , fiGia.liiikll i t i ( 4 ' k-ii94.-:". :!4.i . siCett ' 32 'R'tlitYp: f i t_I - c•ele4 '- 4.4.109 rtn"4l4". - . , . ;It "•1 , ,..P lit 47,...,41 g „--o. lt' " 'I; ' ' ' --isri •..4;,r_._ „&a,.9*, ":241,,P d!,.! -I_ -,_ --f±..„_, t t._76,4:1 A;4454f 6 1 :•1.04K"\ t - -v0n;„,.12.6518 ' : t ' ' - 15141114-'''-a 1ii..041 , i; • _-, ,‘, st* Inset 1.. ~.f:1419,* . i'r,7,, ' ~3114° ,*7.46 •:Fl°4,i ;,:„,;. -, .7pri-lentwe,.--zeilsiskt '.-'' - 6,04.041a...z.1.-.. ...116.-:, - , -' ''l ;Ns 410 .%!* * .-24:`463',, 14' --'l6 *3-- 1464fIly''At.;:( ; t:: t ,12 '' d3i.. fiie.14241111 ' 4,-,::-- -34••.„..41•70- :W4'4)1.74 , ~•.!-.:.--`/".'...?":: ' '''' -r-- rive, sgmt 4 , _ ~,,.....,..,,,-. :,.-a_ ,.,, t ,, : ,,, ,,,,-,.., _..?„,-,.„„- ~1 .r-ilkidlr r,-.-_:c _- , ~.,,,,: -1,74 •UR -. 109 ... ~, 1. z. ' •lirk big 4,- %.,-.929k '`.: -4F-f•-' i :t. • kt,,. •:i•.- ...t4.- . • • i t A' ainii-•10* -•.A.,e,r•-- ~7,:ifg'--,/4-11'„ i.*IC.2 1 wr.:'--,...- :.#4.0,..5e..0..P lox o_4i ,`,tl-:".= f ,- ."`.-.1":1!• Tiii,:s 1 1 . 'Ai' 'it -0 = 'l-'73 ' - ''''''. .-jr.••;"iiiikeliot- . - ;.---- •, ' u,. - - poidscak,saqiosik -- -. 1 .. .`• ....MIA, No' lit-, .•-1pti01i)31,...- , • ~,,,40..,, - ~,•. , ~,.. , . V`r . - ` 7 c , .' - , 4g ie./4m,-, ' • ' - nits - : L Z:.; . P . ~......4 Pr',..ll.ldeOglill ,i , ,"--15. ,i...XV. _ '•%-....7-si ..0, -,, wP-I?—,t- . -, , -- 0 , -;' , -,, r.. . 4 .” , ,,,, f itt1fts i 04•71. q-•::', ,q•-I'?".i,, 4'a ",,;'l4-::-rt- .-'"`..,4-T'' na:,forar . itri) 'Alm yit1.,;,,,,,,,_ ~„ .-.,._.-„,. ~..4 ~,,iittacmixii ._ wooters_a , ~...,2s_ -"-,F.,-,..:!'„ -',..„,'''''"'; "ALTO,: i Moue, 1•••1'? litc,4,loM'- 'of ~C-1,.=;.;f„ r„;..,--..ii. 1.8,20 big „id. k/i it 4fl'fr a ,,,,.,i 'i.-1.1410:Plr149• '';l4.""g :11%1; t,q,'” r.1iit3441-74-it 110114•01,,,,t‘ il''''-V;.-'':: 1%'4;e,-***"2ll- 141" * ttkizell''' 33-"•i'''4t,..... 4 jar iosolita'. ;oil*. innilleti-te,:kl"4 lit' ar. -•-" the , 'ales ' ,',1%g0 uotteicoug 14 .4i,,_4,,!ki1d ,_, -• ,p..1,-1 .''llo,t ' Aitliell 116 `, kW'', itll*ll,-,-ailie !Atli% •. ,-, v; ,'; ' ..flo u t -.4,iiktter tor ,11"7„ii-stroalelfoh,r • -rd.& .140- .'t.: ,"014411/&*,tabitV ik t id , ;444 #401117.1.. Wheat ,I-'1'"::-.'-`143-116.4.- cisiii U,IrIP,- - , - ilidi: if ti 4P- Di ex*. 1 ki- . -, .irsi *Os to • for -*i t Ui,-,..l.ll;4_,Rftiol4fililr","- iii!.04P,1115741141#1 f-"--• -dowi,"'"iiitaii,"444d-iii.tt4ifitln`..l) i' ifir44. - tlOOllO4, ..,..‘-- iii VW , 4thrts . -7 ': , iiilits "xvt-st.4s,**, } =Mk -0=7,7444444,tiatiet --514.1. it fig,'4l4s4o:lffiti.ii6t;nte.t.:Ltic -.14,5''.„6",„3 ;iiii,,,r ,-----:,-,leml -, -.;3,,;...5, ,•,,,,r050,,11.14....r : l'il.-f-'3, iff:t...301 ''4,1.4 * 5 1 4 11F ., ,' a1b., l 4.qta P! *,..00.417 '454! '''="24oo'lsl6l.l.-'itiZl9o.,tlooTwineekrP/4)s,l***rs, p'f '- f - i:'/r?.-; iithat•O*4....N iit-184-"1"t' onalit PT" r 804,000 .:•• -,, tAts‘46";" ia‘ut MC4 47isi tg4t(#"" °' tor,riP• i. '. -,. ',lmi*d. *Pa 11,;a:.., &A'', --.010.3,P0- , 101- ''--:' ^ said , at "a' the,.' sifiktiqr2t.o46,*.*l vittih ''."': .' - glk-91.7411*(0,•1•4411.7' l'tigki4r grofaiiill ISA:e ':,-- I„giii*S' we blil444ll4iiiiifid., l,,,, r; i,i,W , - . g;" ': 4 -"lo44°Liktrikokcs44„,,„ail*iti,*4l.l * . ',15C.A41113L7 - r and 110,.. s•-> itcoo irtin4P, ' "V - - --- , "AM . - , 7304 rit....' ik,..1.14411..4,7E; csev ' OPlP „ ... „ . ,!• ' ,a;thot44.P. ~.p, , - .--itry.4,... ~,--4 0,,,,,,,,•, ~,itt....,.....,-,..,,.-k for ,4-7, 1 ..., ,:' Moe _ i i so, tf,i -:. dna, Oita 11- little° 44M--"..' - •: - A t. ... , • ,tult7 70.T.reptitt, 4 107:1,115i0r4.,._it,.. ii-, icpik,trd)"`' -:-I''''-''.-- -;'t,',itt4o.. 33."11-044E-7".littoP,L:l°:l7;bfa at, 50-fsaM°' ~f 4.,- 4tirtiiiiV,.kliC-- -,-k4ArrAw.: '4.i#' , ' i 1,1%,, Ira , ' ~.,,„....,_.° • - iiiiil, itttiiirisinsiff,,,,,,-Aa. f,.'erl -4'':,-, i..,`, - ^•'"..l,4,an' ~,.......),.- „...', ~•_.:;AI - , ... 1 _., iiit, .., ;.:_,, il'-. ;.,-4,-,4t: '"7,,,,..,... -• :,,,-t'l —2-,we1,#.;;..-7•;.,,,,,,1:147.,,:,..5„et!r,r.7..i.6.4.: .11 !'; 4114,04..,_,,--;,.-vt,..App.1,,,,,.fie5, - , ' , .........77.k.- ,2iiiatkxN,rir:,t,th'oio.NOL-o-tg'io, ;,1-, li444tii;rrelutbl44*.iifZtlo#ll sii•r' 1 - k.l -r 1 -: ..,L?"11-41..ckie.,,......A.-:1,.m 144,11140, -141,01001,1 ,4.4t.7=iii;:: -4•/"41 - k l. • -‘ .:. SiC4 944•72,2‘0f ,ifhtOfk.:•.#__r6f fiiiickaili. , -4,-, _ ith 11(0 - ' :iii.d-tf,PF;11.??1,11. /4APOPIJR-g 'mat (--E '" ' r It iterPV-1";.4744,040V.-"'%'ilitiodgf 4...14P!, -.Ai in4voilttra' •.- •.',' • .-.., 1,-,A.'s _ -, ilPtrz. ..4„,imisflot .4i.,,,ittzkustpor ii*-440111' ' - t0..,11„ tiir 00.7 i , ,„ .csi!tVL''' ,i4V1ATT46.14P4: :ftial*l- .. ..,"11 - ,, ,, ',.... 1',, - ftfriulli -,iiiikt4lV ?IL liwitill. r,..q14 „i*Art ,iiaiii*„o,4ltlliiimlYo;'6,-ri,,ii•Ty. „;.--k,,,..,14„1-iftritvsiwq4ol,...--i,ei,,,,41,,,..... . i 404 Pr '--.-frp ••- ,0,0471.0., tii T i 'Nottp..:, ' '"-`4li*PPr... td#44,.., --?f;' •'t';'' ogles - 0f !”. - "tici1141041rM..44441Y-fl,- bius : ‘'' ' 4 'of i14: 41 4 4 4.4a1r1i5i !1 . - , tmg- ''`ltfiii W. -'- -1: krltiftiee_.:,` i'l .0,- -.......14 - adip at - - Ut POVIV - _,•00-4..vid"oipsto.--,----„...faska PP,, r,„ni zoy F „;„ -,,,, • . "4100,14-.4kaifix, thy, air 4741 i 41t4.41r1i,..4.PET,- C. ' ileifiiir4ll7;lo4:lllol474o7.44ols444fnadiCal #4' i - 1, :!. it .11-',451411:4'ret11,_ d * Pr , f , • ~..4.6yrltig.tP 64. l'I;"'..- --•., ..,,, ttc,.ir .4hitki: 1, .„v i#U-,.•,:the,t4iiini-tal , ,-, .1 --,, extverf jokiiktkilit- 09 plir.,,, 104., . - - . ,'. .-'" a wi, r- ''...--•--litiedPSP2l:l44•,!-64P-Ll' NI *wile or ha* .....:m""toaL 'I ' AS gr i t = ,fiinaltd rW ,i En .' ~ _5w,„,,,,,.-."- 6.. u rot . .•.. , -fioimi -,e;;-6bElge- 11.' -i.-Zipuss,Uni,",° 4,1114 ,"1 11W''')- ikA gmititsuA, ~..---,liift 4#4o%,,,iiilial"Lpds%tdortl9ltlic-iftSk' 1 --A4',... '-"'iifitY-1,-iiiiN!*"*l&iiiiPr ProhNi * . -4, • f ?? ,r,„; i iiiihali,72t42..-1,„„- Ll• -...iiiiis ...,,-, 1,4,47, -,l'r '1 •, ,44i-irfirsf'---, , giff- • '4 . 11!.-4'Ii.o•*f= 1 j' '.l, 'bilk 4 :7 ° - P44,4,044,4tta,...1 1 9.- r . - ~i pige ~ i' '•,',1").4.40,4'1"-- ' 'i l iiiti"l.l7 4 " 4- ... 3,- 4,,141, I* liiPliren P ar t - ' l 4 „ „...54# * t. • A ,- -, 10.,T-0410. '....l,l'„iftik. , 1 ' 4"ll4lLooimPibt•lizVt4l.l .-- ''. ' —T- r2::L.; i ..- oat, '.' 5.4.;^-,-i-4Z.ttligicifbigh /P. I , 1! '''.-Att"cd/tis.tiiiti-"r"` ' " Ittit4:79VArgl- to, 1%2 . ,58iO4nar.r •,. , '-- a 'l4fpl! , ",Not. . "L a lii.,, t ytii "417.1.64(re1ti1'0f clEmoliftAml3,l4l** to Poub 1.;"V '-', : '‘,l kTrwrfit,"4l,- - - -: 1 •'.' the 11.1'''' ESSE titer 1020925. LD 1:11 : tho,4ol4l.44lllll".l4' , filse#Aink Furlong; A v bcrk t op t - w it r illinartvepetit9iihinept,, at No. 29 1191.060,7Tfe1en. il4tlifildttyprett'-gixektiorm.f 4l4 l.4 4. '"d tgli'a4:44:riLtAtivalepf;itimeoying lite,' and of 1401fittE:horbolraliCi c iaioa ,v a ii i 6rain on* le i, nigh bore. ,130e - toed9"49lll9(tiWthat. who 4010.0plestitSkittoSif 104*k: 4 :V2'41 4 PiotdoA* 6 - Thal Aid . '"floltiiiii•Wrikgencyeiviii the'intbit fdilly of driving , gp.„ **Ulu:fin& in front a -ler' Ine#ablislinterit in 'in old z an dilapidated vehiole, Amin. , kV a pool - 1144441f. anilithg4looking old litireiViherli Wig painted aioteinegonely @littera and ett,r(rNlVnorlhitife'd 7 - id , neadetio , ,i .15s foco,‘ The 0,141.12 - ttif ittrllceitjidebtlrit a'nercorileho has no 'Moran Mthe oi 6 n'lo Ile heard 'on nday next.;;. ' " '431. 1 70117A1ifi- , Sobr eprldigoLdeli 3 1 2/ 4.41112 214:4 1 4: ikatesollp46o do d -Fr ,00;"44Ltitolit#,M,brOoder, , J , MAtilllNOTpet, Mar" Ann tlnaat 7 o, 060 'NO yellow pins boards eamt Aoltowdr,go..„'... • "YI , T7OI2I2VILIA: 60--80bertokOffAVI. / ! 1; 9! ° ?'" . 24,000 24 inoholdoghos Bud Bolton dr 110,, 3slroparp - keeii, , ,2'2.. - :, ~ --..- ..12. 1 :.•1(acrt,vaaatiaarit.3 ,-. .• _, : ; ~------ 't 'l - (arreapeadiwice,of tliiPitio ) . ; ' - ...6 , .. , -,,.; listi roux. Aral, - :: Arrived ; ship Cori* MAW M a 'frota-Atepinivanlj.9arin4 from Lighoror brig Oralla;from Lt.. t" . ::a , - --i_ -, :t-,tt , ,t,.. ,- ;:e.' . _ . t- -1 Ildwrow, Aiwa 7. :.1 Arrived; !hip ticoliek front Liverpool, .. - lii , •----- , •- , - ~--, nutroLl, VC,. Aprllt7 - ' • Tbe • rwhr anceritewriThier, hcacefor Rockland, with iiorni . wah thrown Osk-Rdincd*,:enddi Lod, hao . ) obkok to th i s port: - - - .... ---- ~.• ~. , -I .&, - talletiss'ilittt, boa t , filiqq• itatitiOltit:l3)ioilo, Itqo sa " !I ? ri g -4 40P C r-': i. , .,:f: - , ' ' _--L , ,.._, ~.'. --. :..." -=. oivt r i)sivilto; Apitt 1,,, 1 riVilw6t A elalp:9l.tiniii,eetor; trona „LtforpOot.; ~.. ' -,, i?4'2".' , ',.• : -,:" t. -, .: i• - ~- r.V.ei_stiiiinAttio ;Alai; Ai Iiiottoo41) . i'' . ...ttirtrodltook' ',Now- To'r d'ltli.,4fatere, ,at Ntiqueq; lek*Sto:Aooriocia. ;nor, 't Mb, Lout.: NaptoloOn, at Hamburg; ,totiaMilley, 1./fronds - 2 -',, - , ~,, . '- rott,frois Nirmierlitta2othiladtq; Mixt lunge. 440142 . •.toioutopk' Ate and' Alt" troon at Inver pail i L ltdrlt O'Vriothrnp t Qneeiactoivo,. , --, , L _„ - t ? ArttrOtktroccirKoblie 2latito Alaimo at.Liveril.' % Smtrilt,tfiraqoaliltoth ,Nrquilla In the plydo i, .20th Iletiondir at Ltvoitiooll2ll, ‘ltit ,t'ZiOtit? ) .. Aim:all, Arr (coin 0* 14, 0 11.26 th .!4111en ' tkr - .144:1 4 k"0i; af Liverpool. ' --. ' ' • ~ "'• , 1 - 424 1. 941,80ttaia Tebrwary - 44tb, - Ease* .akt Bombay;- - 2454; drrattkin-;4s6aarot .#.44; , Much, 66th , .411,4,4 at 1 Ait Deal. ' epaqi AlOOlO9lO AtootiA, Nipitetniiiit 010:.: p001i , 51: , &._13_,L . 1, ,, ,.. -- - -- ,...k , - •-,. , .,,„.-4 - .. Pla for New Yora; - 190. lantiiry, trod' Notraot; OM% , fretill,,Rutl,p,Sallal,froto• P,tyroonth ;:20kb. pllver,"rdo. *es Itledstird-niakeodiakillenry ‘ Olay, trona Liverpool r 221, Priikeitoo,' Thirty•one - tiltatein, and PhoinLv, from do; , Notoas; train Dolt; -sr ' ' ,*, ,-- ' ~-, '_ , - , nailed-Idr , Aar; Oijaine;2lef, Joiniplitlir*o from Vaartkandthi 22d, Regains, from, Liveried; for Mobile Ifitbit,l6lo4wil'9ioioti2.froco esrdl fr; for V botleoltin.224, Allittacw, frtirc2,l4.firpnotvt tor Npatria 12kb,.The.Drdie, from 'Androwwil. 215E - Nrii, - VomtDeak; e, " aitentowa,NWpir;&mlloorpoot:F,-- '. ..-. Meni-tdAialei; from,Esnenfor Neir,banane,. lt abote 166* . tirriCk,l4tarfirc4durfrs 6nrrl -yaso,,yiN orobaqty,boompete total wreck.. . ' - ,_ - .Titilissyt Wright, which woe recioatly ocattled. ill the . xeriey; kir Ilion raked in4doo6vd: , • -., 7 - - . :-... I I .:-..:. .. 1 , ..,,,,, , ,, ~ , j,lairB. o .BilArid• , , - . ;. I , Ilk:lima/11p Mailrooms; Mips', cleared et New YON% itaterday for Philedelptda: ' , ,' -.- .tihipt , 0 .Theyeri 4fuoroe, for Acapulco , cleared at N -York yesterday - Ado. Nedjmtott;.Nollett, for Liverpool, cleared at Mobile -lets hat: with 3312 bales of. cotton, valued at . - 1 , Bark 6nry,Nactotos4 hence-for Nadia, Xll4 spoken Si inat..o4 Chincoteague. ~ - 1 , - Nrltf, Obieo_poir; Rover; from Elavottnall, 'Lutist'Lutist , at N 'lank yeatindav, - --,,,-.- ...-,t .•=. '. , • 1. L - -Ittir ~V.1`22.111 2.,kpplogatthi illollina, f orPorrismbiteoi With 4oar;.liailid from- Bielunood 6th hat. - ; idebe‘llpitiWPricefr:for Jtahootallto;: - sailed from phitrlestoiatti hut. 2 ... ~.; -', -.• '°: . ... . _- ; lotitVADtrouboror, 11111 tor, for New Wei; olearad At pfebila l letlest',, ~,,l' •,_ - ..., -,:, . , : ~ - 83tr S , W Pratt. Wlielden, clearedat New Yin& yea-, "-Corday'. for:Plincdelelda. - ~...., i , -. •,. _-: -- -: Belar.Oarlaigant . , Ot . ii,jlllll,loll, &relied at New '!INI - I , o l lL 6 th lad; -, , . ~,,, .. ~, i _ _ - t. . , adtigYALS ATAiIt.4IIIIOIISAL ,upTits U! TU 9N41 piq's ionsysti. :.". • 1- 0 1619 iiE f i . ilo2, 'll.329tv.r. k ilßk. AA , '; 4 PM 99 '.*4...0 79 4A 3 *- :2 8 ., --z - . , A•;, ,;.... —e .., ad0 .... 1i1 .., i - i l iO * ltAz f B X 6:svitv-i;,,i4;495 .. t 7 4'•14101ote , `:',11004*014•01.V.4,3N, 1. 1 114.3:4:,A, >NI: . — nk ' - ‘412 0411 1t14.2,11,99...A. - 1 A 3 70 Ot i Al.i4i•esl3l/C .I.44 l Witfk ii4g. 24 FiPt44117_11166541" , r 4,,t- - Icae , , 1 , 14-N,Am Int Oo' ' 1,11;0": , NO kiSllitivalibii,:ira.c4N , tiooliiiiaiiqtykiiiisjit: 1t4.e.e..--li*o -AA s 5 06' l,::a.iAB62tl,V4.tC, n IVwifim_alstqi , l•Ni4iiias :s 10ltsila ;4 AL SeivV.tokr.:l44r::::tilli. 114P , ‘ , ;i1i5j ,,, • ,,,,,,- : Of* ils ! ,rlr4; , ;WiArf , ftitAlo_ ~,,, !„99:Nriiillh9914:11-7p::*` , 1-' 419 , 994Nigi,*--* 36: "Mtg.Gr'-'" , 4114:1A-Ails•it.: -,- ail--; 7 s , atiriwirikhAVS.-;18k,, , lo Nara iellonficttly. Iry - qollßlOtikeeirikihtif,, - ;' , ..46,z ' 4-9 Pitum,ll 7 :: i - " - 44',412V rSetillav Piiiiii;4l9X 1 ' , ':'2' , l 4 4o4 l l 4 mOtir,.;;;lthig ,i'1r,,,,. -.•' - 7 ,. 7 - '4";:fz:Arg , l72.l;-..r7t4 „Mic.'S*,i_:4t'..a..':.9'"•fo7 tt4 N A,:l'-r•F.ZRFi' -7 7 .rA4t::.4.: ganti 7l 4,g7 - , ,'0 1 R ;: -'.l, 9411 w ptaibulkwk rlitms2fa7,lml23cf,, ; ......;4`...,0Av4,1.2--..• iL09921, ..-19. 1 9 , 9L4.. - 21i;f Tf ) / 31' ',uinvolvlt4iivii'llk , 62- = s Pdaksilt4 - : -• -1 1, . -, -'o,4t. ''' " , ~. .”.204.... ',6,.; 9L':" 92 thi tatik*i4 ,-,, , - 6x- a v qrn''-24:iittlidC 4101 90'. , triViii,* 9991341. 61 -,,,•.• ,1-; . SU& Milt it - :'ll6' -4e ,:- 4140 /ePuTtht.43Jil4 6 - ; 'ol3lslll EOl3lll-031nesinut littnet, , belon Ninth. •I'll (lain; Calla*Muffle. Pa'AlitS McKinney d: son, Pa V Ntatier. Witatanoreland ea J W Ars:strop& By I Valiant, Pis • -,'OP II Dadaist & is, Wraiths 'lt'St MilI,M X- ' ' ." • • Joe Brillion. Gap, Ps •11/Eleraplin: Witheisti • • o'B W Lail Jr id, Ohlasgo Illantir.N t_. . _. ..7WlNnum • .. Al aronnenti Belt • `'''. -' ' 7 'Pecos Heat, Brit " lilt P0d,,,, Itcrlanaled, VA Tante Thompson & Is, NO 'Ars Kle - -Trier.ll,o_, i., AI. Jarrett, all Ate, Md i• -, , • -- AO Read & la. x.-y • N rirtualtdp: wopenda; It o Sellrldite. Wi sconsin 'Wm Hiltonls rfi(ooltoie::_ , 413 a Price, Vs, , - ililf CJarelso,"Clusrlerdon ~ John II Brigs, N Y •ntlin - iltriir*,-MY••••_• 7 " --,' -W'Pronsman,,Nashrilis 31131&nraltri - IRY 't '" ts 7 0 Vermily, Newest, Ni Nina N Tattle, NewiSt, N JD - Hankie's, Oonnetsvilli L titi ti,1,4,0,.0. „. y , . -•. 7 11 Idasredir ►Ass:whits • , ~ 8 J'fi lie *lu l l; r ; - ' l 5 /13 L0Y 0 1.17Y4 .0 10011, Noitorl. 8 M Ottithrek, Briegeport :BC Prieri, - Brlstrhi :,,-.` ' ' - , 'I/ 0 Baitila& lady, Nl' ' 1.8.11 , -DaWitt, Albany -'',' It BlipAf,:N'T • '' :0 II Walltrudi Vs -•, ~ .. 18. Beggs, O10"Ohlo 4 Oorwin,,Lebascro, 0 7 M Ricournsolliti Y . ;A Nekliilb: OP, Ohio, ',-' S h Haw, N'Y ' . ' ' ' 'W I/ Ramat, WY ,-- . - ' SS &Mai" N'Y ' ' 17A(Iiratien hi Y -, _' - -• B P tirdURC, NJ' P Jewell; Jrillaitiord ' • Jr Rider; N Y 1 ' A.,7 Storreli; N(I 8 Breaches:, Bait , Meatitesst,littilt r• ' - ' W B Browning ; Balt 17iniblitiodell l'." ' • '-' ..-* G" VI Bailer , 'l3l.lo 4 Adiallt,''-'-' 2e ' Asa 0 Itillott, Nalt Luba' A Tbssiktrtoni Ply, ... Sea E Enable, V. 'Chas 0 Tilt, ki , 7" ''' - • • -...'• APonitatal, At:marts, Eis ?Wine sw&olion, Toxii` ' 4 8A AlcOlAng;N Albany,ld ;JM,SOWliiiroindrflil• ,^,' Thin Lyalter. Pittston 41101811009,-Boston ^ The. 7r, N Y ISSO Perkins', Wiscandit •• Gra Parker: Beaten ' - `Oro 'B Pritio,ll - ' • - = • - •8 A Castle, N Y ; , JONAS , PliEL=Oheitutitatreet;aboTa Ninth. 1T A liandenr,Autton:': ° ., ;" B P'Obaarberini xi, Baton :TV BP. .•1101__•".. r'l" 2," - f__.7N_Dlonii r M.C:r- ~.., „_:.: ',PBrDateen ,' Willa or, Rosana-, tharitinta tv 7 L,lllmnire,,N X _ • P. 0 Sutton NY ?AP Osterloh,•Peans -A A Oretnotiel, Ban 1 /I rlaylar. 11l y .L , '" ', TA W.lslte ,, - - ' . • ,T ONEth; Nd '-' . 7 , ' N R•Grlllith;ltd W Ingrov, Boston ' • II W Hewett, N Y , • •IVR power, 11l ', C Whitney, Boston , WGloniiwoott. , Kars' . : W bolaw , __ - ill,W Rohner, Maas , Bob; o Mali, Alluord, Del 7 •L Boihrocir, WarhliiitOU iltlAIIOl/ANTiP './IOPAL-Piurtif street, balm.' Arch. _7 Ii Datkrn, Bronwairille. ,W P llearlght, Pa ' tA G Scott, Ohio •'... - • - Sohn 8 Ring Sharon, Pa It' orintrwB; New Castle -"," J Reakireresaville, Pa 4 , DHardator, 'New Oadithr • s 0 Omothers, New (testis J ..111ran.; Pa - - ' ' Mrs Fisher, Boston ,I; Hirano% Gantbele, 0 John Hodgson, Wt Chester U 81.11411na4 Ohlo -- •,- • - A Jabloon & la, Lana ao Thor White, York., Pa T A Peery, Va ' '7 0 Bhaunon,„ys ~• : -07 d Flaiinos,,Pa W Mankbeeker; Pa . ' ValidOitimken, NY . 'Jolla S Combe,-Md - ' • Chas W Iflardarron, Aid A G Tareer: Plysseetb;_ '' Dril so4lder, PS, W Irstel,Oliareeld so" ',' =ii Walter. 0in,,,13 , ' Nara iditahall. Olaudiell `..- Mt llas 0 Liam, Ps i , ,80 Hayden,' al ' ' " - 0 111 F ,ws„,o,..malle 10. w....0.,0 0 ... . HII Ma NI) , ,Saml Keefer, Ind , , '.' .". lI,Tt LI.K Ind ~ - I t V - raltur ic Chunk ,; .. 0004 Orkaly_; N Y :011.1,nro,Inttibmt , ' I B Averill. Dover, Me ' , 'IV A: TrabotteOhlo -•- B It"Iloyd Va 7IL Caonlngbsta & Is, Va Jason McVay, maney, ci I ,7sooDOsiattatan, Ind „II II °hippies, Ws:, ift . hiesse,. sr,y ~ ~, m 17rL,Loalsvitie ' EI * Plantain P. _All, Ompenter, Win lOW 0 lei% Wit , . i 40,41810418110T81,-Oheetnnt at., above fifth. 1 71t - ilarsve,-111 i': ' • Win L 081, Lancaster 'AO Martin. Ohio ,•- , •-• Renee Prick, Lowleburg Vet'klunA - Dresden, 0- ' , Win BD./ratan W Chi Ear •,0 Leeds, Narrl.barg , 'l' Ourblosq, 14 y - ;TS Ilarifivor &la Traction • Cl J Manna Nl' A M Arosberr, N it; - ,7 W Dusk, Yar , % , 1'• , ,--- .. . ~ - ,LNY 0 Vi v reon e -Va tit et lonastm. it lir - 'P. . -: BPovere, Nii •-- 7 ,701130,664141.1•3 ,:-.' :s ^- That llCarilts, N Y 'Mra'AMILMOrzIf:Y . ,' '..f. Miali'M Meatter i N It iny m ,p1,,,..1 y l f ,.• • ' Bil Newton, N Y = 'Mr. Abbi&f ae4l4,olUMMat.,o,haa.PAyos, Newark INLlCemairvehnaktirisliing.7B Hollinner..l,atereeter I.7ohnlioleb; Mutvel,ithare, '7 Brardenn, N y . •Alwalf *quiff, - Y,, __,,a • '..,-,, ,-‘ . :r,lillow, Ye, ' ; ' iMe Glttinge & lc - Wash ‘'-', 'W V nendrloke„ Mlver Butt 1 W Alielialo, lisea ,- - 4 Ar Brown, N Y 'Jan 11111 - 014, flalV - 4. , Ref / 7 Pryse, Savannah 4 A Thinunton, N l'' ' Jas bar.Hochnster, Ii Y Air runberwri, ya• ,:-.• W N McCoy, Vs 1 - 4.l3trdith. Ys -,. " ' , vit W ikon, Va. - „ - 4 /Booker "Vs -` '''. ' ' 'Airs /Mono, Yi ' ' ' ila 8 Diariord, CIA, 0 , ; Ret Zug, Mathsainsburg, ''''•-• 'r - , „`• `' - ' : '...,-, _, ~ - 1- DRION'Et3TIL--letich 'attain, above Third.. L y stlor, York. pin, ,:.- -. , A &reran, Trenton, N 3 AliAteroar,tlohnil Ain' in. It ammo;•Pultou oo,'Pa ',ll. -.lilibratin,•• tit lonala,e -. • - .10 Renner, Osattar, 0 ;7,B.4llsiti,.oanton 0•, .' ' It melanin, 01d0.,-, .• ,J,NOinneinoiNAtinenei a , a ruS it we ri li Castle, - Pa ,R Wrilandatill; Nil ;se ll. TM Partolette, N $ 'it Mfilrown; Mullet , `;'t' L B Bcrith;Jierksool . rwilli.7oo/70iis*Dlit • ; • ; tT tt IdsliarlS, Potteville 1 Preston, cheater a* 8 Annals & wlclerroliNtY 'II 0 Wise & Is. Mt Holly,- N-8 Wolle.Ll Hs, Pa • ~. , L4les'Ll.ter, N 7 _.: . Bid Beltntmr.dge Lana Co' c iSIMI KVOO4I, Pa, •',. •-. , Mrs D - 13 Wilton, N Y tHlCiaelninitar. Hanover .li 0.0 leeb'eatter.. Hanover MA.Wwgen, White Haven S G Reading. N d • ' 'A 'A Ihnotlitsr,ydataank , M Pendlir-, Aqulnunk • , -ilun.lo4ol. Tatman& P Lilian, Raul. ttak - Wm Tamlia.-Atialnuak .. • 8 William., Sqatauak 1W Wanner, trwring ~ ‘,..,,, .- I-0 Deerlag, , Mariboro, 0 3 ilanoribillittabang " ' Onto M. Paris, Pittsburg :71i0trenrOhict , ; • •,../i Glary, Ohio , ' 4 o , PlumuudrWhaierw,o --,tblieraderion, Sew Castle + ; , 0 Mitlfreou, Neer Gulls ~..- I', , - PYRAAIVIS4OIIBIiLbh4tnut etreet;above Third, Iti IttiorkObto.` - ', -, . ' ~" &hoe o ti-ordy. 0410 ; ' l . ' atilaiidkins; Ohio " ' . '. 0 0 hoiden, . ; • Cl Porter, ter, MoOt ipmtr, Y Glazier, Clonn, __ &V F Del- - 'ti X Palmer, Troy, N2' ' ,A,Pomtryin, N X .., Reitman Bray, St II- .W i n t saadow,„Norier, 0 ; 80 West, Plots,-, • IW,MD,Welley..Phibt ' '0 winter, Pa . ,0 8 Smkrer, Freeport, 11l • ' 11 P Blank, Preei , broll '' tHe7...l(l(ing, PhDs " 7 0 RIDS "Phila. ' I4OOSP,YEGNONLIIOIII6-Bsoond eh•vat *inn Ar h .iNitat O'llrlia t By - -. _ ' 43 ° o t INiirghal /r 7 •''. 1 7innaNattford r karietts, zit' r ilopartdc Milton, Pa '. - :gond _Braienvlderkasm, . Gam, Tonto', Phil& • '• Tans Cilliffries, pa I. , ~ ~,, ,A M Oran & la 'AUentra, -. • P 08rans, Port Cabo* ..'llls Ir - Mat, NY • ' Mira 8 Ikaraer f ilLY ..., ..r - „Peter J Stlner, Phil& - . tik . g ag ag i N j :-.--,,,, , ,7•., L • 1 /act Mena. N.l - , 'lbbn,llinVerf Del' - ''' ''" ' xoh" Yull ;vont; NY , 2 8 ,,,, ball milvautalaarAT - T -- • - ••7trala maim ar. la, Pa ..! , ,Jobe Vain Braun, ivev:.• .. -78 De r te,..ll„„ too , , „, 'Hearn" Simple. ;Ragtag .' . J V Oproby, goodie, ,` ILLS 8 Line, Reading .;•.,,, ;..c7 L James A 11011,11eadlog 0 humnions, J's r litke eo ', :Gen 19 •Inzao, Jr, c o o n numirDemftly{3l}r , ..or tibia It Mo4re. Ps, --A, ,t- A B Hat Raiding A M Howard, Beading , •- J J OPl2o44nooleti Pal -", Beoj lOTIMPIL & 16,14-.. y 71ritidNiti:A1 0 14,34 4, 74 , 01 M , ( "Uwe Third; IP Mairos:delryi Haven . • Jacob Weidman, Pa ,gir-Wart'Alinksellli '","- „Ohaltlfixikki, t/ttsburte ;.. '' lltab6r i r*Pron - `''t t " s.lriabt PONsvllle ~ 7 ' : ?Mtn Illehe a irirlilii': . 11 0 Peterono,RatkAlD tlimintlaarasits,"ftllit, • ii` 7 8 A Derldrlck Lea, Masa -‘ • iN,-Ninsiater linatiabarg, „,',. " lira Fartntra, Pottsville..., '.c_r u 'R' ll , 44 t il ti/tV II ..._ = , J.N finarscr, Lebapon -- •, ..... + 4, 4.• rAsia:ti*.",WmShermon, Malian, pa BAALAY 6 i - MA4 II- 6 1 ' - 'll4-78,eio' dut f •-•,-, , n rent brim( - no tI., 7 Titus, LatobortvOis . /t2:` A 0 Hopeook, Pt-attar/Us WA Phew, New/shay ' • S Rattirgee.T3B4.: 10 0 gentehme;Qarktictown It ir lipyl,itlk =Pa' . ' 04/SOINDOnt Nitikilto'' t ';s CWOINiI, Pa , ' ' fii T /aiasy thus ~ , , , -', w 4 • B N - Rymt, pa ,„. • , 0 tabanatioridgebont ''' , Layer 'Ablivitrm ifriiitlitinssitlrOVXiiint st; aitari eityktriaN. 5814eiVait - Cliiii Pa I `` 'V Tillgarth Pa ' tjavffior;ra!-:, - -----M-DeaL Pa - , ~ ' , iT Aline, Priamone - •. J. NEMS:Ps - rlßltobh, 8r Plymontlrilli.efllßobb; Sr, Plymouth k T flteoltel,''Alloutom , ~„,_. Gurnith. Pa_ _ 4iSiiiiiirs, Pi ' N W W,alk t paailoroy , ,# ,; f -.iv' - --- 11-lii; ivgiiiii '.4'. bi, i' , .'e 14. , -NAT, - T ,„ 1 a v, , aliontlii, tprittenßor;ifieiaiii.p.ii.',:j.:,4 steaM .ta, Ili 'VG Phillips , Palma, 0 '..r.'S Merfi, AMantown, pa , 'Palliate:o, sethlehoni, , •Wllare,, DoylietowA ~ S tootarbiole, Bablakikk: I' BOCA, Sr, N / A, Caleb - Beaton '' - ' art Asim. Belocacit L. ~;tr A'.gitiltigri,4 , .„ , ; ",.' 391 1 mb/Ira Y.,,ielutfrA'''',,,---:-, ~ .-, •z _ 1 , , , -" 7...,,: - t•'. ,--' , ..-,- " - ' 011 t..). - ;1 , • P'>'''Alittitte* intellinente. ,D ,Brown. Lancaster _• Ice B McDowell, Del Wohn. *Aileen, Dolumbhii - • W Ostia, Pa aO3 , Witmer,' Pee Harbor • 'Xtenterd, Clearfield - iir•Greiri Banay - ,Xitt Haphor t _Hvkrethbarg •Moyer,..thirtlebtirg G Brown, Westo creland Prescott, Dayton, 0,, „ Stereusno, Mich -• , • Din W ; X B liftyr:Gale • I J A Mrnserlclo,„Osillsle- 43"11816 •I A Dlimelet* laalew•Pott --B, Strickler', Oolturoblo, 3 11,Pearani kencaster ; B Doyley Boston ; BBerniti,Xltiabarg • , iILaOXFD,XLX, iNX-4lrth: and Merchant streak!, • 111 A X, , oaornbi; Md ., f Immo Leedom Chester eo , •B C Brace, Mass. , 10 H Jones. Md .Dpeneny West 'Chester , A Lyons, Port Deposit; M&''3 Marshall, Del P Braes, Stapleton, P$ ilomrenalter, Pa' • • ,IDeros,.Weet obeeter, Pie Dallook,,West Chester , Jos • - A Woodland,' Chaster: do - ' Thos Dewees, Chester to • H teettne, Delaware 004 z Notuto. renting Clothing. - ,Entire new and fresh stock at WHITE HALL - ,13: bortlrjoulth and Market. . Prices; as usgal, marked in plain tigialieki* each .germint., We liars one 0! lUt Remain's Ruminate on hand in Our house; all is new andliesh."Onr fsollitiek are such that wo do not carry all article from one einniopLte another, thereby subjeit. being rieth.eaten, damaged, and Ont,of etyie; butvreoffor:oach swan,-to the patrons or the WHITEMALL,-fresh, well made, and welLgotupgar-' Mentin'tioth in out aid' workmanship, and lit manuroc ,tnrekeicelcAlvelYlnr RETAIL SALES, and sold on the, 00/yArue,..honent principle, ONE PRICE; a spitenz that ening 411; and Cheats, none. Our price lo matted in plain Mouse, and that it the lowest liting profit. We wlll he plealed,tl have yon gall whether yon Misr or not. It lco n .tronkle fo stiow, ant goods ' , - , • , WHITE HALL, corner Fourth anit Market ate. ,Are you suffeging from s severe cold Is your rest diettirtled by lintioessant - congla,i - Hate you a difficulty of breathies t , aecompanled by pains ler%the ehest, and, espeolally towards evening, a alight fever, Veltkfpalpltatlon Of the heart, disorder of the digestive system, and copious expectoration ? If you have any or then niniterns,, rius - ,Dlt. HOOPLA:Mgt 13 AMAMI° CORDIAL, in conjunetien with the CMIIHAN BIT :VERB of the same eminent physician. and you wilt as. , sniedly find jelfit. If yeti neglect , the means of elute potted an !.rney epsediltfind yourself on a sick bed, andbeyond medlcai aid. • Prepared Dr. O.M. JA011.8014, No. 418 ARCH ,Stint; Philadelphia, Ind forests by druggists and store. inners tltionghoul the :rutted States and Price fik:Mmio - .pee bottle. - .„lt • • Sarletsr.Fund.Five Per Cent. Interest.= RATIONAL IiAPRTY TRUST OOMPANT, WALNUT. 'Btreet - ,',B,'W.":cirner THIRD; Philadelphia:. Money roceilied sum; large or small, and, interest paid from the day-of depositi to Ike day of withdrawal.. Money Is received and' payments made daily, without ladies. The Investments; are • made In -Real Ratite, Mortgages, Ground Rents, and' such first-class seman tics as the charter requires. Odle° hours from A o'clock i n the nioruin g until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and du Monayinid Thttredalr oVanings until 8 o'clock. - If!iMMEMMI • - - OPENED DAILY. " J: a. MAXWELL ts HON, Lidleii.Tilnur'dnge, Mart, iudZepbsr Mot! end Factory, inaavzpiTa and 011ESTNII.r. mbBl,l2t Ona•Prlee Clothing ei (he Latest Styles, and made In the beet manner, expressly for swan. unit. We mark oar lone* selling ;mica' in Plate mamma on sea article. AU goods made to order are Warranted sstisfsstory, and ottr , oaa•ratta ataviir Is strictly *l beria. to. ' We believe tile to be the, only fair Inv of daltag, is therapy all are treated alike. • „ - - JONIIB dc CO., • 1104 MABIfI4T ghat girieringfacia - neg.—Ml : perilous who have been indnoad to buy Sewing - Machines which will not perfoim the work that purchasers expeoted them to dO, 'sire infOrmed thap SINGElrfi bikOllIoNS never fail to do any kiwi of work. No one 15 ever disappointed in thaw litachlueo. I. M. SINGSZ & 00., jaSttsis • SOS 0113IIINUS Street. Maier , * Sevrlng illlfichlnei;—This new Faral. ly Bawl:2g Iffaohineg, at $6O and yfb, are attracting nai• I mgal:ideation. In - all essential good qualities they are inn* the hist Illaohlnekeret offered at a low pries —• • • I. lI—SINGER it 00., - JaffrAlan , 602 ORiliTIl4l2 Street Lunylnntli Flowing Locks speedily . coyer the bald. ipets earwig by age orlisesse,' by the use et JULES RATIEL'ff ATRIELiNNII HAIR RE STORER; tiolihnsioff and stimulating' the cuticle it gives streigthte the roots of the hair, end rreietits its telling oft; greibsir and whleheris it restores to their original life color. it is not a dye,' Sold btall draggles, and by JULES HNUEL & No. 7010WIBTNT7 Street, Philadelphia. apt eta Witediaitelnedee; Lace Curiaina, Damask Car 'talnldeteriele. killt,Oeraleet, Window 'Holland", all co. 'lora 4 _Balleyfilitent Natalie for 61114(15; Putnamlls Shade Ballard; 'Clorde, Tussle, and Braman" ;. Item No • and Plashes;- Broeatelles, Window Riede, Our ilin, and ,t7pkolettitigoodit,Wholettil• and retail. no. ; 'tab and pa lie - luatltationi,fltted tip at "shortest nollee: • ; W. MIRKY, PATZIIti, mblidtte A CEO OMISTNI3I.- Street. Wtieetei & WiWit Sewing Machines. 01/WiOII,:62B"9Ib9BTNIEIT BT, mh4B•lm Seamen , * Savior Feed—riwrthweet Verner or SICOND and ;WALNIJ,T. Streeta. Sepoeltoreceired fa euiall - and faille , amanita, from all chases of the community, and • interest at the, rote of Ave par ieit : per AfOne ylonflo drawn by Olioakewlthont law of lute. , OfSee open dstly,froin 9 until 9 o'clock, and on Mon day:end qaturdey until 9 In the eresSng. President, 9raold4 Pell}, Vpienier and Secretary, Chanel N. tierrls. A. New: Article. 6 New Artiele /latest' it Son's Cocaine for the Hair Phaton & Bon's Geosine for the Heir Phalon to Boole Omahas for the Hair _Beet end Cheapest Article - Best and Cheapest Article' . , Nor Breath% Beautifying, Cleaning, For Dressing, Beautifying, Cleaning, Ifor : Dreising, Beautifying, Cleaning, 'Curiler, preserving, and - , Itestorlog the Hair., • - Beaten-int the Hair. Reetoring the Hair. &plata Phaloa k Boma Cooolne. Inquire for .Phalon to Bon's CoooLne. „Beware of titinterfelts. Beware of Counterfeits Ler4o Bottles, Fifty Cents. , BMW Bottles, Twenty•five Cents. Smell Bottles, Twenty•fire Ciente. Yor 'sale by all Jobberi, Druggists, itztd. Nancy Goodi ,In the ataxy parto f th e United. 3t4te Wholuddo and Retail Depot; L 517..497, and 197 BROADWAY ' New York. T. B.' rziaitsciL & BYOB., No. we onEsTNtiT Street; Wholeealit Agents, 'tal9-tt In Baker*" Criebraied. 'enmity tkawing migartrits, , A NEW: fiTTIX—PRICIII 860.', dime 'from two Spools, ais puxeliased Irons. the, store, requiring no rewinding of thread; it Ilems,leps; Qathere, and' Stitches-in a superior style, flnlehitig each seam - bg,113 ono Opmetion,iithout ,course to The bend needle , as is required oilier ma -chines. It will. do better and cheaper sowtog than a ,sainietresifimic uven if ebe woke for one cent an hour, f:e*.t/ . ~ . litarttageo.— , -...ipinych - , by Rev. W. Citheart. Mr. , DANIA W. OnftWELL to MIAs ANN /1.1:43L1p both or Montgomery On April 7th. ter the Bev. 'Henry, ,Diteaohet. D. D., OABNO -IDIOM of Be* York; and It &TN KELgaLt,, only daughter of the late Belay Lovely, of Baltimore. [llattlntore'pepere please copy.] • ' * On tho'" initauit,- the• Bev. H., Donny, 15fr. 3103111• to Miss ANNIB NYBILCiIIY, all of - -• • , iptatip. . , At Breeden, on 18th of Marsh, IMMIX E4iZ A. .819 rif LOGAN, wile of Thome* If, Belton, M. D„ of 'thiaolty.ak Oa ,the morning of the 4th inetant, Mr. JACOB B. IVI9IBBR, la the bath year or hie age t The relatives and friends of the family 14 respeet.. fully invtted to ettend th e funeral, from the residence of 'Ms slater, Mrs. IA lee Jackson.; No 933 Charlotte street. 'this (Friday) afternoon, at Si o'olook. Interment at Odd - Venom' Cemetery, Oa 24 day . , 6th imitant j EGIZA 0., wife of Oialton IS The relatives and fnends of the family are rasped fully Invited to attend the funeral, from her late real dence,'Ne.‘B24:Noss street, on Mirth-day. morning, Bth last , without fartherroothie—move at 9 o'olock. To proceed toklount trolly Cemetery, 'U. J. On the 6th Meant, JOHN O'BRIEN, eon of Mary end the late Michael O'Brien, aged 1f years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect. ,fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence :of his mother, 1811 Rodman attest, above Thirteenth 'aed below L smbard, thie (Fridayj n afternoon, at B 'o'clock Interment at Cathedral Oetnisterv, • * . . . On Monday evening, 4th Inet , JOHN J. HHIDAH. la the 184 year of his age The relatives and friends, and Ids Memento brethren of Lodge' io 114,'A; Z 0., And the oiter generally, are re.. Neutrally Invited to attend the funeral, from Me tate redden* No 788 Swanton Must, the (ertday) after noon, at 1 &Monk. Interment at Panel Oeme. `ter,. • - • 2='` On the 6th Instant, Mn.s JULIA ANN TAYLOR, In the - 65th peer of her age, ' • - The relatives and friends of thelamlly are respect ful,* Invited to :attend the funeral from her late reel dence;• No: 60. Bulletin street, late Beck street; on Bender of ernoon, 802 o'clock. to On the 4th lista:at, 11101111 f hiIRit,MISR, in the 64th 'yeezmf his eze Rie relatives and friends are-respectfully Invited to ,_attend the funeral; from his late residence,. corner of Queen and Warren greets; Eighteenth - word, fete Nen sznron, tide (Ind sr)aiternoon, at 2 o'clock. W', -04 .the 6th instant, JACOB R 11,113, In the 66th - year of Waage, -The relatives and frleade of the, family ere respeet , folly Invited to attend the hammed, from his late resi dence, on hart lane, oppoelte South Laurel Bill Come - terb on Saturday, edternoon, at 2 o'clock ; without farther notice th instant, ;OLIN ETRRS, in the 86th year •oi his age. The relatives and friends el-the family are respect fallyinviled_to altsud, - haverali from kii-late reel , dence,BB3 George street, below. Hearth,' on , fiettuday. afternoon, *t 8 °tripoli, 'without further notice. To p,fotfeed to Odd Ifellows!.0co etery. r,_ initser, Ildfiffgrc wife"' of ROBERT ,KER,snAw, aged 85 yews. _ The relatives and fiends 'of' the'faMily are roped. frilly Invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dent*, NO. B;llida's Court;.Pll6 - ert street. below Ninth, this (FridayYmorning, at 11 o'clock. * NetiCtio—iAn , ...c nomination 01.41teistont - , Tiniebere for the Grammer{ Secondary: and mery - lieboole,of the City of ,Phlledelehlteorlil be held at the Bontheset atalt,lllnr School, FRONT /Street, Deer Pine, commencing on FRIDAY, the , 16th Anet, at 2 °w e ek P, M., and-to contione ou.BATURDAY , the 10th, cOmintincing at 9 O'Oldek By wiles of the Committee on Quallfloatlon of Teach. ere,, •WIILIAM Pl. TRIIIIOII 0044 1 - ritgSS 4 , I • YRIDAy . Apnit, s. igsg - 141,, and CO AITS.STRIGIr, PEiGAP,i4PHIA "PAS SENGER BAILWAVCOMPANY , are hereby notified to meet at the Owe of said Company, No 248 Inn Street:Philadelphia, on DlON,Dnh',3hillittiS/ei of April A. D., 1869, at 10 &Moak A. M. for. thi - ntire. p7se tf taking into ,constderation the tot of Afsemnbly of Pennsylvania, approved starch - at, 1869. entitled, An eat to authorise the Germantown PiteengsP EMT-- ,way Company and the Green ,and Onateastreele-Plcin ' delphia Passenger Oonipany Jointly to lav :Stogie track on Fourth and Eighth streets Philadel phia I/ An d t o accept or Tel sat the vamp ;• and the, gold act ehOUld be treeepted, to - take order as to the dimphd tfee of the Eltocki and the- putting of the - aatd her *atilt% operation. Preetaent. AtOPt-,-.3Vg e e , , raea,4lB 'Pe•Pless - State , Geititeistioni , —The'-flitl. 11.3 • nano of Philadelphia, and of the were, aeon ,tipstr this Oommonwealtli, attic - lied to the PROPLWE PARTY;ImdaII voters who ate,opposed to the' tudeut; nettles, and extravagant measures of the National Ad tnlnibtration, are requested toned DELEGATES, equal in number to their 4 everal representations in the Gene ral Assembly, to a CONVENTION to ba held at" HAIL. BIBIIIIRG, on Wednesday, June Bth, 1869. at In .6..114 to nominate Oandidstes for AUDITOR GENERAL and SIIEVEVOR GeNEBAL, to be Tetedtor at the general eleoLion in neat October .+ •HI6NRY Iki:VIILLZR, Obair a rmi. Wii,Css ra flocrobtrY. freDr. "third Lect,fon ArcSle. BaJloration,l , will `be ,debscred ra st tha Rail of ;the UNIVERS' Y PENN SYLVANIA, no FRIDAY EVIt. , /tia, April 801, !Mora open, at 7 o'clook, Leo-, • tins col:proem:ea at 8 o'clock. Tickets, 80 cents admit- Ups a lady and a gentleman. - aDVaIIW. GTRenttival oe.the' ,l W eiterntg Bnb•Of flee. Pose Ornoz;Pbtladelphia, April atti, 1880: ' Tem i , Western)) Pah Poet 'Mee has bean earacared from No. 1821 OHINTNIIT Streetto N 0.1718 MUM NUTLIn the next Mime, Welt , . ' • - ' ' • GIDEON G. WBBTOOT3', • ' apB St Postmaster. ' crirUniversity of Pennsylvania.—fl 4 parts m.NT or ARTS. Thoilbird Term of the College year will open on 'MAY, the Bth lint. Candidates ftr Admleelon wtf appear st the University, for examination on that day, at half , past 9 o'clock, A.lll, Tuttlint for each Term $2O. GEOR(110 ALL'S% , , - Secretary of • the Yaculty or Arts. , ErDividend Notiee.—Qtylee_ of the Anserl.. CAN PINS nierraurox COMPANY,' - ' . ",PintaDeLPIIIA. AprilA, 1850 i, The Directors bale THIS DV/ declared I dtridend of SIX Y&R OBET: for the laet sin Inoothe„ehich will 'be paid to the etc.:Molders, or theft , legal rem eentattves; on or after the 14th lost', altar of Mate teL THOS. P.. MARTS tlearetery The. Stockholders of the Err amown PASSSINGSR' RAILWAY COMPANY are here by notified to meet at the Office of the Compary. No. 228 DOCK Stoat, on MONDAY. May 28. A. D., 1859 at 4 &eta:4Q P. M., for the pnrpoee of taktog Into eon. ilderst,or, the Supplement to their Charter, passed March 22.1882, and also In relation to the dispoeition of htook and the putties of the Road in operation. - - , - WILLIAM 'apl.dt , rol . President:. Krtriton Bankl i hllidelphin, March 17, 1860. Au instalment of 1 . 1,19 DOLTJAREI welter+) upon the stook of this Bowl wiil be doe. 'end payable, on the 2d of MAY nett. ICUs natklog House. Stookhtidere idebiog to pay np the whole amount die on the stook held by them 1,41 ba aC liberty to do to at fir time. • - By order of the Boerd of Direetore. " r0b21.-mw&frtmy2 SAMS LISTAY, Mahler. orl)..partmeot of Survege—Ottlce of the 011111 P ISNEII , It SR AND BURVRYOR—Pitme- DEceum, Marsh 21. 1819 • ' NOTICE ---Dualleate Plane of the Sixth' Seaton of the re-survey atd retardation of the late Borough of GRililf ANTOWN, boupded , , No, thwardly by Eat Sfa3hington lane. Southward!) , by Mill street, , _ Bastwer, ly by Chew street, Westwardly by Germantown avenue, la the Tweati-sectend Ward Second Section, OtIRSTIIIIT FULL, line and grade rettatatione,boundat . NarthwardlY by 'Croton ave nue, ' Southrtardly by Herm id avenue, Bratwardly by Germantown avenue, Westwardly by Thirty-fourth street, „ in the Tweity.second Ward, , • ' Also. Grade Regulations of that part of the TWIN TIf--FIRST WARD, bounded Nerthwardly,by 19-le avenue, , 'Elouthwardly by Pusguebauns avenue, ' Eastwardly by Fifteenth Street, . • , Westwardly by Thirtieth greet, ' in the Twenty-drat Ward. , , Are now prepared ind deposited for pablia Inspection at the Ordoes or the Burveyore and Regulators of the Eighth and Ninth Barrey Diatricts;'and at the Oahe of this Department, BIPTR Bt•eet, below Walnut street, and the Beard or Bannon , have appointed 'MONDAY, the 11th day of April, 1869, at 11 o'clock, A. M., to consider any objeetions th‘t may be urged thereto by any citizen interested thwelsi. • BTRIOICIAND KNE ABB, ap4•mwf3t Chlet Engineer and Surveyor. TrNotice —ln ptcreuatiol of .an Act of Ari. eembly. passed Match 29 h 1859, a Meetiog of the STOCKHOLDERS of the DOOR 00AL COMPAN Y will b.* bald at the Offlee of the Om vany. No. 221 Sooth mut 84eet, Philadelphia, SATURDAY, Appl 113tb, 1859, at 11 o'clock A. Si., for the Menton. of -Flee Dl - ' J. O'BRIEN, . -._ _.,___ ayDr. , Weder's Chestnut Springs 'Water MBA, at Oheertant 11.11, Philsdelptua eounty, isig.llv - COATESVILLE AOADEffr, • CHESTER COUNTY, PENNA., AN NOLDM;LINGUAL; AND COMMUOIAI, TIER NBXT ONESDN WILL OITN - ON TUB pia Of MY The School Is sound and preetkal in every, department. The course of study embraces everything that is taught in the beat Colleges of our oonntry. The atm of the Principal, and those who assist him; will be to impart sound end thorough Inetrnetton te the pupils committed aauetnearr,-44.4.1{...olittire L ywure rueciallti4eiraturre, and pattlenlarattentiou Is paid to the moreidepoetmeeit and training of the students ; and no one will be re. tained who evades or neglects his dutiell; ' The itenclC teognage is spoken in connection with the Latin, and Liathematice Is taught on the analytical principle Particular attention is given to the Elementary branches (Which are often - neglected), as well the higher etudlee. Vatial and Inetrnmental Mujic and Drawing are taught. Ooateeville is thirtyttlne miles west of Philadelphia on the Pennsylvania Railroad, in the midst of one of the poet healthl and romantic, sections of our ecuntry. Good boarding and comfortable rooms are given. The recitations are all graded, and the student to re" nailed to give a clear demonstration' of his subject, and assign a nation for each stop as he progresses. Boarding, washing, light, and tuition In the English branches, per session of twenty weeks.... $75. 09 Ancient or Modern Languages, each 5.00 NO ELTRAO OP ANY HIND. One-halt the money payable in'adeanoe. ThePrincdpal will ba at MoIUBBINIB DIEROIIANTB' HOTEL, FOURTH STREET below ARM, the llth and 12th of April, and can be men between the hours of 9 and 12.',0 , 0100e A. M., and 8 and 4 o'olook P. M. white he will be pleased to nieettbose haying eons or wards to Otos at eohool. TN THE .ORPHAITS' COURT OF THE OITY.AND 00 . 5.'N'TP OP PHILADELPHIA, Estate of HENRY HAHN: D'ec'ea.bed. . . . , . Mottos Ss hereby , given, that LEWIS SIAM, cam rattle, SA., of P1M3911 ILAtlff, (a lunatlca widow of said decedent, hes 01.4 In • said Court his petition, Wattling' to retain, In behalf of said widow, the - sum of VICO. out of the fund In the bands of the Adollointra. tor of add estate, under the act of Alsembty of April 14th, 1851, and 'hat the same will 'be 'granted -Dr the Court on FRIDAY, April 151h,1561, ludas excepted to, 'WILLIAM EL - PRIME, 058 913 15 41* ' " — Attorney of Committee. - 1N THE ORPHANS , COURT , POR THE OITIC AND_OOTITY 9.y:FIIII2p.DELPIIIA. EMite;f DELIe TtIOMPaON, DtaiiieTri ' The Auditor &spoilt' od by the Court t c molt, settle, nod adjust the accanue of illftalatltt, GEGAN end JOUR 6100131.1,01Mt1, Fnecutore of DELIA TIIO6IP -11061, deceased, and to make dtatributiort of the balance lo the hands of the tmo ,nntaut, ant meet 'the parties lot4reated, for the personas of his appointment on MOND Y, April 26th, at 4 o'clock I'. 61., at 624 Wk.% NUT Street, In the city of Philad4phia evil-floe/6E t ILLIA Mll "A. EDWARDS, Auditor. 'VOLT ARE amnia convinced you .have a naparior &tare and an infallible likeness, in lite•alse Photograph io Od, wade at Riabirat'n LIMY, SEOUND above Weep. it* GUY'S MONUMENT ROUSE, BaLTIMORS Wit. GUY to 00. have released this favorite nettle. whiehle kept upon the European Plan. Gentlemen can have all the comforts, without the annoyance of a hotel, paying only for what they order. apB42t* . WAL OCY to CO. BURNING FLUID, ALCOHOL, AND fiAMPHENN,Itt bbln and half bble:, menu's°. tined fresh daljy, and delivered free of portosga. ' HOY/LILY, :1011131:1IINER, k CO . , arfi No 16 South Wharves. CRUDE TURPENTINE.-60 bbla. bard 111 sad soft, in store and for male by ROWLEY, ASH BURNER, & 00., apß No. JO Booth' Wharyeg. 11314LYMOUTH CHITROki, TO .A.II2I3.ITBOTB,—The Troustoes of Plymouth Ohurok desire to melte PLANB,I3F,OTIONS, and P.B- Tl3l/I.TBEI, for a 011118011. and LHOTURII BOOM, the °hutch sudieoce room to contain ',Miens for COCO per • sone. Premium trill be given of $5OO, $2OO, and for the best plane, subject to the conditions .mentioned in the Trusteee , statement. This statement may be had upon application to II 8. 14/31,1>, et the Plymouth' Oharch, or at Bo ..44 WILLOW, Street, Brooklyn, New York, Cemetery of the board of Trustees-4f by letter, postage stomp inclosed . The Plane meet be emit in by MONDAY, May Mara none will be received after 32 o'olook M, of said day, By order of 'blooms. _• JAMISPBBBEVAND; epl3-8t Presideet. - TIAILEY 'S PATENT SEttilit FIX- L 7 will plows notion that I hare appointed W. HENRY PATT eN, No 680 OILEBINUT Street, Sole Agent for Philedelphla,,through lam the trade will be attpEdted at factory ten. - , pa X, tr. tirr - mt, New York, Hardt 80, 1860.—apt ltd* R LL. Be 'MEETINGS FOR EXPORT. )311OWN, BLEAtIEED, & BLUR DRUM. - LOUSY' k 14 1 11:1T 80EXITING13, tillable for Export , for nale by ' , - tIiOTHINGII.S3I & WALK ' 14 Stuth 515051 T 8T. 5. 1 85 'ST.• ogisar D OhtldBBloN AG iWY, a tl 24 ;Philadelphia, and lO o ri na niceY A Y 9 Do , v r ital E si bs ieG lj ent oi iNi ii gooo,r Now JOY, 00E0 la 00. ars the Agents for the meet hi , flaentiel and • circulating Nenspaters in the United States and the °amides. , The are authorised to resolve advertisements and suliseriptione at the lOVIONt ' ' • ' •I%.7.filikir.rtl7ll.l ATO BUY OHBAB- WATOYIES, go to Northwebt corner of OBOOND'and DHOW 13treota, 43. • rap 4.9 0 .01 , •• J , intugg, sz PE AMH TREE i 3 AND GRAPE VINZB for nolo by ' 0. B. RO(IRRS, ap2.6t+► No. 111 MARKET 13troot, ~~4he►rmep, 6eoretsiy. ebu ratio nal LOOATIID IN INSTITUTION JAMES E. A. M., PRINOIPAL tigal Noatto, _ rauttv - 000 a: • .TUSIRABIAR . AND gitA.SONABLE '• • D 11,; Y bid - Du Jun 'now; DuszEs, .1 1 ROULtUD BIM% XIOUQUSTai $1 and 16/.26 MISSECSILKS, GOCOANUR Mat NADINSIDRBBSEO, 49,11100).4.iii DOUBTaI 04 / 1 0 ' 7 artM r4 B°i PIN-PLAIDSI3}griVIC 81/.1C% • OIIINIB BILKN'IUSIDUOIOD. • ' - , FASECIONABLX•I32IIINt) 8A118430. - EYRE Ea LA:I•TX)ELt, - FOHRTH AND -ARCH. , !apB-tny2 1 i• • LaND9kr SP : NG CtASSIBLERES. ~ brat opened, en Invoice - latteet otyllis of London Plumy Onnthnoren. Neat Stripes snil,'ldlxtores for 1904. ' , - also Smell Oseeltiketeb - of th in textural. Oheake,Nlack ond ' il*lllte Plaids. • ` • Novelties to Vestloos Awl Coatings. - INIAItPLESS BROTEE7 I / 3 , ,sp7„ `I7IOIUTNUTautZIGEME, Streete CAGE. MANTLES. LA French Lace Uinta', Pointe, and Shawls, • „ Oucottily Goods of beet fabric, „ •In all the Tartathstof now styles • - • efis'apviaski BROTTIMItB, ep7 OIIESSNUT stid. ZIOLLTII Streets NE* f SPRING CI.,OAKS -MANTI-LLAS. OP - Difi=ls74 NVERY DV - ORNING ATMD.. ItLiNtilitAL"-:-.EDIPONIVMp= 708 Cli-XDEIST;srCrI7 J. W. PROCTOR & CO. Ap4-4C SPRING GOODS. LA. COMPAGNIE FRANOAISX Here now oloOnovOrielialoil'ind 00123iletituortment of the followinglltaniflGOODS - Of thblr " OWN IMPORTATIONS :,_ BILK MAIiTILL/41. „ • • LACE POINT AND MANTILLAS REAL THREAD, OMSIBRIA, dr. ALENCON CLOTH DUSTERS lii =SIR LACE DEPARTMENT: REAL - THREAD V=.B CAMBRIA VEILS REAL THMDAD 00IITURE9 REAL THREAD BARBER FRBNOH LAOE FRENCH L&OR COIFFURES Alen, an elegant lot oriEBAL LACE OOLLABE and BETS in POINT DU GAZA, TALSNOISNNSti t BIM& BELS APPLIQUE, UONITON, find MALTESE— • • A PULL lANII OP PARIS EMBROIDDRA'S;' • JOUV,I GLOVES,. , ; • PARIS SILK MITTS, &0,, 40., &O. FURNER & CO, 810 chignitUT STREET. ap4.Bt if OASSIMERES: OLATHS, SATTINETS, 00ATINGB, VBFITINCM OORDInt0Y0 ) &O.; CampyLein o molt complete "stnok-- : ; BOOM AND.BOYB' , W31.16R . Yew to floe gridea, WHOL.B 1, • - „ ~0 00PBB & MARIN , ' • 'B. B. oornet 11.41TE1 & MABIJIT B. - Qrititra AND , SULtitEltilikarr/LIAI3. .IPrinele - Anl lthantillY I ate. Mantles. • ' Fine Lacelldintes sad Clronlirs. .• &Mc otiwerrnew style. , • Heavy Oprieg Bilk Olretdats. , Bornene—the new thepe. Case ones —tight eleth. new. Bpring'Cleth Cloaks and Otrotee.' ' ' The abbe, with media addition. elmyrise a very select end NNTIRELY B&W STOCE. Prices range from $0 to SM. 13001.111 t & ap4 B. IL earner NINTH and MARBOIT. PliE W , FRENCH -GOOD . THE Late elites of ,TUIRIhf, MAILLARD, & .00 , SEMI eltD & RUTTER, and OTHER REOENT IM PORTATIONS Medium styte:CordonoetCheee Samoa. Do fllk thiyadere °belly Aigenttoes. Nest Phil& Oarmella Double Beiges. Gay Dorege Robes de Bet. Plain Modee, Tene, and Pear l MOll5 de Leine's, all wool, Resorted finalities,• • Black Chantilly, Lace Potato , and Mantle*. • Plain White Darer %awls. - Slack , solored Stella do., 'with panted sewed-on borders. Bleck, Brown, Diode, and Calera Stella Shawls, with %oche borders, In great variety, from medium to very flue. ' • Mask Thlbet Long and Perms Shawls. Mode Thibet and other Friends Bhewle in great Wirioty. 60 pieces sugar Printed Lamm, at 12% centS. &e. ' OHABL,MB ADAMS, apttwfm-tf EIGUTII and AROR 'Streets. Minium Otroike, MRS. M. B. BISHOP, • No. 915 CHESTNUT STREET, Rill open it tall assortment or UTIT...I.II•TSTEV2' On 1/111118DAY, April 7th, aplAt tru i MRS. M. S. BISHOP, No. 915 VA*. OHINTNirr Street ; lon open on THURSDAY; April 7.1110 latest and most tashlonible styles of Part Mao MILLINBRY. • spll Rl* irv i ISSES O'BRYAN, 914 CHEST VA NUT. above Ninth, witl onn Paris BULLIN BUY Por.the epring, on 'V lIIIRSDLY, April 7tll. ap6 24t* LINOOLN, WOOD, -& NICHOLS; '725 OREBTEUT STREET, Between Seventh and I lebtit. . BTRAW 'end RANDY !WEEMS, - MiSSEB AND MILDRED'S FLATS, ' - BLOOMERS, /COVES, OAPs, SLOWER% RIBBONS, BUOItE4, - LiOES, do. MMIEUMI The saberribera invite tho attention of Hat Boyers to their spleotitft dock of 13TilAW BATO,, , whloh. em, brakes a line of all the 4estrable styles of , the see eon. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, 726 OffESTRUT STREET, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND EIGHTII. n 541140 • cwinQ itlaajints. gIARRIS' 2 BOUDOIR SEWING CHINE hi offered to the public ee the most re• tleble low.prload Sewing Machine in tore. It will sea from six to sixty itltohea to ah !nth, on all kinds of goods, from acisr sant begghigtothe finest canktios. It without exceitiOn, the simplest In Its . Mechanical construction SUIT Mate, 612 d CAA be run mid keptinoriel by a ohlid of twelve years of age. The nonantrarir of this maehlie, and the unitary or ITS wont, are wit, ranted to be unsturpamed by coy other. Ito speed ranee from three hundred to fifteen hundred ettiohee. per int. out!. The thread needle taken alreqtly r from the enrols, wirnoor ens TIOITSLI or ammuntem. In fact, it tee machine that fa wanted by every family In the land, and the low price of . THIRTY DOLLARS, . _ at which theynre !gold, brings them eritlan the reeshul almost ever? ono.. .11. 1/.. DAKAR, Agent, 'd3l.dlito W-eow.ibn . 720 AMU STRUT. s - 1, E' -80,000 DOZEN ;oat reeedvid DIRECIT Gott; the but ". GERMAN AND ENOLIBLI MAIIIIFACTUEERS. ALSO, ' el ." LAMS' LISLE TWO GLOVES, GAUNTLETS, &a , THOS.; MELLLOR,de CO., 'B' 0 p. l r H - THIRD STREET,' mat 26 am` PHILADELPHIA.. 311INTON's . 'ENCAUSTIO TILES for Ornamental Chimney 'Tops for cottages. Garden Vanes and fountains.' Vitrified Pipe for drams and water conditoters. • Imported and for sale by . , • - - 0. A. - HARMON, , fal&tr • 1010 ORWRTSITIT fitroat. • fyIHE DELICATE, and those who aro pro. nounced convalescent after a long duration of Ill ness, are recommended to nee slight - stimulants. We can. in all confidence, commend the PURR PORT WINE of our own importatioa• to those who are al. lorred the hinny. It in a fruity, lumens Wine., ZIZ GLB B & , rota 8-tf BIODND and GARENHUTH Streets. ATANILLA BEANS;--Variou4 grado, Aect, V crop, 'wit finmted, will be'sold ao ifAntal. „ wp,toN & MERRITT, kB/-if • , 2O NARISST 04ettf 'VaE 11:18"Eco e ar ,OE ..TgN,..REF,ORRA.: ; OP , BIIO DITIR.OI, of BY .01LBSKt_BORNBVT,, , D, D, , Onterdidition., ElxVolturica, fire. Ralf hjitigetoi.:,. For Bala by ra • . I, • „- „..,, BOOOERSORB TO 11. oolvenarawatr Co, • No.•00e, OttanlirtU e , ,Straet,,.anotw math, north side: AuO,,A.VBBY:I4-nets aToox-ua, Bons • , In every department of literature; ocseprielles,rare and, choke Munch and-, Anierima •tid ( tielite,cd Die - beat Autbort, Poeta, Elletorieee,Ao. ;If i• • ELEGANTLY/ I . I .IIBI'ItitA'AD 800 0, -•••-• ;• ' .' • - PItd:YSD , BOOK.Si; •- ' ; : ~• gIVEIN/I,lll_ BOOKS; • THEOPOGIBAL • 1' , "„: SCHOOL BOOKS,: dr,0.,1d50,. !Briglish and American Otatiottery constantly on hand et low•orteee,-, •, , • • - - - - JUST 11110BIYBD, THE YOI.I.OINIBEi , NB*, BORES: TDB ATOBGBIL , .A...qarrative and other papers.- By Thomas Do gnipaey.., morazawitals OE*. B.: 19p20.. Blue and Gold: New • • 't TRW PILLAR Mr, 8113,9 or, Bondage. By the anther ,or Theßtinoe of the Ilona* or Dired..? , TILMIK:BI,LIOTT•I or, Wells in the. Desert. -By Jamie Bastion. , • iv")) MOTHER ' S IKUISZON. Bkitehes from' real TUB,DBEIBBNOT -POTTB.R., A. true I TOM D . 1411,N08 OA' - ‘ 'ARMAGBDDON ; or, Our 4reat Country._ aortal In. the Holy eorieturta. By: Rev., D. BomeNoirAiro ITS Filinois: anitior, of -" Maidelin Stafford." ~ •, • ' • , Trgether very : large steak or, E2elefaileeted BOOke, TO which we are -mnuitautly „making valuable. additions, and to which wspeonld resyeattulliinvita the attention of our patrons , and , knot-buyer., generally. , Call and tamale,.- i; ; • •, A t-144W BOO,K. BY.MACIA.Indar. -f—n• TDBLIABIiIt -/o 'PRO° TSB, •,' • ' . • NO. 608 BROADWAY, NEW- YORK. • . • 4 - PUBLISH THIS DAY. • .THE i.IPE OP WII.LIAbi'DDDY. !T MA04.1311,6Y. Preooded by T/117 LINN OF •PITV,.NARL OF OUTRAN. - Ismo. • Moth 60 °onto. • _ • _- • THE Win OP -NEEDED - 10K •TEED GREAT. . • - 18ci0, , 019th 60 Omits: . • Beinz th e Fifth ant filstO-Yolaimee of - THN'EfOUSEHOoD LIBR/Off. • Porsale to at Bootoelleus. opg•fmwilt DgLIGION :AND - .VOLITIOS; A R. rORNT DISCOURSE, BY - REY. WIC IL - PURNISS, D. D. Prue 10 Nati. • Pub/lehed aid for rote by , •- T. D. PUGH, 110 - • : 816 01108TNUT Smoot. NE W - ENGLISH if 0611.- - .MEDICIS.L, DENTAL. AND SOIENTIFIO.• • HUNTER- ON -, GRAVID ..unntisa, butraiea. .notaxsoN ON' MENTAL DInORDERs: , • ' I 'OATIF4 TION AND PRIVENTION'OF DISEASES. 'LONDON DENTAL - REVIEW, fore-Pebruazy and Mareh, • . • , , • • THE IRSIT LISLE BLADDER, by F , J.. Gant.: , —TAYLOR ON POISONS, ~ Beeond Edition. • - SI(MOND ON MBROURY, , BIATICPILL. &o, • 7OHNBTOZNAND'rINOLAIR'S MIDWIPEET„ . • •HAfisALL ON URINE. IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. PANES ON STRANGULATED HER:IA. 4- '• MEE ON DEBILITY AND DEPEOPIVE-NHTEU• TIDE. ••• • ' ' - .'• • .• • •ffiDINBUSGEL VETERINARY, :REVIEW , •for • Jan uary • LECTURES ON SYPHILIS. by Vidor De Ueda.. HOGG ON THE OPTHALMOSCOPE. • - TRANSLATION , Or- LONDON PHARMAOOTotta, TION.. GOLDIN4 , B PBROUSBION AND tAUSETULTA- Tag-ANATOMIST. by Henry Savage. Af.'ll. C. - S. DR. TANNEWS - MEMOSANDA ON POISONS. GUIDE TO THE GdVERNMENT EIBDIOINB. CHEST GOLDING'S TABLE Or lIRIN4RT , DEPOSITS. MINVS,PHILOSOPEIT Of -VOICE AND SPEEOH. TUE W08031.10P8 I Y BEIHOMB. Second HALF HOUSE WITH THE MIOBOBOOPE. trate& -•- • . OTTE'S LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY: - MUHL% SYSTEM Of FLAMII. Illustrated.- -.For Sale by • - , LINDSAY & BLAIIISTON, Publishers, Booksellers, and Importers, - apt No. 23 Mouth SIXTH Street, above Oheetent, 'NEW WORKS IN Ts:MSS, AND PIiEpARING FOR PUBLICATION, LiT±:raa, 3111t0 ae 119 WASBINGTON ITTBBET, BOSTON, • HISTORY OF TII it LIFE AND TIMES JAMES MADISON, BY 110 N. WlLilideo. MED B vole 8-vo It It propoied to add 'Mintier tO' that florin of Na tional Works which have appeared within a few years, illustrative of the lives and characters of the great men who have Idezetlfied themselves with the history of this country, and of the Important events which trans pired duting'their career, and in which they acted a prominent part. „ . r , • In tracing the history of,Mr. Madison's active life during a period of sixty years (from 1778 to 18116), the writer has been neeentally led into a review of the most important portions of our public history: Mr. Madison's career was contemporary and 'closely Identi fied with the War of the Revolution, the arduous la bors of the old Ongrees, the completion of the Arti riles of Confederation, the formation and adoption of the Constitution of the, United States, thejolitlial' ques tions which arose under the Administration of Wash !neon; the straggle of parties which terminated bathe election of Jeff - aeon over Adams, and the complicated. questions of foreign policy which led to the war of 1812—a war commenced anti terminated ander his own Administration: In pafdng under' review these great eoeoee dime history, the writer has been enabled, by sone" tee'the papers of Mr. Madison and other original document', to tri - Ow new light upon mazy debatable penages of-the highpirt end Most permannit Interest In American annebe; , - Medan the'cartier of Mr. hilidinie himself; of. wheels DO connected'nerrative had e'er yet been given to the public, the 'works will embrace authentic and Uinta. tin - irettantouieded chiefly on original and unpubli.bed deonments, of the most distinguishrd of hie contempo reales—Washington, Jefferson, George Mason. Patrick R.nry, Rickard Relay Lee,' Adams, J ay, Ramat:on, Ring, and othere. Whether the subject, the materials or the dramatis pirsonrs, be' coneidered, the work, in its design, would seem well fitted to eupply yet remain ing and Important desiderata in our national history, on questions which most ever engage the deepest set of the American people. CONTRIBCTICiNS NATURAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. , By Louts Animas. 10 vols. 4to. Vole I And II now ready. MIARSPEAP.E'S COMPLETE WORKS. Now and elegant editlon. , By P.loll.tun ClOanT WatTil. 12 vols. poet Oro. Vols. 11, 111, IV, and V, now ready. PLUTARCH'S LIVES. Partly from Drydenie transla tion, and partly from other hands 3 the whole care fully revised and corraoted, with come original trans lations by the editor, A H. Ctormir, Big., late Fel low of Oriel College, Oxford. '5 Tots BTo. (Nearly ready.) THE BRITISH POETS. A complete colledlon from Chewier to Wordsworth. (105 voluves pubtched.) LORD BYRON 8 Tole I BOBllar Sorturev... 8 vole. ORATIONS AND SPEECHES . ON DIFFERENT 00- CABIONB. By Exiwiren Emery. Vol 111, A GENE ALOGIOAL DIOTIONARY OF THE FIRST SETTLERS OF NEW ENGLAND. By J*oio Sav age. 4 vols. Bro. THE LIFE, LETTERS, AND DESPATCHES OF IRA ,IOR-GENERAL NATHARIEL GREENE. Prom the Original Marinscrlpts, in pommel= of his family. By his grandson, Gsongs WaSnistiron eRIIIIM. 7 vols. Bro. ' DIOTIONARY'OF iMERYOANIEMS. - By yeas Ens. SILL BinTLEITT. New edition. 1 TOI.BIO. (Nearly ready.) ' ap4-my/A(811f MALLEN & SON, ' our,. d 3 South SIXTY{ Street, • Publish bin Day, REANII ELLIOTT; or, Volts in the Desert. By Rev James Choilen, ruttier of " The Cave of Mohr). idb," Ohrietian morels " This 38 a tale of the N ineteenth' Century; the mete. ride of which are drawn from actual life, as seen in the city end' intim rcral distriots among the lowly, the forgotten, and the neglected. In it there aro no Mart. ling developments, no scenes of horror and blood, cf petition or of frenzy, but life, as seen and known among ne t under the daily pressure of trial and toll, sweet ened and sanctified by religion—the moral of which appal le to every heart The work 38 printed from antique typo, op One won dered paper. • Itlaro., 41. ! Cloth $l.OO. Pass en the Sabbath. THE PE O&M' DAPS. a Laborer's Daughter, with a Sketh of the Author a Life, Or herself, and a Preface by en American, illerglinan. live Engravings. Cloth, gilt baste; 80 cents. HEAVAN'a ANTIDOTE TO THE MBE OP La, BOR Be Quinton Elited by Rev. S. II Tyag D. D. Cloth, gilt baiik,'Bo cents. *** "The Pearl. of Days , ' and. 4, Eff,‘Yen , S Anti• dote , ' have readied 'a sole of nearly 300.000 melee in Eogland We hero just issued them in elegant style, sad at reduced prices. • Able, New Edition of , JUDGE vntacnva NEW -HISTORY OP THE CON. QUEST OP M&$100. This great great work, which was eo severelsrarltiolee4 by the pailful reviewer in the Atlantic Monthly for April, 1869, controverts Prescott's theories, And proves con• elusively that hie History of the Dowsed of Mexico le not reliable. s.O Avery WOOD who roams allypireefinßlQD to lA. terature—every weltseleoted public or private Library —every preacher, lawyer, and teacher, should possess a copy of this work Utoth, $2.09 1 cheep, $3l ;Ulf NU, 13.60 By mall, post•paid, on receipt of the retail price. pAF'ER HANGINGS. We are now opening New Styles FRENCH PAPER HANGINGS, Imported expressly for our city tulles. We Imre also a full stook of NNW AND DIAUTIPUL ATMS 01114 OWN MANUFAOTPRE HOWELL & BROTHERS, 622 CHESTNUT STREET A . ]EUGENE SMITH, . cm. • PAPER. AND , RAG WAREHOUSE, - , No. 20 NORTH FIFTH STREET. Oonetantly on hand all klub of , WRITING, • • PRINTING', • INVELOP.II;• * • - WRAPPING, And a Superior Article of • • II ARDWARN AND BLASTING PAPIMB. marsh-lm QllO - 014DERS-01) Mids. dry salt Shoulders Joel received and for sale by- • ,„. , • O. BA,DR'it - - eta - 13 , 0 Street, O , I4OO LIA r *bows holt. , . _ _ • I X 13 I 1 1 1 TA 1' I 0 N .WA.NTED, .by - ti: Lad:l7 , jeir,l ',Wage, in i aWboleseld Ciroti»ty 1 1 1 .300311iiii: /lot-Heatiql:, Ititt a knowledge - of Anok teeptn,snd g r ill micro jahiabot Oneralli ne.rultroduiblek sirs= ' mimeos szliiip,„44dAvis JP ; G., 9Ltioe Of - 210 Pus*. ' AP s .: 6 t*:. '-.,. '.. . ", - - wEE,...wmimptr.--are'witr wanted'. in The taieeet lireerety -awe. between now, and itiont the Asa .ot .7nly—a therongb,- pieetteal Brewer' of Pale- and' Steele Apply, by letter, to ~B BIWMX,'! cast et ..,Phita. Aelphla gteitiefal 'plantains. - Node' lea a dret-eleis Brewer with the'biet 'Of rattans* need and); Married..nian #lO/60:1- 110)ARTNER WANTEDttliAA#l4lOInd' 'resperlabls GB tttLitlrlite, '10 061 41 1 ;: Hasa Cellilitit6l, with a - cash capital of $lO,OOO, isideilred • Yst copartner in a tespeatable +blaionGctlirbeir Bu I sitreibb established 3n this 'ear. , :iorcatirfee - Addrega PRAOTICAL, I ) Aktlit. Mdse. mhlt•litwt*t. AGITtIATIIO.;:orekITi:D-.15t '&god iB;.(Grouif,a,ofcldtteudezi!" .Coritontedsl• Gollogod so Asodsku* Book - keeper origstry. a Wholesale Da-N0.14U Jpbbigg. og ComodeatogLitome. WOuld make bhhoelf : asafal:to - 1004inployar, Good rofereneee given eel kOnosty, iddraes L . T. 13.. ,7 Poets Office I n !" • .50.35ge anb"tii_tie,*ir`,o2 - ; ;--:'- 3. TO ritt.-A. large - 42: feet front, by 48 feet deep, on a Must inexact - oat of PATINE Street, between 'fourth end fifth streo4 the' premise' li?ght be oonverted into a , machine sbop , or, two stables. Apply at 408 VLBSABV , Street appArnie SUMMER RESIDENCE TO . . EMI. A large and eoweenfint Weide Melt /Uwe, with ill the modern improvementtliarrownded with shade od ornamented. tress, No. - 98- ' IINION Knew Bus , Luis TON / S. - Apply to ' •••' -• • - • , < , • . • ,P. MIDDLETON, NortilllONT _LET., .IN .WEST PRILA.Da: delightful residence, with Lot I.o6itiat moor.; and abualaaae or Shrattery, at N. W. *Graft CUSETNI3I ,- ana - MARuASFTrA Street.. kotair - as above. - - spB BCia - - Apa TO LET lINITED, STATES HMV, ma, it AtlantleMity, kept :,liket 'yeie by-Webb it Pax ; hes; The hugest awl beet located Hotel at thet_plaee. Apply ' TWILLS H. DIIDLNY, • ' " Camden N. J. , V ALIT AB L E MARIEBT-STRBST- IiftOPiILiTtIO9 BAGS--situate between Dela: ware Seventh end Illghttt streets; 'known u the WHIT)) HALL 'HOTEL. , 'Let forty-feat WI - Indus fronton Market street, end ektendlng 852 feet; wore or lets, tolfitbert street: Oar further inrOtmation, WI on the akraer °fine 'proherty,:4l .the ;Union Hetet ARCH - Street: - •' 5p456215,, Tla RENT, with Board, three -, apaolona communicating Itoamei ca Second Floor. Also; Busk Parlor; -with or. without private table, at - 1816 WALNUT ateeet.• Referent*" eactkargel•- ap6-54* RE N T MODERATE ,on a,Loaae or !ma For &de olieip on - easyterms; the desirable eerier. property. _NM 628 Notth Busy:min ,btreet,, &boa" 4arden, with modern acerreatexiea,„ MIURA newly 4686 titit.. to cello!" delight(ta. . apB-Bte. SALE-4SE tiwgzzixo. 159, 1 1123, Wh19117 - i3,treet. '-betweei,Twelttk .wa9 Thirteenth :Streets, aertill std., . 0 4 :kr. 'deep, haying every. courivienes—"uirge eniunip:roun, two bath rooms, two furnaces, tow grate, oPeo ant places, &e. Pitee $20.000, of .which $l2OOO ishjrre. 'main on Mortgaipiat /tee per Cent interest, - , to --E. B. WHELEN & 00; ,a9otolOt rp • • • 309 WALNUT Attwet. A ORANGE FOR' SPROUL &TQRS. ' '2111:14. .1161. of 126 seise, in 11011,11&11 T01661'114 situated on .Wbitabileville turnpike, about aaventeen frit/Berm/xi Pbfladelptila. and only two and a bait Wise' !rem a railroad depot. Well adapted for • Dairy rardi :stream' orirater passing through the pita:Wadi. Will be sold a peat bargain. -,Torrorirly easy , int . full poitlaulars apply to , - ' • .R. 00880tf, Norristown. or ' HENRY: BOYD' op2-12t 258 6i. NlNTH ghost:Philadelphia. : am TO LET—HOUSE No. 122. .NWITH Es. YlioNT Street, 'wi th Teo Rooms Apply to I. RetbLANGRB k. BON, Rearßatste 'Agents„ No. SRL GRAMS Street. ' ' - ~erS•Stit maFOR SALE OR- , RENT:--;.The lesed some 111811111 NOB, 515 North BIXTI/ Street; with large side gird, southern expotmie, papery, flow.' era Lot 27197 teet. The lonatson has ailing" been the olden spot of that section of the atty. 'The house bat all the modern improyemente, and hanjatt bead pnt red,' painted, and pat . In eompleterepmr. Prize $lO,OOO Terms ea•y.. 'Bent $650: Apply on the pts• natter, or at 5) Beath BUM Street, (mond - story.) • sp24le jdadvhin . QELEOT 'PRIVATE BOARDING at to. 226 North TiNTll:Eltreet. Reteitinee sukisogel, a 156 dirt / 1110ARD.- 2 --A gentleman • and - rife . ' dentin Jug respectable Boarding for the Summer, in the neigh borhood of Germantown or Ohe.tont Bill- eonvenient to Railroad. ittl , tress ANORIOIP, at this Ofdee: eintf iEnntp. PHILIP F. KELLY & 00., -- • . (IWOOESSiI!tft TO 11.0111 ET 3. MU k. CO.;) •• No. 16 BOLIN STNNET, , PUILSIMILPEIL3 BANK NOTES, OpITILEROIAL PAPER, LAND . WARRANTS, BOUGIIT AND SOLD Also, Stooks Jsad Bonds, but onlyon-sonlrabislon -Spootsl attention giron` to telootitioo throngt)cnit the tantryi amt =atoms boas and retorao. :- • - , ap2•tt - COLLECTIONS, ' T.I6IOtIGHOUT THE tint* AND : CANADA, _ PR91112211r HADA DT ' . BAKTIR, WESCOTT & CO., BANKERS, No. 17 SOUTH:THIRD STREET.• . flOra ?AS R OIAL AND TRAVELLING iJ OBSIDITB Available in all parts of the world, opened with the how of Wenn. GEOBGB PIABODY & 00., of London. Apply to SAW,' MACA7,EBIIOI, t CO., fef-tf 815 WALNUT litrwet: , Removals. • REMOVAL- L. .. GUTEKUNST HAS ItHMOVHD - TO - H/8 ' ' NEW Model Ilair•Bressing and Bathing Eatablishrnanti N. E. Corner POURTII and BRANCH Striate. This Is the only COMPLETE ISTABLICHBUNT of the kind in that city, end, in feet, /its , ' any Is this country, or Europe The amximmcdations in the Bath. log Department are mast perfect. In the Italr-droseelng Department none but the beat artiste are employed. max24.lm REMOVAL. HANCOCK ea CO., MEN% BURNISHING STORE wad MANHVAOTORY 07 THE OBLBBBATBD HABIT SHIRTS', • HAVE 12.12dOVED - TO ' • No. 1026 CHESTNUT STREET.' •.' • snart•Rin Sul estate Otago gm' AT PRIVATE SALL—THOMAS & 1111 pc, NB, Anarloneire. " , 31egant and 'Valuable COUNTRY RR eT;knOwn as 1, BEL RBPOIR,* , front. log on the Below. River and Trenton - lid:treed.: 10 Aeree, with superior improvements. It is very beautifully eitnated, about 1.000 feet from Cornwall ) / Station. lhe house la handsomely liniehed with the modem Improvements and °outvote/etas, and wel. adapted for a winter 'as well an entainer rind - deuce. It baa all the neeeeeary ont•buildtogs—iee honed, well milk vault nab pond. &o. The grounds are handsomely laid out end planted. ' Large garden, several hundred dwarf std standard' fret treat, grist bowie, hot-beds, ' The whole - premises in complete order. " Poll parthadarion app lication to M.•THOMAB & 80Z48, ap 2,6,8 9&1244 Noe. 182 & 1418. Fourth Street. goose-futltistiing eacoo. THE OLD-ESTABLISHED AND UNRIVALLED ITUSEIUENISAINO . ESTABLISHMENT, JOHN A. MURPHEY & CO., 922 CHESTNUT STREET, Cole Agente in Ude oily for the New Merit OM (treats Gige and Oartiegee. sp4lx . kw/Ef tf NEW HOUSE-FITREISEUNG STORE, WILLIAM YARNALL, No. 1020 OHESTNUT STREET (o.Ppo9rrs TRH ACIADRIFY A/EtTa), , • ~ „ lathes lionaeloiepors sad ottiers, - to an ozomlnailon of 321oextensive essolto r ioOtot • • ELBEFUL ' ' . , HOSJ - SE-FURNISHING - ' " GOODS. • , : Alpo, r a beaatlfal Wertimolai . Hitt!) ClAtl.NB, OHtLOBBI : VB OLTINIAGAti, AND • - r • 4ELOOII , BDEfi, apl•trottortjacot • WIGHT BROWN, 19 4TORTI FOURTH . STREET, rosinGl4 AND DOMISTIO ADAM PrABMA AND : • • IMES'S TRIMMINGS, WOTOIRD, fOIte,FIXOD -WOOL; ito - ;, Oar long oxpertenoo in the I.7prhiert Sad inthesereitti the hist roarkoto of, tierope OD Ida! tote offer goods' t Suet prfoor se WIU Word ratiofootiorc to ertey ekes Of tin) era. ' 014242/41 _ . A . FEW TlOKt i rkinir.tte for Pror.. 4 -31 . D CARPSHTIIIOB : 09s0 , 110X4_ 1 11;47, 4 Piringat tut Qtke, I lit t Atfalg i r 4CA; 8 !".. THIA - Ote:idiy) inliliTifff; ' .6llstiGAFkri OUNIrAtIVISCS4AI3OI76I, Nk imatTretachtr4; oar 'Cloi4O, At* 'mute ; loud.Diuldroux. Mr. iiiria; Wkoollo)11**Nillix, -Txonelkordolixo; lobe Drew, .JONATRAN' , 116 Via. &want *wow Woe , grolastrolkllkkoVi Ilostaixlxt ato; 4allozy,lll eta ; eaowteretkaorolt ri IBlare Box ,to p 0, ! ...,,, j 11) fit, Thai Pripsto Box, $ll, ,DooroOpen, at I o'iloolt i - XtRollo", • d 1!1,111.!.3111111‘ wig W. WAINITT439PirIir4QTHXATJUI t : fx)tolovirnirtfititi WALNUT 1121 3 / 1 111: - eUn — terstliteger ,MFi L ate s ger, Air; IVlVltiedr. : 40,00N:mtwagei: .I) , 4lunitaNy • -ze., - WMigVnouNiVApi. I - - - ' Otto* 716.w,A. Poirri Deselemoni; - • TAlll.l,oolEllake BMW Pelee* or ao.mie-itter Ana TIIIIr4 'Vert / 6106 1 1 5 fw4rlSti, oft °lrate, - So eitatiN , Prisal• MONNE lovas , SS And, ill Singh e"01 1 *.g7 4 1, 10 . Doom open et quarter to 7 *Worn • Otatebt .dole COMPIIMMT:AaT xa '""` ißszkit. - • --( •- To i. J. PHAZER., Ett , - •.. • ••-•••••• Delo ale ; doers tiftOndir yanAtoxptairpit:,' TART 0014 OMIT_ In rentinloni Orman Irsrm - i!p thin of pint ability as an ART4IT,, - 4011 Maui ant you will be to kind as to doidpatlClits root agrotable to yoinself. John W. limner, 'LeninA. •• - 'Gibson noi000k„ - deeper fording, „ Hanle DOUR? - 'Bred W E 31:" 14,8holton ldsoketile - ' Beanie a Dalton; Herding, George Alex J. Mao Alexander Comi t y. SaaaoE Simmer, Iledelborrek Joel& B. OrAti.„, Alfred B. Datund.:r ' 3. - Alfred leenbrer, -, 0, • :William Gridlths,. _., • , ' • PhiladelphtiOktaielt 230.11/69'. • • 01171.1911111. . yotAingssiey tor,Utirballift yam ha" done me; - sea Beg to name the erindsta Aptin2th, at the tiosteal Mond ssU,for the eftimPli4. autAtsut , lau?On, Moor obedient eOrrante J. J 0, MO hem BUrib,24 •-•• " rtioDONOJJOIPI- GAIETLIIB, }JAC& SC, - -13 xiodinr.Thirdi, ", Alf AND 9 fuw.ter YL4os ; OF nettrazAtom. „ Min PANNT jellii6B: FM 1 UZA PIEHTLMALIC _ 'LOW GAYLORD ,` TOM GIIZAT 14.1LiOIST; •.:" • *JOHN CONRAD, Balladist ; • - Mr. JOHN VTGLpiIMS.NOI Mom. THIODON, rI - 4 - " - GEO. KATE LUDLOW -in hit PM BEMS. BILLY,TIIOIIO IllsistintiliP MEWL a ,rlpHaitlarro:VAßlETlESl 7 ={ - OsiCTikoip. tre,),'northrst amiss !If 1/.l' ' • - -• 3 , 7.611 Y SVIONINEV DAISINO - Alar WISNICt_ Cloteptistag Comte gad Seatiatestal Salladi r tlarsta Operas, .111ildoptiba Dellnestiow. and ansatafts, filth - - 'd PAW= lolcitriTLY. -- -, ootatnenalng at T. Admisidoulo °PAPENI 4 ISYLV4I444 41041DW'Fir M /MN ANIS , No. 20211 . IMMO, . 3 Ip OPAN DU= tennago 141. 4 9, 01 ),fris • , kisnitioloo .oi6lres UMW, Shires of Stook, anNtitog tito UMW* Emmy 16 minion el on times, SW. MUSIOALNI.IINDTUALL.—TILS MANI& OBOILIBTRA Rios 10/1211.1111. ALB every ALTORDAY. - Vtokria mks •,pookAgo of tiokoro for $l, Ida* be -i61041161 Andre% 110,01astasS Matti Aksadrisolh 41. — seW or Sem% sod Olooteat.soi - *A Alt door ellto perforation!. ooroostostolost,ll tPfillfbritf4. ll . 01-011( S.PRING 'GAIiDEN `SAVING. FUND:BO-, - CWITY QP pal LADF I LITIg. SOU*, No gelninth - _ 1411.1iTERED fipr ,1118.:LliGIOULT R Iti AP PIPW Depreits received in suns °One thAliiine Uptake and repaid" in Geld, Without notice, with I rug Nut ONNT. LtiThidprE from thit d awn. ,'„asy of.ll,Fpni4,li - ttiay _ _ A resperusible and reliable Isorinis lostitatleiS long been needed in the Mr:here - part of ass ettyi'vel The Opriog llama Eating rend lioeietyp AIM ellabr timid by the Legteatare of Paanayttiniii to stopiVisis necessity The , enlypite; in organising Ind' Wasting it, have been governed wholly ey it' delft 1 , 0 108 0 11 11.01 , ' date the business interim , and waits tot the sreerisso . and onterp.n,ing perdition by which it iiiitionadinde orli.oll - !ma St to 2)i o'clock • ,• OAP, co NAlliallr:11111C1f1136. DAT limb 6 until 8 Oslo* In thietesid*. - ;! - 64110.111113- Pre4ertek Klett4 - • -- 11steglin Sunk - Job , / P-Let7* - Ace Strng' Daniel tindetkotlai, anaemia - ' ,ramie Hart, , ' Joseph P -- Way! • Abu Kessler, Jesse' 8 - —3l sfsb - Joseph id• OoweD, Iton.Was2wismeres': - George WetiPPot, - G.o _T Mors' Peter o : Allanskstr Robernt: - Zei lorolebn6. .; ilesiers , lideLefft:' r „ • - P 571; "4 stqwai-,TAzu_ I/WNW AND LOAN 00301.1 . El„ !murex. of .011 ED f rag f iRRITANT.4. - • THIFLADALTHIA. OHAVERED lirtIiIddrATEOREINEETLi „ AliIA: AUTHORIZEDsok • HONET;IR DEOBITED WAN,. ' Iu dame from Ono : , 4.11 , 111 19111:01217.:11ITBAan_ Ia paid from Um day of depodtoratilyindarOM. Any 11:dia: diaa DO , ,IMARfIy tu irs uri fw .o.,, 4 lloo .4„ , sMe _ANNUM OPEN Eros:Vß*4 i ana 011 TUREDATETAtfunall,Earmißaoll.‘ TAU Uompany Daa diorite paid ap Oayital as a Adiairtti to Depositors. - ES.OHLIIGE, Its fi itiri Duty** • • 108. W. k.ol7DlBOrtis EWA; 7. L. WEITOHINBON' t Seery. Winn mil liquors. LA PERIM 1 ". RUPIS CHAMPAGNES. The indentpat hies bean ippotateit solo mate for the United States tool Canada, !of the sale :of the Champagne Wises of Mean.' JII.OOIIMII 'OCOntWie CO.; at Chalotemoar-bleanaj hams. Wit,L.Keigt Otte wines to the pablio radar two brands, nataati: „ LA PRIME • -3'03313; • The 4 ! Pimp ~, Wile is et expiate iliverstid taste, and is sismatied to compare trembly with ay Wine In the Americus market. • The 4, 811818) , V a• due Osbiust Obsierupeo, st! • beautiful Snby.oolor, whiadtis marvel to the wise. This wins is undoubtedly one of the finest Cabinet Ohicipoirues produced hi Itlineei sad, made from grapes of uhalosst Prom the bag rutperlawn,Uarlruadwi posseseires, sad large MOMS of -the well harroa limes of JAOQU*t Gimp 4-60., and their detandustimi to hwandi wines which IWO meet with the spprorsl of aliwitiiere s we feel piteitaded that a trial Will 1114 .SW* ell wo clam for the eueelleoce of tkessurfaso., CRAMER, ABM% & MOOTADOE,' N0..19 BROAD STRUT, NJW TOWS. The above Wines may be had at the followli* phjeee in Philadelphia : 701111 OAILICHION A Co On Walnut et.; Tacileme W. Zeoase & Oo , 283 Daacit ; isper Nasals, Walled. nut it. ; - Joe, 1. notes & C0., 206 8. front, him CHILL& Aturt, 214 8. front et.; Perearaeos,.4ooare, & Oo ,88 N. Sewed it.; Leweaaric Turn, 1107 Mar: Bit 118 ; T 0 414 1 2 02 81.A02, eons ' Choatent and Woad Its.; Wm. FARM, jr TweNtlt aid Okettnnts.a.;-hin. Man an A RAvir ego, 708 Marks% at ; Butow,OOLeeit,, ear, Broad end Welnn .aartain' Wad.. 1111'Webtal street; Wa L NiDeeret W00.,118 DortltThird Alea at the Allowip.4llotelet Ozetao Dolks, kaleamf, Brtsgi & vim Hones, A:1 Dian' Limreasos " Vet. 8. Clenrema. A Co.; lasosexes , Sous, 0. IMAM. & 8011. Clissalutmcs and Capartnerstilli. C _ OPARTNEttSitIP.- The undersigned lows tan day aiarolated themselves together, under the name and sillier HANDY, MORRIS. be 00., for the yorpo.e or telling wrought-Iron Tabor; NU tinge /to.. nmenfastared at the Onetherland nall and Iron Works and for transacting • a general 'Iron:0mo mission brininess. TWA(Late Y RAND_ ,Y - of Baltimorej CHABLIS W.-110SIIT8. Mee, S. E. ow. 1,941L1111T and ?SORT Steeds. Kuno 13, nee.- -- - - - *thlram THE PARTNERSHIP beretoforeexisdng between O. &' R_ PANOUABT;ittaIs day Mr qolyed. All persona having °Wan' rat the add arm present them . °HA& AtitOAWT.-N. N. comer TENTH and MELON Btewatic - - 00a5. N. P 301111 PANOOABS. • N. 8.-=The baldness of Beal.llaude arAer and Oen wejsteee will be oontiented at the same placate, 10254u* CHU. .11.,PANCOai3T. SOWYDISLIoER,u BARNES & CO:, aNDsebbso 3711110.111.LANN011 4 - 30H003 AND BLANK BOOKS AND STA 1031 CRY, - • - N 0.87 Not {BIRD *Weise below /Leak Patleoetpbla. - PttbEthers of the tellowlrg Impairs School Books, which are aohnowltdeed by 1, 11 inttilltina tllttkete who have given them i Garda examisatlea to be taut. walled In the r a.d.p.ation to the parpowm latetateil: - ' BANDIES , NEW sauna oit,Attlasiti; _ Clco*lallo/ of . • , . feeders' New Prlme,r, ; • - It _ 4, • /Int Reader, - et • " Third Reader, ~ • P,tth Deader, ' - ' - ' - ~ w Spealter,•,- - - .. • ~ ', Speller, .. " " Beene Deader, ' , " IC 'Routh bawler, . - ' " Ilighlebeentewier, , 4 ' 4 . Youeg.Ladlea , Reader. ,--- ENOWASE:NOINitIiEIt,iitABE AND arm ,- Ay -. aItITINIBTIO.I,- - - • • . I.3l7.Drot.ll:Drooks. - otlaetweter Normal Meal. - --- - SPLENDID BE4IEB cor larvae's M. ~ .They are' espaolally adapted to "thoie.hestionieg,ha well gusto those mine mtvaneed in thentnay News. :thy, gus they receive front theta • elearernod inure cos. seat eonooptton of the diameter_ and -relative - SW and pcs n tion of enry ptiyaio4 st.d pottiest feature, than can be obbiltnid from any other lisp extent."„ All the publiastioniof = .e • , . -ITh3ON &: PHINN - 11X, • AHD A: 8. BARNSB & BUBB. low TOlat, finy be fund on hand at N. X. Pitiolis/tere! arc' apn•in it • H P.: ja W. C: TAYIs R. DIPORTEIO,IO, TOILET ,- TEL.M2.I4! *DM MUT; Tuom TQVICDRY__OLSTINGS, - ,W811. - 411- -ir melataimaidi ai - abl ia ra; 4,61h4 - 4. OrOhm* xi* Grate Ban Be; 'piths bed wma. tam. szmowmiws /lOW Bibratb 3,141if1P1 11= 13a04 .