The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 14, 1859, Image 2
7 i;i - , , : - .,:':1: - ...R.t.,":k:' , , -4 .4 , ,: - .. ,. . , v ,- ; - ..1:1:.: , : , ,, , i' , if:'-:;- - - ;:• . -!;.:- . 1iQ:.;c*Y-Att ,,.., !; . ;• - k .1 : , : 3 •; ,- 1 ,4 = , ‘. , DM- t , r• ~,r4 vt.,` .. t .... 4Woi 44"' • -'1,','.0-- - i'' 1. *.,:* -,''''- •,' ' ' ', '''.'''4'.. "-..-,t -,i;i''., 0 -T-1 6,l**,::::'. 1 I $ '3.1.:-.91K-nrktx4l4l7' '' --- '' ii ,l-."-- 't. 'syklikic44., '-''lidiiii-Walibm; ;bowie . ..... ii, i.i..:4 , 1 , --77e, ~,, - - ,' 41 , i . , 4.,, ''''L ! `^ ''A%r_,. '-1,.` , "-ef it As: ',itragt6ll4.4.:. TallajONV . 44-214m,-; iiibilio,iiii,*....ftiliatatifortl 40t 5-, ..,1, - , iiiii, '.• - tint thuli 15' `,' - ' - 44 km lir • w Chalet y.p,sidoemi ,4•411,44.0104411iit'11itt4 ' a lit vii** -44% LtherAbi,„iblit olaliS, battik. "puit"-' 41104 Offi.- via* rug. ' r awl Ittitmagiii'lo.*Osiiiiiai kid #', 4 , ' , : , t , WS..i,l ompatili • tiokirio faired3ll.lo4loM int0t',0 44 5 4 7916#494"/ ititikE4' ditf.N - ,to ' , no- ~ voto 4,70, t. ~, oßtihswiltall i,irolg' /,1), u s" : .._afic ..if.-Itallt - , 1 Courk Augu10ney,'.01,11.151,4111.. ecoliniert.ii- liirlihtmedat*l4ol7l.iii,' -11OPP"!"'"P'pliiitv,„--L. *ir*- 4.704 , T. ludfllii ~,..we 0k,,,....,......„-ioaA . 4.. .. • I , .4%l7lol'l**Thlig th.ftleit i ** ll . Ur k vab,7with is Tim it al, inSilik-.....t, %,;1451,,..„.''''''''il4 yriiiistky*Ar + ',VE"..VI4i - efeefm-r-t- zo' ~,,,;-, ,lio,„*,E,s.l„* rz, ia: f *li.4Yr-Y444;51402.0/4%"ai,iiiii-t'.ll-1 pa , -,pi • , . -- 4 •-motr••`, il-i RittlilOwlifir.."*Ko24,oAV*l4,ll4,l:l4ol gqinim'ili Alit 21 . The ...... i .„,. 4 7 ,w 4,4104,1%..,, -1"41 .... ..—,‘",. ..a m i,,,,.2,.. ,, 7 Malt rim ,,:-111111,-Ar 4 7.- '714-ikle ' ,~7.- i, .'l;litillift;„..., „istthett- tk,,vinit„ a. 6,,, Idif f-Theliaciirietr-, • ..—All,i-sces:,; iiiknitp,,r,,, xiiiipsay-, 0 : .,z t .„1.7,.„00..' • diems-,=-, igitlepw • ,}1 11;':t. I'l' '' ' ' Slatil4lll4ll:7l4iiro,T ~...•. &Welt t.? -r- a'414).......-rifioyal _.,. . ~..4- ' ' ..kisit'' ' ;litrl'il4illiaoloslii, -Arms -,,,d„,..**TwA' aa...6.4 'iollF4lllrd AT , -- - 7- , .. - ,1 , ....., 1 noil.foilii.,4iirAid-9.' - il; o*, "'I:- "104 aril 100 "- '1 '***, -1T; T; 'aisit,„...9l4 of 'a likely "It tio;io,l44i.i ki tli° ,iviata .' 4 0 0:1 4 !,. ;4k. 4- dill* :_,. °-- Tetit - tliiiiit ti t. lod ' etiimu4k. ibitY Tib'''''"!`r di' ~:elinda ' bi ..,..,..2 • ami d : .ll .4,,i,br01k• .4.4. — ,—„r i i ...' - ; ones-- 1,4 , been oft-114c,f4 podia' ---• 4 - P ittiallilk lizts„:"...' I '' ' ' 'firla ---. • g i 114 - ,- ,` • -- , ‘—r---,44/4 01''',010, „.400,;',0,4,-,"o46,l44„.ivatjjiitie iii4tAtt'' 1' 4 Offltilikylilie 1* --."•fl- ott , #li i c ~*ftt'Ata ciao* sV,lti asilq 612 limitiro,l,lki.: Tt.'#"*tli ll 4 ° -1 t'd6te* ''''” r' ' 115; 1 1* f -41.1..4. 16036111A1.1 Ms' 44,iigii.sw iites4o . l* — ***o. on; enters 6116 en hie 0 14 -4 iliiionteiGolind ttf' 4l . l i:t Captain ,• *f ~vicisi- ; Bt/1.4;13141 1 1 0 :";of Crikadistoilf bald letkit vassal taroti* .. , it Boston, ind The New in S aterdin' Liverporl, out :• 1 40 1 4,• 1 4 4 00 1 :4 04 ti fc'irti'bolfeetor• the Poet — ot. 4*ltitltfri s ,l" thin tirs6ti Siteitlir; ati 1124 * 11 0 ** !tie 4 i ro Poii i K- 41 4All** 1 : 1 * . ! givig-V 41,4 iats e bl ldren 100: - r Thee.Nittlllaileathir in^Neir To* likt;wiiici, 10: , mitOrikt,0,1“4100ito: , b 9 wire o r I#l.7•l4l:SCalf•;;Arnse by group ; 46,1yiere te. , ,ttyNittist set= tiMalat<• .1-C; .• • AiiipatehoP4 hite= iew,"ssfreati from 4441441010 troopr ; ~iere In. • 'pi the ;314 tithe Vikilitit _ x• • • , ***tit itoili . "444iit 2.1, bee_ iiiifo4oo4 - 104_,400140•0 1 Naili*ffikilisig , 40410/P- t rkii. o- whiskhebed prior 7 e dog. dliteiiiiiiiiethi t ised /**, ssyylegibf 44l 4o l3 4grafi* l44 o, , r l V o o4 4l ; mov;;:tii.-riP,'StritA44l list Ask 4ivat aidJo macy fandualnid4l4lo4l:4"l 10,41;ifirrt,, r . ..41spo*thiAgonti4 ~_ ti; 0110 oi , thi C lnclanati wiftsimiri!tiled , the', daemons :40,itrritiy of .4 !— . 4-#1!": 1 # 1111 A ili , 11 4" 11 Z 41d !mitt_ IV° lb', 11=11ettetiitiR194:11itiiiii**i* was stitkii isisith• Aim 2 , 1144104.,b4ieiii L'A'llit:;44l4oo,l4l,lMi,4444kkidtilaii9;• 041:44 - 6 0 ;tiauf5.4ttiy,*stithislviottie?Vi)iir fithq*C. taftiklileAti 40 1 *.ir*Ota-*** *lo4* his iipecliitiorits:,iirclnoii than realised. The hiPrills. , Pt nteldof hltlY - sea "44 1 %fic* 8 ,0# 1 1:(0 5 i 4 4 ; *lkv - Ti lif ek o4ll 4o l 4 , l 4l-43 4 111' ! 5 9 14 '141111.44: ia:iftbgtaii rat; tki 44,kmrs:)iitsepIL 30 74,17,FIlltisilett seenaitleaf tble , one'wae,tn tilf home hit Mn. :Noe - ;o 2 'rher little : child' of threo and 7_oo l ;AhietorV4iCrifi:Oeiiriet:4Wire,t;the,i payetedaie 4)f the motteris death,`- When lief Week that' IW. ire4r where .their , eaothtz wait, who: teld„iyhkeyotileheF 216160 .10,1 1 ;14 . 0 4 4). 4 4 4.11 1 11 r; :',° 44.0kar - da wa4t4i,thi l / 4 14Witidieri4iistid liei7tegi.” her "7 1i i ii r -419, 17 4hiAhlitthest tier Wt# Ale ran for same, and faked the lied/ of ' 1 004 6 ( isir ihe,.htfttlif OM* `4 Okrtec 11004;9124ie were :Wee Cibankt. in ti•aktero, from *UAL 1C31104114 that elia`yllo l 4, l ,,l..*t. di g . ro t ' 4f, isalik * *I" AO 11 4. 64 child fey;e? F eme. s ; tried : 10. get' out but : eeepr Andsailed` Ira arOiiar ihar, b rat; : char 04 Allied 'Mat, the . said we* , 044 1 4 1 7 4 00#10. 641 4.C.Phi#04 . 1i 4 t ilirtf( 4l /th e 'r t ‘s/4 1 d. , .0:* !inert a Wig kiii, s etietkiet -ettiA4f=thata "siating I her WO* 24hkrtr"liff c ha ir 1 0° -th:11, wale[ Ina • „, , "7 ihr411 0140 .1, 1 400.1 dierh elteapkto ainiStolk of gief 4 Mns',%. , r 2CY , „`641. thaleoeseepwat ieverri ?weekly,: The folteeitig, are the parOOteril Of the &lOW atfe.:ett „ _ _ , fithwatio, Stank 11.--The most awfal 41idami , ty maltired last evening at St. Mare'e (Oldhollo) ohne/4 that boaster transpired In tbk ally, oxmlisiosito r opernsitss the Church 'oa du -1 A l:g i p by Mitertlea belonging to dm 9 pier of ILI , d' tad faingregadose beau been immintoi emety:orealag sham evert mat hided ementod, ma thookles aleo,with, Intareated Het mteatat on eked*, ot oltiame.- Lam , svealoa, in a dbOrtg `94 ,the slatdoet of "tho_LeetoJadt t ati*A., ,- t l 'eanfelt nitetell/ Inet4 It PHlediZA'ortnelled et thCoolte Pt *Wiwi cow*. , ei , won - about, to oasteonoth pethen , &eat WAIN ef-theitadi dwiletellotely , it !met 4,lbe altar, gave way, fana the Imam" irolght, End MVO tam basementipreelpitattag Want ens suri aythe oadkesee is ~,aa fintkli*Arte I n n" Int. bolow, ' , ' ) *‘-th t- - "Al' Plato total& the whole ot thi at. otaktOMlL e. ItY. A WOO noltattie made by i * thireada ili patildtheriloor amfallan, tomeapa frempabet, _., ..!;sentd Om abaiehe and greens ot MIOI O IIO I OII trampled *odor kelt.' „4 ~ - A , !Willett" ataafilmayytoadltty the abode ead leemmakdote Of Ihifesnits'ereitd, NW ills We Iwo rissrsosoldbOttol) 11 0,1 1 1) SP49 1 . 1 " : zi ltia k Ai nt a s Zatiiiiit liii\ntiOvit4 reit thi 010 # 44 4n ?nnetker of leoe* ?Mem with Mr. Mend the .11tmloolotmIs .ptiosbi,. doel 0. imedltibille, ,tOgikettO OM rolled of' Miam i *VW AnWeelniMfittlfdtolt intlf seen dead t , MaapaMMlLltete token nit of tkil Obutele . beM*Attla-smitaraitel lotottearliiabiti mato dud. Boa MaaftMetrattnally dead or dtediabbeiplent• ly, imhow)may, ware Balmily lajotodj it wee angle** OR telthiet4ventaik am numbers woo canned swat by ittends sad asquaiateeese; or wboatittebterielattrenlie 'add be'learied, *A mp that ardista wore beams to be In so , Utloo3l - elate, 6, 4 111 7 Wee 8 7 10 07 Ininted• 0 4.11E:101" Mitieby t w talon ea t tiesd ; al4 :Welt 0,110,,44 *fa Blidant M' don,lw ilaie. doomed ass' tho beam of It ea, Matt/me Mem*tillatt Wit moll aspired , ~A na: them momm4lllta Miretot litinamay, was tarn to tie reoldimoi of Mg. Mal" Wham Aolllll° ex pfmtin a *oft tbdeo - z . ~.,„ -,- N.- ..„ .. _Ndlithliatof Nit of the vistbnit totMkite on llettttAtiY, and wee laiggity. attended by diet ilixd i atillmty organbletkele.... ii miwpaketinir patents aftm i greatod to l'onmal -11140107/. fO r 49ent 010 A 'le? ' 01 week addhillf*ltArled4l. , ,- , ~:-., s• ~ o 3^,3:i, Alkalaltini. of Bo ll ,t l .11041. 624 r al ltentrelklev" 'M'' l ' .4. "a r Dela selitli'of Oblyitetiabers. (Or Inlytertanint in essaletteg hobs mat 4101,111 yebtelei r e. , ~ j,,,3 l l ,, ,..le t t i .A.4o6oapidadar ,atteetbammt to ' `; L es , C li t' '. it . IVA ' ll*Ottir: l 4 Intreee• ", ''''''' e l Viter wi t i ot t ititeviie -r iei ' ita ' p e roiMl 0r , .. i di o „,0-..1. =O - lonitatei Ili liattyitet bnytemed 'F" , p s oyti t il i •oiei i , v t7 ` „...," , _ , ,MY•rii".t 4, drilitlo4l,lfoitthiPiva' tv4l ' „,1.1.ra ,- w a s t it , t eenAlftiffikAtittni for km' -- I =k il aMA . ~,t F •, , t- ,1 A - keen for, la* 11.14111111ihtlikfttliW ' ilfilftinattintAtlttn *MdirOillotb Jle: ",,,p i i titi i „ r 3 i'l WW•Milttoe* Itto` if * I II; ,thiN r it*Otte Irlitni” r , a _ a 4u - k- 4 i ii, ; t i A wit - ifier .410•0445tz ','. 'I: '.T~" 1~~ Tficr_ Deiailittis !Mite' ,Treaoarers of Ohio: A startling develoiSient of t*Wmuner '• in • whiekT r thes`publio' hitfnieht stret,gered, and ~ t reasuries , plundetWipts re!lnitit . „Nelk `idade'lli'onfi, - by.thfAlpliro:oethe - goAnts. idOners 'appoint4 biihe fAkisiaor,e_ of- that, State ickinveitigate three' successive A-State Treasurers; Messrs. Bwas;Blesulr, and Gluon: The report eO - colturins or the Ohio Slate Journal. MIA ru*stie ' s commenced undet..the adrainis tfl#9ll:l4%‘.4xue;ein,ABA7l, who served two tthh4,untiflBs2:4liiin he was succeeded in fiSlisr;inifolifivafaiiriVii;ild Wolff& a ds lcaiitlupiwaskeptupbythoseworthiestin tii;lB6sThelotid loss to tie Statighy their Treasniei assisted In 'egvering up -the dellninCtieleti f or /1111:04449*b,,014:1P:5,0nft-eitPn bePWe involved - in them.. *hen elected, the parties who.bousiAol,tetr .Autethowere, 4 „hank prod:. dente ; : cashiers, etc.,,Whose : gale ; motive : for !,ti._,.grist.4, o neltbetr, bon d smen was a desire to ob.: 4#4 - otttitt'sner,ley , of the State. , The Vellrerell4thrill.Pecipying confidential rola -lioitt with ebentealficialti, embarked into ape= etthtionie Of, various _kinds, t with the public nioneywnd;the bink crediti gaint4 hi'conse quenceof-their of clal position. The demi ih&itilt4 been -tracked; thr ough long serieso 04subial fel*dietifs, ,d their, Collusion with4o4..Wier, i ,fhtik ndoapplicattoa of, tbe public hinds; their shameless mismanagement; t'llikOftt! 2 .44oiPe-enii 4 e n e , bate been htlY, Petablishen.,.'4-- re,' 0 , lamentable , -to - , he- `Compelled to Redid, so many habtamses of rasCality of this kindY and , it 4 .ler Iliniatter - iiinch Importance that', far'iiifeestbia, theli 4 cease' should be , ind'a rented* apitied: , Ono' cause is doubtless fii,i 9 found in the chaise tee selected for- such ioiltions. , Neon arnotteii elected to control, treasuries thivjgh` *bieb r *ltuoritt*wi t tifli, tPoir'sWltont , 1)0 ptu dent would with. the management of a lew thousands 'of dollarli of sound . 'dfspiettikn should ISVixeriiisett inoihweboice of such offt2 cars thuiiie Woolly exhibited. Characterless ore',constantly`: isiirtililte posse-, of great trust,. and are but too" - freAcerliy`iniceeeiTal In ()Valuing `them.' t 1s: notat all astonishing that the ,tempta-; 4one-offered•hy the power of controlling large ectne; artitiiii:gtest,toinacesefullY resisted hilhe4i:Wials hinds and weak conscienees. Oille - talarlecof the ogicere'areloo Idw. In, ado,. the State iiiiaiiiireisreseelii* but 81,200 per anikemowd , they-were required to- give severillituidred thonsend" dollars of seburity. , I%o4olga:it positions necessarily required eipenditnre!wi lhey had the' repute- Clev,arfellowe, to, inaintain,'Oompa. ity,teirente.rtalniadlbey, were almost obliged !'),igv!.o.iii.:2ol,l*-liivoliing rieceseity, for larger' - sum- than their (44061„Ancemei. 1 1" Thlii"thelr... - -tempt4loue .t.c• fl,llol4teok,- eritWhO;;;Oitru:st,withinoriCY -half-paid em ployeeficiricur lie:voted - 4A of +As, nnleis they are: remarkably caidihus, - or 'their Clerks - .tAnother -great': cause of these 'defalcatlen 41111i0 '4OOOO with tehich;*ipheitines can It is almost an Utter impossl= `punish" a :gigantic swlndler. • ,The parties, who suffer • losses_ , are generally eomproiiiiii, , !if they can regain a portion 'of: 'their 'Plundered' „Means. - Legal pki*istionspreie snore farces through the de feeds' . ' of the leniency of jtliers, invariably elide the t{faPppnp:Ju tics,` The >only ' Yeah successful, system for. mei ; ,.4 1 :40'4 11 iit‘ r soC',1 1 ,rie anionriti 'pnblio Usoiseyi• ithebtdepondent -Treasury 'of thO National flOernMindi itinnkiess is owing.`isie 'greeto24inoe;fAlAiiji,l4Pleiii`seiies of checks :eidablished, :which requite Intl and frequent :stieciiintifofall A i ansictiOne; W6'114,040- r•itio'-ilatul counts of the moneys ttkeY„tiontidn K, and to fita:SxOlosive nee of me something. visible fpit-isigiblitiatioizi , if. ,- ,:Thor system of-tiank id*Ofivtvhikik"ptiintled fn' Ohio via, Anlt7 lig444,K4ii i i4igiti, - ;iigiftif tier Treasurers.' 1-Prset: ji:o7;-**o . l.o:rirkei'coiil4 - dotint itedils;- mrrTfitt#4o#oll* . e!ErWorp ip, had no oppoS as ' 74 . **r:ilkagi, 6 e4KdeP. 9 00‘ . *10:0; 4. 1 1- ' ,*11 5 -.4,3 1 ,4.4*1ifif** 3 1 0 Alip.:not , lool:],ihe-tiiiinondttion: Of 'ffiffaltircnitil, they were thimselveS corrupted and taught Q.treed in the ,iniquitous paths of pieli,PfndOealisra: , - - t • Law. ;:!,ediOrrnosmeitsure , iirinore • generally - 4k. peetedbythepnople than the passage of a free. banking)* bY,:their Representatives in the -,Nroyreions have conspired to create this expectation.' The belief that such a go, ' f o rt e !Menage business to In trodneo.cipit4 .Into the channels of trade i , to large* appreciate-`our " -atati secririties ; 'o...?tif:ol;fp:,*ote4 labor:in the circulation of notesm-Uddedte:the feet that wherever the aye- tern - AO been:fah:y*o 1t1415,11(4n, abundantly *Sier4rirzillOhetio: ':Consideritlens hav e Prompted iwide-sprend desire that a_freehank liiiAtirrtasktid'i**feeif and fairly tested in i rp . o.o„ can; at least, be-, no doubton - enO , POint; and,that is, that the lees. latent (mottle their constituents to ntke, the egniiintent. 'understand -the bill, now before the Sande, 4 does _ not propose to ei tininialforhinkiniinetitiitions present I n existence, Ocksv they era to In; permit taito,operite ',under their old charters until' theto.chartein expire, or "to 47,copt the tittilaw.:,The resistance of these; han,ksithrongh their friends:in - the ILegisltt l careitalir-adj:tisted in -a WoAcriiiihit, Which Gov. Ekontit. recommend. ed Iwhis last annual message =- must result in .- . , doing them, hninense' Aninry, In, view of the nOrorienti *entrance that ikdoes not propose to.'. interfere mith their chatters. Will the directors ef these institutions reflect that they arif",rre:W.rigerdeVati, grievous monopolies; that they not:only-monopolize deposits, and trade upon those deinislen; (as abundant °ape rient:a; and investigation have. shown,) but that they restrict their tine of discount in such 'a way the' reader them 'Of little or no service to, the puniness, community? lloivever Just tor onjust_this opinion; (we do not accept it,) itineit=perryniing.. Ills ever the fault of men Who; olds* certain iighti, 'that In their _blind 'adhirsion:te, there Ahoy> refuse ; wise' conces,- nioni' to'imblio;'opinion; and in the end are, 640:40 tn'AtrrenderrinCenditionfdly to the juaE .e4ectatious of the people: :We trust the Old banks of Pennsylvania will "see their own `interests in'n graceful 'submission to what is insalfOlYthe'yrieli 3 Of our peoPte They may pentponethe passagepf,a,tree-blinkleg law for certain to - preirail . at liliff,.,'"lf,et'thektake;the credit of yielding to tifice*Cted'exPeritnent, and. our word for it, thitY , Will, never lone - by the' condencerudon:, Wn pnlosivs - that.'the 'leading Democratic Enquirer, tittiaitieletbra Swof . the old veteran of De. it ocracy limuti 'Exxn's, and a on of the 'diatiniiiishedl:..Saieriter. of the sc Old, Do= A. Wax, - explicitly ad itimishes Mr.7tslonsn; the Democratic can didlite-fevOofernoll,that he Cannot expect tiatteec'hyLdefonding' the policy of the Ad; minietehtioijF of the . General'. pniernMent., WilHlie , Democrati&Convention which is t : meet thii i liith of Mardi" take note of the • • , „ IE OIL fAP'77NaNr•ATT4AZINIIO24'4 SALOOL—Ag will teaaeen oar auction eolumn,,ll.l3oott, Jr, le(iitionier; wilt esUt on ,Thursday , morning at 1019 Oheitnat Artist:, astir' Parkinson Saloon), ariikielleittort oft,Peintlake,.from the gatory, of 410K* x9• l 4444iir* Co., of Now York, ThilY*ll be on :Inhibition'until then, Anil TO welt worthy examiliation;bellig the theest collect. 'tioeVelfereefeie)tristkiiit thie oily for years.. • MEE 1 - Brim Nita fawn Itian.!latern.;:'—frOlnorrow even. , IntflfasSlig.lThoioas't large:sale of 14,4iiilleriroPerty; by:outer of Orphans' 11,,t Tx.SOnS#,llian4. - othass. Elsolpainphlot , fays. and a4yartiliansisits, ; - r - -•- tit;; iitre _ , or, feamed pavan /stooges in a fedi* rilifieared%ltt' pablio, - - it 'Jug - Bedford, erk . Ifinkiefwfigerilrfk• The Standaid, of hfirohll, • , . A Mi;"lioialii; of Boston,.wee intrnlnoed, lad this 'ora. trends In whloh he had • beeti; tc•-td,- , --and of which he inine'rVir'ziaideg of -of siveir;langnages.' He also l ard Wag lifej o euhfilind been touched frothnn hith, and that as was !calli4 , lto be a proidiet. , 'Aga spa-' 'ehnitit of , :hlt• moll* f language; he said I a o h e oirbef , Whirwar pallytwai a smoksky,' -which he said lie Mai oet'Anterpret, • -ind there was no 01311 41141,.* Jr% •Y00.09111do,'!, • •• , , ' l** : s/ 41)..;/10 sXiMbritto i of Dr. Brock te.thj,iftigiiegintlartfoid; ' ha o g , m ri WnPeedlederiOoltftOfMtfrttthed aga. e . BY MitiNNllr - • Letter fritie-- 4 , 4 0 - Chnsionftd." 3. fipitte sti, P te , , • March 13 the ,23ti Peiritariti'viefy..;iroportant de, „tilife , took,plialie in the ftenate of the flpited States,' to whisk 'anti attention,' lestAliewkole sub. jeot may be forgotten. In ene'.'ilf my' letters, written during the long sesaierC of the lost Congress, I ,referred M the Manner in which, the : , enormous „ appropriation :for .printing_ _the post Ohm blanks,' after an amendment bad ' passed both houses giving the work to the lowest r biddere;warlefeto the control' of 'the Admlnistrai.. ' Con." The rimiest' for tkiaptece of legerdemain was to, preserve to the 'President the distribution Of the ,hundred and . twenty - five thousend„dellars (as be Im4l - dividedtheimil eginey) amour:Umtata partios: , . The,txtraordtnary,factstated inthe,debate of the 28th of Peltruary, that after ant amendment, direct lig that the printing of the blanks shoUld • be :let out to the lowest bidder, had been coneerred in by bath - lenses, ituias subsequently drePPlidorteted. =nob excitement when wheo Senator Wikoneteted•it Senator Toombs rose in great wrath, and said that if ,Imeri,„as.the Senator (rpm Massachusetts mippoiek (that: after hiring:been, agreed to, by 1:40 *sea aoorninittoo Orlianfirentri Mere: garded„ik) . it Irits a fraud, anti Alie would moire t 0,,, twO;Or 'three memberii 'who had donor -. 16 In 'the aforesaid ...eturanitlee, from the 'body. Mr. Wilson', asserted that this triode . had been acieekpliahed; and,that it done under - the lead of Mr.: Jonea,*(oui veritable friend Jahu 4 aisnoy,) of Pentisylvattla, then' the chair. _Mari ef,the Committee _of Ways and' Means in the Mime. Mr. Pugh sai d that he believed the whole Ofthe peet,offioo bill at last was to get' rid of this amendment about - the printing of toe Ohm blanks, and thathe thought It a very disgraceful proem of legislation. Mr. -Stuart; , Of 2 Miehigan,' thought it was a very great outrage jklegislatten; indeed , such seemed to lie the'opinicii, of the &flitch.' 71..14 'wits the; ,sequel ?"'Why, that „With this ono hundree and twenty.five thousanddollars, thus left in the baii4i, Of the President, the sickly Litrompfon newspapers were sustained, among the restenior two in your, State, in which the vilest abuse of honest men' 'was "" 'Some - of the disclosures • and confessioissiii the debate of the 28th will show how this wasidone, Mr. Senator Wilion, of Massa . eliusette, elated that Mr. Aisle (formerly publisher - of the Perhisilvanian, , in yoUr city): had one of the Contrvta for' printing post office blanks for , 'forty thornand - dollars. and when he (Wilson) 'at . tempted M . ant it 'clorvi and keep •eit this appro. Priation last year, he was - oalled upon by a gentle men from ? Pennaylianitt who begged him to give the matter'ni, and tts On Inationient said that we (ROpublicins) Vroiildeomeintoporrer mine time or other; and that: we would want this Natio tronagi. Mr. Wilson' went, on to state that out of the forty thousand dollars given to Mr. lice, he paid Ave thousand ' dollars to have 'the Work donor, and thirty-five thousand dollars Profit was realiao upon the contract. This thirty five thousand 'dollars of profit was divided in this way, (said Mr: Senator Wilson :) fifty per cent. to , "the Wishiniton Ave per, cent, to Mr. Ap pleton, connected with the Ursion t (Assistant oretary - of State,) and three per gent. to a paper in the interest of a member of the House of Reply+. s.i:datives; (witieh;:of oinirse;Was Col; Florence.) WhitiMr;htasett;,otyirglnisi,,calied Mr. Wilson to aMmint,fer this' extraordinari, stateliest, be I (Wilson) said that Mr. Ric eapplied to a Member I of Otingress during the scallion, and said, as a mat. ter of complaint, that out of thirty.five thousand donate - made by this contract,' *blob' cost, only , Ave" thousand to execute, fifty per cent, went to the Union, five per cent. to Mr. Appleton, three - per Cent. to a paper iri Philadelphian in support of a member of 'the Heise of Representatives; apd, further, that the Rtiesident of the United States was a party to this airatikement, and hie* about it:' Then Gen. Cameron came and took a part in the d arose, and laid that the President had brought Mr. 1000" to Washington,' in company' with' the. collector of the Port of Philadelphia, ,and told him he should have a cortain'poitiOn of the profits ~of printing the post mike blanks; and added _that these', faiths bad come , out in cones qinnee of a, .difforenoe between the Prod. dent' kia' Me ;, Ride, :concluding his remarks with" proposing to raise a,oominittee of inveltigs. tiori; in which he would pray° all theie facts, Mr, Senator Bigler eald'that Mr. Rios was not now connected with the Peunryivanisin, but did not deny, any of the fasts Stated as obey's., 'Me simply imitated, in terms , 'that it wee a piece of patronage belonging to the Administritiou; and that it had been distrihnted according to" law. An:on:rend ment rat Immediately adopted, cutting down the approp'riatio'n froin'ine hundred and twenty thou ! sand to fertythortsand dollar., Commant is, use I , It appears by an official recently pre sented to the President, that the Peet,Officiti De iwitiOntill.'46lr447--inatlY:in 'lnd that it, diffortit..Mti her ias i 'a*cieded itirresettriesiry °tent Mil lieni3Of.:dellars. Tide heavy Ott - to pertinidarlY unfortunate, in - view of the hard struggle which is inevitable .during the present year, in eoneequenee of `:the'failitionf the - Peet bmoe apprOPrietion bill. It will be extremely diflioult, if not impassible, to continue in operation this important branch of the, earernment, yan extra serfolon of Oorigrem is not eilled.„' In any event, mash . erabirrassment B rill atone froir - the Inability, of the;GovernMent to pay, the eantifteters at this usual perhide,' and the con sequent inabil9ty ,of 'the contractors, in tnrn,,to meet their Obligations. . There One view of this subject, however, which does M ali'to diminish the general regret that Would otherwise bo felt on account of the failure of .the appropriation bill. The expenses of the Post Offiee Department have 'grown to be entirely top great. Twerity millions of dollars is too large a suer tolavieh upon the mail eerviee. Corrap. tioos have grown up in the department, excessive prices are paid in some cases, anda general system of lei:senses and extravagance Prevails. Prom the nature of the present exigeney, it will be ohm -11140 necessary, wherever it ie possible, to save the Money of the Government. The new Poslniaster General "Sheltered to be a man of sterling, integ ritiand ability, s and he will, I trust, endeavor to make a 'complete revision of the department' 11i all its ramilleationsi and. if he does so, a sys tem of reforni may grow out of the present dlf tehilies much more perfect, complete, and practi cal than could, under any Other circumstances, have been inaugurated. When a man,' after nouandering away thousands in lavish profusion, suddenly finds his income dimlnshed to a few hundreds, be le often astonished to see how easily he can supply himeelf with all the real necessaries and comforts of life by his contracted Income, and taught to deplore the folly wbioh led to his extra. vagant expenditures. lam net without strong hopes that the present snip:melee of the Post Of- Ace Department will lead to a result of a some what similar character, and that without -dimin fishing any of the Testily necessary postal faoill ties of the nation, a great saving will be effected, and the alarming growth of its expenditures be etimniarily checked. The:Grand Jnry have not yet acted on the Blokles 00:88,, It is supposed th at It come up for oonsideiation before them t o-morrow morning. If a bill of initetMent is found the trial will pro bably be commenced on tie succeeding Monday, or possibly one week later. The friends of Key areLsaid to have engaged eminent counsel to as- ' slat the District Attorney in the prosecution. OCCASIONAL. Castles in the Air. For The Prase.) Prescott, in hie elegant History of the Conques t of Mexico, Informs us' that in the reign of Charles the Fifth. of Spain Cortez headed an expedition to diratiier an Eldorado—" a land flowing with milk and hon - ei." Be alighted in what he describes to bit a mighty empire, with a king of fabulous wealth,' and a•court of unparalleled splendor. The very gates of the 'capital' swung on pearly hinges, and the streets were paved with beaten gold, arid. to this, day we have not heard the last of the palaces of the Montesumas. Judge Wileon, however, has gone near enough to the palaces, and. dived deep enough Into the archives to discover that this magnidoeut plature was Tainted forlhe Spanish' market; with all the exaggeration necessary to make 'it palatable to liliorialt taste, while, In reality, these palattes'were but mud oldies,. and even • Montezuma himself was only an Indian chief! What'a,beautifid de; tuition has faded away ! What a aaidle ,in the air hie Preicoti reared to be dissipated by the touch of a later historian of the conquest of !Coulee! But how RAS Pl4oooto' no' implored 'upon? you ask. He relied, upon the testimony of each men as Bernal Diet—a name antimed by interested parties, or perhaps a myth, and whose writings are in no way reliable. -Mr. Wtison's theory is, that all the aborigines on this continent have a family type; and point to a common hatremote time and place, The Astride were thoroughly and essentially Indian, and their civilisation simply exhibits ' a' further advance. meat of these primary. Ideas of civil and moist life thin were common to the Indian family. The toitltuour drawn lreta the very nature - of true Indian institutions dettlee that the Anted. Govern. Mont _was a monarChy ;, that rdoetesuma,_ so far from being the Emperor of the Aztecs, was only one of a large number of enchains who equally, by their joint authority in 'oaten, administered the affairs of the.opmmenwealth. . the ohed. theneroVO,nrid residing in a metropolitan be wee first brotight into • contact - with the Spa niards, and the splendor and-power of the Astor, 40 040 forth in their own ,recitals, tended to mag. nify their own exploits. ale disquisition on the most engrossing topic of the present age:-fternety,, the extinct nationality of the ancient divilleatlon in Central 'Amerloa.:-is Intensely interesting. 'ln fast, the wreck of -an extinct Southern empire is. the; grand enigma of Our continent. The re. mane of analent titles homogeneous in character extend the whble length' of Yucatan, and reapriedr in Honduras and Tehuantepec. In their solidity they are like the Egyptiate,nor do they appear less venerable; yet the VentralAmerioane, at the time of Mates' - conquest, seers not E,syptians, althoUgh the *bikes of the analog t elvlllsatlon are' proven, beyond • dispute, to be of Egyptian or Ploteniolan _ origin, What afield for the antiquarian ! What tie pains Marius,on the ruing of Carthage to a phi losopher meditating among these remains of a na-, tion whose very nameirlost? 1, Who by nearehleg 01 1 111' Ault out tiod,". even on the earth? -IL O. THE PRESS-P,HILADELPHIA, MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1859. Pablifo; Aroiaeemruts Mra. Bowers his r eurpeliedifineity by the; announce. meat Of hei:intlitthinttdopstielhe, Academy of Meek, for a 'Waled istasidi?',lkheXeSife greet Many- perknel. Mende turd'her - proteleionifripatation is very good. The' pnblialied Hitt - , Of- her ,compteril. stens ; rather:lea elrangih; reieletti for lush enterPrlse. There ire toinec4itat'sernei?oP.'4, - ; Inierevir: 'lire, Bowers herself will deibtleiiiSeiriry ettrioilrt , M. Walcot t who Is dOratiratia,anthor of some 'repute, is at the - head, of what le exiled eccentric comely, in this country. Roars ago, whin Mitchell's little Olym pic was the most popular of ill the theatree in New York, Mr. Walent was one of the main Props - of that eatalfilshreent. Since then, lit hinelnirroved into eau the moat artistica! oraotore: t : Me le a' great card in any maniigeris' hand: - Mr. William' Davidge, who played the leading low -comedy parts at tie Broadway, Theatre, New Rork, for iireral succeasiie seasons, la also an aeqsilaltion to any , lheaire., He ilia a meet popular' rotor 'ill' the time he' was at New York. In Eigland, whence be came, he made his repute eon by performing old men's parte, ' and therefore ern be doubly rueful, required. Mr. Dirldge a man of education and information, Outside of his whittle's:having - written not only a spirited de= fertient the Btsge, but being the author, also, of gave ral, good dean:nee, among which the beet known is one upon Charles Dickens, which he has sucoessfully de. livered in redone parts of the Union and in Canada. Mc. A. W. Fenno ; who Introdzioad theatrical perform. acres into California, flu MO.) and WAS spbEequently .ieting Manistee of Areh-street Theatre, needs no intro duction to -Philadelphia audience; lie is a man of ability." Mr. WlBlem Beinolde, - a gentleman of sidu '„aation, learned MI profeeslon, we may esy, at Waliack's theatre, New Torr., where he played during ,several successive seasons. He is one of the moat reliable of performers, strap' useful, and sometimes displaying decided ability., We have not seen him play for three years, but - can wall helleve;freni what we did see or him during three or four preceding seasons, that he' will fulfil the promise heexhibited.' F. 0. We *lrma le &Misprint, wesuepecti for T. 0. Wemyas ' who is .a Philadelphian by birth, (eon of the celebrated Barney Wemysed and. himself a good low come dian, Mr. demo Martin' is also; an amusing stator. These are the Only male tnembere of , tll t company who deSerreanypartioularnottce at present Besides Mrs.. lloweie herself,, the female performers announced era Mies Annie Lonidale, Miss Mary A. Cameron, Kra F. A! Tannehill; Miss Welle r and Mre Hackett. Of there; the first le the only one Of Celebrity.' Mee Annie Lotte d alai Captain ehicrlotte; (in the farce bf that nettle - 0, was a performance to amine while you cow 'and heard it, and to make you instinctively smite in all aorta of planes where gravity was requisite, over the mere reed: tendon of It, Elbe le, indeed, a very valuable addition to the troupe. On the humane principle of putting pee.' pie out of pain at 'once, we have todeclare that Miss Cameron, a stage-struck lady, who his been playing under the name of Miss Mary Agnei, l s would be bet. ter off than on the stage. It is not her vocation; and we doubt whether any inetruction or practice can Make' it so. A gentleman - named Chester will be stage, manager.. The • justly celebrated Germania. Band, led! by Mr: Ponta, will eauetltate the,-orchestra. This evening, Bnlwer'e play of "Money" will be performed, and, the 'club acme in the third act—almost aleaya, omitted, on representation in this country, but one of t the =nit effective in the whole modern - drams-'-willbe restored. We know what the scent° and other re.; sources of the Academy are, and may confidently eaten - late upon this play befog well placed upon the tits e. The performance' wilt conclude with Mendelesohn'a Wedding March, and we venture to intimate shops that none of the audience* will , mar the effect of this tine' performance by quitting the bootie while it le going on. Tifit evening's performance will commence preoleely at balf.past 7 °Wm:lk. At Arch street Theatre, slime the accession or Mr. and Mre. J. W.Wrillselc, Jr,, the performances have been of a statelier - character than that inevitable and per petual American Cocain" of ours had-permitted Mulct the preceding three mouths. t. The Bridal ), (an alteration from , g The !dahlia Tragedy of Been: wont and Pletcher) has been the piece de resistases ifuring the past week. Mr. Wellack played the leading part BO well, as to , vindicite his claim to be considered not merely an actor, but an artist of intellect, study, and originality. Me was very ally acted up to by' Mr. Showell, who we are folly warranted In considering one of the meet palrisataklng, careful, and riaing.. young performers of the day, Miss • Emma Taylor leaked extremely well, but is unsuited for the part of Aspasia. The Evader of' the evening was Mrs. Wallach, who wholly over-acted It. This evening, Shakspeart's beautiful i< Winter's Tale" will be re vived, with Mr. Walla* as I.eontas, Mrs. John .7) reW as Paufirta, Miss Emma Taylor as Ps/villa, Mr. John (Albert as Anfolycsis,Mr. B. D. Johnson u Ths Clown; and hire. Wallach as liernitonea character which exactly suite her. The greet feat at Waintit-itraet Theatre, last week; wee bibs Davenport's remarkable sumo in singing; en tableau, the spiritlitirring chanson - entitled " La Mar, sailleise,”—helf-singing, half-reciting it; and, with her exquisite Parisien accent, predating s more decided and sacceisfal effect than, in oar, recolleetion, hes ,bert4 produced by any one bet Rachel, in full health of mind and body,—better, by far, than Rachel gave it in thIN, country. If the lessee of this Theatre blears whet is likely to till it, right atter night, she will ask Ulu Da venport to p toe " Lis Aterseilletee," It Ise trulyheeW stirring Performance, sad, after having beard It; is Sft ' S gives it, no one need wonder at its exalting the ParbitiriN as it did when first written by Itonget De Liele, In 1284 and repeated, with each thrilling offset, by Rubel do tin the Revolution of 2843: Thin ey,aning,lthe )310 of " logorriul , (generally ettrlbute ( - to ..11tri: Level& but spinally lienelated by bee builbend) willbo.pliied. It is a play which allows of Nome fine eating,* rit s °. mar and Parrhanio, but Is at ones uninitorel SOW .' traVageit.- kr:Perry; whO bee been absent,. (Rom' Ingomor, to Visa Daven Port's Prrlbientia.. - ,.W0 boll by the Way, that the play of t , Charlotte Oordu," pro. - dared for Miss Davenport's benefit on. Friday evening, will be repeated. It le extremely Preachy, In 'manner as well as matter, bat the heroine Lone of the reunites 'of history—litarally, a virgin martyr to liberty—and nothing cube finer than Miss Davenport's personation of the ehersetsr Anew play, from the Punch, called I u Kona Mu," is In relieucel. . At lieDonough's Gatetiac, Mr. Matteis Mr, amusing bud. leeque, "Oar African Coneln,” hats continued nit OI success. Another now burlesque; called " Illohard 8," is announced, and the usual dancing, - ganging, and general amusement will also be applied daring taco . .evening. , , , - At the Notional OircuA, Dan Rice, and his bone Excelsior, ft truly astonishing en(naid, in Ms taws. city and patent training,) have assisted; daringitlas past week, In drawing crowded' houses. Miss litiek nry has also been a detidet sttraellon—th she always deserves to be. Mr. Meet! engagement will end thie ,week, and it is announced that be will not appear in the -ring after "'the termination of- the peripatetic thafion" —whatever that may be, Blase Is very' amusing, at times, but there is; ouch a thing, .even when a man wears motley, In exhibiting ton 'much egotlem. In a word, Mr Dan Blasts too mush the subject of Mr: Dan Blee's 'spoken conemunknationa ;to his audience. Moreover, we doubt the yolicy and 'good taste of othasllnally intradithing political Alin. alone, which may be unpleasant to some of the persons `present. For our own port, we would rather nee Ex oalalor walk up 'lake, and the mules play low oornedy r . than hear Dan Bice utter some of his rhodompnthdes. Bignor Blitz is really going to leave us. One week 'there—one little week—and bright-eyed Blitz, with his wondkrful marionette Bobby, and the no less won derful Mined canary birds will exist no Fore in phi., ladeiphit. We shell be sorry to lose him, for Blitz is one of the most respectable gontlemen In hie mules: elon, and, Win or loth, always ma his way, as he goes, along. Re has been eminently ermeesaful during his Prolonged season in this city, and we tale leave of him, with the aseurance that , revisit IM when he may, he will meet with a farm welcome. At Moment's, as urinal, there le a capital programme for the 'meek. How, with hia large eampany and low pricey, he can make it pay, pinnies ns. It le evident, however, that he i■ getting on Moat flonrishiney, and We must may that he has labored honestly to secure this enamels. , CORONER. J4IOICBON held an inquest last We in the case of Mra. Mary Fletcher. who was murdered, on Tuesday evening, in Oliver street, NeW York, by Qainbo Appo, a Chinaman. The evidence was brief. and a verdiot was rendered against Appo, and hots now lodged in the Tombs, awaiting the notion of the Grand Jury. A large crowd was convened In front of the house during the progress of the inquisition, and at its close a desperate attempt was made to rescue the prisoner from the police who' had • him in custody,' which attempt, fortunatelyoras frustrated by the arrival of an extra police force. There is no doubt that, had the mob obtained possession of Appo, they would have lynched him on the spot. OArtr, Potturs is doing wondrous things In New Orleans, with that several horse•ppower voles of hie. The Picayune aye At a performance , of the Huguenots, earl swept through his superb role with a power as eleottio as it was majestic, and a few, moments before his death moved hie audience to a pitch of enthusiasm almost frantic. Arrival of the Star of the West-1E933,- 000 in Specie. NEW YOlic, Marsh 19—The steamship Star of the West arrived this evening at haltpast 7 o'o'ook. bite brings California' advice:l to the 10th ult., the same as received by telegraph front New Orleans. She brings poiB,ooo in specie. The principal 0013.• eigneet are: Wells fano, Co $197,000 American Exehange Bank. 101 003 Wheeler & Co 91,000 E Kelly & Co 10,000 W. Hoge &Oo 40,600 W. T dolman & 00 96:000 James Patriot 40.000 Freeman & Co 90 090 llowea & Crowell 88 000 Toffee. Iftoolll. & 00 28,000 W. Seligman & CO 20,000 The Stir of the Westleft Siplowan on the s!h loot. The United States female Rooooke was there—all well The &sited States sloop-of.war Vandal'c was at Men inning the lest of Ifebnwy—en well Commander Davis and the late officers and crow of the United Staten sloop of-war fit. Mary's era passen gers on the Star of the 'West. The California ad, oee are not Important The data from Va'parable are to January 81at. The "ablutionary movement program. ' The pro:rime of Tales, in the south; and HUMIOO and Oopiapo, In the north, are In arms against the Government. Twee. hive been meet Ostia the inenrgente. An uttsmpt at revolt had boon made in the, provinces of Noble and A conatm. but It was frustrated by the seizure of a vers,' of the agitators, From Panama and Aspinwall—Naval in tejligence. Nsvr Yozic, March 48.—The brig Dorollno, arrived here, trtiogs Aspinwall dates to Peb. 28th, sod Panama to Vob. 24th The II 8, eloop.of•warFt. Afar, le arrived at Panama on the 20th Feb. The nest day Oapt. Davie herded over the command .o Oapt. Thorbnry. The old offlcere sod crew were also relieved. sad SettlYttea to thie port by, the etearoshlp Ater or the West, arrived here to-otglit,, The tr.: frigate Roanoke was at Aspinwall °Atha Roth gentian'. The British frigate' Aram at Panama, on the 28d Peb,; from the ooest of Mexico, with $600,0:0 In treasure tor , Europe. • The British ateamer Ostia° arrived at Panama on the 226 February from South Amerjean ports. • Guayaquil wee btill under blockade by the Peruvian fleet. Prom Ohlio there is no Important news. Another revolution was daily espeetelat Peru. The ' , Commercial Pormal,l , favorable to the Gov ernment, sprains of the revolutionary movement with eontempt, and says that the speedy restoration of tran quility le certain. Other authorities say that the Itev• olution daily salmi round, and tremble Was daily ex. peeked at Valparatto, where great fears were enter tained of excessesbeing committed by the mob. The Wee from Lime were to PO. 11th. Beelnexa wee completely paralyzed. No new of,totoreat. The U. 8. iloop-of-war Oracle wee , et Otilleo, to leave elm tly for Panama, THE tiATEST N.F,W BY !rELE:6#APH. - INITIZTANT FROM MEXICO. Defeat 'of the 'Left Wing of Miramon's -Army. , 100 OF MIRAMON'S MEN KILLED General Degolladoto march on the Cap tal SITOOWEIS OF TRH LIBBRALi. FEW (MLR-INS: hf web 12 —The eteamehle Tenormase hoe arrived at the Belize, with Wei from Yore Crms to the 9111 Met hlirronon hr!' met with reverses. eta battle irklall wag fought fear bordova the left wing of Illiratoonla army' was completely routed by the Lib•rels. Manion loat one hundred men killed three cannon, three hundred =LAMB, and a large quantity of armor anion, „ , ,„ Geneial Denelltdo wie .'pieptilog to maroh on the capital with ten tbonesud. men. The Metals had 'eaptur , d Guanajuato and Ague OaMentes. Later Ilion Havanit—yreek of a Boston Shitir OIIAIIIMITO*, , M6TO.II 18.-11, the 111Thrll at the steamer Juba], Havana Melees to the lbth Inst. have been received. The ship Nathan Hannan, from 8011.011, bound to New Orleene, else totally kat on the 21, ham off Cape_ Flo • ifdg,lam and arm* send • ' " At Havana anger wan gAist and deeltning. Molasses unchanged. Sterling exchange quoted a 110. Billa on New York, 60 days., 2 per cent discount. The money market, was-light, the . banks reltaing to discount. eights were active. • - Latei from Jamoicri. New 'Four, Uarch 12 —Advieee from JAMMCA hay, been received to February 17. Three envoy' from Pro minent Gerrard,. of Hayti, had arrived at Jaciaten with despatcher, to the Governor. , • . ' The enVoym had frders to take on board lthe ilaytien marvof.war ;on which they arrived such peliFcal:re [ogees se desired to return to Hayti, and give them a passage on the return trip. " - The ex , lmperor Boehm:qua was still at .7amalommder the surveillance of the Jamaica authorities. . • Arrival of"the Etna. BOarox, MareSlB.—The ateatnahlp Etna ban arrivrd irom'Lleerpool. She left on the 28th alt., and her ad 'flees have been anticipated' by the Arabia. From Washington. CONDITION or TN Foal , OFFICE DR PAIITIMNT—A. DATIOIIINOT Or PII/N MILLIONS WIIMISOTON. March 12 —The exhibit of the affairs of the Poet Office Department, prepared by the direr. , Von of the President, was submitted to him today. It shore that the meene of the Department are insuffi cient tailcoat the demands due on the gunner exiling on the Seth of December last, and that the Department is already nearly Mx month. in arrears. It la estimated that the present defidleoey Is at Meet five millions. ' Midge Holt, to,day,. formally resig led the office of 410mmiseitmer of Patents An address on behalf of the , by empl him oyees of that Careen was elcquently reeponded to Mr. Holt will commence his duties ste Postmaster General on Monday. • As was yesterday Intimated General Denver' to day, ,resigned the office Of Commissioner of Indian Affairs Seven bask raper matte were received from New Or leans to-night. • The Navy Department will coon Mtn orders for fitting out vessels to relieve others on the foreign °stations. Waslintoroa, March 18.—A delegation is here from ,Boston, for the pupae° of ',miring the removal of the poet °Moe to Its former bastion. General Shield's has been ill for several days pant. It to pr.( b.tie that the question sa to en extra session will be decided early In the present week. Statistics of the Banks. [ Wisetsornor. March 13 —Tbe ammo al report of the [ gocretary [of the Treasury. on the condition of the bulks of the pelted litotes, embiftees the accounts of [...fourteen hurdred and twenty-six banks ani branches, halos. with fey unimportant easel:l4lone, ill the char ured blinks w - hloh were in operation on the drat of ;armory. 1859. The returns for the last three yvvi girt the follow ing general restflte : 1857. 1853 1859. • No of banks and brarehes 1 416 t. 422 1.476 • Capital paid 1n..5370,884,1394 $891,622,149 3401.016 242 101801:1110118 7.omas& a150 1 nt5.1588,468.887 1583,185,202 $855,183 700 Rocks 59.272.329 r 0.1105.200 03 502 419 Deal estate 25;121.522 28 755,888 25 078,457 Other inaestm , fs. 5,920.838 0,075.906 8 823.031 Duel?! other bke. 85 849 205 68,052 809 78.244,907 Noteserotherbks 28.124,008 22,447 418 18,858.287 Spook, funds 25 081 881 16 880,441 26,808.831 Specie. 63 349 838 74,412,882 104,687 818 : IlltauMon $214,778,822 $155 708 844 $193 801.818 Deposita . 230 3 5 1,862 185,982,040 250,561,278 Due to otheAte. 87.674,333 51,169,873 , 68 212 529 Other liabilities,. 19,816,860 14,1011,713 15 103 447 ' The in Now York is represented at $lO 1,288, 480; in Ifasiaohnastta. $61.810,828; in Pennsylvania 124 885,803 i in Louisiana, 24,215:089. The Accident at Oswego. OSIVSGO, throb 12 —The funeral of four of the vic tim% of the dreadful church accident t,olt plate today and was largely attended by oleic and military organ! gatione.. • - Sale of the Yacht Wanderer. BIVANNAII. Marsh 12.—The celebrated Heed Wan deter was sold to dry, to Charles Lams, for 2t,000. Markets by Telegraph• Naw Oatsleas, Marob 12 --lotton—liales today 3,500 bales at 11 ell f$ for middlings. Pam quiet at 151(0 Cotton freights to Liverpool firmer. Ooffee firm at lig for Rio; Wes of the week, 7 750 bales; imports 8,004 bags; •took in port, 10,500 bags - Clammy vs, ?dards 12 - - Flour unahanred. Raiders are Arm, and buyers are holding oil; Bala at 15 90m6. -Whiskey Is firm at 250. Mess Pork fa quoted at $l7 60. Vaion is BM at 7a for Sheuldvras and liMo for-- Sides. Bolirkletts are buoyant at 73(0 for Shoulders, and• 11,1; WOLTAztuwrox • - - - - ifattail+—MarVet titTehinged, with /slaver 1 1:100 bales:. - bMatta. Maroh 12.—Cotton-2 600 Wes sold ; mar ket arm it lixerige for middlings. ' SAVAICSLIt, March 12.—Ootton-9,t00 balsa gold at 11Nallyia for middling to good mid dling, TEE CITY. AEMBIIMENTB THIS RUINING AlinielM AO,lOllll , Or Masco —"Money.)? NATIONAL OisouS.—" Dan Rice's ' Great Show"— "Lent's Olrovis Compsny"—" Equestriss, Gyranentio, sad Acrobstio feats." - WEILTIAIT & Meats's Auae•araacr T "Wlnter's Tale NM or Ow e.,2 . Wmitur-Bran? TENAUE.—"hogomar Narl Engagements MODOIKISIGIVI3 G11ZT1241.--Beleatione from Plan Gems from Operas, Pantomimes, Dancing, and Singing. Tnoitstree Vl1318111111.—" Gems from Oprru, negro ireeentrioittis, Warms, Singing, and Dateing.” ABBIIMBLY tontemos --Signor , BERVICEB• AT THE THEATRE.—The Sunday evening eervices at the Walnut•etreet Theatre, under the auspices of the Tyng Refuge, still continue to be well attended. Last evening, the litcv Dr. Navin de livered the Mir sermon of the cum. The congrega tion, though not so large se formerly, MU still gad in numbers and the interested neaboted. The Rev. gen tian an announced the well•known hymn. "There 1 , 1 turban, tilled with blond, drawn from Unwound's veins," &a , after which he &neared an interesting eerwnn, burins/ on the Brits of Intemperance " complimenting the society under wbnee auspices these germane are delivered, and advocating their cause u one worthy the unelderatien of all &urea - We under stand the Rev, B J Wallace and the Rev. Kingston Goddard, with the Dr Tyng, of New Yotk, will follow in suceession in the course of sermons. We opine that If those who were doubtful of the cue. ma of the present interlude in the rellgione bist,ry of the awakening were to attend one evening at them sir vices, they would be convince , of their utility and the evident Internet which they awaken in the masses— Certainty the "Tyog Refuge" hove reams -to feel proud of the filtered and the PUCCOIIII that have attended their effort And we hope that when the eft•rt they have In contemplation for the providing of a "Rome for the fallen , ' shall be in full operation, that mane who are now dear to the appeal they make will awaken to the Interest of the unfortunate Below w* append a list of those who are interested In this - benevolent project: Oapt W B Lynoh. 8.8 N , Jon M Harper, W. G. Crowell, T. Emends Harper, Robert GraMn, Lower Rtaekhouee, Jon. F. Booty, Thom, B Dirge, Too R. - Hboad*. N 0 Thomron, Wm. Maria,..jr Nary. Oar goad wishes, attend the effort made by tb.eseynong gentlemen, and we hope they may prove eueoesettil. ,HOSPITAI, °APR.—There appeared to be diereltion, manifested by lame of the lire campanile at the fire which occurred on Retarder night et the la saloon at New Market and OalloUbill streets, to have a general fight. During the excitement end confusion consequent to illa behavior of the unruly ones, a man named John Reddy, about twenty two yam of age. received a flesh wound in the forehead from a ptstol.ball, which cut a furrow three inchee in length. He IV ateken to the Peonsylvsnla Hospital yesterday morning Ra dame that the person who aged the pistol was standlog.but a short dietince from him, bat that he did not know him. The partlea who '.were engaged in firing bare not yet been eroded. SVRINQ is coming. The scent of the first "shad is already In our markets. These ;decline O'Hara :have come all the way fromihe South, and great pricey a rt asked by the dealers In fish for even % diminutive 'member or the luxarloue tribe. The Salting In out ;river will soon COMIII9OeO, and already the bun of pre. ;oration may be beard smog the angling element of our pe•ple. We have It on authority moat excellent that the waters of the Delaware will yield an unwonted ; harvest 'in the ensuing miming. Epicures are ex. pootoot. WE wonder whose business it is to see to the remora of the walls of the builithge burned at the Tate fire in Second street. Somebody should see to it, sr the ettviees of the coroner May be necessary in a lay or two. They are in no extremely unsafe condition If one of the high Mn•oh winds we have so often von sod beard shout shonld sweet. around the orowded selobborbood where these walls ore standing it would sot be a bard matter to guess the consequence. Where {re the OS ore ? ; NEW BAILROAD.—A great effort le being trade to build &railroad from Norristown to Allentown, le this State. Several or our prominent canittlis's are taking the matter in hand. and are wori,ing with charge- Sorted° energy for a completion of heir iirejeot The road will run tbrrngh the towns of Shul.zeille. Olay. on, and Treichlersville, should the people of tin se wns subscribe money enough to warrant each a step. WE ARE GETTING ahead of New York at last—if not in immorality. at least in the condition of the 'haste The highways are in an awful condition, El i it seems to be nobody's Mildness to clean them. meeting to do and somebody to do lt, as the rule s on a mart•of-war, might be on •led with profit into Name of oar municipal ledgers. In a public meeting necessary, or will Ole little blot eullles I ACCIDENT .—Abont five o'clock yesterday morning. while two hose carriages were running on :their road to afire, in the vicinity of Broad area t and Bark lane, they knocked down' an old lady named Shoe. Maker and cut her \ bead badly but not fatally. Her grandchild had her log brokeitat 'he same time. She was taken to her home In the 'vicinity, and kindly cared tor, OUTRAOIL—AbOIIt 12 o'clock on Saturday ilight a rowdy entered the cake store of Thomas Fp, Sad attacked him saysgely. The wife cf Fge came to Idg assistance, and she, too, was e , severely Minted iSst her life is despaired of. The fellow vase not ar listed, but every exertion is being male to capture Bow lIVII.T.—About four o'clook yesterday 4(011100n ; a boy,now(' NEMO. wal knocked down la the vicinity of hird and Arch streets and slightly in- Jorrd. Ile wee taken to his home, In Second greet, above Market. A AtesonrrY of the employing cordwainore cf this city have assented to the tiler Bt. ef the Per tain:ten oordwainers in their employ for an increased rate of compensation. finelt Joy exists among the Norkmen thereat. - ,THE BATE of the journeymen house paint spo wages will,, be $l.ll per, diiy during the ensuing semmer, purettant to 8 resolution passed by that body , . . • • . , NATIONAL! HALT, was nearly filled on Settle dey aftlrnoon, by an audience of ladies and gentlemen— meet of whom wire ladles—to listen to a oncert that well given by four hundred. scholars of the, rorthweet , lietiondertßchool. The children were all aranyeeqn , w4 platform,nt 1914401130 very pleasant eongwjriCie r *, -Mar "presided" a lthe pianeisitdnelit,forth very excellent MALL', Xiitititiitt., Ikea - were m great gitte,and looked an bappy,ad hien!' on a May morning. Thapeople applauded very avow; thetically; and many indulgent parents and admiring Mende, who were there in great force, succeeded in ob• toning a repetition of several of the prettied pieces. Thin encore business to Vert , disagreeable, and ruins most of our public performers. We never see anybody: apt - at this, without feeling relieved that he neither oar butcher nor baker, for it would not be hie fault if he didn't get a double_prioe for Ito bread or beef. The elmoPintitlEil gra -. l Wiluga,m_whea-tiorarishAnAhe Ora circles of the- theatre. are wonderful - adepts, and the way therappiaud the fettling end •epaore,the .dritm is too painful to be ridienlima, as many theatriairfolks can taffy. We were sorry to nee 16.1er: rink enter tainment, such es they hadat Nation al. Hell On'datuir day afternoon, 'moiled by this superabundant apiflaud. Mg., It shonld-be ayoided., , I 4TTPIPTR_, HIGHWAY_ Abolli twee'Vl 6 ek 3 4 aterd4 i m ' orriltilit new mode of commit = tine a highway robbery, sod one which, if It had been sucoosafitlipseVed out, might have thrown a Wpm on the character of our policemen, was attempted by three' rough-looking men, named Jamoi Barry. JObri Badmen, and Therese Ward, on the persons of two gentlemen, at the corner of Second andlortme diorite. They were accosted by, the trio, who ordered them to deliver up, their property or be taken to the lock-up The gentle men, surprised at the audacity of tee villains, inquired by What .eatbority they,were thus ttagested„when ono • -of the party -slut& that he was a.-pWatinium. mulled the honor of weskit; star "hey then seized hold of one of the gentleiniid. kid enceeeded in abstract ing a watch from hie . pocket, An alarrif qa. ,iven by hie comprintori,Whioli lull the' effect of attracting Odl. cer 'Lacey, and o . hers.'to -, the vieinlq,' who promptly arrested the party, and. marched theta off, to the Inn '- ward etation.bouse They_ appeared to _be perfectly sober at the time of their Arnett, apkwere dressed a /a militaire which gave Omni ell empearanteriimilat, to thet of our policeman. Yesterday morning they were taken beforeltidetmen Freemen, who committed them, in default of ball , to mower the charge of highway robbery. MiLlTAity.The'sittylvlng niembers of the old Second Comfany of State Pencibles, commanded foi so long, a period by the late Co ' onel Jos Murray, will hold a Meeting' this evening, for the purpose of reor: ionizing the, corny. We heartil,y.wkh Them comma in their WHO's undertaking. At , a 'meeting of the Scott Legion. held on Saturday evening, at their armory, the following named gentle;; men were elected RaDelegin for the entaingyaar :u-Pre; sident, Obiui A Jones; Vice President, A- II Tippen Recording Beeriggiy, Xehir Mole; Corresponding retary,W.G, Haines; TreaThrer. B-H Wallace ' , Beard of Tout.* 'Pearlier, 'Aclf. Reynoide, Donnie Moan ; Di• eaters of Monument, ,W. H. Gray, Lemuel Howell, Jelin Carle. ' • - STRANGE PHENOMENON.—During the exceed 4 ingly hot can .we bad yesterday, a very curious oircum4 stance occurred. A whiskey hogshead—which had been lately fell of the limildstanding on the paierneot at the corner of Girard avenue and Vienna at eet, sir, deoly exploded with a report like the thunder of artiL; levy, and ailed the air witivapors, iedolest of the old est rye. It created something of an excitement in Hui neighlirhood; several' superstitious folks linegining that the world was about to terminate. , The moat die. appointed of all were fever& loafers, who; loving whis• not whit) , but too well, " had been attracted by the aroma, that scented the air. The excitement did not last long. HANDSOME AND DESEBXED.-011 Wednesa'sy, r next the operatois of the .police Hie-alarm tele graph, thirty-five In number, will present to Mr. Phll 'Vs, the sopMintenderit of this Important branch is-. our municipal government; a handsedie photographic: likeness of the recipient, intrrourided by the phOtogra,! phis likenesses of the operators. The whole :grotto is, 'Merely ecolosed in a massive gold frame: Mr: Phil -I lips has done much, both as a citis..n and an officer, to render the branch, of service be controls a sore and , mien minister of justice, and his success has been no less wonderful than deserved. We compliment the ripe.' Wore for the taste they have !Mown - Warrant ag this; testimonial. BURGLARAUHESTED, O ffi cer Oharman,; while pursOng ‘ his r'onufle about two o'eloek yesterday morning, discovered a emplacing-looking flaunter in the vicinity of Dock and Front streeta, having the fin- Wements of thUbirglarde profession'on hie person ()im aging of a'' jimmy,. &o. He took the man to the lock-up, and, upon couching him, found that be had a number of copper grows bolts, &0., and a mnall bag filled with ooppera, was subeequently ascertained that the gore of James eladdiog Dad been forced open, and a number of artfolia 'tarried off 'Pho alleged bur glar gave hie name as dames Williams, elite Joseph Job.. He wu yesterday taken before Alderman Free man, and committed to await a fartherhearing. ' • = • V . HONOR TO Y OLUNTEEREL—III accordance with *joint resolution plieed by our Legislature, the Officers of the New Teisey listtellon who served in the war with Mexico have been complimented during the pest week by the receipt of commissions-of a yodel higher than those held by them at the termination of hostilities. Among those thus honored are C eat. Date W. Hinkle. Lieutenant %rid Nicholls, Lieutenant R. Milford Bard Anthony H. Reynolds. and Warren L. Young The first named gentleman has been created major by brevet i the second, fleet lieutenant by brevet, and the lest three eaptalne by brevet. Boa oten Oduatur,—zDif Saturday morning, abontlour o'clock, the family of Frederick Fechtner, who lire on Ridge arenne, oppoelte Routh boatel Hill, heard an intruder in the house, and, upon genies up, they found a German-, named Adolph Hoyt, busily eir gaged packing tip goods ,for removal. Adolph was se cured. and upon Imaktug an examination It was da covered that he had already carried off goods equal in bulk to a Java feather bed, which he bad left a short diet nice away while he went back for another load. The burglar was' taken before a magletrate, who com mitted him to answer. Fran.—About midnight, on §aturday, a fire :broke onto ihtch strut 'sassed by the burutog of a hod in the Upper story of a saloon and dwelling, it the southwest corner of Nei Market and Callow's!!! streets. The flames communicated fo the building but they ware subdued before much damage had been done by the tire. The house wac Bolded with water. • There ALA IMISIOId pgrty Id the ttnen- , ..m...-Ar....i.ber or • ermathritr-cam sedehd — euni,,sed a gang of nowatna forced their way tote the room. - It is belleted that' 'some of theta set fire to the bed: • • • ' TRAUB TO GsnIZAZITOWN.—The citizens of osoesstovro have' prepaied a memorial, addressed to the President and Direotors of the Germantown and Norristown Ttailioed Company, praying for two addi tional niorning and afternoon trains, to run froth Ger_ mantown at dl( and sg A. U f ind from Philadelphia at it and OX - P. 111 These additions will make the bait- hourly Ireton in 'Me early morning and late Unman, an advantage long desired by the citizens of onr Suburban-Meter. POOKET PlCKED.—Between terCand eleven o'clock on Saturday night, one Mr. Nickelson, wan passing along Sixth street, at Spruce, on hia road borne,' when he Wan accosted by a young man who pretended to be an acquaintance. A moment after two others name etchbetween them they relieved Mr. N. of his gold by twisting or the pendant. The loan was not dlecovered until the trio had taken their departure. COMMITTID.—Thomas W. North, alias (c Big Chucks," and Robert 'White, alia;‘ , 'Whitehead Rob,h were committed by Alderman Femington to answer the charge of knocking down and robbing Gibson M. Nel son, of Florence. N J. Mr Nelson died on Thnteday /eat. Ile complained, up to the tin of ate death, of the Injury indicted on his head by the robbers. TAVERN LICENSES —All parsons who have not yet re/salved their tavern licenses for the present year bad better do so without delay, ae the law la , los, 'motive in lie provl.ion that they Must be procured before the Stet day of Spell Those who neglect thie warning may fled themselves Involved In much trouble. consequent on the legal *weeding/ wheezed in th'a casb , FINAL 'IRANI:NIL—On Saturday ;afternoon 'anal hearing Wail had before NetiorderNnen, In the duo of the President and Secretary of the Gray's Perry Pao• neuter Itollway, Company, who are charged with having burned fraudulent certificates of the stock of the corps ration The Reserier bee reamed libt decision until this afternoon. A WRIT OP ERROR.—On Saturday morn Ing, Onstarns Itsmak, Erg , made an appl cation to the Boprame Court on behalf of the young min Hiles; (ex- adjutant under that renowned soldier, Governor i Walker or Nicaragua ) now serving out a term or three year. , mprisonmennln the Eastern Penitentiary. for a writ or error. It la expected Judge Read wall render hie deeislon in the me today. THE WEATHER we very religious yester day—jut each weather as makes people go to oharoh, whether they will or not, for every ray or entishine le a sertinin t and every chime of the Sabbath belle a horn!. We have bad co many hOretiol/11 MOT( etBILION avid wicked rain stoixie, a few Iduadaya haek.:that we felt glad In heart and soul at the peseeta prospect the hreveue presented the whole day : co quiet and so Still,' the , spirit of piety wined breathing in the very air . Tartovinia &r ms.—John Kelly, a FM toedith•ward rowdy, was committed, In drf nit of $1 COO bail, to answer the charge of-hurling a paving•otone into a lager-beer Worm, at the corner of Twenty 7 third and Oallowhiil streets Nobody wite hurt. an accidental bleealog, but the window wee smashed and come of the furniture damaged. THE ENCAMPMENT.— The military people of this city are making active exertiens to induce the Governor and the Rtate Adjutant General to locate the next State military encampment In the vicinity of this city. The propriety of the movement la' apParant to all, and every proapeet of Enentra Is apparent. - ASSAULT AND BATTETtit.L—A person named Christy was locked up on Satnray on the charge of onomitting an assault sod bvttery on another person, whose name we della not learn • The difficulty le Bald to have arisen out of the late troubles among many 'of our workmen In relation to a demand for increarot nom. pensation for their labor. OEL/SBILATION.—The St. John's Literary Society of this city wiP give its sixth union:eery cele• bration, on Eider Monday evening, at Saaeom•street Mall. The exercises will consist of choice anuleal se- Laotians by an efilolent orchestra, and addresses by a, number Of she members. STILL IN SNSSION.—Tbe committee of GonnaGs appointed to examine Into the alleged I:1%0W lent transactions OA/Jo Guardians or the Poor are 0111 prdaeenting thetr labors, and will report In a few days. TIIE NATAL BOARD for the examination• of young reediest aeplrante to the dignity of ett-geoo or assistant-surgeon In our naval ,eervias to still to Be aton. THE COURTS SATURDAY'VPUOORADINGS I Reported for The Proem UNITED STATES • DISTRIOT COURT—Judge, violist oder —On Ei turday morning Augustus Hopperly," who was convicted of passing and maklog counterfeit money, was sentenced to Ova years' imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary. The defendant was convicted on three bills f indictment, cbargiog him with having plumed eountetf-it money on a number of persons. In the rase of Islam Wolter, oonvioted of the same Offence, sentence wit de orred until Paturday neat. NISI Pnrus—Justice Strong.—Common wealth, ex relation. Plater, vs. The, erman• s o ciety, for mutual support and ar slatat co. On Saturday morn rag an argumei.t was hoard upon a motion for judgment for the plaintiff, Held under advisement The court wee occupied the greater portion of the day in hearingrnlea, motions. &a Humphreys et M. TO. The Dauphin and atirquehaaua Goal Company. , Argument .on - -leePtione Idled to the petition 'o confirm - the Woof the 'property of the fr and , IL Coal Co ; the, property coneists or houses, hotel'', coal mines, railroad bookie, " rail roads. and large wood land., and embrace. a space of 21 miles. A mortgage wan given several years ago upon this property, for $97 tOC, which still remains unpaid; a short time store a decree of the court wan made, ordeiirg the sale of the peeper ty ; secordlngly, it Wes sold et public auction for $370 OCO—suhjert to the mortgage of $27,000. A petition was presented asking for a condrm.tion of this sale, to which the plaintiff excepted and objected to the property being sold to a body, but wished it sold in smeller qttant Hes, alleging that it would bring a larger price The plaintiffs Ere stookholdire of the company., After partial argument the moo was con tinued until this afternoon, at one o'clock. • QUARTER SESSIONS —Judge Ludlow.—On. Saturday Morning the bail In the case of the celebrated Fagan surrendered , her into the custody "of the' court, and asked thatlie might' be discharged t roan any turthat veipoulbility in the matter. Mr, Lewis 'Olark gallant comet , t‘lemedstance, wee justified and taken as bait the ineutintlanW.•._ At pcstportgake final disposition of the Rre eau untatbe drat Monday in Jens. Mrs. Crest wen ;ingested tomake diligent search for the childreir, a kind ajellard in Court at Met time if porelble, Tlie.Dungart desertion seen went over until negt Saturday week, the; defendant befog required to give bail for his hpriiiiisee# that time r tteo4lsllo - elu which the custody of 11 . idauilitirr of Mr. Lltwlttrsa concerned. was *gain taken np Witnesses ware Okemined to prove that the child, "Itebeht about fourteen years of age, had been seen on thn street at a late hour alleged the night, In company with med. and it was farther that oho had been Mien at a house ail' fame. i:Jadge Indio* laid that he would mauve hiedeelsion until Saturday runt, as than/ Wan ea imp Or !IA dual jle Involved Ib,the case , v . ' Prom tt& of the udge it is Ihferred that he does not think theman gent Of‘thellotiserof‘RefugirldMerftglitter thesu4t,of &Mind, even thotigh of vicious habits, where the psi rents era 015U:take, gate • The Wee of •a _ young man named *attire, charged With assaulting MO JWitiP,on Sunday eightweek, in the neighborhood' CU St. John and - Poplar streets.ewee heard on habeas corer s, and the defendant remanded: The tali of (* Mon ,Drinlifo ind John Median, charged wlth,being..lidleverec_ ST,....toitite,killing ordains diedll Toppin, who died from stpsatte,e a few damage, at the house dElllte4Mudifini` Win Unal. el.,a writ of habeas corp us. . The defendant admitted the taking the girl •to•titehoneenf Mr4. - Ifi6dsoif i liad , ne /riving the Litter a• - gold watolioanCidre dollars for her siervieen. John Hndsen,,it wee shownyhad admltted•that,he knew his*wl'e to be concerned in the Illegal bieltientedinded to. The court held the difendints IridnlXO to answer. Yd application wu Made tolltdis Callow do talfentf ' • theforfeited ruognisance In the eiao of Goblrordfraffhi, bearer B. L. Snow, the receiver. Mr.,llfebetermu , rated the elreametancee of thejume,..stathigAnt.Mr..' Ifirrla had amused Sao* to boo fight - Mt froniiiinadi, and that he had been ,Uled,•eatieloted, and sentenced. A Indult' were than read to . ' /how t hat It coat Mr: Hanle 11,000 to bri4 Snow to .4mila*, • ' The appifastfon Is resisted by' counsel for trasetrire keepers whose ender, goods were bought by Snow, and who are enntledatee prorate share °fib' tireogniunells which in $1000). The nue was not conch:Wed when the coctrt adjourned. FINANCIAL AND -COMMERCIAL .The Money Market. Pin.ADIILPALL, March 'l2, IMO. There waka:panidlii thditterb.,*iket this tatraboir before the 'rneeting of the first board, nodes which ft fall one dollar a abate; bat n eery slight investigation preyed that there was no cause for the fright, and the sales at the find board opened at 21, X loss ben yeeter: day. The reilicirrieethi fliers tip dating ttia day to tag. Catawbal. Bailtood shires sold at 6. Ali the foroty . stocks are dalh fnd tie ,basiqeaa oc the ,boapil ia chdractirlied absea tie of ents'do deoofid ond Tkird7etraet Passenger„liallwer, sold at SS to 86X. There It but little doing in passenger railroad stooks. We are. riquirarted to ;calf the ittenifon of those in., Wanted to the notice of a meeting of the bondholders of the Columbue, Piqua, and 'zinnia Railroad COW pany (in our advertising Annum to day). This imp portant road, extending from Columbus, Ohio, to tiniod on the Indiana - State and "forniting • link in the shortest chain of railroad communication which is cepa: ble of being constructed between this city and St. Loni 9 is now very neatly, if not quite, nomplcted,_ . Wo . eon. iiiisitilate the community on the completion of a work which is calculated to benefit Philadelphia, and to fond an additional feeder to her own great arntrel road Land also the bondholderi, who' hive do 'laird; `4ithbsiteli their means, on the prospect of a speedy restimptiin of payment of interest on their bonds. The North Pinneyliairla Rallteitilllatab4, and wilt pay, on the 15th Instant, an Instalment °Mut Inticeat On; the six per cent. bonds, and Will - promptly meet the in- , tomtit falling duo 'on -the ten per' cont. boats on they lit of April. The earnings of thie company in ary, 1859, were' • '' • $22.588 19; Februsry,lBsB .18.901 Fl t Increase " 886.0, In three months,-ending Feb.2B' 110,720 25 661110 time Let year . , Increase ; 1111,085'80i The earnings of the New York Central Railroad Cors-j, patty,for ,Feliruary, 1869, wera,072,224:58, a decrease of $18,208 14 In comparison with Rose of February, 1858.,i The falling off for January was 343,067 37 The February receipts of the Terre Haute and Alton i , Railroad were $63 720 47, agalirit ss2,3l7.72liFetruary, 185.8 Increase, $11,393.76.- The Evening Builethe foots tip the Ant/Amite dale tonnages of the state for the week and ftwAhe Beeson , . Ton'Tins WgZK 1865. , Reading Railroad.., 20 871 Lehigh Val Railroad. 6,711 Scranton 8,666 Broad Top Railrbad. Treyorton Railroad.. „„ Shamokin ~;,• PCR sas 81,18011. 7869 Reading Rai1r0ad...269 849 249,490 1nc,... 80.670 Lehigh Val Railroad. 88.412 ' 125,781 37,809 Scranton Railroad... 68,64 90 80) 1ne...-21,682 Road Tot) Railroad. 9,092 .14.270 Travorton Railroad.. (no report) 18,897 - Lykena Val Railroad; 4,040 sionet:' Shamokin Railroad., 11 880 . ... 440020 Tbolnereaee on all the lines, making some allowance for the-tremor ton and Shamokin tonnage of leatjear',l 6 about iICO,OOO tone : The Likens Valley Raflrosd begin e to ears* Wel this week. ?The'esztale aie aled'lloir Open, and we eball hear from them next week. pari4.DALPH.I4 .1121;101I 3114)11.41!Ial JALAS - March 32,18.59. • aroma IT MAllLlFfOrAtlinli& tkOuint•nots, ortiol , AID BAOITANGS 111OE110 a 110117191M131 qoafilt, AND 0810f11131.141.11118111. • • • , . . . ' • •', lptiw:BoA*l. .. . ~ .. _, 2000 0 113% Rio ' "'' '99;y iCO - BeOg jt....tal: lA, 2000 do ' ' 991( 159 ' • "' do -•' ' - tab:24 ' 1000 :, : 'do•-• - ' ..99 SW > w ? ' do .. , ..015ww.24 2000 „ _ k ,a.,l do....askkan:2& 2a00PcNay0572....8 00;7 - 1• $11A;...7124 _, ' 2000 far B6a 943; 13 Rallibnigli ' 59% • 1009 Road 11 Os '86... • 73 - 1 10 do 69% :1000. ' do.: 10 .. , ..13 i - 5 -. 1- ;IV ' •69% ' 2000 O&Am 03 .?&5....g4% , 2 ilinebillll 59% 2009 Ba tan mts 1n.... 71% 9 Pennsylnnadn R... 43% 5000 N Pen 6e 68 2 do 43% 1000 Oat Chat 105.... 71 3,Miielifll Beall . ) 143; II 21 dr. Si eta R..... 85 00 Philo Bank 118% 55 do ...... ....85 60 Citawianall ' ' ,13 , . , ' 2 do 85% 6Bk of NI% 61 . . .. BaTWBBN BOAADA: 2000 Oily B 88 902‘17000 Bch N ran fit 261js 77 200 d0.....new1021(11000 Pah N Be 'B2 ,TOOO Al Val 11 78 66 1 26 Penns 10 86.43){, . - -8110014 D BOARD. ;200 Reed R ssan.2l3eileollead , 200 d 0.... .bswit.2l,V OLOBING Pll Bid. Arkid. ;Philo es 223j-29% R 093‘ 09% • ' 4 Na*...103 1033 e 'Pommel ' 9134 93 -Reading R 241( 24% 4 , bde '70.. 82% 23 nit es '4l 01 91 ~ do 'BO 73 • 733( ,Pania 11 43 433( let mt 08.100 1013 2d mt . 933 e •Afor Osoal Con. div off 47.1 e 40 , • prof 40/7 105 x Bahl Nav ea 'B2 7134 12 IojB-BI&M Philadelphia Markets. ' - Minim 12—Evening. The FloUr market IS firm but Very,. qtliit 10 , 44. The receipts continue light, but there is very little inquiry for export, and the trade:are:about the only Imp re, at $6 6006.62 X for common and good siiperane ; $6 87X 87 for extras; $7.25e7.00 for extra family, mei $7.76ee6 for fancy brands, as in quality. Rye Flone is held at $1 20, but we hear of no leis Corn Meal Is scarce and wanted, sod $9.75 is generally refused fir Penneyl - Meal. Wheat—There Ca very little offering, and prime lots are scarce and wanted, at 158elli0o for reds, and 176e180e for ahlts'; a sale of 203 bushels of the latter, of good quality, was male at the lowest figures. Rye is wanted, with Noose email sales to note at 950. Corn is in steady demand, and 4 . 600 bushels yellow sold at 858863 afloat, the former for rather diimp lots. Oats are held at 57e, wlthout - sales to anf extent: About 1,603 bushels Rye Malt sold at delivered, ant 16,010 Niown=itriff Northern Feed. at $1.62 the RO ibsi Bark— Queroitron is bold at $92 for let No.l, with light receipts and stooks to operate in Ootton—The market ill firm with further sales of 900 bales, mostly Uplands, at 12,t1019e, cash, for middling and middling fair quali ty. Groceries and Provisions—There le very little do ing and no obaoge to notice in the market.. Sends— There to sooiedeniand for Cloveiseed, and 700 bus have been dlepoied of mostly from second hands, at $6 500_ 75 per bra, - mostly to go south. Thnothreed le wanted, and abbot 120 bud Sold at $2 25i2 56 pee bn, the latter for a very handsome lot. reused is worth $l. 75 per bin. Whiskey is firmer, with sales of 260 bble Penns at Mc, some holders Mak MN' Priebe - IMS liavia been sold at 290, and Ohio at 100 ; MAR are quoted at 270275 e, and drudge at 16go per' allon. • NOV York Stobk Excharike; ; Mitrch 12. • BROMIC. , BOARD. • .1. 4000 Virginia 13e 94X'1:0 Paolflo li S Oo 79 5000 Erie R bde 2 75 38 101 do e 45 78 200 id 8 Zr. NI R. WO 164 100 ' do , • 86018 201 do . 15) 100 N Y uen It 03 704 200 do HO 154 60 led. g 11 X 25 do 15% CO Harlem R prof 89 160 do 164 50 Mich Oen 1t62 50 do 160 154 t( 0 &I Eo dc N l'aigetk 48% 60 Ok Bar &Qo R 60 100 do :83040N 100 Pacific M 8 Co 880 76g 50 do bib) 47 • . 10 do. , 7S 60 Panama R - 1174 60 do en 7114 60 Gm fiCht k pin MX 6 do 78)i) 10 chi kit 16 a bC060,11 ' - Tint 'hi:inkis Aenus —The market is, Mead, for both kinds; sales Of pot. at $5 75 and pantie at $5 7505 978 novo, h o.—The demand for Western Canal Flour is good, and there is increved firmness noticeable at the niece for moat kinds. The better brands are, ix . r small supply and very arm • ' • • The Wee are 11.400 bbla at $5 50,5 8) for sane-tine State; $6 f.r chola', do; $ 84542 6 75 tor extra do; $660 06 00 for new grades .of Western extra,; $1 670875 for shipping brands round hoop extra Ohio ; $5 8007 75 for trade brands do ; $7 2508 for extra Geoneree, and $7 25003 75 Tor St Louis brands. now held higher' • Canadian Flour is very firm ; the stook is small ant limited; sales at $6.93e7 60 Southern Flour is in fair demand, and the h'gh grades are still better: the err , Vale are fair. The ears are 4.200 barrel.; at $6.2506 75 for supetible Baltlmore, &AL, and $6 8008 25 for the better grades. Bye Flour and Corn Meal are firmer. arum—The Wheat market is coropa - atavelv quiet. owing to the sdvanced prieee naked; the rates are 19 000 bushels. at $1.20 for damaged white Southern, and $1 for unsound Chicago spring. , Rye is unsettled—smil salsa or Northern, at the railroad depot at 851. Barley is heave—salea of 4,700 bus at 620 for good Canadian, and 81‘7850 for Fts.e. Oats ere steady_and !air demand at 57m580 for State, end 600610 for Western and Canadian. Corn is betty, the arrivals moderate—salee of 20,000 buy at 1350 for dam Dlereer in hige ; 890900 fog Bouthera yeqow, sud 29e900 for Western miscall 4 t ' . ,'P9aeno are quire dun—ogee of 150 hhde New orlearta M 7er770. sod 100 do. Unlit at 0,4j6750 Tees—Fa; tier large Wei lire been male at private including 9,C00 half chests of Ankoi Neng Tongs, and 1 000 do. granite :at talc nylaeei and the irairhat elms buoyantly. Mor.assas.—the ma tat Is dull and heavy for all de seriptions: Salsa 26 bads bittseovadoist 20080: ' Peer MOTS —nit Pork market. i again better; the demand 1e limited. - Bales of 650 bble at $18.40812.46, end small lota of mass at $lB 60; $13.25 for prime; 217017 12 for thin, meilit ; $17.26 for Soft and soar mess; $l3 28e13 97 for prime. °Wang dull Hart is quite firm ; the demand is steady. Salem of 210 bble at $ 8 750T.60' for , eountry- prime ; 2 9 - 20910 02 for do mem; $0 27011.26 for repacked mess, and st 2 60 013 for extra do. Prime mess lariat at sl7cp22; .Beat Hama are quiet' at $l4 60017 74 Out Meats are not so buoyant. ' name aie more plenty.. talea of 179 bhda,arat tee at 83istflne for lituts. and cgokk for Bhouldere. , Coale Oat at 8N oIOXO Lard li ateady.:—tha mind not en aunts bales 0250 bbla at 1X e l2O -' 1311 t. ter and-Cheese dun and heavy, . - - sloa ls in moderate request, at "ateskr rates, Bales Of 360 tee 03)404%0 Cor medium good to prima gustily: Wgisner ;--The market la . ,iteady bat ctulat..,lftnall sales of prison at 283; 4028M0. m g ", Tiff.N,Z IL-- " , i l b.4t; 0.1"°•-.41"31 A No sifiletiil2.:in. 01;0 street, oo . v, l4PAtg9tOPlei) OiCittettionitiaiel4ectton with that of oeverel.otteti-obseiaers, Wee arrested by a spry but complate ll 444pteamirgins, broil operation, la the , f 14, 1, -" Al 4 Pl'ilitPik.TthAtaltel" on the norilrotie:otcht.oforsetAlkneding: f ialiq, - Mtittettireifiiidisiti, it ilea[ is 4i:oluirY , Dritics l 432 on Allteaolot to Meg than the usefal labonOirltalefetraiii, hewer being attached to-e leap being *applied 'mere,* floatiaekeiViteessirpioter, elfords to' the on. ntirotts outman -of ttit titiw the luxury of the tesgteakbelryucd ground fresh for nee eer3r . , day., ,pherrst spgartprltl:,gptfeggre parid Way.)4;,elliCetiessemfilthen4fadia of Wr. `Charles pintitir,-.4,lteinterpristegprOprjeditrettfWike though' novel, feoilitrAr. to sgjiply the demand for'hin eoffeti.. F_lon:il4l4.-‘40141, this centralAnelabi heat* xany„lta ,restrtlean, the numelbaingluelaulloatta, eastainiSly_ t' 7oeiierA6eart .esn. We adrieeldlZOl! , Til!** - :titit ki en esrl7 . ettl., ' LAl:qrs.—Bran samstiiiinient in another cetalre* VitlitilelesAbat . Ann -Preston, M. ,Profesrr of RhYttlelPSY : # l 4ht Pr 5 74 4 ,4 Medical 4 136Uettet of Pioneer leinte, wilt give a aurae of six lee. taws helms-the K463siiiiy, irthilDivitt Life and the bfeenuot Proievetag,l4oolll4, lectures will bp given of-chestont 'end Tenth 'treats, pegispig,oti.laiiilli of this * . ,k, and running thrtiagh two Teets—the days of which'ivill be found etadeeP tha ihdinenisiinent.• The hour of glvingthem will be 4 eclat P.M. We need enarcely say to cur intelligent female read ers that thianbleidelefopiend to lie dielvial are of e most Important eharaotefrand tis_ we have reasotta for believing that the leeinier,:in this alas, is fully compe tent to the themaiht has =Weise - VAS° recommend the ladies to give their leettfripx sinter a fall attendance. E. H. Cassia Woy. , tx eai an Wons."— The interest in'tlilt i Otafeeifvei li:4Bll44ns] and ora torical rout fa growiagoeukwe would take this races- . , Mon of reminding 4Ur renders „Act, the tunmhmiertain wat of obtlibriug Manfest6u "wilftiabiiiroeirlag Mask In adysneo,'The ;IMOD* ibiclfYii mild' to bi * muter piece of ibis talented lecturer -,and Hp bosts of friends of the-Milts TemporaryEfonfig mr - hilellldtarltchle ingtiiiithW the fs 161• - ilieii:iiii10014: be sufficient to mond Consort Hall trilts utinoirt - Cm*Seity . Theletherce will ha Traeraiiiief lEzilf474R,Tbis lyz,urrAtlitisoivit t& . .. Schuylkill is muddy) ran always W '6l/tablid by using one of Hr./mem York& eshibritodirMar`filters which are for aslicathis oldotemd,No:los-Scitlfemeond etroet. 1 414.1 wELtin Atagtrati - 434t.t.: ow -tstittlat4WE AiseeMbli, given In compliment to the Southwark , Efos,s,,imis , ot our meat keepet:tab,lasid'sfeeleiitt - ricom. ponies, nonies"iif this, erening, at _the Musical ItIN Hall. The irringemesiteiciumisblig:thle the enter tainment of ':the'seaeoreaiiiiittie 'halide of gentlemen who will no doubt gratify, to tke fullest, extent, the wishes of ,tbetrfrieuns. SILERTLT AND, lliosvarttggrousrx, yet effec tually and powerfully, a' thilastbrople sceletj has u working in our, midst „ Yoe_ seventy:tire-Foam the qPlitltgelPtala Society-fur illeviatiagtheltissiirle of Public Prlioxsol,t_has gad &lie its 4 ' 401° 941 'J, sPOilautit tbsitillutiOrkratiOtooleas berms the public la soon se the =Rowlett peace seemed-deoursd: tilts institution—ado"Afei. 344,1 1 bet marking orit 4 i 'The *tilt Lae promos eminently , ineweeful. -Society: ban, "egged the advantages of their" - disetroliiCis well worthy of the high reputetion it has gained. The meeting of the frieudh.of4kii gold canoe will tattooists next Tuesday evening, at the Helical plait Hall, and the jsierrifseCwllidceibtass Patient Veit interest. By the advertisement, it "will be seen that Meyer Heti ry,Tfon.)Wiis.W. Hellaj arid Alir'ir Mite are expected to be preeentard addreti the meeting. , CURTAIN GOOies;"Whieldie Shades, Iloffande, patent - rollers, brews, cords , aniktemiels, at wheiesale. ' ' W. 1111NRY 610 Chestnut aireet. DR. THOMAS'S LECTURES.—We would remind our tendon thatlarr. Thomas's Brit lecture on India will be dole/red toaditia: ail Nailed Fond (Whig account; we Isign„fthelecture by De.'i'lateiiiaiteen NOTICE TO HOTEL PROPRIZTORS, Aboitlittink UP f P r- ;:tk• ean "g . 44kim r Wi4aol aryl upholiterytOoda it 20 `par cent Amps thieseiny Wier lesusein the tratteeltestse,et ; W. 11112Ri PATTNN'B, street. 26.613 Inc .. 6.136 8.830 Tem.,. 8,126 _2,160 ,Deo .. • 206 2.260 ' 2,268 ~ ' 1,101 ' And With a visit end idiotr e Melancholy , Sat; Patieleiaa - Monerisit,J Smiling at grief.", Nothing moo iraptifeally, portrays:kite popliilen„Sor that man;-when lift to 'his owe refieationi, wliestisie eta our advice, to buy his - °loth* at B. H. llidridge's "Old *ammo: Hall oietbtOg !!!ticO it o j:; ! . , .*sxst Obeatatit tinds;a l as hto late, that hi been - "taken in: and for.P.- Oar readers to be happy sod avoid the ssipte•a*Crinotr'!4:o4,..2 l ea r ken to our adniailtion, end, pay_ !,Cidlrardtitn Hall" a vial t. !Onlitait4 , goods, cords,' taitsellwandArassid.i, 26 Pereiiiit, , ohesper, at wholesale, titan, itny-olber henseintewn.- „ , _ W; MESHY :„PAT,T,,EN, 6:3oilitestnitt ptiwt. Oar veoerab'e Chief Magistrate - MIS - 6 1 101.411 Mi . -56 pip intention of l 7 lleit ex Lancaster, to mouperiVe for • short pericd. While here, he 7.O4,SII)II*4NIttPf udlif"ai"g niatet&Voraiil4nlothaineidt, hall of'uitalun,: t , anviile litokee'; 80. 601 - "Cheistrint treet. Mr. Stokes boniest replenished_ his stook ofbeautt ftii springPlO" of i/e4olgtlfeheco _ English, and American Market', and cordially herpes the public to call and examine his msgolfiseat Meek of ready.tnade elidliing And pietieg-i r siti.'_ - THE NEW MINISTER PROM ENGLAND, —Lord Lyon, newly appointed Minister to the United'atitee from England, Is expected daily to otor9ttlgloy_iXo* Ha will make but a short stay fit - thalcity; but wll hurry on to Philadelphia where bewill "look around" a little, while be is baring two or three rev- sifts wid . - ten up at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Itrokbill & Wilson, Nos. 603. and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. After Lord L obtains hlo proper outfit, be will proceed to Waabligtori ind be preeented to J B. .05wn.2 . , - Hid. AA. d. 80b1 Tlav Imp 01. 76x 77x if. Moak . 9X 10 _ " Peat p. 19 191( Wtreet & Almi R 9 9X " 7e lit mtg.. 71 72 Stabling far llr.nttly Haraes.—The -health ' • and convenience of - keeping horses "andthe,rtie -r t:Slin4/ ;proper ventilation in the constrAction Ortta'bles, Sit - of late been somewhat improved_ha cur citi t and, in none more thin the noir OLtYli - STABI;S, situated In Beventh street s above 7iVood. ' This stable is better ventilated than menet, and there , _are fonetesgstalls,aLl drained With iron grates, and so arranged ONO the horses stand on clay, which is much better for their feet than pier k. _ We vrenld solyiee all persons having family,htween t is the above neighbOvlnxdi to call and examine the above 'stable, as there are still, severed- Malta to let.' ' , They o in be bad on reasonable terms, by applying immediate ly,. at the CLUB BTABLII, in fillinNTEi Berea!, afore Wood - , , : - Wft fat 1 ,( ad t 6 tong blind 10.1( 11 [Girard Bk Con.. 40,g 41 $5O 51 1440th 2.9);-281; N Penns It 9)( 9); OTai 68 New Cheek N N Onlawless 1L... IN Lehigh Mae.... X' 1.; It Is net a Dye t.- ales Eon Athle- NUMMI, OR - )411 ItEBTOXIIII, !chaitineir7 - gray hair and whisker' to e b &Mika life-color, „yirerents the hair falling off, causes a new growth • where baldness exists, of soft, luxuriant hair, contains no deleterious properti ea, and will not coil the skleor linen. Its Mutt!. tying effects are perceptible in a vial few appplleationo. Bold by all Drunglate, and by JIMES_EfAttIII, & CO., Ito. 704 OHBISTNUT Street, Philadelphia. • Window Shades, Lace Cartataa.-Danaiali-4r lain Materials. Gileternioal, Widot ziOliiiils; all lore; Bailers Patent Pixturpi for Shades; Putnein , a Shade Boners , Cirds; T. 111 8 .015 'and Diskes; Reps, Ma isano, and Pleats ; Brocatellee, Window ihtde, Our" tan, and Uphols'ery goods, wholesale and retail. Ho tels and pays inetttratane fitted np at aborteit P4TTHU, • . mtill-dtapl2 • 030 CfIIIBTfIUT Street. Gls to White tnid BurSll Ire Clithlug,— Coals ; cloth Wreck Coate, in all colon, black and blue cloth bream 'Costa, 8D8111035 Coate, in plain and fancy colon. PANTO—Vim:My eanaimere Pinta °Call ,ItiOf t blank and mixed Deeekin - Oualmere Pante of all grades, Nieidit, fancy Silks, Bleak Saba, Oassimerei and lKereelllee ill dries. 0411 and examine the atotk—no trouble to chow goods. One low price marked in plain Ovum, on each garment, at IHE GREAT WHITE EIAI4, 2t B. W carnet POI:FETE And MARKET Street! Window Curtailer Geed. awd'illaitain White. RIALS AT WHOLIS awl =—)Eveity deiiirlptlon of re mind's, Satins, Broesitelles,. !dolmens, Lace Curtains, Muslin Curtaine,- 011 E Condom Window Shadefi, Tas eele, 'Fringes, dra. Six a oaths and °Leh buyers are incited to , select trim - 011 i Made, now Ctildpiet9., W. H. OARlrar & BRO., 719 CHNSTNIIT Street, im porters and dealers in Curtain materials, R. B. Oar Beatings, &0., in the NEW MASONIC HALL, below Eighth street. rahl2-21, W. 11. CARBYL 4:1110;' Jackson Printer. JACKSON PRINTER. JACKSON 'PRINTEIte CHECKS, NOTES, AND BILL-IMADS, CARDS, 'CIROULati, &0., no. PRINTED NT JACKSON. Painuno 'FIFTH and CHESTNUT PRI Nil NO NMI and - CHESTNUr.v:..Painrino. mars-12t Read the evidence of an old citizen, in re 7 ference to 1100Bi4RD'S OrERMAN BITTERS, the only acknowledged remilditor r the core of dyspepsia, liver complaint, persona debility,Ao. • • - Partansuelta, Deo. 8,1858. Di..o ,M. 4:koirsow,: Dear Eir—This ,InAo eertity that re;en very .inch afflicted with dyepepela, and liver rioniplaint tor fOor .teare. and tried many of the moat eminent - physlelane of Thiladelphia o with little or Do rellef_flom them. -My disease was aceenspealed with great prostration Of the nerebite iyetiut, eldatneis, nausea cf the stomach, weakness, gonend d,blhv, An. I wan induced by a friend to try RE O.TGAND 4 B GER MAN BIT TER*, and I do Jut I‘olloto to mate that it was the means cf restoring ins to health., end alao many of. any Monde, to whom I teocenatendetk It, 1 regent these titters es The OW remedy for the above dißeseht now in nee, not excepting the preseriptione of Our but Opticians. Two years have aligned slue my care, and I have bad little a'r atom of tint symptoms since. Truly yr ore, '' T. T Aerst.t., - No. - 624 &kith Thirit ikeet; , Thit ineitiolne '13'44 11410 by all diuggleti 10 the United Stasi, awl at . the 133 inn futon , / N 0.416 ANON , Street. - ' ' raite-6t Salvia g• M a c hi a e s .—Sievagasu linPralred DOUBLE-TBRX&D, warranted equal any one haw• machine in the market. : No ono - asked to purchase nnfdl the, are satisfied In its mforsonnee, , „ - L.• B, RAYMOND. A.Rent,.:„ Office at We - HoutertumiOking at 4 let of J 94.4 Piny o*. 00., No. 998 ausistrr atimpt. fe213.1a4 " He pined in thquglit t . „ Special Notices. PRIOR THIRTY HOLUM