The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 15, 1859, Image 1
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X 26 /1 1 1;n 3 ki 4:1 ,00 ;.41 14 4X0 4-' s ,l ' . 47 : 1/41):0 71 0 1 . ff l e.• • • ]I ;Noo-. 21 - sad II NORTE POURTH STREET, 1 ''fiii'il±ik cart 4; • ElRPOri l k7u!sf!'.-!`: I :ll ,o,, A ltorg E 4g . - ; :/110STERY; PLAL,L,T#RNS,AM IM t`irlhrMc uit ' omplst aid well- tiaor.....4RAVT,R _ souvitatt ` - ANtil.1)10111 , )111218r.1!'71SNDB. ‘; • .„ tititOtt SOWZARMEN 4 , Atone; 454.110 T, Buts, ItANDßOXll : Apenownwrvir; I: It 4`W`rif.A'A ll V X.r.A . , FAlitrr ,f arri,r,',oCsPS, or 1112111 OIitIeiROWILTATIOiI 4NtOtWif f • 010 :1 0 0ilii7Orn , 9 1 :*ti, l u/ 9 ;h°, e ibit*fi h it 64 1 11 # 1 14 WA el, .4,. 0 4 : rfa A''T)! 4 ' .2,(411007,Y. WOMILEY;BROTitn 14; ag"Bitimrsiour. - 18 NORTH FOURTH ISTRARTi ,X.,..-A4TAJeatermwito , . ,V i NE,W;','SkRING4 STOOK -a , •% NOSITRY, ' - GLOVES; sat 1 le", ANcrr - OOODO'' fa' l o 4ll 4 lll,6 lo44keitlitit : stamilnlyeret : SOUTHERN. TRADE. , . , r • , • WHAVrittedd ROtt.ORTs; • . • stOpnE - " 10,4110 1 *34iiii3OBbitis • , • - • •:-111k,c000ori3OOkitirit;OGASARB I ~ORRIIIMt‘iwzriNIRROA ',mot epomo, , '11, 1 1.741.6 1 , 0 0. ' 4141114111,5 k ‘.*'' , ULS. SP I Alamo* M i rr o r** = I UI • 4640 • , 44i:4*a- ;,7:44 .i..4k1 41-!1 M=M 111115121121 , X't TcrAexPEal. , ur XPART II , - OTRAET, / 6 P taf&atOffb'P;lr ati,b ,;! via `AILS' tiak Tuniituiosi - - r . Atkit do of Aka, egida .46 limit 410501fi1, 2 uesolooot,o - MINOR t - -,POMPIINIIETTIIi alitiOsirdsaultoonti:- i!ALTi 41 4 11#4140P ) rigl4O l 4 l O.FiC4C • • Na iii P L Pi oi•ieni for ink and Woollies lei,- TaN Buttons, &0.,# - Osi wink - , , tabZlni 4artnxiare. MOOI4,:t.SZEY:&• CO.; SWEET, 1121;i 416. common stritts, Z, on • .• , • 2 :4 - TtV. $ W;AitE , - • 4uNs; £O., • *Mai are Off toßiltFiS ork idtWiirl Tama. , " rei98.814 • , . irittritrk BROTHER 84 co:, , liIIPORTNNI AND WIIOLIAWN DIADEM IiA.RDWARE, 429. MARKET ErritgET,' •: 629 • /WY , MATift N9/Fr# : reltflut iltii etp -; ~a9bø. A :42i90P46§9FP.74-RNT''':; or STRAW:c4boips; • 41.K.rgrfxspv4, , jfrovnuts: RIIOIII,IIIIAtiD STRAW TRUitittNalf, r , Or .stOrl TWAY. 44 %Pik trono AO, Pi NA*, rik otain 14voiskacupop Arit 450619.t.Mn, NY*l4,o7.s ' ; • - Noe' Oa; "I 05 ;. d' I'o If 0 ETA"' EVE 9,0 pp. :s ir,gE ET, , ad.. MILLINERY 00111PLET111:411II RIBB6NEI Of every deeerintlon, ••'' _ - zotienaT SILKS 4MD. (fief:00; 1 " • • .Attruliatet .• . . other , , - • A • And , Millinery Ooode. W, or, ninny ppgeirrionn le now epee for exsitlon py; acideste 'to; At • iti4ll tio*';'lo l «64 041 t Pviihiast iii 004.10,.»• . - SCt B BAIIMI4I'2!ROPTL ••••• esilickaiort 81404 6 t 4 00 Si.) • ssw - • 1859 'le '47'o 0:115 7 'w otr 54,g4 , ,M.411r ICA T . -WV:CUM Invit• tts *Oen . tionldloikyois to tDslr iictialure stook of ladlitsi !Maw sad E4lk Bootie% 11.4% , lloystiNta Oblgres'ifigalii Vignoworsisoblara, 701611114 1 444;':'r .pßOMMticita l :PliriFlLlSY. 4lr444 talo,T. O l f r- Ask bifora , A • '1 311011.:P.-7/RkLIT, *Wade -11;piiti .T dc - Pisi,i;), l 4**S,liith the' 4tiqvi'444:iic ll 4tt:.; twin oord#l4*.iroiAlloi44 ilkolit:444 it Mows: Jorithis. M*4l •••: STI - A:N`.9OODB ;iiRTIVIOtiLL• • PLOVRIIS; UIS4HES, • ke. " ':-!X (3 9PX 9 § 2 ' 4Y- 4. asiD : DXAILMIttk itoi fourth . Eitzeii/oip sig4lo: Ran at laavi as tatisoli ma sat aoaofeti stook id** aline - gob* talQ ta'foi wklohlhit atfleatipn 4511A8. `of tie* tan at Caalf. tal *i* 44 ;', 1 4 4 . 1 5 1, Se 4o 4 ztkilyilarroomi of AlsarreAtoollies STRAW -AND MILLINERY 00008.', . Ifivi nir Knet, to imirl d rfsoni i!tr'Sd 46 South 614coiul .725 cgosTrareentErr; • 4 , Wikare 147$1e41,4_1pflllib# 10 . !:Otit: VFOLTI4II STRAWFlATisilimitnire,= , • , asn.OlitLllKlglll NATO, ' " 1 BLOommits, cies. ke. -• -' .1494g"AviD niasoll , nowagns, , •- , - -*lllllOllB, '1,401110, • ' avolizei ke, l ' nlll an asiortmakitnnequallid In , thir eatic And we tbspeattnny traits nttnatiezeof to one Spring Stook: = - • -; •••• Cloak and ahott-time burns will end tivericuo " iJNCOL-t4 WOOD, A•#109.48. . .I:I4.II,I33OANIJONE'S. miniirsetitia kar . "1 OILS AND- STRAW BONNETS, and PANAMA • oftarRXWAL 11,1:70RES,Ice. ...?o vbtal! the 6114Mkolit or City sadllointty Dealer! NO.' 4.10 - IVIARK4T . - 11 Z. lebl 7 ,Biis i S ERNEDLEr & CO.,' - - = Die t DlAntog,T , , IMPORTDREI AND ;OSUMI OP • LAOES, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, &o:, Have, tem he store 'a complete emortment of .01 the deelrable atylee, Ida we will .ell et the =TT=I TRAW. AND MILLINERY GOODS. ' - • , •, CUSTER, - • • woomplaut DRAM 111 wrR.A. - v•t 1;A'113 MILLIXERY 807 NORTH SECOND STREET, • ' "PfdIGAAE4PRTA. •_ fe2t-7m4 BONNET,. kppags. lye sr* esente - for'ths manotseturere for the 'rale OR th• 4c) - TO go, i hoor• now In gm • Maplete ortissiiint wbleh we will sell to the trade sit. the MANUPAOTURIRB LOWAST PllOlll9 sigt, sOd ' explitsstion oP Ont. stook B. piptgoLitY a co., • fel94m 146 MARVW Street L . - O ,v L. - & C3O„ !T4140 3tialuvAoloßY OiLABBATDD HABIT NAVA ILIXMOYArt, TO No. 10g8 OBBSTNIIT STREET. inv4.2in 1711/ILLS & RIME TING El FOE EXPORT+, sgumx, & HUM clnilllll. , & LIGHT SIIEXT,ING, patiblei & Wmazis„ r. ' BlllO , "PiONT;OIV - # LFTITIA•• WA' 1408E1M PALETHORP,- -, ATTONSfeiI IADJIVIAMLAW 'tiff WALNUf -4-0000Plitc• -r , *MU irrnirTraliMlßM; AY, ": 11AR(GI 15 Orgobtais , 41A.13, FE MANVFAUT (11t4M4tiOkirt , .ImPoniIIitiI•AVWDRAIER B IN : 1 • IPTNG, . y 2 •• , - OIL" MATTING, ' ' „', , 41,0E1, L •ta;;, WiREFOLISE, 509 OHNiTiiIII''-iIIRErfo . : • ' TIIII OTAII We hive ticiw'oit MO an, extenettre r ,litook tihrPGV: ,tog, oI her one enCetherlinaltee,Litii the ettention of Western end thinthern Union. leatAare CARPETINO - S., - pool AWINOIriti pig OITt AUBURN =THREE-PLYB, ' OUPBRFINBB; AND *BNICTIANO lIANtIr/01 . 17:0t31 . p DY JOSIAH BARBEL, ' With all of WOOL,' WOOL AIciIYOOTTON, sod ALL•OOTTON AT'W . QOD,' RALSTON, HANUBAOTUUW AGItITS; - 60911ABILIIM ivritair LABON . da tiatiOVAOTVOXY3,3 'O7l ctspT.ras; : ", NORTH' Tlf Offer ti the trade a•lerge' otoAof OIL OLOTHff o every desalt:4ton; the largest auffkttment of 9 , , • WINDOW - OkODO „ - to this markati - at, ” AID IJOW' XmlEttai2El V. Q -Et A B RAW th'' ORION !OLAZID•Ott, 0t ., ,0ffi4" tpanatital artiola for Window Shades: , • ;- • •• ' - .`• - fald-dso . - RIDGWAY, REDSBN R, OG Ampotters of WOOLLENS,. - Are reoelving tall stipplint of , —•- • - ' ,- ST_IPEtIOR CLOTHS., DOESKINS, TRICOTS; BimARll3, • Nom the followthi,oelebrated ' .111UIDERIO XROXXNB 041 1 •Xialuk*.) W.- A, JOHANNIt ABUOX. _,, • GIVXIII,B 140XXIDT (13. out M. Clothe.). XAIIISONA; AROTBAXA,,,. _ , X, TOXXXfillel - & - And. o th er*. • 0444. - 01118TNIn ®treat. • J a C HOWE Si - CO • - • MANQRESTER PRINT _ . In:thele 110 i, Stofo; i•o_p4c. 3s4.Amtaxwer foil Ihie of 111. thd goadi titoni4feetiacoof , 1 4 0 0 1, 1*g! 04 "!'n7i' ?‘'t )li,Alpiiis; • ' — • okkiiass, . c - • •:: , _ • &hi '‘ t , - 4,11661,:k Couval,ing, Ms moot ilostrablo , ..oWoo - 44 thogirigOtdsi ' over offoridtOibe . 0 11'0 Nr.g - 84 .0 Aro fiLo:k *41'804 Atioeito fori.lhO," oak,. to Ugs markit,, of ;tie .folimtiog llatm,faelpters woot3rata il 4rik,corrtzf • 2 3: BitexpionDoiiir, ~,.; T: fliCiettAVEl & =',' '''" 1 -. *1ii1161.4016 WOOLLEN COMPANY, BX 1 : 1 ;* 8 "0 95 *; • imiLIT.IIIIIII , MILS , , - . • MILLBURY .Wool4,llfi mus, - • y And Wier popular Mika.' 1 / I WW*.rIR F4l4*,,XlN,4; ' `Ft'l . - ...m44 , 2111915DNV1TA00 '741 4,014 d. 1 ,- .54. , 4 1- - • Stvilf of IPileli Ute - ittintion'4,**Ltiijitp*l44.* Okla th am. ', • • , CIAO iikrilNGS,' • oolimisazoi - ,No. 182 - lALBEiTNUT 131tE,ET; - Agents for - c • TAPOTNY , . VIIRIIII POL,. ' • pOSZTIANi EMMY,: DUTCH, • „ .. CO f TON, LOT, and ;RAO 423Aii,PEVS," Which We are reOsiving daily from the Illannfantt, wars, as prepared to, offer the trade on liberal torte. • ItSeelog the ageney tor some of the beat and -Mattis airshingooda, we can offer ledueemente not - heretofore to be hid , in, PbOadelph(a." All goodi sold' of Mani• flatware price'. Orders caiefalip attended to. , 43E5 agents for and White. Weddin g! lame Supply of which we hare oonatantly owitatali febi.iat •. • ' FARRELL jSc MORRIS.' ' : 001:111188102.1 „ • - 1 - 24te .I=C , • - Or DO ' BEIHINS, sro. ' 232 OREBTNUT STREET, • . lebl , 4m Philsdelphli.g ‘,lTurnjobingo:pobe. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS TAILORS' ,TRIAIMLWGS: Lowetoopm' An ric&xton, No. 9 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Rave sow to store a fall assortment in their line, to orbit% Afroy Invite !tho'attiontion of _their trootourro and' buyers of snob goods. • fo244tapl 12iii:vii . ),(ii.., : gpitiee,. a, afOartalßP.lf CO ' p, ' ' • , WHOLESALE' DISUSES PROVISIONS, And,OUßElla of CHOICE MEATS, N, WATER 961 nod 959 N:YRONB St. ppscamtLenEA: MESS BEEP, PURL LAW), and an assortment Of PROVISIOSIO generally, Including RAMC TOE42llge, and DERV or our own on:flair, both city and ‘iyintont, eints4ittly'olisand; ilia* guarantied, „ „ .r BUYERS oreportfoutoelyinvitnd to call and foßintine Our , , r f0b28,43m* . tOlples4lc :Orourfij ItT.N6ER.CH - & SMITH; 'WHOLESALE Gr R 0 0_ No. 43 NORTH THIRD STREET, mu 1.203" • • PHILADELPHIA y E. ROLLER,' AP •" PUBNOII HOOT Aiiito 800 E M NO. 21 lionth'NlNTEl Street . third door 'above Wrest- ' nnt, Philadelphia; Begs to Inform hie friends And the rano gentrall* that 'he hu opened heehaw on' his • own meant, ea above; where he will always' be happy to renelvo A eon, tliniatton of their favors. • An'the cantor partner of • the late firm e 7 Untie% - 42 Boater, probably' no other ffultitsdee 2°6'o°l, to APPreblatlye public of hie entire ability to fill a I orders In hie Doe with the Vt , moat eatisfeetion. , Pawn:ober - the number: 27 South tQYNTR atteet. tbltd eltwif shoyfiflbludgint. 111° L AW•OFFIOE OP • --- . EMMY ICREP,MB, bBO (Old No. 252) 'WALNUT /Urea, mla6-datti6w* • • Phlladelphla QOHOL Dr.',IANENTZKY, 1.7.9 Alb Booth InGLITIV Street, below Chestnut, IMPORTSAB 'OW DEALIBB IN 'ARTISTS , WA PERU LB, Itieorniumid to Artists sod triOpublio in general their large atoeit or Juvenile Paint &mem, Wintor & Weir ton anatiao:ihreney &Ala 's,oll and Water Wolore, Britahroti• itriViall • and iileiinan Oanrae Whathian'a Drawing • PApers • -Bobtail Oria,rone4 Btudisa, ' galore./ pletoree for freiri'4g,' &elf . &a. • 4 •• •••- • Dlenouote / non to Teliobere 'end Betniziariei. Wont- JAMen olippliall ai WA plow, Asb.tag, ank€9lo,t,t: 0 QV i" 13410 E ,FALM-LEAF-HAT -624 MARkET EITiRET, . 4 Plftliiind Sixth, 1EEILAI).E10111A ENDRY . 1 HARRIS, ... • ,?tuiu!Aerimpits Aup,w . uopllBALß DIALHBB t IM, ' . BOOTS AND SHOES; ' DOR. THIRD AND AROR STRERTR, l'e2.l,lltr 'IVT - TRLAN Vic, CO„ mioLIBAL'R DNALER p . BOOTS. • ' • STRAW 4000 S. MARRRT STREET. ~(1110in ©4E.4 'BO • .13R0'.E.1-ItRS, •,. ; t• • • • WHOLESALE . .)1300.TS AND SI - 1 0 ESi . • 41:12 MARKET STREET,' : , lIP STAIRS. --„ . liQQWS AND:, SH,OES: . , ii . /Mizereillit4 their .43 P'R I= N CV: STO 0' 13: , Bows AND S')IQE tiyh;h they see irepete4 to 'offer at the hiireet prioe erttkity mot toying. -" " ; 'YAK ;DUSEM . , ;Sifl7ll; & " ' ' 'ttps - *Aiturr BTILEET, ~,E1145;442::„' . siatre. • wirx,lAN[s'id • WHOLESALE' 4101 / 1 ) ;;C" D g A r ."/ • • , HOUSE 18,SUUTH FOURTH STREET. •r. • : 4. , • - •• , WHOLBBAIde • , • • - • • ' ••- • • • ' ROOT rAN.I3 SHOE • , • , - - ,rreto:':§l4'll.4lilCfproTßEET.. • , „ getiftrai assclximer,t of 11 tarn acid • C01461' =7, T: , :.7:, , -/ ag ,to'''-' ~ . tB, g *Fik, .-4 ~ ~, =w-tkAL. , - , ,.. , J i?,!14. 1 9,FA5,„ ;114fErft.019:114111A1, ir= 4, t'%"" ,. '.ri:A.Mt.42,l ‘ W t-794 =': - Vil:4 4P ol , kyalt, I t al,r4 ,t,finC . z e - t ; .y, re; t t-. : /it, ' ": ,--. 6 34,1 1 . :- •t, -.4 - - . _A ,ir s ' •s, -.. 5 ' 446 ittrafitid to litri iit grist indiannier4 to biiioit isMoil to: npl , Othor onrkot, litito an ex inannunn Orgill* sunk. ' , , tiv.I4,I49R24I,IFOURTH BraRET; ' tiat.2av';::rssittice linahaats. nt.tilviskaiiihdpids. , , • . • ROOP AND 8/1021 WARNUOKOR -•- • . : - 2.1.AF11.124,0T0RTy - 'X*. 525 MARKET STREET, , Wilms acnraahaad rs szteostss stook of soots Ana 04.ior(puilp ! ; oP our own sott Esstsnt itultKicfafgki 'Sl).',witich we hwits.the attention of &Whirs Sad tyisitenit kniars• fib2-31:q gobbler 9 larbtuare, WIVF.y.WILSTA.CH & CO. lIMPORTsitp, MANUFACTURERS, AND DBALIRB .IN _BA,DEMEIRY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, , AND, iIA4ITE&S, MOUNTINGS, No. 88 NORTH TRIED STREET, ,Between Market and Aro PIIIIADELPIII4 TUE LARGEST STOCK IN TEE CITY. 113. 131gce of' TEINOOLDIN ISTIODE [febilin ij ottee-SuntiOing eaobs V T ,„EtousE r ttntxxstusq‘STOßE,, . . , gt)...1020 CHESTNUT ST - lOITOPITE THE AOADIAIY Or ME ARTS ) Tbe Oulumlbor 'will this daj °pelt with a _, VERY IiEJ3IRABLE 'ABEO9IIIIIE7 OE 'OOO/33, : .- -1,, ,• - CIONSIBTING'OP „ - ' TABLE OUTLIEW, ' •:` - OVAL WAITERS, , • ' WOODEN WARE, PLAIN, ' PLAPISEED, and • J'APANNEE TIN-WARE, ' sad snob articles la general se are usually to be _ foond In a . • , ' ' ..PLIES i i-OLASS /IQ USE-FURNISHINQ STORE,,,, ~ , I , All or *bleb will be offered at ressoultble pecan.. WILLIAM ,YAANALT.i. -,—, iLate or the linnet Pdlllll4llr tc -YAVIAIL ) - noisT•m'wf atn. . , ~.. • - al holm* elotipng. - - : CLOTHING! - - AT , WHOLESALE. 0: xIARSIYE SE3 ar BO UT, 888 MARXIST 11101MI8AST OCTNIER Oir101111•11i SUM, , • Offer for aide, on the meet . .•' LTBER,AI, .TERMS, • , A new and extenOre fftool of ' SPRING- AND SUMMER OLOTHINS. • Alperin) romne , -„ SOUTHERN AND mrpsTERN' TRADE, TO ABIOS TRW INVITI TRH ATTAINTION OP BUV*RB. tab 1-9 m ' A. T. LATE, . • WHOLESALE CLOTHING Alt E 00M S , ' No. 419 MARKET ATHEET, tebl-Efin PHIIADILLMIA. ,fancg poobo. WM. D. GLENN, NO. 20 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, •IMPULTRR Aim wiwatimmi mitim tio FANCY 0'0 01)8, PIaIIIIMERY, 11107811121, ' AIty£INISTS I ARTIOLNEI, &o. ,Now fa atom a very large and complete amortMent for the - SPRING TRA.DR,, , • inaludlng every aateabte artlete In the line, and 'many 'novelties ' i The ette - ntlen'or buyere' respeethilly, iallolted. IWeek se Jolt thoeti of any home in the trade, either ,in Ala city pit , NIT yolk, , fl-Stm '1859. , , - 15,1869: Barnum in is the:.old:COnntri.s , Front,4me _to tiMO, 'reports have reached the Aim:kit-loan public, through the newspapers, that BARNUM- watt in England, lectures on the - Art of Humhet 7 in, which; RS eVerY one knoWs frOm his autobiography, Al la. cool pleteli at adopt. Not more than four years have elapsed: since • that very 'curious ;book. was published; yet • what a change,' lids ;coiner over the man who wrote it ; L'hen, - lieWas'a repeted,4illicinaire ; .preprietor ; of the .eele• - . brated, .lituSeunt ,corner of Ann street and Broadwiziti New York; 'and Mader' of Iran.; Isten; Said to be "the MOO' showy, if n0t...411e ;i 0 1 6 .4t )icatitii'at this , I)#t of -thteworld. His fortunes seemed to des clineirom•the appedrance.of his book., First, there was th white:dor of Printing anincliS r larger : nuinber'SitidtheptibliowouldperehaSe.. 7`llelo there was the:Mistake. Oflhaving it 'translated , into German, in the hopes that; on thelicatii. vent •of„,Europe t iff-not anionk.'ont: Mait'peNtlation; the, boek"must largely, sell. Lastly, *his" - the hliteder, of making a Clean .breast of it—showing people how very abkard ly-they liadheen - dupedi- Sanwa put hiteself into the Corifesifonat; 'and . told 'every, thing. Every wheel and •ficrew and-spring , of the. celestial maohitte called Humbug, by meahwof which he.literally coined Money ) waS'exppsed, and thepublie beettmeinery)iith' themselves aria ineeisied 7412"4:4, 4 5er showing with what. wondrous .facility,.not -to say softness, thek. had been takendn, • - ' An Arabian proVeih` says,,`lrlt is the' last straw that breaka the ;camel's back and so, in thisillarniuchusiness,the public could have forgiven him the Feejee mermaid; and•Wiasti rinferon'a ended nurse, and that herd Ofi.ffa. toes it,,lfolaoliatiatiti,:,Acirri,all,: the .re.. newned Wei*, herie n ..bat ,when, be shdowed ',them how 'they had :been .dnped in the . .rinny ' Lind affair, the whilomet patient public' • lost their patience; and: alMost'thought ;that tar arid' feathOrs weild, a:Per cos, . „ , - hve been a,pro tome for him. It really_was tooled, when re.. lating the adventures and mitildventures of the Lind campaign, 'for Mr:ll.4.aiett to the' "v 01; by pulillshlug his oriental ,oentiact With the', Swedish .Ntghtligale, by which 'fleas made manifest to the world that 'hen mare& cent charities, her Conceirtelittild , 'tieneva lent'ilistiltetteris,, , her ppor.f.PCOPlei wore all,Presideil for ;hi the . Contraotovere deducted.. out of• the grosa. receipts? as' part of the expenditure, and - were avowedly;, bai 'culated!efi; With dui business 'forethenghi„ as Machinery to gefep a ;furore Arnerlea r in , favor of, ''that angel,":as Mr. ilattlemr enihn. alasticallycalledl herAti 'the IT - mania crowd‘ who assembled heat - X/Ind - see' !the: first night - Whet' appearsicd f at.oaetle char=: den, isfewfYerk. the:same, tintei.TEkrer Imo really .wan' not ':tut• mereetiary'lut loany Ongers, - nottoritittsry ' are. '"rho , gaga.,aitay• largely, In turbp'e in•thiss.otintry, .out of reel chi rity. , We, have. yet- to learn how much 44 the bora :Prineess,9 Witits flatteringly called Signora Frociotanna, has given away;, to any personhistittitieri out of . her immenseearnings, _ . • . Baanotes Autobiography-Concluded with • a promise of• preienting the = world With - A His.. toffy' of R . Unibtiget . frobi• the '.',Railleat Agee' to kept to:the per had broken. to the • hope---en. fat ais making:a book- la'coneerned. > It'lar:probablp enstigkthafthe'inateriiihi*U4tedlOr this Ws* haif been tlrroivn into 141,1190tirk# :On . Af OA*, 4,4 0. ,tm , treat',Of;thiS den , -6 140. i - • —•"" 4 .4.4 . 44 he• Money and-he,:is a ,Itumbug. Vi r lasrak , s Dictionary we find Ilerribtig described as “lan • impositiOO under . falr Prater:LC.o'; ''' . a.•Perepri who thueimPoses:" • . A neat little iiiinatratiOn of humbug is Ban , runes. getting a paragraph into the English journals, saying that - he - •had - refused twelves hUndred pounds ($0,000),,, which Mr. Roer. , mini, the cheap-hook•publisher of London, had offered him for his lecture, to bring 'out , in bOOk•fOrpl. Of ' comae ;- -Mr. Reymann:a never made' any anch offer-Lbrit it was not worth while 'for him to, contradict it, so. it floats on the surface of the English press, - and, no doubt, is a quiet advertispinent. That Mr. &timbai really dreW,large houses in London is a fact. That his Lecttire .was• 'only very generally 'described is another., Perhaps, with his natal ,tect, he influenced the reporters,' and got therenot to, give:the, manes:: of -Ida Loch:ire, _ind thereby destroy its freshness. in a provincial paper, however, we find 'a pretty fall -report, which g,ives;a. 'very adeiluate idea of Whafhe said. regardi the art ;of, riMeY 7 Making, .13.a.azmat's exposition is not half_so explicit as that we find -in a volume (just published" by Messrs. - Morn:Corr, of this city)' entitled Opportunities for Industry and the 'Sato lin; vestment of Capital; or, A Thousand Chances to Make Money." This work, said •to have been written by a Retired Merchant, (a thoia nand times More, honest * thin 'that notorious cc retired physician.whose sands r of life" have ao long been running 'out,) really does show numerous means of honestly making money, and exposes tire mystories'!:•f trade, commerce, and 'speculation in a very minute and thoroughly-pleasant as well as profitable mea tier. ' • 'Mr., BARNUM, on' the contrary, Was very vague and general in his directions how' to I make money. He simply said that money, was one of the great powers of the earth—that it constituted the sinews of 'war—finite Britain owed her greatness to her wealth, as well'ae to the valor of her soldiers 'and atillors-4hat 'a perception of the omnipotence if inoriey, in' America, made WASniticrott;XL uea style the della; almighty-and drat 'tbe advice to Make money might, be . summed irp„ thus ,briefly, "Be diligent, be prudent, always live' within. your income, be ever on. the alert' to extend your business. When you are prospering do not talk about it, and if you 'should find your self on the losing side at any period,' adhere to the maxim still, and do not talk abotit prr. josses." Farther, he, cited' the' saying ,of Onvica Ortonwri.z to, his sOldlers, Trust, in, the Lord and keep your powder dry,'? which, being translated from military into cent, mercial language, meani, ""'Be confident Of success and always working it out." • " It must be confessed ,that there is 'nothing vary. eriginal, instructive, or amusing • in - such_ mere .truisms as the above. In his disserta-, lion upon' Humbug, Mr. &mama' is evidently more at home—as might be expected. ' His etymology of-the Word Humbugivas a:nullity. He said it was generally supposed to be ricer, reption of Hamburg, which, Some time ago, was the principal commercial city of conti nental Europe. MOS from Hamburg was as often false as true. • When 'a person was de.' ceived by fictitious news, said to have 'cores from that city, the story ran that, he had been' .Harnburged, which was iamillarly corrupted into the word humbugged. - Mr.BArtsum would not accept this derivation. He said, that there is in the English and`Aufericrini a peeti; liar penchant for articles which come recom ,mended In. a Way whiCh . 'coincides with a east of their own minds. If you can humor this phase of ,their idloyncrasy you may turn' it to great advantage. Proprietors of news papers, magazines; tkc., ought to be greatly, obligedlo Mr. Beuntor, for no lecturer haseo Well recommended the practice of constantly, advertising. But, continued Mr. BARNUM, al-; ways hive a good,useful article to sell;ov your advertisement will be a deception and, an act of, dishonesty. Provided you have a good ar ticle, then you may advertise to the utmost limit of your ability, assured:that you . stlil be Well rewarded for all trouble and expense at tending it.' • .• , • On the advantages of advortising,'Mr. Bp?, 'sun was diffuse, If nOkelogn ort. ' He told his Engllshunditers how.he had purchased a fine Muteturr Which did not- bring , the, party of TVQIS,'O,EIsiTS:'• tt MEE 4 3 14 tie P T/rcllsse d' I t- a u y;r - eXOTRO 4 .41 0 P, and WO, in '4'it; - '4*4 i 6 lcorp,iy,thett !Ilinda., lint ae'senit ea ki:l34tiii um got possession of. it, he set thani*aPilgers to,troth„,tual, let the trignti*emillians,of peoplew,hatzikabit the I)Linerican States,' hnetr i ,whati a, triesitry of interest, ' 'arid "enterhaining l , llll ol o lo4 was contained ;within the tijals ; a 1141.,teoeitilk rinrcheeed ' l lansentif. ' 'The tlrsevesulti -pro fita „enabled him , to pay ofC the i ptwOhan [ = ' Money. ' Ho kept an eiePhinitto Plough a fi eld Within eight of a railway line.'„'lhat elephant", served `the 'purpose, of Oililklag ,adrjrtiao , , inlaid. ' ill t he world‘Cifite,to tieelfd,„ol4l3er at the beast, and'Were:tiiii tO _be toiid that it belonged to the .. PrOprietior of the;greatlfti- seem I lifer hits he ‘aboired_tlie aehial,"Pti:" il 3 i , 4 ,4nßaial s An : i/ ( 1 1 6 f :PO,O, .monster wets ' ii4ier - seirl =either n li deF,9 lo :wfttlr or, 1 470.- It'' 7 There was: tiAilif,dn l ;ll p,', -, ifi,l l ‘4 in pightly object, and Binnem'a,*agliii,,eldliters langlfed heartily Milli; tidier' 'Of ''‘..cilie p:liver. tial ranked ite.tion"',llaying heiiii iihettlitt by, sit a cheat, asif, every mon hlathe ye ,the kid! 'Londoners thieli'sekteti" are het deciiived ; iii'Onit way or toi ! othei lii , 11 4,1iiig!,)4g' as I de r eidia'Aitheyiiitedi)-in4rhpa4:j )3dine priiii- s te: s , Airs :betoidllKidiiii.ivpri - clili:tiedisat. Oh the'ltnitilif; . .lhit 51(041446i' , fPftieWald p -as he`exhibited In 144' York ryrik'fi l e)! l in, the - kgyntiaxi*iluceital; 1 1 1C4dilly,'AiSitdort; 'and nrot'ettlY did llie'xieiviPaPers pletient en- , • gTevings of it, hut Sir ' EVICTIAILD .4 . 4 ),1*, and' Dr. IsantLyao, Erna .11' ABAOSllr'ceaistisiqgs atid' Di. BArimilancl lifr..l4aitispri, and 'Other solentifieinagnatee;paid vhdtt to'll, and wrote aril ales 'Upon' it;'ilil' fa*: 'coi`anclig4 ; thenitioireg, 011 ,PhYsi4logi 01 00A,Tore . fhe Altai 'than'cOnfessed the eheik awl - 04)0'w, lhOrt, the dried body` of i monitik h#: 1 ) 0011 , 1 ,0 oni °may tined on to the 'tail 'm o iety ori,fletof the shark species. . '', '' ; In the course of his diasertatibh tilietillttia: , ~ „ , bog,' Mr. Routine Peetty leudly petuide4 the pialeei of the ,New . Yotit .Ledger, 44' Ottfp glied Mr. Berinan's"'Wonderfliltact' iii OP-. ferprise. * Ha'astehisted the 4.nOisit,,VeoPie, ttho irdl not' accustomed ' to Yniek l Yrto ou* diatrihnifoi -of ,ffieVolias V riO l o. - iimir. Ita ' lf Y' 11 'dechiringthit the IfeiiYerk `edger olio stet) aboutimillion toilet( 'trim/Week. ' Tilton . * a Mile Itrance in this, if 'stated as a facet 'lf it be -regarded is a 'propheey, it :hp's ekrery prospect off:111111[41d, l'otethe eall'ef the lig l i, gii is running fit so riPliiii that;:we' dare Nth, by the 'end 'of the'year hlk,Boinht 'Will sell a Militia ,liCtira . Weekly.' - '''''"'' °,," ,„' L "'' .. 1 ' . opi r ethdi;elterol girlie an z Jae, ~a.liti:TIAR,. ittrit's lectures In Englaidt, / , and otiiYtteallera can '.judge 'whether,: for Ad' tai , total any publisher; 'het fiffor'lledian l 3 . , 'tciald er 80,000.. let' he' ceriehar - Wriyfe - ,g0,6,d lan diencoa, ' thOngh,' With hie' Renal tact he, does 'hot tiliill,y ' yeti. iiPtoli himself In !the eataitry. oities . and' toniuG betetirg - Alie, aid second act 'Oriiiireonied4i:Hiiiii itiv trt. 'musician;' niineet ll.n.'esir'i'l4.setria, played' a grand fantiniial..)na` novel laatiinnent _Ried by, hfmealf. - The'eileibi Refioriii "says:' " T he silence 'Which preceded ithe'ionameneeniaid *as' atillringL4ot ii'rri'oininent,_'or a tyliblper :via heirit. "Thellrat . lo* notes tinkle, bi l the; Hungarian artist' feserabled'tgose' of 'the lac cbrdiorr, but as " they ascended; tie, otialltY of the tone 'impreved and liecalito exquialiely' eireot and - rich,, reseinbled the falt.thistad ' notes oftho tiniest of all ivecidland soiiiifftih f i z , The fantasia - proCieded" 4 eitahOigli, kor. , avtille„ :We 'Were' filleil': 'Jr* , f9°, dSrLat the , skill and 'ix - option ' or' the Perfer er on . this' unique little . ;thatrint!ent; - !but were , thoroughly" :perplexed' , t to ;accoltutt, for the'greatvariety of noteatt7pro d nced,lfor , It'appeired tit he,:hilly hat Ween twc., - ,an'd t e 1 litcherileng; '` lt s tingray iiiris'pliiintivpti a l l 4 4 V 1 119t.AVOrrtirlakdiklilit1VAVX-it - '.3IL, ~ : fa flaretenPiik`itigilifollk ' ;K: 4l / 2 Y °T- 4 9 ,-- , P9F.PIPg.r-onia‘ , „ fiti , ;'.,fiztot k ~, . ` . -, 4 , -- 1- ,- - ~m.-P.. ~,, wrath at itny''of oni r ritedia',enteitaininent ' in* Derby.' When- lidiningnlarly h ' autffnl 0,, I Bill' teritinatimiit*iiti ineEeqaea Vy,n chorort of - thundering 'apPlattso.. tongOoos 4 1 0. 1 e 041l thine." I ".' ' '', "-.- " ' ' la result yrtr; as ive,lei*thet gutted musician earripti, off the greatest , shire. of - the glors , Of:itio 'ermine • 4etiOhyleitiun has • little ebatice'with`er;ul:lnqi,tring•rtiOule. Mr. 13kuueat's lecture rfati ;,but thecountryman - of Kofrutli' oji#o'd the * #l . - umpb.", i' ' '• ' - , 1 Books ,4ecelyed., Life and Times of John Milton. .lEly Da' ld Mattson. Vol. I. 1608.16 n .. i.Bosion • • Goulte& Lincoln. ' $ • Practical Treatise ,on Street or 'itorie.,PoWer Itailway. BY ' Alexander Easton,' C. B.' Phila. , delphla : Orissy , dc Markley. [A truly preethial work, 17 a competent, author, upon a '..subjsot which has caused the investment o4f. tnuch, vapid, and has pc atlyeentilbutedp public nametape's. Mr. griston' is fully master of . his subject, tind lids explanations; , illustrated by natio:rons harlats, are eon - else, clear; and ciimplete - ] •'' ' -.. .'l. The Laws and Praotlei of Whiat; - BY Cale ra :. New-York :;_ii..Appletetit Co. •[A capital It 6 hand-book, -which ban :been adopted as authority, in the leading Clubs of London.] f • ~: r 1 f .:, i ; The Empire of Aust ri a.. By,John New York Illiron Brothers, {4,oondonsed,.yet very complete vie* or Austria, which, however, is too Moot, hurried UP irOtte last ,chapter, Which aloSes the hortative at the secession orthepig Bm ror Pranahal; in'1792.1 ' ; • `' Shakers and Shakerism. -By -P. W.' Bri4. New York: 'D. Appleton & Co. Philadelphia : Peterahnlt Brothers.' . , United States, Customs Golde. By. 8.. S. S. Andros, iota Deputy Collector of the Customs of the port' of Bogen. Boston : T B. Marvin - [By far the boat, book upon the subjoot, yet pub lished.] Morality and the State: By Sisciean Nash: . O. jumbos (Ohio)": Pollitp;'Poster, , S (A'deeply philosophical and piketitild . treatise by 'in able Judge' in Ohio, who eiddently • in. honest , and, thoughtful sea:miter for,the'tsp#l ', • The Fester I . g4r9tberi; o'llistory- of the School and College Life of TyriWYoung Mei; New, York : Applat Ms. Philadelphia: peters* brothers. (Very amusing, _and, so far as oar own knowledge - 'goes," very faielifnc, its spirited in its sketches of 'edidatien, public schools anCin the Onlv.ersity. The plot, too, htdin&re' thin usual'iiderest.l, The : News ,by-the Star of the West As announced !a the /7 res.{ yesterday, by telegraph, the stoma* Star` ot the Weet arrived %Nov York op iatiheay eyenlog. We give idditlonal Pewe 3 e ', - 7 ' , •- , OALIPOENIA: ; • I kterrible storm had „oceitrred to .the Eicifle, which' caused great destruction of shipping property. ,The steamer Uncle Sam returtied . toSan lfreinelscoiVebrtuuy 12th, haring been driven bask. It was foond,necearary to throW overboard about $BO,OOO Worth of, property to lighten the vessel. ;. ; • I A, letter fi om Lea Angeles, says 'A 4 great many Mormon buyers ;'with teams, are repoited to be on their ,way hitoer after goods ,About forty of them arrived at Stan Aerogram° a few days ago: _Dom:Mica, such iii Sferrimas prints; Kentucky jeaniolrillibge;and similar chases of goods, are in greater demand ; ••I °deed, it is eatd that the wants of the Saints cannot be eapPliedi for the goods are'not to be had; end the npeculatore buy op the market; end so now, ae oitertas heretofore,' an increased activity' in various artielea ; may be noted, with aunt:maid tendency.' Make the simple settle of cotton yarn; it got up to Viper pound,,and none to be bad, though Moth needed' atnOt g the brethren: Ah operator itt San Statham, hearing of it, bought op si , l there was in market, and then had it all his own way ; enf hear." 'The; ordinary price of that unfit fabric it s slid to be about twolite.;; The 'Loa Augeiel. Vineyard adds: "The principal ovule of the greet Increase of-trade through our city, Ii awing to the facy that it is becoming known by. men engaged in introducing geode Mt° Utab;+ that goods can be taken over this room with lese,expense, and with lees rnik, and In leer time, thin - over any other route." slow the fleet Of:January; there ;have, left this nity about sixty wagons loaded with goods for that market. The value of these Epode 'ls from 1S10,0:0 to 570,000, oath wagon load walgniog pounds. O one train of twenty-tire arsons, whiqh left last, month, fire wagons with their; loada'bilonged , to the firm of Bu chanan &On., of thlaotty.- , , . ' There Is how in this place, Or on the way hero, not lets than ono hundred tone of goods, fu transit to 13tah.' The transportattou of . ..these goods will employ ' , not, far from one htindredsix.intile teams and wagons. • hire ?ohri Wood, .the actress, has obiained'hbr di iorae from her hatband. Ttiti - '-.Ntirtherrt Cctifforntatt, published at Union, Humboldt county, contain. tome additional particulars of General Kibbe , ' campaign agaltst the Indiana. In his last bottle, one I,teuter,aut Winelett enrprited an Indian camp in the llednooda, cat - blondil, killed seve ral, caught one prisoner,,and lOntildAllem,oompletely from all their positiona. , A-party of Osmanehe Indians, 'emu) 8144 , or eighty, .came to two of the etaidoteribont itiO miles mutt of the Rio Grande,. and, _ t o ld the atttion.keepers that they Wanted the licirses:and took thirty-five head of animate. The Indians said that if the Malt eon:many bad greater need of the horses than ,themealves, they moat come or send for them. , . , , , The Bart"Preamileculferaid eiya: "We are put ha posseeelon Of the following particulars by Mr. Bernard O'llanlon, Wbo arrived from Victoria 'attorney Mr. Otßaivon, left Bemlahmoo on Thursday night,t ant for Vietorla, and j ust ymeichis to Ida leaving smile ihntern tame to, who reported that the Clonhegan and Btleke'en Indians had murdered a party of twellid'elueltu la nie Couliegan Pam, between graser'silier and Point Ro berta: it ammo that tome randy erulgtiinte flow Atte tralia had located themeeleee at Point Roberta for,the time being,, and the murdered nod, were Implanted to he of their uttelber. It Wite thoUghtttakt the 41491.114 T lidowl '49. l l l , o tipailL , Lii VP 1 kw bt il s !flid S t ip hatlroilitit . c ', ',hut sogintogiAlt 12414 ' IV tte came of the writei:`:.To ardor t•i .491 1 "411111114 A " C tYV. 9l' l 4Obtiflff A bilikabadb *MU be -r i ." 4 . l i iP*l - ...' . t ' ' ' - ' -L' '.. - " 1 - 4 - 4 , 1 "vi 0 P71kuinAtosalui6imiiiiestatai. tki ~.4":.;,.., ?v.. •tt, t. .o-- , ,:0.0 boo oismip3tted .is mew for, the kllllnient • rzee i r rthier Of 1 3 0 . iltfoltitints, quifiettiiink g' *Olt thins ' pr to Ap. s p a : .I.ot , 0....04,ff1iti.;.. trading ,isheopeEtoo name of ii , sh)B injtiowq:„ . ' The people t•M`:'/Maitshis*. 7 erifeta4 , Maerieg-to elfdelf-airibtaok, IN thi) .oetihi=pog **milk ipr tit?-o,1: the post war- I Aire Wad' de ' inewiiibie be thatkestott. o . ) -- . i OMOIti-AlliV:i.W.l.' 01cA - 1 The WpabtagecurSh•ifinclal , Legtelature adlonnied, t by limit -Alen of Alisik4Boll3lt of Ifebructry: A WSW- ' t 1 ber of the dyirietellonser,•`Ashod 0:1;0. Mason, Bad s lescht:Wltlrsimeisbor pl-poslMet w: 'llfteselei: 'limed John 4) ' -8 "". af t!'r atkloDnusii4 l :4l ll 4 ll -A . DA - ' A I Woreted: "A s - - ,'ir'-, r -•--.: ,tatter' - - t ff The Nom 'Ateltibald Min , 00314018181113134 on the itOAS:BOW Btoteetc thasmilaiboineneylino be moo the Vaisya es sad „Stratete Oehuabis,, antra& V OlYirtishij I v tom' Girth° "ASlthitrairujiki; oss° o- - - pealed ! , 7 ,Lia.owPiiiiiw, etaftwatotieees - io , - ~' .. 1 ~- ~t ' 6 :Ob " 4,40A4r. ' A.ieseill iwiiSeitit - _ ~ loads reports that t r it * abeolet. rieseesalreti hat " liTherjohneon'a Island :Wit route frotetilistllfiessoige;infitagflo.r the Pacific - llan° ilainlorlyt and tinStarlittn", -I ltirr i 'm 1 with & view to the donee ' alllppiss 6 Paw -The, eMpeer ship -Hervey , _ hat littlitAlziii part of ..9•4The,H 9,1 -, -,r -,..` . ••;-t...'„.;:.:,, , ..4' f. , .... , - - -', O -. :#,*,..rA7i.4.1.1 ' ' onolulttsktvereissitof„the WA Jarlruart nail' ' The - tialled ilde'reeinteg on ' e Mout espedition,Mddlto ow aNielbSS'Mallper Bien , up,impp.fq r b** Aq-fiPmaas r itk, *beat lat. IS 'Aft ' a Oorilq an near the ,istertatan,` - ei about 1,600 inl et wast`of this pe at' the wilt be ibienf-hbont six pg eichtweeltd.iniereptertulvhiethiltAloBAsn Diego wilr,lSalt,s - Dere,on the ssosisSgeog to 7 dagor bamarrow. ' 'The :Aclvertisii of thelttl*eetabet - *ACM Dotted litatea , stninlyiner aoheoher .IPelßefore , dlochktr salted ,yestsplay on • short metialt,:to„.ottruts. ihe Wide on 4 aboile.that If* tithitaitithensitt oftbis Feint. • - .:JtIlL ;i ASMYSIIMIINTD TigingTIMING - ~.,.....„. . .. .:) , Miew. - .Watahrt4MibMaii Igskiew„.. '' . ;.taggdag - su s :::._ . ''i: l tA t tllPP6 l PV,.l4 .4 ,;:t ,' , l-tk4" , ..0 9 _-,,- ?Jur Dartowas.ranmessi,; , ,,F.Das Altos ... s , Mgeats6ow"- ' . I Liittbis Vistes'Odeffirii , J=tt ZaistrMsLeginnaetie, , oat _kortbabie feats., :2 .71 , 1,; , 7 ....',:.:-, £ is. ~e + WitltAnn & OLlsinebilliow-motaieTsuwas.- .? Whater's,Tsle.??.-4 goosept..Dherlry,.V... r , ~,, r , `items' M.Oltaiktoiat s ,i4titestel;,Maiststtosit,.icom ,Tleys, frost Operie,Wahtemitiositi Did Dinging. •-• TioleaierisaPiiiietki: '...:. 44 Oetitilliin'oo46l l hope i • -reNnstrioittlikltarao4 Singing,:inol%baziolng.”-1 e. -4 801 *1 1 4 7 4 1711 400:41i50ir ' :411ito t j:- .1;; ,, .:! ':- ~. t. , .. ;:l . i :..1 - ::_,;.:- . ~:. '.....7i .- - , -;! - .it'.'i; or - • 4.1113Atij..2.!AND,;* . ,A-T - 830yri:-4FrAlltati rocker _ . had khaariog Worn -o,ldtronlo BoitlOsloa r tarior scorn ing on the ohms of Atennotttiogas eastoM , l49/jettiou , - _ . upon PS ,, P,PPP s c? lri, .:i :Pi lt.',;. 8P71. 1, . - Ab e-deran " oiot'keat a Otte imulag., Ifrom the Wirldeneo it sp- , [4serst: , thst MI eon- sit"ind wren , - Ohileek'.jelilgridey erasing. Mr. Croaker want ii - lits•rooeh or Mtg. Bow ers 441:13r1111:ViZeis7iOV'ETI=Vilr. r 1 DartrttlitititeltesgMg.lhi•MlSE WSW gem'. Mk' lrother 'And atetel!,; ,MfaestAt..thothagetitiies Mot 'Sweetmeat ,IniAlldren were ,prottoot, 4 , 4_ Pfalrmfit_,W.4 o i i im nn leistikid 'to' 6914 betiriesreatedi'St MM. B -2 ; los also slolOodi , ko the ;jegartaieett'slifr;cotoSiceebeistatately "Ina , D 4 Drown Pr -Pk hair, Sod inseelted.thate: down and kicked blnisevorOy. t . ll4l; Bowers ploorooitived a blow Inthe forehead ,' The - seresois'of the tidy brought nOolotnotOO,'ead. Mr/ Bracket iwsa irnifitsta mimosa _ Bottler held' the, assbeed, Da: 6 1 .6 06 0 ,2 4 k to 40 3 1 3. 8 r the Oberst of honiiidttleit an - maclult age baltitifilithloteet to kill Dr. Drown,, an sl,ooritMtkiSM,SW*Wiiiw the Aingiarlttaataitarlf Wel ilawarls •e, - -ccti - c.r.t , '41:0 - , - :; A. , 4413! ci.lOvageo.+llbit - 4,llsl6Voiwinue : - - ralin:4 wes,foresellyAnietf„yesterdsyic Thec. , -egas are :aa9PnA sFtrFe,s 0r4040,, YO-Aa,t7t,oM 61 1: tipa a teq t ,k o . o l l -' T DA_u..rT OeW netitdQSteatsAn..megiprpo,ma4p7. msWear "tlirlvtdt Tnia 'oCitront 'to ate for-,raloot d that Innotoratigthiptsiits‘zirinudi or - f t:truly trains, dtirleg,tht•o•l4 3 l4lt airlkt7ol l 44°' ll ° 6 ° 1 could thin pastiest be Illanipu a ltod watt 'tears, Maio " Abate by the Itiakdreiritiii!teo.;P , '''"-''''W"'• a= te „: AcohliiTilt 4Sitiiiihq lifiminvlor. , _ ; .aimed Fib li4 'lnk iiilaiti • '' - iiiif ladled ..o u r, dim row; bo - .tireori. moo ot ttsiitois 'or/ the West iionigaisilit4 ioupoi! - o.- - iteirollwasOmi iheinizicetinstie,'‘f :33iith_ inditeaket streets , and wan 114 auleroclP , lirlored4Atiet-esd-eort- . rued to barmaid - Once * inAnnlkUro4.4.4..pftiritsc - 'A ntfitartfOliiiiriiiin. apt ib50g5,... 4 . 0 ,- 36 .d0 ....... fell In aAtat 0 ,rovettliliNW Almond 0ma 401410, 94 14: -ft enured 144 if ' ~. -await ginitild TIP by r Giese,. nvel4 noporto•ol.Roord lkeedoe'aiid n , and --7 - 7: ,'''' tY, .. , ' ” I C IltitiiigiestilitA l ltra l gaiMgierVidlriit the - %oriiii iwirisikWiik.iiiiiiiiiiii!irt4:iiiYiergising• .The lob of the'lf6elifigitWrint'inievie ~,Vei Attar ammo,* and ieeterailli.ilniide.liffeiCiieric c f ,the front tootagteteilltcrits gall-lielalst. "'Swig:Mg oor- 1:oliee will aro be In its ,pleoci,em the northerafrent, as 4 It is alieldjiMtitittlithereldthreettie he' ildhieted In Into otoiroo of a foie iloyinitiviOnnointi: iteefetiro Vlll be : n et l er , mover. „- -Tba„umetyfrope,T•stren•r,l3 i ts a otatetiliika inipOolotr .opplanknifO, 04. WAV9 nom Ws. • , it Will be 'inierof tb•Aberspiendfd buitiEnti ollY• `.oilOtCiir l 'ltoirDiefliiijitiL ' A. ' " ' AI itiVAfiligiaist Shirai wan adiciieiliiiiiiiiii:fM le r sita: eted oiljAsisie street; tideMintiiik: l, "Thlitelllble - ns 63 feet by,ao ; sort iisi .irOosot, itiV bOtoiO,Tottif - .Vat of An •013.: 4The Soleitrattfes of the oroluatiarsio tokothO • a vast eorteoureit of .. peepTei , -The Illidittilint7P,Wvlsur were caotbuted ;be the utorate4,hi•iev,-, Bishop arott, 7 1 1 1 , D7 .,-- iinimiiiins , tiy , uvr 14 .ICIUtlikD: D.Tatut in - / the 91 4,11 . 11 g 4104 /4-11,(14411411,;:it - n 214 a , 3 oil. - ;,. _ , .., „ . ..... ,„ . • . i. - 4..PERtirmclattophili‘o~fit df..thiw ap. _ r o t i oNnetaolaJliiiriArKOokAtqlkittlm*, #1 . -- 114 / I r 4 M o4o4; LnikAmr# o *** l o , oo. ll 4:' ,--7- H_ ,,, : , ~ M i Air .r - siT4l.l # , XPi1,1,0)0 4 444., ~40, t 0r tpi: -: - . s -t r el t 447 " a*Ara 91 . I . e ° 44 V r 1 , 111 01.- po,_ ;• lespester, Of Abe - Mestere Pahl toilarr„ the room of _Wilson hiethosliseeciaellignedi sod Int Aila to - - etaliideilirbta - teri,n er Sfute?';;',4_,. ; -- 1 / 2 -1 , t ;. ':' I, i -,., OM:WYMAN' "P:4diii.l9l.7:r t, Til ,afe:Ally to Winona ita VOlitiColikiit ' ,, ASV. Mill* - 41,1e•ander, who expired at trliiesldeneB, In ,thla, t , oryttiftdsy idetieartii4k hitl4 Vat' 40%1! litt;* . t. ' - Jo. ,4 ,, ,i,,... 1 . , willi'irioOO ithaiiiiii"iiin conoootia with lle Oolutt7 . prison as moral tiettoster::,Me bee biOtWiedisiti'Dees ,00nneeted,WIth tbe.Res.):tr:.Gedderit -,is,theisetorehip of the Oenrch of the Atonement, In Anourr street. ll:iliffil; wii6'flit3d 013 untiv,eyentrig Into a PiMllo lionse - at ?rant sod Meedeireete, kept Wii. P.' Berne. = ?Soiling foisiti 'SIVAS` al* ifishelof Mee. B. and were aftelwards, fiturot upon ' the ftedi:',` officer Buito'n,irbe-West it the coulee of Beeped snit Bead streets; immedistely precluded to itlor.epet:hrid toot tatoeustady a .fel/orr,tnceen as Blood. Touoy,olasilwes gofer from - the' dirept Wall' the base. *roomy was committed,- , His oompanlcia einsped. - - :1- _ ,:...; ; ~,, ' ;Tiffavre - Chimyri.,-L-Tivo col - del:41:60 iitifaed Sainnel Kennard and Henry Freeman, were arrested 012 84balii at their :reatdeliae In the inhetieneh ward, On the charge ot . ataaling nnmetnis artiedeileletigio's to different parties; They wore Jaen before , Alderman Shoemaker and cowltinted to answer. Among*, pro perty found at' the house was a handsome buffalo robe. marked riddle is awaiting an beerier at the Seventeenth-ward station house. - ;4F....,MRAzg.:•14,.. 4 /CPTPNi - 14 hie _report to b. 4.1131.;dia , s4.4l.g, that, areas of 'elm publio lamps ht:his diet:lt:Aware lighted _lst the specieed unison Sunday treening,and that,theclimers were corn felled' to 'right ' au& tempo is necessary: roc their own promotion. Ile lartrief-iaYathitthiititttChniope 10 Ida -district are • souree'nf, exPerianatlllowt &mom. - plialirig In any way the objeet of thetrarention„t + 1 , 3 - - Boßorjarlifr:,7riiii6a ~trladiiinjes store, In the Plfth_ward,..wea broken opeiritt'eh early hour on Sunday morning and robbed of soninerttelea of no, great 'vain. A Min, who gaie the niriaof limes {9lWetoe, AVM subsequently arrested at- Ltbelf , and Profit - striae with the stolen property, azt4 some burglar'; trapht to his puseeelon. He was committed to answer. Tiffs b'ody: of a damped gonFlay afternoon, was roubd floating in the Pcbuylkill near The rope ferry He was apparently about forty.flie • Years of age, and had, evidently been, In, the_ water, alimst a month: ate - clothlog n eons/sten a bbick. oR:skunk „ coat, black satin ye, nskb. chi n k' paniale inhenmy shoes.. Coroner renn9tylll.investigale lleepsialletv 41 ; TEUPT Pottick J 1 ggbi& and son VFiliiam weie Oaken Tito eriateey at_ a lain, hour on rattirdijo night, Peranti: on Vie Owls:or- atteniptinvto -kill man'irlol flair . .They were committed We. answer by Aldi Penington. The seine patties are ander .heavy bail for keeping a dlsorderlrhOruse, , • - - • , . , 40oxvsels;eor t .—Tlientrical people *ill tio Wed to how that the Spruee hod Phle etisetePagiender panelled haernade arrangements to hay. care itattened at:Broad. and Serene streets it the atom' of every,pev formenee it , the Acederofof Mesta. Ercheng. flues will) aloe be' "old for the Second and Third and Tenth and Eleventh 'streets floes . COND - 11CT.—Op'Suitiliiy; tagfit a young Man, nenied Oheiles Smith, iiiiiiehiAiatihe S an ctuary 121hzroll; on etteetrbele avenue. Be was arreetad texiljeteeblectke,wsnegielta lion, and beld to bail by Alderman Shoemaker. whits. 0 , 14111, 'for 'Mintier ec•zleet'dt the likia.ony Ohn s ieh, Scent and - tdaidan attonsw„..traa alto held to bait: s Br. PA:fitiOß'S DAY 5011 be ;here. in ft day twp,:aqa the gannet volunteers srepreparieg., The Second Regimen; First Division P. 'V., 7111 celebrate !Se day by a parade.' Col P."W. Conroy has 'ordered the line to form on Vine street, - neer 'PrettlhaOasiaa o'clock P. id. - . . -Tun CHARITY BAIX at the ,Aeaderny a:rets , days sgo, order thsauspicen car.tAkp mysterious Sona of Malta, proved a giiiet;riougary: riupoese The Nreott tire Committee htivirig 'Wive or the 'bin • ism re- 4 , orted the netWoosideni 12;001 87—a'rel betel Mile sum. ,Besidesthts, they yea:pod upwards etlakatstrtal calico dresses. , , • ~, „ „ Dinnis was arrested on Sandriy;ln thOTWe ' retiettiwird, On the charge ofatialliag t i gOia waiteit end a lot of oloihing from &nimbi, it Ne4Ton, et whose house he,waa vhdting.. „TtiOaoeitsel, ;Will be 'tent to Now York for Wel. Ornartr.—Yeaterday - morning_the 'axle - Of •ope or the Brook ford and Holmitsburg Aomnibuses broke at Howard street and °lrani, locale. ~,The driver, Charles Home was thr6aM front hte 1311\V and severely Injured. Se wee taken to Ws home; , ; ColampoplEAT.4 ' —The '. annuaL, commencp meat of the. Jefferson 311e4feii Oo"flag° will lake place at the Musical Vied Bell This afternoozi. 'The number or gradmoswsp Le vonr • PRI.9 . ONER.;-A gentle -39811, re c entl y died .in..ffranoe;leaving his son, who was on a visit to the ;United States. the isiang,little snit 'of $2,000,000i, of which 15130,0401, was subse- AdentlY remitted; to a•lrevi York banker to berthd te,the youn men.' It appears, however, be could not be found, although advertised for,. until a few 'days ago, when he wee discovered the Workhouse, in' Erie' taintity;•ll: , T.',` where ho had been committed aa-a •vagrant.; The I,oolipprt ,Adverttser, whioli tells this story, says the young man brought'vith Rani . to Abe tfaitedlitistra 583,000, and Of this he lost , $20,000 by tlielailore of a banker. and, Spent; the balance gambit! g and dissipation. , Tirsts,'Fkisa: TO Gen i rge Janplies; of the township - ref Cavan, Canada, ism's) seriously, injured do Tuesday of last week, by falling tree, that he, died on the next ,day, , is somewhat singular that blra..Jiegnes is , a second time , left a widow - from the , - same cause. Her beat husband,. Mr. ...Martin,. was killed by a falling tree; and one of bee,_brothers lost ty. years ago le the slime' blether: — , B. GuiLR ../C.AI ! LX.II. 41T ITS, iNBA.NZ A sad affair oeourred'at No. 281 Canal street, Now York;on Setnrday eventoi last. „eV German.wo- Man, 'named - lire Remits whilti insane state of. mind, either -drom3ed - or ihreii her sun a 0141d.t.welve_montke old, oat of a thirdltory_w* dewy inatitlttly,itilliaa.the 9al:` .