The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 28, 1859, Image 3
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I, AltalitAtk. Mritgetril(iiiii r t, -- g - ' , .--,. UP, Tb 7 A4ll- 4 ,014,* S'lltiZ*o2lll2lo. _ ` ,_,. •,," ,p,..9.oloo,Ao6llP4ilmaigrai Strai.t.,. , b;lolililifit ' - ' • - ' 4. :::.A - I,' : Direiiliiii4;4ll44l0 4 1• . '4, 1 1tDdici4 4 i:‘'.11Istrlibit* " ;• ' - ._-i. . : :•=1" gr i p4,, - ;:__, a.,: ‘ ,. , „ „v. .., -4lsionra Welta, XY. , '1 . .al:, ,V - 11'-;: - .1.%•',11 - 40 , 11001*:•001roit ,',' ' W. - - 1 1 ,11.,Hrix;44-43'PV'Kr glaitthr Ohm , - -- - L. , `-, , iirik l 4,lhibuleify - ,fltD444lpolgiat JO .--, - - Aped: it Maio° - f •"'''' D Voisralrl,;fr..t.rit kli-irl*G - r !s ,- ' Ati,:sioWtt4t , tnk.44-Is6lll - 1/114i1X4111iiiphie , 'r ,',.. Tabil'i!re*'llldfo 'l'4• . T. - ' , W* Rh* -D 0-0, --, r- -- , • : ' : 1' DY•IgItti•DV-7,:,.. Aii z tr' inake*Vll7-wilait '- - a', K A ie fe S43ll3, , X , r, ' , Pr , ;$: J , T. ;pro wmt i f sr k•Clry ,- ,• -,• -- :* !:I•ii itiatgt•l24,l‘'f , ' l §;, - - - -;•-•-usle.filViiiiiii'1470, 7 :- - ' • ',..* '' :,-; - ''''11,:141',400010i). --.14'.i.".:4 •.' 7'o Asidtfor 41 r ,', i '=d'R',lfp,7r.,:4-4.40t0k1i1?T'.. ,, ' - -, ‘ , 1 . ,;` ,4- • " - -1:- iPz..K - 41 1 2 m 4trisalt r, ' ' '' . 'Y -. -- :o6WorliAptiediiiikllf , s - `-:1,. ow ' , 4 131. -, .'" 'c . ltia - ifitositAbiroariV:yri* - ,z - liziaKi , " r . .. ,... .. . .. .... ..., .314.11i#111406,1101101ki -.4V7104 sl.lrer Jusolkkitor"'s ' Deo -• ' lte-j•-• -• -3.16 , '" * it -. ~ gt 1044111604 „ , , ' , ,,T ,, r ~ 44 " , Piltitit - - 1 " ''' ' •_ ,- ~1 31. ...e10k...144t„...,1*.Ffik, irat..„pem.",(4.110...-. ..(0...w,......,,.„.„,,yr..i zi ., fr .b.t.,1.4,,s ~..,,..-f,,C,l4eoorifiatl 1440151.111ri lernkiliy Oily - ', f . ,i* OI4 V,IVArV.ILL II I TI j i .,.. 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", 4 . - Writ Paiticiili: N.Y - '- ' '••• ' , :lt - D - DropPiOrf-tsi'`.:';,, , .11`intirfekhAlltrM' Ll '' • -:51..4rub0v,,y4 , ,c -, ',.... 1- ; - , li , lxcia.p, sit.i::. sr., - plithAkEttle. , : , , l,- 41 , 1Zfl:MPV , 2"!;Z: ,tvg,itot*iientig:' ;..b, , r3ticilt Oliair '- - '"'' , Boston_ - ..' , ..R.A80A00*"..1 0 410109,3,,f. • F...W ladreve.-Bastasi" ' I '-' - .2,:. - ::'''','•• 76 , , t414 11 5 6 0‘.. ,-. . , ;:t lir,', •• Z , Ir . __ ... 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''?„.„rlizrrlik, ,o. ,,,,-,,..01- ;,:,..,.,,,,,-- A Bfritin,l'exiNg .-:',: w.. , t, ;.-. i •-, - ? irpoeltitopefiMo4ol44M., gitallg ' er rO i ll " 4,4 !: VW._,Ari- NKr 41#414, ",-.,-,,- .f.-. 3TM NeirigitifF***ll:•:_i 4 1 .0• 1 $ 10 * 1 1,0 0101 iit:•47,6lWshilliebrrop'; \VIV , --- - -:."IDD, Di**o-I**.t;4l4.ll4,l,4"Tikri.i44Vil:_ :leirVIIII:_-1 - 4oltie-Drifiii,iifi (V O 1 - , i i it P - - 1 ,0 1 ,,C,;*': , k. l olficalifidst It tb titiie '. -..'''. i - t;)- t,Zi.:l4lv..:l=' , ‘Soll#ElMPtifialri ';',,,,•-•-•:::: ,- , ' - :,i 4 4, 4 1r i • 5t*,,,r,.:0, 41 14-1 1 04 1 0 , 1414 , 41.; ,r6 ''-•-•"-7,10Mikir.1::-Wir ..,_."2l4oortildrof,gs,',4; *Waifs , : Artri :.;* -, , 11 A" • irt-r.,__KAimiii.Oveiri" . .... -P ..:1".-..sfir,441 PV!9 t 4 gt..a.4oAfotiolWi6,.;. z-, ~-',:r. ~.-.iJ.-„7 • t'o,i ,"f:,,,-,,'-,.”l -.. 4,,,....:,#.(t'-,T.o:;=,fi‘ kzg- 10,,11--h-!,lorii4ptdiltA-pra-es4uo'A"rtrA f '. d .4e i . f - f . ' ~' , Z al@ 31VAdttktellek. ,'" >:2 : IV. 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T , ft,prrs d .- - -- - -It'l ' zi, ;14 . •.• ' - vi.,.4. , ...'1, , . • , -,,, , 5 -- -,.-1 .04, ,,, I v - -,,,,,. '-, -'l,7`: 1- 41 , 1i10.1( fit,, ' CIS -,`Mraftfrf--A' •,-, ii f 4' e T tikervi • - ~,,,, i, : irtung 014 Tif Ft,,, 0 , ...--'8.1" ; .11r.,7 741 , 0 Fa r ,!%-,..., .: t, ,1114t,ber' Vickifitilliiitqtkriti,„,,,qte-,,,,4„.:, ' 3 'tigt ' ,i 7 ir i rrAe ll 4t), t, --, -- 7 7,c. ~c . ,4„. 4 .l A , ijoi'44.litki,i tt -tii. _,.. 1 ';'.,,!..7.,214, _ t a l ' tab w h i eV i t. -- - - 7,1-f, I' is . 11,01.-1 ' '' T ' -- ' i sl ti 31 0 f Ana4 4 7r- = ~; ,-4 , 41• 1_21A4141t ' V‘ iiL w f - 't,--rf '4',l'l':. C%,,i-v• t._ . , „ : . , , ,, 1.7..."•:1^,.--.`5 ------,--', --' ':..-- ,'' X =ME 8 ` . ~F i','T~s„i2"~fi:"=+.:'}>yi'~aW_Li'.",^v~C H'r~.4~„~~FyTi~, ~'. ...~ ~__... .. _ i.... ...,._ _ __._ W—_~ it~l SooB > Otors Third. ynk,g94311 . - 7obil Cox; le ritteliterp_atilpbte: , ~e,:ineetept:i:, k tiOlekkifilliT4l-14,543 ,f 1_7 * , Zone, Edide,all4,:;,BanfHoeuiberi;T,,,,,,, I)uff4e. va ,-.•-•;,,Obsyclir•fraorelti•Vc 0,3010_ Simmoiss, N Y_ .„ 4 IPA, Desdleton, Del ,-• Drumlin, Dxlial3ppoDe I 413444414111i0niP1...,,,Z:1.,...- .1* qx iv,01,14,1!,va , room " • -'l` amiss, 11.1litan,..New ()nasals -Blair, Boston Kt-Restilak,...BoorOu• ?). AA Shorti , lilleWiEMPllSUl I.rderils,)Gleatieetoni-8 C • •.,_•]/ Campbell, By. •.• 1i S 'thaws 10,1914 Maangklin, Boit= 4 '3 13Bortgbzu a, Wilfai Bel, trawl 11. Veep, V. ; - .Gad 11.'nniteh; Va; • , 4oligrlipaburgh,.6llbaly WAllsost I oiiiki.s • Tkoi WOrnlngtoo: :Sim !I ?SiStprii Phil . All 4 - „ SL 1113K , R„*QTICL4biidebate Upper Dobltu,Devi Tomlinsim, Byberry .11•19,1 1 . 1 1 .BiloeTry , ' , Malden Oreek !,fg.ex ei 01)114%, NOtitt.o` ler the 'Water-, 'CllMOidistitSired;l4 - .1852; hair stgalred, in She brief, pee id IriAseill,aujlisblidly'aMiouneedi more , sending; lent' lisofitiblcitotosietY , thiM, ShliddMilteritefore;nr- trel f9r kno t 'ue*-11"4"BlIW!":4: Piro end-Med,testedpiper; but it IC *!liters Uhl& no man will allow himself or hie faintly: '4O M Witho . ut„-„AbleAolS by, irpsotOle 4roilSiebt, - - fsneil dealers, and at She headquarters of the . ,diSeerrer,l;Nd." ANN , . litrost, - New York. Por_ - 111‘,01100phkii B: - ,fIALLISNOBIS & 904, lilifid , ' 4llloViallta *WO BLA'Xit (cor .ll,M,Aiti,tiSisiteldratunt,) HUBBARD. 00 , (Chestnut 'and Twelfth;) and many,iithers: Sohn' m&s-tt . Jleiw,staisit• eitieeeheirlit Ineve ;pe, eta petef ated br !that terrible 'dletive, - ..Pttynaptfoir And how gtelaal and Attlent: iaiipprosti eel A slight cold—a' hachttig,Songb— s pittliag thapet,ei the . itairalk Pea ;del le death I - Fqt - if eke .- if sn7 one WARM take filealeadls Tattletale Cordiaile the first or Pelmt, end iittmetimes area foible • third ate - of the tlieettejinitaidtets relief-Would eneue;'- tad life be pro-, Aagett. - • . Ow 410_ Asthma ; Bronchitis, , Lad Partieelarly Ia iirottp;, The letter - Mileage, the ter- Itrierinleteli initimehire - in 'Preside* of the Talsianis:Ooriltal, and ails be tiered by a few doses. "=li,'freidetalTbrilie.i).lll..JACiffketiofia.4lo. ARCH Street; and for sale Dr- druggists- and storekeepers , threugheet the'_United Tiates and Pleads:. Tricerld., Ont. per Dottie:: -.• . • inh2.3l.ldAW 4V„ P,Fely,•yeaeloble.„V"beaticsoo: Componvid noeiessing no:deleterious properties—JULES 11111:1BIA ispted fly took; front 'rink among miiiiiiroitit - 0044titiitiw, the day.;',lte mode, of sp iltinithnila -.any; add iti , ..effeot - instantaneous •in Pro. 4464 ntiort,gussytdstdti• brcnn i nr chestnut colored lintri-*Coridingto - feno . y.-'BOld hj all '1)114040.'1,nd by #497ELIi. Rl,-249104 oiestutititix,)it,frxtua :,.er . sob2dAt flimitS44MgMss ' oMgm , _ Sc„ , Ifetetelly tsfitg juivinbriko.- - Alipkkrir ‘ Eiv-pitipie SO. - 1 : 0114 . 114.14100 ours limn peirshased 'Jima ,tliarrequiriak :rewirellug of thread'; It &lief !gb 11;thste, aall'StitottiOis superiOr style, enfe tag', east ;Wu wititoit re-' Seinree . it co' Ilia biiiid•aredle;'ei: is required by other ma oblesei,y/t" and oliesper eewmg tbau a seareistravrosee • area If she works for one cent an /Sour.':•" - yo* A OptOULATI..CIi - to. owtot., machines persons,who have beel Eadweed,ta tner_Bewtoratachtnee grd& will ndt Offeror tke work that canriduiera eziereted them to do, aiiiro*id *4 BINGO.* MAOIIIIOIB Atilroi, to 4 6"10/ 1 444irirrif. ;OO'ne . hkeiet disoppoloted in there I. I§l - . , BINGER to 00., • "ga 0111381171/1" Street 444 7 4*- :1,•:;.% . • • , „ tn.* itre!lowtscAltschlues.—The now Faint. ti &Flog ,lisobtssei at $5O aled476, are attracting uul ulna 'attest( tse. alt reaeintill • aped qualities they Nisaktatea 4ey)ti offs:ea et s low, prise, ,-I. II ariarit ectr-earrrntrs. :d -Flew Arttcte. • ,' &.'l3OllOl (Rie° Oooetue foe the MAL rbuilO' n Heir. • _cr oca bis pit h --Phl4oll a. -)°Y" - vArtialle "104&TV-Clh!"'.. kolas Heat 1444 -4:4114"!" 01 . 14 . gf ° I' - .Dreiti,hik t ? ,„Vr • lifylag.-(ReOn l • - Lib*Piefei4l6-; Statorirl , - 12 13,* &WA Coco*: Ite* - , larys Bottles, fifty , Oman BOtelori Twenty-Are 'Cei/i0;. - 4 - aulialioy Good* ;. Yn tLe woo tart 111thit Itjtalrisilote • itOiri. 1100 012.68TW 0 f. 19 t2l , • 010 11 .0 1 0/gd.** ll,o6 ',l 3 oiiiitilijio 3ll2 okCtir4: Window Sollinta*no;z lore, tallei*Pilonwitlitures tar=ak dee ;'Putaam'a ind• Braise, ; And, my isiiiAl4):44644 . FitioW:4lol's44le,a dd,irelai . l. it4boitiii =tie*, , PATTJIM ' jplll . 4llisoll . 011381 4 ifirT bGsat. _ " FFX.M.,, • ' M. Itioei' Joint all,of this city, tlgs24tbiostl by Ms Sas. Geo* Ohindler, Mr. 111014113-BOOKS to.Athis MARY - BbobibßY: `. On tb.24li lust.; by Ur. Yredaripb :KitSobor ? WlLLabt ?KRISOKSIt. to Miss =LOUIS& W, scurrx, glanglitecot lete—Gotitab Bohwerts, both of thts.olti.- - • „ -' On tti,Altti • feat., bj Atm. J - B, Doloi.lii:WlL'LLiit 81140XN to 6tt00,//ABE4ST Ectlfpli both , of th'a /kW. : Robert Etmatmn;~ kte.7 - 4019N , WlLtitSllooll , l* -, M119' MARRRA'Me • 4pllgll[~botti;ol,thlcoty.f t,'.- •_ , - MIUM --; apitattie. ' • ' ' tbo 26ticiass ;xi sw_sitAy - 1341,711 hfARACEIN, 11114,10 th year of his eger ,,, ..:; - ! ' • .? limn:min fet.mde anaresznothily intrited to attend hie Inoseirelk ham WNW* rosideuee. 2224 Lam t street, tbt. 0 11 00 1 031snOreleg t at * , - -Oa 24as It eitentolirs, Milipreilat' of • tsetse Levan, Jertirclithleyossel ter so. = • qiffinerstrfrentihe residence of her Soo. JAM: - IC N. itiirner of Twelfth and Oallowhill streets, i Weida) mozzitmst ;No*. the 4ith'instrittl.:llrj:4otati W. HARVZT, mut friend* lire:lnvited to attend the lemisral,:frokihisjoitii , te•iden'ne, No.. 7.9 Fitzwater filtrOdt, this (Mcessy) raerniser, et le Webs*. To pro toped Rossideines thinteteetev - * 1. On the 925th-lust',: lust ,„ BANNA g , wife Of Nosh , ta the 27th Yeas of hei 41c • , ' 3 The *WMII4 sed'iriende of tk sre - respect. filly Invited to, attend the firsierelirtrom th'e residente e t her hmaliand, in Blehhordd etrest, share; Ann, this ,fo ll **diti ref Wiersjitiss kistiteet • . • - - * thetettrisit- - agliN• OUNTlNGitssed 42 years. - IThe "retitle's - end friend. of the family , Ire - respect liuy-fireitetttresttend the feheirs(i'fross hla let.- rest ,tipserv.llo4oll4hidtenienoresteset. Repave Queen, this ( atidai) mum*** eqook. :To proomd to Odd incites , Cemetery, ‘ , - * iOn the 1.6 orinst.,Vabiziii, ,Dixiar* in 04 624 •yair•on& age. , , , TheisiatiVed end friends' of the family are' respeot. fiNF Invited to attend the fining, from the residence of,,,Thomege Adams, N. IV cur4er of Tenth audnr oils* striate. this (fdonday) morainic at 39 Oclost. without further notion. ::010.116'Sfifijest r;Otttr )444016-111,:fh, aged 23 • ',The t relstlisiend - frien4 ot„thei` festilk *TO , t 4 8 1 4 4. 'fully invited to'att.iiid iukihneral,,troco the residence ;of; bid Ibiatimi , l47laii 4 , SiMerr,,ltelaill, Cherry street, toofeselfiftb;:thldthion.ikt) sitar**, it 16 , 4100 k. In lairinesst Oatiiiiihal i tinoistiry. wxt.tf424 02.4yEui,siirrs, 2*.shearati - ieseort g og. , * ell the 23th' • inst:,' EARL S,infant son of Jetresod Imre Berta, egad 8 years and 9 months. .* °tithe 28th'' cost , THOMAS ORAVAN T. lUUJI, ifin et-Johny. B and Nlizabetit Maio, aget •4 months The fends at ths family ire • invited to attend the ftfrotreleiiltimut ftu.ther ti 01.109, this (Monday) after neon irq eolith, Twesty-third street, below Green. - • '-flealth - ,- Report. Ortnes - i M!.kreat 20,1869. "ileitis its -City of Philarlolphiri from tholY:la to :cumuli; , ' ° ''. ° " -..° - ":..-1 11 ' % ° --i—l-:- y„..,....,.... - ___ 1. ' THROUGH TICKETS 'Alamo • ''• ' , Tare? 80atict...... ' 5 QUPERIOR PHOSPHATIC GUANO.— ETARPER FOR APRIL—PRICE 16 Otii. : - 6. .--.... %abloom ... ....-.... 2 - .V Typbar.... 3 1 tJ IMPORTED AND FOR BALE, ON REASON. TO THE -1-. E. Per aale at P.F.TERION & lIROPHERS. - Aritehriser '. . 1 , " Typhoid'," 4 4- ABLE TERMS, BY , - BOOTH AND SOUTHWEST, Apopleity -8 - ,Gangrane... „..„ 2 , JAlrars BAKER, • . it PRIL HARPER ! APRIL HARPER !-- VI& PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BAL. IBM 4;i4; - ‘t ' 5 / ' ' lleth•ge ' Irony.. 2 , % TIM ORE RAILROAD, claw of Wil in a, 7 . 1 7 . 2bmwobt , wbib. b 7 136 North DELAWARE Arenas, Philatelphis. lE. PRIOII 15 CENTS ! PRISE 15 MINTS! • 'Eimer of literrue... ,1 - Inflarotn Brotehl.. - 2 2 The ar3Myale of Guano shows it to contain 88.31 15 :co w s t itt l ie; ; , , ,,-,;..; 7 ,7 , ~,, . L i u , i , per cent of phosphorlo acid, and it le thue recommend- CENTS FOR ITARPER's AI AGAZIN.E of tote Oompaoy to the follo Ring points: •FOR APRIL gm PBTFIngoN,B. Niv,.hington, D.C. Keozville, Tenn. o r m t p,„, .. ...... . i r, -,, , - Live[ '.,,, ea by high eolentitla authority : ' Richmont, Va. Nabbvi I le, Tenn. v‘g0e, , ,,_ 0 1 . 1„4,,,t,t 2'.1 '-‘‘ .. p eritw o,„,.. "i' " This Guam? has a Slightly acid reaction, due to the 18 NEW COUNTERFEITS since MARCH Petersburg , Va , Chattanooga, Teen. -„.--4 , 4!: ,:of Bran ..), 0 '„.‘-. E sura. ,-..; .2 solubility Of a portion of sups r.phosphate in water. Its Cok in iihrii of t wa t. 2t - 7 , ~‘"i 41, k B o w. 2 7 very large per confrere of phosphoric *aid getups It, In , 15th, pnd 60 NEW COUNT BREEITS since Grand Junction, Tenn. OonvnisiOns..v#,.; t 2, 14 inanition... - . .... . Obarieetod, S. 0, Ifuntsellle, Ala. Chlektwii • ... , 3 Jaundice ' ° ' 1 ~, lily estimation, , es ti Guano of a I cry superior eta- MARCH let, hart been issued, end are described in 7 ; rater, became iMs per tent of phosphoric acid are Weldon, N. O. Wilmington, Nor 41ug o u l, , V e s . . N.O. 3 . Memphis, Tenn. Atlanta, Ga. Delon, Oa, • COIPITEIMIT DEPEOTOU AND B P :ti t. .III7E 4 LIST, lxim ffe - A..; 4, ..... r y 2 mi rt i m p t . ; ... .... 12 equirottlent to 88 p e r coot of bone jA p m ho p t , p s h o o . ta ll of oo l T im n o : !..Dropini,:lirsitai . ' ' '.- .1 Mitilea .. ... 1, 3 For BOOTH, Cancel; Ot Od1(.30. Dated April Ist * Sam neh, Oa. Montgoma,ry, Ala. , . 6 ...,..0keat. - .... .4 ~. Oaege" ,7 , ;pi ., 8ta1 ,,,... .• 2 p aw ~ , 7I". ' Philadelphia. Marco 7, 385'3." , MOLE N1361,11E1D1 NOW READY-Price 10 Cents. Macon Ire- Mobile, Ala, :.." g:„ -Heart,- 4 2 Still•borer 15 The satletattion which the roomier varieties of Phan. Suberription price, one year, Mow $l. 00 Columbue, Ga. New o.leans, La. ~ Cs It Baggage cheakel to all the above points. liipwstl ... .; .. .... I .- Teething 2 plinths , have given to farmers, wherever they ._, fiend• Monthly 200 have been tried, hits amply Mown that practice as well Published and for sale by - The stearneutp ISABEL leaves CHARLESTON for -10ytnatati......;. il Timm ..... , ..... 1 - • - , a2 as theory commend them teethe beet and cheapest ter- T. B. PETERSON A BROTHERS, HAVANA, on the 4th and 18th of each month, and i Wizen that Can be used They are notonly immediate t0h23.8t No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. oilers a very desirable roue to paseengers for the D0tgify...1.:...:,,., _il 4 Uoknowo ' 'MITA ° 02 1,4 15 ;,. :- 1 W hd q/ 441 : : ' 1M4h,- ,- but durable in their effo's, and benefit not only the Ety ,t 1 .4 loir% . - .i.., • i l. ~ '.",- ~• , -.. •/ 841 17 i Heat crop to which they are area lied but suoceeding Nil EDIOAL AND DENTAL BOOKS IN For tickets, or intormation, apply at the offices or the 1229 BROADWAY, cr N. J. P. IA, foot - Esser, 1i0ni..... I:11 . ,„ , ~, _, _ • , , • ones. .1.7.11 PRESS- Company 11 NEW YORK ''.,', " - Ptterrtrol.,lll , -,', .= . • " , ___ _ __ - d er 3 ... - or Tai`]. ''' ,EXllMgalt- of otgrArLaNin . Mtrest. tluderliear;.'"4...te 4tstm4o to 6o - -31 . IN. vi nor, SIXTH and CHEST 1ttn0,1,40,2.4.4?....".18 ' . 7".“ - !; 5040 00. 15 PHILADELPHIA NUT Streets, or.BROAD and 1 , ,If - - 2444:`,;i4".i , ... - " , 2 0 ': ii" 80 to - 40 _ . 7 . PRIME Depot. li-, - 01,0'101.1 .- .4;;, .i . , r, 6 "..-il ~ 10 to. go 13' IL bI FELTON, President. ," . :3eirtol6' - '- • 6 .6 SO to 90 , -.8 Pant., April 1.1650. mh2B.Bta 4 f16•1420:-4 - ..1'; -- 'PI ,--,-.42 wisp -- 114 1 ULTON'S INSURANCE ADJUST - lo't —. tc:20#040..,.; .. ',. .... .14 I ~- '"To iii ' 202 O. , ISO AND COLLECTING OPPIOE, No. 808 , r , trona th e'Almahoue, 9 Vie-of CHESTNUT Street . PH.ILADEPHIA. 141eir - . if' 0,:t., --•• . ' - ~,.. 50 08 ` lainalse - ' ~ - - : . 011:0ple - of Color, /I r 119174111.2.11: 0,10. 01 g ; . 1261 a mr4 or MU* ,Aijpia,r;of,-theez - - - - 1166 7 •1444 itiCtipcitt Lecture . ialto • itt 8 otelook—" Loy°. :48t , a id IW/r - `iAn.T.TR3DA Orititoer.w - 'I,,S4V/Plits4Y-,44,70,48,r' :.‘ey7...lllllllc,•4ltAlie--Wlll.letniposts and Mintra saLtsoAD-:compAttx,-, 1 / 6 .--sB5. vf Oonpointot•the , l 3 . o3 ml: ls tortgette Donde ,of "AltieWillininsfavt Ind Xlastn.„l3atttastt Conipauy, leffelteleeproitheo eir It be paid on end after that date, titt ran Ankuat hi eupert;.dagila lee tioe ,the Chattel Mortgage 'leek* of.tterOomegey trill sOrtaturlty, • By oilitralho'BOattOrirlitiegitg, ' • Trteauror. ~ .' -r/fit41:414111 . 14 84 roo. 84tki 1408, Wha1.1)28141 rtectire "' • - ; 73111 EN BY:Otat:CRICHOIt Mc° ARTY,' Itnttfinparintendont Mon Pedro ll R. ft. ~,forrthe. eene~4o4lhe 6T. FRANCIS X 4.9.111103,-INEarEpT.II _ . . , I.ofornertr,Blo.A.Peud BPItibIG o.olDieer ...On 1 - 01.8 DAY BY.ENINe, Alerob 22, 1869, • • 44 8.414,0t7-6 end the ticestilsee. l, • TIOICBTB 26 ORNT,B: • roba 2t qtrtitiT College.—The Dirt etore'tef the give notice that they are' pre paterle' bind out, in the State of Penneylvaels, TWENTY ORPHANO, in accordanee with the will of strpben Girard, to' suitable occupations. such as rAgroulture, Nartvation, Arts, Mechanical Trades, arid .idatinfactures: The Master will bb required to teach Ihie APPrAntiee hie, respective orl,, and to furnish him With euitable Nerd and ledgirg - in his own place of reAdenoei (except where for special reams{ the Ap -prentlee may, be _allowed to board elsewhere.) -The Master will be allowed to take• itaoh , Orphan on Iriel for a term not exceeding one month. Persons desirous of obtaining en Apprentice oau apply at the College between the hones of 3 and 5 P. ht., or if not residents of Philadelphia, NW address the undersigned in writing, giving name, residence, occupation, and reforenee, the latter, whenever possible, to be residents of Philadel phia = 112NRX W. AlthY, mh2,s•mlitst 83oretiry Girard College. MRev. W. A. Barnes Lectures on 4 $ Pales ilne') imam evenlegAA NATION AL HALL, AAA OXMAN Arty scenes In the Life of Christ and Apeetleei on 10 000 square teetof canvass. Adteitelon.. 9ll et. WThe regular - Me thiy Meelteg or the YOUNG S OURISTIA.I4 ASSOMATION ITILADELP HI& MEW will be held in the FLIITH BAP TUT i lIUItI R, Baneom street, balowlitath; an MON DAY ZY.trif AG, 28th lost ,et -Tx o'olook. An ewer witl be read by Rev • ALFRED TAYLOR, oa liaohinery or the Oh arch )) The public, are invited to Attend. reserved for Ladies " JOHN' WANAMAKNR; Oor. Secretary. mh26.2t Id.eting of the Board of Trade.—A. etated•meetler of the exeoolaticn of the Botrd or rrade will be held on 'MONDAY EVENING neat, 28th feat., at S o'clock, at their Retina, lid. 605 MESS MIT Street. --• • • . The attendance of members generally Se repeated •mh2&26, LORIN BLODGHT, Seocetery Takes , ter 7859=Tax neveWere Office, March 240829, • Notice te hereby given to the TAX-RAVERS OR THE CITY, that the TAX-BOOKS will be opened, at the Office of the Receiver of Taxes, on WEDNESDAY, the thirtieth day of March, on end after which day tbe Werke in the Office will, be prey fired to receive and re ceipt for Taxes of the current year. JILOMERBELT, Receiver of Taxes, mb2s at fir— Philadelphia and Reading Railroad COMPANY, Offiee 927 South Fourth street— Pint,ansyrata, Mardi 98.1819 To avoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Company, due on the let prelim), are requested to leave them at this office on or be the Silt inst., when receipts will be given, and Checks will be ready fordellvery on the let proximo, in exchange for such receipts" R. BRADFORD, • mh2t.Ot Treasurer. OTUniversity -oi Pennsylvania —Depar AIRNT OF ABA'S. , • - Tke Elimination of the anntor, Sophomore, and Fresilinto 011eses, at , the-olose of the Second 'Perm, will be bold 1n th'e following order; . .18.1RDNEFIDAY.; Marsh 28d.—From 9to 11, Juniors, by the Proveat.,(oeotal.Philosopby,) end Sophommes, by Prof.- Praier. (Obemistri,) written: Wont 11 to 1, Presbmsh, by Prof - Allen, (Greek Epigrams ) THURSDAY,' 24th —From 9 toll, Juniors, by Prof. Jackson, (Oicsrode Officils,) and Freahmen, by Prof. Kendall,' (Aigebia,l- written Prom 11 to 1, Sopho mores, by Prof:Alien, (tbe Birds of Arietophanes.) • 'IRIDAY,2Sth —From 9 toll, Juniors, by Prof. Zen dell, (Differential Calculus,) and. Sophonso , es. by Prof. 00PPee• (Logic,) written. From 11 to 1, Freshmen, by Prof. Janson, (Homes Satires.) - • SATURDAY. 28th.—From 0 to 11, 1 unfora, by Prof. Irma (DYnamics ) - MONDAY, 28th.—From 9 to 11, Sophomores, by Prof. Kendall, (Trigonometry,). written. From 11 to 1, &adore, by Prof; Alien, (Plato'a Cratylus.) .TITESDAY,29Ih.—From 0 tit 11, Sophomore's, by Prof. Jackson, (Clear° de Seneetute ) WILDNESDAY. 80th.—From Dto 11 Freshmen, by Prof. Oopose, (Hem.) On WEDNESDAY EVENING, the 10th, at &block, an Exhibition of Declamation of original compositions, by members of the Junior 01s4, will be held in the Got lege Ball; " • QXOIIO3II ALLEN. nitt2B dlBO - Secretary of the Faculty of Arte. DT. deottce—Olitce of the Pittsburg, Fort WAYNE, AND 011I0AGO RAILROAD DO.— Prirseoao, February 25; 1859.' The Annual ideating of 'the Stockholders in the Pittsburg.: Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railroad Com pany ), will be held at the Room of the BOARD OF. TRADE, in the -City of Pittsburg, on TUESDAY, the 89th of March next, at'-3 &clock P. 51 ,at which the Report ef, the Directors dor theyear 1858 will be promoted.-- - -. The' election for iliteenqlfreesitto nem, the en suing year will be bold at the carne place, onWRDNES DAY, the Ellttiproinsio, at 10 o'clock A. M. The Transfer Booker wilt be closed from the fllst to 30th March, both inolneiva and the holders of Stock ict the Ohio hed•Penneylesois, Ohio and Indiana. or Fort Wayne and Milano Railroad Cowponies, .which has notbeen oonirettod into the stook of the new com pany at that time, wilt not be entitled to tote at said election. -' , Stockholders pregentlog their certitleates of stook in this Company to any Ticket, 'Agent on the line ell the road, will be sold an Exeurdoe Ticket from that Sta tion to - Pittsburg. sod return for' One Tars the round trip; good frond Merck 48th to .April 2d, both inclusive. tll4rder Of the President, " • 'telti-dtsch'Sh AI3OI3STIJS 2.l3.A:DLlCY,Seeretary.- ryr'Almi- Defuse -of -Ten:Lecture* au ' otilegi t u,3 eaill bedeliveredbetween the hears OD and 0 in the AI TERNOOIIB rt'AMESDATS and TWINISD APS, in the sotiniTiktO and 01.43310 LL iusrtrutz, OBEST/41:ir Street, „id. W. corner of TWELPTII,' by the Principal of the Institute, The design of this wince is tri chow bole All animele are embraced in one grand system. This condign! system Will be clearly described, and ihrpositionarbich all *Wm& °amp:— blth those pow living, and those-flourishing in Cornier geological perlode—will be plainly pointed out.- Ternisi - $2. • intinductery Lecture, March 20th; -.‘ Zutratice TWEIXTR Street. - ' • rahl2hloMt...'. o ::-*. '* - •7 , 'ENNIS, Principal. •-- • A .01fica et,seca a lane-Third Streets Pea . OSNO'N% -SAILWAY OUtAPANT OP PHILA.- •Pk Eft A.--The fourth instalmeat, of ere dollars per share on tbecapttalstoek of We Occupant' Sill be due aid payable at the office nt,thetionapany, 22A WALNUT Street, on or b teas Pis hist of Apra next. . • 10284 art ;ROBERT NBLTON, Treamirer. U t. IS _. -i' i.d•l'ht 11, . . DOLLARS parttime upon the etook of, this Bank Will be duel Knave:olC' on the 2d of MAY neat, et the Bathing $OllSe. - , iftackhelqets:wirkirlftdpsyUDthewkole'amonntdue . 0* -001 lito4 .. tield by their, will bs at liber t y to doesiet illperder of the Beard of -Dtreitori. ' croh2l-towdsfrtm2 •JAldid'fiEllsr2,,Ouhier. new. Office of the Sunbury end Erie Rail. tkg; ;ROM) COhtk ANY; 11 . 0. 82.4' WALNUT Street.— yawl's .lieribt giveii. that theAlonpone doe April 1. lam , onvio ARVJZN DEO OIiNT. FIRST bIORT4AGE BOND9,*III. be ealiti on presentation at their ofitut, on and after Ole _ • . JOHN, LINDSAY, Treasirer. iddiedelphla:;4l4rdt 24;1850. - roh24 tsra. Dr. - Wader , * Chestnut. Springs Water OURN, st Chestnut iDII,, rtilsdelplus county, ,101-11), .oitsc- , ,ittritisliing (Saabs. T at OLD•LSTABLISIIED AND TINEtIVALLD /10yEtE•RIALITAING ,ESTABLISIIMBN,T, JOIN`A. TvICEPHEY' & CO., . . . 922 OLIEST.NUT-ETBEET, Proold Olt attarePinCto their large stock or HOUSE FURNUMING GnODB. - ' „ HAVE NOW OPEN . Over twenty new Patterns' Pressed Zion Hat Recto, Umbrella iltands, mar2B mwftt NEW 'HORSE-FURNISHING STORE; N 0.1020 ,CHESTNUT ST., • - (OPPOSITE THE. AOADNALY OF PINE ARTS ) • ' The subscriber will tbia'day open with a VERY DEBERABLD ABSOETBENT OF (lOODI, - ocasissiso OP TABLE OUTLEillri . ' - OVAL IWAITRIIf3; WOODEN WADE, PLAIN, PL &KIDDED, end ; JAPANNED TIN-WARE, and mob articles le general es are usually to be foond in a • FIRpT-CLA,SS HOUSE-FURNISHING • STORE, All of wbich will be offered at reasooable prices. WILLIAM YARNALL, (Late of the firm of EMMY k YARNALL ) rasa-me 3m - "DEMOVA.I.--T. F. OROFTON & CO., to No. I 8 South WATIIIt Street, below Market street. mh28:800 MRS. 11. WRIGHT, 137. FINE Street, will opanYeahlooable SEWING MILLINERY on INUJEktokY. eph2B 4tar I[4!YERYBODY says that lifs-eizo Photo a:A grapha in Oil are the Burst and most suitable pictures In parlors; if made at REINED:EI PHOTO. OISAPOIO OlkblADY. BEOOND kit . above Orson. It ) C . H. & GEO. ABBOTT, No. 18 North FOURTH, STREET, IMPORTI:39 AND DEALERS IN llardware, Cutlery, Fancy floods, etc. ALSO, NAILS, CASTINGS, dx,,, All of which are offered is Iluyere on On moat favor-. able terms The value of bonelmi a manure la now universally conceded, and expetiments have clearly - demoortrated that their chief value consiate not lathe animal matter they contain, but to their phoophates, end In tbia latter quality they are not roach more than half as rich' as good. phtsphatic guano, inteamWlta NOTiOETO - ClONTilAthOlts7--SEAtEIi .L - PBOPOatili, endorsed $, Proposes for ho addi tional Stairway and alterations to the Marshall School House. Brantford, TWenfy-thlrd flection,', , will be re ceived by the' midereigned until THVBADAY, March 81 r 7869 , fitlkotolook A. M. The Plane and Espeoillostlen of the above work can be seen at the Once or the Controllers of Public, Schools, floutheitt corner BIXTEI and ADltl,ltuf Street,. By order of the Committee on Property. - • ROBERT J. IMIPIIILL, rilb2B•at ' Secretary toptrollere of Publitilloboola. FRUIT, EVERGREEN, AND ORNA MSNTAL TRIOS of Mt kinds and e'z•e, at MEEHAN% GERMANTOWN b 171181titIBO, tOPP O n O G. W. Carpontertej n 31126 et* Uateloguse gratis VAIN 06 ILEYLMUN, Dealer' in REAL a/ ES t'ATSI at' ends% the examination of 'Pities to Lands In Pentisylvenla,'end all the Southern end West stn States, 41.1 it'ALlitVStreet, , Phavielphia. • - • rahlit4t-s*, LUM8ER. 7 ...,L.. D e • DAVIS Sr. CO., late of tb,e,flrm of poononwo.N, 110 CRAIG, & Oo , Wholesale LIMBER MALEBO, No. 229 11AD Street, above lage,Shiladelphia. lab24-73t, PRESS.-PIIII,ADELPIILL 'MOMMAr. 2g. i 859. rtiO THE' LITERAY:-. AND. PUBLISS -1 ING WORLD. Iti retiring from my old Bohool firm, and establishing a new buelneeo Ot:NO - , F 9 I'4 B OW, desire tr be understood by the public. Ope reaSen for this change is, that my Mende and oustomera who per chased their bills In good filth for their hirab markets have been impoverished by the aniagorgetin o.lotn of - rivalry In the publication and introduction -of Bohoot Books. • Agents were to be 'found in almost every pity, town, and village on this continent, feroing into noto riety the works of their different' publiabers, all of which were represented as the modal School Bfehe.- I arnheartily tiredief all this hritobeg and nOnsecie, sod I cannot be true to,myself and be maculated' with It any longer. It is too much of a patent retedloirre b° 9l ' nem for educational publishere I leave it to 'devcite myself to, the publication of Literature and -Ilooke which belong to this new eletdrio age, and I look - for a trade mark sigoillOant of my . buelnem. The anchor, and dolphin Intertwined constitute Plekerlng , e mark in ion; don I wanted a distinctive Trade mark, indicating strength and life, and I incorporate theebip, the Auger• loan merchantman or clipper, ill of velum htereglyphri cal emblems may be seen at No. 29 Park Bow, went then; for their teaohings, for business, and to make torn Our greet American Publiehers are iesitiog NV.; ucational Books, and all the enianations of the gonkui of former times. This to the Welles% order of Trade and Oommeroe. We ere Beekeellere; then give Mil the higher order of oommetotal hieroglyphics to imerpora'a m a Rinds' mark. I tied it only In the Alp, and nee is in my title page as &beacon foilhe reader as reliable Ai the North Star. When I put rho Ship on toe title page it marine Integrity to_the reader, 48 the North SW MUM Integrity and safety to the mariner when it was hung in the heavens. The book shall not teach ytur children inflielity or licentiousness, or your eerrants to cut your throats while steeling. As my design in the tiring of 89 gnus in the Park Yes terday, in front of No. 29 Park Bow, was not fully deretood, I will briefly explain It myself. One gun was Seed for each State in the Union in the order they gave their adhesion to the Federal Conatitutkm: Gan Grit FOR DEL:AIi/ME. " PKWISSLYANIA. I, CC ONE LOUD GUN POD. WORCESTER'S ROYAL, QUARTO-DICTIONARY. " Am.'s WALL." E. A. noLLo, 140. 29 rack Rowe WILL SOON BE PUBLISHED From- Wall Street to .Casbmiire, JOURNAL OP PIVS TEIAED IN ASIA, ADIVIJA AND EUROPA, °mamma vrstis DIMING DM, '4, '4, '5, and the DANEMORA IRON MINES, PLUM! or TROY, TlOl " ANNAN " PALMYRA, JEEII•' SALEM, PETER, BEItiIiGAPATAAI, SURAT, with the Scenes of the recent With:ilea (Beanies, Ages, Oftwopere r Lneknow, peat, eta. ; etc CASISDIEBE, Peehnittr, the Ithybei rise Afghanfehtn, Chinos, and Ataurttiut. - By JOHN D. IRELAND With nearly one hundred Illuatratlecia froni eketchee -made on the !pot, by the author. . • kiwi, a #041:11,all TRIATISH ON 4Bbta, in refer: ear* to their selentle value, a Guide fur the tewaluar of Natural iielennes—the lapidary, Jeweller, and amatinar; , 'together with a description of the Elements Miner, elegy, and all Ornamental and drehlteetarallifiteilabi; 'vita elegant illustrations.; ' By Dr. L. WILICIITIyANGDN, , ,,,, " • ; , °hamlet end blintraloglatibitniber of the New - York Lyceum of Nat aral illetorg, As:nu:dation lit , Solaces and Arta, of the ZdlnotaNagical Sooletioaof Jena, Altenburg, eta Also, WOROBSTIIIVS S. A. 110Lio PablialiecaMbolesale Dealers, In !School, OlauleiA, Theological; Standard sad It lacellimeona lbeks, Blank Bookelorelge - and .Uomostio StatlonCry, dac.;,b.c. _L . PARK. ItOW,lew_yo.ak. mir7.l4 b. rk" E —'Sir as. , SCOTT, Befog Volume Paned' • E PET lIIREQWB 011 PAP • EDITION OP TSB- ' -._..._. fidvgia Now, ready , Pelee, 26 Gents. Three number bare 'already been published. IVANEON; on limb bait QUY• gerfacalNG, on 'Metall 12th; and' 8011 ROY,' on Starch 19th; and ono will be toned regttlerly on every 'Murder, until the whole are (Kopeisk& .T.Y.llbtd OP 817860RIPTION TO TEM TWENTY•BIX VOLUME 3. One complete set, twenty. pia volumes In all•, will be sent to any one, as twit as publbbed, Jot See donate. Stools numbrte Twenty , fire Oente ' PUSLISTISD and FOR OAII3 by - • T. it. P.STXWON DROTHERI, -• No. 809 OLIESTNtre Street. mb2G St Nt W PUBL/CAt ORS or' D APPLETON & 00, ' • Nos. 810 and 848 BRO iDWAY RUDY TR'S DAY • _ • _ HOME MitAtORIES; EOHOES OP A BiOTBEB'BIIO.IOB' hire. UAW( DAOO4 One voittme. 12mo. 75 cents. Prom the Commerci.l Adyortleer " Thla lea oharnaing volume, by the authi rof ' Chil dren at Home,' and Working std Wafting.' -It shows how the Influence of a good mother folioed her children in the hodr when temptation or donee aaestle ; hOw ono that la deed may yet with, sad how potent is the example of a pure and good life to developing a lite character fu those who paten to its teachings, and are gulded by Re beautiful light 2, SIXTY YEAPS' GLEANINGS ' , lt'll LIPPE II ARITEEIV A GENUINE AVEOBIOGRAITY JOHN BROWN. One 'Volume. 12mo. Cloth, $l. $g A remarkable book in every redpect, Rad ctikionidy interesting from beginnlog to cod. John Brown lived 4 with all his might,' and the Life l he' writes ie, In its abundance and variety of trap, and comic ups-acd downs. as good sea play. Me experiencea partook of all the quick changes and bolaterous beetle, and rode humor of an old Bnglish fair; and as theY are pre sented in Hilo volume they afford a picture of the times he lived, and incessantly moved in, which, In much of its bold handling, le not to ba surnamed by less epirlted poodle than th-ee of Fielding and De Woe. The motel oven, so you trace it through the bottling tab!e of c At tests, is of unmistakable application hot every floe young fellow or sound natural principles who hue to shoulder his ow t way to good cittsenehlp and a share of social lt nuance. As a neglected child, a juvenile offender,' an In genius vagabond, a abuvinaker, a soldier, an actor, a sailor, a pablioen, a billiard-room keeper, a TOW 2 Councillor, and an author, hlr.Brown has teen the world for slaty years ; and he unbolt 'tingly describes all that he has seen fidelity of memory and straightforward simplicity of style t, =TV=EI Tlll FO3TIIR Ref:1111E118: Being the I.llllary of the School and College lafe of two young men. 1 vol., imo. $l. ONWARD; Or, The Mountain Olembners A Tale' of Progress. 13y Jane Ann Wioscom. 1 vol ,12mo. 76a. PASSAGISS PRODS VIE AIITOBIOGRAPY OF BID NEY, LADY BIORGIAN. 1 vol ,12no. cloth, VI BLIYANT , S LET rims FROII SPAIN. '1 r01..112m0 8125. mh28.21 rilsE CHESS 11AND.130011.—E. 11. 131YSLISR & CO pone), to day TUE CHESS HAND-BOOK, teaching the rudiments of the game, and giving an a-alysis of all the recognised twangs, ex. empllflel by a proprlate games actually played by Mot , shy, Hurwitz, Anderson, Staunton, Paulsen, Mont. gotuery, Meek, Ana many others By an Amateur. 1 vol. le mo., 76 cents. mh26 It ituu2B 1m 1. A STATEN' OF DENTAL EfOR4ERY. by John Tomes, F. R P., Dentist to the Dental Hospital of Lou don and to the Ididdlesox Horpital, and author of Tomes'a Dental Physiology and Surgery.' With 208 Must talons, 1 rel., octavo. From early oheets. 2 TANNER ON Tlllll DISEASES OP IN FANOY AND CHILDHOOD. 1 rot., 12rno. 8. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON OPERATIVE DENT MEV, by Jonathan Taft, 1). D. S., Professor of Operative Dentistry in the Ohio Oollege of Dental Surgery 1 vol., oetaninuatrated, 4 A MANUAIr OF STIROIOAL . DIAGNOSIS, by Addinel Hellion,Al. D., one of the curgeone to Wale Hospital. Leaturer on Surgery in the Philadelphia Am iodation tor Medical 'Distraction, &o. I•rol.Pfiro. B. CARNOCHAN , 3 OPERATIVE SURGERY and Surgical Pathology. Port 8. ROO ENTLY PUBLISHED 1. TANNER NEW MANUAL OF THE PRACTICE OP SIEDIOINE, IBtno cloth. 2. MORRIS ON sonaturr FRYER A new carload and enlarger edition 8 RANKING'S H LP , YEARLY AESTRAOT OF THE MMEDIOOL POIENOEB. No, 28, 4. OAItUOOtIAN'S OPERATIVE SURGERY AND SURGIOAL PeIIIOLOQY, Large 4to, illustrated with colored platen. Part 2110 W retail, LINDSAY & !MARMON Publishers and Roolcsallels, mh26 • No. 26 South SIXTH fittest; above Chestnut rOBERT FALETHORP, ATTORNEY- AtLAI4, 815 'WALNUT Streit,"iboie Blghth, PlitAdelo4ll. fe28.1114 Igo). flub4catAars. NEw JERSEY GLOROIA. CONNEOTECUT M RYLAND. SOUTH . OAROLINA NSW HASP/MHZ VIRGINIA Nsw Yong. NORTH OAROL INA RTIODFC TBLAND In= Illississirml LOUISIANA BM= KIATIIChT 01110. INDIANA. ILLINOIS. MICHIGAN Eftesutrat dacKANS/S. Tr. AB. lOWA. iVISOON OALf fOONIA MINNYISOTA. TIM PERSIDISTIT OS Till 131411 ED ST/TEE. TEE GOVERliblt Or TEE Woe OF NEW Yong MAYOR OY TOE 011 Y or Niw Yogis• Cunt. FOR THN WORLD IVI3RE , IER RUN EN01,1311 LANGUAGE 13 SPOILER, IND ~r9~ : N y an_ Y o. ;iCf~=-..~~'....._ LTA Nen? . ,pubiVatiota. A REMARKABLE 7300 K OK BROKOn 4 WHIN ME. TROPOLIB A straw and fitArtling ranord of FACTS yoorntly brought to light by a reporter of the New York. pros, with a sketch of the remit movomente of the celebrated See iropertant . em.selte in th e 1 RIC with six reptile iliti etr bon a' P l. rice $l. Eve.ingv,pet of the ad of March, subatimtiating the truth of the narratives. Osurion - --Secoe unprincipled 'person in Philadelphia has attempted to Rupee oo the publinwith a shamus and very tumerVat edition, in Taper borers: ' We hold the copyright on the only authorized edl• Mon, and dun! rigidly proseoute any infringement thereof. - Those who do not:WICh to encourage plumy will pm obese the genuine and Only complete edition, which id published** by TUATollint' ec U UTOHINBON, 523 BROADWAY, New York. mh2l)•et lOrn pooh Jobbers. SRAWYr a s. WILL OPEN THIS DAY 1,000 ST,ELLA SHAWLS NEW A.NDIELEGANT ISESIGNS. Rtioic o4Nnqs. :BROWN MIME& 'O$Y BENT,RI3I3, ••' Noon CitiTRES. GREEN OraltEi. 'CITIEdBOI , r9ENTRES• WHITE( CENTRES. PLAIN, flt o; LONO, AND ECUTARD OASHMERE iAND MERINO SHAWLS l'ipm the recent greet ILS:rSCri"XON 13..A.VMS PATURLEI, LUPIN, 16 CO:' THIIiIOPT MAILLARD, 4 co 11. lIENNEQUIN & CO For We at the lowest priests JOSH TA L. No. 213 MARKET STREET; PHILADELPHIA. W • S. STEWART 8o JOBBElip: OF AUCTION GOODS, B'o 6 It A R K E T' S-TitrE:-E T . , • ABOVE TIIIED; • Just received frprn Anetion a levee lot of Mum) BlOte, low and medininlirl4tiDouble.Tupo Bilk Soiree, In'ya eons qualities Double ,Tupe forego Reties, In various qualities, which tie offer to the trod at a small 'Avant+) on auction cont.' znar2a C A 11 1:). From Increased facilities in tho manufacture of fur clitoris, I am enabled to make a great reduction from the pricer of 1858. I oiler the following artiolee t of the beet cenatinotien, at inch Weal as will defy oompetion in the IMMO 011138 of anode. 25 SUITS OP - P &MR FURNITURE In Rosewood 8200 to 8900 60 81:T/T8 Or_ PARLOR ➢IIRNITIIRE in Wnlnut 150 to 4;0 All tarnished In the lateetetyles of covering: - 2000/MUM TABLES to matt% 16'to 260 100 BOUQUET TABLES, to ma 012.... sto 00 25 BOSEWODD BEDSTEADS ..... 50 to 400 200 WATAIIIP BEDSTEADS - sto 150 50 ROSEWOOD IMRE ALTS ...... 35 to 2OO 200 WALNDD BUREAUS 15 to 150 200 WA7II3TAND3 s aU Mode: ....2 50 to 75 200 lioien fineOanaleat obalre t all prices.' A full aseertment of Dioing•Tables, Sidebnarse; Dining Arm•Ohatrs, Ret - Steads, Plain Sofas, Arm °bairn and Spring seat Chairs, /looking Chairs, Card Table., littageree, Work Tables, (lommodei, Ettudo Boxes—ln feet, of all articles known in the trade. ORMOLU -FURNITURE, SAME OF NAPOLEON 111. • • Of late importation. - 871 . 18 Olf"Dit&Mill4G.soo)ti AIYD OITAMBEII BuBSITURE, of the itcheat character. 'Furniture Cleve!let and Purtain Materials. IMOUATSLINS, of-diary ootablostion of"' oofor: SATIN PAISAINS,"aeir style, over, color. FLAEIIaB, do. do. " FIEFS, do. do. MOON &TSB, of every' description. PAINTSD LASTING!, of 14(4 iloodrlption. Or all 'quell, bug lii*e; moos tuneful mincer ?17RITITITRE, • or all kinds, tar all aoulitrlea. GEO 4,;IfENIKELa ,WALt4tUT STREET, - , . - ~ct k umpiita indeneAdair. 81 .' .husGht:th PAPER AND. RAG WAREHOUSE, No.'2ONORTILEUTR STREET. Constantly on band all kinds of WELTING, PRINEINGI, , ' ENTELOPB; WRAPPING, And a Poi:valor Article at 1111.RDWAEN AND BLAST/NG PAPERS. mar2s,-114 BARGAINS. • STOOK OF NOTIONS - AT REDUCED PRICES. It embraces Hosiery. Gloves, Enspindera, Buttone, Trimmings, 1 hreade, Tepee, Robbins. Vane, Brushes, Perfumery, end a general assortment of Recall Wares. Tbe bubsorlber, anxious to close out the ehtire stock, offers it at prices advantageous to buyers Country and City Jobbers are hotted to call and examine. OEO. It MASON, N0..16 NORTH FIFTH STREET,* Up bloke, over Caldwell & Griekey. 1859. , SPRING 1859. GIBBONS & CANTADOR, No. 240 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now in store a fall assortment of fiF & 9, . CLOTHS & DOESKINS, And a general smortment of other superior makes of low priced DOIIBICINB k Cl,ll'llB, to which they In. Tit, the attention of the trade ma 20-10 t D OUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S PATENT TOURNURE CORSET. This article nembinea in one garment a oonsEr OF NOPERtOR SITAPII AND FIVIBti, and a Busrp OF .PEREtOT MODEL, ensuring free and bean hfallietlon to the lunge, and comfortable support to the tram It hue been pronounced by all who hare mien lv (among whom are several eminent members of the Medical Faculty) to be the only Corset without an objection, either artistic or physiological. No lady can well do without it. D:& B. still manufacture their well , known EXPANSION SKIRT. Also, the celebrated TXT•TZM whinh forpOlif PORI and ELEGANCE te unsurpassed, together With over seventy other different styles, all of which are for sale at all the principal stores an the Or I ted Mates and Canada All at Coles of their manusaeltire ARE SCAMPED RI rft TIMER TRADE MARK. mat 26 lm* Proofs of Lora and other requisites made out for par ties sustaining lone er damage by fire to property in our ed, In full compliance With the intricate conditions at Policies of Insurance, in such a manner as to ob viate plea or enema for reduction or litigation, and to the entire satisfaction of all parties. Particular attention given to the collection of oleline against resumes Companies: Parties will find it to intermit to consult the Ull - an soon abler the fire ca possible. No charge for consolation. JAMES FULTON, 'nausea°. Adjuster 11 - STEINWAY Sr. SON'S GRAND and ,SQUARN PIANOS, now universally in uee,•and recommended by the best Artiste, profes sional sod amateur performers, of this country. A coni parilsori *Oh. the beet other :linkers wilt easily satisfy the purehaser of their eoperlority, as they 'peak for thettiselvee, and rare them money and trouble. BLASIUS BROS WOO Otkestnut etrao. mlO3 Om* Jrf elan p Ooobs. SPRING- CL' OAlcg AND MANT,ILLA'S. SPRING MOTU CIRCULARS SPRING CLO'pli SPRING:M.OIR RAGLANS. SPRING OLOTH,CArsAQUES. SPRING SILK CIRCULARS SP4IN4 BILE OREBTBREIBLDS SPRING.SILK MANTILLAS BILK AND LACE MANTILLAS FRENCH' LACE CIRCULARS FABNail LASE MANTILLAS POI= LACE MANTILLAS. O.IhITTILLY LACE BiAldiLL. PINE - ,THREAD LACE POINTER. VELVET AND LAOE MANTILLAS 01"..1111\111•70. T.13.1S 1.2.A."2". PARIS - MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 ca-imsTrrom sT.ri,mser W..PROCTOR & CO. triar2o-tt OURNING , GOODS WHOLESALE ROOMS, ' (OBCOND AND THIRD /Loons, No. 808 CHESTNUT STREET BESSON, & SON, Importers of MOURNINO 00018 lIXOLUSIVEILY, Invite the attention of OABII DUMB 8 to the largest stook they,hays ever offered. - mer2s-8t if BLACK ENGLTS . • -CRAPES. • ,• E E S_O atg 8017- Rave received from Meagre. GROUT* Co, Louden, their Spring Moak of EITGLISII CRAPES AND CRAPE VEILS. .M.01.71:2=11qC21- STORM, mar26.3t If No. 805 CHESTNUT ST. ENGLISH MOURNING PRINTS, BY THE CASE; PIECE, OR YARD, MOUSED 131' . • DES‘SON & S-ON, MOURNING t3TORE, 808 ORESTNIIT STREET. • inst2s•Eit if 1 01 CENT. NEW LAWNS..—Just, opened, .1.4.1 nest and bold style's beet 'Awns ever sold for the prise. 14 cent Chally Waltzes worth UM. 18% Heyedese elohates. antidon • A treat lot 18% Nadi Mixed Poplins - LADIES' LtuaT OLOMIING MATTIS OpeOng freak lota of goods for Soya , wear. cOoPem' & Masan, mh2B 8. Z. coiner NINTH and MARKIT. SHAWLS.—Now Belling in Shawl -Boom, /Melia CHEAP AtortoN SHAWLS. • $3, Round Coraert ; $3 73 and $4, squire AG. ;it 25 , al: word ; beet for the price we ever had. sine Spring Shawn', A good assortment. Bargains in Blittik Tnibet Moyle. - SPRING MANTILLAS. COOPER & COLLARD, rak26 :•8. E. corner NUITU /dAIII3T Ste. oszERY . • 80.„000 DOZEN ' Jut received DITIEOT from the beet GERMAN MANIIPAOTUBBEEI Auo, • LADI.IB , LISLE TWD GLOVES G&GNTLETS, bo THOS. MELLOR & , " 8, NORM THIRD "STREET, m1r23.2m -POILADDLPHIA. 'MIGHT 8c BROWN, ' 19 NORTH FOURTH STREET, FOREIGN AND DORIZ3T/0 WAIIIII3 Ann DRESS TRIMMINGS;,..„ atiral6 WOOL,, he. _ Oar long experienoe in the hist case and Intimacy with the best nuukets of Harope enables as to afar goodiat each prices as will afford satisfaction to every class of - - mar224ni* • BLINDS AND, SHAIDEST B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTH SIXTH STREET, - IS THE MOST EXTENSIVE MANUFACTURER OP ENITIAN ,BLINDS AND DEALER IN - WINDOW SHADES OP EIVEItY VARIETY. ' PIIIIOII4,BERS ere Invited to' the BUT assortment In the city at the LOWEST prime. STORE Eidepta made and lettered. • ID -- REPAIRING promptly'atteaded to. matELEat COLLECTION nutouunoti TIM 'ONION AND CANADA, PROMPTLY MADE BY BAKER, WESCOTT & CO., - BANKERS, No. 17 SOUTH-THIRD STREET. merl9.lm H . P. & W. C. TAYLOR, IMPORTERS, MANIIIIAOTURERS OP PERFUMERY AID TOILET SOAPS, mhll.lin No. 641 NORTH RUTH STREET. SAFETY 1 ' COMFORT. AND ELEGANCE I! ARE INSURED BY WEARING • DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD'S NEW MATINEE - SKIRT, WITH TIA PATENT DETACHABLE HOOP FASTENING, AND ADJUSTABLE BUSTLE. Etinai!! since it effectually obviates the danger arising from entangling the feet, or foreign substances, In the hoops. COMFORT ! become the muslin skirt can be in. storm:Leeway removed from the Spring by PATENT DETAWIABLII FASTENINGS, washed with other garments; and at no greater swum, end replaced on the hoops in a minute! ELM-SNOB!! became the scientiflo rut of the mus lin skirt, end the fine material of which It to composed, give a graceful fall to the robe worn over it, and will, in hot weather, enable the wearer to dispense with any intermediate skirt. The MATINEE SKIRT has eleven hoops, weighs but ten ounces, Co ISTLIIP6II WITH TOM TC&DO KASE Of Nefiertl. DOUGLAS & SHERWOOD, and is the beat Skirt ever introduced to the public, and quite India• pensabie to every lady who desires to combine in her apparel SAFETY, 0011FOR'F, and ELEGANCE! For sale at all the principal stores in the United States and Canada. marl•lm RE MOVAL. L. GUTEKUNST HAS BEHOVED TO HIS NEW Model Hair -Dressing and Bathing Bstablishinenti N. E. Corner FOURTH end BRANCH Streets. This is the only 00 HP LEre ItST h.BLI t/111 ENT of the kind in thin city, and, in feet, rive:e .01 in this oonntry, or Europe The accommodations In the Bath ing Department are most perfect. In the Hdr•dreteing Department none bat the best artists are employed. mer 24-102 HAIR JEWELRY. The newest and largest assortment of Hair Jewelry, by 801131 ITT k STMIENIIAI7OII, feb26.lmts 928 OFIESTNIIT, near Tenth st. IRILLS & SHEETINGS FOR EXPORT. -IV DROWN, BLEAtanD,& BLUE DRILL/. 111/.171 tc LIGUT BREITINOI, BOitable for Yaport, for siMe by 1140111INGUADS & WELLS 14 Nova FRONT ST., ¢ IS LETITI' ST. nIIHR&N.M. -60 . casks now-crop Our- Iv ran% prime eider, in store and for rale by m mo A. MERINO,I4O Routh FRONT Btreat. LIPORK.- 810 bbls. Mess Pork, of New Jersey, Ohio, and nada!phial:leaking, for sale by O. C. SADLER & mbl2 &MR St t. 2,1 dner above Erma. A LMONDS.-100 boxes Shelled Almonds %11l In store and for sale by A. MERINO, rabid /.100roath FRONT etreet. !Manta. 401 . , house,- location RR Boat of Broad sad OsVonllitl, and .Pico gtr4ta, Beat SS, to $.2 par month: Addrara' IdoGittodOß', „Pop 011,74.-., t :mh21372t, LIRA WEB, TAN TA D.—Br6 wer :wanted - in 11.0 the lergeet .Brewery. treat' of Phttadelphisi- - iny time 'netnews now end clout the drat. of - July—e,, thorough, practical Vrawer of Pale mid- Afoot: deApply; by latter, to BFIASPAR,t 3 care ,of Mts. phla $ any Tyst.aiit giving full parilculdra. Noce but a flust-class , Brewer. with tee beet of referen Joe, no" apply. Married Mid preferred. - inh3 Imo PARTNER WANTED.—An "active, and rrepreiable GENTLII.II/Ale. pun/Igloo iced bnei: nese qualities, with a mitt capital of 510,000, fa desired le a copartner In a reepeoieble Mao ttLictaring , Said; Dens, already eBtithlieb,rt is thin eit.y. , ;Prgetil Address at thin MOW.' 113h14-70 -11011. - SITUATiuN- WANTED—Ey,a:LADI 1 - 11 aged IS, teradnete or Oilttyndene"Corritniritio£ Oollege,) - aaAealetaot Book-kteper or BotrY Olerk;-itt a vniolepta D.i.goode Jobbing or 00 IlltaillfiQll Would toste:blatielt tuteral to Ws employer. :Good city .rer.renoes, ffl',ell # 01,01, % , Addy lth g Prers,PSlne - . - ruble iWANTED FOR TEII: UNITED a TATES OnVALßY=ablototitodi'intesiticst teen , to whom will be given good pay; hoar& 'clothing, and medleal attendance. — Pop from $l3 to INd pee month. - No man having a wire orohild, will be accepted. '-Apply for AIOUNTAID Islamic at No. $l7 MADAN? Street, above Dighth, north elde.. - I. N. DIOQNR, • itplt.4l, let Lieut. let Dragoons, Itscruition 011iocr. . 'Boarbing. JOW V/AOAN'T.- 7 -A flue eecond•atory snit /I or roomy, with or without board. • loomed in ORE - STNLIT street above FIPTZINTH. Qat. hot and , cola water bath, nee of piano, &e. Atawer 4 .4tYtaA. , NMI at the Ofitze of , 4 This Press." raar2s.3t* 1018EIT,Q1.A.88 BOARDING.—Two flue, large, commoniestlog Room, oo the inoolut fluor also, one on the third floor, will be vacant by the let of Apr-H o r st No, An 11110 AD, below.Sprnee et - mb2s.llt* for Ode anti Ur CO. • FOR ErALE7- 7 A centrallijocate pro perty, No. 270 Booth NOURTN Street. ; Well suited either for residence or lenshrees. Apply on the prelate's Itte da TO LET.—NO. 1104 SPRUCE_ ST,. nErabove Eleienth, the DWELLING. HOME and PIIIMITURE of • gamily going to Europa The House haa large and eateael►e back bundler, with all the modernimprotemente, and ie completely furnished The location la one of the most desirable ice the coiy.. A. A. BRIGHAM, ish2B.Bt* ' No. 826 WALoillf mama. gm VALUABLE MARKET-STREET PRO- M% PZIITY DOR BALBr—The Property allotted on tee s'uth aide of MARKItt street. No. IN, LiA 23 feet 8 Inches front, by 280 feet to depth to Ilyne street, frontlntr on' which le • 'well-built end -enbitanttet four s tory building, 140 feet deep, molten's' for warehonelng and mannflotuti;ig purposee. Apply to • • •• • J. D. ItgIIIBOTIf. mh26.3tit - 438 Wont etreet. FOR. S A.LE—53,600.--D wail* lio BiI.IOO9.WABBINGTON (poF AcpultVeilaiin) street hpp'y'lB North FiNOOND Otreit:; ----- do FOR SA.LE , =.A., I very desirable 'nevi foir.story ;MILLING, with doable thrieetier bath buildinge, with ell the modern improvements. on Loenat street, north side, .third hones mist or Six teenth it street,: for sale. On'aecommodating terms. Apply to ' • lialn & BROTilltit; - ruta.s-20tolt 13.EVENTBINTIEI and Pita Streets.. ADMINI3TRATO2IS 3 BALE:—Theentire Stock or B. P. 8111111V)1, deem/sad, is to lee sold at kledroniM..T.: at Auction, on TUESDAY, Morph 20th, at i o'clock, haoludiog one pair of floe-bred gray Vag Rome, 16 handle high, perfectly sohod;acdllied in all harness. Also, all floe Motu. r All• to be "acid without reserve. • ' It: BRADDOO4, - O.D. EFIREVD,',,- nili2 , l•4tAS • ' ' Adralnistratork. 01111nOlt LOTS FOR SALE,. on South V BROAD Street. beloe% the Baltimore,Bepet4imi• rably situated for the erection of Ohnrchea, se the neighborhood to rapidly impror tug. •Terrae reasoLable. Per pertlettlers appty.o.t.ttle Offite. „ tele24 Bt.. • VOA SALE—Beautiful Butldiag LOTS, covered by lofty trees, on the Highlands at Powal ton, Twenty' fourth ward, iirwetalble ny ?avenger Sall road, for safe by .; THONAS T. BIT MOSS, tab24,6t ' NO 112annth SOITATH 13004. , VALTT A BLS BUILDING LOT FOR BALE —Vox Pate'or , to' Rent on ground rent, an' admirably-located Building lot, 20 feet front by 110 deep, fronting on Girard sienna, *box. /fifteenth street and running back to a street . In thlirear. neighborhood Is rapidly_ improeing. _Nor _pitrtieniare &WV to ' JOSVPIII J. BSERR, robtd•lihlt No 417, OEIZEITNTIT fitieet,„ Manta. Any person - Itsvint4l;ooo, $l,OOO. an be a a a good lareetwoot. Ad dross BOOKS, a% It mb2B 2tde if , um OIAL, D TKA VLLLIIYG CREDITS, avellabli- In or. the world, opened with the home of anus. 0110303 PIABODY , „ & CO., of London. Apply to . G&W, idAOALEBTRI. & 00., = fe2.ti 815 WALNUT Street.' Miss°tufting anti famiartnerebiiii. IrkiSSOLUTION AND pOPARTIOII-: —BROWN, Ri.WETT, & WEITA , beg to announce that Mr. WILLIAM BROWN, has. put. chased Mr. 8. CLAUDN WHITIOI3 interest in the TIICHERVILLE AND . DIAMOND VIN COLLIV RIM and that tha business Of Yining end bhlpping Coati' om the laid Collieries will hedeeforhhe ranted on under the name of .f =rem, • HEWETT, & illtoWer,” ,talil teattli the accounts of the late firm.' 'BRoWN, - Bawm, &Warm , 13watara P. 0,, 'Schuylkill Co., Pa, TM= February, 3819. ; mb.2.wfm Alwar. CORARTNE IP. The .undersigned have this Any assrmlnted - themselves • together,- under the name and st3ls of If ANDY,IIOII.II - 13,1rd 00 :, for the-purpose Cr selling wrought-bon Tubes, Rit• tinge, manniacrtartd at the (timberland Nail at d, Iron Works, and for terminating a 'genera. Iron (lorn• minden bualnerm. • NINNY HANDY, •• - (Late 01-Naltimore,) - OH - ANUS Ie:MORRIS. • Moe, one..WeLNIIT and If,NONT gtreete. „Alarm 1859. ' - • mhillam ... - . N a.wE. .. , . PRILADELPMA, Minh 1, Mi. M. ANDREW BOBS Is this dsy associated with air in general copartnership. - - , - ..- • ~.. , . , PHILIP Y. FULLY &'OO., limiters, mhl-tr , . No. 16 Beath. THIRD Streit. Oaving funbe. FIVNEER CENT. - SAYING FUND.- PLIMADALPESIA 21VING3 +ND LOAN COI4PANY, N. B. corner of OURS toll I% sod TENTH Strosto., PHILADELPHIA. . CHARTERED BY rIIE STATIC OFPENFOYLVANIA.. AUTHORIZED t•APITAL, ORO 003. MONEY IS REOEIVED DAILY, , In same from Ono Dollar upwards. •FIVE PER CANT. IN f EREeT - ' Ia paid from the day of deposit, until withdrawn: Any awn can be withdrawn on demand, by Cheeks or otherwl , e. OFFICE OPEN DAILY, From 9 to 41 and on TUESDAY EVENINGS, from d to 9. This Compaoy has a large paid up capital ai a Security to Dtposttors. This institution pa , d ell Its Demands In fill Duringthe ' - sink Onakeasion. JOaN 11 iLLEEC'Prosidesit, 708 W. i. 0119.131 4: Vice Prisq. J. L.-1113TORINSON, Pee'ry. mh26•dlm 'PUING' GARDEN SAVING FUND SO OIBPY QP PHILADELPHIA.' - • Office, No. BSI North THIRD Street, " (Consolidation Bank Building ) CHARTERED BY THE GEGIBLATITAB OP PJNN• climatic DepOsits received in tamed One Dollar and upwards and repaid in Geld; without notice, with SIVE - PEE CENT. INTEREST from the day o f deposit till with. drawn. , A responsible and reliable Savings Institution has long been needed in the Northern part of the city, end The Spring Garden Saving rand Society" wu char tered by the Legislature of Pennsylvania to ripply this neceissity The Managers, in organising and locating it, have been governed wholly by a desire to accommo date the busbies's interests and wants of the very large and enterprbing popu latOPEN ion by w Dhich &ILY it is surrounded • UPPIOIII , Prom 0 to 2N o'olock ; also, on Moonily and Tninlib DAY from 6 wail 8 o'clock in the evening. - . .. .. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, btepben Smitit, „ Jobn P. Levy, lion ROL Strong, ' Daniel llndetkoder, rederiek Staske, Franois Hat, Joseph P Liselera, John Kessler, Jr., • George Knecht, . ' N James S Pringle, Jacob Rock, ' Joseph M Cowell, Hon. Wm. glillward, George Woeipper, El, o ,T Thorn, or, Peter C. Ellmak Robert B.•Darldson— JADIFS S. PRINGLR, President. _ VIIAI , OIB Hier, Secretary. - If Cabinet War. CIABINET FURNITURE AND BILLIARD NJ TABUS, • MOORE &, CAIVIPION, No. tel tiOUTO.,BBOOND 8 fII,BBT, In eonueetion with their extensive Cabinet Bunlnesp, are now manuf ac ßl t aniLLl ng. sup TAßLEe,erior article of ARD • • . . end have um on hand a fall supply, Robbed with , MOORE CAMPION'S IMPROVED OUEMIONS, each are pr mcanced by all who have used them to be superior to all others , Por the quality and ilniah of theme Pablo the menu faaturern refer to their numeroue patrons .thronghout the Union, who are familiar with the character of theh woe*. la14•8m JUST LANDED,%, OUR 17.14E4 STOOK OF "JOHN CROSLEY & SONS" SPLENDID - TAPESTRY CARPETS, vanur WE EIIALL BELL AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD. BAILY & BROTHER, CASH CARPET DEALERS, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. mar42•dtje4 TOY, COE & CO. if-Wc IP ADVERTISING AND COMMISSION AGENCY, 489 CHESTNUT at., 2d Hoer, Philadelphia, and Tribune Buildings, New York, JOY, COE,Ak CO. are the Agents for the most In fluential and largely Outdating NewFpapers in the United States and the Canada& They ere authorised forename advertleaments end smbsdriptions at the lowest rater. lei-fmkw-0.3m O&KW:l.—Best American Navy and Navy Oakum in store sad for sale by WILK I 73II, NIT. LIMB tr no. No. 23 North WATIR Bt. and 29 North wuasyse.' _ , lan alert* °- . z imERT:ms.N - -AOADENE. t_oy - 41usio:t.:, lIfiIIZVAL AND 04444 r- , ,--•- 111111T114/(4 - r _.- , - - - - -liila of-the , ._ ,:- .i• ,-.:•.,:.-,-.,-"' ''- "..-:.- ....7'.. , .‘ MOUNT VERNON 11'. '' Thh,; " -, ', ,- _-'.. - f Under the ausple,e of the .: , ..lzhericaar relent," *AL the approbation of thh VlOO flegeht of the leonetlfee -400 'ociefifdf Irennerivroria; on MONDAY: WliDfilig- DAY. and illlpAlf, the 18th • and 30.1 C of Ihkeekoiel lit of April. - r - ..i, , „..,•:,.,:r. ,, ,,- : The following eminent artists hivelh ot eLetigeg:tolt bliss OaIt9LTNIR fiLOHINgiI, .- . 1 ~ .- ^, —'- ,- • -. XL 7. -- J. /RAZOR. ' ' ,' :::-. ','. , • - ler PHILIP Illigl y And the celebrated azamAiria. citqazactik.,--., Coadettor'-hir. CABL-81$5TE, , ~ - -• . . PlyhallAUßN4oll, MONDAY:IMININCI, Itaioll %28th186?r , t ' - 1. Grand Overture.:: : 'PPM , Oitoxizers4. 2. National Qtiertat—"Mlaynt our Ilition. , ! By Hiss ILLY, Ilto 0. Bic/atm:l4 Kr: SRALZII, add, 5.," Slates De _ Mr. J. I/16Z 4. I. La Sleitiesne," (Voris tiellletua9 Vire By Illas 0 , SIOBISGO. - 6 Duet;--t , Pixie 0; Oorei ' Or Mies ti Maraud Me; POAZIIIt.• _ 6. "The Steadied Beira 't "". Idadporittnee - By Ye. P; ROSS. By ktissi.)fil 8. Musical Helootions , 011011111398 k. - - ' 9. Becitatirtni.—" WOOlet and WeddlDg - By litim C . JaCHLDIOI3. 10. blneleal Eieleetione. - • ' GlelAi&Ntk - 011.01018214. n. “Coltur.bis, the Gem of the Ocean." ' Mr P. 'BOBS, 12. " The MocklEm Bird - Rims!). RIBBINGS. _••-; 18. Base- 4 'IOIOJAN. IP.Smore" • " lINNIssOI By Rile O: RIBBINGS and Nl.r. P. ROAR. • 'l..- 14. crOliarley is my - Darling." • • •'' - - Miss 6: MAY.` Bay of _• 7.; J. PRSZBIL. The ,erentniei entertainnient conehtdairlth - tba calibrated allegorical tableinx of , , WAIRINGTOIL *- • - - General Weiblngtoa ' P.lielatega . Goddess of Liberty ' litre 0. - Itlistemepe In wbleh character abe will sing dhe Flteetdpassigied $l. Tickets 60 ead26 cents. Tielotei for the Wit; Watts No inn% or obargereierrad te. _ ogptgig amjt f - - Auto ea th em e Borth Iliet• of the Parqa.t and Parquet Circle at . Best & Lawton's. Ba. Tooth and (Mutant *treats oa chi Woad Matte Par. quit lad Parquet Wrote at W:P.,NasseVa Noolffrtard, tnielfauf lama, below Eighth Wed- - - rho 'centre 'of tbo 'Prior ant - Piatitlit - Ofrolo,at Parry fr. Noillltaa a Boa Stare; torsos of roleth hot Chestnut streets: MI Other parts at tho)stoss• it /Nora open at 7 . (Niue& eiortuziestal at Mr WALNUT-STREET .THEATRE, LI% GOSIXR iniqn 30/4111:11 — sstintand Stags Manager. . • a. SAlEseells., 4 - • H.:oddest lianster lotesi mkup!iy; - List Week of ikesilelorstad: • - *xi oiumwas .INGLIIH,01•1181. MEDI (Illesday) SWUM Much Wl/41140*-- trim,Bonsmivemati - , • Count- Aruhon. Mr. 1 , , -;Liter - Madam, law Goottis Hodson; Arline.lllUss Hon& Hamad: T - _ Pries' of ailiiiimoo—flooOsit Isp asis family 11111•14- sad This/ Ti.s, Sli- oval% Parisoti , IiNMI -Dew weeds, tiQ oositg- Prints Baas itaglard4 2 111*-_,. - ther locals,i2 and Pi - - " l Az" ".., ____ BOAOII, la outs. Doors opal at ipuirierteqoAdsilt - - ,7X,4061210. • • • VA:TIONAt Olap170; 11 1 'stove HIHETH: - •- - • %TBIB thlowigat H a H arsh*4, , • - CIND&RILLik Or. The . Good amine an/ the Gime , The Obaraoters atl to be suatafeet by % an d Utits ll. Girls, • - , 81,112.111ULDILIN - Havirg been engaged for He reerseentetbeec. atilt wafasti: BALLICI MUCK 'MY, Div GaIL - , NHH, and all the Iliderolarobsl4/ce Cards of ettoilealon--Dreeitthrele:::-IleselitS Children ender Miseries of 711 1 / 1 1/1. Xlirelet - ' • " "1, , ,e.enr:.5A! A • Ohre to. Priest* Bout 15 soft, :bow I!thritie:: SOUS ee.' Small Priyate Boma is 4 ` ol.4alraw - 4110144i i r. - . 7- • •liddarkii,Assthirsoll dugs laaaager., - 4- ' NVINING, Monk LONDON AIaIIIIMIGI Nide, .31r, 1. , ;I:, Modes Clovrily, Jlaaa Lady Gay Spanker. Ma. Willaak;, WIIMB OARARY. 4 00ailn oken7, ilia :Atha 'Draw gleaszot , Prlrorani ?distill Taylor. =r• adalarlaa,lbata. brained ilerts Dresetnis; ate; Orearrtra SUM, fa °Wiliest* la Perfaaaaliarar,frY eta Ogle*, ta ens r C4Luely for gokseaPfleiliskirglis Private Bog to Gallery far Goiania :pasamaa,:,arrafa; Whole Private Box, U. *“. MVP+, open at T rerdatk S4ol3llllesis• bar limy, precisely. '- , atioDONOUGH's GAIETIES; .jtARIS!4, ILK below Thifit. - THE fIittATEST.!ATTBadTriIf I.lll` - /f14 . 01 . .. IN TIIN.CLTif. • . • liltit lag=, mental, and Comte Bliiirsr; - ' - . 4 - TEX 110/11NBBN40411" - , Will hit/edam the Reheatisheils Batighter; awl his Dinah; the Bola , Brkrhister, and theyeekise - /AO -Poresisie, filatures, debt, assolindatatepial goo of the Row at the Gaieties. - - Greet Stamp Speech of Billy Thoeiat. t, i 3 . L , : Oharpley will slag the • • -_• OSNIBITh dedicated to Sooob Asters, Sat: - Sloane at the 'amber Rhop or the antist , RoiraiL- Prof:lleiker,the great Olympian demister, asithtle , mott wonderful Gyrated of the age, L Kale Ledleat:wili shortly appear. T110..M4. llF's VARIETIES I—(Cattr,Thea, lorthiecest4„M'imr,!at /ISTR aid Odin:: NUT Streets. ' ' iiIBO.IILUNNOUS 39.11K7.,11:V151NG , DURING, VIEWRTaK Ooraprislog Jimmie and dead:nests' - Gem at: Operas, X Oilopiaa Deliaeatioas, and eoraladist _ A NIGHTLY.• o •,- , Oommencing it 7X. Admission 10 .. iind .15:-.142241° VONOR -1 -BLITZABEBMALT-IMP• INQB: lIINTri and CUBSITTOT .fttreito, POSITIVELY TISI,L*ET OMB , ASID 'LAUGH. - Genie and see' tin . Away Ms, the hmushnr BIM, the .16isisiluibie Anita :the Laughing Mite; the Popular Blits;the ants yrivealssi PEBYOBMANOB BVISBY HVBNING. essig= , • at 734 o , slooki and I#IDNESDAY and eAriap.or Air; rsarrooNs at 8 &cloak. - • ' • = CONSISTING of WONDERFUL M6Teldoll2Gollll, istonishlag seenesia VeotriloqvismOlke Learned Ca nary Birds, and the Extraordinary Uhlbltige of the Sops Dancer. - - - - - Idmiesion 26 wets. Childregile eenf: . PANNSYLVANIA - OADEMY 01 . T I THE fin No. 102 i Olis • IS OPEN DAlLYVikinstat) fro* 9 A.C. NAB P . u. - - - • • • - . Admusionsiomits. obsutwitieeal:' , - ewes or snick, musli n thougaw, "pa* to 611/1/lioll at all time*, eiTAZ ' lIISIOAL FUND . ai MAW 03011.80T84 - gbris Paten .11IIIIMUIS. aLB every fiATURDAY. - 11103 1 M6.oluft1 • package of tickets for VG which nsay b• ( bs. boo& ibt &mire's, /10 Oheitnist street; pleekk LaorP4oll, caner of Seventh and Okeitont, and at the door of th*11•11. Eld performance animates& at Mg Wean* P. 11f..411.11/ alines anb Upon. LA • PERIM ANi) = RUBIS The tioderalgted have been iodated role sgietelor the 'United States sod Oinada t , for ;the sale :of the Ohampagne Woes of Mears. JACQUES faellatk to 00. ; at Chalommti-Marne, If moo. We presentAtkedr winee to the public under two 'brands, inanely: LA PERLE . AND RUBIS. The «PERCH” Wineie of exquisite Binh/and fruity taste, and h guarantied to compare favorably with any Wine in the American market. The RUBIS ), lo a One Oabinet champagne, - of • bowlful Baby color, which le natural to the -wine. This wine is undonbiedly one of the finest' thchinet Ohampsenes produced in Trance, and L = made from grapeo of the choicest irelections. -- , Prom the long experience, extensive possessions, end large means of the well known house of GOBBG lc CO., and their detimatuntion to - furnish dna which obeli meet with the approial of cononmero, we feel peronadsd that a trial will fay cctablWt ill we claim for the excellence of these CRAMER,, ABOI4, k McOLOSKEY, No.-. 19 BROAD STBSBT , NBW XOBIE. The shove Wines any be hid at the following idiom In Philadelphia: Jona GARAISON & CO ,184 Walnut at.; Tawas H. !aeons & C 0 . 7233 Doak BB ; Ja2arlEtrautip,23l Chest net at.; Joe. F. TOBIAS & Co., 208 8. Mont ski Nitr o/int & Amax, 214 8. Front at.; Parrsiolow, Comes * . t Co , 88 N. Second at.; .Lawson &. YAMPA!), 807 'Mar tot at. ; THOMPSON BLACK, corns* Chestnut wed Alma art.; Wu. jr Twelkth and Chestnut me.; „Bat .Llol.ol d HAYWARD, TO Market at Biioow Oatoroir, ' cor. Broad and Walort4 ARNOLD &-W0u.i.120 Walnut street; Wm. L Mannoca & C0.,118 Booth Third it. Aloe at the following fletele: • GIRARD HOU -11, FAIRBURY, STEMS, & Co.-WASHING -2011 HOUSE, A. F. GLASS; ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, WY. Osmresta. & Co.; htaaoaaate , Horns.. 0. hiolLsz. BIM & Sox. fen maf-Son CLOTH STOICS.' 3=o-, FANCY CASSIMERES and VE§TEN4P, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 4 and 6 NORTH BROOND STREET. iebl4-mth tf GIRARD. COLLEGE - PAS BINGER RAILWAY OARS - are row rnonieg every three mini:LW from BBOOND and ABM Street., via itidgehveutte, to Girard College. Pare 5 mate. . _ As the Laurel 11111, Odd 'allows , , and ether Cem eteries are within a short dietaries of the terminus of th's dead, pareengers can make a pleasant eioarsion at lit tle cost. An arrangement has been effected with the Race and Vine Streets Onmpany by which persona can be conveyed from the College to Fairmount for 6 cents, and also from Seetrud and Arch to Fairmount, changing cart at Ninth and Vine eta sets. , Also, exchange tickets by' Secend aid Third Streets Railwayto Nary Yard, Riehmend, and Kensington. rasaengera who desire to avoid walking from thellx oh inge to the starting point of this Road will be cu rie: by the Baas and Vine-Street Cars to AM& street. mh2s-fmw it Wel. 8. sweat', saaretarr. • JJ. MARTIEN, • INstrastlus BRUNER AND AD.P7I9TDB, Office No 110 Doran FOURTH Otreot, bdowopTE mllty FIRE, MARINE, LEMAN u and LIPS =mum= effected, at the Lowest Ras, lu reepernsible Wriest, free of theme . to the termed. teb22.Boa. mONEY I NONE YI. MONW!. MONEY ! LIBERALLY LOANBD, in anoii 2o_ gilt &N .• sAp n canto, on &pain, of Watches,' 111 . , by, Pieta, Onus, Ifferohmille. - &.(04,E2 - Is by JONES & CO., mokeimigyvf, - ifs - 'mg/ OA SKILL Etrlsts, WI. Ilion. I mo et 1824. Moo ff,yoff., , ~..,,: tfoir . ,,,e m w2 i ,„ .11 PT i libi- iIisTALPI . N PIXTURIIB.-4 • Map Mifer BLABON !& NUM Sole - Agents for the :my Umtata Fix tures in Philadelphia. -: The ?radii *ill be auppliialsit factory priossi freight added. B. D. PUTNAM. rebralaT 1, 1110. 44.1 ks - - Veal