The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 11, 1859, Image 4
roes *) WeIV ' . ' A;" ; :l" 7 4 -1 1:1,1 11 000: 1 14 ' ; '• 7 '4 a *Ma W4Tilt I.v9f •q• 1 •4 4 r. ... , ~ ..,,,,1 , 34"-;•,- , , , ,-,', ‘ - . 4 , 6kErini' 4 . , ',.. - -- rt 4 '--i , i-- - - - , ...6., • . llirk-...,t14,- , ~ , ~ ..p.0. t ...,--„,... :: 7 ;f 4 , 4&,'2. 4, "1;C ,`k 7 6 1 19 :' . ~, ~ , 2 _, • ~ ~,. =lt• - '''. ' mat ' ' •nrib' 1 . '' ' it I .oom %obi , Axles Weoo4' 18;44 . 11Ptit _ - -45411 *7 - - 1 4 1/Tiiie *Ng* _bli34 ll o slip 4 „„,..,„.. t .r. ~..... !Ink ,I!! 1 ,. P ' !mi. dr.,, , ~ .,1, A I : ‘,... 4 - ~,, • !,•-, , aqui), _- ' .., ,; , , , ,, : ivr o ceL;! • • „„.; 0p.....„, c o d.. , park,WIENVIGit„mq•E,,, !la_,,, I " t,r.,, -,. - _roc wit& 'mar V lelliP, l P ..,.."' -.. *4" 4.'i l i r j &VC% ;„-, rob& ali - Villoeliil r gi 0 latk ,,, i f i t . . , ,Woo !to f0k1ikery0p,,,,t,... , , ,c 0....4.1 , L0 i 1 ita _ gretz,you !v0.4. , *., ,i r, 1 1!,NA , M' , 77' t010. , ,,-,,,t. - i.- ,- , - .4-, lo' , /-. - ..,*.-,- -- it: l *v! -- . /6 411tV, 7k - rill .. t t*,7 7 .7.7 • 1 0 11, 11 1 m i t rpi ni in 841 1 4, - iiisuilObitiitoiliailie:` - 2; -2 ;4IZIFS • ittiitt!Pprit RP: l l3'..T l4 !ri , Al morm _. si . -„Aa t i i..a 4 47l6 i i;Ai. i . ;At .7 :TiV i t r e'rlifiMPOlAL ir ti f 1 . 41 10 96 " 5 ,. ' r 4:441;i 1 ; 6 4iti;i8 ' .. 3;iii;iiirgin Okialiiksii"l - .1 6017-?!0 1 A 4 "4 8 .) 13 ' , Pq4?'4 i Obb ' iliail,,lon #i* 4 t airs from ooterglies irith . ' 4 " ill. bi —K ti to,l“iho iliiii , ow' . 101 1-K.0 11 3 -- !5, 4, -k b eA,V mfl i ls . , I t4 J: --! .-,' - t“-- - • ..' 7 iiiiiirliWo l i'asfifi l ier l 4Eoc*ii i ht ltellti .- - „:, „ ..., - - ;,re ‘,' ~,.,.-, F ';') r&.~gt,11:11/1.1**1.14**,tn16,1*,e; ':. •oiiik r" -- ' - 'pripfroWt": *V , Sot -1q4. 1 6, , . ' ..n:-. , . ,4,,,,p r ,w7 , :; , 4 " 0 4 . .. , -,, , , ..--, ,, 2 ',,-----,- ," • ..lM — *lll,B► Thllii - 'l66 ‘ 0616 #Oll - . zeW4ll,olo3B,3iiiebirkk.Wriihlisgtoa MitilbOrt ' Cr0i1k.91.14.441 , 4t1N-CM4 1 .°,0- 71- t _ - lipyittiOle#Wifit'Wii.4l,.:444' Al , Ail • ,111 , , ~, ,, , 1 ,, , , sS ~,, , •,..-,4 ;,,,,...,, ' ~ • lot 0,,,1it1ar,1 io X 'l , ra Fk . ; , . /611 '''' 4 , V ar-R,ta Solt vino% Bishop 9 Mcg t iair i AtAiri t tfoli t lig h tii***#* 7' ler ' " -- .' 1 4:44 iiiilid4 lli e ,kaoic,iti: , :' " ,,,, ."-',. ttiti. - i t r - ' r, -a _ .--_ 4/014140 1 */;-; i,. ' ' '-' • • ' - "1 7 441/I'wk.threfilitg-ii :', . iolit. 4* 0 c.i ..,,..-4 mic ,for itno libtAK . soksbitpuomort;,,,, _ 4 ,.` - •""'... s flitiro: - DOI - WdoliCll' )1', ,,, ....., ~,i- N i ii3O, th,lli*-10m1.1100110Ptiiii00 1 mate , •=' 2 ll= l , l l4 fsVb..,*.Tkt r i r,=.1.....,t,z. , f, 'bollo4. ao.--,, • 1.1- ' - - Mod,. tlabts , Poanookb, Okarilliewo: OM .. noWilet . ' kittlia, 'olbA 144441 SA MO fiti,i '1 1,11,#-,?.., 0 . a tt il ?..!, 7 : -- _ "o,vria4 4l, ittik=': '2' - ' -''' - • '41...'4...j r ,.. - -i r ins - -,,`,.'. ~ _ . 1 , 3 _ .4 to rilild _ . , Wi t , , - ' . litlaffi, ui A 164031! L i.i ..- , virita l :. ,-- its k - 'TiCatitti s klllibr* • ' -----, lr'' -, K ' ' ataifetoll'; les*, , ? - ii,vti rte , , . cliotiOultlitifor rut Avest law - ' P , =4 41 11; 1- 1, 16 - -Y i rg=t'ittatittiliglrairt Bataa l iiiititigttAlititegoiWitriolltit Vg4rArd' - boppdf ,TIZIS trlftc , #"aliatTi t iiiiiiiiip„ 21 A1*A.,..,,G.-.,. 1 ii if _.,....„; ...y., .. -.. :., ' '. .o -, , - ,4 --2 .4 , ;.wzraitineitosrliiol March O. _ liiitt ' . ibite-**fittalt-Illitoi - brookkttooi Kocompat • Phin Yalta ilia , 164 0; in . 4 i t tri ffl,. 4 '', It'!".':; • -. - 4 ,-,? w. , iiririliropeweiiiiiiht owe sa lo at ..-. tor - 0 1111 WiNgla i llei l 'o Via4 0 9 .1J2.:, 11 1,4,11.J siss . ---, :-'' ;, 5 . .",: - , t',..`. --' : ',.-2.---•,,: 8 ' Sifrobucial,«Ptiral` 0 1- 11° ! 1 Pi .. It ' USW* 'lnt bolo. , 40}, - ,2: - ... , t ut Ol i tc.; 1 1 „ rorat , ,l="e m i l - 11 . ;i1iii4;5ia ii4.4 k . , 4 6... i , 44 .-4.--- - ..... - 7,.....p.,,,,,..... , ..........,4, , ,- , .. , *„.....----_, , , - IpttiOt*itioigt_l l ,44,9,ttatSK. l iiiiete #:,, 0 Nub, ri e tk_VAL-=l4l. 1 44 0014,;,' 'i.kilitt 445peigwv,644104,1101l '!Wirt- 2.0 "V -1 4-1 , /v tr ai ill arsti : - .7 1 ,_ , 3 , 1 4. , ..* - -. 161 . 4 , 11 , ) or <v o lr i. , * - -Jot - A* l s .- - -14til;VV., -.4- ; 1- ( 1,--- 4--1‘ 1-,, ,, ,,,, z - :,- -,, ;=, , W _...:,.. 1 411416* , /a i Asol4 4al as± "...„.., 1_ 0 ,6 , - ,,..0. 0..„ , t, t_.:4:o , "wq-4 , ?.. , c44 - : -.,1 -,st - • Atalkiloroilrltvioil idslima mi. Charleston .7th 43,,T f° l 4l47.o 4 lTbsulh 1 r j Ilt.1 ", 1 1 ";° &M" ' ' 1 " ° r ? bob .-; ' k 41rit• ‹,lV'i'Let-L,t- ftetT' _AO:‘.0a0:00' °t( ' iii* ' . ''' - op:tow at ,,, ,Thoooolittp _ bo ilt s rz ol ,' ' - 4 aeolbaigkoof , Korhilit4 6l 4- o* *Obtbi A c ol ase - triitlisikr fivatiff.44 o ,o4l sesko lot,. vokisv:olipokik;fritoosir-Liesikllila ng' opolkoqUil$11"-Eil _f iWi tir!"11----11°M ; ,(11 4 1 41 r ekT,IsitiView:i at B.,gh,itir I=l' )061401iSin piWatio - touppaouiri-trisi-,Avoldbo,- Pity • - totekiloOilplko if tod in a ., :bidogooplabit dipiatobr , :to bum onivott, ot, 2 Nortok potodlly marisiog , PH wpm etheiik•lrbiSbllumaArr ~ -41 1 1 1 ploqr sap op ow VAteiakt;-#l . Ol ll IgAILIN - ,b 4 O/7" 1 " Lil i : ' ClV49 4l9r tql ”'ol= '- iii:i,44 ` 44.14'. A t v. - , :4 - - - r ,- - - "`Oref-4 1 ` , P , t ,„ - m- ,, r,ft • -'1,t..n0.. - 3 ,- - ,1 4. ,-,- , ~ -,! - . IpMilignn aicr- COURT , FOR - THE ' .a. 'MT Alb COIINTI:OPIPVOII)EinfrA'ttkv, IRA IfALIMQMIT BOILDINa AfID LOIN MAD , , 0 /ATIOM a-the city :County of Milled*lphis Is. J9llOl atlntalf .-4.l4lo4fiefse of Ifeountor Terte,lll66.' 1i0.1414. - - theud 141411,0 f ~fp. teliel Ay tMeMi Dielleifie-itedor th0 , 4116% ,,, 1niti5.,0t ~,n, Qat costal* Adak meeease , or toorefest apd let or:pieee of stpladdefOO ldte-oottieist twirler of costes itiootlaiildifeltWldi WSW otrHt is 00- , Ittltriat ot Oprinagataon, eat Wilma In foot or tioidtlt ' on flotilla Coma stiootoltYption:lma; tod, "'Analog • IA /Ara or dep th tiOili vie lptlirolt .lino tatett6( at rig • - •11/emst• Aft• NU i street Gee handfed feet, mite, tbe"eart It.. oleo; flee 'OA 'Woe the oohlalliao+ l2 4lth , ptimottnoo lonoliotoadk one foot, I"l"ir atteiV l TlTlMlT: Miat:& r" =.- AI: imhyl i nt 4 l4-o. IL Off r litre0:::: Zod sir MOP anow - --no, 't. VW Soittt lPL' Tl e Ot I X Innis, 'l2 tile'city of Plittottatatts,Apon_ i XONDAT, Much dlet, Me, self leplooh Zit , whim, non Irtioco, 41...m0pi or. tegdfolloilitkittkoii ,thdoid bonire- the Auditor, , or be defeerted frotalopeettAlek I .TA/M r 0 DW. , add° lett +-.. T WK.Glol.Anditat IT T ; 1 ' • H *Wlst FOR'TILE j „, '. , ILOM/PIC, : , lgi , ttwcaMa r Akussi MI Mahon Aopsfintoft ta -, noftiottlo, NA Wets( the ;11.01.1 ilt4 elm* itin i utu,7 4 lo)o , 41,•,, ' of tau ispela ma ealms .4 toodust, ~ • "TO stimwhi ~notittot in• .. trim _akiontattolt.AT i l "altriPA:•D. lOW otritx, • 0 , - ..• ,, ,DU'initili Mooillfogpf W•l44l7,lltflri. ,•-• ~..• ' ' iti _ . • - ,itt't it Mr: t - 6.1 1. iti ,7 - 'OI,P. n !Prv 7 LP : 'lg. .'s';` - Pf-1.77- 41 rifi.4 114 e ,At • ' - ig-- - •• •- , •e. `,' t tliZ tAiittiii fitikAlititAryfiu, JOB ' A , a lat,Atiltkobjksitekto Ito, ono tat, jorartollllBA/PhAtcotions pout o k oil l eg 1 CZ . r • igioX . ty Putbielptio, to litt '' - - 111 altdittkir".ol o ,f, .siPi it 20 0 , ..0110 to . ~ ati t trua ',. Um/ tO *mar 'Om - -16 :-, 1 "ailf OgadsAr SI 3011 bo • YUMA , fit ‘2ll-:elifeAt out setootor an tOthr4 - tiod_oktimeek. Postiktte of: taw , r zbutiow.lo4lolo.l4; liva, fek; -,. ari d ' i :Ai • :liout Ai -0P1ra4 1 04 , 4k 1 • 1 9" wow .' -- x Itirtitio.l4 tatslint-' , pitti..%,4!: l Ft " "";-'- i •.", , r 11 .:1" , ,,.? k ' * 6lll 4fttt i niani. the t,lft "at 4 - . - ak offir, , , 0 , 14. , ,or , s - , ~., Vim riarologru s i i Wi l. • . 57, _ 44141 . _ ;#nisilealliilalify,4l*, ' -: irt.allal4 t /e v - folitat 4--./ . . ~•- -.-, "' -- _,,t - P• -I Pmm.",__,.. , ton ,on Itettits*Ltt'iellitoi‘cp.LtAfoo* . 9 . ll,t ii * ~i)ti W ytat -ore lied i UM 0411111114 "to j of almobjego„ 1 it / 0 Arlkit aliAtitatolliPS4 or roltio , ••14•31. 1 Roos ' 'AL t aid rif , Cchnituma lilac crastronm, Strootebt hub ant INAPT.` :. .:,,, - ' ' ' ` =WOW 0 111 1 4 .74, A.-*AtqW ;.!I f 4l lo . iii talrir; '3 - I , T -- I - tilk,o4V-I** t 3 4 talto9o/11634 1 0, 3 te l gek,E,Itt*Ote „e. a 4-13 /9-MOTREEV' be *Haw , .r.r ..;.,..I= -. , tip; ~",.; 01 , ,''' '' '',,*844,k9g, - - -...-;,',,•,---.. - , ,:46iiiiiitiiiiiiiii; - :, - - :_-." '-''',''f' --- '.- -,, ; ' . ,66. -- -4 twif....y.. , 1.f! , • r-. - - , ..-r 1,, i --- k y al: , 4 iftlk i - t r ait4i , L %..-4_,,t ._....:,...„.: .x....,, ~;:.,„.. _,,_ ... r , -Fk - vr,-. -4 , :ti jR# - --t 45.._.,12( xi-.,, , I= xp tis it, 8: - .: - ' milt, f -,, -,---',._:-.-.',,,- ..., - - - 'v , ,rl6 , ,foro . lfigii:,,ooK-, v.:55A r-fo.AO ,T,A! ~34.4NM1, _ ;-, , r, Arx - v-4'4wr, - --- . ';::-'1 :r '453 ;45:?4, - .: 40111100117" , 0p0k47: 4 , - ! , t7, -, _ , , Vh ~., , , ; -4 fl :‘--I...c'zit Efiaffi ,'.. 7 11 1 ,4 10 114taki,4 1 4. 11 .:.!• tielisw wEa, :oC.3.4tif - sk .• - ,;, „mom i,r,zttlf ~ - 44:attioia Moller lc , - heeettA • slot as .te Ipt r ee _ . ) titiwelleeeetheth*Wittei L If - ' ' Melt WO HAROLD : Or, The yowls sroOnera e. s With 12 wit ktuvierhiegeeet.-:!r ak,we lypw -, 4 0.-0,1,441 - Norrowoir fill MEC -4 . 4.4 t; !,iii, ia .elopott=4tecizity,,,al- Mtlei-seeeTtie4; *Reit ail &hued , *44 ei to se i It aiittu46lll , ,fgakON_ * l 4 l Onsil 4 &WWl** , " i s ms *.w.ehe Peeing Uwe, Wee- Ark eettAr 61 4: eiereree AlWilbetkluteeee, 3 *el Jets'erS . 1 eitu teettleet.leteesc.tier ate js4birtetsawly tree. ni lijdabiet,or the stay ate adroitly itreekii4:torq ‘b,,,..k.,„ • grattryerilitrof-frpriog• 1a0r.0045. 1 1 4 °. of ritoli W 1 8,11 4 0 4 mit tikaptel sad etitrieg• ~ k ,ild• , 1 .1 :! ,,, r .r ....nes*,.. l o. __t.i ni N tl ,.., arr .., 41-..h 0 i,47,4,7", iii r wiV r d - 41 . 7nTeS AO cli", 1 40 1 6 ...t 5 %. MO; rriPAC — gibl ien g". / "Pt i !'Y'.. - .l .1,,,3 tr:, 1. 440,04,411111,111.v.k..11LIFAID•11ARTIZIri, - ~.= IletWklpli Er.t.,.. - ..,,g9tr. ,, Wee.Wth SIOWhIEWE Pleat. . ~.._..„ —............_ . , . Iri'49l7iNglX-4,T0..,'1111)10.PE'.13T, nig F4-5w41 1040 91P 114 -•`,4 , 1 ‘',.'_. •`-',',- -.' -., 1; -, .., Eciabi tt - gpm olilaliCiiitailioey tocarke; iltittlictite Amt ' " ' "t' , ... kW.4l.ifoiltriqclafaiiiii..the ' l4 '4, - - A. . laZArittlirlifill:bi Itad:of , rel f.-r4gleeg-tielteteti-frolo $2-60 to ' per dozen.' Thine , •letel‹ , irlytk Vella -through the WWWllkt ,' ,JAVL.OfjwitowCheilwfm -°- U .' PY''," "4"tr'sta y) 1 01)" * " -I ' ll? " # lip blite'• '25 'ilet ' en '' -' '• ' ' 1 ttiretttls4ltritite"' r k • 1 1 ' ► F l itli0Otteteini: ' -* • ' ''' , toiliyairo, losiiisirat.':;- , ft rrateN . Pro•latitei ' 100 Fiktoo,,iiitif: ". P:. , ! ' "Ilene, •-", " ,--• '1 . ', ritimedetigT3oo,•pree.„ Hollis : at linihreit,',. _ teiti - Liiiiiiiii, -• ',,..-,' - ~ &liters, 21.•ieent, , , I Ottil#,4o *tine. 4''' ';'!".,"•-•- 'Delwin '5O tilifire.' - ' ' . 41404,itit i •1e*,..,:'•':.; Weett.4.o Vent: ~ ''';'_, ,') ~ lotithin?,, ehre, ”', ' •,,. , On_rmat,4lo,o •htwe, • ~ „, ~ tadeillscretlevre: •',‘• • , , - -..-- - , .• , .. 1 gibliiirlTlMleovir7COtintry,or - Ittagnett, ' Trenton •••. y ,---,-,. , "_.ltetTe,;lDltite Idonhtelne, Att.. 40, -firbe thinned , itul &n, , wondere to be *ben through i• S butoseorkommo, it, 4tutorlbtd In **Ault to of of a Midi' eleinint.,,qt„, VI: r: 3,,,,, ,, , , ,-, ),! , - L , •-, `,,•., ater;glollostralemit , titer be, bed Ants ID- nfto gao; • tritheetki,•prien lettocetther to-Ahe , kind•et lam* nod t' Le Wittig; tp , of the box ' Tor $0 we will send' by ex. , p!nte A ttnAttoteltteept eantAllesea iltdescleuert#l,hinde. - A' dean] sr,eositalning L a -Ito nt, itevieng prime, to- r -I" with It Daliiihutigtion or Ihnatereoeoope, may e ad - ee-appliamition -to the-sebaefilevel etmlimlng a .'' *tyre stating - _"•,,,1_; , ,,1 • : , •',:nk`,. , t _,- .D. APPLITON & OD., wubliohuto, , (7, ~, -. , , , ; „1, . ._.: Am sott D4B 911(1ADWAI', ,:'iEl be , at Vote Aegatitoellee N:lt. literledmooptoVo. ,-it 11 EN MICR - E - LA RUE: PAPERS. •LX w.ll4*ltipeciOu',:ielsio'laii oele• rotod pioara, *Ada srenialierealljaikuolibutratobe ie:llnestittylWaisdlietterPapeisist3be word. The PoOrtkflovpLioootivo,dWona,t riotliktoo of _WINDSO.I.IIAMATAAID o rdIASTLE , DOIJEILB: THIOE .DAMASK ' WOVII. -- - • _ „ ~., . . nr_IIII.4OOBULTHIOIC. l'''' ." ' - '-irirn_lialti'NOTJl; iir*loeuu also and goilitioo. :41Thenttintroniit-lknin , OirsBliik-tolliondis ttie thiriet Voteliiillattter noon to sidled to tidonoooitonit: .Iinzuovarnid , ANDIFORIOBOOPICI . TIMM - -1 Alicayi on kind anitoonotontly readying additiorul. ' STANDAMY AND 1111130ELLON/20118 BOOKS. FINELY-BOUND AND - PLAINta-BOUND WOW. Tfilli IntillSEJAK&AltrilDtTX.Ottit AND 'TIM: (1111.0211TINAD/PG - JIDTVIOM '',' - 2 _-'7 - _ , _-',''',__" , ` . 4 n'tllsl.4lcde. , BlßLEl,: AND. pakyla Boma, k i, .1 1111311001. AVID ' MANE 'ADM I, 6 Va . LON Ziff. • , .141141411, MAW , BOOKll'ae.litet as - I,houod, , ,Land. in. I 4ypprieteetlitteußools etei.lltetiosets orPte t l'elpe,e' Ali iteripi kept ottleued,ited for dale at Loy I 101110 V v - ?' - 'l -, 1 i , .. lik2 &RD & BREITHEKS.: ~ , 'i..kelli 4t....`. , -, ... , 0 : ;: -,- ;:1,•;,,i , "..,74.4 Oni&Ttlll . T. Buret. ) ust .1143taitatzti.'' -, '-:i; , , , ..*N1C1.A,11,.A.GUA: - ~,( , „Akar, ,rAinalliNT, AND'-it,UTI1811:, - ~ , i , '''• '' • ' knit/Mister Or ' 7:Liiliiitabitiots, tifestotoryOlfees,'ltieistsht,'Sirly Mir -- ~. :Agri Modern - Pzlibusteriem, Proposed In •[ • '''' -'•'' ' -teddlidepleMazZal, and Maul 4. 1 ,'„,,- ~ 4 , --. A. A Alit 611012 y: ' ' ' ' - ..; . ' ,•4 liirsrnowirwrouT,‘`xiq ,Late':tfisitit'Stitteirioe-Ooneal._ de VieretOonsul Mezatattt had'Aziismal facilities for Itemized' shi s tlusliitediritlithilirdualideti or the wee zity, third f iter oplei "'Mike political entre gif -liztedittl "Wales Mato. •111 "or moat - of the litedoiriCorliti Created American fonds, bu t gives histiiry of the /filibusters, svlth a reptile but truthful rod imperils% pen. Ms ,hook teillpeeve to throe much `light °tithe greet' Centlet AMeriCllo problem now out ;tinnier the attention Of 'attzteemezz, And, otliera in our 1 ' ,- ;' , ?Pif '. iriiizi4 -AMC, , Prlce.ll.M. ' I Poi side-by Beeltsellercithd News "seats generally, or "mins iiiii ! "post iiard,latziedelpt orthe prim.. - 'it AMP), . 4: FA PPM, Publisher, i i mba SI ' MI 116100111. Ilteeet,Paliedelphia, Pa. W$OE; -SIZTGOLAR, ANDITAIAiAIttki 10AB liopelit; *Mk: MA oxottitigeil by - - Z. BABLEIptis Antlqae nook Inure; 'A7:O*W Street. fettiliiera: PHPSPHATIO, I GUANO, -BOMBRZEO 15.t,11 4 ,11),*. 4 _ . , • or-3ooi, obotitl2o miles N. '4. of at. TbonAtinon6fli of ,Toiciyuctosmatlon: it is found by aluilyi6e to 000tnin eighty per cent. of iarit PBosktAirEliiiimi;,,.4iiiielirliBtty per „Tit. Ocher in Bone Phbepliite t h an ground . tiones;. BOolcle pound, "and, appliai n tolmut Lie Plaster. -1.116 e Buena to for sale by tha_rfiunOtiti, or cargo, to dealers: either grouatt or unground also, to Tanners, JAS * . ) .4l'ai baielic#llo psi ton of 2,000 ibe., by RA.NSON '3106 N..Beinifnse 106 N. ',Water St,. i. - , , N: B:.P~mphlats ,Olreatall -furnished gratis by • Agents. ' •• • ' f • ebl4ni2ss f Ina AUEAufitat. tiOu'eApi, 0 MOB Aumwiaa,:c - NO ROAR SHRIMATINN, Qr Nt(frua4 : "of the', _joints, ,Itiinthage, Head. t ' aches roethachai • , or Sagemag from other Bodily Infirmtit‘es. AiIIItAAPID, IND. COMPUTR 711710A01" 01 RADWAY'S t 4?•'/D . .I•D` I B FIT ISSTAWY&Y BrOPY/nit. Ties MOST IinattiOIATIIIII i;, t4 10,4 4.19'-aq*: 11 ., 1111111 11 84L " Da l °U" ' • r ::„ WI:MA[I4 ; Mane, .Iro.l reatereit Imgertmet tkat every Array kelp & supply" It in the hones. tArmed with thlireseedy,iiiimashald is always pro. tiltak,* ( illk„ sodden ".etteeke of alelrsem. Thousands o Mee ef , p : erecint hare been aa'red by its timely an, , WOO wen suddeely seised In the night time withOremps Olean/ Vendting, Cholera, Yellow lever, and otkm violent dieeasee Let a doeept• this Remedy be taken Paternally, as thi oidi may require, when suddenly seized with, 2ain or tliakeree, and it will instantly ra lienthe'patient from pain, and onset the disease! . • RADWAY'S RHApx, BELIEF RIIMUM /1.T1814 In font hours T RALGLA • , xi'Ezt, - r - one lout Ch AMP - - In ten minutes " In Iftuenminutea 2 1 001171.0811''' ' ' one minute 'BIIABMB In Ave =Mutt* 4 ten Wanda' 'ourws AND:IIZVXO. - • In lateen minutes. OHILDLAINBIn fifteen minutes - -lIALTAINZA • - In Mx kours AMR THROAT lu rr ten minutes, Is twenty !Onto. :4PROOT 41110 4017 H - OHMIC 3 5 ' PAALTOIO: — - MMM WOI7NDB, ThtAtoiniott It7q Ry * lFea to" the Wired pelts *u 1:111311.41lINT88 °RABB. ooti oute*,tioeittertbltif . ',eta 14tatiotek' - Tarotteite*fr r - • . 1 *11.3 . 6 26 aemta, to mote ti64'etriti bolter per bottle. Ar ll ?ti,??4 l .o l iT l t.,:, SWATNII & & Wie, - u -e i-tter to T -CALLENDIII.II. ~ABiEtys cothiiima . Vi ' e: AND,PnIATABfat mean. A":ribli it Mitnitidiand for the Proprirtorc, from . andinialthy hien ) , by Meter, a a kin tempera - VIM temficremoning the ..iweetuesa and purity of the :on, loop u s smut* ashy flayor,br. , perfectly (*cored,. "hroliergil,resdered palatable end agreeable to the ."Thez propreMoin or tits 011' spare no inpense to &icing flair OW properly ,prepared et Nawinandlend, the - Misr jelwe' - Where - Us owns' mordant te.fonna la shundenim,,Thez true, eq. frequentlyimpaired by- adatlaturee'w)UrniA- onm - rather apeeice of , the, oadaa laintlY, and only. that coming from the tk Hanka 1,, can tel'ed Opole as the genuine, - - , on k .onlia l ;Mew analysed, and' prectonneed to be pace sad the perfeotion of Ann qulity—obamoterletias nrlttelh enable it to, .maintain lea roperierity over all other Nude, - r • ' Prepared and for Mile s . Wheless], and .111A8PLHD & 0 .0 , , - irePr4 IPWELP and, 011.1113T011Ti Pbtlad , a. : r 4-.• SUPERIOR 'P1A.199 ,&` V &mut &RABE co;, , 4a l lO A -twatl e itentrksotuailti ' 401. rPriPt 41117TAWAttreet, 41414: 267 an , :.--i,crldr+l•7l62o 7 Mll2tietetwoest °ba rley. c 1 Aightfttria tit te-Baltinirde ,• • Cu 104 tketi tadel,leenihttenAtod r ,by, cectldcateo.,trolo.ll. ba” N ri t ; straoseb; Ind other celebrated porformers 'to,be 11,t sayer/or, anyznade in tkitcountry, tonaidt Of tridtßilies -trill; be **mated tor 211 isaii i llad (3f.- tudiante greaut within `Mir merit 0,- ibOUld'Ally, ;id girt ealre e•tbea•tion. litastiarl•glirgt#,, , wo Trak takoirgateAnd zo• 411111`it • mostiessonatil• yel•••••'- ~ 1 • , ;:yrumegJirllAßF, tc,oo; • . "4 122 , 011E8TM:1T thireet4b4hdelpttlev one oar, anthoched Agezits, and' ItillAttep • pettakeltlx'rittittiti t d, "rt A tell Ante'. Plano* at # 1 • 1 0 1 91• 111 0 1. :10 1- ,..1.•, , ,, , t • . zabE'fint EOM r 2...,.. • t-r,agriossßinG -4,5Q.P18; ::' ' , ; - ' l ',' :24*.,ialeplithulto,-..; -/ ; - : -, = 4, ,-;:.4l4il l o 4 :itiAßlA,4l4lo6Pßltein2i I ft , t - - 41P -,- , /-:. . _;. , •-:: - Pili.N0dirORTgli. ..; -- 1 ' : - AlaR111400Miel13 0 . 1 !0/1VSTNIVT-111911:12T, -- 1 1 apojeagmlyin store a large stook of tele ESATITIIIiI. 4 ,:iia. gutiarrAzitsuayarstrumora: - . we pits been mt' , iftYII:4MT"t4I!,bIJY9IIP, this coditrYl4ll.l ~3 0 "thijAHD)sollill 141ifyr : tp!,App fa){o4B, , 0 4 .1,47',.2 -:....%:. '„•2.- - ..'-' , j7:- . - - - - ' - 2-' - - ' - • 0 - FOXISES;" - -, ?It* a t: T w at au.* •i!- 4 nuidroiott _ Pz but quiet/At -- - aotILD) , " . a. anar taflyiliTEl and 00,19111trk tie. -r- • ARD-183 bbls. Non Leaf Lard for sale bl 0. CI, B&DLIR & / 111 14$ ARCH afoot, 24 door dm Front, M=Z=Zi= •ll~q~~;{ Y Y~~~ TEE OLDEST VrAi.)EVEr, biAN:CIArrIC7I.O Eiontkom and Western merohanta are Invited to *amino our /aria assortment Of • 1 All of out own ninneistite, duct worronte4 of the highest standatd of silver. yersons having orders for piemiume for EA$ 00116 D OPMUND Eiiii;q4 l lrel UNITED STATEg, 181';. AF BILVBit TEA" 03 ; 6; oieinuts,' 131,001415; AGOI3III.I,IIN,IAL'_ ‘ FAIR irtsipal, on. the liberal tqaus,, and satteraotion_ • - , , ,s .',,CWROLZBAL.B.AB WELL 'AB RETAIL Priers picailptly ettanded to.. < 80r,_ Bc.SQN. +: `Cott;; rine fe2l.lm . ,„ tEbina nub C2,negnetnaxe. 1859 QUEENSW.ARS : , ~ 1 859 ! - i3OYD , &, STRibUto,. i IMPOSTSIWAND. JOBBERS; - , }lgoe now on hand a `awn - plate stook of ,;-, , , i, FRENCH AND BM:MISR, , . : ~ CHINA, GLAS S WARE, - •,,,- , AND QVNENDWANE, , t_ .. . .., (it,thair old arlaito, ~ , , ... ~, 'No., 82 NQRTH FOIrSTIISTREET, ,_ (Pogr googiTtelOwilorohooto ) .1Iotol,) , , :. To rildoh they foitto the ir4ronpga.or „ = ... , 7 . ~ ' 7.. . WHOLPPALE .11114.111,8. reZtin TaINEIITCL . , ALLEN; .86 .Co:, ' , IMPORTERS AND WIIOLNBAIII DNALIII3 CHINA 'tec'QUEENW - AitE •- - „ _ T; Noe. 23 and 26 s..FOITRTH MUT. , Between Market and Chestnut, -' tcr to A F 313 WA RE , open or by the paoisge, rel,9-4xt 1 ' :;li'i,tail Om' Githba. OPENING • P ARI S' SPRING MANTILLAS. ' - L. J. LEVY CO. TILL OPEN, THIS PAX, WEDNESDAY, THE 9rn INSTANT, TIIEnt PINT I loostvriobt OP MANTILLAS, Solvated l.t the houses of the beet repute for tante in iiNtW DRESS GOODS ; - OPENING DAILY.• 800 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET 094 t • RAPSON'S No. 132 NORTH EIGNTEI STREET ) Are now opening, and will continuo to reoelve, NEW AND DEADTIBUL BinitB LADIRS'DRESS TRIMMINGS, 101 THE OPIUM} PALM. R A P'S' 0 - N 'S LADLES' DRIONITRUNHINGB and ZEPHYR STORE InatTrUt . CORNER SIOHDR:AND,CHERRY. 1859.0,14AU.Y1M..1859. SUMMED, -, • N TI L L A 5 , - TOR TRII • wnozapasts !TRADE," ." To which we Invite the attention of " • - SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS. J. W. PROOTOR tr. 00., fe2l . 7oronsirrzon Street, ATE 7 GOODS - THOEGILBY • RWILTILAND.SPRING GARDEN, Are daily receiving New-Goode. BOUGHT (wiseGASH, And ithiell, to maintain their far-famed reputation for SELLING VXBY, CHEAP, , _ They are determinedto dell for • • • SMALL PROFITS! Itiohlancy Silks, • L •, • •• - - - - - Beat Blaet. Mae, .• •••• Good Piaui Silitex• "•• - - • - HandeodUi Bayearare Silk', ,•• fdarcaline and Florence MA,/ Satin Dhalite4 Glosty Valentias, Chaim° Itcatoris de. Ala immense verieV of • --- • New and Very Rich Tatilirns • mown AND zNaLion °HINT BB . Beet .Fronting and Maxidly LENBNO, of our own direct importation. • -• . Olathe, Haellimeree Nadine, Flannels l e a., /co. 'IIIWOBiLX.Y. airitar mewls &owe felF "SELL FOR GASH, AND Bur ONE PRIDE ORIGINAL AROEirTri' L V SN7tORE UEstsbliehed 13#1 1.- •- lad opened, invoitles of Bielardsoni Done, & Owe :den, Diusber,Digkeon, Co, Gilson & 00., and llnutirs 911111T1114 AND PHOH9111; LINENS, By the piece nr pad. Marseilles quilts, Piller Bl nem, Table Lineally ,Olothe and Napkin, Towelling, tine Bird-eye Diaper, Nubsery &c. Wamentta, Wanregan, Neir.York Mille and other Mruslins. White Marseilles, Hearted, for shirtfronts. Printed do do. E N TUD ! Rqu ltyrlAgrill Printed Brilliants, in white ground, 1210 i. Challies and Mons detainee at 19 k o. Plaid Silk-Snub Cotten Foulards, 12)0. 300 pleoee Merrimack and English Prints. • Scotch and Manensiter Gingham. Dueale and Poll de Ohevras. 'New Blank ', - Bilk Layellae, Mohnirs : and Alpacas. SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! Breda and Blanket Stella Shawls. Yriendi , do . great Warlity. ' 'Winter Goods closed very clung BHABLRB ADAMS, ;WRATH and ARCH Stmts. I!'e2B-wfm LIN - FURNISHING . GOODS. Irk& Dhirtine Linens, of beet reipuireoverb. • Haul eynnd leak 7.lneh tiheedinkt, Table Damalsks, and bitektlf Table Olottis. Hnokabaaker, Difdreyeb, and Roads Diapers. ; Damask balloted and (rinsed Plane Moths, Burlaps. and Oregnillas. Stair Droggete,,and Linen Noes cloths.. ' Buff, Bineiand Green Holistods for shades. Damask Napkins, medium and extra skies. ' Oolored•bordered and White Linen Dollies, • EftiiteLßea alitoTtNits, OlperNtlT. and Ottehtit • INENS FOR MEN'S WEAL 14 Maeda= Linifillioptikiii) , lshporlor style Brown Linen Coatlne, X 0.1 X; cations shades Brown erd, Bleseked - Motet - gooks, varlckte idylls; Brown Linen Drilla. A choice essortmentot the Abbeelloode now on eampli, orator kale by - JOBBPAIIIn, did- bf lid and 180 1111101T1tUT Street SOHENT'E •t—RoVelitY-nine het 1,7 styles Haigh and Morin§lnk Print*, 18X eta. Tine 44 English and French °Matzen. 84 and 44 neatand fancy' ablatingn, NDS l2 X and 18X btt MI h mhl B.Z.norttot NINTH and MARKET, INE $ ODS. —10.4 Dams& Table Ulothr, ood at '- Breakfas g t Cloths, 87 to 51 25. Tted.bordered Hook Towels. Fins Unekabsolt and Diaper Toweling. Tleklngs, Shootings, libirtlngs. Plus and Medium /routing Linens. Hearn linens) by the Pi tATOPEIt CIONAS RD, 3. Z. eotner NINTH and BfA.IIIIIIT. IILAGE. NIXED POPLINS. • Al And Bro. Mined, jest opened, itlersetot of 18)0 ' Best Poll de Chewed from motion, et 25 ctn. One lot new Robe Wool Detainee. - - One lot VIM Battu Plaid Robe Bergson • • COOPER & OONARD, FRtil e t E. Omer NINTH& MARRBT Riming Alatbints. :14ARRIS'a BOUDOIR. SEWING NA. ALA- 011INZ is offered to the public) as the most re. liable low-priced fleeing !doable in use. It will sew from six to sixty ditches to an inch, ea alt kinds Of ieeds, from coarsest bagging to the finest oambries. It Is, without exception, the simplest In He mechanical construction ever made, Andean be run and kept in ordel by a child of twelve years of age.— The DMA/MLITT of thin machine, and the Quar e prr or Ifs !Ong, are war. ranted to be tuffrarpseeed bi - any other. Its speed ranged (Om three kundredlo, fifteen hundred stitches per anti.; The thread needle liken direatlyyrem the spools, suntvtiOosts op lawaittinto. • • In riot, it IN a machine that, li wanted*eveiy family fat the land, and the lovrptioetof = •= • - , THIRTY DOLLARS, it *With ire bald, brings them within the teach of • almisi grimy one. S. D 4 'IIAILIII‘ Amt . , dal-dem W-ecrovaim 720 ARON OTBEST. !Ipaii4eo; ; ;lt*clti:-St't. : D W.E L r 0 0 ~ tf„eat oasoVNur Hose reoelyed t por eteemere, new atylu Jewelry, Ohateltlne f Veit Chau, ftlendlel lane,ls.l4r , Rlne, ' • • Trutt M ' ende Ilagexpeekete F , ' - - let Weide en d }lower vases., Coral, Leta and Mom& Bets. lola Agents Plitledelphla for the Charlie. WrolleherwaLOYlDOAW/JiE-XEEPER4—eI, Of Chl• B. JARDEN Ec • Auxu7Ainolill6 niromiti OS We. 801 Ohearta — 151.1 4 8 0 3- trel 4 t; r atop W veT A h ß l E r4 ; (u; 'atal.MH r ,) philadelbhis. Uozurtantlf oa head and for ale to the Tiede, TEA. BETS COMMUNION SERVICE BETS, WRNS P1T0113910, GOBLUTS, OMB,' WAITERS. WA._ . g.E.211 ) CASTORS, INIVR,S,SVOONS, WORKS& LAMER,. ' ' " Wlldingand plating on all Made of metal. . • Conning ea crit gout*. JB. _VALENTINE , & 00., . ' OFMAIIIIMION" MFFROHANTO 1 . 011 ?H SALII Od AM R ' N C O . 1 6 R O E MAN iVntie?,TURES, - 'l`trNir OULEANB. Special itiagtion given to Onfleeting and Remitting Nzokiage. a2B•Snta 1 ) 11iii-i'IMADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1859, tOines anb tiquore PERLE , A " • RUBIS 01 1 1/k . iti ) Abri4 - 64.'“ " The nodersh3iietliiie sole egenta for' the united, Esstes: And denwhi ;for t UV. Site of ;the Ohampagne Wines of ,Messrs. JAATVEB GOMM & 00., et Ohalons•eur•Marne,Prauce. We present their wines to the public under two brands, namely t PERLE The " P.l3ltWil " Wine is ofennisite flavor and fruity be r ate, and is guarantied to caipare favorably with any Wine in the,Amoriren market. r The . 4 latinflPr is "a 'Arta Oaidicet thainpigne i 'of beautiful Ruby colpr i _wtileftle natural to the biro. Thin wine in undoubtedly one orthe 'fined gablnet 06ampagnet produced In Primp, • and Is made from grapes of the choicest '' , Broin. the long epe , rlen,oatenelve,poweesloas, and largo maned' the' wall ' k aolin' house of 'fieCillES 001111101 &4110,,,and Abate detennituttion to tarnish irnea whidi bleat withlfie n approval of conenmere, we feel persuaded that a trial • will fully establish all we claim forthi.etteellewie of these eihtes; . • ' ; OR4IHER, ABEC}G, k MoOLOSKHr, ' •-•N0.,19 BROAD BTREIRT, DHOW - voila. ;The above Wine* may be had at the following planes in Philadelphia:, . - doirs ' Oennie'o Co ,184 n Walnut et.; Trioves H. Jations& CO ,23,3D0e1t et ; Ivr: WALifen, 231 chest nut etl,• Joe: P.- Tonne & Co., 206 8. Front BITS 0110LL & 214 B. /4913 t At. ; ; PATVItItBOII. donee, & On ;88 N. Second et.; 7.,ew'soar &YERKee, 007 Mar ket et.'-; ttIOMPSON Ilcaor, corner Chestnut aid Broad ate.; WM. PARVIN, jr , Twelfth andCheetnot ete.; Bev- DLltidatt k HAYWARD, 10311hrket`fit SI&ON COLTON, eon Broad and Walnut; Atiwoup & WORL 120 IVainut street Wet. I, 'Pdinnoct &•00,,5110 Booth Third et:' ;Abe at the following Hotele: _ GIRARD VEY , 816111;"& 00 L ..' TpN atkes'; ST. LiWRISON, 8, Clastriaut.'& fio.f IttmacautTE! , 'Hol m , 0, hialttp & Sine ,• ' '• , -• • ' fell mwf-tiro Jittien:Ri, 4l ,r,PmPar.ucs• EA5719817 . INSIJ,RANOE OOMPANY.-- ' OlnikOM MO.'e xxogANGA L . AurararaanCls.tlyAL_lAtoox $lOO.OOO 01tie) . .t7eirooic SOBBOsie,sn , - 100,000 Omura' .Paarona. ' ..7101WILISMsAli Merckana and litilldinge. MARINt RISKS on,Vesseht Cargoes and Prbightd. - TRANSPORTATION BURS on Gorda hes Railroads; Canals, and atestaboete, Saban on favorable terms The BeardDlreel o ra , ( ) n order to guard agednet any serious osamity, anifthtuf afford greater eeeurtty to the insured) have resolved to take no more than Eve Thoniand.Daliare on any ono risk. ' f • f - All louse will be promptly ind liberally sallied. DARBOTORS. • - - Andrew Corinna; Robert B, Walker, WHOM Ingram Brown,, ;mob Lama, michani G. Atotenary, , George, coamea, Peter:Di Wets; , , ,Oharke „ Jamb Reed, , Robert F. Taylor, ;W. 0. Stoteebriry. AN,DIVEW 0001 RAN, Prealdent. • ; itisadid,Bsowit.,Vice Prendent - • lea& UIt.A.NO,E O,OMPA.NT - OF ,THE_ STATE OY •YENNSYLEANIA—EIRE AND MA RINE INSURANOI.4Io..4 BROXIANGB BUILDINGS. Chartered in ITDI= Oappitatlllo9,oo4X--Areeta, Jann: ary 1,1668, RU1,4d8,60.100, ~ • • AU Welded in gland and atidlable securilies—oonti nue torbunire on Vesoebi and Gargano, Building', Moab of Sleraliaadine, tee., on liberal eernie.• ~ • DIRNOTOBA Henry D. Sheireril, (IMO H. Steve, - Simeon Toby, Samna Grant, Jr., ' °hulas biacaledinr; diobiasHagner, • Wißiat . S.' Smith, • - %Boman B. Walloon, Jelin B. Budd, . Henry G. Freeman, wilicwsynat. ' okarien 0, Lewl., ergs O. °arson: , • - HENRY, D. SEEIUIERD, Preeldeni. s IYrcuriaMums, Om:ratan", , • je94( GREAT WESTERN ,INSURANOE AND 07//Ca IN 00 T PAYIVS C EI P LDINii 31 , 403 WALNIYI - .CAPITAL AND HIIRPLOB, $2?5,1168 OH. Insures spinet Loss or Damage, by DISCI, MAXIMS. CARGO, and INLAND 11 1 18013 ratan. nntEotops:, Oharlen 0. Lathrop 1 William Darling, I L Alexander Whilldbi, , B. Traey,- .'Jahn C. Bunter,' ' • Jentes D. Smith, — Isaao Haalehurst, John R. Yodges, ' 1: R. IdeCtirdy, ' :' Thomas Potter, Thos. L. Gillespie, .:. Churls Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonathan a .Slootun. •, , -. ..• - 0. 0;I: THHOPirreeident. .• - .: ' • • ". 4 '- -' ' WM. DARLTNG.-I`ieePrgaid6nt. ' Jaltiltfl WRIGHT, Bee'y and Treattnrer. dao4wortt QAPEGUARD INSURANCE COMPANY, IL , 'o.' It . Corner of PUPA and WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. . . Capital paid tri (securely Invested) 1200,000 Surplue ~ 81,480 Tile Company having been t orougly reorgerked, le new ready to make Insurance upon all kinds of pro perty merehandlse. /co , against LOSS or DAMAGX BYFIRE Olif,P, upon referable tering, DMICTOBS. , Jacob N. Keeler. Hon: El. B. Caehlog • Pranele Blaokburne; ' Charles P. Watroue, rtobigt I'. King; ' Blihu S. Belditin, B X. Xnglieb. J. A. U. Ilasbrouck, George 11. Let's Aaron Mae, ' Joseph X. Stldfo id ' - ' John H. beach, .. John Prentice, ' Matthew Kelley, Edward %Ter, , Alex. ClaAwrerme P. E. Birokhaid, Alfred ClepE, alel9 : R. Y"te :TACOB : ". Wm 141 1 1. 1 ,,r 9 P e eildent,- , Umelmit' Yeete,"Sdnistety. Partazuretitte Deo. ad, lea. d.fe-If 2.SBEIOAN FIRE ~ .INSUILS.NOE 00. t 4 1 6-11WORPORATED 4Thra.arsx-PRR PsruAL. No. 810 WALKI3%. Street, gboira Third, Philadelphia Saving large ]laid-up Oildtal- , l3V;;:e gra ligrplua inventad In sound and arallay Veal D.,,wlllb";,;(diee - imitae geralunidloS and their CAT and 'other POMP,' y All logies 12) tyidmitily 11# at) • „ - Germs abaft,- •dohf T. Le** JahttiVehsh Ovittio.W. Morris . • &mut o.tortort, .• pit* R., °nips Pahl* Dr y, - Manalitd G. Danl. OiiiiestW. Point:my - GUMA.Bllo,r;Priitifit. B 7. Jalllf-Y If C:740 , 100:1k irrytt:SURANOE COMPANY, No. 110 Eolith TOUR= Street. gliAltithire pFeD,PITDAL., Ilipitel • ' - ' $200,000. Organiteit ltiki. . Privileged to loath,. liditeet, infthilly or perrieterkly ; Personal,Progert)',,tyytill9w, -o...fdr n lee Oil bil i Gas gine, IMAM, UK Life /118111%130e, RIAD ; 11.001Tt De hi; hold Trude 11414 grentannnitiee• . S.LI/11.ED WPM, Preeldrnt. D. O. TYhEll, Vice Preeldent. r J.W. 3Ltsusg, Seerethry. . initnehose, - Alfred Wieen, Mil. W. D. Zeno), B. o.'llite, ' ' J. W. Penney, I. W. Sender P. D. Mingle, ' ' O. B. Bleking: _ :emu Watson, , J. h. Untablasen, ', ' ' ' rya hietthewe, • ,J. W. S to k e n , Illigro MAW, 'JelS•ly . e. t. Eff " . . I-yEISSURANOWAND TRUST 0011- 4 PANY.-=ThePENBMUTLIALLIYA !NM:TRANS' COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOL Streets. Capital ssta,Mlo.oB.- ..., ... -' Mr= - of Irld JOLISett Mine, it. Mr the whole tife-e. In aundities and endoirmenta-yar elms Ilfo Interests In Beal X date, and makes all eontraete depending on the fontingenotes of Life, They set sr Bseet4ore ; Atmlaistintors, ilaaltileel Trainees, and evardlonit • , TairiklA. m A t,„, A tilt,satanel B. Simko, . WfUliun Martin Mohan! S. Newbold, lames B. MoVariand, William I'. Backer, Joseph U. Trotter, William IVRent, Same' Boston, • Samuel O. Ritoy, Thelphfifis Pal'lllsgs Charles rep, luitioa. s..Picen^r, . - Won O. 'eWeirild, SLIM L. &tofu - oars, RildolDL anti • - --John W :Horner, - ' ' William U. Carr, • ' 1111103. Areher, Bdward T. Mott, . Simnel .1. Oferistlas, William Robertson, ' . Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Rash% John G. Brenner, P.P. fdlehler Baikal. ' ' DASTILL i f . BiLW, President. BAMIIIL B.'S 03119, Vial helot. • Jou W. Gotioh.SierdtarY. - - 018-11 _ _ ..,_,....,...- Gum , : MO INLAND ‘ RISKS.— FAME MURANO* COMPANY Capital,. f 1000,000. (Organised under the Act of Amembly relative to In wane. ComennimliPTlAMl44. ISOO WWI 412. V ' 13t,, P ltulelphia. bt I TOW. 13Amliel Wright, Henry Leeiligl, Jr., William W. Walters, D. a. Blryr3y, Oberlin, Blobardeon, John W. Drennan, Jabob W. Attett, , ' A., H. Poicklielm, Barclay Lifipinenti, rah B Rllleon, George A What, W. W. Knight. . ORO OR W. DAY, President. WP. BLANCHARD, Senator/ . j 112,7 ErLevrARE':MUTIIAL - . - SAFETY 1N "HUBANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THB' LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA: 8.11, CORMEO MAD AND WALNUT - - • • - Olivet% Phlledo4hle. ON Vms . • MARINE INADRANOI ?its, • • OARGO, • To all parts of the World PREINIIT, INLAND INSURANOMEI On Goode, by River; Omega, Laken, and Land Carriage, • • to al. porta or thelnlon. • ' PLUM INBURABOBB Ott Merchandise "generally. On Morn, Dwelling Homes, &o. APBETB OF TUB OOMPANY, November 1, 1868. Bondi, Mortgages; and !teal Mate $ 71,863 86 Philadelphia City, andother Loans. • 297,068 60 Stock in Railroads and Insurance Convening; 26,802 80 Bills Receirahm 201,066 88 Cash on hand 42,067 86 131 , 111/200 In Winn of Agents—Premiums on Marine policies recently leaned—and other debts due the Company 61 288 14 Wliliam Startdn, ' Joseph 11 Seal, , 24mmid A. (louder, John O. Davis, John R. Penrose, Georgo C. 'Alper, Rdward Darlington, Dr. R. Si. Htulton, Wm. 0 Ludwig, ' Hugh Craig, Spencer Wilvaine; Charles Kelley, H. Jones Brooke, Jacob P. Jones, WILLIE HEMIY LYLIILVIZISie? OWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSU- A-31. RANNE OOMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT attest, itutois, , Wm. pIBECI7°RB. I. Loomis, J. Edgar Thomson, itobt. W. D. Truitt, .M. W. Baldwin,' Wm. K. ilundln, John 0. Tames, , U. R. Bbillingford, A. d Booknor, 311. Spongier, John W. Belton, • U. H. Houston, Ititiguel, , Wm. R. Lays, Bdwin Booth, Charles P. Norton, John Garrison, Luta° Myer. ) )): • , f - • ) E. B. :Wm.,: President—THOMAS L. LIITIBBI3. - -Vial President—E. B. WAHNB. itsmetary—SHAßLES A. DUY. sel6tt boxciti new crop, prime AL' order, Layers, It nvel%, "Oiesters, In store and for mati.hi , • A. AtilllTlO rAANGS OF RIGGING, made to order 117-IVEAPBR: - FITLErt & No 28 N WATZR St, and 22 N. WHARVES. < < 1111,4 RSSIA. H Ml' AND YARNS for, sale , by WEAVER,-FITLXR, 'oo:,+-No. 22-North .IPMARVIS and: 28 North WATER St tritpt 2/IXI 13131#8. No. 2 ROSIN in storo told for 'tale by' 0. 0, VAN AMISINGN, • {On if . 10.1 Nnrih iirllAllVlba4 iIIaROPOSALS will be received at the CITY ,001111189101111,8 , OFFIOI SUPPLIZB for the year 1860. rohiqnwf St W ORCESTER'S DIOIIONARiE It lIBIS It will be seen, by the following certificate, that WORCEEITEICS SERIES OF DICTIONARIES have been Introduced by the Doard cf Controllers to be need fu all the Public khools of the City of Philadelphia "01 , 71CLOS TIM COS . /ROLLERS OP PUBLIO SCHOOLS, • Finer thernier Or rksrOrrLTAtif A. - • PHILADHLPHIA, Frbtltary 9, 1869. 'At a meeting . of the Controllers of Public. Schools, First Ifletri Ant Pennsylvania, held at the Controllers' Chamber, on Tneiday, Vebruary 8;1869,11re foll Owing resolution was adopted AC , 12 , 301ved; That WORCE2TiiII'S bbittES OF WO- TiONARLES be Introduced, to be toed in the rublio Aohools of this District. IMMa *088,86470. TOW. . James 0. Hand, Theophilue Traquair ; • William Dyne, Ir., J. P. Penieton, Joshua P. Tyro, Samuel E. Stokes, Henry Sloan, • James M'Parland, Thomas 0. Hand, -Robert Dutton, '- John B, Derain.), Pittsb'g D. T. Horgan, .‘ J.T. J. T. Logan President, . RAND, Vies President. dlO-tf WM. orisno, Clerk Ncui Publikati=ane. PHILADELPHIA. 4 01013ERT 3, lIBAIVIIILL, Se;rotary?) WORCESTER'S SERIES OF DICTIONARIES, cousiowom OF I.—TIME SCHOOL DICTIONARY, 111 -Tlll ELEMENTARY DICTIOtiARY, 111 -TILE COMPREILESSIYE DIOtiORARY, 4V.-TIIE:AOADEMIC V.-TIIE wirmoAL DtprroNmiv, IS constantly advancing' in popular favor. The books hittre been JotrodUced, by authority, Into the Putlic Schools of Boston , New York, Philadelphia; Deltinuire 'Washington, D C., Sr. Louie, libicago, find moot of the piincipal,places cf the United Etates. They rept esent tie agthography and. Pronunciation used by the most timihent sohnlers, both lit England and America.' The definitions arc concisely, expressed, and seldom leave 41y - thing to be desired. For all school purposes they are the best Dlettonarles extant. They need only to be eXamined to be universally adopted. READ TUE FOLLOWING rhES'IIIGONIALS . . . Hon. Edward Everett rays I have made constant nes of - 31r: Woreesterh Dlotionerlei alters their first publication. Hie orthography and pronunciation repre sent no far as I am aware, the most approved nease'of Mir lansuare. His dailantionb eoldom loath anything to deilre.t) William II Prescott, LL.D., Nays I have long since learned to apreolate your valuable labors, which have done no much to eAtabileh , the accuracy of pro. tinnelation, While affording the resderi by the citation of authorities, the means ,l determining for 'Washington Irring, LL.D , says far as f here had time to eitemine the Prononneing, ilaplanatoty, and liynonymous .D.ctionary, it OTOS UM, greiteatierac- Alen, and appears' to me .to be well Calculated to Intel the purpose for which it profitless to be intended—to supply the wants of Common 8:Fools:And to bo a sat cleat manual for schoola of a - higher order) , Roe jeelah quinsy, f t,,il , late president of Itariard hayS The public, have hong dice paned jhdgment on your quallficattone, and the lapse of many years has confirmed its earliest declaim:SO,. Rev. Edward ilitehcock, D.D., late President of Am herst College, Mays:—" Keying been in the heb tof Using the Universal and Critical .Dictionary, almost ezilusliely, for several years, I shall welcome the new ehe,*ith itsirnproVemenhi ansladditilinS I , Ron: John McLean, LL. D., says :—‘. Ever sines the publication of your large Dictionary, I have had it near me in my library, and one of the smaller editions I hero Always had on my table, at every Pla6t *here my public ditties hal me,,, Itev.l.lllphale!.Nott, 1i 1i , President oI Union Col lege, rays :--"*lth the large work (the tfolverial sod critical) t have long been familiar, and nen cheerfuqy 'beet teatimony to its great merits. - It is at once emonn tient to the honor slits atithoz, and to the country thus signalized by his labors Prof. C. O. Felton, LL D , of Harvard College, as Tne inilnance of your works is rapidly extending, in spite of opposition, and fam very aura tbat your great Dictionary will beacano die standard eieryirhera." Rev. William litmus, Il D., President of At:Viers: College, eve r—ii I bane already looked into it Oho Academio Dictionary) sufficiently to see that it le a great Imp comment on your ' ormer work, which, to say of any work or the kind, is the greatest praise." Rev. Oharlea G. Finney, President of Oberlin College, lisp% :—‘, It is, and timely, a highly important book. It le needed In nearly every family, and will be much veined by the• ftev. James *alker, President of itervard Col- lege, says It (the 'Academic) is, beyond question, the convenient Dictiooary for the study table, and for common use, which I have yet Been " lion. Theo. Frelingbuysen, Li 0., President of Rut gers College, rays elicit prise it as a meet void able help in ell its departments." I Rev. Daniel Kirkwood, LL D , President of Delaware College, says I regard the work as ono of great tnerit, admirably adapted to the uses for Which it la Rev. lames 11 Dodd, President of Transylvania Hal voreity, says For the purposee of convenient con agitation, by reader, cf every ohms, and more especially by the student who woujd gain a critical, a practical, wad en extensive acquaintance with the English and Aulderlian language, undefiled, there is no Dictionary equal to this." i; Par. hetriamin Prealdp,ut of ',abut Free College, says . haro Used your Dictionary for Irian) , tcars, With great satisfaction, and your entailer one -1 - Ave been in the habit or recommending for the use of • . ltoe. b.,bolltais, 1i). president of hiakinson Cell fie. fi4a I—. tithe tilerare to Ailing that it (tie Aca demic) seems to me to fulfil the conditions of a common veferenep Dictionary more perfectly than any one now berore the public." Rev. William A Smith, D D., President of Randolph Macon College, says I am happy to state that year eddigoim to pee plan usually pursued in works, of the Mad Ake derided iroprefteiriente,, tireatlY ilturbasil, tae practical rattle of a dict , onary." :13. H. Taylor, hh.D., Prinoipal of Phillips Academy, Audo+er, saYa The litotionery seenie to me to corn. sA k nointisl for general tise, orator high schooLa and caleges, it his no wipe. Rev. Mark flop President of William's boilers, iais The worft 'petite to me to be Very an 4611 adliptiii frit the ftirfosii intended 'es anything can well be. I have your large edition In constant nen." - - Iter Leonard Woods, D.D., President of Bowdoin .College, says I enure you that I have found no eriiMOsion alter the referable opinion I long ago formed or tot* Dictionaiilie, in tompArlaon anf others which I have hut an opportanity, to examine 'r Arthur th. Perry, A. M.„ Willitiee College, ate: Ido not hesitate to inononeme it accidentlyat atited to hlr!ti anatiomLie. ,, Prof. Samuel It Smith; A. M., the • College, says :--ti It is, In my judgment , the most convenient and valuable Dictionary for the nee of these for whom it is especially designed with which I am acquainted." .Rev. Atones Platter, D. D., Bishop 'of Pennsylvania, Yotir larger Netter:l*V hase.been my y . yrincipal resource ever since it was published." • . Rev. it. E. Pattieon, D D . Presideot of Waterville College, eaye r••-•" it le manifestly superior to any o'her 'work of the same general design." Prot. S. G. Brown, A. M., Dartmouth College, aye It same to me by for the most comprehensive and taltahlwmannal that I am acquainted with," 11. 11. ]Larne}, A. it., Cottimilkidoer of Mlle Reheat iu Ohio, says regard Wore Met% Ele mentary and Comprehensive Dictionaries as the beet school dictionaries ettant." Prof. Aaron Williams, A. kl, University of Ohio, sal It le tindouhtevily the beet standard which we halm, as to orthography and pronunciation." lion. I.Dirace Mann, LL D., President of Antioch Col lege, I e all any writing, waking, and teaching. I have endeavored to conform to the rules for ortho. grapby andpronuuciation as Contained in lrorceater's titobonarj , .” , • Prof. France Lieber, Li. ii.. south Carolina College, mays I consider It the best of all American diction. arias of the English tannage." Rey. John Wheeler, D D , President of Univorsity of Vermont, says ;—( 4 I have need Worcester s Universal and Critical I) otionnry in preference to au other, for constant reference.,, non: Charles Sumner, United fitatee Senator, says ;- 4 I . la Universal Dictionary I have need constantly, and alinosidally, since publication. I have no hesitation In. calling it the best practical dictionary of the linglish langoage." . Prof. William 11. Wells, Superintendent of Schools, .Chicago, rays As a standard of orthography and pronunciation, the compilation of Mr. WOrcester is far in advance of .11 other works of its else Prof. James T. Champlin, Waterville College, says: a medium dictionary for common, everyday nee, I know otoothing equal to it." lion. Cribras Bancroft, LL D says On questions of oithography„l shall make it my standard, allowing myself rare deviations, or perhaps no dtviationa what ever." Horace Webster, LL D., Prinotpal Free Aoaderny, blew York, says : I•Worceater , a Dictionary of the Engliish Language hre been In age In this inatitutlm . from Its commencement, and le considered a standard work. The present edition, containing the synonyms of the language, ie much ,superior to any former one, and possum a high degree of exoellence.ll Prof. BiA. Johnson, University of City of New Ycrk, says:—" The fulness cad cornea a of the vocabulary, the minute nod careful attention bestowed upon the subject of orthoepy, the propriety of the orthography, the clearness and exaotness of the definitions, together with the nice critical notes on unauthorized Words, prorincial usage, &c., which aro found throughout the Yoluma;are 'excellencies which' distinguish this ,bole any other dictionary within ray knowledge." Bohn S. Bart, D., Principal of the high School, Philadelphia, says The ~work of Dr. Worcester le, In me opinion, one cf uncommon - excellence AB a pronouncing Dictionary, its value is very great. The ptinolploe of orthoepy adopted by the author are sound and congerretie°, and hie method of- notation at 0000 complete and simple. The' oil:Anion of authorities, iii the cue of disputed or doubtful pronunciation, in a Source of great satisfaction to the inquirer, giving the means of an intelligent opinion with very little labor. But, independently of its merits as a pronouncing Dic tionary, Dr. Worcoefer , n work has a high value as a compreheludve and learned vocabulary of the language, replete with Information, and marked throughout with the logical features of the authorta We might til a volume with similar extracts, but the foregoing will suffice to show that Worcentorts Die tionerien are regarded by the literary men of the coun try as the standard works of t'm lingileh Inning°. vvogoKsrEß , lit (MARTO DIOT lON MIY Is rapidly approaching completion, and we hope to pub lieh it In May next. We are preparing an edition for anbecrlbere at the low price of $7.60 per copy. It will be printed ou extra flue paper, with large margin, as per goci m en copy,whieli may be Seen at the book store of .1. B. SMITH - & 00.,, • Nu. 61.0 CHESTNUT STEEFT,' faC'd PHILADELPHIA - NOTICE TO DEALERS', IN CURTAIN have appointed EILA.BQN• & Shia fa 8010 ...gouts for tiro rale of my Curtain Fix tures In Phil4delflia, The Trade will be supplial at taotory rim, freight folded. 8. 8. Bodoni February 1, 1859. te4.2aa Stir gale' nub to Let EaPERSONS DESIRING ROOMS tot lit.tinfacturing or other purposes. with steam• power attached, la a large BEd!Mug about to be erected to a - centvatpart of the 047.11111' call. nod confer with N. P. CUMMINGS, rehiteot, 146 tooth rouitta Street. -- . mhlol.lm* dga FOR &AA DOUBL, ,BgoWN EIBT ON E DWELLING-,one of the finest lathe city, with large g rden and comb-house, ,Loeation namir• paeaed. For further partioulsra address Ittli real name; W. 0. B tArpui,b, shit, °moo. • , rith./0.124* FOR. RENT 04, SALE=—A: handsome MANSION and forty or lees aefeainear Owynad Statioh;Notth Pa. Railroad. Admirable for_atlmolei„ Boarding bbaes or todotry I..3l'l4am:ie. Apply to F; LYND, og , 8. Slit Pc& Strdet._mblo.l2f . A DESIRABLE AND HANDSOME EEL COUNTRY RESIONNON HOZ BALM, In R1V813.; TON, N. J ; lot 100 feet front on Main street, by" 2fo feet deep; beautifully. shaded, grare.led, Aro. -Bern and Carriage House attached One minute's walk from sleamtwat landing or railroad depot. Contains 12 Booms, large ratios. &et- Woe terms inquire of Mr. 11036, on the pfeatisee. BOat and Aare stop 10 or 32 times daily.. . ,• . - tair7.1214 VALUABLE HOTEL rRUYEBTY ita for BALE, of LEASE. Eligibly Midi*" at Govanatown, on the moat public thoroughrtire running out of Baltimore, Only four Miles from the lifletelanta' =change atlpplied With an ale-, gent park, , gardt:ro, together with seven acres of. ground. The Ilotel is new, built of brick, three ettirlea high, with flue oriels, and arranged with all the Modern im provemeute eirnatdl upon high ground, and command ing so unrurpanfed vier, or the dity and anerounding• 000ntry. Regular liner of omodbuess pare the door. For , itirther iwormatlon, apply or dlrent to WILLIAM 'T. MARItIi,NO. .00. Be, Portland dreet, Thiltimore, de FOR. SALE—AF OUR-STORT BRIUK DWELLING;No. 1115 ARM Street, three-story back budding; parlor, dining-room, and kitchen oa the drat - floor. Flo.° built to the. beet Manner, with all the modern imp:ot mental la coo:Tiede order. .Poe aemelon given about the Iotl.l of Ami I. Apply to J. B. GALOWELL, fe16. 2 11a 822 011E8TbilLIT Street.. FOn SLUOI, (15 tollSy oe.irly - nevi 'in good ruin! g order. Will to Bald e. blrgaiu.. Can be. teen at 'RHUMB'S WHARF, above ureeontreet. . TOIL eve APRiiFITABLt INVESTMENT FOR A 11008 M Atm --4.BUSillaa paying 58 per cent., end doing $ 0 1) worth of work a Jeer, will be eold, With Bok SF d 81:Atttres. for $l,lOO. Address COACH. MAHER, IstIicLENOTON, N. S. P.O. ffitao.Bc*' nOILEiiFoR SALE.—A new fotirteeth hone CYLINDER 8011,Ett /Afters BOX , IIOI, P. 0,. 11 hi 11001 phia.- IDM-Bt* , pOICTS itbr..=ihTATA• of BLIZ AMU!. itintr, and C - ATI(M3II.IE OARIXONY, Deceased. All that'valu Mkt Lot and Fite-fitcny liters and Dwel ling erected thereon, situated at the northeast corner THIRD and 011.ERItY Street/4 containing on Third street eighteen feet, on Cherry street seventy-one feet Mx inches, thence running northward, forming an L of ninety feet, back of stores situated on Third street. For flu the; particulars Inquire of S. SPANN, MAO /MONO, 148 North Third. street. it,B-m w [•Ora IRON-ORE LAND AT PUBLIC -SALE,-.F 1. Will "be, sold at publiricsale, on FOIIATII-IlAY; the 11th. of 31 Kurth, ( March, ) 185 U, on the premises, the folloilog.dedciloed TEAMS OF LAND, be longlog to the Estate of Jacob Albertson, deceased: alttiate on the Plynfouth and Conshohocken Turnpike road, tit° m lea itclof Oonehnhceken No. ris a Tract of 8) •aores of lands on whinh is a vein of ore abotit 82 poles long, abutit IM of whiith het bean worked over, in places to water level, and from whir*, 6,000 tons of ore have bees taken out; the re mainder in unbroken. The are varies in Width from 10 to SOO feet. therein Increasing so it descends, miter She water et SO feet, and is believed to be inexhaustible. The ore le of the best quality, commanding the highest market price. Its convenience to the Furnaces over a. turnpike road, passable at ell emcee of the year, readers it increaslegly valuable. upon a neighboring tract, on the same vein with ationt double the length, 76,000 tine of ore have been taken out, sod the east of trmsportilic to the Furnaces in 20 cents leas than the Chest. r Vdlley ore No, 2 is n lot of 2 acres, over nib ioli the seine vein is aoppo!ed CO run. Shafts aro now being dug with favor able prospects On thin lot le el Stone Ihrellion, in two' tenements, with kitchens, cistern, barn and garden Peraans wishing to view the premises wilt be shown the same by Eittattel L, Albertson, on the premises. Bate to commence at 1 o'clock P. AL Omailitions easy. MARTHA ALBERVSJN, J. M. ALBBRTSOR, R. ALBERTFON, 3 In ALBERTeON, Executors. zubl3. mhl6 RARER MILL TO RENT.—The Paper Mill t. 1107711 HANWELL MILL, situated on the Wineshlekon Creek, and ono mile hem Chestnut 11111 Railroad Station, This Mill Is adapHal to make fine Book Pantos. It has three engtnes, one fosr Essohine 3 iraohea wide, and all the appnrtenances for the sue. easeful manufacture otpaper. Possession given imam. diately, Apply to, or address.' CiRORGE H. LEVIa, No. ao South SIXTH Street frit) tho In 'January next, tne A very eSperier end eittenalte ROOMS, (24, od, 4th and 6 Of Seers, oath 24 feet bylal of elerthWirrOßE, 13.3 MARREN Street. The bending Is Ono utt the tine improvements on the tipper 'side, between VIRTU and SIXTH Streets, haring two fronts, the north one on rear Street with good cartage way,2o feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the preinteee. n 01.4/ T or GRO ND FOR SALE Valuable Lot of Ground; 748 by 103, titling three trouts, eligibly keatedin a rapidly. improving neighbor. hood', in the Southwestern part of the city. Will be .:14 cheep to a each purchaser. For ps.rtieularkiapply at t?iim , rah9-ota VI OR SALE - .L -60 T 6 E SITE ' , for , Suburban Residence., two equarce from Dods Eta. Mon on the Philadelphia and Vermentown Satlroad. Apply to T. L. LIT aziniths. 18 ?loath b.IXTII Street, or TIOGA Street, near Plank Road. fi4ug• • , PC%spIIT,U—OHA S BLE - T0N,136.7A.WN.Wi &Zia air:VAIL! 13±13/011., SHIPS. REYSTONE S'I'ATE, Captain 0. P. Mersin:lan. ETATE Up OEORCIA, Captain John J. Oarvin ISABEL, Captain Pim, Rollins. FOE CHAILLESTON„ E. 0. The 13 B. Mall Stemushlp LtirraTthins STATE, Captaha Marahman, through in 48 to 60 hourd, wit sail on Tuesday, March 16th, at 10 A. 81. POP. SAVANNAH, Ga. The V. 13. Mail Steamship STATE OF OVORGIA, 0 plain John J. Garvin, will receive freight unilt 8P: M., and eatlHattuday, March 19th, at SP.M. - - The rplundLd Arat-elses aide-wheal Steamships SET. STONE STATE WI atom @P 04E0E01A now ros 11.4 above-every ten:daja, thee forming 6 ery day own. manication With the South 600 Reath:west: Co.eds reeelved and Mlle of lading signed °Very du.. _ At both. Charlesion and Sada:insl9 these ships con. cent with geminate for ItioridS,and filth reflrodda, to., for all placee in the South and tiontfiffst, and with the Steamship ISABEL, for Havana, on the 4th and 19th of every month. .FREIGHT ,REDIIOIID. Heaii Freight ,et ah average of 15 per tent. below New York ete.mshtlp nstrol, - isauxim32. Freight and Icanracce on a large proportion of Goode shipped South will be found to be lower by thee.) ships than by selling vessels. Cabin Passage to Charleston and Savannah $l5 00 Bteefag9 44 44 44 8 00 Excursion Tiokets, good for the present year.... BO on Tickets to Havelia - , - • • O5 00 ThrotighZickete to N6i Orland lidiibfje • • • as 00. DO klentgonitrY •, - - , 20 CO Do Albany, (fa 4.45. 24 CO Do Columbus, Ge ~... 23 00 Do-, Atlanta Ga 23 00 Do Macon, Ga 21 00 Do Palatka, Via 23 00 Do Plcolate, Yla 23 00 Do Jacksonville, Fla 21 00 Do Fernandina, Fla 91 00 No bills Of ltidifg Signed alter the ship sae milled. _ No freight received on the day of tailing. Per freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Jr., Southwest corner FOURTH and CHESTNUT Agents in Charleston, T. 8. & T. G. BUDD. , 4 Savanosh. 0 A • GRMIR & CO STJiAM TO t,LASGOW,LIVEIt POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND LONDON. DERRY, without delay, for MO. Return tickets, good for Di* menthe, to either of the above places, by any ateamer or the line, 460 for the round trip, oat and back., . raosi AIM TOIL GLASGOW, Thomson, Saturday, March 19th, at o'aiook noon. SDINDURGII, Cumming, Wednerday, April 13th, at 12 otnota noon GLASGOW, Thomson, Saturday, May 14th, at 12 o'clock noon. *Jot (Masao*. EDINBURGH, Cumming, Saturday, March 19th. G LAMM Ni Thomson We Marley, April 20th. EDINBUB.GH, Damming, Saturday. May 7th RATES OP PASSAGS. TROY GLASGOW. 75011 KIM Tess. Vint Wass 19 guineas First Clam 1:18 00 Steerage, found with 3.mirage, found with cooked provisions 8 cooked provisions. 80 00 Children under 12 yearn of age, half fare; Infants to Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. First Class 8140 Steerage 89C An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. Per freight or passage apply to WORKMAN h 00.0.20 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. RAILLONIEY, Buoltanan , e Wharf, Baltimore. mh7 FOR RICHMOND, VIA' NOR VOLE AND CITY POINT.-41 , 1tiKi AR. natal-tat/IST—TWICE A WEEK.—Union Steamship Company's Line ofSteamships — To sail 'EVERY WEDNE3DAY and PIALUILDAY, at 3 o'clock A. 'until further notice. VIRGINIA, Captain J. It. Holly. PENNSYLVANA, Captain D. Teal CITY OP RICHMOND, Captain Z Mitohell. Three fine steamships will sail as above They are handsomely fitted up for passengers, hoeing saloons on dock, are provided with Prattle's Patent Metallic Life Bwite, Life Preservers, As.. and no pains or expense spared for the comfort or safety of passengers and the protection of geode. This line oilers the quilted, cheapest, and most corn. fellable route for passengers, and is ikadvance of any other for despa,oh and econonfy for freight to the in terior of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. No transhipment by thin lino. Passage to Richmond or Petersburg IS, meals included, Do. Norfolk 16, meals ins uded. THOMAS WEBSTER, Ja.. General Agent, felo-2m 14 North WHARVES, SAMUEL W. (MOND THAO. D. EMORY GROOMS & EMORY, COAL DE &LEBO. LIMIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, Prepared expreim'y for Familruse YARD No. 184.DROAD Street below Race Orders felt et MIAS: EhIOSY & Bmikere, No -15 Booth TM RD Street, or Heat thrmigh Despatch or Pont Office, will receive prompt attention. jal7.3m* VIOUSEICEEPERS, LOOK TO YOUR VriTEßlMT.—Grest Reduction In the price of OOAf. Cheapest and best. The subscriber having made contracts for his hupply of Coal, le enabled to offer very superior Vemity Coal at the Winning re• dnoed priceS:, Broken Egg and Store 54 00per ton Coating 376 gi ct Largo Nut 3 60 ~ ,4 Small Nut ' aag IC tt Warranted to give estintaotion and full weight in all CMGS &Wick's Old Central Ynrd, S. B, cnr. MARSHALL and IVMOW Streets. , dg-Sia VillfiCCO CIPOIAL NOTlCE.—Deaters Goodyear's Patent for Vulcanized /tubber Suspaodars, NrAhla, Webs and all other Fabrics and artielen mode by comithe• leg libroneaubstruicae with threads or shoots of vulcan ized rubbery-moot:tied that anlesa the seine are properly stamped or labelled ulth my name, sad by my authori ty, they cannot, ho legally (Unposed of in the United Stan Ai eKlia.v.ta and &talon are Invited to examine epecimena now in store, and to give then orders for the Spring. PC543 to the undersigned, EXCLUSI VEOW OWN. Eft OF TIEN TITLN.a. ANI, EXCI.XJaIV RIGHTB IN THE PA.TIINT for those geode ' which embrace all the Styloa heretofore manufactureil or Imported, and many others. ALSO, LTONNStIB TO MAHUPACTL'ItE AND SELL —end the Terme—may be obtained on application to mo at No, 28 COUNTLANDT Wed, N. Y. a 24,19 72/QRAVB U. DAY. 04 4 9-l E 3 t l dion'. THOMAS' 'EfONN;' - ' • ' LTA • Red. 138 £r4l4l' SKITS 11'07.711111 Nti lyt arobtoeiliMos.6l tad - ' %%ADIS BAIA 10•1300SSILIAliS • ,The Fitty g ea ad -Philadelphia „Treds Sale of bookb, atatlonel; wAll "commence 111 - Ondsi3i, March. Catalogues now ready; oeutatolog - forelegs 11 to the' prlnolost isiblbsbers throughout, the Muited States. BERME} BALEB--BTOOMB AND 1111IAL l TATA. Faurth Boring Bale : 16th March.- Fifth Sprit; Bale, 22d March.. - • - Sixth Spring Ba.e. 29t !larch. • 'Boventh Spring Sate, 6th. April. ghth Spring Bele. 12th April. ' Pars of the handbill' tor each of the above 'alto now reads. - • - , • stooas. Roue, Pim, ea. On Taeaday Evening; w.t march Ibth". at-4)s o'clock, at the Philadelphia change. will be sold-- , *25 sorlpDelaware Mutual Insurance Oempany., Pew No. 41, (middle block, side March of the Epiphany. 1 share Phlladelphli Atheneanm. • • • ' ' Gleo, 42 abates Likens 'Valley Railroad Company— par $2O. • . - • . - - - 66 shared I.,lttle%"obnylkikl,Naelgatlnn Railroad a nd Coal Company. ' FOURTH ORRIN% FAVIS—MAROII. Will Inclado— , - . - • • Orphens , Oottrt_ Estate Of Robert Prltesod,'Diseased• - THRED..I3TORt , BRI.OK 'DWELLING. No. 1937 Ad. , Bison street, west of li'ghteenth street, between Noe and Lombard streets, neer Rittenhouee fides - fa.' - RIARANT AND 'VALUABLE OAHU A NI)„COUN. TRY BEAT, 169 hotel', with imparter improvements; known *a Brookfield 4 Pfirlil "in lowa - Merlon •Corrn• ship, Montgomery. county, -Pa, aliont , one Willa from Depot of the Reading Railroad, And the Reyristown Rallroadat pomilialiooken. Inamediatiposseesion. Peremptory Sale - • ' I/OURTRY BRAT. BRIIMANTOWN—VaIuabIe eoun try,etat, Fehool e'reet, (formerly Schoolhouse. hosed Germantown, 00 feet front -and WS feet _deep. ,i-mme di its ponsefalon' • , • Executor's Sale—Estate of Abraham Miller, Demised. • .TIIE CALLOWIIILL STREET , POT FEELY AND FIRM BRICK. , MANUFACTORY, Callowhill • greet, betireen Thirteenth and,..Broad-stree•s, 100 feet front, 140 feet deep-04»o frctite , ItJ" Fall particulars In handbills. VALUABLE BUBINEB3=BFA ND —The large lad 'reloads store, No 18 North Eighth street, abo're Market stroßt, with euhstantial warehouse in the rear, feet front, 132 feet deep - - - lIANUMBIR moymatutiaursiot,yo. - Etna .treot • between Seventh and Eighth itreets3 22 feet front, 183 feet deep, .to a fifty feet wide street. Mate poeserelon. EIGHT ~TRACTS LAND IN 10,INNI[BOTS-803 10 .601 notes,' situate in_ Flue county, Momenta, 00 milts Korth - of 6t . Paul„ TIM indisputable t Run particulars In bandblt's. ' Executor's Bally —MestaOf William BieTery - , lecoaaed, VALUABLE BUBINNBO BEANlY—Tliree.etory brick gore and ditelling, No. 21v8 Artsb Iltreet, West of fictond suet, - - • HANDSOME IBODEBN• BEOIDENOB; 17)01 loile side yard, N. W. corner of Sranktin and Brown greets, . . late Spring Eivden. Immediate po nleadan . .' - aORTII. VIP VBENTif STREET—Two and a halt story briefs dwelling, No. 221 North Bitteenth street above Race. , - BUSINESS STAND—Two and a hai'•etor". brisk store and dwelling, No. "223 . North Fifteenth street, above Rade. - - • IABGN AND YALITABLE..LOT, St ,Davld Minot and river Bohn) , 11E111, near Vine etreet, 146 feet front and 260 feet deep, to the river., GAVIN bTIIaRT---ktodern ronr•story ; brick resi dence, 8 W. corner Green and Eighteenth . streets. .BPRTION STREET—Three Story brick dwelling, po -919 Spruce street, near Tenth street. 'lmmedlita poe. session. NORTH TWELFTH STREET—Neat modern three. story brick dwelling, No. 034 North Twelfth greet, near Poplar street. - . . . TWENTY.9NCON/18TRENT—Two three-story brick dwel'lnge, Nos. 821 and 823 North Twenty-second street, shove Yin& COATES STREET—Three.story brick dweliVig,No. 1210 Coates street, west of Twelfth. PRATT EIRENT—Sight -- three=story brick dwel-, liege, Pratt street, east of Fairmont-street, Fifteenth Ward - , • PENN STRNNT— Three threelstory brick dwellings, Noe. 1209, 1211, end 1219 Penn street, wait of Twelfth etreet. between Coates and Melon streets. ' TALI:JAIME 1108tN4 LOCUTION- I Valuable lot east side of 131tth street, abate Placket street. Peremptory Rale . . SOWN ElNHTifrifitiliiii:::Tkree-story brick dwelling aad large stable, No. 818 Booth Eighth street, above Christian street. ' Peremptory Bale. COTTAGES, WEST PHILADELPHIA—Two two story stone cottages, heiverford street, adjoining the Pennsylvania hospital graunds, West Philildelphts. Buzirans STAND—Three story brick store and dwelling, N. W. darner Ninth and Buttonwood streets, late Spring Garden street. TWO-STORY BIM% DWELLING—En. 10))3 Ward street, south el' Carpenter street, and west of Eigh• teenth street , VERY VALUABLE PAWL AND MILL PROPERTY, over 92 acres with sites for smutty sesta opposite the four•rado Stone, Lanes•ter turnpike. MARBLE Farb R 1 YOUN TAMS, etd On Mondr.y'ldornint, 14th Instant at 31 o'clock, at the auction eard, co cond story, a choice collection of lice Itellen marble statuary, monuments, fountains, mantels, just receirtd per hark Penesylrenie. • Irr Now reeds for Cranitoation: - Salle et Ma. 189 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR' itrarattruz_' PIANO-NORTES, FINS FRENCH ELATE 4IREORS,, BRUSSELS CAR ' PETE, he. . • . • On ThuradayMotair4, At 9 o'clock, et the auction, store, as extenaht amortinent of excellent second-hand furniture,elegant tu plar- - ferten, fine mirrors, cerpets, etc ., from familiee declining hotierleleng, twaroeed , kr the ,tore for con _ 'enteric° of Nola. • - Ex'ecutor's Sale—No. 1534 cALLowiIILL Estate of A brahnra Miller, deceased. STOOK 2i? X. POTTERY. FIRE BRICK. TILE, STOVE' OYLL,DrAts. VUENAOES, WAY, MA , OSINERY, HOWE, WAGONS, too. • On Friday Morning, . 18th lust , at 50 o'clock, at' No. 1334 Cal'oVhlll St. the entire • took of the late Abraham Miller, dscessee By order of Executors. - - - fp" Fall particulars in catalogues now ready.- Peremptory fate, TALI7ATI 80A+8ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS, JAMES 13 PA LS A 80S GRDiT SPRING SALE OP OIL AINTili(l.3, WATER COLOR DRAWINOS, On itrida.o,,toridne, , 18th inetint, at la o'clock, wi ll be led, tip Catalogue, without iesof de, at the auction store, Sonslt Tototh street, d eolle4lon of the meit +Linable and highest clam pictures ever offered at prlblio fele - . They are selections from Meths: !Jane's gal:striae; of the productions, of the most celebrated stir pean schools. of their own Importation, with additions of the recent works of tha most distinguished American artists.. In the collection will be found epectmene of Ram moo, Ischaggensy, Do (Ronk, Mavens Robbe, Teukate, Baumgartner. Englehar. Schmidt, Van. Starkenborgh, tiorace,,,Teeneli AndraPluinot, Lenten' de idetz,.Gnii. tomato, irerboeckboven, Jaeokel, Ira, Simplon, 0 0. Bingham, Leber, O. C. Lembdirr, fcchards, Bd. Aforan, Houten°, Louis Lang, Sauntag, Mr" The paintings will be 'ready for Walden, with catalogues,. five days preilous to the Sale. _ . - Sale at No, Oil. Poplar street. STOCK AND FIXTURES .UP A PAPER HANGING ESTABLISHMENT. On Wednesday Morning. • Rid instant, at ID o'clock, at No. 912 Poplar street, the.euti t o efeet aria etzliree of 6 paper banging eritab imhmsnt. 117" May be examined on tie Moreini er male, at o'clock. AT PRIVATE SALE. A handromo residence, with stable, coaah•haage, sad large lot, Main atraet, An•liegton, New Jersey. WILLIAM J 3. STERR, GENERAL 10 AIIOTION AND 00MAI1SSION BTOBN, No. 46 North EtaliTtk Merest. tato* A;e.h, J.• A. DIABON. Auctioneer • Sale at the Anctlon.btorti. SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, AND MAHODA• NY IiOUSEIIOLD RUbNiTURR, Mt!MOHR, CAR PETS. OIL PAINTINGS, PLATED WARE, Bo_, On Satan:lay Morning, At the emotion store, at 10 o'clock, will be void the canal large and el/puler aaaortment or pylor, cham ber, and dining room ferniture, mirrors, carpets, paint loge, Ad. THREE BILLIARD TABLEe,.WITII MARBLE BEDS AND PATENT CUSHIONS, BALL+, CUES, COUN. TEES, CUE RACKS, POOL BALLS, Ac. On Saturday Horning, At the auction ctore. I 11 °Weak, will be sold 3 billiard tablemortth maible bcde, patent cualatene, belle and OWL PEREMPTORY SALE OP THE LEASE, BURNT VIRE, AND aix.rvan OP THE BILLIARD AND BOWLING 8 ALOONR, N. E. CORNER OF EIGRTH AND CHESTNIIT STREET, SECOND STORY. • Ob iffidat Mo'ning, 18th instant, commencing at 11 elo oak, will be cold positively, without imam, the tease, furnltnre, and hues of the above saloons; comprising is • BILLIARD SALOON. 4 , superior bllllard tables with marble beds, balls cues, racks, counters, mei:Honed chairs, Eetteee, of cloths, &c, BOWLING SALOON 4 *nays, pine, hallo, marking elates, marble•tcp Woo, weal:wands and natures, umbrella atonia, walnut tablea, msbogemy desk, mats, oil c oths, t¢a chest eight day cluok•, c.ushiosed chairs, ntoves, gas fix. %urea &c. OH. PAINTINIII3, FRENCH PLAPS MIRRORS. 1 large oil paluting, 10z10, of the Walledia naval bat tery at Vera Oros 4 Itreaett plate mirrors, eoemorasnie view of LoLdon, &o. Ale& bar flatureg, bar denikThne, derantere;&e. Mee, large etreet-lan and trimepareneles. Q]' 13oneignments or new Ana Isoond-hand hones sold furniture, plano.fortee, carpets, watches, jewelry, to., respectfully solicited, ‘ on which liberal mash ad. rancee will be made if required. Out-door eaten attended to promptly. Charge as moderato as any other bonne in this city. (11 OS ES NATH is, AUCTIONEER OA AND 00M1111138.10 tiIItOHANT, 13. B. man 812Cra and DADA Strait. AT ['MATE SALE ElMMilalagiS=l Abu, watches saljewelry of very defloript.ten MONEY TO LOAN. --- - • . Maley 'o loan, in large ar small nwounrs, on mei , chfoOlon, generally, and on ail articles of value All rumr ,orir one hundr.d del.ars Iwo per eent per month, Including storage, at. at Nathan/1' Principal totabliokurent. 8 le. corner 01 SIXTH and Rack; 8 s Glikda.T PUBLIC ACCOII.IrtODATION. ••• • • . MONEY! MONEY ! ! MONEY ! ! ! Money liberally advanced in large or mall amounts, from one dollar to thousands, on gold and giver plaie diamends, wadies. jevelq, fouling-places, musical lostruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, cigars, hardware cutlery, books, horses, vehicles, her. noes, and all articles of value', for any length of time agreed on, at NatAnnsi Principal Establishment, southeast corner of Sixth and Ilitce streebt• • • PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral discounted at the lowest market rates. fidtEiter !LAM - MINS IN WATCHES, JEWELRY, ho., AT PRIVATE SALE, atNA.THANIP PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, 8. E Corner of SIXTH, and RACE Streets.—The following articles will be sold 6i• leas than half the usual Blare prices: Fine gold English patent toll jeweled and.plaln, of the moat approved and boat make, in hunting cases at,d double bottomed. Fine gold usesprment lover and lepino waterlog, in bunting case end open loon, some of them extra full jeweled and beat make. Silver English patent lever watches„ en. ritpcnnint lever and 'opines, in hunting and open fans, some very superior HIVIRS ' French, and Quartier watches; fine gold vest, fob, neck, and children's ; fine gold pencil roses and -pensi bracelets, breastpins, finger-rings, ear-ringS, etude, pay dallions, and jewelry generally. Superior Havana cigari at 515 per thousand, in boxes of 200 each, will be sold by Alegi° box or quint ties to suit pirchamers. Nu -11101.011/1 fancy nrticles. to.. lea. Sr. LOUIS, •Mo. tIiriLLIAMS & BOYLE, At - OTIONEURS V AND DOMMIOOION MEII.OIIANTS, No. 10 North MAIN STBErr, Sr Lome, ltu., iformerly with Messrs; Myers, Olmrhorn, & Oo , PhDatteiplaia,) offer their sarv,cen to tho merchant., mann facturers, and othoro of Philadelphia. for the sale of dry roods * car pets, boot], shoes, !larch - m.1,, jewelry, &,c , &a. Oasis advances made on receipt of goods. 117" Setttemouto mule three days after sale. • • • ILEYER6HOIB. Masers. Myers, Olagborn, & Co., Phila. Btne.rt & Brother, Van Wycir, Townsend, & Warning, New York T. & B eO, <4 Wood, Christy, & Co., St, Louis, Mo.' ' Crow, iloOnlary, & Co., " " m4..tto fir BEBE:— 439 Boibi Ilorktiner-county Oheose In atom and for male by • 0. 0. 13/.lol.Eit & Co., (.24'M108 Atm.% ad door *bore Praot. Gales bp.9llttturtt. FIIRNEss, , BRINLic if; N0. , 499 MARS NVEITRIIINT . Ønz Tills (PRIDAY) 'MORNING, .fSt&RON' - A OARD.=-Tie attention 'of purehasers is.reqeested ta, our sale of tansy and otaple Trench difiroois, eom prising' "about '450 lots-of deal, able geode,' to be:sold. this (Friday) morning, - -March 11th, at 10 o'clock; on MX months"- credit,' - - NOTION —To Retailers. Included In pale ibis Inornieg will In found-- •- 400 pieces extra rich rioted Paris bareges and grans; dims• richest goodslitiperteC • , - _ - 400 pieces 'airsick Paris printed berate and" gremi, • piecie PariW printed_ baregeg 1,03 printed Osabnyerdistritrik • - • 700 Paris Stella shawls. - 300-111gb Cost 0h0n , 117 leaf mantlllaS €OO black pros de Rhine mantllas. l - aleoi 9 9 lawns. esonslin del•lassi elpmeadcti BWIB3 munlion bobbin laces, ecii , • NOTIOE —To'NeSers in Ribbons. - • Er, This blotning„; • At 10o , clock, at the'oommenceinent of tale= - 600 cartons Nos. 10 and 20 new-style' biochatlgaredi crocbette,aatiie strlpeijiididereinodvfidn bonnet rib bone. . Also. fanny belting and itiron'aink '" FIRfiT BALE OF PBENCH DAY 000D8. - _ -• This Morning, • , • ' '- Hatch 11th, at 10 o'clock, oy catalogue, on dal, nttl credit- NO packages and lots - of fancy and _staple French Sty goods, reteired by late arrivals. - " Bainples and catalogues early on the morning of 000 CARTONS NEW fII'TLE BONNET RIBRINS, OF TEEL IMPORT &WON- VI ME133118. OR aff. PATEN !E . Co. March 11th, 000 orlon" new stye Paris plaid, stripe, bleed, trache, figural , arid ombre poult de ante bonnet ribbons, oompnsirg &large , tamortment of 'desirable styles. EXTRA RION PAAIIIPRINiNDGIiBpADINEI'AND bait landed, from stearneft - , This Homing, A large invoice cr Extra rich PAr:Apristed greasclides baregai, SUPER QUALITY PARIS PRINTED DAREGES AND Ott ENADIN ROBES A: DEB FLOLiNCED, AND DOUBLE JUPII, Ala°, an Invoice or Spieudid quality Paris printed grariailoes. • - Three-Douce°. double jape and a lea robes. Preis printed barege 103 OH ANTILLI, BLACK LBOll MANTILLAS. Alec, 200 eater quality jaigh coat chaaWly black lore inantillea;new Oates. • ._.- VaINTIID OAVEIHDREI. AND BEDCHZBORDMIND • STRlttad. SHAWLS. •- This Morning, 1 20512 4 rich p intedCashmere and broche-b:rdered Stella shawls. -I• " - 01 - taITIfiLAS. -- • -' An heroine of black silk and lace mantillas. .- BLtiOR ALPACAS AND LAWNS. 0 cases 6 4 One blank alpacas. 3 cases 0.8 Loudon fancy lawns. • • BAIA OF BRITISH GERMAN AND AkilltlOAl7 DRR 000D3 ' . • • , - On Thesaar Morning, Much 16, a' 10 o'clock, one months credit:- 409 packages And lots of fancy and staple imports and domestic dry goods. . 17` 6famplee and catalogues early — on the morning of gale. . ,-; n 3007r,4r., .fitrOTIONEEN," No. 431 • ORBSTNIII. STREET, oppoalta tWanatom Rowe, betmeno.YOURTH and .1.11911 Street& . . SAVE 0P.1301213..AND at:tom ! . Oa Monday Motning, - lacteal, will be ACold, - by a:tenses, Commencing at I 034 o'clock, asselmeni Metes tempt And onboard kip braining.: - _ Boys .toutid-aud unbound kip brogans. - - _ Men's heavy and flue calf boots,. t - Ladies , hating and &Larocca gaiters. Children's calf phoesi' white slippers, &a , &o , of beat city and Eastern make. . - [Er Samples' and oateldgnee early on the morning of sal Irr The particular attention of wty•snit country trade is inftod.- - , SAVE OF VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS PRONITHII GALL , RT OR_MBSSIII3. 11. R. DISSELDONFF tk ,00., BROADWAY, NB w,YORR. - On Thursday Morning, March 17th, will be 801.1 at No DRS Ohestrint etrret, (late Parkinsotita Saloon,) commencing at 11 o'eloe precisely, a rimier, collection of oil pa , ntinr, from the gallery of the aimse well-known firm, - ' Particular atlantic:lila invited to this set t which will. be found td contain many eriainal pictures of peat value, rtogetber with eoplee by celebrated artiste of works of Asoknewledged merit, _ - The entire mitigation is one of great value, comgria= leg landscapes, merino 'interiors, _exteriors, traits, dowers, &a. - They are all richly framed wad are well ero•th• of attention, - - • Catalogues will be ready, and the paintiwgeepen Rif elimination :feint Banality until the morning of fele. • , Danz? VORD, - - ATT. CTIONBEU,..-I , lc 530 INIARKIWITRIST, Ihatween.rirrn .and RTXTH. otnntl. Bide - 200 CARTONS SPLENDID,I2IIALITY PARIS l'Otfit DE BOLE BONNET RIBBONB norieg —We bare now rwrangeki, with catalogues, d splendid line or sonar quality Earls ponit de sole bon• nes ribbons, af the- 111104% recent Paris styles, consist. cartons No. 4 heady taffeta plain ribbons. - do No. fi .dd • 'do' do_ - do. do No. 6 do dB - plata aid stripe do, do No. 9 -do - plain ind plaid ribiona. do No. 19 do plain, plaid and finks do. • • de No, 16 do ifroclie -do No. s 0 .do • •• o • do No 22- do do . ' .d - do do BIOR BILOORZ-BORDEft BTELL& BRAWLS-, • Alpo, in pale, 000 vial printed thialtner e and bionhe bordered At-lla mbawle. - • Alan, an hiroiaa at Anil n•w Myle silk parasalr. M HOMEY.. Also, in sale, 300 dozen hen! r cotton- hoe, . BTBAW GOODS: - . . Alert, a large and desirable assortMent of ladies' and children's straw bon neti, koods„ tco i nien's and boys' straw bats, An. - - • _ - The attention 01 purchasers is invited to the above sale, commencing Hite morning, at 1) o'clock precisely.' STRAW GOODS, RIBBONS, MILLINERY - HOODS, EVRIRTS, -FANCY GOOD 3, STELLA SHAWLS,' &a - - This =Morning; - - March 11th , at lb o'clock -preelsely;"will be catalogue. - about 150- cases straw bonnets,- of • latest spring atyles.'men's and bore' straw hats, Att. ". POULT DE FOIE , BONNET BIREIONS: - . . . . . . Alpo, 4110 carton Woot styles 7erleponit do solo bon • net ribbano,-jnet andel, a oliolo&nn4 desirable lino of too Ached otyies. ' STEEL SPRING SKIRTS, FANCY GOODS, &a. Ale', 201 lots Stella ellawle, Pansy gat dr. skirts, &a 1. GUMMY Fs SONS, - - • ItitAL .118TATK AUCTIONEERS, - No.-1520 WALNUT STEM. Peremptory Pale. - ' On Thareday Morning, March list; st .10 o'clock, on the premiere, will poet their be Raid at ptcYle anctiou— THE MANZI - WM.2 YEIRICE•KORY BRION Eau- DENOE, with three-stork doipli back bat ding!, sitn. ate No. 911 North Sixth stmts. - ENOOND'SPRING BALE: ' • On Thursday, Marchl7tb, 1859, will include— *- Orphans' Court RaleL—Estite of John 61 aull, - Decemed. Titits.STOET AFORE AND DWELLING., Bluth Bt - ,. above Arab, eastelde, lot - 16 by 45 feet. - -- - - aND9OSII4DOTIBLETHREE STORY ViREPDINOL with aide yard, northeast corner of Race and went& Minors; lot 60 feet front, with a three-atery brick dwelling in the rear. • VALOARLE !STORE PROPERTY. finished with the modern convenience*. situate No 313 Market street; lot li feet 3 inches by lOU feet deep. /BUN of Dr John. Deceased. VALUABLE LOP OP GROUND, south side of Mar. ket street, deft of Twenty-first street, 00 fest front by 125 feet deep to Ash %Bey. RANI/80)1E 130TIVai19 IIVESIDENOIg, eupplled - olth all the modern oonyenientoe, vorthwest comer of ph,e mid Till slreele t -Went 21illededobla ; lot 199 by 176 feet. HANDSOME FOUL/STORY REBIDENOR, 4reastki front) with two-story doable back bundlers and ve randah Vick, and furnabed with all the modern con vertiences, No. 155 North Fifteenth street p lot 18 feet by 100 feet deep to Mershon street VaLUABLN LOT OF GROUND, and the buildings thereon eieosed. mat/anent corner of Market end For ty.third streets, 100 feat front by 211 feet deep to Oak atreet LARGE OIL FACTORY, - TEN BRICE DWEL LINGS, AND . TWELVE ACRES OP LAND, with the neceessry out-buildings, and built in the most sob. stauttal manner, situate in the borough of Chester, Delaware county, Pa In the build•og are eleven cast iron ethic, with six condensing tubs, containing eleven copper worms, also all the mottisite underground tube, iron tanks. shafting, large wales primps, three oil Pampa, eight blenching healer!, and all the necestary appartus for mantlfeettring oil on. the most txtens.Te scale. The wharf on the Delaware, In front of the premises, is 300 feet lons, add will accommodate Tes ticle drawing eleven feet.. 117' Further particulate and handbille can be had at the office HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, tbrse-atory, with two•story back braidings, aid furnished with ail the, modern conveniences, situate No. 409 Pine etreet; lot 19 teat by /31 feet deep to a back outlet. THIRD lIPMINO ISALE On Thursday, March Mat 1849, on the premises 111,1teaNT BUILDING eITZE, of every desirable else. on the Township Line hoed, Melton ATOotle, CIO Lime Kiln 18 npike, near Germantown: 117' Lithographs can be had at the office. • Peremptory 941e—No. 011 North Sixth street. - BLEGANT,PUBN ITI3 RE kUBJIOIIB, PIANO .11ORTE t 0414PBTS, &o, &c. On Thursday Morning, March 11th, at 10 &cleat, at 941 North Sixth street, I ormediritr ly after the rare of the home aad lot, will be sold the entire furniture of the occupant, declining housekeeping, col elating of Brussels and ingrain car pets, oil clothe, Eup?rior walnut and mahogany bed steads, superior marble-top bureaus, sofas, lounges, ottimans, inane mirrors. looking glasses, oil pa.ntings and engravings, rags, Venetian blinds, eh ides; card aod extension tables, br, West, tea, and dining china sets, kitchen turnhure fijr" Catalogues really early on morning of sale 0, Jill:W.—J. M. Ountuaty & otZ, auctioneers, will hold sepias sales of Raal Estate, Moths, do. Aleu, household fairnltuse at 6w:ilium. RIAL PATATII AT PRIVATII BALM II:r On our Private Vele Register will always be found a Tory large amount of real estate, inch:Alma every deactription of oily and country property. J. 51 O•II111XEY & 80115, Real Estate Broken!, 520 WAI ;102 Street, below QAM.U.KL. AIIOTIOREER, and LIONITt LOAN , apnea, No. 279 cot T ALND Stropt., bolOa Wsleort, oproato F. et., outy ilfht do , ro below the Xxchezge. Qom° of bueir.pas from' T o'olock, tanp o'sloch In the °Toning. Out-inor sale!, and gales - at tha AneHon nett*, aft , ttodad ;Lynn the moat ratintantory terms. Ot.FITAL s.2ofi,oco. listaeliradfor aTa s /ail stri_lriara. Adraneea made from one dollar to thonear.d3 on DK,' mends, Silrer PI .4te, Wgehea, Jewelry, Hardware, Hale audit°, Clothing', fr.rnitere, Badding, Cigar., Motirel In itrumente, &one, nersse, tharriazer, and (taxis of wan) deesription . - - EMS=Ii;1;=1::1 Utpluratt Zings FOR-THE SOUTH • - _trip WERT-IM, The PRILADRLSEILA, WILMINGTON, AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD COMPANY now offers Through. Tickets to Wilmington, N. 0.; Oharieeton, S.O At. plata, Atlanta, and Dalton, .11e.; Enexollle, Nash , voile; Ohattanoesa, Grand Jancton and alemphis, Tenn. ; Huntsville, Ala. ; and New &lime. Alan, to the leas distant South - orb oltisoliand le all prondoent Weatenipolnts, as heretofore. - The et...ammo Idal3aL makes Fenii-Honthly"Trips between CHARLESTON and HAVANA: and offers a 'me desirable rim psesengera for the latter port, avoiding Cape Hatteras. For tickets, or further information, apply at N. W. cprner SIXTH. and :oursTiltve or at Depot, BRAD and PRIHF Ste, Philadelphia. S. ffi. RELTON, Preside reo.dftm essm NOTIO.E.—ORESTER r • sip -e *ALLNY RAILROAD - —PAR eDIiGER TRAMS NOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE. eTATIONEL—On and: after Int Jean ary, Din t the Passenger. Trains. forkDOWNINGTOWN, rill start from the Passenger Depot of the Philadel phia and Reading Railroad Oompsngi Collier M BROAD and VINZ atrcete MORNING TRAIN for DOTra. datnwn, leaves at 7.80 4.:M. r . Ito AgYfitinoopt., {}' CAIN foi - Beiridagtorn, ; leaves at 8.30 al:. • DAILY (rindeye incepted.) By order of the Board of Managers of the PhilMiti• phis and Reading Railroad Company 4130 W. H.,10,11412Y ) gearetwy. do do de.•