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CO4 .- .4014,,,, 'Ol PI TI,, ' "' -' bA i, pEA iERS -. , . ,•:,,,:-..1."-,...',,•-',..1-:..r.",.. • --, '' '...-., -'' • ; ' •' ' ~,,,."4..„), , : : ' ~.' -141".- ' ' • .",!!• --..,-Nt,e,`•,'.:•', -`:—•-'-''•,--.---a-%-ry, 5. ;,• • • '-`•'•.t.--,:i,'''',',--;,-,,•• :131, , , , ,k,:?,••%,,! - -••- ,;:-." :•• '-: .-1,r, : :,..,•„15:;..Lik • ••:‘,• l '. '',•".-- `-•:;•,.••='!".." ,-'• "TriElp‘ -'-' .'•,-., - -tifitaD L S Wf ' '.!•''''' • ;:. ibiV;loDEViit-,- .._ .• :;-- --- 4 A.0.57.1N',. . ",•:',“:' . - ' i‘-,---.,,". -,:-. -., -, biiiiii clitalt ,..‘,. '' ' Y' '' ''' l - iiiliest..loorT.,wa ';' 1.-11P.p-,• - o*Ait4 tycol. . ~ : f. ...- - .. 7 ' . F*.,,, . , -- -.. -- c • , T , A - - - - - - 7 0---.. l' l 49ll:N r *l'ftstlBo4:,te-80N8s - /1104*1 1 0 5 ',.*ENSX 0 .4. 1 IALk JoßilEitsi oR ta.LitalTA - 1 . 5 , ,; • ;' •-' To - whisk,4lo'isssasbila strlPAßsi is taints: t.ttr 1 ;0,1414' 41 , 111 ' As.;R-E - • /..„!pre ' p ozod to Oita a Ju g Ciy.ttOTIVII 9T008,• - -Tp,whiekthijaac ' - THE ATTENTION- 0i /311Y1IREL oar ~tlh~~~afe::~ucers ORNE' & E. • 4,nou ktains 'el"-INTTOZ7,-Z4Ata i rlNCitS, , OP ALli-TIIIi DESIRABLE! BTYLEP, AT • ,=.;' -. 431: '" • • •• We are offering for sale, „ • • ' ,A paiLl., ADV./6140i lIYOF 004 T, t , no34o4lFlois!vo 41tiloompl4te. aPSlOXbrient , ot every : :$9504,-*47"EfitrAm*lniit,a,mt , 0tt.,*04511;0703143, - BtONV tic*, • • : - ; , Aiad:pthey. Millinery 'Goods. S - 0_ 0 D S • tioniprisink arery weals' fariety, in BoNNsra, SLODIONS,'.BI:AT3, inolino, AND OUILDNDN'a NUN S N ARED. HOODS, and TRIIMINGFB. - Nadi 'and #O6E.NRADdj_BiI.OOIIB; , • 431 BLAZE= STUNT, (Formarly No. 83 Stiuth fieoond /NJ feblCata '4IATROE9LITAN RIBBON R3USII., • RIBBONS, • - • 1 RIBBONS, . - • • RIBBONS, AAD MILLINERY GOODS.. Of: every. ;inert; Non _ CRIMES, BONNET $llllB, TRENCH atowzap and BPRIBO, RUCHES; Re., eco • J. C.:&: W. E. TAKER. ••. - " Na. 25 &nth SEVONB'Street, "TRILA.BEIPILIA.:• 1859 _ " MILLINEECY- - ][ Bs9 coiiiiaafa - aitoortoaent of 1111418, RIBBONSJ,FLOWERV, Ant eit,ri other aitiole in that Has STRAW BONNETS 6TB ~! W .TR 4iabrspika in all an ineortutent unequalled - in thia alth and dri:ablrli Wp - Jayne the attention oi.buyere, Thelon pnrehealictor each, or on short time, wilt do aell to give no a calf before selecting elsewhere. 1424.2 m .11V. 21 tOLVIII B.SCIOND STEVET :1859 - ';44w: 1859 -,5,71i.e1'W,G'0,01)S SOUSE. • THONEI'SON.& jENKINS, No. 5,28 MARKET 8-TILZET, Invite the attention of - buyers to tfialr eater aire stook of Lathan , atriw, lad Bilk Bonnets,, Mune Mtn and dieol:;lloxsti,daCClhtldrezegi ; chat Iflormi,jtuabes, THmmingo, &a. Befog endualvely engaged to this branch of bamboo, ...puicOmere will Bnd•it to their Interest to examine, our atop& hofore pal:tabooing, ' v..iitAtity; (formerly of Wilcook, Bogeys, kratpy,) pow enga ged with the above house, solicits from ichl Mantis ea eliamiwatibir of the stook of !desert. -Thompson Jr. Jentizil.- kibl64p2 , - N - **, , ST Aw GOO DS ' anti cholOosagortment of • ''B 0 N-Mt..,TS, )44 1 1.T FLATB/ARTIFICIAI/1140115a16,1tildRES,ko Now opOnni the - ,,WOMTILEASIL 1301tNiS•04 11fA2iKE'i-AND • BTREBTO,' :4911104 . 7111 be 'talent 'a Anuireolimino on dna Boat. • fiEb. li. *SERS,:Agent.., • ,• • IA GOO ASSORTMENT e - • , • ! S r PRANV ; GOODS, ;ARTinoLitr, ixittlaszCituottati, - AND -snot ;:..g: - `7•1511. " - 'Pi'Y R , I "I N OS . ; ', I': .... NOIr A 0 ' 3,.'3:05 ' , ‘ 11E1d. tor'. prOR,TO,,pE . O):.ND 0 S•TR E.E T, nArle.2o: %.., • Above Arida, Vest aide. 44 1 1 ,4r.freTra) f.LVi.4114L1140,9, • .N. jl4l. 4 eatctrlitlkord ,liatiofforpt a. Ist dui. ILLTNERY,- 'STRAW :GOODS,. ur.a.:soNB. - -stawErce. SIGNS, RIIOIIES. are 'pow eon and roc asle,.at 'eery low_ prima for cash and short-ilnwr_biopre - i.g uic lo CO , 13. • 81 south SECOND Street. Between aletkat awl Chestnut, . midimm* ATS, FURS, 8 TII.A.Vir ODS, AltTlillOlAL, PLO WERS, R13013:00, &a, HOOPES & DAVIS, • • 10NitlfkOT17ilifit9 AND DEALERS 29 and 21.,Sonth .Fourth Street, (ttp &Wm) ratranstral,t, , Rive aa hand se entirely new and complete stock of the above (roods, laid in for OUFE, to whloh the attention of buyere is iniited. • . , MIAS. 11A.GLOWB141., late of the firm of Oboe. Hal. lowell & Co., long known to the trade, would be pleased to see his Monde at the'warercoms of Mem. lloopea & Davie. • , feb9.2m STRAW AND MILLIN E RY, GOODS. • ' Having removed from our old. stand, 4A South Second street,_ 725 CHESTNUT STE ; ER T, - - szvintine EPSIVAIITU Aar , ' IEIGIEITY, We are now prepared-to - exhibit to our I:tumorous pa trons . - COIVIESETE - STOCK Cr . STRAW HATS, BONNETS, , • MISSES' sad CHILDREN'S HATS, • BLOOMER 4, OAPS. PANOVAND PEASE BONNETS,' ERSNOEI•FLOWERS, RIBBONS. LaCES, RHOHES, Ao Embracing in all an assortment Unequalled In this city, and we respectfully Invite the Wootton of merelaants to our Spring Steels, Cub and 'beadle:to buyers will Sod it specially their interest to give us a Call. LINVOLN, WOOD, N.WHOLB. , 11 • HILLBORN JONES. - 1.. , ,Importer aistlidanufaottirer or _ SILK AND ,STRAW BONNETS, LEGMAN and PANAMA BATS, ASTI/101AD NIOIVE7I9. 111:1011it9, To ertdch the itt;eatien, of city sued Country Dealers la solicited. NO., 482 'MARKET ST.. Below- PIVT H. fabl4m STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. I. S. • CUSTER, lIIANIIIMOTURILIt AND WHOLESALE DEIALIIIi IN STICAAV HATS AID • MILLINERY GOODS, 607 NORM SEOOND STREET, PIIILADELPHIA. 141.2m* Jll.-mio 4 NER & 00., a. WHOLESALE DEALERS . tom - PROVISIONS. • ' ' oi,ousiEs of • 01-10 ICE• MEATS, No. 11 N. WATER Vit., and 951 and 950 N. JRONT St. • N,IIILADELPHIA., • IdES BEES, FORK, LAND, and an assortment of IMOVlFlONldgeberally, inolnding HAMS, TONGUES, sad BERT of, our own curing,. both. City and Western, constautiP an hand; quality grutrautted. lIIITSREI are particularly Invited to call and examine nitr " feb2.o•ooc* • STERLING SILVER -WAR, AT MANIJBACTUREns) PRICES. TEA-SETS, • - PITCHERS; 1 - GOBLETS, - OUPO, - KNIVES, FORKS, •, SPOONS, &c., ori baud and made to ardor at tbo Maouthotory or MEADOWS do CO., Vaal lqqad 310 wramit, Ooptt. Armo dr 7 - 4 1 EA.Vtr, _GOODS., ORAPXB, RlWilEfl, LACTO, BERNHEIM & CO., Vrovision gottoes. .:,t-fg,ADET,PHIA,7 ,- „,, 4 9N1AY. MARCH 28. 1859. Kitt Med&LLMit & 00., OAR,PET it A.NtryilAiTi74- •• • . OLEN EEO MILLS, GESMANT9:W*-, r. A LB° IIEPORTEBE AND DEALIM . Iit".. - VAILPETING,. '. OIL CLOTHS; "; • , MATTISO,,TI -' WAREHOUSE, 509 ansaTNirk6oE/',: , - OPPOSITE TEE STATE 'We Lore now on hand an extensivesiookOr, Eariet• ' log, of our own and otheX mates, to which 'ire kniitti the attention of Western and Soufhern bayeni,l4ol.2tn 431 CARPETINOIS I3OItN AGINCIY IN THIS 417.17_ . owln , . .. AUBURN pIitEJEPLYS,,, `' - 1 . 7,,;, , , , SURENEINitg a 1 ‘ ,'''? , 3' ''' 4 , " * E b li t.4 l !.f f i, :---- , . „ mAitut , ,Aorotetko'llT,,,f4. J 9 S I A IE 'B 41.1 i; B 'E A,l;i l -- t -- ,', -- With *ll gtsdee of WOOL, WOOL AND 00iTt4,,:iiitut, ' ALL-COTTOW INGBAINII: , L 114 1 7 .1 ATWOOD, R4STO*&,o,l;l,:jr MANIVAOII7I4IDB , , Atialt4,Di::::::,. 509 - 155BILIPT 00511,4;';'' BLABON • UdIittrIA.OTIIRERS OV ".a , %; - OIL CLOTHS" . -1 14 , 46 NORTH' THIRD TRRHfr.,:f4;,•,-.' Offer o'Mo trifles large stock of OIL W/ 1 44;1, every description, The largest assortment of IVINDOW SHADE And • 11:1 DUB; HOLLAGDE, : • In this' market, at ' %-.ll•S'^ mow P.izzai:mats, AND • r • ..`Vi - FAVORABLE T'ER,Ect-aiWI GREEN, GLAZED OIL OLOTII,'sy beantifals* for Window Modes. LAE* RIDGWAY, HEUSSNER, & Cu., - Iniporterff 'ot WOOLL3NII, tr`;* - -:" Are recolviog fall 'applies of •• - SUPERIOR CLOTH ' BURET ' - TRIOO2B, • " p&NOy measimnicsa,:iffoq Prom the following celebrated mannfaetuteril-==q4 , ,,,.„ YBIDERIO BROKERS (Little Ticket.) , • W.-A. JOHANSY' GETTERS & SORMIDT (d. and M. Clothe.) ZdAIRONA BROTHERS. ' - ' TOIENRIE3 it 00., and others. febl.3n • '2od CHESTNUT $ , • 'CARP.E.TINGS, , ifAt..; w „,..- - OIL OLOTES, AND MATTINGS,, •" , ,:_,f.: ••••-.; • WOI.NE, WILSON,' & ,C3,' 00illaBSION IdERDIRAN TS, '• '' . • . No. 132 CHESTNUT STREET, ' , 212, Agent for ' - ' - f . ,,:ri . ' TAPESTRY VELVET, ' ' ' , -i- - -,t'Ar".; THREE PLY, ' 'sirt;', - :, INGRAIN, • , ' '' 4 '':b44 , „,,, . INNETIAN, NEW, DUT011;- - , _- • 00 TTON, LISt, and - .103: • -, . . _ ' • CARPETS. "-1 - ...-v Which wa are reeeiring _daily from Oxt - nonitote!t# 4 , ;t , 1 end are prepared to oiler the trade on li • Jagal ti ”, ;10(:,' Having the Agency for some of the best and: %.. , •,''':.. arable goods, we cab Offer bridoement4 not lipid,'- c to be had in Philadelphia: AlLgoodssold at '3447. faoturer , s prices. r - -Ordersosrefully attended to. •••;•••, Vi. I:l7.Aleo,,Agents for „Bleak and' White , Wedd --:•• • -„,,,z 1 large supply of with% led bare conetautty On • •',' -, 740 . - ' , •••'‘..: ~, -" '' ' 1 , 4. • .., I Jf. row CO • AGENTB OLTHR • tht, • MANOELEST.ER PRINT ' WORAR' - ', ' Hato now in tbeir Wo Store, NO. 240 iss..".xur - thx , ,erroas :frfatt line olio Ali goods riSisinfactrirad ' ' • .1 - I,lMiClietter OHALLI)BB,. '‘ •f. , • al A: 1140 " Orniptialng the most :destrable z eityries oribue;gwyca star offered to the trade. ; , -•• J.C.HO W ES1000;•,, Am also the Bole Agents for • the sale, in this market,: • of the following Elanafacturers'of WOOLLRN AND COTTON GOODS: BRADFORD, TAIT, & CO., • • a. T. SNAGRA.F.I4 & 00., MERRIMACK 'WOOLLEN COMPANY, H. BAYLES A, 80N, BIM STARR? MILL, miramax WOOLLICN MILL, And other populist makes. -BROWN AND BLBAORED COTTONS : INDIAN ORCHARD 7.8,44, and9.B. WATERFORD MPG. CO. 7-8, 44, and 9-8. ' To all of widish the attention of buyers is solicited. ja29tts th s FARRELL Sc MORKIS, COMMISSION MERONANTA, 115,2 0 Wl' c.RS CLOTHS, DOZBKII4I3, sTo 232 CHESTNUT STREET, itllatches, teweirp, ,A AiKERIOAN, ENOLISEI,'AND GE. NEVA, WATCEIEB —New aed fasblonab'e GOLD 41w MY, von Coral. Cameo, Lava and - Jet Settings; Geld chides, Bracelets, Miniature Lobate, Shirt Studs and Blaine Buttons, &e.; Sliver Forks, Spew s,' Ladles, Ito.; of standard Silver; plated Bpo.ns and Yorks of superior quality. Watches and Jewelry prmptly re paired and warranted. at (MOMS 11.1.11tH4LL'S, No. 22 North FIXIII. Street. JAMES WATSON, • IMPORTER. OF WATCHES, JEWELRY;; &0., !- No. 825 MARKET STREET. Constantly on hand a fall sesortutont of Vaoheron and Conatantin Watches. feLßm BAILEY & 00.,mi:LT BAILEY & KITOEEN, Have removed to their now Fire-proof, Widte Muhl, BD CHESTNUT STREET, EIMER BIDE, BELOW TEE GIBARD HOUSE, Now opening their Fall Stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention of the publle. SIDTDR4ARD, WATODDS, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, spl74f tr TARDEN & BRO. • KLIIINAOTTIREXE! AND 1117017N11 Or SILVER...PLATED WARE) , 804 Chestnut Street, above Third, (up dam ' ) Philadelphia, Constantly on band and for sale to the Trade - TEA SETS, COMIVIIINION SERVICE BETS, ORES PITCHERS, GOBLETS; OUPS , WAITERS, BAS KETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, arooria,roass, LADLES, &a., tr,o . Gibllngand plating on all kinds or metal. sea-l) fiabbltrg fiarbmare. WM. P. WILST.A.qH &CO. • IMPORTERS, MA N A OTURERS, AND DIIALBRS IN 9ADDLI4FCY 1-1-A.R.DwA.nm, QARRIAGE AND HARNESS MOUNTINGS, No. 88, NORTH THIRD STRRET, Between Market and Arai, PAILADELPIIIA TOIL LARGEST STOCK IN TIINOITY. Er sig. of VI GOLDEN STIRRUP. -(f0b2..2c0 RAISINS -250 boxes bnneb. 111 awe ex ' 4 fcn . „ IFb7) MEIRINO, t au . : : ( 4u ISONT 041" }iCs: ,s tt}re. X&11611 28. 18§9 r*oi: the Great.—(Conclusinit) Alter having formed an' army, PErna .un dertook the civil organization of his Empire , upoti the same principle, dividing the whole population into ithirteen clarifies -or degrees.. Atter thiS Russia is, a ; kind of roglment, 'Everybedy in it f reputed to be= long, to the regiment. The Administration has not 'its: roots in the necessities' of tho country, but the country is ajtecessity for The - Administration;' she does not' serve to the 1 l Empire, but the ‘Empire serycs it. 'ln, one Word, • the ' Administr a tion is the • Empire., Thcise who, Russia,'do not ,belong to the Service, are, like stragglers round; the English.. army in India, fit only to feed that army, and provide for-its necessities. Everybody-being ' Obliged:to have - some office under theAdmin: istration, •he who has-no degree has no place in-the community doei not knew: what to do with himself ; is like a' ioltiriteef amidst the', - regular enity—hagi no place in battle, and;ie eentitantly .. “ bothered" , and embarrassed. _The _degree or class does, not give the officer, hut' ,you cannot got an office without class or -de- =Ruche. hierarchy was-on the eve of being Atitrodtreed in the Byzantine , Empire; bpi there witsitot ittretigth enough. ttp;04,0 , *,, 4 ', Something g leßtiiiSist'it_eneertmattses4lia Whets popufetion.!Tids. orgMffeation .hasoi a gtpipo:9F,L,qe!O premises,: ;RAW man'swelg t:' le:.stttelety should, bern,ratio of Lis tendered:or ' Presur&d:services Aci-the 'tame: " , the 4eai'Und ;devotion' of bib scrvkcb_Malretrairthtivdrili•of 'a man a il Russia. I.To other ~ ,conglifon;iao. tit:tibial crudity has, viTelgEtiin', - . the..dios,cif ;11iigfroirgiume t nt there.: itieSs ef:thoM,., !re*estfi ; cffiliprY,ll4e at t' w„ttere'‘,h,4 , l l l ll ,t4e, nowhere Jlksv,OgitheV•bettn , tttta opt,•into a, system.rlo, , ,satigiOtery, the • itiersertal ambition , arsCeelfilervezof mahitg: l l Vhe - constant longing and:Rope efor•tanit; Shaer:ix• gritificatiens„recompenses, and profits (increasing in Properlipn.,or OteiracqUisition, becomes 'at` 'list ,10 9 4 .of , a: 1 44 1 '3'5 life swallowing up allthettrength of the souli and changing a, _ma - a% into-ins. automaton ) , Moved only -by , the Ades: of %the Gfiverfinient* or ot the'Czar.„' -"s Witt s uch an orgaitO fation o thn fercea i With A - o j hi'e Empire, ,rapa.began hls4versgalmt Ett Ns, Went Inflaende 2 n Polatid. s ,* `,!'''', The Poliehrltept#lleWin4 there : M*6l4 Wel ti P ti : t 4i i Pi-tc e "..t- tit k i ai!,*. iiiit44. . , Of)fin g r z.Eit 9 ol39ret gtpl*rfeni and jiy'rianMri "eignemexerainug a pernistious.tettneqeVbi the elections, led -astray" I*i' *iikinkviati in, that di4vitett!:,,Onntr): .: I ,Tin;: l 4f ::c4*- '9 o )t* , ll'OplyoyT. )* , Poi , Ptaiiirlt E,ONWlLlsAtstoinohiiiieWii 4 iiiittlini'let44iiilkih i ; ''co - relicn , ' , ;eindidattie ,The . : r p:olitiopitislOked, at ilitieletittotta itiN'iioifee'OriAni4,4,lfit4' ! §b 6 07..r 1 0,i*: 4 4 - .o l o.o4osailthejThigt, ,#0; 8 4 1 94 1. -P:aceeir:f.* 6 os4 lllol2 *th - the . tiellt.. S eiker9 ol l)&d .. l.fisik kek lefi ' - : - rw*:# 6 o l if fOtilili..Cv` r AVVllo4o o 44.:;q4)/e; .41tim#( 6 x.row4v , ,,001 - ,l4toigontat io.."r4W.A 440 : * * 143 f! l 7P"#•: : T h wztelgtblid_ iv h 4 ~-.4.g * , ‘4I.4'O4OIS.P'IIAr)I 4*O , a . tang® 40 : 1 I ‘ 1 *? l ig r fff81,1V'''' ,':: tr . ,' , .0410.44i461?: :::;: I*.if ' AltAli4 . iii Nix* .- ,_lV : , omktf.oo'l** - '. 4 •1.: - Wr,,) , AC‘ankrofteliti ''' '• ..-. iii: 6 4. , .g;-tillalf;;iil ' ? ",e - 44,he::,04 , 7044;3i5itiiii *7 • '' ' l f .fl t 4i* l *** 44l o.* :fiii- #.; 00. !,,„. f n ‘ , y,,„rof., 7 weivig k ) mt bi ft a 1 sometimes like a Rerinblioin,of eighteenth' cmittity. EI began to spiak;abontleseral 'p.11164108 treatlee.-. . • - . , . In the letters, written byPaven the Great to Atrecisres,,of_Poland;the Czar talks about the duty of Christian Monarehe to keep the Euro bean peace, proteeting the human kin-I from downfall, the fundamental laws of nature, and of a power emanating from God. • These three monarchs, Pane, the Groat /Lupin 11, and CR - ARLES XCI, (with the three Ministers as Gezierz, Ainznont, and Donors,) represent the eighteenth century in all its pro pensities and tendencies. Anotarros II took Louts .XIV for his' ideal. He was fond of pomp, and luxury ; he cher ished the fine arts, as object of show or source et - enjoyment; he was gallant, and the pro tector of artists and authors. - He wanted, as was the fashionable talk of that time, to pol ish Poland. He wished to be its Orpheus, its Sesestrls, its Theseus. He entertained at his Court an excellent orchestra, and had an Ita lian Opera, reputed the. best in Europe. He talked even of making a code of ltiws. Au- GUSTUS represented his century from the most matenaf stand.' ' CRADLES the XII sought his ideal in far an. tiquity. Ho wanted to be a 4 E3AR, or ALEX. aunsa.. He inclined towards Paganism, only showing some traces of religion's feelings, or rather, religious prejudices. 'PETER, far superior to these two, was colder than GottontS-Kula. He had only one idea ; one passion. ' He wanted to conquer. Ho represented the prude of that century. He was the forerunner of the Convention. The true image of his haughty aspirations, and of ibis political views, is Mit reputed testament,. which is said to be in the Secret archives of the Russian Empire. Here are some articles of that interesting legacy to his successors: ffNeglect nothing, in order to give the Euro pean forms abd habits to tho Russian nation ; maintain the Empire in constant warfare; ag grandize it, and acquire territory by all means and in all directions, as well on the Baltic as on the Black Bea, particularly through Poland; try to isolate Sweden from European politics, in order to conquer her, under proteins:3o ex pelling the Turks from Europe; always have a ready army on the Danube, to build for tresses on' the Black Sea, and push forward to Constantinople; encourage anarchy in Poland, 'and occasionally get possession of that coun try; maintain a good understanding with Eng. land, who, in consequence, will contribute on her aide to the growth and perfection of the Russian navy; by the help of which seize upon all European seas, for on this depends the realization of the whole scheme ; be con iinced that whoever has the last Indian treaty in band must be !order Europe; meddle in all the quarrels of European countries, and particularly in Germany; actively use the in. fluor:co of Religion and of race upon all the Slavonic population in Poland, and the Greeks and Slavonians in Turkey, Austria, and Prus sia. At last, to foster ah European war, help by turns all against each other, and, after the consequent ,exhaustion .of all the Continent, conquer them." Whatever its authenticity may be, history attests us how faithfully the Petersburg Cabi. net keeps the way shown in this testament. Before PETER the Great, the itoacovite princes destroyed the republican Novogrott PAO' and other free cities, like the Conven— tion who doomed Lyons and Toulon. PETER sacrificed his own son to his projects, as many a member of the French Convention sacrificed his father, his 'child, his friend, his brother. 'The sacrifice, of everything to one's ideas was the Work of the eighteenth century. The Duchy of Ifioskwa, and afterwards the Czarat of Russia, might be 'considered as everlasting i ., CenVention. But the Bus tans disclaim the similitude, 'pretending that milt the Great orgafttzed, while the Clonveng n but destroyed. These two' powers had before them different obstacles: The French,tYonvontlon was not able to develop all lies, houghts, before having crushed away from' the country all the ele ments of the old' state of things. PETER the Groat was fin absolute master of his country, likethe creator Of• his creature. While the OS:Mention had to destroy tl)e ettates in their Pltll - M4 Iphla country, l'aran waged War against I . iiiiineigli. bus. RUssian politics loOk at the neliliberitig naticins just as the Convention beheld i'riest= hood and Nobility in Prance. Tile, sucess'of both was fOstered,,by the latirmlty, and profit. gacy'tifthentMcked parties. The 'corruption 'icherlynt in Frengh society, the fragility Of 'its forme, made the victory easy . tolhe de - ell-tic. 1 tive elements. The Convention was wrecked on the past of France, and the 'social life of 1 the nation,' hiving been,forcibly'. concentrated i in her heart,' rose uPagain and , expanded ;far stiOnger: In - the same _Manner the Slavonic laction 'surrounding Russia, having, neglected to develop their vital pilnCiples, wore defence. less against her action, tind4heir life 'mukt be pushed'backed into their hearts in 'Order to raise and expand _with more energy. ' ' The -'personal appearance, of PETER the Great suggests-a multitude of reilections,liin physical as well as a moral point of view. He' Was ‘ti Min of eg Great iussia.'.! , Tall, strong, arnitll-ahaped, be bore alerocious aspect of 'Severe beauty. - He had a peculiar terrible expression in:his gray gyps., His -looks were, those of a MuscoVite mixed with Tartar.' liti face and Countenance, nenstantly...exCitedfl seemed to be vexed 'by seine nervous facibir. While sitting, he' Was not able to IteepAniet ..,"-, hit; body was constantly rocking to and fro,in . a Manner which inspired fright in all present. Sti n eh a nervous - restlessness was also observed in many, members of the FrencitCenventipis, 'particularly:same nf the Mountain'patty, - Wlicr survived UM - sterna of the Beielnilim`.;, - "4inidet• ;.:"!, , 1 , ,: : 41 ' 1. ! ,, Y.0:_i ll:;:! , :„. 14. ;inirsCiee se do ! alur i ; indtliat: ~ pii r s74o - 414k, riei4 of the , I,i'AclfiAigie . , rflittitioneac . .4.:( servedved 1 . 4 1 1404, 1 3*Ill'isl* kOtszt a tag°. '. - - --:How, , eanphilesophers-aandunt• for 'the -in-' nate power of --PSTInt Xtlift , 9:l l ollt, and for the depth of his viewilabd bonibliiiitions ? '.tl maim born- in , 6:-..tiartfailan'etitufry,'hai recnivEid'a •verrriegleefed isdniatio l li;raliter one pipressly Onlepated to;deitr4tfil pea every, germ of alt inperior ideas or,Mqral:lOnlinotions j yefothlit.' oi4 niaaluitwitfed thnfit?st-dlplomatnief-ltri ', I. 3 fellte 4 d im army ‘ and.iak'fillet, eandlnatleafa ! an ; era ;of - ,brilliant - 4existenbe ?to,* niliteh,',' TOZTAIMENSISiight iiii*lng thatiiicinlehlidi,' lecthecthildhciod Of:Reran; Weitld'34'' . itidOil 'foretell what lielias done dicirliii`:kte .14„t*, he'Would ha thkeyl ara VilifnWii;;;._ .' l ,•'; 1 ' ' Tile, Slavosrde'PhifOlipPilYrlllAY-Wililid4lbill 0 11 1#," ; we l .4, f 74 44 in It : kvoritytkoltog i 4 *pnp4iaa r ror explanation of. Many intenialling , phenomena.; Some nations iiossenaliiiniat*cal ..:pacities, - .-Which are:ginniialit i ,atti4:4-)iitle -this g*atest diflioul4l4 7 o43rigilrhit:iigO4 Bent fa :subreliisireentittilaitahlk*--mko-} t4e,)iti the d p rilled - noldier,4,l**4o 4 "GtelitOY if 'aHiMl. , o . -14Pi; ' ekerichtofl-0.0 e-iiiiiiagieieA9io44,4zorditary ca o e i panitles,(Or ;conManding ariries and for net- 1 1 . Anent, cronntuSitnan;kittlihi!iildtenti giving simultaneously bisl'onierti , td'ißlei . ,4li f tdeir46 , , litrOYing, china l , , :alut - 'Hiritijtai4i..litrliO44'at l Isinin 'if; giftiiiii* - 4*liiillittoll' Of,- '14 11 4')•: far superior N . ,tiVekp01*,i3,9014104 9 1 1 ,4f1'-the Wars' of ttioliest-Niriaolt., 11.410(pfe..,,, ~ ,i ~. ~,,, , 1 : ' ll4 *2 l°r-4 ,P i l l i . t: l !tfi,Lß. o 4 , 4. , *,Osirli:goot! .. 'atelier ..,. 'll,l TiliSllCalgg , ',f: ,41aiti,'44/14st.b. lr:tik'tliti4o ',l o l f. l oBKKtigitlitl9Ptbr yi4011.14,. .0 0 4 4 „Or 21 !*e,ii,01 11 4.,00 1 . 4P,Rkittfe VlAPOtiti, [ lala*t -,. ..4 1. 4 —4ll O-Atikei°lo-4 1 -0 . 01 1 14 4 i 1 444k " : 161 0 1 0- 1 . ' ' U tiii *A 1 44400402 04 f1r ' i t -kithi4ijac:# 4o 4 ,- iM:iiß* l 4 , l4oluP , wiriolita: 4 4 4 10,7'. 1 A. Igii..iltipcoboriiiii' il 11/4 1t00 r ,,0ty:,.. " tit,*(lk, - (o* . cit ! )., T iffir-,: . iiiibi** *. ifiti-ii.:(c..4oxicioiiis,- iiil44:lo , triltiviiiO4:oo44o l o - kwoott: and hOi,*iii:qßegkiir*feek3.l)oe_et ?A*, 14 * '.i; i f ti****4 4 ***Wjiiilall#o4 - 44' - 1 *OeifOit***V3M l ll44ltlngAnttel6l . utit intbrenati tin :itbgfeii iEi4/MiAtiklfitiO " 4 4* Vii ssl4 k:tiFOgrilAMOtilWo4 . 1 141 10 4 4 0 4 4.* 1 FV0 4 39. 4,44fi t YWlt s„ ,itiototio.,.ivogwoti,,t,oo.):--iii-, v i tx war.-yOm'iitt-6 0 CgioiciThii g srol 1:,4 4 .ic irlii ,4 vr't o l o-10114 11 41 1.; 0. 1 1010aciiin,...01,004044 4 .- w ir - ...,. -0,44.474,0:60-644,.die‘bssvoov....inia)444, ri to our taste. There is mbire,,ii•e will 00TeargenV silty, (for no one expects that;ftbm ThaokirayX, but more good nature and less of that‘ sneerMg which. mekes - kim Imprinted °yoke "-The story is winding up. - Harry. WarringtonY who gbes to the wars (temp. George II:) es a volunteer, gal lantly wine. hie commission in the: army, and di left on the eve of.aeoompanying General Wolfe to' the siege of Q /oboe. Ho carries Ratty Lamb er VS heart hi m. George Warrington, whose tragedy is BuiNiessrully introduced at Govent Garden rhea.' tre, wins the hand of Miss Theo Lambert, with his mother's rather rehtetant consent. and without any Peenniary. provision from -that honored matron. Lady Marla, Harry's old flame, gets into a passion for an , actor-131p, an Earn! 'daughter-'-' 7 and we already scent a runaway match. The conclusion of the story looms in the (inhume. 'We shall have an account-of Wolfe's death at Qaebeo—of Harry's return, advancement and marriage—of GeOrge's ,taking hls wife to Virginia and remaining , there, while Harry _ will settle and prosper in Eng land And, then,—who knows?—there may be a continuation - or the story,, the time some sixteen years later, (I. o. 'in 1776, ) when Harry Warrington,• as a British commander, and George Warrington, as in American patriot', will be on opposite aides in the War of Indepen dence. From such an infliction-may Fate prevent us. "The Virginians" is the worst of Thaokri ray's matured productions, abounding In local Mistakes about this country, and our Revolution ary War hashed up into a serial, with a half score of blunders in every number, would be utterly intolerable. No; if Thaokeray mast write, as we hope he may, let him take his incidents and cha racters from the everyday life be 'sees boforo him. The Eclectic itTagazine contains a well•eelectod variety of articles cram the beet foreign periodt- Sale, an tors fine engratings—nne representing the' interview between Napoleon I. and Pope Pius VII; the other, a full•length portrait of Napo. leon 111, from Winterbalter's well-known picture. Among the literary contents, one of the best arti oles is from the ten of Mr. •W the edi tor, givinedelightful - but too brief Reminiscences of the Alhambra. W. B. Zieber is the agent in Philadelphia. The Lathes' American Magazine. a Now York publication, fouudedonthe ruins of Graham•'s, has mashed its fourth number, and the last is the best—far the best yet published. The pro's° of Charles G. Leland, and the thoughtful, tuneful "Mary of Marian Powell, are sufficient to give tone and character to any periodical: - .App/storr's Railway .oreids, the' best publics• tion of its olalss, presents a novel feature in its April number—this is a guide to the 'Kansas Gold Mines, from the Atlantic pities, with par ticulars of expense and equipment,_ and a map showing the principal routes. This InformatiOn is Well put together, as well as well-timed. ' • EDITOR or THE PRESS: 'Your paper of this morning contains an article, signed M. E." in which the writer endear-ors to convince you and the public that there are legal obstacles to prevent the southern part of the oily from obtaining the benefit' of a park in a portion of 'the Girard farm. That objection such as be refers to apparently exists no one pretends to doubt; but any one wish ing to act understandingly upon the subjeCt; and who is not unfriendly to the project of a-park In the southern part of the city, knnws that there are various ways to dispose of the difficulty referred to be " M. E.," without any detriment to the city, or any possible risk of " exposing the city to a cult from the heirs of the late Btephen Girard " MARCH 26. FIRST WARD Personal. SOOEIGI lIotLEs, tho renowned ((Spider" pugilist la expected In New York, from London, where be Is now taking a course of benefits. lie bas, it IC said, altogether relinquished the price ring Jaok Grant, another well•known English pugilist, is also expeeted to visit U. SELLING LOTTERY , TIGRETS.—"Wooa, Eddy, & Co. have been indicted by the grand jury of New York city, for selling lottery ti3lletx, and the proprietors of sevoral liunday papers for violating the lottery laws. •TflE Flop. James{ H. Hoyt, of Stamford, Conneotiout, superintendent of the New York and Now Haven Railroad, has been nominated by the Detanorate of the Twelfth dlitrlet of.that State as their oandidate fur the State Senate. MAJOR WM. SWAN, one of the oldeat,and most wealthy °aliens of Knoxville, TennePsee, died in that city on Sabbath afternoon, the 20th, after a brief illness of five days, aged,seventy years. RosA JAIE, daughter of Dr. Chas. Mackay, of the London illustrated News, died at Naples on the 26th of February. Mit. THOMAS DODWOHaII s the founder of the / manna vothyortit Bond," has been appointed by the Postmaster General postmaster at blertisenla Dr, ELIZABETH BLACKWELL 18 delivering a course of lectures in London, on the value of ily glenio and friodicial Knowledge to Women. tWo,tt - NTs. Free Bantli ngLeone r aered Ini sO e la , . • • Hen ti t - CO'nutterde an Vtfa,de. t 4 '' [Bor_raoPteas.) 'l, , ; -, ~ .- , '-' , Top' piper is one , whloh it is our 7 isustioi te"' glean for, all that sionoerna the welferenVoul,elty aq't 'State, eild•r ". Po 3 7 l /iP,In; alld her intends have in TlieZress, at all li,mes,nwatollal ;mien: Cady, which enixinsend - At ki;herintieens, ,. , :7 • ' Oar purpoks; at the`rprestintthee,,seigest that the f#or with wilish :yen have reneived . the proposition-before the" I;eglaintilie, to ' entlid,rise banking it'illn State Amite, is 'sear6ly in keeping with, your tonal oonservatisit; end' that'a , further? insight would, discover - In' it en innovation; not ss• remedy—e °hangs nenferring no substantial 'ad. vantages„and - ono, that meat endanger the beet intereSts of the'Commonweeith- • ' • " We cannot hope tc,preseutthla subject in a Way that Will strain the attention of those,.who are be- g - Toned in the whirl or daily Aim:lnflow!. Finstioo, 'bound up in its mingled yarn .o statistics and de ,r . . duodena, otos 'few' tiharns- for such:" It only yields its mysteries to the eadulOus linneithni deli of him who beedihimself to the task, stein in the resolve to exple:rp its uttaostintrioaeY; ' and ypt, since .crolitt bai-I , oo9me,weven with teehtegi it "there to all such a'return rep l e t e , with cad expe riences. " ' ' ..:. • It has bean obtornal by lia able:writer pn dilation, that'' , theOitholation and 'malt - of ba nk paper arc 'the 4 23rorts Of natinniii ithalth':-:not the• foundation at then.'," This' is' alitli irife:lllfe may ,mahe batiks.Withont•estiitherniii-binetlate the Ptate,with,baulenotes, and yet in - the ittidhaie no more Money tbah,when s we commeneed. 431261 t instittnions aad-their lsnaei, it' fonAded oeothtr than rend principles et:finance; esti , react' 'open and' return Jo' iormenk kbeir.,,inventors ,k , Baskis eeteis'are of value when they are a l poiaaWitti.' 1 tx4hangßeiStir fokothii-obailabditios—vitioo they, ' -Y =-. ~. 1 4 '4. • t'arliwi•Okt•-lft; ~. -F, • ' --" iii' 111 :ta .4 ITV% 1 , . • • st .II too i 0Y.X.14;1. i t r' a'' '' f , 1 i medlars itapperis'ilist in properties' in • ekt-' k . eolOttO l 74 - -. 7 p --.."-•...",--- y ' _;!.. 1 ' •, I [ ; •,..',44 a , fia'alenotee orre,.the POlO. ontiffgnotgfi l e luta/11 4;o'h te Ilin'elsticeillitkrlo•6,OrellliteoPr to lltilto Aim oat to the produepell rlithro &el) later., -If a metohsuCis itk,,thetifit Of the'eatta • '' 'We `ol e foblievioffhi's - lithz-AitipOunkfut,pqrati, e • theighst or.of 'foreign enruifiliii4the Seth Or 'per of,the, Wast = hosony, pay'forthesis "la bilikinterii, , se lonitni they are money,' •.• , , ... ~, ‘• ~, Cleinmerce may.beliliened ii ie itLege - ,fslatarsrafeica4 ' iin , Seistha: •' Tratne'ente Abe' limiti. 'Mid !tail Vogl confirms. and.rratitleirtheint - klrow7l l ltri on loeforable' law of. opulmeree, „that,,-huGins '0310641'0 nsiehthed, lit the oklirefoticithied than.* tmt ktis t the alooklAkktjester Of WWl* aidttha JlethietKolloa VII 9!-Gors pegansk•thikosmlr aiii o feeethitrethth,,musi, oet.eenvertitila Into pig o • sinner, "eV the 'Will `ettie ho'der; bofora tho 7, parforq,the *Men of , Money or batman th effendi tfork of wealth. .-, , , . - ~t , 1 . ~' a '...- ' ,- 11,4 - 01e00 eiTiriiiittioffil iiiiiii.lBo9lVlo4 the , epirt4r3Antte the tlenerel lleVernuelehn in 1'71314 1.793. 044818, au oplied•a pacer etreutidionflithieh posseinkil these requisites , - Bet It aikolammhathe prlntiple wron4 and tiatkohitoi4l3;amtniitil Wu •tbior-aziational pager eferidatideOlikre okiielished • Theel& andlre . trio7 of the Government *kr then! 'distributed among the,Eltate bank., snitnplior then. celebrated ;specie - °feeler of Secretary ?insti s . 7 l .they were direetetl , th loan li libitriely. l 'Then' remmeeced ,pur troubleli--then foppeteP exPan- VOW, panic., expittoteatf, shifts, ard„ityr etiber •ehmige., ..Right 'or - wrong, the - area ' it dicta measures pervade apd remain , with na Ica6ie.aey. The first moth of Pennsylvania to remedy., the 1 eausequaacta. or• Will ottatssto,ltao to; itstabtiali a betas ortlSirty•filimillions, and ithere tda. time came inthosewitibb bildlekten inCarSteted bf the General Tathitietal on AGA& Vold which 'thearfair, had eeceablopf, and-,to ;perform the eitifieMetiii: to t;elie s titneirlfre4 in Ate opera t Gone by &State thallerk It thiepiren 6 aortgilebeel and, 1 t failed. Sive. that. thin ifiarilthAave -been established ikilopelitiet. WlYWOlFAo.nalined a need-Tor theiri,"arld 'they lialid:ingplital the State Itith the - oarrent7' far dalljeniii, iiiiis been the menu ' of moyingAe4vrodsea.o th elState,land Opened the Iktalauees:9X:troidn.: Theta. Cagle are petard re alg-iiscint--istaingliatitlitste' and nal, leMakilebioli 'faliy iseerAnittietf*dialassit Width' nevftthejsats , oerfaaP44 l4, Preilate to the Metter nthaild4thittinfaiseniel basalt" leak) It leAtalr kkeirstiliefeithifeWilsettielitir' of iininee,"43.ethe ro i t o ' 4 , ainfitael 1 ) g i 11,1 , . - -'1 -...-, 1 ..,,.. kW ,‘ grit Jib sth Intlioloi ef Bea' 14r . 'forks,' ii 4 Seiavietegiiie of Owe - ilernil iidf WO' lyl esiorititaturethiesine slump st,gtiotwittiglit erne:, freedYrolo adt t i reirraiste;e4aB Ai-111070st' -ThisAmidd, 1 intie OpeaM -R tlne" , tienrY, bliss :' but if theu'd MO 1 r4llo:ol4:lthitlfarmilined , "wa'e reslitedw/tr; thee keeneLpertinisoitY.with whin)+, Gthata;taire bitykrel-. Waif beelenfkarijVrtVil'•n4krfle44, 244t7 'illthpittit , . • stiTipii,•!alleni , nail %get . thaalt.* ' • ' ‘ 4 1 laaata 1144 ,atarAtha gieC.l . ; ' 1 . 4 ttlifpgitoriaet• tit* It ' :, . ....., ~, ti4t; - : * ; I "5" ' ' 7 f 11 : 41- '7,04 6- . 4 , , , ji,ot, ~.. i(kit'v. Vtzirtiviii:atittv..6 ~,,„, f.r .v oA 404 . 0 . 4 , 040 ,. i1pt l itility* - 10441 4, 44r4AAtikiok__: vouiriki oft Ate ' 6=4 *tuffittiAilis*PA; ' 4Mitilt44Fi'? rkt,fitt . itifit,?4~isr .4 41 4 244*V i l e W I Ttga 4 4 Min*: ..i.OAfteltl l 'e , ' 44 ?'", 4 . ?:i 1 :r ,, -` .G. , ror gi "A TY" '-';'--,, ~. , - -s., , , zr :•:-., rubirproPlst tsr fonts*, Wilting !tepee 46 all who' ehoose to• 'enter nomi It", and thet the only privilege that thii present bankeenjoye'etther than what is possessed by individuals -rig -1U Ad thorny voider the law to_issnelbank 'tsetse. , A holder of State loans may - change - them into money, may receive de; Gaits, discount yafier, draw; drafts, and sell' or. collect exchange. , The free. banking bill offers to lbeatow on nil who'are thus inclined aprivilego which g yes them'the right of, first receiving for their State steaks a/re:dating slow in the form of bank notes kodt th its to the extent of the indebtedneseof the ' State ; in other words, it gives autheritY for an addition to the bynk °imitation ;dreads existing of, near forty Millions of paper money. We might pause here, alad let the ogee go before the community, reliant upon the unanimous re „potion of a proposition so monstrous; but the story is not all told. The bill, while negleotingle pro: vide money to pay the debts of the State,Atuireee, that the State debt shall discharge these - of other eeteeneeitiee and other people The sum- of $17,673,753 62 (Auditor General's Rep - , pemre 112) has been allowed; to mature and blooms doe, veithourany provision whatever hossiughtin ramie forits redemption. - Theis is also 53,575,941-14 maturing and doe, during this and next year. The laws of commerce would stay , that the sum first named was under protest, and a proposition from a merchant,_ in a like condition, thus to compeund with hie creditors on the basis of his debts, would, one might suppose, find Os favor—and yet gentiemen, anxious for the enema of this measure, prqfess to advocate it upon sound peineiplee of commercial usage. , , It thus appears that the system' nly preientalt semblance of value, bases a bank circulation on it, and promises no definite payment. Again ; the bill malted no provision for the redemption of notes in specie It aims to do as, but fails to silent it. For example, a •million is the largest amount allowed for the capital of any one bank; and twenty-five per cent In specie is to be the mini mum held by the bank- If it is intended to re tain this amount' from the oapital as a reserve. such bank will, in reality, be providing a million of dollars, that it snail loan three fourths of a stallion. If it mean that the bank may have a million of capital in simulation, and that it must provide tweniptlve per cent. in specie besides for ire redemption, sihy, there is but one way to get it, and that is from depositors, who own it, and will have it, 011 demand. No ; the ward-up capital and State stock, are, by this bill one and the sense thing, and the only security is in the State stooks. ‘• 'twill appreciate the value of State stocks ” —The demand for State atooks will be for bank- ing purposes, and that there may be some rise is probable; still. the nature of our State debt is suoh that it does not rank 'with capitalists as a favorite investment. The six.pelecent. loan, deducting the State tog, nets its bolder 5.70 par cent ; , the five per cent. loan, 41—which is simple intermit on $79 and $95 At even a small appreciated price, therefore, large qeentities would find their way home, and we should have at once the beauties of the system exemplified. A email preportlon of the loan only is held within the borders sof the State, and, of course, it must be Imported and paid for. Now, unlike California, gold is not a produot of the State; end if the paper, which this bill au thorizes the issue of, is money, it will pay for them; hut no ono will be bold magnet to assert ties. They mast he• 'settled for in coin The banks at present °stab lotted bold it, and most foot the bill. Contraction follows—loans and ins cannts are withheld—conamereo Is crippled—and the belt opens, , It will stimulate business. That it will. The history of ail such experiments proves it. ,What sturdy son of Ponnsylvarde, asks for metre dim lent ? Heaven knows we have had enough of the same kind It will more , tlan-atiroulate—it will intarieate. If this fallacy in fintimee should come to harvest, out Commouwealth will re Mae the darkest day she has yet seen. many as they have been It will ba a goad to' unsubstantizl wealth —the old story of riches taking wirga—the trite tale of base money, defrauding the needy of their pittance, and scattering the competence of honest efforts to the viewless winds. Much is said of the lose to the poor from a foam'sl oriels, but who IS there that has forgotten the patient loyalty of-the affluent in all their speechifies agony in the deso lating crisis of twenty years ago ? If we have proved teat the banks to be handed will be of issue only, the feet stands' out that this bill will not introduce capital into the ehentls of trade Capital is a fund ,at rest—a stook• in trade—and circulating notes only become capital, when they are • turned into money, and aro the fixed means relied upon for conducting trade. Banking, to be successful, must result from busi ness, not initiate it. , Free blinking also reverses a settled rule of commerce, which -is that wealth must establish banking. If this system becomes universal, States that aro free from debt cannot bank, and there which owe moat will have the mast banks—poverty, under at becomes the man soarer °f su r.7 - . As ,an illustration of the kind o seouitty State debts may become in time of need,:. we 'will state ati instance orourring in St. Louis. Wisoon sin numbers a free-banking law- amongst her blessings; A large promirtion ether circulating notes were issued upon Inkiest 7 , 14 r-cent. loan. One morning during the panic, of '57, it was found that a mass of them had ecotnnulated in the hands of the brokers, which it, was,propesed to return for redemption. One gentioreat enggetted that it might he well, before doing-se, to See what was behind them. The fact as slated' Yves d's3loSed—they had been issued tape the faith of elissouri, at about dollar for dollar—'ho loan had, 'draftily fallen to 041. A count found that they held more loan than W Woonsin paper, and that to pus any quantity on the market would depress it still further; BD it NM decided to bold the notes and await the good time when they could be realireil at -a better price. ‘Pennsyleantoa toasts at oublime, it may be remembered, felt to $35. . , pugs! itoritnit, 488ititittl .Iti salad*, tolltrestOtloit Stray oommaalaa tton martba , aiktontputteC by, 4 IndiTlDeirt aorioatnau I 8 the tyvogiiiptii, nt - ono alai &As sit* 4=14141 ' 7l ""r i n - - TPII • : ~Wo 2411 * iro,ettpitg Bl 4t o gegthooms tgAtion7/.. eityl:4Or filtateoifor: , cootrita449lllsll,ll4 sba tiortootAtyrk4.titot z dtpy resoorw Orlho sorzooottrogoatistryittio Inombool - of poptilatfoodmastriafontuktio n that wallbo4tiript. : log to the - • - - - There L one portion - of, thin eientful`hlifory:-.' :the Working of b ack York'*ffiiel —toward which- every student' Of -, Bwonellthell big' - attention' "direOted:' Re knoirje'lhat ;the,i,lews of • oommeteelavii been diseirdati l:Yeketer." lo 4 4lo -e, -- of:ittelity exists; a,4 aPPeetweettfeetiet - Obelus atigclee."-. 4 34411 . 4•Aff115‘ itg 'down-MI , r iural" - 'ffine. B s Vel - otAlils , Weslorn,B4l4o l S -- li Unfinished, end bile Vertittri de Oonfueton of tongues Anuakfolliiw.; The rigidlitiesUr finance illibiorkthohr forfeit. - ofll awe* that thertotirliettilities of ibilianki the Siete of2NotiArerk; , 'itt , :Tinii. 1848;7wero- - 8118 na 367 /14y„lteld i * tp.ote; 88,884868; and 'there were about fifty bkott4 rln Jone.l.Bs7.the - , total Ilabilitied, had inareastal io $267 930 ; 230; - ' the number of-banks to Silioiit'tfiiie.hdodiod and. iffy_--Aporiod'at shone nine :Yost* -- -ti i11'a1 ,1 73 difficult to.obtein atourate lipgeier stedlados- in New 1 Triik; - s bal_fiv o -o3llllong of,an itssroaio wp.tivlBs7 - would h e Wither an over than an, underestimate. -Now”, the exhibit of the superintendentbf Gnomes Arlan gave the einfuletton'of - ile'lititi if 528,- 429-522, grooved by-, $7,858;281r-lemOrtgates; and $22,347,,450 in stooke:„.. - Ik feltowl;AherefoWthat ' these e t and ntOrtgegeettive created Oso mos drid and zetieriti-ttob /nstilioit iir s iesor ; mad the critic of that year plovod that tbotiiiiiithotly onittted,as art elemeot'of banking:. for the °trials- . tics Wood' under thew. would ; MIMI z in3V.iivery quptty of intley, blieforthe fact that ;the banks, 'being freed from any obligation .4 - iedoimltiom ' An , opeoio; lidtsptid.7-thein wiCceinprore for their daily teanatetionE , '. Mint '.the; 'State' _tits's seeped ,neerly,thirty, milliOnt _ ini,"Pefbee;_ Promiliter?whieb, . , under the law, wee not payable ,clnoL:dolsand,' and . '. which' had '',driveti'iitit af, use 111,10,10,proested --- li vote' basis A We,ioniittinid - l''- - . p.e)wsai Of_the - - , whole of the _ ettperlitandint'C'repikt': - (1831) to , those w, bo are for frglabitiegthle‘achawn inta:agr State. _Whilst hoping - for,: allitteek oad:'-tirglos -,:, '51144,i, it forirhadoixe, its fall„ far l better gpan - :any argument of ear own: 1 -1' alittaettiat uthe -- battlte of New York , tire the oioqiiiiiet:irldolt stssidiws tbs- trade - and istatimioni of:thistitioisofry. .-. 1 Jtratuia galled this fact seAsiall - Atie. - erliesiWilfen- - hdtran Islatzdinirc-wi..44trilt~-" - ... iii•ibazit.-T iir'lliiikr4, , ...,* - ~Adiht- , , , for Manhatten:.•.'Bur:Tod'.'ne,-' t . i.C- ;, , ,laii -U,. lialtiebi -_,,1. ir," 4 :..4 l .tist Nellt4 Vilified' amscncne j'- ,7i payaber anTsfeelanift-vorektite smalle,a,a 1 114, of planiiigiqui to,payilksama sokosiii i',,f.s(titlier-Wolds:4leitatelof Ailtbetateeit_netieffisetiefeettlefiinktO ' tata --- ‘ 3 JO.lPPOOki l o 4 o# l ktitt+ibilitti the' trial* , tomi2zice,Aulvskakiiiii Witrisinglind that -`, - !,tne - *4 Otite WY'S* 0' stileitente r ifoshile the ;4ittatt dean A . atrsii - steadily elsiariott:" ,The -.7lstraiii.'e I ,llflinsirine. id' November Orthelente , yokr -1 1837),,tofefititg to. "thiesubjest saye...f:.` wit . ;tame entrevinentle:ety,thatithereatetreetion_of t tlie Currency - ainee .2 Augustileetite,4*.eneetWor_ . twenty millfone. -hes ,,i'4n-l-tke: ~s tate - two hood red 'nal - ,ntaiKled.te- ' en,: `fellees:nttaltterter; , iiiiiibieTitindid ayr - ' ::.Ziot,iotoot .lifsp ii iodo**littemi kill 4- $ l / 4 ttoWee-tiour Ittee.'llit filen iffiPttitilii&,, , . • the to it fait pr - 4 . 131 - qttliainarAl# 4 l. 4 o 114,4 11 4" , lotion bleo l eight e rtobtide#lnther-poreisVers'in - :.00.1galbst,..thfo ,wrsoeialfti,rii.'''siddr.riii.estilsl wealltr-toihe-Iteste. 'Att. heolf,aidedWAglog the channels of trade aid. 'Oelittionsel;ter ;lieS)mt ! the', ecentonlitlen - tifitinitil'ileslieseryl6.l,Witidit - -tbOse pursuits, and bay* protinSly_iddcd'hnthOseg. of „unmans 'of 'oral hi; all - to' be. I iltdd st_Wl by r e bi T - . tit.itailltiatitly rtuitli.feir the fits!, trailisntlagatnar ' linelnesetivlB4of-- weiniiiiiiiiattiojitifildt eat pesettion - sinieralsit`htiniedittY4/ii:"reeniSiebilltX, I had oiliest ceid4ethe resent trranWeltht e - feeie to.'• dependz- - -ipon;:-. 1, the •-- extrsirlami. - -;*.ps,i' ' personal% expendifu*; 7 4sr2 ) ;br, fflOV:iioZ4 Ireart iS -hoslneir•i:OnotO - EMI think - :#4:ili - .- .-- - - or - oonnaerioitY , 'dar; - 14111. ~'" : . ._,.-, 'is .7 ' ineasurod`:.brAlaif- r Antintiee' - ine.....ii - 104-_,,o , Af .fiii , transactions.' It Air"- bumitieting2*l*Y:ll,".. but where litho nisi Wfile',C,Ye"e- 10*.4.4111eitIlts.ato hear that doubts the genetal 'Oath orthereinarte , Openqiing- of 'the rgoltt l- fridillnli( o, l4o4"tllt*Olt - -. Inteodpat peps t. , o .l4 , ltiat lissintleileiftsioir feel* , oft - vocarsilaetWi'lla '-'-'IIS Olt* 'rid tuifildogga - an evidence of inirelWid , ' ' Or',",tiblitsiteditt ' ' - partore Olds tail!) , kW - : - ,' , -I,i 'rid Ill,(07IltImit, tint given - -to nqnsAiiifit4sith'a:Asp:alC,Trind - ditiesso; tho'poetpotwitilikrif,* n *II; a "t n, , - inaponding aeoelorstitilinlhaod 6 erdiadrint:ial - Who does -nor -, - - riniithioni- z , linit Anialellid I .llilkA4 , inedible tot .lito !ate- toigatteiklaf tliesirisiclua,,_ ',:iii, • - 4uiry uto the amount of '-trikadcnid,lost' Id DOW- , t fated Central - AdierfeslP- - :;'-- 1 -• ' '''''''- .-.,'" --',:"",:- ~ Leltts - Anntlrons'-thdriaaltiaqtfliniedag r og `alit-; - initi;loonfir-to:,bittoisialiarsrliejlnt tagetr,Of thii friends' ef-thts ininlinao` ,- 21.14*;naprionid • that It dadin SiolrlinPalbtlirffe WI c 4( biloko4 A on bahv*loM she nioty ,d,ffight - Iv • Olddilksitdradd, it Wag ImEforthaiasaolater Idifrdatinfidt: tbaC - :, it, ladoticleseiateresj-'tdiditit ixt!safehr - 104•,:ift*._ -:-.----_ --' fainesr..eidillbts. , loio,iiethillOs'orlAapspthiat ~,, , . bait pfor:' Wit"- ptoWiland •t tbey;Oilild:iikstist'a - ,i',,- _ - , insole thoLownicriatt-111iW0010,4 -- ;disogi - ') . that would gifelittlio - OnitilebitiVeittllid :11 - 1 -. Ihniidrid,!Lthotisand l 'anativ4ii i =i 6l o4o?Pfi r ie - tA:7 - our dneneeisielaWinitteine;"lititliCaofitare ~. •_. la jhogoggligoogobjd4,t *hit itaiiilultref. 3 ,-.!4, Nie ". !,, igUtutt4ujcs,luk) '.6* - 11A0yuVaill,,-E , , , ,,, ) tlin:lndinardcalllnint.anaislOir;44 - dOty--? s , ltetailhis-idaistatillO*irliguwirik ~ .: elaAhoy,ltintlqapirnd dlif ;' id 12,A.. 4 1 ~_ i :!p :; lf.o —l u , b t i 4 l lo r‘s l . . : k :,4_,-,k .. f. r ,2,x,x i A- . T, , -, 0-;,, this .ziA l4 sw t;. '!..!le- 1, ACo4rko i rs ties,. ffil Al*fßae-i ... - A l 1,1 : 1 - f ... 2- :: 4..,... F a iett4 . o9 , * .- ,:...... L ') .,, , , , ',...: 1 ... i4 ~..... 4 . .. „ .._..„.?..,,, w i t 44 1,,, i t t , ; : •,,, T: ., rYafr lm . , 11 . ~..„Z a ,:::, zorlak _ ... ;tats ~ • ...,•'!;,--.4 , . ,r , Jl.-e.:-.{44 , :_ d i gg. 4 4.4t „ „• ' ' iLs :4"‘'''' ' , ,* - t — t '' ' ~ -, 'ijqifiod , r_*yn-_k*o*io,t; , ,z_. - ortiiiittaii.w.s - 00.,k. - die thi - cisscrdtit'of tldatfovignifilie7i'' ' ' - , , .ft Some igentlemenc,whodenotpinfaittheniselved - Plansid pith , the .provieb:osa,l - O,F 014,1011 f ,siaem” to', oonteid thenstelfee'with Ant - - Idea :that. nothing.: pettar can be' obtained, and that it nein/airy : to . do simathing. :2 4tro?ig,ilitjlitia . strii• ant *Sae- - thsizcinus( 6s ikine, sar ;tlitegriguc of tosaity-rbad ' ineasuros, It is ,easy-te do sonething, , dat the Obje_et 18.4/ do something useful. , - It is. better to do nothing than to do mischief: '' It is much better to make no bank: thari ta pass the bill, as It now 1514r0h 24;1859.. GENERAL NEM& Tau Hartford (Codk.) Tim es. given's's' amn sing Recount of the. scene in thit eityisoused` by - the freshet. The writer took. a boat ride up one street and hand th - egreeery busineis Oita dull on , that. thoroughfare , the ' 'residents sunning ' them salver at the second-story windows '-The (dim- • hers and garrets were - crammed with ;human beings, 'provisions, and furniture; while tsbles,„ , chairs,' and beds , that could' not be moved up stairs, .aere* fluting in. the ' rooms of the drat story. ~ Milkmen . were serving , their onetemers ' from boats, and tlosena of pro• tempers ferrymen Were Making a good thing of it ,try fen Ting singers about. - - • OFF Thfirsde , Y, Morning .-- as one of the trains of the.Pitteisem Port'lgaine - ,• and Ohlisagri Railroad: . was' ,paasiog street. at Tlttaburg, - Pa 'one of the oars suddenly, off the Amok - with' great '-- brook Terse frOm the others, and dashed across the' street and , n•tvenaen t into a brick wall enCloshig' tbs Gerinan Catholic chutes, demolishing comuletely about ten feet of it. It stopped but a very few inches short of the church building.. Yortenetaiy,ls one - was injured, though - those in the chnroh at the time were considerably frightened.. The oar was filed with sbeep, - snd it was - considerably broken. None were hurt. Damage will be about 5100. - - SHOCKING ACC/DENT AT LOWELL.-:-011 Aran day last :he wife of Mr. Samna( Hyde. I werkman , in. thamill-of thatiamilton:.ooMPOlaY 10 2 "0 1 • Mare , with eyoung child in,her acme, went in to - :- see her husband. While - there her el - .thes be- Caine - entangled with a revolving"shafr, about - eighteen inches fromthe floor, by *hi& she was carried round with, fearful velocity,' and in ' -- bly mangled that ate died hefore teaching horns. - • The abild.wonderfully escaped with slight injury. ATTEMPTED CHUM lltiknElt.;-;N v ary' Ones; an insane mother, atteraptediest - Ttinesdaiii - orn- ' log, to take the life ,of,her child by drowning, about three Miles out of the city( en the Shrews- bury road: ' She wee discovered by Mr LeolturS. Allen standing in the, w,ater,,up to- her nack,:and: , holding the' child, who is a ,bay - of . eight years, - under it He succeeded With - great difflicuittla resoning the boy beforelife Was extined.- 3 -Brorset , " BRUTAL FIGHT-A J3trrze ova'.-A fight took-place last gild's; morn- Mg between 'two steamboat hands, named „Birch - and Viannerv, in a aided holies 'on the lending at wisesa the formartYrew the other down,„apd choked him until nearly dead. -.When , Diroh arose - it ices discovered that tiro' of the , Ilisgeraqf his left harid.were nearly bitten off, - one of them hanging only by a thread of gash: - A Tenn - tan Damns has just been ted ever the Twelve Mile Creek, near St. (lathe. rise's, O. W., on the Great Western railway. The stout from abutment to abutment is - "at" feet, and the weight of the tubular-portion, which is of the heaviest wrought iron.: is ebbut 230 tons.: The cost of the struoture is 080,000; and it was passed over by trains last Monday. - ' ' - ~Dzsmssama • ACOIDENT.-Bflia Margaret' Marsh all,' a young lady, resident near Morrisville, Panouter- county, Va , came to a, moat terrible death-by fire about a fortnight.ago. ' The - present lashion of hoop (Demises was the cause Of. the event.- • She lingered for fortyrefght bourn in the moat - • 'tense pain. • ,- • • , ANOTHER ,VICTIM..-AHOSISM of 'Sae. persons BO terribly injured by being trample] 1 1 Port'whort the door of the church at Oswego, New York, gave way, has since' died. This makes the fifth viatim.• It' is a remarkable fact that the subject selected for the , sermon St the time the disaster occurred Area ‘L.The..Lest Judgment." lirstiterr.nici.;--They - liave a &sue: waturie_et Cincinnati, in the 'Asps of sokfrish child seven teen Months old, who never. cries ,or talks, but whiittles instead. Ile' doesn't -whistle tines, of Course, betide whistle' is ai elea s ", ' a):an adult's. "A'young looontotive prebably: ' THE YIELD of Maple anger .in Mieltigati has been so extraordinary this season, that :farmers arc selling It for from six to eight °outliner period. More eager has been made in the Western coon- ; ties of Pennsylvania' this Seanni'lltaitjoy , Many yearn pant. • • - • ,BAND Ociasusnan.-The barn- belonging to • Joshua Smite; fn Clarion oourtty, Md., andoetntied - - by Henry Marker, wan destiojel by:fire -a few- - 'days ago, With'all. his , sera ` :' -Two' colts also . pa rioted fu,the flames! - • • - Vast' Goon-There ail, - thirteen *et:nisi:a uniformed volunteers hi - this State. In all; there axe now three hundred- and fifty - thousand men . , capable of bearing arena In the State...' • - THERE DOLLAIte eras to leave horses in the' street irithons minnasatie. Ought to be 'lto everywhere. , Two Lowe inerotne - at bbe,ster dodlctiontk4 - was Oarriedatf'duringthe'late graibet- loan - : 4 oi4m#! • . , coiniilly bait been formed for the irapitoe!. mot of the Alum 40/07, 1 001 _ _