The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 08, 1859, Image 2
. • ).4 'V"*"-,., iliArAid °lt Allai " il4o. , liikilliuckliilib , re, . j • •• .:''..v:10.1 ' _ifooo *SO: • i'VP Woev- 41 F 1 -.r. • •• :.., -- j*t fif!!!Clilt?' ~ .. , lat i Viria, -- ' 2 4 4•2 4- - Igliiv. " ti ll iri 441 1011411 - •": ;', -- ' - -, 11101 0 111111 - ......* ~ ,V 4 :IA •P:i Mihail)* i1it: 2 4441 161 t- - '.14--'2116, 44 1F 111* :IVE°2;3"t44lllllos,irr,T " Viiitkitia itlila . ' w ' l 7l" l * 4 ' k t'ifitroip*PiiiPit itasAtifetepa, , • ,_-,Ai /Or _flOtallq, , . , .4 , :.,, - ..1 - .41.',. -.-,,- .1.„- oeitasit,'.WW* 4whllliVtlialt4eik ft.': • prtict, lOw ,• • • --. e- ‘,.,,1„.(0 , --Ir!•A t;tb , c ~0 -uskaioAkimito i 'i' --- :..„-_,„ ..; , ,.k.• - e-1 :., , ;'• *.: _"%6111:00 4 : Im i g- • 1 - i. tit wu`so:4lti• - a a Oat , ` --_, -- „ y.paiosa , well _ ,.. big.,,,,- - ' vsVegip l, - • 1 It, -• ' e;m4" imigria. ''' ' tit li*Vic . 1- X i bir - 4144 . 404iiseil pirriMi • blir -•:': - ,4, - -- 4 1 2ZIaliit 01610 8 :9 01 . 10 °-0 ik' `";. 'F ''' 4 . 'l ialli.iiiida ilia afdlt,latur ftiai44 :-.-: " .i.- .4 ..- -01 , 41 #110 1 42 4 tr l.ilno' dada „iii, i i, l4 l l .., ll4 l 4 'til at ir t : fr egaprom‘ 3., catib)istr*Addit: ti 7 *allot ' '-'• '- o?.-**.iffteilliktioodylftnirpta‘m, - t0, , 1411 , j _ : ' - 'ifthallig tiiiii6salWx.,"o-4 0 04 ',WPY! ll4 .?Uk7A,dt,it •-••.', . 4•• • ,,, m , 'ob.: . .i,k. - liouD'qutaititwaituiuwiAlUrioda: t ~ ..• -': .:NT•ft' liiii41110• iletelai ilikr o4 l l o 6l iPleitteat , • -- Aiiiralifkli4o l o o4o;l4o oettOi lt , 4 o l4 3, f ,,if ,•,•-_,44Aviiity..rlA4-Ali Oasea a tb l- , ;T! ~- -. ..13.**0# ..supeolto...: -- , ~--t i e fi -6,1,5 : - --- _:wim.. • isiffli• l o ...._,,,,, u ' ."-,„,, f;.lr 7 oo:efg.; ~slorejo , l ll! 4 °' ..lT'":"<"..4': :- j ” • - 'k4 4 10 1 0 , . 1 qt 1 ":t1 1 0 4-447 ;t0,4 1 0 4 ,0 4 4, '".'''Pj iv e‘ -VjEltf e it i tW. , l l -# , :igMjNP-1 1. , ~. ,) • ,-, ~. •-•”,. -,- -=- ~'- 4 •:), l tss', ' 4vitgrobs - seotykiria i iisi iv , ' 011•Wiet 11101•11114 ItariArttk a. ._ '' ,. .st.ll6ll49Plalla"Kwiz."-I•F•eeT7-ot 4 „ --.o,:to_Ht4tro, •(,..„j, , Wm* 10 , 08.a.all'Olokolawi gala 111- , , si4 V ''' ‘P l it , • • ' i ' ll l, - •-•,', *, yet C 7l . ;- s ti ' t .* l6 - 11 ' , • ..... - lotAld ' ~ --•: - .:jiitiiiiilibi•iiikft• iw. 7 ll# , ''' J if , 1045,,_ -'-" 44 0 1•••220•9 0 56• 4 6 • 6 •1 6. • 4 41 k • • '!, l'lli a, VI r.. PM liar OMIT harlot 1011 , and , - , .. • -'- ;tit OinktfkatoallrortatOisviateaff , old eon 0,. Offi — la*Vrillaallopfat, . tballatla IA ( Mar : a f larrMaa i 4ll : 4l4 " l kL.'ft iliff4 " 6l • -. • - 4 1 0• , fi l b Wilailil 44 llihwWlsAca!l- , .... 4 -,...,. , Me mit 2 . 10.0 ::.),•041.0....- , .• :-'-Ylt.'l4l;l6,,P!ligliref-i-;", --ittLritakprit.lr4l, -:.,.... - .;''ot Oliii! Dioliki-railiolafAtlileVlbtaa v • - -.:; , -,vfoliitevat'4ll4 , , 10 14 . 141 k 40 , 1001n Iti fr ; tlW ., l 4l- , • :-;.'''- 'Otoolars bt/ io: -- ,==11.. " low i g i Ll diftni - - ''.•'" li sl ' iiiilkeithilad - oPAW:mar4Ol/ 11 wmi 111 E 0 4 . ••• - Ili* ."{ ' '9Aa 4 -411W„dirit4V, A! 4U. 4 bitiiiieloidpili; ikulatilallum4 l . . -91 , r41i ~ yir f‘iioititurolor thalt,)!Gl Iti, 1411 ", 1 i , . . x yaw is Aril al Or , ifiratiet i =4, -1 ' -• . tigiaii - mie , i - rivo*eatiwr -.- • r ataito.i. . '-.! -_ ToteW ~ . . 1r.,. ram 1 71 14 . lA . bwita=t3l,l - : '2 ' a "; '• ' • '41 , " -- " •- 71 1 4.4 - 4 400 1 _ . •• . • ilkilb4 ';- -u.--mi a ' l4 l 4l a cafrZ= l 4 ll* oi l At • " - ' f*- 4444':• ' -• "'' - - - i*W 'T '0.01444 *Ow ' • t - : . 4.l. :,Mbio : ' , =:ii ibiZ4.464i - te04'.0.641 -- d, _ t.blaloll-ially,aromaya,ofiliii , waiTalaiklaY ildopollioV:1140 1 1 " 0,001 , Astat4o?solWaelaiagnor of-anoulso, aoisi- TOottaltwa, AfAafagrAliaaflf,..olllvdillsoat. yolii-, -• . 41. - •.:. 3 " 4.0v0i1000 , 01404/0. fari ...' ' ' 7 .01C-10, - **AltAttlOP! ~ ~ NW WAWA 0 11 TAftr t i - rt . 4.4 41' - ' vinr::m4l 1,4 ~„.....10.1 trtr. .., , ,tf,„. ,:ni,, A rie ii pp o rti ,-_--- sef _"' . -,' :- "- ---' ,''.' .'. r - -'i•, r s 1 i i or a tMa 4k .x W 4 t C is l sit 3 ievr :g G s p i . , s i s i # f D P i , c w w i . l4ie l l oNllwik llo bl ll ooil k n Ks I ' i tai i r i r• k l v l - U' Far Wvat- i awVilf, sq tztaawa N • 'r. ,fr:4lll"j"E l l:bit t , : ll" .l:ar 4Vikrplislea%lapili644' eyStet!:- vone*l4Orbantittr liW:: lfiftaiOillateporamelkintetarkadoign - ' wasat,whimicrenred,by prsnet•of mind. .wo , bat , "bk as'. 4 .l, 4 4l , l o PsaaCtftblesfoglb". 'lt u tapoo:libiklolkawaillitk*lWWWWW. 114M0anut : !/50,4,11 litilalitallijii:444,llNt it 40,14 pitom isr- - - ' - 'l l bwirirlail ''lo3wavya tali, eiliekt.,_4ri miAel! ,- !atliiki-"Oilt, le UM:Niter:lt liiati.Tillook WI: di *VC • _ ' - :.)?;').tkilialebingitiol - IthktbWVlZltr4rA m e,'itt :rit l4 4 ititt 011 4 11' r*O mos - a adrilk3,4*,:.4.4mAtaotilf , i*_' , l tarthik . t . lis , . -, _-.:.:,, , p ;it ., %_•4,..:, IA -•- • *la .7 7, • . 0 71 - KMM/4 1 lbsegraklY. Ow _ 4 4 1 : •* 1152 = 0 .. r • ' ' -.,. 1 14 6 4 104 k ; itt riL m eat ha , . '' - 'k al ‘lOVllMi.%.ll - Okle4 .-- Atilif 1 -, 1 1 /01 - hi/ilia iiikilattiitiiillii billiklifee4 kit: - roin4 ati4artobioiviiiiarnigtha ow - ' - ow bo*lt 4orialitwlltktbrilhoro - M.k.,' ' nil **;14•4•00, 404iiiitsodiss: g '-..---,' " m i , , - laloiloor'iati,Nia 4W:hit 0 8 .44, -'- in.., • wfl•iiklitlaV e llanaliWe s sw"Pioaill 710, 01 1: .1!". 1 0 PilirtiEllhP - :.--- ' , sll4:sioritil liver-au - a . inalei ' ,4k r itig-au N k t , .: -- 41101111001.1-. of autionttesimeiv•ftwitir -,',' ;," ile,Ml 2 4 , 4*,ools4s,rlo o 4thir*Oalmilia, s _ -, ~ • "• •: pookm. ,-0- ' , :ira. ---,,Ni0.,, ;, . Rialt o -she d-11rharti weir debaboal loori • ,•-••.'.'.,* 44, 1 *4 1 0.1w1Kj0n; kamrsetp•rotri • • --- ,- :._ts; ,_ sr . tat afl! ID Dltel i telallirr i„ nlbli '110141“1 -711 ' tqW4illiot viiiiiiir -" ' • - -- - ' • Aral ttleporlok,lOetia'. fleriel , , orita i roe= j r i l ti,al=', b i f ' !4:iit - Ll, v..04a - 1imk..•0071. .. 1 1.. - ..10115**. : . ...,,-, 7131b ir. „ li v e r. tair o t t=. 4 '- ZW- ' :=-!''' ._,,,.:; , :i.bu1t i 0k1.",...?tz „ S I . ,abatf.frof lhoOl•ileftt., - ,ffa r'l. _ •, "••91.11boi•oirloioi• 1110000 ialoworoapllkol AY** laulmialloYailloiNora as a man inmil mate tar his - uretemok . „o o• _„,s - • _ .;ub d" tots. : .t, ...1064lititi fe !. l ,Pl2ll#Pliy'. tr i rwiftwltu f fr,,IT t , r,-1. re., .:: - •v ‘7,''", I ' l o* 311 4 10 1 Pailet m rAlly lliAlfk =, William- ..pu, Orem 41:..., _ : 4$1114 " - ' *to= .j,. . ' .: . AW-.., ,' - . :.',,• - 2 ' .i - 5 4," 4" 4 1*- : r ..:....,:.,,,,ni.., ~.,.....,.. am .. T -1111a14 11 4 1 k ttri - - A . . ~ ‘ . . 60 4 1 '4" ' i e1 0, 1 7: . :•- '.'' M is e r lleiltleyoulatilWn &Ufa dollikolZaia' 'Myna A* elvITL' s ' ; 1• • .': ilf r d o 0 a * "Li -,li kibw Illt I la it -04' . lkJi a ilia i' , -Ill] art : :- ''. CI . - - - ' 2 " l AlLo4'dtioishtl- iiii arandaufplar:7la th ee MO*4l ;4004mbeftOMPP0 11 s 1 0" 0 411l1 A 1 .,. - liollaalwll4 l 4 , o,ftflklgt•sw 04 11,. . .•-- 4 •i t tt o, o4 tf.eauatur/¢7l*- • VAT , - , _n bights XXlttif*,"6l4e 'llllloolKibittWast timn't*;',lii - 4401infilAt •in eamootillivroadoliflkiffoOtall. 1 ,1 ! 6 '.. 1 4P1ii4 1 " tr.ellso•PLolialiba,laau , i.L. ,•c . ~ lalls4,.** ll lkookellaltlinataittaarto hest Maw ' ' "I F UdgNriklbit'lla“r,loo/ 611 0 1 ). IT;444ektasidligif 4iMi-M fi 1y , ,,i1 0 4 4=4 1 ., ' 7 _ ._ • tbelikeiliiiiVlPZ - 01=4 J: i t.. l' ' iiii 3 7_t t . i ' a gOOkinii l .- - - Milli abilgoo, la olkwe tospistrit. haw " Imola bi= • thotalavoildek-timheroolliolkomaluis - ihenilitlows of maw* ••ipli Ilia Mei at 441risliall Jai:MAW ' f• bir itutoo: tr/f WIPP( aril allg wolbudornatigifor• ' .., perilous-wt ' ...wsMhirw, , OAP@ ,k 2 01444 1 4r , kg olpkt _ , -OW *dolma, law. • , •*4 1,0110 aria ' itir balms hisOlfad;jiati;., f ~lniffijftl '.. Ilptliyhoy li ke* alWiforir Oa: cea p et t = 4 0 % " lf Pill-_ 11 .14:1 - 11611;1100,...111, . 'hots aleloaalear„llao,l6-• opsfarl "Tat Eutaw oy sae outaiiwoklaocrosatiityabribo”.arlao , '- (C. 1 . 1114 00 1 .P1e$ wkw,awaitaillo 04 erlillabwAiriV ' tblgjert .4alltilkit lilonHat , low law -lot is •lowwAflwillli.4ol l .4*** 4 4o.4n,lla • rot ' ,itisolithillkor., thoi - f •', A 4 1=414 itviNtiunkri,ill'irgw' ' ''a ~,, ~.....', .',, rdealeit-Itualiefaittist rialiP MO in :911g, _ _ 'lll49olWeetz ir - Thrta , V .4 , : ,,, ,1 - k. - .,,f ). dgr.-: - , IT ~• - P, l ** 6 oo lll swee.theiriiglis atiowyth; tea I mar; • , - aut, wow .m.tiolor, .t ..o.* tlaamaultn not=*, 000tholoaolly ,lkalloolty,,bap at. 'that • ' •'' .. - - 1442 1=1 irlddloililit•Plor , • .'",,I,laal . • imaisoilortis,-iiii - _ 00_110 pama, time thailly. 'alisoorrasOlirldolie*Oli - b' y e llslyra of • : pocliiikelibait,:slitonlitsl . --- ~Attript.-alimiriciti27 -p ar.f- , -••- - E il . - 40 - ' - ' 1r sa..w - , Ili .. • - " • ' , igi•iii,, 5., —l* l tirr i '; -. - `,.;-;• , , i er ..- ,_. ~:.,....,,,...o._ ; • ' Mit- - ', - --- ofoffialliffloarollaff " , Mc ' llitr witalioe imintr•ter,Ait-t44 , l•ifoi•at.xionaiy• L : : '.: 0 1 ,„ A*: A*ll~loier,! • „ 1 ..,. P ~.PAil• .44 1 10) sAkibitmat a- iviw. ,_-• ~ .-.-. :- 411 V 7 14Watr t a a riflidtp0 11 071 . 3 IT - ' kik ;1 7 t2iFilEr it ,,T4XXV i trai , ', ovall!lir of:, . ..-yot t. '.• lbtillertatV'atialblwOr ' Wirkiliel i s, "IC ' . esllda4rmlat-Pallialloit 4//iffifid of oatfoklifie:. 3a 100 opi e : f attott ogalialt 'sliotolluo*aifolbilkitiolirkl , oioniset ti . vo.. l o...boacoelll4. l ***lWAtri. - - Till *WWI' la* of Pow 1110.-AOfaatalt: tilt • ' . L. - il -.. - Mltifi*tiOMM, l l4*. ill I = i_dit "tivirl. Mwowfilltalula. ila 4 _ , blot' *OW Allieliaiii: yll _ -utv i pobly Au_ , itoparliat tolii: -II 'gins, •day. . el II: llietlaa'' t,i1,11.0101 - ffirifitibitigiviamtlistfldisk Akita fd hit - Allwiti , sagicirritsilllNii slatetiVo "Sell 'p . i. m§..lrr b ~.. : 4 1444 1 a d altrr, r O. liolaJilo o2inldgll 44lk'i +` r met. i. , t ;, , okridoxicia, - you fa • a il if i nowatiluq,„ a i r !Iklr'; • ' goa‘losisollaal , , As Anil :,^of, • sacfloar ',..90040 '', , ' 41oitosini4a_noor-Velitlas , _,, law ....1 • ., • - _ : ill 'wilco:dam: iftltair_yrol i..„. - 1 ,S , Al4.lkartrlf lll o, l K. tiki: ~.,4c ,e... 142 ~,,,t1,,, ~.,,,M,w_iff”.4 o 4 1 4 11. 1 .14 . 0 . 1rt0 • -:: It i . „ . 1,•• • • !' - •, A , '', '7 - '747 '%WA . • "- A" ' ,o . rtki ttferA *i .* *difo.llm4,:k, veitouora triviotasoloi e , ' 1, l •/ i 4 or l• y P4• al * li -.* /I._lXl , lo4 l liittala aoaolare acoliwar - • irlik 4 .4lro4)4ooipotweslaaaosj lowiloira i • 41, • , _ it 4 i irollafaCs s ritrobt - r. • it il ''''.,„ ''' I",itkiitio .Tat' --' - , .'llitolie le • ..:-. - ,4 ' w v. , '-',- be A , r f4tior , IL . ' te4l A lt g' a* a z " . - , willittandilwo4 $6. •:: 4' , 41h6zt• v - - 4 6 " - :,4tikelipirttkallal—v l oll.l.ime ~ sad . , • i „ ~ ., L ...A #,t,, _. ' r,)/oroairocc '.•. as ' Il i 'r - 014 ,? thiP, EliAlotiAlia. w 1 t1 1a.. - iL .461 "i ' 0 01 r 4 ; 214 11 , 4 0 W 040 k '.• wilairoo.o.oooisidali-' Olaf AI , Ai ill' , lar Eitigfi t ilbit**4 iii; lit" , ',.a!iii, ”iilLialok - -.4 tibial, Vak." - . ' r t s 4:1 - riaDAYAORtri V al ," 8 , 1 4,4 , 8*1 1 04t en k 1 r..,.:- , -. The Democratic citliuMe Of city Or rhi -100401111 anaerobic -MIMI Meeting, at the County Court-bottue, in , Quatter Seiielone 199Mr.9P - Ektarils, eykven_4',epek,to,elect•delegates, to the gar tisbarg EtoiAntionl to Asseemble on the - 18th '-;;l'aillin*ok-14. Protesting agairuMtbe -war of ii :0*,44,t0,r040441,a.:k0ttiti no* State 4ighte, `.and, PKrrotple!of.non.lntervennticu)bY 0 °ingress iith I#ollll#l,tikpifilt*ie4;4 o l;_ntonn 4 titeriln• nl49ilifitioo4i4Emictitire.4lthlike `iren 41itaipoit the or t,l`; - . Stelae, are car- The meeting will oe mamma by a number '' • - - . Thu , Nestli - '.• ifheSteauferi!t.lndiam'Zltiii at Portland, Jifeinwp;ll4 . ll4 • 44iO4 one 4'10111,04 'titan" those; alriedyseettlijd:/ , The announcement of the pro eete&dottgries o>a the tinestiol; - $l4 [ the • ' aptthit France Lae agreed to caused [belief.Mee , and " mubly Jwitoyapt, to the fi`itAbutP/; vague at the eleee, 0/WU/Arlie dissents/kitting • the prOpoidtion, rcireifedAstivist,:and:iivartiel reactid6o The id thiLifliipOel 'Market was fully, liouu t do„ „Irani:010h: and_4,oo.o,for..,expott.i :They market' oloitg Breadstuff /were. bid rolteUilt-li'Plevitilenii for .7'money; Week'. ~ t - Aater;Aeistfrpte, , Oeptth hue been regelied.. . The 4 7,4itiese , ,conisAudiniere bid aiMadY . , been: pointed to proceed-10 Naeliington to ova/angel rata= Ileiltionettbulitefireaty; , The' Btualin OonsO- , ; - , 'ioditto:s4.4ainOiiitt6 - ganitgew the _POtiitie, , The ttlittitd.Ailcolde vi;twifti,thi hat , bo%»par raj ; .bitt;ll4-041f4. 1 400 1 iii PO hurry with the repairs . > ika IhuslehlbrigV 4 llhelialee; whh*: had iteiAto s N4iii4hkfOre , "Blfeugbaso;:cilif - nOt ,- "aV -, !fco4l44ittold; aid AO )4 101,.:'9#_14 ?4t, - :ot e - 4A ,kr.lia4; ' vanes of Okertliwing no, treaty betweercDaninerit. - juiti - 41104L , ThttYaiastas of treaty Powers . ' i•tatiko .- 4#4l7l,lo4lWCiliceeitilitiiik?' of ratite4. bons, inififthe'psitou treatise`-of 30th, January, 18511,1,4 a ifidttionil articles o(ldth Oitober,lBsB, ,alreadyitublisbed:- , The Japanese hove mow pet ,,,Mimithi tepelf billooks to loteigners, which they --11O.stg.(0,0PittuttgiOleid;'_19hOterti has been iag 4144,:amk,*(Ailailf northern Pirt of • ', A fall pluiningrip4to report of I - , iigiktiirta:t44.l ea 'it boliptegkiief,'Will be found 31 - Press AS' the ans. Joitlyfor-Ohji partial/1p of_ this:, extraoidinikry we make no apology for devoting so largest' 'ipeoel our ianetto the-details. -It is .0 great "feat of - "• ~,In the BtateAmtate, yesterday, the MUM &bal. Nistkilas, in this city, puffed by wroteOf It to 4 T. The bill to incorporate. the Thirteditit'aiict.Pifteenth-streati •Pasgenger ../Alkthe *up ! , the bill liorate - theTweifik ifiXTl/14 - littll:streetiPausetP: get Binds, wait ,t3toteritor Pub/vbs. sighs& the bill ahoilebing;, theßoard'of Guardians of the Poor of this - pity ? ad, bait ft/it/Prior Peoker entitled to the thanks of the - wholiPmniennity for . po. relfwirorthy-1411:uot; - ; ordiainile Councils,, regn /itt4tif:the lit.rige"o Ordin'44i: Vehicle/1 in streets' In which c i ty railways are Jam, has hi/Witt/lig/id by ;she and: is mei, a lair. -limier the pre ihdons of this bill vehicles peashig along the track la"the"direction of which travel it bive, ' the_ ight of wa y, and, vehicles goingin the'cippo ifte'dirpOlOCts. most Lions, - ,, the new ;British - Minister; hes •at last arrivid:".2.lo'.lantieO at Aittspolls yesterday, !Aid this' M Yraiiingiim otii; mba r pinio;.o,roppt, Coate, .arid Oi - phua-.are o •, be hung in Baitimtwe to-day. The , BlitisuopSiditisStirswetiabt evening sitys u. Wit p . 44 - s , --itgit id the jail- thliiMOrl?lng, and found it largefnumberof pernnis'hinging around the walla abd:tifei; at anxious to obtain a view of th e seeirol , upon which the fournnfortunate sein'arate be nog Uri:dolga*, • The fiiends and rolatbrestfytheel , unfortunate ones are epending the down them In their cells, while their spi. tituarcidvislein "ere- dales everything -in their power to pmpare them for the solemn and awful thing* that awatta them in A few ehort hours. ,;.-_ 4 1 They "caritas lreely, aid during the main portion-of-last*glit they were engaged in reit. pious exeretjet.- A gentleman this mottling sent to;Pittauterster , lor itte , eintograph, when he re , turned a plisse of tetperirtpon which were written !hies' verde :; ,-, '"-liray 'ler me.' They seem se, eignedlethilir fete, and , now give up all hope ,of Rhostitiva , " elemeeey. The 'ministers whom they • har* selected will remain with - them during the ,watire• hlghtOnetrueting' them in those things :mblolfpettait ,4 4 theft soul's interest: Every pre iparation kiwilial =dolor the execution." , . i / 11,01.44 ,, qt . 1 i.01f."-IC, o #:'hen eMP* 11 4, 11 .7 /3, i ii; .s,, , the Menem of Mrs. "he , - . Tafin44 "" lll = 44 , 4 1 vii r - , -i i i a • , t ,- A Z:. 4. teC•oit., . Arai ds • „y o pfnfk - gcrot - 4 , ntaii . ,uoriotnntilit- a. letter to the ~oessied, s rlhe6 i iiistsilied *Croak; designates_ the lii,tlyzit Ar.ppyotalog* #11 ; - Werit sort Alf murder, faii4,),l44eoat„,laiffionli, of detection, and declares itliatf - hy ostinset:ionielve that be should feel an• itboriaed , tai'interfercs in `sty 'Otte Of poisoning, ;where the_ guilt fa *arty praied, and especially lethal:tie niaidereela the husband of wife { : lie l'iPflifilell thss had; from A awful - review of the .6videneepthatifts.^Hartung was guilty of the de; tliberatb murder of het husband by'poisoning him: Itt'llfert` refire:to the general aversion to hanging 'srwoman,,but thinke that Public Justice and the "f5if04.41./6,oiiiik lire i esquire it in this instance. ; Therefore; he,. cannot commute the sentence, and: reload. that counsel will *urge‘Mrsi. Hartung to • cause ttr hel)iffer Exicistivii olenraney. ' :' ' " ' I ",iv)o - raore Wife-fallionere Itirrejast been eenvlet e4.44stfineek, awfal • mime. - In Attnilton; Q. i'Vf.gobilditcshellwanfoundiality, and sentenced let bstitattglattlhe 7th of 3une, and in Coburg; (3. ;Ir.:;zpir. Tiiiieltie,bain, ?mind guilty, but room- I4Dji Inietked - te laiey.: It mud)). a queer kind of humanity that , recommends a man , to merry who deliberately ,raizeis: poison in s wife's, food, wel l knowing , th at eat;that, food le certain death., Buiiii Opp* ha wig day, he did It. , _ ' ~ j The Detroit papers of April f; th give the pirtiou. late of an awful df a wile by her husband, lytket illy, J-The Mia's'lstinie le 'Edward Bene- A 1414 ,TherdLiiiir - flici.:lsle i, ' 1131 s kat that was; known , of .the affair was when a panserlby heard the cry of, murder issuing from the small hoses eeetefisd by Benedict ending wife: the door flew open :on, the instant; and he dunned ANL BenedieY partielly on, the goer, it her husband:standing:over her, having the knife In his hand. c.- atetruched , out of t he door; fell, and . siModl buniedistelt expired, • lie , was taken to jail at once, And stated that he had killed 111i:4 °, 1124 :9144i1l fromudelir - 4 .7.thdedii.ol; wife gstve,bletkso a child and taunted him by, say ingthatlerans not hetet/ker. , Ile says that buts iilent ••., thee;,bsfore „ he) ieelased , over' ti, her all ,Of brarpraperty, land 'that lbeing „lb. nue and histrlaS Edo her owsrlipstbst,rastbda 'not 'been true to him, he, without knowing what he did, stabbed her, L.-ife further states trait a moment before he had no idea of committing the deed, but -Pissiorrovereame him, and her death, was the re maw Always that going le Stet° prbon is nothing compared to the awftil - thouht,that G 6 ,1 will tot- 1 ;forgive him, and that he Stink,' he will not go to 'Etats prison, but before that time will be <d.!' • Some months ego t all the prisoners in,tl4 Dai l 'tin, 0 4.,46g-ode, their ' Neap!. Among them mks in instentorac but dishonest,;person - named JoisphAdellinney, who .bas not been: retaken ) it *unheard." of, his companion Were-captured 6,, went :19.- Oinebenitt,WhianY he wrote to 'the; i aiteiii 'Jailer isii littotionite billet' of reMem- V coo and eonildenoe, and sent ' Lie lova te,the :'l lli ii n et t tliz ott :olly thi wti o dit il lt i e s w ri es e ob b ll i ged ia ,n t n o til tru h lt e . ; ' . :441 Of tit iteir Mad Oton;loit km,,Vh or 6 kW had t o • '; . .a.igialliliiii large Olt fisblonable alldlondcs :b lidera" on , his " Travels in - • the , Boly hod." 4 kb thoroughly giiintedne4 the' innocent' people _ lteitillbul lion Ant: kit `Was invited ' y the tiro- . I to 1, 'di* ilkeolleite' VS u repliat his iraturei before , ihnicetndente,LliafortunatelY, a Minion of iras hew sou looklig out for the Oriental traveller, and his;lnd obllikticiiradithi its course of hotures titianiielittitilWin ord.'s. to "maim. .4iVr_itof„ loPtif,,V l 4'St* elWe,that the Potiti , mer. Assists are buylngiargely in that vicinity to sap , ' • ply the West. markiti. Large' quantities of t4tatoes Os Ocaleabillinthe rill - road stations, end r t riliaal4: 4 oiledilifaio 'B 4 l 4 to'r (ili'veland. ',The: phg,'Plefge Herald -, advertises 3,006 bushels of ,Ilteses; ntost = of-thein Ranch Blows, delive ra ble 1 filat-trilistpiat 38 *onto per bushel. Send same :#' l ' lll ol4 4 #7.',': ':;-- ' ,'' ' '" ' „ :-.` • , ' , xr4towi,k47 '-o. the'Eplase And ,Itears in4rriaa. wiral)ronght up agile, inoldentally, in'the Supreme ,Cistit, l aelteir , York, on' Wednesday. Mn. , Henry 1140.1Wirai,ef ttiosni4gof eigkokiti hei; been', In4Ciiti:OPT%!ii : iiiiiiik W Mil , t 4. lor , J l P,lier , ,oA4 fio defends on the ground of; eetfoff„ for raoraiy i , 4sethins for thir t lioira , and oare lifdllfr."llekerq' Ileughter. , , ~ , ..: 3 l':. , 4 ;Let .'o'"% Viii4o4l l 4ipoiytiot Or tie itooii4llo 4 . , ' o• t owl. ono II a rumor at ost the rigp ottion it the pyjOVit , (loyirpor General's, tram o'f office; tile Editaidlitisehrlytteraviiil be"sent dist,' P', I" the Bata!) pillows inform • to that leS:;'10 none *Oita iiicahlliteipkolined In the Viol:tityi of alai' JO try"; U.o4±iffVOA , on ..Ta..ofKisi xondiii - , , lippoo.lhO hoodoo ptraisok•zoyi the ice extonaol pt ter raseraddefiblis'Aiitimte On Iliad ily'sral Wed= 4 416 "/ ) oo*#l#'')k a i k- ; 1110 :: b eii;i0t rifitir ;, :-,. _. , ~-_,:- , ~ „....- ,-..%.,'. oiitvw.o4lo.llaigm*.if.:lfiu.)i,E.,,,,,, brayer at 'Niagara eityl - sirt lit painful AnAdtlisifilirvibeififlloisbr:nEktladt - thet Min be F liebist' efiiii,4 l, li(lf(illi,4o/*; two #4 l tt , Allo i,Jjek),4 - ,44PC,Aida4O 4 , 'si, - : ." • , „: ,' . , : :pi The,, le to . be Pained to tile Corhifitunon, ': ' t lA`,,Tiirifitia v if titilltsjuietAilior' pot)i broOoilii of 11,Itlie e*:*i,,,teld; yesterday. In _another rt . iipssakiltiiiiice..lbs . micniabe;fpund. ,-, • : , , `.l',.,:iat . et/ 4..".41 evee , Li , . 41112., ..1... , s`.. ..,,,, Party is'olltica In England. The debate, in the English Rouse of Com mons, commenced en "Mindai; -March 21, thotiknominsily*Mitid lA* the accuse- B - eirM, pm did not Vitn, .*'did:not give 4fliAing at Perlis, Monter y)Mt(Ctio*ignatetAntaber of the People-AiWellimde u rsimid its,actrially being an attack by the oftice-seekinii VO'higs, headed by Lord JOHN Roseau., upon A& Liberal• Co nservative Ministrx of which rd DEBBY and 'mtr:D2saAsafarotheleadinginembers. Asyut, we have recolve,d the report of no more thaw ..the first nightht , debate,, extending .overl.,six ! : . tain'efoetily Pirlitet - Columns of the :Morning Herald, the :tdttlilifhitiing ocenpled'ivabinit setenntorttd houreiand the debate thrialening tii4treich -- oveitWOr.three' other aliening/4, by successive adjeurnments. Mr.o,op.artst,-,tybppriglusll,ylqtrodneed the Mlobitertal Reformßill; having moved its im pend reading; Lord Anttißussir.S.PrePO,s,,Piu that fie. measure did not go far enough, -as-it did not provide for a greater extenalon'ef the attifiagepli the cities and boroughs. --Of all men living, Lord Joint RietiaiShasietie right titt:assitine the leadership ast i a_Refo,ruter, oitAhugreund:4 consistency. RxifitlY half 'a etnituriTagii; When kr.F. BAR: MT. made• a motlencfprParlifunentary fern(, . thle"very Same- linisms would not ,pledge himself tenupptirta measure that went ,the length-of proposittg'altinquiry intothitge nbralatatd of the , representation, Contending _that' awn an inialry'was - :Celetilated to till the Abide** the people with :vague and Indefinite alarms I ImMediately after; he made prope -1 sets pelts., min fora sweeping Parliamentary Reform, and, byway of balancing the au:count,. 'Soon lin - Essay, on the British Constitution; in which he contended that rotten taironghs: Were the `safegtitird of Britain f In 1881.82, be, inettglii s iti _billsfor , anni slating such Of-these corrupt pocket-boroughs aff not belong t0,.4p,c),i0 brother esti Other Xhig peers, and landliorda.-. liont- 1882 -to 1887 Ile insisted; ali:isrpnctorully,- on the ib intality, of Lthe,Reterni that be wtieniCif:named Lord .Tohnlititiliky.l -Yet, , in 1851,in 18620md , in [ 1854i be Pr,iipospl' nets Refoni Bills; merely 143 - .004 lei* with, the masses, for lte never -teak any action oil them, beyond introducing than, In 1867, atilt bidding for popularity, ;'he brandished another Reforin - Ilill in the face the,,,country,Witich induced ,faratnewrort to One, also: .' :Filially, in 1869, when the Conservatives actually'srelwatiting to 'As Whit listAimi"atiti kexacznirra falsely pier wised, down - comes Hussars, at the head of his Whig perthians; to prevent tbent reform- Mc" the-, representation, 'every one knowing that, I once bank- in office, the people may ,whistle for a Reform Bill, as far as dependsen 'Me-giving it. , - - - Lord STailiar, who replied tit Lord, 4Orrif Rusaiii,lertieiy 'mit two 'Pointe—that ce the rejection of a _moderate Measure Of Ri3fomi does not necessarily Involve the passing of a larger, measure reform, and that in politics a lost Upportrinity may hot easily be regained.* He alto urged that,the question ' sought to be d, the bill should pass into a law, but - whether political 'perm' 'should past into otherSanda, , Th1818,1:I fact, a battle for office. An usual, the priblie good Is only a mere pretext—per. sonal and political ambition are the excite. month. - Lord Jena RussErs was supported, (as might be ,expected): by Sir Ousaaiss Wool) and Laid Seas-,,ex-placeinen and pre.‘ sent office.expectantti: Six members' spoke,, onthefirstfitight t et,the,debate, on each,aide.' But Mr. Boxiniarr, an- ultra. Liberal, who had been Irish Secretary Under Lonlnt.ratiatripa,, lAnexpeiiteilly and ably took his stand against, Lord *Tout( Russins,and denouncol him, With • . force arid bitterness, as endeavoring tokeock one Reform Mien the head, from ambitiously, selfish motives, with a fall certainty that ho could notearry another: In hii speech Mr. liernman expressed his deep „regret .that i rin 1.846, be had voted to throw Sir Rclakfri Pain, Oat of - office, irt order to,put Lord roux Rua , asst' inbla place. . • • • It is difficult to.say Low this debate will toi. 921 Mite. "Shmild Lord, dorm: Ruskin's , 13031/Vre be defeated, a Ministerial Reform Siff will pass; Within the fait two Months; Should Mbdstera be ,ontvotedi Lord Psalm, we may be sure, will exercise tho right of dissolving Parliament,i with a view, 'after the electors havio,such an 'opportunity of expressing their oPinion, - by returning Ministerial or anti.Mhals.. ti3riatrepresentativen, of Ogoln:sphrallthsgAlie Miliaria Rift ,to -.the 'itsOnsiderattpn'of - ratits, asect- , 2_' It . ,wouldtiec imrPifte us to And Lord liinninsrorr voting with' Ministew sigainSt Lord 'Joni Russms's 4:Mice-seeking nh:tend.: . - Contemplated Change in the Auction ' The bill nowpendingbefore the - Leer:dater°, awaiting Abe action of. the Senate, relative to a modilleatiort of the existing' auction lawn of the COmmonwealth, in their 'application to tEn'inisiness of selling goods' by auction' in this city, contemplates a moat important •ebange. "tinder the present- law, a very un kik discrimination is made against the smaller and middle, class of auctioneers, the license ibr goads ender the different heads being specifle;,h,aving no. regard whatever to the annual amount of sales. - 'Poi example : Air auction house, to obtain the PriVilege of selling dry goodi, is required - to pay an an :nual license of tice,thoutand dollars;no mat. ter whether the, yearly, sales of' the louse , 'amount to shelf million or five millions of dollars: The effect of this arrangement is, that ,the heaviest operators, Who can best 'afford to pay, are the least taxed, The shop tea' upon the - annual sales ,9f Our merchants in, general; is, imposed pro rata, and is cer tainly much falrer,in ,its, operations. Thabili hew 'Pending, - having ., already received, the' sanction, of the , lower , km:mei If allowed to become a lawywill de; away with this unjust discriminationj end it -is to.. be hoped; there fore,iihat- the Senate will not interpose - to' prevent the enactment of so desirable a , , Affairs'in•Utah. The late pews from Utah states:that the 4gi9latUre of that .Territory has prepared a Variety of-metnerlals tb Congress. They ask for "admission into the Union as the Steed' of DO3443t;aid while this is denied them, to have' the privilege of electing their own' Territorial ofHcerfl; for the - iOnstrnotion. of a telegraph for ,a daily Mail; for a tacillo Railroad; - for donations of 'public. lands, They quite as :liberal in - their demands upon. the National: bounty as any of our orthodaF , and Orderly Territories. . Peace seems to be fully restored, valuable riewmachinerY has been introduced into Utah, and tho,indications ate tbit in a material point ctiview, the, Mormons are protmering finely. Inlegind to the fhtttre'pollo of "the Unite 4 Onstort_ Hui, the President of the ,twelie Mormon /*pollee, makes the following sing9stloru4 in itt : ',..roOetit; letter to!, the . 'York ; ' • " virtiatifitipicingreler do with tts ? We nem to -be s stone of stumbling-and rock o f o ffersie: , To =stein an army here to Watch ie rather in lonely.- business.' - Some say,- =wilier,' that ex pense' is Eat ' to be ' considered. This will do very well for talk or Verbosity. Bat a constant' drain of the'tressury Must be considered and felt.' ' Some. think:if the army Were withdrawn we would turn up Usk,' and knock the'bottord out of Great Bait -Lake - and drown the Chinese. Bat 'what shall be done? or, in ether worths, what is best to be done? I out answer the question ; yet who Will believe; me? Everybody, after the horse is stolen.' It will -be best for Congress if they admit us at a ' State. This is the 'cheap ish and best method' to dispose of 'Utah 'Will they believe it now? Probably not. It will prove batter for the' Latter Day Saints if they shall not be admitted.' AVM they believe this? Not likely: ":Yet time, that elogaent, logical ex. 'Peander, - will demonstrate the, fact. Beppose the Government 'do'. nothing at all' with us, and intr. Ili(oentlyaviah It had? Then suppose it should do something with us, immaterial what, and after. wards regret that it did, not de diffeintitly? Meat this prove anything? To the wise' and disoerning it would, bat le' thefealonsjand blind it mould not. Sims, howeVairreveals all - things.' • ' • 't We have =disposition to -1 turn up Jack,'' who. Sher the ermygo or'staY.v We wish to do right; and Serra our God. .The praise and honor of this world we neither covet sot" dettre - } neither &owe '• wish .to do anything ;to unrighteouslY offend mankind: Yet we rather offend man then God.'! ' IlAwipa'a.WwitazY--We notice, with giatilloa.r Akin; that ;G: W.Gaitis (the'" ;inngei'l - of .114 - 64 es:. Week/y) has' "acimcienot;, in , that, ourical,"fit aerial story entitled.; ‘ 4 ,,Troosprf, ,, ' laatrated by , flappirt, which ,reada ' remarkab ly Veil as hi es itigoes, and pOttitiea to be a capital The Ptirtion pat' published is solitiol-rdoma : biro, dbclii:vrt, . a caltOol.boy. , _ ' A:notionoer,%lBl' phootnnt street, tgilt Alf this moiolng, oomMtioolng 'fit" 10 'o'oloOlf, ihr4O - fliindieo'Osoei of straw bitt, 40., comprising every variety of soosonablo goods. Moo, an assortment of Fronoh Beriare, nt*d R.lOll 14 of 114191110 t ' , ' •.".1. • - • • " THE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1859. Public Entnitaintivetle. • [The foliewinkAiotice ef,', Mr. Roberta', potion= ' Mu of 4.iiihMAT):Atlyelpintlitreet, Theatre ' I Wedneedely;ttenipgi'ssit#ittOwded oetyesteriaY tri Arrlval-110141:; 10.AtittkpoureltienIti; drameoi,% had thelOirliit : **On:: 'reading whieti be had , adapted. from the' French:Of otteiTllif Dela vigne.— The adaptation was good, Mr. Board readingivas impressive, and it did not sup 1 Mae, ne, a 'fp,r months, likter,,to leer; that 01i4ries Kowrhad paldueedihle.drarea;Nlttiveri , great suloass,.at Ahe..Priisonses.Theatre,--London,', I Of which he Was lessee and iiseneger.:' Mr. Roberti, iteeditirwEnoised thgt performance, and studied the ehittaiifer , of the'edly king, knowni historical students by tite . , graphic and not,. tof favorable memoirs of Philip de Comtism, Who‘ial long attached to ; his Court. In this country ' (as well as in England, Louis XI is well known by the truthfrib t faltiougth portraiture: of him given 'in' " Quentin Durward." In fact, then, the univer sal public have a llyely and stomata and Ipnie XT,one of thn greatest tyrants lied mien handed down,,to evil ,fame, on the historio page, A goods andiende Assetubled kai Walnut-street Theatre lint night to witness thenirst represents tion'of thieplaY2 - With slegrilar inappropriate,; uses, Dr. Ottnnington, lenderof the orchestra, liaduoidthis dranta—grave, tragic, and full , of ionisation its it irf-•:-with the Overture to Elosart's "Don Giovanni." , Surely, some mush, more ger mane to the subject and matter of the play might have been selected. ' • The oast was by _no means bad; Mr. Roberts was Louie and made up singularly well. Mrs. grattefuland able representative Marie de Comines. We should not desire a bet ter personation of th&DuodS NeMours than Mr. H. A. Dom's, and Mr. Dubois' rendering of the' part or Pi/gip ,40' Co - Marys was judielons. But Mi. his pet =strobe; his miming manner, and hie lisping Speeeh, was not the least like Oliver le Dian, who was at mom barber and prime.ministor to Louis XI. Had he read Qae& , tin Durward' ) (al it was his - duty to do,) ere he attempted the part, bevel:ad have made some en deavor, we hope, to have done more justice to the little barber. Thing- adore are necessarily put into infeylar parte, - , and,- if they have amb n and brains to do, them *justice, gradually work their way up' to the top -rung of the ladder- Now, this email part of Oliver le Dain has caps. bilities, which Mr. Basoomb ought have- ;level opod. Well, well, if young Men neglect chances, they must never hope to rise. . With all due repeat to Casimir Delavlgne, there Could not-have been tech a personage as Tolson d'Or in the ,Court of .Ring, Lords. Re was the herald of the Bergundian Court, and is introduced as suoh iq gloottist c, Anne of Gelersteln," as well as in his "Quentin Durward." Bliss Viola Crocker:, in this play, had more important businesi than, from her youth, is generally given to her. — ln the part of the Dauphin, whir& requires good sense and good judgment, she acquitted herself credit ably. Faso a few years, and she may hope to win high professional reputation. Although_ scarcely juvenile enough—for Marie de Comin es , appearsin the play as very young—L Mrs Di:Midllgave a good deal of reality to the part. She' never tears passion into tatters, she neither rants nor whines, but brings a, thoughtful Judgment to aid her, and generally sueoeeds. Lest night she did so, very strikingly. Mr. Roberta in his realization—for it is all that —of Louis Xl, one of the most difficult of dris: matte conceptions, fulfilled the highest expeota tions we had formed from his Sir Giles. Snob a mixture of contending ,bed. elements as actually constitute The Character 'Of Louis, no dramatist could have merely imagined. It was for actual' life to exhibit, and for faithful history .to record' these' bad 'traits. Dark as was Mr. Roberts' de.; lineation, it was true, and effective lilsottuscof Usti truth. Of COUTES, he was well received and warmly applauded. The audience bad an intel lectual treat of no common quality. Artqi-irraiii lantana —ln this temple of the drama, a'hybrid called " Our American Cousin," has completely succeeded in fixing himself, and in getting large audiences, 'tifght after night, to visit him. It would not surpriei 110'6 find him occupying these boards until the end of the season, and, to the laq, havinguroirds at his levee. ; Ma.'FeASEri!s Oonoratr,On - next Tuesday evening a oemplimentary Concert , to 'Mr. J. J. Frazer (the well-known taper Ct thelßegain opera troupe) will be givefi at !dueled Paid Ball. The vocal performers wilt be Mies S;May, Mgt° Anna Whaler,' and 'Mr. Frazer. The instrumental ta lent will be afforded by Mr: Charleagerria, at the piano; Mr. Juognickel, ; and Mr. W. 11. Harvey, violin. This Will hen geo&coneert. B Y - MI.DIVIG:HT MAIL. Letter friins Occasioned: , [Oorresponoeneeof - • ' April We have grediially ireins'.quilwaeorititomed, in Washington, to a sucoestion , ofteXtraOrdinary Utica/. 'shbelts,lAftil bisladdiniAtt*Wliole Ninth swept away from -.1.4-w,...eacTsraustarstis,Oollgresilerial delegi; tten tWaSinialsiratlen. testntersi and the aibraltar of Berke -county, repudiate the in. mortal Jebut after witnessing the .triumph of Douglis in pintail, deSpite the detsp•laid plans of the Danttes to defeat` him—..we were prepared for alidost 'anything; but still, I Must confess that the returns of the elections held during the past week have exalted deep surprise and consternation:, Idnoblras hoped from Omineotiont, "the land of steady , where the Opposition .partisans were engaged in it bitter and compliaated internal strife, where a strorl - Amerlean and old-lice Whig sentiment prevailed,,and where, it wes supposed, tap veneration and regard fos her distinguished son, the Seoretary of the Navy, prat ailed. Mr. Touoey continued to the lest moment confident in his expesitations that the magic of his name, aided by. his extraordinary skill as a partisan leader, would be sufficient to immortalize his State as the Northern stronghold of the Administration, and to send bask her two Leoompton Congress men in triumph. •' Bat, alas for the vanity of human expeotations these hopes have been blasted ! Turning to Michigan, the borne of an other member: of the • Cahtnet; rebid, in olden times, was always faithful in her Demooratie fealty, we And a Reputilloilzr..Tudge of the Supreme Court elected by ten thOtistind majority. Look ing to Louis; St. for tkunfort, we - discovered that, although . located in - a slave State, a Republican candidate for Mayor defeated, by twenty-five hun dred majority, the Democratic nominee, .while forty.five hundred voteewerePolled for the Ameri 'oan candidate. Even in Louisville, the late home of another member of the Cabinet, Mr. Holt, the Democracy were rented. • In France - the - faverite style of destroying ob noxious kings - and milkers is by using " infer nal machines; 0 - hat, notwithstanding the inge nuity displayed In their construction, they have never, answered . the purpoaes, of their inventors. If any diabolical' spirit, in a moment of perverse Ingenuity, had endeavored ,to, invent an instru ment for this deititerticm of the Democratic party of this country, and had finally put forward naihis master• piece the present National Administration, he would be hailed as the greatest genius that ever lived; for ite:adaptation to that purpose, and the skill with, which it bee persistently la bored to accomplish it, is really astonishing. In fant on this errand, it is a living, embodiment of perpetual motien; foinot a day nor an hour passes that lt,doise not seem able to find some method of Indicting NUN farther injury on that party. The only wonder to me is, thatany portion of the De mousey should be so blind to the interests of the great organization which has been so completely demoralised, and almost destroyed, to still maintain their adhesion to the Administration. But on this paint I could make you many interesting revela tions did not the confidence of private convene tionelorbid. .The people of the United States .would be greatly astonished if they could' hear what bitter contempt for 'the Administration is - daily and hourly expressed' by'the men who, for their,daily pay, or from motives of policy, abet in public' to' endorse it; but who, in private, do `not. scruple to denounce it in terms en indignant that the attacks made ripen it by the Republican orators sound like 'culcigy when compared with 'their denunolatlone. I am rejoiced to see that the' trim Democracy of Pennsylvania have become cons:dons of the perils which now threaten the noble party that has so long guided the deatiniesof this oanntry, and that they have determined to gat into a life-boat in which they may escape from the • general wreck certain to overtake all who are prominently Iden tified with our national rulers; for you may de pend upon it they are speedily destined to fall, and; like Lucifer,' "never to'rise,againi" , The ultraists of_thd Soutlkare growing desper ate, and are apparently 'determined to insist upon dootriaes which no honest Northern Democrat, Who hae the soul of a freeman within' think for ono moment of endorsing, The Charles. ten Mercury announces that it the Charleaton Convention is to be held at-all, the Southern ul• testate Will either rule or ruin it. Another ultra Southern Convention, to be held at Vicksburg on the 9th of May, has been called by De Bow, of Louisiana, Moline, of Mississippi, Yancey, of Ala bama, and Chase, of Florida ; and this assemblage will doubtless seek to still further strengthen the rapaototti and fahatioal slavery propaganda spirit in the Southern States ; - sO that, unless there is a Mighty and opelfuly movement among the moderato and conservative poopleof the South, you may 0?-,, peat tit see her most impracticable .and haughty spirits oompletely in the • ascendency; a, result. whiob will be mainly due to the aid and Comfort they ha,ve,recetved from the ;National Adminis tration, by the cowardice and subserviency it has shown. Tho Free'dent la, evidently, muoh worried by the attache f ithieh have boon made upon his Nica raguan diplomaoy ; and the two artialeithat have - appeared in the Union in defence of it are nut ,veraally attributed to hie own 'pen. Ills apology, bermes., le lamentably wealt. The idea that 7110..,.his experience of the tortuous wiles of British hei should lievejtaeltfyimplbst con iidlin4lll:4Pritiett minieter..Whe eienta 41 1 Ple I 'year ~ at Washington fer-:the'purpoie" of playing otra:epy)4Orthite.` ,. prians - and ,negotia7, *orti;liverYpnforturtatefor, hie 'reputation acs. 11 14 1001 .0T" , 4 1 .4* 111 :0:', T:_linsyaraguay.wer, now °Teri nes been aseeTp, 1,4 , 0 10 ; the 'Spartan .Isattle; l o 41104,, , :white there hie been ne bloodaptiled,:a greet deal of mo ney has been expended. ThinleOf are informed that Lopez promises, in his more than imperial muultioenee, to pay $lO,OOO as in dainnitY to the man slaughtered - upon the Water Witch, and 420,000 to itopkies,,Who:hes - mainly beenAlA .ithise,of the qiirrer:, And tiiisA3s,ooo hiribeen'etieured. by - the expe nditure' of three or four militants is -.hardly a -110tItable invest- Inapt. - We are not told one word-about-Paraguay Visiting gook the, losses the ,Uoited States have 'hien' at in oorlatiquence`bf Loins's bbstiiiitey; nor dp ire ;learn that there is any chance ratiftea-. tiea;Of pandleton's treaty, and an agreinhent to stYlirus the United States Of, Amaride, instead Of the United States of North Apiaries, on which the negotiation hitched. There is only one paral lel for the 'alerting' results of this war, and that is the treaty with New Granada, in, which We agree to accept, as blood :money; for our °likens ~mesieeradiu 1856 upon the isthmus of Panarart perCentage of the heavy taxes iMpiised'updn . _the travel betireenoos own - seaboard ports of the A.tiantio and Paolfie. OCCASIONAL. , ; ; , •Letter frii'm-"Ti(!q0/113t01113." 10OnlapOnde1109 of,..m4ePtque3 W.A.BIIINOTOR; April 7,1859. The oourt was opened at about fifteen minutes after 10. Mr. Sloklea entered at ten minutes later. ,The room was more orewded, if possible, than be fore, and•a great number of new faces Were visible, lneltullog sem° promtnent gittzens who are to be dalledun the witness-stand:` Mr. Skillets seems as though ho felt the trying ordeal through which he is passing. As the triarprogreeses, or rather geti into a position of progress, he naturally feels the effeot of the 'solemn scenes and routine of whiob he is the control figure. He would be more or lees than man if he were not so impressed,. The Distriot Attorney narrated, as briefly as was consistent with the solemnity , of the ease and *cession, the facts. He went over them, and with o tolerably partial eye; such as prosecuting attor ney?, I suppose, mist nee on Such openings. "He characterised , Mr, Sickles, at the time of the tragedy, as a walking arsenal, having several pistols, and• -carrying' tbenu in an overcoat on. en inconveniently hot day. This, ho con aimed into an :wildcat* of deliberation, and though not desiring to Inflame the minds of the jury, he would say thathomioide, with a' deadly weapon, by one whe had all,the advantages on his side, was reUrdeir:no : niatter, what the antecedent aircurestances whtett had incited the deed: The learned .gentleman then • defined murder with epeeist application .to the ease, and' sustained his position by reforenoea and quotations from Wharton's _Lim of Homicide, pp. 38, 168, Int 179, 182, 192, 147, and 199. He chiefly labored to prove a deliberation,' and that the justificatory passion under which homicide may be committed and not considered as murder, had passed away. No held that the maxims of the common law of the past, and which have 'some to us stronger with the pressure of centnriee, were founded on common sense, justioe, and a buinanity, not maud lin, sickly, or sentimental, but a humanity, God= fearing and manly. Mr. Ould spoke for forty, minute* and, in all candor, linnet say, although can scarcely be expected to agree with him, that his effort was exceedingly creditable. It dealt mainly with generalities—which were given with elegance, and force of diction—but it WAS 'somewhat amu sing, if I may be permitted, the phrase on the oc casion, to bear „him imploring the jury to uphold, public' virtue, by finding against the man who has upheld that which Is the foundation of all virtue,; the purity of the domestic hearth. - Mr. paid is ; manly in appearance, and in manner impressive.; Many who know him well, and have watch-, ed his (terser, think the speech to which I have just listened, if not the best, one of the best made by him. Throughout its delivery, Mr. Sickles listened with a firm but mild resignation of ex pression. After some delay the first witness for the prose cution, James X. Beed i veod and coal dealer, was put on the stand. He was not before the coroner's inquiet, and his testimony was given very intelli gently, and listened to with great attention.' Be testified to the killing ; and in addition, on oriole examination by Mr. Brady, gave what is regarded WS some new points, to-wit, that Rey did not catch Sickles by the nook or breast, and was not near enough to him at any time to have done so. At the third shot, and when Key fell, Sickles was seven or eight steps distant from him. There ware three shots and three enappings of the pis til; one snapping before, and two snaps after the third, shot. When the first shots were fired .tbe witness aw two other persons in the immediate vicinity.' One of them was on Pennsylvania live: lute, going towards Riggs' bank, from the scene of the disaster, and the other was going up Madi son Place, andin snob a position that,' in the beat 'bettor of witness, said person could not, and did not, see the actors In the transaction, The witness -.11 • graph) , of the locality, and the relative positions of the parties. - POlip Van Wyok, the second witness, was not before the doroner, and he testified to the' killing, but gave a. new point—that no one _approached Siokles before . Upshur and .Martin mini° nri, after the whole thing was over. . These statements are utterly at variancewith those Adduced at the Coroner's Inquest, and re peated by other witnesses for the prosecution to. day. Edward Dolafleld, for instance, swears that tholast shot-Lwialch was the fifth effort of Sickles— took effect, and there was no snauafter it. Joe. Do. droll says he could distinguish but three shots and one snap; and both agree that Key melted filekles af. ter the first shot and scuffled with him, so as to pre. vent the latter from firing until they became sepa rated. All the shOlcaccording to Dadrow,Were fired before Key fell. Mr. Thomas E Martin, the sixth witness, was the first who Waffled to having seen Mr. Butterworth. Delafleld, need, and Dudrow had every opportunity, but they poeittiely swore they did not see anybody, even each other, al though' they were each In a potation which makes it almost Impossible but they. mad have endrin. te , nd each other visually. They might, however, have been so attracted to the point of action as not to fixedly recognise or rentember any but the parties engaged. These parties—at lead two of thera-Lsaiv the matter almost from the . very com mencement, while Martin, who did not see Sioltles until Key was the ground, saw Butterworth. The jury ie a very intelligent-looking set of men. The youngest is probably over thirty years old, and the eldest may be sixty or sixty.two. They are all in responsible positions in life, and seem to baoalmly earnest in their desire to jodgo from the law and "the evidence; and some half dozen Seem at times to be as busy—at least as year oor respondent—in making noted for their guidance in the matter. • .. TOUCHSTONE. To OAP/TALISTS, MANIIIM.UTIMERS,‘BUILDERi, ,tc.-Thomfm At Bons' sale on Tuesday nerd will comprise 35 building lots, to be eold peremptorily, by order of the' executors of Dr. BhOonberger. Also, valuable Maylandville property, including 18 dwellings, store, stone quarry. and 10 stores land; a valuable clay )0,11 acres, Moyamensing ; valuable Walnut street business property ; country seats, city dwellings, &a., peremptory, sales, by order of, drphana' Court, exeoutOrs, mat; others. Sae advert/sementa Studer auetlen , hoad:: i Pamphlet catalogues tomorrow : i "Tan Amon ESTATE!' MS sold yesterday by Messrs. Ttomas B Solis, for $33,500 subjeot to a tortgage of $75,500, making one hundred and ine thousand dollars. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. ONE DAY LATER FROM EUROPE. t ARRIVAL OF THE INDIAN AT PORTLAND PORTIMID, April 'l—The steamship Indian has ar rived with Liverpool adviees of Wednesday the dad nl. timo,.one day liter than reeeived by the steamer New York. The announcement of the project of a Congrees of the European Pewere on the Italian question, and - the Net that Prime had agreed to it, canoed a general In the maintinance of demo, - and much hueyaney fn the !nude, but vague rumors at the clone of Tuesday's market that Atlitria,diesented from the propeeltlon sleeted distreet aid a partial reaation. Beretta pliers have beef) named for holding the pro pved The London Times thinks that Aix Is Chapelle will litany be seleeted. , The Paris Ilfonittur says that Entails proposed the Neer. Congrees will' the view to prevent a t diatitbasse of the peace of Surma. It will be competed of the fleuipstentieries o$ France, Austria. Ragland, Prune's, asd Russia, cad melt In some neutral town. The French glorernment hod alrsady consented, but the courts of london, Vienna,ani, Berlin, have not reterned en eel • elf' reply. Thera fe no basis agreed upon for the nego tiation. - t I The eontineptal iitter.writere describe- the warlike ptepuatiorte ' in Praise, Anstrla, and Piedmont, as nein twrapted ENGLAND 'The notate Of lAnis h s rejeated the - amendment to the marriage` law, - bgalislag marrialett with the sister of deceased wives. The? reform , dale -in Parliament ;II progressing we* rely. ' - - • • ,• • Mr Bulwer had mde a masterly speech In favor of tho ministerial bill denouncing all eoneesedon to the working classes . • . In the Hones of Canons , Mr, Disraeli said the terms cf the eubs'dy to theGalway line of gasmen, were enb• stsntlally arranged; tit wot definitely settled In the debate' on Pie reform blll,elesers. Wilson, Sidrey, Oroseley,andotbere, spoke against it, and Sir 14:Bulwer, the Senator ,ile ri eral, and others In favor or It. The debate wet thn " adjourned until the tith. ybo• COO bruronnces the conferring of sundry timers on nunerons Indian (MOM. It alma ahrtancoes the appointnent of George Hunter Carey as Attorney General Of Ifitish Columbia • Mr. Dowling, ihrlid States consul at Oork, bad been ofkotally reengeitfd• Stg&l3olt The lifoniteur annineo.o that, hereafter, the Em peror grant, in !winoll of State, authority for opening proteiteit Wises of worship In t The article la fee Nenifette, In relation to the Peace dobgreea, came* 'of VP% on the Bourke, but the eunnonant 60or !hat Maar a hr.d refused, caused adeoline, and the BAPkilute. clued dal]. at. 66f, ate for. money, sod Ott Et Amman j. Thera aro rtloere tf another' irmid; review of the entire army at listla, of the 27th, Sunday. The ..NOtil stone that' in the Peace Omagrees the treaty of UM will he taken as the starting 'point f r the negotiations, and that It has been resolvel not +o unsettle the territorial arrangements made In that year. . . PINDISIONT , - It 1$ elated tbat the Neapolitan exile, Pestle, will be lato Wised on hlo arrival in Piedmont, and enter Patna. 'meat at the earileat Tammy. .11139d1d. .. , 4k - disagreeableuseneagoo has been produced in eV plat circles at Peferabiiig t by the deolaratian of the cotesplttee of the government respecting etnaneipation,, that tbe,nobtlity eXproes the r pinion that nabs reform le intended to ruin the Bumble nobles. The commit.' tee demand recompense for the lands ceded to t;a pea: mote, and adriee the nobility to break lir a ll comma. 13 I ation with them. The document indmatee a pro• found sentiment of bitterness and irritation. The llama had _continued lo The amnesty, under the latest Inerrnetlons from Lord Oaiming had produced remarkable results. Prima thdusand men had surrendered In Barreilly, four thou sandOty 'Masa,' and one thousand "seven , hundred In Shappahanpore, Moprabad, and Begurn. _ ,— , Lord.Olyde,lt.was ran, would ',remain in , India for "the remainder of the your. _ • „ .INDIA. . ~• • . .•,- - from The detalle of the news brought by the Unload r India hed been received in London, but they contain ',nothing , litiparteah beyond What had' been previouely telegraphed. " , ,„. . . -- ' ', -• , The Latest. , : , Mum, Wednesday.—The DaVy Neter city arable sate that a considerable degree of indecision prevail° i B wwwilt - tiPeatalaitare on , Tuesday, 10 the morning the Ilioniteues announcement of a Congress caused Consent to advance but subsequently . lower prices clue front Paris, and a vague rumor circulated that Austria declined to accept the proposed Congress, which caused a fall in the foreign extbauges, and a reaction in the stook exchange, Commis closing, a quarter lower than 'on Monday. All the mutton!, at the close, were comparatively de serted. :Money waa In pod demand in the -.Atieet but quiet at the bank. The supplylss increased, and, in a few easel, the rate Is below the bank Minimum. The Tim.s , city article says the foods (mooed steadi ly on Tuesday 'at improved quotations; bnespeaulative Wee ou foreign account canted a reaction, the market closing heavy.-- A slight increase in the demand for meaty sedated in checking the buoyancy. - - - Therein Much dleappointment and some anxiety at to the delay in the arrival of the January mall from Arts. Walla ' • • • ' r In regard to the projeeted oOnirrees,Gelleva, Loudon, Illuseel,r,, ! and the Hague have been,mteceeelvely men. tirmid as the place at which It will be 'held. but the Tiles helleveS that Aix is Chapelle will ultimately be The Daily News asys that Sir E. L. Bulwerre speech lent night, on the reform bill. was thoroughly summo n:o, as an oratorloal effort. bat it wan not argument. He deoonnoed all Onnetalatoutl to' the workieg classes sue vertive of the freedom, ealety. and honor of England. The Harald takes precisely the oppoelte 'new of Drawer's speoch..and'says he boldly grappled with the absurd charge thatrittliatere are strati of the Influence of the workingman, and have not consulted hie inte rests, - . , The Post's Perla - correspondent flys there term baste yet agreed noon for cegotation by the Peso Congress. The Moniieur "cf this 'mining contains a report, by M. Tetease, op the;stlidect 'of Protestant worship in PraCce. Henceforth:in order to bootee/se the gitaran• ties for The liberty of ,worebip, the authority for oyes • lag now Protestantelnitoties,ete., wilt be granted. not br preterite, but by the Emperor, to hie Council Of State. • Comittoicial Jutelligerice. Per Ltvineoot., March 22 —letto'n market—There is an advsiming tendency In prices ; nits for the three days 31_000 beteg All-onalities have advanced Ald since saturday Orleans Middlings, ens quoted at IN, and the market closed aim. • - State of Trade.—The Manchester *deices are femora ble. LIVERPOOL BREAD I'PRPPiI MARKET, March 22 —Meagre. Bachardson, Spence. ft flo. report the market aestesdy Tloerdull atlOsfel2e,33 4fYis ental Wheat firm for the beet qnalltlea; The Quotations roe Western red 53 7d01114 44 ; white Se IdeslOs •, Southern IcasslOs Dd. Oorn—All goatlike bays slightly advanced;rnostry ettratingtilite ; yellow dull ; white sells at Is 2des7a 5d 4' mental. LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET, Marsh 2?. The market generally closeddoll. Bror firm for chores, but drill for inferior aorta. Pork dull and hear', and slightly declined. Berson dull -.Lard quiet at eos. . ..... . _ LIVERPOOL' PRODUCE MARKET, March 22.—t Rosin dull at de Bdeds ed for common. ' Sugar steady Coff,n eta, Rico (Carolina) .toady. LONDON MA EKETd, March 23.—Brandstnfts firm Wheat hne an adraocing tendency. gager firm, and 61 higher for toms qmoties. LONDON MONEY MARKET. March 23 —Console yesterdly, 983‘344; - to-day, 96,090 X. Amer!On; securities qttlet. Washington Alfalie. WASTINOVII, And? 7.—The Postmaster General ins sent lettere to several gentlemen inviting proposals for, carrying. the malls between New York and New Or leans and California,' from the 80th of gep•emter to the let of 'lois , ' next, leaving to the bidders to designate their own routes. The roseate are to be received nn- tit the 70th et April OoMmender Osibourilkai been ordered to . the cm mend of the stoop of-war Portsmouth, the flag ship of the African squadron, now fitting out at Yomsmouth, New Rsmp•bSre. W. II Winter, one of the principal centre Mors fer the Osplio , extension end other publle brOldtege,,dted here this afternoon The name of the Washington Union Leto be °banged to the CORStitution . Among the strangers in the criminal court this mom. log were Horace Swann. of Maryland. brotber-in-lew of the latiPhlllo Barton ICey, end Mr. Barman, uncle of the late Mr. Key. . The Conneel,in the Males Case. Wagnistiron, April 1.--The District Attorney made • gocid;:imoreasion' in We opening addrege to-day Ilia °Docents think, however, that he took too much pains in dragging up the abject, and that Lie duty would have been-better perfolmed by a simple statement of the fate of the killing• without having recourse to any of the ornaments or eloquence Ha seemed to antici pate the theory of the dentist*, and strove to imprints on the jury that there could be no legal justideation of the Just. and that if the justification to be set up was legal they should require it to be legally proud. Mr. Ould le a fine, moue. built, atliletto man, of some forty years of age. with eyes small end gray, though without the expresdau of keenness neatly attributed to such optics; broad forehead. straight bleat hair, and rather pleasant ...vermilion of countenance He looks more lige a friend to be honorably traded than like • lawyer to be depended on. His 'colleague, Mr. Oarliale, pushes more of the qualities usually asmonlated with the idea 'of legal prao titioners. Bestleggly active, nothing seems to escape hie attention. and the defense seem to realise that they have more d Malty to expect him than from the Government prompter. Hie voice. like his narrow. is thin and airy, hut his manoer and elle are neverthe less.. pleaunt • . • _ On Mr.-Brady, of Newyork, rests moat of the labor of the defence Studiously polite to the judge, jury, gonna!, and witnesses, be name to have more faith in stievityrtheri to bltistering. Bran *here fie thinki the judge le Wrong in the diadem of esnell mattere,he prefers COOSllVlVlllattrjutoml-sat.. upstate feeling* in disputation. -At the same time, where material principles of law or evidence are in. volved. there I, none more determined then be, and few more able teidefend, to the last extremity, the interests of hie client. lie le decidedly the moat popular of the Counsel for the defence. a he conneel who, next to him, memo to be moat re lied on teethe defence is Ur. Stanton. - This gentleman is inconstant commuoloation with the prisoner, and Site and amide beside him moat of the time. What Brady lavished in, the it inutviter tt Stanton makes np in the There is no ceremoniousness about Ifs comes up to the point with a sledgehammer earnestness which stands out in contraet to_ his col-_ league's extreme politeness, - He is a man mast a little beyond the middle ego of life, hut with all the 'vigor of one of thirty He talks with rapid uterance and great vehemence, though the reporters nay he might Improve his argument by diminishing his word-fluency. Mr Phillips was a member of the XXXllldeougrees from the State of Alabama, who in reference to re turning to that State when his term expired, remained to practice law in Washington. I believe he lean Dwai ne by faith, though of that lem not certain. His part in the defence has been chiefly If not entirely restricted to the organization of the jury. Mr. John Graham Is a well-known practitioner at the 'bar of New York, and has much reputation' for keen ness and ability as a criminal lawyer. His strong point le said to be in diesectiog and lacerating the character of the opposite•partiee aud interlarding his addreas with Shakepereart quotations. He is to make the open ing address for the defence. - 'Mousse Brandt Meagher Is too well known through. ant the country to need description. Aa one of the {a rdor eountel in this cage. he contents himself with cog. gestione to his seniors. His Is the most pleasant face at the lawyer's table. - Mr. Ratcliffe has the reputation of being • keen law•' var. up to all the arta of the profession- Re is s prat• titioner at the Washieston bar. Mr. Milton lea highly respectable and intelligent looking elderly gentleman, whose very appearance is calculat.d to have a favorable Impression on the Jan. Ile and Mr. Brady are to rum up for the defence. Mr. Warr-oder bat but recently cow , to practice at this bar. He is favorably spoken of, His part of the defence, however, like that of Mr. Phillips, mem, I believe. with the organisation of the jury, Aa for Judge Crawford, before whom the case is heard, he Beams to have so far agreeably'dieeppointed the expeotntions of the defense. klecept in the mat ter of °coping up of the prisoner. his decisions have been marked by fairness end impartiality He Is act dentiv en old gentlemen or Aridly routine habits, which he displays most satiefactorlly by adjourning regularly at $ o'clook, Hle great age, extended sops rently beyond the throe score years and ten, hag not dulled his reason or impaired his fee-attics. On the contrary, he observes the cane and recalls the evidence with its much acnteuees and clearness as any of the counsel at the bar. Contract for Firearms. fIisnINGTON. April I.—The Mexican Liberal Govern ment hie given en order to the Mount storm Arme Company, of New York, for Ave Sherwood brreoh.load• log rides and carbines. They art to be altered from the old United States arms. Non-Arrival of the Canada. RALIFLX, April 7-11 o'clock —Up to this hour there are no elgne or the etemner °scads, now due, with Liverpool whines to the 28th nit There is a anew storm prevailing; wind N.W, and weather cloudy.. There le no chance of the receipt of her new tooaight. The Recent School Difficulties at Dos Boston, April 7.—la the police court, yesterday, 11Ir Cook, the sub•rosster of, the Eliot school charged with an assault and halters on a Catholic scholar, du ring the recent school trouble, was discharged. Adjournment of the ;Massachusetts Le, i - uislature. ROSTON, April 1 —The state Legislature adjourned at midnight. The Governor signed the bill ref:agent. Zing the judiciary. _ _ _ Arrival of Lord Lyons, the British E:=M Aar/grown, hid., April 7.—The English trigste Ou raCo4. having Lord Lyons. the new British 'airtight'', aboard, entered the bay lest evening. She will relish here this afternoon. The Wisconsin Eldction: „ . . MILICAMICIS, April 7.—The retrain of the recent election indioate the endow of Byron Paine, the Re publican candidate for AflBoolloo Judge of the Supreme Court, bye majority probably exceeding 6,030 votes. Arrival of the Str amer Edinburg. - New Yong, April 7 —The steamer Edinburg, from (Magog on the 18th ult., arrived ea, this port thle eve ning. Markets by Telegraph. BALTIMORE, April 7.—Flour Is steady Wheat quiet. Oorn—Sales of yellow at 60m823, white 76077 e. Provi sions unchanged and dull. Whiskey—Ohlo walls at 28e, and Is dull at that pride. Bavrittons, April 7—Evening.—Nothing further has been heard from Annapolis relative to the arrival of In the Britieh frigate Ourncoa, Oiltantualt, April 7 —Tinny is in demand to fill eon.' tracts; sales of 3 000 bbla at $5.4005 6D. Whiskey ban i declined N ; cluing dull at 2915. 2 000 bbla Mess Pork sold at 517.25 Bales of 60,000 iba bulk ahouldera at 6 Ma n , delivered. Bacon is quoted at 6,NatBN. OINOINNATI, April 7.—Blour,is unchanged ; supettioe ls held at 56.40 a 5 50. Walskey'dull and Are lower; sales at 23s was Pork is hetd at 017 26. Baum-,. Phouldies 8)40; Bides, 11.510 Balk Oldes,--tiales of 60,- 000 pounds at 8 N 0.,, Moults. Apes 0 —Ootton—galas of 3.500 Wen to day. the Intimate% news having caused an advance Middlings are not quoted at 12012 N ; sales of the pad three days 6,250 bales; receipts for three days 4.750 beles. 0 .tton freights to Liverpool 11 321. Sterling exchangelC6,lsmlo9' , 3svaltusti) /401 7 —oCitton—Sales to-day 500 bales at an advance of No ;, Middling Uplands are quoted at 12m 121(0. The eases of the week amount to 4 P.O bales. and the receipts' to 11,000 bales, against 7 COO bates, the reeelpts of the aorresponding week of last year. The total receipts of the season at thin port amount to TA. 600 Wes. Receipts ahead of last year at all Southern Porte, - 777.000 'bales. Thp' Mock in port amount, to 54 000 bake, , • 01A nestOtr, April '7,—Ootton—Hales of' 1,900 bales ti-day. bales of the week, 11 000 bales ; good middling is quoted at 12, , i012;i‘e • middling fair et 12 . 7 ‘ 013, . NEW Ontatatia, April 7'—Cotton—Sales of 195t00 Wen tO-day, all before the receipt of the steamer la. diap , e news; prioes were stiffer, but there le no obange to quote,•, middlinge sold at 120. Mess Pork aelle at Coffee dull ; prfeee easier, bat quotation Ilib• changed. ; Pennsylvania Legislature. , HARRISBURG. Apal The 100104 billiiiiere'reported favorably A:- inweletepna-,to ttiellichmond and Bratty/kill Pas senger lgoilwavaß` Aeimpleasentior,lhe Ciiiielpst Passenger fleilway. Mt Plarse. told a bill ititpplementary to the act re gulating touldlngtfin Philsdelplea. The bill relative:to nesejuated clatter on the public work, passed Cominittie of.the Whole. The bill to abolish the law appointing commissioners to reviee theenal eilde was paned &A in The bill r ei n tive to writs of error n the Supreme Court, and to abolish the Ociurrof idol Prins in delphia, was pureed—Vent 21. nays 7. The bill to Incorporate the Twelfth and Thirteenth streets Parstengerßallway was reported tavorably. A motion to take up the bill to reptialtheihnittage tax wen not agfeed The bill relative to the election Of Distibri Attorneys Pinned, Adjourned... - - AVTICIIROON SISSIOII. • Tbe'Benate met at 3 P M. The fellonine hills Rate pawseit ant relating" to "building arreoclationa in Phila. An act to Incorporate the nylon Market Company. An act to incorporate the National Art 'Aaeoclatton. A enpplement to the West Cheater aid Philadelphia The bill to incorporate the Pali Brook OPIII Company, which wee vetoed by Mit Goyernoi, 'paned by • two "thirdlC voted It heeleg , presionely . peiete4 the Ranee by a 'two•thirda - fate, it now. becomes slaw, notwith standing thereto '• • • The hill to looorporote the Thlrtsenth and Fifteenth ',treats Passenger hallway passed. - . Also a bill to lueorporaterilie Pennsylvania Oonfer• sure of the Methodist Protestant Church: • - Adjournedillreventog EVENING SESSION . . The Senate met at 1 P. Id:, anidenneidered a num ber of bllle-among them•the (Opening : , - Atiant to Moorporate the Germantown Market Com pan An y. inet to Incorporate thelffinaYmilfindlloxborongh Water Company. The Governor hie signed the bill RNA - thing the Board cf Guardians of the Peoria Philadelphia. Adjourned. HOMIO. A .number of privet. bilfawere considered ? and the following pissed Snarly:- ' - - ' An act to incorporate the Bordeaux Steamship COGII "7. A supplement to the act incorporating the West Phi ladeleirla liallroad Company. An act to incorporate the Germantown Market Com pany of Philadelphia. - • - An ant to - incorporate the Menem* Gan and Water An act to incerporaie the Philadelphia Ice Compini. An sot relating to - Tulip street, Philadelphia. . The bill to incorporate the Twe'fth and Thirteenth etreets Passenger Hallway was objected off the calendar. This kills the bad A fillpplettlObt tOLtbt) Oat incorporating the AM York and Middle Coal Violet Railroad and-Coal Company area objected off the Weeder. Adjourned. •, AFTEMNOON BaSSION The Howe-met at 3 P The following bill was posted 1 An sot to repeal the act , of the 18th Aprll,lBsB, sap plementary t> an eat rechartering the Traiesman'a Bank of Philadelphia. - , The aot of lath April. 1888, Is as follows : •t , That the * proviso attached to the aot nachartering.thstTrAtits, mititellank of ipproved.tho 7th of Mar, 1855; be, and the sites le - hereby, repAlted: 'Provided that the said bank shall not be located north of Chia - . nut street. in th+ city of Phlled*lphla." The balance of the lesalorewali consumed in the eon:- tileration of private bills: • EVEININ GI EMISSION. he noneemet at 7 The bill. entitlei an aet relating - to the granting of Menges to hotels, inns, or tavern-keepere, passed Intl ly. It gives the fridges the power to refine a licence, if-thay deem& hotel or tavern unneoeasery. The act aecarleg to the pe-pie of Philadelphia the right of free travel over certain highways mime up in order. A motion to poOpone was not agreed to, and the bill it still pending.: Adjnarned. The Fire at New Orleans-.Losa sBsoe . Now liniattere, April - 7 —The ' reeie Prow, ',Mali WAS °afire lesterday.erea located in the po'oreat prt of the city, the ' houses there being "generally smell teroaments. ' ' Tne loss Is estimated! It 5850)000. Another Defitruetive Fire 'at New -or leans—boos $200,000. NEw Oitissas, April T —Today at noon i tire brote out tr. Hales , large warehouse, a banding whieh own pies half of ii square on Talton street.. 5 000 bales of bagging, together with gunnies, rope, and Western pro dote, were burnt. The tire extended to eight 'adloielog stores, which were also destroyed. The store* were partially owe,' pled The loss amounted to abort $200,000: Mrs. Hartung, the Murderess—Refusal of the Governor of New York to Com mute her Sentence.- Amor, April 7.—tloyeroor Morgan refuges to com mute the eentencetif Alm Hartung Tre'refers to the, general everattei to the haieglog of women, but, be- Feting that the primmer is guilty of deliberate mur der ,lie Mote that prthllo in tied, at Well a* the safety of human life, demands her execution. Republican Victory in Rhode 1011indl. PROVIIMON, April 7 —The election in this State I took place yesterday. Thomas G. Turner le elected Governor; John .h. Bartlett, Secretary or Mate, andl Jerome B. Kimbell. Attorney general. They aro on. both the American and Republican 'Octets, There ter no °holes for Lieutenant Gorernot and General Truett rer. • In the Eastern ,Oongresnioniti Distriet there Is no choice - The vote mands : Robinson,-Amerlaen-Tepno licen 3.1C1T ; Davis, Republican, 2,422; Arnold, Demo arat,l 532. Robinson leads at every town but two. In the Weatern Congressional District, Brayton, who Tel eupcorted by the American•Repablicatie and the Republioans, L sleeted. The vote is: Brayton, 2,1146; Anthony, (Dent ) 709 There Is no election or members of the General As sembly in this city. " The Opposition‘ have both houses of the Legislature by an overwhelming majority. The Execution at lialtfmtire on Friday. BALTIXOIIII,4t pril 7 - - rho was a large Willi to-day of eight-mere, to behold the eneontion of the four crimi nals on to-morrow. The ell is full of rowers of intended - attempts strea m., but they may be cons'dered perfectly grourllera. There are slue rumors of reprievea,hrit tbe most reliable information from Annapolle Is• that the Governor pool- - tively refuses to 'see the teat cominittee that attempted to intercede In behalf of Ihe.orlmintle. The parting of the , parents and, othir relatives of Grope. Conte, and Pembrill, with the condemned, took place this evening. It IS reported to have been one of the Meet harrowing sceneeirosgleabis. The tortaintiof the mothers and alders were heard outside of theledl. The coffins for the miserable men were lgenght into the Alt to-night. t-thillamtutteattmitt.for eIOCIIIIIM are Complete. extra.polica force, fully armed, has been ordered on deity for any emergency that may arias: „ „ \Fast Day in New England. BOSTON, April T —To-day is observed as a day of lut ing and for prayer throughout New Busload, All the plioes of btuiluess Is this city are closed. Severe Frost at the South. Aoonsra• Gs , April 7.—A. severe frost in this vicini ty is blighting the growing vegetation. foe has been formed in some parts. . xnhange, April 7. New York Stock 898 N Y Oen II 5000 blliseoul 81 60 do 100 do 10000 do 10'0 do 30000 do BSA; 2 , 430 Tean et 1 00 DU 2000 Lake Er/sve lot 71 1000 Gal & Ohl 24 no 01 120 az, 76 103 do • - 010 UX 1050 Iludoonlllylt - 833( 100 do - f6O 31V 20 Unioo llk 112 g 11 Bank or Oom 200 Clerk Col a MO 24X , 200 Harlem ß b6O lag '2OO do 223 20 111 Clem It 6814 200 do alo 24% 700 Harlem 11 pr( 41 860 Obi k RIBb6O 557 700 do 200 40% 700 do e 6 ON 1(1) Readlog it 60% 5 Coramonk , ll Ilk 98 400 do 50X 300 Pao Mall CO 03 100 .1, %BO BO 210_ do 823 NO do .. aOO 49% 200 do 83 50 Mich C a n alb rug 100 do 88)4 160 do 509‘ 100 Gal & Ohl A . 07% 50 Allah 8 11Gr a3O 89% 760 do 07% 60 Panama R 600 118% 20 N Ham & Hart 102% 211 do "' . 119 THE CITY. AMUBBIOINTa THIS WIRING & Alto9-VTIRST TASAIRII..- " Our Amerloan Conein"—" Jonathan Bradford." Now WALNUT-STREIT Trmayaz.—"Othelioll—wrim Laugh' ng Hyena, of - - - Aro Garmse.-13elsoilons from Plays, Gems from Operas, Pantomimes, Daneirm, and Singing Tammur's Gems from Operas, Negro Eacentrloitles, Parcae, IBloging,And Dancing.”' City Councils., Both branehes of Connell's 'held their regular stated meetings yesterday afternoon. BELNOT 001:11101L Petitions were preeented by Wears. Neal, Parker, Leidy, and others, In reistion to grading the etreeta ; fora Ore alarm In the Reliance engine bongo; and from 9EO citizens cf Spring Garden, taking that the GTl's Gramicar 8603 i be removed to,Spriag Garden Halt Mr Curler stated that the kers of spies Garden Bleu had been delivered to bun by Efr illsyner to day Mr. Neal IV nonnotd the fact that the Governor of the elate had Blamedthe Wit reorstantaing the Board tf Onardiaos of the P or. and of Ilealth. Other patitions were presented—for gas lamps around Washington Square; for charsifug the location of a rarest in the Twenty fourth ward; from reeeiyers of taxes asking for an appropriation of about $2 233 to pay for the publication of *he names of delinquent tax payers In 1853 ; one from the Controllers, as follows: CITY CONTSollati , trOrvrOk. - Philadelphia, April 70859. To Select and Common Council,: 600r0 .—I hand you herewith ceples of two bills of dry pods furnished to the Board of Ontrdians of the Poor by Pamuel Rhodes. No 39 Beak st•eet. The one la a bill for s , 4 , brown sbeetintc, bought upon a req.llBl - of S C. Freno and A. J Preen, the price charged being 129 cents. net cash. Mr -Rhodes declined rdelog the name of these goods, hence I ennuot get the preeee price, but la good article of 5.4 aboatlop can be bought at 113 k cente per yard, lima nix per cent. diecoarit for cash. The other bill Is for one case of Madder Mall, prints, . bought upon requisition of Joshua L. Raines; at 10,g cents. .r net cash It Hiving demanded and obtained a sample of these goods, I fled that they can be purchased at 8 manta, net cash Comment , ran such 'pia-chases le unreceseary' Dorn me. I cannot sign warrants in favor of parties who charge tram seventeen to thirty per leant more -than the market price. I, therefore, admit t he facts for the action of Com:milk Very reepectfullyynurs, Gamma W. Hurry. Controller. A com - ennicallon was received from the Commis stoner of Markets, combating a clerk in his rflPe, snd another from the Foliages., stet ug that Spring Garden Hall le vow in full pocutession of the city. A commuotort.lon wee read reepeotieg a- claim made by Alderman Moore. -It was stated that the 'amount of '8239 CT was paid by him into the oltv treasury, as a ansmatrate Referred to Police Committee A report wee presented from Committee on Eohoote, making an appropriation of .8800 to pay Prof. 11. W. Neglect, of the High toboot. The ordinance was passed, A most from the Committee on Railroads allowing the Fairmount and Arch-street Passenger Railroad Comeau,' to lope track ou Callewhill street, between Hamilton and Twenty second street. Parsed - Mr Parker presented a tell appropriating enough money to defray the expenses of the specie] committee to remove the Almshouse to a more distant part of the county., After a little debate, the matter war- poet-. puled. Rsoolntions from the Committee on City Property tratoderring an item of $1,C03, and perroltidni the Zoo. logical Society to campy a part of Fairmounti were' read and passed. . An ordinance making an appropriation for' °parting Richmond street wee presented by Mr. Seholfle d ' and referred Mr. Thompson submitted an ordinance prohibiting soy one from altering the grading or, pavement of a street without a permit from the Highway Depart. anent, and that the said department than not grant any permit to any railroad company -to alter any street without trot obtaining the- sanction of Commits. Re. forced to the Committee on ll , ghways., • A floe portralterf William Bradford, of Revolutionary memory, wee-presented to'the Chamber by B. Otte, E' lierelation of thanks was offered by - Mr. ,Ouyler, an palmed unanimenely. „ Mr. Neal offered a roliOntion instructing the 811foltor to inquire Into the titleofun old. market hoagie on Cal, lowhill street. Adopted. Mr. Parker offered a embitter' authorizing the Sur vey Departnient to lay a track for the North ?ocean. 71 'mall Railroad inAleard,wdedue. trctlie natant of 2,600'n feet, in order to progress with the conetruction of Co-' I hocksink culvert, et a cost or $OOO. 'Adopted. A retwlntion granting permission to the Yrankrord ,and Southern - 1k Phidenger Beltway Company to extend theft tie* over the sidertallr at Front and Chathain street, in eider tomato a oonnection,with the Trenteu Itittreadlrditipa*MAWit' . meat to superintenddhiapiefee, , r,4lto - ,,--,:,..: . The hilt Mitingliar appropliatitin To thelielehiMe geettaittee. to:detrartheireiPeederkrerial4iVidt: , - The thini Preotookof tbeqereaty-tlftt Warding re. Mined artiat'preinint , • The ifaiantlen , rattthorisfeng the eheedelvaagepooled:„ ' .e . 4 en orilinteciVriebing aniii,oo4*ition'creSi 500 compel:mate Z..0.110we1l for damages occasioned to his propertyin elaTipit ',L'lttrtupeqorri (treaty am histiet, Rat taken op, ' fdr, Commonore _ a ratite lisidainilii*Wilits af fair. from which it - e peaseShit lies been periling clorai a period prior to abisolidatite4sieettat, the robe of theseart hive beeiefelly'Corripiled*ittr Dies Othotield considered thitlbleires lad that the dernagea emirs 4, ni bi e, t l t, „ho p of the property simesmat the damages to the property at the ieseAlitt. and the court awardedttre:ancioraid.';that. it consolidation bad not soaped, the_ onaer,woold hero received the aliment long ago, as holaitid a arartant e s einstthe coun ty of' ntraelaiiii. The' bill passed7laileat ,emPrdi some thretyeara ghee, and was defrosted livOrootaon coenon'.' '`, A .long'kebate berry ensued, after.Arlifelt".lllL, keit moved that the bill be retlne4 to, the Clomp:Atop on Righimytt," with' feetineldmis ,•to , rePoit. ab,the next seselon Not - atriedfo.. - - o - inedwi topopfpbootha bittkenoOnsiderat'nn of, the . . bill was , • ' The bill tees aid oiler tiolli'fbO An ordinance zealot , attapprOrirfation of SI NO to The R s Pite Assotaiticindaii , sonditfo4 that they' pure these a lot end erect a banes Itioreon.-;pratierr' d Mr: loiter inbreltted a bill providing for the' /Amble of eertllP wharf P9.P.elt il al llth!lil:rAlan;j.Anferrett to thifiropripiisteleoararlinee - - -" The reaolorion authorising thii paving of 'Corr/land Moore etreeta wan pasaid - A resell:Moo to open Twentieth street - from Poplar to 'Parrish street, was agreed to.. , -A=rreolution providing for the grading and'orirtdoit of Leirigh avenue was peas , d. - • Cambria, William, and Anbarnratraitt Wain ordered to be graded. • : Attn. gloms further matters, of no louring interpt, the Chamber adjourned::' ' (swiolfootnran, The Ober anbraitteg a eceatettaieetionfrox the Chief libilin'eer - of the; rlle Dejefitment; etibiOtthlg hie newel (porter', inert: Department called - 104 in seivlee - Lou in reel estate.. 524 940 In pessonsl estate" . - -• • Total 878 24/1 Total covered by insarsnre ' Total not cover-d by ineurazuse - 18,780 Two Coonaunieitlone were receivedfrom the Control. ler in relation to a warrant In favor ofAlderman George Moore he refowl: aogn, and - an - eanShttant cherge,that had been made f r ebeetings to the - Alma. house Refprred to-Uommittee on Ploance.- - r-• A cotouseateethns "is*i rec . -Dived from Vern T Ktuer oily Solicitor atatlng that be bed obtainerporsaislon of the rooms in flPring es , deti 3[611, ? - A atatimmt PaYler, President, and P. It. Ft/Motor, 'seetehtiw,,i of_the lase and VI a• - street PV"llierll,4lfra, wa r mbzottbdo , holdni the cost of that improvement- Laid no the Mr. Berner presented s p•fitioo forlaylog *lOl. pee In Twenty sixth street - 81,st ward, Also, petitions for asa•plve in Morila street, Numerool ether petitions,ware presented and appro. pi-lately referred - ' - Hutchinson, a re's:dation rennesttng the Com mittPo 011 Tru•tt and Fire °marmites to inquire into the erritdi-tcy-.51-planinga See-alarm Waste& box in the of the Independence Angina - Colmany. at -Tvonty-fourth and epria g Garden etreets. 13..ferred. Verinde rerotutions from the_Gotomi aim on Highways, author Moir - the grading of 'si part of flinppen street, Imviref eenton eveoue and Thirty girth streetrOPtrOnd puts. , Green and Wharton etreets - and paying for the tleishlne of Mtitereek bridge, were aereed to •Mr Mocker, of the ifinetory Committee, submitted an ordlitante surhoriiing the May& to.paratowe the pro. pert/ now tcoupted by the Pa liolophieet Societe. in !firth attest, below Obestont: it a, cost not exceeding $78003 whreb was &mead to, Mr it Mt ler celled up therresolatino authorising the engineer of the water 'voiles to make a contraet with M sera Stair, of Camden, for 100 030 feet, of caaViron water-pima, which r wee_adoptad: a A commoachrienirWas "received' Mint dui Reviver of Taxes, asking an arpropriatioe of $2 OM to pry for ad vertirng delinquent taxpayers. Referred to One Gam , mittee on Irinance. - - . Mr. lintoblosoe, of the Committee on Bolcom !sub mitted a n.port and reeoltiMon authcisiziog "a recision of the made of Culvert street east of Firth street. and an ordinstme_auths rising certain culverts in the Punt card, wh'oh iaereegreed to. The amendments of 13sleet Cottrell to the ordinance molting an appropriation to the Guardians of .the Peor, and a resolution of thinks to It Otis, Esq., far por trait of T Hradford, were concurred in. Mr. Gllllegbans eutnnitbid a cssohation directing the Chief Notices? of the Flre Department to inform Conn eile, at theirnext tuesting;_why the Good Will ant the Fairmount 'Cowrie COmosides 'Were Oat - iminsdiateic suspended for noting on Bundsp, the 8d of April. while returning front the fire at 'Sixth and Market st:este. Agreed to presented e resolution reetteding the 71. mance Vorroulthis to report - in ordinance authorizing • lone to erect a bridge at Chratamm street. over the Schuylkill r , lliferrsd to -the Fineries Committee. .Thmuie read in. piece _an PldirMloe,relyrzx le Public highways; fliclaring It umiiiifol to remove the Pavement - Ofmny , street:4, , witheak ti rpennlk from the Nigh way Department, maderAt penalty of step, which was adopted. - A resolution was en:Omitted direqing the Receiver of Taxes to emPloy pioper Bolted the money due the city from the collective of outatandmg taus, was rafeyr ad to the Committee A- resolution 'changing tke lintatio . , of the Twelfth precinct _house', Twentv.thfrd ward, wee iefeiteitto. a committee of the members of - that ward. A resolution was ad opted ataborismar the layive of water_ pipes ha' Ohriatian: Nmeteenth.- Twenty Mat, end Dickerson streets. in the That ward; 'Pearl street, lathe Eighth ward ; Wallace. Twenty-Met, and Twee• tymecond. streets. In the Fifteenth ward ; ' , Amerces street Seventeenth ward j Norris, Moorwiln-tioptlon, and allaton -streets. Nineteenth ward; and Hamilton, Haverford;and Twentieth Striate, in the Twenty;fortrth kir,gteelingeiliedni the intlittaitee stab oiising the ihniroller to Olga The' bile .of the gosid without their heing signed by the, Cominittee on Reettbi which gate the to , muolt**debste , hetirean Mews: Hooker Denals, - .Wetherill, and others. It nair net d meisagi was reielied from"lfaynellinry, replying to the resolution of Mr Gordon, Inquiring by Whet sett ority the rolice force wee employed to magnet the United etaissoilsers in the resentingittecniave ease The Mayor derails thocharge, and says that. be is de termined to unslntita (*de , Cul Methane the drake of bierposition, without - rein*/ to popular sympathies or pre.mdlees. - An invitation to attend the celebration - , onthe 17th hist ,of the introduction of water-Into 8r00k1311411.X., was accepted. The veto message of the Mayor against the admission of the America, and Other !team Are engine companies, wee read. 4 ' The Chair thought !het theist:it wasplmady a law,ne more than ilftSeri &lit - hoi* anplied 'dose lia"recirive.A tha ovilommo from toloollo, - -- Air•lPOOlitoOoiatiaid tinbiterievi.';': - . - • , - Mr Kelly raid It wee the duty of the 'dark to ediver , tire thie ordinates se a law • • Mr. Kelly moved itrat when the Chamber adjourn it be to mast again on Tweedy iftsrnoon; .. Agreed to. Mr. Hooker waled up the oolioooce making enema.. pristiOn to ;meet the expense, of removal of the market shade on Market street. - - . Oa motion +o refer to the Omotidttee'on Marketing quorum voted end the Chamber sdjournerl."- AN early hour yesterday morning, be teem one and two o'clock, es Officers fourths and ley were passing the dry-goode store of Mrs. Swab Gundery, at Wood, and Belgrade atreets,,Bighteenth turd, they found the Jetta partly ejar ' This led -to a 'further examination, when the officers discovered two men at work upon a back door, which they were-en deavoring to forms open. The men - werelaken foto cus tody, and gaits theirnaties as George Wats 311 and Alex ander Wilton: ,tipon their persona were found a jimmy, two chisels, a large knife, a candle, , atd some matches, two new house brushes, and about $7 in smell _change. The door through which they- attempted to "etf.ot anentrioisi to the store waa'freand broken in es 'feral pieces The licensed were taken before Alderman Olood, and, during the proems of the bearing, ft was ascertained that during the previous 4:Jett:the flour e'ore of Hegira. Henderson & s order, at the corner of Wood and Gaul s nets, about a rows from the other place, was broken r pm, sod robbed of various articles. One o -the proprietors fully - identified the towhee sad chisels found upon the prisoners Is some of, the two- - party whioq was stolen. This store hes been robbed, once before. After the bearing, the accused were Committed in default of $2,000 bail each, to answer at court - THE VESTRY OF THE OHIGIOR OF THE IN- Teaosasoi, Heir. R. A. Carden, Rector, having re. neatly purchased the lot it the northeast corner of Broad and Green streets, on Wednesday evening se lectee a plea for their anti% building. submitted by Mr Batton. It is of the Hunan stf.e of architectire, with a commanding spite tt .the northwest corner, di. roe opposite West Green Street The cost "of the - banding. when emeoleted and entirely finished, w:11 be from to $40,000. • , - - ' lioisPrrAL_OA.sze..L--Tohn Boyle, aged ftffr years, fractured Ms left leg yeatelday morning, by fall. ing off s-build mg which he was engaged in tearing down at Seventh and Obeitnnt etreeta. Patrick Magill, aged. twenty-air., slipped and fall yesterday sourniug, white driving a dirt cart . In the riPletty ei Teeth end Walthit streets; the wheals or oyer hitirlo term sod fractured it. Both - the above wire ainittlelto the Pennsylvania Hospital. AN ORDINANOE pearled by the Councils, regulating the guano of ordinary vehicles in streets In which city railways are laid, has been signed by the Mayor. and to now Tinder the nrovielons of this hill veh'clee p seine along the • track In the direetloo of the cars *Molt travel It have the right of way, and vehicles going in the opposite direction most tam out. Tole i, a very wholesome arrangement, and it win pre vent much Wet:11110d. ' CHARLES STSWART was 11431.1 t o bail yes- - terday norning by Alderman huller, for a farther hear. ins on the enspiclociof robbery. fle had been arrested in the Twenty-fourth ward with &quantity of copper in hie possesalen._ It was all out Into piece', and hod erl dainty been a large boiler At one time. The pieces are awalt;ng a claimant at the Twenty-fourth ward sta tion bones. NEAR daylight yesterday morning, Miehael Redmond got out °ibis warm bed, and walking down to dace•street wharf he stepped into the Delaware. He was rescued by two deriwomen. lie waft laboring =oar an attack et somnambulism at the time. - - - - - A BANDBOX containing a quantity of ladies , alothlng end eorne lewell7 rig found in an alley on Third rtreet: The artier's Are at the Eierenth•werd dation.hortse.l _ - - _ • ABOUT noon yesterday some sheds in tho briok•patd at Me. Daniel lloto, in the Nineteenth ward took fire no:Mentally, and were dertroyed . THE COURTS YraiTEnDAr'o PIOO7.IIIDINOB 'Reported for The Prell3.j • UNITED STATES O.IIIOIIIT COIIET Grier and Oadwalade..—The noted Met yesterday morn ' lug for the partici.° of biking up the equity Bet. bray there were no cams ready for hearing, and the court adjourned until thle morning NISI nous—Justice Woodward.—Valdwoll vs. The Provincial joguranca,'Cimpany of Toronto, (Philadelphia branch ) Before reported. An action on. a volley of insurance. 'On trial. " • Plate rot Co - car—Judge Strond.—Mahlon Bell vs The Pittabnig; Fort Wayne, and Chicago road. An action to renower.damages for .ojuries cue. tained by aplabibff Whileln a railroad car belornsins to the defendants. It appears that the plaintiff bought a ticket for a passage over the defendants' road, and when Wing in one of their oars and .about two miles from Alliance Station; the train in Which be was and another train came in eollialon, by whlsh the plaintiff was severely Injured. It appeara br the testimony that the train of the defendants was running at an nnrumal._ spend, On trial. DISTRICT Conms—Judge, Sbarswolici.--The Commonwealth of, Deensylvanta at the saggestion Montgomery Chambers: - vs George Me e, - William- Morgan, William Maracay, and a ndrewJ Weettir.'- An' ae is recover damages against the defendants ad- - sureties of George blegeo,later She ;113-tof „Philadelphia county, for an alleged improper discharge of the she..;,l riff '8 duties. The facts of,this curseAre.tteser Mr. - Chambers, at whose suggestion this snit brought., _ obtained a Judgment against a person named plonta. rt y. for about $3OO ; .n osecurion was' issued And put into the hands of the sheriff-bat Dotigherty's geods were not sold. hie. Chambers then broeght this stilt against the sheoff and his securities to - recoverdarrages for an alleged impropot.discharge of his duties. Teedefande ' set up is that Dougherty owned,no,more goods than he could claim under the eieumtlon larr ; and therefore he could not collect the money. -- Ga`trial, - ' ' QUARTER SESSIONS—Judge- Thompson.— ' The cum of Robert J. Douglass; merged with petiary, • 'end which knalotenplea th e atiestlen , Of thiCeettrt for';j: the lest two or three days, was concluded yesterday,' The olosiug speechtlu of the coneselwere mode, the iadge delivered his charge, and-the, Jury, stew minutes after eight o'clock; w.tholut leaving - the bra, readereid a verdict of " not guilty,'? ,The prisoner thsaked the Jury for their right.oey verdiet_end left the court room mold the congritalatione of WS 4